The willful daughter of the "Lion of the North"

The willful daughter of the "Lion of the North"
Sebastian Bourdon. Portrait of Queen Christina on horseback

As we remember from previous articles ("Northern Lion" Gustav II Adolf и Triumph and death of the "Lion of the North"), On November 25, 1620, King Gustav II Adolf of Sweden married the Brandenburg princess Maria Eleanor. The future "Northern Lion" then was about to turn 26 years old, his bride, two weeks before the wedding, celebrated her 21st birthday.

Portraits of spouses on gold rings

The reason for such a late marriage was ... the horoscope drawn up at the birth of the prince. It said that Gustav Adolf should marry at the age of 25 and with a woman whom he himself chooses to be his wife. Well, you understand: since the astrologer said so, then there is nothing to do - Gustav Adolf had to live as a bachelor until the age indicated by this specialist. But there is freedom of choice. In general, Pugacheva lied in her song, claiming that “marry for love, no king can". And there are many examples of the destructive power of royal love. One portman Marta Skavronskaya, who quickly and decisively drank herself to death "in the position of empress", which is worth it. Or Alexandra Feodorovna, who became the femme fatale of both her husband Nicholas II and the entire Romanov dynasty. British Prince Harry, of course, is not a king, but his story can serve as an excellent illustration of the well-known intolerant saying. Granny Elizabeth is probably comforted by only one circumstance: "evil love" made her grandson fall in love at least a stupid and bad one, but a "goat", and not another "goat" - by nowadays this is already a good thing. However, continuing to quote the songs of Pugacheva, “it's only the beginning"In Europe sliding into senile marasmus ("Oh oh oh").

But let's return from the caricatured decorations of modern royal houses to the cruel and unromantic XNUMXth century.

"Incognito from Stockholm"

The year 1620, appointed by the astrologer for the marriage of Gustav II Adolf, has come. Time was already running out, and therefore in April the Swedish king, under the name of Nils Eriksson, a peasant from Dalhamn, set off on a "pre-wedding trip" through the German principalities. "Peasant" was accompanied by a modest retinue, accommodated on two ships - "Jupiter" and "Zepter". But the king still did not want to become the prototype of the fairy tale by H. H. Andersen, The Swineherd, published in 1841. Already in Pomerania, Gustav Adolf ordered to call himself Colonel Carleson from the retinue of the Elector of the Palatinate Casimir.

According to the recollections of the persons accompanying the king, Gustav Adolf took his incognito seriously. But, as in the case of the European voyage of Peter the Great, this dressing up was the "secret of Punchinelle". Everyone just politely pretended not to guess anything.

It is interesting that the German cities then seemed extremely dirty to Gustav Adolf (in comparison with the Swedish ones). The German electors and princes-bishops had not yet had time to accustom their subjects to the "ordnung". And it was still far from the notorious burgher prosperity. The sight of the squalid and poor dwellings of ordinary Germans contrasted sharply with the majestic cathedrals, palaces and castles of the aristocrats. And in German villages then people and animals often huddled in houses at the same time.

In Berlin, "Colonel Carleson" first met Princess Maria Eleanor.

Ulrika Fredrika Pasch. Portrait of Gustav II Adolf

Michiel van Mierevelt. Maria Eleanor, portrait of 1619

The sympathy of the young people was mutual. Captain Johan Hand, who accompanied the king, left the following entry in his diary:

"As far as I knew, His Majesty was absorbed in conversation with the girl, so he was awarded the kiss of Her princely Grace in her chambers."

It is curious that another contender for the hand of this girl was the failed Russian tsar Vladislav, the son of the Polish king Sigismund III, also from the Vasa house. During the Time of Troubles, the younger brother of Gustav II Adolf, Karl Philip, was also considered a real contender for the Moscow throne. This is how closely everything was intertwined in small medieval Europe.

From Berlin, the Swedish king went to Frankfurt am Main and further to Heidelberg - now as Captain Garza. It seems that Gustav was very much amused by this pleasant trip and enjoyed changing names and costumes. In Heidelberg, he met another contender for his hand and heart - Katharina Palatinate.

At the same time, he managed to combine business with pleasure. With the Margrave of Baden, for example, Gustav Adolf talked with pleasure about the latest tactics of warfare and fortification, examined the personal weapons the master's arsenal.

The choice of the king, as we know, fell on Maria Eleanor of Brandenburg, who became his wife.

Maria Eleonora, Queen of Swedes, Goths and Vandals (!) - they remembered their relatives back then in Sweden

The birth of the heroine and the first years of her life

Maria Eleanor's two pregnancies ended in miscarriages. The first child of the royal couple was born only in 1623. It was a girl who lived for only a year. Finally, on December 8, 1626, a second daughter was born to the Swedish royal family - the heroine of our article, the future Queen Christina. But Gustav II Adolf and his wife really wanted the birth of a son. The disappointment was so great that the father ordered to raise the girl as a boy. This had a great impact on the psyche of the child, significantly deforming it, and led to the consequences, which we will talk about later in our article.

Later, Christina recalled that her father loved her very much, and her mother hated her. Perhaps the girl with a complex character still has idealized memories of King Gustav: if he had lived longer, her relationship with him would have deteriorated.

Back in 1627, the Riksdag and the people swore allegiance to Christina, swearing an oath to obey her in the event of her father's death. Thus, after the death of Gustav II Adolf in the battle of Lützen, it was not his widow who became queen, but a girl who had not yet turned six years old.

Rickskanzler Axel Oxensherna is now seriously involved in her upbringing. He clearly decided to make an ideal ruler and politician out of his ward, especially since the girl's horoscope was simply magnificent and promised her great success in all areas.

Jacob Heinrich Elbfas, portrait of 10-year-old Queen Christina

And in this portrait, also by Elbfas, Christina is 14 years old:

Jacob Heinrich Elbfas. Queen Christine, 1640

We see a fragile graceful girl: there is not even a hint of masculinity attributed to her, is there?

Little Queen

Training sessions for Christina began in the early morning, while Oksishern himself, when he was in Stockholm, gave her three-hour lectures every day.

Sometimes we hear that one of Christine's teachers was Rene Descartes. In fact, the young queen only actively corresponded with him. The philosopher came to Stockholm at her invitation already in 1649.

Nils Forsberg. Dispute between Queen Christine and René Descartes, 1884

A fragment of this picture:

In Sweden, by the way, Descartes caught a cold and died.

The ambition of the little queen was such that neither encouragement nor punishment was required - Christina just wanted to be the best and constantly strived for it. By the way, she perfectly knew not only 7 foreign languages, but also all the “strong” expressions that were available in her native Swedish. In fact, Protestants did not approve of abuse in those days, and Christina's father punished his soldiers for her in the most cruel way. But the young queen was a girl of free views (which she will later prove). And, most importantly, there was no person who would have dared to send her to a "qualified execution" with gauntlets.

In her free time, the girl had fun with shooting, fencing and hunting. Traditional women's activities, such as knitting and embroidery, she categorically ignored. Moreover, she was irritated by female society, and therefore all of the queen's servants were exclusively male. But she loved to dance.

Everyone was struck by the young queen's exceptional composure. According to eyewitnesses, her expression did not change even during the assassination attempt in the church, when a madman attacked her with a knife in his hands.

Greta Garbo as Queen Christina, 1933 film

From the age of 15, she began to receive foreign ambassadors, from the age of 16 - to attend meetings of the royal council. At the age of 18, Christina was declared an adult. So, it was she who put the signature during the conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia, from which, perhaps, it was her country that benefited most of all.

Minerva Severa

Alas, this child prodigy, shining with her abilities, was destined to become not a great ruler of Sweden, but just the heroine of numerous scandals.

After the end of the Thirty Years War, Christina began to believe that the luxury of her court and capital should correspond to the high position of Sweden in the international arena. Stockholm was decorated with pompous buildings and arches; the queen did not pay attention to the cost of the statues, paintings and books she liked. Court flatterers now called her "the tenth muse" and "the new Minerva."

Queen Christina, portrayed as Minerva. Mid-XNUMXth century engraving

But there were also positive aspects. It was then that the first Swedish newspaper began to be published, and a national education system was created.

The state treasury became scarce due to the extravagance of the queen, but even worse was the fact that she categorically did not want to get married. At the same time, Christina was by no means a masculine ugly: in all the portraits we see a pretty girl and woman. Here is one of them:

Sebastien Bourdon. Portrait of Queen Christina

This queen was also not caught in unconventional sexual addictions. Modern feminists are trying to attribute to her a lesbian relationship with Ebba Sparre: in the winter, Christina often went to bed with her at night. However, in Scandinavia at that time it was in the order of things: the girls went to bed together so that it would not be cold to sleep. It was very difficult to heat the royal castle with medieval fireplaces, and even Christine's dear guest, Rene Descartes, was not saved and chilled (in letters, the philosopher complained about the chilly cold in the royal palace at night). Therefore, our heroine was not a lesbian and she used this girl only as a “living warmer” (no wonder that after so many nights spent together, Ebba Sparre became her only friend).

On the contrary, like the English "virgin queen" Elizabeth (this pseudo-virgin lady was the idol of the Swede), Christina, not particularly hiding, made favorites. These were the names of her compatriots Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie and Claes Tott, the French doctor Pierre Bourdeleau, and the Spanish diplomat Antonio Pimentel.

Hendrik Munnichhoven. "Portrait of Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie", one of the favorites of Queen Christina

Knowing the character of their queen, ministers and members of parliament waited a long time for her to choose her fiancé. But as time went on, they began to openly talk to her about the need for marriage and the birth of a successor to her glorious dynasty. However, the dignitaries and the people also agreed on the girl-heiress. Christine was offered suitors - the queen rejected them, citing the example of the same Englishwoman Elizabeth. Even the thought of the possibility of the slightest restriction of freedom was unbearable for her.

Finally, in 1649, her cousin and failed fiancé Karl Gustav Palatinate-Zweibrückensky was declared Christine's heir.

Unexpected renunciation

The denouement came in 1654 when Queen Christina (she was only 28 at the time) suddenly announced her abdication. The new king under the name of Charles X was the aforementioned Karl Gustav, a representative of the Palatinate-Zweibrucken dynasty.

Justus van Egmont. Charles X Gustav of Sweden

For many Swedes, Christina's decision was unexpected and caused a shock reaction. Researchers are still wondering about her motives, and there is no generally accepted point of view on this issue. Perhaps, too quickly and early, the girl who grew up was simply tired of royal duties and wanted to “retire” - to live for her own pleasure and compensate for the actual absence of childhood. Therefore, even if you have extraordinary and outstanding abilities, you probably shouldn't rush a child into growing up.

As compensation for the former queen, a number of lands were allocated, the income from which (about 200 thousand thalers per year) went to her personal disposal.

Former Queen's New Life

In order not to attract too much attention to her departure, Christina reached Antwerp in a man's dress. From this city, under her own name, she went to Brussels. And here the daughter of the famous defender of the Protestant faith suddenly announced her desire to convert to Catholicism, which became a real pan-European sensation. The official renunciation of the "heresy of Lutheranism" took place in June 1664 in Innsbruck. From Pope Alexander VII, the former queen received a new name - Maria Alexandra. The Holy See triumphed, and in Rome, the former Queen of Sweden settled in the luxurious Palazzo Fornesi. In the meantime, I also visited Paris. Returning to Rome, she became the owner of a secular salon, modestly called the "Arcadian Academy", and, according to rumors, the mistress of Cardinal Decio Azzolino.

Jacob-Ferdinand Foote "Portrait of Decio Azzolino"

The Roman pontiff had to politely ask the guest of honor to choose another place of residence for himself. The former queen went to France, where in November 1657 she became the heroine of an even louder scandal. She ordered the murder of her chief equestrian, the Marquis of Monaldeschi, who inadvertently decided to blackmail her. Moreover, there was information that the high-ranking guest took personal part in this murder. They did not dare to arrest and put the former queen on trial, but hinted at the need to leave France as soon as possible. I had to return to Rome again.

This lady was not used to counting money and therefore often got into debt. In the end, she began to regret her abdication and, after the death of Charles X in 1660, arrived in Stockholm, hoping that there would be those willing to offer her the vacant throne. However, in Sweden, the former queen, who betrayed the faith of her father and ancestors, was greeted extremely coldly. The choice was made in favor of the 5-year-old son of the late king (it was he who later became the father of Charles XII).

Another trip home (in 1662) turned out to be even shorter: Christina (however, now Maria Alexandra) refused to part with the Catholic priest who had arrived with her and left Sweden forever.

Then the most real adventures began - what is most sad, they had practically no chance of success. In 1668, for example, she suddenly wanted to take the vacant throne of the Commonwealth. But, as you know, in this country her desire was not appreciated.

The former queen devoted the last years of her life to art and even had a hand in founding the first public opera in Rome. She collected a large collection of paintings (preferring the artists of the Venetian school) and a rich library. She bequeathed both meetings to the already familiar Cardinal Azzolino. Under his patronage, after her death (April 19, 1689), the daughter of the famous Protestant king and commander was buried in the tomb of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. In addition to her, only Matilda of Canosskaya and Maria Clementine Sobesskaya were awarded such an honor.

Tombstone of the former Queen Christina

But what if Gustav Adolf had not listened to the charlatan-astrologer? Would he not have married at almost 26 years old, but at 20, and the wife would have had time to give birth to children before his death in 1632? Perhaps the kings from the Vasa dynasty would still sit on the throne of Sweden.
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281 comment
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  1. +7
    25 July 2021 04: 34
    A spoiled lady with the attention of men is worse than a bitter radish.
    1. +13
      25 July 2021 06: 56
      Unsatisfied are sometimes no better.
      "Wasabi radish is not sweeter!" (C) laughing
  2. +17
    25 July 2021 04: 41
    Interesting excursions into the past. It's amazing how easy it is to manage a herd that has no other desires than natural needs. The most important thing is that the rulers of the past EVERYWHERE and EVERYWHERE tried to strike the imagination of their subjects with the grandeur and luxury of palaces. The rare rulers of the ancient world remained famous thanks to the new structure of the state, ensuring social justice of different layers. The basis of existence is the use of slave labor of subordinates by force and armed approach. People could not find ways to get rid of the state’s captivity, from the influence of the state apparatus.
    At the same time, Christina was by no means a masculine ugly: in all portraits we see a pretty girl and a woman.

    Sorry, but the concepts of cuteness can be attributed to this girl:

    Europe, subjected to the "witch-hunt" campaign, could hardly show off its pretty female sex.
    In general, we know about personalities in history, not because they stood out for their "intelligence and ingenuity", but because of their social status and their influence (supposedly) on world history.
    1. +16
      25 July 2021 04: 56
      May it be for you, all the markers are different in taste and color! Thanks to the author, Happy Holidays, everyone! Hurray!
    2. +12
      25 July 2021 05: 04
      Each historical time has its own concept of beauty: what our ancestors worshiped, it is often very difficult for us to understand ...
    3. +11
      25 July 2021 07: 29
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Sorry, but the concepts of cuteness can be attributed to this girl:

      And to this one? smile
      1. +4
        25 July 2021 13: 29
        And to this one?

        Without a doubt good
        A pretty young lady will grow up
        1. +5
          25 July 2021 13: 36
          Quote: Richard
          Without a doubt
          A pretty young lady will grow up

          How do you like these? smile

          1. +3
            25 July 2021 14: 07
            Judging by your nickname in the ranks of the site "dog lovers" replenishment drinks
            1. +5
              25 July 2021 14: 12
              Quote: Richard
              Judging by your nickname in the ranks of the site "dog lovers" replenishment

              Tired of living alone. I started talking to the TV, telling the computer how and what to press laughing
              I took it from the shelter and I have no regrets. Listens attentively, does not interrupt, does not snarl, always agrees with me, does not send by the forest laughing
    4. +9
      25 July 2021 07: 49
      The portrait of Lopukhina Borovikovsky is just one of the masterpieces.
      But at the same time she died very young of consumption.

      Moreover, the portrait that got to the Tretyakov Gallery on time received a portion of everyone's attention.
      1. +3
        25 July 2021 12: 23
        Borovikovsky and Rokotov are excellent portrait painters. The characters of the heroes are felt.
      2. +2
        25 July 2021 15: 04
        Praskovya Zhemchugova, the wife of Count Sheremetyev (see the portrait below), also died of tuberculosis.
      3. +2
        26 July 2021 10: 24
        The portrait of Lopukhina Borovikovsky is just one of the masterpieces.
        But at the same time she died very young of consumption.

        It turns out that she is only 18 years old in the portrait.
    5. +7
      25 July 2021 08: 06
      "the concept of cuteness can be attributed to this girl" in fact, the portrait painters of the 19th century are superior to the 17th century
    6. +4
      25 July 2021 08: 37
      = At the same time, Christina was by no means a masculine ugly: in all the portraits we see a pretty girl and a woman. =
      The author is a very brave person, since he called this owner such an outstanding schnobel a pretty girl.
      Although .., tastes do not argue.
      1. +2
        25 July 2021 11: 15
        Colleague Krasnoyarsk, I agree with you: Valery is not critical of Christina.
        But if you look closely then: mother and Gustav Adolf himself are not distinguished by their beauty.
        Of all the portraits, slightly interesting: Karl Gustav Pffalz Zweibruecken.
        He looks like the King of Bohemia, remember: "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson?
      2. VLR
        25 July 2021 14: 51
        How do you think "cuteness" is defined? For example, it seems to me that they say that when a woman is not beautiful, but also not ugly. There is not much to praise for, but also to scold.
        1. 0
          25 July 2021 18: 06
          Quote: VlR
          How do you think "cuteness" is defined? For example, it seems to me that they say that when a woman is not beautiful, but also not ugly. There is not much to praise for, but also to scold.

          Nope, pretty is when she is not a beauty, but there are no flaws or the proportion is not violated.
    7. +5
      25 July 2021 12: 34
      Building large and expensive forms for the state is the easiest and most effective way to show your wealth and power, be it a tomb, a palace, a temple or the House of Soviets in Moscow. By the way, it's a pity that they didn't build it.
      And about the "witch hunt" - so this is the same story as the atrocities of Ivan the Terrible. There was something, but not so much and not in such quantity.
      1. +2
        25 July 2021 19: 24
        Do you regret the unbuilt monster with Lenin's 30-meter articles on the roof at the site of Zaryadye? Why don't you love Moscow so much?))

        Well, the comrade from the Alexander Lavra, whatever one may say, was a fierce villain.
        1. 0
          1 August 2021 19: 30
          Quote: Mike_E
          Do you regret the unbuilt monster with Lenin's 30-meter articles on the roof at the site of Zaryadye? Why don't you love Moscow so much?))

          It would hardly be worse than Moscow City. What a really monstrous growth!
    8. +6
      25 July 2021 15: 01
      Yes, the tiller of the Swedish girl was notable, it is present in all the paintings. Strange criteria of beauty among the Scandinavians, however, it could be an ordinary toadying. And here is an image of one Russian former serf
      Praskovya Zhemchugova, wife of Count Sheremetyev.
    9. Fat
      26 July 2021 10: 52
      hi And why did the portrait of Maria Lopukhina not please you? She died 3 years later from consumption after painting the portrait and did not have time to play a trick like, for example, her brother Fyodor Tolstoy (American) ... Yes
  3. +9
    25 July 2021 05: 05
    A wonderful article and written with good humor! good
    She was an interesting woman and, who knows how the history of Sweden would turn out, do not bother her entourage with the need to get married. I lived an interesting life and left a memory in itself, different for everyone, but without curses. In any case, she was not a chicken and an alcoholic, and she was not famous for arbitrariness, but the woman was not allowed to live as she herself saw fit and, most likely, they were not given in vain.
    Thank you, Valery! smile
    1. +15
      25 July 2021 05: 23
      Happy Holidays, dear sailors! drinks soldier
      1. +8
        25 July 2021 10: 14
        "The sailor waddled ashore
        As if he discovered five hundred americans
        Well, not five hundred so five at least
        And he knew everything in the world of the island as twice two! "

        Happy holiday, Kostya! love )))
        And all those involved - happy holiday! drinks )))
        1. +6
          25 July 2021 15: 07
          The song of my childhood, mid-60s, was sung by Eduard Gil.
          1. +3
            25 July 2021 18: 47
            Eduard Khil also had such a wonderful song: "They will tell me 'do not argue', and I do not argue, fly by plane much faster, but still the sea will remain the sea, and we will never live without the seas" hi
        2. +3
          25 July 2021 21: 21
          Good evening, Luda! love
          Thank you for your congratulations. smile
          We are all romantics in our souls and love the sea, since childhood I dreamed of being a sailor, but I ended up in a tank, but they did not take a sailor by sight. The whole laughter is that as a tank commander I was quite useful and very good at shooting, life suffixes. laughing
          "On raging seas
          Glory to our ships!
          All that the sea gives us
          Divide in half! "(C)

      2. +9
        25 July 2021 12: 36
        I join. Happy Holidays!
      3. +6
        25 July 2021 13: 21
        Happy Holidays !!!!! Hurray Hurray Hurray!
        1. +6
          25 July 2021 14: 15
          My sincere congratulations to all members of the forum involved in the fleet drinks
  4. +9
    25 July 2021 05: 33
    for 17c, rather "bold" behavior of the royal person. Emancipation hit the head
    ps rings of spouses of the same size or what?
    1. +6
      25 July 2021 07: 54
      I noticed the rings myself
    2. +7
      25 July 2021 12: 57
      rings of spouses of the same size or what?

      At that time, ladies wore rings on gloves
  5. +12
    25 July 2021 05: 58
    And there are many examples of the destructive power of royal love.
    Not necessarily destructive, but with far-reaching historical consequences - for sure!
    Alienor of Aquitaine and Henry II Plantangenet, Justinian I and Theodora, Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon.
    Thank you, Valery!
    1. +8
      25 July 2021 06: 20
      Good morning Anton!
      The list can be continued with domestic examples. So, Ivan Kalita, being a prince, against the will of his elder brother Yuri Danilovich, married the boyar's daughter Alena.
      Moreover, studying the issue, you note that our rulers in pre-Petrine Russia chose more brides locally than rode around Europe.
      1. +8
        25 July 2021 06: 38
        Hello, Vlad!
        Your example is somewhat incorrect in relation to mine. I have cited cases of marriage alliances made by mutual agreement and left a noticeable mark in history. Little is known about the wives of Ivan Kalita.
        By the way, the persons involved in my examples are also not particularly rode around Europe
        in search of a "good game".
        1. 0
          25 July 2021 07: 48
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          I have cited cases of marriage alliances made by mutual agreement and left a noticeable mark in history.

          Uh-huh, such an imperceptible "trace in history" in 1/6 of the earth's ball.
          If there was no Shakespeare for Ivan Danilovich, then I think Balashov should be enough for our brother.
          1. +6
            25 July 2021 07: 56
            1/6 of the land is by no means the merit of the Rurikovichs.
            1. +8
              25 July 2021 08: 27
              Good morning Anton!
              I will agree. In the front ranks there was a free, whimsical people seeking WILL, away from the "vertical of power." laughing
              1. +5
                25 July 2021 08: 36
                Pioneers, what to take from them ...
                Khabarov even has a sounding surname.
                Sergei! hi
                1. +7
                  25 July 2021 08: 46
                  And yet, freedom was in the first place. And swag? Solid second place! wink
                  1. +6
                    25 July 2021 08: 55
                    I already once wrote that "freedom" and "will" are two different concepts in the Russian mentality. The pioneers followed the second.
                    1. +8
                      25 July 2021 09: 02
                      And there is also an amazing proverb: "Do not be afraid of bondage - be afraid of the will."
                      1. +7
                        25 July 2021 09: 07
                        And the concept of "freemen" has a negative connotation with an anarchic character.
                      2. +7
                        25 July 2021 09: 33
                        As our last rector put it: "Makhnovshchina".
                      3. +4
                        25 July 2021 09: 38
                        Too common, in my opinion.
                      4. +3
                        25 July 2021 10: 19
                        Yes. Just one of the many variations.
                    2. +6
                      25 July 2021 09: 26
                      The concepts are different, but in essence? Free, free man!
                      1. +3
                        25 July 2021 09: 31
                        But in fact, you yourself answered the question with the above quote.
                  2. +2
                    25 July 2021 21: 00
                    A swag? Solid second place! wink

                    "Did you bring the swag? !!!" (Sidorovich)

                    And you say second place. laughing
                2. +6
                  25 July 2021 13: 26
                  Khabarov even has a sounding surname - lucky.

                  Khabarov is rather a further nickname. A petition filed by him in the Yenisei prison to the governor Nikifor Verevkin in 1632 with a request to allow him with a "partnership" to settle at the mouth of the Kuta for cooking salt, buying furs and producing experimental crops, he personally signed - "Svyatitsky Erofeyka Pavlov with his brother Filippyashom and Arthur "
                  Source: Central State Archive of Ancient Acts (TsGADA), Siberian Prikaz, stb. 381, l. 92.].
                3. +3
                  26 July 2021 10: 29
                  Khabarov even has a sounding surname.

                  The same conquistador, only Orthodox. From him cried the beaten daurs, and the Manchus who were beaten by him, and their own subordinates. They removed him from the Far East by force - for he tired everyone.
            2. +4
              25 July 2021 08: 34
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              1/6 of the land is by no means the merit of the Rurikovichs.

              Someone had to start! He was one of the first.
              1. +2
                25 July 2021 08: 52
                Vlad, you constantly blame me for transferring modern socio-legal concepts to other historical realities (Cyrus and the federal state, for example). However, in this case, you yourself sin with something similar.
                1. +1
                  25 July 2021 18: 31
                  Yes, Anton sometimes sin, but in this case it's different.
                  A series of events forms history and if at least one pebble is removed from its mosaic, it is not a fact that the end result in reality will be the one in which we live.
                  So after Klyuchevsky Danilovich is not worth noticing!
                  Yes, quite complex and somewhat unpleasant people, especially in comparison with Mikhail Tverskoy, but ... history has no adjective declension.
                  1. +2
                    25 July 2021 18: 39
                    My respect and respect, Vlad!
                    And what, Klyuchevskoy - an a priori truth in the last instance? History is a more flexible science than mathematics and physics. Whatever folkhistories about the dogmatism of the OI are broadcasting there.
                  2. +4
                    25 July 2021 20: 45
                    Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
                    unpleasant people, especially in comparison with Mikhail Tverskoy

                    This is only for Balashov. smile
                    Mikhail Tverskoy was the same ghoul as the others, perhaps less flexible and unprincipled, but can this be considered a dignity of the ruler? He outright lost the political struggle to Yuri, despite the fact that he had much better starting positions in this struggle and was submissive and loyal to the Horde. It was Yuri who was the bungler and the fronder. Mikhail also led troops to the Russian lands, ruining them, killing and driving off the peasants, burned villages and villages, in short, he did everything as it should have been at that time. He just turned out to be less capable, smart, energetic, lucky in the end. Not Nikolai the Bloody, of course, but not Philip the Handsome, his contemporary. smile
                    1. +2
                      25 July 2021 21: 31
                      Quote: Trilobite Master
                      He just turned out to be less capable, smart, energetic, lucky in the end. Not Nikolai the Bloody, of course, but not Philip the Handsome, his contemporary.

                      Good night, Mikhail, history has decided for us - who turned out to be "better"!
                      Paradoxically, of all the princes, Pskov Dovmont is more understandable to me. Litvin by blood, but Russian in spirit.
                      1. +3
                        25 July 2021 21: 56
                        We have another evening, Vlad. Sunday evening. And yes, welcome. hi
                        I like such historical figures as Kalita, Ivan III, who quietly, without haste, but not hesitating, do their job, pushing like a glacier - slowly and unstoppably. Such was Yaroslav the Wise, Monomakh, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich ... Against everything, in spite of everything, energetic and intelligent, decisive and stubborn, without exhaustion and fatigue - forward without looking back at everything.
                      2. +2
                        26 July 2021 04: 31
                        Michael is a good morning. All three almost managed to gather Russia into one fist. Ivan I started with the worst starting conditions, so his result turned out to be more modest.
                        Although everything is relative!
                      3. +3
                        26 July 2021 09: 16
                        Once again, welcome. smile
                        Ivan Kalita is a somewhat unique personality. His starting positions in the issue of collecting Rus were no better and no worse than the rest of his contemporaries, perhaps worse than those of the princes of Tver, perhaps only slightly. Its uniqueness is, in my opinion, that it was a talented state organizer. His management system was so effective that the principality of Moscow, which had not been distinguished by anything before him, acquired enormous economic efficiency, giving a colossal, at that time, net income. Moreover, this was done not at all by increasing taxes, but at the expense of, I repeat, effective management and the prince's own "factories".
                        Plus he was definitely a talented diplomat. He managed to establish relations with all partners in such a way that he managed to ensure peace for the lands subject to him for many years to come, that is, he created a very stable and stable political system around him.
                        Well, like the cherry on the cake, it was he who "gave" us Alexei Byakont, whose godfather he was. We owe the latter no less than Kalita himself, it seems to me.
                        And Dovmont ... Well, well, Dovmont is a figure, probably also unique, but in a different way. A warrior to the marrow of his bones, a commander from God, a charismatic leader and at the same time a complete absence of any political ambitions. A unique combination. But one way or another, he managed to stop the German "Drang nach Osten" for more than thirty years, and this is already an absolute political success. Indeed, a unique character.
  6. -4
    25 July 2021 07: 01
    m, there are many examples of the destructive power of royal love. Or Alexandra Fedorovna

    The Romanov couple were gifted with the greatest happiness that can only be available to a person, this is the happiness of quivering tender, inextinguishable love during all 24 years of marriage.

    How many can boast of something like this (and this is written after more than 20 years of marriage):

    “My most beloved of loved ones, the hour of separation is approaching again, and my heart aches with grief. When you love as much as I do, you cannot help but yearn for your treasure.

    My prayers and thoughts, and my most tender love accompany you all the way. My dear love, God bless and keep you and may the Holy Virgin protect you from all evil. My sweetest blessings. I kiss you endlessly and hold you to my heart with boundless love and tenderness. Forever Yours "

    "My dear treasure, my dear.
    ... I cannot get used to the fact that you are not here in the house, even for such a short time, although I have our five treasures with me. Sleep well, my sun, my precious, a thousand tender kisses from your faithful wife. God bless and bless you "

    "My love, my telegrams cannot be very hot, as they go through so many military hands, but you will read between the lines all my love and longing for you."

    “My most beloved of loved ones, the hour of separation is approaching again, and my heart aches with grief. When you love as much as I do, you cannot but yearn for your treasure. "

    "My dear, dear,

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your lovely letter. It touched me deeply, I read it with such pleasure.

    Sweetheart, dear, how I miss you and the children ...

    Throughout their life has passed:
    But you are my salvation
    Love and beauty.
    And again I draw strength,
    Touching only You


    Eternal spring:
    1. VLR
      25 July 2021 07: 22
      Would Nicholas II have abdicated the throne - and loved as much as he could. It was well known about the character of this princess, who did not know how to behave in society. The main function of the monarch's wife is to charm everyone around, not even with her appearance, but with her kind treatment, the ability to smooth over sharp corners, to smile correctly to everyone and to say the right words in time. Alexandra did not know how to do this and did not want to study, which is why even the closest relatives became the enemies of this couple. And everyone knew even then (after the death of her brother, everything became clear) that the women of this family are not able to give birth to healthy boys - they pass on incurable hemophilia to them. And the heir born to her will never come to the throne. And the birth of a healthy legitimate heir is another important duty of the monarch's wife. The transfer of power not in a straight line, bypassing the assumed seniority, as a rule, becomes painful even within the same dynasty. Already in Russia, with its era of palace coups and the performance of the Decembrists, there is no need to look for examples for a long time.
      As a result, at a critical moment, Russia, because of Nikolai's faint-hearted renunciation for himself and his hopelessly ill son, did not receive a legitimate heir, and the continuity of power was violated. If the boy was healthy, there would be no reason to renounce him, And he would become a new banner under which the statesmen gathered. And they did not allow a breakthrough into the power of the Duma talkers of the Provisional Government, which destroyed the Empire. In the end, the love of Nicholas II cost Russia too much.
      1. +5
        25 July 2021 08: 11
        Nicholas II would have abdicated the throne
        It wouldn't solve anything. A systemic crisis has been brewing for over a century.
        1. VLR
          25 July 2021 08: 32
          Quite right, but if there was an undisputed legitimate candidate, events could have followed a less destructive scenario. The situation was approximately the same with the election of Yeltsin as president of Russia. If this drunk would have died in advance from pancreatic necrosis, there would have been no one to fly to Belovezhskaya Pushcha for a booze. And the collapse of the USSR would not have been so catastrophic (for everyone, not just Russia). Openly anti-Soviet nationalist territories like the Baltic republics and Georgia would probably have gone anyway. But Belarus, Kazakhstan is a completely different matter, it was possible and necessary to come to an agreement and go together. The Central Asian republics were quite loyal to being part of the USSR. And Armenia, in the hostile environment of Turkey and Azerbaijan, would hardly have dared to leave the USSR.
      2. +1
        25 July 2021 10: 55
        "In the end, the love of Nicholas 2 cost Russia too much" Valery, saw on TV: Nicholas 2 had sympathy with Victoria, the English queen. But he needed a wife and his parents didn’t allow him.
        1. VLR
          25 July 2021 11: 23
          Well, what are you, she was good for him as a grandmother. This story is about Victoria and the future Alexander II.
          1. +2
            25 July 2021 12: 01
            Thanks for the enlightenment.
      3. 0
        25 July 2021 12: 46
        "the transfer of power not in a straight line, bypassing the perceived seniority, as a rule, becomes painful"
        Valery, I agree with you: Nikolai should have recanted, but in favor of whom?
        Mikhail was married with a morganatic marriage, and this was not welcome. Then there will be a transition to the sideline: V.K. Nikolai Nikolaevich or Kirill Vladimirovich?
      4. +2
        26 July 2021 10: 40
        The transfer of power not in a straight line, bypassing the assumed seniority, as a rule, becomes painful even within the same dynasty. Already in Russia, with its era of palace coups and the performance of the Decembrists, there is no need to look for examples for a long time.

        Valery, may I have a discussion? drinks There was a clear document that passed on the succession to the throne - this is the same Pavlovian "Act of Succession", which the Gatchina recluse had fostered in his thoughts during the years of forced isolation, and then whitewashed on paper.
        The speech of the Decembrists is, rather, an incident, they only needed an excuse, which Constantine provided them. There would be no reason then - they would agree in a few years and find a new one.
        I have a thought wandering around: in February 1917, the tsar himself refused, forwarded the request to his brother, he muttered: "I can't get it for nothing," and the monarchy merged. And why did no one remember about the procedure for the further transfer of power? For some reason, Kirill Vladimirovich remembered this already in emigration, as the most cunning-assed, and, having counted the surviving relatives on the heads, he appointed himself a senior - "anpirator" ... fellow
        Or would the tsar be sent away if he offered the crown to someone from another branch of the Romanovs? what
        If I am wrong about something - enlighten me, colleagues! drinks
    2. +4
      25 July 2021 07: 50
      Words do not always correspond to concepts, whatever Goethe says.
    3. +6
      25 July 2021 13: 34
      Quote: Olgovich
      The Romanov couple were gifted with the greatest happiness that can only be available to a person, this is the happiness of quivering tender, inextinguishable love during all 24 years of marriage.

      How touching! They lived happily ever after, and died on the same day ...
      Cause of death: Consequences of chronic love, incompatible with life. lol
      "My love, my telegrams cannot be very hot, as they go through so many military hands, but you will read between the lines all my love and longing for you."

      It was necessary to think about the good of the State, and not let pink snot.
      1. 0
        25 July 2021 17: 22
        Quote: HanTengri
        Quote: Olgovich
        The Romanov couple were gifted with the greatest happiness that can only be available to a person, this is the happiness of quivering tender, inextinguishable love during all 24 years of marriage.

        How touching! They lived happily ever after, and died on the same day ...
        Cause of death: Consequences of chronic love, incompatible with life. lol
        "My love, my telegrams cannot be very hot, as they go through so many military hands, but you will read between the lines all my love and longing for you."

        It was necessary to think about the good of the State, and not let pink snot.

        In an absolute monarchy, which Russia was in essence, "the state is me." Do you think he was not thinking about himself? laughing
        1. +3
          25 July 2021 18: 36
          Strictly speaking, RI in the 20th century was neither an absolute nor a constitutional monarchy, but in the middle
        2. +3
          25 July 2021 21: 34
          Quote: Doliva63
          In an absolute monarchy, which Russia was in essence, "the state is me." Do you think he was not thinking about himself?

          I thought so! But then, in the process of the experiment, it turned out that the State and He are, after all, quite a bit, but two big differences, and ... "Sorry, dear. It happened ..." (c) laughing
    4. +5
      25 July 2021 15: 00
      Quote: Olgovich
      happiness of quivering tender unquenchable love

      It does not in any way justify these people in the fact that because of their actions or inaction, a huge country plunged into bloody chaos with millions of victims. Quivering love in the intervals between shooting crows and cats and hearty gourmet lunches and dinners is, of course, good, but for the head of state it is not enough.
      In my universe, Nikolai and his wife burn in hell and will burn without a chance for forgiveness as long as there is at least one person on the planet who remembers their damned names. There is too much blood on them, tears and human misfortunes. Even a deliberate sacrifice, it is not that just one's own death and the death of a family cannot atone for such sins.
      1. -12
        25 July 2021 17: 03
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        Doesn't justify these people in any way

        They don't need your excuse / censure.

        They lived a HAPPY life, for they lived it in love, adoration and respect for each other, having given birth to beautiful children. Compared to the deeply unhappy next, yeah

        As for their actions, they led to the Victory and prosperity of Russia and the Russian people (as it developed before the thieves), the Brest servants of the German invaders plunged the country into bloody chaos.

        Quote: Trilobite Master
        In my universe, Nikolai and his wife burn in hell and will burn without a chance for forgiveness as long as there is at least one person on the planet who remembers their damned names. There is too much blood on them, tears and human misfortunes. Even a deliberate sacrifice, it is not that just one's own death and the death of a family cannot atone for such sins.

        In addition to your universe, fortunately, there are millions of other universes where these bright, beautiful, touching names will live and burn forever in their hearts - with love, hope and gratitude ..

        In these same universes, the names of their killers are forever cursed, on which there is too much blood, tears and misfortunes of the Russian people.
        1. +5
          25 July 2021 21: 11
          Quote: Olgovich
          they led to the victory and prosperity of Russia

          Was Russia really flourishing under them? And then Hottabych conjured three revolutions in a row and a civil war ... So everything was wonderful ...
          Quote: Olgovich
          millions of other universes, where these bright, beautiful, touching names will live forever

          Are there millions? Yes, they all hated then, hate and despise now. Only you and Poklonskaya are running around with him, well, maybe a dozen or two more historical marginals. laughing
          Millions are those who died because of them, because of their stupidity, laziness, lack of will and ambition. Because of their drool and snot, which they hung wherever they could reach.
          1. -4
            26 July 2021 07: 22
            Quote: Trilobite Master
            Was Russia really flourishing under them?

            find out that the level of 1913 in the consumption of food, clothing and housing was caught up by the next regime only after 40 years - see Report of the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR 1955
            Quote: Trilobite Master
            Are there millions? Yes, they all hated then, hate and despise now. Only you and Poklonskaya are running around with him, well, maybe a dozen or two more historical marginals.

            Only you hate them and a dozen or two more historical marginals
            Quote: Trilobite Master
            Millions are those who died because of them, because of their stupidity, laziness, lack of will and ambition. Because of their drool and snot, which they hung wherever they could reach.

            killed millions as a result of the thief-teach History.

            And the Emperor gave Russia FREEDOM, which had never been before him, and even more so after: meetings, speech, choice, entrepreneurship, movement-I don't want to live

            But they realized this only when they got into the Middle Ages 1917-1930s ...

            And someone also likes to be bridled to a crunch in the neck and be beaten with a whip and urged on by the stimulus and cries of "Give !!"
    5. 0
      1 August 2021 20: 25
      Quote: Olgovich
      m, there are many examples of the destructive power of royal love. Or Alexandra Fedorovna
      The Romanov couple were gifted with the greatest happiness,

      which ended in the greatest misfortune, both for the family - a terrible death, and for the country - collapse, intervention and civil war.
      1. -2
        2 August 2021 08: 49
        Quote: Kwas
        which ended in the greatest misfortune

        Their ALREADY held HIGHEST human happiness of love can never be taken away by anyone.

        And the following ichi and co and knew him NEVER: poor, unhappy deprived people ...
        1. 0
          6 August 2021 11: 34
          Quote: Olgovich
          HIGHEST human happiness of love-

          Whether it is the HIGHEST happiness - it would make sense to argue separately. For example, was it worth the death of the children? They themselves can no longer be asked, but the answer would hardly be so unambiguous.
          Quote: Olgovich
          And the following ichi and co and knew him NEVER:

          You know everything! Well, of course, they shared their innermost thoughts with you ...
          1. -2
            6 August 2021 11: 52
            Quote: Kwas
            Whether it is the HIGHEST happiness - it would make sense to argue separately. For example, was it worth the death of the children? They themselves can no longer be asked, but the answer would hardly be so unambiguous.

            It is the highest human happiness - and these 24 years of happiness will never be taken away from them by anyone.
            Quote: Kwas
            You know everything! Well, of course, they shared their innermost thoughts with you ...

            what "thoughts"?
            There are FACTS: all the Ulyanovs are punished with infertility, treason, the only one is Dmitry and it is not known whose child.

            The next one is a suicidal wife, a suicidal son, another is a convicted alcoholic, the third is a traitor to the Motherland who is weak on the front, brothers / sisters of wives, their wives / husbands and children, son-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law, spies, poisoners and terrorists (according to the decisions of the Soviet court ).

            "Happiness", yes ....
            1. 0
              6 August 2021 12: 02
              Quote: Olgovich
              "Happiness", yes ...

              Who knows. Happiness is an internal category. By your own logic, and by mine, the external events of life do not say anything about happiness and harmony. But he could well say that he had done the main work of his life, did not live it in vain, and could find much greater happiness in this.
              1. -2
                7 August 2021 06: 30
                Quote: Kwas
                But he could well say that he had done the main work of his life, did not live it in vain, and could find much greater happiness in this.

                he could say anything, but the destiny of a person is different.
                1. 0
                  14 August 2021 18: 06
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  but the destiny of a person is different.

                  An attempt to comprehend the meaning of life, as a rule, ends with the recognition of its meaninglessness. The same about purpose. There is no one determined from above. But everyone can define him (her) for himself, and go this way.
                  1. -4
                    15 August 2021 10: 29
                    Quote: Kwas
                    An attempt to comprehend the meaning of life, as a rule, ends with the recognition of its meaninglessness.

                    there is no such rule.
                    Quote: Kwas
                    There is no one determined from above.

                    extend your kind
                    Quote: Kwas
                    But everyone can define him (her) for himself, and go this way.

                    but this is a fictional chimera, just self-deception
                    1. 0
                      31 August 2021 09: 24
                      Hmm, I'll try to explain wink To extend one's genus is the biological function of any living organism - macaque, jackal, worm, and so on. Does a person differ from them? If so, then the presence of reason, or at least its best development. And with the help of this mind, with some skill in using it, a person can decide what else he can devote his life to, besides primitive reproduction. wink
  7. +9
    25 July 2021 07: 53
    "I had to return to Rome again" actually were still: Lisbon, Madrid, Vienna are quite Catholic capitals. I just missed Decio Azzelino
  8. +9
    25 July 2021 07: 59
    1. The habit of trusting predictions rarely ends well (ask the Delphic Oracle).
    2. The cap of Monomakh is a burden. It does not compensate for early orphanhood.
    3. The habit of indulging one's desires, when there is little limiting, also does not end well.
    1. +5
      25 July 2021 08: 33
      The Delphic Oracle's predictions are fascinating for their versatility (ask Themistocles).
      1. +7
        25 July 2021 08: 37
        If there is a strong fleet - how not to use it.

        By the way, Happy Holidays everyone!
      2. +2
        26 July 2021 17: 13
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        (ask Themistocles).

        Or Croesus, he "stuck" on this great wassat
  9. +4
    25 July 2021 08: 12
    "Queen Christina depicted as Minerva" this "Minerva" has a horse face
  10. +4
    25 July 2021 08: 27
    The reason for such a late marriage was ... the horoscope drawn up at the birth of the prince. It said that Gustav Adolf should marry at the age of 25 and with a woman whom he himself chooses to be his wife. Well, you understand: since the astrologer said so, then there is nothing to do - Gustav Adolf had to live as a bachelor until the age indicated by this specialist. But there is freedom of choice.

    As always with Valery - history and historical anecdotes go hand in hand.
    No horoscopes influenced the late marriage of the king, it's not about the stars, but about the king's love for Countess Ebba Braga.

    However, the Queen Mother strongly opposed this marriage. So Pugacheva was right, kings do not marry for love, but are combined by dynastic marriages. That is why they chose the Princess of Brandenburg among the European brides for Gustav Adolf.
    1. VLR
      25 July 2021 08: 36
      Yes, if the mother and the highest dignitaries of the state agreed to Ebbu, Gustav would not give a damn about all the horoscopes. But the indicated horoscope at birth was still there. And so I had to rush to get married before I was 26 - I barely had time. Maria Eleanor was indeed a very politically appropriate candidate. But they also developed mutual sympathy (they kissed before the wedding!), So, without any internal violence against themselves, they went down the aisle.
      1. +2
        25 July 2021 08: 56
        The content of the horoscope, which was compiled by none other than Tycho Brahe at the birth of Gustav Adolphus, is known. But marriage is not mentioned there.
        1. +4
          25 July 2021 10: 09
          It would be better if Tycho Brahe made a horoscope for himself. Forewarned, which means, perhaps, would have come to an agreement with Lachesis.
          1. VLR
            25 July 2021 10: 17
            Astrologers and other "specialists" of this kind never know anything about themselves and their loved ones. I remember how in the early 90s the house of the notorious P. Globa was robbed ("everything acquired by overwhelming charlatan labor"). He then literally with tears in his eyes said: "But according to the horoscope, nothing like that should have happened!"
            Yes, and if there was such a real "magician", he would not have made horoscopes for simpletons, and not filmed on TNT, but sat quietly and played on the stock exchange
            1. +8
              25 July 2021 10: 24
              Roman proverb: "If an augur sees an augur, they cannot help smiling."
              1. +4
                25 July 2021 10: 54
                There are people who really see.

                A few days before his death, Abraham Lincoln had a dream that predicted this event. The President dreamed that he was in the White House at someone's funeral. When he allegedly approached the soldier from the guard and asked who was being buried, he turned and answered: "The President was shot." After 2 days, Lincoln went to the theater, where he was shot by supporters of slavery from the southern states.
                1. VLR
                  25 July 2021 11: 37
                  I had a series of articles about this - "Forces and signs of fate." About astrologers, prophets, tarot, dreams and more. About coincidences and bloopers. If you missed it, take a look.
                  1. +5
                    25 July 2021 11: 59
                    I'll see, but later.
                    It's just that I don't really care about this topic yet. But Christina is interesting. Here is the real phenomenon of loss of target designation by a strong personality. Something prevented her from being realized. This renunciation is a mystery.
                2. +4
                  25 July 2021 12: 54
                  We have already talked about the signs.

                  Tiberius, for example, asked astrologers about their own destiny.
                  Then he threw it off the cliff.

                  The fun of the emperors.
                  1. +4
                    25 July 2021 13: 04
                    Rather, it is an attempt to convince oneself that the emperor himself determines his own destiny.
                    Which, however, applies to any person.
                    But different people have different levels of laziness.
                    1. +5
                      25 July 2021 13: 45
                      Laziness is a strange thing.
                      More often harmful, but sometimes it allows you to think - is there any point in performing useless actions.
                      1. +6
                        25 July 2021 14: 03
                        The eternal question of the weekend: "Am I lying or have plans?"
                      2. +3
                        25 July 2021 14: 25
                        I am lying creature ...

                        trembling, Anton. Reclining is a bit from another opera smile
                        However, as a pun for Sunday morning - super! good
                      3. +4
                        25 July 2021 14: 32
                        So I am not Dostoevsky! laughing
                        Dmitry! hi
                      4. +2
                        25 July 2021 14: 37
                        No need to be shy Yes
                        I always read you with pleasure, but I could not fully master Dostoevsky. Too boring and abstruse for me smile
                      5. +4
                        25 July 2021 14: 42
                        Modesty is not one of my vices.
                        If I choose between Dostoevsky and Fowles, I prefer the latter.
                      6. +2
                        25 July 2021 14: 51
                        "The French Lieutenant's Woman" 1981 based on the novel by Fowles - his wife's favorite film
                      7. +4
                        25 July 2021 14: 57
                        I haven't read this. Only "Collector" and "Magus".
                      8. +3
                        25 July 2021 15: 13
                        "Vohlv" amazed at one time. And when I re-read it - no longer.
                        I would also call it "The Ebony Tower".
                      9. +2
                        26 July 2021 17: 19
                        Quote: 3x3zsave

                        The island of Spetses is the prototype of the scene in Volkhva.
                        The school where Fowles "served" has long been closed.

                        Pay attention to the name of the tavern:
                      10. +3
                        25 July 2021 15: 12
                        No. There is no life without movement.
                      11. +6
                        25 July 2021 14: 28
                        And it turns out that all actions are useless! For they are repeated regularly - yesterday, the day before yesterday ... A year ago. All life. For example, cleaning a room. Whatever you do, dirt accumulates.
                        They say that dust is taken from somewhere even in tightly closed rooms.

                        So is it worth it to strain today if it can be done tomorrow?
                        And then you find out - you have to! An unfulfilled obligation paralyzes thought.
                      12. +3
                        25 July 2021 14: 47
                        For example, cleaning a room.
                        In this case, the "Carlson method" is most effective.
                      13. +3
                        25 July 2021 15: 04
                        I don’t remember what that method was. wassat )))
                      14. +2
                        25 July 2021 15: 06
                        Brush out dust in the corners.
                      15. +5
                        25 July 2021 15: 11
                        By the way, there is no problem with that. It was hot, then it got colder, and now I sneeze all day. It is a pity that the dishes cannot be washed by sneezing!
                        I look at her with hatred - there is no hot water, you need to warm it up, and then rinse it in ice until it hurts your fingers ... Oh, life!
                        But you have to live, right? laughing )))
                      16. +3
                        25 July 2021 15: 14
                        For example, cleaning a room. Whatever you do, dirt accumulates.

                        Lyudmila, this is world entropy. There is such a thermodynamic potential. Only a woman with a wet rag can fight her growth.
                      17. +4
                        25 July 2021 15: 18
                        Well, here I am, a woman with a wet rag.
                        I bring the entropy of the apartment to a given norm and conclude: the most difficult thing in life is life itself! wassat )))
                      18. +5
                        25 July 2021 15: 23
                        the hardest thing in life is life itself!

                        Quite right. I’m asking freshmen about cause-and-effect relationships: what is the most common cause of death for any organism? And no one has yet said that this is the birth of this very organism.
                      19. +5
                        25 July 2021 15: 37
                        And they are still small, they are afraid to think about death, they perceive it as irreparable harm to the body and exclude it from their own consciousness. But an adult thinks about her - what will remain, what to whom to bequeath and how to make sure that they do not fight)))
                      20. +4
                        25 July 2021 16: 43
                        This classic: the first step of a child is his first step towards death.
                      21. +1
                        1 August 2021 20: 43
                        Quote: Aviator_
                        I’m asking freshmen about cause-and-effect relationships: what is the most common cause of death for any organism?

                        I throw in one more question - what is the most common cause of crimes. I wonder how many will answer that the law?
                      22. +1
                        1 August 2021 21: 06
                        Dear colleague, I will respond)))
                        Moral law. Strict suggestion to the kid: you cannot steal, you cannot lie, you cannot offend! Children under 8-10 years old do not have critical thinking. The word "You can't!" in regard to negativity, you need to put it in your head every day! Strictly! It is useless to explain. The child does not heed the arguments of reason. But at the age of ten he will surely ask questions: “Why is it impossible to steal, steal, kill?”, Already trying to understand. And here, so that the street does not teach him, he must talk to him every day, explaining that otherwise society will be destroyed.
                        That is, children should be brought up that way.
                      23. 0
                        1 August 2021 21: 32
                        Well, yes - there is no law - there is nothing to overstep.
                      24. +3
                        25 July 2021 15: 22
                        Bravo, Sergey! Even Feyman did not come to cleaning from the point of view of thermodynamics! good
                      25. +5
                        25 July 2021 15: 28
                        I digitize my lectures, so I regularly reread his first edition (9 thin volumes of the 60s), the conviction grows that he missed a lot of things, and in the 5th volume there are just mistakes. However, in the introduction he himself honestly writes that he himself does not like volume 5 (electricity).
                      26. +3
                        25 July 2021 15: 45
                        Apparently, I ran into a contradiction in that the resistance of the conductor is greater than the resistance of the conductor.
                      27. +2
                        25 July 2021 16: 51
                        the resistance of the conductor is greater than the resistance of the conductor.

                        laughing good
                      28. +4
                        25 July 2021 15: 38
                        So it is unlikely that Feynman was engaged in cleaning wassat ))))
                        And then I would get it!
                      29. +2
                        25 July 2021 16: 50
                        Well, yes, it's not a royal job to do cleaning. And even on Saturday. Religion does not allow.
                      30. +1
                        25 July 2021 17: 24
                        Religion won't let you blow on Saturday? And if the drowned man needs to be saved and he needs to blow air into his lungs? Or let him die? Or even well, he nafig - let him drown! wassat )))
                      31. +3
                        25 July 2021 19: 25
                        Such a religion, there is nothing to be done. Or hire a shabez goy, let him try.
                      32. +4
                        25 July 2021 20: 20
                        Come on!
                        Albert (Krasnodar) will come, he will disbelieve you)))
                      33. +4
                        25 July 2021 15: 19
                        One of the first rules of the US Marines was about the need to make the bed in a peaceful life. By the way, a very interesting book (William McRaven).
                      34. +6
                        25 July 2021 15: 26
                        Oh, Sergei ... It seems to me that life in the primitive communal era was the most burdensome. But the Moscow mayor's office claims that the parking lot of the primitive man was also paid.
                      35. +5
                        25 July 2021 15: 34
                        It seems to me that life in the primitive communal era was the most burdensome.
                        Lyudmila Yakovlevna, try to make an elementary scraper from a piece of silicon ...
                      36. +3
                        25 July 2021 15: 51
                        Anton, I tried it!
                        I took a piece of silicon right now and began to cut it. I fiddled for a while and thought: why am I doing this? No, I will not continue. Where can I then give the finished product?
                      37. +2
                        25 July 2021 15: 58
                        I am terribly sorry, Lyudmila Yakovlevna, but silicon is not chipped, silicon, to give the desired shape, is chipped off.
                      38. +1
                        25 July 2021 16: 11
                        I am terribly forgiving!
                        I have never been engaged in the production of silicon tips, I have not studied the technology. Here it would be necessary to interview specialists. But you are, apparently, one of those? Well, how is it? Chipping something? wassat )))
                      39. +2
                        25 July 2021 16: 18
                        So-so occupation ... I tried it once, it was enough for me.
                      40. +3
                        25 July 2021 16: 39
                        Have you abandoned it? Right!
                        Otherwise, you would be required to have a production permit, certification of the tip as a military product, a lease agreement for a production facility, a bank account, contracts with firefighters and SES, etc. ... Moreover, you would be monitored whether you are selling your products to terrorists, and all sorts of different bodies would demand a share of the income, whether it is there or not. And if there is, then the raiders would come ...
                        How easy life was for primitive man! wassat ))))))))
                      41. 0
                        25 July 2021 16: 51
                        Have you abandoned it?
                        No, I didn’t quit. Interrupted, in view of injury to the fingers of his left hand.
                      42. +3
                        25 July 2021 17: 05
                        Any business that requires the use of manual labor requires skill. And it is given through trauma. Unless the decrease in entropy by dust blowing goes through a useful increase in lung volume. Hmmm ... you can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty.
                      43. +5
                        25 July 2021 16: 13
                        Hello Anton. I'm terribly sorry too. But silicon is neither chipped nor chipped. Yes, it is in nature in its pure form and does not occur. Flint is chipped off.
                      44. +6
                        25 July 2021 16: 24
                        Hello, Victor Nikolaevich! Of course you are right! I messed up this a little, taking the noun as a derivative of the adjective. But, I think, the mistake is less serious than the "Silicon Valley" ...
                      45. +4
                        25 July 2021 16: 37
                        Yes, that's me, bored with boredom.
                      46. +5
                        25 July 2021 16: 44
                        No, that's right! Corrected and done right! And then I here once mentioned a "DC transformer". "Techies" mocked for a long time ...
                      47. +6
                        25 July 2021 17: 07
                        What didn't the techies like?

                        DC transformer.
                      48. +3
                        25 July 2021 17: 14
                        I don't know, to be honest. It was about traction substations.
                      49. +3
                        25 July 2021 17: 23
                        Got it. There really is no DC transformer, there is a converter unit.
                      50. +1
                        25 July 2021 18: 18
                        Then it is clear.
                        Not for me.
                      51. +3
                        25 July 2021 18: 39
                        If you are really interested in understanding, you need to look at the literature on the arrangement of traction substations, since it will not be possible to describe the arrangement of a DC traction substation in the commentary. In short and primitive, this is a large rectifier.
                      52. +2
                        25 July 2021 18: 46
                        I understand it. But at that moment it was annoying for the mistake and petty slander of self-asserting personalities. Only "Aviator" understood the situation and apologized.
                      53. +1
                        25 July 2021 20: 35
                        Such people can only be pitied. Remember Panikovsky.
                      54. The comment was deleted.
                      55. +2
                        25 July 2021 21: 43
                        Akaki Akayevich's little insanity grew into Raskolnikov's great insanity.
                      56. +3
                        25 July 2021 17: 10
                        In microelectronic manufacturing, no one has ever said "flint". Silicon only. Even if you hold an ingot or an unscribed plate in your hands. So, I have a professional habit. I would say "flint", I would be ridiculed)))
                      57. +4
                        25 July 2021 17: 38
                        In microelectronics, silicon is really used - a chemical element. But in nature, it occurs in the form of silicon dioxide in the composition of various minerals, including flint - a type of quartz, from which our distant ancestors made cutting and piercing tools.
                      58. +3
                        25 July 2021 16: 47
                        Of course, to the first market. Suddenly, someone at the other end of the Moscow region had an extra clay pot lying around.
                      59. +3
                        25 July 2021 17: 12
                        Then it is necessary to grind. In the form of cannonballs for targeted combat. Otherwise, the consumer will be dissatisfied.
                      60. +5
                        25 July 2021 17: 18
                        Any master fights for the quality of his product.
                      61. 0
                        1 August 2021 20: 48
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        a piece of silicon ...

                        hmm, don't you mean, by any chance, monocrystalline Si?
                      62. +3
                        25 July 2021 16: 45
                        Golding "The Heirs". So so easy.
                      63. 0
                        1 August 2021 20: 40
                        Quote: depressant
                        And it turns out that all actions are useless!

                        Actions (IMHO) that are not involved in the meaning of life are useless. I am somehow damn sorry for people (usually ladies) who reduce the meaning of their life to putting things in order, getting high or cooking.
                        Happy is the man who has set himself bigger goals, worthy ones, and who goes to them, even does not achieve them ...
  11. +3
    25 July 2021 09: 43
    it is good, at least, that with its orientation (political, of course), it did not leave the Protestant coalition.
  12. +4
    25 July 2021 09: 59
    Quote: VlR
    Would Nicholas II have abdicated the throne - and loved as much as he could. It was well known about the character of this princess, who did not know how to behave in society. The main function of the monarch's wife is to charm everyone around, not even with her appearance, but with her kind treatment, the ability to smooth over sharp corners, to smile correctly to everyone and to say the right words in time. Alexandra did not know how to do this and did not want to study, which is why even the closest relatives became the enemies of this couple. And everyone knew even then (after the death of her brother, everything became clear) that the women of this family are not able to give birth to healthy boys - they pass on incurable hemophilia to them. And the heir born to her will never come to the throne. And the birth of a healthy legitimate heir is another important duty of the monarch's wife. The transfer of power not in a straight line, bypassing the assumed seniority, as a rule, becomes painful even within the same dynasty. Already in Russia, with its era of palace coups and the performance of the Decembrists, there is no need to look for examples for a long time.
    As a result, at a critical moment, Russia, because of Nikolai's faint-hearted renunciation for himself and his hopelessly ill son, did not receive a legitimate heir, and the continuity of power was violated. If the boy was healthy, there would be no reason to renounce him, And he would become a new banner under which the statesmen gathered. And they did not allow a breakthrough into the power of the Duma talkers of the Provisional Government, which destroyed the Empire. In the end, the love of Nicholas II cost Russia too much.

    It is quite clear that it was Yeltsin's liberals who hurried to present Nicholas II as suffering from the Bolsheviks as a martyr. If then there was no haste for many Gorbochev-Yeltsin communists, twisting their skins, to run to Church, cross themselves and crawl on their knees by the porch, then even the rest of society would prove that all the same it is cruel, but for the oath of apostasy and for renouncing what Nicholas God anointed, the Bolsheviks were right and did that Nicholas was shot. Of course, the Bolsheviks wrote one sentence to Nikolai, the monarchists wrote another sentence to him, but the text of the sentence of the History of Russia says - Nicholas II was shot correctly! As for Alexandra Fedorovna, it was not the Bolsheviks who pronounced her sentence, but on behalf of Russian History, Nikolai's mother, Maria Fedorovna, sentenced her even earlier. When Maria Fyodorovna was informed that Rasputin had been killed, Maria Fyodorovna expressed that - it would be better for her ..., meaning Alexandra Fyodorovna.
  13. +3
    25 July 2021 10: 37
    Colleagues, Valery. Good afternoon. All those who served in the Navy on the Day of the Navy
  14. +4
    25 July 2021 11: 01
    Christina, not really hiding, got the favorites. These were called her compatriots Magnus Gabriel De la Gardie

    Not only a favorite, but also one of the alleged candidates for husbands.
    But ... Magnus Gabriel was the eldest son of Jacob Pontus Delagardie (known to us from the Time of Troubles) and Ebba Brahe, Christina's father's lover for many years, and, according to rumors, was her half-brother. And if we consider that he married Maria Efrosinje Pfalz-Zweibrucken, the daughter of Katharina of Sweden, then the famous expression involuntarily comes to mind "Swedish family".
  15. +3
    25 July 2021 11: 36
    Colleagues, whatever you want, but Christina has something wrong with her psyche.
    Perhaps the reason is Maria Eleanor: "the mother hated her daughter"?
    A girl under the age of 11-12 needs a mother or any smart woman to be a role model. If necessary, she will tell her daughter how to charm a young man.
    The fact that all her servants were men also negatively influenced her character.
    1. +4
      25 July 2021 16: 23
      Everything is fine with her ... with the psyche. An intelligent and strong-willed woman. What do you think is her problem?
      1. +1
        25 July 2021 16: 47
        Sergei, she was smart, but she had some mental problems. Agree that her behavior stood out sharply for that time.
        A loud change of religion for the 17c is also not an ordinary event.
        Now "change shoes" in a moment, and then there was more decency
        1. +2
          25 July 2021 17: 22
          A rethinking came to her.
          Decency? "Kill everyone. The Lord will figure out who is a good Catholic."
          Just ... just an eccentric person. And that's it. wink
          1. -1
            25 July 2021 17: 30
            A quote from some feature film. I watched for a long time. The action of the film began on the eve of the storming of La Rochelle.
            1. +2
              25 July 2021 17: 54
              Amalrich. 1225. The storming of the Beziers fortress. She sounded in the "Casket of Marie de Medici", during the assault .... Montsegur. laughing
              1. 0
                25 July 2021 18: 13
                There was also a ring with poison. And the rod pointed the way to the treasure
              2. 0
                25 July 2021 18: 41
                Well done, but I also forgot the name of the fortress.
  16. +3
    25 July 2021 11: 59
    Valery, are you going to "return to Russia"? For example, to continue your series about crowned heads "?
    I would be grateful for the "pre-Petrine" period.
    We know little about the home life of the old "pre-Peter" Moscow, and this topic is interesting. A "Tverskaya" or "Vladimerskaya" rus
    1. +3
      25 July 2021 12: 56
      Auntie, give me some water, but I want to have nowhere to sleep.
      So it is with Astra: "crowned", and then home life. This is 2 "water" work
      1. 0
        25 July 2021 16: 52
        If Vladkub is not pleasant, he may not read
        1. +2
          25 July 2021 22: 02
          Valery, are you not going to "return to Russia?"

          If the respected author does not mind, let me highlight the "trail" of Queen Christina in Russian history.
          Once her father, “culturally wringing out” the territory of the Orekhovsky district (modern St. Petersburg and Leningrad region) and renaming it to Noteborgsky flax, put the fortress Nyenskans on the territory of the modern Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg and ordered to build the commercial city of Nyenshtadt nearby (Nien is translated from Swedish as "Nevsky"). The beginning of the development of this town (1632) fell on the years of the reign of Queen Christina, and she diligently completed all the father's undertakings, allocating funds for the construction and infrastructure of new estates. Later, all this became our northern capital - St. Petersburg.
          1. +2
            25 July 2021 22: 12
            Here, too, in my head is a comparative chronology of father and daughter with our tsars.
            Neighbors. That's that. And the boundary question is the most painful one.
            1. +1
              25 July 2021 22: 40
              He found with his eyes a boundary pillar knocked down near the road, took a deep breath, took a step and found himself on the Golovlev land, on the land that gave birth to him, nursed him, released him on all four sides and now, again takes him into his paternal bosom (c)
              1. +2
                25 July 2021 22: 42
                But the "Lord Golovlevs" somehow passed me by. Although I liked Saltykov-Shchedrin at school very much.
              2. +1
                25 July 2021 23: 16
                And I have this Saltykov phrase in my soul deeply settled. When in 81 I came home from urgently and heard her from my great-grandmother, she was educated - from 1916 to 1921 she worked as a teacher in the village. Then decossackization - exile - returning home in XNUMX and working as a milkmaid on a collective farm until very old age. She dreamed that I would enter an agricultural technical school as an agricultural technician or land surveyor ...
                So I’m sitting at the table, listening to her, and my heart is bleeding, I don’t know how to tell her that I’ll leave soon - in my pocket there is a direction from the Border Detachment to the Voroshilov VPVPKU ... I returned to my native land only thirty years later ..
                1. +2
                  26 July 2021 00: 14
                  “Two feelings have been close to us since childhood.
                  They find food in the heart:
                  Love for the native ashes
                  Love for fatherly graves "(c).
                  1. +1
                    26 July 2021 01: 14
                    “Life-giving shrine!
                    The earth would be dead without them,
                    How ????? desert
                    And like an altar without a deity "(c)
                    It is a pity that we will never know what kind of desert Alexander Sergeevich had in mind. Pushkin did not have time to finish this poem. It has come down to us only in this form.
                    And you, Sergei, are a very well-read person. I dare to suggest that the humanities
                    1. +3
                      26 July 2021 01: 37
                      No. Naturalist. But literature is among the three priorities at school.

                      However, for our generation, reading is natural.
                      1. +2
                        26 July 2021 01: 58

                        And I told you a couple of months ago with delight what kind of black soil near Kursk fellow
                        Yes, it turned out silly. I can imagine how a specialist listened to those amateurish revelations of mine smile
                      2. +2
                        26 July 2021 07: 59
                        Any lively look is wonderful.

                        For example, here are the impressions of that very Kursk chernozem.

          2. +1
            26 July 2021 06: 17
            I read about Nyenschantz at Tolstoy, but did not know the details
          3. +4
            26 July 2021 09: 25
            Dmitry, let me correct it.
            The root Nien means cape. Nienschanz is a fortress on a promontory. I meant the cape formed by the confluence of the Okhta and Neva. And at the same time it is worth remembering that at this place at the beginning of the XIV century. The Swedes built the first fortifications - Landskrona, which the Russians demolished, the Swedes restored several times.
            The settlement opposite the fortress also existed until the XNUMXth century. The history there is very rich and begins from the depths of centuries. During the excavations of Landskrona-Nyenskans, much more ancient archaeological layers were discovered than we know from the sources. smile
  17. +6
    25 July 2021 12: 25
    In general, reflecting on the phenomenon of Christina's renunciation of the Thoron, and I have been doing this since the last article of the esteemed Valery, I came to a preliminary conclusion, and he is. Christina was too smart, and this allowed her to understand that no one really loved her, ugly. Having everything she wanted, she nevertheless could not get this one thing - passionate love for herself just as a woman. There was a need for true feelings, but I did not want a hypocritical surrogate. She is used to having everything only authentic.
    1. +4
      25 July 2021 15: 20
      As Greta, Garbo is charming.
      And the child in that movie is even better.
      1. +4
        25 July 2021 15: 29
        The cashier of the cinema determines the choice of the face of the protagonist or heroine. Loot wins history.
        1. +3
          25 July 2021 15: 47
          Eh, no! The main person / actor / makes the cash register! And ... makes the loot. But not always, thank God.
          Good day, Lyudmila Yakovlevna! hi
          1. +3
            25 July 2021 16: 04
            Hello Seryozha! )))
            Well, there is a bunch of hyped faces. They are really put on historical characters. Looked at about 20 portraits of Christina. Terrible, no words. The viewer will snort and leave. Any historical character should be depicted by the currently accepted texture.
            I watched the trailer for the new "Dune".
            In the old film, Paul Atreides is the handsome Kyle McLecklan. In the new one - some kind of nondescript thin young man.
            What is the time, so is the requirement for the actor's invoice. The main thing is to show character.
            1. +4
              25 July 2021 16: 12
              So after all, this is a movie. That's so that the viewer does not leave the middle of the film and * stars are invited *. And if the plot is excellent, then it will turn out to be a blockbuster, in historical cinema it is very much even visible. True, recently this genre has been like- then "self-removed", but this is temporary, I'm sure. I really like the movie "Kingdom of Heaven". Beautifully filmed, actors, battles, plot!
              1. +1
                25 July 2021 16: 14
                And what year is the movie? If it's very new, then I won't be able to watch it - either the trailer, or they ask for money, yes, such as in the cinema.
                1. +4
                  25 July 2021 16: 30
                  2005 year.Oh, how I envy you that you didn’t look !!!!

                  1. +4
                    25 July 2021 16: 36
                    Great movie! One of the best about the Middle Ages.
            2. +2
              25 July 2021 16: 35
              Film of 1985. "Blood and Flesh". Film !!!

              good soldier
              1. +1
                25 July 2021 17: 06
                But I haven't seen it ... crying
                1. +3
                  25 July 2021 17: 27
                  No, seriously ?! For viewing! As I wrote above, the film! One young Rutger is worth something !!! good good good
                  1. +2
                    25 July 2021 17: 30
                    I liked one phrase there.
                    "-Martin! Do you think you have her? No, she has you!" laughing
                  2. +2
                    25 July 2021 17: 42
                    Sergei, you know my attitude towards Rutger Hauer: let him run along the edge ...
                  3. +1
                    25 July 2021 20: 56
                    Phil77 (Sergey): .Oh! How I envy you for not watching !!!!

                    By the way, you yourself watched the films that I sent you?
        2. +4
          25 July 2021 16: 49
          For example, Churikova is capable of making any cash register. So what?
          1. +2
            25 July 2021 16: 59
            I'll set myself the "Kingdom of Heaven".
            1. +3
              25 July 2021 17: 09
              I also recommend the Swedish dilogy about Arn.
              1. +2
                25 July 2021 17: 19
                The network gives out fragments from this film next to the "Kingdom of Heaven".
                1. +3
                  25 July 2021 17: 31
                  For the movies are really good!
                  Although the first one is American, but Ridley Scott is picky about the little things.
              2. +2
                25 July 2021 17: 19
                So in the evenings, I’ll be busy with good films all week. And then there are modern disaster films - well, so cheap, where annoying showdowns between children and their parents are in the foreground. Didactics beats with a fountain, blocking the gushing of eruptions going on in the background)))
                1. +2
                  25 July 2021 17: 26
                  where in the foreground annoying showdowns between children and their parents
                  The conflict between "children and fathers" is an eternal theme. Watch the movie "Renaissance Man"
                  1. +3
                    25 July 2021 18: 07
                    Oh yes, yes, it’s a wonderful film, and DeVito is good, but he’s always good.
                    Funny, sad / a little / and ... a smart film. Bravo!
            2. +2
              25 July 2021 17: 16
              By the way, I only looked at fragments.

              But our forum reminds me more and more of a club with a reading room and a cinema.

              The tea room is probably not enough yet.
              1. +3
                25 July 2021 17: 25
                Oh! Sergey, which variety is your priority?
                I am not yet disappointed in Greenfield, of course in the custard.
                1. +2
                  25 July 2021 17: 33
                  Well, so I offered to express opinions about why this happened with Christina, but they began to discuss the film with her as a character and naturally moved on to discussing films about the Middle Ages.
                  And if specifically for Christina, then Gustav Adolf made a big mistake raising her as a boy. On the contrary, she had to be taught from childhood that her duty in relation to her family was to create her own. That marriage is a princess virtue. And not just hunting and horse racing. Royal children were often misreported.
                2. +3
                  25 July 2021 18: 09
                  To be honest, I've been to China a couple of times. And he always brought tea from there.
                  And from the Far East too.
                  In theory, everything gets to Moscow. But something happens to him on the way.

                  And in a quick way, I can and from a bag. Traditional brands have only been disappointing lately.

                  Now Assand looks acceptable.

                  And so I alternate: now with lemon, then with milk.
                  I also respect thyme and bergamot in the form of additives.
                3. +2
                  25 July 2021 19: 37
                  Hello, namesake!
                  I am not yet disappointed in Greenfield, of course in the custard.
                  And I was disappointed, I drink "Ahmad Peko", naturally, also sheet.
                4. Fat
                  26 July 2021 11: 49
                  Quote: Phil77
                  I am not yet disappointed in Greenfield, of course in the custard.

                  hi It's time, then, to try pu-erh ... Expensive, but worth it smile
              2. +3
                25 July 2021 17: 34
                Is it bad?
                The tea room is probably not enough yet.
                Skomorokhov promised "smoking room" more than half a year ago.
                1. +3
                  25 July 2021 17: 39
                  Well I do not know. I don't like the idea of ​​a smoking room. All sorts of things will come running.
                  1. +4
                    25 July 2021 17: 50
                    All sorts of things will come running.
                    They are constantly on the run.
                    "Should we be in sorrow?" (WITH)
                2. +3
                  25 July 2021 18: 11
                  That's why the club - what interests.
                  1. +2
                    25 July 2021 18: 20
          2. +2
            25 July 2021 18: 56
            The question is in the ability to reincarnate.
    2. 0
      1 August 2021 21: 01
      Maybe this is so, a kind of "girlish fears", but in my opinion - stupidity. They love everyone, including ugly ones, including simple animal love, and she clearly was not.
  18. +1
    25 July 2021 17: 53
    Quote: VlR
    How do you think "cuteness" is defined? For example, it seems to me that they say that when a woman is not beautiful, but also not ugly. There is not much to praise for, but also to scold.

    I thought for a long time that you were a gentleman, but now I am convinced. Only a gentleman can say so
  19. +3
    25 July 2021 18: 08
    It seems that fate also gave a chance to become Christina the Great - but she lost it. After all, in fact, the victory of his daddy in his pocket had an impact in Europe, and therefore in the world of those times ...
    But now ... Carl Gustav - they heard that Charles XII staked out a place in history, although not with a plus sign, Bernadotte is a successful founder of the dynasty ..
    And ask anyone who Christina is - so Orbakaite, the tree stump is clear!
    True, from the point of view of the afterlife - an incredible success, to be buried in St. Peter's Cathedral, being a descendant of a Protestant leader - this is rarely anyone, not just everything.
    1. +5
      25 July 2021 18: 18
      But you must admit that she lived for her own pleasure, eh? She did what she wanted. She loved the one she wanted. Believed in what she ... believed in. She didn't want to become a queen, she didn't.
      1. +2
        25 July 2021 19: 02
        Seryozha, I insist, Christina did not get what she wanted - devoted male love. Remember how she cruelly dealt with her chief-equestrian, the Marquis of Monaldeschi, who cheated on her. In Paris, she summoned him to her place, and there, behind closed doors, they began to sadistically kill him - so that he would suffer longer. The marquis shouted, called her for help, and she stood outside, heard everything and cried. But these were not tears from pity for the Marquis, but for himself. She mourned her next failed love, and for one thing - all the others. She could not deal with all her lovers like that, apparently, in terms of social status, they were much higher than the unfortunate marquis, and he had to pay for them all. But murder remained murder. Having satisfied her thirst for revenge on her fate, Christina was forced to bring some kind of accusation against Monaldeschi, to organize the appearance of a court. And since the former queens retained the right to execute and pardon their subordinates, then everything worked out. Although it made a bad impression. In frivolous Paris, this was not the case. Many princesses married without a hint of love from their future husband. Just doing a duty to the crown. Christina received the wrong upbringing. Hence her exaggerated demands on fate and rushing through life.
        1. +5
          25 July 2021 19: 33
          Lyudmila Yakovlevna! She ordered to kill the SHANTAGIST! Times are harsh, and even now I think they would "talk" to him in the same way. So ... this is life. Well, why the hell did he decide to play these games, huh? The award found its hero ...
        2. +3
          25 July 2021 20: 06
          We can only guess what the cargo was.

          Remember, Roman Holiday was easier. Only one episode of a nervous breakdown is shown.

          Or "June 31": "How much do the dances correspond to the royal honor?"
      2. +6
        25 July 2021 19: 02
        Successful emperors are those who worked hard all their lives, set great goals for themselves and the people, and made every effort to achieve them.
        This was their "pleasure", even if Octavian, even Justinian, even Karl, even Peter - "the Great" - means plowing all his life, and more or less successfully.
        And just for fun? Here even the cartoon king was offended: "Cake, you say ... ice cream ??? Guard! Cut off his head!"
        1. +1
          25 July 2021 19: 46
          So, after all, she left this ... "success." She decided to "go through this life laughing ...", if I slightly paraphrase the good author A. Makarevich in the past. wink
        2. +2
          25 July 2021 19: 57
          That's right, colleague.
          Christina was simply unlucky - both with her appearance and with the era.
          Christina was small in stature, with large blue eyes, and a large nose and strong-willed chin gave her appearance something masculine and somewhat rude.

          And the era was a time when the High Renaissance had long since passed into a familiar routine, accessible for everyone to study. Some applied moments entered the realities of life. And from these realities it followed that in the ancient era beauties were valued - it was them in the form of goddesses and nymphs that pumped-up heroes loved. Looking at herself in the mirror, extremely educated, well-read and by no means stupid, Christina understood that she was not at all like that. And, perhaps, even in adolescence, she caught someone at the wrong time hidden mocking glance. Perhaps even her mother pointed out to her that she was ugly. Consider everything, the memory of a teenager - until the end of life. Therefore, Christina so stoically rejected the love of her cousin Karl-Gustav, and he just as stoically, resorting to various tricks for a long time, insisted that he was in love. She didn't believe him! And she was right. Falling in love with an intelligent but ugly woman who does not possess at least flirtatious attractiveness and charm cannot last for any significant period. If it were not for Karl-Gustav's insistent assurances of unearthly love, Christina would most likely have married him, as the royal court demanded, gave birth to heirs, would have become an ordinary European queen.
          1. +2
            25 July 2021 20: 02
            My friend, don't you think that judging by her actions, this very routine was deeply repugnant to her? Just because of her natural mind? And this is where all kinds of "eccentricities" come from. wink
            1. +1
              25 July 2021 20: 59
              Seryozha! Ordinary in the form of paintings by great artists, candlesticks, stucco moldings, sculptures ... Books with illustrations by Renaissance artists, often completely frank, such as the Kama Sutra. And everywhere there are beautiful female bodies, faces with Greek noses and regular facial features. Yes, all the royal palaces were filled with this! It was a kind of obligatory setting, the interior was like that. Do you want your dwelling to be considered a royal palace? So fill it up with this! And then they will think that this is just a riding arena for winter horse riding, or a barracks. And Christina did not shy away from this at all! She grew up in this and this subsequently surrounded herself, squandered a lot of money on this, took out loans, and in Italy even arranged a salon for bohemian receptions. And on all the objects with which she was surrounded, or these objects themselves are the very nymphs and all kinds of goddesses from Roman and Greek mythology, all sorts of Venuses born from foam, all sorts of Danai, nymphs, and Christina did not resemble any of them ! Is that face - on Satire.
              1. +1
                25 July 2021 21: 12
                Think you have an inferiority complex?
                1. +1
                  25 July 2021 22: 02
                  Inferiority complex?
                  Maybe craving for what hurts. Look your fear in the eye, and you will get used to it, you will stop experiencing it. But she's not used to it. There is such a thing. People often do not know how to move away from what is a hassle for them.
                  1. +1
                    25 July 2021 22: 17
                    Maybe craving for what hurts.
                    Masochism is one of the most harmless options
              2. +5
                25 July 2021 21: 37
                I wonder what makes a palace a palace?

                In the first retreat, the thought persistently beats all day that while Queen Christina was signing the Peace of Westphalia, here Alexei Mikhailovich Quiet was unraveling the Salt Riot.

                Now about the palace: remember the tales of princes who dress up as swineherds? There is no finance there for extra servants.

                And one thing - a certain asceticism of Protestants. The other is the eastern satrapy.

                Think of the Count of Monte Cristo. Luxury is the East.
                Either she is in Babylon, or new Babylon flocks.
                1. Fat
                  26 July 2021 12: 12
                  Quote from Korsar4
                  Queen Christina signed the Peace of Westphalia, here Alexei Mikhailovich Quiet was taking out the Salt Riot.

                  Sergei hi Alexey Mikhailovich disentangled a lot more Yes .However, this peace treaty made it possible to create regiments of "foreign order" as the beginnings of a regular army. (The surplus of military specialists was very influential). The quietest and first Russian fleet conceived ... However, Razin burned everything. I'd like to see a decent article about the "deeds" of this Russian tsar, although maybe I missed something interesting ...
                  1. +2
                    26 July 2021 15: 41
                    Fiction books were published in due time: Bakharevsky "Nikon" and "Quiet".

                    The echoes of the split are still heard today.
      3. +4
        25 July 2021 20: 03
        There is a funny episode in the film. Disguised Christina at the hotel. Two Swedes argue before a fight: how many lovers the queen had in a year: six or nine.

        She says, “Both are wrong. Twelve".

        But this is not the question - if the cup is full, something must be poured in order to pour a new one.
    2. +1
      25 July 2021 19: 51
      "who is Christina ...".
      Even Stephen, our all King comes to mind. laughing
      1. +2
        25 July 2021 19: 56
        Oops! And I myself did not expect, a. A machine that behaves like a woman, and a queen who wants to behave like a woman.

        And you say, Arbakaite! laughing
      2. +2
        25 July 2021 20: 09
        "Our everything" comes to mind: "Who is Ellis?"
        1. +3
          25 July 2021 20: 16
          How VO likes to rate a successful answer.
          +++++++++! good
          1. +2
            25 July 2021 20: 25
            I can forget a friend's birthday, but I remember his addictions ...
            1. +3
              25 July 2021 23: 45
              So I watched "The Kingdom of Heaven", Orlando Bloom, Liam Neeson ...
              The impression is strong.
              1. VLR
                26 July 2021 09: 43
                But I don’t believe in the main character and the main character.
                1. +2
                  26 July 2021 10: 02
                  I didn't believe it either)))
                  But Orlando Bloom is always nice. Just like our already slightly shabby Danila Kozlovsky, who is always Kozlovsky, no matter what role he plays wassat )))
                  I cannot forgive his participation in the Dukhless propaganda campaign, which turned the great tragic novel of Sergei Minaev upside down.
                2. +2
                  26 July 2021 10: 18
                  And Chatillon is performed by Glisson! wink
                  1. +2
                    26 July 2021 11: 59
                    I watched the film and wondered: who is Chatillion by nationality? The name and surname seem to be French, but outwardly - either Irish or Swede. Or painted with henna)))
                    1. +2
                      26 July 2021 15: 26
                      Good day, Lyudmila Yakovlevna!
                      I read today that this "glorious" knight was born in Champagne.

                      Was it embarrassing that he was a redhead?
                      1. +1
                        26 July 2021 15: 53
                        Yes, and outwardly did not pull the Frenchman. But the sculpture depicts a Frenchman)))
                        What were they really like - the French of that time? The film showed the dire poverty of the village. Valery correctly drew attention to the unconvincing ending of the film. A person who has visited several countries, who participated in battles, returning home had to feel especially acutely the squalor of his former life. Moreover, his title was recognized, but the peasants did not love the hero before, and even more so they will not love him now. Judging by the concept of the image, the hero will begin to make efforts to fall in love, ignoring the comfortable life at the royal court offered by the beauty. Like, an ascetic. The continuation of the film suggests itself, but it was not removed. Because the Catholic Church, positioning itself as one of the powerful pillars of the "new normalcy" that the future is preparing for all of us, will not tolerate criticism. And in the film there is a lot of criticism and even the over-degradation of Catholicism.
                      2. +2
                        26 July 2021 16: 29
                        But this is KINO. The real Chatillon was also not in the eyes of his contemporaries a special sinister. But he was quite a normal "child of time".
                        The main thing is that you liked the film? Is it a pity for the "Killed" time? If not, then the film was a success.
                      3. +1
                        26 July 2021 17: 24
                        Time has not been killed!
                        Well-made historical films - I love! And I am very surprised that our so-called directors do not undertake to shoot such films about their own, Russian history. And even if they shoot something, so the boyars behave like servants, like slaves, the people are rude, the tsar is a clown, but for some reason he is great. It remains to wonder how it happened that the ancestors survived and created a huge empire. I think this is a consequence of the policy of politicians who believe that showing ancestors to be great means to emphasize our current common worthlessness and them, politicians, in particular.
                      4. +2
                        26 July 2021 17: 36
                        My dear!
                        Just don’t talk about “our” filmmakers, eh? As the late Maslachenko used to say, “I beg you !!!” Let's better watch good Western and Old Soviet films, watch and ... enjoy. Today we have no cinema. And tomorrow it will not appear, and the day after tomorrow. It will happen later ... someday. I will not talk about sad things, and therefore just a question!
                        "Blood and Flesh" have not yet looked? If not, then again I envy you, my friend. good
                      5. +1
                        26 July 2021 18: 28
                        Seryozha, I'll watch it in the evening. Now I can print somehow, but it will be hard to watch. Something is unwell for me. Cinema - after ten.
                      6. +2
                        26 July 2021 18: 32
                        Do not be ill! Everything will be fine. good
                      7. 0
                        1 August 2021 21: 21
                        You know, I'm surprised at such statements (of which there are many). Yes, indeed, a pile of all sorts of rubbish, so you just need to not watch it! But many, in my opinion, just have a habit every day (or, perhaps, every other day) to stick to the screen. Naturally, there are no masterpieces for every day! But if occasionally, for example, once or twice a year, so it is. And time to occupy something more useful. Here are our last films that I watched and liked: "The Ivanovs", "Panfilov's 28", "Gagarin. The First in Space".
                      8. 0
                        27 July 2021 13: 20
                        Quote: Phil77
                        But this is KINO. The real Chatillon was also not in the eyes of his contemporaries a special sinister. But he was quite a normal "child of time".

                        By the way, yes.
                        After all, his art was fully approved by the leprosy king, moreover, he himself planted him on Transjordan in order to swing Saladin into aggression and play "defensively".
                        But then Baudouin died, and Lusignan's ambitions prevailed over his reason (he had to do something for self-promotion) and he decided to go all-in.
                3. +3
                  26 July 2021 16: 33
                  Good afternoon, Valery!
                  Probably because the main character turned out to be sugary-positive?
                  Well, that's how Ridley Scott saw him. wink
  20. +1
    26 July 2021 16: 01
    Quote: vladcub
    Strictly speaking, RI in the 20th century was neither an absolute nor a constitutional monarchy, but in the middle

    Strictly speaking, legally there is no term "in the middle", and if there is no Constitution, the monarchy, it turns out, was absolute. Another thing, I will agree with you here, how it was implemented in practice - well, this, you will agree, was the work of the performers, i.e., Russians (well, like, Russians laughing ) of kings.
  21. +1
    26 July 2021 16: 04
    Quote: HanTengri
    Quote: Doliva63
    In an absolute monarchy, which Russia was in essence, "the state is me." Do you think he was not thinking about himself?

    I thought so! But then, in the process of the experiment, it turned out that the State and He are, after all, quite a bit, but two big differences, and ... "Sorry, dear. It happened ..." (c) laughing

    No, it didn't work out that way, but Nicholas the Bloody brought it to this. I think, just because of my narrow-mindedness.
    1. +1
      26 July 2021 18: 25
      Will you allow me to wedge myself in with my version?
      It seems to me that as a result of the contacts of our reigning persons with Western royals, whose activities have long and seriously been limited by constitutions, the royals also allowed themselves a semi-bourgeois, if not even bourgeois lifestyle, in the foreground in which the family was only on occasion and mostly ceremonial, our reigning persons, having gained this experience, behaved accordingly. Forgetting that Russia is an absolute monarchy. And when they did have to remember, they perceived their duties as a heavy burden. And I don’t want to carry, and it’s a pity to leave - greatness! At the beginning of the 19th century, it was necessary to shift part of the burden to competent people. And then Russia would have resisted.
      1. +3
        27 July 2021 09: 49
        Good morning Lyudmila Yakovlevna!
        How are you feeling? Hope everything is okay?
        Now about your version. You know, it’s possible. But there is one “but.” After all, before Nikolai Romanov's accession to the throne, everything went more or less normally, taking into account the Russian specifics, no worse, and no better than the others. Nicholas II is weak link of the entire "Romanov" dynasty. In power there was a person who could not be allowed to approach it to a cannon shot. The result? All subsequent events. A modern analogue? Gorbachev M.S. hi
        1. +1
          27 July 2021 14: 16
          Seryozha, good afternoon! ))))
          "Blood and Flesh" - looked. It clearly shows what Christina Shvedskaya lacked so much - the true passion of a handsome male hero. Christina wanted to, but could not because of her unprepossessing appearance. I can only repeat what I said about her relationship with Carl Gustav. Like, I know that you don't need it, I know that you need a throne, so take it! And he took it! Now, if he refused, she would believe in his love, and he would become a king by marrying her. I didn’t refuse ...
          Like Kingdom of Heaven, Blood and Flesh is a sequel. Of course, now we would do a series for at least three or four seasons. From the film - the conclusion: the life of a woman has always been difficult. Even then, even now. In each era in its own way. Survive with a flexible mind.

          As for Nicholas II, throughout the 19th century, the Romanovs, closely communicating with relatives abroad and spending whole years on the Cote d'Azur, even celebrating their weddings there, living for a long time now in London, then in Paris and accustoming to this "advanced nobility and intellectuals ", every year more and more assimilated the bourgeois habits of the constitutionally limited Western aristocracy, forgetting that they themselves are carriers and conductors of absolute monarchy. But somehow they did not forget to preserve in feudalism and restrain the subservient population, eager to join the bourgeois society, by the absolutist laws. This I can only repeat.
          And Nikolai, due to the consistent, from generation to generation, approximation of the family in his habits to the bourgeois became just that link in which the number of approximations finally grew into quality. He was the first in the family to become a bourgeois in the full and final sense of the word. This contradicted his public role as an absolute monarch. His tragedy was being prepared throughout the 19th century. The start of the tragedy is the marriage to a woman with a bourgeois, and even limited consciousness.
      2. +1
        27 July 2021 17: 42
        And what, excuse me, Russia could not resist? belay
        1. +2
          27 July 2021 17: 58
          Dear colleague, the absolute monarchy could not resist. In the conditions of the capitalist mode of production, its time has passed. Capitalism cannot achieve high performance within the framework of a political system that restrains the development of productive forces. Russia found itself in debt as in silks. But if foreign capitalists borrowed money from the banks of their countries, Russia borrowed from foreign ones, which led to an exorbitant export of capital due to the payment of interest, the economy degraded. And she decides everything!
          1. +1
            27 July 2021 20: 00
            Quote: depressant
            Dear colleague, the absolute monarchy could not resist. In the conditions of the capitalist mode of production, its time has passed. Capitalism cannot achieve high performance within the framework of a political system that restrains the development of productive forces. Russia found itself in debt as in silks. But if foreign capitalists borrowed money from the banks of their countries, Russia borrowed from foreign ones, which led to an exorbitant export of capital due to the payment of interest, the economy degraded. And she decides everything!

            Well, honestly, I don't care about monarchy and capitalism from the highest cypress on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The fact that the Bolsheviks saved Russia both from the irresponsibility of the tsars and from the venality of the then bourgeoisie - they definitely needed the country only as a source of profit. I am surprised that the patriots of the Russian Federation have not yet thrown themselves into the monument to the Bolsheviks, who gave them their homeland.
  22. 0
    1 August 2021 19: 25
    Quote: Krasnoyarsk
    pretty is when not a beauty, but there are no flaws or the proportion is not violated.

    There may be a flaw, but small and cute. But in general, it should please the eye.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

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