The best fighter in the world

The best fighter in the world

V.I. Antonov

The experience of fighting in Vietnam showed that the use of fighter planes with limited maneuverability F-4 "Phantom", armed only with the Sparrow and Sidewinder missiles, proved to be untenable. Even the outdated MiG-17, with vigorous maneuvering, had time to evade missiles, entered the "Phantoms" at the tail and shot them with powerful cannon weapons. It was not by chance that the US Air Force was forced to urgently equip the F-4 with an M-61 "Vulcan" cannon of the 20 mm caliber of high rate of fire.

It was the experience of the Vietnam War that pushed the US to develop the concept of a new fighter aircraft with enhanced maneuverability, armed with guided missiles and cannons, and equipped with new weapons control systems (increased range and resolution, multi-channel). The US Air Force announced a competition for the development of the YF-15 aircraft, in which four firms participated. This is what we now call fourth generation fighter jets.

A similar competition was announced by our Air Force. It was attended by MiG, Su and Yak firms. At first, P. Sukhoi wanted to refuse to participate in the competition, explaining that our lag in radio electronics would not allow us to create a relatively light aircraft. In addition, the requirements for a promising front-line fighter (PFI) included the following: op should be the same for the Air Force and aviation Air defense of the country. This was practically impossible at all, if only because the Air Force radars operated in the 2-cm range, and the air defense aviation radars - in the 4-cm range.

P. Sukhoi’s perseverance lasted for several months until he was “twisted arms”, and he gave the command to start work. Honestly, we did not start from scratch: for more than a year, such development was carried out in the project department, although only one designer worked on it - Vladimir Ivanovich Antonov. I could not single out anymore, although I was sure that we would have to do this.

The basis of the aerodynamic layout of the wing was based on the concept of the so-called "sinusoidal wing". At the beginning of I960, in the English magazine Aerocraft Engineering, the results of blowing such a wing in wind tunnels were presented, moreover, with visualization of its flow, which showed that a sinusoidal wing with a sharp edge gives rise to an almost end section. The French obtained similar results on the so-called "Gothic" wing.

Thus, by the time when, at the beginning of 1971, Mr. P. O. had instructed to proceed with the development, we were already partly ready. Over the weekend (so that no one interfered) three people came to work: Vladimir Antonov, Valery Nikolayenko and me. Thus, the first layout of the T-10 aircraft, the future Su-27, came into being. At the same time, under the influence of the T-4MS aircraft, the entire surface of the new machine was carried out by a set of deformed aerodynamic profiles, and then the head part of the fuselage was built on it and the engine nacelles were suspended. This layout is called "integral". In addition, on the basis of the flight tests of the T-4 aircraft, it was decided to carry out the aircraft statically unstable at subsonic flight speeds with an electric four-time redundant control system.

- Antonov and Nikolayenko carried out the necessary calculations and worked through the most responsible nodes, and I plotted the layout. Not everything turned out right away. In particular, the scheme with a three-bearing chassis did not fit in any way. Therefore, on this, the first layout of the chassis was performed on a bicycle scheme with the distribution of loads as with a three-support scheme. Underwing supports were retractable in the fairings on the wing.

Aerodynamic scheme of the bearing surface of the first version of the T-10

Model Т10 in the very first layout

P. O. was reported on Monday. He carefully reviewed the layout and ordered a purge model for the TsAGI T-106 pipe to be made. The results of the blowdowns were very encouraging - with a moderate elongation equal to 3,2, we obtained the value of the maximum aerodynamic quality 12,6.

Despite the fact that the work on the new car was in full swing, did not leave doubts - what if we missed some other more advantageous option? In the process of designing, we had sufficiently detailed information from the open foreign press about layout schemes developed in the USA under the program YF-15. Frankly, I liked the layout of Northrop, which was similar to ours, and I was afraid that this particular project would win the competition. And when it was announced that the Mac Donnell firm won the contest, I sighed with relief. It should be noted that by that time we had developed a layout like MD F-15 and carried out purging the model in TsAGI. Therefore, I gained confidence that the F-15 will never catch up with the Su-27 in its flight characteristics. It was not excluded, however, that in the open press we were misled by misinformation. When at the beginning of 1972 the F-15 aircraft was shown to journalists and its photos and general views appeared, I completely calmed down. By the way, at that time, TsAGI's chief Georgy Petrovich Svishchsv came to P. Sukhoi and, entering the office, said the significant words: “Pavel Osipovich! Our backlog has become our advantage. The plane took off, and we know what it is. ”

If we talk about the company Mac Donnell, it seems to me that when creating the F-15 it was influenced by the layout of the MiG-25 aircraft.
Since the development of the preliminary project required an expansion of the scope of work, I secured PO's consent to transfer all cases of the Su-27 aircraft to the L. Bondarenko brigade - it was the least loaded at that time.

General view of the first version of the layout scheme of the Su-27

General views and purge models of the classical (above) and integral (below) schemes presented in the preliminary design of the Su-27 aircraft

In the brigade began the development of alternative layout schemes.

Our project was thought of in six books, but we managed to develop only two. They presented general views and basic data of two variants of layout schemes: integral and classical, with a conventional fuselage. The main thing that has been given attention in this book. - This is the calculation of the take-off weight gradients of the aircraft (I personally conducted them). Thus, it was found that an increase in the weight of the purchased finished product of onboard electronic equipment by 1 kg increases the take-off weight of the aircraft by 9 kg. For the dry weight of the engine, this gradient was equal to 4 kg, for mechanical equipment - 3 kg.

Began a deeper study of the draft aircraft. First of all, under the pressure of technologists, we were forced to move away from the ideology of a single bearing body, assembled from wing profiles, and organize, where possible, especially in loaded zones, lined surfaces. Designed the pillars of the main landing gear by the type of the US F-14 "Tomcat". In this case, the stand got out of the hull and fit into special fairings, which increased the cross-sectional area of ​​the aircraft. And here I made a big mistake - the doors of the chassis niches were made in the form of brake flaps (as on the Su-24) that opened across the stream before the horizontal tail, which, as it turned out. led to a decrease in its effectiveness and buffering.

Joint scientific and technical advice was held in 1972. MiG, Su and Yak firms participated. P. O. Sukhoi was able to conduct the largest delegation on this NTS: me and the deputy chief designers I. Baslavsky and M. Simonov.

The first from the Mikoyan design bureau was Gleb Evgenievich Lozino-Lozinsky with the layout scheme of the MiG-29 fighter, made in the image and likeness of the MiG-25 aircraft. The second I spoke with our integral layout, the report was calm. A. Yakovlev performed with the Yak-45 and Yak-47 aircraft.
After a month or two, the second meeting of the NTS took place. I just specified the composition of the posters a little, and the MiG company managed to prepare a new version of the layout. It was already an integrated circuit, very similar to the existing MiG-29 aircraft. What is interesting is that the MiG company received an author's certificate for the integral layout of a fighter aircraft before the design bureau of P. O. Sukhoi. Subsequently, we had to spend a lot of effort to get the copyright certificate on the Su-27.

The layout of the aircraft presented on the first combined NTS. The scheme of the aircraft F-15 is given for comparison.

Following two meetings, Yakovlev Design Bureau dropped out of the competition, and the question arose of holding a third round, which neither the MiG company nor the Su company needed - this constant hassle, an attempt to find out what is being done on that “other” company. And then the MiG Design Bureau came up with a radical proposal - to divide the topic into two sub-themes: heavy DFI - anti-F-15 and easy DFI - anti-F-16.

In GosNIIAS and 30 Central Research Institute AKT, mathematical modeling was organized to determine the feasibility of creating a mixed fleet of aircraft. Calculations made from the Su-27: MiG-29 cost ratio - at least 2: 1 showed that the mixed fleet is the most optimal, provided that it should consist of 1 / 3 Su-27 and 2 / 3 MiG-29 . Representatives from industry were invited to the discussions. As a rule, from companies at these meetings I and G. Lozino-Lozinsky were present. Feeling the advantage of our project, I initially opposed the division of topics, for which Lozino-Lozinsky offended me. This, however, did not prevent us from staying in good relations with him.

In the process of developing the Su-27 aircraft, E. Ivanov placed a very difficult and nervous task on his shoulders - maintaining weight limits and reducing the weight of the airframe design. He literally delved into every schematic diagram, gave the tasks pa additional study. And he held such meetings (department by department) at least twice a week. As for the strength of the structure, E. Ivanov ordered the deputy chief designer for durability, Nikolai Sergeevich Dubinin, to determine all loads from the 85 condition% of the design loads. Dubinin objected, to which Ivanov said: "We will execute the construction on 85% of loads, then we will put it on static tests, where it will break, only there we will strengthen it." In addition, Ivanov demanded the development of a weight supply program based on new technical solutions, in particular, carbon fiber structures.

A plant for the manufacture of structures made of composite materials was built at the plant, a large-sized West German autoclave "Scholz" was purchased. However, the "composites" did not find widespread use on the Su-27, mainly due to the instability of the characteristics, many details and assemblies were rejected.

When the Su-27 was being built, Minister P. Dementiev all the time scolded Ivanov for the weak introduction of carbon fiber structures and set as an example the work of the Mikoyan Design Bureau on the MiG-29 aircraft. Especially successful on the MiG-29 turned out the channels for supplying air to the engines and the lower hoods of the engine nacelle, thereby replacing the engines in a record short time (the engine is removed down without disturbing the main power circuit of the aircraft).

E. Ivanov got off the minister as best he could: “Pyotr Vasilyevich, we already got a very good weight return on the design and do not want to risk it now. Let's see what Mikoyan Design Bureau will achieve. And if you really get a weight gain, I will immediately begin to replace the material. "

So, the Su-27 aircraft went into full-scale development, and immediately "trifles" climbed, which led to major changes in the layout. Vladimir Antonov recalls that the Su-27 design bureau was called the “aircraft of a variable layout.” We tried our best to optimize the cross-section area graph (there was a strong failure in the head section). And here I was made a very big mistake, which was worth the loss of two months of work: I decided to make a front rush with a thick leading edge, approximately the same as on the B-1 US bomber. At the same time, it was completely forgotten that it was contrary to the original and main idea - to increase the wing carrying capacity due to the sharp leading edge of the influx. We have developed a new mathematical model of the main body, made a wooden viewing model of the head part of the fuselage in M1: 10, invited G.S.Bushgens. I came, looked at the model and said only two words that I remembered for the rest of my life: “Integral grueling”. When I talk about my mistake, the pronoun “I”, of course, does not mean that others, including aerodynamics, did not work with me, but, interestingly, no one stopped me.

By that time, the Air Force had prepared a TTT project for a heavy, promising front-line fighter (TPFI). It must be said that in the USSR by that time they already knew about the content of the requirements of the US Air Force to F-15. So, the military, without further ado, went the easiest way: they made up the requirements for the TFFI by simply recalculating the requirements for F-15 for an improvement by an average of 10%. For example, if the range at an altitude with an internal fuel reserve (without outboard tanks) for the F-15 was 2300 km, then the TPNI required the range 2500 km. Or, for example, the acceleration time from 600 to 1300 km / h for F-15 was no more than 20 seconds, and we were asked - 17 or 18.

As a result, we only needed 5,5 T fuel, while we were able to place 9 T (these are integral layout features). There was a juicy situation. What to do? Reduce the plane or "carry air"? Neither one nor the other did not suit us. Moreover, according to our strength standards, the calculated take-off weight is taken as weight with 80% fuel in internal fuel tanks (abroad - with 50% fuel).

Solving the problem by correspondence was almost impossible, would have to involve a very large number of organizations. One thing remained: to organize a round table at the level of individuals. decision makers

In the end, a solution was found. We have prepared a new version of the draft requirements, different in that. that there were formulated separately the requirements for the aircraft with a normal and with a maximum supply of fuel in the internal tanks. The operational overload at the maximum fuel reserve decreased from the condition that the product “weight X overload” is a constant value. P. Sukhoi approved this proposal and gave me a sanction to meet with the leadership of the Air Force. We were lucky in the sense that at that time very competent, highly educated, intelligent people were at the head of the Air Force engineering and technical service: Colonel-General Mikhail Nikitovich Mishuk, Deputy Commander for Armaments, Lieutenant-General Georgi Sergeevich Kirillin, Head of the Scientific and Technical Committee, and Chief order management, Major General Viktor Romanovich Efremov. It was a pleasure to work with them. They quickly figured out what was wrong and agreed. As a result, we four signed both copies of this document, and it became the basis for the further development of TTT. No one was present at this meeting, although M. Mishuk could well invite another eight to ten generals to obtain coordinating signatures.

Layout options Su-27

At the same time, another problem was solved - to enlist the support of the Air Force on the issue of switching to a single, unified for the fighter aviation of the Air Force and the country's air defense, the wavelength range for the radar. The same idea was made by the Mikoyan Design Bureau. The General Headquarters was engaged in the distribution of frequencies and ranges between the branches of the armed forces, and neither the Air Force, nor any of the companies individually could solve this issue. This is the only way, by the whole world, but we have led the General Staff to a decision-making justification report of several ministries. And it already entailed the development of new radars and a new generation of K-27 and K-27E air-to-air missiles.

As for the distribution of functions between the MiG-29 and Su-27 aircraft, the Su-27 TPFI was assigned the main role to the hostilities over the enemy’s territory: isolation of the front group, clearing the airspace (during the Second World War, this was called “free hunting”), using aircraft as a shock. For the MiG-29, the main task was to achieve superiority in the air over the battlefield and air cover of our front group, that is, the "umbrella" function. Such a distribution of tasks was based on a significant difference in flight range and maximum combat load: Su-27 - range 4000 km without refueling, weight of combat load 8000 kg; MiG-29 - range 1500 km, combat load weight 4000 kg. This meant that the Su-27 had a 1600 km combat range, that is, it could conduct air battles off the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, acting as an "air raider". This function is especially important for the ship fighter, which must be patrolling for an hour and a half at a distance of 400 km. The first flight copy of the aircraft had a wing with a pronounced aerodynamic twist and a fixed, highly bent down toe. The purpose of this arrangement was to achieve maximum flight range.

The T10-1 made the first flight in May of 1977, and a year later the second plane, T10-2, was connected to the flight tests. Both cars were equipped with engines AL-21FZ. The main purpose of the flight tests was to determine the flight characteristics and the testing of the electrical remote control system. Initially, there were failures of the channels of the computing control system, which the military tried to interpret as a prerequisite to flight incidents. It took a long time to explain that with a fourfold reservation, the prerequisite appears only after the third failure.

A serious defect was found in the hydraulic system of the aircraft. Since the working pressure in this system was 280 atm., The pipelines were made of high-strength steel VNS-2 to reduce the weight. A significant part of them were laid through the fuel tanks in order to cool the hydraulic fluid. And these pipelines began to burst. The reason was established quickly - insufficient purity (smoothness) of the surface of the bougie, pulled through the pipe, led to the formation of scratches on the inner surface of the pipe, which became stress concentrators. For us, every pipeline rupture stopped the plane for several days: it was necessary to remove the upper panels of the fuel tanks, replace the pipelines, close the tanks and test the fuel system for tightness. As a result, we were forced to replace the pipeline material with plastic stainless steel, that is, the savings in weight could not be realized.

7 July 1977. A misfortune occurred in the design bureau - the Honored Test Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Yevgeny Soloviev died. At that time, V. Ilyushin and E. Soloviev flew the same program for the selection of gear ratios in the aircraft control system.
During the previous flight, V.Ilyushin discovered a slight swinging of the aircraft, which he verbally informed the leading engineer R. Yarmarkov: “I didn’t like the plane today. rocked, probably got into the chatter ". Unfortunately, this was not mentioned in the flight sheet. In the next flight, E. Solovyov got into a similar, but brutal buildup: three casts, one of which brought the plane to a destructive overload - the plane collapsed in the air.

At the funeral of E. Solovyov in the city of Zhukovsky, exactly at the moment when the coffin was carried out from the Palace of Culture, the Honored Test Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Alexander Vasilyevich Fedotov flew over the MiG-23 flying area. The head of the LII, V. V. Utkin, sent curses after the plane and threatened with his fist. It really was a violation of all the rules of the flight service, A. Fedotov actually “stole” the plane from the parking lot and made an unauthorized departure, in order to pay the last debt to his good friend, at the same time with which he graduated from the school of test pilots. Not without consequences - many of the staff of the Institute were punished ...

In 1976, M. P. Simonov was appointed Chief Designer of the Su-27 theme, and he bore the brunt of raking up the "garbage" that had accumulated in the process of finishing the aircraft. And by that moment we had increased from the side of subcontractors.

We received the first blow from OKB Saturn, which developed the AL-31F engine. The task for the engine recorded the requirement for the value of the minimum specific fuel consumption 0,61 + 0,02 kg of fuel per kg of thrust per hour - a very difficult amount to achieve. I met with General Designer Arkhip Mikhailovich Lyulka several times and persuaded him to agree. And persuaded.

Two years have passed. The cradle represents the draft design in which 0,61 has turned into 0,64 (that is, the specific consumption has increased by 5%). In addition, the requirements for maximum thrust near the ground and at height were not met. But in the end they will not be asked from the engine designer, but from the aircraft designer. For us, the "shortage" of the engine characteristics meant that the plane would not reach either the range or the speed of flight at altitude and on the ground. There was a big scandal. Minister V. Kazakov held a special meeting with us at the company, which was attended by A. Lyulka, the military and the heads of the institutes of the IAO.

Cossacks "metal lightning." He reached personal insults against A. Lyulka, promising to remove him from the academicians. Arkhip Mikhailovich bravely withstood the attack, then got up and very calmly, with a slight Ukrainian accent, said: “Vasil Aleksandrovich! You did not give me an academician, you did not take this title from me and take it away. You, Vasil Alexandrovich, should know this. And if you itch anyone to drive out, then expel this academician (and turned to Shalin, head of the All-Union Institute of Aviation Materials). He promised me a single-crystal blade for a turbine, which does not require air bleed to cool it. Where is the shoulder blade? No scapula! So I was forced to switch to a conventional steel cooled, that is, to select part of the working fluid for cooling. So much for the increase in unit costs, so much for the lack of traction. ”

But it so happened: the general designer of the aircraft is responsible for the work of all subcontractors. Not enough distance - add fuel, not enough thrust to obtain a given speed - reduce the drag of the aircraft. After all these turmoil with the engines, we were forced to subject the aircraft to a radical alteration. Reduced midsection, organized additional tanks for 800 kg of fuel, developed a new chassis scheme, the brake flap was transferred from the wing to the upper surface of the fuselage, and the keels from the engine nacelles to the newly organized horizontal tail beams. In order to reduce frontal resistance, the curvature of the wing was reduced and deflectable socks were introduced.

The fact that the new version of the aircraft quickly saw the light is the undoubted merit of Mikhail Petrovich Simonov, who showed exceptional energy in this matter.

The creation, to put it mildly, of a “greatly modified Su-27” was opposed by Minister V. Kazakov. And it could also be understood: the previous version of the series was already launched, huge costs were incurred (of the Su-27 planes in the first version were produced at the 9 production plant of copies). However, the energy of M. Simonov, with the support of Deputy Minister I. Silaev, did their job - the new version of the Su-27 received the right to life.

The second trouble was presented to us by the research and production association Phazotron, which developed the radar. They did not get a slot antenna. Again the meeting, the outcome of which was the decision to develop a radar with a conventional kosegrenovskoy antenna. The introduction of a radar antenna with a slot antenna was provided only from the Su-27M aircraft.

By the way, after all these meetings, Viktor Konstantinovich Grishin, General Designer of the Radar Station, was removed from work two months before he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for developing the Zaslon radar for the MiG-31 interceptor.

The first prototype T10-I

In December 1979, Mr. M. Simonov became Deputy Minister of Aviation Industry. The chief designer of the Su-27 was appointed deputy chief designer of our design bureau, former head of the control systems department, Artem Aleksandrovich Kolchin. In the spring of 1981, the tests of the first copy of the aircraft of the new layout - Т10-7 - began. The flights were successful, but in September of the same year the car died. In one of the sorties at the Belye Stolby ground, the plane was unexpectedly out of fuel for the pilot. Test pilot V. Ilyushin catapulted for the first time in his life. The cars that hit the design bureau did not correspond to the severity of the incident: Chief Designer A. Kolchin was removed from work, and lead engineer R. Yarmarkov was dismissed from the design bureau without the right to work at other aircraft manufacturing enterprises. I think that with P. Dementiev this could not be.

By this time I was uploaded to KB in other works that had no direct relation to the Su-27, therefore, to talk about stories the aircraft will no longer become. I believe that much has already been written about this magnificent car, both here and abroad.
Schemes L. Jurgenson and N. Gordyukova. Photo by L. Jurgenson and from the archive of the author.
Studio "Wings of Russia", 2010 year
commissioned by JSC "TRC Armed Forces" Zvezda "
Script writers: Andrey Kulyasov, Vladimir Petrov
Directed by: Andrei Kulyasov
Editing director: Andrey Kuljasov
Computer graphics: Alexander Pakhomtsev, Sergey Pernitsky
Music: De Wolfe
The text was read by the People’s Artist of Russia Alexander Klyukvin
Producer: Sergey Vikulin

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  1. mongoose
    14 September 2012 09: 37
    handsome su 27
  2. +19
    14 September 2012 09: 54
    At the weekend (so that no one bothers) three people went to work ..

    I respect
    So many people need to start doing great things and not the "collective farm", which the majority have neither enthusiasm nor the proper level of education.
    1. +6
      14 September 2012 11: 36
      I agree completely! A group of specialists develops a concept, and then specialized groups carry out individual tasks, the quality of which is monitored and adjusted during the course of work.
  3. +2
    14 September 2012 10: 03
    Interestingly, in the very first models, the tails were littered out, like in modern 5th generation aircraft.
    1. +1
      14 September 2012 10: 17

      probably then they also knew why to fill up the tails)))
  4. +7
    14 September 2012 10: 08
    always like that - a genius is born in agony! No, that would spontaneously and easily appear - alas, the SU-27 drank a lot of blood while flying. But how it flew! And how still flies! My favorite plane. The MiG-29 is beautiful, the MiG-31 - there is no equal like an interceptor, the T-50 - there will be a super-duper (I really hope there is potential), but I still prefer the SU-27 and its modifications, including the SU-35S. Just bastard from him -))))
  5. Hey
    14 September 2012 10: 20
    Excellent article!
  6. pepelacxp
    14 September 2012 10: 29
    Article + but
    I don’t understand why it is he who is the best in the world and not instant-29 for example. Which, of course, is smaller and all that, but according to user reviews, the service is much less whimsical and the mass character indicates that it is more in demand.
    1. +3
      14 September 2012 11: 18
      He is not a fighter for gaining dominance in the air, but a front-line fighter.
      Hence the cheapness and ease of maintenance.
      Hence, the same smaller opportunities.
  7. +3
    14 September 2012 10: 40
    There would be more such worldly articles.
    As if sitting at a beer, smoking, listening to a story.
  8. Director
    14 September 2012 10: 45
    really the best in the world fellow
  9. tut ya
    14 September 2012 11: 12
    Honor and respect to the author! Thank you for the fighter hi
  10. 0
    14 September 2012 11: 26
    Actons, Upton and Antonov are different people? Judging by the text no, correct the errors.
  11. VAF
    14 September 2012 11: 41
    Many thanks to the author! Briefly. Squeezed and everything is practically lit up! +! good

    Thank you for the article and for your work in KB !!!! soldier
  12. +4
    14 September 2012 11: 43
    It is especially valuable that the Sukhoi Design Bureau is still vibrantly and fruitfully working. And also, from this year at the Olympiads in MAI, the number of applicants has grown by an order ....
    A competent personnel policy has been launched to attract young, capable children with their employment almost from the 1st year.
    There is a chance.
  13. quickfire18
    14 September 2012 12: 40
    wonderful car
  14. 0
    14 September 2012 12: 52
    Su-Xnumx is really very beautiful !!! So elegant, gallant, but at the same time strong and powerful turned out !!! Handsome and not a plane !!!
  15. +2
    14 September 2012 14: 09
    The aircraft of the SU-27 family were a real breakthrough at the time, and not only in matters of aerodynamics and armament. They pulled the industry to a new level. I had to master new technological processes, change approaches to the culture of the pr-va. The organization of serial production is separate and no less an interesting topic, but the most important thing in this OKB machine has been the enormous potential for subsequent upgrades, and for almost 30 years this aircraft has been mass-produced, and its capabilities are far from exhausted. So, whatever they say, it would be a unique aircraft.
    1. 0
      16 September 2012 13: 48
  16. +1
    14 September 2012 15: 20
    "The aerodynamic layout of the wing was based on the concept of the so-called "sinusoidal wing." At the beginning of I960, the English magazine “Aerocraft Engineering” presented the results of blowing such a wing in wind tunnels, and with the visualization of its flow around, which showed that an attached vortex arises on the sinusoidal wing with a sharp edge, practically not tearing off to the very end sections. The French got similar results on the so-called "Gothic" wing."
    - in the story about the creation of the MiG-29 about the above effect, it is said that it was discovered precisely in the Soviet TsAGI, even the frames were shown with this effect (albeit in a small container with liquid flowing around the profile), but no one paid attention to this effect, except for our "Migovites" and Sukhovtsev. "Here in the article there is another version of the discovery of this effect. Who can shed light on the truth?
  17. -2
    14 September 2012 15: 32
    Great car, though not in real combat. Maybe the former, but not documented. Correct if not right.
    1. +1
      14 September 2012 18: 33
      Su-27 was in battle. But - a whim of fate - met in the air with another plane of the Soviet school: Mig-29. Victories - there were several - remained for Drying.
  18. 0
    14 September 2012 17: 59
    I am always wary of my "best in the world" ratings. Yes, the SU 27 at one time surpassed in maneuverability similar aircraft of the West, but they also do not stand still and try to make aircraft no worse or even better than Russian ones and evaluate which of them is better and in what is possible only in real combat conditions. If you remember, the ME109 in the middle of the war (by the beginning of the fighting in the Kuban) was modernized (the caliber of guns and machine guns was increased, the pilot's seat was booked, etc.) As a result, Messer's maneuverability deteriorated significantly, but the firepower increased so much that it became difficult to resist even The most maneuverable aircraft at that time (YAK3, YAK 7, LA5), because even one hit from a cannon of such a Messer was enough to shoot down the "opponent's" plane. Only the IL2 was then more or less resistant to such projectiles, and then if the same projectiles did not tear off the unarmored wing or tail of the IL Here, with an Aircobra armed no worse than Messer (which, by the way, Pokryshkin flew) This Messer tried not to meet. So it is here. Maneuverability is certainly a good thing, but not always decisive. Especially in modern air combat. And aerial combat is not the only thing that SU27 aircraft have to do. I can't claim that I'm right, but ....
    1. Vladimir SU
      14 September 2012 19: 41
      The Yak-3 is a 1944 airplane, i.e. I could not participate in the hostilities in the Kuban, but comparing the Bf109 and the IL-2 is extremely incorrect, you know, because these are completely different types of aircraft.
      1. 0
        15 September 2012 06: 34
        Guilty, the YAK 3 really appeared later. But the essence of my comments is not in this, but in the fact that sometimes a stronger and more accurate blow of a boxer's fist nullifies all the jumps around him of a more dexterous but weaker opponent with worse vision. Therefore, he mentioned IL2. For all his slowness, it was not easy to knock it down even with the mentioned modifications of Messer (in my ME109G6), and if this messer appeared in the affected zone of the IL2 guns (which was often the case), then there were only shreds of it instantly.
    2. +1
      15 September 2012 07: 11
      ME109 G and above, created under the zoom-boom tactics, it became completely powerless on bends, and against the zoom boom the most effective defense was simply controlling the pilot of the back hemisphere, in general flying a snake with 360 degrees of head torsion, and if there’s still someone from above ours hung, then the chances of ME fell to the plinth
    3. Denzel13
      15 September 2012 10: 55
      gregor6549, before writing similar posts, study the history of aircraft construction.

      1) Yak-3 did not participate in battles over the Blue Line, because He was absent;
      2) La-5 was made mainly of deltadrevisina and turned out to be very tenacious like its ASh-82 engine. You can shoot it down by hitting one shell, as well as any of the Luftwaffe fighters (this is more a matter of pilot skill and luck);
      3) Not all P-39 aerocobra had more powerful weapons than the modifications of the Bf 1943 of the G family that existed in 109, due to the presence of a 20-mm gun instead of the 37-mm gun on some modifications;
      4) To claim that the pilots on Bf 109 tried to avoid meeting with the P-39 was at least unreasonable, since in this case there would not have been an air battle in the Kuban, it’s enough that the aerial cobras are in the air. Another question is that when (from a certain time) A.I. appeared in the air Pokryshkin with his group, then the German pilots really tried to avoid meeting (memories of the pilot of the bomber Punev for example).
      5) Booking Bf109 from family F to family G was practically no different (except for versions intended for attack). In the G family appeared an 18 mm sheet of several layers of duralumin mounted behind the gas tank in the fuselage. It cannot be called armor, as it was intended to remove incendiary composition from incendiary bullets, which it however does not stop.
      1. +1
        15 September 2012 16: 11
        I have already admitted my shortcomings in knowing history and repented. And where am I to her connoisseurs? After all, I am a simple techie and my thought is from the field of technology and not history, And the thought was simple even for lovers and connoisseurs of history, namely that "sometimes a stronger and more accurate blow of a boxer's fist nullifies all the jumps around him of a more dexterous but a weaker adversary with worse eyesight. " with equal abilities of the owners of "kulaks" and other things being equal.
        Therefore, it turned out that in the battles mentioned, heavy and clumsy messengers armed with more powerful cannons and machine guns managed to shoot down more agile, but weaker armed YAKs. And the multilayer aluminum armor, although it did not provide 100% protection, also significantly reduced the likelihood of hitting the messer. In general, underestimating the enemy has always led to poor results. And the German was a strong enemy and his technique (not all of it, of course) was quite at the level. As for the SU27, it is useful to compare it with modern fighters of potential opponents, with the same F22, for example. But I have not yet seen data on such a comparison here. Only emotions. At one time, for example, it was loudly stated that the MiG15 was head and shoulders above the American "Saber". But then they dragged one Saber into the Sukhoi Design Bureau and intended to copy it, as they copied TU4 from B29. Copying Saber was then canceled for some reason, but Sukhoi and his guys learned a lot from his design.
        1. Denzel13
          15 September 2012 16: 58
          You can say anything, but to call the Bf 109 family "heavy and clumsy" is wrong, as they, like all fighters, had their positive and negative sides. Our aces evaluated this aircraft very analytically, since only knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of enemy aircraft could give the key to success. But in the end, everything was decided by the tactics of use, which took into account the peculiarities of the aircraft, and the tactics are born in the head of people who creatively approached the issue of air combat. The same can be said about the confrontation between the MiG-15 and F-86 "Saber" in Korea. Read the memoirs of Pepeliaev (the most effective pilot of that war), he very pedantically describes all the positive and negative aspects of our and American technology and tactics. In the end, what happened was again a confrontation between various tactics in which the balance was much more positive towards the pilots of the USSR, despite the fact that there was no real opportunity to go beyond certain limits and realize all the potential (meaning the territorial limitation of the area of ​​operation of our aviation) ...
        2. +1
          16 September 2012 14: 02
          In 85, in Novocherkassk, three pumped-up dolbaks wanted to piss on the grandmother of a passing Vietnamese. As a result, one of them flew into the store along with the shop window, the second unconsciously waited for the cops and an ambulance, the third prudently dumped. This means that each of the triches was physically stronger than the Vietnamese, but he, due to his agility and knowledge (ability) where to hit, won. So armed with more power does not mean more effective.
  19. NickitaDembelnulsa
    15 September 2012 12: 03
    I have no doubt that the Su-27 is the best aircraft. My father was very lucky to serve such a handsome man, it was far in the 88th, that year, 30 new Su-27s came from Komsomolsk to the regiment of the Zolotaya Dolina Airdrome, with which my father was replenished. Impressions even from the commander of the missile weapons department were the best!
  20. +1
    15 September 2012 23: 24
    Very interesting article, thanks. This is apologetics; it is good against the background of the current general skepticism.
  21. -3
    16 September 2012 03: 01
    The first flight of the modernized Yak-1 = Yak-1M (future Yak-3) occurred in February 1943, and he began to enter combat units at the beginning of the 44th.
    I, too, am always wary of ratings like "best in the world".
    Such a check is always verified by operation. So the F-16 produced more than 4500 units (it is a participant in many military conflicts), and the SU-27 (various modifications) - about 900-1000 (where did it gain superiority? (Mainly it is used in air defense) Georgia does not count :): )).
    You know, in general, our aviation history (after the war) is a bitter mixture of copying and really rare successful aircraft. We must not forget that after the war, our developments often appear as an asymmetric response to what appears "among stupid Americans" 5-10 years ago. Naturally, our sample picks up the best.
    History is like a drawbar - as you turn it, it happened.
    To begin with, reading the story of creation, you come across thoughts like:
    - Yes, the layout (layout) is successful (It turns out that the Mig-29 is of the same integrated layout and flew earlier, who borrowed from whom - this is already history for memoirs) :).
    - engines of tuft - overweight, not economical, do not give the traction that was needed
    - Electronics - the same bullshit (bulky, heavy, .......)
    and then you come across something similar in officer history: they created a plane and put into serial production, and then suddenly they suddenly began to remake the plane :) :) Woke up. :) :)
    What else?
    during the tests of the gun, the powder gases so hit the side of the plane that they destroyed it — for a long time they thought of something to come up with — they simply welded a steel plate.
    the aircraft's suitability for repair is extremely low - in order to replace one or another part it is necessary to "disassemble half of the car" (figurative expression). In the same F16 - everything is modular. (unscrewed-pulled-inserted-twisted).
    1. 0
      16 September 2012 09: 46
      It turns out that I was right somewhere. When I talked about the MA109, I had in mind his modification of the MA109G armed with an 30mm heavy machine gun cannon with the possibility of suspending additional weapons in containers that could be changed depending on the flight mission. All this made Messer heavier and reduced it maneuverability but firepower was such that hitting even one 30mm projectile in a lighter and more maneuverable enemy aircraft often put an end to the life of this aircraft. This is about the story. Yes, and these planes were given mainly to experienced aces who could control a heavy messer and use the most suitable tactics of air combat for him. In addition, on heavy messers, it was possible to turn on (though for a limited time) the afterburner of the motor, which helped in critical situations to compensate for its weight and get out of sight.
      Now about SU27. The general layout of the airframe and the powerful thrust vectoring engines really provided it with exceptional maneuverability. But the radio-electronic equipment lagged behind foreign competitors for many years, and primarily because of the "frail" element base. Not only microcircuits, but also means of displaying information, on-board computers, electric generators, etc. This, in turn, forced the electronics to be "smeared" throughout the aircraft, which led to an increase in the length and weight of cables, difficulties in the maintenance of electronic systems, etc. Again, over the years, foreign competitors of the SU27 have developed engines with a controlled thrust vector (F22 for example ) and much more, which makes them serious competitors to the SU27 and its latest modifications. But again, their effectiveness can only be compared in real combat conditions. That, thank God, is not yet and God forbid that such conditions never appear.
  22. 0
    16 September 2012 12: 03
    How beautiful it is, an airplane, glasses, masks .. It captivates and gives rise to envy.
  23. +1
    16 September 2012 20: 16
    Yes, drying was hard born. In fact, it turned out a wonderful plane. good
  24. +1
    17 September 2012 00: 07
    What is the topic? Praise and rejoice in the successes of fathers - it is necessary! Question? Tell graduates of aviation universities? For 20 000 - 30 000 - the ceiling (in Smolensk -15 000), rubles you buy pasta, meat, clothes for children, etc. etc.? Question two: Decembrists - give your phones, please, I am an aviation engineer and want to work in my specialty !!!
  25. Ruslan_07
    21 October 2012 18: 44
    May the Americans envy our fighters
  26. 0
    4 June 2017 13: 28
    Quote: JustMe
    At the weekend (so that no one bothers) three people went to work ..
    I respect
    So many people need to start doing great things and not the "collective farm", which the majority have neither enthusiasm nor the proper level of education.

    ..could gather in the country house, or nature ... the truth should be noted that * native walls help *, and KB was for them - their home ..