Fifth informational

Fifth informational

First there was a word

When they talk about signs of civilization, they talk about clay pots, obsidian spearheads, pyramids ... That is, about the material achievements of that very civilization. But there is another side of the coin, which, in general, is well known to everyone, but which is paid much less attention: information. This is, perhaps, no less, and often a more significant component of civilization.

Namely, the component informational... So I would still like to separate the purely material world from the world of symbols (usually everything is lumped together). The enormous superiority of a person at an early stage of development was the ability to communicate using articulate speech... Different herd and gregarious animals (and termites) can, of course, act together, but this is not at all the same. Only human ancestors could convey with the help of speech certain “abstract”, previously “not prescribed” concepts.

Which immediately provided them with a gigantic advantage over the animal world. The need to transfer information exists both in the community of ants and in the community of bees (otherwise joint activity is simply impossible), but in terms of the level it is seriously inferior to human speech. And it was the invention of speech that made it possible to create the first organized human communities (it was impossible to do this without speech).

That is, we can say that story humanity as humanity begins precisely with the invention of articulate speech. This is not "one of", it is base condition... Oddly enough, some animals can work with tools, only humans can work with information.


The invention of one form or another of writing was the essence of the next information revolution. Its significance was already difficult to understand in the era of universal television, and today it is all the more difficult. However, for most of their history, people have lived in a state of information hunger / information vacuum. “What I see, so I sing,” something like that. It was customary among the most different peoples to appreciate a variety of singers / ballad-writers, storytellers ... Until the 19th century, if anything, this was the case in Russia.

For most of history, a literate person is a big person. Not only everyone, few people knew how to read and write, most up to modern times did without this wonderful skill. That is, access to written information very clearly divided human society into the elite and everyone else. "We were robbed by literate foremen" - this is already from the era industrialization! That is, the invention of writing is the greatest invention of mankind. Even today, scientists are studying the records of the ancient Sumerians, Mayans, Romans, Egyptians. And this is the most valuable source of information about bygone civilizations.

Prior to that, information existed only on "biological media". A knowledgeable person died, forgot something with age - that's it, hello! Information has been lost. For most of human history, empires were governed, in fact, by "papyrus scribes." The management of society is the management (collection, processing) of information, therefore any organized society automatically generated bureaucracy. The more complex the society, the more flows of this very information. Moreover, this information is confusing.

It is possible to control "live" at the level of a local tribe, following customs. That is, both the efficiency of the economy and the "development ceiling" were largely set by the very "scribes" and their literacy. Without some form of writing (hello, Incas!), An empire is impossible.


The next "information revolution" in the course is the invention of the printing press. Literacy was not widespread, and books often cost a fortune precisely because of the complexity / high cost of reproducing them. This had to be done manually. It is clear that in such conditions, the cost of the book simply went off scale, and the library was available only to very high-ranking / rich people.

In other words, the “millennial wisdom” contained in the scrolls, it certainly took place, but only a few could use it. A poor agricultural society, super-expensive books ... It was a completely different world. The print press changed this world forever. The cost of the printed book (for obvious reasons) was much lower. It was this (along with other events) that literally blew up Europe. That is why, in most countries, printing houses have been under tight control for hundreds of years. So it was in the time of Philip II, so it was in the time of Nicholas II.

Circulations of "seditious books" were seized and destroyed, it was politically dangerous to be a "publisher" (tremble, bloggers!). The import of foreign books / newspapers was tightly controlled even in the XNUMXth century in Europe. But, we must admit that, despite all the censorship slingshots, the print press has changed this world much more than gunpowder.

Even an ordinary citizen got access to basic education and the opportunity to acquire ... Yes, at least the novels "about the stupid baron." And that is bread. Imagine living in a society where only source of information - the same illiterate people around ... Horror. For some reason, "funny cats" got into my head, but let's not talk about them, let's talk about inexpensive "folk" editions of ancient Greek philosophers. And, as you know, a person who has not read a single book is not so terrible as a person who has read only one book ...

Perhaps, the New Time and the European colonial empires, as well as the industrial revolution, are just a consequence of this print press and general reading. Breaking changes do not necessarily occur in finance / politics / technology. Sometimes this happens in the information field. The available printed information was just one of the reasons for the transition from the Middle Ages to the New Time.

It was not for nothing that at one time in Spain Catholics were forbidden to read the Bible, so to speak, in order to avoid misinterpretations. Padre knows what is best ... Otherwise people will start reading, asking questions ...

Telephone, telegraph ...

The next (fourth) revolution is the second half of the 19th century: the telegraph / telephone. Before that information "traveled" again at the speed of a physical carrier - a rider / ship, which created gigantic problems in managing large empires. It was then that the "surplus" of information appeared for the average user - as a result of a combination of telephone / telegraph and print press. Residents of the capitals were given the opportunity to read fresh news about what is happening almost all over the planet.

You have to understand that even in the first half of the XNUMXth century the situation was completely different, news reached for months ... Sometimes for six months. We have already developed a habit / indifference to news from all over the world (especially today), but this situation has arisen quite recently. And again, the societies that fell under the information skating rink were rapidly transforming. The balance of forces on the planet also changed dramatically. It is impossible to imagine the First World War without railways / large steel steamers (means of transport), but even without a telegraph / newspapers / radio it is practically impossible to imagine it.

The same can be said for the revolutions that shook the German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. Without mass literacy, newspapers, telegraphs and railways, all this was unrealistic. And we must remember that it was Germany in the 20s and 30s that was the most radio-equipped country in the world. And Goebbels is primarily a radio ...

Implicitly, the information revolution here led to very serious socio-political consequences, almost completely reshaping the structure of society. And a radio playing music / broadcasting news, and a fresh newspaper with a wide range of news from other cities / countries in every apartment - these are just the consequences of the fourth information revolution. Yes, in France, for example, the Gazeta began to be published in the time of Louis XIV, but until the end of the XNUMXth century the press was not mass.

Fifth informational

Television, for all its spectacularity, is just one of the components, and in time, it is more likely the fifth than the fourth revolution (author's opinion). The very "fifth", which was already marked by the widespread introduction of personal computers and the Internet into our everyday life. For those living nowadays, it went virtually unnoticed (TV came to every Soviet house 15–20 years earlier than personal computers. That's all. Cable TV / Internet via fiber ... Romance.). And after all, back in the 70s in the same USSR, our information capabilities would have seemed absolutely incredible. Libraries (the relevance of information is sometimes several decades), cinema, television (a couple of programs), newspapers (local, paper). These are the sources of information available to the "ordinary user".

And that was literally yesterday. That is, “about America” one could read an ideologically consistent article in the newspaper, an equally seasoned book from the regional library, watch the program “Vremya” about her ... Well, and discuss it with friends in the kitchen. However, not a lot. Absolutely. And just then about the same America it was possible to tell any kind of fairy tales: they believed / did not believe in them, depending on the political views of the narrator / listener ...

It is clear that today all those "discussions" of the 70s / 80s are of little interest to anyone and are not at all relevant. Although sometimes some relics (about gigantic salaries and unlimited freedoms in the West) are still found. But the situation inside the country was little and poorly known. Also for obvious reasons. So it was easy for a resident of Tobolsk to find out what was going on there in Uryupinsk, it was oh, how difficult it was ...

That is, mass cellular communications, the Internet, computer technologies have fundamentally changed civilization (for the umpteenth time). To understand this, it is enough to compare the world of the late 80s of the XX century with the world of the early 10s of the XIX century. The availability of information, the saturation of society with information, the ability to manipulate it have increased significantly during this short time by historical standards (information has come off the physical medium and got the opportunity to "live" in the virtual world for an unlimited time). Think back to the angry tweets of the current president of the United States that are available to people around the planet at the time of writing. The funny thing is that then they talk about them on TV, and then they can even be printed in a paper newspaper (the author himself saw it!).

And even his very election, which went in addition to and contrary to the giants of the media sphere ... These very "giants" were for Clinton, but the world had already changed, and they did not understand this. This, unfortunately, happens. Today, for almost a penny (with a basic knowledge of the language), we can communicate with almost almost the majority of residents of any developed countries directly. Well, to throw off the "cats" for sure. You get used to good things quickly.

Everything was different yesterday

Back in the 80s, the only widely available form of communication in most countries (including Russia) was a landline telephone, paper letters and telegrams. Not much. Moreover, the letters took a very long time, and the telephone connection was not so cheap. And landline telephones were not in every apartment. Darkness. The main form of communication was just "personal communication". Now it is remembered as history.

Although, of course, this had its advantages: most of the available entertainment information (if there were two TV channels on b / w TV) were, for example, books. So it goes. Today, in the presence of the Internet, the volume of entertainment information, such as videos, films, games, is such a volume that more than one human life is needed to "use" them completely, which, by the way, leads to a certain "segregation" - division into those who read, and those who are no longer interested in it at all.

That is, today for the first time in the history of mankind, the volume of artificial audiovisual information is such that it makes reading practically unnecessary for many. After all, any interesting, popular book can be used to make a movie or even make a computer game. That greatly facilitates the perception of information. And people don't have much free time.

The brain of a normal person needs new information - and that's okay. Why TV used to be, and now the Internet is addicting? And this is the simplest way to get the very information the brain needs. Note that with a certain degree of fatigue, for example, you can no longer work with documents and write reply letters, with very serious fatigue you cannot even read a good book, but you can always watch TV. Even when you are terribly tired or even drunk. Therefore, both "dependence" on television and watching it for many hours every day became characteristic of industrialized countries in the 70s - 80s.

Man is an information dependent creature

Today, "gadget addiction" becomes the same disease, when a person "sticks" to his phone from morning till night. The normal need of an intelligent being for information and an abnormal method of satisfying it.

Remember the players who played games day and night and ... died? It's from there. Homo Sapiens are "informational" creatures with all the pros and cons of this as follows. Organized human society (starting with the Sumerians and Mayans) is built on the collection, processing, storage and use of information, and, therefore, a radical change in these issues inevitably leads to a radical reorganization of society, whether we like it or not.

It is not for nothing that they say that the past XX century is the century of cinema. Was it cinema that largely shaped our idea of ​​the world around us and our consciousness? Meanwhile, cinema is just an information technology for the transmission of audiovisual images, no more and no less. Speaking about the industrial revolution of the late XNUMXth - early XNUMXth centuries, they usually list different technologies from metallurgy, chemistry, and electrical engineering. But human consciousness and human society were much more strongly changed not by open-hearth furnaces, dams and blooming mills, but by radio, cinema and the mass press, available for a penny to everyone.

This had both its pluses and minuses: it is clear that the Holocaust, as well as the destruction of “racially inferior Slavs”, were physically impossible without a broad propaganda campaign through mass media and such mass means of transportation as rail transport throughout Europe. Today we have "Twitter revolutions" ... Moreover, as it was correctly noted, a person who calls on Twitter to "go to the streets and overthrow the government" physically may not even be in a "Maidan" country, or maybe even sit on an American military base in USA... Even so.

One cannot but recall Navalny, who at the time of Nemtsov's murder tried to hand out leaflets in the subway and was detained for this. Simply, the comrade acted "in Lenin's way", that is, relying on the technology of 100 years ago ... True, there were not so many "revolutionary workers" in Moscow in 2015. But, as it seems to me, Ulyanov-Lenin, of course, would immediately have appreciated the capabilities of the Internet for the fight against autocracy ...

It means that you sit in a Bernese cafe, chew a bagel, wash it down with coffee, write political articles on a laptop, and "every St. Petersburg worker" reads them on the same day on his smartphone ... Babble! And the autocracy is simply obliged to collapse! Seriously, today for the first time in history there is a possibility of almost unlimited horizontal exchange of information. For the first time in history, the direction of flows has changed. This has almost never happened before.

Even in the era of the Enlightenment, it was enough to control the universities and printing houses, as well as the capital's cafes and salons ... And seditious people found it difficult to roam. More recently, the one who controlled the “buttons” on the TV remote controlled the mass consciousness in many ways. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Symposia and conferences of the past (congresses, ecumenical councils, plenums) were associated with the physical movement of their participants, which was difficult, time consuming and expensive. Today, the discussion of this or that issue can go on continuously, practically "on the job" ... And with a very wide range of participants (those who are interested).

Imagine, quite recently, the only form of discussion of some historical events, but at least on June 22 - a conference, participants, speakers, a presidium, decanters of water ... Publication of the materials of this conference ... In principle, today everyone has the technical ability to address millions, tens of millions with a presentation their ideas on any range of issues (not extremist). Of course, not everywhere, oddly enough.

Overcoming the curse of the physical host

Nevertheless, if earlier the publication of books / articles was limited purely physically: cost, opportunities of printing houses, effective demand for printed literature, etc., and sometimes even talented writers over the years pounded the thresholds of publishing houses, today it is no longer relevant. The problem is in the "content". And again, the volume of, for example, printed articles in traditional paper newspapers was strictly limited to very small sizes. For quite objective reasons.

In rich countries, newspapers could be larger. The magazines were expensive, and again the circulation. Why was “subscription” limited under the USSR? And it's expensive. In fact, these "thick" magazines were expensive just to be published. But they were subsidized, and there was not enough “subscription” for everyone. That is, the clay / papyrus / parchment tablets themselves are a revolution, but the printing press / cheap paper is a revolution, and the transition from physical means of displaying information to electronic ones is also a revolution.

Almost the entire history of human civilization, its information component was limited by physical media. And manuscripts, alas, are burning, and libraries. And Akaki Akakievich (in the XNUMXth industrial century) worked only as a "copier". And remember the "stamp paper". More recently, a completely new, "breakthrough" machine was designed entirely by hand - with a pencil on paper. And they learned how to make copies of drawings on paper quickly and cheaply also quite recently.

Well, and "finalizing the drawing" meant drawing it, in fact, anew. Handles. Today, people who are thousands of kilometers from each other can work on the same "set of drawings". And the same drawing can be edited endlessly, without fear of "wiping the paper to holes." Because there is no paper. Absolutely. Which radically changes the picture. And it changes civilization as a whole. Earlier, again, (continuing the theme of the sets of drawings), if the design bureau made edits and changes to the product, then a gigantic work was to be done to introduce them into numerous copies scattered across different factories ...

The work is complicated and expensive, and it did not always go smoothly ... The paper carrier, in principle, by a certain moment, completely exhausted its capabilities (like clay tablets at one time, and calfskins, a little later). It was simply impossible to develop further on such a basis. That is, the very "fifth revolution" was provided by developments in the field of computers, television, electronic communications. And it was in fact inevitable.

Revolution is not always good and not for everyone

But, of course, along with the positive, there are also negative aspects of the same revolution: along with the already mentioned unhealthy TV / Internet / gaming addiction, there is the fact that the so-called "social networks" from the very beginning were closely guarded by the special services (no one to interrogate: a person “starts a case and conducts it” on himself, and there are pictures). Also, if the printed circulation is extremely difficult to withdraw, then the electronic database (for example, historical information) "to correct" is much easier and faster. Imagine the Ministry of Truth from 1984 in modern realities ... No need to burn any newspapers and tear down posters ... Oceania always fought against Eurasia ... or Eastasia? Not important. It is enough to start the "information update" and everything changes. On tablets and TV screens in places where "voters" gather.

The funny thing is that "they inject Robots - a happy man”, it was quite predicted, although it did not quite come true, manned flights to Mars did not come true unambiguously, but the universal network horizontal somehow none of the "futurologists" foreshadowed the exchange of information. By the way, the outright trash around "Russian interference in the US elections" is largely due to the West's horror over the loss of the information monopoly. The so-called "freedom of speech" and "freedom of the press" existed there exclusively in the field of propaganda.

Thus, Russia is given to understand that Any trying to work with an American audience will be seen as aggression. That is, oddly enough, the same Americans nobody at all do not want to start up on their information plot. Nobody at all. And from this it is necessary to draw appropriate conclusions. But it became clear only after the next information revolution.

By the way, you can learn about real life in Germany from the German press or from the Russian, or from the electronic network biographies of the Russian Germans, who were en masse in Germany after 91. The difference is amazing. The author himself was deeply shocked, in particular, by the presence of a powerful organized crime in the Bundes Republic. It's like describing a flood in New Orleans (and our bloggers were there!). From first hand it looks very different.

In any case, the revolution took place exactly where it was not quite expected. And as a result of this revolution, the transformation of modern society inevitably occurs. As it was after Bell and Gutenberg. Inevitably. After all, no one today will deny that without writing the existence of a complex society is, of course, possible, but very, very difficult. Scribes in Ancient Egypt, scribes in Sumer, scribes in China, it was they who constituted the basis of civilization in terms of information support. The invention of simple (non-iroglyphic) writing made literacy accessible to the broad masses and completely changed the societies in which it became possible.

The printing press literally "blew up" Medieval Europe, and it was the unwillingness of the same Ottomans to publish books in large quantities (for religious reasons) that determined their lag. The print press is getting close (historically) and an obvious revolution. No, of course, no one hid Gutenberg's achievement, but this is presented somehow in passing, along with gunpowder and geographical discoveries. So to speak, "in a bundle". So, I would like to note the particular importance of this very printing press of Gutenberg, which is no less important for the development of European civilization than the creation of ocean-going ships and a compass combined, and, plus, nautical charts.

This invention (and its widespread introduction into the life of Europeans) in itself changed a lot. Information component. The printing press destroyed feudalism no worse than gunpowder cannons and muskets with arquebusses. The ability to virtually instantly transmit information over vast distances has once again changed human history. Radio + telegraph / telephone are not just "inventions" as they like to present them, they are revolutionary changes. It was they who largely predetermined the onset of the XNUMXth century with its cinema and television.

The end of the XX and the beginning of the XIX - this is the very "fifth information", the computer (in any form) plus the network completely reshape civilization. Well, there has never been a "horizontal communication" so cheap, simple and global. No one could easily transfer entire libraries from continent to continent in tens of seconds. On the other hand, the ability to read / write for the last thousand years has been absolutely necessary for a serious exchange of information, recently the situation has changed dramatically not for the better.

That is, again, the norms and rules (and technologies) of human society were created in the “previous information era” and are very poorly suited to the new one. In any case, the society that was "standard" in the era of the 80s, as if suddenly became history. That is, a smartphone, oddly enough, will inevitably play the same role as the Gutenberg press in the XNUMXth century or the telephone / telegraph / cheap mass printing in the XNUMXth century.

In other words, it will completely reshape both human consciousness and the entire civilization.

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  1. +10
    22 January 2021 10: 14
    It would be nice for the author to read and mention in the article the book of S. Kara-Murza "Manipulation of Consciousness" and the works of Antonio Gramsci mentioned in this book. Just in the article.
    But even so it turned out better than the Belarusian notes beloved by the author. laughing
    1. +19
      22 January 2021 10: 21
      If you think that no one is manipulating you, then you are in the hands of professionals

      It's easier to fool our people than to convince them that they are fooled

      Our television does not adapt to fools. It produces them.
      1. +15
        22 January 2021 10: 45
        "Information itself is not power, otherwise the most powerful people in the world would be librarians." Bruce Sterling
        But the ability to manipulate people's minds with the help of information is still what a force.
        Our television does not adapt to fools. It produces them.

        That is why they nicknamed it by the people - "zomboyaschik")) The most impartial and objective media is a video recorder)
        1. +11
          22 January 2021 11: 40
          Quote: Crowe
          That is, a smartphone, oddly enough, will inevitably play the same role as the Gutenberg press in the XNUMXth century or the telephone / telegraph / cheap mass printing in the XNUMXth century.

          What is the essence of the article?
          Maybe this is another educational program:
          - information security,
          - an ode to the smartphone as a "masterpiece" of human thought,
          - or panegyrics on freedom of speech?

          The point of view of the Author is interesting, but not obvious, because even in an illiterate and uncivilized society, the seller is always interested in embellishing his product and selling it at a profit. It is possible that the desire to stand out, to give information about oneself from the best side and to interest (deceive) the opposite side is characteristic of all living organisms on earth - man, animals, plants - but only man brought this ability to Jesuit perfection, while the rest of the organisms have enough that nature or the Creator originally laid in them.
          1. +3
            22 January 2021 17: 06
            What is the essence of the article?

            1 Read.
            2 Think it over.
            3 Profit!
            1. +2
              22 January 2021 19: 48
              Oleg! Good article! I speak as a person who has been hired by this since 1977 and is doing it now.
        2. 0
          22 January 2021 17: 05
          "Information itself is not power, otherwise the most powerful people in the world would be librarians." Bruce Sterling

          Will you deny the informational component (base) of civilization?
          In vain. It takes place.
          About this article.

          But the ability to manipulate people's minds with information

          There is a place to be.
          But this is a completely different story.
          As Sigmund Freud told his daughter: sometimes a banana is just a banana.
        3. 0
          23 January 2021 10: 30
          Quote: Crowe
          That is why they nicknamed it by the people - "zomboyaschik")) The most impartial and objective media is a video recorder)

          The DVR and the journalist's camera are equally impartial if you forget that any camera shoots only what falls into someone's directional lens. and show on TV or in court what remains after editing.
      2. +6
        22 January 2021 11: 57
        If you think that no one is manipulating you, then you are in the hands of professionals

        Not wrong - "If you don't see a sucker in the scheme, then this sucker is you yourself")))
      3. +3
        22 January 2021 15: 02
        Our television does not adapt to fools. It produces them.
        The phrase - even immediately carve in granite! Only instead of "television" insert "mass media".
        1. +1
          22 January 2021 20: 02
          Students often asked me why we have such bad advertising? I ask - why is it bad? They are stupid to me! But she sells! So good! The bad one - that doesn't sell! Draw your own conclusions. They went to practice, twirled around in ... environment, and they say - you are right. The more stupid the advertisement is, the better it sells! We made a conclusion.
        2. +1
          22 January 2021 22: 34
          Quote: Undecim
          Our television does not adapt to fools. It produces them.
          The phrase - even immediately carve in granite! Only instead of "television" insert "mass media".
          Are they making a fool of you right here and now? Or is VO not "our" media?
          1. +2
            22 January 2021 22: 49
            Yours, yours. And he makes his own contribution to the production of these very stultorum, which has already been repeatedly discussed here.
            It is enough to look at the submission of materials in the sections "News", "Opinions", "Analytics" and read the comments of the regulars of these sections.
            Another question is that the efficiency is 90 percent, but no one has yet achieved one hundred percent exhaust in such a case. But they try.
            With such authors as Kharaluzhny and Samsonov et cetera his similia, there can be no other.
            1. +3
              22 January 2021 23: 05
              Quote: Undecim
              Yours, yours.
              This I mean that nils pressed on the word "our" (people, TV), as if others produce clever people. But in essence the objection: the media does something out of us exactly as much as we allow it to be done. And not necessarily the result is dumb. The main thing is to watch, not relax and not be omnivorous.
    2. +2
      22 January 2021 17: 02
      It would be nice for the author to read and mention in the article S. Kara-Murza's book "Manipulation of Consciousness

      Was reading
      20 years ago.
      The book is very good

      The article is a little about the wrong aspect of information.
      Or not at all.
      There are many topics. request
  2. +21
    22 January 2021 10: 17
    Russia is being given to understand that any attempt to work with an American audience will be viewed as aggression

    We would also have to respond in a mirror-like manner when trying to work with a Russian audience.
    1. +3
      22 January 2021 10: 41
      Quote: Semenov
      We would also have to respond in a mirror-like manner when trying to work with a Russian audience.

      This is what we do. "WASHINGTON, December 28. / TASS /. The United States government is allocating $ 290 million to" counter Russian influence. " "In 2021, RT will be financed for 27,3 billion rubles ($ 370 million). In addition, the RT legal entity may be allocated money to create a German version and renovate its headquarters in Moscow."
  3. +4
    22 January 2021 10: 17
    "The need to transfer information exists both in the community of ants and in the community of bees (otherwise joint activity is simply impossible), but in terms of the level it is seriously inferior to human speech."- what about dolphins?
    1. +3
      22 January 2021 18: 01
      And what do dolphins say about this :?)
  4. +9
    22 January 2021 10: 29
    Is information a weapon? Yes. if there is no other information ...
    The most stable element of an information attack is a person with established principles; he simply does not perceive information that is contrary to his principles.
    Before launching an info attack, the principles must be discredited and presented as not useful.
    1. +6
      22 January 2021 10: 48
      More correctly, beliefs.
      There is an opinion, as a product of the analysis of facts at the level of the conscious work of the brain, the opinion may change if a person receives other facts or changes the analysis algorithm, and there are beliefs as a result of influencing the subconscious.
      And beliefs at the level of the conscious work of the brain are very difficult to change. This does not mean that beliefs are bad, beliefs are different, there are also very useful ones, but you need to understand that the subconscious cannot be changed by facts, a person will not perceive them if they contradict his beliefs, as this causes severe psychological discomfort , and Rather aggression against the one who reported new facts. And of course, a person will subconsciously come up with such an explanation for the New facts so that they do not conflict with his beliefs
      1. +2
        22 January 2021 10: 56
        Quote: Avior
        Rather, aggression against the one who reported new facts.

        Perceiving these facts as an attempt to deceive. Entailing the loss of life and material values.
        1. +3
          22 January 2021 11: 42
          This is already a conscious analysis.
          Dissonance is if you present to a religious fanatic the facts that there is no God. The more convincing the facts, the more aggression towards you. And his subconscious mind will come up with a convenient explanation for its comfort, in the style of guesswork, for example, "maybe ...."
      2. +2
        22 January 2021 12: 57
        Well, and modern media do not seek to influence through consciousness - they have enough of the subconscious! :)) And, as the works of Robert Dilts show, changing beliefs by appealing to the subconscious is not such a difficult task ...
    2. +2
      22 January 2021 13: 46
      he simply does not perceive information contrary to his principles.

      According to this logic, the majority of the population is resistant to information attacks (try telling the "USSR witness" that not only traitors are to blame for the collapse of the "best country in the whole country", or the "market witness" that a planned economy can be more effective than a market economy), but practice shows that it is not.
      I think that it is precisely the one who is able to perceive all information, to filter out the slag from it and to seek the truth: to carry out some kind of analysis, albeit a simple one, in the mind, who is resistant to an information attack. Oh yes, another important, in my opinion, property in resisting information attacks: to accept any information calmly, without the heat of emotions, without falling into horror, anger, fear, and so on.
      1. +2
        22 January 2021 14: 08
        Of course, manipulation by changing the emotional state is very common, and controlling emotions is an important factor in resisting manipulation. But even when combined with critical thinking, alas, this is often not enough. Most manipulation is based on the use of ignorance. Therefore, the third component of successful protection is knowledge: methods, signs, principles ... "Knowledge is power!" - the thesis is not outdated even today. But now it is becoming more and more difficult to turn information into knowledge in modern conditions :)).
        1. +1
          22 January 2021 16: 26
          Could you familiarize yourself with the methods, signs, principles ...? Or give a link to the article useful? I have not seen anything just concrete in this direction, I use exclusively personal experience.
          1. +3
            22 January 2021 17: 58
            At the expense of usefulness - all this, of course, is subjective and individual :). Someone is useful, someone is not. So that one article - I also did not come across. There are books by methods, principles, methods: Vasiliev A. D. "Word games. Manipulative operations in media texts" (2013), Grant J. "I don’t believe! How to see the truth in a sea of ​​disinformation (2017), Levitin D. Guide on lies. Critical thinking in the era of post-truth (2018). Gusev D. G. "Ears waving a donkey. Modern social programming "(2018). Well, according to the signs - in science, a whole direction has developed: profiling and identification of lies - there is also a fairly extensive bibliography: Ekman, Fry, Filatov ...
            1. +2
              24 January 2021 09: 14
              Phew, accepted.
          2. -1
            22 January 2021 19: 58
            Quote: Plate
            I use exclusively personal experience.

            Today, in the Internet age, personal experience is yesterday. There is such a book where it is written in detail how this is done. You can buy, you can download!
            1. 0
              24 January 2021 09: 15
              Personal experience is already yesterday. At least 40 years old. Accepted.
          3. +1
            23 January 2021 10: 51
            ways 1 simple information, getting into the brain, is remembered and made habitual 2 periodic repetition (taking into account Weber-Fechner's law) from different sources, can make it accepted and inspire confidence in her 3 image of a vampire, in order to influence emotions to distract from reasonable comprehension (ah children were beaten at the rally). 4 introducing false information necessary for the manipulator by allegedly accidentally wedging it among useful and truthful information (Wikimedia works on this principle in the interests of the United States) 5 nested action you came to a disco to get acquainted but there you have to buy drugs 6 flattery ... from all this, only one method, rejection of multi-dominant (pagan) consciousness according to Walter Lippmann, when there are many dominants (according to Ukhtomsky), and subordinate serotypes in the mind, and therefore it is possible to achieve a rejection of one or another principle (dominant) and associated knowledge (stereotypes) and to impose a new one not connected with experience (common sense), and knowledge, human principles, a separate new stereotype (or even dominants) created artificially by a manipulator in his own selfish interests. A religious person with a monotheistic, one-dominant consciousness is more difficult to manipulate, it is possible to instill in him a number of stereotypes, although it is difficult and only if they fit into the common single (and not torn) canvas of his consciousness, but it is impossible to totally manipulate his consciousness, because all manipulations will come into conflict with its main Dominant of all seeing unkillable eternal and omnipresent with its rules of life (commandments) and its simple knowledge are all connected to the same dominant and forming a single hierarchical system with it.That is why modern total manipulators (owners of global media) hate religion so much and fight it , they need people amoeba amorphous stupid stupid without principles, which can be imposed any opinion in the interests of their exploitation. from credit to drug
  5. +5
    22 January 2021 10: 35
    The "great myth-makers", the enemies of the communists, invented their next myth that Lenin just left Russia for a walk around the world, just as they wander around the world after their capture of Russia. That Lenin was not threatened by any political repression and execution, because Nicholas II, whom they praised, was so kind that in 1906-1909 he executed "only" 90-100 times more people per year than were executed a year in the previous 100 years.
    1. 0
      22 January 2021 10: 46
      Quote: tatra
      the enemies of the communists invented their next myth that Lenin just left Russia to take a walk around the world

      Your idea is not entirely clear, no one composed anything.
      Lenin, after exile in Shushenskoye, after a short stay in the city of Pskov, with the permission of the Pskov authorities left for Switzerland, then moved to Germany and, under the pseudonym "Mr. Meyer", began to prepare an underground publication of the newspaper Iskra.
      1. +2
        22 January 2021 13: 01
        In this case, your idea is also not entirely clear. That is, you say that no one and nothing threatened Lenin during this period ???
        1. -2
          22 January 2021 13: 22
          Quote: BMP-2
          Oh, you say that no one and nothing threatened Lenin during this period ???

          And who could threaten him? In Pskov, he calmly participated in illegal gatherings, but the authorities themselves released him abroad, where Ilyich traveled all over Europe.
    2. -1
      22 January 2021 17: 10
      The "great myth-makers", the enemies of the communists, invented their next myth that Lenin

      I certainly did not graduate from conservatories,
      but aren't there songs not about Lenin? With KVN
    3. +2
      22 January 2021 18: 06
      The great myth-makers, "the enemies of the communists, invented their next myth that Lenin just left Russia to take a walk around the world, just as they wander around the world after their capture of Russia.

      I was looking for money, wasn't it? ))))
      That Lenin was not threatened by any political repression and execution, because Nicholas II, who was praised by them, was so kind that in 1906-1909 he executed "only" 90-100 times more people per year than were executed a year in the previous 100 years

      As Dostoevsky wrote, the level of development of a society is determined by its attitude towards criminals.
      And in this regard, Lenin, with his inkwells made of bread in prison or, for example, exile to Shushenskoye, cannot be compared, even with the example of S.P. Korolyov, who had his teeth knocked out and his ribs broken during interrogations, and other detainees in the USSR ...
      If the tsarist regime took at least half of the future repressions from the Bolsheviks, then there would be no revolution, like the Bolsheviks themselves.
  6. +3
    22 January 2021 10: 42
    Interesting article.
  7. +6
    22 January 2021 10: 52
    What is this, as it were, notes on the events in Belarus? smile And Lenin with a laptop, like a parallel with Tikhanovskaya. smile
    1. +3
      22 January 2021 17: 13
      This is what, as it were, notes on the events in Belarus

      Of course. More recently, Belarusian scientists have established that Belarusian was the first language in the world.
      They also found inscriptions on the mov on the bones of mammoths ...
      It seems like the Tyrannosaurus rex ... but this is inaccurate.
  8. +3
    22 January 2021 10: 57
    This is a hint that it is time to introduce a ban on anonymity. Sooner or later, a single electronic signature will be required as a true identifier. It will be clear what kind of person he is and from where he writes not only to the special services.
    1. 0
      22 January 2021 17: 14
      This is a hint that it's time to introduce a ban on anonymity.

      Not once about that. request
      1. 0
        23 January 2021 09: 36
        Well, how do you suggest separating the wheat from the chaff in the information security of the state? Your article is about the vulnerability of society as you say in "horizontal information".
  9. +3
    22 January 2021 10: 58
    Thus, Russia is given to understand that any attempt to work with an American audience will be viewed as aggression.

    Very reasonable, by the way ...
    The ruling class has long realized and accepted a simple truth - It is necessary to lead, and not to lag behind events!
    1. +2
      22 January 2021 11: 28
      Quote: rocket757
      Very reasonable, by the way ...

      No propaganda will work if the attitudes of public life do not diverge from life itself, when these attitudes are considered fair by the majority of citizens.
      1. +4
        22 January 2021 11: 43
        Well, the ruling parties are by no means stupid .... no society aspires to bring a crisis. They create a society of illusory well-being, fill it with fantasies, hopes, support it, if necessary, with handouts, cash infusions !!!
        In general, all methods are good to keep your power !!!
        They have learned the lessons of the past ... at least the ones that control the situation.
        1. +3
          22 January 2021 13: 06
          They create a society of illusory well-being, fill it with fantasies, hopes, support it, if necessary, with handouts, cash infusions !!!
          Well, it depends on where :)). In some places, they do not even try to create illusions, it is easier for them to adopt the law prohibiting the denial of aggression, and to put handouts in their pockets :))).
          1. +2
            22 January 2021 13: 17
            That is why it flares up here and there.
            Quiet happens only at the churchyard ... and even then not everywhere.
      2. 0
        22 January 2021 17: 54
        No propaganda will work if the attitudes of public life do not diverge from life itself, when these attitudes are considered fair by the majority of citizens.

        A bit wrong - no propaganda works - if it rests on a religion that is one step higher. In general, propaganda can be interrupted by other propaganda or religion, there are simply no other options. Ignoring enemy propaganda only leads to defeat.
    2. +4
      22 January 2021 19: 57
      Dear Victor (rocket757), the ruling class not only realized the importance of information flows, but has been actively working in the field of information management for a long time, skillfully shaping the necessary flows and technically eliminating those harmful to it. Information is the working body of politics and a means of increasing capital.

      Here's an example of how this is done.

      According to the testimony of Yuri Vulfovich Byaly, vice president for scientific work of the international public fund "Experimental Creative Center", the international pharmaceutical lobby, united all over the world, is frantically buying up mass media in different countries. If a couple of decades ago the mass media belonged to thousands of owners, then by now their number has decreased by almost 10 times. It looks like a rapid and inevitable collapse pulling the universe to a point. The reduction in the number of owners does not mean the closure of newspapers, magazines, TV channels, film studios, Internet platforms such as Facebook, etc. It means a seemingly imperceptible, Jesuitically cunning change in the information policy of the mass media in the interests of the owner. Media tycoons from pharmaceuticals control our ideas not only about the course of the coronavirus epidemic, but also impose their political preferences, gradually leading mankind to dehumanization, that is, to such a worldview when crime and immorality no longer seem like that. We are simply being lowered into the Stone Age. And now the great achievements of human thought - a smartphone and a laptop become means of alienation from spiritual values, to which mankind has been painfully going all the past millennia.
      It has come and is now losing.
      That's what we need to talk about!
      1. +2
        22 January 2021 23: 23
        Dear Lyudmila Yakovlevna.
        There are many things to say, about some cases / events / incidents it is high time to SCREAM!
        Who will do this?
        State leadership? so they are the exponents of the will, desires, the ruling class ... the very ones who created this situation are promoting everywhere and everywhere.
        Press, media? ... so free, truthful, it is practically NOT, everything is under the control of the rich, the ruling class.
        Public organizations? ... so there the situation is the same as with "free media" one to one!
        It turns out that we are left with OUR common misfortune, one on one, and no one except ourselves will change anything, WILL NOT correct it!
        And we, an amorphous, divided mass, will not gather in any way ... but at least into something essential, meaningful !!!
        The upper, ruling, well remembered and use the old principle - Divide and conquer!
        But we, many good principles, do not want to remember, understand and apply, we cannot.
  10. 0
    22 January 2021 11: 14
    Exactly. Bravo! good
  11. +4
    22 January 2021 11: 30
    Simultaneously with the development of information technologies, the consciousness of mankind is being simplified, which facilitates the manipulation of public consciousness and the enslavement of a person in the digital GULAG in the interests of power.
    The other day, sorting through books, I found letters from my father from 1996 and 2007. He died 4 years ago. I read it and talked live. In 10-20 years, these letters will also carry a thought and leave a feeling of communication after reading. Now they do not write letters and communicate by phone, and therefore nothing remains of the person, except for the number in the telephone directory. Turn off cell towers and the Internet, and people, having lost their usual ways of communication and communication, will be in confusion and confusion.
    1. 0
      22 January 2021 12: 07
      Quote: Nyrobsky
      will be in confusion and confusion.

      Therefore, there is such a large number of entertainment programs, games, guessing-style talk shows, sports events that have nothing to do with sports, even the USE in this very format - guess the melody.
      All this is not accidental, an experienced hand is felt.
      And if you cover up all this, then this very confusion will begin among people, because you cannot corrode yourself, they have driven themselves into a corner from which you cannot get out.
  12. -1
    22 January 2021 11: 50
    the article is chaotic, in fact about nothing. It is necessary to write not about the amount of information and not about the media, but first of all about the QUALITY of the information. For example, on the Internet there is a lot of USEFUL information on how to grow potatoes or service the battery, but many of this information is simply useless ...
    But there is such information that prices are rising because: I continued to pour in special terms, market conditions, price fluctuations and other crap, that is, words that people do not know and do not want to know, because all these words are not of this world. PRICE GROWTH itself very much concerns everyone.
    We can chat as much as we want on the forums about all this nonsense, but prices are still going up.
    But for example, under Stalin, prices were lowered, this was after the war. Yes, it was. And this applied to everyone. But even these low prices were still high in relation to market prices in the Republic of Ingushetia, because in the Republic of Ingushetia there were markets, and in the USSR there were no markets, the peasants and workers all their products HAVE HAVE BEEN DELIVERED to the state, otherwise it was already redistributing the goods as it saw fit. And this process ALWAYS led to an increase in prices. Why? But because the state, which got into the market with its officials, is already an INTERMEDIARY, which also wants to have its own grand piece.
    I got distracted.
    As a matter of fact, the quality of the information in the public domain is only at first glance unconditional, but in fact there is a huge amount of fictitious information and the most interesting thing is that there are those who are engaged in creating deliberate lies.
    An example can be given as follows. There are USEFUL computer programs and there are HARMFUL viruses that destroy information. But these viruses are created by the programmers themselves and such programs are always ordered.
    On the one hand, there is an increasing flow of useful information, on the other, there is a SEVERAL times greater flow of false, fictitious, harmful and obscure information. And from experience I can see that people are confused in this information.
    For example, take TV: some kind of talk show where deputies, political scientists and others, who are supported by this state, shout, swear, accuse each other of lying, and this has been going on day after day for many decades under this state.
    And what about advertising? After all, this is a legalized lie. They say to us: "advertising is the engine of trade", but in fact it is not, advertising has become a channel through which there is a constant lie, about worthless goods that do not have the qualities that advertisements paint and introduce into the minds.
    You can no longer watch TV, except for lies and low-quality films from NTV, there is nothing there.
    Does this look like the progress of human society?
    1. +1
      22 January 2021 17: 16
      The article is chaotic, in fact about nothing. It is necessary to write not about the amount of information and not about the media, but above all about the QUALITY of information.

      Yeah. there is, therefore, the most truthful superbook, with answers to all questions, but in one copy and under lock and key, in the treasury of the Duke of Tuscany.
      How much will it help you?
    2. +1
      24 January 2021 13: 55
      Quote: Bar1
      But at the same time, even these low prices were still high in relation to market prices in the Republic of Ingushetia, and because in the Republic of Ingushetia there were markets, and in the USSR there were no markets, the peasants and workers HAVE DELIVERED all their products to the state, otherwise they already redistributed the goods as you saw fit.
      There were markets in the USSR. I personally visited them. The price in the markets was significantly higher than in stores.
      1. 0
        24 January 2021 14: 33
        Quote: bk0010
        There were markets in the USSR.

        you do not confuse the markets where ONLY private traders could sell there. I also sold apples and raspberries with strawberries from the dacha. But I'm not talking about summer residents. But about peasant farms, such as the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, where the WORLD prices for bread were formed was in RI.
        1. +1
          24 January 2021 14: 42
          Quote: Bar1
          And about peasant farms, such as the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, where the WORLD prices for bread were formed, it was in Ingushetia.
          Do peasant farms form world grain prices? Are you seriously? In the Republic of Ingushetia, the peasants, after all the quitrent taxes, did not have much grain for food, grain for sale was produced by large farms, where farm laborers, not peasants, worked. Well, or give proofs of your maxim.
          1. 0
            24 January 2021 15: 01
            Quote: bk0010
            Do peasant farms form world grain prices? Are you seriously? In the Republic of Ingushetia, the peasants, after all the quitrent taxes, did not have much grain for food, grain for sale was produced by large farms, where farm laborers, not peasants, worked. Well, or give proofs of your maxim.

            have you heard about the famous Nizhny Novgorod fair?

            The Nizhny Novgorod Fair flourished for almost 100 years and had no equal either in Russia or in Western Europe. Delivery of goods to the Nizhny Novgorod fair to the middle. XIX century. accounted for more than half, and at the beginning. XX century 1/10 of all domestic trade and a significant part of the annual productivity of the entire industry of Russia - in the middle. XIX century. - 1/2, at the beginning. XX century - 1/7 part. (7, d.1296; p.197-198)

            About the size of the fair in the 1870s. A. Milyukov gives a figurative representation in his travel notes after visiting her in the summer of 1873: Imagine the Petersburg and Moscow guest courtyards are broken up in one place with the addition of a forest row and a pushing market ”(8, p.124)

            Trade at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair fell into three categories: domestic, European and Asian goods. The leading position in the fair trade turnover was occupied by trade in domestic goods, which accounted for 73–75% of the total import. After the adoption of the protectionist tariff in 1891, the trade in foreign goods decreased from 14% to 7%, and then to 5% of the total fair import of goods. ( nine)

            All goods produced in Russia were presented at the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. Therefore, contemporaries spoke of it as “an exhibition of everything that is produced and consumed by the mass of the Russian people. A foreigner should go around the fair and the marinas and he will get a complete and correct idea of ​​the Russian industry. " (8, c.136)


            I was talking about such markets with a capital letter.
            These are the forms of exchange of goods between the city and the countryside and are the main socio-economic relations in human society.
            1. +1
              24 January 2021 18: 06
              The fair is gorgeous, in fact, the prototype of the stock exchange, what has the peasants to do with it?
              1. 0
                24 January 2021 18: 40
                Quote: bk0010
                The fair is gorgeous, in fact, the prototype of the stock exchange, what has the peasants to do with it?

                peasants traded there. which arranged all the commercial affairs of the world.
  13. +1
    22 January 2021 12: 00
    Any source / collector of information, wherever you take it, a website / TV channel / newspaper / social network, can contain / contains information aimed at forming a certain opinion / desire / skills / ideas. Plus of today's information life - you can search / find alternative sources of information and get a more or less objective picture of what happened / is happening. It is still possible, although even in the most "free" countries there is and was limitation of information. For many, an alternative is not needed if life is arranged or suits them with enough basic sources of information.
    Manipulation is, was and will be. Everywhere and everywhere. The majority do not realize this, and the minority, which is aware, themselves manipulate and are engaged, and the rest of the weather does not.
    1. +1
      22 January 2021 13: 12
      More precisely, not "can contain", but "always contains", since the person who provides information always pursues some goal, which is precisely the recipient of information either to change the attitude, or to cause an action, or to receive from him other information, or force him to make a decision ...
  14. +1
    22 January 2021 12: 13
    Not a bad article, only at the end the repetition is annoying, and so it is quite on the level.
    That is, we can say that the history of mankind as humanity begins precisely with the invention of articulate speech. It is not "one of", it is a basic condition.

    So it is - "in the beginning was the word."
    Our mentality is built and based on the WORD. This is the foundation of our human thinking. And now there is a transition to "digital", which is so necessary for the development of AI, which threatens to completely break our human mentality (emotions). And this is a very disturbing and unexplored moment.
    These very "giants" were in favor of Clinton, but the world had already changed, and they did not understand it. This, unfortunately, happens.

    They saw the development of the Internet around the world as a way to spread their propaganda, and when the Internet became truly universal, then all their propaganda and manipulation became visible on its own. And they already realized this - which resulted in an unprecedented level of censorship on Twitter and Facebook, Whatsapp, the suppression of any dissent. There will still be roofing felts - they will tighten the screws on all information fronts)))
    1. -1
      22 January 2021 17: 18
      Not a bad article, only at the end the repetition is annoying,

      And all one thing is not so understood crying
      1. 0
        22 January 2021 17: 40
        And all one thing is not so understood

        The most difficult thing is the transfer of information from person to person. And in order to correctly reach another person, you need to objectively assess his level of development, more precisely, what audience the article is intended for. Too cleverly written - the smart will appreciate it, and the rest will not understand, too primitive (and intelligibly) written - the smart will say-fi, but the rest will understand intelligibly)))
        It's all about what target audience it is designed for.
        In this case, Wikipedia is good - there almost every word is highlighted, and if a person does not understand this word, then he can always study it in more detail (just click on it).
        You can't do that in an article ...
  15. +3
    22 January 2021 14: 18
    Good article. not very smart (I haven't seen such here for a long time) but good. True. What is not mentioned in the article? Well...
    In general, information itself does not have any meaning) Its exchange is very exaggerated, in fact, the exchange of INFORMATION in modern society is negligible. Dependence on gadgets is not dependence on information. At all. People exchange for hours, days, whole lives ... a slight emotional tickle. It is not data that goes through data transmission networks, but emotionally colored influences, that's all.
    What does it look like on social media? A pinch of biased nonsense is thrown in. And then, on the material of this nonsense, "" begins, the most favorite pastime of modern slaves of the gadget. What, do people exchange information there? What nonsense, really! With the help of various kinds of techniques, people try to evoke certain emotions in each other. Those who are weak in this (the majority) are happy to follow the "fights". And it's all. There is nothing else on the network. No information exchange. Only scratching the senses.
    The information flow that has become available today naturally led to a powerful overload of the brains not adapted to work with information. And the brains are simply closed from information. People were even more dull. This is the only and not repeatable result of "information revolutions". All this could not have ended in any other way.
    What's the matter? What kind of problems do we really have? Well, that's a completely different story)
    1. -1
      22 January 2021 17: 49
      What does it look like on social media? A pinch of biased nonsense is thrown in. And then, on the material of this nonsense, "" begins, the most favorite pastime of modern slaves of the gadget. What, do people exchange information there? What nonsense, really! With the help of various kinds of techniques, people try to evoke certain emotions in each other. Those who are weak in this (the majority) are happy to follow the "fights". And it's all. There is nothing else on the network. No information exchange. Only scratching the senses.

      Nonsense - remember the school. Any information instantly flew among peers, at that age, the brain is open to information, and everyone knew what music to listen to, what movie to watch, what was fashionable and what was not fashionable.
      But with age, a person is less and less open from communication, more and more includes critical thinking, more and more isolated from the crowd, and as a result, more and more isolated from information. By retirement, the separation from the information background of our time reaches critical values ​​- a person is divorced from reality and lives in memories.
      And here the Internet comes to the rescue - thanks to the same Odnoklassniki, many pensioners have found a second wind - this is what the exchange of information does between people.
      You just didn't understand the full depth and timeliness of the article.
      1. +1
        25 January 2021 09: 33
        Quote: lucul
        Everyone knew what music to listen to, what movie to watch, what was fashionable and what was not.

        This is NOT information. At school, information was given in the classroom. What you are talking about has nothing to do with INFORMATION.
    2. 0
      29 January 2021 17: 12
      Quote: Mikhail3
      The information flow that has become available today naturally led to a powerful overload of the brains not adapted to work with information. And the brains are simply closed from information. People became even more dull ...
      What is it?

      The law of the transition from quantity to quality. The laws of dialectics work regardless of our attitude to them. But the majority consider learning these very laws boring and not at all useful. "What's the matter?" smile
      1. 0
        1 February 2021 09: 06
        The communists (even those who were real) had the idea that people were simply not well informed. But how will they get free access to information ... Got it. The result is that they have become very stupid. People do not want information. They need confirmation of their beliefs. And they don't want to learn anything at all, "I'll find everything on Wikipedia." As a result, the brain becomes weak and destroyed. An objective result that smart people tried to avoid, slowing down the process of the emergence of a global network.
        Alas. Americans living in their own fantasy world thought to destroy dictatorial regimes with the truth. Not understanding how the truth will affect their own country. They simply did not realize all the other consequences of the launch of global network technologies ...
        1. 0
          1 February 2021 09: 30
          Quote: Mikhail3
          But how will they get free access to information ... Got it. The result is that they have become very stupid.

          Firstly, together with a huge stream of reliable information, several times more powerful stream of false or simply empty information is supplied. Humanity has not yet learned how to clean all this garbage from the Web.
          Secondly, this is only the first stage. Never mind, time will pass - people will learn to use the Internet effectively.
          1. 0
            1 February 2021 12: 51
            Humanity will not make such an effort. Lies are selling. Sex is all worn out, does not sell more ... This is not a stage at all. Have you heard about the "end of history"? This did not happen. But the end of development is before us. Humanity has failed (with the purposeful collapse of the USSR) the first and last attempt to go into the future.
            At the moment, we have stopped developing and are keen on regression. Due to the fact that the transition of management systems, from those that worked in conditions of total deficit, total shortage and mortal risk, to those that should work in conditions of developed technologies and an economy of prosperity, did not take place. And it will not take place.
            So a general regress is inevitable, until the moment when civilization once again collapses into itself. And then - 5-7 billion dead, depending on the moment when the collapse occurs. Then, perhaps, a new leap from scratch. Or maybe - a civilization of intelligent dogs, or horses ...
            1. 0
              1 February 2021 13: 23
              I'm not that pessimistic.
              The USSR could not withstand the competition with the capitalist world due to the crisis of management - it was not easy to manage a huge system with a planned economy. Plus, more and more external participants were connected to this system, who did not want to think for themselves, and they also had to solve their management problems for them.
              Modern digital technologies make it possible to say that it is possible to create such a system in the near future. Globalists are doing this, only they impose their own agenda, work to implement their own plans. How long this stage will last, I cannot say, but it will also end someday. And then a new stage of the struggle of ordinary mortals for their rights will begin.
              1. 0
                1 February 2021 14: 51
                Yes. The USSR could not stand it. Only not competition (the competition ended in the early 60s, when the Americans realized that they were not able to compete even with the very imperfect planned economy of the USSR), but total economic and political war. And in the USSR they continued to think that this was all competition. While they were at war with him, including diligently corrupting the country's elite, managing the development of the elite's children, etc.
                It was already possible to create a system of government necessary for uncontested successful management of a country like the USSR in the 90s of the last century. Now you can create a system of TRUE economic management for the whole world. Do you see even the slightest trace of the creation of such a system?
                The only thing that the current elite is enough for is the search for the possibility of creating artificial intelligence, as an ideal slave who will take over the management functions, while the world elite will continue to taste lazy and decay with taste. They see the advantage of AI in the fact that AI cannot participate in the rat fight for power, which they wage day and night.
                No, this is not what globalists are doing. They are trying to create a system of global governance of the world, as a system of forcing country elites to obey. Just simply. This is the same immensely power-hungry, stupid and illiterate filth, just delirious with much greater ambitions. The source of their unrealizable and stupid ambitions is their own stupidity and illiteracy, thanks to which they do not understand the dangers associated with their planned restructuring. They have already begun to demonstratively soak, and the process will continue on a large scale. Not by Juan Sombrero.
                The elites of today are no longer able to govern this - the mind is not enough. But to overwhelm an opponent is without the slightest problem. You see in the events taking place forward movement. The USSR set exactly this vector of teaching children, because it was going to go that way - from simple to complex, from less perfect to more perfect. But this trend is fucked up with the country. At the moment, the world is marking time, not understanding where he ended up and what to do next. And everything that does not go forward falls back ...
                1. 0
                  1 February 2021 18: 09
                  Quote: Mikhail3
                  And in the USSR they continued to think that this was all competition.

                  A little clarification: they continued to think that it was honest competition. And the concept of honesty is not included in the system of market relations at all! Such naivety cost the life of the entire system.
                  Quote: Mikhail3
                  Do you see even the slightest trace of the creation of such a system?

                  Yes. The same notorious SWIFT is already an element of such a system. I repeat - this system, at the moment, is being created in the interests of a narrow circle of the financial oligarchy, and on a global scale. The local scum, proudly calling itself the "elite", is in fact for this world financial oligarchy the same consumable material as the local bums. But they, these local princelings, do not want to realize this in any way.
                  Quote: Mikhail3
                  You see in the events taking place forward movement.

                  Not certainly in that way. I think that one should look not only backward into the past, but more forward - into the future. A person who lives only on memories of the past has no future, as is known.
                  1. 0
                    2 February 2021 09: 44
                    It's just a payment system. Which is no different from the 15th century Venetian banking. The fact that the data is sent electronically means nothing)
                    By the way, only in Russia purely electronic transactions worth billions go through the Sberbank. The entire West has returned to the total verification of electronic payments by people. That is, in fact, it is not even a purely computer system) Any noticeable payment takes from one to three days, and not instantly, as in films. And more likely three days than one. Until the operator's hands reach ...
                    By itself, the transition from abacus to excel means nothing and costs nothing. The whole question is in the ideology of the system ...
                    1. 0
                      2 February 2021 16: 33
                      Quote: Mikhail3
                      It's just a payment system

                      This is a system that allows you to link two or more counterparties at arbitrary points on the planet. Creating connections between elements is the task of the first stage of creating a system. Controlling these connections is the second stage. Correcting links is the third. And all together - this is the management of the system. But let me remind you that we have considered only one subsystem. And there are many of them.
                      1. 0
                        3 February 2021 09: 30
                        Hehe ... Systems engineering is a vigorous science) Control of relations has been carried out since the creation of the international banking system, that is, since the last millennium. But it's limited. And correcting connections ... In general, there is some difference between reality and abstract constructions. You can try to adjust small payments of small participants. Although a trifle will raise a monstrous stench, and the profit will be for a penny. An attempt to adjust the connections of major participants is a war. At the physical level. Simply put, bankers will start to be crushed like nasty bedbugs. Not everything you can do should be done. The very existence of the banking system is based on the fact that banks remove the fat in exchange for scrupulous observance of all the rights of payers. Take a look at blockchain. Why is he just like that and not different? Small members are worried about adjusting their connections ...
                      2. -1
                        3 February 2021 18: 21
                        "Hehehe" is not entirely appropriate here.
                        Take, for example, the set on edge SP-2. Why did the Swiss pipelayer Allseas refuse to complete it? Because the US has imposed sanctions. Why should a Swiss company obey US government orders? Yes, simply because they have control over finances. One wrong move - and all accounts are seized, the company is no more.
                        Thus, the connection was forcibly severed between two objects - Nord Stream 2 AG and Allseas. These are, in your opinion, "small participants"? But for some reason there is no war, eh?
                        So not only small, but also fairly large companies are controlled.
                      3. 0
                        4 February 2021 09: 55
                        Cold iron rules over everything. The United States is the most powerful power on the planet, which destroyed its rival, the USSR. And Russia does not compete with the USSR. There will be war only when we have nowhere to retreat.
                        By the way, there was a way out in the situation with JV 2. It's just that our elites did not notice him.
  16. +2
    22 January 2021 20: 51
    Quote: kalibr
    Oleg! Good article! I speak as a person who has been hired by this since 1977 and is doing it now.

    Yes, we know .... bully
    1. -1
      22 January 2021 21: 36
      Quote: Radikal
      Yes, we are in the know ...

      And you constantly help me in this!
  17. +2
    22 January 2021 22: 26
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Radikal
    Yes, we are in the know ...

    And you constantly help me in this!

    Is that so? belay Then where is my fee? winked bully
  18. +3
    22 January 2021 23: 07
    Speaking about the 60s / 70s, the author did not mention such a source of information as enemy voices: Voice of America, Radio Liberty, etc. We listened to them en masse. The first time I heard Smoke on the water was from the Voice of America in 1973. Then I heard Show must go on (not yet Qween!), I liked it, I remember it, then, 40 years later, I found it on the Internet and downloaded it.
    Of course, not only music, the Gulag Archipelago was read with howls (not at all impressed). In general, the processing was carried out seriously.
  19. -1
    24 January 2021 14: 02
    My chain:
    Reason (creation of information) -> speech (transmission of information) -> writing (alienation of information) -> printing (dissemination of information) -> radio stations and other telephones (accelerated transmission of information) -> radio and television (mass transmission of information) -> computers (information processing) -> global network (information at your fingertips, decentralization of information sources) -> specialized AI (information not created by humans) -> global Internet of things (information about everything available in real time) -> full AI ( another mind, a technological singularity).
  20. 0
    25 January 2021 12: 38
    When they talk about signs of civilization, they talk about clay pots, obsidian spearheads, pyramids ... That is, about the material achievements of that very civilization. But there is another side of the coin, which, in general, is well known to everyone, but which is paid much less attention: information. This is, perhaps, no less, and often a more significant component of civilization.

    In general, writing, information storage and communication means are an integral part of any definition of culture (in the social and historical sense), civilization ...