The thorns of civilian weapons in Russia

The thorns of civilian weapons in Russia

Recently, civil weapon Russia is going through far from the best times. According to the author, the right to acquire and carry weapons, to use them to protect life, health and property, ourselves, our loved ones, as well as any other citizens, is one of the cornerstones on which a strong and free state can be built, so we we return to this problem.


The first serious blow to the civilian weapons market was struck during the presidency of D.A. Medvedev in 2011. It is characteristic that at that time there were no serious incidents with weapons in the country - minor hooliganism, shooting at weddings, a certain number of fights with the use of traumatic weapons. Of course, there were incidents that resulted in the death of people, but their number was so insignificant against the background of the total number of killings in the country that it was simply ridiculous to talk about the need to take any restrictive measures in relation to civilian weapons. Nevertheless, for the sake of populism, they decided to show the "struggle" for the life and health of citizens, both senseless in essence, and so ineffective in result.

The main innovations in the Law "On Weapons" of 2011:

- the introduction for all types of traumatic weapons of a single designation OOOP (firearms of limited destruction);
- Severe limitation of muzzle energy for all types of OOOP at the level of 91 joules;
- limitation on the number of purchased OOOP for the owner in the amount of no more than two units;
- passing an exam, including a practical and theoretical part, upon obtaining a license and retaking once every five years;
- a ban on the sale of foreign traumatic weapons in Russia;
- prohibition of metal cores in cartridges for traumatic weapons.

Accepted by D.A. Medvedev in 2011, amendments to the law "On weapons" reduced the market for traumatic weapons by an order of magnitude

Of this entire list, only the requirement to pass the exam makes sense, and everything else is either meaningless, or has brought only one harm. A strong blow to the market was struck by the requirement for the possibility of acquiring no more than two LLCs, while there was not a single reason to impose this restriction - there were no incidents during which two to three or five units of traumatic weapons would be used simultaneously for illegal purposes.

One criminal was about to rob his own grandmother and pointed two pistols at her. But the grandmother herself was an old criminal and immediately directed twice as many pistols at her grandson. How many pistols did the grandson and grandmother point at each other?
Children's math problem.

With all her desire, the girl would not have been able to use a large number of pistols in Russia - such is the law!


In 2014, amendments by the deputy Irina Yarovaya were adopted, which limited the places where you can stay with OOOP, increased responsibility for carrying while intoxicated and losing a weapon.

Every time the legislators of a particular country introduce gun-free zones, that is, zones free from weapons, criminals and mentally unstable citizens wipe away a stingy tear of gratitude, because it is in such places that they arrange their bloody massacres.


An excellent reason for the unprecedented tightening of the law "On weapons" was the incident with a criminal who started shooting at a school in Kazan. We discussed this issue in detail in the article The tragedy in Kazan: why it can happen again and how to prevent it... At the time of the publication of that article, there was a timid hope that common sense would prevail, since it was absolutely clear that it was not a matter of weapons at all, but the president said to "toughen up", and the "courtiers" did their best ...

The list of "innovations" is simply outrageously absurd:

- raising the minimum age of acquisition to 21 years (it is not clear why a 21-year-old idiot is more responsible than an 18-year-old, despite the fact that the latter must serve in the army from the age of 18, then maybe postpone military service for 21 years?), and to indigenous small peoples of Russia, leading a traditional way of life, this does not apply - "all animals are equal to each other, but some are more equal than others." By the way, an option was also proposed to increase the acquisition age to 27 years;

- qualification for two years for the possession of multiple-charge weapons - like it or not, but the first shotgun will be a double-barreled shotgun, despite the fact that their sales are generally decreasing relative to semi-automatic weapons;

- the transfer of weapons with a "paradox" attachment and Lancaster's oval-screw drilling to the status of a rifled one is a very popular segment, the transfer of which to the status of a rifled weapon will simply ruin many enterprises, thousands of employees will be left without work:

- Drivers detained in a state of alcoholic intoxication will now be deprived of the right to a weapon, while if the owner of the weapon was required to do a blood test that accurately enough shows the presence / absence and degree of intoxication, then the driver may be deprived of his license, and now the weapon, on the basis of breathalyzer readings, which can work with a significant error;

- the owners of the hollowed-out weapons were obliged to register them with the Rosgvardia, adding many times to the last work - this is justified by the fact that the hollowed-out weapons can be restored. If so, why sell it at all? Make it impossible to recover. And if it cannot be restored, then why waste the Rosgvardia's time by registering toys? Again, if it is possible to restore, then what is the use of registering - bought, registered, restored, shot people - how will registration help prevent this scenario?

- a ban on any changes and repairs to the trigger mechanism (trigger mechanism) - goodbye to sporting achievements, all athletes always and in all countries tune the trigger mechanism - now there will be criminal liability for the independent replacement of a burst spring, and any weapon, even pneumatic one. The ban is written so vaguely that it is generally unclear what tuning will now be banned and for what they can be imprisoned. Maybe that for the replacement of the butt, forend or front sight? If so, it will destroy hundreds more, if not thousands of jobs. Russian companies that manufacture products for tuning weapons have just entered the world level and began to produce worthy products.

It is possible that even the most harmless tuning will be banned.

- the prohibition of the circulation of weapons with "the length of a single barrel with a receiver less than 500 mm", is this how to understand? In many weapons, the barrel can be separated from the receiver, but the weapon cannot be used, and the minimum length of a functioning weapon was previously limited. What's the point? To remove a huge number of relatively compact models from the market? But the "shooter" in Kazan was with an ordinary, full-size rifle, and he walked with it down the street without hiding. What will be done with those who have a “short” weapon that still have a legal permit?

The infanticide goes without hiding - the length of the gun is not a hindrance for him

But according to the new law "On weapons", current and former employees of the security forces who own the LLC no longer have to pass a test of knowledge and skills of safe weapon handling every five years, and it does not matter that some of these employees only see weapons on TV.

It is characteristic that numerous incidents with civilian and service weapons, which occur through the fault of law enforcement officers, and constitute a significant proportion of offenses with weapons, in principle, do not lead to proposals to limit the rights to own weapons of this particular category of citizens. On the contrary, proposals are constantly being put forward that it is precisely the employees of the power structures, both current and former, that should be given preferential rights to possession of weapons (and under the new law, such advantages have already been granted). In reality, the same citizens of the Russian Federation work in law enforcement agencies, and the number of sadists, psychos and alcoholics among employees and “non-employees” will always correlate in any case. It will always be wrong and ineffective to introduce advantages or restrictions on the possession of weapons, based on professional activity, but again - "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."

The level of adequacy of the amendments to the Law "On Weapons" casts doubt on not only the competence, but also the sanity of those who formulate and adopt these amendments.

In general, a rather interesting situation. To receive a weapon, you must pass a medical examination, pass an exam. Driving a car requires training, a medical examination, and an exam. Even for the sale of cucumbers, you have to go through a medical examination and get a health certificate.

And what does it take to become a deputy? After all, the deputy, through the adoption of laws, in fact governs the country? Age at least 21 years old? Maybe raise the minimum age for the post of deputy to thirty years, why not? And the maximum age can be limited to sixty years. At least secondary education, GPA above four, IQ test? Again, an annual medical examination for mental health, alcoholism, drugs is, in general, an unpaved field for legislative initiatives.

As for sanity, another nonsense was recently voiced by the head of the movement "For Security" Dmitry Kurdesov, who proposed to limit the sale of gas cartridges to individuals. That is, ordinary citizens, Mr. Kurdesov proposed to deprive the right to acquire this "deadly weapon", but to leave the right to acquire, who do you think? That's right - to law enforcement agencies and legal entities that carry out private security activities on the basis of a license.

Mr. Kurdesov's argument is simply brilliant:

“Now any Russian can buy a gas canister. At the same time, the means of self-defense serves as "not the most effective tool" in an attack. Using a spray can harm the victim as well as increase aggression on the part of the perpetrator. Gas cartridges in Russia often turn into "instruments of illegal actions", which are directed not only against citizens, but also against law enforcement officers. "

Based on this, a proposal was formed to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev:

“In this regard, I ask you to assess the feasibility of introducing a ban on the sale, storage and use of gas cartridges for individuals on the territory of the Russian Federation, leaving the right to purchase and use these means of self-defense for law enforcement agencies and legal entities carrying out private security activities on the basis of a license. . "

What is it? Wanting to draw attention to yourself? Curry favor with the authorities? How can an adequate person in his right mind call to prohibit the best means of self-defense according to the cost / effectiveness criterion, perhaps the most effective of what is available to the population of the Russian Federation? Maybe this is some kind of "Stockholm syndrome", proceeding in a latent form - a latent desire to be vulnerable and make others vulnerable in the face of criminal encroachments? Or, on the contrary, is someone close to the problem of robbers and rapists who are being fought back by the victims with the help of gas cartridges?

However, everything is more prosaic. On the page of Mr. Kurdesov "VKontakte" there is a link to the private security company (PSC) "BORS", 100% of which Mr. Kurdesov is. Perhaps the main reason is to raise the demand for PSC services by reducing the security of ordinary, least protected layers of citizens? Draw your own conclusions.

With such proposals from “caring” citizens and with such a rate of amendment to the Law “On Weapons”, in five to ten years, citizens of the Russian Federation will be prohibited from owning something more dangerous than a toothpick.

Validity issues

I wonder when amendments to the law "On weapons" are adopted, when proposals are made to restrict or prohibit something, and when are any statistical studies carried out at all? If so, why are they not published? This is not the tactical and technical characteristics of the Zircon hypersonic missile, and not a matter of espionage? Why is all this done behind closed doors?

After all, if we discard populism, then there are absolutely no grounds for toughening the law "On weapons".

In Russia - 3,7 million owners who have received permits for the storage and carrying of weapons, who own more than 6,5 million rifles, rifled carbines, OOOP, including 1 million rifled carbines, 4,3 million smoothbore guns and 945 thousand units OOOP (traumatic pistols).

With all the "hype" that rises every time a legally available weapon is used for criminal purposes, how many such cases occur in a year? How many victims? Could they have been avoided if the owner did not have the weapon in his hands? How many victims of legal weapons will there be in a year - 50-100? Hardly more.

Of these, we can immediately discard all cases such as “the husband shot his wife out of jealousy,” since it is quite obvious that in the absence of a gun, he would be guaranteed to stab her with a knife, strangle her with a belt or hammer her to death, which happens in 99,9% of such cases.

All cases of careless handling of weapons can be discarded - no one has canceled and will not cancel natural selection.

Violation of the rules for storing weapons, as a result of which unauthorized persons, such as children, gain access to weapons, as a result of which accidents occur? This is, of course, very sad. But is the weapon to blame or the bona fide owners? After all, 99,999% of accidents with children are falling out of windows, falling from various heights - trees, playgrounds, burns from boiling water from a stove, getting under transport, and so on and so forth. The share of accidents with weapons is negligible here.

Suicide? Well, this is generally ridiculous, if someone has decided to commit suicide, then he will find a way, the weapon has absolutely nothing to do with it, although some even with it manage to ruin the life of themselves and those around them.

So it turns out that there will not be even a few dozen really serious incidents with weapons, when it is possible to speak of weapons as an important component of a crime.

At the same time, according to official data from the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as a result of criminal encroachments in 2020, 22,7 thousand people died, and 35,6 thousand people were seriously injured.

What effect do legally available weapons have on these statistics? The answer is none, at the limit of statistical error.

It is necessary to reduce the number of crimes by adequate retribution for their commission. Instead of punishing the perpetrators of tragedies as strictly as possible - for example, executing a murderer of children in Kazan, regardless of whether he is crazy or not, or a former security officer who shot at people from the window of an apartment in Yekaterinburg, the state prefers to punish all law-abiding owners of weapons. that is, it essentially introduces collective responsibility, which, by the way, is prohibited by the Geneva Convention.

And the state is very loyal to murderers and rapists. He killed, robbed - in prison, served time - killed, robbed - again in prison. Such cycles are the norm for our country, and not only. The motto "give the killer a second chance" is used by them for their "direct" purpose, just look at the statistics of relapses. Despite the fact that after some crimes it is simply unnatural to release a criminal, it happens again and again, with frightening consistency. We will definitely return to the question of the adequacy of our Criminal Code and law enforcement practice.

At first they came for the socialists, and I was silent - because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for union members, and I was silent - because I was not a union member.
Then they came for the Jews, and I was silent - because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me.

Now they decided to "come" for the owners of the weapon, but on the way of unreasonable restriction of the rights of citizens it will be very difficult to stop - not to burn fires, not to swim in the river and not to drive up to it in a car, not to pick mushrooms and berries, not to fish, you never know what can you think of? There will always be "initiative citizens" who will offer new restrictions for themselves and others - the enthusiasm of the masses is inexhaustible, and in a burst of collective masochism, they will gladly accept the restrictions imposed by others.

The right to own a gun, the right to protect yourself and your loved ones, the right to defend those who are weaker - this is an inalienable right worth fighting for.

As US President Benjamin Franklin said - “Those who are willing to sacrifice their essential freedom for short-term security are neither worthy of freedom nor security.».
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  1. +12
    23 August 2021 18: 07
    In no case should the free sale of weapons be allowed, otherwise any citizen will be able to buy a pistol and kill Vladimir Vladimirovich.
    1. +4
      24 August 2021 07: 08
      We are also stupid and stupid. We'll shoot each other.
    2. -1
      25 August 2021 15: 54
      Anyone can't. and he will stop organizing such a special operation before leaving. Having pistols is not equal to being able to kill someone famous and famous. The people have access to good rifled guns, but, for some reason, no one is engaged in mass shooting of the rich and famous.
    3. 0
      16 October 2021 10: 53
      What joy it will be when the damned Putin dies.
    4. 0
      15 November 2021 18: 44
      How many times have citizens resisted during mass shootings in the United States? And read the statistics how many people die of firearms !!
  2. +18
    23 August 2021 18: 09
    You, the author, are forgetting the main thing: to crush citizens is a goal, not a tool. And that's all.
    1. +25
      23 August 2021 18: 41
      In general, yes. The system is already working on the verge of complete insanity. There are millions of illegal and service guns in the country, thousands of awards, but they flatten the unfortunate hunters and self-defenders. What for? Yes, just like that, we can flatten and ivy.
      1. +1
        24 August 2021 16: 48
        Well, maybe because yesterday's schoolchildren staged Columbines on purpose?
    2. +11
      23 August 2021 19: 24
      Quote: Sancho_SP
      You, the author, are forgetting the main thing: to crush citizens is a goal, not a tool. And that's all.

      I think with regard to weapons there is no purpose of "crushing". The authorities are absolutely not afraid of either short-barreled or shotguns. Rather, it is a convenient excuse to score in front of all sorts of gossips and aunts after any incident with a weapon, promoted in the media.
      1. +8
        23 August 2021 20: 27
        Simply, alas, in our country, extremely incompetent ghouls, who do not understand a damn about what they are trying to regulate, are composing and passing laws in all areas.
        1. +8
          23 August 2021 20: 54
          Whether it is in Japan: back in the 16th century, a law was passed there on the complete deprivation of the peasants of access to the possession of weapons. And in the 19th century, the wearing and possession of weapons was prohibited for the military class - the samurai. Since then, weapons in Japan are only service weapons, however, unlike Russia, the ranks of the army and police are allowed to carry and store a service short-barrel outside of service.
          1. -1
            24 August 2021 12: 30
            Japan is not an indicator at all, the local culture and traditions are very different. There is no army there, only self-defense forces wassat
        2. +4
          23 August 2021 22: 02
          Quote: paul3390
          Simply, alas, in our country, extremely incompetent ghouls, who do not understand a damn about what they are trying to regulate, are composing and passing laws in all areas.

          Agree. A strange system. Only the insane come to power. How does this happen?
      2. YOU
        23 August 2021 20: 28
        Here I absolutely agree with you. Who flapped in Kazan and gave a person with an unbalanced psyche to own a weapon is not so important. But to arrange a "show" for the whole country, it is in our traditions with the USSR. And millions were moved by the fact that the guarantor was principled in front of the TV sets, and officials were quick. And this has not diminished the number of illegal weapons on hand.
      3. -7
        23 August 2021 21: 31
        Dear author, I fundamentally disagree with your point of view. I believe that for self-defense, the available permitted injuries, with their limitations, are quite sufficient, even in excess. I have hunted since childhood, I started with my father, at 18 Dad bought me my first gun (Saiga 12 in a tree), 15 years later I bought myself an IZH 27. I don’t want rifled yet ... Thus, I am sure that the legal arsenal is enough, to hunt and defend. And by the way, why have 3 or more OOOP units, one unit is enough for self-defense.
        1. 0
          24 August 2021 07: 19
          Quote: raw174
          And by the way, why have 3 or more OOOP units, for self-defense, one unit is enough.

          Who will allow you to have
          3 or more OOOP units

          You are not supposed to have more than 2 ...
          The total number of hunting firearms with a rifled barrel purchased by a citizen of the Russian Federation should not exceed five units, sports firearms with a rifled barrel - five units, smooth-bore long-barreled firearms - five units, firearms of limited destruction - two units, hunting throwing small arms - five units, except for the cases when the listed types of weapons are collectible.

          paragraph 11, article 13 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" of 13.12.1996 N150-FZ (last edition)

          1. +1
            24 August 2021 13: 02
            Quote: Lara Croft
            Who will allow you to have

            I know, I mean that one unit is enough, who is not happy with this limitation? I am against a person buying 5-7 units, for what?
            1. -1
              24 August 2021 13: 31
              Quote: raw174
              Quote: Lara Croft
              Who will allow you to have

              I know, I mean that one unit is enough, who is not happy with this limitation? I am against a person buying 5-7 units, for what?

              For a collection.
          2. -1
            30 September 2021 15: 15
            They take care of you so that they do not carry 5 injuries in the bosom, bad for the back ...
            1. 0
              30 September 2021 20: 28
              Quote: AlexFly
              They take care of you so that they do not carry 5 injuries in the bosom, bad for the back ...

              A good trauma of the dough is worth immeasurably, and you can carry a file in your bosom ...
              What did you want to say about the article?
              1. 0
                1 October 2021 10: 57
                The article is about nothing, since most of the participants in the discussion want not only a short barrel, for example, for sports and recreational shooting, but also the right to wear it ... Utopia and only ... Look at the legislation, sports short barrel is already so limited that some Semyon Semyonich from the village of NEZNAUKAK, 200 km from Maskva, will not be able to acquire ... And trauma, because in the minds of people nothing more than a pukalka is used illegally ... (most of them think that it is almost impossible for them to kill and they shoot where they were taught not to shoot in the course)
                1. 0
                  2 October 2021 15: 34
                  Quote: AlexFly
                  The article is about nothing, since most of the participants in the discussion want not only a short barrel, for example, for sports and recreational shooting

                  I am engaged in practical shooting from a pistol and a carbine, but I do it for myself, this is not a sport of high achievements, so it is cheaper for me to rent them (the cost of a sports pistol is 10 times more than a traumatic pistol of the same brand, google the prices), and those who buy sports pistols, they still cannot walk freely with them, pistols are stored in a sports club in a safe and he pays for this service (storage) ... his pistol is only for training and participating in competitions ...
                  but also the right to wear it ... Utopia and only ...

                  Why utopia? It is possible in the Czech Republic and the Baltic countries, but we cannot?
                  Another thing is that the owner of the combat short-haul and the requirements are more needed than the hunter (once a year the theory and the minimum course in the dash, every year, so that the motor skills of the hands do not deteriorate) ... or the owner of the OOOP ...
                  1. +1
                    4 October 2021 11: 25
                    As far as I know, transportation (carrying) of weapons is possible only for their intended purpose - to the place of use (shooting range, shooting range), in a closed case with a lock on the trigger, magazines must be unloaded and cartridges in a separate, lockable packaging (case, cartridge belt etc.)
                    To become a hunter in the European Union, you need to take six-month theoretical courses, pass theory, practice of the theory of handling weapons, practical exams (3) shooting - skeet and target (all in a standing position) and, having typed in each of the exams at least 70% , you can call yourself a newly minted "hunter". And this is just the beginning, because you still have to become a hunter .. Out of 100 people who have started training, 30-35 come to the bottom.
                    And after all this, you will regularly visit the shooting range to fill your eye and hand, shoot new bullets and cartridges, since if you smear you will simply be asked from a group of hunters. Why? Because the game must die quickly, without suffering, running into an impassable thicket a kilometer from the place of defeat .. That is why I say and repeat: 7,62x39 ammunition is NOT FOR HUNTING wild boars and moose .... rather weak ...
                    About sports shooting enthusiasts: everyone who is fond of this visits the shooting range every week at least, and if you have several different licenses, then more than that .. I'm not talking about people involved in sports shooting ..
              2. 0
                1 October 2021 11: 00
                Tell me why a real hunter will think 10 times whether to shoot or not, but the newly minted one (who became a member of the OXO to buy a fuze) is firing and that's it?
                1. 0
                  2 October 2021 15: 37
                  Quote: AlexFly
                  Tell me why a real hunter will think 10 times whether to shoot or not, but the newly minted one (who became a member of the OXO to buy a fuze) is firing and that's it?

                  I can't answer, because I'm not a real hunter, I don't go hunting alone (I'm afraid) only with friends who are real hunters ... but I don't like shooting anymore, but the process itself ...
                  1. +1
                    4 October 2021 11: 03
                    And on the hunt, he shoots a little, but accurately (at least it should be) ...
        2. +2
          24 August 2021 16: 49
          laughing the whole tsimes is that in 9 out of 10 screamers there is not even an old double-barreled at home
          1. 0
            24 August 2021 19: 20
            Quote: Barberry25
            laughing the whole tsimes is that in 9 out of 10 screamers there is not even an old double-barreled at home

            Apparently it is. And I bought cartridges today, the season is on the nose))) by the way, the price has risen, SCM 12X76 buckshot 6.2 - 48 rubles / piece, the fraction is a little cheaper ... But I don’t mind the money for hunting))) enough.
            1. +1
              24 August 2021 19: 42
              winked in general, the problems of the law are an understatement, but I think in the end they will finish with amendments
          2. 0
            30 September 2021 15: 16
            You shouldn't be so much about people .. and their hobbies
      4. +7
        23 August 2021 22: 04
        I think with regard to weapons there is no purpose of "crushing".

        Maybe there is no purpose to press against weapons, but the system is built in such a way that it can press and only press. This is its main function. Find the enemy and push. What is happening now with the liberal media is a phenomenon of the same order. I have never been interested in rain jellyfish, but what is being done with them now is some kind of complete tryndet in the same style as the law under discussion. It seems that a good goal has been declared - to prevent the "Maidan" inspired by America in Russia. But the execution is so clumsy that instead of preventing unrest, the ground is created for them.
  3. -31
    23 August 2021 18: 13
    Again the gun lobby got down to business. Sales are falling, restrictions are more severe - a new wave of articles is needed to legalize short-barrels. Until they started neatly from afar. Simply because after the last cases, the people are not very keen on loosening the restrictions. Therefore, it starts with the good old slogans and boltology. fellow
    There is no way to say right away that the short-barrel must be legalized, because the gunsmiths want money. So no. Incidentally, it is strange that the American president is quoted, and not from ours whom they picked up. Well, it seems like you love to quote their presidents? Or is it Western companies that are so eager to enter our market? wink laughing
    1. +18
      23 August 2021 18: 27
      And what's wrong with that, the civilian arms market is only a plus for the economy. Well, maybe someone can save a life in the same Czech Republic, for some reason, even persons with a residence permit can, if desired, purchase a short-barreled weapon, but in Russia everyone will certainly shoot each other.
      1. +27
        23 August 2021 18: 29
        "It is not the weapon that kills, but the man." Samuel Colt.
        1. +14
          23 August 2021 18: 38
          It goes without saying that there will be no firearms, a knife will be used.
    2. +12
      23 August 2021 18: 31
      Quote: g1v2
      There is no way to say right away that the short-barrel must be legalized, because the gunsmiths want money ...

      Do not worry, there will be about legalization, but not for the reasons you indicated.

      And about the opponents of weapons, about the reasons for this phenomenon, there will also be material.
      1. -29
        23 August 2021 18: 39
        Of course of course. And so from a distance on your haunches, that's why you started to sneak up. laughing Well you read it at once. fellow I think one of the following articles will be devoted to the "slavish nature of opponents of the legalization of short-stemmed". And of course "the authorities are afraid of free and armed people." Or something like that. Well, let's see if you come up with something new or a dull reprint of old articles. And by the way, I look at this time you have already brought an army of friends. Minus - do not hesitate.
        1. +14
          23 August 2021 19: 29
          Quote: g1v2
          Of course of course. And so from a distance on your haunches, that's why you started to sneak up. laughing Well you read it at once. fellow

          Do you really think that someone is paying separately? Who, "Concern Kalashnikov" with its connections at the very top? Or a private office with 25 employees, which under the new law will shut down the business, which will not be able to repay the loan, will fire people? If "Kalashnikov" or "Hammer" through their connections cannot solve this, do you think one or two articles will change something?

          Quote: g1v2
          I think one of the next articles will be devoted to the "slavish nature of opponents of the legalization of short-stemmed".

          Not really, but there will be some unpleasant moments.

          Quote: g1v2
          And of course "the authorities are afraid of free and armed people." Or something like that.

          Not afraid of the word "absolutely". Otherwise, the first thing would have been banned something more dangerous that we are still selling.

          Quote: g1v2
          And by the way, I look at this time you have already brought an army of friends. Minus - do not hesitate.

          You will be minus for disagreeing with your position, no more. There are no "armies", no "hobby" club.
          1. -2
            24 August 2021 07: 41
            Dear author, he has previously proposed to the supporters of the "free short-barreled", but did not receive an answer. The bottom line is as follows - conduct a survey among the citizens of Russia on a number of topics that are relevant to them. You will be surprised, but your topic will not even be in the top ten. Why bother her again? I apologize, but it is you who are hyping before the elections, the theme is “The Tsar is not real”. And yet, yesterday in the comments, one colleague cited statistics on the use of service weapons by the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 14 to 18 years. The total number is 155 cases. Of these, about half the use of weapons by traffic police officers to stop the vehicle of violators and suppress their illegal actions. 155 cases in a 140 million country in 4 years. 75 cases of them were used by traffic cops !!! The topic is for you to think about your election hyips.
            1. +1
              24 August 2021 10: 01
              Quote: Okolotochny
              Dear author, he has previously proposed to the supporters of the "free short-barreled", but did not receive an answer. The bottom line is as follows - conduct a survey among the citizens of Russia on a number of topics that are relevant to them. You will be surprised, but your topic will not even be in the top ten. Why bother her again? I apologize, but it is you who are hyping before the elections, the theme is “The Tsar is not real”. And yet, yesterday in the comments, one colleague cited statistics on the use of service weapons by the Ministry of Internal Affairs from 14 to 18 years. The total number is 155 cases. Of these, about half the use of weapons by traffic police officers to stop the vehicle of violators and suppress their illegal actions. 155 cases in a 140 million country in 4 years. 75 cases of them were used by traffic cops !!! The topic is for you to think about your election hyips.

              what's the matter ... society can be like that when there is a king, baron, elite, etc. to whom everything belongs and a person receives a piece of bread, he is obliged to die a bunch of everything, including to die for the Jewish god (Christ), the king (German by blood) and the fatherland (where nothing but hunger and lashes shines for him) and at the first opportunity a person migrates to The United States because it makes no difference to him and the standard of living there is higher ... or a person feels like a citizen of society, is thrown off with taxes for national needs, can influence through parties on the development of his state, the standard of living of his family depends on him, he feels that he does not in vain his ancestors died in the wars for this land and she at least partially his too. and when he sees some kind of crime going on, he feels that he must stop it and call the police for help. now he knows that his business is like a sheep to dutifully wait until he is slaughtered, maybe then the police will decide that they can do something. Or maybe not. but that's none of his business. his business is to be submissive to the tsar, his gendarmes and their fellow criminals, accomplices ... this is the cornerstone of a citizen's personal weapon.
              Of all the arguments against, I heard only one worthy one - now the policeman approaches you without a pistol in his hand, and in the USA he first takes aim at you and then talks.
              1. +1
                24 August 2021 10: 13
                Of all the arguments against, I heard only one worthy one - now the policeman approaches you without a pistol in his hand, and in the USA he first takes aim at you and then talks.

                I left this just for the case when they wrote back to me like you. You see, the concept of the behavior of the police and other law enforcement officers is different for us. You're right, the American police officer initially views the opponent as potentially dangerous. In terms of the fact that the one with a high degree of probability has a firearm. It is because of this that in the United States these ridiculous deaths during routine checks and detentions, including of children and adolescents. "... the tears of one child are not worth it." Somehow, police officers from the United States came to the university where I studied in the 90s. "Exchange of experience" so to speak. He was surrounded by several dozen interested in communication. You should have seen his reaction - he immediately began to express concern, his right hand fumbled at his side. Look at us? One employee may also come up. If there are two, then they can come up and become just next to each other, what kind of insurance is there for a friend. Why? Not considered a potential hazard. Largely due to the lack of free circulation of short-barrels.
                I gave the statistics of the use of the timetable with us. I just can't find the application of the timetable in the United States for the same period. That would be a comparison.
                1. +1
                  24 August 2021 10: 45
                  the fact of the matter is that so far it seems to be the only real argument. there are still more minuses now in our state of affairs.
                2. Egg
                  27 August 2021 12: 46
                  I think it's not only about the possible presence of a short-barreled, it's more about the difference in mentality.
              2. 0
                24 August 2021 15: 33
                They fit with a taser. And they all have cameras on their uniforms. And in which case there will be an immediate analysis. And if not right then the city government will have a policeman.
                In Russia, no one will give the people weapons. For you will have to pay more PPP and we do not want to pay at all. Nobody but your loved ones. People are the new oil. There is a regular shortage of gasoline in the country. Apparently we are buying oil .... This speaks of the quality of the country's governance as a whole.
        2. +5
          23 August 2021 20: 29
          And by the way, I look at this time you have already brought an army of friends. Minus - do not hesitate.

          Yes, I, as the owner of a weapon with 15 years of experience and am not shy ..
    3. +8
      23 August 2021 18: 41
      Quote: g1v2
      Again the gun lobby got down to business. Sales are falling, restrictions are more severe - a new wave of articles is needed to legalize short-barrels. Until they started neatly from afar. Simply because after the last cases, the people are not very keen on loosening the restrictions. Therefore, it starts with the good old slogans and boltology. fellow
      There is no way to say right away that the short-barrel must be legalized, because the gunsmiths want money. So no. Incidentally, it is strange that the American president is quoted, and not from ours whom they picked up. Well, it seems like you love to quote their presidents? Or is it Western companies that are so eager to enter our market? wink laughing

      And you purely give for statistics, how many crimes per year are committed from the OFFICIAL short-haul by ordinary citizens? ))) ten? twenty? 10 ??? ))) for information - a kitchen knife is killed a year in hundreds of thousands of times more
      1. 0
        23 August 2021 20: 56
        for information - a kitchen knife is killed a year hundreds of thousands of times the pain

        I want to take a look at the statistics. hi
        1. +3
          23 August 2021 21: 01
          Quote: Alex2048
          for information - a kitchen knife is killed a year hundreds of thousands of times the pain

          I want to take a look at the statistics. hi

          You can post or google - here is a quote from the first request)))

          The number of homicides in the country has increased almost two and a half times over the past fifteen years. Last year there were more than thirty thousand of them. Basically, they kill because of domestic conflicts, and in 80 percent of cases - drunk. Second place after the knife in the ranking of murder weapons, heavy objects are occupied - everything from scrap to stools. And only then there are firearms - more than two thousand people were shot dead in Russia last year.
          1. -10
            23 August 2021 21: 05
            Last year there were more than thirty thousand of them.

            over two thousand people were shot dead in Russia last year.

            for information - a kitchen knife is killed a year hundreds of thousands of times more
            Buy yourself a calculator.
  4. +20
    23 August 2021 18: 14
    only an enemy who hates the Russian people can offer to limit the rights to self-defense. "It is impossible for a Russian person" is their favorite argument. they don't like the example of the Baltic states of Georgia, the same America or the USSR until 1970, or the Russian Empire and prefer not to see him point-blank
    1. +13
      23 August 2021 18: 18
      and after all, more than one party does not speak, let's give the people a short-barreled ... they are all on the hook ... the opposition is crappy ...
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      24 August 2021 10: 16
      only an enemy who hates the Russian people can offer to limit the rights to self-defense.

      Interestingly, and how then to evaluate the times of the USSR?
      1. +2
        24 August 2021 12: 06
        Quote: Okolotochny
        only an enemy who hates the Russian people can offer to limit the rights to self-defense.

        Interestingly, and how then to evaluate the times of the USSR?

        here!!! correct question !!! the clamping of rights in the USSR after 1970 is another sign that the collapse of the USSR was started back in the 1960s. maybe they will open the US archives in a hundred years and find out that Andropov is an agent and for sure he is not alone. the USSR could only be destroyed from within through the KGB. military instructor I remember pricital- what are they (the state) doing with the youth? they raise mumbles and mama's sons and then to Afghan for slaughter.
        1. 0
          24 August 2021 12: 23
          You mean to say that you are guilty ALL the highest party nomenclature? So what is this "people's power", where everything was decided by "several thousand traitors"?
          1. 0
            24 August 2021 12: 29
            one two is enough but in the right places
            1. 0
              24 August 2021 12: 32
              Yah? Not under the communist system of government in the USSR. One or two things wouldn't have done it. And the rest means either blind-stupid or cowards? Which also characterizes.
              1. 0
                24 August 2021 12: 41
                Quote: Okolotochny
                And the rest means either blind or dumb

                Naive ....
                1. 0
                  24 August 2021 12: 44
                  Volodya, "naive" in senior management positions of 1/6 of the world ??? This is worse than a crime.
                  1. 0
                    24 August 2021 12: 47
                    Quote: Okolotochny
                    naive "in senior management positions 1/6 of the world ???

                    There were no naive ones. Some female dogs, starting with Khrushch.
                    1. +1
                      24 August 2021 12: 53
                      Some female dogs

                      What and speech.
                      1. 0
                        24 August 2021 12: 56
                        Quote: Okolotochny
                        What and speech.

                        Lyokha, tell the truth, are you a cop?
                      2. +1
                        24 August 2021 13: 23
                        In a past life)) Now I am a pensioner))
                      3. 0
                        24 August 2021 13: 30
                        Quote: Okolotochny
                        In a past life)) Now I am a pensioner))

                        Wah, thank you for the answer! I wrote diplomas to two cops, but somehow it so happened that they were in chocolate, and I was in the baseboard ...
                      4. +1
                        24 August 2021 13: 55
                        Volodya, it's called Life)))
        2. +1
          26 August 2021 09: 36
          Quote: vl903
          the clamping of rights in the USSR after 1970 is another sign that the collapse of the USSR was started back in 1960h Years.
          your logic is broken. The clamp was right earlier (1930-1950) and later (from 1965) - but in the interval there were liberties - relative - Khrushchev's.
          Then, in your opinion, it turns out that Stalin and Brezhnev worked for the United States - which even in theory is an indecent anecdote, and Khrushch was an awesome statesman ...
          1. -1
            26 August 2021 10: 08
            we are about different rights: about the ability to have a short-barreled citizen, smooth and rifled. I am not a historian, but according to subjective impressions, there was a smooth ban on the short-barrel, then they forced to register the smooth and small ones, and now they drove into the rifled paradox and Lancaster
            1. +1
              26 August 2021 15: 04
              Quote: vl903
              there was a smooth ban on short-barreled,
              smooth??? !!!!!!!!!!!!

              "The first normative act in the sphere of arms circulation was the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of December 10, 1918" On the surrender of weapons "<3>, in accordance with which all previous permits for the storage and carrying of firearms were declared invalid. were to hand over all serviceable and defective rifles, machine guns and revolvers of all systems, cartridges for them and checkers of any type that were in their possession. ... "
              "On December 12, 1924, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR adopted a Resolution" On the Procedure for the Production, Trade, Storage, Use, Accounting and Transportation of Weapons, Firearms, Explosive Projectiles and Explosives. " the right to arms for military personnel, employees in the fight against counter-revolution and crime, as well as members of the Bolshevik Party "
              "In connection with the wide distribution of small-caliber rifles among citizens, which, instead of hunting and sports, were often used for criminal purposes, the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated February 15, 1938 N 170" On the procedure for acquiring small-caliber rifles "<30> the persons guilty of their illegal storage, purchase and sale, began to be held criminally liable under article 182 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR in 1926. Thus, this type of weapon was equated to an ordinary firearm. "
  5. +5
    23 August 2021 18: 21
    Drafting in this topic and in the civilian weapons industry is the most active and poorly balanced.
    Nevertheless, a great people, which Russia is, is worthy of certain freedoms and rights to its defense and self-awareness. The same way, the economic component of our civilian weapons in the domestic and world markets cannot be dumped.
    1. -8
      23 August 2021 19: 14
      Quote: anjey
      a great people, which Russia is, is worthy of certain freedoms and rights to their defense and self-awareness.

      Immediately after the responsibility for drug use is introduced, and psychiatry becomes mandatory, like a book for the service industry.
      1. +12
        23 August 2021 19: 32
        Quote: Ruslan67
        Quote: anjey
        a great people, which Russia is, is worthy of certain freedoms and rights to their defense and self-awareness.

        Immediately after the responsibility for drug use is introduced, and psychiatry becomes mandatory, like a book for the service industry.

        Drug addicts have more important problems than buying weapons - to scrape together a dose, to find a bookmark. In fact, there are even existing measures behind the eyes to control the ingress of weapons to drug addicts. And the passage of a psychiatrist is required. But it is unrealistic to identify all the psychos, it will have to hold 20 million psychiatrists. And passing once a week.

        In reality, in any normal society there are more normal people than non-normal people. And a psycho with a weapon must be stopped by 10 non-psychos. With weapon.
        1. -15
          23 August 2021 19: 40
          Quote: AVM
          Drug addicts have more important problems than buying weapons - to scrape together a dose, to find a bookmark.

          It will be easier with your pistol.
          Quote: AVM
          And a psycho with a weapon must be stopped by 10 non-psychos. With weapon.

          Excuse me request But I, as a BS, presented this picture winked 10 managers with a set of short-barrels, from ladies' Browning to Desert Eagle44, scorching from all sides at one psycho with a shotgun ...
          1. +13
            23 August 2021 19: 55
            Quote: Ruslan67
            Quote: AVM
            Drug addicts have more important problems than buying weapons - to scrape together a dose, to find a bookmark.

            It will be easier with your pistol.

            Do you have a weapon yourself? Are you up to date on the procedures for obtaining it? Can you imagine what kind of hemorrhoids it is? You have to take an exam, take tests, get certificates, government services, a safe, etc. etc.

            What will a gun addict do, rob someone? What prevents you from doing this with a knife or a dummy (MMG), they now even shoot noise cartridges - at least take a machine gun?

            Shoot him? So this is for one time, they will immediately figure out him in the footsteps on the bullet - everything rifled is shot by organs. And because of the noise, he may not have time to get to the dose. No, the addict's weapon is like a saddle for a cow.

            Do not confuse the United States, there in some states, weapons are sold exactly FREE, i.e. without anything.

            Quote: Ruslan67
            Quote: AVM
            And a psycho with a weapon must be stopped by 10 non-psychos. With weapon.
            Excuse me request But I, as a BS, presented this picture winked 10 managers with a set of short-barrels, from ladies' Browning to Desert Eagle44, scorching from all sides at one psycho with a shotgun ...

            Whether "managers", even workers from the factory, even pensioners with crutches - the important thing is that the next oligophrenic will not reach school with a gun.
            1. +1
              26 August 2021 09: 52
              Quote: AVM
              You have to take an exam, take tests, get certificates, government services, a safe, etc. etc.

              Inquiries / analyzes - 1 hour if you are not a psycho and not a drug addict
              Public services are not a problem at all now. Very comfortably.
              Quote: AVM
              - Are you going to buy a pistol without money? And so the choice is huge and the prices are different
              Quote: AVM
              the result is important that the next oligophrenic will not reach school with a gun.

              Quote: AVM
              Whether "managers", even workers from the factory, even pensioners with crutches - the important thing is that the next oligophrenic will not reach school with a gun.
              For exactly 1 second, let's imagine that everyone who passed by in Kazan with a gun had a pistol with them! Have you presented? Which of them even called the police? Didn't start smacking the needle from Desert - but went around the corner and called "02" ?????
              Who? ? !!!!!!!!!!!
              Do you hope that they will be conscientious, they will kill someone, they will go to the courts, have trouble ???
              They need it ???? They didn't even want to call !!!!!!!!
          2. +11
            23 August 2021 20: 08
            Quote: Ruslan67
            10 managers with a set of short barrels

            Have you ever wondered where in the same Israel "shahids" (live bombs) come from? Yes, because there a terrorist with a machine gun after two or three shots will die from the fire of law-abiding armed citizens.
            1. -1
              24 August 2021 12: 24
              from where in the same Israel "shahids" (live bombs)?

              And there, and women for 2 years are pulling deadlines. And let's do it with us too ????
          3. +6
            23 August 2021 20: 33
            It will be easier with your pistol.

            Write nonsense. Ask how much the new trauma costs. And also - try to pass the medical examination and permission yourself. And only then will you be able to expound such nonsense. If such a desire remains.
            1. -15
              23 August 2021 21: 23
              Quote: paul3390
              ... Ask how much the new trauma costs. And also - try to pass the medical examination and permission yourself.

              For you, BS said this?
              Quote: paul3390
              And only then will you be able to expound such nonsense.

              First, he will give you in the head from behind, and then with your own pistol he will go to get it for a dose. Or he will exchange it for several given the price tag for injuries. am
              1. +1
                24 August 2021 09: 52
                And to me - tears of horror smearing on their faces from the fear of a terrible firearm, characters who only held a slingshot from a weapon in childhood, and even then hardly.
            2. KCA
              24 August 2021 12: 00
              And what is the problem to pass a medical examination? I paid to the cashier and go to the doctors, the psychiatrist did not even ask anything, he looked at the military ID and slapped the seal, I went to the narcologist for the last time with a terrible hangover, I asked what I looked like, I said my father had a DR, we drank a little, money paid for the inspection, slap - a stamp for a certificate, the district police officer had to go to me at the place of registration, said - write down the dimensions of your weapon box, and I will sign, there was such a responsible chief in the permit, he was a full blower, but here's a license for a security guard for some 20k rubles, he immediately did it right away, somehow, while I was waiting for an audience, the owner of a security company in 5 minutes, without presenting a weapon and without the employees to whom it was assigned, received new permits for 30 injuries, and if for a PM also? Cool, huh? The security guard, who has never seen a doctor in his village, receives a license of a security guard and a PM, well, of course, this is a direct threat not to me, but to the supreme power, headed by Putin, the lump will not shoot at me, but at the president
          4. +6
            24 August 2021 05: 37
            Well, one would be shot like that. The rest will not climb.
            And the most important thing. Nobody will just carry a pistol. He's heavy. Responsibility and all that.
            It would be better to remember the heap of those killed on the road and missing in the forest. There, a person without a weapon is defenseless in principle. And no police are provided.
        2. 0
          24 August 2021 15: 36
          To give a weapon, it is necessary to revise all laws that are associated with private property.
  6. +21
    23 August 2021 18: 29
    I understand that "a slave is not supposed to have a weapon"?
    1. Fat
      23 August 2021 22: 24
      Not allowed, not trusted ... crying Tokmo archers and boyars of the Duma ...
  7. +28
    23 August 2021 18: 31
    - Why do you need a revolver?
    - To learn to trust people.

    Paulo Coelho
  8. +15
    23 August 2021 18: 31
    Lilliputians rule! And if you raise the statistics, most deaths are everyday life. Moreover, the "weaker sex" kills with one blow. An ordinary kitchen knife.
  9. +10
    23 August 2021 18: 34
    The very name "civilian" weapon contains the answer.
    Weapons for the citizens.
    That's when those, that is, citizens appear, then you can discuss.
    In the meantime, for the lack of such a phenomenon, there is nothing to discuss, there is no concept in the law such as "populace", "servile" weapons, and so on.
  10. +15
    23 August 2021 18: 38
    Our authorities are simply afraid of their people !!!

    The right to own a gun, the right to protect yourself and your loved ones, the right to defend those who are weaker - this is an inalienable right worth fighting for.

    As US President Benjamin Franklin said - "Those who are willing to sacrifice their essential freedom for the sake of short-term security are not worthy of either freedom or security."

    I subscribe to every word !!! soldier
    1. +2
      24 August 2021 12: 51
      Quote: Corona without virus
      Our authorities are simply afraid of their people !!!
      all by all means !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      It shakes so that it allows you to buy rifled weapons - which we have exclusively for the army: Tiger (SVD), KO-44 (Mosinka), all kinds of AK variations ...
      According to your logic, it turns out that she is afraid only of citizens with fly swatter KS-and not a bit afraid of military weapons.
      The tiger (SVD) is ugh, here is the PM (from which the average citizen will not hit the growth target by 50m !!) - this is the horror and fear of the authorities ..... Aha ...

      And yet, in the super-rearmed USA (400 million barrels per 360 population), was the government frightened of citizens with weapons? Oh, yes !!! During the storming of the Capitol, the guards shot everyone they saw fit, the rest would be given 20-25 years in prison ... that's all .. ...
      Is their government afraid of US citizens with "pistols"? Yes, it does not care about their cops - as long as the National Guard has armored personnel carriers and tanks ...
      exactly the same situation with us - do you have a gun or not - you will not break through to the upper / middle echelons of power with him - so that they are afraid of you ...
      And the lower level does not decide anything, and the state certainly does not worry about it.
      1. 0
        25 August 2021 16: 29
        Tigers and Mosinks usually stand in safes, but the PM's "fly swatter" may be at the citizen's hand at the very time and in the very place where the people's choice or their sons will "violate traffic rules", hang out in restaurants or cafes, etc. ...
        1. 0
          30 September 2021 15: 29
          And the PM should also be in the safe and without ammunition ... Fathers from the higher echelons will help their sons with Chop's papers ... so they will blame the cackling onlookers ...
    2. 0
      24 August 2021 15: 38
      What do you want like in the USA? Oo-oo-oo-liberal !!! 1111 Atu his atu! (Sarcasm)
  11. +6
    23 August 2021 18: 39
    The article is vague. The point is - give the right to a weapon, otherwise everything is bad. It is necessary to separate the concepts: there is the right to keep weapons, there is the right to bear weapons. In Latvia, almost any citizen, not a psycho, not an alcoholic, not a convict, can obtain the right to custody. Passed the exam, passed the medical examination, bought a barrel, registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Everything. The right to wear is not given to everyone - this must be justified. And further. Do not confuse the concept of "carrying weapons" with the concept of "moving weapons". I would like to add the following. It is necessary to enter into the Criminal Code that when entering a residential premises illegally, without the permission of the owner, the owner of the premises does not bear any responsibility for the harm caused to the health of the intruder.
    1. +7
      23 August 2021 18: 56
      Quote: Old Jew
      The article is vague. The point is - give the right to a weapon, otherwise everything is bad. It is necessary to separate the concepts: there is the right to keep weapons, there is the right to bear weapons. In Latvia, almost any citizen, not a psycho, not an alcoholic, not a convict, can obtain the right to custody. Passed the exam, passed the medical examination, bought a barrel, registered with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Everything. The right to wear is not given to everyone - this must be justified. And further. Do not confuse the concept of "carrying weapons" with the concept of "moving weapons". I would like to add the following. It must be entered into the Criminal Code that when entering a residential premises illegally, without the permission of the owner, the owner of the premises does not bear any responsibility for the harm caused to the health of the intruder.

      Unfortunately, in the Criminal Code there is no one allocated by me, so if you shoot a robber who illegally entered your house, you will sit down (((even if he kills your wife and children before that - there were precedents (((
      1. -1
        24 August 2021 00: 38
        Don't write nonsense. It all depends on what you say to the bodies of inquiry.
    2. +11
      23 August 2021 19: 35
      Quote: Old Jew
      ... I would like to add the following. It must be entered into the Criminal Code that when entering a residential premises illegally, without the permission of the owner, the owner of the premises does not bear any responsibility for the harm caused to the health of the intruder.

      They tried - the initiative "My home, my fortress". Didn't pass. PMSM decriminalization of self-defense is more important than weapons. I will say more, now rape is not a reason to maim and kill a criminal - it is not considered infliction of bodily harm. Soon it will be like in Switzerland, where the offender's sentence was reduced from 54 months to 36 months due to the fact that, according to the judge, rape lasting 11 minutes cannot be considered something serious.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. -1
      23 August 2021 20: 11
      The right to wear is not given to everyone - this must be justified.
      You can link to the justification mechanism, pzhsta. And then I went through all the Latvian laws, I could not find it. You need a certificate from the medical board, a certificate of first aid training, knowledge of the Law on Weapons. Well, no criminal record.
    5. -1
      23 August 2021 22: 43
      Quote: Old Jew
      It must be entered into the Criminal Code that when entering a residential premises illegally, without the permission of the owner, the owner of the premises does not bear any responsibility for the harm caused to the health of the intruder.

      A courier has come to you, brought a parcel. You didn't like the quality of the product or the long wait for delivery. You "bring down" the courier in the corridor of your apartment or in the yard of your house. Arrived alongside explain that the courier "entered the dwelling illegally, without the permission of the owner." Together with the outfit, you drink tea and 100 grams each for the peace of the soul of the newly introduced and peacefully disperse.
      But it doesn't work that way. Nowhere. In the USA, by the way, too. In any case, you will have to prove the illegality of the person entering the boundaries of your private property. But most importantly, you will have to prove the non-obviousness of the intentions of this person, that is, the possibility of causing harm to you or serious damage to your property.
      The difference between the United States and our country is
      the question of self-defense lies in the fact that in the United States it is enough to convince the court of the non-obviousness of intentions, while in our country it is required to confirm the existence of a real threat to life (health does not count). Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, "necessary defense". At the same time, this article stipulates that "it is not a crime to cause harm to an encroaching person ...". Thus, the boundaries within which the defender can defend his interests and life are extremely vague, and the degree of responsibility for such "necessary defense" is unclear. For "doing harm" in self-defense is possible within wide limits, which the defender is most often unable to control due to the high complexity, tension and transience of what is happening.
      And where Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ends and Articles 105, 107-109, 111-114 begin - it is unclear and unpredictable in advance.
      Probably, as a guideline - theoretically, of course - you can rely on clauses 3,4 of Article 19 of the Federal Law "On the Police", which says that "a police officer, when using physical force, special means or firearms .... must strive for minimizing any damage "and" is obliged to provide a citizen who has received bodily harm as a result of the use of physical force, special means or firearms, first aid, and also take measures to provide him with medical assistance as soon as possible. "
      Thus, our state cares more about the attackers than the defenders. In the USA torn apart by gays and transvestites, the opposite is true.
    6. +1
      24 August 2021 01: 39
      "It is necessary to enter into the Criminal Code that when entering a residential premises illegally, without the permission of the owner, the owner of the premises does not bear any responsibility for the harm caused to the health of the intruder."

      I absolutely support, this is the minimum plan, but the most necessary
  12. -24
    23 August 2021 18: 43
    By the way, you would not have fired so frankly. In 20 minutes, there are so many laudatory comments, written as if on a carbon copy - well, this is pale. Plus some comments are simply written off one to one of the old series of articles. At least they would show imagination. And it’s not even interesting.
    1. +14
      23 August 2021 19: 37
      Quote: g1v2
      By the way, you would not have fired so frankly. In 20 minutes, there are so many laudatory comments, written as if on a carbon copy - well, this is pale. Plus some comments are simply written off one to one of the old series of articles. At least they would show imagination. And it’s not even interesting.

      I don’t even know how to convince you that I don’t know any of the commentators, didn’t collude, didn’t pay and in no other way influenced their opinion. Swear? I could, but an atheist ...
    2. +6
      23 August 2021 20: 35
      And - what? Do I have to come up with new comments especially for you every time? This article is not the first in this regard, the topic is topical for many.
      1. -14
        23 August 2021 20: 44
        I’m not against it. I even think that not only old comments can be reprinted, but just past cycles of articles can be published every few months. The company's customers hardly read them. Why strain then? wink
        But by the way, you are working with the whole crowd without imagination. Well, at least something there would knock out a tear. Well, there is some story about how 10 armed gangsters wanted to rape a forget-me-not girl, but she had a Colt and she fought back. 9 shot, and one escaped. Or vice versa, they were raped. "But if she had a machine gun in her purse ...". fellow
        In general, somehow while weakly squeeze a tear. But I think that all this will be in the next articles. lol
        So far, you are not tearing, but only causing laughter, but I believe in you. soldier
        1. +8
          23 August 2021 21: 17
          Quote: g1v2
          I’m not against it. I even think that not only old comments can be reprinted, but just past cycles of articles can be published every few months. The company's customers hardly read them. Why strain then? wink
          But by the way, you are working with the whole crowd without imagination. Well, at least something there would knock out a tear. Well, there is some story about how 10 armed gangsters wanted to rape a forget-me-not girl, but she had a Colt and she fought back. 9 shot, and one escaped. Or vice versa, they were raped. "But if she had a machine gun in her purse ...". fellow
          In general, somehow while weakly squeeze a tear. But I think that all this will be in the next articles. lol
          So far, you are not tearing, but only causing laughter, but I believe in you. soldier

          Probably this is me after vaccination - chipping is subconsciously forced to write on this topic by arms concerns ...
        2. 0
          24 August 2021 15: 09
          Well, that is, any ganster's skin is dearer to you than a girl's tear? Will it take about 10 minutes? The main thing is "that there would be no war"? be patient endured?
          1. +1
            24 August 2021 16: 08
            Again, you work without imagination. Carbon-copy comments from old articles. If only from the movie some scene would be found more compassionate or something. A pitiful attempt fails.
            1. -2
              24 August 2021 16: 18
              Quote: g1v2
              Again, you work without imagination. Carbon-copy comments from old articles. If only from the movie some scene would be found more compassionate or something. A pitiful attempt fails.

              What are you talking about now? Did the Americans fly to the moon? 50/50
              or about men-boys who are afraid of themselves and weapons and then solve their complexes by killing everyone in a row and not only with a firearm?
              or what is your carbon copy comment?
  13. -17
    23 August 2021 19: 25
    So I wonder how much I have not asked the supporters of the legalization of the short-barreled, in particular from one holy fool Mikhail Goldreier, but I haven’t gotten a sane answer.
    Namely, when and in what situation can a gun help them? Give examples of situations.
    1. +17
      23 August 2021 20: 05
      Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
      So I wonder how much I have not asked the supporters of the legalization of the short-barreled, in particular from one holy fool Mikhail Goldreier, but I haven’t gotten a sane answer.
      Namely, when and in what situation can a gun help them? Give examples of situations.

      Walking down the street with a child, towards a cattle with a fighting dog, without a leash. The dog is aggressive, you say - take the dog on a leash, they send you, they threaten, the dog runs in your direction ...

      You walk down the street, a group of young people pester women, make a remark, take out a knife, threaten, walk in your direction ...

      Walking down the street, in front of you someone is being dragged into a car - a woman, a child. There are three or four of them ...

      I would try, of course, with a traumatic, but a traumatic will not stop a fighting dog, a group - well, 2-3 people maximum, or you need 2-3 "rubber" magazines for 10-15 rounds, you cannot stop a car from a traumatic.

      Are the situations unrealistic? No, well, if you don't go out to their coffee shops in the center of Moscow, then probably yes.

      And so, it is enough to look at the statistics of crimes, and everything falls into place - look at the primary sources - the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the criminal chronicle. And you won't have to ask Goldreher ...
      1. -14
        23 August 2021 20: 35
        Are you really an adult? Or just a schoolboy judging by the examples?
        Point by point and even ignoring the consequences for exceeding the necessary self-defense.
        1. You take out a pistol, try to shoot the dog and even kill it. But the "cattle" immediately draws out his pistol and knocks you down. Or do you naively think that pistols will be sold only to good boys and not to bad ones? So I will disappoint you, in the passport there is no column "cattle".
        And what's interesting is that he will just have a 100% alibi. After all, you shot his dog and tried to kill him, a respectable citizen, but you were lucky, he managed to defend himself.
        2. Why should they get a knife, they also have pistols. So how do you win the shootout?
        3. Three or four people drag a woman and a child into the car. Where have you seen this situation? Oh yes, a family quarrel, a woman threw a tantrum, her husband and brothers are trying to drag her into the car and take her home. And you, in the name of justice, flunked everyone.
        4. Yes, your situations are unrealistic. You, out of childish naivety for some reason, believe that your opponents will be stupider than you and without weapons.
        5. About coffee shops. I have been with PM since 1984. And just in a peaceful life on patrol and across the river.
        So, it's not that simple. If in the same city where you go out of service without any fear there, then with a weapon, alas. It is in itself a provocative factor, therefore you always choose a route so that you are not stabbed in the back, or pulled out in a crush, etc.
        1. +6
          23 August 2021 21: 15
          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          Are you really an adult? Or just a schoolboy judging by the examples?
          Point by point and even ignoring the consequences for exceeding the necessary self-defense.
          1. You take out a pistol, try to shoot the dog and even kill it. But the "cattle" immediately draws out his pistol and knocks you down. Or do you naively think that pistols will be sold only to good boys and not to bad ones? So I will disappoint you, in the passport there is no column "cattle".

          Here who shoots better. But I'd rather the situation - he has a gun and a dog and I have a gun than he doesn't have a gun, but he has a fighting dog, and I don't have a gun.

          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          And what's interesting is that he will just have a 100% alibi. After all, you shot his dog and tried to kill him, a respectable citizen, but you were lucky, he managed to defend himself.

          There are options for this, for example, a DVR under the barrel, which will show that the dog is not on a leash and is attacking. Yes, now and so there are a lot of cameras everywhere.

          Although this does not exclude the problem of our law enforcement practice.

          In general, I would rather, being alive, deal with the consequences than just being dead.

          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          2. Why should they get a knife, they also have pistols. So how do you win the shootout?

          I will try. One with a pistol can defend against three with pistols + they understand, shooting, filming, they have little time, the police are driving. It is much more difficult to defend against three with knives, even with a knife, the same in hand-to-hand combat. And everything is quiet, you never know who is yelling there? They can then kick another half an hour until their legs get tired.

          And the risk of facing an aggressive gopot with knives is much higher than with pistols. Now, in terms of trauma, this is exactly the situation. And regarding pistols, there are thoughts on how to minimize the likelihood of a weapon hitting a gopot.

          There is often a confusion about free sale, as in some states of the USA, and quite controlled, licensed, like in our country or in France.

          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          3. Three or four people drag a woman and a child into the car. Where have you seen this situation? Oh yes, a family quarrel, a woman threw a tantrum, her husband and brothers are trying to drag her into the car and take her home. And you, in the name of justice, flunked everyone.

          And it's not destiny to think with your head, to look at the context of the situation? If the victim yells - help, save? And what the fuck does it matter to me that this is a husband with brothers? Maybe they will take her to the forest later? For starters, I will shoot at the wheels. And there according to the situation.

          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          4. Yes, your situations are unrealistic. You, out of childish naivety for some reason, believe that your opponents will be stupider than you and without weapons.

          Repeat a couple of times about childhood and about school, so that even the most inattentive reader understands your point of view.

          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          5. About coffee shops. I have been with PM since 1984. And just in a peaceful life on patrol and across the river.

          So what? I have been licensed for more than 15 years for civilian weapons, and no problems with wearing the OOOP. And the experience of application is with a positive result.

          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          So, it's not that simple. If in the same city where you go out of service without any fear there, then with a weapon, alas. It is in itself a provocative factor, therefore you always choose a route so that you are not stabbed in the back, or pulled out in a crush, etc.

          Therefore, you need a hidden wearing, so as not to provoke.
          1. -11
            23 August 2021 21: 46
            We continue to analyze the babble of children.
            Here who shoots better. But I'd rather the situation - he has a gun and a dog and I have a gun than he doesn't have a gun, but he has a fighting dog, and I don't have a gun.

            Again you are all so smart, and your opponent? This does not happen in life. And if someone decides to kill you, he will prepare his weapon ahead of time. And you will take out your hidden-wearing fluff arch, you will go to heaven five times.
            There are options for this, for example, a video recorder under the barrel, which will show that the dog is not on a leash and is attacking.

            Better hang a camera on your forehead, the right will be more useful.))
            In general, I would rather, being alive, deal with the consequences than just being dead.

            No, you won't. You will be killed earlier. For the simple reason that the attacker is always one step ahead.
            I will try. One with a pistol can defend against three with pistols + they understand, shooting, filming, they have little time, the police are driving. It is much more difficult to defend against three with knives, even with a knife, the same in hand-to-hand combat. And everything is quiet, you never know who is yelling there? They can then kick another half an hour until their legs get tired.

            And the risk of facing an aggressive gopot with knives is much higher than with pistols. Now, in terms of trauma, this is exactly the situation. And regarding pistols, there are thoughts on how to minimize the likelihood of a weapon hitting a gopot.

            You again draw a purely childish situation when opponents are stupider than you, despite the fact that you yourself are an unsurpassed cowboy.
            Where did you get the idea that they will kill you defiantly and warning you about your intentions in advance?
            And you won't have time to say meow.
            And it's not destiny to think with your head, to look at the context of the situation? If the victim yells - help, save? And what the fuck does it matter to me that this is a husband with brothers? Maybe they will take her to the forest later?

            That's right, think with your head. A woman in hysterics can yell anything. And then at the trial he will declare something completely different.
            For starters, I will shoot at the wheels. And there according to the situation.

            Again, your opponents are fools and will wait. In reality, they will put a bullet in the forehead of the bandit who attacked the family.
            So what? I have been licensed for more than 15 years for civilian weapons, and no problems with wearing the OOOP. And the experience of application is with a positive result.

            You have nothing. People who have dealt with weapons do not carry such adolescent nonsense.
            Therefore, you need a hidden wearing, so as not to provoke.

            Well, well, especially in the summer, when in a T-shirt and shorts. ))
            1. +3
              24 August 2021 00: 20
              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              We continue to analyze the babble of children.

              Rather, someone's senile insanity.

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              Here who shoots better. But I'd rather the situation - he has a gun and a dog and I have a gun than he doesn't have a gun, but he has a fighting dog, and I don't have a gun.

              Again you are all so smart, and your opponent? This does not happen in life. And if someone decides to kill you, he will prepare his weapon ahead of time.

              And then "kill" ahead of time? Are we talking about professional killers? And about the attempt specifically on me?

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              And you will take out your hidden-wearing fluff arch, you will go to heaven five times.

              You do not know how to carry so as to quickly draw weapons, so learn.

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              There are options for this, for example, a video recorder under the barrel, which will show that the dog is not on a leash and is attacking.

              Better hang a camera on your forehead, the right will be more useful.))

              The camera will not bother you either, from the opposite side.

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              In general, I would rather, being alive, deal with the consequences than just being dead.

              No, you won't. You will be killed earlier. For the simple reason that the attacker is always one step ahead.

              Let's see. You twist and twist the situation all the time. A clearly described simple situation - and suddenly a conflict with cattle turns into a shootout with special forces.

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              You again draw a purely childish situation when opponents are stupider than you, despite the fact that you yourself are an unsurpassed cowboy.
              Where did you get the idea that they will kill you defiantly and warning you about your intentions in advance?
              And you won't have time to say meow.

              Premeditated murder again? You have sclerosis, have you forgotten the beginning of conversations? I described examples of the development of everyday situations to you, and you are trying to turn everything out.

              I do not argue that a pistol does not help from a blow to the back of the head. But what does this have to do with the situations in question?

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              That's right, think with your head. A woman in hysterics can yell anything. And then at the trial he will declare something completely different.

              There is such a risk.

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              Again, your opponents are fools and will wait. In reality, they will put a bullet in the forehead of the bandit who attacked the family.

              It's good if they aim at the head. Fuck will fall. Judging by the fact that you have no idea how difficult it is to aim at the head in dynamics, when both you and the target are moving, you don't know nichrome.

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              So what? I have been licensed for more than 15 years for civilian weapons, and no problems with wearing the OOOP. And the experience of application is with a positive result.

              You have nothing. People who have dealt with weapons do not carry such adolescent nonsense.

              Well, reality denial speaks volumes. There is no point in further explaining anything.

              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
              Therefore, you need a hidden wearing, so as not to provoke.

              Well, well, especially in the summer, when in a T-shirt and shorts. ))

              Have you heard of a hidden carry holster?
              1. -1
                24 August 2021 10: 16
                Rather, someone's senile insanity.

                No, the opinion of an adult who knows that those who are so zealous in favor of pistols, in reality, defend themselves with them, or who else cannot. He will kill the innocent, save the criminal.
                Although I understand, it is useless to explain to schoolchildren who really want a pestle.

                And then "kill" ahead of time? Are we talking about professional killers? And about the attempt specifically on me?

                Damn, who are you going to shoot then? Ordinary citizens who just didn't like you? And the thought that as soon as you get the gun, you yourself will become a legitimate target for other citizens, did not enter your head.
                Your example from the outside. I am walking through the park, somewhere off to the side a citizen is walking his dog and towards him you, all so frightened.
                Then you grab your pistol and start shooting at the dog. I understand that you are somehow inadequate, I also take out a pistol and currency of you until you kill a person.
                And in court they will prove the correctness of my actions.

                You do not know how to carry so as to quickly draw weapons, so learn.

                I could teach you, but I don't see the point in that.

                The camera will not bother you either, from the opposite side.

                You offered to attach a camera to the pistol. Can you imagine what kind of blaster it will turn out? laughing

                Let's see. You twist and twist the situation all the time. A clearly described simple situation - and suddenly a conflict with cattle turns into a shootout with special forces.

                Again ? Do you have a clear segregation between good and bad again? In life, this is not the case for a young man. And the criminals, like in a dash, will not be tinted with another paint.
                A simple example from the work of pickpockets: a type of clearly criminal type floods into a crowded transport. All citizens look askance at him, of course, a real criminal. And at this time, several extremely intelligent and pleasant people are cleaning their pockets.
                And what about the special forces here?

                Premeditated murder again? You have sclerosis, have you forgotten the beginning of conversations? I described examples of the development of everyday situations to you, and you are trying to turn everything out.

                How do you want? You have the right to use weapons legally only when there are 100% facts, including before the trial, that there was an intention to kill you. Otherwise, you will commit premeditated murder.
                And I don’t twist anything, I’m just trying to show that it’s very difficult to determine the line after which you can use a weapon even in court, in real life, when the rhinestone has large eyes, it’s impossible in the vast majority of cases.

                I do not argue that a pistol does not help from a blow to the back of the head. But what does this have to do with the situations in question?

                You just become a source of weapons for crime.

                There is such a risk.

                At least you get it.

                It's good if they aim at the head. Fuck will fall. Judging by the fact that you have no idea how difficult it is to aim at the head in dynamics, when both you and the target are moving, you don't know nichrome.

                Forehead, this is a figurative expression. Or it will be easier for you to get in your stomach or chest. Although, in my experience with PM, nothing complicated. Moreover, the shooting will be carried out at close range. Or do you hope that the attackers will keep their distance, be a crowd in your line of fire?

                Well, reality denial speaks volumes. There is no point in further explaining anything.

                So show proof, just something.

                Have you heard of a hidden carry holster?

                I repeat, where are you going to put it when the T-shirt and shorts? Or do you go to the beach in a raincoat in summer?
        2. 0
          24 August 2021 01: 50
          "Point by point and even ignoring the consequences for exceeding the necessary self-defense."

          Well, if this servile limit of defense from a criminal is not removed, then of course it is useless to talk about the use of weapons
        3. -1
          24 August 2021 16: 22
          yes, all the difficulties you indicated are there. but it is always better to be armed than unarmed. further it is necessary to bring the laws not by reinventing the wheel, but by following the example of successful countries in this sense. Well, here's another question, which countries should be taken as a model?
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +10
        23 August 2021 23: 30
        I am responsible under AMERICAN law
        a) A dog without a leash rushes at you - especially if it is large. NO explanation is needed. Fire opens to kill, the law is on your side. If its owner even THINKS to get his trellis - he immediately gets "assault with a deadly weapon" and "attempted murder".

        b) A group of young people drag the girl into the car and they threaten you with a knife. A knife is a deadly weapon. In many US states, a person who sees such a kidnapping, especially if he is threatened with a knife, has the FULL right to open fire to kill. Quite true. In other states, you can say "you are under citizens arrest", and here, too, if someone rushes at you, you have the FULL right to use a firearm. Especially if several people rush at you. Depends on the specific situation. In some states, if you tell the brow that he is under Civil Arrest and he resists or runs away, you have the right to open fire to kill. A law-abiding person, will raise his paws to the top and will wait for the cops.

        c) A group of young people molest women, you reprimand them, they take out a knife. A knife is a deadly weapon. Either firearms or Civil Arrests are warranted, depending on state law. Retrieving a knife is "assault with a deadly weapon". Even if you just GOT it. If the person took out a knife and goes at you, the use of a firearm is justified. He obviously does not come at you in order to peel an apple or an orange for you.

        In the legislation of the United States, as well as other countries: the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, all situations are described. Moreover, dog owners can easily explain that if a dog, even a lapdog, rushes at a person, then the person has the FULL right to kill the dog during self-defense: shoot, kill (he knew a person who gutted the dog that threw itself at him with a knife. up blade, guts all over the place, strangle Waving sharp, sharpened metal objects is generally not only impolite, but also illegal and allows deadly force in response. Even a baseball bat is considered a deadly weapon.

        If you own a gun, you MUST know the laws for using it in your state. The law and the cops, to be honest, don't care what you WANTED when you pulled out the barrel. What matters is how it is legally. By the way, WARNING SHOT IS ILLEGAL in the US. It is considered a crime - "negligent discharge of a firearm". If you have a Weapon, you need to: a) Know how to safely handle it. b) How to get where you want and not just anywhere. c) WHEN AND HOW to use weapons and in what situations. d) YOUR STATE LAW ON THE USE OF WEAPONS

        Weapons are tremendous power. Power over your life and the lives of others. And with great power comes great responsibility. I understand that I am quoting Spider Man, but it is impossible to say better.
      4. +3
        24 August 2021 01: 59
        Quote: AVM
        Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
        So I wonder how much I have not asked the supporters of the legalization of the short-barreled, in particular from one holy fool Mikhail Goldreier, but I haven’t gotten a sane answer.
        Namely, when and in what situation can a gun help them? Give examples of situations.

        Walking down the street with a child, towards a cattle with a fighting dog, without a leash. The dog is aggressive, you say - take the dog on a leash, they send you, they threaten, the dog runs in your direction ...

        You walk down the street, a group of young people pester women, make a remark, take out a knife, threaten, walk in your direction ...

        Walking down the street, in front of you someone is being dragged into a car - a woman, a child. There are three or four of them ...

        I would try, of course, with a traumatic, but a traumatic will not stop a fighting dog, a group - well, 2-3 people maximum, or you need 2-3 "rubber" magazines for 10-15 rounds, you cannot stop a car from a traumatic.

        Are the situations unrealistic? No, well, if you don't go out to their coffee shops in the center of Moscow, then probably yes.

        And so, it is enough to look at the statistics of crimes, and everything falls into place - look at the primary sources - the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the criminal chronicle. And you won't have to ask Goldreher ...

        It seems to me that you are just a "couch warrior". Indeed, why is it easier to shoot a dog, shoot young people, shoot a group that drags a woman into a car. It’s so easy. But here ..... Two of my friends, in the dashing 90s .. that had the legal right to own a weapon would argue with you. The kingdom of heaven to them. In addition to the right to own a pistol, you need to have steel eggs. GOT - KILL. And to scare ...
      5. 0
        24 August 2021 13: 13
        Quote: AVM
        Walking down the street with a child, towards a cattle with a fighting dog, without a leash. The dog is aggressive, you say - take the dog on a leash, they send you, they threaten, the dog runs in your direction ...
        - and what will you then prove in court - that you didn't just kill the dog? We don't have cameras - not Moscow, the enemy will say - that you are a hater of the dog, you killed the dog and, having driven him away with a pistol, removed the muzzle ... Then what? a civil suit against you and you WILL BE pay - the cost of the dog and moral damage. A competent lawyer will stretch you 200 thousand ...

        Quote: AVM
        You walk down the street, a group of young people pester women, make a remark, take out a knife, threaten, walk in your direction ...

        Walking down the street, in front of you someone is being dragged into a car - a woman, a child. There are three or four of them ...

        I would try, of course, with a traumatic, but a traumatic will not stop a fighting dog, a group - well, 2-3 people maximum, or you need 2-3 "rubber" magazines for 10-15 rounds, you cannot stop a car from a traumatic.

        a banal sad example - Kazan - a man walks through the city with a gun. At the ready, not in a case ...
        How many passers-by called to the police ???? !!! 10-20-50-100 ?? Non-binding action - dial "02", you are afraid to call right away - go around the corner and call ... Schaz ...

        So where did you get the idea that in your situations someone will rush to protect you with a pistol ???? Yes, the probability of this is 0,0000000000000000000 ...%.
        And the opposite - that 99,9999999 ....% of citizens will pass by with a pistol in their pocket with the thought: "Well, what a hell of it! What if they also have pistols? And I'll shoot them, then I'll be hanging around in the police for how long!" And suddenly, this is not what I think, and I will be extreme for attacking the family and even with a weapon !!! ?? "
    2. +10
      23 August 2021 20: 21
      Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
      Give examples of situations.

      Will my example suit? In the 90s, a couple of drunken bullies rushed into the apartment, beat up their son. Shot in the face from an illegal gas worker. You should have seen them pouring down the stairs. At first they yelled, threatened, my wife got scared. then they sobered up and greeted respectfully for a long time at the meeting. You can't put a police officer at every corner, but you want to deprive all means of self-defense.
      1. -7
        23 August 2021 21: 49
        Wow what a powerful example. But I repeat, why do people like you think that only you, the "good guys", will have weapons, and the "bad guys" will not sell them?
        What will you do when you are attacked with the same words? Or are you a consummate cowboy too?
        1. +3
          23 August 2021 23: 53
          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          Why do the likes of you think that only you, the "good guys", will have weapons, and the "bad" ones will not sell them?

          A weapon permit is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
          Quote: vovochkarzhevsky
          What will you do when you are attacked with the same words? Or are you a consummate cowboy too?

          Trunks? Well, in this case, the chances will be at least equal. I'm not a cowboy, I'm just a gunsmith officer.
          1. -1
            24 August 2021 10: 38
            A weapon permit is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

            As it is, the passport does not say that he is a bandit.

            Trunks? Well, in this case, the chances will be at least equal. I'm not a cowboy, I'm just a gunsmith officer.

            Gunsmith officer? Sorry, but a real officer wouldn't say that. He will name the VUS. Do you know what it is?
            1. -1
              24 August 2021 10: 56
              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky

              As it is, the passport does not say that he is a bandit.

              It is written in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
              Quote: vovochkarzhevsky

              Gunsmith officer? Sorry, but a real officer wouldn't say that. He will name the VUS.

              To this and to answer reluctance.
              1. 0
                24 August 2021 12: 40
                It is written in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

                Only those who are caught. But they, too, will not remain without trunks, they will borrow from botanists.

                To this and to answer reluctance.

                Tell me more precisely, you simply have nothing to answer.
        2. +1
          24 August 2021 01: 52
          So they would kick him to death.
          Do you think he would feel better from the thought, "well, most likely they won't be able to shoot me"?
      2. 0
        24 August 2021 02: 03
        I have nothing against gas / stun. As a rule, a shot in the air is enough to stop it. And no articles of the Criminal Code. If it does not help, then ak74 will not stop the aggressor.
    3. +1
      24 August 2021 15: 54
      When you live in a dacha in the winter with a sick mother and homeless people crawl into your area with knives and break into your door. And your mobile communication does not work there, because the 21st century is on the street, but we are in Russia
  14. +14
    23 August 2021 19: 49
    The thorns of civilian weapons in Russia

    These are not the thorns of weapons, this is an animal fear of a citizen who SUDDENLY will be able to protect his rights (in particular, the right to life, to protect his family, home, property in the end) with the help of weapons.
    It's so easy not to give and prohibit ... Not to give any guarantees that you or your family members will not be attacked by an inadequate person, a flock of wild dogs, or a wild animal. Do not give any guarantees that a thief, burglar, collector, maniac will not break into your house ... And, even if someone tries to take possession of your car, you may only have a mounting rig or a baseball bat at your disposal.
    Short-barreled? Yes, horseradish in your hands. You can cripple some rabid beast or shoot a bandit in the leg from the high road ...
    And, if you understand the case, who needs such laws on weapons, when the victim (victim), BUT who used it and thus stopped it, can easily sit on the dock.
    Those who invented this are paid a lot of money so that they can maintain a guard who has the right to carry and use weapons. Such is the epidemic. What did you want? Do not confuse the concepts:
    1. +10
      23 August 2021 22: 33
      I remembered the bellied-bellied (gebeshnik and now a democrat, the owner of private security companies), so he spraying saliva assured that the people in Russia were "not the same" (drunkards, inadequate), such people are not supposed to have a short barrel.
      gave a "killer" example from his fascist logic - here he has a short-barrel, but he will not have time to use it, and since he does not have time (the gebist remba), then no one will have time, it means that the people in Russia do not need weapons.
    2. +3
      24 August 2021 13: 27
      Quote: ROSS 42
      These are not the thorns of weapons, this is an animal fear of a citizen who SUDDENLY will be able to protect his rights (in particular, the right to life, to protect his family, home, property in the end) with the help of weapons.
      It's so easy not to give and prohibit ... Not to give any guarantees that you or your family members will not be attacked by an inadequate person, a flock of wild dogs, or a wild animal. Do not give any guarantees that a thief, burglar, collector, maniac will not break into your house ... And, even if someone tries to take possession of your car, you may only have a mounting rig or a baseball bat at your disposal.
      Short-barreled? Yes, horseradish in your hands. You can cripple some rabid beast or shoot a bandit in the leg from the high road ...

      in one glorious republic where a proud people live - several years ago they tried to cut off unauthorized gas pipelines in the private sector. The cutters were simply shown a machine gun and sent them to the steppe (or to the forest-tundra) ...
      After that, the tactics changed - they began to drive around the village in an APC and knock out the gates for them. We drove into the courtyard, lowered the KPVT, cut out a piece of pipe, left .. in this procedure they were no longer shown the machine gun ...

      How to cut unauthorized gas (for which 20 years is not paid !!!) - from a citizen who can defend his house with a weapon in his hands?
      Your option? They are all type of unemployed, there is no official money - they do not care about the fines of the courts ...
      What to do with them?
      1. +2
        24 August 2021 14: 07
        Quote: your1970
        Quote: ROSS 42
        These are not the thorns of weapons, this is an animal fear of a citizen who SUDDENLY will be able to protect his rights (in particular, the right to life, to protect his family, home, property in the end) with the help of weapons.
        It's so easy not to give and prohibit ... Not to give any guarantees that you or your family members will not be attacked by an inadequate person, a flock of wild dogs, or a wild animal. Do not give any guarantees that a thief, burglar, collector, maniac will not break into your house ... And, even if someone tries to take possession of your car, you may only have a mounting rig or a baseball bat at your disposal.
        Short-barreled? Yes, horseradish in your hands. You can cripple some rabid beast or shoot a bandit in the leg from the high road ...

        in one glorious republic where a proud people live - several years ago they tried to cut off unauthorized gas pipelines in the private sector. The cutters were simply shown a machine gun and sent them to the steppe (or to the forest-tundra) ...
        After that, the tactics changed - they began to drive around the village in an APC and knock out the gates for them. We drove into the courtyard, lowered the KPVT, cut out a piece of pipe, left .. in this procedure they were no longer shown the machine gun ...

        How to cut unauthorized gas (for which 20 years is not paid !!!) - from a citizen who can defend his house with a weapon in his hands?
        Your option? They are all type of unemployed, there is no official money - they do not care about the fines of the courts ...
        What to do with them?

        The situation is the same in the Tula region. Gypsies cut in everything they can. They are turned off, the next day they are already connected again. For me - a criminal without hesitation and pity. No indulgences.

        I see no reason why the gas or electricity will be cut off to pensioners, and the Roma should be given freebies - this is Russophobic racism.
        1. 0
          24 August 2021 14: 18
          Quote: AVM
          For me - a criminal without hesitation and pity. No indulgences.
          - for this it is necessary that the district Went in to the courtyard to begin with.
          As soon as the COP is allowed, the same gypsies will just be for him
          Quote: your1970
          The cutters were simply shown the machine gun and sent them to the steppe (or to the forest-tundra) ...

          They do not have in their passports - that they are illegal, and therefore they receive the right LEGALLY buy yourself a gun. Like all citizens of the Russian Federation .. ALL OVERALL (including majors, gopniks, thugs, my neighbor, gypsies and more, more, more ...)

          And checking the electricity meter will turn into a military operation
      2. 0
        24 August 2021 20: 38
        Quote: your1970
        Quote: ROSS 42
        These are not the thorns of weapons, this is an animal fear of a citizen who SUDDENLY will be able to protect his rights (in particular, the right to life, to protect his family, home, property in the end) with the help of weapons.
        It's so easy not to give and prohibit ... Not to give any guarantees that you or your family members will not be attacked by an inadequate person, a flock of wild dogs, or a wild animal. Do not give any guarantees that a thief, burglar, collector, maniac will not break into your house ... And, even if someone tries to take possession of your car, you may only have a mounting rig or a baseball bat at your disposal.
        Short-barreled? Yes, horseradish in your hands. You can cripple some rabid beast or shoot a bandit in the leg from the high road ...

        in one glorious republic where a proud people live - several years ago they tried to cut off unauthorized gas pipelines in the private sector. The cutters were simply shown a machine gun and sent them to the steppe (or to the forest-tundra) ...
        After that, the tactics changed - they began to drive around the village in an APC and knock out the gates for them. We drove into the courtyard, lowered the KPVT, cut out a piece of pipe, left .. in this procedure they were no longer shown the machine gun ...

        How to cut unauthorized gas (for which 20 years is not paid !!!) - from a citizen who can defend his house with a weapon in his hands?
        Your option? They are all type of unemployed, there is no official money - they do not care about the fines of the courts ...
        What to do with them?

        with an automatic machine, it can protect itself from corner pieces.
        if he refused to inspect the gasman, the policeman comes - he refused to the policeman - the BTR delivers everything that the neighbors would see. if repeated - the citizen is imprisoned property for sale.
        1. 0
          24 August 2021 21: 11
          Quote: vl903
          a policeman comes - he refused to the policeman;

          are you sure? and if the gasman + the policeman are in cahoots? what if the policeman doesn't like you personally?
          1. 0
            24 August 2021 22: 14
            Quote: your1970
            Quote: vl903
            a policeman comes - he refused to the policeman;

            are you sure? and if the gasman + the policeman are in cahoots? what if the policeman doesn't like you personally?

            these are extremes from which no one is immune. someone who is in cahoots will be more sympathetic than if you do not have a trunk. and if not in collusion then your neighbors will not be okay. the law on this planet appeared because the conspirators are afraid of revenge, and not because those in power love us.
      3. 0
        27 August 2021 13: 35
        Quote: your1970
        What to do with them?

        You have already been given the answer, I will tell you by example, the same thing that is done at opposition rallies. This is not what we are defending the state against. It is necessary to protect from theft.
        1. +1
          27 August 2021 17: 06
          Quote: ROSS 42
          , I will say by example, the same thing that is done at opposition rallies.

          Your example is incorrect in this case. Arriving at an unauthorized rally FACE already DONE punishable action.
          And in the situation I have cited there is LEGAL problem.
          For example, five adults live in the house of gypsies (or residents of a proud republic or Tuvans, or anyone else). And the house is designed for a 100 year old grandmother. ...
          Who in this situation
          Quote: vl903
          citizen imprisoned property for sale.
          About the fact that the house is not decorated for about 30% of residents of the Russian Federation - and they really have not decorated it - I generally keep quiet !!!!!
          And from above, all this can also be polished by having many children. "Gadsky Redhead tortures large families !!!!!!"

          Prove it the guilt of a particular person is generally practically impossible in this situation. ...
          Z. Y.
          In that story - about gas workers and armored personnel carriers - after their departure, the insert was made anew. Then the gas workers changed their tactics - they got tired of throwing gates every week and they began to knock down fences ... Brick ...
          He lifted the gate with a crane, welded it on, and that's it - but disassemble the brick, throw out the broken one, buy a new one, hire a master and time ...
          Six months later, the poorest - in view of the too high cost of fiddling with fences, began to issue houses and gas ........ But this is all pure amateur activity - and a criminal offense - was from the gas industry
    3. Egg
      27 August 2021 13: 29
      If I could, put 100500 pluses drinks
  15. +8
    23 August 2021 20: 10
    Thanks to Andrey for the article. She responds with pain and misunderstanding of what is happening.
    At the time of the publication of that article, there was a timid hope that common sense would prevail, since it was absolutely clear that it was not a matter of weapons at all, but the president said to "toughen up", and the "courtiers" did their best ...

    The main reasons, in my opinion, are two: 1. the gradual total disarmament of the population, for a disaffected unarmed population is much more harmless than an armed disaffected population. 2. the creation of decrees on toughening, immediately after a resonant crime, as an appearance of a solution to the problem. This problem itself is extremely complex, and in order to solve it, it is necessary to revise the entire system, the idea of ​​the entire state. This, of course, is not included in the plans of the leaders, and the birth of such, at least strange, decrees solves two problems at once ...
  16. +16
    23 August 2021 20: 19
    in the United States, the vast majority of murders are carried out with either stubs or knives and baseball bats. But liberasts, crap and globalists took up arms against self-loading (automatic rifles were banned for a long time, so the automatic firing from Tommigan or DP-27 at a crowd of black people who came to rob your house for the sake of "protest against racism" is canceled. they are a threat to YOURSELF, since the likelihood that the average American hard worker or petty boozer will get bored with everything and liberals, shitcrats, bandits, illegal immigrants and other undesirable elements will start corny shooting and hanging, as in the Wild West (which they, to be honest, have long deserved it). That is why they are so howling against self-loading. By the way, all these liberals, crap politicians and rich people live in closed villages with ARMED guards. "Freedom with their exceptions. the use is illegal and which are legal.By the way, the number of greyhounds and gopots you have is verywill decrease sharply.
    An undescribed incident happened to my friend Greg in March.
    On the way to Greg a truck came up with a trailer and some kind of redneck, having lowered the window, started yelling at Greg, "You cut me off at the light source, I will now print your little Honda into the nearest house with my truck." Greg can't go anywhere, in front, szazi cars, on the right is this truck. Greg tells him that they say, you f * ckly opened your mouth, there are no victims, go yourself in peace, as Jesus told. The man jumps out of the car. He starts punching the hood of Greg's car. Greg does not get out of the car and yells "Hey, go where I was going, I'm starting to fear for my life." Around onlookers, but no one intervenes. Redneck is clearly inadequate. Nobody wants problems. The guy yells "Shas I'll give you every reason to fear for your life. Throws himself into the truck, grabs an ax. Tries to open the door from Greg's side. Greg pulls out a pistol (He has a license for concealed carry). 5 very quick shots through the side window of the car The man shot one bullet in the throat and 4 in the body. Corpse. The police have no complaints about Greg. Self-defense. Then it turned out that the redneck was punctured.

    A. Threat of physical violence. B. Attack on the car. B. Attempt to enter a car with a deadly weapon. There is a REAL threat to life. The use of lethal force is justified.

    Greg is also a veteran. But unlike me, the army man and the medic, Greg is a really tough guy, one of Uncle Sam's Deceiving Children. And the Purple Heart also earned awards. and in real life he was shot. He is generally a very calm guy. He loves chess, dominoes and glues model airplanes, and flies on radio-controlled ones, and recently, he received a pilot's license, and flies on a real plane every 6 weeks. Moreover, he is a great guitarist and participates in a couple of Rock and Roll bands playing music from the 60s and 70s. But he gets nervous when threatened. When they yell at him, he gets nervous too. Nerves to hell with the guy. So, in the USA it is better not to be a greyhound (although many, especially the "unique, worthy of respect only by their existence" young people forget about this .. You never know who you will run into. I understood this when I lived in the Ghetto. , maybe a gangster, or maybe just some kind of neurotic with a pistol. "I feared for my life." By and large, if you grabbed the chela by the chest and pushed him into the wall of the building, he can BOLD to use deadly force against you.
    1. +4
      23 August 2021 21: 32
      Quote: Baron Pardus
      So guys, fight for YOUR gun ownership rights, just bring the legal framework under this, which uses are illegal and which are legal.

      So that's the problem request You have polished the law there for more than 200 years, and here the first very poor law came into force in 1992-93.
      1. +10
        23 August 2021 22: 40
        Sir. I am not a supporter of blindly copying American laws, and any, too, to another country. But the criminal code is not a constitution. You can copy it corny. If not American, then Polish, Hungarian or Czech, or whatever. The use of weapons should be STRICTLY regulated and limited. For example, you cannot finish off a fallen urku (Therefore, in self-defense courses, they teach you to very quickly discharge the floor of the store into the attacker, so as to be sure to soak it). For example, it is recommended (unofficially) that if you shoot on the urk in your house, it lies and bleeds, but alive. Simulate a tantrum, and wait 3-5 minutes before calling the mentura, so that the urka will lose more blood. Because if the urka survives, then firstly he can sue you (you will get rid of the dough and spend your nerves), and then he will be imprisoned, and he will be fed, dressed and treated for YOUR taxes. And then he will come out of the slammer, and quite realistically will go looking for you.
        Especially for fools, I would recommend the MANDATORY weapon safety courses. To know that after a misfire, you do not need to look into the barrel. And turn the weapon in your hands in different directions too.
        Several countries have legal frameworks and criminal codes for the use of weapons. You can safely copy.
        Considering that the vast majority of crimes are committed with the help of pistols, and with the Mosinks or there, let's say Lee Enfields do not rob banks. If we make restrictions such as "3 years of possession of class A weapons before obtaining class B weapons", then it is precisely on pistols and short-barreled (barrel length less than 12 inches) rifles.
        At the same time, a legal framework is needed to prevent ILLEGAL arms trade. In the United States, 20 years ago, they made a proposal that a person without an FFL who sold a firearm to another person (that is, they did not drive out the buyer's criminal history), and then this weapon will be used in the commission of a crime, then the seller receives an article for complicity, and the accused is cut off 25% of the term for the fact that he mortgaged the seller. This project did not pass, by the way. And there were real reasons. For example, many states have a long tradition of owning a weapon and it can be sold to anyone and in any way.
        Remember the most important thing. A beretta in your pocket doesn't make a dumb sheep a wolf. She makes a dumb sheep with a gun out of a dumb sheep. And if you don't know how to use a pistol in a REAL combat situation, it is useless. With the same success you can cut down the fly, because the bandits will take away the tapestry from you and put it where the sun does not shine. The ability to hit a target 25 cm in diameter from 25 meters 10 times out of 10 is commendable. But this is not a fighting street situation. A fighting street situation is a) Understanding that you are in danger, and assessing it CORRECTLY .. b) Move correctly in order to break the distance at least a meter or two. c) Draw out the pistol as soon as possible and IMMEDIATELY open fire to kill. The movement to the side or back must be done AT THE SAME TIME as the pistol is pulled out. Any delay is a chance that the enemy will enter melee and will stab you corny. And no warning shots, no stop shooting. No pistol shocks. Every second can be your last. There are special schools. For example, we are taught how to make 2-4 shots at 6 opponents in 10-3 seconds. If you have a pistol in your pocket and you have no idea how to act in a self-defense situation. The gun won't help you either. Everything will take place at a distance of 1.5-5 meters. What matters is not so much super-precision as speed. You do not need to shoot off the genital organ or put out a cigarette in his mouth. 2-3 semi-sheathed bullets into the body is all you need to do.
        In addition to the legal framework, we need more schools that will teach LEGAL CITIZENS, the CORRECT use of weapons in street situations. Using a shotgun or a rifle there in a situation where you are protecting an apartment or house from burglars is one skill. In Chicago, for example, you cannot have a self-loading rifle with more than 10 rounds in a magazine. I have an acquaintance Melvin. He has a Chinese SCS at home. Some kind of bloke broke into his home. Melvin stabbed him with a bayonet. The cops at first laughed for a long time (it is very rare that they kill with a bayonet), and then they scratched their turnips, how to write it down. it seems like not a knife, but it is impossible to say that he was "killed from the SCS", because there was no shooting. Wrote "Improvised melee weapons". Melvin, by the way, had nothing.
        Showdown on a short distance against 3-4 representatives of "oppressed" peoples who decided to fight racism by lightening your wallet or sending you to the next world, these are absolutely DIFFERENT skills. Or, for example, the very defense of a girl against the same 3-4 representatives of "oppressed and original peoples" when there is no basketball nearby, there are also other skills.
        The most important skill is to recognize the POTENTIAL hazard and avoid it. I mean, make yourself a less attractive goal.
        1. +7
          23 August 2021 23: 37
          Sir! hi drinks laughing The first time when on a hot topic I will not quote request If you deign to go through my posts for 9 years of being on the site, you will find that it is on this topic. I have never written anything else. I'm ready to subscribe under your every word Yes Especially about a sheep with a pistol. Even in this crown I indicated-BS. And I began work in the organs in 93g. wink
          1. +6
            24 August 2021 00: 12
            They won't understand, Officer. Not because they can't understand, but because they don't want to, Sir. I am absolutely sure that you, Officer, have seen a lot. Moreover, I am sure that 2/3 of what you saw in your difficult service, you would gladly forget. I am absolutely sure that if TOMORROW allows the sale of weapons in Russia, then, at first, the gopota, and the urks, as well as greyhounds from the series "Yes, you know who I am" will be shot very quickly. Together with them, they will shoot the "guests from the small oppressed but original republics" who have lost all their shores. Along with the ladies who run over children as they paint their lips and do not follow the road. Immediately after that, a bunch of citizens go to jail, since they did not bother to read the laws. And they smacked to defeat when they wanted, and not when necessary. Moreover, a certain number of citizens will go to the cemetery, as they have got hold of a pistol, but they will use it as the last "alternatively gifted", pull it out and with trembling hands, stuttering will scream hysterically "Stop, stop, please stop." Naturally, such an "alternatively gifted" fly will not think of cutting it down, and it will be very painful for him, and the gopota will have a pistol, naturally they will have to wash it .. Well, then, gradually, it will come to the citizens that: BY LAW. b) You need to behave correctly, since you NEVER know who has the barrel, moreover, how much this person is ready to go crazy. c) Carrying a pistol on yourself while not killing yourself, shooting accurately at bottles and using it in a combat situation on the street are ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT SKILLS, and EVERYONE needs them.

            "To hear the rumor that suddenly it became not safe to lie and be rude" - Zhvanetsky
            “The police arrive just when it’s time to paint the outline of your corpse on the floor.” - Charles Bronson

            By the way, at best it takes the police 5-10 minutes to get to you. It is not difficult to guess what will do with an average forehead 2-3 with knives and crowbars during this time.
            1. +2
              24 August 2021 03: 06
              Your point of view is very interesting, as are the stories about your friends Melvin and Greg, but it seems to me that you are confusing effect and cause. The need to own and have skills in handling weapons in the United States is determined only by the fact that from time immemorial in the United States it was allowed to own everything in a row with these weapons and it is no longer possible to take them away from the population. Therefore, it remains only (1) to live in a guarded village or (2) to have a weapon yourself and be able to handle it.
              You have listed who the first thing will be "shot" in Russia - "gopota, urks, greyhounds, aggressive immigrants from the original republics, majors moving children." This is a fairly straightforward, primitive psychological move from a populist set - it is clear that no one will feel sorry for such people. But a thinking person will understand the following - the market for legal weapons will inevitably give rise to a market for illegal weapons. Nowadays adolescents who smoke at the entrance are afraid to attack an adult in most cases, because can simply grip the neck. The bruises on the neck will disappear and in a few years a normal person will grow out of him, like he grew out of me. And if teenagers have an illegal barrel, they want to use it, they will turn into the very "gopota" - but will receive a bullet in response from the legal owner, who was trained and in 3 seconds fires 6 bullets at 3 targets. In your opinion, this is probably the correct and logical development of the situation. In my opinion, it is categorically not correct and the absence of free weapons simply will not allow this situation to happen. Having released this gin from the bottle once, it will no longer be possible to drive it back into the bottle, normal people in the USA are now forced to live with this.
              1. +7
                24 August 2021 03: 37
                Sir, your doubts are clear to me. However, in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, the sale of weapons is quite free. More than quite. And the processes described by you simply do not take place there. As you can imagine, these are all countries of the former socialist camp. Moreover, they thump there about the same as in Russia. And Polish, and especially Hungarian, teenagers are not stupid at all. But for some reason all this does not happen corny. Therefore, I think that your predictions are absolutely unrealistic. And too pessimistic. If a Pole, having drunk vodka, does not go with a pump to sort things out with a neighbor, I see no reason why a Russian would behave differently. If the Hungarian, when he was cut off on the road, does not take out his pistol and does not shoot at the trail of the offender, why do you think that the Russian will do this?
              2. +5
                24 August 2021 05: 38
                I am telling you according to AMERICAN law. Let's say I go at night. There is a pistol in a holster under a jacket. Teenagers come up to me. Uncle let me light a cigarette. I don't smoke. Word for word. There are three of them, me alone, behaving aggressively, especially if one of them has a knife, a baseball bat or something else. If after the words "Guys, leave me alone, I fear for my life" (Guys, please leave me alone, I am beginning to fear for my life). I am not left alone, Yes, I have every right to put two or three bullets in everyone and call the cops. And it will be CORRECT. None of these teenagers forced me to attack. Rabid puppies grow into rabid hyenas. As a child, I also fuluganil. Moreover, sometimes he stole. More than that (O uzhos) fought with other teenagers. He made fake T-shirts with "Angitsky inscriptions", made crossbows and shooters from clothespins, And from a slingshot he shot at pigeons. And he even poured water on passers-by from the window (Well, clean Shapoklyak). But GOP STOP NEVER STOPPED. Especially with a knife or a piece of pipe or fittings. Therefore, if the punks make a choice to engage in gop-stop, especially with knives or there with iron scraps of pipes, then such rabid puppies need to be extinguished, because having tasted impunity, a sense of power over the victim and easy prey, they will grow into rabid hyenas. And they will not be engaged in an easy gop stop. And murder, drug trafficking and human trafficking. Seen enough in the United States for 3 years of living in the black region. There, you know, also 13-14 year old boys do not start with drive bai and kill their victims with knives and machetes, but END this. And they start with a banal gop stop. And then graduate to more serious crimes, especially since they are closely followed by real gangstas from the same GD, VL, BPS, LK, and heaps of other ETHNIC gangs and simply take the most "promising" for training. And such rabid puppies can and should be shot. As soon as such a "boy" pulls out a knife at another person, it is an attempted murder. And there can be no other conversations. We all went to Soviet schools with knives, remember? Such folding knives and on the handle were squirrels or dogs. And for some reason, although they fought at every break, they did not cut each other with knives. So when a teenager makes a CONSCIOUS CHOICE of armed robbery (and gop stop with a knife, this is EXACTLY an armed robbery), then the use of lethal force against such an "innocent child" 'he wuz a gud boy "is absolutely correct and natural. a peaceful uncle going home late, or don't try to rape a girl who works part-time in a store in the evening and you won't be shot.
            2. 0
              24 August 2021 03: 40
              Sorry request The purchasing power of the population is added. what Lack of infrastructure for training the population of the SE Soviet times, I had 3 shooting galleries within walking distance. ...
              Can we, as adults, continue to communicate without ceremony? drinks
    2. 0
      24 August 2021 13: 38
      Quote: Baron Pardus
      Greg tells him that they say, you f * ckly opened your mouth, there are no victims, go yourself in peace, as Jesus commanded. The man jumps out of the car. Begins to punch on the hood of Greg's car... Greg does not get out of the car and yells "Listen, go where I was going, I'm starting to fear for my life." Around onlookers, but no one intervenes. Redneck is clearly inadequate. Nobody wants problems. The muzhig yells "Shas, I'll give you every reason to fear for your life. Throws himself into the truck, snatches out an ax... Tries to open the door from Greg's side.

      You are extremely handsomely described the situation - which CONTRAINS belay belay belay all to Misha's screeching "Two Barrels" ...
      Misha (and the author) sing pestnol in the USA there is a low crime rate because everyone has pistikas and everyone knows about it. And here you are with your example - a US citizen KNOWING about the possible presence of weapons at the enemy is behaving somehow not in the American way ...
      Misha "Two Trunks" (and the author) hopes that bam, everyone has a pistol and everyone is wildly polite and just in case they greet each other ...
      And here you are - a brick in a swamp - balls !!!!
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  17. +7
    23 August 2021 20: 31
    Great article, thanks. Maybe someone from sportsmen and actresses from DG will read and think, eh? Sorry for being naive.
  18. NSV
    23 August 2021 20: 32
    To have a weapon is one thing! But to be able to use it !!!
    Well, about the hollowed-out convert into combat :))) It is possible, but this is the level of ... teenagers !!!)))
  19. +4
    23 August 2021 20: 33
    Quote: g1v2
    Of course of course. And so from a distance on your haunches, that's why you started to sneak up. laughing Well you read it at once. fellow I think one of the following articles will be devoted to the "slavish nature of opponents of the legalization of short-stemmed". And of course "the authorities are afraid of free and armed people." Or something like that. Well, let's see if you come up with something new or a dull reprint of old articles. And by the way, I look at this time you have already brought an army of friends. Minus - do not hesitate.

    I am not his friend, we do not know each other. But I minus you. Because I think you're talking nonsense. And most likely you are just a troll.
  20. NSV
    23 August 2021 20: 35
    I just can't imagine who will massively buy bare weapons and alter them !!! Monkey labor :)))
  21. +8
    23 August 2021 20: 35
    It is useless to appeal to the logic of statistics in our country - in our country, statistics have traditionally been viewed as a "corrupt girl" of any government serving the interests of propaganda.
    When the Kazan tragedy happened, in the vastness of this publication, I also appealed to the logic that a man without a tower could easily arrange a natural massacre and without firearms - moreover, it could have been much more sophisticated and bloody, because the recipe for homemade explosives was for him available and he was able to get everything he needed. In a situation where he would not have a firearm, he would rely more on explosives, stuff the whole backpack with it and take a good knife or hatchet or sapper shovel.
    And all these amendments-laws-criminal confusion would not stop a madman or a suicide from the word at all - he either lives in his illusory world where he is a "god", or in advance has a completely calm plan of self-destruction.
    The tightening of legislation has two understandable goals and a clearly visible time reference. 2011 is the growth of social protest coupled with large and spontaneous rallies, 2014 is a reactionary portion to the events in the neighboring country. So to speak, they were preemptive. In 2021, probably a portion of populism for the most part.
    As for the right to arms in general, in our country it is objectively a rather complicated problem, in my opinion. On the one hand, in large cities, the state provides a certain level of law and order, which is quite effective when compared with the national districts and ghettos of a number of states. On the other hand, outside large cities, there are problems with the quality of law enforcement, safety of life and property. Finally, given the significant uninhabited areas of our country, there is a problem of effective human protection in uninhabited or sparsely inhabited places.
    Actually, there is also the problem of effective protection of places where children are compactly located from all sorts of madmen - from terrorists to lone psychopaths, because events show that measures to prevent such cases are not enough, despite the blatant mediocrity of preparation from the point of view of a minimum of conspiracy.
    Finding a state in which these moments do not conflict with state and public security is still a challenge. A separate bonus "minus" of the line that was chosen in our country is the low weapon culture of the population - despite the fact that our borders, in which case, will have to be protected by a mass of conscripts - most of whom, at best, will shoot a little during a year of military service. In a real conflict, this will be quite logical, fraught with losses and experience at the cost of a lot of blood. This line is very badly combined with the transcendental level of militarization of the brain, which we have been observing for the last 10 years at least (and painfully resembles the eve of 1941).

    Apparently, people dealing with this issue have a poor idea of ​​its depth and delicacy.
    1. 0
      24 August 2021 02: 25
      One of the few adequate comments, in my opinion. The only thing I disagree with is that I think that it is not worth tying access to the possession of firearms for the population with the unwillingness of these potential recruits to handle weapons in wartime. This is a contrived thesis. The author of the article laments mainly about the ban on the possession of a short-barreled gun - in the war with pistols they do not fight. And then, objectively speaking, long-term possession of a hunting smoothbore with hunting a couple of times a year (the regime of most hunters) is compensated by 1 day of study and 2 days of intensive fire training at a training ground with an AK-74 for a person who had a weapon in his hands before did not hold at all.
      1. +2
        24 August 2021 10: 29
        I agree with you - I just point out that the low (as a result) weapon culture of the population, among other things, affects the quality of the mob potential. If a person goes to a shooting gallery and this is part of the culture (as, for example, in the USA), he can train the skills of using automatic and semi-automatic weapons, in general, develop an eye and individual elements of tactical thinking. In the context of our challenges and attitudes towards mobilization, the imposition of draconian measures in the field of gun ownership is, in general, a contradiction. In Soviet times, this was partially offset by state support for sports and military shooting training - now, when everything works on cap rails, this is not compensated in any way.
        I personally have a contradictory attitude to the issue of ownership - there is a clear problem of inconsistency between "how it should be ideally" and "how we have in the current environment." “Ideally,” it is high time for us with our demographics and neighbors to start preparing the population for all sorts of emergencies, if not like in Israel, then at least at a level comparable to Switzerland. And the issue of arms law is one of the most important factors here. “In fact,” our society is now in many respects restrained from disintegrative tendencies of various kinds precisely by force, fear and bluff - this is a long-term line, breaking which by expanding conventionally “freedoms” is a dangerous option. Probably it is not worth tightening the laws on the circulation of weapons within the country - because they have traditionally been quite strict in our country. At the same time, the moment for expanding these rights "according to the Western model" has definitely not come and will not come soon.
  22. +6
    23 August 2021 20: 46
    Our state is never ours. And it was never ours. Even close. Each and every one of these guys consider us sheep, meat, electorate - anyone, just not equal to themselves. Think for yourself, why does a shepherd or herd owner need fanged-horned sheep? Well, just think, one or the other stutters, pushes each other. Under the knife of both, in order to discourage.
    In short, the conversation is pointless.
    How to water the tree of freedom - should I remind you? Are you ready for this?
    1. +1
      24 August 2021 13: 49
      Quote: acetophenon
      Our state is never ours. And it was never ours. Even close. Each and every one of these guys consider us sheep, meat, electorate - anyone, just not equal to themselves. Think for yourself, why does a shepherd or herd owner need fanged-horned sheep? Well, just think, one or the other stutters, pushes each other. Under the knife of both, in order to discourage.
      - I'm embarrassed to remind - that in the USSR, too, pistols were banned !! Also considered the electorate ???
  23. +2
    23 August 2021 20: 50
    Auto RU.
    1. Not knowing the history of Ancient Rome, you should not appeal to the interpretations of later times in the announcements.
    2. The quote from Franklin, in the epilogue, reads in two ways.
    3. I agree with the main theses of the article.
  24. +6
    23 August 2021 21: 14
    ... the grandmother herself was an old criminal and immediately directed twice as many pistols at her grandson.

    our grandmother, from Khvans, from Altaiwassat

    Quote: Author
    ... you don't need every
    pass the test of knowledge and skills of safe possession of weapons for five years

    this "check", in my opinion, is a fiction, such as "technical inspection".

    Quote: Author
    And what does it take to become a deputy?

    oh, author, even in order to become just an "assistant to the hunter", one has to bring in a "lamb".
    Quote: Author
    .. another delirium
    was recently voiced by the head of the movement "For Security" Dmitry Kurdesov

    Well, what can you do, psychos, they are so active - that's why their concentration in the Duma is off scale, one cliché is more dangerous than a dozen chikatil.

    Well, I agree with the authors that it is necessary to allow the sale of a short barrel, albeit without the right to wear, a short barrel (revolver, pistol) is much more convenient at home than, for example, MTs21-12
    1. +1
      24 August 2021 08: 13
      Quote: Gunter

      Quote: Author
      ... you don't need every
      pass the test of knowledge and skills of safe possession of weapons for five years

      this "check", in my opinion, is a fiction, such as "technical inspection".

      Maybe somewhere and so, but I have not seen this - both theory and practice were passed as expected. And some didn’t give up.
  25. +4
    23 August 2021 21: 54
    It's just that the situation is brought to the point of absurdity - a normal law-abiding citizen will spit on all the ordeals and forget about weapons, and a real terrorist will buy any certificates for any money and acquire any weapon and, as a result, commit a planned terrorist act, unless, of course, he is tracked down earlier. visibility and not a real obstacle to real criminals, ordinary citizens and the whole arms industry suffer more. Apparently the state is calmer from this ...
  26. +8
    23 August 2021 22: 04
    Only just went through all the circles of hell for personal weapons.
    As before, the certificate is a simple formality, a two minute conversation with a psychiatrist and you will get a certificate!
    But the exam strained the most! That's where the miracles are in the sieve! Out of 16 people, only 6 people made it to the shooting range!
    People walk three or four times, try to shoot twice from the pistol in 5 seconds, hit and follow all the rules of handling such as a finger on the trigger guard, etc.! Almost so on the way out! The question is, what the hell is the button accordion to the goat? Why does a pensioner hunter with thirty years of experience need an exam with a pistol? Each call - 1,5 pipes!
    In this way, apparently, they are trying to reduce the number of weapons among the population, the TC did not meet the deadline, all the barrel is in LRO and goodbye! Stupidity, the backbone of hunters with great experience is knocked out. And an eighteen-year-old student with me went through everything easily and quickly. The question is, what is the trunk for him? Echo of Kerch Kazan, not otherwise.
    1. +4
      24 August 2021 01: 20
      An acquaintance shared that his comrade in Afghanistan did not give up with a machine gun and other weapons and could not pass the practical exam the first time laughing
  27. +12
    23 August 2021 22: 07
    I propose to prohibit cordless screwdrivers. From a distance it looks like a pistol. Yes, and the skull can be drilled with them. It is also necessary to sell it under a license and in gun shops.
  28. -1
    23 August 2021 22: 15
    ... The one who needs it will buy and so under the existing restrictions. And Yaroslavna's cry that de indigenous small peoples are allowed more than those who want to shoot idiots, this is just the bottom. SMEs live in conditions where there is no way without a karamultuk. And no one there buys any OOOP and Kalash. Only hunting.

    Are you in a sports club and use sports weapons? Well, go ahead and make changes to the trigger in the prescribed manner. If the legislation does not allow, and medals at the Olympics cannot be seen as your ears without the converted USM, then go ahead, appeal to the sports federation to the relevant State Duma committee and develop the necessary amendments.
    1. -2
      24 August 2021 20: 10
      Quote: ButchCassidy
      ... The one who needs it will buy and so under the existing restrictions. And Yaroslavna's cry that de indigenous small peoples are allowed more than those who want to shoot idiots, this is just the bottom. SMEs live in conditions where there is no way without a karamultuk. And no one there buys any OOOP and Kalash. Only hunting.

      Are you in a sports club and use sports weapons? Well, go ahead and make changes to the trigger in the prescribed manner. If the legislation does not allow, and medals at the Olympics cannot be seen as your ears without the converted USM, then go ahead, appeal to the sports federation to the relevant State Duma committee and develop the necessary amendments.

      well, from the indigenous people, too, they demand a bunch of crap like a safe in a tent, etc. I wonder how they are with training and shooting rifled at their distances to civilization?
      usm? in the USA people invent new models and tune their weapons and the world has not collapsed. in sweden, citizens with machine guns on electric trains go to training camps and no one is happy with hysteria. vabsche all this hysteria about the Columbines in the first place in order to distract from pensions, from the plunder of oil and gas, from the Donbass. nothing new under the moon.
  29. +4
    23 August 2021 23: 12
    There will always be "initiative citizens" who will offer new restrictions for themselves and others - the enthusiasm of the masses is inexhaustible, and in a burst of collective masochism they will gladly accept the restrictions imposed by others

    Human uuduotism is eternal.
    How to make a perpetual motion machine out of it?
    Make the inscription "Do not twist" to the attached handle
  30. +4
    23 August 2021 23: 52
    Hello, an interesting article for comparison.
    I live in Argentina here even worse, a thief has a couple of short-barrels, or even combat long-barrels, and a normal person needs to pass ten exams and pay for all sorts of rights, for example, restrictions on the number of cartridges in order to purchase a hunting rifle.
    Meanwhile, the police supply weapons to the thieves and themselves go out to rob them, despite the fact that citizens are forbidden to defend themselves and normal police officers are forbidden to shoot thieves.
    Here's a case:
    A tourist came and he was attacked by two, one stabbed him 20 times in the chest with a knife, the policeman went and ordered him to stop, he did not obey and was mortally wounded by a bullet ricochet. The result is a police officer for five years in prison.
    Half a year ago, two men with pistols beat me in the face during a robbery, the police did not even accept the application, etc. and the authorities keep saying that the problem lies in the legal possession of weapons.
    1. -1
      24 August 2021 20: 03
      Quote: Kozak Za Bugra
      Hello, an interesting article for comparison.
      I live in Argentina here even worse, a thief has a couple of short-barrels, or even combat long-barrels, and a normal person needs to pass ten exams and pay for all sorts of rights, for example, restrictions on the number of cartridges in order to purchase a hunting rifle.
      Meanwhile, the police supply weapons to the thieves and themselves go out to rob them, despite the fact that citizens are forbidden to defend themselves and normal police officers are forbidden to shoot thieves.
      Here's a case:
      A tourist came and he was attacked by two, one stabbed him 20 times in the chest with a knife, the policeman went and ordered him to stop, he did not obey and was mortally wounded by a bullet ricochet. The result is a police officer for five years in prison.
      Half a year ago, two men with pistols beat me in the face during a robbery, the police did not even accept the application, etc. and the authorities keep saying that the problem lies in the legal possession of weapons.

      in the Russian Federation everything goes to this
  31. +6
    23 August 2021 23: 53
    It is better to have a firearm and not need it than to need it but not have it.
    1. +1
      24 August 2021 01: 58
      The overwhelming number of domestic fights and conflicts, regardless of the reason for their beginning and the guilty party, ends now only with stress and minor bodily injuries. Considering the general aggressiveness of the population, alcoholism, peculiarities of the character of some ethnic groups, latent mental abnormalities in people (when a sober one is normal, and a drunk one becomes dangerously inadequate) do you really think that an affordable short-barreled is a good idea? Are you ready to rely on the competence, conscientiousness and incorruptibility of psychiatrists who issue a medical opinion, who are designed to cut off such? You are a very naive person.
      1. 0
        24 August 2021 20: 01
        Quote: Slon1978
        The overwhelming number of domestic fights and conflicts, regardless of the reason for their beginning and the guilty party, ends now only with stress and minor bodily injuries. Considering the general aggressiveness of the population, alcoholism, peculiarities of the character of some ethnic groups, latent mental abnormalities in people (when a sober one is normal, and a drunk one becomes dangerously inadequate) do you really think that an affordable short-barreled is a good idea? Are you ready to rely on the competence, conscientiousness and incorruptibility of psychiatrists who issue a medical opinion, who are designed to cut off such? You are a very naive person.

        our people are no different from other nations, so we need to look at other countries and take the best practices
  32. +2
    23 August 2021 23: 54
    Dear Author, Benjamin Franklin has never been the President of the United States.
    1. +1
      24 August 2021 03: 43
      Quote: Sergej1972
      Benjamin Franklin has never been the President of the United States.

      Yes Thanks for the information. I would never have thought of it. I always believed that American presidents were depicted on dollar bills, but it turned out:
      Contrary to the well-known misconception, not only the US presidents are depicted on dollars - Franklin was not them either. How did he deserve such an honor? To begin with, he was one of the "founding fathers" of the American nation, extremely authoritative and respected. Franklin's authority was so high that he was the only one who signed all three fundamental documents of American statehood - the US Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Versailles Peace Treaty. Moreover, he took an active part in the creation of the Constitution, laying in it many aspects of Masonic ideology. In fact, he was the main ideologist of the young republic. And the most famous American of his time, ahead of even George Washington in this respect.
      1. +2
        24 August 2021 04: 37
        Quote: ROSS 42
        ahead of even George Washington in this respect.

        Once I was reading a krinimalistic magazine, they found a pile of corpses in Franklin's basement. Verdict - he was a maniac ...
  33. +2
    24 August 2021 00: 13
    Interesting article, correct, but ... a waste of time. Let's just say, if we allow, really allow weapons without "hemorrhoids", then this is how we will change. Then the man will become a man, and not meat, capable of only dying (and yes, heroically, they will not) with all the ensuing psychological consequences. To weed out gopota and psychos is not a question, there would be a desire, there are methods. I will say that guys and girls ... Given the fact that demography is going downhill and the economy is collapsing, not only some))) will live to the moment of free possession of weapons and wearing it, etc. without any problems in Russia or whatever it will be called. Whether it will give us joy, I don’t know, depending on how it turns out.
  34. -1
    24 August 2021 01: 43
    Like any supporter of the free sale of short-barrels, the author's emotions prevail over logic and rational thinking. He takes into account the number of homicides with legal firearms in the general statistics and concludes that it is negligible and, therefore, the owners of legal firearms are not dangerous. But it is necessary to count in a different way - to look for statistics on the use of traumatic weapons and 50% of it can be considered murders that did not take place.
    1. -1
      24 August 2021 19: 57
      Quote: Slon1978
      Like any supporter of the free sale of short-barrels, the author's emotions prevail over logic and rational thinking. He takes into account the number of homicides with legal firearms in the general statistics and concludes that it is negligible and, therefore, the owners of legal firearms are not dangerous. But it is necessary to count in a different way - to look for statistics on the use of traumatic weapons and 50% of it can be considered murders that did not take place.

      this is where the main mistake is. in cases where a crime was fired, it would be better if they were killed, the world would become cleaner. but if a scare was fired from trauma, it was because of the initial flawed concept of trauma. traumas were invented for Russian slaves because they were afraid to give weapons to the people, but it was necessary to give, the Russian Federation, supposedly, was supposed to become a country no worse than the United States. so they came up with trauma. but you can't be half pregnant. there must be a short-barrel and then the person will know that he has a lethal weapon and not a rubber fart. that is, with a normal short barrel, the number of cases will decrease by 50 percent
  35. 0
    24 August 2021 04: 21
    I can't even imagine where you can go with a weapon. You can't walk around the city with him, you can't put it in your pocket, and at home it is all the more unnecessary. I don’t understand hunters either - there is enough food in the country, and it’s better to breed skins on a farm. But athletes still need to be given more freedom.
    Do I need to take a pistol to go to the store? And in the cinema? And go for a walk in the park? Or you go on a bike like that with a heavy pistol sticking out in your pocket. Or with a weapon to the dacha. Yes, even walking around the village with a weapon is very strange. I remember "The Diamond Hand" and a pistol in a string bag. Even in the forest, I see no reason to take a weapon - almost all of our animals have died out, there are chipmunks, squirrels, mice, foxes, hedgehogs and small birds.
    Yes, I see more sense in the titanium umbrella.
    1. 0
      24 August 2021 13: 44
      Quote: Archon
      I can't even imagine where you can go with a weapon. You can't walk around the city with him, you can't put it in your pocket

      Why in your pocket? This is illegal - a concealed belt holster and no problem.

      Quote: Archon
      and at home it is all the more unnecessary.

      It depends on where the house is, and in principle, wherever it is - there are different cases.

      Quote: Archon
      I don’t understand hunters either - there is enough food in the country, and it’s better to breed skins on a farm.

      This is a hobby, hunters generally do not hunt for food. And by the way, with a developed hunting culture, and in our country it is just being formed, the number of game is only growing.

      Although there are places in our vast country where one cannot survive without hunting and fishing. Watch the series - "Happy People", and life is interesting, and the places are beautiful.

      Quote: Archon
      Do I need to take a pistol to go to the store?

      It depends on where you live.

      Quote: Archon
      And in the cinema? And go for a walk in the park?

      More likely no than yes.

      Quote: Archon
      Or you go on a bike like that and a heavy pistol sticks out in your pocket.

      In a hidden holster on the belt it is completely. And it depends on where the cyclists ride, I was told about meetings with huge packs of dogs lured by the watchmen at the enterprises along the roads - they can bite off their legs.

      Quote: Archon
      Or with a weapon to the dacha.

      Necessarily (as for me).

      Quote: Archon
      Yes, even walking around the village with a weapon is very strange. I remember "The Diamond Hand" and a pistol in a string bag.

      It depends on which village. Maybe not worth it if normal people live, but there should definitely be a house.

      Quote: Archon
      Even in the forest, I see no reason to take weapons - almost all of our animals have died out, there are chipmunks, squirrels, mice, foxes, hedgehogs and small birds.

      Even in central Russia it is not so everywhere, what can we say about Siberia and the Far East?
    2. -1
      24 August 2021 19: 49
      Quote: Archon
      I can't even imagine where you can go with a weapon. You can't walk around the city with him, you can't put it in your pocket, and at home it is all the more unnecessary. I don’t understand hunters either - there is enough food in the country, and it’s better to breed skins on a farm. But athletes still need to be given more freedom.
      Do I need to take a pistol to go to the store? And in the cinema? And go for a walk in the park? Or you go on a bike like that with a heavy pistol sticking out in your pocket. Or with a weapon to the dacha. Yes, even walking around the village with a weapon is very strange. I remember "The Diamond Hand" and a pistol in a string bag. Even in the forest, I see no reason to take a weapon - almost all of our animals have died out, there are chipmunks, squirrels, mice, foxes, hedgehogs and small birds.
      Yes, I see more sense in the titanium umbrella.

      strongly depends on the locality and on the presence of a sense of the citizen - the citizen influences what the state will be like, what kind of environment around it will be safe or not. Of course, it is advisable to call the police first, but not always the situation will allow you to do this. but if you don't care and if only your hut is on the edge and let someone else do not bother you, then of course you don't need a weapon.
  36. +5
    24 August 2021 05: 26
    It is necessary for these scribblers of deputies to limit the number of fingers on their hands to two ... so that they cannot sculpt ... they are already limited by 2 convolutions what
  37. +3
    24 August 2021 09: 54
    As US President Benjamin Franklin said - "Those who are willing to sacrifice their essential freedom for the sake of short-term security are not worthy of either freedom or security."

    Was he really the president of the United States?
    1. AB
      24 August 2021 11: 23
      Benya is cooler than any US president. He is depicted on the US $ XNUMX bill.
  38. +1
    24 August 2021 10: 05
    Everything according to the classics: "Cobblestone is the weapon of the proletariat" ...
  39. AB
    24 August 2021 11: 19
    Another sensible article about the dangers of prohibitions. AND??? The reaction of those in power is ZERO.
  40. +2
    24 August 2021 11: 32
    The criminals in power know very well what the population of the country can do with them, having weapons! And since they cannot or are not going to pass laws that are for the benefit of ordinary citizens, they have to come up with all sorts of nonsense to portray the activity! The idiocy of bans is off the charts, and the "tightening" of non-working laws is killing without a weapon! But for the laws to work, whole ministries, industries, structures must be made to work ... and these are friends, associates, sidekicks. Psychos freely pass the medical examination, criminals receive approval from the district police officer and permission from the police, and a law-abiding citizen must register toys! This is not a state, this is a criminal organization, where “godfathers” and structures protecting them can have weapons, and “suckers” and “terpily” ask them to protect them and not to adopt too harsh laws. If the state cannot protect a person here and now, then he must have the full Right to self-defense in the form that he is capable of! Apparently the government understands perfectly well that citizens have more reasons to protect themselves from the state than from criminals!
    1. 0
      25 August 2021 12: 34
      Quote: puskarinkis
      The criminals in power know very well what the population of the country can do with them, having weapons!
      -and WHAT for example, did the US population with the government, having a 360 million population - 400 million trunks ??? !!! I remind you - when US citizens WITHOUT weapons tried to enter the Capitol - the guards shot everyone - whom they considered necessary to shoot ... And everyone else will now be given 20 years and more - the prison is calling !! I’m even afraid to imagine what would have happened - if someone in that crowd there would be a pistol ... Tien-an-Men would seem like a quiet place ...
      If you are not aware, then the United States used the army against its citizens for protest rallies, for example, the Los Angeles uprising in 1992 - and the army fired to kill ...
      At the same time, was the government afraid of pistols in the hands of citizens? Yes, anyone who tried to wave them would just get a bullet in the head from the military and that's it ...
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        25 August 2021 12: 55
        There are many other examples besides the USA! The same "color revolutions" are not made with flowers in their hands. Yes, and we have examples in history ... True, you need to understand why you took the weapon and what you are trying to achieve, because a revolution without changing the state system is just a coup! But the point is not how the state and the armed people can resist! The point is in the thinking of the perpetrator, when all the options are calculated in order to protect oneself from the victim's counteraction. The victim should not have any means of protection, he should not even have the right to adequately defend himself! It turns out that the state and citizens are opposed to each other. In the right state, the government helps the citizen, as a part of the state, to become stronger! Switzerland, as an example ... In part, even the example of Estonia will do. There, members of volunteer structures have the right to keep army weapons in their farms, up to machine guns and grenade launchers.
        1. +1
          26 August 2021 07: 55
          Quote: puskarinkis
          The same "color revolutions" are not made with flowers in their hands. Yes, and we have examples in history

          In all cases of revolutions - they win only and only ever capture ARMY weapons or the army takes their side.
          That is, when the battle distances are like minimum are the same for the parties. And then - if the bulk of the population is either neutral or against the government - the siloviki begin to hesitate and think: is it worth it?

          So, not a single relatively stable government people with pistols are afraid and will not be afraid. KPVT can keep the crowd with pistols at the desired distance well, easily ...
          The slogan "Rifles for the revolution!" (C) Jack London is still relevant now

          Quote: puskarinkis
          It turns out that the state and citizens are opposed to each other.
          ha, opening ...
          "The state is an apparatus of oppression" (S) VI Lenin

          Quote: puskarinkis
          In the right state, the government helps the citizen, as a part of the state, to become stronger! Switzerland as an example ...
          - Allows protect yourself. As far as "helps", it's unlikely.

          Quote: puskarinkis
          There, members of volunteer structures have the right to keep army weapons in their farms, up to machine guns and grenade launchers.
          - if we make the idea that "Russia will attack tomorrow" as a national fetish, then the distribution of weapons is an attempt bind to themselves citizens. Well, like - "the Russian Federation will attack, we trust you, you have a grenade launcher on you so that you protect yourself and us at the same time"
          Works in small countries such as Estonia, Switzerland and the like ... Small weight categories ...

          It works with a slightly different principle (but similar) in Israel - for the Arabs, a Jew with a weapon is obviously an enemy. Like it or not, you will defend the state automatically
  41. 0
    24 August 2021 13: 10
    I love weapons. I go to the shooting gallery. I own a saiga. Large collection of bladed weapons. With all the love for weapons .. The idea that the free circulation and circulation of firearms in our country will not cause a surge in crime and accidents is naivety. And it makes no sense to cite other countries as an example, and Russia itself in other eras. Countries should be considered taking into account their environment, culture, the real state of affairs in the economy and the mentality of citizens.
    1. 0
      24 August 2021 13: 33
      Quote: leuss
      I love weapons. I go to the shooting gallery. I own a saiga. Large collection of bladed weapons. With all the love for weapons .. The idea that the free circulation and circulation of firearms in our country will not cause a surge in crime and accidents is naivety. And it makes no sense to cite other countries as an example, and Russia itself in other eras. Countries should be considered taking into account their environment, culture, the real state of affairs in the economy and the mentality of citizens.

      And who is talking about free walking? To begin with, at least they did not take away what is, for example, your Saiga.

      And the concept of "cold" weapons PMSM generally should be excluded from the Federal Law "On weapons" - this is absurd. From the fact that a switchblade knife or a double-edged knife will often not be used to upholster them. The leader of the hit parade will still remain a kitchen knife for 150 rubles.

      Free movement in any country will be used for criminal purposes.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  42. +1
    24 August 2021 13: 52
    Quote: Snail N9
    I watch "The Armory Ranch" and salivate - in Russia everything that is shown there is simply unthinkable, impossible for an ordinary citizen.

    Pay money and buy, who doesn't? Do you make a collection license and buy a bunch of weapons, or are you waiting for someone to rip your ass off the couch for you, make a lick for you, and then buy you a bunch of weapons for your money? Alas, your inability to get your ass off the couch cannot be corrected by any laws. Personally, I bought a saiga about 15 years ago, I own it and do not feel any problems, only I collect certificates every 5 years, but for me, unlike the couch "wanting to own a weapon," this is not a problem.
    1. 0
      24 August 2021 19: 31
      and you will be able with your collection license to have a makar at home and walk with him through the city or forest?
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. -1
      25 August 2021 13: 13
      It’s not a matter of "tearing your ass off the couch," but of laws that, often at odds with common sense, regulate every step with a weapon! You can legally, tearing your ass off the sofa, buy a weapon and admire it, but using the weapon for its intended purpose in a situation requiring its use, according to the same laws, you can go to the bunk. The laws on the circulation of weapons in Russia resemble an anecdote about the ensign: "Comrade ensign, can I watch TV?"
  43. -1
    24 August 2021 13: 55
    Quote: leuss
    I love weapons. I go to the shooting gallery. I own a saiga. Large collection of bladed weapons. With all the love for weapons .. The idea that the free circulation and circulation of firearms in our country will not cause a surge in crime and accidents is naivety. And it makes no sense to cite other countries as an example, and Russia itself in other eras. Countries should be considered taking into account their environment, culture, the real state of affairs in the economy and the mentality of citizens.

    Yes, the whole problem of citizens who "want to own weapons, but RED does not give them" is to tear their ass off the couch, either a criminal record in the past, or the psychiatrist does not let them through, and you tell them about the experience of other countries, the environment and culture :)
  44. +2
    24 August 2021 15: 54
    It seems to me that the most important byaka is not the mass of restrictions on civilian weapons (any), but the idiotic laws on their use. Like any nonsense "excess of the necessary self-defense", etc. Having a normal law on self-defense, even the assortment provided to us can be fine. And let the policemen not howl. They are not able to protect an ordinary person. In the best case, they can state death or grievous bodily harm and start an investigation (in some cases, ending in a "capercaillie").
  45. +1
    24 August 2021 16: 14
    Yes, I read it here, it is really high time to pay attention to the "guests from the small oppressed but distinctive republics" who got everyone in order.
  46. +3
    24 August 2021 19: 27
    Quote: your1970
    Quote: acetophenon
    Our state is never ours. And it was never ours. Even close. Each and every one of these guys consider us sheep, meat, electorate - anyone, just not equal to themselves. Think for yourself, why does a shepherd or herd owner need fanged-horned sheep? Well, just think, one or the other stutters, pushes each other. Under the knife of both, in order to discourage.
    - I'm embarrassed to remind - that in the USSR, too, pistols were banned !! Also considered the electorate ???

    I am sorry to debunk your rosy dreams, but in the USSR this is exactly what it was - the party farm nomenklatura and everyone else. Nourished flock. At that time I had enough contact with these cadres to judge this.
    1. +1
      26 August 2021 08: 11
      Quote: acetophenon
      I'm sorry to debunk your pink dreams, but in the USSR it was exactly like that - the party farm-nomenklatura and all the rest.
      - Oops..... lol
      I actually meant that ANY "state is an apparatus of oppression" (c) Lenin
      Apparently I formulated my thought incorrectly, I'm guilty ...
  47. 0
    25 August 2021 00: 17
    Power can be done with weapons and the ability to wield anything. Since the absolute majority of the population does not give a damn about it.
    if we proceed from the number of cases of improper use of weapons, then rather the police should be deprived of the right to carry weapons than civilian owners :)
  48. +2
    25 August 2021 06: 04
    Quote: Looking Petrovich
    In no case should the free sale of weapons be allowed, otherwise any citizen will be able to buy a pistol and kill Vladimir Vladimirovich.

    It is fantastic. He only meets with selected people, and before the meeting they are shaken like a pear.
    1. 0
      26 August 2021 08: 15
      Quote: Dzafdet
      Quote: Looking Petrovich
      In no case should the free sale of weapons be allowed, otherwise any citizen will be able to buy a pistol and kill Vladimir Vladimirovich.

      It is fantastic. He only meets with selected people, and before the meeting they are shaken like a pear.

      In the 20th century, the profession of politics was the most dangerous profession in the world. The proportion of those killed in the total number of official politicians was even higher - than the risk of an infantryman dying in WWII
      1. 0
        27 August 2021 16: 56
        Well. politicians ..... Ladies with reduced social responsibility are much higher than them in moral and business qualities. Why pity them.
        1. +1
          27 August 2021 18: 10
          Quote: Bashibuzuk1
          Well. politicians ..... Ladies with reduced social responsibility are much higher than them in moral and business qualities. Why pity them.

          Olof Palme - they were sorry and very much.
          I. V. Stalin - perhaps killed, but in any case did not receive the necessary assistance - three quarters of the VO and at least a third of the country regret
          And such politicians - loved by the people and who benefited them - were enough in the 20th century.
  49. 0
    26 August 2021 15: 09
    Quote: Walking towards the light
    There is no need to mischief respected. Give a short-haul to the population in the Russian Federation-catastrophe. The narcological and psychiatric service in the Russian Federation has been killed completely on the kornyu. Pestiki will buy inadequate, which will blame their wives and mother-in-law on drunkenness. This will be a "wild west."

    they say the wife and, accordingly, the mother-in-law must be changed every five years wink
    1. 0
      27 August 2021 16: 54
      Are the specialists trained in Western patterns already transferred? Revive the Soviet education system.
  50. 0
    27 August 2021 16: 52
    The people have every right to have weapons, the only question is the criteria.
    The Americans have a good saying: "God created the strong and the weak, and Colonel Colt equalized the chances between them."
    The presence of weapons will sharply limit the ambitions of the "powerful of this world", and lawyers and judges have every right to apply laws for their intended purpose, and not who will give how much for "food", at the same time they will start thinking about their longevity.
    1. +1
      27 August 2021 18: 17
      Quote: Bashibuzuk1
      The presence of weapons will sharply limit the ambitions of the "powerful", and

      This is how? You are all like that with a gun at the ready - "Idea here justice ??? !!" will be acquitted even without bribes - pure self-defense ...

      Above was the example of the United States of over-inflated weapons where everyone can be with a pistol - a man on the road beat on the hood with his fists and ran after an ax. In a country where even a newborn has a gun
  51. 0
    27 August 2021 21: 14
    "People who don't want to carry guns will wear chains."
    Ernst Junger 1895-1948
  52. -2
    27 August 2021 22: 16
    Quote: Snail N9
    Kisel-Solovey TV

    + Zionist Posner channel.
    Not to be mentioned by night Posner cited the example of Switzerland and some other countries where it is legal to own short-barreled guns, praising their Russophobic abomination.
    But he warned against such practices for the citizens of our Motherland; goyim should not have the right to protection.
  53. 0
    1 September 2021 14: 22
    The history of the development of the Russian state in the last 20-30 years is sad. where are we going?
  54. -1
    19 September 2021 12: 25
    Quote: realist
    The history of the development of the Russian state in the last 20-30 years is sad. where are we going?

    Alas, to collapse and division.....
  55. 0
    10 October 2021 08: 32
    Yes, it all started with an iPhone with puffy cheeks. It is difficult to imagine a more useless leader. And then the actresses with the scribblers from the State Duma and other crap got involved.
  56. 0
    21 October 2021 03: 31
    Everything in the article is correct. Interesting - nothing.
  57. 0
    11 February 2022 11: 08
    All these articles with reasonable arguments under the current government and its order are empty and useless hot air.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"