Coastal missile system "Neptune". Production, problems and a new look


Experimental complex "Neptune", made on Ukrainian chassis. Photo of the General Staff of Ukraine

In the recent past, the Ukrainian industry was able to develop, test and bring into service the Neptune coastal anti-ship missile system. Not so long ago, the serial production of such equipment began, and the first combat and auxiliary vehicles are already ready. At the same time, by the time the series was launched, the technical appearance of the complex had changed due to the objective problems of the Ukrainian industry.

Experienced Appearance

The coastal missile system RK-360MTS "Neptune" is designed to combat surface targets of small and medium displacement. It includes several fixed assets. These are the mobile command post of the RKP-360 division, the USPU-360 self-propelled launcher, the TZM-360 transport and loading vehicle and the TM-360 transport vehicle, as well as the R-360 Neptune anti-ship missile.

The missile division reportedly includes 19 units. technicians - one command post and six launchers, transport-loading and transport vehicles. Each launcher carries four containers of missiles. The same number of TPKs are transported by a transport and transport-loading vehicle. Thus, one division can have up to 72 missiles at a time, incl. 24 ready to launch.

Rocket tests, 2020 The product comes out of the TPK. Photo of the General Staff of Ukraine

Individual components of "Neptune" have been demonstrated at exhibitions since 2015. In the spring of 2016, the experimental complex launched a rocket for the first time. Tests and test launches of missiles continued until 2019-20. Apparently, as the tests continued, certain modifications were carried out. At the same time, the general composition and main features of the complex appearance remained unchanged.

One of the main objectives of the Neptune project was the maximum localization of production and reduction of dependence on foreign supplies. This was most vividly and noticeably manifested in the context of the chassis for the means of the complex. An experienced missile system was built on the basis of the cars of the Kremenchug Automobile Plant. So, the launcher was made on a four-axle KrAZ-7634 chassis, and other components were built on three-axle vehicles, such as KrAZ-6322, etc.

The leading developer and manufacturer of the R-360 missile is the Kiev design bureau "Luch". Also involved in the production of the enterprises "Motor Sich" (main turbojet engine), "Radionix" (seeker), etc.

At a new stage

The tests of the Neptune complex were officially completed by mid-2020. Almost a year ago, on August 23, the complex was adopted by the Ukrainian army. It is noteworthy that at the time of the appearance of such an order, the RK-360MTS existed only in the form of a prototype. Serial production was planned, but there was no order for it.

Tests 2019 Photo "Ukroboronprom"

In October, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense announced that it would soon find the necessary money and order the first division of missile systems. The production and supply contract was planned to be signed by the end of the year. Formally, this promise was fulfilled.

In late December, the Ukroboronprom concern announced the signing of the first agreement on the serial production of Neptune. As previously planned, it is planned to supply one battalion consisting of 19 combat and auxiliary vehicles, the required number of missiles and various equipment. The cost of the ordered products was not specified.

It was reported that the first division will be handed over to the customer by the end of 2021.However, recently it became known about a shift in terms: deliveries will be completed in the first quarter of 2022. In the middle of next year, the first serial division will take up combat duty on one of the sections of the coast.

The process of training personnel and mastering technology has begun. For this, in mid-March, the coastal troops were transferred to the only experimental complex. Combat and auxiliary vehicles without missiles will be used for training purposes. At the same time, there are reasons to doubt the effectiveness of such training. At the last stages, the appearance of "Neptune" was again changed, which will affect its operation and affect the features of the preparation of calculations.

Serial launcher USPU-360 on imported chassis. Photo by Defense Express

Technique in series

By now, the Luch State Design Bureau and related enterprises have managed to launch mass production of equipment of all major types. According to Ukrainian press reports, seven launchers, transport-loading and transport vehicles are already ready. Construction continues, and new combat and support units are expected to appear in the near future.

On August 24, seven built products are planned to be shown at the parade dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. At the same time, the first photos of the new machines and some information about them have already been published. Such publications show that on the eve of the launch of the series, the project "Neptune" has undergone significant changes.

The state of the "KrAZ" enterprise currently leaves much to be desired, and its ability to build equipment on time and in the required quantities is questionable. In this regard, the RK-360MTS complex was transferred to new chassis. Now Czech Tatra T815 vehicles are used as carriers of all fixed assets.

The USPU-360 launcher and the transport-loading TZM-360 are made on the four-axle T815 modification with an armored cabin. TM-360 products are built on a unified chassis with three axles and an unprotected cab. The configuration of the target equipment repeats the appearance of the experimental complex.

Transport and loading vehicle TZM-360. Photo by Defense Express

Plans for the future

In the coming days, the constructed facilities of the first serial complex "Neptune" will be used in festive events. At the same time, the production of the remaining products will continue to form the future division. According to the plan, the finished kit will be handed over to the armed forces in the first quarter of 2022. However, there are no guarantees that the timing of the work will not be revised again.

Earlier it was reported that the coastal forces of the Ukrainian Navy need three divisions of the RK-360MTS complexes. The order for the production of the second set has not yet been received. Probably, it will be placed only after the completion of work on the first, i.e. by mid-2022 It is difficult to predict the timing of such a contract. The same applies to the hypothetical third divisional kit, work on which will begin only in the distant future - if, of course, it is ordered.

If all existing plans are fulfilled, the Ukrainian coastal forces will have three "Neptune" divisions, including a large number of equipment of all types. So, such a missile group will include three command posts of the RCP-360, 18 launchers with 72 missiles ammunition, as well as 36 transport vehicles and TPM with a stock of 144 R-360 products. However, it is possible to reduce plans with a corresponding decrease in the number of products.

Real prospects

The existing plans for the construction of three divisional kits and a large number of anti-ship missiles look very daring, and so much so that they even raise doubts. There are various problems of an economic, organizational and technological nature, each of which can in one way or another hit the launched production.

Transport TM-360. Photo by Defense Express

There is reason to doubt that the Ukrainian armed forces will be able to finance the production of Neptuns in a timely manner and in full. In addition, the ability of industrial cooperation to ensure the production of all required products in the planned quantity is questionable.

It should be noted that the Ukrainian military can show some optimism. About seven and a half months have passed since the order for the first division was placed, and during this time the contractor has built 7 machines. A few more units should be on the assembly. Accordingly, the construction of all 19 items by the end of the 1st quarter of next year looks quite possible.

It is curious that the successful fulfillment of an order for mass production will not in any way affect the technical shortcomings of the complex. The fact is that the R-360 missile is a revised version of the Soviet 3M24 Uranium anti-ship missile system. Despite all the improvements, the technical and combat characteristics of the "Neptune" remain at an insufficient level. In addition, after the latest innovations, the RK-360MTS complex should face difficulties in the operation of foreign chassis.

Thus, despite the successful completion of the development and official acceptance into service, the situation around the coastal missile systems RK-360MTS "Neptune" remains quite difficult. The customer and contractors still need to solve a number of economic, organizational, production and technical issues, and there are no serious reasons for optimism. However, there is no reason to be surprised. All these phenomena - and their negative consequences - have long become familiar companions of Ukrainian projects.
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  1. +7
    16 August 2021 06: 00
    I do not expect a salary as much as another article about the weapons of the Maydanutyh!
    1. +7
      16 August 2021 06: 37
      Quote: Xlor
      I'm not looking forward to my salary

      Salary is a very necessary thing, in contrast to the weapons of the maydanuts! feel
  2. +5
    16 August 2021 06: 44
    How often and how much is written about which simply cannot be.
    And this is exactly what the majority of comments sounded like three years ago.
    All the specialists went to Poland for strawberries, the factories were stolen for metal... and and. etc.
    And the authors still do not have enough material for writing articles.
    1. 0
      24 September 2021 04: 31
      Yes, not materials. There are no materials. Sucked from a finger (or rather, from something else)
  3. +1
    16 August 2021 06: 51
    Well, what plans for the future may the raguls have? Only one - the answer for the deed. And let the engineers work, maybe someday the developments will come in handy.
  4. +3
    16 August 2021 07: 50
    One division can and will torture, with a sin in half. Who will they threaten? It will be disposable. As soon as he is going to shoot where he is already gone ...
    1. KCA
      16 August 2021 08: 50
      In the videoconferencing there are many X-22s, which, as I think, have long been subject to write-off, but here such an option is drawn for disposal, one piglet of warhead weighing a ton will cover the entire "Neptune" division, TU-22M3 carries 3 of these , formally anti-ship missiles, but there are many options, including for ground targets and anti-radar
      1. 0
        16 August 2021 09: 04
        And yet it would be better if the transport launch vehicle is based on Kamaz, and the missiles are transported not in four, but in two, it is not as noticeable, it is easier to camouflage, and then one rocket costs more than the whole vehicle anyway
      2. +3
        16 August 2021 21: 07
        one pig of warhead weighing a ton just the entire division of "Neptuns"
        It is necessary to launch rockets at factories, send SMS 1 minute before the strike as Jews and destroy the military-industrial complex of non-brothers.
      3. 0
        24 August 2021 16: 16
        and they have the S-300 ...
    2. 0
      24 August 2021 16: 16
      I do not think so ...
  5. +2
    16 August 2021 09: 44
    The customer and contractors still need to solve a number of economic, organizational, production and technical issues, and there are no serious reasons for optimism.

    What technical questions are there?
    Is that Kraz truncated, so did the Tatra. It's not a question. In the missile chassis, the chassis is not the main thing, even load a camel and harness on a cart.
    Even though our "experts" were hooting and predicting a complete failure, the non-brothers still fired a rocket. It means that not all have rode and not all have gone to Poland for agricultural work. It remains for us to hope only for organizational difficulties, and so that the money is not given.
    And then such a "grenade" will fall into the hands of the monkey, which can cause us a lot of trouble.
    1. +3
      16 August 2021 12: 30
      Quote: Jacket in stock
      And then such a "grenade" will fall into the hands of the monkey, which can cause us a lot of trouble.

      There is not a word about target designation. For naval targets, who will direct it? From the Bayraktars?
      1. -9
        16 August 2021 12: 44
        Hello. For target designation, you can use bayraktars. They illuminate targets from a distance of 60 km. The Ukrainian army also has naval versions of bayraktars. Neptune is inferior to Russian designs, but the rocket turned out to be good. It is dangerous for enemy ships.
      2. +5
        16 August 2021 13: 13
        Good day, there is not a word about target designation only due to the laziness and / or incompetence of Skomorokhov, who, while pulling photos for his article from the Defense Express website, conveniently "forgot" to insert a photo of the Mineral-U radar located on the same resource ...

        1. +1
          16 August 2021 14: 22

          I apologize, not Skhomorokhov, but Ryabov, sometimes I confuse them because of the similar manner of writing.
        2. +5
          16 August 2021 17: 01
          I would add that this radar is still being tested ..

          Experts are completing a test cycle of a new radar station. Some time ago, the Ukrainian edition of Defense Express published a video of the Mineral-U radar station on Twitter. The frames show the functioning of individual units and mechanisms of the station. In the future, it should work in conjunction with the anti-ship installation ZhK-360MTS "Neptune".

          There is no doubt that it will be completed.
          But the fact that the test cycle with her is not completed is also a fact.

    2. -2
      16 August 2021 13: 29
      Hello. I had to suffer with rocket fuel and GOS. The rest was not that difficult. The documentation was all about the Soviet rocket.
      1. +2
        16 August 2021 17: 05
        Neptune is not a copy of the X-35. The difference in range is two times and other sizes
        1. +1
          16 August 2021 18: 14
          I never wrote that a copy. Neptune is better.
          1. -1
            16 August 2021 21: 43
            Quote: Alexander Pseudonym
            Neptune is better.

            Only a mistake - you need to change the "Neptune" to "X-35" - that's right then ...
            1. +1
              16 August 2021 21: 58
              In my subjective opinion, Neptune is more modern. Although the comparison is appropriate.
              1. 0
                16 August 2021 21: 59
                Quote: Alexander Pseudonym
                In my subjective opinion, Neptune is more modern.

                More modern is not equal to better! An example - the "hammer" mortar is also more modern than the old Soviet mortars of a similar caliber, but still the "hammer" is just a low-quality pipe, and the old Soviet ones are a reliable weapon.
                1. -4
                  16 August 2021 22: 01
                  The hammer was finished this year. He's reliable now. Ask the militias, they are on this site.
                  1. +1
                    16 August 2021 22: 02
                    Quote: Alexander Pseudonym
                    The hammer was finished this year.

                    Do you understand that if it took so many years to "finish off" an elementary mortar (which is simpler in design than a Kalash!) What can I say about rockets?
                    1. -1
                      16 August 2021 22: 07
                      Your opinion is logical, but there are significant differences: 1 different manufacturers, 2 The hammer was created in a hurry.
                      1. 0
                        16 August 2021 22: 08
                        Quote: Alexander Pseudonym
                        1 different manufacturers,

                        At the very least, you can accept.
                        Quote: Alexander Pseudonym
                        The hammer was created in a hurry.

                        Neptune was created, as it were, in almost a greater haste ...
                      2. -1
                        17 August 2021 03: 06
                        "Neptune" began to be created approximately in the middle of 2013, when the preliminary project was launched, even with the assistance of Russia, as one of the suppliers of components, no one in a hurry created it. The "Hammer" appeared somewhere in 2015-2016. and apparently did not pass all the necessary checks, judge for yourself the timing of development, and the reason for its rupture was not at all in the pipe, but in double loading (low operational resource of the safety mechanism), which any person who served in the army, or at least studied artillery. Because on our planet such gunpowder has not yet been invented, which could lead to a barrel rupture into hundreds of small fragments. From the known precedents, bursting of the barrel by the energy of expanding gases creates mainly a relatively small number of large fragments.
                        Well, again, you are comparing the Luch Design Bureau, which has extensive experience in cooperation with Russian design bureaus, and the former tape recorder factory, which before Molotov produced only partial modernization of Soviet machine guns (the conclusions are yours).
                        Think for yourself, decide for yourself.
                      3. 0
                        17 August 2021 14: 07
                        Quote: Holgerton
                        "Neptune" began to be created approximately in the middle of 2013, when the preliminary project was launched, even with the assistance of Russia, as one of the suppliers of components, no one in a hurry created it.

                        suppose so. But an important point - "with the assistance of Russia", then it broke off.
                        Quote: Holgerton
                        Well, again, you are comparing KB "Luch", which has a rich experience of cooperation with Russian KB

                        Again, suppose that Luch can do everything well, but then the question is - what about Russian components? If they were replaced, then the big question is - what, and if not, how are they produced? Do they take leftovers that are left in warehouses, or are they trying to buy through third parties?
  6. 0
    16 August 2021 11: 41
    Taking into account the fact that Banderaffen does not pay wages and contractors do not go to work (work), the phrase: "They find funding - it was not a little fun")))
  7. +3
    16 August 2021 15: 34
    "...In the recent past, the Ukrainian industry was able to to develop, test and bring into service the Neptune coastal anti-ship missile system .... "
    There is such a small disclaimer: Do not to develop, COPY
    And this stupid "copying" from KB "Luch" (which in Soviet times was engaged exclusively in systems of automated control of missiles and other guided munitions, and was never suspected of creating anything else!) 14 (fourteen) years old!
    And at the same time, "Neptune" turned out to be much larger and harder prototype, with practically the same performance characteristics!
    1. -8
      16 August 2021 17: 00
      Neptune has more than double the range
      And the sizes do not coincide much, there is no talk of any copying there
      X-45 length 4,4 m, diameter 0,44, Neptune 5 m, diameter 0,38 m.
      Made Neptune in 2,5 years
      1. +9
        16 August 2021 18: 00
        Quote: Avior
        Neptune has more than double the range

        Are you kidding me? belay fool
        Only the FIRST versions of the X-130 had a range of 35 km! Has not been produced for a long time! They were replaced long ago by the Kh-35U and Kh-35UE, with a maximum range of 260 km! Or do you think that "Neptune" range is more than 520 km ??? belay Do not tell my slippers!
        Quote: Avior
        And the sizes do not coincide much, there is no talk of any copying there

        fool Of course, I really respect your "patriotism", but that "there is no question of copying there", sorry, but this is already complete stupidity! Nobody (even in Ukraine) is hiding this!
        Quote: Avior
        Made Neptune in 2,5 years

        Tell me "Nehru Night" me! IN 2004 year, a sample of the Kh-35 was transferred to the Luch Design Bureau for familiarization!!! A JOINT production of these missiles was planned! But then Yushchenko came to power and ... the military-technical cooperation of Ukraine with Russia began to gradually "fade away" ..... The project "was covered with a copper basin" .. But the rocket is back did not return(!) ...... Then in 2018 (!!!) year began testing the anti-ship missile "Neptune". How many years have passed ??? And you talk to me about some 2.5 years!
        PS By the way, about the "dimensions": have you, by any chance, paid attention to the fact that the starting weight of "Neptune" is 30% more than that of "Uranus-U"? And this despite the fact that the weight of the warhead and the range there are almost the same!
        1. -5
          16 August 2021 18: 09
          ... In 2004, a sample of the Kh-35 was transferred to the Luch Design Bureau for review !!!

          So they had a range of 130.
          A 260 km version was developed later.
          1. +7
            16 August 2021 18: 31
            Quote: Avior
            t they had a range of 130.
            A 260 km version was developed later.

            For God's sake! Let's forget that Uranus had a colossal modernization potential!
            Let's give praise to the brilliant designers of the "Luch" design bureau (who have NEVER DEVELOPED an anti-ship missile system before that!) .... Well done! That - not a penny, and then suddenly - altyn (out of the blue)!
            PS You still insist that "Neptune" IS NOT pirate a copy of "Uranus" ???
            1. -5
              16 August 2021 18: 57
              Uranium is not a rocket, but a complex
              Rocket x-35. It is not, of course, a copy. Different sizes, engine, seeker and range. Do you understand the meaning of the word copy correctly?
              1. +3
                16 August 2021 19: 13
                Quote: Avior
                Uranium is not a rocket, but a complex
                Rocket x-35.

                Oh my God! Who can argue with you? "Uranus" is the name of the ship complex with the X-35 anti-ship missile system!
                Well, let's (if you are so petty) take the DBK "Ball"! Is that okay for you?
                Quote: Avior
                It is not, of course, a copy. Different sizes, engine, seeker and range. Do you understand the meaning of the word copy correctly?

                Well, since you are so "smart" - then find 10 differences !!!

                PS As for the word "copy" - well aware! And therefore I HAVE the RIGHT to declare that if a certain design and basic principles are taken as a basis, and then some changes are made (replacement of individual nodes and elements), then this is - is not in any way "author's" development! This is just a COPY (even if it is slightly "shamanized")!
                1. -7
                  16 August 2021 19: 51
                  What about the individual, if they are different in size? Other electronics are completely developed by Ray, motor engine, other performance characteristics. It is easier to find individual common elements there, if any. With your approach, we can say that they are all a copy of the American Harpoon
                2. +2
                  16 August 2021 20: 03
                  There is a huge difference, "Uranus" is real, and "Neptune" is drawn by the curved-arm animators of the "Luch" design bureau. On June 26, 2020, a video was uploaded to the Turchinov channel titled: "A detailed video of the remaining hostile viprobuvan" Neptune " a masterpiece "movie blooper: the pyrotechnics have already detonated a charge on the barge, which plays the role of a" target ", and the animators still continued to" draw an orange rocket ".
                  1. +3
                    16 August 2021 22: 59
                    a close examination of which reveals a "masterpiece" blooper: the pyrotechnics have already detonated a charge on the barge, which plays the role of a "target", and the multipliers still continued to "draw an orange rocket".

                    there is no charge at the site of the explosion.
                    the frame-by-frame view clearly shows that the rocket caught the hull of the barge in the deck area and it was the rocket that exploded after that - in this place there was no charge on the deck, the deck was empty
  8. 0
    16 August 2021 16: 10
    I don’t understand. Why is this Ukrainian advertisement here?
  9. +3
    16 August 2021 18: 32
    Why do they need this rocket? Nobody will buy it from them. Apply against Russia? Well, yes, you can, if you suddenly want to return to the composition.
  10. +2
    16 August 2021 19: 04
    As many Tatras have been bought, there will be so many complexes.
  11. +2
    16 August 2021 19: 24
    Well, if they are counting on funding, it means that they will again submit to arbitration against Gazprom.
  12. 0
    16 August 2021 19: 35
    It is necessary to be especially stubborn or stubborn, so that a year after the exposure of the "Neptune" drawn by krivoruk cartoonists on ORT, to raise this topic again. It has already reached the maydanutyh and they are not trying to make new films, but all the "Neptune's witnesses" are on the resource.

  13. +2
    16 August 2021 20: 13
    I think (Uk) .. it is more important for the country now on the Maidan at the parade to ride at least a model without filling in order to puff out its cheeks for the 30th anniversary of the country wassat
  14. +1
    16 August 2021 20: 44
    It is curious that the successful fulfillment of an order for mass production will not in any way affect the technical shortcomings of the complex. The fact is that the R-360 missile is a reworked version of the Soviet 3M24 Uranium anti-ship missile system. Despite all the improvements, the technical and combat characteristics of the "Neptune" remain at an insufficient level.
    So our "Ball" is also not good ...
    1. -1
      16 August 2021 22: 42
      Quote: smaug78
      So our "Ball" is also not good ...

      1. -1
        17 August 2021 20: 25
        So the performance characteristics are about the same ...
        1. +3
          17 August 2021 20: 29
          Quote: smaug78
          So the performance characteristics are about the same ...

          In this matter, the main thing is not performance characteristics, but quality! Yes, and the performance characteristics on paper, you can declare any, but observing them without Russian components is another question ...
  15. +3
    16 August 2021 21: 17
    The danger of this development of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex is not in the rocket, but in the unpredictable actions of the leadership of Ukraine, the gun hanging on the wall will someday fire, and at whom this rocket will fly, no one knows, maybe in a tanker, and maybe in a cruise liner, the Americans are better to cover up these games of their wards
    1. 0
      16 August 2021 21: 48
      Quote: CommanderDIVA
      and no one knows who this rocket will fly to, maybe into a tanker, or maybe into a cruise liner, the Americans would better cover these games of their wards

      Amers just need it - then they will say that "it was a Russian rocket" ...
  16. +2
    16 August 2021 22: 28
    Well, weighed, without unnecessary emotions. A plus.
  17. +1
    17 August 2021 20: 50
    Quote from Uncle Lee
    Salary is a very necessary thing, in contrast to the weapons of the maydanuts!

    Bread-salary, weapon-show! 2
  18. +1
    17 August 2021 20: 59
    Neptune, Bulat, corvette, frigate ... Not a country, but a storehouse of the latest weapons.
  19. 0
    25 August 2021 14: 27
    There are various problems of economic, organizational and technological

    The article is full of all sorts of assumptions, innuendo and omissions, of the facts only:
    About seven and a half months have passed since the order for the first division was placed, and during this time the contractor has built 7 machines
  20. 0
    10 September 2021 01: 16
    This is very bad news. Why didn't our special services kill the leading Ukrainian designers?
  21. 0
    24 September 2021 04: 37
    Serial production started not so long ago

    Come on?!
  22. 0
    April 28 2024 11: 11
    and on is coming close to the point of no return in relations with russia, the country who helped them for centuries.