Life on loan

“Life is a loan. Life when nothing is pity, because in essence there is nothing to lose. This is love on the verge of doom. This is a luxury on the verge of ruin. This is fun on the verge of grief and risk on the verge of death. There is no future. Death is not a word, but a reality. Life goes on. Life is Beautiful!"
Erich Maria Remarque. "Life Borrowed"

16 May 2011, US Treasury Secretary T. Geithner notified Congress that the country's public debt had reached its maximum statutory level. According to the minister, he has to use "various accounting tricks" as measures to prevent default.

12 July 2011 US President B. Obama said that soon there might not be enough money in the federal treasury for the timely payment of 27 pensions to millions of pensioners if the national debt is not increased.

15 July of the same year, Obama said that if by the morning of July 16 Congress does not increase the national debt limit, the United States can declare a technical default.

According to statistics from the US Treasury, about a quarter of the government debt ($ 4,6 trillion) is in the hands of foreigners, mainly central banks of other countries.

2 in August 2011 of the year for 12 hours before the possible announcement of default The US Senate voted to increase the national debt by 2,4 trillion dollars - up to 16,7 trillion dollars, thus defaulting was postponed. The national debt amounted to more than 14,3 trillion dollars that day. On the same day, August 2, US President Barack Obama managed to sign the adopted state debt law, preventing a technical default. The same day and the next day new US government bonds were placed for several hundred billion dollars.
Life on loan

On August 4, 2011, the rating agency Standard & Poor's for the first time (since the 1960s) downgraded the US credit rating as a state. This collapsed global stock markets, and the price of gold set a new world record, exceeding $ 1700 an ounce.

The Durst Organization Company in the central region of New York in 1989, the counter of the national debt of the United States was posted on public display. In October 2008 of the year it went off scale because there was no room for a number with more than twelve zeros.

US state debt.

Debts of the US government have a credit rating (AA- according to the Standard & Poor's classification), since they are denominated in their own currency - US dollars and for this reason do not have credit risk (the US Federal Reserve has the exclusive right to issue dollars and can always formally settle with creditors for any debt denominated in its own currency).

The independence of the issuing center from the government is due to the desire to ensure a balance between taxpayers and the government (in the “employer” and “contractor” relations), as well as the banking system historically established in the US, and to prevent the possibility of using the additional cash issue in to cover the budget deficit).

In 1982, a California state district court ruled in the John Lewis v. United States case where it determined that the Federal Reserve Banks that are part of the Fed's structure are not institutions that can be sued by individuals under the law on lawsuits to state organizations and employees (Federal Tort Claims Act). This court ruling relates to the practice of applying the Federal Tort Claims Act to the Federal Reserve Banks and does not make any definitions regarding the status of the Fed in general.

Another Law states that “the term of the charter is set by the maximum allowable law”. It says: "It is a rule of law". the States or Federal Government.)

About a quarter of the national debt ($ 3,6 trillion) is in the hands of foreigners, mainly the central banks of other countries.

The domestic debts of the United States are identical to the domestic savings of the United States and reflect the size of the US economy - the volume of economic interrelations between its subjects.

The total debt of American households is over $ 13 trillion

Strange decision.

According to CNNMoney, starting next year, the opportunity to buy paper bonds of the US Treasury and other banks in the country will disappear, all of them will be replaced with bonds in electronic form. The transition is scheduled for January 1 2012. Behind the external excuse (about saving on printing more than 70 million dollars) lurks with depressing evidence the course of the state to curtail this popular instrument of public investment:

Savings operations appeared in America just as they did everywhere in the world: from the state’s need to help citizens at a critical moment stories.

It is usually a matter of honor for a state to fulfill its own obligations on debts to citizens. In any case, the American bonds bonds from the first day of existence still enjoy the reputation of an absolutely reliable and profitable instrument of capital investment.

Savings bonds have played a cult role in the history of American material civilization. The selling value of a modest financial instrument has always been half of its face value, which terrible people liked. In fact, for a grandmother buying a beautiful savings bond for 50 dollars for her grandson’s birthday, the deal seemed to be the limit of financial gain on the inscription The United States of America One Hundred Dollars. The magical transformation had to wait for 18 for years, which in terms of conversion gives one of the lowest yields on the market, but this stopped a few people. Bonds were also a universal form of social reward: they were awarded to winners of various student sports competitions, poetry contests, mathematical competitions, scout competitions, etc. The universality of the instrument was also promoted by the democratic line of denominations of savings bonds: denominations of $ 50, $ 75, $ 100, $ 200, $ 500, $ 1 000 and $ 5 000 allowed any member of society to use securities in various situations, regardless of wealth and welfare

From the very beginning, American savings bonds possessed a number of additional characteristics that emphasized and strengthened their elite attractiveness.
- only a US citizen could be a buyer of savings bonds,
- each year it was allowed to purchase savings bonds of each type with no more than 5 thousand dollars (restrictions, of course, gave rise to healthy excitement in the society and a desire to become the coveted owner of securities above the set limits).
- not subject to taxes at the local and state levels. Payment of federal tax is deferred for an infinitely long period (calculated in dozens of years)
- bonds allow you to effectively resist inflation. True, only savings bonds of the I7 type, but they are the ones that are wildly popular.

Savings bonds are in the hands of 55 millions of citizens, that is, every sixth.

Such stunning results overlapped with the decision of the US Treasury with 1 in January 2012 of the year to stop issuing savings bonds in paper form, despite the fact that the paper form of bonds constitutes the lion's share of all their attractiveness! Why does the state do this?

The reason is obvious: the printing of new money cannot continue indefinitely. Sooner or later, this will lead to hyperinflation, and then the indexed national debt will literally pump all state assets into the pockets of the holders of this debt - the prospect is unpleasant.

Whatever it was, the US state, by and large, no matter what interest rate the debt securities they emitted bear. The US is serenely calm, because it is in a unique way that it controls both debt issue and cash cover. But as long as it is possible to issue debts with one hand and collect real money, and with the other you can print new dollars to cover these debts, everything with Uncle Sam will be fine.

The evolution of the US dollar to 1913 year

The reason for singling out 1913 of the year as a turning point in the history of American money was an indisputable fact: according to the US Treasury, the cost of goods and services during the period from 1635 to 1913 remained relatively unchanged, but since the creation of the Fed this cost has increased 25 times. In other words, America showed financial stability for almost 300 years, which - note - was filled with the most dramatic social upheavals.

In the twentieth century, peace reigned in the United States, and the wars that devastated other continents provided the “outpost of democracy” with conditions for unprecedented economic growth. At the same time, however, there was not so much a crushing depreciation of American money, but rather their transformation into an ephemeral, elusive, surreal something that was not tied to anything, was not secured and, moreover, was controlled by no one knows. An unexpected development, isn't it?

Behind the blatant depreciation of money and the forced virtualization of financial relations, there is at least a tragic but rather banal social metamorphosis: this is about the unconditional transfer of power control in the world from manufacturing capital to banking capital. This is where the fun begins.

The chronicle of the American dollar does not begin with the moment when it acquired a new quality (1913 and 1933 years), but from the very beginning - the 17th century, the era of America’s colonial dependence on Britain.

The period from the appearance of the first colonies to the victory in the War of Independence seems to neoliberal historians and economists to be wild freemen. It is terrible to think: in those years more than fifty (!) Various forms of money were in circulation in the United States - in addition to coins of British, Spanish, French and Portuguese minting, certificates (scrips) issued by individual colonies were accepted as payment instruments ( subsequently - states), cities and even large enterprises. The cost of these cash substitutes changed unpredictably, and most importantly, did not correspond to the real value of the underlying collateral (gold and silver), or did not have any collateral at all.

The assessment of financial anarchy that prevailed in the US territories in the 17th-18th centuries reflects the views of the supporters of Alexander Hamilton and introduced by the civilized (in the European sense) banking in the form of First Bank of the United States, the first Central Bank of the United States in 1791 year. The reality, however, is such that colonial certificates (colonial scrips) - paper maternity money, backed up not by gold and silver, but only by the authority of local authorities - did not know inflation throughout the whole of its existence (52), and provided price stability unprecedented before their introduction, or after the ban imposed on the issue by the British Parliament (the so-called Currency Act of the year 1764).

It is characteristic that the elimination of the colonial certificates and the return to the Bank of England, a pound sterling, not only led to the decline of the economic life of the North American colonies, but also became, in fact, the main cause of the War of Independence.

The revolutionary originality of the colonial certificates was manifested not so much in the rejection of the binding to gold and silver, but in the abolition of the very idea of ​​bank lending to the authorities (government) for a percentage - the generally accepted practice in Europe in the 18th century. The absence of a “debt burden” on the self-styled money of the North American colonies allowed local governments to cut taxes and provide loans at low interest rates, which, in turn, led to the flourishing of commodity relations and production.

Benjamin Franklin, who was directly involved in creating the colonial certificates of Pennsylvania, left a sketch of the economic situation, reflecting the ban of the metropolis on issuing self-proclaimed money: “The conditions changed so dramatically that the era of prosperity instantly vanished, and the depression reached such proportions that the streets of colonial cities overflowed unemployed. "

Adam Smith, father of European economics, wrote with unconcealed admiration in the 1776 year of colonial "squeaks": “The government of Pennsylvania invented a new way of crediting, which, not being money with gold or silver, nevertheless, completely duplicated monetary functions. The government provided people with interest and land mortgage paper debt certificates, which passed from hand to hand like bank notes (bank notes) and were considered legal tender in all transactions. This system significantly reduced the annual expenditures of the government, and it is said that Pennsylvanian paper money never depreciated below the value of gold and silver, established in the colonies before their emission. ”

The refusal to bind colonial certificates to gold and silver was due to the objective impossibility of ensuring parity of the money supply and the volume of goods and services: precious metals were stored overseas in Bank of England holdings, which, as you might guess, did not want to increase emissions in proportion to the economic development of the North American colonies . The secret to the success of a home-grown currency was, however, not in their fiat money, but in combining two circumstances — the elimination of the aforementioned “debt burden” and strict control over emissions. As acknowledged by Ben Franklin: “In the colonies we issue our own money. They are called - "colonial certificates". We emit them in the right proportions to the demands of trade and production. ”

Of course, the paper obligations of the North American colonies were far from ideal. There is no doubt that, without a ban of the metropolis, the “right proportions” of the emission would sooner or later be distorted under the influence of unforeseen circumstances, as happened ten years later (in 1775) under the conditions of the outbreak of the War of Independence.

10 May 1775 at a secret meeting of the Second Continental Congress, it was decided to issue "credit notes for an amount not exceeding two million Spanish corrugated dollars." The need for paper money arose to “defend America”, and “12 Colonies Georgia is the thirteenth participant in the Second Continental Congress, which later proclaimed the Declaration of Independence and Articles of the Confederation and Eternal Union (first constitution of the USA), did not participate in the aforementioned meeting. They were obliged to recognize the new issue as legal tender. ” New certificates are called "Continental currency" (Continental currency), or abbreviated - "Continental" (Continentals).

The troubled circumstances of the military confrontation of the metropolis, however, prevented the prosperous development of the scenario: very soon the issue got out of control and showed the saddest defects in paper money. At the end of 1775 of the year, “Continental” was printed for an amount already three times higher than originally planned (six million Spanish dollars), and in 1779, the emission orgy reached its limit: 242 million dollars! Inflation has gained a homemade scale - for 100 "metal" dollars 16 joyfully gave 800 paper.

On top of the troubles, the Continental print protection turned out to be so conditional that the British took advantage of economic sabotage, providing their printing machines with round-the-clock loading of falsification. A typical advertisement of the era of the War of Independence (from the New York Rivington's Gazette): “Travelers traveling to other colonies are supplied with any number of fake Congress debt tickets at the wholesale price of paper. The print quality is so high, and the imitation is so accurate that there is not the slightest risk of failure in sales, especially since our products are almost impossible to distinguish from the real ones. Debt tickets were successfully and repeatedly launched by us in circulation in very large volumes. Interested parties can ask QED at the Coffee House from 11 to 16 every day for the entire month. ”

It is believed, however, that the game “Continental” was worth the time of manufacture: the colonies not only resisted the mighty British Empire for three years, but also emerged victorious from this confrontation. The economic price of victory is 200 of millions of dollars of debt, fully discounted by inflation and illiquidity.

If we assume that the desire for an independent monetary system was in fact one of the main reasons for the confrontation of the United States of America by Britain, then the victory looks much less impressive than the successes of George Washington under Trenton and Princeton. In December 1776 (Trenton) and January 1777 (Princeton) George Washington defeated the troops of the English commander William Gow .. At least, if you take into account not the declarative side of things, but the essential vector of development of the American financial system. Thus, in 1791, at the suggestion of the great anglophil, and concurrently, the first secretary of the US Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, Congress voluntarily surrendered its positions and agreed to the creation of the first American central bank fashioned with touching precision in the image and likeness of Bank of England.

Externally, Hamilton's motivation looked more than commendable: restoring order in the financial life of the young state, ensuring reliable lending essential for the development of industry and commerce, eliminating the inflationary consequences caused by the uncontrolled emission (and British sabotage) of the Continental. To fulfill the tasks set, centralization of finance was proposed under the auspices of a single bank capable of ensuring and protecting the interests of the state and government. Remarkable and convincing.

The sly face of a Satanian woman began to look through only in details describing the mechanisms of functioning and - most importantly - the distribution of property of the Central Bank. Thus, the initial capital of First Bank of the United States, at the suggestion of Alexander Hamilton, should have been 10 million dollars. The government of the United States reserved a royal share - in the amount of two million dollars. One bad luck - the government did not have that kind of money! "It does not matter," the student of British Finance Minister Robert Walpole, sophisticated by European experience, admonished, "he will lend this money to the United States government ... the Central Bank itself!" Of course, for modest interest, otherwise it is not necessary in a civilized society. In addition, the return of the loan immediately is not necessary. It is possible and gradually: for example, over 10 years in equal shares.

The remaining eight million dollars (and in fact - all 10, since the government’s share was also covered by a loan) were made by private individuals to the authorized capital of the first American Central Bank, and Hamilton’s mandatory condition was not only American citizens, but also foreign partners. What for? What do you mean why?! Even if the government of the young state didn’t have 20% of the authorized capital, does anyone really think that the ordinary citizens of the North American States, who were supplied with “Continentalists” for generations ahead, could have gotten eight million dollars? Moreover, the other indispensable condition for Hamilton to form the authorized capital of the American Central Bank was the introduction of at least a quarter of the amount in gold and silver.

Payment of the remaining amount was allowed to produce bonds, liquid certificates, securities and other sane debt obligations. Thus, gold-silver, with which the colonies, as the reader remembers, initially did not have good-neighborly relations.
In short, the hidden background of the demarche to create an American Central Bank can not leave doubts (in the eyes of our contemporaries, of course): the transfer of control over the financial system of the new state to the "old money" of Europe. And at the same time - the desire to "plant" the US government on the debt needle of credit money. Not only did George Washington's office have to pay out its share in the bank's share capital for ten years in a row, it was also supposed to carry out subsequent lending to government activities in full compliance with the British standard: at interest!

In order to not accidentally create the perverse impression that the government’s debt obligations do not affect the privacy of citizens, we hasten to dispel dangerous illusions: the government, having received loan money from the Central Bank, being sane, immediately redistributes the burden of its obligations to the law-abiding population. How? Raising taxes, adding interest on a consumer and business loan, writing out excise stamps - the tools are extensive and time-tested.

Since the debt burden imposed on the government of George Washington by the first American Central Bank, Alexander Hamilton elegantly proposed to ease by introducing a tax on the import of alcohol and increase the excise tax on local production of whiskey. The problem, however, was that the residents of the southern states indulged in sublimation of the American hot drink, and immediately after the President signed the Bank Law (25 on April 1791), the Perennial Whiskey, which became a worthy foundation for the subsequent confrontation of confederates, was launched and unionists.

For the financial benefit of the young nation, Alexander Hamilton requested nothing at all: the private status of the Central Bank and the twenty-year charter (1791-1811) for the right to exclusively ensure the financial interests of the government. As a compensation, a ban on foreign shareholders from participating in the voting and the right of the Secretary of the Treasury to conduct weekly audits of the financial statements of the Central Bank, supported by the right to withdraw government deposits, was proposed.

This last circumstance (control by the government), coupled with the binding of monetary emission to gold and silver reserves, suggests that at least the appearance of independence of the financial system of the United States is visible as it was at the end of the 18th century. Next to the closed and unaccountable private bench of the Federal Reserve, the brainchild of Alexander Hamilton looks like a model of enlightening humanism.

Even under such sparing circumstances, the development vector of the Central Bank, endowed with the status of a private company, emerged in its true form in the near future: already in 1796, the US government ran out of money, and Congress unanimously voted to sell the state's shareholding in the independent Central Bank under the full control of European "old money".

At first it seemed that Alexander Hamilton's cunning affair was firmly rooted in American soil. Despite Congress’s refusal to extend the charter of the first Central Bank in 1811, it was replaced five years later by the Central Bank No. 2 (Second Bank of the United States) with all relying attributes: private management, state lending under interest, emission control. James Madison's Child

The Central Bank’s depositary funds, and only the third appointee, Roger Teini, had the civil courage to eliminate the Philadelphia feeder.

1837-1862 in the United States came a long period of free existence (the so-called Free Banking Era:), during which the country did most beautifully without the Central Bank. The civil war even led to the revival of the tradition of monetary emission, which was not burdened with interest and produced by the state itself without private mediation. In the summer of 1861, President Lincoln appealed to the banking community to provide a soft loan to finance the army and military needs. The banking community responded enthusiastically: 24-36% per annum - and no questions!

The reaction of Lincoln turned out to be admirable to descendants: rejecting private loans, the president conducted through Congress (the 17 Act of July 1861 of the year) the issue of Treasury notes (greenbacks, green backs). Despite the fact that the “green backs” were classic fiat money, completely free from all credit and debt obligations, under the conditions of a patriotic uplift, they coped remarkably well with the function of “legal tender” and allowed unionists to make ends meet in their opposition to the confederates.

In total, from August 1861 of the year to April of 1862, green backs were emitted to the amount of 60 million dollars without any signs of inflation and destabilization of the financial system. The only injured party was “old money” and banking circles interested in interest loans to the federal government.

The idea of ​​independent, debt-free maternity money seems to have liked the Americans, and following the Treasury notes, they immediately launched the issue of Legal Tender Notes, which, unlike the green backs, were untied from the gold and silver standard.

The financial system of the country was streamlined by the “Law on the National Banking System”, which in three editions (the last one took place on 3 in March 1865) set up a system of national banks under the supervision of the Office of the Currency Controller (OCC). From now on, 1 644 of the national bank (October 1866 of the year), although they financed the government against interest, did so in exchange for purchasing government debt obligations (federal bonds). And all this - pay attention! - without the slightest hint of a private central bank.

The independent national monetary policy of the United States lasted for almost fifty years - until the very counter-revolution of the Federal Reserve System (1913).

1913 - 2012

There is something mystical about how easily historical decisions are made in the United States from time to time: the Federal Reserve Act, the Patriot Act, or, say, the Security and Reporting of each Port Act (on the Internet).

This lightness, of course, is illusory, because behind it lies a tremendous job of preparing favorable conditions. “Hour X” always falls on the eve of major holidays, the first days of a new presidential term, or the last hours of the head of state’s stay in office before resigning, hide months, and often years of painstaking “liner” to the right decision.

Usually criticism of conspiracy theories related to the US Federal Reserve (Prof. Edward Flaherty vs. Eustav Mullins and Gary Ka) develops in three directions. The main criticisms are the following:

- The Federal Bank of New York is not under the control of foreign bankers;
- The Federal Bank of New York does not have a key influence on the decisions of the Fed;
- The Fed's profit is not assigned by the shareholders, but is transferred to the US Treasury.

Indeed, according to the Mullins Conspirologist List, the controlling stake in the Federal Bank of New York (63%) is owned by five banks (Citibank, Chase Manhatten, Chemical, National Bank of North America and Bank of New York) and three trusts (Morgan Guaranty Trust , Manufacturers Hanover Trust and Bankers Trust Company), which for the most part are controlled by European financial institutions, primarily the Rothschild House.

The Ka List is even more straightforward: the researcher names the eight major shareholders of the Federal Bank of New York on the forehead and the London-Berlin and Rothschild banks in London, the Lazar Brothers Paris Bank, the Italian banks of Israel Moses Zeyf, the Warburg banks in Amsterdam and Hamburg, and also York Quadrumvirate - Bank of Lehman brothers, Bank of Kuhn and Lyuba, Chase-Manhattan and Goldman-Sachs.

Academic science in the person of Dr. Edward Flaherty categorically refuses to accept the Mullins and Ka lists on the grounds that both researchers are unable to provide reliable sources of information. Because "the Fed is not a public company and it is not subject to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission to disclose the list of shareholders!" - Dr. Flaherty exclaims triumphantly. As a result, information about shareholders has never been made public in print publications of the Fed, its bulletins and reports to Congress.

Dr. Flaherty is not embarrassed by the fact that America’s financial system is in the hands of a private company and the real names of shareholders are kept in the greatest secrecy of the American people.

The conspiracy theorizing that the Federal Bank of New York controls the entire Fed, Edward Flaherty brilliantly dispels a scrupulous analysis of the structure of the organization: it turns out that all 12 federal banks in the System have equal votes, and control over the decision-making of the Fed is sic! - they are implemented not by banks, but by the Board of Governors and the Committee for Open Market Operations (FOMC)!

As for the distribution of profits, here the hints of conspiracy experts are not worth a damn: according to the annual report to Congress for 2006 a year, the Fed transferred US $ 34 billion to the US Treasury from the total 29 profit, and 871 a million dollars paid dividends to shareholders! About how much a priori insider knowledge is about changes in the rate of federal funds (the one that causes the most radical stock market shocks), Flaherty wisely holds back.

If you believe the Flaherty revelations, it turns out that it is not the federal banks that control the Reserve System, but two structures - the Board of Governors and the FOMC.

The Board of Governors and the FOMC market make decisions on all key issues of the Fed's financial policy: they determine the interest rate of federal funds, the amount of bank reserves, the volume of annual issue of money, as well as the volume of trading in government debt obligations carried out by federal banks. The Board of Governors consists of seven members appointed by the President of the United States and approved by the Senate. FOMC, in addition to members of the Board of Governors, includes another president of the Federal Bank of New York (on an ongoing basis) and four presidents of regional federal banks (on rotation).

Since the US president appoints 7 from 12 members of the Board of Governors, you do not need to have the wisdom of Solomon to guess: he is the key figure of the Fed! Accidentally or intentionally, Dr. Edward Flaherty, dispelling the arguments of classical conspiracy theorists, suggested the weak link in the chain of control over the US financial mechanism. It turns out that the “old money” does not even need to fight for the shares of the Federal Bank of New York: it’s enough to control one person!

The extent to which control over the president is more effective than control over a joint stock company is demonstrated by the example of Woodrow Wilson, who, it seems, has been chosen specifically to plow the “Federal Reserve Law” without looking. “I have unwittingly ruined my country” (I unintentionally destroyed my country ”), the Democrat recalled sorrowfully about the main achievement of his life. There is no doubt that “ruined” only looks like the word “unwittingly” in the mouth of the head of state, who, according to his personal admission, New York bankers allowed themselves to appoint only one member (Thomas Jones) of the twelve to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System first convocation. Further events went on increasing:

- 5 on April 1933 of the Year FDR signs "Decree No. 6102" prohibiting citizens and organizations from having gold savings. 5 June 1933 of the year: The President is letting go to Congress, and the Congress accepts the so-called. A joint resolution (48 Stat. 112), stating the refusal of the United States to maintain the gold standard inside the state. 31 January 1934: President Roosevelt reduced the gold content of the dollar from 25,8 grain (20,67 USD per troy ounce) to 15,715 grain (35 USD per troy ounce) on the second day after the adoption of the Gold Reserve Act (Gold Reserve Act). Modestly so - on 41%.
- in the Bretton Forest, the dollar was recognized as the world's reserve currency. It was then that it became clear why the wise EF-DI, by eliminating the gold peg of the dollar within the country, kept it abroad! Without these 35 dollars per ounce, the allies, although battered by fairly military operations, would hardly have agreed to establish a higher instance of monetary justice in the form of Fed debt obligations!
- already at the beginning of 60-x there were serious difficulties with the retention of the gold level of the dollar. In 1961, on the initiative of the US Deputy Treasurer Robert Rus, the London Gold Pool was created, which united the US Federal Reserve and the central banks of Britain, West Germany, France, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg in the fight against the gold exchange speculation of independent traders. The dagger in the back stuck General de Gaulle, who, appealing to the agreements of the Bretton Forest, demanded that America pay for French exports not with the Federal Reserve's debt obligations and US Treasury tickets, but with a kind yellow metal. The depletion of US gold reserves led to the elimination of the London Pool in April 1968.
- 15 August 1971, President Richard Nixon thanked the “Great Architect of the Universe” for creating a unique situation and brought to the logical end the case started by Franklin Roosevelt: not exchanging for a palliative depreciation, the future hero of Watergate took a smash and canceled any peg of the American currency to gold in the international market!

The implications of decoupling the dollar from the Great Equalizers are well known:

- The Fed had the opportunity to issue not just its own debt obligations, but obligations, also deprived of any security;
- Gold set off for free swimming, demonstrating an amazing ability to correlate with the American currency, as they say, “how good it will be”: 35 USD per ounce in August 1971 of the year, 195 USD - in December 1974, 300 USD in July 1979- go, 850 USD - in January, 1980;
- US national debt broke out into strategic space

The dollar as a world reserve currency provided the United States with phenomenal political dividends, but domination was given by the extreme tension of the economic biceps. Even “internal segregation” did not save: the citizens of America, as before, could only dream of providing their own money with gold. Of course, sooner or later the colossal collapse of the American currency will take place - all that remains is to break the ephemeral balance between ostentatious well-being and the naive belief in the invincibility of the financial system. The fact that this collapse will not cause any doubt in any sensible person. The only uncertainty - with the timing.
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  1. +3
    12 September 2012 08: 33
    yeah ... owe the world, with so many greyhounds ....
    1. +8
      12 September 2012 09: 00
      The funny thing is that any major lender can bring down this pyramid at any time simply by announcing the sale of the package. So far, everyone is holding on to the fact that it is shitting hard on themselves, all over the world. BUT EARLY OR LATE, THE STATES WILL ACCEPT ANYBODY THAT THE PREFERABLE WILL BE SUSTAINABLE SOMI strong crisis, but get rid of the worldwide bloodsucker.
      1. Eraser
        12 September 2012 10: 05
        Uh, what kind of lender is this? China, whose well-being is largely dependent on economic ties with the United States? Japan, which itself is in debt like silk? Or the largest US lender, the Fed, which has $ 1 trillion 643 billion worth of these securities?
      2. 0
        12 September 2012 11: 12
        Germany did just that in the 60s!
      3. 0
        8 October 2012 04: 54
        Quote: Dmitriy69
        The funny thing is that any major lender can bring down this pyramid at any time simply by announcing the sale of the package. So far, everyone is holding on to the fact that it is shitting hard on themselves, all over the world. BUT EARLY OR LATE, THE STATES WILL ACCEPT ANYBODY THAT THE PREFERABLE WILL BE SUSTAINABLE SOMI strong crisis, but get rid of the worldwide bloodsucker.

        It’s like hyenas around a lion, if one climbs it, it will tear it, and if everyone snatches it right away (dump American papers), then the lion will end. And despite the fact that the lion is decrepit not by leaps and bounds, soon someone will feel courage and go first, and after him others, that’s all, krant to the Americans and all this moronic economy in general.
    2. +2
      12 September 2012 11: 11
      The scammers always have this - under a jacket a torn shirt, and an ambition ....
  2. +3
    12 September 2012 08: 34
    The default has been postponed.

    Interesting yes? They wanted and postponed, because our (and not only ours) population has a strong confidence in green, but does not have confidence in its own, but why?
    1. +1
      12 September 2012 09: 25
      It’s just that none of us wanted to be responsible for the other, everyone wanted to get everything ... without giving anything in return.

      (life loan)
    2. Kaa
      12 September 2012 11: 16
      Quote: Vadivak
      the population has a strong confidence in green, but doesn’t have confidence in its own, but why?
      Yes, they played enough with national currencies both in Russia, and in Ukraine, and in Belarus in the 90s, these millions will be remembered for a lifetime, and any person wants stability above all. The stability of the "green" is supported by its 10-11 AUG and other military devices, nothing else. Hussein rushed to get rid of the dollar - in a noose, the country - in the Stone Age, oil - the United States Gaddafi spoke about the golden dinar, it seems, I could be mistaken - a dagger, you know where, and oil - guess who from one time. In 2008, it was infa that, allegedly, Russia and China were negotiating joint actions on amerovskoe treasury obligations. But until the military-industrial complex provides guaranteed invulnerability for the country, it is very risky to do so. And from an economic point of view, I wrote many times and will repeat myself again, since repeticio est mater studiorum, you need a currency tied to non-renewable resources - energy, fresh water, minerals, goods produced from them, and not virtual electronic money operating on the principle "press the button - you will get the result.
  3. 0
    12 September 2012 08: 45
    One big financial bubble that just bursts in any case. Greed doesn’t do any good, and the desire to manage everything will have the opposite effect. The Fed will soon also end up with a machine rental, but before that you need to create a new crisis and blame the Fed and ask them pay off debts, and America seems to be clean in terms of debt.
    1. 0
      8 October 2012 04: 56
      Quote: Alexander Romanov
      One big financial bubble that just bursts anyway

      exactly yes. Bubbles constantly gurgle, either .COM, or nedvizh, and this bubble is too big, it lives on for a long time, but there are no eternal bubbles. This is the elementary GKO pyramid, only in the size of a single planet!
  4. Vanek
    12 September 2012 08: 47
    -You generally live in the world by proxy ....- You have nothing! You are a starving man!
    1. kuzmich
      12 September 2012 09: 26
      in spite of this, I feel like a free person smile
    2. +4
      12 September 2012 09: 30
      Quote: Vanek
      -You generally live in the world by proxy ....- You have nothing! You are a starving man!
      Kozlodoev. good
      1. Vanek
        12 September 2012 09: 50
        Quote: vorobey

        Alexander, welcome.

        Correct a little bit:

        "Watch out for the car"

        Anatoly Papanov - father-in-law of Semitsvetov Semyon Vasilyevich Sokol-Kruzhkin, retired lieutenant colonel

        Kazadoev (Kozlodoev) - "Diamond Hand"
        1. +2
          12 September 2012 09: 59
          Vanek, you're right. but I so wanted to combine these two images that screwed up in a rush.
        2. +2
          12 September 2012 11: 55
          In the role Geshi Kozodoeva film director Leonid Gaidai first saw Georgy Vitsin, but took a chance and invited the 27-year-old Andrei Mironov - at that time he was considered to be a representative of the “golden youth” in cinematic circles. Later, Soviet film critics wrote that "fate extended Mironov his diamond hand." ------- Kozodoev
  5. +1
    12 September 2012 09: 08
    I wonder how they will give ????? if only your life at the expense of debts!
    1. +1
      12 September 2012 10: 57
      Quote: JonnyT
      I wonder how they will give ?????

      Yes, no one is going to give, they will seize several more raw material regions and throw off the dollar as a used battery, their army is the most powerful, so there will be no particular complaints.
  6. kuzmich
    12 September 2012 09: 09
    in the end, we have a global banking system controlled by the Rothschilds house and similar villains, the dollar as a currency will go on for as long as they need it and not even some bold analytical forecasts can give us at least a hint of their villainous plans. Bank of Russia in my opinion, the same branch of the same villains, only well-powdered with Russian emblems and our symbols.
  7. 0
    12 September 2012 09: 16
    The article is definitely a plus. Of course, there is an overload of details, but the essence of the article is clearly grasped - what the Rothschilds and Co. built for themselves is definitely not viable, it brings people grief and difficulties, and when it collapses, it will burry a lot of useful things. The efforts of all states to save the dollar can only delay this tremendous catastrophe, but not prevent it.
    But in general - it is informative - let lovers of the Amerian way of life and Amer’s democracy, who love to set Amer a model of economic development and living standards, and Amer’s domestic policy - a model of philanthropy, respect and understand, finally, due to which all this is achieved. It is clear that with such a system, all this is achieved by impoverishing the population of other countries, and simply by borrowing, which must be repaid in the future, etc. Does it need such a price? Life will show ... When the US pyramid collapses, let’s see if the voluptuous Amerian life was worth from the end of the Second World War until the time of the catastrophe of the difficulties that the amers will experience right after the catastrophe.
  8. 0
    12 September 2012 09: 22
    Comments are superfluous ...))
  9. +3
    12 September 2012 09: 28
    What is the conclusion of all this?
    Each successive .. machination .. in the USA - was associated with the war.
    After the civil 1861 -1865gg. States have become smarter and prefer to wage war elsewhere.
    Well, so they are already waging wars - in other places. Today, over there, they again decided to continue in Libya.
    In another war, preferably a large, bloody one, involving a large number of states, they will liquidate the Fed with dollars and all debts.
    They will create a new consortium - let's say they say the NSF (independent financial system) - and everything will go down the well-worn track.
    .... I see only two ways:
    1. Defeat everyone, Russia and establish your rule. Everywhere. (My opinion is not fully capable).
    2. Capturing the Rothschilds and Rockefellers - and ... a file in the teeth - will lead to the results we need. (my opinion - it will be necessary to fight vseravno. See paragraph 1)
    Cases ....
    1. +2
      12 September 2012 12: 11
      Great friend! wink
      Yes! We are not enviable perspectives! But it is comforting that these seeds have a worse fate! drinks
      1. +2
        12 September 2012 18: 50
        Quote: sergo0000


        Quote: sergo0000


        Che it seems to me that the crew alone was formed. Take a gunner?
  10. 0
    12 September 2012 09: 33
    Explanatory article, very lucidly outlined the long and thorny path of America to its end. Once again, the fact that the old England in political games is cunning and treacherous is confirmed! What a bomb was laid in the state independence of the States, just a class! Therefore, you can’t believe them! No way! America is not sorry! It will burst like a gluttonous spider. It strains that it will cover everyone with smelly spray ...
  11. +1
    12 September 2012 10: 04
    Bankers hold control of the world ...
    But the limit will still come to the dollar!
  12. 0
    12 September 2012 10: 45
    An excellent article, many points are clear only to specialists, but it is also clear that the well-being of the West will soon end ...
  13. Darck
    12 September 2012 10: 52
    I am 100% sure that many here present reading this article wanted to see in it only one thing that America would soon come to an end .... Even Putin is dreaming about it ... But as they say it’s not harmful to dream. smile
    1. Kaa
      12 September 2012 11: 18
      Quote: Darck
      But as they say dreaming is not harmful.
      And some argue that the thought is material, suddenly do not lie?
      1. Darck
        12 September 2012 11: 57
        And some argue that the thought is material, suddenly do not lie?

        And you check, sit and dream)
        1. +2
          12 September 2012 12: 44
          No, Darck, not so.
          I will say only for myself.
          I'm not waiting for the end of America.
          I’m waiting for this stupid construction to fail, which allows me to live like others do not dream of due to the sale of candy wrappers. (The dreamer ..? - yes.)
          I look forward to the fact that after breaking this design it will not make sense to crush Russia, spit on Russians (in the broad sense), and make my country vile. (Naive? - Probably).
          This design has fallen - the American people dare to slurp, mother do not grieve. For all counts.
          There is no gloating. But I think - let them take a sip - of what was constantly being prepared for us. (and here is reality, probable).
          If they cross the line, Russia will help again. As with independence, as with civil war. As with the Second World War - in which the Americans "won".
          Such we are - we are helping everyone. Who asks. Who does not ask, we help even more. And then - we disentangle, do not drown.
          I will speak and speak. These financial "bags" (as they were portrayed in cartoons) are not bags. They are geniuses.
          Financial, cunning, unscrupulous - but geniuses.
          Some names are just what, the song - Rothschild, Lazar, Israel Moses Zeif, Warburg, Lehman, Coon and Leib.
          Once again, they, sssss ....., will turn out.
          Once again fool everyone.
          And once again they will attack. For whom - should I explain?
          so at least - a sight to see. For their grandmothers. Once in a lifetime.
          1. Darck
            12 September 2012 13: 16
            I’m waiting for this stupid construction to fail, which allows me to live like others do not dream of due to the sale of candy wrappers.
            While there is no alternative, then when this stupid construction is turned around, there will be nothing and no one to live on.
            I look forward to the fact that after the breakdown of this design there will be no point in crushing Russia, spitting on Russians (in the broad sense), and making my country vile.
            This is politics, everyone is crushing what the Russian Federation may be and there is no exception, the same Russian policy is being pursued in the USA, but they don’t have much resources for this. By the way, this is Putin’s recognition. Spit on the Russians, look at this site, here people do all day doing what the USA and some other countries do. What do you want to be loved? Who will love such people?
          2. Kaa
            12 September 2012 16: 03
            Quote: Igarr
            a sight to see. For their grandmothers. Once in a lifetime.

            Colleague, please reserve a couple of seats in the front row for me and my squaw ... fellow
        2. Darck
          12 September 2012 13: 21
          This design has fallen - the American people dare to slurp, mother do not grieve. For all counts.
          Maybe you have an insult that your Leaders sold and ruined your country?
          There is no gloating.
          It’s just there, you are dreaming to see how others slurp mom do not cry, and apparently it will give you pleasure, this is blasphemy.
          But I think - let them take a sip - of what was constantly being prepared for us.
          And you at one time, prepared a lot, only they realized what they did, but you didn’t.
          1. +1
            12 September 2012 13: 59
            Give a link to the site.
            At least look ... at urrrrrod. If they have nothing more to do.
            I spoke specifically for myself.
            Resentment ... of course, resentment ... father-mother injected, I also did not go to Porsche in Switzerland - here you are. A spotted conscript comes in - he is the best friend of the West, I am a family of 4 people (you can not count yourself - it means 3 girls) - I'm looking for somewhere to earn some money. And I look with horror at the near future.
            Politics. Let there be politics. Here is Germany, burned twice. Merkel is not a gift - but she does not shout that Russia is an evil empire. (Although Russia twice hit on the teeth, but remained guilty).
            Here is Turkey - for what they have landed. Now, too, are not inveterate corefans - but they don’t attack like Saakashvili.
            A strange image looms - until the stars, in the letter n, give - figs understand.
            But, as they understand, it’s quite so adequate ... gentlemen.
            Perhaps we will become adequate without war?
            I am for it.
            Alex, does it seem that Russian is not your native language?
            Or I'm wrong?
            I can’t immediately understand .. the meaning of some phrases.
            The flag, like ours, is Russian. And the position is neither two nor one and a half. This does not happen.
            1. Darck
              12 September 2012 15: 45
              Give a link to the site.
              At least look ... at urrrrrod. If they have nothing more to do.
              This video is from YouTube, there you can find many of them, there are enough freaks everywhere and you should not look at them) I inserted this video because I met in life, it’s exactly with such manifestations, in relation to my friends (who do not know Russian) it was even in relation to me, you need to see their faces when you tell them, actually I understand Russian, so keep an eye on the language.
              Resentment ... of course, resentment ... father-mother injected, I also did not go to Porsche in Switzerland - here you are. A spotted conscript comes in - he is the best friend of the West, I am a family of 4 people (you can not count yourself - it means 3 girls) - I'm looking for somewhere to earn some money. And I look with horror at the near future.
              I understand and sympathize with you, but my opinion is that the state should look after the well-being of its citizens. Yes, people themselves must have financial literacy in order to be able to provide for themselves. Unfortunately, this is a rarity nowadays. People are taught how to work, here they are. and they work, thinking that it will save them. If you blame someone, it’s only your own state, which is not able to provide for the prosperity of its citizens, and it’s better not to blame anyone and take on themselves. And if the top of the state is someone’s best friend it bends for someone) then naturally this someone will take advantage of it. It's not even his fault, this is his chance, no matter how cynical it sounds.
              Policy. Let there be politics. Here is Germany, burned twice. Merkel is not a gift - but she does not shout that Russia is an evil empire.
              What are they shouting? What changes because of this? The earth is still spinning, the world is still living, because they say that Russia is God's dandelion, the lives of its citizens will not be oily, their pensions will not skyrocket, their salaries will not rise, even if then taxes and prices will rise along with it. The evil empire, this is again politics, the Soviets also propagandized about the West, and even now, they in every possible way blacken out the same West, the same democracy, in the USA they conduct their political games, the same Romney
              (Although Russia twice hit on the teeth, but remained guilty).
              I don’t know, I haven’t heard this from the Germans, those who feel that way are to blame, do you feel that way?
              Here is Turkey - for what they have landed. Now, too, are not inveterate corefans - but they don’t attack like Saakashvili.
              Saakashvili seems to have attacked Ossetia, and not Russia.
              But, as they understand, it’s quite so adequate ... gentlemen.
              Perhaps we will become adequate without war?
              We won’t. We have already invented airplanes, parades and learned how to treat cancer, but the war as it was and remains, it’s in our genes, for the most part people understand only power.
              Alex, does it seem that Russian is not your native language?
              Or I'm wrong?
              let's say he is one of his relatives.
              The flag, like ours, is Russian. And the position is neither two nor one and a half. This does not happen.
              I didn’t choose a flag, it was glued automatically, I lived in different countries for a long time, so I already like all the flags. I’m for sobriety of positions, without pens for whatever.
            2. Kaa
              12 September 2012 16: 05
              Quote: Igarr
              The flag, like ours, is Russian. And the position is neither two nor one and a half. This does not happen.
              "You are light, but you drink dark beer" -Night (or day) watch.
              1. +1
                12 September 2012 19: 27
                No, beer has nothing to do with it.
                Mentality, I realized.
                1. Kaa
                  12 September 2012 21: 01
                  Quote: Igarr
                  А militia the police to him from which side? belay
  14. xmike
    12 September 2012 11: 34
    Islamists should be wise to hunt us bankers wink
    1. Kaa
      12 September 2012 21: 03
      Quote: xmike
      hunt for us bankers
      Not an Islamist, but .... I would have bought a license. When does the season open?