Alcoholic traditions in Russian principalities and the Moscow kingdom


Feast at Prince Vladimir, color lithographic splint, 1902

In this article we will try to tell you about alcoholic beverages in our country and the evolution of the tradition of drinking them.

Alcoholic traditions of pre-Mongol Russia

The famous phrase “Fun in Russia is piti, otherwise we will not live", The authorship of which is attributed to Vladimir Svyatoslavich, is known to everyone. The "Tale of Bygone Years" claims that she was said by the prince in a conversation with missionaries from the Volga Bulgaria - in response to an offer to accept Islam. For more than a thousand years, this phrase has served as an excuse for all lovers of strong drinks, as well as proof of the "original predisposition" of the Russian people to drunkenness.

Even Nekrasov once wrote:

“Aliens of narrow morality,
We do not dare to hide
This sign of Russian nature
Yes! The fun of Russia is to drink! "

But we will immediately note for ourselves that the textbook story about the "choice of faith" was compiled not earlier than the XII century and therefore can be considered only as a "historical anecdote". The fact is that the ambassadors from the Khazar Jews, according to the author of the PVL, inform Vladimir that their land is owned by Christians. Meanwhile, the Crusaders controlled Jerusalem and its surrounding territories from 1099 to 1187. And in the XNUMXth century, when Vladimir “chose faith,” Palestine belonged to the Arabs.

But what was the real situation with alcohol consumption in pre-Mongol Russia?

Before the state monopoly on the production and sale of alcoholic beverages, wine ransoms or excise taxes were not yet thought of at that time, and therefore the princes did not have any benefit from the drunkenness of their subjects. However, there was still no opportunity to get drunk regularly in Russia at that time.

First, let's find out what exactly the Russians drank under Vladimir Svyatoslavich and his successors.

At that time they did not know strong alcoholic beverages in Russia. Ordinary people drank honey, mash, kvass (in those days, this was the name for thick beer, hence the expression "ferment") and digest (sbiten). In the spring, a seasonal drink was added to them - birch tree (fermented birch sap). The birch tree could be prepared individually. But the rest of the drinks from the above were brewed several times a year by the "artel method" - at once to the whole village or urban settlement. The joint use of alcohol at a special feast ("brotherhood") was timed to some holiday ("cherished days") and was of a ritual nature. Intoxication was seen as a special religious state that brings a person closer to the gods and spirits of their ancestors. Participation in such feasts was mandatory. It is believed that this is the origin of the mistrustful attitude towards absolute teetotalers, which is still found in our country. But sometimes the guilty were deprived of the right to visit the "brothers". This was one of the most severe punishments: after all, it was believed that a person who was not allowed to the feast was deprived of the protection of both the gods and the ancestors. Christian priests, despite all their efforts, have not been able to overcome the tradition of "coveted" brothers. Therefore, we had to compromise by tying pagan holidays to Christian ones. So, for example, Maslenitsa was tied to Easter and became the week preceding Great Lent.

Alcoholic traditions in Russian principalities and the Moscow kingdom
Maslenitsa. Palekh lacquer miniature

The drinks prepared for the brothers were natural, "live", and therefore had a limited shelf life. It was impossible to store them for future use.

The exception was honey, familiar to everyone from epics and fairy tales (now this drink is called mead). It could be prepared at any time of the year, in any quantity and in any family. But this intoxicating drink was much more expensive than a digest or mash. The fact is that bee honey (like wax) has long been a strategic commodity in great demand abroad. Most of the extracted honey, not only in pagan times, but also under the Moscow tsars, was exported. And for ordinary people, regular use of mead was too expensive a pleasure. Even at princely feasts, "staged honey" (obtained as a result of natural fermentation of bee honey with berry juice) was often served only to the owner and guests of honor. The rest drank the cheaper "boiled" one.

Princely feast, modern illustration

Grape (overseas) wines were even rarer and more expensive drinks. They were divided into "Greek" (brought from the territories of the Byzantine Empire) and "Surya" (that is, "Syrian" - these are wines from Asia Minor). Grape wine was bought mainly for the needs of the Church. But often there was not enough wine even for the sacraments, and then it had to be replaced with olue (a type of beer). Outside the church, “overseas” wine could be served only by a prince or a rich boyar, and even then not every day, but on holidays. At the same time, wine, in accordance with Greek tradition, was diluted with water until the XNUMXth century.

The Scandinavian mercenaries of the Novgorod and Kiev princes did not bring fundamentally new alcoholic traditions to Russia. Beer and honey were also very popular in their homeland. It was honey at their feasts that both the warriors of Valhalla and the gods of Asgard drank. A decoction of fly agaric or some kind of intoxicating herbs, which, according to some researchers, was prepared by the "violent warriors" of the Scandinavians (berserkers), did not become popular in Russia. Apparently, because it was used not for "fun", but on the contrary, to facilitate the way to Valhalla.

So, even low-alcohol drinks were consumed by the bulk of the population of pre-Mongol Rus only a few times a year - on “cherished” holidays. But there was an exception to this rule. The prince was obliged to arrange regular joint feasts for his warriors, who also considered themselves entitled to reproach him for being stingy and greedy. For example, according to the Novgorod Chronicle, in 1016, the warriors of Yaroslav Vladimirovich ("The Wise") scolded the prince at a feast:

"Little boiled honey, but a lot of squads."

Good professional warriors were highly valued and knew their worth. They could leave the tight-fisted prince and leave Kiev for Chernigov or Polotsk (and vice versa). How seriously the princes reckoned with the opinion of their warriors can be seen from the words of Svyatoslav Igorevich:

“How can I alone accept the Law (ie, be baptized)? My squad will laugh. "

And his son Vladimir said:

“You can't get a faithful squad with silver and gold; and with her you will get silver and gold. "

A. Ryabushkin. "Feast of heroes at the affectionate prince Vladimir", 1888

At his feasts, the prince, of course, did not want to get his soldiers drunk and turn them into complete alcoholics. The joint feast was supposed to contribute to the establishment of friendly informal relations between the vigilantes. Therefore, drunken quarrels at feasts were not welcomed and severely punished for them. On the other hand, such feasts raised the authority of the generous and hospitable prince, attracted strong and experienced warriors from other principalities to his squad.

Princely feast, modern illustration

But sometimes the warriors demanded drunken feasts not only in the prince's mansion, but also during campaigns. Historians have at their disposal genuine evidence of the tragic consequences of such frivolity. The Scandinavian "Strand of Eimund" claims that in 1015 the soldiers of Boris Vladimirovich (the future "Saint") in their camp "slept soundly in all the tents, being extremely tired and very drunk". And the prince was killed by only six (!) Varangians who attacked his tent at night: “quick blows inflicted death on him (Boris) and many others"And no loss"galloped away". The Normans presented the head of the future saint to Yaroslav (the Wise), who pretended to be angry and ordered to bury him with honor "beloved brother". If you are interested in what the "accursed" Svyatopolk was doing at that time, open the article The war of the children of Vladimir the Holy by the eyes of the authors of the Scandinavian sagas... Here I will only say that at the time of the death of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, he was in prison on charges of treason. After the death of the prince, he managed to free himself and fled to Poland - to his father-in-law Boleslav the Brave, which is confirmed in Polish and German sources. In Russia, he appeared after the death of "Saint" Boris.

In 1377, Russian warriors, sent to repel the Horde troops,

"Believing the rumors that Arapsha is far away ... they took off their armor and ... settled in the surrounding villages to drink strong honey and beer."


"Arapsha struck the Russians from five sides, so suddenly and quickly that they could neither get ready nor unite and, in general confusion, fled to (the river) Pyana, paved the way with their corpses and carrying the enemy on their shoulders." (Karamzin)

In addition to ordinary soldiers and many boyars, two princes died.

Chronicles report that in 1382 the capture of Moscow by Tokhtamysh was preceded by the robbery of wine cellars and general drunkenness among the defenders of the city.

In 1433, Vasily the Dark was utterly defeated and captured by a small army of his uncle Yuri Zvenigorodsky:

"There was no help from the Muscovites, many of them were already drunk, and they were bringing honey with them to drink more."

It is not surprising that Vladimir Monomakh tried to ban the use of alcoholic beverages in the "field conditions". In his "Teachings" he specifically pointed out that the prince "the guest should be honored by drinking"But"drunkenness and fornication must be observed during the campaign».

Alcoholic drinks and traditions of Moscow Russia

In 1333-1334. the alchemist Arnold Villeneuve, who worked in Provence, obtained alcohol from grape wine by distillation. In 1386 the Genoese ambassadors following from Kafa to Lithuania brought this curiosity to Moscow. Dmitry Donskoy and his courtiers did not like the drink. It was decided that Aquavita could only be used as a medicine. The Genoese did not calm down and again brought alcohol to Moscow - in 1429. Vasily the Dark ruled here at that time, who recognized alcohol as unfit for drinking.

Around this time, someone figured out replacing the traditional beer wort with fermented oat, barley, or rye grains. As a result of this experiment, "bread wine" was obtained. There is a legend that the Metropolitan of Kiev Isidor himself (in 1436-1458), the titular (Latin) Patriarch of Constantinople (1458-1463), a supporter of the Union of Florence, who against his will made an important contribution to the proclamation of in 1448 autocephaly of the Moscow Metropolis.

Isidore of Kiev

In March 1441, Isidore arrived in Moscow, where he angered Vasily II and the hierarchs of the Russian Church, commemorating Pope Eugene IV during the bishop's divine service and reading from the pulpit the Cathedral definition of the Ferrara-Florentine Cathedral. He was imprisoned in the Chudov Monastery, where he allegedly invented a new alcoholic drink out of nothing to make. In October of the same year, he fled to Tver, and from there to Lithuania. However, this version seems doubtful to many researchers. Most likely, "bread wine" was obtained at about the same time in different monasteries by local "nuggets".

Meanwhile, since 1431, Burgundy and Rhine wines, which were previously supplied by the merchants of Novgorod, ceased to flow to Russia. And in 1460 the Crimean Tatars captured Kafa, from where they brought wine from Italy and Spain. Honey was still an expensive drink, and the Orthodox Church objected to the use of mash and beer: at that time these drinks were considered pagan. Under these conditions, "bread wine" began to be produced more and more often and in increasing quantities. Over time, there were also "hot spots" - taverns in which it was possible to drink a new intoxicating drink obtained by distilling grain (cereals).

Bread wine was cheap, but unusually strong. With its appearance in the Russian lands, the number of fires increased and the number of beggars who had drunk their property on drink increased.

It turned out that the quality of the new product also leaves much to be desired and without additional processing it is unpleasant to drink it, and sometimes even dangerous for health. There was no such problem in the countries of Southern Europe. The Europeans carried out the distillation of grape (as well as some fruit) wines. The Russians used fermented grain (wort) or batter, which contained a large amount of starch and sucrose instead of fructose. The alcohol obtained from fruit raw materials practically does not need to be purified and perfumed. But in the alcohol obtained through the distillation of grain or vegetable products, there is a large admixture of fusel oils and vinegar. To fight off the unpleasant smell of "bread wine" and improve its taste, they began to add herbal additives to it. Hops were especially popular - this is where the well-known expressions "intoxicated drink" and "green" (more precisely, green) wine originate: not from the adjective "green", but from the noun "potion" - grass. The notorious "green serpent", by the way, is also from the "potion". Then they guessed to pass "bread wine" through filters - felt or cloth. Thus, it was possible to reduce the content of fusel oils and aldehydes. In 1789, St. Petersburg chemist Tovy Lovitz established that charcoal is the most effective filter. It was also found that the best result is achieved at a certain concentration of the water-alcohol mixture. You probably already guessed what the optimal dilution of alcohol turned out to be: from 35 to 45 degrees.

Since the raw materials for the production of "bread wine" were both cheap and available, they began to "brew" it almost everywhere. This "homemade" drink was then called "tavern" - from the word "korchaga", meaning a vessel used to make "bread wine." And the well-known word "moonshine" appeared only at the end of the XNUMXth century. Later, the word "tavern" was used to refer to taverns in which "bread wine" was served.

There is an interesting version, according to which the broken trough, which served as a symbol of misfortune in Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", was intended precisely for the preparation of "bread wine". The peasant way of making it was as follows: the pot with home brew was covered with another pot, put in a trough and sent to the oven. At the same time, in the process of cooking the mash, spontaneous distillation took place, the products of which fell into the trough.

Back in the XNUMXth century, a proverb was recorded in the villages:

"Happiness is a trough covered with a trough."

The trough of the old men from Pushkin's fairy tale was broken, therefore, they could not prepare "bread wine".

So, the Russian people got acquainted with strong alcoholic drinks later than the inhabitants of Western Europe. It is believed that this is precisely why most of our compatriots have the so-called "Asian gene", which activates enzymes that break down alcohol entering the body. Carriers of this gene get drunk slowly, but toxic metabolites of ethyl alcohol are formed and accumulated in their bodies faster. This leads to damage to internal organs and increases the frequency of death from alcohol intoxication. Researchers believe that in Europe, carriers of the Asian gene have already been "rejected" by evolution, while in Russia this process is still going on.

But let's go back to the 1472th century and see that in Russia then the first attempts were made to monopolize the production of alcohol. According to the Venetian traveler Josaphat Barbaro, this was done by Ivan III between 1478-4. One of the reasons was the Grand Duke's concern about the growing drunkenness on the territory of his state. And there was an attempt to take control of the situation. Representatives of the lower classes under Ivan III were officially allowed to consume alcoholic beverages only XNUMX times a year - on holidays established in pre-Christian times.

In this illustration by V. Vasnetsov to "The Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, the young oprichnik and the dashing merchant Kalashnikov," we see the feast of Ivan the Terrible, the grandson of Ivan III:

After the capture of Kazan, Ivan IV ordered to establish taverns in Moscow (translated from Tatar, this word means “inn).

At the entrance to the tavern

The first tavern was opened in 1535 on Balchug. At first, only guardsmen were allowed into the taverns, and this was seen as one of the privileges.

In the tavern

Bread wine was served in taverns without appetizers: from here comes the tradition of "sniffing" the vodka with a sleeve. Wives and other relatives were forbidden to take the drunk out of the tavern as long as they had money.

The taverns were run by kissers (who kissed the cross, promising not to steal).

For the first time this word is recorded in the "Code of Laws" by Ivan III. The kisselovniki were divided into judicial, customs, and privates (these watched over the trade rows). Later they were called bailiffs. But the attendants of the taverns remained kissers.

The construction of a state-owned tavern, by the way, was the duty of the neighboring peasants. They also had to support a kissing man, who did not receive the royal salary. And so they said about these tavern workers:

"If the kisser does not steal, then there is nowhere to get bread."

The kisses "stole": for themselves, and for bribes to the clerks and the governor. And if the kissing man ran away with the money raised, the whole village was put on the right, the inhabitants of which were obliged to cover the shortage. Since everyone knew about the theft of the kissers, but it was impossible to refuse their services, the God-fearing Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich even canceled kissing the cross for them so that they would not destroy their souls by perjury. But, as smart people warned the tsar, the innkeepers freed from kissing the cross became completely insolent and began to “steal” so much that two years later the oath had to be restored.

In this lithograph of Ignatius Shchedrovsky, the kissing man put his hand on the shoulder of the cooper's wife:

The tsars granted the right to open their own tavern in the form of a special favor. So, Fyodor Ioannovich allowed one of the representatives of the Shuisky family to open taverns in Pskov. The Polish king Sigismund, seeking the election of his son Vladislav as the Russian tsar, also generously promised a "grant of taverns" to the members of the Boyar Duma. Those of the boyars whom Sigismund deprived of received the right to open taverns from the Tushino thief (False Dmitry II). And Vasily Shuisky, in search of support, began to distribute certificates for the right to open taverns to people of the merchant class (this right was then taken away from them by Elizabeth in 1759 - at the request of the nobles, whose taverns competed with merchants). There were also monastic taverns. Even Patriarch Nikon begged Alexei Mikhailovich for a tavern for his New Jerusalem monastery.

Mikhail Romanov, the first king of this dynasty, obliged taverns to annually contribute a fixed amount of money to the treasury. If the local peasants could not drink such an amount on drink, the "arrears" were collected from the entire local population. The most cunning kissing people, trying to collect more money, arranged games of cards and grain in the tavern. And the most enterprising also kept "prodigal wives" at the pub. Such cynicism of the authorities aroused indignation among some priests, who ranked drunkenness as the original sins of mankind. In the then spreading "The Tale of Misfortune" (the hero of which drinks his wealth on drink), it was argued that it was drunkenness that caused the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, and the forbidden fruit was the vine:

The devil in many works of those years is portrayed as similar to the kissing man, and in sermons he is directly compared with him.

Lubok "Drunkenness is the root of evil"

Particularly implacable opponents of drunkenness were the preachers of the Old Believers. Here is how, for example, the famous archpriest Avvakum describes drinking establishments:

“Word for word happens (in a tavern), that in paradise with Adam and Eve ... The devil brought him into trouble, and himself and to the side. The crafty owner got me drunk, and pushed me out of the yard. Drunk lying robbed in the street, but no one will have mercy. "

French woodcut of 1872 from the series "Peoples and Views of the Russian Empire"

Kabaks were portrayed as the Anti-Church - "temple and community who died during life».

But the state policy of getting the people drunk bore fruit, and in the 40s of the XNUMXth century (under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich), as a result of the prolonged celebration of Easter in some volosts, drunken peasants could not even start sowing in time. Under this tsar, by the way, in Russia there were already about a thousand taverns.

In 1613, the first vineyards were planted near Astrakhan (the wine produced here was called chigir). Under Alexei Mikhailovich, grapes were planted on the Don, under Peter I - on the Terek. But then it did not come to marketable production of wine.

Under Alexei Romanov, a serious struggle was waged against home brewing, which undermined the state budget. People had to get drunk only in taverns, buying "bread wine" there at clearly inflated prices.

In 1648, "tavern riots" began in Moscow and some other cities, caused by attempts by the authorities to collect debts from the population to taverns. Even the government realized then that in the pursuit of easy money they went too far. The Zemsky Sobor was convened, which received the name "Sobor about taverns". It was decided to close private drinking establishments, which enterprising landowners unauthorizedly opened for their peasants. In state-owned taverns it was now impossible to trade on credit and on mortgage. Distilling was prohibited in monasteries and manor houses. Kselovalniks were instructed not to open taverns on Sundays, holidays and fasting days, as well as at night, to sell alcohol to take away. The innkeepers had to make sure that none of the clients "drunk to death". But the "plan" to collect "drunken" money from the population was not canceled. And that's why, "so that the sovereign's treasury would not be ruined", The authorities have significantly increased the prices for alcohol.

And the taverns themselves were then renamed into "kruzhechny dvors".

In the next articles we will continue our story and talk about the use of alcohol in the Russian Empire and the USSR.
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  1. +13
    15 June 2021 04: 16
    ! aduken yenlautka yatats, obisaps, yirelaV, un

    Even our favorite side went crazy on the topic.
    Drunken fight, good morning everyone, thank you very much Valery!
    1. +15
      15 June 2021 04: 23
      Doesn't want to load the picture, I wonder why? laughing
      1. +16
        15 June 2021 04: 27

        Researchers believe that in Europe carriers of the Asian gene have already been "culled"
        Good morning Constantine! The researchers clearly didn't drink with the British. drinks
        1. +32
          15 June 2021 04: 47
          British scientists have experimented with alcohol. It turned out that vodka with ice harms the kidneys, rum with ice harms - the liver, gin with ice harms - the heart, whiskey with ice harms - the brain. Turns out that damn ice is incredibly harmful!
          1. +8
            15 June 2021 04: 57
            British scientists have experimented with alcohol
            All jokes, and the double helix of DNA was discovered (officially announced) in the Cambridge pub the Eagle! A wonderful and cozy pub dedicated to flying, by the way. There, during (and after) the war, British and American pilots drank. The Americans left the inscriptions on the ceiling with soot of candles and lighters, and NATO pilots left the emblems of their units there after the war (the walls were pasted over with them).
          2. +10
            15 June 2021 12: 47
            Yes, and it was so in the fairy tale.
            -Gerda, where is my frozen heart?
            -Sorry Kai, I rolled it with single malt whiskey.
          3. +2
            16 June 2021 18: 02
            SERZH ant - And in Ulan-Ude, our Buryat scientists have established that alcohol destroys ... Buryat scientists hi
        2. +12
          15 June 2021 07: 38
          The researchers clearly didn't drink with the British.
          Yes, not every nation can boast of drowning dukes in barrels of malvasia.
          Alex! hi
          1. +6
            15 June 2021 07: 48
            There are not many dukes. And you can always catch up.
            1. +7
              15 June 2021 08: 08
              And you can always catch up.
              Due to the absence of the above persons in the foreseeable range, do you suggest starting a new "DP" with Olga Yurievna?
              1. +3
                15 June 2021 19: 20
                All coincidences are accidental. All characters are fictional.
                1. +2
                  15 June 2021 19: 37
                  Well, you are a forced man, and I am a jester. I can do anything until they hang me.
                  1. +1
                    15 June 2021 21: 34
                    I like the proverb: Do not be afraid of bondage. Be afraid of the will.

                    And I love freedom. Maybe not less than you.
                    Only some kind of it within a day.
                    1. +1
                      15 June 2021 21: 47
                      Me too. But within 10-12 hours
                      1. +1
                        15 June 2021 23: 01
                        Commandment from the former boss: You need to have breakfast at home.
                      2. +1
                        15 June 2021 23: 05
                        Eh, no. The commandment of the wife of Ahasuerus:
                        Question: where are the forks?
                        Answer: sleep at home.
                      3. +1
                        16 June 2021 02: 11
                        The anecdote remains anecdote. No more.
          2. +9
            15 June 2021 09: 01
            drowns the dukes in barrels of malvasia
            Viscount Horatio Nelson was drowned in a barrel of brandy - after dying at the Battle of Trafalgar. Moreover, on the voyage to Gibraltar after the battle, some sailors, not knowing about the contents of the barrel, drank part of the "embalming liquid" through a straw lowered into the barrel (the gap in the lid was obviously ripped open for this). The body barrel was half empty belay From Gibraltar, Nelson sailed to London in his grave.
            1. +14
              15 June 2021 10: 41
              This is how the phraseologism "to bleed the admiral" was born, which has become firmly used among British sailors. In fact, the barrel was kept under armed guard all the time. According to eyewitnesses, upon arriving in Portsmouth on December 5, 1805, it was still full to the brim, as the contents were constantly changing, since due to headwinds, sailing lasted five weeks. What was (rum or brandy) inside the barrel (except for the body) admiral) is also controversial, the diet of a British sailor in 1800 included (in addition to food) 1 gallon of beer (or 1 pint of wine, diluted 7 to 1, or half a pint of araki, rum or brandy, diluted 15 to 1). The solemn funeral of the eminent naval commander Lord Horatio Nelson took place on January 9, 1806 in London. History is silent about what happened to the high-grade contents of the barrel. And the legend is beautiful, of course ... It is interesting that the legend of Admiral Nelson, not all the details of which are known to the general public, is successfully used by rum producers. So, in 2005 the British company Pusser's released a new brand of this drink - "Nelson's Blood", timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar.
              1. +10
                15 June 2021 11: 01
                British firm Pusser's
                It positions itself as a supplier of the very rum that was included in the rations of Royal Navy sailors. Even the name is the slang name of the person responsible for supplies on board - purser. Because of the general love for such officers in the navy, they were called pusser - female sex organ. wassat in free translation.
                upon arrival in Portsmouth on December 5, 1805, it was still full to the brim
                In a barrel, the body was brought to Gibraltar, (aboard the damaged HMS Victory) and then in a coffin (by the way filled with aquavit, that is, pervach) aboard the HMS Pickle the body was delivered to England.
                The legend of the drunk Nelson is tenacious and quite believable.
              2. VLR
                15 June 2021 11: 02
                In Russia, "the summer of 1719 June 4 days" in the Arzamas district, a serpent fell from the sky, scorched by God's wrath. "According to the decree of Peter 1, he was sent to the Cabinet of Curiosities - in a" barrel with strong double wine. " The "snake" had short legs and a huge mouth full of sharp teeth.
                The "serpent" did not reach Petersburg: apparently, the accompanying persons drank "double wine".
                And already from the Cabinet of Curiosities, some English sailors stole a container with alcohol, in which was the head of Peter I's mistress Mary Hamilton. A year later, the honest British, returning to St. Petersburg. brought three men's heads to the Cabinet of Curiosities as compensation. I don't even know whose, and why they seemed valuable to them and to the museum staff - maybe some American Indians? Or blacks?
                But the head of the luovnik of Catherine I, William Mons, was kept until the time of Catherine II. It was discovered by E. Dashkova. Loving Catherine II did not like this exhibit with a "hint" and she ordered to bury this head.
                1. +7
                  15 June 2021 14: 22
                  And in Penza, for a long time, the head of the famous bandit-raider Alla, who robbed the Nepmen in the 20s, was kept in alcohol. He was killed, put up in a store on Moskovskaya, and then the severed head was put in alcohol. It was not so easy to see her, but I even managed to photograph her and it was written about her with pictures even here on VO. But then the administration of the museum decided to bury it in a Christian way. And they buried it!
          3. +1
            16 June 2021 18: 23
            Anton, greetings. The Brit Malvesia was at least covered in. They drowned extra hercegs like kittens
        3. +7
          15 June 2021 07: 47
          And how else was it to survive in the colonies.

          When the concentration of the British and alcohol is concentrated side by side.
          1. +9
            15 June 2021 13: 45
            When the concentration of the British and alcohol is concentrated side by side.

            Colleagues, I heard somewhere that, they say, there was dry law on pirate ships during the raid. Is it true or not?
            1. +8
              15 June 2021 14: 24
              Colleagues, I heard somewhere that, they say, there was dry law on pirate ships during the raid. Is it true or not?

              very likely. By analogy - the Cossacks had it during the campaign - during the campaign a "dry law" was declared, those who dared to get drunk were immediately executed.
              But even in peacetime, being with a chikhir or vodka of a zapanibrat was considered bad manners. Grape wine is another matter. Moreover, at the feast they did not pour it, but brought it on a tray (tray), and if someone had already intercepted the "excess", then they simply carried it around, or even sent to sleep it off. It was not accepted to bondage: if you want, drink. If you don’t want it, don’t drink, but you must raise the glass and take a sip, the proverb said “you can serve, you can’t be forced to”. The drinking song reminded me: "Drink, but don't drink your mind."
            2. +9
              15 June 2021 15: 22
              there was dry law on pirate ships during the raid.
              Good day! Even the teetotal captain Barthelemy Roberts could not get his crew to stop drinking (even for a while). There have been many cases where pirates were unable to board due to the "trash" condition, most notably Calico Jack Rackham, who paid for his love for the green serpent with his life. The problem was, first of all, that there was some semblance of democracy on the pirate ships, and not discipline established from above. This is how historians write.
              1. +10
                15 June 2021 15: 32
                The problem was, first of all, that there was some semblance of democracy on the pirate ships, and not discipline established from above. This is how historians write.

                Mozheiko wrote that during the famous (and unsuccessful) campaign against Arica, one of the next "admirals" chosen by the pirates - they changed there like gloves - for a while forbade drinking and gambling, which caused sincere displeasure of the honest company. No. That did not stop some from getting drunk already during the assault on Arika herself. Yes, it was the same trip after which we know about the art of Captain Sharpe. lol drinks
                But when at the end of 1586 - the beginning of 1587 Thomas Cavendish went down to the Strait of Magellan, someone wrote down, they say, "we can drink brandy, but we will not get warm." wassat
              2. +11
                15 June 2021 15: 38
                Bartholomew Roberts rules. One of them:
                "Each member of the crew has the right to vote on pressing matters; he has the same right to receive fresh provisions and spirits as soon as they are captured; he can use them at his own will, except when it becomes the need to limit their consumption. "
                And besides, how not to drink, if the water stinks? Everyone drank, even on warships, and everyday life on some pirate boat could not be compared with the situation on a warship or a merchant ship and were immeasurably less painful.
                1. +10
                  15 June 2021 15: 42
                  limitation in their consumption.
                  And here is the question of interpretation. If Her Majesty's fleet relied on a total of 1/8 pints of rum (71 ml) dispensed at noon by the aforementioned pusser, then the pirates could interpret it as they liked. And yes, they drank, among other things, in order to drown out the taste of dead water.
                2. +4
                  15 June 2021 19: 26
                  The same books by Stanyukovich - they could not do without a glass.
            3. Fat
              16 June 2021 01: 43
              Not on all ships. For example, "Calico" Jack was caught by the authorities because he was irreplaceable during the raid. Prohibition tried to establish Bartholomew Roberts.
          2. +10
            15 June 2021 15: 33
            Quote from Korsar4
            And how else was it to survive in the colonies.

            In the colonies!
            You will also say that it was not easy to survive here and in our native spaces,
            for as the inhabitants of the city of Livny wrote to Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the petition of 1651:
            We, your slaves, are lonely people, and our places are outlying. And we are incessantly at your sovereign services. And we drink water from different steppe rivers. From different waters to us, your serfs, sorrows are repaired and without drinking we, your serfs, cannot be

            And they asked:
            Tell us, sir, to smoke wine for us. And for the Lord's holidays, who owes God, brew beer. No sign and duty-free so that we do not die completely
        4. +6
          15 June 2021 12: 12
          Minuser, nothing to hangover with? tongue
          1. +6
            15 June 2021 13: 46
            Minuser, nothing to hangover with?

            Envy, Alexey, envy is a terrible feeling! laughing drinks
    2. +9
      15 June 2021 05: 16
      As the classic says: "I've read so much about the dangers of alcohol! I decided to quit forever ... read!" laughing
      1. +11
        15 June 2021 05: 39
        Drink the poison, at least fill up,
        Fortunately, they don’t take money, they don’t take it ...
        No matter how much the rope
        Anyway, stick your whip!
        1. +15
          15 June 2021 06: 24
          In life, I realized long ago that death lies where:
          Nobody drowns in beer, they always drown in water.
          Rivers, seas, straits - how much harm they do!
          It is not beer that kills people, water kills people!
          1. +9
            15 June 2021 13: 46
            Rivers, seas, straits - how much harm they do!
            It is not beer that kills people, water kills people!

            I didn’t want to pull the barge
            Therefore, I walk, wander.
            If I reach the end of the earth
            I’m going to roam the sea.
            If the device breaks,
            I will become a pirate and I will be glad.
            I’ll drink the battleship without hesitation,
            But I won't disgrace the fleet.
            (B.G.) drinks
        2. +6
          15 June 2021 14: 05
          I do not drink (s) smile
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +12
      15 June 2021 06: 38
      And good morning to you!
      When I read about the "Asian gene", I first remembered our Medinsky, who blurted out that we have an "extra" chromosome, but then he remembered one picture ...
      1. +15
        15 June 2021 07: 22
        Quote: Leader of the Redskins
        recalled our Medinsky, who blurted out that we have an "extra" chromosome,

        Yes, we have something unlucky with the ministers of culture ... That Medinsky (“I believe that after all the catastrophes that befell Russia in the twentieth century, starting with the First World War and ending with perestroika, the fact that Russia is still preserved and is developing , says that our people have one extra chromosome ") all in the downs (for reference:
        Down syndrome (trisomy on chromosome 21) is one of the forms of genomic pathology, in which most often the karyotype is represented by 47 chromosomes instead of the normal 46) will write down, then Olga Lyubimova will say about herself that she is “not a damn cultured person” ...
        1. +10
          15 June 2021 09: 30
          What a "cultural capital", so are the ministers of culture laughing
          1. +7
            15 June 2021 14: 20
            What a "cultural capital", so are the ministers of culture

            "The government lives on another planet, dear!" ("Kin-Dza-Dza"). laughing Don't confuse the minister with the majority of the population, he has long been living separately ... stop
            1. +5
              15 June 2021 15: 01
              lives on another planet,
              "Moscow! How much in this word,
              For the Russian heart it has merged! "(C)
              1. +5
                15 June 2021 17: 05
                For the heart of the Russian has merged!

                The last time I was in Moscow and its suburbs was at the end of 2010. what "Refresher courses" - that is, a well-planned booze ... Yes laughing
                1. +3
                  15 June 2021 17: 26
                  I would say symposium
                  "Ah, Nikolai, and you and I never danced!" crying
                2. +3
                  15 June 2021 17: 43
                  It has changed, and not for the better.
                  Hello again, Nikolay!
                  1. +4
                    15 June 2021 17: 45
                    It has changed, and not for the better.
                    Hello again, Nikolay!

                    Hello, Sergey! drinks At that time, in fact, in Moscow, I was, besides the Leningradsky station, only in the railway museum at the Rizhsky station ... request
                    1. +4
                      15 June 2021 17: 48
                      Let's talk a little later.
      2. ANB
        15 June 2021 23: 06
        ... then I remembered one picture ...

        Armenian kebab is not drawn correctly in the picture.
    5. +5
      15 June 2021 06: 50
      The famous phrase "Fun in Russia is piti, otherwise we will not live", the authorship of which is attributed to Vladimir Svyatoslavich, is known to everyone. The "Tale of Bygone Years" claims that she was said by the prince in a conversation with missionaries from the Volga Bulgaria - in response to an offer to accept Islam.

      more precisely, you need to quote.
      ... the river, Rousi is fun, we can't be drinking without it.
      The phrase is absurd, like this whole "chronicle" itself.
      In general, ANTI-ALCOHOLIC riots in the Republic of Ingushetia were in the middle of the 19th century, so it is not possible to talk about what kind of "traditions". Alcoholism was imposed on the Russian people by the German / Romanov authorities.
    6. +6
      15 June 2021 07: 46
      Good morning!

      A joint meal unites.
      Whether at least tea, at least Calvados.
    7. +11
      15 June 2021 07: 59
      - the forbidden fruit was the vine:
      The Koran prohibits the use of fermented grapevine juice, wine, cognac and its derivatives.
      But not a word about "BREAD Wine".
      The peasants in Russia did not take potatoes for a long time until they found out that it was possible to get alcohol from it.
      The ability to drink is not given to everyone,
      Drinking is an art.
      He is not smart who drinks wine
      Without thought and without feeling.

      Wine carries poison and honey
      And slavery and freedom.
      No one knows the price of blame
      Who drinks it like water!

      Love the wine as I love
      Do not repent of your love,
      Do not be arrogant in the drunkenness,
      But don't go down either.

      Some wine attracts to flight,
      Others are knocked down on the move.
      No one knows the price of blame
      Who drinks it like water!

      Gives birth to a heady juice in us
      And whim, and revelation.
      In it is the source of creation
      And the lust for destruction.

      Wine does not give indulgence
      To those who please him
      Sometimes he does not take care of himself,
      Who drinks wine like water!

      Mirza Shafi Wazeh
      To the author plus.
      1. +6
        15 June 2021 08: 18
        When I am sober, there is no joy in anything ...
        When I am drunk, my mind darkens with wine ...
        But between sobriety and drunkenness, there is a moment -
        Which I love, because life is only in it!
        Omar Khayyam
        1. +3
          15 June 2021 19: 30
          “Wine is forbidden, but there are four buts.
          It depends on who, with whom, when and to the best of his ability to drink wine.
          Subject to these four conditions
          All sensible people are allowed wine "(c).
  2. +8
    15 June 2021 04: 51
    Thank you Valery!
    The topic is worn out to I can’t, from Pokhlebkin to Medinsky, but in your presentation it plays with new colors.
    Although interfering with the history of drunkenness for the 1000th anniversary of Russia is still a thankless task!
    P.s. Not every state can boast that in death at the wedding of the prince of a foreign country, it was drunk !!!
  3. +2
    15 June 2021 05: 15
    author --- did not drink in Russia! from time immemorial .. a man was allowed to drink when he had 3 children! and only a thimble! FSE! drank no more! And don’t SPIT IN EARS - lie!
    Drinking and drinking are those ... who are Here from other PLANETARY systems! who else is only weak in soul to refuse this bucket does not have the heart!
    1. +13
      15 June 2021 05: 31
      I live gloriously and comfortably
      because I think publicly
      to the people as a whole - drunkenness is harmful,
      and every person is medicinally.
    2. +6
      15 June 2021 07: 50
      At the wedding, the newlyweds relied on kvass.
      1. +4
        15 June 2021 10: 11
        It's clear
        The logical conclusion of the wedding is the wedding night
        the next morning, the sheet with evidence must be shown.
        And if the groom goes too far, the bride will have to call someone for help, otherwise they will disgrace in the morning :))
        1. +1
          15 June 2021 14: 47
          Quote: Avior
          It's clear
          The logical conclusion of the wedding is the wedding night
          the next morning, the sheet with evidence must be shown.
          And if the groom goes too far, the bride will have to call someone for help, otherwise they will disgrace in the morning :))

          Or strapon the groom fellow
    3. +6
      15 June 2021 08: 16
      Quote: Nitarius
      a man was allowed to drink when he had 3 children!

      Source of information, please. I have never met such a thing ... Interesting ...
      1. +3
        15 June 2021 14: 48
        Quote: kalibr
        Quote: Nitarius
        a man was allowed to drink when he had 3 children!

        Source of information, please. I have never met such a thing ... Interesting ...

        The old Hyperborean custom of Tartary, what do you mean, as a little one, to her Gd ...
    4. +4
      15 June 2021 13: 58
      author --- did not drink in Russia! from time immemorial. a man was allowed to drink when he had 3 children! and only a thimble! Drinking and drinking are those ... who are Here from other PLANETARY systems!
      And don’t SPIT IN EARS - lie!

      And all my ancestors apparently were - either childless, or not Russian from other planetary systems: wassat laughing
      I have 6 nests of grapes near my house, I don’t know how many there were before the revolution, but even compared to how many of them my grandmother had in the 70s (in my childhood), this is minuscule. Yes
      1. +4
        15 June 2021 14: 25
        Quote: Richard
        this is minuscule.

        I already have 9 at my dacha and the three oldest have such brushes ... Nice.
        1. +3
          15 June 2021 14: 32
          That year I prepared eight quarters of wine and 10 litas from six nests. chacha. Photos already uploaded earlier. To date, there are four quarters of wine and 3 liters. chacha. Holidays and obligatory gifts for relatives are sacred smile
          1. +7
            15 June 2021 15: 09
            My wife makes wonderful wine from Isabella grapes. I wrinkle him, and she - "leavened" in containers. Now we are making Italian pesto sauce from basil and zucchini for liquid use ... Eat your mind with pasta.
            1. +5
              15 June 2021 16: 13
              I have two isabella nests. Three nests - scarlet Tersky Kara bar. Recommend. You will not regret it - unpretentious bisexual. Productivity 130-150 kg / ha. In short - roughly 100 kg per nest

              There is another Saperavi bush. Took it for trial. I can't say anything yet - he is only two years old. Wintered well
              For the granddaughter, one bush of table grapes "Kuban" is mixed varieties of Moldova and Cardinal. I also highly recommend - excellent taste, large berries and a large weight of bunches, high resistance to wasps, mildew, oidium and gray rot, high yield - that year 8 buckets were removed from the bush.
              1. +6
                15 June 2021 16: 45
                Quote: Richard
                Recommend. You will not regret it - unpretentious bisexual. Productivity 130-150 kg / ha. In short - roughly 100 kg per nest

                I would like to grow grapes, but in the Leningrad region there is a problem even with potatoes, or rather, it grows the size of grapes.
                scarlet Tersky Kara bar

                Can it be correct: "scarlet Terek Karabas"? drinks
                1. +5
                  15 June 2021 17: 08
                  His names are not measured - scarlet Tersky, scarlet stanitsky, scarlet Cossack, Praskoveisky, asyl kara, kara bar.
                  I would like to grow grapes, but in the Leningrad region there is a problem even with potatoes, or rather, it grows the size of grapes.

                  The brother-in-law at his dacha in Martyshkino planted "scarlet" a few years ago. Acclimatized - he loves moisture, winters well. Bears fruit. Even their own St. Petersburg wine is obtained. True, she and his wife are far from being "summer residents", but are "cultural and resting" and 80% of the berries go not to them, but to the birds. smile
                  But their neighbors have an edible table variety "Amur" growing on the plot. And the same outdoors. Pretty tasty.
                  Try to plant it
                  1. +3
                    15 June 2021 17: 18
                    Quote: Richard
                    The brother-in-law at his dacha in Martyshkino planted "scarlet" a few years ago. Acclimatized, winters well. Bears fruit.

                    So far I haven’t aimed at such complicated things. Maybe in a couple of years it's worth trying.
                    But there are no problems with gooseberries and currants. hi
                  2. +8
                    15 June 2021 18: 44
                    "summer residents"
                    "- Sonny, do you want to go to the Museum of Soviet Life?
                    -Go ass with your dacha !!! "
                2. +5
                  15 June 2021 18: 27
                  it grows the size of grapes.
                  Damn, Sergei, I don't believe it! In the Murmansk region - quite decent size, yield: itself / three -sam / five.
                  1. +7
                    15 June 2021 18: 48
                    Cool! Minus, apparently, is a Murmansk citizen who collects himself / ten. laughing
                    1. +4
                      15 June 2021 19: 11
                      This is not a Murmansk citizen - I pressed the wrong button, sorry. request Already corrected
                      1. +5
                        15 June 2021 19: 18
                        Well, it happens to me too, alas ... hi
                        Especially in the mobile version.
                        Note, meanwhile, that the epic saga "And potatoes grow on the stones" about the polar private agriculture. There, the land is created by hand. Participated.
                  2. +1
                    15 June 2021 20: 04
                    Quote: 3x3zsave
                    Sergei, I don’t believe it! In the Murmansk region - quite decent size, yield: itself / three -sam / five

                    Good evening Anton, they brought me awesome potatoes from the Arkhangelsk region, they were very tasty.
                    Not strong in agronomy, but as far as I can imagine, potatoes love sandy soils and strongly dislike wet clay soils (hello to the Leningrad region), therefore, even further north, under suitable conditions, it can grow quite successfully.
                    The "famous" Volosovskaya potato is, in my opinion, quite so-so compared to normal potatoes. hi
                    1. +2
                      15 June 2021 20: 20
                      Oy-vey, Sergei, you still prompted me to bring you planting material! But I warn you, he is moody. -0,1, when digging out a tuber, will you provide?
                      1. +2
                        15 June 2021 20: 27
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Oy-vey, Sergei, you still prompted me to bring you planting material! But I warn you, he is moody. -0,1, when digging out a tuber, will you provide?

                        I have Anton - "giant fields" of potatoes: this year there are as many as 20 bushes, last year there were 6, the year before last 10. hi
                      2. +2
                        15 June 2021 20: 37
                        Sergei, "years of famine" are coming ... As a historian, do you not understand this?
                      3. +3
                        15 June 2021 20: 41
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Sergei, "years of famine" are coming ... As a historian, do you not understand this?

                        I have foreseen everything: for this business I have a whole empty plot of 7 acres, you want to plant potatoes, you want to put greenhouses.
                        Now it remains to "hold out" to retirement in order, like Diocletian, to completely indulge in gardening. drinks
                      4. +2
                        15 June 2021 20: 53
                        "On a cracked bench, elder Pliny" (C)
                        Only this is not Pontus Euxinsky, here they always killed for a piece of fertile land ...
                      5. +2
                        15 June 2021 21: 14
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Only this is not Pontus Euxinsky, here they always killed for a piece of fertile land ...

                        Just where did they manage to find this piece of fertile land here?
                      6. +2
                        15 June 2021 21: 21
                        And here, and further to the North, the earth is created by hands. Any northerner will tell you this.
                      7. +1
                        15 June 2021 21: 25
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        And here, and further to the North, the earth is created by hands. Any northerner will tell you this.

                        Well, of course I exaggerated a little: something grows well here, for example, rye and barley. In the 16th century, the average yield was given by CAM-4. hi
                      8. +1
                        15 June 2021 21: 41
                        Sergey! Intrigued! I will bring you northern potato seed and show you how to plant! Sowing and harvesting costs .... I take it upon myself.
                        After the second harvest, pay laughing
                      9. +1
                        15 June 2021 21: 49
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        After the second harvest, pay

                        We agreed: half of the sixteen grown potatoes are yours! wassat
                      10. +2
                        15 June 2021 22: 21
                        Leave it to yourself! In this case, it is pure sport!
                        One condition is to serve according to my agricultural technology and agricultural chemistry. Expenses at your expense.
                        Don't be alarmed. Only: 2t. peat, 2t. manure, 2 tons of sand.
                        Mix and touch with your fingers ...
                        And then maybe potatoes will grow.
                      11. +1
                        16 June 2021 10: 28
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Mix and touch with your fingers ...

                        And sift through a fine sieve ...
                        And then maybe potatoes will grow.

                        Perhaps it's better to really switch to grapes wassat
                3. +1
                  15 June 2021 22: 40
                  [quote = Mihaylov]
                  I would like to grow grapes, but in the Leningrad region there is a problem even with potatoes, or rather, it grows the size of grapes.
                  Here for you: Yes
                  [media = https: // v = hBF5Jmvy078]
              2. +2
                15 June 2021 16: 55
                My wife is responsible for all this. I wrote it down. I passed it on to her. She decides, I cry ... Then I sprinkle, water, and eat. What I huddle up for, what I pay for, I often don’t know. Here on Sunday I made a metal fence near the raspberry plantings, otherwise it falls on the path. I know ...
            2. +4
              15 June 2021 16: 18
              Quote: kalibr
              wonderful wine from Isabella grapes. I wrinkle it

              With your feet? as it should be according to historical technology? drinks
              1. +4
                15 June 2021 16: 39
                As Cilentano's grandfather bequeathed smile
              2. +2
                15 June 2021 16: 55
                When there is a lot - in a plastic basin with your feet. When it is not enough - by hand in three-liter cans.
                1. +3
                  15 June 2021 18: 26
                  There are crushers on sale and not expensive. smile
                  I have a mechanical "DV". Price, EMNIP, in the region of 2-3 tr. You need to turn the handle. But mobile.

                  And there is an electric drive. Those are naturally more expensive, well, and heavier.
                  1. +1
                    15 June 2021 20: 28
                    Quote: Richard
                    There are crushers on sale and not expensive.
                    I have a mechanical "DV"

                    Is this just for grapes? Or can you skip any fruits, such as apples?
                    1. +2
                      16 June 2021 08: 34
                      I appreciated the irony.
                      For apples, you better take Caliber's advice Yes
                      When there is a lot - in a plastic basin with your feet. When it is not enough - by hand in three-liter cans.
                      1. 0
                        16 June 2021 10: 30
                        Quote: Richard
                        I appreciated the irony.
                        For apples, you better take Caliber's advice

                        That is, it turns out to be a useless thing for me: I do not have grapes yet, but she "will not take blocks" ... wassat
                      2. +1
                        16 June 2021 17: 36
                        "I bought an electric juicer. Everything was fine until it came to birch sap ..."
    5. +5
      15 June 2021 16: 01
      Drinking and drinking are those ... who are Here from other PLANETARY systems!
      Really reptilians wassat ?
      1. +13
        15 June 2021 16: 35
        Quote: Bolt Cutter
        Are reptilians wassat?

        But exactly from a different planetary system:
        1. +9
          15 June 2021 16: 45
          The last thing that the Terminator heard in Chelyabinsk: "Smari, Mikha, there will be one kilo for twenty colors in it!" wassat
          1. +8
            15 June 2021 16: 49
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            The last thing the Terminator heard in Chelyabinsk

            Did you turn in the wrong direction?
      2. +1
        16 June 2021 17: 38
        I remembered the old French comedy "The Gendarme and the Aliens".
        1. 0
          16 June 2021 17: 42
          Yes, I remember a little ... (By the way, my wife is still perplexed about phenomenal popularity of Louis de Funes) One bard I remember in the 90s sang a song about drinking with aliens drinks
          1. +1
            16 June 2021 17: 57
            1. What are the reasons for the bewilderment?
            2. Tell your wife that of the French actors of Spanish origin, I like Jean Reno.
            By the way, they say that in ordinary life, de Funes was an unpleasant person, like our Lermontov.
            1. 0
              16 June 2021 18: 03
              in ordinary life, de Funes was the most unpleasant person
              I also read somewhere that he was starred for this very thing, but my wife says that there were no special public scandals behind him. But Gerard Depardieu is just an obese drunk in real life (one friend spoke to him personally for two minutes, being a loader at Christie's)
              What are the reasons for the bewilderment?
              He's still a French actor, a niche one. His humor is also largely tailored for the French.
              1. +1
                16 June 2021 18: 31
                1.You, etta, do not touch the honorary citizen of the Russian Federation !!! am laughing
                And so, Depardieu is a pronounced sociopath, like Che Guevara.
                2. You explain to your spouse about the "iron curtain", and that any x / f "from there" was perceived as "revelation".
                1. 0
                  16 June 2021 18: 36
                  the subject of the "iron curtain", and that any c / f "from there" was perceived as "revelation".
                  It's about as popular in Latin America as well, so it's not just that. And the curtain, notorious in relation to France, was slightly opened.
                  Depardieu is a pronounced sociopath, like Che Guevara.
                  Such CheGuevars are poured for three in the post-Soviet expanses under a children's mushroom, scaring away young mothers. Something, but the commandante had courage and idealism (like a Rolex watch).
                  1. +1
                    16 June 2021 19: 03
                    It's about as popular in Latin America as well,
                    I didn't know about it, thanks!
                    Well, we are not far from Latin America. One joy - hydrocarbons are more in demand than bananas.
                    Such CheGuevars are poured for three in the post-Soviet expanses under a children's mushroom,
                    Nowadays they don't spill it, because it's dumb. The easiest way to spend the night at the police station, well, at least in St. Petersburg.
                    (like a Rolex watch)
                    Well, he still comes from a decent family, not some Sid Vicious ... laughing
                    1. 0
                      16 June 2021 19: 09
                      hydrocarbons are more in demand than bananas.
                      There, too, the economy is mainly resource-based, minerals and timber. But the standard of living is still lower.
                      Nowadays they don't spill it, because it's dumb.
                      It's just about what kind of person.
                      he still comes from a decent family, not some Sid Vicious
                      And that too. But probably the point was that he was not a tatra, but a decisive idealist.
                      1. +1
                        16 June 2021 19: 32
                        Oh - wei! Do not commemorate by night!
                        As for tatr, let's put it bluntly: whistle, don't roll bags.
                      2. -1
                        16 June 2021 19: 39
                        Do not commemorate by night!
                        Yes, she probably rereads Lenin's PSS now, she will not come Yes
                        I would like to draw your attention to an interesting paradigm. Among Russians, there is no adequate assessment of the standard of living in the West and in Russia, but there are two approaches
                        1. Have fun, we'll all die of hunger here, and over the hillock, port is flowing from the tap and everyone has three cars.
                        2. We all will break, there are beggars, hungry homeless gays and angry blacks, and we are all millionaires and in gold and furs.
                        There is no adequate assessment from the word at all, when, in my opinion, Russia is located approximately in the middle and the standard of living can be called "acceptable". And why would it be?
                      3. +1
                        16 June 2021 20: 19
                        And this is where a cognitive dissonance arises, between "we are a great empire" and "the people in the regions are not fucking eating."
                        I think Clear Sunny repeats the vicious practice of the Roman emperors and Byzantine Caesars.
                      4. 0
                        16 June 2021 20: 25
                        Well, I can't talk to the Sun, so I think, why is there such a range of opinions among ordinary Russians? It is unlikely that propaganda will close its eyes to what is happening in front of our noses (the situation in the West is clear - it is judged exclusively on TV)
                      5. +1
                        16 June 2021 21: 01
                        Why is there such a range of opinions among ordinary Russians?
                        Because the Civil War did not end a hundred years ago. We are still at war with each other. Yorkies, Lancaster, Cromwell, Royalists ...
                        Just children in the sandbox, compared to our age-old confrontation.
                      6. 0
                        16 June 2021 21: 15
                        No, I'm talking about this single moment. Even here on the forum one said that if he just left for LA, he would be immediately paid one hundred thousand a month. It is precisely an adequate comparison that people do not have - there (more precisely here Yes ) over the hill they do not pour for free and at the same time do not give them up to slavery to gays and that it is just worth taking a more adequate look at what is, instead of looking "there" - with hatred or envy, in this case it does not matter. Because admiration for others, as well as aggressive contempt, are equally useless.
                        And the opposition, yes, there is. But they are already used to it.
                      7. +1
                        16 June 2021 22: 11
                        one hundred thousand a month will immediately lay out
                        Peyotels in grams per body weight?
                      8. 0
                        16 June 2021 22: 19
                        Peyotels in grams per body weight?
                        Even he did not aim at this (peyote is literally dry like gold) No, he was firmly convinced that he was expected there for an annual salary of 1.2 million dollars, and in Russia he was vegetating. And many are firmly convinced that they will pay him thousands of pounds and dollars in packs for beautiful eyes and a ripped-eyed accent, although it is far from easy to make money here. And when you try to explain this, the answer should be - not just for you (that is, for me), but for me as easy as shelling pears. And in Russia I live on 30 sput not because I'm a mediocre self-esteem to heaven, but because Putin and Abramovich steal my money. It is simply impossible to explain something. And there are really a lot of such bawlers. Turbo patriots are a separate topic.
                      9. 0
                        16 June 2021 20: 08
                        By the way. I just came today. Condition is ideal.
                      10. +1
                        16 June 2021 20: 39
                        Oh, Lyosha (guilty for being familiar, but as much as a "tear" struck), no one gave me such gifts for a long time! Thank you! For me, a reception in St. Petersburg!
                      11. 0
                        16 June 2021 20: 41
                        No problem! I still have to get to Russia, really. I'll come back with a shitty gin and a cheddar sanctuary from the Cheddar gorge caves. But not soon.
                      12. +1
                        16 June 2021 21: 03
                        I don’t care! If only he came ...
                      13. 0
                        16 June 2021 21: 18
                        Let's do it. My wife's dream will come true, and it will be interesting to me. 2 weeks without a visa should be enough.
                      14. +1
                        16 June 2021 21: 33
                        By the way, today we were arguing with Alexander (ee2100) about your "visa-free travel". To be honest, I did not understand what the "trick" is, and the advantage, or non-advantage of British citizens in relation to other EU citizens.
                      15. 0
                        16 June 2021 21: 35
                        To Russia? As far as I remember, visa-free travel to the Russian Federation is closed for British citizens. And it is open to the citizens of Latvia. France too. I'll go find my second passport, and all the way. I don’t know about the advantages.
                      16. +1
                        16 June 2021 22: 16
                        Once again I am convinced that being a Jew is the easiest thing to do. laughing But somehow it didn't work out for me crying laughing
                      17. 0
                        16 June 2021 22: 31
                        being a Jew is the easiest thing to do.
                        No lard, no bacon, no shrimp, no normal pizza. Moreover, the rabbi chops off an extra piece - and how to live wassat Again, you want to sit in the garden after dinner, drink gintonik - but you can't - you need to rule the world Yes Uh ... no, not mine. No.
                        Yes, it's good that Meehan does not go into "history".
                      18. +1
                        16 June 2021 22: 54
                        Once, in Eilat, on Saturday evening, before sunset, a man landed at a nearby table. Such, quite "concrete" appearance (I have not seen such people in Russia for 15 years), and said: "Everyone has Shabbat, and I worked all day." And ordered pork with potatoes and other "seafood" ...
                      19. 0
                        16 June 2021 23: 03
                        The son of a rabbi in Riga ate half a can of my pork stew, poz sad (In a hostel at a drinking bout) He said that he would settle everything through his connections lol
                      20. +1
                        16 June 2021 23: 21
                        He said he would settle everything through his connections
                        He, by chance, at the same time, did not marry the daughter of a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church?
                      21. 0
                        16 June 2021 23: 25
                        I don't know, but most likely not - his plans were to find a native of the USA or Australia and move there - the IDF scared him much more than a heavenly punishment for stewed pork wassat
                      22. +1
                        16 June 2021 23: 33
                        The IDF scared him much more than punishment for stewed pork
                        Then what kind of Jew is he ??? The usual "slider" negative
                      23. 0
                        16 June 2021 23: 40
                        The usual "slider"
                        Jewish nationality Yes (he even looked like the standard of a Jew) By the way, he is not the only one - Israelis who did not want to serve were sitting out from the call in then very cheap for foreigners in India - in the state of Goa, where they created a genre of techno music and a subculture known as goatrans. It's about 80s.
                      24. +1
                        16 June 2021 23: 53
                        Yes, now I remember, I knew one such. Wanting to get rid of the service in the Russian army, he dumped in Israel. For a couple of years, before obtaining citizenship, I hung out there, then suddenly suddenly became inflamed with love for "native birches" and returned.
                      25. 0
                        17 June 2021 00: 03
                        knew one such
                        Oppositional Russian politician lol Maxim Katz is hiding from the IDF in Russia. Speaks about rights, but about duties, no, no. Again, what do you order him to do? Work?
                      26. +1
                        16 June 2021 22: 57
                        Yes, it's good that Meehan does not go into "history".
                        So Meehan was crucified six months ago!
                        Pontius Pilate, mmmne, in the sense of Skomorokhov told me.
                      27. 0
                        16 June 2021 23: 00
                        in the sense of Skomorokhov told
                        Poorly stared sad Meehan is now Weasel and already a general here, hehe.
                      28. +1
                        16 June 2021 23: 14
                        Marvelous are your deeds, Lord!
                        I have never crossed paths with this character, but it even becomes reckless if I can find a common language with him ...
                      29. 0
                        16 June 2021 23: 21
                        Where Ukrainians, Anglo-Saxons, Jews are in the news, there he loads his slogans. He once complained to me about the persecution from the administration. laughing ... A site without a troll is like a village without a stupid one Yes
                      30. +1
                        16 June 2021 23: 26
                        He once complained to me about the persecution from the administration.
                        Apparently, he found "fresh ears"
                      31. 0
                        16 June 2021 23: 29
                        No, I immediately reminded him how he was driven around the site with wet rags in his past lives laughing So he told me that the Jews in the administration are to blame for everything. belay
                      32. +1
                        16 June 2021 23: 42
                        It's funny. But he is original! In my memory, in what mortal sins Smirnov was not accused, but that Zionism ... ??? No, this is "cool"!
                      33. 0
                        16 June 2021 23: 46
                        From his point of view, the Jews are also completely to blame for the eruption of Vesuvius, because they control everything and everyone, so it's not surprising. Although yes, it's funny.
                      34. 0
                        16 June 2021 23: 57
                        Doesn't his historical knowledge reach Santorini?
            2. +1
              17 June 2021 00: 08
              Good evening.
              In Priyutino, by the way, there was a portrait of Lermontov. I wanted to ask, but "played"
              1. +1
                17 June 2021 06: 30
                To be honest, I do not know anything about Lermontov's investment in Priyutino. In principle, I could have done it.
  4. +7
    15 June 2021 05: 56
    Intoxication was viewed as a special religious state that brings a person closer to the gods and spirits of their ancestors.

    interesting is the "document" on the basis of which this conclusion is made.

    Participation in such feasts was compulsory. It is believed that this is the origin of the mistrustful attitude towards absolute teetotalers, which is still found in our country.

    such an attitude did not appear then (in those days they drank very little), but in 1960-70-80, when grief "leaders" poured alcohol into the whole country and its inhabitants and the non-drinker really became a black sheep: with a population growth of 30%, alcohol production increased by 700% from 1940 to 1980
    1. +7
      15 June 2021 07: 06
      Hi Andrew. hi
      So during these years, drinking was not an end in itself, but a bridge for communication. smile
      1. +5
        15 June 2021 14: 50
        Quote: Sea Cat
        Hi Andrew. hi
        So during these years, drinking was not an end in itself, but a bridge for communication. smile

        And not only - how deliciously everything is described by Erofeev ... one Tear of the Komsomolskaya Pravda is worth something ...))
        1. +4
          15 June 2021 22: 27
          "And immediately drank ..." (c)
          If someone does not remember:
          1. +2
            15 June 2021 23: 04
            The main secret of the cocktail is to mix with a branch of Honeysuckle fellow
            1. +2
              15 June 2021 23: 09
              "The devil is in the details" (c) wink

              More from the series "What is destroying us".
              1. +4
                15 June 2021 23: 24
                Komsomol member of the second grade A? laughing
                Even then, the enemies of the communists secretly showed their malicious nature negative
                1. +3
                  15 June 2021 23: 33
                  Komsomol member of the second grade

                  Obviously BU, the enemies were looking at the root, i.e. ... sorry.
                  1. +2
                    15 June 2021 23: 41
                    Glorification of the oligarchy? ))))
                    1. +2
                      15 June 2021 23: 44
                      Nine! Advertising of the Komsomol organization.
                      1. +1
                        15 June 2021 23: 45
                        Face on load ... negative
                      2. +2
                        16 June 2021 00: 08
                        And a bottle to unload. good
                      3. +2
                        16 June 2021 00: 09
                        Well, this is already a pro laughing
                      4. +2
                        16 June 2021 00: 19
                        The very professionalism that you can't drink. wink drinks
    2. +8
      15 June 2021 09: 03
      Quote: Olgovich
      alcohol production increased by 700% from 1940 to 1980

      Life has become more fun!
    3. +8
      15 June 2021 13: 36
      in those days they drank very little, and in 1960-70-80 the teetotal really became a black sheep

      Andrei hi
      But Chekhov wrote before the revolution: smile
      "If a person does not drink or smoke, then you involuntarily begin to wonder if he is a bastard?" (C)
      1. 0
        16 June 2021 07: 08
        Quote: Richard
        But Chekhov, even before the revolution, wrote: “If a person does not drink or smoke, then involuntarily you begin to wonder if he is a bastard?

        Greetings, Dmitry!

        Chekhov did not say anything like that, although they are credited with it.

        But in his play "On the dangers of tobacco" there is this:
        Based on the position that tobacco contains a terrible poison, which I have just talked about, in no case should you smoke
  5. +4
    15 June 2021 05: 58
    Much of the "alcoholic" topic has not been disclosed by the Author! In addition, he, too, did not escape the tendency characteristic of many authors ...: to "present" controversial facts as true! Unfortunately, as if on purpose, I now have no opportunity to make a detailed analysis of the article ... there is no time! Unless ... later, maybe!
    1. +17
      15 June 2021 06: 08
      Head of the transport department: Unfortunately, as if on purpose, I now have no opportunity to make a detailed analysis of the article ... there is no time! Chairman (pours from a decanter): It's a pity ... It's a pity that we did not manage to listen to the head of the transport department.
      Head of the transport department: Well, to hell with him!
      Presiding: But we will write him a reprimand.
      Head of the transport department: But what about!
    2. +9
      15 June 2021 07: 03
      Volodya. drinks Everybody will get it on later. laughing On such a burning topic, you need to spread it right away! drinks
      1. +7
        15 June 2021 07: 51
        "Stop immediately!" (from).
        1. +7
          15 June 2021 08: 26
          Yes sir! T ... rish g ... general! drinks
          1. +2
            15 June 2021 19: 23
            "Harnessed lads" (c).
      2. +6
        15 June 2021 15: 38
        Quote: Sea Cat
        Everyone will be wearing it later

        Duc, could not "early" ... again "the law of meanness" worked! How "on purpose"! And I wanted to explain that one should not confuse nutritious honey (honey), "nourishing" honey, popular since the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, with the banal "mead", which has gained some popularity since the XNUMXth century! That digest (sbiten) is a non-alcoholic drink! (Well, yes ... it happened that alcohol was added to it later ... duc, and rum, cognac was added to tea, coffee!) I could say a lot! And why is rye vodka better than wheat! And why kvass is still not beer! And what is "polugar" ... How the "correct" strength of an alcoholic beverage was determined without alcohol meters ... How "bread wine" was purified from "booze" ... What did they mean by the expression "old vodka" What were the names of the varieties of distillation stills , why were these "varieties" and what functions they performed ... And how Polish potato vodka contributed to the growth of alcoholism in the Russian Empire ... Why is "polugar", whiskey, rum, cognac "healthier" than vodka (mixtures of rectified alcohol with water ) ... But since no one needs it request ... since "everyone strives to offend me" crying then I will quietly leave without scandal, abuse and breaking dishes ... repeating: "God judge him!" recourse And you will be guilty that I did not manage to stretch the bottle of brandy for a week! stop I'll go to the kitchen while my wife sleeps ... drink ... drinks
        By the way, in articles on alcohol history; incl. and Russian history, a lot of conflicting information ... That is why I spoke about controversial facts and that they should not be passed off as truth!
        1. +2
          15 June 2021 19: 24
          We are ready to listen to each phrase in full detail.

          Maybe I’m waiting in the morning.
        2. +1
          15 June 2021 22: 39
          How the "correct" strength of an alcoholic drink was determined without alcohol meters ...

          From now on, more details please. Yes drinks
          And why is rye vodka better than wheat vodka!

          Why? request
          1. +2
            16 June 2021 05: 02
            I wish you good health, Konstantin! hi Now I can only answer "briefly and quickly"! I have already said that there is a lot of conflicting information in the "alcoholic" topic ... that's why I "utter" only one of the two "conflicting information"!
            Quote: Sea Cat
            How the "correct" strength of an alcoholic drink was determined without alcohol meters ...

            The "reference" amount of "bread wine" was set on fire in a special ladle ... If half of the liquid remained, the strength was "correct" ... (as it later turned out, it would be 38,5% ...) in liquid, then the strength of the "bread wine" was more or less than the "correct" ... From this, you can roughly determine how much "more or less" .... The "correct" bread wine was called "half-grain" ... By the way, this information is recognized, practically, by all authors of "alcoholic" articles!
            Quote: Sea Cat
            why rye vodka is better than wheat!

            This infa I "got" not from the Internet, but from one book, published, in my opinion, back in "Soviet times" ... I do not remember the name of the book or the author; but perhaps it was Pokhlebkin ... P. argued that rye "bread wine" enjoyed greater appreciation of the people, not only because of the greater distribution of rye and, hence, cheapness ... "half-heat" there were less fusel oils, and from this the intoxication was not "sharp" and there was no heavy hangover ...
            Well, I have to go! Yes
            1. 0
              16 June 2021 05: 22
              Thanks, Volodya. hi Now, when serving alcohol on the table, I will always set it on fire. smile
  6. +13
    15 June 2021 07: 26
    "Let's repeat, - said the postmaster, pouring on the checkpoint."
    I don’t remember where smile
    1. +12
      15 June 2021 07: 34
      "From time to time, Father Gregory raised his glass with the duty toast:
      - We will repeat, the postmaster said, pouring on the checkpoint ... - but he drank very little.
      Then, with a firm gait, he went to the safe, rummaged in its depths and returned with a worn and scratched officer's bag.
      - Whatever you and I decide now, you will have to fight. I want to make a gift. The shore is like a memory ... of his sinful life. He handed me a massive bluish-black pistol with yellowed ivory plates on the handle. Still the last century, in my opinion.
      - Handsome! "Steyer-G", caliber nine millimeters, magazine - eighteen rounds. And the fight ... - a dreamy sadness sounded in the monk's voice. He shook the pistol in his palm, raised it to eye level. The hand did not tremble at all. "

      Andrew's brotherhood Vasily Zvyagintsev
      1. +10
        15 June 2021 07: 49
        Oh thanks! At one time I read Zvyagintsev.
      2. +10
        15 June 2021 09: 33
        Unfortunately, I have not read this book, but it’s just interesting to know what time it is talking about.
        Because "Steyer-G" does not exist in nature, but there is a Steyr GB model (GB - Gasbremse - gas brake), launched in 1981. It is actually chambered for 9x19 Para and has a magazine for 18 rounds. But I somehow doubt that he has cheeks made of "yellowed ivory".
        1. +10
          15 June 2021 10: 32
          "what time is it talking about"

          It's about different ..hmm .. times. This is a fantasy, including about people who have been caught in different times and spaces. The general name of the cycle is "Odysseus Leaves Ithaca". It is quite readable up to a certain volume.
          1. +8
            15 June 2021 10: 51
            Thank you Ivan. hi I wonder which volume should you stop before? Maybe I'll be tempted to download.
            1. +8
              15 June 2021 12: 45
              I settled on the "Hole for the Order". Then I was not enough)) but my friend finished reading to the very last volume, so here everyone has their own opinion.
  7. +10
    15 June 2021 07: 52
    In the next articles we will continue our story and talk about the use of alcohol in the Russian Empire and the USSR.
    I foresee a wonderful sabbath! With smashing dishes and scratching the muzzle!
    Thank you, Valery!
    1. +4
      15 June 2021 08: 08
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      and scratching the muzzle!

      Doroshenko Andrey Vitalievich. The fight against drunkenness in the USSR in the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s. (based on materials from Western Siberia): Subject of the dissertation and abstract of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 07.00.02, candidate of historical sciences [Place of defense: Tyumen State University] .- Tyumen, 2016.
      The fight against drunkenness and alcoholism in 1894-1932: the experience of Russian history.
      The topic of the dissertation and the abstract of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 07.00.02, Candidate of Historical Sciences Nikolaev, Andrey Valentinovich. - Togliatti, 2002
      1. +3
        15 June 2021 08: 33
        On the first topic "black stones" will be thrown "tatra", on the second - "Olgovich". Show Must Go!
        1. +3
          15 June 2021 09: 22
          On the first topic, "black stones" will throw "tatra"

          She's already on the way.

          Hello Anton. drinks
          1. +6
            15 June 2021 09: 28
            So let's drink to the clickbait and the density of the information flow! drinks
            Hi Uncle Kostya!
            1. +3
              15 June 2021 09: 37
              Long live Boron Stream! drinks
              1. +6
                15 June 2021 09: 47
                And cyberpunk - in principle!
                1. +4
                  15 June 2021 09: 53
                  So let's drink to progress and progress! drinks
                2. +4
                  15 June 2021 14: 57
                  I don't know about cats, but my dog ​​loved young grape wine diluted with well water. And he did not refuse cold beer. Although milk is respected more
                  1. +5
                    15 June 2021 15: 02
                    No, my psyaka observes sobriety. Or is she just not getting it? ...
                    1. +4
                      15 June 2021 15: 17
                      I have never seen drunk dogs. They are extremely intelligent creatures. This is not abused.
                      By the way, in 80-90. at the outposts, dogs with intestinal ailments were often treated with vodka with a raw egg.
                      1. +3
                        15 June 2021 15: 40
                        By the way, in 80-90. at the outposts, dogs with intestinal ailments were often treated with vodka with a raw egg.
                        I have heard about this method. It's tough, of course, but you can't force dogs to eat antibiotics.
                      2. +3
                        15 June 2021 16: 19
                        you crush the antibiotic pill in a cup, dilute it with water and inject it down the dog's throat with a syringe without a needle
                      3. +3
                        15 June 2021 16: 26
                        I did so, but I understand that at the indicated time, there was tension at the outposts with syringes.
                      4. +3
                        15 June 2021 16: 30
                        It was not always possible to show the dog to the doctor on time. Although veterinary medicines and advice were constantly shared between neighboring outposts - a sacred cause.
                  2. +5
                    15 June 2021 15: 33
                    Quote: Richard
                    I don't know about cats, but my dog ​​loved young grape wine diluted with well water. And he did not refuse cold beer. Although milk is respected more

                    My Bassendjon can't get milk, but I respected beer very much in my youth! laughing True, three years already, as "tied up" request
                    1. +3
                      15 June 2021 16: 23
                      Their tastes change with age.
                      1. +4
                        15 June 2021 16: 29
                        Quote: Richard
                        Their tastes change with age.

                        That's for sure. Everything is like people. I've switched from cognac with beer to vodka and beer, and my baby indulges in pure water. drinks
                      2. +4
                        15 June 2021 16: 33
                        And I respect the starka and the bison, although they are very rarely on sale with us. drinks
                      3. +5
                        15 June 2021 16: 36
                        Quote: Richard
                        And I respect the starka and the bison, although they are very rarely on sale with us. drinks

                        Yes, not fake Stark is an exceptional thing! But - we do not, alas! request
            2. The comment was deleted.
          2. +5
            15 June 2021 14: 56
            Quote: Sea Cat
            On the first topic, "black stones" will throw "tatra"

            She's already on the way.

            Hello Anton. drinks

            Are the enemies of the communists cowardly waiting for tatr? am
            1. +3
              15 June 2021 15: 06
              Are the enemies of the communists cowardly waiting for tatr?
              Prepare for the decisive battle and retreat to Valhalla laughing
              1. +3
                15 June 2021 15: 25
                In order to indulge in the crucifixion of alcoholic beverages behind the backs of the communists, together with the West's protégé Odin! negative
                1. +4
                  15 June 2021 15: 27
                  And in a completely communist way, for free Yes
                  1. +3
                    15 June 2021 15: 30
                    As the classics of the Stakhanov movement wrote, "... sweet vinegar."
            2. +4
              15 June 2021 19: 22
              Are the enemies of the communists cowardly waiting for tatr?

              They all cowardly hide their fat bodies behind a nickname
              But the victory cry is heard:
              Tatra !, soon there will be Tatra! (C)
              1. +4
                15 June 2021 21: 10
                And then tatra will come to everyone
        2. +4
          15 June 2021 14: 48
          On the first topic "black stones" will be thrown "tatra", on the second - "Olgovich". Show Must Go!

          "Olgovich", as the owner of wonderful grape nests, will not throw any black stones
        3. +5
          15 June 2021 14: 55
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          On the first topic "black stones" will be thrown "tatra", on the second - "Olgovich". Show Must Go!

          Must Go On, written by a Persian of the Zoroastrian faith, drinking scotch after lane one. And then, by the way, he died of AIDS Yes
          1. +3
            15 June 2021 22: 35
            died of AIDS

            Did he even have a drink before that?

            Actually, we will all leave, and the show "Humanity" will continue, the whole question is how much patience nature has. drinks
            1. +2
              15 June 2021 22: 56
              Before getting infected? laughing for sure, not just a drink lol
              1. +3
                15 June 2021 23: 03
                The most important thing is to be on time before it starts. laughing

                1. +1
                  15 June 2021 23: 06
                  Young man's voice:
                  - Freddie, what about the money?
                  - Well, it has begun ... sad
                  1. +2
                    15 June 2021 23: 19
                    The harsh prose of life.
                    1. +1
                      15 June 2021 23: 29
                      Sad Bohemian Rhapsody crying
  8. +7
    15 June 2021 08: 06
    "Don’t drive roosters from taverns, don’t have prodigal wives in taverns, buffoons with bears, do not sniff and tambourines, don’t play with grain and cards, but sit and drink Tsarev’s smoked wine, this rooster don’t get drunk down to the cross and trousers." Such laws were adopted by Aleksey Mikhailovich ... There is a wonderful book about this by Chapygin "People Walking" ... And Ryzhov, of course, is great!
    1. +3
      15 June 2021 14: 59
      Quote: kalibr
      "Do not drive roosters from taverns

      Even then, Russians were tolerant of others! Yes
      1. +2
        15 June 2021 15: 09
        tolerant of others!
        "And hang those rainbow-colored cloths on the taverns" fellow
        1. +2
          15 June 2021 15: 29
          Yes, meet roosters with guslar and singers, so that I will survive to sing!
  9. +4
    15 June 2021 08: 34
    The fifth management priority is weapon of genocide

    “For the Slavs, no hygiene, only vodka and tobacco!”
    Adolf Gitler

    “Further development was the transition from hot wars waged with conventional weapons to cold wars waged by the method of“ cultural cooperation. ”You can destroy or subjugate an entire people to your goals with the help of genocidal weapons, that is, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, some vaccinations, and GMO products.But so that the people would not recognize them as weapons, they were disguised, with the help of culture, the media, specially thrown sayings and will take, under supposedly harmless means for relaxation, stress relieving, fun and getting resistance to disease. poisons that undermine the genetics of the genus, killing people spiritually and physically, both living and future generations.Russia annually loses more than 700 thousand people a year only from the consequences of alcohol consumption.Do you think this is a conscious choice of everyone? This is an imposed imaginary choice, since our culture from childhood suggests a person to choose either lie No. 1 - to use various intoxications in moderation, or a lie No. 2 - without measure. "

    If vodka and tobacco were useful, then the child in the maternity hospital would be given 100 grams and a cigar instead of boobs, and this is only offered to those who are not on the scaffold.

    Khrushchev did not manage to turn the USSR in the direction of capitalism on a swoop. We went a long way and started with the alcoholization of the country - "so that the hands and brains would be taken away by themselves," so that we would not interfere with them from dividing our property ...

  10. +8
    15 June 2021 08: 54
    We did an experiment on how alcohol affects different people. They placed two Americans and a woman, two Frenchmen and a woman, and two Russians and a woman on uninhabited different islands, and put a barrel of wine in each island. After some time, the commission visited each island. Where the Americans and the woman were, the woman was hungry, she was torn off, and both men lay dead - they got drunk and shot each other without dividing the woman. Where there were the French and the woman, the same thing, they got drunk and stabbed each other without dividing the woman. Where the Russians and the woman were, everyone is alive and well, the children are already running. To the commission's question - how did you divide the woman among yourself, - the Russian men answered, - that after a barrel of wine they agreed that on Monday, Wednesday and Friday Vasya loves a woman, and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Vanya loves woman. But what about Sunday, the commission asked? And on Sundays we both beat her for treason, '' the Russian men answered ...
    1. +5
      15 June 2021 10: 14
      "You need at least a bouquet of flowers,
      Present to the bride
      What's a wedding without flowers?
      Booze - that's all! "(C)
      1. +2
        15 June 2021 19: 35
        "And I need princesses for nothing" (c).
        1. +5
          15 June 2021 19: 43
          "Manishness" also has its limit.
          1. +2
            15 June 2021 21: 37
            “The manners are not so refined anymore.
            Only bearing and honor remained ”(c).
  11. +5
    15 June 2021 09: 20
    Interesting ...
  12. +6
    15 June 2021 10: 19
    Apparently, the Mongols also contributed to this fascinating process. There, since the time of Genghis Khan, guests have been watered to death. For it is known: what is on the mind of a sober person is on the tongue of a drunkard. And who does not drink - he has planned unkind and is guilty of death. Russian princes, coming for labels, felt the "charm" of this action on themselves, and began to actively introduce them at home. And it rolled ...)))
  13. +7
    15 June 2021 10: 28
    Thank you for the article .
    Reading the comments, you learn so many new things. :-)))
  14. +3
    15 June 2021 14: 18
    With a smile: the case when
    I read the article and comments with interest! Thanks to the author and all commentators!
    With a smile: whoever lives because of "foreign countries" - do not buy this novelty of Baylatayn - nothing special (I specially went to the kitchen pantry to take a photo)
  15. +2
    15 June 2021 14: 40
    The role of the Anglo-Saxons and Zhidomason in the imposition of the alien culture of alcoholism, alien to the Soviet (Russian) civilization, is poorly shown. negative
    1. +4
      15 June 2021 16: 10
      Taki, lechaem, Orthodox!
      1. +3
        15 June 2021 17: 06
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        Taki, lechaem, Orthodox!

        Az oh en wey, comrades boyars laughing
    2. +6
      15 June 2021 16: 40
      Quote: Krasnodar
      The role of the Anglo-Saxons and Zhidomason in the imposition of the alien culture of alcoholism, alien to the Soviet (Russian) civilization, is poorly shown.

      So ethno will pull a whole article! fellow
      The image of the Jewish innkeeper, among other things, emerges from the borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the 16th-18th centuries, continues its advancement during the 19th century. on the divided lands of Poland as part of Austria, Prussia, Russia.
      During the 19th century. in Ukrainian and Russian literature, the image of a Jew created by Nikolai Gogol in Taras Bulba through the image of the innkeeper Yankel was repeated more than once.

      1. +4
        15 June 2021 17: 07
        It was in these taverns of theirs that they gave the Russian people a drink. negative
        1. +4
          15 June 2021 17: 10
          Quote: Krasnodar
          It was in these taverns of theirs that they gave the Russian people a drink.

          However bummer shalom recourse
          1. +3
            15 June 2021 18: 00
            They also spent money on the video lol
          2. +3
            15 June 2021 19: 07
            Bravo dudes! I immediately want to become, if not the old Cossack Rosenbaum, then at least slightly Torquemada. laughing
            1. +2
              15 June 2021 21: 00
              Who is bill plechim boy Catholic? laughing
  16. -1
    15 June 2021 19: 30
    I apologize in advance about the "booze" I do not write .. I do not consider this a topic worthy of research.
    1. +4
      15 June 2021 21: 01
      But from this I wrote laughing
  17. 0
    15 June 2021 21: 03
    Lies. The author is an obvious Russophobe. Not so long ago, I read the notes of Michalon Litvin. So he described the life of the Muscovites in a completely different way, noting their exceptional sobriety. am
  18. +3
    15 June 2021 21: 37
    Drinking isn't interested in any way. I read all the comments. Have fun, then. Well, well ... And I am in a gloomy mood - from the 1st, the price of a cigarette will rise immensely.
    1. +3
      15 June 2021 21: 52
      Pay your attention down. There is my "comment". Also gloomy! wink
      Good evening Lyudmila Yakovlevna !!!
      1. +1
        15 June 2021 22: 21
        Good evening, Seryozha! )))
    2. +1
      15 June 2021 22: 03
      smoking from the 1st date will rise in price disproportionately.
      Until what time? 1250 re \ pack (on yours) like in England?
      1. +2
        15 June 2021 22: 22
        The cheapest - 110 rubles per pack will cost.
        1. +1
          15 June 2021 22: 35
          Cheapest (smelly) here at £ 9.40. The next 2 years, however, the excise tax will not be raised, they promised. In general, smoking is not harmful for your wallet, at least. But I quit the year before last anyway.
          1. 0
            15 June 2021 22: 44
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            ... In general, smoking at least for your wallet is not harmful.

            Try in packs to calculate the average English salary of 3000 pounds. And let's say the average 30.000 rubles median
            1. +4
              15 June 2021 22: 53
              average English salary of £ 3000
              This is us schazzz ...
              After taxes, you have £ 2345 left. These are 188 packs.
              For a paycheck of 30000 and a pack for 110 (let them be more expensive - 150) - 200 packs.
              On cigarettes it comes out normally. However, I think that they should be expensive, if not for the prohibitive price, I probably would not have given up. And I know many who quit for the same reason. Cancer - it can then be: and the session of strangulation with a toad is right here and now.
              1. -1
                15 June 2021 22: 56
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                After taxes, you have £ 2345 left

                Where does this mania for calculating taxes come from. As far as I know, 3000 is quite an average net.
                1. +1
                  15 June 2021 23: 03
                  As far as I know 3000 is pretty average clean.
                  Come and show a master class tongue 3000 clean is 40000 per year (here salaries are indicated as unclean) - and this is either a demanded profession or a middle management position.
                  Where does this mania for calculating taxes come from?
                  Government - bastards - rummage around the pocket. And after all, everything is according to the law, you will not find fault. wassat
                  1. 0
                    15 June 2021 23: 20
                    Quote: Bolt Cutter
                    Come over

                    No, thanks. We are fed well here too. Clean and at much more humane prices)
                    Leaving aside tax disputes, cigarettes come out about the same with Russia in general with you.
                    1. 0
                      15 June 2021 23: 30
                      We are well fed here too, and clean and at much more humane prices)
                      This is probably why Italians went to England for permanent residence perlee before Brexit ...
                      in cigarettes comes out about the same with Russia in general and in your country.
                      In view of the prohibitive high cost of those, Britain is the fifth in the world at the price of a pack.
                      1. -2
                        15 June 2021 23: 43
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        This is probably why

                        Listen to what and how in England I do not find out on the website. My sister and her family have been living in London for a long time and what salaries and prices are there I am perfectly aware of.
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        perley before Brexit ...

                        I immediately recognize the average immigrant from a poor country)
                        Internal migration within the EU, especially young people, is only to a small extent related to issues of material survival. People who change their place of residence are driven by many different reasons, and not only those that were guided by you personally. I personally know and work with 3 Germans living and working This does not mean that people in Germany are poor and pinned.
                      2. 0
                        15 June 2021 23: 50
                        I immediately recognize the average immigrant from a poor country
                        From Moldova laughing ?
                        I personally know and work with 3 Germans
                        Well, Italians here are often employed in such highly paid jobs as a courier and a waiter. Yes
                        what are the salaries and prices I am perfectly aware of
                        More likely no than yes Yes
                      3. 0
                        16 June 2021 00: 12
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        From Moldova?

                        No, Moldovans usually do not suffer from such empty arrogance and provincial complex)
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Well the Italians

                        And I know hundreds (out of tens of millions) of Italians who work as engineers, architects, doctors, teachers, etc. And even a couple of real millionaires. All people are at least wealthy, but rarely in any of them you can find at least 1% of such empty disregard for other people and nationalities, like some forum half-goths ...
                        You probably got a job as a manager in the City ... Although it is unlikely, wealthy and educated people do not suffer from such complexes)
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        More likely no than yes

                        Well, you'd better know for me, naturally)
                        My sister's husband works as a chauffeur in Veolia. 2500/2700 (clean) stably per month + 400/600 to pay for an apartment.
                        So I doubt that you earn a lot, since you think that 3000 is exclusively
                        middle management position.
                      4. 0
                        16 June 2021 00: 25
                        chauffeur in Veolia. 2500/2700 (clean)
                        That is, he is the driver of the garbage truck. They pay really well there; there are not many who want to work there.
                        Moldovans usually do not suffer from such empty arrogance and provincial complex
                        They blame others for this.
                        You probably got a job in the City as a manager ..
                        Selling drugs near the school laughing
                        So I doubt that you earn a lot, since you think that 3000
                        Enough for a drink. Those who convict others of begging are usually at odds with their wallet themselves.
                        Liam, a Moldovan who moved to Italy, who tries to cheat on other immigrants, is like a homosexual prostitute who denounces others as immoral, a grotesque sight. Therefore, communicate with millionaires and Italian teachers.
                        Shl. Only officially (registered at the embassy) 2016 Italians lived in Britain in 600000. Why did they all leave Bella Italia?
                      5. 0
                        16 June 2021 00: 41
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        there are not many who want to work there.

                        Well, of course. Who would agree to drive a car for middle manager salary... £ 18 an hour clean.connoisseur.I know better than you how much they earn in England.
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        They blame others for it

                        Everything about the case.
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Selling drugs near the school

                        Who studied what)
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Enough to drink

                        They screwed up ... otherwise they would not earn extra money near schools)
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        homosexual - a prostitute denouncing others of immorality-

                        It looks like your street activities are not limited to drugs.
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Shl. Only officially (registered at the embassy) 2016 Italians lived in Britain in 600000. Why did they all leave Bella Italia?

                        PS The number of British in Italy

                        You also hang out near schools)
                      6. -1
                        16 June 2021 00: 56
                        Who will agree to drive a car
                        Not just a garbage truck. It's a little off the beaten track and stinks. That's why they lure you with a good pay (an acquaintance worked there)
                        PS The number of British in Italy
                        These are not guest workers, but mostly pensioners who bought cheap (by British standards) housing. A bit wrong.
                        You will decide, connoisseur. I walk better than you know how much money is paid in England.
                        He worked for two large offices long enough to find out everything - Team Leader - 32-35 dirty (lower management level) and already one step higher - 40-42 dirty. This can already be said to be average. This is practically the standard. By the way, you didn't even know that all salaries are listed here as dirty - because tax rates often differ depending on the position of the earner. And all the same there is a connoisseur / expert.
                        Every Moldovan is a rich man and all his friends are millionaires and doctors. Yes Don't make me laugh for God's sake. By the way, why did they deign to come to Italy, and not to Germany or England? Is it because illegal immigrants are amnestied there and given a residence permit?
                      7. 0
                        16 June 2021 01: 15
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        It's a little off the beaten track and stinks

                        ))) This site is full of aristocrats working near schools who do not have enough cigarettes
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        migrant workers

                        England is full of French, Italian, German, Dutch and other people of non-prestigious professions and nationalities you disrespect. By the way, there are 100 more Germans than Italians, there are just as many unhappy French people. smelly work because all the grain places are occupied by blue bloods like you)

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        why to Italy

                        Duc all the places near the schools were already packed middle managers)
                        Don't write about things you don't even have a vague idea about.
                      8. 0
                        16 June 2021 01: 24
                        Don't write about things you don't even have a vague idea about.
                        My infa is not from the Italian segment of the Internet, but straight from the fields.
                        This site is full of aristocratic aristocrats near schools who are short on cigarettes.
                        I will not provide you with a tax return, as well as a certificate of employment. For this I recommend that you tell stories to someone else.
                        I will only repeat that conversations about the lack of money and poor performance from the opponent are started by the one who just has problems with this.
                        I would also like to note that unlike some lol I did not receive any visas or permits to travel abroad - I just bought a ticket. I'm not a Moldovan, in fact tongue
                        Let's have another story about England for an encore laughing
                      9. +1
                        16 June 2021 01: 40
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        but straight from the fields

                        Makov only) .I (and not only) appreciated the level of reliability of your information.
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        I recommend that you tell fairy tales

                        What are these?
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        talking about lack of money and poor performance

                        Are you talking about chauffeurs or what?)
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        I did not receive any visas or permits to travel abroad - I just bought a ticket

                        Well, this is exclusively your merit of course ... very rare such a phenomenon in modern times ... just buy a ticket and go .... Moreover, this exclusivity is associated with personal qualities, and not with the one where the mother gave birth and in what agreements about free movement includes the country in which the next forum was born mid-level manager
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        I'm not a Moldovan, in fact

                        Fortunately for Moldova).
                        PS I have already advised you not to write about things you have no idea about. Moldova has already had a visa-free regime with the EU for many years and any Moldovan ... just buys a ticket and goes wherever he wants. It's so commonplace that anyone in Moldova even thinks will not come to swagger this way
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Separately, I want to note that, unlike some of them, I did not receive any visas or permits to travel abroad.

                        Such exceptional laugh cheerfully)
                        By the way, such silly bragging is a perfect example provincial complex)
                      10. -1
                        16 June 2021 12: 07
                        For many years Moldova has already had a visa-free regime with the EU, and any Moldovan ... just buys a ticket and goes wherever he wants
                        At the same time, he works and lives for more than 6 months, illegally, like a Negro.
                        a fine example of a provincial complex)
                        No wonder they composed jokes about the intellect of Moldovans wassat
          2. +2
            15 June 2021 22: 51
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            Cheapest (smelly) here at £ 9.40. The next 2 years, however, the excise tax will not be raised, they promised. In general, smoking is not harmful for your wallet, at least. But I quit the year before last anyway.

            I do this thirty times a day)).
            1. +2
              15 June 2021 22: 59
              I do this thirty times a day))
              Highly recommend Britain for this Yes When you think that by quitting smoking, you can spend a vacation in Australia or Brazil practically for free - once a year - then immediately the motivation to quit will appear.
              1. +2
                15 June 2021 23: 12
                You think correctly, but in Israel, where they are also expensive, I did it 50 times a day. local smoking is not like smoking the same brands in Europe laughing
                1. 0
                  15 June 2021 23: 21
                  it is not like smoking the same brands in Europe
                  In Europe, too, it’s not that - I still remember the golden BensonHedges (This is in England like Marlboro in the states) and how they differed from what they have been pushing for the last 5 years, I want to cry. And everywhere in Europe tobacco has become filthy. In Iceland, by the way, the Marlboros are similar to the old ones. Although the air there is probably purer simply. In general, I thought - why do I need straw for that kind of money - and threw it away.
                  1. +1
                    15 June 2021 23: 31
                    Oh, I still remember the original American Marlboro of the early 90s in Israel ... then it also rolled downhill
                    1. 0
                      15 June 2021 23: 34
                      American (for the domestic market) - in soft packs - the most relish! That marlboro is red, that camel. I probably wouldn't even give up like that. Moreover, the quality does not change over the years.
                      1. +1
                        15 June 2021 23: 42
                        This is the most tsimes - I know one chela who manages to get this in Russia
                      2. 0
                        15 June 2021 23: 46
                        An American acquaintance helped me out sometimes - he took me in New York, and I got him killer fresh horseradish from Latvia (he used it to knead shrimp sauce). And then we drank vodka.
                        manages to get it
                        In civil aviation communications?
                      3. +1
                        15 June 2021 23: 48
                        Likely laughing
                        He does not reveal his secrets to me .... does not reveal to anyone at all - the conspirator is fresh from Latvia! am
                      4. 0
                        15 June 2021 23: 53
                        He does not reveal his secrets to me ...
                        He keeps his factory near Daugavpils, not otherwise wassat
                      5. +1
                        16 June 2021 00: 03
                        Not .... everyone in Russia ... is just greedy ...
                      6. -1
                        16 June 2021 00: 06
                        the conspirator is fresh from Latvia!
                        One word - a fascist and an SS man unfinished wassat
                      7. +1
                        16 June 2021 00: 07
                        Still not - from the "Cossacks" of non-Slavic nationality
                      8. 0
                        16 June 2021 00: 08
                        Picked up from local-Latvians greedy people, that is, that is.
                      9. +1
                        16 June 2021 00: 11
                        Yes, he is not a Latvian - I allegorically described his qualities in your previous post laughing
                      10. 0
                        16 June 2021 00: 13
                        He's not a Latvian
                        I was also a little puzzled - Latvians usually live in the States (and in Latin America) after 1945 laughing
    3. +3
      15 June 2021 22: 50
      Quote: depressant
      Drinking isn't interested in any way. I read all the comments. Have fun, then. Well, well ... And I am in a gloomy mood - from the 1st, the price of a cigarette will rise immensely.

      So this is good, Lyudmila Yakovlevna - you will smoke less)).
      1. +2
        15 June 2021 22: 53
        Quote: Krasnodar
        will smoke less)).

        - Vodka has risen in price, son.
        - Dad, will you drink less now?
        - No, son, you will eat less now

        1. +2
          15 June 2021 23: 01
          Greetings! How are you doing there? hi
          I heard a little differently.
          Plane crash, on an island inhabited by a cannibal tribe, pilots are rescued along with a beautiful flight attendant.
          Leader to son:
          - For breakfast we will have a young and thin co-pilot. For lunch, ripe and mature first ...
          - And for dinner a stewardess?
          - No, son. Your mom's going to dinner.
          1. +2
            15 June 2021 23: 05
            ))). okay. The heat is finally real, summer. And the lifting of restrictions on Covid
            1. +2
              15 June 2021 23: 14
              Congratulations on the second one, but about the heat - I've had it in Israel for 25 years, well, her.,. laughing
              1. +1
                15 June 2021 23: 16
                I don’t remember such a cold spring in 20 years.
                1. 0
                  15 June 2021 23: 22
                  We (southern Russia) the week before last was up to 25 maximum))
                  1. +1
                    15 June 2021 23: 34
                    Well, I'm basically at the same latitude as Krasnodar ... but it didn't even reach 25, yes a couple of days ago
                    1. +1
                      15 June 2021 23: 53
                      Received a nice gift from the Lord Gd drinks
      2. +4
        15 June 2021 22: 57
        No, I will eat less wassat ))))
        1. +2
          15 June 2021 23: 07
          You can still sleep more Yes ))
          1. +2
            15 June 2021 23: 18
            Can't sleep! Where I sleep, I don’t smoke, I’m there until two in the morning, one of the neighbors smokes, I run as if I’m running, I arrange through ventilation. And since the air is stationary, I pretend to be a fan with a towel. In the morning, whenever I go to bed, get up at 7 at the latest. I'm a morning person. wassat ))))
            1. +1
              15 June 2021 23: 25
              And I am an owl, thanks to the children I became a hybrid of a lark sad
              1. +2
                15 June 2021 23: 36
                So here I am now a hybrid. It used to be cut down at 9 pm, wake up at 5 am, sleep in one eye, but now how it goes laughing )))
                Such is the hybridization.
                1. +1
                  15 June 2021 23: 50
                  And now you understand Zemfira, in the sense of "do you want me to kill the neighbors?"
                  1. +2
                    16 June 2021 00: 24
                    I understand Zemfira, I understand neighbors, they want to smoke, I know myself. Not the slightest aggression in me! But there was once)))
        2. +1
          15 June 2021 23: 24
          No, I will eat less
          Samosad will help out! In a piece of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" him, and do not care about all the tax.
          1. +2
            15 June 2021 23: 43
            In order for there to be self-siege, there must be a posad)))
            And where to plant it? Tobacco is a tall plant, leaves like a sunflower, it is not indoor, it needs light, a lot, it is southern. And then you need to cut off the leaves, string them on a rope, dry ... Yes, and get the seeds - where? This is not for me - I'm lazy)))
            1. +1
              15 June 2021 23: 56
              Tobacco is a tall plant, leaves like a sunflower, it is not indoor, it needs light, a lot, it is southern.
              Grow hemp right away Yes It will grow under a lamp in any pantry, seeds are sold on the internet. Again, you will become not less, but more. good
              1. +2
                16 June 2021 00: 29
                Yes, they grow cannabis here in our apartments, but I have never smoked cannabis, I do not need such enlightenment - not so much for legislative reasons as for reasons hammered in from childhood: tobacco is tolerable, a drug is evil.
                1. +1
                  16 June 2021 00: 32
                  tobacco is tolerant, drug is evil.
                  The electronic cigarette is not a bad thing, seriously. It turns out cheaper, and not so harmful.
          2. +1
            15 June 2021 23: 51
            Samosad - Marquis de Sade. You can go to the White Sea Canal
            1. +1
              16 June 2021 00: 31
              These are cigarettes. Sold. Consumers are drug addicts, tobacco is thrown away, grass is inserted, and I have never wassat )))
              1. +2
                16 June 2021 03: 33
                This way you don't have to throw away tobacco and buy weed. laughing
                1. +3
                  16 June 2021 07: 34
                  Albert, I'm not a commissioner to grind cigarettes)))
                  1. +2
                    16 June 2021 09: 30
                    Image is nothing!
                    Thirst is everything! fellow
                    By the way, I read somewhere that cigarette tobacco is healthier than the one that squeaked into cigarettes and you will smoke it a lot.
                    1. +2
                      16 June 2021 09: 56
                      that squeaked into cigarettes and smoke a lot of it

                      Wrinkled brains wassat )))
                      1. +2
                        16 June 2021 10: 11
                        Correction: shoved laughing
                      2. +3
                        16 June 2021 10: 34
                        They poured poison into cigarettes,
                        And smokers squeaked
                        Howled and hummed,
                        But the melancholy is overwhelmed.
                        For longing goes longing -
                        Everything for a new throw!
                      3. +3
                        16 June 2021 13: 17
                        Stuffed into cigarettes
                        Everyone squeaked with delight
                        And laughed, hugged
                        They suddenly got ready to eat laughing
                      4. +2
                        16 June 2021 14: 03
                        After analyzing my attitude to alcohol, I suddenly realized what actually lies at the heart of my aversion to it - a revulsion that is ineradicable, deep, strengthened by all my life so that nothing can be knocked out of it. Fear of losing control of yourself. Become led by someone else's will, or madness replacing reason. As a child, I saw how people become not themselves, lose their identity even after a small dose of alcohol. Half a glass of wine, and the former personality is replaced by another, although it seems to a person that this is not so. Apparently, then the disgust for alcohol came. I wanted to see people as nature created them, not a chemical reagent.
                        Cigarettes do not change personality. Harming bodily health, they maintain mental health.
                      5. +3
                        16 June 2021 15: 13
                        Lyudmila Yakovlevna, mental health can be supported by more pleasant and less harmful methods)) Yes
                      6. +2
                        16 June 2021 16: 06
                        So I do not argue, deliberately referring smoking to bad habits, alcohol - to harmful.
                        The perniciousness of alcohol is that its use has stimulated the technological development of mankind on the principle of crossing the dad into hell. Humanity has overtaken the possibilities of its adaptability to social, political and economic technologies and is now in a continuous crisis. If mankind did not consume an excess dose of ethyl rectified, which is in the required amount and so is in the body of every person, development would go much more smoothly, with the development of reasonable decisions. And so ... The drunken Atlantic Ocean is knee-deep and really needs a loan.
                      7. +2
                        16 June 2021 16: 30
                        Heh. I don't think the atom was split under the shafe. For example. Or ambition to harness vigorous energy whispered the Green Serpent
                      8. +2
                        16 June 2021 17: 16
                        Albert, don't exaggerate!
                        Nature, having given newborns a dose of alcohol into the blood, decided that she had saved humanity from excessive and destructive daring, gave immunity from alcohol. According to nature, every passionate, having experienced an inevitable failure, of which there are many on the path of any active person, must realize it, analyze it, overcome stress and ... stay alive! It means that humanity must survive the failure, analyze its causes and effects, and then overcome stress and make an intelligent decision in the event of a previous civilizational failure. But this takes a long time! However, impudent humanity, represented by its many passionary representatives, simply uses alcohol, relieving stress, thereby depriving itself of time for reflection, conclusions, building new, more reasonable plans and recklessly rushing forward, building such a civilization in which it is not yet ready to live. And if necessary, he uses either a stick or a money carrot in relation to geniuses, forcing them to build the foundations of what the coercive impudent, who are knee-deep in the sea, dreamed of a state when alcohol is lightly relieved of stress. Have you ever heard what grandiose plans are made by tipsy, seemingly prudent people? I've done it. Absurd! Naturally, they are not implemented. But an absurd idea, settled in a multitude of not very sober minds, takes on a different quality. It becomes the idea of ​​humanity, one that leads it to ruin. A cocky and drunk man has gone beyond his natural capabilities.
                      9. +2
                        16 June 2021 17: 46
                        In my opinion, sober are more manageable
                      10. +2
                        16 June 2021 17: 54
                        Sober? May be. I didn't think about the problem. You gave me a new direction of thought wassat
                      11. +2
                        16 June 2021 18: 37
                        Naturally. They can shove any superficial nonsense.
                      12. +2
                        16 June 2021 18: 40
                        Do you think that a person who has taken alcohol increases analytical skills? ))
                      13. +2
                        16 June 2021 18: 42
                        No, it is more difficult for him to cram unnecessary garbage with left-wing arguments - from ideas to expenses. At the level of instincts hypertrophied by alcohol, he will send, without delving into the analyst
                      14. +2
                        16 June 2021 18: 49
                        So you confirm my conclusions? The drunken one does not accept analytics to the same degree as the drunk one, and, discarding it as an unnecessary appendix to his failure, again climbs on the rampage. So?
                      15. +2
                        16 June 2021 19: 41
                        Not really. It is difficult to convince a person who is accustomed to drinking to make him do something or accept anything going against his benefit))
                      16. +1
                        16 June 2021 19: 56
                        It’s strange. All my life I had to deal with the opposite opinion. They say, give it a drink, and the unfortunate victim will believe and agree with the proposal. For example, this is the firm belief of the Abkhaz in relation to the Russians. I don’t know how it is now, but it was under the Soviet Union. To give a drink to a Russian having a rest and to deceive him, to get into the trust, to convince that the drinker is a friend, and then to use it selfishly, was a matter of local honor. And since the opinion was stable, it means that it was confirmed by practice.
                      17. +2
                        16 June 2021 20: 01
                        On a small, everyday level - of course. In serious matters - no))
                      18. +1
                        16 June 2021 21: 01
                        I would like to think that this is exactly the case. But where did you get the idea that a large national tradition does not form from a small level already outside of a feast with alcohol? The tradition of Russians to be deceived.
                        You know, I see interesting things already here, in the Moscow region. How Uzbek traders calmly ignore the very rare moments of nationalistic grumbling of Soviet Russians, while the majority of Russians behave with traders as if they want to please them, and something ingratiating comes through in their treatment of Uzbeks and other Asians, as if implying an unspoken request for leniency in the future, when those Uzbeks will outnumber the indigenous. The newly appeared Asian janitors feel at ease, noted their noisy meetings with their fellow countrymen on the street, their loud fearless conversations. Self-deception. If only it was calm now. And what happens next does not matter. I drank one hundred grams, and the problem was removed, forgotten. Powerlessness at the subconscious level. The same attitude to the power roll over the population. There is not even a murmur. It's like our nation is leaving, Albert. As if ready to dissolve, melt like spring snow. And, thrown out of the borders of the Fatherland, we do not form a community, we try to become the local population and quickly forget our roots. This is in contrast to the once fled White Guards. Drinking for Russians is not an attitude to protest, as you say, it is a departure from it, a subconscious resignation with the departure of a nation from history.
                        At least it looks like this.
                      19. 0
                        16 June 2021 21: 27
                        Here I disagree with a lot))
                        The tradition of Russians to be deceived is very debatable, I can say that I saw many Russians (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Jews) deceivers and threw thieves.
                        So a normal person always looks at nationalistic manifestations in his direction rather calmly. laughing
                        Dragging behavior with merchants has only one reason - a discount on the purchase, no more.
                        I drank one hundred grams, you lay flat in front of the merchant and fraternize - in addition to discounts, you can also roll with him and find out something cool in terms of compromising evidence - after all, after a hundred grams, you are drawn to adventure)))
                        Power-people is a representative of the same people in power.
                        The fleeing White Guards are now quite French and Americans))
                        The departure of a nation from history is a problem for all Europeans. They are replaced by Africans and Asians.
                        Something like this hi
                      20. +1
                        16 June 2021 21: 48
                        Albert, you probably know better. From the point of view of a person who has been abroad. Your eyes are wider than mine wassat ))
                        After all, I am sitting in my provincial hole all the time and in many respects I am guided by the signs of the small world around me. And he, the little world, humbly accepts everything that is hung on him. Previously, the world was seething. There was some kind of public, activists were running around here. And now there is a long silence. Do you know where she is?)))
                        You cannot have silence in the south. Hence your optimism.
                      21. +1
                        17 June 2021 00: 04
                        Our lack of silence in comparison with Moscow itself is provincial, like the South itself
                      22. +1
                        17 June 2021 00: 44
                        Said it suddenly and bluntly. Boredom, sir.
                        And only in pans our defeated mind boils wassat )))
                      23. +1
                        17 June 2021 01: 07
                        In tandoor, already in tandoor laughing
  19. +3
    15 June 2021 21: 50
    Good evening everyone!
    Thanks to Valery for the article.
    And how, as I ask you not to drink in today's Russia ?!
    I understand that almost on the topic of the article, but how?
    Here's another delirium from the Sabyan / who does not know, the Gauleiter of Moscow /.

    Guess what's the matter?
    1. +1
      15 June 2021 22: 32
      Yes, about the park benches, the people on the Web have already boiled over and shouted "How long!" You can sit in a cinema and a cafe among the crowd, but you cannot sit on a park bench. Because a cinema, a cafe and a restaurant are the business of the owners, and you cannot break someone else's business. Sobyanin and the police got benches in the park as a business. The adjoining territory is already too much, the people will go wild, from all the windows and entrances "How long!" will scream. It is fraught.
      1. +1
        15 June 2021 23: 16
        And on what basis?
        I don’t remember the federal law prohibiting sitting on benches.
        And yes, Sobyanin is the executive branch of government, not the legislative branch ..
        1. +3
          15 June 2021 23: 31
          And this is not a federal law, Dima, this is a local law, from Sobyanin. On the other hand, Sobyanin is the head of some federal committee to control the situation with the covid. Taking advantage of this, he, as not subject to control from above, can issue any law in Moscow, and the police will accept it for execution. Remember the situation with the metro? This is when they checked the presence of masks, gloves and created wild crowds of people at the entrances to escalators and in passages - millions of people were compacted into spontaneous crowds. There was a huge public outrage, the situation was forced to correct, but only because there was an immediate surge in morbidity.
        2. +2
          16 June 2021 08: 10
          "zeroed out" threw the solution of this issue onto the heads of the subjects. And they solve it by virtue of their natural mind and the ability to bend their backs.
          Hi Dmitry!
          1. +2
            16 June 2021 08: 24
            Hello Seryozha
      2. +2
        16 June 2021 08: 08
        Good morning Lyudmila Yakovlevna!
        Here! Exactly, what's on the net. But when on the street this question will be raised? As in Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg. "These" hear only the voice of the people who came out on the square of cities. And in general, isn't their stupidity, stupidity costing ordinary citizens of our state? And to paraphrase a well-known phrase from the film, "You won't over-fine everyone!"
        1. +1
          16 June 2021 09: 01
          Good morning, Seryozha! )))
          Good morning to everyone who wants to talk!)))
          I just read a very naive (provocative?) Article by Apukhtin about Putin's meeting with Biden today. The results of the meeting for us, ordinary citizens will be expressed as follows:

          or prices in stores will go down, because they are already monstrous;
          or prices will go up nonstop, assuming even more monstrous values.

          If the former, then it will be possible to conclude that Putin agreed with Biden. If the latter, then he did not agree, and the internal levers of influence of the fifth political and economic column on Putin will be pulled out to the stop, and they, these levers, are powerful. Here, as signs of the failure of the meeting, it will be possible to attribute the emergence of all sorts of absurd local restrictions. Feeling that "Akela" has weakened, missed, the shtetl princes will begin to tear the people to shreds with laws on conventional "shops" not so much to fill their own pockets, although this is also, but to incite hatred of the federal government, thereby fulfilling the will of the overseas masters. Well, the people will go wild ...
          1. +1
            16 June 2021 10: 45
            How powerfully you said, “The Law of the Stores!” This must be remembered. laughing
            1. +2
              16 June 2021 11: 17
              Remember, Seryozha, remember!
              In case of failure of the negotiations, local national entities will catch up, screaming about the oppression of their culture and economy by the federal government. The first is not true, the second is half-truth. The already insolent diasporas will finally become insolent. And quietly will begin to create devastation in the heads of the listed China. Which is still happening spontaneously, by comparison.
  20. 0
    16 June 2021 06: 34
    Quote: Krasnodar
    But from this I wrote laughing

    There are two options - either "in the eyeballs, or I'm sick. bully

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

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