Endless discussion 9 / 11

On the morning of September 11. 2001 nineteen terrorists related to Al-Qaida, divided into four groups, seized four scheduled passenger airliners. Each group had at least one member who had undergone initial flight training.
Endless discussion 9 / 11

The invaders sent two of these aircraft to the towers of the World Trade Center, located in the southern part of Manhattan in New York. Flight 11 American Airlines crashed into the WTC-1 tower (north), and 175 United Airlines flight went to the WTC-2 tower (south). As a result, both towers collapsed, causing serious damage to adjacent buildings.

The third aircraft (flight 77 American Airlines) was sent to the Pentagon building, located near Washington. Passengers and the crew of the fourth airliner (93 United Airlines flight) tried to seize control of the aircraft from terrorists, the plane fell into a field near the city of Shanksville in Pennsylvania.

In addition to the 19 terrorists, 2977 people died as a result of the attacks, 24 went missing. Most of the dead were civilians.

The September 11 attacks had a huge impact on American society.

Americans were grateful to emergency workers, especially firefighters, being impressed by the high degree of risk and the heavy losses among them. Many police and emergency personnel took leave from their primary services, and went to New York to help them find the survivors. Over the next few weeks after the attacks, the number of blood donors increased in the country.

20 September 2001, the President addressed the nation and the joint session of Congress, on the events of September 11, subsequent rescue and recovery actions, as well as on the response intentions of the American government. In addition, a significant role was played by the mayor of New York, Rudy Giuliani, who was highly appreciated by the public both in New York and at the national level.

According to a survey conducted by the Scripps Survey Research Center at Ohio University, three-quarters of Americans believe that government agencies had certain data that would have prevented the attack, but did not use it.

Start a discussion.

Even before the end of the investigation into the events of September 11, many skeptics appeared who considered everything that had happened as part of a government plan. Further actions of the USA somehow seemed only to confirm their correctness. Like, here for the twin towers and were blown up to justify the invasion of the States in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Official results of the investigation believe, but not all. How not everyone believes in the murder of Osama. Since September 11 is much more complicated, since there are still weak points and inexplicable facts in the official version.

The number of people who have doubts about the official version of events, seems to be increasing every year. Fingers are not enough to count all the communities and associations that insist on an independent investigation of the September 11 attacks.

"The movement for truth in 9 / 11"
"Architects and engineers for the truth about 9 / 11"
"Firemen for the truth about 9 / 11",
"Pilots for the truth about 9 / 11",
“Patriots ask about 9 / 11”, etc.

There are a huge number of people around the world who say: “We think that we haven’t been told the truth yet.” For example, there are two retired generals in the “patriots”, three naval captains, ten colonels and lieutenant colonels, several former and current congressmen and senators, as well as dozens of people who worked for the US government, starting with the Department of Justice, ending the CIA and the FBI, - they all advocate a new investigation.

"The movement for truth in the 9 / 11" (9 / 11 Truth movement).

After the September 11 attacks, various interpretations of these events arose. The first made critical remarks and pointed out the frank anomalies of the official version Michael Ruppert and Canadian journalist Barry Zwicker, Frenchman Jean-Charles Brizard and German authors Matthias Breckers and Andreas von Buelow. They have published several books criticizing the propaganda of US military policy in the American media.

In 2002-2003, under the slogan "Bush did it!" There were several rallies and processions of Americans in San Francisco and Oakland, California.

In 2002, Congress created the “9 / 11 Commission”. 22 July 2004, the commission released its report, which concluded that the terrorist attacks were conceived and carried out by members of al-Qaeda.

After a report from the 9 / 11 Commission, a furious discussion ensued between those who were satisfied with the answers to sensitive questions about 9 \ 11 events and their opponents. About the degree of discussion, you can make an impression by the names of some books:

- “New Pearl Harbor: Troubling Questions for the Bush Administration 9 / 11 (2004) Professor Ray Griffin
- “Report of the Commission 9 / 11. omissions and distortions ”(2005) Professor Ray Griffin

- “Exposing the myths about 9 / 11: Why conspiracy theories do not stand up to criticism (facts)” (Debunking 9 / 11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts) by David Dunbar and Brad Reagan (Brad Reagan ), authors of Popular Mechanics.

"Architects and engineers for the truth about 9 / 11"

For engineers, the tragedy was a challenge to find out how such local damages caused a complete progressive collapse of three, one of the largest buildings in the world. In an interview with the BBC on 2001 in October, English architect Bob Halvorson quite successfully predicted that there would be many “debates about whether the World Trade Center could collapse in the way it did.

Demolition theory has become a prominent part of most of all "conspiracy theories." Shortly after the day of the attack, the mainstream media published that the towers collapsed due to the melting of the steel. Understanding that, at the temperature of burning jet fuel, WTC steel structures should not melt, contributed to the belief among skeptics that the towers would not collapse without outside intervention from anything other than airplanes. Moreover, the NIST report does not say anything strange about the fall of the WTC 7. But it was a fairly large building, not as high as the twin towers, but still 47 floors.

In January, 2007 architect Richard Gage founded the “Architects and Engineers for the Truth About 9 / 11” movement. As of March 2012, the group's motion in the Congress to "conduct a truly independent investigation" of the collapse of the WTC-3 and WTC-7 signed more than 1600 architectural and engineering specialists. Supporters of the movement claim that the collision with the aircraft and the fire caused by the collision could not weaken the frame of the building to such an extent as to cause a catastrophic collapse, and that buildings could not collapse completely and at the speed with which they fell, without an additional source of influence used to weaken Their structure. Prospective explosives are termite or nano-thermite, molten steel found under the debris indicates explosives, and that an ordinary fire of the aircraft cannot generate enough heat for this, referring to the red-hot debris removed by construction equipment from the site. collapse.

Immediately after the catastrophe, a situation of uncertainty arose as to who has sufficient authority for conducting an official investigation. In contrast to the practice that exists in the investigation of air crashes, clear procedures for investigating the collapse of buildings simply did not exist.

In October, 2002 of the year, under increasing public pressure, demanded a more detailed investigation, Congress passed a bill to create a new group managed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which published its report in September of 2005. The theory of demolition was rejected. In the 2008 report of the year, NIST concluded that the explosion could not have had any observable consequences. In particular, the smallest amount of explosives that could destroy an 79 column would have caused noise in 130-140 decibels at a distance of 1 km from 7 WTC, but such noise was not noticed by any recording equipment or bystanders. NIST also denies that the WTC buildings collapsed because the steel was molten, and said that the weakened steel, along with the damage caused by the impact of the aircraft, caused the destruction

One of the most critical moments of the investigation was that clearing the crash site actually led to the destruction of the remaining building components. Only a fraction of a percent of the remains of the building remained available for investigation after the completion of the clearing work; in total, 236 of individual steel fragments were collected.

Specialists in structural mechanics and building design generally accept the pyrogen model, in which the WTC buildings collapsed under the influence of gravity, without the use of explosives.


A political activist and at the same time "freaking Parisian intellectual" Thierry Meyssan argues that American Airlines 77 flight did not crash into the Pentagon.

According to him, the Pentagon was hit by a rocket guided by someone from the US government. The holes in the walls of the Pentagon were too small for the Boeing 757 to do: “How did an 125-wide plane of feet and a length of 155 foot leave a hole with a diameter of only 60 feet?”.

Meissan's book, "11 September 2001 of the Year. Monstrous fraud ”(English 9 / 11: The Big Lie) has become a bestseller in France and is available in more than a dozen languages. The book received in France a powerful television promotion, but at the same time was subjected to sharp criticism from both the French and American press. At least a strange conclusion was made in his review by the special correspondent of Le nouvel Observateur in the city of New York: if there is no photo or shooting of the plane crashing into the Pentagon, does this really mean that there was no plane crash? The French newspaper Liberation called the book "woven from wild and reckless accusations, which, moreover, are completely unfounded."

The main arguments of Meyssan:
- The Pentagon is the largest administrative building in the world. It is not located in Washington itself, but in Arlington, in the neighboring state of Virginia. In order to inflict maximum damage, Boeing would have to swoop onto the roof of the Pentagon. This would also be the simplest solution: the building covers a surface of 11 7363 square meters. But the terrorists, on the contrary, choose to hit the facade, although its height does not exceed 24 meters.
- The case ordered so that the plane crashed into that part of the Pentagon, which was under repair. The victims, for the most part, consisted of civilian personnel.
- there are no photos where the wings and fuselage are scattered outside the building, that is, on the lawn. The fuselage of the Boeing is made of a material similar to that of which bodies of cars and trucks are made. Snapshot of the Associated Press, taken at the most
the first minutes: the fire brigade cars had already arrived, but they themselves had not yet begun operations and the upper floors had not yet collapsed, indicating that there was no aircraft.
- None of the security cameras in the Pentagon station spotted the Boeing at any time or in any angle.

Based on this video, an 2006D reconstruction of the crash was attempted in 3. Using the converter, key events from the video were converted to the 3D model. The extremely accurate 3D event model allows you to see it from any angle, providing a unique opportunity for viewers to independently draw conclusions.


In May 2002, beginner director Dylan Avery began writing a film script about how he and his friends learned that the events of September 11 were not an organized Islamist attack, but a planned action of the American government. Collecting information for the film, Avery came to the conclusion that storymay not be pure fiction. Two years later, the feature film turned into a documentary - "Change Currency" (2005). In 2007, the second edition came out. One of the main experts of the film is Dario Fo, presented as the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

The film criticizes the findings of an official commission investigating the causes of the 11 September 2001 tragedy.

Avery notes that in the WTC tower number 7 leased offices were unusual tenants: the Emergency Management Department, the Pentagon, and the CIA's economic department. Formerly a simple intelligence department for foreign delegations at the UN in the 50s, under President Bill Clinton, he illegally expanded his activities to economic espionage in Manhattan. As the main potential of the American intelligence apparatus was reoriented from anti-Soviet espionage to an economic war, the CIA's New York base became the most important global center of economic intelligence. The traditionalist branch of the CIA and OKNSH vividly opposed such a reorientation.

The main focus is on the video with Barry Jennings, filmed by the BBC. Barry was working in the building when the smoking skyscrapers were still standing, and he testifies that the building was damaged. The fireman, who was taking Barry and another person out of the building, said: “Do not look down,” because among the building debris on the floor lay the bodies of the dead.

Flight 93

One of the most popular conspiracy theories around Flight 93 says that he was actually shot down by a US jet fighter jet. For example, David Ray Griffin and Alex Jones claim that most of the aircraft, including engine parts, fell a few kilometers from the first wreckage, which is very unusual for such a plane crash. According to Jones, the planes for a crash usually leave a small field with debris on the ground, and this is not consistent with the reports on which part of the debris was found much further than the place of the fall.

According to Michael C. Hines, a plane crash expert who was investigating the crash of TWA's 800 Flight on 1996, this statement is wrong: not unusual

Michael Moore.

“Fahrenheit 9 / 11” (“9 / 11 Fahrenheit”) is a pamphlet filmed by American director and political activist Michael Moore in 2004. The film illustrates the phenomenon of terrorism as a convenient tool created and supported by the United States, criticized by US President George W. Bush, including in connection with his involvement in the events of September 11 2001.

Fahrenheit 9 / 11 is based on the material of the book “Where is my country, man?” (Dude, Where is My Country?) Written by Moore himself. The film highlights the range of interests and subjects of this cooperation - oil, supplies weapons, contracts, etc.

The title of the film and its motto “Fahrenheit 9 / 11 - the temperature at which freedom burns” beat the name of the dystopian Ray Bradbury's “451 degree Fahrenheit” and its epigraph “451 ° Fahrenheit - the temperature at which the paper burns”.

After the screening at the Cannes Film Festival, the film won, perhaps, the longest applause in the history of the film forum. The exact time, of course, could not be established, but the figure from 15 to 25 minutes appeared in the media. On the day of the Cannes Film Festival award, it was the second documentary film that managed to take the main prize of the Cannes Film Festival - the Golden Palm.

Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 9 / 11 raised a real storm in the United States. At first, the very possibility of wide film distribution was called into question. But after Moore received the Palm branch in Cannes, the attention of the American viewer and the interest of distributors were guaranteed.

In his official press statement, Michael Moore said: “My film is primarily focused on those 50 percent of people who never go to the polls. Have they become an elite during this time? Have they become richer? Are they well educated? Not! They are also poor. Who are these 50 percent? First of all, it is the working class, single mothers, uneducated youth and the overwhelming number of African Americans. ”

The author of the picture claims that there was strong business ties between George W. Bush and Osama bin Laden’s father. As stated in the film, they formed when Bush Sr. was still in office as the President of the United States, were maintained for a long time and were broken only two months after the monstrous attacks.

Michael Moore shows a politically paralyzed president at a time when he is being told about a collision of an airplane with one of the twin towers. It turns out that just a few weeks before these tragic events, Bush ignored the intelligence report, which reported on plans to attack the United States.

Thanks to the 11 events of September 2001, Bush and his Republican friends from the White House managed to impose their political agenda on stunned America. The “war on terror” became a justification for curtailing democratic rights in the country. This led to the adoption of the anti-democratic “Patriot Act 2001”, which was unanimously missed by Congress. In one of the scenes, Moore asks the representative of the Democrats about why they supported the Act, without even reading its content. Congressman replies that the bills are not read in advance.

The film used the song Fire Water Burn of the band Bloodhound gang, as it was popular with the military in Iraq.

Moore plays on the contrast of the vanquished and the victors in this war against terrorism. The camera operator shows top managers of corporations when they discuss the possible benefits from the exploitation of Iraq’s oil reserves and the development of a multi-million dollar budget intended for “reconstruction”. One of the representatives of corporations without a hint of embarrassment says that "war is very useful for business." Moore shows how America’s ruling class wars wars in order to maintain the existing social order.

Interesting idea …

In May, a very interesting book by Canadian journalist Jonathan Kay was published in 2011. “Among the activists are“ The Movement for Truth in 9 / 11 ”: A Journey to the Growing Underground of American Conspiracyologists (Among the Truthers: A Journey Through America's Growing Conspiracist Underground ). The author examines the most popular conspiracy theories and related movements in the United States, such as the John Birch Society, the Bilderberg Group, Reptilians (David Ike) and Vaccination (vaccination). The book focuses on the 9 / 11 Truth movement and its leaders, Alex Jones and Michael Ruppert.

The book reflects Kay’s interest in conspiracy theories psychology, which he often researched as a regular contributor to the New York Post. Kay is trying to identify the factors that make people believe in conspiracies. In his opinion, the popularity of conspiracy theories is a consequence of the influence of postmodern academic theory, for example, deconstruction. Focusing on the political motives that drive the creators of conspiracy theories, he believes that psychological factors are not to be disregarded either. He argues that a person is usually drawn to conspiracy theories during a mid-life crisis (when an adult realizes his or her mortality).

Of course, this is a joke. But in every joke - only a fraction of a joke ..

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  1. sv-sakh
    10 September 2012 08: 08
    Be that as it may, but today's overt support of al-Qaeda by the State Department, says that the conspiracy theory has quite real reasons.
    1. +2
      10 September 2012 08: 33
      Everything is fine-tuned, they burned their ships and the bosses said that this was done by the enemy.
    2. Redpartyzan
      10 September 2012 08: 53
      Really. Notwithstanding the “midlife crisis.” And remember the elimination of bin Laden and the death of the special group that destroyed him. No body, no witnesses. This is ridiculously complete absurdity! Does anyone really believe in this?
      1. Fox
        10 September 2012 09: 00
        Look at Bush or Romney ... SUCH in the United States, and they even believe in Batman!
        1. spender
          10 September 2012 09: 15
          It is very embarrassing that the planes were controlled by persons who had undergone initial flight training, they would have claimed that flight skills were obtained on an airplane simulator (comp. Game) laughing
          There are more questions than answers, but no doubt such terrorist attacks attract a bunch of "truth-tellers" and rogues who are not averse to promoting their name. Let us recall the explosions of apartment buildings in Moscow and how the entire West, at the behest of Berezovsky, was looking for a "trace of the KGB." So our officials, it would also be nice to "turn on the return" and contribute to the "sustained scandal" and the involvement of the CIA ....
          Too many questions that are not answered .... hi
          1. +9
            10 September 2012 09: 23
            Quote: spender

            It is very embarrassing that the aircraft were operated by persons who had undergone initial flight training

            Hi Alexey, there are a lot of inconsistencies, some of which melted engines are worth it. It’s just not realistic for amateurs to swell an airplane at a speed of 800 km per hour and having an altitude of 24 meters. They needed a reason to go to the Middle East and they made or created it, who needs more like.
            1. spender
              10 September 2012 09: 49
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              It’s just not realistic for amateurs to swell a plane at a speed of 800 km per hour and having a height of 24 meters

              Sanya, he also missed the fact that buildings do not stand in the desert like lonely saxauls, but in a densely built area ... laughing By the way, I remember that day well, I don't remember the channel, but endlessly they showed the CHN channel and how the planes crash, it looked like a movie ... My comrades called me with questions, "Did you see it? laughing
              1. +3
                10 September 2012 09: 55
                Quote: spender
                but endlessly showed the CNS channel and how the planes crashed, it looked like a movie.

                Alex, yes it was a movie !!! It was intended for free viewing around the world. And already at 33 minute after the first plane crashed into the tower from the screens they said that bin Laden was to blame winked Yes, they would not have time to gather for a meeting in such a time, but here such efficiency belay
                1. spender
                  10 September 2012 10: 00
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  And already at 33 minutes after the first plane crashed into a tower from the screens, it was declared that bin Laden was to blame

                  Well, the script was written in advance and the main villain was "appointed" winked It's just that someone decided to run "ahead of the locomotive" (not Zhenya laughing ) and thus "upset the jamb", there is still somewhere the announcer, about 5 minutes earlier, announced that the 3rd building had collapsed, standing against the background of the "still standing" building, then it was cut out winked
                  1. +5
                    10 September 2012 10: 06
                    Quote: spender
                    minutes on 5 earlier announced that the 3 building collapsed,

                    The 7 number crashed, and it crashed twenty minutes after Giuliani announced his collapse. And the live announcer on the background of this surrender told this to all of America, and America, instead of thinking with her brains, stupidly believed and shook her heads.
                  2. +5
                    10 September 2012 10: 18
                    Quote: spender
                    the main villain "appointed" Just someone decided to run "in front of the locomotive" (not Zhenya)
                    Hi Lesha. Do not run away from me. Let them know who the main villain is. laughing
                2. Kaa
                  10 September 2012 22: 51
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  Alex, yes it was a movie !!

                  A blockbuster in the style of the explosion of the battleship "Maine", after which the American-Spanish war began, Pearl Harbor (no one was ever surprised that the main striking force - the aircraft carriers - were withdrawn before the attack), provocations with the shelling of the ESMNINZ PATROL boats from North Vietnamese! There is really nothing to discuss here - they built it themselves, and blew it up themselves, in a businesslike way, but what kind of carousel ended up being - Afghanistan, Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Syria, velvet-pink-tulip rrrevolutions, 08.08.08. One thing is interesting, that they will blow up further, otherwise somehow a crisis of the genre is outlined. "The Grand Chessboard", damn it. A marked deck of cards and aces up the sleeve.
              2. +4
                10 September 2012 11: 08
                By the way, I remember that day well

                Welcome all. I also remember that day very well. I was in the army and somewhere, an hour after the end of the day, they raised us by alarm and told what happened. For 2 days we didn’t remove the armor plates and slept in arms with machine guns, and were ready to go to any part of the Earth.
                1. kontrzasada20
                  10 September 2012 14: 26
                  I also remember very well that day, I was on a business trip in Orenburg. As always, roadside camping, the day before with a friend we sat (sat well) scolded America (always with a small letter), even had such a toast that it (America) fell underground. In the morning at breakfast, in a restaurant they show a catastrophe on TV, a catastrophe falls at home, people run in the dust, and most importantly everyone is watching without interruption. Imagine dear, what kind of faces we had when we found out. what is the reality.
            2. +6
              10 September 2012 10: 15
              I was initially very confused by the fact: In a city built up with skyscrapers, people who knew how to fly the plane only from books and air simulators, so filigree "parked the planes in the towers. And about the Pentagon building, this is generally not in any frame - a multi-ton car at such a speed to lower it to 24 meters and slam into the wall of the Pentagon. ”This is not a damn newcomer - this is the Aesy at the helm.
            3. +4
              10 September 2012 10: 28
              Alexander Romanov,
              Yes, no doubt about it. Any investigator would start with whoever benefits.
              1. +1
                10 September 2012 16: 35
                this in ancient Rome would start with the question of who benefits and in modern America how much you can cut dough on this
            4. +3
              10 September 2012 11: 16
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              some molten engines of which standing
              Good morning Teska. in addition to the molten engines when the plane crashed onto the Pentagon building, they showed slightly burnt passports of people who supposedly died in these aircraft!
              1. +3
                10 September 2012 11: 21
                Quote: kotdavin4i
                showed slightly BURNED passports of people who allegedly died in these aircraft!

                Hi Alexander, the paper is not titanium, it just won’t burn laughing
            5. Trance
              10 September 2012 16: 55
              Alexander Romanov,
              Hello, hello wink
              Does this info not bother you?
              In Moscow, a member of the international terrorist organization Islamic Movement of Turkestan was detained. This was reported by the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District.
              The 24-year-old detainee is a citizen of Tajikistan. According to police, since 2004, an Asian is on the international wanted list for a murder committed in his homeland.
              “It should be noted that he was previously detained by Russian law enforcement agencies and was extradited to the Republic of Tajikistan, but returned to Moscow using fake documents,” the statement said.
              During the arrest, the police seized the fake passport of a citizen of the Republic of Tajikistan with his photograph, issued in a different name, from the “warrior of Allah”.
              The issue of initiating a criminal case under article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (forgery of documents) is being decided.
              “Police officers of the Central Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Central Federal District together with other law enforcement agencies find out the purpose of finding a member of the banned organization in Moscow and check the arrested person for involvement in a number of terrorist acts committed in Russia and Tajikistan,” the Central Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Central Federal District informs.
              10.09.2012 - 12: 54
              Aide to the militants was detained in Moscow. This happened southeast of the capital. We are talking about a resident of Dagestan, who discovered weapons and ammunition, a law enforcement source said.
              Gas and pneumatic pistols converted into firearms with silencers and four full shops for them were seized from the detainee. A criminal case has been opened.
              Now the detainee is being checked for involvement in crimes in the North Caucasus, RSN writes.
              1. +1
                10 September 2012 17: 00
                And good afternoon to you, but what to do? Such as he’s dozens. If not hundreds, and it’s difficult to catch the land for krajina. The Tajiks paid or were let out by specialists. But this is how he entered Russia by fake documents.
      2. Eraser
        10 September 2012 09: 26
        the elimination of bin laden and the death of a special group that destroyed him

        So it turns out that a recently published book was written about this from the other world? laughing
    3. +2
      10 September 2012 10: 01
      1939 year. How did the German attack on Poland and September 2001 begin. Doesn’t it remind me of anything?
      1. Trance
        10 September 2012 18: 08
        Of course, sorry for the ordinary Americans who died there. But I am personally more concerned about the terrorist attacks in our country, in Beslan and "Nord-Ost" in Moscow.
        The common people are being turned on about Wahhabis, and who really is behind this?
    4. 0
      10 September 2012 21: 47
      Quote: sv-sakh
      Be that as it may, but today's overt support of al-Qaeda by the State Department

      Al-Qaeda was simply a tool, and planning, implementation, management and cover was organized at the highest level !!!! What is only a report on the tragedy !! The report has a bunch of questions that could not be answered, and the whole report was compiled in this way, accusations against terrorists are whistling from all pages and that's it - the task is completed !!!
  2. +3
    10 September 2012 08: 11
    showed both versions, official and about provocation. I personally found convincing arguments saying that the Ams themselves rigged it and, in addition to political dividends, received a big fee for insurance
    1. +10
      10 September 2012 08: 59
      Quote: andrei332809
      I personally found convincing arguments saying that the Ams themselves rigged it and, in addition to political dividends, received a big fee for insurance

      I agree, and they also received the so-called "patriotic pact" according to which it is possible to wiretap any telephone conversations, detain anyone on suspicion of terrorist activity, and use torture. Even after that, the Guantanomo prison appeared, secret prisons around the world, etc. in "democratic" Europe. And because of the destroyed towers, they decided to attack Iraq and Afghanistan.
      In my opinion, the Americans needed a reason and they organized it.

      For example, as an engineer, it is not clear to me why the upper floors of the building are burning, and the lower ones are collapsing. The main material of buildings is metal. Fix the pipe vertically and start warming, breaking, crushing its upper part. What will happen to the bottom? Nothing. The top is deformed, but the bottom will remain. To the bottom collapsed need beyond the load and preferably lateral. Although if you pre-work the bottom or at this time cut it in several places, you will get the desired effect. Conclusion: industrial demolition.
      The second is like that. The plane crashed into the Pentagon, it turned out to be a hole, there are no debris from the outside, but after some time the Americans showed on TV the wreckage of the plane in the Pentagon courtyard. They were with wings. That is, I must believe that the plane flew up to the building, folding its wings, made a hole in it, and then straightened them again in the courtyard of the house. What nonsense. By the way, planes crashing into the towers left holes in it not only from the fuselage, but also from the wings.
      Third, when a plane crashes, any military or civilian, always, I always emphasize, find not only the wreckage of the aircraft and its black box, but also the bodies of the dead. But the fourth plane, which the valiant American passengers defended, crashed and evaporated. At the crash site they showed a plowed area.
      Considering what dividends the American elite received, as well as taking into account its "reverent" attitude to the life of ordinary people, I personally tend to believe that they themselves set it up and that the midlife crisis has nothing to do with it.
      If logic does not correspond to the actual circumstances of what happened, then this is not a matter of faith, but a matter of truth.
      1. +1
        10 September 2012 09: 56
        Quote: 1tankist

        There was also infa that some rich uncle in America, or a week or a couple of days before September 11, bought these buildings for a song and insured them for an astranomic amount, moreover, from collapse or complete destruction.
        Anyway, I’m certainly not an architect, and I don’t have anything to do with the construction or demolition of buildings, but on the day when all this happened, even while watching TV, I somehow felt that something was wrong here. Somehow these buildings were crumbling evenly. No, they didn’t break, partially showered in different sides, namely, they were exactly showered to the bottom.
        1. +1
          10 September 2012 10: 49
          Quote: Manager
          There was also infa that some rich uncle in America, or a week or a couple of days before September 11, bought these buildings for a song and insured them for an astranomic amount, moreover, from collapse or complete destruction.

          Greetings, Maxim. There was definitely such info. And why did the third building collapse, did the plane hit too? In general, the official version is designed for naive simpletons.
      2. Eraser
        10 September 2012 10: 12
        [quoteI, for example, as an engineer it is not clear why the upper floors of the building burn, and the lower ones collapse.]

        Watch a video where the lower floors collapse there?
        But the exit hole in the Pentagon, something wings are not observed.
        The fourth plane crashed into the ground at an angle of 40 degrees at a speed of more than 900 km / h, so there was stress with the bodies there, but all the dead were identified by DNA.
  1. +3
    10 September 2012 10: 42
    Quote: Eraser
    Watch a video where the lower floors collapse there?

    The lower floors are systematically destroyed, the building falls vertically. What violated the strength of the metal on the lower floors? If the weight of the upper floors, then this is nonsense. The upper floors fall down because there is no support under them. How many seconds does a building collapse?

    Quote: Eraser
    But the exit hole in the Pentagon, something wings are not observed.

    There were shots of the courtyard from above and specifically showed exactly the plane. These frames were shown by American television after questions arose about the aircraft. In addition, it doesn’t surprise you that the hole in the wall in the photograph you submitted doesn’t match the size of the wide-body aircraft, where are the fragments? And how did wings get into this hole?

    Quote: Eraser
    The fourth plane crashed into the ground at an angle of 40 degrees at a speed of more than 900 km / h, so there was stress with the bodies there, but all the dead were identified by DNA.

    DNA was found, and the wreckage of the plane evaporated, including a black box and engines. Very original laughing

    1. +5
      10 September 2012 10: 46
      Do you believe him? If not, then you have a midlife crisis laughing
    2. Eraser
      10 September 2012 11: 37
      Are you an engineer? Here is the site http://www.nist.gov/el/disasterstudies/wtc/ everything is painted in an official investigation, otherwise it turns out you don’t understand yours. As for the Pentagon, let's take pictures. In my photo there is an OUTPUT hole. And also I will show you such a photo, what do you think is depicted on it? wink About 4 aircraft, the "black box" was found on September 13, a device for recording conversations in the cockpit on September 14.
      1. +2
        10 September 2012 14: 07
        Quote: Eraser
        In my photo OUTPUT hole

        For whom, for corn? Eraser, erase everything you wrote and forget. wink
        1. Eraser
          10 September 2012 18: 32
          No, of course, everyone knows that in fact the Tomahawk cruise missile with a diameter of 55 cm crashed into the Pentagon. wassat
    3. 0
      10 September 2012 21: 00
      DNA was found, and the wreckage of the plane evaporated, including a black box and engines. Very original
      But the passports remained, though a bit charred.
      1. 0
        11 September 2012 09: 27
        The black box and engines are just pieces of iron. The passport is an identity document. THEY DO NOT BURN !!!!!!
  • +5
    10 September 2012 10: 19
    That is, I must believe that the plane flew up to the building, folding its wings, made a hole in it, and then straightened them again in the courtyard of the house.

    And you do not know that planes always fold their wings before a collision with a building ???? !!!!! It will hurt them (wings) !!!!!
  • +4
    10 September 2012 14: 02
    The towers collapsed due to explosives, which were correctly laid in the base. And airplanes are like that, Americans have a penchant for entertainment.
    Quote: 1tankist
    they received the so-called "patriotic pact" according to which it is possible to wiretap any telephone conversations, to detain anyone on suspicion of terrorist activity,

    And the main thing is to go mushrooming to oil countries.
    1. +3
      10 September 2012 17: 53
      Quote: Alexej
      The towers collapsed due to explosives, which were correctly laid in the base.
      In the reporting of those days, some people who managed to leave the building spoke of the similarity to explosions. In any case, just in time the "terrorists" attacked America, just like the "Polish" saboteurs on a German radio station before World War II. After the radio show in 1939, Germany's "righteous" anger was turned into a pretext for attacking Poland, and the anger of the United States, in order to climb into Afghanistan.
    2. Eraser
      10 September 2012 18: 33
      The towers collapsed due to explosives, which were correctly laid in the base.
      , but did you see how the towers collapsed? laughing
      1. +1
        11 September 2012 19: 33
        Quote: Eraser
        , but did you see how the towers collapsed?

        No, but I saw how the explosives were laid and filed the structure.
  • Vanek
    10 September 2012 08: 20
    I feel sorry for people. Simple, ordinary people feel sorry. There, at the top, they have their own special place. Lord, repose the souls of His children in peace.

    Hello to everyone.
    1. Che
      10 September 2012 08: 58
      Amers essentially do not care about ordinary people, go for any crime for the sake of momentary benefits. Marx said-5% of the benefits and the capitalist mother mother bangs.
    2. +2
      10 September 2012 16: 39
      maybe I’m not right, but where do ordinary people come from in the World Trade Center? exceptionally successful managers for whom in everyday life there is nothing personal, just business
      1. +1
        10 September 2012 20: 10
        firemen, cops, rescuers ..
  • +9
    10 September 2012 08: 32

    Good morning everyone!
    Given the fact that the United States has tricked the world and sacrificed a couple of thousand of its own citizens for the sake of its geopolitical ambitions, the US government does not cost anything. When the United States respected the lives of other nations, then respect its own citizens.
    Death or imitation of bin Laden’s death, suggests
    1. Either he was sent to rest., Imitating death ..
    2. Either he was really killed. Nevertheless, for the US government a dead terrorist is better than a living terrorist, thereby ending up in the water.

    In one thing, I am absolutely sure that we will never know the truth of 9 of September ..
    1. Vanek
      10 September 2012 08: 36
      Quote: Apollon
      In one thing, I am absolutely sure that we will never know the truth of 9 of September ..

      1. +4
        10 September 2012 09: 02
        Apollo, Vanek greetings. How can we not find out. We know at least 2 points of view and each has its own truth. We have our own opinion on what is happening and we also consider this to be true. So, of course, people are sorry, but remember the saying "We have the government we deserve" Was it not the people themselves who allowed their government to muddy the waters all over the world, and is it not this government that feeds the executioner to Al Qaeda?
      2. +3
        10 September 2012 09: 04
        Quote: Vanek

        Quote: Apollon
        In one thing, I am absolutely sure that we will never know the truth of 9 of September ..

        Hi Ivan, Apollo. We don’t know, but Sergey VAF will come and ask what maximum speed an aircraft can move at an altitude of 24 meters, especially Boin, all the more controlled by suckers. We’ve got a cruise missile loaded and there’s no end. Let's go for the benefit of the USA!
        1. Vanek
          10 September 2012 09: 12
          Quote: Alexander Romanov
          Zafigachili cruise missile and deal with the end.

          Without a doubt! It’s better to bang 300 people than 3. This is understandable. And they didn’t see the excuses they didn’t see — they won’t give a ride. Knock it down (Boeing) were all chances.
          1. +3
            10 September 2012 09: 28
            Quote: Vanek
            And they didn’t see the excuses they didn’t see — they won’t give a ride.

            If there was a capture, then only one aircraft and even that didn’t reach Washington. The names of the passengers, only this aircraft are known, is it that the passengers crashing into the towers are classified, and were they?
            1. Vanek
              10 September 2012 09: 36
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              named after passengers crashing into towers are classified

              What is the meaning of this ??? What is "TopSecret" in the names request

              And here:
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              Yes, and were they?

              Indeed, there are more questions than answers.
              1. +3
                10 September 2012 09: 43
                Quote: Vanek
                What is the point of this ??

                Ivan, the death toll includes almost everyone who died then, and even not long ago on the anniversary of the past, everyone remembered by name, but not those who were on the planes crashing into the towers. Their names were not named and no one honored them. What is so secret this list is probably in the absence thereof.
                1. Vanek
                  10 September 2012 09: 49
                  Quote: Alexander Romanov
                  What is so secret on this list, probably in the absence thereof.

                  Again I do not know what to answer you.

                  If only good
                2. +3
                  10 September 2012 10: 01
                  Hi Sanya. But there were calls from airplanes. It was through these calls that it became clear that people with office knives had captured the plane. And the fact that there were 4 people in one of the planes. I heard it on 11 of September when everyone showed on TV.
                  1. spender
                    10 September 2012 10: 08
                    Quote: Steam Train
                    It was through these calls that it became clear that people with office knives had hijacked a plane

                    Zhenya, I am an amateur in aviation, but in my opinion the door to the cockpit is well protected just so that some idiot could not get in there, there are probably internal instructions for emergency actions, and here four idiots with knives grab the airliner ... wink Somehow I want to shout (according to Stanislavsky): "I don't believe !!!"
                    1. +2
                      10 September 2012 10: 13
                      Quote: spender
                      there are probably internal instructions for emergency actions,

                      There is, click on the button signaling the seizure of the aircraft. See the good knives from the Chinese, that the pilots simply did not have time to press the button.
                      Quote: spender
                      "I do not believe!!!"
                  2. +2
                    10 September 2012 10: 09
                    Quote: Steam Train
                    Hi Sanya. But there were calls from airplanes. It was through these calls that it became clear that people with office knives had captured the plane.

                    Hi Zhenya, so I’m talking about this. The list of passengers on this plane is on the list of those who died, and the names of those who (allegedly) were on the planes crashing into the tower — these names are not!
                  3. +1
                    10 September 2012 12: 20
                    Some pepper came out on TV and said that the phones on the plane didn’t work, because it skipped the cellular base stations very quickly and there was no connection. I also tried to turn on the phone on the plane for a very short time to check it. Another time, not for profit, I just forgot to turn off the phone in flight. I looked at the display-connection there. True, the phone does not catch the network. Therefore, I laughed when the passengers of the Pennsylvania plane vied informed by personal cell phones that they were seized by terrorists.
        2. +1
          10 September 2012 10: 23
          In my incompetent opinion, directing a flying plane to a building is, of course, not a trifling matter, nevertheless it is real for a person with "initial flight training". Indeed, I would like to hear the point of view on this issue from a specialist, which is, in particular, Vaf.
          1. DYMITRY
            10 September 2012 14: 32
            Quote: lelyk72
            directing a flying plane to a building is, of course, not a trifling matter, nevertheless it is real for a person with "initial flight training".

            Good afternoon, Alexey.
            Just check how real this is. Go into any flight simulator, and try at a speed of 800, and a height of less than 30, to get into the building. It will start to turn out very soon, you will either peck at the ground long before the goal, or go higher. Moreover, in order to maintain speed, one must go in a straight line, or dive, wobble top-bottom will not work, the speed will drop. And 800 for a Boeing is a little less than cruising. And here with initial training, even if a person has nerves of steel, he will still be beaten before suicide. Accordingly, in order to keep cruising speed at a very low altitude (especially on such a carcass as a Boeing) you need to be an ace, with steel nerves ..
            1. DYMITRY
              10 September 2012 14: 56
              Quote: DYMITRY
              Go to any flight simulator,

              I didn’t finish the idea a bit - in reality, it’s even harder to control than on a simulator.
  • +4
    10 September 2012 08: 34
    I am inclined to conspiracy theory, the States needed an enemy, and they found him!
  • Darck
    10 September 2012 08: 36
    presented as a Nobel Prize in Literature.

    Tin, why weren't the astronauts invited to voice their expert opinion? I don’t believe one of the whistleblowers, because some are pursuing financial benefits, others are political, in such a catastrophe everyone is trying to snatch a piece, they are unlikely to drive people search for truth. Let everyone rest in peace ...
    that the truth of September 9th we will never know ..

    Of course you don’t know, you know what day it happened ...
  • +3
    10 September 2012 08: 44
    The states needed a pretext for war, they got it, and how they got it, at what cost they don't care.
  • 0
    10 September 2012 08: 48
    The actual course of events cannot be restored without secret data. In the same way, bombings of houses in Moscow cause doubts, they say, intelligence services worked with the hands of terrorists.
    This happens often - ordinary people pay for the interests of the political top.
  • bob
    10 September 2012 09: 09
    interesting story. Russian special services are also accused of blowing up houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk, such as to justify the entry of troops into Chechnya. mere mortals will never know the truth. and why if something happened immediately special services. all bonno just-clicked.
    Quote: Darck
    Of course you don’t know, you know what day it happened ...
    as in a joke. half an hour already laughing.
  • Darck
    10 September 2012 09: 27
    as in a joke. half an hour already laughing.
    But the beginning was enchanting ... he almost pulled on the communist whistleblower of capitalist ideas and conspiracies ... stop
  • +2
    10 September 2012 09: 56
    Greetings Colleagues.

    I want to remind you of some facts that, in principle, confirm that the amers are capable of such fraud and they do not mind their citizens at all.

    1. US entry into 1 MV .... (the death of the Lusitania steamer with amers on board, which grew into anti-Germanism in the USA and created the necessary background) .. there are studies that say that there were no German submarines in that square, but there was a certain U.S. submarine.
    2. US entry into 2 MV ... (Pearl Harbor) Roosevelt promised not to fight anymore on American soil and not to send soldiers anywhere. This won the election. What to do to enter the war ..... right, you need a "treacherous" attack, which would naturally cause righteous anger in society ...... There are already so many materials revealing inconsistencies and some kind of "children's mistakes that there is no doubt that amers knew about the plans of the Japanese and deliberately and deliberately merged their main base in order to give themselves a reason to enter the war on the wave of "popular anger".
    3. US entry into the global fight against terrorism ........ September 11 ....... well, you think I understand your colleagues .......
    These morons really use the same trick ... cynically .... not sparing their own.
    1. +4
      10 September 2012 12: 29
      I will add my 5 kopecks. In 1898, the war between Spain and the United States began with the sinking of the American battleship Maine, the Vietnam War of the United States began with the "Tonkin" attack of Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers. Later it was already proved that the reasons were rigged. to do amers: they do not have a land border with al-Qaeda!
      1. +1
        10 September 2012 16: 59
        Quote: illarion
        I will add my 5 kopecks. In 1898, the war between Spain and the United States began with the sinking of the American battleship Maine, the Vietnam War of the United States began with the "Tonkin" attack of Vietnamese torpedo boats on American destroyers. Later it was proved that the reasons were rigged.

        Absolutely fair addition +
  • +1
    10 September 2012 10: 00
    The tragedy of ordinary people on September 11 in the United States does not raise doubts about its reliability. If we go by analogy with Pearl Harbor, that is, there is a coincidence in what was known about the impending terrorist attack and the Japanese attack. The leadership needed a reason to declare war, and it allowed both a terrorist attack and Japanese bombing. But this raises the question of how it was possible to distinguish truthful information from desa, so talking about a conspiracy is very problematic, although it is possible. The fact that does not require a rebuttal is obvious - this is a huge amount of money welded on this terrible tragedy. Money doesn't smell. Yesterday I watched the program with Solovyov and once again had the opportunity to make sure that many deputies had an unpleasant odor.
  • +2
    10 September 2012 10: 22
    And I am also very confused by the number of those killed (I will make a reservation right away - I do not blaspheme and do not "regret" that there are so few victims, I feel sorry for innocent people for this fact). It's just that in such buildings, if we discard the victims among the firefighters and other services, it turns out that there were no people at all. Because there is practically one personnel among the dead. Where are the people? This is the World Trade Center, there the people should be like in an anthill - but it turns out and there was no one. How so. Or did they know?
  • +2
    10 September 2012 10: 37
    Good morning friends!

    Yesterday I watched "excuses" on TV. But another question arose when the wreckage was being raked up, why all the iron that was there was taken to Asia for smelting?
  • Ataturk
    10 September 2012 10: 48
    Guys, leave the scribble aside and ask everyone to look at this video. Here they prove in more than detail that pen-dos are driven. Look, these videos are very, very informative.

    PART 1 - Duration 10 min

    PART 2 - Duration 10 min

    PART 3 - Duration 10 min

  • +2
    10 September 2012 10: 49
    All the same, the matter is unclean, the CIA is involved in one way or another ...
  • +3
    10 September 2012 10: 50
    Hello everyone. Colleagues with the past holiday.

    And so on the topic. End justifies the means. The provocation was a success.
  • +1
    10 September 2012 10: 57
    I am not a big supporter of conspiracy theory, but there are a lot of oddities for which there is no intelligible answer. Destruction in the foyer that occurred when the aircraft hit the tower. Miraculously, the terrorist documents that survived in this hell. The very fall of these buildings, although the margin of safety was designed to hit them in an airplane. Was it a terrorist attack or an action planned by the US intelligence agencies? In any case, innocent citizens suffered. I want to believe that someday we will hear plausible answers to questions, which over time become more and more.
    1. Ataturk
      10 September 2012 11: 13
      Quote: Lyokha79
      I'm not a big proponent of conspiracy theory

      but as a pen-do-soviet people, can it be done so that they themselves go to war? Exactly, you need to kill a couple of pen-do-owls and throw everything at the Arabs. Given this video, I really believe it.


  • +3
    10 September 2012 11: 30
    Provocation and once again provocation in the spirit of Amer’s politics. After the USSR, the SGA needed an enemy and they invented it for some reason and needed military bases and aircraft carriers around the world. I liked it when I watched a film by Giuseppo Chiesa and explained how to construct non-scrapers from I-beams. nothing can destroy everything fell into place.
    1. +2
      10 September 2012 12: 48
      It was back in 2001 that it was known to whom they clouded their brains so it was only to their own people.
  • Captain
    10 September 2012 12: 50
    Worth seeing
    1. tambu
      11 September 2012 14: 30
  • +2
    10 September 2012 14: 03
    and under the guise of these attacks and Americans sow everywhere the fruits of shit democracy
  • 0
    10 September 2012 14: 52
    If you get hung up on some topic. then finding no docking is not a problem. September 11th, the work of the CIA, Osama lives in Florida under a witness protection program, and the flight to the moon took place in Hollywood. As written above, you can also find fault with the terrorist attacks in Moscow, there were even those who found fault very seriously, but everyone is interested in the US conspiracies. Much is not clear about the Kursk nuclear submarine either, and if you really want to, then Gagarin's flight can be called a setup ... paranoia
  • bask
    10 September 2012 17: 36
    What to prove here. Terrorist attacks staged Bush Jr. and his accomplices. In order to untie their hands for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. And the skyscrapers were after suicide bombing, they were carefully undermined by professionalism. They also blew up the nearby twins, so the democracies don’t regret their talk about us.
  • +1
    10 September 2012 17: 48
    I don’t even understand the technical side, the question: How did the 3rd building manage to collapse near the twin towers, which the plane did not fall on? for company? 100% setup.
  • 0
    10 September 2012 18: 23
    two words about the WTC in English it's called "controlled demoliton" - controlled destruction
  • +1
    10 September 2012 21: 40
    Once I read an interesting article - just one of the versions of the reasons for the collapse of the WTC is the link (http://pandoraopen.ru/2011-09-21/11-sentyabrya-termoyadernyj-snos-vsemirnogo-to
    /) - Briefly I would like to note, Everyone knows that the place where the twin towers were destroyed is called "Ground Zero" - no one wondered why? After all, this term is well known to the military. Here's what the dictionary says:
    Ground Zero (Ground Zero, literally “zero mark”, implies "on earth", in contrast to the English. air zero - "zero mark in the air" when an air nuclear explosion occurs) - English phraseological unit, indicating the point where a catastrophic event occurred:
    Ground Zero originally - the site of the bombing (usually refers to the atomic bomb). In the United States, the term has spread since the details of the first test of nuclear weapons were made public. Why this phrase appeared in the news and generally very interesting information with videos and photos - in the link, read - you will not regret it.
  • Kostya pedestrian
    22 August 2014 07: 49
    Yesterday I developed a coat of arms for my new family, in view of the fact that the Kaminsky surname is used - Prus I, Sh. In view of the development of science and technology, this does not quite suit me, and requires the development of a new design. Considering that I was rescued, and more than once, by the bird Raven. Then I would like to submit for consideration a new coat of arms for my family "Raven", however, between the article and my and my immediate family's personal coat of arms there is some kind of relationship:

    Using the symbolism of "Prus", a very respected coat of arms by me, I added a "compass arrow" to the fracture. And I remembered that on one of the schematic drawings of a bandit strike on the Pentagon, there is a "fork-circle", which in the diagram looks very much like a compass needle, and is opposite to the fork - a butterfly (ascot in English)

    On this side, the side of the impact, the diagram also shows a massive green space or field.

    Now let's google for: com.ras or pas.com:

    1 option "pas" -
    Established in 1993, PAS is a leading provider of innovative software and professional services that improve Human Reliability in industrial facilities and enhance safety, compliance, and profitability. Our extensive customer list includes the leading companies in the power and process industries worldwide.

    Option 2: GFC - The Global Forest Coalition (GFC) is a coalition of NGOs and indigenous peoples organizations engaged in the global policy debate related to forests. The mission of the Global Forest Coalition is to advocate the rights of forest-dependent peoples as a basis for forest policy and addressing the direct and underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation. [1]

    So who and why arranged such a grand concert in New York and Virginia?

    For the Russians, I affirm that Veles is our enemy, not God, like other Peruns, etc. Still better than the Radiant Angel - carrying enlightenment and knowledge there is no power better for us!

    I think, soon, our elite digital Minsk watch "Luch" will not only be able to conquer the niche occupied by "seiko" and "casio", but also to conquer the Japanese consumer!

  • Kostya pedestrian
    22 August 2014 08: 07
    Yes, the full name of the Coat of Arms "Si Raven" is such a symbiosis of Slepovron, Pravdich, Sulima and Prus and Chuikov.
  • Kostya pedestrian
    23 August 2014 14: 44
    As for the extraterrestrial civilizations that enslaved the Earth, I will not say for sure. My wife, according to the Chinese horoscope, refers to the sign of the Earth, and it seems that she conquered me and commands me.

    And if honestly, about the sign of the Sun, I will not go into the details of the movie "Marie Antoinette" 2007 spill, but ask who signed it in the movie, and how it looks like with blood, and why, it is worth asking.

    And if you look at "Protector" with Jackie Chan, then you can see "Compass" ...

    And what kind of pacifist teaches Antoinet on the piano ... fingers to play keys?

    Is Alivarya on sale in Australia? And then something is discrimination ... is it criminalization, or the capitalist market?

    Why, what can the Japanese do, the Belarusians do not? And as Bruce Willis said in The Fifth Element, these dogs do not fight without the main thing. Need to figure out the main one, the leader?

    Aka is understandable "as noun as" ... but with God a paradox! From the wiki we get that:
    Bozh (late Latin Boz, Booz, Box; d. C. 375) is the leader of the Ants, mentioned by the historian Jordan in his essay "On the Origin and Acts of the Getae" in connection with the war against him of the Ostrogothic king Vitimir. Initially, the Goths suffered a defeat from the Ants, but after that they began to act more decisively and were able to capture and crucify Boz, his sons and 375 Anth elders about 70 years. But a year later, Vitimir died in battle with the Hun king Tsar Balamber.

    In short, it’s either God or Zhob. What is a job? Most likely a tooth, or a dent ... someone comes out of debt to us. Dent and English children as a prose. You can miss without skill! And not there, and not there. And what? HELL!
  • Kostya pedestrian
    23 August 2014 14: 53
    I want to tell, my dear friend,
    As a bill, my work is useful for the motherland.
    As a scout I went to the mountains of Kavkhaz,
    Subdue, friend, my little raskazza:

    My chumandir visits me once
    Because of the mountain there, the terrorist shoots at us!
    Yours will go, yours will catch him
    Grab a scruff and drag to the headquarters!

    My heart yoked and sank to the heel,
    But Chumandir has long said goodbye to me,
    I took a rifle, took a dagger, went down the mountain,
    Goodbye my homeland, goodbye dear Kavkhaz! ..

    And now I walk along the hollow at night,
    I’m looking - there’s a huge three kids
    And the machines and the moon shines on them, yeah!
    Here, I think, three glorious languages!

    I stuck my head in a green bush,
    And he screamed - the whole voice in the universe!
    To the left is a platoon, to the right is a platoon - I'm seredina!
    Surrender, terrorist, your demise has come!

    I recommend the magnificent author and performer of worthy lyrics Vladimir Vysotsky:

    Igor Slutsky!
  • Kostya pedestrian
    23 August 2014 15: 28
    As the saying goes, let the victims and the jury "moviegoers" decide who is art and who is "fhn".
    I want to offer an advertising slogan for a company in Japan:

    Yes, I will note that I myself, when I received the "Australian diploma", after taking the oath, received a "paper cut" on my certificate, just in the upper right corner. Just from the picture of the mainland of Australia, in the place where Japan would be. So Mazda ... Once again, listen carefully to the clip of Phillip and Alla "My Bunny"

    Well, for connoisseurs of art painting, I recommend the work of Konstantin Makovsky and his painting "The Death of Petronius" written in 1904, under the influence of the novel "Camo Griadeshi"

  • "Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

    “Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"