The legacy of the leader of nations: who are they with, masters of culture

The legacy of the leader of nations: who are they with, masters of culture

Russophiles and Russophobia

After Stalin's death on March 5, 1953, his successors at the top, without waiting for the party

"Debunking the cult of personality",

undertook a radical revision of the ideological policy in the USSR. And the first thing it touched on art and literature.

But, as it happens in such cases, the baby was thrown out with dirty water ...

The revision of the cultural policy, which locally was usually called mass cultural work, of the period of the "personality cult", willingly or unwillingly, embraced practically all spheres of Soviet art. Many works and productions with a predominance of the ideology of Russian and Soviet patriotism were removed from the stage and from the pages of literary magazines.

Especially hit were works where the plots were at least minimal - "intersected" with the activities or simply with the mention of Stalin. And this approach was not only recommended "from above", it was a kind of self-insurance of theater directors and officials from culture. According to principle -

"It is better to overdo it than to miss it."

However, this approach also stemmed from the intellectual level of many cultural officials. The characteristic given to the Soviet party and state nomenclature of the mid-50s by Alfred Meyer, a professor who headed the Russian Research Center at Harvard University, is indicative.

In his book The Soviet Political System: Its Interpretation, published in 1965 in the United States, he wrote:

“Leadership in the center (and especially in the localities) comes mainly from the lower classes and is relatively poorly educated.

It can be assumed that they value little or no intellectual qualities, including intellectual honesty and independence.

Especially subordinates. "

As A. Meyer notes,

"It can be concluded that the party and state leaders of this level do not want, although they do not advertise it, to have educated," forward looking "cadres" under them ".

Non-cultural revolution

After the XX Congress of the CPSU, the process gained momentum at all.

Within the framework of the new cultural policy, the decisions of the then Central Committee in 1957-1959. the previous resolutions of the Central Committee of the party (1946-1948) on the need to overcome cosmopolitanism in Soviet art, explicit or "latent" admiration for the models of mass "culture" of the postwar West, were officially condemned.

And it was not in vain that those documents noted that all this was once introduced

"For the purpose of spiritual, intellectual degradation of society and, in general, the population."


"For the vulgarization and falsification of the friendship of the Russian people with other Soviet peoples."

For example, in the resolution of the Central Committee (February 10, 1948) "On the opera" Great Friendship "by V. Muradeli"

"Disregard for the best traditions and experience of Russian classical opera in particular, which is distinguished by its inner content, richness of melodies and breadth of range, nationality, graceful, beautiful, clear musical form."


"The opera creates a false idea that such Caucasian peoples as Georgians and Ossetians were in 1918-1920 at enmity with the Russian people, which is historically false."

But such assessments were rejected in the resolution of the Central Committee on May 28, 1958 "On correcting mistakes in evaluating the opera" Great Friendship ":

“The incorrect assessments of the opera in the said resolution reflected the subjective approach to certain works of art and creativity on the part of I.V. Stalin.

What was characteristic during the period of Stalin's personality cult ”.

That is, this criticism extended to the aforementioned detailed characterization of Russian music, as well as its role in raising the cultural level and strengthening the friendship of the peoples of the USSR.

And it is natural that, in connection with this "higher" assessment, they began to actively seek out and remove from theatrical repertoires and literary magazines works of the 30s - first half of the 50s, as they say, with

"Excessive Russophilia."

It was, albeit an unofficial, but clearly recommended "top" course in the field of culture.

"Not equal to Lenin"

However, in the theatrical environment of the early 60s there were persistent rumors about a certain directive of the USSR Ministry of Culture (1961) about the inexpediency of demonstrating in theatrical performances by I.V. Stalin,

“All the more so as a figure equal to V.I. Lenin ".

But also the attributes of tsarist Russia, as well as

"Excessive emphasis" on the role of the Russian people


"Thereby, the actual or indirect belittling of the role of other fraternal peoples in the creation of the Soviet state, the victory over fascism."

The KGB's statement to the Culture Department of the Central Committee of the Party on July 15, 1960, on the mood of the Soviet intelligentsia, also fully echoes these instructions.

Marked here

"Increased consciousness, a greater level of political maturity of the creative intelligentsia",

"In the assessment of the party line pursued in the field of literature and art."

At the same time,

"Emerging groupism among playwrights."

In particular, it is said that

“Arbuzov, Rozov, Stein, Zorin, Shtok, Shatrov and some other playwrights are united on the basis of the“ struggle ”against the drama, in their words, the“ Stalinist regime ”- with the so-called“ faithful varnishers ”of the period of the personality cult (for example, Koval, Leonov , Pogodin, Sofronov).

Although the latter are already in the minority ”.

As noted by the historian and philologist Polina Rezvantseva (St. Petersburg), according to Khrushchev, story, literature and other types of art were supposed to reflect the role of Lenin, “de-Stalinize” works and performances on Russian and Soviet historical themes.


"Were as follows: the intelligentsia had to adapt to the new ideological course and serve it."

But the decisions to overcome the "personality cult", as the historian rightly notes, led

“To the demoralization of a significant part of the art workers: so, only two months after the congress, Alexander Fadeev, the first secretary of the USSR Writers' Union, committed suicide, condemning in his suicide note the pernicious ideological turns of Stalin’s former“ comrades-in-arms ”and“ students ” ".

Meanwhile, under the banner of the struggle against the Stalinist "cult", the task was actually set to revise the previous personal (in relation to Stalin) and, in general, ideological accents in the sphere of culture.

Let's look at the memo of the Department of Culture of the Central Committee of the CPSU to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On some issues of the development of modern Soviet literature" dated July 27, 1956:

“Overcoming the personality cult and related skills and traditions is regarded by writers as the most important condition for the successful development of literature and art along the path of truth and nationality.

Many honest writers, who, by their example, felt the constraining influence of the personality cult, expressed their warm approval of the report of NS Khrushchev and the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On overcoming the personality cult and its consequences."

Seeing in these documents the expression of the Leninist spirit of the party leadership. "

Khrushchev knew about corn and culture

Khrushchev himself, of course, also transparently hinted at the relevance of works in which the previous ideological principles would be revised. For example, in Khrushchev's speech at a solemn meeting in honor of the 10th anniversary of the victory over fascism (1955) there was not even a hint of Stalin's famous toast in honor of the Russian people on June 24, 1945. Although before the XX Congress of the CPSU it was even more than eight months.

But the then head of the party spoke more substantively at the III Congress of Soviet Writers (May 1959):

“Gorky said well:

"If the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed."

This is deeply correct. But now this struggle is over.

The bearers of anti-party views have suffered a complete ideological defeat, and now there is, so to speak, a process of healing of wounds ”.

In fact, "scarring of wounds" meant removing from all spheres of art what was encouraged and promoted in them in the last Stalinist decade: the greatness and historical role of Russia, the exceptional role of the Russian nation in the formation of the Russian, Soviet state and friendship of the peoples of the USSR.

It is also noteworthy, in this regard, a letter from a graduate student of the philological faculty of Moscow State University G.M. Shchegolkova Khrushchev in May 1962:

“… In 1956, after your report on the personality cult of Stalin, it was easy to lose faith in everything.

But what do you call artists to?

- "Look for something new, but only in a way that everyone likes."

The atmosphere that is now being created in culture is an atmosphere of administration, unfounded accusations, defamation, distortion of the recent past, demagoguery and recitation of the highest words.

It is terribly difficult to realize all this. "

Not "Russian Forest" and not "Russian Field"

However, such a comprehensive campaign started long before the XX Congress.

So, at the end of August 1954 in the Central Committee of the party "organized" a letter from professors-foresters P. Vasiliev, V. Timofeev, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences N. Baransky and academician-agrarian V. Sukhachev with a proposal ... to convince an outstanding writer and historian Leonid Leonov ... to remake his novel "Russian Forest", published during Stalin's life in 1953 and received the Stalin Prize.

First of all, to remove from this novel the alleged

"... reminders of the bourgeois theories of a certain" constancy "of the forest, exaggeration of its socio-cultural significance."

Say, the author

"Unnecessarily dramatizes, especially in the RSFSR, the consequences of the expanding logging required by the country."

And this obstruction began with the "Resolution of the conference of workers and students of the Kirov Leningrad Forestry Academy" dated March 23, 1954:

“The author L. Leonov did not understand the forest problem.

In the novel, not only are there no production workers in the forest, there is no collective, no party.

... The conference calls for a decisive correction of the novel in terms of literary techniques, subject matter, language and style.

The novel should not be republished without such revision. "

Let us recall that it was during that period that the government ordered the massive deforestation not only in the vast virgin regions of the country for a larger area of ​​their plowing. But also in

"Forests of protective forest belts along rivers and lakes, railways and highways"

(joint resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Union Council of Ministers on February 7, 1955 "On increasing the forestry in the USSR"). Obviously, Leonov's "Russian Forest" did not fit into this campaign.

True, the Central Committee of the party in the first half of the 50s was not yet entirely "pro-Khrushchev". But L. Leonov was still forced to re-edit that novel - with the inclusion of the theme of the growing needs of the Soviet economy in wood. For which in 1957 they were thanked by awarding the Lenin Prize to the author for the "Russian Forest".

But already in 1959, the novel was criticized anyway (in the Znamya magazine, Moscow, 1959, No. 2) for

"Preservation of some of the previous mistakes."

And soon they stopped staging this play in theaters. But not only.

In accordance with the aforementioned postulates and recommendations, from the second half of the 50s - mid 60s, many Soviet works of the 40s - first half of the 50s were removed from the repertoire of theaters, promoting the unity of the Slavic peoples or "excessively" mentioning Orthodoxy. Or even casually recalling Stalin ...

By the way, at the same time - from the second half of the 50s - Khrushchev and others like him initiated an all-union campaign against religion, but above all against Orthodoxy. Nikita Sergeevich himself promised in 1961

"Show the last priest on television."

Which also reflected the Russophobic nature of the eradication

"The consequences of the personality cult."

Announce the entire list

And as a result ...

Here is just an incomplete list of works removed from the repertoires (due to the aforementioned ideological attitudes):

Boris Asafiev - operas "Minin and Pozharsky" (staged in theaters in 1939), "1812", "Near Moscow in the forty-first", "Slavic beauty" (1941-1944), ballets "Sulamith" (1941), Leda (1943), Militsa (1945);

Marian Koval - oratorios "The People's Holy War", "Valery Chkalov" (1941-1942), the operas "Emelyan Pugachev" (1942), "Sevastopoltsy" (1946);

Lev Stepanov - operas Border Guards (1939), Guardsmen (1947), Ivan Bolotnikov (1950), In the Name of Life (1952), the ballet Native Coast (1941);

Boris Lavrenev - plays-performances "Song of the Black Sea Fleet" (1943), "For those who are at sea!" (1945), Voice of America (1949), Lermontov (1953);

Pavel Malyarevsky - plays-performances "Stronger than Death" (1946), "Thunderstorm Eve" (1950);

Konstantin Simonov - play-performance "Russian People" (1943);

Boris Gorbatov - play-performance "The Unconquered" (1944);

Yuri Shaporin - symphony-cantata "On the Kulikovo Field" (1939).

The 1942 play "Invasion" by L. Leonov also appeared in the same register.

Instead of PS

The father of the author of these lines, pianist A.A. Chichkin, director of the recording studio of the Moscow Conservatory in the late 40s and mid-50s, took part in the preparation of claviers (transcriptions for piano) of some of the above-mentioned works by Asafiev and Koval. But in 1958 this work was stopped by an oral directive "from above".

Well, since then, all the above-mentioned works are still not staged in theaters - now in the Russian Federation and in almost all other countries of the ex-USSR.

In addition to Belarus, where these works are periodically included in theatrical repertoires ...
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  1. +11
    5 March 2021 04: 48
    Masters of culture ... ordinary hired workers of mental labor. What they recommend is what they do. And the most successful ones who know how to catch the wind of change in time ... and integrate into ... financial flows.
    1. +14
      5 March 2021 05: 05
      Quote: apro
      integrate into ..... financial flows.

      Now, yes, earlier even talented people had to adapt to certain conditions. Take at least Yesenin, Bulgakov. But then the talents were visible, today they are not visible at all. The current system does not favor talent, promoting mediocre vulgarity. The current "masters of culture" are lobbying for their mediocre children. The awarding of the Order by Putin to Yurkis is an example of this. Ugh! After this farce, this order is synonymous with pretentious disgrace.
      1. +20
        5 March 2021 05: 14
        Quote: apro
        what they recommend and do.

        I would say that they will pay for what they will do, as representatives of the most ancient profession. Remember how they campaigned for fucking all over the country, remembering is funny and sad ...
        1. +8
          5 March 2021 06: 31
          Quote: 1331M
          I would say that they will pay for what they will do, as representatives of the most ancient profession.

          And it has been like that throughout history. Sell ​​yourself at a higher price, but with all the manners relying on a decent society.
          Quote: Stroporez
          Chukovsky's "cockroach" is also not in favor under Putinism.

          What's criminal? What is there from extremism? Don't know which character to dedicate to:
          Donkeys glory to him on notes,
          "THEY" sweep the road with their beard,
          Sheep, sheep
          Knocking ...

          I remember how some of the "arts" jumped out of their pants and skirts to appease "Vashestvo". After that, who will believe in their "caprealism" coming from the heart and soul?
        2. +7
          5 March 2021 07: 03
          Quote: 1331M
          as representatives of the oldest profession.

          Romm struck me, upset me in this regard ...
          1. +7
            5 March 2021 08: 50
            Romm struck me, upset me in this regard ...

            Well, Marek Zakharov (nee Shirinkin), at first talentedly wrote all the monologues of the Red Army soldier Sukhov for "White Sun", and then burned his party card on camera. Also from the same fragrant heap.
            1. +5
              5 March 2021 13: 47
              Quote: Aviator_
              Well, Marek Zakharov (nee Shirinkin)

              I don’t know - his duplicity is written on his face in two-meter letters ... in ancient times, I often heard disapproval from others about this ...
      2. +33
        5 March 2021 05: 24
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        The current system does not favor talent, promoting mediocre vulgarity. The current "masters of culture" are lobbying for their mediocre children. The awarding of the Order by Putin to Yurkis is an example of this. Ugh!

        Today we can say with confidence that Eboputinism has practically destroyed Russian culture.
        PySy. I was struck by the fact of a new performance on Taganka, where the ending of the tale The Adventures of Cipollino is completely changed, where "vegetables", instead of making a revolution and driving Lemon into manure (in the original), go to complain about Senor Tomato Prince Lemon, who solves their problems.
        This is tin.
        1. +14
          5 March 2021 05: 27
          Quote: Stroporez
          go to complain about Senor Tomato Prince Lemon, who solves their problems.
          This is tin.

          Forgetting that he is the pinnacle and final recipient of all the goodies in this thieves' system. laughing
          1. +20
            5 March 2021 05: 32
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            Forgetting that he is the pinnacle and the final recipient of all the goodies in this thieves' system

            Chukovsky's "cockroach" is also not in favor under Putinism.
            1. +17
              5 March 2021 06: 28
              Quote: Stroporez
              Chukovsky's "cockroach" is also not in favor under Putinism.

              Just like "Dunno on the Moon" ... cartoon, to put it mildly, far from what Nosov wrote ..
        2. -4
          5 March 2021 05: 41
          Quote: Stroporez
          Today we can say with confidence that Eboputinism has practically destroyed Russian culture.

          It depends on what is considered Russian culture. On screens in literature today it is a reflection of the Russian outlook on life. All these matildas. Zuleikhs. Akunin’s writing. Boommers and brigades. Very funny humorous shows.
          1. +20
            5 March 2021 05: 55
            Quote: apro
            on screens in literature today it is a reflection of the Russian outlook on life. all these matildas, zuleikhs, Akunin's writings, boommers and brigades, very funny humorous shows.

            I think that the v / lysery listed by you have nothing to do with traditional Russian culture.
            1. +1
              5 March 2021 06: 09
              Quote: Stroporez
              have nothing to do with traditional Russian culture

              But it is financed from the country's budget. State support appears. To advertise in the media. The Russian intelligentsia writes rave reviews and recommends.

              Quote: Stroporez
              traditional Russian culture

              What is considered traditional Russian culture ??? Russian folklore. Pre-revolutionary works or post-Soviet ??
              1. +15
                5 March 2021 06: 15
                Quote: apro
                But it is financed from the country's budget. State support appears. To advertise in the media. The Russian intelligentsia writes rave reviews and recommends.

                Well, what can I say, what kind of "state", such is the "culture." (This is a fake)
                Quote: apro
                What is considered traditional Russian culture ??? Russian folklore. Pre-revolutionary works or post-Soviet ??

                It is my deep conviction that the Soviet cultural heritage is a continuation of the traditionally Russian culture. hi
                1. -1
                  5 March 2021 10: 43
                  Quote: Stroporez
                  It is my deep conviction that the Soviet cultural heritage is a continuation of the traditionally Russian culture.
                  Which heritage is closer to traditionally Russian culture: the heritage of the 30-50s. or 60-80s? M. b., 1917 - K. 20s? You can use the example of political culture, and not about songs and dances.
              2. +2
                5 March 2021 18: 52
                "... Russian folklore" is an example of Russian culture! laughing and these people here are seriously discussing the topic of culture wassat As A. Raikin said: where are we going ?! What about? Typical "Russian" laughing
            2. +6
              5 March 2021 06: 37
              Quote: Stroporez
              I think that the v / lysery listed by you have nothing to do with traditional Russian culture.

              You should not think so. Traditions are changing, culture is changing. It becomes akin to this:
              1. +15
                5 March 2021 06: 44
                Quote: ROSS 42
                Traditions are changing, culture is changing.

                A mediocre and illiterate government gives rise to a corresponding mediocre "culture", which gives rise to such "masterpieces".
        3. +6
          5 March 2021 05: 41
          Quote: Stroporez
          go to complain about Senor Tomato to Prince Lemon

          Zhigan-Lemon is a handsome boy!
          In the tale about the priest and Balda, the priest was replaced with a merchant somewhere. However, it was also a shame when in the work about the siege of Tula in the Second World War, our city was indicated not by its full name, but by one letter.
          1. +22
            5 March 2021 06: 21
            On March 5, 1953, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin passed away, who led our people to Victory and left behind a strong, invincible socialist country!
            1. +10
              5 March 2021 12: 14
              And we fucked it all up ... And the best memory of him is the restoration of his life's work, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

        4. +4
          5 March 2021 08: 52
          Struck by the fact of a new performance on Taganka

          I hope this was not directed by the "Commonwealth of Actors on Taganka"?
    2. +19
      5 March 2021 07: 45
      The Khrushchevshchyna hit not only culture, but the foundations of Soviet power in general.
    3. +5
      5 March 2021 08: 23
      .. ordinary hired knowledge workers. that recommend that and do.
      In 1966, already under Brezhnev, I.V. Stalin. But several "figures" of culture have signed a letter against rehabilitation. Interestingly, some of them are three times Stalin Prize winners. Jesters are the most corrupt part of society.
    4. -7
      5 March 2021 08: 44
      Quote: apro
      ordinary employees mental labor

      There is only labor: managerial and productive.
      If the result of the work of the turner is the detail he has turned, then the result of the work of cultural workers is their works (films, books, paintings, etc.).
    5. +2
      5 March 2021 08: 46
      Illustration for your comment
  2. +14
    5 March 2021 05: 20
    Quiet Don of Sholokhov ... Virgin soil lifted up, these works are very good, the whole depth of the tragedy of the Russian people at that time is shown here. I would not say that Sholokhov wrote this at the request of the party ... they are too tragic.
    1. +26
      5 March 2021 06: 10
      "Quiet Don" is the greatest work of that time, I did not find any documented facts that it was a "party order", rather a cry from the heart, so to speak. By the way, I consider the film of the same name one of those rare cases when the film adaptation of the great novel is does not spoil the impression of the book, but only supplements it with new colors. I'm now talking about the Soviet film of 1957 with the brilliant acting of Glebov, Bystritskaya and others, and not about the modern craft of 2015.
      1. +10
        5 March 2021 06: 19
        Quote: 1331M
        about the Soviet film 1957

        The film was staged reliably, the actors fit into the script, in one word - a Masterpiece! And all the other adaptations are a pitiful fake, without the right to rent.
        1. +10
          5 March 2021 08: 41
          The film is delivered reliably

          At that time, the direct participants in these events were alive, bullshit would not have worked, not like now.
          1. -9
            5 March 2021 15: 59
            Quote: Aviator_
            At that time, the direct participants in these events were alive, bullshit would not have worked, not like now.

            In 1937, the participants in the revolution of the 17th were also alive. And the bullshit in the "Short Course ..." rolled perfectly!
            1. +5
              5 March 2021 17: 03
              And the bullshit in the "Short Course ..." rolled perfectly!

              Announce the entire list of bullshit from the "Short Course", pzhlst (Film "Operation Y")
              1. -6
                5 March 2021 18: 26
                Quote: Aviator_
                Announce the entire list of bullshit from the "Short Course"

                Well, for starters, what is written there about the role of the Bolsheviks in the February Revolution. Some were in Switzerland, others in exile. But read what "Comrade Stalin" says, or rather writes, about the overthrow of the autocracy. It is the Bolsheviks who are given the first place in his overthrow! But there were still those alive who ... But what was it me? The Internet is at your fingertips. Open and read for yourself ...
                1. +6
                  5 March 2021 19: 53
                  In general, an interesting thesis - there, in the internet, everything is there, go and look. Page, pzhlst. In addition to the Internet, I have a book itself, not so long ago Olgovich promoted this thesis, but then he was blown away. There, on page 169 of the 1945 edition, it says: "The Bureau of the Central Committee issued on February 26 (March 11) a manifesto calling for the continuation of the armed struggle against tsarism, for the creation of a provisional revolutionary government." That is, nothing more than "called upon" to make the revolution further. And then it did not go - in the same place on page 170 it says: "... the parties of agreement, Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries seized deputy seats in the Soviets, forming their majority in them."

                  And where there
                  It is the Bolsheviks who are given the first place in his overthrow!

                  Follow Olgovich, please.
                  1. +3
                    6 March 2021 04: 28
                    Quote: Aviator_
                    Follow Olgovich, please.

                    No, perhaps it will be more correct ahead ...
            2. +8
              5 March 2021 19: 35
              Quote: kalibr
              And the bullshit in the "Short Course ..." rolled perfectly!

              Winners write history. Do you not know.

              And fiction is a delicate thing. And here the falsity is felt not by the mind, but by the heart. Philosophy. psychology, emotions and passions. "Quiet Don" - "War and Peace" level
              This is not your "easy reading".
              1. -5
                5 March 2021 19: 41
                Quote: chenia
                Winners write history. Do you not know.

                "Do not bring prices to the temple with a dog" - so it was said. The cause of social justice does not tolerate lies. Because, as anyone will reproach: "You lie in this, you lie in another." And you cannot substitute in any case.
                1. +6
                  5 March 2021 19: 55
                  Quote: kalibr
                  The cause of social justice does not tolerate lies. Because, as anyone will reproach: "You lie in this, you lie in another."

                  Come on, it's not for you to moralize. A full-time propagandist said one thing, thought another, did a third. Your credo is "ALWAYS" with a winner.
                  And about "easy reading" - very good, it allows you to learn a lot of new things without really straining. And thanks for that.
                  1. -2
                    6 March 2021 07: 18
                    Quote: chenia
                    Come on, it's not for you to moralize.

                    It’s for me! Because I have experience of what mistakes lead to. For example, when he taught PR, he strictly instructed the students: you cannot lie. It is necessary ... to get around the unpleasant topic, but not to lie. But this approach requires a talent that our many "top" simply did not have. And reading books they haven't read ...
                2. +4
                  6 March 2021 04: 30
                  Quote: kalibr
                  "You lie in this, you lie in the other"

                  And you mean, in your youth, you were simply "mistaken" ...
                  1. -2
                    6 March 2021 07: 15
                    Quote: mat-vey
                    And you mean, in your youth, you were simply "mistaken" ...

                    Not because of his youth, but due to the lack of the necessary information. Incomplete knowledge is the root of all troubles! I already wrote to you about it.
                    1. +1
                      6 March 2021 07: 18
                      Quote: kalibr
                      Incomplete knowledge is the root of all troubles!

                      Yes, yes .. you can poke your finger too .. but incomplete knowledge only about the pronoun slips information ..
      2. +12
        5 March 2021 06: 40
        Quote: 1331M
        I'm now talking about the Soviet film of 1957 with the brilliant acting of Glebov, Bystritskaya and others, and not about the modern craft of 2015.

        Correctly! Why compare the gift of God with ... And it is not necessary to take far, it is enough to compare various modern "remakes" with the originals of your favorite Soviet comedies.
      3. +17
        5 March 2021 08: 47
        Quote: 1331M
        Quiet Don "the greatest work of that time

        A great country gave birth to the greatest masterpieces.
      4. +10
        5 March 2021 11: 10
        Quote: 1331M
        "Quiet Don" is the greatest work of that time,

        Yes, "Quiet Don", "Volunteers", "The Fate of a Man", "Virgin Soil Upturned", "It Was in Penkovo", "The Cranes Are Flying", "My Dear Man", "The Ballad of a Soldier", "Walking Through the Torment" on the one hand, and on the other, "Faithful Friends" and "Carnival Night", "Ilya Muromets" and "Sadko" ...
        The list goes on for a long time ...
        This is what I?
        Yes, to the fact that all these films were just created ... under Khrushchev.
        1. +11
          5 March 2021 14: 08
          Yes, to the fact that all these films were just created ... under Khrushchev.

          Misha, there was a huge acceleration. The inertia of a giant wave that was difficult to stop. The people, represented by their great representatives, were still great, they still felt like a winner and still knew how to stand their ground. But the counter wave of grayness was already gaining strength, gradually, imperceptibly seeping into the consciousness of an ordinary person, reaching the very depths of the subconscious and destroying his inner craving for responsibility for the greatness of the nation. It all depended on what wave the wave generator was working on.
          1. 0
            5 March 2021 15: 30
            Quote: depressant
            huge acceleration was recruited

            Can you imagine such a film as, for example, "The Cranes Are Flying", filmed under Stalin, Lyudmila Yakovlevna? Or "The Living and the Dead"?
            "Tractor drivers" - yes. "Heavenly Slow Mover" - yes, "Pig and Shepherd" - three times yes. And "Quiet Don" - no. Under Stalin, such a film could not have been. Because it is ambiguous.
            Under Stalin it was simple - black or white, good hero or bad - everything. There is no room for doubt or choice - everything was decided in advance for everyone. War - enemies are wretched, stupid and vile, and ours are noble and strong. Love is a must from school to death. A communist is wise and generous. Is always. And that was a lie. The same harmful as the one that was blown into our heads later - about the beast-commissars and scoundrels-specialists.
            And only after the death of Stalin those same masterpieces began to appear, two heads, in my opinion, superior to everything that was done before and almost everything that was done after them. 1955 - 70 Then again, in general, a step back.
            And what kind of music was written ... What poetry ... What prose ... Some bards were worth what ... Try to imagine Vizbora or Okudzhava under Stalin ... Is it difficult? Impossible.
            Try to imagine a country without them. It will be a completely different country.
            Khrushchev gave the creators the opportunity to turn dry and flat Stalinist models of a person into real, living images of real people, also beautiful and noble, strong and honest, but alive, real, capable not only of winning, but also of doubting, making mistakes ...
            So, that's really something, but to ascribe to Stalin the cultural achievements of the USSR, the late 50s - early 60s, for me it is somehow completely ... ridiculous. He certainly did everything so that such a cultural upsurge could not take place.
            1. -2
              5 March 2021 16: 02
              Quote: Trilobite Master
              He certainly did everything so that such a cultural upsurge could not take place.

              She didn't think, Mikhail. With women, this happens all the time.
              1. +1
                5 March 2021 16: 24
                There are three downsides - one in my favor, Vyacheslav Olegovich. smile
                1. -1
                  5 March 2021 18: 30
                  Of course. You write only about the Slavs, and I also have access to OPPO GAPO, how can I survive?
                  1. +2
                    5 March 2021 19: 56
                    Probably, today I have more minuses than you, because I personally opened my dirty mouth at the infallible comrade Stalin, and you just did not condemn me angrily. laughing
                    Under Stalin, I would have received fifteen years in the camps for such a comment, and you would have received ten for yours. smile
                    And those who read, but did not write the denunciation - five at a time. laughing
                    I like my Slavs, among other things, because it was a long time ago and it would never occur to anyone to quarrel or be rude to the interlocutor because, when discussing the battle on Lipitsa, he expressed his sympathy for the Suzdal side. smile
                    Even a minus no one will think to put it.
                    And the fact that I sometimes bring people here as Rurik is just ... well, a little hooliganism, or something ... smile
                    I am really interested in other later times, but I write little about them - except for me they are rarely interesting to anyone.
                    1. +2
                      5 March 2021 20: 14
                      Quote: Trilobite Master
                      I am really interested in other later times, but I write little about them - except for me they are rarely interesting to anyone.

                      Be that as it may, you write well, and it costs a lot!
              2. +7
                5 March 2021 21: 41
                Vyacheslav Olegovich, take it easy!)))
                Reason never fails me. I just take time in large chunks, dividing it into eras - each with its own characteristics. And Misha's answer went down the branch)))
                1. +1
                  6 March 2021 19: 40
                  Vyacheslav Olegovich, take it easy!)))
                  With this, I agree!
                  However, I will note that the division of history into eras depends on the personal preferences of the dividing person.
              3. 0
                6 March 2021 04: 35
                Quote: kalibr
                She didn't think, Mikhail. With women, this happens all the time.

                You so often poke around about rudeness and culture ...
                1. +1
                  6 March 2021 07: 13
                  Quote: mat-vey
                  poke ....

                  I always appeal only to YOU!
                  1. +3
                    6 March 2021 07: 15
                    Quote: kalibr
                    I always appeal only to YOU!

                    And this is all your notions about politeness and rudeness?
                    1. -2
                      6 March 2021 11: 17
                      Quote: mat-vey
                      And this is all your notions about politeness and rudeness?

                      In relation to the mentally stupid - yes!
                      1. +3
                        6 March 2021 11: 19
                        Quote: kalibr
                        In relation to the mentally stupid - yes!

                        And you have a document of all-encompassing mental superiority ...
                      2. 0
                        6 March 2021 11: 35
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        And you have a document of all-encompassing mental superiority ...

                        And not even one, Matvey. Moreover, such that you will never get it, so that you do not try to prove to me there - there is only one sense from you here - clicks for the benefit of the site, well, mine too.
                      3. +2
                        6 March 2021 11: 36
                        Snob (English snob) ... This is the same name for people who claim high intelligence, exquisite taste or authority in some area, but are indifferent to the feelings of others ...
                      4. +2
                        6 March 2021 16: 42
                        Quote: mat-vey
                        Snob ... This is the same name for people who claim high intelligence, exquisite taste or authority in some area, but are indifferent to the feelings of others ..

                        You remembered this well, Matvey. Forgot that word. But this is not entirely correct. I am very much even indifferent to friends. But there are no stupid ones among them, that's the point. Go to the thread where there is an article about Marlin rifles. And you can easily see for yourself by their comments. Yesterday one of the "other side" got in, but quickly disappeared. Even those who do not have advanced degrees are erudites with whom it is pleasant to communicate. For everyone else, I just write articles in the hope that this will ... develop them a little.
              4. +5
                6 March 2021 18: 21
                She didn't think, Mikhail. With women, this happens all the time.
                Here I strongly disagree with you. Lyudmila Yakovlevna belongs to the currently dying out category, which was once called intellectuals.
            2. +6
              5 March 2021 21: 37
              Misha, here you have designated two opposite waves:
              A communist is wise and generous. Is always. And that was a lie. The same harmful as the one that was blown into our heads later - about the beast-commissars and scoundrels-specialists.

              The great films that you are talking about required time for their creation to ripen accurate ideas about time and about oneself, to mature the soul.
              For example, this is exactly how it took us thirty years for the bitter realization that literary masterpieces cannot be created in modern conditions.
              1. +5
                6 March 2021 12: 59
                Quote: depressant
                The great films that you are talking about required time for their creation to ripen accurate ideas about time and about oneself, to mature the soul.

                And that too. Well, in the 80s and subsequent years, until now, the matured soul managed to become decrepit and fall into childhood? It doesn't work that way.
                Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and subsequent leaders led and continue to pursue a certain cultural policy - each his own. We can observe the results of this policy in every era.
                Quote: depressant
                in modern conditions literary masterpieces cannot be created

                And again I do not agree. Why can't they? Are people dull? Has Russia become depleted of talents?
                Here the point is different. Masterpieces can be created, there are enough creators capable of this. I am even sure that they are being created, they already exist. We just don't know about them. They are not available to us. In the queue at the cashier's desk at Pyaterochka, there is an author of genius poems in front of you, which lie in his house ready, written, you just need to publish, but ... they will never be published because they will not bring the publisher a LOT of money, as much as the publication will bring Dontsova's books.
                In order for them to be published, it is required that someone clever read them and gave their opinion: to publish at least xxx copies in circulation, to recommend there and there. And then it will be read and the author standing in front of you at the checkout with a set of cereals and cheap sausage will become famous, and you personally, having read his creations, will be spiritually richer.
                This is called "cultural policy". In the meantime, "Vikings", "Matilda" and other crap like "Zuleikha" are being withdrawn from us with state money, there is no number for her, and they collect a string of "28 Panfilovites" from the world, we will watch "Zuleikha".
                Stalin had his own cultural policy, which can be judged by the works of art that came out during his time as General Secretary. And this policy, in my opinion, is so far from perfect that it is impossible to talk about it without tears. With all my respect for Stalin, as a statesman, it must be stated here: in some areas, such as culture, some areas of science, his policy was terrible, harmful and significantly hampered the development of society as a whole.
                1. +4
                  6 March 2021 14: 59
                  Once I found 2 books by Daria Dontsova in the garbage. No, not in the bin. These paperbacks were placed on a small concrete bumper block standing upright - on its wide rib. The person who left them in this remarkable place, having a culture of reading, got rid of them, but out of respect for the books did not dare to send them to the mouth of the garbage bin at all. I took them! And just like that, I have accumulated more than 10 books by Dontsova. And I read them. I read them and understood why the person who then consistently threw them out read them. Because start reading, and it is impossible to tear yourself away, because the plot is famously twisted. However, I also understood why he threw them away. Because after reading nothing remains in the head! You forget about the heroes immediately and firmly, they do not enter your life, do not correlate with it in any way, for example, unlike the heroes of The Master and Margarita, not to mention the artistic merits of Dontsova's reading matter. And you won't be able to keep an empty but occupying space in the apartment.
                  Because it's gum. He chewed, swallowed sweet saliva, tricked the stomach with strawberry flavor, spat it out, the old gum, and you reach for the next one to deceive yourself further. You will not keep at home an already chewed, deadly frozen substance.
                  I remember that there was such a period in our history when people chewed gum on the street (an unpleasant sight), and the children shared what had already been chewed, responding to the request: "Let me chew!" But it was during this period that forbidden books were on the lists, which blew up the brain. And if now there are books on the lists, I will believe that true writers exist. And since there is no such thing, then we, who have stopped chewing gum in the street, continue to chew it in our heads. And writers too! Because it's time to earn and consume. This does not require deep new thoughts. Walking zombies crave only blood and body. But not the body and blood of Christ. Any neighbor will do.

                  And I put Daria Dontsova's books in a Pyaterochka bag, tied it tightly and revengefully threw it into the mouth of a garbage collection bucket: poor homeless people who live in landfills among waste products read their way.
                2. 0
                  6 March 2021 22: 54
                  And the number of poems in general is decreasing. Good ones. As well as bookstores.
                  We can now watch how Books are slowly leaving our lives.

                  Maybe someone else will hold certain lines.
              2. +3
                6 March 2021 19: 54
                Yes they can, Lyudimla Yakovlevna! And literary, and cinematic, and picturesque ...
                It's just that something passed you by ...
                1. +3
                  6 March 2021 20: 26
                  What exactly, Anton? Can you name at least one thing?
                  The novel "Duhless" by Sergei Minaev did not pass me by. As if the character has a lump in his throat - from tears invisible to the world. Unique ending prediction. You know, the classics are fading, Shakespeare. And what? They shot the film, turning the meaning of the book and the ending 180 degrees, the main character - "our everything" Danila Kozlovsky. Propagandistic vulgarity turned out. You will say that under Stalin, too, jingoistic patriotic films were shot, and you have listed some of them. But under Stalin there was industrialization! There was a Victory! And therefore these films were easily woven into the fabric of the perception of time, they did not contradict it. On the contrary, they lifted their spirits. You either attended a funeral or a fun wedding - what inspires you?
                  But when they try to inspire you with false joy on the industrial ruins, among which asphalt paths will simply be laid for decoration, this is not for me.
                  1. +2
                    6 March 2021 20: 35
                    Look "Dislike" by Zvyagintsev, read "Variant" Bis "by Anisimov, I am ready to give you details of contemporary fine art.
                    1. +4
                      6 March 2021 21: 04
                      On your recommendation, I will try to watch Dislike to the end - I started. There, as far as I remember, there were some awards. But the heroine was not very encouraged, the image is clear, it is clear what she embodies. When I understand immediately, I start to miss)))
                      Contemporary fine art ... You know, I am a gourmet in this sense. I saw a lot of pictures, there are a lot of sites, there are lists of artists, sculptors, there are new types of fine art. But where will you send me the pictures? Both mail and Yandex recognized me as a robot)))). Neither I can send it, nor can they send it to me, just change the number.
                      1. +2
                        6 March 2021 22: 56
                        How did you not please Mail and Yandex?
                      2. +4
                        6 March 2021 23: 32
                        I have no idea! wassat
                        One of my two boxes, which were required for VO, was opened. And then I, not wanting to risk the rest, began to create a new one on the mail. I was given a suitable login and demanded to create a password. Created, having previously entered all your data. The box immediately appeared on the face of the site. And when I came back to send the letter, they asked me to confirm that I was not a robot. I put a daw. They gave out a few digits, told to dial the last 4. She dialed. The mailbox did not work, but the login is there. I tried to contact support, it turned out she is a robot! Which did not understand me. My persistent attempts to write and send a letter ended with the fact that for some reason Yandex (who from what side?) Hated me, and its shortcut disappeared from the desktop of the phone. If necessary, you have to call it from the keyboard. These are the adventures))))
                      3. +2
                        6 March 2021 23: 35
                        They may lose you as a client - you will go to your competitors.
                      4. +4
                        6 March 2021 23: 36
                        I can't even imagine what competitors there are))))
                      5. +2
                        6 March 2021 23: 39
                        Gmail. The same rambler, although now subordinate to Yandex, has Mail with such an extension.

                        I kept newmail for a long time, but after all the troubles it became unavailable.
                      6. +4
                        6 March 2021 23: 53
                        I'll try to stir up something on rambler. And, by the way, the topic of the article is about art, there are many sites on the net with paintings and sculptures of all times and peoples, but for some reason no one even published the creepy Alyonushka or the dying Yesenin - someone's handicrafts at the expense of city budgets .. I remember how discussed something. This horror with Yesenin was going for some reason to be brought to India as an example of "outstanding" contemporary art.
                      7. +2
                        7 March 2021 06: 51
                        Creepy Alyonushka - what's this? Not Vasnetsov, I hope?
                      8. +4
                        7 March 2021 07: 55
                        Colleague, and you do not know anything about this "masterpiece" of contemporary art? )))
                        "Arguments and Facts" at one time even came out under the heading "Alenka will come for you. A terrible monument from Novovoronezh frightened the whole world" lol
                      9. +2
                        7 March 2021 08: 34
                        Not. At the end of the 80s, I read Argumenty i Fakty. And now, unless by chance you stumble upon something.
                      10. +5
                        7 March 2021 10: 00
                        I don't read them either. But in Zen, hot articles are published, and I, like you, accidentally stumble upon. I first learned about "Alyonka" and the monument to Yesenin at VO, on a topic that discussed the delivery of a monument to Yesenin to India. There was a heated discussion, pictures were published. The forum was seething with indignation: the city authorities rob the budget at the expense of mediocre products from pseudo-masters. People - people, will accept! I didn’t accept it.
                        I certainly do not think that this is contemporary art. But I happened to see a lot of things on the Internet. There are artists whose main theme is happy girls with thoughtless faces on the beach, in a chaise longue, in bed, etc. Bright colors, like advertisements for hotels and tours. This is one direction.
                        Further - the landscapes of Russian nature. It's trite.
                        Third. Gloomy, dark landscapes with urban buildings, as if a hint of the dark present, is uninteresting.
                        Fourth. Little hints of protest moods. For example, a family in clothes of the early 20th century on the seashore, darkness, the family looks into the rolling waves.
                        Well, and so on.
                        There are also paintings with evening landscapes of old buildings, a sea of ​​colored lights. These are obviously for sale, consumer goods for the middle class.
                        I don’t want to talk about Shilov and others like that, there are just handicrafts, consumer goods for the wealthy and rich.

                        In general, as they say, fierce banal. They left the power of Deineka and Korzhev, and came to timid hints. The current artist is cowardly.
                        Liked only one. He paints pictures on the theme of ancient Russia. They are often used as illustrations for historical topics on VO. Ryzhenko, I don't think I remember exactly))) And of course, the mighty Vasya Lozhkin.
                        I like the fearless cartoonists.
                      11. +2
                        7 March 2021 11: 02
                        Yes. Ryzhenko was discussed here.
                        You know, sometimes music that I like is illustrated with pictures.
                        There are very interesting selections.
                        But the main thing for me is the word. As according to Gumilev.
                      12. +4
                        7 March 2021 13: 15
                        From music from time to time I listen to medieval classics from my mobile phone - it matches! Sometimes - Kincheva or Gorshka. Everything else is oppressive. I'll have to look, maybe we also have decent modern classics, I wasn't interested ...
                        Do you know how? If the press is silent about the achievements of real art, but records the onslaught of plywood, then you come to the conclusion that there is nothing but plywood.
                      13. +3
                        7 March 2021 14: 47
                        Have you come across the songs of Mikhail Shcherbakov?
                      14. +4
                        7 March 2021 14: 54
                        I'm poking)) And about the new Russian classics, I noted on the branch below.
                      15. +2
                        7 March 2021 17: 04
                        Maybe I'll take a look later in the evening.
            3. +2
              6 March 2021 22: 51
              Yet the novels "Quiet Don" and "Virgin Land Upturned" themselves were created under Stalin. As well as the "White Guard".

              It is not so easy to say due to what or in spite of what.
              I agree with Lyudmila Yakovlevna about inertia.

              It may only be worth starting with Lomonosov and Pushkin.
              1. +4
                7 March 2021 15: 35
                On your recommendation, I listened to a couple of early songs by Mikhail Shcherbakov. Is this an urban romance for a warm company?)))
                At the same time I listened to Yuri Shcherbakov - "When we were in the war." Cossack song.
                1. +2
                  7 March 2021 17: 09
                  But I can't even clearly define it. Between an author's song and real poetry.
                  1. +3
                    7 March 2021 18: 41
                    Perhaps the performer influenced my perception. Her opening words sounded like ... She's broken, or something. I do not like it when they demand, they say, repeat with us this tone of her ... Poems - yes, they are decent, there is something in them. But this music and singing style is not close to me. Exactly so, apparently, as my musical preferences are not close to many. And, besides, for what reason, I don’t know, M. Shcherbakov’s songs reminded me of the melancholy and unhappiness of the 80s with their provocative guitar dissidence from all tape recorders, disarray in the country ... I really do not like this past. And we are not talking about the author's song, but about great music. She's not there. Below on the thread, I expressed my opinion about the current one, claiming to be "great". You promised to read it and you didn't do it Ay-y-yay! wassat )))
                    1. +3
                      7 March 2021 19: 46
                      “It's not evening yet” (c).

                      I am writing from the train. Still to get home.

                      It was probably performed by Cheboksarov.
                      I walked around Moscow - I thought what songs you got.

                      I'll go “down” if my modest phone traffic is enough.
    2. +10
      5 March 2021 06: 23
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      they are too tragic.

      Sholokhov described the tragedy of those years vividly, reliably, dynamically, in a light style and with knowledge of the events of that period. good
      1. +12
        5 March 2021 07: 28
        Why compare God's gift with ...

        That is why I try not to watch modern remakes, so as not to spoil the impression of the original.
        1. +3
          5 March 2021 13: 38
          Quote: 1331M
          do not watch remakes

          Is it possible to watch them? "How the Steel Was Tempered" was filmed four times ... 42, 56, 73, 99.
          I saw 56 and 73 more than once.
    3. BAI
      5 March 2021 16: 43
      Quiet Don Sholokhov ... I would not say that Sholokhov wrote this at the request of the party ...

      To begin with, there was a period when "Quiet Don" was banned in the USSR. It was during this period that Sholokhov was given the Nobel Prize in Literature for him.
    4. 0
      April 17 2021 12: 12
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      I would not say that Sholokhov wrote this at the request of the party ... they are too tragic.

      It’s that you have now brought up such an idea of ​​this very party.
      Sholokhov, who commissary too abruptly in the early 20s, was almost shot for abuse of power. He himself took part in the creation of the USSR JV. Since 1931 Sholokhov was a special correspondent for Pravda and personally communicated with Stalin. Quiet Don was published in full in 1932 with the assistance of Soviet leaders.
    5. 0
      April 17 2021 12: 15
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      I would not say that Sholokhov wrote this at the request of the party ...

      Uh-huh ... yeah .... "against the order", they took it and published it in gigantic print runs .. This "did not want it like that" the officials in the USSR did not want
  3. +11
    5 March 2021 06: 15
    Soon there will be no Russian characters left in Russian fairy tales, or there will be sharply negative ones, "the last hero" is the first swallow.
    1. +1
      5 March 2021 06: 40
      Quote: Andrey Shiryaev
      Soon there will be no Russian characters left in Russian fairy tales, or there will be sharply negative ones, "the last hero" is the first swallow.

      The domestic epic and fairytale epic is so deep and multifaceted that it does not have exclusively positive and negative characters in it.
      I think the modern animation and film industry, with all its desire, will not be able to wipe out this layer with all its capabilities!
      By the way, who can name a completely negative or exclusively positive character of our oral epic?
      But with post-Soviet literature, it's easy.
      1. +15
        5 March 2021 06: 57
        Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
        By the way, who can name a completely negative or exclusively positive character of our oral epic?

        I name Kashchei as an unambiguous antihero character who "withers over gold" in his then bunker. wink
        1. +4
          5 March 2021 07: 48
          There are works by Rychankova, which refutes the "purely negative" perception of Kashchei. There are a number of contemporary works that draw parallels of this character with Hermanarich.
          The same “cat Bayun” walks along the “golden chain” that Kashchei gave him for “clever conversations” and “playing chess”!
          And so, these are my personal rich, Kashchei's eulogy of Protestant psychology - lucky, rich and beloved by God!
      2. +2
        7 March 2021 19: 48
        I bought "Epics" a petty one for tomorrow's congratulations. With pictures.
        1. +1
          7 March 2021 19: 56
          I have a three-volume Sergei without modern revision. If you read it, you can turn gray. For treason, our "all" braids, titties and hands cut, for a sidelong glance - eyes are pulled out, for fun - the girls are spoiled! The Brothers Grimm are resting.
          Those that first look through - a gift! Modern publishing houses are still the same thing.
          1. +2
            7 March 2021 20: 21
            Reissue of the book in 1949. Drawings by Kochergin.

            I checked it on the train.
            1. +1
              7 March 2021 20: 27
              Gorgeous edition, you will not regret it! Its edition was received by our venerable historians Shakhmatov and Likhachev. I started my acquaintance with a similar "detizdat" in 1979 !!!
              Shrogged it almost to the holes.
              If there is an opportunity to photograph the preface, I want to compare it with the old one. In mine there was a reference to the Congress of the CPSU! There was definitely something different in the original 1949. I wonder what they are writing now!
              1. +2
                7 March 2021 21: 22
                I'll do it now. Send mail to PM - forward.
                1. +1
                  8 March 2021 14: 07
                  Sergei, there is no preface before the introduction! Wiped out. I will come to the village, I will definitely take a picture. Smile !!!
                  1. +3
                    8 March 2021 16: 27
                    Yes. So I understood. Schoolchildren's dream: not to read the preface - straight to the point.
                    But the drawings are good. And the retelling is good.

                    As in a joke about a fishing rod - he turned around with book gifts.
    2. +4
      5 March 2021 06: 43
      Quote: Andrey Shiryaev
      "the last hero" the first swallow.

      Yes And the point here is not in the son of Ilya Muromets, but in how Dobrynya Nikitich dealt with competitors ... I don't even know if it is worth drawing an analogy with ...
      1. +2
        5 March 2021 09: 34
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Quote: Andrey Shiryaev
        "the last hero" the first swallow.

        Yes And the point here is not in the son of Ilya Muromets, but in how Dobrynya Nikitich dealt with competitors ... I don't even know if it is worth drawing an analogy with ...

        In the filmology, a complete substitution of the essence and content of the epic epic of Russia was drained! Leaving the formal clichés of behavioral norms, the basis of the history of epic Russia was excluded.
        It is interesting that in the film adaptation of Western European fairy tales, they try to avoid this.
        1. ANB
          5 March 2021 18: 41
          ... In a film dylogy

          At least the third part has been announced.
          1. +2
            5 March 2021 18: 53
            Well, already today at school - teachers of literature are faced with the problem of "presence" in the epic epic of the students of the "talking horse Julia"!
            I wrote this and swung, we were brought up on other fairy tales, which, strangely enough, were in the canvas of our perception and did not turn the world upside down, but on the contrary emphasized, added colors and made us think.
  4. +5
    5 March 2021 07: 02
    Breaking down the old, we do not know the restraint. Of course there were overlaps with the name of Stalin. But many Stalinist prizes were often handed out not on this basis. This is historical literature. The desire to bring himself closer to power was also noted by Victor Hugo. "The flea, having drunk the blood of a lion, tells everyone that lion's blood flows in it." our culture and history. Like everyone else, such a remark from the cycle of K. Semin. "Dzerzhinsky from an early age dreamed of the destruction of Muscovites .." Who says this. Even guessing is not necessary.
    1. +2
      5 March 2021 07: 50
      Quote: nikvic46
      Breaking down the old, we do not know the restraint.

      My applause and drumming with my tail is at least a quote of the day!
      Regards, Kote!
      1. +1
        5 March 2021 16: 04
        "Lyubov Yarovaya" by Trenev - "We do not know the measure either in love or in hatred!"
  5. +5
    5 March 2021 07: 14
    ... But now this struggle is over ...

    In this short phrase, the whole Khrushchev ...
    He did not come to fight, but to merge and sell everything that had been won before him.
  6. +6
    5 March 2021 07: 43
    Khrushchev was an illiterate person, he did not read any fiction books, unlike Stalin, who had a good literary taste and read a lot. Therefore, Stalin could endure and forgive all the antics and adventures of many writers, Sholokhov, Bulgakov, Fadeev and other masters words that traditionally, regardless of the state order, were prone to immoral behavior.
    After Stalin's death, Khrushchev began to take revenge on him, including in the field of literature, theater and cinema.
    1. 0
      5 March 2021 16: 08
      Quote: bober1982
      Khrushchev began to take revenge on him, including in the field of literature, theater and cinema.

      Good revenge however. Look how many masterpieces appeared under him ... Although under Stalin there were also masterpieces. "Hearts of four", for example ... "Defense of Petrograd" ... One film is still used to write textbooks on the history of Russia!
      1. +5
        5 March 2021 18: 11
        Quote: kalibr
        Good revenge however.

        Yes exactly.
        Khrushchev insisted on the publication of Solzhenitsyn's One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, contrary to the objections of the Politburo, thereby planting a bomb under the collapse of the Union.
        Khrushchev made his favorite Demyan Bedny, this hack, a kind of literary Lyapis Trubetskoy.
        And, much more, in the same direction.
        All this bohemian riffraff of developed socialism, with their work, which they are so proud of and love, was Russophobic, so it is better to watch something like "The Pig and the Shepherd", a good film, with good actors and directors.
        1. +1
          5 March 2021 18: 23
          Quote: bober1982
          Pig and Shepherd ", a good film, with good actors and direction.

          Leafy and stupid. Even not standing next to "The Cranes Are Flying", "9 Days of One Year" and others, of the era of "Khrushchev's cinema".
          1. +1
            5 March 2021 18: 59
            Quote: kalibr
            Even near

            All these physicists and lyricists only complained about the suffocating atmosphere of the "scoop", nothing more. And, the artistic value is not higher than that of the "Volga-Volga"
            1. 0
              5 March 2021 19: 10
              Quote: bober1982
              And, the artistic value is not higher than that of the "Volga-Volga"

              At "The Cranes Are Flying"? Cool.
              1. +1
                5 March 2021 19: 21
                Quote: kalibr

                For an amateur, a good fairy tale with a sad ending, nothing more.
                To break a tear, also for amateurs.
                By the way, lust is like "And the hearts of four"
                1. 0
                  5 March 2021 19: 24
                  It is for fools that she breaks through a tear. There is deep morality. But not everyone sees it. And the Volga-Volga is only good because it showed the indestructibility of the Soviet bureaucracy, like Carnival Night, by the way.
                  1. +2
                    5 March 2021 19: 41
                    Quote: kalibr
                    There is deep morality.

                    I do not know what you are talking about.
                    All the best.
        2. 0
          7 March 2021 23: 58
          Demyan Bedny died shortly after the war, during the time of Stalin.
          1. 0
            8 March 2021 05: 05
            Quote: Sergej1972
            Demyan Bedny died shortly after the war, during the time of Stalin

            Khrushchev, Demyan Bedny, began to very actively republish and even posthumously reinstated him in the party, from where he was expelled for moral decay.
            1. 0
              8 March 2021 18: 30
              Even after the expulsion from the party, Demyan Bedny was actively published. In the May 9 issue of Pravda, his poems dedicated to the Victory were published.
              1. 0
                8 March 2021 18: 45
                Actively, D. Poorny, was not published after being expelled from the party, the comrade poet went into circulation in the 30s, after a personal insult to Stalin, only miraculously survived.
                1. 0
                  8 March 2021 19: 17
                  And I looked at the filings of the Truth of the late 30s and the times of the war. Demyan Bedny's poems were often published there. And in the victorious issue of the central newspaper they were published for a reason.
                  1. 0
                    8 March 2021 19: 31
                    Quote: Sergej1972
                    Demyan Bedny's poems were often published there

                    In 1952, D. Bedny was posthumously criticized again at the party level for his rhymes, including early ones.
                    1. 0
                      8 March 2021 19: 41
                      It was a posthumous setup. For some reason, in two posthumous collections, the original versions of some works were published, and not the versions corrected under the influence of party criticism. Nevertheless, when Poor died at the end of May 1945, the obituary was published in Pravda, and 60 cultural figures signed it. And even in the Resolution of the Central Committee of 1952, Demyan Bedny was criticized, but no one declared him an "enemy of the people" there. The attitude was still better in comparison, for example, with Zoshchenko or Akhmatova. And he was not posthumously excluded from the ranks of Soviet poets, and literature continued to be mentioned in textbooks.
                      1. 0
                        8 March 2021 20: 06
                        Quote: Sergej1972
                        but no one declared him an "enemy of the people" there. The attitude was still better in comparison, for example, with Zoshchenko or Akhmatova.

                        If he were declared an enemy of the people, then at least he would be very far from Moscow.
                        It is not entirely correct to compare D. Bedny with Akhmatova and Zoshchenko, these were not proletarian poets and writers, they did not have the honor of living in the Kremlin.
                        Comrade Poor himself was Comrade Khrushchev's favorite poet, hence the dominance in educational literary programs.
  7. +7
    5 March 2021 07: 45
    Now, art has died. Eternal memory.
    1. +3
      5 March 2021 09: 16
      No art has died, it faded into the background under the pressure of commerce.
    2. RMT
      5 March 2021 13: 41
      I disagree. Surely there are creative people endowed with talent. They are even among us, but we are busy and do not see them, and the result of their work. It is even rather a belief that talents cannot disappear. Although to start writing poetry after Pushkin, or to dance after Plisetskaya and Vasiliev, you need a lot of faith in yourself.
      1. +3
        7 March 2021 14: 42
        Colleague, I would like your optimism. I rummaged about modern Russian "classical music". And what did she find?
        The only Russian composer to receive the main prize for the first time in 12 years at the prestigious Gaudeamus competition is Alexander Khubeev. I plucked up courage and listened to his composition performed by the Nadar Ensemble.
        The soloist is on the central podium. On both hands - interactive gloves. A wire extends from each finger, thrown over the podium railing. The fence consists of separate, not fastened together sheets of iron, along which, under the action of the performer's fingers, certain objects move, tied to wires and capable of emitting a piercing grinding and creaking when in contact with the iron.
        Musicians are located around the podium. A pianist plays a grand piano with no strings attached to the keys. As a result - the fractional sounds of a piece of wood hitting a piece of wood. The bowed performers press the strings, it turns out only differently dropping noise and squeak. The trumpeter uses the instrument to imitate a vulgar clown laugh ...
        In general, this "music" of absurdity conveys the state of an ordinary person, gripped in the grip of a terrifying technological civilization, mocking him. But this is not music in the usual sense. You can listen to such "prestigious classics" only once, just to be aware of what is happening in the modern musical world of Russia, and then forget. For it deprives the ground underfoot, fragments the world into fragments of life that cannot be assembled into a whole, excluding the possibility of its integral perception. I do not recommend listening to anyone, because it is even worse, even more destructive for the psyche than Novovoronezh "Alyonushka". There is even a humanoid. Here is a trampling on a person.
        1. +2
          7 March 2021 19: 50
          And Rybnikov is a contemporary composer.

          I somehow got a counter mark to the Conservatory. Bashmet conducted.
          Rybnikov was most remembered.

          However, like this. On occasion, I join the cultural life.
          1. +3
            7 March 2021 20: 09
            Is Alexei Rybnikov a contemporary composer? This is the man from the "World of Noon" by the Strugatsky! ))) Light and beautiful.
            1. +1
              7 March 2021 20: 22
              And when modernity begins. Are we still modern?
        2. +3
          7 March 2021 19: 51
          Young composer Nastasya Khrushcheva. It is stated: she refused not only from new traditions, writes in the old style, but also from quoting other people's works. As a confirmation of her original talent, a play is offered in her own performance, on the piano. And the first thing I come across in the sound is a paraphrase on the theme of "Memories of Past Love" by Mikhail Gorshenev. That is, frank quotation. Apparently, this is the best of what they were able to illustrate the power of young talent. The deceased Pot was probably overturned in the grave. May the soul of the Russian musical genius rest! Peace be upon him ...
          And then - all the same from three more. And silence. There is no one else. Well, do not consider the opera "New Jerusalem" about hunters for pedophiles as an outstanding achievement of the composer Ilya Demutsky. The opera was inspired by the Occupy Pedophilia movement. In 2013, at a music competition in Bologna, the composer also presented the symphonic poem "The Last Word of the Defendant" - the text of the last word of Maria Alyokhina set to music during the trial of "Pussy Riot". Hmmm ... What planet did I get to, what time?
          1. +2
            7 March 2021 20: 24
            I'm not ready to say anything.

            Is Gladkov's music music?
            1. +2
              7 March 2021 21: 20
              You are somehow torturing me very biasedly, dear colleague))))) If you mean Gennady Gladkov, then he is a composer, and what a composer! Music!
              "There is nothing better in the world than wandering Friends around the world,
              Those who are friendly are not afraid of anxiety,
              Any dear to us ... "
              1. +2
                7 March 2021 21: 26
                Not. I just rummage in my memory, in the music department (meager) - what composers I know. I love the Bremen Town Musicians since childhood.
                1. +2
                  7 March 2021 22: 09
                  And I rummaged through the Internet in order to find children's songs by modern authors. Found it. All songs are surprisingly melodiously similar to one another. And if you politely ask me which one belongs to which famous composer, I cannot answer. Maybe she was looking for melodic wealth badly, but it lies somewhere ...
                  1. +2
                    7 March 2021 22: 25
                    Generally frivolous. Operetta always liked more than opera.
                    The musical is not quite right. But I remember how "Esmeralda" made me happy.
                    "The Sound of Music" is probably old melodies.
                    From "Chicago": "He got it himself" - is also quite memorable.
                    1. +2
                      7 March 2021 23: 36
                      "The Phantom of the Opera", duet. Music is a revelation, it hurts to listen and you want to listen endlessly. It tightens up. Epic combined with deeply personal. Few composers do this. Andrew Lloyd Webber did it.
                      1. +2
                        7 March 2021 23: 44
                        I haven't gotten to that yet. I have solid gaps with foreign films. Sometimes I listen to pieces from films with Audrey Hepburn.
                      2. +2
                        8 March 2021 00: 24
                        This is not a movie. This is a musical.))
                        Just type in the search engine "duet from the Phantom of the Opera, listen with Banderos" and listen. Sounds bad in Russian. A singer in a duet must have a very wide range of voice, ours from the music hall do not pull at low notes. Americans are snobs, give them quality. Banderos, oddly enough, fit into the male party.
                      3. +2
                        8 March 2021 00: 35
                        By the way, Happy Spring to you, Lyudmila Yakovlevna!

                        And so he did. I listened a couple of times.
                        And I realized that I had already heard.

                        When you live for a certain period of time, all the same Music gets from everywhere. Even if you don't consciously listen.
                      4. +2
                        8 March 2021 00: 49
                        Thank you, dear colleague, for your congratulations!)))
                      5. +2
                        8 March 2021 01: 12
  8. +7
    5 March 2021 08: 38
    Good article, well-reasoned. In the 80s, while in Minsk, he bought there a book about the civil war "Lights in the Bay", where, unexpectedly for myself, I saw a lot of positive things about Stalin.
  9. +1
    5 March 2021 09: 02
    In accordance with the aforementioned postulates and recommendations, from the second half of the 50s - mid 60s, many Soviet works of the 40s - first half of the 50s were removed from the repertoire of theaters, promoting the unity of the Slavic peoples or "excessively" mentioning Orthodoxy.

    And it all started with the Trotskyist Khrushchev. He did not need the unity of the Slavic peoples and Orthodoxy. That backfired on us in the early 90s.
    1. +1
      5 March 2021 09: 38
      Quote: tihonmarine
      And it all started with the Trotskyist Khrushchev.

      I would argue with the thesis that Khrushchev was a Troktsist. To put it mildly, Khrushchev was adaptable.
      1. 0
        5 March 2021 10: 18
        Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
        I would argue with the thesis that Khrushchev was a Troktsist.

        He was in "sidekicks" with Trotsky, but did not open his mouth openly.
      2. +7
        5 March 2021 10: 28
        Quote: Kote Pan Kokhanka

        I would argue with the thesis that Khrushchev was a Troktsist. To put it mildly, Khrushchev was adaptable.

        Disputes are completely unnecessary, Khrushchev was anything but a Trotskyist. Today, the expression "Trotskyist" has completely lost its original meaning and has become just a swear word.
        1. +3
          5 March 2021 11: 20
          Quote: A. Privalov
          Today, the expression "Trotskyist" has completely lost its original meaning and has become just a swear word.

          Probably agree!
  10. +2
    5 March 2021 09: 38
    Comrades, you have begun to confuse soft with warm. Soviet art before Stalin and after Stalin are two big differences. The overwhelming majority are nostalgic for post-Stalinist art. The censorship was such that the mouse would not slip through. Khrushchev, for all his ambiguity, removed this cruel ideological diktat, and we got what we love.
    The same is about church persecution. Of course, this was another blow to the church, but in 37-38, about 50 thousand people were only shot on religious grounds. Until now, no one can determine the exact number. The fact that under Khrushchev were thrown into the trash and worthy works - the forest is chopped, chips fly. Nikita Sergeevich was the son of his era.
    1. 0
      5 March 2021 10: 02
      Quote: Moskovit
      Khrushchev, for all his ambiguity, removed this cruel ideological diktat, and we got what we love.

      In my opinion, this is not entirely true, it was the removal of this dictate that led to what we now have, it is well known what.
      Quote: Moskovit
      The same is about church persecution. Of course, this was another blow to the church, but in 37-38

      Here, too, it is not correct to compare the Khrushchev persecutions with 1937.
      It is the persecution of Khrushchev that is comparable to the persecution of Christians of the first centuries, Nikita Sergeevich had some kind of delusional and obsessive hatred of the Church and it is not easy to explain his behavior, apparently he had a lot of stupidity.
      1. -3
        5 March 2021 10: 30
        We have what you can write your opinion here. Under Stalin, you would have been in prison for a long time for criticizing the authorities.
        Khrushchev's attacks on the Russian Orthodox Church are similar to the yapping of a pug at an elephant. How many priests were shot under Khrushchev? It was before Stalin and under Stalin that the Orthodox Church was systematically and thoroughly destroyed.
        1. +4
          5 March 2021 11: 25
          Quote: Moskovit
          Khrushchev's attacks on the Russian Orthodox Church are similar to the yelp of a pug at an elephant.

          I forgot about the numbers, but the number of closed and destroyed churches during the reign of Khrushchev was comparable to the same number in the 20s and 30s.
          1. +1
            5 March 2021 13: 44
            Are you laughing or something. By the beginning of Khrushchev's rule, only a shadow remained of the ROC. Was it like this with him ?:

            On November 3, 1937, L. Z. Mekhlis forwarded to Stalin a letter from the editor of the newspaper Zvezda about the harmful influence of the church in Belarus, and Stalin wrote a resolution: “T. Yezhov. It would be necessary to press the gentlemen of the churchmen "

            In response, Yezhov sent Stalin extensive material on the course of repressions against "churchmen and sectarians" in the localities. According to Yezhov, in the period from August to November 1937, 31359 "churchmen and sectarians" were arrested, of whom 166 were metropolitans and bishops, 9116 were priests, 2173 were monks, and 19904 were "church-sectarian kulak activists" 13671 people were sentenced to death, including 81 bishops, 4629 priests, 934 monks, “church-sectarian kulak activists” - 7004

            In his commentary on these figures, Yezhov wrote: “As a result of our operational measures, the episcopate of the Orthodox Church was almost completely liquidated, which significantly weakened and disorganized the church. <...> The number of priests and preachers has been cut in half, which should also contribute to the corruption of the church and sectarians. " According to Yezhov, the Orthodox "clergy" (Tikhonovites, Renovationists, Gregorians) allegedly now acted in concert with the "sectarians", making it their "task to create a united anti-Soviet front."
    2. +6
      5 March 2021 12: 19
      The same is about church persecution.

      Judging by what the ROC is doing now, there was something to drive for .. Besides, no one really touched the faith, if you want to believe - yes, please. But the church structure with hierarchs - yes, they cleaned out thoroughly.
  11. +1
    5 March 2021 10: 01
    Here is just an incomplete list of works removed from the repertoires (due to the aforementioned ideological attitudes): Konstantin Simonov - play-performance "Russian People" (1943)

    Based on this play, the film "In the Name of the Motherland" was shot and no one deleted it.

    Already under Khrushchev and later Simonov wrote and published great "The Living and the Dead" (1959). In 1961 the Sovremennik Theater"staged the play by Simonov "Fourth". In 1963-1964 he wrote the novel "Soldiers are not born". In 1970-1971 a sequel will be written - "The Last Summer".

    According to the scripts of Simonov, great films were staged under Khrushchev "Immortal Garrison" (1956), "Normandie-Niemen" (1960, together with S. Spaakomi, E. Triolet), "The Living and the Dead" (1964)..

    These are masterpieces.

    If you take the film libraries and libraries of the post-Stalin era, there is a huge mass of Soviet talented works that are read and looked with pleasure today and will always be so.

    And the fact that they no longer forced to read (but did not forbid) such
    I wanted to compare you with the prophet

    I could not compare you with the prophet.

    The prophet could not speak the truth! ..

    I wanted to compare you with the ocean,

    I could not compare you with the ocean!

    And in the ocean sometimes ships

    They sit aground with a ripped open bottom...
    , then this is for the better - there was more time left for real literature ...
  12. +4
    5 March 2021 10: 01
    ... Not "Russian Forest" and not "Russian Field"

    I read "Russian Forest" in 1970. Grade 9, 3rd quarter. We studied the works of socialist realism. The book I had was "old" edition. So the instructor recommended. Since the thing is not software, it was studied optional. Due to his early childhood, he did not notice any sins imputed to the author. Our teacher, Lazar Isakovich, told us what they learned there with poor Leonov. I read out corrections to the text, inserts, marked the bills ... We, under his leadership, came to the conclusion that the author was being smacked in vain, and they were trying to screw up the work. Lazar Isakovich clearly and clearly made us understand that we would not have to express our opinion widely. Like, you are already big and you yourself must understand what is what. He himself (5 years in the camps) understood this well and bequeathed it to us. So I disagree with the first part of the quote at the beginning of my comment: "Russian forest" is Russian. By the way, the film of the same name, with Boris Tolmazov and Rufina Nifontova, turned out to be good even after all the known events. True, today these are not in fashion and are not held in high esteem, but it's a pity ...

    But "Russian Field", yes ... Here, a discrepancy came out. Words by Inna Goff, music by Yan Abramovich Frenkel, and the famous performer, he in general - Kobzon, Joseph Davydovich. Glavlit missed (this is how the main oversight body was called in the USSR - censorship, table to be, if anyone does not know).
    It was conducted by the cunning Armenian Edmond Keosayan, the creator of the film "New Adventures of the Elusive", stuck a patriotic song written by the Christ-sellers into the mouth of a White Guard officer ... wassat
    1. 0
      5 March 2021 10: 06
      Quote: A. Privalov
      It was conducted by the cunning Armenian Edmond Keosayan - the creator of the film "New Adventures of the Elusive"

      And, the song became the anthem of the White Guards, performed by V. Ivashov
      1. +7
        5 March 2021 10: 19
        Quote: bober1982
        And, the song became the anthem of the White Guards, performed by V. Ivashov

        I don't know how it was with the White Guards, but Ivashov was a very good actor.
        The People's Artist was forced to work as a construction superintendent, a loader, a handyman in the early 90s. And in 95 he died very young. Stomach ulcer, and the surgeon was drunk ...
    2. +1
      5 March 2021 10: 31
      Quote: A. Privalov
      Lazar Isakovich clearly and clearly made us understand that we would not have to express our opinion widely.

      In the 70th year, the teacher could already tell the student his opinion about the "Russian Forest", but in
      In 1962, he would not have said that.
      1. +6
        5 March 2021 10: 47
        Quote: tihonmarine
        In the 70th year, the teacher could already tell the student his opinion

        You have not heard anything about Art. 190-1 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "Dissemination of knowingly false fabrications discrediting the Soviet state and social system"?
        And about the persecution of dissidents? The state security agencies were engaged in the fight against dissidents, in particular, since 1967 - the 5th Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (to combat "ideological sabotage")
        What about punitive psychiatry?
        The use of means of psychological pressure on dissidents has increased, including surveillance, pressure using public opinion, undermining professional careers, preventive conversations, deportation from the USSR, forced confinement to psychiatric clinics, political trials, libel, lies and incriminating evidence, various provocations and intimidation. A ban on the residence of politically unreliable citizens in the capital cities of the country was practiced - the so-called "link for the 101st kilometer". The KGB was under close scrutiny, first of all, representatives of the creative intelligentsia - workers of literature, art and science - who, in terms of their social status and international authority, could harm the reputation of the Soviet state in the understanding of the Communist Party.
        Damn it, you could express your opinion to the students. It's just that our teacher was no longer afraid of anyone.
        1. +1
          5 March 2021 11: 21
          Quote: A. Privalov
          Damn it, you could express your opinion to the students. It's just that our teacher was no longer afraid of anyone.

          Under Khrushchev, a teacher, for such speeches, on the second day would be kicked out of school with a "wolf ticket".
          1. +5
            5 March 2021 12: 09
            Quote: tihonmarine
            Under Khrushchev, a teacher, for such speeches, on the second day would be kicked out of school with a "wolf ticket".

            Because someone would certainly have tapped where they should.
            In the 70s, nothing has changed. The informers did not die out. But our teacher then told us, I quote from memory: "I consider it my duty to convey to you the truth in the form as I understand it myself. Please do not disappoint me." Apparently the informers were imbued with it.
            1. +1
              5 March 2021 13: 14
              Quote: A. Privalov
              Because someone would certainly have tapped where they should.
              In the 70s, nothing has changed. The informers were not extinct.

              And where they are not, they are everywhere and at all times. There is even more in Europe than it was in the Union and now in Russia.
              1. +1
                5 March 2021 13: 42
                Quote: tihonmarine
                Europe is even more than it was in the Union and now in Russia.

                Really? And are you ready to give up the primacy so easily to gayropes and damned bourgeois? But what about "We are ahead of the whole planet"?
                1. 0
                  5 March 2021 14: 14
                  Quote: A. Privalov
                  And are you ready to give up the primacy so easily to gayropes and damned bourgeois?

                  Yes, I live in this Europe. I first met when in 1991 a new chief from Canada came to us, gathered the command staff and his first words were "You must report to me, on each other, and I will pay you for this, and pass it on to others." We were silent for a long time, until one asked "How is this possible?" The answer followed, "What surprises you, we have this the norm of life."
                  And now I see it every day, a car drove up to the building and parked badly, half an hour later, the municipal police had already arrived. The front door is open, and on the street someone smokes, after 5 minutes the chief calls, "Drive the quil, have already invested." Is it different in Israel?
                  1. +1
                    5 March 2021 14: 49
                    Quote: tihonmarine
                    Is it different in Israel?

                    I didn't serve in the army here. I do not know. request
                    1. 0
                      5 March 2021 15: 01
                      Quote: A. Privalov
                      I didn't serve in the army here. I do not know.

                      So I'm not talking about the army.
                      1. +4
                        5 March 2021 15: 28
                        Quote: tihonmarine
                        So I'm not talking about the army.

                        And what about? You spoke about the "command staff".
                        In any normal country, any person can complain about another if he deems it necessary. This is a real right of any citizen, of any normal country. Moreover, in a normal country, citizens are very willing to cooperate with law enforcement agencies. They have no concept of "zapadlo". They are quite socially active and restless. In different countries it is slightly different, but the principle "I know nothing about my house" is not honored there. Thus, crime is eradicated, it becomes easier to live in the world.

                        In East Germany, the Stasi was created in the image and likeness of the Soviet MGB. The German thirst for order, the Ordung, was deftly used by the Stasi and brought to perfection - 90% of the population just “knocked” on each other. It was about political convictions, not about a cigarette butt not thrown into a trash can. Although, the Germans in this respect, 25 years ago, were quite at their best. By official necessity, I have been to those parts 15 times. The difference between West and East Germany is still visible to the naked eye.
                      2. 0
                        5 March 2021 15: 39
                        Quote: A. Privalov
                        The difference between West and East Germany is still visible to the naked eye.

                        Visible, but I liked the GDR much more.
                        You asked about the command staff. Yes, on civilian ships, the bridge personnel and mechanics are also command personnel, only by their ranks.
                      3. +3
                        5 March 2021 15: 41
                        Quote: tihonmarine
                        Visible, but I liked the GDR much more.

                        Tastes differ. drinks
                        Quote: tihonmarine
                        Yes, on civilian ships, the bridge personnel and mechanics are also command personnel, only by their ranks.

                        Sorry, I took it too head-on. hi
                      4. 0
                        5 March 2021 16: 04
                        Quote: A. Privalov
                        Tastes differ.

                        And what would you like to hear from a Soviet person.
                      5. +2
                        5 March 2021 16: 07
                        Quote: tihonmarine
                        And what would you like to hear from a Soviet person.

                        I myself was. Many years have passed since then ...
                      6. 0
                        5 March 2021 16: 26
                        Quote: A. Privalov
                        I myself was. Many years have passed since then ...

                        Do not say, already read 30 years have passed .... A lot of water has flowed under the bridge.
    3. +1
      7 March 2021 19: 54
      Difficult book "Russian Forest". There are wonderful pages - Leonov loved and understood nature.

      And whoever greeted him better in forestry circles, he praised him.

      The prototypes are prefabricated, but guessed.

      I liked the "Thief" better.
  13. +3
    5 March 2021 11: 01
    After Stalin's death on March 5, 1953, his successors at the top, without waiting for the party's "debunking of the personality cult," undertook a radical revision of the ideological policy in the USSR. And the first thing it touched on art and literature.

    This is the fate of dictators. While they are in power, they erase everything that came before them, and then the next ones remove the traces of those left from them.

  14. BAI
    5 March 2021 11: 08
    All this was, is and will be. Here in England there is a committee consisting of high-ranking military officials and heads of the leading media. This committee gives "recommendations that must be followed" (the name is what! Try it, do not follow the recommendation), how the media should cover this or that event. Now. Nowadays, not 60 years ago. And no one has died or is outraged.
    And Hollywood films are all under the control of the CIA - who is the villain, who is the good. Deviations will not work. There will be no good Serb or Russian, neutral, or even more so, playing against the United States. Only if a traitor who has gone over to the side of the United States is a good one.
    1. +1
      5 March 2021 11: 23
      Quote: BAI
      All this was, is and will be. Here in England there is a committee consisting of high-ranking military officials and heads of the leading media.

      And also the Tavistock Institute in Britain.
    2. +3
      5 March 2021 12: 15
      Quote: BAI
      Hollywood movies - everything is under the control of the CIA

      Rather, his department for state control, propaganda and agitation at the Central Committee of the Republican Democratic Party of the United States.
      1. +1
        6 March 2021 20: 02
        All this was, is and will be. Here in England there is a committee made up of senior military officials and heads of leading media outlets.
        I read somewhere that in England, during the bombing of Fau,
        blackout was required, and vigilant citizens
        actively looked after it. So here is one granny, moreover,
        that she left the light, she also hung out the underwear in the yard after washing.
        Belishko then rocked in the breeze, so the vigilant citizens reported
        where it follows that here one enemy signals some kind of enemy
        sends. Granny got a lot of it.
  15. RMT
    5 March 2021 12: 57
    "All of the above-mentioned works are still not staged in theaters - now in the Russian Federation and in almost all other countries of the ex-USSR."
    Means not interesting.
    And Leonov is great, for one novel he received both the Stalin and Lenin prizes.
  16. +5
    5 March 2021 13: 28
    The characteristic given to the Soviet party and state nomenclature of the mid-50s by Alfred Meyer, a professor who headed the Russian Research Center at Harvard University, is indicative.

    In his book The Soviet Political System: Its Interpretation, published in 1965 in the United States, he wrote:

    “Leadership in the center (and especially in the localities) comes mainly from the lower classes and is relatively poorly educated.

    It can be assumed that they value little or no intellectual qualities, including intellectual honesty and independence.

    Especially subordinates. "

    56 years have passed, but nothing has essentially changed.
  17. +1
    5 March 2021 14: 43
    "indicative of Dunn's characterization of the party and state nomenclature of the mid-50s" in fairness. At 30:40, there was practically the same nomenclature.
    The author, he himself should know perfectly well
    "People from the lower classes" author, you should not have referred to such an "authority". So that in the USA in 1965 they would write positive things about the Soviet leadership? You have to be a naive person.
    1. +6
      5 March 2021 15: 54
      Quote: Astra wild2
      you shouldn't have referred to such an "authority"

      You shouldn't be so categorical. The author, obviously, was a very serious man and did not throw words in vain. Otherwise, why would his book be hidden from ordinary readers 55 (fifty-five!) Years after the publication of its translation into Russian?
    2. +2
      5 March 2021 16: 23
      Quote: Astra wild2
      "People from the lower classes" author, you should not have referred to such an "authority". So that in the USA in 1965 they would write positive things about the Soviet leadership? You have to be a naive person.

      And I seemed to be writing about how much time it takes for social adaptation in the city to people from the countryside, on the consequences of low-level upbringing up to 5 years old. For whom did you try? Everything that this American wrote can be found in the biographies of our "handlers". It can be shorter, one commentator on VO wrote: you can take a girl out of the village, but you cannot take the village out of the girl. But the situation with the men is even worse. If it weren't for the way he wrote, there wouldn't be, Astra, 91st year! Remember!
  18. +1
    6 March 2021 23: 18
    With the "Russian Forest" is not such a simple question.
    Please correct the name of V.N.Sukachev.
    He deserves respect in many ways.
    And about the prototypes, the spears will break for a long time.
    As well as on the questions “what is good and what is bad in forestry”.
  19. 0
    9 March 2021 17: 39
    stinking stupid and mean pig in an embroidered shirt - mykytka-kakaruznik and his Zapadenskaya wife only shit in our Motherland in everything
    It was his shots that, like shit, surfaced with the Khrushchevs - humpback, ebn-shka and other ideoluchs like Kravchuk and destroyed the USSR