Russia in the XNUMXst century: strategy and means for a breakthrough

Finally, we have reached the fourth (read parts 1, 2 и 3) articles of the cycle - it's time to talk about how we can achieve the parameters indicated in the previous article and, in general, reach the level of states worthy of being called superpowers.

This will be the most difficult article in the cycle, since when the author was dealing with an array of numbers - everything was clear and peremptory, when the question of the parameters we needed was raised - everything, in principle, was also more or less obvious.

Few will argue that such a huge country needs a decent demographic. Few will object that our spending on science is out of the question. And that GDP is still desirable to have more.

This article is difficult because the author takes on a potentially overwhelming task: to form the image of a successful state on the platform of the modern Russian Federation, and he is well aware that some details will be missed, that lovers of the hammer and sickle are unlikely to be satisfied with his attempts, as, in fact, and admirers of liberal democracy.

But I see my task not in closing the issue and not in pleasing philosophizing aesthetes from different camps - my task is to outline an incredibly relevant discussion about how we should continue to live and develop so as not to oversleep our future.

So everything that follows is only my personal opinion, and if you have something to add to it, it is always open to ideas and constructive discussions.


Any model is based on pillars - the pillars of this model are the state's recognition of a simple thing: our country and its people deserve wealth and space for self-realization.

There is no super-goal higher than this, there are no projects until this task is sufficiently realized. A sufficient measure is indicated in the last article.

Before these parameters, we are not interested in global politics, unless it brings us a good and predictable income.

The Russian Federation has no enemies - there are states with which the Russian Federation conducts and develops business, and countries with which the Russian Federation conducts exclusively limited activities, within the borders, first of all, beneficial to the Russian Federation.

We have a vast territory at our disposal, the entire periodic table, gigantic energy, water, crop, fish and other resources. Beyond this, we do not need any territories, our key task, in addition to increasing the internal well-being, wealth and industrial and scientific power of the state, is to populate and ennoble these territories.

The work here is not for one hundred years - so that the surrounding states are of interest to the Russian Federation, first of all, as sources of investment, technology, "suppliers of brains" and the market for mutual trade. At some stage, of course, it will be necessary to use both foreign labor and construction competencies.

Role of the state

In this model, I see the state, in addition to performing its traditional functions, as a powerful advisory and prognostic tool, acting for the benefit of its residents and its business.

Since the planned economy as a whole does not appeal to me, but I recognize its certain advantages, the task of the state is to form some kind of reasonable and carefully thought-out plan, which will be familiar to society and business.

All the necessary statistical information will be painstakingly collected by the state, analyzed, forecasted and offered to its own citizens and companies: those who are interested in being part of this project activity will be given preferences, those who are not interested will not be hindered.

I see the need for a long stage of the development of the state to build predominantly market, capitalist relations - however, with the growth of prosperity, according to the plan, the social burden on business and the state will increase, with effective development in such capitalism, the percentage of what many associate with elements of socialism will increase .


Our challenge is to grow at least 50 million people over a period of 40 years.

In 2020, 1,4 million children were born in the Russian Federation, suppose that we managed to equalize the figure of loss and profit at this value - and this is a conditional zero (although, of course, this is far from the case).

That is, in order to increase 40 million people in 40 years, we will need 2,5 million births per year: a million more than now.

Considering that we will not be able to reach this rate abruptly, and that we need to increase not 40 million people, but all 50, then at a certain stage we need to reach the figure of 3 million births per year, that is, in fact, double population growth.

We will have to attract the remaining 20 million people to the country from neighboring territories. This point will be indicated below.

This is not an easy task, but it is doable.

To do this, the state needs to thoroughly strain on the fronts that have practically nothing to do with demography.

This task, since it is key, in general, should be divided into several parts:

1. It is necessary to significantly improve the climate of the public information space. This will be discussed in the Information Policy section.

2. Fertility can be stimulated by increasing benefits for women on maternity leave, young fathers, economically supporting young families - here I see the main nuance, in addition to the sum of important little things, the issue of capital support for young families with housing.

The presence of such support, in addition to stimulating the birth rate, contributes to the expansion of the settlement of people in the regions. For example, the state will build housing for young families and lease it to them for life for 5 rubles a month, with the possibility of further redemption of this housing at low-interest mortgage rates (more on that below).

3. It is possible to stimulate the birth rate through the creation of a closed account for each child born, to which some amount of state revenues will be deducted every month until the age of 20, in the expectation that by adulthood he will repay from 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost of housing from these money. The funds in this account can be used for loans, housing or commercial development while the child is growing.

More about this below - in the section "Social and Economic Development Fund".

Points 2 and 3 at the initial stages of the formation of the system impose a certain burden on the budget and the working population - in the future, these expenses are compensated mainly by economic growth, nominal budget figures and foreign trade turnover.

4. The state increases the funds allocated for medical support of pregnant women or women who are about to become pregnant. Not God knows what means, in fact.

5. The state guarantees the inviolability of this social line in the future.

Of course, at the instrumental level, the state should gently direct the resettlement of people from overpopulated megacities to the Far East, including young families.

This attraction can be expressed in the fact that, within the overall plan, special attention should be paid to the Far East in interaction with business and the idea of ​​organizing large enterprises, places are carefully selected taking into account a combination of convenient location, comfort for living and industry-business interests.

At the first stage (10-20 years from the start), it is enough to ensure the influx of about 10 million inhabitants into the region, in every possible way contributing to their development.

In the future, these people will contribute, together with state support, to a deeper study of the formation of an environment for million-plus cities and the capital settlement of the region.

Foreign policy

For the foreseeable future, foreign policy should correspond to three points.

At first, it should contribute to the rate of welfare growth we have chosen.

Politics for the sake of politics is better to forget. We should be interested, first of all, in the sales markets for products and long-term contracts, in the markets for the acquisition of technologies; states with which we will have a significant potential for increasing imports and exports in the future. In these areas, there should be a regime of maximum favor and benevolence, quick, flexible and creative solution of issues.

Secondly, it must meet the interests of our regional security and stability.

Surrounding states should be conditionally divided into friendly, neutral and unfriendly.

Friendly states we must gradually involve in the interests of a mutual, growing economic and cultural symbiosis - we must firmly "plant" the markets of these states on our products, in all possible and profitable ways. If it is possible and expedient to include these states in our regional security project, great.

Neutral States our diplomacy and business must process effectively and delicately, primarily through the joint build-up of non-core trade. The main thing here is not the pace, but a stable and developing movement.

In diplomatic terms, we must be very careful with such countries, adhering to the principle of doctors "do no harm." Business in relations with neighboring countries never should be used like weapon, we must hold on to the business creed.

Finally, the unfriendly neighboring states should be on a benevolent-neutral level of diplomatic relations, economic contacts should be maintained to the extent that it is beneficial to us, increasing the benefits from us by these countries should be tied to a roadmap for resolving our claims to “unfriendly” status. Such claims may be the presence of foreign military installations, political acts harmful to us, etc.

In relations with hostile states, we must completely get away from sucking on mutual squabbles and endless savoring of long past events.

We are interested in today, tomorrow, good, stable profits and our security. Roughly speaking, we should calmly ignore the unfriendly rhetoric of neighbors, also calmly adding critical points from this to the roadmap for improving relations, the contents of which they should be well aware of through diplomatic channels.

Friendly и neutral the countries around us need to be made aware of our major domestic projects and given preferential investment opportunities as well as guarantees that these investments will be protected. Accordingly, friendly states receive more favorable terms than neutral ones.

Unfriendly don't get that opportunity at all.

For a long time, our interest will be primarily tied to our own region. We must forget about any global ambitions until our GDP is comparable to that of the top three at least.

Regional Security Architecture

We must involve the CSTO in increasing the shared military spending of the budget, creating modern and combat-ready armies and pushing for the rearmament of these armies with our weapons.

The share of our allies' ability to be a force in the alliance must increase.

Exercises simulating real threats to regional security, and not just ATO or deep hypotheses, should be carried out regularly.

External business strategy

At the first stage we should devote a lot of time to analyzing what our neighbors use the resources they buy from us for - and what of this then returns to us in the form of products. We must take into account the most capacious areas in terms of money in the strategy for launching the corresponding enterprises that create a similar, competitive product for the domestic market.

In case of success in the domestic market, the manufacturer needs to provide all conditions for penetration into the markets of neighboring countries and maximum comfort for growth within the Russian Federation.

This is expressed in maximum information and diplomatic support, long tax holidays, maximum simplification of doing business, preferential loans, etc. Export resources are gradually redirected to a domestic producer of goods that has proven its effective strategy and quality.

In parallel with the first stage (occupation of low-tech product niches in neighboring and friendly states), we must analyze the international market - friendly and neutral states, for high-tech products that we we could start producing with minimal R&D and, with the maximum opportunity, pump the manufacturer with money, domestic or foreign technologies and equipment.

The second stage - in the case of a significant share of similar products (not ours) on our own market and the opportunity to buy all of the above - we must promote the organization of a business that "digs for it" within the Russian Federation, based on existing and relatively successful enterprises on the topic, or with related experience . After pumping money and all sorts of support, the manufacturer receives a significant carte blanche in the domestic market, in case of success - in the neighboring ones, in the future, the state in every possible way contributes to its trade expansion.

In parallel with this stage, an understanding is being formed of which niches in the goods we import or which have weight in the world are tough nuts.

In these areas, the state begins to generously pump up research teams with money, if possible, facilitating the emergence of start-ups in these areas and supporting their activities.

And the third stage. Here our task is much more modest than expansion - we must have guaranteed our own technological cycles in those areas that are vulnerable to us from the point of view of sanctions.

There should be no steps back - potentially vulnerable areas should cease to be such.

If, in the process of such research, we find the possibility of capturing a part of a niche abroad, we should not spare injections in this direction, but this is not an end in itself.

The markets of states that are friendly to us should be saturated primarily with our highly competitive products. With the success of this process, we can already create conditions in which these markets will also support our producers from the third stage - in return for some reciprocal preferences in our domestic market (in the event that the quality of our third-stage production is slightly inferior or the price slightly exceeds foreign analogues).

In general, for external economic expansion - momentary profit not is important for us, because at first we will still be forced to pursue the traditional policy of selling resources. It is the work for the future, the capture of the market and strong, stable dominance on it that is important for us.

In the work of such enterprises within the Russian Federation, the main advantage at first will not be taxes from them, but their capacity for the labor market and domestic innovations, and related domestic equipment.

Where it is reasonable, the state should carry out advisory communication between domestic market participants, facilitating the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation between them and the import substitution of joint venture products where it is appropriate and can be beneficial.

In more complex cases, roadmaps should be created for the transition to domestic equipment in the future, since the overall percentage of domestic equipment in the domestic market will steadily grow.

Advisory bureaucracy

As mentioned above, one of the main features of the state in such a system will be highly professional analytics at the state level, the collection and provision of internal and profitable external residents with all the statistical and planned information necessary in their field of activity.

In addition to institutions for the study of internal and external statistics, for internal work we need a new class of officials - I called them the advisory bureaucracy.

The task of these people will be to study with interested people the statistical information provided by the state that is important for their activities.

It is the advisory bureaucracy that will bring the line of the state plan to business, try to involve business in this plan, inform young people about the most demanded vacancies in the future, the regions with the greatest demand for them, etc.

The advisory bureaucracy - lawyers, economists, statistical analysts, managers, negotiators and diplomats - this class of bureaucracy will be the plan's worker bees providing direct and feedback to think tanks.

The advisory bureaucracy is not only a negotiator and conduit connecting business, law, people and the state - the feedback of these people will improve the existing rules. Professional (by education) communities of advisory bureaucrats will organize gatherings where the most pressing issues of the vision of the plan by people and business will be highlighted, requiring development by the state at the legislative level.

Here the task of the advisory bureaucrats will be to point out the rough, harmful and overloaded elements of the legislation in the area in which their advisory activities are carried out. The maximum professional scope will be opened for the successful representatives of this cohort - the selection here should be based on communicative qualities, the volume of tasks solved and participation in recognized rational proposals.

In the future, it is from this environment of officials who “know how to conduct a dialogue and operate with information, who have high communicative qualities and efficiency,” we will grow the top management as well.

The task of the state here is to designate this institution, to bring it out as a link between the state, statistical data, business and the people.

Information Policy

The most important element in the functioning of the country.

At the moment, we have been observing for a long time how this sphere is not only degrading, but also brings a significant share of forcing depressive or decadent moods into society.

I think that at the moment the information space is overflowing with grounding content, advertising, things that do not correspond to the high status of state and information (or entertainment) channels.

For a long time, unhealthy, grassroots political rhetoric is pumped up and instilled, a significant proportion of tabloid negative of the lowest standard and momentary orientation is thrown into society.

In the future, all this resonates within society, results in a mass perception of things, in the relationship between people.

It is clear to me as daylight that for the normal functioning of society, a completely different information policy must be pursued - aimed at high-quality, diversified entertainment, instilling good taste in the population, and involving people in projects that are useful for the state (or for them personally). And most importantly, the media should inform and create a positive mood (or at least not create a negative one).

When people are brainwashed day and night with some kind of criminality, regular bans, forcing foreign policy, and all this mixed with advertising and raising money for the afflicted, then a space is being formed with which a healthy person, in my opinion, will not want to have anything in common.

Since I believe that an extremely important task of a modern and developing state with a high share of social spending and social support should be informational support for its population - this support should also come from the media. They must bring to the masses a healthy, fresh stream, useful knowledge, a beautiful picture, aesthetically form the image of the state that we want to see.

I think that some kind of negative analytics (besides the fact that it should get rid of the musty spirit that is taking place now) should partly go to the pages of specialized publications, partly go to the media not in prime time and on special channels.

Society is very sensitive to a high degree of environmental toxicity - in such an environment there will be more suicides, alcoholism, depressive disorders, life will be deprived of dreams and there will be fewer births - business and social activity of people will also be suppressed by such an atmosphere. Turning it into a positive is not easy, but in general it is possible.

Reorientation and career guidance

The breakthrough needed for the country would require a significant number of young professionals whose minds and abilities would be more suited to these tasks than what they are doing now.

There are a lot of people around who do not work in their specialty, who received any kind of parasitic education. Within the modest trends that we are seeing now - their potential abilities can be practically not used, of course, not all, but many of them can be “nail-driving microscopes”.

It is worth using the Soviet experience of professional reorientation - but creatively reworking and comprehending it in modern reality.

In the direction of specialties critical for the plan, it is necessary to establish a flexible selection according to personal qualities and abilities - and spare no expense to retrain such specialists.

In the future, state analysts should work on forecasts for the labor market and, through a system of free clubs and the modernization of school education, involve capable people in future professional development already from high school.

Thus, I believe that for a successful breakthrough, we, among other things, must again become one of the flagships of world pedagogy and education - but specifically in this area, we must become the absolute leader in the development and implementation of flexible professional retraining methods.

Full-time, part-time, remote, supported by video and relevant, intelligible materials for self-education - all these are the most important areas of education.

I believe that the state should at least compensate people for part of the funds for training - as a maximum, create conditions in which advanced training and reorientation will be within the framework of comfortable economic costs for a working person.

Youth policy, social sphere, medicine

The limited volume of the article does not allow mentioning all the interesting aspects.

The social part of the budget is supposed to be large, but for the initial period (3-5 years) it will have to be partly sacrificed for the sake of building up good rates (with some drop in state funding).

With an increase in the numerical values ​​of the budget, with the growth of the economy, large amounts will be allocated to finance these areas, in the future the percentage of diverted funds from government spending (for the Fund) will decrease, the percentage of social spending will increase (since the state's contributions to the Fund will be tied to specific figures, not a percentage of the budget).

The state will have to extract from somewhere (in the second or third year of the plan) considerable funds for the training of personnel, space and programs, for the free leisure of childhood and youth (by the 7th or 8th year of the plan).

These and many other questions can be deepened in an additional article of the series, if there is interest.

Legislative policy

The existing legislative framework needs to be reworked in order to cut off vestiges, lobbying, excessive twisting and backdoors.

The law is the more readily fulfilled, the simpler, clearer and more intuitively justified it is.

We need laws that create a system that is quite comfortable for work and sufficiently convenient for reporting and transparency of activities, which will promote the development of creative private entrepreneurship within the country.

Everything that generates income and creates jobs, everything that consumes domestic resources and technologies to create a useful and competitive product for internal and external needs should be supported at the legislative level.

Speculative entrepreneurship should be deprived of these legislative advantages, but the state should not interfere with it in case of transparency and accountability.

I believe that we need to increase penalties for tax evasion and economic crimes, while at the same time we need to reduce the costs of the judicial system, expand the practice of suspended sentences and fines for minor offenses.

One could write a lot here - but in short, the idea sounds like this: a person who is unequivocally dangerous to society in the most direct sense of the word should sit behind bars.

It makes no sense to imprison for economic crimes of small / medium gravity - fines, a suspended sentence, corrective labor, a ban on traveling abroad, a ban on further work with large funds, etc. should be applied.

For a greater degree of severity - confiscation of property, a detailed study of the income and property of relatives, landing, finally.

Participants in economic crimes are also interesting because, due to their abilities and inclinations, they can be useful for improving the shortcomings of the existing legislative framework. In the case of cooperation of such an offender with the authorities and a detailed description of the mechanism of the offense, using a hole in the legislation, it is possible to cut off his term up to a complete replacement with a conditional one.

The punitive instruments of the state do not exist in order to break people's lives - the task of these instruments is to neutralize frankly unhealthy, harmful elements of society, indicate the path of correction and give a second chance to those who do not reach this value.


Article No. 2 indicates a completely outrageous figure for our inflation over the past 20 years. This figure is 9-10 times higher than inflation in the developed countries around us.

Having such a level of it, we will not go far - it will be impossible to stably accumulate funds in the national currency, freely conduct business, and predictably take loans.

Curbing inflation to record low, steadily declining levels is a major construction challenge, beyond demographics.

The main factors of inflation in our country, first of all, are the rise in the cost of resources, high lending and deposit rates, inept monetary policy, large-scale withdrawal of funds abroad, extensive intermediary schemes where this is of no practical use. Secondly, this is a decrease in consumption, a drop in production, and so on.

Yes, economists will forgive me for such simplifications - it is important for me to catch the root of the problem.

The root of the problem, as I see it, is a combination of high lending rates, lack of healthy price compensation for internal resources, within the state (due to external supplies, by reducing the excess profits of the extractive industries), an ideal environment for speculation and mediation (existing due to the low information culture and "Byzantine" legislation).

The decrease in consumption takes place due to the fall in the income level of the population and the general predictability of life.

Inept monetary policy is a complex factor, I do not presume to discuss the degree of its influence: it is speculatively large, since all of the above can be safely written here.

Finally, the withdrawal of funds abroad is a separable factor. As the above mentioned decrease, this trend will also decrease - but it will not completely disappear.

To effectively combat it, the state must operate with statistics and improve legislation, on the one hand, stimulating the involvement of outgoing capital in the country's economy, on the other hand, complicating such a withdrawal of funds through economic or legislative mechanisms. Knut and gingerbread, as it is.

Accordingly, the creation of large funds with minimal loan rates for activities useful to the state is a solution.

Price retention (in the first 3-5 years of the plan at least, in the future, prices for internal resources for the consumer may increase in proportion to the growth of the economy) by all domestically produced resources.

Statistical portals indicate that at the current pace, our resources will last for 70 years (gas), 30 years (oil), 350 years (coal) - all this taking into account external sales.

Thus, within the framework of the plan for our own needs (and taking into account the strategy of moving away from energy exports), we have more than enough own resources - this is our advantage.

In the case of sales abroad, the price for the domestic consumer should be compensated taking into account the optimal forecasts of consumption growth - to a fixed value or close to it.

The same, but to a somewhat lesser extent (depending on the size of explored reserves) should also apply to other resources produced in the country - for the domestic consumer, all this should be sold at the maximum fixed price.

Space for competitive growth of our industry

Success rests on the advantages - our advantages are significant reserves of our resources, cheap generation, the benefits from which can be increased (due to the cold climate), significant potential for hydro generation, well-developed technologies for building nuclear power plants.

All this distinguishes us favorably from importing countries - both resources and energy resources for generation and heating.

At the moment, we have a fairly low cost of labor - but also low labor productivity and innovation. Our production culture is also not ideal - all this cannot be called our advantages.

Our scientific potential maybe our advantage (and we need to do everything possible for this), because we still have a fairly strong scientific school and many talented minds - less "gluttonous" than their Western counterparts.

Own chemical industry (and resources for it) and agriculture - there are also I can be to a greater extent by our advantages (compared to importing countries).

Thus we have all objective conditions for creating competitive products and occupying a good part of the global niche. To do this, we just need to make access to these advantages of internal residents as clear as possible, promote legislative and informational business activity, and inject significant funds into science.

Having ensured stable playing conditions in the above areas, created low-interest funds and state-level information support-analytics, we are doomed to success.

Social and Economic Development Fund

The most controversial, but at the same time the most necessary, in my opinion, part of the article.

It is difficult to outline this idea briefly - article No. 5 may be needed to clarify and develop a number of issues.

Specifically on this issue, it would be very interesting for me to read the opinion of economists in the comments - because I see it as effective, although, perhaps, there are pitfalls there.

Russia has 80 (83) million able-bodied population. This figure is approximate due to unemployment, etc. So the calculation here will be quite approximate and brief.

Officially, the average salary in our country is 51 thousand rubles. Of course, this is a reason to smile. Empirically, I would be more inclined towards the figure of 25 thousand rubles.

The bottom line is that we will not take the largest funds for development and demography from anywhere except from these 80 million people. This is a sad thought, but at the same time quite interesting.

Suppose each worker will allocate 2 rubles in taxes to the FSR per month in the form of taxes. In a year, we have a figure of almost 2 trillion rubles.

Two trillion.

To better understand the scale of this figure, our budget in 2020 was 20,2 trillion rubles. That is, in a year, able-bodied citizens can thus generate about 10% of the country's annual budget.

This is a huge amount of money that can and should be used as a basis for the modernization and development of the state.

This figure can be scattered in the form of a progressive tax - to a lesser extent for those whose salary is less than 25 thousand rubles, to a greater extent - for those who have it above 40-50.

Perhaps it would be reasonable to withdraw part of this amount from pensions at the beginning of the plan (1-3 years) - according to the author's estimates, this is an amount of about 300 rubles per month.

Before being indignant: I suggest everyone to think about whether such a price is high for the state to get out of its current situation - into a position of successful growth.

Are you personally ready you would pay this price?

Primarily, this money is of interest from the point of view of an incredibly important demographic support program (the support program will be indicated below, for convenience).

The second pointWhat makes this fund an important, I would say, a key part of the breakthrough strategy is that loans will be issued from this fund for projects necessary for the state - housing construction, production start-ups, mortgage lending. I think that a rate of about 2% per annum for such loans would be optimal.

With the money from the income of this fund, it would be possible to expand housing construction that contributes to the "Housing Support for Young Families" program (separately and below).

It is worth noting that the fund itself, over the 10 years of its existence, would have accumulated a colossal amount of about 20 trillion rubles from contributions from workers alone.

State investments in this fund at the first stage (3-5 years) from the budget should also be significant (and comparable with the investments of workers).

This can be achieved by somewhat optimizing budget spending - that is, by reducing the percentages of a number of its items by small values. In total, in the first years it will be necessary to allocate about 8-9% of the budget for this.

It is important to understand that any jerk requires resources.

Extraction of resources for a breakthrough - occurs always. Even in perfect design and with perfect planning, within 3-5 years from the start of the plan - this particular fund can negatively affect the income side of citizens. It's worth recognizing.

However, let's think - what would be the advantages of such a scenario?

For starters, we would be able to bring inflation down to record low levels over a period of more than a year and stabilize intra-market prices. Something would be cheaper. That is, in numerical terms, wages would “lose weight”, but with this money one could buy a comparable basket.

We would start a process of large-scale job creation and housing construction - the unemployment rate in society would fall, the earnings of specific people outside the first year period would begin to grow, as price fixing for domestic resources would stimulate production and consumption.

In the future, over the course of 3-5 years, these processes would develop and strengthen - our budget would begin to grow, foreign economic and tax revenues in the budget itself would begin to increase.

In percentage terms, with low inflation, the population would also begin to grow - and the longer such a fund existed, the less noticeable against the background of the success of its activities would be the inconvenience of investing in it.

Housing support for young families

This point is inextricably linked with the previous one, since it is both a consequence of the social line of the state and the involvement of part of the funds from the fund.

To begin with, I will outline the introductory ones - a 12-storey building with an underground garage, for 72 person-families, according to the author's calculations, appeared at a price of 350 million rubles.

Nominally - 300+, but in fact, a solid fat was included in the calculation, providing for various force majeure. The calculations were based on this data.

The author allowed himself to reduce the number of storeys to a more aesthetically acceptable one, the extra materials inside the conditional project can be used to improve the quality of the model object (structural strength, size of balconies, room parameters, sound insulation).

All this is purely theoretical data needed for approximate estimation here and in the future.

This is one of the potential examples of public housing construction. If you like, this is a model object for most of the country's territory, where it makes sense to build a typical building.

Now imagine that in a similar house we give out a 2-room apartment all young families (provided they provide some simple package of documents) for life rent (with the possibility of mortgage redemption in the future) at 5 thousand rubles a month (excluding water, electricity, etc.).

Families with more than one child move into such houses in 3-room apartments on exactly the same conditions - 5 thousand rubles. In the input above, the price of such an apartment will appear - in the region of 5 million rubles.

We will need this important parameter below.

The amount of a monthly mortgage at 2% per annum for the purchase of such housing (not rent) (for 20 years) is about 30 thousand rubles. This is a heavy sum, but it will become less heavy the more the economy grows.

Families that have paid off the mortgage become classic homeowners - they can sell it, leave it as a legacy, rent it out, etc.

Renting families cannot do this accordingly, but in all other respects their rights are equivalent to the rights of owners, since this is a lifetime lease.

You ask me - what is the benefit of the state in this case?

At first, we are lifting a huge burden off the shoulders of thousands of young families trying to combine the current mortgage burden with the birth of 1 or more children. We really make their life easier, along the way giving stability and faith in tomorrow, the opportunity to focus on education, professional growth, raising children, etc.

Secondly, we create a mechanism that allows attract such families to regions of interest to the state and future industrial clusters.

ThirdlyFrom the point of view of consumption, we tremendously expand the consumer opportunities of such families - as we expand the area available to them, free up part of their finances, etc. They stimulate the economy with their growing consumption.

Fourthly, this measure is one of the pillars of solving our demographic problem.

Fifth, finally, the state will set a high standard for housing construction, which have match the market participants in private construction.

The funds obtained in this way from the lease can be directed directly to the improvement of the territories adjacent to the houses, the total funds for the areas of such houses can be transferred to the creation of infrastructure, among other things.

Demographic support program (key point)

In short, every child born from two citizens of the Russian Federation and on the territory of the Russian Federation by birth receives a closed bank account, to which 10 thousand rubles are received monthly, until they reach their 20th birthday.

In total, during this time, 2 million 400 thousand rubles will go to such an account - or almost half of the above figures for the cost of housing (2-room apartment).

The author counted and counted - the organization of this quite real, it is directly tied to the above fund.

The advantage of such a scheme will be that it will allow the country to have an ever-increasing money box for the growth and development of the economy, for financing low-interest loans.

After all, 20-year-old children will not need these funds! Upon reaching the age of 20 - this money is available in the form of a certificate that compensates for the specified amount in the purchase of housing. Since the cost of housing will vary within certain limits, this will automatically allow each young member of society at the age of 20 to be entitled to 1/3-1/2 apartments.

As you understand, in the case of young families, their certificates can be combined, and you can immediately get an apartment in ownership, with insignificant contributions to the territorial equivalent.

Or a person saves the rest of the amount - and the certificate is spinning this time inside the economy, making a profit.

The benefits of this scheme for demographic growth are enormous.

Parents will not need to rack their brains about where their growing backbiters will go for an independent life. Young citizens themselves will have the opportunity to join the economic life of the country early enough with full rights, start a family without unnecessary difficulties and focus more on work and education.

In 20 years from the start of this program, the number of able-bodied, economically active population will increase annually by 1-1,5 million people, that is, more funds will flow into the fund.

The fund itself has been unclaimed for 20 years and serves the economy, development and construction.

After this period, 7,2 trillion rubles will leave the fund annually (over a period of 20 years, the fund itself will accumulate and operate on an economy scale in the amount of about 76 trillion rubles (half of which will be provided by the contribution of workers, half by budget allocations).

During this time, the budget itself will grow at least 3 times - up to 60 trillion rubles, which will further reduce the percentage burden of deductions on the budget itself (for comparison: we can point out that over the 20-year period (2000-2020) 8 times, the Turkish economy - 4,5 times).

This growth was not based on 2% lending and the scale of state support that I am talking about.

To stimulate the personal development of the child, it is possible (and necessary) to introduce bonus payments that go to this fund from the state for successful studies, voluntary service in the Armed Forces, admission to a university, participation in sections, etc.

Let these be small payments - this is a good propaganda move, showing that the fate of a person is not indifferent to the state.

Large-scale housing construction

Since demography and economic development are our cornerstone, at the junction we see the need for large-scale housing construction under the control of the state.

The state forms a project (an example with a model object is indicated above), which includes a fairly good margin potential in its price. The state monitors the minimum fluctuations in prices for domestically produced resources. The state is one of the largest customers.

Private traders are building - since the scale of work is huge, competition between them will be significant, and depending on this, the state will distribute tenders and increase the credit admission of these contractors to the fund. That is, there will be a "credit of trust".

Requests for housing construction will be formed within a complex queuing scheme.

First, the state forms a draft plan that considers the desired distribution of demography within the country for a period of 20–40 years (taking into account regions that are convenient for living and regions that can be made so within the specified time frame).

Then the state, through the consulting bureaucracy, conveys this draft plan to the business community, which adjusts this plan or its business projects depending on the best compromise that combines the convenience of production and business and access to labor.

Then the state once again reviews the entire plan, taking into account these wishes - after which it approves its final version with the most economically active persons involved.

In the future, the main plan is a refinement and addition to this option.

It is worth noting that, as such, the plan will be worked out by the analytical community for a period much longer than 40 years. By itself, business will only help form the core of the implementation of this plan - future large and rich industrial agglomerations.

A model object inside a building exists not as a model of construction, but as a format for a basic designated level of comfort, i.e., a social standard for settlement.

I see it as such a 12-storey building with an underground garage and ample outdoor area. Accordingly, taking into account climatic zones and smaller / larger storey construction, it will be necessary to develop a fairly wide list of typical projects based on this model (in the economics of calculations) - and providing for fairly wide opportunities for aesthetic modernization and refinement.

Offhand, in the first 10 years of the plan, it will be necessary to provide housing for about 5-10 million people. This means that we are dealing with figures of the order of 35-72 thousand houses, or about 8 thousand houses per year (this construction is approximately equivalent to 2,8 trillion rubles a year), when calculating the cost of a 12-storey building as 350 million rubles.

This figure is quite consistent with the available size of the fund, which provides for about 3,7 trillion rubles of income per year (approximately in half: from working citizens and from the state budget).

Within this construction, a limited share (about 2-4 million apartments over 10 years) will be allocated for rent - other housing will be built under a 2% mortgage.

The next 10 years, housing construction will have to be expanded - but at this stage we will already get a solid leverage in the form of a developing regional business that can be involved in partial financing of such development, as well as a numerically increasing budget and well-being of people.

Government structure

First of all, the state apparatus must become extremely economical.

I believe that modern democracy is unnecessarily cumbersome, inefficient and gluttonous for our country - the people's deputies sitting in the Duma, for the most part, people are not ideal, in terms of meeting the scale of the tasks assigned to them, who got to this place not due to their professional qualities and their ability " solve problems effectively”, and as a result of using their media exposure, popularity, party games, etc.

This does not mean that there are no professionals there - it means that their share in the total number is negligible. This institution consumes unnecessarily resources, it needs to be replaced by two bodies.

State Party and Professional Council (GPPS) .

This is a party-professional representation in which there is a limited number of seats (for example, 25), each of which corresponds to 4% of the electorate.

Parties that have crossed the 4% threshold in elections to this council (the choice is made precisely by parties, and not by lists) receive one seat, which they are free to take a highly professional representative from their ranks, depending on the direction of activity that this particular party is considers it necessary (or declared in the elections) to improve and defend.

If the party is concerned about the state of medicine, in the GPPS it is presented as a doctor by education, of the highest class.

If a party occupies 20% of the electorate, it gets 5 “slots”, etc.

Accordingly, it can take these places by specialists from different fields. A party can replace a representative twice per mandate - with another region or another person, if the issue of interest is closed or a more pressing one appears during the lawmaking process.

Parties that collectively gain less than 4% can form an alliance by displaying a figure expressing an inter-party agreement.

The task of the GPPS will be the formation of new laws for the "Supra-Regional Parliament", the analysis of the laws proposed by the "Supra-Regional Parliament", the formation of a collective agenda for urgent resolution of issues, the processing of key requests from the teams of professional communities (represented by a specialist), debates about the budget, etc.

Roughly speaking, these people will make serious laws, in professional polemics, they will have the opportunity to influence the percentage of the budget, the flexible distribution of additional funds. Each member of the council has two deputies, one of whom is responsible for working with the requests of professional communities, the second one is responsible for establishing constructive interaction between the members of the SBAC, and if it is impossible for a member of the SSAA to attend the session, he replaces him.

No free visits are envisaged: the members of the SSAC are professionals and representatives of the parties, their task is to resolve issues as efficiently as possible, in view of this, absence from the council is an exceptional circumstance.

GPPS corrects the plan provided by analytical institutes, generates requests for them.

Supraregional Parliament (NP).

The supra-regional parliament (NP) is an assembly of deputies elected by representatives of their region. Each subsidized region has the right to provide only one deputy, neutral and donor regions can provide up to two deputies to the NP.

All this - again, should be highly professional people with higher education and proper professional qualities. The NP allows and even welcomes the arrival of the advisory bureaucracy.

Representatives of subsidized regions have the exclusive right to begin the convocation with a report on proposals for the possibility of expanding the investment attractiveness of their regions.

Deputies of the NP form laws, requests for raising funds to the region, participate in consultations on attracting businesses to the regions, expanding the plan to the regions. They also make their judgments on the legislative initiatives of the State Border Guard Service - they can reject these laws by a majority.

Each deputy of the NP receives a salary from the budget of his region. This figure is tied to the minimum wage within his region. Each deputy has up to 2 assistants.

Deputies get into the NP through intra-regional voting, respectively, being 1-2 people who have taken these places, as representatives of the most pronounced electoral strata of their region.

Roughly speaking, the Supra-Regional Parliament deals with the involvement of its regions in the plan, interacts with big business from inside and outside the country, interested in affairs in this region.

A deputy of the NP, re-elected by the majority to his place, receives the right to become the head of the region upon the termination of his powers in the NP (the corresponding powers of the heads of regions last twice as long as the powers of deputies).

There are also regional parliaments that have the right to request a report from a representative of the region and participate in the formation of the agenda for it.

Cultural policy

Significant funds in modern times are extracted from the film, game and sound industries.

Not only does this product create a “feeling of quality of life”, it is a guide to the world of culture of the producing country, it also means good foreign exchange earnings from rental, it is also the promotion of the country abroad, the creation of its image.

Thus, it is obvious to me that if we want to be a superpower, we will need to invest qualitatively different means in the production of cultural products, to make them much more qualitative and competitive. Create masterpieces that sink into the soul.

The state should not only spare no money for this - the mechanisms for distributing these funds should be simple and clear, the product itself should be profitable.

Losing product - leaves the evolutionary arena, making room for profitable.

We need to end the production of "not for everyone" cinema - we need normal, high-quality commercial cinema. Mechanisms for state financing and all kinds of informational or even tax support for start-ups capable of creating such a highly competitive product should be formed.

Only the creation of a large-scale environment that supports such initiatives will allow us not only to preserve and convey our culture, but also to modernize it.

Cultural policy is an inseparable part of the information policy aimed at a new, creative beginning and the progress of society.

State idea, ideology

But she is not!

The only idea that should be in everyone's minds is the desire to finally, after a crazy bunch of years, lead the country to the flourishing of culture, business activity, living standards, prosperity and science.

To make the country loved and understandable, the state to be caring and wise. It is reasonable to be proud of objective successes and growth, to feel part of this progress.

Alliances and allies

Starting a series of articles, I thought that at the end I would outline the fork of our development from three possibilities - independent development, "Union 2.0" (superstate), movement towards becoming a competitor of the EU.

Having reached the last article, through the numbers and reflections on these numbers, I understand that, although these options have their value and even meaning, at the moment it is incorrect to talk about all but the first one.

Because for the leader of Union 2.0 we are too imperfect, for competition with the EU, in this case, we are too small demographically, much less than we would like.

All this inevitably led me to the idea that at the present historical period and until 2060 without the implementation of all of the above, we no profitable options other than to start doing it all.

And in the future, if everything was fine, we will not need these options.

I admit (and even more - I would like it) that a number of our neighboring states - members of the former USSR will be interested in the closest integration with us. As we progress, the more so. But to associate these successes with fact integration is an illusion.

It is necessary to ripen before qualitative changes. Every society should grasp their need, their benefit. This cannot be forced, it is unreasonable to push through the elites. This should want to the people themselves. Every time.

Migration issue

I think the current migration policy is appalling.

In any case, we will need a certain amount of foreign labor (in the first 3-5 years), but we absolutely do not need to distribute Russian citizenship right and left.

In granting citizenship, we should (in my opinion) follow a policy of proportionality. Now in society there is a certain ethno-religious proportional composition: 79,83% are Russians, 3,8% are Tatars, 2% are Ukrainians, Bashkirs-Chuvash-Chechens - ~ 1% each, and so on.

All these nationalities can be conditionally divided according to religious and cultural grounds - and in this case we will get a percentage proportion, quoting the granting of citizenship on an ethno-religious basis.

To some, this idea may seem bad - but the author only points out that the percentage of representatives of cultures and confessions in society must be kept at natural for the country level. Otherwise, we will get an atypical increase in tension on interethnic grounds, in completely unexpected regions.

The calculation indicates that until 2060 we not we will be able, relying on purely demographic forces, to increase the population by 60 million. We will have to attract about 10-20 million people.

We have an opportunity for this - a significant proportion of the Russian-speaking population outside the country. These people - with their money, skills - we can and must attract, including preferential granting of citizenship, preferential mortgages, better conditions for doing business and a better social program than our neighbors. In case of success in this field, these citizens will invest in the country's economy and in the fund.

As our economy grows, we will also need to involve the minds of neighboring states. We should not turn our noses up at this policy - first of all, giving preference to young, professionally necessary, Russian speakers.

The ethno-religious proportion should not be some kind of rigidly fixed criterion - but this parameter in the form of a desired one should take place and be seen in each of our decisions.

Issues of the implementation of the idea, "dekulakization", political subjectivism

Here I will try to briefly answer a number of acute questions.

This article is only trying to form an idea in a draft version that seems the most feasible and attractive to the author.

This is an open idea, and you can add to it, develop it, deepen it, or criticize it constructively.

The very idea is bоmore value after all these processes, as it becomes closer to realizability and more attractive to everyone.

The implementation of the idea is not considered in this article - since the discussion of methods can polarize our society much more than everything written together.

For the author, it is obvious that the times of the horse-checkers-expropriation remained in the glorious past of our country - the idea will be the more realistic, the less violence and abstract theory in the style of Marx-Engels in it.

The basis of this idea is purely capitalist tools that allow “by magic” to dramatically increase the needs of our market and the total standard of living - with all the positive effects that come from this for capitalist relations.

The author is impressed by much of socialism, but it is worth recognizing that market relations (albeit with a significant role of the state as an analyst, planner and responsible for the social sphere) are intuitively much more understandable to the majority of the population and much more accessible for borrowing from someone else's experience that is interesting to us, than the experience of socialist construction (to put it bluntly: a rare bird with it has flown to our days).

Thus, I would be very grateful if readers who adhere to established leftist beliefs would not try to attach elements to the above agenda that are unusual for it.


The article turned out to be long, and still something will be missed. Much is debatable.

Actually, this cycle was originally conceived behind - I had a desire to find a thread that could pull our country onto the line of successful growth and development in this century, discover it myself, with the help of readers, find it in search, disputes, reflections, compromises.

I would be very grateful to you, dear readers, if you spread the link to this article among your friends and acquaintances - the more people participate in the discussion, the more attractive the idea is, the more likely it is that some of this can influence existing trends for the better.

I remain open to questions and discussion. In the event that there are a lot of questions in the comments to this article on any parts of this article, perhaps I will make an article number 5, explaining them or deepening them.

Thanks to my readers for their remarkable patience, and to the Military Review team for the opportunity to publish this rather big work and prompt editing!
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  1. 0
    26 January 2022 18: 18
    Produce what you are going to? Nuts again?
    1. +21
      26 January 2022 18: 31
      Quote: Yuri Filippov
      Produce what you are going to? Nuts again?

      And what shisha? The authorities are categorically not going to invest in production, and how, if most of the proceeds from the sale of resources remain abroad? Looking at this, there was an intensive outflow of foreign investment, if memory serves, then 4 billion dollars. per quarter, now probably more. Record gold mining went under the hammer for virtual money that can be reset at the touch of a button. What strategy, what development? At the top, no one needs it.
      1. -12
        26 January 2022 19: 00
        Quote: lis-ik
        most of the proceeds from the sale of resources remain abroad

        Quote: lis-ik
        Record gold mining went under the hammer for virtual money

        somehow one statement is not very friendly with another.
        does the revenue stay abroad or is it not the same, too virtual?
        1. +9
          26 January 2022 19: 05
          Quote: Flood
          does the revenue stay abroad or is it not the same, too virtual?

          I'm talking about the proceeds from the sale of gold. For their own, they will choke.
          1. 0
            26 January 2022 19: 26
            Quote: lis-ik
            I'm talking about the proceeds from the sale of gold. For their own, they will choke.

            if I'm not mistaken, the value of the sold gold almost exceeded the value of the grain sold.
            money is the same here and there.
            with hard workers, too, you can’t pay with gold or grain.
            as well as for fuel, equipment, etc.

            one thing is bad - that gold mining is in private hands
            like many other resources
            this is the trouble
            1. +10
              26 January 2022 19: 38
              Quote: Flood
              one thing is bad - that gold mining is in private hands
              like many other resources
              this is the trouble

              The biggest problem.
              1. +1
                27 January 2022 07: 26
                Any model is based on pillars - the pillars of this model are the state's recognition of a simple thing: our country and its people deserve wealth and space for self-realization.

                1. Once again - the state does not owe anything to the people. That has been proven many times. And voiced.
                2. Feudal capitalism is when the feudal lord is also an official.
                3. The official (new feudal lord) is part of the new feudal aristocracy, and the feudal lord from the retinue has more than a simple civil feudal lord.
                Thus, at the moment the state is a way of existence of large bureaucracy.
                And when I return, it owes nothing to the subject population. We are their consumables and means of subsistence.
        2. +16
          26 January 2022 19: 21
          Almost all large business in Russia is registered in foreign offshore companies.

          The scope of this practice is described in the work of Voronina and Antonova (Journal of Economy and Business, No. 11-1, 2021).
          “According to the data of the Russian Ministry of Finance for 2020, over 40% of foreign trade operations and about 70% of investment flows are carried out through offshore companies.

          Today, up to 70-90% of all large companies in Russia are registered in offshore jurisdictions.

          Cyprus remains the most attractive jurisdiction for a significant number of Russian companies. Firstly, the tax regime on the island, in force since 2003, does not imply a difference between local and international commercial Cypriot companies - all companies in Cyprus are taxed at a rate of 12,5%. Despite the fact that Cyprus lost the status of a tax haven a long time ago, the laws and rules of this country still allow hiding the assets of Russian officials and businessmen who do not want publicity at home, and for legal businesses to simplify partnerships with foreign companies.

          To date, there are structures on the island that own assets of approximately 80 largest Russian companies, including MMC Norilsk Nickel (owns 100% of Norilsk Nickel (Cyprus) Ltd), Rosneft Oil Company (has 51% in the Cypriot company Rosneft Shell Caspian Ventures Limited), NK LUKOIL, VimpelCom ”, VTB Bank (owns 100% of Russian Commercial Bank (Cyprus) Ltd and ITC Consultants (Cyprus) Ltd), Globaltrans, KamAZ, Troika Dialog and others. Through their Cypriot offices, Renaissance Capital operates on the stock market, BCS, "Opening". As of mid-2020, Cyprus accounted for about 25% of the total number of foreign companies with assets in Russia. At the same time, in terms of assets controlled by the CFC in Russia, the share of Cyprus reaches 56%.

          Western European countries maintain their positions as the second most important center where companies with assets in Russia are registered. As of mid-2020, European countries (excluding Cyprus) accounted for about 37% of the total number of such foreign companies.

          Against the general background of the outflow of capital from the country, the use of offshore companies to protect business and ensure confidentiality is devastating to the country's economy. The total losses of the Russian budget due to the implementation of offshore schemes are estimated at about 1 trillion. rubles in year. The negative impact of the use of offshore jurisdictions is also manifested in the deterioration of the country's image, the formation of negative public opinion, as well as the growth of corruption, undermining the economic security and economic sovereignty of Russia due to vulnerability to the risks of globalization.

          1. 0
            27 January 2022 16: 52
            It seems like Potanin returned the registration of Norilsk Nickel to Russia a month or a half ago.
    2. +6
      26 January 2022 18: 47
      At the first stage, nuts are also possible. Tools, textiles, fertilizers - a number of countries mentioned in article 1-2 of the cycle received a substantial part of their profits from this "garbage". Now, when I walk along Leroy Merlin, I see that a potentially very capacious market for tools, plumbing - not God knows what high-tech, is stupidly busy with Chinese products. Ideas lie under our feet, if we have not yet forgotten how, of course, to make taps and hoses.
      It should be understood that the multiple growth of the economy of Turkey or China in the early 2000s did not take place on high-tech either.
      1. +12
        26 January 2022 19: 09
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        Ideas lie under our feet, if we have not yet forgotten how, of course, to make taps and hoses.

        I already wrote, but five years ago I bought Chinese scrap in a store, probably already doing this is a bummer or have forgotten how.
        1. +20
          26 January 2022 19: 32
          Suppose each worker will allocate 2 rubles in taxes to the FSR per month in the form of taxes. In a year, we have a figure of almost 2 trillion rubles.

          Let's not assume, but let's rely on numbers. We look:
          Net capital outflow from Russia grew 1,4 times over the year compared to 2020 and amounted to 72 billion dollars. This is evidenced by the preliminary assessment of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

          If personal income tax for such amounts is increased (legally up to AT LEAST!!! 40%), we will receive in the form of taxes: 74 (ruble exchange rate) x 72 x 000 (difference in interest rate) = 000 000 rubles ... And there are taxes on the export of capital (ie, a tax on the withdrawal of earnings in Russia).
          And then there are enterprises registered offshore ... Shadow business ... Every year we lose trillions of misused money ...
          Why!!! Yes, it was done on purpose !!! For this, all this storm was started in 1991 ...
          1. +2
            26 January 2022 19: 43
            Quote: yuriy55
            74 (ruble rate) x 72 x 000 (difference in interest rate) = 000 rubles

            income tax cannot exceed the income itself
            you forgot to take into account the percentage
            1. +7
              26 January 2022 19: 48
              Quote: Flood
              you forgot to take into account the percentage

              Thanks! That's right: 1 438 560 000 000
              As always - inattention!
          2. 0
            27 January 2022 17: 00
            Maybe from the beginning you will figure out what the "Outflow of capital from the country" consists of and yes, speaking of the outflow, why don't you talk about the inflow of capital "Foreign direct investment in Russian companies in 2021 amounted to $ 30,7 billion dollars"
      2. +11
        26 January 2022 20: 22
        Quote from Vintorez know from the beginning that we want to build capitalism, socialism or feudalism...

        I consider this remark to be very correct, about which Vintorez is below. Ideology must go one step ahead of business. First you need to understand "why?", then - "how?" and only then - "how much?".
        I see the need for a long stage of development of the state to build predominantly market, capitalist relations - however, with the growth of prosperity, according to the plan, the social burden on business and the state will increase, with the effective development in such capitalism, the percentage of what many associate with elements of socialism will increase.

        This is understandable, but
        ...benefits for women on maternity leave, young fathers, economically supporting young housing support for young families.

        Further, you write about life-long rent for ridiculous money, low-interest mortgages, an individual account for a person from state income, but this is EVERYTHING and there is a "social burden" that the state will have to bear here and now, and not sometime ...
        Who will provide windfall profits to private developers if the state gives housing to young families for 5 a month? For me, already in your theses on solving the problem of demography "the wind of socialism is very blown through" ...
        1. -5
          26 January 2022 20: 42
          Add. income for developers is the difference between the actual price of a house (taking into account the CURRENT prices for resources and fuel) - approximately 300 million rubles - and actually indicated in the calculations as 350 million. If you roughly imagine that it is necessary to build tens of thousands of houses, the profit there will be wow. But, of course, no one will allow 200-300% to be welded on this.
          I proceed from the fact that NOT ALL housing will be used for life rent. To get it, you will need to collect a package of documents proving the extreme constraint of the family in terms of funds and living space. At the moment, I can only roughly estimate the volume of such young families (based on the total figure of ~ 24 million people from 18 to 30 years old, which appeared in article 2). I will assume that this is about 2-3 million families. Perhaps more. In this case, the main contributors are the able-bodied population - the state acts as a customer of construction and a filter that allows developers to access the Fund. The vast majority of housing will also be built from the Fund, but under low-interest mortgages. All inflationary "shoals" of this system are postponed for 20 years from its start, in the event of economic growth during this time (and it will be) covering these risks in the issuance of lived. certificates for generations of new citizens from the state. budget is not a problem for me.
          As for "socialism" - there is little, but I perfectly understand what socialism burned out on last time. Both capitalist and socialist mechanisms should be used where it is rational. The mechanism of "pulling out" the inhabitants of "Khrushcheb" from pitch poverty to the lower middle class - I recognize as a fairly effective solution. The state is interested in its residents to bring more taxes, and not "burn with money" in the murky high-interest mortgages of even more murky developers. In this scheme, the state decides for the person his "questions", so that the person focuses on the growth of well-being and population.
          1. +7
            26 January 2022 21: 52
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            All inflationary "shoals" of this system are postponed for 20 years from its start ...

            How strong should the ruble be, and how quickly will our economy need to be rebuilt so that external factors (economic crises, fluctuations in the exchange rate of world currencies, stock quotes, the dominance of imports) do not affect inflation in the country in any way?

            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            In this case, the main contributors are the able-bodied population ...

            With the help of what tool do you plan to convey to the population, our population, tired of deception, that you need to give your money to the future prosperity fund? Who will manage this fund, and most importantly, where can you find so many honest professionals who will control the use of such large sums???
            1. -1
              26 January 2022 22: 17
              In article number 2, I indicate the figure of the total inflation for 20 years of our neighbors and us. For neighbors, this is from 2% (Japan) to 50+% (USA). We have it 550% with something there.
              Of course, how the Japanese will have a small intestine (although a very interesting experience), but in general, our developed neighbors are somewhere from 40 to 60% of inflation over 20 years. With higher lending rates and higher cost of resources. I assume that we can triple our GDP in 20 years if we have good laws and flexible domestic business support. In the conditions of a growing economy, a growing credit fund, an external expansion of business, an expanding domestic market - we (in my opinion) have all the prerequisites for VERY low inflation. Which one is hard for me to assess. At the moment, we have a high And because we have high lending rates, low predictability of domestic and foreign policies, the capacity of our market for our producers is negligible and is limited by the standard of living of the population, the capacity of the external market is loaded mainly with energy resources, which are in demand due to COVID less. By reorienting part of the resources to domestic consumption in the interests of a growing domestic market, by stabilizing prices and loans, by stabilizing domestic policy, we will naturally reduce inflation. With the involvement in the economic life of those who are now below or on the poverty line, we will further reduce this parameter. In the future, by increasing exports, we (like the Chinese, whose inflation for 20 years is the same 40-50%) will curb it even more.

              With the help of what tool do you plan to convey to the population, our population, tired of deception, that you need to give your money to the future prosperity fund?

              As you can see my ideas are quite simple in the basics. I am not appealing to proletarian conscience or international duty, or even to beautiful utopias - I am pointing out that we, damn it, are sitting on wealth, while we ourselves are poor and depressed. It is the correction of this sour tendency that is our idea and ideology. We can all become a little richer and the country can become capitally more successful - how can this idea not be attractive?! If it doesn't hook people, what will hook them? Another "black redistribution"? Expectations of a mass departure to paradise under the trumpets of Armageddon?)

              And everything is simple - it is precisely what cannot be "pulled" from the Fund - in building development, the Fund releases the more credit, the more credit of trust the developer deserves. A sort of "social loan" only for entrepreneurs. The same goes for all major projects. More trust - more cases or more documents.

              Honest professionals have always and under any authority been selected manually, based on objective professional qualities and creed.
              1. Aag
                27 January 2022 06: 53
                "...we can triple GDP in 20 years..."
                "What is your proof?"
                Are there prerequisites for this? 20 years ago, conditions were incommensurably better - however, the result is known (the inflation rate given by you by country confirms this) ....
                1. +1
                  27 January 2022 12: 07
                  There is no evidence, because we are talking about future events) I point out that over the corresponding period, China, Turkey, a number of other countries not listed in the articles managed to do this "on garbage", having much worse introductory ones. If we really are as brilliant and capable as we like to argue - a threefold increase in GDP is not God knows what for us.
                  1. Aag
                    27 January 2022 12: 16
                    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                    There is no evidence, because we are talking about future events) I point out that over the corresponding period, China, Turkey, a number of other countries not listed in the articles managed to do this "on garbage", having much worse introductory ones. If we really are as brilliant and capable as we like to argue - a threefold increase in GDP is not God knows what for us.

                    Thank you for your response, for your performance - you have time to respond to comments.
                    China, Turkey, a number of others, maybe, and "on garbage, but not doing garbage ... If in a different way, then you can look at the lists of the richest people in the world - how many "Russians" have matured over these 20 years, how many of the mentioned PRC, Turkey...
              2. Aag
                27 January 2022 07: 01
                "...It is the correction of this sour tendency that is our idea and ideology..."
                You wrote in the article - no! no ideologies!
                Progmatism and profit, efficiency...
                "... we, damn it, are sitting on wealth, while we ourselves are poor and depressive ...". So this is ... a number of our citizens have already corrected the situation. Not for the benefit of the WHOLE country, but at least for the individual ...
                1. 0
                  27 January 2022 12: 08
                  This is written for those people who are looking for an ideology in everything) I write that the only "ideology" is a universal interest in a good life instead of the current one :-)
                  You really want to find fault, I see) but you find the wrong areas hi
                  1. Aag
                    27 January 2022 12: 58
                    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                    This is written for those people who are looking for an ideology in everything) I write that the only "ideology" is a universal interest in a good life instead of the current one :-)
                    You really want to find fault, I see) but you find the wrong areas hi

                    And "the only" ideology "is the all-unifying interest in a good life" is not an ideology?
                    "...instead of the current one.." Now, isn't it? Well, yes, there are still people (judging by the mass of comments, and I am one of them) who consider that the idea, ideology is primary, and who know, remember how this can work for the benefit of the whole country.
                    .And with the "golden calf" somehow it didn’t work out ... for the good of the whole country.
                  2. -2
                    27 January 2022 17: 13
                    In order to triple GDP, markets need to be found for such a triple growth to create new services, products and triple the production of everything we produce now. With the current economic growth of 2-3%, even if it is 5% per year, a threefold increase in GDP over 20 years is physically impossible.
              3. Aag
                27 January 2022 07: 21
                "...As you can see, my ideas are quite simple in the basics..."
                Sorry, - too simple - I would even say differently ...
                I do not do this out of respect for you, the work you have done. Thank you for the articles though!
                And here is the exchange of opinions you are expecting...
                Utopia! - almost every point of the development path you proposed begins, or comes down to the fact that those who have (internal and external) power, money, assets, markets, resources share them ... Well, the general outline is exactly like this ... hi
                1. 0
                  27 January 2022 12: 11
                  And construction is exactly what happens - resources and a plan are taken en masse into a fist, and used - in primary directions, in secondary ones. If concentration and will seem like a Utopian feat to you, if 2 rubles from salaries monthly seems like a Utopian feat to you, then perhaps we should stop remembering the past) Shredded, sir!
            2. +6
              26 January 2022 22: 21
              where to find so many honest professionals
              Here on the VO forum dial Yes
              1. +7
                26 January 2022 22: 24
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                Here on the VO forum dial

                Original good
              2. +1
                27 January 2022 13: 24
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                Here on the VO forum dial

                Why not? Would you agree to raise some industry, with full carte blanche and freedom of action, but with responsibility for failure to comply?
                1. 0
                  27 January 2022 13: 52
                  would you agree to raise any industry
                  They won't take me - I am a citizen of two NATO countries smile . The problem of any lifter now is the consumer xenopatriotism of Russians - give everyone imports.
                  1. +3
                    27 January 2022 14: 03
                    Quote: Bolt Cutter
                    They won't take me

                    I'm hypothetical. The authorities need responsibility for failure to fulfill their duties, and responsibility for failure to fulfill election promises.
                    Today I received a response to a complaint about the lack of a temporary pedestrian crossing (during the repair of the underground), although by all standards it should have been equipped. I gave all the norms of the legislation, according to which the department of road facilities was obliged to do this. In response, "White noise", "the transition is not provided." There is a stop nearby, and a children's clinic, And grandmas, mothers with children maneuver between passing cars, and get over the snow parapets. Two weeks ago, one aunt, thank God, not tightly. And no one will answer for anything. am
            3. -2
              27 January 2022 17: 06
              This can only be done by controlling all monetary incomes and expenditures of the population with a strict online audit every month - without AI in the accounting system and fully digital money, funds from this fund will be stolen or spent inefficiently.
        2. -3
          26 January 2022 20: 47
          The reason for the rejection of ideology - in our society, the "brains" of people are best left alone. It is impossible to designate "non-benefit" as "benefit", but ideology does this - it essentially "rubs" people about some kind of ingenious combinations, leaving them in the end without pants. Schemes should be simple and as beneficial as possible for everyone. Their results should also be as calculated as possible and linked to the figures in dynamics - then there will be no need to "justify and sum up" why everything is bad. Personally, I don’t want to build communism at all or plant goodness and democracy on the planet, someone wants it, someone wants an emperor in a golden wreath - ideology is what takes away all these dreams and gives out some kind of crap, who knows who and when invented . What for ? What is the use of that? And without it, you can live well.
          1. +10
            26 January 2022 22: 08
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            The reason for the rejection of ideology - in our society, the "brains" of people are best left alone.

            Here I disagree with you. The person must understand. He must firmly know "why should he do something?" and "what does he do". And if there is no proper justification (goal, ideology, plan - it’s up to anyone), then all sorts of Kashperov’s chumakimavrodi come and begin to “hammer into the brains” of people with all sorts of nonsense, and quite successfully, because nothing tolerates emptiness ...
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            Personally, I don’t want to build communism or plant good and democracy around the planet, someone wants it, someone

            It's not about communism. Ideology is the main assistant for every important business. Try to convince me to give 10% of my salary to that fund, without ideology?
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            What for ? What is the use of that?

            A person who believes in the correctness of an idea and the success of a business can move mountains. Moreover, he can do this completely free of charge, on enthusiasm, and he will also be pleased that he took part ... Can this be possible without the right ideology? Material interest is a strong incentive, but it is not a match for a strong ideology ...
            1. 0
              26 January 2022 22: 27
              It's not about communism. Ideology is the main assistant for every important business. Try to convince me to give 10% of my salary to that fund, without ideology?

              No ideology will convince a person who does NOT think about the country in which his children will be born or his ancestors lived. If he does NOT think about it, you will not hammer it into his head so that it sits there naturally. And if he thinks about it - the idea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXbguaranteed participation of residents within the state is the best thing that has ever been invented. Because in my scheme, the state gives exactly as much as it takes - all the "fat" for planes-palaces-yachts is excess profit from the manufacturing business. Have you thought of how to scrape together a yacht by launching the production of smartphones in the Russian Federation? on health - ride to your heart's content. Although the Taj Mahal near Moscow is built.

              A person who believes in the correctness of an idea and the success of a business can move mountains.

              And if I don't give a damn about an idea? Maybe I'm thinking about wooden boxes painted with Gzhel? I think - how would I make them bigger and prettier. And then the state - let me play up about some kind of nonsense, instead of working out ideas with me on how I can start this business - and have a profit from it, me, the state? Understand, there are people who don't give a damn about any ideas. You will tell them "ohoho, ahead of success!" and they believe you or do not believe you at least sing a nightingale, at least dive into the bushes with their money. From watering these people from the agitprop bell, nothing will change, and a lot of money will go away. Give people the opportunity to earn money, give them an environment in which, looking out of the window every day, they will see growth and success, mothers with strollers, satisfied workers' faces - this is the "ideology" for which it is worth starting something. And words and "summaries" are always garbage.
              1. +8
                26 January 2022 22: 58
                Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                No ideology will convince a person who does NOT think about the country ...

                You can start small, not "about the country", but about the city, yard, factory, house ...
                Somehow I had to go for several days to talk / explain to the neighbors that it’s bad without a normal entrance, but no one will ever build a new road for us, we need to do it ourselves ... I got tired of agitating, of course, but the efforts were not in vain. They made a normal entrance by the forces of nine men and very inexpensively. Despite the fact that I am the youngest resident here, the rest are all indigenous, but I had to convince ... Without agitation and propaganda, not one thing can not be mastered.

                In some ways, I do not agree with you, but, in any case, I thank you for the articles, for the work done with numbers and thoughts. Apparently, you are a young man, a new post-USSR pharmacy, and this makes it doubly pleasant that you think and worry about the future of our country. Over the past couple of years, the third smart young man told me about his strong desire to leave Russia, and this makes it hard ...
          2. Aag
            27 January 2022 07: 24
            "... And without it you can live well..."
            Yes, something is not working yet ... for the majority ...
            1. 0
              27 January 2022 12: 15
              At one time, Adolf Aloizovich came to the population of post-war Germany, who also "did not succeed", with his ideologies. As we know from history, it did not become better for the Germans to live from this. According to the final (1945), their introductions turned out to be even worse than before. And then they went on without ideology, and finally reached the fourth economy in the world and the flagship of the EU.
              Might be worth considering this tutorial!
        3. +1
          27 January 2022 07: 46
          Quote: Doccor18
          2. Fertility can be stimulated by increasing benefits for women on maternity leave, young fathers, economically supporting young families - here I see the main nuance, in addition to the sum of important little things, the issue of capital support for young families with housing.

          sounds right but the reality is drastically different.

          there is no correlation between the birth rate and the high well-being of the population.
          communications are more difficult/other factors influence.

          look at the statistics, as a rule you will see feedback. the richer the population, the less births.
      3. +8
        26 January 2022 20: 55
        Further, in order to attract 10 million people to the Far East, roads, housing and industrial enterprises must be built there. At whose expense will this be? At the expense of the state, of course ...
        We must take into account the most capacious areas in terms of money in the strategy for launching the corresponding enterprises that create a similar, competitive product for the domestic market.

        And this is education/science/technology/industry, and these are huge, again, government spending. Not private, please note. Not a single businessman in the country will pay for the work of theoretical physicists, the development of ship or aircraft engines, as this is a very long process, very expensive and not carrying a 100% guarantee of big profits. Therefore, again the state ... Which you yourself confirm
        After pumping money and all sorts of support, the manufacturer receives a significant carte blanche in the domestic market ... in the future, the state contributes in every possible way ... the state begins to generously pump research teams with money ...

        It is the advisory bureaucracy that will bring the line of the state plan to business, try to involve business in this plan, inform young people about the most demanded vacancies in the future, the regions with the greatest demand for them, etc.

        And again, state planning ...
        Everything is exactly like that. It is possible to achieve quick and tangible results only with a serious state development plan, state control and management, comprehensive support of the population, a fundamental approach to education and science, that is, with the decisive role of the state - and this is already 50% socialism. Transfer natural resources and means of production to state ownership - and this is 100% socialism.
        1. -3
          26 January 2022 21: 14
          Further, in order to attract 10 million people to the Far East, roads, housing and industrial enterprises must be built there. At whose expense will this be? At the expense of the state, of course ...

          Just not. It is in this that the prognostic and binding role of the state will be expressed - business will be offered a plan in a draft version, the solution of housing issues within the plan, organizational and information issues. Enterprises and roads are on the conscience and wallet of the business that participates in the plan.
          Participation in the plan is access to low-interest loans from the Fund, this is state support in the form of benefits and analytical assistance, among other things.
          And this is education / science / technology / industry, and these are huge, again, government spending

          Education - yes. But at the moment we have a vast infrastructure for education (and in the first 10 years we will not need to radically expand it). Science - partly, because for the first period (3-5 years from the start of the plan), the situation in science will remain approximately "as is", despite the fact that the state will do its best to provide an organizational and connecting line between science and business (in the interests of business). Following the growth of GDP and the numerical growth of the budget, state subsidies for science will also grow, both in% and in numerical terms. By this time, we will already have more co-financing than now by business in areas that are more of interest to business than the state. The state will be able to use large funds in science more rationally.
          Industry (not mining) is mostly on the shoulders of private traders - the state provides them with fixed resources. prices, flexible tax policy - then you yourself with a mustache. In the future, the state, of course, will have a need to develop some of its own industries - however, this can be done already through the state order to private traders. In a purely state structure, this will carry a large social function, and in our country the social sphere is nowhere higher anyway ..

          The state plan - exists solely as a large-scale and trusted ANALYTICAL model. Business, instead of trusting the analyst of 100500 sharashka analytical offices, will trust its state, otherwise it will direct business in a mutually convenient direction. Who does not want to go - yes to health. Pay taxes and do whatever you want, even stand on your head.
          1. Aag
            27 January 2022 07: 49
            "... The state plan - exists solely as a large-scale and trusting ANALYTICAL model. Business, instead of trusting the analyst of 100500 sharashka analytical offices, will trust its state, otherwise it will direct business in a mutually convenient direction ..."
            Beautiful ... Only many still consider the State Planning Commission to be the main reason for the collapse of the USSR (even in the movie "Office Romance" they see the dominance of the ministry and departments as a grave idea)).
            Let me remind you of a Soviet-era anecdote: a parade on Red Square. It’s about to end. under the armpits. There is murmuring and bewilderment in the stands of foreign guests. The voice of the announcer: "The main destructive power of the Soviet Union is entering Red Square - PLANOVERS!"

            "Pay your taxes and do what you want, at least stand on your head."
            Isn’t it right now?
            1. 0
              27 January 2022 12: 19
              Therefore, I do not say for nothing that planning and analytics are the backbone of the state that I am talking about. It is not an instrument of politics, it is politics itself. The policy of establishing information interaction between members of society, business, the state. The Soviet "GOSPLAN" had worthless feedback tools, and private enterprise in the USSR was in its infancy, as was private capital. Now it’s not like that, we can take into account the experience of the USSR and do better, avoiding minuses.
              1. Aag
                27 January 2022 13: 08
                Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                Therefore, I do not say for nothing that planning and analytics are the backbone of the state that I am talking about. It is not an instrument of politics, it is politics itself. The policy of establishing information interaction between members of society, business, the state. The Soviet "GOSPLAN" had worthless feedback tools, and private enterprise in the USSR was in its infancy, as was private capital. Now it’s not like that, we can take into account the experience of the USSR and do better, avoiding minuses.

                Who are we? Who will take into account the experience of the USSR and try to do better? (Again, the question is - for whom is it better?).
                "Feedback tools"... you know... like: Elections, Census, vaccination data...
                HOW to do it differently??
                1. 0
                  8 February 2022 20: 41
                  In vain you treat speculators badly! The banking system is the "circulatory system of the economy" Have you heard of this? The sale of everything in the world is carried out through trading companies, otherwise it is not possible, the costs of promotion, work with clients, logistics are too high, these costs can exceed production by several times. Speculators remove the burden of these costs from production, they effectively distribute products on the market. Speculators are a very important element of the economy, you need to monitor the competitive environment so that prices are reasonable lol
      4. 0
        8 February 2022 20: 02
        Great job done with the articles! There is a great desire to make the world a better place, but you are an idealist, some of your ideas are unrealizable in practice: Analysts-Bureaucrats, this is a utopian idea, first of all, who will prepare and on what scientific basis will train highly qualified specialists? After all, they should be qualified not at the expense of theory, but at the expense of practice! (An engineer, although an excellent student, cannot design something that works without production experience, the same is true in business). Have you ever seen, firstly, a smart, and secondly, bureaucrat who helps you for free? Either one or the other, there is no third! crying an official is a distributor of resources, he has no other functions. There are forums where business communicates with officials and interactions are formed there to solve some problems.
        Business does not react to fiery speeches about a bright future, it goes exclusively for money! If you want to solve problems with business, offer money
    3. -1
      27 January 2022 09: 09
      Quote: Yuri Filippov
      Produce what you are going to? Nuts again?

      And what difference does it make what to produce (well, except for personal ambitions), nuts or smartphones, if it brings enough profit? China/Korea 40 years ago also did not start with space starships, but today they may well compete with American companies in the high-tech sphere (in the civilian market, of course) ... you need a huge population or deposits of resources, you need human capital - the level of efficiency of human labor. 19 modern agricultural technologists with special equipment can feed more than 20 people 10 years ago, apple's turnover is almost 1000 times the Russian budget (and 200-1,5 times more than Gazprom's) ... there are countries like Switzerland that " they cannot” into space, they do not have the production of their own aircraft or tanks, but the standard of living is higher than the domestic one ... but the creation of an effective economy requires, first of all, political changes - an independent and transparent court, a real fight against corruption, and so on and so forth
    4. +1
      27 January 2022 10: 41
      I don't know what nuts you are talking about. Here at the metallurgical enterprise where I work, they produce high-quality rolled products. Consumers Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, France, Bosnia, our Kamaz, etc.
      1. 0
        27 January 2022 13: 14
        Quote: Mikhail Sidorov
        I don't know what nuts you are talking about. Here at the metallurgical enterprise where I work, they produce high-quality rolled products. Consumers Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, France, Bosnia, our Kamaz, etc.

        I didn’t quite understand whether it was addressed to me, but I’ll answer - rolled metal is a product of greater processing than, for example, oil
    5. +2
      27 January 2022 12: 48
      Quote: Yuri Filippov
      Produce what you are going to? Nuts again?

      We produce nuts, but not much, most of the hardware and fasteners are purchased in China, Poland, Germany.
      1. -3
        27 January 2022 17: 24
        Yes, not a little - everything depends on manufacturers and sellers, the first deliver products to where they pay more, the second sell what they can earn more on - the above-described open market scheme will not go anywhere to take the same Izhmash 90% of its products In addition to this, domestic brands in our country are not widely known for export due to their meager advertising or its complete absence due to the conclusion of contracts through exhibitions with potential buyers.
    6. +1
      27 January 2022 13: 19
      Quote: Yuri Filippov
      Produce what you are going to? Nuts again?

      Forgot Putin's training manual? The USSR produced galoshes! wassat
  2. +16
    26 January 2022 18: 21
    At least from the beginning to know that we want to build capitalism, socialism or feudalism. What build? Then ideas and ideology will be needed. In the meantime, the ideology is one "money" and that's it. Only money not earned by labor, but so that a lot fell from the sky at once. It's hard to say anything about demographics, because this year the irretrievable losses will be about a million people, although last year there were about 700 million people. So it's too optimistic that you want to increase the demographics, even including migrants. Russian-speaking migrants are not in a hurry to move to us, and I think the rest are not needed. How to raise the birth rate is not clear, money helps in this, but not very much. Here we need stability in the country and the will of the state. But there is neither one nor the other, and the most important thing is not foreseen.
    1. +4
      26 January 2022 18: 38
      The birth rate rises simultaneously with the well-being of the population, and is directly proportional to its confidence in the future. As soon as the standard of living begins to grow in the regions (stable, with an eye to the long term), the birth rate will increase.
      1. +3
        26 January 2022 18: 53
        Basically, I wrote about it.
      2. +4
        26 January 2022 19: 15
        Quote: Ramon Merkader
        The birth rate rises simultaneously with the well-being of the population, and is directly proportional to its confidence in the future. As soon as the standard of living begins to grow in the regions (stable, with an eye to the long term), the birth rate will increase.

        Sorry, but nonsense. The most successful countries in terms of fertility in impoverished Africa.
        The highest birth rate in African countries with the poorest and least educated population. With an average world birth rate of 18,5 children per 1000 inhabitants in the leading African countries, the figure reaches 35-45 children per 1 people.
        1. +4
          26 January 2022 19: 22
          If we talk about the Slavic countries is not nonsense. And blacks are blacks, they have their own mentality and their own vision of "beautiful". Or maybe you propose to adopt their best practices in increasing the birth rate?
          1. -2
            26 January 2022 19: 31
            Quote: Ramon Merkader
            If we talk about Slavic countries, then it’s not nonsense

            I answered you on your previous comment, show me where is there about the Slavic countries?
            Playing is not pretty hi
            1. +1
              26 January 2022 19: 36
              I meant the Slavic countries, in that comment to which you answered me.
              I’m not Yulia, it’s almost like the code broke up with her
              1. -2
                26 January 2022 20: 04
                Quote: Ramon Merkader
                I meant Slavic countries

                Well, so you go to the forum of the "Psychics" program, where they can read your thoughts, those that you did not express in the comments, but meant laughing
                1. +1
                  26 January 2022 20: 07
                  Where to me, I, somehow, and without your opinion, decide. But for the "care", thanks anyway.
        2. +5
          26 January 2022 19: 48
          Quote: Mitroha
          The most successful countries in terms of fertility in impoverished Africa.

          They just have no idea about contraception. Or she can't afford them. And, given the religious principles and customs there, it’s not even worth remembering about the termination of an unwanted pregnancy.
        3. +1
          27 January 2022 13: 27
          Quote: Mitroha
          The most successful countries in terms of fertility in impoverished Africa.

          If you believe your theory, then our birth rate should be better than in Europe.
          But it is worse, although our standard of living is much worse.
      3. -1
        26 January 2022 19: 27
        The article shows how to combine the growth of well-being, confidence in the future and unloading parents from some of their worries. A big concern is already really "greenhouse conditions", a smaller one is a lag in pace. Life is numbers - if we now reach an increase of 200-300 thousand a year, in 20 years this will give us at best 4-5 million.
        1. +10
          26 January 2022 19: 33
          The biggest baby boom came in the USSR in the 50s.
          Then people believed that all the terrible things were over, and life was really getting better, prices were gradually falling. I don’t remember exactly for which year, but exactly after the war, Stalin personally noted that the demographic indicator improved greatly, the population growth amounted to 40 million people. He also joked then that the USSR in terms of population increased by the whole of Finland.
          1. 0
            27 January 2022 12: 16
            just men came from the front
            1. +3
              27 January 2022 17: 12
              Quote: Nastia Makarova
              just men came from the front

              And when will they come?
              1. 0
                28 January 2022 07: 58
                you need to ask them
      4. +3
        26 January 2022 19: 44
        Quote: Ramon Merkader
        The birth rate rises simultaneously with the well-being of the population, and is directly proportional to its confidence in the future.

        for some reason, Europe is confidently demonstrating a reverse trend
        but the poor Asian countries don’t even think about demographic problems, because they don’t have any

        “In Uzbekistan, in 2020, a birth rate record was recorded in history. Almost 842 children were born in the republic in a year, which is 74 more than a year ago, when the previous record was set.

        The total fertility rate has reached almost 25 per 1000 population per year, that is, 2,5% of the total population is born per year. For comparison, in Russia it has already fallen below 10.

        1. +4
          26 January 2022 19: 57
          And I would not say that Europe is a place where everyone is confident in the future, where prices are reduced, and the well-being of the population is growing. And let's not forget that Europe is a place where technologies are being tested to destroy the institution of the family (and this also does not particularly contribute to an increase in the birth rate).
          1. +2
            26 January 2022 20: 00
            Quote: Ramon Merkader
            And I would not say that Europe is a place where everyone is confident in the future, where prices are reduced, and the well-being of the population is growing. And let's not forget that Europe is a place where technologies are being tested to destroy the institution of the family (and this also does not particularly contribute to an increase in the birth rate).

            the first half of your comment is very controversial
            the second half just leads to the idea that reducing the demographic problem to a single parameter is an unacceptable simplification.
            1. +2
              26 January 2022 20: 02
              "Well, if so, then yes. If so, then of course. Even most likely" (c) Harry Fidget (film St. John's wort)
        2. +3
          26 January 2022 21: 21
          I don't know where Europe is showing some sort of reverse trend. Read about the demographics of the EU - it grows steadily by a million or more a year. Some states may be in crisis - overpopulation, all things. But the total EU is growing as God grant us all.
          1. +1
            26 January 2022 21: 29
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            Read about the demographics of the EU - it grows steadily by a million or more a year.

            It is incorrect to talk about the EU as a whole, on average for a hospital.
            Old Europe, maybe, leaves at the expense of migrants. Which can hardly be called a way out of the situation, given the weak ability to assimilate visitors from African countries.
            In Eastern Europe, everything seems to be not so bad, if it were not for the outflow of guest workers to Western Europe.
          2. -3
            26 January 2022 22: 43
            It is growing, the poor psheks are completely tired of restraining growth rates)))
          3. +1
            27 January 2022 18: 35
            In the EU, population growth is provided by an increase in migrants from Muslim countries. And accordingly, the growth of the birth rate is provided to a large extent by the same group of the population. Which leads to a significant change in the ethnic composition.
        3. +2
          27 January 2022 13: 31
          Quote: Flood
          for some reason, Europe is confidently demonstrating a reverse trend

          Yes, but our birth rate is even lower than in Europe, and the level of well-being is by no means high. Have you ever wondered why such an imbalance? wink
          1. 0
            27 January 2022 13: 50
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            Yes, but our birth rate is even lower than in Europe, and the level of well-being is by no means high. Have you ever wondered why such an imbalance?

            you are right about imbalance
            imbalance in values
            in the Eurasian empire began to outweigh European values
            1. +3
              27 January 2022 13: 53
              Quote: Flood
              in the Eurasian empire began to outweigh European values

              With a lower standard of living. Then it turns out that the paradigm "the richer - the lower the birth rate" is erroneous. The question is precisely in cultural values, which are usually planted from above. hi
              1. 0
                27 January 2022 14: 05
                Quote: Ingvar 72
                Then it turns out that the paradigm "the richer - the lower the birth rate" is erroneous.

                but I didn't claim that.
                I wrote that reducing the problem of insufficient fertility to a single indicator of the standard of living is a mistaken simplification.

                in other words, it is an equation with several unknowns.
                1. +5
                  27 January 2022 14: 09
                  Quote: Flood
                  I wrote that reducing the problem of insufficient fertility to a single indicator of the standard of living is a mistaken simplification.

                  I agree, there are many reasons. But for us, in particular, the main reason is the lack of confidence in the future and low incomes. And also in conditional free medicine and education. hi
      5. +3
        26 January 2022 22: 29
        I know non-poor people who have one child and live very modestly with five and six children.
        Quote: Ramon Merkader
        The birth rate rises along with the well-being of the population

        The problem is not only in the wallets, but also in the minds.
        Quote: Ramon Merkader
        and is directly proportional to its confidence in the future

        With such hysteria in the media and the standard of living of the majority, either a philosopher or a schizophrenic can talk about confidence.
        1. +2
          31 January 2022 11: 21
          I agree with you that the problem of fertility is more in the field of education and mentality. But in our country, direct financial support for the birth rate also led to a significant increase in its time. Now this factor has decreased, I think mainly due to high inflation, which has eaten a significant part of the mother's capital. But if, for example, now we double the capital and other payments for children, then I’m sure we will again see a significant surge in the birth rate. The same effect will be if, for example, raise the minimum wage by 1.5-2 times and at the same time reduce inflation to a minimum (which is hard to imagine, but let's do). Although money alone cannot fill the problem with factors for our Slavic (Muslims and the peoples of the Caucasus have problems with fertility, I think there is no such thing - there is a different mentality) there are really a lot of population.
          1. 0
            31 January 2022 19: 19
            Quote: garmonist
            Also, direct financial support for fertility led at one time to a significant increase

            Well, not much. Second children began to appear in the family. The third, as there were no in the vast majority of families, did not appear. And even then more often in small towns and rural areas, since for a normal city this amount is simply ridiculous.
            Muslims and the peoples of the Caucasus have problems with fertility, in my opinion, and so there is no other mentality

            Modernity changes even them. There are a lot of Azerbaijani families with a good income, where they bring up one child.
    2. +3
      26 January 2022 18: 56
      So capitalism was built 30 years ago, wasn't it?
      1. +4
        26 January 2022 19: 01
        For some reason it looks more like feudalism. It seems that nowhere and no one said that capitalism. Maybe I'm wrong.
        1. +2
          26 January 2022 21: 04
          Yes, you are mistaken, feudalism and capitalism have key differences, namely, the attitude to property and the method of appropriation of the surplus product.
        2. -1
          27 January 2022 17: 29
          So which is better capitalism or feudalism?
          1. +1
            27 January 2022 17: 31
            Radish horseradish is not sweeter. For me, socialism.
            1. -2
              30 January 2022 17: 16
              As practice has shown, socialism does not work in the long run.
    3. +1
      26 January 2022 19: 52
      we will not be able to build feudalism ... with all the "desire" it is already impossible for us ... system - capitalism is appropriate and ideology ... is still obvious)
    4. +3
      26 January 2022 20: 38
      Vintorez (Vintorez)! Probably we are building capitalism with "organically woven" elements of feudalism ...
      1. 0
        27 January 2022 16: 03
        This is closer to the truth.
  3. +3
    26 January 2022 18: 21
    Mother of God... what is this...
    1. +7
      26 January 2022 19: 18
      Quote: ElTuristo
      .what is this...

      This is the 4th volume...
  4. nnm
    26 January 2022 18: 27
    Honestly, the feeling that I read the novel "Utopia". Here is just one question: why on earth would the system of state capitalism, which has specific beneficiaries who have grown together with the authorities (or vice versa, no longer understand), change something by sharing with others? Yes, it, like any other system, will defend itself to the last.
    A simple example - for which the terms of governors were recently "nullified" (the same Sobyanin, Kadyrov, according to the previous law, could no longer be elected), for which today Moscow passed a law to reduce the number of municipal deputies (namely, they nominate the candidacy of the governor) ....
    The article is certainly good and the thoughts are correct, but in reality it fits into the thesis "I want world peace."
    1. -6
      26 January 2022 18: 37
      The beauty is that the above does not require the breaking of existing formations "under the root". This is a kind of kick that throws our society to a completely different level of consumption and market capacity. This state of affairs should be beneficial to both capitalists and ordinary citizens. capitalists get greater stability of the system and large profits in the domestic market + the potential for external expansion, the common man gets the stability he longed for + positive dynamics.
      1. nnm
        26 January 2022 18: 49
        I understand the meaning of what you wrote, but let's simplify the question further: in order to give something to someone (the people), you first need to take something away from someone. Attention, the question is: who are these someone (but this, to be honest, if the question is rhetorical) and how to take something away from them?
        Please, just don’t talk about elections after cleaning the field at 0 as with Grudinin, Platoshkin, after resetting the term of governors in electoral sultanates (Moscow, Tatarstan, Chechnya, where governors could no longer hold their posts under the old law), after the electronic mail, unification of districts , refusing to register parties, as with the same Navalny party (he personally is simply disgusting to me, but the fact remains) ... how can your proposals be implemented in the reality of modern Russia?
        I have one option - mass, namely mass personal voting against any representatives, not only those in the ruling party and its clones, but also those who hide as self-nominated. Elections at all levels. Theoretically, it is possible, practically. ..
        1. -4
          26 January 2022 18: 55
          How to "implement" is written in the article. If you mean "how to be in power to be the one who would take care of this" - this is beyond the idea. The idea tells how to get out of a bad situation - but it cannot answer the question of how to let people massively understand that they are in it, and even more so it does not answer the question "what should they do after that." Each person in danger acts differently, depending on this and further events develop. My task was to indicate that even in the current situation we hypothetically have quite a working version of Nadezhda.
          1. nnm
            26 January 2022 19: 05
            Yes, dear colleague, I immediately wrote that the ideas and thoughts are wonderful, but you see, you yourself use the term "hypothetically", which I said - yes, as a theory - super! As a guide to action - no. But in fact, I agree with you - the problem is not only in the authorities, but also in ourselves. Until we draw conclusions ourselves, until we ourselves follow the lead, nothing will change.
            Regards and thanks for a job well done hi
            1. +13
              26 January 2022 20: 37
              Quote: nnm
              ideas and thoughts are wonderful, but you see, you yourself use the term "hypothetically", which I said - yes, as a theory - super! As a guide to action - no.

              Quote: nnm
              Regards and thanks for a job well done

              I fully share your opinion. The article is a masterpiece (no jokes. I applaud standing.) of creativity from the category "Report of the General Director of PJSC "Horns and Hooves" at the annual meeting of shareholders on development plans for the next five years." Everything is beautiful. Everything seems to be real ... but, from the height of my age, I am almost sure that all bright and human-oriented ideas will be fucked up in the offices of our government and in the field. Bees will not go against honey. And it seems to me personally that social justice is now more in demand, such as: equality of all before the law, the inevitability of the operation of this very law, decent wages without a gap of tens and hundreds of times in the payroll of one enterprise, the availability of career growth in business, and not in related indicators, accessibility and quality of education, etc. If at least minimal social justice is ensured, then they will start giving birth to several children without any material state support, only on confidence in the future.
              PS I raised two children myself, without expecting anything and without receiving anything from the state, except for coupons for free children's kefir and milk.
              PPS The article is monumental. hi
          2. Aag
            27 January 2022 12: 29
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            How to "implement" is written in the article. If you mean "how to be in power to be the one who would take care of this" - this is beyond the idea. The idea tells how to get out of a bad situation - but it cannot answer the question of how to let people massively understand that they are in it, and even more so it does not answer the question "what should they do after that." Each person in danger acts differently, depending on this and further events develop. My task was to indicate that even in the current situation we hypothetically have quite a working version of Nadezhda.

            "How to "implement" is written in the article. If you mean "how to be in power to be the one who would take care of this" - this is beyond the idea ....
            It sounds something like "I know how to build a perpetual motion machine, but I don't discuss how to "defeat" the laws of friction, conservation of energy!"...
            1. 0
              27 January 2022 12: 40
              I can put it differently - if I mention the "revolutionary option" - the consequences will be sad, you understand) But, given that the Russian Guard is the 6th army of the planet, I myself hardly believe in the "power option". In addition, in the case of this very option, the Japanese are already waiting at our borders and NATO bases are gathering dust. Gentlemen are ready for a mess much more than you and I.
              If I mention "coming to power through democratic procedures" - there will be a lot of smart people like you who will start to make fun of how these very "procedures" work for us, and the discussion will slide into the trash can, completely leaving the point.
              If we discuss a "peaceful protest" like Mahatma Gandhi, it will be funny) Now people are being swindled in our country simply because they go past unauthorized actions - with all the consequences. There is no reason to believe that with the "children of flowers" it will be different.

              So, I repeat especially for you - a discussion on this topic is counterproductive, any Idea needs, first of all, to expand its supporters. This is the main lever of its formation. If she's attractive, she's attractive to most. If not, then everything remains as it is.
              1. Aag
                27 January 2022 14: 01
                Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                I can put it differently - if I mention the "revolutionary option" - the consequences will be sad, you understand) But, given that the Russian Guard is the 6th army of the planet, I myself hardly believe in the "power option". In addition, in the case of this very option, the Japanese are already waiting at our borders and NATO bases are gathering dust. Gentlemen are ready for a mess much more than you and I.
                If I mention "coming to power through democratic procedures" - there will be a lot of smart people like you who will start to make fun of how these very "procedures" work for us, and the discussion will slide into the trash can, completely leaving the point.
                If we discuss a "peaceful protest" like Mahatma Gandhi, it will be funny) Now people are being swindled in our country simply because they go past unauthorized actions - with all the consequences. There is no reason to believe that with the "children of flowers" it will be different.

                So, I repeat especially for you - a discussion on this topic is counterproductive, any Idea needs, first of all, to expand its supporters. This is the main lever of its formation. If she's attractive, she's attractive to most. If not, then everything remains as it is.

                There was no thought of making fun.
                Thanks for the smart... hi
      2. +9
        26 January 2022 19: 05
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        the above does not require the breaking of existing formations

        Hmm... Formally, it doesn't seem to be required, but in reality... how to make a conditional official look after the interests of the state, and not squeeze out business using his position? In general, we focus on
        The implementation of the idea is not considered in this article.
        . How to make a human-creator out of a human-consumer? Maybe all the same, this issue should be considered in the fifth part?
        1. +1
          26 January 2022 19: 11
          Thanks for the thought, I’ll write it down, I’ll think it over) Based on the totality of questions, I’ll decide here whether to do article 5.
  5. +7
    26 January 2022 18: 30
    Senseless demagoguery. For 35 years after they captured the USSR during their Perestroika, the enemies of the communists have already proved everything about themselves to everyone that they did, spoke and wrote, and nothing more will happen.
    What and to whom do all Russian enemies of the communists, critics of the Soviet planned economy "and now it's better than in the USSR"?
    With, to put it mildly, dishonest power, under a System with a huge income gap between the richest and richest criminals and parasites - and the people, under a "market economy", which is banal speculation, and parasitism due to the results of the work of Soviet communists and their supporters, exported from the Russian Federation on a huge scale natural resources on the principle of "even a flood after us", due to imports.
    With their ideology and the history of their country and people - "but we have nothing to do with it, it's all the communists and the West is to blame", "and we have nothing to do with it, it was in the USSR, we still disentangle", manic "sucking" of everything, what the communist Bolsheviks and their supporters did, how they worked and fought.
    Not a single fact from their 35 years proves that they can and will want to change something for the better for Russia and the Russian people.
  6. +6
    26 January 2022 18: 34
    It looks like the author is a professor from the Higher School of Economics (capitalism) working under the pseudonym Death knell.
    carries the same nonsense as his entire educational institution for the children of oligarchs and other millionaires.
    Better than the programs for the five-year plan of the party congresses of the CPSU, nothing has yet been invented. Even Putin took from there "about improving the welfare of the Soviet (sorry for the Russian people)" negative soldier
    1. -2
      26 January 2022 18: 42
      Well, I expected a "left landing", with your traditional "there is no alternative but Marxism-Leninism ...". Something I also do not observe a host of people who want to build all this, for about thirty years already. Rather, I observe a drop in the popularity of these ideas. So before you sing about the impracticability of the above, ask yourself the question - is it feasible what the left theorists postulate today? And what is being done for this?
      And most importantly, who will be interested in this? Proletariat? I haven't seen the left proletariat since the "thumping of helmets on the rails" in the 90s.
      Unfortunately, most of the modern leftists, which I had the honor to read, can endlessly castigate modernity, but in terms of specific measures “how to get out of it”, nothing looms beyond their worn-out fantasies in the style of “take away ... everything as before ... ideology .. .profit!" .
      1. +9
        26 January 2022 18: 50
        Yes, even Putin's VTsIOM and FOM give the results of polls that the majority of Russian citizens are for the USSR and Stalin. And this is after 35 years of total slander against them by those who "now are better off than in the USSR." And the enemies of the USSR proved that they are not capable of honest, objective, adequate discussions about the Soviet and post-Soviet period, about WHAT and WHO is better for Russia and the Russian people.
        1. +6
          26 January 2022 19: 59
          he does not observe, which means it does not exist.
          this scant, thoughtless to the end "logic" is seen everywhere in this "high school student's essay"
          I re-read "basis" three times - it was very funny. the author is not aware that the markets have already been divided and expansion will lead to clashes of interests, but in fact he calls for a collision with the interests of the PRC. even this primitive development of "thought" does not exist.
      2. +9
        26 January 2022 19: 15
        I don’t know about you in Moscow, but here in Siberia they became interested in Marxism-Leninism
        At home, I sometimes tell young university professors what the idea of ​​socialism and communism is, how the district committees of the party worked, how they tried and improved the lives of workers. How they moved from barracks to comfortable apartments according to the number of family members, and not now how much money is enough. Everyone worked and everyone who wanted to study.
        There were a lot of problems, but somehow they solved it, attracted competent specialists and built, built and produced products, maybe not of very high quality, but they tried very hard.
        There was a shortage, because they did not have time to produce consumer goods, having received apartments, people wanted to live beautifully and comfortably. And the party understood this, but had no experience in everyday life. For tanks, planes, spaceships, yes, but for consumerism, no
        Correctly, commentators here ask the question, what kind of system do you propose? How will the profits be distributed in the end? How much do oligarchs, millionaires, billionaires need to finally gorge themselves. negative soldier
        1. -4
          26 January 2022 19: 22
          The system is capitalism with an increasing social burden and a state monopoly on the extraction and distribution of resources in the interests of domestic, private business.
          "how the profit will be distributed" - outside the boundaries of social projects in a purely market way. The state helps to reach the consumer to the level of the "lower middle class", the labor force to the level of "professional motivated worker", most effectively information and analytically connects the participants in capital relations on its trust platform - then themselves.
          1. +6
            26 January 2022 19: 48
            It seems to me that the answer "Everything is from God" will be more correct than your construction of capitalism. I suspect you've never been in business. Go to some factory, ask the foreman how he professionally motivates workers? Ask an older person who worked then and now with an increasing social burden. Maybe you'll be lucky to see the left proletariat. soldier
      3. +8
        26 January 2022 19: 20
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        in terms of specific measures "how to get out of" nothing looms beyond their worn-out fantasies in the style of "take away ... everything as before ... ideology ... profit!" .

        And your article is a fantasy on the above topic. In fact, you want the government to rob itself.
        1. +1
          26 January 2022 19: 23
          From the point of view of the current government, yes. From the point of view of "authority" as responsible for the development and growth of the potential of subsidiary farming, it is exclusively not. Which one do you mean by "power"? The one that exists or the one that, in theory, should be in any state?
          1. +10
            26 January 2022 19: 33
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            From the point of view of "authority" as responsible for the development and growth of the potential of subsidiary farming, it is exclusively not.

            We don't have that kind of power. The HSE lecturer, tax specialist Mishustin, is sitting in our prime minister’s chair, and he’s thinking more about how to count all the chickens and pigeons, and not about the growth of some kind of potential, and look, Vespasian will outdo it soon.
            1. -4
              27 January 2022 17: 44
              And he thinks correctly - in the shadow economy of Russia, 20 trillion is spinning every year, so let him count all the "doves" without exception and create an appropriate system to control the income and expenses of all citizens - there will be much less economic crimes and the budget will be replenished as it should.
          2. +7
            26 January 2022 20: 17
            Which one do you mean by "power"?

            Knell, let me tell you a "terrible secret".
            State capitalism is being built in Russia, excluding any petty initiative that is not affiliated with large-scale capitalist production.
            State capitalism presupposes that the capitalist and the bureaucrat share the profits from the exploitation of the working people in half, between themselves. Any spontaneous small private initiative will gradually come to naught so that, on the one hand, foreign suppliers of products to our country such as China and others, if any, remain, and on the other hand, to exclude the growth of a small preprinter in the middle, and medium - into a large, able to compete with the state-capitalist enterprise. And then you see, in the symbiosis of an official with a capitalist, such a quick one, trained in conditions of real competition, will take away the food base wassat )))
            My God! ... How much we have already talked about this!
            It's just that you have recently been at VO and are unfamiliar with our debate on this topic. Everything was considered, everything! And everything is ground to the bone.
            1. +2
              26 January 2022 20: 27
              Lyudmila Yakovlevna, you seem to have read me, but you completely missed the point. I perfectly see what is being "built" in Russia - and I point out that we will not arrive anywhere, no matter what is thought there, in the high halls. It doesn’t matter what kind of debate there was - I already see from the comments that many "debaters" were flying around the lamp like midges, that's all the flow of thought. Endless, useless dissipation of Soviet antiquity, with aspirations and attempts to breathe its life-giving power into the current state of affairs. With attempts to dig out the answer in the writings of long-decayed theoreticians of Marxism-Leninism and Stalinism, what should they actually do? What line from the "Kabbalah" to read by candlelight in the "Hour of the Ox", so that suddenly, in a puff of smoke, a man in a leather jacket would appear and, with systematic sawing and prohibitions, did everything again Chotko. This will NOT happen, Lord, my God)) All these thoughts going around in a circle and endless grave digging will lead to nothing. We need to study today's day, today's alignment, and move from fruitless discussions to reflections on how it is possible to transform society from point A (current) in 2 generations to point B (desired). Discussions and sighs beyond this, which, I have no doubt, have been hotly fought for 20 and 30 years - it's all EMPTY.
              1. +7
                26 January 2022 20: 42
                Dear Knell, it so happened that, unexpectedly for myself, I gave an accurate analysis of what the USSR really was and why it was naturally rejected by the authorities themselves - an analysis in the "History" section, on the topic "Cannons of the Penza Fortress". There are three of my huge comments in a row. If you read them, you will be surprised. I repeat, there are three comments. I actually wrote them for your last article, but I didn’t want to get involved in any discussions, because there is neither spiritual strength nor health. I stopped at 91. What happened next is clear to me, and maybe I will write a comment about this, but again, on history. Maybe it will not be in the topic of the article, but again I will brazenly exploit the patience of the respected Author wassat )))
                It's just that there is still fatigue from useless conversations, you'll forgive me)))
                1. +3
                  27 January 2022 16: 18
                  Hello, Lyudmila Yakovlevna!
                  in the "History" section, on the topic "Cannons of the Penza Fortress". There are three of my huge comments in a row.

                  I read those reflections with great interest, because and he himself came to the same conclusions in due time (although he missed one point - another reason for the aggressiveness of the West towards Russia). But he did not bother to answer, the time was already late. Now, taking this opportunity, I eliminate the flaw and allow myself to recommend you the book by M. Voslensky "Nomenclature" (available in the public domain in various formats). Voslensky himself is still a fruit, a runaway functionary apparatchik of the Central Committee. However, his opus makes it possible to better understand both the psychology of the nomenklatura and bureaucratic brethren, and some of the mechanisms for the formation of this structure.
                  Best regards, hi
                  1. +1
                    27 January 2022 16: 34
                    Dear Michael, thank you for your feedback. In fact, it was a hasty recording of thoughts so that they would not leave. And thanks for the book recommendation. So, then, M. VOSLENSKY, "Nomenklatura". I make a note to myself in my own comments so that the author and the title do not go into oblivion due to my absent-mindedness)))
                    This means that people understood, thought about the essence of bureaucracy.
                2. +1
                  27 January 2022 22: 55
                  Quote: depressant
                  Maybe it will not be in the topic of the article, but again I will brazenly exploit the patience of the respected Author)))

                  Yes, he will be happy. He gets a penny from the comments.
                  1. +1
                    28 January 2022 07: 14
                    Vladimir, good morning!)))
                    But we are not talking about that now.
      4. -2
        27 January 2022 00: 20
        Unfortunately, in the comments, most people still dream about the Soviet Union and it is difficult for them to explain your ideas, judging by the minuses that you got
        1. +1
          27 January 2022 00: 43
          The trouble is that I don’t understand what a solid part of them are dreaming about) Recognizing the difficult state of affairs, it seems to them that this is quite enough - they are not interested in stepping over this line, they do not consider it useful. Sitting and waiting for the Messiah or the Fuhrer is far less energy consuming than trying to think about what is wrong and how to do better. I believe that many people in power are flesh-of-the-flesh of the same sad logic - for them everything goes as it goes, they have their own piece-piece-piece, and the complete absence of large-scale Ideas as it could be otherwise.
      5. Aag
        27 January 2022 08: 13
        "... Unfortunately, most of the modern leftists, which I had the honor to read, can endlessly castigate modernity, but in terms of specific measures" how to get out of "they do not loom anything further than worn out fantasies in the style of" take away ... everything as before.. .ideology... profit!" ..."
        Well, so you went even further in your fantasies - you offer them, the capitalists, conditionally and not conditionally speaking, to voluntarily give up "acquired"!
        1. -2
          27 January 2022 12: 22
          Where do I suggest that the capitalists "give" something? Are you talking about a proposal to stabilize prices for resources produced in the country? It is necessary to pay off inflation. Capitalists also suffer from inflation, just like you and me. Without this, we will not have an increase in the capacity of the domestic market, and this, too, is profit for them. So don't look at it as "give away what you have" - ​​it's a mutually beneficial compromise.
          1. Aag
            27 January 2022 13: 20
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            Where do I suggest that the capitalists "give" something? Are you talking about a proposal to stabilize prices for resources produced in the country? It is necessary to pay off inflation. Capitalists also suffer from inflation, just like you and me. Without this, we will not have an increase in the capacity of the domestic market, and this, too, is profit for them. So don't look at it as "give away what you have" - ​​it's a mutually beneficial compromise.

            In almost every paragraph of my article. After reading all the comments, I was convinced that I was far from the first to pay attention to this. (I apologize to those commentators whose thoughts and remarks I involuntarily repeated).
            Or did you not read it yourself? They vary from point to point only: to share profits, to cede power, authority ... Why would China or Turkey suddenly give up markets to us? (and for what !!).
            ...Looks like we're going in circles...
  7. +1
    26 January 2022 18: 35
    Mnogabukaf. Niasilil. sad
    Perhaps there is something sensible in the article. But man proposes .. and God disposes.
    As for demographics .. Yes, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus need to be connected. And find the Righteous and just goal of the life of the people. Then the demographics will trample.
  8. +6
    26 January 2022 18: 41
    Any plans can be made ... the question is, who will implement them?
    , I understand that in the world there has long been an angry tendency that citizens do not trust their national governments, elites and leaders ... ask the question, why is this happening ??? is it worth it?
    Each answer will have its supporters, the only difference will be who will be more!!!
    When there is no faith, or rather objective reasons for it, how can something work effectively, fruitfully???
    1. +1
      26 January 2022 18: 51
      While we decide - "more" will be our neighbors. Left-right, subtract or divide - it won't matter. I think that I generally outlined where to get the money from, how to raise the demographics, how to start an effective movement without tearing the country apart with a sledgehammer. We like ideas - we develop them, we don't like them - we criticize them. There are others - we add.
      1. +3
        26 January 2022 19: 07
        That's right... a forward plan, it's not a rut you can't get out of!
        This is the direction of movement, and in the process there are options, different ways of solving problems.
        But again I have to remind you that without an intelligent helmsman, mechanic, and auxiliary workers, our truck, even a tractor, will not get out of the quagmire!
        Again ... great things can be planned by one person, even a group of like-minded people, but they will have to be done by the WHOLE WORLD!
        Otherwise, I can't imagine.
        1. +3
          26 January 2022 19: 14
          Actually, this is why I am primarily interested in the dialogue with you, the Readers. Secondly, your ability to interest your friends and acquaintances in this material - and thus expand the discussion and thought search. I am not interested in money or fame in this matter - I see that the current trends are leading us to decline, and like any more or less patriotic person, this cannot but excite me.
          1. +3
            26 January 2022 19: 39
            Unfortunately, those who are "offended for the state" are not just like a dying class.
            Although the urya, the urya of patriots, does not become smaller anywhere and in no way.
            And so, in the environment, there is enough of everyone and the range of moods, such as me, does not please in any way.
            If you look, remember, the topic "where the Motherland begins", this was a serious aspect of educating the younger generation of our country!
            However, in other states, in Mary, he was surprised no less !!!
            But how recently it began, not Christmas trees for the country, but trance, space for a person, so everything, in many places, went wrong. Which there are objective reasons, of course ....
            In general, all of us, a significant part of humanity, the state, are waiting for not the best of times, alas and ah. In another way, it is unlikely to succeed .... this needs to be changed a lot, in each country.
  9. +6
    26 January 2022 18: 44
    12-storey building with underground garage
    Cottages are more convenient and (except for the speculative cost of land) cheaper. In addition, a plot of land is a serious help in the event of the arrival of a polar fox.
    1. +2
      26 January 2022 18: 58
      Undoubtedly better. But from the point of view of gasification, electricity supply, water supply, central heating, they are worse and more costly. As long as we do not have a certain standard of living, a cottage building will not suit us. Cottages, moreover, mean that larger areas will have to be cleared of snow, larger routes to be provided with public transport - these are all costs. Or a larger number of people will be forced to transfer to the "iron horse" - but can they afford it? All this is the prospect of a more prosperous society, as for me.
      1. +2
        26 January 2022 19: 09
        central heating
        Individual heating is cheaper and more convenient. And the accident on the site will not freeze the entire street. In addition, cottages can be built from inexpensive (relatively) wood.
        1. +1
          27 January 2022 13: 41
          Quote: Bolt Cutter

          Individual heating can also be done in MKD, modern boilers are very safe and energy efficient. hi
          1. 0
            27 January 2022 13: 45
            Well, in any case, we would have to create some samples of effective solutions for the village. Thanks for the interesting information! Cottage construction, as I see it, is a somewhat more prosperous option than the conditional "12-storey building". A resident of a high-rise building can use the common. transport, a resident of cottage development will have to have a car, spend money on its maintenance, gasoline, etc. As far as I see it, this is not the best solution for the resettlement of low-income families, although I may be wrong.
          2. +1
            27 January 2022 13: 57
            modern boilers
            You can, if the boiler is gas. A multi-fuel boiler with a supply of liquid / solid fuel is even cheaper and will protect against possible interruptions in gas supply and a rise in gas prices. (if prices in the world remain at their current level, then prices in Russia will inevitably rise too).
            1. -1
              27 January 2022 14: 06
              Quote: Bolt Cutter
              A multi-fuel boiler with a supply of liquid / solid fuel is even cheaper and will protect against possible interruptions in gas supply and a rise in gas prices. (

              "Cartoon" at the cost of heating is much higher than gas. Versatility in terms of multi-fuel yes, and nothing more. Otherwise, the "cartoon" loses, both in terms of efficiency, and in terms of its cost, and in terms of operating costs. And you can't place it in an apartment either. hi
              1. 0
                27 January 2022 14: 15
                It is more expensive, but you can stock up on fuel. And if there is little, do not be left without heat.
                you can't place it in an apartment.

                These small cottages are being built in England as social housing (there are more, of course). Something like this will do.
                1. +1
                  27 January 2022 14: 23
                  With individual construction, of course, but when calculating the cost, we came to the conclusion that an electric boiler is still better as a backup boiler. For with a standard backup boiler connection scheme, the system will not work without electricity. Unless, of course, you are not smart with the functioning of natural circulation. Or with a generator. In short, smart.
                  And as a crisis source of heat, you can provide either a fireplace or a turbo oven on a solarium (working out), which can be stored in the garage. hi
                2. +1
                  27 January 2022 14: 25
                  As far as I understand, a large-scale low-rise building in our climate is not the best idea. I'll try to explain why (maybe I'm wrong).
                  1) Our space and saturation of infrastructure is much lower than in England. Moving between different, distant points will cost a pretty penny
                  2) Problem 2 follows from this - the operating costs of a personal car for a significant proportion of people in our society are now unbearable. Even if their well-being is doubled, these expenses will be a significant part of their expenses, which, in general, is an unaffordable luxury.
                  3) In this situation, the summing up of communications and the establishment of a roadway of sufficient quality will be much more expensive than with a multi-storey building. At the same time, the economic profitability of this will be much lower, because we are spraying not the middle of the middle class, but, in fact, the least wealthy strata. That is, the losses on them, a purse or a purse of the state from the operation of this, will be greater than with a high-rise building.
                  4) The roads themselves in our climate experience an increased destructive effect of temperature changes. That is, they will have to be repaired regularly or built more expensively, but repaired somewhat less regularly. where there is a high concentration of tax officials and industry - these measures can be scattered on business, in other places the state will have to deal with this. At the beginning of the plan (10-20 years), spending will be enough without it.

                  But I agree, it looks better than high-rise buildings. High-rise buildings are a convenient compromise and not ideal.
                  1. +1
                    27 January 2022 14: 33
                    1. If we consider the price of land allocated by the state for development as 0 (in Russia, unlike England, there are no problems with this), then even taking into account communications and roads, the construction of low-rise buildings will be cheaper.
                    2. The house can be subsequently (twins wink ) expand.
                    3. The site can be a real help in case of emergency.
                    4. Increased fire safety.
                    5. Transport - one bus without traffic jams (and where do they come from in such an area) will serve many streets and farms.
                    6. It is possible to build partially from wood, which is still plentiful in Russia.
                    7. Based on the experience of England, I can say that high-rise buildings with affordable housing are turning into criminal ghettos.
      2. +1
        26 January 2022 19: 13
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        All this is the prospect of a more prosperous society, as for me.

        Not necessary. With a clear and sensible approach, any issue is a task of clear planning and implementation of the same level of conceived plans.
        I won’t say that it’s so easy to create and organize it here, but we, in the outback, not spoiled by the care of the central authorities, have learned to live in spite of all hardships!
        We live normally, with the exception of absolutely idlers who are used to waiting for manna from heaven and doing nothing themselves, even for themselves.
      3. +5
        27 January 2022 13: 39
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        central heating - worse and more costly

        I will tell you a secret - central heating is more costly in terms of efficiency than individual heating, which excludes heat losses during the transportation of the coolant, and depreciation of networks. Unless, of course, your MKD does not have an individual boiler room.
        I'm telling you this as a professional plumber. hi
  10. +8
    26 January 2022 18: 45
    we have an opportunity - a significant proportion of the Russian-speaking population outside the country. These people - with their money, skills - we can and must attract, including preferential granting of citizenship, preferential mortgages, better conditions for doing business and a better social program than our neighbors. If successful in this field, these citizens will invest in the country's economy and in the fund
    - most of these citizens do not want to invest in any funds (especially in all sorts of "Supports ...") and will find how not to "invest" lol .

    A minority of them left for political reasons. And the majority left for a very offensive reason: having earned some money, they saw life abroad and realized that for the same money that they spend in the Russian Federation, they can live better in Spain, Greece, Cyprus, etc.
    And no one will "come" to them (although some complained about .... the arrivals of "there are no such organizations" almost upon arrival), and when "leaving" and not finding anything, they will not say "well, the guys and I worked, we would ... . thousand roubles.". As if wealthy people have a slightly different attitude towards themselves.

    Separate pity, of course, is caused by the "people's servants" and "patriot oligarchs" living "in two houses". Family, mistresses and dogs/cats have been living, studying and breeding abroad for a long time.
    And the "servants of the people" and "oligarchs patriots" are forced to return to ... (guess what they call their "place of work") and make money "as it should", watching through the car window "that's all." Moreover, in the tides of patriotism, Brioni/Zegna are not torn, and Gazziano-grilling is not crushed - either done to the conscience and to order by hand, or the emotions are not the same ...

    And those rentiers or professionals who have left the country and whose income allows them to live “at their own discretion” will return if, firstly, they receive more in the Russian Federation (and the difference will be noticeable) and secondly, when “investment the climate will improve and the child can be safely let out on the street.

    Especially - to tears - I was touched by the idea of ​​the author to chip in two mowers into a special fund. Especially it went right against the background of this background:
    Officially, the average salary in our country is 51 thousand rubles. Of course, this is a reason to smile. Empirically, I would be more inclined towards the figure of 25 thousand rubles. (smile and wave wassat )

    The bottom line is that the largest funds for development and demographics - we will not take from anywhere except from these 80 million people. laughing This is a sad thought, but at the same time quite interesting.

    Suppose toEach worker will allocate 2 rubles in taxes to the FSR per month. In a year, we have a figure of almost 2 trillion rubles.

    To better understand the scale of this figure, our budget in 2020 was 20,2 trillion rubles. That is, in a year, able-bodied citizens can thus generate about 10% of the country's annual budget.

    This is a huge amount of money that can and should be used as a basis for the modernization and development of the state. wassat

    This figure can be scattered in the form of a progressive tax - to a lesser extent for those whose salary is less than 25 thousand rubles, to a greater extent - for those who have it above 40-50.

    Maybe part of this amount at the beginning of the plan (1-3 years) would be reasonable to withdraw from pensions - according to the author's estimates, this is an amount of about 300 rubles per month.

    Well, that is, the author does not even want to ask how much the state keeps in "pods" (from all sorts of wonderful funds to the profits of state companies). Or about the scale of corruption, at least according to the Accounts Chamber. We will once again "put the money on pensioners." Fuck up the plan.
    1. +1
      26 January 2022 19: 02
      The figures are mentioned in the article - if we need money for children and large-scale construction of free housing, then the 11 trillion "stabilization fund" will stupidly melt like smoke. You see, all these programs require tens of trillions of rubles. Otherwise, there will be extinction, migrants, 1.1% on science, mortgages at 15% and other delights, and so on. Of course, I understand that the idea of ​​\uXNUMXb\uXNUMXb"combing pennies" seems like blasphemy - but to lie and die as a state and civilization in the throes of inflation - is this not more blasphemy?
      1. +8
        26 January 2022 19: 15
        Hmm, well, before we "scratch the pennies" let's look at least in 2 capsules:

        1. "The international reserves of the Russian Federation have renewed their historical maximum and amounted to $638,2 billion on January 14. This is evidenced by the data of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, published on Thursday, January 20." - well, you don’t need to touch it, suddenly the Olympics and we are not ready.
        Or how?

        2. "The NWF is a reserve of money formed from oil and gas revenues and invested in financial assets and currency. Funded pensions of people are co-financed with money from the NWF. As of November 1, 2021, the volume of the NWF was 13,945 trillion rubles ($197,746 billion)" Well, here you are, a few trillion, enough for the first time? This money is just for such a case. Invest - I don't want to.

        We are not watching the rest of the capsules yet, how the NWF is "about .... investing", we can talk about them.

        And retirees, too, let's later. After you are "thrown" information into the topic, what will happen to the economy if you act according to your plan.
        1. -1
          26 January 2022 19: 18
          Propose a plan that is commensurate in terms of efficiency to solve the demo problem and create a parallel multi-trillion fund with low interest rates - then we'll talk. In the meantime, all this is a distraction from the essence.
          1. +10
            26 January 2022 19: 33
            1. The fund already exists.
            2. If you "swung" at solving dem problems, then first you can read about the "demographic transition" and ways to stimulate the birth rate ... in this case it is generally impossible to "scratch pennies", it is "penacs" that is the remedy for the "nuclear family" and "chailfree"...
            1. -1
              26 January 2022 19: 40
              If everything is as cool as you write, why don't we see emergency measures on quite tangible problems? Here, there is money - are they now somehow helping to extinguish inflation? There is a drop in the birth rate - is something trying to compensate for it by the 13 trillion and 700+ billion dollars you indicated? I do not see it. All this talk about the "demographic transition" is an excellent backdrop for the plant to us throughout Central Asia.
              1. +10
                26 January 2022 19: 56

                You ask the right questions, and the right question is half the answer.

                Let's start with the simplest "factory to us throughout Central Asia":
                Low labor productivity does not allow refusing to hire migrants to work at Russian construction sites, Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin said on RTVI.
                "Our people are not ready to work 12 hours (a day - ed.) for 50 thousand rubles. Migrants are ready. Due to this, the cost of construction is reduced," Khusnullin said.

            2. +3
              26 January 2022 20: 03
              Right on the bull's-eye...)
              1. +2
                26 January 2022 21: 53
                What are you all about "pennies" ...
                It has already been announced that the retirement age will be raised again next year. Grandmothers and a few grandfathers, who are ready to look after their grandchildren and educate them along the way, are now completely excluded.
                1. +2
                  26 January 2022 23: 08
                  so we will win ... we will solve the problem)
  11. -4
    26 January 2022 18: 53
    By volume, almost Capital from K. Marx. In terms of usefulness - almost like Materialism and empirio-criticism from V. Ulyanov (Blanc).
  12. +3
    26 January 2022 19: 01
    You can put forward a lot of claims to the author. Why, for example, did the author not run his “brownies” 2.4 million in 20 years through the inflation calculator, setting the rate of at least 4 percent. And why does he think that housing will not rise in price at a faster pace than inflation, provided that the market economy is maintained? We have economic growth, baby boom - get outstripping price growth according to the laws of supply and demand.
    But these are nitpicks for the most part.

    The question is. Why should it be interesting, for example, to the middle class? People with an income of 80-200 thousand rubles a month, People who do not want to have more than 1-2 children? People fundamentally do not expect anything from the state and rely only on themselves. Why would they like the idea of ​​giving money to some foundation that will take care of their children when they turn 20? After all, this money can be invested in a conditional ETF on the SP500 in the long term, independently, without any intermediaries in the form of government subsidies? And give them to the child with his own hands.
    1. -4
      26 January 2022 19: 09
      Because the middle class is interested in improving the environment and stable growth, of course. Not all of these people sleep and see how they could go abroad, and for those who live quite well here, it’s not a problem to unfasten 2-3k from the income you indicated per month for growth and stability.
      As for inflation - the article explicitly states that I cannot assess the microeconomic consequences of what has been described, to assess this I need a skillful "Econ". If you are like that - you are welcome, paint in colors. If not, then I perfectly understand the potential risks even without you - but they will remain potential until they are correctly assessed in numbers.
      1. +6
        26 January 2022 19: 29
        Why should they unfasten on a system with unknown results if you can spend on yourself and your family?
        Do you understand that in the country, millions of citizens live with the figure for the state? Explicit or in your pocket? For them not to pay if you can not pay is a matter of principle. A kind of civil "negative"
        Threat And my tongue won't turn to blame them
        1. -1
          26 January 2022 19: 37
          Spend and save where? In a country with inflation over 10%? Think it's a middle class dream? In order for their savings to "burn", bank deposits were taxed? So that somewhere in the neighborhood a social protest would ripen and overripe, ready to explode like the Kazakhs at any moment, sweeping away cars and people in its path?
          1. +4
            26 January 2022 19: 49
            If you spend it - here and now
            If you save, then in dollars, buying them on local drawdowns.
            Even the ruble is not hopeless for savings / investments - in 2021, the yield spread was in favor of ruble-denominated securities. Of course this ended with the fall of the ruble at the end of the year, but it shows that even with the ruble there are options.
            There will be no social protest in Russia. We are not Kazakhstan or even Belarus. Here, the organizers of the rally against price increases receive warnings about extremism
            In order for people to reconsider their attitude towards the state, a completely clear signal "from above" is needed. And not a full house of Manilov's ideas.
            1. -1
              26 January 2022 19: 53
              Ahh .. well, wait for the weather by the sea then! hi
              1. 0
                26 January 2022 19: 57
                There are other options
                For example, do not listen to talkers. laughing
    2. +7
      26 January 2022 19: 23
      The question is. Why should it be interesting, for example, to the middle class?
      How why? So many times the state "nullified" its obligations to citizens, starting from all sorts of "loans" under the Soviet regime, ending with a miracle project with a funded pension:
      "Freeze savings
      In fact, employers continue to pay the previous percentage of contributions to the Pension Fund for their employees, but the latter do not form savings, and the funds are spent on paying insurance pensions to citizens who have already become pensioners.

      And of course, the middle class should be interested, but if, on the conditions of the author of the article, money is given to the state, firstly, how will it "love" them, and secondly, how will it "throw" this time? Isn't it interesting?
      In the 90s, with savings from Sberbank, it turned out beautifully through inflation ...
      1. +5
        26 January 2022 20: 01
        Someone below wrote about the political program.
        It will be funny if the author gets promoted through VO and we will still see him in United Russia or in the lining party
        Success story before our eyes.
        1. +5
          26 January 2022 20: 07
          ... if the Yabloko party rotted in the warehouse, and the New People party is no longer new ... and Zhirinovsky is already jumping so famously through the baths ...
          In principle, there is a chance for a good place in the State Duma under the slogan "people want to chip in two mowers, even" pennies "can be scratched for 300 rubles a piece" of course there is ... Everything is within the framework of the "people are new oil" concept.
          Well, at least the friendly VO team will know for sure whose idea was "two mowers from the nose"! bully
  13. +5
    26 January 2022 19: 11
    Well. I read it. Reminds the political program of any party. In principle, in my opinion, it is quite adequate. Unlike the programs of our lawmakers from the State Duma. But the question arises - who will do all this? The current government? What for? Perhaps some other power is needed. And who will miss it? Or maybe someone believes that we have fair elections? And it turns out that well, you expressed your vision of the development of the state, perhaps it is even smarter than what is happening, so what? Glazyev is not satisfied with the economic development, he was an adviser to the president, did he hear a lot? And he is, in principle, an academician. Platoshkin offers one thing, Delyagin another, And we will live, apparently, as the oligarchs say.
    1. +3
      26 January 2022 19: 34
      But the question arises - who will do all this?

      Do you know why I "harnessed" for so long before this part? Because we have a very large percentage of citizens still do not even understand HOW we need to achieve all these indicators. HOW we lag behind our neighbors. It just doesn't get to a lot of people. It seems to them that we live "well, poor, but in general, not so bad" - and right! that's how we live. And we will be today, tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow. And then everything.
      So, I would really like that, according to previous articles, at least some of these people feel the sigh of this "everything .." in numbers. Maybe that will change something.
      1. +3
        26 January 2022 21: 29
        Well, plus you for the article and for what they answered. Nice job putting it all together. But I still think that the current leadership of the country will not move in this direction. And fundamentally another, it seems, can not be pushed through. Something like this.
        1. +4
          26 January 2022 21: 31
          Here we agree with you. The fact that I can roughly imagine "how we could survive and heal" is not equal to the fact that I believe in the current government or its life-giving force. Generally speaking, this article would not exist at all if I believed, at least a little.
      2. Aag
        27 January 2022 09: 04
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        But the question arises - who will do all this?

        Do you know why I "harnessed" for so long before this part? Because we have a very large percentage of citizens still do not even understand HOW we need to achieve all these indicators. HOW we lag behind our neighbors. It just doesn't get to a lot of people. It seems to them that we live "well, poor, but in general, not so bad" - and right! that's how we live. And we will be today, tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow. And then everything.
        So, I would really like that, according to previous articles, at least some of these people feel the sigh of this "everything .." in numbers. Maybe that will change something.

        Thank you for the kind message...
        But a significant part of those present at the VO (according to experience, age, education, finally) are well aware that it will not be better. And faster and faster ... Your article, the comments under it, once again convince.
        And, by the way, pay attention - something is not visible here jingoistic patriots telling on other branches about unprecedented economic growth. It seems that they are now throwing England with "Sarmatians" there, they are ironing the Baltic states with "Caliber", "Armata".
        1. +1
          27 January 2022 12: 25
          So let's turn on our heads and think about how to organize everything so that there is no Spanish shame for the way everything is -) Part of our society has concentrated on the problem, not on the solution. This is a bad position.
          1. Aag
            27 January 2022 13: 29
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            So let's turn on our heads and think about how to organize everything so that there is no Spanish shame for the way everything is -) Part of our society has concentrated on the problem, not on the solution. This is a bad position.

            Good message...
            Just agree that in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to understand it and comprehensively study it.
            They didn’t notice - now doctors first of all require a signature on consent to treatment (and, in private clinics, a CHEK), they give out a list of medicines, referral for additional. examination ... And DS (diagnosis) is written extremely rarely ...
  14. +6
    26 January 2022 19: 15
    Again, twenty-five!
    Show me the supporters of capitalism! Those who really want to live by the laws, pay taxes (not those that pay today), conduct an open business and produce specific products ... Fuck you will find this!
    Private enterprise is good when it comes to services. There is space and an immense field of activity. If we take heavy machine building, machine tool building, road construction, housing (taking into account architecture and urban planning), etc., then we cannot do without state planning and subsidies.
    On the one hand, they curse the aggressors and Russophobes, and on the other hand, they trade with them for personal gain. Yes!!! Not for the development of the Russian economy, but for the sake of maintaining their own profits.
    Hundreds of times it was agreed, so I will not repeat. Let me remind you, because the relevance of the topic has not been exhausted:

    Especially today the pain of the great is clear:
  15. +5
    26 January 2022 19: 22
    Program "500 years"?
  16. +3
    26 January 2022 19: 38
    The bottom line is that we will not take the largest funds for development and demography from anywhere except from these 80 million people. This is a sad thought, but at the same time quite interesting.

    Is it okay that we are already poor, there is simply nothing to take from us? Forgive me for being rude, but in full growth the question is about the food of children. Any decent parent will make an unambiguous choice in favor of his child, if he is put in front of a question - feeding the child or your projects. It would be much more fair to dispossess the oligarchy, these people have something to take. Get out of our pockets.
    1. 0
      26 January 2022 19: 52
      Well, let's think about "dispossessing the oligarchy." Here, we have super rich people. And they have a lot of money. Are they that big, by the way? Here we take Potanin and 10 oligarchs following him from the Forbes List. Potanin's fortune is 27 billion dollars. The state of the first ten is somewhat less. For the convenience of the account, we stupidly believe that everyone has 27 billion dollars. It turns out -270 billion dollars. At the current exchange rate (79 rubles), this is ~21 trillion rubles. Big money? Large. And everything seems to be just BUT. Suppose we wanted to dispossess all this. And they came up with this idea. Suppose we even have a solid electoral base. But even under ideal conditions, power will not be tomorrow, and not the day after tomorrow. And these people (besides the fact that their main funds are abroad) will literally have a lot of time to bring it all abroad. If necessary, they will take out the business by jets and ships. And by the time he comes to power, only a few trillion will remain in the country from all this splendor. AND THE OTHER HAVE TO SEARCH. Abroad. Scoop out of funds, prove in court. A teaspoon a year. This will NOT bring money to the country - just deal with it. Only in some children's fairy tale, the bourgeois sits in his castle on a pile of gold. The most accessible means for change, I repeat, are those 80 million people.
      1. +3
        26 January 2022 21: 49
        But you understand that this is so villainous. 25 thousand is a miserable penny, even one cannot live fully on such money. And quite often it happens that in some fabulous way a whole family survives on these dust particles ... And you so easily offer to withdraw another 2 thousand from them. Do you even understand what a blow to the family budget this is, in fact, you are deliberately pushing millions of families out of poverty into poverty - and at the same time you dare to declare the growth of the domestic market. And you also declare that this is not for long, for several years ... But you forget that these few years still need to be stretched somehow - and not everyone will live, these thousands of non-survivors will only be on your conscience. And besides, we are all too well taught by Russian realities. Truly, it is not in vain that they say: there is nothing more permanent than temporary. That is, such a policy of targeted impoverishment of the people will actually last for many years and decades - the question immediately arises: how is this better than the current state of affairs? After all, even now people are getting poorer every year. I'm sorry, but your idea doesn't even stand up to philistine scrutiny.
        1. -2
          26 January 2022 22: 00
          How about "offering is not easy"? Disguise it somehow, in the form of taxes? Do you even know that the vast majority of funds from the state are taken from these very 80 million people?) Not from oil or gas, but from these funny guys who receive already thoroughly gnawed salaries in their hands. That is life ! That's the way it works - I didn't invent it. And the alternative to this is this - there will be no fund and measures to extinguish inflation - there will be a mortgage of 15%, and then these people will really be KIRDIK. They will live like herring in a barrel and breed like Tasmanian wolves - and they would probably be happy to spread it for hope and 3k - but no. And there is no hope - it’s stupid that in fact they have, then it will be to the grave. Here is the best "philistine check" for you. The law of conservation of matter and energy - something, somewhere, is taken when it was taken away somewhere else. And this is ALWAYS the case. Someone pays. If no one pays, then everything is in decline.
      2. +4
        26 January 2022 22: 26
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        This will NOT bring money to the country - just deal with it. Only in some children's fairy tale, the bourgeois sits in his castle on a pile of gold. The most accessible means for change, I repeat, are those 80 million people.

        That is, the state will not receive anything from them. They will pay for everything ... well, we. For 10 years, a comparable amount with the 10 richest. Then maybe let them go with all their
        savings. There they will find a way to rob them if there is no Russia behind them. Or are there ways to get some part for this project?
        1. 0
          26 January 2022 22: 37
          The only chance to "milk the bourgeois" is not to scare them away with the next fierce social experiments. To give them the opportunity to conduct a highly efficient private business here - in the extractive industry on the terms of stabilizing prices within the state for extracted raw materials, in the manufacturing industry on a number of conditions that can be worked out at the legislative level. You don't like the oligarchs, I don't like them, almost everyone doesn't like them. But this is a given. These people have a lot of opportunities, if not to spoil any authorities, then at least to avoid "chess". However, here they have an "anchor" and you can benefit from this by involving the funds of these people and their intelligence (and some have some kind of patriotic feelings) in major projects within the country. Yes, they will benefit them. But beneficial to everyone. I think it's possible within certain limits.
          1. 0
            26 January 2022 22: 40
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            I think it's possible within certain limits.

            I think yes. Not in relation to all, of course, but someone among them loves the Motherland, worries about the current state.
          2. Aag
            27 January 2022 09: 14
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            The only chance to "milk the bourgeois" is not to scare them away with the next fierce social experiments. To give them the opportunity to conduct a highly efficient private business here - in the extractive industry on the terms of stabilizing prices within the state for extracted raw materials, in the manufacturing industry on a number of conditions that can be worked out at the legislative level. You don't like the oligarchs, I don't like them, almost everyone doesn't like them. But this is a given. These people have a lot of opportunities, if not to spoil any authorities, then at least to avoid "chess". However, here they have an "anchor" and you can benefit from this by involving the funds of these people and their intelligence (and some have some kind of patriotic feelings) in major projects within the country. Yes, they will benefit them. But beneficial to everyone. I think it's possible within certain limits.

            "... The only chance to" milk the bourgeois "is not to scare them away with the next fierce social experiments ..."
            Was little done for them? So that they lost fear in general ?!
            Well, that's all ...: "Oh, in a dispute, I burned the store of warmth of the soul,
            And the valves and liners flew off ... "V.S. Vysotsky.
            1. 0
              27 January 2022 12: 28
              If you have a working, 100% effective option for expropriating "everything stolen" - go to his studio! If not, I wrote here a little lower to one Reader that the "expra" as the majority represents it will never happen. They will have time to withdraw assets, hide them offshore so that later they will never be dug out. And most of them leave. And that's it - this money will be lost for the country. Other reasoning is a beautiful jingoistic demagoguery. You apparently have a poor idea of ​​the abilities of people who have at least a couple of billion dollars in their cheek. An hour is such a person in New York.
              1. Aag
                27 January 2022 13: 49
                Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                If you have a working, 100% effective option for expropriating "everything stolen" - go to his studio! If not, I wrote here a little lower to one Reader that the "expra" as the majority represents it will never happen. They will have time to withdraw assets, hide them offshore so that later they will never be dug out. And most of them leave. And that's it - this money will be lost for the country. Other reasoning is a beautiful jingoistic demagoguery. You apparently have a poor idea of ​​the abilities of people who have at least a couple of billion dollars in their cheek. An hour is such a person in New York.

                Thanks, I read...
                That is, not being able to defeat the oligarchy, you propose to legitimize it in every possible way?
                This has already been done before you. The hopes that the bourgeoisie would become more merciful to the population did not materialize (and could not be justified, the teachings of K. Marx and followers were buried early).
                In addition, some have already indicated in the comments that this will lead, yes it has already led, to the fact that the people will not become one with such a state, will not be led to any promises ...
  17. LCA
    26 January 2022 19: 50
    Economic miracle of the USSR 1917-1953 - a consequence of the fact that the Bolsheviks opened up opportunities for the personal development of hundreds of millions of people in several generations, and these people realized the opportunities for personal development that were open to them in practice, creating the power of the USSR.
    The history of the USSR and Russia after 1953 to the present is an indicator of the fact that as opportunities for personal development and the realization of creative potential in life are closed, the economy and society as a whole are degrading.
    The conclusion is simple:
    • All actions aimed at the personal development of people and justice in the life of society are always unconditionally supported from Above.
    • All other actions are supported or suppressed from Above, depending on the circumstances.
    The Bolsheviks work for personal development as an engine of social development in justice. And accordingly, without solving the problem of personal development and realization of the creative potential of millions of people, a new Russian economic miracle will be impossible.
    And in order for it to become a reality, it is necessary to recognize the correctness of the Bolsheviks in the historical past (even with their mistakes and with the abuses of the “hugging in”) and not slander them, raising to the rank of innocent victims those who, based on their parasitic aspirations, prevented personal development of all and everyone, and as a result - the development of Russia and mankind.
    The collapse of the USSR is not at all a sign from Above, not a vital proof that Bolshevism and its ideals are sinful, false and untenable in life. The entire history of post-Soviet Russia (the extinction of the country, the absence of de facto sovereignty, the degradation of all spheres and branches of society) is proof of the sinful murderousness of the ideas of bourgeois liberalism and the correctness and viability of Bolshevism and its ideals, especially if such a comparison is made with the era when the USSR led I.V. Stalin.
  18. LCA
    26 January 2022 19: 52
    In fact, Russia is close to exhausting the limit on lies and idle talk in media propaganda, and in training courses (history, "social studies", sociology and political science), in statements and in the affairs of politicians and state officials.
    Those. the problem of Russia and its state power is much more serious than the distribution of income; the ratio of prices, incomes and savings of the majority of the population; inflation, because heterogeneous business incompetence and deliberate lies, having become systemic factors, destroy the trust of the population in state power, the media and their representatives personally.
    And reconciliation of people in society is possible only on the basis of their recognition of common - God-inspired - ideals of social development, and not on the basis of forgetfulness of the ideals of Justice in favor of the "elitist" parasitic self-interest of some and agreement with him and envy of others. In this case, history may repeat itself again with even greater cruelty than it did at the beginning of the XNUMXth century.
    It is necessary to refuse to follow the suicidal (because of the demonism hidden in it), as History shows, the principle “God is with us!” , implying that God allegedly supports and will support our gag, expressing unrighteousness, self-interest and helpfulness of the unrighteousness and self-interest of others, and move on to the life-giving principle “We are with God!”, which implies the realization of meaningful creative will under the power of the dictatorship of conscience. And then, with God's help, both the revival of Russia and the transformation of the whole Earth will be obtained.
    But God does not force anyone even with Truth-Truth: the choice of this or that future is everyone's business.
  19. +11
    26 January 2022 20: 21
    The article turned out to be long, and still something will be missed. Much is debatable.

    But the author tried himself in the genre of utopia.
    As Professor Kenneth Roemer wrote:
    a utopia is a detailed description of an imaginary culture that provides the reader with an alternate reality to critique their own modernity from an intellectual and emotional standpoint.
  20. 0
    26 January 2022 20: 26
    I liked the article and the whole series. In general, I agree with the author and certainly agree with the main thing - the way we live now, it is impossible to live and we have no chance to survive. Probably, there are some moments that are not indisputable, and if you start doing it, then many mistakes will come to light. But it's better to do than now. And to the question: "Are you ready personally?" - yes ready. And I think that many people are ready if they believe in the picture of the future drawn by the author.
    One question remained, the answer to which the author evaded: how to start, how to start building a new society? After all, those who accumulate wealth at the expense of the current state of affairs are hardly ready to give up the benefits of the current favorable state of the state and society for them.
    1. 0
      26 January 2022 21: 01
      In order to start something, one must REALIZE the necessity and lack of alternatives for this. That is why it is so important for me that these, albeit controversial, ideas "leak" into the widest possible public discussion. If people, after reading these 4 articles, understand "in numbers" where everything is moving, if they like a number of these ideas, the answer will be a public request for THIS. Instead of some kind of "mutnyatsky" plans for 2020,2030,2100 spreading in thought along the tree - there is, as far as I managed, designated - economy, demography. There will be a public demand - ideas will flow into the authorities, they will be processed by it - perhaps they will arise as an alternative to the current planning. The strength of any idea is in the masses.
      1. +1
        26 January 2022 22: 33
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        That is why it is so important for me that these, albeit controversial, ideas "leak" into the widest possible public discussion.

        My wife asked me to read your article, although she does not like topics that show our reality and negative forecasts. It's just good that you do it and believe, hope that everything can be fixed. Maybe it will work. Moreover, there is no other way out.
        1. +3
          26 January 2022 22: 39
          Thank you for support !
          1. +1
            26 January 2022 22: 42
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            Thank you for support !

            "I feel sorry for the State!" laughing As well as you. hi
  21. +5
    26 January 2022 20: 29
    We should not turn our noses up at this policy - first of all, giving preference to young, professionally necessary, Russian speakers.

    The devil, as always, is in the details. How to determine who can and needs citizenship in an accelerated / facilitated manner, and who will have to prove that he is worthy of being a citizen of Russia?
    If we do not strictly prescribe it in the legislation, but give the problem "on the ground", then we will get at least a breeding ground for bribery. and as a maximum - the penetration of carriers of habits, religions, and cultures alien to us.
    Yes, and about demographics. Look at our throwing in pensions. The same planning horizon is 20+ years, but what kind of reforms .. With such confidence in the government, it takes at least 10-15 years to start the demographic machine.
    1. -1
      26 January 2022 20: 54
      Ethno-religious proportionism. We wish to migrate - you are welcome to provide documents proving belonging to the ethnic groups of interest - with birth certificates. We pass this filter - further selection by skills.
      We don’t go through this - first, selection by skills, persons of interest by profession. skills receive citizenship in priority (outside quotas). Those who are not interested in skills are purely within the framework of ethno-religious quotas.
      This, at least in theory, will slow down the transformation of our country into a branch of Ashgabat.
  22. LCA
    26 January 2022 20: 46
    Vladimir Putin at the plenary meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club:
    “The socio-economic problems of mankind have aggravated to the extent that in past times there were upheavals on a global scale: world wars, bloody social cataclysms. Everyone says that the existing model of capitalism - and this is today the basis of the social structure in the vast majority of countries - has exhausted itself, within its framework there is no longer a way out of the tangle of increasingly intricate contradictions.
    But the members of the club turned out to be unable to meaningfully discuss and develop in the course of the discussion the ways and means of solving those problems of mankind that V.V. pointed out to them in his speech. Putin: The main reasons for their creative impotence are loyalty and lack of mastery of the generalized means of control of the first priority, which is necessary for the production of new knowledge, including viable political concepts.
    Once again:
    Not a single head of state has the skills of a Golden Fish or Old Man Hottabych and cannot substitute his person for the entire state-administrative corps and the corps of managers in the economy, as a result of which:
    - to make claims about the quality of life and prospects exclusively to the head of state - idiocy;
    - but to place all hopes for a better life solely on the head of state is also idiocy,
    “We also have a lot to do ourselves.
    1. -1
      26 January 2022 21: 18
      For the first 8 years, I used to listen to these speeches, then I stopped - they are repeated, but outside the window everything is the same. If, as you put it, "creative impotents" are to blame, is it really not enough power to find non-"creative impotents"? Or maybe there is not enough ability to understand that we won’t go far with those? In any case, there is power, decades of power - there is no radical result. For me personally, this is the most important thing, all kinds of speeches beyond this are just oratory with the mouth.
      1. +7
        26 January 2022 22: 18
        Knell, in any smart and creative person, the authorities see a competitor who claims to be in her place. Do you still not understand this?
        How much has been said here about negative selection! There is no mechanism forcing the authorities to select creative people to solve the country's problems. But there is a mechanism for suppressing them as objectionable in the form of a whole package of laws. Moreover, mass manifestations of popular discontent are skillfully replaced by the discontent of the liberal opposition, whose only goal is to establish the full and absolute power of all these Potanins.
        By the way, Potanin's dad was a major Soviet official - doesn't that tell you anything? Only the Internet is all cleaned up.
        1. 0
          26 January 2022 22: 33
          Yes, this is just an example of a logical construction. If there is real power - where is the result? If there is no real power, where is the talent of the organizer? We have a huge number of people who are not friends with either analytics or logic at all. Some hymns and marches are playing in my head, and pictures from Soviet posters flash by, for all occasions. It's beautiful from the outside - but it's a natural disaster, because it's actually a kind of analogue of "virtual reality". In our case, this is a "historical and aesthetic simulacrum".
          I, Lyudmila, am an idealist, not because I am young and dreamy - but because I see clouds on the horizon very well, which mundane people do not see. What is accidental for someone else, for a more observant person is a predictive result.
          1. +2
            26 January 2022 22: 52
            And who does not see the clouds on the horizon? Everyone sees! Even those who "play marches in their heads." Only you needlessly offend people. Well, do I have to repeat my comment from three years ago that people fall into 4 categories:
            Suggestors (leaders)
            Sixes (officials)
            Messiah (lights)
            Having plucked out the first three categories from their depths, the people are waiting to be led by their leaders with the help of their officials, and the messiahs must establish a good direction of movement and moral rules that best contribute to movement in a good direction. The people are always aware! You are trying to be a messiah, pointing out a good direction, but you do not indicate the moral rules that everyone must obey - leaders, sixes in the form of officials of all stripes and the people. For some reason, you present a demand for observance of moral rules only from the people, and the leader and official are freed from this by you. It won't work, Knell. Having political, economic and military power, the leader and official will go where it is beneficial for them personally, and not for the people. And what will happen to the country, they do not care. For the leader and the official are globalists, they have somewhere to run to if they bring the people to a place where the inscription "CATASTROFA" will glow in large neon letters. And all their deliberate and sluggish worries about the future are so that the people do not get excited ahead of time, while this inscription is not yet visible around the corner.
            1. -1
              26 January 2022 22: 59
              For this, there are simple and understandable mechanisms for selecting the effectiveness of personal activity, Lyudmila. We have forgotten these mechanisms because nepotism and nepotism are everywhere. However, the mechanisms themselves work quite well in the most successful states. The more meticulously and more specifically the success in one or another bureaucratic activity is regulated, the easier it is to discern this success (or failure) from the documents. There is no need for "moral rules" - according to well-maintained documentation, you can immediately see who is stealing, who is messing up - goodbye, gentlemen! Down the social ladder, as they say.
              For some reason, you present a demand for observance of moral rules only from the people

              Where, where, Holy heavens, do I demand something "only from the people"? I point out what makes the developed or undeveloped states the Law, the degree of its perfection and adequacy. The fact that I indicate the majority funds as the main fund for transformations is because you will not issue loans at 2% per annum from other funds, they will manage to give money for them. Even the most moral citizens, literally ready to fill the church with wax and incense.
              I repeat once again - it is not morality that determines where an official should go or not go. This is determined by the Rules, the Law and the Selection according to the qualities that are important for the state.
              1. +5
                26 January 2022 23: 19
                We have forgotten these mechanisms because nepotism and nepotism are everywhere.

                America open?
                And where are our messiahs? Whose speeches are understandable to the younger generation and heard by the authorities - such as thunder? There is none of them! Because the mouths of not only messiahs, but simply blathers, such as me, are easily plugged with the nooses of a whole package of laws. And if there is no way to speak, to demand something, and even to achieve something, then, unlike other nations, the growing aggression in a Russian person turns this aggression on himself! Do you understand? To myself! It's not me talking, it's psychologists talking. This is our national identity! If any Caucasian removes his aggressive state by insulting or even killing someone who can get away with it, then a Russian or someone in the family will kill or lay hands on himself. These are features of national psychology. And I have a suspicion that one of the reasons for presenting Putin to the States is a way to transfer the accumulated aggression of the masses from them, the masses, to a distant enemy. And when some shout "Hurrah!" at the same time, this means that they feel better psychologically, and you call them cheers-patriots.
                What's the birth rate, Knell? Here the mind would save.
              2. Aag
                27 January 2022 09: 28
                "... This is determined by the Rules, the Law and the Selection according to the qualities important for the state ...."
                And who do you think will determine the Rules, write the Law, carry out the Selection?
                1. 0
                  27 January 2022 12: 31
                  In the draft version, we are now doing this) In the final version - authoritative representatives of all parliamentary forces, with a higher legal education. The result of their work will be checked by the commission on "countering lobbying" - which can and should be selected already in manual mode.
                  1. Aag
                    27 January 2022 13: 57
                    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                    In the draft version, we are now doing this) In the final version - authoritative representatives of all parliamentary forces, with a higher legal education. The result of their work will be checked by the commission on "countering lobbying" - which can and should be selected already in manual mode.

                    The fact that we are here, while writing, does not yet mean that the selection will be made by "our" hands.
                    Rather, on the contrary - in the event of a threat to the fulfillment of your plan, we will be "selected" manually, or even automatically (feedback is improving, technologies are not standing still))) based on our writings. (((
          2. +3
            26 January 2022 23: 13
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            If there is real power - where is the result?

            the result is obvious: the Post of Russia is a joint-stock company, the resources of the people are in their pocket, etc... Real power acts in the interests of very rich people. It is in their interests to maintain an army, the Guard, etc. ... and there is undoubtedly a talent for organizing.
      2. +2
        26 January 2022 22: 36
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        If, as you put it, "creative impotents" are to blame, is it really not enough power to find non-"creative impotents"?

        And the fear that he will fade against their background!? laughing
  23. LCA
    26 January 2022 21: 24
    On the concept of globalization.
    The concept that the overwhelming majority of the currently existing states implements is localized versions of the concept of globalization based on the liberal-bourgeois paradigm, implemented within the jurisdiction of the state, since none of the states carries its own alternative concept of globalization.
    Russia, considered as a regional civilization of many peoples, has been living in precisely this mode over the past millennium: upholding the right to be itself, i.e. to implement in the policy of state power and the life of society a concept that expresses its own civilizational ideals - its originality.
    But this is happening against the backdrop of the fact that its “elite” is trying to implement all sorts of concepts alien to Russia, introduced from abroad, trying to elevate them to the rank of progressive and “universal” or to the rank of “national idea”, since it is independently expressed in terms of relevance to epoch as a concept of its own civilizational development, it is not capable; the common people are for the most part, if you use the words of A.S. Pushkin, completing the drama "Boris Godunov", is silent. But "silent" does not mean that nothing happens.
    In fact, now in Russia there is a struggle between adherents of four concepts, these are:
    • the liberal-bourgeois concept of globalization, which has been in force for several centuries - cosmopolitanism and anti-patriotism;
    • the concept of "elitist"-common people's cooperation - a kind of patriotic (it has two main versions: socialist Marxist, social state without any specific ideology, but using, as necessary, the provisions of certain political, economic, sociological, political science, economic and philosophical theories);
    • the concept of discrediting Islam and consigning the Koran to oblivion by building a pseudo-Islamic "world caliphate" through pseudo-Islamic extremism;
    • the concept of personal development of all and the construction of catholicity.
    This is the concept of global civilizational development in line with the Providence of the Most High, which is based on objective laws that govern people's lives. Its engine is the personal development of all people with the aim of the transition of all culturally distinctive societies from the herd-package of crowd-“elitism” to catholicity, in which the creative potential of everyone and everyone is a public property and is realized consciously by a volitional order under the rule of the dictatorship of conscience, as a result of which a person realizes God's predestination is to take place as the vicar of God on Earth. The expression of this concept is the materials of the Concept of public security as presented by the USSR EP.
  24. LCA
    26 January 2022 21: 26
    The range of interests of the main statistical mass of any crowds (including their "elite" components) includes only three groups of interests:
    1) individual-personal, which are essentially hedonistic, since they boil down to the desire to get sensual-psychological pleasure,
    2) family and household,
    3) professional, which come down to financial, since the satisfaction of the first two groups of interests requires sustainable and sufficient funding provided by one or another professional activity - either legally permissible or criminal (this division in crowd-“elitist” cultures does not coincide with the division into social useful activity and anti-social
    However, there is one problem that is not visible at all, from the standpoint of the world outlook, which includes the interests of only the three above-mentioned groups. This is a violation of the objective laws that govern the life of people personally, culturally unique societies and humanity as a whole.
    One of them is the main pattern for all people at all times: people, following the path of personal development and helping others in this, should take place as God's vicars on Earth - everyone, without exception. If they evade or refuse this, then the crowd-“elitist” civilization in any of its forms carries the prerequisites for self-liquidation, which are realized, since God will not do for people what they can and must do for themselves.
    That globally political mafia, which has put Russia in charge of solving the global problem of the general crisis of capitalism and which operates from the fifth - supracultural - level in the global hierarchy of processes and systems of self-government, supports the second concept in Russia - the concept of "elitist"-common people's cooperation. It supports its analogues in other countries, assuming to retain the overall global management of a set of self-governments of states: this is the essence of globalization based on the concept of a “multipolar world” that has not been clearly expressed by anyone and anywhere.
  25. +6
    26 January 2022 22: 34
    Forgive me, the author, did not master it to the end. The first call was after reading the thesis about the resettlement of megacities, and the second about increasing taxes on individuals. After that, I didn't read any further. There will be no resettlement of megacities because this is a loss of huge money from the sale of housing. And there were already taxes from the population. Let me remind you of the latest: VAT + 2%, retirement age +5 years. Next will be the abolition of pensions. But it won't change ANYTHING. Everything else (from what I read, of course) is UTOPIA. Sorry.

    Quote: LCA

    Not a single head of state has the skills of a Golden Fish or Old Man Hottabych and cannot substitute his person for the entire state-administrative corps and the corps of managers in the economy, as a result of which:
    - to make claims about the quality of life and prospects exclusively to the head of state - idiocy;
    - but to place all hopes for a better life solely on the head of state is also idiocy,
    “We also have a lot to do ourselves.

    On the other hand, a change in the constitution in order to retain power can be quite “presented” to our “head zero” to ourselves.
    And how to call the usurpation of power for the sake of power itself? This could be understood if there was a plan of action, but, according to the words of the “indispensable” one, there is none.

    Threat Although I agree with "our everything" about the exhaustion of the development potential of the current economic model.
  26. +3
    26 January 2022 23: 05
    State idea, ideology
    But she is not!

    how it cut! In ancient Rome, the title of a citizen of Rome gave the right to hope that a Roman in trouble would equip an army for you!
    State, law, society is all a kind of social contract where people who pay taxes and cultivate the land have transferred part of their rights to rule the country to other people! It is enough to create a system for recalling a vote for a candidate, and then we will not have to think about how to build a state, let our elected representatives think and work!
    Today's alignment is such that swindlers who seized power pretended to be the Motherland
    1. 0
      26 January 2022 23: 15
      It is enough to create a system for withdrawing a vote for a candidate

      For this reason, I am very curious about the idea of ​​GPPS. 25 people, professionals, different party affiliation. Their activities and rhetoric, in contrast to the rhetoric of the modern Duma, can be traced. And these people will be disproportionately more "represent themselves" than modern deputies. These will be representatives of the party, representatives of their electoral base. If now some wise guy in the thought blurts out something, who is he? and consequences are close to zero. But if a party representative "blurts out", namely that a functionary and not a "locomotive" - ​​he will be devoured primarily along the party line. Or the party itself will rake off about the electoral one. The very same mechanism you have indicated is worth doing for the Supraregional Parliament. When the deputies of the regional parliaments may well recall their representatives for unsuitability.
      1. +2
        26 January 2022 23: 19
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        The very same mechanism you have indicated is worth doing for the Supraregional Parliament. When the deputies of the regional parliaments may well recall their representatives for unsuitability.

        moreover, the deputy, as soon as his rating falls, should be automatically deprived of his powers, Immediately!
        But won't this lead to a political situation like in Germany in 26-32 of the last century? Let me remind you that there were elections, in my opinion, almost every year, and the government weakened
        1. -1
          26 January 2022 23: 21
          Maybe. Poland at one time went too far with democracy and fell as a state. In my opinion, there should be a procedure, but at the same time it should be energy-consuming, so much so as to exclude its use in "pampering".
  27. 0
    27 January 2022 00: 04
    Again I read it with interest and attention. To be honest, I expected more.
    Author, you have slipped a little towards the calculation of the rise of society, but this is impossible. The best plan becomes a utopia in a year. The only thing you can do is outline the pillars on which you will put the development of the plan - like a free market, e-government, reducing corruption, etc.
    That's just byad that you Russians do not go without ideology. This is what throws parts of your plan into the five-year plan of the USSR. In general, a complete utopia, but your work is colossal, for which you have my respect hi
    1. 0
      27 January 2022 00: 38
      And thanks for that) As for utopias - once upon a time the abolition of slavery seemed like a utopia to a person) Steam engines. Surgical operations. Flight. Space flight . Microelectronics. genetic editing. Look around - we live in the era of Utopias, in a world full of the Impossible, the Unthinkable. Because someone, once, sat down and began to think - ALL THE SAME, HOW? This is where the path from the Impossible to the Possible begins. Successful nations have become Successful both in spite of and thanks to. And also because they were a little, or not even a little crazy, to rise above their essence and turn a uniform trend into a breakthrough.
      1. +1
        27 January 2022 00: 51
        Successful nations have become Successful both in spite of and thanks to. And also because they were a little, or not even a little crazy

        Personalities. Personalities are always the drivers of progress. Alas and ah, but the peoples are the mass. Wherever you lead, you will go there ... But otherwise you are right. If a mad dreamer takes power, then a miracle is possible. The country will either be reborn or go to hell ...
        But I'm a whining realist hater, ignore it and keep going. Sometimes everything comes true and your work is not meaningless. wink
  28. +1
    27 January 2022 00: 43
    I recognized the author immediately. Thank you for your hard work. In my opinion, a very direct approach. Sincerely! hi
  29. 0
    27 January 2022 06: 39
    Of course, we can pretend that we are creating some kind of new model. And no matter what glasses we look at it, we will still live according to the laws of the great thinkers of past centuries. We still live by these laws. We just don’t want to admit it .These teachings are life itself. As long as there are employees and their employers, nothing in the world will change. But that extra people will appear in the world, there is no doubt about it. Not everything is so simple, gentlemen, comrades.
  30. +6
    27 January 2022 07: 08
    In short - an attempt, of course, funny, but - complete fantasy.
    Suppose each worker will allocate 2 rubles in taxes to the FSR per month in the form of taxes. In a year, we have a figure of almost 2 trillion rubles.
    Two trillion.
    To better understand the scale of this figure, our budget in 2020 was 20,2 trillion rubles. That is, in a year, able-bodied citizens can thus generate about 10% of the country's annual budget.

    In three paragraphs - not a single correct statement.
    First, the author confuses the working population with the working population. The number of the latter is approximately 70 million people, and if we take 2 rubles from each, we get 1,68 trillion a year. 42,5 million pensioners at 300 rubles each will give another 12,78 billion, that is, the total amount will be 1,7 trillion, not 2.
    At the same time, 20 trillion is only the federal budget, and there are also regional budgets that finance a lot of everything. So, the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation is not 20 billion rubles, but twice as much.
    Thirdly, the author, alas, does not understand that he is acting in the paradigm of Trishkin's caftan.
    We have a median salary - 35 thousand with personal income tax or 30,45 thousand rubles. on hand The median salary is a value that divides the total number of jobs into two equal parts - 50% are paid below this value and 50% - above.
    In order for there to be reproduction and population growth, a family must consist of a mother, father, and three children. If mom and dad receive a median salary, then their income is 61 thousand rubles. rough. For five. 12 200 rubles per person. Seriously? And the author proposes to give another 4 thousand from this to the funds invented by him. In total, there will already be 57 thousand family income and 11 rubles. per person. Can you survive on this?
    Here, in fact, is the fat point on all the plans of the author.
    About such "little things" that reducing the payroll with new taxes will reduce effective demand and enterprises will receive less than 1,7 trillion. rub. per year, which will lead to a deterioration in their performance, and the inability to provide the same salary as before - I don’t even remember
    1. +2
      27 January 2022 09: 26
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      Here, in fact, is the fat point on all the plans of the author.
      To paraphrase the classic, we get that it is impossible to live in capitalism and be free from its laws, from the world masters of the system. The author wants the best...
      The author is impressed by much of socialism, but it is worth recognizing that market relations (albeit with a significant role of the state as an analyst, planner and responsible for the social sphere) are intuitively much more understandable to the majority of the population and much more accessible for borrowing from someone else's experience that is interesting to us, than the experience of socialist construction (to put it bluntly: a rare bird with it has flown to our days).

      Thus, I would be very grateful if readers who adhere to established leftist beliefs would not try to attach elements to the above agenda that are unusual for it.

      In this, one can only sum up the existing in Russia with the phrase from the commentary above (yuriy55 (Sibiryak)).
      And then there are enterprises registered offshore ... Shadow business ... Every year we lose trillions of misused money ...
      Why!!! Yes, it was done on purpose !!! For this, all this storm was started in 1991 ...

      Transnational monopolies are the gravedigger of the main advantage of capitalism, competition. Therefore, there is no bright future in capitalism, neither for Russia, nor for the rest of the world, this is a dead end, degradation.
    2. -1
      27 January 2022 13: 16
      For five. 12 200 rubles per person. Seriously? And the author proposes to give another 4 thousand from this to the funds invented by him. In total, there will already be 57 thousand family income and 11 rubles. per person. Can you survive on this?

      The author took 800 rubles from the children so that the children would have half of their apartment by the age of 20, and their relatives might have their own apartment under 5 thousand rubles of rent? Yes, I'm bad, I confess.
      First, the author confuses the working population with the working population. The number of the latter is approximately 70 million people, and if we take 2 rubles from each, we get 1,68 trillion a year. 42,5 million pensioners at 300 rubles each will give another 12,78 billion, that is, the total amount will be 1,7 trillion, not 2

      As you usually do, you wanted to effectively find fault, and you effectively find fault, Andrey. You are completely uninterested in the mechanism, it is important for you to pile a bunch on it and twist the essence. Inside the mechanism, there is an opportunity to flexibly distribute the fiscal burden on the Fund - but you don’t seem to notice this, it’s important for you that they rip off the unfortunate hard workers and get to the bottom of pensioners. Oh, my God, the author "did not count" 300 billion - that's it, now the plan will burn with a blue flame. 300 billion (from 1.7 trillion to 2 trillion) is, so, for a moment, 1/6. This can be scattered so that a person does not smoke a couple of packs of cigarettes a month. That's the point.
      At the same time, 20 trillion is only the federal budget, and there are also regional budgets that finance a lot of everything. So, the consolidated budget of the Russian Federation is not 20 billion rubles, but twice as much.

      The numbers are for comparison. Given that we have 1.1% goes to such an important area as science, and miserable crumbs are pinched off for culture - to force the budget with these expenses is such a thing. And without that, it will take about 8% to drive these expenses into it. Someone always pays, always. There is no change without investment.
      Here, in fact, is the fat point on all the plans of the author.

      Fat point on the plans of the author is a huge number of people who talk snobbishly like you. The endless savoring of decline is enough for you, your thought does not go further, and if it does, it hits much larger, but at the same time bloody fantasies.
      About such "little things" that reducing the payroll with new taxes will reduce effective demand and enterprises will receive less than 1,7 trillion. rub. per year, which will lead to a deterioration in their performance, and the inability to provide the same salary as before - I don’t even remember

      1-3 years will be worse than now. This is mentioned in the article. Part of the losses will be quickly offset by dampening inflation. Now inflation is conditionally 9% - suppose that we managed to bring it down to 4%. With a salary of 25 people, he loses 000 rubles for inflation. Do you still "feel sorry" for 1 rubles from poor kids? They lose a lot more!
      1. +5
        27 January 2022 15: 27
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        The author took 800 rubles from the children so that the children would have half of their apartment by the age of 20, and their relatives might have their own apartment under 5 thousand rubles of rent?

        Yes, it won't. Nothing comes from nothing. Taking 4 thousand rubles of income from an average family, you will take 20 thousand rubles for their entire work experience (say, they earn from 65 to 45, that is, 2 years). That is, well, roughly one two-room apartment. And you are going to provide housing for three children in half an apartment (one and a half apartments) and parents - with one more apartment, that is, only 160 apartments.
        That's all your arithmetic
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        Yes, I'm bad, I confess.

        You just can't count. But yes, it's bad.
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        As you usually do, you wanted to effectively find fault, and you effectively find fault, Andrey. You are completely uninterested in the mechanism, it is important for you to pile a bunch on it and twist the essence

        The bottom line is that your measures do not stimulate population growth in any way. DO NOT take money from people and thereby increase their income. Any system that converts money into apartments will itself consume money. That is, it’s trite to pay accountants who will count the received d / s.
        In fact, we are talking about the fact that a person can either buy an apartment himself, or does it through intermediaries, and the latter is always more expensive if the intermediaries are paid by the person himself. You offer exactly the second option, but you think that welfare will grow from this.
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        Someone always pays, always. There is no change without investment.

        The only question is that your changes will not give anything and the situation of people will not improve.
        Tell me, do you have children yourself? I've got three. And, believe me, now their future housing worries me last. I would like to find money for their education. And this despite the fact that my income is ... well, sooooo much higher than the median.
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        Fat point on the plans of the author is a huge number of people who talk snobbishly like you. The endless savoring of decline is enough for you, your thought does not go further, and if it does, it hits much larger, but at the same time bloody fantasies.

        In fact, everything is simple - no future apartments will force people to give birth to 3 children and live on 12 thousand rubles. per person per month. That's below the living wage, for a second.
        If you did not know, then today people are already given half an apartment per child. Matkapital in 2022 is half a million, it’s quite possible to buy a studio for a million, not in Moscow, of course, but in many regions it’s possible. And what, give birth a lot? That's it.
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        1-3 years will be worse than now. This is mentioned in the article. Part of the losses will be quickly offset by dampening inflation. Now inflation is conditionally 9% - suppose that we managed to bring it down to 4%.

        You do not understand either the mechanisms of inflation or the measures that need to be taken. And in order to deal with it, no extortion from the population is needed.
        But the most important thing that you do not understand is that it will be possible to expect an increase in the birth rate only when people can afford it. And extortion from the population will never achieve this
  31. 0
    27 January 2022 08: 48
    The author's key mistake is that he is applying a strategy for today, and we do not know when and under what conditions we will have to act!
  32. +3
    27 January 2022 09: 37
    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
    At the first stage, nuts are also possible. Tools, textiles, fertilizers - a number of countries mentioned in article 1-2 of the cycle received a substantial part of their profits from this "garbage".

    1. This niche is already taken. We are not expected there.
    2. Our prime cost is objectively higher than that of the "mentioned countries". Because: a) production loves a warm climate (less costs for the construction of enterprises, their maintenance, logistics)
    b) production likes proximity to the sea (favorable logistics, transportation by water is the most cost-effective). Pay attention to which regions, even in the USA, even in China, are the most developed. And Japan or South Korea are ideal for these parameters.
    1. 0
      27 January 2022 12: 51
      1) What a pessimistic view) Are you sure that all the Turkish panties and Chinese hammers are head and shoulders above what we can do?
      2) a) Of course, but with the establishment of fixed prices for domestic resources, the construction itself becomes very cheap, since we ourselves extract the resources we need - we can greatly compensate for this parameter. It should be taken into account that the development of the Far East is an increase in generation there, and in our case, generation can and should be combined with heating of settlements and the same enterprises. This is not such a significant disadvantage. Logistics - if we are talking about the Far East, then building railway lines from industrial clusters to coastal ports is not such a big problem. The industry of the European part of the country already relies on the built logistics, with fixing prices for resources and generation - the inconveniences of this part of the logistics will be even more compensated.
      b) German production will categorically disagree with you.
  33. +2
    27 January 2022 09: 50
    Paraphrasing from "Operation Y"
    “So it is. For enthusiasm I put five, but ... for the composition - unsuccessful.
    The professor is a burdock, and with him is the reception equipment, how can you hear me?
    Joke with truth. Yes Yes

    All reasoning is based on the erroneous idea of ​​taking part of the money from the people. No... they won't. I know them. wink Some have the latter, others have something, but why give it to your uncle if they themselves can dispose of it well. There is nothing to say about the middle and large bourgeoisie. They don't have the same psychology. So it's a bad idea. sad

    What did the Bolsheviks offer the people?
    1 Land - to the peasants
    2 factories - workers.
    3 Peace to huts - war to palaces.
    Don't take, give. And the people followed the Bolsheviks.

    Therefore, I propose to replace the idea of ​​"taking from the people" with the idea of ​​"managing well what we have." And there are many. And on the basis of this foundation, make plans. Then people, perhaps, will reach out to this plan or even a scheme, that is, to you.
    And for the enthusiasm of course five. This is a very valuable quality. good
  34. +2
    27 January 2022 09: 52
    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
    And thanks for that) As for utopias - once upon a time the abolition of slavery seemed like a utopia to a person)

    It seemed right. Slavery still exists, albeit on the sidelines.
    When the next "ism" wins, it does not completely destroy the previous one, but only pushes it to the outskirts of social life, for example, to crime. So slavery and feudalism are very close to us.

    Quote: Knell Wardenheart
    Steam machines. Surgical operations. Flight. Space flight . Microelectronics. genetic editing. Look around - we live in the era of Utopias, in a world full of the Impossible, the Unthinkable. Because someone, once, sat down and began to think - ALL THE SAME, HOW? This is where the path from the Impossible to the Possible begins. Successful nations have become Successful both in spite of and thanks to. And also because they were a little, or not even a little crazy, to rise above their essence and turn a uniform trend into a breakthrough.

    Perhaps all this appeared thanks to lone geniuses, but it became a part of our life only because the rich and powerful of this world found these innovations useful and profitable, first of all - for themselves, their loved ones.
    And if they considered something uninteresting or even harmful for themselves ... well, then, breakthroughs were shelved, as was the case with Nikolo Tesla or Goddard (the failed father of American rocket science).

    Whoever dines the girl, he dances her. If the girl is not treated to dinner, she will not dance.
  35. +4
    27 January 2022 10: 52
    You have certainly done a great job. Lots of controversy. You are for all the good against all the bad, classic. He even emphasized thoughts about himself
    There are a lot of people around who do not work in their specialty, who received any kind of parasitic education. Within the modest trends that we are seeing now - their potential abilities can be practically not used, of course, not all, but many of them can be “nail-driving microscopes”.

    I work as a crane operator, although I am an environmental engineer by education. I studied for free, for public money.
  36. +4
    27 January 2022 12: 06
    Dear author, hello!

    You have done a titanic job! And the plan turned out beautiful, smooth and enticing. But, in my opinion, it has some kind of frightening simplicity. This is the simplicity of a spherical horse in a vacuum, which, as a rule, hides a big catch.
    And besides, there is such a thing as the imperfection of human nature. The means of overcoming it are also known - the equality of all before the law and a just court, these are key attributes of the successful development of any society. But how to achieve this in an imperfect society, I personally do not know. Apparently, the formation of these institutions is possible only gradually, in parallel with the material and spiritual development of this very society. And 40 years is clearly not enough for this.
    1. +2
      27 January 2022 13: 02
      I agree with you, one Reader also drew my attention to this.
      You know, the whole charm and at the same time the whole horror of evolution is that it does not have a "happy ending" that is understandable to us from the point of view of religious moralism. Peoples of lesser perfection lie down in the dust under the feet of peoples of greater perfection. They fade away, they are conquered, they themselves destroy each other, torn apart by the polarization of their views. All human history in dry lines tells us about it.
      The above plan is, of course, Utopian. But there is also an explanation for this - we smoked bamboo for 30 years. We had the third economy of the planet - we missed it, and we continue only to do what we miss. The utopia so disliked by so many here is an attempt to compensate for our horrendous inactive worthlessness and indifference that we have shown for 20 years, all this is very well noted in the numbers in article 1 and 2.
      We always feel like we have a lot of time. Many people. That some higher power has given us a huge insurance loan, which makes it possible to twist and shake our own society, regardless of the victims. It's an illusion, the way we used to do when the sun was brighter and the chocolate was sweeter. Now is another time. A time beyond a decade is an incredible amount of time for progress.

      A good model should be simple. We need resources for change, there is nowhere to get them except in the above way. In order to extract them in another way, we will need to have funds anyway - it will simply take longer. How much longer.
      And time for us now is an unaffordable luxury.
  37. +1
    27 January 2022 12: 17
    All this is of course very good, if you do not go into details. But one question remained unanswered. Who will do all this?
    1. 0
      27 January 2022 13: 03
      I think everyone who cares about the future of the country. Little by little. To the best of your ability. How else ?
  38. 0
    27 January 2022 12: 44
    Dear author, thank you for your work, I have been looking at your articles and comments for a long time. And I largely agree with you. Your desire and ability to discuss with the local neo-communists, as I dubbed them to myself, also impresses me. For some time now, I have lost all desire to spend my energy on a comment post, but here for some reason I want to make an exception, participate and add quite a bit of criticism, I'm sure you won't mind. Here you write:

     the more attractive the idea, the more likely it is that some of it can influence existing trends for the better.

    Maybe I did not read carefully, I confess, but, in fact, what is your idea? I see in this article a kind of political and economic program, I agree, it is excellent, but what is the idea? Perhaps I'm wrong, again, but as far as I understand, an idea is a kind of concise and logically complete thought, a kind of verbal formula. The first part of the formula: "In order for everything to work out in life, you need ..." But the second part is the most interesting. You can continue, for example, "... you need to score on everything and not bathe" or "... you need to get out of this country" ... You can fantasize for a long time. "In order for everything to work out in life, you need to dispossess the thieves and divide the loot." Using the example of Potanin or anyone else, you showed the inferiority and inconsistency of this idea. History itself has shown its inferiority and inconsistency. Nevertheless, this formula has a finished form, it is understandable to the masses, and therefore attractive. Is it possible, having systematized all the information that you have the opportunity to lay out, to deduce something similar? Will this formula contain something fundamentally new? We do not seriously consider statements like "Everything is bad in the country, therefore something urgently needs to be changed. For all the good against all the bad." Thanks for reading.
    1. 0
      27 January 2022 13: 22
      If you like, the Idea is people's awareness of the need to bring the country and their well-being to the level of the developed countries of the world. The acquisition of resources sufficient to conduct creative activities commensurate with the first three states of the planet.
      The desire to equip everything in the country for interest and convenience - what is a bad idea?
      1. +1
        27 January 2022 13: 52
        idea, it awareness people

        My colleague once told me a story about how at a history lesson, back in school, in Soviet times (he is now over 60), he asked the teacher a question, that's one of the ideas of communism - from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs. But what if I have no abilities, but there are more than enough needs, there, two Maybachs or Rolls-Royces, something like that was. And then the teacher told him that communism is designed for people conscious. But we all know what communism ended up being. Perhaps your idea in the head of the modern layman will be as unattainable as communism. And yes, it's for people. conscious, which, as it turned out, are not a decisive majority. But it is for the majority and the calculation in your program, as far as I understand, and not for individual enthusiasts. Perhaps I am wrong in my judgments.
        1. 0
          27 January 2022 14: 09
          Unfortunately, you are right) The development or decline of states always shows the state of healthy, constructive forces in society. Decline occurs where such forces are critically few.
      2. +3
        27 January 2022 14: 04
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        If you like, the Idea is people's awareness of the need to bring the country and their well-being to the level of the developed countries of the world.
        Sorry for not speaking directly about your article, certainly interesting, and, most importantly, with this very idea. Unfortunately, you do not take into account in whose hands the power is, and whose interests this very power represents. Who seriously believes that Mr. President does not understand what would have to be done if the happiness and well-being of the people of Russia were in the first place ... Alas, the idea of ​​those in power is expressed in what they do. Moreover, this is not even their idea, but those who are at the top of the world capitalist pyramid. You must understand, a Muscovite ... "The desire to equip everything in the country for interest and convenience - what is a bad idea?", they are equipping it, just not for the interests of the rest of Russia, and not for ordinary people. The desire to improve the country is commendable, but not with oligarch brothers, thieves and bandits, renegades, they have been equipping everything for themselves for a long time, these same 20-30 years No one will allow anything to be done to the detriment of the interests of billionaires and transnational monopolies (and they are implementing their idea).
        1. +2
          27 January 2022 14: 14
          Well, if you are waiting for the "brother oligarchs" to suddenly put a general pestilence - then I assure you, this will not happen soon) Such an expectation, it is akin to a religious belief in the expectation of the end of the world and the resurrection of the dead, etc.) Meanwhile, events directly indicate that that other things will happen. In the event of such a development of events, those who have money will simply move to where it is good with them. And all the rest will be left to disentangle. This is the result of the "wait and see attitude".
          1. +2
            27 January 2022 14: 25
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            Meanwhile, events point directly to the fact that other things are more likely to happen.
            Other things happen. You can’t lie endlessly, and Viagra can’t be attacked to raise the rating. Puff out cheeks, threaten the West with a fist, but in fact be its puppets. I won't repeat Brzezinski about our "elite", whose millions and billions it is, but it is the "nuclear suitcase" that will be the verdict on cowards and traitors. More precisely, the first dashing year. Probably, it is the Donbass that will become the litmus of this process. Now, with people's power, it will be possible to implement your great plans for the salvation and development of Russia. In the meantime, raw materials are being pumped out of Russia and the Soviet military-technical reserve is being sold, so that later they can surrender to their Western masters.
            1. +2
              27 January 2022 14: 28
              Are you sure that "people's power" will come for this? But will the country not collapse into pro-Western-pro-Eastern puppets, with partial annexation of territories, wholesale migration? The silushki are no longer the same to dump all this later in the civil war and the fight against intervention. We will not get what we want by sitting out - we will just wait for the natural, indicated in the third article.
              1. +3
                27 January 2022 14: 56
                Quote: Knell Wardenheart
                Are you sure that "people's power" will come for this?
                I will answer you with one anecdote - two are being led to execution, one says to the other "Let's run away!", in response, "Won't it get worse?"...

                What is needed is political will, if there is one. Russia is the only country in the world that can still destroy the United States, and we are only wiped away and express concerns. North Korea, where "one and a half" atomic bombs, achieves more. The paradox is that the enemy of the West is precisely the residual Soviet potential from the superpower, and not our government, which cannot immediately surrender in the name of peace, humanism, tolerance and, its accounts in foreign banks ...

                Therefore, the country is being "optimized", simultaneously hoping to squeeze a fatter piece from the owners, and, perhaps, naively hoping to build some kind of independent, "parallel" capitalism. There would be no civil war, almost all of our owners of factories, newspapers, steamships, stigma in fluff, where there is a connection with crime, where there is corruption, concealment of income, violations of privatization and so on. Tell them how at one time Mussolini of his mafia, a suitcase, a train station, New York (London), otherwise on the bunk (against the wall), they themselves would have given everything that they had amassed by "overwork" (there should be plenty of compromising evidence on them) .

                Capitalism has shown its true guise, the traitors have identified themselves, and this is a plus. What happened, let it be like NEP-2, socialism was too young and inexperienced system, you need to draw the right conclusions for the future. In the end, from your words, if you develop them, at one time it seemed to a person that the abolition (fiasco) of capitalism was a utopia, but he has become obsolete. Therefore, on Earth, the United States has an astronomical debt, with all their miracle economists, the fall of culture and morality, and the only way out of the impasse is to delay the fiasco, endless wars and epidemics, grief and suffering for the whole world.
  39. +3
    27 January 2022 12: 51
    Thanks for the article, I confess I was waiting for the continuation of the cycle. According to the economic and legislative block in the article, the words are sometimes true and lead to guaranteed success, BUT, who is with us and-or as a result of what and how did he come to power? Demogogy populists (uncle Zyu and Zhirinovsky), crimson jackets from the 90s (who remembers that he is not in a tank), and thieves in law are crime bosses and people with convictions for major fraud and serious articles (this is for those who are still in sits in the tank). How they will steer and steer (everyone sees in many parameters of the statistics of our country and their feelings from any bell tower. What do such characters want to preserve their own and generally established status quo, hello heirs and kids in the leadership, etc. etc. purely on the basis of there, they can, but not on the professional qualities of these kids (I have nothing against dynasties, but professionalism and knowledge should come first, and the name of dad and mom should already be in 100500th place. As a result, the system that has developed today will not change and will not wants to change, Forces that want and can potentially change something are driven into a deep underground, eradicated, scuttled in the rudiment. the best is interpreted by the authorities as extremism, terrorism, rocking the boat and an attempt to overthrow the state system, on which I congratulate you all.
    1. +1
      27 January 2022 13: 24
      We have a very large% of society apolitical, but many tend to curiosity. These people will never be dragged into Politics - Politics. But a beautiful idea - you can. Partly, this is the idea.
      1. +4
        27 January 2022 13: 43
        Quote: Knell Wardenheart
        we have a very large% of society apolitical, but many tend to curiosity...These people will never be dragged into Politics-Politics.

        The ideas you outlined can be realized only by a political party that becomes ruling. What will our people do, even in the hypothetical case, when she comes to power? They will act in the same way as in the days of the CPSU; "get settled" in the party to establish friendship and get into the bossy cabal. As the old Soviet song says, "everything will be repeated again from the beginning." And this is the most optimistic option.
        The realistic perspective is different; gradual colonization and replacement of the indigenous population with newcomers.

        This idea was aptly formulated by the politician Y. Boldyrev:
        “I suggested to the miners: Don't expect someone kind to solve problems for you. Nominate your man and propose to different parties, anyone who will take. We will take. Just let's do it this way, if in the Duma he starts trading himself left and right, deal with him yourself. We need some that don't sell later...
        Do you know what they answer me? “There are no such things that are not resold.” What do I have to say to them in the end? Nothing to cry. If you don't have these, then you have no choice but to go and surrender to those who have such - the Chinese, the Japanese, the Americans ... If a society is not able to fight betrayal, it will simply be wiped off the face of the earth. This is the main thing that, it seems, our people have not yet realized.

        I will add that "did not realize" - to put it mildly. They realized everything, but they are most satisfied with the option of "calling the Varangians", just like 1000 years ago.
        1. +1
          27 January 2022 13: 47
          What can I say, fig thoughts)) It remains only to cover yourself with a white sheet and slowly crawl to the cemetery for those who think so.
          1. +3
            27 January 2022 14: 34
            Quote: Knell Wardenheart
            What can I say, fig thoughts)) It remains only to cover yourself with a white sheet and slowly crawl to the cemetery for those who think so.

            I mean, the main task is to point out the active stratum of society capable of creating a progressive party. As a matter of fact, the classics of the 19th century began with this .... The problem is that in Russia at the end of the 20th century only bandits declared themselves. They created what the world did not expect from them! What Delyagin called "an atypical state." The world expected something else; that in our country by the mid-90s everything will collapse and the population will crawl among the garbage dumps. This allowed it to last another 30 years. Now a new crisis is ahead. However, active citizens capable of self-organization, including even bandits, seem to have been exhausted. Society has gone all out.
      2. +2
        27 January 2022 16: 23
        I agree that at first it’s a beautiful idea, then the actions of the authorities, culture, pop music and all institutions of the country to support this idea, then the idea will start working for the country (like the Amers, the country of opportunities is only in the USA (simplified). Seeing all this, the population begins to imbue and work for an idea. We get a country with an idiology, and what's wrong with that, everyone has their own idea. And the population is apolitical only in terms of rallies and pickets, but 30% of the conversation about politics and others like it is in the family, at work, in pubs and everywhere. But oops, for going to a picket and a rally, they can somehow sew extremism in us, but it needs a worker from a factory who feeds his family? And here's how they can't forget about the bottom, but they don't want the top?
        1. 0
          27 January 2022 16: 36
          Well, the desire to live better and eat better tomorrow than yesterday has led many developing countries to the status of "developed". Their inputs were worse than ours. So, of course, success is a matter of the desire of the society AT THE MASS, to a fairly large extent. If this desire is not enough, this factor is not used and everything goes as it is. If this desire is awakened (this requires an Idea), then those mechanisms are activated that bring Developing societies into Developed ones.
          An idea that resonates in society, the more it resonates, the more it is an Actor of change. This is hard to believe for a number of people here - it seems to them that the actor of change is harsh people coming from nowhere with sticks and cobblestones. But, although a cobblestone can really hit someone's head, it is much stronger on a scale when it is not a cobblestone or a glass that hits it - but an Idea. The idea makes you doubt and seek, open your eyes and look at the real state of affairs. By dividing society, we will achieve only ideological stagnation, while we need the widest possible support for good thought.
      3. +1
        15 June 2022 11: 58
        I have been answering this for a long time - the digitalization of veche meetings!
        Vertically integrated decision-making system with horizontal links.
        Roughly speaking, the house chooses the leader, the leaders of the houses choose the leader of the neighborhood, the leaders of the neighborhoods choose the leaders of the counties, the leaders of the counties choose the leaders of the regions, the leaders of the regions choose the leaders of the country.
        The development and adoption of decisions should take place according to the same integrated scheme.
        All this can be done in a short time on the Internet. In fact, there won't be many who want to participate. But we also have elections, I'm sorry, 30% of the force goes ..
  40. -3
    27 January 2022 15: 43
    I do not want to exaggerate, but this is another stupidity from a smart person. The author took the trouble to collect the material, and gave out on top of it a series of impracticable platitudes. No one in their right mind will do this, for such a reform, personnel and an understanding of this are needed. Not the desire of the top, but the understanding that it is impossible without it. But now neither those who are in power nor those who condemn it understand what needs to be done and how to be.
  41. +2
    27 January 2022 16: 39
    read the article and comments. Good article, tough comments. The state of the country that you describe in the comments and call it capitalism or feudalism is probably a mistake. this is the most common Papuanism. There are many such countries in Africa.
  42. -1
    27 January 2022 16: 47
    "In a year, we have a figure of almost 2 trillion rubles. This is a colossal amount of money that can and should be used as a basis for the modernization and development of the state." This amount on the scale of our country and problems in general is nothing - for example, the depreciation of fixed assets in the country alone is about 150 trillion rubles, if you divide this amount by the number of entities 85, it turns out that you need to allocate 1.7 trillion rubles to each entity - these 2 trillion will only be enough for construction 400 medium-sized enterprises worth 50 billion rubles each, and they will pay off in several years.
  43. +1
    27 January 2022 19: 01
    It is possible to increase the population at the expense of immigrants, but very carefully. At the expense of the Slavs (especially mentally close Ukrainians), yes. And at the expense of Muslim comrades from Central Asia, very carefully. Ancient Rome let the barbarians in a lot, and in the end they tore it apart (the western part).
  44. +3
    27 January 2022 19: 11
    Quote: Alexey RU64
    I do not want to exaggerate, but this is another stupidity from a smart person. The author took the trouble to collect the material, and gave out on top of it a series of impracticable platitudes. No one in their right mind will do this, for such a reform, personnel and an understanding of this are needed. Not the desire of the top, but the understanding that it is impossible without it. But now neither those who are in power nor those who condemn it understand what needs to be done and how to be.

    The author himself writes that systems change either from above or from below.
    The author himself admits that if from below, this is upheaval and bloodshed.
    Those. the author is for the reforms he proposes to be made from above.
    What is this, the inescapable Russian belief in "and the master is good"?
    People sit on top (at least on a regional scale, at least on a national scale).
    And they sit "well", with many amenities and opportunities.
    Well, who, or what will make them for such a large-scale, revolutionary in all
    meanings of the matter? Yes, and they themselves will not turn the whole colossus - performers are needed
    ideas at all levels. How about this? As IVS said, "We have no other writers."
    Utopia, whatever one may say - both from above and from below.
    What can I say, fig thoughts)) It remains only to cover yourself with a white sheet and slowly crawl to the cemetery for those who think so.
    The trouble with these passionaries is through thorns to the stars, and then
    bam- I want to go to the cemetery.
    Netushki author- called himself a loader .... so let's demographics in the forefront
    fixing is the most important thing.
    Well, by God, and when did they manage to give birth in the USA?
    Well, quite recently, under the USSR, there were even fewer of them, EMNIP
    230 vs 270 million
    And here you are - they got to 350 ear
    1. 0
      27 January 2022 19: 38
      This is because our highly tolerant "partners" did not reflect all these years on the topic of the revival of socialism, but were engaged in clipping coupons and systematic enslavement of our "legacy". Plus, migration - some part of it, darling, we ourselves generously provided to them, scoring our chatter on the standard of living.
      I do not believe in a "good gentleman" - I point out that without the spread of the Idea among the masses, everything is in vain. Above, they will not see the point in changing anything in such a passive, amorphous and depressive society. Even if they want, you look at individual commentators. Their wick, figuratively speaking, went deep into the igniter. What leader, even if he appeared at the top, would undertake to raise such a sad audience?
      This is because there is no Idea. First of all, it is not below. Upstairs, people have money - they don't need this very Idea, everything is fine with them. This does not mean that they cannot be hooked with the Idea - but this, most likely, means that the Idea will not be born there.
      1. +3
        27 January 2022 20: 56
        Oh, where, where, but we need to be more careful with IDEAS.
        There was one ideological one, so he wrote letters upstairs,
        so that they add a plan for the execution (non-ideological),
        even Stalin wrote to him "Calm down Nikita"
        He had one idea better than another - then he is in the village
        built high-rise buildings, and said that the collective farmer, also
        like a worker in the city, having worked 8 hours in the field,
        will come home, take a bath and watch on TV
        figure skating.
        In general, communism announced after 20 years.
        And it all ended with pea bread on a bun
        in my arms (I was 11-12, I remember how with my mother in
        standing in line behind this)
  45. +1
    27 January 2022 20: 08
    After the topic has already been thrown with data that the idea of ​​​​confiscating money from citizens is a so-so idea, let's figure out where the author is still "undercooking".

    Let's start with "it would be reasonable to withdraw from pensions - according to the author's estimates, this is an amount of about 300 rubles per month". Here we must admit that the author is too "humanely " deals with pensioners. Pensioners are the expenditure part of the budget (ay, military pensioners! This also applies to you).
    And if the author is going to receive money from pensioners, then you need to do this:
    1. Reform medicine so that there are fewer FAPs, district doctors and others (who go from house to house and who sees patients) who do not provide "high-tech" care.
    2. If a pensioner suddenly feels unwell, and, for example, an elementary “pills from the head” is needed (to measure the pressure and reduce it to acceptable values), then you need to call an ambulance (which is not always and everywhere), and if the doctor did not come and the pensioner himself did not reach him, then what will happen?
    And this is what will happen: "Pension reform, high mortality and the coronavirus pandemic have greatly helped the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation."
    As Novye Izvestia has already reported with reference to Rosstat data, from January 1, 2019 to April 1, 2021, the number of pensioners in the Russian Federation decreased from 43,865 million to 42,598 million people - minus 1,276 million people - this is the maximum in the history of available statistics since 1998 of the year.
    Moreover, 75% of this reduction occurred in the period from July 1, 2020 to the beginning of April 2021 - minus 956 thousand people. In annual terms, this reduced the Pension Fund's expenses for payments by 240 billion rubles (the average pension is 15 rubles)."
    (In the "Media Classifier" RIA FAN (2019) "New Izvestia" is classified as "Patriotic")
    Even more money will remain with the state for all sorts of wonderful funds!

    So the author’s idea, even to the author himself, “to “comb penises” seems blasphemy,” but the author’s miserable 300 r is nothing compared to health care reform.

    " lie and die as a state and civilization in the throes of inflation - isn't that more blasphemy?" - here the author would still like to recall the ideas of one German politician of the 30s, he also came up with several ways to save on patients. True, that politician ended badly.
  46. 0
    28 January 2022 11: 53
    This is all, of course, very interesting and wonderful, only what the author described means the need for fundamental changes.
    The agent of change can be the government or the people. Changes on the part of the people mean revolution, and in our society there are no such encroachments. It's not that everyone is happy with everything, it's just that everyone remembers the 90s well.
    Changes on the part of the authorities are quite possible, BUT the key question is why should the authorities change anything?
    They sit with a bubble, warm places, areas of power are divided, understandable rules of the game, and so on.
    Some changes may occur when Putin leaves, but obviously not as dramatic as what the author described above.
    1. 0
      28 January 2022 14: 06
      Quote: Denis812
      Changes on the part of the people mean revolution, and in our society there are no such encroachments.

      There are no major social or religious-political movements in our society at all. This is the main difference between Russians and the peoples of the West and the East. Russians are an absolutely apolitical people. It is without such movements that society in the modern world will inevitably perish. That is what the forces that govern the World are trying to achieve. The slow extinction of the Russians is the main goal. But situations such as revolutionary situations are possible, when, according to the expression of the classic, "passive masses set in motion" .......
      1. +1
        28 January 2022 14: 15
        Russians are an absolutely apolitical people

        I do not quite agree :) There was such a person - Lenin was called. He stirred up a whole revolution.
        So Russians are not an apolitical people. Absolutely. It's just that Putin skillfully balances - he pulled the country out of the 90s and normally keeps everything in his hands.
        Normally, not in the sense of "everyone is well and happy," but in the sense of leading in the way that seems right to him.
        And as long as Putin and the collective Putin are in place, no "passive masses of society" will set in motion. They will be satisfied with the refrigerator and TV.
        And this is what 99% is enough.
        That's even for me personally, alas. I confess.
        1. +1
          28 January 2022 15: 13
          Quote: Denis812
          And as long as Putin and the collective Putin are in place, no "passive masses of society" will set in motion.

          This means that the people are apolitical. But if there are no products in the stores and if the refrigerator wins over the TV, there is nowhere to go, they will start moving. An important question is where and for whom will they go?
          An apolitical people who do not seriously adhere to any ideas, but only simulate them, can go anywhere, as the years of 1917 and 1991 showed. the state (2 times in the 20th century!), then Christians, then atheists, then again Christians .... then they again begin to be proud that "Russia is getting up from its knees" ..... and who put it on its knees? ..... I believe that all these convulsions must end badly.
          1. +1
            28 January 2022 15: 54
            Not at all.
            This means that the authorities give the people the standard of living that generally suits them. That's all.
            If some people grumble in the kitchens, but are not ready to defend something more in the streets, this means that the authorities have found a recipe. Whether this is good or bad is a subject for another discussion. But the fact is that for the most part the people of the Russian Federation do not oppose the authorities.
            And he will not take any such measures, like those in the article.
            Because more or less full (comparatively, of course) and there are no such shocks as in the 90s.

            As for ideas, there is an idea called a refrigerator.
            This is the idea that 99% of people adhere to.
            So far, no one else offers.
            1. 0
              30 January 2022 14: 47
              Quote: Denis812
              As for ideas, there is an idea called a refrigerator.

              Ideas are what bring people together for joint action.
              For the sake of the "refrigerator", of course, but without them there will be no success in the field of the "refrigerator".
              Why in France, at comparable prices, the salary is 5 times more than ours?
              Why in 1988 the USSR ranked No. 26 in the quality of life rating, and now the Russian Federation ranks between No. 50 and 60?
              Do you think this is because the "good master" came to them, but not to us?

              Why can we lead the country directly as an autocratic Tsar, some half-fool or traitor and ruin everything, but in the West - cannot? Because they have ideas and really working laws.
              Let's take an example in Russia ... Muslims have a national idea and they are squeezing out Russians from everywhere. It is a fact.
              Russians have only their own "refrigerator" behind their souls .... and nothing more! And the fact that there are no shocks means that the right tactic has been found: just like that, a frog can be boiled drop by drop, dripping boiling water, .. but she won’t understand ...... Level...level....more or less full......and the number of Russians in Russia is no longer clear what. The population census data at the end of last year turned out to be such that nothing has been heard about them until now.
      2. 0
        28 January 2022 15: 15
        As for me, I observe this very "fading" not in the messages of external emanations, but in quite natural, everyday things coming from our own people. We do not like to think very much, our people are conservative with a "-" sign, even in things related to the benefits or convenience of life. We really like to call it shit-chocolate, and eat it on camera with a fanatical gleam in our eyes. In our environment, this causes a bewitching recognition, but it has always caused shock in the West (to the point that they were even ready at times to believe that it was chocolate, skillfully disguised). One could talk about this for a long time, but briefly it could be described as "dense people." Not all . But the vast majority. And from it, the vast majority, one might say, is the white bone of this denseness. The fact that over and over again each government broke these people on the knee in their alterations showed that, on the one hand, such power was "flesh of the flesh" of this denseness, on the other, that there are no aesthetically acceptable methods of influencing this majority with us . In the West, there is. In the East, there is. But we don't. Because dense people do not want to live well - they want to live "canonically", with long beards, in caftans to the heels, they want simple answers to all questions and a god-king who would embody for their oak heads all the competence available in the universe, in which they deny themselves, despising each other.
        1. +1
          15 June 2022 12: 06
          This culture is tormented by one word - "responsibility".
          As soon as a person sees that any of his words, deeds, actions are followed by consequences, he will begin to see clearly.
          Responsibility can be brought up precisely by participation in socially significant events and activities.
          And the result of this participation a person will see immediately.
          This is opposed by a powerful liberal ideology, in which, for a person, there is nothing beyond his professional duties. And professionals should also lead.
          The opposite of liberalism is consolidation.
          Providing a person with direct access to decision-making is the first step towards cultivating responsibility.
          Well, everyone saw the voting on the names of the missiles.
          But, for example, what concerns the everyday life of everyone, for example, the work of the management company, the municipality - this is not subject to any voting.
          It is necessary to make participation in social life not costly in terms of time and emotional strength.
          Again, the digitalization of veche meetings comes to mind.
  47. +1
    29 January 2022 04: 44
    I comment in sections:


    Fertility can be stimulated by increasing benefits for women on maternity leave, young fathers, economically supporting young families - here I see the main nuance, in addition to the sum of important little things, the issue of capital support for young families with housing.

    Not right away. Benefits and financial support are good, but you will immediately hit the ceiling. A 2-fold increase in the birth rate and a long maternity leave is a withdrawal from the labor force. Equal access to education for women and their involvement in labor activity inevitably correlates with a drop in the birth rate. And at this stage, in general, it is inevitable to reverse this trend, without concluding the country in strict isolation like the USSR.

    The presence of such support, in addition to stimulating the birth rate, contributes to the expansion of the settlement of people in the regions. For example, the state will build housing for young families and lease it to them for life for 5 rubles a month, with the possibility of further redemption of this housing at low-interest mortgage rates (more on that below).

    Again, no. Below you describe the strongest influence of the state on economic activity. This inevitably leads to the concentration of business in places where government decisions are made. This means that in conditional Nakhodka with 3 children in a three-room apartment and a rent of 5 thousand rubles, people will have many times less employment opportunities than in conditional Moscow without children with a rent of 40 thousand.

    It is possible to stimulate the birth rate by creating a closed account for each child born, to which some amount of state revenues will be deducted every month until the age of 20, in the expectation that by the age of majority he will repay from 1/3 to 1/2 of the cost of housing from this money. The funds in this account can be used for loans, housing or commercial development while the child is growing.

    Again, the fact that a child has the opportunity to buy an apartment by the age of 20 is a tiny contribution to the decision to have or not to have.

    The state guarantees the inviolability of this social line in the future.

    Only an authoritarian state can give such guarantees. In such a state, there is a manual legislative and judicial power. And this is a paradox, because apart from the state, no one gives any guarantees, and in case of violation of guarantees, a citizen has no measures to influence this state - there are no independent courts, no parliament, manual media and law enforcement agencies. That is, we have exactly what we have now.

    Of course, at the instrumental level, the state should gently direct the resettlement of people from overpopulated megacities to the Far East, including young families.

    This attraction can be expressed in the fact that, within the overall plan, special attention should be paid to the Far East in interaction with business and the idea of ​​organizing large enterprises, places are carefully selected taking into account a combination of convenient location, comfort for living and industry-business interests.

    No large business will seriously invest in the regions as long as the decision-making centers (including the expediency of this business) are 7000 kilometers away from this business.

    At the first stage (10-20 years from the start), it is enough to ensure the influx of about 10 million inhabitants into the region, in every possible way contributing to their development.

    The entire population of the Far East is 8 million people. Just building a second Khabarovsk will cost more than the budget you discuss below.
    1. 0
      29 January 2022 04: 53
      Foreign policy

      Politics for the sake of politics is better to forget. We should be interested, first of all, in the sales markets for products and long-term contracts, in the markets for the acquisition of technologies; states with which we will have a significant potential for increasing imports and exports in the future. In these areas, there should be a regime of maximum favor and benevolence, quick, flexible and creative solution of issues.

      It is right.

      Secondly, it must meet the interests of our regional security and stability.

      Surrounding states should be conditionally divided into friendly, neutral and unfriendly.

      But this is not very.

      We must gradually involve friendly states in the interests of mutual, growing economic and cultural symbiosis - we must firmly "plant" the markets of these states on our products, in all possible and profitable ways. If it is possible and expedient to include these states in our regional security project, great.

      There is only one problem. You propose to use business and culture as a lever for influencing our state on neighboring states. This means that both business and culture must be strictly controlled by the state. We have this today, but the economy is not growing, and culture, to put it mildly, is not quite where we would like.

      Our diplomacy and business should treat neutral states effectively and delicately, primarily through the joint build-up of non-key trade. The main thing here is not the pace, but a stable and developing movement.

      In diplomatic terms, we must be very careful with such countries, adhering to the principle of doctors "do no harm." Business in relations with neighboring countries should never be used as a weapon, we must stick to the business credo.

      You have a contradiction in two paragraphs. Either business (state-controlled) handles neighboring states, or it is not being used as a weapon. Why, by the way, do you think that business is strictly controlled by the state (as I understand it, an authoritarian state) is this correct?

      Finally, unfriendly neighboring states should be at a benevolent-neutral level of diplomatic relations, economic contacts should be maintained to the extent that it is beneficial to us, increasing the benefits from us by these countries should be tied to a roadmap for resolving our claims to “unfriendly” status. Such claims may be the presence of foreign military installations, political acts harmful to us, etc.

      Again, why should the state use business as leverage?

      Friendly and neutral countries in our neighborhood should be provided with information about our major domestic projects and be given preferential opportunities for investment, as well as guarantees for the protection of these investments. Accordingly, friendly states receive more favorable terms than neutral ones.

      Unfriendly do not get this opportunity at all.

      State relations are changing, what to do with the investments of a friendly state that has become unfriendly? Shall we withdraw or ban? It's all there today.

      For a long time, our interest will be primarily tied to our own region. We must forget about any global ambitions until our GDP is comparable to that of the top three at least.

      I'm sorry, but the whole chapter is devoted to global ambitions. You even offer to "plant" friendly countries.
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 12: 40
        There is only one problem. You propose to use business and culture as a lever for influencing our state on neighboring states. This means that both business and culture must be strictly controlled by the state. We have this today, but the economy is not growing, and culture, to put it mildly, is not quite where we would like

        By the word "plant" on culture, I meant that in the event of an increase in the output of cultural products (and this is natural, in view of the need for such an increase for internal needs and an increase in the budget, part of which will go to culture), a larger amount of our cultural product will presented in neighboring countries that are still culturally associated with us in one way or another. We can simply take this moment into account ahead of time, gently forming wishes for the formation of cultural products. For example, in the cinema of the national republics, nat often comes through. a line, a line of opposition - this is quite permissible for their small-town view of things, but in our case, our line cannot be such, and moreover, it should not. This is not a matter of "censorship" - historically, the external project was part of OUR project, our superstate. The dividing line will not bring us benefits, and everything that does not bring us benefits should not receive these benefits. This is primarily about state support and state funds.
        As for business - as noted in the article, there will be a business voluntarily appearing in the Plan, there will be a business that is not interested in it. The business included in the Plan will receive state support for penetrating into neighboring markets - this is logical, because the state will also support manufacturers of neighboring, friendly states in our market. It's just that in the case of businesses participating in the Plan, this support can be built more skillfully and ahead of time, because the business coordinates its plans with the state. This is not a synonym for "strict control" - here, rather, business marks the boundaries of what is desired and finds a mutually beneficial compromise with the state. The ability to conduct a dialogue with business is not "control".
        You have a contradiction in two paragraphs. Either business (state-controlled) handles neighboring states, or it is not being used as a weapon. Why, by the way, do you think that business is strictly controlled by the state (as I understand it, an authoritarian state) is this correct?

        No contradiction. Business is NOT used as a weapon. First, the state is NOT authoritarian. The state does not tell citizens or businesses what to do, how to conduct business. The task of the state is to increase the welfare of society - in this field, it establishes interaction, forms forecasts, and conducts diplomatic and legislative work. This is a business support line. Business creates jobs for citizens and contributes to the development and saturation of the environment in which they live. Incomes of citizens and businesses in excess of tax deductions (and some restrictions regarding the extractive industry) do not concern the state - these are the incomes of individuals.
        Private forecasting sharashkas are not prohibited - it's just that the state is doing this at a high level.
        "business processing of neighboring states" - we have a growing market, our neighbors have manufacturers who want to get into it. We negotiate with our neighbors on the admission of these manufacturers, they, in turn, allow our producers. On simple and understandable terms, without kefir-wine-sprat wars. The capture of neighboring markets implies that we, at the state level, study the market niches of neighboring states and their small players, bring this information to the business within the Plan - and the business decides whether to try to occupy these niches, knocking out third-party players from them or not. If so, then at the diplomatic level we try to level the lobbying factor within the neighboring state in favor of these players (if it exists), and our manufacturer occupies this niche by the right of healthy competition (if its product is objectively more competitive).
        In some cases, as noted in the article, we can also use our own lobbying - however, here you need to follow the measure and this applies only to a narrow range of products.
        Again, why should the state use business as leverage?

        It's not about using the business as leverage. The point is that again, due to "hickey" with unfriendly regimes, not to get a situation where the sudden weaning of our market from the products produced on a level puts an end to our own plans. For example, at one time "Sea Launch" relied on a Ukrainian rocket, a number of samples of military equipment - on Ukrainian engines. Imposed sanctions, and all this goes to dust. This is economic damage, bankruptcy, etc. So, first of all, it is a protective measure that contributes to cutting off from our market those manufacturers that can be influenced by states unfriendly to us. Business loves stability.
        From the point of view of our business, we will not prohibit anyone from trading with anyone. Simply due to the unfriendly position of some states, our diplomatic possibilities for resolving some situations will be limited. Our business on the territory of such states will not be adequately protected. This does not imply a "ban", I repeat once again, but this factor should appear in the analytics because these are "risks". In planning, the development of such areas will be carried out after the development of friendly and neutral ones, and this is logical, since there are less risks.
        State relations are changing, what to do with the investments of a friendly state that has become unfriendly? Shall we withdraw or ban? It's all there today.

        The Relationship Roadmap solves this problem. If we see an increase in the friendly line, we are gradually removing risk indicators and restrictions. If we see its decrease, we gradually introduce them. This is a natural consequence of analytics - risks increase, they have to be reckoned with. The key word here is "gradually". If in a neighboring state they suddenly begin to put pressure on our business and escalate it on the diplomatic front, we form a claim, if it is solved, then there are no problems. If it is not solved and it gets worse, we form an improvement roadmap, depending on the change in dynamics, we act on it further. All interactions must adhere to the contractual and legislative framework. The private entrepreneurs of our neighbors are not our enemies, and "bombing Voronezh" is a bad strategy - laws should not be retroactive, we should not punish entrepreneurs doing business with us for the jambs of their government. At the same time, there will be no reason to expand business cooperation with such states, because their own ability to adhere to contractual obligations will be in doubt. In general, I believe that we should have a very clear position on the "red lines", these are not so many points, but all our neighbors should know them.
        I'm sorry, but the whole chapter is devoted to global ambitions. You even offer to "plant" friendly countries.

        I don't see anything wrong with that - we're not selling opium! We have goals - to increase GDP, to occupy citizens, the capacity of our market is increasing - this is beneficial for producers in neighboring countries, they will increase their profits at the expense of our growing market, and should we smoke bamboo? Is it bad that we will have the task of occupying competitive niches in their markets? After all, we will occupy them with unusable goods.
        1. +1
          29 January 2022 20: 47
          This is not a matter of "censorship" - historically, the external project was part of OUR project, our superstate. The dividing line will not bring us benefits, and everything that does not bring us benefits should not receive these benefits. This is primarily about state support and state funds.

          This is precisely censorship in the form in which it exists today. No one says "shoot this, but don't shoot that". But everyone understands that if you get state. grandmother - then filter please. In such conditions, the whole culture is emasculated and neutral, and masterpieces are born in conflicts.

          there will be a business that voluntarily appears in the Plan, there will be a business that is not interested.

          Just not. At first, there will be a business that does not appear in the Plan, and then it simply will not exist. For two reasons - it is easier to take money from the state and it is unprofitable (or dangerous) to compete with a state-funded business. Dialogue with business is impossible with state support, because in this case the state is obliged to demand from business and, of course, the state. the apparatus cannot be used, so as not to grind competitors.

          It's not about using the business as leverage. The point is that again, due to "hickey" with unfriendly regimes, not to get a situation where the sudden weaning of our market from the products produced on a level puts an end to our own plans. For example, at one time "Sea Launch" relied on a Ukrainian rocket, a number of samples of military equipment - on Ukrainian engines. Imposed sanctions, and all this goes to dust. This is economic damage, bankruptcy, etc. So, first of all, it is a protective measure that contributes to cutting off from our market those manufacturers that can be influenced by states unfriendly to us. Business loves stability.

          Here again, the state, on which sanctions are suddenly imposed, cannot provide business with stability. You are now talking about sanctions as a sudden and unpredictable event, and not about the consequences of government policy (including in relation to business). If a business goes bankrupt due to inept business strategy, lack of innovation is one thing and the state should not interfere in it. If business dies because of imperial ambitions, then it is the fault of the state, not business.
          1. -1
            29 January 2022 21: 03
            Who pays the one who orders the music. An alternative to this is the production of "cinema not for everyone" with which it will be fun and provocatively to ride around festivals, and from which half of the country will spit at home.
            Just not. At first, there will be a business that does not appear in the Plan, and then it simply will not exist. For two reasons - it is easier to take money from the state and it is unprofitable (or dangerous) to compete with a state-funded business

            If we have the task of defeating inflation, then of course cooperation with the state will be very beneficial. Who else will issue loans at 2% per annum? And what do you want?) The state is not a leprechaun - it has limited finances, its task is to create an environment and not to be silly with everyone. What I'm talking about - creates it, then the market - themselves with a mustache. No one interferes with the interaction of plan members with someone outside the plan - the state is interested in Benefit and not the letter.
            Here again, the state, on which sanctions are suddenly imposed, cannot ensure business stability.

            Shitty things happen (s). No one is immune from force majeure. However, a number of risks are predictable - and working with them reduces the overall abstract risk losses.

            If business dies because of imperial ambitions, then it is the fault of the state, not business

            No "imperial undertakings" - just business. If we don't do this, what should we do? Continue to cry into the cuff, remembering the times of the USSR?
            1. 0
              29 January 2022 22: 57
              Who pays the one who orders the music. An alternative to this is the production of "cinema not for everyone" with which it will be fun and provocatively to ride around festivals, and from which half of the country will spit at home.

              And why is it bad that half the country spits? If the film is successful at the box office, what difference does it make whether the whole country or half went to see it? Truth is born in a dispute, in our country something that was not filmed on the state. money - one Badcomedian increases the audience.

              If we have the task of defeating inflation, then of course cooperation with the state will be very beneficial. Who else will issue loans at 2% per annum? And what do you want?) The state is not a leprechaun - it has limited finances, its task is to create an environment and not to be silly with everyone. What I'm talking about - creates it, then the market - themselves with a mustache. No one interferes with the interaction of plan members with someone outside the plan - the state is interested in Benefit and not the letter.

              You start from the premise that the interest of a government-sponsored business is development and profit. But no, the interest of such a business is the development of public money. They took a loan, created a prototype - the state managed to sell it - they took another loan. Failed - withdrew money, went bankrupt and create the next company.

              Shitty things happen (s). No one is immune from force majeure. However, a number of risks are predictable - and working with them reduces the overall abstract risk losses.

              How was business supposed to predict the annexation of Crimea or the assassination of Magnitsky?

              No "imperial undertakings" - just business. If we don't do this, what should we do? Continue to cry into the cuff, remembering the times of the USSR?

              If the state is engaged in business and uses it to promote foreign policy goals, these are imperial inventions. Normally it should be the other way around.
              1. -1
                29 January 2022 23: 05
                And why is it bad that half the country spits? If the film is successful at the box office, what difference does it make whether the whole country or half went to see it? Truth is born in a dispute, in our country something that was not filmed on the state. money - one Badcomedian increases the audience.

                In order for the cinema that is not supported by the state to flourish in our country, we need an economy at least four times larger than the current one. Until it is - state support is the best solution. An alternative to this is "Russian Bollywood", which will sculpt a lot like the Indians, but it will not practically go outside, and therefore will not bring us Profit.
                You start from the premise that the interest of a government-sponsored business is development and profit. But no, the interest of such a business is the development of public money. They took a loan, created a prototype - the state managed to sell it - they took another loan. Failed - withdrew money, went bankrupt and create the next company.

                And business does not "push" the state. He sells in the market. And if he sold with a margin, he gets another loan. And if you don’t sell it, you get a damaged credit history. This is a common mechanism, didn't it please you too?)
                How was business supposed to predict the annexation of Crimea or the assassination of Magnitsky?

                Kamoon, there were no "orange revolutions" in Ukraine?) It was like, it was the first time, right?
                No, of course, I understand that every flap of the bean's wing somewhere causes the end of the world according to Chaos theory, but recording Magnitsky as an Actor is really very powerful))
                If the state is engaged in business and uses it to promote foreign policy goals, these are imperial inventions. Normally it should be the other way around.

                No, these are foreign policy movements used to promote business) And this is written in black and white in the article. Politics for the sake of politics is not what interests us. We are interested in profit.
                1. 0
                  29 January 2022 23: 48
                  In order for the cinema that is not supported by the state to flourish in our country, we need an economy at least four times larger than the current one. Until it is - state support is the best solution. An alternative to this is "Russian Bollywood", which will sculpt a lot like the Indians, but it will not practically go outside, and therefore will not bring us Profit.

                  Again, I do not understand to whom Nam. If this is Russian Bollywood and it pays off, and the state does not invest a penny, why not? Yes, even stupid videos on YouTube or Tiktok, why not?

                  And business does not "push" the state. He sells in the market. And if he sold with a margin, he gets another loan. And if you don’t sell it, you get a damaged credit history. This is a common mechanism, didn't it please you too?)

                  A homeless business is opened, a loan is taken, the business goes bankrupt. There are specialists in opening a turnkey business, with a clean bum and a clean credit history, preparing a business plan and documentation.

                  Kamoon, there were no "orange revolutions" in Ukraine?) It was like, it was the first time, right?
                  No, of course, I understand that every flap of the bean's wing somewhere causes the end of the world according to Chaos theory, but recording Magnitsky as an Actor is really very powerful))

                  Well, we do not take Ukraine as a standard, do we? And I do not consider Magnitsky an actor, I consider the state to be an actor, which behaved unpredictably for business and thus created the prerequisites for sanctions.

                  No, these are foreign policy movements used to promote business) And this is written in black and white in the article. Politics for the sake of politics is not what interests us. We are interested in profit.

                  We have profit now. We sell resources well, we have a surplus budget, a money box and a bunch of billionaires.
                  1. -1
                    30 January 2022 00: 05
                    Again, I do not understand to whom Nam. If this is Russian Bollywood and it pays off, and the state does not invest a penny, why not? Yes, even stupid videos on YouTube or Tiktok, why not?

                    With private money as a profitable business, for health. As a direction for spending a share of the budget "on culture", he is not interested.

                    A homeless business is opened, a loan is taken, the business goes bankrupt. There are specialists in opening a turnkey business, with a clean bum and a clean credit history, preparing a business plan and documentation.

                    You are again extrapolating modern laws and loopholes to my scheme. Once again I have to explain to you that this is incorrect ..
                    Well, we do not take Ukraine as a standard, do we? And I don’t consider Magnitsky an actor, I consider the state to be an actor, which behaved unpredictably for business and thus created the preconditions for sanctions

                    You are dragging my scheme into the abyss of the imperfection of our present policy. Just the same scheme was announced in connection with this imperfection! This attitude towards politics is what we need to get away from.

                    We have profit now. We sell resources well, we have a surplus budget, a money box and a bunch of billionaires.

                    The pace has picked up, resources are running out, the budget is smaller than it could be. We are stuck in resin.
                    1. 0
                      30 January 2022 01: 21
                      With private money as a profitable business, for health. As a direction for spending a share of the budget "on culture", he is not interested.

                      So that's what it's about. What happens if the culture of private business, which can be, to put it mildly, unfriendly to the state, has a greater influence than the state? Let's say like the movie "" or "Leviathan".

                      You are again extrapolating modern laws and loopholes to my scheme. Once again I have to explain to you that this is incorrect ..

                      Why is it incorrect? Ideal people in an ideal state, maybe. But can the real situation change at will from above?

                      You are dragging my scheme into the abyss of the imperfection of our present policy. Just the same scheme was announced in connection with this imperfection! This attitude towards politics is what we need to get away from.

                      Well, again, the cruel reality will smash all dreams to smithereens? What to do with all these swindlers, cruel and corrupt people, stupid, ignorant, mercenary?

                      The pace has picked up, resources are running out, the budget is smaller than it could be. We are stuck in resin.

                      Yes, but there is profit. It can be increased probably if you sell more resources?
                      1. -1
                        30 January 2022 01: 38
                        So that's what it's about. What happens if the culture of private business, which can be, to put it mildly, unfriendly to the state, has a greater influence than the state? Let's say like the movie "" or "Leviathan"

                        No problem - if such a view of things will bring profit to film publishers and recoup investments. Or if they burn their money on the set of such a movie, but before that they pay taxes - this is undoubtedly their business. If there is an admirer for a product (not illegal), this is a market. Of course, there is no reason for the state to invest in discrediting the state. This is some kind of masochism) But there is also no right to prevent this.
                        Why is it incorrect? Ideal people in an ideal state, maybe. But can the real situation change at will from above?

                        By default, serious changes require sufficient power and some kind of credibility. If these conditions are met, the authorities have the tools to select professionals with an impeccable reputation for writing laws in line with a certain model. You can rely on a number of other professionals in the matter of personnel selection. This is not such a large group of people in fact, but it is necessarily present at the root of any qualitative beginning.
                        Well, again, the cruel reality will smash all dreams to smithereens? What to do with all these swindlers, cruel and corrupt people, stupid, ignorant, mercenary?

                        With stupid yes, there will be trouble, of course. On the other hand, simple and non-double interpreted laws can be quite well both implemented and controlled even by narrow-minded people. Well-built reporting will prevent theft. If an effective monitoring system is formed, inefficiency will be clearly visible against the background of statistics, and this can and will need to be worked on.
                        The experience of the systematic eradication of corruption in a number of countries of the world indicates that this is possible, if one is methodical.
                        Yes, but there is profit. It can be increased probably if you sell more resources?

                        This is an unsuitable strategy, the modern price difference between the resource-product indicates that in this direction we will never solve the issue of a suitable standard of living even for half of the country's inhabitants. We need to expand production.
    2. +1
      29 January 2022 05: 05
      External business strategy

      At the first stage, we must devote a lot of time to analyzing what our neighbors use the resources they buy from us for - and what of this then returns to us in the form of products. We must take into account the most capacious areas in terms of money in the strategy for launching the corresponding enterprises that create a similar, competitive product for the domestic market.

      In case of success in the domestic market, the manufacturer needs to provide all conditions for penetration into the markets of neighboring countries and maximum comfort for growth within the Russian Federation.

      This is expressed in maximum information and diplomatic support, long tax holidays, maximum simplification of doing business, preferential loans, etc. Export resources are gradually redirected to a domestic producer of goods that has proven its effective strategy and quality.

      Here again, the desire for state monopolies is clearly visible.

      The second stage - in the case of a significant share of similar products (not ours) on our own market and the opportunity to buy all of the above - we must facilitate the organization of a business that "digs for it" within the Russian Federation, based on existing and relatively successful enterprises on the topic, or having related experience. After pumping money and all sorts of support, the manufacturer receives a significant carte blanche in the domestic market, in case of success - in the neighboring ones, in the future, the state in every possible way contributes to its trade expansion.

      If the state is pumping money into a business, who owns this business? What happens if this business is inefficient or not competitive? Is there a division of duties between an official and a businessman in such a combination?

      And the third stage. Here our task is much more modest than expansion - we must have guaranteed our own technological cycles in those areas that are vulnerable to us from the point of view of sanctions.

      There should be no steps back - potentially vulnerable areas should cease to be such.

      That is, state monopolies again?

      The markets of states that are friendly to us should be saturated primarily with our highly competitive products. With the success of this process, we can already create conditions in which these markets will also support our producers from the third stage - in return for some reciprocal preferences in our domestic market (in the event that the quality of our third-stage production is slightly inferior or the price slightly exceeds foreign analogues).

      What should we do if friendly states saturate our market with their products, and our products are not competitive because of this? Should we classify such states as neutral or hostile?

      In the work of such enterprises within the Russian Federation, the main advantage at first will not be taxes from them, but their capacity for the labor market and domestic innovations, and related domestic equipment.

      Where it is reasonable, the state should carry out advisory communication between domestic market participants, facilitating the establishment of mutually beneficial cooperation between them and the import substitution of joint venture products where it is appropriate and can be beneficial.

      In more complex cases, roadmaps should be created for the transition to domestic equipment in the future, since the overall percentage of domestic equipment in the domestic market will steadily grow.

      Should the state intervene in competition and labor relations? What if the enterprise created by the state is not competitive in comparison with LLC Horns and Hooves, the main investor of which is a citizen of an unfriendly or neutral state? What if "Horns and Hooves" is poaching employees of a state-owned enterprise? What if "Horns and Hooves" refuses import substitution?
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 13: 15
        I would rather call it "soft protectionism". It won't be entirely accurate.
        What are the disadvantages of this line? We have the opportunity to produce competitive products cheaper - should we be ashamed of this opportunity, limit our abilities? Other countries do not. Our own market is crammed with other people's junk that we could very well make ourselves. If we do it and occupy niches in our market, is that bad? If we push them out of neighboring markets, breaking down their lobbying factors and leaving exclusively price-quality competition that will be on our side, is that bad? There is NO Mrs. monopolies - the state supports its producers within the country for expansion outward - this is what ALL states do, setting as their goal a sharp increase in GDP. The degree of support is different - we have these potentials are huge. So why don't we do it?
        If the state is pumping money into a business, who owns this business? What happens if this business is inefficient or not competitive? Is there a division of duties between an official and a businessman in such a combination?

        The state gives businesses a low-rate loan, possibly acquiring some kind of its share (not a control one). Perhaps in some cases the state goes on tax holidays to establish a business model. Business is a plant that must be nurtured before it bears fruit. Not all plants grow equally efficiently - this is true. But the degree of support will also be different - it is not for nothing that I put at the forefront precisely the analytical and prognostic properties of the state, namely the communicative qualities of the "consultative bureaucracy". Of course, at first, the supported business niches will not be so wide - but over time (trial and error), the most effective mechanism will be formed, similar to Western investments in start-ups, on a national scale.
        The state will have the opportunity to choose from planned and existing business projects, all this amount of data will flow into think tanks. Round tables can be held with the participants, at which it is possible and necessary to work out the sharp corners of their plans. Of course, there will be a need for a lot of predictive markers of "success", but thinking about such markers is already beyond my knowledge. Here it is necessary to analyze the experience of effective Western venture funds.
        That is, state monopolies again?

        Large state-owned companies will exist and form orders for small companies. At least in the military area. I do not consider it possible or useful to reform this system in the period of 10-20 years, but it is possible to extract a plus from such clusters.
        On their basis, it is possible to create competitive products, although, of course, they will be inferior to private traders in flexibility and efficiency. At the same time, no one has canceled the experience and resources of the teams - to solve large and science-intensive tasks, we will have to rely on them for a long time. In the future, private traders will "grow up" to the moment when they can be given orders of similar complexity, both for reasons of authority, economic opportunities, and the abilities of their teams. This is where competitive mechanisms come into play.
        What should we do if friendly states saturate our market with their products, and our products are not competitive because of this? Should we classify such states as neutral or hostile?

        In no way. I perfectly understand that we will not be able to manufacture a number of products competitive due to objective reasons. Where it can be achieved, it must be achieved and forced out. I did my best. Where it is irrational to achieve this - why do it? Everything we do must be PROFITABLE.
        In some cases, we WILL HAVE to invest in diversification and a non-competitive product for security reasons (counteraction to sanctions restrictions). Here we will have to use tougher instruments, but we will have a casus beli based on the history of the damage done to us in the past. In these areas, we HAVE to catch up and invest, but there are no alternatives to this. Here we will also have to use not the most honest methods of competing for markets. On the other hand, is the external sanctions line fair? I don't think that if you're hit on one cheek, you should turn the other.

        Should the state intervene in competition and labor relations?

        In the vast majority of cases, it shouldn't. As the market grows, the presence of many competing players even on the domestic market is good. The best of them will get the opportunity to bring profit to the country by expanding abroad, the worst of them can still occupy some niche, creating a plurality of goods and being able to reorient production more flexibly.
        What if the enterprise created by the state is not competitive compared to Horns and Hooves LLC

        I consider state enterprises mainly as a number of resource-producing and military-industrial enterprises. To allow private traders to "immediately" enter this area is not the healthiest solution, as for me. Although in a number of cases, perhaps, this is justified - but specifically in terms of a gradual departure from the export of resources - no.
        In my scheme, the state DOES NOT produce "state-owned enterprises" - competition between foreign and domestic companies takes place on a market basis. If a foreign company creates a competitive product INSIDE THE COUNTRY, pays taxes, provides jobs - yes to health! It's just magical! Import substitution is not a "fixed idea" - it is a direction that helps to reduce production costs within the Plan. People sat down and calculated what benefits a gradual transition to domestic door handles, for example, could bring for a period of 20 years. Is there a benefit? This means that we are GRADUALLY including this line in state planning. Business operating in the direction of the use or production of door handles - is coordinated for mutual agreements, if it is FAVORABLE for them. Those who coordinate in this way will get a price advantage and a mutual long-term order.
        1. 0
          29 January 2022 21: 41
          I would rather call it "soft protectionism". It won't be entirely accurate.
          What are the disadvantages of this line? We have the opportunity to produce competitive products cheaper - should we be ashamed of this opportunity, limit our abilities? Other countries do not. Our own market is crammed with other people's junk that we could very well make ourselves. If we do it and occupy niches in our market, is that bad? If we push them out of neighboring markets, breaking down their lobbying factors and leaving exclusively price-quality competition that will be on our side, is that bad? There is NO Mrs. monopolies - the state supports its producers within the country for expansion outward - this is what ALL states do, setting as their goal a sharp increase in GDP. The degree of support is different - we have these potentials are huge. So why don't we do it?

          When you say "we", "us" do you mean the state, individuals, people or what? Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap, what does it mean to support manufacturers, is it financial injections, lobbying, direct control or what? Let's say Vasya wants to sew socks in Ryazan and oust Chinese manufacturers - what can the state offer him, except to step aside and not interfere. Or is there a tractor factory that can choose to sell its products exclusively to unfriendly countries against demand and competition in a friendly country, stupidly because of money?
          1. -1
            29 January 2022 21: 50

            When you say "we", "us" do you mean the state, individuals, people or what? Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap, what does it mean to support manufacturers, is it financial injections, lobbying, direct control or what? Let's say Vasya wants to sew socks in Ryazan and oust Chinese manufacturers - what can the state offer him, except to step aside and not interfere. Or is there a tractor factory that can choose to sell its products exclusively to unfriendly countries against demand and competition in a friendly country, stupidly because of money?

            All persons interested in the process, I mean.
            If Vasya wants to sew socks in Ryazan, the state can be useful to him by cooperating with the manufacturer of the components he is interested in with a minimum intermediary margin (from domestic manufacturers). The one that will point him to the regional niches where his product will be most in demand. The fact that if Vasya’s business goes well and the business grows, the state can provide him with data on adjacent markets and needs for socks there, provide a low-interest loan if Vasya, in addition to his success, also forms a business model.
            1. 0
              29 January 2022 23: 01
              I think Vasya needs the rules of the game from the state, and he must look for suppliers, markets and loans himself. The question of survival or non-survival of his business is not a problem of the state.
              1. -1
                29 January 2022 23: 09
                The bigger Vasya is as a taxpayer, the more potential he has, the more Vasya can help the state - and Vasya's state. Vasya can bring foreign exchange earnings with his product - why not? If he has a good product.
                Different degree of support depending on opportunities and potential.
                1. 0
                  30 January 2022 01: 21
                  Why should Vasya help the state? Vasya will strive to get away from the patronage of the state, including going offshore, diverting proceeds abroad, etc.
                  1. -1
                    30 January 2022 01: 40
                    This is a matter of working out the legislative framework and improving the work of supervisory authorities.
    3. +1
      29 January 2022 05: 08
      Advisory bureaucracy

      There seems to be nothing to discuss here. From all the above sections, it is clear that you perceive the state as monolithic and authoritarian, without separation of branches of power and independence of business. An advisory bureaucracy under such conditions is "a highly recommended offer that cannot be refused."
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 13: 26
        You do not understand my scheme at all. The current market is an information chaos, saturated with the resonation of unreliable information processed by not always professional people. The scheme I'm talking about is a state that creates a qualitatively more trusting and strictly verified information and analytical space. No more no less. The state has tasks - they are indicated in article number 3. To combine information flows and analytics and the DESIRE to move towards these tasks is the essence of everything. The state collects and processes statistical data for business and people - all this data is collected and provided not by anyone, but by specialists trained according to state standards.
        It's like a cyclopean information desk. A person comes into this system and says - I want to start a Shiitake mushroom business. The specialist shows him information on the demand for this mushroom, by region of the country. Shows how many people like him are planning to start a mushroom production business. Shows analytic data APPROXIMATELY pointing to an increase or decrease in demand for this mushroom in the future. If a person decides to do this, the specialist transfers him to another KB specialist, who helps to form a business plan and calculate the initial costs. Etc. A person who wants to do business is led by STATE specialists. They introduce him to the Plan - to that part of it in which his mushroom can be "in the court" and to the demand of those who are outside the Plan as well - but in the case of the Plan, he IS able to cooperate more successfully with those who produce the necessary for him for business elements, who will buy its products, etc. All this happens through KBshnikov.
        A person who is disgusted by all this can collect this information himself and interpret it himself - yes, to health. Itself to drive on suppliers, to agree - please. It just doesn't provide any benefit.
        1. 0
          29 January 2022 21: 45
          You do not understand my scheme at all.

          I don't understand your diagram at all. According to her, there is a significant information bias towards the state. Without cooperating with the state, which has all the information for the success of the business, the business will not be able to flourish and compete. At the same time, the business that first fuses with the state will prosper. The question is - the second business that will come to the state in the same niche - will it be able to compete with the first? If so, why do we need a plan that allows competitors to bite off market share? If not, then a monopoly is created...
          1. -1
            29 January 2022 21: 57
            You say that as if the state will hide information from residents who do not participate in the Plan. Info will be available to ALL residents of the state.
            A private trader can go to a private analytical office - good luck. It's just that they will hardly say something more than the state.
            The question is - the second business that will come to the state in the same niche - will it be able to compete with the first?

            Flexible management has not yet been canceled. Also the location of the regional office. Some local company will have lower logistics costs - which will affect the cost of its products. And in its region, it will occupy a market share, this is logical.
            The plan contributes to the cultivation of effective business within the state - which, having increased its potential, is already developing outside the state, bringing benefits as a tax resident, creating jobs, generating a quality product, etc. Inside the state market, local monopolists are possible, and this is normal. For example, it is very expensive to bring fresh vegetables to Chukotka, growing them there can give some benefits in sales THERE, but will NOT give benefits in sales outside the country. A number of industries will cover intra-regional needs, but will not be able to enter external competition.
    4. 0
      29 January 2022 05: 12
      Information Policy

      Since I believe that an extremely important task of a modern and developing state with a high share of social spending and social support should be informational support for its population - this support should also come from the media. They must bring to the masses a healthy, fresh stream, useful knowledge, a beautiful picture, aesthetically form the image of the state that we want to see.

      You talk about new generations and traditional media in the same article. Again, this utopia is possible behind a rigid iron curtain, after a long brainwashing. Unfortunately, the example of North Korea shows that this is not compatible with a prosperous state.
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 13: 29
        You talk about new generations and traditional media in the same article. Again, this utopia is possible behind a rigid iron curtain, after a long brainwashing. Unfortunately, the example of North Korea shows that this is not compatible with a prosperous state.

        In no way. I'm just pointing out that it is necessary to take out all the various garbage from the information space as much as possible - each thing should be on its shelf and in its measure. Now everything is piled up and completely devoid of aesthetics, the state line as such is not visible at all behind these heaps, and television, like a person with bipolar disorder, alternates mania with depression.
        1. 0
          29 January 2022 21: 45
          Once again, you are talking about a new generation that does not consume information from the TV.
          1. -1
            29 January 2022 21: 58
            Now TV is frankly disgusting to watch. Having worked on the content, you can attract people in the same way as you can scare them away.
            1. 0
              29 January 2022 23: 09
              You are now talking about dissonance in the information space. In the original section, you propose to display a positive picture on TV by hiding the negative in separate channels, unpopular hours, etc. At the same time, the information consumed by the generation in Telegram, 2h, Peekaboo, VO will be very different from lubok on TV. Do you think the population will trust their native state, which is clearly lying to this very population through official channels, state-sponsored films, etc.? The state will say - go to the Far East, there is work, housing, the climate is good - just give birth. And the population in Telegram reads about something else and that's it, there will be no trust in the king ...
              1. -1
                29 January 2022 23: 16
                In the original section, you propose to display a positive picture on TV by hiding the negative in separate channels, unpopular hours, etc.

                We clearly have a different understanding of the word "hide". There is a man - an exhibitionist. He seeks to demonstrate his ..advantages to everyone around. Also, modern media dumps on a person an array of what is often not interesting to him, neither thematically nor aesthetically. I'm in favor of separate eggs and separate boots. For you it is "hide", for me it is to submit for a different audience.
                At the same time, the information consumed by the generation in Telegram, 2h, Peekaboo, VO will be very different from lubok on TV

                You are talking about the current TV, and I am telling you about what it can be. Why did you decide that built according to the patterns I indicated, it will be the same cave as it is now?
                Do you think the population will trust their native state, which is clearly lying to this very population through official channels, state-sponsored films, etc.?

                And why does the state need to lie?) What benefit does he get from this in my model?
                The state will say - go to the Far East, there is work, housing, the climate is good - just give birth.

                For mercy) You don’t have to go, you can take a mortgage in large cities, at the same 2%. Only there the markup on land will be higher and you will have to live in a sleeping bag, and how much to cut before work. A matter of taste. I never spoke about guaranteed employment) A person will be informed about where his specialty is most in demand, but the decision is his.
                No one will mislead him - if you want your own hut for 5 thousand rubles - you are welcome. No, it's not. You are not interested - but do not judge everyone by yourself.
                1. 0
                  29 January 2022 23: 52
                  In your program, you voice specific goals that the state should achieve - an increase in the birth rate, the development of regions, business support, career guidance. And now you say that all this is purely voluntary? Somehow you were quickly blown away in imperial ambitions :)
                  1. -1
                    30 January 2022 00: 07
                    We speak different languages. Purely voluntary - implies that the state Attracts but does not Force. Enlisted will be enough, there is no need to force.
    5. 0
      29 January 2022 05: 15
      Reorientation and career guidance

      In the future, state analysts should work on forecasts for the labor market and, through a system of free clubs and the modernization of school education, involve capable people in future professional development already from high school.

      Here again, you are assuming a model of absolute totalitarianism and state monopolies in everything.

      Thus, I believe that for a successful breakthrough, we, among other things, must again become one of the flagships of world pedagogy and education - but specifically in this area, we must become the absolute leader in the development and implementation of flexible professional retraining methods.

      This is a task for a generation at least. And certainly not in the conditions of state monopolies for everything.
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 13: 41
        If you REALLY want to see totalitarianism in what I write, you will see it regardless of my answers to you.
        I will give an example - here is Vasya. Wasya wants to become a carpenter. He likes it, he wants to connect his life with it. But Vasya does not want to sit without work and without money, and he goes and asks if there will be carpenters in 20 years? And how many of them are now on this line. And they tell him - they will! Take care, be calm. Such is the demand now, such is predicted. This is the expected salary.
        Or vice versa - they say no, they will not be needed. And Vasya thinks where else he can apply his woodworking inclinations. Or spit on it and still become a carpenter - maybe even the best in town. In any case, he HAS DATA. Reducing uncertainty is always good. This data is told to him not by some kind of mutny site on the Internet, but by the state.
        If Vasya is already a carpenter, but he is idle as an employee, he is not satisfied with the salary and in general he likes to code from time to time since childhood, he has the opportunity to get into educational programs that can take him somewhere higher (if he has the ability) or just take his time for the soul (if they are limited).
        Where the hell is totalitarianism?
        The state is interested in the fact that Vasya is employed and does not eat water from the fact that his life is aimless and there is no work? So that he pays taxes, gives birth to children, starts his own business, etc.
        This is a task for a generation at least. And certainly not in the conditions of state monopolies for everything.

        Here you are imagining a state monopoly .. for example, let's take the girl Masha. Since childhood, she dreams of becoming a teacher, working with children, etc. She LIKE to explain. Here, she is interested in - how much will the teacher earn in 5 years and how much? And will there be demand? Analysts tell her it will, as it plans to launch 1000 cross stitch units. And Z.p is planned such and such. And Masha already has food for thought - whether she needs it or not. Where will these sections be, what age will be there, and so on and so forth. And she herself decides whether to dig in this direction or not to dig. And the state is looking at whether state employees are well attracted to these areas or not. Whether to turn up the heat or not.
        This is a task for a 10-year planning horizon, so that.
        1. +1
          29 January 2022 21: 50
          In order for the state, represented by an official, to tell Vasya what will happen in 20 years, it (the state) must ensure the irremovability of power, political course, development strategy, courts, etc. for 20 years. Is that clearer?

          About the task for the generation. This does not apply to the specific girl Masha and her aspirations for cross-stitching. This applies to the system as a whole. For a world-class education, we must have educational technologies, methods, and teachers. As you know, a bad teacher cannot grow a good teacher, and we all know where our education system is heading ...
          1. -1
            29 January 2022 22: 03
            No, it's not logical at all. Power can change - the course, if it is effective, will remain unchanged or will be better or slightly slow down growth. A good system is always foolproof to a large extent. In our particular country, yes, there have been problems with this. But in the West, we do not see such problems or almost do not see them. Therefore, this is an issue that can be regulated at the legislative level.
            We have very fashionable voluntarists in power, this is a very unhealthy thing, because these people are harmful to any plans in principle. Our president is also an overly public and authoritarian figure. This is also harmful, because many of his tasks should be solved by the bureaucracy, and he should be the "arbiter", but not the main actor.

            For a world-class education, we must have educational technologies, methods, teachers

            You are now coming to the conclusions that I outlined in the article. Re-read.
            1. 0
              29 January 2022 23: 15
              A good system is always foolproof to a large extent. In our particular country, yes, there have been problems with this. But in the West, we do not see such problems or almost do not see them. Therefore, this is an issue that can be regulated at the legislative level.

              Again, you propose a system with a very strong state, and in particular with executive power (there above you spoke about the inevitability of a strong president for 20-30 years). What happens if the president falls down the stairs and hits his head in year 5 of the plan? Who can ensure the succession of power, what if the successor has his own vision?

              You are now coming to the conclusions that I outlined in the article. Re-read.

              I re-read it and still say that the breakthrough will not work. To become professionals in education, they must be taught by professionals in education, which we do not have today.
              1. 0
                29 January 2022 23: 21
                Again, you propose a system with a very strong state, and in particular with executive power (there above you spoke about the inevitability of a strong president for 20-30 years). What happens if the president falls down the stairs and hits his head in year 5 of the plan? Who can ensure the succession of power, what if the successor has his own vision?

                Any vision of our state inevitably goes through the Economy and Demography. This is directly stated in article number 3. If a new person in power finds more effective options - that's great! But in the started Plan, the most effective (up to the planning horizon) will be the current options.
                I re-read it and still say that the breakthrough will not work. To become professionals in education, they must be taught by professionals in education, which we do not have today.

                You exaggerate a lot. Sovetskaya education bloomed and smelled already 15 years after the end of the Civil War. In a much fresher economy and setting. Since then, information and educational technologies have made great strides forward.
                1. 0
                  30 January 2022 00: 03
                  Any vision of our state inevitably goes through the Economy and Demography. This is directly stated in article number 3. If a new person in power finds more effective options - that's great! But in the started Plan, the most effective (up to the planning horizon) will be the current options.

                  But you can't assume that a person in power necessarily has the right vision, like you do. What if he's wrong, isn't it a moral obligation to correct him?

                  You exaggerate a lot. Sovetskaya education bloomed and smelled already 15 years after the end of the Civil War. In a much fresher economy and setting. Since then, information and educational technologies have made great strides forward.

                  Hmm, two points. Soviet education after the Civil War did not bloom and smell so much, the minimum level is yes, but technologies and entire factories were brought from the same USA. And secondly, the current technologies and requirements for education have increased manifold, but our school is primarily higher and prof. education lags behind every year.
                  1. -1
                    30 January 2022 00: 13
                    But you can't assume that a person in power necessarily has the right vision, like you do. What if he's wrong, isn't it a moral obligation to correct him?

                    Just in fanatical attempts to control everything, all authoritarian states are bent. Society develops if healthy forces increase, and degrades if they decrease. If society itself will lead to decline - this is the natural course of things. The interest of my article is to indicate how the decline could be avoided, and not to prove that this avoidance is natural.
                    but technologies and entire factories were brought from the same USA.

                    Do not confuse education and technology with industry.
                    And secondly, the current technologies and requirements for education have increased manifold, but our school is primarily higher and prof. education lags behind every year.

                    You have indicated what I have already indicated without you. You just say that we can't break this trend, I think we can.
                    1. +1
                      30 January 2022 01: 33
                      Just in fanatical attempts to control everything, all authoritarian states are bent. Society develops if healthy forces increase, and degrades if they decrease. If society itself will lead to decline - this is the natural course of things. The interest of my article is to indicate how the decline could be avoided, and not to prove that this avoidance is natural.

                      You think in the absolutely right direction, but nevertheless draw completely opposite conclusions.

                      Do not confuse education and technology with industry.

                      It is inextricably linked. Without industrialization, there is no need for deep education and technology.
                      1. -1
                        30 January 2022 01: 42
                        The collection and distribution of information and control are not identical things. A plan and coercion to it are not identical things.
                        It is inextricably linked. Without industrialization, there is no need for deep education and technology.

                        Please tell me how 15 year old children who are the fruits of the Soviet education system in the 1930s can become the mainstay of technology and industry in this period? After all, we are talking about it. These people became - after the war, when they were 25+.
    6. 0
      29 January 2022 05: 25
      Legislative policy

      The existing legislative framework needs to be reworked in order to cut off vestiges, lobbying, excessive twisting and backdoors.

      The law is the more readily fulfilled, the simpler, clearer and more intuitively justified it is.

      The law is willingly fulfilled if its non-observance is followed by inevitable punishment.

      We need laws that create a system that is quite comfortable for work and sufficiently convenient for reporting and transparency of activities, which will promote the development of creative private entrepreneurship within the country.

      This is impossible under an authoritarian state and state monopolies on everything.

      Everything that generates income and creates jobs, everything that consumes domestic resources and technologies to create a useful and competitive product for internal and external needs should be supported at the legislative level.

      My previous example - a private enterprise with an investor from an unfriendly country successfully competes with a state corporation and actively poachs employees. Who should be protected by the law?

      Speculative entrepreneurship should be deprived of these legislative advantages, but the state should not interfere with it in case of transparency and accountability.

      What does devoid of legislative advantages mean? An example - an intermediary firm buys products from a state-owned enterprise, exports it to a neutral country and sells it at a premium to a company in a neutral country. The SOE is trying to sell its products directly, but is not succeeding. Is the intermediary firm protected from the intrusion of representatives of the state-owned enterprise?

      at the same time, we need to reduce the costs of the judicial system

      Don't you think that an independent judiciary is the key to the development of entrepreneurship? In particular, I'm talking about the civil law system first.
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 13: 56

        The law is willingly fulfilled if its non-observance is followed by inevitable punishment.

        And this person tells me that I have an authoritarian state!))
        My previous example - a private enterprise with an investor from an unfriendly country successfully competes with a state corporation and actively poachs employees. Who should be protected by the law?

        I do not understand how and why the law should protect someone here. Do they pay taxes? pay. Are people getting paid? pay. Are they citizens of one country (workers) for the most part? one. For a tangible flow of personnel, a tangible difference in working conditions and wages is needed - which we strive to level in every possible way, trying to create a growing economy and an environment for people and businesses.
        If the difference is significant, this is a reason to think about the salary of employees of a state-owned enterprise, isn't it?)
        What does devoid of legislative advantages mean? An example - an intermediary firm buys products from a state-owned enterprise, exports it to a neutral country and sells it at a premium to a company in a neutral country. The SOE is trying to sell its products directly, but is not succeeding. Is the intermediary firm protected from the intrusion of representatives of the state-owned enterprise?

        It is understood that there is no need for start-up tax holidays and low-interest loans for intermediary services. Why do they need it? The speculator is a gasket between the consumer and the producer, his benefit is already significant, because in fact he does not produce anything. Why support it? But it makes no sense to tear three skins from him - let him work in his niche.
        Don't you think that an independent judiciary is the key to the development of entrepreneurship? In particular, I'm talking about the civil law system first.

        some time ago, your obedient servant was a juror. There were 10 meetings, of which only 5 were "essential". Everyone was gathered for the rest, they brought the defendant on a Bobby, there was a long wait, 3 policemen, a judge, two assistant judges, a lawyer, a prosecutor, a jury - everyone was paid money, electricity and gasoline were on fire. But 5 meetings ended with everyone being released - the witness did not appear or some other crap. In the case known to me, a person was judged this way for the SECOND TIME for one specific act. Last time, this whole scheme was covered for some reason, and resources were wasted. Meanwhile, a person was marinated inside the system for TWO YEARS - carrying him, feeding him, paying a lawyer, etc. As a result, uncle was unanimously acquitted. I can imagine what resources this system consumes every month - and this is an idle move. My friends and acquaintances who got on the jury also saw a completely similar picture.
        This is a very costly and unproductive system. It needs to be reformed, but I'm not a lawyer to talk about the details.
        1. 0
          29 January 2022 21: 58
          And this person tells me that I have an authoritarian state!))

          Again, my message is not about the executive, but about an independent judiciary and legislature. Everyone must be forced to comply with the law, including the state. If, for example, William Browder can go to the Basmanny Court and sue the state for compensation for the squeezed out business, this is the inevitable punishment. Or some Shell can go and defend their rights to the Sakhalin shelf. Or the state of Ukraine in a Russian court can punish the state of Russia for the annexation of Crimea.

          some time ago, your obedient servant was a juror. There were 10 meetings, of which only 5 were "essential". Everyone was gathered for the rest, they brought the defendant on a Bobby, there was a long wait, 3 policemen, a judge, two assistant judges, a lawyer, a prosecutor, a jury - everyone was paid money, electricity and gasoline were on fire. But 5 meetings ended with everyone being released - the witness did not appear or some other crap. In the case known to me, a person was judged this way for the SECOND TIME for one specific act. Last time, this whole scheme was covered for some reason, and resources were wasted. Meanwhile, a person was marinated inside the system for TWO YEARS - carrying him, feeding him, paying a lawyer, etc. As a result, uncle was unanimously acquitted. I can imagine what resources this system consumes every month - and this is an idle move. My friends and acquaintances who got on the jury also saw a completely similar picture.
          This is a very costly and unproductive system. It needs to be reformed, but I'm not a lawyer to talk about the details.

          It was you who remarked remarkably that you are not a lawyer and the system is ineffective. I suggest you think about what is wrong with our judicial system.
          1. -1
            29 January 2022 22: 08

            Again, my message is not about the executive, but about an independent judiciary and legislature. Everyone must be forced to comply with the law, including the state.

            You are now talking about the current Byzantine legislation. In my article, I directly point out that it will be necessary to rework a solid part of our legislative framework. A person-company can have claims against the state, and the right to file these claims as well - but the focus should not be on creating this right, but on making such a NEED occur as rarely as possible. This is already a question of the perfection of legislation, drafting contracts, doing business, etc.

            It was you who remarked remarkably that you are not a lawyer and the system is ineffective. I suggest you think about what is wrong with our judicial system.

            I will definitely think about it with some good lawyer!)
            1. 0
              29 January 2022 23: 19
              You are now talking about the current Byzantine legislation. In my article, I directly point out that it will be necessary to rework a solid part of our legislative framework. A person-company can have claims against the state, and the right to file these claims as well - but the focus should not be on creating this right, but on making such a NEED occur as rarely as possible. This is already a question of the perfection of legislation, drafting contracts, doing business, etc.

              These are different things. We have normal legislation, and with the exception of some strange laws, everything is more or less logical. But law enforcement practice tells a completely different story. It does not matter whether there is a reason to sue the state or not, it matters whether the state influences the court's decision or not. We know perfectly well that today it makes no sense to sue Gazprom on a large scale, but in the 90s there was such a sense - the same Browder sued and won.
              1. -1
                29 January 2022 23: 23
                These are different things. We have normal legislation, and with the exception of some strange laws, everything is more or less logical.

                It was very logical that we changed the retirement age with such ease, the guarantor bypassed the limitation on the number of terms of election, rewrote the constitution "on a stump", and so on and so forth ..
                I do not agree with you regarding laws. Absolutely. Ornateness, backdoors, wide potential for "manual" - it's all terrible from the point of view of a healthy perception of Law.
                1. 0
                  30 January 2022 01: 34
                  The initial laws - the Civil Code, the Criminal Code and others are quite normal and working for us. Refinement of laws under a strong hand is inevitable in a state with a vertical. This is exactly what will happen in your proposed model.
                  1. -1
                    30 January 2022 01: 44
                    under a strong hand

                    We don't need a strong hand in the modern sense of the word. We need a healthy, far-thinking head that does not flog fever. Then "backdoors" will not be needed.
    7. 0
      29 January 2022 05: 40
      Social and Economic Development Fund

      Suppose each worker will allocate 2 rubles in taxes to the FSR per month in the form of taxes. In a year, we have a figure of almost 2 trillion rubles.

      Workers are already giving 26% in the form of the Social Insurance Fund, 13% in the form of personal income tax, and you want to put another 5% on top. Well, OK.

      Two trillion.

      To better understand the scale of this figure, our budget in 2020 was 20,2 trillion rubles. That is, in a year, able-bodied citizens can thus generate about 10% of the country's annual budget.

      This is a huge amount of money that can and should be used as a basis for the modernization and development of the state.

      In 2022, the Russian budget allocated 2.74 trillion for the implementation of national projects, with a surplus of 1.32 trillion. I do not know what these national projects are, but I am sure that your 2 trillion in the budget will be found easily without raising taxes. Ultimately, a country that is prosperous in the future may borrow some money...

      We would start a process of large-scale job creation and housing construction - the unemployment rate in society would fall, the earnings of specific people outside the first year period would begin to grow, as price fixing for domestic resources would stimulate production and consumption.

      I don't really understand the logic here. Do we have some kind of crazy unemployment or a huge queue of people who want to work in the construction of houses in the Far East? And this is with the goal of making women give birth 2 times more?
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 14: 03
        Well, OK. The alternative to this is more inflation, in which you will lose exactly the same money. Only in this case you will simply lose them, in my case they will go to a profitable business for everyone.
        In 2022, the Russian budget allocated 2.74 trillion for the implementation of national projects, with a surplus of 1.32 trillion. I do not know what these national projects are, but I am sure that your 2 trillion in the budget will be found easily without raising taxes. Ultimately, a country that is prosperous in the future may borrow some money...

        I was primarily interested in a rough calculation - is it possible? Yes, it's possible. In details, you can get more, you can get less. You will NOT be able to create funds that issue a loan at 2% per annum in other ways - not a single owner of money will issue them at a percentage below the market. It turns out a vicious circle.
        I don't really understand the logic here. Do we have some kind of crazy unemployment or a huge queue of people who want to work in the construction of houses in the Far East? And this is with the goal of making women give birth 2 times more?

        The article mentioned that in the first couple we will have to use foreign labor, incl. As you understand, construction is not only the construction of a house itself, but also the manufacture of its elements and materials. Large-scale housing construction will be associated with the expansion of such industries, and this is part of the jobs.
        I don't like your wording "force". This is generally unaesthetic and speaks of your personal view on the issue. The author does not like to "force" - there is a part of society that would happily breed and multiply at will, as soon as they are unloaded from a number of impeding factors. If someone else has no desire to give birth - to health.
        1. +1
          29 January 2022 22: 03
          I don't like your wording "force". This is generally unaesthetic and speaks of your personal view on the issue. The author does not like to "force" - there is a part of society that would happily breed and multiply at will, as soon as they are unloaded from a number of impeding factors. If someone else has no desire to give birth - to health.

          Again, your entire article is permeated with the "soft" influence of the state in all areas. Yes, there is a part of society that would gladly procreate, but in your opinion, are these the people you rely on when building an ideal state? Would you like conscious, educated, working people who grew up in a complete family, with close morality and morality? Are you sure that such people tend to breed in a 2-3 room apartment in the Far East?
          1. -2
            29 January 2022 22: 09
            Social competition does not divide people into "those" and "not those". Otherwise, humanity would have degenerated long ago, instead of progress.
            1. 0
              29 January 2022 23: 21
              Of course, you are absolutely right here. But you put the question how to "increase population growth, leading to an increase in skilled labor resources." And in the end, as in Idiocracy, you will get millions of marginalized children, whose parents gave birth to them, in order to get an apartment.
              1. -1
                29 January 2022 23: 28
                You know, somewhere a hundred years ago or more, people lived, ate and multiplied in such a way that you would not envy. And hurt as much as possible. And they drank as much as they could. However, we were able to win the war and be the second economy in the world. The selection works a little less pessimistically than you imagine. Although, of course, you should not go too far with this either.
                1. 0
                  30 January 2022 00: 05
                  I strongly advise you to read articles on demographics, for example, why is the birth rate in Western Europe, and more recently in China.
                  1. -1
                    30 January 2022 00: 17
                    Specifically, in our case, the decline in the birth rate is unnatural. Our standard of living is much lower than it should be. Our birthrate dynamics within a successful state should not be lower than the dynamics of the mid-70s. Ours is an underpopulated state.
                    In Western Europe, the capacity of France and Germany is limited by the size of the states and their ability to maintain such a population within their economic model. China is paying with a huge demographic hole for experiments on birth control.
                    1. 0
                      30 January 2022 01: 36
                      Again, I advise you to go and read, and not fantasize. Fertility is not determined by the capacity of the territory or experiments in China. There are quite understandable and objective reasons for this.
                      1. -1
                        30 January 2022 01: 45
                        I don't agree with your opinion, you with mine. We have come to a reasonable conclusion.
    8. 0
      29 January 2022 05: 55
      Housing support for young families

      To begin with, I will outline the introductory ones - a 12-storey building with an underground garage, for 72 person-families, according to the author's calculations, appeared at a price of 350 million rubles.

      Nominally - 300+, but in fact, a solid fat was included in the calculation, providing for various force majeure. These data were taken as the basis for the calculations.

      Here we are looking at a spherical house in a vacuum from the Sims game. In reality, you are going to build millionaire cities in the Far East, like Ordos in China. This means that you need to build all the related infrastructure in and around the city. We need airports, railways, public transport, water supply and sewerage, energy and heat supply, shops, kindergartens, schools, high-speed highways and other delights of civilization. And this is a completely different scale of construction and costs.

      Now imagine that in such a house we give out a 2-room apartment to all young families (provided they provide some simple package of documents) for life rent (with the possibility of a mortgage redemption in the future) at 5 thousand rubles a month (excluding water, electricity, etc.). e).

      Families with more than one child move into such houses in 3-room apartments on exactly the same conditions - 5 thousand rubles. In the input above, the price of such an apartment will appear - in the region of 5 million rubles.

      Again, spherical numbers in a vacuum of uncertainty. 5 is a good figure, but in our hypothetical city, you also need a job for a million people in order to earn these 5.

      Families that have paid off the mortgage become classic homeowners - they can sell it, leave it as a legacy, rent it out, etc.

      What should the next generation do? Will we keep building and offering 5k rentals indefinitely? Can a person own more than one apartment, and if so, what will prevent him from becoming a rentier? A more specific example - there is a family with a daughter who owns an apartment. The daughter gets married, goes to our super-city, rents an apartment with her husband for 5 thousand, gives birth to one child. Buys an apartment. The child grows up, uses the fund to buy an apartment, inherits the apartment of his grandmother and mother - he owns 3 apartments. There will be exactly a million stories like this in a generation.

      You ask me - what is the benefit of the state in this case?

      Isn't this an experiment from the USSR - moving to some Komsomolsk or Yelizovo and getting an apartment for young professionals?
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 14: 28
        Here we are looking at a spherical house in a vacuum from the Sims game. In reality, you are going to build millionaire cities in the Far East, like Ordos in China. This means that you need to build all the related infrastructure in and around the city. We need airports, railways, public transport, water supply and sewerage, energy and heat supply, shops, kindergartens, schools, high-speed highways and other delights of civilization. And this is a completely different scale of construction and costs.

        In the comments, I have already worked out this issue with someone.
        In short - the state forms a plan, works it out with business. The state invests in housing infrastructure where it is rational from the point of view of living and convenient from the point of view of business interests. The state attracts families to these areas who are constrained by housing conditions in other parts of the country. Business creates other infrastructure - for this it both uses its own funds and takes loans from the state. It would be funny if the state needed to build nightclubs and shops! What would the business do then? The construction of schools, etc. is an area in which the resources of business and the state must act together. A proportional contribution is, of course, a question. I do not presume to think here - it is necessary to count a lot. however, now, in the current budget, the state is building schools - if the budget doubles, the state will also be able to build them with great convenience, given that schoolchildren will not "double" in less than 7 years. And the budget can grow quite.
        Again, spherical numbers in a vacuum of uncertainty. 5 is a good figure, but in our hypothetical city, you also need a job for a million people in order to earn these 5.

        This is the classic question - which came first, the chicken or the egg? What comes first - work or housing? In the Plan, all this will develop approximately at the same time - that's why it is a plan. Read, I wrote it quite meticulously in the article. The figure of 5 tr is actually taken "from the ceiling", empirically. Because in this case there is no goal for the state to earn. I argue from the point of view of compensation here - renting an apartment above 10 tr is already some "rent comfort ceiling" for a poor family. At the same time, 2 tr is already withdrawn from working family members - thus, it is irrational to do 10, because they already pay 4 thousand - this is quite fair.
        What should the next generation do? Will we keep building and offering 5k rentals indefinitely?

        In no way. The distribution of housing for life rent is a temporary, albeit long-term program. Its main scale will be in the first 20-25 years. The task is precisely to introduce millions of families living in cramped conditions into the economic life of the "lower middle class" level. The rent is for life - however, a number of families, as their economic conditions improve, may well inspire self-purchase of housing in a mortgage - which they probably will. After 20 years from the plan, citizens with certificates will appear, after 40 years from the plan, young families at the beginning of the plan will begin to retire (and babies born shortly before the start of the plan will go into a period of reduced childbearing). Thus, 40 years from the start of the program seems to me a completely logical "ceiling" of the preferential lease program in its large-scale form. In the future, it will continue, but its scale will not be a burden on the budget.
        In the scheme I am describing, "early" has no advantages (outside of large cities) because the price of mortgages and rents will be very low. In large cities, this is a completely normal institution, I don’t see anything wrong with it - modern society is an increase in labor migration within the country.
        I do not see anything negative in the expansion of the prosperity of people and the areas available to them for housing. No one canceled the rent and utilities. Nobody canceled property taxes. Taxes on renting out housing have also not been canceled. If the owner can pay these taxes from all apartments, it's magical! If he cannot, he will sell this housing at a competitive price.
        Isn't this an experiment from the USSR - moving to some Komsomolsk or Yelizovo and getting an apartment for young professionals?

        That's right, this is a revised USSR scheme, suitable for the conditions of the modern market and giving an alternative - ownership or rent.
        1. 0
          29 January 2022 22: 11
          Business will build infrastructure? Hahaha. That is, roads, airports, highways, railways, schools, hospitals, water supply, power supply will build a business? It would be more ridiculous to hope that business will develop fundamental science.

          This is the classic question - which came first, the chicken or the egg? What comes first - work or housing?

          This is not a classic question at all, of course, before work.

          That's right, this is a revised USSR scheme, suitable for the conditions of the modern market and giving an alternative - ownership or rent.

          The entire USSR, with all the resources and ideology, could not resettle 10 million to the Far East in existing cities. Do you want to move 10 million in a few years to nowhere in the hope that everything will develop there?
          1. -1
            29 January 2022 22: 18
            So it must be, you still talk like a Roman slave owner who rejects capitalism because of a lack of imagination.
            This is not a classic question at all, of course, before work.

            And how many of you will lure those who want to work in barracks in the Far East?
            The entire USSR, with all the resources and ideology, could not resettle 10 million to the Far East in existing cities. Do you want to move 10 million in a few years to nowhere in the hope that everything will develop there?

            The USSR was fond of 100500 different funny and entertaining things, wasted resources on this and very ineptly created new ones. It was a horrendously inefficient system, with many tools that were nonetheless effective.
            1. 0
              29 January 2022 23: 25
              So it must be, you still talk like a Roman slave owner who rejects capitalism because of a lack of imagination.

              The fact that business will not build public infrastructure is a fact. This very business does not build this very infrastructure in any capitalist country.

              And how many of you will lure those who want to work in barracks in the Far East?

              The fact of the matter is that I do not propose to lure anyone to the Far East.

              The USSR was fond of 100500 different funny and entertaining things, wasted resources on this and very ineptly created new ones. It was a horrendously inefficient system, with many tools that were nonetheless effective.

              You offer exactly the same thing. Build houses and infrastructure in clusters, sponsor films and businesses, engage in government construction and more.
              1. -1
                29 January 2022 23: 32
                And we will build, my dear)) Somewhere on his own, somewhere in a share with the state. There will be a lot to build.
                The fact of the matter is that I do not propose to lure anyone to the Far East.

                And I suggest) And for this reason, I either have housing before (slightly), or simultaneously with work.
                You offer exactly the same thing. Build houses and infrastructure in clusters, sponsor films and businesses, engage in government construction and more.

                No Arabs, fraternal socialist countries, confrontation of ideologies, CMEA, loans for young African socialisms, militarization of beloved dictators, restrictions on domestic economic activity, and so on and so forth. Solid profit. The focus of our attention and resources will be on what creates new resources for us.
                1. 0
                  30 January 2022 01: 38
                  And we will build, my dear)) Somewhere on his own, somewhere in a share with the state. There will be a lot to build.

                  You see, but you say we won't force anyone, everything will be voluntary... Even now we have "private" structures that build roads and bridges, but you yourself know - it's expensive, of poor quality, and they steal...

                  No Arabs, fraternal socialist countries, confrontation of ideologies, CMEA, loans for young African socialisms, militarization of beloved dictators, restrictions on domestic economic activity, and so on and so forth. Solid profit. The focus of our attention and resources will be on what creates new resources for us.

                  This is so only in computer games, in life, unfortunately, everything is different.
                  1. -1
                    30 January 2022 01: 52
                    You see, but you say we won't force anyone, everything will be voluntary... Even now we have "private" structures that build roads and bridges, but you yourself know - it's expensive, of poor quality, and they steal...

                    Everything will be voluntary) At the legislative level, at the level of business interaction with the regional budget, at the level of business interaction with the plan, etc. Commercial infra will be created from the interest of commercial exploitation. The non-profit will be created based on the funds of the region, the state and private funds - to build several schools and kindergartens for the owner of a powerful enterprise is a bullshit question.
                    This is so only in computer games, in life, unfortunately, everything is different.

                    Please tell me, Japan owes its 0.02% annual inflation to what supports "friendly regimes"? Maybe she is militarizing some kind of dictatorship? Okay, let's take Switzerland. Could she be doing something similar? Maybe Germany is finally doing this? No, of course, they pour a lot into the EU, but this is returned to them in sufficient measure - the same 4 economies of the world. They are not poor.
                    In life, as arranged. You have a very large role of fatalism in your views.
    9. +1
      29 January 2022 06: 02
      Large-scale housing construction

      I wanted to comment, but this is too abstract a section. I can only say that in addition to the wishes of the state and the needs of business, there are people's needs for cheap labor. All this concentration of opportunities and influence of the state will lead to the fact that, firstly, as business grows, it will tend to be closer to influential officials, and secondly, as it moves away from the center, the possibilities and control of the state will fall, leading to a deterioration in quality, corruption, etc.
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 14: 40

        I wanted to comment, but this is too abstract a section. I can only say that in addition to the wishes of the state and the needs of business, there are people's needs for cheap labor. All this concentration of opportunities and influence of the state will lead to the fact that, firstly, as business grows, it will tend to be closer to influential officials, and secondly, as it moves away from the center, the possibilities and control of the state will fall, leading to a deterioration in quality, corruption, etc.

        There are standard projects certified by the state - there are many of them and they are quite flexible. Housing is built by a private trader - controlled by the state. A private trader squints - he is given less money for development, more money is allocated to someone who does not squint. The state monitors the construction through the bureaucracy. Given the large-scale construction, arranging an on-site acceptance is not a problem - so there is an opportunity to "shuffle" officials, not giving them time to form corruption schemes.
        there are people's needs

        The needs of the people also appear in the state analytics, moreover, it is from these needs that the plan in the "draft version" comes, before discussion with the business. Business selects and adjusts within the draft from those regions and districts that ALREADY meet the needs of people.
        All this concentration of opportunities and influence of the state will lead to the fact that, firstly, as business grows, it will tend to be closer to influential officials, and secondly, as it moves away from the center, the possibilities and control of the state will fall, leading to a deterioration in quality, corruption, etc.

        Firstly, the distribution of funds for business will be as transparent as possible, because the statistics of the efficiency and quality of developers will appear inside all statistics. Large funds will be received not for "acquaintance" but for the best performance and the best story.
        Secondly, we do not live in the era of carrier pigeons, it is the 21st century in the yard. Construction can be monitored online. The work of officials can be monitored by their reporting. At the level of statistical processing, inept attribution will be noticeable - and will attract the attention of the relevant services.
        State control exists primarily at the Planning stage - matching or not matching the pace within the plan (for the worse) is a very good indicator of whether things are going well or badly. If bad - measures of additional control.
        1. +1
          29 January 2022 22: 17
          There are standard projects certified by the state - there are many of them and they are quite flexible. Housing is built by a private trader - controlled by the state. A private trader squints - he is given less money for development, more money is allocated to someone who does not squint. The state monitors the construction through the bureaucracy. Given the large-scale construction, arranging an on-site acceptance is not a problem - so there is an opportunity to "shuffle" officials, not giving them time to form corruption schemes.

          This has already happened, however, Soviet standard projects cannot boast of either the quality or the zeal of officials. Corruption, as usual, will simply go higher and lock into one person.

          The needs of the people also appear in the state analytics, moreover, it is from these needs that the plan in the "draft version" comes, before discussion with the business. Business selects and adjusts within the draft from those regions and districts that ALREADY meet the needs of people.

          Hmmm, again, we are talking about the largest business sector, fused for many years with the state. Only the state decides to whom to allocate money. That is, the needs of the people will be taken into account only to the extent that they will have the opportunity to convey their problems to the king, as now.
          1. -1
            29 January 2022 22: 21
            It is not necessary to compare what I propose either with today's Russia, and even more so with the USSR plan. The USSR rejected the market, reaching the absurd. But he was part of the global market. It was a classic denial, with all the consequences.
            Hmmm, again, we are talking about the largest business sector, fused for many years with the state. Only the state decides to whom to allocate money.

            Only further benefit and credit history decides who the money goes to in the first place. These are the flagships of the process, this is logical. My task is to create not a "social paradise" but an environment that is harmoniously convenient both for the flagships and for those who have now left the sidelines of commodity-market relations.
          2. -1
            29 January 2022 22: 26
            And speaking of loans - the article mentions that at some point the Fund will exceed the state. budget. So the money will be for all effective solutions that can bring profit.
    10. +1
      29 January 2022 06: 09
      Government structure

      I believe that modern democracy is unnecessarily cumbersome, inefficient and gluttonous for our country - the people's deputies sitting in the Duma, for the most part, people are not ideal, in terms of meeting the scale of the tasks assigned to them, who got to this place not due to their professional qualities and their ability " solve problems effectively”, and as a result of using their media exposure, popularity, party games, etc.

      Since 1993, there has been no democracy in our country, as such. I agree about the Duma, but this is a natural development of authoritarian power - the subordination of all branches of the executive. Here you are digging in the wrong direction.

      This is a party-professional representation in which there is a limited number of seats (for example, 25), each of which corresponds to 4% of the electorate.

      In an authoritarian state, the GPSS will inevitably be represented in the overwhelming majority by the ruling party, that is, the incarnation of United Russia. It's just more convenient that way.

      The task of the GPPS will be the formation of new laws for the "Supra-Regional Parliament", the analysis of the laws proposed by the "Supra-Regional Parliament", the formation of a collective agenda for urgent resolution of issues, the processing of key requests from the teams of professional communities (represented by a specialist), debates about the budget, etc.

      You understand that this is a scam. As soon as a law appears unfavorable to the state in the person of the executive branch, people will come who will put things in order. And this means that the laws will be as they should, which will inevitably degenerate into the current State Duma.

      The supra-regional parliament (NP) is an assembly of deputies elected by representatives of their region. Each subsidized region has the right to provide only one deputy, neutral and donor regions can provide up to two deputies to the NP.

      The same arguments as for the GPPS. The executive branch, represented by advisory service, decides where to build thousands of houses, where it is favorable for business, who to support and who not. In such conditions, nothing depends on the region, whether it is subsidized or not, that is, this deputy is a profanation.
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 15: 01
        Since 1993, there has been no democracy in our country, as such. I agree about the Duma, but this is a natural development of authoritarian power - the subordination of all branches of the executive. Here you are digging in the wrong direction.

        It doesn't matter how it is now. What matters is how it should be. A bawler surrounded by bawlers can produce a lot of heresy, which we see in the work of the thought. A specialist surrounded by competitive specialists has much less space for transfusion from empty to empty, at least in this GPPS is much more efficient.
        In an authoritarian state, the GPSS will inevitably be represented in the overwhelming majority by the ruling party, that is, the incarnation of United Russia. It's just more convenient that way.

        You are imagining an authoritarian state, but you completely ignore the moment that I outlined as the ability of social forces to accumulate votes (if less than 4%) among themselves - and put up a cooperative candidate. Where is the authoritarianism? It is also worth understanding that in society there is a demand for aesthetic politics - someone adheres to leftist beliefs, someone is "green", someone is religious - this whole array of one party cannot be sucked in any way. Of course, large parties will have the opportunity to pursue their own line - however, as I have already noted, if this line (and it is public) does not correspond to the interests of the majority, they will lose their electoral percentage - and the majority, as a result.
        If you tell me that "where is the protection against authoritarianism and election fraud?" - She's nowhere to be found. The government can do whatever it wants if it wants to. The task of design, therefore, is not to make walls to prevent this - but to make it "not want". It's possible.
        You understand that this is a scam. As soon as a law appears unfavorable to the state in the person of the executive branch, people will come who will put things in order. And this means that the laws will be as they should, which will inevitably degenerate into the current State Duma.

        You are extrapolating the current policy to this model - which is not correct. It's like the reasoning of a Roman slave owner that capitalism is impossible. The Superregional Parliament will be interested in the development of the regions - since representatives of all regions are present there, the line drawn by it will be a compromise. The GPPS will draw the line of the party's perception of things and the distribution of funds - what will not be beneficial for the regions from this, the parliament will not miss. The decisive vote will be for the president - the functions of the president are internal arbitration and external representation. I didn’t have enough space to describe this scheme - but in general, yes, the president will have significant powers, for the construction period (20-40 years), that’s for sure. Because the president is the figure personally responsible for the plan. I see no alternatives to this - "headless" power is possible only in an extremely stable society.
        The same arguments as for the GPPS. The executive branch, represented by advisory service, decides where to build thousands of houses, where it is favorable for business, who to support and who not. In such conditions, nothing depends on the region, whether it is subsidized or not, that is, this deputy is a profanation.

        In no way. Representatives of the region can send far away the part of the Plan that applies to their region. They may impose higher environmental requirements on the business, they may require changes in the design of a typical building. Within the region, there may be a valuable view of the Plan for the region itself - because the Plan is figures and analytics, and the region is specificity. In the hands of these people there will be real power, first of all it will be the power to attract money from certain industries to the region - and not to attract money from others.
        For example, region A in the Plan is considered as one of the options for creating an industrial cluster. The representative of region A believes that the region has a significant potential for tourism - which finds the creation of prom. cluster. The representative may correct part of the plan relating to his region - may discuss it with the regional parliament. This will help find a mutually beneficial compromise.
        1. +1
          29 January 2022 22: 26
          You are imagining an authoritarian state, but you completely ignore the moment that I outlined as the ability of social forces to accumulate votes (if less than 4%) among themselves - and put up a cooperative candidate. Where is the authoritarianism?

          Well, look, the state of the conditional Vasya should ensure the accuracy of the forecast regarding the profession of a carpenter for 20 years ahead. This means that there must be irremovability of the political and economic course for 20 years ahead. But what if the opposition party passes a law that will force the state to start reforms or not interfere in business processes. What if these laws redirect funds from construction to space? That is, the executive branch must always keep its finger on the pulse and prevent this from happening. That is, there will be a ruling party that will listen to the wishes of the executive branch. That is, any party represented by less than a majority in the coalition will be isolated. That is, it will not make much sense to be represented in the SFCC without participating in a coalition with the ruling party. Well, etc., we get United Russia + LDPR.

          The Superregional Parliament will be interested in the development of the regions - since representatives of all regions are present there, the line drawn by it will be a compromise.

          Well, no. The NP will be interested in public investments, the fate of which is still decided by the state in the person of business advisers, direct injections, state corporations.

          Representatives of the region can send far away the part of the Plan that applies to their region. They may impose higher environmental requirements on the business, they may require changes in the design of a typical building. Within the region, there may be a valuable view of the Plan for the region itself - because the Plan is figures and analytics, and the region is specificity.

          I'm sorry, are you talking about laws or about the direct participation of regions in the executive branch? We already had local self-government, it was rolled into asphalt for a long time and for a long time, this is not a problem for a strong president.
          1. -1
            29 January 2022 22: 38
            But what if the opposition party passes a law that will force the state to start reforms or not interfere in business processes

            The state does not interfere in business processes anyway. The amount of regulation on foreign activities that will be - it is generally similar to the regulation of American campaigns by the US government. Something I don’t see there is large-scale indignation of the opposition about this.
            What if these laws redirect funds from construction to space?

            Yes, at least to Alpha Centauri) Understand, we are talking about a VERY large Fund. We are talking about increasing GDP in 20 years threefold. If a business can master these funds at such a speed - great! The faster these funds are updated in the system, the more projects we will have time to deploy before the 20-year-olds come for the first certificates.
            You really want to find a flaw in this system, and for this you come up with some kind of crazy force majeure. What I'm talking about brings us to the gorgeous dynamics of growth and development, and no one in their right mind will ruin this system "from the inside". At least the majority of such forces will not. Considering how strong even the current system is, can you imagine how strong a system would be with a steady increase in parameters by half, with half the inflation?

            Political stagnation - well, if MPs do not punch each other in the face and there is no regularly raised agenda for a vote of no confidence in the government, this will not make politics less effective. As such, "parties" will be able to promote their proposals on a scale that is consistent with the overall benefit. Members of the GPPS are public figures, although they are replaceable. Each of these people is a potential presidential candidate.

            Well, no. The NP will be interested in public investments, the fate of which is still decided by the state in the person of business advisers, direct injections, state corporations

            Well, no, you tell me! Not in the development of regions - but in investments, you tell me. Please tell me, can there be development of regions without investment? It's like building without cement and bricks.

            I'm sorry, are you talking about laws or about the direct participation of regions in the executive branch? We already had local self-government, it was rolled into asphalt for a long time and for a long time, this is not a problem for a strong president.

            It doesn't matter what we once and somewhere WAS with us. What matters is what CAN BE. I am describing a potentially effective model, you are now appealing to the fact that in the hand-to-hand conditions of hoary antiquity on the wreckage of the USSR, something did not grow together there. There was no one then to "splice"! Remember the President of that time. What kind of planning then with such a face would be discussed ..
            1. 0
              29 January 2022 23: 37
              The state does not interfere in business processes anyway. The amount of regulation on foreign activities that will be - it is generally similar to the regulation of American campaigns by the US government. Something I don’t see there is large-scale indignation of the opposition about this.

              I'm talking about political reforms. If in your plan a strong President is a guarantor of the irremovability of the course (including the economic one), then with political reforms there may not be such a guarantor.

              Understand, we are talking about a VERY large Fund. We are talking about increasing GDP in 20 years threefold. If a business can master these funds at such a speed - great! The faster these funds are updated in the system, the more projects we will have time to deploy before the 20-year-olds come for the first certificates.

              I'm sorry, but are you talking about 2 trillion a year at two percent per annum, subject to huge spending every year on construction, infrastructure and business loans (without guarantees of return)? About this fund?

              Changing the priorities of economic development is not force majeure. Let's imagine that the majority of Navalny's party passed through the coalition in the SFCC. Ten years have passed, 10 people have moved to the Far East, a city has been built for 200, and $500 billion has been stolen. Of the loans granted to businesses, irretrievable losses are $2 billion. Sanctions have not been lifted, relations with Ukraine and Belarus are getting worse. Is it logical to assume that the State Border Guard Service will adopt a budget that will freeze investments from the fund, create a commission of inquiry, sue the President, etc.?

              Political stagnation - well, if MPs do not punch each other in the face and there is no regularly raised agenda for a vote of no confidence in the government, this will not make politics less effective. As such, "parties" will be able to promote their proposals on a scale that is consistent with the overall benefit. Members of the GPPS are public figures, although they are replaceable. Each of these people is a potential presidential candidate.

              It's good if everyone goes in formation and in the same direction. And if everyone has different directions and ideas about the overall benefit are also different? What if you and I end up in the SFSS, how can we agree with you?

              Well, no, you tell me! Not in the development of regions - but in investments, you tell me. Please tell me, can there be development of regions without investment? It's like building without cement and bricks.

              As you already mentioned in the answer about culture - whoever pays calls the music. The central state pays, which means the regions will do everything to appease this central state represented by a strong President. That's clearer?

              It doesn't matter what we once and somewhere WAS with us. What matters is what CAN BE. I am describing a potentially effective model, you are now appealing to the fact that in the hand-to-hand conditions of hoary antiquity on the wreckage of the USSR, something did not grow together there. There was no one then to "splice"! Remember the President of that time. What kind of planning then with such a face would be discussed ..

              Well, you're suggesting the same here. A strong central authority on which everything depends.
              1. -1
                29 January 2022 23: 59
                I'm talking about political reforms. If in your plan a strong President is a guarantor of the irremovability of the course (including the economic one), then with political reforms there may not be such a guarantor.

                The article did not have enough space to describe the role of the president. But specifically, I already wrote to you - the president is not a "galley slave" taking the rap for the general inefficiency of the system in "manual mode". This is an arbiter and a person who generally supports the constructive line within the Plan. What political reforms are you talking about? Politics for the sake of politics? Will communists want more elements of communism? Well, they want to, and? To begin with, they will have to break through at least to 13/25 in the GPPS. If they get it, great! So they created a huge benefit with their line for society. If you are hinting that someone's plans will be a bummer from such a development of events, then this is the essence of POLITICAL FIGHT. You don't like the communist line - you don't vote for them. Or they take into account your interests - and you vote. Here, of course, there may be many narrow-minded people who vote for those who do not take into account their interests. But here I shrug my shoulders - it means that such a society will inevitably destroy itself, and there is nothing to protect itself from this.
                I'm sorry, but are you talking about 2 trillion a year at two percent per annum, subject to huge spending every year on construction, infrastructure and business loans (without guarantees of return)? About this fund?

                2 trillion from the working population, approx. 2 trillion from the budget. Ie - ok. 4 trillion in year.
                No one said "no guarantee of return." Credit is credit. Its issuance takes into account the risks of non-return.
                Changing the priorities of economic development is not force majeure. Let's imagine that the majority of Navalny's party passed through the coalition in the SFCC. Ten years have passed, 10 people have moved to the Far East, a city has been built for 200, and $500 billion has been stolen. Of the loans granted to businesses, irretrievable losses are $2 billion. Sanctions have not been lifted, relations with Ukraine and Belarus are getting worse. Is it logical to assume that the State Border Guard Service will adopt a budget that will freeze investments from the fund, create a commission of inquiry, sue the President, etc.?

                Was life so bad that everyone chose those with whom life would become even worse? Or was life so good that people decided to unanimously choose some kind of left-wing people who contributed to plunder? I don't understand your point, honestly. In your layouts, people are constantly overcome by some kind of politota madness, then presidents fall down the stairs, then the electorate goes crazy and starts choosing for the length of the beard. GPPS is an apparatus that allows parties to adjust the plan and budget in the direction of greater attractiveness for their voters, that is, for the majority. Since there are specialists in the GPPS, populists will not live long in public discussion there - they will be removed by their own party. If the decisions of the GPPS members harm the plan and the economy, this will be noticeable, they will lose the elections and leave the polit. the arena, as there are 25 people - it will be very clearly visible what each offers and for what. The party will have the majority, the sum of SUCCESSFUL decisions of which will be maximum in the long run.
                It's good if everyone goes in formation and in the same direction. And if everyone has different directions and ideas about the overall benefit are also different? What if you and I end up in the SFSS, how can we agree with you?

                Agree on the direction of profit. There is a line of "universal moves" - expanding, rather than narrowing down further possibilities. Compromise usually occurs on it.
                As you already mentioned in the answer about culture - whoever pays calls the music. The central state pays, which means the regions will do everything to appease this central state represented by a strong President. That's clearer?

                No. The regions will have their own budgets - there is a desire - we shoot films for ourselves with our own funds. We can involve the state - to a greater extent, the more interesting or profitable the final product for the state.
                Well, you're suggesting the same here. A strong central authority on which everything depends.

                Strong and "comprehensive" are two different things. A weak central government will lead our country to disintegration, as has already happened. Power should be strong, but it should not be all-encompassing.
                1. +1
                  30 January 2022 01: 53
                  The article did not have enough space to describe the role of the president. But specifically, I already wrote to you - the president is not a "galley slave" taking the rap for the general inefficiency of the system in "manual mode". This is an arbiter and a person who generally supports the constructive line within the Plan. What political reforms are you talking about? Politics for the sake of politics? Will communists want more elements of communism? Well, they want to, and? To begin with, they will have to break through at least to 13/25 in the GPPS. If they get it, great! So they created a huge benefit with their line for society. If you are hinting that someone's plans will be a bummer from such a development of events, then this is the essence of POLITICAL FIGHT. You don't like the communist line - you don't vote for them. Or they take into account your interests - and you vote. Here, of course, there may be many narrow-minded people who vote for those who do not take into account their interests. But here I shrug my shoulders - it means that such a society will inevitably destroy itself, and there is nothing to protect itself from this.

                  You have some naive ideas why people go to power. If the president admits that the majority in the SFCC is not the party in power, then this is a bad president and arbiter. And leverage is not enough to prevent this ...

                  2 trillion from the working population, approx. 2 trillion from the budget. Ie - ok. 4 trillion in year.
                  No one said "no guarantee of return." Credit is credit. Its issuance takes into account the risks of non-return.

                  Most loans will be non-refundable. All infrastructure projects are unprofitable. How will the fund accumulate money at all?

                  Was life so bad that everyone chose those with whom life would become even worse?

                  No one knows under whom it will be good, but if life is bad under the current one, then no one will tolerate it. And the question will be whether the current President needs to use considerable levers of power to stay in power. And as you know, it's a slippery slope.

                  Agree on the direction of profit. There is a line of "universal moves" - expanding, rather than narrowing down further possibilities. Compromise usually occurs on it.

                  Again, this is fantasy. Can the current government come to an agreement with Navalny? Or power in the US with the communists? Obviously, there are insoluble contradictions that cannot be eliminated. The concepts of benefit for me and for you can differ diametrically!

                  No. The regions will have their own budgets - there is a desire - we shoot films for ourselves with our own funds. We can involve the state - to a greater extent, the more interesting or profitable the final product for the state.

                  In order for the region to have its own budget, it is necessary to increase the tax burden or reduce the federal budget. Look at how the regional and federal budgets are formed now, and it will become clear.

                  Strong and "comprehensive" are two different things. A weak central government will lead our country to disintegration, as has already happened. Power should be strong, but it should not be all-encompassing.

                  In your paradigm, there is no difference between strong and "comprehensive". This is the same vertical of power as today, only with an additional tax and slightly different national projects (much more expensive). Change Putin to your abstract President and here it is - your ideal country.
                  1. -1
                    30 January 2022 02: 04
                    If the president allows

                    I already see that the horns of this very "authoritarianism" are growing over your reasoning. This is not our method. The president can in no way influence the rhetoric and proposals of the GPPS members - and they are chosen by the people (the parties that stand behind them), and not by the president. For what they do.

                    Most loans will be non-refundable. All infrastructure projects are unprofitable. How will the fund accumulate money at all?

                    Did you see it in the crystal ball? Can I take a look?)
                    No one knows under whom it will be good, but if life is bad under the current one, then no one will tolerate it. And the question will be whether the current President needs to use considerable levers of power to stay in power. And as you know, it's a slippery slope.

                    You are now discussing the fiasco option of the Plan at the start. This fundamentally contradicts the very idea of ​​​​the plan and the entire array of conclusions that I indicate. I'm not interested in savoring the potential for depravity and decadence - I'm interested in studying the mechanisms of destruction of these tendencies. At the moment, all our colossal discussion with you has not given me a bit of useful information in terms of these mechanisms. All the time you are trying to shake my system with Egyptian machinations, from which the very kingdom of heaven would long ago have died in hellish writhing.
                    Again, this is fantasy. Can the current government come to an agreement with Navalny? Or power in the US with the communists?

                    1) Did not try 2) Agreed during the period of detente. Quite self)
                    In order for the region to have its own budget, it is necessary to increase the tax burden or reduce the federal budget

                    The growth of the federal budget will quite obviously occur due to the increase in foreign economic expansion and the development of domestic residents. There is no point in increasing the percentage of requisitions here - in excess of those originally indicated in the plan.

                    In your paradigm, there is no difference between strong and "comprehensive"

                    I'm afraid that this is a feature of your perception of things. As well as the fact that my model always seems authoritarian or totalitarian to you.
    11. 0
      29 January 2022 06: 12
      Cultural policy

      Significant funds in modern times are extracted from the film, game and sound industries.

      Not only does this product create a “feeling of quality of life”, it is a guide to the world of culture of the producing country, it also means good foreign exchange earnings from rental, it is also the promotion of the country abroad, the creation of its image.

      Thus, it is obvious to me that if we want to be a superpower, we will need to invest qualitatively different means in the production of cultural products, to make them much more qualitative and competitive. Create masterpieces that sink into the soul.

      Culture is not made under duress. Even now, they do not spare money on cinema, but things are still there.
      1. -1
        29 January 2022 15: 06
        I'll give you an example - at one time there was a period of crafts "under the Second World War", with penal battalions, anti-Soviet cyborgs in the person of Mikhalkov and other base nonsense. These same "big money" were allocated for this. The result was not a cake - and it did not pay off at the box office.
        Then, for me personally, a very big milestone was "28 Panfilov", filmed on crowdfunding funds for the most part. It was a great, fresh movie. Which turned out to be filmed without the furry paw of the state, which paid off at the box office.
        This film was not made "under duress" and no one drove people to the cinemas to see it. They just liked him. However, the production of such a movie was incredibly delayed, I literally waited years for its release. In the event that state money will be easier to reach such a manufacturer, it will be beneficial for everyone.
        1. +2
          29 January 2022 15: 17
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          "28 Panfilov" filmed with crowdfunding funds

          The film's budget is 150 million rubles.

          The film was assisted by the Russian company Gaijin Entertainment, the developer of the military online game War Thunder ("Thunder of War"). The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation also got involved, which allocated 30 million rubles to the film.

          In addition, the film was supported by the Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan, which transferred an amount of 80 million tenge (about 19 million rubles) to the fund of the picture.

          The amount of the national crowdfunding collection is more than 34 million rubles.
        2. 0
          29 January 2022 23: 39
          Did 28 Panfilov's guys pay off at the box office?
          1. -1
            30 January 2022 00: 00
            See Wikipedia for the related article.
    12. +1
      29 January 2022 06: 26

      The article turned out to be long, and still something will be missed. Much is debatable.

      In fact, everything you wrote is the USSR crossed with Singapore. At the same time, you consider the world community as static: we influence them and plant them on our culture and products, but they do not have us. We are pursuing a foreign policy towards hostile states, while they stand still, and so on. At the same time, you consider the population of the country as weak-willed sheep - provide them with a warm barn and some food, chase them in the right direction and they will begin to breed like rabbits, go to the Far East to develop virgin lands and study to become builders (and tomorrow doctors) . But business for you is both an independent and competitive participant in the process, which at the same time is absolutely dependent and controlled by the state. It feels like you're playing a game like Civilization and operating in absolute categories. All this has been in our country for a long time, but naturally it does not work and cannot work.
      1. 0
        29 January 2022 15: 18

        In fact, everything you wrote is the USSR crossed with Singapore. At the same time, you consider the world community as static: we influence them and plant them on our culture and products, but they do not have us. We are pursuing a foreign policy towards hostile states, while they stand still, and so on. At the same time, you consider the population of the country as weak-willed sheep - provide them with a warm barn and some food, chase them in the right direction and they will begin to breed like rabbits, go to the Far East to develop virgin lands and study to become builders (and tomorrow doctors) . But business for you is both an independent and competitive participant in the process, which at the same time is absolutely dependent and controlled by the state. It feels like you're playing a game like Civilization and operating in absolute categories. All this has been in our country for a long time, but naturally it does not work and cannot work.

        This is very nice) How do you imagine what the scale of the article would be if I considered the things you indicated "in predictive dynamics"?)
        All this is primarily a concept - the world will not stand still, but we will not stand still either. Our rates will overtake the rates of growth of developed countries - this is the best immunity from harmful influence.
        At the same time, you treat the population of the country as weak-willed sheep

        I will ask you very much not to transfer your own thoughts to mine) If it seems immoral to you that they collect 2 tr from people for a breakthrough for the development of the state, it seems to you that this makes people "weak-willed sheep", then think about an alternative to the above. If you find it and formulate it, I will gladly read it and maybe even agree.
        But business for you is both an independent and competitive participant in the process, which at the same time is absolutely dependent and controlled by the state

        Within society, everything is dependent) You use money - you are dependent on the convention that equates pieces of paper to material things. Where do you see the dependence and control over the business in my scheme? The fact that the state collects a package of important data for people? The fact that the state has a plan within which it lays out niches for business on a voluntary basis? You seriously look at this as a "contract with the devil" :-) All this is not a guide or coercion to action or cooperation, this is CREATING an ENVIRONMENT in which a person SEES an interest in him (as a professional) and his business of the WHOLE SOCIETY - current and predicted . Now, without this scheme, you are stuck within the boundaries of your own ideas like a blind kitten, winning where you have prerequisites and informational bonuses.
        I understand that you didn’t like my idea - but you didn’t like it so much that you just want to torpedo it, attributing the tail, horns and hooves) If a person wants to see the bad, he will see) However, thanks for the comments! Sincerely ! hi
        1. +1
          29 January 2022 22: 31
          Our rates will overtake the rates of growth of developed countries - this is the best immunity from harmful influence.

          It is not clear from the article why suddenly our rates will be higher.

          I will ask you very much not to transfer your own thoughts to mine) If it seems immoral to you that they collect 2 tr from people for a breakthrough for the development of the state, it seems to you that this makes people "weak-willed sheep", then think about an alternative to the above. If you find it and formulate it, I will gladly read it and maybe even agree.

          Progressive taxation system, independent judiciary and legislature, severe limitation of executive powers, strong local self-government up to federalization, disclosure of the NWF, increase in external debt, national budget. projects, budget deficit for the next 10-20 years.
          1. 0
            29 January 2022 22: 49
            It is not clear from the article why suddenly our rates will be higher

            Internal fixing of resource prices, fixing inflation, creating a fund that issues loans at meager interest, large-scale analytics on key markets - is that enough for you? See article number 1 and number 2. It shows the growth over 20 years of the economies of Poland, Turkey, China, Japan. There was no such support for business, which is indicated in the article. And the growth rates were higher. I see no reason why this growth would not happen. Unless all entrepreneurs die like mammoths in our country.

            Progressive taxation system, independent judiciary and legislature, severe limitation of executive powers, strong local self-government up to federalization, disclosure of the NWF, increase in external debt, national budget. projects, budget deficit for the next 10-20 years.

            1) It scares away some of the wealthy and professional people in the current conditions.
            2) Without lengthy reforms and retraining of personnel, and even more so within the existing system, this is impossible. The current government is interested in "backdoors" because they are not able to resolve issues more delicately.
            3) Why would these people suddenly limit their powers? They will rather limit yours, which is what happens.
            4) This will be a very powerful move, considering how many subsidized regions we have.
            5) Well, they will open the FNB - and what, will they issue loans from it at 2%? No. This means that most of the disclosed NWF will burn in inflationary cramps even before it is used up.
            6) How will we pay off our debts, given that we have thoroughly spoiled our foreign policy? To whom shall we owe? China?
            7) First, we need these very "national projects" in a form slightly less than abstract. I've been hearing about these projects for 20 years now, but I don't see them.
            8) Will something happen by itself, is there a deficit? Why should he be, given that we have about no GDP growth? And military spending and anti-sanctions only increase.

            And I also drive abstraction ..
            1. +1
              29 January 2022 23: 01
              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              Why would these people suddenly limit their powers?

              That is, you expect a radical change in state policy and dream of an unprecedented economic growth, not even an explosion, without radically restructuring all the current branches of government, which created the current economy in their own image and likeness?
              Quote: Knell Wardenheart
              I'm still chasing abstraction

              This is not even an abstraction, but a non-objective projector or, if simpler, pseudo-intellectual masturbation
              1. -1
                29 January 2022 23: 07
                That is, you expect a radical change in state policy and dream of an unprecedented economic growth, not even an explosion, without radically restructuring all the current branches of government, which created the current economy in their own image and likeness?

                There are no alternatives to this) Read article number 3. The dynamics show that we are critically behind the surrounding states. Either rebuilding will happen - or the end will happen, there is nothing "in between".
                This is not even an abstraction, but a non-objective projector or, if simpler, pseudo-intellectual masturbation

                How self-critical, I would never have thought of you that way.
            2. -3
              30 January 2022 17: 35
              "For starters, we need these same "national projects" in a form slightly less than abstract. I've been hearing about these projects for 20 years, but I don't see them." Here you can probably see and here https://nationalprojects.rf/projects
              1. 0
                30 January 2022 17: 50
                It's all very nice, but I read stuff like this back in the early 2010s. And everything was also very beautiful, informative, etc. With numbers, graphs, etc.
                During this time (10 years), our GDP, however, has grown by only a quarter.
                I'm talking about the results of all these projects - where are the results? Since then (2010) Turkey's economy has grown by 85% by comparison. On carpets, clothes, cars and ferrous metallurgy. What have we been doing all this time? Where is the border of making a profit of these "next" projects? Is it now "Strategy 2030" or "Strategy 2040"? The personalities who promised us "Strategy 2020" are also engaged in these strategies - I live in 2022, I have not seen the success of "Strategy 2020". Why did you decide that these next projects will be more successful than the previous ones?
                1. +1
                  30 January 2022 17: 57
                  By the way, would you like to imagine Israel's GDP growth since 2010?
                  As they sometimes say here "pugs" ..
                  1. 0
                    30 January 2022 18: 07
                    The same 3x in 20 years. In general, considering the GDP growth of the most media states is very interesting in principle, but Israel itself as a model object is of little interest because it is a very small state, in whose economy there is a significant factor of funds from the "external diaspora". This experience would suit us very conditionally, unfortunately.
                    Although, as for me, Israel is, first of all, an incredibly successful potential for agriculture, and indeed, how so many modern industries fit in such a small area.
                    1. +1
                      30 January 2022 18: 30
                      //and indeed, how so many modern industries fit in such a small area.//
                      Well, it's not so surprising... We give the guys with "brains" the opportunity to start from scratch. The West believes in us (and gets an adequate profit). The East believes in us (and receives cooperation), India, China ..
                      Ps. Do you have Skolkovo as our Rehovot, are they frozen or something?
    13. -1
      29 January 2022 11: 49
      Thanks for the extended comment!
      In terms of demography, it is mostly about the "sum of little things" that could not be indicated in the article due to its limited volume. I'm not talking about "helicopter money" - rather, about points and programs for renting baby strollers, benefits for employers who have employees on maternity leave, reducing the tax burden on the family for a certain period of time.
      I believe that the trend to reduce rab.dnya and dist. labor will develop, if our economy develops in the medium term, the opportunities for young mothers to earn extra money remotely during the maternity leave will expand, their working hours in the case of actual work will decrease. This is an inevitable consequence of the growth of the sphere of information services. The development of e-learning courses is also a damn important area that can be promoted by the prof. human development on maternity leave.
      This inevitably leads to the concentration of business in places where government decisions are made.

      Let me remind you that we are talking about at least TRIPLE GDP growth over a period of 20 years. Or at least five times over a period of 40 years. The inevitable concentration here is inevitable) In any case, we will need housing and industrial clusters in other parts of the country, like Moscow and St. Petersburg. There will be work for everyone, because the economic breakthrough relies on expanding the business opportunities of the citizens themselves and on supporting the enterprises that produce the product (not raw materials).
      Again, the fact that a child has the opportunity to buy an apartment by the age of 20 is a tiny contribution to the decision to have or not to have.

      I can't totally agree with you! A child’s own apartment is a great bonus to his independence, parents will have their space, he will have his own. I personally have seen plenty of families living crowded in small apartments - this limits their leisure time, contributes to conflicts, makes personal life difficult, etc. A mother giving birth to a child will be calm because he will have a roof over his head.
      Only an authoritarian state can give such guarantees.

      Any state rests on guarantees. Just completely forgot about it. The state protects its citizens within certain territories, protects its producers, maintains a pension line, etc. All these are guarantees. A social contract, if you will. Now the scheme is failing great, and that is why we have such inefficient state. institutions.
      No large business will seriously invest in the regions as long as the decision-making centers (including the expediency of this business) are 7000 kilometers away from this business.

      You are talking about the current state of affairs. The analytical and forecasting tools available to the state are huge, and the plan will not be hammered out in granite - it will be finalized and coordinated between the participants. This will require a whole bureaucratic layer. We do not live in the era of horses now - information is spreading at the speed of light, management based on competent legislation will be able to work effectively at such distances.
      The entire population of the Far East is 8 million people. Just building a second Khabarovsk will cost more than the budget you are discussing below.

      The article mentions that at the stage of 10-20 years there is no task to stuff the Far East with people. There is a task to form several clusters that could potentially become centers for further expansion of demographics in the region. According to the figures, it is "desirable" to attract about 10 million people to the region during this period. This is what is called a wish "on top". Non-residential development will be carried out mainly by private business - the development of plans with which I also mentioned. Over a period of 20-40 years, it is hypothetically desirable to attract another 10-15 million people to the region, however, only the economic capacity for the expiration period of 20 years will give exact figures. The Far East needs 40 million people, I proceed from this.
      1. 0
        29 January 2022 22: 47
        Let me remind you that we are talking about at least TRIPLE GDP growth over a period of 20 years. Or at least five times over a period of 40 years. The inevitable concentration here is inevitable) In any case, we will need housing and industrial clusters in other parts of the country, like Moscow and St. Petersburg. There will be work for everyone, because the economic breakthrough relies on expanding the business opportunities of the citizens themselves and on supporting the enterprises that produce the product (not raw materials).

        Why do we need industrial clusters outside the Central Federal District, if not in order to hold the territory? We have a disabled infrastructure, problems with logistics, and you propose to stretch everything over thousands of kilometers? Why not follow the path of China and concentrate the population in the center?

        I can't totally agree with you! A child’s own apartment is a great bonus to his independence, parents will have their space, he will have his own. I personally have seen plenty of families living crowded in small apartments - this limits their leisure time, contributes to conflicts, makes personal life difficult, etc. A mother giving birth to a child will be calm because he will have a roof over his head.

        You may disagree, but once again, this is a meager argument in favor of giving birth or not giving birth.

        Any state rests on guarantees. Just completely forgot about it. The state protects its citizens within certain territories, protects its producers, maintains a pension line, etc. All these are guarantees. A social contract, if you will. Now the scheme is failing great, and that is why we have such inefficient state. institutions.

        A social contract is something that the state plays according to clearly defined rules, primarily the Constitution and laws. The scheme fails because the state puts on these rules and concludes an unspoken social contract, as we have. It is very important for business that in the event of the sudden death of a leader, there will be no purges, all white treaties will be observed, and if the state interferes where they are not asked, the court of this state will give this state such a kick that the entire world community will be surprised. And changes in legislation, inevitable in any state, are carried out smoothly, do not have retroactive effect and are predictable by business.

        You are talking about the current state of affairs. The analytical and forecasting tools available to the state are huge, and the plan will not be hammered out in granite - it will be finalized and coordinated between the participants. This will require a whole bureaucratic layer. We do not live in the era of horses now - information is spreading at the speed of light, management based on competent legislation will be able to work effectively at such distances.

        Public administration does not change from the speed of information transfer, as long as decisions are made by people. 100 years ago there were telephones and telegraphs, and even then the signal was transmitted at the speed of light.

        The article mentions that at the stage of 10-20 years there is no task to stuff the Far East with people. There is a task to form several clusters that could potentially become centers for further expansion of demographics in the region. According to the figures, it is "desirable" to attract about 10 million people to the region during this period. This is what is called a wish "on top". Non-residential development will be carried out mainly by private business - the development of plans with which I also mentioned. Over a period of 20-40 years, it is hypothetically desirable to attract another 10-15 million people to the region, however, only the economic capacity for the expiration period of 20 years will give exact figures. The Far East needs 40 million people, I proceed from this.

        Why are there so many people there? A concentrated population in the center of the country is much more efficient - logistics, infrastructure, population connectivity, travel availability, training and career guidance centers, etc. What is there in the Far East for 40 million people to live there? It is possible to cut down forests, extract resources on a shift basis, the military can live in existing cities and garrisons, tourism requires a much smaller number of people.
        1. -1
          29 January 2022 22: 57
          Why do we need industrial clusters outside the Central Federal District, if not in order to hold the territory? We have a disabled infrastructure, problems with logistics, and you propose to stretch everything over thousands of kilometers? Why not follow the path of China and concentrate the population in the center?

          The shape of our country kakbe hints at the fact that it will not work to concentrate in the center. We do not have such a convenient coast. In the center of the country we have a very unimportant climate.
          The Far East needs to be settled in, because in this direction we are neighbors with the first three economies of the planet, and we have 8 million people there. This is covered in article number 3.

          You may disagree, but once again, this is a meager argument in favor of giving birth or not giving birth.

          The beauty of this approach is that the goal of breeding is not for YOU personally. There will be those who want to take advantage of this, and there will be more than enough of them to double the birth rate.
          The scheme fails because the state puts on these rules and concludes an unspoken social contract, as we have

          And therefore it is necessary to rework this scheme so that it does not fail.
          Public administration does not change from the speed of information transfer, as long as decisions are made by people. 100 years ago there were telephones and telegraphs, the signal was then transmitted at the speed of light

          Do you even understand how incorrect your comparison is now? You are comparing information traffic and the possibilities of its transmission now, and a hundred years ago. It's not even heaven and earth, it's a grain of sand and an ocean.
          Why are there so many people there? A concentrated population in the center of the country is much more efficient - logistics, infrastructure, population connectivity, travel availability, training and career guidance centers, etc. What is there in the Far East for 40 million people to live there? It is possible to cut down forests, extract resources on a shift basis, the military can live in existing cities and garrisons, tourism requires a much smaller number of people.

          You consider the Far East as a "stupid raw material appendage" - for me, this is a sparsely populated part of the country with enormous potential for this. At the moment, the demography of this region severely limits its development and development, and this limitation must be eliminated.
          1. +1
            30 January 2022 02: 01
            The shape of our country kakbe hints at the fact that it will not work to concentrate in the center. We do not have such a convenient coast. In the center of the country we have a very unimportant climate.
            The Far East needs to be settled in, because in this direction we are neighbors with the first three economies of the planet, and we have 8 million people there. This is covered in article number 3.

            The shape of the country does not hint at anything. The fact that the Far East is huge does not mean that we need to actively settle in it. The same is true with economies, what does the neighborhood have to do with it.

            And therefore it is necessary to rework this scheme so that it does not fail.

            A strong state with state monopolies will not be able to avoid bending private business.

            Do you even understand how incorrect your comparison is now? You are comparing information traffic and the possibilities of its transmission now, and a hundred years ago. It's not even heaven and earth, it's a grain of sand and an ocean.

            Why is it incorrect? The fact that there is an expanded information flow does not mean that a person can absorb it faster or make a more correct decision. Or that people will be more honest, or that there will be no cheating schemes, etc. It just gets more complicated, that's all.

            You consider the Far East as a "stupid raw material appendage" - for me, this is a sparsely populated part of the country with enormous potential for this. At the moment, the demography of this region severely limits its development and development, and this limitation must be eliminated.

            What potential does the Far East have and how does demographics limit its development? I see potential only in resources, and it would be more correct to concentrate all industrial and production capacities closer to decision-making places, in particular, no further than the Urals
            1. -1
              30 January 2022 02: 09
              The shape of the country does not hint at anything. The fact that the Far East is huge does not mean that we need to actively settle in it. The same is true with economies, what does the neighborhood have to do with it.

              We are reading the third article, I am not going to personally retell it to you ..
              A strong state with state monopolies will not be able to avoid bending private business.

              Did Sun Tzu write or did you come up with it yourself?
              Why is it incorrect? The fact that there is an expanded information flow does not mean that a person can absorb it faster or make a more correct decision. Or that people will be more honest, or that there will be no cheating schemes, etc. It just gets more complicated, that's all.

              So it finally starts to dawn on you why you need a powerful state analytics!

              What potential does the Far East have and how does demographics limit its development?

              Habitable areas and waters close to potentially huge markets. And, accordingly, an insignificant population density, which impedes development with an emphasis on available forces.
  48. +2
    29 January 2022 20: 03
    Somehow it turned out badly.
    The author conscientiously, IMHO, tried to figure out what Russia is like and how we can live better in it.
    The comments, including mine, are not very good for the most part.
    But the author should be thanked at least for raising such topics.

    So I repeat:
    Good article, I do not agree with everything, but in general - very good.
    Once again, I take my hat off. hi
  49. -1
    5 February 2022 09: 54
    Quote: Knell Wardenheart

    1) What a pessimistic view) Are you sure that all the Turkish panties and Chinese hammers are head and shoulders above what we can do?

    In terms of the notorious competitiveness - certainly. The cost price is less, the mass character is more, there are no such foreign policy restrictions (access to technologies, raw materials, loans).

    Quote: Knell Wardenheart

    2) a) Of course, but with the establishment of fixed prices for domestic resources, the construction itself becomes very cheap, since we ourselves extract the resources we need - we can greatly compensate for this parameter.

    Non-market measure, I dare say. Fixed prices - they need subsidies in conditions of market openness and freedom of banking capital.
    Alas, sometimes our resources, extracted by us, turn out to be more expensive than imported ones. Our coal in the 90s was more expensive than Australian quarry coal.
    And we don't have all the resources we need. Much will still have to be purchased, alas.

    Quote: Knell Wardenheart

    It should be taken into account that the development of the Far East is an increase in generation there, and in our case, generation can and should be combined with heating of settlements and the same enterprises. This is not such a significant disadvantage. Logistics - if we are talking about the Far East, then building railway lines from industrial clusters to coastal ports is not such a big problem. The industry of the European part of the country already relies on the built logistics, with fixing prices for resources and generation - the inconveniences of this part of the logistics will be even more compensated.

    Again, non-market measures. Who will master the DV? Private capital? Yep, right now!
    Do you have a rough idea of ​​how long it will take to just pay back the investment in such projects? Who would agree to work for such a distant future?
    In our economy, there is a catastrophic lack of "long money", businessmen need quick profits and a minimum of risks. "Who do?" - I ask you again?

    Utopia in its purest form.
    What needs to be done to create the necessary (but still insufficient) conditions for the real development of our economy and the country as a whole?
    1. Return of real financial sovereignty. Liquidation of the Central Bank in its current form, transfer of the necessary functions to the State Bank and the State Treasury. De-dollarization of the economy, decoupling the ruble from the "world reserve currency". All payments, including those in foreign trade, are made in rubles.
    2. Rejection of the openness of the internal market. The monopoly of foreign trade, at least partial, as a half measure - tight state control with strict licensing.
    3. Adoption of protectionist measures to support domestic producers. Withdrawal from international agreements that are unfavorable for us in terms of our own development. Refusal to look back at the notorious "world community". We will never enter there in a quality acceptable to us. They have already begun to push us away from the raw material trough (the story of SP-2).
  50. 0
    15 June 2022 12: 45
    Thank you very much for your work!
    It was very interesting to read. It is even more pleasant to see that we have people with a strategic and at the same time positive thinking, I don’t know what to call it, a reasonable patriot!

    I would like to add my methodological analysis to your reasoning.
    You think, in general, in the country, state key.
    Roughly speaking, regional projects.
    In addition to regional projects, there are also global ones. For example, look at the same collective West.
    They are united in both NATO and the dollar-euro economy. And within the framework of this project, it makes no sense for them to think about protecting borders and growing GDP separately. It started 800 years ago, with joint crusades of different European countries to plunder their neighbors.
    If, for example, the countries of the East unite in a global project in the same way, then Russia, remaining within the framework of a regional / country project, will have nothing to oppose to such a project.
    The global project always wins over the regional one.
    Look, for example, at world Jewry. And for 3 years they have retained their identity, culture, traditions, and in addition to this, they have taken away most of the wealth of all mankind and have taken key positions in the West in the largest international corporations and funds.
    Someone even calls this phenomenon "network power".
    Now we will begin to build cities, factories, plants, give birth to children, as they did in the USSR, and as you describe it should be done. And fans of Judaism will come, they will buy it all up and ruin it, as it was already in the 1980s and 1990s.
    I don't mean ethnic Jews, of course, by any means.
    I mean precisely the ideological followers of the domination of the Jewish race, or in general the ideological followers of the domination of some other race on the biblical basis of Judaism.
    Therefore, I think that there should be an ideology. And, preferably, not only regional, but also global.
    Now, for example, we can offer the world global security - as long as Russia has enough nuclear weapons, the US cannot use its nuclear weapons, no matter how much they would like to.
    And so on..

    Speaking about the transformation of society from below, once again, I would like to note the key points: responsibility, awareness, knowledge of the basics and general principles of management in the universe and people in particular. I think that management theory should be taught starting from high school.