Why was the Czech modernization of the T-72 more successful than the Soviet and Russian?

Why was the Czech modernization of the T-72 more successful than the Soviet and Russian?

Recently, information has flashed about the resumption by the Czech Republic of the T-72 modernization program, carried out in the late 90s. Then, within the framework of this program, until 2006, 35 were modernized for the Czech army tanks, which received the index T-72M4CZ, and the program was stopped for financial reasons. Now the Czech Republic is going to modernize several hundred vehicles for its army and, possibly, for export supplies.

It should be recalled that the Czech industry has a long tradition of tank production: back in the 30s, it produced its own tanks, and more than a thousand Pz.35 and Pz.38 tanks in 1941 were in service with the Hitlerite army, and from the 70s they produced licensed by the Soviet Union T-72 tanks.

Advertising around this program is based on propaganda about how bad the T-72 tank was, imposed by the Soviet Union on its allies under the Warsaw Pact, and as one of the authors put it, the Czechs made a completely successful tank out of "pieces of shit". At the same time, the assessment of the T-72 is given for its use in the two Iraqi wars of 1991 and 2003, when these tanks in service with the Iraqi army suffered heavy losses from the US armored forces, with a demonstration of colorful videos of destroyed and burning Iraqi tanks.

T-72 in the war in Iraq

How objective is this assessment? Indeed, in the fighting in Iraq, the Americans lost several dozen vehicles, while the Iraqis lost hundreds, and this was due to several factors. The Iraqi army was mainly armed with obsolete T-55 and T-62 and about a thousand T-72 and T-72M, while the Americans had more than two thousand of the latest modifications of the M1A1 and M1A2, which were significantly superior in their characteristics to the T-72, especially in parts of the effectiveness of firing from tanks.

The Americans achieved impressive results with minimal losses due to the massive use of more advanced tanks, their advantages as far as possible to conduct effective fire at long distances, especially at night using thermal imaging sights, a well-functioning reconnaissance organization and command and control system, and good training of personnel. In addition to the imperfection of tanks, the Iraqis were distinguished by a low level of training of personnel and the betrayal of the high command in the final stages of hostilities, when hundreds of tanks were thrown without clashes.

The main problem of the T-72 was the imperfection of instruments and sights for firing from a tank. As such, the tank's fire control system did not exist, there was a set of outdated sights that were in no way connected with each other. The gunner had a TPD-2-49 day sight developed in the 50s with a single-plane stabilization of the field of view, without a laser rangefinder and, naturally, without a ballistic computer. In addition to it, an unstabilized night sight on an image intensifier tube with a night vision range of up to 500 m in passive mode and up to 1200 m in active mode.

The commander used an even more ancient unstabilized day-night observation device TKN-3MK with a night vision range of up to 500 m, that is, his capabilities for searching and detecting targets were much worse than that of the gunner.

Apparently, the Iraqis had a certain number of T-72B tanks with a TPD-K1 daytime gunner's sight with a laser rangefinder and a ballistic corrector, which somewhat facilitated firing, the commander had the same imperfect observation device.

The technical advantage of the Americans was unconditional, the tanks were equipped with information and navigation systems, commander's and gunner's sights with two-plane stabilization of the field of view, laser rangefinders and thermal imaging channels, as well as a perfect ballistic computer with a full set of meteorological ballistic sensors. It was a war of tanks of different generations with a predictable disastrous result, Iraqi tanks were hit even before they even detected the enemy.

Czech modernization T-72

Taking this experience into account, Czech specialists, when modernizing the T-72, first of all set the task of increasing the efficiency of firing from a tank and, in addition, increasing the power of the power plant and enhancing the security of the tank.

On the T-72M4CZ tank, a full-fledged control system was implemented based on the TURMS-T system of the Italian company Offichine Galileo, which ensures the integration of the gunner's and commander's sighting systems into a single fire control system.

The gunner had a day / night sight with two-plane stabilization of the field of view, a laser rangefinder, a thermal imaging channel with a vision range of up to 4000 m and a screen for displaying firing conditions built into the sight. The commander has a panoramic day / night sight with a two-plane stabilization of the field of view and a thermal imaging channel, which allows him to search for targets day and night up to 4000 m, give target designation to the gunner and, if necessary, fire from the cannon himself. A ballistic computer with a full set of meteorological ballistic sensors was built into the system, allowing effective fire from a spot and immediately, day and night, up to 2000 m.This control system provided the commander and gunner, in comparison with the base model T-72, incomparably higher firing characteristics ...

The T-72M4CZ tank also has a new power plant developed by the Israeli company NIMDA with a CV-12 1000TSA diesel engine with a capacity of 1000 hp. from Perkins and a fully automatic XTG411-6 transmission from Allison Transmission. It is a monoblock unit that allows quick replacement of the engine in 30 minutes in the field without the involvement of additional specialists. The tank also has an auxiliary power unit installed in the stern to provide power to the tank's systems when the main engine is off.

Serious attention was paid to the level of protection of the tank by installing the dynamic protection system DYNA-72, changing the attachment of the driver's seat to the roof of the hull, installing the TRALL electromagnetic protection system against magnetic mines and the system for detecting laser irradiation and automatic protection against ATGM (analogue of the Shtora system ).

A number of new systems have also been introduced on the tank, which are elements of the tank information and control system with the ability to be integrated into the network-centric battle control system. These are the DITA-97 system for monitoring and diagnosing the engine and transmission with the issuance of light, sound and voice signals to the crew members, the NBV-97 INS / GPS navigation system, which determines the location of the tank, and the RF 1350 ultra-high-frequency communication system, which provides stable and interference-free communication.

The level of Czech modernization of the T-72

All this suggests that already at the end of the 90s, the Czech Republic was able to turn the outdated and imperfect T-72 into a fairly modern machine with increased characteristics in firepower, mobility and protection and become a serious competitor to Western models. Now the Czech Republic refuses to purchase expensive "Abrams" and "Leopard-2", focusing on the modernized T-72M4CZ, which in their characteristics will not be inferior to them and can be integrated into the NATO command and control system.

Compared to the Russian modernized analogues of the T-72, the Czech T-72M4CZ is superior in its firing characteristics to the Russian T-72B3 (2011) and earlier modernization variants. With approximately equal characteristics of the gunner's sighting system (on the T-72B3M, the gunner's sight "Sosna-U" with two-plane stabilization of the field of view, a laser rangefinder, a thermal imaging channel, a laser control channel rocket "Reflex-M" and automatic target tracking, but instead of a full-fledged ballistic computer (a ballistic correction device with limited capabilities), the commander's sighting system based on a primitive, non-stabilized TKN-3MK device with a vision range of up to 500 m does not stand up to any criticism.

The Czech T-72M4CZ in terms of its capabilities is at the level of the T-72B3M (2014), on which the commander finally got a perfect sighting system based on the PAN "Falcon Eye" panoramic thermal imaging sight with two-plane stabilization of the field of view, a laser rangefinder, television and thermal imaging channels, providing the commander with a vision range of up to 4000 m day and night and the ability to conduct effective fire.

The characteristics are approximately the same on the T-90M (2018), where the Sosna-U gunner's sight and the Falcon Eye commander's sight are combined into an integrated Kalina fire control system that meets all modern requirements for firing from a tank and can be integrated into a network-centric control system.

Comparing the characteristics and level of modernization of the T-72 by Russian and Czech specialists, the conclusion suggests itself that the former allies, taking into account the deplorable experience of using the T-72 tank in the two Iraqi wars, were able to bring this tank to a decent level in the late 90s, and now there is little inferior to modern models. In Russia, only 15 years later, the T-72 was brought to the level of the T-72B3M, and in the troops there are only about 300 units, the rest are approximately at the level of the "Iraqi pogrom" and, if used, will show the same deplorable results.

If we also take into account that the Kalina sighting systems are the development of the Belarusian Peleng Central Design Bureau (however, the production of individual components of the complexes is transferred to Vologda), Lukashenka at any time may demand an exorbitant price for them, and Russian tanks in terms of their firepower can be thrown back decades. The Russian tank industry and its attendant industries still cannot recover from the collapse of the 90s and regain the role of "trendsetter" in tank building, won by Soviet tank builders.
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  1. +34
    25 January 2021 18: 12
    Why was the Czech modernization of the T-72 more successful than the Soviet and Russian?

    Because the Czechs have access to both our technologies and Western ones.
    1. +50
      25 January 2021 19: 11
      Maybe the Chekhovs have the will to make decisions. Full-bodied and not half-hearted.
      1. +1
        26 January 2021 00: 10
        Why does the author call the T-72 an obsolete and imperfect tank so categorically. In fact, the T-72 is the most massive tank in the Russian army. It turns out that the armored forces of Russia will concoct from old and imperfections? request
        1. +22
          26 January 2021 01: 26
          Well, except for the fact that the tank biathlon flies, then YES absolutely EVERYTHING.
          So I suggest you, improve absolutely everything that is in the warehouses and serve it, and build the newest and most advanced for yourself, Armata, Kurganov, Su 57, Mir 41, etc.
          And sell the old stuff, you will gain new experience on improving the old one, and you will recruit people, they will have work and money. sell the equipment to new friends and they will be grateful to you and depend on you.
          And money for the production of the latest weapons to protect the country and peace on earth.
          A solid win, well, if everything is not spent on bribes and is not stolen.
          1. +1
            26 January 2021 13: 19
            the Czechs made from "pieces of shit" ..
            here are the magicians ..
            and they wrote down the transmission from Alison in pieces?
        2. +6
          26 January 2021 07: 49
          It turns out that the mass version of the T 72 could be made much more perfect. By making a number of decisions and spending more money.
          1. -1
            26 January 2021 15: 45
            It turns out that the mass version of the T 72 could be made much more perfect.
            - is she real - but just what is it to give to her ?!
            ... Israeli sights and MSA, an Italian engine and a Swiss gearbox?
            - Well, ddddumat-well nada. Whine sometimes ...

            Even under the USSR, the West did not sell such things to us, and even after the 91st year, even more so ...
            1. +2
              26 January 2021 18: 01
              Russia can do half of what is needed by itself.
        3. +15
          26 January 2021 08: 18
          This is exactly what it is. The castrated modernization of the T-72B3, even of the 16th year model, falls short of the Czech modernization of 20 years ago.
          1. +2
            27 January 2021 07: 29

            Czech modernization 20 years ago

            What's Czech? Idea?
        4. +4
          26 January 2021 10: 35
          Quote: Proxima
          Why does the author call the T-72 an obsolete and imperfect tank so categorically. In fact, the T-72 is the most massive tank in the Russian army. It turns out that the armored forces of Russia will concoct from old and imperfections? request

          It turns out, yes!
        5. +4
          26 January 2021 17: 55
          When I read the author's name, the article aroused more confidence. This is still a Soviet tank builder from Kharkov from the plant. Malysheva. Competitors of Uralvagonzavod have been since Soviet times. The concept for the creation of the T-72 was originally aimed at creating a cheap and massive tank for a big war, to the detriment of other qualities. What we got. Now the situation has been aggravated by obsolescence. Modernization is good. But only we try to make it, as in those days, the cheapest of all. B3 caused great criticism. Slightly corrected the B3M case, but they are few. So that...
          1. 0
            28 January 2021 23: 26
            So this is a competitor of Uralvagonzavod !!!
          2. 0
            26 March 2021 12: 52
            Plant them. Malyshev was, but all came out .... Accordingly, the design school also degraded. "Masterpieces" of the plant? Tank "Oplot", which is a deeply modernized version of the Soviet T - 80, which in 30 years was able to build about 50 AF ... And which in the Donbass they managed to knock out even from the PTR of the Second World War ... What, you say, authority from the author? Himself - Svidomo?
            1. 0
              April 7 2021 09: 25
              Quote: Igor Kobernik
              What do you say is the author's authority? Himself - Svidomo?

              I have not looked here for a long time, so I answer belatedly. No, not Svidomo. On the contrary. And Yu. Apukhtin is not Svidomo. The opposite is also true. He developed tanks even under the Soviet Socialist Republic, he has nothing to do with armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the word "absolutely", he suffered from the new regime, served time, lives now (if memory serves) in the Russian Federation. If really interesting - google and do not shoot at your wink
      2. +18
        26 January 2021 00: 11
        What will the Czechs have?

        Screw French surveillance devices and Israeli engines to 34 Soviet tanks ?!

        There is a lot of Czech in these tanks ?!

        With all this costly modernization like the Czechs with ammunition? What are their tanks shooting with?

        Old Soviet sub-caliber, cumulative and high-explosive shells with a maximum penetration of 460 mm at 90 degrees, when NATO tanks in the frontal projection already have an equivalent of 800-900 mm of protection, while modern shells for NATO tanks penetrate 850 mm of armor.

        The Czechs don't need a lot of tanks, they have no one to fight, they can afford to buy engines in Israel, observation devices from France and put them on an old tank inherited from the USSR, so that they have something to take part in the exercises.

        We in Russia live in different conditions, we have NATO to the west and north, Japan and China to the east, and a terrorist threat to the south. We need a lot of tanks, modern ones made in Russia.
        1. +11
          26 January 2021 07: 54
          That's it. Not having their own resources, the Czechs are trying to keep the technique at a level. Russia, on the other hand, being able to do everything independently, saves. The T 72 is not as bad as described in the article, but the last modification could have been made even better.
          1. +2
            26 January 2021 14: 17
            Russia does not save, but tries to use resources wisely. Yes, sometimes it does not work out perfectly, but shortcomings are eliminated.

            You can make like Ukraine 10 tanks for 5 million dollars apiece for 10 years or even more and rushes around with them screaming that the best tanks in the world have made, only for a war you need not 1 or 34 or even 100, but thousands tanks.

            A tank is an infantry support vehicle, a self-propelled pillbox. Therefore, there should be a lot of them to support the infantry and reduce personnel losses.

            A tank is always a compromise, between a lot, security and modern filling with modern ammunition. However, like any military equipment.

            You can do better, only it will become more expensive, and if more expensive, then you will get fewer tanks from the same resources.

            And of course, our tanks need KAZ in the first place, new guns with new ammunition, so that they can fight NATO models on equal terms.

            If not all, then at least some of them should be with KAZ.

            We have been at war for so many years and there are not even any KAZ vehicles on tanks or armored personnel carriers, but how many people have already died under shelling while moving in columns and during battles. And the development of such systems has been going on for a long time.

            Some kind of nonsense about the infantry, which can suffer from fragments of the KAZ, as if with a burned tank the infantry has more chances to survive in battle ?!

            There are simply no words, at least one regiment was equipped with these KAZ, at least a battalion.

            No, we will send the BTR-82 to Syria, and pay compensation to the wounded and the dead, so it's cheaper than 10 people dead, it's 30 million rubles, and KAZ for a tank is 20% of its cost, the same will be on the armored personnel carrier, that is, about the same 30 million. rubles.

            Probably our generals at the headquarters simply do not see the difference, while the losses are not so significant.

            Again we are waiting for a lot of blood.
            1. 0
              26 January 2021 14: 54
              Here half-heartedness is just visible. The T 72 does not need a mega anti-tank cannon, but primarily surveillance devices to make it easier to detect the enemy's infantry and, secondly, to the KAZ. The anti-tank capabilities of tanks are not even secondary, but much further.
        2. +18
          26 January 2021 08: 42
          So they would write directly, we live in Russia, under conditions where we cannot really create anything of our own. And the western is not available. The same "Sosna-U" of Belarusian production on the basis of French components from Tales. And the engine is still the same good old B-2, only more advanced. Something went wrong with the new engine for Armata.
          These are our Russian realities. As you say, there are enemies all around, but there is no adequate answer at the modern level, again take on a massive scale, and women still give birth to tankers ?!
          Or is it worth it to show will and find money for a decent upgrade of all third-generation tanks to the T-90M level in terms of protection and fire control system and integration into a single tactical control system?
          For me, the second option is better. And you can play biathlon on the T-72A.
          1. -4
            26 January 2021 15: 49
            "... in conditions where we cannot really create anything of our own.
            - and "really" is HOW ?!
            Schaub "personally you" were satisfied ?!
          2. +5
            26 January 2021 18: 02
            Quote: Old Tankman
            but women still give birth to tankers

            smile And this is very unlikely. There is no sign of a demographic boom. Just a fart. And of those who are born, two out of a hundred will become tankers.
          3. 0
            8 March 2021 05: 32
            Quote: Old Tankman
            Or is it worth it to show will and find money for a decent upgrade of all third-generation tanks to the T-90M level in terms of protection and fire control system and integration into a single tactical control system?

            Then there won't be enough money for "Palaces" ...
        3. -1
          31 January 2021 01: 44
          "They can afford ..."
          How well said!
          It's just that human life there is more important than iron.
          But for us, in Great Russia, what is more important is what is hidden behind the 6-meter fences on Nikolina Gora, Rubl/Usp highway.
          Nothing, Russian mothers of tankers will give birth to more.
          The country has so much money in US dollars, yens and euros that it is shameful and mean to economize on weapons. But since the Central Bank is obliged to buy up new dollars and euros with all excess profits, our defense industry has no chance.
          Better to fight on a Czech 72-ke, than to burn on 72 with antediluvian B3.
          While in Russia, colonels will stumble in their apartments over plaid bags with yards of ₽, tankers will burn like in Iraq.
          1. +1
            1 February 2021 16: 51
            Quote: Comrade Kim
            While in Russia, colonels will stumble in their apartments over checkered bags with yards

            Besides the colonels, there is someone to stumble over. In addition, that colonel was from the police, and the tankers are on fire. The killed Budanov will be closer to them. Colonel too.
      3. +2
        26 January 2021 13: 15
        Quote: garri-lin
        Maybe the Chekhovs have the will to make decisions. Full-bodied and not half-hearted.

        maybe because for the Czechs three hundred tanks is a decent amount?
        1. +3
          26 January 2021 14: 56
          Is a hundred tanks a year for Russia a lot or a little? But normally modernized.
      4. +1
        27 January 2021 07: 34

        Maybe the Chekhovs have the will to make decisions. Full-bodied and not half-hearted.

        Therefore, as many as 30 pieces of them were glued, that's really full weight!
        1. -2
          27 January 2021 10: 42
          And how much is that Czech Republic? 10 million population?
    2. 0
      31 January 2021 18: 24
      lucul. Everything is very simple, they changed the tracks and he began to turn better to the left or right. He served in aviation. The pilot got out of the plane and said - even put something inside, no technique will do what the human eye will do. This muck shows what is ahead, and I can look around wherever I want. The tankers said the same. Get out of the hatch and look around.
  2. +2
    25 January 2021 18: 14
    The USSR sold only the T-72M.
    1. +14
      26 January 2021 00: 08
      The Czechs actually built themselves under a license.
    2. +9
      26 January 2021 00: 52
      1.From the USSR, Iraq received 1038 pieces of T-72 (model 75g \ ME4 \ M1). + 250 pieces of license from Poland in 1982 + 90 pieces from Czechoslovakia.
      2.T-72S did not reach Iraq.
  3. -21
    25 January 2021 18: 15
    All these sofa specialists and connoisseurs have long been disbelieved
    1. Bow
      25 January 2021 18: 29
      Who doesn't believe? Who does he not believe? Why doesn't he?
      Understood nothing.
      1. +28
        25 January 2021 19: 41
        Actually, Apukhtin is a specialist at the plant. Malysheva, leader of the "Kharkov Spring", who served several years in the dungeons of the junta.
        1. Bow
          25 January 2021 23: 10
          This I also do not understand, how and with what I touched the glorious name of Apukhin?
          1. 0
            26 January 2021 18: 03
            Not you,
            Quote: asadullin.v1957
            All these sofa specialists and connoisseurs have long been disbelieved
      2. -1
        26 January 2021 10: 38
        Quote: Bow
        Who doesn't believe? Who does he not believe? Why doesn't he?
        Understood nothing.

        But he himself did not understand anything.
  4. +8
    25 January 2021 18: 24
    From 2003 to 2006, 30 units were modernized. Using Israeli-Anglo-American products. Most of all, it touches the replacement of the power unit for 30 minutes, I specially looked at the photo of the object from the stern, there only the roof bolts will be unscrewed for half an hour, I am inclined to think that this was said for advertising for sale. But all this was written similarly only for the last words:
    If we also take into account that the Kalina sighting systems are the development of the Belarusian Peleng Central Design Bureau (however, the production of individual components of the complexes is transferred to Vologda), Lukashenka at any time may demand an exorbitant price for them, and Russian tanks in terms of their firepower can be thrown back decades. The Russian tank industry and its attendant industries still cannot recover from the collapse of the 90s and regain the role of "trendsetter" in tank building, won by Soviet tank builders.
    1. +3
      25 January 2021 20: 43
      Quote: AlexGa
      From 2003 to 2006, 30 units were modernized.

      Who will tell you whose upgrade it is
      Judging by the shape of the DZ on the tower it looks like the Czechs. But then their new one is somewhat inferior to the old modernization. The same bulwark, on a new one without a remote control.
      1. +20
        25 January 2021 21: 05
        T-72M2 Moderna (Slovakia)
        1. +8
          25 January 2021 21: 07
          Quote: Tamer
          T-72M2 Moderna (Slovakia)

          Thanks for the information.
    2. +13
      25 January 2021 21: 20
      Quote: AlexGa
      Most of all, it touches the replacement of the power unit for 30 minutes, I specially looked at the photo of the object from the stern, there only the roof bolts will be unscrewed for half an hour, I am inclined to think that this was said for advertising for sale.

      Come on. On Leopard, they slowly change the engine in 15 minutes. It's even faster on the Merkava. So 30 minutes is not advertising at all. It should be remembered what is the standard for replacing the original engine with the T-72. Remember to be horrified by the "maintainability".
      1. +7
        25 January 2021 22: 41
        Change the engine in 15 minutes? Or is it taking into account the preparatory work?
        1. +2
          26 January 2021 07: 40
          Quote: hohol95
          Change the engine in 15 minutes? Or is it taking into account the preparatory work?

          From "come with an old engine" and "leave with a new one".

          Quote: AlexGa
          I will not speak for Leopard and Merkava. I'm talking about the T-72, which has been upgraded in the body. Pay attention to the fact that Mto remains the same, the side boxes are also old, so what do they have in the candy bar? Engine and guitar?

          They have quick connectors there that allow replacing the candy bar in 30 minutes.

          Quote: AlexGa
          And the maintainability is all right, the scrap and the sledgehammer allows you to carry out all repairs with the T-72.

          What is the standard for replacing the engine on the T-72?
      2. +3
        25 January 2021 23: 04
        I will not speak for Leopard and Merkava. I'm talking about the T-72, which has been upgraded in the body. Pay attention to the fact that Mto remains the same, the side boxes are also old, so what do they have in the candy bar? Engine and guitar? And the maintainability is all right, the scrap and the sledgehammer allows you to carry out all repairs with the T-72.
        1. +2
          27 January 2021 12: 20
          Quote: AlexGa
          so what do they have in the candy bar?

          ".... NIMDA is the contractor for the proposed power plant for the T-72M4CZ variant, which includes a Perkins CV-12 Condor engine and an XTG 4II-6 automatic transmission ...."
          1. 0
            27 January 2021 13: 03
            Thank you. Here is a more detailed description: http://btvt.narod.ru/4/t72cz.htm. More or less they explain it there, but the following is not clear: how the torque is transmitted to the BKP, the method of connection with them, how the exhaust system is connected, and other little things. After all, the T-72 MTO is sharpened for its units, which means a lot needs to be redone. It is clear that the inlet louvers have been changed, but everything else remains the same. I have questions about the air cleaning system of the air supply system, this is a problem for all diesel engines. And much, much, much more. In my opinion, all this is a common "awl", to shove their products into the covers, it is cheaper to carry out modernization at the manufacturers of the tank itself. In modern conditions, you can do everything for money. And the passion for monoblocks is also detrimental. Yes, it is fast, but expensive. Because of a burnt-out gasket, that the entire block needs to be changed. I doubt that a removed monoblock can be repaired in the field. The T-72 and all other modifications are easily repaired by the crew and the battalion's MTO-80 repair platoon.
      3. 0
        8 March 2021 05: 36
        Quote: professor
        Most of all, it touches the replacement of the power unit for 30 minutes, I specially looked at the photo of the object from the stern, there only the roof bolts will be unscrewed for half an hour, I am inclined to think that this was said for advertising for sale.

        And how to unscrew it, with a wrench or a wrench?
  5. -19
    25 January 2021 18: 24
    The only normal Czech is the brave soldier Schweik .. Paul of the Czech Republic and Slovakia have not lived there for a long time, working for the Bundes. I know because there are distant relatives in Prague since the time of the USSR.
    1. +33
      25 January 2021 18: 38
      Population of the Czech Republic in 2019 -10649800
      For 1990 - 10362102
      And where is the floor of the Czech Republic not living?
      Starting from the age of 11, they have a clear population growth
      1. -15
        25 January 2021 21: 05
        It remains only to voice how much of this "plus" migrants make up .. Especially from a country that is not very "stale" ..
        1. +19
          25 January 2021 21: 22
          Quote: Turist1996
          It remains only to voice how much of this "plus" migrants make up .. Especially from a country that is not very "stale" ..

          Very little. Czechs refused to build mosques for migrants and sent them to the northwest.
          1. +11
            26 January 2021 09: 06
            Truly, wonderful are your works, O Lord. Professor and Alex TV in one thread. I already feared the worst, because I decided that you left us forever, but no, the old VO audience is still alive, alive. Prof, I certainly do not agree with you in many respects, but polemicizing with you is still much more interesting than with a bunch of jingoistic patriots. Please do not deprive us of this opportunity)))
            1. +6
              26 January 2021 16: 56
              Quote: Dante
              Truly, wonderful are your works, O Lord. Professor and Alex TV in one thread. I already feared the worst, because I decided that you left us forever, but no, the old VO audience is still alive, alive. Prof, I certainly do not agree with you in many respects, but polemicizing with you is still much more interesting than with a bunch of jingoistic patriots. Please do not deprive us of this opportunity)))

              For 10 years I have left this site only once, all the other times I was banned. The last time for "disrespectful attitude" to the most important thing in your country. wink
              But I will not be silent. wassat
              1. +2
                26 January 2021 17: 00
                Simply, it has not been seen in Einstein's comments for a long time. Although maybe I was not looking there?
                Be that as it may, your position: "You won't wait!" I'm impressed)))
          2. +1
            27 January 2021 16: 55
            Are the old guys building mosques for you? Are you there in Tel Aviv completely crazy about your Arab neighbors?
    2. +17
      25 January 2021 21: 04
      Quote: bandabas
      The only normal Czech is the brave soldier Schweik .. Paul of the Czech Republic and Slovakia have not lived there for a long time, working for the Bundes. I know because there are distant relatives in Prague since the time of the USSR.

      Invaluable information. From which side to stick it to the modernization of the T-72? Between Schweik and relatives?
  6. +26
    25 January 2021 18: 29
    The confusion with the commander is complete.
    1) The first machines delivered to Iraq were equipped with TKN-3 with first generation image intensifier tubes.
    2) on the T-72B3, the commander now has a TKN-3MK with a 2nd generation image intensifier. He has NOTHING else !!!
    And this is ... THE MOST SICK CORIN.
    Your division.
    The T-72 is a sturdy car, with good electronics and optics to give odds to EVERYONE.
    Which is the confirmation.

    "Hawkeye" and so on is a variant of the BTRZ "White Eagle".
    They are exported, for example, recently to Africa and Serbia.
    1. +2
      25 January 2021 18: 35
      Quote: Aleks tv
      "Hawkeye" and so on is a variant of the BTRZ "White Eagle".
      They are exported, for example, recently to Africa and Serbia.

      The Russian army goes to the T-72 in the version of the modernization of 2014.
      1. +22
        25 January 2021 18: 38
        . The Russian army is getting T-72 tanks in the 2014 modernization version

        Please give a link to this info.
        Or other other information.
        Anything that confirms that in the T-72 (any configuration for the RF Armed Forces), the commander will be equipped with something other than the fucking TKN-3MK.
        1. +12
          25 January 2021 19: 06
          Quote: Aleks tv
          Anything that confirms that in the T-72 (any configuration for the RF Armed Forces), the commander will be equipped with something other than the fucking TKN-3MK.

          You seem to be right.
          1. +24
            25 January 2021 19: 11
            ... It looks like you are right

            I have been waiting for this for 30 years, when the commander will get something more worthy on my Native T-72.
            1. +9
              25 January 2021 21: 15
              Photos of T-72B3 with a panorama come across, but where else they go, except for biathlon, information did not come across
              1. +5
                25 January 2021 21: 56
                . There are photos of T-72B3 with a panorama, but where else are they used, except for biathlon,

                Hello Volodya.
                For exhibitions))
                Yes, thanks for sending.
                Very interesting!!
                1. +4
                  25 January 2021 22: 15
                  Alexey, good evening.
                  Quote: Aleks tv
                  Yes, thanks for sending.
                  Not at all.
                  1. +1
                    25 January 2021 22: 31
                    . My pleasure

                    I'm talking about the video with Yakovlev.
                    Very interesting.))
                    1. +5
                      26 January 2021 09: 00
                      I can't believe my eyes .... Alex tv is back with us! I’m right, I’m already desperate to hear from you at least news. Glad, immensely glad that you do not forget about the VO community. Of course, you have no right to demand new materials from you, however, even the presence of your comments (especially in the person of that part of its readers who understand about armored matters about the same as hedgehogs in ballet) can look at many things differently. Don't leave us!
                      1. +4
                        26 January 2021 10: 33
                        ... don't forget about the VO community. New materials, of course,

                        Hello Kirill.
                        I hope the name was not mistaken? And then Professor Alexei called him)))
                        Why, forget about you ...
                        Every morning starts with coffee and a sandwich with spread WO
                        While I was in the hospital, I put the whole ward on the resource.
                        Glad to see the old Guard.

                        There are comments ... how to put it ... Empty.
                        You go in a personal to the author, and there is their carriage, written in a short time. Why does a person write This? After all, he spends the time of his life on this.
                        Thoughtful comments have a thought. If what you read makes you think, then the author really wanted to share something, something important to share.
                        I like to read rare comments.
                        Hello Altai.
                      2. +5
                        26 January 2021 15: 36
                        I hope the name was not mistaken?

                        There are no mistakes with the name or with the place of registration - everything is correct.
                        It's nice to know that you're back with us. Realizing that you're back, for real, made my day. And I think I'm not the only one. The number of old-timers on the site has been decreasing over the years, which is true, but those who are still around periodically recall in discussions those who, for one reason or another, left the resource, wondering how they are in real life, leaving out the most important question: are they alive and well? It's good that at least with regard to you, the veil of ignorance has lifted a little. I hope that you'll be with us for a long time, and if you decide to disappear, it will only be with the words: "Let it all go to hell! How many times do I have to explain to you? Enough, I'm tired!" Then we'll at least be aware that we've driven a person to a white heat and won't torment ourselves with unnecessary fabrications.

                        While I was in the hospital, I put the whole ward on the resource.

                        But this is ours! However, henceforth, it is better to expand the VO audience in less radical ways. I understand: little that depends on us, but still ...

                        Regarding the comments, I cannot disagree with you, but apparently the personalities described by you have a slightly different purpose than the desire to share their vision with others, the purpose and motivation. Which one I do not presume to judge, it is not for nothing that they say: someone else's soul is darkness. Recently, I am more frightened by openly ordered articles, in which acrome as a pursuit of the number of printed characters is nothing. And, unfortunately, there are more and more of them every year. Fortunately, in the rate of general content degradation, VO is still significantly inferior to other information resources. So, for example, if before I liked to go to Aftershock in order to read good economic analytics, then two years ago I gave up with this occupation. No, of course, good-quality articles are still being published, but they are lost in the general stream of frankly garbage news. I sincerely hope that VO is not threatened. At least thanks to the efforts of such authors as Sergey Linnik, Andrey from Chelyabinsk, Alexander Timokhin, Valery Ryzhov, the general level is still being maintained. And if they are supplemented by competent commentators, then the public will have to endure the disgruntled gundezh of these completely turned militarists for a long time)))))
                      3. 0
                        26 January 2021 15: 59
                        . are you alive and well?

                        Good afternoon, Kirill.
                        Yes, the most important words.
                        Apollo is not with us ...
                        I had a chance to chat with him on Skype quite a bit.
                        An extraordinary "magnet" was ...
                        ... in which acrome as a pursuit of the number of printed characters is nothing.

                        Well ... The site needs something to live on. And for the families of those who are promoting VO for some reason sometimes ... I want to eat))
                        Without "all sorts of bad excesses" to support the information site will not get.

                        But it is here that you can find good friends, regardless of even the country.
                        And as my experience has shown - reliable friends. PRESENT.
                        And life becomes ... more interesting))
                        Thanks for the kind words.
                        Good luck, Kirill!
                2. +3
                  25 January 2021 22: 52
                  Internet broadcasts about the delivery of T-72 with a panoramic view to Laos. But they don't need much. hi
                  1. +5
                    25 January 2021 23: 20
                    Quote: hohol95
                    The Internet broadcasts about the delivery of T-72 with a panorama to Laos

                    The T-72MS "White Eagle" went there.
                    1. +1
                      25 January 2021 23: 50
                      The path will be "eagles" ... hi
        2. +8
          25 January 2021 19: 13
          Alex tv glad to see you, haven't seen you here on the site for a long time hi drinks
          1. +23
            25 January 2021 19: 20
            ... glad to see, haven't seen you here on the site for a long time

            I had to defeat "new enemies", including a stroke.
            Already normal.
            Ready for battle, supercharger on!
            1. 0
              25 January 2021 19: 26
              Poshnish was here, I haven't seen him for a long time (his nickname is Vatnik)) when there was an article or a topic about Israel with about 300 comments and the admin deleted everything))
              1. +14
                25 January 2021 20: 08
                . Poshnysh was here, I haven't seen him for a long time (his nickname is Vatnik)

                A lot of men have gone smart ...
                But there are also new pros.
                This is good.
                I wanted one as it was before, when the comments are steeper than the article itself, quite solid.
                1. +17
                  25 January 2021 20: 43
                  Quote: Aleks tv
                  A lot of men have gone smart ...
                  But there are also new pros.
                  This is good.

                  Unfortunately, the resource (VO) has changed a lot and not for the better recourse
      2. +2
        26 January 2021 08: 58
        Do not go. Confused with the modernization of 2016. And on it the commander has the antediluvian TKN-3MK. Modernization of the 14th year only once lit up at the biathlon, and there were no supplies to the troops.
    2. +4
      25 January 2021 19: 11
      Whoa what people hi Alex TV Alex, yes, they won't put Hawkeye on the T-72B3M negative even the forehead of the tower cannot make norms without cracks
      1. +14
        25 January 2021 19: 17
        . Alex, yes, they won’t put Hawkeye on the T-72B3M

        Greetings to Alexander.
        Yes, I'm here again with you))
        Of all the excuses I've heard, only one is worthy - expensive.
        The price is even slightly more than Pine-y.
        We are waiting for the concept of "necessity" to be more important than the concept of "cost".
        Eheh ...
        1. +9
          25 January 2021 19: 22
          I am surprised by these parquet generals. Is it possible to make a normal modernization? Panoramic sight Hawk's eye, ZPU like on T-90, normal frontal DZ, without gaps and forgot the name of the autonomous power plant?
        2. +2
          25 January 2021 19: 23
          Alex tv, I wanted to ask you what observation devices are in the zpu from the T-90? Day and night or heat
          1. +11
            25 January 2021 19: 48
            ... what observation devices are in the zpu from the T -90? Day and night or heat

            The commander has a PNK-4S-01 complex with a TKN-4S-01 sight. IR device.
            In "Breakthrough" they put it with the letter "02". This is already a serious device with a thermal imaging channel.

            Optics of the ZPU ... in the T-90 I don't remember.
            And on the first "Breakthrough" was UDP T05BV-1
            1. +9
              25 January 2021 20: 01
              The commander has the PNK-4S-01 complex with the TKN-4S-01 sight.

              Just yesterday, here, at VO they talked about the commander's instruments))
        3. 0
          25 January 2021 19: 35
          Alex tv, I wanted to ask you, what do you think the zpu box is worth booking? Or maybe a stray bullet will hit and jam the tape, do you think?
          1. +5
            25 January 2021 19: 56
            ... is the zpu box worth booking? Otherwise, a stray bullet can hit and jam the tape

            You need to book everything))
            But what will be the mass of ZPU?
            It is imperative to do the alignment and calculation of the load on the shoulder strap.
            Plus, don't forget about the centering of the tower itself.
            You can't tell it offhand ...
    3. +6
      25 January 2021 20: 15
      Quote: Aleks tv
      The T-72 is a sturdy car, with good electronics and optics to give odds to EVERYONE.
      What is the confirmation

      The main problem of tanks today is the threat from the air. UAVs were added to planes and helicopters. Moreover, they are becoming more widespread. From above, all modern tanks are equally poorly armored.
      In this regard, to you, dear, Aleks TV, the question is, how do you think it is necessary to solve this problem?
      1. +15
        25 January 2021 21: 10
        The main problem with tanks today is the air threat

        Hello Odysseus.
        It's bad that the names are not visible from the phone in PM.

        There was ALWAYS a problem from the air.
        Aviation, cluster b / n, anti-tank guns, guided shots. Now UAVs have just been added.
        Everything that was before)).
        1.Protection of the upper projection by dynamic protection. For some reason, on the T-72B, the Contact-1 was MUCH better fitted.
        2. Designing KAZ taking into account air threats.
        3. The most important thing is BATTLE INTEGRITY and SELF-SUFFICIENCY OF DEFENSE MEANS of the tactical group in which the tank is included.
        The tank is a striking fist of the TGr, and not a panacea for all ills.
        TGr provides all-round protection to the tank, and it fulfills its function.
        Nothing new.))
        1. -1
          25 January 2021 21: 27
          Quote: Aleks tv
          Nothing new.))

          Only the DZ in your photo does not cover the upper hemisphere from threats from above, but only from those hitting in the forehead.
          1. +8
            25 January 2021 22: 03
            ... Only DZ on your photo is the top

            Glad to see Alexander in good health.
            Not mistaken, Professor?
            I understand what this is about.
            Well, even if only they closed it, and then forward.
            The problem of effective protection of the upper sphere has always been with EVERYONE absolutely.
            They just started thinking about it when the roast cock dragged along.
            We felt it back in the Caucasus in the cities.
            1. +3
              26 January 2021 07: 34
              Quote: Aleks tv
              Glad to see Alexander in good health.
              Not mistaken, Professor?

              We were wrong. My name is Oleg Sokolov. hi

              Quote: Aleks tv
              I understand what this is about.
              Well, even if only they closed it, and then forward.

              There is no doubt. The bald patches on the tank are not good.

              Quote: Aleks tv
              The problem of effective protection of the upper sphere has always been with EVERYONE absolutely.
              They just started thinking about it when the roast cock dragged along.
              We felt it back in the Caucasus in the cities.

              No, not now. Some of them also covered the roof with armor with dynamic protection and KAZ. However, you are right that this topic is more relevant now than before.
              1. +1
                26 January 2021 10: 43
                ... We were wrong. My name is Oleg Sokolov.

                How could I forget this combination ...
                Once again, glad to hear.
                1. 0
                  26 January 2021 16: 53
                  Quote: Aleks tv
                  Once again, glad to hear.

        2. +6
          26 January 2021 00: 44
          Quote: Aleks tv
          There was ALWAYS a problem from the air.
          Aviation, cluster b / n, anti-tank guns, guided shots. Now UAVs have just been added.
          Everything that was before))

          This is, of course, true. But now with the cheapening and improvement of UAVs, the problem has become critical. And now a reconnaissance UAV-artillery link has appeared in real time. The last war in Karabakh was a real beating of armored vehicles. Something needs to be done about this.
          Quote: Aleks tv
          Designing KAZ taking into account air threats.

          With KAZ, its difficulties are the cost, how to interact with the infantry, and the vulnerability of all these portable devices.
          In this regard, a question for you: what strategy for tank development for the Russian Federation seems optimal to you - a mass unified modernization of the T-72 (T-90) or an attempt to bring a new expensive tank with an APS, etc., to serial production and large-scale production?
          The fact that now is nonsense is understandable by itself, but how to fix it optimally is unclear.
          1. +7
            26 January 2021 01: 23
            In this regard, a question for you - what strategy for developing tanks for the Russian Federation seems optimal to you -

            On protection from "air"?
            This is it:
            3. The most important thing is BATTLE INTEGRITY and SELF-SUFFICIENCY OF DEFENSE MEANS of the tactical group in which the tank is included.
            The tank is a striking fist of the TGr, and not a panacea for all ills.
            TGr provides all-round protection to the tank, and it fulfills its function.
            Nothing new.))

            Army air defense as part of the TGr.

            There is no ideal weapon, as well as a universal one.
            Do not pack weapons into a tank against all misfortunes.

            I wrote about this a few years ago, in short:
            When forming a TGr, it includes precisely those forces and means that are necessary for:
            - completing a combat mission,
            - self-defense against any threat.
            There is safety in numbers.
            Rimbaud is a cartoon.
            Smooth interaction of the unit - this is its main self-defense.
            When a tank destroys everything in dust at a line-of-sight distance, the air above it is covered with air defense, a small caliber is made on the ground PTZ, etc.
            BTGr (battalion tactical group) is the most balanced and effective unit at the moment.

            What will happen next?
            Unification. Everyone has already forgotten that Armata, Kurganets and Boomerang are PLATFORMS in the first place.
            And on these platforms it is necessary to "distribute" the necessary calibers (in unified combat modules).
            And ... Teach them to work together.
            If you give a reverse example, it is:
            Push into the tank a smooth barrel 125, rifled barrel 155, 57mm, 30mm, 12,7mm, anti-aircraft missiles, mortar, radar and ... Everything else))
            And then to separate them into several identical machines and combine them into a single information network - to overcome such a "tank" is daunting than one wunderwolf.

            "Separation" of calibers on individual modules, working as a whole.
            This is what we are going to.
            And KAZ is not a panacea, it is one of the methods of protection, and far from ideal.

            It's hard to write this in a comment, this is an article))
            1. +5
              26 January 2021 02: 09
              Quote: Aleks tv
              On protection from "air"?

              Probably put it inaccurately. I meant the development strategy in general. Providing reliable tank protection is, of course, only one of the essential elements.
              Quote: Aleks tv
              "Separation" of calibers on individual modules, working as a whole.
              This is what we are going to.
              And KAZ is not a panacea, it is one of the methods of protection, and far from ideal.
              It's hard to write this in a comment, this is an article))

              Thanks for the detailed answer. And regarding the article, you will have time and desire, write. The topic is relevant, I think many will be very interesting.
              Maybe someone will read in high offices smile There will be practical benefits.
            2. +2
              26 January 2021 06: 48
              It's hard to write this in a comment, this is an article))

              So write, we will be happy to read. And then illiterate people are divorced here ...
  7. +5
    25 January 2021 18: 30
    The gunner had a day / night sight with two-plane stabilization of the field of view, a laser rangefinder, a thermal imaging channel with a vision range of up to 4000 m and a screen for displaying firing conditions built into the sight
    Suvorov wrote that the thermal imager is unsuccessfully implemented and has a separate eyepiece, which is very inconvenient, specifically for the Czechs. And the dviglo is super densely packed in the MTO with cooling problems.
  8. -7
    25 January 2021 18: 38
    on what basis did the author consider the Czech modernization to be more successful? In what combat operations has this been tested and proven? - Not in any? Purely advertising chatter of Czech, Italian and Jewish "specialists", representatives of firms involved in modernization? lol This is the "argument" ...
    1. +5
      25 January 2021 20: 01
      And in what battles did the T-72B3 and T-90M take part? What tanks were you fighting with? What's the result? And why do they, as usual, have no analogue in the world? .......................... Everything is the same as that of the Czechs. Nowhere and with anyone. And we have learned to sculpt advertisements and cartoons worse than foreigners
      1. -3
        25 January 2021 22: 17
        T-72B3 and T-90 were tested in Syria. In a real combat situation. Maybe against Soviet tanks... But where was the Czech T-72 tested? -- If I remember correctly, one of the Russian correspondents observed this Czech T-72 at some exhibition -- its Jewish engine overheated... at an exhibition, not in combat... it might not even make it to combat (like most NATO tanks)...
        1. 0
          26 January 2021 21: 29
          Quote: nespich
          T-72B3 and T-90 have been tested in Syria. In a real combat situation, it can also be against Soviet tanks.

          is it against the barmaley in carts? do you think this is a real combat situation?
          1. +1
            27 January 2021 22: 45
            In my opinion, yes, a real combat situation. Do you really need tanks to be tested against tanks? -- If I remember correctly, even the Americans in Iraq rarely had this happen -- isolated cases. Something else is important. The ability to march without incident, the reliability of electronics, the reliability of weapons and their effectiveness. -- So what's the problem? "Barmaley's tachankas" can be killed from a tank quite reliably! They are blown to pieces by a HE or cumulative shell... The tanks themselves are rarely hit by PTS and only from favorable angles. The electronics function even in this heat. :) The air conditioning in the tank works great! What else do you need? A jacuzzi?
      2. -6
        26 January 2021 00: 00
        Quote: V.I.P.
        And in what battles did the T-72B3 and T-90M take part? What tanks were you fighting with? What's the result? And why do they, as usual, have no analogue in the world? .......................... Everything is the same as that of the Czechs. Nowhere and with anyone. And we have learned to sculpt advertisements and cartoons worse than foreigners

        Another one with cartoons got out. Everything will not go away.
  9. +5
    25 January 2021 18: 44
    Obviously and in fact, it is necessary to restore / develop the country's electronic industry intensively, without fools and hopes for someone!
    That's just .... how you look at that, listen, "there is no money, but you hold on" "immediately becomes sour to everyone who is offended for the state!
    1. Bow
      25 January 2021 20: 28
      Academician, full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, Nobel Prize laureate (for microelectronics, by the way), deputy G.D. (for a quarter of a century, almost) and so on and so forth - Zhores Alferov repeated this incessantly from all the stands. It was impossible not to hear and understand. And if things are still there, then the future of Russia as a strong state is not particularly interesting to someone. And time flows through our fingers, and if in the 2000s it was a difficult task for us, today this task already seems almost impossible. What is being done in this regard today is not even half-measures, it is practically zero.
      And about money, there was a "most amusing story" with Angstrem-T, when billions allocated for semiconductors were buried quietly and without much noise. This, in my opinion, was a sabotage, if not centuries, then the last decades - for sure.
      1. +5
        25 January 2021 20: 39
        To look at the well-fed, satisfied faces of those who were engaged in something like that, it immediately becomes clear why we have neither one nor the other!
        And they tell the truth, there are not so few people, serious, noticeable, BUT, "Vasya" eats sour cream, not at all embarrassed!
        The paradox ... although this has a completely different definition, for which there is a corresponding article .... not one, though.
        BUT, Vaska ate sour cream, eats and will eat ...
      2. +3
        26 January 2021 06: 56
        today this task already seems almost impossible

        Come on, it seemed impossible to make industry in the 30s, but they did it.
        In principle, in 10 years you can build an electronics production. There are highly qualified specialists in the country, it is necessary to open educational institutions for training middle class specialists and just factory workers, advertise it as a promising industry and good work, people will do something and learn, so one graduation, the second for the third, and the quality of graduates is more less and teachers begin to appear in marketable quantities and scientists are. We start building factories and buy machines.
        But for this you need to invest a lot of money, do it all responsibly and normally and carefully monitor the execution. But we will simply be robbed, or rather, public money will be invested in some private plant in Taiwan or some kind of Singapore.
        1. +2
          26 January 2021 08: 27
          Quote: English tarantass
          Come on, it seemed impossible to make industry in the 30s, but they did it.

          In the 30s, the tasks were to do, not to cut the loot. request
  10. +3
    25 January 2021 18: 54
    Is the tank just electronics and sights? He also shoots. Why isn't anyone talking about a cannon?
    1. +2
      26 January 2021 06: 58
      Starting from the T-64 there is nothing to say, the gun is the same, the description of the modernization is for "connoisseurs" who understand.
      1. 0
        27 January 2021 16: 02
        It's about a Czech tank. Their gun is different, different manufacturing technology than ours.
        1. 0
          27 January 2021 16: 25
          Adaptation of 2a46 for Czech machines? If so, then I'm talking about information for a narrow circle of people.
  11. +17
    25 January 2021 18: 59
    The heavy losses of Iraqi tank crews are largely explained by the overwhelming advantage of the US in aviation, space reconnaissance and the blocking by the French of the Iraqi air defense and missile defense systems they had modernized. In such a situation, the performance characteristics of Iraqi and American tanks are not of decisive importance.
    1. 0
      26 January 2021 14: 22
      In the 1st Iraqi War of 1991, aviation intervened in tank battles. Therefore, later it was difficult to determine who was the FIRST to hit the Iraqi tank: tankmen or pilots.
      In the 2nd Iraq 2003, it was decided not to interfere with the aviation in order to test the capabilities of Abrams.
      And they checked. There was a daytime encounter with National Guard tanks en route to Baghdad. Uranium OBPS, having pierced the forehead of the T-72 hull and passed through the fighting compartment and the engine, got stuck only at the exit from the tanks from behind.
      Not a single T-72 shell pierced Abrams' forehead.
      1. +2
        26 January 2021 15: 37
        There were two battles. One in Basra, when 4 Abrams were hit (one of them burned down), and in Baghdad airport, when a US tank and motorized rifle group was defeated. They walked insolently, without a head watch.
        In addition, I watched a video on REN-TV about the repair of Abrams tanks in the USA. In total, about 400 tanks were sent for major repairs. But the main damage was wear of engines, suspension parts and chassis from sand ingress. 32 vehicles were sent with combat damage, subject to repair. The Americans did not even take the irreparably destroyed tanks to the USA for repairs.
        1. +4
          26 January 2021 15: 56
          Basra was taken by the British. There were no Abrams tanks.
          And there were Challenger tanks. One was hit from an RPG from below
          from the trench under the lower frontal plate.
          "Defeated" US tank-motorized rifle group after
          After capturing the airport, she drove straight to Baghdad without stopping. laughing
          Tanks and Bradley stopped near the Iraqi Foreign Ministry building
          just at the moment when the minister was giving an interview to foreign journalists.
          That "the enemy was routed in the airport area." The minister was told something
          in the ear, he left the hall. And the American infantrymen entered the hall.
          It was on TV.
          1. 0
            26 January 2021 15: 59
            I don't even want to argue. There is no desire to dig into their archives on the hard disk for a long time - it was too long ago, a waste of time. Yes, and naneshny TV to believe, not respect yourself.
            1. 0
              26 January 2021 16: 12
              And this is from Wikipedia, although now, too, you can't really believe it.
              “On the morning of April 3, 2003, American troops moved to Saddam International Airport on the southwestern outskirts of the city. [19] After several hours of fighting, the 3st Brigade of the 4rd Mechanized Division was able to take control of the airport. The airport became the backbone of American logistics in Iraq. over the next seven years, before sunrise on April 20, the Americans experienced a fierce counter-attack by Iraqi forces, which they managed to repel after the approach of tanks. [XNUMX]
              On April 4, 2003, the 2nd Marine Tank Battalion engaged the Republican Guard's El Nida Division and foreign mercenaries / volunteers on the outskirts of Baghdad. By the end of the day, El Nida's forces were dispersed, but three US Marines were killed and one Abrams tank was burned. [18] On the same day, the 5th Regimental Battle Group reported that two Abrams tanks were destroyed in battle with the Fedayeen and the Republican Guard. [3]
              So, after all, there were Americans, not Englishmen, and they contradict themselves. One message speaks about one lost tank, the other already about two. And you want them to confess to the defeat of their tank-motorized rifle group!
              1. +2
                26 January 2021 16: 22
                "So, after all, there were Americans, not Englishmen." ///
                Basra - in the south of Iraq. The British took it.
                And the capital Baghdad was taken by the Americans.
                In tank-versus-tank battles, the Americans suffered no losses.
                Having defeated the T-72 tanks of the National Guard brigade.
                And the Abrams were knocked out of the ATGM in the sides.
                1. -2
                  26 January 2021 17: 33
                  Read my original post. In modern times, there are no ideal confrontations between tank and tank! And what's the difference how the tank was knocked out? The main thing is that it is disabled and can no longer take part in the battle.
                  And now the methods of my opponents. Prove that Basra was taken by the British. I don’t believe in a word; I’m at least bringing something to my advantage. You have not cited a single source.
                2. 0
                  2 March 2021 12: 06
                  So it turns out that the Abrams at that time were stronger than the T-72... Well, like the German Tigers in WWII - heavily armored in the front, but heavy and often breaking (in this case from sand) Having a gun with good penetration (like the Tiger with its 88 mm back then) and cool optics (again, like the Tiger at that time) A direct analogy can be seen. Abrams with angular shapes like the Fritz... complex equipment in relatively small quantities - professional killers inside... driving on foreign soil...
                  1. +2
                    2 March 2021 13: 08
                    Right. Abrams was designed as an anti-tank weapon. It has powerful frontal armor, a cannon with long uranium OBPS and an excellent fire control system, including a night one. The gas turbine allows for sharp short jerks (like the T-80).
                    But it has weak sides, especially the hull. It is ill-equipped for infantry support and long marches. It requires a skilled shooter and driver.
  12. +3
    25 January 2021 19: 18
    I wonder what kind of "trendsetters" we were in tank building, if already tanks of the 80s, based on the article, were completely inferior to Western ones.
    1. +2
      26 January 2021 06: 59
      Well, like the answer to the T-64 appeared only by the 80s, and in the 80s the T-80 surpassed the new western tanks, and there were no others in the world.
  13. +2
    25 January 2021 19: 26
    Czech modernization of T-72 was not more successful than the Soviet and Russian!!!

    The chain is said to be as strong as its weakest link. Leaving weak stabilization of the gun and turret foundations, the effect dropped to zero.

    In terms of cost, the effect is a complete failure.
    1. +1
      26 January 2021 14: 31
      I, of course, wrote about the T-72M4CZ, and not about all the T-72s.

      In my opinion, the T-72B3M fully benefits from the Czech modernization.

      In terms of firepower - in the Russian modernization of the T-72B3M, thanks to the change in the "carousel", newer ammunition with longer cores can be used.

      Accuracy - thanks to better stabilization of the gun and the gun itself - the Czechs use the Slovak 2A46MS, and the T-72B3M is equipped with a 2A46-5 with a modified design of retractors, less backlash, etc.

      Mobility - 92 hp W-2S1130F engine in combination with semi-automatic transmission control gives better results than Allison,

      Armor - let's not forget that the Czech tank is based on an earlier version of the T-72M1, while the Russian one is based on the T-72B tanks produced after 1986 - a significant difference.
  14. +6
    25 January 2021 19: 30
    The Czechs have a rich history of creating their own armored vehicles, a school of tank builders + an open market for almost any Western company of fire control systems, optics, telemetry, etc. So we should not envy, but look at what can be used similarly. The world market for T-72 is huge. Thousands of vehicles require modernization.
    1. +2
      25 January 2021 22: 48
      The question is about money. Is there money for modernization in those countries where the T-72 is in service?
      Algeria, Angola, Mongolia, Libya, etc.
      1. +1
        26 January 2021 08: 29
        Quote: hohol95
        Algeria, Angola, Mongolia, Libya, etc.

        Etc. is it Russia? bully
        1. 0
          26 January 2021 11: 38
          And the RF is the same. hi But third-party firms will not come to us. And different "bells and whistles and gadgets" will not bring.
      2. +4
        26 January 2021 10: 05
        Algeria bought more T-90s than we have in Russia - 400. In terms of quantity, it is in second place after India.
    2. +1
      26 January 2021 00: 03
      A rich history of tank building? And after the war they did something from their own school? Their school ended in Prague and Hetzer, in the 40s. And yes, they wrote above - not such a modernization, especially for the engine.
  15. RAM
    25 January 2021 19: 37
    The Czechs did a better job of modernizing our tanks, the Americans set up production of Kalash, the Turks have unmatched drones, the Americans will soon make hypersonic missiles that will undoubtedly be better than ours, and what kind of submarines they have - ours are far away, but Western planes are so good compared to our scrap metal hey hey lyricists hold back your violent imagination, if everything is bad with us, bring it down to where no one keeps good.
    1. +5
      25 January 2021 20: 17
      You didn’t finish writing: "... get down there, learn well and come back to revive the domestic industry."
    2. +2
      26 January 2021 13: 10
      Quote: RAM
      The Czechs did a better job of modernizing our tanks, the Americans set up production of Kalash, the Turks have unmatched drones, the Americans will soon make hypersonic missiles that will undoubtedly be better than ours, and what kind of submarines they have - ours are far away, but Western planes are so good compared to our scrap metal hey hey lyricists hold back your violent imagination, if everything is bad with us, bring it down to where no one keeps good.

      But really, submarines are damn good. And the torpedoes are excellent, not to mention anti-submarine aircraft and search equipment. Maybe the money should have been used for this, and not the mastodon Poseidon and his carriers. Billions and billions of rubles have gone, but will there be any sense. Similar projects (which have no analogues) took place in Germany in 44-45 years (all sorts of Mausy), but to no avail.
  16. -1
    25 January 2021 19: 46
    Pivasos in the military field were only capable of trash ... Well, who in their right mind would consider LT-38 or LT-35 tanks - these are canned riveted cans with pukalki ... So whose cow mooed but not Czech ... And they produced T-54 and T-72, because they were ashamed to show their own projects, not only to produce them :)
  17. +6
    25 January 2021 19: 46
    Why was the Czech modernization of the T-72 more successful than the Soviet and Russian?
    - it is not more successful, it is more expensive, this time, secondly, for the Czech Republic this is the main tank, for Russia the T-72 is a mobilization tank, i.e. a tank for those who will be called up in case of war and, accordingly, it is simpler, so that it was necessary to learn less, that's the whole answer ... hi
  18. 0
    25 January 2021 19: 51
    Dear Author!
    To which countries are these "super non-Soviet / Russian T-72" exported. And how much do they cost in service with the Czech army?
  19. +3
    25 January 2021 20: 18
    the situation is so-so, everyone knows about it, and nothing happens? It's very curious, we don't want to modernize it inexpensively, we want a new magic tank - and what kind of FCS is it in, modern or outdated?
  20. wow
    25 January 2021 20: 18
    Why do Czechs need tanks at all !? To quickly surrender, as in that war, without taking the tanks out of the hangars?
  21. AB
    25 January 2021 20: 32
    Tanks, supermodernization among the Czechs ... So what? Drones are good at knocking out any tank. Without gaining air supremacy, without high-quality air defense, the tank is a target.
  22. 0
    25 January 2021 20: 40
    The main problem of the T-72 was the imperfection of instruments and sights for firing from a tank.

    The main problem of the T-72 was, is and, unfortunately, will be. This problem is the outdated BOPs. The murky issue with the rocket from the barrel... As a result - the absence of a normal FCS.
    1. +1
      26 January 2021 03: 45
      BOPS from their Czechs, it seems, even quite good.
      1. 0
        26 January 2021 19: 09
        NATO members have all the ammunition standardized, so they can easily create an MSA, but we have ... gas in our apartment.
  23. +2
    25 January 2021 20: 42
    Interesting story! About the fire control system? Right on target! About the protection, it's out of place! Because even the 72nd for export had less protection. And the principle of armoring with ceramics and plates was not passed on to anyone. That's not super at all.
    Even taking into account that in the union 72 were like a mob option in comparison with 64/80.
    It's like amer 60ku hold out. The MSA was hung. But it is before the first shot.
    This in general.
    P.S. Dynamic won't save!
    1. -1
      26 January 2021 10: 10
      On the T-72, as a cheap mobilization version, ceramics (unlike the T-64) were not installed. Sand rods were used.
      1. +1
        26 January 2021 11: 49
        I know. And the sand rods, I think, are from 72A. And the standard 72ka generally had a solid-cast turret.
        1. -1
          26 January 2021 12: 02
          Yes. On the "Urals" the tower armor was homogeneous. With the combined one there was only the forehead of the body.
  24. The comment was deleted.
  25. The comment was deleted.
  26. -2
    25 January 2021 21: 36
    It is a monoblock unit that allows quick replacement of the engine in 30 minutes in the field without the involvement of additional specialists.
    for me this is nonsense. How to repair a minor breakdown? Change the entire engine? If this is a candy bar, then it is more difficult to disassemble and tightly packed, for peacetime and against wars against third world countries (and even then not always, the same Houthis have shown) will do. But for all-out war, these monoblocks are the wrong decision.
    1. +2
      26 January 2021 20: 10
      Quote: Usher
      for all-out war, these monoblocks are the wrong decision.

      On the contrary. It is the block repair scheme that is designed for combat operations. And fairy tales about the repair of minor breakdowns on the spot are nonsense.
      The block changes, half an hour - and the car goes off to carry out a combat mission, and now repair the remaining block as much as you want - not on the front line, but in a prepared workshop.
      1. -3
        26 January 2021 20: 13
        Quote: psiho117
        Quote: Usher
        for all-out war, these monoblocks are the wrong decision.

        On the contrary. It is the block repair scheme that is designed for combat operations. And fairy tales about the repair of minor breakdowns on the spot are nonsense.
        The block changes, half an hour - and the car goes off to carry out a combat mission, and now repair the remaining block as much as you want - not on the front line, but in a prepared workshop.

        Ahahahahahahaha. They made the old man laugh. You say fairy tales, did you drive equipment at all? Heavy.
        1. +2
          26 January 2021 20: 19
          Severe - no. I had to sit inside, and nothing more.
          Have you been in battle? I was. And I talked to the mechanics on this topic more than once.
          Do you know how many new kind words I learned about maintainability in the field? ...
          And every second commercials, dreamily - that would be like on a Leopard, so once! - and change the engine block ... And the eyes are so dreamy, dreamy bully
          1. -2
            26 January 2021 20: 20
            Quote: psiho117
            Severe - no. I had to sit inside, and nothing more.
            Have you been in battle? I was. And I talked to the mechanics on this topic more than once.
            Do you know how many new kind words I learned about maintainability in the field? ...
            And every second commercials, dreamily - that would be like on a Leopard, so once! - and change the engine block ... And the eyes are so dreamy, dreamy bully

            Uhhhh I can't, so make me laugh.
            1. +1
              26 January 2021 20: 22
              Apply, laughter prolongs life.
              This is you, I, Oral agent, say hi
  27. 0
    25 January 2021 21: 41
    The fascination with optical-electronic fire control devices on tanks led to the removal of these devices behind the armor due to the increase in size. As a result, the tank increased the effective range of fire, but received the vulnerability of all portable devices at closer distances. A modern sniper rifle of standard caliber allows a trained shooter to confidently hit a 10x10 cm target at a distance of 600 meters. Large-caliber sniper rifles allow you to do this at a distance of up to 2 km. For an accurate shot, the tank usually slows down or stops and its outboard equipment becomes available for hitting with accurate small arms, not to mention close combat in urban conditions. Soviet tanks have always been distinguished by the miniaturization of observation and aiming devices. The Czech modernization turned the MBT into a tank for fighting enemy armored vehicles at long distances in conditions of direct visibility and appropriate relief. Armata got into exactly the same impasse.
    1. 0
      26 January 2021 10: 18
      Yes, the tradition of the T-34 in the USSR was ineradicable with fewer observation devices and a narrower field of view. And our tankers sit like blind kittens. Even on a familiar headmistress, targets can not always be detected, and in real combat conditions this is generally a problem.
      1. 0
        26 January 2021 10: 40
        You are wrong, the whole problem with the T34 instruments was the quality of the optical glass. Well, they installed the commander's cupola too late, but for this they had to enlarge the tower and relieve the tank commander from the duties of the gunner.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. -1
            26 January 2021 11: 11
            For example, KB-1 had as many as 11 optical devices (!) Versus 2 for the "troika". At the same time, the latter simply catches the eye with a huge number of sighting slots - as many as 12! They, of course, improved the view from the tank, but weakened its protection and in themselves were a vulnerable spot in the tank, while posing a danger to the tankers using them.

            Medium tank T-34 (crew of 4 people)

            The gunner (he is the commander) for targeting had:
            - telescopic sight TOD-6,
            - to illuminate the target in the dark, a searchlight [2] was installed on the gun mask.
            Radio gunner for shooting from the front 7,62-mm machine gun DT used:
            - optical sight PU (increase 3x).
            The commander (he is the gunner) to detect the target had:
            - PT-K commander's panorama (on some tanks it was replaced with a PT4-7 percussion, periscope sight),
            - 2 periscopic instrument along the sides of the tower.
            The driver had at his disposal:
            - 3 periscope observational device.

            Medium tank Pz.Kpfw IV Ausf. F (crew of 5 people)

            The gunner for targeting had:
            - telescopic sight TZF.Sa.
            The commander to detect the target had 5 sighting slots in the commander's turret. The gunner and loader could use 6 reticle located on the frontal plate of the tower (two), on the sides of the tower (two) and on the side hatches of the tower (also two).
            The driver had:
            - rotary periscopic device KFF.2 and a wide viewing slot. Radioman-shooter had two viewing slots.
            As a result: the horizontal pointing drive is electric, vertical mechanical, there is no stabilization, the commander's turret is there, the number of daytime optical devices is 2, the number of nighttime optical devices is 0, the number of sighting slots is 14 (!).

            This is from an article on VO "Fire control devices for Soviet and German tanks of the Second World War. Myths and Reality"

            You are voicing myths.
            1. 0
              26 January 2021 11: 54
              What does the KV have to do with it if I wrote about the T-34?
              What is the myth?
              The fact is that on the T34 model 1941 (the devices of which you described) the commander/gunner has only one panorama and a device on the left side of the turret for observation. And the 2,5x sight is for shooting, not observation. It is oh so inconvenient to rotate the turret for observation.
              The loader has a periscope and a side observation device
              And that's it! Starting with the T-34 mod 1942, the tower was changed and the side instruments were removed.
              In total, there are only two devices for observation in the turret and three (then two) for the driver (only in front of him). The radio operator's gunner's sight is completely unsuitable for observation. So it is not worth taking into account. Is this enough for you? And our tankers thought differently. That is why they came to the commander's cupola.
              And the Germans had 2 devices and 14 slits against our 9 on the T-34 mod. 1941, 6 mod. 1942 and 7 mod. 1943. Moreover, the commander could use only the sight or only the panorama at the same time.
              1. +1
                26 January 2021 12: 48
                Quote: Old Tankman
                That is why we came to the commander's cupola.
                We look at the tanks of our time, the place of the commander
                Abrams. It looks good with triplexes (+ panorama),
                although large glasses have their drawbacks

                Our T-90M. Trimplex in a circle + panorama
                Now we are looking at a Czech tank, the modernization of which is so praised in the article

                1. +1
                  26 January 2021 13: 00
                  Forgot about the T-72B3M
                2. 0
                  26 January 2021 13: 02
                  Did you know that spare triplexes are included in the spare parts kit inside the tank? Change in a minute.
                  And believe me, any tanker will prefer a broken triplex, a shell or an ATGM caught from nowhere.
                  Only on the T-90M they came to the normal commander's cupola, which had been placed on the T-44 for the last time! And then the turret with observation devices in a circle was unwisely abandoned.
                  And what does Czech modernization have to do with it if we are talking about Russians?
                  1. 0
                    26 January 2021 13: 06
                    Quote: Old Tankman
                    Did you know that spare triplexes are included in the spare parts kit inside the tank? Change in a minute.

                    I know. But judging by the fact that Abrams of the two visible both are broken, the Abrams crew does not know about this.
                    1. -1
                      26 January 2021 13: 20
                      I will not say about the Abrams, I did not serve.
                  2. +1
                    26 January 2021 15: 09
                    Quote: Old Tankman
                    And what does Czech modernization have to do with it if we are talking about Russians?

                    I was talking about the view from the commander's seat. The triplexes are not visible on the Czech tank. I think there is an optical channel in the commander's seat, but if the glass is broken, the commander will go completely blind (there is no backup optics.)
                3. +2
                  26 January 2021 13: 19
                  From my extensive experience and not only mine, in the place of the commander of the T-80 tank, normal (not to be confused with effective) observation could only be carried out through the right triplex at the base of the commander's cupola. Through TKN, when driving over rough terrain, and not on the flat path of the headmistress, it is impossible to conduct observation from the word at all. Left triplex, half covered with NSVT sleeve collector bag. Through the instruments in the hatch cover, one can only peep, not observe. In addition, turning the commander's cupola with the installed NSVT is quite difficult. Unlike the T-72, the ZPU T-80 does not have a separate shoulder strap.
                  A turret with triplexes in a circle has always been my pipe dream.
                  1. +2
                    26 January 2021 14: 14
                    Quote: Old Tankman
                    A turret with triplexes in a circle has always been my pipe dream.
                    On the T-90M (MS) they did so, but it seems that this is not the case in the troops.
                    In my opinion, if during the modernization they would change the cast turret of the T-72 for a turret from the T-90M, it would be a very good option. winked
                    1. +1
                      26 January 2021 15: 46
                      Very expensive.
                      But to upgrade all T-72s to the level of T-90A, but with the Relikt KDZ, not the Contact-5. With the Kalina fire control system and a commander's cupola of the T-90M type.
                      A completely modern modernization will work out.
      2. -1
        26 January 2021 20: 15
        Quote: Old Tanker
        Yes, the tradition of the T-34 in the USSR was ineradicable with fewer observation devices and a narrower field of view. And our tankers sit like blind kittens. Even on a familiar headmistress, targets can not always be detected, and in real combat conditions this is generally a problem.

        No need to sing the same song, already sick. This myth has long been exposed. There was an article on the site where it was written in great detail about all observation devices.
        1. +2
          26 January 2021 21: 02
          It is necessary to study the technique not on pseudoscientific articles on the internet, even if it is an article on VO.
          And that article didn't expose the "myth" at all. A little higher, based on the same article, I compared the T-VI and the T-34. And the comparison is clearly not in favor of our tank.
          If this question is really interesting, write in a personal, we will talk in detail
          1. -1
            26 January 2021 21: 41
            Quote: Old Tanker
            It is necessary to study the technique not on pseudoscientific articles on the internet, even if it is an article on VO.
            And that article didn't expose the "myth" at all. A little higher, based on the same article, I compared the T-VI and the T-34. And the comparison is clearly not in favor of our tank.
            If this question is really interesting, write in a personal, we will talk in detail

            What's the difference? What does the T-72 have to do with it? You betray a Russophobe and a liberda in yourself, with your shouts and antics
            Yes, the tradition of the T-34 in the USSR was ineradicable with fewer observation devices and a narrower field of view.
            what traditions? Can you give an example and do you know what tradition is? What does the tanks have to do with it? And then write about "our" tankers, judging by the words written above, Soviet tankers are not "yours" for you.
            1. +2
              26 January 2021 22: 19
              What porridge you have in your head.
              You need to know your history as it is. And not the way you want.
              And yes, I myself began my service as a Soviet tanker. So ours are ours.
              We can talk in a personal about the traditions of Soviet and Russian tank building.
              1. 0
                26 January 2021 22: 35
                Quote: Old Tanker
                What porridge you have in your head.
                You need to know your history as it is. And not the way you want.
                And yes, I myself began my service as a Soviet tanker. So ours are ours.
                We can talk in a personal about the traditions of Soviet and Russian tank building.

                What are you carrying? Write something yourself, then blame others. First write clearly, then be indignant. At the expense of porridge, you have it. If you think that technology is designed according to tradition. there is schoolrather than tradition. And I repeat once again, judging by your words, the Soviet tankers are not yours. You were pretending, because now you are derogatory about the Soviet tank building. Although the Germans would not agree with you during the Second World War. The problem is not what you have to admit, but the fact of the lie. Observation devices for the project were like this due to lack of experience, taking into account experience, there were more of them, but what was missing, well, excuse the situation, the enemy is at the gate. And you are talking about some kind of tradition, what do you really think, such a designer sits and thinks "in me now they will do so that they would suffer". Are you seriously?
                1. 0
                  26 January 2021 23: 05
                  I didn't accuse anyone of anything.
                  Unlike you.
                  Calm down, otherwise you have added confusion from indignation.
                  It was argued that the poor surveillance capability of the T-34 is a myth. Now you say that the devices were "like that" because there was no experience ...
                  And what they lacked - the situation is this!
                  A masterpiece!
                  By this you yourself confirmed that everything was very unhealthy with the observation devices and their number on the T-34.
                  On this I consider the conversation to be exhausted.
                  1. -4
                    27 January 2021 01: 52
                    Quote: Old Tanker
                    I didn't accuse anyone of anything.
                    Unlike you.
                    Calm down, otherwise you have added confusion from indignation.
                    It was argued that the poor surveillance capability of the T-34 is a myth. Now you say that the devices were "like that" because there was no experience ...
                    And what they lacked - the situation is this!
                    A masterpiece!
                    By this you yourself confirmed that everything was very unhealthy with the observation devices and their number on the T-34.
                    On this I consider the conversation to be exhausted.

                    It is a myth if you do not understand the observation devices were unsatisfactory due to little experience. Nobody really knew how the tanks would fight. Them before WWII massively did not apply. And what you write is "cranberry" and "stereotype". The same as "one rifle for three", "AK is Schmeisser", "Flying coffins", etc. As if the designer deliberately made the tank blind, you see such a tradition. What is this nonsense?
  28. -3
    25 January 2021 21: 47
    Their training remained in their blood when they did it for Hitler.
  29. +3
    25 January 2021 23: 06
    30 years have passed, and all "The Russian tank industry and its accompanying industries still cannot recover from the collapse of the 90s and regain the role of the" trendsetter "in tank building, conquered by Soviet tank builders."

    But what about the peremogi about the latest technology in the troops? A bunch of different upgrades?
    The articles here are full of negative reviews about sights, projectiles and electronics...
  30. -3
    26 January 2021 02: 25
    IMHO, the news is about the T-72, but about the author !!! The author is Yuri Apukhtin. Is he sitting in the "democrat" Ukraine? Or am I missing something?
  31. +1
    26 January 2021 03: 42
    Advertising around this program is based on propaganda about how bad the T-72 tank was ... the Czechs made a completely successful tank out of "pieces of shit".
    ... and further on, the author argues half of the article and proves this "propaganda". How to understand this at all !?
    In general, if in the 00s the T-72 seemed to everyone to be morally obsolete and in need of replacement, then in the light of modern trends in warfare, the tank received a second life. Drones and ATGMs equally effectively burn armored vehicles with any thickness of armor (with the exception of the Merkava, but KAZ had to be installed there too), but the 125 gun still copes with most of the targets that the aviation did not finish off.
  32. +2
    26 January 2021 08: 59
    Rave. Iraqi tanks were destroyed mainly by aircraft. There were no "Kursk battles" at all. And by the way, tell us about the really effective modernization of all sorts of Israel, Poland, Czech. Yes, they are pushing everything that is possible and impossible into Soviet technology. Where is the Polish vaunted modernized tank?
  33. +1
    26 January 2021 10: 24
    I won't say anything about Czech tanks, I'm not an expert, but beer, yes, a thing!))
  34. -1
    26 January 2021 11: 17
    Quote: Old Tankman
    and in real combat conditions this is generally a problem.

    I voiced the problems of modern tanks with their huge unprotected birdhouses, which the Czechs, like the rest, put on the T-72. In the Armata, in general, all devices are insufficiently protected from large-caliber small arms, on the Armata they are partially located under the external anti-fragmentation armor of the tower, which has a strange configuration, as "experts" say "this is stealth technology" wassat
  35. +2
    26 January 2021 13: 28
    All these thermal imagers, vichychisliteli and so on are very good for the extermination of Indians armed with bows and arrows or decommissioned Iraqi and Yugoslavian tanks and set as traps for leased weapons.
    In a real conventional war with an enemy at the technical level of the end of the 20th century, all of these wunderdevices will be "influenced" very intensively and effectively. And what will happen in a war with the use of nuclear weapons?
  36. +8
    26 January 2021 15: 40
    Why why? Because the Czechs, unlike our generals, know how to count money and want to sell it at a higher price. And hands grow from where it is necessary. They cannot appoint Taburetkin to the army in principle
  37. 0
    26 January 2021 17: 23
    I disagree with the author about the Iraqi war, almost 70% ...
  38. -1
    26 January 2021 17: 42
    to such a deplorable state, brought into the game - friends from the socialist camp! there was no need to feed them - to support them! it was necessary to give this money to their engineers and workers! and from friends, in quotes, it was necessary to skin ten times, and take all their latest developments for yourself, and not allow them to use them!!
  39. -1
    26 January 2021 18: 31
    Well, what is the actual question? If the Czechs can improve this tank, then let them improve. The Russians will certainly not go to them with outstretched hand. But in vain. With electronics in Russia, as it was shitty, it remained
    1. -1
      26 January 2021 20: 19
      Quote: AC130 Ganship
      Well, what is the actual question? If the Czechs can improve this tank, then let them improve. The Russians will certainly not go to them with outstretched hand. But in vain. With electronics in Russia, as it was shitty, it remained

      It sucks, but yeah, yeah. Apparently it's safe to fly into space with crappy electronics, but Americans They fly))) You write about Russians in the third person, what kind of people are you? Apparently, everything is fine with your electronics?
  40. +2
    26 January 2021 18: 36
    There were no cheap attack drones during the Iraqi war. Karabakh showed that the tank is a weapon of the 20th century. And at 21m he can only fight against the Papuans armed with Ak47. A small, cheap drone with a propeller flies to itself and drops 50 kg of explosives exactly on the roof of the tank. And - all
    1. -2
      26 January 2021 20: 18
      Quote: AC130 Ganship
      There were no cheap attack drones during the Iraqi war. Karabakh showed that the tank is a weapon of the 20th century. And at 21m he can only fight against the Papuans armed with Ak47. A small, cheap drone with a propeller flies to itself and drops 50 kg of explosives exactly on the roof of the tank. And - all

      Against a normal army, this drone of yours doesn't fly for 5 minutes. But what will you do with a machine gun against a tank is a question.
  41. +1
    26 January 2021 19: 13
    Material...like my neighbor has...a Mercedes, and I drive a seven....Nothing special....
  42. 0
    26 January 2021 20: 19
    Now, and even earlier, it is impossible to install imported components on our tanks. The hopes of the early 2000s for worldwide kissing have long since turned into dust. This is clear to the whole world, except for our compradors, who still live in the hope of peace with the West and live as before in the "holy 90s" under Yeltsin.
  43. 0
    26 January 2021 20: 39
    The Iraqi army was mainly armed with outdated T-55 and T-62 and about a thousand T-72 and T-72M, while the Americans had more than two thousand of the latest modifications of the M1A1 and M1A2, which in their characteristics significantly exceeded the T-72, especially in parts of the effectiveness of firing from tanks
    - aviation and others destroyed the bulk of the armored vehicles of Iraq, tanks are far from in the first place. And even then, the Americans tried to fire in "comfortable" conditions.
  44. +1
    26 January 2021 22: 44
    For the sake of justice, the T-72 was originally planned to be a modification of the T-64A with a different engine, and up to the 90s it was always on the sidelines - with the same modern optics it was equipped according to the residual principle (after the T-80 and T-64). Moreover, its use in the area of ​​nuclear weapons use is doubtful - it is not airtight, the sleeves are thrown out. And even under the USSR, it was planned to unify the tank fleet on the basis of the T-80UD, but then the production of engines remained in Kharkov, and they did not consider it necessary to establish production at home. So his and his modifications T-90 (aka T-72BU) have a long life as the main tank of the RF Armed Forces - the result of the collapse of the USSR and a chain of accidents.
  45. +1
    26 January 2021 23: 11
    "The Iraqis, in addition to the imperfection of their tanks, were distinguished by the low level of training of their personnel" - that's how "experts" on Russian websites like to reproach everyone who loses on Russian equipment with their low level of training)) But this personnel fought successfully for almost 20 years. Then, however, the author clearly explained that even the most trained personnel had no chance against modern enemy weapons)
  46. 0
    27 January 2021 08: 27
    Probably, it is more correct to write not the collapse of the 90s, but the collapse of the 90-20s.
  47. 0
    27 January 2021 17: 05
    A colleague raised the topic.
    When I was studying at my first university, all my tests and exams were only on barrel Pilsen (after) at the Central Park of Culture and Sports, with shrimp. My first business trip to independent Slovakia in 91, what are we going to base our work on? I know Pilsen. Hee-hee, here's our Velky Sharesh, I'll like it. I sipped it, and that's it, and then all the negotiations and contracts were only on it...
    Dukla has an impressive memorial complex, tanks, self-propelled guns. They are not going to demolish it, like the monument to Konev ... I hope ...
  48. -1
    28 January 2021 02: 14
    The author should first have promised that the Czechs talk about their tanks and how openly they envy the upgrades to the level of the T-72B3M and T-90M and sadly about their tanks, and not civilian, but the most military ones. Plus, if Russian tanks showed themselves excellently in the conflict in Syria and in the Middle East in general, bearing minimal losses and perfectly withstanding any ATGM hits, at the same time, western tanks burned and were knocked out from any angle, especially abrashi, well, and an enchanting rasikodon piece by piece leo2 to a shred of cornet hits, and the Israeli merkavas were pretty good, but the modern Russian T-72B3 / T-90A did not really want to be hit and did not hit

    so interesting, I remember the modernized T-72s in Israel to SIM versions, in Georgia 2008 they burned many times better than the simple T-72A and B sitting on a pipe in the Russian army ...

    so what is the special Czech modernization and in which regiment this was fought by science, it is not known, even in peacekeeping missions, but here the author categorically "to the morgue, meaning to the morgue" I remember recently another eGsBird argued that the Chinese type 96/99 are superior to the T-72 and 90 in everything, especially the MSA, when asked how he knows whether he was in the tank and whether he can specifically explain what is better than viburnum, and indeed last year the Chinese bought Russian 125mm high-power ammunition for testing and as a result the first shot tore the barrel, our tanks shoot these very calmly, plus in the tank biathlon everyone understands the episode with the sloth's blade in Chinese 96, so the LMS will be of the same quality level, but eGsBerD was at the level of our naval protesters "take my word for it - I'm a gentleman" you know "we ask a question, the answer is" I don't know - I feel " laughing
  49. -1
    28 January 2021 03: 53
    An article in the style: "How bad everything is with us, and how everything is good with the Czechs, because they are smart, but we are not" laughing
  50. -1
    30 January 2021 12: 15
    As in the movie "The Marriage" - "...if only Ivan Ivanovich's nose, and Pyotr Petrovich's mouth..." If you collect ALL the best in the world in tank building and install it on one vehicle...
  51. 0
    31 January 2021 00: 53
    As for the supposedly low combat effectiveness of the Iraqi T-72 in comparison with the M1A1 and M1A2, this is rather a myth. The Americans achieved success, as a rule, through the massive use of aviation. In addition, Iraqi T-72s are vehicles manufactured for export, sometimes already outdated. As for the modernization of the Soviet T-72 by the Czechs, then, in general, the successes of Czech tank builders look rather modest and after World War II, they no longer designed tanks. A total of 30 vehicles were modernized. Total. Not much for “trend setters”. In any case, they did not participate in hostilities and their real combat capabilities have not been confirmed by practice.
  52. 0
    31 January 2021 10: 32
    author Almost all of Iraq's tanks were destroyed not in tank battles or by Abrams. They had helicopters, planes and artillery for this purpose. Having all of this in huge quantities, you have to be an idiot to make direct contact with the enemy. And you are far from it. Besides, the bulk of the tanks were abandoned. Shooting at inactive vehicles, even a child can handle it.
    regarding Czech modernization, where and whom they defeated.
  53. +1
    1 February 2021 05: 51
    What I completely agree with the author is the catastrophic state of the armored forces of Russia. An analogy with the early 40s is very suggestive, when one and a half thousand truly combat-ready T-34 and KV were not assembled into powerful STRIKING FISTS, but simply "smeared" across the territory of the USSR.
  54. 0
    4 February 2021 09: 27
    While the current Russian authorities are saving on child benefits, new infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, and at the same time taking tens of billions of dollars out of the country every year, it is useless to talk and write about the revival of Russia and the army...
  55. The comment was deleted.