Haiti's two islands of Hispaniola


The islands of Hispaniola (Haiti), Tortuga, Jamaica are not the largest in the world (especially Tortuga). However, their names are known even to people living thousands of kilometers away, on the other side of the earth. They owe their popularity to pirates and privateers-privateers, who felt so at ease in the Caribbean that Voltaire wrote about them:

“The previous generation just told us about the miracles that these filibusters performed, and we talk about them all the time, they touch us ... If they could (do) a policy equal to their indomitable courage, they would have founded a great empire in America. .. Neither the Romans nor any other predatory people have ever achieved such amazing conquests. "

Haiti's two islands of Hispaniola
Tortuga Island Pirate, Tin Figurine, circa 1660

Currently, filibusters and privates who are very similar to them are strongly romanticized by the authors of adventurous pirate novels and films. But these dashing guys did not seem like heroes to their contemporaries. About the heyday and decline of the islands of Jamaica and Tortuga was a little told in the "Caribbean" series of articles. And today let's talk about stories the islands of Haiti, which was also mentioned in those articles, but despite its size, remained in the shadow of the very small neighboring Tortuga.

"Little Spain"

Haiti is the second largest island in the Antilles archipelago. Around him we see other large and small islands - the Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. In the north, Haiti is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the south - by the Caribbean Sea.

Haiti meets the criteria for a tropical island paradise: the average monthly temperature throughout the year is 25-27 ° C (cooler in the mountains - 18-20 C °), the rainy season lasts from June to November.

The island was discovered by the First Columbus Expedition, whose ships landed on its shores on December 6, 1492. Then he got the name "Little Spain" (La Española). And the local Taino Indians called him Quisqueya ("Great Land").

The landing of the expedition of Christopher Columbus on Hispaniola in 1492

Espanola Island, medieval map

Here the Europeans found settlements of the Taino Indians, which were constantly attacked by the more warlike Caribbean tribes.

On the northern coast of Hispaniola, Columbus lost his flagship, the famous Santa Maria caravel. This ship ran aground, its wreckage went to the construction of Fort La Navidad. The fate of this first colony was sad: the settlers were killed by the Indians. The new Spanish settlement on the island was named La Isabela (1493). The Europeans did not stay here: either they simply moved to the southern coast, or they were forced to do it by some kind of epidemic.

Finally, in 1496, the city of Santo Domingo (originally New Isabela) was founded by Bartolomeo Columbus. It is currently the capital of the Dominican Republic and is considered the oldest European city in America.

Bartolomeo Columbus, younger brother of the famous navigator

Sugar cane was soon brought to Hispaniola from the Canary Islands. And in 1503, the first blacks were brought in to work on the plantations. And already in 1516 the first sugar factory was opened here.

The modern name of the island - Haiti, also traces its origin from the Taino language: Ayiti - "mountainous country". There are indeed mountains here, including the Duarte Peak, which, according to various sources, has a height of 3087 to 3175 meters. It is the tallest in the West Indies.

Peak Duarte

In my opinion, the name "Haiti" is unfortunate. Mountains, as you can see on the map, do not cover the entire territory of this island.

In addition, the territory of the island is now divided between the two states. The name of one of them coincides with the name of the entire island. Another is the Dominican Republic, which is extremely popular with tourists from all over the world. Some of them, upon arrival, are very surprised that they went to the Dominican Republic and ended up in Haiti. Meanwhile, in some European countries, the island is still called Hispaniola. Moreover, Hispaniola is usually called their island and the inhabitants of the countries dividing it.

Buccaneers of the island of Hispaniola

The mountainous western and northern coasts of Hispaniola have been the go-to destination for smugglers. Pirates also came here, wishing to sell the booty and replenish water and provisions. Tired of fighting these guests, the Spanish authorities ordered all Europeans to move to the southeastern coast of the island, much more convenient for a quiet, peaceful life.

However, not everyone liked this offer, and people associated with smugglers and filibusters preferred to leave for Tortuga or Cuba. And on the vacated territory, boucaniers have now settled. This was the name of the hunters for wild bulls and pigs (which were left here by the former inhabitants). The buccaneers smoked the meat of these animals on grates according to the Indian recipe, selling it to the planters of Hispaniola, and visiting merchants, and filibusters. In addition to meat, they also sold skins and lard for wicks.

Bukaner. Illustration from the French edition of the book by Alexander Exvemelin "Pirates of America"

It so happened that the first buccaneers were mainly the French - ruined peasants and artisans, unlucky merchants, sailors who fell behind their ships, as well as fugitive criminals and deserters. For some time, the famous Bertrand d'Ogeron, the future governor of Tortuga, also had to work as a buccaneer on Hispaniola after his ship crashed in the Gulf of Cul de Sac (this is the very beginning of his Caribbean adventures).

The collection of buccaneer communities was called the "coastal brotherhood".

The peaceful existence of buccaneers on Hispaniol continued until 1635, when the French corsair Pierre Legrand, in command of a small Luger (4 cannons, 28 crew members), unexpectedly attacked and captured the Spanish 54-gun flagship galleon. Look at the illustrations and try to estimate the size of these ships.

French luger Le Coureur, ship model. Photo: mrdeep.livemaster.ru

Spanish galleon San Felipe, 1629

The Spaniards were taken by surprise, under the threat of a powder magazine explosion, the captain surrendered the ship, the crew of which was landed on Hispaniola. This galleon, along with the cargo, was sold in the French Dieppe. The unlucky Spaniards were laughed at both in the New World and in the Old. And therefore it was decided to organize a demonstrative punitive operation against the filibusters of the Antilles.

Chasing pirates across the sea is a very tedious, thankless and even dangerous occupation. And that is why some of the colonial officials came up with the ingenious idea to strike at the "coastal brotherhood" of buccaneers. Their lifestyle did not inspire confidence in the authorities, and many of them were indeed associated with trade interests with filibusters.

The buccaneers did not expect an attack, and therefore the beginning of this operation was successful for the Spaniards: the soldiers managed to kill several hundred people. However, the surviving buccaneers did not flee in terror from the island, but went into the forest and began to brutally avenge their comrades. And these people were desperate, harsh, and besides, they were all excellent shooters. Johann Wilhelm von Archengoltz reports:

“Since then, the Buccaneers only breathed revenge. Blood flowed in streams; they did not make out either age or gender, and the horror of their name began to spread more and more. ”

Now the villages of the Spanish colonists were burning, and the regular troops were completely powerless against the buccaneers who knew the area well. But the creativity of the Spanish colonial officials knew no limits. By their order, the soldiers began to destroy the resource base of buccaneers - wild bulls and pigs. It was possible to almost completely exterminate these animals in two years.

The result exceeded all expectations: having lost their only source of income, the buccaneers joined the crews of filibuster ships. Here they were received with open arms, and it was impossible to make a better gift for the gaining strength of the pirate Tortuga.

The "Coastal Brotherhood" was now called pirate communities, and the words "filibuster" and "buccaneer" were perceived by many as synonyms. Archengolts, mentioned above, wrote about the exiled buccaneers:

“They connected with their friends, filibusters, who were already beginning to glorify, but whose name became truly terrible only after connecting with the buccaneers.”

If you are interested in this topic, check out the articles. "Freebooters and Buccaneers", “Tortuga. Filibusters' Caribbean Paradise ", "Golden Age of Tortuga Island"... You can also open other articles of the "Caribbean Cycle", which tells about the corsairs and privatizers of Port Royal in Jamaica and Nassau in Bahamas.

We will now continue our story about the history of the island of Hispaniola.

Cromwell's West Indies Expedition

The first British to attack Espanyola was the famous Francis Drake. In January 1586, he captured Santo Domingo, taking 25 ducats and over 200 cannons as ransom.

In 1654, Oliver Cromwell sent a fleet of 18 warships and 20 transport ships to the West Indies to capture this island. The squadron was very formidable: 352 guns, 1145 sailors, 1830 soldiers and 38 horses. On the islands of Montserrat, Nevis and St. Christopher, they were joined by three to four thousand volunteers. On the way to Hispaniola, the British attacked Barbados, where they captured 14 (according to other sources - 15) Dutch merchant ships.

But with Hispaniola, the Cromwell veterans did not succeed: only 600 Spanish soldiers, with the support of local residents, repulsed the attack with heavy losses for the British. The leaders of the expedition in May 1655 captured Jamaica in grief (and for Britain this island turned out to be a very valuable acquisition). But Cromwell was dissatisfied. On their return to London, Admiral William Penn and General Robert Venables were sent to the Tower.

French colony of Saint-Domingue

The French were more fortunate.

Under the treaty of 1697 (Riksvik Peace), Spain was forced to cede the western third of the island of Hispaniola to them. The French colony of Saint-Domingue founded here in the 1789th century was called "the pearl of the Antilles". French sugarcane plantations in 86 produced 40 thousand tons of sugar per year (this is approximately XNUMX% of world production). Coffee and tobacco were also grown here. Saint-Domingue then provided a third of the profits from French exports of colonial goods.

The Spanish colony on Hispaniola - Santo Domingo, against this background, looked like a nondescript Cinderella. The fact is that the Spanish colonists now preferred to settle on the American continent. The white population of Santo Domingo did not grow, but even decreased. In addition, since 1561, the Spaniards began to send goods to Europe only in well-guarded large caravans of ships, the main base for the formation of which was Cuba.

Hispaniola was now on the outskirts and was of little interest to the Spanish authorities. But on the territory of the modern Dominican Republic there are forests cut down in Haiti for plantations.

First Republic of Haiti on the island of Hispaniola

The first blacks, as we remember, were brought to Hispaniola in 1503. Subsequently, their number on the island grew steadily. Especially after almost all Hispaniola Taino Indians died during the smallpox epidemic in 1519.

On the eve of the French Revolution, the population of Saint-Domingue consisted of three large groups. The privileged community was the white population, whose number reached 36 thousand people. However, as you understand, not all whites were rich planters, and no one in Saint-Domingo encroached on the holy right of the purebred French to starve and walk in rags.

There were about 500 dark-skinned slaves, about the same number as in the rest of the West Indies.

In addition, about 28 thousand free mulattoes lived on the island. They were also not a homogeneous group, differing in both the level of well-being and blood (the French were very scrupulous in such matters). The most "pure" mulattoes were the Sangmel, who had only 1/16 of Negro blood, followed by Sakatra (1/8). But even such "dubious" mulattoes were not considered equal by the whites. However, at the same time, mulattos could own land, have their own slaves, and some of them lived better than most European colonists. And therefore, demanding equal rights with whites, the mulattoes in no way objected to slavery for blacks.

In 1791, the wealthy mulatto Vincent Auger visited revolutionary France. He liked the slogan of universal equality very much, and therefore, when he returned, he demanded that at least the richest mulattoes be equal in rights with whites. Local officials refused to compromise, and Auger encouraged the mulattos to revolt. It ended in the defeat and execution of Auger.

But the situation in Saint-Domingue, where, as we remember, there were significantly more blacks than whites and mulattos combined, and so it had long been teetering on the brink of an explosion. The mulattoes set an example. And on August 22, 1791, Negro slaves rebelled, who in 2 months destroyed 280 plantations and killed about two thousand whites, including many women and children.

The most authoritative leader of the rebels was François Dominique Toussaint-Louverture, the son of a black slave who rose to the rank of estate manager and was freed at the age of 33. After the outbreak of the uprising, he helped the family of the former owner to flee to Spanish territory, and he himself led the four thousandth detachment.

On April 4, 1792, the revolutionary government of France belatedly declared the equality of all free people - regardless of skin color. If this decision had been taken a year earlier, the history of Haiti could have taken a different course. But now it was too late.

Finally, on February 4, 1794, the convention also abolished slavery. After negotiations with General Etienne Laveau Louverture, the leader of the rebels recognized the power of France.

In 1795, the French defeated the Spanish by capturing the entire territory of Hispaniola. And in 1798 the British attack on the island was repulsed.

Even the biggest optimist could not call the situation on Espanyol stable. In 1799-1800, Louverture, at the head of the Negroes, had to fight the mulattoes. And in 1800-1801 he took control of the former Spanish possessions - Santo Domingo.

On July 7, 1801, the Colonial Assembly of Saint-Domingue adopted a constitution that proclaimed the island to be autonomous within France, and Louverture as governor for life of the former colony.

Francois Dominique Toussaint-Louverture

The first consul of the Republic, Napoleon Bonaparte, did not recognize the constitution of Saint-Domingo and sent French troops to Hispaniola. They were commanded by Charles Leclerc (husband of Pauline Bonaparte, Napoleon's sister).

General Charles Leclerc

This detachment reached Hispaniola on January 29, 1802. Here he was supported by the mulattoes and even some of Louverture's associates. On May 5, Louverture was forced to conclude an armistice, on June 6 he was sent to France, where he died on April 7, 1803.

Meanwhile, on May 20, 1802, by decree of Bonaparte, slavery was restored in Saint-Domingue. This led to a new uprising that began in October of the same year. Alexander Petion and Jean-Jacques Dessaline became its leaders. For the French, the situation was aggravated by the yellow fever epidemic, from which many soldiers and officers died, including Leclerc. In 1803, British warships blockaded Hispaniola, making it impossible for the French to receive aid from the mother country. All this together led to their defeat in November 1803 and the withdrawal of the remaining troops from Saint-Domingo to the east - to the former Spanish possessions.

On November 30, 1803, Dessalines declared himself Governor-General of Saint-Domingue. And on January 1, 1804, the former colony proclaimed independence and declared the creation of the state of Haiti.

In honor of this momentous event, a new massacre of the remnants of the white population was organized. The killings lasted from February to April 1804, about 5 thousand people became victims. All this was done with the full approval of Dessalines, who declared Haiti a state for blacks and mulattoes and went down in history as the first black racist in power.

Massacre in Haiti 1804

After that Dessalines, discarding false modesty, on September 22, 1804, proclaimed himself Emperor Jacques I. In the spring of 1805, he tried to capture the eastern part of the island, but was defeated by the French. On October 17, 1806, the unlucky emperor was killed by his disgruntled associates.

The "holiday of disobedience" in Haiti continued, and soon the Negroes, led by Henri Christophe, and the mulattoes, led by Petion, grappled here. As a result, the country fell into two parts.

In the north, the state of Haiti emerged. Its president was Christophe, who in 1811 proclaimed himself King Henri I.

And in the south of the former Saint-Domingo, the Republic of Haiti appeared, headed by President Petion.

In October 1820, a rebellion broke out in the kingdom. Henri Christophe shot himself, his son and heir was killed 10 days later. But the grandson of this self-appointed monarch served as President of Haiti from 1901 to 1908, and his great-great-granddaughter became the wife of Baby Doc, Jean-Claude Duvalier.

After the death of King Henri, the Republicans took advantage of the situation and annexed the territory he controlled.

In 1825, in exchange for the recognition of independence, the Haitian authorities agreed to pay compensation of 150 million francs to the former owners of the seized property (or to their heirs). The French officially recognized the independence of the former Saint-Domingo in 1834.

In 1838, the amount of compensation was reduced to 90 million.

This money was paid in full only in the middle of the XNUMXth century.

Spanish Haiti (future Dominican Republic)

Trouble was also in the east of Hispaniola, where an anti-French uprising began in November 1808.

Thanks to British help, the French were expelled, and in July 1809 this part of the island became Spanish again. However, the authorities of this country paid little attention to Santa Domingo, and therefore the period 1809-1821 in the modern Dominican Republic is called the "era of stupid Spain."

On November 30, 1821, the independent state of Spanish Haiti was proclaimed here. Whites were not exterminated here, as a result there were even more of them than blacks - about 16% versus 9%. Well, the absolute majority of the inhabitants of the new country were mulattos (in the second half of the twentieth century, the Japanese and Chinese communities also appeared in the Dominican Republic).

Spanish Haiti was not lucky with its neighbors. A few months later, on February 9, 1822, the army of western Haiti invaded here. The Haitian occupation of this part of the island continued until February 27, 1844, when the invaders were driven out by a popular uprising.

This is how the state, now known as the Dominican Republic, appeared. And he still had to repel five attacks from Haiti - in 1844, 1845, 1849, 1853 and 1855-1856. An additional destabilizing factor was the unsettled border with Haiti.

Due to constant tension on the border, the possibility of transferring to the rule of some strong power was considered.

The first president, the planter Pedro Santana, in 1861 agreed to restore the power of Spain. But already in August 1863, an anti-Spanish uprising began in the Dominican Republic, which ended in victory in the summer of 1865. Santana was killed.

After that, the Dominican Republic entered a long period of political instability. And in the years 1865-1879, 5 military coups took place here, and the government changed 21 times.

In 1869, another president, B. Baez, concluded an agreement on the transfer of the country to the rule of the United States, but this agreement did not receive the approval of American senators.

Over time, the external threat factor ceased to be relevant, but the complex and unstable internal political situation persisted until 1930, when for a long time the power was in the hands of Rafael Trujillo.

In the next article we will talk about the different fates of two states located on the same island - Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
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  1. +6
    8 July 2021 04: 59
    Sugarcane in Haiti and nearby has changed the world. And only 500 years have passed.
  2. +10
    8 July 2021 05: 14
    Tired of talking and arguing,
    To tear to the wheeze of the voice,
    In the filibuster far blue sea
    The brigantine sets sail.

    Captain, weathered like rocks
    Raised the flag without waiting for the day.
    Raise your glasses goodbye
    Golden tart wine.

    We drink to the furious, to the rebellious,
    For those who despised penny comfort.
    "Jolly Roger" winds in the wind
    Filibusters sing a hymn to the seas.

    And in trouble, and in joy, and in sorrow,
    Just squint your eyes a little,
    And you will see how in the distant blue sea
    The brigantine sets sail.
    1. +5
      8 July 2021 13: 55
      Jolly Roger "winds in the wind" for the sake of justice: the pirates did not have a separate flag.
      They used their national flags. Although some captains "invented" something of their own, like Riskator in Angelica.
      Someone Flint could think of a flag with a skull to intimidate. If the enemy is scared, then he sluggishly resists
      1. +8
        8 July 2021 16: 50
        Someone Flint could think of a flag with a skull
        Have I heard of Flint? You ask, Astra wild2 (Mother's joy) have I heard of Flint? He was the most bloodthirsty pirate who ever sailed on the sea! Blackbeard in front of Flint baby. The Spaniards were so afraid of him that, I confess to you, ma'am, I was sometimes proud that he was an Englishman. True, the old pirates in the taverns told me once that the prototype of Flint was
        Captain Edward Teach Blackbeard, here's his flag
        They used their national flags.
        Rather, they chose the flag depending on which state's ship they intended to approach. But when they got closer, they changed the flag of, say, Great Britain, Spain or France to their own.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +8
          8 July 2021 16: 54
          Edward England raised his flag
          Steed Boen, "The Gentleman of the Pirates"
          Jack Reckham aka "Calico Jack" his
          1. VLR
            8 July 2021 18: 03
            Rackham initially had a typical Jolly Roger - skull and bones. But everyone around began to say that the famous "Amazons" of Calico Jack, Anne Bonnie and Mary Red, were created from the bones of this flag. Rackham took this as a mockery of himself and ordered the bones to be replaced with crooked knives.
        3. +4
          9 July 2021 06: 36
          "I was sometimes proud that he was an Englishman," the words of Squire Trelawney. "Treasure Island."
          In Soviet film adaptations, I also watched the pre-war, he is shown as a negative character, and according to the book - a harmless turkey
          1. -3
            9 July 2021 23: 56
            Sometimes try to think and then write ... with your whole harem.
            1. +3
              10 July 2021 13: 04
              I think I answered on the topic, but you have some kind of phobia on me
              1. -3
                10 July 2021 13: 10
                Well, not a phobia. But please think first, and then sit down for the "clave", yes. There is such. As always, frank! hi
              2. -2
                10 July 2021 13: 13
                I would like to understand what you mean by the term "phobia"? wassat So?
  3. +6
    8 July 2021 08: 10
    Thank you for the article. I read it with interest. The format is just my favorite - moderate text and a few illustrations.
    1. +11
      8 July 2021 09: 44
      I support it, I read it with interest.
      I look forward to continuing.
      Probably we all read books about pirates to the holes.
      I especially remember Sabatini's book about Captain Blood. There are several of them.
      Odyssey of Captain Blood, Chronicle of Captain Blood, and a couple more, if I'm not mistaken.
      1. +1
        10 July 2021 13: 19
        Oh! Sabatini! I read it myself! By the way, he has a lot of novels, if interested I can give a tip to the site. Everything is free! wink
  4. +9
    8 July 2021 09: 14
    In general, a boiling cauldron.
    From 1915 to 1934, the occupation of Haiti by US troops took place. The mulatto elite came to power.
    In 1957, the former Minister of Health and the typhus fighter François Duvalier became president of Haiti, who later became a dictator based on the so-called tonton macoutes, a kind of oprichnina. The Strugatskys used the idea of ​​tonton macoutes in their novel "A Million Years BC".
    One can only wonder how these people have not yet completely exterminated themselves.
    1. +8
      8 July 2021 09: 25
      With all due respect, Lyudmila Yakovlevna, but the Strugatskys' story is called "A billion years before the end of the world." And what you indicated is a 1966 feature film.
      1. +5
        8 July 2021 09: 42
        Anton, thanks for correcting! We've got + 27 in the morning, the brains are melting, and ... In general, I'm not a banker, for me either a million or a billion are numbers of an outrageous order, I'm used to operating with numbers in literal expression. Like if you subtract b from a, then it will be c ... wassat )))
        1. +7
          8 July 2021 10: 04
          We have +29 "overboard". At the facility already for +30 (facade glazing, sunny side).
          "O North, North-sorcerer!
          Or am I bewitched by you,
          Or am I really chained
          To your granite strip "(C) wassat
          1. +7
            8 July 2021 10: 35
            What a charm - Tyutchev! love )))
            You know, there is no nature in the world more beautiful than Russian. Maybe the residents of big cities, looking out of the windows and seeing high-rise buildings, do not feel this much, but in my "village" I feel it completely. And I can't even imagine how you can live normally in some Haiti. It is not surprising that they are in constant nervous tension on this tiny piece of land and always rebel. It seems to me that this will never end for them also because the vector of the civilization movement was originally set. They know nothing else.
            1. +2
              8 July 2021 10: 57
              there is no more beautiful nature in the world than Russian.
              What is voodoo without a button accordion ?!
              1. +5
                8 July 2021 14: 43
                "On the island of Haiti lived the negro Titi-Miti,
                There lived a negro Titi-Miti and a parrot Keke. "(C)
              2. +1
                10 July 2021 13: 27
                Yes, we niggas love your "pocket"!

      2. +1
        10 July 2021 13: 22
        Anton! Hi! How are things with "my" site? Not friends?
        1. +1
          10 July 2021 14: 01
          Hello, Sergey! I found another.
          1. +1
            10 July 2021 19: 47
            Well ... sorry.
            1. +1
              10 July 2021 19: 56
              Leave it! Anyway, you wanted to help me. It's priceless! Why else do we need friends ????
    2. VLR
      8 July 2021 09: 29
      The recent history of Haiti and the Dominican Republic will be discussed in the next article. Of course, it is simply amazing how they seemed to develop at first, and Haiti had much better starting conditions, and how they began to diverge sharply: Haiti - down, a level below the baseboard, the Dominican Republic - up, although it cannot be called a very rich country. But:

      1. +5
        8 July 2021 09: 49
        Valery, I hope they won't take my like off at least)))
      2. +8
        8 July 2021 09: 58
        So in the Dominican Republic in the 30s. last century Germans and Austrians fled from Hitler
        1. VLR
          8 July 2021 10: 31
          And the Jews too.
          1. +4
            8 July 2021 10: 52
            Well, yes - and Western European, well-educated and active
            1. +5
              8 July 2021 11: 46
              I wonder how they got along there: Jews and fascists? Perhaps the Lord told them: "hush, otherwise I'll throw it out into the sea."
              1. +5
                8 July 2021 12: 41
                What are the fascists, Vlad? laughing People fled from Hitler due to persecution for ideology or ethnicity - they had more in common than differences))
                1. +1
                  8 July 2021 13: 45
                  I'm sorry I didn't add it. I thought the "supermen" had pulled it there.
                  There have been too many reports that Adolf is with Eve, somewhere in South America. When the "millennial" unfolded, they scattered like cockroaches around and Haiti could equate and in Egypt and Syria they huddled
                  1. +2
                    8 July 2021 13: 53
                    This is after
  5. +9
    8 July 2021 09: 53
    The peaceful existence of buccaneers on Hispaniol continued until 1635, when the French corsair Pierre Legrand, in command of a small Luger (4 cannons, 28 crew members), unexpectedly attacked and captured the Spanish 54-gun flagship galleon. Look at the illustrations and try to estimate the size of these ships.

    It is really difficult to estimate from this illustration, since Luger Le Coureur was built almost 150 years after the events described, in 1776. During this time, the lugers increased in size, received a third mast, a deck and carried up to 10 guns. The same "Le Courier" had 8 cannons and took, in addition to the crew, up to 80 people of the boarding team.
    And at Legrand, judging by the description, the Luger was much smaller.
    1. +5
      8 July 2021 10: 57
      Probably so.
      - Let's see what kind of little sailboat it is. Maybe people are in distress.
      They let me in. And there the furious bandits huddle around, shoot, do not shoot from guns - already a flight.
      This is such an amateurish reconstruction of events)))
      1. VLR
        8 July 2021 11: 03
        Not quite so: there was a siesta on the galleon: the captain and officers were resting, the crew was "relaxed." And some small fry, not worthy of attention, is spinning nearby. And then - they came quite close - and with insolent mugs to board. While the Spaniards came to their senses, they penetrated into the powder magazine and declared: weapons on the deck or all together we fly into the air to such and such a mother. If you are obedient boys, we will not touch you and we will drop you off somewhere on Hispaniola.
        1. +8
          8 July 2021 12: 02
          Siesta is sacred in hot and humid climates. Happened to live in the subtropics. In summer, the heat is often under + 40, in winter there are torrential rains (at +12 it looks like +4 of the middle lane, due to dampness it penetrates to the bones). It is very difficult to concentrate on work, to withstand hours of stress, be it mental or physical. Now imagine what the tropics are. In order to live and work normally, a white person, in accordance with his occupation, needs air conditioners. Otherwise, it is not life, but suffering. As a result, the peoples of the subtropical zone, in the eyes of somewhat more northern Europeans living in a favorable climatic zone, look lazy, and the indigenous inhabitants of the tropical zones look like idlers. Both are poorly assimilating the industrial trend of more northern countries.
        2. +4
          8 July 2021 12: 02
          What's a siesta without wine?
          1. +5
            8 July 2021 12: 08
            Quote: vladcub
            What's a siesta without wine?

            Eh, now in the heat of the recinks! drinks
            1. +2
              8 July 2021 13: 46
              Didn't have a chance to try
          2. +7
            8 July 2021 12: 08
            In fact, the Greeks do this: they sleep during the day, and in the evening they dump everything in a cafe, where they drink - some coffee, some wine, and so on almost until morning. We slept a little, and at work - wait for a siesta)))
            1. -2
              8 July 2021 13: 01
              Quote: depressant
              In fact, the Greeks do this: they sleep during the day, and in the evening they dump everything in a cafe, where they drink - some coffee, some wine, and so on almost until morning. We slept a little, and at work - wait for a siesta)))

              And when do Greeks work with such a schedule?
              1. +4
                8 July 2021 13: 32
                In between dreams!))))
                I didn’t come up with it myself, I read a lot about it. And also that an unemployed Greek will be hungry, but he will get somewhere for a cup of coffee - Greeks cannot live without coffee!
                In fact, not everyone lives this way, of course. Those who are in production, there are air conditioners, it is understandable, they live according to the work schedule. However, many of the Greeks are those who live by renting out their homes to holidaymakers and have succeeded in this, especially in small coastal towns. wassat )))
                1. 0
                  8 July 2021 14: 17
                  The rhythms of the resort industry do not really coincide with the rest and this is normal. The main thing for a tourist is not to draw false conclusions from this about everyone else)
                  By the way, in the southern regions of Italy it is legally forbidden to work in the fields, etc. in the summer from 12 to 16 hours. And this is not a whim and not laziness, but is associated with the life and health of workers
              2. +4
                8 July 2021 17: 43
                In a dream laughing
                In Crete in October they plowed round the clock like Karla's dads
                Travel business, by the way
                1. 0
                  8 July 2021 17: 59
                  I'm on vacation now and I'm looking at the rhythm of the work of the staff in the hotel, in the restaurant, on the beach, etc. I'm not sure that I would have endured this even for a week. Although from the outside, everything looks like a colleague writes. pay special attention, they live in their own world)
                  1. +3
                    8 July 2021 18: 33
                    Greetings! hi
                    My impression, as a tourist, was precisely the plowing of the Greeks. But, most likely, there are depressive n / ns with a large number of unemployed people - perhaps, seeing them on the streets, people get this impression, and people are sitting in cafes after work.
              3. +5
                8 July 2021 17: 58
                You know, personally, I got the impression that never at all! Experience: Rhodes 2015.
                1. 0
                  8 July 2021 18: 00
                  Quote: 3x3zsave
                  You know, personally, I got the impression that never at all! Experience: Rhodes 2015.

                  How deceiving nature is ... said the hedgehog, getting off the cactus)
                  1. +5
                    8 July 2021 18: 05
                    I had something to compare with. I had been to Catalonia the year before.
                    "Two big differences, or four small differences")))
                    1. 0
                      8 July 2021 18: 07
                      I have not been to Rhodes, but I doubt that things are going by gravity there)
                      And Catalonia is one of the richest and most developed European regions. It is clear that there are a lot of people working there. Probably more than in Rhodes.
                      1. +4
                        8 July 2021 18: 15
                        No, of course not! It's just, I'm out of luck. I came to Greece at the moment when the Greeks decided to show the aphedron to the European Union. With all that it implies ...
                      2. 0
                        8 July 2021 18: 23
                        Was it a sit-down strike?
                      3. +2
                        8 July 2021 18: 42
                        Something like that. The people were against the European Union, but they did not support their government either.
                      4. -1
                        8 July 2021 18: 55
                        Well, blame your miscalculations and sins on the EU - a favorite game not only of the Greeks, but of almost all EU countries)
                      5. +3
                        8 July 2021 19: 00
                        However, as usual. Under any feudal power.
                      6. +2
                        8 July 2021 19: 09
                        The EU is purely voluntary, I don't remember a single one liberation campaign with the aim of joining the EU. As well as in order to prevent leaving it. And the voluntary queue to enter does not dry up. By the way, the Greeks escaped poverty as a country precisely by entering the EU. And even their state budget was falsified to meet the necessary parameters for the euro zone. And they can only blame themselves for this. By the way, nothing catastrophic happened to them. They changed the government, received new loans, put the budget in order, drowned a little and continue to live well)
                      7. +2
                        8 July 2021 19: 21
                        Duc, and what am I talking about ????
                      8. -1
                        8 July 2021 19: 44
                        I see no signs of feudalism .... who is the feudal lord?
                      9. +2
                        8 July 2021 19: 48
                        Let me answer later ... Okay?
                      10. +4
                        8 July 2021 18: 39
                        And Catalonia is one of the richest and most developed European regions.
                        30-40% to the general budget of Spain. Another 3-4-5% are added by the rest of the northern provinces (mainly Asturias and Basque Country). It remains to guess: will it burn or not? ...
                      11. +2
                        8 July 2021 18: 59
                        Of course, the situation is the same in any other European country. One or several regions are the lion's share of GDP. But it's not so simple. Moscow is also the richest region in Russia. But without the rest of Russia, all its wealth will melt at once)
                      12. +3
                        8 July 2021 19: 54
                        It can blaze in any region of the planet. We are on the brink.
                      13. +2
                        8 July 2021 19: 59
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        It can blaze in any region of the planet. We are on the brink.

                        I'm afraid this is a syndrome besieged fortress only, which in Russia has been intensively cultivated in recent years. And on the site this syndrome takes on exaggerated proportions. Any conspiracy theories, every sneeze is an undoubted sign of the 100500th World War, nuclear strikes alternate 2 times a day at least, including weekends.
                      14. 0
                        8 July 2021 20: 06
                        I don't think you associate my worldview only with Russia? Otherwise, our communication would be impossible ...
                      15. +1
                        8 July 2021 20: 11
                        Of course not, but the fact that the environment leaves an imprint on any of us is also impossible.
                        In fact, now is one of the quietest periods in the world and even more so in Europe.
                      16. +1
                        8 July 2021 20: 15
                        Stagnation. And then it will explode! Homo is cyclical and predictable.
                      17. +1
                        8 July 2021 20: 27
                        The main motive for wars is the dissatisfaction of the parties with the results of the previous war. Any war generates the next. And the last war happened already 80 years ago, and the longer this period, the more chances for a new one go down.
                      18. +2
                        9 July 2021 08: 51
                        Only all these wonderful cycles of Kondratyev, Kuznets, etc. cannot be taken at once and used.

                        Chizhevsky tried to get to the original source: "The Earthly Echo of Solar Storms."
                      19. +3
                        9 July 2021 14: 23
                        Do you mean the theory of Chizhevsky about the synchronicity of the course of solar activity and historical processes on the scale of the Earth?
                        The theory exists, correlates well with the Wolf numbers, was previously widely recognized, confirmed, but now they are trying to distort it, push it in and silence it. It contradicts, you know, the plans of a rich minority of earthlings to take under absolute control a vast insolvent minority. And the sun, meanwhile, at the present moment of time has entered the period of its activity and uncontrollably - as in none of the previous cycles, it continues to increase it.
                        And, by the way, forecasters promised some unprecedented heat.
                      20. +2
                        9 July 2021 14: 41
                        Yes. It was her.

                        One can try to link it with the dynamics of forest fires. It is associated with Wolf numbers.

                        But here the question is broader. It is difficult to provide a convincing evidence base.
                        Therefore, while on the topic I do not aim.
                      21. +2
                        9 July 2021 15: 03
                        And there is no need to swing - Chizhevsky himself swung and successfully defended his thesis. I remember that in the Soviet era in Tbilisi, taxi drivers were advised to be careful due to the increased activity of the sun - they broadcast it on Georgian television. Why taxi drivers, and not everyone? They cheated, trying to get a new client as soon as possible, earning money.
                      22. +2
                        9 July 2021 19: 58
                        I like the book. The scope of Chizhevsky too.
                      23. +2
                        9 July 2021 20: 12
                        I have not read the book, but I am familiar with a dozen articles with a detailed analysis of Chizhevsky's ideas and I remember many references to him since Soviet times in popular magazines such as "Knowledge is Power", "Science and Life", and others. And, pay attention, exactly at that time, I mean the beginning of the 20th century, when the cycle of the sun's activity was especially "malicious", there was a real explosion of scientific ideas. There is not only Chizheskiy pulled himself up - a galaxy!
                      24. +2
                        9 July 2021 20: 59
                        Yes. And so it was. And the Silver Age in literature is somewhere nearby.
                      25. +2
                        9 July 2021 21: 19
                        And now there is a terrible cycle going on. The sun does not spare the Earth, many volcanoes wake up, dust storms where they have never been, and we are told that the climate is warming. It may be a little, but okay! However, the main thing in this story is the hot sun, which arouses passionarity, therefore, the discontent of large masses of people. After all, the passionary is always dissatisfied. Passions boil, and I want to think that they will calm down. But no, there could be something more terrible than dust storms and volcanic eruptions. For 80 years there has not been a big war - a huge achievement of mankind! But not because a person has become more humane towards his neighbor, but because he has become more humane towards himself, his beloved. It is a pity for him to lose his life for the one who makes this life worse. This is how it is, the stage of humanization in the era of the active sun)))
                      26. +1
                        9 July 2021 21: 27
                        It is. The trend is pronounced. You can't argue with him. Why is the question. And what consequences will lead - the question.
                      27. +2
                        9 July 2021 22: 55
                        Well, there are plans, but there are realities.
                        The banker's superstructure over mankind plans to reduce its number, and if it is intentional, it objects that someone has to buy goods. This means that bankers and industrialists must share with the population. When they agree among themselves on the optimal size of the population, so that none of these two elite is particularly impoverished from handouts, realities will come for us. These are plans for 2050.
                        And now they are looking for methods to reduce the number. Apparently, epidemics, pharmacology reduced to placebo, the creation of a stressful environment everywhere, leading to early deaths and a decrease in fertility, the promotion of an irresponsible lifestyle, etc. - there is a lot more that can be thought of, as well as many local wars that grind the population. A major war involving nuclear weapons deprives the idea of ​​meaning. Both superstructures want a clean Earth.
                      28. +1
                        9 July 2021 23: 02
                        As for the add-ons: you won't look.
                        Extreme sports are from the same series.
                      29. +1
                        9 July 2021 23: 03
                        My friend, don't you think that only the heroes of yesterday's victories can save today's "civilization"?
                      30. +2
                        9 July 2021 23: 41
                        The era of individuals dedicated to a positive idea is over. The youth of mankind is over.
                        As soon as someone, beating himself in the chest with a fist, is served under a pure sauce to a certain mass of the people, it means that he was bought by some kind of superstructure through the political establishment devoted to that superstructure.
                        When, by 2050, the era is finally formed and the alignment of forces becomes clear, theorists will appear, and then practitioners. Theory without practice is dead, but practice without theory is suicide of the deceived popular masses.
            2. +2
              8 July 2021 15: 52
              When do they work? recourse
      2. +5
        8 July 2021 11: 59
        Lyudmila Yakovlevna, your reconstruction reminded me: "Pirates of the 20th century". We have watched it for several times
        1. -1
          9 July 2021 23: 50
          Try again ... to think, huh?
          1. +1
            10 July 2021 12: 56
            I just remembered the movie "Pirates of the 20th century".
            1. -3
              10 July 2021 13: 38
              A fighter-source of knowledge? Well, well! "Angelica" will help you. Read, delve into! And then for the "Klava", and without criticism of others. Yakshi?
              1. +2
                10 July 2021 14: 02
                You know, I'll say frankly: I almost slapped a minus, for your rudeness (if you think about it, you will find it).
                Thank you, you caught me on the linguistic cliché: "phobia" 2/3 use it out of place. It annoys me, and today she blurted out.
                1. -1
                  10 July 2021 14: 15
                  Rudeness ??? Well, pliz, an example, eh?
                2. -1
                  10 July 2021 14: 18
                  Who writes, from your brisk crew?
                  1. -1
                    10 July 2021 14: 25
                    And in the "sketch". Watch TV, specifically-Rentv! A lot of impressions. And knowledge, for you. Lord, and on this health care I pay taxes? laughing
        2. 0
          10 July 2021 13: 41
          Let's improve literacy ... if we go to the "history" section, eh?
          1. -3
            10 July 2021 13: 48
            Quote: Phil77
            If we go to the "history" section, eh?

            It's time for you to go to the Alcoholic nonsense section, historian.
            We are waiting for drunk snot, apologies and a courageous story about another mourning drenched in moonshine by Monday
            1. -1
              10 July 2021 14: 14
              My friend, seriously? Are you waiting? I'm glad for myself, amigo. Although some people are interested in my "alcoholic nonsense"! You have great taste, dear.
              But ... I will disappoint. I will not wait, specifically by Monday. Wait. laughing
            2. -1
              10 July 2021 14: 29
              For a minus, a special thank you!
              1. -3
                10 July 2021 14: 38
                I never give minuses to anyone, even drunk.
            3. -1
              10 July 2021 14: 38
              I will add that moonshine is not the worst drink? No? Amigo?
  6. +4
    8 July 2021 11: 17
    Valery, colleagues, good afternoon.
    Now we have read and re-read previous publications.
    As always interesting and informative
  7. +7
    8 July 2021 11: 26
    Valery, a special big thank you for the bucan. And then everyone heard, but no one really knows who they are and why.
    1. +5
      8 July 2021 14: 03
      "everyone has heard, but no one really knows" about them and about the filibusters, there is a good book: "The history of sea robbers" by Johann von Archengolz ..
      Valery partially used her
  8. +6
    8 July 2021 11: 57
    and soon blacks and mulattoes grappled here.

    Yes, what kind of wars have not been in the history of mankind. hi
  9. +6
    8 July 2021 12: 38
    In fact, the modern Republic of Haiti as a state in the western part of the island of the same name contains the nearby islands of Gonave, Tortu (Tortuga), Vash, Cayemites, La Grande Caye, Navassé and several small islands and reefs.
    Tortuga - how much I have read about this island!
    This pirate haven belonged to Jamaica in the 17th century, and the city of Port Royal, as the main pirate nest, was Jamaican.
    And so, on June 7, 1692, a devastating earthquake struck Port Royal. Having sensed something in advance, or having orientated themselves in time, some captains managed to take their ships far out to sea and from there watched how, in less than three minutes, a paradise for pirates and just sailors turned into hell. "The houses fell into the ground, the fort that guarded the city was swept into the sea and smashed to pieces. A ship standing in the bay was thrown onto the roof of one of the houses. The cemetery was washed away in the sea, and the corpses of those who had just died floated alongside the long-dead, thrown out of their coffins ... . "The bowels of the earth swallowed up hundreds of brothels and drinking houses, ending the history of Port Royal. They say that only one person was saved - a prisoner. Showing humanism, the guards hastily released all the prisoners to be saved, but they forgot about it. All died, and his cell withstood the blows of the elements.
    1. VLR
      8 July 2021 13: 23
      No, no, Tortuga and Jamaica are parallel centers of "gentlemen of fortune". Depending on the circumstances, they are either friends and allies, or rivals. On Tortuga - mostly French, "the main characters" - the cruel corsair Ollone, who was later eaten by the Indians, and the governor of the "golden age of Tortuga" d Ozheron. In Port Royal - the British with the "iconic" Henry Morgan. And in
      later Bahamian Nassau, for example the notorious Teach and "Calico (Calico) Jack" with their ferocious girlfriends Anne Bonnie and Marie Reed. I wrote about this, read it, there are links on Tortuga in the text of the article and at the end they put a link to Jamaica.
  10. +7
    8 July 2021 12: 54
    When else to read about the Caribbean beaches, if not this summer, when overboard is under thirty ... Now, Ladoga is no worse than in the Dominican Republic, except that there are pine trees instead of palm trees on the shore. Of course, the assortment of alcohol in stores may not be the same, but in Ladoga the water is fresh, which in the morning under certain circumstances can be very important. smile
    In general, as I understand it, it is difficult to manage the negroes on the reed plantation. Cotton or some kind of oranges - it's okay - came, snapped a whip a couple of times, well, gave someone in the face, so lightly, for the sake of demonstrating that since yesterday you have not become kinder - everyone is happy.
    But to perform such actions with black men, massively armed with machetes and, of course, who know how to handle these machetes at a professional level - to cut everything that is cut - I would probably be careful. In a couple of minutes, these savages, with their entire labor brigade, can turn any planter into minced meat, which is not suitable not only for identifying his personality, but even for identifying a person in him in principle. The pig was running past here, but the white gentleman, no, they did not see ... smile
    The ideal contingent for the uprising. A thousand men with machetes, who are accustomed to chopping during the whole working day (not at all eight hours), is not a thousand men with hoes, accustomed to weeding, loosening and watering.
    And Dessalina with his massacre of the white population is understandable. As Baron Wrangel said, if my memory serves me, after learning about the murder of cousins ​​by peasants in 1917: "They are taking revenge on us for serfdom." Perhaps, I confused something with the authorship of the quote, but this does not change its meaning. Dessalin took revenge on all whites for centuries of humiliation.
    1. +9
      8 July 2021 13: 40
      But you are right, Misha! Somehow I didn’t think about the machete. Indeed, a person with machete skills is a warrior. It turns out, where there is sugarcane, there are uprisings.
      I should have planted sugar beets wassat
      1. +4
        8 July 2021 15: 45
        By the way, the Haitian uprising is the only slave uprising in the history of mankind, which ended in success - the creation of its own independent state. Unfortunately, I am not aware of exactly how the Haitian slaves were able to consistently defeat the French, British and Spaniards, but I dare to suggest that machetes could play a significant role in this process. smile
        1. VLR
          8 July 2021 16: 02
          But these first BLM-scholars of modern history completely ruined their country and turned it into a complete trash heap. This is especially noticeable against the background of the neighboring Dominican Republic, where everything was practically the same, even worse (much weaker economic development): the colonial past, the US occupation, evil dictators. One and only difference: in the Dominican Republic, whites were not genocided or expelled.
          1. +3
            8 July 2021 16: 37
            We have already touched on this topic when discussing your articles on Cecil Rhodes. What is better - to live as you know how, even if it is poor and restless, but at your own discretion, or as the "white gentleman" tells you, obediently, but satiated - a rather philosophical question.
            Personally, I am a supporter of the point of view that it is better - in your own way, albeit not so comfortable, than obeying someone who, in general, does not consider you as a full-fledged person, let such a life be more comfortable and well-fed.
            The question, by the way, is directly related to our history and even to our present day. Freedom must always be paid for - with blood, sweat, deprivation, including poverty, a low standard of living. But you can sell this freedom - for some material benefits that you will receive while you are docile and obedient, to the extent that your master will deem it necessary to give you these benefits.
            The question is: who is the main owner of the means of production in the Dominican Republic, and, therefore, its actual owner? I, frankly, do not know the answer to this question, but I suspect that the government of the Dominican Republic and, especially, its people, have the most indirect relationship to this matter. smile
            1. VLR
              8 July 2021 16: 47
              Well, Haiti is not a socialist state either. Now, if you take Cuba, it is a different matter: a poor, but proud and independent country that guarantees its citizens a certain (albeit low) level of consumption and social benefits. And Haiti is an impoverished country with a comprador elite and blatant inequality in the distribution of national wealth. The most profitable business in Haiti now is the distribution of international humanitarian aid arriving in the country, or rather, its embezzlement.
              1. +2
                8 July 2021 17: 49
                And Haiti is an impoverished country with a comprador elite and blatant inequality in the distribution of national wealth.
                Something all this strongly reminds me.
                "You can only hear, in the favelas somewhere,
                A lonely accordion wanders "
                Thank you, Valery!
      2. +2
        8 July 2021 16: 40
        Quote: depressant
        I should have planted sugar beets

        It was necessary to bring the beavers there. A family of trained beavers will replace a brigade of blacks with a machete - I'm sure. smile
        1. +2
          8 July 2021 16: 48
          Beavers are very fond of sweet raspberries, they are not afraid of thorns on the branches. Sweet cane is a war between beavers and humans. Another page in Haiti's difficult history? ((( belay )))
      3. +3
        8 July 2021 16: 44
        Quote: depressant
        But you are right, Misha! Somehow I didn’t think about the machete. Indeed, a person with machete skills is a warrior. It turns out, where there is sugarcane, there are uprisings.
        I should have planted sugar beets wassat

        Good evening Lyudmila Yakovlevna!
        As for the comparison between a war and a person who has the skill of working with a machete, it is more than doubtful. Proceeding from this, the lumberjacks will be more abruptly than the slaves from the sugar plantations, and the threshers will begin to challenge the second places with the mowers! Although both will give way to the nomands (nomads) or the Chukchi with their tribal way of hunters and fishermen. In fact, comparing a warm activity with a soft one is interesting, but not productive.
        There are too many derivatives in such comparisons. Let's remember our epics and PVL! The strongest in Russia were considered "Kozhemyaki", but could he withstand a professional war?
        1. +2
          8 July 2021 16: 54
          It can be assumed that mowers with scythes and hammers with hammers were not there)))
          Guerrilla warfare?
        2. +4
          8 July 2021 18: 17
          Greetings, Vlad.
          Still, the professional training of a person affects his potential as a warrior, especially in the Middle Ages. And lumberjacks with blacksmiths in the infantry ranks were a much more valuable resource than ordinary peasants. Welsh shepherds with their bows showed the British how to shoot at one time, nomad nomads, trained in round-up hunting in the steppe, showed the wonders of organization and interaction on the battlefield, and Scandinavian fishermen in the blink of an eye turned into warlike Vikings.
          In the XVIII century. Such specialization on military qualities already influenced, of course, less (now it is generally scanty), but, I think, it also continued to influence.
          For the sake of interest, I rummaged through the net, I found a description of the battle ... I forgot. In short, November 18, 1803 in Haiti, the slaves once again defeated the French - a decisive and final victory. The course of the battle is simple: the attack of the Haitians in a dense infantry formation under French fire, the transition to hand-to-hand combat, and that's it. The French retreated, admitting defeat. Neither the rebels had artillery (the French had it), nor the firefight (only the French fired en masse). I believe that the rest of the battles of that war took place according to approximately the same scenario - a short attack, a transition to melee and adyah. The skill and habit of working with a machete in such an environment could well have played a significant role for the rebels.
          For fun:

          1. +4
            8 July 2021 21: 24
            Hi Michael!
            In the battle of the golden spurs, Count Artois also thought that he would disperse the shopkeepers with a blow of knightly cavalry !!! His mistake cost him his life, and to us the outset of M. Duron's narration in his "Cursed Kings" cycle.
            The French in the battles on Hispaniola were let down by tactics, lack of ammunition and artillery. In the columns to fight against the crowd with cold weapons is the height of folly. In fact, where the French tactics of a tight formation failed, the English line of Fusellers could take up, Kotor was trained to shoot half-tongs.
            I am reminded of another story, our own, between Moscow and Ryazan, when some promised to shower others with hats.
            A properly constructed battle and a trained soldier are one thing! Motivated and able to fight in the ranks - under the first two conditions this is already a victory, but for every legion there is a Teutoburg Forest. And not every gang managed to miss the third of the Spanish crown!
      4. 0
        10 July 2021 21: 14
        Indeed, a man with machete skills is a warrior

        A person who has the skills to work with a machete is called a machetero, a cane cutter. Has nothing to do with a warrior. A carpenter or a woodcutter might just as well be called a warrior.
    2. +4
      8 July 2021 15: 43
      If the famous picture, where on the sugarcane plantation, was gagged to a Negro woman - so that she would not eat anything.
      1. +3
        8 July 2021 15: 48
        Maybe this overflowed the patience of the men who wielded the machete.
        1. +1
          8 July 2021 17: 48
          Lack of female speech?
          1. +3
            8 July 2021 18: 29
            Probably still a gagged mockery.
      2. +4
        8 July 2021 15: 58
        And what can you eat there, on the plantation? Gnawing a reed is still a pleasure. Maybe just a black lady was intemperate in expressions? Or tried to rap to the owner? A couple of years ago, he gave me a sonlya to listen to a young talent with a Face chase, I think ... I'll put it this way - it would be more than humane to tie a scarf over his mouth. Overly humane. smile
        1. +6
          8 July 2021 16: 02
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          I'll put it this way - it would be more than humane to tie a scarf over his mouth. Overly humane.

          These are the consequences of the absence of censorship in culture, alas. Many "talents" today deserve at least correctional labor. But for some reason they are awarded the highest state awards. request
        2. +1
          8 July 2021 17: 50
          Here is one of the "primary sources"

          1. +3
            8 July 2021 18: 01
            Well, well, we can only be glad that our ancestors had nothing to do with these matters and we have nothing to apologize to the blacks for. However, I did not intend to. No.
            1. +3
              8 July 2021 18: 07
              Not. This "chapel" was destroyed without us.
            2. +1
              8 July 2021 20: 36
              Quote: Trilobite Master
              Well, well, we can only be glad that our ancestors had nothing to do with these matters and we have nothing to apologize to the blacks for. However, I did not intend to. No.

              And how is the arap of Peter the Great? fellow
  11. +6
    8 July 2021 13: 06
    Quote: depressant
    They say that only one person was saved - a prisoner. Showing humanism, the guards hastily released all the prisoners to be saved, but they forgot about it. All died, and his cell withstood the blows of the elements.

    And this is a classic confusion in human memory of two similar events.

    The only prisoner (Auguste Ciparis) did not survive in Port Royal, but in Martinique, when the Montagne Pele volcano exploded.
    1. +4
      8 July 2021 13: 47
      Colleague, it may very well be!
      One case, and replicated by many authors, is introduced in different circumstances, and then the articles are published in various popular publications. What can you do)))
      And it's good that you clarified, thank you!
  12. +4
    8 July 2021 14: 28
    If they could (do) a policy equal to their indomitable courage, they would found a great empire in America ...

    So, after all, the United States was founded, the Morgan billionaire clan did not come out of the pirates? And how many were like him ...
    1. +4
      8 July 2021 14: 43
      the clan of billionaires Morgan did not come from the pirates?
      Just the same, no, of the farmers.
      1. +4
        8 July 2021 15: 07
        "All major modern fortunes have been acquired in an absolutely dishonorable way." (C) laughing
        1. +2
          8 July 2021 16: 07
          The boy walked to success - and his great-grandson reached Yes
          1. +3
            8 July 2021 16: 11
            This changes the relevance of the postulate I have laid out. smile drinks
            1. +2
              8 July 2021 16: 21
              Not at the loans-for-shares auctions Morgan rose, let's say fellow .
              1. +2
                8 July 2021 16: 35
                Yes, God bless him, with Morgan, here you have to mow, but it's hot outside. One will involuntarily think of slaves. laughing
                1. +3
                  8 July 2021 16: 37
                  One will involuntarily think of slaves.
                  Bring yourself a couple of personal Tajiks good
                  1. +2
                    8 July 2021 16: 47
                    There were, but they were expelled with the onset of the pandemic. request
                    1. +2
                      8 July 2021 16: 51
                      In such a situation, I make a jintonik decanter with frozen fruits and postpone the work for later. drinks ... He won't run away into the forest - the nearest one is too far away Yes
                      1. +3
                        8 July 2021 16: 53
                        We have a forest nearby, and there is nowhere to go. And gintonik, this is an extremely pleasant thing, I respect. smile drinks
                      2. +2
                        8 July 2021 16: 56
                        jintonik, this is an extremely pleasant thing, I respect
                        Gooseberry gin with regular tonic and frozen peaches, raspberries + lemon! The summer evening just gets better.
                      3. +3
                        8 July 2021 17: 31
                        The summer evening just gets better.

                        Especially if there is a beautiful woman nearby. smile
                  2. +2
                    8 July 2021 19: 29
                    Good evening, Alex!
                    No, now the trend is Kyrgyz. And ... Kyrgyz. There are a lot of them, there are really a lot of them. belay
                    1. 0
                      8 July 2021 19: 33
                      Good evening Sergey! I'm not really in their varieties what ... What's the difference?
                      1. +1
                        9 July 2021 18: 31
                        Oh! There is a difference. They ... they are ... they are with narrow eyes! Girls / especially from cities / quite cute. laughing I liked it very much before. Now? No. Exotics is good in small doses now it's almost ... consumer goods.
                      2. +1
                        9 July 2021 22: 59
                        Alex !!!! Hello !!!! I consume this thing after factsination. Not comme il faut, my friend?
                      3. 0
                        9 July 2021 23: 03
                        Good day Sergey! Barcelo is not bad, although it is rare here - I recently drank Black Tot (not the original). Dictador is very good. And why did you decide to get vaccinated? And what?
                      4. +1
                        9 July 2021 23: 06
                        So. Or a party card on the table. Or a party card in the face, buddy. laughing The satellite, which I call not "Victory", but "Five". And this is a gift to DR, my brother gave it two years ago. Stood, stood, and .......
                      5. -1
                        9 July 2021 23: 11
                        Or a party card on the table. Or a party card in the face, buddy.
                        Is it like being shot by hanging in a gas chamber? belay And what, how does it feel? I didn't even notice the pfizer.
                        A friend brought me white rum from Jamaica - the strength of 74% - from it the varnish on the table swelled drinks
                      6. 0
                        10 July 2021 17: 25
                        My mother "Sputnik" too: she calls it "pyatnrka".
    2. +5
      8 July 2021 14: 56
      Yes, there was such a figure.
      Henry Morgan, nicknamed the Cruel, was born in England in 1635, as a boy fled as a cabin boy to the Caribbean, where, having matured and gained experience, he created a pirate team under his command. Talented and brave, Morgan launched daring attacks on Spanish cities and Panama. Contemporaries noted his special cruelty, ruthlessness and inhumanity. However, he always flew under the flag of England!
      Once Morgan, after his next trip to Panama, the British nevertheless arrested, but the English court did not dare to judge him, for he contributed a lot to the royal treasury. After weighing everything, the English crown sent him back! Along the way, assigning him the rank of Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica.
      But nowhere is there any written evidence that this particular Morgan is the founder of the current clan of billionaires.
      According to official sources, the founder of the Morgan dynasty is Junius Morgan, a blameless, deeply decent man - a gentleman brought up in the strict spirit of Protestantism wassat ))))))
      1. +4
        8 July 2021 15: 17
        From pirate to governor. Happy life. smile drinks
      2. +3
        8 July 2021 15: 19
        Henry Morgan, nicknamed the Cruel, was born in England in 1635
        This is the one that decorates a bottle of deshman rum. The founder of the dynasty of bankers is Miles Morgan, who left his native Wales at the age of 20 and settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts in 1636. He then moved to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he died at eighty-three. His great-great-grandson Joseph III became a banker, buying Hartford Bank in 3.
        1. +2
          8 July 2021 15: 43
          You see how many people, so many different sources of information)))
          1. +3
            8 July 2021 15: 50
            JPMorgan pirate origin hypothesis apocrypha version of the leftists and ossified communists. The Morgan genealogy has been fully restored to itself since Levelin Morgan (1500), who lived in Istradfelt, Wales. Fortunately, they were not poor people and were noted in all kinds of records.
  13. +2
    9 July 2021 11: 35
    And I would also like to note the pewter figurine of a pirate - a real work of art. Strength, strength, grim determination to board and kill and - no doubt about it!
  14. +1
    9 July 2021 16: 57
    Thank you. I remembered Graeme Green's book "Comedians". Who has not read it, I recommend it.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"