Chronicles of predatory cities

Chronicles of predatory cities
Drake arrives in California. An engraving published by Theodore de Brie in 1590.

Conquering the world

The basis of Western (European) civilization is parasitism.

In the Middle Ages, Europeans, who obeyed the "command post" in Rome, first suppressed the resistance of the pagan peoples, Celts, Germans and Slavs. Destroyed the Slavic civilization in Central Europe. In particular, today's Germany and Austria are the lands of the Slavic Russian tribes. All the old cities of Germany and a number of other countries were based on Slavic settlements.

When there was no one to enslave and plunder, except for their own serfs, the western feudal lords tried to conquer the eastern core of the Rus-Russians. However, they received a powerful rebuff. Drang nach Osten failed. An attempt to conquer the rich countries in the south (ride the eastern trade routes) also failed. The Muslim Saracens fought back.

Then Rome, with the help of Spain and Portugal, organized sea expeditions.

Obviously, Rome had ancient maps that told about other peoples and civilizations outside Europe. The era of the great geographical "discoveries" began.

Popes divided the world between the Spanish and the Portuguese. Italian cities monopolized the Mediterranean. The Spaniards broke through to America, began to destroy and plunder the ancient Indian civilizations. They entered the Pacific Ocean and established themselves in the Philippines.

The Portuguese occupied Brazil and captured strategic points on the shores of Africa. They entered the Indian Ocean, captured the ports and cities of East Africa, Arabia, Iran, India, Ceylon, Malacca, penetrated Indonesia, China and Japan.

Streams of wealth poured into impoverished Europe from all over the planet. Those treasures that have been accumulated by tribes, peoples, cultures and civilizations for centuries, if not millennia.

Decay of Christian civilization

Rome was triumphant. The popes dreamed of a world Catholic empire.

However, the flows of gold led to the rapid decay of the European nobility.

The Renaissance era began with its hedonism, revelry of luxury, excesses and debauchery.

Christian morality has been destroyed. Asceticism remained in the distant past. The "Holy See" had not previously been distinguished by holiness. Popes, cardinals, archbishops, bishops and abbots have previously been not only spiritual, but also secular rulers. Posts were sold. Spiritual hierarchs were not inferior, and often even surpassed the secular feudal lords in the wealth and luxury of the court. They did not disdain worldly pleasures. The temptations of modern times have dealt a powerful blow to the Roman church. The churchmen were all infected with money-grubbing and fornication.

The European nobility was already irritated by the Christian morality that oppressed them. As well as the wealth of the church (land fund). The Bible was replaced by philosophy, astrology and magic. The icons depict the figures of naked Venus and Apollo.

A "reset" of European civilization became necessary. Update.

Not surprisingly, teachers soon appeared who began to rethink Christianity. The Reformation began.

It is clear that the European elite, dissatisfied with the dictate of Rome, chose the reformist trends that were most beneficial to them. In particular, Martin Luther (1483-1546) rejected the rule of the papal throne, monasticism and church property. The new church had to be poor. This was very much liked by the impoverished German and Scandinavian nobles, who wanted to improve their financial situation at the expense of the church. The feudal lords who accepted Lutheranism gladly grabbed the church land holdings.

True, there were also radical preachers, in particular, Anabaptists. They spoke:

"If you do not recognize the domination of ecclesiastical authority, then why recognize the secular one?"

They demanded freedom of preaching, the abolition of serfdom, an honest division of the land, the abolition of the heaviest taxes and duties, the abolition of the privileges of the upper classes. This was carried away by the broad masses of the people, the peasants. What caused a series of bloody uprisings. The whole Peasant War of 1524-1526 began in Germany. The princes and feudal lords with difficulty suppressed the unrest of the people.

Rebel peasants with the "shoe flag". Engraving by master Petrarch. 1539


The Reformation in England was very interesting.

The womanizer king Henry VIII (reigned 1509-1547) wanted only to divorce and marry at will. In Catholicism, marriage was sacred. And Pope Clement refused in 1529 to recognize the illegal marriage of the English monarch with Catherine of Aragon. And, accordingly, he did not want to annul him so that he could marry Anne Boleyn. In response, Henry cut ties with the papal see. Married without permission. And he created the Church of England (Anglicanism).

In 1534 Parliament declared the independence of the English Church from the Pope. The king was proclaimed the head of the church. A large-scale secularization of monastic lands was carried out in the country, all monasteries were closed, monks were deprived of goodness and expelled. All property of the Catholic Church has been confiscated.

The king did not even hesitate to order to open and rob the relics of the saints.

At the same time, Henry did not delve into religious wisdom. The Anglican Church has preserved almost all of the Catholic rites. But she obeyed not the pope, but the monarch.

On the continent, John Calvin (1509-1564) taught that every person, regardless of his earthly affairs, is knowingly determined by God for salvation or condemnation.

It was very simple to distinguish the “chosen” from the “unelected” in those years: those whom the Lord loved, he marked with wealth. The rest had to obey the "chosen ones", serve them. And the power should have belonged not to kings, but to the councils of the “elect”. Calvin's theories were very popular with the French nobility and the wealthy urban elite. They allowed not to subordinate to the king and raise rebellions "in the name of the Lord." Also, Calvinism came to the liking of usurers-bankers, merchants, merchants and shipowners. They received the status of "chosen ones" and practically new nobility.

Especially many “chosen ones” were in the cities of the Netherlands.

"Lowlands", located in the lower reaches of the Rhine, Meuse, Scheldt and along the coast of the North Sea, were then part of the Spanish Empire. While the Spanish nobles seized land overseas, died in battles, from hunger and tropical diseases, the Dutch merchants grew rich.

The fact was that in Spain the "noble" were forbidden to trade, engage in crafts and trades. As a result, the mined goods were transported on Dutch ships and sold in Dutch markets. The profits settled in the wallets of the local wealthy.

While Spain was in the past, the Netherlands was rapidly enriching itself. And when the Dutch moneybags got fat enough, they wondered whether it was necessary to obey the Spanish king, pay church tithes and other taxes?

Isn't it better to rule yourself and get all the profits? Then the Reformation arrived.

The preachers angered the people. The Spaniards, who were tough on the positions of Catholicism, responded with repression and terror. The Netherlands rebelled under the banner of Calvinism.

The bloody massacre, intermittently, went on from 1566 to 1648. The northern provinces were able to achieve independence, the Dutch Republic was created, where power belonged to the "elected".

Meeting of Henry VIII with Anne Boleyn. Hood. Daniel MacLise (1836)

Splitting Europe

The Roman throne, which, despite its decline, still retained its spiritual and volitional power, energy and possessed enormous resources, actively resisted the Reformation.

And even launched a counteroffensive. In the first half of the XNUMXth century, the Counter-Reformation began.

On the one hand, the leadership was engaged in “healing” the church, correcting morals and strengthening the discipline of the clergy. In Spain, which became a stronghold of Catholicism, Rome shared powers with the royal government. Nominations for high church posts were agreed with the kings, the royal court was supposed to hear complaints against clergy, etc. And the royal power protected the church from heretics.

The Roman throne developed large-scale propaganda and educational programs, trained qualified preachers. The corresponding impact was exerted on the education system, literature and art. New monastic orders appeared (Teatinians, Capuchins, Barnabis, "Merciful Brothers", St. Urusula), which tried to restore the ascetic values ​​of early Christianity, to help the poor and sick.

On the other hand, the punishment system has been improved. The Inquisition was reorganized, the most severe censorship was introduced.

In 1534-1540. the Jesuit Order (Society of Jesus) was created. The founder of the order was Ignatius Loyola. First, the Jesuits had to engage in missionary work among Muslims. Then the order received a military function - at this time the possibility of a crusade against Turkey was considered.

As a result, this Jesuit order became the first world secret service to spread its tentacles all over the world. By 1554, the order had its people in Brazil and Japan. The Jesuits not only conducted active propaganda, educational activities (trained personnel), collected information, but influenced the policies of countries, up to the elimination of their rulers. Military operations were supplemented by secret ones.

In Protestant countries, the Jesuits carried out subversive, sabotage activities, organized conspiracies and coups. Troops of missionaries went to Africa and Asia, which, together with religion and the foundations of culture (European), inspired admiration for the white "masters", prepared the ground for further expansion.

Dissenters were dragged on a rack and burned at the stake.

Religious wars flared up across Europe.

The north ended up in the Protestant camp - Sweden, Denmark, England, Holland, Hungary, the Swiss cantons. Germany was divided into Lutheran (Protestant) and Catholic principalities.

The main defenders of the Catholic Church were the two branches of the House of Habsburgs, the Spanish kings and the Germanic emperors (Holy Roman Empire). True, in the political arena, religious confrontation was often only a pretext for the traditional rivalry of powers.

For example, France, in which the Catholics took over the Protestant Huguenots, was the traditional opponent of the Habsburgs. Therefore, in these wars France fought against the Catholic world.

Carnivorous corporations

Continuing to fight for supremacy in the metropolis, the Europeans did not forget to plunder the colonies and seize new lands.

If the Spaniards and Portuguese were conquering under the slogan of Christianization, then the Protestants did without any formalities. What does Christianity have to do with it, if there is an opportunity to get rich?

The British infiltrated North America. In 1600, the East India Company was created, which began the conquest of Southeast Asia. The British began to help the Persians and Hindus to fight the Portuguese. In return, they received the right to open trading posts and build fortresses. The construction of the world British Empire began.

The Netherlands was still fighting a war of liberation with Spain. And at the same time they gathered troops and built ships to plunder new lands. The Dutch wealthy also created the East India Company in 1602 and gave it unprecedented powers. She received the right to have her own army, navy, her own court, as well as the ability to declare and wage war, to occupy territories and conduct duty-free trade. It was a state within a state.

As a result, Holland itself temporarily became an appendage of the company. Its directors were part of the government, used the resources of the entire country for the needs of the corporation, and no one could interfere in its affairs. The Dutch set up trading posts in Africa, India, Malacca, Siam, China and Formosa. They actively seize lands in Indonesia, establish a network of ports and bases in Java, Sumatra and Borneo.

The capital of the Dutch colonial possessions in Asia becomes Batavia (now Jakarta) in Java. The Dutch are pushing the Portuguese in the East. And for a while they take the position of the foremost maritime and colonial power of Europe. The trade in spices and other treasures enriched the merchant elite of Holland.

The subsidiary department of the East India Company was the West India Company. Taking advantage of the weakness of Portugal, the Dutch temporarily captured the northern part of Brazil, Suriname, and a number of islands in the Caribbean. The main base of the Dutch in the West Indies was New Amsterdam (future New York). The Dutch lands in North America were called New Holland. The company's prosperity was based on the slave trade, piracy (attacks on Spanish ships), trade in gold, silver, sugar and furs.

France at the beginning of the 1608th century begins the colonization of Canada - New France. Quebec was founded in 1718 as the capital of French Canada. Then the French sailed along the entire course of the Mississippi and declared it the possession of the French roots. In XNUMX New Orleans was founded - the capital of Louisiana (in honor of King Louis).

In the XNUMXth century, the French tried to stake out a part of India for themselves.

Sweden also tried to become a colonial power. In America, New Sweden was created on the banks of the Delaware River (time of existence 1638-1655).

Formal seizures were mixed with outright piracy. Dutch, English and French "gentlemen of fortune" walked on the sea, building their bases and strong points.

Territories of New France before 1750

To be continued ...
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  1. -6
    31 January 2021 05: 26
    Yeah, the history of Europe is a river of blood, a sea of ​​human blood, and now nothing has changed, especially in relation to our country ... some people are sharpening their teeth there on our territory and natural resources ... although other instruments have already been used on the kind of today's planned performances ...
    Thank you Alexander for the article ... I anticipate some members of the forum after reading the text of the article and your name will begin to sink you deeper into the swamp of criticism.
    1. +25
      31 January 2021 08: 20
      Yeah, is that the case of the Aztecs with their flowers, wars, not any murders, only an offering to the gods, and the fact that the gods need a little man, well, you can't argue with the gods.
      And the humane Chinese, well, they killed 1.5 million Oirats, these are barbarians, why pity them, the report is put on the shelf.
      1. +1
        1 February 2021 00: 29
        Quote: Cartalon
        The gods need a little man, well, you can't argue with the gods

        Well. Also alive. In the name of god, kill and eat lukewarm ..
        It's bad when there is little tryptophan ..
        corn alone is bad.
        From the cycle on VO about the Aztecs, everyone around them hated.
        And the Chinese throughout history have always operated with millions of their own and others' victims.
      2. +2
        1 February 2021 14: 32
        That is why it was necessary to climb to them with your "gay European snout"? Carrying on their "values", cutting out not only the Aztecs at the root and, adding drugs not only to the Chinese ...
    2. -15
      31 January 2021 10: 32
      In the Middle Ages, Europeans, who obeyed the "command post" in Rome, first suppressed the resistance of the pagan peoples, Celts, Germans and Slavs. Destroyed the Slavic civilization in Central Europe. In particular, today's Germany and Austria are the lands of the Slavic Russian tribes.

      for this, this official chronology was created, in order to spread and refer to the distant past events that took place in the late Middle Ages. The same fact that Germany is permeated with Slavic place names says that the "conquest" of the Slavs of Germany was not so long ago, otherwise all these Lubeks, Rostock, Ternov, Strehlen / Strelen, Lyubov would have been Germanized long ago.

      How can it be that FOR THOUSAND years !! have these Slavic names been preserved in the Germanic lands? This means only one thing, that all the "conquests" were recently in the 19th century, as well as the genocide of the Slavs / Celts / Irish also took place in the 19th century.
      Or take such a clearly Slavic name
      -Lutetia Parisian-city of Paris.
      After all, it is obvious that this is a Slavic name, and
      -Sena -Segna-se / this is Gan
      -Lono Dona-London
      these are the old names of these cities and towns, they are clearly read in Slavic.

      There was a recent publication from Ryzhov about the fact that the famous Ataman / Ottoman medieval fleet in which there were many galleons - large ocean ships did not go on the ocean at all. Local inhabitants remembered that there was one trip of the ataman galleons to the British Isles in order to sink several fishing schooners and EVERYTHING, i.e. historians claim that the huge ocean-going ships of the chieftains were created to hug their Ak / White and Black Seas and not go anywhere else. This is just an outright lie that does not stand up to criticism.
      How can you investigate history if it is tendentious and deceitful? What can be learned in this "history" if the messages are false, then the conclusions will also be false.
      1. +7
        31 January 2021 11: 12
        -Lono Dona-London
        And the Thames-river where do those beyond the seas live? I guessed?
        1. -14
          31 January 2021 11: 16
          Quote: Bolt Cutter
          -Lono Dona-London
          And the Thames-river where do those beyond the seas live? I guessed?

          not this way .
          According to the rule of ALL languages: the replacement of voiced and voiceless sounds and vice versa is readable in words.
          -temza-tem_za -t / d_e_m / n-dem / don
          those. The Thames is the Don River, but there are many Don and Dun rivers in the British Isles.
          Take the same
          -Tiber-Dnepr in Russian
          1. +9
            31 January 2021 11: 20
            -Tiber-Dnepr in Russian
            Our Dnipro steamed pasta wassat ... In the bastards ...
            By the rule of ALL languages
            Including Kiswahili and Kinyarwanda?
            1. -12
              31 January 2021 11: 27
              Quote: Bolt Cutter
              -Tiber-Dnepr in Russian
              Our Dnipro steamed pasta wassat ... In the bastards ...
              By the rule of ALL languages
              Including Kiswahili and Kinyarwanda?

              He put on his sword Excalibur / Rubilo knight / rusar Ivanhoe / Ivanko, sat on his Sivka Burka and went to the fair / to the Jarls to Lon Don.
            2. +6
              31 January 2021 12: 03
              Quote: Bolt Cutter
              -Tiber-Dnepr in Russian
              Our Dnipro steamed pasta wassat ... In the bastards ...
              By the rule of ALL languages
              Including Kiswahili and Kinyarwanda?

              Urgently file a lawsuit. Samsonov will be the prosecutor, Bar witness for the prosecution
            3. +5
              31 January 2021 22: 16
              Quote: Bolt Cutter
              Our Dnipro has steamed pasta. In the bastards ...

              This is still bullshit! As Lieutenant Rzhevsky used to say: "It's scary to imagine, gentlemen, what these unprincipled macaroni have done with all our, primordial, Slavonic Ruso-Aryan in Pisa!"
          2. +20
            31 January 2021 11: 30
            Quote: Bar1
            The British Isles have many rivers Don and Dun.
            Take the same
            -Tiber-Dnepr in Russian

            I have always maintained that Zadornov is a classic!
          3. +8
            31 January 2021 11: 30
            Bar, and oaks grew in Dublin or sheepskin coats were sewn? Or were there oaks who wore sheepskin coats?
            1. -14
              31 January 2021 11: 39
              Quote: Bolt Cutter
              Bar, and oaks grew in Dublin or sheepskin coats were sewn? Or were there oaks who wore sheepskin coats?

              fantasy you miss newcomer to the historical forum.

              -Irladia -ir (Turkic) -land_land-land
              but in general Irladia is
              -Ardastan -Ordyn stan.
              Ortelius cartographer 1588.

              1. +8
                31 January 2021 11: 42
                -Irladia -ir (Turkic)
                Actually, it was originally called Eire. And Dublin got its name smile ?
                1. -10
                  31 January 2021 11: 54
                  yes Eire, and Russia is rush, and in Finnish the Russians are Vendians, in Ukrainian the Russians are Muscovites, and in French the Germans are Alemagnes, and in English the Turks are turkeys, and in Indian India is Barata, and in Ruski Germany is Nemetchina, who is much more than his weak tongue.
                  1. +15
                    31 January 2021 11: 57
                    who is much more than his weak tongue.
                    And where do you hide your smartphone so well from the medical staff? request ? Or did the head physician allow you belay ?
                    1. -11
                      31 January 2021 12: 00
                      Quote: Bolt Cutter
                      who is much more than his weak tongue.
                      And where do you hide your smartphone so well from the medical staff? request ? Or did the head physician allow you belay ?

                      from the site of advanced yegeshnikov dropped here?
                      1. +5
                        31 January 2021 12: 04
                        No, from Lone Don tongue
                      2. -11
                        31 January 2021 12: 06
                        and I thought from the bolt cutter site.
                      3. +4
                        31 January 2021 12: 07
                        It is contraindicated for you to think Yes
                      4. -9
                        31 January 2021 12: 09
                        talking to you is disgusting.
                      5. +3
                        31 January 2021 12: 12
                        And with you "cool" wassat
                      6. -11
                        31 January 2021 12: 18
                        and the thread is left in London?
                      7. +2
                        31 January 2021 12: 30
                        The bolt cutter in my case is a free translation of the name of this boltcutter.
            2. +3
              31 January 2021 15: 19
              Dublin sorted out, now we need to resolve the issue with Dabai or Dubai
        2. +2
          31 January 2021 11: 26
          Probably so
    3. +6
      31 January 2021 13: 00
      You can write anything today. The content doesn't matter in principle, Alexey! But here is the form ... The text from "chopped phrases" today refers to ... poorly perceived. It requires sophisticated language, well-thought-out presentation, and sources.
    4. +1
      31 January 2021 14: 16
      Just like Moscow in relation to the rest of Russia ... laughing laughing lol
  2. +10
    31 January 2021 06: 11
    Commenting on Mr. Samsonov is a thankless task.
    To polemicize with him is only to amuse the respectable audience.
    And it is possible without the continuation that follows, there is no need to waste time when we oppose the abode of evil.
    In general, forward "For all good, against all bad"
    1. -8
      31 January 2021 06: 41
      Commenting on Mr. Samsonov is a thankless task.
      To polemicize with him is only to amuse the respectable audience.
      So I thought ... Samsonov is like a red rag for a bull. smile
      At least someone after him would have written and posted an article on the same topic ... they criticize more ... it's difficult to write an article ourselves. hi
      1. +8
        31 January 2021 07: 01
        Is this an article in your opinion? Even agitation does not pull
        1. -7
          31 January 2021 07: 25
          Is this an article in your opinion? Even agitation does not pull
          Write better ... and post it ... then we will evaluate your abilities. smile
          1. +11
            31 January 2021 07: 52
            The iron argument "write better", you don't need to be able to cook scrambled eggs to appreciate its quality.
            You like it, read it and be moved, the scribble at the REN TV level.
    2. +11
      31 January 2021 09: 35
      Commenting on Mr. Samsonov is a thankless task.

      In general, Prokhanov's style.
      And the meaning. Type of this pearl:
      The Muslim Saracens fought back.

      Where did they fight back? In France at the Battle of Poitiers? laughing
      1. +13
        31 January 2021 10: 29
        Yes, and 700 years of reconquest in Spain, and the Turkish core stuck in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. Sorry for the repetition, but discussing this article is a waste of time.
    3. +1
      1 February 2021 00: 32
      Quote: mr.ZinGer
      Commenting on Mr. Samsonov is a thankless task.
      To polemicize with him is only to amuse the respectable audience.

      I, for example, reading this whole opus smiled ... how simple it is for a person ..
      Easier than the Reptilians and Nibiru. He should go to Ren TV. Director.
      The whole world is against the super-Russians.
      Absolutely a person does not understand the climate and economics.
      but he came up with a plot and writes all articles for it
      "Global conspiracy against the Russians-Russians"
      What is the point of arguing about unscientific alternatives?
  3. +9
    31 January 2021 07: 21
    Samsonov's Sabbat on Bald Mountain, and even with a continuation
  4. +17
    31 January 2021 07: 34
    The Spaniards broke through to America, began to destroy and plunder ancient Indian civilizations
    Absolutely all civilizations (including Indian ones) destroyed and plundered neighboring and not so civilizations.

    It's just that some (Spaniards, British, etc.) did it better, while others (Indians, Indians, etc.) did it worse.
  5. +1
    31 January 2021 07: 34
    It was very simple to distinguish the “chosen” from the “unelected” in those years: those whom the Lord loved, he marked with wealth. The rest had to obey the "chosen ones", serve them. And the power should have belonged not to kings, but to the councils of the “elect”. Calvin's theories were very popular with the French nobility and the wealthy urban elite. They allowed not to subordinate to the king and raise rebellions "in the name of the Lord." Also, Calvinism came to the liking of usurers-bankers, merchants, merchants and shipowners. They received the status of "chosen ones" and practically new nobility.

    It reminds me of someone. There is where our chosen ones strive.
  6. +3
    31 January 2021 08: 12
    And what was the Russian kingdom doing in those days?
    1. +3
      31 January 2021 08: 15
      And the Russians fought among themselves, could not find an agreement in any way.
    2. +7
      31 January 2021 08: 21
      Known for fighting and foreign invaders, if possible on their territory.
      1. +2
        1 February 2021 00: 36
        Quote: Cartalon
        Known for fighting and foreign invaders, if possible on their territory.

        there was also the colonization of those who were less developed.
        This not the best period in history is usually romanticized as well as the affairs of Europeans.
        Only the best is included in the tutorial.
        Any Russian-Chukchi wars are not included in the textbook.
    3. -4
      31 January 2021 09: 40
      Quote: bairat
      And what was the Russian kingdom doing in those days?
      Once led. Prince Vladimir chose for Russia the conservative branch of Christianity, which has not changed its creed since the 4th century. Catholics began to add new dogmas, which led the Western world to Protestantism, which Samsonov unsuccessfully tries to pass off as the corruption of all Christianity. Orthodoxy was purified by persecution. Because of this, it became possible for us to unite peoples with different beliefs in one state, there was no inquisition and crusades; because of this, the idea of ​​communism is close to us, and not of unrestrained profit and sodomy.
      1. +7
        31 January 2021 11: 20
        Quote: sniperino
        because of this, the idea of ​​communism is close to us, and not of unrestrained profit and sodomy.

        Capitalism existed in Holland even before their war of independence. And sodomy was legalized during the lifetime of our generation. Your knowledge of history and logic is no better than Samsonov's.
        1. +5
          31 January 2021 11: 54
          Quote: Nagan
          Capitalism existed in Holland even before their war of independence.
          Who was talking about the war? Protestantism went hand in hand with capitalism and was its main ideological support: wealth and a high status of a person in society is a sign of his original predestination by God to salvation. This idea of ​​M. Weber in this article is veiled by the "general decomposition of Christianity." The USA today is the world center of Protestant sects.
        2. +3
          31 January 2021 22: 16
          Quote: Nagan
          Capitalism existed in Holland even before their war of independence.
          Protestantism penetrated there from 1516, and war - in 1566-79.
          Quote: Nagan
          And sodomy was legalized during the lifetime of our generation.
          Like the news was reported to someone. Instead of a dispute, they drive a murka, a sharper.
      2. +2
        31 January 2021 13: 06
        Quote: sniperino
        because of this, the idea of ​​communism is close to us, and not of unrestrained profit and sodomy.

        But the postulate "the beggars are pleasing to the Lord" led to the fact that in Russia up to a third of people asked for alms, that is, they were simply parasitized.
        1. 0
          3 February 2021 11: 21
          Quote: kalibr
          the postulate "the poor are pleasing to the Lord" led to the fact that in Russia up to a third of people begged for alms, that is, they were simply parasites
          There are no postulates in religion; this is from science and does not fit here at all.
          If this is about "blessed are the beggars", then in the Sermon on the Mount there is a later addition by "spirit", that is, "poor in spirit" - people who, not due to external circumstances, do not have a livelihood, but voluntarily choose asceticism, are indifferent to material goods, but they are looking for spiritual goods, such as truth, justice, beauty, love, etc. Beggar-parasites don't come here either. By the way, in what source and for what years are data on a third of the population of Russia, who are parasites, beggars, cited? You are a historian (like, ah-ah-ah).
          If we are talking about "it is difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven", then here too, the preference of the rich for the poor is about the same: "difficult" means a low probability, since the rich overwhelmingly tend to their own mat. provision, and those who want to use their wealth to help the poor, disinterestedly spend it on scientific discoveries, or any other good deed among them are too few.
          "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened." This is completely against the parasites.
          You treat religious texts not as a historian, but as a "scientific" atheist. Have you read such a course anywhere? It has a lot in common with the history of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and courses for marketing and PR managers: there are too many lies to call them sciences.
          1. +1
            3 February 2021 11: 54
            Quote: sniperino
            By the way, in what source and for what years are data on a third of the population of Russia, which are parasites, beggars, is given?

            Google to the rescue!
            1. 0
              3 February 2021 12: 22
              Quote: kalibr
              Google to the rescue!
              A well-mannered person knows how to politely send to Google. I use Sputnik, they give out less messages.
              1. +1
                3 February 2021 12: 24
                Use whatever you like. The main thing is not to ask others, but to be able to find yourself ... the knowledge gained in this way is always more valuable. I could, however, advise you to read the magazine RODINA, but for the regulars of VO this is a source from among the unattainable.
                1. -1
                  3 February 2021 14: 22
                  Quote: kalibr
                  but for the regulars of VO this is a source from among the unattainable
                  You, because of me, just daubed all the regulars of the forum in passing, or it seemed to me ... In vain. There is no evidence, but I did not expect otherwise, too obvious noodles for the respectable public.
                  1. +1
                    3 February 2021 16: 02
                    Quote: sniperino
                    There is no evidence, but I did not expect otherwise, too obvious noodles for the respectable public.

                    I have recommended this magazine for reading many times. But I have never (!) Met links to publications in this journal in the comments. Even the sacred one: "I read in the magazine Rodina, I forgot what year, I forgot whose article I also forgot, but I read there too ...". Even this has never happened. This means that he did not "daub", but precisely indicated the limits of interest. Is not it?
                2. 0
                  3 February 2021 14: 58
                  Quote: kalibr
                  The main thing is not to ask others, but to be able to find yourself
                  The basis of marketing is "don't fool - don't sell". Who does not believe - google: 1) you will find it faster than create the largest country with a third of the population of parasites, and 2) this is true.
                  1. +1
                    3 February 2021 16: 06
                    And that paralysis of the limbs attacks you when it comes to typing words yourself? Or are you afraid that you will find and lose "innocence"? Do not be afraid to search yourself very interesting. And it will be absolutely bad, I will find you a job and not one where it is written about it. Don't get involved in marketing. It has nothing to do with what we are talking about. And why should I deceive you? It's like hitting a child in a sandbox ...
                    1. -1
                      3 February 2021 16: 55
                      Quote: kalibr
                      It's like a child to beat in a sandbox
                      The main thing here is not who, but for what and how. Mother and child on the ass gave when he pulled cakes from the sand into his mouth. "In Russia, up to a third of people asked for alms" is a fiction. It doesn't matter to me who invented it, but I would like to refer to the original source, and not to arrange a search for a certain inventor from the Rodina magazine, whose name you do not name for "pedagogical" reasons. And I "climb" into marketing, tk. he teaches exactly the kind of "effective communication" that you demonstrate in a simple argument.
                      1. +1
                        3 February 2021 17: 11
                        There are books by Pobedonostsev, Klyuchevsky, this very interesting work: Pryzhov I. G. Beggars in Holy Russia: materials for the history of social and national life in Russia - Ed. MI Smirnova, 1862. But where exactly, on what page it is, I will not tell you now. For a long time all this has been read, and without an eye to controversy. There are dissertations ... everything is there. What are we talking about. But I just have no time to do this. You are interested in the topic - great. And again you are confusing. Marketing studies the market. Effective communication is taught by "Technology of Mass Communication".
                      2. 0
                        3 February 2021 19: 21
                        Quote: kalibr
                        And again you are confusing. Marketing studies the market. Effective communication is taught by "Technology of Mass Communication".
                        Marketing today is an information war with competitors, it occurs in the minds of consumers. The market is studied according to the Chinese "Stratagems" and textbooks of the military theorist K. Clausewitz as a battlefield and theater of military operations, and the war is waged according to the same rules, but the development of techniques and methods of waging such a war was begun by sophists in Ancient Greece for verbal lists in Athenian forum. Advertising and training of effective sales for sellers is an integral part of marketing. The technology of mass communications does not cover all the specifics of manipulating the consciousness of consumers that the market requires. I don't seem to have confused anything.
                        Thanks for the links. I will look at it at my leisure.
      3. +2
        31 January 2021 13: 27
        "Once the Grand Duke Vladimir chose the conservative branch of Christianity for Russia"
        At the end of 19, the anti-religious satirist Leo Taxel lived in France. I once read such a pamphlet from him
        The peasant had three sons, and before his death, he presented them with identical jackets made of expensive fabric, and to them instructions: how to care for the fabric. The older brothers, mischievous, began to reconstruct the camisoles: one sewed a bow with a blue bow, and the other looked and let's change the cut. In the end, the brothers settled down and began to put their camisoles in order, and after various alterations, the cut changed beyond recognition. The brothers began to swear: who loved more than his father.
        The youngest was a miser: he rarely wore a camisole, so as not to break. I took the instructions from my father, but the ink was revealed and some words could not be made out. Now he cries that he did not save and cries
        1. 0
          3 February 2021 12: 44
          Quote: vladcub
          Leo Taxel
          L. Taksil is cool. If they also read Z. Kosidovsky, they could have taught "scientific" atheism, but this freebie was canceled, otherwise some of them would not have risen above grade 10.
          1. 0
            3 February 2021 18: 10
            Alas, no luck for me
      4. +6
        31 January 2021 17: 35
        Quote: sniperino
        Orthodoxy was purified by persecution.
        By persecution against whom was Orthodoxy purified?
        Quote: sniperino
        there was no inquisition
        Yeah, tell the Old Believers about this, so they will be surprised. They were exterminated, exterminated, but there was still no Inquisition. Just visit Solovki, see the prisons there ...
        1. -3
          31 January 2021 22: 19
          Quote: bk0010
          Persecution of whom
          Don't you drive yourself, by any chance?
          Quote: bk0010
          They were exterminated, they were exterminated, but there was still no Inquisition.
          Drive exactly. You are comparing something with a finger.
        2. -2
          2 February 2021 05: 41
          Quote: bk0010
          They were exterminated, they were exterminated, but there was still no Inquisition.
          Sorry for the rude answers, didn't switch from trolling mode yesterday. It is not easy to distinguish your responses to my comments about persecution from trolling. It seems to be obvious that the synod's persecution of Orthodox priests-Old Believers is not an Inquisition. The Inquisition was preceded by a massive obsession with witchcraft. During the Inquisition, laymen were persecuted by the clergy, mainly women, who were suspected of having intercourse with the devil. The total number of victims of the Inquisition in Europe reached 10-12 million.
          The schism in Orthodoxy arose as resistance to innovations in the ritual part of the Orthodox faith. The synod is the organ of influence of the autocratic power on the church. The schismatics were and remain Orthodox Christians who resist the Westernization of Russia by its power. And the split of Catholicism, on the contrary, is associated with the modernization of the Catholic rite and dogma by Protestants and their departure from the Catholic Church.
          1. +1
            2 February 2021 20: 53
            Quote: sniperino
            The Inquisition was preceded by a massive obsession with witchcraft.
            I recommend clarifying your information. There was a massive obsession with witchcraft in Protestant countries, there was no Inquisition, they coped on their own. The Inquisition fought against heretics, most of whom were baptized Jews who continued to secretly practice Judaism (the Spanish king expelled the Jews, and the Portuguese king then suddenly baptized them in bulk). By the way, in the Middle Ages, it was possible to receive penance for accusation of witchcraft: then it was believed that the devil was incapable of doing, therefore, he could not give magic.
            Quote: sniperino
            The schism in Orthodoxy arose as resistance to innovations in the ritual part of the Orthodox faith.
            So what? They were not pursued, destroyed, and organized? And by the way, there was also an analogue of the Inquisition: I read at least one soldier who was burned for falling into the Judaizing heresy.
            Quote: sniperino
            The schismatics were and remain Orthodox Christians who resist the westernization of Russia by its power.
            But they did not consider others to be Orthodox. And them, by the way, too: the anathema was removed from them quite recently.
            1. -2
              2 February 2021 21: 15
              Quote: bk0010
              I recommend clarifying your information. Mass obsession with witchcraft
              The obsession with witchcraft originated in southern France and northern Italy. In the XNUMXth century, it covered the north of France and Switzerland. Both of these countries were the center of the witch-hunt in Europe. The Bull of Witchcraft and Hammer of the Witches, which appeared at the end of the XNUMXth century, marked the beginning of the triumphant march of demonology to the north. At first, however, the witch hunters encountered serious opposition in Germany. But already in the second half of the XVI century. the strongholds of reason fell, and unprecedented waves of persecution swept the western and southern regions of the Holy Roman Empire. So from the outskirts of Germany turned into the epicenter of the fight against witchcraft
              There are other options? And who considered whom to be Orthodox is a personal problem of the counting person. You can become Orthodox through self-determination and restructuring, with God's help, your relationship to the world in accordance with the doctrine. Without this, no rituals work, it's not magic, they only serve to help. Accounting and control of the Orthodox, the faithful goes higher.
              They were not pursued, destroyed, and organized?
              The Orthodox persecuted the Orthodox. Split.
      5. +1
        31 January 2021 22: 27
        Quote: sniperino
        Orthodoxy was purified by persecution

        Oh is it? Orthodoxy from Vladimir to this day, with a small historical break for Soviet power, was the state religion in Russia. Even the invasion of the Tatars did not change this, and the 3 centuries of the Tatar yoke, fortunately, even Genghis commanded not to interfere in the affairs of religions in the conquered countries. And even under Soviet rule, the persecutions were not comparable to, say, the persecution of the Huguenots in France, and they were in fact abolished in 1941.
        So you are driving it.
        1. 0
          2 February 2021 21: 38
          Quote: Nagan
          So you are driving it.
          If we take the history of all Orthodox churches, then there were persecutions from pagans to the Bolsheviks, including Peter 1, the Crusade (I do not remember which one) and Drang nach Ost. This is a big deal, and even more pinched.
    4. +4
      31 January 2021 11: 16
      Quote: bairat
      And what was the Russian kingdom doing in those days?

      Confusion and elimination of its consequences. It was finally eliminated only under Catherine.
      1. +3
        1 February 2021 14: 52
        I will add: despite the fact that the so-called. "Troubles" was actually the Vatican project, and crowds of "enlightened" robbers from the hungry / plague Eurpopa gutted Russia up to Yaroslavl and Vologda.
  7. +7
    31 January 2021 08: 32
    It's wonderful how, it turns out, before the discovery of America, Europe was poor)
    1. +7
      31 January 2021 12: 10
      Well, yes, under the church stood: "Give me, for food. When I seize South America and you:"
    2. +3
      1 February 2021 00: 38
      Quote: Deniska999
      It's wonderful how, it turns out, before the discovery of America, Europe was poor)

      in fairness, Spain was richer before American gold, and after it ended in debt and a backward state.
    3. +1
      3 February 2021 15: 22
      Quote: Deniska999
      before the discovery of America, Europe was poor
      Look at the "dances of death" by Renaissance artists: death follows rulers, warriors, priests, merchants, peasants ... In some areas, only frequent famine and plague epidemics at times wiped out up to a third of the population. And also the fires of the Inquisition, war.
      “The corpses were left lying in the houses and not a single priest, not a single relative, son or father, or anyone close to him dared to enter there. The gravediggers were promised a lot of money to carry and bury the dead. The houses were not locked, with all the treasures, money and jewelry. If anyone wanted to enter there, no one would block his way. "
      Have you heard this about epidemics in Russia? The Renaissance is the darkest period in European history. In WW2 they died less.
  8. +6
    31 January 2021 10: 31
    Samsonovism ... I forgot about the soft junk ... And Western countries pay and repent, repent and pay ...
  9. +3
    31 January 2021 11: 38
    "in response, Henry broke ties with the papal throne" this shows how "great" the authority of the church is. If Henry were a zealous Catholic, would he dare to disobey the Pope?
  10. +6
    31 January 2021 12: 13
    Colleagues, leave Samsonov to the hamsters! Let's read Valeria "
  11. +2
    31 January 2021 13: 02
    Quote: Lech from Android.
    At least someone after him would have written and posted an article on the same topic ... they criticize more ... it's difficult to write an article ourselves.

    I had a whole series of articles here about the conquests of Cortez and Pizarro. Take a look at the profile, find and compare ...
  12. 0
    31 January 2021 13: 22
    If you reduce the heat, then in fact it is true. Wasn't it robbed? And now the robbed and those who have joined them are engaged in the reverse process. Once passionate Europeans destroyed empires and foundations, now passionary migrants are destroying the foundations of old Europe.
  13. +3
    31 January 2021 13: 36
    The book by Philip Reeve and Jeremy Levett "The World of Predatory Cities" was previously read ... Or after the film ...
  14. +2
    31 January 2021 15: 30
    ndya..Petya Timokhin "workmate Octavian" headed the department of history of the local
    Pedagogical Institute.
  15. -4
    31 January 2021 17: 24
    Thanks for the interesting article.
  16. BAI
    31 January 2021 20: 54
    All the old cities of Germany and a number of other countries were based on Slavic settlements.

    Trier (German Trier, Lat. Augusta Treverorum, Palatinate. Trija, French. Trèves, Luxembourgish. Tréier) is a German city in Rhineland-Palatinate, “Northern Rome”, the oldest city in Germany [8]. Founded in 16 BC e. by the Roman emperor Octavian Augustus next to the sanctuary of the Trever tribe, hence the name of the city - "Augusta Treverorum" [9].

    Located in the west of Rhineland-Palatinate, near the border with Luxembourg.

    In 16 BC. highly developed Slavs have not yet crawled out of the bear den.
    The author (s) himself is not disgusted with equating himself with Ukrainian "historians"?
  17. +1
    1 February 2021 01: 35

    At the same time, Henry did not delve into religious wisdom

    For Henry the eighth, Pope Leo 10 came up with a special title - the encouragement "Defender of the Catholic Faith" Including theological work. And so on for each item of the enth "historical" essay.
  18. +2
    1 February 2021 12: 55
    I read the first sentence and immediately realized that Samsonov. Only he has the right of the strong, customary throughout the world, which Europe received by virtue of leadership in scientific progress, has become parasitism. But the Europeans are bad, and all the rest, when they cut out all the men from the defeated side, and drove all the women, white and fluffy.
  19. 0
    6 March 2021 15: 54
    I did not see the Chronicle of Predatory Cities. I saw the struggle of the dynasties with the church. And just the history of the "city-states" and the so-called "war of cities" are very interesting! It is curious that our so-called "historical science" considered and considers historical events from the point of view of Darwinism, but initially placing absolutism at the pinnacle of the historical development of states of the type as a unifying state force eliminating all fragmentation. "City-states" are viewed as a separating force, opposing absolutism, and therefore hostile to the "correct" historical process. But just the opposite - "city-states" were a kind of democratic factor at that time ... wink

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"