King Cyrus: ruler, truly great


Tomb of Cyrus at Pasargadae

“In the first year of Cyrus, king of Persia, in fulfillment of the word of the Lord from the mouth of Jeremiah, the Lord aroused the spirit of Cyrus, king of Persia, and he commanded to declare throughout his kingdom, verbally and in writing:
so says Cyrus, king of Persia: all the kingdoms of the earth have been given to me by the Lord God of heaven, and He has commanded me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judea.
Whoever is of you, of all His people - may his God be with him, - and let him go to Jerusalem, which is in Judea, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel, the same God who is in Jerusalem ... "
(First Book of Ezra 1-3)

Great rulers. Today our next "great" is the Persian ruler Cyrus. Moreover, in comparison with the same Ramses, he has much more reason to be called such. He, in fact, only fought and built, had many children. Under him, Egyptian cultural expansion into neighboring countries began ... more and nothing of particular significance. True, we know Cyrus's biography mainly from “Stories"Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian Ctesias wrote about him, in the XNUMXth century BC. e. who lived at the court of the Persian rulers, and that's, in general, everything. Although, he is repeatedly mentioned in the Old Testament, for which, however, there are also important reasons. But if about Pharaoh Ramses where it is not written, there are very few original written sources telling about the life of Cyrus. There is, however, a massive ceramic cylinder on which Cyrus's ancestors, his victories and merciful deeds are listed, and several Babylonian documents. Nevertheless, even this very scant information allows us to believe that Cyrus II received his nickname “great” for a reason.

King Cyrus: ruler, truly great
It always attracts many tourists, both foreigners and locals.

It is known that Cyrus was the son of Cambyses I of the Achaemenid dynasty, descended from the leaders of the Persian tribe of Pasargada, the rulers of the city of Anshan. In any case, Cyrus himself called his ancestors "the kings of Anshan", and even emphasized this three times:

"I am Cyrus ... the son of Kambis, the great king, the king of the city of Anshan, the grandson of Cyrus, the great king, the king of the city of Anshan, a descendant of Teisp, the great king, the king of the city of Anshan."

Obviously, this title, for some reason, added significance to it.

Cyrus's childhood is a solid legend, quite worthy to be used for a historical film, although even the exact date of his birth is not known. Well, if not exactly, then between 600 and 590 BC. e. he was most likely born. And then it happened that the king of Media, Astyages, was predicted that his daughter would give birth to a son who would become a powerful ruler, but most importantly, would deprive him of the throne.

Then Astyages decided to marry her to a Persian, and not to a Median, but he thought that he had nothing to fear if she gave birth to a daughter, and when she gave birth to a son, he invited her to him. And then he ordered his nobleman Garpagu to carry the child to the mountains and throw it to be devoured by predatory animals. It has been said, however, if you want to be sure of everything to the end - do it yourself. I could have taken him by the leg and head on the corner - no one would have said a word to the king. But, apparently, he could not. But Garpagus also lost heart, gave the child to the shepherd-slave Astyages and entrusted this unpleasant matter to him. And he again did not rush with all his might to fulfill the command of his master, but carried him home, where just at that very time his wife had a ... dead child. They saw in this the finger of fate: they dressed the dead child in the clothes of the grandson of Astyages and carried them to the mountains, and wrapped the royal offspring in beggarly rags. Moreover, Harpagus did not believe the slave at his word, but sent the faithful people to check his words, and if there was something left, then bury it, which was done. So the childhood of the future ruler of Asia passed among the slaves of King Astyages. And then everything happened as it should have happened sooner or later.

At the age of ten, while playing with the children, young Cyrus was elected king. And then the times were simple and the children of nobles played with the children of the king's slaves. And the son of a noble Median who participated in the game did not obey him. And Cyrus, without thinking twice, beat him. Like, the king must be listened to! The boy complained to his father, and he went to complain to Astyages. He ordered Cyrus to be brought to him, looked at him and immediately realized that before him was his grandson, there was such a great family resemblance in him. Naturally, under the threat of torture, the shepherd revealed everything, and so Astyages learned the truth. And he didn’t think of anything better how to punish Garpag by treating his own son with meat, who was Cyrus’s peer and whom he had “graciously” invited to come to the palace “to play with the prince”. Needless to say, after that, in the person of Harpagus, Astyages acquired a fierce enemy, harbored a mortal grudge against the tsar. And then he again turned to the magicians: is he still in danger from Cyrus. And they either again felt sorry for the boy, or really thought so, but answered that since Cyrus had already been elected king while playing with the children, the danger for him, Astyages, no longer exists. After that, he calmed down and sent his grandson to Persia to his real parents.

But this is how the artist saw her in 1865.

However, there is also such a version that Cyrus is the son of a robber, but then he rose, being in the service of Astyages. However, the names of Astyages, Garpagus and Cyrus appear in all versions of his origin. So, apparently, some real events were closely connected with them, which later turned into legendary ones.

In general, one way or another, but Cyrus became the leader of the Persian tribes, began to fight and seize neighboring lands. Moreover, Xenophon, the Greek historian of the XNUMXth - first half of the XNUMXth centuries. BC e., in his work "Cyropaedia" reported that Cyrus was friends with the Armenian prince Tigran, and subsequently he, together with his troops, actively participated in Cyrus's campaigns.

And Harpagus, fed with the meat of his own son, continued in the meantime his secret treasonous activity. And it was he who persuaded Cyrus to attack the kingdom of Astyages, promising support from within. Herodotus directly writes that the cause of the war between Cyrus and Astyages was the conspiracy of Harpagus, which attracted many noble Medes, dissatisfied with the tyranny of Astyages, and then incited Cyrus to revolt.

Both Greek and Babylonian sources unanimously indicate that Cyrus fought against Media for three years and eventually won. Chronicle of Nabonidus from 550 BC e. reports that the army of Astyages rebelled and betrayed him to Cyrus, who took the capital of Media, Ecbatana, and plundered it.

Tapestry: "The Defeat of Astyages" by Maximilian de Heze. Woven by Jacques van der Borgt (1771-1775). Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Then he declared himself king of both Persia and Media, but dealt with the captive Astyages very gently, and even made him the governor of one insignificant region. Moreover, he acted very wisely with the conquered Medes. He did not humiliate and enslave them, but declared them equal to the Persians, so that people did not notice much of a difference. Moreover, it was from the Medes that the conquerors borrowed the system of state administration.

Relief in Pasargadae. Possibly carries portrait features of Cyrus the Great

Where by force, where through military alliances, Cyrus quickly expanded his new kingdom, and ... here the Lydian kingdom of King Croesus turned out to be on the way of his expansion, about whose riches people even put a saying. According to Herodotus, it was Croesus who started the war with Cyrus. A decisive battle took place near the very walls of the capital of Lydia - Sardis, and Cyrus again owed his victory in it to Harpagus, who advised to put the Persian soldiers on camels. Lydia was famous for her cavalry, but horses are afraid of camels, so the Lydian attack failed. Under the pressure of the Persians, they were forced to retreat to Sardis and lock themselves up there in the acropolis. However, the Persians took it after a 14-day siege.

And this is a graphic drawing of the relief in Pasargadae

Cyrus and Croesus spared and, it should be noted, was generally merciful to the captive kings. And he also treated the conquered peoples fairly fairly. So, after conquering the whole of Asia Minor after the Lydian kingdom and suppressing the uprisings of the Greek city-states there, he did not subject them to a total defeat, he imposed tribute only on those who resisted, and voluntarily accepted those who surrendered into his kingdom on the same conditions on which they obeyed Croesus. ... For his loyalty, Cyrus granted Harpagus to control Lydia, and to the hereditary one, with the right to be passed on to his children!

A set of Persian warriors on a scale of 1:72 produced by Zvezda

And then it was the turn of Babylon to fall, which neither the walls nor the waters of the two rivers saved. The king of Babylon Nabonidus surrendered to Cyrus and was sent to remote Karmania in the east of Iran, where he died. The inhabitants of Babylonia were traditionally promised the inviolability of their homes and property, and the Babylonians, as before, occupied a predominant position in the state apparatus, and the priesthood generally did not notice any difference between the old government and the new one. The very power of Cyrus in Babylon as a foreign domination was also not considered, since he received it "from the hands of the god Marduk", performing for this ancient, traditionally consecrated ceremonies.

The seizure of Babylonia made such a strong impression that all Western countries up to the very borders of Egypt, that is, Syria, Palestine, and Phenicia, decided to recognize the power of the Persians voluntarily. Phenicia was especially interested in the established stability, for which safe roads meant the possibility of successful trade with all neighboring countries.

Memorial plaque made of lapis lazuli and glass paste from the Achaemenid capital of Persepolis. National Museum of Iran

The Jews, whom King Nebuchadnezzar once took to Babylon, Cyrus allowed to return to Palestine and rebuild the Jerusalem temple, as reported by the “Book of Ezra” (1 Ezra 5, 6). He also rebuilt the Phoenician Sidon, destroyed by Esarhaddon, which became an important seaport.

It is interesting that it was at this time that an interesting document appeared, written in Babylonian and called the "Manifesto of Cyrus" (or "Cyrus' Cylinder"). It begins with the title of Cyrus, which sounds like this:

“I am Cyrus, the king of multitudes, the great king, the mighty king, the king of Babylon, the king of Sumer and Akkad, the king of the four countries of the world, the son of Cambyses, the great king, the king of Anshan, the descendant of Teisp, the great king, king Anshan, the eternal royal seed, reign whom the gods Bel and Nabu love, whose dominion is pleasing to their heartfelt joy. "

After that, the "manifesto" lists all the deeds and conquests of Cyrus, the essence of which boils down to the fact that he, Cyrus, is none other than the Tsar-liberator, always fulfilling his promises to the peoples who submitted to his power. This says only one thing: Cyrus was already striving for world domination and he needed the reputation of the "father of nations" and "liberator" so that the Persians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, and the Jews would consider him as such. He promised people stability, that is, what they value most at all times, and demanded only one thing in return - obedience.

Cyrus Cylinder. British Museum, London

Indeed, the peoples of the state of Cyrus did well. Roads were laid and postal services were established, construction work was carried out, which gave people income. Trade was encouraged. Local cultures were not belittled. Even formerly rebellious Greeks were appointed to high posts. The wars were successful and gave a lot of booty, the empire was constantly expanding.

However, the campaign of 530 BC. e. against the Massagets, a nomadic people who lived in Central Asia, turned out to be fatal for him. He lost the battle and was killed. According to Herodotus, the "queen" of the Massagetae Tomiris, wishing to avenge Cyrus for the death of her son, ordered to find his body and drowned his head in a wineskin with blood, although, on the other hand, it is absolutely known that Cyrus was with all the honors (and with his head !) was buried in Pasargadae (where Alexander the Great himself saw the grave and the remains). So, most likely, this message is nothing more than a dramatic myth.

Cyrus ruled for 29 years and left a deep mark in history and literature. He was undoubtedly a great commander and statesman, who managed to conduct business in such a way that the peoples conquered by him did not feel that way. The occasion for that era is truly unprecedented! In the memory of the Persians, he forever remained the "father of the people", and the ancient Greek and biblical traditions portrayed him as a wise and just ruler. Diodorus of Siculus said of him this way:

“The king of Media, Cyrus, son of Cambyses and Mandana, daughter of Astyages, was outstanding among the people of his time in courage, wisdom and other virtues, for his father raised him in a royal manner and made him a zealous imitation of the highest achievements. And it was clear that he would do great things, as he showed his superiority beyond his years. Cyrus, we are told, was not only a courageous man in war, but he was also considerate and humane in his treatment of his subjects. And it is for this reason that the Persians called him Father. "

We add that the Jews called Cyrus the anointed of Yahweh, and in Xenophon's "Cyropedia" he was shown as an ideal king. But not only the ancients worshiped him. Already in later and enlightened times, such famous people of the planet as Thomas Jefferson, David Ben-Gurion, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke and wrote about him with admiration. That is, the nickname "Great" Cyrus really deserved!
181 comment
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  1. +4
    27 May 2021 18: 13
    I agree with Vyacheslav Olegovich - Cyrus really was the beginning of the greatness of Persia !!!
    1. +8
      27 May 2021 18: 22
      The beginning is not laid down, the beginning is invested so that there is an end
      1. +11
        27 May 2021 20: 29
        Cyrus / Koresh is mentioned in the Bible 23 times by name and several more times in meaning and always in a superlative degree on the part of God.
        1. +6
          27 May 2021 20: 30
          The name Cyrus / Koresh, according to the historian Plutarch, means the Sun, although Strabo claimed that the name Cyrus was given to him in honor of the Cyrus River, which flows near the city of Pasargadae.
          1. +11
            27 May 2021 20: 32
            Another interesting fact that is often forgotten is that Cyrus was an open Zoroastrian, i.e. monotheist
          2. +2
            28 May 2021 11: 10
            Quote: Richard
            The name Cyrus / Koresh according to the historian Plutarch means the Sun, although Strabo claimed that the name Cyrus was given to him in honor of the river Cyrus

            And the name "Cyrus" - is it by chance a Greek transcription of his name?
            in Greek, "kir" - lord, "kira" - mistress. hi
        2. +2
          27 May 2021 22: 05
          Dmitry, without irony, where would we be without you. What Shpakovsky suggested is at the textbook level. Those. is this our level?
        3. +4
          28 May 2021 08: 07
          In thin. Voronkova's book is also called Kurush.
        4. +3
          28 May 2021 09: 18
          Not Kurush?
          I read that this is the most accurate pronunciation.
      2. +6
        27 May 2021 21: 10
        They don't start, they put the beginning,

        It will be laid on the lay-ups laid parallel to the inserted end, which has no beginning. Did I understand you correctly?
  2. +5
    27 May 2021 18: 31
    The Jews, whom King Nebuchadnezzar once took to Babylon, Cyrus allowed them to return to Palestine and rebuild the Jerusalem Temple, as reported in the Book of Ezra

    In those days, there was no Palestine. The Romans called this area Palestine many centuries later. There was the kingdom of Israel and Judah.
    1. +13
      27 May 2021 18: 57
      The name Palestine comes from Philistia, where the Philistines lived from the 600th century BC. e. Cyrus, according to the article, was born between 590 and XNUMX BC.
      This opinion takes place.
      1. -2
        27 May 2021 22: 10
        Quote: Victor Tsenin
        The name Palestine comes from Philistia, where the Philistines lived from the 600th century BC. e. Cyrus, according to the article, was born between 590 and XNUMX BC.
        This opinion takes place.

        Just from Wikipedia

        The Roman emperor Hadrian suppressed in 135 AD. e. the uprising of the Jews against Rome led by Bar Kokhba. He changed the name of Jerusalem to "Elia Capitolina" and ordered the entire territory between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River to be called Palestinian Syria - lat. Syria Palaestina (Latin version of the Greek name). The renaming was carried out in order to erase the memory of the Kingdom of Judah [2] [14]
    2. +10
      27 May 2021 19: 42
      There was the kingdom of Israel and Judah.

      At the time of Cyrus ??? !!! belay Historical science on this score from a slightly different point of view
      rice.Lydia, Egypt, Media and the New Babylonian kingdom at the time of the formation of the Achaemenid Empire

      link: http: //
  3. +5
    27 May 2021 18: 34
    Vyacheslav Olegovich! Still, it would be more correct to call this ruler Kurush. In New Persian / Farsi (which, however, Kurush did not speak) Cyrus is a three-letter word, that is.
    1. +13
      27 May 2021 18: 41
      Vladimir! There is no need to multiply entities without special need for that. People from school are used to the fact that he is Cyrus and there is no need to change that. It seems to you that this is more correct, but if I wrote this way there would be many "statements" that "it is not clear who it is." People are very traditional.
      1. +11
        27 May 2021 19: 27
        I agree, Vyacheslav Olegovich. I always cite in such cases William the Conqueror and Richard the Lionheart. Who knows Guillaume Betard and Richard Cordellon? But this is exactly what their contemporaries called them. So Cyrus - he is Cyrus. Let it be the same. smile
        Immediately inspired:
        Massagetae on patrol.
        - What kind of Cyrus is jumping across the field? ..
        Well, hereinafter ... laughing
        1. +4
          27 May 2021 19: 29
          So I think so, Mikhail.
        2. +5
          27 May 2021 19: 46
          Who knows Guillaume Betard and Richard Cordellon?
          I know, we have almost become relatives over the past couple of years, God save me from such relatives. wassat
          However, I will note that you, Mikhail, some time ago, called Eustachius of Bologna, Eustace of Bouillon ... wink
          1. +9
            27 May 2021 20: 26
            Estache Bouillon, to be precise. smile
            But this is me, for the sake of showing off. Actually, the desire to show off for me personally is probably the only incentive to self-development. laughing
            And then I just like the French pronons: Jean Santer and Jean Sanpeur, Philippe le Bon, Charles le Temerer ... Sounds beautiful, mysterious ... And what is John Landless, Jean Fearless, Philip the Good, Karl the Bold? Characters of school textbooks smelling of mothballs, nothing more. smile
            1. +8
              27 May 2021 20: 39
              Quote: Trilobite Master
              Characters of school textbooks smelling of mothballs, nothing more.

            2. +7
              27 May 2021 20: 45
              Indeed, then I was still surprised by the Magyar interpretation of the character ...
        3. +3
          27 May 2021 19: 59
          4 knots on a lace - the Persians go to the Massagetae .........
          the limit of power is in the thirst for freedom, not wealth
      2. +3
        27 May 2021 21: 54
        "it is not clear who it is" - so. I would ask: "Vyachesla Olegovich, why break the historical transcription in the spelling of the name?"
    2. +3
      27 May 2021 22: 00
      "it would be more correct to call this ruler Kurush", in fact, it was more correct to call it what he called himself, and if we do not know then ... everyone is free to call it whatever is convenient for him
  4. +8
    27 May 2021 18: 35
    When our orientalists at conferences talk about Cyrus's successes, the Iranians laugh into a fist.
    1. +1
      27 May 2021 18: 42
      Quote: helvetic
      When our orientalists at conferences talk about Cyrus's successes, the Iranians laugh into a fist.

      We have something on them ... But what about Rome, William the Conqueror and a host of other well-established names and titles? Are you proposing to change all this? Where do we start?
      1. +9
        27 May 2021 18: 56
        Considering the fact that we are talking about the past of the Iranians - boldly. That's what the British and Italians think there, I'm not particularly interested, and Rome and William are mentioned in Russian literature (and what is there - culture) more often than the Achaemenid king. In addition, now (about seventy years already) it is customary to try to be closer to the quoted texts, and there is a continuous Kurush. Of course, it is necessary to change the names, especially if you want to improve relations with potential allies, with whom there is nothing special to share in terms of nomenclature. Remember, at least the zeal of the Western "partners" in the renaming of Kiev into Kiiv. One more point - it costs us nothing (unlike, say, trying to pronounce the name of Saudi Arabia correctly). Let Central Asia remain Central, Belarus - Belarus, and Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan.
        1. +8
          27 May 2021 19: 40
          Quote: helvetic
          Of course, it is necessary to change the names, especially if you want to improve relations with potential allies, with whom there is nothing special to share in terms of nomenclature.

          And if there is something to share, does it “change something”?
          However, as a tradition to consider themselves heirs, something "the main thing is that it is more ancient and sonorous."
          Perhaps, if we rewrite all textbooks, scientific works up to fiction, for the sake of a “potential ally, with whom there is nothing special to share in terms of nomenclature,” we will condemn the works of Herodotus and Xenophon - having blotted out the name of Cyrus, they will appreciate our kind gesture. Alas, in a year they will forget.
          So let's leave it as it is. We will continue to study history in the good Greek tradition, leaving Kurusha for specialists and diplomats.
          1. +6
            27 May 2021 19: 54
            There are many hoaxes in the stories of Cyrus' childhood in the works of Herodotus and Xenophon. All their works are based on the folk beliefs and human qualities of the founder of the dynasty. There are similar stories about other, later, rulers of Iran.
            1. +4
              27 May 2021 20: 47
              Quote: Richard
              There are many hoaxes in the stories of Cyrus' childhood in the works of Herodotus and Xenophon. All their works are based on the folk beliefs and human qualities of the founder of the dynasty. There are similar stories about other, later, rulers of Iran.

              Dmitry in this regard can be drawn an analogy with our PVL and Rurik. There are no less hoaxes.
          2. +3
            27 May 2021 21: 00
            Namesake, reasonable words: "let's leave everything as it is"
          3. +4
            27 May 2021 21: 10
            "Maryushka, Marusenka, Mashenka and Manechka
            We ran to the shop and bought a gingerbread "(c).
            1. +6
              27 May 2021 21: 26

              ancient Persian soldier sets smile

        2. +6
          27 May 2021 20: 00
          renaming Kiev to Kyiv

          The word "Kiiv" does not exist in nature.
          1. +5
            27 May 2021 20: 14
            The word "Kiiv" does not exist in nature.
            I agree!
          2. +4
            27 May 2021 20: 52
            And how do you think "Київ" is read if you do not use "yi"? And, in general, the peculiarities of the ukro-language are not too important matter, unlike Farsi.
            1. +2
              27 May 2021 20: 56
              And how do you think "Київ" is read if you do not use "yi"?

              And how will "Київ" be read if you don't use all the letters at all? Does the stupidity of posing the question bother you?
              You'd better state something significant on the topic.
          3. +4
            27 May 2021 20: 57
            Vic. Nick, good evening. Do not be harmful: a person wants to be: "Kiiv", but it exists in reality or in dreams. What's the difference
        3. +4
          27 May 2021 22: 11
          Surprisingly, I agree!
        4. ANB
          27 May 2021 22: 38
          ... as opposed to, say, trying to pronounce the name of Saudi Arabia correctly

          In, I found it.
          Arab. Al-Mamlaka al-Arabiya al-Saudiya
          In principle, you can pronounce and remember. There are worse names.
          1. 0
            29 May 2021 11: 05
            Are you a troll? They forgot to write two letters ع, which are not in Russian. In addition, if you pronounce it in literary Arabic, you must also pronounce all the articles in the post-position. Yes, and "kaf" with "vav" our k and v are not identical. So don't trust wikipedia phonetics
            1. ANB
              29 May 2021 12: 12
              ... So don't trust wikipedia phonetics

              This is a quote from the encyclopedia. Well, what I found.
      2. +4
        27 May 2021 18: 58
        And yes, the attitude to language is part of big politics. Especially for the humanitarian intelligentsia obsessed with it, like the Iranian and Jewish.
    2. +10
      27 May 2021 19: 41
      Quote: helvetic
      When our orientalists at conferences talk about Cyrus's successes, the Iranians laugh into a fist.

      Who are we to deprive them of such a good excuse to have fun? smile
      I really don't think this is really a problem. On the contrary, for the Russian ear "Kir" sounds regal, while Kurush is somehow not at all dignified. smile
      1. +4
        27 May 2021 23: 07
        When our orientalists at conferences talk about Cyrus's successes, the Iranians laugh into a fist.

        Still, they shouldn't laugh - in modern Iran this is a common obscene word denoting the male part of the body and has absolutely nothing to do with the king. Yes
    3. +5
      27 May 2021 19: 47
      When our orientalists at conferences talk about Cyrus's successes, the Iranians laugh into a fist.

      And when the English-speaking orientalists talk about Cyres' successes, do they not laugh?
    4. +7
      27 May 2021 21: 35
      The Iranians can laugh as much as they want, but they have the same attitude to Cyrus as Erdogan to Constantine.
      1. +5
        27 May 2021 22: 04
        Hello Rajep Akhmetovich! And the "minus" for what? laughing
        1. +5
          27 May 2021 22: 19
          Hello Rajep Akhmetovich! And the "minus" for what?

          The number of inadequacies on the site is increasing all the time and they are already beginning to intensively penetrate the sections that were previously avoided.
      2. +1
        28 May 2021 16: 03
        You also say that Genghis Khan is not Kazakh).
        1. +1
          28 May 2021 16: 11
          Every whim for your money!
          "Genghis Khan is not a Kazakh"
      3. 0
        29 May 2021 11: 13
        That is, Farsi does not come from Old Persian through Pahlavi. Or you have in your hands the results of a representative DNA study proving a break in genetic continuity between the modern population of western Iran and its inhabitants of the era of Kurush, Darayavakhush and Hshayarshi.
      4. 0
        29 May 2021 11: 15
        If the answers to these questions are obvious, then I'm sure you shouldn't sculpt another humpback.
    5. +5
      27 May 2021 22: 09
      Quote: helvetic
      When our orientalists at conferences talk about Cyrus's successes, the Iranians laugh into a fist.
      But when they were sent an ambassador with the surname Kyriakos, they all tried to find out: after all, "kir" or "kos", one excludes the other.
      By the way, a billionaire named X died a few days ago in China (yes, this is a normal Chinese name), which caused an unhealthy revival in Runet. There was even a phrase "X died .. and Maxim is with him!"
  5. +6
    27 May 2021 18: 45
    Over 30 years from tribe to empire.
    1. +6
      27 May 2021 21: 54
      Hmm. Worthy of the name "Great".
      1. +3
        27 May 2021 22: 52
        Hmm. Worthy of the name "Great"

        Without exaggeration, Cyrus was a great man. He left behind a powerful legacy, this is not given to everyone.
    2. +3
      27 May 2021 22: 50
      Over 30 years from tribe to empire.

      With a developed vertical of power)))
      And which existed for many years, unlike the empires of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great and others.
  6. +11
    27 May 2021 18: 51
    it was the turn of Babylon to fall, which neither the walls nor the waters of the two rivers saved
    We have come down to Herodotus' description of the fortifications of Babylon, dating back to the end of the 7th century BC. e. The data presented in this description has been confirmed by excavations. It is now known that Babylon was surrounded by three walls, respectively, 7,8, 3 and 3 meters. On one of the walls there were about three hundred towers, located forty-four meters from one another. The walls were surrounded by a deep and wide moat filled with water. Each wall had a large number of gates, clad in copper. The city of Babylon was the most powerful fortress of its time. According to Herodotus, Cyrus ordered to withdraw the river and entered the city along its bed, while the inhabitants celebrated some kind of holiday. But the modern Babylonian chronicle does not say anything about this - in the official Babylonian historiography, the events were depicted as if there was no war with the Persians at all, and if there were separate incidents, such as the Battle of Opis, then only Nabonidus was to blame for them. but not Babylon. Cyrus willingly accepted this version of the Babylonian oligarchy, for it fully met his interests, and graciously allowed this very oligarchy to bestow upon his beloved the title of "king of Babylon, king of countries."
    1. +13
      27 May 2021 19: 12
      Quote: SERGE ant
      graciously allowed this very oligarchy to bestow upon itself the beloved with the title "king of Babylon, king of the country

      Which once again speaks of his foresight and wisdom. I didn’t butt because of the names, not that some ...
      1. +1
        29 May 2021 11: 23
        Well, yes, after all, integration and unification efforts have been invented. Of course, it is easier to decide: “it works - don't touch it,” but only at the moment when the force is not on the side of such a tactician (or his descendants), the institution that he himself used will work against him. What's the difference - "there was one king of the country, became another." A strategically thinking person sharpens institutions for himself (including in terms of nomenclature). And then the Caesars, kings and other millennial statuses appear, for a long time surviving not only their first carriers, but even the phenomenon itself.
  7. +13
    27 May 2021 19: 28
    In general, it should be noted that Cyrus was the first in the world to create a federal state. I wonder where he got the idea that so sunk into the soul of the young Macedonian king 250 years later?
    Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
    1. +3
      27 May 2021 19: 33
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      where did he get the idea,

      Who can know this?
      1. +7
        27 May 2021 19: 53
        Nobody, of course. But the idea, embodied in life, should for some time, and in that era, long enough, "to be in the air." You yourself wrote about the paternalism of human thinking.
        1. +6
          27 May 2021 21: 06
          Anton hi
          By the way, about the paternalism of human thinking. There is a hypothesis about the conquest of Media by Cyrus. Allegedly, Cyrus was a big fan of seafood and was capricious when they brought him regular beef with beans:
          Cyrus: - I don't want to, I'm tired, every day the same thing
          Courtiers: - And what would you like, about the great king of kings?
          Cyrus: -I want mussels
          But the courtiers misunderstood him, and instead of simply preparing the mussels for him, they set out in a crowd to conquer Media. laughing

          1. +5
            27 May 2021 21: 15
            Dmitry! hi
            It somehow reminds me of an anecdote about "ordering Versace".
          2. +8
            27 May 2021 21: 36
            And when Mimino wanted Larisa Ivanovna, did he understand that everything is there in Greece?
            1. +8
              27 May 2021 21: 49
              Of course I understood. Mimino really liked the pose of the ancient Greek statue of the nymph Larissa, whom he intimately called Larisa Ivanovna.
              a photo.Larissa (ancient Greek. Λάρισα) - in Greek mythology, a nymph from Argos. She is also called the Thessalian nymph.
              1. +6
                27 May 2021 22: 05
                The phone is not enough to complete the image.
                1. +4
                  27 May 2021 22: 15
                  "- Well, you just start pawing! Look, what a nimble. Here is my phone number. Call on Friday" (c)
                2. +4
                  28 May 2021 15: 44
                  But what an ass! wink
                  1. +1
                    28 May 2021 20: 06
                    In the cut out episode, Mimino suggested looking at the mountains, the sun and the river.
                    1. +1
                      28 May 2021 20: 27
                      Mimino is a romantic. smile request
                      1. +1
                        28 May 2021 20: 35
                        Sometimes it is life that beautifies.
                      2. +1
                        28 May 2021 20: 40
                        Of course, but until a certain age, although I still have enough of it, romance. smile
                      3. +1
                        28 May 2021 20: 42
                        I agree. And it is important that not to the detriment of healthy pragmatism. Life teaches this.
                      4. +1
                        28 May 2021 20: 46
                        Well, since we are still alive, then the study went for the future. smile
                      5. +1
                        28 May 2021 20: 53
                        Yes. This is a universal criterion.
              2. +5
                28 May 2021 04: 16
                This is Venus Callipiga
          3. +5
            27 May 2021 22: 14
            Mussels in soy sauce are cool!
            Today I made cucumbers in soy sauce, I advise everything!
            1. +5
              27 May 2021 22: 18
              And in sour cream and garlic? smile
              1. +2
                27 May 2021 22: 23
                Hi Dmitry!
                You take cucumbers and crumble them slightly and then you "break them into pieces" with a little bit or the butt of a good knife and hammer this "mash" with soy sauce for 30 minutes. Everything in a package. Then you can eat, add salt to taste
                I liked it and I advise everyone as an alternative to malosolv
                1. +4
                  27 May 2021 22: 27
                  I will definitely have to try
                  1. +2
                    28 May 2021 09: 58
                    I forgot to sprinkle with sesame seeds.
                  2. +2
                    28 May 2021 18: 53
                    Simple and delicious! I can throw off one more recipe, supposedly from oriental cuisine. Super!
                2. +3
                  28 May 2021 11: 21
                  You take cucumbers and crumble them slightly and then you "break them into pieces" with a little bit or the butt of a good knife and hammer this "mash" with soy sauce for 30 minutes. Everything in a package. Then you can eat, add salt to taste

                  Alexander, I remember there is something similar in Chinese cuisine - "broken cucumbers"! drinks
                  1. +3
                    28 May 2021 16: 05
                    Quote: Pane Kohanku
                    st in Chinese cuisine - "broken cucumbers"!

                    And for one beaten, two unbeaten give wassat
    2. +3
      27 May 2021 20: 52
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      In general, it should be noted that Cyrus was the first in the world to create a federal state. I wonder where he got the idea that so sunk into the soul of the young Macedonian king 250 years later?
      Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich!

      Hello Anton!
      If Edward had looked at the light, he, guided by the anthropological method, challenged the very existence of the state of Cyrus. Instead of a federal proto-state based on economic and social formations, we have only its forerunner.
      1. +6
        27 May 2021 20: 56
        Vlad! hi
        Here, you know, "each felt boot has its own style" laughing
        1. +3
          27 May 2021 21: 11
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          Vlad! hi
          Here, you know, "each felt boot has its own style" laughing

          The very approach smiles at me - informative modeling of the situation. For example, "Cyrus managed to create the world's first federal state."
          At the same time, before the appearance of the very concept of "federation", there were still three centuries with a shank. In other matters, this concerns our manipulations with the word "empire".
          We use the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the Roman-Greek tradition to define the essence of its earlier appearance, however?
          1. +7
            27 May 2021 21: 24
            We use the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the Roman-Greek tradition to define the essence of its earlier appearance, however?
            There is no other, right?
            I also studied at the law school. wink True, not for long ...
        2. +3
          28 May 2021 11: 22
          each felt boot has its own style

          Yours have a red sole. And you're wearing awesome pants. laughing drinks
          1. +5
            28 May 2021 14: 20
            Yours have a red sole.

            Nothing new under the moon, and neither are the red soles.
            In the photo from the film "Cain XIX" Bruno Freundlich as the chief of the secret police.
            1. +4
              28 May 2021 15: 02
              Bruno Freundlich as Chief of the Secret Police

              On the Louboutins! Yes And in awesome pants! laughing
              Freundlich Sr. is gorgeous everywhere. That the role of the jester in "Twelfth Night", that Patrick Gordon in "Young Russia". An artist of the old school! good
              1. +2
                28 May 2021 15: 13
                I agree. For me, since childhood, his first role in "Dirk" was Lieutenant Nikitsky.
              2. +3
                28 May 2021 15: 46
                Listen, and he did not play two roles at once in Dead Season, our KGB general and a Nazi killer doctor?

                1. +1
                  29 May 2021 07: 43
                  Hi buddy, no, Hessa was played by Vladimir Ehrenburg.
                  1. +2
                    29 May 2021 14: 45
                    Thank you, Sergei, otherwise I was at a loss.
                    1. +2
                      29 May 2021 17: 00
                      Come on! So many years ????? laughing
                      Buddy, nothing more than a friendly * joke *! wink I just got home from work, I foolishly decided to walk, great in the morning, but now .... I got wet to my knees! The umbrella did not help. wassat
              3. +3
                28 May 2021 16: 09
                I managed to see him on stage.
    3. +5
      27 May 2021 22: 27
      In general, it should be noted that Cyrus was the first in the world to create a federal state. I wonder where he got the idea that so sunk into the soul of the young Macedonian king 250 years later?

      A reasonable idea that for security the country should not be surrounded by friendly states (today a friend, and tomorrow an enemy), but strongly dependent on it in some form. Judging by the behavior of Cyrus in relation to the captured states, he reasoned that way. He simply ruled out the possibility of border conflicts, any aggression towards Media. The kingdom he created did not really resemble a metropolis with colonies, but a federation.
  8. +10
    27 May 2021 19: 32
    Mausoleum of Cyrus at Pasargadae

    After the death of V.I. Lenin on the night of January 24-25, 1924, the architect Alexei Shchusev received an order from the government to urgently design and build a temporary mausoleum for Lenin, which was to be erected in three days - by the day of the funeral. At the same time, it had to be majestic, but laconic and fit into the architecture of the Kremlin Square. The mausoleum provided access to Lenin's body for everyone who wanted to say goodbye. Shchusev created the building project in a few hours:
    I only had time to grab the necessary tools from my workshop, and then had to head to the premises given to me to work. Already in the morning it was necessary to start dismantling the stands, laying the foundation and the crypt. Before starting the sketch, I invited Leonid Vesnin and architect Antipov for a meeting about its architectural principles. I expressed my views that the silhouette of the Mausoleum should not be high-rise, but have a stepped shape. As a model, I chose the mausoleum of King Cyrus in Pasargadae. I suggested a simple inscription on the Mausoleum: one word - LENIN.
    The sketch was unanimously approved by the government
    Alexey Shchusev
    link: Alexey Shchusev: Documents and materials / Comp. M.V. Evstratova, after. E. B. Ovsyannikova. - M .: S. E. Gordeev,

    a photo the first wooden Lenin Mausoleum

    a photo the second wooden Lenin Mausoleum
    1. +7
      27 May 2021 21: 29
      Simply put - a zikurat, he is a zikurat. Everything has long been stolen before us. request

      1. +4
        28 May 2021 11: 27
        Are the Indian pyramids also ziggurats?
        1. +3
          28 May 2021 14: 16
          Are the Indian pyramids also ziggurats?

          And you see for yourself, of course, only they did not know this word. smile
          For the whole world, the simplest technology for the construction of massive, "overwhelming" buildings.
          1. +2
            28 May 2021 15: 01
            For the whole world, the simplest technology for the construction of massive, "overwhelming" buildings.

            The first Egyptian pyramid - Djoser - in principle, is also "wavy".
            1. +2
              28 May 2021 15: 08

              So, from time to time, the bricks weathered from it, from which it turned out to be "wavy", and initially there were probably clear edges.
              1. The comment was deleted.
  9. +9
    27 May 2021 19: 43
    It is quite symbolic that just when the unworthy heirs of Cyrus in Tehran speak with the Jewish people the language of hatred and violence, the Israeli post office decided to honor the legacy of the founder of the Persian Empire by issuing a stamp with the image of Cyrus's top hat in 2015.

    Some of the Jewish exiles in Babylon took advantage of the rights granted by Cyrus, returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the Temple, founding the autonomous Jewish province of Yahud Medinata.
    The Israeli stamp also has a picture of a coin minted in that province in the middle of the fourth century BC. On one side of the coin there is an image of a lily, and on the other - a falcon with outstretched wings and the inscription "Yahud" in the letters of the ancient Hebrew alphabet.

    Today, 1 shekel coin is in circulation in Israel.
    It depicts the same lily.
    1. +9
      27 May 2021 20: 20
      It is highly symbolic that just when the unworthy heirs of Cyrus in Tehran speak with the Jewish people the language of hatred and violence

      Who's about what, and you're all about one thing - an old song about the main thing laughing
      Iran is not a worthy heir to Cyrus, and Israel is the most worthy. smile
      But it would be interesting if the article were, for example, not about Kira, but about the legendary leader of the Evenks Iken "Hailancha" Hailancha. Would you also call the modern Evenki - its unworthy descendants, but what about the Jewish people, the modern Jewish Autonomous Region - worthy? laughing
      1. +6
        27 May 2021 22: 17
        Wow! Killed everyone!
      2. 0
        27 May 2021 22: 37
        Quote: Richard
        Who's about what, and you're all about one thing - an old song about the main thing
        Iran is not a worthy heir to Cyrus, and Israel is the most worthy.
        But it would be interesting if the article were, for example, not about Kira, but about the legendary leader of the Evenks Iken "Hailancha" Hailancha. Would you also call the modern Evenki - its unworthy descendants, but what about the Jewish people, the modern Jewish Autonomous Region - worthy?

        Richard, what are you itching to do?
        1. +1
          28 May 2021 17: 41
          Richard, what are you itching to do?

          Alexander, good afternoon. No offense. Nothing personal
          I am not Meehan, and I am equal to the Jews - they do not cause any irritation or antipathy in me. But, honestly, you are already becoming really predictable. Instead of interesting comments, for which you were deservedly famous before, you now more and more exaggerate the national theme, both to the point and not to the point - even today, in your excellent commentary about Israeli postage stamps dedicated to Kirush, for some reason you insert the phrase:
          unworthy heirs of Cyrus in Tehran

          Best regards hi
          1. 0
            28 May 2021 17: 49
            Quote: Richard
            Why do you insert the phrase:
            unworthy heirs of Cyrus in Tehran

            Richard, you have a wonderful dog! hi
            1. +2
              28 May 2021 17: 54
              It was, Sasha. On May 11, my Richard passed away. Cancer. We've been together for thirteen years
              1. +1
                28 May 2021 18: 20
                Quote: Richard
                It was, Sasha. On May 11, my Richard passed away. Cancer. We've been together for thirteen years

                My condolences. I know how painful it is to lose such friends. All the best to you. hi
      3. +2
        28 May 2021 16: 23
        Dima, buddy! smile
        Happy Holidays! Health, good luck and long life! soldier drinks
        1. 0
          28 May 2021 17: 56
          Thanks, Kostya drinks
    2. +2
      27 May 2021 22: 13
      Quote: A. Privalov
      Some of the Jewish exiles in Babylon took advantage of the rights granted by Cyrus, returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the Temple, founding the autonomous Jewish province of Yahud Medinata.
      Oh, you separatists! March to native Iran!
  10. +11
    27 May 2021 19: 50
    Good evening, Vyacheslav Olegovich!)))
    Good evening everyone!))))
    An excellent article about King Cyrus, one of the first globalists, creates an image of him as a sage, before whom the kingdoms themselves bowed.
    In fact, it was not so easy and easy for Cyrus to conquer them.
    Three years of war against Media were bloody. The seizure of Ecbatana, the capital of Media, with the subsequent deposition and capture of the Medes king, grandfather Cyrus, frightened the rulers of the most powerful states of the Middle East and Asia Minor - Egypt, Lydia, Babylon. They did not observe how their states fell one after another under the pressure of the Persian troops, and formed a military alliance with the aim of helping any of the allied countries in the attack of the Persian troops. Even Sparta, the militarily strongest Hellenic city, joined this alliance.
    Knowing about such an alliance, Cyrus was in no hurry.
    Conquering the capital of Media and overthrowing its ruler is one thing, but conquering the outskirts of the same state is another. The outskirts were not submissive!
    By 549, Cyrus had to conquer Elam, located in the southwestern part of modern Iran, then Hyrcania, Parthia, Armenia, which were part of the Median state, fell. And only after being convinced of the wisdom of Cyrus, the king of Cilicia voluntarily went over to his side, who subsequently repeatedly provided him with military assistance.
    1. +4
      27 May 2021 20: 31
      Good evening! There will not be enough volume to write in detail about all the conquests and non-conquests ...
      1. +3
        27 May 2021 21: 04
        Vyacheslav Olegovich, it's up to the commentators to supplement you! wassat )))
        Given that not much is known about Kira, what would we then have to do if you suddenly wrote a gigantic article outlining all the known details? ))))
    2. +4
      27 May 2021 20: 42
      By the way, you should read this book here. There are inaccuracies in it, there are exaggerations, there is delirium. But all this will be imperceptible to you. But in general - a wonderful book: V.I. Avdiev. 'History of the Ancient East' - Leningrad: Gospolitizdat, 1953
      1. +5
        27 May 2021 21: 06
        Thanks for the recommendation!)))
        At the moment I am re-reading (for the umpteenth time) "Monday starts on Saturday" - I want to plunge into the time of bright hopes)))
        1. +4
          27 May 2021 21: 48
          This is when Naina Kievna looks with respect?
          1. +4
            27 May 2021 21: 57
            No, this is when she speaks in an unexpected bass, and Kota Vasily is tormented by sclerosis. But the main thing is "We desperately need a programmer!"
            1. +4
              28 May 2021 09: 15
              Lyudmila Yakovlevna, good morning!
              Illustrations I hope Migunova? laughing

              I also periodically re-read it. bully
              1. +4
                28 May 2021 10: 28
                Good morning, Seryozha!)))
                No, I have almost no illustrations. Actually, one, at the very beginning - a cat with a harp, an oak, a hut. The book of the Minsk publishing house, "UNATTSVA", 1986. The author of the illustration is not listed, and in comparison with the ones given by you, it is rather primitive.
                The most annoying thing is that the paper is already yellow, flimsy, begins to crumble, I gently hold the book in my hands. I wanted to read it, real. Although this book is probably available on the Internet.
                I have now reached the place where Privalov is the duty officer for NIICHAVO for the New Year.
                Thank you for the illustrations! Pleased love ))))
                1. +4
                  28 May 2021 10: 46

                  This book is from those good times, but ... in 2015, * AST * publishers reissued it. bully
                  The price of 47 kopecks looks especially touching! Oh, there was a time!
                  1. +3
                    28 May 2021 10: 52
                    Yes, it's relevant because!
                    Here I read:
                    "Vybegallo was triumphant. Now it could be considered proven that if a person was not fed, not given to drink and treated, then he, this one, would, therefore, be unhappy and even, perhaps, would die. How did this one die."
                    This refers to Vibegalla's experiment with a completely unsatisfied anthropoid. Doesn't it look like anything? wassat )))
  11. +3
    27 May 2021 20: 02
    "The first book of Ezra 1-3"
    We quote the Tanakh ...
    It's not bad too.
  12. +5
    27 May 2021 20: 05
    Well, Persis was a supernumerary provinces of the Median State and the overthrow of Astyages was in fact a coup, especially since Cyrus (Kurush) was his grandson and had the right to the throne. And Astyages, apparently, did not have an heir son.
    If you believe the legend, Cyrus ordered all adult men of his country to gather in one place and ordered to clear a vast area under the field and the whole day the men worked, chopped, uprooted, cleared .. And the next day He made a plentiful feast, and then asked, that the Persians liked it better - to work hard until the seventh sweat or to feast, the answer was obvious ...
    Personally, my first acquaintance with ancient history happened thanks to the wonderful books of Voronkova Lyubov Fedorovna.
    Thanks to the author, but your articles are famous for the abundance of excellent illustrations, and in this article, there are few of them. It's not good to change your traditions.
    1. +7
      27 May 2021 20: 33
      Quote: Khibiny Plastun
      It's not good to change your traditions.

      It is not easy to find public domain pictures of those places.
      1. +2
        27 May 2021 22: 01
        And what happened to Cyrus's remains? During the time of Alexander the Great, the tomb of Cyrus was robbed and the body was thrown away, but by order of Alexander, the robbers were executed, and the tomb was put in order. By the way, the head of Cyrus, since he had lost it, could have been sewn in place during embalming (since they wrote about the body, not about the remains).
        And another question - will you write an article about the son of Cyrus Kambis?
        1. +3
          28 May 2021 06: 36
          Quote: Khibiny Plastun
          And another question - will you write an article about the son of Cyrus Kambis?

          Did he have the nickname Great? If not, then no.
          1. +2
            28 May 2021 13: 27
            Quote: kalibr
            Quote: Khibiny Plastun
            And another question - will you write an article about the son of Cyrus Kambis?

            Did he have the nickname Great? If not, then no.

            It is believed that nature rests on great children.
            Although there are exceptions: A. Dumas Sr. and A. Dumas Jr.
            Rasul Gamzatov and his father, Gamzat Tsedesa ..
            Maybe 2-3 more names
            However, in fairness, Alexander Dum-son is less
            known than his father. Gamzat Tsedesa is already a little forgotten
  13. +4
    27 May 2021 20: 07
    Quote: A. Privalov
    It is quite symbolic that just when the unworthy heirs of Cyrus in Tehran speak with the Jewish people the language of hatred and violence, the Israeli post office decided to honor the legacy of the founder of the Persian Empire by issuing a stamp with the image of Cyrus's top hat in 2015.

    Some of the Jewish exiles in Babylon took advantage of the rights granted by Cyrus, returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the Temple, founding the autonomous Jewish province of Yahud Medinata.
    The Israeli stamp also has a picture of a coin minted in that province in the middle of the fourth century BC. On one side of the coin there is an image of a lily, and on the other - a falcon with outstretched wings and the inscription "Yahud" in the letters of the ancient Hebrew alphabet.

    Today, 1 shekel coin is in circulation in Israel.
    It depicts the same lily.

    So they say there were no Jews there, and Cyrus was not there, and Hatshepsut did not fight with the tribes. They say the Palestinian Arabs have lived there for a long time ..
    That's what a shame ... It means that they were in vain to conquer these lands, in vain they built kingdoms. By the way, it turns out that Adrian was not there and Titus ... They fought with the Jewish rebels.
    They invented everything, threw in all kinds of evidence in a four-meter layer ...
  14. +4
    27 May 2021 20: 08
    Vyachesl Olegovich, good evening. Thank you very much for Kira. Tomorrow with the girls to read
    When I started reading, I was looking for something to scold
    And now there is no such thought
    1. +6
      27 May 2021 20: 43
      And it would be nice for you to read Astra for the night, at least selectively, this book: V.I. Avdiev. 'History of the Ancient East' - Leningrad: Gospolitizdat, 1953
      1. +2
        28 May 2021 12: 40
        Vyacheslav Olegovi, good afternoon. Why do you recommend it: "It would be nice to read at night". If you think I have insomnia? This is not so: I get so tired that I fall asleep instantly.
        In the evening the phone sat down
        1. +1
          30 May 2021 19: 25
          It's still too serious to read during the day, and just right for reading before bed.
    2. +3
      27 May 2021 21: 20
      "now there is no such thought" typical female logic: falling in love changes with hatred, and then the reverse process
  15. +4
    27 May 2021 20: 14
    Quote: Astra wild2
    Vyachesl Olegovich, good evening. Thank you very much for Kira. Tomorrow with the girls to read
    When I started reading, I was looking for something to scold
    And now there is no such thought

    It reads like a fairy tale about ... mighty giants.
    1. +7
      27 May 2021 20: 34
      Quote: Shahno
      mighty giants

      Well, this is partly true. Not everyone can create a mighty power in the place of a shaky alliance of tribes ...
    2. +5
      27 May 2021 20: 41
      Vyachesl Olegovich, good evening. Thank you very much for Kira!

      For Kirill Vyacheslavovich? The boy is valid. All the girls are crazy about himYes
      When I started reading, I was looking for something to scold
      And now there is no such thought

      How not? what
      He is to blame for the fact that he wants to me us girls eat read interesting stories (c) Yes
      1. +5
        27 May 2021 21: 14
        If you train, there is always something to quarrel about.
      2. +3
        27 May 2021 21: 40
        Dim, good evening. What is Kirill Vyacheslavovich talking about? Cyrus's name was "Cambyz".
        But in general, I agree with her: it is written interesting. Is able to V. About it is interesting to tell
        1. +3
          27 May 2021 22: 03
          Hello, Glory.
          Vera and the girls thank for Kira not some mythical Kambiz, but specifically Vyacheslav Olegovich. Yes
          Vyachesl Olegovich, good evening. Thank you very much from us and the girls for Kira!

          Cyr in youth slang - Cyril. So, "Hayli Likli", we are not talking about the Old Testament Kurush Kambizovich, but about a modern handsome young man, to whom our esteemed author has the most direct relation laughing
          1. +2
            28 May 2021 13: 25
            Actually, our V.O no longer looks like a young and handsome person
            However, you and I are no longer the same as we were at the age of 20. Age has not given up anyone young yet
      3. +2
        28 May 2021 12: 48
        Good afternoon, I always thought that Vyacheslav Olegovich had a nickname "caliber", but now it turns out that there is Kirill Vyacheslavovich. I wonder if this nickname is the real name?
  16. +3
    27 May 2021 20: 41
    Colleagues, I know in advance that the girls will say "to the king of Media Astyages, predicted that his daughter will give birth to a son who will become a powerful sovereign, but most importantly, will deprive him of the throne" if Astyages had not wished death to his grandson and watched the throne. And he, by his stupidity, deprived himself of the throne
  17. +4
    27 May 2021 20: 48
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Shahno
    mighty giants

    Well, this is partly true. Not everyone can create a mighty power in the place of a shaky alliance of tribes ...

    Well no. I do not blame you. In principle, I welcome your submission.
  18. +4
    27 May 2021 21: 07
    Well, if not exactly, then between 600 and 590 BC. e. he was most likely born.
    By the way, not a bad spread, for a historical person who lived 2500 years ago. Alinor of Aquitaine can envy.
  19. +2
    27 May 2021 21: 09
    V. Oh, I do not always agree with you, we have different views on recent history, but today I agree with Kira's assessment: a smart man
  20. +4
    27 May 2021 21: 31
    Everything is written correctly. Unless the king's name was Kurush, Kyros in Greek transcription, from which -os is traditionally dropped in Russian. Whereas Cyrus in Persian means the rough name for the male genital organ.
  21. +4
    27 May 2021 22: 02
    Very interesting. Respect to the author for popularizing ancient history.
  22. +4
    27 May 2021 22: 05
    Rare, if not the only foreigner who got into the Bible as a positive character.
    However, quite deservedly. Creator of the first giant empire, moreover, semi-voluntary, which for the first time required reforms of management and communications, such as the creation of mail
    The heirs did not save it, but having conquered the Macedonian it even expanded it, though already as a Macedonian-Helinistic world. So all subsequent culture and science are the heirs of this influence.
  23. +3
    27 May 2021 23: 00
    The capital of Media, the city of Ecbatana (now Hamadan), according to various estimates, was founded around 3000 BC. BC, while Assyrian sources point to 1100 BC. e.
    Legends were written about the wealth of Ecbatana during Cyrus's lifetime. According to the testimony of the ancient Greek historian Polybius, the royal palace had 7 stages in a circle, but when it did not even have a citadel, and the city had walls. Cyrus was not afraid of the possible conquest of Ecbatana! For the wooden decoration of the interior of the palace, cypress and cedar were used, presumably Lebanese, and the columns, beams and ceilings were sheathed with gold and silver plates, the roofing boards were made of pure silver. The columns in the temple of Aene were gold.
    Where did Cyrus get so much gold and silver? And in Lydia, at Croesus, whose revolt was suppressed. There was a gold-bearing river in Lydia, and Croesus became the first king to mint gold and silver coins.
    And then 250 years later, Alexander the Great came and plundered Ecbatana.
    1. +4
      27 May 2021 23: 13
      Lebanese. And if it was Atlas, would you be upset?
      1. +5
        27 May 2021 23: 39
        No, it would not be upsetting. laughing )))
        But the Atlas Mountains are far away, Algeria, Morocco ... Lebanon is near. However, even from the Siberian taiga)))
        1. +5
          28 May 2021 06: 27
          If it were from Siberian cedar pine, it would be such an argument that all paths go to Great Tartary.
          1. +5
            28 May 2021 07: 08
            Have you heard about Tartary?
            Ah, have you never heard of it?
            Of course all traces are gone
            Well, there is no trace now!
            That trail was purposefully destroyed
            A charge came to us from Mars,
            That the asteroid was laid,
            Turning the trail into a pitch hell.
            1. +4
              28 May 2021 07: 23
              This is preparation on the topic!
              1. +3
                28 May 2021 07: 31
                Tartarian bast shita! wassat )))
                In fact, this is my impromptu parody of the verses of one believing poet, and I am very ashamed crying )))
                1. +2
                  28 May 2021 10: 52
                  Believer in Tartary?
                  And to lay out and be ashamed of it is an example of mathematical logic.
                  However, the parody was quite successful.
                  1. +2
                    28 May 2021 11: 07
                    Not. It's a shame that the poem was written with a sincere belief in the existence of Tartary, and I cynically laughed at the author's sincerity.
                    1. +3
                      28 May 2021 11: 23
                      For some reason, I think that since the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, too many traces have remained within the framework of the traditional view of history. And it is difficult to arrange a revolution in the minds, if you do not lie to yourself.
                      1. +3
                        28 May 2021 11: 32
                        Sit high, look far away! laughing )))
                      2. +2
                        28 May 2021 15: 21
                        I didn't get into any basket of pies.
                      3. +2
                        28 May 2021 15: 30
                        I got up, washed myself, drank coffee ...
                        He lay down, covered himself - and all did not care.
  24. +3
    27 May 2021 23: 11
    There is a wonderful book about Cyrus the Great: "The Trail of Fiery Life", by Lyubov Voronkova. One of the favorite books of distant childhood ...)
  25. +4
    27 May 2021 23: 30
    What religion was in Media? What did King Cyrus believe?
    Zoroastrianism is mentioned in the comments, and Islam came to Media (on the world map - modern Iran) much later.

    Zoroastrianism originates in the revelation of the prophet Spitama Zarathustra, whose teaching is based on the free moral choice of man's good words, thoughts and deeds. Zoroastrianism became the official religion of Media under the last Median king, Astyages, and is now preserved only in small communities of India, Iran, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan. The cult figure of Zoroastrianism was the goddess of fertility
    Ardvisura Anahita. Her temple, Ena, was located in the capital of the state, Ecbatana.
    1. +4
      28 May 2021 07: 15
      Today at 18.00 there will be an article in the WEAPONS section.
      1. +3
        28 May 2021 07: 27
        Yes, religion is a terrible weapon! wassat good drinks )))
        1. +3
          28 May 2021 08: 16
          Not about religion, just about weapons!
          1. +2
            28 May 2021 08: 33
            Vyacheslav Olegovich, at least give a hint about which one! Otherwise, while getting ready, you will have to read about everything in the range from silicon tips to "Zircons" laughing )))
            1. +3
              28 May 2021 09: 55
              Continuation of the article about the murder of Bonnie and Clyde. What kind of Browning weapon was used against them ...
  26. 0
    28 May 2021 14: 05
    "Garpag for devotion" Vyacheslav Olegovich, the girls ask: nothing is known about the shepherd who did not kill the baby, but saved it?
    1. 0
      30 May 2021 03: 13
      the girls ask: nothing is known about the shepherd who did not kill the baby, but saved it?

      Not about the shepherd himself, but something about his wife:
      The wife of the shepherd who saved Cyrus, and the one who nursed him was called Spaka. Spaka in Persian means "dog", that is, according to the legend, Cyrus is not fed by a woman, but by a dog, the sacred favorite of Ahura Mazda himself as a sign of miraculous intervention, divine protection. This is stated by Herodotus
      1. 0
        30 May 2021 13: 34
        It turns out that Cyrus did not remember to thank his saviors?
  27. 0
    30 May 2021 08: 51
    I saw the grave of Cyrus the Great.
    The entire outer perimeter was completely destroyed in the Middle Ages. The current Persians, out of respect for the founder of their state, should have restored Cyrus' grave in its full original splendor.