Anyone can offend the monarch


Ivan the Terrible and the Pskov holy fool Nikola Salos in the painting by A.P. Ryabushkin

Insult to Majesty laws

Trying to increase their authority in society, monarchs have long acted according to the principle "all means are good" - except for one, the most effective. To rule fairly, in the interests of all subjects, and not a handful of aristocrats, court sycophants, shameless favorites and favorites, few have tried.

Let's make a reservation right away that we are talking about justice, but not about kindness.

State power is always a compulsion, and one cannot be kind to everyone. The results of the reign of a kind monarch are often very sad.

And there is a grain of truth in the famous phrase of Bonaparte:

“When I hear:“ Good king ”, I always say:“ What an unfortunate government in the country ”.

In order to justify their right to rule and gain the respect of their subjects, monarchs often referred to their divine origin or even declared themselves gods. And the disciple of Aristotle, Alexander the Great, brought up in the Hellenistic tradition, did not disdain to follow this path (as soon as he had such an opportunity).

Napoleon Bonaparte also showed regret that he was born in the wrong place and at the wrong time: earlier, in the East, he could have declared himself a god, but now, in the West, it is no longer possible - they will laugh.

Unable to declare themselves gods, the rulers of all countries traditionally used priests of different cults to sacralize their power. They readily confirmed that unconditional submission to those in power is the highest virtue, and disobedience to them is a great sin.

Like the apostle Paul, for example, who issued the minted formula:

"There is no power, except as from God, the one who resists power resists God's command."

And further:

"Obey not only the good, but also the evil, not only for fear, but also for conscience."

The same Bonaparte once said:

"Religion is what keeps the poor from killing the rich."

Especially attractive was the opportunity to unite in their hands both earthly and spiritual power.

This is what the popes have tried to achieve for centuries. More successful was King Henry VIII, thanks to whom the ruling monarch of Great Britain is still the head of the Anglican Church.

Peter I followed the same path, abolishing the patriarchate in Russia and actually making Orthodox hierarchs and priests civil servants.

Napoleon later said in a conversation with Alexander I that he envied him: it is very convenient to be "both Pope and Emperor at the same time."

The rulers of the new post-revolutionary Russia could also remain the heads of the ROC: it was enough not to separate the church from the state, not to fight against "religious prejudices" and to preserve the privileges of the holders of clerical dignities. And then in all churches there would be prayers for the health of the pious general secretaries, and Lenin and Stalin, given their authority and popularity in society, no doubt, after death would be canonized and declared "equal to the apostles."

The overwhelming majority of monarchs were extremely touchy and vindictive people.

Let us recall, for example, Clovis, who for many years concealed a grudge against the warrior who did not allow him to take the cup he liked when dividing the spoils. It all ended with the murder of this man in front of the formation of the troops - as soon as Clovis became strong enough to afford it.

Anyone can offend the monarch

Medieval notions of etiquette and honor can shock anyone.

How would you like the tradition of public birth of queens of France, for example?

But the monarchs of Spain were especially scrupulous in matters of honor.

King Philip III (father of Anne of Austria, familiar to everyone from the novel by Dumas "The Three Musketeers"), unconscious, fell too close to the fireplace. And he received severe burns, since there was no person among those present whose touch would not damage the honor of the monarch.

The clothes of the Spanish kings and their courtiers were as uncomfortable as possible. And in everyday life, it was required to observe numerous rituals, the slightest deviation from which was considered a terrible dishonor.

The Catholic kings of Spain and their family members should not have shown emotions, and therefore, when the parrots made Queen Marie Anne (Austria) laugh, the unfortunate birds immediately turned their heads.

The king, on his way to his wife to perform marital duties, in one hand had to carry a candelabrum with lighted candles, in the other - to hold the sword by the blade with the hilt up (this was supposed to symbolize the cross).

It is not surprising that the aforementioned young Austrian princess Marie-Anne, the bride of the future King Philip IV, fainted when the royal majordomo accompanying her said to the mayor of Lyon, who dared to present the girl with a dozen silk stockings:

"Mr. Mayor, remember that the Spanish queen has no legs!"

Having heard about the severity of Spanish morals, the girl decided that upon arrival in Madrid, her legs would be cut off.

France Leix. Marie-Anne of Austria

Marie-Louise of Orleans, wife of Charles II (son of Marie-Anne of Austria), almost died after her leg got stuck in the stirrup. Touching the Spanish queen was a terrible and unheard-of infringement on her honor, and therefore the courtiers watched with a distance as the horse dragged the woman along the ground. Finally, two of them decided to come to the rescue - and immediately after that they fled the country, expecting not gratitude, but a death sentence.

Francesco Ricci. Equestrian portrait of Marie-Louise

In the retinue of Sunanda Kumarirattana, the wife of the Siamese king Rama V, there were no such desperate daredevils. In 1880, she drowned with her newborn daughter in front of numerous courtiers. Only after that, in Siam (Thailand), the ban on touching royalty was lifted.

It was still a little easier in Russia.

Empress Elizabeth, for example, once dyed her hair unsuccessfully and had to shave it off. The sight of the ladies of the court with luxuriant hair offended "Daughter Petrova" so much that she ordered them all to shave their heads immediately.

And a certain Mademoiselle Tardieu, who traded in foreign goods, greatly offended Elizabeth by selling some new items before the empress examined them. Then she went to jail - to gain mind-reason.

But most often, the offensive empress used her own old shoe as an instrument of retaliation, with which she publicly beat the guilty courtiers on the cheeks (in fact, it was not a new shoe to beat them - it would be scratched or torn, God forbid).

“The jolly queen was Elizabeth:
Singing and having fun
There is no order ":

G.-H. Groot. Equestrian portrait of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna

But in all these cases there was at least some kind of logic - albeit perverse and strange.

But try to please the Queen of Madagascar Ranavala I, who was called "Caligula in a skirt." She was very offended by the fact that the courtiers, without invitation, dared to appear to her in her dreams. Apparently, in the royal dream, they did not behave quite well, because the next morning they were usually executed.

Pierre Suau. Queen Ranavalona I of Madagascar engraving

It is curious that at present this terrible queen, who banned Christianity and revived cruel pagan rituals, in which the population of the island decreased by almost half, is considered a national heroine, a great ruler, a patriot who fought against colonialism and so on, so on, so forth.

It was also not a good idea to dream about Moroccan princesses, but such impudent people were usually not executed here - they were limited to whipping.

Often all these antics of offended monarchs were of a non-systemic nature, and repression depended on the personality of one ruler or another. However, since ancient times, attempts have been made to explain to the subjects in what cases and what exactly the royal person can be offended.

In the Roman Republic there was a "law of greatness" - lex majestatis. Greatness was recognized for the Roman gods, the community of citizens and the Senate. It was not recommended to insult them in the most categorical way.

But officials sometimes confused "the fatherland with his excellency", and the "excellencies" (and themselves) - with the fatherland. A striking example is Sulla, who used this law to destroy his enemies.

In 8 BC. e. Octavian Augustus made additions to this law regarding the insult of the princeps and his family.

By the way, you can read about this even in M. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita:

“Something strange happened to the hearing, as if trumpets were playing quietly and menacingly in the distance, and a nasal voice was heard very clearly, haughtily pulling the words:

"Insult to Majesty Law ..."

This happened during the reign of Octavian's successor, Tiberius, under which, according to Tacitus, not only actions or statements that were objectionable to the emperor, but also insufficient respect towards him and his genius began to be considered an insult to greatness.

At this point, I am reminded of the modern United States and Western Europe, where a person can be persecuted or even fired from work for insufficiently expressed sympathy for BLM, transgender people and LGBT people.

But let's go back to Ancient Rome and look at other Caesars.

Here Nero, for example, according to Suetonius' testimony, began to send to execution those who did not applaud his music-making or recitation at feasts (or applauded without due enthusiasm).

Nero in the movie "The Eight Days That Made Rome"

Commodus preferred to act in the arena as a gladiator, but was no less touchy than the "humanist" Nero.

Other emperors were less eccentric, but they cared about their honor just as much, and it was always considered a serious crime to show insufficient respect for any of them.


In Russia, a separate concept of "state (sovereign) honor" appeared in 1649, when a special resolution of the Cathedral Code was adopted.

And under Peter I, a military article appeared (1715): here any judgments that contained an unflattering assessment or simply questioned the correctness and expediency of the activities of the tsar and his government were recognized as an insult to the monarch. Because "His Majesty is an autocratic monarch who should not give an answer to anyone in the world about his affairs."

In general, nothing new, even Ivan IV Kurbsky wrote about this:

"You are free to pay your servants, but you are free to execute them."


"You ruined the soul for the sake of the body ... you rebelled against God ... Why were you afraid to perish innocently?"

This article of the Article was interpreted very broadly.

So, in 1718, in a certain Johann Starshint, a Swede who was captured near Poltava, he was arrested for seeing some picture depicting this battle, "hitting the person of the Tsar's Majesty with his hand," claiming that the artist was mistaken: "The sovereign was in boots during the battle, but in the picture he was wearing stockings and tweets."
This arrest of the Swede did not enlighten, and two years later he was sent to Siberia for "drinking for the health" of Peter I.

Other reasons for repression were declared: “calling the imperial decree thieves', swearing when reading the decree, not removing the cap when reading the decree, keeping prohibited manifestos in the house, loudly expressing sympathy for the punished criminal, not celebrating calendar days without a good reason, cursing the portrait of the imperial, tearing up the decree his life of the king, Diminishing without intent of the sovereign's title, a mistake when writing this title. "
And (attention!) The statement of the phrase: "I spit on him."

Remember the anecdote about Alexander III and a certain soldier Oreshkin, who, while drunk, said: "I didn’t give a damn about your sovereign-emperor!" Alexander III, as if having learned about this (I wonder where from? Who would dare to report such an insignificant matter to him?), Ordered to tell Oreshkin that he also “didn't care” about him: that is, he entered into a dialogue with him! And he forbade hanging his portraits in drinking establishments.

This story - indeed an anecdote, and "with a beard", because he has been known since the time of Nicholas I. The differences are quite small: a different surname of the soldier (Agafon Suleikin) and other "blasphemous" words ("What a portrait to me - I'm a portrait myself!").

By the way, they also told another story about the “indulgence” of Alexander III: some man, impressed by the impressiveness of his figure, seemed to show his admiration in an obscene form. The emperor was not offended, but, on the contrary, was very flattered by this characteristic. With the words: "Here's my portrait for you as a keepsake," he handed the peasant a 25-ruble note.

Empress Catherine II, who verbally loved to flaunt her liberalism, in 1763 published a manifesto "On the prohibition of obscene reasoning and talk on matters that belong to the government", which in society was often called the "Manifesto of silence" (or "Decree on not saying too much" ).

An insult to the majesty was also recognized as a state crime in the final version of the "Orders" of this empress. And this was completely natural: Catherine was well aware that she did not have the slightest right to the Russian throne - she simply usurped it. Moreover, she usurped twice: first, she organized a coup d'état, which ended in the murder of the grandson of Peter I, and then refused to cede the throne to her son, who had reached the age of majority.

Oddly enough, the most painful for Catherine II were any statements related to her gender.

There is a known case of condemnation for a phrase that seemed to be quite flattering for the empress:

"Most merciful Empress, although she is a woman, she holds the whole earth!"

Stories about the empress's loving nature or her physical disabilities were severely punished. At the end of Catherine's life, any judgments about her possible death began to be severely punished (subjects, apparently, should have believed that she would live and rule forever).

Strange as it may seem, Paul I, who had been cheated by his murderers, was less touchy.

So, for example, he was very indignant when he learned that on his behalf the subjects were ordered to take off their hats, passing by the royal palace. On the contrary, he himself took off his hat, finding himself on the street in front of a crowd of his subjects (and this was one of the reasons for the great love of the common people of St. Petersburg for him).

Upon acceding to the throne, Paul issued a decree releasing the majority of those convicted of an "insult to greatness." Moreover, he did not even take revenge on the lover of his first (and beloved) wife Natalya Alekseevna - Andrei Razumovsky.

A. Roslin. Portrait of A. Razumovsky (1771), who in society was called a "refined immoral" person, but love affairs did not prevent him from being a very successful diplomat

Under Paul I, A. Razumovsky received the Order of St. Anna, 1796st degree (1800) and became a senator (XNUMX).

Quite another matter is his contemporary, a certain P. Balk-Polev, the Russian envoy to Brazil, who in 1804 contrived out of the blue to insult the emperor of this country out of the blue. The amount requested by the local shoemaker from Balk-Polev seemed to the diplomat too high. And Mr. Ambassador, without hesitation, threw a scandal during an audience, which he ended with a spectacular throw of a crumpled check at the feet of the local monarch. Naturally, he was expelled from the country.

In 1845, the Russian Empire published the Code on Criminal and Correctional Punishments. An entire chapter in it is devoted to protecting the emperor from insults.

It is curious that alcohol intoxication was recognized as a mitigating circumstance. Apparently, the authorities understood that the arrest and conviction of all visitors to the taverns might have a positive effect on the population of Siberia, but would contribute to the decline of the central regions.

The authorities still could not completely stop the flow of “criticism from below”.

Moreover, they themselves often gave a reason for nationwide fun. Such, for example, was the famous "Pineapple Manifesto" of Emperor Alexander III, who came to the throne, published in 1881. In fact, it was called the "Manifesto on the inviolability of autocracy." But the first line of this document ended with the phrase:

«A pineapple to entrust the sacred duty of the Autocratic Board. "

"Pineapple" manifesto "

This manifesto is often attributed to Nicholas II.

Another curious incident occurred at a gala dinner of Alexander III and his wife in the Kremlin's Palace of Facets in 1883.

The chef of the Rossiya restaurant, hired to work at this event, decided to surprise everyone with a dish he had invented: trout with sauce with vegetables and anchovies. According to the inventor's idea, the red color (for which the beets were responsible) and white (turnip) were supposed to symbolize the royal royal caftan. White, with dark blotches, the sauce is ermine mantle. However, the witches quickly "realized" that the trout in the salad symbolizes ... the empress.

The investigation was carried out quite serious, the emperor even personally talked to the unfortunate cook, who eventually got off with a "slight fright": no malicious intent was found in his actions. However, out of harm's way, it was ordered in the future to serve this dish without trout.

People began to call variations of this salad "fur coat", and then they figured out adding layers of pieces of salted herring to it. According to the popular version, this is how the famous "herring under a fur coat" appeared.

Even more evil were the mockery of the unpopular in the country Nicholas II and his equally unloved wife in all strata of society - Alexandra Fedorovna.

The Empress could not give birth to an heir to the throne, which forced her to turn to the most diverse charlatans. One of them was the former apprentice of the Lyons butcher Philip Nizier-Vasho. Under his "spell" in 1902, Alexandra showed signs of pregnancy, which turned out to be false. But newspapers have already reported about the Empress's pregnancy. As a result, rumors spread among the people about the birth of a "devil" in the royal family, who was immediately drowned in a bucket of water by the emperor himself.

State Secretary Polovtsev wrote about this:

"The most ridiculous rumors spread among all classes of the population, such as, for example, that the Empress gave birth to a freak with horns."

As a result, Pushkin's lines had to be removed from the Tsar Saltan extravaganza, which was shown at the Mariinsky Theater:

"The queen gave birth to a son or a daughter in the night ..."

And in Nizhny Novgorod, a calendar was confiscated, on the cover of which there was an image of a woman carrying 4 piglets in a basket. The censors decided that this was an allusion to the empress and her four daughters.

At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, the “insult to majesty” law was often used against journalists.

So, among others for disrespect to Nicholas II at the end of 1905, Korney Chukovsky was arrested, who then published the humorous magazine "Signal" in Odessa. His wife had to pay a huge deposit of 10 thousand rubles. Later, by a court decision, the magazine was closed (indefinitely), Chukovsky was sentenced to 6 months in prison (this sentence was successfully appealed).

Rumors became quite insulting to the royal family after Grigory Rasputin entered the royal palace. Moreover, they have spread in all, even the highest, strata of Russian society. And the laws "on insult to majesty" actually ceased to operate, because it was impossible to arrest and send the entire Russian people to Siberia.

And the monarchy in Russia was now doomed: having become ridiculous, the tsarist power ceased to be terrible.

Do not think that things were different in "civilized and enlightened" Europe.


For example, Germany had its own law “on insult to majesty,” where in the first seven years of the reign of the touchy emperor Wilhelm II, 4 people were convicted who somehow managed to offend him. True, over time, this monarch began to take such matters more calmly, and in 965 he pardoned most of his offenders.


In France, in 1881, a law was passed to protect the honor and dignity of the president of the republic. Charles de Gaulle became famous for his particular intolerance towards his critics, for insulting whom 350 people were convicted in this country (an average of 35 French for each year of de Gaulle's presidency). This president possessed all the necessary skills of a dictator and was extremely disliked by criticism.

And there was a reason to criticize de Gaulle. It was he who contrived to capitulate in the already won Algerian War. Recall that Algeria has never been a colony: it was a full-fledged and full-fledged department of France - like the Ardennes, Moselle, Manche, Savoie or Haute-Loire.

Algeria, September 1958, Arab demonstration to keep Algeria within France

Demonstration of opponents of Charles de Gaulle in Paris, May 1958

When European France left Algeria, Islamic Algeria came to France. And entire quarters of many French cities became colonies of Algeria.

De Gaulle looked with indifference at the forced flight of 1 people from Algeria. Thanks to the efforts of many generations of these people, the standard of living in Algeria then corresponded to that of southern Italy and Greece.

Refugees were mainly "black-footed" French (about a million people), whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers already considered Algeria their homeland. This exodus of biblical proportions was the greatest tragedy in the history of the French people. Jews, loyalist Arabs (evolves) and a small part of the harki troops also fled.

Particularly sad was the fate of the kharqi, who fought in Algeria for France: out of 230 thousand harqas that remained here after the departure of the French, according to various authors, from 80 to 140 thousand people were killed by nationalists, and none of the tortured women and children from their families considered.

But this was not enough.

Trying to destroy the OAS activists who fought for French Algeria (many of them, unlike the overwhelming majority of the French, during World War II did not work conscientiously for the good of the Reich, but fought against the Germans), de Gaulle turned the French special services into an analogue of the Gestapo. The "special officers" under his control widely practiced unauthorized wiretapping of their own citizens and illegal spying on them, kidnapping, torture and extrajudicial reprisals against de Gaulle's opponents. And at the same time they "covered" smugglers and drug dealers. This activity is reflected in the films about the "tall blond" starring Pierre Richard.

Shot from the movie "Tall blond in a black boot"

Georges Pompidou, who became de Gaulle's successor, then had to carry out purges in the special services and practically play the role of raking up Yezhov Beria's legacy.

At the end of his inglorious and shameful retirement of government, de Gaulle brought the country to the mass riots of the 1968 revolution. But he did not like very much when they told him about it.

In France, only in 2000, the prison terms provided for by the 1881 law were replaced with large fines (up to 45 thousand euros). And in July 2013, this law was canceled by parliament.

In other European countries, similar laws continue to apply.


So, in the Netherlands, one should be very careful in choosing words when talking about the current reigning monarch or a member of the royal family, since, according to the law of 1881, they could have recently been sent to prison for up to five years.

Only in 2018 the maximum period was reduced to 4 months.

The last verdict under this law was passed in January 2020 to a 63-year-old resident of the city of Utrecht. He was convicted for a few words spoken in the direction of Queen Consort Maxima, which she did not even hear.

He quite rightly called the Argentinean Maxima "the daughter of a murderer", since her father was a minister in the government of the dictator of the head Jorge Videla. From 1976 to 1983, the junta in that country waged a terrorist "Dirty War" against its political opponents. The victims then became up to 30 thousand people, 13 thousand are missing.

One of the episodes of the "Dirty War" in Argentina


Spain still has the Lese-majeste (insult to majesty) law, which protects the reigning monarch and members of the local Bourbon dynasty.

As recently as February 2021, Spanish rapper Pablo Hasel (Pablo Rivadulla Duro) was sentenced to 9 months in prison for criticizing the royal family.

The news of his detention at the University of Lleida caused riots in several cities in Catalonia, as well as in Valencia. In clashes with the police, 33 people were injured (8 were hospitalized), 15 were arrested.

Barcelona, ​​17 February 2021

And this despite the fact that King Juan Carlos I of Bourbon is a “handshake” person in modern Spain.

In 1969 he was summoned to Spain by Franco and became the dictator's heir. In 1981 he participated in the suppression of the Franco rebellion. Thus, not completely becoming "his own" for the democrats, he also quarreled with the supporters of the "strong hand" line.

In 2014, after being accused of tax evasion in the amount of 65 million euros, as well as receiving a dubious "gift from the king of Saudi Arabia (100 million dollars), associated with an even more dubious contract for the construction of a railway worth 6,7 billion euros, Juan Carlos was forced to abdicate.

And in the fall of 2020, he fled to a very "democratic" country - the United Arab Emirates, settling in Abu Dhabi (where he is still).

The investigation into his activities is not being conducted in Spain, but in Switzerland.

King Juan Carlos


In Denmark, insulting a local king or queen is given up to 4 months in prison.

In Poland and Portugal for insulting presidents - up to 3 years, in Germany - from 3 months to 5 years, in Slovakia - up to 8 years in prison.

United Kingdom

And, finally, the “cradle of democracy” is Great Britain, where can we go without it?

Only in 2018, the old law on liability for insulting the ruling monarch was abolished here.

According to this law, a Briton could be convicted, for example, for a postage stamp with the image of the monarch glued upside down on the envelope. The law has not been applied for a long time - because there are no people willing to try to break it.

However, in 2009, Labor MP Peter White, naively relying on the status of a member of the House of Commons, not in the Times newspaper, but only on his Facebook page (!) Dared to write a message on the possibility of arranging a day off in Britain on 60 anniversary of the reign of Elizabeth II:

“What is the point of celebrating the diamond anniversary of someone who was born in a privileged position? She is a parasite and milks this country wherever she can. "

He was immediately and unanimously condemned by his colleagues and expelled from the party. He thinks he got off easy.


In the United States, the protection of the honor of presidents is also all right.

Pennsylvania resident Nicholas Savino, for example, spent a year in prison after publishing the following text on the White House website:

“President Obama is the Antichrist. If you violate the constitution, you will leave or they will shoot you. "


Is it any wonder then that Thailand can still jail a person for up to 15 years for written or verbal insult to a member of the ruling royal family?

And currently there are more than a hundred people serving sentences for disrespect for the ruling dynasty.
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  1. +13
    31 December 2021 06: 29
    Anyone can offend the monarch

    Here, as in the saying about a boxer who can be offended by everyone, not everyone will have time to apologize!
    1. +17
      31 December 2021 08: 10
      Come on, with an apology! Who was the last time to argue with the management? Only the day before yesterday I was offered to write a letter of resignation. True, when I wrote - it was torn !!! wassat
      Woman and power, a unique, inexplicable thing. This is me, as a person who has walked in my life under three bosses, I write! laughing
      Now to the article!
      But most often, the offensive empress used her own old shoe as an instrument of retaliation, with which she publicly beat the guilty courtiers on the cheeks (in fact, it was not a new shoe to beat them - it would be scratched or torn, God forbid).

      To the giggle who took - Berilin, the filed, I think, was forgiven for such an appeal. Especially remembering that her father, tore the guilty not with a "slipper", but with a flight or cane that turned up! Yes, and the silushka of Peter I, God did not offend!
      Happy New Year everyone!
      1. +12
        31 December 2021 08: 38
        watch the film "kill the dragon". M. Zakharova 1988 - everything about power is popular and accurate.
        1. +9
          31 December 2021 11: 14
          "That same Munchausen" in 1979 is no worse.
      2. +9
        31 December 2021 09: 10
        Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
        Woman and power, a unique, inexplicable thing. This is me, as a person who has walked in my life under three bosses, I write

        crying familiar
        Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
        To the giggle who took - Berilin, the filed, I think, was forgiven for such an appeal. Especially remembering

        that in the wardrobe of the gentle-hearted Queen Lisaveta there were fifteen thousand dresses and several thousand pairs of shoes. So it was unlikely that it was an old worn-out slippers ...
        1. +4
          31 December 2021 11: 46
          The main thing is that I did not guess to screw the screws to the lenticulars !!!! tongue
      3. -1
        31 December 2021 13: 36
        "they were forgiven for such an appeal" I agree with you: Elizaveta Petrovna was much kinder than her father or her predecessors. Remember that she HAS NOT PURCHASED ANYONE!
        1. VLR
          31 December 2021 15: 12
          This is slyness. Death sentences were not imposed, however, the punishments were imposed such that a person could not remain alive after them. And they tortured even more without any sentences - both in the Secret Chanceries, and tyrant landowners in their estates.
  2. +3
    31 December 2021 06: 39
    A story in anecdotes has a right to exist. The possibility of an Equal-to-the-Apostles Lenin is nonsense, probably admissible for school time.
    1. +6
      31 December 2021 08: 43
      Quote from Korsar4
      A story in anecdotes has a right to exist. The possibility of an Equal-to-the-Apostles Lenin is nonsense, probably admissible for school time.

      Anecdotes are not born from scratch either!
      "I think Neuron whinnied like a horse, having learned that the Senate of Rome agreed to include the last horse in its composition."
      There is another example, many people know that Vladimir Ilyich was expelled from Kazan University for participating in a "shirtless" strike, and Lev Nikolayevich "for his hobby for hamsters" !!!?
      Humor and the ability to understand it is a good thing, but aerobatics will be able to be replaced by yourself !!!
      Thank you Valeria for the above article!
      1. +3
        31 December 2021 10: 50
        Of course, not from scratch. A funny, polished aphorism has a good chance of living in time and being retold.
  3. +14
    31 December 2021 06: 41
    Hmm what tongue is my enemy.
    As the institutions of the state, security officials, fiscalals strengthen, the same draconian punishments for a careless word will be introduced in our country ... there is a tendency for this ... even lobbyists of such innovations in the State Duma are in plain sight ... names can be omitted. smile
    Any criticism of a senior official will be viewed as undermining the foundations of the state ... this is where things are headed.
    1. -8
      31 December 2021 09: 57
      Criticism? Or a lumpy bark for a sugar cube ?!
    2. AUL
      1 January 2022 13: 10
      The article is, of course, interesting and informative. I have always wondered how much they give in Denmark for criticizing the authorities.
  4. VLR
    31 December 2021 06: 54
    In addition to the article, you can tell about the offense of Nicholas I against T. Shevchenko. The fact is that the main reason for Shevchenko's disgrace was his ingratitude and rudeness (you simply cannot say otherwise) in relation to the emperor's wife. It was Alexandra Feodorovna who made a lot of efforts to buy out Shevchenko. And he, in gratitude, wrote the poem "Dream", which contained the following lines:
    "Queen of heaven,
    MOV is a honey agaric of dryings,
    That shche, dashingly, heartfelt
    Hit your head. "
    ("Poor queen,
    Like dried mushroom,
    Thin, long-legged, and yet,
    Unfortunately, sincerely,
    Sick in the head ").

    F. Kruger. "Empress Alexandra Feodorovna in the Amazon", 1836

    Nicholas I, after reading this creation, said:
    "Suppose he had reasons to be dissatisfied with me, but what for her?" 
    V. Belinsky describes the reaction of Nicholas I in a letter to Annenkov:
    "Wrote two libels
    - one for the sovereign emperor, the other for the sovereign empress. Reading the libel on himself, the sovereign laughed, and, probably, the matter would have ended there, and a fool ... would not suffer, just because he was stupid. But when the sovereign read the libel against the empress, he was in great anger. "

    I did not include this story in the main text of this article, because it gets out of the general context: there is no question of royal tyranny, and in such a situation, many men would at least want to stuff their faces in.
    1. +11
      31 December 2021 07: 13
      For the sake of a catchphrase, people are often brought in. It's good when the inner watchman tells you where to stop.
      1. +2
        31 December 2021 08: 11
        Quote from Korsar4
        It's good when the inner watchman tells you where to stop.

        Not all, and not always. request
        Especially under the chauffeur. laughing
    2. +12
      31 December 2021 09: 42
      Valery, I read that T, G, Shevchenko, in addition to this poem, drew a lot of obscene pictures about the Empress. And it was mainly for the drawings that he suffered. And in the 30s, they began to make a fighter against autocracy out of him.
      He was an alcoholic and having drunk attacks on all women. His friends collected money so that he ransomed his mother, and he drank it
    3. +2
      31 December 2021 13: 46
      Valery! You have a translation error. "Hit" - "shakes", not "sick".
      1. VLR
        31 December 2021 14: 28
        Yes, exactly, after the events of December 1825 she had a nervous tic!
    4. +3
      1 January 2022 11: 09
      Unfortunately, sincerely,
      I have a headache "

      Google translated, Valery?
      "Unfortunately, poor thing,
      She shakes her head. "(Due to a nervous shock during the Decembrist uprising, Alexandra Feodorovna suffered from a nervous tic. Her head was shaking and she could not be cured.)
  5. Kaw
    31 December 2021 06: 58
    In Germany, at all sorts of festivals, they wear giant swearing caricatures of their rulers. In the United States, they are proud of the opportunity for any American to say what he thinks of any member of the government. But for some reason the ator modestly kept silent about the personality cult of Stalin, and the level of freedom of speech in the USSR.
    1. VLR
      31 December 2021 07: 12
      I thought that someone would reproach me for not wanting to pose as "Captain Obvious". smile
      But why write about what everyone knows has already "set the teeth on edge", and even cause a painful discussion on the New Year? This is a fairly light and somewhat ironic article that I hope will make someone smile and cheer up a little.
      1. +10
        31 December 2021 08: 29
        Valery, yes, a killer article!
        good drinks wassat love )))))
        Survived an explosion of laughter over this:
        "And to lay on Us the sacred duty of the Autocratic Board."
        1. +6
          31 December 2021 10: 51
          Haven't you come across this before, Lyudmila Yakovlevna?
          1. +6
            31 December 2021 12: 06
            Didn't come across before

            Sergei, this "Pineapple"? Never!
            Therefore, she had fun from the heart over the pineapple law.
            But if at that time the laws were in Russian, therefore they were understandable and it was possible to make fun of them, now they are written in bureaucratic, and apart from the line indicating the size of the fine, it is impossible to understand anything. All that remains is to put the sagging jaw in place.
            1. +5
              31 December 2021 12: 11
              Yeah. More than muddy water is created by the current laws and regulations.
      2. +3
        31 December 2021 12: 59
        I thought that someone would reproach me for not wanting to pose as "Captain Obvious"
        Well, you yourself partly give a reason -
        carry out purges in the special services and practically act as a rake in the legacy of Yezhov Beria.
        And not Beria-whether in 1938, being summoned from the Caucasus and appointed head of the NKVD, raked the legacy "berry-hedgehog" which they concocted for 1936-37 and part of the 38th?
        And so the material is interesting! hi it will be especially instructive for those who repeat like a mantra - "In no other country" laughing
        1. VLR
          31 December 2021 14: 27
          This is how I write; in the role of Beria, who raked Yezhov's legacy. This is what he meant.
          1. -1
            31 December 2021 15: 40
            This is what he meant.
            but sorry ... somehow it is not clear to be honest hi
    2. -4
      31 December 2021 07: 27
      Never mind, you, the enemies of the communists, after your capture of the USSR, "corrected" everything. They simply struck out from the Criminal Code of the USSR the article punishing anti-Soviet agitation, and all those repressed under it were declared "innocent victims." And those who repressed them were declared criminals.
      And with your "freedom of speech", you proved that you really love to discuss others, everything that others have done, and really do not like it when they discuss you, everything that you yourself did both under Soviet rule and during your anti-Soviet / anti-communist Perestroika, and 30 years after your capture of the USSR.
      1. +7
        31 December 2021 10: 15
        Yes, here you are, it's another matter, straightforward objectivity itself
    3. +3
      31 December 2021 12: 54
      But for some reason the ator modestly kept silent about the personality cult of Stalin, and the level of freedom of speech in the USSR.
      Stalin, on the other hand, jailed half of the country for jokes. And the second guarded laughing Why only for the USSR? Now you can earn a term for a repost! And there are precedents, as it were. Only about which it is known. Remind me of the paper cup? wink About how they broke their legs just passing by all these navalnists too? wassat
  6. +9
    31 December 2021 07: 59
    Thank you Valery (this year he had a lot of very interesting articles) and Happy New Year! And everyone who is not indifferent to history - happy again!
  7. +5
    31 December 2021 08: 13
    In the fighting, the USSR actively helped Algeria. As a child, I read a book about the fighting for the freedom of Algeria, where the Algerian boy admired Soviet soldiers. And in gratitude, secretly at night, he brought pineapples to the CANOE. In the portraits, many princesses are rather ugly. I somehow would not be eager to touch them, with my hand or something else. But if we make a fire-fighter-type hook, made of gold. the princess fell from the horse, and you by the nostril with a golden hook, or by the mouth and dragged her to safety, they probably won’t be offended, you saved her, after all. Happy New Year everyone. !!
    1. +9
      31 December 2021 08: 37
      Dear colleague, by the nostril?!? wassat )))
      But what about the abuse of ... a person? )))
      1. +2
        31 December 2021 09: 44
        HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! love love love
  8. +3
    31 December 2021 08: 25
    All of this is interesting, of course, and we had it before Gorbachev came to power. After him, it became almost obligatory to criticize those sitting in the Kremlin, while at the same time they were exiled to the Western order, like they have been doing this for a long time.
    1. +16
      31 December 2021 08: 53
      Or maybe you remember kinu-repentance-, it seems, was made in 86. For our money, in Georgian. They drove him to watch almost all the workers and soldiers. Moreover, the party organizers and political officers yelled at the meetings that the kina had revealed a terrible secret. In the army, they took us to this crap three times, they all fell asleep instantly. But what kind of Spaniard pedro gave the command to shoot this ?.
      1. +2
        31 December 2021 10: 17
        This is one more proof that the enemies of the communists captured the USSR back in Perestroika, and since then anti-Sovietism is their ideology, and their history of their country and people.
        1. 0
          11 January 2022 15: 30
          Enemies of the communists captured the USSR in 1957 during the XX Congress
      2. +8
        31 December 2021 10: 17
        At first we had to repent, then it was announced to the whole country that Russia is not for Russians.
  9. +9
    31 December 2021 08: 49
    The dictator Sulla passed the law "On insult to greatness". Okhalniks were arrested, publicly beaten with sticks (this means that before death they realized and felt), and then - execution by cutting off the head. Further, the law was improved, providing for punishment for non-reporting, and it, denunciation, over time began to flourish.
    One of the victims of this law was the famous orator Cicero, who criticized Mark Antony. Anthony's wife Fulvia, according to eyewitnesses, took the severed head of Cicero and, holding it on her knees, pierced the speaker's tongue with a gold hair clip from her hair. Something like this is the secret dream of all prohibitors of dissent, simply, over time, the golden hairpin is replaced by other ways to silence opponents.
    1. +5
      31 December 2021 10: 20
      Yes, Lyudmila, by the way, in the perestroika years, they explained to us what to report on our good European cause. And we need to strive for a European family.
  10. +2
    31 December 2021 09: 06
    Let's make a reservation right away that we are talking about justice, but not about kindness.

    First, it is necessary to give a definition of the concept of "justice", and, moreover, that suits everyone. For have each it is its own.
    The rulers of the new post-revolutionary Russia could also remain the heads of the ROC: it was enough not to separate the church from the state, not to fight against "religious prejudices" and to preserve the privileges of holders of spiritual orders. And then in all churches there would be prayers for the health of the pious general secretaries, and Lenin and Stalin, given their authority and popularity in society, without a doubt, after death would be canonized and declared "equal to the apostles"

    Undoubtedly! But if they did this, they would no longer be either Lenin or Stalin, but the next tsars: "if my grandmother had, she would be a grandfather."
    Catholic kings of Spain and their families shouldn't show emotion, and therefore, when parrots made the queen laugh Marie-Anne (Austrian), the unfortunate birds immediately turned their heads.
    It's strange: following the prohibition, the queen had to break her neck .. belay
    The king, on his way to his wife to perform marital duties, in one hand had to carry a candelabrum with lighted candles, in the other - hold the sword by the blade with the hilt up

    But does someone do it ... otherwise ?! belay request
    the courtiers watched, distantly, as the horse dragged the woman along the ground.
    request Did the woman have to be stopped?
    power has ceased to be terrible.

    but she was normal, kind and humane.

    And there was a lot of fear afterwards and for "even insulting ... the portrait of the secretary general, words addressed to him were planted in the middle 20th centuryand what did it save?

    And best of all, the Royal Honor and the punishments for her insults are indicated in the corresponding Decree on the Royal Honor of King Perador, the high lord of Bermagor, Marralor and Parlot, the lord of Lansington, the Lower Moss and the Three Bridges:
    " I COMMAND:

    on this beautiful lunar day on June 31:

    -sit in the castle,

    - to reflect on the future,

    -and honor the royal honor

    .... And your name (together with you) We will give to the dragons to eat.
    (C) Yes

    All citizens IN-Happy New Year! hi
  11. +10
    31 December 2021 09: 21
    In general, with Clovis it was a little bit different from what it is written in the school textbook.
    The trick is that by that time he had already chosen his share of the booty, but then, like a sin, the priests came from the conquered city and began tearfully to ask for the return of the sacred vessel, it is not clear how it turned out to be among the trophies. The king, who had already begun to patronize Christians, and who promised, among other things, the inviolability of churches, did not object, but for his soldiers, these guys with tonsure were never an authority, and it turned out as it happened. The precious vase is ditched, the priests are offended, and the king is generally a little discouraged ... that is, Clovis, who, even in those far from vegetarian times, was still a scumbag, in this case, did not take revenge for a personal offense.
    1. +6
      31 December 2021 11: 50
      The king, who has already begun to patronize Christians,
      It is doubtful whether the story with the bowl happened before Clovis' marriage to Hordechild.
      1. +2
        31 December 2021 18: 12
        So his marriage did not immediately prompt him to be baptized. But the trick is that even before that he was quite loyal to Christians.
        1. +6
          31 December 2021 18: 22
          Any pagan is loyal to other gods. Give evidence of Clovis' compliment to Christianity before meeting Clotilde.
          1. +5
            31 December 2021 20: 27
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            Any pagan is loyal to other gods.

            Diocletian, Nero and others like them look at you with a feeling of deep bewilderment :))))
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            evidence of complementarity

            What are we discussing now?
  12. +3
    31 December 2021 09: 26
    Quote: Kaw
    In Germany, at all sorts of festivals, they wear giant swearing caricatures of their rulers. In the United States, they are proud of the opportunity for any American to say what he thinks of any member of the government.

    If the government is indifferent to such jokes of its subjects, this does not necessarily mean that it treats them and their opinion with respect.
    This may mean that the powers that be simply us ... to the opinion of "biomass".
    You, too, do not care much about the opinion of the mosquito that you are ready to swat?
    Insects do not plug their mouths.
    1. +4
      31 December 2021 11: 33
      But on occasion, they are executed by clapping with the palm of their hand. Rrraz - and no mosquito! Rraz - and no ...
    2. Kaw
      31 December 2021 14: 39
      It also happens, but I have not heard this about Germany so that their government cared little about the opinion of the electorate.
  13. +5
    31 December 2021 09: 28
    Happy New Year, everyone!.
    Valery, thank you very much: we made it fun. I hope that next year you will have more interesting publications.
    Do you have any other cool materials in your plans?
    1. VLR
      31 December 2021 10: 03
      I wrote this article in November, but I specially saved it for December 31st. I write such things from time to time, but in the new year there will be several more articles about Bonaparte's marshals.
  14. +3
    31 December 2021 09: 31
    And then prayers for the health of pious general secretaries would be served in all churches,

    They were already served. The Russian Orthodox Church has always licked the authorities ... well, you understand that.
    As well as to the glory of the weapons of the Red Army, and later - the Soviet Army.
    The latter was interrupted only during the GKChP.
    1. +3
      1 January 2022 09: 01
      Honor is an interesting thing!
      According to the grandfather, within the walls of the real school there was no room without a portrait of the "Tsar". From my school years I remember that in every class above the blackboard there was a portrait of Lenin. Today, a portrait of Putin is required in the offices of the sons' bureaucratic brotherhood.
      Irreative of generations !!!
  15. +3
    31 December 2021 09: 46
    "The king should not think about everyone, the king should think about the important"
    Another thing is who a monarch is?

    Because the institution of monarchy is clearly limited by the framework of the stage of development of society, neither Clovis, nor Napoleon, nor Elizabeth II, nor monarchs, but Nicholas I or Nicholas II are real monarchs.
    1. +2
      31 December 2021 10: 56
      Edward, how can you distinguish a “not real” monarch from a “real” one? Who in our country, from your point of view, can be considered the first autocrat?
      1. +6
        31 December 2021 11: 39
        On the recommendation of Hans Christian Andersen, you need to pile a dozen featherbeds one on top of the other, put a pea under the very bottom, and not from canned Bonduelle, but dry, and put the applicant to sleep on this structure. Feel the pea - the king!
        1. +4
          31 December 2021 11: 48
          Princesses and kings have different tasks. And troubled times are often not up to peas. And you climb under the sheepskin coat like General Charnot and survive.
          1. +7
            31 December 2021 12: 21
            Not everyone works under a sheepskin coat ... wink
            1. +3
              31 December 2021 12: 29
              So they asked for milk for being harmful.
          2. +2
            31 December 2021 13: 57
            princesses and kings have different tasks.

            Well, if we consider that princesses become queens and are capable of sole rule, defining entire eras, then the goal of princesses and kings (kings) is probably still the same)))
            1. +2
              31 December 2021 14: 03
              There are usually more princesses than thrones.
        2. +2
          31 December 2021 12: 05
          Hello, Lyudmila Yakovlevna.
          You know, in childhood these fairy tales were taken so literally that they were incomprehensible. And only at the "age" you begin to understand Andersen for real. winked
          Happy New Year!
          1. +2
            31 December 2021 14: 00
            Thank you, Eugene! )))
            You also with the same! As they say, we will be alive, we will not die! wassat )))
      2. +4
        31 December 2021 15: 48
        good afternoon, with the coming !!!!
        About the institution of monarchy, based on modern scientific concepts, we can talk about the formation of a class society or the STATE. Without the institution of the monarch, in the European sense of the word, a state cannot be formed. For modern Europe, this is the period of the formation of feudalism and the monarch or early monarch, God's anointed on earth.
        In Western Europe, these are the first monarchs of the period of the formation of feudalism, and in Russia, I am sure, it all began with the FIRST RUSSIAN MANARCH of the early monarchy in Russia - Russia Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible. And after him, with the formation and strengthening of feudalism and the state in Russia, all Russian rulers, including even False Dmitry, before Nicholas II Alexandrovich, expressing the interests of the ruling feudal society, were undoubtedly monarchs.
        As for Rome, the question of the institution of monarchy remains open to study, the traditional view of Roman or Byzantine monarchs does not stand up to criticism, the ruler in late Rome was more of a dictator with empires than a monarch. Moreover, the institution of the monarchy was not in Byzantium. It is important to understand autocracy - not synonymous with monarchy.
        A psycho on the throne, perhaps, under a monarchy and under other forms of one-man rule.
        Chinggis Khan was the one-man leader, but he was not the monarchs))) Yes, even today, there is one-man rule - the president - but there is no monarchy.
        1. +3
          31 December 2021 16: 03
          Happy New Year, Edward!
          Health and good luck!

          I expected about such definitions, but how conventional is the question of boundaries.
          Charlemagne - a monarch or not?
          1. +4
            31 December 2021 20: 04
            Sergei You are absolutely right about the borders, if YOU asked at the beginning of 2020 - I would say - yes, absolutely. But plunging into the problem in detail in 2021, it seems to me that not quite. I would correlate Charles with Ivan III, such founders of the state, no longer supra-tribal "leaders", a mass of elements of the state, ... but not yet monarchs. Fathers or grandfathers of early monarchs.
            1. +2
              31 December 2021 20: 16
              It’s hard without a universal criterion, but I hope it’s very interesting. Dive into the problem. And emerge.
        2. -3
          1 January 2022 21: 44
          Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
          Yes, even today, there is one-man rule - the president - but there is no monarchy

          For example, Stalin was in fact the Monarch? Everyone will answer that he was. But from 1923 to 1940 he did not hold any position in the Government. He was the secretary of the Central Committee and a deputy of the Top of the Soviet. And in the VKPb, according to the charter, all positions were elective and sub-accountable to meetings and congresses.

          Hitler has a different story. Since 1933, he became the Chancellor and Fuhrer and Chairman of the NSDAP and by decrees transferred the legislative powers of the Reichstag to his government ..... He was the Kaiser in law and in fact!

          What is the conclusion? Such, about which A.S. Pushkin; "The custom is a despot among the people." Russia is ruled by custom.
          A society with the psychology of serfs, in fact, cannot be anything but the Monarchy. Therefore, we now elect the President once and for life until he himself abdicates. In exactly the same way as Mikhail Romanov was elected in 1613. The Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich Romanov spoke on this topic in 1913, who was not only a prince but a well-known historian of Russia; "They are exactly what they were in the 17th century." More than a century has passed since then, but nothing has changed.
        3. -5
          1 January 2022 21: 59
          Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
          Even today, there is one-man management - the president - but there is no monarchy.

          One-man command exists only in the Army. Read legal literature. There is a separation of powers in the State. Already from your remark about one-man management, it follows that we have a Monarchy in fact, in the mentality of the population, there is.
          1. +1
            2 January 2022 05: 47
            Good morning,
            One-man management can be found in management in many places: in the army, in a company, in the state, even the heads of a doctor - can manage as a "one-man leader", but that does not mean. that he is a "monarch".
            A monarch is a specific institution. which corresponds to a certain stage in the development of society.
            One-man management can be associated with various situations in the development of any society, but this does not mean, I repeat, that this is a monarchy.
            A tribal or clan leader - a perfect "one-man", some kind of tyrant of Torrent or Syracuse, a dictator in Ancient Rome, Basileus John of Tsimiski, etc. - all acted as one-man leaders, but they were not monarchs (the institution of the monarchy). Just like Stalin or Putin are not monarchs))))))
  16. +5
    31 December 2021 10: 18
    Under the USSR there was a satirical magazine - crocodile - for the then leaders there were heaps of miniatures, of course, foreign capitalist leaders. Not a word about ours. Although Brezhnev didn't give a damn about it. Gorbachev was pissing at his marks, the original photos were all retouched. Yeltsin tried to hide his absence, he cut it off rather so as not to get to the front. Utin is puffing up and rejuvenating with all his might, everyone claps diligently. Happy New Year everyone! All the best!.
    1. +10
      31 December 2021 11: 36
      I cut it off rather so as not to get to the front.
      Which front ??? To Korea or what? Yeltsin was born in 1931.
    2. +3
      31 December 2021 11: 51
      Happy New Year, dear colleague Free Wind! Wide open spaces for you, clouds to drive, and swaying cornfields in the fields! )))
      About three years ago I thought: there are no cartoons of the president! But, as I already knew, the thought often comes to mind, because it is in the air, and the cartoons have appeared! At first, timidly, and then they went in full. I believe that now such attempts to insult greatness will come to naught. For the law says about insulting the authorities.
  17. +8
    31 December 2021 10: 42
    But try to please the Queen of Madagascar Ranavala I, who was called "Caligula in a skirt." She was very offended by the fact that the courtiers, without invitation, dared to appear to her in her dreams.

    What a smart lady! The main thing is to explain to the subjects that prophetic dreams, that these are spirits - the keepers send them. And you are not dreaming about who, out of lawlessness, but only the scoundrels who have thought to "pay the despicable for the kindest". After that, you can begin to intensively dream of opposition leaders, thieving ministers, creditors and people who are simply unpleasant to you, personally. )))
    1. +7
      31 December 2021 10: 58
      You can even follow the rules. Order dreams by meditation. And to penetrate the secrets of dreams.
      1. +6
        31 December 2021 11: 55
        Sergey, we were late with the offer. A whole science exists, not only how to remember dreams, but also to see the desired plots in dreams. I tried.
        Nothing succeeded wassat )))
        1. +4
          31 December 2021 12: 08
          Yes. Ostap Bender as one of the ideologists.
        2. +1
          31 December 2021 12: 54
          Lyudmila Yakovlevna, are you talking about the interpretation of dreams? I had several dream books lying around, but I did not believe them and do not believe them. I trust astrology more. And various: palmistry, dream books, etc. I consider charlotte.
          Ever since the pioneer childhood, skepticism.
          It's pretty common though. Our senior therapist is attentive to many things occult, and he is 15 years older than me!
          1. +1
            31 December 2021 14: 58
            Ratchet, you walk on the blade: you forgot that he is on some left site, a big man. Do you remember telling me: they were very respected for his fortune-telling about the return of socialism? If he sees ......,
  18. +4
    31 December 2021 10: 48
    Good morning everybody!
    Interesting topic...
    Descriptions of such cases can be read with humor, while it concerns others ...
    I remembered the poet Trediakovsky and his "long live this day IMPERATRIX Anna ..."
    And the poet ended up in the Secret Chancellery. And lucky to come out. These delights of him with Latin translations and the order of the verse were incomprehensible to those in power ...
    Empress-tyks-tyks :)
  19. +8
    31 December 2021 10: 51
    “Our king is like an owl - a prominent bird, but completely useless. He is strikingly handsome, but all he can do is look at people - without blinking or uttering a word, ”said Bernard Sesse about Philip the Fair. The Toulouse bishop himself got away with this statement, but for the Catholic Church the consequences were disastrous.
    Thank you, Valery!
    1. +3
      31 December 2021 11: 16
      Hello Anton.
      It seems that in this case, this priest just wanted to hurt. Philip the Handsome is an extraordinary personality ...
      1. +4
        31 December 2021 11: 32
        Hello, Eugene!
        Everything is much more complicated. In the confrontation between Boniface VIII and Philip, this man played a key role.
        1. +2
          31 December 2021 11: 45
          Perhaps he was clearly on the side of the Pope? Since he spoke about the king ...
          I read about the confrontation between the king and the Holy See, but did not go deep ...
          1. +2
            31 December 2021 11: 56
            Perhaps he was clearly on the side of the Pope?
            Moreover, some indirect facts allow us to suggest that Sesse was in favor with Boniface.
            1. +2
              31 December 2021 12: 43
              Here, Anton, this is how it all begins for me. Now this topic will drill my brain until I saturate it with information ...
              And just before New Year ... damn it burnt crying
              1. +2
                31 December 2021 12: 51
                Is it bad?
                I can recommend literature on the topic.
                1. +2
                  31 December 2021 13: 10
                  Recommend, Anton!
                  Thank you in advance!
                  And here for you, too, on the topic. Just on New Year's Eve, it's appropriate to smile
                  1. +2
                    31 December 2021 13: 17
                    Jean Favier
                    "Philip the Handsome"
                    "Angerrand de Marigny, Counselor to Philip IV the Handsome"
                    Thanks for the link!
                    1. +2
                      31 December 2021 13: 18
                      And thank you!
                  2. +2
                    31 December 2021 13: 17
                    And another request: throw it in a personal, because there is a duplication to the mail and, humanly, links are opened.
                    And then VO, just like a site, is some very "difficult" (I hope, did not offend anyone)
                    1. +3
                      31 December 2021 13: 26
                      Well, later I'll throw in a personal link to the resource where you can download it.
      2. +1
        31 December 2021 12: 40
        "Philip the Handsome is not an ordinary person" to be honest, I don't know anything about him. Actually, I know about French kings mainly from novels. To some extent, I like: Louis 11. He had a kind of logic, but he diminished arrogance to the Feudal lords. This is to say it delicately.
        Louis 16 is credited with inventing the so-called "French castle". At least he did something positive. We are using this castle without knowing it, we thank the king
        1. +4
          31 December 2021 12: 58
          My Fair Stranger, the events that Eugene and I are discussing are described by Maurice Druon in the cycle "Damned Kings"
          1. +2
            31 December 2021 13: 14
            Yes, it all starts with Druon. And then follows the "fact-checking", it is necessary to separate the wheat from the chaff (fictional fiction from reality).
            1. +4
              31 December 2021 13: 21
              "Yeah!" (WITH)
              Druon and Pikul can compete with their free handling of facts.
              1. +2
                31 December 2021 13: 26
                Well, a work of art is a work of art. One must have a sense of smell in order to feel where there may be "deviations".
                I don’t know about Druon, but Valentin Savvich’s historicism is in order. And he had such a personal library of "sources" that you could download it.
                1. +5
                  31 December 2021 13: 35
                  Simply, the plots described by Pikul are closer to us in time, respectively, there are more documents and testimonies of contemporaries. Consequently, his "shoals" are easier to identify than Druon.
                  1. +2
                    31 December 2021 13: 47
                    Absolutely agree!
          2. 0
            31 December 2021 15: 15
            I partially read Druon, but not all - 1. I respect Scot and Benzoni more - 2
            1. 0
              31 December 2021 15: 30
              Well, I can't say anything about Benzoni, but Scott is still a storyteller.
              1. VLR
                31 December 2021 16: 58
                But Scott literally created a proud and romantic Scotland out of nothing! Before him, after all, Scotland was a half-savage beggar
                the territory where the rude unwashed men, having drunk moonshine called whiskey, fought at the taverns. And then suddenly - a beautiful country with proud freedom-loving highlanders in kilts who beautifully go into battle to the sound of bagpipes.
                1. +1
                  31 December 2021 17: 10
                  But Scott literally created a proud and romantic Scotland out of nothing!
                  That still hiccups England. If you are not aware, Valery, Scotland is a subsidized region of Great Britain through and through.
                2. +6
                  31 December 2021 17: 18
                  Before him, after all, Scotland was a half-savage beggar
                  The Vikings who came to England to feed themselves said about Scotland "Bare rocks, bare fields and bare butts."
                3. +1
                  1 January 2022 11: 15
                  Before him, after all, Scotland was a half-savage beggar
                  the territory where the rude unwashed men, having drunk moonshine called whiskey, fought at the taverns.

                  Are there any changes now?
  20. +4
    31 December 2021 10: 54
    As usual, I read all the comments from the bottom up.
    I congratulate all readers and Authors of VO on the upcoming holiday !!!
    Let dreams come true!
  21. +2
    31 December 2021 11: 49
    In the equestrian portrait with Elizaveta Petrovna. Is it by chance that Pushkin is running? wassat
  22. +2
    31 December 2021 12: 24
    Valery, colleagues, Happy New 2022 to all of you! Hello.
    Valery, thank you for the cool stuff.
    For the sake of fairness: "the empress gave birth to a freak with horns" I happened to read the story of the empress's doctor, now I can not give his name, doctor P. the empress had a miscarriage. So the rumors were not unfounded. Probably, one of the ladies-in-waiting blabbed out, and then the effect: "spoiled phone"
  23. +5
    31 December 2021 12: 32
    Greetings, colleagues. hi
    Happy everyone, Valery thanks for the easy pre-release article, and the commentators for the almost complete absence of politics in the comments. Well, for those who are trying (or will try) to stir up political passions today, Santa Claus is the judge. laughing
    I will not even bother checking how much the information presented by Valery in the article corresponds to the data of historical science - let everything be as it is. Even if the author got carried away somewhere - today it is possible. laughing
    In general, the sacralization of power is an interesting topic for thoughtful research. And especially interesting in this topic is the section devoted to the relationship between power and humor. The humor of the rulers, the humor in relation to the rulers, both popular and the author's, the attitude of those in power to it at different times under different state systems ... I wonder if it is possible to reveal any regularity in this issue?
    Valery, a subject for you to note. You can create an interesting series of articles. Or is it better to entrust this matter to Edward? What do you think, colleagues? smile
    1. +3
      31 December 2021 12: 36
      Oh, I'm yellow again ...
      Thank you comrades. hi
      I don’t think that such a mark is fully deserved by me, but it’s still nice. Thank you. smile
      1. +6
        31 December 2021 12: 43
        Too late to rush, Mikhail! This is a New Year's gift for you from the "Shpakovsky Witnesses" sect.
        Happy New Year!
        1. +3
          31 December 2021 12: 59
          Looked at the results. The "Shpakovsky Witnesses" sect managed to promote me to the honorable sixth place among the nominees! So to speak, I managed to jump into the last carriage on the move. laughing
          Well, now I will walk all year round, turning up my nose in the company of respected people, as if it should be so. laughing
        2. +2
          31 December 2021 14: 11
          Finally, I found out where I got to laughing
          It turns out, in the "sect of Shpakovsky's Witnesses." what
          However, dear fellow-SECTORS should note (here's a new word) that "testimony" implies the absence of a critical look at the object of the testimony and the perception on faith of everything from the outgoing object. And this is the problem. Nobody wants to take anything on faith fellow
          1. +1
            31 December 2021 14: 24
            A couple of months ago, one of my fellow commentators called me a supporter of the "Shpakovsky sect." Well, I'm a famous jester, tanker and Martian, so I developed the idea ...
            In fact, a very good company, I know some personally, I communicate with someone besides the resource, "Pane Kokhanku", in the world - Nikolay Mikhailov, in general, my best friend!
            1. +2
              31 December 2021 14: 37
              I understood this through simple logical inferences.
              And also the fact that a miniature about Pavel Petrovich appeared under your ...
              In general, judging by the epigraph, the correspondence was a trigger ...
              1. +1
                31 December 2021 14: 52
                There was no correspondence, Kolya and I went to Pavlovsk two years ago.
                1. +2
                  31 December 2021 15: 04
                  No, no, Anton!
                  The source testifies specifically to the correspondence wassat
                  And that is how it will enter History.
                  The fact that the Original knows what was different is no longer important hi
                  1. +2
                    31 December 2021 15: 11
                    “It’s not me, I wasn’t there and no one will prove anything at all” (C) Bart Simpson
          2. +3
            31 December 2021 14: 38
            Our sect is special. We don't take anyone's word here, not even Shpakovsky. Our motto:
            It is impossible to believe in our time to anyone, sometimes even to yourself. I can.

            Our principles:
            The law is taiga, the bear is the master.
            Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask.
            To each his own.
            To live with wolves - to procreate wolves.
            Kafka, Lorca, Cortasаr are responsible for the bazaar.
            1. +4
              31 December 2021 14: 44
              "Declassed items - in the first row" (C)
            2. +3
              31 December 2021 14: 49
              Aha! I understand.
              Well, then it’s not my destiny to take a worthy place here. As a magician, I am not capable of pulling the "source" out into the light of day at the right time ...
              So, yesterday at the "Barclay" I remembered the wonderful saying of one of ...
              I remember exactly where - I don't remember. I climbed into the network and did not find it. And there the train left crying
              1. +6
                31 December 2021 15: 07
                The Lord is with you, Eugene!
                You might think that everyone has at least a candidate for history protected! Only three people have specialized education in the history section: Shpakovsky, Vaschenko and Sergey Mikhailov (not a relative), all the rest are amateurs. I will reveal a terrible secret, even a thunderstorm of hamsters Viktor Nikolaevich (Undecim), before writing another devastating commentary, consults the sources.
                1. +2
                  31 December 2021 15: 19
                  I immediately felt that Viktor Nikolaevich was a serious person.
                  1. +1
                    31 December 2021 15: 33
                    The first person with whom I argued on the forum.
                    1. +1
                      31 December 2021 15: 35
                      And How? Are you still alive?
                      1. +2
                        31 December 2021 15: 39
                        On the main subject of the dispute, everyone remained unconvinced, on the secondary one, I left VikNika. I still periodically remind him of the "Norwegian partisans"
              2. +2
                31 December 2021 15: 38
                Quote: CHEREDA73
                it's not meant to be

                The claw is stuck - the whole bird is propа.
                By the way, I have the same problems as you. Knowledge fits in the head, and the source is forgotten, so we will smash opponents solely with intellect, without reference to sources. smile
                However, for "sharp polemics without rules" sources are not needed - opponents, as a rule, are not interested in them, and if you have a discussion with a competent interlocutor, he himself will remind you of the necessary sources.
                I remember that Denis (Engineer) and I were hacked to death about cataphracts, he, in fact, pulled all the sources into the light of day, and butted at them. Something I had read before, something was new. As a result, everyone, as usual, stayed with his own, but it was interesting and useful in some way.
                I agree that it would be good to know the sources, but this is not the biggest pain if facts are firmly in your head.
                But when you remember that “there must be a fact in this place,” and that he was definitely “there,” but you don’t find it, this is really offensive.
                For example, I remember that on the eve of the Hussite wars the Czech Republic was one of the most, if not the most developed province of the SRI, but on what my confidence is based ... I know that I am right that somewhere I read this, that it is the opinion is fully justified scientifically, but "what are the fascinating facts"?
                That was insulting ...
                1. +2
                  31 December 2021 15: 44
                  Here, not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!
                  Do not decrease, do not add!
                  And about the Czech Republic ...
                  Let's think: geography is Ore Mountains, which means mining and metalworking, then ... where there is metalworking, there is medieval high-tech ...
                2. +2
                  31 December 2021 15: 56
                  Silesia was also a developed region.
                  For the same reasons.
                  1. +2
                    31 December 2021 16: 39
                    There we examined a number of signs: trade, finance, industry, social composition of the population, culture, art ... In short, in the broadest sense, we disputed ...
                    I still believe that the Hussite Wars were the first attempt by capitalism to break through the darkness of the late Middle Ages.
            3. +1
              31 December 2021 15: 42
              Kafka, Lorca, Cortazar are responsible for the bazaar.
              A strange selection of respondents, someone is clearly superfluous, either Kafka or Lorca ...
              1. +1
                31 December 2021 16: 02
                And the devil only knows, Anton. Well, I didn’t come up with it, it just came up in my memory ...
                Kafka and Cortazar, like Proust, for example, I tried to read during my rebellious youth, but it did not go completely. Spat and forgot.
                1. +1
                  31 December 2021 16: 08
                  Obviously, we will consider them an Austro-Latin organized criminal group.
                  1. +1
                    31 December 2021 16: 41
                    An operational search group?
                    1. +1
                      31 December 2021 16: 50
                      Uh-huh, "Timur and his comando's"
                      1. +1
                        31 December 2021 17: 18
                        Emir Timur Targaevich Barlasov
                        Was chrome and very, very unsociable
                        And even though he was an extra class chess player,
                        But he once burned Yelets, an infection.
                        Therefore, we do not love him.
                      2. +1
                        31 December 2021 17: 24
                        There are coincidences, my brother is called that, and at what, at my suggestion.
                      3. +2
                        31 December 2021 18: 39
                        It is difficult to explain the motives of Mr. Barlasov,
                        First of all, what a flop. But it's still here and there. They always drifted somewhere.
                        Secondly: why did he turn back, all the more he bit already ...
                        Although from a religious point of view, everything is crystal clear!
                      4. VLR
                        31 December 2021 19: 57
                        Timur pursued Tokhtamysh. Why did he turn away from Yelets? Some people think that the campaign against Russia was simply not part of his plans. After making sure that the Khan's Russian vassals were not in the mood to "harness" for him, he went to finish him off. Others believe that the Moscow prince Vasily bought off the invasion. They refer to the messages of Sheref ad-Din and Nizam al-Din, who claim that in small Yelets Timur received "ore gold and pure silver, which eclipsed the moonlight, and canvas, and Antiochian homespun cloth ... shiny beavers, a myriad of black sables. , ermines ... lynx fur ... shiny squirrels and ruby-red foxes, as well as stallions who have never seen horseshoes. "
                        All this could be obtained in Yelets only from the Moscow ambassadors, but not in any way as booty.
                      5. +1
                        31 December 2021 20: 28
                        Vladimir, thank you for your articles!
                        Thank you for lifting everyone's spirits today.
                        Happy New Year to you!
                2. +3
                  31 December 2021 22: 00
                  Mish, Happy New Year. I also tried Kafka, but didn't go more than 2 pages. Not mine!
              2. +2
                31 December 2021 16: 09
                “- What Lelya? From Yelokhovskaya? " (With).
                1. +2
                  31 December 2021 16: 14
                  "What Aunt Haya? Aunt Haya from the Bronx or Aunt Haya from Peresypi?" (WITH)
                  Hello, Sergey! Perhaps the second day of the year when you are not "on the run", the first will be tomorrow.
                  1. +2
                    31 December 2021 16: 19
                    Hello Anton!

                    And there is. However, the manner of communication is preserved even on weekends. You can't change your habits.

                    “- What kind of Ferdinand, Mrs. Mullerov? - asked Schweik, not ceasing to massage his knees. “I know two Ferdinands. One is employed by the pharmacist Prusha. Once, by mistake, he drank a bottle of hair-growing fluid from him; and then there is Ferdinand Kokoschka ... "(c).
                    1. +1
                      31 December 2021 16: 35
                      "Pestrushka laid the egg.
                      The grandfather and the woman were beaten - they did not break, well - cripples!
                      And a mouse, by profession, is a norushka,
                      She waved her tail, and the egg - salam aleikum!
                      Here the grandfather and the woman are crying, but in vain -
                      Everything is planned, the egg must break.
                      Evil breeds evil in our terrible age.
                      Do you want to know how this fairy tale will end?
                      That old woman Raskolnikov will hack to death,
                      And not out of malice, so according to the plot it is necessary.
                      The old man, having aggravated his grief by drunkenness,
                      The Archduke will shoot Ferdinand. "(C)
                      1. +1
                        31 December 2021 16: 40
                        “My grandmother lives nearby, God's dandelion.
                        God’s God, but I got myself a gun.
                        Walks, shaking curls like a Comanche chief
                        "I will cut it, - shouts, - Sher-Khan, breed the beast!" "(C).
                      2. +2
                        31 December 2021 16: 48
                        "And as always, before the battle at Batka Vineta,
                        There will be a couple of buckets of "fire water" "(C)
                      3. +1
                        31 December 2021 17: 06
                        “- Who doesn't drink? Name it! No, I'm waiting! Enough! You spat in my soul. Scoundrels! " (With).
                      4. +1
                        31 December 2021 17: 19
                        "Intermission, scoundrels!" (WITH)
                      5. 0
                        31 December 2021 17: 44
                        “So we went. We sat down in the theater. She got on my ticket, I on Vaskin. I sit on the verkhoturye and I don't see a damn thing. And if I bend over the barrier, then I see her. Bad though. I got bored, bored, went downstairs. I look - intermission. And she walks during the intermission ”(c).
                      6. +1
                        31 December 2021 17: 48
                        "Do you love theater the way I love it?" (WITH)
                      7. +1
                        31 December 2021 18: 39
                        “- Have you been in love with me for a long time?
                        - Thursday afternoon, last week "(c).
                      8. +1
                        31 December 2021 18: 57
                        "And weirdos, there are still such,
                        They drink this mixture deeply,
                        And they are not waiting for rewards, not for repentance,
                        Their heart hits the beat
                        The same rough breathing "(C)
                      9. +1
                        31 December 2021 19: 06
                        “Because you can't be so beautiful in the world” (c).
                      10. +1
                        31 December 2021 19: 12
                        "Girls like stars,
                        That shine from night to morning
                        Into one of them, easy and simple,
                        Fall in love once and for all "(C)
                      11. +1
                        31 December 2021 19: 47
                        “This is how I hastily linked my life with a stupid star” (c).
                      12. +2
                        31 December 2021 21: 39
                        "you are me pidmanula pidvila.
                        The young mind of the mind was crying "(c)
                      13. 0
                        31 December 2021 22: 41
                        “The Cossacks drove from the Don to the house,
                        Pidmanuli Galya - they took it with them ”(c).
                      14. +1
                        2 January 2022 08: 17
                        "who is in the fox and fight,
                        Who are the daughters of ma berizhit "
                      15. 0
                        2 January 2022 11: 49
                        “We have plundered a lot of wealth,
                        We lived in a dense forest.
                        Leader Kudeyar from near Kiev
                        He stole the beauty maiden "(c).
                      16. +1
                        31 December 2021 21: 41
                        "what is there to drink?" (With)
                      17. +1
                        31 December 2021 22: 43
                        "- Right! I, too, will finish it now and give it up. Drink! " (With).
                      18. +1
                        31 December 2021 21: 49
                        "you murderers" (c)
  24. +3
    31 December 2021 12: 56
    And here is a masterpiece from Saltykov-Shchedrin:

    On the reorganization of the academy's desires // Diary of a Provincial in St. Petersburg. Collected works Vol.10 M. Hudlit 1970.

    C. 340

    §2 What is light in sciences?

    Opinions on this subject are divided into correct and incorrect, and among the latter there are even many such who, in fairness, can be considered impudent.

    In order to prevent any disagreements on such an important subject, it would be most natural to decide that only those sciences spread the light that contribute to the fulfillment of the commandments of authority ...

    § 3

    As mentioned above, the main task that the sciences should primarily have in mind is learning how to be in good order in the fulfillment of commanding orders ...
    1. +3
      31 December 2021 13: 07
      Oh, damn it! And I kept thinking, where does tatra get inspiration for her mind-blowing comments? It turns out with Mikhail Evgrafovich!
      1. +1
        31 December 2021 18: 02
        What does not like Saltykov Shchedrin? Smart guy.
        Happy New 2022, you, brother and all your loved ones
        1. +1
          31 December 2021 18: 06
          On the contrary, I consider Mikhail Evgrafovich a great sociologist!
          And to you, my friend, my congratulations!
      2. Fat
        1 January 2022 12: 46
        Anton! First, Happy New Year!
        Secondly, Tatra is so unique that AI rules more strongly ...
  25. BAI
    31 December 2021 13: 10
    "Insult to Majesty Law ..."

    And what about the author, talking about Russia in general and the modern world (up to 2018) in particular, did not say anything about:
    Criminal Code Article 319. Insulting a representative of authority

    Public insult of a representative of the authorities in the performance of his official duties or in connection with their performance -

    shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to forty thousand rubles or in the amount of the convict's salary or other income for a period of up to three months, or by compulsory labor for a term of up to three hundred and sixty hours, or correctional labor for a term of up to one year.
    1. 0
      31 December 2021 15: 44
      To be fair. Valery kept silent about a lot and about Article 58. The counselor scolded her very much. I remember from school.
      Colleagues, I never scolded Stalin, but I was taught at school that there is a lot of arbitrariness associated with it. I repeat, I did not scold him, but remembered what I heard at school.
      1. 0
        31 December 2021 17: 54
        I agree. Stalin was kept silent at school. I read a lot of interesting things about him at the Kremlin and Martirosyan.
        1. 0
          1 January 2022 06: 22
          Quote: vladcub
          I agree. Stalin was kept silent at school. I read a lot of interesting things about him at the Kremlin and Martirosyan.

          There was nothing at all about Stalin at school in the 70s. Well, there was such a head of the USSR and that's it. Many things were hushed up. The same war with the Finns. It wasn't there in the 70s.
          1. 0
            2 January 2022 08: 14
            Basically so, but as a "side dish" a variety of comments. For example, at school 5, on the eve of May 9, then there was no long weekend, they said: Stalin's great fault is that the war began. He was also blamed for the defeats of the beginning of the war, and our Gisa Ilyasovich went around cunningly about such details, and told, something interesting related to that period
            1. 0
              2 January 2022 13: 36
              Quote: vladcub
              Basically so, but as a "side dish" a variety of comments. For example, at school 5, on the eve of May 9, then there was no long weekend, they said: Stalin's great fault is that the war began. He was also blamed for the defeats of the beginning of the war, and our Gisa Ilyasovich went around cunningly about such details, and told, something interesting related to that period

              I studied in the 9th. But I don’t remember even a word about Stalin. Much that I learned from the pages of VO was a revelation for me. Something even a shock. After all, I really believed that: "Our proud Varyag does not surrender in battle" Until three years ago I read it as it was. I don't remember who the author is. Probably Andrey. He even quarreled with his wife. All his life the Varyag was a symbol. And here on the 6 dozen like a sickle ...
              I really respect VO for the fact that they "land me"
              1. 0
                2 January 2022 19: 08
                I am older: already in my seventh decade.
                Probably depended on the teachers and the director.
                Our Gisa Ilyasovich, a front-line soldier, managed to casually bypass all the scandalous topics
            2. 0
              2 January 2022 14: 15
              I know about the Stalin era only from the words of my mother, born in 1925. and dads born in 1928 But, alas, they were laconic. And when I began to take an interest in the history of our country, they had already left.
              1. +1
                2 January 2022 14: 29
                What am I for? According to my mother, a tiny village near Kustanai. (I don’t remember now, but if you find fault, I’ll send a photo of the birth certificate.
                14 people family 1 (one) horse. There were no hired hands. Raskululacha, sent to Sverdlovsk.
                Father. Three hectares of land that was grown there. Funky house in st. Pleasing. Still worth it. Along Tolstoy street.
                Not dispossessed.
                Well, how is that ????
                1. 0
                  2 January 2022 19: 12
                  Reaper, are we fellow countrymen? Only I did not leave the Kuban
                  1. 0
                    3 January 2022 00: 01
                    Quote: vladcub
                    Reaper, are we fellow countrymen? Only I did not leave the Kuban

                    Probably not. Roots from the father's side in the Kuban. Great-grandfather Ivan Revin is a tsarist general. It is even mentioned in the book Over the Kuban. Like a little plump bald one. It's funny when the photo is in front of your eyes. But then it was necessary to humiliate.
                    1. 0
                      4 January 2022 10: 45
                      I remember this book, but I can't remember General Revinaa
  26. 0
    31 December 2021 13: 20
    Quote: depressant
    But on occasion, they are executed by clapping with the palm of their hand. Rrraz - and no mosquito! Rraz - and no ...

    So it is mosquitoes that drink human blood. In the case of monarchs, the opposite is true.

    Political cartoons on the topic of those in power
  27. 0
    31 December 2021 14: 21
    Valery, I know your attitude to Ekaterina2, but I will still say: she was a smart woman!
    I have already noticed which tsars are "quoted" on the site: Ivan the Terrible, for me, is too cruel, Peter 1 (for me a tyrant) Alexander 3
    The worse Elizabeth. Not educated, but Alexander III is also not an academician. By petty tyranny, there is no comparison with Grozny and Peter.
    Catherine 2, for petty tyranny, cannot be compared with Grozny and Peter. I tried to get vaccinated against smallpox. I wanted to pay a ruble for the vaccination. Probably 500 at current exchange rates. Did a lot for education
    1. +1
      31 December 2021 15: 08
      Did a lot for education

      The main thing that she did from education was to introduce a thorough training of the heirs to the throne, in almost all areas of knowledge. Paul I was a very educated person. But Alexander III did not have the knowledge that his older brother Nicholas, who was the heir, possessed.

      Professor I. E. Andreevsky taught the encyclopedia of law to the Tsarevich. In 1863, he was replaced by BN Chicherin, who taught state law. According to Chicherin's reviews, Nikolai Alexandrovich promised to become the most educated and liberal monarch not only in Russian history, but throughout the world.
      1. +1
        31 December 2021 15: 36
        I said that the pig likes Ekaterina2. Something and I like her
    2. 0
      1 January 2022 13: 32
      To talk about the "tyranny" of feudal rulers is, of course, strong.

      Catherine II hardly considered Pisantes for full-fledged people, like all high society.
  28. Kaw
    31 December 2021 14: 42
    I don't like such articles. They are written to justify their own poop. Say, everyone has despotism and repression, so we are not ashamed to do so. IMHO
  29. +2
    31 December 2021 15: 33
    Valery, about the SLA. At school we were taught that it was a pro-fascist organization. I remember your stories about OAS, later I repeated it, to one uncle (an acquaintance of my grandmother, I have known him since childhood), he boiled to the extreme. There were no comments. In short: these are scoundrels-fascists, de Gaulle is well done for giving up Algeria
    1. VLR
      31 December 2021 17: 15
      "Soviet hardening"! After all, the USSR was in the geopolitical games for the "Algerian patriots". But these patriots have transformed France's burgeoning overseas department into an impoverished country, ranked as one of the most dangerous to visit in the world. The leaders of the FLN, having come to power, ruined all sectors of the economy and gnawed, leading the country to a long-term civil war. The Arabs and Berbers of Algeria soon fled to the "oppressors" - to France. Where, alas, the same Algeria was created. And France for over 100 years created France in Algeria, bringing it up to its level.
      As for de Gaulle, if we objectively compare him with any of our politicians, then with Yeltsin. Under EBN, the Russians fled from the union republics, under Gaulle, a million Frenchmen from Algeria (and another 380 thousand people of other nationalities). Neither one nor the other rendered help to these people.
      1. +2
        31 December 2021 17: 34
        As for de Gaulle, if we objectively compare him with any of our politicians, then with Yeltsin
        If Yeltsin managed to demand from the United States even a gram of Russian gold, then yes. And de Gaulle demanded everything and got it!
        1. VLR
          31 December 2021 18: 12
          Well, Yeltsin, he is, of course, a "champion". One of the rare figures about whom it is generally impossible to say anything good. About others, as a rule, you can say at least something positive. For example, Rafael Trujillo from the Dominican Republic is a typical Latin American dictator. So, after all, he loved nature, thanks to him, his half of the island of Haiti is all green, the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti from space along the line of forests is determined. And what to say about Yeltsin?
          1. +1
            31 December 2021 18: 30
            So it is not worth comparing the "heroes" of different nations. They are too close to us for comparison.
          2. +1
            31 December 2021 19: 13
            The question is interesting.
          3. Fat
            1 January 2022 12: 54
            Valery! about the dead or nothing, but nothing good ... Yes! don't remember ...
            And what good did Yeltsin do for the country? Nothing! just kept what they did not have time to sell.
          4. 0
            2 January 2022 14: 48
            Quote: VlR
            Well, Yeltsin, he is, of course, a "champion". One of the rare figures about whom it is generally impossible to say anything good. About others, as a rule, you can say at least something positive. For example, Rafael Trujillo from the Dominican Republic is a typical Latin American dictator. So, after all, he loved nature, thanks to him, his half of the island of Haiti is all green, the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti from space along the line of forests is determined. And what to say about Yeltsin?

            Pee on the chassis. For a politician at the level of the president, this is an event. That will not be forgotten soon.
      2. +1
        31 December 2021 17: 58
        Valery, good evening. Your happiness is that now there is "pluralism", and under Brezhnev you "fell for nuts"
  30. 0
    31 December 2021 18: 26
    This is the 21st century, but what has changed? Try to "insult" Putin ... and you are guaranteed a "tsugunder"! And this is against the backdrop of shit ... pah you! ... democratic assurances of the current regime! Any normal authority, confident in itself, does not pay attention to the small "bites" of the disaffected! Only the authorities, whose "stigma in the cannon", reacts painfully to the attacks of the "opposition"!
    1. 0
      1 January 2022 13: 27
      Has anyone already been jailed?
      1. -1
        1 January 2022 16: 47
        Quote: EvilLion
        Has anyone already been jailed?

        Specifically ... I don't remember! But there were attempts ... and not one-time! And they continue! It is quite possible that they will be crowned with success! Please note that the instinct of self-preservation has not yet completely left the "masses"! Nobody has reached the finalized expression yet! request
  31. +2
    31 December 2021 19: 11
    "canonized" Stalin treated the ROC with respect. Back in the 30s, gradually, so as not to "tease the geese", he began to weaken the pressure on the church, and in the fall of 1941 he often talked with Patriarch Alexy. It is necessary to believe that Stalin counted every minute, but he invited the patriarch to his place.
    When the question arose that the church should print literature, he ordered to give the church a publishing house: "Atheist". It seems that he himself suggested opening theological seminaries.
    PS Khrushchev began a new round of the anti-religious campaign, and the longest one.
    Comrades, I did not believe in God, as it is fashionable now, but I believe that religion is part of our historical culture. In addition, I am a villager, and in the village they were more tolerant of religion than in the city.
    1. 0
      1 January 2022 13: 29
      Under Stalin, there were too many believers to ignore them, just as the methods of propaganda were known only from tsarist times, "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland", and this had to be somehow adapted. At the same time, Stalin himself was, as it were, a seminarian, and had an idea of ​​what they taught there and how it could be used.

      But no one then spoke to let the priests go back to schools.
      1. 0
        2 January 2022 08: 01
        I won't say for all the schools, but in the schools closest to me, and I can know the addresses of 11 schools, I often visit those parts, I guarantee that the priests do not teach lessons.
        I'll have to ask around, some head teacher. School world - one big village
  32. +1
    31 December 2021 20: 03
    "I had to shave them off" I have read Valishevsky for a long time, but in my opinion Elizabeth did not shave her hair. Some "fronder" did her hair like Elizabeth's and she cut her hair in a rage. In addition to Valishevsky, this is also confirmed somewhere.
    1. VLR
      31 December 2021 21: 21
      The episode with Elizabeth shaving the ladies of the court is taken from here:
      Anisimov E.V. Russia in the middle of the 1988th century. M., 203, p. XNUMX.
      1. +1
        31 December 2021 21: 31
        Didn't know such an author.
  33. 0
    31 December 2021 20: 35
    It seems it's time for me to say goodbye. See you in the New Year.
    I wish you all happiness and WISDOM! She will give us health and happiness
  34. +2
    31 December 2021 21: 46
    Quote: CHEREDA73
    Vladimir, thank you for your articles!
    Thank you for lifting everyone's spirits today.
    Happy New Year to you!

    Actually, the author was Valery in the morning. He will not be offended: Valery is a world guy (petty toadie).
  35. +2
    31 December 2021 22: 17
    Guys, have you counted the "ammunition"?
    I have 14 liters of "red-home" stocked.
    A neighbor recently found something imported - beautiful and cheap ... And also in intensive care
  36. +1
    1 January 2022 05: 19
    Stunned. Well, very politically correct. :)
  37. +3
    1 January 2022 10: 21
    Everyone who does not sleep with the New 2022!
    All the best.
    Dear: admins and moderators, you also have a happy holiday
  38. +1
    1 January 2022 12: 10
    Boys, girls, all happy holidays. Sometimes I am angry with you, but now I kiss you all
  39. Fat
    1 January 2022 12: 40
    Luxuriously! Thank you. Happy new year, friends and others. Joy should come to everyone and then, the Almighty will figure it out ...
  40. 0
    1 January 2022 13: 26
    You want to say that planting for anti-Soviet jokes, if there was, is a common practice in the world, and for some reason it is impossible to encroach on the government, just as it does not like to offend it?
    1. 0
      1 January 2022 15: 37
      Quote: EvilLion
      You want to say that planting for anti-Soviet jokes, if there was, is a common practice in the world, and for some reason it is impossible to encroach on the government, just as it does not like to offend it?

      Come on. In the 70s, there were definitely no landings. Praada I went to school then. But I remember one joke.
      What are you sitting for?
      For laziness.
      Well, they gave in with the matchmaker. They said too much. He was not lazy, he reported in the morning. And here I am for laziness ........
  41. 0
    4 January 2022 09: 08
    Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
    and in Russia, I am sure, it all started with the FIRST RUSSIAN MANARCH of the early monarchy in Russia

    Prince Yuri Dolgoruky made an application to be considered a tsar.
    The first real monarch in Russia was Ivan the Third. Tied up with the Paleologues, after all. Again, he got rid of the "Iga" and became a complete sovereign.
    His wife (Sophia) even became the prototype of the famous fairy-tale character.