Half a century with Mars. On November 27, 1971, the first ever spacecraft reached Mars

AMS "Mars-2"
AMS "Mars-2", photo: roscosmos.ru

On November 27, 1971, the surface of Mars reached the first in stories artificial space object. It was a descent vehicle from the Soviet automatic interplanetary station (AMS) "Mars-2". Although the craft crashed on landing, it became the first lander in history to reach the surface of the red planet. For humanity, which dreamed of studying the planets of the solar system, this was a huge step forward.

Despite the partial success of the mission, the event that took place half a century ago, on November 27, 1971, forever entered the history of Soviet and world cosmonautics, becoming an important achievement and record.

This was preceded by the colossal work of Soviet designers and engineers, the quintessence of which was the six-month flight to Mars of an automatic interplanetary station.

Space program "Mars"

The Soviet automatic interplanetary station "Mars-2" went to the red planet about a month before the birth of Elon Musk, who today is practically the main adept in the study and colonization of Mars. Two backup stations "Mars-2" and "Mars-3", which were no different from each other, were launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on May 19 and 28, 1971, respectively.

At the same time, a space program called "Mars", which includes the construction of automatic stations of the same name, was carried out in the USSR from 1960 to 1973. The main goal of the program was to study both the planet itself and the near-planetary space of Mars.

The designers of OKB-1 (today the SP Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia) were responsible for the development of the first generation AMS "Mars". The designers of the Lavochkin NPO were already responsible for the creation of the third and fourth generations of the Mars stations. Automatic interplanetary stations "Mars-2" and "Mars-3" belonged to the spacecraft of the fourth generation.

Heavy launch vehicle "Proton-K"
Heavy launch vehicle "Proton-K" module "Zarya" for the ISS, November 20, 1998, photo: wikimedia.org

The implementation of such a large-scale and innovative project required the creation of a special infrastructure.

A radio-technical complex for long-range space communications was built in the country especially for the first launches of spacecraft to Mars. In addition, a 2,6-meter telescope located at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory was supposed to follow the flight path of the first station.

Special missiles were also required to launch the AMS.

While the Molniya 4-stage medium-class launch vehicle was used to launch the first and second generation stations, the heavy launch vehicle was used to launch the third and fourth generation stations, the name of which is familiar to almost every Russian today. It was a Proton-K rocket with an additional fourth stage in the form of an upper stage D.

AMC device "Mars-2"

"Mars-2" consisted of an orbital station and a spacecraft descending to the planet. The layout of the automatic station was proposed by the young designer of NPO im. Lavochkin V.A.Asyushkin. The AMC housed two photo-television cameras with different focal lengths. The cameras were supposed to be used to photograph the surface of the red planet and objects on it. Scientific equipment was represented by an infrared radiometer, as well as infrared and ultraviolet photometers.

The Mars-3 spacecraft was additionally housed with scientific equipment called Stereo. It was equipment for a joint Soviet-French project to study radio emission from the Sun at a frequency of 169 MHz.

Structurally, both stations were similar, duplicating each other in case of malfunctions or serious breakdowns. Moreover, each AMC consisted of an orbital compartment and a descent vehicle.

The descent vehicle of the Mars-2 station, photo: roscosmos.ru

The orbital compartment of the automatic interplanetary station "Mars-2" had the following layout: an instrument compartment, a block of fuel tanks of the propulsion system, a jet engine with an automatic system for adjusting the position in space, a solar battery, radiator thermal control systems, antenna-feeder devices.

AMS "Mars-2" was a real high-tech of its time. The station received the most modern autonomous space navigation system with an optical goniometer, which at that time had no analogues in the world. Orientation in space was carried out simultaneously along the Sun, the Canopus star and the Earth. In addition to the navigation system, the control system included an onboard computer and a gyro-stabilized platform.

The descent vehicle is an automatic Martian station, which was equipped with equipment that ensures separation from the orbital compartment of Mars-2 and the transfer of the compartment to the trajectory of rendezvous with Mars. Externally, the descent module was a conical aerodynamic braking screen that covered the automatic Mars station. An instrument-parachute container was attached to the top of the station, in which the pilot and main parachutes were located, as well as scientific instruments.

On board the descent module was a variety of scientific equipment designed to measure pressure and temperature on the Martian surface, as well as to carry out mass spectrometric analysis of the planet's atmosphere. Also on board was equipment for determining wind speed and chemical-physical, as well as mechanical properties of the surface layer of Mars. To obtain panoramic images from the surface, there were television cameras on board, according to the official website of Roscosmos.

Flight to Mars

On May 19, 1971, the Proton-K heavy launch vehicle was successfully launched at the Baikonur cosmodrome. The rocket set off to conquer space at 19:22:49 Moscow time. The Mars-2 automatic interplanetary station was on board the Proton-K. The station was designed to explore Mars and its near-planetary space.

Half a century with Mars. On November 27, 1971, the first ever spacecraft reached Mars
Separation of the descent vehicle from the station, image: roscosmos.ru

Unlike the Soviet automatic interplanetary stations of previous generations, the Mars-2 station was first put into an intermediate orbit of an artificial Earth satellite, after which it was transferred to an interplanetary trajectory by the upper stage D, starting its long and long journey.

The entire flight to Mars, which took more than 6 months, went on as usual.

On June 17 and November 20, 1971, the AMC's trajectory corrections were successfully carried out. Until the very moment of approaching the red planet, the flight took place under the research program. The third correction of the trajectory took place on November 27, 1971, it was carried out in a fully automatic mode without the use of technical means on the surface of the Earth.

The autonomous astroorientation system installed on the Mars-2 spacecraft provided the station's orientation in space and was able to determine the position of the spacecraft relative to the planet under study. The information received was entered into a computer on board the station, after which the computer performed calculations to carry out the correction. After the third correction, the station entered its trajectory, which passed at a distance of 1 kilometers from the Martian surface.

Failure with the descent vehicle

The lander separated from the Mars-2 station on November 27, 1971, when the AMC flew up to the red planet. This happened before the deceleration of the station and its entry into Mars orbit as an artificial satellite. A quarter of an hour after separation, a solid-propellant propulsion system started operating on the descent vehicle. This installation ensured the transfer of the descent vehicle to a trajectory that ensures it hits the Martian surface.

The problem of the mission was the wrong angle of entry into the atmosphere of Mars, which turned out to be more than acceptable values. Because of this, the descent module entered the planet's atmosphere at a very steep angle and did not have time to effectively decelerate during the aerodynamic descent stage. The parachute system installed on the descent module could not work effectively in such conditions, so the apparatus, piercing the Martian atmosphere, crashed against the planet's surface.

Soviet postage stamp dedicated to the Mars-2 flight, image: wikimedia.org

Despite the failure, the Mars-2 lander was the first man-made object in history to reach the surface of Mars. The descent module crashed at a point with coordinates 4 ° N. NS. and 47 ° W in the Valley of Nanedi in the Land of Xanthus. It is a vast area of ​​the Martian surface located at the equator.

The reason for the failure of the descent module was the deviation from the calculated values ​​of the trajectory of movement. This deviation is explained by the insufficient level of testing of the material support of the station's on-board computer.

Despite the failure of the descent vehicle, the station "Mars-2" itself successfully entered the Martian orbit, where it worked for 8 months, conducting a variety of scientific research. The AMS operated in an orbit with a minimum distance of 1 kilometers from the Martian surface and a maximum distance of 380 kilometers. The orbital period of the station around Mars was 25 hours. In total, the station made 000 orbits around the red planet.

The TASS agency announced the complete completion of the space flight program on August 23, 1972. By that time, Mars-2 had been operating in the Martian orbit for more than 8 months, continuing research until the nitrogen reserves in the stabilization and attitude control system of the station were completely depleted.
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  1. +8
    27 November 2021 05: 39
    It seems that the author pulled quotes from five different sources and did not strain too much with editing in order to bring all this mess to some kind of uniformity.
    1. +7
      27 November 2021 08: 14
      And December 2 will be half a century since Mars-3 made a soft landing on the surface of the Red Planet. Moreover, the transmission from the surface of Mars lasted 14,5 seconds. drinks good And so, the first soft landing on another planet is ours and the first signal from another planet is "Russian"! 50 years have passed, for astronautics this is an eternity, it would be possible for present-day Russia on Mars to do something.
      1. 0
        27 November 2021 11: 17
        Alas, the scientific value even from Mars-3 was zero. There was essentially nothing in the live broadcast to Earth. On the OA recording, the picture was similar. There is no panorama as such in the Volga prints. The resulting picture is just a white frame with noise and black interference. And what information could be contained in the 79 lines of the AMC photo and television signal?
        1. +4
          27 November 2021 15: 05
          I think that transmitting noise from Mars at that time was an achievement. But what has died out, then yes, sadness.
          1. 0
            29 November 2021 17: 27
            Quote: Pashhenko Nikolay
            I think that transmitting noise from Mars at that time was an achievement. But what has died out, then yes, sadness.

            The Martians shot down and drowned out or the Strugatsky Wanderers! (joke )
        2. +5
          27 November 2021 22: 28
          Zero? fool
          Reach an OUTSIDE planet from the Earth (against the grain (of the Sun's gravity)? Withstand harsh cosmic radiation? Land on a planet with virtually no atmosphere? In 1971?
          You are Perelman of the cosmos, as I can see good
      2. +1
        27 November 2021 12: 59
        Quote: Proxima
        50 years have passed, for cosmonautics this is an eternity, it would be possible for present-day Russia on Mars to do something.

        So they flew two years ago. They landed on the poles in search of water.
        "We will now carry out unmanned, and then manned launches there - for deep space exploration, and the Lunar program, then the exploration of Mars. The first is very soon - in 2019, then we are going to launch a mission towards Mars," Putin said in the film by Andrey Kondrashov

        1. 12+
          27 November 2021 13: 34
          Mars has always been a tough nut to crack, even for the USSR. All missions of the AMS series M-71 were not of scientific value due to a series of problems. Although there are no serious complaints about the engineering part of the program. To the carrier, ballistics specialists, etc.
          As for Russia ... The President, as always, is overly optimistic. Here, at least next year, touch the surface of the moon.
          As for Mars, the excitement around it after the still memorable launch of "Phobos-in-the-ground" in our scientific circles has somewhat subsided.
          1. +6
            27 November 2021 14: 16
            Quote: Cosm22
            As for Mars, the excitement around it after the still memorable launch of "Phobos into the ground" in our scientific circles has somewhat subsided.
            Not scientific. Political. Although the causes of the Phobos-Grunt accident are known (a number of chips did not have the Space marking), what prevents you from simply building a copy of the AMC, but take into account the errors and recheck everything? Instead, Phobos-Grunt 2 has been shelved indefinitely (presumably after 2030).
            Well, at least we cooperated with the Europeans at ExoMars. And then, "Schiaparelli" crashed. That being said, I remember the broadcast of 2016. From our side, a certain man was sent to the Europeans, who simply collapsed imposingly on a chair during an interview. It was a little disgusting to look at it.

            At the same time, I understand the logic of ours. We have until 2019 Every year for 9 years at least one (and sometimes more!) PH fell! Funding is cut. We were ousted from the launch market, including because of the loss of confidence after a heap of accidents, Angosat, etc. Not to be fat, I would live. You have to focus on the most pressing issues. Great strategy! But ... for the first time, we will make fun of the Americans and their rovers:

            Although Rogozin later deleted the top tweet, but "the Internet remembers everything" (c)!
      3. +5
        27 November 2021 22: 25
        "And so, the first soft landing on another planet is ours."
        True, only not to Mars, but to Venus, and not
        "December 2" and December 15, 1970
        And the AMS was called "Venus-7" and it was "the first to carry out interplanetary signal transmission.
        In general, the first AMS to reach another planet of the Sun, so de ours, and this happened on 01.03.1966/3/XNUMX "Venus-XNUMX".
        In principle, you were not mistaken in anything ... So, on the little things request
      4. -1
        29 November 2021 12: 49
        Quote: Proxima
        50 years have passed, for cosmonautics this is an eternity, it would be possible for present-day Russia on Mars to do something.

        Firstly, for four years the launched European TGO station of the joint Russian-European project ExoMars has been flying over Mars, regularly sending various scientific data on our Mars program.

        Read: http://press.cosmos.ru/chto-my-uznali-o-marse-v-tridcat-pyatyy-marsianskiy-god

        The most detailed reports on the atmosphere of Mars are regularly published by the IKI RAS and articles are published in scientific journals.

        Secondly, we have long ago completed the Kazachok landing module with a long-lived on-planet station for the second part of the ExoMars project. The module is currently in Europe at the TAS facility, where it is being integrated with the European rover Rosalind Franklin.

        Their launch should have taken place in 2020 in the Martian window, but was postponed to the next in 2022, due to the unavailability of European equipment. For today, the launch is scheduled for September 20, 2022, landing on Mars - June 10, 2023.
  2. +3
    27 November 2021 07: 59
    so she fell to Mars or continues to revolve around it but is no longer working
    1. +1
      27 November 2021 08: 20
      Quote: lazy
      so she fell to Mars or continues to revolve around it but is no longer working

      Mars-2 consisted of an orbital station - an artificial satellite of Mars and a descent vehicle with an automatic Martian station. The descent vehicle crashed on the planet's surface, and the station successfully entered orbit, where it worked for over 8 months
      1. +2
        27 November 2021 08: 57
        Quote: Proxima
        the station successfully entered orbit, where it worked for over 8 months

        And then ?
        so it fell to Mars or continues to revolve around it but is no longer working?
        1. +2
          27 November 2021 09: 28
          The fate of the orbital part of the station is also interesting.
          Is there any specialist who can clarify the situation?
          1. +4
            27 November 2021 15: 44
            Is there any of the specialists
            English Vika claims it is still in orbit
  3. +2
    27 November 2021 12: 04
    Unlike the Soviet automatic interplanetary stations of previous generations, the Mars-2 station was first put into an intermediate orbit of an artificial Earth satellite, after which it was transferred to an interplanetary trajectory by the upper stage D, starting its long and long journey.

    In fact, the launch from an intermediate orbit was used even earlier in 1971 - Venera-4 was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on June 12, 1967 at 5:40 am (Moscow time) by the Molniya-M launch vehicle. Initially, the AMS was launched into low-earth orbit, and then it was transferred to a flight path to Venus..
  4. +3
    27 November 2021 15: 49
    these successes in the distant past ... but in the present there is nothing to boast about
    1. -4
      27 November 2021 17: 20
      Look forward to next year and the launch of the Exomars rover.
      1. +4
        27 November 2021 18: 02
        Climbed into Google. Yes, the RF-EU joint program. The RF share is the Proton rocket. The rover is European.
        1. -1
          29 November 2021 12: 52
          Quote: A. h.52
          Climbed into Google. Yes, the RF-EU joint program. The RF share is the Proton rocket. The rover is European.

          I climbed badly. You don't know how to use it. A schoolboy, probably. Bulk. laughing

          The non-planetary long-lived station is ours.
  5. +5
    27 November 2021 22: 39
    "Half a century with Mars"
    History has no subjunctive mood ...
    But, with a high degree of probability, with Glushko (RD-253/257) and Ivensen (s), Trufanov (s), Polukhin (s) (UR-500), we would have been on the moon before the Americans.
    Did not work out request
  6. -2
    28 November 2021 15: 59
    Quote: ja-ja-vw
    we would have been on the moon before the Americans.

    What, the Americans were on the moon? No.
    1. -1
      29 November 2021 14: 42
      Well, the Soviets were definitely not there.
  7. 0
    29 November 2021 08: 19
    “Insufficient level of testing material providing the station's on-board computer ”

    Maybe math?
    1. +2
      29 November 2021 10: 17
      official version - the local impact of heavy charged particles of outer space on the BVK, which led to a failure in the RAM, i.e. it is material support that is insufficient protection.
      1. 0
        29 November 2021 10: 59
        All the same pieces of iron come out. Interestingly, in the 70s they could have made majority protection against such problems? Or was the price of the weight of the three btsvm too high (technically)?
        1. +1
          29 November 2021 11: 08
          "The most probable reason for the restart of two semi-sets of the TsVM22 BVK device is the local impact of heavy charged particles (TCP) of outer space, which led to a failure in the RAM of the computing modules of the TsVM22 sets during the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft flight on the second orbit. The RAM failure could be caused short-term inoperability of ERI due to the impact of TZCH on the cells of the computing modules TsVM22, which contain two microcircuits of the same type WS512K32V20G24M, located in a single case parallel to each other.

          "The volumes of ground experimental testing of spacecraft products, for which the TOR were issued, and the spacecraft" Phobos-Grunt ", determined by the KPEO for them, taking into account the technical solutions adopted in the equipment (KNA), technological documentation, technological processes, including critical technological processes, which is confirmed by the conclusions of FSUE TsNIIMash and other GNIO RKP. "

          "The RAM failure could be caused by the short-term inoperability of the ERI due to the impact of the TZCH on the cells of the computing modules TsVM22, which contain two microcircuits of the same type WS512K32V20G24M (the cells of the computational modules are located in a single case parallel to each other). The impact led to the distortion of the program code and the triggering of the" watchdog "timer , which was the reason for the "restart" of both semi-sets of TsVM22. The model of such an interaction of the TZCH with the EEE is not regulated by regulatory and technical documents.... The Commission considers it necessary to develop and implement in RCP organizations regulatory and technical documents containing modern models of ionizing radiation from outer space and guidelines for their use. "
    2. The comment was deleted.
  8. 0
    3 December 2021 18: 33
    Well, the Soviets were definitely not there.

    The first soft landing on the moon was done by the Soviets.