Social protection in tsarist Russia: various directions

Social protection in tsarist Russia: various directions
Beggar settlers. Very often in pre-revolutionary Russia settlers were begging. Newspapers wrote a lot about the hardships and hardships associated with resettlement, and many took advantage of it. “The horse has fallen, the cow has died, the wife and the children have died ... This is how it is in resettlement! Give it, for Christ's sake! "

"But to the poor you be lenient and do not delay in charity to him."
(Book of Sirach 29,11)

- Give, good man, in the name of Allah! -
the beggars were nasal, showing Hodja Nasreddin their deformities and ulcers.
He answered angrily:
- Get your hands off. I'm no richer than you and I'm looking for myself,
who would give me four hundred tangas.
Beggars, taking these words for mockery,
showered Hodja Nasreddin with abuse.

("The Tale of Khoja Nasreddin" L. Soloviev)

Charity in pre-revolutionary Russia. There was another very important component of charity in tsarist Russia - the fight against hunger. So, 1891 turned out to be a terrible crop failure for Russia. The Nizhny Novgorod, Simbirsk, Saratov, Ufa, Penza, Tula, Kazan, Orenburg, Tambov, Ryazan, Voronezh and Vyatka provinces have suffered greatly.

In view of this disaster, the government organized the supply of winter seeds to the needy population to ensure the future harvest. The Office of the Holy Synod and the Russian Red Cross Society have been actively involved in this. In many provinces affected by crop failure, including Penza, provincial committees were created to collect donations for the benefit of the population affected by crop failure.

"Vedomosti of the Penza Diocesan Committee" testifies that the sums in favor of the victims of the poor harvest were received in the period from September 16 to October 15, 1891. It is noteworthy that the funds came not only from Penza benefactors.

"one. Amounts received from the St. Petersburg Diocesan Committee 1 thousand rubles, the Don Diocesan Committee 3 rubles, the Moscow Diocesan Committee 182 thousand rubles, Astrakhan - 2 rubles, Vladimirsky - 94 rubles, Yaroslavsky - 500 rubles;

2. Collected during church services in plates and mugs at churches 234 rubles 61 kopecks;

3. Donations received from persons outside the Penza province: from the wife of Senator M.P. Shakhova 25 rubles, from A.N. Pleshcheev 499 rubles 37 kopecks;

4. Sums donated by His Grace, the Governor of Penza and individuals living in the city of Penza nobles, merchants, persons of other classes and various institutions are 2 rubles 039 kopecks.

And in total until October 15, 1891 donations were received in favor of the victims of the crop failure 12 rubles 549 kopecks.

Of these, it was spent:

1. Issued to the Penza City Mayor N.T. Evstifeev for the purchase of 1 poods of rye for distribution to the needy residents of the Penza province who suffered from a poor harvest 200 rubles;

Issued to the treasurer of the Penza House of Bishops, Hieromonk Nifont for payment to the office of the Syzran-Vyazemskaya railway, for 11 poods sent 20 pounds of rye rusks, 7 rubles 24 kopecks.

A total of 1.105 rubles and 24 kopecks were spent ”.

The total funds received by the Executive Food Committee in the period from July 21 to October 15, 1891 were 1 rubles. For the maintenance of the city public free canteen 168 rubles 448 kopecks. In addition to monetary donations, there were food donations, which from December 9 to 1, 15 amounted to: flour 1891 poods 831 pounds, peas 2 poods, from the merchant Krasilnikov 50 poods of flour.

We must not forget about such a purely military direction of pre-revolutionary charity as helping the wounded. The development of this direction was strongly influenced by the Russo-Turkish War, which began in 1877. Penza, for example, took 349 wounded to charity hospitals. Archival documents show that

“The patients were supplied with medicines from the pharmacy located at the zemstvo hospital, while food was received from the hospital kitchen ...

The Red Cross hospitals, both in the eyes of the whole society and, according to the opinions of those specially sent to examine them, stood in all respects above the military hospitals.

The content in them is excellent, the care of the sick is excellent, the military discipline was not violated in any way, and the patients behaved impeccably. "

It is important that at the request of the military, the local government of the society gave them benefits.

For example, at the request of Pavel Petrovich Arisov, a retired corporal of the 213rd Infantry Company, a peasant of the Penza province from the village of Koromal, he was assigned an allowance for the purchase of a cow, because

"…P. Arisov participated in the Russian-Turkish war and fell ill: a disease of the left hand, the lower jaw of the right side, ear aches on the right side and noise in the head, and also suffers from eyes, is not capable of physical labor, the family consists of their wife and three small children, is in extremely poor condition and cannot buy money for a cow by his labor. "

Now imagine what a cow is in the then peasantry? It was not for nothing that they called her “Mother Nurse”. And this peasant got it.

The attitude of the government to ... the intensive enrichment of the monasteries was very interesting, which even caused him displeasure! The government believed that in the presence of significant funds, the monasteries should donate a certain part of them to charity. Thus, it would be possible to reduce the costs of the state treasury. And to show that the monks are trying by all means to bring relief to the people. This is a very logical, and I would say, quite modern judgment, although it took place long before 1917.

Thus, the Penza monasteries, which were considered far from prosperous, in 1894 possessed land plots in the amount of 10 dessiatines, and the capital of many monasteries exceeded 000 rubles. In this regard, the spiritual department demanded that the monasteries urgently fulfill the following tasks in the field of social protection:

1. Provide shelter to all the disadvantaged.

2. Set up orphanages.

3. To cede part of the premises for the elderly, often deprived of shelter and a piece of bread.

4. Establish hospitals and patient rooms, etc.

According to the definition of the Synod of August 21, 1891, the richer monasteries and churches must give cash benefits from their funds to the needy and not stop feeding the poor.

Also, the Bishop of Penza gave the following proposal for the consistory:

“In the name of Christ the Savior, who even miraculously nourished the hungry and commanded us to nourish the hungry, invite men and women to monasteries:

a) where feeding the strange and the poor would not stop and not reduce those, but, on the contrary, expand;

b) regardless of this, admit 5 boys to male monasteries, and 5 girls to female monasteries, in addition to the existing ones, mainly from orphans and children of the clergy.

This provision was binding. And it was sent to all the monasteries of the Penza province.

Fulfilling this provision, during the year the abbots of the monasteries sent reports to the consistory, according to which 28 boys, 77 girls and 11 homeless old women were accepted for maintenance. The total number of people living off the monasteries was 116. Children were taught the necessary knowledge. In addition, free canteens were opened in the monasteries, serving up to 500 people.

For example, in the monastery canteens of the Penza Trinity Convent, 20 people were fed. In the Paraskevo-Ascension nunnery - from 50 to 90. In the Mokshansk Kazan nunnery - everyone comes. In the Nizhny Lomovsky Assumption Convent - 10 people. In Kerensky Tikhvinsky - 90 people. There are 30 people in the Kovyliai Trinity Community. There are 50 people in the Chufarovsky Trinity Convent.

In men's monasteries, the number of people feeding for free was as follows. In the Penza Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery - 30 people; in Nizhnelomovskiy Kazan - 10 people; in the Narovchatsky Trinity-Scanovoe - from 20 to 40 people; in Krasnoslobodsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Vyasskaya Vladimirskaya desert - everyone who comes.

And now imagine how many needy people were fed in this way in monasteries all over Russia... And the numbers are not small.

So what? With the closure of monasteries and churches, did the Soviet state begin to feed all these people?

Don't make me laugh ...

It was simply impossible to plug such a "hole" in the early years of Soviet power. Subsequently, all funds were spent on industrialization, collectivization, the army and navy. So our people had to simply forget about such feeding. They were not organized even during the famine of the early 30s.

In the cause of charity, the monasteries received some support from the Diocesan Committee. Such support went depending on the income of the monastery and on how many needy charitable institutions were opened in them.

For example, the Paraskevo-Voznesensky Convent received an allowance of 488 poods of flour annually. The Nizhnelomovsky Assumption Convent had a dining room for 10 people. Subsequently (under the influence of the Diocesan Committee), it was expanded to 50 people, and an allowance of 240 poods of flour was also provided.

Among the monasteries, only one Penza Transfiguration Monastery in the amount of 145 poods of flour received benefits. In the monastery, 30 people were constantly fed, and they received only 1,5 pounds (a little more than 600 grams) of flour per person and nothing more. That is, they fed them bread and stew, but that's all. And bread was not given in abundance. However, if a person did not have any food at all, then this was helpful to him.

The next activity of the monasteries was the creation of shelters, hospitals and almshouses.

So, there was a practice of living in monasteries of a small number of crippled, paralyzed and other "weak" people. They generally lived as novices, but did not obey. Also, monks and novices who, due to old age or illness, could not benefit the monastery, were freed from obedience and lived on the full support of the monastery.

So, in 1881 in the "Bulletin of the monastics of the Krasnoslobodsky Assumption Convent" it was reported:

“There were those dismissed from obedience because of old age and poor health: nuns - 5; cassock novices - 6; sloppy novices - 4; living on the test - 10 ".

In Krasnoslobodsky Trinity Convent, 8 people were freed from obedience (without explanation).

In 1900, the number of non-obedient residents of the monastery increased. In the Penza Trinity Convent, 41 people did not obey. In the Kerensky Tikhvin monastery - 32 people. There are 44 women in Krasnoslobodsky Dormition for women. There are 26 women in Krasnoslobodsky Troitsky. In the Narovchatsky Trinity-Scan male - 7 people. There are 19 women in the Mokshanskoye Kazan women's.

It should be noted that the monks with great zeal provided spiritual assistance (to pray, serve a panikhida, donate something from cult accessories), but when it came to financial assistance, various problems arose here.

By the way, some help was rendered to students. Charity scholarships were established for the best students. By 1913, 32 such scholarships were established in the amount of 200-300 rubles each.

By the way, in the same Penza State University today, such scholarships are also established, as well as rector's grants to students for particularly interesting research. And these are really interesting developments of students (was present at their consideration).

So you need to understand that the system of assistance to those in need in tsarist Russia differed from the Soviet one, first of all, in its social character.

In the USSR, all aid was state aid.

The public was left with the opportunity to show compassion, perhaps by giving some old woman 10 kopecks. There was no patronage, no sponsorship and private charity, no philanthropy - none of this happened. The state ruled everything.

And in some ways it was good, and in others it was bad. The system was inflexible.

But today we have all the same types of charitable assistance that were in tsarist Russia. Plus the state system of providing assistance to those in need.

Perhaps only now we have come to an optimal combination of both private and public.


Some may want to deepen their knowledge of this topic. So here is a list of references, including dissertation research:

Afanasyev V.G. Sokolov V.A. “Charity in Russia: the historiographic aspect of the problem. - SPb., 1998
Belousov. A.A. Philanthropy and charity in the Russian Far East. Author's abstract. diss. ... Cand. ist. sciences. Vladivostok, 1997
Bobrovnikov V.G. Bibliographic and source bases stories charity in Russia in the pre-revolutionary period. Volgograd, 1994
Gurishidze D.A. Charitable societies in pre-revolutionary Western Georgia (70s of XIX - 10th of XX centuries). Author's abstract. diss. ... Cand. ist. sciences. Tbilisi, 1988
Kolebakina E.Yu. Public charity and charity in the Arkhangelsk province late 2002th - early XNUMXth century. Author's abstract. diss. Cand. ist. sciences. Arkhangelsk, XNUMX
Kurmanova G.D. Social charity in the European North in the last third of the XIX - early XX century. Author's abstract. diss. ... Cand. ist. sciences. Syktyvkar, 2001
Nagaytseva N.D. Charity in Transbaikalia in the 2002th century: a historical aspect. Author's abstract. diss. ... Cand. ist. sciences. Ulan-Ude, XNUMX
Nescheretny P.I. "Historical roots and traditions of the development of charity in Russia." M., 1993
"Public Charity and Private Charity in Post-Reform Russia". M., 1994 "Essays on the history of social work in Russia." M., 1996
Peterova. A.Yu. Penza provincial press on the activities of the Penza zemstvo from 1864 to 1917: on the example of "Penza provincial vedomosti" and "Bulletin of the Penza zemstvo": Diss. ... Cand. ist. sciences. - M., 2006
Ulyanova G.N. Charity in the Russian Empire. Late 2006th and early XNUMXth centuries. Author's abstract. diss. ... doc. ist. sciences. Moscow, XNUMX
Khairullina A.D. Kazan newspapers as a historical source for the study of charity, 1861-1895: Diss ... cand. ist. sciences. - Kazan, 1993.
"Christianity and its role in the development of charitable activities." M., 1993

However, this is not all.

And we will tell you about one interesting aspect of protecting the poor population of the Russian Empire.

To be continued ...
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  1. +32
    13 February 2021 05: 58
    No patronage, no sponsorship and private charity, no philanthropy - none of this happened.

    But why?
    IN USSR all the aid was state.

    And so no one racked his brains about where to get money for treatment, the state would provide everything necessary for free, from medicines to sanatoriums.
    But today we have all the same types of charitable assistance that were in tsarist Russia.

    Here's the joy ... Is it about the money for the treatment of children by SMS all over the country collected to units from the general mass of those in need? , well, them, your philanthropists.
    1. +17
      13 February 2021 06: 12
      But today we have all the same types of charitable assistance that were in tsarist Russia. Plus the state system of providing assistance to those in need.
      I don’t know ... I don’t like collecting money on TV for kids ... despite the fact that hari from screens burst with fat.
      1. +10
        13 February 2021 07: 31
        At the same time, a lot of imaginary charitable actions are created for the PR of individual personalities (they gave a blind veteran plasma on camera, then another one, then the shooting ended and the benefactors left with two unopened boxes of televisions and the astral government agencies filmed material) - A real case, on TV was shown in the XNUMXs ...
        1. +5
          13 February 2021 08: 48
          Quote: evgen1221
          At the same time, a lot of imaginary charitable actions are created for the PR of certain personalities.
          as well as for money laundering through them
          1. +5
            13 February 2021 20: 58
            Collected 12 549,92 rubles
            Spent 1 105,24 rubles ...
            As I understand it, the Duma was already working effectively sad
      2. +5
        13 February 2021 09: 09
        Quote: Aerodrome
        But today we have all the same types of charitable assistance that were in tsarist Russia. Plus the state system of providing assistance to those in need.
        I don’t know ... I don’t like collecting money on TV for kids ... despite the fact that hari from screens burst with fat.

        I'll reveal a secret. Not everything suits kids.
    2. +7
      13 February 2021 07: 34
      Well, private charity was in the union - the tanks were built on workers' money and then, until the collapse of the social security department, they took money for needs. They didn’t advertise only and didn’t increase their value at the expense of benefactors, which was acceptable by the morality of society.
      1. +15
        13 February 2021 08: 26
        In fact, the tsarist government failed to cope with the famine of 1891-1892. The drought was terrible and covered the entire European part of Russia. Here is how the writer Vladimir Korolenko described the drought in the Nizhny Novgorod province: “Priests with prayers were passing through the drying fields every now and then, icons rose, and clouds stretched across the hot sky, waterless and mean. From the Nizhny Novgorod mountains, fires and smoke of fires were constantly seen in the Trans-Volga region. The forests burned all summer, they caught fire by themselves ”.
        But Emperor Alexander III arrogantly commented on the food situation as follows: “I have no hungry people, there are only those who have suffered from crop failure”.
        1. +7
          13 February 2021 09: 52
          It is true, in the end, such a swagger of RI brought to the tsegunder. The USSR really corrected a lot of systemic errors of tsarism. It is a pity that it did not cope with the education of the population into a new person, today's Japanese are here in general an example of what it would be nice to achieve at the first stage of education in a society of correct morality for the good of the whole society - and it doesn't matter that it is wary strangers.
      2. +1
        13 February 2021 10: 22
        Quote: evgen1221
        They didn’t advertise only and didn’t fill their own worth at the expense of benefactors, which was acceptable by the morality of society.

        We open the Bible (more precisely, the interpretation) and read: "For you, when you do alms, let your left hand not know what your right hand is doing" St. John Chrysostom. And today they are just PR on this and that's it.
        1. +4
          13 February 2021 12: 23
          Yes, and at the same time, all the commandments of their teacher Christ were forgotten by the disciples and the flock immediately after the crucifixion of the teacher and for 2000 years they have been simply making a personal career in religion. And the small number of saints from the general mass (true believers) only confirms this.
          1. 0
            13 February 2021 12: 46
            Quote: evgen1221
            Yes, and at the same time, the disciples and flock forgot all the commandments of their teacher Christ at once ...

            Well, yes, today the church is only a commercial organization dedicated only to the fact that it would be more profitable to rob parishioners, and of course the authorities are seeking in the state. As for the Orthodox Church, in my opinion, when in the dispute between the Josephites and the non-possessors (the fourteenth century, it seems) she took the side of the Josephites, then she stopped serving God, and now serves only her own pocket.
            1. 0
              13 February 2021 13: 12
              The Church, which took shape as a power, immediately and irrevocably embarked on the path of acquisitiveness of personal ambitions and commercial interests. And the Orthodox, like the example of the same Lama and the Aztec priests, are no exception in principle, since the actions are contrary to the values ​​preached. Well, a fanatic with any idea is only the features of the nervous system of a particular person and the depth of their manipulation from the outside.
              1. 0
                13 February 2021 13: 20
                Quote: evgen1221
                The Church, which took shape as a power, immediately and irrevocably embarked on the path of acquisitive personal ambitions and commercial interests ...

                This is true, the history of the Crusades is proof of this. And otherwise I agree with you, those teachings that ran counter to the authorities and the official church were destroyed. An example of the same Albigensians, it is very indicative.
        2. for
          13 February 2021 16: 56
          Quote: aleksejkabanets
          With you, when you do alms, let your left hand not know what your right hand is doing "

          The left one takes away, and the right one gives handouts, the difference in your pocket.
    3. +6
      13 February 2021 08: 50
      Quote: Destiny
      Here are the joys .. Is it about the money for the treatment of children by SMS across the country collected to units from the general mass of those in need?

      At the same time, and if they do not collect money - what then, the child will die ?! The very formulation of the question is cannibalistic. The state must pay for everything
      1. +8
        13 February 2021 13: 18
        In those distant times, namely: in the years 1891-1892, the United States did not yet claim the role of the world gendarme. At least the popular consciousness did not pretend. And - what a wonderful thing! - without any Internet, the news of the monstrous disaster that covered distant Russia instantly spread throughout America and caused a normal human response.
        Numerous American farmers, filled with sympathy for the Russians (they understood well what a drought was), created a charitable foundation and sent aid to the hungry in Russia.
        The king at first refused to accept it.

        However, the American public persuaded him to accept humanitarian aid in the form of 5 tons of flour, as well as cash. In total, about $ 1 million was raised by farmers in the states of Philadelphia, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska for this purpose. In current terms, these are billions. Some of these funds also went towards regular financial assistance. In addition, American state and private companies offered Russian farmers $ 75 million in long-term loans.
        Human solidarity shocked the artist Aivazovsky, and he painted two paintings. On one of them - American ships arrived in St. Petersburg, are in the roadstead, and from one of them a boat with a humanitarian cargo is approaching the coast. However, it is impossible to determine whose ships and what is in the boat without knowing the history. This painting was immediately presented to America. And the second, which was supposed to remain in Russia, caused the extreme displeasure of the reigning person, and it also had to be presented to the United States.
        Indeed, in the picture, a cart is rushing towards the viewer, loaded with sacks of flour. A man stands among them in full growth, and the American flag in his hand flutters against the background of the rising sun. On the sides of the village street, residents crowd, some in prayer ecstasy fell to their knees - what king would like that!

        Since then, these terrible crop failures have begun to recur in Russia with frightening regularity - after a year or two. The climate was apparently changing. And the tsar demanded and demanded to rake the peasants' bread for sale abroad in order to take care of the treasury, and he was executed.
        1. +1
          13 February 2021 13: 36
          What it says, all the same, scraped a rag on its backbone. And there is nothing to wish for such insignificance in the management of a huge country.
        2. +5
          13 February 2021 16: 39
          This painting was immediately presented to America. And the second, which was supposed to stay in Russia, caused the extreme displeasure of the reigning person, and it also had to be presented to the United States.

          ,,,In October 1892, Aivazovsky, who had long wanted to visit America, arrived in New York. Previously, the Imperial Academy of Arts sent 15 of the 20 works selected by the master to the United States for display at the International Art Exhibition in Chicago, which subsequently opened in March 1893. In honor of the maestro, the Russian consul general in New York gave a dinner, which brought together about half a thousand representatives of high society.

          In the same New York, a personal exhibition of the artist took place. At it, he presented 24 works, of which 14 brought with him, including two devoted to the recent help of American philanthropists: "Food Distribution" and "Aid Ship". Also exhibitions of Aivazovsky's works were held in San Francisco and Washington, where on January 1893, XNUMX, the artist solemnly donated these two canvases to the Corcoran Gallery of Art
        3. +2
          14 February 2021 15: 16
          hi I read that English and American Quakers came to Ingushetia. The first time they arrived in 1916, they helped refugees from WW1 in the Samara province. Doctors arrived, orphanages for children were opened. This mission left back in 1919 due to the Civil War.
          However, in 1921, the Quakers returned to Soviet Russia when the famine began and helped. Canteens and houses were opened for children who had lost their parents. We distributed rations to maternity hospitals and nurseries.
      2. -1
        13 February 2021 13: 52
        Quote: Stirbjorn
        The state must pay for everything

        the state has a difficult choice - to give 100 million for the treatment of one or for the treatment of 000 children, and the budget is final ...
    4. 0
      13 February 2021 13: 49
      Quote: Destiny
      from medicines to sanatoriums.

      Seriously? it means, fortunately, you or your loved ones did not get sick in the USSR, otherwise serious medicines either could not be found or simply were not on sale ... by the way, medicines in the USSR were bought in pharmacies ...
  2. +8
    13 February 2021 06: 01
    In this regard, the ecclesiastical department demanded that the monasteries urgently fulfill the following tasks in the field of social protection:

    1. Provide shelter to all the disadvantaged.

    2. Set up orphanages.

    3. To cede part of the premises for the elderly, often deprived of shelter and a piece of bread.

    4. Establish hospitals and patient rooms, etc.

    Strangely, most of these demands, 900 years before their announcement by the Holy Synod, became part of the charter of the Order of the Johannites and were not considered extraordinary crisis actions for centuries. Such is the progress of faith performed by the ROC.
    It became interesting, and Muslims, Jews, Lutherans, Catholics, Buddhists were included in the circle of monasteries patronized?
    Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich!
    1. +2
      13 February 2021 06: 41
      Hello Anton hi
      The first institution of public charity for Muslims (the Kazan Trusteeship for the Poor Committee) was opened in Kazan in 1816. It was under the authority of the imperial philanthropic society. Unfortunately, I don’t know about Jews, Buddhists and others request
      1. +5
        13 February 2021 06: 52
        My respect, Aleksey!
        The main phrase here is "public charity". The ROC in the Republic of Ingushetia was a state structure. It remains to summarize that in the Republic of Ingushetia the "social sphere", for the most part, was built on a voluntary basis, which was an order of magnitude stronger than the current ones, rather than state participation.
        1. +3
          13 February 2021 06: 58
          But still, under the auspices of the Imperial philanthropic society, that is, the Head of State, apparently some part of the funds came from the state, actually public assistance with such patronage could be voluntarily - compulsory. The topic is complex, there is very little information.
          1. +8
            13 February 2021 07: 06
            In such cases, members of the imperial family acted as private individuals. In addition to financial assistance, the imperial patronage played a large advertising role.
          2. +5
            13 February 2021 07: 17
            I would say that the topic is not public. From Matthew: "Let the left hand not know what the right is doing."
    2. +5
      13 February 2021 10: 53
      Quote: 3x3zsave

      It became interesting, and Muslims, Jews, Lutherans, Catholics, Buddhists were included in the circle of monasteries patronized?
      Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich!

      Hello Anton! hi
      For Muslims, one of the pillars of Islam is zakiyat - charity, so it certainly was. In addition, they have strong family and community ties, so I think that those in need were helped quite quickly.
      Jews - tsedaka (alms and help to those in need) are spelled out in the Torah. If you want to get rich, you pay tithing to charity (from 10 Joe to 20 percent of income).
      Thus, in pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg, Jewish charity included:
      buying matzah for the poor on Passover, given to the poor for brides, distributing money to the poor before the holidays. The community was in charge of an orphanage and an almshouse. Since 1879, lunches in the charitable kosher canteen were sold at a discount, and on Fridays, Jewish soldiers received lunches for free.
      In the capital functioned:
      Society for the dissemination of education among the Jews of Russia (OPE), the Society for Handicraft and Agricultural Labor among the Jews of Russia (ORT), the Society for the Preservation of the Health of the Jewish Population (OZE), the Society for Benefits to the Poor Jews of St. Petersburg (OPBEP). The latter gave pensions to the elderly, one-time benefits to the poor, assisted Jewish prisoners, and helped nonresident Jews who found themselves without funds in the capital to return home.
      1. +4
        13 February 2021 15: 34
        and nonresident Jews who found themselves without funds in the capital were helped to return home.
        Hi Albert!
        But what about the Pale of Settlement?
        1. +3
          13 February 2021 16: 19
          In St. Petersburg they had the right to live:
          1) Demobilized Jewish family soldiers, provided that they got a family during the service;
          2) Merchants of the first guild
          3) Specialists with higher education
          4) Those who received a title of nobility (like the banker Gunzburg, who received the title of baron, having written off debts to someone from the royal family).
          1. +5
            13 February 2021 16: 28
            Fourth, particular.
            Second, third, crossings.
            The first, I agree, was especially difficult. Neither ours nor yours. Where should the poor Jew go? With a sickly, for those times, education? Only the "Sicilists"!
            1. +5
              13 February 2021 16: 51
              thanks to the petitions of the prominent Jewish financier Evzel Gunzburg, and in the spirit of the liberal policy of Alexander II (reign 1855 - 1881), Jews - merchants of the 1st guild, Jewish artisans, and then all Jews with higher education - gradually receive the right to reside in the capital ... The Jewish population in the capital grew rapidly. In 1869, according to official data, 6654 Jews permanently lived in the city, which amounted to 1% of the total population of the capital.

              1. 0
                13 February 2021 16: 54
                Albert hi and how did the Jews really do with social assistance? Were there any shelters - shelters?
                I won't ask you about Buddhists wink
                1. +4
                  13 February 2021 17: 01
                  There were orphanages, but in general, according to the Talmud:
                  How much is given to the poor? As much as he lacks. That is, if we are talking about a poor person who receives alms in secret, the inhabitants of the city should give him everything that is missing, that is, as much as he used to have until he became impoverished; but if it is a poor man who begs from house to house, he is given a little each time, as much as he deserves; but all the inhabitants of the city together must give him at least bread and food for two meals and a place to sleep.
                  They feed and clothe the non-Jewish poor along with the Jewish so that there is peace between us and the non-Jews. "

                  That is, most likely, the shelters were also
          2. +3
            15 February 2021 11: 35
            They had the right to live in St.

            Duck, in St. Petersburg and a synagogue was set up under Alexander III. And one of the main sponsors was the Gunzburg you mentioned. drinks Interestingly, he received the title from the Duke of Hesse, and the tsar allowed him to be used in Russia. wink
            1. +3
              15 February 2021 11: 41
              Quite right, and the first synagogue was mainly a soldier's
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +2
                15 February 2021 17: 20
                Quite right, and the first synagogue was mainly a soldier's

                Cantonists in RIA are a separate topic.
                Old man, I think this is about you? wink good Have a nice evening everyone! drinks
                1. +2
                  15 February 2021 19: 47
                  Quote: Pan Kohanku
                  Quite right, and the first synagogue was mainly a soldier's

                  Cantonists in RIA are a separate topic.
                  Old man, I think this is about you? wink good Have a nice evening everyone! drinks

                  Trotsky's parents were Crimean cantonists drinks In my opinion, I wrote already))
                  1. +2
                    16 February 2021 10: 16
                    Trotsky's parents were cantonists Crimean drinks In my opinion, I already wrote))

                    I wrote! Yes so he then built an army and a navy for himself - with a personal propaganda train and other buns. drinks
    3. +4
      15 February 2021 11: 33
      Strangely, most of these demands, 900 years before their announcement by the Holy Synod, became part of the charter of the Order of the Johannites and were not considered extraordinary crisis actions for centuries. Such is the progress of faith performed by the ROC.

      Emperor Pal Petrovich just lived a little. You look, and would rebuild the country in the Maltese way! wink
      1. +4
        15 February 2021 11: 56
        Quote: Pan Kohanku

        Emperor Pal Petrovich just lived a little. You look, and would rebuild the country in the Maltese way! wink

        So after him, separate borrowings from the Order of Malta existed, for example, the Cross of St. George - in the form of a Maltese cross.
        An interesting conversation you have with Albert good
        1. +3
          15 February 2021 12: 24
          So after him, separate borrowings from the Order of Malta existed, for example, the Cross of St. George - in the form of a Maltese cross.

          Hello, Alexey! drinks
          Not quite. wink The Order of St. George appeared under Catherine II. And already under Alexander I the "soldier's St. George's cross" was established. soldier
          The Maltese cross is different in shape. stop He was loved in Russia only for one person - Paul I. The Tsar, having assumed the title of Grand Master, distributed the Order of St. John of Jerusalem to the right and to the left. In principle, both the emperor himself and his entourage at that time are depicted with Maltese crosses around their necks. soldier

          The monument to Paul in the courtyard of the Mikhailovsky Castle also reflects Maltese symbols. Here he is no longer represented as a soldier, but as a tsar and a master at the same time.

          After the murder of Paul, the order in Russia quickly faded away.
          But Paul did not like the Order of St. George! request Under him, this order was not awarded, and the emperor himself was also not his gentleman!
          An interesting conversation you have with Albert

          And it's a pleasure to chat with him. Yes But I also bow to you and Anton! drinks and to all other members of our cheerful, but not always adequate company! drinks
  3. +8
    13 February 2021 06: 24
    In order to understand what amounts were allocated for charity, the author would be nice to indicate the prices. Many users would be surprised how much a cow cost. And what could be bought for half a kopeck.
    1. +1
      13 February 2021 09: 11
      Quote: nikvic46
      In order to understand what amounts were allocated for charity, the author would be nice to indicate the prices. Many users would be surprised how much a cow cost. And what could be bought for half a kopeck.

      Many do not know how much a cow is now.
  4. +10
    13 February 2021 06: 38
    But today we have all the same types of charitable assistance that were in tsarist Russia. Plus the state system of providing assistance to those in need.
    That's right!
    That then, that now you need to cry very loudly, that you are hungry, cold and painful. Too weak and too proud die in silence.
    1. +5
      13 February 2021 07: 18
      And this is already a matter of fitness. And what you can go for and what not.
      1. +3
        13 February 2021 07: 27
        fitness issue - a biological question. And, in theory (!), It should not have any relation to the society of intelligent beings.
        1. +7
          13 February 2021 07: 29
          Probably disagree. And in society, everyone occupies their own niche: based on their inclinations, and as far as others will allow.
          1. +5
            13 February 2021 07: 34
            I do not agree
            And you will do the right thing. I wrote: in theory (!)
            1. +5
              13 February 2021 07: 43
              Pico della Mirandola: "a person, possessing free will, can descend to an animal or rise to a god-like creature."
              1. +5
                13 February 2021 07: 57
                Perhaps, however, the amoeba has more free will than, due to its rationality, man.
                1. +4
                  13 February 2021 08: 01
                  To judge her - try to get into her skin.
                  When they say, for example: "Free as a bird," it immediately appears: how many chicks remain alive in a week after they hatched, what does it mean to spend the winter, and what kind of hierarchy is in the community.
                  1. +4
                    13 February 2021 08: 14
                    To judge her - try to get into her skin.
                    Believe it or not, I, for the last couple of years, have fun with this. True, this is not about an amoeba, but about a medieval European.
                    1. +4
                      13 February 2021 08: 23
                      I believe it.
                      Basho: "Learn to be a pine from a pine."

                      It doesn't work otherwise. You can only imagine what is happening from the inside.
                      1. +3
                        15 February 2021 14: 25
                        Basho: "Learn to be a pine from a pine."

                        I planted a palm tree
                        And for the first time upset
                        That a reed rose.
                        sad (Basho). We learn to be a reed from a palm tree, in our own way, in a samurai way! wink Banzaaaay! laughing drinks
                      2. +2
                        15 February 2021 14: 47
                        The same masterpiece.
                        Urgently introduce into the course of botany.
                      3. +3
                        15 February 2021 14: 52
                        Urgently introduce into the course of botany.

                        A separate optional hokku addition on the inside of the fan? wink for everyone to wear hakama and eboshi hats?
                        And under sake with dumplings, you can put everything! request Moreover, some botanists write excellent hokku themselves! wink drinks
                      4. +2
                        15 February 2021 14: 59
                        The student must be versatile.
                        And because of the previous hokku, I'll even change my plans for the next half hour.
                      5. +3
                        15 February 2021 15: 02
                        And because of the previous hokku, I'll even change my plans for the next half hour.

                        Sergey, you wanted to bring out a new variety of skinless pineapple, but would you start growing a palm tree that will immediately bear fruit with pina colada? wink We will say special thanks to you! drinks
                      6. +2
                        15 February 2021 16: 58
                        You can laugh, but for three years there has been a small dispute: grass, palm or tree.

                        And this is such an argument.

                        Other drinks are also available for Snow Meeting.
                        Son today 17. Stop working.
                      7. +2
                        15 February 2021 17: 17
                        Other drinks are also available for Snow Meeting.
                        Son today 17. Stop working.

                        And rightly so! Please accept my congratulations with your son! From the heart - all the best. The main thing is health and a bright head. Celebrate well! drinks
                      8. +1
                        15 February 2021 18: 56
                        Thank you, Nikolay!
                        That's right: you can't do without health.
                        And there will be a mind - and everything else will come together.
              2. +9
                13 February 2021 09: 10
                I agree with Anton:
                "Too weak and too proud die in silence."
                I happened to observe this in 92 - 93 years. On the Sochi station lawns, the weak died in silence. These were refugees - those who did not have the money to rent at least some housing or at least buy food. The premises of the station were literally packed with refugees who had money for tickets, and they were waiting for their trains to arrive to go to Central Russia. They were mostly Georgians. They were afraid for their luggage and drove the penniless. The police also tried, they also drove free riders from the station. And taxi drivers drove them from the station square so that the poor fellows would not frighten the clients. But the unfortunates tried not to go far from the station, settled down for the night closer to the square and the building. It seemed to them that they could spend the night on the lawns where the heating main passes. But the winter was unusually harsh for these places. Hungry, emaciated people fell asleep and died in their sleep from hypothermia. I saw with my own eyes how the police collected the bodies in bags ...
                According to the testimony of my neighbors, here, in the Moscow region, in those days, too, many people died from a lack of money for food and medicine, a lot.
                Well, that's right, speaking of charity. She simply was not there. In order for one of the few strong to be lucky with the arrangement of later life, one of the many weak had to die. I will never forget this and ask those present not to forget about it.
                1. +6
                  13 February 2021 09: 34
                  You will not forget this.
                  In warm climates, it is probably a little easier to be a vagabond.

                  And the beginning of the 90s is well engraved in my memory.
                2. +8
                  13 February 2021 15: 59
                  Here just now the Federal Law was adopted, on stray animals. One of the provisions states that shelters for dogs should be created, both by municipalities and philanthropists or through private donations. When the law came into force, the prosecutor's office rushed to watch how the law was being implemented. Guess three times, not the alleged benefactors, but the municipalities. They wrote out instructions that more money should be pledged to organize shelters for dogs, and not a penny. And how to do this? Shelter, decent money for local budgets. Why. Animals and people here in Russia, in terms of social security at the same level. No money, but you hold on. laughing As Peskov said, RI is our ideal and we strive for it. Like this .. laughing
                  1. +5
                    13 February 2021 16: 33
                    This is not yet a firm target tax imposed on benefactors.
                    The art of collecting possible surplus has reached a virtuoso level.
    2. +3
      13 February 2021 07: 55
      I read it, figured it out with modern realities (the pension reform alone is worth something) and it seems that the current government is persistently trying to return everything as before!
      PS Thank you Vyacheslav Olegovich for the material.
      1. +6
        13 February 2021 08: 11
        Igor! hi
        The social sphere, social relations in the Republic of Ingushetia were built according to the traditional scheme "individual - society - state". The Soviet government removed the middle link, taking on all its obligations, on average, quite successfully. The current government is trying to preserve all the functions of the previous government, not realizing that this is impossible with a given social, economic and political formation.
        1. +6
          13 February 2021 10: 24
          I absolutely agree, Anton!
          After all, the meaning of the activity of political power under capitalism is to create such legislative conditions under which every person with any competence can sell his labor force for a suitable payment, or organize his own, albeit small, but production with an admissible prospect to grow into large. Both are often impossible. All entrepreneurial freedoms are only declared, but in fact any small business is crushed not only by the overwhelming tax pressure, but by corruption extortions from the bureaucratic and law enforcement hierarchy so that people, having opened a business, but not having the ability to develop it into a larger one, so that at least something- either to have it personally, and not only to feed the horde of strapped in, or to resist this horde - such people are forced to abandon their own production and over time, having spent their small savings, are among those in need of charity. And the workers dismissed by them at the closing of the enterprise need it.
          And the state is right there! I, he says, are your kind benefactor, love me for this. In fact, our political power has taken a course towards building pure state capitalism: large enterprises are needed, but small ones are not needed, well, perhaps the self-employed and traders. Such a policy towards the population is fraught, because it will inevitably lead to a failure to realize the entrepreneurial abilities of passionaries and an increase in the number of the poor in need of charity. And this function of a benefactor, which the state has assumed, is not a continuation of the social policy of the USSR, it is just selective meager handouts that often do not reach those in need, but at the same time are splendidly called social policy.
          1. +1
            13 February 2021 13: 56
            I want to correct some of your certainly accurate comment-When you say capitalism in the comment, you need to understand OUR capitalism and you have described its features. Capitalism as a system gives, creates and tries to control the starting conditions in which everyone who wants something, CAN do it, and then it already depends on personal ambitions and the product-service that you have offered. Ie gives a fishing rod and makes sure that newbies are not greatly offended at the start. An example is the same multi-billion dollar industry of games for phones (and there are often 1-2 people) and rowing millions so that Hollywood really envies. Messengers and video hosting services grew out of, first of all, tiny firms that daddies from the power in the west were not interested in - what was it with Durov's VK, or with the World of Tanks in Belarus? will share in the amount of 80-90% of the income, from which these firms dumped right there in offshore. And it is useless to complain to our courts because you will not live, although everyone understands that daddies are greedy. In the west, this is impossible, the first attempt will be equal to meeting with bunks for a very long time. This is the root cause of our troubles.
        2. +1
          13 February 2021 13: 42
          Yes, the current government does not think about the future at all and solves problems as they decay, while the general rule is not to reduce their incomes at the forefront.
          1. +5
            13 February 2021 15: 32
            Yes, like that ...

  , 24 July 2020.
            Members of the Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises (APKIT) expressed concern about the increased persecution of IT entrepreneurs in Russia and said that they are considering the possibility of transferring their business to other countries.

            Members of the Association talk about a series of checks and searches carried out in the offices of a number of Russian IT distributors in July, as well as the arrests of a number of entrepreneurs involved in systems integration and the production of computer equipment, followed by arrests or other measures to restrict freedom, they say and emphasize that this situation is of great concern to them.
            After all, any forceful interference in the work of companies alarms the market, scares away businessmen and discourages them from working. The IT business is very fluid. This is not a factory or a production of motor ships; these entrepreneurs can at any time move to the conditions where they are more comfortable to live and work. According to polls among members of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, their desire to do business does not increase from year to year, because recently the business as a whole has come under serious pressure from law enforcement agencies.

            The Association of Computer and Information Technology Enterprises includes more than 80 companies, including 1C, Yandex, ABBYY, Acer, IBM and Kaspersky Lab.

            This is our business. Business is thinking how to survive in these conditions. What charity is there!
  5. +7
    13 February 2021 07: 25
    Immediately a question from the audience was collected by benefactors (private individuals onli) -12550 rubles. About 2300 rubles were spent and where and what did the rest of the money go to? And in general, what is a one-time fundraising (for the second time, the same persons may not give it already) in comparison with the systematic provision of the state for those suffering from hunger (once they gave a pood of grain for the money of benefactors, and for the second third and further months it is not necessary to eat type already helped once). The article is incorrectly named - it is necessary to call a private charity in the Republic of Ingushetia and not Social Protection (these are different things in principle).
    1. +5
      13 February 2021 13: 58
      That's right, colleague evgen1221!
      Charity is optional occasional help, and social welfare is a state law that is in effect on an ongoing basis.
  6. +11
    13 February 2021 08: 29
    The famine of 1891-1892 was caused not only by a poor harvest, but also by the state trade policy.
    So, in the first hungry year, 3,5 million tons of bread were exported from the country. Next year, 6,6 million tons. At the same time, the emperor categorically denied the existence of famine in Russia.
    "I have no hungry people, there are only those affected by crop failure."

    Epidemics of typhus and cholera were added to the famine ...
    Against this background, farmers in the states of Philadelphia, Minnesota, Iowa and Nebraska collected thousands of tons of flour, corn, wheat and sent it at their own expense - the amount of aid amounted to about $ 1 million - to Russia. A number of necessary goods in the amount of 750 thousand dollars were also brought. In addition, American state and private companies provided Russian farmers with long-term low-interest loans in the amount of 75 million dollars.

    I.K. Aivazovsky. "" The arrival of the steamer Missouri with bread to Russia ", 1892
    I.K. Aivazovsky, “Food distribution”. 1892 g.
    1. +8
      13 February 2021 08: 50
      Shpakovsky had an article on this topic, with the same illustrations.
      1. +9
        13 February 2021 08: 54
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        Shpakovsky had an article on this topic, with the same illustrations.

        Unfortunately, the great artist wrote only these two paintings on this topic. For sim, I can not offer anything else, sorry. hi
        1. +6
          13 February 2021 09: 18
          My compliments, Alexander! hi This was not a rebuke at all. I just remembered that that article was received "with hostility", both "on the right" and "on the left" request
          1. +5
            13 February 2021 09: 37
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            My compliments, Alexander! This was by no means a reproach. I just remembered that that article was received "with hostility", both "on the right" and "on the left"

            Greetings to you too! hi
            We must pay tribute to the respected Vyacheslav Olegovich, he writes articles that are reasonably balanced, based on factual material and does not at all try to please the right or the left. Moreover, among the visitors of VO, the political inclination is known by definition and the slightest mention of staff members in some positive way will certainly cause discontent. How such an article could cause resistance from the few opposing sides here - I have no idea. I will definitely look for the article you mentioned (thanks for the tip!) And read the comments too. hi
            1. +5
              13 February 2021 16: 01
              How such an article could cause resistance from the few opposing sides here - I have no idea.
              Exactly the same as the first side, the absence of turbopatriotism, in this case historical.
              1. +6
                13 February 2021 16: 31
                There is nothing you can do about it. You can't please everyone. As the hairdressers say, you can't beat everyone.
                1. +5
                  13 February 2021 16: 46
                  Our president, as positioning himself as a dominant male, is more categorical.
                  1. +2
                    13 February 2021 21: 56
                    Do not anger Gd. I once had a chance to visit a country ruled by a military junta out of government necessity. Here there the dominant males were in power, I will report to you ...
                    1. +1
                      13 February 2021 22: 06
                      I didn't even think. I just happened to be in Bethlehem, at the time of another Palestinian hipage.
                      1. +2
                        13 February 2021 22: 42
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        I didn't even think. I just happened to be in Bethlehem, at the time of another Palestinian hipage.

                        Nothing has been happening in Bethlehem for 25 years. He is under the complete control of the autonomy. There is peace and quiet and God's grace.
                      2. +2
                        13 February 2021 23: 20
                        Hmm? In January 2018. I didn't think so.
                      3. +3
                        14 February 2021 00: 04
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Hmm? In January 2018. I didn't think so.

                        What impressed you so much there in January 2018?
                      4. +2
                        14 February 2021 06: 32
                        "Preinfarction" state of the guide. If she hadn't been so worried, perhaps we would not have noticed.
                      5. +2
                        14 February 2021 06: 46
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        "Preinfarction" state of the guide. If she hadn't been so worried, perhaps we would not have noticed.

                        May the Almighty prolong her years! What happened there?
                      6. +3
                        14 February 2021 07: 49
                        If you remember, at the beginning of 2018, D. Trump paid a visit to Israel. During a visit to Jerusalem, the American president called the city Jewish, which generated an extremely negative reaction in the Arab world.
                        Actually, from the point of view of an Israeli, nothing special happened that day (the day of our excursion). Small "Achtung" in Jerusalem: reinforced police squads at intersections, people in civilian clothes, checking tram stops for suspected explosive devices. In Bethlehem: a line of cars pulling out of the city, closed shops and cafes, swaggering Palestinian police, half-empty streets and general tension, half anxious.
                      7. +3
                        14 February 2021 08: 04
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Actually, from the point of view of an Israeli, nothing special happened that day (the day of our excursion). Small "Achtung" in Jerusalem: reinforced police squads at intersections, people in civilian clothes, checking tram stops for suspected explosive devices.

                        Quite right. We always live like this here. With plague neighbors, then.
                        Everything else, there local Bethlehem troubles.
                        Trump, recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in December 2017, which we already knew long ago without him.
                      8. +2
                        14 February 2021 08: 18
                        We always live like this here.
                        But we don't know that. On the other hand, can you imagine the reaction of an Israeli who came to Russia for the first time and found himself in the center of St. Petersburg in one of the "bulk days"?
                      9. +3
                        14 February 2021 08: 47
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        But we don't know that.

                        How do you not know?
                        Israeli, - I say, - militarist
                        Known to the whole world!
                        Like a mother, I say, and like a woman
                        I demand them to answer!

                        But what about your freedom-loving Palestinian brothers, groaning under the heavy yoke of the Zionist occupiers, who built their snake nest with the help of the American imperialists, in the very heart of the long-suffering Middle East?
                        Why is there Navalny! Once a clown in a hotel at the reception tried to dilute my boss for a temporary registration in Moscow. He almost turned gray. It's good that I came up on time. Have you heard how our people tried to build a poultry farm in your country without understanding the peculiarities of local forms of financial relationships?
                      10. +2
                        14 February 2021 09: 02
                        1. What about your freedom-loving Palestinian brothers
                        They were mine in those distant times when you did not leave for permanent residence.
                        2. The Greeks got me to pay 70 € naturally.
                        3. I have not heard this story. Tell me?
                        4. If you have reason to suspect me of anti-Semitism, I ask them to state them
                      11. +3
                        14 February 2021 09: 48
                        I left over thirty years ago. Whose have they become now?
                        Anti-Semitism worries me only when it manifests itself at the state level. Everyday anti-Semitism makes me happy. The more the cabins put pressure on the Jews, the more they leave for Israel. Moreover, I suspect that it is because of this that Russian anti-Semitic ideologues like the late Shafarevich are supported by the Zionists.

                        Once, I already told this story. In a simplified form, the situation was as follows. The office in which I worked was once a subsidiary company. They, unlike us, were not engaged in the military industry, but in agriculture: flowers / petals / figli-migli and birds - meat / eggs / semi-finished products. They put production on a turnkey basis, train personnel, etc.
                        Then, they separated and became independent. We delivered a dozen and a half complexes across Europe - Belgium, France, somewhere else ..

                        Once someone blew into their ears that in Russia, well, pure Kolondike.
                        They had been preparing the trip for 8 months. (We ordered financial calculations, profit / loss, expenses / income from specialists.) We arrived somewhere in the Middle Lane and told the local administration: do you want a poultry farm? We set up everything ourselves - workshops, equipment, give poultry certified for eggs and meat, for standard feed, launch, train, work under our control for a year. After that, pay us such and such an amount. All.

                        The locals were looking for a catch for a long time - they did not find it. They began to send some kind of leftist bandyukov children, set some additional conditions for increasing the staffing table by almost one and a half times ... And then, they grew bolder, but they charged SUCH a rollback that ours almost stuttered. In the morning we got on the plane and that-that. wassat
                      12. +3
                        14 February 2021 10: 04
                        Thank you!
                        If you don’t mind, I’ll answer later; Weekend cultural program.
                      13. +2
                        14 February 2021 10: 23
                        Have a nice day! hi
    2. +3
      15 February 2021 14: 48
      So, in the first hungry year, 3,5 million tons of bread were exported from the country. Next year, 6,6 million tons. At the same time, the emperor categorically denied the existence of famine in Russia.

      One-to-one, like the great famine in Ireland. Then the local potatoes rotted, but the grain was still exported to England and for export. Plus cholera. And yet, too, charitable aid was collected all over the world. The Turkish sultan sent several ships with provisions, and the Choctaw Indians collected several hundred dollars of "humanitarian aid" ...
      Just that we probably had fewer victims?
  7. +8
    13 February 2021 08: 54
    Quote: Destiny
    So what? With the closure of monasteries and churches, did the Soviet state begin to feed all these people?

    Don't make me laugh ...
    The number of people feeding in monasteries is negligible of the total population. And of course, the monasteries were far from the possibilities of the state, since Peter III took the serfs from them. It used to be like that. So the Soviet state fed and on a much larger scale
  8. -4
    13 February 2021 09: 06
    dismissed from obedience due to old age and poor health

    In 1900, the number of non-obedient residents of the monastery increased. In the Penza Trinity Convent, 41 people did not obey. In the Kerensky Tikhvin monastery - 32 people. There are 44 women in Krasnoslobodsky Dormition for women. There are 26 women in Krasnoslobodsky Troitsky. In the Narovchatsky Trinity-Scan male - 7 people. There are 19 women in the Mokshanskoye Kazan women's.

    Where did all these infirm and elderly go after the closure of the monasteries after the VOR?

    where did the old people go to almshouses, too, mostly closed after the thief. in which offices are now located. apartments and warehouses?

    Where did many pensioners of former Russia go after the thief? deprived of their pension?

    A small part was disassembled peasants around monasteries (mainly children: this is how my grandmother and her two sisters were saved). a small part was taken by relatives and compassionate people, the rest quickly left ...

    great article. thanks to the author.

    one question: apart from those listed in the article, in Russia in 1891, in general, landowners' estates - grain, work, money, loans - took part in helping the hungry. In addition, there were public works. Was it in the Penza province?
    1. +3
      13 February 2021 10: 22
      read about OBender's inspection of the "almshouse" and his acquaintance with the "blue thief"
      1. 0
        13 February 2021 11: 16
        Quote: antivirus
        read about OBender's inspection of the "almshouse" and his acquaintance with the "blue thief"

        read about real the prototype of the almshouse from The Golden Calf:
        According to the memoirs of the feuilletonist Mikhail Shtikh (M. Lvov), who worked with co-authors in Gudok, the idea of ​​a storyline related to a Stargorod charitable institution could have occurred to Ilf during their joint walk along the Armenian Lane. Pointing to the building behind the heavy fence, Shtikh spoke about the THERE IS NEVER the poorhouse, where he had a chance to give a concert during his studies at the Moscow Conservatory. Ilya Arnoldovich was keenly interested in details; some of them (for example, the description of the heavy doors and the mouse-colored dresses in which the inhabitants of the institution were dressed) were later included in the novel

        as an example for you in St. Petersburg Pokrovskaya almshouse-closed in 1917, opened ... a club with a dance floor, CITY MANSION- institutions for the care of the disabled, beggars and the elderly -are closed in 1917, etc.

        The most famous Moscow Nabilkovo almshousewhere there were even craft classes and an eye clinic - everything was closed and offices are located, for example, the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the USSR, etc.

        and so it was everywhere.

        Where have the feeble old men of the closed almshouses gone?

        and yes, the buildings of many almshouses of the Republic of Ingushetia are still standing and some are even listed as architectural monuments, that is. these were not squalid sheds
  9. +7
    13 February 2021 09: 20
    understand that the system of assistance to those in need in tsarist Russia differed from the Soviet one, first of all, in its social character.
    “The question should be raised not how the churches were helped, but the root causes.
    There was bread, but the Russian tycoons continued to send grain for export. And the state did not distribute for free:The standard loan amount was 12,3 kg of grain per month per person. In addition to the food loan, the peasants also received a loan for sowing fields. The maximum number of loan recipients in the hungry spring months of 1892 was 11,85 million. The total amount of loans amounted to 1,48 million tons of grain, and the total government spending on all types of assistance exceeded 160 million rubles (7,2% of budget expenditures for 1891-1892 in total).
    This is still the case: they talk about large grain yields, only the price of bread is growing in stores.
    1. -3
      13 February 2021 12: 04
      Quote: bubalik
      , the question should be raised not how the churches were helped, but the root causes.
      There was bread, but the Russian tycoons continued to send grain for export.

      hi not quite so, in July 1891 The Emperor issued a decree on ban on grain exports, the resumption of which in previous volumes occurred only in 1893, after the famine. And the hungriest months are in 1892

      The reasons were drought, the most severe in all years (15-20% of the usual harvest was harvested), covering vast territories, the failure to provide the volumes of food supplies of bread prescribed in case of famine (50% or less of the norm) on the ground, etc. the main thing- underdevelopment w / trembling network.

      Many thousands of wagons with bread were sent to hungry areas, but they got stuck in hopeless traffic jams that the military took away.

      It was this that gave rise to the rapid construction of railways in the following years. Which led to the fact that in the future this did not happen again.
      Quote: bubalik
      And the state did not distribute for free:

      practically the entire amount issued by the state in a loan to provide the people with food was written off without returning the funds issued.
      1. +5
        13 February 2021 15: 19
        Decree prohibiting grain exports
        ,,, and listened.
        ,,, grain export
        1887 - 6,28 million tons
        1888 year - 8,76
        1889 year - 7,46
        1890 year - 6,68
        1891 year - 6,26
        1892 - 3.14 million tons
        Pokrovsky DI Collection of information on the history and statistics of Russia's foreign trade. T. 1.SPb., 1902.
        the resumption of which in the previous volumes occurred only in 1893, after the famine.

        ,,, where did they get it if
        the drought became, the most severe in all years (15-20% of the usual harvest was harvested),
        1. +5
          13 February 2021 15: 55
          Everything as usual recourse
          Reasons for the Fall in Bread Prices // St. Petersburg Vedomosti. No. 101. April 14. S. 1-2. 1896
          The consistent decline in prices for all types of bread should be considered since 1882, which followed the normal high cost of 1881 caused by external demand.We cannot take into account the unfortunate 1891, when the value of partial grain failure was inflated, and prices were raised by an erroneous system zemstvo purchases.

          Disregarding this unfortunate and erroneous, dearly costly year of unhappy fluctuations stemming from local random causes, we will see that prices have declined consistently over the past 15 years, reaching a maximum low by the end of last year 1895, when even in the middle zone of black earth the edges of rye and oats fell at the production sites to 25-20 kopecks, and up to 40-50 kopecks. a pood of wheat. Only since January of this year, the impossible prices have improved, having increased most of all for wheat, but now again there is a tendency to lower prices everywhere, and until the clarification of the state of fields in America, in Western Europe, and we do not have the slightest hope of an amendment to the price level.

          Looking closer at the conditions and circumstances of agriculture and grain trade, you see everywhere that the cause of the fall in prices is grain overproduction ...

          For a number of years, the excess of supply over demand is reflected in the grain market by a gradual decrease in grain prices, and the surplus of supply directly and clearly indicates the global overproduction of grain, the same is indicated by the large unsold stocks both in ports and in domestic markets remaining from one harvest to another, which has been observed everywhere in the last number of years, not even excluding and 1891 with his exaggerated hunger strike ...

          Despite many objections, we nevertheless point to the overproduction of grain as an irrefutable and clearly existing fact, which anyone can be convinced of by calculating the availability of stocks at the places of grain production, and the main reason for overproduction, we consider the current differential system of grain railroad tariffs. ..

          ,,,Not very long ago, in our memory, we were large exporters of lard, wool and leather abroad, and now, with our land wealth, to our shame, we begin to buy and receive American leather and Australian lard, while at the same time filling up foreign markets, and selling bread at a price two-thirds of which is spent on one payment of shipping costs.
        2. -2
          13 February 2021 22: 04
          Quote: bubalik
          ,,, grain export
          1887 - 6,28 million tons
          1888 year - 8,76
          1889 year - 7,46
          1890 year - 6,68
          1891 year - 6,26
          1892 - 3.14 million tons
          Pokrovsky DI Collection of information on the history and statistics of Russia's foreign trade. T. 1.SPb., 1902.

          thank. Sergey. But it's strange that the units million tons: then they counted in thousands of poods.

          Will you give me a link?
          Quote: bubalik
          , where did they get it from if
          the drought became, the most severe in all years (15-20% of the usual harvest was harvested),

          1.with the 1893 harvest - it was much higher than the 91,92 harvest

          2. Bread in the country was-collected 15-20% of the usual harvest was only in affected areas , and there were regions with absolutely normal harvests.

          the problem is its delivery over long distances from prosperous areas to disadvantaged ones.

          what a small mssr. and during the famine with many deaths, very many died. when the aid has already arrived in the republic, its delivery to the regions took a long time
          1. 0
            14 February 2021 09: 28
            Hi Andrew. I already closed the tabs, I can't give a link what kind of article it was (there were pounds to tons for convenience, they were translated). I looked at the materials that I found and what:
            1. There was grain, and even if it was banned, it was still exported abroad.
            2. As you said, the underdevelopment of railway transport, wagons with grain got stuck at the stations.
            3. Corruption and inaction on the ground.
            4. Lack of access to medical care, which contributed to the development of epidemics.
            5. Concealment of the authorities and censorship in the media.
            1. 0
              14 February 2021 13: 33
              Quote: bubalik
              1. There was grain, and even if it was banned, it was still exported abroad.


              the rest was enough to stop the hunger, it was difficult to deliver.
              Quote: bubalik
              3. Corruption and inaction on the ground.

              and how without it?

              But it was the actions of the authorities that saved millions of people from death.

              the real inaction of the authorities, and moreover, is 1931,32, 33, 37, XNUMX years - the road network is developed and in order, but bread is not delivered. but it is exported from areas of crop failure.
              Quote: bubalik
              Concealment of the authorities and censorship in the media.

              the whole state, the public, the church, the zemstvos, the landowners were engaged in the salvation of people - not like a cover-up.

              the cover-up is 1932-33, about which no one knew at all, and the hungry were driven back into the borders of the starving areas
              1. +2
                14 February 2021 14: 01
                media censorship

                ,,,in 1891 all the Volga provinces comprehended
                crop failure after unsuccessful harvest in 1890, the results did not slow down
                wait - the affected areas were gripped by famine and cholera.
                The press timidly and cautiously spoke about the first signs of a crop failure
                back in the spring of 1891, when there were no circulars prohibiting articles
                on these topics. But the press, brought up by many years of censorship practice, did not
                gave wide coverage of these burning issues, anticipating
                discontent. In November 1891, Russkiye Vedomosti received a warning
                zeal for articles on hunger, despite all their modesty. And on November 12, 1891
                a circular was issued, which sufficiently convincingly testified that
                the hostility with which the General Directorate looked at rumors about hunger.
                It reminded editors that they “can print appeals and invitations
                private individuals to donate to the starving population only
                in the event that these persons present certificates from the subject authority,
                that they are allowed such collection of donations ”[8, p. 157]. To receive a
                such permission took time, and not everyone who wanted to help could
                whether to obtain such permission, and, of course, such a procedure complicated
                the process of helping the hungry. But the censorship did not stop there.
                1892 also turned out to be a poor harvest. The situation of the population
                the given areas became unbearable. October 19, 1892 as amended by
                zeta circular was sent out, “prohibiting any declaration of donations
                to persons in need, if there is no special permission for such a statement
                decisions from local authorities ”[8, p. 161]. However, this circular never
                performed with great rigor. However, the effects of silence on hunger
                were serious and numbered in the hundreds of dead families.
                As for the coverage in publications of the cholera epidemic, on July 27, 1891,
                (a year before the onset of a terrible disease)
                how many individual cases of diseases prescribed that information about them
                were sent by newspapers for a special check to the medical department.
                On July 13, 1892, the Main Directorate confirmed its order and, without
                having an effective effect, issued a new circular, which read:
                “... in view of such stubbornness of the periodical press, which uses epidemiological
                mia, not at all formidable in order to embarrass the public
                sensational articles and news, General Directorate of Press
                considers it useful to warn the editors of newspapers and magazines that
                henceforth, whenever they repeat something like that, it
                will petition the Minister of the Interior to apply to their
                editions of the strictest administrative penalties ”[8, p. 168]. This circular
                confirmed by the Main Directorate and in 1894

                N. N. Chetvertkova
                1. -2
                  14 February 2021 15: 04
                  Quote: bubalik
                  media censorship

                  ,,,in 1891 all the Volga provinces comprehended
                  crop failure after unsuccessful harvest in 1890, the results did not slow down
                  wait - the affected areas were gripped by famine and cholera.
                  The press timidly and cautiously spoke about the first signs of a crop failure
                  back in the spring of 1891, when there were no circulars prohibiting articles
                  on these topics. But the press, brought up by many years of censorship practice, did not
                  gave wide coverage of these burning issues, anticipating
                  discontent. In November 1891, Russkiye Vedomosti received a warning
                  zeal for articles on hunger, despite all their modesty. And on November 12, 1891
                  a circular was issued, which sufficiently convincingly testified that
                  the hostility with which the General Directorate looked at rumors about hunger.
                  It reminded editors that they “can print appeals and invitations
                  private individuals to donate to the starving population only
                  in the event that these persons present certificates from the subject authority,
                  that they are allowed such collection of donations ”[8, p. 157]. To receive a
                  such permission took time, and not everyone who wanted to help could
                  whether to obtain such permission, and, of course, such a procedure complicated
                  the process of helping the hungry. But the censorship did not stop there.
                  1892 also turned out to be a poor harvest. The situation of the population
                  the given areas became unbearable. October 19, 1892 as amended by
                  zeta circular was sent out, “prohibiting any declaration of donations
                  to persons in need, if there is no special permission for such a statement
                  decisions from local authorities ”[8, p. 161]. However, this circular never
                  performed with great rigor. However, the effects of silence on hunger
                  were serious and numbered in the hundreds of dead families.
                  As for the coverage in publications of the cholera epidemic, on July 27, 1891,
                  (a year before the onset of a terrible disease)
                  how many individual cases of diseases prescribed that information about them
                  were sent by newspapers for a special check to the medical department.
                  On July 13, 1892, the Main Directorate confirmed its order and, without
                  having an effective effect, issued a new circular, which read:
                  “... in view of such stubbornness of the periodical press, which uses epidemiological
                  mia, not at all formidable in order to embarrass the public
                  sensational articles and news, General Directorate of Press
                  considers it useful to warn the editors of newspapers and magazines that
                  henceforth, whenever they repeat something like that, it
                  will petition the Minister of the Interior to apply to their
                  editions of the strictest administrative penalties ”[8, p. 168]. This circular
                  confirmed by the Main Directorate and in 1894

                  N. N. Chetvertkova

                  real freedom compared to 1930, 1932,33,37,46,47 (these are the years of hunger deaths)
  10. +4
    13 February 2021 09: 31
    Russia has always been a donor to the West.
    For example, in 1913, 777 million rubles were exported from the country. with a budget of 3,4 billion. almost 25% of the budget went to the West. This is in the current proportion of 4-4,5 trillion. rub. (a quarter of the $ 18 trillion federal budget). In 2020, $ 48 billion was exported from Russia to the West, i.e. about 3,7 trillion. Similar proportions to 1913.
    In total, from 1898 to 1913 8 billion 587 million rubles were exported from Russia. At the same time, foreign investments for the same period were received 2 billion 225 million rubles, foreign government loans - 2 billion rubles. Those. 2 times less came from the West to Russia than was taken out of the country.

    And half of the money was wasted by the Russian elites in Europe (the same as today).

    By the way, how much money could benefit the country.
  11. +3
    13 February 2021 09: 59
    The author writes about the fight against poverty and hunger, citing figures who gave how much and where how many charitable canteens were opened. An interesting photo in the title of the article "beggar immigrants" some men, quite well-fed and in the background something else drinking! I do not believe they are beggars!
    But it is necessary to indicate the reasons for the appearance of beggars.
    Natural - not harvests, social - revolutions incl. collapse of the USSR, wars.
    Poverty is when income is below the social standard of living. This article does not talk about poverty and I will not.
    But there is a group of people who can be ranked as professional beggars, it's just their way of life. In the RI in the 300th century, there are about XNUMX thousand of them. How many of them are now difficult to name a more or less specific figure. homeless people are often added to the homeless. This is done mainly by politicians.
    It is believed that there are about 100 thousand of God in Russia. These are also professional beggars.
    They have been and will be in any country and under any system.
    There is a symptom in psychiatry - dromomania is a desire to run away from home, wander and change habitats.
    Do not get sick!
  12. +6
    13 February 2021 11: 14
    Perhaps only now we have come to an optimal combination of both private and public.
    The criterion for the effectiveness of social protection as a system can only be the public benefit, that is, the achievement of a favorable result for society, in this case - full coverage of the system of all citizens of the state who have suffered from social risks or found themselves in a difficult life situation.
    At present, it seems to me that it is extremely far from achieving such a result, therefore it is not yet necessary to talk about the achievement of any optimal combinations.
    1. +5
      13 February 2021 11: 33
      By the way, I consider it incorrect to refer charity to the system of state social protection, since charity is not systemic, random.
      1. +4
        13 February 2021 16: 15
        Quite right! For consistency is a sign of power. Charity is a private initiative. Private initiative, growing, either enters the power structure, or is suppressed by the state.
        No state will tolerate an alternative power structure
        1. +4
          13 February 2021 16: 59
          No state will tolerate an alternative power structure
          A striking example is the history of relations between church and state, especially in Russia.
          1. +5
            13 February 2021 17: 08
            In France, even more striking.
            1. +1
              13 February 2021 21: 09
              Did it start with Druon's first book? Or even earlier?
              However, Alexei Mikhailovich and Nikon continue to be quite typical.

              And how can you measure rage in this case?
              1. +1
                13 February 2021 21: 19
                It began with Clovis.
                1. +2
                  13 February 2021 21: 31
                  Is Clotilde to blame for everything?
                  1. +1
                    13 February 2021 21: 37
                    Not so much she as her environment.
                    1. +2
                      13 February 2021 21: 55
                      By the way, I don't know much about the details.
                      Then were the contradictions with Arianism serious?
                      1. +1
                        13 February 2021 22: 01
                        Not so bright for Clovis to understand.
  13. BAI
    13 February 2021 11: 34
    With the closure of monasteries and churches, did the Soviet state begin to feed all these people?

    Don't make me laugh ...

    In the city of Sergiev - Zagorsk - Sergiev Posad there is a Church of the Ascension. With her, an orphanage (from pre-revolutionary times - a small house). Children lived there - several people. After the revolution, the church was closed, but the house continued to function (at the expense of the state) until the guests left it naturally (there were no new receipts). And the last long-liver managed to live there until the victory of democracy and the return of church property to the church. And what was the first thing the Church did when she returned the property complex? She threw a 90-year-old man out into the street (that was 20 years ago).
  14. BAI
    13 February 2021 11: 53
    Social protection in tsarist Russia: various directions

    I must say that social protection in the CR was generally somewhere in the 10th place, if not even lower in priority.
    Here on 200 pages has it all. Even the number of cattle.

    But not a word about medicine and social protection! And not in the state budget. There is an article on the Synod, but there is no article on medicine and social protection.
  15. +10
    13 February 2021 12: 13
    Perhaps only now we have come to an optimal combination of both private and public.

    Oh, I doubt it ...
    If someone is not lazy, you can see what percentage of the budget is spent on social services by the state and what is private capital. I do not mean absolute amounts, but percentages of what is. The state fulfills social obligations in accordance with the law, individuals do not have obligations and are engaged in charity in accordance with their wishes (or unwillingness).
    Given that the amount of material wealth in the country is limited, their redistribution in favor of private capital during the transition from socialism to capitalism in the 1990s could affect social obligations in only one way - their reduction. Simply because the base from which the funds are taken to fulfill these obligations has become significantly narrower due to the transfer of part of state capital into private ownership.
  16. 0
    13 February 2021 13: 48
    thanks, interesting!
  17. for
    13 February 2021 16: 45

    Life doesn't change.
    1. +4
      13 February 2021 17: 24
      No matter how I enlarged the photo, I could not fully read the inscription on the house. But the ending of the inscription is atomic! )))
      "... be quiet" wassat
      Life definitely doesn't change! )))
      1. +5
        13 February 2021 17: 36
        "Don't drink vodka. Don't sing songs. Be quiet."
        shelter of the Nizhny Novgorod merchant Nikolai Bugrov.
        1. +4
          13 February 2021 19: 15
          Ah, that's it ...))))
          And under our windows on the playground there is a "drug addicts' shelter". This, I will report to you, can be heard! wassat
          Our unfortunate house in the summer seems to be under siege by ghouls. And what is indicative is that next to the site there is a parking lot for residents of a three-story building adjacent to the parking lot, in which some kind of police authorities live on the ground floor. But they, apparently, the howls of the smoked do not bother)))
          1. +5
            13 February 2021 19: 42
            Good evening, Lyudmila love
            It’s been a long time since I heard you, I’ve already started to worry, now it’s somehow not thank God.
            And about the "howling of junkies" - you have no men left there at all? We, back in Moscow, had such a problem, so the people gathered and one session of massacre was enough for this waste. The police then drove up and took the "corpses" into the sump. smile
            1. +3
              13 February 2021 20: 24
              Good evening, Constantine! )))
              The point is not that there are no men in our five-story building, and they are not in the three-story building. And the fact is that the elderly Soviet have died out - those who drove the "junkies", and all young people and middle-aged people in a strange way were tied to the police and observe its interests. For example, my neighbor on the staircase opposite - not the one who is elderly, but his more than forty-year-old son - he used to be a drug addict, was treated, and now a drug courier with the permission of the police, because at the request of the police he registered a bunch of useful Tajiks, and the police turn a blind eye to his activities. The Tajiks have never appeared, but they have registration, the police from these Tajiks somehow feed themselves. And so in the evenings drug addicts appear in our entrance with impunity, and the neighbor supplies them with nonsense. Some of the apartments in the house are rented to visitors, but for some reason they endure inconvenience. Not so long ago, in the early summer, one tenant was indignant, entered into a skirmish with drug addicts, but he turned out to be a Tajik, a construction worker, and, apparently, he was quickly explained what was happening, he moved out. And so on all the entrances. The tenants - either the police themselves, now the relatives of the police officers, or small businessmen - are quieter than water, lower than the grass, they are afraid to say too much. And the fact that the police here are protecting drug trafficking, so everyone knows about it. People are used to it. This is considered the norm in today's life. Nobody wants to get involved in stories from which police ears stick out. Everyone is afraid.
              Such is the story)))
              1. +2
                13 February 2021 21: 23
                Yes ... you will not envy. It's even somehow strange to hear all this, we don't have such an abomination here and it's close. And the police ... what can you take from her - what is the pop, so is the parish. What can you say ... request I will not continue further, because it is fraught. smile
                1. +2
                  13 February 2021 22: 00
                  That's right, Konstantin is fraught! Yes, it is fraught with so much that later, not that you cannot envy yourself - no one will envy. And for some reason it seems to me that there is a certain calculation in this. Force the civilian population to feel shy in the face of irresistible circumstances. Well, we are testing)))
                  1. +1
                    13 February 2021 22: 39
                    Remember what Bender said to old man Khvorobiev about the nightmares he regularly dreamed about? You probably remember, so I will not continue. smile
  18. +2
    14 February 2021 16: 43
    "... Motherland!
    Give me such a cloister
    I haven’t seen such a corner
    Wherever your sower and keeper
    Where would a Russian peasant groan?

    He groans in the fields, on the roads,
    He groans in prisons, in prison
    In the mines on an iron chain!
    Groans in his own poor little house
    I'm not happy with the light of God's sun! -
    Groans in every deaf little town
    At the entrance of the courts and chambers.

    Go out to the Volga: whose groan is heard
    Over the great Russian river?
    We call this moan a song -
    Then the barge haulers go on a towline! ..
    Volga! Volga! .. In the spring of high water
    That is not how you fill the fields
    How great tribulation of the people
    Our land is overflowing, - "

    The people from such social protection did not know where to go. And now the Kremlin diaspora is driving them there.
    1. +3
      14 February 2021 18: 33
      Right now the Publicist also has a huge article about charity in Tsarist Russia. They donated a lot, but only the benefactors were demolished. Because the people of that time had a sense of their own dignity, pride. Living in anticipation of a handout is humiliation. The expectation of a handout reduces a person to an animal state, deprives him of the will to an active life, and reduces his mental potential. People want to work and earn money on their own, that is, to act like homo sapiens, and not just erectus. People are different, abilities are different and within the same ability level are different. It means that there must be a surplus of suitable jobs to provide for everyone. It is said:

      From each according to his ability, to each according to his work.

      And this is not a communist slogan. This is a normal way of economic activity of normal political power. In our conditions, the manifestation of the normality of power should be a new, modern industrialization based on the latest technologies as an urgently needed way of employing the entire population, and not the elite.
      This is the new reading of the classics of Marxism-Leninism - employment of the population. Actually, the development of Marxism, its main content in the conditions of the 21st century.
      Only no one understands this. The slogan I have quoted is considered a communist utopia, with an ironic shrug. And instead of industrialization in the required volume, the population is actively and persistently taught to use charity as the main way to improve life. No wonder all these collections of money for sick children on TV and on the Internet. This is not an accident, not a way of self-organization of the population in creating a mechanism of mutual assistance, but a cunning state policy of educating dependents, implemented through the media: ask and they will give you. Do not earn, but ask! But don't ask for jobs. Do not ask also for the creation of conditions by the state allowing the individual capable, talented to create jobs for many others ....
      The so-called social assistance to the population from our state is a form of a more orderly and expanded charity of tsarist Russia, which sooner or later will lead to the degradation and disappearance of the country's indigenous population - either from the fact that it will die out, never having become accustomed to poverty, having lost skills earn money, simultaneously being replaced by Asians, or will give his last and decisive battle and die in a bloody battle between civilians and dressed in military uniforms.
      1. +1
        14 February 2021 19: 23
        To your comment, dear Lyudmila Yakovlevna, I put a big * plus *. I am in solidarity with you. I cannot add anything, for a simple reason. You said EVERYTHING in detail, competently, emotionally. With pain for our country. I am with you, dear. hi hi hi
      2. +2
        14 February 2021 19: 31
        Good evening, Lyudmila Yakovlevna! I have always had great respect that you write such great comments, tell us your thoughts, both recent and previous, as well as events in your personal history.
        I agree with your words, there are no contradictions.
        But at the same time, people often find themselves in critical situations (I don’t know how it was under the USSR) and if charitable support is possible in this case, it’s good in my opinion.
        When there was shock therapy, there were conversations that, just wait, and everything will work out. ..... however, yes, as you wrote, no new jobs have been created .....
      3. +1
        14 February 2021 19: 57
        I decided to add some more. I myself like such charity as organizing leisure activities, which is a long tradition. For example, in St. Petersburg there were folk houses, built by rich people and often by the owners of factories or factories. Of course, not everyone did it. Probably, after the Revolution, these People's Houses became the Houses of Culture. I know that here, in the center of the city, the Palace im. Tsyurupa, at least a few years ago I was there for a concert. Many who were under the USSR were abandoned .... Pre-revolutionary People's House on Tambovskaya has been preserved as a public building. He's in the movie Ligthing shown. Mugs, classes, libraries, everything was free ..
        This is not to say that this tradition has not been continued. Yes, there was probably a break in the 90s. ..... But in this century I often hear from people about such cultural centers, both for children and for retirement age. I don’t know about other categories.
        1. +1
          14 February 2021 20: 16
          Hey guys ...
          Well, there must be something, there must be! That which we have not thought of. So I went and looked at the palaces of Chemezov, Tokarev, Miller, Sechin, and others. It doesn't have to be this way. Desperation just takes. There is no gap.
          Okay, I see, it's only mine.
          1. +2
            14 February 2021 20: 41
            Oh, Lyudmila Yakovlevna! At the beginning of the century, I read somewhere that, they say, in Western countries, there is an understanding of the social. ..... ???? Forgot the word because no one else used it .... maybe ---- tact? Maybe --- hygiene? Do not remember
            The point is not to stick out, not to show off. But in those countries, fortunes were created for more than one century. And not in 5-10 years, and not faster.
            What is the conclusion from your words - the descendants of kulaks, merchants, etc. That's what.
            1. +2
              14 February 2021 21: 22
              Look, Dima, in America, for example, large wealthy people build modern-style houses. Such architecture cannot be called palace architecture. Our rich build in the Empire style. Huge parterres in front of the palaces - what I saw in front of the mansion in Arkhangelskoye. Now I cannot call this mansion a palace, in comparison with the modern luxury of buildings that seem to have come from the 19th century and earlier. Why is that? Why is there only one thing - in the USA, and this is what we have? And to cross out the USSR, as if it never existed, as if the life of the Russian Empire continues, as if it had never been interrupted. But here's the annoyance, there is only one thing that cannot be erased from history - the Second World War. Our power lives in the world artificially created by it on its own floor, and we are from below. But we are no longer able to cut down the pillars from below on which the upper floor of power rests, the consumer of charitable alms has been skillfully raised. And consumers do not saw the pillars, they are only able to demand an increase in the size of the handouts from the feeding arm, and not jobs. And no one wants to understand that this is the tragedy of our nation.
              1. +2
                14 February 2021 21: 38
                .......Why is that?.......
                There are probably 2 answers here. Or one of several parts.
                Show the cattle what it is. Show those "partners" that they deserve to be accepted into their company. Show the local partners ..... you can go on for a long time.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"