On the eve of the Mongol invasion. Golden empire

On the eve of the Mongol invasion. Golden empire

In the 20s. X century the state of the Khitan, Liao, seized part of the Jurchen tribes and settled them in the area of ​​Liaoyang, calling northeast.


The Jurchen (Nyuzhen) are associated with the legendary Sushi tribes that lived in the south of Manchuria. These are the tribes of the Tungus language group, they are also the ancestors of the Manchus. In the X century. these tribes were at the tribal stage of development.

Their appearance and customs amazed the Chinese from the Song dynasty. They were divided into nomadic and sedentary tribes who were engaged in agriculture and breeding of domestic animals, as well as hunting. Nomads moved their leather tents on cows. The sedentary lived in insulated semi-dugouts, given the harsh climate of their habitats from the borders of Korea to the mouth of the Amur. It was an absolutely subsistence economy, where everything needed was produced within the clan, and then - a large family.

The horse was an integral part of a man's life, and his favorite pastime was equestrian competitions, and then drinking and discussing races. The horse was the best dowry. The best horse, along with the slaves, was sacrificed at the funeral of noble persons.

Ordinary members of the community in winter wore caftans made of skins, noblemen wore fur coats made of foxes or sables, and the underwear was made of skins or white canvas. Men wore beards and long hair, which they did not braid in braids, but in their hair they weaved patches of fabric, with pearls or precious stones.

The hair was supported by a ring; the nobility had a ring of gold.

Their appearance seemed extremely repulsive, and their actions were deceitful, cruel and insidious. Rustic, but despising death, hardy and belligerent. At the same time, opponents had the highest opinion of their fighting qualities.

The soldiers had protective weapons, shells that differed from place in the ranks. The bulk fought with bows, armed with swords. The commanders, depending on their rank, had insignia: a mallet, a flag, a drum, a banner and a gold drum.

Armament of the Jurchens. From the excavations of V.E. Medvedev

The forward detachment consisted of riders and horses protected by shells, spearmen. There were twenty of them, "steadfast", followed by 50 archers from bows, protected by light armor, followed by 30 horsemen-archers without protection.

Subsequently, in the Jin empire, the equipment of armored troops was constantly increased, this weapon was later used by the Mongols and the Jurchens who went over to their side, with them it reached the west, to Central Asia and beyond.

The Jurchen cavalry, the flying cavalry, made long campaigns, and the huge rivers, the Amur or the Yellow River, they crossed by swimming, holding on to their horses.

Koreans and Khitan people believed that the basis of their life was war. Which is quite consistent with the situation when there was a disintegration or the beginning of the disintegration of tribal relations and the transition to a neighboring community. The head of the clan and tribe (Boytsile or Tszedushi) was elected at a meeting of all relatives, although this position by the XI century. and became hereditary, it would be more accurate to say - the elections came from one noble family. All issues of war and peace, negotiations, warfare were discussed at the meeting, where everyone could speak with their opinion. All participants sat in a circle and spoke on the issues on the agenda from “lowest” to highest, and the head of the clan chose the “best”, while the author of the proposal was obliged to fulfill it.

This situation persisted even after the creation of the Jurchen empire.

Relations between clans and tribes were regulated by unwritten laws, the first of which was "blood feud". This is how the "wild", according to the Khitan, the Jurchen and the "Nyuzhi of the Eastern Sea" lived in the indigenous places of their habitat. They lived in Primorye, Amur region (RF) and northern Manchuria (PRC).

Creation of a tribal union

At the end of the X century. a war began between the Jurchens and the Khitan in the area of ​​the r. Yala, the Koreans also entered into this strife against the first. Clashes and invasions went on in a continuous series, finally, the advantage was on the side of Liao and Koryo. In such conditions, under the influence of external factors, the Jurchens begin to consolidate the tribes to repel external aggression.

The tribes led by the Shi family began to unite other tribes. Shulu, the son of Suike, from the Wanyan clan, came to power, and he was the leader who became the founder of the "barbaric" potestary education of the Jurchens. Having agreed on peace with the Liao and Koryo empires, he began to carry out "reforms" among his tribes, which could not but cause a reaction from the tribal elite. The Nyuzhen tribes entered the period of transition to a territorial community, which in nomadic societies is often associated with the strengthening of a single leader as a conductor of the ideas of all communities:

“Since other generations still did not follow the decrees and teachings, Shura sent an army against them up to the Qinling and Boshan mountains (White Mountain). Calming the submissive and subduing the disobedient, he entered Subin and Elan and conquered all the places he reached. "

His policy was continued by his son Ugunai, he also began to actively arm the army, acquiring armor and iron. He formally received power from Emperor Liao over the wild Jurchens, but refused to receive the "seal", thereby not becoming an official vassal of the Khitan emperor. Under his successors, the struggle against tribal independence resulted in long wars and battles. Gradually, the "laws" of the Wanyan tribe extended to all Jurchens, and tribal leaders began to be replaced by governors:

"From here came the penalty of thirty horses and thirty cows, paid in the principality of Nui-chzhi for committing murder by someone."

At the beginning of the XII century. the struggle for the "laws of the vanyan" continued, the neighboring Khitan also participated in these strife, and this was their big mistake:

“Here the people of the principality of Nui-chzhi,” it is written in “Jin shi”, “learned the weakness of the Dailiao army.”

This happened during the reign of Yingge (Yengge), who already had 1000 riders in armor:

"With such an army, - it is written in"Stories Golden Empire "- what can not be done!"

The Jurchens decided to take advantage of Liao's weakness at once. But they were overtaken by the Goryeo state, which also understood that the weakened Liao gave the Koreans a chance to become a hegemon in the region. In 1108, they simultaneously attacked the coastal Jurchens on dry land and landed troops from the sea - 5000 Jurchens were taken prisoner, and the same number were killed. Fortresses were built on their lands and Korean colonies were created. The leader of the tribal union Uyasu gathered a council, where it was decided to start a war, to which the militias of all tribes were called up. After stubborn clashes and sieges, Primorye was liberated from the Koreans.

Reconstruction by L.A. Bobrov from the article "Soldiers of the" Golden Empire "in the magazine" PARA BELLVM "

Gold beats iron

The war consolidated forces, and the victory made it possible to start a war with the southern neighbors, the Khitan empire. In 1114, Taizu Agudu came to power, who started a war with Liao. On the river The Yangtze they met with the one hundred thousandth army of Khitan. Most likely, as it happens in history, the number of the enemy was greatly overestimated, since Agudu crossed the river with 3,5 thousand horsemen. The Kidans fled, and the attackers got a lot of prey. In 1115, Taizu declared himself emperor, and named the empire Golden, as opposed to the Iron Empire of the Khitan.

The iron of the Liao empire rusted, the emperor gathered a 270 thousandth army from his Chinese subjects, but was defeated by the Jurchen: from that moment on, Liao's troops could not resist the northern horsemen. In 1120, Liao recognized the imperial dignity of Taizu Khan, but it was too late, the Jurchens took the Khitan capitals and suppressed numerous demonstrations of the conquered. Most of the Khitan fled to the west and east, many remained under the new rule, whole provinces and "generals" (jiangjun) were transferred to the service of the new masters. Those who have entered the service of the Jurchens, such as the Chinese Li Cheng and Kun Yang-jou, or the leader of the huge gang Wang Bolong, and the Khidans, such as Prince Yului Yuidu, are also placed as "generals".

At the same time, Taizu Khan sought to ensure the legitimacy of his power, demanded not to disturb new subjects and ensure security in all the conquered lands.

In 1125, the emperor of the Iron Empire was captured and deposed, about which the allied Song empire was notified, and the Jurchens began a war with which the Jurchens immediately began.

Song's hope that the northern barbarians, having defeated Liao, would stop, did not come true.

At the same time, on the northern border, the Mongol tribes, despite a good relationship with their sister state Liao, conducted trade with the Jin Empire, which was considered as a tribute.

And the threat of defeat hung over Song. The first assault on the capital was repulsed by the commander Li Gang, who organized a reliable defense. But after he was removed from office by intrigues, new conquerors quickly captured the capital of Song - Kaifeng. Here the conquerors created a puppet state, the Chu empire, but after their departure the Sung people seized the territory back, executing the Chinese emperor Zhang Ban-chan.

In 1127, the Emperor of the Song Empire, Qin Tsung (1100–1161), was captured and taken north. It seemed that Song had come to an end, the Jurchens were moving inland. But the emperor's brother, Zhao Gou, revived a dynasty called the Southern Song, and Lin'an (Hangzhou) became the capital.

In 1130, Prince Wushu with a huge army plundered the Song lands beyond the Yellow River, but could not return, since the crossing was blocked fleet... In such conditions, Wushu was attacked by a small elite army (8 thousand) Song. The commander's wife, Liang Hongyu, led the detachment, which was beating drums hard. The Jurchens took them for the drummers of a huge army and went to negotiations, leaving the booty. But Song's rare victories did not change the situation.

In the conditions of the collapse of the authorities, local militias entered the struggle: in the area of ​​the Taihanshan ridge, the Army of Red Armbands operated, in the territory of Hebei, Shanxi - the Army of Eight Words, and the soldiers' faces were embossed:

"Serve the homeland with all our hearts, we swear to destroy the Jin bandits."

Such resistance caused anger on the part of the Jurchens and mass executions.

In 1134-1140. the war on the part of Song was led by the popular and experienced commander, the national hero of China, Yue Fei:

"It is easier to move a mountain than to move Yue Fei's warriors."

Coming from a simple community member's family, and not from the military nobility, at the age of 14 he became a famous archer, mastered the martial art of fighting with a spear. He still fought against the Khitan and achieved success in battles with the Jurchens, capturing a bridgehead in the north of the Yellow River. But at the Sung court, supporters of reconciliation with the invincible Jurchens prevailed. Yue Fei was treacherously captured and executed. At his modern tomb are four tied figures of officials who betrayed the Song and killed the general.

Monument to bound traitors at the grave of Yue Fei, China

In 1141, the border between the Golden Empire and the Chinese state was established:

“From the kingdom of Song, the nobleman Tsao-hsun arrived as an ambassador,” reports “Jin shi”, “with a promise to present 250 thousand lans of silver and 250 thousand pieces of silk fabrics annually, to make the Huai-he river border the river and to keep indestructible oath promises forever from generation to generation. ... In the third month, Emperor Xi-tsun, as a result of reconciliation with the kingdom of Song, sent to this amban Liu-hsien with imperial clothes and a crown, with a jasper letterhead and a letter of enthronement; made the Sung Kan-wan-geu emperor. "

So both the Chinese state of Song and Koryo became vassals to the Jin empire. One could use the adjective "powerful" to this empire, but the coming events will show that this is not so.

Hero of the Chinese people, commander Yue Fei. Later image, XNUMXth century.

In the 40s, a war began on the northern borders of the Golden Empire, it was waged against the Mongol tribes, and in it, oddly enough, the latter won. Of course, this was due to the fact that the Jurchen troops fought with the Song, nevertheless, peace was concluded in 1147, 17 fortifications to the north of the river were ceded to the Mongols. Xininghe (Huangshui). The empire recognized the title of the sovereign of the Mongol state for Khabul Khan (Aolo bozile).

Building a new empire

At the same time, the creation of a new state began, or, more precisely, an early state. The Jurchens, using the Chinese and Khitan experience, create their own power attributes. In 1125, the state Jurchen language was created, and in 1137 Khitan and Chinese were recognized as state languages. External attributes of power were accepted: ceremonial dresses, ceremonial, orders. The Jurchens immediately began to use the Chinese system of government and ideology: astrologers, fortune-telling, the use of poetry in palace ceremonies, an emphasis on instructive stories from the past Chinese history, to which the conquerors were no strangers. Finally, writing an all-China history. At the same time, state higher institutions and the Academy of Sciences were established.

Jin empire map. Source: Cities of medieval empires of the Far East / otv. ed. N.N. Kradin. M., 2018

It must be understood that for such a huge, multi-tribal territory, with a dense sedentary population in the center and in the south, the Jurchen tribal union did not have any mechanisms and systems, and they were forced to borrow them. In the 30s. a unified Chinese system of government was introduced, but the supreme power was in the hands of the Jurchen aristocracy. Despite the administrative division according to the Chinese model, the Jurchen territorial communities remain an important component of the potestar system of the Golden "Empire" and exist in parallel with the local authorities subordinate to the capital. And in 1200, exams were introduced for officials according to the Chinese model, according to sacred books and history. Thus, the "History of the Golden Empire" reports under 1180 that the Jurchen communities of Men'an and Mouke fell into luxury and drunkenness. Meanwhile, despite the fact that all the Chinese, Khitan, Bohans, Tibetans, Tanguts and other ethnic groups of the empire were obliged to serve in the army, the Jurchen cavalry remained the basis of the army. Emperor Shi-Tzu emphasized that the traditional customs of the Nyuncha are being forgotten. Indeed, under the influence of the higher culture of the Chinese civilization, its material and spiritual, officials, and not only they, as the same emperor said, adopt Chinese customs, Chinese language, clothes, and even names and surnames. Bribery and exorbitant spending on officials and the army, which did not meet the needs of the country or the economy, flourished as an obligatory attribute of the bureaucracy, which was not placed under real control.

That is, for a person's consciousness during the period of disintegration of the tribal community and the natural economy of the Jurchens, getting into the "luxurious" world of a sedentary civilization was disastrous. In just some 50 years, the harsh and formidable warriors, under the influence of material wealth, turn into officials, similar to the Chinese, or into ordinary peasants. In 1185, there was an episode when the emperor saw that both his guards and the army had forgotten how to shoot from a bow - and in fact, quite recently, they were desperate horse-archers. And in 1188, it was forbidden to drink wine to officials, one must think, at workplaces, and to the military, on guard.

Undoubtedly, this is the fate of most of the ethnic groups-conquerors of the period of the territorial-neighboring community, if they were inferior in number to the sedentary population. So, the same Bulgars dissolved in the Slavic environment in the Balkans.

And any nomadic ethnic groups, having joined the fruits of civilization, lose their belligerence. The territorial community, at one stage or another, dominated the entire territory of modern China in the XNUMXth century.

The development of such societies is possible only due to external aggression, and such opportunities for the Golden Empire were limited, as before, there was a parity between the three empires of Jin, Song and Xi Xia. Control of the northwestern steppes did not bring such material benefits as the war with the Song. The Jurchens successfully exchanged Chinese slaves for horses. Of course, the Mongols considered the Jurchens as enemies, and the latter, in turn, supported clashes between tribes in the steppe. The Tatar tribe acted on their side, they even captured the son of the Mongol Khabul Khan, Ambagai Kagan, and handed him over to the Golden Empire, where he was brutally executed, his brother, Khutula Khan, who made a campaign against the Golden Empire, became his successor. the army of the Jurchens and the Tatars defeated it, and the Mongol tribal union collapsed in 1160. Nevertheless, the Jurchens periodically raided the Mongolian tribes in order to regulate the population by means of the sword:

"... in Shandong and Hebei, no matter whose house there were Tatar [children] who were bought and turned into little slaves — they were all captured and brought by the troops."

The word "Tatars" was used to refer to all northern barbarians from the Mongol tribes.

And the Mongols made retaliatory raids on them, this is how Yesugei-bahadur, the father of Genghis Khan, acted.

Turtle from the grave of the Jurchen commander. Ussuriysk, RF

At the same time, the Southern Song Empire did not abandon its attempts to regain their lands, but, despite the above information, the Jurchens were superior to them militarily. After another clash, in 1164, Song asked for peace:

"In this sheet, the Sung sovereign, calling himself by name, wrote that he, as a nephew to his uncle, humbly presents a report to the emperor of the great kingdom of Jin, and promised to present two hundred thousand ends of silk fabrics and two hundred thousand lans of silver annually."

In 1204, the Song began a new campaign to the north. Jin, gathering combined troops, defeated the attackers. Already at this time, the Jurchen troops consisted of forces of various ethnic groups, including Tibetan tribes from the west of the empire.

The Songs were defeated and were forced to hand over the heads of the commanders, the initiators of the war with the Golden Empire, Han-to-chou and Sushi-dan.

This was the situation in the Jin Empire on the eve of the Mongol invasion.

Sources and literature:

Rashid ad-Din. Collection of chronicles. Volume I. Book 2. M., 1952.
Goncharov SN Chinese medieval diplomacy: relations between the Jin and Song empires 1127–1142. M., 1986.
History of the East. Vol. III. M., 1993.
History of the Golden Empire / Per. G.M. Rozova, comments. A.G. Malyavkina. Novosibirsk. 1998.
Kychanov EI History of ancient and medieval states bordering on China (from Huns to Manchus). SPb., 2010.
Prokopets S.D. Local traditions of production and evolution of Jurzhen armor plates // Vestnik DVO. No. 3. 2013.
Kradin N.N. A. L. Ivleev History of the Khitan Liao Empire (907 -1125). M., 2014.

To be continued ...
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241 comment
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  1. +6
    27 July 2021 18: 34
    "The word" Tatars "was used to refer to all northern barbarians from the Mongol tribes." (C)
    Good evening.
    Could explain in which documents the Mongols from the northern tribes were called so.
    1. +9
      27 July 2021 19: 19
      Alexander hi
      The first thing that comes to mind is the Chinese chronicle "Hei-da shi-lue"
      She divided the northern nomadic peoples into three sections: WHITE, BLACK and WILD TATARS (* širbei ~ shirvoy or shiroi. That is why a second version of their transcription appeared somewhat later (during the Sui dynasty, 589 - 618), i.e. 室韋shiwei.)
      The first mention of the Tatars in the Chinese texts is precisely dated - this is November 842. Moreover, this dated text does not say that it was the Chinese themselves who first met the Tatars for the first time. On the contrary, it says that the ambassadors of the Kyrgyz Kaganate first informed them about the Tatars.
      1. +9
        27 July 2021 19: 33
        Hi Dmitry! hi
        In this article, more has been written about the Tatar tribes than about the Mongols. Although the article is called "On the Eve of the Mongol Invasion. The Golden Empire
        Edward promised to provide sources.
        Wait! stop
        1. +5
          27 July 2021 20: 49
          Yes. The question remains: where are the invasions?
    2. +11
      27 July 2021 21: 45
      Dear Alexander, welcome.
      Russian translations:
      Mongolian sources about Dayan Khan. M., 1986.
      Peng Da-ya and Xu Tina "Brief information about the black Tatars" // PV. 1960. No. 5
      Munkuev N.Ts. Chinese sources about the first Mongol khans. M.6 1965.
      And, of course, The Secret Legend.
      As is considered by most researchers, let us leave L.N. Gumilyov a little aside, the Chinese, previously, primarily dealt with the Tatar tribal unions, which I am writing about.
      By the XIII century. the Tatars were defeated, first by the forces of the Golden Empire, and completely destroyed by Genghis Khan. Of course, some of them even went to serve in the Golden Empire.
      But their name became the name for the Mongol union of Genghis Khan. Tatars (dada) - this is how the Chinese stubbornly call them, knowing full well that their self-name is Mongols, well, of course, they were also called by the Mongols and Tatar-Mongols in the Sun empire.
      And in the Russian chronicles they are clearly called Tatars or Tatars-Mongols.
      So with the ethnonym "Tatars" there are no riddles and tips, everything is simple.
      By the way, the same thing with China - I wrote about this - the name came to the Turks, and then to us - from the name of the Khidane, the Liao empire.
      Everything is the same: there are no Khitan, China has a different self-name, and all the neighbors call the territory China.
      So, another empire, on the other side of the world, Byzantium, stubbornly called any northern newcomers Tavro-Scythians, for example, Russia.
      This gave rise to some impressionable and romantic historians to build the Rus to the Scythians)))
      A casket just opened
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +6
        28 July 2021 06: 31
        Good morning!
        Thanks for the detailed answer.
  2. Cat
    27 July 2021 18: 43
    The article is, of course, interesting, but I suspect that the majority of VO readers are familiar with the history of China, to put it mildly, superficially. I, for example, very approximately imagine it. Well, there is Xia, Shang, Zhou, the era of the warring kingdoms, then Qin Shi Huang, the empire, the Mongols - and China of the new era. But this is the first time I hear about the kingdom of Koryo. Alas for us request
    1. +6
      27 July 2021 19: 15
      most VO readers are familiar with the history of China, to put it mildly, superficially
      This is so.
    2. +2
      27 July 2021 19: 30
      Further, some fantastic transformations take place with the Chinese Tatars. According to L.N. Gumilev, "in the XIII century ... the Tatars began to be considered as part of the Mongols ... and the name of the Tatars in Asia passed to the Volga Turks, where over time it turned into an ethnonym"
      link: L.N. Gumilev about the ethnos and ethnonym "Tatars"
      1. +4
        27 July 2021 19: 35
        Well, I'm about the same.
      2. +2
        27 July 2021 20: 44
        Gumilev, as a source, is a complete paragraph!
        1. +4
          27 July 2021 20: 45
          Gumilev, as a source, is a complete paragraph!

          As the source of what?
          1. +3
            27 July 2021 20: 53
            Source of knowledge about the second "onslaught on the West"
            1. +3
              27 July 2021 20: 58
              The conclusion is not correct. What does the source of knowledge have to do with it?
              And here's what the phrase is:
              "In the XIII century ... the Tatars began to be considered as part of the Mongols ... and the name of the Tatars in Asia passed to the Volga Turks, where over time it turned into an ethnonym (s)"

              belongs to Gumilyov, there is no getting away from it Yes
              Or do you disagree with this?
              1. +5
                27 July 2021 21: 06
                I disagree. Gumilev is a "terrorist from history". Just like Fomenko and Pyzhikov.
                1. +2
                  27 July 2021 21: 28
                  Gumilev is a "terrorist from history".

                  Good. One side was assessed.
                  Now let's hear the second side. What is your version of the history of the ethnonym "Tatars"?
                  1. +5
                    27 July 2021 21: 40
                    Dismiss, Dmitry!
                    My path is the European Middle Ages ...
                2. +6
                  27 July 2021 21: 35
                  "terrorist from history".

                  Eck you him, sick! bully

                  1. +4
                    27 July 2021 21: 42
                    You know, uncle, I can ...
                    1. +9
                      27 July 2021 21: 51
                      What's true is true. smile It's a pity that I'm completely out of business here, all my knowledge about the Tatars is limited to the area of ​​Trubnaya Street in Moscow.
                      "- I am a Muslim! - Genka Abdurakhmanov said loudly, knocked over a glass of vodka and ate it with a pork chop."
                      That is, in fact, all my knowledge of the subject, but it's nice to remember. drinks
                      1. +5
                        27 July 2021 22: 01
                        Daddy! Meanwhile, I read the Koran ... Nothing differs from the Bible ...
                        God is one, providers are different ...
                      2. +7
                        27 July 2021 22: 31
                        That is why I never believed either one or the other, or the third. Let them hurt their foreheads, if there is nothing else to do. laughing
                        However, the further, the worse. Allahu Akbar, and even though the grass does not grow there. negative And there is no machine gun in the garden, and our children’s kitchen knives are taken away, if things continue to go on. request
                      3. +5
                        28 July 2021 10: 33
                        Meanwhile, I read the Koran ...

                        Wait, did you read it in Arabic? I don't know much about Islam, enlighten me.
                      4. +6
                        28 July 2021 12: 53
                        Available in Russian. For popularization, so to speak. belay
                      5. +3
                        28 July 2021 13: 28
                        Available in Russian. For popularization, so to speak.

                        I did not know. Fair.
                      6. +5
                        28 July 2021 13: 44
                        Well, I also passed by. Why?
                      7. +4
                        28 July 2021 14: 16
                        In Russian.
                        And today I gave the second excursion.
                      8. +3
                        28 July 2021 14: 19
                        And today I gave the second excursion.

                        It's time to release you to the masses. what You stubbornly refuse to dance striptease, so you need to become a guide. lol A kind guide ...
                        But seriously - congratulations! The material can be supplemented. Do you remember I sent you footnotes to art history material? drinks
                      9. +4
                        28 July 2021 14: 25
                        Yes. Not to the masses, but "in circulation", for soon the sand will fall.
                        And not a striptease, but a tango. Which, alas, remained at the initial level.
                      10. +3
                        28 July 2021 14: 29
                        Yes. Not to the masses, but "in circulation", for soon the sand will fall.

                        This is a personal matter for everyone. stop Look at Valera Leontyev - such a sweetheart at his age! good

                        We'll throw in on botox and foundation. Yes And the muscles - myself, dear, myself! request Even though you look good as it is. Do not slander yourself! good
                      11. +5
                        28 July 2021 14: 33
                        We'll throw in on botox and foundation.
                        Sadly, Carlson! I was counting on the dog ... crying
                      12. +4
                        28 July 2021 14: 34
                        Sadly, Carlson! I was counting on the dog ...

                        Kid, but botox is better than a dog! request
                      13. +4
                        28 July 2021 14: 40
                        Are you or botox?
                        And generally speaking:
                        "Stem cells,
                        Sokolova Svetka,
                        Svetka Sokolova,
                        My classmate! "(C)
                      14. +5
                        28 July 2021 15: 02
                        Is this not that? Not photoshop, hour? The muzzle of the face is not tuned? laughing
                        If you look at the photos of Plushenko's wife, her legs grow from her neck! laughing
                      15. +4
                        28 July 2021 15: 17
                        Is the muzzle of the face not tuned?

                        Ironing from the best couture. The muscles were inflated through a tube. fellow
                        In general, Valera is gorgeous! good
                      16. +4
                        28 July 2021 15: 40
                        Quote: Pane Kohanku
                        In general, Valera is gorgeous!

                        Are you lying naked on stage in a fishnet?
                        It's just that you are Valery Leontiev! wassat
                      17. +5
                        28 July 2021 16: 36
                        "In general, Valera is gorgeous!"
                        Immediately! Hopefully, as a performer? laughing laughing laughing
                        "Vernissage" - like it! good And a few more songs. From the last one, to my shame, I have not heard anything.
                      18. +4
                        28 July 2021 16: 37
                        "In general - Valera is gorgeous!" hi
                      19. +2
                        28 July 2021 16: 40
                        have sunk, we are discussing the peasants!

                        We are quiet! lol And exclusively from the point of view of art and stage image! stop
                      20. +5
                        28 July 2021 17: 21
                        "- Well why ??? Why don't you want to give me this role ???? I played Pushkin and Yesenin! I even played Jesus Christ! .... Why, even Vysotsky !!!!
                        - You see, Seryozha, ... Anna Akhmatova, mmmm ... in a way - a woman .... "
                      21. +4
                        28 July 2021 16: 41
                        Ha, ha, ha, ha! laughing laughing laughing
                        And this is just the beginning ????? laughing
                      22. +2
                        28 July 2021 16: 53
                        And this is just the beginning

                        Maybe Alexander just doesn't like Valera? How is the performer? Well, he doesn't like pop music. Maybe he needs Red Hot Chily Peppers? request friendly joke!drinks
                      23. +4
                        28 July 2021 17: 25
                        Leontiev, as a singer, is very good. And as a person who looks after his physical form and stage image is a very positive example.
                        Everything else from the evil one am
                        So I'm already discussing men! tongue
                        And they say it's not contagious!
                      24. +4
                        28 July 2021 17: 40
                        Sasha, Sasha, this is very contagious! laughing laughing laughing

                        But nothing, we are always there! Soooo! It turned out ambiguously.
                      25. +1
                        29 July 2021 09: 22
                        But nothing, we are always there! Soooo! It turned out ambiguously.

                        The music was already playing in my head ... laughing
                        If you remember, she also sounded in our cartoon "Polygon".

                      26. +2
                        29 July 2021 09: 44
                        Hi Nikolay! The melody is wonderful! Orchestra of Paul Mary? Am I not mistaken? hi
                        In "Blue Oyster" it is still funnier. In my opinion.
                      27. +1
                        29 July 2021 09: 52
                        Paul Maria Orchestra? Am I wrong?

                        Hello, Sergey! drinks Yes, by the Moriah Orchestra. And the melody was used from the song "Tanha Shodam" by the Afghan (!) Composer Ahmad Zahir. Yes
                      28. +2
                        29 July 2021 09: 55
                        Oops! Surprised, buddy! I didn't know that. Excellent! hi
                      29. +1
                        29 July 2021 09: 23
                        And as a person who looks after his physical form and stage image is a very positive example.

                        This is what I meant! Yes
                      30. +2
                        29 July 2021 09: 53
                        And no one doubted it am
                      31. +2
                        28 July 2021 20: 32
                        Damn, don't tell! negative Although what a man he is, it’s a misunderstanding of an incomprehensible sex. laughing
                      32. +1
                        28 July 2021 21: 44
                        Well, this is not a roadside tavern since the Thirty Years War !? What we have is what we are discussing ...
                      33. +2
                        28 July 2021 17: 10
                        Does he care about you? fellow
                      34. +2
                        28 July 2021 17: 12
                        Does he care about you?

                        I just gave it to you as an example. And then he began here: "the sand is pouring" ... And he himself looks better than me! laughing
                      35. +3
                        28 July 2021 16: 33
                        Did you train on us like on rabbits?
                        It's a shame, however!
                      36. +3
                        28 July 2021 16: 44
                        And you trained on us like on rabbits

                        Warming up! By the way, before I wrote "Petershtadt", I went there three times, and twice - exactly what I told my friends about this fortress. Helps in working on future lines ... what
                        It's a shame, however!

                        Nothing, in a couple of years he will work out all the subtleties, and once again give us a tour! drinks
                      37. +3
                        28 July 2021 17: 20
                        Then he will ask for money!
                      38. +5
                        28 July 2021 18: 03
                        Kozly you all. Pax vobiscum!
                        I didn't like it, I had to spit in the face. All the more, everyone was around us .... No, we, as noble people, will observe "polites" ...
                      39. +3
                        28 July 2021 19: 29
                        You advertised the second excursion so much that you involuntarily think that it was expanded and supplemented by newly discovered facts, for example, throughout our entire A.S. Pushkin good
                      40. +3
                        28 July 2021 21: 13
                        I didn't advertise anything! He just boasted about the experience he was gaining ...
                        The next route - "horse sculptures of St. Petersburg", based on the excursions of Pavel "Pepper" Petrov. With my original bells and whistles. Come and I'll tell you.
                      41. +1
                        29 July 2021 01: 29
                        Meanwhile, I "gathered" you all, and more than once. You were involved in logistics, I don't think you find it an easy task ....
                      42. +2
                        29 July 2021 05: 15
                        Everything was very good, but the fact that we are a little joking is out of envy!
                        Everyone can grind with their tongues, but few can do as you do!
                      43. +2
                        29 July 2021 07: 33
                        I'm trying. Thank you!
                      44. +4
                        28 July 2021 17: 28
                        Yours, with comrades, is the strictest assessment! Mikhail and Nikolay have already thrown "jambs" for me.
                      45. +2
                        29 July 2021 09: 20
                        Mikhail and Nikolay have already thrown "jambs" for me.

                        Let's say I didn't throw jambs at you. stop I just found information about that very hall with antique helmets. You understand, Vespasian and Antinous are our everything. laughing
                      46. +1
                        28 July 2021 21: 30
                        How was it?
                      47. +2
                        29 July 2021 09: 25
                        How was it?

                        Complains that he spent it for free. laughing
                      48. +2
                        29 July 2021 15: 39
                        Nothing. Create a reputation for a couple of years, and then you can't drive up to it on a goat.
                      49. +1
                        29 July 2021 16: 15
                        Nothing. Create a reputation for a couple of years, and then you can't drive up to it on a goat.

                        Uh-huh, it will be proud, for sure. Then he will become a fashionable blogger, start to take care of himself .. Instagram will lead, where he will upload his sirloin three times a day ... he will change the party - we will not be equal to him! wink drinks
                      50. +1
                        29 July 2021 16: 36
                        I do not believe. It's easy to get lost this way.
                      51. +2
                        29 July 2021 16: 40
                        I do not believe. It's easy to get lost this way.

                        Anton won't get lost. stop He is too cute and charismatic, besides, he is wildly straight, in contrast to the bohemian hangout (I hope I did not offend the feelings of non-naturals?). wink he will create his own, separate project, with history and beautiful ladies! drinks
                      52. +2
                        29 July 2021 16: 42
                        I believe. Charisma even breaks through the monitor.
                      53. +2
                        29 July 2021 16: 44
                        I believe. Charisma even breaks through the monitor.

                        ..flows across the screen, and punches right up to tears and ovation ... Yes Sergei, you haven't drunk with him yet! wink
                      54. +2
                        29 July 2021 17: 05
                        Maybe it's time for the Visit Center to arrange a "Tea Party with Anton"?
                      55. +1
                        30 July 2021 09: 16
                        Maybe it's time for the Visit Center to arrange a "Tea Party with Anton"?

                        We will agree on the division of shares in this enterprise ... bully
                      56. +1
                        30 July 2021 15: 53
                        "We are with you, Ostap Ibragimovich, four thousand each" (c).
                      57. +4
                        27 July 2021 22: 30
                        Kasimov is probably a stone's throw from you.
                      58. +6
                        27 July 2021 22: 35
                        And the devil only knows, I have never been there.

                        Hello, Sergey! smile
                      59. +5
                        27 July 2021 22: 38
                        Hi Constantine!

                        Though Meshchera is a small homeland. But from the Ryazan region I was only in Ryazan.
                        And even then just a little.
                      60. +6
                        27 July 2021 22: 51
                        Well, let's be alive, you will come to me for a cup of rum. smile
                      61. +6
                        27 July 2021 22: 54
                        "Note, I did not suggest it" (c).
                      62. +5
                        27 July 2021 23: 03
                        But I thought about it. smile
                      63. +5
                        27 July 2021 23: 05
                        “I am never opposed to useful prospects.
                        I am ready even for the bees in the hive, if only in the collective ”(c).
                      64. +4
                        28 July 2021 00: 05

                        Good night, Sergei, I'm floating away. smile
                      65. +4
                        28 July 2021 03: 18

                        "In the summer, the nights are short" (c).
                      66. +4
                        28 July 2021 13: 29
                        Too short, so did not really fall asleep, alas.
                      67. +4
                        28 July 2021 15: 13
                        We didn’t have time to talk, and it was already dawn.
                      68. +4
                        28 July 2021 14: 24
                        But I thought about it.

                        Thought too loudly ... wink
                        Well, let's be alive, you will come to me for a cup of rum.

                        The cry is like thunder: "Give people some rum!" fellow
                      69. +3
                        28 July 2021 14: 27
                        Quote: Pane Kohanku
                        The cry is like thunder: "Give people some rum!"

                        Why thunder?
                        As I recall, this is Billy Bones drinks
                      70. +6
                        28 July 2021 14: 33
                        As I recall, this is Billy Bones

                        The abbot entered the tavern
                        well, yes, and would be a fool with him,
                        if not for a strange fact -
                        that the jester was with him!
                        drinks (KiSh).
                      71. +4
                        28 July 2021 14: 35
                        Quote: Pane Kohanku
                        The abbot entered the tavern
                        well, yes, and would be a fool with him,
                        if not for a strange fact -
                        that the jester was with him!

                        Fifteen people on the dead man's chest,
                        Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of ROMU!
                        Drink and the devil will take you to the end
                        Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of ROMU! drinks
                      72. +4
                        28 July 2021 14: 52
                        This is Nikolai's associative array. Viktor Nikolaevich, in the fragile brain of a psychologist (by education), harmonizes with the image of the abbot, well, I understand with whom ...
                      73. +3
                        28 July 2021 14: 54
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        This is Nikolai's associative array.

                        It's all cleared up now wassat
                      74. +3
                        28 July 2021 15: 19
                        It's all cleared up now

                        The "potential jester" handed me over like a glass container ... sad But he told the truth! drinks
                      75. +2
                        28 July 2021 15: 26
                        The "potential jester" handed me over like a glass container ...
                        And what do you want from a jester ???
                        "With whom you lead, from that and" fly in "!" (WITH)
                      76. +4
                        28 July 2021 15: 12
                        ... well, and I - it is clear with whom ...

                        Really ...
                      77. +3
                        28 July 2021 15: 19
                        Really ...

                        Uncle Kostya, she's busy. Abbot. Yes
                      78. +3
                        28 July 2021 16: 26
                        They are all (and always) occupied by the "abbot".
                      79. +1
                        28 July 2021 16: 50
                        They are all (and always) occupied by the "abbot".

                        Hmm .. Is that so you, you say, "was engaged in poster painting"? ... as far as I understand, a photo from your personal archive? And are you on the right? drinks
                      80. +3
                        28 July 2021 16: 54
                        This is from my personal archive. laughing
                      81. +3
                        28 July 2021 15: 35
                        Rather, like this:
                      82. +4
                        28 July 2021 16: 12
                        Compatible Compatible. wink
                      83. +3
                        28 July 2021 16: 19
                        Approximately, but not quite. Uncle Kostya, you missed the moment in my "digital" biography when I stopped positioning myself as a "sad Arlecchino" and became an "evil Pierrot".
                      84. +4
                        28 July 2021 16: 31
                        Consciousness forms the image. wink
                      85. +2
                        28 July 2021 16: 42
                        Does not form. Most are held back in their negative impulses. While holding back ...
                      86. +3
                        28 July 2021 17: 00
                        He, too, is waiting in the wings. smile
                      87. +5
                        28 July 2021 14: 38
                        Exactly, it was him.
                      88. +4
                        28 July 2021 14: 31
                        Fifteen people on the dead man's chest,
                        Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

                        Behold, even the dead, and those need rum! laughing

                      89. +3
                        28 July 2021 14: 36
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        and that rum is needed!

                        Especially seasoned! hi
                      90. +3
                        28 July 2021 15: 15
                        Not to drink at once matured will not suffice any exposure! laughing drinks
                      91. ANB
                        28 July 2021 20: 19
                        ... knocked over a glass of vodka and ate it with a pork chop

                        Vodka according to the Koran is possible, since it is not a product of the vine.
                        And if you don't know what pork chop is, then you can too. The one who fed her will be to blame, without warning the faithful that it is from pork. :)
                      92. +3
                        28 July 2021 20: 37
                        Well, Genka was so faithful, it was already scary, port wine also sipped for a sweet soul. smile drinks
                      93. ANB
                        28 July 2021 20: 58
                        ... port wine

                        It depends on what kind of port. If fruit and berry, then it is also not forbidden. And the real one is haram. Only if the mule has written a fatwa.
                      94. +2
                        28 July 2021 21: 41
                        It must be the same! How simple it turns out. smile
              2. +6
                27 July 2021 21: 37
                I think that it belongs to M. Artamonov, Gumilyov only voiced it.
                1. +1
                  28 July 2021 15: 42
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  I think it belongs to M. Artamonov

                  2 messages from different times agreed well:
                  Not to drink at once matured will not suffice any exposure!

                  I think that it belongs to M. Artamonov, Gumilyov only voiced it.

                  And after all, everything turned out so logically drinks
                  1. +3
                    28 July 2021 15: 54
                    Eh ... funny ...
                    Sometimes I think that there are ships of the same "series", but there are people ... However, the idea is not mine, but V. Zvyagintsev's.
            2. +7
              27 July 2021 22: 13
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              Source of knowledge about the second "onslaught on the West"

              Good night Anton. I don’t think I have a fourth or even fifth onslaught in minutes!
              Eduard and the member of the forum, thanks to the article and the comments, read it with pleasure!
              1. +8
                27 July 2021 22: 36
                I fully subscribe to the gratitude! smile drinks
              2. +3
                28 July 2021 14: 55
                I agree. "Pyzhanul" I am a little.
    3. +6
      27 July 2021 19: 33
      Thanks for the article, dear Edward. Very interesting, but there is simply nothing to add - due to too little knowledge of this topic request
      Although the pen of years ago there was an article on this topic here, if I'm not mistaken Shpakovsky
      1. +7
        27 July 2021 21: 47
        Dear Richard,
        Thanks for your rating,
        1. +7
          27 July 2021 21: 59
          What is it for me? request Thank you for the interesting information. Every article you have is new knowledge. I have created an interest in the topic, now I will poke around in the internet
    4. +10
      27 July 2021 19: 40
      Quote: Gato
      The article is, of course, interesting, but I suspect that the majority of VO readers are familiar with the history of China, to put it mildly, superficially. I, for example, very approximately imagine it. Well, there is Xia, Shang, Zhou, the era of the warring kingdoms, then Qin Shi Huang, the empire, the Mongols - and China of the new era. But this is the first time I hear about the kingdom of Koryo. Alas for us request

      This is Korea.
    5. +5
      27 July 2021 19: 43
      I am also amazed with the "Kitay-Gorod" posad and "China" country ..
    6. +9
      27 July 2021 20: 27
      The kingdom of Goryeo was formerly called Korege. Eo Korea. The state was large enough. This is not today's appendix on the peninsula. In the 6th century, it also included the northeastern part of China. The wars against Korege of 6-7 centuries were very difficult for China.
      1. +5
        28 July 2021 02: 12
        Quote: Alexander Trebutsev
        The kingdom of Goryeo was formerly called Korege. Eo Korea. The state was large enough. This is not today's appendix on the peninsula. In the 6th century, it also included the northeastern part of China. The wars against Korege of 6-7 centuries were very difficult for China.

        In the 6-7 centuries, there were three or four independent states on the Korean Peninsula: Goguryeo (north of the peninsula), Baekje (southwest), Silla (central and southeastern part of the peninsula) and one more (I don't remember). At first, the state of Silla subdued all the states on the peninsula. Then, due to the crisis of state power, Silla weakened, riots began, and lost parts of the occupied territories. One of the rebellious rulers was Wang Gong, who founded the state of Goryeo in the north of the country in 918, gave the state a name consonant with the previously existing Goguryeo, probably in order to substantiate the legitimacy of the new state formation. In 935, the last ruler of Silla - Wang Kyungsun abdicated, almost all power on the peninsula passed to the state of Goryeo.
        In general, within the boundaries of the Korean Peninsula there was its own "civil strife" and "fragmentation", the northern state of Koryo fought with the Chinese, and, together, first defended against the Khitan. The influence of the Chinese empires on the Korean states was reflected in culture, weapons, etc.
        1. +1
          28 July 2021 15: 10
          Well, not to add here at all. :)
  3. +6
    27 July 2021 18: 43
    Thank you! Very informative. And Yue Fei ... Has become too popular among the masses, therefore, it is dangerous for those in power. However, he is not alone in his fate. Hannibal is a witness to this.
    1. +6
      27 July 2021 19: 01
      Hannibal himself was quite powerful.
      1. +2
        27 July 2021 19: 10
        Hannibal was very dependent on relatives ...
      2. +3
        27 July 2021 19: 13
        Sure. But the emergence of a successful commander, beloved by the army, is a direct threat to the oligarchic elite of Carthage. Suddenly he will climb into dictators ...
        1. +6
          27 July 2021 19: 44
          So Hannibal led this very oligarchic elite.
          1. +4
            27 July 2021 19: 49
            Agree that to be one of many, and to be an autocratic ruler, as they say in Odessa: "two big differences."))) Especially for those who are moved away from the "trough".
  4. +8
    27 July 2021 18: 57
    The iron of the Liao empire rusted
    Very lyrical! In addition to laughter, the author consistently lowers the bar for academic excellence. And this is good! The main thing is to stop on time ...
    Meanwhile, thanks, Edward!
    1. +7
      27 July 2021 19: 56

      The actual grave and tombs of Yue Fei and his son Yue Yun are here:

      To the left of Yue Fei's grave is the grave of his son Yue Yun. In front of Yue Fei's tomb are four cast-iron figures with bare breasts and hands tied behind their backs, kneeling facing the tomb. These are Qin Hui and his wife Wang, as well as Zhang Jun and Mo Qi Xie; they are Yue Fei's killers. On both sides of the road to the tombs there are galleries with tablets with verses
    2. +4
      27 July 2021 21: 48
      Dear Anton,
      it seemed to be in tune with the theme:
      The iron of the Liao empire rusted

      1. +1
        28 July 2021 14: 57
        My compliments, Edward! I really liked the phrase.
    3. +1
      28 July 2021 10: 42
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      The iron of the Liao empire rusted
      Very lyrical!

      I liked it: and most importantly, you can continue: "The gold of the Jurchen empire has oxidized" (or what is going on with the gold?) hi
      1. +1
        28 July 2021 14: 20
        1. +2
          28 July 2021 16: 26
          "The gold of the Jurchen empire was sent across the steppe by the Mongols"
          1. +2
            28 July 2021 16: 35
            No, not rolling!
            The next title of the article (well, since the resource is rapidly "turning yellow"): "Lara Croft and the treasures of the Jurjeni"!
            1. +1
              28 July 2021 16: 36
              Lara is always good good
              But ... the next article, after all, will be about the Mongols. hi
  5. +3
    27 July 2021 18: 58
    Game of Thrones is resting! Thank you, it was very interesting, I'm waiting for more!))
    1. +8
      27 July 2021 19: 05
      And it will be!
      Vaschenko, at the moment, is the only professional historian on the resource.
    2. +6
      27 July 2021 21: 49
      Dear Vyacheslav,
      this is really strong:
      Game of Thrones is resting!

      I didn’t even think of it, but it’s really so.
  6. +6
    27 July 2021 19: 03
    -In 1114, Tai-tzu Agudu came to power, who started a war with Liao .... In 1115, Tai-tzu declared himself emperor, and called the empire Golden, as opposed to the Iron Empire of the Khitan.
    In just a couple of years, they destroyed the Khitan kingdom of Liao, and then seized vast territories in the north of the Song Empire and made its remainder, the Southern Song, their vassal.
    This is power.
    -In 1125, the state Jurchen language was created,
    Just 4 years after the formation of the Golden Empire, the Jurchens created their own syllabic writing that met (unlike Chinese characters) the norms of their language .. The presence of their own writing ALWAYS indicates a high social and cultural level of the people who created it.
    The ruins of Jurchen fortresses were found in Japan and Sakhalin, which means that they had a fleet.
  7. +8
    27 July 2021 19: 39
    The events are partly described in the art book "Cruel Age" by Isai Kalashnikov. I read it hard.
    1. +3
      27 July 2021 22: 07
      Thanks for the tip. I will definitely download
      1. +4
        27 July 2021 22: 53
        This book is practically based on The Secret Legend.
  8. +7
    27 July 2021 22: 47
    Well, well, good material, thanks to the author. hi
    It's a pity, I came out in the evening, but oh well - thanks for coming out at all, otherwise, to be honest, there was simply nothing to read and comment on.
    Skomorokhov then let out a groan about the fall in the culture of communication on the site, but I'm ready to groan, no, howl loudly from the fall in the quality of published materials. I don't want to comment on anything at all. As soon as you look in the section in the morning, look at the titles of the articles - that's how you want to howl and cry.
    Eduard, thanks again for the material. I will reread it tomorrow morning more attentively, thoughtfully, at the same time, and comments, I hope, will be added, maybe it will turn out to arrange an intelligent discussion or "sharp polemic" laughing , for now, my best wishes to all colleagues, and I - bainki. hi
    PS I hope the branch will not die until tomorrow. smile
    1. +5
      28 July 2021 07: 31
      PS I hope the branch will not die until tomorrow.

      How could she die!
      All day yesterday I heard a howl outside the window and was worried. This morning I began to look for a source. It turns out that Misha was howling under heavy pressure from the quality of the published materials. Here, I came to howl, the source is found wassat )))

      Good morning, dear friends and unfamiliar colleagues! ))))
      1. +4
        28 July 2021 09: 21
        Good morning!

        Lyudmila Yakovlevna, do not go to howl.
        Or, just in case, take a thick stick with you.
        1. +4
          28 July 2021 09: 42
          "Don't go into the light! Don't go ..."

          Yeah. Even a club is like a twig against Misha. But if allegorically, then yes, I went yesterday. Slightly regret the time spent. It happens that it will bring it somewhere, and like a haze)))
          1. +2
            28 July 2021 09: 56
            "I went yesterday."
            Good morning Lyudmila Yakovlevna!
            Do you mean the "ten-year" article? Seen, saw your comments, and even "otplusilsya." laughing
            1. +3
              28 July 2021 10: 01
              I will not collect wassat )))
              Good morning, Seryozha! I wanted to hide a not very revered action under graceful words, but you sold me! )))
              I am slightly justified by the fact that even Viktor Nikolaevich grumpily noted there.
              1. 0
                28 July 2021 10: 05
                Why is grumpy? In my opinion, I explained everything very clearly. Absolutely to the point, did the author like it / most likely not /, or not. VikNik-right.
            2. -2
              29 July 2021 13: 14
              I saw, saw your komenty, and even "otplusilsya". Do not exact. laughing

              And I, I confess, have sinned the same smile
          2. +2
            28 July 2021 10: 38
            Excitement can be. But he is a bad counselor.
        2. +3
          28 July 2021 09: 58
          Hello, Sergey!
          To the point! Where the crowd is bad there, there is not enough air. And ... freedom of movement. wink
          1. +3
            28 July 2021 10: 40
            Hello Seryozha!

            Let me remember once again my favorite from The Wisdom of Cormac:
            “I was silent in the crowd.
            I've talked to people. "
        3. +2
          28 July 2021 15: 02
          Against the pack, a stick is an unnecessary burden.
          1. Fat
            28 July 2021 23: 46
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            Against the pack, a stick is an unnecessary burden.

            belay Come on!!! If you give it up, it's easier to run ... laughing
            Forgive me, Anton, I could not resist and remain silent, alas for me ...
            1. +1
              28 July 2021 23: 50
              No. Believe me. I'm a dog lover.
              1. Fat
                29 July 2021 00: 10
                If I'm serious ... of course I believe, I also kept dogs once. Faced wandering packs ... Extremely unpleasant encounters, however.
                1. +1
                  29 July 2021 00: 20
                  With gregarious dogs, a knife is always better. The main task is to identify the leader and kill him.
                  1. Fat
                    29 July 2021 00: 33
                    It can be difficult to determine the alpha, especially if the visibility is limited ... There are always "border guards" ahead, the most aggressive. But he wore pneumatics just in case. Had to buy a 1911 Colt replica. It is true for a large dog that an elephant has grain ...
                    1. +1
                      29 July 2021 00: 47
                      The most aggressive "border guards" are always ahead.
                      I said that the stick is an encumbrance. In dialogue with the pack, the main thing is to bleed first.
                2. +1
                  29 July 2021 00: 34
                  Seriously ... With dogs, I am always a dog, at first, and then - the Big Dog God.
                  1. Fat
                    29 July 2021 06: 10
                    hi Anton. The primate pack and the dog pack are very close socially.
                    This is probably why, realizing the alignment, in prehistoric times, our ancestors began to hunt with the dogs.
                    The words "man to man is a wolf" does not at all speak about how bad people are, but simply a statement of fact. Therefore, the head of the family flock must be an absolute, an alpha, whose "commands" are not subject to any doubt ... With all the consequences, otherwise the vacant position of alpha will be taken by a pet. "This is the law of the jungle" (c) Yes
      2. +4
        28 July 2021 11: 47
        No, Lyudmila Yakovlevna. Howl yesterday is not me. I wanted to, but I'm holding back for now. This is, apparently, one of the colleagues who are more demanding on the content of the articles. But if it goes on like this, I will also join. Zyryanov, Samsonov, partly Ivanov, with their collective intelligence, will be able to bring me into a state of complete inadequacy. smile
        And then they will compose songs to the tune "Jozhin s bazhin" - "Misha s Luga" or something like that. smile
        1. +4
          28 July 2021 11: 58
          Рњ-РґСЏ ...
          For what reason is there a painful intolerance for errors in the texts of Authors proposing a topic for discussion? What is behind this intolerance? Apparently, there is a whole range of reasons.
          1. +4
            28 July 2021 12: 13
            Quote: depressant
            painful intolerance to errors in the texts of the Authors

            I am missing. Everyone has the right to make mistakes. In the listed authors, as well as in many others, I do not like the disrespect they demonstrate for the reader. Their publications demonstrate a low level of proficiency in the subject of research, which they defiantly, despite criticism from readers, refuse to raise, they say, and so it will do. Zyryanov, in general, cynically pees at us from his balcony, apparently in the hope that they will come to beat him in the face and, standing in front of a closed door, they will read all the inscriptions that he wrote on the walls of the entrance. It makes me sick, to be honest, from such an attitude towards people.
            1. +3
              28 July 2021 13: 34
              Leaving aside the way Zyryanov writes, I just want to understand something for myself.
              Are the mentioned authors supplying fakes?
              1. +3
                28 July 2021 14: 50
                The mentioned authors do not work on topics and are poorly versed in the material they write about. Their understanding of history is extremely simplified, and the historical facts with which they operate are interpreted primitively, and this is the very case when simplicity is worse than theft, because in combination it gives a false idea of ​​the subject of research for an inexperienced reader and annoys the advanced, of which there are many. The base of historical facts on which they rely is scarce and, often, selective, even Wikipedia will provide more information on their topics than their writings. And when an author cannot even master the material of Wikipedia, but tries to impose his own vision of historical events, this, I believe, is a manifestation of disrespect for readers.
        2. +4
          28 July 2021 15: 05
          Objection! "Jozhin s bazhin" is me! I have a "surname".
          1. +3
            28 July 2021 15: 25
            Well, I'm only talking about the motive ... feel
            Anyway, I don't want to become a hero of such a song ...
            1. +3
              28 July 2021 16: 12
              For is there always a "witcher"?
              1. +4
                28 July 2021 16: 29
                No, I understand that everyone should have their own scald. But I'm not ready yet. All the more so if my deeds are chanted based on my hysterics. laughing
                Misha from Luga howls and moans
                Misha kicks the authors from Luga:
                As much as possible, inhumans,
                Shall we push bullshit?
                Better to go outside
                Sweep the trash ...

                1. +3
                  28 July 2021 16: 38
                  Skalds not only sing, they can also fold nida
                  1. +3
                    28 July 2021 17: 24
                    And so and so will lie. smile
                    1. +3
                      28 July 2021 17: 31
                      And at this moment, Mikhail, I began to doubt your "Normanism" ...
                      1. +1
                        28 July 2021 19: 40
                        Okay, not "normal." Although sometimes it seems to me that it's time. laughing
                      2. +2
                        28 July 2021 21: 17
                        "Everything is fine with the Normans!
                        But is there any deception here? "(C)
                      3. +2
                        28 July 2021 21: 22
                        Nafisa is probably hiccupping.
                      4. +2
                        28 July 2021 21: 35
                        Many people hiccup and will hiccup ... Between us, I accidentally entered my other hypostasis ...
                        And very angry about this.
                      5. +1
                        28 July 2021 21: 46
                        You speak in riddles.
                        Can you sleep well?
                        As is well known: the morning is wiser than the evening.
                      6. +1
                        28 July 2021 21: 51
                        You can sleep well, but I am always very frank with you.
                      7. +2
                        28 July 2021 22: 03
                        It's good when a person can be himself.

                        You can't stand on tiptoe for long.
                      8. +1
                        28 July 2021 22: 12
                        About two hours ago, I decided to be myself and watched a third-rate film about the epidemic.
                        I'm going to watch the next one. Already included. About the Saharan flu.
                        And then an uncontrollable laughter overtook me. Wow - the Saharan flu!
                      9. +1
                        28 July 2021 22: 17
                        There is a song. Like.

                      10. +1
                        28 July 2021 23: 02
                        You can't stand on tiptoe for long.
                        That's right, the rope is short.
                      11. +2
                        28 July 2021 23: 14
                        Here you go. What pictures are different.

                        "A commander with a short neck
                        Should be at any time "(c).
                      12. +1
                        28 July 2021 23: 40
                        Juggling with words?
                        And I watched the movie. It is called "Possession". It's not about an epidemic. She is a fake, she is just an excuse for experimenting with the psyche of people.
                        The final message requires some thought.
                      13. +2
                        28 July 2021 23: 46
                        We juggle. But sometimes the puzzles are folded in interesting ways.
                      14. +2
                        28 July 2021 23: 55
                        And what, Lyudmila Yakovlevna doesn't know about our Game ???
                      15. +1
                        29 July 2021 01: 31
                        Surely guesses.
                      16. +2
                        28 July 2021 23: 46
                        It is necessary that the relatives come to an agreement with the executioner.
                      17. +2
                        28 July 2021 23: 47
                        You can't come to an agreement with everyone.
                      18. +2
                        28 July 2021 23: 56
                        With relatives or executioners?
                      19. +1
                        29 July 2021 01: 30
                        But this is a repetition of the story about the Duke and the hog.
  9. +5
    27 July 2021 22: 52
    Once again, I can't help but say. How do you like these Ussuri and Khabarovsk turtles. Watching is not enough.
    1. +3
      28 July 2021 10: 10
      Refined taste of the creator! Or canons polished over the centuries. There were also found sculptures of a lion, a dog, a ram, a monkey and some other animals.
      I met such interesting information:

      ... in South Primorye, high reliefs depicting people were found in caves. The high reliefs closest to Ussuriysk were located near the station. Baranovsky. The bas-relief in the Sleeping Beauty cave is widely known. But it causes a lot of controversy, some consider them Bohai, others Jurchen, and still others - the work of modern tourists.
      1. +4
        28 July 2021 10: 29
        Having laughed at the ending of my previous comment, I would like to add. Experts believe that sculpture was not typical for the Far East. It prevailed over other forms of art in the Golden Empire itself, and its originality was especially evident in the brick funerary bas-reliefs.
      2. +3
        28 July 2021 10: 40
        Feeling of eternity.
        1. +3
          28 July 2021 16: 38
          The Mobus loop gives the feeling of eternity. She is an imitation of our life.

          If you make a small loop, then running along it will very soon lead to the starting point, eternity turns into daily running in a circle, and a person refuses such eternity.

          If you make a large Möbius loop, then the starting point is reached in such a long period of time that the very concept of eternity is lost, turning into unattainability, and a person dies, having created such an idea for himself.
  10. +2
    27 July 2021 23: 45
    Central Asian Tatars (dads in Chinese transcription) are Ugric N1a1, assimilated first by the Black Sea Aryans R1a and became Saks, and then C2 Huns and became Tatars.
    Mongols are blood relatives of the Tungus C2.
    The majority of the Tatars were among the troops of Batu, therefore, in the Russian chronicles, the invaders are called Tatars. Later the Russians used the word "Tatars" to designate any Turkic-speaking peoples (up to the 20th century).
  11. Fat
    28 July 2021 07: 56
    hi Great article and amazing material. Many thanks to Edward.
    Best wishes and ... I really want the continuation not to make you wait long.
  12. +5
    28 July 2021 09: 32
    Well, who are the commanders interested in, who captured whom, and me, as always, culture, for it is the source of the future, already in our century, of the country's success. To be conquered, conquered for the same Korea, let's say, is not a novelty.
    Things and the ability to produce them, prose, poetry - despite the wars, all these traditions continued to exist and developed, as it were, in spite of everything.

    A spring, slightly covered with azure ripples,
    Under the shade of mossy rocks.
    Barely born a playful month
    Bathes in clean water.
    What if someone who comes for water
    It will be scooped up by chance,
    And this shard of mirror is clear
    Will it take it with you forever?
    Lee Kyu Bo.

    This is Korea, at the turn of the 9th - 10th centuries. Can you imagine? It seems to be naive, but how beautiful the image is!
    Li Kyu Bo wrote in Hanmun. Known for his great poem about King Tonmen, the founder of the state of Goguryeo, as well as about two thousand poems. After Lee Gyu Bo, hanmun poetry gradually began to fade.
    And Lee Kyu Bo's big poem is called "Tonmenwan".
  13. +6
    28 July 2021 10: 24
    Greetings Edward!
    "Golden Empire" defeated "Iron Empire" sounds, if not symbolic, then at least beautiful! hi
    I understand that the reason for the rapid loss of "passionarity" by these young empires is their presence at the stage or still of the tribal system or the stage of its decomposition, which makes it impossible to create a state (or empire) with the help of their state-type power institutions (they simply do not exist, or almost not), hence the almost complete borrowing of such institutions from their predecessors with all the advantages, but above all disadvantages (such as "kill the dragon"). As a result, 50-100 years - and into the dustbin of history, completely decomposed. wink
    1. +4
      28 July 2021 11: 38
      Quote: Mihaylov
      which makes it impossible to create a state (or empire) with the help of their institutions of power

      This is an interesting thought. With regard to Russia, its development will sound like this: if Russia in the IX-X centuries. managed to conquer Byzantium, it would soon end its existence due to inevitable decline. Is such a design possible? smile hi
      1. +3
        28 July 2021 11: 53
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        Is such a design possible? smile

        I suppose so.
        If to theorize: how would people who do not know any other society besides the tribal (well, let it be at the stage of its decay) manage a sufficiently developed (in comparison with them) society, built on the principles of a territorial community, for the management of which already sufficiently developed state institutions are required?
        They would simply use the already existing ones: what actually happens in such cases, and the basileus Igor / Svyatoslav / Vladimir (emphasize the necessary) would end his life in palace intrigues. hi
        1. +4
          28 July 2021 12: 01
          Quote: Mihaylov
          and basileus Igor / Svyatoslav / Vladimir (underline the necessary) would have ended his life in palace intrigues.

          The question is different: the statehood itself would end its existence, that's what is interesting. If we continue the Chinese analogy, then Russia was soon to become a victim of wilder neighbors, who, in turn, would also decay in their own time. But the ancient Russian state itself, in the event of a victory over Byzantium, would be doomed, it turns out. So, under Dorostol, Tzimiskes preserved our statehood. smile
          1. +5
            28 July 2021 14: 18
            Quote: Trilobite Master
            The question is different: the statehood itself would end its existence, that's what is interesting.

            Here the question is complex: I, for example, do not believe that statehood already exists at this time, or, more precisely, I share this point of view.
            Of course, as you correctly noted, before conducting such a discussion, it is necessary to agree on what we mean by the term "statehood", otherwise everyone will talk about their own. Somehow already here the question of the concept of "statehood" was raised and it turned out that there was no clear definition.
            As for "Ancient Rus", in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries the clan system dominates throughout, although certainly, especially in the XNUMXth century, we observe the stage of its decomposition.
            The same thing that is usually taken for the Old Russian state, in my opinion, is pre-state or, as they say now, potestary education. Personally, I like the term "barbarian kingdom" most of all, I don't know the truth to what extent it is appropriate here.
            The only or at least the basic principle of the existence of such formations is military coercion, which is not surprising for the stage of disintegration of the tribal system, when, as Edward wrote in his article, "war becomes the basis of life."
            Such a "barbarian kingdom" or "nomadic empire" (by the way, typical examples are "the state of Germanarich and the" empire of Attila ") in the future may have the following ways of existence:
            1. “Sit down” on a ready-made existing statehood, like the Jurchens of this article or the numerous barbarian kingdoms that multiplied on the territory of the collapsed Roman Empire, but with all the ensuing consequences, since they inherit not only the merits, but also all the shortcomings of this system, which, as a rule, is already in the stage of crisis. And here the question is whether they will be able to overcome them and survive, for example, the state of the Franks or not, and then in 50-100 years - to the dustbin of history.
            2. To cease to exist after the weakening of the military - the main component of this formation. This may not necessarily be immediately after the death of a charismatic military leader, it may well live for several more generations, unless of course some Huns or someone else come.
            3. To develop into a full-fledged state, but for this it is necessary that the society finally switches to the principle of existence as a territorial community.
            As for the period of our history of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, on the territory of the mainly Polyana community there was formed such a pre-state “barbarian kingdom” Russia with its center in Kiev (for reasons - separately), which had with the rest of the communities (Slovenian, Drevlyansky and others) exclusively “foreign policy relations ”, that is, they simply took tribute from them, using their military superiority. Having existed for some time, like most of such formations, it ceased to exist (unlike Western Europe, it could not "sit down" on a ready-made statehood), but it fulfilled its mission: no doubt greatly accelerating the process of decomposition of the tribal system. As a result, the population moves from the tribal principle of existence to the territorial-communal one (a long process), which gives rise to the emergence of true statehood in the form of its earliest and natural form of "city-state" (in our land / parish).

            I signed something today.

            PS without pretending to be true, he just expressed his thoughts. hi
            1. +4
              28 July 2021 14: 29
              I signed something today.

              But good !!!
              1. +2
                28 July 2021 14: 39
                Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
                But good !!!

                "We are ours, we will build a new world!
                The territorial community will become everything! "
                It turned out awkward, but this is my first experience of versification. hi
              2. +2
                28 July 2021 15: 14
                Directly communicating with Sergei, I understand how low I fell without receiving a history education crying
              3. +2
                28 July 2021 15: 15
                Yes, without a clear definition of the concept of "state" and "statehood" it is difficult to argue here. Lawyers have such a definition, but how correct it is to transfer it to history is a moot point. smile
                But one can try to extrapolate the example of the Jurchens to the Slavs with the prefix "if only" without having a single terminological base, simply writing "state" is shorter than "proto-state formation" or "barbarian kingdom". smile
                The nomads of the East fought relatively successfully against their civilized neighbors, while the expansion of the Slavs by Byzantium was stopped.
                How do you think this fact somehow influenced the process of the formation of statehood of both, and if so, how exactly - has it accelerated, slowed down, or in some other way?
                Colleagues, the discussion is open. Express your views on this matter. smile
                1. +2
                  28 July 2021 15: 36
                  Quote: Trilobite Master
                  The nomads of the East fought relatively successfully against their civilized neighbors, while the expansion of the Slavs by Byzantium was stopped.

                  I believe that the successes or failures of nomads or other "barbarians" against civilized neighbors depended primarily on the internal state of these most civilized neighbors. While the Roman Empire was strong and stable, it drove these "barbarians" with a "pea jacket" across Europe, despite occasional heavy military defeats. And during the crisis, one battle at Andrionopolis was enough to predetermine everything.
                  In the Chinese civilization, I think it was about the same, although here I don't know much.
                  Byzantium was still strong enough to reflect the expansion of the Slavs at this time. Probably its proximity to it accelerated the development of statehood. hi
                  1. +1
                    28 July 2021 16: 19
                    I fully support Sergey.
                    I will add a little: it seems to me that societies of certain linguistic groups develop in one direction, and external influences or adjustments accelerate or slow down this process and the formation of the state as well.
                    There are textbook examples, but there is a more complex situation that needs to be analyzed in detail. Well, I'll have some fun, often there is very little material for analysis.
                  2. +2
                    28 July 2021 16: 20
                    I propose to talk not about the reasons for the success or failure of nomads or Slavs, but about the consequences of these successes or failures. It seems to me more interesting. smile
                    1. +2
                      28 July 2021 16: 45
                      Quote: Trilobite Master
                      I propose to talk not about the reasons for the success or failure of nomads or Slavs, but about the consequences of these successes or failures. It seems to me more interesting.

                      I think that the neighborhood with civilized nations with statehood in any case contributed to the development of "barbarians".
                      Served as an external factor of influence. Eduard once wrote in one of his articles that the tribal system has amazing vitality and stability, and sometimes only an external factor is able to bring it out of secular equilibrium.
                      I’m thinking about the Polynesians: they have remained at the pre-state level, although they have noted chiefdoms with a high degree of “advancement”, the separation of the nobility, right up to the appearance, as our living classic Drobyshevsky says, of anthropological differences. But nevertheless, the transition to the state level did not happen. Maybe there was not enough external factor that could unbalance this system? hi
                      1. Fat
                        28 July 2021 18: 50
                        Maybe there was not enough external factor that could unbalance this system?

                        hi Well, it must be the same!
                        In a closed system, only those processes in which the system passes from a less probable state to a more probable one proceed spontaneously ... (c) Ludwig Boltzmann 1877
                        It overlaps a little. But I think in a society of people everything is much more complicated. what
                2. +3
                  28 July 2021 15: 48
                  Quote: Trilobite Master
                  Lawyers have such a definition, but how correct it is to transfer it to history is a moot point.

                  Well, they said well.
                  Sometimes it seems to me that sometimes the concept of "state / statehood" is a historically developed concept in relation to certain formations: we historically consider this to be a state, but this is not.
                  Although it would be good to bring everything to a common denominator. hi
                  1. +1
                    28 July 2021 16: 23
                    Continuing the discussion.
                    On the other hand, this is an important dispute, even about "Russkaya Pravda" historians from the history and law faculty of Leningrad State University - St. Petersburg State University have always had different views.
                    Lawyers consider statics, historians in dynamics.
                    Otherwise, this is not a reproach to lawyers, but by virtue of their activities, if, for example, they would agree that Pravda Russkaya, a document of customary law, of a society only making steps towards potestarnost, their world would laughing laughing laughing collapsed. And so, the PR is a document of the period of the early state, early feudalism, and everything seems to be on the ground.
  14. +5
    28 July 2021 10: 25
    and the favorite pastime was horse racing, and then drinking and discussing races.

    It’s wonderful: it’s even amazing how stable the world is at any of its geographical and historical points! hi
    1. +4
      28 July 2021 11: 40
      Dear Sergey,
      I welcome you.
      Yes - "libation" is our human ALL
    2. +1
      28 July 2021 15: 15
      "Vodka, women, accordion, and salmon!" (WITH)
  15. +3
    28 July 2021 10: 28
    The monument to the traitors is beautiful. It would be nice to erect such monuments to some of our "heroes". The worst of the punishments is a similar monument on the grave.
    1. +3
      28 July 2021 11: 41
      Dear Igor,
      support at midnight.
      1. +3
        28 July 2021 15: 18
        I understand that there is a typo, but it turned out great !!! good
  16. +4
    28 July 2021 11: 31
    that the Men'an and Mouke Jurchen communities fell into luxury and drunkenness.

    that is, into nothingness, just like vandals ... hi
    1. +5
      28 July 2021 11: 42
      This is what "civilization" does with cruel minds)))
      1. +3
        28 July 2021 11: 45
        Quote: Eduard Vaschenko
        This is what "civilization" does with cruel minds)))

        They become kind, sweet and fluffy.
        1. +3
          28 July 2021 13: 31
          Yes, those who take baths are not up to horse racing in the steppe)))
        2. +1
          28 July 2021 21: 35
          Well, it's you in vain! what
          Despite the fact that the Jurzhens were perhaps the worst enemies of the Mongols, despite the massive betrayal of their subjects (and the Jurzhens were far from the majority in Jin), as well as vassals and allies and often poor leadership, the war lasted from 1210 to 1234! For almost a quarter of a century, the valiant Jurzhen held back the onslaught of the Mongols! And this is not thousands of kilometers from Mongolia, but two steps away, and the Mongols were led by the best generals and even Genghis Khan himself. The victorious Mongols had already reached the Black Sea coast, defeated and subjugated many countries (and how did they smash European knighthood? Who else was capable of such a thing? Who managed to hold out against the Mongols for almost a quarter of a century ?! The most stubborn fighters, completely undeservedly forgotten.
          Everyone should be so "fluffy"!
  17. +5
    28 July 2021 11: 35
    External attributes of power were accepted: ceremonial dresses, ceremonial, orders. The Jurchens immediately began to use the Chinese system of government and ideology: astrologers, fortune-telling, the use of poetry in palace ceremonies, an emphasis on instructive stories from past Chinese history, to which the conquerors were no strangers. Finally, writing an all-China history. At the same time, state higher institutions and the Academy of Sciences were established.

    The Jurchens really tried to position themselves as a serious state. And since one of the most important indicators of the high socio-economic and cultural level of such a state is the presence of its own written language among the people who created it, then only 4 years after the formation of the Golden Empire, its own syllabic writing was created, more acceptable for the norms of the native language than Chinese hieroglyphs, and became known as the "big letter" of the Jurchen. The "big letter" contained about 3000 characters.
    Objectively, the Jurchens were indeed a literate people. Literacy attributed not only to aristocracy, but was widespread even among ordinary artisans. The idea of ​​this, of course, can be controversial, but in any case, the ceramics of that time, found in large quantities, are marked with the personal brands of the masters in the form of signs of the Jurchen “big letter”. It is assumed that the names of the craftsmen are most likely written on the hallmarks.
  18. +4
    28 July 2021 12: 37
    Trophies were carefully counted and recorded. Therefore, one can learn that, for example, in 1114 the Jurchens seized several thousand iron plows, plows and hoes from the Khitan. But in the future, claims to the empire led to the wide development of their own knowledge based on the achievements of Chinese and Korean masters. The industry, consisting of many metallurgical and blacksmith enterprises, was monopolized by the state. The Jurchen metallurgy used forced blast furnaces and molds, anvils, hammers and hammers of various sizes, pliers and chisels for chopping, shears for cutting metal and files.
    The industry produced cast iron, ductile iron and steel. Craftsmen, using the forge welding method, made a whole thing from parts. Tin, lead, copper, bronze, silver and gold were produced from non-ferrous metals. The craftsmen mastered such operations as casting, melting, welding, stamping, drawing, brazing, gilding, silvering and inlaying. There was a rotating circle coated with a special abrasive powder for processing marble, carnelian, obsidian. Agate, chalcedony and jasper, jade and rock crystal were also processed. The Jurchens brewed glass.
    However, we must pay tribute to the Jurchens. They were outstanding masters even before the formation of their own statehood. They made highly artistic bronze mirrors with realistic subjects and were engaged in stone carving. As an example, we can cite a figurine of a "slumbering hare" carved from rock crystal, as well as a field mouse made of black mudstone, which peels off a spikelet clamped in its paws.
    In other words, the Jurchen were already a so-called technological people.
  19. +2
    28 July 2021 17: 48
    And now - a personal discovery.
    It turns out that the Jurchens appreciated the book even before they created the Zin Empire.
    At one time, in the wars with Liao and Song, they seized a large number of books, printing boards and took 300 printers to their territory. In those years they had the so-called "small letter". Until now, only 700 characters have been deciphered from the "small" and "large" syllable alphabets. As a result, the Jurchen literature of its own, from what has survived, can hardly be translated even into modern Chinese.
    But the state of Zin's attitude towards book publishing is mind-boggling.
    The Jurchens established large-scale book publishing in four large cities, two of which were metropolitan cities, and in one of them book publishing gained real scope. Everything was published! For example, the Yanjin University Publishing House published religious, historical, archival, scientific, and other literature - such in which the state was interested, as well as collections of poetry and even collections of literature that criticized works of art.
    There was a Literary Collegium and the Imperial Library, a record of private libraries was kept, of which there were many due to the fact that book printing was carried out throughout the country in most cities, namely in 19.
    Due to the subsequent invasion of the horde, almost everything died ...
    In the archives of China, there are very few printed publications of that time. Due to their small number, they cannot be deciphered. And this despite the fact that an extensive catalog of one of the publishing houses has survived, in which there are 140 titles of art and literary-critical works alone.
    So the Jurchen were not savages.
  20. 0
    29 July 2021 13: 00
    Sources and literature:
    Rashid ad-Din. Collection of chronicles. Volume I. Book 2. M., 1952.
    Goncharov SN Chinese medieval diplomacy: relations between the Jin and Song empires 1127–1142. M., 1986.
    History of the East. Vol. III. M., 1993.
    History of the Golden Empire / Per. G.M. Rozova, comments. A.G. Malyavkina. Novosibirsk. 1998.
    Kychanov EI History of ancient and medieval states bordering on China (from Huns to Manchus). SPb., 2010.
    Prokopets S.D. Local traditions of production and evolution of Jurzhen armor plates // Vestnik DVO. No. 3. 2013.
    Kradin N.N. A. L. Ivleev History of the Khitan Liao Empire (907 -1125). M., 2014.

    As usual - one narrative. Although it is known that the positivist paradigm in source study was most consistently developed in the work of S.-V. Langlois and S. Senobos "Introduction to the Study of History" (1898), which is based on a course of lectures given by them at the Sorbonne in the 1896/97 academic year. Sh.-V. Langlois (1863–1929) - medieval historian, professor at the Sorbonne, holder of a diploma from the National School of Charters, director of the National Archives (1912–1929), member (from 1917), then president (from 1925) of the Academy of Inscriptions and Fine Literature ... C. Seignobos (1854-1942) - professor at the Sorbonne (1890), began his research activities with the study of ancient and medieval history, later specialized in modern history, author of the work "Political history of modern Europe" (1897).
    "Introduction to the Study of History" begins with a formula that over time has become an aphorism:
    History is written from documents. Documents are traces left by the thoughts and actions of people who once lived <...>. Any thought and any deed that has not left a direct or indirect trace, or whose visible trace has disappeared, is forever lost to history, as if it never existed <...>. Nothing can replace documents: no documents, no history
  21. 0
    29 July 2021 13: 06
    Quote: Richard
    The first mention of the Tatars in Chinese texts is accurately dated - it is November 842. Moreover, this dated text
    And what, just the same there is a certain carrier (silk, paper, parchment, palm leaf ??), clearly dated 842, on which there is a certain text ?? Can you show?

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"