Execution on camera in German: unconquered heroes of the Patriotic War


On the entire front, there was the only place where the Germans were never able to cross the state border of the Soviet Union. She was held by 135 joint ventures. The shocked Germans filmed the shooting of our guys on camera, trying to unravel the mystery of their invincibility.

On the eve of the Great Victory Day, it is necessary to remember that there was the only place on the entire front of hostilities where the enemy from the first day of the war could not cross the state border of the Soviet Union. The Germans were seriously shocked by the inflexibility of our soldiers of the 135th Infantry Regiment (14th Infantry Division), who defended the passage to the Sredny and Rybachy peninsulas on the isthmus on the Musta-Tunturi ridge.

Even in the very first hours of the Great Patriotic War, the fascists seem to have seriously realized that they had encountered special unbending people there. The Fritzes then captured two Soviet servicemen, arranged lynching right on the spot and on June 30, 1941, shot them, filming the entire execution on camera, and the photos of our unbroken guys were sent to the German headquarters.

Nowadays, it was these photographs that made it possible to understand what kind of massacre was there, on the Soviet polar border, and who exactly then was executed by the Nazis and why. Almost 8 decades after that fateful June 1941, at the very same stone in the Black Tundra (on the Musta-Tunturi ridge), which was recorded in that fateful Hitler photo, the remains of these two heroes were not only discovered, but also partially identified. This has already been written about, but story this one is so unusual that we will venture to retell it again.

The mystery of the death of heroes

Not so long ago, on the Kola Peninsula in the Russian Arctic, Russian pathfinders found the grave of two Soviet servicemen. Black-and-white photos from the Great Patriotic War helped them in this.

The photographs show the execution of two Red Army soldiers on June 30, 1941.

A photo report from that execution was kept in Norway. In the 90s, it was from there that part of the archive about the war in the very polar lands that lie between Norway and Russia was transferred to Murmansk. The Norwegians claimed that they got the chronicle prints about that execution from one of the real participants in the massacre - the German mountain shooter.

Our Murmansk ethnographers wanted to restore the details of what happened and to understand the reasons for the execution of the Soviet citizens captured in those "Norwegian" photographs.
One of the Germans who took part in the storming of the Soviet border on June 28-30, 1941, in the very place where the lynching was carried out, left a memoir.

Today book German Hans Ryuf "Mountain arrows in front of Murmansk" is posted on the Internet in two languages.

It says that the Nazis attacked the Soviet border along this stretch at the very end of June 1941. Just at that very point of the future mournful photo execution (height 122), the day before, Soviet servicemen defeated an enemy reconnaissance group. And the Nazis watched all this carnage through the eyepieces of binoculars. Only one of the German intelligence officers survived then. And that is only because out of fear he, as they say, jumped straight from the cliff into the lake.

And at night, angry Germans began to storm Hill 122. Hitler's mountain riflemen then faced unprecedented resistance from Soviet soldiers. The result of that fascist attack shocked the Fritzes: German losses in one battle with the Red Army exceeded all those that they suffered during the entire Polish campaign. It was about the company of Chief Lieutenant Rohde.

The Germans then wrote:

“Oberleutenant Rode, commander of the 2nd company of the 136th Mountain Rifle Regiment ... on the night of June 29, 1941, sent a combined reconnaissance group under the command of Ostermann ... with the task of climbing to height 122 and reconnoitering the situation. As soon as the reconnaissance group disappeared behind the crest of the hill, explosions of grenades and intense firing from machine guns were heard, but everything was quiet very quickly. The Jaegers of the 2nd Company realized that Ostermann's group had most likely been destroyed or captured by the Russians. And so they began to rush to storm the heights.

At 5 o'clock in the morning (June 30, 1941), Oberleutenant Rode gave the order to storm the heights under the cover of the morning fog. Bursting to the top, the soldiers entered into an extremely fierce battle, which turned into hand-to-hand combat ...

At 6 hours 15 minutes altitude 122 was taken. It was defended by servicemen of the 135th Infantry Regiment of the 14th Infantry Division of the Red Army. "

“The 2nd company of mountain riflemen lost 16 people killed and 11 wounded in this short battle. This was more than her losses during the entire Polish campaign ... "

Two Red Army men survived then. Angry Germans lynched and shot them. But before that, the cameras were turned on, and the execution itself was recorded on tape. The Nazi commander ordered to record the process in the photo. So one of the German shooters was recording, and the other was filming it all. Soviet soldiers were killed on record because they then shocked the enemies with their fury, bravery and courage. By the way, it was here, in the direction to Murmansk, that the only place on the entire western border of the Soviet Union that the Nazis never managed to cross was found. And the legendary 135 rifle regiment held this bridgehead ...

The impartial film and the Fritzes' memoirs testify that our soldiers knew that they were being executed. But they did not surrender and did not submit. They look at the enemy just for a second before the shot, contemptuously, and they hold themselves courageously.

And a German who served in that mountain rifle corps wrote about that day that

“The Russians understood perfectly well why they would be shot ...
After all this, our (fascist) commander sent all the notes and film to the headquarters. "


By a lucky coincidence, search engines found the grave of the executed Soviet soldiers almost eight decades later. One summer afternoon, the pathfinders from the Polar Frontier club were doing a battle reconstruction at the same altitude 122. Some of them were in the role of Germans, others - fought in the form of soldiers of the Red Army. Of course, we prepared, studied archives, photos and memoirs. Suddenly, during the war game, the Murmansk trackers realized that they were exactly at the very stone where the two heroes of those first days of the Great Patriotic War were shot. Indeed, the remains of those executed were buried under the grass.

Execution on camera in German: unconquered heroes of the Patriotic War

In the book of memoirs of the commander of the reconnaissance detachment of the 135th rifle regiment Vasily Petrovich Barbolin "Unforgettable Rybachy" we read:

“A battle began in the area of ​​the 6th frontier outpost. Small enemy groups by force from squad to platoon, seeping at the junctions of subunits, tried to move forward in the direction of Kutovaya along the entire front from Bolshoi Musta-Tunturi to a height of 122,0. But everywhere they were met by the fire of machine gunners and scouts.
Short battles ensued, and, having lost several people killed, the mountain huntsmen were forced to retreat. On the night of June 30, on the Titovka-Kutovaya road, in small groups and alone, soldiers of the 95th regiment and border guards began to appear, departing from the Titov direction (the 95th rifle division was part of the 14th rifle division). There were many wounded among them "...

Under the turf, at a depth of about an elbow, those trackers found bones. It turned out that the Germans accurately recorded everything: before the execution, these recalcitrant Red Army men, on the orders of the Nazis, dug their own grave pit. And all this is under the lenses of German cameras. Who knew that the very same ill-fated photos of the fascists would help to find this place of execution many decades later?

Here is the Russian spirit, it smells of Rus here

But who are they, those our Soviet heroes-martyrs? So this grave of unknown Soviet soldiers would have been nameless, if not for the discovery made more than seven decades later. And all because, with German pedantry, the Fritzes recorded the entire procedure of their execution. And the photographic film ruthlessly and truthfully recorded the situation of the death of our soldiers. It turned out that neither propaganda, nor pathos was one terrible story?

They were young, and their whole life was ahead of them. It was the ninth day of that terrible war - it was June 30, 1941. But they did not fall on their knees before the enemy, did not beg the enemies who treacherously attacked our Motherland for pardon. Not. They did not humiliate themselves and did not flinch. And they accepted the execution with honor. And this is precisely what the Fritzes could not understand then. That is why they filmed everything then on photographic film in order to get to the bottom of the truth: what kind of people were fighting with them now? After all, they did not meet anything like that, marching all over Europe? That is why they sent photos of these incomprehensible, staunch and unyielding, mysterious and brave Soviet soldiers to their German headquarters ...

Source: foto.pamyat-naroda.ru

How did it happen that even those two Soviet soldiers who were shot by the Nazis then turned out to be stronger than the enemy? Braver than enemies? How, dying, they defeated the Nazis? What was this mysterious and incomprehensible "Russian spirit"? All this the Germans could not understand either then or now ...

Source: soldat.ru

The place of their execution was searched for before at that fatal height 122. But the puzzles were formed only during the game reconstruction of the battle. And even if such war games sometimes seem to be just fun to someone, they really help a lot to restore the realities of long-past battles.

Participants-pathfinders then had to study in detail both the photo and the landscape. And to restore, from photographs, including the exact place of that execution. And the dumb witnesses of those events helped - huge boulders and constant bends of rocks. A tip from the Germans from that photo taken on that day, June 30, 1941 ...

Near the boulder, next to which two Red Army soldiers were captured on the eve of the execution, the search engines found not only the bones of those two soldiers under the grass. It turned out that over the years, belts have also been preserved, as well as some details of clothing.

Source: rg.ru

Even a mining worker's union card has not completely decayed. In the photo, one of the executed was in an overcoat. So, after so many years, not only pre-war coins were found in the pocket of that same greatcoat.

And also the so-called "mortal medallion". This is a small black pencil case, where the Red Army soldiers usually hid a note.

The dampness made the ink on the note blurry, of course.

But experienced trackers still managed to read it. The name of the hero was there. It turned out to be Sergey Makarovich Korolkov. And his year of birth was indicated there - 1912. He was born in a village called Khmelishche, which was then in the Velikie Luki region in the Serezhensky district. He was married to Ekaterina Lukinichna Korolkova.

Source: pamyat-naroda.ru

And then they looked in the archives. It turned out that Sergei Korolkov went to the front on June 22, 1941, that is, on the very first day of the war, as a volunteer from the city of Kirovsk. There he worked at the Apatit enterprise. This means that he could not have been called up on the armor, but he did not bother, and went to the front. Therefore, he was dismissed from June 23, 1941.

Source: pamyat-naroda.ru

Sergei's biography was the most typical. Of the peasants. Education - three classes. Working profession - driller at the mine since 1931. He was a member of the trade union. There were no marks of penalties. In 1940 he became a father, Sergei had a daughter.

Source: rg.ru

The search engines found the daughter of Private Korolkov. She lives with six grandchildren in the Tver region. She does not remember her father Sergei, because she was only a year old when her father went to war, and there on the ninth day he was shot by the Nazis. Father's card has not been preserved in the family photo album.

But in the photo albums, the Nazis have preserved a photo of Sergei Korolkov and his comrade. Sergei Korolkov was executed by the Nazis at gunpoint on June 30, 1941 at an altitude of 122 in the polar tundra near Murmansk. But his family considered him missing for more than seventy years.

Source: pamyat-naroda.ru

But the identity of his partner has not yet been established. The photo only shows that it was a junior commander, judging by the signs on the gymnast. Search engines still do not lose hope of establishing the name of this glorious hero. This warrior was part of either the 135th rifle division of the 14th rifle division of the 14th army of the Northern Front or the 23rd SD of the Northern fleet.

Combat log

The site "Memory of the People" today posted a declassified May 8, 2007 magazine military actions of the 14th army (Journal of military actions of troops 14 A. Describes the period from 22.06.1941/31.08.1941/363 to 6208/46/20, Archive: TsAMO, Fund: 24, Inventory: 29, File: 30). On pages XNUMX-XNUMX of this document there are short notes about the situation in the Murmansk direction on June XNUMX and XNUMX.

Here is what is sparingly recorded by hand about the situation of the last days of the life of our heroes and their comrades:

«29 June 1941 year... Murmansk direction. On the night of June 28-29, the enemy in the area of ​​Lake Laya began preparations for the crossing. The artillery of the 14th Rifle Division dispersed the enemy group and was forced to abandon its intention.
At 3:00, two German companies launched an offensive from the area of ​​height 224,0 (0642), but P.O. were thrown back to their original position. At the same time, on the left flank of the 2/95 joint venture, height 179,0 led the offensive. By mid-day, the enemy had brought in up to four battalions of infantry into battle. At the same time, strong artillery fire and continuous attacks by bombers exerted an impact on the defending units of the 95th rifle division.
Up to one and a half German and Finnish infantry divisions, supported by up to three artillery divisions and up to 30–30 aircraft, operated in front of the regiment's front, located along a front of up to 35 km.
At noon, units of the 95th Rifle Corps were forced to retreat to a new line under the onslaught of significantly superior enemy forces. At an altitude of 189,3, the 4th Rifle Company continued to fight in the encirclement.
By the end of the day, the enemy, developing the offensive, reached the front of an unnamed height (2658), west of the slope of height 388,9; marks 180,1; 158,1; bridge over the Titovka river. At this point, further movement stopped.
By the end of the day the 112th RV took up defensive positions at the waterfall line (1054) and unnamed height (0852).
52 Rifle Division: 58 Rifle Division concentrated on 61 km.

Source: pamyat-naroda.ru

And in the same place about the situation on June 30, 1941 (the day of the execution of the Red Army soldiers of the 135th Rifle Division at a height of 122):

«30 June 1941 year... Murmansk direction.
The enemy, pulling up fresh forces and regrouping, by force up to a regiment, launched an offensive on the Musta-Tunturi ridge and pushed the 23rd UR units.
At 14:30, he reached the line: the southeastern heights of the Musta-Tunturi ridge east of the lakes (illegible name), mark 194,1.
Commandant 23 UR One battalion of the 135th Rifle Corps and 15th Pulbat occupied the firing positions of the Kutovaya-Kazarma isthmus and suspended the enemy's further advance.
Commander of the 14th rifle division in the area 88,5 (1050) concentrated 112 joint venture, just arrived from the march, began to prepare a counterattack in the direction of height 204,2.
95th joint venture continued to retreat in the direction of the Zapadnaya Litsa River. The 4th Rifle Company continued to conduct a fierce battle at a height of 189,3 (1046), completely surrounded by the enemy.
The 112th Rifle Corps, taking up defenses on the eastern bank of the Titovka River, covered the withdrawal of the 95th Rifle Division, and under the onslaught of the enemy was forced to withdraw (crossed out "after") along with the 95th Rifle Division.
52 RD concentrated on the high bank of the Zapadnaya Litsa river at the waterfall section (9666), lake. Kuyrk Yavr, height 321,9.
The enemy carried out continuous bombardments of retreating troops and suitable reserves throughout the day. "

The impregnable Soviet cordon

On the hills of the Arctic tundra in those places, the front line is still clearly visible today. The search engines claim that it is still replete with firing points and is dotted with shell casings. And even with the bones of our soldiers.

The ashes of Sergei Korolkov, at the request of the family, were buried in his homeland, now in the Tver region.

And on the Rybachy peninsula to the heroes who defended the Soviet border and did not let the fascists in one iota, today they created a people's memorial "135 regiment".

Note. Memorial 135 regiment. Memorial of the 135th Infantry Regiment of the 14th Infantry Division, which has been operating since the beginning of the war in isolation from the main forces of the division, defending the passage to the Sredny and Rybachy peninsula on the isthmus on the Musta-Tunturi ridge, the only place on the entire front of hostilities where the enemy was never able to cross the state border of the Soviet Union... He acted as part of the Northern Defense Region.

Source: vk.com/memorial135


From Murmansk the archive:

In the Arctic, the German regular units crossed the state border of the USSR on the night of June 28-29, 1941 - in the area of ​​the village of Titovka (Murmansk direction).
The offensive was led by the army "Norway" under the command of General N. Falkenhorst. The Hitlerite army was opposed by units of the 14th Army of the Northern Front (after 23 August 1941 - the Karelian Front) under the command of Lieutenant General V.A.Frolov and the Northern Navy under the command of Admiral A.G. Golovko.
During defensive battles in June-September 1941 the enemy was stopped in the Murmansk direction - at the turn of the Western Litsa River.
Until the fall of 1944, a trench warfare was fought in this direction.

Eternal memory to all who gave us, descendants, Victory in the Great Patriotic War and a peaceful sky!
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  1. +53
    9 May 2021 05: 58
    Eternal memory to the courage of the warriors!
    Thanks to the people who are helping to restore history.
    1. +7
      11 May 2021 09: 11
      I can't help but join. And madly, right up to tears, I want the name of the second hero of the described events, and all the others who are still missing, become known and remembered by their descendants with pride and gratitude.
    2. +2
      12 May 2021 23: 16
      Our Murmansk Chief Search Engineer died at the beginning of this year, he was about 62 years old, Mikhail Oresheta. If it had not been for him, there would have been no monuments, no memorial in the Valley of Glory ... And many names of those who fell in those years would have remained unknown if it had not been for him. Despite the bureaucratic indifference, and sometimes actions directly similar to vandalism at the state level, he did what he should have a monument in the central square for him in Murmansk, but the city rogues in the city government are too busy settling accounts among themselves and sharing a pie called Murmansk ...
  2. +33
    9 May 2021 06: 21
    Great people. Great country.
    Socialist and atheistic state. Without any faith, without any barons, all people are brothers.

    Hopefully we haven't pissed off all the polymers yet.
    1. +29
      9 May 2021 06: 29
      Quote: bya965
      Great people.

      Only such people could have won that war ... Thanks to them ..
      1. +33
        9 May 2021 06: 58
        Quote: SERGE ant

        Only such people could have won that war ... Thanks to them ..

        Honor and glory to our heroes! It is about them that you need to talk about in schools, and not learn all the lies from Solzhenitsyn!
      2. +15
        9 May 2021 08: 49
        I agree, but what about the management.
        For example the evacuation of factories.
        For example, one of the creators of the IS-2 was one of the designers of nuclear and hydrogen weapons.

        And who are they people? Soviet people!
        1. +11
          9 May 2021 09: 24
          For example, one of the creators of the IS-2 was one of the designers of nuclear and hydrogen weapons

          Without such people, there would be no Victory. Three times Hero of Socialist Labor. Lieutenant General of the Engineering and Technical Service. The winner of the Lenin Prize and five Stalin Prizes, Nikolai Leonidovich Dukhov, under his leadership, the heavy tanks KV-1s, KV-85, IS-1, IS-2, IS-3 and IS-4 were developed. Since 1954, Dukhov became the director, chief designer and scientific supervisor of branch No. 1 of KB-11 (now VNIIA named after NL Dukhov), which he headed until his death. He identified the main areas of the Institute's topics - the creation of nuclear ammunition for strategic and tactical complexes of nuclear weapons, systems for electric and neutron initiation of nuclear charges, automatic devices for nuclear weapons, unified instrumentation. For ten years under his leadership, three generations of automation units were developed, the first generation of nuclear ammunition for seventeen different carriers - the R-7 ballistic missile, the T-5 torpedo, the first cruise missiles for the Air Force, Navy, Air Defense, a whole range of electromechanical devices.
          1. +11
            9 May 2021 09: 44
            Thank you for remembering.
            And then today's youth laughs at me. Like a tank and a nuclear weapon.
            The people were flint.
            My grandfather https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Mikhailovich_Scheglevatykh
            1. +7
              9 May 2021 10: 00
              Whether it's a tank or an atomic bomb, everything needs blueprints for manufacturing. I knew about Dukhov as a tank designer until the moment when my son was invited to work at VNIIA im. Dukhova, that's when I was surprised.
              After reading about your grandfather, I fought well and worked perfectly, I remembered Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky, the prototype of the hero Ulyanov in the film "The Chairman", Hero of the Soviet Union and Socialist Labor.
              Unfortunately, both my grandfathers did not return from the war. One grandfather was the chairman of a collective farm, participated in the parade on November 7, 1941, died in March 42nd near Rzhev, another grandfather disappeared near Kharkov in the summer of 42nd. But his father, born in 1924, was drafted in 1942 to the Far East and participated in August 45 in the Seisin landing as part of the 62nd battalion of the Pacific Fleet. He received a shrapnel wound from a grenade and a Nakhimov medal.
              Happy Holidays!
              1. +6
                9 May 2021 10: 01
                In my class of 38 people, only I had a living grandfather. The second died in an unsuccessful offensive near Kharkov in 1943
                1. +5
                  9 May 2021 10: 09
                  As my grandmother said, everyone who fought did not return. My grandfather's compatriot, who wrote a letter about the heroic death of his grandfather, who passed Khalkhin-Gol and Finnish, died in 45 in Poland. his father's cousin, also in 1924, was drafted in the fall of the 42nd, fought in a separate reconnaissance company, a holder of 2 Orders of Glory, died from injury on April 24, 45 near Berlin.
                  1. +7
                    9 May 2021 15: 12
                    And those who survived, who returned, didn't they fight?
                    1. +1
                      9 May 2021 15: 23
                      Those who were on the front line and survived were just lucky, but those who fought on the front line, in the infantry, in tanks and aviation, were 10-15% of the total number of troops. In the regiment where my deceased grandfather fought, two regiment commanders had already died by the 42nd, and two more regiment commanders were added to the 45th, and what can we say about the rest.

                      And those who survived, who returned, didn't they fight?

                      Tell us about your fighters. And what are the claims to my late grandmother? My father fought for only three days, surrounded, in the Korean port of Seishin. Survived by accident, the Japanese grenade turned out to be weak.
                      1. +5
                        9 May 2021 15: 31
                        Claims not to your grandmother, but to your words. My grandfather fought in the infantry, yes, he had awards and wounds. The war for him ended in Eastern Europe, he died in the late 90s. What are the claims against him? The fact that he is alive returned, albeit completely re-wired by surgeons? And you would not go to ... the field ... It's a pity, you can't speak Russian here !!!
                      2. -11
                        9 May 2021 15: 33
                        Only one grandfather fought? And from what year and where? And then one friend said that his grandfather went hand-to-hand 4 times, but in fact was a carrier of shells.
                      3. +11
                        9 May 2021 17: 36
                        Quote: Konnick
                        Only one grandfather fought? And from what year and where? And then one friend said that his grandfather went hand-to-hand 4 times, but in fact was a carrier of shells.

                        And what, for the Victory do not need carriers of shells? Like, crawl to the gun by themselves? laughing I also had one grandfather fought - intelligence, 9th Airborne Division, the other in the rear was mining gold for the country - or was it not necessary either? Father from the 43rd at the front - the marines, an assault battalion during the capture of Budapest, then - Vienna, Bratislava, Prague, Japan, all in intelligence. This is probably a family one - a paternal grandmother, a Komsomol organizer of the Kotovsky brigade, she was very respected when she was in the Civilian, she was a daredevil laughing Well, then I had to, where to go? laughing Is it worth arguing today? Happy Holidays! 100 g for victory!
                      4. 0
                        10 May 2021 00: 42
                        And what, for Victory, you don't need shell carriers

                        Needed, but why fantasize about 4 melee.
                        And you can read more about the assault battalion in Budapest. When I was back in the Soviet era on Mount Gellert, in the fortress, the guide told me about the assault officer battalions that took the fortress. These assault battalions were formed from officers released from captivity, including many defenders of Odessa and Sevastopol. Moreover, these were not penalties and it was a kind of check before the return of the officer's rank, and almost everyone who survived the assault was awarded orders and medals.
                      5. +5
                        10 May 2021 19: 50
                        About the assault battalion of the 53rd Army in Budapest. It was based on the 320th training infantry regiment. Father said that the battalion's losses were sometimes up to 80%. The regiment took people from the liberated territories with an unconfirmed past and fighters from the destroyed units of the Red Army. My father came from the Marine Corps, was appointed a chest of drawers, and his classmates from Kotovsk ended up in the department, everyone lived to see Victory. They were trained for urban battles, but, apparently, not everyone was given it. My father was probably helped by the experience gained in the Marine Corps and luck - one of the wounds - a sniper shot in the heart, father stumbled, a bullet hit an outstretched arm, went from wrist to armpit and left there. He did not like to talk about the war. He said it was not for normal people. Even when they drank vodka with colleagues of that time, they remembered only good things. And a couple of times, yes, as they entered the trenches, as if at home - they did not leave anything alive - what to do, war. When I returned from Prague in September of the 68th, I brought 2 suitcases of cherries, like, this is a present for you from children from Czechoslovakia).
                      6. +5
                        9 May 2021 15: 40
                        Grandmother's brother, was drafted in the 43rd, reached Berlin, two Orders of Glory and many more awards, senior sergeant, but he was a rifle master, repaired machine guns and mortars, sometimes during the battle, but did not go into attacks, valuable the specialist was taken care of.
                      7. -2
                        9 May 2021 15: 47
                        It's a pity, you can't speak Russian here !!!

                        I understand mat in Tatar, in Georgian, in Armenian, in Mordovian, and just an expert in Spanish and English, and I also know Hungarian. And Russian swearing is my working language. ask
                      8. +1
                        9 May 2021 16: 38
                        Tell us about your grandfather, Raven.
                      9. The comment was deleted.
                      10. +4
                        10 May 2021 14: 10
                        He volunteered for the front in the 43rd, 73rd Infantry Division of the Breakthrough, went through the whole of Belarus, was awarded the Order of the Red Star, Orders of the Patriotic War of 1 and 2 degrees, ironically fought and liberated his almost small homeland, since the family house was in the village. Strativa of the Bryansk region (and there are both Ukraine and Belarus nearby), although he went to the army from Transbaikalia. hi When he died I was 13 years old, he never talked about the war, only his awards and a rough video were left at home, which was filmed in the mid-90s by representatives of the Belogorsk military registration and enlistment office for a documentary film about war veterans. ...
                      11. +1
                        10 May 2021 15: 25
                        He volunteered for the front in the 43rd, 73rd Infantry Division of the Breakthrough, went through the whole of Belarus, was awarded the Order of the Red Star, Orders of the Patriotic War of 1 and 2 degrees, ironically fought and liberated his almost small homeland, since the family house was in the village. Strativa of the Bryansk region (and there are both Ukraine and Belarus nearby), although he went to the army from Transbaikalia.

                        Almost all archives are now open. Your grandfather fought in the 73rd division of the third formation, the first formation was destroyed near Vyazma in the fall of the 41st, the second formation was killed in battles from April 25, 42nd to September 27, 42nd. Your grandfather was lucky, he got into the division in the fall of 43. But you could name the title and position. For example, my cousin uncle, a holder of 2 Orders of Glory, fought in 391 reconnaissance company of 323 Rifle Division from the fall of 42nd until the death of April 24, 45th, they only had three full holders of the Orders of Glory in the company, almost like in the entire 73 division. Few of the soldiers who fought on the front line since the 41st lived to see Victory, literally a few.
                      12. +1
                        10 May 2021 15: 31
                        I only say what I know. Sergeant, a simple infantryman, he did not like these topics. And what would he tell us-children? Upload a video here? A lot of problems, not so simple. Maybe in a few years. Grandpa survived. thanks to the doctors, however, the war ended for him in Poland. He told a lot of interesting things about the attitude of the Poles towards the Russians at that time. Probably, they did not write this in history textbooks, only now their essence came out.
      3. +4
        9 May 2021 08: 57
        Yes, not everyone will be able to accept death as these Soldiers. Looking into the barrels of rifles. It's not a bird that will fly out from there now ...
      4. -4
        11 May 2021 15: 04
        Only such people could have won that war ... Thanks to them ..

        Such people will not grumble that they cannot go to Turkey to rest, or that there is not enough money for a new Mercedes ...
    2. +5
      9 May 2021 09: 31
      The junior commander has no sense of hopelessness. Oh, there is a vein. That is why we won. Eternal Glory to our grandfathers and grandmothers! All were Russian regardless of nationality. My grandfather came to Czechoslovakia. And, my grandmother in Kirovsk worked in a hospital.
      1. +1
        9 May 2021 10: 19
        Quote: bandabas
        All were Russian regardless of nationality.

        Who sat in the trench to the end and who "rose as one. Those who took Berlin."

        And those who are Russian, but did not do that, were Khivi or simply a liberal or a strong believer (the Russian Orthodox Church abroad), they are nobody to me.
        1. +3
          9 May 2021 14: 07
          Something you are not saying, my friend. My second grandfather is from Siberia, and my grandmother is from Kabarda. Was in the occupation. Cool city. That those that others met and got married after the war. Only to my grandfather's grave in Nizhyn, I can not go because of such Bandera.
    3. +3
      9 May 2021 10: 39
      Heroes of the Soviet Union of the Great Patriotic War.
      1. Russian - 8160,
      2. Ukrainians - 2089,
      3. Belarusians - 309,
      4. Tatars - 161,
      5. Jews - 108,
      6. Kazakhs - 96,
      7. Georgian - 91,
      8. Armenians - 90,
      9. Uzbekov - 69,
      10.Mordva- 63,
      11. Chuvash - 44,
      12.Azerbaijanis - 43,
      13.Bashkir - 39,
      14.Osetin - 33,
      15. Representatives of the nationalities of Dagestan -24 (25),
      16. Mari - 18,
      17.Turkmen - 18,
      18.Litovtsev - 15,
      19.Tajikov - 15,
      20.Latyshey - 12,
      21.Kirghizov - 12,
      22.Komi - 10,
      23. Udmurtov - 10,
      24.Nemtsev - 9 (11),
      25. Estonians - 9,
      26. Karelov - 11,
      27.Buryat - 8,
      28.Kalmykov - 8,
      29. Kabardintsev - 5 (8),
      30. Grekov - 6 (9),
      31. Crimean Tatars -6 (7),
      32. Adygeys - 7,
      33. Chechens-5 (6),
      34. Chekhov-4 (6),
      35.French - 4,
      36.Abkhaztsev - 4,
      37. Cherkess - 2 (3),
      38. Yakutov - 3 (7),
      39.Moldavan - 2,
      40.Poles - 3,
      41. Tuvintsev - 1 (2),
      42. Karachay - 1 (2),
      43.Slovak - 1,
      44. Rusin - 1,
      45.Bask - 1,
      46. ​​Finns - 2,
      47. Evenk - 1,
      48.Gypsy - 1,
      49. Korean - 1,
      50.Balkar -1,
      51. Gagauz -1 (1),
      52. Kurd - 1,
      53.Svan - 1,
      54. Khakass - 2,
      55.Shorets - 1,
      56. Assyrians - 2,
      57. Vepsyanka - 1,
      58.Abazin - 1,
      59.Dunganin - 1,
      60. Turkish Meskhetian - 1,
      61.Bulgars - 1 (2),
      62. Teleut - 1,
      63.Kumandinets - 1,
      64.Karakalpak - 1,
      65. Uyghur - 1,
      66. Nanai - 1,
      67. Izhorets - 1,
      68. Altai-1.
      1. -1
        9 May 2021 10: 45
        Jews per capita were the most heroes. Yes, the first hero of that war from the commanders of the Jew Kreizer https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kreizer_Yakov_Grigorievich

        The Russian people are the main hero, he fought and worked not for awards, but for his state. We are always fighting for our state.
        The rest for robbery, money, territory or the Jews mentioned here for water.
        1. 0
          9 May 2021 11: 29
          Ossetians per capita were the most heroes
          1. +1
            9 May 2021 12: 03
            I've heard this dispute for 30 years.

            Ossetians are correct and respected people. With a bow.
        2. -2
          9 May 2021 14: 38
          I'm sorry. You are God's chosen nation.
          1. -1
            9 May 2021 15: 25
            Now he has already turned into a Jew. Friend, I am a Don Cossack on my father's side, on my mother's a Voronezh peasant.
            Or did you think about my grandfather that he was from the Russian city of Odessa. So my great-grandfather served there as a soldier and later got married. He comes from Ramon, this is where our three-line came from, and he most likely zellokival with Mosin and more than once.

            Don't hurt me, friend. I will never betray.
            I throw knives well, either left or right.
            I'm an athlete, shot put, decathlon.
            True, I'm already running hard uphill, but along the even young ones ...
          2. +1
            9 May 2021 16: 11
            My small homeland, I'm from Mikhailovka
    4. -1
      11 May 2021 14: 30
      The German version of the reasons for the execution is that this company had allegedly tortured and shot their prisoners before. I repeat, this is the German version.
    5. +1
      12 May 2021 00: 44
      Quote: bya965
      Great people. Great country.
      Socialist and atheistic state. Without any faith, without any barons, all people are brothers.

      Faith was in the Socialist State! Praise and Memory to the Heroes of the Motherland!
  3. +10
    9 May 2021 07: 08
    Eternal memory to heroes!
    Happy Great Victory Day!
  4. +9
    9 May 2021 07: 09
    Vladimir Vysotsky - Ballad about wrestling. ... And when a wounded friend collapses nearby
    And you will howl over the first loss, regret
    And when you are left without skin suddenly
    Because they killed him, not you.

    You will understand that you recognized, distinguished, found
    He took a grin - he grinned for death,
    Lies and evil, look, as their faces are lips,
    And always behind the crow and coffins.

    If you didn’t eat meat from a knife
    If the hands are folded, watched down,
    And in the battle did not come with a scoundrel, with the executioner,
    So, in life you were neither with anything, nor with anything.

    If the path is broken with his father's sword,
    You are wound with salty tears,
    If in a hot fight I experienced that how much,
    So you read the right books as a child.
  5. +12
    9 May 2021 07: 21
    Eternal memory to them, that's about whom you need to write books and films.
    And curse those bastard Kol from Urengoy.
  6. +6
    9 May 2021 07: 47
    Thank you, Irina, for the story of the heroic fate of the Soviet people. It's amazing that during the exercises we were in these places. Moreover, there were military units. And no one imagined that the blood-soaked land of Rybachy kept such secrets.
    I join:
    Quote: Proton
    Eternal memory to the courage of the warriors!
    Thanks to the people who are helping to restore history.
  7. +3
    9 May 2021 08: 59
    These guys are HEROES ... without any conventions.
    Interestingly, the "pervetin boys" who killed them, some kind of feeling stirred in their souls, did they understand that they would not have an easy walk and this was not Denmark, which "heroically" fought for EIGHT hours before its surrender?
    1. +2
      9 May 2021 10: 18
      Quote: svp67
      that it will not be an easy walk for them and this is not Denmark

      In fact, Denmark is only the debut insignificant part of the "Teachings on the Weser", followed by Norway - two months of fighting, 6000 killed, 14 ships and 6 submarines.
      1. +1
        9 May 2021 11: 31
        Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
        behind it, the "perventine boys" were Norway - two months of fighting, 6000 killed, 14 ships and 6 submarines.

        And how did the "Vikings" contribute to this?
        1. 0
          9 May 2021 11: 42
          Quote: svp67
          And how did the "Vikings" contribute to this?

          what other vikings? What is it about?
          1. +1
            9 May 2021 12: 40
            Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
            what other vikings?

            About Norwegians? How did they contribute to this?
            1. 0
              9 May 2021 13: 33
              Quote: svp67
              Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
              what other vikings?

              About Norwegians? How did they contribute to this?

              You seem to have been talking about the 'easy walk'. And you shouldn't compare the Norwegian army with the Red Army. Neither numerically nor organizationally. By 1940, she had no maneuvers for about 15 years. Not to mention military experience.
              1. +2
                9 May 2021 18: 12
                Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
                And you shouldn't compare the Norwegian army with the Red Army.

                During the entire war from 1940 to 1945, Norway lost, just think about the order of numbers
                - 1,3 thousand people - Armed forces, including in exile During these battles - about 800 people
                - 1,5 thousand soldiers of the Norwegian Resistance were victims of German repression.
                - 1,8 thousand civilians,
                700 Jews of Norway became victims of the Holocaust
                - 3670 merchant seamen on 706 sunken Norwegian ships.
                About 6 thousand Norwegians served in the SS troops and 709 of them died.

                Britain suffered major losses
                During the campaign, the German armed forces lost 1317 people killed, 1604 wounded and 2375 missing, mostly in sunken ships. The losses of the British in killed, wounded and missing amounted to 1869 people in battles on land (including in Southern Norway - 1363, near Narvik - 506 people) and more than 2500 in naval battles; Polish contingent - 97 killed, 189 wounded and 28 missing; French troops lost about 230 people.
                Thus, the total irrecoverable losses of the German side amounted to 3692 people, the allies (excluding the armed forces of Norway and Denmark) - more than 4900 people.
                For combat and technical reasons, the Germans lost 30 (!) Tanks, the allies - a total of about 10 (the British - 3; exact data on the losses of the French side are not available).
                The Royal Navy lost 1 aircraft carrier, 2 light cruisers, 7 destroyers, 4 submarines, 1 sloop, 14 armed trawlers and 5 auxiliary vessels. Losses of the French fleet - 2 leaders, the Polish one - a destroyer and a submarine.
                The losses of the Kriegsmarine turned out to be more tangible: 1 heavy and 2 light cruisers, 10 destroyers, 2 destroyers, 4 submarines, 1 training and artillery ship, as well as 17 minesweepers, hunters and patrol ships (mostly converted from mobilized ships).
  8. +1
    9 May 2021 11: 42
    I'll just quote verses from a song that I can't listen to without tears ...

    Eternal flame.

    Poems - Evgeny Agranovich
    Music - Raphael Hozak

    From the heroes of bygone days
    Sometimes there are no names left.
    Those who have taken mortal combat
    They became just earth, grass ...
    Only their terrible valor
    Settled in the hearts of the living.
    This eternal flame bequeathed to us alone
    We store in the chest.

    Look at my fighters -
    The whole world remembers them by sight!
    That battalion froze in the ranks -
    I recognize old friends again.
    Though they are not twenty-five,
    The hard way they had to go.
    These are those who rose with hostility, as one,
    Those who took Berlin!

    There is no such family in Russia
    Wherever my hero was remembered.
    And the eyes of young soldiers
    From photos of wilted look ...
    This look is like a supreme court
    For the guys that are growing now,
    And the boys can neither lie nor deceive,
    Not out of the way.

    These are tears of grief, because they are not with us, reliable and strong.
    These are tears of joy that they are in a better world, in their last army from heaven they are guarding our earth and are preparing in a dense row to give the last battle to the enemy!
    Eternal memory to the dead!
    Glory to the Heavenly Host!
    1. The comment was deleted.
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            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. The comment was deleted.
  9. +1
    9 May 2021 12: 20
    Two people ruined the mood of a whole regiment of Germans for the entire war. By the way they held themselves, they simply spat in the face of these self-conscious "supermen" at parting.
    Here is the spirit, what the Nazi generals could not take into account in their plans, a factor that, along with the economy and resources, decided the outcome of the war.
  10. +7
    9 May 2021 13: 32
    before the execution, these recalcitrant Red Army men, on the orders of the Nazis, dug their own grave pit. And all this is under the lenses of German cameras

    Even on such a day, the author cannot be without ad-libbing. fool
    No one dug the graves of the soldiers - the Germans simply threw the bodies of the executed where they were overtaken by death.
    link Hans Ruef "Mountain arrows in front of Murmansk" in the same place and the primary source of the above photos of the execution.
    1. +1
      9 May 2021 16: 02
      Quote: Richard
      Even on such a day, the author cannot be without ad-libbing.

      "Frolova" and "Borzopisets" are synonyms.
  11. +6
    9 May 2021 13: 38
    Poet Gennady Malinsky dedicated the poem "Twenty steps to be shot" to two Soviet soldiers who died at an altitude of 122,0.

    “Twenty steps to be shot.
    There is no wall here, so go to the stone "-
    This is probably the Nazis said.
    Life of seconds lies ahead.

    Take a look at the look, at the figure of a soldier.
    How he stands in front of a bunch of enemies.
    He sent them with the word of Russian mat
    As far as Vaterland, to its shores.

    Forty-first, the Fritz struck.
    We retreated at the beginning of the war.
    This one did not pass even half a meter of the border.
    He and his comrade were left alone.

    The homeland is here - amid the cold stone.
    A stunted bush is its borders.
    So two young guys were killed.
    They were shot at this border.

    Height 122,0, like the entire Musta-Tunturi ridge, was recaptured from the Nazis only in the fall of 1944.
    Eternal glory and eternal memory to the fallen defenders of the Motherland!
    1. +10
      9 May 2021 13: 53
      Now at the place of their death there is a cross put up by Murmansk search engines.
      1. -2
        10 May 2021 19: 36
        Were the soldiers believers?
  12. +2
    9 May 2021 14: 23
    Honor and glory!!! I am proud and tears are welling up.
  13. +1
    9 May 2021 16: 34
    I happened to be in Titovka. The hills are strewn with the remains of mines and other iron of war. My grandfather was there during the events described.
    It is not clear why the author calls the murder of prisoners an execution?
  14. 0
    9 May 2021 18: 26
    Everlasting memory! On the branches of a wounded poplar ..... To all Fallen Heroes!
  15. -3
    9 May 2021 18: 33
    Quote: bya965
    Great people. Great country.
    Socialist and atheistic state. Without any faith, without any barons, all people are brothers.

    Hopefully we haven't pissed off all the polymers yet.

    Jews, fifth place, is information for Russian nationalists.
    1. -2
      10 May 2021 19: 40
      And where are the Tuvans? Judging by some articles, they all won. And the Germans feared them more than the IS-2 tanks.
    2. +1
      12 May 2021 04: 37
      Jews, fifth place, is information for Russian nationalists.

      And about 200 Jews fought on Hitler's side.

      Only captured 10 400
      1. The comment was deleted.
  16. wow
    9 May 2021 20: 24
    Eternal Memory and Glory !!!
  17. +1
    9 May 2021 23: 03
    Quote: ALSur
    Jews, fifth place, is information for Russian nationalists.

    I do not understand, what is this phrase for?
    Who are you addressing specifically? Or so, just in case?
  18. 0
    9 May 2021 23: 59
    Eternal glory to the heroes! I. does not need a holivar about Ukrainians today.
  19. +2
    10 May 2021 10: 15
    Thank you for the article Irina, when I first read about the heroes and how tears came to find them by themselves. A Murmansk citizen with 40 years of experience. As grandfathers did not let the Nazis into Murmansk, this is impossible to my mind. For three years we held the defense in harsh polar conditions, at 40 km from Murmansk, in swamps on flat terrain. VALLEY OF GLORY, and in the memory of descendants the valley of death. In the Kola River, at the confluence of the Tuloma River into the Kola Bay, there is a monument to the graduating class on a hillock, not only MAN did not return home after the prom! Eternal memory to the heroes! Great Patriotic War!!!
  20. 0
    10 May 2021 14: 24
    I hope that all these Hans later died on our land.
  21. +1
    10 May 2021 15: 54
    Praise to the search engines, they found a SOLDIER, a REDKKA ORANGE, the ashes will be returned to their relatives !!! There will be no missing !!! He did not beg for mercy, you bastards, Standing death he accepted, Korolkov Sergey Makarovich, in the cold stones of the Arctic! NOT FORGOTTEN !!!
  22. +1
    10 May 2021 19: 21
    This is a very famous tragic story. But even in this case, the author could not write an article decently, tearing out important pieces of text even from the materials cited by her.
    In the book of memoirs of the commander of the reconnaissance detachment of the 135th rifle regiment Vasily Petrovich Barbolin "Unforgettable Rybachy" we read:

    For example, the description of the battle at altitude 122 on June 30, 1941 by Vasily Barbolin in his memoirs, to which the author refers
    At 30 o'clock in the morning on June 122,0, at an altitude of 104, the assistant chief of staff of the XNUMXth artillery regiment, senior lieutenant Skrobov, appeared and with him several sailors with two radio stations. They chose
    place for the NP and deployed walkie-talkies. It was their responsibility to correct
    the fire of the ships of the Northern Fleet, who arrived
    to help the garrison
    Rybachy. How did it become
    later it is known that these were the destroyers "Uritsky",
    "Kuibyshev" and two sea hunters. .....
    However, there was no time to reflect. The enemy launched a fierce attack to the height of 122,0. Machine guns
    The 4th pulroth continuously spewed fire, and the atoms of the advancing rangers crackled. .... Now the mines began to explode at our location.
    The machine gunners of the 4th company ran out of cartridges,
    and they began to withdraw. Too unfavorable balance of forces developed at this moment - reluctantly, I was forced to give the order to retreat to the second line.
    And he himself, to cover the retreat with one squad, moved to the Bezymyannaya hill and took up a position on it.
    In addition to rifles and machine guns, we had two manual
    machine gun. Soon another branch joined us. There were now eighteen of us. One
    the machine gun was placed on the right flank for cover
    scouts departing here, and the second I installed
    in the center, next to you.
    The enemy rushed into the attack several times, but,
    met with friendly fire, rolled away. Scouts
    from a height of 122,0 in small groups, they ran to us
    and took up the defense. Under cover of fire from our two squads, the rest of the scouts retreated to the next line of fire.
    In turn, we retreated. So the clock
    by fifteen all the surviving scouts took up defensive positions at the second line.

    And now let's read the description of that battle by the German given by the author

    At 5 o'clock in the morning (June 30, 1941), Oberleutenant Rode gave the order to storm the heights under the cover of the morning fog. Bursting to the top, the soldiers entered into an extremely fierce battle, which turned into hand-to-hand combat ...
    At 6 hours 15 minutes altitude 122 was taken. It was defended by servicemen of the 135th Infantry Regiment of the 14th Infantry Division of the Red Army. "

    And we see that the discrepancy is complete, as if two different battles are described ...
    But the author, it seems, as usual, is not up to such "trifles" ...
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. 0
    10 May 2021 21: 58
    Quote: ALSur
    Quote: bya965
    Great people. Great country.
    Socialist and atheistic state. Without any faith, without any barons, all people are brothers.

    Hopefully we haven't pissed off all the polymers yet.

    Jews, fifth place, is information for Russian nationalists.

    Quote: faterdom
    Quote: ALSur
    Jews, fifth place, is information for Russian nationalists.

    I do not understand, what is this phrase for?
    Who are you addressing specifically? Or so, just in case?

    This is written for bad people, followers of the German Nazis. You know, there are also quite a few of them in Russia, which the inhabitants of Central Asia call a word meaning a short stump of a tree. Jews also get from them and traditionally for the Nazis, in the first place. Let the followers of Nazi ideology take a look at this list.
  25. +3
    10 May 2021 22: 03
    These are the people, the look, facial expressions and position in the title photo, they talk about everything. Peace be to dust, eternal memory and glory.
  26. +1
    10 May 2021 22: 33
    There are no words ... What a fortitude! It's good that Korolkov was identified. This is very important and necessary for everyone!
    And the commander is still standing with his hands on his hips ... Showing thereby complete contempt for the enemy. And he stood at the execution ... This is a feat - to die so fearlessly!
    Eternal glory!
    1. +1
      11 May 2021 14: 45
      Quote: Mark Kalendarov
      And the commander is still standing with his hands on his hips ... Showing thereby complete contempt for the enemy. And he stood at the execution ... This is a feat - to die so fearlessly!
      Eternal glory!

      I join! Hero! Eternal glory!
  27. +1
    11 May 2021 08: 32
    Eternal memory to the heroes! Thank you, my heroes, for saving our homeland! A. Cohn.
  28. The comment was deleted.
  29. 0
    11 May 2021 18: 45
    Quote: ALSur
    This is written for bad people, followers of the German Nazis.

    You, dear man, are on the Voennoye Obozreniye website, and not in a spherical horse-shaped vacuum space.
    If you know such people here, be so kind as to contact them. Personally, please, not all at once.
    Otherwise, they will not be imbued with, and the rest somehow ... it is not clear, perhaps ...
    You know, such an unaddressed message is perceived to oneself.
    Or with the aim of kindling a srach out of the blue, where it was not and could not be.
  30. 0
    12 May 2021 14: 05
    Quote: Alex013
    Heroes of the Soviet Union of the Great Patriotic War.
    1. Russian - 8160,
    2. Ukrainians - 2089,
    3. Belarusians - 309,
    4. Tatars - 161,
    5. Jews - 108,
    6. Kazakhs - 96,
    7. Georgian - 91,
    8. Armenians - 90,
    9. Uzbekov - 69,
    10.Mordva- 63,
    11. Chuvash - 44,
    12.Azerbaijanis - 43,
    13.Bashkir - 39,
    14.Osetin - 33,
    15. Representatives of the nationalities of Dagestan -24 (25),
    16. Mari - 18,
    17.Turkmen - 18,
    18.Litovtsev - 15,
    19.Tajikov - 15,
    20.Latyshey - 12,
    21.Kirghizov - 12,
    22.Komi - 10,
    23. Udmurtov - 10,
    24.Nemtsev - 9 (11),
    25. Estonians - 9,
    26. Karelov - 11,
    27.Buryat - 8,
    28.Kalmykov - 8,
    29. Kabardintsev - 5 (8),
    30. Grekov - 6 (9),
    31. Crimean Tatars -6 (7),
    32. Adygeys - 7,
    33. Chechens-5 (6),
    34. Chekhov-4 (6),
    35.French - 4,
    36.Abkhaztsev - 4,
    37. Cherkess - 2 (3),
    38. Yakutov - 3 (7),
    39.Moldavan - 2,
    40.Poles - 3,
    41. Tuvintsev - 1 (2),
    42. Karachay - 1 (2),
    43.Slovak - 1,
    44. Rusin - 1,
    45.Bask - 1,
    46. ​​Finns - 2,
    47. Evenk - 1,
    48.Gypsy - 1,
    49. Korean - 1,
    50.Balkar -1,
    51. Gagauz -1 (1),
    52. Kurd - 1,
    53.Svan - 1,
    54. Khakass - 2,
    55.Shorets - 1,
    56. Assyrians - 2,
    57. Vepsyanka - 1,
    58.Abazin - 1,
    59.Dunganin - 1,
    60. Turkish Meskhetian - 1,
    61.Bulgars - 1 (2),
    62. Teleut - 1,
    63.Kumandinets - 1,
    64.Karakalpak - 1,
    65. Uyghur - 1,
    66. Nanai - 1,
    67. Izhorets - 1,
    68. Altai-1.

    There are 146 Jews on the list of Heroes of the Soviet Union. Accordingly, according to the rest of the data, there will already be a discrepancy
  31. 0
    12 May 2021 14: 11
    Quote: Free Wind
    And where are the Tuvans? Judging by some articles, they all won. And the Germans feared them more than the IS-2 tanks.

    There were 220 Tuvinian VOLUNTEERS. Formally, at that time they were citizens of another state.
  32. The comment was deleted.
  33. 0
    16 May 2021 02: 53
    Eternal memory to heroes!
  34. 0
    5 July 2021 17: 27
    Je to drobná vzpomínka na statečné vojáky. Sám jako bývalý voják a občan České republiky si uvědomuji, že to byla Rudá armáda Sovětského svazu, kdo porazil nacistické Německo a jeho spojence. Na to nesmíme remember!

    This is a small memory of brave warriors. As a former soldier and citizen of the Czech Republic, I understand that the Red Army of the Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany and its allies. We must not forget about this!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"