American Truth Serum


The United States proclaims its monopoly on the truth, but often hides its covert operations and technologies to obtain it.

MKUltra - a rare case when one of such operations was almost completely disclosed: thousands of documents were published, dozens of scientific articles were written and compensation was paid to the victims ...

But, thanks to this project, a new leap has been made right now in the management of human consciousness, both for peaceful and military purposes.

Science-like prelude

Non-therapeutic applications of behavioral neuroscience methods could change this paradigm and allow the use of weapon influence with unprecedented efficiency.

Hacking the biological basis of behavior can potentially lead to the same effect as the traditional weapon of influence - the creation of emotions that cause a change in the reaction or perception of the problem, but in a standard and predictable way.

Claims about the potential use of behavioral neuroscience would seem almost farce were it not for the long and dark story US government-sponsored attempts to achieve mind control.

Most notoriously, CIA MKUltra Mind Control Program, which operated from the early 1950s to the mid-1970s, focused on developing emotional manipulation techniques to make a person more susceptible to intelligence analysis, brainwashing, or coercion to act in the interests of the United States.

We fall to the official primary sources.


“We need a program of psychosurgery and political control over our society.

The goal is physical mind control. Anyone who deviates from this norm can be disfigured by surgery.

“A person may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. It lacks a historical perspective. "

“A person has no right to develop his mind. This liberal orientation is very attractive. We have to electrically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electrical brain stimulation. ”
Dr. Jose Delgado - Director of Neuropsychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine (MKUltra experimenter who demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985.)

Congressional Record No. 26, vol. 118, February 24, 1974.

Truth serum

The search for a serum of truth by the US intelligence community began at least in the 1950s.

From the early 1950s to the early 1970s, the US government funded millions of dollars in LSD research, including the notorious CIA MKUltra program, which sometimes tested LSD on unsuspecting participants and investigated the possibility of using the drug as a "truth serum" against spies.


In 1977, as required by the Freedom of Information Act, a cache of 20 documents related to the MKUltra project was made public, leading to a Senate hearing later that year.

In July 2001, some of the remaining information about MKUltra was declassified.


Project MKUltra, sometimes referred to as the CIA's Mind Control Program, was the code name for an illegal human experimentation program designed and implemented by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

Human experiments were designed to uncover the effects and development of drugs, alcohol, and procedures to be used during interrogation and torture to weaken a person and force him to confess to wrongdoing through mind control.

The project, organized by the CIA's Scientific Intelligence Division, was coordinated with the United States Army's Chemical Corps Special Operations Division.

The program began in the early 1950s, was officially sanctioned in 1953, scaled down in 1964, then phased out in 1967 and officially stopped in 1973.

1953 year. The agency is launching one of its most dubious secret programs, turning unsuspecting people into guinea pigs to research mind-altering drugs. "
- says the report, which mentions that the then Central Intelligence Agency director Allen Dulles authorized the program.

The program was involved in many illegal activities, in particular, it was applied to unsuspecting citizens of the United States and Canada.

MKUltra has used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain function, including covert injections of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and various forms of torture.

The scope of the MKUltra project was broad: research was conducted in 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as in hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA acted through these agencies, using front organizations, although at times the top officials of these agencies were aware of the CIA's involvement.

MKUltra 1 - the name given to the CIA's mind control program focuses on the effects of alcohol and behavioral drugs on interrogation, unconventional communication through telepathy or psychic communication, hypnosis to force another to do something against his or her will, counter-torture and anti-flushing methods brains ", the production of selective amnesia and the covert administration of mind-blowing drugs such as heroin, marijuana and, worst of all," truth serum "and LSD.

While many of the more unconventional and bizarre projects covered by MKUltra, such as remote surveillance, psychic interrogation, or hypnosis, were judged to have a low likelihood of operational success, the CIA discovered the use of psychedelic drugs such as hallucinogenic mushrooms, marijuana, heroin, LSD and truth serum to alter consciousness to selectively make someone remember something or forget a memory or event.

Through this program, as well as the information it gained about Soviet / Russian and Chinese programs, the CIA learned a lot about human behavior and how to manipulate it.

1994 Report.

The original source, of course, is available, so it is impossible to doubt everything stated below, even if it is very unusual (besides, considering another 20 available documents and hundreds of witnesses and victims).

The Central Accounting Office of the United States published a report on September 28, 1994, which states that between 1940 and 1974, the Department of Defense and other national security agencies studied thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances.

Quote from research:

Working with the CIA, the Department of Defense provided hallucinogenic drugs to thousands of volunteer soldiers in the 1950s and 1960s.
In addition to LSD, the army also tested quinuclidinyl benzylate, a hallucinogen codenamed BZ.
Many of these tests were conducted as part of the so-called MKUltra program, designed to counter alleged Soviet and Chinese advances in brainwashing techniques.

Between 1953 and 1964, the program consisted of 149 projects involving drug testing as well as other studies on unsuspecting people.

The scale of the project.

One of the 1955 MKUltra documents states the size and range of forces. This refers to the study of an assortment of mind-altering substances, described as follows:

1. Substances that will contribute to illogical thinking and impulsivity to the point that the recipient is publicly discredited.

2. Substances that increase the efficiency of thinking and perception.

3. Materials that will prevent or neutralize the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

4. Materials contributing to the intoxicating effect of alcohol.

5. Materials that reversibly induce signs and symptoms of recognized diseases so that they can be used for simulations, etc.

6. Materials that will facilitate the introduction of hypnosis or otherwise increase its usefulness.

7. Substances that increase the ability of people to resist deprivation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so-called "brainwashing".

8. Materials and physical methods causing amnesia for events preceding and during their use.

9. Physical methods of creating shock and confusion over extended periods of time that can be secretly used.

10. Substances that cause physical disability, eg paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.

11. Substances that cause "pure" euphoria without subsequent weakening.

12. Substances that change the structure of the personality in such a way that the recipient's tendency to become dependent on another person is enhanced.

13. Material that will cause mental confusion of a type that makes it difficult for a person under its influence to maintain fabrication during interrogation.

14. Substances that reduce the ambition and overall performance of men, when administered in undetectable amounts.

15. Substances causing weakness or impairment of vision or hearing, preferably without constant exposure.

16. A knockout pill that can be secretly injected into drinks, food, cigarettes, aerosols, etc. It will be safe to use, will provide maximum amnesia and will be suitable for use by various types of agents on an ad hoc basis.

17. Material that can be secretly introduced by the above methods and which in very small quantities will make it impossible for a person to be physically active.

Experiments on Americans

Early CIA efforts focused on LSD-25, which later became dominant in many MKUltra programs.

The CIA wanted to know if they could force Soviet spies to desert against their will and if the Soviets could do the same with their own CIA operatives.

When the MKUltra project began in April 1953, experiments included injecting LSD into mentally ill people, prisoners, drug addicts, and sex workers — “people who couldn't resist,” as one agency employee put it.

They also injected LSD into CIA personnel, military personnel, doctors, other government agents, and members of the public to study their reactions. LSD and other drugs were often administered without the knowledge or “informed consent” of the subject.

American Truth Serum

Dr. Harry L. Williams and Karl Kurt Pfeiffer, M.D., Ph.D., who conducted behavior control experiments for the CIA

The purpose of this was to find drugs that could induce deep confessions or erase the subject's consciousness to a blank slate and program it as "Robot-agent".

CIA opened several brothels in Operation Midnight Climax at agency buildings in San Francisco to select men for follow-up experiments "who would be too embarrassed to talk about the circumstances and consequences of sexual encounters with wives." Men were injected with LSD, brothels were equipped with one-way mirrors, and sessions were filmed for later viewing and study. (These materials are also available, but VO is not a porn site to display them to confirm the "criminal designs of the American military").

In other experiments, when people were given LSD without their knowledge, they were interrogated in bright light, while doctors in the background took notes. They told the subjects that they would prolong the agony if they refused to reveal their secrets.

The people subjected to such interrogations were CIA personnel, US military personnel, and agents suspected of working on the other side during the Cold War. This resulted in long-term malnutrition and several deaths.

The Security Directorate used LSD in interrogations, but Dr. Sydney Gottlieb, the chemist who ran MKUltra had other ideas: he thought it could be used in covert operations.

Since its effect was temporary, he believed that it could be transferred to high-ranking officials and thus influence the course of important meetings, speeches and other clandestine operations.
He initiated a series of experiments in which LSD was given to people under "normal" conditions without warning.

His subordinates were also "worthy" people.

An agent named George White wrote to Gottlieb in 1971:

“Of course, I was a very insignificant missionary, in fact a heretic, but I worked with all my heart in the vineyards, because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and deceive, steal, rape and rob with the sanction and blessing of the Almighty? "

Initially, all of the project's technical support staff tried LSD. A typical experiment involved two people in a room where they watched each other for hours and took notes.

As the experiments progressed, the moment came when they were drugged without any explanation, and such actions became something of a professional risk for CIA operatives.

Adverse reactions were common, such as an operative who took a drug in his morning coffee, became psychotic and "ran through Washington, seeing a monster in every car passing by."

He knew too much.

The experiments continued even after Frank Olson, an army chemist who never took LSD but received a covert dose from his CIA superior and threw himself out of a 13th-floor window of a New York hotel room nine days later, presumably as a result deep depression caused by the drug.

The investigation also revealed other circumstances related to his secret work.

He just knew too much.

Days before his death, Frank Olson resigned his position as acting chief of special operations in Detrick, Maryland (later Fort Detrick), "due to a severe moral crisis over the nature of his biological weapons research."

Olson's concerns included the development of assassination materials used by the CIA, the CIA's use of biological weapons materials in covert operations, experiments with biological weapons in populated areas, collaboration with former scientists in Operation Paperclip, LSD mind control research, and the use of psychoactive substances. during "final" interrogations under a program codenamed Project Artichoke.

Some of the subjects participated in the experiment by mutual consent.and in these cases, they seem to have been chosen for even more extreme experiments. In one case, seven volunteers in Kentucky were given LSD for seventy-seven consecutive days.

Later, MKUltra researchers dismissed LSD as too unpredictable in its results. They abandoned the notion that LSD was "the secret that would open up the universe," but it still had a place in the arsenal of cloaks and daggers.

However, by 1962, the CIA and the military had developed a series of superhallucinogens such as the highly publicized BZ, which was considered more promising as a mind control weapon.

This led to the withdrawal of support from many scientists and private researchers, and LSD research in general became less of a priority.


One of the dark spots on the reputation of American democracy is the way the United States has treated some of the country's military veterans.

Programmable killers.

The agency also wanted to develop methods and drugs - such as "amnesia pills" - to create CIA super agents (as the original said) that would be immune to the intruders' mind control attempts.

The creation of so-called Manchu candidates - essentially programmable assassins - was also the goal of the program.

The report says that, in addition to experimenting with drugs and chemicals, the program included use of radiological implants, hypnosis and subconscious persuasion, electroshock therapy and isolation techniques.

The document mentions that many of the experiments were carried out at military facilities at Edgewood Arsenal and Fort Detrick, Maryland. Some veterans have had to deal with debilitating health problems for decades to come. Worse, veterans say the government did not provide follow-up medical care to mitigate the damage.

Some soldiers died as a result of the trials, while others suffered from physical and mental illnesses, including seizures and paranoia, as noted in an earlier order in the case.

A group of veterans succeeded in obtaining a court ruling, forcing the US Department of Veterans Affairs to hand over many documents detailing alleged drug experiments on Vietnam veterans.

Project "Paperclips"

According to court documents, US Justice of the Peace Jacqueline Scott Corley of Oakland, California stated in her order that

the documents requested by the veteran plaintiffs “have a direct bearing on” their allegations that the government did not notify the veterans of the chemicals they were deliberately exposed to during the experiments, and, perhaps more importantly, the consequences of this exposure. have on their physical and mental health.

The details of this unfortunate episode were contained in the 2009 class action lawsuit.

In a lawsuit filed by America's veterans in Vietnam and individual soldiers, the U.S. Army and Central Intelligence Agency , backed by former Nazi scientists, are accused of using at least 7 veterans as guinea pigs to test the effects of as many as 800 different types of drugs and chemicals.

They included:

• mescaline (psychedelic alkaloid),
• LSD (psychedelic drug),
• amphetamines,
• barbiturates,
• nerve agents,
• mustard gas.

The lawsuit also says the government worked to hide the testing and nature of its experiments, which began in the 1950s under exotic codenames such as Bluebird, Artichoke and MKUltra.

The lawsuit alleges that the government launched the Paperclip project. It was an all-out attempt by the army and the CIA to allegedly hire former Nazi scientists to test various psychochemicals and develop a new "truth serum."

According to Colin A. Ross, a psychiatrist and author of CIA Doctors, he studied more than 15 documents he received from the country's top spy agency detailing the "mind control" operations he said were carried out. from 000 to 1950 "at many leading universities, including Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Johns Hopkins and Stanford".

The goal is just mind control.

The report, published on the website of the International Commission on Human Rights, noted:

"The MKUltra project and its associated programs have several overlapping goals."
“One was buying mind control drugs from vendors.
The other was in establishing relationships with researchers who could later be used as consultants on top secret level ".

The next one is to learn how to improve interrogations, erase and insert memories, and create and launch Manchu candidates.

The broader goal of mind control experiments is to control human behavior:

• make enemy combatants open up during interrogation,
• protect classified information by erasing memories,
• make spies more resistant to interrogation,
• make people more prone to influence, social control and suggestion.

All of this is documented "clearly and unambiguously" in declassified CIA documents.


"Subjects were not informed of the real purpose of the experiments, they did not give informed consent, did not receive an outside consultant, and did not receive meaningful follow-up."

CIA and military disclosures have prompted a number of survivors or their relatives to file lawsuits against the federal government for conducting experiments without informed consent.

While the government has persistently, and sometimes successfully, sought to avoid legal liability, several plaintiffs have received compensation through judicial, settlement, or congressional acts.

Frank Olson's family received $ 750 by a special act of Congress. President Ford and CIA Director William Colby met with the Olson family to publicly apologize.

All lawsuits related to the project contained conclusions:

• Mind control experiments and operational programs violate basic human rights and all codes of medical ethics.

• The government should never use American citizens or other people for any kind of experimentation, at least without prior consent.

The official version of events states that MKUltra has been shut down and attempts at mind control have ceased.

Why did MKUltra program end?

Despite new insights into the dark sides of human emotion, the MKUltra project was ultimately deemed unsuccessful.

The CIA completed the program in the early 70s, assessing that Behavioral drugs are operationally useless in altering pre-existing attitudes or coercing potential intelligence sources to cooperate.

However, new pharmaceuticals seem to be changing this dynamic.

To understand the threat posed by new drugs that can change behavior, it is helpful to assess the factors that led to the abandonment of MKUltra.

The effects of interrogation drugs, which are the central and most significant focus of the MKUltra program, were too unpredictable and inconsistent.

Moreover, the use of drugs during interrogation required a high level of operational security, with the result that intelligence officers felt their use was too much of a problem, given the little benefit they seemed to bring.

Aside from practical considerations, the two most heavily researched interrogation drugs, Truth Serum and LSD, were found to be more harmful than beneficial to the interrogation process.

For example, the preparations of "truth", primarily scopolamine and barbiturates, such as sodium pentothal and sodium amythal, are depressants of the central nervous system that do not force a person to tell the truth, but are akin to a state of intoxication, make a person less depressed, more talkative (but not the fact that truthful).

Scopolamine, after extensive trials, was disqualified by the CIA as a truth medicine due to a number of side effects: hallucinations, impaired perception, drowsiness, headaches, blurred vision, and excessive dry mouth to such an extent that it was impossible to speak.

With barbiturates, things aren't much better. But if the client was interesting only as a source of information, and his life did not matter, in the history of the CIA, these substances were shown for use.

In order to avoid the claims of Roskomnadzor and accusations of promoting drugs and non-excise American alcohol, the author completes the topic.


Although science is far from fully understanding the brain and all its functions, practitioners are beginning to understand how biochemical and electrical signals (which are interconnected) transmitted between neurons form closed circuits and cause feelings of fear, anxiety, trust, and even love, and even the latter can be used for military purposes.

The Pentagon officially acknowledged that in the 1990s, work was underway on the so-called "gay bomb" - a non-lethal chemical weapon, which was supposed to cause at least sexual arousal among enemy soldiers, and at most - homosexual behavior.
However, the developers of the gay bomb made a serious miscalculation, as a result, overexcited soldiers with tenfold assertiveness went to the enemy ...
In addition, gay activist organizations were outraged by the suggestion that homosexual soldiers were less capable of fighting.

This is not the best example of gender-selective chemical weapons, but even for such projects, the United States finds money.

MKUltra is mainly about biochemistry.

It is one of the methods of behavioral neuroscience, which studies the biological mechanisms that govern the aspects that make us human, our emotions, memories and cognitive processes, and how they can go awry and cause mental illness.

This method is far from the only one.

In the next article, we will review the military applications of other more advanced technologies, both the effect on individual combatants and on group targets.


The book by S. G. Kara-Murza "Manipulation of Consciousness" tells about the forms and methods of "manipulation of consciousness".
By this term, the author understands the programming of the opinions and aspirations of individuals and the masses, their moods and even their mental state in order to ensure their behavior that is needed by those who own the means of manipulation.

Manipulation - this is a hidden influence, the fact of which should not be noticed by the object of manipulation.

Professor of the University of California G. Schiller, one of the leading experts on American media, notes:

“To be successful, manipulation must remain invisible. The success of manipulation is guaranteed when the manipulated person believes that everything that happens is natural and inevitable. "

Although this is also the case, this article is not about that at all.

We consider only technical, chemical, neurobiological methods and ways of modifying human consciousness, mainly for military purposes.

You can see the consequences!

Perhaps the "Havana syndrome" that we discussed in the previous article is a symptom of this effect.

Despite claims by the US CIA and other government officials, attempts at mind control using technologies such as add-ons to classics continue to this day, albeit in more innocuous applications such as advertising and electoral technology.

These assumptions are exacerbated by many, not only Americans, during the election campaign.

If you believe that your mind is not being controlled, or at least not influenced, you are simply not well informed.

The latter assumption is solely the personal opinion of the author.

To be continued ...
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  1. +2
    29 September 2021 11: 10
    the "knights" of the cloak and dagger .... and a lot, a lot of accompanying DIRT.
    1. +3
      29 September 2021 11: 27
      Quote: rocket757
      the "knights" of the cloak and dagger .... and a lot, a lot of accompanying DIRT.

      On the Anglo-Saxon cloak and dagger, so much dirt adhered that they cannot be seen because of the dirt.
      1. +1
        29 September 2021 12: 01
        Quote: tihonmarine
        On the Anglo-Saxon cloak and dagger, so much dirt stuck,

        And they don't consider it dirt
        1. +1
          29 September 2021 14: 45
          Quote: Seryoga64
          And they don't consider it dirt

          When you are up to your ears in shit, you can think that you are sitting in a Japanese bath, but the shit still remains.
          1. 0
            29 September 2021 16: 14
            Quote: tihonmarine
            When you are up to your ears in shit, you can think that you are sitting in a Japanese bath, but the shit still remains.

            Well, every shit perceives differently.
            Some like shit, others like healing baths
            1. -1
              29 September 2021 16: 34
              Quote: Seryoga64
              Well, every shit perceives differently.
              Some like shit, others like healing baths

              Well, one cannot but agree with this.
    2. +7
      29 September 2021 11: 27
      Quote: rocket757
      the "knights" of the cloak and dagger .... and a lot, a lot of accompanying DIRT.

      This reading is not for the faint of heart, and I am more than sure that the Anglo-Saxons never stopped these experiments, in achieving the cherished goal - to subjugate the whole world.
      1. 0
        29 September 2021 12: 02
        Quote: credo
        Subdue the whole world.

        And go ahead
        1. 0
          29 September 2021 16: 35
          Quote: Seryoga64
          And go ahead

          ... but it also happens to be a bummer.
          1. -1
            29 September 2021 16: 43
            Quote: tihonmarine
            ... but it also happens to be a bummer.

            Vietnamese, Afghani, it's masterpiece
            1. +1
              29 September 2021 17: 11
              Quote: Seryoga64
              Vietnamese, Afghani, it's masterpiece

              I also mean that.
              1. 0
                29 September 2021 17: 21
                Quote: tihonmarine
                I also mean that.

                The truth will always find a way
      2. +2
        29 September 2021 12: 14
        This reading is not for the faint of heart. "

        Moreover, even on this site there are quite a few people who, after the second paragraph, rushed to pull pans over the gas mask ... laughing
        But it must be admitted that the question is more than serious.
        1. +4
          29 September 2021 20: 22
          Two veterans remember ...
          - Do you remember we were given bromine during the war, so that we wouldn't run after women?
          - And then ...
          - It looks like it is starting to work ...
    3. +5
      29 September 2021 11: 32
      I even know one country in Eastern Europe that the US used as a test subject in a mind control experiment for its population - the results exceeded all expectations! laughing
      1. 0
        29 September 2021 12: 04
        Quote: Finches
        the results exceeded all expectations!

        They just don't know how to stop them from jumping laughing
    4. +5
      29 September 2021 11: 34
      Now, in order to avoid the risks associated with lawsuits against the government, the same (experiments on people) are carried out by private companies in Africa, on the territory of the former USSR, etc. on grants from supposedly "private sources". An organization like Médecins Sans Frontières has been repeatedly involved in scandals with illegal experiments on humans, but everything was quickly extinguished, as if nothing had happened. The story with covid-19 "from the same" opera ".
    5. 0
      9 November 2021 15: 09
      What a blessing that I am little and poorly informed ... I have nothing to tell the criminals ... so they don’t care about me ... ugh ...
  2. +8
    29 September 2021 11: 16
    From the first lines, I recognized the author. I read to the end, as if he were. smile
  3. +3
    29 September 2021 11: 17
    It is possible to manipulate the consciousness of people when people themselves want it, when they believe in what they WANT to believe.
    Here, the enemies of the communists on the territory of the USSR did not succumb to Soviet propaganda, but easily succumbed to all anti-Soviet propaganda, believed Solzhenitsyn's deceitful anti-Soviet propaganda, fakes concocted in the West about the alleged "dominance of Jews" in the leadership of the RSFSR / CCSR of the first years, in all anti-Soviet myths fakes, nonsense, cliches that their anti-Soviet-Russophobic puppeteers instill in them since Perestroika, and they repeat them in chorus, not even understanding their meaning, unable to prove and substantiate them, how they chorus the GULAG, the GULAG, but none of they are not able to explain why they are places of confinement for criminals in the USSR, which were, are, will be in all countries of the world, including the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Russian Federation, were put up for the "crime" of the communists.
    1. -6
      29 September 2021 11: 37
      GULAG, GULAG, but none of them is able to explain why they are places of detention for criminals in the USSR, what they were, are, will be in all countries of the world, including the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Russian Federation, put up for the "crime" of the communists.

      Maybe because in the USSR, in the period from 1921 to 1938 alone, 750 thousand people were executed? winked

      Despite the fact that the US Federal Penitentiary Service passed 16 thousand death sentences.
      For the entire existence of the United States. wink

      By the way, Bloody Nikolai executed about 6 thousand. This is from 1875 to 1912.
      1. +4
        29 September 2021 11: 56
        This is exactly the answer I was waiting for.
        The enemies of the communists thoughtlessly, like zombies, believed their anti-Soviet-Russophobic puppeteers, and that ALL repressed in the USSR for political reasons, and ALL 10 million GULAG prisoners in 30 years, were "innocent victims, the best, most hard-working, gene pool and the color of the nation, "BUT none of you is capable of proving or substantiating this.
        The external and internal enemies of the country and the people are terrible, but even more terrible are their puppets, whom the enemies of the country and the people incite against whoever they want, inspire what they want, make them adore whoever they want, like Nicholas II and Bandera.
        1. -4
          29 September 2021 12: 04
          and that ALL repressed in the USSR for political reasons, and ALL 10 million prisoners of the GULAG in 30 years, were "innocent victims, the best, most hard-working, gene pool and color of the nation," BUT neither to prove nor substantiate this, nor one of you is incapable.

          Let's say so.
          But the question is, what is the adjective to call this power, which has given rise to so many criminals. winked

          Vaughn Gennady Andreevich is dissatisfied with the election results. You see, I decided to boycott the Moscow City Duma.
          I forgot the sick one, that in the days of the USSR they were imprisoned only for an attempt to create any party except the CPSU.
          1. 0
            29 September 2021 12: 14
            So, I was waiting for such an answer. The enemies of the communists always cowardly dump the blame and responsibility on the Bolshevik-communists for what they did themselves, both under Soviet rule, and during your anti-communist Perestroika, and 30 years after your seizure of the USSR.
            The enemies of the communists turned out to be so vile that they even blamed the communists for the fact that they themselves ran in millions to grovel before the invaders of their homeland by the invaders and the Nazis.
            1. -5
              29 September 2021 12: 49
              So, I was waiting for such an answer. The enemies of the communists always cowardly dump the blame and responsibility on the Bolshevik-communists for what they did themselves, both under Soviet rule, and during your anti-communist Perestroika, and 30 years after your seizure of the USSR.

              Perestroika is only one of the slogans with which your communist Michal Sergeeich beckoned the people.
              Remind the other two?
              Democracy and Glasnost.

              The union collapsed, among other things, because the communists wandered in farther.
              Publicity remained only in the kitchen.
              1. +3
                29 September 2021 12: 54
                That's what I wrote about. The enemies of the communists cowardly blamed on the communists the responsibility for the seizure of the USSR, and the implantation of their anti-Sovietism on its territory, starting with Perestroika, including all these anti-Soviet myths, fakes, nonsense, clichés, as the ideology and history of the country and the people.
                And people who seriously declare that countries can fall apart by themselves are potential patients in psychiatric hospitals.
                1. -4
                  29 September 2021 13: 03
                  That's what I wrote about. The enemies of the communists cowardly blamed on the communists the responsibility for the seizure of the USSR, and the implantation of their anti-Sovietism on its territory, starting with Perestroika, including all these anti-Soviet myths, fakes, nonsense, clichés, as the ideology and history of the country and the people.
                  And people who seriously declare that countries can fall apart by themselves are potential patients in psychiatric hospitals.

                  So at the helm of the country and perestroika were only communists!
                  The Union was not captured by anyone, it is known to have collapsed.
                  And of course it didn’t fall apart, the communists destroyed it.

                  And now people like you are inventing some mythical "enemies".
                  Look in the mirror, they are there. love
                2. 0
                  30 September 2021 17: 16
                  Hello. I came to read about American atrocities, but even here they remembered about the Soviet Union.
                  Anyone who claims about the millions of victims of the regime, they do not know that the revolution is objectively merging into a civil war.
                  France, one-fifth of them died there.
                  USA - unlike us that we love to water ourselves, they do not talk about the atrocities that Washington did there.
                  Argentina - after the revolution, the civil society lasted 40 years.
                  And none of these countries itself does not put a verdict that "how wild we are because we are not loved in Europe."
                  When a revolution occurs, idealists stand on its blade, but many people who are only looking for power and profit and they find themselves inside, they are then republished, thieves, murderers, rapists who were spawned by the tsarist power and ended up inside the party and from the hands of a traitor Solzhenitsyn and Trotsky turned out to be innocent victims.

                  As for the seizure of power, the way it is, Beria was shot and those who did not have time to purge from the party came to power.
        2. +1
          29 September 2021 20: 24
          Quote: tatra
          "innocent victims, the best, the most hard-working, the gene pool and the color of the nation"

          For all I will not say ... but they were all hard-working.
    2. -4
      29 September 2021 12: 06
      Quote: tatra
      enemies of the communists

      Do you have at least one post without this mantra?
      1. 0
        29 September 2021 12: 15
        If you are unable to argue anything adequate, do not torture Claudia.
        1. -2
          29 September 2021 12: 23
          Quote: tatra
          If you are unable to argue anything adequate, do not torture Claudia.

          I didn't mind. I asked a question
          And it seems to me that this mantra is just the topic of the article.
          I'm talking about mind manipulation
    3. -2
      29 September 2021 12: 17
      Quote: tatra
      fakes concocted in the West about the alleged "dominance of the Jews" in the leadership of the RSFSR / USSR in the first years

      TROTSKY Lev Davydovich (BRONSHTEIN Leiba Davidovich)
      • People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR (November 1917 - March 1918).
      • People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs of the RSFSR / USSR (August 1918 - January 1925).
      • People's Commissar of Railways of the RSFSR (March-December 1920).
      • Chairman of the Main Concession Committee under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (June 1925 - 1927).

      STEINBERG Isaak Zakharovich (Itskhok-Nahmen Zerahovich)
      • People's Commissar of Justice of the RSFSR (December 1917 - March 1918).

      SVERDLOV Veniamin Mikhailovich (Binyamin Movshevich)
      • People's Commissar of Communications of the RSFSR (1918 January-February).

      Gukovsky Isidor Emmanuilovich
      • People's Commissar for Financial Affairs of the RSFSR (March-August 1918).

      LYUBOVICH Artemy Moiseevich
      • Acting Commissar of Post and Telegraph of the RSFSR, USSR (March 1920 - May 1921, November 1927 - January 1928).

      DOVGALEVSKIY Valerian Savelevich (Saulovich)
      • Commissar of Post and Telegraph of the RSFSR (May 1921 - July 1923).

      SHEYNMAN Aron Lvovich
      • Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the RSFSR, USSR (October 1921 - December 1924, January 1926 - October 1928).
      • People's Commissar for Internal Trade of the USSR (December 1924 - November 1925).

      KAMENEV (ROSENFELD) Lev Borisovich
      • Deputy Chairman of the SNK RSFSR / USSR (September 1922 - January 1926).
      • People's Commissar for External and Internal Trade of the USSR (January-November 1926).
      • Chairman of the Main Concession Committee at the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (May 1929 - October 1932).

      SOKOLNIKOV Grigoriy Yakovlevich (BRILLIANT Girsh Yankelevich)
      • People's Commissar of Finance of the RSFSR / USSR (October 1922 - January 1926).

      YAKOVLEV (EPSHTEIN) Yakov Arkadyevich
      • Commissar of Agriculture of the USSR (December 1929 - April 1934).

      Rukhimovich Moses Lvovich
      • People's Commissar of Railways of the USSR (June 1930 - October 1931).
      • Commissar of the USSR Defense Industry (December 1936 - October 1937).

      LITVINOV Maksim Maksimovich (VALLAH-FINKELSTEIN Meer-Genoh Moiseevich)
      • Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR (July 1930 - May 1939).

      KALMANOVICH Moisey Iosifovich
      • Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR (October 1930 - April 1934).
      • People's Commissar of Grain and Livestock Farms of the USSR (April 1934 - April 1937).

      ROSENGOLTS Arkady Pavlovich
      • People's Commissar for Foreign Trade of the USSR (November 1930 - June 1937).
      • Head of the Department of State Reserves under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (August-October 1937).

      Shumyatsky Boris Zakharovich
      • "People's Commissar of Cinematography": Chairman of Soyuzkino, Head of the Main Directorate of the Film Industry, Chairman of the State Directorate of the Film and Photo Industry under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (November 1930 - January 1938).

      GOLTSMAN Abram Zinovievich
      • Head of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (February 1932 - September 1933).

      GOLOSCHEKIN Philip Isaevich (Shaya Isaakovich)
      • Chief State Arbiter at the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (February 1933 - October 1939).

      KLEINER Israel Mikhailovich (Srul Meilikhovich)
      • Chairman of the Committee for Procurement of Agricultural Products under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (April 1934 - December 1936).
      • People's Commissar for Procurements of the USSR (December 1936 - August 1937).

      MARYASIN Lev Efimovich
      • Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR (April 1934 - July 1936).

      WEITSER Israel Yakovlevich
      • People's Commissar for Internal Trade of the USSR (July 1934 - October 1939).

      YAGODA Henrikh Grigorievich (YEHUDA Enoch Girshevich)
      • People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (July 1934 - September 1936)
      • People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR (September 1936 - April 1937).

      KAGANOVICH Lazar Moiseevich
      • People's Commissar of Railways of the USSR (May 1935 - August 1937, April 1938 - March 1942, February 1943 - December 1944).
      • People's Commissar of Heavy Industry of the USSR (August 1937 - January 1939).
      • Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars / Council of Ministers of the USSR (August 1938 - May 1944, December 1944 - March 1953).
      • People's Commissar of the Fuel Industry of the USSR (January-October 1939).
      • People's Commissar of the Oil Industry of the USSR (October 1939 - July 1940).
      • Minister of the Industry of Building Materials of the USSR (March 1946 - March 1947).
      • Chairman of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for the material and technical supply of the national economy (January 1948 - October 1952).
      • First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (March 1953 - June 1957).
      • Chairman of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and wages (May 1955 - May 1956).
      • Minister of the Industry of Building Materials of the USSR (September 1956 - July 1957).

      KAMINSKY (HOFMAN) Grigory Naumovich
      • chief sanitary inspector of the USSR (1935 - June 1937).
      • People's Commissar of Health of the USSR (July 1936 - June 1937).

      KRUGLIKOV Solomon Lazarevich
      • Chairman of the Board of the State Bank of the USSR (July 1936 - September 1937).

      HALEPSKY Innokenty Andreevich
      • People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR (April-August 1937).
      • Special Plenipotentiary of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR for communications (August-November 1937).

      BERMAN Matvey Davydovich
      • People's Commissar of Communications of the USSR (August 1937 - December 1938).

      BRUSKIN Alexander Davidovich
      • People's Commissar of Mechanical Engineering of the USSR (October 1937 - June 1938).

      KAGANOVICH Mikhail Moiseevich
      • Commissar of the defense industry of the USSR (October 1937 - January 1939).
      • People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry of the USSR (January 1939 - January 1940).

      GILINSKY Abram Lazarevich
      • People's Commissar of the Food Industry of the USSR (January-August 1938).

      GINZBURG Semyon Zakharovich
      • Chairman of the Committee for Construction Affairs under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (March 1938 - May 1939).
      • People's Commissar for the Construction of the USSR (June 1939 - January 1946).
      • Commissar for the construction of military and naval enterprises of the USSR (January 1946 - March 1947).
      • Minister for the Industry of Building Materials of the USSR (March 1947 - May 1950).

      DUKELSKY Semyon Semyonovich
      • Chairman of the Committee for Cinematography under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR in the rank of People's Commissar (March 1938 - June 1939).
      • People's Commissar of the USSR Navy (April 1939 - February 1942).

      BELENKY Zakhar Moiseevich
      • Acting Chairman of the Soviet Control Commission under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (May 1938 - April 1939).

      ANTSELOVICH Naum Markovich
      • People's Commissar of the Forest Industry of the USSR (October 1938 - October 1940).

      ZEMCHUZHINA Polina Semyonovna (KARPOVSKAYA Pearl Semyonovna)
      • People's Commissar for the Fishing Industry of the USSR (January-November 1939).

      VANNIKOV Boris Lvovich
      • People's Commissar of Armaments of the USSR (January 1939 - June 1941).
      • People's Commissar of Ammunition of the USSR (February 1942 - August 1945).
      • People's Commissar / Minister of Agricultural Engineering of the USSR (January-June 1946).
      • Head of the First Main Directorate under the Council of People's Commissars / Council of Ministers of the USSR (August 1945 - March 1953).

      ZEMLYACHKA (ZALKIND) Rozalia Samoilovna
      • Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (May 1939 - August 1943).
      • Chairman of the Commission for Soviet Control under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (May 1939 - September 1940).

      MEHLIS Lev Zakharovich
      • Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (September 1940 - May 1944).
      • People's Commissar / Minister of State Control of the USSR (September 1940 - June 1941, March 1946 - October 1950).

      ZALTSMAN Isaak Moiseevich
      • People's Commissar of the Tank Industry of the USSR (July 1942 - June 1943).

      RAISER David Yakovlevich (Usherovich)
      • Minister of Construction of Heavy Industrial Enterprises (May 1950 - March 1953).
      • Minister of Construction of Enterprises of the Metallurgical and Chemical Industry of the USSR (April 1954 - May 1957).

      DYMSHITS Veniamin Emanuilovich
      • Head of the Department of Capital Construction of the State Planning Committee of the USSR - Minister of the USSR (June 1959 - April 1962).
      • First Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Commission of the USSR - Minister of the USSR (April - July 1962).
      • Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (July 1962 - December 1985).
      • Chairman of the State Planning Commission of the USSR (July - November 1962).
      • Chairman of the Council of the National Economy of the USSR (November 1962 - October 1965).
      • Chairman of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Logistics (October 1965 - June 1976).

      VOLODARSKY Lev Markovich (GOLDSTEIN Leiba Mordkovich)
      • Head of the Central Statistical Office at the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Central Statistical Office of the USSR (August 1975 - December 1985).

      KOTLYAR Nikolay Isaakovich
      • Minister of Fisheries of the USSR (January 1987 - November 1991).

      RAEVSKY Vladimir Abramovich
      • Acting Minister of Finance of the USSR (November 1991 - March 1992).
      1. +2
        29 September 2021 12: 43
        Those who like to transfer arrows from the dirty deeds of the Anglo-Saxons to the history of Russia, the Russian Empire or the USSR should then delve into the history of the Anglo-Saxons themselves and their endless campaigns of conquest with the mass extermination of aborigines in the lands that were colonized by the "old woman" of England or the endless wars of the United States in foreign territories, where they have exterminated and are still exterminating hundreds of thousands and millions of innocent people in front of them.

        And the very history of the same England and the United States knows numerous examples of the destruction of the British and Americans by the authorities of these countries.

        So it turns out that in place of discussing the topic of the article, the jealous defenders of the immaculate deeds of the Anglo-Saxons quickly turn the arrows to others in the hope of Nuladn cookies, and maybe someone else.
        1. -2
          29 September 2021 14: 15
          Quote: credo
          For those who like to translate arrows from the dirty deeds of the Anglo-Saxons into the history of Russia

          Where do you see the translation?
          I replied to the post
          about the alleged "dominance of the Jews" in the leadership of the RSFSR / CCSR of the first years
      2. -3
        29 September 2021 12: 44
        HA, lists like A. Dikyi's lists, where Jews are in the Council of People's Commissars, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, etc. almost 90% are obtained in a very prosaic way.
        First, it is the registration of those who are not Jews as Jews. Secondly, this is the reduction in one list of people who were part of the Council of People's Commissars, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, etc. at different times.
        And thirdly, it is the removal of Russians from the lists.
        1. -2
          29 September 2021 14: 08
          Quote: tatra
          First, it is the registration of those who are not Jews as Jews.

          Who exactly isn't?
          Secondly, this is the reduction in one list of people who were part of the Council of People's Commissars, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, etc. at different times.

          So this is your request. Or have you forgotten?
          dominance of Jews "in the leadership RSFSR / CCSR first years,
      3. +2
        30 September 2021 01: 18
        Trotsky - killed, Sverdlov, Lyubovich, Kamenev, Sokolnikov, Yakovlev, Rukhimovich, Kalmanovich, Rozengolts, Shumyatsky, Goloschekin, Kleiner, Maryasin, Weitser, Yagoda, Kaminsky, Kruglikov, Khalepsky, Berman, Bruskin, Belky, Gilinsky - Rasstrinsky. Vannikov, Pearl - sat. M.I. Kaganovich - shot himself. In practice, you have given a list of victims of Stalinist repressions.
  4. +3
    29 September 2021 11: 24
    Most notoriously, the MKUltra Mind Control Program of the CIA from the early 1950s to the mid 1970s

    Well, if such a program already existed, then who would believe that it was just taken and closed. That the Yankees were "spotted" is without a doubt, but the program was allegedly "closed", but in reality they were buried somewhere in the mountains, and continue to work. Not those people Anglo-Saxons to throw money away, and not those people who are used to doing good.
    1. +1
      29 September 2021 12: 19
      Quote: tihonmarine
      then who will believe that it was just taken and closed.

      And they didn’t think to close it.
      It's like secret prisons. In one country it was closed, in another it was opened
    2. 0
      1 October 2021 11: 22
      Quote: tihonmarine
      Not those people Anglo-Saxons to throw money away, and not those people who are used to doing good.

      That's right ... they closed them because it is ineffective to interrogate someone knowingly knowing that at the end of the interrogation either the truth or lies or hallucinations / delusions.
      33/33/33% ratio
      It's easier to exclude delirium and leave - only the truth and lies
  5. 0
    29 September 2021 11: 28
    Apparently, the research was not in vain, since the Americans think of themselves as a supernation.
    Somehow they were still processed.
  6. 0
    29 September 2021 11: 35
    I would probably have been imbued with what I have read, and even, perhaps, I would have broken into tears if I had not known what they were doing in the USSR with their own citizens in all sorts of "psychiatric hospitals".

    I'm not talking about how people are brainwashed these days.
    We all observe daily, both the victims of such acts (which is depressing), and the owners of persistent immunity (this gives us hope that everything is not lost).
    1. -3
      29 September 2021 12: 49
      This is how the enemies of the communists from Perestroika, "liberated" by Gorbachev, prove that the communists were right to put them in psychiatric hospitals, and that is where they belong.
      The enemies of the communists themselves in the VO are mocking at the blatant nonsense that the Ukrainian enemies of the communists are talking about.
      And how mentally adequate people can seriously argue that one country can feed the whole world, and countries can fall apart by themselves, because they have rotted away, that the people who attacked the country can be defeated by the people in spite of the power of their country, throwing corpses at the enemies, shooting their soldiers in the backs ?
      1. 0
        1 October 2021 11: 27
        Quote: tatra
        countries can fall apart by themselves because they have rotted

        At least a dozen the names of the generals - who shot themselves from the shame of the USSR's oath of allegiance?
        No? No?
        White generals were shooting, our generals were shooting during the Second World War, even German generals were ... and later the USSR's all as one were modest .......
    2. +4
      29 September 2021 12: 56
      I'm not talking about how people are brainwashed these days.
      This article, as an example. The author, purposefully deals with this. That was UFO articles, Havana syndrome, now this. RenTV, on VO.
    3. 0
      30 September 2021 10: 24
      A. Privalov (Alexander Privalov)
      Yesterday, 11: 35
      .. I'm not talking about how they wash their brains these days ...
      Evidence in the studio. tongue

      We all watch every day
      and "we are all" is хthen? and where does the "observation" come from? from unnecessary, merciatosia, tribaltia, isravil? wassat and if you have something whimsical, do not harness "everyone", as petty as that, and looks like ordinary propaganda.
      1. 0
        1 October 2021 11: 30
        Quote: aszzz888
        Evidence in the studio.

        You open ANY news portal of Ukraine and you see "Russian troops in the LDNR" ... and the population of Ukraine piously believes in this .....
        But at the same time, they are very offended by the Russian Federation for the highly expensive gas - although according to military and human logic, "the country is the aggressor of the Russian Federation" MANDATORY would blow up the whole GTS of Ukraine

        This is the brainwashing of the population
  7. +2
    29 September 2021 11: 50
    Well, in fact, they began to manipulate consciousness back in the caves. Drums, yeah. You can induce a state close to trance. And for a very long time they did not refuse those drums, and even now there are echoes
  8. +3
    29 September 2021 12: 07
    The point is that there is no democracy, no liberalism, etc., and has never existed. There are different ways to control the population under control: "thinner" and "thicker". And now the lines between these methods are blurring. And in "democratic countries" they can easily be persecuted or even fired from their jobs for insufficiently expressed love for transgender people, environmental extremists and BLM activists. Or - the invisible "big brother" will delete the president's "incorrect" words on social networks, or even block his account altogether.
    1. 0
      29 September 2021 12: 28
      "they can easily be harassed or even fired from their jobs for their insufficiently expressed love for transgender people, environmental extremists and BLM activists" - excessive tolerance has its costs. But there is a fundamental difference - these are not state overtures, but also initiatives.
      The "invisible" big brother "will delete the president's" wrong "words on social networks, or even block his account altogether" - do you prefer the president in the form of an "icon" that you should exclusively pray for? In normal countries, the president is an ordinary person who does not have special rights and immunity after leaving his private life.
      The examples you cited actually refute the thesis that you put forward: "no democracy, no liberalism, etc., does not exist and has never existed."
  9. +3
    29 September 2021 12: 21
    The open history of this case is a history of failure. What led to success works, and is not covered in the press)
  10. 0
    29 September 2021 12: 22
    If you believe that your mind is not being controlled, or at least not influenced
    You just don't have a mind)
    LSD trials on troopers.
  11. +2
    29 September 2021 17: 55
    The author, they would write about scientists, not a plowed field, you are again carried away by three white horses.
  12. 0
    29 September 2021 18: 20
    CIA MKUltra Mind Control Program

    The author, in his own style, continues to "manipulate the minds" of readers, using seemingly real facts, but mixing in them any information poison.
    The MKULTRA project is a search and study of means of manipulating consciousness, not mind control. The author would be before "going on the air." one should have learned that mind and consciousness are two different things. But the phrase "mind control" - sounds more dramatic and contributes to better assimilation by readers, inexperienced in philosophical subtleties, of the author's intention to introduce into their minds the idea of ​​what terrible enemies are surrounding from all sides.
    The technology is primitive. but effective for a certain level of audience.
  13. +2
    30 September 2021 01: 24
    I think the KGB had a similar program. We couldn't afford to lag behind the Americans.
    1. 0
      30 September 2021 18: 24
      Maybe it was, it is logical, experiments on the psyche of the military are very important, but I am sure that not on such a scale and not so brutal.
      As an example, I will give what I know to compare Soviet "cruelty" and American "humanity" - nuclear impact on a person:
      The USSR carried out one experiment in the Totsk test site with a nuclear bomb to test equipment in case of nuclear contamination, threw a bomb and led a column of armored vehicles through the epicenter, received irradiation of 18 thousand soldiers and calmed down on this.
      The United States conducted dozens of experiments with nuclear weapons between the 50s and 70s to test the effects on the body of soldiers. Radiation received 750 thousand people. Only under Obama were they paid a disability pension.
  14. +2
    30 September 2021 06: 29
    It was a wild program, replaced by a seemingly more humane one. But her goal is even more terrible. Make a person mentally impotent. Let's start simple: To go to the store, a person tidies himself up while thinking. But all this disappears if everything he needs is brought home. Why read a book when you can watch a movie. Or listen to an event in its own variation. That is, taking care of our life, we are turned into an obedient tool.
  15. 0
    30 September 2021 21: 22
    If you believe that your mind is not being controlled, or at least not influenced, you are simply not well informed.

    In my opinion, it is high time for VO to introduce a new section - with a title like "Conspiracy Theology Corner". It will be easier to read there. smile

    attempts at mind control using technologies such as add-ons to classics continue to this day, albeit in more innocuous applications such as advertising and electoral technology.

    The author is clearly unfamiliar with the concept of "psychology" (which, even without knowing its name, has been used for many centuries). The author sees in everything exclusively "mind control", even in advertising and political PR (which were also used for many centuries, when the very words "advertising" or "PR" did not even exist at all).

    Is this some kind of test assignment or "term paper" for admission to Ren-TV, what? recourse


    But seriously - at one time with this false theory worn a lot, there were many attempts to implement it in practice, this is true (and not only in the West, by the way). But absolutely all such experiments failed miserably... Which, in fact, is clear as daylight, even if you read ... the text of the author himself ... laughing
  16. 0
    18 November 2021 18: 36
    This is all some kind of fierce crap, if you look at the available Soviet books, on the topic, so they tried to open them there. Eisenstein and Stanislavsky dropped in for them, but Bekhterev didn't he? Or Platonov, whose collection could be taken from the library and read about fam hypnosis there.
    Of course, I heard that everything Soviet and materialistic was condemned there, in God they trust and all that. But for special services that anyway psychology is needed without illusions and censorship.
    IMHO, all this mystically hallucinogenic blizzard, they themselves did, giving people easy-to-understand ideas, whatever God forbid, who did not understand what ... The idea is very simple, and in the USA you don't have to go far for examples, they have all sorts of charismatics staging a show without any psychotronic emitters of LSD ;-) Religious people explained this with a holy or not very spirit, not a religious one with drugs, frequencies and rays with which the vile priests irradiate their adepts. Well, if you look soberly and purely from a practical point of view, at the approaches to the formation of religious consciousness, then it is possible to form both an agent and a soldier, without any special technical means.