"Comparable with Russian MiG-29SMT": Bangladesh chose the Belarusian version of the fighter


According to the budget project for 2020-22, the Ministry of Defense of Bangladesh plans to send to Belarus a second batch of aircraft, consisting of four MiG-29B / UB fighters, for intermediate modernization.

Первая партия из четырех машин уже была модернизирована в период с 2019 по 2020 годы. Боевой воздушный fleet ВВС страны в настоящее время состоит из 8 МиГ-29 и 36 самолетов Chengdu F-7.

Modernization work will bring the Bengal MiG-29s to a standard similar to the MiG-29BM of the Belarusian Air Force. The BM variant is comparable to the Russian MiG-29SMT, which is the most modern modification in service today.

- believe the Bengali military, having made a choice in favor of the Belarusian version of the fighter. At the same time, there is a more advanced modification of the MiG-29M, manufactured in the Russian Federation by a new building for the Egyptian Air Force.

The modernization will allow the aircraft to more efficiently perform tasks in the fight against air threats, as well as during attacks on ground targets

- approved by the military department.

В соответствии с реализуемой в настоящее время программой «Troops-2030» Бангладеш уже закупил 16 учебно-тренировочных самолётов Як-130 (три из которых были утрачены в авиакатастрофах) и 16 китайских истребителей F-7BGI. Также предусмотрено приобретение 11 дополнительных Як-130 и 8 двухмоторных многоцелевых истребителей последнего поколения. Некоторые СМИ объявили о покупке Даккой 8 Су-30СМЭ в 2017 году, но сделка так и не была официально подтверждена. Это означает, что тендер на новые перспективные боевые самолёты всё ещё открыт.

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  1. +3
    13 March 2021 10: 46
    well, great, it means cheaper and more profitable
    1. +1
      13 March 2021 21: 57
      Quote: Adimius38
      well, great, it means cheaper and more profitable

      If this is the most important principle, then FIG knows. The bottom line is clear, Belarus gives Indians to save money, and they are happy to save.)) The market is a market, here without pathos, they chose, then everything is fine.
  2. 11+
    13 March 2021 10: 49
    The point is probably in the cost ... Belarusians take less ... Otherwise, it is difficult to understand. There is just little information.
    1. +4
      13 March 2021 10: 52
      The Belarusian defense industry complex is probably not under sanctions?
    2. +7
      13 March 2021 10: 52
      Quote: Mountain Shooter
      Belarusians take less ... Otherwise, it's hard to understand.

      What is there to understand?
      Quote: Adimius38
      means cheaper and more profitable

      In our life, the ratio of price and quality has long determined demand. For example, I prefer Belarusian-made Nikolsky cheese, albeit at 690 r / kg ...
      1. 13+
        13 March 2021 10: 54
        Of course, where it is cheaper for them, they upgrade there.
      2. +6
        13 March 2021 11: 06
        I agree with you 100%! It is the ratio of price and quality. good
  3. +5
    13 March 2021 10: 58
    Assumption - the Belarusian have no problems with components from the manufacturer.
    1. +8
      13 March 2021 12: 01
      Assumption - the Belarusian have no problems with components from the manufacturer.

      Probably justified assumption! An example of non-fulfillment by the RCS MiG of the contract for the overhaul of the Bulgarian MiG-29s.
      Oddly enough, it turned out that the RCS MiG could not provide components, and from the deadline it was a complete failure. They pay forfeits and forfeit. RSK MiG is not in a position to repair the aircraft of its production, and this has a very bad effect on the reputation!

      At the same time, the Belarusian JSC "558 ARZ" has fulfilled the contract for the repair of the Bulgarian Su-25s for 5 +++!
      The Bulgarian side is very pleased with the quality of the work done to the Belarusians, and is going to send another batch of dryers there. Best advertisement, it's a job well done! hi
      1. +7
        13 March 2021 12: 25
        Quote: pytar
        Probably justified assumption! An example of non-fulfillment by the RCS MiG of the contract for the overhaul of the Bulgarian MiG-29s.

        Hello pytar.
        Criticism on the case is always in place +
        1. +2
          13 March 2021 15: 45
          Hello Novodlom! hi
          I don’t understand how RSK MiG doesn’t cope with repairs / not the most complicated ones /, and JSC “558 ARZ” does it with a bang, while Belarus has never produced airplanes! belay
          It is unlikely that the workers are to blame for the problems in the RSK MiG ... You probably know that the reputation is created over the years, but spoils from time to time! Especially if the failures are systematic!
          1. -3
            13 March 2021 15: 52
            Quote: pytar
            I don’t understand how RSK MiG does not cope with repairs / not the most difficult ones by the way /, but JSC “558 ARZ” does it with a bang

            As they say, there is no silver lining.
            I think MiG has done some serious work on the errors.
            In any case, I really want it.
          2. 0
            13 March 2021 16: 35
            Quote: pytar
            I don’t understand how RSK MiG does not cope with repairs / not the most difficult by the way

            Most likely, the MiG is now concerned about the state defense order for the production of new machines and directed all its forces to this. And repair for him is a secondary task, a small side income.
      2. +5
        13 March 2021 12: 55
        Quote: pytar
        Oddly enough, it turned out that the RCS MiG could not provide components, and from the deadline it was a complete failure. They pay forfeits and forfeit. RSK MiG is not in a position to repair the aircraft of its production, and this has a very bad effect on the reputation!

        It has a good effect on reputation and so on ... well, we don't have a comrade Beria, only effective managers, a synonym for this definition of mediocrity / thief / redneck and other appropriate!
        Trouble, in general, and too many where!
        1. +4
          13 March 2021 16: 00
          It has a good effect on reputation and so on ... well, we do not have a comrade Beria, only effective managers, a synonym for this definition of mediocrity / thief / redneck and other appropriate! The trouble, in general, and too many where!

          RSK MiG have been lying on their monopoly position for too long! Like "our market is guaranteed, where will the operator of our equipment go?"! And the prices were overstated and the deadlines were violated, but there were complaints about the quality!
          The market does not forgive such behavior! Competitive appear, develop, Belarusians are great! No matter what the internal situation in their country, rallies, protests, corona virus, they carry out their duties, they do not make any compromises with quality!
          I've watched the statements of our pilots, the command, the Minister of Defense, after the first repaired Su-25 aircraft returned from Belarus! Some are superlative! The results of the work of the workers of JSC "558 ARP" exceeded expectations! good
          A particularly unpleasant impression is caused by the reaction of rus-media to problems arising / due to the fault of the Russian company / with foreign customers! The campaign immediately begins with a charge against the customer! He is supposedly always to blame, the West is to blame, the Martians are to blame, but ours have nothing to do with it! I can tell you that problems of a different nature arose between JSC "558 ARZ" and the Bulgarian customer. They are inevitable, the work is still technological. Belarusians and Bulgarians solved all problems in an atmosphere of mutual respect! Not a single line, not a single bad word was in the Belarusian media, against Bulgaria or vice versa! It was in ru-media!
        2. +5
          13 March 2021 18: 24
          Well, "Effective Managers" are puzzled by how it would be more profitable to sell land. In 2020, the UAC made a decision to sell 60 hectares of land owned by the MiG corporation in the Dynamo metro area by the end of the year; at this place, housing construction will be developed and a park zone will be created.
          1. 0
            13 March 2021 19: 16
            Well, yes, that's why only such synonyms come to mind.
      3. +5
        13 March 2021 14: 40
        ... The choice is clear in favor of Belarus. I myself would have chosen in their place. The chairman of the board of directors of the UAC company is Serdyukov.
        1. +3
          13 March 2021 16: 07
          Chairman of the Board of Directors of UAC - Serdyukov, you can go no further

          Did not know! Surprised! belay Well ... then everything is clear ... He will ruin everything he touches! My condolences... sad
  4. +4
    13 March 2021 11: 00
    The buyer always votes in rubles)
  5. +4
    13 March 2021 11: 26
    We decided to modernize in Belarus, well, this is their internal affair. Interestingly, for Serbia, Belarus upgraded the MiG-29 with the help of Russia. And for Bangladesh they will be themselves?
  6. +2
    13 March 2021 11: 35
    By the way, there is good support for Belorussii. They have a diplomatic "war" with the Poles in an adult way.
  7. -4
    13 March 2021 11: 35
    Quote: rocket757
    Assumption - the Belarusian have no problems with components from the manufacturer.

    There will be laughing laughing
    1. +3
      13 March 2021 12: 56
      Quote: Gennady Fomkin
      There will be

  8. 0
    13 March 2021 11: 43
    The Bangladesh Air Force is stronger than the Ukrainian Air Force. But!
  9. -9
    13 March 2021 11: 54
    Russia annually loses billions of rubles on smuggling and re-export of goods from Belarus. Moscow turns a blind eye to the problem, allowing companies associated with the Belarusian authorities to make money, Proekt, BelSat and Naviny.by found out in a joint investigation. as long as we endure this gypsy laughing
    1. -10
      13 March 2021 12: 47
      It is obvious . And it cannot be otherwise. That territory, called Belarus, has nothing of its own, except for peat, potash fertilizers (I did not delve into where they got it from) and potatoes ... such is the reality. Everything else is either at the expense of the Russian Federation, or thanks to the broad soul of the Russian Federation (which, incidentally, is also at its expense). The West is not Russia, it will not spend a cent in vain, and it is impossible to screw up its brains with any allied states.
      1. +4
        13 March 2021 14: 56
        Quote: vitvit123
        That territory, called Belarus, has nothing of its own, except for peat, potash fertilizers ( did not delve into where did they get it) and potatoes ... such is the reality.

        So try to understand.
        Maybe you can see a serious scientific and industrial potential, not only potatoes. hi
        1. -4
          13 March 2021 16: 31
          Understand where potash fertilizers come from or how much they earn?
          If where they come from, then in the context of the article it does not matter!
          And if you earn how much, it depends on how you look. They earn not badly (since they used to be a global competitor to our giant, I don’t know, maybe now ours have bought and connected them), but they still live at the expense of the Russian Federation. So why, in the context of this article, should I look at serious scientific and industrial potential? I know for sure that whatever this potential is, they live with an outstretched hand. They borrow in the Russian Federation, there are also some banks in which the Russian Federation is present. The resources of Russia and the Russian market are all of them! And at the level of an ordinary man in the street, I used to find out, I just don't go into details now, tk. nothing has changed much ..
    2. +7
      13 March 2021 14: 51
      Quote: Gennady Fomkin
      Russia annually loses billions of rubles on smuggling and re-export of goods from Belarus. Moscow turns a blind eye to the problem, allowing companies associated with the Belarusian authorities to make money, Proekt, BelSat and Naviny.by found out in a joint investigation.

      For completeness and "reliability" you would also refer to the slimy "Medusa". hi
    3. +1
      13 March 2021 15: 13
      I hope that nobody needs to explain who finances these projects. There is no freebie for a long time, even for Belarus.
      1. -2
        13 March 2021 16: 32
        And the free market in Russia (at a glance), how is it to be counted? As a freebie for Belarus or hard-earned? Just don’t tell me about hard earned ..
        1. +2
          14 March 2021 00: 26
          The Russian market is good, but the Belarusian market is also free for Russia. I think you do not own the export-import figures of the two countries, do you? Many issues are resolved by the allied states on mutually beneficial terms, so do not go overboard about freebies. I repeat once again, there is no freebie today even for Belarus. There is a mutually beneficial cooperation.
          1. -3
            14 March 2021 12: 05
            Well, a simple question, which market (free) is more preferable with 140 million people or with 9,5 million people?
            If today there is no freebie for Belarus, as you said, it’s curious, but when did it mean it was? Those. once lived at the expense of the Russian Federation?
            And again Belarus lived at the expense of the Russian Federation, lives at the expense of the Russian Federation (directly or indirectly) and will live at the expense of the Russian Federation, because it cannot feed itself. All markets for her goods, whiter than that with money, are closed. We would also be closed, but they cannot without our res. And Belarus is a landlocked territory, everything that needs to be brought or taken out, all through third countries. Yes, there are a lot of things ... I talked a lot with Belarusians, everyone says how good it is there, but you won't expel anyone there, no one wants to go there to live, for some reason everyone wants to live and work here, including my beloved mother-in-law!
            Mutually beneficial cooperation ... where does Russia earn money in Belarus without which it will perish? And Belarus will immediately fall apart without the support of the Russian Federation. Close the Russian border and where and what will Belarus bring its products (agricultural, tractors, trucks)? To Europe? Ha ha - they will not even listen to them there. Or maybe, like Ukraine, a new Silk Road will open to some exotic country, through the earth's globe?
            You can talk a lot about this, but of course the small and independent Belarus is the most independent both economically (most of all it owes Russia money, a few billion dollars, and yes, yes, they live on their own) and politically. Do not stand with outstretched hand .. do not run for support to the village of Vova ..
            By the way, so rich that they built the nuclear power plant .. also built on their own? Or at the expense of the Russian Federation?
            1. 0
              19 March 2021 17: 17
              And what is all this set of words for? Can you name the small countries in the world that are independent of anyone, like Belarus? Or maybe I argued that the main partner of Belarus is the Russian Federation? And 9,5 million is not enough? Today we have Russian business in all spheres. This is bad? Regarding the closure of the borders with Russia, this will open up others and all Russophobic things will flow in full directly to the Russian borders, and territorial issues, both monetary and many others, will appear, since there are a lot of examples. Is that what you wanted to hear? Or is it your job to provoke such disputes? The Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation have mutually beneficial cooperation and there is no need to be measured here ... As for living, everyone chooses for himself, I live in my country and do not strive to move anywhere. And I advise you not to speak for everyone here, you have no such powers. Everybody takes loans, only Belarus pays its bills, unlike its well-known neighbors. So do not try to provoke someone here.
              1. 0
                19 March 2021 18: 46
                It was about mutually beneficial cooperation, and not about the main partner, watch out for what you say, these are different things. I want to prove that this is not mutually beneficial cooperation, this is evidence, at least, that Belarus owes Russia money, and Russia does not owe Belarus anything. Belarus pays with new (our) loans. Wondering when to pay? In your opinion, tell me, is it curious?
                And where did I speak for everyone? I said about those Belarusians with whom I communicated (and communicated with many) ... there is no need to pull up what I did not say.
                And finally, the set of words was just to make it clear that Belarus lives at the expense of the Russian Federation .. if you don’t want to understand this, then this is yours ...
                Will other borders open? ... and what will Belarus sell there from them? You again jumped to what you want to our borders, etc. , we will survive nothing! We are experiencing some wonderful ones and we will survive these squares. They will then live at whose expense? Answer this question ...

                Territorial issues ... priests is it for us to give something back to Belarus? And can you take it back? And give the other part to the Poles and Litvin? To be honest ..
  10. -4
    13 March 2021 12: 08
    Quote: pytar
    Assumption - the Belarusian have no problems with components from the manufacturer.

    Probably justified assumption! An example of non-fulfillment by the RCS MiG of the contract for the overhaul of the Bulgarian MiG-29s.
    Oddly enough, it turned out that the RCS MiG could not provide components, and from the deadline it was a complete failure. They pay forfeits and forfeit. RSK MiG is not in a position to repair the aircraft of its production, and this has a very bad effect on the reputation!

    At the same time, the Belarusian JSC "558 ARZ" has fulfilled the contract for the repair of the Bulgarian Su-25s for 5 +++!
    The Bulgarian side is very pleased with the quality of the work done to the Belarusians, and is going to send another batch of dryers there. Best advertisement, it's a job well done! hi

    Quote: pytar
    RCS MiG cannot provide components,

    This year, PJSC "VASO" together with PJSC "Il" and RSK "MiG" are actively solving the problem of creating the first prototype Il-114-300. The launch of the modernized regional passenger aircraft into mass production depends on its successful solution, and is working on other programs M, O, and does not supply enemies with weapons laughing
    1. +5
      13 March 2021 16: 21
      And does not supply enemies with weapons

      Fomkin, I don't communicate with you. Do not write to me. You can continue following me and minus ... laughing
  11. -9
    13 March 2021 13: 52
    Quote: rocket757
    Quote: Gennady Fomkin
    There will be


    While Sashka, three percent of the authorities turn a blind eye to this, and then only the Lord knows. to shake off the old stuff that in the warehouses has tightened the cobwebs itself laughing
    1. +4
      13 March 2021 15: 18
      Three percent - Sveta didn't get it. Today Belarus is the only one in the post-Soviet space who is still trying to fight the revival of fascism, including the "incredible" ones.
    2. +2
      13 March 2021 15: 22
      What kind of weapons Belarus produces today, including in cooperation with Russia, you never dreamed of. Old stuff is your curators shaving off in blue.
  12. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  13. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      13 March 2021 15: 35
      In your own hatred and drown. Belarus today works in close cooperation with the CIS countries, sells and buys. Your Putilo screwed up as a young man even before the European Union, accusing the President of the Republic of Belarus of misusing the allocated funds. The mind was not enough to find out who, how and where these funds are transferred. This is where it is necessary to prosecute for libel, although a more serious article for "contribution to the democratization of the Republic of Belarus" is shining on Putilo.
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. -5
    13 March 2021 15: 33
    Quote: DymOk_v_dYmke
    Quote: Gennady Fomkin
    Sasha is an ordinary bastard.

    Also, perhaps, she does not know how to cook cutlets.
    There are many vacant rakes - skip ahead. hi

    Drive Litvin further along your rake.
  17. -8
    13 March 2021 15: 35
    Quote: DymOk_v_dYmke
    Quote: vitvit123
    That territory, called Belarus, has nothing of its own, except for peat, potash fertilizers ( did not delve into where did they get it) and potatoes ... such is the reality.

    So try to understand.
    Maybe you can see a serious scientific and industrial potential, not only potatoes. hi

    Serious scientific potential? laughing Even I heard that they did something worthwhile laughing
  18. The comment was deleted.
    1. +1
      14 March 2021 00: 33
      If you have nothing to say about the case, then do not write any nonsense. As for the toilets, personally I have never aspired to "Poland" to earn money. Those revolutionaries who left for a better life there are now sitting there in hostels, waiting for their turn to these toilets. It's just that life turned out to be a more severe, cruel and real thing than the speeches of the "leaders" and the glossy covers of Western magazines.
  19. -5
    13 March 2021 15: 48
    Quote: willik
    I hope that nobody needs to explain who finances these projects. There is no freebie for a long time, even for Belarus.

    Nobody cares about your shed in the Shadow of our roof; if it leaks, you will sink yourself ... laughing
  20. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  21. -5
    13 March 2021 16: 04
    I read the comments - a typical opinion, a typical "Litvin" with brains stitched by Lukashenka's "rich vector" propaganda. 

    Belarus is a typical limitrophe that can exist only with permission and at the expense of a stronger state, a geopolitical player. Today it is Russia. Tomorrow it may not even be the United States or the EU (which is unlikely - there are enough of its own problems), but the jackal Tabaki of these geopolitical formations - Poland and Lithuania. 

    So the choice is not great.

    And yes, get rid of the mriya about sovereignty, non-deposit and other Zmagar-Litvinian information trash out of your head. And clearly understand that Belarus is a historically accidentally appeared limitrophe and this is a temporary state of this territory. And this territory exists as a state as long as it is beneficial to the big uncles, geopolitical players.

    And when the realization of this comes, it will clear up in my head, and ... "the air will become crystal clear, hostile, but extremely clear
    1. -5
      13 March 2021 17: 51
      "Belarus" (Belarus) in the political sense is the same accident and anti-Russian provocation, like Ukraine, like the lands bought by Peter I from Sweden, which now call themselves states. This is just political anti-Russian nonsense
  22. -6
    13 March 2021 17: 47
    Do Belarusians have the right to modernize the MiG-29? Were they again "brotherly" poured? If so, what kind of brothers are they, if they are freeloaders, and if not, then on what basis do they put their little hands on Russian planes?
  23. -5
    13 March 2021 17: 48
    Quote: pytar
    And does not supply enemies with weapons

    Fomkin, I don't communicate with you. Do not write to me. You can continue following me and minus ... laughing

    Communicate with your own kind Bulgarian. laughing
  24. -5
    13 March 2021 17: 55
    Quote: stock buildbat
    Do Belarusians have the right to modernize the MiG-29? Were they again "brotherly" poured? If so, what kind of brothers are they, if they are freeloaders, and if not, then on what basis do they put their little hands on Russian planes?
    And this should interest those who made this plane and on what basis Sasha put his playful little hands in another diocese and the presence of permission to make such repairs, he was looking for and never found.
  25. The comment was deleted.
  26. +4
    13 March 2021 18: 42
    Adimius38, dear, I agree with you, but I also agree with the Mountain Shooter (Eugene). Little information. One can only speculate when, in addition to petroleum products, potash fertilizers from Belarus will be fully exported through the ports of the Russian Federation. And the fact that the repair of MiGs in Moscow can be more expensive is very, very possible. On the other hand, BelNPP was built on our Russian loan. The loan must be repaid. Consequently, part of the proceeds from the repair of Bangladesh fighters, through taxes, will go to the state. the budget, which means that Belarus will be able to use part of this money to repay the loan for the construction of a nuclear power plant. ... And "MiG" - we can only wish good luck in the delivery of the "MiG-35" to the Air Forces of the Russian Federation, India and Egypt with high quality and on time!
  27. +3
    14 March 2021 11: 27
    At the daddy's time you will not be spoiled and there is no need to overpay. And the quality itself is at least not worse.
  28. 0
    15 March 2021 16: 55
    If RSK MiG allowed Belarusians to get into the structure, including for third countries, then for God's sake, and if not, then the manufacturer's support will be canceled, including sending bulletins.