Liberal world and Russia


Any person's autobiography is story rivalry between its two inalienable principles: spiritual (striving for knowledge, creativity, justice, virtues) and physiological (striving for physical pleasures, profit, power, unlimited consumption).

The history of human society is a struggle against evil generated by human ambitions, in fact, with the physiological principle of personality. All great upheavals - conspiracies, revolutions, wars, are associated with the interests of specific individuals, their desire to obtain (maintain) power, material benefits.

And the words of Abbot Fario from The Count of Monte Cristo:

"Evil cannot be defeated, for the fight against evil is life",

reflect this reality and will never lose their relevance.

The creator of the liberal idea and the liberal worldview in general was the English philosopher John Locke. He was the first to name natural human rights as the highest social values ​​- the right to life, freedom. And he introduced the concept of private property as an integral part of these rights. At the same time, he pointed out that "property" is inviolable and must be protected by the state. And the very influence of the state and the church on the life of society should be limited by law.

Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith filled the liberal idea created by John Locke with economic content. He introduced the concept

"Natural order"

in the form of market relations.

Market relations, as a self-sufficient and autonomous system, according to A. Smith are regulated by the “invisible hand” of the market, which leads to an equilibrium of supply and demand. Market relations are based on private interest and the pursuit of self-interest, based on egoism - an effective lever for the allocation of various resources. At the same time, the accumulated capital and the resulting inequality, according to A. Smith, were defined as a natural "given", which, in fact, was a further development of John Locke's idea of ​​private property.

Having received such a form, liberalism as a worldview, as a civilizational and economic idea, which gave birth to a new socio-economic model of society - capitalism, which is called it broke free.

In the United States, "no longer a government of the people's will"

The face of today's liberal world is defined by the United States, with all liberal values ​​- human rights, democracy, the principles of power sharing, the rule of law, etc. All textbooks of law indicate that power is divided into three branches - legislative, executive and judicial. And not a single textbook indicates that there is also power, to a large extent more powerful, not controlled by anyone, and also independent from the state itself and from any democratic procedures. But at the same time, this is a power that significantly affects the life of every person. This is financial power, the very "invisible hand" of market relations - a natural product of the liberal system.

In the United States, financial power was separated into a separate branch of government and transferred to a private structure - the "Federal Reserve System" (FRS) on December 23, 1913 with the adoption of the Federal Reserve Act. According to the said law, the FRS was allocated the functions of the central bank, delegated the right to issue money and lend.

US President Woodrow Wilson, who signed the Federal Reserve Act, subsequently noted:

“Our industrial power is controlled by the credit system. And the credit system is concentrated in private hands.

The growth of our country and all our activities are under the control of a few people who, even if they were honest and acted in the interests of the people, are still concerned about the business where their money circulates, and who, by the nature of their activities, will certainly destroy genuine economic freedom ...

We are no longer a government of the people's will, not a government of an elected majority, but a government ruled by a handful of managers. "

W. Wilson's words do not require additional comments on the consequences that have come, which have defined the face of the new liberal world in the United States.

At one time, one of the founders of the Fed - Mayer Amschel Rothschild said the following:

"Give me control over the issue of money in the state and I won't care who writes its laws."

After receiving these rights to issue money and lend (including the state), the United States turned into a military-political entity - a debtor to the Fed, ensuring its world financial dominance.

It is impossible to find a reasonable explanation for why all US citizens regularly donate a significant part of their money earned to a useless (from the point of view of common sense) private organization. Except for one thing, it is the collusion of the elites.

Only to pay off interest on existing debts, the United States pays $ 450 billion annually, of which 2/3 are debts to banks that are part of the Fed. Attempts by various US statesmen to get rid of such a domestic problem as the Fed have always ended sadly for them.

Fed monster

Until 1944, the Fed was exclusively a US problem.

But following the results of the Bretton Woods conference held in 1944 and with the signing of the corresponding agreement, the US Federal Reserve gained global financial power and turned into a problem for all mankind.

Structures such as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were created as a mechanism for financial dominance. Including through these structures, the FRS got the opportunity to influence the governments of debtor countries by making recommendations binding for implementation, changing objectionable governments, defaults, and conspiracies. With the sole purpose of obtaining super-profits (at the expense of the debtor powers).

In today's liberal world, US dollars have become the equivalent of independence, freedom and prosperity. And the US Federal Reserve, which issues these same dollars and determines their value and flows, has become a kind of issuer of independence and prosperity.

It should be noted that the former USSR signed the Bretton Woods agreement, but subsequently did not ratify it, since I.V. Stalin well understood the consequences of the financial dominance of the US Federal Reserve for the USSR.

To ensure its prosperous existence in the United States itself, the FRS had to become the dominant financial force and provide a prosperous standard of living for ordinary citizens.

To ensure the global financial dominance of the FRS, the US dollar issued in circulation was to become the only global means of capital conservation, lending and mutual settlements. And the US military was supposed to provide the world financial order established by the FRS.

Historically, this was facilitated by the outcome of the Second World War and exorbitant consumption (primarily by the US Department of Defense), which largely exceeded the capabilities of the US economy itself.

But, as you know, it is impossible to endlessly build up debts. Sooner or later they will have to be paid off. Otherwise, this financial pyramid will inevitably collapse with unpredictable consequences. And until now, the United States has been able to pay off its debts by obtaining new loans, primarily from the Fed or at someone else's expense.

A significant part of the income received by various US financial structures is not associated with the real sector of the economy. For the owners of the US dollar printing press, this is not necessary.

The shortest way to obtain superprofits is the redistribution of income from the real sector of the economy around the world through various machinations, which, in fact, is a crime. Behind all the major international financial frauds, defaults, bankruptcies, coups in various countries, the economic interest of the US Federal Reserve is always visible. Here are some examples.

The date September 16, 1992 went down in the history of England as Black Wednesday. On this day, there was a sharp reduction in the price of the British pound against the dollar and the German mark. This was the result of the actions of financial speculators. And, above all, the American hedge fund "Quantum" (headed by D. Soros), the banks "Citicorp", "J. P. Morgan "(part of the Fed) and others. The overall fall of the pound against the dollar as a result of the fraud was 25%.

The total losses for the British budget amounted to several billion dollars. This event clearly demonstrated the ability of US hedge funds, which have the ability to receive virtually unlimited funds, to bring even the financially sophisticated British government to its knees.

In 2001, the Greek government made a deal with Goldman Sachs Bank (part of the Fed). As a result of the transaction, the bank received significant assets and benefits from the Greek government. Presumably, the Greek government had its own corruption benefits, but this is not known for certain.

The deal allowed the Greek government to demonstrate that the Greek statistics are in compliance with the EU requirements.

Subsequently, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated the following about this transaction:

"It would be a shame if it turns out that the banks, which have already pushed us to the edge of the abyss, were also involved in falsifying Greek statistics."

But, as you know, economics, as a science, does not operate with moral terminology.

And little Greece with its huge debts of 300 billion euros (note - to the commercial banks behind which the Fed stands) turned out to be a financial threat to the entire European Union. If commercial banks demand immediate repayment of debts and refusal to restructure them, this will lead to default in Greece. What will entail the insolvency of Italy, Spain, Portugal, and then the entire European Union.

The total losses of the European Union, according to the most conservative estimates, in this case will exceed 2 trillion euros. Thus, the entire European Union, like the United States, has become a structure dependent on the FRS. And not only due to the existing debts of Greece.

Under such circumstances, there can be no question of any independence of the European Union.

In 2008-2009, the Fed printed and put into circulation $ 16,1 trillion, which were transferred to banks that are part of the Fed. In fact, the owners of the Fed have become richer at once. And the whole world, respectively, is poorer by the indicated amount.

After this became known and caused a scandal, the head of the Fed Ben Shalom said the following:

"The Fed is an organization that is not a government institution, and therefore has no obligations to the Americans and is not going to report on its credit policy."

For 2020, the Fed issued over 4 trillion additional unsecured US dollars in circulation. By itself, such an issue is an unfair redistribution of real world assets in favor of the owners of the Fed in exchange for unsecured dollars, in fact, for paper with banknotes depicted on it.

The Fed, through the issuance of unsecured US dollars, took possession of colossal material assets and media resources. And it turned into a world empire on which the entire global economy and the well-being of each state depend.

But the US appetite has grown so much that the Fed is no longer able to meet its needs, as evidenced by America's huge and constantly growing national debt, which largely depreciates the dollar as a means of payment.

The US dollar began to irrevocably lose its function as world money. And, as a consequence, an imminent global crisis is coming. As the world legal order based (following the Bretton Woods conference) on the dominance of the US dollar is coming to an end.

But the Fed does not intend to lose its global financial dominance. To maintain its dominance, the Fed can easily overturn the EU economy. And not only. If this turns out to be insufficient, then the US military will be used for its intended purpose.

According to Forbes, the owners of the Fed are orders of magnitude richer than the richest people, but no one will ever write about them. These people are completely non-public. They are the ones who build the world in accordance with their ideas about how it should be.

And he has already become different. The current liberal world is a society in which law (as a regulator of public relations) is replaced by the rules established by the owners of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Where competition and free markets are crowded out by protectionism and sanctions. And the violation of human rights is used as a basis for the destruction of states and the overthrow of unwanted governments. Now the results of democratic elections are being substituted by the calculations of persons interested in concrete results. We see all this on the example of not only the current United States.

There is no place for a prosperous Russia in this FRS world

It can be argued with certainty that there is no place in the world for prosperous Russia in the perception of the owners of the FRS.

Since 1992, the USSR ceased to exist. And the Russian elite has moved Russia into the world's liberal arms.

The place in the liberal continuum for Russia was determined as follows: a financial and raw material colony and a market for goods and services of international corporations. Due to this, further growth of the US economy and, accordingly, the repayment of existing debts should have been ensured. The financial elites of the United States are interested in the deindustrialization of not only Russia and China, but also their close partners - the same England and the European Union. The leader of the world economy needs sales markets, not competitors.

In these conditions, the intentions of the President and the Government of Russia to continue the privatization of state assets look very strange. In particular, such as Aeroflot, VTB Bank, etc. And it should be noted that this controversial initiative is being adopted in conditions of a budget surplus.

If American funds take possession of Aeroflot, there will be no room for MC-21 airliners. If the commercial banks of Russia are taken over, the consequences for the financial system of the Russian Federation will be the most dire. And the Fed, if there is a need to privatize Russian assets, will print the required amount of US banknotes.

Despite the growth of Russia's defense capacity and some successes in certain sectors of the economy, liberal Russia remains in the place indicated to it, without any potential opportunities to change the situation for the better.

As a result, the achievements of the Russian Federation in 28 years of its existence are incomparable with the achievements of the USSR in 28 years after the Second World War in any respect.

The growth of the economy of any country in the liberal world is associated exclusively with investment. All Russian elite

"Prays" to the "nameless investor"

who should come and build factories and plants, provide citizens with high wages, the budget - income. Although all of them are aware of the fact that at the moment not a single dollar (or euro) will be allowed by the owners of the FRS to invest in the real economy of Russia. With all the ensuing consequences of this circumstance.

Today's Russia, like a delinquent child, is punished financially for disobedience: for the withdrawal of assets from American securities, for the construction of Nord Stream 2 (a competitor of liquefied gas from the USA), for timid attempts to revive the domestic aircraft industry (sanctions for the construction of the MS-21 airliner ), for attempts to conduct an independent policy.

The multi-billion claims of Ukraine and Poland were satisfied. $ 57 billion is subject to recovery under the Yukos lawsuit (for comparison, the budget of the Russian Defense Ministry is less than $ 50 billion). A decision on the case concerning MN-17 is on its way.

We will learn in the coming years how the liberal elite of Russia will get out of this financial bondage. But, as experience shows, it will be necessary to pay either by the loss of a part of state sovereignty, or by a drop in the level of income and savings of Russian citizens.

At the same time, no one will ever condemn the United States, as the leader of the liberal world, for using nuclear weapons against civilians. weapons in Japan, napalm, chemical weapons in Korea, Vietnam, for the destroyed Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia, etc.

As mentioned above, wars, revolutions, coups, crimes are the best ways to get super profits. And it is precisely this circumstance that determines the fact that the United States is the absolute leader in unleashing wars in the world in the twentieth century.

And this unjust world is a direct product of the ideas of liberalism.

The liberal world is a society with pragmatic rules of market relations, a life without empathy and compassion. Profit-motivated "efficient" owners, bankers, managers are not able to change the environment for the better.

The liberal idea has exhausted itself.

And the whole world is in this connection in the deepest crisis.

Lot of Russia

What is the place of liberal Russia in the liberal world?

The elite of Russia was not accepted among the elected world liberal elite on terms acceptable to it and the country. All further developments are conditioned by this circumstance.

Russia found itself in a hostile environment of the collective West and the former Soviet republics. NATO troops and bases are deployed near our borders. And this may seem strange.

Liberal Russia has virtually the same liberal-democratic model as the United States and Western Europe. It develops its economy according to the same market laws, transfers (privatizes) the assets of Russia to various corporations.

The USSR, which had a different socio-economic model, threatening the liberal world by the very fact of its existence, ceased to exist.

Of course, the question arises - what is the reason for the aggressive behavior of the USA towards Russia?

First of all, because the collective West has exhausted its potential for peaceful development. Market consumption has reached possible limits. Further growth of the economy of the leaders of the liberal world can only be ensured by eliminating competitors and redistributing the remaining resources. And the actions of the United States with its partners in relation to Russia should be understood as forcing the Russian elite to fulfill the role prepared for the Russian state - a financial and raw material colony.

To understand what the United States is striving for, an analogy with Yugoslavia should be drawn. The West destroyed Yugoslavia as a state, as a competitor, placing the remaining republics in the places they had determined. At the same time, "human rights" and liberal values, according to Western analysts, were observed. The leaders of the liberal world see and prepare the same future for Russia.

Building a prosperous liberal Russia apart from the entire liberal world (behind the Iron Curtain) is impossible. The Russian economy is largely integrated into the global one. Significant assets are held by foreign corporations. In addition, the "Iron Curtain" runs counter to the interests of the liberal Russian elite - to live and keep their savings and income in hard currency abroad. In fact, the Russian elite is dependent on the Fed, which, if necessary, can deprive it of all assets located outside of Russia by imposing new sanctions.

Building a prosperous Russia in a liberal world means competing with other countries of the other world for a better place in the sun (read - under the Fed).

In the liberal world, everything is interconnected - if someone becomes more prosperous and richer, someone must become poorer. And this is determined by the financial flows, which are directly or indirectly controlled by the US Federal Reserve. Building a prosperous liberal Russia under these conditions is completely futile. And it is limited by the fact that all places “under the FRS sun” in the liberal world have already been allocated and secured by the corresponding unions.

Redistribution of places in the ranking of prosperous countries is a war. Both the West and Russia are intensively preparing for this war. And the only question is whether it will be possible to avoid it? And what could be the price of a compromise for Russia if it is found?

The loss of savings by the citizens of Russia (due to the machinations of world financial speculators) will never be announced to us. The sharp fall of the ruble against the dollar has become an ordinary event with no consequences for the ruling elite.

In fact, the landslide devaluation of the ruble (and, as a consequence, the loss of their savings by Russian citizens) is an additional tax on each citizen in favor of financial speculators, which is associated with the incompetence or unwillingness of the National Bank and the government to prevent these machinations and protect the interests of ordinary citizens. And this tax applies exclusively to ordinary citizens, since the oligarchs do not keep their savings in rubles and Russian banks.

Thus, a change in Russia's position for the better in the liberal world (and, as a consequence, an improvement in the life of Russian citizens) is not in sight in any future. And this should be taken for granted.

And the citizens of Russia, it seems, are satisfied with this state of affairs. At least, this is evidenced by the election results. What we vote for is what we have.

According to one of the founders of the science of "state and law" I. Ilyin, the construction of a socially just state, where everyone will be given the right to realize himself as a highly spiritualized person, where the contradiction associated with personal and public interest will be justly resolved, is possible only in one case - reaching a level of public consciousness that makes it possible to realize the need to build such a state. It should be noted that the Russian society did not realize that a change in the socio-economic model is necessary in Russia.

And the question of whether liberal Russia has a bright future in the liberal world, and the overwhelming majority of citizens - the prospect of achieving a standard of living similar to the citizens of Western Europe, remains without an affirmative answer.
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  1. -8
    18 January 2021 10: 06
    And the question of whether liberal Russia has a bright future in the liberal world, and the overwhelming majority of citizens - the prospect of achieving a standard of living similar to the citizens of Western Europe, remains without an affirmative answer.

    Akin to a signature quote:
    "- There is life on Mars, is there life on Mars - science knows nothing about it!" ...
    The author, what did they want to say with so many signs?
    1. -2
      18 January 2021 10: 20
      Quote: Leader of the Redskins

      The author, what did they want to say with so many signs?

      The author felt like Herzen, who was awakened by the Decembrists (Navalny) ... wassat
      And Herzen was a publicist and thinker ... from that there are many signs about nothing ...
      1. -8
        18 January 2021 10: 32
        Did we go on the second round of history again? It's time to stock up on salt, matches, crackers. what again we step on the old hornbeam.
        1. +1
          18 January 2021 10: 38
          Quote: Lech from Android.
          Did we go on the second round of history again? It's time to stock up on salt, matches, crackers. what again we step on the old hornbeam.

          From the beginning, dissenters who are disagreeable and those who are envied will be pressed into place .... The example of the Ukrainian revolution (Maidan) is very indicative ... when they roll into a ram's horn and intimidate the people - then matches, salt and crackers will come in handy .. and wake up to love ballet more than anyone on the planet ...
          1. -1
            18 January 2021 15: 47
            Of course, only autocracy and serfdom will save Russia. Or maybe the Juche idea. Once they abandoned socialism.
            The idea behind this article is that we were on our knees, now start licking the boots of the new nobility.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  2. -1
    18 January 2021 10: 09
    The face of today's liberal world is defined by the United States, with all liberal values ​​- human rights, democracy, the principles of power sharing, the rule of law, etc. All textbooks of law indicate that power is divided into three branches - legislative, executive and judicial. And not a single textbook indicates that there is also power, to a large extent more powerful, not controlled by anyone, and also independent from the state itself and from any democratic procedures. But at the same time, this is a power that significantly affects the life of every person. This is financial power, the very "invisible hand" of market relations - a natural product of the liberal system.

    good This article could have ended!
    1. +1
      18 January 2021 10: 49
      Quote: Hunter 2
      This article could have ended!

      Even that is a lot.
  3. +3
    18 January 2021 10: 16
    In the United States, "no longer a government of the people's will"

    It, the government, the top, it WILL EXPERIENCE!
    Fed monster

    What to assume ... he will "pull" the country or "devour" ???
    There is no place for a prosperous Russia in this FRS world

    This is definitely not news!
    Lot of Russia

    What is the place of liberal Russia in the liberal world?

    Send everyone away and go about your business!
    Dreams / fantasies, but you can make a fairy tale come true!
  4. 0
    18 January 2021 10: 20
    Who are the owners of the Fed? Names, surnames, addresses, their pedigree, biography must be known to the world. And then we get some kind of invisible phantoms ... They seem to be at the same time they are not visible and not heard ... what kind of private campaign is this? whatIt's hard to believe that a few crooks are turning the world around as they want.
    1. +1
      18 January 2021 10: 29
      Quote: Lech from Android.
      Who are the owners of the Fed? ...

      Rothschild financial clan
      1. +4
        18 January 2021 17: 02
        Not only. Here are the owners of the Fed.
        The Fed in 1910 was conceived by seven people:
        1. Nelson Aldrich - Senator of Rhode Island, future chairman of the National Currency Commission. co-owner of JPMorgan, father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller Jr.
        2. Frank Vanderlip - President of the National City Bank of New York;
        3. Henry Davison - co-owner of JPMorgan;
        4. Charles Norton - President of the First National Bank of New York;
        5. Benjamin Strong of JPMorgan Bankers Trust, as well as Warburg, partner of Kuhn, Loeb and the Rothschild family.
        In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was approved by Congress. On 01.01.2014 the law came into force.
        In August 1914, World War I began. We can say that this is a coincidence. And one could argue that this was how it should have been after the organization of the Fed.
    2. +5
      18 January 2021 10: 34
      Who are the owners of the Fed? Names, surnames, addresses, their pedigree, biography must be known to the world. And then we get some kind of invisible phantoms ... They seem to be at the same time they are not visible and not heard ... what kind of private campaign is this? whatIt's hard to believe that a few rogues are turning the world around as they want
      This is in the public domain, pick up a pencil and go. Not so long ago, a European company decided to analyze the passage of all world cash flows and lo and behold! All streams somehow led to about 300 companies, mostly old European names. So the leaders of the SGA are also a small group of persons (signers of the constitution, or rather their descendants)
      1. +1
        18 January 2021 12: 05
        Mdyaya, how to fight this mafia? The mafia is immortal. what
    3. +4
      18 January 2021 10: 39
      here they are, these insidious types, Board Members, who print dollars!
      That's what you had to take, not the Capitol! the demonstrators went wrong.
      Now they won't get away, we know them by sight.
  5. +5
    18 January 2021 10: 30
    It is necessary to evade the Western standard of living by all means, the author is in vain worried about the prospects of reaching this notorious level by the overwhelming majority of our citizens.
    They are driven into a shared toilet there, that's the whole level.
  6. -1
    18 January 2021 10: 35
    The autobiography of any person is the story of a rivalry between two of his inalienable principles: spiritual (striving for knowledge, creativity, justice, virtues) and physiological (striving for physical pleasure, profit, power, unlimited consumption).

    What the fuck are "beginnings"? An autobiography of any person is a self-made biography. Or, especially for an author who has decided to show off his mind, this is a curriculum in the first person. This is the third post of the author, in terms of emptiness and meaninglessness, it is quite comparable to the first two. Is it boring for the author to read Ilyin alone? Or are they no longer allowed into the club of anonymous ilinologists?
    1. +2
      18 January 2021 10: 47
      Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
      An autobiography of any person is a self-made biography.

      I think that even the autobiography of the guy from Braunau was such that he could sew on angel wings.
  7. 0
    18 January 2021 10: 45
    "Give me control over the issue of money in the state and I won't care who writes its laws."

    Comments are superfluous, what I wanted and got.
    1. +2
      18 January 2021 11: 11
      The idea is really "wonderful" !!! the question is, why is it so all / many, rushing to the top, over the heads and ... for everyone.
  8. +4
    18 January 2021 10: 53
    As long as there are large owners, there will be a struggle between them for the best living in this world. And no matter what piece of land these owners are on. Stalin had power in the name of the people. And therefore he did not want to pass the laws of the Federal Reserve. Therefore, he abandoned the Marshall Plan.
    1. -3
      18 January 2021 11: 24
      Quote: nikvic46
      And so he didn't want to pass the Fed laws. So he gave up on the Marshall Plan.

      Small inaccuracy.
      Stalin refused to ratify the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1945, although he signed documents in 1944.
      The Marshall Plan is an aid program for post-war Europe.
    2. +2
      18 January 2021 12: 20
      Quote: nikvic46
      As long as there are large owners, there will be a struggle between them for the best living in this world.

      Rather. As long as there are financial tycoons, wars are inevitable.
  9. -2
    18 January 2021 10: 57
    By style, by the length of the article, 100% is Samsonov.
    1. +10
      18 January 2021 11: 25
      I believe that the article is competent, everything is as it really is, the question remains: - Who is to blame and what to do?
  10. -2
    18 January 2021 10: 58
    Everything is as usual. Katz offers to surrender, offers to surrender, offers to surrender ...))
    1. 0
      18 January 2021 12: 06
      Let's give up ... But the money is ahead.
  11. -3
    18 January 2021 11: 02
    the article on liberalism is certainly interesting. But Russia is ruled not by liberals and oligarchs, but by officials.
  12. +3
    18 January 2021 11: 02
    What are money and property at this level? Money at this level is nothing. Just a tool for balancing economic processes. So is the property. What position of our country in these coordinates are we talking about?
    The point is that our country elites were unable to cope with building a socialist economy. That is, with a planned economy. They considered that a planned, calculated, scientific system of management was unattainable, and the very idea of ​​a planned construction of the economy was wrong. It is necessary to move to a market-chaotic system of building a country economy, since in this case "automatic regulators" of supply and demand will be introduced into the system, which will solve the country's economic problems.
    The main reason why the planned economy "crashed" is considered by our elites to be the "wrong people". De our people are lazy, steal, and do not want to work at all. Therefore, to ensure productivity growth, the wrong people must start starving. And those who are given a piece of bread will show much higher labor productivity. As soon as labor productivity grows under the whip of hunger, there will be a powerful economic growth, under the leadership of our country elites, who have already taken ownership of the national economy as private owners. Well, is everything logical and correct?
    Why does it come out so obliquely then?)
    1. +3
      18 January 2021 12: 08
      The people are guilty again ... You understand the pitchfork quietly sharpens.
  13. +1
    18 January 2021 11: 13
    At the same time, "human rights"

    Wu, another "doer" who denies human rights.
    Moreover, what is typical, such figures always deny the rights of other people. Not your own. But as soon as it happens that such figures "squeeze" his personal "tail", he begins to broadcast in a completely different way.
    financial and raw material colony and market for goods and services of international corporations. Due to this, further growth of the US economy and, accordingly, the repayment of existing debts should have been ensured

    We look at the absolute values ​​of Russia's exports and imports. We understand that in comparison with the total volume of the economy of the Western countries this is so, "a drop in the bucket". It does not exert a decisive influence and cannot have any.
    In a liberal world, everything is interconnected - if someone becomes wealthier and richer, someone must become poorer

    To begin with, this is not at all the case in a manufacturing economy.
    Since 1990, the number of people living in extreme poverty has dropped from 1,8 billion to 1 billion. At the same time, the total number of the world's population has grown significantly during this time.
    1. +1
      18 January 2021 14: 06
      if this conclusion
      To begin with, this is not at all the case in a manufacturing economy.

      you do based on this
      Since 1990, the number of people living in extreme poverty has dropped from 1,8 billion to 1 billion. At the same time, the total number of the world's population has grown significantly during this time.

      then you have gone astray.
      Because: 1) comparing unrelated metrics 2) misinterpreting the chart.
  14. 0
    18 January 2021 11: 16
    the author is not clear, you say that we already correspond to our place in the striped ideology, why then attack us and force us to do something?
  15. +2
    18 January 2021 11: 24
    Well, there, by the way, Bidon demanded to draw another 1,6 trillion pieces of paper from the Fed. By the 9 trillion that were drawn over the past year ... And why did they have from February to August seven times the price of flour?
  16. -1
    18 January 2021 11: 37
    It's time to put an end to liberalism in Russia. And faster. The question is: Can the GDP go to this?
  17. 0
    18 January 2021 11: 49
    The liberal world is a society with pragmatic rules of market relations, a life without empathy and compassion. Profit-motivated "efficient" owners, bankers, managers are not able to change the environment for the better.

    The liberal idea has exhausted itself.

    That's all, you can not continue further. History has already proven that this is a utopia and a means of manipulating public opinion.
  18. +1
    18 January 2021 11: 57
    "I.V. Stalin well understood the consequences of the financial dominance of the US Federal Reserve for the USSR"with his church-seminary education.
    And to the present, with the highest legal, in 30 years it will not reach ...
  19. +4
    18 January 2021 12: 04
    Comrades, and by the way, on January 18, 1943_ the blockade of Leningrad was broken!
    Post the author is not offended, but for me: "Operation" Iskra "is a hundred times more important than the burden of the" liberal world ".
    Let's not: "Ivans who do not remember kinship" let us remember all those who broke through the blockade of Leningrad. How many of you remember the serious work of historians on this topic?
    Don't refer to the "alternative" historians of fashion bloggers
    PS I am a conservative and do not like: "newfangled" debunkers and historians. They don't say "forty barrels of prisoners": like Tartaria and other things
  20. +4
    18 January 2021 12: 07
    It should be noted that the Russian society did not realize that a change in the socio-economic model is necessary in Russia.

    And the question of whether liberal Russia has a bright future in the liberal world, and the overwhelming majority of citizens - the prospect of achieving a standard of living similar to the citizens of Western Europe, remains without an affirmative answer.

    One can argue with the author on certain provisions of the article and even on the whole concept, but the conclusion is absolutely correct.
    1. +2
      18 January 2021 19: 17
      So far, I have not seen a single reasonable argument against the author's arguments. Some mocked - that's all. The article is serious and balanced. Plus.
  21. The comment was deleted.
  22. +3
    18 January 2021 12: 43
    I liked the conclusion, much is true ...
  23. +3
    18 January 2021 13: 52
    An excellent and typical article for our time. Beautiful, because it is said in detail who is to blame, but typical for our time, because it is not said at all what to do.
    Although this article provides all the introductory information in order to formulate such an answer.

    "Evil cannot be defeated, for the fight against evil is life"

    This initial postulate is absolutely correct. What follows from it? It follows from it that since evil cannot be defeated completely, once and for all, then utopia is impossible.

    Let's be honest with ourselves. Utopia, which means the notorious paradise on earth, is impossible. Utopia is impossible because evil cannot be completely destroyed.
    Remember Vera Pavlovna's Fourth Dream from Chernyshevsky's "What to Do"? This is pure utopia. Utopia, as a bright image of that very ideal society to which complacent romantics aspired so. And it cannot be built in the same way as it is impossible to achieve a certain eternal ideal.

    It follows from this that it is possible to build a system that is effective for everyone, but it is impossible to come up with a law, mechanism or rule that would prevent the conditional Yeltsin from coming and privatizing the system in favor of himself and his few friends. In this matter, it is impossible to fully and completely rely on laws and rules, simply because egoists ignore laws and rules, following which it is not profitable for them.

    The article lists the negative aspects of the surrounding liberal civilization. It remains only to highlight the key aspects.

    Selfishness evil, because it seeks to rise above society, while society is the highest value.
    Liberalism evil, as an ideological justification for egoism, hypocritically disguising its essence behind abstract rights, which are supposedly guaranteed to everyone, which does not correspond to reality.
    Capitalism evil as an economic system, the purpose of which is to establish a monopoly.
    Monopoly evil, because it is a tool that in practice contributes to the realization of voluntaristic selfish aspirations.
    Competition to get rich evil because it strives for monopoly.
    Market evil, because personal gain as a motivator reduces the efficiency of the whole society.

    So that is all. Inputs are listed. Liberalism, as an ideology that builds a dystopian regime in society, is indicated. It is said about the impossibility of destroying evil once and for all.

    What's left? Remains the only possible way... Create a system whose goal will be to prevent the victory of evil.
    Those. you need to build a society around a system that fights not for, but against.
    In this case, against the evil that was present, is present and will always be present in the society itself.

    And this, in general, is typical for humanity, which throughout its history has been opposed to unfavorable factors, i.e. fights not for, but against. With clothing it resists the cold, weapons to predators, the cultivation of crops - hunger, antibiotics and vaccinations - infectious diseases, cars compensate for the limited speed of human movement, etc.

    Ultimately the essence of any struggle is to overcome unfavorable conditions... And quite often the struggle is waged not in order to eliminate the problem once and for all, but in order to permanently stop the negative effect created by the problem, being perfectly aware that the problem will not go anywhere.

    And it is clear that you will have to work in this mode every day. Moreover, even after the visible evil, which seeks to crush the whole society, will be rendered harmless. In the same way, vaccination continues to be carried out on a regular basis, even after the disappearance of massive epidemics, so to speak, in order to avoid.

    Because if you relax, if you allow yourself the pleasant dream of a comfortable life without a struggle, then you yourself will not notice how you will slip straight back into the liberal world and will be forced to live at the behest of its few private owners.

    And the sooner normal people, of whom the overwhelming majority, understand that this is the only possible way, the better. Because it is the egoists who clearly know what they want and how to achieve it, ideologically rallied around the political idea of ​​liberalism, which with the help of specific state and economic mechanisms is designed to serve their personal interests at the expense of society as a whole.
    1. -1
      18 January 2021 17: 14
      Selfishness is evil because it seeks to rise above society, while society is the highest value.

      Society is made up of specific people. It doesn't happen otherwise. Moreover, public institutions serve precisely to ensure the well-being and well-being of members of this very society.
      abstract rights that are supposedly guaranteed to everyone

      Quite specific and vital rights. Protecting an ordinary ("weak") person from arbitrariness on the part of a "strong" (noble, wealthy, nobleman or ruler).
      Because if you relax, if you allow yourself a pleasant dream of a comfortable life without a struggle

      Whoo .. what familiar words. True, individuals who speak this way too often are ready to generously "prescribe" the "bitter" pill "of suffering and hard work to others," reserving "in their ideal picture of the world just a more than comfortable life for themselves.
      In the best case, just a materially prosperous life in luxury. At worst, such individuals dream of a social structure in which they can satisfy their sadistic inclinations and immoderate lust for power.
      1. +2
        18 January 2021 17: 31
        Society is made up of specific people. It doesn't happen otherwise.

        No human being in itself is more valuable than society. Otherwise, society becomes a powerless instrument of the one who rises above it.

        Quite specific and vital rights. Protecting an ordinary ("weak") person from arbitrariness on the part of a "strong" (noble, wealthy, nobleman or ruler).

        In abstract theory. In real capitalist reality, the more resources you have, the more rights you have. Accordingly, the oligarchs are the real nobles of our time from the point of view of the possibility of carrying out any actions and the absence of any real responsibility. In the liberal reality, the maxim "one law for all" does not work in the same way as it did not work in the class reality.

        True, individuals who speak this way too often are ready to generously "prescribe" the "bitter" pill "of suffering and hard work to others," reserving "in their ideal picture of the world just a more than comfortable life for themselves. In the best case, just a materially prosperous life in luxury. At worst, such individuals dream of a social structure in which they can satisfy their sadistic inclinations and immoderate lust for power.

        This point of view is just characteristic of the liberals, whose goal is that they have everything, but they have nothing for it. And we have the opportunity to observe all this over the past 30 years on the example of a really built liberal dictatorship, whose beneficiaries are in principle not interested in the problems of society, which have been steadily expanding over the past few decades.

        And this is not surprising, if you remember that behind the beautiful word "liberal" an ordinary egoist is hiding. And an egoist is one for whom the satisfaction of his personal whims is the most important goal in life. And for the sake of satisfying this goal, he will easily close his eyes to the fact that the vital needs of other people remain unresolved.
    2. 0
      19 January 2021 15: 30
      Quote: A_Lex
      It is said about the impossibility to destroy evil once and for all.

      It is not necessary to strive for the complete destruction of evil. It is enough to ensure the preponderance of conditional good over conventional evil by about 2/3 to 1/3, and a change in this balance in any direction will lead to the collapse of the entire system.
      But this proposal of mine is purely hypothetical, of course. It takes painstaking work of a large team to translate hypotheses into theory. And for practical implementation - generally huge.
      1. 0
        19 January 2021 20: 45
        It is not necessary to strive for the complete destruction of evil.

        I would even say more - it is forbidden to strive.
        The desire for the complete destruction of evil leads to the idea of ​​a society in which evil is absent. Since evil is absent, then there is no need for measures to stop it. And as a result, the social system will be built incorrectly, without taking into account evil, i.e. unrealistic. With all the ensuing problems.
  24. +1
    18 January 2021 14: 05
    At one time, one of the founders of the Fed - Mayer Amschel Rothschild said the following:

    "Give me control over the issue of money in the state and I won't care who writes its laws."

    As you know, the FRS was created in the United States. By this time, "one of the founders of the FRS - Mayer Amschel Rothschild" had already rested in peace for 101 (one hundred and one!) Years in the old Jewish cemetery (Friedhof Battonnstrasse) in Frankfurt am Main, for he died on September 19, 1812.

    The statement attributed to him by the author, he never uttered.
    Fact is that
    the real Mayer Amschel Rothschild has never been given control of the country's money. The maximum, to which he rose - became the "court factor" (that is, the court supplier) of the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel Wilhelm IX (who later renamed himself the Elector of Hesse Wilhelm I).

    Mayer Amschel Rothschild was engaged in the supply of the Landgrave, and then the Elector court, as well as supplies to the army, and only in 1806-1810, when Wilhelm fled from Hesse occupied by France, he put his personal money in the bank of the Rothschild Trading House. Hesse as a state was liquidated by Napoleon, so that Rothschild managed the fugitive politician's personal money invested in his bank.

    Moreover, Rothschild was not an independent manager, but was subordinate to the former Hesse Minister of Finance, the former director of the General War Treasury and secret military adviser Buderus von Karlshausen.

    All this is described in detail in the classic monograph by Heinrich Schnee "Rothschild, or the History of the Dynasty of Financial Magnates". And in this book, by the way, the above quote is missing, and there is nothing even remotely similar.

    Taking into account the real status of M.A. Rothschild, if he really said this phrase, it looks at least unwarranted boasting and bragging. And all representatives of the Rothschild family were extremely serious people, and unnoticed in boasting or narcissism.

    In general, the article is empty and uncomplicated, as expected, it leads to conclusions befitting the yellow press.
    The calculation of the author on the gullible reader who does not understand and does not know anything, who takes any printed word for "face value".

    And one more thing: in Russia it is customary to call "liberalism" not at all what liberalism actually is.
    It's like the habit of calling people swear words, although they have nothing to do with those with sexual deviations. hi
  25. -3
    18 January 2021 14: 11
    "Liberal peace" is an empty concept. "Liberal Russia" is an even more empty concept.
    The author reduced the problems of the population to an increase in consumption. The growth of population consumption is no longer possible anywhere due to limited resources. The struggle for resources will escalate to the extreme. RF is a warehouse of resources. If the Russian Federation has a future at all, then this is already "bright".
  26. +1
    18 January 2021 14: 28
    According to one of the founders of the science "state and law" I. Ilyin
    Maybe already outspoken fascists will be enough to advertise? In the "just state of Ilyin", the masses of the people should have a sense of rank and not interfere with the "white masters" to rule the country. We don't need such a state.

    I.A. Ilyin:
    What did Hitler do? He stopped the process of Bolshevization in Germany and thereby rendered the greatest service to the whole of Europe ... The liberal-democratic hypnosis of non-resistance was thrown off. While Mussolini is leading Italy, and Hitler is leading Germany - European culture is given a respite ...
  27. 0
    18 January 2021 14: 33
    We know perfectly well the persons who are the conductors of liberal politics. And what's next. They will continue to rub in on us that what they are doing is all for the good of the country.
  28. -1
    18 January 2021 14: 35
    The US dollar began to irrevocably lose its function of world money... And, as a consequence, an imminent global crisis is coming.

    And how is this expressed? Is there a substitute for the dollar? Is there anything above the dollar in terms of liquidity?

    The amount of green cut paper in the world is only increasing every year and no one is going to give it up (dollar), turning off our country.
    1. 0
      18 January 2021 22: 07
      Quote: Stas157
      And how is this expressed? Is there a substitute for the dollar? Is there anything above the dollar in terms of liquidity?

      Yes - gold e.g. platinum, yuan, pound, euro, bitcoin hi
      1. 0
        19 January 2021 09: 19
        Quote: fif21
        Yes - gold e.g. platinum, yuan, pound, euro, bitcoin

        Their liquidity is much lower than that of the dollar. The dollar is the most liquid commodity (currency) in the world.

        For example, if you sell gold (platinum, bitcoin, ruble) at once in a lot of $ 100 billion, it will immediately bring down the price of the item being sold. And if you sell the same $ 100 billion, then this will not affect the dollar price at all. Why? It's all about liquidity.
  29. +2
    18 January 2021 14: 39
    The plan for the gas station corporation is to concentrate the remnants of human and production resources in mining areas, plus a few agricultural holdings for the production of food. The rest of the territory and people are physically unnecessary. The plan is quite fulfilling itself.
  30. The comment was deleted.
  31. 0
    18 January 2021 22: 02
    If the US power is built on the dollar as the world currency, then the rejection of the dollar as a means of payment becomes an indicator of the country's sovereignty. With which I congratulate you. And also I congratulate Kudrin, Nabiulina, Siluanov ... whose financial policy completely coincides with the line of the FRS, the IMF. And they will never sell goods for export for rubles of the Russian Federation, otherwise suddenly the "wooden" will turn into currency and compete with the US dollar. hi
  32. +9
    19 January 2021 00: 07
    The autobiography of any person is the story of a rivalry between two of his inalienable principles: spiritual (striving for knowledge, creativity, justice, virtues) and physiological (striving for physical pleasure, profit, power, unlimited consumption).

    It was a sinful thing to think that my autobiography was a consistent description of the events of my own life. It turns out the autobiography is a history of rivalry! Oh how!
  33. +9
    19 January 2021 00: 40
    And the words of Abbot Fario from The Count of Monte Cristo:

    "Evil cannot be defeated, for the fight against evil is life",

    reflect this reality and will never lose their relevance.

    I think there is a mistake in the words of Abbot Faria. In life, it happens that some are against good. wassat
  34. +10
    19 January 2021 00: 46
    The face of today's liberal world defines the United States

    The US does not have a liberal face, they have the face of bloody imperialism
  35. +8
    19 January 2021 01: 02
    Under such circumstances, there can be no question of any independence of the European Union.

    The European Union in its present guise is the 4th Reich, which is building up its power with the help of the FRS and is aimed against us.
  36. +12
    19 January 2021 01: 04
    The US dollar began to irrevocably lose its function of world money

    Somehow it is not noticeable at all ...
  37. +11
    19 January 2021 01: 06
    an imminent global crisis is coming. Since the world legal order based (following the Bretton Woods conference) on the dominance of the US dollar is coming to an end.

    He's already coming. And it is not because of the end of the dominance of the US dollar, but because of the very essence of the capitalist system.
  38. +8
    19 January 2021 01: 08
    To maintain its dominance, the Fed can easily overturn the EU economy

    This will not happen, because The European Union is the US strike force in a possible war with Russia.
  39. +8
    19 January 2021 01: 10
    the intentions of the president and the government of Russia to continue the privatization of state assets look very strange

    We have a capitalist bourgeois-oligarchic system, so there is nothing strange about the decision to continue privatization.
  40. +1
    19 January 2021 04: 30
    the author is right in many respects, the RF has no prospects on this path of development. The situation in Russia is banal and trivial. The most striking example is the gold mine ..., the prospector gets a penny ..., the buyers and the service get everything ,,,, Liberalism itself is not bad and not good, just like democracy it has its own niche where it can be useful ..., but the absolutization of this current of philosophy and ideology has reached religious heights, unfortunately, modern liberalism is a theocracy, with all its "charms" There is no God except Money and the Bank is THEIR Temple

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"