The secret of 1937. Why Stalin destroyed the revolutionary elite


Alexander Deineka. Defense of Sevastopol. 1942 g.

Russian city of Kitezh

Russian communists twice deceived the evil fate: 1) the first time, when they literally miraculously saved the victim in 1917-1920. Russian civilization and the state, reviving it in the form of Soviet civilization and the USSR; 2) the second time, when a finished country of the 1920s, with a demoralized people, a degrading culture, a barely living economy, a society that was rapidly slipping into a new turmoil, was transformed into an industrial superpower with a strong armed forces in an unprecedented time. In one historical in a moment Russia has done away with illiteracy, unemployment, has trained millions of specialists in science, technology and education. The breakthrough of the 1930s looked fantastic.

Moreover, the Russians offered the world their global project - an alternative to the Western, slave-owning, predatory and parasitic. The society of the future is a society of knowledge, service and creation. Man in this society was not a slave, servant or master, but a thinker, creator, scientist, toiler-creator.

It is the fabulousness, the fabulousness of the Soviet Union that explains the feverishness and crisis nature of its history. Everything was done for the first time in history, despite objective difficulties, faced with unprecedented challenges. Hence the mistakes, "excesses", throwing. The old world, feeling an unprecedented threat to itself, tried with all its might to destroy the Soviet Hyperborea, the fabulous city of Kitezh. Therefore, the masters of Paris, London and Washington nurtured and nurtured the Hitler project, gave him almost all of Europe, its resources, allowed the Fuhrer to use secret psychotechnologies to create a powerful Third Reich, and threw the "black sun" (the embodiment of the Western "new world order" , its very essence) against the Land of the Soviets. The West sought to crush the USSR at any cost before it was too late. Until the civilization of the future has grown stronger, matured and has not become invincible, overtaking the whole world for generations ahead.

However, Joseph Stalin managed to deceive the evil fate for the third time, to thwart the plans of the global "masons". The USSR withstood the monstrous, bloody massacre, tempered. The war ended with a Great Victory! The birth of a Soviet superpower equal in strength to the collective West.

Trying to avoid war

It was clear that a big war was inevitable. The crisis of capitalism, into which the West plunged headlong in the late 20s and early 30s, was to end in a world massacre. In the West and East, they deliberately raised three hotbeds of war - fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan. These were "battering rams" that would crush the Versailles system and plunge the world into a terrible war. Italy started a war in Africa (Ethiopia), Japan invaded China, but Germany was to play the main role again - to start a war in Europe.

Stalin perfectly understood all the weaknesses of Russia and to the last tried to avoid being drawn into a new world war. He did not want to repeat the mistakes of the Russian tsars, who played other people's games and lost. In particular, the Russia of Nicholas II got involved in the First World War, which was alien and unnecessary to the Russian people, which ended in a terrible geopolitical, civilizational catastrophe of 1917. The Russia of the Romanovs exploded, burst due to overload and strain, but at the cost of its death saved France and England from the German iron corps. The West immediately rushed to plunder and rape the wreckage of the fallen Russian empire, making fabulous wealth out of our misfortune. And this was not the first time. So, just over a century ago, Russia saved Vienna, Berlin and London from the great Napoleon. Then Russia resisted, but the price of victory was great.

It is not surprising that Stalin maneuvered to the last, tried to stay away from the world war. He strove to ensure that the crisis of capitalism did not involve us in the war, and remained an internal affair of the Western world. He tried to play the game by his own rules. And he did a lot! We managed to avoid a war on two fronts: against Germany and Japan, which could lead Russia to death. Moscow diplomacy beat England and France: Stalin demanded a full-fledged military alliance against Germany, and when they complained and refused, he signed a non-aggression pact with Berlin. Postponed the war, won precious time. Stalin returns our lands in Western Belarus and Ukraine.

This is rarely remembered, but Joseph Vissarionovich, having conducted a successful and quick Winter Campaign against the Finns of 1939–1940, managed to avoid a war with the collective West. After all, England and France were already in a state of "strange" war with Germany and were already planning a war with the USSR. Strikes against Russia in Scandinavia and the Caucasus. For Hitler, this would be a fabulous gift - his main opponents started a war with each other. But Stalin was able to deal with Finland faster than the West expected. He returned Vyborg and strengthened the defense of Leningrad in the northwestern direction. Then Stalin returned our lands in the Baltics and Bessarabia. The defense in the westerly direction is getting stronger.

And now the German divisions, in contrast to 1914, are in Paris. The British are defeated and flee to their island. The Germans are beginning to "get" the British Empire, which has spoiled us so much in the past. And Russian soldiers do not fight the Germans and are in no hurry to become "cannon fodder" in the hands of London and Washington. World War began without us! The Western elite and the "financial international" could not forgive the red emperor for this. Active work is underway to return everything to the old trajectory, to play off the Germans and Russians. It is worth noting that Westerners (including Russian) still cannot forget this failure. In every way, repeating the myths about the "bloody executioner" Stalin, his "conspiracy" with Hitler in the summer of 1939, because of which the world war allegedly began. Completely hushing up the facts of their collusion with the Fuhrer (surrender of the Rhineland, Austria, Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, Poland, etc.), attempts to incite the Reich against the USSR.

On the weaknesses of the Union

Joseph Stalin knew better than anyone the weaknesses of the Land of the Soviets. After all, the catastrophe of 1917 was not far off, not even a quarter of a century had passed. Society was still unstable. New generations have already become the nucleus of a society of service and creation. We were full of energy and enthusiasm. The old generations were partly re-educated, partly pulled into the past. Many people, especially on the outskirts, dreamed, perhaps just at the subconscious level, to return to the past, to a stable "swamp". With khans, bays, brothels and taverns instead of research laboratories, wonders of science and technology. The process of Russia's transformation was only taking the first steps; it could be interrupted.

Therefore, the USSR of the late 30s - early 40s, as a system, was unstable. The catastrophe of 1917, its overcoming, the breakthrough of the 30s demanded unprecedented sacrifices from the people, millions died, other millions hated the Soviet regime and the communists. Someone suffered in the case, someone because of their personal limitations, someone innocently. There were many angry people in the country, “former” or their relatives, those who did not accept the new world. They could become the "fifth column" to support the invaders. There were also many simply weak people, weak-willed, indifferent, ready at the first threat to quit weapon, run home or surrender. Thus, the USSR really resembled a colossus with feet of clay.

Tension also reigned in the Soviet elite. For a long time, the myth was implanted that Stalin was an omnipotent and omnipresent dictator, an absolute monarch who cut reality at his own discretion. However, these are fairy tales.

The drama is that the Soviet elite was not united. In 1917 and later there were two powerful wings: the Russian communists (Stalinists), who dreamed of building a "bright future" for the people; internationalists, Trotskyists, who viewed Russia and the Russian people as fuel for the world revolution and the construction of the future "new world order" (again, according to Western patterns).

At first, internationalists prevailed in the upper echelons of the Soviet state. Trotsky was seen as Lenin's successor. People with such views made up a significant part of the state apparatus of the early USSR, the top of the Red Army and the Cheka. They did not want to build any new Russian state to replace the collapsed empire. They were pure destroyers, ready to demolish the entire Russian civilization to the ground. They destroyed the Russian faith, Russian monuments, shrines, history and culture. They removed from Russian textbooks Alexander Nevsky and Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan the Terrible and Alexander Suvorov, Alexander Pushkin and Fyodor Dostoevsky. Russia was for them a "prison of the peoples", the Russians were "colonizers" and "slaves".

Stalin and his supporters, who prevailed in the lower echelons of the party, created a new Russian (Soviet) state, a power. Therefore, they returned the classical school of culture and art. They stopped the destruction of the Russian Church. The achievements of socialism were objectively in the interests of the people.

With such a "train", in essence, a "fifth column" that wanted to return to the idea of ​​a world revolution, use the resources and wealth of Russia, make the country a testing ground for creating another variation of a new global order, this could not be done.

This is the secret of 1937, the "great purge." It was necessary to "clean up", to destroy most of the revolutionary elite, as completely unfit for creative activity. In building a new civilization, a society of service and knowledge. Not only unsuitable, but also harmful. After all, she did not let new growth upstairs, strangled those who knew how to build and create. These people could be subversive, destroy, speak beautifully, but not create. Among them were people with a bourgeois-kulak psychology, imitators, opportunists, bureaucrats who did not want development, they wanted "stability", a well-fed swamp. Privatization of the people's state property.

Mystery of the 37th

Obviously, in such an environment, a "swamp", the Germans or the British would easily form a "fifth column" that would strike with the outbreak of World War II. Therefore, Stalin carried out a "cleansing" of the party-state and military nobility. Internationalists, Trotskyists, the former "Leninist Guard", the rotten top of the armed forces and special services were destroyed. It is clear that not all of them. But the blow was so powerful that we went through the Great War without serious internal problems, sabotage, unrest, uprisings, rebellions and revolutions. After all, it was the “fifth column” that killed the Russian Empire, and not the Germans defeated it in a direct battle. Despite all the numerous problems, tsarist Russia withstood the war, she was killed by a stab in the back.

Joseph Vissarionovich won a new victory - he defeated the "fifth column" (How Stalin defeated the "fifth column"). He did not allow the internal "rats" to overthrow Soviet power when the next European invasion began. But the surviving hidden Trotskyists, party officials and bureaucrats who do not want to go into the future will hate Stalin (among them, obviously, Khrushchev was also).

The Soviet leader was going to take another important step into the future - to limit the power of the Communist Party, remove it from the leadership of the state apparatus and the economy, leaving in its jurisdiction only the setting of strategic goals, ideology and personnel work. The communists were to become a kind of "order of the sword-bearers", by their example showing the way to a brighter future. But the party officials did not want to give up their power and sabotaged this process. Things were going hard, accompanied by purges, restructuring of the administrative apparatus, the people's commissariats-ministries. Before the war, Stalin was unable to solve this problem. After the war, he wanted to return to these plans, but they managed to eliminate him. After that, the irreversible degradation of the party and the Soviet state began, culminating in the catastrophe of 1985–1993.

Therefore, Hitler and the forces of the West standing behind him could well count on a possible major coup in Moscow in the event of a new big war and a major defeat for the Red Army. The defeat of the main forces of the Red Army in the western direction, the encirclement and capture of entire armies, the loss of the largest cities and the most important industrial regions - and Stalin either capitulates by signing a new Brest, or it will be removed by party functionaries and the military. Then, for the sake of maintaining power, they capitulate to Germany. The Reich will receive "living space" in the East - the Baltic States, Western Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea, the oil regions of the Caucasus. The remaining Russia, possibly split into several puppet state formations, will be a colony of the "Eternal Reich". The new government, most likely, will no longer be communist. Military dictatorship (for such a role, for example, Tukhachevsky was prepared) or nationalist regimes, setting an example of the Nazi Reich. The Communist Party will be banned, collective farms will be disbanded, part of the economy will be privatized, some will be placed under the control of the Germans (strategically important enterprises, mines).

However, Stalin learned well the lessons of the fallen Russian Empire. The "fifth column" in the party-state elite, the army, and the special services was neutralized. "Fresh blood" made the party, the state apparatus, the armed forces and the NKVD healthier. The forces of the national separatists and Basmachi were largely defeated even before the war. Hotbeds of national separatism during the war, as in Chechnya and Crimea, were mercilessly and swiftly extinguished. This was an objectively correct step.

Immaturity of the Soviet industrial civilization

Another fact of the Soviet Union's weakness was the immaturity of the industrial civilization. The bulk of the officers and soldiers of the Red Army were former peasants or children of the first generation of workers who had just settled in the cities. The bearers of archaic, peasant Russia were objectively inferior in the "war of motors" to the children of the urban, machine-industrial German civilization. The townspeople in the industrial-type war beat representatives of the agrarian society. The Germans in their industrial, technical revolution were several generations ahead of the Russians. And they remembered their technical superiority in the First World War, when German artillery destroyed entire regiments of Russian soldiers.

The USSR, unlike the Russian Empire, already had a quantitative superiority over Germany in the number of aircraft, tanks and guns. But it was quality. The machinery was run by former peasants. By the summer of 1941, the Red Army was not yet a single combat mechanism, like the Wehrmacht. Problems remained with management, organization, communication and interaction.

We have not yet learned to fully utilize the new technical strength of the Soviet armed forces. For example, tank troops. By the beginning of the war, the USSR had the best medium tank in the world - the T-34. But at the same time he was not provided with means of communication and observation. The same is true in the organization of armored formations. The German tank division included motorized infantry, artillery, anti-tank, engineer, reconnaissance, and other subunits. The result was a single, well-coordinated and rather perfect combat mechanism that could independently solve combat missions. Also, German mobile units worked well with the Luftwaffe. The Soviet mechanized corps were deprived of such opportunities, inferior in organization. And while we were learning from the Germans on the battlefield, we washed ourselves with blood. The Germans were good "teachers", pretty soon Soviet tankers will become the best in the world.

The Russians learned quickly and soon began to beat the best army in the West - the Wehrmacht. It was the agrarian, peasant past that became one of the reasons for the catastrophes of 1941. Moreover, this peasant beginning extended to the command staff, who made a lot of mistakes in the war. Before the war, the Soviet command was carried away by the number of divisions, mechanized corps, aircraft and tanks. Forgetting about the technologies of organization and communication. The German army at the beginning of the war was better organized and controlled, had a unique experience of victorious campaigns. High fighting spirit, faith in one's own "invincibility".

Thus, from a purely material standpoint, the USSR had an advantage over the Reich. Moscow knew that Germany was not ready for a long war of attrition. But psychologically, the Soviet system was young, immature, and unstable. Society and the Soviet elite were still quite unstable, were in a phase of transition to a new, higher stage. Hitler felt that Russia could be crushed with a blitzkrieg. He viewed the Red Army as a huge, poorly organized and controlled horde that could be dissected, dispersed, surrounded and destroyed. Hundreds of divisions were "raw", the former peasants had just mastered tractors and moved to tanks.

Stalin was also aware of this, who did his best to delay the start of the war. He guessed about the "dampness" of the new industrial Red Army. The war with Finland was a good lesson. The armed forces of the USSR and society suffered from many growing pains. It was necessary to play for time, hence the caution and flexibility of Moscow in relations with Berlin.

Invasion. K. Vasiliev. The beginning of the war. German troops enter the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in a column. The Assumption Cathedral, a monument of Russian architecture of the XNUMXth century, was blown up. Thunderclouds hung over the ancient Russian city. Fascist invaders are advancing. But the Russian saints are still standing on the dilapidated church. And we believe that victory will be ours
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  1. +34
    1 June 2021 04: 52
    But Stalin did not destroy the revolutionary elite, but the so-called. "red nobility" should not be confused. The skating rink was aimed at those who decided that everything is possible for him simply because he is a "weak revolution", scored on everything and began to come off to the full to the detriment of the common cause (Blucher is a vivid example). Of course, among those there were mainly the so-called. revolutionary elite.
    1. AUL
      1 June 2021 05: 48
      Quote: Dalny V
      But Stalin did not destroy the revolutionary elite, but the so-called. "red nobility" should not be confused.

      And who is now acting in the role of such a "red nobility"? (If cho - I just asked. wink )
      1. +27
        1 June 2021 05: 53
        Friends of friends of friends? They are moved from place to place, but they are not removed from the trough, and even more so, God forbid, they are not shot, because "these are not our methods" (c). (If cho, I just answered laughing )
      2. AUL
        1 June 2021 08: 05
        Quote from AUL
        (If cho - I just asked.)

        Now, a couple of cons for the question have already arrived! Got it (not a fool), ask such questions no way!
        1. +18
          1 June 2021 08: 59
          Quote from AUL
          Now, a couple of cons for the question have already arrived! Got it (not a fool), ask such questions no way!

          Do you care about these pluses, minuses? And regarding the main issue of the nobility, even in the 90s, Chubais bluntly stated that they do not care who owns the property, the main thing is to distribute it quickly in order to create a class of owners (nobles) in order to make it impossible to attempt a return to a socially oriented state. There was no question of any justice either then or now.
          1. AUL
            1 June 2021 09: 41
            Quote: qqqq
            Do you care about these pluses, minuses?

            To be honest, I turned all these plus-minus signs deeply, knowing their price. As well as the toy shoulder straps of this completely biased rating. hi
            1. +4
              1 June 2021 14: 15
              Quote from AUL
              To be honest, I turned all these plus-minus signs deeply, knowing their price.

              I warmly support ...
          2. 0
            4 June 2021 09: 41
            Yes, this brute, over 30 years has already sat out ...
        2. -12
          1 June 2021 09: 36
          Quote from AUL
          Now, a couple of cons for the question have already arrived!

          I gave you the third one.
          Quote from AUL
          ask such questions

          But not for a question (a good question), but for a note
          Quote from AUL
          If cho - me
      3. +18
        1 June 2021 09: 04
        And who is now acting in the role of such a "red nobility"?
        To begin with, open the lists of the mayor's office of Peter the time of A Sobchak .......
        1. +1
          3 June 2021 08: 52
          Explain somebody !!! Why is there no "fifth column" in England and the USA? And in Japan, no .. Why are these very "fifth columns" emerge powerfully only in those countries that do not like England and the United States?
          1. +1
            4 June 2021 12: 30
            Quote: ammunition
            Explain somebody !!! Why is there no "fifth column" in England and the USA? And in Japan, no .. Why are these very "fifth columns" emerge powerfully only in those countries that do not like England and the United States?

            Where did you get that no? not so long ago, the last crowd marched through the congress. and also blacks, and also Indians. in Europe everyone and everyone, from nationalists to radicals. it's just that the authorities and the purses of those who hold them keep vigil, suppress, punish.
            1. 0
              4 June 2021 12: 38
              Quote: Victorio
              Where did you get that no? not so long ago, the last crowd walked through the congress

              The "fifth column" is not a crowd of dissatisfied people. This is a group of high-ranking and powerful people who are convinced of betraying the interests of their country.
              1. 0
                4 June 2021 22: 42
                There was such an interesting book "It's impossible with us". In 1936-37, Roosevelt received a memo that the United States was preparing a coup like the German. The names of generals, congressmen and senators were immediately announced. Roosevelt created a special squad, or commission. Some were sent abroad to embassies, some ended up in special prisons, some disappeared. The general from the headquarters was declared insane and fell into a madhouse. But the thing is that he copied the papers and handed them over to his friend. When the general got there, this friend of his realized what was happening and went for a ride across Europe. He wrote a book in France and some of these materials were included in this book. The book was banned in the United States. He published the second book with additions before his death, he knew they would not regret it. Here is the fifth column for you. Something similar happened in Great Britain. But there, from the beginning of the war, all the leaders of the fifth column were imprisoned and not in England, but in Canada. Hitler later complained that Stalin had removed his own, and he pitied his own.
          2. +1
            23 June 2021 00: 44
            Quote: ammunition
            Explain somebody !!! Why is there no "fifth column" in England and the USA?

            probably due to the fact that this fifth column (for the West of the communists) was cleared fiercely not for 1 year like we did in 1937, but on an ongoing basis and so on to this day. explore how fun it was, for example, in Italy in the post-war years. wink banged the prime minister and did not blink an eye. Before the war, Mussolini solved such questions simply. sent his blackshirts to avoid unnecessary judicial red tape. look at Veronica Krosheninnikova.
      4. -1
        1 June 2021 12: 46
        Are you so worried that, literally "from a half-turn" you decided to change the subject? .. There is, in fact, nothing to object to the author, so start the traditional "anti-Putin" cry? .. If anything, I'll just remind you that we now have capitalism ... Moreover, it is still quite "early" ... In other words, the system, for which the so-called. "nobility-lordship-nepotism", a phenomenon far more characteristic and widespread than for the Red Empire. Even if he, in the so-called. "developed" countries, clings to the tag "Western democracy" and actively imitates the "fight against corruption" ...
      5. +2
        1 June 2021 18: 51
        Medvedev ... oligarchs under the Kremlin
      6. +1
        1 June 2021 19: 15
        These are the "new Russians" - Berezovsky, Abramovich, etc. Who else did our president agree with there in 2000? ..
        1. +3
          2 June 2021 13: 04
          First, the ability and willingness to comply with agreements is the dignity of the predictable politician, and not at all his "drawback". Secondly, it was Putin who warned (under the lenses of television cameras) all the aforementioned "oligarchs" about their "equidistance" from power. In other words - either "business" or - "politics" ... But Khodorkovsky, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, stubbornly continued to ACTIVELY "combine" one with the other. For this, quite, either they went to grind the bunks, or rushed over the hillock.
    2. +17
      1 June 2021 05: 53
      Why Stalin destroyed the revolutionary elite

      The elite is a stable community with deep connections of its members, who have common interests and access to the levers of real power.
      Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      And the levers of real power should be concentrated in one hand. Is the answer clear?
      Moreover, the question is not posed correctly. Stalin did not immediately destroy the motley so-called "revolutionary elite", but at first only quite correctly limited her access to power levers, but those who took this correctness for his weakness and continued to strive for power were subsequently destroyed. Mikhail quite correctly described them as "the red nobility"
      1. +5
        1 June 2021 05: 56
        I agree. I just didn't paint too much. In general, I wanted to limit myself to one first sentence, but maybe hand to pen, pen to paper ... Well, you understand me hi
      2. +21
        1 June 2021 06: 47
        I associate the word "elite" with the word "expensive" - ​​elite housing, an elite car, elite strata with reduced social responsibility, etc.
        And only an "elite manufacturer" is something that others cannot do.
        The "elite" is primarily self-appointed. And Dmitry correctly cited the reference to TSB, the elites have a basic commonality of interests that do not always coincide with national interests. am And only they decide who deserves to be in the elite, and who is not, and not as a people.
        Stalin and his fellow-believers carried out the scrapping of this system. Under him, social lifts were effectively earned, but in the end the elites won again, which led to the collapse of the USSR.
    3. +6
      1 June 2021 07: 09
      Quote: Dalny V
      But Stalin did not destroy the revolutionary elite, but the so-called. "red nobility" should not be confused. The skating rink was aimed at those who decided that everything is possible for him simply because he is a "weak revolution", scored on everything and began to come off to the full to the detriment of the common cause (Blucher is a vivid example). Of course, among those there were mainly the so-called. revolutionary elite.

      1. Now there will be an ocean of such "custom" articles.
      2. Under Stalin, the country grew, the economy made a leap from feudalism to industrial socialism, and the population grew. How will United Russia respond?
      3. The world authority of the USSR under Stalin was indisputable. And what can the capital country 3 of the world boast about?
      4. Until now, the Soviet industry cannot finish eating, but they still spit in the USSR.
      5. Under Stalin, science came to the fore in the world, what can the noneshnye answer? Mass departure of young people, including scientific ones, from the country?
      6. Under the leadership of Comrade Stalin's victory took place. Not like Donbass, half of Europe was liberated.
      7. Education, medicine, culture all grew and developed.
      8. Parks were laid, not built up by all sorts of crooks. The crooks worked at the construction sites of socialism for soldering and in isolation from Soviet society.

      Therefore, when you spit on Stalin and in the USSR, you spit on the best future that could have been. As in China, for example.
      1. +4
        1 June 2021 09: 05
        Quote: Civil
        Therefore, when you spit on Stalin and in the USSR, you spit on the best future that could have been. As in China, for example.

        With all due respect to Stalin (I am his supporter), he made a global mistake, which ultimately led to the collapse of the state (by the way, now we are going through this once again) - he did not create a mechanism for transferring power and creating a managerial elite ready to continue his work. Simply put, he cleaned the political field around him. To be completely objective, then Khrushchev, Brezhnev and further down the list all of them came from those times.
        1. 0
          1 June 2021 10: 16
          Quote: qqqq
          he did not create a mechanism for transferring power and creating a managerial elite ready to continue his work. Simply put, he cleaned the political field around him. To be completely objective, then Khrushchev, Brezhnev and further down the list all of them came from those times.

          In principle, this is so. Only now the famous Politburo meetings of May 1941 and January 1944 clearly showed that there were clearly fewer supporters of the Stalin line than those who opposed the creation of the country's leadership without the control of the Bolshevik Communists over it, even among a small number of members of the said Politburo. If in May 41 the question was simply not supported by the majority, then in January 44 they refused to discuss this topic at all!
          As a result, the aging and sick J. Stalin (probably) once again postponed the solution of the problem of the party's power over production workers until better times. Perhaps the closest associates of Beria and Malenkov were planning to complete the work begun by Stalin back in 1936. Alas. It did not grow together. The partocracy was not asleep, it did not want to give up power. And it all ended in a coup in June 1953.
          1. +1
            1 June 2021 14: 15
            Quote: stalkerwalker
            Alas. It did not grow together.

            This is the whole point, that it does not matter for whatever reason it did not work out, the key point is that it did not grow together, and this, as time has shown, led to the greatest tragedy of our state.
      2. 0
        23 June 2021 00: 54
        generally agree but ...
        Quote: Civil
        The crooks worked at the construction sites of socialism for soldering and in isolation from Soviet society.

        dad Efim Shifrin rewound 10 for espionage, and then bought a house in Jurmala for this "ration". the campaign of the "enemies of the people" in the USSR had more opportunities than the average citizen of the Russian Federation now request
    4. 0
      1 June 2021 15: 31
      Quote: Dalny V
      Of course, among those there were mainly the so-called. revolutionary elite.
      Is it only the elite? However, the author cleverly gloss over the ideological chatter of reality:
      "In one historic instant, Russia has put an end to illiteracy and unemployment, has trained millions of specialists in science, technology and education."
      Yes, millions have been taught to read - but no more. On the contrary, a colossal number of outstanding scientists were repressed or physically destroyed. If before the revolution Russia could be proud of the world-famous names of Butlerov, Mendeleev, Zinin, Zelinsky, Ipatiev (chemists), Lebedev, Popov (physicists), Vavilov, Koltsov, Timofeev-Resovsky (biologists), then after the revolution only shvonders remained for the Great Patriotic War. like Lepeshinskaya and Lysenko. Whole branches of science were defeated, and the consequences are still felt. Only when the vital need for atomic weapons arose, did the party riffraff stop, at last, infinitely rape science, and at least physics avoided a defeat as complete as biology and chemistry. But scientists, on a scale equal to the pre-revolutionary ones, did not appear in Russia - except for a few names who were educated abroad (Landau, Kapitsa) or migrants from abroad (for example, Bruno Pontecorvo)
      To the author, please: less enthusiastic chatter, more facts. And it turns out awkward. You are not reading the Psalter from the porch, and not at a Communist Party rally.
    5. +1
      1 June 2021 16: 54
      Quote: Dalny V
      The skating rink was aimed at those who decided that everything is possible for him simply because he is a "weak revolution", scored a bolt on everything and began to come off in full to the detriment of the common cause (Blucher is a vivid example)

      ABOUT ! I finally got it! My two grandfathers, a Russian and a Ukrainian grandfather, peasants with an incomplete parish, the grandmother of a wife with an incomplete average were "Heroes" ... And so was every second citizen of the USSR. That is why they are declared enemies of the people ... Wonderful are your deeds, O Lord ... Maybe it is enough to fiddle with this topic!
    6. -1
      2 June 2021 08: 02
      It's time to give yourself a report that the so-called. It is high time to rename the "Stalinist repression" in the repression of the Trotskyists ...
  2. +3
    1 June 2021 05: 52
    Once again I was convinced how Joseph Vissarionovich went on the razor's edge !!! I have known and understood this for a long time, but, anyway, Thank you!
  3. +24
    1 June 2021 06: 00
    The conflict between the right and left hemispheres, the author has, the substitution of concepts, Russian civilization and the Soviet leader. Second Brest, the author, you will be the first to figure it out. Every heap: Hyperborea, the city of Kitezh.
    1. +12
      1 June 2021 06: 50
      "Burns with a verb" this Samsonov. But he confuses the Russian army, the Soviet and the Red Army.
      1. +17
        1 June 2021 07: 29
        Yes, not only a verb smile
        I personally almost lost my mind from the illustration at the head of the article, on which, according to the author, Stalin in sailor uniform in 1937. destroys the "revolutionary elite" near Sevastopol belay
        1. +5
          1 June 2021 09: 24
          hi but do not go with a roof, dear! laughing You are healthy good Need
      2. +7
        1 June 2021 09: 11
        I recognize Samsonov.
        Piled it all up. The article is about 37 years old, the Second World War has not yet happened. And the picture of the sailor is not clear why.
        About Russian classics and heroes (Nevsky, Donskoy, Suvorov, etc.), they were banned precisely during the reign of Stalin, and only after the start of the war they were remembered.
        1. +3
          1 June 2021 09: 37
          Quote: smith 55
          ..... About Russian classics and heroes (Nevsky, Donskoy, Suvorov, etc.), they were banned during the reign of Stalin, and only after the start of the war they were remembered.
          After the Revolution of 1917, there was denial on a class basis. With the development of socialist construction, significant figures gradually returned to history. For example, it was in 1937 that the 9th volume - History of the 19th Century, edited by Tarle, was published. True, they did not completely get rid of the class approach there. For example, about Kosciuszko - positively, as a fighter against tsarism. And he fought with Russia. (And in Leningrad there was a street with this name)
          1. +4
            1 June 2021 09: 58
            Quote: Reptiloid
            After the Revolution of 1917, there was denial on a class basis. With the development of socialist construction, significant figures gradually returned to history. So for example, it was in 1937 that the 9th volume - HISTORY OF THE 19th CENTURY, edited by Tarle

            That's right - the events in the international arena of the second half of the 30s clearly showed that the USSR alone could not cope with Nazi Germany. And not only the USSR ... All the more so if Poland also finds itself in an alliance with the Germans. But no one wanted to conclude a treaty of mutual assistance with the country, the goal of which was to create the World Socialist Republic, which was spelled out in the preamble to the Lenin Constitution of 1924. And in the Far East, imperial Japan did not sleep either. And as a result, the Soviet leadership had to not only force Mao to self-destruct the newly created Chinese Socialist Republic, but also, ultimately, to refuse military assistance to the Kuomintang, because "... Bolivar can't stand two ...".
            And having said "A", you should have said "B". Preparations for the adoption of the new constitution of 1936, including direct general elections of the country's leadership by secret ballot, led to the fact that the country had no right to abandon its thousand-year history, its heroes. It was to this time that the publication of the mentioned History, edited by Tarle, also belongs. And in schools they began to introduce the subject "History". And they even returned the Christmas trees, but like New Years.
            1. +4
              1 June 2021 10: 08
              ...... Christmas trees .....
              I read that the very first Christmas tree was in the Kremlin, New Year was declared a proletarian, not a religious holiday. (That is, there was a substitution of concepts that people accepted. good
              Compare with 4 November --- Day of Reconciliation and Accord. Also compare with June 12 .....))
              1. +4
                1 June 2021 10: 25
                Quote: Reptiloid
                New Year was declared a proletarian, not a religious holiday. (That is, there was a substitution of concepts that people accepted

                Too sharp turns confused not only the average party activist, but also ordinary people. Sometimes they are forbidden, then they are allowed ...
                The question of a military alliance was urgent, and a change in foreign policy required a change in domestic policy. I had to limit myself to half measures ...
                1. +4
                  1 June 2021 10: 32
                  ..... it is forbidden, it is allowed .....
                  It seems to me that life 20 years after the Revolution has changed so much that everyone has already seen the advantages of Soviet Power, at the same time they knew well, remembered, told the young about life under the tsar, about the Civil War.
                  1. +3
                    1 June 2021 10: 44
                    Quote: Reptiloid
                    it seems to me that life 20 years after the Revolution has changed so much that everyone has already seen the advantages of Soviet Power,

                    All true.
                    But the starting points are different. That is why I. Stalin said on February 4, 1931, in a speech at the First Conference of Socialist Industry Workers, that "... We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must cover this distance in ten years. Either we will do it, or we will be crushed ... ".
                    If "on the ground" things were going more or less tolerably, in the upper echelons of power in the question "who has the stronger fountain" the crisis reached its maximum. Yes, and in the army, things were going, let's say, lousy .... There were enough supporters of the permanent theory of revolution in the middle party activists at the level of regions and territories. Events in Spain have shown that Trotsky's supporters have a tremendous influence on events there. The result was a behind-the-scenes accusation of the USSR in "previous aggressive intentions", a possible union of France, Czechoslovakia, Romania, the Baltic countries and the USSR did not take place.
                    1. +1
                      1 June 2021 10: 54
                      Quote: stalkerwalker
                      ..... But the starting points are different. That is why I. Stalin said on February 4, 1931, in a speech at the First Conference of Socialist Industry Workers, that "... We are 50-100 years behind the advanced countries. We must cover this distance in ten years. Either we will do it, or we will be crushed ... ".

                      And you ran this distance! Electrification, industrialization, the creation of a new, socialist person, education, medicine, an increase in life expectancy ...
                      Now we constantly hear lies and slander about that time. But since the 90s, foreigners have come to study it and work in the archives, to which they were not allowed before, under the USSR. They write books, some even publish them in Russian.
                      1. +1
                        1 June 2021 12: 03
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        and work in archives, before which, under the USSR, they were not allowed.

                        Dima, you don't know, DO NOT WRITE !!! And do not invent!
                      2. +5
                        1 June 2021 12: 11
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        and work in archives, before which, under the USSR, they were not allowed.

                        Dima, you don't know, DO NOT WRITE !!! And do not invent!

                        What do you know about this? A year ago and later I had comments with the titles of books lately. I will not search now. The fact that there was no opportunity to access the archives was written by an Italian writer who studied Trotsky and his time when she came to us. If interested, I will restore her last name somehow ... Or do you think recourse that if you have a permit obtained as a result of the USSR, then you know everything wassat I am sure that there are serious tolerances request Your his....
                      3. -2
                        1 June 2021 12: 22
                        Just in the era of the USSR, many foreign researchers came to us to work in the archives. Not everything was given to them, yes, but they worked to work. It was necessary to show the world our openness and freedom of work of researchers. So there was no 100% barrier. And I don’t think, but I know that there is no need to climb into a row of pork with a pork snout. When you become a Ph.D., then you will discover a lot of things about which you now have only the most superficial and purely philistine idea.
                        Nicolas Werth, Sheila Fitzpatrick - these are just two names that are in memory, which were and worked until 1991. But in reality there are many more ...
                        Vert, by the way, worked for us for three years ...
                      4. +6
                        1 June 2021 12: 53
                        The point is that in the post-revolutionary period, during the struggle and repressions, whoever carried them out, even Yezhov, at least someone, was confiscated as some kind of periodicals and fiction. For example, the one where Trotsky was mentioned. Almost a million circulation of KOMSOMOLIYA Bezymensky, for example, was confiscated and destroyed.
                        Then it was fundamentally important ---- to exclude Trotsky from the process, since it was already evident ----- now a world revolution is impossible, a course towards socialism was taken in one separate country.
                        What exactly were foreigners allowed to do under the USSR ?? Doubt straight to everything ......
                        There were different security tolerances ...
                      5. -4
                        1 June 2021 13: 26
                        Of course, not everything. But there were! You wrote that they were not allowed under the USSR. But this is no longer true. Allowed, although, yes, not all documents. Today at 18.00 will be my material on the work in the archives. By the way, Dima, you can also work in them without any admissions. There are enough of them in St. Petersburg. Not the lack of admission is to blame for the fact that you will not work in them!
                      6. +4
                        1 June 2021 13: 51
                        From the millionth circulation of KOMSOMOLIYA, several copies have been kept secret from everyone in private collections. And this is not the only book of such fate. However, now there is a reprint laughing Gorgeous edition. good And only the surname of Trotsky.
                        Other reprints are also being released now ........
                        About tolerances. Do you know that a teacher, even a kin, is not the highest position? It turns out, apparently, no. After all, under socialism there were such positions as the secretary of the district committee, city committee, regional committee? I think they have more access to secrets than you. Why should I go to the archive? If I want to find my relatives, I will turn to specially trained people.
                      7. -4
                        1 June 2021 15: 33
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        I think they have more access to secrets than you.

                        You are funny. There were only 3 forms of admission. And even though who are you ... I had the 2nd. Up to the archive of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was no longer interested in the Archives. But TsGANKh and TsGAOR, MO - please. And you, of course, have nothing to do in the archive at all. Your destiny is the use of secondary information.
                      8. +4
                        1 June 2021 15: 44
                        lol As far as I understand, you go to the archive not for the sake of knowledge, but solely for the sake of earning.? What did they write about, they say, is it expensive to go to Podolsk, it won't pay off? (Or somewhere else). I earn something differently ...
                      9. -3
                        1 June 2021 16: 00
                        Quote: Reptiloid
                        I earn something differently ...

                        Everyone has their own method, Dima. Some priest, some priest, and some priest's daughter!
                      10. +3
                        1 June 2021 16: 42
                        By the way, about your daughter ... you kind of wrote that it's good that your daughter, kin, has now become a sales agent? Masks and the like? Well, almost 20 years ago, my mother, working as an agent, called me to the company where she worked ... Such were the circumstances ... I was not happy, I thought it was temporary, (despite the quick earnings) only recently agreed with this work ....
                      11. +3
                        1 June 2021 21: 07
                        The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was no longer interested in the Archives. But TsGANKh and TsGAOR, MO - please.

                        Again the love of exclusivity. Narcissus straight. There are plenty of materials on the third and second forms in any archives.
                      12. +2
                        1 June 2021 22: 12
                        hi good evening, dear Sergey! laughing I'm not home yet, but I'll be back soon. Archives, of course, can provide a wide variety of information ...
                        I love going to museums. Contact with history .... Although I visit museums often, in comparison with some of my acquaintances, I have not been to all of Peter's museums. Also about the region can be said
                      13. +1
                        2 June 2021 08: 06
                        Good morning, Dmitriy. You would take some topic and write about it, since you really like to go to museums. This is not in vain to go.
                      14. 0
                        2 June 2021 08: 36
                        hi and I'm not in vain! wassat , I am culturally enriched! Well I like it! Watch, listen, read about museums, about exhibits. good
        2. +1
          1 June 2021 21: 04
          and only after the start of the war were they remembered.

          Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevsky" what year, do not remind me?
        3. -1
          2 June 2021 19: 39
          About Russian classics and heroes (Nevsky, Donskoy, Suvorov, etc.), they were banned precisely during the reign of Stalin

          Tarich's film "The Captain's Daughter", 1928
          Ivanovsky's film "Dubrovsky", 1936.
          Petrov's film "Peter the First", 1937.
          Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevsky", 1938.
          Pudovkin's film "Minin and Pozharsky", 1939.
          Pudovkin's film "Suvorov", 1940.
          Levkoyev's film "The first printer Ivan Fyodorov", 1941.
          Film by Gerasimov based on Lermontov's drama "Masquerade", 1941.
          Petrov's film "Kutuzov", 1943.
          Eisenstein's film "Ivan the Terrible", 1945 (1st series).
          Pudovkin's film "Admiral Nakhimov", 1946.
          Romm's film "Admiral Ushakov, 1953
          So who was Stalin banned there?
    2. -5
      1 June 2021 07: 38
      Quote: parusnik
      The conflict between the right and left hemispheres, the author has, the substitution of concepts, Russian civilization and the Soviet leader. Second Brest, the author, you will be the first to figure it out. Every heap: Hyperborea, the city of Kitezh.
      There - the masters of Washington, London and Paris set Hitler against the USSR in order to destroy it at any cost, but at the same time they themselves fought against Hitler and provided serious military assistance to the USSR in the form of Lend-Lease fellow
      1. -1
        1 June 2021 08: 16
        Stirbjorn (Michael)
        There - the masters of Washington, London and Paris set Hitler against the USSR in order to destroy it at any cost, but at the same time they themselves fought against Hitler
        And who created Hitler? And who supplied him throughout the war? Moreover, they supplied him until the landing of the Naglo-Saxons in 1944.
        and provided serious military assistance to the USSR in the form of Lend-Lease
        Lend-Lease was needed when we were fighting near Moscow, when we were backing up to Stalingrad. But he was not there! And it began after Stalingrad, when it became clear to everyone that the USSR had held out and that the kaput had come to Hitler. It was then that they began to fuss.
        Otherwise, yes, they "helped" as best they could ...
        1. +6
          1 June 2021 09: 07
          Quote: Alex_1973
          Lend-Lease was needed when we fought near Moscow, when we backed up to Stalingrad

          After Japan's attack on the United States on December 7, 1941, mass deliveries under Lend-Lease finally began, and the first shipments began to arrive on December 28, 1941 with the intention of catching up by April 1, 1942 [18].

          However, the situation returned to normal starting only in the second half of 1943. Of the 800 aircraft and 1000 tanks promised by England, which the USSR was to receive in October-December 1941, 669 aircraft arrived (for comparison, as of October 1, 1941, there were 3 aircraft in the 568 fronts defending Moscow, of which 389 were serviceable [19]) and 487 tanks. From October 1941 to June 30, 1942, the USA sent to the USSR 545 aircraft, 783 tanks, more than 3 times less than promised, as well as 16 trucks, that is, more than 502 times less than planned. [ twenty]
          The first deliveries to the USSR along the Trans-Iranian route began in November 1941, when 2972 tons of cargo were sent

          Several automobile factories were built specifically for the needs of Lend-Lease in Iran. In total, 184 vehicles were sent from Iranian enterprises to the USSR during the war years. In 112, both factories were dismantled and taken out to the USSR.
          Lend-lease supplies of food were of the utmost importance for the Soviet Union in general and for the Red Army in particular (1 tons were supplied from the USA alone). [750] Almost the entire army, as well as a significant portion of the "civilian" (mainly employees of key military factories and nomenklatura), were mainly on the Lend-Lease food supply with stew, butter, chocolate, etc.
          The United States supplied 2 million 13 thousand tons of aviation gasoline (together with the allies - 2 million 586 thousand tons) - almost 2/3 of the fuel used during the war by Soviet aviation [38]. In addition to the finished aviation gasoline, oil refining equipment was supplied for its production on the territory of the USSR, and the volume of these supplies was such that its own annual production of aviation gasoline increased from 110 tons in 000 to 1941 tons in 1.
        2. -1
          1 June 2021 09: 08
          Quote: Alex_1973
          And who supplied him throughout the war? Moreover, they supplied him until the landing of the Naglo-Saxons in 1944.

          And who? Washington with London? The bombs that they dropped from their strategists on German cities ?!
          Quote: Alex_1973
          Lend-Lease was needed when we were fighting near Moscow, when we were backing up to Stalingrad. But he was not there!

          Come on, but Wikipedia claims the opposite.
          After the Japanese attack on the United States on December 7, 1941, mass deliveries under Lend-Lease finally began, and the first shipments began to arrive on December 28, 1941 with the intention of catching up with the backlog by April 1, 1942.

          I have already noticed for a long time that behind the use of such words as the Naglo-Saxons they are trying to hide their ignorance of history ?!
        3. +1
          1 June 2021 12: 01
          [quote = Alex_1973]
          Alex, when did the first Dervish convoy come to the USSR? And remember my article about Lend-Lease deliveries with a photo from PRAVDA - Matilda tanks near Moscow ... There was a lot of things, by the way. He wrote more than once: "Look at the Truth of June 11, 1944". There was "A message from the Soviet government on Lend-Lease supplies." Document, by the way.
      2. -4
        1 June 2021 10: 34
        Quote: Stirbjorn
        but at the same time they themselves fought against Hitler and provided serious military assistance to the USSR in the form of Lend-Lease

        This was when Hitler began to play by his own rules, and not according to the script written in London (the Yankees have nothing to do with it, and the French were not in doubt about La Manche).
        1. -4
          1 June 2021 11: 25
          Quote: chenia
          This was when Hitler began to play by his own rules, and not according to the script written in London (the Yankees have nothing to do with it, and the French were not in doubt about La Manche).
          You read the beginning, the author of the article claims that they wanted to destroy the USSR at any cost. I hope you don’t deny the fact of the war between the allies and Hitler and aid to the USSR ?! I only pointed out this contradiction in the words of the author, and dull cotton wool rushed to throw me minuses, because to comprehend more than one sentence, apparently, there is not enough intelligence
          1. +1
            1 June 2021 14: 12
            Quote: Stirbjorn
            wanted to destroy the USSR at any cost

            No, just as a strong state. And this means to link the war with another strong state. And the British had to (depending on the situation (stand on one side or the other) - a familiar purely British phenomenon ... They and the Franks (also competitors) convinced that Hitler (with the superiority of the Nordic peoples and a clear orientation to the East) was the most suitable figure. And he received all the concessions on sanctions after WWI, and not the more moderate government of the Weimar Republic.
            Hitler understood this, and up to a certain point he played along. And then he started his game.

            Quote: Stirbjorn
            I hope you don’t deny the fact of the war between the allies and Hitler and aid to the USSR ?!

            See above written.
            Quote: Stirbjorn
            stupid cotton wool rushed me to throw minuses

            Me, too, stupid ya rushed to throw minuses
            Quote: Stirbjorn
            because to comprehend more than one sentence, apparently, there is not enough intelligence
            1. -2
              1 June 2021 19: 51
              Quote: chenia
              Me, too, stupid ya rushed to throw minuses

              maybe cotton wool too - cotton wool has no nationality, this is a social phenomenon, like, for example, a gopnik or a scoop (not to be confused with a citizen of the USSR) hi
  4. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      1 June 2021 08: 22
      What kind of nonsense have you written here? Can you name the percentage of educated in tsarist Russia and the percentage of educated in the USSR? Tsarist Russia sold its soldiers like cattle for French money. There was practically no industry of its own in the Republic of Ingushetia, a backward agrarian country that managed to pump the war even to Japan. The rest need not be mentioned.
      1. -2
        1 June 2021 09: 11
        Quote: Alex_1973
        There was practically no industry of its own in RI

        And who built the battleships then? If you are not aware, then all countries, without exception, had problems with the production of weapons in the first years of the war, because no one foresaw the scale of the battles.
        1. +4
          1 June 2021 15: 33
          And who then built the battleships? If you are not aware, then all countries, without exception, had problems with the production of weapons in the first years of the war, because no one foresaw the scale of the battles.
          - the favorite fairy tale of the monarchists about battleships and the advanced tsarist industry.
          It is more correct to call Russian battleships English, since it was England that initiated their construction. There was nothing domestic except for armor in them. All electrical equipment of the battleships was from Simmens. The battleship's XNUMX-inch cannons were great, but the electrically operated locks were from Vickers. Vickers supplied Russia with unique machines, sent its specialists for advice at the first request and was ready to fulfill any whim of the customer ... However, you need to be a moron to believe in the sincerity of this help. The British have been our enemies from time immemorial and remained so in the First World War. The construction of Russian battleships was an outstanding sabotage of England:
          1. In operational and tactical terms, the Russian battleships were morally obsolete even at the time of setting the design task. The fact is that simultaneously with them, English dreadnoughts with 381 mm main caliber guns were designed and built. Therefore, for example, in the fight for the Dardanelles, Russian battleships with 305 mm cannons would not be able to fight on equal terms with the British fleet.
          2. The terms of reference for battleships were made by sailors, in the figurative expression "Frightened by Tsushima." As a result, barges for the transportation of large-caliber artillery turned out to be practically unsuitable for ocean voyages. This became clear during the passage of the battleship Sevastopol from the Baltic to the Black Sea.
          3. Strategically, Russia was a land country. Therefore, the contribution of her battleships to "Victory" consisted only in the fact that the crews of the battleships staged two revolutions and the Kronstadt mutiny. But fantastic funds were thrown into their construction, which could be used for the production of rifles, shells, heavy ground artillery, engine building, etc. A simple example. From 1909 to 1917, 7 (seven) battleships were built in Russia and 5 (five) light machine guns were manufactured that were by no means a new model (Madsen arr. 1902). Moreover, all five machine guns were rejected by the GAU receivers because they looked like real ones, but they just did not shoot.
          Now about the problems with the production of weapons during the First World War. The production figures for technically sophisticated military equipment by country speak for themselves:
          Rifles, thous.
          Germany 8547,0
          Austria-Hungary 3500,0
          France 2500,0
          UK 3854,0
          Россия 3300,0
          Italy 2400,0
          USA 3500,0
          Total 27601,0
          Machine guns, thous.
          Germany 280,0
          Austria-Hungary 40,5
          France 312,0
          UK 239,0
          Россия 28,0
          Italy 101,0
          USA 75,0
          Total 1075,5
          Art equipment, thous.
          Germany 64,0
          Austria-Hungary 15,9
          France 23,2
          UK 26,4
          Россия 11,7
          Italy 6.5
          USA 4,0
          Total 151,7
          Tanks, thous.
          Germany 0,1
          France 5,3
          UK 2,8
          Russia - 0
          Italy -0
          USA 1,0
          Total 9,2
          Aircraft, thous.
          Germany 47,3
          Austria-Hungary 5,4
          France 52,1
          UK 47,8
          Россия 3,5
          Italy 12,0
          USA 13,8
          Total 181,9
          Artistic shells, mln.
          Germany 306,0
          Austria-Hungary 80,0
          France 290,0
          UK 218,0
          Россия 67,0
          Italy 70,0
          USA 20,0
          Total 1051,0
          Cartridges, bln.
          Germany 8,2
          Austria-Hungary 4,0
          France 6,3
          UK 8,6
          Россия 13,5
          Italy 3,6
          USA 3,5
          Total 47,7
          Cars, thous.
          Germany 65,0
          Austria-Hungary - about 10 armored vehicles
          France 110,0
          UK 87,0
          Россия 20,0
          Italy 28,0
          USA 30,0
          Total 340,0
          Let us take the most advanced branch of industry — aircraft construction. In tsarist Russia, spark plugs, magneto, high-voltage wires and valves for internal combustion engines (ICE) were not produced. The internal combustion engines themselves were not produced (only the assembly of outdated internal combustion engines from imported components), ball bearings, dope, aluminum and duralumin, aviation devices, etc. etc. In addition to nails, plywood and percale, everything else in the tsarist aviation was imported.
          1. +2
            1 June 2021 18: 24
            Quote: Old electrician
            1. In operational and tactical terms, the Russian battleships were morally obsolete even at the time the design task was set. The fact is that simultaneously with them, English dreadnoughts with 381 mm main caliber guns were designed and built.

            The beginning of the design of "Sev" is 1906. What kind British dreadnoughts with 381 mm main guns were projected at this time?
            Sev's main problem is the pace of financing and construction. While the Duma was persuaded, while the money was found, while the factories were being modernized, the year 1911 had already arrived.
            Quote: Old electrician
            3. Strategically, Russia was a land country. Therefore, the contribution of her battleships to "Victory" consisted only in the fact that the crews of the battleships staged two revolutions and the Kronstadt mutiny.

            You decided to forget about the Black Sea LKs, which ensured dominance at sea?
            But after their commissioning, it became possible to forget about the "Goeben" and calmly carry out landings in the Turkish rear. Or to keep one non-armored carrier at sea for days to support the coastal flank of the army.
            Quote: Old electrician
            But fantastic funds were thrown into their construction, which could be used for the production of rifles, shells, heavy ground artillery, engine building, etc.

            The estimated cost of four battleships of the “Sevastopol” type was calculated in the total amount of 147 500 000,00 rubles. (together with the combat reserves, which I have indicated above). According to the GAU program (Chief Artillery Directorate), the expansion and modernization of the weapons factory in Tula and the construction of a new arms factory in Yekaterinoslav (production of rifles), followed by the transfer of the Sestroretsk rifle factory there, should have cost the 65 721 930,00 treasury in rubles . During World War I, 2 461 000 rifles were delivered to Russia, including 635 000 from Japan, 641 000 from France, 400 000 from Italy, England 128 000 from the USA, and 657 000 from the USA.
            In 1915, the cost of the Mosin rifle was 35,00 rubles, which means that the total cost of rifles, if they were released in Russia and not bought abroad, would be 2 461 000 x 35,00 = 86 135 000,00 rubles.
            Thus, 2 461 000 three-line rifles, along with factories for their production, would cost the treasury 151 856 930,00 rub. (65 721 930,00 rub. + 86 135 000,00 rub.), Which is already a little more than the Baltic dreadnought construction program.
            © Andrey from Chelyabinsk. Battleships of the "Sevastopol" type. Success or failure? Part 3.October 20, 2014.
            The program for the construction of the Black Sea LCs cannot be scaled down - the Turks bought the future Agincourt and ordered two more LCs. Well, how will they have time to get them before entering the war - and then what?
            And second, if you do not build Seva, you will have to build coastal defense. And this is about 250 million rubles.

            The army of the Empire would be better off with their spending. Otherwise, they first poured millions into the Warsaw UR for 80 years, and three years before the war they disbanded it (leaving only Novogeorgievsk) and began to destroy the defensive structures. And then the order was canceled again - and they began to restore the destroyed.
      2. +9
        1 June 2021 09: 56
        ... in tsarist Russia ...
        in the Donbass 70% of coal production was held by foreigners, --- Belgians, French, .... Foreigners owned half of the oil production in Russia and 3/4 of the trade in oil products. 90% of platinum production is in the hands of foreigners.
        As for gold mining ---- Lena-Goldfields ---- the British company, which then owned about a third of the entire industry in Russia, reacted to the requests of the workers and peaceful demonstrations in the same way as with the natives in the colonies ---- LENSKY SHOT.
        The same company owned 67% of pig iron production in the south of RUSSIA, 58% of mechanical, steel, pipe-rolling plants.
        This has been observed in other industries ...
        Russian liberals were glad that Russia entered the society of civilized countries.
      3. -9
        1 June 2021 10: 32
        The vocational school of the times of the USSR is immediately visible
  5. +12
    1 June 2021 06: 29
    I read the text and thought it was the sexton Prokhanov, but no Samsonov.
    1. -7
      1 June 2021 07: 43
      Quote: ee2100
      I read the text and thought it was the sexton Prokhanov, but no Samsonov.

      Sorokin mentioned Prokhanov in the "Sugar Kremlin", Samsonov is still far from such glory lol
      With screams, howls runs into the tavern Parkhanovna, the famous Moscow hysterical. She is a fat cat, bow-legged, a potato nose, greasy locks over an acne-prone forehead are shaking, an icon with Yura Gagarin shines on her chest, a gilded scoop gleams on her belly behind a sash. Parkhanovna gets up in the middle of the tavern, crosses herself with both hands and shouts that there is urine:
      - The Sixth Empire !! Sixth Empire !!!
      - Go eat! - the handicraft soothes her.
      1. -1
        1 June 2021 12: 38
        Quote: Stirbjorn
        Prokhanov Sorokin mentioned in the "Sugar Kremlin"

        For you Sorokin authority? For me Prokhanov authority. Read less any slag. Better read "The Last Soldier of the Empire"
        1. -4
          1 June 2021 19: 49
          Quote: Pilat2009
          Is Sorokin an authority for you? Prokhanov is an authority for me.

          Neither one nor the other is an authority. Prokhanov is a vivid example of a burnt out passionate. And Sorokin just depicted it wittily.
          In order not to be unfounded, the authority for me, for example, is Maxim Shevchenko.
  6. +8
    1 June 2021 06: 29
    An article cannot be correct if from its first lines it tries to impose erroneous concepts on us, and calls the heroes of that time, which is displayed in the article, by other people's names. After all, this opus begins with the fact that, they say, ... the Russian communists twice deceived evil fate ... the first time after actually perishing, they revived both the Russian civilization and the country by creating the USSR and the second time in the thirties creating an industrial superpower with strong armed forces ... I dare say that all this was done not by the Russian communists, but by the Leninist-Stalinist Bolsheviks. Who with the communists from the Khrushchevs to the Gorbachevs, through the Brezhnev times, times, were not even close in their importance for the revival of Russian civilization and for the creation of the Red Empire of the USSR. Therefore, it was through the efforts of Khrushchev at the XNUMXth Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks that the word BOLSHEVIKS was dropped from the name of the Communist Party. Moreover, immediately after the death of the leader of the Bolsheviks Stalin, under whom these great achievements were made by the country, the times of the Khrushchev communists immediately began, which is the beginning of the collapse of the USSR.
    And to the fact that Stalin cleaned the fifth column both in the ranks of the Bolsheviks and in the ranks of non-party people, to this I will answer that if this had not been done, then there would have been several million more policemen and Vlasovites during the Second World War, and there would have been many and many more Bandera and forest brothers after the Second World War. After all, as bedbugs would drink the blood of the country and before the war and during the Second World War and after the Second World War. However, Stalin could be wrong. Perhaps a little not those, and perhaps not enough, I planted in the camps.
    1. +9
      1 June 2021 08: 04
      Sever 2, you know, even S. Davlatov expressed himself about the Stalinist "purges". Talking about repressions, Davlatov said that we are accustomed to blaming Stalin for everything. However, they cannot say who wrote the 2 million denunciations.
      1. +4
        1 June 2021 08: 51
        Denunciations, and now they write, are also hooking everything else ... Maybe to a lesser extent. Today, there are enough thieves both in the ruling party and in the opposition.
        1. +6
          1 June 2021 10: 24
          Quote: Daniil Konovalenko
          Denunciations, and now they write, are also hooking everything else ... Maybe to a lesser extent. Today, there are enough thieves both in the ruling party and in the opposition.

          hi when I read about theft in RI, it is immediately clear where the example comes from.
          Recall that subways were built in New York, London, Paris and elsewhere in Europe. For example, the Madrid Metro is the only one with 2 circular lines (currently). They also talked about the metro in Moscow. They decided that it was not worth starting, anyway they would not build the metro, and all the money would be stolen.
          Journalist Alexander Arkadyevich Stolypin (brother of the Prime Minister) wrote in the newspaper "Novoye Vremya"
          ......... theft has allies everywhere, has a strong hand in places where thunder is pushed aside ........
  7. +4
    1 June 2021 06: 44
    What have I read now?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +11
      1 June 2021 07: 39
      Quote: kalibr
      What have I read now?

      An article in the "Opinion" section (if, of course, you are now looking at the computer screen, and not at the fence). I'm interested in something else. How does this relate to the picture on the splash screen? What does Defense of Sevastopol have to do with it?
      1. +1
        1 June 2021 07: 59
        And you see at the root. Personally, I immediately have associations: "the state-defense of Sevastopol" The meaning is very simple - they fought, fought to the death, but ultimately returned to the institution of property ")
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +6
            1 June 2021 18: 15
            How much dirt is there in a person to see this on May 9?
            1. -2
              1 June 2021 21: 12
              Quote: Angry Troll
              to see this on May 9?

              and you wipe your eyes and maybe you will see something else. Parades are becoming more ceremonial and the population is getting poorer
              1. +2
                1 June 2021 21: 16
                No, not poorer.
              2. +1
                2 June 2021 06: 44
                No not like this
                Quote: Pilat2009
                Quote: Angry Troll
                to see this on May 9?

                ....... Parades are becoming more ceremonial and the population is getting poorer
                The oligarchs are getting richer, the number of millionaires and billionaires is increasing, and liberalism, artists, pseudo-intelligentsia have been yapping for Victory for a year and their mouths are not stopped, and the Mausoleum is covered with cloth ...
  8. 0
    1 June 2021 06: 46
    It was necessary to "clean up", to destroy most of the revolutionary elite, as completely unfit for creative activity. In building a new civilization, a society of service and knowledge. Not only unsuitable, but also harmful. After all, she did not let new growth upstairs, strangled those who knew how to build and create. These people could be subversive, destroy, speak beautifully, but not create. Among them were people with a bourgeois-kulak psychology, imitators, opportunists, bureaucrats who did not want development, they wanted "stability", a well-fed swamp. Privatization of the people's state property.

    The historical reconstruction by Mr. Samsonov turns out to be funny. "Harmful", "worthless" revolutionaries made the October Revolution. Then the "fiery fighters" turned into bureaucrats with "bourgeois-kulak psychology." Then, magically personally, Stalin replaced them with "creators." laughing
    It remains to read further how the generation of "creators" became "voluntarists" and bureaucrats of the era of the last general secretaries.

    ps The biggest nonsense in the article is about the "Russian" communists who "saved" Russia in 1917. After this "rescue", Russia has not yet recovered. Communist shamans find it difficult to convince even themselves of the dogmas of the "socialist revolution." Socialism itself may have a future. And the theory of surplus value is studied in the universities of the world.
    But the events of 1917 were anti-Russian in nature and they took only an ideological fig leaf from Marx's theory. Everything Russian was destroyed, and all potential (!) Opponents of the revolution were simply destroyed, even without observing the class principle. The reformatting of property took place under the slogan of "socialist revolution". The "red directors" gained control of property and incorporated the USSR into the "international division of labor." In 1991, this fig leaf of "socialism" simply flew off and the national elites finished off Russia.
  9. +1
    1 June 2021 07: 45
    This is a hackneyed topic. He destroyed the red elite, the military leaders of the civil war, the former tsarist military experts, and so on. But what is the experience of those military leaders who ruled the fronts and armies in the Civil War? Obviously, it is not comparable with the education and experience that Germany nurtured in hers by the beginning of WW2. Dashing horse attacks by WW2 no longer had any effect. It was the Germans who implemented the advanced Soviet doctrine in mechanized deep offensive operations.
    The red elite would not play a significant role, if it were not alive, it would only bog down the political situation in the country.
    But this was not a reason, of course, to destroy them physically as a class ...
  10. +1
    1 June 2021 07: 48
    Stalin will come, he will put things in order
  11. +1
    1 June 2021 07: 54
    With the first lines of the author, in terms of achievements, in the economic and political revival of the state, I agree. But at what cost were these successes achieved? I do not want to throw dirt on the communist system from which we all came out, but along with the successes and achievements there were also failures and losses. Without a doubt, we were a Great Power and a heroic people, in our mass. But we would have achieved much more if we did not have so many parasites in the form of "fraternal parties." They even flew into space, the first, but the common people continued to be content with the smallest, on the verge of a little higher, poverty.
  12. +4
    1 June 2021 08: 02
    Russian communists twice deceived the evil fate: 1) the first time, when they literally miraculously saved the victim in 1917-1920. Russian civilization and the state, reviving it in the form of Soviet civilization and the USSR

    Oh well, but I thought it was a sinful thing that Stalin saved the Russian civilization during the years of his reign, again somewhere they lie. In 1917, Trotsky was even more influential than Lenin, but, as is customary with them, he preferred to be a gray cardinal, because behind him was the Western elite, which through him financed the revolution in Russia. What roles Stalin was then I will not even paint here.

    This is rarely remembered, but Joseph Vissarionovich, having conducted a successful and quick Winter Campaign against the Finns of 1939-1940, managed to avoid a war with the collective West

    And where did you get it? He moved the Finns for a completely different reason, and the war with the collective West was already inevitable then, and Stalin knew about it.
    1. +2
      1 June 2021 08: 07
      Trotsky was even more influential than Lenin, but, as is customary with them, he preferred to be a gray cardinal, because behind him was the Western elite, which through him financed the revolution in Russia.

      It was necessary to continue, as in the pseudo-documentary film "Incandescent Chaos" and Trotsky brought with him 200 mafiosi from New York to make a revolution wassat
  13. +5
    1 June 2021 08: 17
    Lovely cheers-delirium. Cheered up Samsonov laughing
  14. +8
    1 June 2021 08: 19
    "Successful and fast war with Finland ????" Well, yes ... that the tasks were completed, yes, but ... not quickly and with great losses .... again another civilizational pearl from Samsonov
  15. +4
    1 June 2021 08: 40
    OU, laughing This I successfully entered. Shabash, Samsonova, in the Opinions section, it's good that it's not in the History section yet. The author's language is wonderful, as if writing about the past, but implies the present. Or pardone, it seems to me.? If the names in the article are changed, then almost ..
  16. The comment was deleted.
  17. +4
    1 June 2021 09: 26
    In 1917 and later there were two powerful wings: the Russian communists (Stalinists), who dreamed of building a "bright future" for the people; internationalists, Trotskyists, who viewed Russia and the Russian people as fuel for the world revolution and the construction of the future "new world order" (again, according to Western patterns).
    Three "powerful wings". As usual with enthusiastic thinkers, a glance into the future ... and underfoot the frogs croak. The most powerful was the wing that did not give a damn about communism, Stalinism, Trotskyism and other isms. They joined the party because the party allowed their dream to come true - a high chair with a Signature. For this Signature, these people received all the benefits of life, with it they entered into alliances with people like them. This "wing" was completely and completely along the leg, what kind of projects were done under their leadership. They used all the available energy, all the resources and opportunities to climb higher and drag others like them.
    And while the communists broke the Trotskyists, and they broke the economy of the USSR in response, the third force, the force of the illiterate, stupid, but infinitely despicable and cunning lust for power overcame the USSR. And she won. Such is the sad story.
  18. 0
    1 June 2021 10: 05
    ... The West immediately rushed to plunder and rape the wreckage of the fallen Russian empire, making fabulous wealth out of our misfortune. - Please give examples. there was a war with Germany, we betrayed the allies by concluding a separate peace with Germany, the Germans and Austrians transferred troops to the Western Front, the Germans went to the Ukraine, the Don, the Caucasus. The Turks went to the Caucasus. What exactly did the Allies loot in Russia? I ask you not to talk about the "plans" for the division of Russia, tk. the Bolsheviks themselves destroyed everything they could with the Brest-Litovsk Peace. Gorbachev and Yeltsin are resting.
    Bolshevism is a globalist project. In fact: Stalin is Trump, Trotsky is Biden. Stalin prepared for a long time to destroy everything that the globalist Lenin, Trotsky and other democrats built. This suggests a parallel with the current ones: Navalny, Gudkov, Khodorkovsky, etc. Both those and those sit in Europe, crap Russia, the main principle - The worse the better. Both Lenin then and the "liberals" now advocate the defeat of Russia in the war, rightly seeing this as a chance to come to power. Internal enemies in the elite, nationalists, oligarchs, "family", etc. they sleep and see how they, having come to power, will begin to master financial flows more correctly. Stalin was able to create a more or less effective personnel management system by regularly changing layers of leadership, sometimes by planting and direct destruction, Putin has not yet decided.
    Foreign policy is aimed both then and now, at dragging out time for re-equipping the army and creating at least some kind of fleet, as well as looking for situational allies - France, England then, and now China. But a fight is inevitable, the United States and the globalists who control them will not accept the loss of dominance. Therefore, the current government does not want it, but in order to survive, it will go over to direct repression. The time has come.
    1. 0
      1 June 2021 13: 39
      I agree with you.
      One should always look at the processes from the position of global politics and not geopolitics.
  19. 0
    1 June 2021 10: 10
    Expected really an analysis of the motives of Stalin's actions. What do we see? "This was done because these wanted, these dreamed, these did not want ...". The level of a kindergarten, that is, universal explanations of any events in world history with stilted postulates. Explaining the repressions by "dreams" or the desire to receive an executive ration in the district committee cafe or the desire to teach a service car and a summer residence is generally nonsense.

    Regular mentions of the "world revolution" testify to the author's acquaintance with the liberal media, but indicate ignorance of the primary sources. Back in 1915, Lenin wrote the work "On the Slogan of the United States of Europe" where he declared the possibility of building a social state, which would have to oppose a united Europe. The course towards building such a state was taken immediately from the moment of its foundation. "The revolutionary dreamy elite" is a fake born of Soviet films; "they wanted and dreamed" .......

    New history teaches us differently; "reforms in the USSR" were made not because someone "dreamed" of something, but for the sake of unprecedented personal enrichment and an adventurous attempt to enter the club of the Western elites. In the 30s, it was not possible to overthrow the state - the corporation did not work, they did it in the 80s and 90s.
    A new class of exploiters matured for a long time in our society, and when it matured, it took power, that's all.
    1. 0
      3 June 2021 08: 46
      I read the last paragraph. But one can come to the conclusion that Trotsky, criticizing the degeneration of socialism in the Stalinist USSR, was in some ways right and in part turned out to be a visionary.
  20. +7
    1 June 2021 10: 29
    The secret of 1937. Why Stalin destroyed the revolutionary elite

    The secret is long gone. The cleaning of the party was beating and it was not the revolutionary elita that was removed, but the counterrevolutionary conspirators.
  21. +4
    1 June 2021 10: 34
    The RKPb, then the VKPb, was not really such a cohesive and united party as they are now trying to provide. There were various trends, blocs and groups that constantly arose among prominent revolutionaries. Moreover, they came to the ranks of the VKPB from various parties, for example the Mensheviks and even anarchists. Trotsky and the Bundists, Georgian and Latvian Social Democrats, etc. All of them were not foolish kids who could be imposed on something, but mature people, with their well-established views, with their own perception of current events, and of course, there was a selfish interest, to take a place of bread in troubled times and live happily ever after this, there is nothing, not to be held responsible. So it was and so it will be. They brought great harm, and in difficult times for the country, they could easily betray, and go over to the enemies of Soviet power, as happened in 91. I.V. Stalin, perfectly understood this, and knew the true value of his so-called "comrades-in-arms in the party"
    [/ quote] Then, you cannot put questions of personal friendship on the same level with questions of politics, because, as they say, friendship is friendship, and service is service. We all serve the working class, and if the interests of personal friendship are at odds with the interests of the revolution, then personal friendship should be relegated to the background. Otherwise, we cannot pose the question like the Bolsheviks.

    Nor will I touch upon those allusions and hidden accusations of a personal nature with which the speeches of the comrades from the Bukharin opposition were interspersed. These comrades apparently want to cover up the political basis of our disagreements with hints and equivocations. They want to replace politics with politicking. Tomsky's speech is especially characteristic in this respect. His speech was typical of a trade union politician trying to replace politics with politicking. But this trick will not work for them. [Quote]
    This is what Comrade Stalin had in mind. On the eve of the war, when all forces and means are aimed at strengthening the country's defense capability, a leader who respects his country and himself will not allow anyone to put a spoke in the wheel. Whether someone likes it or not, one must call things by their proper names - sabotage at such a time was punished severely. Those who had crept into the party and the organs of Soviet power had to be cleaned out. Yes, in 37 there were excesses, abuse of power, there were such cases. The human factor, from him nowhere, here and envy, settling scores, personal grievances, everything can be tailored to this case. But there was socialist legality, and for unjustified repression, they asked strictly ... At the very first meeting of the Central Committee of the BSSR P. Ponomarenko said:

    "We will no longer allow socialist legality to be violated. All responsible NKVD officials who took part in perversions and torture will be expelled from the authorities in disgrace and will be punished ... And everyone understood that these were not empty words, and actions would follow.
  22. BAI
    1 June 2021 10: 41
    The old world, feeling an unprecedented threat to itself, tried with all its might to destroy Soviet Hyperborea, fabulous city of Kitezh.

    Am I missing something? When did the Soviet Union hide from enemies at the bottom of the lake? Or is it just another paranoid delusion of the author, who would just insert a beautiful word into an article without thinking about the meaning? Where does this comparison come from?
    1. 0
      1 June 2021 11: 06
      Where does this comparison come from?
      out of my head due to the lack of a galloper
  23. +2
    1 June 2021 11: 46
    Stalin perfectly understood all the weaknesses of Russia and to the last tried to avoid being drawn into a new world war. It did not want to repeat the mistakes of the Russian tsarswho played other people's games
    Thanks to those "mistakes" Russia suffered 10% of the world losses in WWI, but thanks to the "error" in the calculations of 1939-40, it suffered more than 50% of the world losses in WWII (all without China).

    Stalin had counted on in 1939 that between Germany and France there would be protracted war.

    Stalin spoke about this in early September 1939 in a conversation with Georgy Dimitrov: “Let them fight hard in the West "And we, they say, will help one or the other.

    His calculations were based on the experience of the First World War, Stalin hoped that the Germans and French would sit in the trenches and beat / grind each other, and he would solve his problems. It did not occur to me that this was possible only with the presence of the Eastern Front ...

    And, of course, everything went completely differently: France was defeated in a short time and the USSR turned out to be unprepared, one on one with all of Europe (as opposed to the "mistake" of the Russian leadership). As some participants in those events recall, Stalin, upon learning of the surrender of France, exclaimed: “What should we do now? This was not part of my calculations. "

    It was a gross strategic miscalculation: after all, all that was necessary was learn the background, lessons and experience of WWI

    Therefore, Stalin carried out a "cleansing" of the party-state and military nobility. Internationalists, Trotskyists, the former "Leninist Guard", the rotten top of the armed forces and special services were destroyed. Did not give internal "rats" topple Soviet power

    Duc, and who is not a rat? recourse

    The first General Commissar of State Security of the USSR, People's Commissar of the NKVD Comrade Yagoda, who destroyed the traitors Kamenev and Zinoviev and who opened the Gulag and filled it with traitors, turned out to be .... a traitor.

    General Commissar of State Security of the USSR, People's Commissar of the NKVD of the USSR Comrade Yezhov, who shot from 08.1937 to 08.1938. 680 thousand traitors, turned out to be ... a traitor, an alcoholic and a homosexual (he himself confessed).

    The entire first composition of the Leninist Politburo and the Council of People's Commissars, 75% of the Central Committee of 1934, the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, hundreds of people's commissars and deputies, and so on, turned out to be rats.

    Molotov, Voroshilov, Malenkov and others 1400 deputies - the best members of the party at the 20th congress unanimously also fiercely condemned the cult of personality ...

    In addition, many rats were rehabilitated as non-rats, later recognized as rats ...

    And who was left of the non-rats?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      1 June 2021 14: 40
      Quote: Olgovich

      It was a gross strategic miscalculation: after all, all you had to do was learn the background, lessons and experience of WWI

      It is a miscalculation that the three main powers of Europe (two world powers) Britain and France will merge so quickly. And this is nonsense? If so, then concluding agreements with them, without firm commitments on their part, is even more stupid.
      1. -1
        2 June 2021 07: 27
        Quote: chenia
        It is a miscalculation that the three main powers of Europe (two world powers) Britain and France will merge so quickly. And this is nonsense?

        Of course, stupidity.

        Or do you consider it a success to receive the worst blow by oneself?
        1. -2
          2 June 2021 10: 12
          Quote: Olgovich
          Of course, stupidity.

          Rather, a mistake, of which many were made during the construction of the only country in the world, with a completely new social system. These mistakes were largely logical, both due to political delusions and as a result of competent sabotage, sabotage and sabotage, from a hostile environment.

          Stupidity was the TASS statement of June 14, 1941, about the falsity of rumors in the German attack. This only harmed, misled its own people, without affecting Hitler's blow in any way.

          It was stupidity to reform the army before the war, mixing everything together, essentially breaking down the "old house" without building a new one.

          It was stupidity to advance to new frontiers of the border, piling up equipment there, in particular aviation. The aviation commander of the Western Military District, Ivan Ivanovich Kopets, shot himself on the first day of the war, when he learned that in fact our air forces were destroyed by the first strike, and mostly right at the airfields.

          The main mistake was not to understand with whose money and why Hitler was brought to power. Why the main guarantors of compliance with the restrictions of Versailles turned a blind eye to all violations, without sanctions, blockades or even intervention. Moreover, they allowed Hitler to swallow Austria, and by the Munich Agreement they gave up Czechoslovakia. "Strange war" and the subsequent fall of France, all from one "opera" the creation of an anti-USSR from the previously defeated Germany, with the necessary economic and military potential, for which France was also sacrificed.

          It was a mistake to hope to see in the German workers' National Socialist Party, a closer structure than the bourgeois parties of "hat Europe". Our cooperation with the Germans turned out sideways here, no matter how you justify the "cunning move" and the forced measures.

          The help of the Anglo-Saxons further, Harry Truman here explained everything very eloquently, whether he wanted it or not, with the words "let them kill each other, as much as possible."
          Colossal money was made in the war, a new world influence was created under the dollar, with the only leader and master of world capitalism.

          The Soviet Union fell, not to a small extent because it began flirting with the antagonist, a mortal enemy, new illusions appeared, this time for peaceful coexistence with the West. In addition, the desire to build communism by an extensive method, by increasing the members of the CPSU, filled the party with careerists and opportunists who perverted the idea and discredited socialism, giving rise to the consumer fetish of the West. This is how the party nomenclature with special rations and "telephone law" emerged, from which many of today's renegade traitors emerged.
          1. +1
            2 June 2021 11: 04
            "Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have ..."
            Quote: Per se.
            Stupidity was the TASS statement of June 14, 1941

            Absolutely not. Germany was silent “like a fish on ice” despite inquiries through the channels of the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs. ”Silence on the TASS statement of 14.06.41/XNUMX/XNUMX finally confirmed the conclusion about the inevitability of war.
            Starting from 18.06.41/XNUMX/XNUMX, all border districts received an order to bring the troops to full combat readiness, with the renaming of these into fronts, and the transfer of command posts from the places of the PD to the field.
            Quote: Per se.
            It was foolishness to reform the army

            The 1939 Red Army showed its insolvency not only in the war with the Finns, but even in the famous Polish campaign.
            The massive rearmament with new equipment, with the massive filling of units with personnel, the deployment of new-type divisions, the reorganization of rifle and cavalry into mechanization and tank, simply required reforming on the eve of the impending war.
            Quote: Per se.
            It was stupidity to move to new frontiers of the border, piling up equipment there, in particular aviation

            All activities were carried out in accordance with the plans to cover the border. Kopets shot himself because he realized that he had essentially "framed" the aviation of the Western Front by throwing them into the "management pit" in the first hours of the war. He gave up, in a word, having withdrawn from the command. And so I would have replenished the number delivered to the wall in October 41st.
            Quote: Per se.
            Our cooperation with the Germans turned out sideways here, no matter how you justify the "cunning move" and forced measures

            Which side?
            Uborevichi and Yakirs conducted ostentatious exercises for representatives of possible allies in the anti-Hitler coalition of European countries. And it was not the top political leadership of the country that was to blame for the fact that the painters went to study in Germany to amuse their ego, to please Hindenburg with their "knowledge".
            The events of the Civil War "carried" the foam of poorly educated paints to the upper echelons of power. Tukhachevsky alone was that squabbler.
            We did not have Gindeburgs. They had nowhere to come from even during the Great Patriotic War. And those that were, judging by the processes of 1937-1938, did not seem to be going to fight ...
            1. -1
              2 June 2021 11: 16
              That is, everything was correct, but the pogrom happened. It doesn't work that way. "Wonderful discoveries" will be mutual and endless. Therefore, there are different opinions, and hardly anyone here has a monopoly on the truth. Thank you for your attention, I expressed only my personal opinion.
              1. +1
                2 June 2021 11: 24
                Yes, there was no pogrom, as such ...
                The underdeveloped Red Army was retreating, losing equipment and people.
                These are lovers of "liberal views" pulling pictures from the movie "The Living and the Dead", listing the pace of the Wehrmacht's advance in the first weeks of the war.
                1. -1
                  2 June 2021 12: 03
                  Quote: stalkerwalker
                  These are lovers of "liberal views" pulling pictures from the movie "The Living and the Dead"
                  There were no losses, as such? Approximately, already in the first month of the war, irrecoverable losses amounted to 1 million people, of which 700 thousand were prisoners, about 800 combat aircraft were destroyed on the ground at once, in the first strike.

                  In September, 650 thousand people were captured in the Left-Bank Ukraine. Later, in the battles near Bryansk and Vyazma, another 600 thousand people.From June to December 1941, the Red Army and the Navy lost 3 million 138 thousand people killed, died of wounds, taken prisoner and missing, wounded, shell-shocked, sick - 1 million 336 thousand people; lost more than 6 million small arms, 20 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 100 thousand guns and mortars, 10 thousand aircraft. The territory of the USSR occupied by the Wehrmacht exceeded 1,5 million square meters. km, which is three times the territory of France.

                  What is there to argue about, just Ilyich ... England would have been on the brink of disaster if their expeditionary corps had not been carried away from near Dunkirk, and France simply surrendered, with less losses than ours.

                  The problem is that speaking of the same rearmament, the need for which I have not disputed, you accept as the only possible what happened historically. But, for example, one could start not to spray a new technique, but immediately create new compounds from it. It was also possible to strengthen existing divisions with old equipment, which would have consisted of new mechanized corps.

                  The fact that the Red Army "showed its insolvency not only in the war with the Finns, but even in the famous Polish campaign" speaks not of technology, but of management and communications, in general, competent command. The Germans had no better tanks at all, and most importantly, there were fewer of them, and they had to advance. But, we were outplayed in the command, in the organization, in the excellent interaction of the German troops.

                  And you don't need to convince me that the so-called "Stalin's Line" was worse for meeting the Germans than the completely unfavorable territory of the new border, and Kopets is not extreme here. The Germans methodically made reconnaissance flights, but it was forbidden to shoot them down. Nobody thought of making false targets en masse, disperse, cover the aviation, no one would have allowed Kopets, accusing him of all grave problems, especially after the TASS statement about the impossibility of war and an order not to succumb to provocations.

                  What prevented us from being on the safe side, from being ready for any attack on the “sweet” explanation by the Germans about the “withdrawal to rest” of their divisions to our border?

                  We can, simply Ilyich, argue for a long time, history cannot be reversed, but we must draw the right conclusions for the future so that the new 41 year does not repeat itself with our lovers of "cunning plans." Here, in any case, one must play it safe, be always ready for any meanness of the "partners".
                  1. +2
                    2 June 2021 12: 28
                    Quote: Per se.
                    The trick is not extreme here. The Germans methodically made reconnaissance flights, but it was forbidden to shoot them down. No one thought of massively making false targets, disperse, cover the aviation, no one would have allowed Kopets

                    Did he try? Or was Kopec a wedding general? Or was there no order on the preparation of alternate airfields for a possible dispersal of aviation on 18.06.41?
                    According to the testimony of many aviation pilots based at the airfields of Belarus, there were strange phenomena on the eve of the war - either the ground personnel were suddenly reduced in maintenance, leaving a mechanic for 1 aircraft, then in order they were forced to remove guns and machine guns from combat aircraft. ...
                    But this is so, little things that do not fit into the canvas of the preparation of the entrusted materiel for the expected start of hostilities.
                    Here you need to decide - or sing "ode and glory" to the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Kuznetsov, who brought all the forces of the Baltic and Black Sea fleets to readiness # 1, according to the order of the General Staff on the night of June 21-22, or admit that the command of the Western Front, simply scored on all the cipher telegrams from the General Staff, starting from June 18, the transition, in fact, to military service.
                    The guilt of Pavlova and Co. was proved, a trial took place, which sentenced to execution 25 people in October 41 in the city of Kuibyshev.
                    Oddly enough, this did not happen with the command of the PribVO, CoVO, OdVO.
  24. AAK
    1 June 2021 15: 04
    Wow !!! I have probably never read such terry ..., well, let's say, mental sophistication ... There are still titans of thought, the Russian land has not become scarce ... Here, in order to comment with arguments, you need to write a book. But there are still a couple of pearls, first - this is the "fast and victorious" Soviet-Finnish ...
    Well, the cherry on the cake is a victory in 1941 of the Bundes' "industrialists" over the Soviet "agrarians" .... dear author, and what, by 1945 in our structure of the Red Army, industrial proletarians made up 95 percent, and in the Wehrmacht, replenishment from some Bauers began to call?
  25. -1
    1 June 2021 15: 18
    "In particular, Russia of Nicholas II got involved in the First World War, which was alien and unnecessary to the Russian people, which ended in a terrible geopolitical, civilizational catastrophe of 1917."

    The feeling that the communists did not cheat twice ... but three times (try).
    Did I understand correctly that Russia did not need PMA? Those. is the support of a historical ally and balance in the Balkans not beneficial and unnecessary? We do not care about the status of the Black Sea straits, are they not important for Russia? We are not worried about the possible efforts of Germany and Austria (in which the Russians are sent to the first concentration camps?) I don’t understand honestly. Is the idea of ​​"Pan-Slavism" foreign to Russians? Why suddenly?
    No, of course you are right to the people war is not needed. To the people we need peace and prosperity. Is it better not to enter the war fulfilling allied obligations, is it better to wait until you are left alone against all? (cm 41 years old)
    "The USSR, unlike the Russian Empire, already had a quantitative superiority over Germany in the number of aircraft, tanks and guns" - forgive me for what I read here? I would like statistics. By guns. And to compare the planes and tanks .. yes the level.
    "It was the agrarian, peasant past that became one of the reasons for the catastrophes of 1941. Moreover, this peasant beginning extended to the command staff, who made a lot of mistakes in the war." Do you know what the "Prussian path of development of capitalism in cx" is? Or do you deny the Prussian past for Germany? And what about the "military experts" are they all former agrarians from the plow?
    1. +1
      1 June 2021 16: 20
      Quote: Sunstorm
      "The USSR, in contrast to the Russian Empire, already had a quantitative superiority over Germany in the number of aircraft, tanks and guns" - forgive me for what I read here? I would like statistics. By guns. And to compare by planes and tanks ... this is the level

      The fact that the USSR allegedly had a quantitative superiority in technology at the beginning of the war is certainly doubtful. And what does Germany have to do with it? The USSR fought in fact with the entire modern European Union. It was not in vain that after the war W. Churchill said: "The greatest miracle of World War II is that France, which worked for Hitler throughout the war, was among the victorious countries."
      It seems that the situation at the beginning of the war was reminiscent of 1812 ... Napoleon therefore reached Moscow because he initially had superiority in cannons

      And what about the weapons there are no statistics? Which country? In the USSR, there is. If it suddenly did not appear in Germany, I think this is an argument not in favor of Germany. Because "hiding the ends in the water" usually does not come from great success. Hardly planning a "lightning war", the Germans expected that they would have to import strategic raw materials by sea for years and pay for an armor plate produced in Norway or Sweden.
      1. +1
        1 June 2021 19: 17
        Quote: ort
        The fact that the USSR allegedly had a quantitative superiority in technology at the beginning of the war is certainly doubtful.

        Claims are not for me. To the author of the article who compares the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR with Germany in WWI and WWII
      2. 0
        2 June 2021 09: 12
        Quote: ort

        The fact that the USSR allegedly had a quantitative superiority in technology at the beginning of the war is certainly doubtful.

        The figures have long been known and are no longer disputed by ANYONE: only in tanks the USSR surpassed Germany FOUR times!

        There are 2,2 times more aircraft and 1,4 times more guns.

        Germany only had more ... cannon fodder-https: //
        1. +1
          2 June 2021 14: 31

          [quote = Olgovich] [quote = Olgovich] in the tanks of the USSR surpassed Germany FOUR times! [/ quote]

          The USSR made during the war 4 times as many heavy tanks and twice as many aircraft as Germany. In addition, in the USSR the draft age for the front is in action. army. remained in 1945 the same as it was in 1941. In contrast to Germany, in which the draft age already in 1943 dropped from 20 to 17 years. But as for the situation at the beginning of the war, Germany used all the arsenals of France, Czechoslovakia, etc. countries, and how THIS was taken into account in statistics is not an easy question.
          1. -1
            2 June 2021 14: 38
            Quote: ort
            But as for the situation at the beginning of the war, Germany used all the arsenals of France, Czechoslovakia, etc. countries, and how IT was taken into account in statistics is not an easy question.

            why so?

            Tanks, their own and Czech, French-minuscule in dozens.
            Oo guns and mortars - the same, planes - their own, mizr frenchsikh.

            There were a lot of vehicles of the fronts, yes, there were a lot.

            But the numbers of the balance of forces for June 22 (see above) do not change from this ...
            1. 0
              2 June 2021 18: 43
              Quote: Olgovich
              Tanks, their own and Czech, French-minuscule in dozens.

              The military industry of Czechoslovakia and France is far from minuscule.
    2. 0
      2 June 2021 14: 50
      Quote: Sunstorm
      Is it better not to enter the war fulfilling allied obligations, is it better to wait until you are left alone against all? (cm 41 years old)

      It is even better not to waste time, but to develop industry and organize your economy so that market prices for government purchases during the war do not stifle your own country, as happened with Germany.
      But - to conclude alliances with such "sworn friends" and predators as France or Britain - this is a forced step, generated by the technical backwardness of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
      Aleksandr 3rd, although he said that "Russia has no allies except the army, etc. ...", he himself entered into an alliance with France ..... The country that began production of its own ball bearings only in 1916, did not could produce its own motors, could not even master the production of a domestic army pistol, and produced under license "revolvers" ..... in which more than 80% of the population were peasants, could not demonstrate their power on the battlefield for a long time.
      And as for the stupidest show off about the "allied obligations" to the Entente, it would be better to keep quiet, because this strange "alliance" ended with the collapse of Ingushetia and the military intervention of the Entente against Russia. We played out the "allied commitments" until the allies came and started killing ..!
  26. -3
    1 June 2021 19: 20
    Another great article from the brilliant Samsonov. I am proud to live in the days of such titans. Samsonov, Damantsev, Skomorokhov. These names will never die. And people will say "I lived in the era of Samsonov, I lived in the time of Damantsev, it was under Skomorokhov."
  27. -1
    1 June 2021 23: 37
    Some Stalin did not do it for 37 years.
    And here in the article I did. With the best intentions, he eliminated 1/200 of the country's population and planted a real bomb under history.

    In general, horses-people are mixed in a bunch. that is, true and far-fetched ...
    1. -3
      2 June 2021 07: 09
      Quote: Max1995
      With the best intentions, he eliminated 1/200 of the country's population and planted a real bomb under history.

      Article title; "Why ...?" - no answer .. Kindergarten level of analysis; "he wanted it and he had good intentions."

      At the adult level, something else is clear -
      1. Now, under this very History, a whole warehouse of bombs has already been planted, and the population decline has been going on for 30 years in a row. And then nothing, everyone votes "FOR" ..... "and for whom else? ..."
      2. Stalin from 1923 to 1941 did not hold any positions in the government. He was in an elected office. He did not inherit power. He was not appointed by the Sovereign-Emperor. He was elected by meetings and conventions. In any other country, Stalin would be called a democrat.
      3. Every country has laws. Their violation is a crime for which they can be shot. And if there is a mass of officials who break the law, they are criminals themselves. BUT this is not a problem of Stalin, but of society. The main and ancient tradition of which is ILLEGAL. In such a "land of slaves, a land of masters," even a democrat becomes a king and a tyrant.
  28. +1
    2 June 2021 03: 38
    Left article, hurray - patriotism, ichic leaven. Materials of this quality are usually published by Baptists and the Sokhnut. Even in Soviet times, the Lecturers of the Knowledge Society provided much deeper and more objective information. Fierce Countomaniac, and stunning ignorance, the author is hopeless.
  29. -2
    2 June 2021 10: 17
    Thanks to those "mistakes" Russia suffered 10% of the world losses in WWI, but thanks to the "error" in the calculations of 1939-40, it suffered more than 50% of the world losses in WWII (all without China).

    1. Consider losses a very unenviable affair. If the demographic losses are from China, the British Empire, Ethiopia and so on in WWII, the supermortality rate is more than 100 million, and maybe more than 150 million.
    The demographic losses of the USSR in WWII are estimated by various estimates from 11 to 27 million or more. So the losses of the USSR can hit from a few percent to 20% of the world.
    No one assessed the demographic losses of Russia in WWII either, but a military defeat and, as a result, a civil war, and losses no less and can beat more from the world than the losses of the USSR in WWII.
    2. Another thing is the loss of war, which is due to the mistakes of the leadership. The military irrecoverable losses of Russia only against Germany in WWII are more than 10: 1, and the USSR against Germany in WWII is less than 2: 1 if they do not count the surrender of the Wehrmacht, and if the surrender is considered less than 1: 1.
    2. But the main thing is not to count the losses, but to assess the behavior of the people. If, as you claim, the losses in WWII hit much less, then this means that the people did not want to defend and sacrifice themselves for the tsar and the fatherland, but in WWII they, on the contrary, are ready to beat the Bolsheviks and the Soviet government at the cost of their lives.
    1. +1
      2 June 2021 12: 31
      Quote: Kostadinov
      1. Consider losses very unenviable a business. If the demographic losses are from China, the British Empire, Ethiopia, and so on in WWII supermortality over 100 million, and can beat more than 150 million

      and why you are you doing "unenviable" business?

      China fought with the Japanese since 1933, plus a terrible civil war, it is incorrect to record its losses in WWII.

      wow, spread -100-150 million
      Quote: Kostadinov
      The demographic losses of the USSR in WWII are estimated by various estimates from 11 to 27 million or more. So the losses of the USSR can hit from a few percent to 20% of the world.

      up to 42 million, according to data announced at the State Duma Meeting in 2017

      More than 50% of world losses-USSR
      Quote: Kostadinov
      No one assessed the demographic losses of Russia in WWII either, but a military defeat and, as a result, a civil war, and losses no less and can beat more from the world than the losses of the USSR in WWII.

      complete nonsense, the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR counted everything - 855 thousand killed, 2 million 800 thousand wounded, there was no defeat (find out that the Entente, and Russia part of it, won the PMA), Bulgaria lost it.

      Many considered the loss of PMA, but you are the first who blurted out that the losses are not less and maybe ... more from the world than losses of the USSR in WWII

      GW is a completely different story
      Quote: Kostadinov
      Another thing is the loss of war, which is due to the mistakes of the leadership. The military irrecoverable losses of Russia only against Germany in WWII are more than 10: 1, and the USSR against Germany in WWII is less than 2: 1

      military without a loss of Russia against the triple alliance in WWI 1:2, USSR against Axis countries 2,4:1
      Quote: Kostadinov
      But the main thing is not to count the losses, but to assess the behavior of the people. If, as you say, losses in WWI hit much less, which means that the people did not want to be defended and sacrifice themselves for the tsar and the fatherland, and in WWII, on the contrary, he was ready to beat the Bolsheviks and the Soviet government at the cost of their lives.

      so bright delirium, perhaps, have not yet met: i.e. the more you put, the more ... patriotic?

      Just think about the fact that who prepares for war BETTER (including diplomatically) and thinks that he suffers LESS losses.
  30. 0
    2 June 2021 11: 56
    There is too little factual material for an analytical article, everything is built on emotions. And a bunch of contradictions (for example, universal literacy and illiterate (and unlearned, it seems, because everyone was taught how to handle military equipment, at least in peacetime) the peasant army).
    Yes, Stalin's role in building the USSR is great, but it is still belittled by interested persons, but why so many emotions instead of convincing factual material?
    Emotions do not convince, they, at most, only evoke response emotions.
  31. 0
    2 June 2021 12: 40
    Quote: Max1995
    With the best intentions, he eliminated 1/200 of the country's population and planted a real bomb under history.

    what is so little? here they wrote that 1/2
  32. -1
    2 June 2021 16: 00
    and why are you doing "unenviable" business?

    Because I read such absurdity whenever I have to.
    China fought with the Japanese since 1933, plus a terrible civil war, it is incorrect to record its losses in WWII.

    No supermortality of the population only in the period 1939-45 in China, the British Empire (including in Great Britain itself), Ethiopia and the rest of Africa, Asia and most European countries, incl. Germany, Italy, Hungary, nobody ever counted. Only for the USSR was calculated not only the direct military losses, but also the super-mortality of the population. With this, the range is from 11 million to .... whether 27, or 42? million.
    wow, spread -100-150 million

    This is only a partial estimate. Probably a lot more.
    complete nonsense, the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR counted everything - 855 thousand killed, 2 million 800 thousand wounded, there was no defeat (find out that the Entente, and Russia part of it, won the PMA), Bulgaria lost it.

    This is just a direct military loss of Russia, although it is incomplete. There are no missing. And no one considered the supermortality of the population of the empire.
    In March 1918, WWI was still in full force, and the Brest-Litovsk Treaty was hitting - practically the surrender of the Russian army. The Entente did not count Russia among the winners at the peace conference.
    Many considered the loss of WWII, but you are the first who blurted out that the losses are not less, but maybe .... more from the world than the losses of the USSR in WWII

    Nobody counted the demographic losses of Russia in WWI, including the supermortality rate of the empire's population. There is a tendency to blame everything on the civil war, but it is the result of WWI.
    military without a loss of Russia against the triple alliance in WWI 1: 2, the USSR against the Axis countries 2,4: 1

    Military bezv. Russia's losses only against Germany in WWI 14: 1, but also against all central forces and without Brest-Litovsk more than 2: 1 and not vice versa.
    The USSR against all Axis countries in WWII is much less than 1: 1. Just count the surrender of Germany, Romunia, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Croatia and Slovakia - this alone already gives several million irrecoverable military losses.
    such a bright delirium, perhaps, have never met: i.e. the more they put, the more ... patriotic?
    Just think about the fact that who prepares for war BETTER (including diplomatically) and thinks that he suffers LESS losses.

    Finally I understood - thank you vyi opened my eyes. I already know that Czechoslovakia prepared better for the war. France, Denmark, Norway and Belgium prepared somewhat worse. Of the Axis countries, Bulgaria fought the best.
  33. 0
    2 June 2021 16: 08
    The author is clearly at odds with the story. Everywhere enemies in the First World War are France and England, but not the Russian patriots who demanded to defend Serbia. About below, and Hitler was brought to power, but they are silent about what he did until the mid-forties of the Communist International. Stalin was afraid of the old party guard because he came to power on the basis of mistakes and blunders in the work of his opponents, the same fate could befall him, because he also made mistakes. something is not harsh, but after the Finnish campaign it became clear that the Red Army is weak. Now they will fly minus for seditious thought, and until June 22, 41, they drove echelons with strategic raw materials to Germany, this is not help, when England and the dominions really fought with the Nazis, but they do not like to remember about Japan's oil concessions on Sakhalin until the age of 45. about history, one must proceed from the realities of that time and not attract the present day.
  34. +1
    2 June 2021 16: 49
    The "punishing right hand" of the NKVD was commanded by a vicious hedgehog. And it was Stalin who put him in this position. His predecessor Yagoda was NOT better. Both the vertical and the entire repressive apparatus, they staffed with the same personnel - "Without moral edges." So it was not necessary to expect that "the grains will be separated from the chaff". It was a merciless skating rink, rolling everyone, good and bad, into the asphalt.

    Alas, there were no people at the top of the moral qualities of Frunze and Dzerzhinsky. They left early.
  35. +1
    3 June 2021 09: 58
    About below, and Hitler was brought to power, but they are silent about what the Communist International did until the mid-forties.

    1. The Comintern and the DKP openly called on the Social Democrats, Christian Democrats and all other democrats in power in Germany to create an Anti-Nazi Front and disarm the Nazi Shurmov detachments.
    2. Rearmament of Germany, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, "merit" by 100 percent of France and England.
    Quote: Shiden
    until June 22, 41, they drove echelons with strategic raw materials to Germany, this is not help, when England and the dominions really fought with the Nazis, but they do not like to remember about Japan's oil concessions on Sakhalin until 45

    1. And Germany until June 22, 41 drove trains with equipment for the military industry and weapons in the USSR.
    2. Half of Sakhalin was taken away by Japan in 1905, and until 1925 Japan occupied the whole of Sakhalin.
  36. 0
    3 June 2021 14: 59
    Failed to "elite" to betray in the 41st revenge was taken in the 91st.
  37. IC
    10 June 2021 21: 27
    Such nonsense, even the court party historians could not compose.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

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