Why Russia helped the American North to defeat the South


Clash of two elites and two economic orders

The North-South War was a clash between two American elites. The northerners claimed dominion over all of North America, then all of America (North and South), then world domination. Whites and blacks were just "cannon fodder" in this war. The southern elite formed a fairly established way of life, they did not pretend for more. When the North began to exert too much pressure, the South decided to fight for their freedom and their way of life. For the overwhelming majority of southerners (large planters, slave owners were no more than 0,5% of the population of the southern states), this was a war of independence and freedom. Southerners saw themselves as a threatened nation. Therefore, they decided to make a secession, secession from the federal state. It is a completely legal process within the legal framework of America. It is not surprising that many modern southerners still believe that their ancestors fought for a just cause.

Thus, America had two paths: the path of further industrialization and centralization, with the reduction of the rights of individual states and the creation of a great power, or the preservation of decentralization, the autonomy of the agrarian southern states. Therefore, already at the beginning of the 1820th century, contradictions were identified, which led to the war. The balance of power, after much debate in Congress, was secured by the Missouri Compromise of XNUMX. According to him, slavery was prohibited in territories that were not converted to states. The state of Missouri was adopted in the United States as a slave state. In the future, the states decided to admit to the state in pairs - one slave and one free from slavery.

South and North were arguing over export tariffs. The North, in order to continue industrialization, needed protectionism to protect the American market from British goods. On the other hand, the South, due to high duties on foreign goods, was forced to purchase various machinery, equipment and goods from the industrialized northern states at an exorbitant price. Such a policy of the northern "hucksters-shopkeepers" made the southerners very angry. The South was interested in agricultural exports and free trade with Europe, it did not need high tariffs. Southerners quite rightly feared retaliatory actions by Britain and other powers in relation to American goods (primarily raw materials).

Also, the federal government controlled the export of cotton, forcing it to be sold to the US light industry. The government got involved in state taxation. That is, in essence, the federal authorities in a certain respect repeated the policy of the British metropolis, which earlier caused the American Revolution. Now the North played the role of the metropolis (the developed core of the empire), and the South played the role of the colony.

Therefore, a new increase in tariffs in 1828 caused great discontent among the agrarian states. Especially South Carolina. This led to the crisis of 1832. South Carolina said state laws were superior to state laws and threatened to exercise the constitutional right to secede. President Jackson has pledged to use military force against the obstinate staff. The southerners conceded, and a compromise tariff was adopted in 1833. He exempted a number of commodities supplied by the South from duties. At the same time, Congress recognized the president's right to use military force against the rebels.

In 1842, the bloc of the southern and western states achieved the adoption of the "Black Tariff," more protectionist than the 1833 tariff. Then the free and slave states were temporarily reconciled against the backdrop of external expansion. In 1846-1848. The union received from England in the north the lands of the future states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho. In the south, the Americans took more than half of all land from Mexico, including Texas (slave), future Arizona, New Mexico and California. After that, American politicians debated violently for several years about the future of the new states. Finally, the Compromise of 1850 was adopted. Texas renounced its claims to the territory of New Mexico, in exchange, the federal center undertook to pay off the state's external debt. California was recognized as a free state. Southerners pushed for a stricter fugitive slave law and a referendum to decide whether Utah and New Mexico would be slave-owning.

The compromise lasted only 4 years. In 1854, Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act. He created new territories in Kansas and Nebraska, opened them up for settlement and allowed the population of these territories to independently resolve the issue of formalizing or banning slavery. As a result, the Missouri Compromise, adopted by Congress in 1820, was canceled, according to which in the territories west of the Mississippi River and north of 36 ° 30 'N. sh., ceded to the United States after the purchase of Louisiana, slavery was prohibited. The balance between South and North was upset.

An 1856 U.S. political map showing the free states (red), the slave states (gray), the U.S. territories (green), and Kansas in the middle

Two Americas

In Kansas, turmoil broke out, a conflict between supporters of farming and plantation economy, which lasted for several years. In 1859, the Kansas Constitution was voted to ban slavery in the state.

It is worth noting that the war was held back for a long time by the fact that the southern states had an advantage in the highest authorities and could lobby their interests at the federal level. So of the 12 presidents of the Union, between 1809 and 1860, 7 were southerners (Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor), who did not seek to oppress their fellow countrymen. And Northern presidents such as Franklin Pierce and James Buchanan tried to be friends with Britain and not break off relations with the South.

In December 1860, Abraham Lincoln, a staunch supporter of the centralization of the States, was elected president. South Carolina announced the secession. Let me remind you that the laws of the Union did not prohibit secession from the United States. Considering that the political program of the new president threatens the South, in early 1861 South Carolina was followed by 6 states - Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas and Georgia. The breakaway states called a convention in Montgomery, Alabama. On February 4, 1861, they created the Confederate States of America (CSA). Jefferson Davis, a Mississippi planter, became President of the Confederation. Virginia, Arkansas, North Carolina and Tennessee also joined the CSA.

President Buchanan did not prevent Southerners from seizing federal property in their states until Lincoln's inauguration in March 1861. Southerners occupied arsenals, forts and other military facilities without a fight. The only exception was Fort Sumter, located in the harbor of Charleston (South Carolina). This happened on April 12, 1861. The commandant refused the offer to surrender: the shelling began, to which the fort responded with its fire. After a 34-hour battle, the garrison shot all the ammunition and laid weapon... Only one person died (in an accident). However, the events at Fort Sumter were perceived in the North and South as the beginning of a war.

Why Russia helped the American North to defeat the South
President Abraham Lincoln (center) with the founder of the Secret Service and later the famous Pinkerton Agency, Alan Pinkerton (left) and General John A. McClernand. October 3, 1862

Information training

In the North, public opinion was being prepared for quite a long time, they were waging an information war. They created the image of "damned plantation slave owners" who oppress blacks (although the situation of blacks in the "free" states was no better). The northerners were made "good guys". This stage was so successful that these images were accepted by the then world community. The progressive public in Europe as a whole supported the North. On the side of the North, fought recent emigrants (up to a quarter of the entire army), Germans, Irish, British, Canadians. The Swiss Riflemen, Garibaldi Guards, Polish Legion and Lafayette Guards were noted in the war, but the Irish were the best fighters. Their bodies (white migrants) were the masters of the North and they bombarded the desperately fighting southerners.

As a result, the countries of Europe did not dare to provide large-scale assistance to the Confederation, although it was economically and politically beneficial for them. It was "ugly" to help the slave traders. As a result, until now in the public consciousness of the West, especially in the United States itself, the opinion prevails that the valiant northerners fought "for the freedom of slaves." Although Lincoln first freed not all American slaves, but only in the states of the Confederation: the northerners were waiting for a massive uprising of blacks in the rear of the southerners, which, however, did not happen. However, there was an increase in the flight of slaves from the South to the North, which hit the KSA economy. Black criminality rose sharply as white men were mobilized to the front.

Lincoln himself said during the Civil War:

"My main task in this struggle is to save the Union, not to save or destroy slavery."

The masters of the North, led by Lincoln, did not believe in the equality of races. Lincoln said openly:

“I do not and have never advocated giving blacks the right to become voters, judges or officials, the right to marry white people; and, furthermore, I will add that there are physiological differences between the black and white races, which, in my opinion, will never allow them to coexist in conditions of social and political equality. "

The position of the superior and inferior races must remain. The highest position belongs to the white race. Slavery was condemned for economic inefficiency, and slaves were to be freed for ransom.

Back in 1822, under the auspices of the American Colonization Society (established in 1816) and other private organizations in Africa, a colony of "free people of color" was created. In the North, several thousand blacks were recruited and taken to West Africa. The colony was named Liberia. Interestingly, the American-Liberians have already embraced the values ​​of America and did not want to go back to the "roots." They captured the coast of modern Liberia, then developed an expansion in the lands of modern Sierra Leone and Cote d'Ivoire. The Liberians considered themselves a superior caste and wanted to dominate the natives.

Then a loud information campaign "for the rights of blacks" began in the Union. For a long time Negroes did not succumb to provocations. They did not want to return to distant and unfamiliar Africa. But in the end, the situation in the South was shaken. A wave of Negro riots swept through. Naturally, they were easily suppressed. At the same time, the movement for the emancipation of black slaves in the United States (abolitionism) expanded. Abolitionists arranged for slaves to flee from slave states to free states. This issue has repeatedly undermined peace between the South and the North.

As a result, the North won the information war even before the start of the war. During the war, the Confederation found itself in diplomatic isolation, although it hoped for help from England and France. The South could not get loans for the war. Also played a role in the fact that Spain, France and England at this time bogged down in the war in Mexico. The great European powers got involved in the civil war in Mexico.

Russia's American mistake

The government of the Russian Emperor Alexander II fully supported Lincoln's policies. The United States, while weak, skillfully used Russia to neutralize the British threat. Petersburg supported the united USA, sent squadrons of Popov and Lesovsky to the shores of America. Russian ships arrived in New York and San Francisco in 1863 and showed the whole world that Russia and the United States are allies. Russian ships, in the event of England's action on the side of the Confederation, could threaten the sea communications of Britain. As a result, England never dared to support the South.

To further strengthen the United States as opposed to Britain, St. Petersburg was sold to the Americans of Russian America in 1867. It soon became clear that this was a strategic mistake. We have received a new enemy on the world stage in the person of a united United States. America began to lay claim to world domination. The US masters set Japan against Russia (the war of 1904-1905), became the organizers of three world wars, including the so-called "cold" (in fact, the third world war).

American financial capital fostered Hitler, pushed Germany into Russia. Now the United States is again trying to solve its problems and the crisis of capitalism at the expense of the Russian world.

Thus, the government of Alexander II the Liberator made a huge mistake when it decided to support the "progressive" North. The weakening of the United States and its disintegration into the North and South were beneficial in Russia's national interests.

Northern artillery near Yorktown, Virginia. 1862 year
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  1. +14
    April 29 2021 05: 39
    These are conversations from the series - You are smart as my Sarah then ...
    You cannot undo what has been done.
    1. dSK
      April 29 2021 05: 51
      It was the Freemasons who "did the work".
      lodges "Flaming Star" and "Friends United". The last one was especially influential among them, among whose members in 1816 were the names of the guards officers Griboyedov, Chaadaev, Norov, Benkendorf, Pestel and a number of others.
      Pavel Ivanovich Pestel [1] (June 24 [July 5] 1793, Moscow - July 13 [25], 1826, St. Petersburg) - the head of the Southern Society of the Decembrists. By the verdict of the court, he was hanged along with other leaders of the Decembrist movement July 25, 1826 in the Peter and Paul Fortress.
      1. dSK
        April 29 2021 05: 54
        August 1, 1822 was followed by the highest rescript of Alexander I to the name of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Count V.P. Kochubei "On the destruction of Masonic lodges and all kinds of secret societies." "All secret societies under whatever name they exist, such as: Masonic lodges or others - to close and their institutions will not be allowed in the future"
        August 11, 1822 V.V. Musin-Pushkin-Bruce notified the St. Petersburg military governor-general that the Great Lodge of Astrea and eight dependent on it Petersburg Masonic lodges are now closed. - This is for the "excuse" - the Decembrist uprising still took place.
        1. dSK
          April 29 2021 05: 58
          The first lodges in Russia, after their ban in 1822, begin again open in 1905... These lodges open up the Great East France and the grand lodge France... The first lodges were established in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
          The governing structure of the WWHP was a supreme council, headed by a general secretary, not a great master, as in the Masonic grand lodges. N.V. Nekrasov was the first general secretary of the Supreme Council of the VVNR, from 1913 to 1914 A.M. Kolyubakin, a leftist cadet, then N.V. Nekrasov returned to the post of head of the organization, and since the Convention of 1916 - Socialist-Revolutionary A.F. Kerensky.
          - they "spun" the revolutions of 1905 and 1917 ...
          1. dSK
            April 29 2021 06: 10
            VVNR ceased operations after the 1917 revolution... - Stalin strenuously eradicated secret societies ...
            In 1990 year from the dedication of Georgy Dergachev - the first Freemason in modern history, the revival of Freemasonry in Russia began. - now they operate in Russia legally, since they do not conduct active propaganda - they are "puppeteers".
            1. dSK
              April 29 2021 06: 16
              In 1932, the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia anathematized Freemasonry:
              Pointing to the harmful activity of Freemasonry ... the Holy Council determined:
              "Condemn Freemasonry as a doctrine and organization hostile to Christianity, aimed at destroying the foundations of national statehood."
              The negative judgment of the Church about Masonic associations remains unchanged, since their principles have always been irreconcilable with the teachings of the Church, and therefore membership in them remains prohibited by the Church. Christians who are their members are in grievous sin and they cannot come to Holy Communion.
              1. dSK
                April 29 2021 06: 19
                Freemasonry is illegal in all Arab countriesexcept Lebanon and Morocco.
                The Arabs understand who the Masons are, unfortunately we do not ...
      2. 0
        April 29 2021 21: 13
        Pestel had many drawbacks, but he was a brave officer in the war of 1812, awarded the golden weapon
    2. +11
      April 29 2021 05: 55
      The author of the article is wrong.
      Russia could say anything, but Russia had no opportunity to influence the course of events in the American Civil War. Russia at the time was itself a cripple led by a corrupt tsar who was the killer of Russia's own industry.
      1. 0
        April 29 2021 06: 17
        made a huge mistake when she decided to support the "progressive" North.
        And we are still reaping the results of this mistake ...
        1. +2
          April 29 2021 09: 12
          Quote from Uncle Lee
          And we are still reaping the results of this mistake ...

          The Southern states were progressive, and the North initially fell under international capital, and the Northern states began to be called pervertedly "progressive". Everyone (except the blind) sees what this "progress" has brought to the world.
          Not those "grandfather the king" helped.
        2. +2
          April 29 2021 11: 11
          And we are still reaping the results of this mistake ...

          Yes. Alexander needed to support the slave-owning South.

          And we ourselves can’t abolish serfdom, or else, the liberalism has blossomed, we still cannot calm down. laughing
      2. +8
        April 29 2021 11: 26
        Quote: Alexander1971
        The author of the article is wrong.
        Russia could say anything, but Russia had no opportunity to influence the course of events in the American Civil War. Russia at the time was itself a cripple led by a corrupt tsar who was the killer of Russia's own industry.

        This is Samsonov laughing
        "The current Masters of the West enlisted the support of the Hyperborean Kings in their war against other Aryan Elites, who later responded to the Soviet (Russian) Civilization, which offered the world just and disinterested principles of existentialism, with black ingratitude in the form of Chubais" fellow
        1. +1
          5 May 2021 11: 15
          Quote: Krasnodar
          Hyperborean Kings

          and also - the genesis of the superethnos of the great Scythia bully
          1. +1
            5 May 2021 11: 44
            As a direct heiress of the Hyperborean Slavic-Aryans ...
      3. +1
        April 29 2021 21: 42
        "the killer of our own industry", don't you think that sitting on our couch we are smarter than everyone else?
        Least of all I am going to defend the monarchs, but Alexander 2 was smart. Carried out reforms
        Abolition of serfdom
        Financial reform
        Judicial reform
        Education reform,
        Zemsky Reform
        Military reform
        Self-government reform.
        As you can see, there are many positive things.
        Which of the monarchs, in your opinion, was better: Peter 1? But he was not permanent, a man of moods
        Nikolay1, but he tried to preserve everything.
        In fact, there are not many such reformers among the Russian autocrats.
  2. -8
    April 29 2021 05: 47
    Any attempt to reach an agreement between Russia and the United States for some reason leads to the loss of its territory.
    A deadly friendship for Russia, in return from the Americans we get a bunch of problems, ranging from revolutionaries of all stripes to sanctions ... it is necessary to end such relations with this pseudo-democracy of the United States.
    1. 0
      April 29 2021 21: 59
      "friendship, deadly for Russia," and Stalin did not know this. And Andrei Andreevich Gromyko also did not hear about this
  3. +8
    April 29 2021 05: 57
    Quote: Lech from Android.
    Any attempt to reach an agreement between Russia and the United States for some reason leads to the loss of its territory.
    A deadly friendship for Russia, in return from the Americans we get a bunch of problems, ranging from revolutionaries of all stripes to sanctions ... it is necessary to end such relations with this pseudo-democracy of the United States.

    How do you envision the termination of relations with the United States? In the form of mutual exchange of nuclear strikes? But this is stupid. In the form of ignoring the existence of the United States? It will be complete idiocy.
    1. -8
      April 29 2021 06: 29
      Agreements with the United States should not compromise Russia's long-term interests.
      The Kremlin leadership is constantly trying to please the US State Department by making various important concessions, in return receiving beautiful beads with rants about democracy and human rights ... this can also be called idiocy squared.
      1. -1
        April 29 2021 08: 07
        I agree with you. But I think everything will continue in the same direction. Russia for the imperious and pro-government codes is a feeding trough, steal HERE and hide There. And for their offspring, Russia is no longer the Motherland.
  4. +4
    April 29 2021 06: 34
    Quote: Uncle Lee
    made a huge mistake when she decided to support the "progressive" North.
    And we are still reaping the results of this mistake ...

    You are not right.
    Support Russia North, or support Russia South. But the result of the civil war would be the same. So there was no mistake on the part of Russia at that time in relation to the United States.
  5. +7
    April 29 2021 06: 45
    Although I do not like kings, I have to defend Alexander II. Alexander was not an oracle. He could not foresee that America would develop at such a pace. He could not foresee that Russia would lose its lands in the west and in Central Asia. All mistakes were committed at the end of the last century. This is not the first article, gle the world order of the nineteenth century is criticized. Looking into the distance, we do not see what is happening under our noses.
    1. +5
      April 29 2021 07: 25
      . Looking into the distance, we do not see what is going on under our noses.

      We see, but to the point ... request
      1. +6
        April 29 2021 17: 40
        Greetings, Kostya hi
        As a true lover of the naval theme. I made coffee, took out cigarettes and, anticipating pleasure, prepared to read Alexander's article, especially after the words:
        Petersburg supported the united USA, sent squadrons of Popov and Lesovsky to the shores of America
        Alas, the author did not continue the topic further. And, damn it, I didn't even mention the flagship of Lesovsky's squadron. And the boat is heroic. No wonder he and his descendants inscribed their name in the history of the Russian fleet in golden letters.
        1. +6
          April 29 2021 17: 49
          The 17-gun rank propeller-sailing corvette of the Russian Imperial Navy "Varyag". One of the four "Bogatyr" -type sail-propeller corvettes.
          a photo "Varyag" on the road. 1863 year.

          a photo The leader of the Pacific Ocean squadron of the RIF PVK Varyag goes to Annapolis. 1864 year

          PVK "VARYAG" TTX:
          Class and type of vessel propeller-sail corvette
          Homeport Revel, later Kronstadt
          Manufacturer Russian Empire Private shipyard Bergbom & Candelin, Oulu
          The author of the ship drawing N. G. Korshikov
          Shipmaster N. A. Artseulov
          Construction started December 6, 1860
          Launched June 1, 1861
          Commissioned May 9, 1863
          Withdrawn from the fleet June 21, 1886 excluded from the lists
          Main characteristics
          2156 T displacement
          Length 68,3 m
          Width 12,13 m
          Precipitation 5,6 m
          Steam engine engines manufactured at the Penn factory in England
          900 power l. with.
          Sail propulsion unit, 1 two-blade propeller in lifting frame
          Travel speed up to 13 knots. (under sail)
          11 knots (under pairs)
          Crew 340 people (including 14 officers, 39 lower ranks and civilians, 286 privates and 1 clergyman)
          The total number of guns for 1863:
          17 × 196 mm smoothbore bombardment cannons
          1. +6
            April 29 2021 17: 59
            a photo. The commander of the Varyag, the hero of the Sevastopol defense, Lieutenant-Commander R. A. Lund.

            a photo. Commanders of the Russian fleet expedition to the shores of North America. From left to right: P. A. Zelenoy, I. I. Butakov, M. Ya. Fedorovsky, S. S. Lesovsky, N. V. Kopytov, O. K. Kremer, R. A. Lund

            a photo Officers of the corvette Varyag, USA, 1863-1864
            1. +5
              April 29 2021 18: 01
              Team PVK RIF "Varyag" on March 6, 1863:
              Lieutenant Commander Robert Lund (commanding officer)
              Lieutenant Dmitry Shafrov (senior officer)
              Lieutenant Konstantin Boyle (chief of the 1st watch)
              Lieutenant Vasily Bologovsky (chief of the 2nd shift)
              Lieutenant Nikolai Gagarin (head of the 3rd watch)
              Lieutenant Ernest von Greenwald (Chief of the 4th watch)
              Lieutenant Platon Ermolaev (officer of the watch)
              Warrant Officer Salvator Bauer (auditor)
              midshipman Georgy Grunshtrem
              midshipman Mikhail Milyukov
              midshipman Fyodor Dubasov
              midshipman Pyotr Vasiliev
              midshipman Konstantin Kuzmich
              KFSh Lieutenant Grigory Semyonov 4th (senior navigator)
              KMA Second Lieutenant Mikhail Kugushev (senior artillery officer)
              KIMF ensign Orest Kmita (senior mechanic)
              KIMF ensign Mikhail Kuznetsov (junior mechanic)
              KIMF ensign Nikolay Sokolov (junior mechanic)
              Collegiate Assessor Evgeny Larionov (ship's doctor)
              midshipman Ivan Dmitriev
              midshipman Alexander Bykov
              midshipman Pyotr Timofeev
              midshipman Nikolai Myakinin (promoted to warrant officer in 1864)
              midshipman Evgeny Alekseev (promoted to warrant officer in 1865)
              midshipman Vladimir Goldbach (promoted to midshipman in 1864)
              midshipman Gustav Armfeldt (promoted to midshipman in 1864)
              midshipman Andrey Zhelyabuzhsky
              midshipman Lev Lomen (promoted to warrant officer in 1864)
              midshipman Alexander Shafrov (brother of the senior officer)
              KFSh conductor Pyotr Vasiliev
              KIMF conductor Ivan Sergeev
              KMA non-commissioned officer 1st class Dmitry Bognev
              KMA non-commissioned officer 2nd class Lev Timofeev
              KIMF non-commissioned officer 1st class Mikhail Ivanov
              Old Russian Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery Hieromonk Platon
              269 ​​lower ranks, civilians and sailors
              ship's cat Leonty
              1. +4
                April 29 2021 18: 11
                In the Central Naval Museum in St. Petersburg (TsVMM), a model of a corvette and a bow (latrine) figure by N. S. Pimenov have been preserved:

                Also in the TsVMM is a painting by N. L. Klado, "Sailing-screw corvette" Varyag ", 1865"

                In the name of "Varyag", by the decision of the Heraldic Commission of the Admiralty on May 10, 1898, a new cruiser of the 1st rank, being built at the shipyard "Charles William Crump and Sons", was named.
                On Novaya Zemlya, one of the capes is named Varyag, in honor of its discovery from a corvette during the expedition of 1870
              2. +4
                April 29 2021 20: 26
                "Warrant Officer Fyodor Dubasov" - the future Admiral Dubasov
            2. +4
              April 29 2021 21: 06
              Ivan Ivanovich Butakov, brother of the famous Grigory Butakov, was married to the daughter of the Decembrist Davydov
              1. +3
                April 29 2021 21: 58
                midshipman "Varyaga" Andrey Alekseevich Zhelyabuzhsky is the father of the famous Russian and Soviet cameraman, director, screenwriter and teacher, creator of many film masterpieces, father of national animation, founder and first head of VGIK Yuri Andreevich Zhelyabuzhsky
                1. +2
                  April 29 2021 22: 54
                  At various times, such famous people in the history of Russia served on the Varyag corvette:
                  1860-1869 Lieutenant Commander, from 1866 2nd Rank Captain Lund Robert Alexandrovich
                  1870-1871 Adjutant Wing Captain 1st Rank Kremer Oskar Karlovich
                  1871-1881 lieutenant captain, from 1873 2nd rank captain, from 1875 1st rank captain Platon Ivanovich Ermolaev
                  Senior officers
                  1863-1867 Lieutenant Dmitry Shafrov
                  1869 Lieutenant Commander Artsibashev
                  1870-1871 Lieutenant-Commander Platon Ermolaev
                  1872-1875 Lieutenant Tatarinov
                  1876-1877 Lieutenant Commander Hesse
                  1878-1880 Lieutenant-Commander Alexander Pavlovich Shestakov
                  1880-1882 Lieutenant-Commander Pushchin Pyotr Ivanovich
                  1882-1885 Lieutenant Stronsky Ivan Ivanovich
                  Other posts
                  1865 freelance mechanic Vasily Fedoseev
                  19.04.1865/02.07.1867/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX officer of the watch, midshipman Yevgeny Alekseev
                  1870 Chief of the watch midshipman Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich
                  1870 Second Lieutenant Kazarinov Valerian Zakharovich
                  1873 Chief of the watch, Warrant Officer Pushchin Pyotr Ivanovich
                  1878-1882 Lieutenant Mordovin Georgy Alexandrovich
                  1881 Lieutenant Pavlov Alexander Ivanovich
                  Passed maritime training (practice)
                  1863 Midshipman Armfelt Alexander Gustavovich
                  1863-19.04.1865 midshipman of the 4th naval crew Alekseev Evgeny Ivanovich
                  1865-1866 cadet Makarov Stepan Osipovich
                  30.05.1873/19.08.1873/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX Andreev Andrey Parfenovich
                  23.05.1875/20.08.1875/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX cadet Voevodsky Stepan Arkadievich
                  1872 cadet Rudnev Vsevolod Fedorovich (future commander of the cruiser "Varyag")
                  1877 midshipman Voevodsky Stepan Arkadyevich
                  1878 Midshipman Alexey Nikolaevich Krylov
                  1881 Midshipman Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich
                  25.05.1883/22.08.1883/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX cadet Alexander A. Korniliev
        2. +5
          April 29 2021 20: 22
          Dmitry, good evening. You wanted too much from the Samsonovs, perhaps one of them knows something, but this one, perhaps, only remembers the song
          1. +1
            April 29 2021 20: 36
            My respect, Svyatoslav hi Good evening to you too
  6. +4
    April 29 2021 06: 55
    Russian ships arrived in New York and San Francisco in 1863 and showed the whole world that Russia and the United States are allies. Russian ships, in the event of England's performance on the side of the Confederation, could threaten the sea communications of Britain. As a result, England never dared to support the South.

    a statement in the spirit:
    -Guys, I caught a bear!
    - So lead here!
    - Yes, he does not let me in!

    England did not support the South, because the north was more beneficial to her.
    To further strengthen the United States as opposed to Britain, St. Petersburg was sold to the Americans of Russian America in 1867. It soon became clear that this was a strategic mistake.

    They sold it so as not to lose it for nothing - Russia had neither the strength nor the means to hold Alaska.

    May God keep the DV, acquired at the same time, in 1860, where, by the way, from Alaska and took people.

    Thus, the government of Alexander II the Liberator made a huge mistake when it decided to support the "progressive" North.

    support / non-support of such insignificant, purely demonstrative, forces could not affect the result from the word at all.

    The weakening of the United States and its disintegration into the North and South were beneficial in Russia's national interests.

    yes, but they could not influence.

    Russia benefits from a fragmented weak Germany, from where both world wars emerged. And here she really could and even decided, but someone zealously insisted on ... unified strong Germany ....
    1. dSK
      April 29 2021 21: 26
      Quote: Olgovich
      someone zealously insisted on ... a single

      She thanked him how many times she saved from death in her clinics ...
  7. +13
    April 29 2021 07: 37
    Another tub of delirium from a parallel reality.
    The author is generally far from understanding the international situation prevailing at that time and is at odds with himself.
    The weakening of the United States and its disintegration into the North and South were beneficial in Russia's national interests.

    So this also completely coincided with the interests of Britain and France and automatically led to their strengthening.
    Considering that in the author's writings the center of world evil and all anti-Russian intrigues is in Britain, Russia did not have an acceptable scenario at all.
    In short, another chapter of the endless "Samsonia".
    1. +8
      April 29 2021 11: 28
      Went to the historians Gavrila
      He dug Hyperborea
      1. +5
        April 29 2021 19: 34
        Hyperborea - into the hands of a pitchfork:
        Die, historian, fervent ardor!

        I am a dream in visions of prophets
        The earthly reality is not sweet to me,
        You won't find my origins
        Just a trail of a raven's wing.
        1. +4
          April 29 2021 19: 37
          And on the trail and the gallogroup
          Jokingly I can deduce
          Chigachgook Indian footprints
          In Voronezh, native, land
          1. +4
            April 29 2021 19: 57
            Was, was once in the suburbs!
            And since those distant times
            Here Chingachgukov livestock
            He sweeps away rubbish behind the locals.
  8. +7
    April 29 2021 07: 51
    It is written about the “masters of the North”, but what about the “masters of the South”? Why are these propaganda tricks?
    1. +6
      April 29 2021 11: 35
      Quote: Michael Ya2
      It is written about the “masters of the North”, but what about the “masters of the South”? Why are these propaganda tricks?

      The real masters of the South were Keny West and Fifty Cent, and the puppeteer was Levi Strauss, the leader of the Chabad Lubavitch Masonic lodge in Alabama.
      Everything was easier with the Masters of the North - Starkey. Die. They are constantly dying.
      1. +5
        April 29 2021 19: 41
        But Bran survived!
        And as expected from the first episode in the last he became king.
        You need to know history, Albert! wassat good
        1. +4
          April 29 2021 23: 26
          And he sits in his Toronto negative
      2. +2
        April 30 2021 14: 58
        Again, "There are only Jews around." Horror))
        1. +1
          April 30 2021 15: 49
          Duc Fifty St. and Keny West are those whose Lives Metter, and the Starks are those who are "Winter is Coming" ..
    2. +2
      April 29 2021 21: 50
      Such is the author (or authors) that cannot do without silly propaganda
  9. +1
    April 29 2021 08: 05
    Quote: Lech from Android.
    Agreements with the United States should not compromise Russia's long-term interests.
    The Kremlin leadership is constantly trying to please the US State Department by making various important concessions, in return receiving beautiful beads with rants about democracy and human rights ... this can also be called idiocy squared.

    Any agreements between Russia and the United States are detrimental to Russia's long-term interests. And the United States does not agree to other agreements.
    1. 0
      April 30 2021 16: 36
      Quote: Alexander1971
      Any agreements between Russia and the United States are detrimental to Russia's long-term interests. And the United States does not agree to other agreements.

      Especially Lend-Lease. Well, such damage from him, such damage ...
  10. -4
    April 29 2021 08: 23
    He also handed over Alaska for a song. Of course, the decision was not made alone, the "Chubais" and "Serdyukovs" are always surrounded.
  11. +2
    April 29 2021 08: 28
    It is indicative how easy it is for the bourgeoisie, in the name of their own selfish interests, to push the citizens of one country into a bloody civil war.
  12. +6
    April 29 2021 08: 47
    Sabbat, in the History section. How nice it would be now if the South won and Alaska was not sold to the USA, i.e. article from the series: if my grandmother had ... laughing
    1. +3
      April 29 2021 20: 57
      Lesha, good evening. Alas, the section: "History" turns into a haven for graphomaniacs
  13. -1
    April 29 2021 09: 49
    Alexander 2nd wasted everything that was possible.
    1. +4
      April 29 2021 21: 01
      Of course he profiled: Samsonov (s) should have been appointed chancellor, not Gorchakov, he (they) would have put things in order
  14. +13
    April 29 2021 11: 22
    Sadly, but the heading History on VO becomes a dense trash heap, where all sorts of Frolovs, Samsonovs and so on pour out their profane cleverness.
    1. +9
      April 29 2021 11: 32
      And it is doubly sad that not only "History".
    2. +6
      April 29 2021 17: 14
      Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
      Sadly, but the heading History on VO becomes a dense trash heap, where all sorts of Frolovs, Samsonovs and so on pour out their profane cleverness.

      You just don't understand. Traces of the Ra1 halo group were found among the Indians of North America, according to the RUS marker, they corresponded to a subgroup typical for the Sanskrit-speaking Black Sea Aryans of Arkhipo-Osipovka, and this, by the way, is not some kind of Dzhubga. Therefore, Alexander II created the USA, hoping for a gallogroup Slavic-Aryan brotherhood, invigorating together against the reptilians of the South, especially AkhperDzhanov Sochi.
      He was simply deceived by the Trotskyists and other anti-Russian enemies of the communists.
      1. +1
        April 30 2021 16: 38
        Quote: Krasnodar
        He was simply deceived by the Trotskyists and other anti-Russian enemies of the communists.

        Yes. They are the enemies of the communists. Worse than the Freemasons.
        1. +1
          April 30 2021 16: 59
          Masons even under Asgard Iriysk in the Omsk Region were digging for the collegiality and spirituality of the Bolsheviks of Saint Russia. As the High Priest of the Temple of Scientific Atheism and the Absence of Sex in the USSR, Vladlen Karlmarksovich Pyatiletkin-Katz, said: as you put on an apron, take care of it, it is the same color with Omsk water.
  15. +4
    April 29 2021 11: 34
    the best fighters were the Irish.
    The song is dedicated to the Irish detachment under the command of Captain Joseph Kelly, who defeated the Northmen in Lincoln, Missouri in September 1861 (for which he was promoted to colonel).
  16. +2
    April 29 2021 20: 16
    "Russia's American mistake" Alexander II made the mistake of consulting with Gorchakov, not Samsonov.
    Then world history took a different path.
    Can I send to RenTV.?
  17. +1
    April 29 2021 21: 11
    Our traditions are like this. To do good to those who will later answer us with evil in a multiple amount. winked
    1. +4
      April 29 2021 22: 28
      Greetings, dear Ayrat hi
      Moreover, on February 2, 1864, the crew of the Varyag saved the city of Annapolis from the fire. Lieutenant Commander R.A. Lund writes in the logbook:
      "At the request of the city authorities, firefighting parties with cannons, crowbars, axes and ends were sent from the corvette. They worked around the clock, in several shifts. By the middle of the day on February 3, the fire was stopped. Our sailors proved to be good fellows and earned the praise of the Americans, expressed in the local newspaper During the further stay, the corvette was visited by a delegation from the General Assembly of Maryland, on an official visit, and invited the officers to make a return visit to the Senate and the House of the State. Monroe, where the Oslyabya was. On March 22, the corvette from Hampton set off on a cruise to Bermuda ... "
  18. +3
    April 30 2021 03: 28
    Quote: Astra wild2
    "the killer of our own industry", don't you think that sitting on our couch we are smarter than everyone else?
    Least of all I am going to defend the monarchs, but Alexander 2 was smart. Carried out reforms
    Abolition of serfdom
    Financial reform
    Judicial reform
    Education reform,
    Zemsky Reform
    Military reform
    Self-government reform.
    As you can see, there are many positive things.
    Which of the monarchs, in your opinion, was better: Peter 1? But he was not permanent, a man of moods
    Nikolay1, but he tried to preserve everything.
    In fact, there are not many such reformers among the Russian autocrats.

    You're not right..
    Without taking away from Tsar Alexander II the laurels of the great reformer in the areas listed by you, I did not call him the killer of Russian industry for nothing, because compared to the level of industrial development of Russia at the end of the reign of Nicholas I, the industry under Alexander II decreased by half. The reason for this negative phenomenon is not Gorbachev and Yeltsin, but Tsar Alexander II himself, who sharply reduced import customs duties. Russian industry was unable to compete on Russian soil with goods from England and Germany, and of course it withered away.

    I will note that Bismarck at the same time introduced large protective duties against British goods. This led to the fact that by the end of the 19th century, Germany became the main industrial power in Europe.

    Russia significantly increased import customs duties on manufactured goods only under Alexander III. Thanks to this, up to 1913, there was a steady growth in the Russian industry.

    By the way, one more stone in the direction of Tsar Alexander II - the Tsar supported corruption. He supported corruption among the capitalist railway builders. This took up to 1/3 of the Russian budget. His morganatic wife E. Dolgorukaya was also corrupted, who extorted money from the treasury until 1913, threatening to publish letters from her first lover and then her crowned husband. The corruption of the railway magnates was stopped only after the results of the investigation of the tsarist train, which led to illness and probably to the death of Tsar Alexander III.
  19. -1
    April 30 2021 07: 36
    Quote: Krasnodar
    Quote: Michael Ya2
    It is written about the “masters of the North”, but what about the “masters of the South”? Why are these propaganda tricks?

    The real masters of the South were Keny West and Fifty Cent, and the puppeteer was Levi Strauss, the leader of the Chabad Lubavitch Masonic lodge in Alabama.
    Everything was easier with the Masters of the North - Starkey. Die. They are constantly dying.

    In Soviet times, we were for the North, now the government is changing, should we be for the South?
  20. 0
    April 30 2021 11: 24
    The mattress toppers in the comments are just darkness, darkness hi
  21. 0
    April 30 2021 18: 31
    Quote: Trapper7
    Quote: Alexander1971
    Any agreements between Russia and the United States are detrimental to Russia's long-term interests. And the United States does not agree to other agreements.

    Especially Lend-Lease. Well, such damage from him, such damage ...

    You are not right.
    I'm talking about the agreements of modern Russia with the United States, not the Soviet Union with the United States. The USSR defended its interests more effectively.
    1. 0
      4 May 2021 08: 05
      Quote: Alexander1971
      I'm talking about the agreements of modern Russia with the United States, not the Soviet Union with the United States. The USSR defended its interests more effectively.

      Then I'm sorry. Here you are right.
  22. 0
    4 June 2021 06: 22
    This story about the Russian Navy off the coast of America has been wandering for a long time to help the Northerners. The author has lost sight of, or does not know, that at that time serious exacerbations began between Russia on the one hand and France, Britain and Austria on the other. Against the background of the lost Crimean War! And then there's the Polish uprising! So the fleet was sent to the shores of America not to help the Northmen (how could it radically help ...?), But to withdraw the fleet to the operational space and threaten the communications of England and France in case of a war. These were super tasks! And even a demonstration of help or assistance in the civil war, if it was supposed, then as a passing measure.
    As for Alaska, it is generally game! In the sense that they sold it as a demonstration of support for the Northerners! Petersburg did not know what to do with the Far East - what kind of Alaska was there? Remember the defense of Petropavlovsk and Zavoiko's pleas for help! Petersburg could not really establish not that the defensive component of the Far East, but even simple household items for the same Petropavlovsk were a joy. So that Alaska was given away because it would have been taken away anyway. It is a fact!