The Turkish threat and Ivan the Terrible


Artist A. D. Kivshenko. Capture of Kazan

The temporary lull in the northwestern and western borders of the Russian kingdom, the strengthening of the Russian army, its strengthening at the expense of the "instrumental" troops (service people "according to the device" - archers, gunners, Cossacks, etc.) and the maturity of Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich allowed Moscow to switch to more active and decisive actions in relation to the Tatar "kingdoms".

General situation

While temporary workers and boyar clans ruled in Russia, its position in the international arena weakened. In the conditions of the confrontation of the Russian state with the Crimea, behind which stood the mighty Porta, and the constant border war with Kazan (War between Moscow and Kazan Khan Safa-Girey) Moscow was forced to strengthen the defense of the southeastern borders.

The offensive on the Lithuanian line had to be curtailed and even come to terms with the loss of Gomel, captured by the Lithuanians in 1535 and withdrew to Lithuania under the Moscow Treaty of 1537. In Poland and Lithuania, the decrepit king Sigismund I handed over power to his son Sigismund II Augustus, and the new king did not even inform Moscow of his accession to the throne. For several years he did not bother to send at least a messenger, ignoring Ivan IV.

The Livonian Order, which itself was going through a period of decline, stopped reckoning with Moscow altogether, forgot about all the treaties, and began to disrupt our trade with Western countries.

But on the whole, the situation on the northern and northwestern borders of the Russian state at this time was distinguished by comparative calm. This was due to the fact that Sweden and Livonia were interested in preserving the already established borders.

The German knightly state in the Baltics has noticeably grown decrepit and has lost its military power. Therefore, the Livonian knights no longer encroached on the Russian lands, although they interfered with the trade of Russia with other European countries. Sweden was busy with military confrontation with Denmark.

Ottoman threat

Therefore, the main military threat to the Russian state was the Tatar principalities-kingdoms - the union of Crimea and Kazan, behind which Turkey stood. The port threw down a military-strategic challenge to Russia when it accepted the Crimean and Kazan Khanates into its citizenship. From a military point of view, Russia in the first half of the XNUMXth century was brought to the brink of destruction, the fight against the Gireys became a matter of life and death. And the advance to the east and south, the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan was not a consequence of the aggressive, colonial policy of Moscow, but a question of the survival of the Russian state.

It is worth remembering that then Turkey was perhaps the most powerful power in Europe and the Middle East. A huge empire spread over Europe, Asia and Africa. Sultan Suleiman (1520-1566) was called "magnificent" by the Europeans for the splendor and beauty of the courtyard, and the Turks respectfully called him "the legislator." He systematized Turkish law, introduced reasonable laws on government, taxes and land tenure. The warriors received land with the peasants in flax and had to lead detachments of horsemen to the war (according to the type of the Russian local system). In addition to other troops, the Sultan received excellent cavalry (spagi).

The Ottoman Empire was so powerful that it could wage war on several fronts and directions at once. The port had an excellent fleet, which controlled a significant part of the Mediterranean Sea, and beat the Portuguese in the Red Sea. The Ottomans even organized an expedition to India and could oust the Europeans from there, but due to a number of problems, the project failed. The Black Sea was practically an inland Turkish lake. The Ottomans crushed the independence of the Danube principalities, the power of the local rulers was curtailed, Moldavia and Wallachia were imposed with a heavy tribute. The Crimean Khanate recognized itself as a complete vassal of Turkey.

The Turks continued to press the Persians, took Mesopotamia from them, and began the battle for Transcaucasia. In this struggle, the North Caucasus acquired great importance. There were no large states, dozens of "kingdoms", principalities and independent tribes. Some nationalities were Christians, others kept paganism. The dominant position was occupied by Kabarda, which owned Pyatigorye, Karachay-Cherkessia, between the Terek and Sunzha rivers. From the steppe inhabitants, Crimean Tatars and Nogais, the North Caucasian tribes were protected by the terrain, difficult for cavalry, mountains and forests, and the absence of roads. During the enemy invasion, people drove cattle into the forests, went to the mountains, took refuge in almost impregnable mountain castles and fortresses.

Suleiman understood the strategic importance of the North Caucasus. Possessing mountain passes, passes, it was possible to transfer the Tatar hordes to Transcaucasia and inflict strong blows on the flanks and rear of Persia. The Crimeans were provided with Turkish infantry and artillery. The cannons easily smashed mountain fortresses, which were not ready to withstand artillery shelling. The highlanders began to be suppressed, subdued and converted to Islam. They imposed a tribute, took it with cattle and local beauties: Circassian women and Kabardinkas were highly valued in the slave markets of the Middle East.

In the Turkish Empire, which controlled the crossroads of the most important trade routes, slave traders and usurers gained a lot of weight. The slave traders' trade has linked up with state structures. Wars brought a lot of full, people went to the markets. Only the Crimeans gave to the treasury a tenth of the "yasyr" and it was not the sultan and his governors in the Crimea who disposed of this booty. The slave traders took this item of treasury income at the mercy and sold the share of the Sultan.

The Crimeans, Kazanians, Nogai, subordinate mountain tribes, residents of the Black Sea Turkish cities were involved in an extremely profitable hunt for people. For "yasyr" went mainly to the Russian lands - subject to Moscow, Lithuania and Poland.

The Turkish threat and Ivan the Terrible
Facial annalistic set. The flight of Sahib Giray with the horde from the Oka. 1541 year

Moscow - the Third Rome and heir to the Horde

Turkey with its vassals - Crimea and Kazan, was not only a military threat, but also a conceptual and ideological one. The Sultan was the caliph, the head of all Muslims. Muslims in Crimea, Kazan, Astrakhan and even in Kasimov, near Moscow, were supposed to obey him.

The Crimean Khan Sahib-Girey (1532-1551), relying on Turkish diplomacy and Ottoman regiments, dreamed of the revival of the Ottoman Empire. His nephew Safa-Girey controlled Kazan. The daughter of the Nogai prince Yusuf was the wife of the Kazan king. The Crimeans sought to revive the Golden Horde, and Russia was assigned the fate of the "ulus" of the new empire.

Fighting ideological aggression is possible only with the help of an idea. Therefore, Moscow acted on the one hand, as the heir to the Horde, actively attracting the Tatar princes, princes and murzas to its side. Forming regiments from serving Tatars, who had already fought for the Russian state. The control center of the huge Eurasian civilization moved to Moscow.

On the other hand, the concept “Moscow - the Third Rome” emerged in Moscow. In the final version, this idea sounded back in 1514 in the message of the monk Elizarov Monastery Philotheus to the Grand Duke Vasily III. Philotheus argued that the first world center of Christianity was Ancient Rome, followed by a new Rome - Constantinople, and now there was a third Rome - Moscow.

"Two Romes have fallen, and the third is standing, and there will be no fourth."

Obviously, the replacement of the Moscow coat of arms with St. George the Victorious with a new one with a two-headed eagle showed the world that Moscow is the direct heir of the Second Rome - Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire. For external consumption, Ivan Vasilyevich declared himself tsar ("Caesar-Caesar"). Power and lands to Ivan did not increase from the new title, it was a claim to the Byzantine inheritance.

Thus, the two great powers-empires - Russia and Porta, became great rivals. The Sultan considered himself the ruler of all Muslims, including Russian subjects, and claimed all Muslim lands. To the Crimea, Astrakhan and Kazan. The Russian tsar was considered the protector of millions of Orthodox subjects within the Ottoman Empire, in the Balkans, in Asia Minor and Western Asia, in the Caucasus. Constantinople-Constantinople was the fatherland of the Russian sovereign.

Military reform

The loop that was tightening around the Russian state had to be cut. Sovereign Ivan Vasilyevich, having barely brought the temporary workers in line, began to make efforts in this direction.

Kazan was the most accessible link in the enemy chain. We started with it. And before the decisive offensive, the armed forces were strengthened and reformed.

In the middle of the XNUMXth century, the local system developed; from different counties, about a thousand service people, city nobles and the children of boyars were called into service, to whom land was distributed in Moscow and other counties. This made it possible to strengthen the local army and form the rank (boyar) regiments.

However, the temporary nature of the service of the noble militia no longer suited the tsarist government. A standing army was needed. Therefore, at the same time, the formation of "instrumental" (on a set-device) streltsy and Cossack regiments-units, deployed as permanent garrisons in Moscow and other cities, begins. In wartime, the best rifle regiments were included in the field armies, increasing the firepower of hundreds of noblemen.

Initially, there were about 3 thousand archers, divided into six articles (orders), then their number increased. In the archers they recruited the best militia squeakers, natives of the taxy township settlements. Also in the archers were taken free "willing" people, free peasants. It was required that they enter the service according to their hunt and be "kind", that is, healthy, and know how to use a firearm. weapons... Free people were also recruited into the detachments of city Cossacks and gunners.

The practice of "apparatus" for the service of free people in southern cities, where there were many of them, was especially widespread. This made it possible to quickly and in large numbers recruit garrisons for the Russian fortresses being built in the Wild Field. Streltsy received a monetary and grain salary, a manor (yard) place where they had to put a house, yard and outbuildings, set up a vegetable garden and a garden. "Instrumental" people received help from the treasury for the "yard settlement".

Sagittarius was the owner of the courtyard while he served; after his death, the courtyard remained with his family. Some of his brothers, sons and nephews could be "tidied up" for the service. Gradually, service in the archers became a hereditary obligation.

The management of the armed forces was streamlined: in addition to the existing Discharge and Local orders, Streletsky, Pushkarsky, Bronny, Kamenny cases and others were created. Russia at this time formed a powerful artillery ("outfit").

Ryabushkin A.P. Streletsky patrol at the Ilyinsky gate in old Moscow

Kazan hikes

It is worth noting that Moscow, until the very last moment, did not lose hope of settling relations with Kazan peacefully. However, Safa-Girey stubbornly clung to an alliance with Crimea and constantly violated peace agreements with Moscow. The Kazan princes enriched themselves in a continuous raid war with the Russian border counties.

It was no longer possible to ignore the hostility of Kazan and put up with it.

Safa-Girey, having returned the city, which for some time was controlled by the pro-Russian "king" Shah-Ali, cut out all supporters of alliance and friendship with Russia, those who negotiated with Moscow and helped Shah-Ali. Dozens of Kazan princes and murzas fled to the Russian kingdom and asked for Russian service.

At this time, the Astrakhan Khan Yamgurchi beat the Russian Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich with his forehead and expressed a desire to serve him. Then the Crimean Khan Sahib-Girey, with the support of the Turks, captured Astrakhan. Then he defeated the Nogai who supported Astrakhan. The Nogays recognized the authority of the Crimea. The New Golden Horde was looming.

The Crimeans got completely loose. Russian merchants who traded in the Crimea began to be seized and turned into slaves. The Tsar's ambassador, who arrived in Bakhchisarai, was robbed and threatened. Sahib-Girey boasted that he subdued the North Caucasus and took Astrakhan. He demanded that the Moscow sovereign announce what he wants - "love or blood?" If "love" - ​​demanded an annual tribute of 15 thousand gold. If not, "then I am ready to go to Moscow, and your land will be under the feet of my horses."

The Russian sovereign responded harshly. For the dishonor of his diplomats and merchants, he ordered the imprisonment of the Crimean ambassadors. Under the influence of the Moscow Metropolitan Macarius, who had a great influence on the young tsar, the idea of ​​the military subordination of Kazan as the only way to end the war on the eastern borders of the state ripens. At the same time, at first there was no question of complete subordination of Kazan. On the Kazan table they were going to confirm the "tsar" Shah-Ali, loyal to Moscow, and to place a Russian garrison in Kazan. Already during the war, these plans changed.

Moscow starts a big war with Kazan. In February 1547, the campaign of the army, gathered in Nizhny Novgorod, began. The troops were led by the governors Alexander Gorbaty and Semyon Mikulinsky. The tsar himself did not participate in the campaign because of the wedding with Anastasia Romanovna Zakharyina-Yurievna.

The reason for the campaign was the appeal for help from the Cheremis (Mari) centurion Atachik "with his comrades." The mountain Mari, who lived closest to the border, and the Chuvash (the western bank of the Volga), got tired of the endless war and devastation, rebelled against Kazan and asked Moscow for citizenship.

The Russian army reached the Sviyazhsky mouth and fought in many places, then returned to Nizhny.

To be continued ...
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  1. +5
    24 July 2021 04: 56
    I liked the picture. On such a road in bad weather you will not really roam. What was paved at that time?
    1. +5
      24 July 2021 05: 32
      Naturally, the streets were paved with wood, since there was a lot of material, and only at the end of the 17th century they began to make stone pavements in Moscow.
      1. +5
        24 July 2021 05: 43
        I can't understand from the picture.
        Something like a modern Lezhnevka should be.

        In the painting, the "sidewalk" is separated from the road. That is, there were already curbs?
        1. 0
          24 July 2021 05: 53
          It looks like the artist didn't really bother with the pavement. The curb was typical for a wooden floor.
          1. +2
            24 July 2021 07: 14
            That is, there were already curbs?
            Moscow dialect.
            The curb was characteristic ...
            And this is purely St. Petersburg.
            As an entrance and a front door. wink
            1. +3
              24 July 2021 08: 28
              Not to pretend out of respect for the Northwest?
              1. +4
                24 July 2021 08: 44
                Yes, the Westerners are not our relatives! fellow sad drinks
                1. +1
                  24 July 2021 09: 21
                  But what lectures are interesting.

                  However, they have a stone and swamps.
                  You will not find an empty seat.
                  1. +3
                    24 July 2021 09: 30
                    "Stone, pines - the Leningrad forest.
                    I got lost and got wet in the swamp,
                    and as if by a native breeze -
                    pulled from the back with a mother. "(c)
            2. +3
              24 July 2021 09: 12
              I remember, once upon a time, a guide in the Russian Museum said about this picture:
              "The artist depicted in the image of archers the outgoing epoch of tsarism in Russia."
              Propaganda, p.
              1. 0
                24 July 2021 09: 29
                Hmmm ... "Why did it take so long to leave?" - Nobody asked this guide? laughing
                1. +1
                  24 July 2021 09: 54
                  This is student time laughing
                  For such questions, I could quickly go away!
                  1. 0
                    24 July 2021 10: 10
                    I was twice "left" from two different universities, during the time it was nice to remember! laughing drinks
                    1. +2
                      24 July 2021 10: 27
                      Me only once and after more than 30 years I found out why am
                      1. +2
                        24 July 2021 10: 29
                        It was easier for me, in both cases I knew what the problem was. Oddly enough, girls and booze have nothing to do with it. smile
                      2. -1
                        24 July 2021 10: 43
                        And I have laughing ... A libretto of the "opera" about Meresiev, printed on a machine, was brought to the lecture.
                        "Let's cut off, cut off Meresiev's leg, etc." I read it and said that I liked it and that's it. They knocked on and expelled. The decision was taken at some bureau, and a friend, then a member of the CPSU, was present at it and told about it 36 ​​years later.
                        And he told the whole mechanism.
                      3. +3
                        24 July 2021 10: 56
                        I heard this opera on TV, but there was one more, much more shocking - "October", it seemed to be called. There, a plywood armored car was pulled out on ropes, on the tower of which Arthur Reisen stood in a cap and sang "Go ahead, tovagischi, to shtugm, to shtugm !!!", and sailors in wooden rifles danced around. Banned this freak show immediately after the premiere.
                        There was also some kind of ballet, there on the stage a girl was dancing in a gymnast and boots, and with a box full of bottles, and on the backdrop a completely flat, but huge silhouette of a tank with crosses danced and this girl threw herself under it along with this box, with childhood I remember this scene. wassat
                        So our theatrical and creative intelligentsia kept up with the times. laughing
                      4. +1
                        24 July 2021 11: 01
                        I was 18 years old that I understood! Jokes told all and what else. And here davolno decent verses, without a mat and everything is like a book. laughing
                      5. 0
                        24 July 2021 11: 08
                        Yes, a little strange, of course. request
                      6. 0
                        24 July 2021 11: 17
                        Everything was fine. You have to pay for education! The only thing that hurt was to part with youthful idealism. Those. there was a transition to adulthood.
                      7. 0
                        24 July 2021 12: 26
                        It happened for me in the army, at about the same age. A kirdyk came to illusions and a normal and healthy cynicism began to sprout.
                      8. +1
                        24 July 2021 13: 51
                        Everyone has the same thing! Life is called!
                      9. +1
                        25 July 2021 04: 23
                        Time? It happens. I thought there were mainly warriors here, but I see something else ...
                    2. +2
                      24 July 2021 15: 03
                      What is the second university?
                      1. +2
                        24 July 2021 19: 16
                        First UDN, second MARCHI.
          2. +3
            24 July 2021 08: 18
            The archers have already bought rolls and went for chickens and buckwheat. Badlons are worn under the caftans)))
            1. +1
              24 July 2021 08: 29
              Yeah, Menshikov was selling pies.
              And then, in St. Petersburg, he recouped everything.
            2. +1
              24 July 2021 08: 30
              "Chickens and buckwheat." Along the way, drunkenly and mockingly yelling into all tinned throats: "Zenitushka, hammer it!" laughing
              1. +1
                24 July 2021 08: 35
                That was hardly the nickname for the best fist fighters.
                However, the Sun still rose and set. I'm sure of that.
                1. +2
                  24 July 2021 08: 45
                  "the idea of ​​the forceful subordination of Kazan is ripening." Here is this coined phrase that Alexander was especially successful in this article! laughing
        2. +7
          24 July 2021 07: 37
          Hello, Sergey. hi
          You can paint anything on the picture, the canvas will endure everything.
          1. +2
            24 July 2021 08: 31
            Hi Constantine!

            We will always see our "boot".
            1. +4
              24 July 2021 08: 40
              The main thing is Hforma! No form - no man, wrong parade on his face! (almost according to Golokhvastov))).
              1. +2
                24 July 2021 08: 43
                In terms of form, the archers are doing well.
                And what then the boots were polished - and really interesting.
                1. +3
                  24 July 2021 08: 52
                  "And let me ask you, what do you lubricate your boots with, lard or tar?" (C)
                  1. +3
                    24 July 2021 09: 23
                    What is the way!
                    What an incomparable Solokha!

                    I’ll go some more salts, even though it’s summer.
                    1. +3
                      24 July 2021 09: 32
                      Yes! Solokha is truly incomparable! Good! love
                      1. +3
                        24 July 2021 09: 36
                        And each has its own approach.
                      2. +2
                        24 July 2021 09: 47
                        With our brother it is impossible to do otherwise, and it is immediately clear for what reason the devil's horns grow. laughing
                  2. +2
                    24 July 2021 17: 38
                    "tar it is better" I'm not sure what the exact quote is. I read the book as a child, and watched the film in 1999
        3. +2
          24 July 2021 08: 24
          Hello friends!
          If you enlarge the "picture", you can see that it is like a gutter, but not a curb. Oh, damn it! I almost wrote a curbstone! laughing
          1. +1
            24 July 2021 08: 33
            Hello Seryozha!
            This is what the wonders of working with a picture do. Sounds like the truth.

            Who was the mayor then? And what contracts did his family take from the treasury?
            1. +1
              24 July 2021 08: 37
              Hello, Sergey!
              In general, there are poor town governors in nature? I think the question here is different. Live yourself and let people live. Someone succeeds, someone ... not very well.
              1. +2
                24 July 2021 09: 25
                These words are attributed to Catherine II.

                The phrase about righteous labors and stone fees is probably even older.
      2. +9
        24 July 2021 05: 48
        And one more thing: there was no sawmilling at the same time. The consumption of materials for the test is large. What was the “bridge money” spent on?

        And on the picture - just guess - the wooden pavement has gone under the mud, or not quite?
      3. +13
        24 July 2021 05: 53
        Yes, we still have many yards paving with wood. And what, in my opinion, is even practical. When we changed the boards fifteen years ago for new ones, then it took a long time to heat the bathhouse with the old ones. Everything is in business, nothing is lost. And on the outskirts (so called "District"), the sidewalks are laid out with bricks of the Tsarist times, and local asphalt or tiles are not needed for nothing.
        1. +9
          24 July 2021 06: 07
          Now it's easier - there are more than enough sawmills.
          Or you can use a chainsaw to cut end cuts as much as you want.

          I think that then the upper part of the log was simply chopped off.
          1. +15
            24 July 2021 06: 29
            I missed those times a little, so I called for help tryntrynnet:
            Wooden pavement of the 17th century, found during excavations in Istoricheskiy proyezd, 1988.
            Over time, wooden pavements became dirty, overgrown with earth, and the next ones were already built on top of the soil layer. Judging by the data of archaeological excavations, such layers reached 50 centimeters.
            1. +7
              24 July 2021 08: 25
              The second picture is understandable. And the first one is overly optimistic.

              Maybe tomorrow the Tsar was supposed to pass?
          2. +7
            24 July 2021 07: 04
            That year, I stumbled upon a fallen larch in the forest, brought it into the garden, sawed it into round pieces, impregnated it, laid it down, covered the intervals with small stones from the river, the path turned out to be very pretty smile
            1. +3
              24 July 2021 08: 26
              And so they do. The elm served for a long time. Larch should take even longer.
            2. +3
              24 July 2021 08: 40
              What was the diameter and length of the fallen trunk?
              1. +3
                24 July 2021 09: 25
                Small, diameter 15-20 cm, length about three meters.
                1. +3
                  24 July 2021 09: 27
                  Someone successfully prepared this "dead wood" for transportation.
                2. +3
                  24 July 2021 09: 35
                  Felling with a student dried larch in our arboretum of approximately the same diameter. The height was 14 meters.
            3. +3
              24 July 2021 09: 37
              hi [B]
              That year I came across a fallen larch in the forest, brought it into the garden, [
              / b] Lucky, they did not attract administrative responsibility laughing like a peasant in one of the provinces. Larch, not dead wood. laughing
              1. +3
                24 July 2021 09: 47
                Yes, but not to waste the good))
                The garden is about 30 years old, there is a forest on both sides, before the forester came in almost every week, checked everything. A normal man, if something went wrong, could insert a piston, threaten with a fine, and, conversely, mark trees that can be cut down, and even necessary. For the last five years, or even ten years, not a single forester has been seen with fire during the day, the forest is all littered with horror ...
                1. +3
                  24 July 2021 10: 05
                  And where to see after the adoption of the Forest Code 2006, developed by the department of Mr. Gref.

                  What area?
                  1. +3
                    24 July 2021 10: 17
                    I honestly don’t remember, it was discussed on the internet three or four months ago.
                  2. +3
                    24 July 2021 10: 22
                    Bashkortostan hi Between the Ural Mountains and the Orenburg steppes.
                    1. +3
                      24 July 2021 10: 25
                      Only flew to Ufa for a short time.

                      I imagined that in your area there are lime forests, overgrown oak forests and birch forests. In some places, conifers could stay.
                      1. +3
                        24 July 2021 10: 28
                        Everything is there, there are quite a few forests, but mostly mixed, so that a pure pine forest or birch forest is rare ..
                2. +4
                  24 July 2021 10: 08
                  Oh, dear Ivan, I have certainly not seen my district police officer for twenty years already! Only on the bulletin board some photo appears and ... disappears. Appears and ... laughing
        2. +6
          24 July 2021 07: 01
          Nowadays, wooden roads can only be laid in your yard.
          There was a story where a man in a remote village for an ambulance to pass, put boards on an impassable road with his own money ... a neighbor dripped an application to the prosecutor's office and the man was forced to remove his initiative.
        3. +8
          24 July 2021 07: 54
          Our yard was not paved with trees. Pebbles, broken shards - yes
      4. +4
        24 July 2021 17: 30
        "they began to make stone pavements" I looked at "Culture" that near the Peter and Paul Fortress, they found a wooden pavement and saved a small section of the pavement.
        Katka, somewhere read that there was a Decree of Peter 1: everyone entering or entering the capital had to lay 2 stones at the outpost. And those stones were used to make pavements
    2. +2
      24 July 2021 07: 04
      Constantinople-Constantinople was the fatherland of the Russian sovereign.

      what is "fatherland"? There are words
      -The damnation is the possession
      - The fatherland is the land of fathers, and what is the fatherland?

      Sahib Girey is cool here, rides in a biaxial carriage, he himself is not a Mongoloid, on his head is the Sun's crown, like the rest of the rulers. This is a sign that the Solar religion / worldview stood above the post-solar religions - Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism.
      1. +2
        24 July 2021 08: 46
        Quote: Bar1
        what is "fatherland"? There are words
        -The damnation is the possession
        - The fatherland is the land of fathers, and what is the fatherland?

        Fatherland = patrimony = allod.
    3. +2
      24 July 2021 07: 44
      Alexander, plus. Rarely does any of the historians show Ivan the Terrible as a wise politician and reformer. Few people think about the fact that Russia was then waging a battle on THREE front-in mt and against the presumptuous boyars.
      Roksolana will "avenge" everyone. Having removed the talented heir Suleiman, the son of the eldest wife (daughter of the Crimean Khan), she will clear the way for her sons. One is indecisive, and the second is an alcoholic .. But this will come later.
      1. +3
        24 July 2021 09: 33
        Few historians show Ivan the Terrible as a wise politician and reformer.
        and drives into the brains that Constantinople-Constantinople was the fatherland of the Russian sovereign. laughing
        1. +2
          24 July 2021 12: 35
          Constantinople-Constantinople was the fatherland of the Russian sovereign.

          Yes, Constantinople could not have been the fiefdom of the Russian sovereign.
      2. +6
        24 July 2021 11: 40
        "rarely does any of the historians show Ivan the Terrible as a wise politician and reformer" Grozny is the most controversial figure in Russian history.
        Conquest: Kazan, Astrakhan, Siberia. ...
        ALL the best that happened under Ivan the Terrible came into existence: "The Chosen One is glad", and then sheer darkness.
        Grozny himself said: "Woe is me for the persecuted." The situation could have been corrected by the execution of Malyuta Skuratov, but ...
        1. +3
          24 July 2021 17: 07
          Here someone does not agree that everything positive that Ivan the Terrible had - with: "Chosen Rada"
          For his information: the military reform of Grozny - 1550.
          Judicial reform -1550.
          Administrative reform - 1550
          Church reform - 1550.
          "Chosen Rada" I would say: "Adashev-Sylvester's circle" existed before 1560. Perhaps, for about one and a half years more, by "inertia", the plan was going on under Adashev.
    4. -1
      13 September 2021 09: 41
      Armenian brigades laid asphalt and, of course, curbs.
  2. +4
    24 July 2021 06: 04
    It's a pity in parts, you can see there is a limitation on the length of the article. good
  3. +1
    24 July 2021 06: 06
    Samsonov can be recognized from the very first chords. However, it is very weak ... The level of the school essay, 6-7kl.
  4. 0
    24 July 2021 06: 30
    The great Samsoniada continues
    1. +2
      24 July 2021 07: 11
      Well done Samsonov ... at least he does something ... unlike some members of the forum ... who are only too eager to water his feces.
      Even if he is not so professional in topics, he tries to convey to people his vision of the topic.
      1. -6
        24 July 2021 10: 52
        I support, colleague!
        The political balance of power is briefly and accurately outlined. The Russian state, surrounded by enemies, is preparing for the future historical greatness ...

        As for the gentlemen who pejoratively call Samsonov's essays "Samsoniada", obviously by analogy with "Gavriliada", then even if at a high level of professional knowledge of ours, I emphasize this, our Russian history will be shown here, in their comments, why Samsonov is not right.
        And what is short is short for that, so that every connoisseur of Russian history could expand his extensive clarifying comments here. But now, I don't see something. As soon as the reason is the actions of European kings, there are so many comments and of such a size that you will get bored with reading. And as for its own, Russian history, you won't get big clarifying comments.
        And in short, because people come here with an education that is now called "Unified State Exam". These people were forced to cram specialized subjects, among which history, apparently, does not come across often. Therefore, Samsonov's articles and comments to them for these people are a kind of help in self-education, a push to it.
        As for me, at school I just flipped through history. And a few years ago, when I opened the Great Soviet Encyclopedia that I had accidentally preserved (along with a dozen of the most valuable art albums, my mother, now deceased, once transported her across the border - such was the attitude towards books in the family!), I discovered that everything the tsars preceding Ivan IV, in one way or another, in torment prepared his success.
        1. +2
          24 July 2021 16: 14
          "Born and raised in Lithuania" Elena Glinskaya was raised in Russia ..
          Glinskaya was born around 1508, and the Glinskys moved to Russia in 1508.
          Probably, Glinsky, although he swore allegiance to Russia, remained the same in his soul and his daughter took over his attitude towards Russia.
        2. 0
          24 July 2021 16: 33
          Oh, and no shit to myself! This is you "nominus" !!! And this is a section of history? Glorious for its free-thinking and some liberalism of opinions?!?! And there is only one answer in essence, eh? From the glorious VikNik. recourse
          Houston, we have a problem!
      2. +6
        24 July 2021 13: 26
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        Well done Samsonov ... at least he does something ... unlike some members of the forum ... who are only too eager to water his feces.

        Of course well done! Workaholic! Everything writes and writes and writes ... And it doesn't matter that all this scribbling is floating somewhere between the marks "in places corresponds to the truth" and "complete nonsense", the main thing is that a person tries and "does at least something ... differences from some "... Quality is not important, because if old man Hegel did not lie to us, it will certainly be born from quantity! laughing
  5. +9
    24 July 2021 06: 59
    there are some inaccuracies in the article. It was not for nothing that Sigismund II did not inform Ivan the Terrible that Sigismund was elected king of Poland. Under Sigismund the Second, the Kingdom of Poland began to actively implement the idea of ​​uniting the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania into one state, which in fact was the absorption of Lithuania by Poland. Because the status of the King in one state, who was the Polish king, is higher than the status of the Prince in one state, who was the Lithuanian prince. But Lithuania did not recognize the status of the Russian Tsar by whom Ivan the Terrible was crowned. Lithuania recognized Ivan the Terrible only as a Moscow prince. And since Sigismund August was already trying to disturb Lithuania as little as possible, that she did not guess about the true goals of Poland in unification with Lithuania, about Poland's absorption of Lithuania, then Sigismund did not contradict Lithuania and did not recognize the status of Ivan the Terrible as the Russian Tsar either. That is why Sigismund II did not inform Ivan the Terrible about his election as King of Poland. Whom to notify if there is no one in Moscow who is recognized by Poland and Lithuania, but in Moscow there is one who is not recognized by Poland and Lithuania.
    But all the same, the end of the Jagiellonian dynasty was successful for Russia. After the last of the Jagiellonian dynasty, Sigismund Augustus, created the Commonwealth, Sigismund Vasa assumed power, and when he clearly supported False Dmitry in the Time of Troubles, then Russia finally saw the light that after the Golden Horde, the main enemy for Russia is Poland and Lithuania. And Russia began to methodically destroy this state of the Rzecz Pospolita, and Catherine the Great finished these works for the good of Russia with the third section of the Rzecz Pospolita.
    As for the main enemy of Russia, in the times between the enemies of the Golden Horde and the Commonwealth, Russia during this time had to deal with the Kazan Khanate and the Astrakhan Khanate, that these khanates were not influenced by Turkey, and then in order to tackle Turkey itself and annex Crimea to Russia. Which, by the way, was also done under Catherine the Great. And before that, Ivan the Terrible spent as many as three campaigns on Kazan, as many as five sieges of Kazan were carried out, and only the last ones brought Russia a victory over the Kazan Khanate, which opened the way to the conquest of the Astrakhan Khanate. So what is next
    already Peter's campaigns, and Potemkin's victories ... and Crimea became part of the Russian Empire ..
    1. -1
      25 July 2021 19: 51
      north 2 (Vidas)
      How do you put two pluses?
  6. +2
    24 July 2021 07: 55
    Constantinople-Constantinople was the fatherland of the Russian sovereign.
    I wonder since when did you become your fatherland?
    1. +2
      24 July 2021 12: 49
      You need to ask the author about this.
    2. +2
      24 July 2021 12: 58
      Quote: parusnik
      I wonder since when did you become your fatherland?

      I wonder what kind of ignoramuses you slapped the minuses?
      1. +2
        24 July 2021 15: 38
        I wonder what kind of ignoramuses you slapped the minuses?
        Slavic-Aryan-Tartarians. laughing
        1. The comment was deleted.
  7. +2
    24 July 2021 08: 54
    Constantinople-Constantinople was the fatherland of the Russian sovereign.

    A maxim vividly illustrating the extreme degree of the author's ignorance in his pseudo-historical exercises.

    We look at the literature.
    In addition to reign and inheritance, volosts were also called the fathers of princes. The patrimony in this sense is not unambiguous with the modern concept of the patrimony. Patrimony now denotes property; the old fatherland-reign is nothing but the father's table, i.e. the table that was previously occupied by the father of the famous prince.
    The father of Ivan IV is Vasily III, who never owned the "Tsargrad-Constantinople" table.
    Even crypto historians like Zadornov have not yet reached such a statement.
  8. +2
    24 July 2021 11: 10
    First of all, I turned to the origin of Ivan IV and discovered that he had powerful domineering genetics.
    11th knee from the ancestor of Rurik. He was the great-grandson of Vasily the Dark and the great-great-grandson of the famous Dmitry Donskoy, the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo. But on the part of his mother, Elena Glinskaya, Ivan the Terrible was a descendant of the princes Glinsky, who, according to legend, descended from the very temnik Mamai, the enemy of Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo field. The blood of the Basileus also flowed in him, since the grandmother, the father's mother, Sophia Palaeologus, was the niece of the last emperor of Byzantium.

    They say correctly: oranges are not born from aspen.
    1. +2
      24 July 2021 12: 44
      Quote: depressant
      They say correctly: oranges are not born from aspen.

      Especially if you have in your pedigree that there is no aspen, then "Poplar - M"!

      Apparently worthlessness, like the "passion-bearer" Nicholas No. 2, in those harsh times quickly ended, leaving no offspring.
      1. -2
        24 July 2021 13: 42
        Igor, good afternoon! )))
        How right you are! The genetics of the "passion-bearer" revolved within the same German family, already cursed by nature, weakening in every generation because of the desire to be attached to Western Europe. And in the end she came to moral and physical degeneration. And this is instead of at least once becoming related with Bulgarians or Greeks.
        1. +1
          24 July 2021 21: 57
          Lyudmila Yakovlevna, actually the Greek dynasty left the Oldenburgs as the Romanovs. So they are, somewhere, somehow related.
          And among the Bulgarians, the Turks slaughtered all natural kings.
        2. +2
          24 July 2021 23: 09
          Quote: depressant
          The genetics of the "passion-bearer" revolved within the same German family, already cursed by nature, weakening in every generation because of the desire to be attached to Western Europe. And in the end she came to moral and physical degeneration. And this is instead of at least once becoming related with Bulgarians or Greeks.

          Lyudmila Yakovlevna, I think that bad German genetics here, if it did, only insignificantly. It’s just that feudal fragmentation and the rule of law, in my opinion, were, in our conditions (and not only in ours), were much more effective instruments of natural selection, within the ruling class, than the primacy and a stable state. Agree, a situation where if you do not "slaughter" a close relative today, then tomorrow you will be "slaughtered" by a distant one, and the mind is thoroughly invigorating, and memory improves. At the same time, it should always be borne in mind that there are also neighbors around, who, of course, are not relatives, but do not differ in kindness either.
      2. +2
        24 July 2021 21: 46
        Khan, in fact, the "passion-bearer" was the Romanovs, and Grozny was from the Rurikovichs.
        One descendant of a desperate war, and the other from the Mare.
        Here they are and turned out
  9. +4
    24 July 2021 12: 13
    And it turned out that the childhood of the future Tsar Ivan IV was by no means easy.

    His father, Prince Vasily, lived for twenty years in a sterile marriage with his previous wife, and then, in order to get an heir, he sent her to a monastery and married Elena Glinskaya. Which turned out to be a bitch further! But who knew ...
    Once, while driving around the property, elderly Vasily fell ill. A subcutaneous abscess formed on the thigh, then sepsis, death at the Vorobyovo residence near Moscow. But before his death, a will was drawn up:
    Until Ivan turns 15, the country is ruled by a board of trustees - a kind of seven-boyars of influential persons.
    However, an ambitious mother staged a coup and seized power in a country that she did not love and which did not love her. Born and raised in Lithuania, Glinskaya perceived patriarchal Russia as something alien (here we were "lucky" to be Western princesses!), Brought the arrogant and arrogant prince Ivan Telepnev-Obolensky closer to her as a favorite, behavior, straightened out. And even her uncle, Mikhail Glinsky, was pushed into prison, where he died of hunger! She also dealt with the brothers of the late Vasily - Andrei Staritsky and Yuri Dmitrovsky.
    Court intrigue and violence - this is the atmosphere in which Ivan and his younger brother Yuri spent their childhood. They often forgot to feed them. For official receptions, they were luxuriously dressed, and in ordinary life, children went about in rags. Fear, constant humiliation, hunger and cold - this is the environment in which the future great sovereign grew up.
    Well, the boyars finally could not stand it)))
    On April 4, 1538, Elena Glinskaya died. Subsequently, a high content of mercury was found in her remains, but the fact of the poisoning of Glinskaya by the Shuisky boyars has not yet been officially recognized. In any case, Vasily and Ivan Shuisky seized power into their own hands.
    Ivan, meanwhile, was growing up. His experiences and impressions of childhood and early youth are known from his letters to Prince Kurbsky.
    1. +4
      24 July 2021 14: 21
      "We were lucky" to have Western princesses "of course, they were alien to Russia by origin, culture and religion.
      There have been many different princesses throughout history.
      Elena Glinskaya, as I understand her, is the daughter of Vasily Glinsky, a Lithuanian feudal lord. He was a Catholic, and Catholics treated us, to put it mildly, not friendly. Probably, her parents passed on their perception of Russians to her. Having become the wife of Vasily III, she, according to the "rules of the game" (I do not believe that she accepted Orthodoxy in her soul), became Orthodox, but in her soul she remained a Catholic.
      A young and licentious woman seized upon wealth and power. I don’t know how I would behave. I only know one thing: only religion could correct Glinskaya's behavior, but this was not
  10. +5
    24 July 2021 13: 34
    Why am I considering in such detail the childhood and youth of Ivan IV? Because I am trying to get out of the captivity of my own delusions, according to which the king was suspiciously paranoid by nature. He wasn't like that! He was a normal child, but the events that unfolded around him during his youth shaped him ... Terrible!
    Was Ivan paranoid, as many want to see him? Or maybe you want and can because our tsar has achieved so much?
    And if we try to proceed from the fact that the character and line of further behavior of the tsar was determined by the thick and heavy atmosphere of boyar willfulness, cruelty and violence?
    And she was such that in the subsequent, already adult, life, Tsar Ivan always thought and, most likely, not unreasonably, that he was surrounded by some enemies who were intriguing against him and preparing conspiracies. Is it not so when the country is surrounded by enemies along the perimeter and there is always someone who will betray?
    When the tsar was a minor, after the death of his mother, the Shuisky, wishing to seize power, seized, imprisoned and killed Prince Belsky, the elected head of the Boyar Duma. And then the head of the Shuisky clan, Andrei, a rude boor, in the presence of Metropolitan Macarius and Ivan himself, beat Semyon Vorontsov to a pulp.
    And then, on December 13, 29, 1543-year-old Ivan gave that Andrei to be torn apart by hunting dogs and all the Shuisky in abuse of position. What kind of king was formed, and this was received!
    This is despite the fact that the teenager Ivan sat in the library at night and eventually became known as one of the most educated people of his time. And in the same place, reading the works of the greats, he was filled with the greatness of the mission entrusted to him by fate.
    The library of Ivan IV the Terrible has not yet been found.
    1. +2
      24 July 2021 15: 20
      Good day, friends!
      On December 29, 1543, Ivan gave that Andrew to be torn apart by hunting dogs. What kind of king was formed, and this was received!

      These were the famous Medynsky (Medelyansky) males from the personal royal kennel. A dog capable of overthrowing a bear and a bull. Here is how their power was described by the plenipotentiary ambassador from the English crown to Ivan the Terrible, Sir Jerome Horsey in 1574:
      “The month of February on the 14th day, by the grace of the Tsar Majesty, were themselves in a funny yard, deliberately attached to the one attached in a decent place, which has a kennel on a special, much fortified yard, built gates for different animals, each beast has two gates, so that the safer, in one shutting, in the other, the dispenser cleaned out and the beast could cross where ... After the hardened bear, the hounds of the Tsar's Majesty were kicked out of the lar ... ... Yes, they say that the king uses them not only to poison wild animals, but also to criminals. But I myself have not seen this. "

      Before the revolution, this breed was considered a national treasure of Russia. When Medyntsev wrote Vladimir Dal, Pavel Bogatyrev, Vasily Priklonsky, Leonid Sabaneev, A. Kuprin, K. Paustovsky, A. Gubin. The author of the famous popular science work "Brehms Tierleben" (Russian "Life of Animals") Alfred Edmund Brehm in his work called this breed the Russian Molossus.
      In the Russian Museum there is a painting of the beloved dog of Alexander III, honey honey Franz

      And here is a photo of Franz from 1888

      By the 30s, this breed in Russia practically disappeared as unnecessary. But it has survived abroad.Today it is a great rarity - the cost of a puppy reaches $ 20000
      1. +1
        24 July 2021 15: 55
        Yeah, doggy, amazing imagination! You can't get away from a small mongrel, but from this one?
        Good afternoon, Dima!)))
        1. +1
          24 July 2021 16: 19
          You can't get out of a small mongrel here,

          Dogs are not to be feared.
          In the late 80s I went to the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel for puppies to the outpost.
          And there he accidentally found such a scene - the major scolded a young soldier-dog handler, who was afraid to enter the enclosure: - "In no case show your fear of dogs, they can read our thoughts. If you feel that they are going to attack you, do not panic. , but mentally say - great, this is my prey, now I will attack them, kill and eat them. And go at them. Any dog ​​will immediately get lost. Friendship with the dogs after this will no longer work, you will serve in another place, but you will remain intact . " I then tested it several times on aggressive stray dogs. Active Yes
          1. 0
            24 July 2021 16: 28
            Dima, so they attack on the sly, creep up from behind! That's how a dog bit me when I was in 1st grade. Silently, I snatched my leg from behind, I had to endure injections)))
            And the unfortunate cyclists? wassat )))
            1. +1
              24 July 2021 19: 45
              Dima, so they attack on the sly, creep up from behind! That's how a dog bit me when I was in 1st grade. Silently, she snatched my leg from behind,

              Remarkable analogy with today's minuserslaughing Only dogs are naturally smart, and these are not. Yes
              Pay attention, Lyudmila Yakovlevna, on minified and plated characters and draw the appropriate conclusions smile
              1. +3
                24 July 2021 19: 54
                Hi Dmitry!
                For me personally, "minus" started from yesterday evening. The continuation was in the morning, but what happened to Lyudmila Yakovlevna - * - 7 * ??? I have already written above what I think. feel
              2. +4
                24 July 2021 20: 12
                It's a strange situation. I give you pluses, guys. It takes just a couple of minutes and ... bam !!! At best, zero. Attack of the clones ???? Just some "Star Wars" have a place to be in a quiet corner of history ... laughing
                1. +4
                  24 July 2021 20: 16
                  “I blew three tires last night.
                  So I felt better: I fell asleep without sleeping pills ”(c).
                  1. +3
                    24 July 2021 20: 25
                    "Eh, the house is gone!"
                    M.A. Bulgakov
                    1. +3
                      24 July 2021 20: 30
                      All virtual houses disappear sometime.
                      But only when they cease to be alive, and this does not depend on arithmetic signs, asterisks and rhombuses.

                      The Hirsch Index is different. But sooner or later something will happen to him.
                      1. +5
                        24 July 2021 20: 35
                        It's hard to talk about productivity now. Some kind of attack has begun.
                2. +6
                  24 July 2021 20: 54
                  I bet you guys the pros. It takes literally a couple of minutes and ... bam !!! At best, zero.

                  And do not care. I personally do not care about the rating. I'm not even trying to increase it. Yes Friendly communication, good articles, and sensible comments are much more interesting smile
                  1. +3
                    24 July 2021 21: 17
                    Quote: Richard
                    And do not care. I personally do not care about the rating. I'm not even trying to increase it. Friendly communication, good articles, and sensible comments are much more interesting

                    Golden words! drinks
              3. +4
                24 July 2021 22: 03
                Only dogs are naturally smart, and these are not.

                Dogs are by nature all sorts, like people. The same variety. Smart people meet, but not often.
                1. +1
                  24 July 2021 23: 17
                  No, Sergei, I am not the intellect of the breed that is incorporated by genes and lends itself to correction by education, I mean, namely the mind. Not a single dog will ever commit an unnecessary and stupid (in her understanding of course) act. Dogs, like humans, have imaginative thinking - they are able to perceive the names of the same object in different words (for example - give a ball, give a ball, give a round one). They are able to change their worldview from living conditions and upbringing. This indicates the high mental abilities of these animals. You can choose from absolutely any puppy - a hunter, a companion, a search engine, a guide or a guard. From anyone, regardless of breed! Dogs love to learn and are ready to be trained. They need very little in return - care, to know that they are needed, their "home" and their own "family". And they will not betray .... I had two dogs just recently. ..Two months ago, the elder - flat retriever Rich, he is on my nickname, passed away .... Cancer. We've been together for thirteen years. The youngest remained - Alabai Bach. Bakhtiyar. He is four years old. He is still far from Rich's level, but he has already managed to learn a lot from him.
                  1. +3
                    24 July 2021 23: 56
                    Quote: Richard
                    You can choose from absolutely any puppy - a hunter, a companion, a search engine, a guide or a guard.

                    I would very much like to see a "German" - a hunter. )))
                    1. 0
                      25 July 2021 00: 19
                      I would very much like to see a "German" - a hunter. )))
                      The dog, absolutely regardless of the breed, will become what you want. Another thing is her breed will hinder this or contribute to it, this is another question, but anyway it will become necessary for you.
                      The internet is full of videos with German hunters, for example:
                      Hunting a hare with a German shepherd
                      Duck hunting with German Shepherd
                      Just hammer into the search - german shepherd hunter
                      I posted the first one that came across
                  2. +1
                    25 July 2021 08: 42
                    Good morning Dmitry!
                    And my representative of the "fluffy people" and I are just friends! Although he is not one of the "nobles", he is an extremely intelligent personality. The character is simply amazing, for four years of friendship, only positive emotions. What is interesting, he meets only me from work! my wife's attitude is somewhat philosophical - well, it came and came, although it was she who brought it.
                    1. 0
                      25 July 2021 12: 45
                      Seryozha, my compliments hi
                      I envy. good
                      Our Masha is a lady of reduced social responsibility. He sleeps during the day, but every evening he goes outside the gate to look for adventure on his ass. Fortunately, it is sterilized. And if the party is not expected, it begins to fondle the dog or crows. Karkusha and Chernysh are immediately dumped, and Bache has to endure smile
                      ... Sometimes he jumps on his knees to his wife, but I am only interested in her as a waiter laughing
    2. +3
      24 July 2021 19: 22
      I agree with you: he was one of the most educated people of his time.
      "Was Ivan paranoid" this with a 100% guarantee can neither be affirmed nor denied.
      Kovalevsky argued that Grozny had deviations. Radugin also wrote a great work on it. I respect Radugin, but making a diagnosis based on chronicles is risky.
      I like the opinion of Klyuchevsky: "the tsar did or planned a lot of good, clever, even great, did even more deeds that made him an object of horror and disgust."
      I specifically compared the behavior of Grozny and his contemporaries (according to Birkin) and it seems to me that he is not the worst either.
  11. +4
    24 July 2021 14: 47
    As for the gentlemen who pejoratively call Samsonov's essays "Samsoniada", obviously by analogy with "Gavriliada", then even if at a high level of professional knowledge of ours, I emphasize this, our Russian history will be shown here, in their comments, why Samsonov is not right.

    Yeah! What I did not expect from you was enthusiasm about Samson's deliriums.
    Indeed: "Women are the most mysterious creatures on Earth. They know that what we do not know ... people."
    1. -4
      24 July 2021 16: 19
      Viktor Nikolaevich, dear, why did you get on me? )))
      By the way, the minus is not mine, I extinguished it.
      I think if you do not like a topic, you can not comment on it. Something touched in it, which means you can give your comment, supplement, so to speak, the question to full coverage and understanding.
      But dividing the Authors into a priori acceptable and a priori unacceptable, and even showing an insulting disregard for the Author just because others do it (this does not apply to you), counting on encouragement from those others - this is beyond my understanding. I think this is just low.
      You think what you want, but you just read my opinion.

      But I'm actually talking about something else.
      Our nation is offended and humiliated by the nearest history - to the plinth! It's time to end this. The period when we were taking off is worthy of memory and close study. Of me, no historian, but you, with your experience, erudition and ability to express your thoughts, could make a significant contribution to increasing the self-esteem of a Russian person)))
  12. +4
    24 July 2021 17: 52
    Quote from Korsar4
    And each has its own approach.

    Even in the 9th grade I read: Gogol showed his aunt in Solokha. She could charm anyone, old or small
  13. 0
    26 July 2021 14: 34
    Wow ... article by Comrade Samsonova and more or less adequately written * thumbs up *
    Therefore, Moscow acted on the one hand, as the heir to the Horde, actively attracting the Tatar princes, princes and murzas to its side.

    Of course, the Grand Duchy of Moscow / Russian Tsardom was not and could not be any "successor" or "heir" of the Horde. The "Golden Horde" and the Russian principalities were related as a colonizer and under colonial yoke.
    What is described in the quotation is quite common feudal relations of suzerainty and vassalage. Nevertheless, one "trick" of the rulers of the Horde was still borrowed - taking "foreign" feudal rulers under their suzerainty while preserving their status, they were allowed to keep their faith. For comparison, in the countries of Western Europe then (15-16 centuries) the situation with religious tolerance was ... in general, extremely bad, to say the least.
    On the other hand, the concept “Moscow - the Third Rome” emerged in Moscow.

    But at that time (the end of the 15-16th century), this only meant that there were no more other states with Orthodox Christianity as the dominant religion. The rest of the Orthodox peoples at that time were under the rule of the Turkish sultans.
    Constantinople-Constantinople was the fatherland of the Russian sovereign.

    In the 16-17 centuries? At that time, this kind of dreaming took place quite clearly in the category of completely unscientific fiction.
    Kazan was the most accessible link in the enemy chain. We started with it.

    In general, the campaign of the Russian army against Kazan with its assault and capture in 1552 was just the culmination of a series of wars that had been going on for a long time between the Grand Duchy of Moscow / Russian Kingdom and the Kazan Khanate.
    That is why the conquests of the Kazan Khanate were not in the literal sense of the word "colonial conquest" - since the Kazan people were very much in the habit of going on raids on Russian lands. What is very different, say, from the situation of relations between Great Britain and India or France and Vietnam in the 17-19 centuries (the Indians certainly never went into raids on England, for example).
    And most importantly, the reforms described in the article are precisely the result of the activities of the Chosen Rada. And not those ... events that happened later and led to an unprecedented defeat and decline of the country.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"