What should Russia do when "the refrigerator wins the TV"

What should Russia do when "the refrigerator wins the TV"

The lack of state planning over the past two decades has led the country to the current stagnation and to the prospect of losing state stability (in fact, to turmoil). When the economy and the welfare of citizens are falling, and the world smells of gunpowder, an urgent need is needed

"all hands on deck"

and make a sharp constructive turn, urgently changing the state course.

"Refrigerator beats TV"

The rise in prices for food in Russia has become a record in 5 years.

Such data presented analytical service FinExpertiza. The increase in the price of granulated sugar for the year amounted to 64%, sunflower oil - more than 26%, the cost of cereals and legumes - over 20%, chicken eggs - 18%, fruits and vegetables - about 16%, and macaroni - 13%. Producers promise a further jump in prices for eggs, poultry, pork, meat products (sausages, sausages, etc.). That is, most of the country's population was under attack, for whom food is the leading item of expenditure.

On the whole, an unfavorable socio-economic situation has been observed in the Russian Federation for several years (one of the reasons for the extinction of the Russian people). At the same time, the highest rise in prices is observed in the poorest regions with a low-income population, which spends the bulk of its income on food. The economy is falling, the ruble is getting lighter, small and medium-sized businesses are going bankrupt, the population is becoming impoverished, and demand is falling. The circle is closed, the economy is falling again.

Revolutionary sentiments, especially among young people, are growing. And the authorities do nothing special, except ascertaining the fact of problems.

You need to remember about historical lessons.

Let me remind you that problems with food (bread) became the reason for the February riots in Petrograd in 1917. And they led to the February Revolution, the fall of the autocracy and the collapse of the Russian Empire. That, in turn, caused the bloody Russian turmoil.

At the same time, there were no hunger and serious problems with food security in the Russian Empire. The food was there.

It was a matter of sabotaging certain forces aimed at demolishing the monarchy led by Nicholas II. And in banal speculation. When traders profited from the people. And the authorities were unable to put things in order in time and correctly assess the situation. She did not take measures to clean up the “fifth column” and speculative capital.

And on the way out - the collapse of the empire, civil war and intervention. Millions dead.

Putin's conservatism

It would seem that Putin's conservatism could be welcomed.

Since he keeps the country from chaos and collapse. From the repetition of the events of 1991. From the death of the Russian state. What will our "partners" in the West and in the East be only happy about? And I'm sure they will try to solve their problems again at our expense. As has happened more than once in history.

Conservatism is good. Especially in the context of the global crisis (developing into the collapse of the previous world order).

But conservatism alone is not enough today.

Stability without growth degenerates into stagnation. And this is already a harbinger of decay and turmoil.

The people cannot but develop. And the growth of well-being must take place constantly.

People can suffer some problems and difficulties if they are obvious, objective. As it was during the Great Patriotic War.

Before the war

"Life has become better, life has become happier".

After the war, the country recovered in the shortest possible time. And life began to improve again.

Up to regular price reductions for food and manufactured goods. This was an indicator of the quality of governance under Stalin. At the same time, people saw how new schools, palaces of culture, hospitals, sanatoriums, bridges and roads were being built and put into operation (and not "optimized", as it is now in the Russian Federation).

There are no special difficulties in the external and internal situation at present. The point is the quality of management and the desire of a certain stratum for profit.

Everything else can be decided. In particular, through new industrialization and targeted development of agricultural sectors. Putting order in domestic trade. An increase in the quality of managers, not in their number.

Irritation builds up among the people.

This is used by various destructive forces. Society always starts asking questions when the life of the common people gets worse. At the same time, concealing information and lying about the true state of affairs in the country and the world are always worse than the truth.

Power must always have a strategic plan and consistently achieve tactical goals. And if it is impossible to achieve them, either change them, or - the whole strategy.
Today it has become obvious that endless talks about a market economy, privatization, innovation, modernization, optimization, digitalization are all verbiage. Like dreams

"About Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok",

preservation of Russia in a raw material economy "pipe".

The semi-colonial, raw material and peripheral capitalist model of the 1990-2000 model has completely exhausted itself. The liberal economic model is leading the Russian Federation to disaster. "Strategy 2020", like the May 2012 decrees, as well as the national projects of 2018 - all this completely collapsed. And it's impossible.

What to do

First, you need to abandon the advisers face of the IMF, WB, EBRD. And their Russian minions like HSE and RANEPA.

Liberal-monetary methods of management - in a landfill. Gather a different intellectual team, change the strategic economic course. Moreover, this should have been done back in 2014, when the West organized a revolution in Ukraine. In the wake of the patriotic upsurge, immediately after the reunification with Crimea, this would have been much easier to accomplish. Now it will be much more difficult.

Secondly, full control over the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance must implement targeted investments at the lowest or even negative percentage in industry, agriculture and large infrastructure projects (for example, the completion of the Northern Railway, which will complement the Transsib; a tunnel or bridge to Sakhalin, etc.). Rejection of the 2018 pension reform.

Third, a powerful demographic program is needed. In order to restore the reproduction of the Russian people and other endangered indigenous peoples of Russia.

Expansion of the maternity capital program (for example, with each child the amount increases by 50–70%), as well as the possibilities of its use.

Introduce the maternal salary (equal to the national average) so that the mother (or, in special cases, the father) can only deal with the upbringing and development of children. Introduce the ratio: the more children, the higher the salary. Loans for their housing to young families at zero or even negative interest: with two children, half of the debt is written off, with three - 70%, with four - the entire amount.

Plus a full-fledged restoration of the Soviet system of upbringing and education: secondary school, art, music schools, houses of creativity and culture, circles, etc. Children from morning to evening must study, reveal their intellectual, creative and physical potential. Everything is free, at the expense of the state. Accordingly, teachers, lecturers, educators, scientific, creative, artistic and physical leaders should materially become the elite of the nation.

Thus, right now, before it is too late, it is necessary to solve the priority problems of Russia.

Show the people that the government does not sleep and is acting.

We should start acting in this direction now, while the people still trust the authorities.

The foundation of all measures is full sovereignty from the West (and not partial, as it is now), social justice, the good of the people and the state.

Ignoring the instructions of the EU and the United States, a course towards a true strategic alliance with China. Complete sabotage of the recommendations of Western organizations like the IMF.

The dog barks and the caravan moves on.

Recognize the fact of division of the Russian super-ethnos and the Russian world. To declare a course for the unity of Great, Small and White Russia - the entire Russian people.

With the new composition of the State Duma, cancel the pension reform, which has sharply undermined the people's confidence in the supreme power. Return the retirement age to the previous standards.

Give up the vicious practice of using the people in the form of "new oil". In essence, this is a sabotage of the West against Russia and the Russian people.

Stop exporting capital. Use the funds of the gold reserves and the NWF for targeted investment in large industrial, agricultural, and infrastructure projects. To increase wages, benefits, create conditions for a constant growth in the well-being of the people and the demand of the population.

These simple and even populist measures will lead to the formation of a sovereign (autocratic), popular model of the state.

This will bring Russia out of stagnation.

Allows for quick upgrades.

Will solve the problem of the extinction of the people.

And he will save the power in the raging sea of ​​world turmoil.
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  1. +46
    24 February 2021 10: 03
    Correct advice. But who will follow them, they are not capable there ..
    1. +35
      24 February 2021 10: 12
      There is not something that they are not capable of, their thoughts are not at all about the country, but about the pocket.
      1. +31
        24 February 2021 10: 35
        Quote: marchcat
        There is not something that they are not capable of, their thoughts are not at all about the country, but about the pocket.

        I would also add about the most important problem of Russia-demography .. do not care there like the others .. but for us this is an overriding problem. Which requires a serious, comprehensive approach ... and requires "yesterday" ..
        It is necessary to completely revise the results of the optimization of medicine and punish those responsible for what is happening now. Medicine should be accessible to everyone and of high quality. And the birth rate must also be increased. Only with the development of the village is it possible in my opinion. And then the infrastructure, interest-free loans for housing construction, loans for agribusiness are also interest-free, and of course it is necessary to make sure that the products of the villagers can compete with agricultural holdings.
        1. +54
          24 February 2021 10: 45
          It is necessary to completely revise the results of medicine optimization

          It would be nice, otherwise they diligently closed FAPs (feldsher-midwife stations) throughout the country, declaring them ineffective and unprofitable, but now, to the applause of United Russia, the president declares that it is important to create and open FAPs. Putin's breakthrough.
          1. +13
            24 February 2021 15: 11
            Quote: Destiny
            the president declares that it is important to create and open FAPs.

            It is not enough to declare. It is not enough to build. We still need to find enthusiasts (or altruists) with a medical education who will work in these rural FAPs.
            1. +28
              24 February 2021 20: 19
              Quote: FIR FIR
              We still need to find enthusiasts (or altruists) with a medical education who will work in these rural FAPs.

              Enthusiasm is a good thing, but it should have serious financial support. Overuse of enthusiasm is adventurism. In our life, you will not find such enthusiasts at the FAP
          2. +22
            24 February 2021 18: 47
            You can write a lot of things that need to be done so that the country and people do not bend. It is already obvious to every ordinary person what needs to be done, it is not obvious only to this bourgeois power. It is clearly seen that the goal of this government is not the welfare of citizens, but the extraction of maximum profits from the bowels, enterprises and people. And they will not voluntarily give up this parasitic way of life at the expense of the people.

            For measures, you can use at least 20 Delyagin normality points.

            1. To abolish the unjustified theft from us 5 years of life in the form of raising the retirement age. Return the time of retirement for men at 60, women at 55.
            2. To ensure the constitutional right to life by guaranteeing every citizen of the Russian Federation a real living wage.
            3. Introduce a progressive taxation of income and property of citizens in accordance with world practice. Incomes below two real living wages and minor assets should not be taxed. Fines should be proportional to the income and property of the citizen.
            4. Revise the results of predatory privatization by introducing a compensatory tax in the amount of the difference between the real value of assets and the price paid for it by the privatizers. Provide for the possibility of its payment not in money, but in blocks of shares.
            5. To ensure the use of funds accumulated by the state for the needs of the development of Russia; guarantee the regions and local authorities the means to ensure the fulfillment of their obligations to citizens.

            6. To return to Russia the corporations taken offshore, providing for free confiscation in favor of the people as ownerless property of all property taken offshore and not re-registered in the country for six months.
            7. Limit the arbitrariness of monopolies, giving the FAS rights similar to those in developed countries, tightly controlling natural monopolies, subsidizing all expenses for housing and communal services over 10% of family income.
            8. To curb corruption by methods that ensure self-cleaning of the most decayed government bodies (following the example of Italy and the USA, first of all).
            9. Withdraw from the WTO agreements (they are so harmful that they could be signed for either medical or corruption reasons, which makes them null and void under international law), provide reasonable protectionism.
            10. To provide cheap long-term credit for the implementation of socially necessary projects by limiting financial speculation (as was done in Western Europe before the 80s, in the USA until 1999, in Japan until 2000, and in China now).
            11. To restore medicine aimed at curing people, and not at extracting money from them, "according to Semashko", and not "according to Golikova" (based on Soviet principles, healthcare in Japan, South Korea, China showed the best results in the context of coronavirus). To eradicate inadequate, corrupt and destructive forms of the fight against the coronavirus, reborn in the coronavirus, and bring their organizers to justice.
            12. Abolish the Unified State Exam and other reforms aimed at moribund youth, create a system of comprehensive education that teaches to think independently, educates a free, responsible and harmoniously developed member of society.
            13. Abolish juvenile justice and bring its organizers to justice.
            Prohibit microfinance organizations (MFOs) as usurious.
            14. Introduce a visa regime with countries of the former USSR that do not integrate with Russia or that infringe on Russian culture. Introduce "positive discrimination": to give work primarily to citizens of the Russian Federation. Eliminate social dumping by obliging employers to provide migrant workers with conditions no worse than the citizens of the Russian Federation, finance their socialization and bear responsibility for the offenses they commit; violators of these norms are punished for the slave trade. Send migrant workers from the Russian Federation who do not have a decent job at their expense.
            15. Abolish the 2018 "tax maneuver" (stimulating the export of raw materials from Russia and undermining its processing), reduce VAT to 10% (the cost of criminal transactions with it), exempt investments from income tax, exempt productive small and micro- business.
            16. Conduct an audit of the reforms of the period of national betrayal, canceling the most destructive of them (monetization of benefits, elimination of solid pension guarantees, destruction of unified technological complexes, including in the power industry, abolition of real control over the work of budgetary organizations, destruction of forest protection, etc.) ...
            17. For any crimes and offenses, civil servants should bear twice as heavy responsibility as ordinary citizens.
            18. Normalize the work of the courts, ensuring control over the quality of their work, normal working conditions and protection from administrative, political, criminal and commercial pressure.
            19. To restore the electivity of judges of all levels, except for the Supreme Court, which existed in the USSR, to elect members of the Federation Council by popular vote. Create effective mechanisms for recalling deputies and judges at all levels.
            20. To ensure the holding of permanent electronic referendums with flexible delegation of votes (including for specialists in the issues under discussion), with their decisions in the future becoming binding.
            1. +17
              24 February 2021 19: 28
              Another would be to return the bowels to the people ... And the right to defense with weapons.
            2. -1
              24 February 2021 23: 13
              Quote: Private 89
              8. To curb corruption by methods that ensure self-cleaning of the most decayed government bodies (following the example of Italy and the USA, first of all).

              - having reached this, you can not read further - the Pentagon, which does not know where 8 trillion (!!!!) dollars have gone ("No money, bye, bye ..... lost by accident ..") - as an example of self-cleaning .. ..
              Quote: Private 89
              Introduce a visa regime with non-integrating with Russia
              - with country 404, maybe ... all the rest - Limitrophes and Rodents long ago on visas
              Quote: Private 89
              Send migrant workers from the Russian Federation who do not have a decent job at their expense.
              -and you know how to technologically implement it? if he has no work, how are you going to kick money out of him?
              Quote: Private 89
              According любые belay Crimes and misdemeanors civil servants must bear twice as heavy responsibility as ordinary citizens.
              -then the financing of salaries should be at least twice as high - otherwise you will not lure people there. And again, equality of citizens before the law - the Constitution is spelled out
              Quote: Private 89
              To restore the electivity of judges of all levels that existed in the USSR
              - and you will choose from whom? from turners? from drivers? from anyone with a higher education? from whom?

              all together gives the impression of a struggle for all good - under heavy drugs .......
            3. +2
              25 February 2021 11: 47
              20. To ensure the holding of permanent electronic referendums with flexible delegation of votes (including for specialists in the issues under discussion), with their decisions in the future becoming binding.

              As for the last point. Even now, military pensioners can be active and sign a petition to abolish the reduction coefficient (73,68%) for calculating the military pension introduced in accordance with part two of Article 43 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-1. The petition can be signed by those registered with the State Services. Here is the link: https://www.roi.ru/70721/
              1. +1
                28 February 2021 01: 19
                The vote for Dzherzhinsky-Nevsky showed that you can cheat there as you want. And how to believe all this?
                1. 0
                  28 February 2021 17: 47

                  In any case, on the website Russian Public Initiative (roi.ru), you can see how many votes were voted before your vote, and immediately after the vote, another one is added. Sometimes even idiotic, in my opinion, initiatives took place. And, if the initiative has received 100 thousand votes for a certain period of time, the commission will be obliged to consider the initiative, but will not be obliged to satisfy it. In any case, the authorities receive a signal about the presence of this or that problem, which can develop into something more, if nothing is done.
            4. 0
              25 February 2021 14: 45
              Reducing VAT contributes to the raw material economy, and its increase just stimulates (indirectly, of course, and not just), so as not to sell 'boards', but 'chairs'
            5. 0
              26 February 2021 09: 46
              ... For measures, you can use at least 20 Delyagin normality points.
              This is what Matvey Matveevich is all about. He never has enough endurance and determination to clean his room from alpha to omega. He is a theorist. He is a great theoretical moralist. In theory, he is merciless, cruel, adamant and vengeful without limits. Like Jehovah himself. An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth. Whoever lifted the sword from the sword perish. If the enemy bully, he is destroyed. Vengeance is mine, and only me ... It would seem, give him free rein - and half the world of violence will lie in the smoking ruins. But there is a lack of determination, damn it at all. It gets in the way, damn it completely, a natural gentleness, as well as an innate conviction that two adults can always agree with each other. Therefore, the transition from theory to practice never occurs in Matvey Matveyevich. If Matvey Matveyevich at least once in his life had the chance to translate into reality at least one of his terrible slogans, I think he would have scared to hiccups, and maybe he would have completely died of chagrin that it turned out so badly. (C)
            6. +2
              26 February 2021 09: 57
              You forgot to mention the complete confiscation of property to the state income from civil servants convicted of economic crimes, as well as from their family members.
          3. +23
            24 February 2021 20: 13
            Quote: Destiny
            It would be nice, otherwise they diligently closed FAPs (feldsher-midwife stations) throughout the country, declaring them ineffective and unprofitable, but now, to the applause of United Russia, the president declares that it is important to create and open FAPs. Putin's breakthrough.

            You have no idea how much money you have laundered in this case! Movement is everything, the result is nothing!
        2. +19
          24 February 2021 11: 26
          Quote: Svarog
          I would also add about the most important problem

          I would add. With any changes, there are always spontaneous moments. Our modern judicial system, which is dependent on telephone law and the availability of funds, is unable to cope with this. First of all, it needs a tough reform. For such a huge transformation to take place, truly independent, not pocket-sized public organizations capable of defending human rights of labor are needed.
          1. +1
            24 February 2021 13: 02
            Quote: WIKI
            First of all, it needs a tough reform.

            what exactly? I hope not digitalization with AI ???
            1. +1
              24 February 2021 13: 37
              They just need to be replaced with university graduates. There will be more benefits.
            2. -1
              24 February 2021 16: 47
              "I hope not digitalization with AI" - Yes, this is exactly what is needed, since all people have their own shirt and will always be closer to the body.
            3. +19
              24 February 2021 22: 18
              Quote: aybolyt678
              I hope not digitalization with AI ???

              Lustration, removal of immunity
          2. +21
            24 February 2021 20: 20
            Quote: WIKI
            Our modern judicial system, which depends on telephone law and the availability of funds, is unable to cope with this. First of all, it needs a tough reform.

            not reform, but lustration of judges. Everyone! While reforms end with moving figures horizontally or vertically
            1. +3
              24 February 2021 23: 30
              Quote: Silvestr
              Quote: WIKI
              Our modern judicial system, which depends on telephone law and the availability of funds, is unable to cope with this. First of all, it needs a tough reform.

              not reform, but lustration of judges. Everyone! While reforms end with moving figures horizontally or vertically

              -illustrated ..... then what? today you kicked them out cleanly, and tomorrow the trial won't be postponed for half a year due to the fact that you have no judges
              Quote: Overlock
              lifting of immunity
              - oh how ... don't you understand what this will mean in practice?
              And this will mean that any an official who has at least some kind of power (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the governor, and so on) - will open the door to the court with his foot ... and the judge will make the decision they need ... and if now it may or may not be - then after lifting the immunity - it will be 200%
              Judges are inviolable all over the world - they are too much of a responsibility

              Quote: Silvestr
              lustration of judges. Everyone!
              - we had a surgeon, since Soviet times. Thank God, he died ... he started any operation with a glass of alcohol - he never did operations when he was sober. Nobody knows how many people he killed. Conveniently, no one will bother ... In Soviet times, they were not kicked out - in the new, of course - 1 surgeon per district !!!
              They began to treat my father for pneumonia - as a result, they destroyed the heart, lungs and liver ... healed ... 1984 ...
              A recent case - during the treatment of a broken arm, an abortion was caused in a pregnant woman ...

              let’s lustrate the doctors too, they also have a lot of sins ... no less than the judges ... and they take bribes like from a bush ...
              1. +2
                25 February 2021 15: 45
                Quote: your1970
                Judges are inviolable all over the world - they are too much of a responsibility

                I would not mention the world in this case. It is necessary to defend the courts, which are trusted by citizens. Here you have to act like a loss-making enterprise over the years. Or bankrupt, or modernize.

                And ordinary citizens trust the courts by 14%.
                1. +2
                  25 February 2021 21: 46
                  Well for starters plate - golly lies, drawn from the bulldozer... well, maybe under drugs ... but what - draw yourself any numbers and shout: "AAAA !!!! Nobody believes the courts !!!! OOOOO !! The percentage of convicts is great !!!!"
                  you CAREFULLY look at her and you will understand too "girl designer" drew numbers.....
                  so let's dance from USA
                  - small (to put it mildly) the state of Israel with 40 times less US has 1/2 convicted from the United States ... already well, it means a swindler on a swindler and a swindler drives in Israel feel
                  -the same garbage in Belarus - 40 times to 1/2
                  -Georgia at numbers 100 (!!!!!!) times less US has 1/5 convicted from the USA
                  -Netherlands in numbers 21 (!!!!!!) times less US has more convicted than the US.
                  and then they start to appear on the stage serious boys crime
                  - Poland and Spain - with a population of 10 times less US - crime in 3 more than in the U.S. No, well, one could somehow expect such a thing from Poland, but Spain ...
                  and here real criminals pulled up - France in 5 times the smaller one has crime in 7 times more than in the USA and Germany in 4 times the smaller one has crime in 10 times(!!!!!!) more than in the USA
                  Just think about it - they are singing about the German Ordnung - and there crime is 10 times more than in the USA lol lol
                  But the most thieves in Turkey, with a number of 4 times less-crooks more 20 (!!!) time

                  So we come to the conclusion ( belay feel lol ) -that it is necessary to modernize the whole society and the entire judicial system in Israel, Belarus, Georgia, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Germany, France and Turkey ... it is too much imprisonment compared to the United States ...

                  Judging by these figures, her Zhenechka Psaki was..... Even for our "girls-designers" - this is too much
                  what lol lol

                  For those who are especially stubborn and believe in such tables, the population of Germany is about 2 times less than ours, and according to this table, the crime rate is higher.
          3. +2
            25 February 2021 11: 58
            First of all, it needs a tough reform.
            I agree with you completely. The courts should not depend on the executive branch, and now all judges (except for peace) are appointed by the president, on the proposal of the plenipotentiary (chief state inspector of the region). But the reform of the judicial system is impossible without amending the Constitution. Conclusion a new constitution is needed.
            1. 0
              25 February 2021 19: 42
              All judges have been buying their seats for a long time, wake up, the price tag is there for everything, starting from the place itself, ending with different options like - "move your folder three positions up." So in everything here - you can want the best and make plans - CORRUPTION will not give. First and foremost, to introduce the death penalty for thieves officials and will have to start with ourselves, is it possible?
              1. +2
                25 February 2021 20: 30
                All judges have been buying their seats for a long time
                Nonsense. You are wrong. Look at the origins of judges: children of judges (dynasty); former assistants and secretaries of judges; come from law enforcement agencies (there are almost no lawyers, although they have money). The second and third do not have (with rare exceptions) such incomes to, firstly, bribe the qualification commission, secondly, the chairman of the court (to which the appointment is going), thirdly, the chief state inspector, etc. ... And the problem is not only in the appointment of judges, but also in the influence on them in the process of performing their duties. More often the "payment" goes to take the position of the chairman of the court or to go for a promotion. This is how it works: the chairman of the court has a very great influence on the judges (distributes the most difficult cases to the recalcitrant; deprives of bonuses for violating the terms of the consideration of the case; does not let go on vacation, as provided for in the schedule ..., there are also more clinical ways). And they have influence on the chairman of the court .... who does not (he was smeared when he was appointed to the post?). And the chairman of the court in his diocese, as a rule, is like a foreman in a company. Therefore, the task is, firstly, to significantly reduce to a minimum the powers of the chairman of the court to influence judges, secondly, to preserve the immunity of judges (the existing system of protection of judges justifies itself), and thirdly, after the probationary period, a judge must be appointed to the position for an to be removed only by the qualification collegium of judges or upon reaching the age that gives the right to receive a pension), fourthly, it is necessary to adopt a system for nominating candidates for the position of a judge in order to exclude the influence of the executive power on this process and that lawyers and other lawyers (with the necessary ...) got a real opportunity to occupy the vacant position of a judge. And here lustrate you just need all the chairmen of the courts without exception, the majority of judges in regional courts, in the Supreme Court of Russia - without exception, and in other cases - a personal approach. And, - a new Constitution with a real principle of separation of powers (legislative, executive, judicial), and if it is impossible to really separate the judiciary from the rest of the branches of government, then it is better - a monarchy than the existing "order".
        3. +3
          24 February 2021 12: 10
          ... And then the infrastructure, interest-free loans for the construction of housing, loans for agribusiness, are also interest-free, and of course it is necessary to make sure that the products of villagers can compete with agricultural holdings
          The products of the farmer (kulak, private trader) will always be more expensive than that of a large farm, regardless of the form of ownership. By the way, this was the main reason for Soviet collectivization. Therefore, it is pointless to hope for the revival of the village in terms of demography. It is ineffective to increase the birth rate by material incentives to families (it has been tested many times in different countries) - a spiritual uplift of the population is required, similar to the beginning of Gorbachev's perestroika and the Russian spring of 2014. (but there the effect was short-term) How to achieve such a long-term effect - I personally do not know.
          1. +11
            24 February 2021 12: 17
            Increasing the birth rate by material incentives for families is ineffective (tested many times in different countries)
            According to my observations, in small towns of England, where housing is available, you can still often meet white families with 3-5 children. Availability of quality housing is a key factor.
            1. +2
              24 February 2021 12: 35
              ... According to my observations, in small towns of England, where housing is available, you can still often meet white families with 3-5 children. Availability of quality housing is a key factor.
              There are such families in Russia too, but they do not make the weather - the birth rate in the UK (1,7 in 2019) is slightly higher than in Russia (1,5). Housing affordability is indisputably important, but PHC is secondary. I know many families who can solve the housing problem, but cannot overcome the desire to "live for themselves". Yes, it's even easy to find a suitable groom for an attractive, intelligent and not a beggar daughter. (((
              1. +5
                24 February 2021 12: 41
                find a suitable groom for an attractive, intelligent and not poor daughter
                Let the VO regi Yes But seriously, there won't be enough rich suitors for everyone.
                There are such families in Russia too, but they don't make the weather
                With the massive availability of houses (and not cells in human houses), there will be more such families. And this is quite possible - most of the cost of a house is the cost of land. The cost of land is 100% speculative - it is not made at the plant and there is a lot of it in Russia.
                1. +7
                  24 February 2021 13: 28
                  ... Let the VO be set to yes But seriously, there won't be enough rich suitors for everyone.
                  On VO there are only old men who have gone crazy laughing ... But seriously, it's not about rich grooms (brides are not poor themselves), but about normal men who want to start a family
                  1. +6
                    24 February 2021 13: 32
                    As far as I know, a rich man is often sought by default to create a family, and they have a large choice. For a simple "hard worker", although a skilled worker can earn money, there are no people who want to. Give everyone in a suit.
                    1. +7
                      24 February 2021 13: 38
                      Quote: Bolt Cutter
                      As far as I know, a rich man is often sought by default to create a family, and they have a large choice. For a simple "hard worker", although a skilled worker can earn money, there are no people who want to. Give everyone in a suit.

                      Every man dreams of killing a mammoth.
                      Every woman dreams of a man who has already killed a mammoth laughing
                      1. +10
                        24 February 2021 13: 51
                        And mammoths were not suckers - they took and died out laughing
                      2. +3
                        24 February 2021 17: 54
                        Monetize laughing
                    2. 0
                      24 February 2021 15: 35
                      ... As far as I know, a rich man is often sought by default to create a family, and they have a large choice. For a simple "hard worker", although a skilled worker can earn money, there are no people who want to. Give everyone in a suit.
                      Looking for someone close in education, upbringing and cultural development. The occupation is secondary.
                2. 0
                  24 February 2021 13: 39
                  ... With the massive availability of houses (and not cells in human houses), there will be more such families. And this is quite possible - most of the cost of a house is the cost of land. The cost of land is 100% speculative - it is not made at the plant and there is a lot of it in Russia.
                  Many. But she is far away. And if people agree to spend 2 hours on the road to a good job (one way), then there are few people who want to be heated with coal, carry water from a well and go to a cesspool when needed. And if these benefits of civilization reach the site, the cost of the house will jump up to the apartment in the humane house. Vicious circle
                  1. +1
                    24 February 2021 13: 46
                    And if these benefits of civilization are reached to the site, the cost of the house will jump to an apartment in a human house
                    A multi-fuel automatic boiler costs a few thousand dollars in total. For the term of operation, it will come out inexpensively. Although certainly not a freebie.
                    2 hours on the road to a good job
                    This is if we are talking about a metropolis. They also live in small towns. And it's just safer at home.
                3. +1
                  24 February 2021 23: 33
                  Quote: Bolt Cutter
                  And this is quite possible - most of the cost of a house is the cost of land.
                  -within 10-20 km from any metropolis, yes !! but for 100 km - her red price is 50 for 000 acres, or even with the house together
          2. +6
            24 February 2021 13: 10
            Quote: clerk
            It is ineffective to increase the birth rate by material incentives for families (it has been tested many times in different countries) - a spiritual uplift of the population is required, similar to the beginning of Gorbachev's perestroika and the Russian spring of 2014.

            I live in a German village smile all believers. Baptists. There are many children .. from 4 !! laughing and higher. Each yard has 200 or more pigs and many cows. Houses of 2 and 3 floors, like those of new Russians, do not watch TV, they sell everything to each other at prices higher than in the store, but if possible, they buy only from each other! Twice! go to their meetings every day, pray, communicate. Maybe it's Vera? or in general?
            1. +11
              24 February 2021 13: 43
              Quote: aybolyt678

              I live in a German village smile all believers. Baptists. There are many children .. from 4 !! laughing and higher. Each yard has 200 or more pigs and many cows. Houses of 2 and 3 floors, like those of new Russians, do not watch TV, they sell everything to each other at prices higher than in the store, but if possible, they buy only from each other! Twice! go to their meetings every day, pray, communicate. Maybe it's Vera? or in general?

              This society has a common idea (religion, ideology) that unites it. And we in Russia eat each other for three kopecks, the national idea is “who doesn’t have a billion, went to tukhes,” and the consensus is the S-400, which has no analogue in the world, and is pingwing.
              1. +21
                24 February 2021 20: 25
                Quote: Krasnodar
                ... And in Russia we eat each other for three kopecks, the national idea is "who does not have a billion, went to tukhes"

                But how was it before?

                Under the Soviet Union, I traveled all over Belarus, Ukraine, the Urals, the North and never faced negative. Now, the consumer has a different law - if not a wolf, then a source of profit. It's rare to find a sincere attitude.
            2. +2
              24 February 2021 13: 48
              ... Twice! go to their meetings every day, pray, communicate. Maybe it's Vera? or in general?
              Indisputably. But you can close a small village from the world. And even the whole country. But this can postpone the demographic problem, but not fundamentally solve. As soon as a society or country becomes secular and begins to develop economically, the birth rate creeps down. Iran has already been cited as an example. We have the same garbage in the North. The Caucasus.
          3. +9
            24 February 2021 14: 29
            Quote: clerk
            requires a spiritual uplift of the population similar to the beginning of Gorbachev's perestroika and the Russian spring of 2014.

            What the hell are you talking about ?! What the hell is spiritual uplift, in the absence of funding and the ghostly prospects of a bright future?
            Quote: clerk
            How to achieve such a lasting effect - I personally do not know.

            Yes, you liberals only know how to rob the people, and then according to the spiritless Western patterns crookedly sawn in a staple manner. Because there is no own mind and there was not. But arrogance and self-confidence to heaven.
            1. -2
              24 February 2021 14: 40
              ... What the hell are you talking about ?! What the hell is the spiritual uplift, in the absence of funding and ghostly prospects for a brighter future?
              ... Yes, you liberals only know how to rob the people, and then according to the spiritless Western patterns crookedly sawn in a staple manner. Because there is no own mind and there was not. But arrogance and self-confidence to heaven.
              ... I don't see any point in explaining anything to you for the eighth time. Go on and play tanks; lament that your "spirituality" is not given money, and dream of a socialist revolution for free. You are not capable of more.
              1. +4
                24 February 2021 15: 10
                You do not have enough intelligence to understand the most primitive things, and at the same time you are trying to teach someone else. Actually, as I said, arrogance and self-confidence to heaven with complete incompetence. Come on, you won't tell me, with your complete total curvature, what am I capable of? And save the forum from your stupidity, I'm tired of poking you into it every time.
                1. -8
                  24 February 2021 15: 20
                  ... you are not smart enough to understand the most primitive things, and at the same time you are trying to teach someone else. Actually, as I said, arrogance and self-confidence to heaven with complete incompetence. Come on, you won't tell me, with your complete total curvature, what am I capable of? And save the forum from your stupidity, I'm tired of poking you into it every time
                  ... You are not capable of anything and your empty cries, you are our couch revolutionist, are not interesting to anyone.
                  1. +2
                    24 February 2021 17: 57
                    You tell us the unrecognized genius. Are you feeding your children with spirituality or are you with cutlets?
                    1. -1
                      24 February 2021 18: 20
                      There you probably don't know that before you feed the children with cutlets, you need to conceive and give birth to children. And in this process, spirituality (feelings, responsibility) plays no less a role than cutlets in the stomach. So go back to your sofa and keep on thinking that the new Stalin will do everything for you.
                      1. +2
                        24 February 2021 18: 31
                        Quote: clerk
                        There you probably don't know that before you feed the children with cutlets, children must be conceived and given birth.

                        And then, of course, to feed with spirituality according to your advice?
                        Quote: clerk
                        So go back to your sofa and keep on thinking that the new Stalin will do everything for you.

                        Do you know how real communists like me differ from imaginary communists in your inter-ear ganglia? laughing They are not talking the bullshit you attributed to them.
                      2. -3
                        24 February 2021 18: 44
                        ... Do you know how real communists like me differ from imaginary communists in your inter-ear ganglia? laughing They are not talking about the bullshit you attributed to them.
                        Real communists differed and differ from Internet communoids like you in that their actions are based on reality, and not the wet fantasies of a freeloader.
                      3. 0
                        24 February 2021 18: 51
                        Quote: clerk
                        Real communists differed and differ from Internet communoids like you in that their actions are based on reality, and not the wet fantasies of a freeloader.

                        Freeloader as it turns out we have you. Anyone who wants to get the result of nichrome without doing it. So what about the kids? Maybe it's better to feed them with cutlets? And then, as if from spirituality they are not that. laughing
                      4. 0
                        24 February 2021 19: 05
                        ... then, of course, to feed spirituality according to your advice
                        That is, in fact, you admitted that you sat in a puddle, trying to tie the birth rate to the presence of cutlets. Already good. Now you want to talk about how much does it cost to support children? Okay. First you need to check your adequacy in this matter. How much do you think is a full meal for one adult a day for home cooking?
                      5. +4
                        24 February 2021 19: 12
                        Quote: clerk
                        That is, in fact, you admitted that you sat in a puddle, trying to tie the birth rate to the presence of cutlets. Already good. Now you want to talk about how much it costs to support children. Okay. First, let's check your adequacy in this matter. How much do you think is a full meal for one adult a day for home cooking?

                        That is, in fact, you are again trying and unable to demagoguery. And absolutely catastrophically you cannot sarcasm. laughing If we feed on spirituality to which the greatest genius of our time and simply an expert in all matters - a clerk, calls us, then it will not cost anything except for such a trifle as life. laughing
                      6. -4
                        24 February 2021 19: 16
                        ... First, let's check your adequacy in this matter. How much do you think is a full meal for one adult a day for home cooking? ////////// If the greatest genius of our time and simply an expert in all matters is a clerk calls us to feed on spirituality, then it will not cost anything except for such a trifle as life
                        Your adequacy in the discussion of the costs of children has not been confirmed. Crawl away.
                      7. +2
                        24 February 2021 19: 42
                        All the same, try to feed the children not only with spirituality. They will definitely be grateful to you. Why are you liberal conservatives at all unable to logic?
                      8. -6
                        24 February 2021 19: 56
                        ... All the same, try to feed the children not only with spirituality. They will definitely be grateful to you. Why are you liberal conservatives at all unable to logic?
                        ... Don't be upset, my friend. Lie down on your favorite sofa, look with loving eyes at the portrait of Karl Marx, dream of a world revolution, take a pill, sleep and let you dream of Comrade Trotsky in an embrace with Lenin and Stalin.
        4. +5
          24 February 2021 12: 17
          Quote: Svarog
          Of course, it is necessary to make sure that the products of the villagers can compete with agricultural holdings.

          And Lenin and Stalin considered strictly the opposite ...What only big farmers can feed the country - not fists - lonely farmers ...
          1. +6
            24 February 2021 13: 04
            Quote: your1970
            But Lenin and Stalin believed strictly the opposite ... That only large agricultural producers can feed the country, and not the kulaks, lone individuals.

            And they thought correctly .. It is necessary to revive the collective farms. I'm not talking about kulaks, I'm talking about raising the village. And here any collective form will do.
            1. +8
              24 February 2021 13: 16
              Quote: Svarog
              Quote: your1970
              But Lenin and Stalin believed strictly the opposite ... That only large agricultural producers can feed the country, and not the kulaks, lone individuals.

              And they thought correctly .. It is necessary to revive the collective farms. I'm not talking about kulaks, I'm talking about raising the village. And here any collective form will do.

              You have just opposed an agricultural holding (large producer) to villagers - small producers

              Where are you going to get the population for the collective farms? He's gone ...
              So these are again the same agricultural holdings (5 workers per 100 ha) - just with a different label
              1. +5
                24 February 2021 13: 25
                Quote: your1970
                Where are you going to get the population for the collective farms? He's gone ...
                So these are again the same agricultural holdings (5 workers per 100 ha) - just with a different label

                The collective form can be any, let it be a collective farm. On the collective farm, in addition to the agricultural direction, there may be a dozen more. As an example .. wood, casting, raising fish, poultry, berries, mushrooms .. in general, depending on the habitat. You just need an analysis of your own needs and potential imports. To transform this need into the number of necessary villages and collective farms .. Then organize the infrastructure .. and forward.
                1. 0
                  24 February 2021 21: 45
                  Quote: Svarog
                  The form of the team can be any

                  Today it is the SEC, the tax is 6%, a profitable form, but the fact is that the villagers do not really want to organize themselves, they are dark, illiterate. It is very difficult to organize them, it is possible only if you give them a guaranteed, good sales market. And you can sell anything to the city, from horseradish to jam, we have, for example, go for apples or cherries, roll yourself up, and the rest will rot, because sell for the season is unrealistic.
              2. +16
                24 February 2021 20: 32
                Quote: your1970
                Where are you going to get the population for the collective farms? He's gone ...

                but did
                Quote: your1970
                the same agricultural holdings

                do not use labor?
                1. +2
                  24 February 2021 22: 04
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  Quote: your1970
                  Where are you going to get the population for the collective farms? He's gone ...

                  but did
                  Quote: your1970
                  the same agricultural holdings

                  do not use labor?
                  use ... troubles are:
                  - what is it not locals always. It may even be a neighboring area - but not local
                  - it is often a watch
                  - these people can turn around and leave at any time - regardless of the cows' milkiness
                  - holding companies do not need extra people - where the collective farm needed 100 people, 10 people work in the holding
                  - the population got used to the watch - went to Moscow / St. Petersburg - watched the kindergarten - for 1,5-2 rubles a day and well. And in agriculture you have to plow from dawn to dawn - and this is not poetic: to plow in the field at +50. ..
                  - holdings do not need social networks
                  - even the USSR was forced to try to fix the population in the villages by any means.
                  - and so on, there are still a lot of problems
              3. +3
                25 February 2021 14: 44
                Quote: your1970
                Where are you going to get the population for the collective farms? He's gone ...
                So these are again the same agricultural holdings (5 workers per 100 ha) - just with a different label

                For the development of the village, not the population is needed, but favorable conditions and timely advertising.
                exactly 5 hard workers per 100000 hectares are needed, but these hard workers must be surrounded by infrastructure - from repair shops and financiers who solve all problems with resources, to social networks and banal roads and a scientific segment that provides all technologies and resources like grain. And now we have 5 hard workers who must fight for their survival.
                1. 0
                  25 February 2021 20: 47
                  Quote: yehat2
                  Quote: your1970
                  Where are you going to get the population for the collective farms? He's gone ...
                  So it’s the same again agricultural holdings(5 hard workers per 100 ha) - just with a different label

                  For the development of the village, not the population is needed, but favorable conditions and timely advertising.
                  exactly 5 hard workers per 100000 hectares are needed, but these hard workers must be surrounded by infrastructure - from repair shops and financiers who solve all problems with resources, to social networks and banal roads and a scientific segment that provides all technologies and resources like grain. And now we have 5 hard workers who must fight for their survival.

                  what is it in agricultural holding -workers without resources, workshops, technologies?
                  1. +1
                    25 February 2021 21: 51
                    they are commonplace laborers and the one who hired them will squeeze out much more of the results of their labor than he pays.
                    1. 0
                      25 February 2021 22: 16
                      Quote: yehat2
                      they are commonplace laborers and the one who hired them will squeeze out much more of the results of their labor than he pays.

                      But in the USSR it was not so? Soldiers, students, schoolchildren were paid? My wife, for example, in a rural school after the 6th grade never studied in September, the whole school helped the collective farm very much, yeah ...
                      As a conscript in SA, I probably collected 20 wagons of potatoes in the Gorky Region, and there was also cabbage, onions, beets ...
                2. 0
                  25 February 2021 22: 20
                  Quote: yehat2
                  For the development of the village, not the population is needed, but favorable conditions and timely advertising.

                  For the development of the village, it is necessary to provide rural residents, not employees of agricultural holdings, they are negligible, a sales market for their products from private household plots. In the Kuban we go to pick apples, cherries, walnuts, cherry plum, etc. and the villager has nowhere to sell them. Dealers give such a price that it is not profitable to do something. And the peasant has nowhere to work.
                  1. +2
                    26 February 2021 09: 45
                    Quote: aleksejkabanets
                    and the villager has nowhere to sell them

                    a paradox, but the goods that the Kuban and the Caucasus are growing would be easily torn off in central Russia, even taking into account delivery costs and moderate retail costs.
                    In addition, this is all natural, and not solid substitutes that are in stores.
                    For example, I really liked the Nalchik lemonade - it's like a Soviet one. And it is inexpensive.
                    but in St. Petersburg it is impossible to buy it, only offers to order a bulk consignment by paying in advance. But Chernogolovka lemonade is sold at 4 times more expensive
                    Beyond the Urals, there is a huge shortage of quality grain, fresh fruits and their derivatives.
                    1. 0
                      26 February 2021 09: 56
                      Quote: yehat2
                      For example, I really liked the Nalchik lemonade - it's like a Soviet one. And it is inexpensive.

                      Previously, Ipatievsky (Stavropol) was very good. Such product lines are closed, lose in price, and apparently in unfair competition to large corporations. In our city, the MEZ stopped making excellent halva, the cannery stopped making natural squash caviar, etc.
                      Quote: yehat2
                      Beyond the Urals, there is a huge shortage of quality grain, fresh fruits and their derivatives.

                      Well, our latifundists drive grain to Turkey, where you can sell at a higher price. In terms of fruit, everything is complicated; on an industrial scale, they are no longer grown in the Kuban (compared with the USSR).
                      1. +2
                        26 February 2021 10: 10
                        The entire Caucasus is planted with trees and grapes - every piece. In the mountains, they mainly lean on cabbage. They collect SO MUCH that I can't even imagine.
                        I am sure this will be enough to provide 30 million. In the Kuban, too, they can grow a lot. If we effectively dispose of this and a number of other resources, I don’t know whether it is possible to completely cover the needs of the entire country, but it will work out by 70 percent, especially if there is a sane network of vegetable stores and other measures to reduce losses.
                      2. 0
                        26 February 2021 10: 56
                        Quote: yehat2
                        In the mountains, they mainly lean on cabbage.

                        In our foothills (Psebay), mainly potatoes are grown, on the plains potatoes grow poorly, the land is not for potatoes.
                        Quote: yehat2
                        They collect SO MUCH that I can't even imagine.
                        I am sure this will be enough to provide 30 million. In the Kuban, too, they can grow a lot. If effective with this and a number of other resources

                        Today large farms do not grow vegetables; grain is new oil for them. Private farms today can grow vegetables only in closed ground (on the plain), after large farms spray the grain, even bees die.
                        Quote: yehat2
                        especially if there is a sane network of vegetable stores and other measures to reduce losses.

                        The state will not do this, big business will be the same.
            2. -1
              24 February 2021 14: 49
              Krupnyak should and can provide massive cheap goods. But for delights it is already to the private traders and the small producer despised by us.
              1. +20
                24 February 2021 20: 34
                Quote: evgen1221
                Krupnyak must and can provide massive cheap goods.

                but in reality it becomes a monopolist, and monopoly under capitalism
              2. +1
                24 February 2021 21: 17
                Quote: evgen1221
                Krupnyak should and can provide massive cheap goods. But for delights it is already to the private traders and the small producer despised by us.

                Private households can produce better and cheaper products than we see on the shelves in supermarkets. Of course, there is no non-meat sausage for 100 rubles. they cannot do it, but sausages, for example, made from meat and of good quality, can sell rubles for 350-380 rubles. At least for the Kuban feed prices. Although they are growing now by leaps and bounds.
                1. +2
                  25 February 2021 21: 54
                  product quality is a very serious issue now.
                  if it is possible to return it at least within the framework of Soviet guests and within the framework of availability at prices,
                  it will be a very big deal - the USSR solved it, not always with the right methods, for many years
                  and people stopped appreciating what they have, but now many have realized what they have lost.
                  Far from only party cards.
                  1. 0
                    25 February 2021 22: 29
                    Quote: yehat2
                    product quality is a very serious issue now.
                    if it is possible to return it at least within the framework of Soviet guests and within the framework of availability at prices,

                    Right now I am working on this in my region, the products of private household plots are always better, and often cheaper than in stores. Today, with the availability of the Internet, it is not very difficult to create a sales market for the villagers, although questions with logistics certainly remain.
                2. +2
                  26 February 2021 10: 14
                  the problem is that price increases in the networks are such that an ordinary quality product becomes very expensive. In St. Petersburg, shit sausages cost about 280-300 per kg, from non-meat 600-800, I don't see real ones, but I think they cost from 2-3k.
                  Chubais said that he was building a market economy, but we have no market. It is closed and divided by monopolies. Nobody will let private household plots trade freely, they will drown with kickbacks and other costs.
                  1. 0
                    26 February 2021 11: 25
                    Quote: yehat2
                    In St. Petersburg, shit sausages cost about 280-300 per kg, from non-meat 600-800, I don't see real ones, but I think they cost from 2-3k.

                    I make sausages for myself, if from chicken, today the cost price will turn out to be about 180 rubles, and from pork - 250 rubles. With roasting in smoke, as expected, according to the technologies of 1937.
                    Quote: yehat2
                    Nobody will let private household plots trade freely, they will drown with kickbacks and other costs.

                    And private household plots do not need to trade through stores and large chains. The owner of a private household can sell any of his products from his yard, without taxes. They can also create an SEC (tax 6%). Now I have made an Internet portal for my city (and neighboring ones), through which any villager can sell his products. The same jam from cherries, for example, or from a mulberry tree can be made by any grandmother, but it cannot be compared with a store jam. It is clear that logistics issues are not simple, but solvable. Anyone who has a desire to do this in their region, I will give the source code and tell you how to work with all this.
                    1. +1
                      26 February 2021 11: 34
                      and you can see the address - how is it with you recourse
                      1. 0
                        26 February 2021 11: 36
                        Quote: yehat2
                        and you can see the address - how is it with you

                        I'll send it in a personal.
            3. +21
              24 February 2021 20: 30
              Quote: Svarog
              We need to revive collective farms

              not only collective farms, but everything .. that can plow, sow, grow and harvest. all forms of ownership. And now we have only Miratorg from Medvedeva
              1. +1
                24 February 2021 21: 18
                Quote: Silvestr
                And now we have only Miratorg from Medvedeva

                Tkachev is still there. Former Minister of Agriculture.
                1. +17
                  24 February 2021 22: 14
                  Quote: aleksejkabanets
                  Tkachev is still there.

                  He's an oligarch for tomatoes
                  1. +2
                    24 February 2021 22: 16
                    Quote: Silvestr
                    He's an oligarch for tomatoes

                    More pork.
          2. -1
            24 February 2021 13: 43
            Quote: your1970
            But Lenin and Stalin believed strictly the opposite ... That only large agricultural producers can feed the country - and not the kulaks - lone individuals ..

            But it seems that the most fertile time for the Russians was during the NEP. Then there was the highest population growth. And with the beginning of collectivization, famine began. Moreover, it ended only with the beginning of Khrushchev's reforms and the relaxation of private trade ..
            1. -4
              24 February 2021 17: 05
              ... with the beginning of collectivization, famine began. Moreover, it ended only with the beginning of Khrushchev's reforms and the relaxation of private trade.
              You have beguiled something - famine in the cities began in the late 20s, when private traders squeezed bread, and ended in 1948. Khrushchev and Malenkov covered the mass private trade after Stalin's death.
              1. +14
                24 February 2021 20: 46
                Quote: clerk
                You have beguiled something

                The famine in the 20s was based on political and social phenomena taking place in the country (wars, revolutions, etc.). The most famous outbreaks of famine in Russia in the 1921th century - famine in the Volga region of 1922-XNUMX, caused by a prolonged lack of precipitation and complicated by the consequences, can be attributed to such cases of famine.
                Mass famine 1921-1922 (devastation after the Civil War) - the traditional estimate is from 4 to 5 million dead. According to modern estimates, at least 26.5 million people were starving. Similar figures (27-28 million people) were cited in a report at the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets M.I. Kalini
                The famine in the 30s was connected after the shock grain procurements of the autumn and winter, when not only the "surplus" was taken from the peasants, but also the grain given out according to workdays.
                Quote: clerk
                when private traders squeezed bread,

                But after the selection of grain, the private trader became the first victim of the Holodomor, since everyone was taken away. And then they were resettled and tried. It was so in my family.
                1. -3
                  24 February 2021 22: 09
                  But after the selection of grain, the private trader became the first victim of the Holodomor, since everyone was taken away. And then they were resettled and tried. It was so in my family.
                  This is a perestroika myth. Even in Ukraine, which presents itself as the main victim of the 1932-33 famine, they took no more than 40% of the grown. And the famine began because the peasants rotted 30% of the harvest in the fields.
                  1. +12
                    24 February 2021 22: 26
                    Quote: clerk
                    And the famine began because the peasants rotted 30% of the harvest in the fields.

                    simple question - why?
                    1. -1
                      24 February 2021 22: 40
                      "The remaining is enough for us, and let the city dwellers die" (c)
            2. +1
              26 February 2021 11: 43
              Quote: gsev
              But it seems that the most fertile time for the Russians was during the NEP. Then there was the highest population growth. And with the beginning of collectivization, famine began. Moreover, it ended only with the beginning of Khrushchev's reforms and the relaxation of private trade ..

              You have the wrong information.
              NEP essentially changed nothing, except for accelerating inflation
              collectivization raised productivity, but the problem was in the clumsy and violent methods of collectivization on the ground, when they were in a hurry and often the very idea of ​​collectivization was driven to the point of absurdity.
              As a rule, these were former poor people who ended up in power in a specific place, but did not know how to lead and plan - only to command and fight against the "counter-revolution".
              About what went wrong and why Stalin was forced to make a speech about excesses and dizziness about success, there is a lot of information on the internet, but the main thing - the problems were not because of collectivization itself, but because of personnel and the war of kulaks for dictating prices, when the threat of hunger began to threaten many cities and even parts of villages.
              In addition, collectivization has already taken place in all developed capital countries, it was only called, in fact, the growth of monopoly in the countryside. In the United States at that time, there were millions of farm laborers - seasonal workers who did not have land. In Germany, there were communes (!) In almost every village or rural town, where Hitler eventually began to exile even young unmarried girls from the cities, because they were no longer worthy.
          3. +2
            24 February 2021 14: 54
            But Lenin and Stalin believed strictly the opposite ... That only large agricultural producers can feed the country - and not the kulaks - lone individuals ...

            And what, did they feed? laughing
            1. +3
              24 February 2021 15: 51
              Of course not. For example, you died out of the famine.
              1. 0
                24 February 2021 16: 31
                Of course not. For example, you died out of the famine.

                I survived. But there were no one million collective farmers in 1947.
                And people like you showed "Kuban Cossacks". wink
            2. -3
              24 February 2021 17: 08
              ... But Lenin and Stalin believed strictly the opposite ... That only large agricultural producers can feed the country - and not the kulaks - lone individuals ...
              Yes, they did. After the famine of 1932-33, caused by the sabotage of collectivisation and the famine of 1947 after the termination of aid to the allies against the background of the agricultural totally destroyed by the war, there was no more famine in the USSR.
              1. +3
                24 February 2021 17: 34
                Yes, they did. After the famine of 1932-33, caused by the sabotage of collectivisation and the famine of 1947 after the termination of aid to the allies against the background of the agricultural totally destroyed by the war, there was no more famine in the USSR.

                But initially we are talking about which system is better. His own with Svarog for the collective farms.

                Quote: your1970
                But Lenin and Stalin believed strictly the opposite ... That only large agricultural producers can feed the country, and not the kulaks, lone individuals.

                And they thought correctly .. It is necessary to revive the collective farms. I'm not talking about kulaks, I'm talking about raising the village. And here any collective form will do.
                A complaint

                But they forget one simple thing.
                During the Soviet era, personal subsidiary plots accounted for about 7% of the total fund of agricultural land.
                In 1940, at the height of the "Stalinist management", on these lands they gave on compulsory government supplies (that is, they also kept it for themselves!)

                30% of all potatoes in the country,
                25% of livestock and poultry meat
                90% eggs
                26% milk
                22% wool

                That is, the collective farmer, in his free time from the collective farm corvee, without equipment, fertilizers and wise agronomists, did the collective farm:

                for potatoes 6 times
                for meat 4,3 times
                in the balls 128 times
                for milk 4,6 times

                And the collective farms, even in the days of Brezhnev, did not learn how to harvest themselves.
                I had to drive the soldiers and students.

                I wonder what the students of Oxford and the soldiers of the 3rd Mechanized Division from Bulford Camp would say if they were offered to work harvesting beets from farmers in Wiltshire? laughing
                1. -1
                  24 February 2021 18: 08
                  But initially we are talking about which system is better. His own with Svarog for the collective farms.
                  ... Smiled. Your dispute with Svarog over collective farms and the argumentation in it at the level of the end of Gorbachev's Perestroika. No offense. In fact, for grain production (which, by the way, is not in your perestroika comparisons of collective farms and individual farmers), it is not the form of ownership that matters, but the size of the farm (it does not matter - the landlord, collective farm, state farm, latifundia, agricultural holding), due to the technological development of agriculture and an increase in productivity labor. Collectivization is just a Soviet form of the process of enlarging farms, which was going on in various forms then all over the world (in the USA, at the same time, small farmers were absorbed by large ones). Growing vegetables, breeding poultry, and partly animal husbandry are still owned by the private owner, but they are also expanding. Therefore, both Svarog's ideas about the revival of collective farms and yours about the bet on the individual farmer are utopias divorced from life. The economy itself has long been regulating the size of the economy, and the form of ownership can be any.
                  1. +5
                    24 February 2021 19: 10
                    Smiled. Your dispute with Svarog about the collective farms and the argumentation in it at the level of the end of Gorbachev's Perestroika. No offense. In fact, for grain production (which, by the way, is not present in your perestroika comparisons of collective farms and individual farmers), it is not the form of ownership that matters, but the size of the farm (it does not matter - the landlord, collective farm, state farm, latifundia, agricultural holding), due to the technological development of agriculture and an increase in productivity labor. Collectivization is just a Soviet form of the process of enlarging farms, which was going on in various forms then all over the world (in the USA, at the same time, small farmers were absorbed by large ones). Growing vegetables, breeding poultry, and partly animal husbandry are still owned by the private owner, but they are also expanding. Therefore, the ideas of Svarog about the revival of collective farms and yours about the bet on the individual farmer are utopias cut off from life. The economy itself has long been regulating the size of the economy, and the form of ownership can be any.

                    Right. Here you are right. A modern agricultural holding also loses to a farmer in terms of profitability.
                    Each region has its own optimal size of the land plot, at which the profit will be maximum.

                    I will say for what I know - the Rostov region. I regularly visit the local farmers during the harvesting period.
                    The optimal size of the land plot is from 300 to 2000 hectares. The ideal is around 800.
                    With this amount, the cost of seeds, fuel, and a set of equipment will be minimal.

                    Agroholdings such as Miratorg are profitable only due to state grants and cheap loans, to which farmers have no access.
                    These are unprofitable offices that enrich only their owners, who take their loot offshore. bully
                2. 0
                  26 February 2021 10: 53
                  During the Soviet era, personal subsidiary plots accounted for about 7% of the total fund of agricultural land.
                  In 1940, at the height of the "Stalinist management", on these lands they gave on obligatory state supplies (that is, they also kept them for themselves!)
                  30% of all potatoes in the country,
                  25% of livestock and poultry meat
                  90% eggs
                  26% milk
                  22% wool
                  That is, the collective farmer, in his free time from the collective farm corvee, without equipment, fertilizers and wise agronomists, did the collective farm:
                  for potatoes 6 times
                  for meat 4,3 times
                  in the balls 128 times
                  for milk 4,6 times

                  And what about oilseeds, can you tell me?
                  Or technical? Or grain? Or some tobacco? And that, of course, is very clever, to apply the total agricultural area only to certain types of products. I'm not even talking about the fact that to derive the ratio of livestock production through the area of ​​agricultural land ... is very original. This is the first thing. Second, private farms used everything they could from the collective farm property - pastures, meadows, pulled feed and fertilizers, etc. Third, the comparison of forms and methods of production in relation to the selective stage of existence, and not to the entire period, is not objective. Fourth, on a small area per 1m2, more labor costs are required than on a large one, a direct consequence is a high yield. Why this surprises someone, and even more so why it is used as an argument in "Private households against collective farms / state farms" is a mystery to me.
                  1. 0
                    26 February 2021 12: 15
                    Fourth, on a small area per 1m2, more labor costs are required than on a large one, a direct consequence is a high yield. Why this surprises someone, and even more so why it is used as an argument in "Private households against collective farms / state farms" is a mystery to me.

                    This is the secret, not the form of ownership.

                    When it is his own, the peasant is ready for labor costs, and when the collective farm or agricultural holding is not particularly ready. laughing
                    1. 0
                      26 February 2021 14: 19
                      This is the secret, not the form of ownership.
                      When it is his own, the peasant is ready for labor costs, and when the collective farm or agricultural holding is not particularly

                      The willingness of the peasant to "spend labor" is transformed into practical implementation only if his farm is relatively small. Increase the latter by 100 times and the labor costs per square meter will fall for the peasant not 100 times, but 1000 times (the numbers are, of course, conditional, simply reflecting the order). It is on their 25-50 acres, at least every day sons / daughters can send every extra blade of grass, insect or diseased plant by hand to remove. And on the thousands of collective farm hectares cultivated by machines, this is not done, there is the main area. Manure from the collective farm herd will get to the collective farm fields from the collective farm cattle corrals. And when the same herd goes to the pasture every day and on the way does his business, then all this manure was again instructed to collect and carry to the children, where he then went to his personal plot (he personally participated in this as a child). Therefore, their overcrowding was higher than that of collective farm fields. Etc. All of the attributed miracles of effectiveness have very simple explanations. "Yours - not yours" has nothing to do with labor costs per unit area of ​​a small and huge land plot. Each collective farm field, if you are not aware, had an experimental plot with an area of ​​0,01-0,3 ha to determine the biological yield of the variety. This was done for a specific purpose, in order to understand how much yield reserve is in comparison with actually grown and actually harvested. On breeding plots, which are also NOT YOURSELF, the yield of wheat varieties reached 100 c / ha, and on everything else, the same field is NOT YOURS: 30 c / ha. Simply because everything was done by hand on the plot.
                      When it is his own, the peasant is ready for labor costs, and when the collective farm or agricultural holding

                      when there is an understanding that collective farm = one's own, then all problems (like 1930-31) are not capable of arising in principle. As well as silly conversations like "aha, how's yours, when the state takes a part of it cheaply and even says what to raise?" This I preface the further course of the conversation.
                      The communists did not guess to give a hectare instead of 12 hectares, otherwise they would be very surprised.

                      Private households of the year under discussion (1940) 25, 50, less often 100 acres. This is 0,25-1 hectares.
                      As some are surprised now, how can it be that there are no collective farms, but Russia sells grain and butter with might and main.

                      Which are grown on millions of plots of 25-50 acres, yeah.
                      Do you know what cows and pigs eat? And where does it grow.

                      In the course, on collective farm land in its main volume. Are you completely naive?
                      1. 0
                        26 February 2021 14: 28
                        The willingness of the peasant to "spend labor" is transformed into practical implementation only if his farm is relatively small. Increase the latter by 100 times and the labor costs per square meter will fall for the peasant not 100 times, but 1000 times (the numbers are, of course, conditional, simply reflecting the order).

                        I agree with everything. There is a certain optimal area, depending on the region, crop, level of mechanization, etc.

                        In principle, I also agree with the rest, except for this:
                        Do you know what cows and pigs eat? And where does it grow.

                        In the course, on collective farm land in its main volume. Are you completely naive?

                        Risk to drag off in the 40s something for your cow from the collective farm lands. laughing
                      2. 0
                        26 February 2021 14: 54
                        In principle, I also agree with the rest, except for this:
                        Do you know what cows and pigs eat? And where does it grow.
                        In the course, on collective farm land in its main volume. Are you completely naive?
                        Take the risk of dragging something for your cow from collective farm lands in the 40s

                        And I didn't mean the 50s and beyond, when everything dragged on without looking back. In the same 1940, a collective farmer had the right to graze his livestock on collective farm pastures. Moreover, he will absolutely openly receive from the collective farm hay from hayfields, and fodder crops (cereals, cereals, legumes), and pulp and silage, and other wastes from the production of basic products that are used as food for livestock. EVERYTHING produced on the collective farm was distributed over workdays. Including the above.
                  2. 0
                    26 February 2021 12: 26
                    And what about oilseeds, can you tell me?
                    Or technical? Or grain? Or some tobacco?

                    The communists did not guess to give a hectare instead of 12 hectares, otherwise they would be very surprised.

                    As some are surprised now, how can it be that there are no collective farms, but Russia sells grain and butter with might and main.
                  3. 0
                    26 February 2021 12: 28
                    I'm not even talking about the fact that to derive the ratio of livestock production through the area of ​​agricultural land ... is very original.

                    Do you know what cows and pigs eat? And where does it grow.
                3. +1
                  26 February 2021 12: 08
                  Quote: Arzt
                  That is, the collective farmer, in his free time from the collective farm corvee, without equipment, fertilizers and wise agronomists, did the collective farm:

                  firstly, workdays are not corvee, they were paid
                  secondly, it is a lie about the fact that the collective farmers did not use their collective farm resources.
                  My grandfather was the chairman of the collective farm, I know firsthand.
                  thirdly, collectivization never affected 100% and not everyone was on the farm.
                  And the last thing. As a rule, collective farmers closed their workdays for a week per day and worked for themselves most of the time.
                  Well, as a "trifle", private traders exploited the infrastructure supported by collective farms and the state - repair shops, roads, elevators, seed stocks, schools, etc. and taxes were symbolic. Otherwise, one cannot understand how a collective farmer could use his savings to buy a combat aircraft or a tank for the army, which even now is beyond the reach of many.
                  and the last one. Finally, read what Stalin thought and planned, and do not tell stories.
                  1. 0
                    26 February 2021 13: 08
                    firstly, workdays are not corvee, they were paid
                    secondly, it is a lie about the fact that the collective farmers did not use their collective farm resources.
                    My grandfather was the chairman of the collective farm, I know firsthand.
                    thirdly, collectivization never affected 100% and not everyone was on the farm.
                    And the last thing. As a rule, collective farmers closed their workdays for a week per day and worked for themselves most of the time.
                    Well, as a "trifle", private traders exploited the infrastructure supported by collective farms and the state - repair shops, roads, elevators, seed stocks, schools, etc. and taxes were symbolic. Otherwise, one cannot understand how a collective farmer could use his savings to buy a combat aircraft or a tank for the army, which even now is beyond the reach of many.
                    and the last one. Finally, read what Stalin thought and planned, and do not tell stories.

                    Life has become better, life has become happier! laughing

                    Natural rent (except cash tax!) For the yard in 1940 and 1948.

                    Meat 32-45 kilograms of meat (individual farmers - from 62 to 90 kilograms) / 40-60
                    Milk 180-200 liters / 280-300 liters per year.
                    In addition, annually from 30 to 150 chicken eggs.

                    Agricultural tax - 30 rubles per year. In 1947 it quadrupled.
                    A cool detail - in addition to the tax on products that were paid to them on the collective farm for workdays, the tax was taken from these payments themselves, so double taxation was obtained.

                    Animal taxes. Everyone. From chickens to cows.

                    For example, in Komi, a collective farmer gave the Stalinist state a tax per cow in the amount of 198 rubles. He earned money, as you correctly noted, during workdays.
                    The average cash income from workdays in the republic per farm in the same year was 1 rubles. Thus, the peasant paid up to 373,59% from his average collective farm "pay" only for a cow.


                    Add the tax on childlessness, in 1949 150 rubles a year, having one child - 50 rubles, two children - 25 rubles a year. (The secret of Stalinist reproduction wink ).

                    No passports, nowhere to run, if only in a loop.

                    In short - a classic slave-owning society, the landowner Troyekurov is resting! wink

                    1. +1
                      26 February 2021 13: 28
                      Quote: Arzt

                      well, how sweet in the hell you described is that you did not say
                      1. it was one of the most difficult post-war periods.
                      difficult not because the shovels of the hands, but because the United States imposed an arms race and threatened a total nuclear bombing of the country, and the country, which had just won back almost 6 years and had to cope with the destroyed European part.
                      2. I was not too lazy and read, according to the link you indicated, it is written in black on yellow that the peasants who worked on collective farms or other procurements were RELEASED from taxes if their own farm did not exceed the norms from the charter of the agricultural cartel. The same garbage with workers who have a farm - they were either freed or the tax was taken much less.
                      and in general, what you have written needs a strong correction from your own source, because there are critical omissions ..
                      It's the same when in an essay about the life of a great man you would write one line - he died without mentioning anything else.
                      Well, and the last silence - how much the products cost on the market then due to the shortage.
                      Even with those taxes, the individual farmers could quite well reduce their budget.

                      can you stop and not bear the cheap manipulation of information?
                      no one denies that there were problems, but you distort the causes and context of their occurrence and
                      inciting people to incorrect conclusions.
                      1. 0
                        26 February 2021 13: 43
                        well, how sweet in the hell you described is that you did not say
                        1. it was one of the most difficult post-war periods.

                        Did I just write about the post-war? there is a comparison with 1940.

                        Want to pre-war, read living witnesses. It doesn't look like heaven. laughing

                        Russian peasants recall life under Stalin

                        .... I, of course, can tell you about what you, dear, ask. But won't they? After all, I will begin to speak differently from the way it is written in the books ...

                        ... It seems to me that all our life we ​​have only worked. And there is nothing to remember! And they ate poorly: grass and all kinds of forage.

                        ... put on canvas clothes. This is a kind of fabric that looks like bags. Mom made clothes for us from such a canvas. We have worn for a long time what will sew.
                        Shoes - canvas: they were sewn from mine conveyor belts. Galoshes appeared on sale later. They wore them on bare feet.

                        ... How did taxes press us? Just awful! Give back wool, meat, eggs, milk - give everything. And they didn't pay us anything for it. They kept livestock on the farm because, where you knit what sock, where you roll up your felt boots ... We twisted. You have your own, but don't you dare use it! It was impossible to escape taxes and collective farms. The collective farmers did not have passports.

                        ... I don't know what to say about Stalin. When he died in 1953, people even cried. When I heard about his death on the radio, I felt so sorry. Why dont know. Maybe because he worked for a long time. Maybe because our ruler. Or maybe a force of habit.

                        ... Eh! A life! You, my dear, disturbed you with your questions ... You live, you don't think, everything seems to be the way it should be. And as you remember! ... All the time work, work, work and nothing to remember! When they worked more before the war or during - I don't know. You leave at five in the morning and return at twelve. That's all the memories. God forbid such a life to anyone!

                      2. +1
                        26 February 2021 13: 59
                        Quote: Arzt

                        how annoyed me. Do you have a special filter for the most negative links? Yes, what she says seems to be true. But again you threw out the context.
                        1. How they lived before the revolution
                        2. What has changed with the revolution and the arrival of Kolchak (and they had a full w. Until 21-22 and no one promised to fix it with lightning speed)
                        3. You should remember the Omsk case, just as a result of a personal audit by Stalin in 28. I want to emphasize that Stalin very rarely left the capital, but went there.
                        4. How the region has changed from 28 to 34. (for only 6 years)
                        And the last thing - Omsk is a very harsh land. I have lived close to 30 years and I know from myself.
                        This is very different from Ukraine or the Caucasus or even Shushenskoye, where Lenin was exiled.
                        There people essentially lived by hunting and gathering, and not by agriculture.
                      3. 0
                        26 February 2021 14: 11
                        how annoyed me. Do you have a special filter for the most negative links? Yes, what she says seems to be true. But again you threw out the context.
                        1. How they lived before the revolution

                        Why negative? There is also a positive. In the same place - before the revolution. laughing

                        Mom kept 2 horses, 3 cows, 12 sheep, 12 geese, 50 chickens, 4 pigs. She plowed herself. We had 16 acres of land. Those who have 2-3 cows, 2-3 horses are the poorest and were considered. The rich are those who had 10-15 horses. And those who had 50-70 horses and cows each, had a loan (this is like a current dacha), workers were considered fists. Siberians are strong and prosperous people. In the neighboring village of Beloglazovo, for example, you will not go into any hut. Everyone has real homes ...

                        She does not remember about Kolchak, and then it was like this:
                        4. How the region has changed from 28 to 34. (for only 6 years)

                        ... Each family had its own room in the barracks ... But in 1931 our commune was defeated and transferred to a collective farm. The commune was rich. We came to the commune ourselves, and to the collective farm by force: some were crushed by taxes, and some were dispossessed. We immediately began to live worse. How could it be otherwise? Is it possible to live above the abyss ?! The cattle died. It was said that it was the fists who had inflicted damage on her. The bosses immediately began to steal. We need to feed the collective farm cattle, but there is no hay. Let us follow the authorities. Yes, what was there to follow! The chairman stole our hay and sold it. He was a visitor.

                        ... He ruined everything. He killed both cattle and people. Then many people died of hunger. You used to go to our former communard barrack, and there people lay there with whole families and die. My second husband and I could not stand it. They left in 1935 and went to the Iskitim brick factory. Alive, thank God, remained! Our entire collective farm ran away. But it was impossible to leave the collective farm. They didn’t give passports. You can, if you recruit, the recruited with the help were given a passport for a year. Then recruiters traveled to the villages. I remember that they did not promise either a salary or housing in a new place. Only work. But we were glad of that too. Just to break free. We have worked for three years in bondage. It was a hard life! I have never seen an easy life in my years ... "
                        [i] [/ i] lol
                      4. +1
                        26 February 2021 14: 49
                        Quote: Arzt
                        She does not remember about Kolchak

                        She suddenly forgot a lot of things, because all of your links are suspicious of the mass wave of information negativity that hit the USSR in the post-perestroika years.
                        My grandfather also had 2 grandmothers in the village, who said that life was good under the tsar.
                        One of the kulak family, the other of the landowner's servant.
                        The rest, for some mystical reason, had a different opinion.
                      5. 0
                        26 February 2021 15: 31
                        I really liked the causal relationships in the text on the links. For example such
                        When the collective farms were made, various epidemics began: measles, tuberculosis.
                      6. +1
                        26 February 2021 16: 13
                        well, yes, there was no war and civil war, there were only terrible collective farms
                        but here's what I know for sure - tuberculosis and measles won only in the USSR
                      7. 0
                        26 February 2021 18: 18
                        well, yes, there was no war and civil war, there were only terrible collective farms
                        but here's what I know for sure - tuberculosis and measles won only in the USSR

                        I'll clarify - in the late USSR. Khrushchev-Brezhnev. When, according to the Stalinists, liberalism raised its head. laughing
                      8. +1
                        26 February 2021 20: 58
                        liberalism is a bad term.
                        I would divide people into those who understood the theory of socialism and were its supporters and everyone else. After Stalin's death, the party was overwhelmed by a muddy stream of people who did not understand socialist and Marxist theory, and since they all managed to live with capital, then they simply began to restore it in various forms, where there was very little room for liberalism. But a lot for fascism, chauvinism, exploitation, etc. by the list.
                      9. 0
                        26 February 2021 18: 16
                        I really liked the causal relationships in the text on the links. For example such

                        The connection is direct.
                        As soon as a person starts to eat well and regularly, for example in prison, tuberculosis immediately comes. laughing
                      10. 0
                        1 March 2021 08: 46
                        Link curve. Or, in that case, you should have had tuberculosis epidemics throughout the entire existence of collective farms. Let's leave the "officers' daughters" alone and look at the medical reports.

                        Either you had very bad food in 1913, or your "direct" connection is still a curve.
                      11. -1
                        1 March 2021 09: 15
                        Link curve. Or, in that case, you should have had tuberculosis epidemics throughout the entire existence of collective farms. Let's leave the "officers' daughters" alone and look at the medical reports.

                        It is about a specific situation in a specific period of time (famine of the 30s).

                        I recognize the success of the USSR in providing medical care to the population (as well as the whole world), including in the fight against tuberculosis. I also do not deny the positive role of Stalin personally in these successes. love
                      12. 0
                        1 March 2021 11: 10
                        It is about a specific situation in a specific period of time (famine of the 30s).

                        Let me remind you that this is not about hunger 32-33, but about causal relationships and ways of presenting information:
                        When the collective farms were made, various epidemics began: measles, tuberculosis.

                        Oral history Lopatin ... what to take from her.
                      13. 0
                        1 March 2021 11: 22
                        Let me remind you that this is not about hunger 32-33, but about causal relationships and ways of presenting information:

                        Tuberculosis is a socially dependent disease.
                        Poor nutrition, unfavorable social and environmental living conditions are risk factors.

                        The relationship between the incidence of hip disease and hunger is direct.
                        But the storyteller, of course, aggravates. Measles is not in business, for her that period is bad in everything, she collected all the horror films. fellow
                      14. 0
                        26 February 2021 18: 12
                        She suddenly forgot a lot of things, because all of your links are suspicious of the mass wave of information negativity that hit the USSR in the post-perestroika years.

                        Well, read not post-perestroika, but contemporaries. And not memoirs, but official documents about how fugitive peasants were caught.
                        Fugitives not from the master, as you might think, but from the paradise Stalinist village laughing

                        A note on a direct wire by the assistant to the plenipotentiary representative of the OGPU for the Lower Volga region I.Ya. Dagin to the Deputy Chairman of the OGPU USSR G.G. Yagoda1 on the struggle of the OGPU organs with the departure of the peasants.

                        I can cite a dozen more, but it makes no sense. You yourself know everything. recourse
                      15. The comment was deleted.
          4. +17
            24 February 2021 20: 28
            Quote: your1970
            But Lenin and Stalin believed strictly the opposite ... That only large agricultural producers can feed the country - and not the kulaks - lone individuals ...

            The truth is usually somewhere in between. Extremes of opinion are very dangerous. It's like a pendulum
        5. BAI
          24 February 2021 12: 20
          And the birth rate must also be increased. Only with the development of the village is it possible in my opinion.

          There will be no quantitative development of the village. The number of rural residents will steadily decline. This is a historical inevitability. You don't need as many hands in the countryside as before. With the further industrialization of society, cities will grow and the rural population will shrink. Even provided that social and cultural life there will be brought up to the city level. There is no economic need for a large rural population. This is the payment for the economic development of the country.
          1. +6
            24 February 2021 13: 06
            Quote: BAI
            There will be no quantitative development of the village. The number of rural residents will steadily decline. This is a historical inevitability.

            You want to say, if the income of a collective farmer is 100 tons, and the income of an office manager is 50 ... then people in the countryside will not live? Where there is all the infrastructure, roads, hospitals, schools, gas .. plus clean air, nature, clean water .. I would go without hesitation. Conditions need to be created.
            1. BAI
              24 February 2021 13: 20
              Is there enough work for everyone for 100?
              The point is that there is no work at all. One tractor driver copes with what tens, if not hundreds, of people used to do. You don't need so many people in the village. Physically.
              1. +3
                24 February 2021 13: 31
                Quote: BAI
                Is there enough work for everyone for 100?

                Of course, a preliminary calculation is needed .. but there will be enough work for everyone .. We do not even have our own broiler eggs in sufficient quantities for ourselves .. not to mention export .. We need to see what we export and replace it completely with our own. Nearby the billion-dollar China, where the salary is already twice as high as ours .. that there is nothing to sell there? Post-Soviet countries .. in general, a lot of work needs to be done to get something off the ground, but naturally no one will do this work.
                1. 0
                  24 February 2021 14: 33
                  ... We do not even have our own broiler eggs in sufficient quantities, for ourselves ... not to mention export .. We need to see what we export and completely replace it with our own. Nearby the billion-dollar China, where the salary is already twice as high as ours .. that there is nothing to sell there?
                  It looks like you have confused export with import.
                2. +4
                  24 February 2021 16: 47
                  Quote: Svarog
                  Of course, a preliminary calculation is needed .. but there is enough work for everyone .. We do not even have our own broiler eggs in sufficient quantities, for ourselves

                  Well, let it be yours ... Let's add eggs to the current cost price - the salary of 15-20-30 workers with your 100 salary.
                  Automatically, the cost of chicken raised from this egg will rise in price. From here, your 100 zp will automatically decrease in commodity equivalent, in kg of the same chicken. And so on in a circle - each production cycle. And in a couple of years, you will be totally unhappy with a 000 salary ....
                3. +1
                  24 February 2021 16: 54
                  Yes, yes, yes - to replace everything with our own in the USSR and even today's China does not have such a thing now we produce what and what they order and buy from us above the head of all customers who choose what and how much to buy, you do not jump.
              2. +18
                24 February 2021 20: 51
                Quote: BAI
                One tractor driver copes with what tens, if not hundreds of people used to do. You don't need so many people in the village. Physically.

                you exaggerate.

                It's a simple different LIFESTYLE
              3. +1
                26 February 2021 14: 43
                Quote: BAI
                Is there enough work for everyone for 100?
                The point is that there is no work at all

                and what, it is necessary to design an airplane in a stinking reinforced concrete corner inside the ring road?
                Or does the financial plan of the ministry have to be done in the MSC, but in Krasnodar or in a village near Novosibirsk it is fundamentally impossible?
                Or is it necessary to draw an advertising poster on the 50th floor of a skyscraper in Moscow City, but in a normal 1-storey country house nothing looms ??
                in my opinion the myth about the lack of work in the countryside is ridiculous.
                By comparison, most of the USSR's initial nuclear program was planned and tackled from a few rural cottages.
            2. +2
              24 February 2021 13: 20
              It is cheaper to simply pay extra money to Russian families for 2-3-4 and further children. It is only necessary to legally resolve the issue of separating Russians, so as not to run into accusations of racism / nationalism, If only through subsidies to the subjects of the federation ...
              1. +3
                24 February 2021 15: 05
                Quote: clerk
                so as not to run into accusations of racism / nationalism

                Accept, with the slightest amendments, the migration policy of the countries of the Middle East. This is at least.
                1. +1
                  24 February 2021 15: 24
                  ... Accept, with the slightest amendments, the migration policy of the countries of the Middle East. This is at least.
                  ... It will not work due to the difference in scale and political system.
                  1. +2
                    24 February 2021 15: 44
                    The scale has nothing to do with, but I agree with the political system, or rather with its inferiority
                    1. +2
                      24 February 2021 17: 20
                      ... The scale has nothing to do with, but I agree with the political system, or rather with its inferiority
                      Do you like the political system of the Middle East monarchies better?
                      1. +1
                        24 February 2021 18: 28
                        Quote: clerk
                        Do you like the political system of the Middle East monarchies better?

                        There is no need to exaggerate and generalize - I said directly what I like with them.
              2. 0
                24 February 2021 15: 58
                You decide there already. How are you going to correct the demography. Spirituality or money.
                1. +1
                  24 February 2021 16: 57
                  Spirituality will not work - and money can only be the problem of so much money from the state in the coming years.
                2. -2
                  24 February 2021 17: 28
                  ... You decide there already. How are you going to correct the demography. Spirituality or money.
                  ... First read the beginning of the discussion about money - maybe you will understand. Then tell me what you (did not) understand and then, so be it I will try to explain to you for the 9th time.
            3. +6
              24 February 2021 13: 23
              Quote: Svarog
              Conditions need to be created.

              Who will create them? Where can I find the pioneers?
              Quote: Svarog
              I would go without hesitation
              - come, the conditions you listed are all ...
              Only now nobody wants to troubleshoot and work in all this splendor ...
              50000 - sitting in a warm office with a normalized day or 100 - in our sun at +000 all daylight hours ...
              I guarantee you, you will run away in a month ...
              Z.Y brick houses built in the 80s, gasified, with water, baths / garages, asphalt and other
              - we have 100 in our villages ... no more ...
              1. +2
                24 February 2021 13: 32
                Quote: your1970
                - come, the conditions you listed are all ...

                Where is this miracle? And why no one knows about him ... at least for the first time I hear that there are villages with a worker's salary of 100 tons rubles .. Do not write nonsense, if this were the case, half of the country would have rushed to your village ..
                1. +3
                  24 February 2021 13: 55
                  Quote: Svarog
                  .. at least for the first time I hear that there are villages with a worker's salary of 100 t rubles ..

                  Oh, you also need a salary of 100 for housing? Sorry, there is such work, but 000-3 hired tractor drivers who come to the sowing and harvesting area ... And then they leave back to the city ... Because no one will pay them anything in the off-season ..

                  And in the days of the USSR, they paid the minimum wage on state farms in winter, and on collective farms in a lean year, they could pay the minimum wage all year round.
                  Agriculture is like that - today there is, but in the next three years - a crop failure ...

                  And yet, your 100 will automatically be included in the cost of production, yeah ...
                  Toto the working class will rise
          2. +1
            26 February 2021 14: 07
            Quote: BAI
            There is no economic need for a large rural population. This is the payment for the economic development of the country.

            but there is no need to evict everyone from villages and villages
            and now the conditions are such that everyone is fleeing from there.
            Therefore, I disagree with your thesis about the fee. No, this is a payment to the rich - the village supplies an army of beggar farm laborers, like under the tsar, and this makes everyone worse, except for a handful of bourgeoisie.
            And the population in the countryside is needed and large, at least as a source of the gene pool and a healthy population
        6. +5
          24 February 2021 15: 49
          Quote: Svarog
          Only with the development of the village is it possible in my opinion.

          The village is on the edge. Another twenty years and there will be nothing to develop there - a desert.
          Quote: Svarog
          so that the products of the villagers could compete with agricultural holdings.

          This is basically unrealistic.
          A piece goods have always had and will have a higher cost price.
          Quote: Svarog
          I would also add about the most important problem of Russia-demography .. do not care there like the others .. but for us this is an overriding problem.

          And really important. So they solve it, with all their might. In the country of towers, pipelines and quarries, one and a half hundred million people are not needed at all.
        7. +16
          24 February 2021 20: 12
          Quote: Svarog
          It is necessary to completely revise the results of the optimization of medicine and punish those responsible for what is happening now.
          Volodya! Don't fantasize! Who will do it?

      2. 0
        24 February 2021 15: 09
        Yes, to hell with him, even if they think of the pocket, maybe then the thought will come about the integrity of this pocket. And without the loyalty of the people to the khan's pocket.
    2. +15
      24 February 2021 10: 12
      Quote: Svarog
      Correct advice. But who will follow them, they are not capable there ..

      First, you need to abandon the advisers face of the IMF, WB, EBRD. And their Russian henchmen like the Higher School of Economics and the RANEPA. Secondly, full control over the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance. The new composition of the State Duma to cancel the pension reform, which drastically undermined the people's trust in the supreme power. Return the retirement age to the previous standards. Stop export of capital.

      Yes, the advice is correct, I agree. The government would have listened to them, but I can't believe it.
      1. +14
        24 February 2021 10: 28
        What should Russia do when "the refrigerator wins the TV"

        Forbid refrigerators while disgruntled in camps. Joke.
        But seriously:
        For the implementation of all of the above slogans, the answer is one -No money left
        The foundation of all measures is full sovereignty from the West (and not partial, as it is now), social justice, the good of the people and the state.

        Yeah, like the DPRK or like Romania during the Ceausescu era ...

        The capitalist country of the third world (in terms of income and life expectancy), which is now Russia, will not shake up resources to the West. Almost a hundred countries have lived like this for centuries and nothing.
        1. +3
          24 February 2021 10: 45
          Quote: Civil
          and dissatisfied in the camps. Joke.

          For every prisoner a couple of years ago, 30 thousand a month were spent. There is not enough money for the dissatisfied.
          1. +3
            24 February 2021 10: 50
            Quote: Mordvin 3
            For each prisoner, a couple of years ago, 30 thousand were spent. There is not enough money for the dissatisfied.

            But the rest will plow for the minimum wage. All the same it turns out profitable.
            1. +1
              24 February 2021 10: 53
              Quote: Civil
              But the rest will plow for the minimum wage. All the same it turns out profitable.

              Will they be happy?
              1. +7
                24 February 2021 10: 58
                Quote: Mordvin 3
                Will they be happy?

                Here recently the dissatisfied rallied. And the rest 99% watched TV.
                So they will continue to look. There is no reason to lift your head from the stall. Eating food will eat, no food means lack of food. It happens.
            2. +16
              24 February 2021 20: 52
              Quote: Civil
              But the rest will plow for the minimum wage. All the same it turns out profitable.

              or take the pitchfork
        2. +1
          26 February 2021 14: 38
          Quote: Civil
          a hundred countries have lived like this for centuries and nothing.

          but we did not live like that and we lived much better.
          Why should we sacrifice our quality of life and future to please a bunch of villains?
      2. +8
        24 February 2021 10: 28
        Conservatism is good ...

        We have liberalism in all its glory. The main problem is a lot of theorists and a lack of practitioners.
        1. +6
          24 February 2021 15: 03
          Practitioners are seated on the way. There are plenty of examples.
      3. +15
        24 February 2021 10: 28
        Quote: Destiny
        Yes, the advice is correct, I agree. The government would have listened to them, but I can't believe it.

        They will not listen, they will continue to "tighten the nuts". No "left turn" is possible in principle under the current state structure. But where this policy will lead, the question remains open.
        1. +18
          24 February 2021 20: 56
          Quote: aleksejkabanets
          But where this policy will lead, the question remains open.

          just everything is clear - the thread will rip. No wonder Putin promised to think about food certificates (cards)

          Development goes in a spiral .. down
          1. Aag
            25 February 2021 15: 12
            "... Development is spiraling .. down .."
    3. 0
      24 February 2021 10: 18
      Advice ... interesting and the question is correct, WHO will it want to do?
      Is there an answer to it?
      1. -4
        24 February 2021 10: 19
        What to do

        Return the USSR! And it would not be bad with Stalin at the head!
        1. +3
          24 February 2021 10: 23
          And after Stalin? Will it all rot and fall apart again?
          1. 0
            24 February 2021 10: 25
            Quote: Flamberg
            And after Stalin? Will it all rot and fall apart again?

            And after Stalin, do not allow the Khrushchevs, Gorbachevs and Yeltsins to come to power Yes !
            1. +6
              24 February 2021 10: 27
              And who will not allow them? You, as well as the author, seem to write the correct words, but do not even think about how? Who? and on what money will all this be realized ...
              1. +5
                24 February 2021 10: 31
                The answers to your questions are given by the classics. Don't be lazy to read. Will not allow - truly popular and party democracy, the rule of the people, so persistently introduced by Comrade Stalin. Yes, it didn't work at a critical moment, but there were absolutely objective reasons for that. More than once figured out. And our business - with the revival of Soviet power, relying on the experience of grandfathers - not to step on the same rake a second time.
              2. -3
                24 February 2021 10: 33
                Quote: Flamberg
                And who will not allow them? You, as well as the author, seem to write the correct words, but do not even think about how? Who? and on what money will all this be realized ...

                Then let's put the question differently: who will be able to embody all the wishes of the author? The answer is obvious - only such a person as Stalin! And now it is not there, so all the questions of the author look like a utopia.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                2. BAI
                  24 February 2021 12: 25
                  Then let's put the question differently: who will be able to embody all the wishes of the author? The answer is obvious - only such a person as Stalin!

                  Not. Deng Xiao Ping (or Deng Xiaoping - it doesn't matter).
                3. +17
                  24 February 2021 21: 00
                  Quote: СРЦ П-15
                  Then let's put the question differently: who will be able to embody all the wishes of the author? The answer is obvious - only such a person as Stalin!

                  well no! A simple real patriot of the country, who puts the interests of the country above his personal and the interests of his and his friends.
              3. +14
                24 February 2021 11: 31
                Quote: Flamberg
                Who? and on what money will all this be realized ...

                There is too much money in the country. Direct capital outflows have long exceeded $ 1 trillion. Those. the question is not that "there is no money", but that those who want to spend / invest them, in
                within Russia, they have no money. But those who have goals - the purchase of German yachts, and the Caribbean islands - have money. Simply put, the system built in the camp does not provide for the development of Russia by default.
                And in general. Coeff ginny has grown to the point where delamination riots are stupidly inevitable.
                But who .... Definitely not those who are now at the helm. They are mere servants to the interests of corporations. Actors are salaried, and nothing more.
                1. -5
                  24 February 2021 17: 04
                  There is too much money in the country. The place is in Russia, show where the money is surplus. Direct capital outflows have long exceeded $ 1 trillion - as much comes from investors and leaves in all countries of the world like that.
            2. +3
              24 February 2021 10: 29
              This is a rake that is stepped on again and again!
              1. 0
                24 February 2021 10: 39
                Quote: rocket757
                This is a rake that is stepped on again and again!

                And Stalin skillfully removed this rake! (Unfortunately, I "stumbled" on the last rake.)
                1. +3
                  24 February 2021 11: 00
                  All people make mistakes ... how critical this turns out to be, only time can tell.
            3. +1
              24 February 2021 12: 39
              And after Stalin, do not allow the Khrushchevs, Gorbachevs and Yeltsins to come to power
              How do you distinguish them. The new Stalin will be called a State Department official and a bully, because he is against Khrushchev, who is now sitting in the Kremlin.
            4. +14
              24 February 2021 20: 57
              Quote: СРЦ П-15
              And after Stalin, do not allow the Khrushchevs, Gorbachevs and Yeltsins to come to power

              What is it like? After all, they are the product of Stalin
          2. +7
            24 February 2021 10: 55
            Yes, according to the cowardly ideology of the enemies of the communists, cowardly trying to pretend that you yourself are not there, and there is nothing that you have done with your country and people during the Soviet period and after you captured the USSR, countries can fall apart by themselves, because they have rotted, and socio-economic systems can change by themselves, without the participation of people.
        2. +2
          24 February 2021 10: 28
          Not possible, for objective reasons.
          1. 0
            24 February 2021 10: 37
            Quote: rocket757
            Not possible, for objective reasons.

            Well, for objective reasons, there is no correct answer to all the questions asked by the author. Yes
            1. +1
              24 February 2021 10: 51
              The reasons, of course, are objective, but if you do not move yourself, do not try to make the necessary changes, correct the situation, there will be no sense.
        3. +9
          24 February 2021 10: 31
          Quote: СРЦ П-15
          Return the USSR! And it would not be bad with Stalin at the head!

          You cannot "enter the same river twice". It is necessary to build something new, relying on the past positive experience.
          1. +3
            24 February 2021 10: 34
            At the same time - in no way forgetting the negative. Not that - let's repeat the fate of the USSR 1.0
            1. -3
              24 February 2021 17: 06
              The planned economy for 5 five years ahead and the distribution system was the most important disadvantage of the USSR.
              1. +3
                24 February 2021 17: 20
                Uh-huh. That’s why it is clear that the Soviet planning system was stolen by many bourgeoisie. In fact, China is also developing very successfully within five-year plans.
          2. +3
            24 February 2021 10: 35
            Quote: aleksejkabanets
            You cannot "enter the same river twice". It is necessary to build something new, relying on the past positive experience.

            It takes a personality to build this new thing. Do you have one in mind?
            1. +13
              24 February 2021 10: 42
              Quote: СРЦ П-15
              It takes a personality to build this new thing. Do you have one in mind?

              People give birth to personalities. You don't need to "look for a leader", you need to look for a movement that is close to you in spirit. Only a party (movement), relying on the people, is capable of changing something. Look at Platoshkin, he is sitting, but there is practically no movement, because it was based only on the personality of one person.
              1. +2
                24 February 2021 10: 54
                Quote: aleksejkabanets
                Only a party (movement), relying on the people, is capable of changing something.

                That, I see, the Communist Party, when it actually won the election against Yeltsin, was able to change something!
                1. +2
                  24 February 2021 11: 03
                  Quote: СРЦ П-15
                  That, I see, the Communist Party, when it actually won the election against Yeltsin, was able to change something!

                  Do you remember that time well? I am not making excuses for Zyuganov for that drain, but I must admit that there were objective reasons for that. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation today is very heterogeneous, there are also healthy forces there. In addition, there are other parties (movements) that are more revolutionary.
                2. +15
                  24 February 2021 22: 30
                  Quote: СРЦ П-15
                  That, I see, the Communist Party, when it actually won the election against Yeltsin, was able to change something!

                  Maybe because Zyuganov traded this opportunity for personal well-being?
            2. +5
              24 February 2021 11: 03
              Imagine that Stalin appeared today, how many days will he live by starting to revise the results of privatization, etc.? the point is in the system, the party and the support on which the Leader can rely .. without the CPSU (b), Stalin himself as a person would not have pulled out the country .. this is beyond the strength of one person, even someone like him ..
              1. 0
                24 February 2021 11: 12
                Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                Imagine that Stalin appeared today, how many days will he live by starting to revise the results of privatization, etc.?

                And how many years, not days, did Stalin live, having spent dispossession and collectivization?
                1. +1
                  24 February 2021 11: 55
                  when he began to do this there was already VKPb - a party of like-minded people .. today who is in this place, the EP? do not confuse the dispossession of peasants and the return to the state budget of billions and huge factories .. nevertheless, somewhat different money and people .. this is closer to the Revolution, and he did not organize the Revolution alone, although he took an active part .. and Lenin just because of the organization Revolution and eventually died ..
                2. +2
                  24 February 2021 12: 26
                  Quote: SRC P-15
                  Quote: Level 2 Advisor
                  Imagine that Stalin appeared today, how many days will he live by starting to revise the results of privatization, etc.?

                  And how many years, not days, did Stalin live, having spent dispossession and collectivization?

                  And what, there were oligarchs among the kulaks? Was one of the kulaks a dollar billionaire?
                  Oh no?
                  And yet, by the time of the attack on the kulaks, everyone who had any significant financial means had been cleared to zero long before that ...

                  Z. Y. The version that Fanny Kaplan was a land killer of big business - as revenge for nationalization everything and everyone - it took place in the 90s ..
                  If it was true - I would not be surprised ...
                  And this is in those days when the concept of transnational corporations did not exist in nature.
            3. +3
              24 February 2021 17: 22
              Personality is always generated by historical conditions. More precisely, they form a request for a person. Had Bonaparte, Genghis Khan, Hannibal, Stalin been born - yes, anyone a hundred years earlier or later, would they be realized in those greats whom we know from textbooks.
            4. +16
              24 February 2021 21: 05
              Quote: СРЦ П-15
              It takes a personality to build this new thing. Do you have one in mind?

              where to get personalities. f if one person all the others rolled under the rink? Choiceless elections now boil down to dumb voting
              1. -8
                24 February 2021 22: 47
                Quote: Silvestr
                Quote: СРЦ П-15
                It takes a personality to build this new thing. Do you have one in mind?

                where to get personalities. f if one person all the others rolled under the rink? Choiceless elections now boil down to dumb voting

                Sylvester, I completely agree with you - you described yourself correctly ... I see you run 5 in the fourth row on the left laughing
                You yourself are not disgusted (three times citizen)? If you don't like everything so much, blame the historical homeland of Ukraine, whose citizenship you independently adopted. How annoying you are. Multi-citizen ... all you have is a stench and a whine ... another sufferer. angry
          3. +6
            24 February 2021 10: 54
            It is better not to try to roll back, to stand still, the perspective is sour ... we must go forward! It is necessary to use the experience of the past, there is, there is, a lot of good things.
            1. +6
              24 February 2021 11: 07
              Quote: rocket757
              It is better not to try to roll back, to stand still, the prospect is sour ...

              Each of us should take a more active civic position. There is simply no other way out. Otherwise, the prospects for our state are very sad.
              1. +3
                24 February 2021 11: 20
                The question is "simple" .... there are followers, and there are leaders.
                Some part of society can / is ready to take on the role of slaves ... and who are the leaders ??? This is a very sour question ...
                1. +4
                  24 February 2021 11: 40
                  Quote: rocket757
                  ... and who are the hosts ??? This is a very sour question ...

                  You have to look for a party (movement) that is close to you in spirit, there is no other way.
                  1. +3
                    24 February 2021 12: 20
                    Quote: aleksejkabanets
                    Quote: rocket757
                    ... and who are the hosts ??? This is a very sour question ...

                    You have to look for a party (movement) that is close to you in spirit, there is no other way.

                    This is understandable, BUT ..... I have already told how our area was "conquered" by the Liberal Democratic Party. With the labor, diligence, real deeds of one petty functionary of that party! Because people saw a real concern for their needs !!!
                    The song that "one cannot become famous for good deeds !!!" has nothing to do with life ....
                  2. +17
                    24 February 2021 21: 07
                    Quote: aleksejkabanets
                    You have to look for a party (movement) that is close to you in spirit, there is no other way.

                    in the arena, the same clowns with their parties

                    Those who do not have access to this picnic will never show up
              2. +3
                24 February 2021 13: 59
                Quote: aleksejkabanets
                Each of us should take a more active civic position.

                What is meant by an active position? Now, for example, up to 300 applicants are running for a vacant position of a lawyer. 299 of them can make a revolution. But I think that under any new government they will not be able to work as lawyers. And there is no more willingness to go from supervisors and inspectors to production.
          4. +12
            24 February 2021 10: 58
            The enemies of the communists, who seized the USSR, just proved that it is possible. They returned the same quality of power, the same System and economy that were in the Republic of Ingushetia, and their seizure of the USSR is 100% counter-revolution.
            1. +4
              24 February 2021 11: 13
              Hello Irina hi
              Quote: tatra
              The enemies of the communists, who seized the USSR, just proved that it is possible. They returned the same quality of power, the same System and economy that were in the Republic of Ingushetia, and their seizure of the USSR is 100% counter-revolution.

              And it will end sooner or later in the same way as the RI ended. Although they are trying to slow down all this and "move out" on the path of some Latin American countries. The more people take a more active life position, the faster we will all come to certain positive results. So it is politically correct.)))))))
              1. +14
                24 February 2021 21: 08
                Quote: aleksejkabanets
                And it will end sooner or later in the same way as the RI ended.

                Without a doubt!
          5. 0
            24 February 2021 12: 45
            It is necessary to build something new, relying on the past positive experience.
            Unfortunately, many only dream of returning Steel, returning the Soviet Union .. Suppose it is possible to return, then everything will be repeated.
        4. +11
          24 February 2021 10: 41
          Yes, under the USSR there was just a socially oriented state, where both medicine and education were available to the people ...
          1. +3
            24 February 2021 11: 03
            Quote: Destiny
            Yes, under the USSR there was just a socially oriented state, where both medicine and education were available to the people ...

            And now what i can do? That was sho, we were already asleep! You can't go back!
            So sho, to mark time, neither here nor there?
            Maybe let's move forward, at least some kind of perspective will appear!
          2. -1
            24 February 2021 17: 10
            But they were not free taxes were not officially, but they were collected for all of the above from your labor, you could make products for 400 rubles, but the official salary you had was 150 for free, there is nothing for everything someone ultimately pays.
        5. -4
          24 February 2021 13: 49
          Quote: СРЦ П-15
          Return the USSR! And it would not be bad with Stalin at the head!

          You are not mistaken? Probably with Khrushchev at the head. After all, under him in the USSR, they stopped starving to death, captured part of Antarctica, overtook the United States in rocketry and nuclear power, eliminated the lag in biology and computing that arose due to Stalin's repressions.
      2. +2
        24 February 2021 10: 26
        Quote: rocket757
        Advice ... interesting and the question is correct, WHO will it want to do?
        Is there an answer to it?

        The main thing is who will undertake to implement them and who will answer with what later. Yes
        1. +2
          24 February 2021 10: 33
          Quote: LIONnvrsk
          The main thing is who will undertake to implement them and who will answer with what later

          Again, the right question, bull's eye!
          RESPONSIBILITY, for what has been done or not done ... this is not a topic for reasoning, it should become the RULE! With no exceptions.
          1. +1
            24 February 2021 12: 02
            Quote: rocket757
            RESPONSIBILITY, for the deed or not performed

            And this responsibility must be INCREDIBLE !!! hi
    4. +11
      24 February 2021 10: 24
      All this is just a bunch of good wishes. The bourgeoisie will never do any of this with good. Why should they part with the loot? Something to build there in Russia, invest in it .. They are all deep into the pager. For we have colonial capitalism, and in principle it cannot be anything else. The world has long been divided, and to its division - we were late under the Romanovs. Therefore, no bourgeois party will do anything of the kind by definition. No one in bourgeois Russia will produce anything, and no one will invest in anything that does not contribute to the extraction of resources and their export beyond the cordon. Everything else - the oligarchy is not stupidly interested. Yes, and no one will let them into the foreign market with complex products, while inside the country - there are simply no consumers due to the poor population.

      Only the return of Soviet power can save our country. And only she can again deploy all resources to achieve the power of the state and the prosperity of the people.
      1. +2
        24 February 2021 10: 35
        Quote: paul3390
        Only the return of Soviet power can

        Maybe yes, maybe no .....
        The world has changed, WE have changed!
        Then, who can now personify, even to a small extent, the forces that are / can lead in that direction?
        1. +6
          24 February 2021 11: 25
          But the laws of development of society do not change .. As well as the essence of capitalism.

          Yes - now nobody. The authorities have made colossal efforts to cleanse the real communists. Well, it was no easier for the old Bolsheviks than ours. Avon - spent all their life in prisons and links. But we have what they did not have. We have the Internet instead of leaflets and the newspaper Iskra, and, most importantly, you and I know for sure that Soviet power is possible ..

          "We have started this business. Exactly when, at what time, the proletarians of which nation will complete this business, is an insignificant question. The essential thing is that the ice is broken, that the way is open, the road is shown."
          1. +3
            24 February 2021 12: 55
            But the laws of development of society do not change .. Like the essence of capitalism

            They manage to know this, not the overwhelming mass of our society ... that's where a lot of effort has been invested and will continue to be invested, that people did not know how to distinguish black from sweet !!! A person who does not know how to correctly identify landmarks to confuse .... well, like two fingers, I guess.
            And now the main question - How do they teach our younger generation ... I have to make a lot of effort to correct the "system of orientation, identification" of my wards! it does not always work out, the opposite pressure is painfully extensive and strong.
        2. +4
          24 February 2021 12: 38
          Quote: paul3390
          Everything else - the oligarchy is not stupidly interested. Yes, and no one will let them into the foreign market with complex products, while inside the country - there are simply no consumers due to the poor population.

          And where did you get the idea that Soviet power, if she had come back suddenly now, would have been allowed to enter the foreign market. Then at least there was a social camp - where it was possible to sell products ...
          And now China is ahead of all, which means that our products of group B will not be needed by anyone for nothing (expensive). And the goods of group A will either be crushed by sanctions or they are again raw materials ...
          And we will find ourselves at the dead end of the late USSR
          And even if the population suddenly becomes wealthy, the population will not want to change iPhones to some sort of "Dawn / Sunset ...."
          But it will have to ... And here the Soviet government will have a problem - a decrease in commodity supply without a valid reason (war, for example). ..
          And to develop your own is time and money, but there are no industries and specialists ...
          1. +2
            24 February 2021 13: 25
            You are thinking in terms of capitalism. The socialist economy does not need external markets at all. Moreover, the USSR was quite successful in selling its products to developing countries. Not everything can be covered by China. And the stump is clear - on certain positions we cannot compete with him. But - I do not see this as a big trouble.

            Moreover, the socialist camp did not disappear forever. There are enough countries who would like to follow this path. It's just that now the bourgeoisie have taken strength, they are pressing on the vine. But this is for now. And with China, if we have one version of socialism and one plans for the future, it is much easier to come to an agreement. Indeed, at one time - we melted exclusively because of Khrushchev's fierce revisionism. Mao - even then, predicted with extreme accuracy how it would end ..

            "After 1953, nationalists and careerists-bribe-takers came to power on the ground in the USSR. Covered from the Kremlin. When the time comes, they will throw off their masks, throw away their membership cards and openly rule their counties like feudal lords and serf-owners ..."
            1. +2
              24 February 2021 13: 43
              Quote: paul3390
              The socialist economy does not really need foreign markets at all. Moreover, the USSR was quite successful in selling its products to developing countries.

              That's why the USSR dragged the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipe ... To the damned capitalists ... From the uselessness of foreign markets, yeah ... ...

              Quote: paul3390
              Not everything can be covered by China. And the stump is clear - on certain positions we cannot compete with him. But - I do not see this as a big trouble.
              - China can easily cover the entire group of industrial products of category B ... And all over the world at once ...

              And the population will not be interested in the "milk yield" ... Generally ...
              The population will be interested - where to get dollars for spare parts for their Skoda or Toyota? Because our auto industry, if you throw out all the imported stuffing from it, will turn into a VAZ-2106

              And first, throw your phone in the trash and connect to a wired one ... Aha ...
              1. +6
                24 February 2021 13: 57
                Don't write nonsense? Who said that they are not needed at all? You won't be able to completely isolate yourself from the external market, at least something - but you will have to buy from the bourgeoisie, and for this you need a commodity exchange. But socialism, with its tendency towards its own production, needs to purchase significantly less, and if you remove the factor of enrichment of the bourgeoisie, it is generally scanty in comparison with the current one.

                Can overlap. So what? Do you want to compete with him in cheap consumer goods? Of course it won't. But why? Outside, it is necessary to sell extremely complex products, such as airplanes, machine tools or nuclear power plants there. And here we are quite competitive.

                And - what do you propose to do on this occasion? To eventually turn into a Saudi-style gas station? Or can you finally start to produce your own again? Only the bourgeoisie doesn't need it in figs ..
                1. 0
                  24 February 2021 15: 05
                  Quote: paul3390
                  Outside, it is necessary to sell extremely complex products, such as airplanes, machine tools or nuclear power plants there. And here we are quite competitive.

                  Well, yes, yes ...
                  Only the trouble is that the NPP is a piece product, but there are no queues for the planes .. Well, maybe machines, but I'm not very sure ...
                  Quote: paul3390
                  But socialism, with its tendency towards its own production, needs to purchase significantly less, and if you remove the factor of enrichment of the bourgeoisie, it is generally scanty in comparison with the current one.
                  - and you just imagine that today the Soviet power, and tomorrow the population needs 10-15 million telephones. Just because they break ... Not after 10 years, not after 5 - tomorrow or in a month.... Where will you get them? Buy for foreign currency? Where will you get the currency? Money for nuclear power plants will not come soon ... selling weapons is also a specific thing.
                  And then you will have a problem, because otherwise the population will say ... Yes, it will say a lot of obscene words about such a government ...
                  And I still don't touch computers and cars ...
                  And you will have a shortage of the most terrible of resources - time ...
                  The population will demand Here and now everything they are used to .... But there is nowhere to take, and technologies are not sold - sanctions, but there is no currency ...
                  Everything that was already in the late USSR ...
                  1. +1
                    24 February 2021 23: 00
                    You simply do not want to understand in any way that Soviet power is, first of all, an alternative of meanings .. The stump is clear that if you want to overtake the same America in consumption of material goods, you won’t get a shit. With our modern capitalism, by the way, too. It is impossible to eat more than a planetary vacuum cleaner. Tell me - utopia? But did the Bolsheviks somehow succeed? And very successfully, until revisionists like Khrushchev came to power, with their stupid thesis like we will surpass America in consumption. The fact of the matter is that Soviet people are a consumer of completely different values. Which of course does not mean material poverty ..

                    And about smartphones - the argument is so-so. For we do not produce them even now - but do we take them somewhere? For the most part - yes in China. I absolutely don't see why the situation should change if we return to socialism as well. At least at first ..
                    1. -1
                      25 February 2021 23: 20
                      Quote: paul3390
                      But why? Outside, it is necessary to sell extremely complex products, such as airplanes, machine tools or nuclear power plants there.

                      Quote: paul3390
                      The socialist economy does not need external markets at all.

                      Quote: paul3390
                      The fact of the matter is that Soviet people are a consumer of completely different values. Which of course does not mean material poverty ..

                      - Only here is the Trouble - this is a Soviet person who managed with cotton instead of gaskets, one telephone per village, Zaporozhets and a kilogram of tangerines for a holiday ...
                      Now it won't work anymore - cotton wool has long been for dollars (cotton does not grow here), phones in China (and again dollars), even a Zaporozhets is no longer available just like that ... well, except that Abkhazia will drive tangerines for rubles ...
                      Your first two proposals sharply reduce the amount of currency entering the country, which in turn will lead to a sharp decline in imports ...
                      And the current population will not forgive you for this, simply because it became a consumer society a long time ago ...
                      Cut off consumption in the current volume - well, hold out for a while, but you definitely won't have time to build socialism.
                2. 0
                  24 February 2021 17: 14
                  "Machine tools" - On the world market and on the Russian market, dozens of foreign manufacturers offer machine tool products according to the sim, the demand for our products in this segment will be minimal.
                  1. +1
                    24 February 2021 22: 54
                    So what? Chinese, for example, do they buy? The whole question is price and quality, well - and a solid political moment. Not everyone is eager to have sophisticated, expensive equipment that turns off at a click from Washington.
                    1. +1
                      24 February 2021 23: 37
                      Quote: paul3390
                      The whole question is price and quality, well - and a solid political moment.
                      -you have a machine tool industry-ready to surpass TODAY(not tomorrow !!) China? Nope?
      2. 0
        24 February 2021 12: 51
        Only the return of Soviet power
        It's impossible. Not unless, of course, you return yourself 15 years, then you can dream about the return of Soviet power.
        People will not live well as long as they dream about the past; they can dream about the future.
        1. +3
          24 February 2021 13: 17
          So Putin says it is impossible .. And I think that once it was done, it is quite possible to repeat it. Taking into account the mistakes of course.
          1. 0
            24 February 2021 13: 34
            then it is quite possible to repeat
            Those who created the Soviet Union were the first in everything. Why do you want to repeat? I would also like to repeat my 22 years, but without remembering the advantages and disadvantages of the Soviet Union, we must go forward.
            But for Putin it is impossible, because he does not want the good for the people at all.
            1. +5
              24 February 2021 13: 38
              Are you hoping to invent some absolutely new social formation ?? what

              It is clear that the USSR 2.1 will not be exactly the same as the USSR 1.0 Errors must be taken into account. But the foundation is socialism, no doubt it will be the same. If we want to survive.
              1. -3
                24 February 2021 13: 47
                to invent some absolutely new social formation?
                Maybe. The world has changed a lot. Even under the tsar, Soviets were created and they acted. And now who will go to the Soviets?
                1. +3
                  24 February 2021 14: 02
                  and suddenly Valkenstein began to sing in a heavy bass:
                  And if you hadn't come back
                  Who would go ahead?
                  “Anyone…” Sidorov said stubbornly with his eyes closed. - Anyone will go ahead ...

                  There will be those who wish. You shouldn't think so pessimistically about your people ..
                  1. +3
                    24 February 2021 23: 40
                    Quote: Gardamir
                    And now who will go to the Soviets?

                    Quote: paul3390
                    There will be those who wish. You shouldn't think so pessimistically about your people ..
                    -wishing a carriage will run up right away - corrupt officials, bandits, quitters ... only I have a feeling that you don't need such people there ... but you need honest and respectable ones - who just won't go there: problematic, crap, and so on ...
            2. +17
              24 February 2021 21: 12
              Quote: Gardamir
              But for Putin it is impossible, because he does not want the good for the people at all.

              he does not want the good for people because they are rubbish for him. This old conscientious Chekist leaven.
          2. +14
            24 February 2021 21: 11
            Quote: paul3390
            So Putin says it's impossible ..

            all the more so to him. HE is the first for the Revolutionary Tribunal
      3. +17
        24 February 2021 21: 10
        Quote: paul3390
        Only the return of Soviet power can save our country.

        means that all the bourgeoisie of today, together with the "cream of society" to the nail. those. red terror.
        Quote: paul3390
        ... Why should they part with the loot?

        confirmation in your words
    5. +21
      24 February 2021 10: 26
      Putin's conservatism? Which one? The one that:
      ... keeps the country from chaos and collapse. From the repetition of the events of 1991. From the death of the Russian state.

      Have mercy. But it was all the laws and decrees signed by Putin that led to the current state of the economy, foreign policy and social tension.
      Conservatism (from Lat. Conservo - I keep) - ideological adherence to traditional values ​​and orders, social or religious doctrines. The main goal is to preserve the traditions of society, its institutions and morals.

      So it was Putin who promised EBN to preserve all the foundations of the Soviet state that were completely destroyed in the early 90s. This country is still living according to the concepts, clothed in the letter of laws.
      It has long been clear what to do, but neither Putin nor his associates are capable of it. Stop thinking about a guarantor who cannot guarantee anything to the majority, who is a guarantor for a certain part of Russian citizens. Russian - according to their passport, but in fact - long ago become bourgeois and exploiters not only of their own people, but also destroyers of nature.
      These simple and even populist measures will lead to the formation of a sovereign (autocratic), popular model of the state.

      A change in the economic course and a turn towards a socialist economic system will lead to the creation of a popular model of the state.
      1. BAI
        24 February 2021 12: 32
        keeps the country from chaos and collapse. From the repetition of the events of 1991. From the death of the Russian state.

        We compare the development of China and Russia over the past 20 years and are surprised. Or we are not surprised. Someone like.
        1. -2
          24 February 2021 17: 16
          There is no point in comparing Russia with China - different countries in everything.
          1. +14
            24 February 2021 21: 13
            Quote: Vadim237
            There is no point in comparing Russia with China - different countries in everything.

            in what?
      2. 0
        26 February 2021 09: 41
        ... Have mercy. But it was all the laws and decrees signed by Putin that led to the current state of the economy, foreign policy and social tension.
        Exactly. And in all these positions, everything is pretty good.
    6. +9
      24 February 2021 10: 28
      My minus. I don’t want to integrate with the Chinese, the blacks, despite the fact that some Putin does everything for this. Well, I don't want to see a billion Chinese people on my land. Yes, I'm a racist in this respect. Let them chew snakes and mice with rats there.
    7. +3
      24 February 2021 10: 31
      Quote: Svarog
      Correct advice. But who will follow them, they are not capable there ..

      Not "correct" but "brilliant". Topa "take everything and divide". However, there was only one such trifle as money. Where is it interesting the author will take money for all these "gingerbread"? Retired, for a free apartment for a family with four children, and further down the list? Does he really offer to sell ALL the subsoil?
      1. +9
        24 February 2021 11: 02
        Quote: professor
        Quote: Svarog
        Correct advice. But who will follow them, they are not capable there ..

        Not "correct" but "brilliant". Topa "take everything and divide". However, there was only one such trifle as money. Where is it interesting the author will take money for all these "gingerbread"? Retired, for a free apartment for a family with four children, and further down the list? Does he really offer to sell ALL the subsoil?

        Money is the equivalent of a product. Russia is self-sufficient and there is enough product, even what is called raw materials .. The USSR had experience in conditions of constant wars and sanctions, created a prosperous state. This experience must be adopted.
        1. +4
          24 February 2021 11: 31
          Quote: Svarog
          Quote: professor
          Quote: Svarog
          Correct advice. But who will follow them, they are not capable there ..

          Not "correct" but "brilliant". Topa "take everything and divide". However, there was only one such trifle as money. Where is it interesting the author will take money for all these "gingerbread"? Retired, for a free apartment for a family with four children, and further down the list? Does he really offer to sell ALL the subsoil?

          Money is the equivalent of a product. Russia is self-sufficient and there is enough product, even what is called raw materials .. The USSR had experience in conditions of constant wars and sanctions, created a prosperous state. This experience must be adopted.

          However, the comrade offers to distribute money (huge money) to the left and to the right, regardless of the "product". We'll just have to print them again. request
          1. +6
            24 February 2021 14: 42
            Quote: professor
            However, the comrade offers to distribute money (huge money) to the left and to the right, regardless of the "product". We'll just have to print them again.

            You, as always, are on top ... At the height of your department.
            Money can be printed. Money is the blood of the economy. Only they should not be tied to non-existent values, scraps of paper that do not give reproduction and norms imposed from the outside. For this purpose, the state treasury is called upon to exist with a treasury that issues banknotes (even if made of precious metals, even if provided with precious metals and other assets). And manipulations with these banknotes in the form of appropriation under special conditions or as a result of speculation, the essence of which is not to accept full-fledged banknotes outside the country's borders, but to invent any ways to depreciate such money (even with digital bitcoin) should be suppressed in the most radical way. And if you dig and look deep into the problem, then neither for gold, nor for dollars, nor, even more so, for bitcoins, you can not buy a mug of water and a piece of bread in the "desert".

            That is why all the financial activities of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation are aimed at anything, except for the development of the economy and decent provision of Russian citizens. That is why there is no production of essential goods in Russia. That is why the creation of 25 high-tech jobs is progressing with creak. That is why the Russian economy is in a fever with the prices of raw materials (hydrocarbons in particular), shaking from various sanctions (what is it and why, if it has its own money, the country should be afraid of someone if we “feed the army”).

            As for the distribution of money and "elephants", then sensible citizens of Russia, who are "not extremists from an anecdote":
            The official's son asks his father:
            - Dad, what is patriotism?
            - This is when ordinary people work for a penny so that we can live on an estate, go to a dacha in Italy ...
            “But aren't they angry about this?
            - Of course they are angry, but this is extremism.

            but simply honest people want the country to have the rule of law for all and a pronounced social justice. Which does not threaten to take away and distribute, but proposes to establish the legality of the origin of the capital of some Russian contingent, and to determine the right of low-income citizens to a decent life and decent wages, not because they can be lured away by foreign structures (as we are justified by the high salaries of "effective managers"), but because they are the bearers of power under the constitution and they simply have nowhere to go.
            1. +3
              24 February 2021 15: 14
              Why are there so many letters? Briefly: We must live within our means. hi
              1. +1
                24 February 2021 15: 15
                Quote: professor
                In short: We must live within our means.

                We must teach (or force) to live within our means.
                1. +5
                  24 February 2021 17: 13
                  Quote: ROSS 42
                  Quote: professor
                  In short: We must live within our means.

                  We must teach (or force) to live within our means.

                  Definitely. Printing money and giving out free apartments to families with 4 children is not "living within our means."
              2. +1
                24 February 2021 17: 20
                So Russia is within its means and we do not have a printing press - the real economy is how much has been produced and sold, it already depends on the client base.
                1. 0
                  24 February 2021 17: 27
                  Quote: Vadim237
                  This is how Russia lives within its means we do not have a printing press - the real economy, how much they have produced and sold it already depends on the client base.

                  I'm embarrassed to ask, who is now printing rubles for you? wink
                2. +12
                  24 February 2021 22: 34
                  Quote: Vadim237
                  So Russia is within its means and we do not have a printing press - the real economy is how much has been produced and sold.

                  Here are our successes in this
              3. +19
                24 February 2021 21: 14
                Quote: professor
                In short: We must live within our means.

                only the means are different for everyone. The level of stratification in society is critical
                1. +1
                  24 February 2021 21: 24
                  Quote: Silvestr
                  Quote: professor
                  In short: We must live within our means.

                  only the means are different for everyone. The level of stratification in society is critical

                  This is secondary. First of all, everyone should be within their means and strive for more.
                  1. +14
                    24 February 2021 22: 09
                    Quote: professor
                    First of all, everyone should be within their means and strive for more.

                    Indisputably. But the starting conditions and the treadmill are different for everyone.
            2. +2
              24 February 2021 23: 45
              Quote: ROSS 42
              just honest people, they want the country to have the rule of law for all and pronounced social justice... Which does not threaten to take and distribute, but proposes to establish the legality of the origin of the capital of a certain Russian contingent,

              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              And actually what's wrong with taking away and sharing? The expropriation of the expropriators is a necessary and correct thing.

              Well, something like this.... belay belay belay
      2. +2
        24 February 2021 16: 30
        And actually, what's wrong with taking away and sharing? The expropriation of the expropriators is a necessary and correct thing.
        1. +1
          24 February 2021 17: 15
          Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
          And actually, what's wrong with taking away and sharing? The expropriation of the expropriators is a necessary and correct thing.

          It certainly works as a one-time promotion. Then the rich to the wall, and the poor will eat up the expropriated and into even greater poverty, into even greater hunger. Many have already gone through this. There were no exceptions to the rules.
          1. 0
            24 February 2021 18: 36
            Prof. Maybe this crap about "take away and divide" will be enough? Why is this demagoguery? You know perfectly well that obscurity is not so primitive.
            1. +4
              24 February 2021 21: 06
              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              Prof. Maybe this crap about "take away and divide" will be enough? Why is this demagoguery? You know perfectly well that obscurity is not so primitive.

              Marxism is not primitive. Its adherents are primitive. And always and everywhere with them blood is shed and there is nothing to eat.
              1. -1
                24 February 2021 22: 39
                Quote: professor
                Marxism is not primitive. Its adherents are primitive. And always and everywhere with them blood is shed and there is nothing to eat.

                Are you saying that capitalism is free of all this? And just was the ideal OEF from birth? This is a lie and you know it too. He was never perfect and is not perfect now. And somewhere people are starving and dying in this beautiful capitalist paradise. And with regards to the primitiveness of the adherents of Marxism. Are they that much different from the adepts of capitalism? Relatively there is nothing to eat, I remember the stories of my relatives about how the Russian and not only Russian villages used to live in the era of capitalism in Ingushetia. When, in addition to hunger, you could give an oak tree against the most prosaic diseases, and somehow your capitalist ideals immediately fade for me. And if you remember that fascism is a product of capitalism, then in general everything becomes sad.
                1. 0
                  25 February 2021 08: 37
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  Quote: professor
                  Marxism is not primitive. Its adherents are primitive. And always and everywhere with them blood is shed and there is nothing to eat.

                  Are you saying that capitalism is free of all this? And just was the ideal OEF from birth? This is a lie and you know it too. He was never perfect and is not perfect now. And somewhere people are starving and dying in this beautiful capitalist paradise. And with regards to the primitiveness of the adherents of Marxism. Are they that much different from the adepts of capitalism? Relatively there is nothing to eat, I remember the stories of my relatives about how the Russian and not only Russian villages used to live in the era of capitalism in Ingushetia. When, in addition to hunger, you could give an oak tree against the most prosaic diseases, and somehow your capitalist ideals immediately fade for me. And if you remember that fascism is a product of capitalism, then in general everything becomes sad.

                  I want to say that where Marxism rules, there is hunger, executions and darkness. There are no exceptions. Do you love Marxism? Go to North Korea for permanent residence.
                  1. 0
                    25 February 2021 09: 56
                    Quote: professor
                    I want to say that where Marxism rules, there is hunger, executions and darkness. There are no exceptions. Do you love Marxism? Go to North Korea for permanent residence.

                    Oh no no no!
                    "BEIJING, February 25. / TASS /. China has won the fight against absolute poverty. Chinese President Xi Jinping said this Thursday at a meeting dedicated to the country's achievements in eradicating poverty."
                    This is in a country in which there are more people than we have cockroaches. Communist.
                    Have you heard about the USSR?
                    Yesterday sounded on TV. The Americans believed that they lost more people for the pandemic than in two worlds and the Vietnamese one. The remnants of Soviet mass medicine did not allow this in Russia.
                    "Hunger, shootings, darkness." Capitalism.
                    1. +2
                      25 February 2021 11: 41
                      Quote: There was a mammoth
                      This is in a country in which there are more people than we have cockroaches. Communist.
                      Have you heard about the USSR?

                      What a news. I have visited China dozens of times, have been working with them since 2008, transferred production (capitalist) and it turns out that China is a communist country. How about the means of production that are in private hands?
                      Let's talk about the millions of Chinese who died of hunger under Mao when there was no smell of capitalism there?

                      Quote: There was a mammoth
                      Yesterday sounded on TV. The Americans believed that they lost more people for the pandemic than in two worlds and the Vietnamese one. The remnants of Soviet mass medicine did not allow this in Russia.
                      "Hunger, shootings, darkness." Capitalism.

                      Dumb Americans can't count their losses like you do. laughing

                      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                      This is rotten demagoguery. There is no socialism in North Korea.

                      We are about Marxism, not about socialism. Socialism in Israel and Sweden. You have to "take and divide everything" in North Korea. There all are the same and equal - all are equally poor.
                      1. 0
                        26 February 2021 09: 39
                        Quote: professor
                        We are about Marxism, not about socialism.

                        Quote: professor
                        I've been to China dozens of times

                        "Ideas about socialism with Chinese characteristics of the new era are the continuation and development of Marxism-Leninism, the ideas of Mao Zedong, the theory of Deng Xiaoping ...."
                        The General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party thinks differently from the Professor from Israel. wink
                        Quote: professor
                        How about the means of production that are in private hands?

                        Even in the USSR, from which you fled, the means of production were in private hands. We had a NEP. Even with Khrushchev's adventures there were. Have you heard of collective farm property or cooperative property? The reasons for their existence are a separate topic.
                        Quote: professor
                        Let's talk about the millions of Chinese who died of hunger under Mao when there was no smell of capitalism there?

                        It smelled like a legacy of the past. Let's talk about the "famine" of the Americans during the Great Depression?
                        There is no socialism in Israel. "Capitalism with a Human Face". wink Distort.
                      2. -1
                        26 February 2021 18: 12
                        Quote: There was a mammoth
                        "Ideas about socialism with Chinese characteristics of the new era are the continuation and development of Marxism-Leninism, the ideas of Mao Zedong, the theory of Deng Xiaoping ...."
                        The General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party thinks differently from the Professor from Israel.

                        Whose hands are the means of production in China? It's elementary. fellow

                        Quote: There was a mammoth
                        Even in the USSR, from which you fled, the means of production were in private hands. We had a NEP. Even with Khrushchev's adventures there were. Have you heard of collective farm property or cooperative property? The reasons for their existence are a separate topic.

                        Nonsense. In the USSR, there were no means of production in private hands and the NEPmen were shot. Collective farm and cooperative property is not private property. Learn materiel.

                        Quote: There was a mammoth

                        It smelled like a legacy of the past. Let's talk about the "famine" of the Americans during the Great Depression?

                        With pleasure. Tell us about the famine of the Americans during the Great Depression. I am all in attention.

                        Quote: There was a mammoth
                        There is no socialism in Israel. "Capitalism with a Human Face". You twist.

                        You know better whether there is socialism in Israel or not. I'll tell you a secret. In Israel, there is also communism. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs ...
                      3. 0
                        27 February 2021 14: 50
                        Quote: professor
                        I'll tell you a secret. In Israel, there is also communism. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs ...

                        And, in China, capitalism. belay
                        Are you acting like a fool?
                        You write nonsense.
                        You don't seem to see the difference between public, private, mixed and personal property. The CCP has control over the entire economy. And, the results are visible. From blast furnaces in the village to space flights, from hunger to victory over poverty.
                        Quote: professor
                        Tell us about the American famine during the Great Depression. I am all in attention.

                        Your way out.
                      4. 0
                        27 February 2021 20: 21
                        Quote: There was a mammoth
                        And, in China, capitalism.
                        Are you acting like a fool?
                        You write nonsense.
                        You don't seem to see the difference between public, private, mixed and personal property. The CCP has control over the entire economy. And, the results are visible. From blast furnaces in the village to space flights, from hunger to victory over poverty.

                        Whose hands are the means of production in China?

                        Quote: There was a mammoth
                        Let's talk about the "famine" of the Americans during the Great Depression?

                        I look forward to a heartbreaking story. Don't merge quickly.
                  2. +3
                    25 February 2021 10: 40
                    Quote: professor
                    Do you love Marxism? Go to North Korea for permanent residence.

                    This is rotten demagoguery. There is no socialism in North Korea. As there is none in China. Would you like to live, say, in Haiti? Or as the average Indian? Or to mine cobalt like African children? This is also capitalism. Or die from the right democratic bomb in Libya, Iraq or Syria? And this is also capitalism. You stubbornly close your eyes to the fact that capitalism is a gigantic socialization of labor, the results of which are distributed extremely unevenly and unfairly. And yours to take away and divide works great under capitalism, where they take away from the majority and divide between the minority.
    8. +1
      24 February 2021 10: 34
      Quote: Svarog
      Correct advice. But who will follow them, they are not capable there ..

      The advice is correct, but the implementation of these advice is possible only in one way, but do we really need this?
      1. +8
        24 February 2021 11: 07
        Quote: Tiksi-3
        Quote: Svarog
        Correct advice. But who will follow them, they are not capable there ..

        The advice is correct, but the implementation of these advice is possible only in one way, but do we really need this?

        A couple more years of such horror ... and this question will no longer be relevant, and the answer to it will become unambiguous.
        1. -2
          24 February 2021 11: 09
          Quote: Svarog
          A couple more years

          what is the reason for a couple of years?
          1. +9
            24 February 2021 11: 17
            Quote: Tiksi-3
            Quote: Svarog
            A couple more years

            what is the reason for a couple of years?

            At this rate, into poverty, in a couple of years, another 20 ml. compatriots will get .. and the population decline will not be 600 but 000 ml .. and here you will have to choose between life and death .. and not between bad and very bad
            1. -5
              24 February 2021 11: 32
              Quote: Svarog
              At this rate, into poverty, in a couple of years, another 20 ml. compatriots will get .. and the population decline will not be 600 but 000 ml .. and here you will have to choose between life and death .. and not between bad and very bad

              Well, it will and will be, many times this has happened in our country. Nothing has changed. And now it's the same. Some will rule until death, then they will be "exposed" and others will rule until death.
            2. -11
              24 February 2021 11: 47
              Quote: Svarog
              At this rate into poverty, in a couple of years,

              poverty is when you want a jeep, but you buy a Lada Vesta?
              what kind of poverty do you mean?
              Quote: Svarog
              and the population decline will not be 600 but 000 mln ..

              study the subject "demography" ... everything is there ...
              1. +10
                24 February 2021 16: 46
                Poverty is when you want a fret grenade, but you have a wife on maternity leave and you have to pay half the salary for a mortgage. The fact that your pearls are small, we have already understood a resident of a fabulous country.
                1. -4
                  25 February 2021 14: 40
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  Poverty is when you want a fret grenade, but you have a wife on maternity leave and you have to pay half the salary for a mortgage.

                  so it's great!
                  you can use the mother capital !!!!!!
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  The fact that your pearls are small, we have already understood a resident of a fabulous country.

                  here are some more people from the fairyland:
                  According to the Association of European Businesses, in 2020, the Russian car market sank 9,1% compared to 2019. Only 1 million 599 thousand new cars were sold ...
                  1,6 million people bought a new car ...
                  It is curious that the Russian market for new cars has not suffered so much in comparison with other countries. Due to the absence of serious "covid" restrictions in the second half of 2020, Russia took the fourth place in terms of sales in Europe.
        2. +3
          24 February 2021 16: 56
          Quote: Svarog
          and the answer to it will become unambiguous.

          It has long been unambiguous.
    9. -12
      24 February 2021 11: 34
      Quote: Svarog
      Correct advice. But who will follow them, they are not capable there ..

      start with you! -Use these useful tips !!!
      1. +4
        24 February 2021 16: 47
        Better to start with you. It will be more effective.
      2. +16
        24 February 2021 21: 15
        Quote: NEOZ
        start with you! -use these useful tips !!

        so start with yourself
        1. -1
          25 February 2021 15: 04
          Quote: Silvestr
          so start with yourself

          I can't start with myself ... I find these tips silly ...
    10. -6
      24 February 2021 11: 37
      Quote: Svarog
      Correct advice.
      The main thing is from knowledgeable people. I can imagine what horrors you observe in your refrigerators.
      1. +16
        24 February 2021 21: 17
        Quote: sniperino
        The main thing is from knowledgeable people. I can imagine what horrors you observe in your refrigerators.

        You can act as foolish as you like, but there is a problem!
        "Vladimir Putin considers it possible to think about the idea of ​​introducing food certificates for the poor," he said on Tuesday, February 17, 2021, at a meeting with the leaders of the State Duma factions.

        - Food certificates - we have already discussed this, and I instructed the government to talk about this topic. There are pluses, there are certain problematic issues that need to be resolved. But you can definitely think about it completely, - said the president. "

        Read on WWW.KP.RU: https://www.kp.ru/daily/27241/4369125/
      2. 0
        25 February 2021 05: 36
        The mouse hanged itself, this is of course class! However, the port is not the same.
        1. 0
          25 February 2021 05: 54
          Quote: Free Wind
          wrong port
          You got drunk with ports. Normal serial. There are no universal ones, people save money on hardware. Another refrigerator, tell me, is not the same.
    11. +5
      24 February 2021 12: 51
      Colleague! Reread the comments carefully, even here - on VO! The feeling that all these Solovievs, Kiselevs, Sheinins, Popovs and Skabeyevs and others like them grabbed several accounts and lines, lines, lines in the comments! Well, only, opponents are not called scum, here, thanks to the moderators.
      And it seems that they do not live in the suburbs or Transbaikalia, but in London. Because everything around them is good and there is no reason to worry!
      1. -6
        24 February 2021 13: 09
        Quote: Leader of the Redskins
        and in London.

        do you think london living is easy? ...
        1. +5
          24 February 2021 15: 55
          do you think it's easy to live in london?
          What do you mean by "easy"?
          1. -7
            24 February 2021 16: 00
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            What do you mean by "easy"?

            "easy" is when the cost of your comfortable accommodation (with food) costs you few hours of your work.
            1. +2
              24 February 2021 16: 02
              What is comfortable living for you and what kind of work will you become? There are many introductory notes.
              1. -9
                24 February 2021 16: 15
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                What is comfortable living for you

                in principle, this is regulated in the Russian Federation by SNIPs and Rospotrebnadzor.
                accordingly, if the accommodation indicators correspond to 150% of the recommendations, then such accommodation can be considered comfortable.
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                and what will you become?

                doesn't matter. since this is regulated by labor law.
        2. +20
          24 February 2021 21: 18
          Quote: NEOZ
          do you think london living is easy? ...

          we've heard that before!
        3. -2
          25 February 2021 07: 40
          Quote: NEOZ
          do you think it's easy to live in london?
          Hope while breathing. Ilyich showed them the way there. The runaways are still accepted there.
          1. -1
            25 February 2021 14: 42
            Quote: sniperino
            Ilyich showed them the way there.

            so Ilyich himself did not climb out of Switzerland!
            1. -1
              25 February 2021 14: 59
              Quote: NEOZ
              Quote: sniperino
              Ilyich showed them the way there.

              so Ilyich himself did not climb out of Switzerland!
              While Ilyich was in Siberia, the first congress of the RSDLP was still held in Minsk, and the second was already following the Leninist path: Brussels-London, the third and fifth - London, and the fourth (formal) in Stockholm. In Switzerland, the air is simply cleaner and there is more sun.
    12. 0
      24 February 2021 16: 42
      "Secondly, full control over the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry of Finance must implement targeted investments at the lowest or even negative percentage in industry, agriculture and large infrastructure projects (for example, the completion of the Northern Railway, which will complement the Transsib; a tunnel or a bridge on Sakhalin, etc.). Rejection of the 2018 pension reform ". "Correct advice" - Populist slogans about nothing where the authors do not write money for all this as usual, and the paper will of course endure. As an example, the cost of all worn-out fixed assets in Russia pulls 90 trillion rubles, then there is still pensioners that would make a minimum pension of at least 25000 every year in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to throw an additional 7 trillion with a total current budget of 20 trillion for all such money from the air will not work Wishlist Wishlist and reality is reality.
    13. +2
      25 February 2021 14: 40
      the problem is not ability, but lack of motivation
    14. 0
      25 February 2021 17: 41
      Idiotic advice. And some are even dangerous, especially about the maternal salary and the increase due to the number of children. Knowing ours, all this will again turn into a business, as with the first wave of maternity capital, which will be mainly dealt with by marginal families whose family turns out to be the life embodiment of a family from the TV series "Shameless".
      Or, for example, a bridge to Sakhalin Island. For what? What to develop there? Spend a bunch of dough, which, like all sorts of "streams" will fight back to zero for another 30 years? I believe the bridge to Sakhalin and you will not beat it back in 100 years. The streams are okay, at least the infrastructure was pumped in places.
  2. +19
    24 February 2021 10: 07
    First, you need to abandon the advisers face of the IMF, WB, EBRD. And their Russian minions like HSE and RANEPA.

    That's for sure. As an economist, I affirm :)
    Liberal-monetary management methods - to the dustbin

    And it is right. There is the Keynesian school, which, without denying the role of the market economy, obliges the state to act as a regulator of many economic processes, including through government orders and so on. Competent management of our economy should be built on its basis.
    And in some ways it is necessary to innovate. The same Glazyev proposed to ensure a stable exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar (yes, I was not the only one who recommended this :)))))
    1. +14
      24 February 2021 10: 27
      full control over the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance

      It would not hurt either. The Central Bank should be the State Bank in every sense of the word (as under the Union), and not some branch of the Federal Reserve System, but from the Ministry of Finance it is high time for these HSE clever people to chase with a broom with a broom.
    2. +7
      24 February 2021 10: 27
      obliges the state to act as a regulator of many economic processes

      The state always represents the interests of the exclusively ruling class. Such is the oligarchy in our country. Then the question is - on feijoa he should limit his own appetites to plunder the country?
    3. +11
      24 February 2021 10: 35
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      The same Glazyev proposed to ensure a stable exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar (yes, I was not the only one who recommended it :)))))

      Glazyev, you say? Which one is on the far right?

      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      There is the Keynesian school, which, without denying the role of the market economy, obliges the state to act as a regulator of many economic processes, including through government orders, etc. Competent management of our economy should be built on its basis.

      And there is a socialist practice that kicked all schools and showed that it is possible to build what seemed fantastic to American writers in a single country:
      For the third time, H.G. Wells will come to Russia in 1934, 10 years after the death of the "Kremlin dreamer." He will come, see an electrified country with hundreds of new industrial enterprises and remark: "Now, looking through my book written fourteen years ago, I must admit that Lenin was at least a really great man."
      1. +10
        24 February 2021 10: 57
        Quote: ROSS 42
        H.G. Wells will visit Russia for the third time in 1934

        Quote: ROSS 42
        I have to admit that Lenin was at least a really great man

        H.G. Wells was not only a writer, but also an outstanding British intelligence officer, he is rightfully included in the golden fund of British intelligence.
        He was a member of various closed clubs and communities, the current Declaration of Human Rights was written by Wells, he was a supporter of the destruction of patriotism as such, opposed nation states, for total control over people, freedom, fertility.
        The man was extraordinary.
      2. +7
        24 February 2021 11: 46
        Quote: ROSS 42
        And there is a socialist practice that kicked all schools and showed that it is possible to build what seemed fantastic to American writers in a single country:

        The only problem is that in terms of economic efficiency the USSR was inferior to the United States even at the peak of its power.
        1. -2
          24 February 2021 13: 05
          nevertheless, the efficiency of the economy of the USSR was inferior to the USA
          Here you have to look. as someone said, "where the dog rummaged." The US "economy" is an aggressive war. America is the world's lender.
          Let's remember the dashing 30s. Dashing for the West. If not for the war, where would America be? But America got money to help the Union. Gave a loan to Europe for recovery ...
          1. +5
            24 February 2021 13: 25
            Quote: Gardamir
            Here you have to look. as someone said "where the dog fumbled." The US "economy" is an aggressive war.

            The US economy is more than 30 percent of the world industrial production in 1900, when the US did not really wage any external wars at all. Only the Spanish-American 1898, when the Americans took Cuba, the Philippines and Puerto Rico from Spain, and even in 1893 they seized Hawaii. That is, it is obvious that the colonial policy of the United States was pursued, but it is just as obvious that the impressive industrial success that Uncle Sam achieved at the end of the 19th century was impossible to build on this foundation.
            Quote: Gardamir
            America is the world's lender.

            After WWII.
            Quote: Gardamir
            Let's remember the dashing 30s. Dashing for the West. If not for the war, where would America be?

            The United States quite successfully got out of the Great Depression and without any war.
            Quote: Gardamir
            But America got money to help the Union.

            From whom? :)))) Lend-Lease, in fact, was free. Yes, we supplied something with "reverse lend-lease", and bought some, instead of returning after the war. The USSR also bought US products that were not included in the list of lend-lease supplies. But the bulk of Lend-Lease came to us for free.
            1. 0
              24 February 2021 13: 41
              In 1900, America was still developing, there were a lot of empty places that needed to be developed, including the same oil.
              Lend-Lease was actually free
              there seem to be two opinions here. some speak for free. while others refer to the United States Protection Act, which stated that "lend-lease property left over from the end of the war and suitable for civilian purposes will be paid in whole or in part on the basis of long-term loans provided by the United States (mainly interest-free loans);
              if the American side is interested, the undamaged and undamaged vehicles and equipment must be returned after the war to the United States "
              1. +2
                24 February 2021 13: 55
                Quote: Gardamir
                In 1900, America was still developing, there were a lot of empty places that needed to be developed, including the same oil.

                Nevertheless, it was already the first country in industrial development - by a huge margin from the rest
                Quote: Gardamir
                there seem to be two opinions here. some speak for free. while others refer to the United States Protection Act

                And those who refer to this law, they themselves read this law?
                Quote: Gardamir
                property transferred under Lend-Lease, remaining after the end of the war and suitable for civilian purposes, will be paid in whole or in part on the basis of long-term loans provided by the United States (mainly interest-free loans)

                That is, we are not talking about food, materials, gasoline, or military equipment lost during the war, etc. etc., but only about what remained after the war. And then, for this it was possible not to pay, but to return.
        2. +1
          24 February 2021 17: 24
          Because in the United States, private entrepreneurship was not prohibited - that is why it was in the first place.
    4. BAI
      24 February 2021 12: 38
      First, you need to abandon the advisers face of the IMF, WB, EBRD. And their Russian minions like HSE and RANEPA.

      That's right.

      And where will the Government go 70-80% of its composition? Who will sign the order on their own dismissal?
      Let me remind you of some RANEPA alumni. This is someone: Matvienko, Shoigu, Zyuganov. Well, etc.
      I am not even talking about the fact that the HSE Rector is the husband of the President (President) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
      1. +4
        24 February 2021 12: 45
        Quote: BAI
        And where will the Government go 70-80% of its composition? Who will sign the order on their own dismissal?
        Let me remind you of some RANEPA alumni.

        Well, it's not about graduates, but about limiting the influence of these structures on government policy in terms of the economy.
        Quote: BAI
        I am not even talking about the fact that the HSE Rector is the husband of the President (President) of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

        "Judge and shoot" (c)
        1. BAI
          24 February 2021 13: 03
          Judge and shoot "(c)

          With confiscation.
          1. -7
            24 February 2021 13: 11
            Quote: BAI
            With confiscation.

            is it like in 1917?
    5. -3
      24 February 2021 13: 10
      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
      That's for sure. As an economist, I affirm :)

      Andrey, as an economist, explain what is the main function of the gold reserves?
      1. +8
        24 February 2021 14: 04
        Quote: NEOZ
        Andrey, as an economist, explain what is the main function of the gold reserves?

        Generally speaking, the gold reserves have the main function - it is a "stash" in case of budget deficit during any crises. The second most important is perhaps the currency for the current regulation of the foreign exchange market.
        Everything is simple with us. The price of oil jumps like your kangaroo, but state programs cannot afford this. Therefore, budgetary revenues from oil / gas above a certain level are not given to the budget "to be devoured", but are removed to the gold reserves. Well, if suddenly the prices fall so that the budget is in short supply - then the "money box" is printed back.
        In fact, gold and foreign exchange reserves could be used for investments within the country, if you approach it wisely, but where there ...
        1. -3
          24 February 2021 14: 23
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          Andrey, you as an economist

          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          Generally speaking, the gold reserves have the main function - it is a "stash" in case of budget deficit during any crises.

          And what is for economist Stabilization Fund then)
          1. +5
            24 February 2021 14: 54
            Quote: Liam
            And what is the Stabilization Fund for an economist then)

            Not the stabilization fund (it has been abolished), but the National Welfare Fund (NWF). At the same time, the part of the NWF denominated in foreign currency and placed by the Russian government on accounts with the Bank of Russia, which it invests in foreign financial assets, is accounted for as part of the International reserves of the Russian Federation. And such reserves are considered part of the gold and foreign exchange reserves
        2. -2
          24 February 2021 15: 07
          Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
          if you approach it wisely, but where there ...

          Andrey, please answer one more question:
          how is the ruble exchange rate formed?
          Andrey, these fundamental questions are very important for understanding the competence of the interlocutor.
          there were just precedents: it seemed that he had already laid out everything primitively to the interlocutor, and he - "by the way, do you know that there is a conspiracy on earth? - the earth is flat !!!" ....... the curtain .......
          1. +4
            24 February 2021 15: 15
            Quote: NEOZ
            how is the ruble exchange rate formed?

            Previously, it was controlled by the Central Bank, there was a policy of the currency band, when going beyond certain limits was regulated by the intervention of the Central Bank and a change in the key interest rate (at least, it seemed to the leadership of the Central Bank). Now - formally in a market way, formally, the Central Bank has removed itself from regulation (which is utter nonsense), but practically all the same periodically these interventions are carried out.
            Quote: NEOZ
            Actually, do you know that there is a conspiracy on earth? - the earth is flat !!! "

            Of course, flat, there is no inquisition on you .... :)))))))
            1. -3
              24 February 2021 15: 54
              Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
              Of course, flat, there is no inquisition on you .... :)))))))

              of course I have!
              I just bought myself an indulgence to spread heresy ...
              Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
              Now - formally in a market way, formally, the Central Bank has removed itself from regulation (which is utter nonsense)

              it seems that you do not understand how it works and cannot say why on February 25.02.2021, 1 the rate of 73,7532 US dollar = XNUMX rubles .... or can you?
              1. +3
                24 February 2021 16: 26
                Quote: NEOZ
                it seems that you do not understand how it works

                There is a banal relationship between supply and demand, which in turn is influenced by a host of factors (seasonality, for example, when enterprises sell foreign currency earnings to pay taxes, etc., etc.) and non-market factors represented by the Central Bank. Do you think differently?
                Quote: NEOZ
                and you can't say why on 25.02.2021 the rate is 1 US dollar = 73,7532 rubles .... or can you?

                Theoretically, I can explain this when it comes to the past, and predict with a certain degree of probability it in the future. In practice, I cannot, because for this you have to quit your job and engage in analysis and forecasting.
                1. 0
                  25 February 2021 15: 03
                  Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                  Do you think differently?

                  yes, I think that:
                  Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                  a banal relationship between supply and demand, which in turn is influenced by a host of factors (seasonality, for example, when enterprises sell foreign currency earnings to pay taxes, etc., etc.) and non-market factors represented by the Central Bank.

                  complete stupidity ... from the region - the ruble exchange rate depends on the cost of oil ... or democracy and freedom of speech ensure the well-being of the people ...
                  1. +1
                    25 February 2021 15: 17
                    Quote: NEOZ
                    complete stupidity.

                    OK. Your explanation?
                    1. 0
                      25 February 2021 15: 34
                      Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                      OK. Your explanation?

                      the ruble exchange rate is the ratio of gold and foreign exchange reserves (denominated in dollars) to the ruble mass.
                      1. 0
                        25 February 2021 15: 47
                        Quote: NEOZ
                        the ruble exchange rate is the ratio of gold and foreign exchange reserves (denominated in dollars) to the ruble mass.

                        You at least take the trouble to look at the statistics. She you ... how would it be softer ... Shattered does not confirm.
                      2. 0
                        25 February 2021 15: 53
                        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                        You at least take the trouble to look at the statistics. She you ... how would it be softer ... Shattered does not confirm.

                        if you look at the statistics, then it does not seem to confirm you to smithereens .... the trade balance in the Russian Federation has been positive for a long time ... accordingly, the ruble exchange rate should constantly strengthen ... but it is the opposite ...
                      3. +1
                        26 February 2021 08: 30
                        Quote: NEOZ
                        if you look at the statistics, it seems like it does not confirm you to smithereens ...

                        Quote: NEOZ
                        the trade balance in the Russian Federation has been positive for a long time ... accordingly, the ruble exchange rate should constantly strengthen ...

                        Why do you think so? The trade balance is one thing, but the supply and demand on the exchange is completely different. The trade balance reflects the difference between exports and imports, and you would be right if only they were present on the currency exchange. But in addition to exporters and importers, we also have a state that replenishes or, conversely, sells its gold reserves, and also speculators who play at exchange rates.
                      4. -1
                        26 February 2021 13: 05
                        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                        and supply and demand on the stock exchange is completely different.

                        who needs dollars? - to importers, for the purchase of foreign-made goods.
                        who has dollars? - from exporters. international traffic is traded in dollars.
                        accordingly, we are talking about the trade balance.
                        especially since you previously wrote that the state no longer supports the course.
                        who are the speculators? how do they work?
                        give an example of how it works!
                      5. +1
                        26 February 2021 13: 15
                        Quote: NEOZ
                        who are the speculators? how do they work?

                        To begin with, I will give you an example of a state that simply buys up dollars to increase the gold reserves. It is neither an importer nor an exporter, but foreign exchange reserves in foreign currency have grown by $ 20 billion over the past 432 years.
                        And speculators are stock players who buy currency in order to make money on the difference in rates (bought cheap, sold dear), that is, they buy currency and hold it for a certain time, also not being an importer or exporter.
                        Do not forget also that there are enough people in the Russian Federation who keep their savings in dollars - they are also neither importers nor exporters.
                      6. -1
                        26 February 2021 13: 30
                        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                        To begin with, I will give you an example of a state that simply buys up dollars to increase the gold reserves. It is neither an importer nor an exporter,

                        really ????
                        how do dollars get into the country?
                        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                        And speculators are stock players

                        what does it mean? - IP can be a player ?, and LLC? and AO?
                        what should be done to "play" on the stock exchange?
                        Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
                        who buy currency in order to make money on the difference in rates (bought cheap, sold dear)

                        this is generally a masterpiece !!!!!!
                        look at the annual trade balance (export is supply and import is demand) and
                        growth of the dollar in% from 2000 to 2020 !!!!!!!
                        also please explain how speculators fix their profits? with a constant trading surplus .... according to your theory, the rate should rise sharply when profits are taken by speculators, but this does not happen !!!!!!!!
        3. -1
          24 February 2021 16: 24
          ... Generally speaking, the gold reserves have the main function - it is a "stash" in case of budget deficit during any crises. The second most important is perhaps the currency for the current regulation of the foreign exchange market.
          These are all secondary functions - the main (unannounced) function is to ensure the return of external debt by state-owned companies and state-owned banks in the event of sanctions that hinder their access to currency (export ban, for example).
          1. +1
            24 February 2021 16: 31
            Quote: clerk
            These are all secondary functions - the main (unannounced) function is to ensure the return of external debt by state-owned companies and state-owned banks in the event of sanctions that hinder their access to currency (export ban, for example).

            In this case, it would be absurd to repay debts.
            1. +1
              24 February 2021 16: 41
              ... In this case, it would be absurd to repay debts.
              Who - all? It seems to me that foreign economic relations are somewhat more multifaceted, weeks for the actions of a few take offense at the whole world.
              1. 0
                25 February 2021 07: 29
                Quote: clerk
                Who - everyone?

                Who - everyone? :))) Let's say we lost our exports, Europe stopped buying our gas and oil. This is a colossal blow to the budget, the oil and gas industry, etc. Moreover, a blow of such force, which would endanger the very existence of the state, will have to be cut on the living, education, social spending, defense, by itself. And do you seriously think that in this situation, the primary thing is to satisfy the interests of our external creditors? :))))
                1. 0
                  25 February 2021 08: 51
                  In these conditions, the primary task is to ensure critical imports. And not in 3 months, as the IMF advises, but as long as possible. The current gold reserves will be enough for 2 years of imports, if you remove the excesses, then for 3-4 years. I don't think this is outrageous. Again, the debts not to the West also need to be repaid.
                  1. 0
                    25 February 2021 09: 01
                    Quote: clerk
                    In these conditions, the first task is to ensure critical imports

                    One of. Certainly. And it has practically nothing to do with the repayment of debts of state corporations - after all, it is not importing companies that provide loans to us
                    1. 0
                      25 February 2021 11: 54
                      ... One of. Certainly. And it has practically nothing to do with the repayment of debts of state corporations - after all, it is not importing companies that provide loans to us
                      ... We are comparing different stages of the same process - export ban is an extreme measure. But there are also less rigid ones, which may restrict the access of state-owned companies to foreign exchange resources. Therefore, the objectives of the gold reserves can be ranked and maintaining the ruble exchange rate will be the first only in a quiet time.
                      1. 0
                        25 February 2021 12: 13
                        Quote: clerk
                        But there are also less rigid ones, which may restrict the access of state-owned companies to foreign exchange resources.

                        No problem. What kind?:)))
                      2. 0
                        25 February 2021 13: 22
                        Yes, the same American sanctions or the arrest of accounts under a far-fetched pretext.
                      3. 0
                        25 February 2021 13: 35
                        Quote: clerk
                        Yes, the same American sanctions or the arrest of accounts under a far-fetched pretext.

                        American sanctions cannot in any way prohibit state-owned companies from buying currency on the Russian stock market. Accounts can be arrested only those that are opened in banks outside the Russian Federation, which is completely uncritical.
                      4. 0
                        25 February 2021 13: 40
                        It is very critical - it is almost impossible to carry out non-cash payments in foreign currency without going through correspondent accounts in foreign banks such as Bank of New York
                      5. 0
                        25 February 2021 15: 51
                        Quote: clerk
                        It is very critical - it is almost impossible to carry out non-cash payments in foreign currency without going through correspondent accounts in foreign banks such as Bank of New York

                        Elementary. The same China
                      6. 0
                        25 February 2021 16: 47
                        Only if both banks (!) - the settlement participant have foreign currency accounts in the same (!) Chinese bank.
                      7. 0
                        26 February 2021 07: 48
                        Quote: clerk
                        Only if both banks (!) - the settlement participant have foreign currency accounts in the same (!) Chinese bank.

                        Oh, how difficult. And what prevents them from opening there? This is a purely technical operation.
                      8. 0
                        26 February 2021 12: 19
                        Nothing. But it costs money and until it gets hot almost everyone works in dollars through American banks. In addition, the Americans can bend private Chinese banks - the Chinese will not substitute for us.
                      9. 0
                        26 February 2021 12: 26
                        Quote: clerk
                        Nothing. But it costs money and until it gets hot almost everyone works in dollars through American banks. In addition, the Americans can bend private Chinese banks - the Chinese will not substitute for us.

                        Evgeny, the banking system is very complex and multifaceted, and the Americans do not control it in such a way as to prohibit the international settlements of any company.
                      10. The comment was deleted.
                      11. 0
                        26 February 2021 12: 37
                        ... Evgeny, the banking system is very complex and multifaceted, and the Americans do not control it in such a way as to prohibit the international settlements of any company.
                        ... Andrey, with your knowledge and experience, Such naivety is amazing. The banking system is very transparent and if the state decides to press down on the legal entity's settlements, it will do it once in its own country, and once or twice in a dependent country.
                      12. 0
                        26 February 2021 12: 38
                        Quote: clerk
                        The banking system is very transparent, and if the state decides to press down on the legal entity's calculations, it will do it once in its own country, and once or twice in a dependent country.

                        What a blessing that most of the land is still not dependent on the United States :))))
                        Eugene, if a state-owned company sells or buys something, who prevents it from making settlements through any bank in any country? Nothing. And the US global banking system does not report. In some cases, they can still track the movement of the den. funds, but not all. Our banks do not cost anything to conclude interbank agreements with a bank of any country, including those that are not controlled by the United States.
                      13. 0
                        26 February 2021 13: 06
                        Andrey, most of the foreign economic settlements in the world are conducted in dollars, and if the United States wants to impose sanctions against a specific company, it will be almost impossible to hide its international settlements in dollars.
    6. -1
      24 February 2021 16: 17
      The same Glazyev proposed to ensure a stable exchange rate of the ruble against the dollar (yes, I was not the only one who recommended this :)))))
      We have already discussed this with you - it is quite easy to do it by means of currency regulation, but budget revenues will immediately sink and all import substitutions will collapse. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.
      1. 0
        24 February 2021 16: 28
        Quote: clerk
        We have already discussed this with you

        And they did not convince each other of anything.
        Quote: clerk
        it is easy enough to do it by means of currency regulation

        What I disagree with
        Quote: clerk
        but right away if budget revenues drop and all import substitutions collapse.

        With which I disagree all the more.
        Quote: clerk
        Free cheese is only in a mousetrap.

        The allegory is classical, but the stability of the ruble is not cheese. And it's not free.
        1. 0
          24 February 2021 16: 34
          Explain - why do you disagree with the fact that it is easy to drop the dollar exchange rate and maintain it at a low level by means of exchange control measures, if it was easy to do in 2000-13? And why do you disagree with the fact that if the foreign exchange rate is low, budget revenues will drop?
          1. 0
            25 February 2021 07: 15
            Quote: clerk
            Explain why you disagree with the fact that the dollar exchange rate is easy to drop and keep at a low level by means of currency regulation

            First, because it never worked. Only in conjunction with direct foreign exchange intervention.
            Quote: clerk
            And why do you disagree with the fact that if the foreign exchange rate is low, budget revenues will drop?

            With this I just agree. But what I disagree with is that the measures to stabilize the ruble should definitely cause it to strengthen against the dollar. Your logic is clear to me - we are introducing ruble management - it is fixed up to 40 rubles / dollar - budget revenues are starting to feel sad. But I do not consider the second point necessary :)
            1. 0
              25 February 2021 08: 40
              ... Explain why you do not agree that it is easy to drop the dollar exchange rate and maintain it at a low level by means of currency regulation /////. First, because it never worked. Only in conjunction with direct foreign exchange intervention.
              Here you are greatly mistaken - when it really worked (approximately in 1999-2000, after the abolition of all Yeltsin's exceptions), it took not currency, but ruble interventions so as not to lower the dollar rate below the baseboard.
              1. +1
                25 February 2021 08: 59
                Quote: clerk
                Here you are greatly mistaken - when it really worked (about 1999-2000, after the abolition of all Yeltsin exceptions), it took not currency, but ruble interventions

                I put it wrong, I beg your pardon. They meant both the purchase and the sale of the dollar, of course. The bottom line is that before the default in 1997, the dollar was traded at 5,7 rubles, and in 1998-2000 - already at 9,7 - 28,1 rubles. respectively. After 2000, we also saw a slight increase in the dollar exchange rate.
                Thus, it can hardly be said that "the rate is easy to drop" - he tried to drop to intermediate values ​​between the current and pre-crisis ones, since at that time the ruble was clearly underestimated, but he was not allowed to do so. And this is not the result of currency regulation, it is precisely the underestimation after the "shock therapy" of the crisis. So the ruble, left to itself, began to try to strengthen.
                In our country, it is completely different now - prices in the Russian Federation are brought in line with the current ruble exchange rate, and it, being left to itself (relatively, but still) will not strengthen.
                1. 0
                  25 February 2021 09: 38
                  If we introduce full-fledged measures of currency regulation, then with a balance of demand (about 300) and supply (roughly 400), the dollar rate will creep down. The Central Bank can support it through emission (buying in gold and foreign exchange reserves), but this is harmful from a political point of view (than lending to the United States is better than its gold miners)
                  1. 0
                    25 February 2021 09: 52
                    Quote: clerk
                    The Central Bank can support it through emission (buying in gold and foreign exchange reserves), but this is harmful from a political point of view (than lending to the United States is better than its gold miners)

                    First, it is necessary to determine the strategy for the development of the Russian economy. Then - the optimal rate of the ruble against the dollar for this, and then maintain it at the required level.
                    If the ruble strengthens excessively, there is nothing wrong with the issue - let someone own the ruble savings, I see no problems.
            2. 0
              25 February 2021 08: 45
              ... Your logic is clear to me - we are introducing ruble management - it is fixed up to 40 rubles / dollar - budget revenues are starting to feel sad. But I do not consider the second point necessary :)
              That is, you propose half-measures to fix the course by the type of a corridor? It's realistic to do it, but why?
              1. +1
                25 February 2021 09: 04
                Quote: clerk
                That is, you propose half-measures to fix the course by the type of a corridor? It's realistic to do it, but why?

                Not even by the type of corridor, but to fix it with revision, say, once a year, or better, once every five years.
                The benefits are obvious - only in a stable ruble will we be able to effectively use the world's financial resources, in addition, the economy of enterprises will become much more predictable, and therefore stable. Well, stability, in this case, is the basis of development.
                1. -2
                  25 February 2021 09: 42
                  Access to world financial resources is closed by sanctions, and a fixed rate, even at a high level, will have a bad effect on import substitution and it will have to be maintained under conditions that are obviously unfavorable for the treasury (for example, with a downward trend).
                  1. +2
                    25 February 2021 09: 49
                    Quote: clerk
                    Access to global financial resources closed to sanctions

                    Come on! Why did it suddenly close? :) Nobody forbade placing on the same IPO.
                    Quote: clerk
                    and a fixed rate, even at a high level, will have a bad effect on import substitution

                    Why would you? Quite the opposite - it will have a very positive effect.
                    Import substitution requires investment, and our investment climate is near-zero, and the risks associated with a dollar jump are outrageous. That is, in the policy of import substitution, we can rely only on the reserves of our own banks, while our money supply is below low (somewhere twice as low as in Europe per ruble of goods), that is, we simply do not have clear financial reserves. And they are afraid to release them because of inflation.
                    That is, we are at a dead end. In the current economic conditions, an increase in the money supply simulates inflation, and in order to avoid this, it is necessary to modernize the industry, which requires money supply in investments.
                    1. 0
                      25 February 2021 11: 08
                      ... Come on! Why did it suddenly close? :) Nobody forbade placing on the same IPO.
                      EMNP loans were closed for more than a month.
                      ... Import substitution requires investment, and our investment climate is near-zero, and the risks associated with the dollar's jump are outrageous. That is, in the policy of import substitution, we can rely only on the reserves of our own banks, while our money supply is below low (somewhere twice as low as in Europe per ruble of goods), that is, we simply do not have clear financial reserves. AND
                      Our banks have free funds like dirt - they don't know who else to lend a loan to. PMSM The problem is that business is afraid to expand production - most likely there is no staff and is not sure about the future. But not the dollar exchange rate, but the sales market.
                      1. 0
                        25 February 2021 12: 14
                        Quote: clerk
                        Our banks have free funds like dirt - they don't know who else to lend a loan to.

                        :))))) You, to put it mildly, are VERY wrong
                      2. 0
                        25 February 2021 13: 26
                        Not. It is you who are captive to the widespread myth that there is a lack of money in the economy in Russia. If it were easy to translate them into real profitable production, they would have done it long ago. Take an interest - how much is invested in government obligations at a penny profitability, how much the population is loaned, how much is invested in agriculture (rates on loans to which are compensated by the state). And only the industry is out of business ...
                      3. +1
                        25 February 2021 13: 42
                        Quote: clerk
                        Not. It is you who are captive to the widespread myth that there is a lack of money in the economy in Russia.

                        I know this "myth" in practice :))) And yes - there are inexorable facts. If you look at the size of the money supply (the last time I looked about a year ago), then we have about 40 kopecks per ruble of manufactured products, and in Germany for euros - 80 cents.
                        Quote: clerk
                        Take an interest - how much is invested in government obligations at a penny profitability, how much the population is loaned, how much is invested in agriculture (rates on loans to which are compensated by the state).

                        Evgeny has nothing to do with the availability and cost of loans.
                      4. 0
                        25 February 2021 14: 15
                        ... I know this "myth" in practice :))) And yet yes - there are inexorable facts. If you look at the size of the money supply (the last time I looked about a year ago), then we have about 40 kopecks per ruble of manufactured products, and in Germany for euros - 80 cents.
                        And how did you single out the money supply in euros, which relates specifically to the German economy?
                      5. 0
                        25 February 2021 15: 54
                        Quote: clerk
                        And how did you single out the money supply in euros, which relates specifically to the German economy?

                        Sorry, the M2 unit did it for me
                      6. 0
                        25 February 2021 16: 51
                        M2 separately for the territory of Germany?
                      7. +1
                        26 February 2021 07: 14
                        Quote: clerk
                        M2 separately for the territory of Germany?

                        Of course. The main part of M2 is the money of resident individuals, and a significant part of the cash, again, is in Germany.
                        In the Russian Federation, too, not all ruble cash is located on the territory of the Russian Federation. In general, the difference can be, of course, but not more than 10%
                      8. 0
                        25 February 2021 14: 19
                        ... Take an interest - how much is invested in government obligations at a penny profitability, how much the population is loaned, how much is invested in agriculture (interest rates on loans to which are compensated by the state //////: Eugene has NO relation to the availability and cost of loans.
                        Of course. This only proves that banks have a fair amount of free money (which I was talking about). But why banks and industry cannot agree on loans - a question for discussion
                      9. 0
                        25 February 2021 16: 11
                        Quote: clerk
                        This only proves that banks have a fair amount of free money (which I was talking about).

                        Just - no. In no case.
                      10. 0
                        25 February 2021 16: 55
                        That's right - there are a lot of free money in banks, but they don't want to lend to the industry. And I can guess why.
                      11. 0
                        26 February 2021 07: 46
                        Quote: clerk
                        Exactly so - there are a lot of free money in banks, but they don't want to lend to the industry

                        Eugene, you do not understand now what you are writing about :)
                        I'm talking about the high cost of bank loans. You write to me about
                        Quote: clerk
                        Take an interest - how much is invested in government obligations at a penny profitability

                        So this "penny" yield - from 7% to 10,5% per annum for individuals, and OFZ-IN - well, yes, the rate there seems to be scanty, if you do not take into account that the face value of the bond grows by the amount of inflation (roughly). Or with a link to RIONA, which in the same 2018 exceeded 8,5%. So banks in 2018 gave loans to replenish working capital 9,5-9,75%.
                        Compare this to US securities, which yield around 2,5-3,5%. keeping the existing denomination constant.
                        In general, banks do not have any "penny" securities. They give a slightly lower yield in comparison with loans, well, and the risk is much less, therefore it is not surprising that banks place part of their reserves in them. This is the first thing. And second, our securities are simply arch-profitable against the background of foreign ones - they give a much larger% of income.
                        Further. You wrote
                        Quote: clerk
                        how loaned is the population

                        In 2019, the total loan portfolio of Russian banks amounted to 55 trillion. rub. The population's debt on consumer loans is as much as 1,7 trillion. rub. What are you talking about? :) In Germany, by the way, it is about 10 times higher.
                        Quote: clerk
                        how much do you pay in agriculture (loan rates for which are compensated by the state)

                        In 2020, as much as 90 billion rubles were allocated for concessional lending to agriculture.
                        Total your conclusion
                        Quote: clerk
                        Exactly so - there are a lot of free money in banks, but they don't want to lend to the industry

                        to put it mildly, it is erroneous, because none of the above points to this.
                      12. 0
                        27 February 2021 11: 28
                        ... In 2019, the aggregate loan portfolio of Russian banks amounted to 55 trillion. rub. The population's debt on consumer loans is as much as 1,7 trillion. rub. What are you talking about? :) In Germany, by the way, it is about 10 times higher.
                        Your conclusion is based on very incomplete statistics. For 1/2/21, the claims of our banks to non-residents are 60 trillion. rubles, to government agencies in rubles 10 trillion., to financial organizations 13 trillion., to non-financial organizations - 43,5 trillion., to the population - 21,8 trillion. Considering that out of 60 trillion claims to non-residents, 26 trillion. - these are investments in securities (most likely debt obligations of the Russian Federation), then the banks' stock of money for enhanced lending is more than sufficient. Yes, and with the scanty loans to the population, you were mistaken every 12 times - for the average resident of Russia, including the elderly and babies, there are 147 thousand rubles of debt on loans to banks. So the problem is not the lack of money in the country, but the fact that banks and production cannot come to an agreement on the terms of lending
                      13. +1
                        27 February 2021 12: 03
                        ... That's right - there is a lot of free money in banks, but they do not want to lend to the industry
                        Eugene, you do not understand now what you are writing about :)
                        I'm talking about the high cost of bank loans.
                        And I'm telling you the same - high rates on loans to production - this is the unwillingness to lend to it. What do you think. - why?
    7. 0
      24 February 2021 16: 56
      Andrey, you don't seem to be a stupid person and you must understand that it doesn't work that way. That the current system was not formed as a result of a conspiracy of insidious Masons or anyone else. And as a result of completely objective processes and all these attempts to build correct capitalism, they are stupidly doomed in the same way due to completely objective reasons. Government regulator, government order. Well what are you talking about. In principle, this is so. And if we move on to state planning, which is more important, the question naturally arises whether Grandfather Marx was so wrong about the future victory of communism and the elimination of market relations. Who needs it? Everything will go on as it always has in history, one day a revolutionary situation will arise, but the upper classes will not be able to and rushed.
      1. +1
        25 February 2021 07: 54
        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
        And as a result of completely objective processes and all these attempts to build correct capitalism, they are stupidly doomed in the same way due to completely objective reasons.

        Not at all. The first problem is that nobody has ever built correct capitalism in our country. We scrupulously made, it seems, every mistake we could.
        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
        Government regulator, government order. Well what are you talking about. In principle, this is so.

        No. There is no state development strategy, measurable and achievable goals are not set (the fact that the GDP is chatting to the federal assembly is an unrelated set of good wishes, the implementation of which no one controls), work to achieve them is not organized, etc.
        The market does not negate the existence of a plan, any company will tell you this (budgeting is now everywhere, with rare exceptions), but the state does not have a plan. We are sailing at the behest of the waves, as it is, in the ice-hole, under the guidance of the Great Helmsman, who is only concerned that "the boat is not rocked." wassat
    8. +6
      24 February 2021 20: 10
      Andrey, welcome hi
      Glazyev proposed a PLAN. A plan how to get the country out of the abyss into which it falls. Moreover, he clearly outlined what would happen if the measures proposed by him and his team of co-authors were not taken. But who will listen to him, because he is nothing more than a scarecrow for the liberal-Yeltsin bloc of our ilika. Like, look: if you will be buzzing, we will get Glazyev out of the mezzanine and he will show you what a "progressive tax" is. At the same time, please note that even the word "PLAN" is cut out of everyday use in every possible way: wherever you spit, there are continuous "road maps" everywhere, as is usual with bumps and holes. And there are no plans. Tea is not bloody communists, nevertheless, but progressive European Europeans, whom it is useless to argue in such totalitarian categories, and even with the indication of specific performers with whom you can always "ask".

      In general, I always admired Sergei Yuryevich, not only in his consistency and loyalty to the declared position, but also in how he knows how to gather talented people around him. The same so-called "Glazyev's Plan", in addition to himself, was written by another 13 people, among whom were not only economists, but also lawyers and sociologists. It was a real scientific and analytical LABOR, covering all the main aspects of the life of society, including an analysis of the current situation, its extrapolation into the future with the most likely consequences, and measures aimed at correcting the current trend, again with the projection of the results of each decision made not only on the economic , but also on the socio-demographic state of the country.
  3. +13
    24 February 2021 10: 11
    Again, the wolves are suggested not to shear the sheep.
    1. +15
      24 February 2021 10: 19
      And naive dreamers suggest stopping the export of capital ... It's like a sickle to a vital organ for them.
      1. -3
        24 February 2021 16: 11
        ... And naive dreamers suggest stopping the export of capital ...
        Rather, banal ignoramuses who simply do not know what this term means and unknowingly associate it with embezzlement (warm with soft).
      2. +1
        24 February 2021 17: 28
        What do you mean by the export of capital?
    2. +9
      24 February 2021 10: 40
      Quote: Kronos
      Again, the wolves are suggested not to shear the sheep.

      While they continue to practice speaking while eating ... Yes
      - In my opinion, this is reasonable! - said the leader. - Well said! Why didn't you bellow before, didn't you calf ?!
      - So before we ate in silence, not offering to speak, - the old ram sighed.
      “Thank God, it's all in the past,” said the leader.
  4. +2
    24 February 2021 10: 11
    I completely agree with the author. There would be more of them in the government, then you look and they would start developing.
    1. -6
      24 February 2021 13: 13
      Quote: Couch
      There would be more of those in the government, then you look and they would start developing.

      what if you're wrong? what is the cost of a mistake?
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. -8
          24 February 2021 14: 42
          Quote: Couch
          "They learn from mistakes" you know this saying.

          Is it 1917 a mistake?
          from 1918-1922 how many millions died, mistake? street children 4-6 mln. children (their parents were killed), a mistake?
          since 1985 rebuilding mistake?
          since 1991 the collapse of the USSR is a mistake?

          still want to learn from mistakes? are you still not enough?
          can study better at institutes?
          1. +4
            24 February 2021 17: 04
            You have to do nothing at all, then nothing will happen. Is this the correct recipe?
          2. +4
            25 February 2021 08: 03
            Quote: NEOZ
            Is it 1917 a mistake?

            Historical pattern.
            Quote: NEOZ
            from 1918-1922 how many millions died, mistake?

            Wrong. This is a consequence of the mistakes that resulted in 1917.
            Quote: NEOZ
            street children 4-6 mln. children (their parents were killed), a mistake?

            And the millions of surviving children who did not die in infancy due to the fact that in the early USSR they introduced medical care for all segments of the population - is this nonsense, not worthy of attention?
            Quote: NEOZ
            since 1985 rebuilding mistake?

            The consequence of errors in public administration since the 50s.
            Quote: NEOZ
            since 1991 the collapse of the USSR is a mistake?

            Quote: NEOZ
            still want to learn from mistakes? are you still not enough?

            Alas, this is the norm. Humanity learns from its mistakes.
            Quote: NEOZ
            can study better at institutes?

            "When most of the theory is out of your head, and practical knowledge takes its place, perhaps you will justify half of your salary" (c)
            This is not taught in institutes, and never taught.
            1. -1
              25 February 2021 15: 05
              Quote: Andrey from Chelyabinsk
              Quote: NEOZ
              Is it 1917 a mistake?

              Historical pattern.
              Quote: NEOZ
              from 1918-1922 how many millions died, mistake?

              Wrong. This is a consequence of the mistakes that resulted in 1917.
              Quote: NEOZ
              street children 4-6 mln. children (their parents were killed), a mistake?

              you have one contradicts the other !!!! so regularity or error?
              1. +1
                25 February 2021 15: 16
                Quote: NEOZ
                you have one contradicts another !!!

                Nothing. 1917 is a pattern that arose as a result of mistakes made earlier. What's incomprehensible?
  5. +7
    24 February 2021 10: 13
    Why are we surprised ?! However, no one is surprised for a long time.
    Traders in power are not power, they are a sale of the Motherland.
    1. -5
      24 February 2021 13: 13
      Quote: prior
      Traders in power are not power, they are a sale of the Motherland.

      how would you like? describe the ideal system in the Russian Federation!
      1. +4
        24 February 2021 13: 20
        The answer to your question is on your avatar.
        And they won the war, and the country was restored, and the bomb was made, and they flew into space ...
        And the fact that the USSR was a superpower was not in doubt.
        The abolition of private ownership of the means of production will solve all problems or almost all.
        Market, capitalism, democracy are criminal by definition.
        1. -6
          24 February 2021 14: 04
          Quote: prior
          And they won the war, and the country was restored, and the bomb was made, and they flew into space ...
          And the fact that the USSR was a superpower was not in doubt.
          The abolition of private ownership of the means of production will solve all problems or almost all.

          and how did it happen that such a country ceased to exist?
          all problems were solved (almost)! was a superpower! they built everything!
          How did it happen that such a country collapsed by itself?
          1. +6
            24 February 2021 14: 14
            You can betray everything and the country too. Do you remember the results of the referendum on the union state?
            The people said yes to the Soviet Union.
            And what did Judas Gorbachev do with the drunk Yeltsin? Who gave them the authority to destroy the country in Belovezhskaya Pushcha? And there is no need to justify repeating the stupidity of those who now claim that the country has collapsed by itself. If the issue of the rotation of power had been resolved in the Brezhnev USSR, we would live in a different country today.
            And enough discussions, you asked - I answered.
            1. -4
              24 February 2021 14: 58
              Quote: prior
              And enough discussions, you asked - I answered.

              no no!
              during the discussion, the most interesting is born !!!!! I propose to continue !!!!
              Quote: prior
              You can betray everything and the country too.

              and what were the motives of the traitors? we, as investigators, must understand the motive, what was the motive of the traitors?
              Quote: prior
              The people said yes to the Soviet Union.

              and why the People who said "YES" did not answer when they said "NO"? ...
              neither the KGB / MVD / VS and other services ... all were silent ... but the "whites" fought with the "reds" for their ideas (ideals), why in 1918 the people died for their ideas, and in 1991 not ?
              Quote: prior
              Who gave them the authority to destroy the country in Belovezhskaya Pushcha?

              we gave them ... no one began to save the USSR ... with the tacit consent of the people, everything happened.
              Quote: prior
              And there is no need to justify repeating the stupidity of those who now claim that the country has collapsed by itself.

              did it ever occur to you that you are writing nonsense? ...
              Quote: prior
              If the issue of the rotation of power had been resolved in the Brezhnev USSR, we would live in a different country today.

              if only ...
              Brezhnev's USSR is a consequence of Khrushchev ... everything has a cause-and-effect relationship ...
  6. +1
    24 February 2021 10: 16
    What to do

    First, you need ..........

    And who does not agree, interferes with doing that sho should be ???
    1. -3
      24 February 2021 13: 15
      Quote: rocket757
      And who does not agree, interferes with doing that sho should be ???

      I do not agree...
      advice to give all much ...
      1. +1
        24 February 2021 13: 24
        You are, of course, busy with business ...
        However, we are all in the same boat or ... on the same sofa.
  7. +7
    24 February 2021 10: 16
    Let me remind you that problems with food (bread) became the reason for the February riots in Petrograd in 1917. And they led to the February Revolution, the fall of the autocracy and the collapse of the Russian Empire.

    Something familiar - sugar, vodka, soap on coupons, sausage "in one hand 300 grams", and prices went up.
    1. -5
      24 February 2021 13: 16
      Quote: tihonmarine
      Something familiar - sugar, vodka, soap on coupons, sausage "in one hand 300 grams", and prices went up.

      and what? ...... the collapse of the USSR?
      1. 0
        24 February 2021 15: 32
        Quote: NEOZ
        and what? ...... the collapse of the USSR?

        In my time it was like that.
  8. +13
    24 February 2021 10: 16
    full-blooded restoration of the Soviet system of upbringing and education: secondary school, art, music schools, houses of creativity and culture, circles, etc. All free of charge, at the expense of the state.

    Restoring the Soviet health care system would not have been superfluous either.
  9. +2
    24 February 2021 10: 17
    Revolutionary sentiments, especially among young people, are growing. And the authorities do nothing special, except ascertaining the fact of problems.

    And then we will be surprised ... if there is anyone to be surprised ... recourse
  10. exo
    24 February 2021 10: 19
    It's a pity there won't be any changes. It's easier to blame everything on the machinations of enemies.
  11. +5
    24 February 2021 10: 19
    For another 15 years, Belousov in his article "Scenarios of Russia's Economic Development for a Fifteen Year Perspective" attributed the growth of incomes of the population to risks) The article has built the following chain of "causes and effects"

    Social trend - An increase in the population that makes up the "middle class", its revolutionizing impact on consumption standards and patterns
    Risks for Russia
    switching demand to high-quality imported goods, reducing the role of low prices as a factor of competitiveness and narrowing the market niches occupied by Russian goods;

    as well as

    increased social conflict and the growth of claims for an increase in wages, which exceeds the capabilities of companies to increase labor productivity;

    The doctor of sciences explained to the bosses that if people begin to live better, they will not be able to snatch in cheap junk and they will also want to receive humanly. Or even they will leave - there, among the risks, it is named "increased emigration activity of the middle class"

    Well, what's wrong?

    The masters of Russia understood the doctor of sciences correctly and decided that there will be no “middle class” for you, you will receive at a minimum, buy Russian and no “revolutionizing impact on standards and models”. Whoever doesn't like it - can go to all four directions.

    For the sake of fairness, let's say - Belousov did not advise necessarily to push the "middle class", he offered a choice of development scenarios (and very curious, for example, predicting the crisis events of 2008-09 and 2011-12). The masters of the country made conclusions from his scenarios, and we see the results around us.

    https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/stsenarii-ekonomicheskogo-razvitiya-rossii-na-pyatnadtsatiletnyuyu-perspektivu - сама статья здесь, текст объемный, но интересный.
    1. +2
      24 February 2021 11: 25
      if people start to live better, then they will not get into cheap junk
      That is, Chinese imports.
      Or even they will leave - there, among the risks, it is named "increased emigration activity of the middle class"
      Arriving over the hill, representatives of the middle class will be disappointed - they will hardly become the middle class "there". Therefore, those who want to leave will think carefully and will not go anywhere.
      1. +3
        24 February 2021 12: 44
        Quote: Bolt Cutter
        Arriving over the hill, representatives of the middle class will be disappointed - they will hardly become the middle class "there". Therefore, those who want to leave will think carefully and will not go anywhere.

        The queue for renouncing American citizenship is not observed, alas ...
        Units ....
        1. +2
          24 February 2021 12: 49
          The queue for renouncing American citizenship - alas, not observed
          It will come in handy on the farm. But many dumpers have overestimated (often very even) ideas about their potential well-being and career prospects “there”. If at least partially those are achievable in Russia, then there will be significantly fewer people willing to "dump".
      2. +5
        24 February 2021 13: 02
        Quote: Bolt Cutter
        Arriving over the hill, representatives of the middle class will be disappointed - they will hardly become the middle class "there". Therefore, those who want to leave will think carefully and will not go anywhere.

        It depends on the profession. Programmers are easy. Welders (good) also feel good everywhere)).
        1. +1
          24 February 2021 13: 06
          Programmers are easy.
          They don't even need to go anywhere.
          Welders (good)
          It's more difficult for these guys - they need to be certified again, and even less and less are being brewed by hand. Plus, welders and programmers in developed countries also have their own.
          1. +4
            24 February 2021 13: 28
            They leave when programmers have a family. The quality of medicine, products, etc.
            Welders - depending on where and what country they are talking about.
            1. 0
              24 February 2021 13: 37
              It is often preferable for a programmer to live in Sochi with a salary from San Francisco. It is more difficult for a welder again, and he needs to know the language. And robots are brewed almost everywhere in developed countries - their hands do not tremble laughing due to absence.
              1. +6
                24 February 2021 13: 57
                Not family - of course. And when children appear and you first find yourself with them in the Krasnodar Regional Infectious Disease because of the rotovirus, you start to think differently. There is money, but you can't buy a functional bed for the department, nurses wring the kids' hands to install the system, etc.
                Therefore - figs with them, with money, the main thing is health, including mental health, youngsters, and the fact that life is more expensive - in the American outback next to a good children's medical center (and prices in any Missouri are not very different from those in Sochi, and something cheaper), or in Vienna (the best city in the world, the Mercer version) - the tenth thing.
                About welders - both robot operators and handy guys are needed for work where the robot is powerless laughing Language knowledge is needed at an elementary level.
                It's like in medicine - not all operations are performed by Da Vinci
                1. +3
                  24 February 2021 14: 08
                  About welders - we need both robot operators and handy guys for work
                  The prestige of blue-collar occupations in developed countries is much higher, and going to college as a welder or mechanic is not a "zap" for local C grade students. Therefore, there are enough of their own bolmen.
                  Language knowledge is needed at an elementary level
                  I saw myself two Moldovans with a tongue at an elementary level - instead of cleaning the wall from plaster, they took it apart - they had to jack it up so that the house would not collapse wassat
                  figs with them, with money, the main thing is health, mental
                  Maybe, but for money, they will do at least well in Russia.
                  1. +6
                    24 February 2021 14: 37
                    1) Once again - depending on which country
                    2) Poorly explained
                    3) For money, you will get to a private clinic, from which the child will be comfortably taken by a private ambulance to the Regional Infectious Disease, where you cannot buy functional beds even by agreement (at the time of hospitalization) laughing
                    80% of my clients in medical tourism (treatment abroad) are Muscovites, with money.
                    A quarter of nichrome were undergoing treatment in Germany and Israel hi
  12. +1
    24 February 2021 10: 22
    Irritation builds up among the people, from the article.
    What to do?
    Against irritation - patience and self-reproach and reasoning about passions ... Venerable Macarius of Optina
    That is, look at the root, as Kozma Prutkov used to say
    1. +6
      24 February 2021 10: 56
      Quote: bober1982
      Against irritation - patience and self-reproach and reasoning about passions ... Venerable Macarius of Optina

      Well, yes, in every village churches are installed, the "law of God" was introduced into the school. It just won't help them.
      1. -1
        24 February 2021 11: 02
        Quote: aleksejkabanets
        It just won't help them.

        It is necessary to work hard, who denies.
  13. +6
    24 February 2021 10: 24
    At the same time, there were no hunger and serious problems with food security in the Russian Empire. The food was there.
    There was no famine in the cities, the Bolsheviks did not invent the surplus appropriation system and the forcible seizure of grain.
  14. +6
    24 February 2021 10: 25
    Not a word has been said about living pensioners. Give everyone more, distribute, increase, but what about retirees?
    It is not right. It's too early to write off grandparents. They deserve a better old age.
    It is also necessary to remove immunity from the entire vertical of power, to lustration officials and servants of the people, to start business.
  15. +4
    24 February 2021 10: 26
    My impression of the article is that I got to the next meeting ... Unfortunately, these are common words. The author suggests - free of charge, free of charge .. Give-give-give ... And where to get something? The modern economy is not a swan princess, waved her sleeve - free circles, waved to others - the pension has grown ...
    1. +11
      24 February 2021 11: 07
      Quote: tasha
      Where can I get it? The modern economy is not a swan princess, waved her sleeve - free circles, waved to others - the pension has grown ...

      Where to get, you ask? And where the fortunes of Russian billionaires come from. By the simple introduction of a progressive scale of personal income tax, alienation of appropriated national property from private hands, taxation of capital withdrawal taxes ... An example? Someone Potanin built a yacht abroad at a cost of $ 1 billion - pay a tax to the Russian treasury in the amount of 40% (for example).
      1. 0
        24 February 2021 11: 39
        Yuri Vasilievich, well, you can't do that. "A simple introduction ..". Who, who will introduce it?
        "Alienation of appropriated national property" - a kindergarten .. Why was this all started, why did the top of the CPSU divide the country?
      2. +2
        24 February 2021 12: 48
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Quote: tasha
        Where can I get it? The modern economy is not a swan princess, waved her sleeve - free circles, waved to others - the pension has grown ...

        Where to get, you ask? And where the fortunes of Russian billionaires come from. By the simple introduction of a progressive scale of personal income tax, alienation of appropriated national property from private hands, taxation of capital withdrawal taxes ... An example? Someone Potanin built a yacht abroad at a cost of $ 1 billion - pay a tax to the Russian treasury in the amount of 40% (for example).
        - any simple decisions are always fraught with very complex consequences.
        This can be done once, no more ...
        And they will abandon their factories / newspapers / steamers in a few hours and bring the money out clean ...
        And the year 1918 will come ....... the era of war communism ...
    2. BAI
      24 February 2021 12: 48
      Where can I get it? The modern economy is not a swan princess, waved her sleeve - free circles, waved to others - the pension has grown ...

      To begin with, to make the export of crude oil directly dependent on the sale of gasoline on the domestic market. Let's say he sold 100 tons of gasoline - get a permit to export 100 tons of oil abroad. I sold 1000 tons of gasoline - export 1000 tons of oil.
      And on gas - sold 1000 cubic meters to the population (population, not CHP) - you can sell 100 cubic meters abroad.
      Then the prices for gasoline will pleasantly surprise everyone (even taking into account the state excise tax), and they will bring gas to any shed.
      1. +1
        24 February 2021 12: 56
        Okay, so tomorrow you come to the gas station - and gasoline is 10 rubles a liter. So what? Will you ride more?
        Venezuela, by the way, yes, gasoline was cheap there ...
        1. BAI
          24 February 2021 13: 05
          So what? Will you ride more?

          Of course. By the way, the prices for all goods, where freight transportation by road is laid down, should also fall.
          1. +1
            24 February 2021 13: 07
            A very correct thought. So maybe let the fuel for cargo transportation be cheaper? And not for individuals?
      2. 0
        24 February 2021 22: 25
        Quote: BAI
        I sold 1000 tons of gasoline - export 1000 tons of oil.
        -but tomorrow did not sell oil - crisis and? the population also does not care? and if the population does not buy, and export is required many times more, otherwise fines under contracts for shortage?

        Quote: BAI
        So what? Will you ride more?

        Of course. By the way, the prices for all goods, where freight transportation by road is laid down, should also fall.

        all must surely fall, aha ...
        when Plato was introduced costs for the transportation of tons of cargo increased by about 1%, while price for transportation of a ton increased from 5% to 57% belay
        Do you truly believe that if Plato cancels tomorrow, these merchants will reduce the tariff by 57% ??? well, well ...

        Quote: BAI
        So what? Will you ride more?

        -there is a certain distance that you drive on average, for me this is about 8000 km per year (it can go up to 10 and fall to 7) - and even if tomorrow gasoline starts to cost a ruble per liter, I won't drive more than 10 - I'm just stupid travel is no longer required.
        The same will literally be true for you - well, the figure will rise by a couple of thousand km per year maximum. 10-20 TIMES you won't ride anymore
    3. +1
      24 February 2021 13: 08
      Where can I get it?
      Colonel Zakharchenko's
      1. +5
        24 February 2021 13: 17
        Kopecks .. We have about 36 million pensioners in Russia. 10 thousand a month. 360 billion per month ...
        On the issue of pensions, I believe that increasing pensions is not an option. It is necessary to provide pensioners with a certain standard of living. But monetizing is a dead end. It's cruel, but there is no other way out. Do not misunderstand me.

        Separate from the topic. Gardamir, you didn’t ask yourself why the Colonel’s got exactly cash. I would like to know your opinion ..
        1. 0
          24 February 2021 13: 28
          why the colonel was found in cash.
          Honestly, no. My advice was half-joke. If you block, at least partially, the possibility of illegally enriching yourself, that's the money.
          1. +6
            24 February 2021 13: 35
            No, this is not a half-joke, this is all serious. I’m trying to understand how to collect 12 billion cash in the modern world of non-cash money .. It’s very difficult.
            I heard somewhere that civil servants are saving up cash because they cannot launder it and spend it now.
            1. +2
              24 February 2021 13: 43
              It’s very difficult.
              It turns out there would be a desire, you can squeeze similar ones for a long time, but "holes" have been created for the leakage of cash.
              1. +2
                24 February 2021 13: 48
                They are not created, they are rather not closed yet ..
    4. +20
      24 February 2021 21: 33
      Quote: tasha
      Unfortunately - common words. The author suggests - free of charge, free of charge .. Give-give-give ... And where to get something?

      It's simple ...
  16. +13
    24 February 2021 10: 32
    There are many correct, correct remarks, but there are 2 basic contradictions.
    1) Who will carry out all this. The author puts the cart in front of the horse. If "the semi-colonial, raw materials and peripheral capitalist model of the 1990-2000 model has completely exhausted itself", then who will change it? The author simply turns into emptiness. Moreover, according to the context of the text, it appears that the Russian authorities themselves must change it. Who created this model (semi-colonial) and who are its beneficiaries. It turns out that it is absurd that Putin himself and Rottenberg and Potanin must dispossess himself.
    This is, a priori, impossible.
    2) The author proceeds from Russian thinking, which is characterized by belief in miraculous recipes and miraculous salvation. This is our strength and our weakness. In this case, the weakness is that, according to the author, it turns out that everything has simply been ruined and plundered for 30 years, and then, rrraaazz, and new industrialization. In fact, the situation much worse than the author describes. The power of the Yeltsin-Putin like locusts plundered everything, and created many vicious circles of which there is no easy way out.
    We have to be honest - for Russia now something else is actual- "" I can not offer anything but blood, hard work, tears and sweat. "
    1. +1
      24 February 2021 10: 41
      We have to be honest - for Russia now something else is actual- "" I can not offer anything but blood, hard work, tears and sweat. "
      Exactly. The question is - are Russians ready for decades of hard work without iPhones, without expensive cars and tourist trips to warm seas? Not..
      And, probably, there is something in this. Why does someone have palaces, yachts and airplanes - while others have to plow?
      1. +2
        24 February 2021 12: 30
        Quote: tasha
        And, probably, there is something in this. Why does someone have palaces, yachts and airplanes - while others have to plow?

        I found an interesting video. You can watch from beginning to end. But, in relation to the situation: "Why does someone have palaces, yachts and airplanes ..." (from 59:00)

        And when you look at this, you can look at it from the beginning and, trying on the uniform for yourself, decide whether you can believe in a person's words or not.
        1. -4
          24 February 2021 14: 32
          Quote: ROSS 42
          I found an interesting video.
          And did you come across a video where Platoshkin explains how he was useful to the bosses in the Foreign Ministry Shevardnadze, who in Germany was called "German No. 2" - after Gorbachev, who was "No. 1, imprisoned for the collapse of the USSR, and in the Foreign Ministry of Mr. Yes" Kozyrev more like the foreign affairs department in the colonial administration? Maybe he fought them there somehow secretly. I would have listened to him.
          1. 0
            24 February 2021 17: 15
            He reforged. laughing
            1. +1
              24 February 2021 18: 28
              He did not fight colonialism, but immediately wants a communist revolution. And rightly so, why pull.
              1. -2
                24 February 2021 18: 44
                It's just that a person does not waste his time on trifles. The genius of Platoshkind is great. He developed the teachings of Marx to such an extent that he completely revised it and subjected it to merciless revisionism. And now it will be possible to build communism under his wise leadership. Well, unless, of course, banal Platoshkind will not lead us to another version of capitalism under a socialist screen in the manner of China.
                1. +2
                  24 February 2021 19: 30
                  ... now it will be possible to build communism under his wise leadership. Well, unless, of course, banal Platoshkind will not lead us to another version of capitalism under a socialist screen in the manner of China.
                  "Well, come on, you are a vigorous louse! And the deer is not good for you? And yesterday I was grubbing my soul: Take out the deer and put it down! .." (c) laughing
                2. -1
                  25 February 2021 06: 41
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  Platoshkind will not lead us
                  The comprador would have led, but who would give him. One comprador is a latifundist, the other is an official. Communist Party - anneals: the party apparatus after survival in the colonial administration.
                  1. 0
                    25 February 2021 10: 03
                    All this talk about non-comprador compradors is nonsense for naive and gullible people. I perfectly understand what caused the current sudden patriotism of the people who were building Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok yesterday.
                    1. -3
                      25 February 2021 10: 37
                      Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                      the sudden patriotism of the people who yesterday were building Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok.
                      For whom it is sudden, but in general it is the outline of Eurasia. Today he is torn by the Americans and their minions. But Europeans and Asians do not want to fight for other people's interests, and this brings their interests closer to ours, and makes them more likely to speak with hope about Russia. Patriots are still building Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok and Asia from Franz Josef Land to East Timor. Eurasia at different speeds.
                      And the enemy in every article and every comment seeks to intensify internal conflicts in the Russian Federation and with its neighbors.
                      1. -1
                        25 February 2021 11: 14
                        This is sheer nonsense. The rotten Eurasianism of the fascist storytellers of the Dugins and other trash things like them.
                      2. -1
                        25 February 2021 11: 27
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        Rotten Eurasianism of fascist storytellers
                        Do you have a headache? Russian fascism is seen everywhere. Give ONE short quote referring to Dugin's work as a fascist. And to call opponents "trash" is quite in the spirit of liberal-fascists (if there is no mirror, look to the left).
                      3. -1
                        25 February 2021 12: 42
                        Is he really imagining him after Kiselev's statements from the screen of the first channel? I'm not going to poke around in the shit of Dugin's opuses for you.
                      4. 0
                        25 February 2021 13: 06
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        I'm not going to poke around in the shit of Dugin's opuses for you
                        This is clear. Dugin's opuses are not at all for those who poke around in shit, even for themselves. So you, it seems, will not delve into the Kiselyov statements from the screen, because you are used to only taking the already selected - selected and approved - with a shovel and throwing it at the fan, directing it towards persons objectionable to the employer.
                      5. 0
                        25 February 2021 15: 17
                        The standard reception of the guardian of all those who disagree with him is to enroll in the agents of the State Department. Despite the fact that in terms of rhetoric, the guardian himself differs very little from this very agent, if at all. Well, and other demagoguery. Are you being stamped there by the conveyor method? All of them are arrogant, stupid, clichéd.
                      6. 0
                        25 February 2021 17: 26
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        All as on selection, arrogant, stupid, cliché
                        Aha! Against the polite, smart and original. laughing (where is the bun that rolls on the floor and laughs?)
                      7. 0
                        25 February 2021 18: 53
                        The fox ate the gingerbread man. But illiterate guards do not know this. They only read training manuals and those with difficulty. Yeah, absolutely sawed fierce went already to the kindergarten in the guardians are recruiting.
                      8. -1
                        26 February 2021 20: 52
                        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                        But illiterate guards do not know this
                        The destroyer, trained to read and write, knows everything. Only the pot is not asked.
          2. +17
            24 February 2021 21: 40
            Quote: sniperino
            where Platoshkin explains how he was useful to the bosses in the Foreign Ministry Shevardnadze, who in Germany was called "German No. 2" - after Gorbachev, who was "No. 1, imprisoned for the collapse of the USSR, and in the Foreign Ministry of Mr." Yes " relations in the colonial administration? Maybe he fought them there somehow secretly.

            then, for balance, how to evaluate:
            2005: President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin handed over 337 km2 of Russian territory to China with one stroke of the pen.
            2010: President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev managed to donate 175 km000 of the Barents Sea to Norway.
            2011: Dmitry Anatolyevich encouraged another round of "spinning", recognizing Russia's refusal of rights to 240 km000 of the Arctic in the area of ​​the island of Spitsbergen.
            2011: Azerbaijan left two villages - Khrakh-Uba and Uryan-Uba together with residents.
            2017: Lake Sladkoe completely passed to Kazakhstan.
            1. -5
              25 February 2021 07: 02
              I go to Abkhazia and Crimea on vacation without a visa with rubles. This outweighs everything that you put on the globe like "gifts", "spin", etc. disputed territories.
      2. -5
        24 February 2021 12: 43
        Quote: tasha
        Why does someone have palaces, yachts and airplanes - while others have to plow?
        Here you either plow and earn money, if not for a yacht, then at least for a motor boat, or everything that you can take away and divide according to the method "Palaces for everyone!" between your own, get on a plane and fly away faster and further.
        1. -1
          24 February 2021 17: 50
          Quote: sniperino
          Here you either plow and earn money, if not for a yacht, then at least for a motor boat, or everything that you can take away and divide according to the method "Palaces for everyone!" between your own, get on a plane and fly away faster and further.

          This has not been completed yet. Vaughn, the Kalashnikov concern, a certain rock musician bought that for a billion, as they say. (75% of shares).
          1. 0
            25 February 2021 18: 16
            Quote: Mordvin 3
            the Kalashnikov concern, a certain rock musician bought only that for a billion
            About musicians there is a saying "seven barrels of prisoners and all - musicians" (about lies). There is uncertainty about the origin of Lushnikov's funds, who from 1997 to 2006. rose in commercial structures from a lawyer to a general counsel, but the unprofitable concern, judging by its work on optimizing Russian Railways, is quite possible that it will.
            participated in the preparation of conceptual provisions for the reform of railway transport; was one of the founders of the organization of operator companies, took a personal part in their creation and further development; took part in the creation of schemes of relationships between carriers, cargo owners, operators and owners of public railway transport infrastructure, as well as working out these schemes in practice; took a direct part in the preparation of drafts of the main federal laws in the field of railway transport; in the Federal Agency for Railway Transport since July 2006 as a Deputy Head
            Time will tell. There is no reason to be sad. request
            1. +1
              25 February 2021 18: 27
              Quote: sniperino
              ... There is no reason to be sad.

              Currently, Alan Lushnikov officially owns several organizations - Perspektiva, TKH-Invest, Dream IT and ANO Dialogue of Cultures.

              Dialogue of Cultures is engaged in the production of television programs, films and video films, Dream IT is in the development of software for computers, Perspektiva is in the management of financial and industrial groups, and TKH-Invest is in investments in securities.

              However, almost all of them do not differ in profitability. According to the service of checking contractors Spark.Interfax, last year Perspektiva received 27,2 million rubles in losses, Dream IT - 1,4 million rubles, TKH-Invest - 126,3 million rubles, Dialogue of Cultures »Seems to be working for free (no data on his income).
              Yeah, that's such an effective manager.
      3. +8
        24 February 2021 13: 49
        Quote: tasha
        And, probably, there is something in this. Why does someone have palaces, yachts and airplanes - while others have to plow?

        This is absolutely correct and logical. What will a person work for? For an extra million for Michelson and Abramovich? Or Putin's palace, excuse the "Rottenberg apart-hotel"? Now everyone (and first of all the representatives of the "power vertical" and their servants and guards) are trying only to snatch something from each other. Whether it's a billion or 40 thousand and early retirement.
        The question is different. Suppose, by some miracle, we have a really patriotic government (again, it’s not important now, which is in the range from monarchic to Stalinist).
        Are all these people brought up in the spirit of "die today you, and tomorrow I" and "the main thing to suck up to the authorities" will disappear somewhere? No, they will all be here. So the problem here is that even with the best government and for the sake of the brightest ideas, most Russians will not at all be ready for any hard work for any Russia and the future. This is neither bad nor good, but just a fact.
        And there are many such problems - can all the factories destroyed by the power of "market reformers" recover by themselves? Can someone help us restore them? Will return specialists, technologies, provide a sales market? Where will we get all the goods, because now we buy everything from screwdrivers to machine tools abroad?
        1. -4
          25 February 2021 11: 06
          Quote: Odyssey
          What will a person work for? For an extra million for Michelson and Abramovich
          Is that why you don’t work worn out? So that Mikhelson and Abramovich do not have extra millions. You will also not be able to pay off the billion-dollar debt of Grudinin, which he tried to dump onto pensioners of the agricultural holding "State Farm named after Lenin" belonging to him. Bulk for the transfer at least ... No?
        2. 0
          26 February 2021 21: 05
          Quote: Odyssey
          the problem here is that even with the best government and for the sake of the brightest ideas, most Russians will not at all be ready for any hard work for any Russia and the future. This is neither bad nor good, but just a fact.
          This is not a problem, just a fact. So it was and so it will be. But the degree of readiness / unavailability is a variable value, and it is necessary to work on this mobilization of personnel within the framework of the problem of the development of social lifts. I suppose that is what happens.
      4. +18
        24 February 2021 22: 41
        Quote: tasha
        The question is - are the Russians ready for decades of hard work without iPhones, without expensive cars and tourist trips to warm seas?

        Quote: tasha

        Quote: tasha
        Why does someone have palaces, yachts and airplanes - while others have to plow?

        and what is the injustice?
    2. +2
      24 February 2021 10: 58
      Quote: Odyssey
      We have to be honest - for Russia now something else is actual- "" I can not offer anything but blood, hard work, tears and sweat. "

      And there is no other way out and cannot be.
      1. -4
        24 February 2021 11: 34
        Alexey, I agree with you. But I'm not sure that millions of Russians will support us. Yeah, they scattered :)
        I don’t know about you, but if I wake up tomorrow morning as a king, president or general secretary, then I’ll cancel my pensions. 18 square meters for each pensioner, utility bills + a set of products from our manufacturers. One TV at five years old, one smartphone no more than 5000 rubles, public transport passes, coupons for 50 liters of gasoline + cellular communications, Internet and a subscription to the pool.
        The freed up money - for the development of free medicine, support for education, the creation of industries.
        This is with regards to pensioners :) And about officials I can wink
        1. +3
          24 February 2021 11: 44
          Quote: tasha
          And about officials I can

          Better not, otherwise they will be attracted for extremism. ))))))))
        2. BAI
          24 February 2021 12: 53
          then I will cancel the pension.

          Those. people have worked all their lives, created those values ​​that are now being successfully plundered, and now to steal them directly? All the same, "They didn't fit into the market. They'll die out. It's okay."?
          1. -2
            24 February 2021 13: 00
            In, the first went ... In words, everything is for the country, but as soon as you give yourself away from your beloved ... And all sorts of nonsense write: "They did not fit into the market. They will die out. It's okay." Stupidly somehow ...
            1. 0
              24 February 2021 13: 04
              It turned out rather abruptly, sorry ..
            2. BAI
              24 February 2021 13: 10
              And all sorts of nonsense write: "They did not fit into the market. They will die out. It's okay." Stupidly somehow ...

              For your education, this is a slightly distorted quote from a certain A. Chubais. I understand that you are a fan of his methods. So you need to know your idols better.
              For your erudition literally:
              "What are you worried about these people? Well, thirty million will die out. They didn't fit into the market. Don't think about it - new ones will grow up."
              1. 0
                24 February 2021 13: 12
                I understand that you are a fan of his methods. So you need to know your idols better.
                No, you do not understand ... You write nonsense in response to my comments. Please don't do that again.
        3. +1
          24 February 2021 13: 42
          Quote: tasha
          This is about retirees

          Will they go to the pool with their bare bottom, or will you give out some sandals with a sheet?
          1. -2
            24 February 2021 13: 45
            Do you earn toy titles on comments of this level?
            1. +3
              24 February 2021 13: 48
              Quote: tasha
              Do you earn toy titles on comments of this level?

              This is a response to your stupid comment from style: "If I were a queen ..."
              1. +2
                24 February 2021 13: 51
                Well, I'm not a writer, not a writer. I wrote it as best I could. And you understood as best you could .. I'll put a plus sign for you smile
        4. -3
          25 February 2021 06: 13
          Quote: tasha
          This is with regards to pensioners :) And about officials I can
          And about those who do not want to work and shout
          some have palaces, yachts and airplanes - and the rest have to plow
          They have palaces and yachts with airplanes? .. 18 m, are pensioners not even in Khrushchev on the 5th floor? 33 meters - are you expropriating? Many questions...
      2. +5
        24 February 2021 14: 19
        Quote: aleksejkabanets
        And there is no other way out and cannot be.

        This is a fundamental, practically philosophical question. Do I need to tell the truth or a beautifully welcoming lie?
        The fact is, reality is scary and people just don't want to face it. They are looking not where they have lost, but where it is light. In an extreme case, you can talk about problems in the present and then you will be an "extremist-truth-teller", but you still have to create the illusion of a bright future.
        And here it does not matter who it is - Zyuganov or Navalny. The general type of thinking is this: now we will adopt the correct program, the right people will come to power, and that's it. Then everything will go by itself. As a result of the adoption of this program, we will build something wonderful and solve all the problems. Further there are differences - this will be "liberal beautiful Russia of the future" or "new socialism", etc.
        Not a single party or politician wants to talk about "sweat and tears", for obvious reasons, to be afraid that people will not follow them. Some (like Navalny) create mirages deliberately, and some (like socialists) simply think that it is necessary to give people a positive image of the future. And it's better not to talk about harsh, even cruel measures now.
        1. +4
          24 February 2021 15: 24
          Quote: Odyssey
          Do I need to tell the truth or a beautifully welcoming lie?

          You wrote it right, but it's scary. Not only is it problematic to write and talk about her (extremism), but they will follow her, no matter what, only when there is absolutely nothing to lose. Today, in my opinion, any government that would not restrict freedom of speech, in the first place, and would not be able to persecute dissidents for political reasons, is better. Navalny, with his comrades, does not fit this definition, for the reason that he will bring liberal neo-fascism with him. There will certainly be "decommunization", getting rid of the "bloody totalitarian legacy" and other dubious pleasures. The situation, of course, is heating up a little, the government is doing everything in order to lose its remaining popularity. An increase in utilities is coming, they promise to raise prices for meat products, they talk about taxing private household plots, they themselves will never stop, they will always have little. But even today, if there are any analogues of the "Red Brigades", then the support of the population they will probably have more than the real support of "United Russia" and certainly more than any "Yabloko". I think pretty soon we will have an "interesting time".
      3. -6
        24 February 2021 19: 35
        ... We must be honest - for Russia now something else is actual- "" I can not offer anything but blood, hard work, tears and sweat. "///////// And there is no other way out and cannot be.
        Well then, get ready that you will feed your 4 schoolchildren for 150 Soviet rubles a month. After the end of 3-4 years of devastation and the Civil War.
        1. -1
          24 February 2021 19: 57
          Quote: clerk
          Well then, get ready that you will feed your 4 schoolchildren for 150 Soviet rubles a month.

          Tell me what you know about Soviet rubles? About their purchasing power? In fact, this is, in general, not a little, considering that the entire communal apartment, along with electricity, in the kopeck piece was about 3 rubles, hack-mitntai cost about 20 kopecks, boiled water - within 2 rubles. In the army, when he served as a conscript, if you go to work on your own, you were given 60 kopecks for lunch. so we also managed to buy cigarettes. And then where did you get 150 rubles? The national average was around 200 rubles, with premiums, of course. And both spouses always worked, there were no problems with kindergartens and schools.
          Quote: clerk
          After the end of 3-4 years of devastation and the Civil War.

          We will not discuss this slippery and provocative topic. By the way, the civil war in the early USSR (RSFSR) was not started by the Reds at all. Read about the White Czech uprising, this is the beginning of the civil war, the revolution itself was quite peaceful and almost bloodless.
          1. -3
            24 February 2021 20: 04
            ... We will not discuss this slippery and provocative topic. By the way, the civil war in the early USSR (RSFSR) was not started by the Reds at all. Read about the White Czech uprising, this is the beginning of the civil war, the revolution itself was quite peaceful and almost bloodless.
            ... Well, I think the beginning of the Civil War was the formation of the White Army by Alekseev at the end of December 1917, but otherwise I agree. But why do you think that your communoid rebellion will be surrendered without a fight?
            1. +1
              24 February 2021 20: 18
              Quote: clerk
              But why do you think that your communoid rebellion will be surrendered without a fight?

              And who said I was calling for mutiny? Where is it written? As for the 17th year, google by request: "Triumphal procession of Soviet power." What wrong have the communists done to you personally? Strictly speaking, it is to them that we owe the victory in the Second World War.
              1. +2
                24 February 2021 22: 19
                I have respect for the Soviet communists, in their time and conditions they acted on the whole reasonably. Not when the current communoids refer to their experience is in its pure form a cargo cult.
                1. 0
                  24 February 2021 22: 37
                  Quote: clerk
                  But when the current communoids refer to their experience, it is in its pure form a cargo cult.

                  Can you justify it? And I would ask you to write without insults. You are unlikely to enjoy being called a liberoid or dazdraput.
                  1. 0
                    25 February 2021 13: 51
                    1) I write kommunoid, so as not to be confused with the communists., 2) I do not profess liberal values. I would describe myself as a moderate conservative with a liking for the commies. 3) Dazdraput just sounds clumsy, and I have already been called a zaputinist 4) I have written many times and offered to see for ourselves - thanks to which the USSR achieved success in industrialization. In response, there were only minuses and cries that a new Stalin was needed.
                    1. 0
                      25 February 2021 17: 09
                      Quote: clerk
                      I wrote many times and offered to see for themselves - thanks to which the USSR achieved success in industrialization. In response, only minuses and cries that a new Stalin is needed.

                      Well, Stalin, as a person, is of course a man of genius, but the construction of the USSR is not his only handiwork. So why, in your opinion, did the USSR achieve such success in industrialization? This is such a broad topic that you cannot describe it in a commentary; without collectivization, industrialization would have been impossible. Personally, I believe that the main reason for the success of the early and Stalinist USSR is the abolition of private ownership of the means of production, the nationalization of the banking system, state planning and the rational distribution of income from certain enterprises. I also believe that the development of cooperatives and artels played a huge positive role.
                      Quote: clerk
                      I write communoid, so as not to be confused with communists

                      Today you will find very few people who understand the theory of Marxism, and I also do not understand it very much.))))))
                      1. 0
                        25 February 2021 19: 24
                        ... Personally, I believe that the main reason for the success of the early and Stalinist USSR is the abolition of private ownership of the means of production, the nationalization of the banking system, state planning and the rational distribution of income from certain enterprises. I also believe that the development of cooperatives and artels played a huge positive role.
                        The nationalization of the economy is a necessary condition, but not sufficient. Collectivization freed up several million pairs of workers, ready to work a little more than food (most of the peasants were subsistence farming). The global crisis has made it possible to attract inexpensively many thousands of Western specialists and buy the latest technology. A coercive apparatus with a harsh reputation and pocket-size courts allowed to extinguish possible discontent. The state, due to the low standard of living of the population and scanty social obligations, had the means to guarantee sales .. What of this is now?
                      2. +1
                        25 February 2021 20: 28
                        Quote: clerk
                        A coercive apparatus with a harsh reputation and pocket-size courts helped to extinguish possible discontent.

                        I do not agree with you here. Look at the percentage of acquittals at that time. From the 30th to the war it was 8-15%, and today it is less than 25%. For what and how ordinary people sit today, I know very well. In percentage terms, there are more people sitting today than under Stalin, as far as I know. This is not the main reason, the secondary one, it is impossible to force people to work on their conscience. You will agree with me that people worked with true enthusiasm. I remember my grandfather well, but my wife's grandmother is still alive (born XNUMX) She talks a lot about that time. They lived then, of course, not richly, but much better than under the king (the bulk).
                        Quote: clerk
                        Due to the low standard of living of the population and scanty social obligations, the state had the means to guarantee sales .. What of this is now?

                        Again, the standard of living of the majority of the population of the early USSR was not low in relation to other states. And what does “scanty social obligations” mean? What is it now? You approach the problem from the wrong side; on the other hand, you should put it differently. Is the ruling class interested in industrialization today and why?
                      3. 0
                        25 February 2021 22: 46
                        1) the Criminal Code of 1926, was initially quite liberal towards criminal and economic crimes, but it could also easily be sentenced to the VMN for counter-revolution, etc. The GW was still fresh in my memory. So the coercive apparatus was effective and the chatter about bad power would have been easily stopped. 2) There was undoubtedly enthusiasm, but everything was not built on it. 3) Grandmother 1925 gr. remembered 1940, not 1930
                        Or 1913. 5) The wages of workers in 1925 were 2-3 times lower than in 1913, 3/4 of the peasants lived on subsistence farming. 6) scanty social services, obligations - this is the lack of pensions, compulsory education of grade 4, not 11, the number of doctors and beds per capita in 1930.
                      4. 0
                        25 February 2021 23: 11
                        ... You approach the problem from the wrong side; on the other hand, you should put it differently. Is the ruling class interested in industrialization today and why?
                        If we approach from this side, then we should start not with a question for the elite, but with a justification: - what is the need for Russia to carry out accelerated industrialization right now, which will cost a lot of money and lead to the impoverishment of an already poor population?
                      5. 0
                        26 February 2021 09: 39
                        Quote: clerk
                        If we approach from this side, then we should start not with a question for the elite, but with a justification: - what is the need for Russia to carry out accelerated industrialization right now, which will cost a lot of money and lead to the impoverishment of an already poor population?

                        Not what is the need for Russia, but what is the benefit to certain classes in Russia. For example, the overwhelming majority of Russia's residents (outside the Moscow Ring Road) need jobs. The technological lag in the future will cost us much more, in other matters it is already felt now. Well, please explain to me why new jobs will lead to the impoverishment of the unemployed population?
                      6. 0
                        26 February 2021 09: 59
                        Jobs and production must be created and this is being done. Explain - why exactly now it is necessary to force it, raising the whole country to the ears and spending all the reserves? Stalin was preparing the country for an imminent big war (it is understandable and many thanks to him) - what urgency do you and your like-minded people have? Only specifically - without general words about lagging behind and other propaganda husks.
                      7. 0
                        26 February 2021 11: 30
                        Quote: clerk
                        Jobs and production must be created and this is being done.

                        Quote: clerk
                        What urgency do you and your like-minded people have?

                        Because jobs are not created and nothing is done. This can be seen even in my region. Was there such a "strategy 2020" how was it implemented? At zero percent, and so on in almost everything. The current ruling class has no interest in the development of its country.
                      8. 0
                        26 February 2021 11: 46
                        ... Because jobs are not created and nothing is done. This can be seen even in my region. Was there such a "strategy 2020" how was it implemented? At zero percent, and so on in almost everything. The current ruling class has no interest in the development of its country.
                        Sorry, but you did not provide any specifics in justifying the need for urgent forced industrialization with high costs. So all talk about it is empty propaganda chatter and cheap politicking (Nothing personal hi ).
                      9. 0
                        26 February 2021 11: 53
                        Quote: clerk
                        So all talk about it is empty propaganda chatter and cheap politicking.

                        So, do you think that the country is moving in the right direction?
                      10. 0
                        26 February 2021 12: 28
                        ... So, do you think that the country is moving in the right direction?
                        Yes, I think the country is moving badly, but in the right direction. And it is necessary to remove the inhibiting obstacles (such as corrupt officials, embezzlers, crooked laws), but sharp turns or a forced reinforcement will simply kill the country.
                      11. -1
                        26 February 2021 15: 35
                        Quote: clerk
                        And you need to remove the inhibiting obstacles (such as corrupt officials, embezzlers, crooked laws)

                        Without changing the system, these "braking obstacles" cannot be removed. I don't believe in "Beautiful Russia of the Future" by Navalny.
                      12. -1
                        26 February 2021 15: 58
                        ... Without changing the system, these "braking obstacles" cannot be removed. IN
                        Take any high-profile public or state problem of 10 years ago and compare it with the present time. You will see positive progress. And only cats will be born quickly.
                      13. 0
                        26 February 2021 16: 08
                        Quote: clerk
                        Take any high-profile public or state problem of 10 years ago and compare it with the present time.

                        The first ones that came across, medicine and education. Compare yourself, it got worse.
                      14. +1
                        26 February 2021 17: 35
                        ... The first ones that came across, medicine and education. Compare yourself, it got worse.
                        I was asking for a specific problem, not a general grudge against a particular industry.
                      15. 0
                        26 February 2021 09: 27
                        Quote: clerk
                        Grandmother 1925 gr. remembered 1940, not 1930

                        My grandparents were in 1905. So I still remember "living testimonies".)))))
                        Quote: clerk
                        The salaries of workers in 1925 were 2-3 times lower than in 1913, 3/4 of the peasants lived on subsistence farming.

                        Here you are wrong. Here is a good article with links to sources on workers in pre-revolutionary Russia: https://scepsis.net/library/id_3869.html
                        Here you can see about workers in Soviet Russia: https://statehistory.livejournal.com/115091.html
                        But this article is much more professional and detailed:
              2. -3
                25 February 2021 07: 14
                Quote: aleksejkabanets
                it is to them that we owe the victory in the Second World War.
                Sorry, xp to you. We owe the victory in the Second World War to the Soviet people, who fought and forged victory in the rear, and the political leadership of Stalin, who did not betray his people, did not surrender the country quietly, but led to victory and the restoration of the state. And the communists want to break through in this victory for themselves a special place of honor. Xpen to you.
                1. +1
                  25 February 2021 13: 56
                  Well, to be honest, those communists under the leadership of the IVS have a direct and significant relationship to the Victory. But the current opportunists, ignoramuses and bawlers under the red banner - really none.
          2. -6
            24 February 2021 20: 14
            ... tell me what do you know about Soviet rubles? About their purchasing power? In fact, this is, in general, not a little, considering that the entire communal apartment, along with electricity, in the kopeck piece was about 3 rubles, hack-mitntai cost about 20 kopecks, boiled water - within 2 rubles. In the army, when he served as a conscript, if you go to work on your own, you were given 60 kopecks for lunch. so we also managed to buy cigarettes. And then where did you get 150 rubles? The national average was around 200 rubles, with premiums, of course. And both spouses always worked, there were no problems with kindergartens and schools.
            ... The communal flat in the kopeck piece was about 10 (now 6 thousand), meat on the market 5,5 (now 550 of the best quality), milk -25-30 kopecks / l (now 65 rubles), cheese - 3,5-4 rubles (now 500), etc., eggs and 1 ruble against the current 80, Oil 3,6 against 550-600. That is, the Soviet 200 is a maximum of 30-33 thousand today. Do you think this is the reason for the revolution? As for kindergartens, compare the length of parental leave then and now.
            1. +1
              24 February 2021 20: 45
              Quote: clerk
              The communal apartment in the kopeck piece was about 10 (now 6 thousand) .....

              A communal apartment in a three-ruble note, in a two-apartment building, together with the light was 3 rubles and a penny, Krasnodar Territory, Armavir. Meat, boneless beef, at the factory, through the canteen cost 3.10, it was considered expensive, in the store meat was cheaper than boiled sausage, sausage according to those GOSTs would cost about 800 rubles today. When I make sausages according to GOSTs from 1937, their cost is more than 380 rubles. The oil cost within 2 rubles, now the same is not. One cannot so primitively recalculate the Soviet salary for the current Russian rubles. How to count the annual pioneer camps, practically free vouchers to a sanatorium, transport, apartments from the state, finally?
              Quote: clerk
              Do you think this is the reason for the revolution?

              Revolutions are never financially motivated.
              1. -4
                24 February 2021 21: 59
                So, in your particular case, the plant additionally subsidized the communal apartment and supplied the workers with meat. Oil (when it was in stores) cost 62 kopecks. for a 200 g pack. Boiled sausage, even according to different GOST standards (60% beef, 40% pork), cannot cost more than veal tenderloin on the market (550-600 rubles / kg). Free Vouchers to a sanatorium are once every 5-10 years, apartments from the state strongly depended on the place of work. In any case, more than 150: 1 does not work.
                1. +1
                  24 February 2021 22: 15
                  Quote: clerk
                  Boiled sausage, even according to different GOST standards (60% beef, 40% pork), cannot cost more than veal tenderloin on the market (550-600 rubles / kg).

                  Who told you that you bought meat on the market? Firstly, meat was often in stores, I don't remember its price, but it was always cheaper than boiled sausage. If the meat had to be bought urgently, then you could go and buy it in the coptorg, it cost there, as far as I remember, a little cheaper than 3 rubles.
                  Quote: clerk
                  Free Vouchers to the sanatorium - every 5-10 years

                  What nonsense, even though you could ride every year. Not to a sanatorium, but to some kind of recreation center. Last minute deals were still there.
                  Quote: clerk
                  apartments from the state strongly depended on the place of work.

                  I agree that if the plant was just being built (started up), then the family could get a departmental apartment immediately upon arrival.
                  Quote: clerk
                  So, in your particular case, the plant additionally subsidized the communal apartment and supplied the workers with meat.

                  The plant, of course, did not pay for utilities. Meat and semi-finished products could be bought in the factory canteen at a very reasonable price. A set lunch cost 60 kopecks. First, second, third, salad and bun.
                  1. -2
                    24 February 2021 22: 57
                    1) Meat in stores for 2,5-2,7? Was very rare. In co-selling happened, but 1,5 times more expensive. 2) You originally talked about a free sanatorium. This time every 5-10 years. And now students go to the factory camp site with toilets "like a toilet". 3) If you are a teacher in the city, then for 10-15 years you could easily stand in line. 4) He did not pay for the communal apartment - he subsidized the maintenance of his housing stock. The cost of such a dinner is now 130-150 rubles in the canteen.
                    1. 0
                      24 February 2021 23: 14
                      Quote: clerk
                      1) Meat in stores for 2,5-2,7

                      The meat was a little cheaper than 2 rubles, in the coop bargaining about three.
                      Quote: clerk
                      You were originally talking about a free sanatorium. This time every 5-10 years. And now students go to the factory camp site with toilets "like a toilet".

                      Quote: aleksejkabanets
                      almost free vouchers to the sanatorium

                      Almost free, this means almost free, that they paid for them, very little, the rest of the trade union paid extra. The factory camp sites near our factory were good, for their time (30 years ago) they were quite comfortable.
                      Quote: clerk
                      Zaod did not pay for the communal apartment - he subsidized the maintenance of his housing stock.

                      The apartment was not a factory one.
                      Quote: clerk
                      The cost of such a dinner is now 130-150 rubles in the canteen.

                      It’s not funny. They cooked there no worse than at home and the food was much better quality than today, at least they were not afraid to take minced meat, because there were no additives besides meat and onions.
                      1. 0
                        24 February 2021 23: 20
                        I already understood that in your case I paid for and subsidized the plant a lot, but this was not the case everywhere.
          3. +17
            24 February 2021 21: 48
            Quote: aleksejkabanets
            Tell me what you know about Soviet rubles?

            yes fucking he doesn't know about the ruble

            1. -1
              24 February 2021 22: 15
              Thank you for confirming my words.
              ... The communal apartment in the kopeck piece was about 10 (now 6 thousand), m
              . laughing
              1. +18
                24 February 2021 22: 20
                We are talking about the Soviet ruble! What is the exchange rate of the Soviet and Russian ruble?
                1. 0
                  24 February 2021 22: 45
                  Read the heading - what the 52 kopeck exchange rate is used for - to settle Russia's debts under old Soviet contracts, which at the end of the USSR with the former socialist countries were in dollars.
              2. +1
                24 February 2021 22: 50
                Quote: clerk
                Thank you for confirming my words.

                Bottom receipt for 5 people.
            2. 0
              24 February 2021 22: 22
              Quote: Silvestr
              yes fucking he doesn't know about the ruble

              What is expensive on your screenshots, we paid a little more than a threefold with the light. There was an apartment on the ground.
        2. +20
          24 February 2021 21: 42
          Quote: clerk
          Well then, get ready that you will feed your 4 schoolchildren for 150 Soviet rubles a month.

          stop scaring! My mother taught me at a university for 70 rubles and my younger brother did not die of hunger
          1. -3
            24 February 2021 21: 51
            This one with the most profitable comparisons for you 15 thousand in current salaries.
            1. +18
              24 February 2021 22: 08
              Quote: clerk
              This one with the most profitable comparisons for you 15 thousand in current salaries.

              And where is the salary of 70 rubles now?
              1. -3
                24 February 2021 22: 13
                70! Your mother's rubles is now a maximum of 15 thousand
                1. +17
                  24 February 2021 22: 23
                  Quote: clerk
                  Your mother's rubles is now a maximum of 15 thousand

                  My mother's late mother's pension was 11 thousand
                2. -1
                  24 February 2021 22: 52
                  Quote: clerk
                  70! Your mother's rubles is now a maximum of 15 thousand

                  For 70 rubles, you could pay 10 times for a one-room apartment, how much will you give today?
                  1. -3
                    24 February 2021 23: 07
                    In the summer approx. 2, I don't remember in winter - probably 3,5-4
                    1. -1
                      24 February 2021 23: 18
                      Quote: clerk
                      In the summer approx. 2, I don't remember in winter - probably 3,5-4

                      And here in winter and summer - the same color was before this year. A friend paid exactly 4 thousand for a one-room apartment. How much is now - not in the know. I only have 63 square meters for heating three rubles - 4 thousand 800 rubles.
                      1. 0
                        24 February 2021 23: 26
                        N already then, how much square one does your friend have and how much you have left for your three rubles.
                      2. 0
                        24 February 2021 23: 36
                        Quote: clerk
                        N already then, how much square does your friend have and how much

                        And how much is the standard Khrushchev? 32 squares, I don't remember exactly.
                        Quote: clerk
                        and how much you have goes beyond your three rubles.

                        Thousand 9 comes out. For two. Depends on water consumption and lyaktricity.
                      3. -3
                        24 February 2021 23: 51
                        Well, if only in hryvnia, then I will believe laughing
                      4. +3
                        25 February 2021 00: 04
                        One hryvnia costs almost three rubles, you freak. More precisely - 2,66 rubles at the rate of the central bank. That is, 9 thousand hryvnia = 24 tr. Do you pay for the apartment at all, or does your grandmother do it for you?
                      5. -3
                        25 February 2021 00: 13
                        9 thousand for 63m for two is an obvious zvizdezh, unless you live in the north
                      6. +1
                        25 February 2021 00: 28
                        Quote: clerk
                        9 thousand for 63m for two is an obvious zvizdezh, unless you live in the north

                        I live in the Tula region. And literally today he took almost three and a half thousand. I haven’t paid for electricity and heating yet, the receipts haven’t arrived, there will be five more. We add another 400 for wired internet, here's more than 9 thousand.
                      7. -2
                        25 February 2021 05: 42
                        Do you have a homeowners' association or an electric stove?
                      8. 0
                        25 February 2021 10: 09
                        Quote: clerk
                        Do you have a homeowners' association or an electric stove?

    3. +4
      24 February 2021 11: 10
      Quote: Odyssey
      Putin himself must dispossess himself and Rottenberg and Potanin.

      Putin must dismiss himself (according to the constitution of his first term of office), having previously dispossessed Rottenberg, Potanin and others like them hundreds of billionaires and cleaned up 190 dollar millionaires ...
      1. +19
        24 February 2021 21: 49
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Putin must dismiss himself (according to the constitution of his first term of office), having previously dispossessed Rottenberg, Potanin and others like them hundreds of billionaires and cleaned up 190 dollar millionaires ...

        Fantastic! hi And this will never happen, because there is a snuffbox
    4. +1
      24 February 2021 11: 35
      Quote: Odyssey
      The author puts the cart in front of the horse.

      I would say the author is trying to pull an owl onto the globe. hi
      Quote: Odyssey
      It turns out that it is absurd that Putin himself and Rottenberg and Potanin must dispossess himself.
      This is, a priori, impossible.

      Exactly. Is the author trying to carry out the indicated transformations in the conditions of state propaganda of individualism, as the purpose of personal enrichment and legalized acquisitiveness? lol
      Quote: Odyssey

      We have to be honest - for Russia now something else is actual- "" I can not offer anything but blood, hard work, tears and sweat. "

      And this is the result, to which we have been led by all 36 years of never-stopping "reforms".
      I think the slogan is quite suitable for the policy of market "reforms" of the current ruling system:
      "Privatization of profits and nationalization of losses!"
      1. +4
        24 February 2021 14: 39
        Quote: Sovetskiy
        Exactly. Is the author trying to carry out the indicated transformations in the conditions of state propaganda of individualism, as the purpose of personal enrichment and legalized acquisitiveness?

        Thinking out for the author, you can build the following scheme: now the evil West beats and offends our rulers, the Putin and Rottenbergs, taking away everything honestly looted, the groan from which goes all over Great Russia (which is logical, because they did their job and the West no longer needs them) - that means they under the threat of complete ruin, they will become "reluctant patriots" - that means they themselves will begin to carry out all the measures proposed in the article, well, or you need to actively convince them to take these measures.
        Well, then, the patriots will give them guarantees of immunity, and when they retire, they will give them power.
        I come up with an idea for the author for the next article. smile
        1. -1
          24 February 2021 14: 49
          Quote: Odyssey
          I come up with an idea for the author for the next article.

  17. +1
    24 February 2021 10: 33
    he keeps the country from chaos and collapse

    And drives away the crocodiles.
  18. -3
    24 February 2021 10: 35
    Good advice, but there is one but.
    The recommendations of the IMF and other UN agencies are binding under our laws.
    And these laws were adopted by our people on a vote in 1993,
    First, you need to return sovereignty, abolish Article 15, paragraph 4 of the Constitution on the supremacy of international law. And only after that it will be possible to talk about something.
    People do not demand this, do not believe in it, and then they wonder why life is getting worse and worse every year.
    And whoever has not heard there is a flash mob in the country, sue Gorbachev for his 90th birthday. For the abolition of his illegal actions that led to the liquidation of the bodies of state power of the USSR.
    1. +8
      24 February 2021 11: 50
      Quote: Herman 4223
      repeal article 15 paragraph 4 of the constitution

      Again? Again the dancer is hindered by the wrong constitution? And what was redrawn last summer? Isn't it her, darling? Is a new Russian tradition outlined? Monthly? Under the title - should we not reshape the basic law?
      And do not carry nonsense. Raising the pension of the age, lowering the standard of living, and so on, is also not quite according to the constitution. But when did this interfere with our power? When necessary, she scores on all laws, not only on the constitution. But yes, a beautiful excuse. This is not our constitution, it contains all the troubles.
      1. -4
        24 February 2021 12: 45
        This is an element of foreign government on our territory, which enshrines everything by law. There are others, the oligarchy that keeps factories, factories and chain stores. The latter adjust the price tags well to the European level.
        It may not bother you, but it bothers me that the Central Bank, for example, holds a high key rate, as a result of which we have a high interest rate on loans. And he keeps it on instructions from the IMF. And the retirement age was also raised at the direction of the IMF.
        1. +5
          24 February 2021 12: 56
          Quote: Herman 4223
          For example, the Central Bank holds a high key rate, as a result of which we have a high interest rate on loans.

          Again. The constitution was cut less than a year ago. If Nabiulina interfered with someone from those who are in power, she would already have time to fly out of her post, and try on an outfit from a couturier from the FSIN. However ... She could have been taken 100 times with a bag of heroin, and a dozen RPGs in the trunk. Our Ministry of Internal Affairs is quite capable of sewing leftist affairs. However ... the guarantor could simply not nominate her for the post of head of the Central Bank. It may be a revelation for you, but it is the president of the Russian Federation who nominates the candidate for the head of the Central Bank. Yes And there is no need for tales about "the wrong constitution and the wrong Central Bank." Our constitution is tailored specifically for the current guarantor, and the head of the Central Bank is quite pocketable, serving the interests of exactly those whom she was told from the Kremlin, and not from the State Department. However ... You can tell that the President of the Russian Federation is appointed by the State Department, and he, in turn, nominates the head of the Central Bank, pleasing to the State Department. Yes
          1. -5
            24 February 2021 13: 21
            I know who appoints the head of the Central Bank, this is not news. Only the chapter will always act according to the established rules. And these rules have long been spelled out and do not change. And I did not tell you that our constitution interferes with those who are now in power.
            It hinders the country, ordinary people and helps those who suck resources out of us.
            And not only people live off other people. There is also competition among nations, and some nations sometimes live at the expense of others. And this is our case, whether you believe it or not does not matter.
            1. +5
              24 February 2021 13: 41
              Quote: Herman 4223
              I know who appoints the head of the Central Bank, this is not news.

              Simply put - the head of the Central Bank suits our authorities a little more than completely and completely. Then what are the claims to the constitution?
        2. +2
          24 February 2021 13: 03
          Quote: Herman 4223
          And the retirement age was also raised at the direction of the IMF.

          laughing laughing
          The State Department has increased))))
          1. -2
            24 February 2021 13: 29
            This is funny to you. So dig on the Internet, this information is publicly available. There are also instructions to raise the VAT to 22%, while it has only been raised to 20%.
            1. +2
              24 February 2021 13: 51
              So dig on the Internet, this information is publicly available

              Of course, the reptilians from Nubiru were ordered to raise the retirement age to 70 years, but so far only raised to 65. Holy people.
              1. -1
                24 February 2021 14: 08
                I didn't know that you were getting information from there.
                1. +2
                  24 February 2021 14: 12
                  Quote: Herman 4223
                  I didn't know that you were getting information from there.

                  Yes, yes, we have common sources. It was reported that Biden ordered from March 01, 2021 to increase the fee for technical inspection in Russia, and not agree to fine. Checked it out. So it is - they will be fined.
                  1. -3
                    24 February 2021 14: 18
                    No, I'm afraid I'm still not familiar with your sources, alas.
                    1. +1
                      24 February 2021 14: 30
                      Quote: Herman 4223
                      No, I'm afraid I'm still not familiar with your sources, alas.

                      Here not only the IMF, but also Kudrin tried.
                      MOSCOW, May 19 - RIA Novosti. The Russian authorities should raise the retirement age, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) believes.
                      ... Earlier, the newspaper Vedomosti reported that the ex-head of the Ministry of Finance, head of the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) Alexei Kudrin prepared for President Vladimir Putin a strategy that proposes to reduce the number of pensioners. According to the CSR, the retirement age should be increased for women to 63 years, for men - to 65. The increase should be carried out starting from 2019.
                      1. -1
                        24 February 2021 15: 00
                        First, an instruction from the IMF, and then Kudrin, like a diligent boy, did everything.
        3. -2
          24 February 2021 16: 06
          ... I am now disturbed by the fact that the Central Bank holds a high key rate, as a result of which we have a high interest on loans. And he keeps it on instructions from the IMF. And the retirement age was also raised at the direction of the IMF.
          What size of the key rate do you think is reasonable and fair in the current economic conditions?
          1. 0
            24 February 2021 16: 15
            The same as in all developed countries (USA and their satellites)
            0% with a slight plus in tenths.
            1. -1
              24 February 2021 18: 37
              ... ] [What size of the key rate do you think is reasonable and fair in the current economic conditions? //////// The same as in all developed countries (USA and their satellites)
              0% with a slight plus in tenths.
              Well, strictly speaking, the US refinancing rate is 1,5% per year, but oh well. Why do you think such a rate is reasonable for Russia, even if the official inflation rate is more than 4% per year?
              1. 0
                24 February 2021 19: 31
                In the US, the key rate is currently 0,25%.
                As for inflation, it can provoke it. A high interest rate means expensive loans, as a result, people consume less, development is hampered by enterprises, since they have to rely more on their resources. Over time, enterprises cannot withstand competition with those who have access to cheap loans and can rely on more than just their own funds. As a result, less and less goods are produced while maintaining the money supply, which is inflation. Money is a commodity that you can not buy with it.
                1. -2
                  24 February 2021 19: 39
                  In Russia, the nature of inflation is different (banal emission), so your theory, which is very far from reality, does not work under current conditions.
                  1. 0
                    24 February 2021 20: 05
                    Emission is the entry of money into circulation. We issue the ruble on the basis of the dollar mass, if the economy received less dollars, then one dollar is printed more rubles, and as a result it becomes cheaper. And the goods are mostly foreign and are in dollars. What I wrote above allows you to increase the mass of domestic goods produced for rubles. The more of these in the mass, the smaller the jump in inflation.
                    I can also add that inflation is being fueled artificially by trade networks. Adjusting the cost of goods to the European level.
                    1. -2
                      24 February 2021 20: 24
                      What is the "dollar mass", how do you think it is, how is it tied to emission, why do you think that the goods are mostly foreign? Sorry, but you have some kind of parallel reality in your head.
                      1. -2
                        24 February 2021 20: 52
                        Everything is very simple and there is no porridge.
                        We sell our resources, or what other goods we get from them.
                        But this income is in foreign currency, dollars or euros. And on our territory everything is in rubles. Therefore, the income received is transferred to the ruble mass, and then this mass enters our domestic economy, through the budget or commercial banks, which in turn take rubles from the Central Bank at interest (key rate).
                        This parallel reality, as you called it, for some reason is in the heads of our economists
                        Kasatonov, Glazyev for example.
                      2. -1
                        24 February 2021 21: 47
                        Try to answer the question - why is the growth of the money supply by 8-9% per year (as it is now) only 1/6 of the total volume of exports?
                      3. 0
                        25 February 2021 07: 07
                        You probably mean that a lot of money is printed.
                      4. 0
                        25 February 2021 08: 31
                        It doesn't matter what I mean - I am interested to see your answer (as an apologist Glazyev and Katasonov) to my question.
                      5. 0
                        25 February 2021 09: 08
                        This makes it easier for you to watch their performances.
                        By the way, the dollar mass is growing much faster than the ruble one, and the dollar inflation is several times less.
                      6. 0
                        25 February 2021 09: 48
                        I saw their speeches - on the topic of the course - sheer ignorance and demagoguery. Therefore, I am interested to see an unbiased rationale for their positions.
                      7. 0
                        25 February 2021 09: 56
                        What exactly, in your opinion, is the utter ignorance?
                      8. 0
                        25 February 2021 10: 17
                        You have not answered my question, but you are already asking yours. Not good. But I will answer - they are not stupid people (Glazyev for sure), but it seems that they do not understand at all what a country's balance of payments, money supply, how inflation depends on it, how the foreign exchange market works. I hope you now deign to answer my question as a return courtesy?
                        ... Why is the growth of money supply by 8-9% per year (as it is now) only 1/6 of the total volume of exports?
                      9. 0
                        25 February 2021 14: 22
                        Not quite a correct question.
                        The increase in the money supply occurs due to the emission of money.
                        If the Central Bank stops issuing loans to commercial banks, then the growth of the mass will stop.
                      10. 0
                        25 February 2021 15: 00
                        Loans to banks are never an issue.
                      11. 0
                        25 February 2021 16: 12
                        That's not a problem. How then is the issue of non-cash funds? Cash in the economy is 20 percent, if I'm not mistaken.
                      12. 0
                        25 February 2021 18: 20
                        Through active BR operations
                      13. 0
                        25 February 2021 20: 58
                        recourse You killed me now, that is, if the Bank of Russia buys foreign currency (this is one of the types of active operations), then is it an issue?
                        I thought it was just putting money into circulation.
                      14. 0
                        26 February 2021 11: 51
                        Emission is one of the possible results of "putting money into circulation" wink
                      15. 0
                        25 February 2021 14: 27
                        Only the growth of the money supply does not necessarily equal the growth of inflation.
                        This is an example of China, which has the highest growth in the mass of money, and the United States.
                      16. 0
                        25 February 2021 15: 50
                        Isn't there inflation in China? And how do you think the US is quenching inflation?
                      17. 0
                        25 February 2021 16: 28
                        I was not interested in inflation in China, but I know that the growth of the money supply there is faster than that in the United States.
                        And she's not quite high there, I think.
                        As for the United States, or rather the dollar.
                        So this is the world's currency today. Any inflation is a consequence of the fact that the growth of the amount of money is greater than the amount of goods that can be bought for this money.
                        This ratio holds very well in the world. And the second, the extra dollora mass is very well extinguished due to the radiation from different countries of the world. China alone has a trillion, if I am not mistaken, and Russia does not have small funds. This money has actually been withdrawn from circulation.
                      18. 0
                        25 February 2021 18: 17
                        ... I was not interested in inflation in China, but I know that the growth of the money supply there is ahead of that in the United States.
                        An example with money supply growth without reference to inflation is a spherical Konyu in a vacuum.
                      19. 0
                        25 February 2021 20: 51
                        Especially for you I looked.
                        Inflation in China is 0,5%, while money supply growth is 8,4%. Here, tie the back horse to the vacuum.
                      20. 0
                        26 February 2021 11: 11
                        ... Especially for you I looked.
                        Inflation in China is 0,5%, while money supply growth is 8,4%. Here, tie the back horse to the vacuum.
                        Easily. Especially for you I looked.
                        Inflation in Russia is 4,5%, while money supply growth is 10%. The difference can be attributed to a larger export of capital from Kitvya.
        4. 0
          24 February 2021 17: 34
          "It hinders me that the Central Bank, for example, holds a high key rate, as a result of which we have a high interest rate on loans." Is 4,5% high? Is low for you zero?
        5. +14
          24 February 2021 21: 53
          Quote: Herman 4223
          This is an element of foreign government on our territory, which enshrines everything by law.

          this foreign influence was determined by the COP: there is no influence
          1. 0
            25 February 2021 07: 09
            Read the definition of the supreme court.
            I have already given them here.
            1. 0
              25 February 2021 18: 15
              Constitutional issues are not interpreted by the Supreme Court, but by the Constitutional Court.
              1. 0
                25 February 2021 20: 08
                Here is a quote from the Supreme Court ruling
                Proceeding from this, as well as from the provisions of Part 4 of Article 15, Part 1 of Article 17, Article 18 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, human rights and freedoms in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation are directly applicable within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. They determine the meaning, content and application of laws, the activities of the legislative and executive authorities, local self-government and are provided by justice.
                The content of these principles and norms of international law may be disclosed, in particular, in documents of the United Nations and its specialized agencies.
                1. 0
                  25 February 2021 22: 28
                  This applies only to "human rights and freedoms in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation," and not at all the interpretation of the Constitution.
                  1. 0
                    26 February 2021 09: 09
                    Here's another one for you:
                    The Constitutional Court in its Ruling of July 3, 1997 at the request of the Moscow Regional Court (VKS RF. 1997. N 5. S. 33) concluded that in the event of a conflict of any norm with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law when considering specific cases the rules of the relevant international instruments must be applied.

                    Source: http://constitutionrf.ru/rzd-1/gl-1/st-15-krf
                    The Constitutional Court came to the conclusion that an international treaty has precedence over any rule of internal law, and not only with respect to law.

                    Source: http://constitutionrf.ru/rzd-1/gl-1/st-15-krf
                    1. 0
                      26 February 2021 11: 05
                      This is old stuff. You have already been provided with the 2014 Constitutional Court document. ., which actually disavows this definition.
                      1. 0
                        26 February 2021 17: 43
                        Not even once.
                        The priority of the constitution has never been contested at all, and that's about it.
    2. +6
      24 February 2021 11: 50
      Quote: Herman 4223
      ..... First you need to return sovereignty, abolish Article 15, paragraph 4 of the Constitution on the rule of international law ......

      Leave you already this Fedorov guardian nonsense. No laws will help. Any laws are written with bayonets and in the interests of those whose bayonets are. Neither the trial of Gorbachev, nor the law on the "illegality of the collapse of the USSR" will help create a people's state.
    3. BAI
      24 February 2021 12: 59
      repeal article 15 paragraph 4 of the constitution on the rule of international law

      In clause 2.2 of the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 14.07.2015 N 21-P. we read:
      ... as follows from the Constitution of the Russian Federation, its Articles 4 (part 1), 15 (part 1) and 79, ..., neither the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms as an international treaty of the Russian Federation, nor the legal positions of the European Human Rights Courts, ..., do not cancel the priority of the Constitution of the Russian Federation for the Russian legal system and therefore are subject to implementation within this system only on condition that the Constitution of the Russian Federation is recognized as the highest legal force.

      You will laugh, but this question was decided 6 years ago.
      1. -3
        24 February 2021 13: 41
        I'm talking about pancakes, and you about flies.
        There is a decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for October 2003, where it is said that the meaning and content of international norms is disclosed in UN international institutions and is mandatory for our ministries and departments.
      2. -3
        24 February 2021 13: 49
        Proceeding from this, as well as from the provisions of Part 4 of Article 15, Part 1 of Article 17, Article 18 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, human rights and freedoms in accordance with the generally recognized principles and norms of international law, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation are directly applicable within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. They determine the meaning, content and application of laws, the activities of the legislative and executive authorities, local self-government and are provided by justice.
      3. -3
        24 February 2021 13: 49
        The content of these principles and norms of international law may be disclosed, in particular, in documents of the United Nations and its specialized agencies.
  19. +12
    24 February 2021 10: 36
    What to pour "from empty to empty". Just as the Bolshevik-communists and their supporters after the capture of Russia proved everything about themselves by what they did, spoke and wrote, so their enemies, after the capture of the USSR, proved everything about themselves by what they did, spoke and wrote. And nothing else will happen. The system established by them after the seizure of the USSR was initially programmed for degradation, impoverishment of the country, impoverishment, extinction of the people, and their freedom of irresponsibility and impunity, their enrichment at the expense of the country and the people, their parasitism due to other people's labor. Back in 2012, in his speech on "galoshes," Putin admitted that there is an economic crisis in Russia, and since then has done nothing to change for the better for the country and the people.
  20. +7
    24 February 2021 10: 39
    I do not understand why such a large article, if its essence
    The king is good - the boyars are bad.
    True, I don't really understand why the tsar cannot find good boyars for himself, but as they say, our peasant business is small.
  21. +5
    24 February 2021 10: 39
    And bureaucrats do not need to be removed! It is necessary to hang!
    Full personal responsibility for the assigned business.
    Death penalty and confiscation (from all relatives!).
    1. 0
      24 February 2021 11: 20
      Quote: VIK1711
      Death penalty and confiscation (from all relatives!)

      And if the bureaucrat has seals (and, relatives) - should they be lynched too, or what?
      1. -1
        24 February 2021 13: 01
        Don't take the phrase out of context!
        The confiscation of relatives concerned. And if there are seals - confiscate! Let the relatives suffer! laughing
        1. +1
          24 February 2021 13: 11
          Quote: VIK1711
          The confiscation of relatives concerned

          How, what is the technical side of the matter?
          Juveniles, the elderly, girls and women ...... what, so to speak, is the age and social threshold for "confiscation"?
          1. +1
            24 February 2021 14: 56
            Does the article have specific ways and means of implementing the proposals?
            How, what is the technical side of the matter?
            Juveniles, the elderly, girls and women ...... what, so to speak, is the age and social threshold for "confiscation"?

            There would be a desire. And you can track the receipt of funds.
            And there will be no separate state. employees with a salary of 30 rubles (per month) roll out on cars for ten million.
            China has found both methods and patrons to reduce the appetite of individual citizens ...
            Yes, it will not be possible to get rid of bribery, theft, etc. in the foreseeable future. But we must strive for this!
            And in the Russian Federation, the whole "fish head" is not the first freshness. And they work for their homeland!
            But where is that Motherland ???
            1. +1
              24 February 2021 15: 00
              Quote: VIK1711
              But where is that Motherland ???

              Among the birches of the middle stripe.
              1. -1
                24 February 2021 17: 28
                Western Europe. laughing
                1. +2
                  24 February 2021 18: 00
                  Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                  Western europe

                  No, these are words from the White Guard romance of General Chornota, I recommend listening, I do not recommend shooting.
          2. -1
            24 February 2021 15: 24
            What is needed is not an age limit, but a property qualification. For example, a minor nephew cannot have a penthouse with the parents' salary over the past few years, even in the cost of this real estate (people do not eat holy spirit), a retired mother, who has worked as a teacher with a pension at school all her life, cannot. 12 thousand rubles to buy a cottage in an elite area near a reservoir for tens of millions. If desired, everything is checked, tracked in the same social networks and through banks, so there would be a desire. Confiscation of unjustly acquired is necessary, as well as real terms for theft from the state.
            1. 0
              24 February 2021 22: 34
              Quote: VORON538
              We do not need an age qualification, but a property qualification.
              -and how do you plan to track family ties? Fathers / mothers / children- back and forth, cousins ​​are already a problem, second cousins- find it nonsense ...
              Quote: VORON538
              If desired, everything is checked, tracked in the same social networks and through banks, so there would be a desire
              -Are you seriously about social networks? You do not know - that officials are obliged to provide information about their accounts for a long time? And from this it follows that a mentally normal corrupt official will not be drawn there.
    2. +3
      24 February 2021 13: 04
      Gold words!!!! Only it is necessary to add - in order to ask them with full personal responsibility - the officials will have to Mauser belay belay give out ...
      Because if the subordinates of such an official - got drunk and drowned under the bridge 3 Kirovets (the real story of the 70s with us) or began to freak out with the turn of the rivers - so that he could quickly close this issue ...
      And so ALL in all fairness, the official screwed it up ...

      Z. Y. Remind me, please, what did you do with the people (directors, engineers, technologies, military representatives) who fired a frantic batch of defective 45mm shells before the Second World War? !!
      Apparently they forced the German tanks to tie the trunks to the bows? ???
      Not....???? Strange .....
    3. 0
      24 February 2021 15: 58
      ... And bureaucrats do not need to be removed! It is necessary to hang!
      Full personal responsibility for the assigned business.
      Death penalty and confiscation (from all relatives!).
      ... "In 1940 Mekhlis became the People's Commissar of the State Control of the USSR. In this position, Mekhlis fanatically disclosed economic crimes and sought the death penalty for negligence. In Saratov, the manager of the Saratov office Glavneft, Bratkin, director of the oil refinery Bogdanov, and even professor of Saratov University were executed for pouring oil into the Volga. Orlov. In Leningrad, for systematic accidents with injuries to workers in Lenenergo, 10 heads of the enterprise were shot. In Minsk, the heads of the Zagotzerno enterprise were executed for contamination of flour. In the village of Tabory, Sverdlovsk region, 5 people were executed for embezzlement, registration and misappropriation of products. This is only 4 example. " (from). That is, something like that?
  22. +6
    24 February 2021 10: 43
    Are there any arguments in favor of the fact that everything that happens is not a plan of the country's leadership?
    1. +3
      24 February 2021 11: 16
      Quote: awdrgy
      Are there any arguments in favor of the fact that everything that happens is not a plan of the country's leadership?

      No, this is all planned:
  23. Eug
    24 February 2021 10: 47
    It is possible to endure when it is at least theoretically clear for the sake of which a remote but attractive perspective is visible. And when there is none of this, then why endure? We must live for today, adapting to the not always highly moral realities ...
  24. +8
    24 February 2021 10: 54
    Show the people that the government does not sleep and is acting.
    We should start acting in this direction now, while the people still trust the authorities.
    The new composition of the State Duma to cancel the pension reform

    "What to do" .. And then a list of absurd advice ..
    Absurd from the point of view that bees will not give up honey .. and thieves will never start giving money to people ..
    You can just as well wait for Rottenberg to go to jail ..))

    Shl .. the last chapter only testifies to the fact that people (such as the author) are still catastrophically naive and far in their understanding of what is happening .. continue to look at everything through rose-colored glasses ..

    What is just one phrase
    Give up the vicious practice of using the people in the form of "new oil". In fact, this is a sabotage of the West against Russia and the Russian people.
    1. +10
      24 February 2021 11: 54
      Quote: Roman070280
      Shl .. the last chapter only testifies to the fact that people (such as the author) are still catastrophically naive and far in their understanding of what is happening .. continue to look at everything through rose-colored glasses ..

      "People have always been and always will be stupid victims of deception and self-deception in politics, until they learn to look for the interests of certain classes behind any moral, religious, political, social phrases, statements, promises." You can't say more precisely a classic.
  25. +2
    24 February 2021 11: 02
    These advice and suggestions can be carried out by people loyal to the PEOPLE and FATHERLAND, honest, responsible, professional.
    1. +1
      24 February 2021 11: 05
      Zyuganov, Zhirinovsky, Volodin, Matvienko .. Kabaeva, in the end ??
      Maybe you still know someone honest, responsible and professional in our power ??)
      1. +17
        24 February 2021 21: 59
        Quote: Roman070280
        Zyuganov, Zhirinovsky, Volodin, Matvienko .. Kabaeva, in the end ??
        Maybe you still know someone honest, responsible and professional in our power ??)

        did you give this as an example or is it a banter?
        1. 0
          25 February 2021 13: 21
          Straight even became insulting ..))
    2. 0
      24 February 2021 15: 42
      ... These advice and suggestions can be carried out by people loyal to the PEOPLE and FATHERLAND, honest, responsible, professional
      It remains to find them - several tens of thousands of professional managers and officials who have no (family, personal, work, business, friendship) ties with the West, Russian business and incorruptible in any form.
      1. -2
        24 February 2021 23: 26
        I wonder how you would describe yourself? Really as a dishonest, irresponsible and unprofessional rootless cosmopolitan? laughing
        1. -1
          24 February 2021 23: 29
          It is immodest to characterize oneself.
          1. -1
            24 February 2021 23: 49
            C'mon. We have capitalism now. Modesty is not a beneficial trait. And how do you write your resume then? There, too, these three words, period? smile
            1. -1
              24 February 2021 23: 54
              Read "Parkinson's Laws" - everything is unwritten there laughing
  26. 0
    24 February 2021 11: 05
    There is nothing new .. yes, the government will not change its course, since the voters support the government in the elections (and, accordingly, its course).
    1. 0
      24 February 2021 11: 15
      Quote: ximkim
      since the voters support the authorities in the elections (and therefore their course).

      And why blame the authorities if they are supported by the voters, and the authorities really do, we are not holding American elections.
  27. 0
    24 February 2021 11: 10
    Primitive propaganda for the illiterate and / or naive.
  28. -12
    24 February 2021 11: 11
    And what happens to food in the world?

    That's what she said UN Food and Agriculture Organization:
    "World food prices growing for the eighth month in a row... Most of all have risen in price grains, vegetable oils and sugar

    Monthly data only:
    In January, the FAO Food Price Index rose again.

    In January 2021, the average value of the FAO Food Price Index (CPI) was 113,3 points, which is 4,7 points (4,3 percent) higher than the level of December 2020, and thus the indicator, which has continued to rise for the eighth straight month, reached its highest monthly average since July 2014.

    »Average value of the Price Index for crops FAO in January amounted to 124,2 points, significantly exceeding (by 8,3 points, or 7,1 percent) the December figure, while growth continues for the seventh month in a row

    . " Average value of the Price Index for vegetable oils FAO in January amounted to 138,8 points, which is 7,7 points (or 5,8 percent) higher than the December indicator, and reached the highest level since May 2012. Growth of this index for the eighth month in a row
    »Average value of the Price Index for sugar FAO in January was 94,2 points, which is 7 points (8,1 percent) higher than the December figure, and reached the highest level since May 2017 year
    This statement UN about food

    Up to regular food price reductions. This was an indicator of the quality of governance under Stalin.

    And what do the contemporaries - leading workers of those years say?

    Head of the Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU for checking the situation with food, secretary of the Central Committee A. B. Aristov, 1952g:
    “I was in Ryazan. - What is there? Outages? - No, I say, comrade Stalin, not interruptions, but there has been no bread there for a long time, no butter, no sausage... He stood in line with Larionov at 6-7 am, checked. No bread anywhere.

    A.M. Puzanov, Presidential Council of Ministers of the RSFSR :
    “Not to mention meat, milk and butter, there was a lack of bread even in the largest cities and industrial centers. Who still do not remember those thousands of queues, which very often formed in the evening! In Moscow - "an exemplary communist city" - bread was sold with about 40% potatoes
    , and no more than a kilogram per hand "

    Plenum of the Central Committee 1953:
    in the country there is a shortage of meat, a shortage of milk, even a shortage of potatoes, a shortage of cabbage,
    1. +10
      24 February 2021 11: 31
      This is what the enemies of the communists have come to after 30 years of your vaunted "market economy", in which you have siphoned a lot of money from Russia and its people to enrich yourself. Compare what you did with what happened just a few years after the end of the war, in which you, the external and internal enemies of the communists, destroyed a third of the national state of the USSR. And the truth is, we must honestly compare who, you or the Nazis, caused the greatest material and human damage to Russia and its people.
      1. +5
        24 February 2021 11: 59
        Quote: tatra
        And the truth is, we must honestly compare who, you or the Nazis, caused the greatest material and human damage to Russia and its people.

        So they are the ideological followers of Hitler's fosterlings Vlasov and Krasnov. How to compare them if they are essentially the same guano?
      2. +4
        24 February 2021 13: 08
        Quote: tatra
        Compare what you did with what happened just a few years after the end of the war

        Quote: tatra

        A.M. Puzanov, Head of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR:
        “Apart from meat, milk and butter, there was a lack of bread even in the largest cities and industrial centers. Who does not remember until now those thousandths of queues, which very often formed in the evening! In Moscow - "an exemplary communist city" - bread was sold with an admixture of about 40% of potatoes
        , and no more than a kilogram per hand "
    2. -1
      24 February 2021 17: 30
      Well, why did you post this footcloth?
      1. 0
        24 February 2021 23: 05
        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
        Well, why did you post this footcloth?

        He said that world sugar prices increased by 8 percent, as I understand it.
  29. -6
    24 February 2021 11: 27
    The man is stuck in the 95th.
  30. +4
    24 February 2021 11: 36
    Who is always looking for reasons? It’s clear who doesn’t want to work. Today I read that there are expected to be increases in utilities. And again in the evening on TV the clever uncle from the Higher School of Economics will talk about the reasons for this increase. Covid-19 will decline, the climate threat will be used. ...
  31. +2
    24 February 2021 11: 40
    We must go forward, not backward. A small remark. The government is pushing through the law on fishing. In our economic zone, ships should operate only under the Russian flag, companies with only 25% foreign capital, and not 50% as now. So Norgi has such a howl. Fishing shipbuilding under Russian companies is covered with a copper basin, fishing in our zone is also covered with the same object. If the fishing industry has not transferred the ship under the Russian flag, let him fish anywhere, not off the coast of Russia. Everything is thrown against it. Sales journalists in all inflate that after that the price of fish will rise. With what, it will grow if a foreign intermediary is removed. Fish caught in the Russian zone will only go to Russian fish processing complexes. 11 processing complexes are urgently built. It is also necessary to deal with retailers, they take for a penny and wind up the price 1,5 2 times. We will bring it to the end and we will be happy. It is not the fishermen who tear up the price, but the traders.
  32. +3
    24 February 2021 11: 46
    To implement what has been written, a new team and a new president are needed. Putin is all over, the downed plane
    1. -5
      24 February 2021 11: 59
      ... To implement what has been written, a new team and a new president are needed. Putin is already done, the shot down
      To implement what the author has written, you need a good psychiatrist, correctly selected medicines, a ward with soft walls and a couple of hefty orderlies.
    2. +8
      24 February 2021 12: 16
      From the change of faces, the capitalist system will not change.
      1. 0
        24 February 2021 14: 43
        Not at all, but I think that positive moments can still be
  33. -7
    24 February 2021 11: 48
    Another example of completely divorced from reality, an illiterate and deceitful idle talk "for everything good and against everything bad." The author is banally ignorant even in those questions about which he writes (one asks - what a fig for agricultural loans at a low interest rate, if the state already subsidizes interest on loans) and does not at all understand how the current system works and how the Soviet one worked. The author is deliberately silent about the fact that price increases include inflation over several years. The article is openly deceitful and sabotage, which simply provokes fragile and empty heads. The author is a rare eccentric.
  34. +4
    24 February 2021 11: 51
    These are not advice, but slogans, and even with spelling and grammatical errors.
  35. AAK
    24 February 2021 11: 52
    The problem is indicated, the evidence is given, the goals are indicated, but about the mechanism of their implementation, and this is the key (otherwise, everything said is an ordinary groan), the author did not report and at least did not give an approximate "roadmap" ... in short, the situation is bad, this can be seen from this and that, the situation will improve if we achieve this and that, but it is not clear with what forces and in what way we will achieve
  36. +3
    24 February 2021 12: 04
    Eggs 95 rubles per dozen C1. And this is in Russia, where birds and eggs even row with a shovel. What is it? There are no cultural words.
    1. BAI
      24 February 2021 13: 17
      Eggs 95 rubles per dozen C1. And this is in Russia, where birds and eggs even row with a shovel.

      All that remains of one of the largest poultry farms in Russia. One should be surprised that there are still eggs.
      1. 0
        24 February 2021 17: 36
        Probably a dozen of such farms are being introduced a year.
    2. +2
      24 February 2021 14: 16
      Quote: Bradley
      Well what is it?

      Avian flu, sir!
      The rapid spread of the avian influenza strain in Russia threatens poultry farming, Agrifood Strategies President Albert Davleev told Agroinvestor. According to him, now the country has a very difficult situation with this disease and it is only getting worse. Two egg and one turkey poultry farms have already been damaged.
    3. -6
      24 February 2021 14: 48
      70 rubles for a dozen C0
  37. +9
    24 February 2021 12: 10
    In 1917, everything was far from wonderful - the epic draining of the Russo-Japanese War and with an effort to extinguish the incipient revolution, the country, having a heap of internal problems (and the food one of them is one of the smallest) still tries to pretend to be a "superpower" climbs there, climbs people and in the First World War, respectively, were also imprinted. At this time, our working people lived in a way that migrant workers would not live today, the peasants lived in conditions that a modern village would not dream of in a terrible nightmare, and all these people continued to be "milked" - go, brother, serve for the Tsar, for the Fatherland! The system in peacetime was what is called "afterburner", but in wartime it simply ripped off the thread, and the pictures from that time are beautiful, because there were two systems (as now, in fact) - servile Russia and ruling Russia. In the servile's there was darkness and trash endlessly, according to Gilyarovsky, in the gentlemen's there was quite a cozy and respectable life with pineapples, black caviar and the Bolshoi Theater. Problems with food pale against this background - 16-year-olds went to kick whites in GV, quite voluntarily, because this stupid social nesting doll GOT people.

    Here the author writes that the problems were in such-and-such speculators - so vigorous, the harp, this is Russian capitalism, sir! The system was based on this - we press everything we can from our "white bone", our men are strong and women still give birth, all the nobility stood on this and all the merchants, industry and clergy, and indeed the monarchy - all milked a simple hard worker. How could the tsar, a man who was at the top of this system of sucking juices for luxury and leafy pathos, say - not guys, that's enough, let's tighten the belts? :-))
    A little later, our state was wildly proud of the fact that they say we did not have colonies and we did not exploit anyone there - right! Instead of colonies, we had our own country, in which we exploited our own population, just as the British did with the Indians.

    The line that the GDP is now following is not "conservatism", it is called "negation". Conservatism is when they try to maintain a more or less working model of something, which has certain advantages, in the face of unfamiliar formations. In our case, there is nothing to "save" - ​​except for several new types of weapons, 1 Olympiad and 1 football championship, we have nothing to brag about over the past decades, this system is completely devoid of any advantages, except for narrowly subjective ones from the point of view of a small group of people. And for this they will in every possible way deny any systemic problems "to the victorious" - which palace? no palace. What is Navalny? there is no non-parliamentary opposition. What kind of corruption? it is a distortion of facts and particulars. All types are so good that only "vile west and covid-19" prevent us from growing by leaps and bounds!

    I will end by saying that the people who are in power today would laugh at your proposals, at mine, at any. They see the system as quite healthy for themselves, because the flow of currency is abundantly flowing from the udder - it means everything is fine, the Sampo mill is working, you can live as you lived. Our peasants are strong and women still give birth if that.
    They cannot be persuaded or taught new tricks. For a hundred years, our social evolution has made a circle and come to the beginning.
    1. -1
      24 February 2021 14: 48
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      I will end by saying that the people who are in power today would laugh at your proposals, at mine, at any. They see the system as quite healthy for themselves, because the flow of currency is abundantly flowing from the udder - it means everything is fine, the Sampo mill is working, you can live as you lived. Our peasants are strong and women still give birth if that.
      They cannot be persuaded or taught new tricks. For a hundred years, our social evolution has made a circle and come to the beginning.

      I don't understand what you want from the poor capitalist country of the 3rd world? Pakistan and North Korea also have nuclear weapons.
      Once in its entire history, there was a positive socialist agenda. But she too has degenerated. It turned out to be easier to hang noodles than to work, and even more so to share power. There is not a single good way out of this situation.
      1. +2
        24 February 2021 15: 19
        Our problem as a state is that we have huge layers of nonsense and some kind of furious constructions in all directions that are life-affirming for the state. Like our convoluted and sophisticated legislation with its 100500 prohibitions, we have over_does of specific points that should not be touched, because it is "too difficult", etc.
        All this extra rubbish, this ideological, managerial, organizational-bureaucratic and philosophical-economic silt has a tradition to wash away any construction of something viable, no matter what we build, the Augean stables are coming out, to maintain which some heroic efforts are needed from the pen of Marquis de Sade. and, accordingly, Hercules (s) - the main Hercules at the head of the process and the workers of the Heraclice, who will lay their bones on the labor front of the next fuss and on the paper-and-paper front of endless summaries of justification.

        In turn, this problem stems from a low educational culture - which cannot get better due to the fact that it is forced to rely on the above-described foundation of endless empty selfless devotion hand in hand with strata of the worst of the bureaucracy.

        I think that our problems could end if we stopped clinging to history like a crab and began to build a state for people and not so that outwardly everything would be beautiful and monumental (and for this we would have to constantly sum up and justify both for our own and outside). The more intricate the system is, the easier it is with the help of dexterous little hands to pass off defeat for victories and stagnation for a breakthrough, and since this happens at all levels, this environment organically opposes any competent planning and consistent effective construction. Therefore, the utmost openness and simplification of the management structure is the direction in which we need to start moving - but the tangle is too big and tight, and everyone who holds onto the threads is objectively not interested in untangling it. So IMHO we are in for a collapse, regardless of my or your desire or belief.
        1. 0
          24 February 2021 15: 38
          In order, I answer:
          Our problem as a state is that we have huge layers of nonsense and some kind of furious constructions in all directions that are life-affirming for the state. Like our convoluted and sophisticated legislation with its 100500 prohibitions, we have over_does of specific points that should not be touched, because it is "too difficult", etc.

          The analogy is simple - these laws are like the trenches of the First World War, greedy speculators in an attempt to deceive the state go to any tricks to snatch super profits. Here society, represented by the state, is digging its own trench of confrontation. An example of infinity buildings, at first there was a construction site anywhere, only then attempts to adjust. And so in everything.
          Rot both on the part of "businessmen" and on the part of regulatory authorities.
          All this extra rubbish, this ideological, managerial, organizational-bureaucratic and philosophical-economic

          There is only one ideology - money. Everything else is disco fog.
          I think our problems could end if we stopped clinging to history like a crab

          And nothing else was left. Remove History, Propaganda, Disco-fog of all ideologies, decay products will remain:
          1. A beggar, robbed, humiliated people.
          2. Exhausted, demoralized, recruited by pull, non-working state structures.
          3. The capitalists.
          4. Aged leadership.

          How does it all combine? What purpose? Already the cult of Victory does not export.
  38. +3
    24 February 2021 12: 14
    Populism. Usual: Who will the means of production be transferred to, or will they remain in the same hands?
  39. BAI
    24 February 2021 12: 14
    The semi-colonial, raw material and peripheral capitalist model of the 1990-2000 model has completely exhausted itself.

    Ha! When I wrote that SP-2 would bring Russia more harm than good, I was immediately showered with minuses.
    1. 0
      24 February 2021 15: 06
      I would not sell gas abroad at all. World reserves should end by 2085, and it is better to keep oil by 2073 and warm up for a couple of decades longer.
      1. BAI
        24 February 2021 15: 50
        Exactly. The property of the descendants is being squandered. Moreover, the money earned is spent not on the development of industry = the economic base in the future (for posterity), but on feeding the toilet today.
  40. -3
    24 February 2021 12: 44
    author)) well, a joker)) SO maybe for a start we will change the CONSTITUTION ADEQUATE! and not a fairy tale to flog what to do ... a lot of verbiage! plans have long been .. but not about your honor! we must start with the constitution .. and in order! there will be parasites and sticks inside to insert .. here they must be put against the wall! otherwise well, not like .. liberda and pro-Western parasites .. overpowered by God! a long time ago!
  41. +1
    24 February 2021 14: 36
    Yuri Boldyrev; We need those that won't be sold later.... Do you know what our miners say to me? "There is no such thing as not to be resold." What is left for me to tell them at last?

    There is no need to cry. If you don't have such, then you have no choice but to go and surrender to those who have such - the Chinese, the Japanese, the Americans ... If a society is not able to fight betrayal, it will simply be wiped off the face of the Earth. This is the main thing that, it seems, our people have not yet realized. " Do they know when? Is being wiped off the face of the earth a disaster or a blessing for such a society?
  42. -3
    24 February 2021 16: 26
    "At the same time, people saw how new schools, palaces of culture, hospitals, sanatoriums, bridges and roads are being built and put into operation." And now the same thing is happening, but someone sees it and someone does not care.
    "In general, the Russian Federation has been experiencing an unfavorable socio-economic situation for several years (one of the reasons for the extinction of the Russian people). At the same time, the highest price increases are observed in the poorest regions with low-income population, which spends the bulk of their income on food. , the ruble is getting lighter, small and medium-sized businesses are going bankrupt, the population is becoming impoverished, demand is falling. The circle is closing, the economy is falling again. " Quite standard, someone is better, someone is worse, the author probably forgot from 2014 the oil collapsed almost twice, they began to impose sanctions, including on trade, which in turn affected investment in the economy for 6 years in 2020 became the worst for the entire world economy and whatever the various populist authors suggest on economic growth in the coming years, the growth of onnoy in Russia will remain at the level of 2 - 3% of the sanctions to be lifted, no one will be a stream of investors will not go sticking in the wheels in the foreign market, our producers will continue there is no demand - no supply - no production - no funds - no economic growth - no improvement in the welfare of citizens everything is connected market economy So since 2014, due to the events described above, Russia every year loses potential 200-300 billion dollars in turnover - just 15% of GDP growth per year ...
  43. +20
    24 February 2021 20: 10
    With the new composition of the State Duma, cancel the pension reform, which has sharply undermined the people's confidence in the supreme power. Return the retirement age to the previous standards.

    Judging by the struggle for the seats, the EP is just not going to give up its seats. But it is she who owe this achievement
    Give up the vicious practice of using the people in the form of "new oil". In essence, this is a sabotage of the West against Russia and the Russian people.

    Government has been following a simple paradigm for 20 years

    Inet no prerequisites for this. On the contrary, new fines and prices. Take new car penalties and new requirements for car maintenance. After all, this is a direct pumping out of money either to the state or to the traffic cops
    Stop exporting capital. Use the funds of gold and foreign exchange reserves and NWF for targeted investment of large industrial, agricultural, infrastructure projects

    this is generally beyond fanaticism! It just can't be!
  44. +3
    24 February 2021 20: 16
  45. 0
    24 February 2021 23: 55
    1. What good and useful has Putin done for the future? - in fact carried out a quiet nationalization of many strategically important industries.
    2. What's wrong with that? - "effective management" in the person of friends and others from his team, but the solution to this problem is one zinc patron.
    3. What else is bad? - Putin did not overcome the pro-Westerners who raised their heads in the 90s, who grew up in the riches of the regional committee in chorus and gnawed their cheeks on special rations.
    4. What's the worst? - ideology, national ideals are not formed, education and health care are killed.

    5. Can the population, that is, the people, influence something to correct the bad? - not.
    6. U-turn and cardinal changes are the lot of the elites, do we currently have sufficient and mature elites who put national interests and national security at the forefront of everything? - not.
    7. What happens if the elites are not formed? - a country like the Russian Federation may sink into oblivion like the USSR. There will be a final rollback from the borders of the Russian Empire to the borders of the Moscow Kingdom.
    8. A possible development path for the transition? - the so-called market socialism. Fortunately, the bulk of industry is already in the hands of the state.
    1. +1
      25 February 2021 15: 01
      Quote: Azimuth
      Fortunately, the bulk of industry is already in the hands of the state.

      This is bullshit. Putin has been privatizing to this day. Yes, she is not as wild as in the 90s, but she goes on the sly. While they are hanging on your ears with supposedly violent nationalization. And market socialism does not exist at all in nature. There are only temporary capital concessions.
  46. 0
    25 February 2021 05: 14
    The advice is indeed correct, but a thousand more advice is needed on how to fulfill it, and the current Kremlin is not at all eager to change anything. To fulfill the wishes of the author, all the modern leadership of the Russian Federation must be cleaned ..., and this is a Revolution ...
  47. +1
    25 February 2021 09: 30
    What to do? Elections to wait! And send a fiery hello to the authorities!
  48. 0
    25 February 2021 09: 34
    They don't read VO in the Kremlin ... but it's a pity! I hate false promises ... and who in Russia loves it ??? You can't make trust on lies ...
  49. 0
    25 February 2021 10: 58
    The foundation of all measures is full sovereignty from the West

    How is this possible without technology? Even a much more self-sufficient China without the rest of the world will not pull it off on its own. And with the current development of even individual areas (machine tools, processors, etc.), the refusal to interact for Russia is stagnation and lagging behind + 10 years (and there is trouble). Peace and development have long been = joint action and the market. Even the USSR would not have made a leap into the 20s without the technologies of developed countries
  50. -1
    25 February 2021 12: 45
    Quote: sniperino
    And to call opponents "trash" is quite in the spirit of liberal fascists (if there is no mirror, look to the left)

    This is yes. Today Mussolini and I have a good guy.
  51. 0
    25 February 2021 16: 20
    It’s hard to imagine a more idiotic recommendation, such as a genuine alliance with China. You can wake up one day without the Far East. China has never considered us as a completely right-wing ally. Further, we have already gone through all the author’s proposals, such as the state plan and other things. The result is known. In my place, I I would start with the real election of power Not 77%, but real debates, etc. No zeroing out Second is a complete reform of the judiciary Well, everything is clear here Third, compare your desires with your capabilities Stop fighting with the whole world, without deluding yourself with the illusion that without They won’t go anywhere with us. They’ll survive. But here we are, that’s the question. Something like this
  52. 0
    25 February 2021 16: 25
    The author cites as a postulate: “At the same time, there was no famine or serious problems with food security in the Russian Empire. There was food.” What was it really like?
    It is not necessary for everyone to lie down from hunger. There were Russia's obligations to the Entente, debts. They were given away in bread. Therefore, already in 1916, the Duma adopted a law on surplus appropriation. This is not famine yet, but this is already a big problem. There was no one to sow grain, in conditions of primitive agricultural production when the plow was pulled by a horse; the lack of peasants in the field automatically meant a sharp drop in grain production. Russia, a country where 85% of the population were peasants, periodically suffered from hunger even without war... Even in such conditions, it could not always feed itself.

    The author pretends that such obvious “difficult circumstances” did not exist........... This is not serious.
  53. 0
    25 February 2021 17: 46
    So this is a manifesto, nothing less laughing "How can we organize Russia?" The transformations indicated in the article are only possible AS A RESULT of revolution, and not TO AVOID it. And I won’t even say right away which one. Maybe national liberation? From the oppression of the IMF and its institutions within the country? With the suppression, purge, lustration of the 5th column in power, journalism, the media, universities? Apparently, with the destruction of at least part of the bourgeoisie. The same comprador one. At the same time, we’ll find out if we have another one. Considering that all of those named have sprouted into society like metastases and will not give up anything for nothing, then this is a civil war.
  54. 0
    25 February 2021 17: 46
    There is a lot of money being printed in the world... but the products are finite. So inflation raises prices.
  55. The comment was deleted.
  56. +1
    26 February 2021 02: 05
    Quote: your1970
    Soldiers, students, schoolchildren - were paid??

    directly or indirectly they received their goodies - tests, bags of potatoes for the semester, etc.
  57. 0
    26 February 2021 09: 40
    I started reading and immediately realized it was crazy
  58. The comment was deleted.
  59. 0
    26 February 2021 10: 04
    Quote: your1970
    then the funding for salaries should be at least twice as high - otherwise you won’t be able to lure people there. And again, the equality of citizens before the law is prescribed by the Constitution

    But this is completely unnecessary. Let people come who “root for the state!” so that careerists and money-grubbers do not rush to control.
  60. 0
    26 February 2021 11: 05
    Third, a powerful demographic program is needed. In order to restore the reproduction of the Russian people and other endangered indigenous peoples of Russia.

    Have you tried to cancel the abortion? laughing
  61. +1
    26 February 2021 11: 50
    Quote: Arzt
    I survived. But there were no one million collective farmers in 1947.
    And people like you showed "Kuban Cossacks".

    and the war, of course, has nothing to do with it - collectivization is to blame.
    Besides, you are blatantly lying about the million. My parents lived at that time and I know that this was not true.
    There was no food, there was no one to work, but the state did not allow people to die of hunger.
  62. 0
    1 March 2021 11: 09
    Conclusion: there are many “refrigerators and only one TV” in the Kremlin. But to put it bluntly, they simply stupidly do not know how to work, plan, but everyone sitting in high chairs, starting with the president, knows how to promise and not fulfill this.
  63. 0
    1 March 2021 11: 21
    As Chinese state media reported, about 10 days ago, POVERTY was completely eliminated there. The most interesting thing is that not a single Russian state media commented on this, nor did our high-ranking sitters, who took water into their mouths or hid their heads like ostriches. It turns out that the professionalism, intelligence, honesty, and responsibility of Chinese leaders are many times greater than the activities of Russian leaders. There is something to think about in a country that has the largest reserves of natural resources - 40% of the world's.
  64. The comment was deleted.
  65. 0
    1 March 2021 13: 55
    Quote: aleksejkabanets
    Quote: yehat2
    and you can see the address - how is it with you

    I'll send it in a personal.

    Please send it to me too
  66. The comment was deleted.
  67. DPN
    4 March 2021 22: 39
    It was a matter of sabotage by certain forces aimed at demolishing the monarchy.
    Very correctly noted, they did the same with the USSR, the products were dumped in a landfill. One day we started talking at the table and a friend said that he was going to the landfill to buy sausages, a TV program talked about this for 600 seconds and barter flourished everywhere: YOU ME, I ME, and the country is gone.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"