The birth of the Soviet missile defense system. From the Battle of Britain to cybernetics



The best engineering and design forces of INEUM were involved in the development of the M-5: V.V.Belinsky, Yu.A. Lavrenyuk, Yu.N. Glukhov and others, work on the design and release of design documentation was launched.

Looking ahead, let's say that the pilot copy of the M-5 was built, perfectly accepted and, naturally, did not go into production, Brook was removed from the post of director of INEUM, and Kartsev was forced to leave for the Ministry of Radio Industry, where he was finally caught up.

History sounds suspiciously familiar, doesn't it?

Why was Brook flooded?

In order to move forward and understand the further adventures of Kartsev and the intricacies of intrigues around his machines, we need to retreat again, otherwise the motives of many participants will become incomprehensible.

The fact is that Brook's story is closely related to the fall of two more giants of Russian computer thought - Kitov and Academician Glushkov, whom we have already mentioned.

And here we are stepping on very shaky ground to understand one of the greatest myths of the Soviet Union - the myth of cybernetics.

Kitov, Berg and Glushkov were punished precisely for their cybernetic aspirations, more precisely, for their desire to build and research a system for optimal control of a planned economy using a computer network.

What is the myth here?

After all, everyone knows that in the USSR the persecution of cybernetics led to a huge lag in the field of computers, did Kitov and Berg come under pressure?

In fact, everything is much more complicated and we are even talking about a double myth, which we will try to deal with.

For this, however, we need to understand what the origins of cybernetics are in the West, what it is in general, how it developed and how, and most importantly, with what result it came to the USSR.

What do we know about cybernetics?

In the words of a classic - nothing, and even then not all. Everyone knows the persecutions against it, which seemed to almost ruin the Soviet computer science, someone heard about some biological, technical and other cybernetics, someone will remember Norbert Wiener, someone will say that this is an outdated name for computer science.

The paradox is that a huge number of books on cybernetics were published in the USSR, there were entire faculties of this science (and some, like the famous faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics of Moscow State University, still exist, although the funny thing is that they never studied classical cybernetics at all!), but at the same time, what it is - no one really knows. Something close to a computer and very important, I guess?

Cybernetics in the modern sense of the word was born in the United States, so it would be appropriate to apply the classical Western definition of this science.

This is a transdisciplinary approach that studies the general features of regulated systems, their structure, capabilities and limitations. In fact, the non-philosophical content of this concept is contained in the discipline "Theory of automatic control". The philosophical part considers much more abstract issues, trying to translate the dialogue towards the universal laws of the development of society, economics and even biology (note that here its content is extremely small and does not bring anything new, in comparison with the traditional methods of these sciences, unless that, apart from the very idea that any self-regulating system is conceptually similar).

To understand what happened to Brook and Kartsev, why the M-5 project was closed and why the already mentioned academician Glushkov could not implement anything of our plans, we need to go back a little and see how the sciences of management developed in 1930-1950 years.

Naturally, World War II was the turning point. This conflict was as unique in its own way as the First World War. That war was the last, in fact, a classic total war - despite the fact that various technical innovations appeared during it, it is only partially appropriate to call it a war of technologies.

Poison gases, the first Tanks and airplanes, naturally, had a local impact on the course of the conflict, but in a global perspective, the outcome of military operations, as in the time of Napoleon, was decided by huge masses of infantry and artillery.

World War II in this capacity was radically different, especially for the Allies. There were no more millions of soldiers kneading mud and rotting for years in trenches from sea to sea behind ten rows of barbed wire on the western front. The Second World War was, first of all, a war of intellects and machines. Radars, bombsights, guided weapon and the crown of all is the atomic bomb. The war moved on to a fundamentally different plane, it was a competition between scientific and engineering teams, developing fundamentally new mathematical and technical tools for their use in battle.

A breakthrough in understanding the realities of the new strategy and tactics was made, first of all, by the Anglo-Saxons, and there is a reason for that.

England and the United States (although they conducted a brutal land campaign in the First World War), in fact, were naval powers, their favorable location simply forced them to rely on the fleet (and later on Aviation), instead of meat infantry battles (of course, there were battles, but they did not bring any result - according to the results of the First World War, it turned out that filling trenches with corpses did not give anything for victory, and the population at best begins to rebel, at worst - just ends).

As a result, both countries in the interbellum very quickly realized (in contrast to the continental powers) how and how the next global war would be waged and, most importantly, won.

In addition, before the advent of aviation, the pinnacle of the military high-tech, rocket science of the 1920s – 1930s was the navy. Some of the technical solutions used in the Iowa series battleships amaze even now.

The command of the Navy was forced to issue instructions reminding sailors that the external impression was wrong. The thick-sided monster surpasses any modern ship in maneuverability. Back in World War II, it was noted that the Iowa's tactical circulation diameter (740 meters) was less than that of the Fletcher-class destroyer ... In an effort to extend the life of the mechanisms, the Yankees never brought the power plant to full power. The value achieved in practice (221 thousand hp - a solid result, 1,5 times more than that of the nuclear-powered Orlan) corresponded to 87% of the installed power of the battleship's power plant. In afterburner mode and in the presence of a quarter of a million horses "on the propeller shafts," Iowa ", according to calculations, could develop up to 35 knots.
... The totality of combat qualities (unattainable for modern ships, combat stability, missile and artillery weapons and the status of large ships of the 1st rank) made Iowa worthy of modernization and extension of its service life. At the same time, the services are not in the role of a block ship or a floating barracks. The brightest stars of the first magnitude, the battleships were chosen to be the flagships of the battle groups. 50 years in the forefront - what ship in history has shown such a result?
... Everyone understood that in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, significant resources would have to be diverted to counter such a ship.

And the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 and the London Naval Treaty of 1930, in general, significantly limited the construction of ships of a comparable class, just as they now limit nuclear weapons - this alone makes it clear how serious a force at that time, and not without reason, was considered fleets.

Also, the war at sea required flexible thinking and fundamentally different tactics and strategies at all levels, which, combined with the enormous complexity and cost of ships, turned the fleet into an excellent forge of personnel, fully aware of the importance of the development of military sciences.

As a result, the lessons of the First World War were not learned by the continental powers: in terms of strategy, tactics and geopolitics, in their understanding of the world, they did not go far from the era of the Napoleonic wars. Neither the German nor the Russian empires even came close to development fleet at the level of Great Britain with its four hundred years of experience in the war at sea.

Practically tactical nuclear weapons by the standards of the 1930s - the battleship Iowa in all its glory (photo

In fairness, they are not to blame for this - life on the island and the geopolitics of the island, of course, are radically different from the continent. The British and Americans tried in 1914-1918 the classic war of the old school ("Die erste Kolonne marschiert ... die zweite Kolonne marschiert"), and they absolutely did not like it.

As a result, World War II, in fact, consisted of two parallel wars, completely different from each other. The Anglo-Saxons enthusiastically crushed the enemy with the help of radars, bombers, aircraft carriers and submarines, and on the continent the unfortunate USSR portrayed Verdun at Stalingrad and Rzhev.

In England, already in 1915, Lord Tiverton wrote an article "Lord Tiverton's System of Bombing", introducing the concept of strategic bombing. In 1917, the leading book Aircraft in Warfare: The Dawn of the Fourth Arm was published in England, written by the visionary and industrialist Frederick William Lanchester, a pioneer of the British automotive industry, four years ahead of the famous Il Dominio dell'Aria. Probabili Aspetti della Guerra Futura ”by the Italian Giulio Douhet.

A year earlier, Lanchester had developed the world's first system of differential equations for studying the relationship of forces in different types of combat (the so-called linear and quadratic laws of Lanchester, we have similar relationships were derived in 1915 by M.P. Osipov, describing the process of the battle between two squadrons, but due to the revolution and the general rather slow comprehension of the results of the First World War, his contribution was lost for many years).

It is no exaggeration to say that World War II became a war of aircraft - it was from the forties that aviation began to play a major role in conflicts of any level.

Practically all traditional methods and instruments of war - from battleships to fortified areas - were powerless against massive raids, technological superiority in aviation made it possible to punish the enemy, however, whenever and wherever, on our own terms.

In view of the above, the Americans and the British were most active in the development and use of aviation, and it is not surprising that it was they who invested a colossal amount of intellectual resources in the engineering and mathematical support of new methods of war. This is how the theory of automatic control, the mathematical theory of operations and the mathematical theory of games were discovered.

And from all this intertwined tangle in 1948, classical cybernetics emerged.

The idea of ​​a war in the air was realized on the Western Front almost instantly, and what a coup took place in strategic ideas after World War II! Above is the original map showing cities within range of RAF bombers in 1915-1918. Red stars mark cities that were bombed by the Entente even before the Gotha raids on London. The first edition of Aircraft in Warfare: The Dawn of the Fourth Arm was published during the First World War. Below - books about theories that were never adopted by the continental armies (photo,,

The hyperintensive development of technology in interbellum has led to the fact that, for the first time in history, man has turned out to be the most useless, limited and unreliable element of a combat vehicle, and most of all this has affected aviation.

The problem was altitude and speed, which the human senses were not designed for. It was easy to pilot the plane without any problems even for a non-augmented person; to fight at more or less the same altitude with an enemy of more or less the same speed is difficult, but also possible. Problems arose when it was necessary to hit targets from a long distance and with very different speeds, arising in the sight for a split second - in bombing (especially from high altitudes on targets less than a city) and in general attacking ground targets and in the opposite task - air defense in a wide sense of the word, from the protection of slow bombers from high-speed maneuverable fighters to the defense of cities and ships from air raids.

So, by about 1935, the destructive potential of aviation became apparent to the Anglo-Saxons, but there was a huge problem in its use.

Traditional methods of aiming an aircraft at a target (or weapons at an aircraft), based on weak human vision and hearing, as well as weak human computational abilities, could not work in the conditions of new heights and speeds. As a result, a range of outstanding technical and mathematical innovations were required to make massive airstrikes a truly formidable weapon, as well as to defend against these weapons.


First came the radar.

The history of this device is well covered and there is no need to repeat it, we only note that in the 1930s all technically developed countries experimented with radar technologies - Germany, France, USSR, USA, Italy, Japan, Netherlands and Great Britain, but only the Anglo-Saxons by the beginning The wars were able to deploy a full-fledged network of radars covering the coast, fully realizing that the coming war would be, first of all, an aviation war.

We are interested not so much in the radar technology itself (fortunately, it was developed almost simultaneously and almost independently by all participants in the future war), as in two amazing innovations, which only the British thought of in the 1930s, and the radar itself was absolutely useless without them.

We are talking about the first full-fledged air defense system and its mathematical support - the theory of operations. Traditionally, these topics are covered in domestic sources much worse, due to the fact that neither the USSR nor Germany, despite the presence of similar prototypes of radars even before the war, had not thought of a competent strategy for their use by the beginning of the conflict.

As a result, unlike the British, who were well prepared back in the thirties and successfully won their battle for the island, we and the Germans had to learn everything on the fly, the result is well known.

As soon as Hitler came to power, in March 1934 he immediately denounced the disarmament clause, and the British immediately drew the right conclusions from this.

In the spring of the same year, British physicist and engineer Albert Percival Rowe, assistant for armaments to Harry Egerton Wimperis, aviator engineer and director of scientific research at the Ministry of Aviation, prepared a report to the chief on the need to deploy a full-fledged air defense system. The proposal was immediately approved by the Minister of Aviation, Lord Londonderry (Charles Vane-Tempest-Stewart, 7th Marquess of Londonderry). The Minister commissioned a distinguished scientist, Rector of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, Henry Tizard (Sir Henry Thomas Tizard) to create and chair the "Committee for the Scientific Study of Air Defense."

Further history is well known - member of the Committee, Superintendent of the Radio Department of the National Physics Laboratory, Robert Watson-Watt, proposed the concept of a radar, and in 1936, the Air Force created an experimental radar station Boudsey and allocated a separate unit - the RAF Fighter Command with a research center at Biggin Hill in Kent to study how a radar chain could be used to intercept aircraft.

Thus began the deployment of the world's first full-fledged radio surveillance system - Chain Home, a network of radar stations on the east coast, by 1938 the number of radars reached 20, and in 1939 they were supplemented by the Chain Home Low system, capable of detecting low-flying aircraft.

As a result, the first problem was solved - augmentation of human senses to detect what people themselves are not able to detect.

The second problem was the creation of a fire control complex - even if the radars could show the target, this was not enough, it was necessary to appropriately aim at it, and the reaction speed and the computational abilities of a person here were also clearly insufficient.

The British and the Americans initially took fundamentally different paths here, which, in turn, led to two major theoretical breakthroughs.

The world's first air defense system

When the Chain Home system was deployed, there were no automatic ballistic computers yet, and the British were in no hurry to create them, realizing the complexity of the problem. Nevertheless, in parallel with the development of the radar network, they were the first in the world to build a full-fledged air defense system, albeit without computers.

How did they do it?

They used a small loophole in the unforgiving difficulty of targeting a fast moving target - it's easy to do if your speed matches the attacker, so they just sent interceptors!

By the end of 1937, the British had developed a complex of radar detection of an attacking aircraft and a radar tracking and guidance system for coastal defense air force fighters.

Naturally, such interaction was extremely difficult - like a clock, a mechanism consisting of the most vulnerable and unreliable links - people, had to work out, but as a result, the British were able to emulate a kind of human computer in their network.
At first, observation radar operators had to detect targets, determine their direction and height and give an alarm, then it was necessary, having predicted the enemy's crossing point, determine the nearest airbase in the range and send a link of fighters to the interception point, not forgetting about the enemy's radar illumination.

Controlled by Air Chief Marshal, Chief of RAF Fighter Command Hugh Caswall of Tremenhere, 1st Baron Dowding, the world's first integrated air defense system, known as the Dowding System, performed outstandingly in the Battle of Britain. Right-to-left, top-to-bottom: Dowding control chain for the air defense sector, and radars are not shown here, which were still officially classified at the time of publication. Operations hall No. 11 Group, known as the "Bunker of the Battle of Britain". There are numerous graphs on the drawing table. The sector clocks on the wall behind the map have colored 5-minute areas that correspond to the colors on the graphs. Above the clock is the main board, which displays the status of various airfields and their squadrons. One of the more advanced control points was established for No. 10 Group, based at RAF Box in Wiltshire. The ROC officer determines the coordinates of the enemy aircraft group, visually detected. A chain of radars on the coast. Transmitter Type T3026, later famous for its transistor computers by MetroVick (photo

Naturally, any computer, even a distributed one consisting of people and machines, needs a clear mathematical algorithm to work, but no one in the world has ever faced such a logistic optimization problem.

The British realized the urgency of the problem very quickly, but fortunately, in their historical background there were already examples of successful solutions to similar problems.

The pioneer of the study of optimization algorithms is the famous mathematician, mechanic and computer scientist Charles Babbage, who back in 1840 solved the problem of optimal organization of British mail, which led to the appearance of the famous Penny Post system, he also developed the optimal one in terms of load and throughput, Great Western Railway.

Naturally, research that can be attributed to the mathematical theory of operations was carried out not only in Britain, it is widely known, for example, the fundamental work of the Danish mathematician and engineer Agner Krarup Erlang "The Theory of Probabilities and Telephone Conversations", published in 1909 and laid the foundation for the theory of queuing.

In general, in theory, the British were well prepared to grasp the problem and solve it.

The Biggin Hill group, working closely with Boudsey scientists, conducted a series of experiments in 1936-1938 aimed at integrating early warning radar, guidance and control systems, fighter command and anti-aircraft artillery command.

Team lead analyst and mathematician Patrick Maynard Stuart (Baron Blackett), later - Nobel laureate in physics, noted:

The Biggin Hill experiments were the first step towards the creation of full-fledged Operations Research Sections (OCRs), which were eventually attached to the command of all three services.

The official publication of the UK Air Ministry - "OR in RAF", later noted that

the Biggin Hill experiments are historically important for two reasons.
Firstly, they led to the development of the concept that won the Battle of Britain and, secondly, they marked the beginning of an era of close cooperation between officers and scientists in the study of operational tasks, which achieved tremendous success during the war and has survived with us to this day. ...

For the first time in history, victory in a war depended as much on the available material resources as on the work of mathematicians and analysts.

From 1937 until the outbreak of the war, scientists from Boudsey and Biggin Hill took part in the annual air defense exercises conducted by the RAF Fighter Command. Rowe took over as Superintendent of Research Station Boudsey, pioneered the term Operations Research to describe their mission, and formed two teams.

A team led by Eric Charles Williams studied data processing problems from the radar chain, while a second team from G. Roberts studied the operational halls of fighter groups and the work of controllers.

In 1939, all groups were merged into the Stanmore Research Section, later the Operational Research Section (ORS) of the Fighter Command. By the summer of 1941, the Air Ministry recognized the value of the work being done in the RAF Fighter Command, and it was decided to create similar sections in all RAF units at home and abroad, as well as in the army, the Admiralty and the Ministry of Defense.

Most of the analysts and managers of British operations research programs were scientists (mostly physicists, but there were even a few biologists and geologists), engineers or mathematicians, for the first time in world practice. By the end of the war, ORS had grown to 1000 employees.

In the process, the British realized that the recruits at ORS were required not so much formal scientific training as a flexible mind, tuned to question assumptions, develop and test hypotheses, collect and analyze a large variety of data.

Dr. Cecil Gordon, a geneticist who developed flight plans for the RAF Coastal Command, wrote:

The complete disregard for the boundaries between disciplines, the willingness to explore any problems ... was a refreshing contrast to the rigid specialization that had developed in all other branches of science. ORS has brought back the atmosphere of the founding period of the Royal Society.

Like Gordon, many of the British and Commonwealth scientists who worked at ORS were outstanding people.

Coastal Command alone boasted four Fellows of the Royal Society besides the aforementioned Patrick Blackett: John C. Kendrew, Evan J. Williams, Conrad H. Waddington, and John M. Robertson). It was also decorated by a member of the Australian National Academy James M. Rendel. In the future, two of them - Blackett and Robertson, became Nobel laureates.

In general, the British, like the Americans in the case of the transistor, very wisely used the principle - bring together a bunch of outstanding people, give them money, set a problem and leave them alone, in the end they will come to you with the best possible solution in the shortest possible time.

Alas, this principle completely contradicted the idea of ​​the party-socialist science of the USSR.

The birth of the Soviet missile defense system. From the Battle of Britain to cybernetics
A diagram of the operation of the detection and countermeasures system in the Battle of Britain (photo

Much of the credit for defining operations research and codifying its scientific rules, as well as defining the organizational and administrative structure of the British ORS, goes to the distinguished scientist Patrick Blackett.

In December 1941, shortly before leaving the RAF Coastal Command for the Admiralty, Blackett prepared a document entitled Scientists at the Operational Level, which outlined his vision for the use of science in military units. This document is considered by many to be the cornerstone of modern operations research, and Blackett is considered one of the fathers of ORS.

In fact, this wonderful man really was worth an extra army with his intellect. While working at the Royal Aviation Institute (RAE), he assembled a team ironically called the Blackett Circle, which developed methods to optimize anti-aircraft fire so that the number of rounds per shot down with their help decreased from 20 in 000 to 1940 in 4.

Thereafter, Blackett moved from the RAE to the Navy, first with the RAF Coastal Command and then with the Admiralty with some of the most distinguished men in British science.

Blackett mathematically optimized the size of the Allied convoys and the ratio of transports to escort vessels, which increased the carrying capacity of the convoys while increasing their safety; researched color perception to develop improved camouflage for anti-submarine aircraft, which led to an increase in the effectiveness of attacks on submarines by 30%, showed that maximum damage to a submarine in most cases can be inflicted by changing the depth sensors in bombs to trigger at 25 feet, instead of 100, as they were exhibited initially.
Before this change, on average, 1% of boats were sunk during the first attack, after that - about 7%.

Survivor's mistake

His most famous research was the discovery of a cognitive bias, later called "survivor's error."

Analyzing the planes returning from the bombing of German cities and looking like a sieve, the command asked the designers to add armor to the places with the maximum number of bullet holes. Blackett reasonably objected that it was necessary to add armor, on the contrary, to those places where there were no bullet holes, because this means that if they had been hit there, the plane would not have returned.

In the summer of 1940, inspired by Chain Home, the Germans tried to repeat the British success in the development of air defense, erecting the so-called "Kammhuber Line" from radars, searchlights, anti-aircraft guns and groups of fighters, however, its effectiveness was not very high.

Blackett analyzed statistically the ratio of the losses of fighters and bombers during the breakthrough of this line, as a result, the ORS department developed recommendations for the optimal density of the aircraft formation, minimizing the threat of German interceptors.

On land, the Operations Research Units of the Army Operational Research Group (AORG) of the Department of Supply were landed in Normandy in 1944 and followed the British forces in their advance through Europe. They analyzed, among other things, the effectiveness of artillery, aerial bombardment and anti-tank fire. As a matter of fact, they analyzed in general allthat caught their eye.

Among the scientific achievements of the theory of operations - a doubling of the percentage of hitting the target during the bombing of Japan due to the fact that the flight hours in the training were allocated not 4% of the time, as before, but 10%, proof that three is the optimal number for a group of submarines in the "wolf flock "; revealing the striking fact that glossy enamel paint is a more effective camouflage for night fighters than the traditional dull paint, and at the same time increases flight speed and reduces fuel consumption.

Naturally, the Americans did not stand aside and adopted the most valuable experience of ORS already in 1941-1942, and William Shockley from Bell Labs, the future father of the transistor, was appointed the head of the first research group under the command of anti-submarine forces!

Magneticist Ellis A. Johnson's pioneering work on mine warfare tactics for the Naval Ordnance Laboratory has been used with great efficiency in the Pacific. By the end of the war, the Operations Research Group under the command of the US Navy already numbered more than 70 scientists, and the Air Force command organized over two dozen operations research departments both in rear units and in armies fighting overseas.

The Canadian Air Force also showed interest in organizing and conducting operational research and, starting in 1942, formed three corresponding divisions.

The Axis military command did not use operations research methods.

There are many such examples, one thing is clear - by 1946-1947 the new mathematical discipline was fully formed and tested in practice, bearing colossal results.

Theory of operations

Modern theory of operations consists of deterministic models (linear and nonlinear programming, graph theory, flows in networks, optimal control theory) and stochastic models (stochastic processes, queuing theory, utility theory, game theory, simulation and dynamic programming) and is widely used in the study of strategy and tactics, planning the operation of urban systems, industries, in economic research and in planning technological processes.

After the war, these areas expanded significantly, especially in the United States, where operations research flourished.

The Naval Operations Research Group has evolved into an extended operations evaluation team under contract with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The United States Air Force also expanded its divisions, and in 1948, the United States Army Command, under contract with Johns Hopkins University, formed the Operations Research Directorate.

In 1949, the Joint Chiefs of Staff created a weapons systems assessment group, the first technical director of which was the famous physics professor Philip Morse (Philip McCord Morse, one of the main initiators of the creation of ORSA - the American Society for Operations Research in 1952 and the president of the American Physical Society), also known as the author of the first textbook on the topic, Methods of Operations Research, published by MIT in 1951. In fact, the book was published back in 1946, but it was secret, however, the neck was removed from it by 1948.

In the same year, the Air Force created a research division under the Douglas Aircraft Corporation, which later turned into the famous idea factory - the RAND Corporation. It was founded by Air Force General Henry N. Arnold, aircraft designer Donald Wills Douglas, and the great and terrible General Curtis Emerson LeMay, the Chief of Strategic Command of the United States Air Force.

The Beast LeMay, as the Japanese called him, the man who bombed Japan first in the Stone Age, and then North Korea (and almost bombed Vietnam, but he was not allowed to roam there), the author of the term itself, a furious anti-communist, the creator of the Operation Dropshot plan ", Where it was proposed to deliver the entire stock of atomic bombs in one massive attack, dropping 133 atomic bombs on 70 Soviet cities within 30 days, a genius strategist who is perfectly versed in the methods of warfare (about Lemey, as well as about the American strategic school in general. the world and early years of the Cold War in Russian there is practically no information, with the exception of small notes).

"If we lost the war, I would be called a war criminal." General Curtis Emerson LeMay, one of the greatest theorists of modern warfare (photo

The stakeholder level speaks best of the value Americans placed on mathematical operations research and the resources they were willing to commit.

Likewise, although not as intensively, the front of operations research in Canada and Great Britain expanded.

At the same time, the Americans did not disdain technocrats in power, for example, the post of chief of the control and financial department of the US Department of Defense from 1961 to 1965 was occupied by Charles J. Hitch, president of the American Society for Operations Research, and in 1973, the head of the strategic research department RAND Corp James Rodney Schlesinger has been named US Secretary of Defense.

It is striking that in the USSR, with a planned economy, there were not even such think tanks close, top positions were occupied by locksmiths, and technocrats in the person of Kitov, Berg and Glushkov were crushed by all possible forces, and we will just talk about this further.

At the same time, we note that, again, in countries with market economies, in contrast to the USSR, the non-military application of the theory of operations also developed.

For example, in England, back in 1948, an informal Operations Research Club was organized, in 1953 it was transformed into the Operational Research Society (ORS), since 1950 the journal Operational Research Quarterly has been published.

Club members discussed the use of operations research methods in the service sector and in many areas of the economy, including agriculture, cotton, footwear, coal, metallurgy, energy, livestock, construction and transport.

The Operations Research Committee was established by the US National Research Council in 1949. Horace Clifford Levinson, a relativity mathematician and astronomer who, as early as the 1920s, discovered some aspects of the study of operations as applied to marketing, became chairman. In parallel with teaching and research activities, he fulfilled orders of the famous retail chain Bamberger & Company, for the first time in the world studying the buying habits of customers and their reactions to advertising, the impact of accelerated delivery on the acceptance or rejection of customers from parcels sent by mail.

Since 1957, the Societies began to hold international conferences, by 1960, a steady stream of books had formed on game theory, dynamic and linear programming, graph theory, and other aspects of operations research. By 1973, there were at least 53 university programs in these specialties in the United States.

So, we have unearthed the first of the roots of classical cybernetics.

As we can see, by 1948-1950, American and English society was completely imbued with new ideas of management and interaction, and also developed an advanced mathematical apparatus for applying these ideas and had already tested it in practice during the Second World War.

The second root from which cybernetics grew was the very theory of automatic control.

A little-known in our country, but widely revered in the West, a true visionary and genius, a man who did so much for the organization of science in the United States and possessed such authority that he was jokingly called the Russian word Tsar - yes, Tsar!

We are talking about Vannevar Bush.

As we mentioned at the beginning, modern warfare posed a major problem for people - a person was no longer able to effectively manage all new combat vehicles.

With the advent of radars, the problem of target detection received a fundamental resolution, but the problem of attacking this target was only partially solved. Anti-aircraft fire on teams from radar posts was extremely ineffective (remember the monstrous 20 shells per plane, even reduced by 000 times using optimization methods - this is a colossal waste of resources in terms of inefficiency), raising interceptor aircraft was a solution, but, as the experience of that in Germany, this decision was far from a panacea.

In addition, the interceptors helped if the case took place over land.

And the Americans had a problem much, much more serious - for them 90% of the war took place in the colossal expanses of the Pacific Ocean, warships were the main striking force, and protecting them from air attacks was an insurmountable task.

From the sad history of the Yamato and Musashi, everyone remembers how the collision of even the most powerful battleship, capable of destroying an entire battle group of cruisers and destroyers with 20-30 aircraft, ended.

As a result, the Yankees, of course, very quickly realized that the century of battleships had passed, in the war at sea the future belongs to the same as in the war on land - by air strikes, but this did not save them from the problem of protecting the ships already built. Willy-nilly, they had to do something that the British did not fool around with in the thirties - the theory of ballistic computers capable of aiming at attacking aircraft in real time by radar commands without human intervention.

Vannevar Bush played a decisive role in the development of this class of devices (and much, much more).

The very idea of ​​devices of this kind was not new and also appeared in the navy.

On the ship, the team faced a problem of a nature similar to aircraft - to get from a moving gun platform into a similarly moving and actively maneuvering gun platform.

The standard methods of work of ground artillery, worked out by four years of the meat grinder of the First World War: they unhurriedly set up the gun, took out the shooting tables and slide rule, fumbled and, after zeroing in and adjusting, hit the fixed line of trenches - they did not fit here. In the case of the ship, all these operations had to happen extremely quickly, the Yankees had to solve the problem by creating the world's first classical cybernetic system using computers - a full-fledged feedback mechanism of unprecedented complexity. Capable of instantly detecting targets, predicting their trajectories, aiming at them, opening fire (and not with simple shells, but as they would say in the 1950s - cybernetic, with a radio fuse) and adjust it as the enemy tries to dodge the shelling.

The Americans brilliantly solved the problem, as a result, their air defense of ships deservedly became the best in the world, leaving the other parties to the conflict far behind.

About this, about Norbert Wiener, about how cybernetics penetrated into the Soviet Union, and what this led to, we will talk further.
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  1. +6
    16 September 2021 18: 20
    Superbly written and reasoned.
  2. +13
    16 September 2021 18: 46
    The author has largely moved away from narrow topics and began to write with "broad strokes."
    As a result, there were contradictory moments at the level of "historical anecdotes" about how the retrograde sailors were explained for full contours, but they did not know. statistician Valdom)
    I don't want to scold the author, he is unique for VO and out of competition in his field, just wish you a little more thoroughly check the information that does not concern the world of semiconductors and machine logic. There is no need to lower the level already familiar to the reader, set by the entire cycle of articles.
    1. +2
      16 September 2021 21: 18
      Traditionally, the "survivor statistical error" is attributed to Vald, yes, but there are other opinions. Thomas Kerner, in The Pleasures of Counting, claims it was Blackett.
      There is an interesting article
      Here the version with Vald is examined in detail, its plausibility is noted, but the flimsy sources are indicated.
      1. 0
        16 September 2021 21: 39
        Wikipedia just gives a link to Vald's work
        Wald, Abraham. (1943). A Method of Estimating Plane Vulnerability Based on Damage of Survivors. Statistical Research Group, Columbia University
        This research contribution consists of a series of eight memoranda originally published by the Statistical Research Group at Columbia University for the National Defense Research Committee in 1943 on methods of estimating the vulnerability of various parts of an aircraft based on damage to surviving planes. The methodology presented continues to be valuable in defense analysis and, therfore, has been reprinted by the Center for Naval Analyzes in order to achieve wider dissemination.
        Everything is quite plausible, it does not look flimsy. Unfortunately, as far as I understand, the work is not digitized, only cataloged.
        1. +1
          16 September 2021 22: 36
          Google translation from the article.
          Around 1980, W. Allen Wallis left the University of Rochester, where he worked for many years. In the process, he found a number of things left over from his days at SRG and offered them to Phil DePoy, who was also in Rochester at the time and worked for CNA. DePoy writes to us: “The original materials were given to me by W. Allen Wallis after he moved to Washington to take up a position in the State Department (undersecretary of state for economic affairs). One day he entered my office. carried a large box he found when he drove out of his home in Rochester. He said he collected a lot of scattered papers from SRG when they closed the office in 1946. He asked me to check everything in the box. and determine if something is worth saving. I read everything and decided that most of it is not worth saving. The only material I have kept is a set of things by Abraham Wald. With minimal editing, I published eight "articles" under Wald's name in July 1980. "

          The recorded history hangs with thin threads. The most regrettable fact in Wald's history is that he died in a plane crash in the mountains of southern India in 1950, without the opportunity to write his autobiography.
    2. +2
      17 September 2021 01: 11
      Yeah. The Americans threw 227 planes on Yamato.
  3. +7
    16 September 2021 20: 03
    Not an article, but some kind of bestseller! In one breath! The author is bravo! We are waiting for more!
  4. +1
    16 September 2021 20: 07
    Of course, a society built on the thesis of the domination of workers and peasants could not be a leader in operations research. Yes, and for the so-called "stratum" (all kinds of engineers, scientists, teachers and others) and freedom was not enough - to create something new, you had to be able to move away from all sorts of dogmas, but how could they be allowed this, because they could still think of to the detriment of the partocracy.
    Now, such an impression, there is bureaucracy and oligarchy.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +3
        16 September 2021 20: 32
        Sweat and blood, a lot of sweat and blood
      2. 0
        17 September 2021 10: 15
        Quote: paul3390
        Yes. Such nonsense about the country that first flew into space, made the first real thermonuclear bomb, etc. and so on - it's not enough to list the forum, it's just disgusting to read .. He didn't have enough freedom, vigorous, in the Union .. Well, of course - like greedy workers against sophisticated creative class .. Communist dogma instead of advanced Western liberal fagotism .. Ugh. And how did our ancestors manage to create a superpower in such terrible situations after winning a terrible war?

        Where is she, superpower? The Russian empire has been growing in territories for centuries, the state of workers and peasants with the rule of the party led to the destruction of everything that was created and accumulated by the blood and sweat of previous generations. What was created, then missed, and even what was created before.
        And yes - scientists, not workers and peasants, move civilization forward. It’s strange that some people still don’t realize it.
        1. +1
          17 September 2021 15: 40
          Civilization is driven by all of the above and not only. Scientists are nothing without executors and incarnators, as well as vice versa. It is strange not to understand this.

          According to the article, with all the ode to aviation, aviation did not win the war, the war was won by defeating the land core of the Wehrmacht on the eastern front.
          1. +1
            17 September 2021 16: 02
            aviation did not win the war, the war was won by defeating the land core of the Wehrmacht on the eastern front.

            Yes, but without air supremacy, the defeat of the land core would have been impossible.
            1. 0
              17 September 2021 16: 03
              This statement is absolutely true, without the absolutism of aviation.
        2. -4
          18 September 2021 11: 36
          What are you talking about? To occupy Poland and Finland is to grow in territories? And about the scientists, the capitalists do not agree with this, but among the communists this is one of the cornerstones of the worldview.
  5. +4
    16 September 2021 21: 18
    Another success of Alexey Eremenko.
    Respect to the author for the article. Interesting and fresh about little-known pages of military and not only science!
  6. -1
    16 September 2021 22: 12
    They exploited a small loophole in the inexorable difficulty of targeting a fast-moving target - it's easy to do if your speed matches the attackerso they just sent interceptors!

    What is the flight of thought. The author himself came up with or read where?
  7. +6
    17 September 2021 00: 00
    The paradox is that a huge number of books on cybernetics were published in the USSR, there were entire departments of this science (and some, like the famous Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Moscow State University, still exist, although the funny thing is that they never studied classical cybernetics at all!)

    Since my native faculty has already been mentioned, I will reveal the terrible secret of the origin of its name)))
    When Academician A.N. Tikhonov was allowed to create a separate faculty of Moscow State University on the basis of the Department of Computational Mathematics of Mechanics and Mathematics, he decided that the name should contain a "fashionable and incomprehensible" word "cybernetics" in order to attract applicants.
    All this literally, from Andrei Nikolayevich himself, he was my dean, and he also said that his fellow academicians kept teasing him with this "cybernetics".
  8. +1
    17 September 2021 01: 26
    There are no words. Alexey, I repeat myself - but you need to put it all in a book. And not only in Russian
  9. +2
    17 September 2021 03: 45
    The author, of course, understands computer technology and the accompanying history, however, in general, in history and military affairs, either weakly, or pretends to be weak, with outstanding servility to the Anglo-Saxons. Otherwise, he would not have written such nonsense:
    As a result, World War II, in fact, consisted of two parallel wars, completely different from each other. The Anglo-Saxons enthusiastically crushed the enemy with the help of radars, bombers, aircraft carriers and submarines, and on the continent the unfortunate USSR portrayed Verdun at Stalingrad and Rzhev.

    Well, by tradition, where about the Soviet missile defense? Not to mention the comparison of the poor, provided only by adding machines, Russian missile defense system with, at least, the American, advanced, on supercomputers.
    1. +1
      17 September 2021 12: 05
      Indeed, after reading the article, there is a feeling of reading translations of Anglo-Saxon literature, memoirs, etc. "Magnificent", "outstanding", "presenter", "brilliant" - a bit like the program "Military acceptance", but from the other side. Radars, computers, cybernetics are not inventions of the Anglo-Saxons during World War II. They simply applied and developed these themes, especially in practice for their own needs. And no less their Germans.
  10. +1
    17 September 2021 11: 58
    The paradox is that a huge number of books on cybernetics were published in the USSR, there were entire faculties of this science (and some, like the famous faculty of computational mathematics and cybernetics of Moscow State University, still exist, although the funny thing is that they never studied classical cybernetics at all!), but at the same time, what it is - no one really knows. Something close to a computer and very important, I guess?
    Well, in my opinion, a huge number of books were not published, but faculties for teaching and entire research institutes, either for the study, or for the application of "cybernetics" existed (or maybe they still exist, as the respected author noted). It is anecdotal (in my opinion) that there is simply no such science laughing ... Therefore, it turns out that "what is it - no one really knows." All examples from the article are about optimization, plus they also imply feedback during control, but the author practically did not touch on this. Apparently, here cybernetics has always meant computer science, computer programming and robotics. I don’t know what was meant in the west - there, it seems, this term is almost never used. Winner just needed money for the treatment of eyesight, so he wrote a semi-popular book about management in various fields - such a combined hodgepodge - and called it a new sonorous term.
    1. +1
      17 September 2021 18: 56
      Quote: Falcon5555
      I don’t know what was meant in the west - it seems that this term is almost never used there.

      In the West, the term Computer Science is used (at least used). Moreover, it was interpreted quite broadly, in particular, it designated the area at the junction of theoretical mathematics and the exact sciences.
      1. 0
        17 September 2021 22: 05
        "The junction of theoretical mathematics and exact sciences"? laughing belay You are now risking another science to "discover". "Theoretical mathematics" - yes? - I have never heard such a definition - does it mean this is not an exact science? Therefore, she needs to make a joint. laughing
        1. 0
          17 September 2021 22: 25
          Quote: Falcon5555
          "Theoretical mathematics" - yes?

          Yes. She is still called fundamental. I put it unsuccessfully, I agree, however, I think you perfectly understood the meaning of what was written.
          Quote: Falcon5555
          then this is not an exact science?

          "Pure mathematics is a subject where we do not know what we are talking about, and we do not know if what we are talking about is true" Bertrand Russell. wink
          1. 0
            18 September 2021 02: 45
            She is still called fundamental.
            Who is this calling her so obscenely? laughing
            Russell's quote seems odd to me. Mathematicians know what they are talking about, but about truth, the conversation is more complex - the context of this quote is not clear. And I am not familiar with the achievements of this comrade.
            Anyway. It is really difficult to formally define what Western "computer science" or "... science" is. They are both mathematics (just higher mathematics) and programming with weird languages. Many things. By the way, the SOC, with which the author has already eaten a corn in the brain of everyone who tried to read his previous articles, can also apply to them.
  11. +1
    18 September 2021 22: 05
    The next publication of the author of the highest quality level for the analysis and presentation of information. A sort of "Perelman" in this difficult area. I read all the previous publications with great pleasure. I look forward to continuing.
  12. 0
    20 September 2021 14: 17
    "These topics are traditionally covered in domestic sources much worse, due to the fact that neither the USSR nor Germany, despite the presence of similar prototypes of radars even before the war, had not thought of a competent strategy for their use by the beginning of the conflict."
    The competent use of radars and the development of appropriate "strategies" should be preceded by the creation of a "radio industry" and "electrotechnical industry". The mentioned radars, for the needs of the troops in serial production.

    To what, alas, the author simply could not "think of" ...

    Alas, in the USSR, the generation that received a full-fledged "ten" in secondary school appeared only by 1937 ...

    Those. 20 years later, after the beginning of the transformation of Russia from a country, in terms of the composition of the population and the structure of the economy, purely agrarian-peasant (and illiterate), into an industrial country. Where the majority of the population was either generally illiterate, or had only primary education.

    With such initial personnel, it is possible to forcefully and successfully build a heavy industry, "raise" transport and coal mining, where you need to "work with a shovel", carry wheelbarrows, lay bricks, work with a jackhammer, etc.

    But with such initial personnel it is impossible to create and develop the radio and electrical engineering industries. Purely physically impossible ...

    Even despite the presence in the country of adequate time in terms of the level of development of scientific, mathematical and physical potential in the relevant field of activity ...

    DECADES are needed to provide our "radio industry" and "electrotechnical industry" (and hence to create them ...) with a sufficient number of PRODUCTION personnel of all levels - workers, technicians, engineers and foremen and technologists. And this time the USSR before the war ALREADY WAS NOT PURE PHYSICALLY ... Not a little, not to mention the staff of developers and designers ...

    And personnel, for the creation of a full-fledged radio industry with enterprises of the Telefunken level and the electrotechnical industry, the Siemens level, serially producing high-tech products, it, in principle, "could not. Physically, and not due to some kind of" misunderstanding "anyone, anything ...

    In Germany, for example, secondary education was the norm even after the end of the First World War. For this, there were no problems with the provision of personnel for telefunkens and Siemens ...

    The very first graduates of the Soviet "decade" were in demand literally EVERYWHERE, from military schools, to schools and universities and industrial enterprises under construction, according to industrialization plans ...

    As for Bush, presented by the author as a person "little known in our country," this is an obvious, yet another misunderstanding.

    For, at least, in the LARGE CIRCUITION, published in the USSR in 1956, for the general reader and the very popular book by N. Wiener "I am a Mathematician", Bush is remembered precisely in the context of the topic raised by the author. True, without the author's degree of euphoria ...

    Wiener, by the way, in the same book, presents the task of increasing the effectiveness of the fight against aviation, which arose after the First World War.

    Reducing it, in conceptual terms, to adaptation and binding of the well-known method of extrapolation to a new and high-performance "hardware part" on a new electrical and radio engineering element base.

    Available and affordable in the US and UK. And in the USSR, for the reasons mentioned, not yet ...
    1. 0
      21 September 2021 16: 27
      DECADES are needed to provide our "radio industry" and "electrotechnical industry" (and hence to create them ...) with a sufficient number of PRODUCTION personnel of all levels - workers, technicians, engineers and foremen and technologists. And this time the USSR before the war ALREADY WAS NOT PURE PHYSICALLY ... Not a little, not to mention the staff of developers and designers ...
      But nevertheless, the chronicles, for example, provide the following data:
      The base of domestic radio engineering remained terribly weak, there was a lack of elementary instruments and equipment. Nevertheless, by the beginning of the war, the Red Army received 10 sets of two-cabin radars on the RUS-2 automobile chassis (aircraft radio detector).
      At the same time, in 1941, Viktor Vasilyevich, as one of the leading radio engineers of NII-20, and therefore of the entire USSR, was appointed chief designer of the Gneiss-2 aircraft radar. He was not even 30 years old at that time! Aircraft radars were to be equipped with heavy twin-engine night fighters. The work was carried out at a frantic pace, and after the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War - also under the conditions of the evacuation and placement of the institute on a completely unprepared site in Barnaul.
      From the spring of 1942 to May 1943, Viktor Tikhomirov, with a group of developers, conducted military tests of fifteen Gneiss-2 radar sets. On June 16, 1943, by a GKO decree, the Gneiss-2 radar was put into service.
      The pace of Tikhomirov's activities during the war years is striking: as the chief designer, he is engaged in the development and development of serial production of on-board radars "Gneiss-2", "Gneiss-2M", "Gneis-5", "Gneis-5S". According to the recall of the Soviet Air Force, the station "Gneiss-5", which was put into service in 1945, was not inferior to the British radar of a similar purpose in terms of tactical and technical characteristics, and surpassed it in terms of range.
      In parallel, he participated in the modernization of RUS-2 and the creation of the Turquoise fighter guidance station, on the basis of which the P-1944 radar (chief designer M. Ryazansky) was transferred to serial production in 3. P-3 and its automobile version P-ZA were supplied to the USSR Armed Forces for more than 10 years.
      As you can see, the work was carried out very actively. And this is just one example; for sure, similar examples can be found in other outstanding people of that time.
      1. 0
        22 September 2021 12: 47
        Alas, such examples only confirm my idea. The USSR at that time possessed quite sufficient intellectual potential for conducting scientific research and creating experimental or small-scale models and examples of weapons and military equipment. At the laboratory and scientific base or at the level of experimental production.

        But he ABSOLUTELY and OBJECTIVELY WAS NOT READY to master and release everything that was required SERIOUSLY. That is, - at the corresponding branch factories. In the required time frame, in the required quantity, and with the required quality and reliability.

        And the presence of an "industry" means exactly that. And + to this, and also CONTINUOUS conducting industry, applied scientific research in the relevant direction ...

        I have already said about the OBJECTIVE reasons why the USSR was not ready for this at that time.

        And for illustration ...

        Concluding his first official visit to the United States (the beginning of the process of establishing diplomatic relations between Soviet Russia and the United States, in the fall of 1933), Litvinov paid a farewell visit to Roosevelt. Roosevelt, saying goodbye to him, presented Litvinov with a portable, household radio ...

        The presence in the country, in this case, of the "radio industry" looks exactly like this. And that's what I was talking about ...

        Yes, this receiver was, at that time, "cool" and at a price, not very affordable for the American man in the street. But, nevertheless, it was already produced industrially, in thousands of copies ...
        1. 0
          22 September 2021 14: 34
          The USSR at that time possessed quite sufficient intellectual potential for conducting scientific research and creating experimental or small-scale models and copies of weapons and military equipment. ... it has already been produced commercially, in thousands of copies

          It is quite clear that in those days the USSR could not have produced radio receivers in thousands of series. But the article we are discussing presents us with the state of affairs in such a way that the "smart" British could do anything, but in the USSR "they drove the enemy at the front with shovels." Certain military "electronic" systems were and were produced in our country, albeit in small batches in pilot production. Of course, ten aircraft detection systems, taking into account the length of the front line, in principle, could not change anything, but they were, and the USSR, even at that difficult time, was working in the same directions. It should also be noted that in fact, the public history of the Second World War, in fact, does not mention at all about the use of the same radar systems in our country during the war, although, for example, yesterday I came across a small note about the use of RUS-2 in Leningrad in September 41.
  13. 0
    20 September 2021 14: 24
    "At the same time, we note that, again, in countries with market economies, in contrast to the USSR, the non-military application of the theory of operations also developed."
    ************************************************** *******************************
    Well, then, for objectivity, let's "note" the fact that the development of the "theories" mentioned by the author absolutely did not help the "market people" in the fight against chronic and increasingly large-scale systemic crises. Precisely economic ...

    That would be the author and explain here to everyone. Why "progressive theories" in practice, such an acute AND, AT THE SAME TIME, CHRONIC, "market" problem DOES NOT HELP TO SOLVE ...
  14. 0
    20 September 2021 14: 33
    "... in a war at sea, the future belongs to the same thing as in a war on land - by air strikes, but this did not save them from the problem of protecting already built ships. ..."
    This exaggerated delusion of Douai was presented in the Soviet "Officer's Biliothek" back in the mid-30s. And it was quite adequately and objectively analyzed in the preface by the Soviet reviewer - brigade commander ...