Logistics support vessel "Vsevolod Bobrov" of project 23120 transferred to the Russian Navy


Project 23120 support vessel Vsevolod Bobrov, built at Severnaya Verf, was transferred to the Naval fleet... According to the press service of the enterprise, the acceptance certificate for the ship has been signed.

The military accepted the project 23120 logistical support vessel Vsevolod Bobrov, the acceptance act was signed by the chairman of the Commission for State Acceptance of Ships, Captain I Rank Andrei Yegorov. The date of the ceremony of raising the Andreevsky flag will be determined by the command of the fleet.

It is specified that after the ceremony, the ship will go to the place of permanent deployment in the Black Sea Fleet. The lead ship of the Elbrus project is serving in the Northern Fleet.

"Vsevolod Bobrov" is the second ice-class logistics support vessel. Laid down in 2013 and launched in 2016. There are some changes in the design based on the operational experience of the lead Elbrus.

The vessel is multifunctional, designed for the carriage of goods, towing, carrying out hydrographic research, providing assistance to ships in distress. The ship's hull with ice class ARC4 allows breaking ice up to 0,6 m thick.

Length - 95 m, width - 22 m, draft - 9 m, speed - 18 knots, displacement - 9 tons, cruising range - 500 nautical miles, autonomy - about 5 days.
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  1. PPD
    6 August 2021 15: 38
    It's good when new ships go down on the water! Yes
    And then it was sad some time ago - they wrote it off, on needles, rusts and sank ...
  2. +6
    6 August 2021 15: 39
    It is specified that after the ceremony, the ship will go to the place of permanent deployment in the Black Sea Fleet.
    So I understand that the main location of this ship will be the Mediterranean Sea? And it is quite possible that the Indian Ocean ... Seven feet code keel
    1. 0
      6 August 2021 18: 18
      ice class in the south? you know that icebreaker lines are not economical on clean water, I think this is a supplier of arctic points of which there are a lot
      1. +1
        6 August 2021 18: 30
        Quote: Ryaruav
        ice class in the south?

        Well, what to do, it would certainly be better to send it to the Pacific Fleet, but so far there are no others, they will use this one. Moreover, the Black Sea Fleet is responsible for places where ice forms on the water surface.
      2. +2
        6 August 2021 19: 34
        Quote: Ryaruav
        ice class in the south?

        In winter, there is enough ice along the Black Sea coast. And Azov freezes almost completely. The ice class will not be superfluous, especially for the support vessel.

        Off the coast of Evpatoria.

        I remember, when we were on business trips in Nikolaev to the Bug estuary, we went ice fishing.
  3. +21
    6 August 2021 15: 42
    Upgrading the auxiliary fleet is a must good
    1. 0
      7 August 2021 10: 22
      Upgrading the auxiliary fleet is a must

      Unnecessary. There are so many tugboats that the extra ones are sold to Argentina. There are almost no warships left. And "Vsevolod Bobrov" for the price of half a frigate

      In general, it was built in the interests of Gazprom, and has nothing to do with the military fleet,
      1. +19
        10 August 2021 11: 27
        Quote: Santa Fe
        In general, it was built in the interests of Gazprom, and has nothing to do with the military fleet.

        From the text:
        transferred to Navy

        Not a word about Gazprom
        1. +7
          10 August 2021 17: 07
          Not a word about Gazprom

          You can familiarize yourself with the situation:
  4. +13
    6 August 2021 15: 46
    It is specified that after the ceremony, the ship will go to the place of permanent deployment in the Black Sea Fleet.

    Ice-class vessel and go to the place of permanent deployment to the Black Sea Fleet?
    My father once went to Cuba during the October Revolution. He told a lot about how a ship adapted for northern latitudes goes to the tropics. The people almost died from the heat.
    1. +9
      6 August 2021 16: 06
      Judging by the bulb, the ice class is not necessarily icebreaker lines. The outer skin is thicker and the distance between the frames is less, that's the whole ice class. And so that it is not hot there is an air conditioning system.
      1. 0
        6 August 2021 18: 19
        yes there are other screws
    2. +1
      6 August 2021 17: 54
      Quote: APASUS
      Ice-class vessel and go to the place of permanent deployment to the Black Sea Fleet?

      For the Sea of ​​Azov - just what you need. I don’t understand your surprise: I know ice-class steamers that have never seen ice. Just to be on the safe side - suddenly the cargo will turn up on the NSR, or in the Baltic in winter. Or - to Antarctica (no kidding).
    3. +1
      6 August 2021 19: 43
      Quote: APASUS
      Ice-class vessel and go to the place of permanent deployment to the Black Sea Fleet?
      My father once went to Cuba during the October Revolution. He told a lot about how a ship adapted for northern latitudes goes to the tropics. The people almost died from the heat.

      In those days, it was not customary to install air conditioning on ships.
  5. Hog
    6 August 2021 16: 17
    Seven feet under the keel!
  6. 0
    6 August 2021 16: 43
    The date of the ceremony of raising the Andreevsky flag will be determined by the command of the fleet.

    Then we'll celebrate!
    1. -1
      6 August 2021 18: 11
      Auxiliary fleet ships carry the AUXILIARY FLEET FLAG; St. Andrew's flag is carried only by combatants.
      Navy ship charter
      ... 626. Marine and offshore support vessels of the Navy, designed to support the combat and daily activities of ships, coastal troops, aviation, naval bases and training ranges, are assigned flag of auxiliary ships Navy, the flag of the hydrographic vessels of the Navy, the flag of the search and rescue vessels of the Navy.
      1. 0
        6 August 2021 18: 33
        Thanks for the unnecessary information. A quote from the article says that the ship is not in the fleet! Navy flag not raised!
        1. 0
          6 August 2021 18: 51
          Having naval shoulder straps, you need to be precise, and not sculpt a hunchback, sir!
          1. 0
            10 August 2021 04: 54
            In my ship charter there is not a word about the St. Andrew's flag.) And you boor!
      2. 0
        6 August 2021 19: 49
        Quote: Boa constrictor KAA
        Ships of the auxiliary fleet carry the FLAG OF THE AUXILIARY fleet, the St. Andrew's flag is carried only by combatants.

        But the Andreevsky flag is present there.
      3. for
        7 August 2021 17: 04
        Ships of the auxiliary fleet carry the FLAG OF THE AUXILIARY FLEET

        Do you know what's inside.

        Plav Workshop. And inside the PRTB there is also a service
  7. +2
    6 August 2021 18: 46
    In fact, this is a "multi-functional rescuer-of-all-trades master".
    The vessel is equipped to the envy of everyone!
    The vessel is designed for the carriage of goods, towing, carrying out hydrographic research, providing assistance to ships in distress. Dynamic positioning system allows you to keep the ship at a given point in any weather conditions. The ship has two electro-hydraulic cranes with a lifting capacity of 50 tons, towing winches with a pulling force of 120 and 25 tons, available cargo deck with an area of ​​over 700 sq. m.
    The vessel is multifunctional: it can carry out loading, transportation and transfer of goods; tow ships, up to the aircraft carrier; participate in rescue operations and provide medical assistance to those in distress (equipped pressure chamber for decompression); conduct bottom relief mapping and lead search for sunken objects. The hull of a vessel with ice class ARC4 will allow it walk in arctic latitudes, overcoming the ice thickness of 0,6 m.

    We are returning to the times of S.G. Gorshkov, when our ocean RESCUERS carried BS at ocean checkpoints. This is done in order to provide effective assistance to a ship in distress, and not like the K-219 in its time...