The Ukrainian Armed Forces continues to pull heavy military equipment to the contact line

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Ukraine continues to pull heavy military equipment to the demarcation line, placing it in settlements and hiding it from OSCE observers. According to the intelligence of the NM DNR, seven units of prohibited military equipment were found near residential buildings near the demarcation line.

The reconnaissance of the NM of the DPR discovered two installations of the 300-mm MLRS "Smerch" in the territory controlled by Kyiv, which the Armed Forces of Ukraine hid from drones OSCE in hangars on the edge of Kondratovka, as well as an BTR-70 hidden in the courtyard of a residential building in Krasnogorovka. As noted, this equipment should not be located in populated areas, and the MLRS should be withdrawn from the line of demarcation.

In addition, the arrival at the demarcation line of the anti-aircraft system ZRS-300 and towed howitzers "Giatsint-B" and "Msta-B" was recorded. Currently, anti-aircraft complexes are at the railway station in Konstantinovka, and howitzers are in Seleznevka. In these areas, the Armed Forces of Ukraine limited the work of OSCE patrols to hide equipment.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continues to pull heavy military equipment to the contact line

Also, reconnaissance discovered the installation of anti-tank mines in the area of ​​the village of Marinka, mining of the territories adjacent to the settlements continues.

Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine opened fire five times on the territory of the DPR, firing at the area of ​​the Volvo Center, the vicinity of the village of Vesyolye and the village of Staromikhaylovka in the Donetsk direction, the village of Sosnovkoye - on the Mariupol from 120 mm mortars and grenade launchers.

In turn, the Armed Forces of Ukraine accused the "Russian invaders" of two violations over the past day. According to the press service of the JFO, at 7:00 on July 24, shelling of the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the village Novoaleksandrovka from ATGM, and near Vodyanoye - 120-mm mortars. In addition, an Orlan-10-type UAV was found that crossed the line of demarcation. Losses from the APU have not been recorded.
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  1. -5
    24 July 2021 10: 24
    ATGM just burned. But the hangar did not fall, the shed with the armored personnel carrier did not burn down ... Petrov and Bashirov, where are they looking?
    1. nnm
      24 July 2021 10: 53
      Over the past two weeks, I noticed another tendency in ukroSMI - they began to write daily about the shelling of residential areas in the controlled territory. Although in previous years, there were practically no such messages. The feeling that realizing that these Tabaki "whole worlds" threw and wiped their feet on them, they are preparing for a foul of the last hope - to untie, provoke a hot phase of confrontation with the DPR and the more sacrifices, the better. And try again to portray that it was Russia that attacked the white and fluffy Ukraine.
      But the only thing that confuses is the time of such provocations. Taking into account the forthcoming exercises soon, this would be simply suicide for Ukraine. Although .... maybe that's what they want. It is better to remain reigning over the remnants of Ukraine than to flee from the high offices in new elections altogether.
      1. +2
        24 July 2021 11: 07
        Quote: nnm
        perhaps this is what they want.

        They it They do not want to, they are quite satisfied with the current swamp and the pulling of money from the West for "defense" and "defense"! And they are not the last ones, they are well aware of how their attempt will end. They can "want" in the only case - if the Americans order. It seems that the start time for "Olui" - "Tempest" is coming up ...
        1. nnm
          24 July 2021 11: 09
          So I tend to the same thing, colleague .... feeling that they are losing support from the West at a catastrophic pace, they, at the suggestion of certain groups of hawks from the West, may well escalate the situation.
          1. -7
            24 July 2021 11: 33
            Warn civilians over loudspeakers about the strikes. In a couple of hours, fire artillery. I understand. Ukrainians they will take away the equipment, make it permanent at first, with notification of the population that subsequently there will be a strike without notice. Then strike WITHOUT warning
            1. 0
              24 July 2021 11: 53
              Quote: Mitroha
              bang with art.

              So that the people whom you disparagingly call "peacemakers" suffer?
              And turn them against Russia even more?
              How are you better than the Hitler Youth there?
            2. nnm
              24 July 2021 12: 25
              So you are a colleague, you forgot one nuance - these are the Nazis. And like their idols, they deliberately leave civilians under attack, while they themselves move away.
          2. +1
            24 July 2021 11: 38
            Quote: nnm
            at the suggestion of certain groups of hawks in the West, they may well escalate the situation.

            In recent weeks, the rhetoric of their statements in the media has changed, they are bringing weapons and troops to the separation zone, the escalation is gaining momentum. Provocations should be expected any day now.
        2. -9
          24 July 2021 11: 12
          Please specify who exactly "they" are. State education Ukraine is not quite a monolithic structure, the power there is also not homogeneous.

          It’s quite a plan to arrange a war, screw up the remnants of Donbas, defiantly condemn today's talking heads and come to an agreement with the Russian Federation on this basis.
          1. +4
            24 July 2021 11: 17
            Quote: Sancho_SP
            Please specify who exactly "they" are. State education Ukraine is not quite a monolithic structure, the power there is also not homogeneous.

            It’s quite a plan to arrange a war, screw up the remnants of Donbas, defiantly condemn today's talking heads and come to an agreement with the Russian Federation on this basis.

            "They" are power. It is homogeneous and all pro-Western-Russophobic, in contrast to the population. ALLwho get into power sing the same thing in chorus no matter what they said BEFORE the elections.
            1. -3
              24 July 2021 11: 33
              Power is people. People are greedy and selfish, everyone wants to grab a bigger piece. Do not forget that in addition to the current rulers, there are also applicants who are ready to sell anything even for half a kingdom.
      2. -2
        24 July 2021 11: 24
        . Although in previous years there were practically no such messages.

        You just didn’t come across.
        There were always a lot of such messages.
      3. -2
        24 July 2021 11: 30
        Quote: nnm
        It is better to remain reigning over the remnants of Ukraine than to flee from the high offices in new elections altogether.

        "Let him be black as a crow
        And the face will be all smeared with coal,
        Even if in America he was called John,
        But in Ukraine he would be king. "
      4. 0
        24 July 2021 21: 32
        Quote: nnm
        The feeling that realizing that these Tabaki "very peacefully" threw and wiped their feet on them, they are preparing for a foul of the last hope - to untie, provoke a hot phase

        I am very afraid that you are RIGHT! request For the frantic attempt to stay in power - they seem to be ready FOR ANYTHING !!!!
    2. 0
      24 July 2021 11: 25
      In the light of daily statements, the Armed Forces of Ukraine may take "preemptive actions."
      90000 bayonets, 16 thousand Ukrainian military instructors NATO trained to conduct combat operations in urban conditions.
      Judging by the article with the map. Other news MAIN blow is aimed at Donetsk.
  2. +3
    24 July 2021 10: 26
    Well, in principle, in anticipation of our teachings, it is quite a reasonable decision, although it is not welcomed by me
    1. +1
      24 July 2021 10: 57
      Quote: svp67
      Well, in principle, in anticipation of our teachings, it is quite a reasonable decision, although it is not welcomed by me

      Sergei, if sclerosis does not change me, our joint exercises are called "West", not "South-West". wink They are already afraid of themselves. And if they are preparing, then only for the offensive.
    2. nnm
      24 July 2021 10: 58
      So it is so, but after all, they already stated that our group, created in the spring, was not withdrawn and about 100k personnel were left on their border. That is, they created a reason for themselves much earlier. Plus, given the length of the borders, pulling forces to just one area is a sure way to destroy them in the very first period.
    3. -3
      24 July 2021 11: 02
      Quote: svp67
      Well, in principle, in anticipation of our teachings, it is quite a reasonable decision, although it is not welcomed by me

      They want to cut more money before scattering .. I think the last shelling will be the most massive .. And then they will run screaming.
  3. -3
    24 July 2021 10: 29
    Great place to test lancets
    1. +3
      24 July 2021 10: 48
      In-in. If there is no type of technique - maybe it makes sense to make it so that it did not exist?
      1. -1
        24 July 2021 10: 54
        Yeah, no, and no trial.
  4. 0
    24 July 2021 10: 31
    The pan-headed skakuas will finish playing, which will come to a real war.
  5. +2
    24 July 2021 10: 34
    They said clearly - climb - get snot. But the people are vile, they strive from under the tishka. Well, why drag heavy weapons closer to the line, and even so obviously? Some kind of air defense invented ... Is that preparing an offensive? Yes, not at all. Dancing with a tambourine.
    1. +4
      24 July 2021 10: 53
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      They said clearly - climb - get snot.

      This is the goal they can set for themselves, hoping for our response. Only a major provocation with a resonance comparable to MH2 can somehow influence the shutdown of PS-17. If the dog has already started growling at the owner who feeds it, then it may soon break loose from the chain. Already in September-October, Ukraine may not have enough money to supply heat to housing and communal services, and two-thirds of the budget will have to go to servicing the existing state debt. This may result in a revolt by the population. They urgently need an escalation in Donbass. They want to disrupt all agreements on SP-2 with this escalation. Zelensky is in a panic. He does not know what else to do to counter the agreement between Moscow and Berlin. He understood perfectly well that all the statements by Merkel and Biden in Washington on assistance to Ukraine are complete bullshit. So we should expect provocations.
    2. +3
      24 July 2021 10: 55
      Mountain shooter
      But the people are vile, they strive from under the tishka.

      Quite Bandera methods, nothing new, they are also disguised near residential buildings. Jump one fine day.
  6. +6
    24 July 2021 10: 34
    It's time for the "Russian occupiers" to return the historical Russian lands to Russia.
    Crimea was returned - it didn't get any worse.
    And put in the history of Ukraine greasy point, there has never been such a state and should never be.
    1. +2
      24 July 2021 11: 47
      Quote: prior
      to return to Russia the historical Russian lands.

      And where are the people?
      How many of them agree to become Russians?
      1. +1
        24 July 2021 12: 12
        It’s clear where, to give out lace panties and cancer in gayrope. They dream about it so much. Only it seems to me that most of the khataskrayniks will instantly change their clothes and rush to the distillation to hand over to each other with screams, we have always been the most Russian, this is my neighbor Bandera.
        1. +1
          24 July 2021 13: 26
          Quote: Rusticolus
          it seems to me that most of the khataskrayniks will instantly change their clothes and

          And why are we such fellow citizens?
          1. 0
            24 July 2021 14: 12
            And why are we such fellow citizens?
            To us - unnecessarily. Even if you put them on a reservation to feed themselves, they will still sit and wait for someone to come and feed them for free. It is better for them to go to the Poles, they will at least make to wash the toilet bowls from under the stick.
  7. +4
    24 July 2021 10: 36
    Do the forelocks really believe that their "planet Shelesyak" is needed by someone and NATO will fight for them?
    1. +1
      24 July 2021 10: 54
      Quote: Andrey Nikolaevich
      Do the forelocks really believe that their "planet Shelesyak" is needed by someone and NATO will fight for them?

  8. -1
    24 July 2021 10: 39
    We have forgotten the north wind, and it doesn’t always blow from the wrong direction.
    1. 0
      24 July 2021 12: 17
      Quote: tralflot1832
      We have forgotten the north wind, and it doesn’t always blow from the wrong direction.

      Wind, wind! You are mighty, You drive away flocks of clouds, You stir the blue sea, You blow everywhere in the open. You fear no one, Except God alone. Or will you refuse me an answer?
  9. +2
    24 July 2021 10: 48
    The Ukrainian Armed Forces continues to pull heavy military equipment to the contact line

    We have every right to pull Russian heavy equipment to the borders (which can reach the annoying ones).
    We have the right to submit an application to the IOC to deprive Ukraine of the right to take part in the Olympic Games as a country in a state of civil war and accuse it of genocide of the Russian-speaking population and citizens of the Russian Federation.
    1. +1
      24 July 2021 11: 35
      Quote: ROSS 42
      We have every right to pull Russian heavy equipment to the borders

      So they are trying to get the whole world to crow "russiansakhressor" !.
      1. -2
        24 July 2021 12: 28
        Quote: Jacket in stock
        So they are doing this, so that to crow all over the world

        Do we need to pay attention to the crows of all kinds of roosters? belay
        We are for state sovereignty and security. Yes
        1. -2
          24 July 2021 13: 21
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Do we need to pay attention to the crows of all kinds of roosters?

          While our weight category is at the level of Portugal, we will have to.
          1. -1
            24 July 2021 14: 14
            Quote: Jacket in stock
            While our weight class is at the level

            In a situation where European courts, the authorities of European countries, officials and Western institutions will keep Russian owners behind "testicles", the country and its population (because the definition is a people, for the mass of people, tacitly contemplating how their homeland is being plundered and human resources low salaries and different positions) will be pushed around even by lame chickens living in the West.
            Agree, after the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s, little belongs to the population in the country. This can be seen even in the way laws and amendments are passed that worsen the life of an ordinary citizen.
  10. KCA
    24 July 2021 10: 53
    It is not clear what they want, after the scam from Motor Sich, Comrade Xi will support in the UN Security Council any moves of Comrade Pu, uncoordinated actions of NATA against the Russian Federation will easily lead to World War III
    1. +1
      24 July 2021 11: 34
      Quote: KCA
      Comrade Xi will support any moves of Comrade Pu in the UN Security Council

      Yes, as it turns out, Comrade Xi’s comrades have their own views on the outskirts.
      They just started an agreement on investments in the reconstruction of transport infrastructure.
      1. KCA
        24 July 2021 11: 40
        They can start anything, but who will give it to them? For now, the US has the 404 tit, not China, and there are not many options here, should the US/China hold a tender?
        1. +2
          24 July 2021 11: 44
          Quote: KCA
          to arrange a tender for the USA / China?

          Yes, they already do not hesitate to talk about it out loud.
          So we can also see this.
          Whoever gives money will be loved.
          1. KCA
            24 July 2021 11: 46
            Did they give little money for Motor Sich? Ordered and hung up
    2. 0
      24 July 2021 12: 06
      Yes, everything is as usual. In this Ukrainian mess, everyone was conditionally divided into two groups. Some want power, others have enough money. If the decision to place additional equipment was made by the first, then this may be a hint from the United States about who has the levers of control and is ready to become the next president. If the latter, then it is banal to hide the traces of theft in a small mess.
  11. +1
    24 July 2021 10: 58
    Do not interfere with them, bring your end closer. Of course, if Putin is not yap!
    1. 0
      24 July 2021 15: 36
      Who there promised not to raise the retirement age and not to change the constitution?
  12. 0
    24 July 2021 11: 43
    Ukraine continues to pull heavy military equipment to the demarcation line, placing it in settlements and hiding it from OSCE observers.

    The OSCE in Ukraine is a deaf-mute girl. She sees what is being done under her skirt, but she can't object, the pimp will punish her. crying
  13. 0
    24 July 2021 11: 48
    What do you want from the fascists? In the Ukrainian Novomirgorod, a children's team called "Hitlerites" took part in street basketball competitions during the celebration of the City Day. Igor Nemirovsky, a native of Novomirgorod, ex-deputy head of the State Agricultural Inspection of Ukraine, drew attention to this on his Facebook page.
    The first time he heard the judges announce the name of the team, the man decided that he had misheard
  14. +2
    24 July 2021 11: 52
    They have been pulling for the 8th year and what's next, how long can you mock people? We have already gotten sick of the problems of this understatement, we would have tackled our own problems, otherwise we are slipping into the same place, we are not so different from the independent ones, and on many issues it is even worse.
  15. 0
    24 July 2021 12: 00
    The main thing is that the coordinates of this technique are plotted on the target maps and correspond to reality at the right time.
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. +1
    24 July 2021 14: 02
    Also, reconnaissance discovered the installation of anti-tank mines in the area of ​​the village of Marinka, mining of the territories adjacent to the settlements continues.

    This is how much work will be done later ...
  18. -1
    24 July 2021 15: 56
    Isn't it time for the DRG of Novorossia to destroy the military equipment of the Bandera regime?