"The bravest of the brave." Marshal Ney: from Valmy to Berezina

"The bravest of the brave." Marshal Ney: from Valmy to Berezina
Monument to her on rue de Rivoli (facade of the Louvre)

You have probably noticed that Bonaparte and his marshals in our country are traditionally treated with respect and even some sympathy. And this despite the fact that Russia fought a lot and quite seriously both with the French Republic and the empire of Napoleon I. The battles of these wars were very large-scale and were accompanied by heavy losses on both sides.

The situation is simply unique and difficult to explain. After all, the same Swedish king Charles XII, for example, did not occupy Moscow and only reached Poltava. And Frederick the Great never wanted to fight Russia at all: on his part, military operations against the Russian army during the Seven Years War were purely defensive in nature.

Researchers still cannot understand what goals Elizabeth pursued in that war, what she generally needed from Prussia? From a state with which Russia did not even have common borders then? And why did she have to send tens of thousands of Russian men to die away from home in a foreign war?

Karl XII and Frederick II, great commanders, courageous people and, of course, outstanding, did not become "noble enemies" in Russian society. The attitude towards them in our country has always been hostile and ironic.

Whether it is a passionary general, and then - the emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte and his rootless marshals! Probably, it is not even a matter of numerous victories, but precisely of the incredible and fantastic fate and careers of these people that excite the imagination.

There were no cowards among Napoleon's marshals, but Murat, Lannes and Ney were especially distinguished by their courage. Murat has already been described in two small articles (Joachim Murat. Hero who became a traitor и Two "Gasconades" by Joachim Murat). We'll talk about Lanna next time.

In the meantime, let's talk about Michel Ney (Michel Ney, his surname should be pronounced as "Not", but we will call this marshal according to our tradition).

Michel Ney's military career begins

The hero of our story was born on January 10, 1769 in the city of Saarlouis. By the way, after 7 months in the city of Ajaccio, on the island of Corsica (which only in 1768 became French), Napoleon Bonaparte was born.

Michel Ney, like Napoleon Bonaparte, was a “dubious” Frenchman: his “small homeland” is now part of the territory of the present German federal state of Saarland, and the boy's native language was German. And even his name in the first years of his life was not Michel, but Michel. Ney then used his good knowledge of the German language for reconnaissance of the area during the wars on the territory of Germany. The last time he went on such reconnaissance, disguised as a peasant, went in 1799 - already being a brigadier general. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

The father of our hero, Pierre Ney, served in the army of Frederick the Great during the Seven Years War and retired as a sergeant. Having married, he started a cooper's workshop, had some income, which allowed him to send his son Michel to a Catholic college. After graduation, the young man was accepted as a scribe at the local notary office. He then worked in a foundry, where he became something of a shift foreman and rationer. And also, according to the memoirs of his contemporaries, he played the flute well. However, a peaceful life was not in character for him, and therefore in 1788 Michel Ney entered the army service in one of the hussar regiments (still royal), which was located in Metz.

Because of his hair color, in the army he received the nickname Le Rougeaud - "red-haired" (sometimes he was also called "red fox" and "red lion", and sometimes "red-faced"). At a later time, the poetic and pathetic nickname "flaming marshal" is also used. But, of course, he is much better known as "le Brave des Braves" ("the bravest of the brave"). And, I must say, it was named so well deservedly.

Ney has risked his life many times in numerous battles. In the latter, near Waterloo, 5 horses were completely killed under it. And so it seems incredible that he could live to the age of 46 without becoming disabled and crippled. Apparently, there is a grain of truth in the well-known proverb, which says that the one "who is destined to be hanged will not drown" (in Ney's case, he will not be shot).

At first, nothing boded this young man of a brilliant career as a commander. Only on January 1, 1791 (two years after the start of service) he received the rank of brigadier-furrier, and in February 1792 he was promoted to sergeant-major. But the revolution gave many a chance for a rapid rise. Michel Ney also took advantage of it.

Already on April 1, 1792, he became a senior sergeant, on June 14 of the same year - ajudan (warrant officer). In the old royal army, this rank was the pinnacle of the military career of people of non-nobility. And in the new, republican army, Ney on October 29, 1792 becomes an officer - receives the rank of junior lieutenant. And already on November 5 - a lieutenant.

A. Brune. Michelle Ney in a hussar uniform

The nobleman Bonaparte in the royal army had to wait about five and a half years for promotion from junior lieutenant to lieutenant. That is, Ney's career growth was rapid, but it must be borne in mind that Jean Schramm at this age (23 years old) was already a general, and Bonaparte received the general's rank at 24 years old.

In the Rhine army, Ney then met Kleber, Bernadotte, Soult, Lefebvre and Mortier.

The first battle in which Ney took part was the battle of Valmy, where Lafayette commanded the French. Later, who participated in many battles and was wounded near Mainz, Ney began to rapidly catch up with his peer, the Corsican Bonaparte.

He received the rank of captain on April 12, 1794, the rank of major - on July 31 of the same year, and on October 15 he was promoted to colonel. The next promotion followed on August 1, 1796: Ney became brigadier general of the cavalry, while Bonaparte was promoted to divisional general in March of the same year.

But then she was unlucky: on April 17, 1797, he was captured during the battle with the Austrians at Neuwied. The Republican troops were then commanded by General Gauche, and this battle ended in victory for the French. But Michel Ney, pursuing a retreating enemy, stumbled upon the reserve units of the Austrians. The balance of forces was depressing: 500 French hussars against 6 thousand enemy soldiers.

A little later, the main parts of the French army arrived, and up to 4 thousand Austrians were taken prisoner. But Ney was also taken prisoner, whom Gauche ordered to exchange "on parole": this general will not fight until the French provide the Austrians with a captive general of their army. A month later, Ney received a letter from the Austrians with official permission to fight against them again.

In March 1799, Ney is subordinate to Masséna, who was then operating in Switzerland. On May 27, he was sent to the village of Winterthur (near Zurich), where, in a battle with the Austrian army of General Hotze, he was seriously wounded in the thigh and hand. At the same time, on the recommendation of Massena, Ney received the rank of divisional general.

In 1800, Ney, already in the army of General Moreau, takes part in the Battle of Hohenlinden, which was much more important for the war of the Second Coalition than the famous battle of Marengo given by Napoleon. The large-scale battle of Hohenlinden, which became the pinnacle of General Moreau's military career, took place on December 3, and the French historian E. Daudet wrote that "Hohenlinden's snow is worthy of the sun of Austerlitz." It was this defeat that put Austria on the brink of a military catastrophe and forced it to enter into peace negotiations, which ended with the signing of the Luneville Peace Treaty.

Please note: Ney is already a general, but he has never met Bonaparte yet.

He is a man from a different army, competing with the Italian. This army has different traditions and heroes. This, for example, Louis-Lazare Gauche - the only rival of Bonaparte, ahead of the Corsican even in Josephine's bed. Jean Victor Moreau, who won a victory at Hohenlinden equal to that of Bonaparte at Austerlitz - but earlier.

However, Gauche will suddenly die at the age of 30, Moreau will be forced to leave for America. Generals and officers of the armies of the North look jealously at Bonaparte, who became First Consul, fearing that he will everywhere and everywhere promote the "Italians" he knows - Massena, Lannes, Murat, Augereau and others.

But Bonaparte is already in a hurry to establish relations with these harsh and extremely capable people. And Ney will write about the first meeting with him:

"The reception given by General Bonaparte exceeded all my expectations."

Meeting with Bonaparte

Michel Ney met Napoleon in May 1801, when Bonaparte was already First Consul. To win over a promising general, Napoleon then presented him with a saber of one of the Egyptian pashas, ​​captured during the Battle of Abukir. And Josephine married Her to her daughter's friend - Aglaya-Louise Ogier.

F. Gerard. Portrait of Aglaya-Louise Ogier

The wedding took place 5 August 1802 year.

Thereafter, Ney was appointed Inspector General of the Cavalry, and then negotiated peace in Switzerland. He did this, I must say, in a very peculiar way: at first he ordered to send troops to Zurich - and he was not mistaken: the Swiss became much more accommodating. And in the Helvetic Republic, Ney met Antoine-Henri de Jominey, who will work for him as chief of staff for 10 years. And then, in 1813, he transferred to the Russian service and became the founder of the Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff of the Russian Empire.

Charles Claire. Portrait of Antoine-Henri Jomini

This is the same Zhomini who “confused” the young Russian hussars, about which Denis Davydov bitterly lamented in his poems:

"Jomini, yes Jomini,
but not a word about vodka. "

Returning from Switzerland, Ney was sent to the Bois de Boulogne, where he received command of the VI Army Corps.

Parade at the camp in Boulogne on August 15, 1804.

Marshal of France

On May 18, 1804, Napoleon proclaimed himself Emperor of the French.

The next day, he introduced a new rank in his army - marshal. There were marshals in France before, but now this title has acquired a new meaning. Napoleon himself said that his marshals should have two hypostases: generals - on the battlefield and noble people - at social events in Paris. To emphasize the importance and nobility of his rootless marshals, the emperor began to call them "cousins." Michel Ney was among the first such cousin generals.

Charles Meigner. Portrait of Marshal Ney, 1804

Since then, the names of Bonaparte and Ney are very often found on the same pages of textbooks.

At the same time, contemporaries recalled that Ney unconditionally carried out only the orders of the emperor. In all other cases, he usually acted as he saw fit, which is why he had a lot of conflicts with other marshals.

In 1805, Ney became famous for the battle with the army of the Austrian General Mack retreating to Ulm. In order to prevent the almost surrounded Austrians from escaping, at Elchingen, his soldiers, under enemy fire, managed to put the flooring on the destroyed bridge over the Danube and get over to the other side. Ney himself then led the attack of two infantry regiments, which drove the Austrians out of this village and Elchingen Abbey.

In the battle of Austerlitz, Nei did not take part, since he was sent to Innsbruck. Here he found the republican banners captured by the Austrians, which he then solemnly returned to Paris.

On October 14, 1806, Ney's cavalrymen near Jena broke into the battle formations of the Prussians (but they almost got surrounded - units of Soult and Lannes arrived in time), and then, pursuing the retreating, took Erfurt and Magdeburg on the move. It is curious that in Berlin Napoleon considered it his duty to bow to the ashes of Frederick the Great, saying in passing:

"If he was alive, gentlemen, we would not be here."

(Here's how!)

And Ney did not hesitate to visit the elderly Prussian Marshal Wichard von Mellendorff, in whose troops his father served during the Seven Years' War.

Charles Cook. Michel Ney, Marshal of France, commander of the VI Corps at Jena

In the battle of Preussisch-Eylau, Ney's corps practically did not take part - he approached when the battle was already over. But, seeing fresh French units, the Russians chose to retreat. After a three-month lull, Bennigsen, having 50 thousand soldiers, tried to surround Ney's 20-thousand corps, which was standing at Guttstadt. But this marshal even then showed himself to be a real master of rearguard battles and successfully retreated to the main forces of the French army.

In the battle of Friedland, the blow of Ney's units actually decided the outcome of this battle. According to one version, it was here that Ney received his famous nickname - "The Bravest of the Brave" (according to another - that is how they began to call him after breaking out of the encirclement during the retreat from Moscow).

A. Averyanov "Marshal Ney in the Battle of Friedland"

Finally, in 1808, Ney received the title of Duke of Elchingen and was sent to the Iberian Peninsula.

Nothing good came of this, because in Spain he quarreled with Marshal Soult (it almost came to a duel), and in Portugal - with Massena (here Ney was supported by General Junot). He distinguished himself only by commanding the rearguard during the retreat from Portugal. So, for example, in the battle of Redinya, Ney's 6-strong detachment successfully held back Wellington's 25-strong army for 150 hours. At the same time, Ney lost only 1 people, and Wellington lost about 800.

As a result, the French army left, leaving not a single prisoner and not a single gun to the enemy.

Ney's relationship with Massena had completely deteriorated by that time, and in 1811 he was recalled to Paris.

1812 year

During the campaign against Russia, Ney received command of the III Corps of the Great Army. Its units were the first to reach Smolensk, and here Ney almost died: a bullet hit the high collar of his uniform embroidered with gold and got stuck in it.

Then Ney pursued the rearguard of the Russian army, and in the battle at Valutina Gora (August 19, 1812) replaced the deceased commander of one of the divisions, General Guden. Then the Russian general Tuchkov 3rd was taken prisoner, through whom Napoleon made the first attempt to enter into negotiations with Alexander I.

The battle of Borodino and rearguard battles during the retreat from Moscow were the most glorified for Ney at that time.

Napoleon's plan for the Battle of Borodino was as follows. On the left flank of the Grand Army, troops under the command of Eugene de Beauharnais inflicted distracting blows. Ney and Davout at that time had to take possession of the Semyonov flushes and turn to the left in order to press the Russian units that were standing around the headquarters of Kutuzov, as well as the reserve units, to the Koloche River and, ideally, throw them into it. Poniatowski's corps was ordered to go around the flushes on the right.

It was during one of the French attacks on the Semyonovskie flashes that Bagration would shout bravo when he saw Ney walking in front of his soldiers - and would soon be mortally wounded. Davout will also be shell-shocked and will not be able to continue the battle: Ney alone will lead the attacks on the center of the Russian positions.

The capture of Kurgan Heights was the greatest success of the French in the Battle of Borodino. There was no more strength for further advancement, and at about 17:00 Davout, Ney and Murat asked Napoleon to send the Old Guard into battle. The Emperor hesitated, but Marshal Bessières said the famous phrase:

"Sire, remember that you are seven thousand leagues from your capital."

Marshal Ney, whose red hair that day turned black with smoke and soot, upon learning of Napoleon's refusal, for the first time in his life condemned the emperor's decision.

In a fit of rage, he is said to have shouted:

“S`il a desapris de faire, son affaire, qu`il aille se f ... f ... a Tuilleri; nous ferons mieux sans lui "
("If he has forgotten how to do his business, then let him go with ... to the Tuileries, we can do without him").

During the retreat from Moscow, Ney's III corps was in the rearguard.

Near the village of Krasnoe, he was surrounded by Russian troops. MI Miloradovich, who commanded them, sent an envoy to her with a proposal to surrender. Like, I would never dare to turn to such a famous warrior with such a proposal, but your position is hopeless. Weapon You and the officers will be saved, we will treat each one in accordance with rank and title.

Ney answered his messenger:

“Have you ever heard of French marshals surrendering ?! Marshals don't give up! Negotiations are not being conducted under fire. "

And so that Miloradovich would not find out how bad everything was with him, he ordered ... to arrest the ambassador of the Russian general. And then - two more (you can immediately see the "civilized European", isn't it). He let them go after 26 days - already in Kovno. And then, taking a soldier's gun in his hands, Ney led the remnants of the corps to a breakthrough.

Eyewitnesses relay his order to the troops:

“Move through the forest! No roads? Move forward without roads! Go to the Dnieper and cross the Dnieper! Is the river completely frozen yet? Freeze! March!"

The total number of soldiers and officers of his corps at that time was about 6 thousand people. About one and a half thousand crossed to the other side of the Dnieper.

A. Yvon. Soldiers of Marshal Ney during the retreat from Russia

Ney and his soldiers in the retreating Grand Army were all considered dead. And therefore the news that they managed to escape from the encirclement delighted everyone (even Ney's enemies).

Callencourt recalled:

“No battle won has ever produced such a sensation. The joy was universal; everyone was as if drunk; everyone fussed and ran, informing each other of Ney's return; news passed on to everyone they met. This was a national event; the officers considered themselves obliged to inform even their grooms about him. "

Napoleon and Ney, emerging from the encirclement

Rejoicing for Ney, Napoleon again assigned him to command the rearguard, the role of which was already performed by a consolidated corps, made up of more or less combat-ready units of different formations.

The state of Kutuzov's army was not much better than the French, but from the north, Wittgenstein's army, which had previously defended St. Petersburg, and from the south - the Moldavian army of Admiral Chichagov, which was supposed to take positions on the banks of the Berezina and not allow the remnants of the Great Army to cross this river. ...

These plans, by the way, caused irritation and displeasure in Kutuzov, since the commander-in-chief suspected that Chichagov wanted to take away the glory of the victor of Napoleon from him. The great army, in turn, could be supported by the relatively fresh corps of Oudinot and Victor.

When the Great Army was crossing the Berezina, it was the soldiers of Ney and Oudinot who took the blow of the troops of Admiral Chichagov - at the Sudenoks. Moreover, since Oudinot was wounded, the leadership of this battle was carried out mainly by Ney. And Wittgenstein's onslaught was repelled by Victor's corps.

It was here that the Russians managed to occupy the commanding heights and place artillery pieces on them. Their shelling of the crossing and the crowd gathered on the shore caused panic and a terrible crush, which was repeatedly described by eyewitnesses and captured in many paintings, as well as in the catch phrase “C'est la Berezina”.

This apocalyptic picture finally demoralized Napoleon's army.

Yanuariy Sukhodolsky. "Ferry of Napoleon's troops across the Berezina"

After Berezina, Ney had about 600 subordinates, who were later called "a detachment of ghosts." With this pitiful detachment, Ney defended Vilno from Seslavin's partisans, but was forced to leave the city after the approach of Chichagov's vanguard units.

Paul de Segur wrote about Ney's path to Kovno:

“The great army was still breathing in Marshal Her ... She entered Kovno alone with his adjutants, because everyone around him retreated and fell. For the fourth time he was left alone before the enemy and, still unshakable, is looking for a fifth rearguard. "

On December 14, 1812, Ney and several dozen people accompanying him crossed the frozen ice of the Neman and left Russia forever.

In the next article we will continue our story about Michelle Ney.
141 comment
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  1. +2
    25 September 2021 04: 52
    In vain did the author say about the sympathy of Russians for Napoleon ... recently one such amateur - the professor of this dictator shredded the girl to pieces.
    And if you look at the outcome of Buonaparte's life, it is tens of thousands of murdered French, Austrians, Russians and other representatives of the peoples of Europe.
    Deserted France, Europe, ruined Russia ...
    Why love this invader and murderer? ... Yes, he was smart and talented hehe in matters of destroying his own kind ... every nation has its own idols ... the French have Napoleon ... we have Kutuzov who stopped his plans to seize the world.
    1. +4
      25 September 2021 05: 15
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      In vain did the author say about the sympathy of Russians for Napoleon ...

      This is such a trend of the era - such a trick. Some remember the exploits of Ney and Napoleon, others - Kolchak and Mannerheim, still others - Yegorka Gaidar and EBN.
      1. +2
        25 September 2021 08: 56
        It's like the bone will fall. If you can change your shoes
      2. 0
        25 September 2021 16: 54
        it's good that the Macedonian did not attack the ancient Slavs, otherwise it would be like a Kolchak
    2. +16
      25 September 2021 05: 18
      "Deserted France" - during the reign of Napoleon, the population of France increased.
      "The author shouldn't have said about the sympathy of Russians for Napoleon" - the author is absolutely right. Read at least War and Peace, watch the Hussar Ballad.
      “Smart and talented he he he in matters of destroying his own kind” - according to the Napoleon Code, France lives to this day.
      1. +4
        25 September 2021 05: 59
        Well, at the expense of the occupied territories, I read War and Peace ... I remembered the sufferings of the mortally wounded prince and the executions of men by the French ... there is no enthusiasm for war and death, which is beautiful in a bloody meat grinder of battle, in the severed heads and guts from stomachs torn apart by bayonets ?
        The French are free to live at least according to the code of the devil ... the main thing is that they do not come to us with their code. hi
        The hussar ballad is good for cinema ... in life everything was a little different.
        1. +8
          25 September 2021 07: 09
          Everyone chooses idols for themselves!
          Good day everyone, thank you Valery for the essay about Her.
          Regards, Kote!
          1. +11
            25 September 2021 08: 53
            Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
            Everyone chooses idols for themselves!

            Everyone chooses for themselves
            woman, religion, road.
            Serve the devil or the prophet -
            everyone chooses for himself.

            Everyone chooses by themselves
            word for love and for prayer.
            A sword for a duel, a sword for a battle
            everyone chooses for himself.

            Everyone chooses by themselves
            shield and armor, staff and patches.
            The measure of final reckoning
            everyone chooses for himself.

            Everyone chooses for himself ...
            I choose, too, as I can,
            I have no complaints about anyone -
            everyone chooses for himself.
          2. +5
            25 September 2021 11: 28
            Namesake, greetings. Valery, as always, has some interesting material
      2. +1
        25 September 2021 11: 26
        "According to the Code of Napoleon," let's just say: the Napoleon Code is at the heart, and there are a lot of changes. Perhaps there is only a title: "Napoleon's Code"
        1. +1
          26 September 2021 13: 08
          Quote: vladcub
          Perhaps there is only a title: "Napoleon's Code"

          No, the basic ideas have been preserved everywhere. There was certainly a correction, but in my opinion, it was not fundamental.
      3. 0
        25 September 2021 17: 18
        Quote: Sergey Valov
        “Smart and talented he he he in matters of destroying his own kind” - according to the Napoleon Code, France lives to this day.

        Don't confuse the Napoleon cake with the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. You know what I’ll note to you, Germany also honors Bismarck, and the United States lives according to the constitution of 1787 ... And then what? You, too. then continue your thoughts in the spirit: “That's right, the great Napoleon attacked Russia - he wanted well. It's a pity that I could not win, so we would have lived according to the code of Napoleon. "
        Why not remember the talents of Hitler, Adolf Aloisovich? He controlled the whole of Europe in less than two years. This is despite the fact that Germany was simply drained of blood by the Versailles Treaty, and the German people still remember how order was brought in Nazi Germany and the economy was raised ... Let's remember the "noble" Churchill with his famous quotes and Truman's proposal to "bomb the cities of the USSR nuclear bombs ”. They say in Great Britain he was widely known (an honorary member of the British Academy, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature).
        And what about the Russians in the Patriotic War of 1812? Just think, they broke into Bonaparte, just think, forced to open a bistro in Paris ... Okay, the city was not burned down with the Cathedral of Notre Dame after being drunk ... By the way, Russia of those times did not complain about the birth rate ...
        1. +5
          25 September 2021 17: 35
          “You, too. then continue your thoughts in the spirit ”- I myself will decide what my thoughts are, and if I want, I will express them. And you don't need to attribute your speculations to me. And second - if you do not understand what and why I wrote, then these are your problems.
          1. 0
            25 September 2021 19: 33
            Quote: Sergey Valov
            if you do not understand what and why I wrote, then these are your problems.

            No, dear. These are your problems, when you start writing on the site, without highlighting any quotes, no inserts, no appeals to whom and why (???) ... These are your problems, that you know and understand everything, but it is not humanly possible to say you can.
            Quote: Sergey Valov
            "In vain did the author say about the sympathy of Russians for Napoleon" - the author is absolutely right. Read at least War and Peace, watch the Hussar Ballad.

            Yours? That is, agreeing with the author in showing sympathy for Napoleon, you are portraying before us as an ardent Bonopartist? Here's the answer:
            Quote: ROSS 42
            So, what is next? You, too. then continue your thoughts in the spirit: “That's right, the great Napoleon attacked Russia - he wanted good. It's a pity that I could not win, so we would have lived according to the code of Napoleon. "

            It is unpleasant for me to correspond with people like you who came to the site not to broaden their horizons, not to gain new knowledge, but simply to insert a set of letters into the topic. Consider our meeting a mistake. Some kind of distorting mirror:
      4. 0
        30 September 2021 22: 05
        The average height of a man during the Napoleonic Wars decreased by 5 cm in France. Why think for yourself. The population may have increased, but the number of men has become much smaller, especially the battalion commanders.
        1. 0
          30 September 2021 22: 17
          “The population may have grown, but the number of men has become much smaller, especially the battalion commanders” - battalion commanders, battalion commanders, there is not much need for it. laughing ... As for men, yes, according to Sokolov, I am writing from memory, during the Napoleonic wars, about 700 - 900 thousand people died, of course men. But this is in 15 years. For a country with a population of 30 million, this is almost imperceptible, it is much less than for the PMA. I do not think that at the beginning of the 19th century. French women suddenly began giving birth to more girls than boys than usual. As for the average height of men, this is the first time I've heard this and I can't say anything about this.
    3. +4
      25 September 2021 06: 40
    4. VLR
      25 September 2021 07: 23
      The problem here is that an alliance with Napoleonic France was extremely beneficial for Russia. In this case, Germany most likely would not have reunited. And if it had united, it would have behaved much more carefully and would not have dared to unleash two world wars one after the other. Britain would have lost most of its influence on the continent. And the Russian aristocrats, who lost most of their income from the fall in the export of raw materials to Britain as a result of the Continental Blockade, would finally think about developing production on the territory of their country - they need to get money from somewhere for various Parisian things. The British told them an "easy" and absolutely not stressful way: why build plants and factories in Russia, give us grain, timber, hemp and other raw materials for cheap, and we will bring you whatever you want for them.
      1. 0
        25 September 2021 08: 18
        Quote: VlR
        The problem here is that an alliance with Napoleonic France was extremely beneficial for Russia.

        The West has always dreamed and is dreaming of turning Russia into Africa incl. to whom it was beneficial to "unite" with Russia so it is to them: France and Germany, that would lull our vigilance.

        Quote: VlR
        And the Russian aristocrats, who lost most of their income from the fall in the export of raw materials to Britain as a result of the Continental blockade, would finally think about the development of production on the territory of their country.

        This is what Putin is doing today. By conducting foreign policy in such a way that it forces local oligarchs to work for the interests of the country.

        Quote: VlR
        Why build factories and factories in Russia, give us grain, timber, hemp and other raw materials for cheap, and we will bring you whatever you want for them.

        And this is what we had in the 90s ... For their glass beads, they got all our resources.
        1. +4
          25 September 2021 17: 23
          "to work for the interests of the country" only the latter do not like it. Give them Navalny
      2. +4
        25 September 2021 10: 27
        Yes, of course, Europe under the rule of France is well, much better than Germany, after the defeat of Britain, France would have owned both land and sea and of course would conduct fair trade with Russia, Napoleon did not care about French industry at all.
      3. +4
        25 September 2021 12: 54
        Quote: VlR
        An alliance with Napoleonic France was extremely beneficial for Russia.

        Not even once.
        Napoleon was building a continental empire, which was Russia. Would two empires live on the same continent? I do not think. Napoleon has already begun to dictate to Russia with whom to be friends, with whom to trade, and with whom it is not necessary. What would be the position of Russia in the event of his victory over England, I am afraid to even think. So everything was done right. The competitor on the European continent was strangled as quickly and efficiently as they could. And with the British Empire it was possible to get along relatively peacefully, which was actually demonstrated over the next one and a half centuries. With Britain, Russia has always had much more common interests than conflicts and contradictions.
        I was amused by your reasoning about stimulating our own production by means of blockade. smile
        No really
        Quote: VlR
        And the Russian aristocrats, who lost most of their income from the fall in the export of raw materials to Britain as a result of the Continental blockade, would finally think about the development of production on the territory of their country.

        No, of course, Valery. They would have to sell everything the same, only to a different place and, most likely, cheaper, that's all. If they had the urge to "think" - they would think like that. But they are aristocrats, nobles - they don't need to think. The country (people and land) then belonged to them - why think? Would you think in their place?
        Only the bourgeois, the capitalists, who owned neither land nor people, could be engaged in the development of production. And by the beginning of the XNUMXth century, with very few exceptions, aristocrats, nobles, were not yet completely degraded, but already fairly obese class of landowners, in other words, feudal lords, who did not need anything at all, except that everything remained as there is. And they will cling to the land until the very end, until they are swept out with a filthy broom to the very Europe, where they had regularly transported their capital for two centuries before.
        No, from the nobles and, moreover, the aristocrats did not have to wait for a sense even then. smile
      4. 0
        25 September 2021 17: 31
        Quote: VlR
        The problem here is that an alliance with Napoleonic France was extremely beneficial for Russia.

        Is it profitable? Was it beneficial for Russia to have an alliance with Great Britain, which constantly encouraged Turkey and patronized it? Russia has always been viewed by Europe as an appendage of raw materials. It was profitable for them to ally with Russia, where electricity was a novelty. It was profitable for aristocrats and nobles to travel to Europe on the waters and so - to go to brothels and taverns. Why did you need to create alliances? By existing family ties?
      5. 0
        25 September 2021 23: 56
        These aristocrats were the ruling stratum and the monarchs who did not suit them were thrown off. Therefore, Alexander 1 could not act as you described.
        1. +1
          26 September 2021 13: 17
          But in any case, he could act like his grandmother. That is, "You fight there, while we will deal with all sorts of Turkey there." And by the way, there was a good chance, with a skillful policy, to get all the Balkans. Just imagine what the alignment would be!
    5. +13
      25 September 2021 12: 25
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      recently one such amateur - a professor of this dictator shredded the girl to pieces.

      And before that, one teacher of children cut up in the garage and filmed, made films, another engineer and teacher raped and killed more than 50 people, the third - a firefighter - killed and ate seven. So getting carried away with Napoleonics is not the greatest evil yet. Practice shows that teachers, firefighters and engineers are much more dangerous than professors.
      But this is all nonsense compared to what one artist and lover of Wagner's music has done. Those who are really dangerous are the artists.
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Why love this invader and murderer?

      Suvorov, for example? What was he doing in Poland, Romania and Italy with Switzerland? He killed people, that's what!
      Yes, take any historical figure whom you are personally proud of (if there are any, of course) and look at him from the point of view of the question "what to love".
      Napoleon left a huge mark on history and not only in the art of war. In terms of the scale of his accomplishments and influence on his era, his personality is quite comparable with the same Alexander the Great or Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin, who also changed the world, dividing time into "before" and "after" them.
      1. +1
        25 September 2021 17: 28
        Mish, +++. One now and two upfront
      2. +4
        26 September 2021 14: 03
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        But this is all nonsense compared to what one artist and lover of Wagner's music has done. Those who are really dangerous are the artists.

        There is a dark matter, what was the reason. That artist was also a vegan. smile
    6. 0
      25 September 2021 15: 33
      In vain did the author say about the sympathy of Russians for Napoleon ... recently one such amateur - the professor of this dictator shredded the girl to pieces.
      it smelled like ...
    7. 0
      25 September 2021 23: 53
      If you wish, you can say the same about Peter 1, he also put a lot on the battlefields.
  2. +6
    25 September 2021 06: 01
    Sometimes revolutions and wars lead to rapid progress:

    “Then the elders will turn off others.
    Others, you see, have been killed ”(c).
    1. +12
      25 September 2021 09: 08
      Well yes.
      As Jean Jaures said,
      "Revolution is a barbaric way of progress."
      1. +5
        25 September 2021 09: 51
        There is a chance that those who survived will be remembered. But not always with a kind word.
        1. +9
          25 September 2021 10: 13
          And then more often and unkind. Not realizing that at that moment there was no other way to get rid of the rot in order to get out of its rubble and catch up with those who had gone ahead.
          Evolution is too slow a process, in itself containing the possibility of decay.
          1. +1
            26 September 2021 13: 23
            Evolution is often less bloody, unless it is late. Here Putin is just an evolutionist, and this is correct, if only he is not late with the necessary reforms.
  3. +13
    25 September 2021 06: 21
    "Read at least War and Peace, see the Hussar Ballad"

    Poems by Lermontov or Pushkin
    "The miraculous lot has taken place:
    The great man died out.
    In captivity, the gloomy rolled
    Napoleon's Terrible Age "AS Pushkin
    1. +15
      25 September 2021 08: 29
      I agree - to deserve "le Brave des Braves", "the bravest of the brave" in life - this says a lot .. Thank you Valery for an interesting series of articles, I look forward to continuing!
    2. +11
      25 September 2021 09: 44
      For some reason, it seems to me that the era when the greatness of a person was determined by the number of people killed by him has gone along with the 20th century. Greatness is now determined by the progressor essence of what has been done. I looked around the segment of the 21st century given to us, I don't see the great ones. There are many mass murderers, the language does not turn to call them great. There are no pogressors.
      Pushkin lived in an era with different concepts, with a different interweaving of the interests of the ruling classes of Europe.
  4. +8
    25 September 2021 06: 25
    On another monument to Her in Paris, on the Avenue del Observatoire, among other titles, there is the Prince of Moscow.
    1. VLR
      25 September 2021 06: 45
      This refers to the Moscow river, not the city. The Battle of Borodino in France is called the Battle of the Moscow River. That is, the title Ney received not in honor of the occupation of Moscow, but in honor of the battle. Likewise, Massena received the title of Duke of Rivoli - not as the sovereign duke of the Italian commune of Rivoli or the "lord" of the famous Parisian street (named after this battle).
      1. +5
        25 September 2021 06: 57
        At the time of reading, I did not know, so then it caused irony.
      2. +12
        25 September 2021 07: 15
        The tradition of giving titles in honor of victories also took place in our army. For example, the victory at Rymnik and the Italian company.
        Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov-Rymniksky, His Serene Highness Prince of Italy, Count of the Russian and Roman Empires, Generalissimo of the Russian land and naval forces, Field Marshal of the Austrian and Sardinian armies, the Grand and Prince of Sardinia, Knight of the Orders: Russian - the Holy Apostle, Andrew the First-Called St. George of three degrees, St. Vladimir 1 degree, St. Alexander Nevsky; St. Anna 1st degree, St. John of Jerusalem; Austrian - Maria Theresa 1st class; Prussian - Black Eagle, Red Eagle and "3a Military Merit"; Sardinian - St. The Anunciates and St. Mauritius and Lazarus; Kingdoms of the two Sicilies - St. Januaria; Bavarian - St. Hubert and the Golden Lion; French - the Carmel Mother of God and St. Lazarus; Polish - the White Eagle and St. Stanislav.
        1. +5
          25 September 2021 09: 23
          Hello, hello! hi
          The tradition of giving titles in honor of victories also took place in our army.

          The last in the Russian army this honor was awarded to Lieutenant General Yakov Aleksandrovich Slashchev-Krymsky in 1920.
          1. +7
            25 September 2021 09: 36
            Hello. I read that there was such a song
            The smoke swirls from the shootings.
            Crimea is saved by Slashchev
            1. +4
              25 September 2021 09: 57
              I have not heard this "song", and as for the executions, there were enough of them on both sides, the civil war is more terrible than atomic war. hi
              1. +5
                25 September 2021 11: 41
                Kostya, hello. About GV 1000 rights. There is not and cannot be "white and fluffy": cruelty strikes cruelty. And the more blood some people pour, the more others pour.
                I also heard about this ditty. It seems that in this way he put things in order in the rear: drunkenness, looting, speculation. For this he is well done.
                1. +3
                  25 September 2021 11: 43
                  Hello, Glory! hi
                  Yes, it was in the rear, otherwise it was simply impossible to fix something. And without a strong rear ... well, you yourself understand.
              2. +4
                25 September 2021 14: 41
                Konstantin hi
                Svyatoslav hi
                I have not heard this "song"

                "Smoke emanates from the shootings - then Slashchov saves the Crimea." (C).
                This is not actually a song, but a verse from "Zhuravushka". But this song was very, very popular on both front lines during the Civil War.
                1. +6
                  25 September 2021 15: 35
                  Alas, I have not seen the film.
                  And in Civic there were many songs popular on both front lines.

                  "We will go boldly into battle
                  For Holy Russia (for the power of the Soviets)
                  And, as one, we will spill (we will die)
                  Young blood! (for the cause) "

                  "Shells explode,
                  Machine guns crackle
                  They are not afraid
                  Red (white) companies! " request
                  1. +2
                    25 September 2021 15: 49
                    Alas, I have not seen the film.

                    Constantine, my respect.
                    Zhuravushka-Zhuravel "is not a film, but a song-ditty popular during the Civil War. There are thousands of text options - White, red, green.
                    1. +5
                      25 September 2021 15: 59
                      Well, I heard a song, or rather read it - "Khura-zhura-ZhuravEl, young crane."
                      But the film is also there, Churchina and Dzhigarkhanyan are playing ..
                      1. +6
                        25 September 2021 16: 08
                        But the movie is there too

                        Wonderful movie!
                        My great-grandmother always cried when she looked. And after that she stood at the goddess for a long time. She lost two sons and a son-in-law in the war
                2. +2
                  25 September 2021 15: 40
                  The steamer is sailing, the waves are rings - the fish will be fed by the Komsomol members (c)
                  White cross on the chest - Drozdovsky himself in front (c)

                  And in a personal, why should I write? Would have posted it here. Or were they afraid that they would minus? laughing But I will answer you here:
                  "Crane" was popular with both whites and reds. Everyone sang as he wanted. So it's just ridiculous to put a sign (c) here. The original text simply does not exist. The same Red Army men sang no less bravely:
                  The steamer is sailing, the waves are rings - the fish will be fed by volunteers, and
                  Red order on the chest - Budyonny himself in front
                  PS. in a personal I ask you not to write to me, I am not your supporter here. The civil war has already ended for a hundred years, three generations have changed, and I look at your passions to this day.
                  1. +1
                    25 September 2021 16: 05
                    Dima, to whom did you rebuff, I still do not understand.

                    Another option: "The steamer is sailing past the pier,
                    We will heat the furnaces with the communists. "

                    1. +3
                      25 September 2021 16: 18
                      Yes, I did not give any rebuff. And he simply answered the forum user who wrote to me in a personal. I believe that the Civil War must be thoroughly studied and appropriate conclusions must be drawn in order not to repeat it, but not to peremptorily stand on one side.
                      1. +5
                        25 September 2021 16: 31
                        According to Civic, I agree that my relatives fought in her both there and there, but in the Great Patriotic War everyone fought against the Germans.
                      2. +2
                        25 September 2021 17: 09
                        Richard, the change of socio-political formations is not bloodless, this is an axiom confirmed by the history of mankind
                      3. +2
                        25 September 2021 17: 15
                        Hello ryaruav hi
                        the change of socio-political formations is not bloodless, this is an axiom confirmed by the history of mankind

                        Did I say the opposite somewhere? belay
                      4. +3
                        25 September 2021 17: 19
                        Richard, you have a phrase about non-repetition, but this does not happen, humanity will still follow the path of progress, and capitalism has long been outdated
                      5. +2
                        25 September 2021 17: 36
                        humanity will still follow the path of progress, and capitalism has long been outdated

                        I do not argue. You -Plus
                  2. +1
                    25 September 2021 17: 22
                    Dmitry! hi
                    In our country, the civil war will never end.
                    1. +4
                      25 September 2021 17: 34
                      Anton, my compliments hi
                      "It all ends someday. Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things in life." T. Ferris. (C)
                      1. +3
                        25 September 2021 17: 48
                        Did you say goodbye "forever"?
                      2. +3
                        25 September 2021 18: 12
                        Naturally. This, alas, is the share of all mortals.
                      3. +3
                        25 September 2021 19: 38
                        Sorry Dmitry!
                      4. +4
                        25 September 2021 19: 44
                        Yes, you are full. You did not offend me at all with your question.
                        Best regards
                        Dmitriy drinks
                      5. +4
                        25 September 2021 20: 02
                        Yes, it happens ... Today, leaving the museum of modern art, I saw an oxygen truck slowing down in front of a covid dispensary ... Memento, however, mori ...
        2. +1
          26 September 2021 23: 24
          Well, yes, Orlov-Chesmensky, Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, Dolgorukov-Krymsky.
    2. +6
      25 September 2021 08: 16
      “Titles, there is a Prince of Moscow” - in Russian his title would have sounded like Prince Moskvoretsky. It's a bit wild for us, but nevertheless ...
  5. +5
    25 September 2021 07: 03
    I hope the guardians and other Europeans know and remember how Napoleon in 1812, and Hitler came to Russia in 1941 and what came of it.
  6. +5
    25 September 2021 07: 44
    She will begin her career at the Battle of Valmy, in order to end it 23 years later at the Battle of Waterloo ... Actually, the entire era of revolutionary and Napoleonic wars is often called "23 years from Valmy to Waterloo" ... Coincidence? I do not think.
  7. +1
    25 September 2021 08: 28
    You probably noticed that Bonaparte and his marshals in our country are traditionally treated with respect and even a certain sympathy.
    No sympathy and no respect - why on earth?

    And Frederick the Great will never fight Russia at all did not want: on his part, military operations against the Russian army during the Seven Years' War were of a purely defensive nature.

    Researchers so far can't understand, what goals did Elizabeth pursue in that war that she generally needed from Prussia?

    condolences to them: this "peaceful lamb Frederick" only "doubled its territory and population during the invasive Silesian wars and attacked Saxony, occupied it and attacked Austria, unleashing, in fact, a world war. Russia had to wait, while he is done with her and alone to confront her in the Baltics?
    As further history has convincingly shown, Elizabeth was absolutely right: the under-suppressed strong Prussia / Germany became the source of the most terrible wars in the near future.

    Would she have become like this without the stronghold of militarism-East Prussia, where Elizabeth fought?

    Russia maintained the balance of power in Europe.
    After Berezina, Ney had about 600 subordinates, who were later called "a detachment of ghosts." With this pitiful detachment, Ney defended Vilna from Seslavin's partisans,

    "Brave" Ney fled from Vilna so quickly that he threw huge supplies of food, ammunition, weapons, several generals and tens of thousands of soldiers prisoners
    about Ney's path to Kovno:

    “The Great Army was still breathing in Marshal Her.
    breathed so much that the "great" Ney threw even the imperial treasury (millions in gold), the imperial carriages, banners, the remains of the arilleria and fled lightly to Kovno, Then, taking advantage of the darkness, he ran along the Neman and took refuge in the forest... Until Vilkovisheki, where Murat was, he reached almost alone.

    And the "great" soldiers ate each other: Segur:
    the soldiers dragged to themselves the disfigured corpses charred by the flames (of their comrades who died in the fire) and ... they dared to bring this disgusting food to their mouths. "

    Sheds and shacks were taken from the battle by numb people, and because of the overnight stay in them, scenes terrible in their savagery were played. “There, like animals, they climbed one on top of the other, trying to break through to the fire; the living, unable to remove the dead from the hearth, sat on them and died in turn to serve as a deathbed for new victims! Soon new crowds of stragglers appeared, and, unable to penetrate this refuge of sorrow, they began to besiege it. "

    What kind of "sympathy" is there ....
    1. +6
      25 September 2021 09: 59
      "" the bravest of the brave "noticeably" ran along the Nemunas and took refuge in the forest. "This was a long time ago and not true
      P C
      Boys, tell me: how to make an avatar?
      I had a fight with Astra and she will not help me
      1. +2
        25 September 2021 12: 49
        "I had a fight with Astra" on Monday we'll talk!
        1. +2
          25 September 2021 14: 03
          That's right, you can't swear on the site, but in everyday life ..... Anything can happen
          1. +1
            25 September 2021 16: 59
            Hello Svyatoslav!
            There is a big plus.
            Now "Asters" have found their names. Although by the style of presentation it was possible to determine "who is who." bully
            There is only one question left, but what about the head physician of this clinic, he / she / - will he / she take part in the discussions? laughing
            1. +1
              26 September 2021 06: 46
              So let's ask them
            2. +1
              26 September 2021 07: 42
              The one registered in September may well be an astra-september.
              1. +1
                26 September 2021 08: 17
                Greetings Sergey!
                Perhaps I am mistaken, but our mutual friend Lyudmila Yakovlevna was attacked by an autumn blues. Isn't there an energetic, life-affirming, calling forward, uplifting poem in her stock? an exciting detective story, "cut in" invigorating rock and roll in the headphones. In a word, fall out of its frightening reality for a couple of days. But ... I'm afraid to seem intrusive. And a poem? This is a great option.
                1. +2
                  26 September 2021 08: 26
                  Hello Seryozha!

                  My first association emerged with the song "You and I are not the same for a long time." But it may not suit the tastes of Lyudmila Yakovlevna.

                  Look for the optimistic in Okudzhava -
                  "Let's join hands Friends, so as not to disappear one by one."

                  Maybe that would work?
      2. +1
        25 September 2021 14: 38
        And when can we expect Zulfiya? laughing
        Although not a boy anymore, he answered in a "personal". The process will not take long. The main thing is ... aesthetics! wink
        1. +2
          25 September 2021 14: 49
          Good afternoon, my critic. Something you haven't been there for a long time
          1. +1
            25 September 2021 14: 55
            Have a nice one you too!
            By no means. If the topic is interesting to me, if there is an interesting company, if there is an interesting interlocutor. And there are many such "ifs", believe me. In a word, I never went anywhere. laughing
        2. +2
          25 September 2021 15: 31
          Zulya, we no longer work.
          "No longer a boy" will open that a boy lives in every man, and a girl in every woman
          1. +1
            26 September 2021 12: 29
            Oh! And that would be three .... * Asters. " laughing
            Although? Although, different styles have a place to be. what
            Even three "Asters" are obviously better than one "Tatra"! request
            1. 0
              26 September 2021 12: 41
              I know the Tatra car, I saw it on the road, but I don’t know anymore
              1. 0
                26 September 2021 14: 30
                I don’t know which is better. laughing
                But as you see on the site a person with the nickname "Tatra" and screaming about the enemies of the communists, run away !!!
                And God forbid you, to enter into discussions with her !!! It's useless! The character is still the same. Original. Piece. Handmade. wink
                1. -1
                  26 September 2021 15: 34
                  I'll know. She's not friends with Astra? She used to dry our brains "Lenenism" and so on. Truth talked to vote
                  1. 0
                    26 September 2021 23: 31
                    For whom, for Lenin?
            2. 0
              26 September 2021 23: 30
              For Tatra good good good 1000500 pluses!
    2. +5
      25 September 2021 13: 41
      Colleague Andrey "Olgovich" 1) forgive me for the malice: "no respect" for the usurper can not be sympathetic to the monarchists.
      2) about Empress Elizabeth. To be honest, I know about Elizabeth from the art book, I read it from Valishevsky. She is shown there not very cultured and intelligent. This is to put it delicately.
      Looked at how Klyuchevsky said about her "an intelligent and kind, but disorderly and wayward lady of the 18th century."
    3. VLR
      25 September 2021 15: 17
      Regarding the hostility of the Prussian state to Russia: this is a myth, in fact, the Seven Years War is the only exception, and it was our Elizabeth who entered the war, Frederick defended himself. The Prussian kings in general traditionally strove for good relations with Russia. And Russia's participation in the First World War against Germany was the result of an unexpected change in foreign policy by Alexander III. After his death, Kaiser Wilhelm did everything possible and impossible to return to cooperation with Russia, and almost achieved it. But Nicholas II was not allowed to do this by his relatives, ministers and representatives of the big bourgeoisie, addicted to French loans.
      1. VLR
        25 September 2021 15: 18
        As for sympathy for the French after the Napoleonic Wars, how do you like this testimony from Pushkin?

        "Monsieur l'Abbé, a wretched Frenchman,
        So as not to exhaust the child,
        I taught him everything by joking,
        Do not bother with strict morals,
        Slightly scolded the pranks
        And he took me for a walk to the Summer Garden. "
        It was then that a lot of French tutors from among the "ball skiers" (from the appeal of "Sher ami") appeared in the poor manor estates - officers from the retreating Napoleonic army who nailed to their homes. Until then, few could afford French tutors.
        1. +4
          25 September 2021 15: 35
          Quote: VlR
          And he took me for a walk to the Summer Garden. "
          It was then that a lot of French tutors from among the "ball skiers" (from the appeal of "Sher ami") appeared in the poor manor estates - officers from the retreating Napoleonic army who nailed to their homes.

          Yeah, it's not a fact that the French governor of Napoleon's army was a splash! Many "dad" and "maman" by the transitional age of "barchuk" realized that a child scolds like a Bavarian corporal better than reading poetry in Valeter's language !!! laughing
          1. VLR
            25 September 2021 15: 55
            Yeah, Yu.K. Arnold, for example, a rather famous musician, composer, critic and teacher in the 19th century, a certain sergeant Grosjean taught:
            making a fire, setting up a tent, swimming, marching, eating with your hands and the dirtiest street dialect of French - they barely retrained it later. Nevertheless, even in old age, Arnold remembered his governor Grosjean with tears of gratitude and nostalgia in his eyes.
            1. 0
              27 September 2021 15: 03
              He was a good tutor. Taught so many useful things. Especially French.
          2. +2
            25 September 2021 17: 16
            "in the language of Voltaire," do you remember, in Dubrovskoe Paphnutiy tried to speak French.
        2. -1
          26 September 2021 07: 35
          Quote: VlR
          it concerns sympathy for the French after the Napoleonic wars

          no need to distort, you wrote about sympathy for Napoleon and his marshals, and not for the French in general:
          You probably noticed that the Bonaparte and his marshals in our country they are traditionally treated with respect and even some sympathy.

          Hitle: Oh! Napoleons come and go, but the people stay.
      2. +3
        25 September 2021 15: 45
        Valery, there were a great many reasons, but for me the main thing: only he could "settle" Stolypin's death
        1. +1
          26 September 2021 23: 34
          How do you imagine it? One man??? And against the powerful intriguers of the royal court?
          1. 0
            28 September 2021 07: 47
            At that time, Stolypin was supported by: the dowager empress, in k: Nikolai Nikolaevich, someone else. + Pro-German industrial interests
            1. 0
              28 September 2021 07: 49
              Maria Fedorovna? Is that all? Did she have real leverage in power?
      3. -1
        26 September 2021 07: 54
        Quote: VlR
        Regarding the hostility of the Prussian state to Russia: this is a myth, in fact, the Seven Years War is the only exception, and it was our Elizabeth, Friedrich who entered the war defended
        Frederick, an ardent aggressor and invader, during the invasion of the Silesian wars, doubled the territory and population (what a peaceful bunny!) And attacked Saxony, occupied it and attacked Austria, unleashing, in fact, a world war. Should Russia have to wait for him to do away with her and already single-handedly confront her in the Baltic states, in the Russian, but German in spirit, Riga?
        As further history has convincingly shown, Elizabeth was absolutely right: the under-suppressed strong Prussia / Germany became the source of the most terrible wars in the near future.

        Would she have become like this without the stronghold of militarism-East Prussia, where Elizabeth fought?
        Quote: VlR
        And Russia's participation in the First World War against Germany was the result of an unexpected change in foreign policy by Alexander III.

        Everything was done correctly - Germany became a dangerous and strong state, not hiding its predatory plans to redistribute the world and it was necessary to beat it much earlier - both during the time of Elizabeth and during the Franco-Prussian War - not allowing it to become one.

        The rapid development of Russia stood in the way of German hegemony, so Germany planned a war against her while she was in power: Reich Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann-Hollweg did not hide the main motive for the war:
        «The future belongs to Russiathat keeps growing and is growing and which presses on us more and more, like some kind of dark spirit ".
        Quote: VlR
        After his death, Kaiser Wilhelm did everything possible and impossible to return to cooperation with Russia, and almost achieved it. H

        Wilhelm did everything against Nicholas and his peaceful policy, leading the world to Germany's planned war: during the first world Hague conferences of the world in 1899,1907, XNUMX, he in every possible way torpedoed the proposals of Russia and mocked them.
  8. +7
    25 September 2021 08: 37
    Here are the towers of Moscow's semi-wild
    Before you in the crowns of gold
    Are burning in the sun. But alas-
    That sun of your sunset ...

    This applies not only to Napoleon, but also to Her ...
  9. +5
    25 September 2021 09: 27
    "letter with official permission" miracles and nothing else. Then they still adhered to some knightly norms, and then they became desperate.
    The further humanity exists, the more disgusting it becomes
  10. +5
    25 September 2021 09: 45
    Valery, good morning. Thanks for the interesting story.
    Is it true that Napoleon said: "The French wear a marshal's baton in a soldier's knapsack"? Perhaps he meant Ney?
    1. +4
      25 September 2021 11: 09
      Is it true that Napoleon said: "The French wear a marshal's baton in a soldier's knapsack"?

      It is true.
      1. +4
        25 September 2021 14: 01
        Kostya, who gave you a minus: are antibonopartists or mice mastering the computer?
        1. +2
          25 September 2021 14: 09
          Hamsters with lemmings from excess of feelings. laughing What to me, what Bonaparte on their cons ... well, I see. wink
          1. +1
            25 September 2021 16: 45
            From this they get rid of them and they even more minus
            1. +2
              25 September 2021 17: 22
              That nah, he likes to feed on qimi minuses. laughing
              1. +1
                26 September 2021 06: 43
                I will not mind
      2. +1
        26 September 2021 09: 25
        .... and the manuscript of the unfinished novel.
        N. Bonaparte
    2. VLR
      25 September 2021 12: 54
      The most incredible thing is that some of Napoleon's marshals, in fact, began their service as privates. Therefore, probably, that era and the personalities of these people attract such attention.
      Avatars, it seems, should be set by entering your personal account and selecting "edit profile"
  11. +4
    25 September 2021 11: 21
    ... negotiated peace in Switzerland. He did this, I must say, in a very peculiar way: at first he ordered to send troops to Zurich - and he was not mistaken: the Swiss became much more accommodating

    Hmmm, I doubt that Al Capone ever heard anything about Marshal Her, but the meaning of his famous statement about "a good word and a revolver" is very similar to what Ney did in Zurich. smile

    Thank you very much for Ney, Valery was especially pleased with the story of the Austrian letter "with the official permission to fight against them again."
    "O tempora, o mores!" good
    1. +2
      25 September 2021 13: 57
      Kostya, good afternoon. I agree: Ney put the pistol to his temple: 'You are a good boy and you want peace? "
      Such an "offer" is difficult to refuse.
      1. +2
        25 September 2021 14: 07
        To which he replied: "If you want peace - prepare for war" and took out "Parabellum" from his pocket. bully
        1. +1
          25 September 2021 16: 46
          Rather, Petter: "served as the basis for the creation of other pistols, the French MAC-35 and several Swiss ones"
          1. +1
            25 September 2021 17: 22
            Slav, you didn't understand me. When pronouncing this proverb "Si vis pacem, para bellum" it is more aesthetically pleasing to reinforce it with a pistol with the same name "Parabellum". smile
            1. +1
              26 September 2021 06: 44
              I apologize
  12. +2
    25 September 2021 11: 30
    Quote: depressant
    Well yes.
    As Jean Jaures said,
    "Revolution is a barbaric way of progress."

    But effective
  13. +4
    25 September 2021 12: 12
    "On November 5, he is already a lieutenant." The rapid rise in rank can be explained by three reasons: always and everywhere it was customary to distinguish brave men. Kochubey rewarded for bravery: with weapons, embraced in front of the formation (in childhood he knew a Kochubei), and in revolutionary France he became officers.
    Suppose Lieutenant Ney at the decisive moment replaced the wounded or killed battalion commander - already a major. And then the regiment commander showed decisiveness and complaisance. Then they are already approved in the position.
    Every power needs its own commander to hope for
  14. +4
    25 September 2021 12: 46
    Colleagues, Valery, good afternoon. I already missed good material and communication.
    "The Moldavian Army of Admiral Chichagov" actually had more ambition than intelligence there.
    It all ended with zilch and Krylov wrote a fable about a pike about this, that he wanted to catch mice, and they gnawed her tail
  15. +4
    25 September 2021 12: 48
    The Emperor hesitated, but Marshal Bessières said the famous phrase:

    "Sire, remember that you are seven thousand leagues from your capital."

    A strange phrase. There may be 7 thousand leagues from Borodino to Paris, but only if you draw a line eastward around the entire globe, and not westward along the direct shortest path.
  16. +2
    25 September 2021 12: 55
    Interestingly, and in those days the French were called frogs? Or is it just now they are called that, considering that before the glory of their ancestors, they are now like walking to the moon?
    1. +3
      25 September 2021 14: 21
      Good day!
      According to one of the versions, they began to be called that after the "Hundred Years War." laughing
      According to the same version, they were called so by their malicious neighbors. wink
  17. +3
    25 September 2021 15: 17
    "ahead of the Corsican even in Josephine's bed."
    Valery, even though I want them to "return" to Russia, but ... I have questions for a separate job. And not only I am interested, my friends will also be interested.
    Tell us about Josephine: how happy was she with Napoleon? What was she like in character?
    I know that her husband was General Beauharnais. He was executed, and Josephine was in prison and miraculously survived: a coup took place, Robespierre was killed. When did she meet with Bonopart?
    1. VLR
      25 September 2021 15: 24
      Yes, the fate of Josephine is a topic for a separate article. Maybe I'll write some more.
      But I'll tell you a little more about her in the article about Eugene (Eugene) Beauharnais.
      1. +3
        25 September 2021 16: 16
        She's right: we've talked about Josephine and Napoleon more than once.
        We all read Benzoni and naturally shared our impressions. They also spoke to Josephine.
        I met such a version that Josephine could not give birth to an heir and .. This is a tragedy for women
        Although Napoleon said that love does not exist, he treated Josephine warmly: he always brought her flowers, it seems that she loved daisies (I don't remember).
        I read somewhere that Alexander 1 "delicately" hinted that they would not offend those close to Napoleon. He visited Josephine in her palace. It is quite possible that someone from the courtiers of Louis 18 or emigrants wanted to somehow "press" her, but after such a visit. I wanted to and reluctantly.
        1. +2
          25 September 2021 18: 35
          Quote: Klio2
          We've all read Benzoni

          Not all... smile
        2. +1
          26 September 2021 14: 16
          They also say that realizing the great importance of the heir's issue, she did not condemn Napoleon (and here I agree with her). We have to pay, the sad consequences of early sex, abortions, etc., in general, I feel sorry for her too. However, she did not really approve of his second marriage with Marie-Louise. She said "it would be better if he chose a good Frenchwoman." Indeed, a dynastic marriage rarely produces a devoted girlfriend. After all, she, in fact, betrayed him. Yes, and our Nicholas II, it would be better to marry, for example, Kshesinskaya.
          1. 0
            26 September 2021 15: 41
            Kshesinskaya could not become the wife of Nicholas: she was not from the ruling dynasty.
            The younger brother of Nikolai married Brasova in a morganatic marriage and lost the title of "heir"
    2. +5
      25 September 2021 15: 39
      Quote: Astra wild2
      Tell us about Josephine: how happy was she with Napoleon? What was she like in character?

      Gee ... Valery is in trouble!
      Give the boys - soldiers, and girls - love!
      I could not resist joking! hi
      1. +2
        25 September 2021 17: 01
        Don't say they are stubborn.
  18. +1
    26 September 2021 01: 09
    At the mention of the Battle of Valmy, it would cost the author of the article "Lafayette" the Marquis
    de La Fayette to call. After all, a historical character. Hero of the wars of independence
    America. For revolutionary France. "Ardently fought" for the rebels against Russia
    Poles. Here's what happened to historical heroes from the French now in our post - USSR
    make ? Respect for valor.
    "Those who have come together for victory are united by death. This is the glory of the soldiers." Inscription on
    French in the fraternal cemetery of another war.

  19. -2
    26 September 2021 03: 07
    Too much honor for Ney. Throw it away, let it roll.
  20. 0
    26 September 2021 08: 55
    In my opinion, about the role of Ney in the Portuguese campaign, more precisely. in the failure of this campaign, it was possible in more detail. Of course, many were to blame for this failure, starting with Napoleon, but Boni will not blame himself. A. Massena was made the scapegoat. The logic was simple and clear - Massena had lost his energy and was only suitable for administrative service, and what Ney was. and it remained so and it could be used for its intended purpose.
  21. -3
    26 September 2021 17: 08
    The bravest of the brave. " Marshal Ney: from Valmy to Berezina

    And that, only in the Napluyon army were brave men like Ney and Brigadier Gerard (Conan Doyle). That is, the French retreated bravely, while the Russians cowardly persecuted them. It's like Goebbels: our troops, leveling the line of defense, bravely retreated. The Russians took up new positions in panic.
    I'm sick of authors like Ryzhov
    1. +2
      27 September 2021 08: 25
      A flawed "hurray-patriotic position" leading nowhere. Opponents, the more successful and talented, opponents should be studied no less and no less carefully and thoroughly than your own generals and statesmen.
  22. -2
    27 September 2021 10: 43
    What sympathy can be for the enemy who has ruined half of Russia! It's like expressing sympathy for Hitler! He was also not a timid dozen and did not bow to bullets in the first world war ...
    1. +1
      27 September 2021 10: 54
      At the beginning of the article and it is written: it is difficult to understand the unique situation. Have you noticed? Because there was certainly sympathy in Russian society for Napoleon and his most famous marshals. Poems about Napoleon were written by Lermontov, Pushkin, Bryusov, Tyutchev, Apukhtin, Karamzin and others. Academician Tarle wrote about that era with sympathy for Napoleon and his marshals already in Soviet times. In general, the attitude towards them in Russia, indeed, cannot be compared with the attitude towards other military opponents. There is no hatred, there is no contempt. That is why it is interesting to figure out why these people were so attracted to them? Why did they become an exception to the rule? Isn't that interesting to you?