In memory of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

This Zoya Tanya was called,
She was a true Komsomol member.
This Zoya sang and laughed
Because she had a fun life ...

Konstantin Shchekotov. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya before execution. 1947-1949

On a frosty morning on November 29, 1941, in the village of Petrishchevo, Vereisky District (now Ruzsky District) near Moscow, an 18-year-old Komsomol member, a native of the Tambov Region, Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya, soldiers of the 332nd Infantry Regiment of the 197th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht hung a sign on the chest near the erected gallows the inscription in Russian and German: "The arsonist of houses." An exhausted, bloody, disfigured, still very young girl was executed by hanging in front of the villagers and the Wehrmacht soldiers. With a noose around her neck, the heroine made a short speech, taking advantage of the pause associated with the photo shoot of the execution, as was customary among the executioners:

- Hey, comrades! What are you looking at sadly? Be brave, fight, beat the Germans, burn, poison!

A German standing nearby swung at her and wanted to interrupt, but a brave girl, on the threshold of her end, pushed his hand away and continued:

“I’m not afraid to die, comrades. It is happiness to die for your people ...

"Tatiana" (the episode is taken from the essay "Tanya" by the military commander Pyotr Lidov) turned towards the commandant and the German soldiers and said:

“You’ll hang me now, but I’m not alone, there are two hundred million of us, you don’t outweigh everyone.”
You will be avenged for me ...

The Russian people standing in the square were crying. Others turned away so as not to see what was about to happen (this is from the fresh testimony of the villagers, interviewed by military commander Peter Lidov in 1941, much more truthful than those ugly and dirty speculations from the 90s about the villagers' hatred of arsonists).

Were they arsonists in the cold of the huts of their compatriots?

No, the servicemen of military unit No. 9903 were executing order No. 428, which spoke of the "scorched earth" tactics!

So, the executioner pulled on the rope, and the noose squeezed Tanino's throat. But she parted the noose with both hands, raised herself on her toes and shouted, straining her strength:

- Farewell, comrades! Fight, don't be afraid! Stalin is with us! Stalin will come! ..

So the young life of the Hero of the Soviet Union was cut short posthumously - Kosmodemyanskaya Zoya Anatolyevna. According to this episode, described in the essay "Tanya" by military commander Peter Lidov, we see that at the very edge of life, public execution, after many hours of torture, abuse and humiliation, the young Komsomol member was fully conscious and made a deliberate speech. It is completely unlike the behavior of a psychiatric patient with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and silent stupor as one of the symptoms of this disease.

Have you read Nevzorov's essay?

Of course I read ...

On the morning of May 9, I, a 20-year-old, recently demobilized from the armed forces of the Russian Federation, approached the Victory Park in Chernikovka in the city of Ufa. The townspeople have traditionally flocked to the park, where veterans of the Great Patriotic War, many still alive, were waiting for them. At the entrance to the park, I came across a group of adults, among whom was a guy of about 30 years old or a little more, on whose neck was a boy of about seven years old, he had carnations in his hand, so that, according to the tradition of the inhabitants of Chernikovka, they would be gratefully given to the veterans of our two districts. - Kalininsky and Ordzhonikidzevsky - the city of Ufa.

Our Victory Park has the main composition of the monument from the monument to Alexander Matrosov, Hero of the Soviet Union, according to one version - a native of the village of Kunakbaevo, Tamyan-Kataysky canton (now Uchalinsky district) of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

The kid asked his father: "Who is Alexander Matrosov?" Father's answer struck me like a knife in my heart: “This is a drunk who fell on an enemy bunker, and he was called a hero,” the company laughed stupidly.

I immediately stood up for my fellow countryman and said to my father:

- Aren't you ashamed? Did you or did you drink with Alexander on the front line that day, since you know such details?

The guy was embarrassed and muttered that they say so.

I continued that he did not dare to put this into his son's ears, and raising his son is his business, but my duty as a citizen, since I was a witness to this shameful statement, is to point out the TRUTH to his son! The company was already drunk, but after seeing my gaze and my gray whiskey (I got gray hair in the army at the age of 19, since then it has increased a little), the guys decided to disperse and not enter into conflict in front of the old veterans.

I was shocked, I was shaking, how can you take your son to Victory Park, to this sacred place of national memory and grief, to still living veterans and say such nasty things about one of the symbols of that Victory?

Oh yes, I didn’t know much then, I didn’t hear the vilification and insults of the heroes of that terrible war from the lips of my compatriots (are they compatriots?), Dirty gossip and speculation: Talalikhin was not Talalikhin, but there were no Panfilovites , terrible slander on many heroes ...

I began my service in the city of Volzhsky near Volgograd in the training center of the Engineering and Sapper Troops. Needless to say that we, still very young, were personally convinced and saw the traces of that terrible war? We were taken to Mamaev Kurgan, we saw the Pavlov House and the panorama, by the nature of the troops we saw with our own eyes tons of fragments on plots of land, the surviving shells, bombs during the endless demining.

I was fond of the military before the army history, but it’s one thing to read the archives, it’s quite another thing when I found myself in the room and under heavy music I saw an endless number of surnames and names of my real peers who gave their lives for my sake, including my real one, and for then back in 1942 unknown future ...

In memory of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya

So, on a frosty night on November 27, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, as part of her sabotage group, in pursuance of order No. 428, began to perform a combat mission. She organized the arson of three houses in the village of Petrishchevo, one of which was used by the Germans as a communications center. Also, a young Komsomol member destroyed the stable with the incapacitation of the horses.

I would like to note an important fact: armed with Molotov cocktails, a combat friend's pistol without self-cocking (she gave her revolver to her friend before going out as more reliable weapon), having missed the group's comrades, which obviously thwarted the group's exit plan, in the terrible frost, without a parking lot in the forest, independently DECIDED to continue setting fire to the winter apartments of the Wehrmacht servicemen.

I will occasionally draw your attention to important facts of the conditions themselves and the proposed circumstances for the implementation of the combat mission that faced Zoya, hoping for an assessment of these circumstances and the INDEPENDENT decisions made by her readers who, on duty, performed combat missions in hot spots.

So, left without a group, without a parking lot or a secret in the forest, with a partially completed combat mission, in a terrible frost, the fighter Zoya decides to continue the sabotage in extremely unfavorable circumstances - alone.

Did she understand that the successful sabotage on the night of November 27 attracted the attention of the Germans and the proposed circumstances were developing according to the scenario with her inevitable death or capture, followed by torture and unambiguous execution as a saboteur or partisan?

I think that according to the established facts, the 18-year-old girl clearly understood the combat situation and made a decision, of course, based on the facts known to her.

It must also be said that when mobilizing and entering the military unit No. 9903, the Komsomol commanders were told in detail by the commanders that the fate of the fighters is unenviable, and 95% of them will die, or will be captured and tortured with subsequent execution.

The practice of actions of servicemen who have undergone sabotage training of intelligence in this unit confirms that this is what happened, and almost all of the personnel suffered this or that fate.

On the same day, November 29, 10 kilometers from the village of Petrishchevo, near the village of Golovkovo, another saboteur was hanged on a willow - 22-year-old Vera Danilovna Voloshina, her group was ambushed by military outposts and, having no serious weapons, was dispersed, and she herself is caught. Vera was brutally and brutally tortured, beaten, trying to find out the combat mission of the group, but Vera Danilovna, showing amazing courage and heroism, did not give the testimony the Germans needed.

At the execution itself, the brave girl also made a short fiery speech:

- You came to our country and you will find your death here! You cannot take Moscow ... Farewell, Motherland! Death to fascism!

A worthy award for the heroism of Vera Voloshina was awarded posthumously to her mother only in 1966, after the essay "The Order of the Daughter" by Georgy Nikolaevich Frolov in the newspaper Pravda - the Order of the Patriotic War, 6st degree, awarded to Vera posthumously a year earlier on May 1965, XNUMX.

On May 6, but already in 1994, by decree of B.N. Yeltsin, Vera Danilovna Voloshina was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

On our memorial monument to the fallen guys, natives of the Iglinsky region of the Republic of Bashkortostan, it is written in hot spots: "Time has chosen us!"

Indeed, in different years of hard times, it is not us, but it is the time that chooses us and the place where you must pay your homeland a debt in full, and maybe more than that, as in the slogan of the production of the USSR - "For that guy" (by the way, this movement has interesting origins from the times of the war, when our workers in the rear and front-line soldiers wrote the slogan - "For Zoya!"). And it so happens that the time chooses some of us and determines the time and place for us.

The sacred task of the survivors is to REMEMBER those who were chosen by the time!

What is it for me?

And to the fact that there are also exceptional cases when a citizen who does not have the opportunity to evade, chosen by a time, a difficult year for the Fatherland, with a certain time place, also himself, independently chooses a place and time in the proposed circumstances! We call such people heroes. And their choice is an act.

By the act of a mature, conscientious compatriot, whose maturity does not depend on age and experience. Here Zoya Anatolyevna and Vera Danilovna, at their 18 and 22 years old, respectively, chosen by the time, did an act - they made a CHOICE of place and time, boldly stepping into the abyss. And from this only they are heroes, more is not needed: they made a choice and made a decision.

Even in the training unit, they were made clear that this was not a linear front-line unit, there were almost no chances to survive! They then made their choice. And they carried their decision to the very end, soberly thinking and realizing clearly, deciding to continue the combat mission in the frosty forest, under brutal torture and cruel violence, bullying, realizing the inevitability of execution. And, as we see from eyewitness accounts, at the very edge, with a noose around their necks, they continued to fearlessly make their choice.

At 7 pm on November 28, while trying to set fire to the barn, due to the noise raised by the resident Sviridov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was captured by the Germans. It is known that Kosmodemyanskaya did not fire back. Perhaps, busy with arson, Zoya simply did not have time to bring the pistol into a combat state, it is known that she did not have time to get her revolver, given to her friend in exchange, due to the group's departure on a mission.

In the interrogations and subsequent brutal torture, according to eyewitnesses, soldiers and officers of the 332nd Wehrmacht Infantry Regiment took part. During interrogation, Zoya called herself Tanya and did not say anything definite. Then Kosmodemyanskaya, an 18-year-old girl, was stripped naked and flogged with belts. After beating her for hours with bare feet, they took her out into the cold, the frost was so strong that the sentry periodically warmed himself in a warm room and occasionally took Zoya into the room. It is known that Zoya received severe frostbite of her legs, the manifestation of which was already visible after a short time. Then, beaten, frostbitten and mutilated with belts, Zoya was put on a bench, where she remained until the morning.

In the periodic and prolonged beatings of the girl, the residents of two houses burned down on the night of November 27 - A. V. Smirnova and F. V. Solina also participated. By the way, Smirnova, apparently dissatisfied with the night beating of the unfortunate woman, beat the scout on the legs with a stick at the very execution in the morning of the next day. For this, both of these women were subsequently convicted under Article 193 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for collaboration and shot.

In the morning, Zoya was executed by hanging in front of the Wehrmacht servicemen and residents of Petrishchevo. The body of Kosmodemyanskaya hung on the gallows for about a month and was repeatedly abused by Wehrmacht soldiers passing through the village. And on New Year's Eve (1942), her body was stripped and again abused, stabbing with knives and cutting off her chest.

I would like to draw your attention again to one fact, very important, from my point of view - brutal abuse, beating, and subsequent abuse of the already lifeless body of Zoya were committed by ordinary servicemen of a completely ordinary 332 infantry regiment of a completely ordinary Wehrmacht 197th infantry division. And, given the terrible and atrocious desecration of the corpse on New Year's Eve, perhaps the servicemen of other linear, again, ordinary Wehrmacht units. These are not SS soldiers, not special SS teams, not commandant companies or offended traitorous policemen, or whatever beasts.

These were the most ordinary German workers, peasants and employees mobilized for the Eastern Front.

That is why I never share the blame between the SS and the Wehrmacht for the murdered of my compatriots - they are all guilty, to one degree or another, of terrible crimes against my Motherland!

I wish I could read these lines now to that young man who apologized in the German parliament for the allegedly "innocent ordinary Germans who died near Stalingrad"!

These weren't simple Germans who mocked the girl?

Not ordinary Germans flogged her with belts, beat her and abused her young body?

Weren't they oskotin and brutalized, sank to the very bottom of humanity?

What did this young Komsomol member, already dead, hanging on the gallows, do to ordinary Germans from other parts of the Wehrmacht that passed through Petrishchevo?

And when they talk now about the bloody "gebna", for some reason they don't remember the atrocities of ordinary Germans?

Or when they talk about our camps, they do not mention for some reason about the silence of enlightened ordinary Germans, who witnessed the atrocities committed in front of their eyes behind barbed wire, and do not indicate that this has never happened in our places of confinement?

Or when they talk about the "criminal" ideology of the young Soviet state and the "blind" faith of the Komsomol members in Stalin, then for some reason they do not talk about what made ordinary German workers and peasants, not burdened with the ideology of the Nazis, and not members of the NSDAP party, to commit similar atrocities - to kill and mock children?

Concluding my article dedicated to the feat of the Hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Anatolyevna Kosmodemyanskaya, I would like to say that her feat is immortal in our hearts, nothing and no one can shake her miraculous monument! Our sacred duty and duty to Zoya and her comrades is to REMEMBER, this is all that we can and should do. Pass this story about an 18-year-old scout, her feat - to our children! This is she and Vera Voloshin, and their feat should be an example for us, and not the head of the Ministry of Emergencies with a similar award. It is about them that films and TV series should be shot, and not about the Moscow elite. This should be talked about in schools and speeches!

An early frosty morning on November 29, 1941 ... A very young girl is led barefoot to the gallows, beaten, mutilated, frostbitten ... Here are two boxes of pasta and a gallows, like Calvary calling her, and a tablet is even prepared ... But her spirit is not broken, like her body, which refuses her ... And her eyes are full of determination, and she utters words of appeal ... This Zoya Tanya was called, the faithful daughter of my country!
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  1. +46
    29 November 2021 05: 50
    Yes, a strong article, it went to tears.
    1. +20
      29 November 2021 06: 22
      Quote: Andrey Zhdanov-Nedilko
      Yes, a strong article, it went to tears.

      also something pinched ...
      1. +29
        29 November 2021 06: 34
        At the monument to Zoya

        Cold marble and wreaths
        A world of eternal rest.
        But, as if in spite of death,
        Zoya looks from the tombstone.

        Here the living go to her,
        To remember the feat of Zoe:
        A gray-haired warrior approaches
        And here is a girl standing here.

        Throwing back the curl from the forehead,
        She's on a stone smooth
        Puts a sheet of paper covered with writing -
        It was torn from a notebook.

        Lays down the words of the oath.
        On checkered paper

        The words are naive and simple:
        “I'll be brave too!
        Me too, Zoechka, like you,
        I will do everything for the Motherland! "

        Agniya Barto
        1. +20
          29 November 2021 06: 36
          The fascists were beaten and tortured,
          They drove out barefoot in the cold.
          Hands were twisted with ropes,
          The interrogation lasted five hours.

          There are scars and abrasions on your face,
          But silence is the answer to the enemy ...
          Wooden platform with a crossbar,
          You are standing barefoot in the snow.

          No, gray-haired collective farmers do not cry,
          Wiping his eyes with his hands, -
          It's just from the frost, in the air
          A tear breaks through the old men.

          A young voice sounds over the conflagration
          Over the silence of a frosty day:
          - I'm not afraid to die, comrades,
          My people will avenge me!

          A young voice sounds over the conflagration:
          “I’m not afraid of dying, comrades.

          Agniya Barto
          1. -26
            29 November 2021 07: 27
            If I am not mistaken, then this year there were two feature films dedicated to the feat of this girl (girls).
            Revised both of them.
            I don’t know why they were criticized (naa VO, it seems, there was also an article), I liked the films. Little pathos, a lot of realities of that time, that war.
            1. +32
              29 November 2021 07: 49
              Quote: Leader of the Redskins
              If I am not mistaken, then this year there were two feature films dedicated to the feat of this girl (girls).
              Revised both of them.
              I don’t know why they were criticized (naa VO, it seems, there was also an article), I liked the films. Little pathos, a lot of realities of that time, that war.

              If you liked the film "Zoya" from Mendinsky, I don’t even know. This is a mockery of memory.
              1. -23
                29 November 2021 07: 51
                I don't know what's from whom ...
                What didn't you like about the movie? Not so a feat shown?
                Remember the Soviet film?
                He, in general, can be said "stripped down" - the accent is more on the eyes of the actress and the distortedly frightened face of the main fascist.
                1. +25
                  29 November 2021 08: 39
                  In the film, the motivation of the heroine was completely perverted. The Germans are traditionally shown as noble gentlemen.
                  Do not believe my opinion, go to the movie search and see the rating and reviews there.
                  And I also advise you to watch the review from the bad comedian on this movie, which can be found on YouTube.
                  1. -32
                    29 November 2021 08: 46
                    Find flaws, but in simple terms, you can shit any movie. Especially historical. There are a lot of examples.
                    A matter of taste. And I hardly perceive critics from YouTube. They get money for their videos.
                    1. +19
                      29 November 2021 08: 52
                      Quote: Leader of the Redskins
                      A matter of taste. And I hardly perceive critics from YouTube. They get money for their videos.

                      The poor comedian turned off monetization for the review of the film "Zoya".
                    2. +19
                      29 November 2021 12: 13
                      Quote: Leader of the Redskins
                      Find flaws, but in simple terms, you can shit any movie. Especially historical. There are a lot of examples.

                      There was no need to look for flaws in this film. Stalin is shown as an indecisive squabble. The soldiers are so unprepared that one of them catches fire because of an awkwardly thrown Molotov cocktail ... The villagers lived contentedly and happily with the Germans, and when the Fritzes were set on fire, they saved children and women. A German officer trying to help a Soviet saboteur in 1941? Not to mention the 30-year-old actors who play 18-year-old children. Why touch the history of the heroic deed of a man and a patriot of his country. To take this off. She was also a sacred victim of the Second World War, all nearby units sought to that village, wanting to avenge Zoya. Almost all Germans from this unit were pursued and destroyed.
                      1. +8
                        29 November 2021 14: 57
                        Quote: Bashkirkhan
                        Quote: Leader of the Redskins
                        Find flaws, but in simple terms, you can shit any movie. Especially historical. There are a lot of examples.

                        There was no need to look for flaws in this film. Stalin is shown as an indecisive squabble. The soldiers are so unprepared that one of them catches fire because of an awkwardly thrown Molotov cocktail ... The villagers lived contentedly and happily with the Germans, and when the Fritzes were set on fire, they saved children and women. A German officer trying to help a Soviet saboteur in 1941? Not to mention the 30-year-old actors who play 18-year-old children. Why touch the history of the heroic deed of a man and a patriot of his country. To take this off. She was also a sacred victim of the Second World War, all nearby units sought to that village, wanting to avenge Zoya. Almost all Germans from this unit were pursued and destroyed.

                        And that's how much fascism brought troubles and harm to our country, and these hunchbacks and eltsmans, Gaidars, did much more!
                        The Nazis could not destroy the USSR, but these scoundrels destroyed it. Their name is Legion! ,
      2. +20
        29 November 2021 11: 55
        Our soldiers also had a pinched heart, and so much so that the soldiers of this regiment were not taken prisoner! Jemnip even gave an order to the army that the Germans of this regiment should not be taken prisoner.
        And the article is really a huge plus, written from a pure heart and with a soul!
      3. +5
        29 November 2021 18: 06
        Quote: Dead Day
        also something pinched ...

        A very powerful article. It was very difficult to read, but very pleasant. It is very pleasant that there are people like the author and they write.
        Our sacred duty and duty to Zoya and her comrades is to REMEMBER, this is all that we can and should do.

        We remember while we are alive. Both our children and grandchildren (mine - I'm sure) will know and remember this.
    2. +1
      20 February 2022 12: 56
      Thank you for the truth that is not consistent with modern "liberals"! As long as we remember the truth about this War and tell our children about it, the rest will not dare to forget!
  2. +30
    29 November 2021 05: 53
    What were the SOVIET PEOPLE! Eternal memory to Zoya and her younger brother Alexander.
    Alexander, after the death of Zoya, at the age of 17 entered the Ulyanovsk tank, at the age of 18 (1943) he went to the front. Went from Orsha to East Prussia. On April 13, 1945, senior lieutenant of the guard Alexander Kosmodemyansky, died in a battle near Königsberg (Kaliningrad). Buried, Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Kosmodemyansky, in Moscow, opposite his sister
    1. +25
      29 November 2021 06: 18
      Our Heroes - Kosmodemyanskie, Sailors, Gastello do not fit into European and liberal values, and therefore they are very annoying, causing angry hysteria. No matter how they are presented as symbols of Soviet propaganda, the people still honor the memory and bow their heads to the feat of their sons and daughters. It is necessary to write and talk about this on various forums, platforms, websites, so that not only we remember, but also our European neighbors. The author is great! Shake your hand. Sincerely.
      1. +13
        29 November 2021 09: 00
        Quote: Silver bullet
        Our Heroes - Kosmodemyanskie, Sailors, Gastello do not fit into European and liberal values, and therefore they are very annoying, causing angry hysteria.

        That is why the Americans began their propaganda and implementation of their "values". The decay of youth is their goal, so that Kosmodemyansk and Molodogvardeytsy no longer appear in our country! And with the collapse of the USSR, they really made great progress in this direction. But the Russian people are not like that, the Westerners will not be able to fool everyone. And a lot will depend on us. What we will put into the heads and hearts of our children and grandchildren.
        1. +1
          5 December 2021 19: 41
          That is why the Americans began their propaganda and implementation of their "values".

          True Heroes in our country have been and will be at all times. It's not even a propaganda issue. This is a question of the personal conscience of everyone and, as the author of the article rightly noted, - Action.
          And, personally, I am concerned not so much with Western propaganda. A much greater evil is indifference. Will future generations remember the current heroes as long as Kosmodemyanskaya and Matrosov remember now?
          Now I will not even cite any nevzorovye as an example for a detailed substantiation of thought, I will say only one thing - freedom of speech does not give rise to freedom of thought, but its complete absence.
      2. Aag
        29 November 2021 21: 54
        Quote: Silver bullet
        Our Heroes - Kosmodemyanskie, Sailors, Gastello do not fit into European and liberal values, and therefore they are very annoying, causing angry hysteria. No matter how they are presented as symbols of Soviet propaganda, the people still honor the memory and bow their heads to the feat of their sons and daughters. It is necessary to write and talk about this on various forums, platforms, websites, so that not only we remember, but also our European neighbors. The author is great! Shake your hand. Sincerely.

        ... Solidarity ...
        The only thing that I would like ... to correct in your words is ... it is necessary, first of all (!), Not to remind the "European neighbors" (absolutely necessary!), But, first of all, to instill in OUR children, descendants !
        ... Otherwise, it was all in vain ...
    2. +2
      29 November 2021 06: 24
      Quote: Vladimir61
      What were the SOVIET PEOPLE! Eternal memory to Zoya and her younger brother Alexander.
      Alexander, after the death of Zoya, at the age of 17 entered the Ulyanovsk tank, at the age of 18 (1943) he went to the front. Went from Orsha to East Prussia. On April 13, 1945, senior lieutenant of the guard Alexander Kosmodemyansky, died in a battle near Königsberg (Kaliningrad). Buried, Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Kosmodemyansky, in Moscow, opposite his sister

      put "plus signs" the hand does not rise ... all this, much higher than "likes", this is Memory.
      1. +12
        29 November 2021 12: 09
        Quote: Dead Day
        put "plus signs" the hand does not rise ... all this, much higher than "likes"
        What is it for? Do you take them to the bank or roll them up to the banks? This is not only the memory of the older generation, this is what was basic in upbringing thirty years ago. Whoever collects "likes" does not go into such topics, they are interested in discussing internal politics and top officials, where they catch the aggregate mood to "advance in rank."
      2. +2
        29 November 2021 20: 22
        Quote: Dead Day
        put "plus signs" the hand does not rise ... all this, much higher than "likes", this is Memory.

        Quite right! I have the same condition!
    3. +14
      29 November 2021 07: 15
      Quote: Vladimir61
      What were the SOVIET PEOPLE!

      I would also focus on what these "civilizers" were. I would like to think that there were. However, they are about the same today. It is worth reading about the war in Iraq, about the bombing in Yugoslavia, where the pilots, knowing this, thrashed civilian transport with people who did not threaten them. And what did the neobanderites in Donbass do with the local population when they occupied towns and villages in Donetsk and Luhansk regions ?! Group burials with signs of violent death and torture of victims are still being unearthed. Unfortunately, some of those soldiers who committed lawlessness and showed an example of bestial cruelty returned home after the war and did not suffer any punishment. Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Vera Voloshina are just a small part of the crimes that European nonhumans committed on our territory, and at home. The entire German army was a collection of rapists and murderers. Even being held captive by us or by our allies, they did not feel remorse for what they had done. (Everything can be confirmed by the book-study "Soldier of the Wehrmacht") It should be borne in mind that even today, under similar circumstances, it is unlikely to be otherwise. And behind the smiling photographs of modern NATO soldiers, who periodically appear in magazines and on the Internet, are hidden their true intentions to rob, rape, kill you and me, regardless of our internal petty disagreements.
  3. +17
    29 November 2021 06: 35
    The noose has no power over life, -
    you live!
    In mind -
    as eternal as this earth,
    you live.
    In moist eyes
    matured children
    you live.
    In every breath of people
    at every step of the people
    you live.
    By plane in the swaying blue
    you live.
    An old-timer - in Chelny,
    as a newcomer - in Moscow
    you live.
    In gratuitous laughs
    happy girlfriends
    you live.
    And in the hands
    embracing the solar circle
    you live!
    In the blaze of fireworks
    and in the eternal flame
    you live.
    Yesterday, today
    you live!
    In note signs,
    in granite,
    on a sensitive canvas
    you live.
    In the glory of our Fatherland
    and in our dream
    you live!

    Robert Christmas
  4. +15
    29 November 2021 06: 43
    Stalin ordered the soldiers and officers of the 332nd Infantry Regiment not to be taken prisoner.
    1. +18
      29 November 2021 07: 40
      This is what the war correspondent for the Forward to the Enemy newspaper wrote. Major Dolin on October 3, 1943:

      “Several months ago, the 332nd Infantry Regiment, whose soldiers and officers brutally tortured Zoya, was spotted in the sector of our front. Upon learning that the regiment of the executioner Rüderer, who had executed Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, was standing in front of them, the soldiers vowed not to leave any of the warriors of this damned regiment alive. In the battles near the village of Verdino, the German regiment of our Zoya's executioners was finally defeated. Hundreds of Hitler's corpses were left in torn up bunkers and trenches. When the captured non-commissioned officer of the regiment was asked what he knew about the execution of the young partisan, he, trembling with fear, muttered:
      - It was not me who did it, it was Rüderer, Rüderer ...
      Another soldier captured the other day during interrogation stated that in the 332nd regiment from those who were near Moscow, participated in the execution of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, only a few people survived ... "
    2. +9
      29 November 2021 08: 40
      Quote: riwas
      Stalin ordered the soldiers and officers of the 332nd Infantry Regiment not to be taken prisoner.

      They were not taken ... or rather, many were not brought to the assembly points, and if I am not mistaken, this regiment was finally defeated already near Bobruisk in 1944 ...
  5. +18
    29 November 2021 08: 26
    This is Zoya made of marble
    lies quietly in the snow.
    The thin neck was cut by a merciless noose.
    Unfamiliar power in your thrown back face.
    So they are waiting for a loved one
    intimate beauty good,
    from within, illuminating with a mysterious female fire.
    "Zoya" M. Aliger. An excerpt from the poem. In the school curriculum is no longer listed, even for out-of-school reading.
    1. +20
      29 November 2021 09: 04
      Quote: Daniil Konovalenko
      "Zoya" M. Aliger. An excerpt from the poem. In the school curriculum is no longer listed, even for out-of-school reading.

      There is no Story about a Real Man, no books about pioneer heroes ...
      But they will thrust Solzhenitsin into all the children !!!!
      1. +11
        29 November 2021 11: 45
        Quote: Egoza

        There is no Story about a Real Man, no books about pioneer heroes ...
        But they shove Solzhenitsin all over the children !!!!

        Aliens in the Kremlin
      2. +3
        29 November 2021 20: 35
        That's really a vrazhin, he also had to not let him out of the country, but at the expense of following the 332 regiment ...
        1. The comment was deleted.
      3. +2
        30 November 2021 21: 42
        Quote: Egoza
        There is no Story about a Real Man, no books about pioneer heroes ...

        My daughter, in grade 4, was given a homework assignment today, to prepare a story about one of the heroes of Krasnodon, about the Young Guard. Now these topics are taught pretty well in school. For example, from time to time they are asked to make small reports on the exploits of our Warriors in the Great Patriotic War ... Educational program - "Perspective", if anyone is not aware that there are several programs now and the parents themselves choose which one to study.
  6. +8
    29 November 2021 08: 38
    Yes, a strong and emotional article ... but apparently this is how it should be now. Thanks.
    Perhaps, busy with arson, Zoya simply did not have time to bring the pistol into a combat state, it is known that she did not have time to get her revolver, given to her friend in exchange, due to the group's departure on a mission.
    I can’t say for sure, but it seems that she then had a revolver of the "Nagant" system, from the reserves, the so-called "soldier", without self-cocking ... perhaps she was confused by surprise and did not have time to cock.
  7. -10
    29 November 2021 09: 06
    Quote: Crowe
    the captured non-commissioned officer of the regiment was asked

    That is, they did not keep their oath?
  8. +17
    29 November 2021 10: 03
    > That is why I never share the blame between the SS and the Wehrmacht for the murdered of my compatriots - they are all guilty, to one degree or another, of terrible crimes against my Motherland!

    I fully agree, all these brutal criminals are of the same berry field.

    Patriots remember Heroes, sweeping aside streams of lies and filth, thanks for the article.

    I will leave here a verse by A. Pyatachenko, dedicated to Zoya, cannot but catch on.

    The photographer will remember God
    - Mine Gott! And he will bury himself with a Leica.
    She was not supported by her legs.
    The eyelids were sticky with blood.

    She coughed up her red gear.
    Where are the strengths in the beaten body?
    The Germans smelled of sweat,
    And the dog's raw greatcoats.

    The minutes pass so fast!
    Step. Third. The gate is wide open.
    The autumn sun is cloudy.
    The steel of the machine gun is glossy.

    The fence has crooked teeth.
    Ravens over the bell tower.
    Scabs have dried on my shirt,
    Frost will press. It doesn't hurt.

    Road. Lumps are ice chips.
    Straw, ash in a ditch,
    Major breathes tobacco,
    Glove on a pistol.

    They drove the people. Fun.
    It smelled like housing and bread ...
    The world, the whole swayed, moved out,
    Trees climbed into the sky ...

    Longing for, go, intelligence ...
    Where is Tanya? * She said - soon.
    Ridiculous stencil
    The semblance of a sentence.

    Glassy from frost
    Behind the forest there is endless space.
    - Damned! - Weg! * - Bitch!
    - Girl ... - Geh raus, Schweine! *

    Babisha, crowds the fascist,
    Squeals, gasping, mongrel ...
    Surprised, clean flashed,
    Childish peephole under the hat.

    A German on execution is a master ...
    Pine "verb" with a support,
    As a symbol of German power,
    Covered with a resinous crust.

    Two boxes. Broken chair
    Shabby, saggy.
    The corporal is serious: - Bitte,
    And all of a sudden my legs were cast iron ...

    Winked Fritz awkwardly
    He stood on tiptoe, sweating.
    A tight viper rope
    A prickly squeeze squeezed her neck.

    Photographer. He sat down. In shock
    In a hurry, turns the tape.
    They huddle like in a bazaar
    Who brought the child ?!

    My heart is swollen under my throat
    Soared and roared:
    - Relatives! Do not be afraid! Germans,
    Not eternal and not omnipotent!

    For the Motherland, sweeter than death,
    Never to be found, I know!
    Poison them! Burn! Beat!
    Victory is ours! Stalin!

    Choked, wheezing, with a groan,
    - Smash them without mercy!
    One hundred seventy million!
    It won't come out to hang, you bastards!

    The push dissolves the abyss
    From the firmament, feet into the pit!
    Rope dash iron!
    It's good that mom doesn't see ...

    How important the pack rejoices.
    Give me air! Mama! Mama!
    Feel your feet for support!
    Stretching in the loop is stubborn!

    The frosty air hardens
    Tearing my throat with ticks ...
    Winged suns, stars
    Spread over the Motherland!

    Tailed comets "Katyusha"!
    Everything is visible in the crimson darkness.
    And the ancestors of the holy souls,
    And a new rush of attack!

    The infantry was drowning in the snow,
    Trenches at each hut.
    On the tram, labor front fighters,
    Kemareat, hugging the shovels.

    The motors are jingling at the start
    The parachute landing party gets along.
    And Stalin looks at the map,
    Tight strands through the smoke.

    There Shura, goldfinch, boy,
    In the roaring mountain of metal *!
    There is a flash in my eyes
    The banner of the Motherland is ala.

    Notes from the author of the verse:
    Tanya - The name Tanya, which was named Kosmodemyanskaya, was chosen by her in memory of the young Komsomol member Tatyana Solomakha, brutally tortured by the White Guards during the Civil War.
    -Weg! (German) - Get out!
    -Geh raus, Schweine (German) - Get out, pigs!
    There Shura, goldfinch, boy,
    Shura ... In the roaring mountain of metal! - Zoya's younger brother Alexander Kosmodemyansky is a Soviet tanker, Hero of the Soviet Union. Alexander, after the death of Zoe, went to the front at the age of only 17, wanting to avenge her death. The young avenger was entrusted with a KV heavy tank, on which he made the inscription "For Zoya". On April 6, 1945, Alexander in Königsberg, on an ISU-152 self-propelled gun, independently forced the Landgraben Canal, destroyed the enemy's battery and held a bridgehead, until the Soviet troops were crossed. On April 8, an ISU-152 self-propelled gun battery under his command captured the key point of the Königsberg defense, Fort Queen Louise. On April 13, 1945, in the north-west of Koeningsberg, after his self-propelled gun was knocked out, he entered into a small battle with the German infantry and captured a key stronghold in the town of Firbrudenkrug, but was mortally wounded in this battle.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +2
        30 November 2021 14: 47
        Who is the author of the opus you quoted, if you please specify?
        1. +4
          30 November 2021 15: 21
          the author of this opus is a large fan, western production
          1. +2
            30 November 2021 15: 26
            So I assumed, Western propaganda, I think, is being flooded completely for lack of factual information)
          2. -3
            30 November 2021 15: 27
            Rabichev, Leonid Nikolaevich
            1. +4
              30 November 2021 15: 35
              Quote: Alex Freman
              Rabichev, Leonid Nikolaevich

              Ahh, so this is the "most authoritative" Soviet poet, front-line soldier, who wrote dubious memoirs ... So dubious that checking his memoirs on the subject of the combat path of his military units showed that the memoirs, to put it mildly, do not correspond to the truth ...
              1. +2
                30 November 2021 17: 01
                Quote: lubesky
                Ahh, so this is the "most authoritative" Soviet poet, front-line soldier, who wrote dubious memoirs ..

                Solzhenitsyn is the same "front-line soldier" ...
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. 0
                    30 November 2021 18: 04
                    And YOU didn’t have a chance to earn military glory from Vlasov?
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                      1. 0
                        30 November 2021 18: 08
                        Quote: Smesharik83
                        Which one?
                        The commander of the 37th Army?
                        Hero of the Battle of Moscow?

                        Judging by the style, only the commander of the ROA ..
                      2. The comment was deleted.
                      3. 0
                        30 November 2021 18: 12
                        Quote: Smesharik83
                        your beloved king signed, insulting veterans ...

                        You already know everything about my love interests ... If you are able to understand - traitors are not veterans ...
                      4. The comment was deleted.
                      5. +1
                        30 November 2021 18: 15
                        Quote: Smesharik83
                        So I’m thinking: will you tell the major tavarisch that "A monstrous mistake has occurred! Call Comrade Putin!")))

                        no mistakes at your expense ... you can call ..
      2. +2
        30 November 2021 21: 24
        What kind of scum are you, if you not only believe in it but also replicate
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. +16
    29 November 2021 11: 23
    I am happy that I studied with Krainov, the nephew of the commander of the detachment in which Zoya was enrolled. One of the streets of Yaroslavl is named after Krainov. And the street is also named after Zoya. And detractors burn in hell! Also, like the author, I wonder why the Wehrmacht has nothing to do with it? The descendants of the occupiers must forever remember whom they raised their hands on! Not every nation will give birth to such a galaxy of heroes. EVERLASTING MEMORY!
    1. +11
      29 November 2021 11: 47
      Yes, especially Gorbachev and Yeltsin did a lot of "useful" for the people - one Nobel prize, the other the center is huge. And not every nation is capable of doing something like the Permian AA Zinoviev said "The ruling elite of our people and their ideological lackeys betrayed their
      country and its people, having become the fifth column of the West. But it happened
      this is a betrayal in front of the people, with their connivance and even with their
      approval. The people as a whole became an accomplice of this historic
      crimes. Our people have become a traitor nation. He betrayed his past
      betrayed those who made unheard-of sacrifices for him, betrayed their descendants,
      betrayed hundreds of millions of people on the planet, who looked at him as a model,
      support and protection. Years will pass, maybe centuries, and our descendants will condemn us as
      traitors, scoundrels, fools, self-seekers, lackeys, cowards, capitulators. AND
      curse us. And it will be fair, for we deserve such a judgment. "
  11. BAI
    29 November 2021 13: 17
    This is she and Vera Voloshin, and their feat should be an example for us, and not the head of the Ministry of Emergencies with a similar award.

    I totally agree. But the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, at least realized what he was doing. The ambassador to Turkey did not even know what was happening, but still - "Hero".
  12. +9
    29 November 2021 13: 27
    I read the article, already a lump in my throat.
  13. +4
    29 November 2021 14: 38
    Recall everyone by name,
    his ...
    It is necessary -
    not dead!
    This is necessary -
    proudly and directly
    dead in the fight ...
    There is
    great right:
    About Me!
    There is
    high right:
    to wish
    and dare! ..
    eternal glory
  14. +8
    29 November 2021 14: 41
    Thanks and deep bow to the author for the bright memory of our Heroes. As it is now, this is not enough in schools and in life.
  15. +5
    29 November 2021 16: 49
    Blessed memory of Zoya and all the fallen !!!!
  16. +8
    29 November 2021 16: 50
    Chci poděkovat autorovi za tento článek. To se dnes málo píše. U nás iv Rusku jsme brzy zapomněli na hrůzu a děs. Zde by se nemělo diskutovat, jen vzpomínat.
  17. +8
    29 November 2021 16: 52
    All right is written.
    My wife, 15 years ago, worked in the archives of the Krasnodar Territory, recruiting material for the filming of a TV movie about the 4th Guards Kuban Cossack Cavalry Corps. One day she came home in tears, and said that she had seen the originals of documents describing the atrocities of the Fritzes in Krasnodar and the Kuban during the occupation. To the question to the archive staff: "Why don't you publish this? After all, these are unclassified documents!" She received an answer that amazed her: "The Germans will start cutting now too !!!!"
    So these creatures did not bring light to our people, but universal death
  18. +6
    29 November 2021 17: 47
    I can’t help myself, but at the genetic level, apparently, I have some kind of prejudice towards the Germans. And whoever speaks today of some kind of "alliance" with the modern German state, let him remember what they did in Soviet Russia in 1941-1944. These wounds still do not heal and will never heal.
    I ask myself, can this happen again today, can all this horror be repeated if the Germans suddenly invade our land again? The answer is yes! It was not necessary to withdraw our troops from Germany in the 1990s ...
  19. +4
    29 November 2021 18: 52
    I am sure that Nevzorov would not have gone to the scaffold. Rotten populist.
  20. +3
    29 November 2021 19: 04
    Investing in the head of young people something can be the correct policy and agitation and the ancestors who brought up. What can our leadership contribute to the younger generation? To snatch more, to go further (to choose from London, Washington), I will ask again, what ?!
  21. +2
    29 November 2021 22: 14
    Sleep well Zoya. Kingdom of Heaven ..... No matter how cruel, but everything is for the better .... if you had not died and lived at least to 70 years, it would have been 1993! And then what is happening for you would be a disgusting mockery worse than the mockery of the Nazis .... But the Lord did not allow it.
  22. +3
    29 November 2021 22: 48
    "They were the most ordinary German workers, peasants and office employees", (we add) small shopkeepers, kulaks - a pro-bourgeois element in their worldview, which big national capital dirtied their heads with the ideology of class solidarity "we are of the same blood!" and chauvinism - the exclusivity of their nation in front of others (our German world!) and hatred of other peoples as subhumans, and made the Germans run for bourgeois affairs. All of them cannon fodder and quite naturally were mobilized to the Eastern Front.

    Not just Germans, Italians, Romanians, Hungarians, etc. committed atrocities with other peoples, and the fascists (fashio - a bunch, that is, SOLIDARISM of classes for the victory of national capital in the competitive struggle).
    Not the Russians (since they are different Russians) destroyed German fascism, but the SOVIET. Both Aliya Moldogulova and Ametkhan Sultan are Soviet, and Kolchak, Krasnov and Shkuro are enemies, even if they are Russians. And the last two took the side of the fascists for quite understandable reasons, since everyone who advocates the preservation of capitalism, sooner or later, when favorable conditions arise, will come to fascism - as the ideology of capitalism, as its real face, when the happiness of an insignificant minority is based on the grief of the overwhelming majority, the blood of the majority, the bones of the majority, and all emotional reflections on the current state of affairs are replaced by the short phrase "I am personally fed up!"

    It is important to note that:
    Fascism strengthens the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the hegemonic system, and the forces of military and civil coercion at the disposal of the ruling classes. In other words, fascism is a policy (weapon, tool) used by the ruling class, including to regain control.

    It is impossible to transfer fascism from the field of economics to the field of non-material relations between people. Fascism is a special way of capitalist management - an attempt to break out into the leaders bypassing purely economic competition, with the help of brute force relying on colossal finances.

    And here the most important condition for the maturation of fascism (for example, in a single country) is SOLIDARISM.

    It is a mistake to think that fascism is in itself a super inhuman act in relation to other people. The antihuman actions themselves are not fascism, but only a form of external manifestation of such a phenomenon as fascism, its natural consequence.
    That is, in the essence of fascism, not anti-humanism, as such, but, on the contrary, anti-humanism is a natural consequence for the implementation of a fascist economic policy.
    German soldiers were not born without exception clinical sadists. BUT
    with the help of SOLIDARISM, the fascist ideologues have drilled into their heads the idea that in order to achieve the necessary economic result, it is necessary to show savage cruelty. And well-grounded reasons. This is what ordinary German workers, peasants and office workers, small shopkeepers, and kulaks agreed with - a pro-bourgeois element in their worldview, which big national capital dirtied their heads with the ideology of class solidarity (I repeat). And only ONLY people with a communist scientific worldview, in whose heads there was a SCIENTIFIC UNDERSTANDING of the class struggle, were not in the ranks of the fascists of all countries. On the contrary, the owners of class consciousness (whether a proletarian or an intellectual is not important) ALL, as one, joined the struggle AGAINST fascism.

    Kosmodemyanskaya and Voloshin - this is the SAMPLE of class communist consciousness.
  23. -2
    30 November 2021 01: 12
    Not all Germans were fascists. Mobilization drove teachers, bank workers, and office workers to war. The Germans were in the house near Maloyaroslavets, where my father lived - a little boy. The officer gave the children chocolates
  24. -3
    30 November 2021 13: 32
    [/ quote] Were they arsonists in the cold of the huts of their compatriots?
    No, the servicemen of military unit No. 9903 were executing order No. 428, which spoke of the "scorched earth" tactics! [Quote]

    It is clear that everyone needs heroes and heroines, especially in such a difficult time as war. But this does not mean that they need to be sucked out of the finger. In this case, for example, it is not clear how you can execute Order No. 428 without burning and destroying the huts. View in the text of the order it is written in black on white that:
    [/ i] 1. Destroy and burn to ashes all settlements in the rear of the German troops at a distance of 40-60 km in depth from the forward edge and 20-30 km to the right and left of the roads. [I]
    So why are those Soviet girls who burned the houses of their peaceful compatriots called "heroes", and when the Germans did the same, they are fanatics, fascists?
    Although, since we won, it means we did everything right, especially since the war will write off everything ...
    1. +2
      1 December 2021 17: 54
      Are you paid for such posts on a time basis, or are you on a deal?
      1. 0
        1 December 2021 20: 16
        But in essence there is something to answer, or did you just come to spit and express your, so to speak, firm civic position?
    2. -1
      11 February 2022 09: 19
      No need to remember about order 428 on this site
  25. The comment was deleted.
  26. +1
    30 November 2021 18: 46
    Thank you for the article!
  27. -1
    30 November 2021 23: 12
    "I would like to draw your attention again to one fact, very important, from my point of view - brutal abuse, beating, subsequent abuse of the already lifeless body of Zoya was committed by ordinary servicemen of a completely ordinary 332 infantry regiment."
    for the author's information, it was not documented that there were traces of torture on Kosmodemyanskaya's body.
    Which does not diminish her Great Deed
    The rest is even too lazy to comment on - the author conscientiously rewrote all the ridiculous and completely unnecessary speculations that have long been walking around Zoe's personality
    1. 0
      2 December 2021 15: 14
      Quote: Lewww
      for the author's attention, it was not documented that there are traces of torture on Kosmodemyanskaya's body

      And the lack of nails is an inexperienced manicurist caught?
      1. 0
        3 December 2021 00: 22
        Name in which document the absence of nails is recorded and where exactly: on the hands or on the legs?
        1. +1
          3 December 2021 13: 48
          ...1. When interviewing eyewitnesses, citizens of the village. Petrishchevo - Sedova V.N., Sedova M.I., Voronina A.P., Kulik P.Ya., Kulik V.A. - it was found that in the first days of December 1941 in the houses of citizens with. Petrishchevo - Sedova M.I., Voronina A.P., Kulik V.A. a search, interrogation and brutal mockery of an unknown Soviet girl by German soldiers and officers was carried out.
          After a search, interrogation and brutal abuse of her, she was hanged the next day in the center of the village. Petrishchevo at the crossroads.
          Citizens from. Petrishchevo - Sedova V.N., Sedova M.I., Voronina A.P., Kulik P.Ya., Kulik V.A., as well as the teacher of language and literature T. Novoselova V.S. and student Belokun V.I. according to the photographs presented by the Intelligence Department of the headquarters of the Western Front, they identified that the Komsomol member Kosmodemyanskaya Zoya Anatolyevna was hanged.
          2. The commission excavated the grave where Kosmodemyanskaya Zoya Anatolyevna was buried. The examination of the corpse confirmed the testimony of the aforementioned comrades ...
          1. -1
            3 December 2021 19: 24
            If you could not understand the essence of my question at the first reading, I can repeat:

            Name in which document it is recorded lack of nails and where exactly: on your hands or on your feet?
            1. 0
              3 December 2021 20: 07
              Quote: Lewww
              If you could not understand the essence of my question at the first reading, I can repeat:

              Did you understand the essence of what was written? Did you understand that the investigation was conducted?
              Quote: mat-vey
              ... The examination of the corpse confirmed the testimony of the aforementioned comrades ..

              Do you understand the meaning?
              Memories of the identification of K.A. Have you read Miloradova? Or do you need to cross-examine the residents of Petrishchevo with the Germans? And photographs were taken in the basements of the NKVD ..
              1. 0
                3 December 2021 23: 30
                Quote: mat-vey
                Do you understand the meaning?
                Memories of the identification of K.A. Have you read Miloradova?
                Dear, I have read a lot and know something about military unit 9903, which you do not know.
                But this is not important, in our discussion it is only important that you have not been able to answer my direct question:
                Quote: Lewww
                Name in which document the absence of nails is recorded and where exactly: on the hands or on the legs?

                Because severed nails are a fantasy, a figment of your imagination - not confirmed by any documents and are not even mentioned in the testimony of collective farmers.
                1. -1
                  4 December 2021 06: 01
                  Quote: Lewww
                  Dear, I have read a lot and know something about military unit 9903, which you do not know.

                  And sometimes you just speculate ... oh sorry, you draw conclusions based on the information received ...
                  Quote: Lewww
                  Because torn nails are a fantasy, a figment of your imagination

                  Maybe I just know how to read? For example, the memoirs of K.A. Miloradova ... although yes, she is not a "collective farmer" ... although the "collective farmers" also said something about torture and bullying that on the basis of these "stories" even someone was shot (probably without trial and investigation - what to take with the NKVD) ...
                  PySy - so "the testimony of collective farmers" is this a document or is it still not? Or they cannot be trusted because they are "collective farmers", and the Germans signed a bunch of conventions and therefore did not allow themselves "any liberties" in relation to the civilian population and prisoners?
                  Quote: mat-vey
                  After the search, interrogation and brutal abuse of her

                  Quote: mat-vey
                  The examination of the corpse confirmed the testimony of the aforementioned comrades ...
                2. 0
                  11 February 2022 09: 26
                  Quote: Lewww
                  Dear, I have read a lot and know something about military unit 9903, which you do not know.

                  There is a version that Kosmodemyanskaya was caught not by the Germans, but by guards from the locals, exposed after their houses began to catch fire
    2. 0
      5 December 2021 19: 49
      for the author's information, it was not documented that there were traces of torture on Kosmodemyanskaya's body.

      horseradish. And the photos themselves do not show the Deutsche Goldaten? Can you put on your glasses?
  28. -1
    4 December 2021 10: 05
    Quote: mat-vey
    And sometimes you just speculate ... oh sorry, you draw conclusions based on the information received ...

    it is you who are thinking it up.
    And at first I take the written text literally, then I evaluate and, if possible, establish its degree of reliability.
    Quote: mat-vey
    Maybe I just know how to read? For example, the memoirs of K.A. Miloradova.
    FOR THE FOURTH TIME I suggest: quote verbatim with reference to docs a fragment where Miloradova, residents of Petrishchevo, or someone else report that during torture Kosmodemyanskaya's nails were torn off.

    You finally admit that this is your fantasy, or will you continue to engage in verbiage?
  29. +1
    6 December 2021 10: 50
    The exploits of our compatriots must live forever! And most importantly - we need to tell our children about them in families and schools so that they remember, honor and distinguish evil from good!
  30. 0
    11 February 2022 11: 18
    Quote: mat-vey
    PySy - so "the testimony of collective farmers" is a document or is it not? Or they cannot be trusted because they are "collective farmers"
    did not understand the meaning of your speech.
    Any evidence must first of all be assessed for the historical accuracy of the information presented in it.
    This is done by comparing with data from other sources.
    However, let us return to the essence of the issue: I have not come across the recollections of collective farmers from Petrishchevo where it would be written that Kosmodemyanskaya was brutally tortured and her nails were torn off.
    Do you have such evidence?
  31. +1
    11 February 2022 13: 44
    Thanks so much for the article!
  32. 0
    12 February 2022 22: 18
    Klim Sanych Zhukov told on his channel why she called herself Tanya.
    That's where the story is tough too. But it is even harder that Tanya was tortured and killed by the White Guards, and not by the Germans ...
    And Kolya from Urengoy and ignoramuses ... there are no censorship words here. I already have one warning.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"