T-54 tanks after the modernization process began to return to the Vietnamese army


After the completion of the test phase, the upgraded Tanks T-54Bs began to return to combat units of the Vietnamese army.

The 409th Tank Brigade received four improved T-54B vehicles (another designation - T-54M). It is planned that in 2021 a total of 31 pieces of equipment will be transferred to this unit, which is equivalent to a battalion kit.

After comparing various improvement options, as well as field tests of each prototype, the process of serial improvement of tanks went at an accelerated pace. Work on the modernization of the Vietnamese T-54/55 is being carried out at the Z153 plant.

The upgraded version of the T-54/55 is still armed with a 100 mm cannon, and not a 105 mm M68 [possibly referring to the American L7], as originally proposed; this option is considered more reasonable, taking into account the conditions for the use of the main caliber. To increase the accuracy of shooting, the D-10T2S gun is covered with an insulating material to help avoid deformation of the barrel, and is equipped with a variety of more modern sensors and sights, equivalent, as indicated, to the equipment of today's most advanced tanks.

Due to the increase in the weight of the vehicles due to the installation of additional armor, it is assumed that they will be equipped with new engines, in addition to an improved tracked mechanism, which increases traction with the roadway and increases maneuverability when changing direction.

It is not yet clear how many T-54/55 tanks Vietnam will modernize in total, but foreign observers predicted that their number would be about 850 units. After the completion of the improvement of the T-54/55 fleet, it is expected that the T-62 tanks will be improved - according to a similar scheme (with the preservation of the 115-mm U5TS cannon).

The above upgraded vehicles will become effective assistants for modern T-90S / SK [recently purchased from Russia]

- believes the Vietnamese edition of KienThuc.

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  1. +3
    20 May 2021 05: 59
    T-54 tanks after the modernization process began to return to the Vietnamese army
    So, without spending much money, they reanimate, in the sense of modernizing, old tanks. But on the other hand, and for yourself. But still quite recently, in 2019, Laos, (thanks carstorm 11 (Dmitry)
    Today, 06:08 Laos it was))) 30 pieces of t 34 came from it) corrected.
    transferred / sold to Russia about 30 T-34 tanks, quite on the move and relatively rusty.
    1. +14
      20 May 2021 06: 03
      The attitude to technology is the same there, although the tanks are old, their condition is very good.
      1. +1
        20 May 2021 06: 05

        Sergey_G_M (Sergey)
        Today, 06: 03

        The attitude to technology is the same there, although the tanks are old, their condition is very good.
        I agree. But with their tropical climates, it is very difficult to maintain obsolete iron.
    2. +3
      20 May 2021 06: 08
      Laos it was))) 30 pieces of t 34 came from it.
      1. 0
        20 May 2021 06: 10

        carstorm 11 (Dmitry)
        Today, 06: 08

        It was Laos
        So yes! Laos. Sori!
    3. +1
      20 May 2021 06: 17
      Quote: aszzz888
      In 2019, Vietnam transferred / sold to Russia about 30 T-34 tanks, quite on the move and relatively rusty.

      I know about Laos and T-34! I don't know about Vietnam and the T-34! request
      1. 0
        20 May 2021 06: 18

        Nikolaevich I (Vladimir)
        Today, 06: 17

        Quote: aszzz888
        In 2019, Vietnam transferred / sold to Russia about 30 T-34 tanks, quite on the move and relatively rusty.

        I know about Laos and T-34! I don't know about Vietnam and T-34

        So yes! Laos. Sori!
        1. 0
          20 May 2021 06: 36
          Quote: aszzz888
          I know about Laos and T-34! I don't know about Vietnam and T-34

          So yes! Laos. Sori!

    4. +8
      20 May 2021 07: 41
      But on the other hand, and for yourself

      There are a lot of foreign kits. If the DZ of the Imruvel Blazer type was sold to them by Israel along with the production line. So here is the MSA for example Slovak-Spanish. A brand new OBPS and a concrete-piercing mine - the Belgian MECAR. Well, etc.

    5. 0
      20 May 2021 18: 44
      Tankmen, please explain why there are chains at the side of the turret?
      I thought for a ricochet of bullets up to 14.7 mm in caliber, but this tank should not even penetrate the KPVT (and I think even the chains from 12.7 will not help). And from cannon shells such ersatz protection is hardly effective.
      Enlighten the ignoramus
      1. +3
        20 May 2021 20: 50
        For the premature operation of the ATGM boss, on the Israeli Merkava, by the way, it is done in a similar way. Coupled with the Israeli DZ is a logical move.

        Interestingly, where are the side screens and what kind of tile above the mask and is it drawn there?
  2. 0
    20 May 2021 06: 02
    I would like to listen to competent people, for example, Alex TV.
    1. +4
      20 May 2021 15: 30
      ... for example Alexa TV.

      I'm not Copenhagen in ALL tanks.

      The T-55 is reliable.
      If you do not take into account that the barrel was left old, then Vietnam made one of the best modern upgrades - they went over the entire car, installed a modern MSA and improved the ammunition.
      "Sotka" is good because it is a "sniper". Minus - it will not be able to fight on equal terms with modern tanks, but with other goals YES.
      That is, the Vietnamese made a good "infantry escort" tank.
      And the T-90 will be able to supplement them (if necessary).

      And the conclusion is simple - how much money was enough, then they do.
      - bought a batch of modern T-90s.
      - modernized the T-55.
      If you use them correctly, they are a good symbiosis.
      And later (when they get rich), convert them into TBTR.
      1. 0
        20 May 2021 15: 43
        ... I'm not Copenhagen in ALL tanks.

        But I remember a Vietnamese anecdote.

        They surrounded the green berets T-34-85 and shouted:
        -Vietnamese, give up! We guarantee you freedom and the American way of life!
        A grimy, quick-eyed headset protrudes from the hatch and shouts:
        - Vyatnam residents do not give up !!! - threw a bunch of grenades at the defenders of democracy.
        Amid the explosions and the screams of the wounded, a thin tanker made his way to the floor of the fighting compartment, where the Soviet adviser was stationed.
        - The captain was hanging around, did I smelt everything?
        - Prrralna, fighter! Only, .. hic ... they should have been and ... hic ..., ON ____. SEND !!!
        Advisors are power!
  3. -5
    20 May 2021 06: 06
    I really thought they were returning to the Russian army! Holy! Holy!
  4. -11
    20 May 2021 06: 20
    And who do they want to punch out of a hundred of the WWII times? Or is that enough for the neighbors' tanks? Maybe they have some kind of miracle projectile?
    1. +4
      20 May 2021 06: 52
      "... from hundreds of WWII times?" - interesting.)))) Even the T-44 did not participate in WWII, not to mention the T-54.))))
      1. +4
        20 May 2021 06: 56
        And the cannon had time to fight, amazing things happen.)))))
        1. -1
          20 May 2021 07: 04
          In 1952-1955. at TsNII-173 they created a two-plane stabilizer STP-2 "Cyclone". The upgraded D-10T cannon, modified for the installation of the "Cyclone" in OKB-9, was assigned the D-10T2S index, the tank with this gun received the T-54B index.)))
          But WWII ended in 1945.)))
          "And the cannon had time to fight, ..." - how did it manage?))))
          1. +3
            20 May 2021 07: 18
            D-10 - Soviet rifled tank gun, created in period of the second world war. Was established in 1944 year and during the war was installed on the serial self-propelled artillery unit SU-100 and a number of experimental tanks and self-propelled guns. After the war, it was installed on the T-54/55 tank and a number of its variants, as well as in various other vehicles at least until 1978, which made it one of the most massive tank guns in history.
            1. 0
              20 May 2021 07: 26
              In 44, OKB No. 9 created a 100-mm D-100S cannon (model 10) for the SU-1944 self-propelled gun.
              D-10T2S and D-10S are slightly different weapons.)))
              1. 0
                20 May 2021 07: 32
                That's it, that's a little.
                1. +2
                  20 May 2021 07: 37
                  The article reads: "After the completion of the testing phase, the modernized T-54B tanks began to return to the combat units of the Vietnamese army.", "To improve the accuracy of the shooting, the D-10T2S gun ..."
                  What does the D-10S mentioned by you have to do with it - "... from hundreds of WWII times?")))))
                  1. -2
                    20 May 2021 07: 41
                    Well, if you still don’t understand where, I really don’t know how to explain it.)))))) Let’s then from the opposite or what, you will convincingly prove that these are completely different guns?
                    1. +1
                      20 May 2021 08: 43
                      Why should I prove something to you?))) You do not see the obvious - the very name of the guns is different.))))
                      For reference. The two-plane weapon stabilizer STP-2 "Cyclone" for the T-54B and T-55 tanks provided vertical stabilization of the gun and the tower horizontally using two three-degree gyroscopes mounted on the gun and the turret.
                      The use of the two-plane Cyclone stabilizer made it possible, when firing on the move, to defeat a standard 12 target with a probability 0,6 at a range of 1000-1500 m.
                      Although, judging by your nickname, everything is clear.))) He is a troll in Africa - just a troll.))))
                      1. -2
                        20 May 2021 08: 48
                        If you don't want to - don't prove it, I already know that I'm right.))) No one was trying to force you to argue with the trolls, for a minute, they themselves climbed.
                      2. +1
                        20 May 2021 09: 08
                        , and others like you, the name they came up with is a troll.)))) Foreign, with a veil of mythology.)))
                        In the Russian language, there is a more suitable one - Windbag.)))))
                      3. 0
                        20 May 2021 09: 11
                        So you don't have a very Russian nickname, between us.))) And windbags are those who grind off-topic language, like your kind.))))
                      4. +2
                        20 May 2021 09: 23
                        Regarding my nickname - "Askold" - an armored cruiser of the 1st rank; During the Russo-Japanese War, he was part of the 1st Pacific Squadron, based in Port Arthur. The name of the cruiser was inherited from the Askold sailing-propeller corvette, and the highest was approved on December 21, 1898. Launched in 1900, completed in 1901, accepted into the treasury in 1902.
                        A remarkable cruiser - made a breakthrough together with the cruiser "Novik" through the units of the Japanese fleet, which blocked the squadron of V.K. Vitgefta way to Vladivostok on the evening of July 28, 1904.
                        Served until March 1916, i.e. 16 years!)))
                        Very Russian cruiser.))))
                        As for "... whoever is grinding their tongues off topic, ..." - there is no mention of the D-10S gun in the article!)))) Only D-10T2S!)))
                        So, that "off topic" is about you.))))
                      5. 0
                        20 May 2021 09: 30
                        The article, this is certainly good, but my question was asked specifically, "who do the Vietnamese want to punch?"But why you got in off topic with your unsubstantiated statements, claims to nicknames, accusations of idle talk, etc., I don't really understand.
                      6. 0
                        20 May 2021 09: 42
                        No need to juggle. Your question: "Who do they want to punch out of a hundred square meters of WWII times?" Then the statement: "And the gun managed to fight ..." - this is you about the D-10T2S gun.))))
                        And what are the claims to nicknames? Whichever you like, take this.
                        I just gave the Russian analogue of the word "troll".)))
                        "... with unsubstantiated statements ..." - everything I wrote is taken from the article "Domestic tank guns. A family of 100-mm tank guns D-10T "deployed on the" Voennoye Obozreniye ".
                      7. 0
                        20 May 2021 09: 54
                        I took the nickname I like. I don't know why you focused your attention on it.)))) The only difference that you brought is the installation of the stabilizer. I do not consider this to be a fundamental change in the ballistic characteristics of weapons of the WWII era. By the way, I also don't consider the name change associated with this upgrade to be a significant change.
                      8. +8
                        20 May 2021 09: 34
                        You are right, on the one hand, the basis is D-10S, but the shells that the D-10T2S can fire, you can no longer fire from the D-10S..., the power has been increased and the barrel has been modified accordingly. Well, that's how it is in general. hi
    2. +3
      20 May 2021 07: 00
      Quote: Angry Troll
      And who do they want to punch out of a hundred of the WWII times?

      They will find someone to shoot at. In very rough terrain, the distances are often "pistol" ...
      But how is a 50-kilogram Vietnamese loader controlled in a tower with a 25-kilogram unitary? What do they feed them with?
      1. 0
        23 May 2021 23: 13
        Peas are purchased in the Russian Federation! Together with spare parts for equipment)
    3. +2
      20 May 2021 09: 51
      if light tanks appear in the region, then it is quite logical that the class of medium tanks, naturally significantly modernized, will come to life, if the old 54 is jumped, then it will be in every way better than a new light tank like the Turkish Kaplan or Chinese
    4. +3
      20 May 2021 13: 21
      And who do they want to punch out of a hundred of the WWII times?
      Machine-gun nests, infantry fighting vehicles, bunkers, everything except modern tanks head-on.
      1. 0
        23 May 2021 23: 15
        I'm embarrassed to ask, where did you read that a tank should fight a tank? Maybe in what instruction? Al in the Charter?
  5. +4
    20 May 2021 06: 47
    Alive, bitch!
    They are doing the right thing to modernize. The Vietnamese fighters are excellent and even know how to use not the most modern equipment competently.
  6. 0
    20 May 2021 07: 18
    "Equipped with multiple scopes" .... How is that? Tankmen, explain! I know that two different sights on WWII tanks are common. But a LOT? A dozen? Two dozen? This is what? Who knows?
    1. +2
      20 May 2021 08: 00
      There is a Spanish MSA with a Slovak adaptation for the T-55 (and T-54/62 too) - TIFCS-3BU.

      DZ either its own on the basis of the Blazer bought at fiery discounts in Israel, then this is the impruved Blazer is simply repackaged under the TK for installation.

      Interestingly, a 60mm mortar is installed on the side, like on Israeli tanks.

      In general, the technical face of the modification is unknown. Initially, it was planned to change the engine and transmission. However, it is possible how it happened with the gun, they calculated the estimate and killed the calf. According to the video, it seems to be more vigorous than the usual T-54 rides.
      1. 0
        23 May 2021 23: 17
        just accelerated filming
  7. +6
    20 May 2021 07: 22
    Yes! Just look at the photo - the Vietnamese are doing great! RESPECT!
    Soviet equipment! 30-50 years old, and what a condition! In the photo in a hangar, as if from the factory and this in their climate!
    1. +2
      20 May 2021 09: 05
      This is not a hangar, this is a PLANT! It is warm there! All workshops are made of corrugated sheets.
  8. +1
    20 May 2021 09: 36
    In the title photo, the peeping tanker does not look much like a Vietnamese)
  9. 0
    20 May 2021 11: 41
    I wonder if the diesel from the modern T-55 and T-62 fits in there (T-72 and T-90)? V-92? with 1180 hp...can you measure 0-100 km/h on them.
    1. +1
      20 May 2021 21: 38
      I think that a new diesel engine for a tank will cost as much as one used unit. T55
      1. +1
        20 May 2021 21: 46
        Not a fact .... their engines also come from storage
  10. +1
    20 May 2021 21: 36
    It depends with whom they theoretically fight? A protim Cambodia 100mm cannon will do. There were recently T34-85s (and maybe they are now) in service. Against China - will not pull. Neither cannons, nor general technologies, nor the number of bayonets in the ranks :)
    1. +1
      21 May 2021 11: 32
      It will do. The Vietnamese are very rational guys. Once they modernized, it means they tied it to certain tasks. And their enemy is always number one - China. The VNA is one of the most combat-ready armies in the world. They will give the degenerate opportunists a good beating.
    2. 0
      28 May 2021 14: 37
      Against the Type 15 completely
  11. 0
    21 May 2021 10: 04
    An amateurish question. Why, after the T-64, T-72, T-80 appeared in service for a long time, the T-62 and T-55 were produced? One acquaintance served as a conscript on the T-55 in the late 90s. It turns out that five types of tanks were in service at the same time.
  12. -2
    21 May 2021 10: 40
    We wouldn’t go down to the T-54 ourselves.
  13. +1
    21 May 2021 16: 25
    well done Vietnamese, they and Shilki modernized so robustly, replaced the radar and control system with modern and 4-barreled rocket launcher stuck