"Nudol" versus "Virgin". Tests of the Russian anti-satellite complex


The first known image of the Nudol launcher

On November 15, tests of a promising domestic anti-satellite complex with firing at a real orbital target took place. There is still little official information about this event, and most of the available information is speculative. Nevertheless, in this case, the tests attracted attention, and also once again became a reason for criticism from third countries.

Latest news

The first reports of the tests appeared on November 15 in the American press. Referring to the US Space Force, various publications wrote that Russia had tested a certain anti-satellite missile system, during which it attacked an old and out of order satellite. The direct intercept munition successfully hit the target, as a result of which a certain amount of debris was formed in orbit.

Soon, an official statement by the US State Department was released, in which the tests were called reckless and destructive. The State Department claims that as a result of the interception of the satellite in orbit, more than 1500 debris were formed, which in the future could crumble into hundreds of thousands of smaller fragments. All of this is said to pose a danger to space projects of all countries. In addition, the United States did not forget to accuse Russia of intending to militarize space.

Official information appeared the next day, November 16. The Russian Defense Ministry reported on the successful defeat of the orbital target, which was the inoperative Celina-D satellite, which had flown since 1982. The agency confirmed that a certain amount of debris had formed when the device was hit. They still remain in orbit, but do not pose a threat to the ISS or active satellites. In this case, all the fragments are taken for accompaniment and will be tracked until they cease to exist.

"Nudol" versus "Virgin". Tests of the Russian anti-satellite complex

Then the latest events were commented on by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His message indicates that the tests were carried out as part of the planned activities of the armed forces. They fully comply with all international agreements and norms and are not directed against any country. In addition, the Foreign Ministry reminds that the Russian defense doctrine does not provide for the achievement of military superiority in outer space, in contrast to the corresponding documents of the United States. In this regard, it is proposed to start developing new agreements on limiting the arms race in outer space.

Technical aspects

The Russian Ministry of Defense does not specify the details of the recent tests, and the foreign press is trying to do it for him. From foreign data, it follows that on November 15, the next tests of the promising anti-space defense complex "Nudol", also known as 14Ts033, took place.

From 2014 to 2020, American government agencies and the media reported on nine test launches of this complex. The recent shootings were already the tenth in the overall series of tests and the first this year. At the same time, for the first time, the launch was carried out not at a calculated point in space, but at a real target - due to which the test launch was as similar as possible to real combat use.

It is believed that to intercept orbital targets, the Nudol complex should use a specially designed missile with a combat stage in the form of a homing kinetic interceptor. The missiles are transported on a self-propelled launcher. The complex operates under the control of its own command-computing center and can receive its own target detection equipment.

Trajectory of the satellite "Kosmos-1408" (red-orange line) and areas closed for the duration of the tests (marked in blue)

As reported, the target for the anti-satellite missile of the new type was the apparatus "Kosmos-1408". It was an 11F619 Tselina-D electronic reconnaissance satellite, launched back in September 1982. For several years, it collected data on the activities of a potential enemy, but then it ran out of service, turned off and has been inactive until now. According to various sources, recently "Cosmos-1408" was in orbit up to 500-550 km high.

Thus, recent tests have shown the ability of the new domestic complex to solve rather complex combat missions. He, with the help of his own or third-party means, found and escorted a target at a considerable height, after which he launched an interceptor missile. The latter successfully entered the meeting area with a target, aimed at it and struck, probably with a direct hit.

Particularly important development

Increased attention to the latter news quite understandable. A promising anti-satellite complex is of great importance for our defense, and in addition, it is capable of confusing the plans of a potential adversary. It is important that the Ministry of Defense is now openly talking about the presence of such a sample and about its testing. Previously, such news came only from abroad, and their veracity could be in doubt.

The performance characteristics of the new complex have not yet been disclosed. However, the known features of the latest tests allow us to draw some conclusions and assumptions. So, the complex is made mobile, and the launcher can be quickly transferred to a given area. Also shown is the fundamental possibility of hitting an orbital target at altitudes of approx. 500-550 km. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that in the latest firing, far from the full potential of the interceptor missile was used.

General view of the satellite "Celina-D"

At least a significant part of the military satellites of a potential enemy falls into the zone of destruction of the Nudol complex. For example, the American KH-11 series vehicles are in orbits from 260 to 1000 km and could theoretically be hit by a new Russian missile. The mobile version of the complex, in turn, will allow the launch at the right time and from the optimal area.

The resulting complex, as the Foreign Ministry justly notes, does not violate international agreements on weapons in outer space. The interception of an orbital target is carried out by a ground-based missile and without the deployment of any combat assets in space. At the same time, the complex is able to help comply with agreements, because hypothetical armed satellites are also among its potential targets.

First in the world

The Nudol anti-satellite missile system has been undergoing tests over the past several years, and has now reached the point of firing at a real target in orbit. In addition, the Ministry of Defense no longer hides the existence of this project and the testing.

All this shows a high level of readiness of the project and may indicate that in the near future the new complex will be put into service. Accordingly, in the next few years, our air and missile defense system will receive fundamentally new combat capabilities and all the attendant advantages.

It should be noted that similar anti-satellite systems already exist abroad, which have been tested by real shooting. In 2007-2008. China and the United States tested their missiles, and in 2019 similar tests took place in India. However, new tests of Chinese, American and Indian missiles have not been carried out, and the current status of these projects is unknown. At the same time, the situation around the Russian complex is gradually clearing up, and in an exclusively positive way.
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  1. -2
    18 November 2021 06: 15
    Very good news. But in order to really disrupt the work of the huge orbital grouping of the United States and his henchmen, a massive saturation of the Aerospace Forces with such complexes is needed, which is not fast. Yes, and there is infa that the complex uses external target designation. Which is not very good. So we have to keep moving in the right direction!
    1. +2
      18 November 2021 06: 23
      MOSCOW, November 16. / TASS /. Instead of making unfounded accusations against Russia about testing weapons in space, the United States should sit down at the negotiating table and discuss its concerns in this area. This was stated on Tuesday at a press conference by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

      Did you also join the unfounded accusations of Russia? laughing
      1. -14
        18 November 2021 06: 39
        ... The Russian Defense Ministry did not elaborate on the details of the recent tests, and the foreign press tries to do it for him

        Yes. The news came from there. What the Ministry of Defense reports is news only for those who categorically do not believe the foreign press. The Defense Ministry only confirms Western news and does not deny details.

        ... Official information appeared the next day, November 16. The Russian Defense Ministry announced the successful defeat of an orbital target
        1. +4
          18 November 2021 07: 33
          The work is going in the right direction. In addition to the United States, the former "most probable enemy" and now "our Western partner", many different countries have their own space programs, and not all of them are friendly. Therefore, this is a clear sign of our capabilities.
          1. +8
            18 November 2021 08: 00
            many different countries have their own space programs, and not all of them are friendly.
            More precisely, all of them, without exception, have a dual purpose.
          2. -3
            18 November 2021 08: 01
            Once again, the first thing they learned about new information was from Western voices, while their own ones were silent or created a senseless noise about double standards and Russophobia. This does not add efficiency to our tools for working in the information field, if suddenly someone cares about it.
            1. AUL
              18 November 2021 08: 44
              The recent shootings were already the tenth in the overall series of tests and the first this year. At the same time, for the first time, the launch was carried out not according to the calculated point in space, but according to the real goal.
              Should this be understood in such a way that we just missed the first 9 launches (which is not a shame, given the complexity of the task)? It is difficult to imagine that a rocket was launched in order to hit not a real target, but a piece of space. It turns out to be expensive to shoot just like that, into the wind and not even try to hit the real target!
              1. 21+
                18 November 2021 09: 26
                Quote from AUL
                Should this be understood so that we just missed the first 9 launches?

                You don't get it right! No. Previously, launches were carried out at the calculated point! That is, the dynamic coordinates of the virtual target (object) were set, and the anti-missile must "connect" with the given coordinates at the moment when the virtual target should be there. A practical (real) launch means that before that, during the tests, the anti-missile missile repeatedly accurately went to the design point ... "hit" the virtual target! (What is the peacock-mawlin? What is the mistake?) A practical start means that the tests have reached the final ...
                1. AUL
                  18 November 2021 09: 45
                  Quote: Nikolaevich I
                  You don't get it right!

                  Thank you very much and bow to the ground for explaining to me about the virtual point - no matter how hard it is! laughing And now, if you explain to me, not too distant, why the coordinates and dynamics of a virtual, and not a real target were laid in the target designation of 9 previous ones, I will generally be happy for a whole week!
                  For in my experience, with each test, and even more so, with such expensive ones, the goal is always to obtain the maximum information possible in a given situation.
                  1. +6
                    18 November 2021 12: 25
                    because these are tests, all over the world they shoot at virtual targets and then at real
                    1. AUL
                      18 November 2021 13: 05
                      Quote: Nastia Makarova
                      because these are tests, all over the world they shoot at virtual targets and then at real

                      That is, in other words, "because now everyone is wearing it!" Thanks for the clarification, Nastenka! love
                      1. +5
                        18 November 2021 13: 13
                        well, at least someone helped to understand))))
                      2. +2
                        18 November 2021 14: 20
                        Quote from AUL
                        Quote: Nastia Makarova
                        because these are tests, all over the world they shoot at virtual targets and then at real

                        That is, in other words, "because now everyone is wearing it!" Thanks for the clarification, Nastenka! love

                        Well, as the development of complex technology is not a magic wand.
                        you have to go through many consecutive and expensive stages.
                        read the history of the development of at least military aircraft. almost all took with them the lives of the testers and the first pilots, some more than ten, while they were brought to mind.
                        no one else is doing better and easier on this planet.
                  2. +5
                    18 November 2021 12: 39
                    Quote from AUL
                    he himself would not have doped in zhist!

                    Believe it ... considering the meaning of your first comment ...
                    Quote from AUL
                    why in the target designation of the previous 9 were the coordinates and dynamics of a virtual, and not a real target, I will be generally happy for a whole week!

                    Sorry, but now I can not give you a week of happiness ... I need to come to my senses for a week after your demand to "prove the obvious"! (Well ... like to prove that 2x2 = 4 ...)
                    PS And you do not have to be ill! hi
                    1. AUL
                      18 November 2021 13: 08
                      Quote: Nikolaevich I
                      Sorry, but now I can not give you a week of happiness ... I need to come to my senses for a week after your demand to "prove the obvious"!

                      Well, I can wait a week. Even 10 days. But no more - I'll be busy! lol
                  3. +8
                    18 November 2021 16: 52
                    The engine, mass and dimensions (all the same, a mobile complex), a control system with a guidance unit were worked out. Starts were made both from mine installations and then mobile. So 9 launches is still a minimum, and there is nothing to clog up space with clumps of rockets. When everything worked out, they chose a real target and tested the finished worked version.
                  4. +5
                    18 November 2021 16: 56
                    Quote from AUL
                    why in the target designation of the previous 9 were the coordinates and dynamics of a virtual, and not a real target

                    Run for a box of booze for a week while I explain, don't waste time:

                    When shooting at a virtual target, the amount of space debris increases by 1 unit. When shooting at a real one - by thousands of units. In wartime, one does not care about this, but in peacetime it is impossible to litter the space as it is in it and to fly and to other innocent countries.
                    1. AUL
                      18 November 2021 18: 55
                      Quote: Flanke
                      When shooting at a virtual target, the amount of space debris increases by 1 unit. When shooting at real - by thousands of units

                      Ah, that's where the dog rummaged! From the "green", therefore, considerations! laughing
                      Don't you think that shooting at a real target and shooting at a "donut hole" are not the same thing? It is one thing to launch a rocket into a certain volume of space (which is not measured in cubic cm, but at best in cubic km), and quite another is to find the desired target in this volume with dimensions in meters and strike it with kinetic elements!
                      And if the first stage of the process - the delivery of the warhead to the required volume, no longer contains fundamental difficulties (there are similar developments in astronautics, for example), then the second stage - the selection of targets in a given volume, aiming and hitting the desired object - is much less developed. And launching 9 missiles only to complete the 1st stage, without a warhead (which first of all needs to be worked out) is an impermissible waste!
                      PS And I have a supply of alcohol at home. Not for a week of conscientious binge, of course, but for a couple of times thoughtfully sitting with a good person is quite! wink
                      1. +5
                        18 November 2021 19: 16
                        This is not green considerations, but practicality. For example, you and I do not urinate on the floor in the office, but endure to the toilet because you can get it from colleagues in the face.

                        Well, you can also get into a square with dimensions in meters in a given square. As far as I understood, positioning is up to centimeters there now. That is, a real launch with a real hit, but without a target. The real application is when it was necessary to show that if necessary, we will bang their expensive satellite.
                      2. AUL
                        18 November 2021 19: 31
                        Quote: Flanke
                        As far as I understood, positioning is up to centimeters there now. That is, a real launch with a real hit, but without a target.

                        How do you determine the reality of a hit? wink
                        Moving warhead, moving target. About "up to centimeters positioning now." - you are a great optimist. You need a very nimble computer and well-debugged software, which cannot be done without real launches.
                      3. +2
                        18 November 2021 19: 56
                        Well, they track the same objects in a few centimeters. Docking all sorts of automatic. Telemetry. Have come up with something. Moreover, it is not necessary to shoot up to centimeters there, it is enough to shoot thousands of balls in a cone like in an anti-aircraft missile.
                  5. +1
                    18 November 2021 19: 30
                    Quote from AUL
                    Thank you very much and bow to the ground for explaining to me about the virtual point - no matter how hard it is!

                    Well, you see: it means not in vain Nikolaevich tried hard! lol
                    1. +1
                      19 November 2021 16: 43
                      Now here's what's interesting: in the Leader project there were PUs for Nudoli.
                      Will such PUs be installed on Nakhimov or not? There is enough space.
          3. SSR
            18 November 2021 20: 24
            Quote: Civil
            Therefore, this is a clear sign of our capabilities.

            Only we are back in role number two.

            At the same time, the complex is able to help comply with agreements, because into the circle of his potential goals includes hypothetical armed satellites.

            If, this is a hypothetical satellite, strikes first, then there will be victims on the ground, and we will destroy the empty carrier with return fire.
            The exchange is completely ambiguous.
            The attacker will be one step ahead.
            1. 0
              19 November 2021 16: 46
              No one will inflict a single blow, it is more expensive for itself.
              And it is impossible to hide the preparation for a massive strike.
        2. +7
          18 November 2021 07: 42
          "The Russian Ministry of Defense does not specify the details of the recent tests, and the foreign press is trying to do it for him.. "It looks like the Ministry of Defense made a statement. Because it was prompted (forced) by the foreign press? Stas also added that by making such a statement, the Ministry of Defense took care of the state of mind of those who do not believe in the Western press? But to put it mildly, not As for the details, the MoD is not obliged to refute the vile fabrications.
    2. +5
      18 November 2021 07: 59
      Yes, and there is infa that the complex uses external target designation. Which is not very good.
      There is a great suspicion that the complex is omnivorous in terms of receiving target designation: there is external from large stationary complexes - excellent, there is target designation from the same S-400 or S-500 - we use it, there is nothing external - we use our standard station.
    3. -32
      18 November 2021 08: 09
      Inflation is almost 9%, the average pension is 16 thousand What is more important? Like a balance of interests.?
      1. +7
        18 November 2021 08: 50
        Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
        Inflation is almost 9%, the average pension is 16 thousand What is more important? Like a balance of interests.?

        You do not count our inflation and pensions, we ourselves somehow! It will no longer be possible to live at our expense in the foreseeable future.
        1. -16
          18 November 2021 10: 04
          Who are "we.? And why I, a resident of Russia, cannot calculate my pension and my standard of living Do not take care of the whole fatherland, you are small on a historical scale More with pique vests (if you know who it is) you associate
          1. +8
            18 November 2021 10: 09
            Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
            Who are "we.? And why I, a resident of Russia, cannot calculate my pension and my standard of living Do not take care of the whole fatherland, you are small on a historical scale More with pique vests (if you know who it is) you associate

            You, too, are not a wide flight ...... a bird, count your pension and lament, but for everyone it is not necessary! Write then, they say, my pension is small, but to equalize everyone ... with hints that there is no need to divide and distribute everything.
            1. -20
              18 November 2021 10: 31
              Something you somehow turned sour about life at your expense The wrong line stuck a training manual It happens that morning, everyone has different things As for hints, you, like realties, keep it with you I get a pretty decent pension for a senior officer But I do not live in an airless space And at work, and very often I come across people who receive 13-14 thousand, without the slightest prospect of living at least somehow better. Therefore, I said whether the slogan Cannons instead of butter would work.
              1. +7
                18 November 2021 10: 40
                Morning, apparently, you, so-so, was! By 10 hours 30 minutes, they dispersed and wrote more or less clearly what they wanted to express! But on the merits of the question - I do not see a parallel today between guns and a pandemic, including deaths. There are many questions, ranging from the origin of the virus, the effectiveness of vaccines and the unwillingness of citizens to be vaccinated (he himself was vaccinated at the beginning of the year). But in a historical retrospective, it is clearly clear that without guns, there is no oil or life at all, that is, there is oil and life, but not those who do not have guns, the latter, at best, have beads! hi
                1. -15
                  18 November 2021 10: 47
                  No, well, you famously dodged the answer to the question of who lives at your expense. that it is not only with us) and think what is more important
                  1. +2
                    18 November 2021 10: 52
                    I did not evade anywhere, it was just that from your first post it was not clear where you were from, judging by the statement, I thought that from abroad, therefore, at our expense, the phrase was! Remember the famous - against Russia, on the ruins of Russia and at the expense of Russia. So the freebie goes by on the sly for them. But you dodged the answer - so that we will be sawing guns in retirement? Will we cut and distribute everything, as in the best nonsense of liberalism? Nobody is going to attack us?!? And what about the coronavirus and deaths, where is the connection with the guns? Huh?
                    1. -12
                      18 November 2021 11: 11
                      The connection is the most direct, creating all sorts of crap, such as Poseidons and other products, we completely forgot about health care Go to any clinic and take a look And also, come to our military hospital, which is one for the whole district and wipe it And roughly speaking, don't ... .... those from what they saw, look where the urologist of the polyclinic takes. Here is a direct link with guns and oil. And pensions.? What has to do with dividing, do not exaggerate But ensuring a decent standard of living of the population is a direct responsibility of the state and the leader personally And I think that after going to the store, an elderly person will deeply spit on all the trials And resentment will stifle, why his native state did this to him
                      1. +4
                        18 November 2021 11: 37
                        I doubt very much that you are from Russia and that you are a former senior officer. I go to hospitals and have been in hospitals. Everywhere it is different (no need to bring Moscow to me), but everywhere there is almost a repair or has undergone new equipment. Yes, it's not good with specialists. Undoubtedly, the standard of living must be raised, and this is what they are doing. But, here are the neighbors, near and far, well, not as they do not want it, they interfere, with all sorts of sanctions, armaments, so you have to allocate a certain part for the army and the defense industry, alas, this is the truth of life! And so, according to you, according to the liberal, and the police should be dispersed and the Rosguard, and all the money should be spent on health care, and the rest should be distributed. BUT THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN! Someone and bandos should drive, and someone and the country to defend and not with their bare hands.
                      2. -5
                        18 November 2021 11: 50
                        Let's conclude an agreement You come to me in Smolensk I will take you to our hospital I will show you in what conditions the specialists of the polyclinic work, I will show the medical building If I lied about something, I pay you the way here and there and cover the glades If not, you cover me At the same time I will show my retirement, the title is indicated there. Agree.? And what about the National Guard, you are not far from the truth
                      3. +8
                        18 November 2021 12: 05
                        I will support you ... if a Person is ready to reveal himself and invites you to visit to show Honor, This is Strong! Money is not a Special problem for me, I am ready to participate and invest in an excursion. In PM for details. But if you are cheating ... My fie is guaranteed to you.
                      4. -1
                        18 November 2021 12: 10
                        Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
                        The connection is the most direct
                        The most direct connection is only that we have both "guns" and "oil" in a flawed condition, and they need to be opposed not to each other, but to our capitalism, which has brought healthcare, education and science to the handle in "optimization". There is still a military-technical potential from the USSR, in which there is still someone to create the same "Nudol". Nevertheless, like natural resources, many of the Soviet military developments are sold for green "candy wrappers". Others have nothing special to trade with, we mostly buy ourselves, like "import substitution", we have already reached seed potatoes with sugar beets ...

                        S-300s were sold long ago, we are selling S-400s for them, even the newest S-500s are ready to be exported, and the S-500 is already actually a system capable of hitting space objects. This is despite the fact that more than one thousand "axes" (Tomahawk) are sharpened against us, plus thousands of aircraft, in fact, with our piece assembly of each air defense complex and missiles for them. Who will repel the attack if a real "grandiose nix" happens? But, we sell, in fact, when they themselves are still "with a bare bottom."

                        Why, probably because no one is going to really fight with their bourgeois masters, in which our moneybags keep all their wealth. So we live, some increase the rating from puffing out their cheeks, others make money on weapons, and guns and oil are a second time, like the people themselves. Here it is no longer necessary to talk about cannons instead of butter, but about the need for people's power, then we will be happy, both with butter and with cannons.
                      5. -11
                        18 November 2021 12: 57
                        Well, we passed the people's power The result, alas, is known And there is only one way out, fair, impartial elections The people determine how they should live Agree And no amendments to the Constitution
          2. +7
            18 November 2021 14: 58
            Well, snot started again. It seems that we were discussing the work of "Nudoli" for a real goal, but then there appeared either a Ukrainian, or a "fighter of the Central Intelligence Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, or just a troll and began to ruin everything. Dear, you were not mistaken with the site? Maybe you are on Censor or Avia.pro?"
            Moderator, how long can you remind about these ghouls that prevent people from communicating normally?
          3. +6
            18 November 2021 15: 05
            Yes, count, for God's sake. BUT just not on this site and not in this discussion. The discussion is going on combat work on the real goal of the Nudol complex.
            On specialized sites, such as Voenpence, Financier and the like, dismiss your snot as much as you want, but here you seem to have nothing to do. Or is it a shift task to ruin the discussion on topwar?
          4. +3
            18 November 2021 17: 06
            You can, of course, consider your pension and the standard of living corresponding to it. But if you now raise the standard of living to the maximum, then your descendants may no longer have any standard of living at all, like the Russian state. But maybe you have no descendants, maybe your great-grandfathers or grandfathers fought not on our side or sat in the rear, maybe they were at odds with the law and instead of protecting the Fatherland they sat in camps, then the principle is right for you, After me, at least the grass does not grow ,,. But you understand what the matter is, the overwhelming majority of real Citizens of Russia are against this principle!
            1. -8
              18 November 2021 17: 57
              For God's sake, answer for yourself, the VO audience is a very specific audience and you shouldn't do sociological research on it
      2. +5
        18 November 2021 10: 16
        Do not confuse the situation with prostitution
        1. -11
          18 November 2021 10: 31
          Decipher if it doesn't bother you
      3. +7
        18 November 2021 12: 26
        judging by the minuses, zero is more important)))))
    4. -4
      20 November 2021 17: 55
      The USA did this trick back in 2008! And Russia only 13 years later tested anti-satellite weapons! I wonder how Russian patriots will comment on this gigantic abyss? There is a clear technical rejection of the Russian Federation from the West, no matter who would say it!
  2. +8
    18 November 2021 06: 24
    As JV Stalin said: "If we are scolded in the West, then we are doing everything right." It's nice to read such news.
  3. +2
    18 November 2021 06: 28
    The reckless behavior of the United States, which constantly threatened Russia with all sorts of punishments, led to this test.
    It would be possible to resume underground nuclear tests for the sprout ... otherwise the Anglo-Saxons have completely lost their fear and are climbing to our borders with the insistence of racketeers.
    The United States understands only strength and it must be demonstrated to them.
    1. +3
      18 November 2021 08: 02
      It would be possible to resume underground nuclear tests for the sprout ...
      You will also propose to conduct orbital tests of the gigaton class. For an accent.
    2. Loh
      18 November 2021 09: 02
      So underground tests should be carried out along the perimeter of the western border ... weak soldier drinks
      1. 0
        23 November 2021 09: 05
        So underground tests should be carried out along the perimeter of the western border ... weak
        And then tell the amazed "public" that we are building underground gas storage facilities to supply Europe with gas laughing
  4. +4
    18 November 2021 06: 39
    The news is not new, but the mood in the morning raises and confidence, as they used to say, in the peaceful sky overhead!
  5. -1
    18 November 2021 06: 43
    So the ISS was dodging our debris?
    1. -3
      18 November 2021 07: 14
      Quote: ASAD
      So the ISS was dodging our debris?

      1. -3
        18 November 2021 07: 15
        Thanks for the clarification.
    2. 10+
      18 November 2021 10: 18
      No. The fragments and the ISS fly not only in different orbits, but also in different planes.
  6. +2
    18 November 2021 06: 46
    now we can assume what Putin meant when he spoke a couple of weeks ago about a completely new weapon that Russia already possesses.
    1. -10
      18 November 2021 07: 55
      Quote: north 2
      now we can assume what Putin meant when he spoke a couple of weeks ago about a completely new weapon that Russia already possesses.

      What is special about this weapon? It is found in China, India and the USA
      1. +2
        18 November 2021 09: 41
        Quote: Silvestr
        Quote: north 2
        now we can assume what Putin meant when he spoke a couple of weeks ago about a completely new weapon that Russia already possesses.

        What is special about this weapon? It is found in China, India and the USA

        And the peculiarity of this new weapon of Russia is that it can now shoot down this American secret space interceptor X-37B. And Russia does not hide this, after the demonstration with the shooting down of its own satellite. America understands this, that's why they raised hysteria. However, Americans must understand that Putin’s words, that Russia will confidently rebuff all America’s actions, are not words to the wind. By the way, it is not Russia but America that deployed this military interceptor in Space.
        1. +1
          18 November 2021 18: 18
          shoot down this American secret space interceptor X-37B. And Russia does not hide this, after the demonstration with the shooting down of its own satellite. America understands this, that's why they raised hysteria.
          This is exactly the case. I think they were also frightened by the fact that the tests were carried out precisely at the height of their exercises in the Black Sea, thereby showing on what we were turning their threats.
      2. 0
        18 November 2021 18: 16
        Peculiarity? The height of hitting the target and mobility, now look at how China and India shot down. The United States was shot down at an altitude of 247 km, do you still have questions?
        1. -3
          18 November 2021 18: 37
          Quote: MinskFox
          The United States was shot down at an altitude of 247 km,

          Chinese - 800 km
          Quote: MinskFox
          Do you have any questions?
          1. +4
            18 November 2021 18: 45
            I wrote to you with what the Chinese shot down, there is a missile the size of a union.
          2. +2
            18 November 2021 19: 40
            No, the Chinese have fewer, I don’t remember exactly ... But we got it higher - 550 km, and this is not the limit ... In the same place everything is written above
    2. -5
      18 November 2021 08: 57
      It's an old weapon, just a new version, but that's not bad either.
  7. The comment was deleted.
    1. -3
      18 November 2021 07: 08
      Quote: Vladimir Vladimirovich Vorontsov
      And now there are 1897 American satellites in orbit.
      We can look at them through a telescope, or we can ...

      but we may not look ..
  8. -2
    18 November 2021 07: 08
    At least a significant part of the military satellites of a potential enemy falls into the affected area of ​​the Nudol complex.

    And now there are 1897 American satellites in orbit.
    We can look at them through a telescope, or we can ...
    1. -1
      18 November 2021 10: 14
      If you want space to be peaceful, organize the removal of waste from the ball bearing industry into orbit. laughing
      Better for different ...
  9. -4
    18 November 2021 07: 20
    ... The State Department claims that as a result of the interception of the satellite in orbit, more than 1500 debris were formed, which in the future could crumble into hundreds of thousands of smaller fragments.

    Incorrectly cited. Now, and not in the future, 1500 large debris and hundreds of thousands of small debris have already formed. The height was 465 km.
    Despite the fact that space is large, in practice, collisions with debris and spacecraft with each other occur.
    Several years ago, Russian Space and Iridium collided at a speed of 10 kilometers per second in orbits intersecting at almost 90 degrees.
    In the picture, there were about 2000 large debris plus a large number of small debris - the situation is in 20 minutes.

    Most are still scattered in space in different orbits.
  10. +6
    18 November 2021 07: 30
    The presence of anti-satellite weapons, and even on a mobile platform, will greatly confuse the plans of a "potential enemy" ... But how can the most important satellites knock down if they "smell of fried"? And they have a lot of things tied to satellites.
    1. +1
      18 November 2021 07: 57
      Welcome soldier
      The "probable enemy" will try to bring our advanced combat systems under some kind of restriction ... while he does not have this, and now he has no small grief ... their "space advantage" is not so obvious, apparently.
    2. -1
      18 November 2021 09: 18
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      And they have a lot of things tied to satellites.

      And our lieutenant is sitting in the warhead and plotting a course with a curvimeter?
  11. +5
    18 November 2021 07: 43
    Since we live in a world in which there is no stability, then it is necessary to have at least some opportunity to create balance, and therefore it is necessary to shoot.
    There is only one importance - how much does the satellite cost and how much the rocket?
    But there is even greater importance "No matter how expensive victory is, but defeat would be even more expensive"
  12. 0
    18 November 2021 07: 50
    The increased attention to the latest news is understandable. A promising anti-satellite complex is of great importance for our defense, and in addition, it is capable of confusing the plans of a potential adversary.
    Everything is correct. The army, not even a probable enemy, an outright enemy, seeks to get hold of a real advantage of its reconnaissance / strike systems in outer space ... this is not some kind of news, these are real facts.
    Russian defenses need effective countermeasures!
    The same fight of the sword / spear against the shield !!! and no matter in what form, the main thing is that it would be effective.
  13. +4
    18 November 2021 08: 01
    Judging by the ultrasqueal of the Americans, they treasured and valued this old Soviet satellite very much.
  14. 0
    18 November 2021 09: 06
    [quote = abrakadabre] [quote
    There is also a technical side. A satellite capable of performing not just maneuvering, but energetic anti-aircraft maneuvers, must have energy that is crazy by the standards of a spacecraft - a powerful engine and bottomless reserves of fuel. [/ quote]

    Powerful energy is required when the inclination of the orbit is changed, and if you "drive the altitude back and forth", then you do not need a lot of fuel, too. Has risen 200 meters, the fighter will already fly by, if it does not correct its orbit.
    1. +1
      18 November 2021 17: 23
      Two hundred meters? How do anti-aircraft missiles hit? There is also a funnel of balls in a sector, for example, 120 degrees. Here, too, the striking elements should scatter widely when approaching the target.
      1. +1
        18 November 2021 22: 07
        Will the density of the fragments be enough?
        And in general it is written about "It is believed that to intercept orbital targets, the Nudol complex should use a specially designed missile with a combat stage in the form of a homing kinetic interceptor.", Which implies the absence of detonation.
        Although you can combine.
    2. +1
      18 November 2021 18: 24
      Ion engines have a very low mass, but already a good impulse in terms of power. Russia has them.
  15. +1
    18 November 2021 09: 15
  16. 0
    18 November 2021 11: 34
    It is a pity that the gps system will not reach the grouping of satellites. There, however, approx. 20200 km orbital altitude.
    Well, since the adversaries are screaming, it means that our military did everything right, proving that we can shoot down satellites, and if necessary, we will.
  17. 0
    18 November 2021 12: 25
    Quote: prior
    If you want space to be peaceful, organize the removal of waste from the ball bearing industry into orbit. laughing
    Better for different ...

    At every steel mill, a centrifuge (they wrote here about such, like yesterday) for launching into orbit?
  18. +2
    18 November 2021 14: 00
    Great news. We just made it clear to the whole world, we are not PR, we just showed the world what we have and it works !!!!!
  19. +1
    18 November 2021 15: 04
    This is how it is necessary to bring to the public opinion that Russia is catching up - "It should be noted that similar anti-satellite systems already exist abroad, which have been tested by real firings. In 2007-2008, China and the United States tested their missiles, and in 2019 similar tests took place in India. " - propaganda, she is such propaganda ...
    1. 0
      18 November 2021 17: 26
      Propaganda is Peresild, and in this case a knight's move. And in general, how do you think this text should be written? That since China and India managed to cope with it earlier, the zero didn’t get through and didn’t fly?
    2. +1
      18 November 2021 18: 33
      Russia has nothing to catch up. Anti-satellite weapons were tested in the USSR back in the 60-70s. There have been problems for a long time.
    3. -1
      20 November 2021 17: 53
      The USA did this trick back in 2008! And Russia only 13 years later tested anti-satellite weapons! I wonder how Russian patriots will comment on this gigantic abyss? There is a clear technical rejection of the Russian Federation from the West, no matter who would say it!
  20. -1
    18 November 2021 19: 17
    Well, if ours decided to bang on public display, then what they banged out of is outdated and there is something new for which amendments and improvements will be made.
    Now they can score their military project X-51 of the combat shuttle in one place.
    Therefore, so much screeching as it will hurt to score, but taking into account their tolerance, they will like it.
  21. -1
    19 November 2021 09: 07
    Quote: Stas157
    ... The Russian Defense Ministry did not elaborate on the details of the recent tests, and the foreign press tries to do it for him

    Yes. The news came from there. What the Ministry of Defense reports is news only for those who categorically do not believe the foreign press. The Defense Ministry only confirms Western news and does not deny details.

    ... Official information appeared the next day, November 16. The Russian Defense Ministry announced the successful defeat of an orbital target

    Have you noticed how actively the clack is minus ?!
  22. -1
    19 November 2021 09: 13
    So, in the end, the Russian Federation has mastered the kinetic interception of targets in space?
    1. -1
      20 November 2021 17: 52
      The USA did this trick back in 2008! And Russia only 13 years later tested anti-satellite weapons! I wonder how Russian patriots will comment on this gigantic abyss? There is a clear technical rejection of the Russian Federation from the West, no matter who would say it!
      1. 0
        20 November 2021 19: 06
        There are a lot of pitfalls …… The USA made all their missile defense hits in the laboratory mode. With all the input data: from where-to-where-the speed-when will fly: where it is needed …… ..but the kinetic interception is cool.
  23. -1
    19 November 2021 09: 13
    Quote: Sergey Nikiforov
    Inflation is almost 9%, the average pension is 16 thousand What is more important? Like a balance of interests.?

    Very many have a pension of about 12000 rubles. (including surcharge!) ...
    At the moment, klaka has set 33 minuses! Clearly, however ...
  24. -1
    19 November 2021 09: 16
    Quote: neri73-r
    I did not evade anywhere, it was just that from your first post it was not clear where you were from, judging by the statement, I thought that from abroad, therefore, at our expense, the phrase was! Remember the famous - against Russia, on the rubble of Russia and at the expense of Russia... So the freebie goes by on the sly for them. But you dodged the answer - so that we will be sawing guns in retirement? Will we cut and distribute everything, as in the best nonsense of liberalism? Nobody is going to attack us?!? And what about the coronavirus and deaths, where is the connection with the guns? Huh?

    Are you by any chance talking about your masters ?! winked
  25. -1
    19 November 2021 09: 22
    Quote: svoroponov
    You can, of course, consider your pension and the standard of living corresponding to it. But if you now raise the standard of living to the maximum, then your descendants may no longer have any standard of living at all, like the Russian state. But maybe you have no descendants, maybe your great-grandfathers or grandfathers fought not on our side or sat in the rear, maybe they were at odds with the law and instead of protecting the Fatherland they sat in camps, then the principle is right for you, After me, at least the grass does not grow ,,. But you know what the matter is,the overwhelming majority of real Russian Citizens are against this principle!

    And maybe without demagoguery ?! Are you not afraid that with the current development of events (which people like you are defending with foam at the mouth) it will turn out exactly "that your descendants may no longer have any standard of living at all like the Russian state" ?!
    1. -1
      19 November 2021 20: 46
      There is no demagoguery. We do not create problems for the world, we only answer. And also in relation to the Americans - There is no reception against scrap if there is no second scrap. They understand this well. So we will develop and they have already begun to degrade, this is an objective law of the existence and collapse of empires like states. New centers of power have appeared in the face of China (and in the future India). I know what I am talking about. The only thing is that, out of powerlessness, a cornered rat can rush. This is me about the Americans. But then it's better to die together. Although from the size of the Russian State, we have a greater chance of surviving than theirs. And yet, the UK is subject to DESTROY FIRST. All the stench and troubles in the direction of Russia go from there.
      1. -1
        20 November 2021 17: 52
        The USA did this trick back in 2008! And Russia only 13 years later tested anti-satellite weapons! I wonder how Russian patriots will comment on this gigantic abyss? There is a clear technical rejection of the Russian Federation from the West, no matter who would say it!
        1. 0
          20 November 2021 19: 08
          You have to surrender ... ...
  26. -1
    19 November 2021 09: 29
    Quote: Cosm22
    Quote: novel xnumx
    how else to experience? first on a simple target, hit - go to the next level

    And the next level for the target is the ISS itself?

    Ahead ...
  27. 0
    19 November 2021 18: 03
    India conducted tests below the ISS orbit by 100 km, the Americans are higher by 100 km of the orbit, Russia is almost in the ISS orbit - dibelism, I do not even feel sorry for the cosmonauts.
    1. -1
      19 November 2021 20: 52
      Ours were hitting the dogon, so the scattering of fragments is minimal. Do not consider military suckers. They probably calculated and simulated everything 100 times based on the data on the Americans and the Chinese, according to the result of their tests. Well, the cosmonauts just practiced their actions in case of an emergency leaving the station.
  28. -1
    19 November 2021 21: 30
    I would like not to stop there, but to use such weapons .... The West decided to raise the stakes, so ... the Russian Federation should make them even higher .... At a time when the United States openly declares the destruction of the Russian Federation, an answer is needed .... bring the situation to the point of truth ..... Well, let's shoot a dagger at the rate of the aircraft carrier group .... 500 meters from them .... Well, of course, having warned in advance according to all world standards .... Interesting , when entering the water on hypersound, will the wave be big? More aggressively, the RF Ministry of Defense ... help Lavrov solve difficult issues.
  29. 0
    20 November 2021 09: 28
    Quote: svoroponov
    There is no demagoguery ... We do not create problems for the world, we only answer. And also in relation to the Americans - There is no reception against scrap if there is no second scrap. They understand this well. So we will develop and they have already begun to degrade, this is an objective law of the existence and collapse of empires like states. New centers of power have appeared in the face of China (and in the future India). I know what I am talking about. The only thing is that, out of powerlessness, a cornered rat can rush. This is me about the Americans. But then it's better to die together. Although from the size of the Russian State, we have a greater chance of surviving than theirs. And yet, the UK is subject to DESTROY FIRST. All the stench and troubles in the direction of Russia go from there.

    Alas, your writing is really the purest demagoguery. And all "troubles from there" for us have a secondary meaning in comparison with troubles "from here"!
    1. 0
      22 November 2021 11: 44
      If I have demagoguery, then everything that is written here also has it. It’s time to close the discussion, what is it that makes her.
  30. 0
    20 November 2021 09: 31
    Quote: svoroponov
    Ours were hitting the dogon, so the scattering of fragments is minimal. Do not consider military suckers. They probably calculated and simulated everything 100 times based on the data on the Americans and the Chinese, according to the result of their tests. Well, the cosmonauts just practiced their actions in case of an emergency leaving the station.

    I would be sincerely glad if everyone who checked in behind such a variant of the tests would be practiced personally during and after they were carried out ...
  31. The comment was deleted.
  32. -2
    20 November 2021 17: 51
    The USA did this trick back in 2008! And Russia only 13 years later tested anti-satellite weapons! I wonder how Russian patriots will comment on this gigantic abyss? There is a clear technical rejection of the Russian Federation from the West, no matter who would say it!
    1. 0
      22 November 2021 11: 56
      Why comment on that. As far back as the USSR, anti-satellite weapons were developed in the 60-70s. Back in the 70-80s, Nudol shot down the heads of ballistic missiles in lower orbit. And how they differ from low-orbit satellites, but practically nothing, they are even more difficult to intercept than a satellite in a stationary orbit, since in that phase they are already starting to decline. This time, attention was tested, a mobile ground option and the defeat was carried out not on a head-on course, but in pursuit, which speaks of the size and powerful energy of the rocket itself, since such a defeat is more difficult.
      For the Americans. They were able to lock the target and enter data for interception only on the third orbit of the satellite's flight from the start of guidance to the launch of the rocket. That is, if the satellite maneuvered at least a little, the interceptor would not have destroyed it. And another question, this satellite was destroyed by a direct hit or by detonating an interceptor to try to destroy the satellite with shrapnel. The interception was carried out where the space tracking equipment of Russia does not reach and it is not possible now in a cloud of interceptor fragments to determine whether the satellite itself was hit
  33. 0
    26 November 2021 08: 06
    Today it is an advanced technology. But the future of air defense and missile defense belongs to super-powerful railguns that can, in the blink of an eye, launch small-sized smart missiles into Earth's orbit and powerful lasers. It will be very reliable. I wrote about this in my book "I am an Earthling".