Great split. Why did they destroy "Light Russia"


Burning of Archpriest Avvakum. Russian painter Pyotr Myasoyedov, 1897

370 years ago, the Great Schism of the Russian Church and the people began. Patriarch Nikon led the power struggle against his people. Since the split, the people, the official church and the government have been irrevocably alienated from each other. The living Russian faith, the source of the strength and invincibility of the Russians, has suffered enormous damage.

Until now, this catastrophe has had a negative impact on the Russian civilization and the people. Russia loses its connection with God, ceases to be Light. This became the spiritual cause of the catastrophes of Russia in the XNUMXth century and the current deplorable situation of the Russian people, which are rapidly losing their Russianness. Russians, not having fiery faith and true knowledge of their stories, lose their self-awareness. They are ready to break with their homeland, go to America, Australia, Britain, Germany or Brazil, and their children will no longer be Russians, but Americans, Canadians, Australians, Germans or Chinese.

It should be noted that the best representatives of the authorities have always understood this. Thus, the Russian Empress Catherine II noted:

“Nikon, I admit, is a person that arouses disgust in me. I would have been happier if I had not heard of his name.

He began to reform his church, rebuild it in his own way.

What principles did he put into the basis of his restructuring? The unconditional subordination of the people to the clergy, the clergy to the archpastors, and the archpastors to the patriarchs. Nikon and the sovereign tried to subjugate himself: he wanted to become a pope ...

Nikon brought confusion and division into the patriotic peaceful before him and integrally united church. The Greeks imposed on us three-piercing with the help of curses, tortures and death executions ...

Nikon made Alexei the king-father a tyrant and torturer of his people. "
(Catherine II. "On the Old Believers", 15.9.1763).

The Empress noted the destruction of the Russian Church, which lost its living faith and became only a stronghold of formal ritual:

“Our patriotic church lies in ruins, if there is anything still alive in our church that takes care of her life, then this is almost one popular protest.

It is clear that the archpastors confuse us, fearing the destruction of the church, which they themselves have destroyed long ago. "

Russian faith

During the time of Sergius of Radonezh and the great sovereigns of Moscow, on the basis of the ancient Russian Vedic faith (Russian paganism, which has many thousand-year roots) and Christianity, the Russian faith was formed. Orthodoxy ("glory of pravie-truth", "rule" - the bright world of the gods, the highest laws of the Universe) absorbed the ancient faith of the pagan Rus. The cross (swastika) is a symbol of the One God. God the Father is Rod (Svarog), the creator of the world, people (people). Therefore, the Russians are fighting to the death for the Motherland. God the Son - Yarila, Dazhdbog, Khors, light, active principle. Mother of God - Russian Rozhanitsy, Mother Lada, the preserving feminine principle. The Trinity is Reality, Rule and Nav, a single Universe, the universal laws of creation, preservation and destruction (in Ancient India - Trimurti). The military principle of the One - Perun - George the Victorious.

In the XIV-XVI centuries. the civilizational project "Holy (Light) Russia" took shape.

Politically, he united the spaces of Russia, Byzantium and the Horde. Moscow became the heir of both the Byzantine tradition and the Russian-Horde (The myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke; Mystery of the Russian Horde and Great Tartary). Russian monasteries were then the image of the future of Russia.

The organization of Russian life, where the symphony dominates, is the unity of the spiritual and the material, with the unconditional primacy of the spiritual.

The main basis of Holy Russia was service - benefit, good and good. Sergius of Radonezh's appeal to brothers to live in love, sow good and bring good. The second foundation is creative and honest work for the benefit of people. This is a necessary and natural condition for the moral, spiritual improvement of a person. A kind of effective prayer to the Almighty. The third reason is non-acquisitiveness. The accumulation of material wealth is contrary to the spiritual nature of man. It is not necessary to accumulate land, estates, wealth, but spiritual treasures.

At the same time, creative work also implies material abundance. For example, during the time of Ivan the Terrible, foreigners were amazed by the abundant and rich Russia. The Russian people were hardworking, enterprising, savvy, the land was rich and vast. The Russian land flourished (if there were no war). At the same time, monasteries, centers of a productive economy, were at that time like a strategic reserve. And powerful fortresses, and warehouses of various reserves that the sovereign could use in dashing years.

Light Russia had a direct channel of communication with Heaven (Rule). This time gave Russia more saints and ascetics than any other period (with the exception of the Great Patriotic War, when the people saved the Motherland at the cost of great self-sacrifice).

The monasteries were the centers of crystallization of the Russian civilization project, the structures of its power, economy and general life. It was at this time that Russia-Russia received a charge of miraculous power, which then allowed the state to make an unprecedented leap towards greatness.

If the great powers of the West made such a leap at the expense of looting and predation, the merciless exploitation of the occupied lands and colonies. Then Russia is based on its own creative, productive forces.

Russia was filled with passion, charisma, energy, which made it possible to overcome all difficulties and difficulties, all obstacles on the way to the goal. People were ready to make any sacrifices, to overcome any suffering and adversity in the name of bright ideals and their implementation (Russia was able to make a similar short-term breakthrough under Stalin, when the people believed in bright ideals and power). This energy is the result of the interaction of man and God (through prayer and living prayer - creation, good action).

Bright Russia

At the end of the XV-XVI centuries. Russia was among the European leaders.

New cities and fortresses, temples and monasteries were quickly raised and built. According to foreign travelers, Russian cities were much larger, more beautiful and cleaner than European ones. Moscow was one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world. Production and crafts were developing, and yields increased. Domestic and foreign trade flourished.

The Russians successfully adopted the positive, creative experience of their neighbors (for example, in the architecture of the Italians). Russia became the true heir to the spiritual tradition of Byzantium (and in the future, the Second Rome - Constantinople). Under Ivan the Terrible, Russia became the heir to the Horde Empire. Russia again mastered the lands of the great northern civilization.

Ordinary Russian people lived much better than in subsequent times, when the Russian elite would be oriented towards the West, without spending money on luxury, imported expensive things, entertainment and life abroad.

Contemporaries noted in Russia the complete abundance of everything necessary.

The poor were few. Urban and rural communities helped and pulled the weak. The administration helped dependent peasants with allowances if misfortune befell them. Taxes (compared to other states) were quite low. The sovereigns did not try to squeeze out their subjects to the last penny.

Only during emergencies (war) was a special tax collected, "tenth money" or fifth money - all property was described, evaluated and 10 or 20% of the value was paid to the treasury. If there was no urgent need, the government did not stop people from getting rich and prosperous. It was beneficial to everyone. The people traded, founded new trades and crafts, developed production, thereby strengthening and enriching the entire state.

The West tried to stop the progressive development of Russia.

Another "crusade" was organized - the Livonian War. However, Russia resisted.

The population grew, the Russians successfully moved further and further south and east. Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich created a regular army, and during his reign, attempts were made to create a fleet in the Baltic.

After the failure to destroy the Russian world by force, the West changed its strategy. With the help of the traitorous boyars, Troubles were organized. But the people will stand in the way of collapse.

Created by Ivan the Terrible "horizontal power" - zemstvos, will save the state. While the tsars, impostors, boyars and interventionists were sharing power and the “skin of the Russian bear,” the people organized themselves, deployed their troops and troops. Russian zemstvo militias rescued and recreated precisely the state, the state.

The country has gathered from below. From individual cities, townships, monasteries and villages.

What was the basis of the revival?

Russian faith and spirit. Patriarch Hermogenes and Archimandrite of the Trinity Dionysius aroused the people with their letters. With their word, full of faith, they reached out, shouted to the people. Filled them with fiery faith and energy.

And the people saved the country.

Ordinary people - townspeople and peasants, nobles and warriors, monks gathered the country, which seemed to have perished forever, anew. They stood in the way of chaos and darkness, saved the state. The Russian people's liberation movement defeated not only foreign invaders, but also domestic thieves and rebels. The people saved the Motherland (the power of the Family). I drove out the invaders. He rebuilt cities, towns and villages. Restored the economy. I put things in order on the roads. And he established the state.

Alas, the historical choice, skillfully directed by the boyars, many of whom were the culprits of the Troubles, as it turned out later, was unsuccessful. Obviously, that Dmitry Pozharsky would have been a better sovereign than the Romanovs. A party of traitors was able to elevate a comfortable, secure king to the throne. The "thunderstorm" did not fall on the heads of the "Polish party" of the Russian nobility. The Romanov dynasty was initially forced to reckon with the people. Zemsky Sobors met regularly. Then the Romanovs consistently achieved complete freedom from the people, society, and the Holy Russian tradition. And began the destruction of the most dangerous enemy of the West and the pro-Western government - the Russian faith.

Thus, it was faith in Russia that was a kind of powerful condenser that collected the highest social energy. This energy made it possible to change history overnight, to perform any miracle. As the salvation of Russia during the Troubles, or the amazing rise of the USSR under Stalin. Therefore, in order to destroy the Russian civilization, to enslave the Russian people, it was necessary to destroy the Russian faith. Thus began a great sabotage against Russia - the Schism.

"Zealots of piety"

The church was an integral part of Russian life.

She did not belong to government agencies. But it did not separate from them either.

Orthodoxy was the basis of Russian life. It pervaded every day, every important step of a person. Dutch writer, Catholic Alberto Campense (XVI century) collected information about Russia and in his report to the Pope noted that

"They (the Russians) seem to follow the teachings of the Gospel better than we do."

He proposed to unite the churches.

In Russia there were 13 thousand churches, 1200 monasteries, 150 thousand priests and 15 thousand monks.

The church owned vast lands, numerous villages and settlements in the posad, had its own administrative, financial and economic apparatus, its own court system. Confessors were subject only to their own court, except for criminal offenses. At the same time, initially this system was not sharpened for personal enrichment, but was a strategic reserve of the state and the people, which was used during wars, famine and natural disasters.

However, the opinion arose that errors had accumulated in the doctrine and rituals. For a long time liturgical literature was handwritten, and the originals differed from each other, there were translations from Greek, South Slavic books, they were made at different times, by different scribes. Distortion has accumulated. Also, the Russian and Greek churches developed independently.

So, when Russia was baptized, the sign of the cross was accepted in Byzantium with two fingers (the unity of the divine and human nature of Christ), later the Greeks affirmed the sign with three fingers (the unity of the Holy Trinity). There were differences in the direction of the procession - “salting” (in the sun) and “anti-salting”, in the service of the liturgy on seven or five prosphoras (liturgical bread), in two or three times praise of Hallelujah (“praise God”). Russia itself grew out of many principalities and lands, where its own characteristics, even outright elements of paganism, remained. In Novgorod and Pskov, icon-painters created icons of "Fryazh writing", adopting the manner of the Western style. Here and there heresies arose.

Already under Ivan the Terrible there were attempts to unify. The Stoglavy Cathedral of 1551 worked out general church rules, condemned the sign with three fingers, and approved the two-finger. There was a struggle against false prophets, "Judaizers", etc. The Tsar and Metropolitan Macarius gathered educated theologians who directed and prepared spiritual literature for publication. This work was continued by Filaret. At the Printing House, a service of “reference officers” was created, schools for priests were opened.

Ukrainian-Greek sabotage

In Western Russia (Ukraine), the situation was even more complicated.

Catholic and Protestant preachers and Jesuits were active here. They tried to pull people over to them. It didn't work out with the common people. However, some of the educated people were "processed" accordingly. The Jesuits opened excellent schools in the cities. And they accepted everyone free of charge: both Orthodox and Protestants, people of different classes. Schools provided the best secular education, religion was not imposed.

But the "recruitment" went through the method of "cultural cooperation". Ukrainian Orthodox clergy tried to resist Catholics and Uniates. Orthodox brotherhoods created their own schools.

So, the Kiev Metropolitan Pyotr Mohyla organized the Kiev-Mohyla Academy (1632). The Metropolitan of Kiev did not want to submit to Moscow and was guided by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Therefore, the priests in the Western Russian lands (Malaya and Belaya Rus) adhered to the Greek rules.

During waves of persecution of Orthodox Christians in Ukraine, many local priests and monks fled to the Russian kingdom. Also during this period, Moscow provided patronage to co-religionists in the Ottoman Empire. From there, Greek, South Slavic, Moldavian and Romanian priests came to Russia. Faith was one, but with some peculiarities. The Eastern clergy visited Russia with pleasure: they were well received, watered, fed, richly endowed. At the same time, the Greeks began to introduce elements of criticism.

Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (ruled 1645-1676) was considered a devout man. Together with Patriarch Joseph (1642-1652), he was engaged in the construction of temples and monasteries. The patriarch developed book printing and school education, for which scholars were discharged from Kiev. And under the king, the so-called

"Circle of devotees of piety",

it included

"People who are well-read and skilled in the preaching work."

It consisted of the tsar himself, his confessor Stefan Vonifatyev, childhood friend Fyodor Rtischev, rector of the Kazan Cathedral Ivan Neronov, protopopes Avvakum and Loggin, priest Danila, Nikon (then archimandrite of the Novospassky monastery).

"The devotees of piety" regularly gathered in the sovereign's chambers, conducted conversations. They believed that all the trouble is from human sins, which means that it is necessary to strengthen the faith. Then all matters, both external and internal, will be settled. On the whole, everything was correct.

However, the question was how exactly to achieve the strengthening of faith. This is where the circle split.

Vonifatiev, Rtishchev and Nikon supported the Kiev and Greek scientists and priests. They say that "distortions" and "mistakes" have accumulated in Russia, they need to be corrected. To adopt the best achievements in theological science and education. Another wing of the circle was wary of the "Westerners" (and as it later became clear that it was right), suspected "heresy" and advised to protect the Russian Church from their influence. To look for support in the Russian old faith.

Great split. Why did they destroy "Light Russia"
Portrait of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Unknown Russian artist of the second half of the XNUMXth century. School Armory chambers

To be continued ...
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  1. +27
    13 February 2021 05: 29
    Thanks to the communists for dispersed, shot, transplanted and given the people a free education.
    1. +41
      13 February 2021 05: 47
      At least a little, but they lived without bloodsuckers-zhrebetnikov under the Soviet people's power ... The working people had:
      1. Right to an eight-hour work day. For the first time in the world in the history of mankind.
      2. The right to annual paid leave. For the first time in the history of mankind.
      3. The impossibility of dismissing an employee on the initiative of the administration or the owner without the consent of the trade union and party organization.
      4. The right to work, the opportunity to earn a living by their work. Moreover, graduates of vocational schools had the right to compulsory employment in the labor sector with the provision of housing in the form of a hostel or apartment.
      5. The right to free general and vocational education. Moreover, both secondary vocational education and higher education. For the first time in the world.
      6. The right to free use of kindergartens: nurseries, kindergartens, pioneer camps. For the first time in the world.
      7. The right to free medical care. For the first time in the world.
      8. The right to free spa treatment. For the first time in the world.
      9. The right to free housing. World's first
      10. The right to freely express one’s views on all the problems of modern life in the country. For the first time in the world.
      11. The right to protection of the state from the arbitrariness of local bosses and officials. For the first time in the world.
      12. The right to free travel to the place of work or study on an individual, state-paid travel document. For the first time in the world.
      You can also add a few words here that we had a country that was reckoned with in the world and which was a Great Power with a Great History, Great Industry, Great Science, Great Culture, Great Education and Great Ideas for building a new society. on earth, fair for all the people of the country, and not just for the rich, as it is today.
      1. +5
        13 February 2021 09: 26
        Where did it all go? The Martians captured the USSR and changed everything?
        1. +4
          13 February 2021 09: 43
          And under the king, the so-called

          "Circle of devotees of piety",

          it included

          "People who are well-read and skilled in the preaching work."

          Well, nothing in this life changes. Only aquadiskotheque and homemade booze were added.
        2. +7
          13 February 2021 09: 44
          Quote: Moskovit
          Where did it all go? The Martians captured the USSR and changed everything?

          Captured. Not Martians.
          1. +3
            13 February 2021 10: 15
            Well yes. Again, someone is to blame. But not us. An ineffective bulky economy, the same management, voluntaristic decisions of the country's leadership, a spiritual crisis of the Soviet people. Maybe this led to the destruction of the USSR and the socialist system. Basis crisis. According to Marx
            1. +4
              13 February 2021 12: 57
              Again, someone is to blame. But not us

              No one's (people's) property is to blame, which does not tolerate loneliness, property seeks to find an owner.
        3. +5
          13 February 2021 13: 42
          Quote: Moskovit
          The Martians captured the USSR and changed everything?

          No, the Gorbachev-Yeltsin-Putin mosquito.
        4. +3
          13 February 2021 19: 26
          Not. Everything happened according to the classics - by destroying the dictatorship of the proletariat under crumbling, thereby giving freedom of action to the unfinished petty-bourgeois elements. Which quickly became sooooo big bourgeois ..
        5. 0
          13 February 2021 23: 42
          I agree to some points, but there was more good, it was necessary to change the economy and IV Stalin already understood this, and then stupidly slowly they all surrendered to the USSR, slowly but surely and it was inevitable. Gorbachev promised a lot, said, but most importantly, what he did ? Having power and betraying the country, how many millions of deaths on it. Take an example from China. Everything is there, but they go further, and we pretend. As they say, the machine gun of the wrong system. And this power simply does not change anything either, only multivit.
        6. 0
          April 15 2021 08: 12
          No, just over time, many Soviet citizens turned into bourgeois conformists, who were led to fairy tales about how good it is in the West and how good it will be with us if we introduce the Market and Democracy.
          The Great Bourgeois Revolution ...
      2. 0
        13 February 2021 15: 51
        Quote: Destiny
        3. The impossibility of dismissing an employee on the initiative of the administration or the owner without the consent of the trade union and party organization.

        so what's good about that? contained bad workers and lazy people!
        Quote: Destiny
        the right to compulsory employment in a labor direction with the provision of housing in the form of a hostel or apartment.

        are you ready to go to construction sites or factories in Siberia and the Far East? wink
        Quote: Destiny
        The right to free general and vocational education. Moreover, both secondary vocational education and higher.

        until 1940, ... and not all, but only socially correct ...
        Quote: Destiny
        The right to free use of preschool institutions:

        bullshit, they paid for it
        Quote: Destiny
        7. The right to free medical care. For the first time in the world.
        8. The right to free spa treatment. For the first time in the world.
        9. The right to free housing. World's first

        right that was ... request
        Quote: Destiny
        0. The right to freely express one’s views on all the problems of modern life in the country. For the first time in the world.

        But what about the article for anti-Soviet agitation? request
        Quote: Destiny
        that we had a country

        and where did she disappear and why did the inhabitants not protect her? probably didn't see their benefit ... request
        1. 0
          19 March 2021 11: 53
          Have you ever seen an ideal in this world? To expose and seek sins are all masters for us.
      3. +2
        14 February 2021 17: 04
        And in 1991 the people took and dispersed all this magnificent people's state. I just wanted to live as in decaying capitalism, where there were not only rights, but also the opportunity to exercise them. Another thing is that instead of capitalist splendor, they got something unimaginable.
        1. 0
          April 15 2021 08: 15
          And they could not get anything else. Because we have been assigned the role of raw materials to ensure the "capitalist splendor" of Western countries.
          Not everyone is an eater at a feast. Someone needs to be a dish.
      4. 0
        16 February 2021 14: 00
        This is what you need to fight for in all possible ways and not for any henchmen like Navalny
      5. 0
        April 20 2021 07: 09
        Collective farmers up to the 60s are waving their hands merrily.
    2. +7
      13 February 2021 06: 30
      A pessimist22 - where else could one find such communists today so that the current shobla would be shot and transplanted completely?
      1. +6
        13 February 2021 07: 03
        Quote: Nazar
        where else to find such communists today

        Where did the previous ones come from?
        1. +8
          13 February 2021 08: 06
          Quote: mat-vey
          Where did the previous ones come from?

          "... We all left the people,
          Children of the family of labor.
          “Fraternal union and freedom”
          This is our motto fighting! ...

          ... Let's overthrow with a mighty hand
          Depresses Fatal Forever
          And hoist over the earth
          Red banner of labor! ... "
          1. +4
            13 February 2021 08: 07
            Quote: Boris55
            Quote: mat-vey
            Where did the previous ones come from?

            "... We all left the people,
            Children of the family of labor.
            “Fraternal union and freedom”
            This is our motto fighting! ...

            ... Let's overthrow with a mighty hand
            Depresses Fatal Forever
            And hoist over the earth
            Red banner of labor! ... "

            Well, and the answer has long been there laughing
          2. +4
            13 February 2021 08: 11
            Quote: Boris55
            And hoist over the earth
            Red banner of labor!

            Already hoisted.
            In the service sector.
            By the hands of office managers.
    3. -18
      13 February 2021 06: 41
      Quote: Pessimist22
      this shobla was dispersed, shot, transplanted
      The pessimists who spread defeatist sentiments must also begin to disperse.
      1. +5
        13 February 2021 07: 31
        With me, Kirill, Putin and the team would go to the northeast to work.
        1. -3
          13 February 2021 17: 44
          Quote: Pessimist22
          With me, Kirill, Putin and the team would go to the northeast to work.

          they are old for Vorkuta) It is inhumane to hand over a pick to Grandfather Gundyaev.
      2. +1
        13 February 2021 13: 45
        Quote: sniperino
        The pessimists who spread defeatist sentiments must also begin to disperse.

        Maybe it's better to start with uryakalok? For me, the harm from them is not an example more.
        1. +2
          14 February 2021 04: 11
          What is "uryakolok", are those who rejoice at the success of Russia? And what is the harm from them? Well, they are glad that our (mine, I don't know where you are from), the country has become stronger ... Do you blame them for this? They (and I) wholeheartedly for Russia (and someone for the USSR) ... What harm is there from us? I know how - you are afraid of us shivering in our underpants - if we start next time ... it will no longer be Aurora.
          1. -1
            14 February 2021 09: 22
            Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
            What is "uryakolok", are those who rejoice at the success of Russia?

            No, these are the ones who confuse love for the Motherland with the adoration of "His Excellency".
            Quote: Sergey Averchenkov
            They (and I) wholeheartedly for Russia (and someone for the USSR) ... What harm is there from us? I know how - you are afraid of us shivering in our underpants - if we start next time ... it will no longer be Aurora.

            What can you start? Will you hold a rally in support of Putin, Gref and Chubais and their course of liberal economic reforms? Are you trying to identify the Russian Federation and the USSR? Don't make this gross logical mistake, these are antagonistic states. Why did you bring Aurora here? Aurora's shot meant building a new state. States expressing the interests of the overwhelming majority of the country's population. States with 8-hour workdays and XNUMX-day workweeks, affordable and free healthcare and education. Aurora's shot marked the construction of a powerful industrial state from a backward agrarian country. What do you stand for today, what do you justify? The course towards further degradation of the country, towards social inequality, paid medicine, paid education, further raising the retirement age, justify the thieves' privatization, its authors and beneficiaries. Tell yourself whether there is harm from you or not.
    4. +2
      13 February 2021 07: 32
      Quote: Pessimist22
      Thanks to the communists for dispersed, shot, transplanted and given the people a free education.

      Who can only be thanked for the shobla of the 80s CPSU model that ruined and sold the country?
      1. +4
        13 February 2021 08: 39
        Human weakness, self-interest and vanity, old age and conservatism of a leadership unable to carry out reforms.
        1. +1
          13 February 2021 08: 42
          I add wildly.
          I am just perplexed, why would you not make indulgence for other representatives of the human race, given their human nature?
          Quote: Pessimist22
          Thanks to the communists for the fact that this shobla was dispersed, shot, transplanted

          And who, moreover, did not destroy the country.
          1. 0
            13 February 2021 14: 18
            Poland seceded, Finland seceded.
            For the Brest-Litovsk Peace Ulyanov, they were almost killed.
            Found the defenders of the people and the saviors of the country!
            1. +2
              13 February 2021 17: 29
              Quote: Alex777
              For the Brest-Litovsk Peace Ulyanov, they were almost killed.

              And at the same time Ulyanov received thousands of supporters in Russia. For the Brest Peace. Paradox?
        2. 0
          13 February 2021 12: 03
          Quote: Pessimist22
          unable to carry out reforms.

          and what kind of reforms are we talking about? Have a concept? At least in general terms?
          Or is it so, by the way?
          Quote: Pessimist22
          Human weakness, self-interest and vanity, old age and leadership conservatism

          And you, sorry, want to see at the head of the country a person who consists entirely of virtues? A strong, strong-willed, disinterested, humble, honest young experimenter? And where is the test tube in which this homunclus will grow? In Professor Vibegallo's autoclave?
      2. 0
        April 15 2021 08: 19
        The people and the party are one.
        The few who came out openly against Katastroika were ostracized and did not receive support.
        But many were ready to carry the EBN in their arms. In the capital, at least.
    5. -7
      13 February 2021 08: 48
      the fact that until the 20th century in Russia the people had a different religion or worldview is now becoming more and more obvious. There were Old Believers - the main god of the Sun and the Old Believers - not Nikonians, but Nestorians or Arians.
      For example, a painting by the artist Ivanov "the shooting of Russian patriots"

      - Russian word with one s
      - peasants in bast shoes and on bare feet cross with two fingers
      -shoots peasants, including a huntsman whose uniform is very similar to a huntsman in Alexander's army.

      I read from the Cherkov library the book "The Journey of Priest Lukyanov to the Holy Land" 1700. So Lukyanov on the way drove into the city of Kiev in the Pechersk Lavra and what he saw there.
      And I saw there the IMMEDIATE saints and the number of those "that are the stars of heaven" in Anthony's cave.

      and also Ilya Muromets himself lies there incorrupt

      What does all of this mean?
      And the fact that human nature is not as simple as we are used to seeing that the concept of life and death in those days was not the same as it is now. A person could completely fall into the state of not living or dead. And there are such examples in our time, for example, Lama Itigelov has been in this state for more than 90 years. Then such a person woke up and was renewed in the flesh and continued to live on. That is why there were so many monasteries in Russia.

      Previous cults in Russia had such a ritual, but Western "Christianity" came and destroyed everything.
      1. +2
        13 February 2021 09: 49
        Quote: Bar1
        There were Old Believers - the main god Sun and Old Believers - not Nikonians, but Nestorians or Arians.

        can not be so. it's merciless. godless.
        leave at least a little room for reality.
        1. -2
          13 February 2021 10: 18
          Quote: Flood
          Quote: Bar1
          There were Old Believers - the main god Sun and Old Believers - not Nikonians, but Nestorians or Arians.

          can not be so. it's merciless. godless.
          leave at least a little room for reality.

          there is no room for your reality in the real world.
          1. +8
            13 February 2021 10: 32
            Quote: Bar1
            there is no room for your reality in the real world.

            in my reality, parallel to your reality, Old Believers were and still are called Old Believers.
            1. 0
              13 February 2021 17: 27
              Even the words are different. Old Believers - of the old faith and Old Believers - according to the old rite.
              Decide in reality.
              1. +1
                13 February 2021 17: 33
                Quote: ee2100
                Even the words are different. Old Believers - of the old faith and Old Believers - according to the old rite.
                Decide in reality.

                They decided for me long ago.
                The Old Believers were also given the offensive nickname "schismatics".
                And they call themselves ancient Orthodox.
                And the words are "even different".
                Eh, friends. Sometimes you are confused by your questions. But not from great knowledge.
                1. +2
                  13 February 2021 17: 47
                  Quote: Flood
                  They decided for me long ago.
                  The Old Believers were also given the offensive nickname "schismatics".

                  if you used your head, and the stamps imposed by the OI, you might have realized that it was Nikon who first departed from the old Russian rituals and introduced a new Greek ritual. In this case, it is Nikon and his minions who are schismatics, and in your case they are also alternatives ...
                  1. +1
                    13 February 2021 17: 55
                    Quote: Bar1
                    if you used your head, and the stamps imposed by the OI, you might have realized that it was Nikon who first departed from the old Russian rituals and introduced a new Greek ritual

                    You are not yourself. Get yourself together.
                    Unfortunately, it was the Old Believers offensively (I did not write this word for nothing, especially for clever people) they called them schismatics.
                    Although, of course, they were the victims, not the instigators of the split.
                    So clearer, bright head?
                    What should I do if this is a historical fact? Shrug it off?
                    And I brought this fact so that another bright head would draw some conclusions for herself.
                    1. +1
                      13 February 2021 17: 58
                      Quote: Flood
                      Unfortunately, it is the Old Believers who are offended (I did not write this word for nothing, especially for the clever ones) who were nicknamed schismatics.
                      Although, of course, they were the victims, not the instigators of the split.

                      yes, that on the forehead, that on the forehead, the result is one.
                2. -1
                  13 February 2021 17: 48
                  The Old Believers did not accept Nikon's reforms and correctly called them schismatics, but there were also Old Believers.
                  This is what Bar 1 wants to say.
                  There is no point in arguing over this issue. This is actually a matter of faith. Do you believe that Old Believers and Old Believers are synonymous. I believe that these are different words and there are different concepts behind them.
                  1. 0
                    13 February 2021 17: 56
                    Quote: ee2100
                    The Old Believers did not accept Nikon's reforms and correctly called them schismatics, but there were also Old Believers.

                    Don't tell me stories.
                    It just so happened that I myself was re-baptized according to the old rite.
                    And I know firsthand what I wrote about.
                    Quote: ee2100
                    This is actually a matter of faith. Do you believe that Old Believers and Old Believers are synonymous.

                    It is a matter of knowing history.
                    1. -1
                      13 February 2021 18: 08
                      "This is a matter of knowledge of history" (c)
                      History is also a matter of faith. You believe in something that is contrary to elementary logic, common sense, etc. referring to the fact that it is written in a history textbook or any historical work.
                      So the word "knowledge" is not entirely appropriate.
                      1. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 11
                        Quote: ee2100
                        You believe in something that is contrary to elementary logic, common sense, etc. referring to the fact that it is written in a history textbook or any historical work.

                        I can confirm my words by referring to scientific works, literary works and my own communication experience.
                        and all this you call faith.
                        very interesting, what do you call knowledge?
                        and why do you think that my words are contrary to common sense and logic, if I can give them documentary evidence?
                        are you not ashamed to write nonsense?
                      2. -2
                        13 February 2021 18: 28
                        Our dispute is pointless. And I am not writing nonsense, but writing that you believe in one thing and refer to some historical works, after reading which you believed in them. This is your faith. Yes, this is your knowledge, but it is only yours.
                        You claim to be holding some documentary evidence. OK. But they must be considered in relation to a specific case.
                        And since our conversation is spotless, then the evidence will be out of place.
                      3. +1
                        13 February 2021 18: 37
                        I understood. you are only interested in facts that are convenient for you
                        truth for the sake of truth is not interesting to you.
                        You will not be forcibly sweet.
                        all the best.
                      4. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 42
                        Truth is a thought that corresponds to objective reality.
                        I agree. Have a nice one you too!
                        The truth is in wine!
                      5. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 16
                        Quote: ee2100
                        History is also a matter of faith

                        History is science. Yes, hypotheses are built on assumptions (just the case with your free interpretation of the term "Old Believers"). But the hypothesis must find its confirmation in order to pass into the category of factual historical material.
                      6. -1
                        13 February 2021 18: 31
                        "If you remove all lies from history, this does not mean that only the truth will remain. As a result, nothing may remain at all." Jerzy Lec
                      7. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 35
                        Stanislav Jerzy Lec is a Polish poet, philosopher, satirist and author of aphorisms.
                      8. -1
                        13 February 2021 18: 38
                        "Aphorisms are laconic sayings containing a deep thought based on everyday experience"
                      9. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 41
                        Everyday experience is the most important thing in historical science.
                        Each has his own. And therefore, well, her nafig this story, everyone lies.
                        We will learn from brochures with aphorisms.
                        Don't you find a serious contradiction in this?
                      10. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 46
                        I am not calling for this. I am only in favor of being critical of that information, incl. and the historical one we are stuffed with
                      11. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 50
                        This requires familiarity with a large number of sources and research for their comparative analysis. This is the only opportunity for objective conclusions.
                        But you refuse to deal with information that doesn't fit your paradigm. And that's the problem.
                      12. -1
                        13 February 2021 18: 55
                        Not really. On the contrary. I am not a professional historian and if I have my own opinion on any fact, then I will try to get acquainted with all available sources refreshing this event
                      13. 0
                        13 February 2021 19: 01
                        Good luck on the path to finding the truth!
                      14. -2
                        13 February 2021 19: 33
                        Truth is a philosophical concept. Not as historical am
                  2. +1
                    13 February 2021 18: 07
                    Quote: ee2100
                    The Old Believers did not accept Nikon's reforms and correctly called them schismatics, but there were also Old Believers.

                    schismatics are those who split the old faith, and these were the Nikonians.
                    And the Old Believers were NOT CHRISTIANS, but Sun worshipers.
                    you can look at a modern video, where researchers look at the symbolism in old cemeteries, such as mountains. Tula and this symbolism are non-Christian, but sunny and this is the 19th century.

                    or here's a medal for the capture of Moscow by the French. What are the symbols on the Kremlin domes? Obviously not Orthodox crosses.

                    1. 0
                      13 February 2021 18: 15
                      I do not "dig" deep. But if faith and ceremony are different words, then the concepts are also different. And now they are being equalized.
                      It's like now under Covid, they write about the number of people infected, and then the same number is declared sick.
                      1. +1
                        13 February 2021 18: 31
                        see more.
                        17th century Vienna St. Stephen / Stephen's Cathedral you can see the symbol on the church is the crescent and the SUN. It is the Sun, not the star, as they say now.

                        or here's a piece of a map of old Moscow from the times of Mikhail Fedorovich. We see that on the arrow of the Moskva River and Yauza / Ghana there are churches with half-month symbols.

                        faith and ritual are almost the same thing, we change the main deity and EVERYTHING changes. Icons, churches, services: everything else remains, but the meaning of faith changes.
                        For example, Jesus Christ was also called the Sun in the beginning, and this built him into the old faith.
                      2. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 35
                        I know that there are many uncomfortable questions that professional historians do not want to answer. I think they just don't have an answer
                      3. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 44
                        You know for a long time already to decide on this and not to confuse, as Navodlom Old Belief - Old Belief and Old Belief. And the answers to these questions are given by Professor Doctor of Historical Sciences Pyzhikov together with the historian Spitsyn.

                      4. 0
                        13 February 2021 18: 51
                        I saw this video. Let my today's opponent Novodlom look at it, but all too early in this he will not BELIEVE, he has his own faith.
    6. -10
      13 February 2021 08: 59
      Quote: Pessimist22
      Thanks to the communists for breaking up this shobla, shooting

      ....... and the gates of hell will not prevail against her
      The Trotskyists (Satanists) were shooting, the communist Stalin in 1943 thanked the Church at a meeting with the hierarchs.
    7. +2
      13 February 2021 09: 44
      Thanks to the communists for the fact that this shobla was dispersed, shot, transplanted

      Here is an example of a person who either does not know his own history, or deliberately distorts it to please the enemies of Russia, the people of Russia.
      Dear, not an optimist but a pessimist22, for your reference.
      1. By 1915, there were 123 elementary educational institutions in the Russian Empire, of which 745 were the Ministry of Public Education, 80 were the Departments of the Orthodox Confession, and 801 were other departments. In 40, more than 530 million students were enrolled in secondary and primary general education schools in Russia. In 2414, the total expenditures of the state, zemstvos and cities on education reached approximately 1914 million rubles. Education in secondary and primary schools was free.
      So, your assertion that the Bolsheviks, you, the Communists, gave the people free education, is at least too exaggerated. Another thing is that under the Bolsheviks, expenditures on education were significantly increased, universal primary, and then secondary education was introduced. I dare to assure you that in Russia, in Russia, they have always understood the meaning, and that over time, universal primary and secondary education would have been introduced in and in tsarist Russia. But history turned around, and the Bolsheviks did it.
      2. The people go to church, come to God, not because they are surrounded with good things, as was the case, for example, under the Bolsheviks, when the party members received privileges over non-party people, but because the word of God, that knowledge of God, adherence to divine purpose raises and exalts the person himself. I dare to assure you that during the Great Patriotic War, on the battlefield or in production, bearing the hardships of the war, even the party members were believers. Here's an example from history. In 1942, in besieged Leningrad on Easter, the entire leadership of the Leningrad Front and many party leaders of besieged Leningrad came to church. Easter for these warring, hungry people was a bright holiday of Christ in the gloomy days of blockade. On Easter, people came to the church, falling from hunger, dying on the threshold of their homes, apartments, many of whom lost their loved ones, relatives, and left the church, having met Easter, Divine rebirth, people who gained strength in God, able to go through hardships blockades, wars, withstand and win.
      So, let your curse, pronounced against the Russian Church, remain with you, and do not carry it anywhere else.
      Everyone comes to God himself. If you are not given to come to God, then the only thing is, do not come to the devil.
      Although the blasphemy that you exalt against the church leads you there.
      God save you from this ...
      1. -1
        13 February 2021 10: 02
        True, thank you.
        Really made me happy.
        Not so much even a position, although it is very close to me, as a balanced and competent presentation of it.
      2. +5
        13 February 2021 10: 35
        Reading books from school, I always thought that the gods are for savages, but for a modern person, education and science, it turned out that no,
        some gods unknown to me, settled in the heads of some people, threaten me with some kind of hell and the attraction of some citizen of the Devil as an opponent, so also the constitution is on the side of the gods living in the heads of citizens and for insulting feelings unknown to science, threaten with criminal liability , straight surrealism of some kind of mental hospital laughing
        1. +1
          13 February 2021 10: 58
          Quote: Pessimist22
          Reading books from school, I always thought that the gods are for savages, and for modern man, education and science

          And there is. Monotheism has won. The gods are a thing of the past.
          1. +4
            13 February 2021 11: 07
            I always look with bewilderment how they report about the construction of new structures of a religious cult, each religion for its own god existing in the minds of adherents, I understand that for the authorities existing in Russia, religion is cheaper and more profitable than education and science, even the president himself is engaged in fooling citizens, showing by his own example that there should be more fools.
            1. -2
              13 February 2021 11: 11
              Quote: Pessimist22
              even the president himself is busy showing by his own example that there should be more fools.

              fools do not breed in temples.
              but in schools and universities under the existing education system.
              in families after all.
              1. +4
                13 February 2021 12: 07
                Do you really think that the ministers of a religious cult are not hypocrites, but really representatives of God? These are those who say that a woman is not a man and put pressure on workers on luxury cars?
                1. 0
                  13 February 2021 13: 58
                  Quote: Pessimist22
                  Do you really think that the ministers of a religious cult are not hypocrites, but really representatives of God?

                  Many worshipers (in any concession) are very decent people and try to live according to the teachings they preach. Unfortunately, they have no chances to make a career today.
                  1. -2
                    13 February 2021 16: 38
                    Quote: aleksejkabanets
                    Unfortunately, they have no chances to make a career today.

                    Does it really upset you that some young priest from a distant parish cannot make a "career" (by the way, a "career" here, I suppose, is somehow not appropriate)? That is, to be transferred to one of the central fat parishes, used by bandits, deputies and businessmen? Are you seriously?
                    1. 0
                      13 February 2021 16: 50
                      Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
                      Does it really upset you that some young priest from a distant parish cannot make a "career" (by the way, a "career" here, I suppose, is somehow not appropriate)? That is, to be transferred to one of the central fat parishes, used by bandits, deputies and businessmen? Are you seriously?

                      But that's not what I wrote about, well, in fact. And why should honest and decent people not lead some kind of diocese? Strictly speaking, it was about the fact that the official church is far from God.
                      1. -2
                        13 February 2021 17: 01
                        Quote: aleksejkabanets
                        And why should honest and decent people not lead some kind of diocese?

                        And what will these "honest and decent" priests change?
                      2. 0
                        13 February 2021 17: 05
                        Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
                        And what will these "honest and decent" priests change?

                        Change in what? What can honest and decent MPs change? And the governors? So are the clergy. As they say, "do what you must and come what may"?
                      3. -1
                        13 February 2021 17: 17
                        Quote: aleksejkabanets
                        What can honest and decent MPs change? And the governors? So are the clergy.

                        no, not that far. Honest deputies and governors (already ridiculous) can ... could change lives all of us, citizens of the country, for the better. I emphasize - all... No exemption. The Church, as an institution that has influence, limited only to the circle of its adherents, be it at least five times honest and decent (also a ridiculous admission) can not radically influence anything. Unless, of course, he begins to preach religious extremism.
                2. -2
                  13 February 2021 14: 09
                  Quote: Pessimist22
                  Do you really think that the ministers of a religious cult are not hypocrites, but really representatives of God? These are those who say that a woman is not a man and put pressure on workers on luxury cars?

                  joke if you please.
                  if you use your methods to fight hypocrisy, you will have to ban the parliament, the government, the institution of the legal profession, and municipal administrations.

                  none of us is sinless.
                  and on the priest, if he is hypocritical, a double sin.
                  however, on the official - no less.
                  1. -3
                    13 February 2021 19: 30
                    if you use your methods to fight hypocrisy, you will have to ban the parliament, the government, the institution of the legal profession, and municipal administrations.

                    ABOUT!!! You start to understand .. wink
                3. -1
                  13 February 2021 15: 55
                  Quote: Pessimist22
                  Do you really think

                  I just see that you not only do not believe in God, but also consider it normal for yourself to teach others - to believe them or not ... request So the problem is you, not God ... request
                  1. +2
                    13 February 2021 19: 39
                    Quote: DrEng527
                    I just see that you not only do not believe in God, but also consider it normal for yourself to teach others - to believe them or not

                    Good, from the heart and to the point +++
              2. 0
                13 February 2021 13: 56
                Quote: Flood
                fools do not breed in temples.
                but in schools and universities under the existing education system.
                in families after all.

                Only the Russian Orthodox Church takes a lively part in this, because it is also beneficial to her.
                1. -1
                  13 February 2021 14: 09
                  Quote: aleksejkabanets

                  Only the Russian Orthodox Church takes a lively part in this, because it is also beneficial to her.

                  in educational reforms? well, well, tell me
                  1. +2
                    13 February 2021 14: 27
                    Quote: Flood
                    in educational reforms? well, well, tell me

                    Have you read the textbook on "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture", for example? Among other things, it is written there, not only that "all of Russia happily accepted Christianity," but also that Prince Vladimir, after being baptized, began to build hospitals and schools. The OPK textbook was developed together with the church hierarchs. Besides, no church belongs to the school. The school should give a scientific picture of the world. Otherwise, the theorems will soon be proved at school as follows: "By the will of God, the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse."
                    1. -3
                      13 February 2021 14: 37
                      Quote: aleksejkabanets
                      Have you read the textbook on "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture", for example?

                      not. Is this a compulsory discipline now?
                      Quote: aleksejkabanets
                      The OPK textbook was developed together with the church hierarchs.

                      I have not read it, I do not know about it.
                      what is this tutorial? please give a link
                      Quote: aleksejkabanets
                      Besides, no church belongs to the school.

                      agree with you.
                      the foundations of the history of major religions are necessary, but no more.
                      but what does it all have to do with "fooling the population"?
                      1. 0
                        13 February 2021 14: 52
                        Quote: Flood
                        not. Is this a compulsory discipline now?

                        Yes. Exams on it are not passed, but it is mandatory to attend. And they go to church on excursions. I do not know of a single school where "Fundamentals of Ethics" is taught.
                        Quote: Flood
                        I have not read it, I do not know about it.
                        what is this tutorial? please give a link

                        Today I can’t, my children are in family education now, we don’t teach them this subject)))) I’ll find out the author from my wife and I’ll throw off the title of the textbook. And with more difficult links, copyrists guard their "immortal creations."
                        Quote: Flood
                        the foundations of the history of major religions are necessary, but no more.

                        Without this, it is impossible to understand history as a subject.
                        Quote: Flood
                        but what does it all have to do with "fooling the population"?

                        I had an argument with a fifth grader last year about the origin of the species. The family is absolutely not religious. But the boy was convinced at school that people descended from "Adam and Eve", the child does not consider other points of view, completely: "These scientists, they constantly come up with all sorts of garbage, Father told us at school ... and so on. . ". How a child will understand biology in the future is a mystery to me.
                      2. -1
                        13 February 2021 15: 21
                        Quote: aleksejkabanets
                        I had an argument with a fifth grader last year about the origin of the species. The family is absolutely not religious. But the boy was convinced at school that people descended from "Adam and Eve"

                        Agree that this is more of an isolated incident than a rule. And it cannot serve as an example.
                        And children are sometimes very gullible, ready to absorb any information. But they often absorb it not in class, but sitting at a computer from the Internet. And not at all biblical parables.
                      3. +1
                        13 February 2021 15: 42
                        Quote: Flood
                        Agree that this is more of an isolated incident than a rule. And it cannot serve as an example.

                        Well, mine brought the same from school that people descended from Adam and Eve. I am aware of mitochondrial Eve, but here is another case))) I really do not like to see clergymen in schools, although I repeat, I respect many of them, many of them are sincere, honest and decent people. It just looks something like letting bank representatives into schools and talking about financial literacy. In order to accept this or that teaching, you need to grow up. After all, even the first Christians did not baptize children, but only adults.
                        Quote: Flood
                        And children are sometimes very gullible, ready to absorb any information. But they often absorb it not in class, but sitting at a computer from the Internet. And not at all biblical parables.

                        I completely agree with you that it is necessary for parents to bring up children, and there is less and less time for that. You have to spend more and more time at work.
                      4. +1
                        14 February 2021 08: 43

                        here are the criminal articles for the attitude of the people to this religion, this is the beginning of the 20th century.
                        Article 182 Blasphemy in the Church - exile and hard labor up to 20 years, corporal punishment, stigma; in another public place - exile and hard labor up to 8 years, corporal punishment, stigma.

                        It can be seen how the state in a "special order" protected the purity of morals. But what threatened those who did this "not in public"? We look further:

                        Article 183. Non-public blasphemy - exile to Siberia and corporal punishment.

                        Although what was meant by "non-public blasphemy" is difficult to understand. However, this is already a direct interference even in a person's way of thinking.

                        And here is how they treated a simple criticism of Christianity then:

                        Article 186. Blasphemy, vilification, censure, criticism of Christianity without intent - imprisonment in a house of up to 2 years, imprisonment up to 2 years.

                        Article 187. Printed and written criticism of Christianity - reference to Siberia, corporal punishment.

                        Article 188. Mockery of Christianity, intentionally - the conclusion of the year, unintentionally - up to 3 months.

                        Article 189. Production, distribution of articles of faith in obscene form - intent - punishment in accordance with Art. 183; without intent - imprisonment up to 6 months or arrest up to 3 weeks.

                        What kind people, protect faith from desecration and, most importantly, common sense.

                        And what in the Russian Empire threatened a person who himself decided to convert from Orthodoxy to another faith? What if, in the "spiritual quest", he considered it important to change his faith? After all, no one chose Orthodoxy, all people were forced to be baptized. And on this score, there were separate options in the criminal code:

                        Article 190. Distraction from the faith: non-violent - exile up to 10 years, corporal punishment, stigmatization; violent - reference up to 15 years, corporal punishment, stigmatization.

                        Article 191. Departure from faith - deprivation of rights for the time of deviation from faith.

                        Article 192. If one of the parents of a non-Christian faith brings up children not in the Orthodox faith - divorce, exile to Siberia.

                        Article 195. Seduction from Orthodoxy to another religion - exile, corporal punishment, correctional labor up to 2 years. Under forced coercion - exile to Siberia, corporal punishment.

                        Article 196. Apostasy - a ban on contacts with children, until the return to the faith.

                        This is how our people were “always tolerant” and “respected other people's views,” as various “patriots” like the journalist Shevchenko like to say today. They respected the views, but only branded and exiled people with the idea of ​​eternal justice.

                        And now it is worth looking at how tolerantly other branches of Christianity were treated, i.e. to Catholicism, Lutheranism (there was a separate conversation with the sects). It should be noted right away that traders and foreigners were allowed to send their cult, but they were forbidden to propagate it among the Russians:

                        Article 197. Non-Orthodox preaching - imprisonment in a restraining house for up to 2 years. For repeated violation - imprisonment up to 6 years. For the third time - exile, imprisonment for up to 2 years, corporal punishment, correctional labor for up to 4 years. Seduced by sermons - they are confined in a restraining house for up to a year.

                        Here's tolerance again.

                        And now I would like to draw your attention to an article that concerns parenting:

                        Article 198. Evasion of baptism and raising children in the Orthodox faith - imprisonment up to 2 years.

                        Article 220. Not bringing children to church is a spiritual and civic suggestion.

                        This is direct evidence that, in general, there was no choice.

                        With the "sectarians" they acted easier:

                        Article 206. Schismatism - exile.

                        Article 207. Sectarianism - exile.

                        Article 210. Forcible dissemination of heresy and schism - hard labor up to 15 years, corporal punishment, stigma.

                        It can be seen that people are treated like cattle. And in fact, the majority of the population was then practically "cattle" for the upper classes. No education, no rights, no culture. Almost slaves. Until a certain period, people who were undoubtedly full of "spirituality" even gambled on them.

                        Chaplin said that insulting a shrine is the most terrible thing to do. In the Russian Empire, he would have been fully supported, because among the laws was this:

                        Article 223. Insult to holy places - hard labor up to 15 years or life, corporal punishment, stigma.

                        And what is an "insult" is up to priests and officials. Although this was a harsh insult, there was also a light version:

                        Article 226. Disrespect for a shrine - imprisonment in a restraining house for up to 3 years or imprisonment for up to a year.

                        But what could have been for insulting the priest or "unintentionally insulting" the shrine:

                        Article 227. Insulting a clergyman - imprisonment in a restraining house for up to a year or imprisonment for up to 6 months.

                        Article 228. Unintentional disrespect for a shrine and insulting a clergyman - arrest up to 3 months.

                        Article 229. Insult of an Orthodox clergyman by a Gentile - imprisonment for up to a year, repeatedly - up to 2 years.

                        Apparently, pop is also a kind of "shrine".

                        So Orthodoxy is not at all the foundation of culture. Nobody chose him, high "spirituality" was achieved by absolute compulsion. This is a yoke for the people, like serfdom in its day. Are we not going to assert that serfdom is part of Russian culture and mentality? This is undoubtedly a part of history, but it is hardly worth being proud of and consolidating the "honorable role". And then in the role-playing games of recent years it can reach such insanity.

                        Therefore, any claims of Orthodoxy for an honorable role are absurd. There is no reason for the secular state in any way to contribute to the establishment of this obscurantism, which cannot function normally without repressive laws and financial support from the state, and is categorically hostile to secular ideology. However, unfortunately, Russia today can be called a "secular state" with a stretch.

                      5. 0
                        13 February 2021 22: 07
                        And how is it possible to conduct physical education and life safety classes at home, because they are mandatory for obtaining a certificate of maturity. Well, in terms of further socialization, communication with peers, how? In real life, in the future, it will not be possible to create greenhouse conditions.
                      6. +1
                        13 February 2021 22: 45
                        Quote: Sergej1972
                        And how can you conduct physical education and life safety classes at home, because they are mandatory for obtaining a certificate of maturity

                        It is enough to go to the sports sections, mine go to the Greco-Roman and the girls go to sports tourism. As for the OBZH, when I was in school, there was enough visual agitation and class hours on traffic rules. Do you think that everything has changed dramatically since the 80s and it is necessary to introduce this subject, taking hours away from mathematics or literature?
                        Quote: Sergej1972
                        Well, in terms of further socialization, communication with peers, how?

                        I have five children, all of them are almost the same, so there are no problems with socialization, and on the street they walk with the rest of the children and we do not prohibit bringing the children home, but rather encouraging.
                        Quote: Sergej1972
                        In real life, in the future, it will not be possible to create greenhouse conditions.

                        Their conditions are not at all hothouse.
                        PS Regarding the certificate, the OGE, the USE are taken on general terms.
                    2. -5
                      13 February 2021 15: 12
                      Dear, aleksejkabanets (Alexey),
                      all Russia happily accepted Christianity, "but the fact that Prince Vladimir, after being baptized, began to build hospitals and schools

                      Russia, indeed, happily adopted Christianity according to the principle: a prince cannot commit a bad deed. Vladimir really began to engage in a godly business: he released all his concubines and gave each a rich ransom so that she could get married, regularly organized a feast to which anyone, even a beggar, could come. But this is so, everyday affairs. Children need to be told not abstract deeds, but concrete deeds, which they can compare with their own understanding of the good. In the future, studying the history of Russia, Russia, they themselves will discover that the most important thing is that Prince Vladimir laid the historical foundation of Russia, which passed through 1000 years and now continues, God forbid, to continue for another 1000 years.
                      By the way. Russia in the pre-Mongol period was literate. Historical written evidence - Novgorod and Pskov birch bark letters written, including by small children - adolescents learning to write and read, and ordinary women - companions who swear with each other.
                      1. +1
                        13 February 2021 15: 59
                        Quote: The Truth
                        Russia, indeed, happily adopted Christianity according to the principle: a prince cannot commit a bad deed.

                        Here I disagree with you. Rather, we need to look at what strata of society and how they reacted to Christianity. After all, Christianity is beneficial primarily to the ruling class, especially in the Byzantine tradition. Novgorod was baptized with "fire and sword", and pagan customs are still widespread among ordinary people.

                        Quote: The Truth
                        Vladimir really began to engage in a godly business: he released all his concubines and gave each a rich ransom so that she could get married, regularly organized a feast to which anyone, even a beggar, could come. But this is so, everyday affairs.

                        Of course, Christianity is much more progressive than paganism. Love for one's neighbor, this was not in paganism, and much of what we are accustomed to today came to us from Christianity.
                        Quote: The Truth
                        Vladimir laid the historical foundation of Russia, which passed through 1000 years and now continues, God forbid, to continue for another 1000 years.

                        Well, this is perhaps a little one-sided you say. Of course, the role of Orthodoxy here is enormous, but there are many other factors as well. So, the same Mongols had a huge impact on the fact that today we are within such borders, and did not disintegrate into small states similar to European ones.
                        Quote: The Truth
                        By the way. Russia in the pre-Mongol period was literate. Historical written evidence - Novgorod and Pskov birch bark letters written, including by small children - adolescents learning to write and read, and ordinary women - companions who swear with each other.

                        Well, yes, as far as I know, it was quite consistent with the Europe of those times.
                        Quote: The Truth
                        Children need to be told not abstract deeds, but concrete deeds that they can compare with their own understanding of the good.

                        Undoubtedly this is so, no person can consider himself educated without reading at least the Bible. But it is necessary to remember and tell children that the church always serves the ruling class, and receives certain preferences from this. Dialectics, however)))))
        2. -5
          13 February 2021 12: 02
          Reading books from school, I always thought that gods are for savages

          Dear, not an optimist = pessimist 22, what you thought about God is wonderful. But the trouble is that not every thought about God leads to God. It happens just the opposite. History has many examples of just the opposite. For example, one German corporal, being in the trenches of the 1st World War, also, I suppose, thought about God, but came to the devil. What then happened to Germany and the whole world, read history. So, thinking about God creates only the preconditions for coming to God, but does not mean coming to God at all. Most likely, it happened to you too .. And this is extremely sad. But, unfortunately, nobody can help you here except yourself. The path to God, at times, for some turns out to be extremely difficult ... It is good if the path of search still leads to the Temple. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Therefore, as in one well-known Russian proverb: there is no reason to blame the mirror if the face is crooked ... Therefore, the dispute with you about God and the Divine essence is extremely unpromising and fruitless .. Remain in your unbelief. Only, God forbid you, do not sell your soul to the devil, even if he appears to you "in sheep's clothing, but inside is a ravenous wolf" - Matv. 7-15.
          And now a little on the merits for information.
          Beliefs arose along with the isolation of primary protosocial groups from the animal community. And initially they wore the form of "taboo" - a ban on certain actions within the boundaries of social groups. To substantiate the "taboo" - a prohibition and its adherence in communities, some reality was allocated - a totem: an object of reality, an action, etc., which was given some force acting in conjunction with the prohibition. Later, as communities developed, the totem was separated from the actual object and became absolutized, which ultimately led to the isolation of God as the beginning that determines the existence of a community and society. In other words, God in one form or another accompanies man from the beginning of the appearance of man himself, and the concept of God develops along with the development of man and society. Losing God man, humanity pays a huge price for this loss. No wonder, in all the troubles and all the upheavals in the history of Russia are correlated with the falling away of the people, first of all the ruling class - the elite of Russia, from God. This was the case in the 1917th century, in 90, at the end of the 1917s ... Having got acquainted in more detail with the history of Russia, you will immediately find evidence of this thesis: in the 90th century. - the betrayal of the elite with an attempt to plant Catholicism in Russia, in 7 - the universal development of Freemasonry among the elite of Russia, in the late 15s - the coming to power in Russia of adherents = worshipers of the golden calf - the devil ... Here's an example, when the devil comes to in sheep's clothing, but in fact it is a predatory wolf ..- Matv. XNUMX-XNUMX. Don't you need to remind what they did to Russia, into which pit did these fans of the golden calf drive Rossi?! .. From this pit Russia has just started to climb out ...
          But the devil does not leave Russia alone, clinging to it in the early 90s. He is doing everything so that Russia could not escape from his filthy clutches. Hence the sanctions, wars along the perimeter, along the border of Russia, attacks on the state, the Orthodox Church. Add to this the feeding of the 5th column inside Russia, and it becomes clear how tenacious the devil is, how deeply he penetrated our society.
          But the people of Russia will cope with the devil that has entangled them, deal with sanctions, strengthen the state, sweep out the rot of the 5th column, and in this they will be helped by faith in God, to which the people of Russia are returning after 80 years of disbelief and timelessness.
          1. +5
            13 February 2021 14: 51
            I believe that religion is for people who are desperate, unable to think critically and draw conclusions, for people with limited outlook and cowardly by nature, when in 90 these religious movements began to spread, I took and read these books, Christianity is the religion of slaves from among them and came out when Rome oppressed the Jews, about such and it is written there "blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" if you cannot decide for yourself, humble yourself and accept your learning, from these books the wise will take wisdom, fanatic fanaticism, and a stupid one, nothing at all, the first book is Jewish folklore, the second teaches a slave to behave at peace.
            1. -2
              13 February 2021 17: 46
              In honor of what you took that Christianity is the religion of "slaves" and Jews.
              From the propaganda of the Bolsheviks and others like them-liberals.
              You know the meaning of the word "slave" in the Roman tradition. And you know the Russian version of this value !!!.
              They listen to everyone and carry heresy. If the Roman word is slave and the Slavic word is a servant of a slave, and is similar in sound. This does not mean that they carry the same meaning. There, in Belarus, millions from 5 to 15 years are running around. Robya is still called outside.
              1. 0
                April 15 2021 08: 42
                Religion posits the complete dependence of man on God. "Not a single hair will fall from the head ...", you get the idea.
                It turns out that people are only toys of higher powers, not even slaves.
                1. 0
                  April 15 2021 13: 41
                  Religion posits man's complete dependence on God

                  Well, you, my friend, turned it down. On the contrary, God raises, wants to raise a person, to elevate to himself, but the person himself is opposed to this.

                  Then the King will say to those on the right side: Come to Me, blessed by My Father, you will receive your inheritance - the Kingdom prepared for you STILL FROM THE CREATION OF THE WORLD. (Matt. 25:34)

                  God saved us and called us by His holy call not according to our merits, but to fulfill His purpose and according to His grace given to us through Jesus Christ BEFORE TIME BEGINNING. (2 Tim. 1: 9)

                  Eccl. 7:29 God created man to be righteous, and the people went into many thoughts.

                  Eph.2: 10 For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for the good works which God has ordained for us to do.
                  23 And whatever you do, do it from the heart, as for the Lord, and not for men.
                  24 ... for you serve the Lord Christ. (Col. 3: 23,24)
                  Each of us finds our place and realizes our meaning by being part of the Body of Christ ”(Rom. 12: 5 [“ The Message ”]

                  John 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. 0
              14 February 2021 01: 30

              Pessimist22 (Igor)
              Yesterday, 14: 51

              "I believe that religion is for people desperate, unable to think critically and draw conclusions, for people with limited horizons and cowardly by nature."

              Archimandrite Alipy (Voronov), Chevalier of the Order of the Red Star, medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit"
              Archimandrite Nifont (Glazov), holder of the Order of the Red Star, World War II, medals "For Courage", "For the capture of Budapest", "For victory over Germany"
              Archimandrite Kirill Pavlov, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War with the rank of lieutenant, took part in the defense of Stalingrad (commanded a platoon), in the battles near Lake Balaton in Hungary in a self-propelled regiment, ended the war in Austria
              Archpriest Gleb Kaleda, holder of the Orders of the Red Banner, the Patriotic War, the medal "For Courage"
              Metropolitan Alexy (Konoplev), Commander of the Order of the Patriotic War, XNUMXst degree, medal "For Military Merit"
              Archpriest John Bukotkin, Commander of the Order of Glory III degree
              Archpriest Dmitry Khmel, Chevalier of the Order of the Red Star and many more ...

              Soviet scientists:
              Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), Archbishop of Simferopol (1877-1961)
              Alexei Alekseevich Ukhtomsky (1875-1942), Russian and Soviet physiologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, creator of the doctrine of the dominant, hieromonk.
              Pavel Alexandrovich Florensky (1882-1937)
              Priest of the Russian Orthodox Church, rector of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the Volgograd diocese, as well as the first vice-rector of the Tsaritsyn Orthodox University.
              Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. From 1983 to 1988, A.I. Polovinkin headed the Volgograd Polytechnic Institute as a rector. He paid much attention to the computerization of educational and scientific work, which resulted in the creation of a powerful computing center at that time, and the widespread use of personal computers began.
              And many more
            4. -1
              14 February 2021 02: 02
              How many people know about priests - "Afghans" and "Chechens"? But their orders are no less deserved than those of other trench veterans, they shed blood at the same heights near Salang, Panjshir, near Itum-Kala and Gudermes.
      3. +2
        13 February 2021 13: 43
        Quote: The Truth
        In 1942, in besieged Leningrad on Easter, the entire leadership of the Leningrad Front and many party leaders of besieged Leningrad came to church.

        For some reason, I have not met evidence that Khozin with his headquarters stuck out at the ambo on April 4, 1942. As well as the presence of Zhdanov with the apparatus in the Prince Vladimir Cathedral. Give a link to the documents, if not difficult.
        Thanks in advance.
        1. -2
          13 February 2021 14: 12
          some information on this topic

          1. -1
            13 February 2021 14: 24
            I am not saying that during the war the Soviets slightly let go of the atheistic bit - this is known to everyone who is more or less interested in the history of the country. I asked for evidence that the party leadership of Leningrad and the command of the Leningrad Front took part in the Easter service of 1942. I expressed my doubt that the party nomenklatura and the military could overnight slide into such a churching. This way you can reach
            .... Zhdanov phoned the Supreme Command Headquarters:
            - Christ is Risen, Comrade Stalin!
            1. -5
              13 February 2021 14: 52
              I asked for evidence that the party leadership of Leningrad and the command of the Leningrad Front took part in the Easter service of 1942

              Dear, Paragraph Epitafievich Y, I did not say that all the party leadership of Leningrad took part in the divine service, quote
              In 1942, in besieged Leningrad on Easter, the entire leadership of the Leningrad Front and many party leaders of besieged Leningrad came to church.

              There is no information about Zhdanov and his closest circle.
              Unfortunately, I cannot give you a link to the source, because the information about Easter in Leningrad in 1942 was simply information about the power of the Divine word, not in any way a source on which I could rely in any dispute about God. This information was taken into account, but not retained in the sources.
              Unfortunately, I also cannot say how I know about this Easter.
              1. 0
                13 February 2021 15: 00
                Quote: The Truth
                Unfortunately, I cannot give you a link to the source

                In this case, your words about your presence at the Easter service in 1942. party leadership of Leningrad and total the Len Front's leadership is trite a lie.
                You know, I ought to be more careful with the facts. However, when it comes to religious apologetics, what facts can we talk about at all, yes ...
                1. -5
                  13 February 2021 15: 32
                  Dear, Paragraph Epitafievich Y, if you are involved in a dispute or in search of truth, then the use of phrases is like yours
                  corny are lies
                  - does not correspond to the ethics of the dispute. Even if you disagree with something, or see a contradiction, in arguments, etc. In a dispute, the term "delusion", "deep delusion" is usually used. But, taking into account the fact that I am not arguing with you, but simply cite facts known to me from a source that I cannot remember, this does not mean at all that the given fact is a lie .. For a search or refutation, you yourself can contact the archives of the Leningrad - St. Petersburg diocese, the archives of Leningrad - St. Petersburg and look for a refutation or proof.
                  By the way. You always have the right to use the term "lies", "lies" when referring to the propaganda of our liberal bosom friends. Here is where the lie, so the lie ... If not in every word, then through the word - for sure.
                  1. +1
                    13 February 2021 15: 46
                    Quote: The Truth
                    In a dispute, the term "delusion", "deep delusion" is usually used.

                    You shouldn't teach me the basics of rhetoric. A delusion can be a logical construction or, accordingly, an inference. An invented "fact", cited as even an indirect argument in support of one's position, is a lie, if not supported by evidence at the request of the opponent.
                    Quote: The Truth
                    For a search or refutation, you yourself can refer to the archive

                    No, my dear, if you please, according to the Hamburg account, then the obligation to prove the facts stated by you lies with you. I am somewhat surprised by your position - "you need to - look for yourself!" However, it characterizes you quite fully. Like the passage
                    Quote: The Truth
                    when referring to the propaganda of our liberal bosom friends.

                    Apparently, this attack should have sounded taunting, right? I'm sorry - it sounded pretty silly.
                    1. -5
                      13 February 2021 16: 09
                      Dear, Paragraph Epitafievich Y,
                      You shouldn't teach me the basics of rhetoric
                      you are confusing logic with rhetoric. For clarification: logic is the science of proving and ways of achieving the truth, rhetoric is the science of ways and methods of communicating something to the listener. If you are participating in an argument, then you are using logic, but if you are speaking in front of a crowd, then logic does not work, so they use rhetoric.
                      So here's a little about logic. In logic, Aristotle's square is defined, according to which a logical statement cannot be simultaneously true and false, but can be either true or false. But the action of Aristotle's square is limited to statements about the actually existing or non-existent object or action. For example, denying the operation of Kepler's law is false, or denying the operation of Ohm's law is also false.
                      Aristotle's square does not apply to possible actions and existence. In this sense, the statement that the Earth can get out of its orbit is just as true as the statement that the Earth cannot get out of its orbit.
                      Returning to truth and lies. Information was brought about Easter in 1942 in Leningrad. This is information. You refute it on the basis that the source is not specified. Therefore, you can render an invaluable service to all residents of St. Petersburg, Leningrad, and the people of Russia, if you turn to the archives, you will clarify information about Easter in besieged Leningrad in 42, and you will open unknown pages of history.
                      Please do this, at least for the sake of proving your own - your rightness.
                      For my part, I assure you that I recognize the facts you have cited from the history of the siege of Leningrad as true.
                      1. 0
                        13 February 2021 16: 21
                        Quote: The Truth
                        For my part, I assure you that I recognize the facts you have cited from the history of the siege of Leningrad as true.

                        The "facts" were cited by you, not me. I consider them a lie because I have not heard the evidence. It's simple. Sorry, that part of your speech that is crammed with mentoring boredom, I missed.
                      2. -5
                        13 February 2021 17: 17
                        Sorry, that part of your speech that is crammed with mentoring boredom, I missed

                        Dear, paragraph Epitafievich Y, to skip is your right. The only question is, after all, not in tediousness, but in relation to your confusion between logic and rhetoric. What I had to point out to you.
                        Due to the fact that we are in a somewhat unequal category: I know what logic is and what rhetoric is, I know how to use both, which, in fact, I showed you, I suggest you before you enter into a dispute, the completion of which is not obvious to you, please read at least the foundations of logic. This will help you a lot, for example, Aristotle's "Logic". This is a very simple tutorial that anyone can master. If you decide to get acquainted with the science of logic more seriously, then I address you to Hegel's "Logic". Having mastered which you can even debate, for example, with Kant. If the logic of Hegel is not enough for you, then you can read the works of, for example, Feuerbach. Unfortunately, I can't offer you anything more, because after Hegel and Feuerbach, nothing more serious appeared in logic. Everything else is either compilation or unscientific nonsense.
                        I will remain on this, and I hope that I was able to suggest you the correct line in the study of the science of logic.
                        I almost forgot. If, after studying the classical works on logic, you have a desire to give logic a rigorous mathematical form, then pay attention to the works of such a mathematician as Lie - Lie algebra. But, I draw your attention to the fact that the study of Lie algebra is hard work, which will require you to know the basics of mathematics at a level higher than school algebra and differential calculus.
                        I will remain on this and finish the conversation with you. I don’t want to be, as you say,
                        moralizer and bore
                      3. +1
                        13 February 2021 17: 18
                        Quote: The Truth
                        and end the conversation with you.

                        special thanks for that. All the best.
              2. +3
                13 February 2021 17: 47
                Leadership of the Leningrad Front in the spring of 1942: Khozin, Gusev, Zhdanov, Pronin. They ALL came to church ?!
              3. -1
                13 February 2021 18: 03
                Well, do not fucking blurt out the language!
      4. -2
        13 February 2021 15: 53
        Quote: The Truth
        either does not know his own history, or deliberately distorts it

        he was just brought up by Agitprop ... request
      5. -1
        13 February 2021 18: 00
        "How much is opium for the people?"
        1. 0
          April 15 2021 08: 44
          The demand is great.
          As with other drugs.
          For the same reasons.
      6. +1
        13 February 2021 19: 50
        Here's an example from history. In 1942, in besieged Leningrad on Easter, the entire leadership of the Leningrad Front and many party leaders of besieged Leningrad came to church.

        Are you serious? The kit lacks a flight over Moscow with a miraculous icon in the fall of 1941, which halted the German offensive.
      7. +1
        April 15 2021 08: 39
        The popularity of religion, its vitality is determined by two factors.
        1. Fear of nothingness after death, with which it is very difficult for a rational being to come to terms.
        Of course, if you are offered an alternative to nothingness, it is difficult to refuse such a saving straw.
        Does the exploitation of such fear color religion and its servants?
        2. Infantilism of consciousness of the majority of inhabitants. In childhood, everyone has their own "gods" - these are the parents. They will always help, protect. A person grows up and can no longer count on his parents: he is left alone with the world. And the world can be cruel and cold. So they come up with a heavenly "dad and mom", which at least you can cry.
        In a world in which God (Gods) would really exist, religion simply would not have arisen.
        Faith can only be where there is no exact knowledge. After all, we do not believe in the Sun and the Moon, we just know that they are.
        And one more fly in the ointment: at the heart of religion is sin, a sin defined as such by the religion itself.
        After all, it is said clearly in the commandments - "do not covet ...", it is said - "pride is a mortal sin."
        But when a believer turns to God with prayer, he does just that.
        He asks God to give something to him personally, or to change the order of things so that he personally becomes better.
        There is a manifestation of selfish egoism and pride (it turns out that the believer denies the state of affairs established by God ... that is, the believer knows better than God what is best).
        But who needs a God who cannot be asked for and who cannot give anything?
        There is a consumer attitude towards the Creator, which clearly does not paint the believers.
    8. +3
      13 February 2021 12: 52
      The Russian faith, the source of the strength and invincibility of the Russians, has suffered enormous damage.

      The author contradicts himself, sometimes the force is invincible, then this force was damaged. If "power" easily surrendered, the price of this power is worthless.
      Secondly, Nikon did very simple things, he corrected the mistakes of the book scribes, but they got used to the mistakes and considered them to be true, so the fanatic started a religious war from scratch.
      1. 0
        April 15 2021 08: 46
        The reasons for the split were deeper.
        Nikon made the church more obedient to the authorities.
        That the church went sideways over time.
    9. -4
      13 February 2021 19: 24
      Thanks to the communists for dispersed, shot, transplanted and given the people a free education.

      Let's continue the logical series.
      Thanks to the liberals for putting this shoblu back on our necks and robbing the people of free education. However - like everything else ..
      1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +8
    13 February 2021 06: 26
    Russia loses its connection with God, ceases to be Light.
    Is this such subtle sarcasm or a joke?
    1. -9
      13 February 2021 06: 44
      Quote: aars
      Russia loses its connection with God, ceases to be Light.
      Is this such subtle sarcasm or a joke?
      False prophecy. Further, according to the script, the "darkest" should be drawn, not otherwise.
    2. +4
      13 February 2021 10: 07
      Don't laugh, the author sees it this way
      1. +4
        13 February 2021 12: 07
        Quote: mr.ZinGer
        Don't laugh, the author sees it this way

        His eyelids were lifted ?? laughing
    3. 0
      April 15 2021 08: 50
      "We are not Kind, we are Light" (film "Night Watch").
  3. +5
    13 February 2021 06: 59
    Samsonov, what are you trying to achieve by publishing this article?
    Readers' reactions are predictable. Now the squabble will begin between the commentators.
    Religious wars are so bloody. Even in the 21st century.
    1. +3
      13 February 2021 14: 01
      Quote: Flood
      Samsonov, what are you trying to achieve by publishing this article?

      Readers' reactions. Only economic interest, business and nothing personal.
      1. +4
        13 February 2021 14: 05
        Quote: aleksejkabanets
        Only economic interest, business and nothing personal.

        Is it possible that the Samsonov artel collects for the candle factory? laughing
        1. +3
          13 February 2021 15: 41
          The candle factory has already taken shape in the corporation of candle factories laughing
  4. +8
    13 February 2021 07: 22
    One "brother Goncourt" passed the baton to another "brother Goncourt". laughing The author forgot to point out that by the 30s of the 16th century, a money-grubbing church had finally taken shape in Russia. Give me pills for greed and more, more .. laughing And so under the article ... Another product of the Samsonov corporation with a corporate handwriting .. laughing
    1. 0
      13 February 2021 07: 29
      Quote: parusnik
      The author forgot to point out that by the 30s of the 16th century, a money-grubbing church was finally formed in Russia

      Perhaps he would not have forgotten, had it been reliably known.
      1. +5
        13 February 2021 10: 13
        Quote: Flood
        Perhaps he would not have forgotten, had it been reliably known.
        This is well known. Google "non-possessors and the Josephites".
        1. 0
          13 February 2021 10: 30
          Quote: bk0010
          This is well known. Google "non-possessors and the Josephites".

          I only partially agree.
          To stigmatize the church of the 16-17 centuries as money-grubbing. for monastic estates in feudal feudal Russia - in my opinion, a stretch.
  5. +9
    13 February 2021 07: 47
    Sasha, still did not understand why they destroyed Light Russia?
    1. 0
      April 15 2021 08: 52
      To carry out "Peter's reforms".
      Otherwise, the "political opposition" would be too strong.
  6. +10
    13 February 2021 08: 05
    They stopped crossing themselves with two fingers and immediately lost all spirituality. The author, you understand that in the 21st century it sounds crazy.
    1. -2
      13 February 2021 08: 09
      Quote: Deniska999
      They stopped crossing themselves with two fingers and immediately lost all spirituality. The author, you understand that in the 21st century it sounds crazy.

      Perhaps we are not talking about fingers, but about one of the most serious tragedies of the Russian people in its consequences?
      1. +4
        13 February 2021 08: 13
        It is understandable that the change in rituals caused a split, which led to a civil conflict. However, how changing rituals affects spirituality is not clear.
        1. -3
          13 February 2021 08: 14
          Rejection of tradition affects spirituality.
          This was essentially the split.
          1. +4
            13 February 2021 08: 17
            In my, purely utilitarian view, if you believe in God, then in any case you will believe. Although, 500 years ago, psychology was different.
            1. -4
              13 February 2021 08: 27
              Quote: Deniska999
              In my, purely utilitarian view, if you believe in God, then in any case you will believe. Although, 500 years ago, psychology was different.

              Now even the meaning of the phrase "faith in God" is different.
              You are looking at a serious question in a very simplistic manner. I don't want to offend you.
              From the category "if you believe, then neither priests nor the church are needed. My temple is my ribs. I do not need intermediaries. God is in my soul, etc., etc."
              Such a chain works only within its own logic, appeasing its own ego.
              But a whole nation needs a mechanism, a system. And tradition is the most important part of it. You know, this is how everyday routine activities help us to remain human, not to lose ourselves. Although each of them individually seems insignificant.
              Likewise, seemingly unimportant elements of tradition help preserve the integrity of the self-consciousness of the entire people.
              1. +3
                13 February 2021 10: 14
                Quote: Flood
                But a whole nation needs a mechanism, a system
                What for?
            2. -8
              13 February 2021 08: 51
              Quote: Deniska999
              In my, purely utilitarian view, if you believe in God, then in any case you will believe.

              One can believe in a criminal, that he will be corrected, but one must not believe in God, but believe Him.

              For a better understanding of what happened then in modern language: the USSR was destroyed, the bourgeois came to power. The same in its significance happened then - they threw off some gods, in their place they set up others, overseas, who did not understand any belmes in Russian, only communicated through tolmoch.

        2. -5
          13 February 2021 08: 54
          Quote: Deniska999
          It is understandable that the change in rituals caused a split, which led to a civil conflict. However, how changing rituals affects spirituality is not clear

          The schism was caused not only by a change in rituals, as you put it, but there were many reasons, including those that had nothing to do with church affairs.
          The spirituality you mentioned, in the XNUMXth century, left much to be desired, and was very different from past centuries.
          1. +4
            13 February 2021 09: 00
            Unfortunately, in this article with a full-scale analysis is tight.
            1. +3
              13 February 2021 09: 04
              Quote: Deniska999
              Unfortunately, in this article with a full-scale analysis is tight

              Yes, I agree, it's hard to say something, it's good that the author did not mention Tartaria, this was just not enough.
              1. -5
                13 February 2021 09: 37
                Quote: bober1982
                it is good that the author did not mention Tartaria, this was just not enough.

                "There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, That are inaccessible to our sages."
                Note the frame at 0: 24th sec.

                1. -5
                  13 February 2021 10: 03
                  There is, after all, a kind, and diplomatic etiquette, verbal skirmish or something, it was necessary to arrange.
            2. The comment was deleted.
            3. +4
              13 February 2021 10: 18
              There is no analysis in this article, in the sense in general, only pathos and speculation.
              1. +4
                13 February 2021 11: 54
                Quote: mr.ZinGer
                There is no analysis in this article, in the sense in general, only pathos and speculation.

                what the hell is the analysis ??? It is a cheap theistic ointment that must be rubbed into the crown of the head until fully absorbed. Messianism has never sinned with analytic tendencies
            4. +5
              13 February 2021 11: 23
              Light Russia had a direct channel of communication with Heaven ...

              And why does the author need an analysis - he has restored the connection with Heaven and now speaks the truth ... laughing
              Direct, redundant channel with Heaven, this is soon Roskomnadzor will add it, for the unregulated use of ether.
          2. 0
            13 February 2021 09: 12
            Quote: bober1982
            The split was caused not only by a change in rituals, as you put it

            But it was precisely the adherence to rituals, adherence to the canons that became the reason for the reluctance of part of the population to follow the reform.
            1. -4
              13 February 2021 09: 17
              Quote: Flood
              But it was just adherence to rituals, adherence to the canons that became the reason for the reluctance of part of the population to follow the reform.

              These unwilling people had their own leaders, and they were also partly to blame for the split.
              It was a disaster, here we can agree with A. Samsonov.
              1. -1
                13 February 2021 09: 22
                Quote: bober1982
                These unwilling people had their own leaders, and they were also partly to blame for the split.

                you are joking? in your opinion, are those who did not recognize Nikon's reform "partly" to blame for the split?
                What is their fault? That they wanted to follow the faith of their fathers? The fact that they were not afraid of persecution and reprisals and did not make a deal with their conscience?
                1. 0
                  13 February 2021 10: 00
                  These leaders were part of the circle of devotees of piety, with the arrival of Nikon they began to lose their influence on the king. We found a reason to oppose Nikon.
                  1. -1
                    13 February 2021 10: 07
                    Quote: bober1982
                    These leaders were part of the circle of devotees of piety, with the arrival of Nikon they began to lose their influence on the king. We found a reason to oppose Nikon.

                    Any movement will sooner or later find its beneficiaries. No wonder.
                    How can this affect the assessment of the motivation and motives of millions of Russian peasants and Cossacks?
    2. +4
      13 February 2021 08: 33
      Quote: Deniska999
      They stopped crossing themselves with two fingers and immediately lost all spirituality. The author, you understand that in the 21st century it sounds crazy.

      And when the former "communist-atheists" stand in crowds in churches with candles - is it not wild?
      It is difficult to understand when people betray their people, their country, their friends, but when people betray their own faith, their own ideals, it is impossible to understand ...
      Did they have any ideals? Then what are we talking about ...
      1. 0
        13 February 2021 08: 38
        Quote: Doccor18
        And when the former "communist-atheists" stand in crowds in churches with candles - is it not wild?

        The atheists repented.
        The Inquisition is not enough for them.
        1. +1
          13 February 2021 08: 40
          Quote: Flood

          The atheists repented.

          Not funny.
          1. +1
            13 February 2021 08: 42
            It's a laugh through tears, my friend.
            1. +1
              13 February 2021 10: 25
              Quote: Flood
              It's a laugh through tears, my friend.

              This is yes. hi
              Only now there is less and less laughter in the country, and tears ...
        2. 0
          April 15 2021 09: 02
          Has it gotten better?
          Wherever you look - a continuous flowering of morality, spirituality and mercy "and goodwill in men."
          We do not even remember about "social ulcers" such as crime and drug addiction.
          "The streets are clean, there is peace in space, the people are happy, the Commander is happy."

          Strangely enough, the Heavenly Master rewarded Russia for returning to the correct "bright" path. No, to arrange a "prosperity" for the fact that the temples are at an accelerated pace ... and we will not get out of crises. And even the "civilized" treat us worse than under the "commies".

          Can you start praying with four fingers, suddenly it will help? laughing
      2. 0
        13 February 2021 09: 13
        Quote: Doccor18
        And when the former "communist-atheists" stand in crowds in churches with candles - is it not wild?

        So some are in the church and they do not hide the fact that they have kept their party tickets .. What ideals are there .. although it is clear what ..
        1. +5
          13 February 2021 10: 09
          In my opinion, among those. who in the churches with candles are communists, and then no. So, zealots of traditions, like those who were baptized with two fingers. The plastic, fluid form of these people hides the shitty content - endless selfishness, lust for power and all-consuming self-interest.
          1. +2
            13 February 2021 10: 21
            Quote: Olddetractor
            In my opinion, among those. who in churches with candles are communists, and then no ..

            That's why I put this word in quotes ...
          2. -1
            13 February 2021 10: 27
            Quote: Olddetractor
            The plastic, fluid form of these people hides the shitty content - endless selfishness, lust for power and all-consuming self-interest.

            Quote: mat-vey
            What are the ideals here .. although it is clear what ..

            That's right.
          3. +4
            13 February 2021 10: 58
            Quote: Olddetractor
            The plastic, fluid form of these people hides the shitty content - endless selfishness, lust for power and all-consuming self-interest.

            well said!
            Moreover, a colleague, the aforementioned category, compiled for himself genealogies "from Rurik", bought class titles, wrote (I believe) his analogue of the Velvet Book. Moliere's mister Jourdain in modern Russian reality - pigs in yarmulkes come up with aristocracy, and a pack of lured asses serves these neophytes for scraps from the tables, squeezing a similar scribble above the order in the net. Actually, nothing else can be expected from our feodocapitalism. And the primitive religious brace for this neophyte pack is very urgent. There is nothing more to feed the plebs.
        2. +2
          13 February 2021 10: 23
          Quote: mat-vey
          ... that the party tickets have been kept do not hide ...

          Just in case...
          Suddenly again the revolution and dispossession ... and they again "their" ...
          1. +2
            13 February 2021 11: 11
            Quote: Doccor18
            Suddenly again the revolution and dispossession ... and they again "their" ...


            "The Man with the Gun" 1938
      3. +2
        13 February 2021 11: 45
        Quote: Doccor18
        And when the former "communist-atheists" stand in crowds in churches with candles - is it not wild?

        well, with the "former" is more or less clear.
        And with the current ones?))))
        1. +2
          13 February 2021 12: 08
          Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
          Quote: Doccor18
          And when the former "communist-atheists" stand in crowds in churches with candles - is it not wild?

          well, with the "former" is more or less clear.
          And with the current ones?))))

          As there in the rhyme - "Do not believe the note ...."
        2. -1
          13 February 2021 22: 19
          In the Polish People's Republic, the Communists, for example, were not required to renounce Christianity. The party (PUWP) included atheists, Catholics, and Orthodox. Some party workers openly attended church services.
  7. +6
    13 February 2021 08: 09
    IMHO, the church with religion and the state with power, there is a two-unit tool for managing the population in the right direction at a given time. With all the squabbles and systemic crises of the bureaucratic machine inherent from this on both sides. There is a mass of evidence of attempts by the secular authorities to dispossess and take away the wealth of some others and vice versa. The same temples always after the death of Christ were number one for robbery, which means there was always something to take in comparison with the village at this temple) (while people in these temples prayed and had a clear set of laws from their teacher that money-grubbing and the golden calf are evil and unacceptable), but at the same time they lived much better than the flock taught by them, And vice versa, history knows and has at every step the church's attempts to obtain monopoly rights of commercial activity and money-grubbing, which, again, were despised by their teacher and his students happily beat to this as soon as their teacher was crucified.
  8. +5
    13 February 2021 08: 40
    and in 1945 was Russia Light or Dark? History does not know the subjunctive moods, that it happened and it is not necessary to pound water in a mortar
    1. 0
      April 15 2021 09: 04
      Dark, of course.
      According to Gundyaev, God sent Hitler to us to make us enlightened.
  9. +2
    13 February 2021 08: 41

    “I think that our today's meeting has a truly historic significance - the head of state for the first time in the last 350 years officially receives the primate of the Orthodox Old Believer Church,” said Metropolitan Korniliy.

    Who is interested:

    1. +4
      13 February 2021 09: 11
      Boris55 (Boris) - The one in the photo on the left is trying to look like a believer, but having attended Easter service in the church, and having overshadowed himself with the sign of the Cross, he returns to his place of service and with the same three fingers takes a fountain pen and signs the pension reform, which condemns to poverty in old age, millions of his supposedly "brothers" in Christ. Can a sincerely believer do that to his fellow believers - huh?
      1. -5
        13 February 2021 09: 23
        Quote: Nazar
        Can a sincerely believer do that to his fellow believers - huh?

        About fellow believers.
        Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund - Catholic.

        It has been written about pension reform more than once. I can only say that the increase in the length of the retirement period hinders the development of the country, takes away jobs from the youth, which is the driving force behind all coups and revolutions.

        For pushing this law through parliament, Medvedev (a Jew) paid for the premiership. Putin's proposals in connection with this law largely neutralized its impact on society. Also, this law showed the true face of the deputies, supposedly caring for our well-being.

        The adopted amendments to the Constitution will no longer allow anyone from outside to indicate when we will retire.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +3
      13 February 2021 10: 26
      Wow, I saw Metropolitan Cornelius on Thursday in the metro, I recognized him now from a photograph, I did not know that he was in such a serious dignity.
  10. +8
    13 February 2021 09: 49
    During the time of Sergius of Radonezh and the great sovereigns of Moscow, on the basis of the ancient Russian Vedic faith (Russian paganism, which has many thousand-year roots) and Christianity, the Russian faith was formed. Orthodoxy ("glory of pravie-truth", "rule" - the bright world of the gods, the highest laws of the Universe) absorbed the ancient faith of the pagan Rus. The cross (swastika) is a symbol of the One God. God the Father is Rod (Svarog), the creator of the world, people (people). Therefore, the Russians are fighting to the death for the Motherland. God the Son - Yarila, Dazhdbog, Khors, light, active principle. Mother of God - Russian Rozhanitsy, Mother Lada, the preserving feminine principle. The Trinity is Reality, Rule and Nav, a single Universe, the universal laws of creation, preservation and destruction (in Ancient India - Trimurti). The military principle of the One - Perun - George the Victorious.

    It is a pity that a time machine does not exist ... I would very much like to see the reaction of one of the "great sovereigns of Moscow", Samsonov explained to him these "foundations" of Orthodoxy. lol I think Ivan IV, for example, would certainly be this "expert" in the history of religion, for such a flight of thought "I put it on a barrel of gunpowder, let it fly!" (C)
    1. +1
      13 February 2021 09: 57
      Quote: HanTengri
      I think Ivan IV, for example, would certainly be this "expert" in the history of religion, for such a flight of thought "I put it on a barrel of gunpowder, let it fly!" (C)

  11. +6
    13 February 2021 10: 22
    Ah yes, the "Samsonov" artel - it will crunch a roll, then it will creak with a buckle, then it will wave a censer laughing
    And this passage:
    Until now, this catastrophe has had a negative impact on the Russian civilization and the people. Russia loses its connection with God, ceases to be Light.
    generally enchanting, yes ...
    As I understand it, yesterday's post with the sacramental headline "where, they say, is Russia taking you?" The "Samsonov" artel fed the public, hungry for hackneyed Hamletism (in which yesterday's reflections "from Samsonov", it should be noted, were successful), and today they poured a tub of unclean slops on this audience. I think it was unexpected even for consumers of delays from the Samsonov artel)))
    1. +2
      13 February 2021 12: 19
      "Household hamletism", "unctuous slop" and "delay from the Samsonov artel" "are from the heart, an enviable accuracy of words and definitions.
  12. +6
    13 February 2021 11: 21
    Early something this year, spring began ...
    1. 0
      13 February 2021 14: 57

      Greetings Mikhail! I perfectly understood your irony, but .... these snowdrifts were filmed this morning in Biryulyovo. No janitors or equipment were observed. So about spring ... we will have to wait. laughing laughing laughing
  13. +8
    13 February 2021 11: 29
    My degree in theology is freaking out from Samsonov. He piled up in this article for 9 burnings, 24 excommunications, 42 anathemas and 27 tablets, three times a day.

    In the 21st century, if you want to seek God and the secrets of creation, go teach quantum physics.
    1. +6
      13 February 2021 11: 41
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      My degree in theology is freaking out from Samsonov. He piled up in this article for 9 burnings, 24 excommunications, 42 anathemas and 27 tablets, three times a day.

      In the 21st century, if you want to seek God and the secrets of creation, go teach quantum physics.

  14. +2
    13 February 2021 12: 27

    Save, O God, Thy people and bless Thy heritage, visit the land of Holy Russia with Thy mercy and generosity, confirm the true faith in it; expand, multiply, calm down and immovable and the gates of hell preserve the Holy Church forever; make wise our archpastors and shepherds, the right to rule Thy word of truth, destroy and soon abolish all division and heresy uprising; observe the Orthodox flock in the world; lift up the zealots of the faith of the fatherland, and send down on us and on all your faithful people your rich mercy.


    We also pray to our Lord and Savior for the hedgehog to preserve the Orthodox Church throughout the world in unity and orthodoxy, and to grant her peace and serenity, love and harmony, all over, Lord, hear and have mercy.

    We also pray for the hedgehog with mercy and mercy to look upon the Holy Church
    Orthodox and preserve it from divisions and schisms, from enmity and discord, may its unity not diminish or shake, but may Thy Trisagion name be glorified in it, all, Lord, hear and have mercy.

  15. +4
    13 February 2021 16: 05
    I am a deeply religious person and I try to respect the opinion of any person (even if it is very different from mine), BUT gentlemen, comrades, brothers, there are many religious and philosophical sites where you can discuss any nonsense. Why clog a site with a military theme?
    1. 0
      15 February 2021 19: 40
      Quote: Niko
      comrades, brothers, there are many religious and philosophical sites where you can discuss any nonsense. Why litter a site with a military theme?

      I completely agree with you. Moreover, the article is a refined delirium of a narrow-minded provocateur.
      1. 0
        15 February 2021 21: 40
        This is yes. If you want to destroy a country, an army, a family, start explaining that one faith is better than another
  16. +2
    13 February 2021 16: 06
    Unfortunately, the author forgot to note that in those years the split in the Church was the result of disagreements in society, a form of political struggle - which is not new, in Europe it was in the form of the Reformation request So the engine of this split was the creation of a single centralized state with goals on the Bosphorus, which limited the rights of many who did not like it ... request
    1. 0
      15 February 2021 19: 41
      Quote: DrEng527
      the engine of this split was the creation of a single centralized state with goals on the Bosphorus, which limited the rights of many who did not like it ...

      Exactly. And also the complete unification of the Orthodox Church into a single monolith.
  17. +2
    13 February 2021 16: 29
    For the Brest-Litovsk Peace Ulyanov, they were almost killed.
    Is it possible in more detail, with links to adequate sources?
  18. +3
    13 February 2021 23: 03
    Interesting fantasy. good
    It looks like the kingdoms from "The Lord of the Rings".
  19. 0
    14 February 2021 09: 14
    Who writes this, where does this stream of consciousness come from? And why is it published here? Let's talk about the Anunnaki, flat land and other game.
  20. +2
    15 February 2021 01: 54
    I, incidentally, am engaged in just church history and just Nikon and the Old Believers. HOW IT IS POSSIBLE TO PUBLISH "THIS" I NEVER UNDERSTAND. What's the goal? To completely confuse people who do not know their own history so well. Just some kind of game. And the comments, alas, are mostly completely insane.
    1. 0
      15 February 2021 19: 42
      Quote: didra
      What is the purpose?

      Provocation for the illiterate. Nothing more.
  21. 0
    15 February 2021 19: 39
    There is no doubt that the schism in the Orthodox Church has caused it enormous damage. But reading this absolutely enchanting zakaznya is not my strength. The overwhelming majority of the given "facts" are either outright lies, or the manipulation of scraps of information and their rigging under the point of view of the author.
    The meaning of the reform was in one thing - to bring our church canons to a common denominator with the Greek ones, which would strengthen Russia's rights to Tsar Grad and make the Orthodox Church a world organization, since outside Russia there were both ancient Orthodox communities and in the Greek manner. Nikon wanted to make a monolith out of the church. Everything else is either lies, or side effects in achieving this goal. I'm not even talking about the fact that during the Patriarchate of Nikon, an unprecedented number of monasteries and churches were built in Russia, and order was also brought to order with church abuses in terms of tithes, etc. What can I say? Valaam is a living monument to Patriarch Nikon!
    However, in general, I strongly doubt that the author is in any way really enlightened in the history of our Orthodox Church and most likely represents a stratum of liberal high-melting from history. This becomes clear from the first lines of this opus, where Sasha writes that Russia has ceased to be a saint with Nikon. Never heard more bullshit.
  22. 0
    16 February 2021 12: 00
    Quote: Al_lexx
    I'm not even talking about the fact that during the Patriarchate of Nikon, an unprecedented number of monasteries and temples were built in Russia, and order was also brought to order with church abuses in terms of tithes, etc.
    Nikon was Patriarch from July 25 (August 4) 1652 - December 12 (22), 1666. Moreover, his problems began in 1660.
    Yes, under Nikon in 1653, the first wooden buildings of the Iversky Monastery were built on the island of Valdai Lake. In 1655, the stone Assumption Cathedral was laid. In 1656 Nikon obtained permission from the tsar to establish a monastery on the Kiy-island, now known as the Onega Cross Monastery. In the same 1656, Patriarch Nikon founded the New Jerusalem Monastery as the residence of the Patriarchs near Moscow.
    But where is the unprecedentedness? Take Job, for example.
    On the initiative of St. Job, transformations were carried out in the Russian Church, as a result of which four metropolises entered the Moscow Patriarchate: Novgorod, Kazan, Rostov and Krutitskaya; new dioceses were established, more than a dozen monasteries were founded.
    Patriarch Job was the first to set the printing business on a broad basis. With the blessing of St. Job, the following were published for the first time: The Lenten Triod, the Tsvetnaya Triod, the Octoichus, the General Menaion, the Official of the Bishop's Ministry and the Service Book.
  23. 0
    21 February 2021 17: 33
    I am not a Christian, and I am not aware of what exactly happened then, so I cannot judge. But he threw It off to my good friend in the Crimea, a hereditary Cossack, an Orthodox Christian and a monarchist .... His opinion is WILD RUNNING .... But even if I judge by the author, I am not at all surprised. Samsonov knows how to rave wildly