Sad achievements of the 30th anniversary of "independence" and the sad future of Ukraine-Little Russia


The tough leap year 2020 has just ended. At this time, it is customary to take stock and try to determine the path of development for the future. It makes sense to do this with regard to Ukraine, which will celebrate the anniversary of its independence in 2021.

What are the results of the 30th anniversary of Ukrainian independence? What achievements does a not-so-young state meet with the anniversary date? What are the prospects for him in the future?

And this sad date "independent", "sovereign", "democratic", "developed" European (only in its location) power Ukraine, headed by half representatives of Jewry and LGBT, meets in a swooning state of stagnation, half-collapse and half-life.

On the eve of the destruction of the USSR in 1990, the year of its highest prosperity, the economy of Ukraine (Ukrainian SSR) was one of the most powerful economic complexes in the Soviet Union. It was self-sufficient with an abundance, comprehensively developed and included almost all sectors of the economy. According to experts, separately, it was the 8th economy in the world. She had no debts to anyone. Since 1945, it has been a member of the UN, where it was included at the insistence of I.V. Stalin.

What about now?

In terms of GDP, Ukraine is 40th in the world, the penultimate in Europe and 111th in the world (in terms of GDP per capita). In terms of indicators, Ukraine has slipped to the level of the third world countries, African countries.

This is an impressive "achievement" of all "Kermanychs" of Ukraine, without exception (Kravchuk-Kuchma-Yushchenko-Yanukovych), each has contributed to the "success"! Although the latter - Poroshenko and Zelensky - are the greatest.

Over the years of the winding and confusing path of Ukrainian "independence" and "development", Ukraine's GDP never came close to the initial level of 1990, but only rolled downhill and decreased, jumping over bumps, even up to 40% of the original.

Today the GDP is declared 60% (?) Of 1990, which is very doubtful, given the catastrophic destruction of the economy and the death or consumptive state of most enterprises and factories, which since the 90s has constantly degraded and does not get better today.

Whole industries that were previously the basis of the Ukrainian economy have been destroyed or are on the verge of extinction: shipbuilding and shipbuilding, production of space technology, aircraft construction, automobile construction, tractor construction, transport, chemical, agricultural, electrical, power engineering, machine-tool construction, electronic and light industry, instrument making.

Infrastructure, roads, bridges, utilities have a high degree of wear and tear and many are in disrepair. But only extremely emergency ones are repaired, and new ones are almost never built. It is not prevention and development that is going on, but plugging holes and patching up what is falling apart.

Today, from many sectors of the Ukrainian economy, only the fuel and energy complex, agriculture, food industry and forestry complex remain in a tolerable condition.

Ukraine today has a huge, constantly growing national debt (mainly external) with no prospects for its repayment, and new borrowings are used to pay interest. "Development" has led to the fact that many food products and goods previously produced in excess in Ukraine and sold abroad are now imported from abroad. Including fish, seafood, sugar, potatoes and even lard.

During the period of its highest prosperity, the population of Ukraine was almost 52 million people. This was the second year after the collapse of the USSR by inertia, then it began to steadily decline. Today, the Ukrainian authorities claim that the country is home to about 42 million. However, independent experts estimate the actual population of Ukraine today at 25-26 million. And the last figures are closest to reality.

About salaries

At the beginning of 2020, according to statistics, the average salary was 10,7 thousand. And at the end of the year - almost 12 thousand. Minimum - UAH 5000.

But real average salary of most workers in 2020 - 8000.

And the real minimum is 4000 hryvnia.

About pensions

3% of pensioners in 2020 received a pension of more than 10 thousand, 11% - from 5 to 10 thousand, 8% - from 4 to 5 thousand, 15% - from 3 to 4 thousand, 46% - from 2 to 3 thousand, 16,5, 1500% - from 2000 to 1769 hryvnia (in December, the minimum was XNUMX).

That is real average pension of most pensioners in 2020 - less than 3000 with an average statistical 3400 hryvnia.

All this means that since 1990 the average salary has been increased 32 times, and the average pension - 35 times.

But during this time prices for manufactured goods, products, Utility rates rose a lot more!

Manufactured goods - 40-50 times, products - 30-60 times, utility tariffs - 300 time.

Especially the prices for water, gas and heating have risen. Payment for a one-room apartment during the heating period reaches UAH 2500.

That is, from the least socially secured and most vulnerable part of the population (single pensioners), 63% of the money will only be enough to pay for housing and communal services without buying manufactured goods and food. And another 20% of the money will be enough for a modest meal.

However, all retirees somehow while survive. How?

While the state pays them subsidies. These are not very large sums that only allow you to make ends meet and live from hand to mouth without buying anything extra.

Buying sophisticated household appliances (refrigerator or washing machine) is impossible for most retirees. Not to mention the purchase of a car or an apartment, for which a pensioner needs to neither eat nor drink, but save tens of thousands of years... For most workers, the boundaries of this accumulation period are only slightly less.

But does anyone buy new and even very expensive cars and apartments? Build luxurious villas and houses like palaces and castles? Does he have a rest abroad several times a year, buy exquisite products and expensive things? Who are these minions of fate? How many are there? Where did they get their wealth?

The laws of conservation of energy and mass say that nothing disappears anywhere, but only flows into another place. And if in one place something becomes small, then in another place it arrives.

These are the new rich in Ukraine. Who is one of them? Representatives of the authorities. Oligarchs. Businessmen. Large and medium-sized entrepreneurs. Excellent specialists in all industries working in the non-governmental sphere. Higher, senior and middle command personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the police. And, of course, their family members, relatives. This accounts for 25-30% of the total population of Ukraine.

They, of course, also have different levels of well-being, but they all live much better than the rest of the population. They are the masters of life and enjoy it. All "reforms" are for them!

What reforms?

For example, the educational... The list of subjects studied has been reduced, and the program has been simplified, even mentally retarded children must master it. The Russian language has been removed, but Polish and German (very useful, presumably, in the future) languages ​​have appeared. There is no Russian literature, although a few peculiar works are studied in the course foreign literature.

Why study Russian (especially literature), if from mid-January of this year, communication in it in public places is punishable by law? In this regard, one can imagine How the role of Russia in the course “Stories"And" World History ". In grades 10 and 11, a very useful and necessary, in the opinion of the authorities, subject "Defense of Ukraine" was introduced.

No less "beautiful" and medical reform, on the implementation of which the "Ukrainian" (American) Ulyana Suprun worked tirelessly from 2016 to 2019, who recently flew home to the United States to her native Michigan region.

The result of its crushing "success" was a significant decrease in funding for public health care, a decrease in the number of state medical institutions, beds, medical personnel and doctors of narrow specialties, and an increase in the number of private medical institutions. No, you can get any medical care, but for a lot of money, which is not available to everyone. Many doctors are leaving Ukraine. And the medical staff who remained on state support is dissatisfied with either the payment or its regularity.

A similar situation has developed in covid coronavirus... Everyone is horrified now at what is happening in England, France and Spain - among the leaders in the incidence of covid in Europe. But few people know that the incidence of coronavirus in Ukraine is exactly the same as theirs. And in the rest of Europe - even less.

Moreover, if in England, France and Spain the vaccination of the population has already begun, then in Ukraine it will not be for a long time because of the long queue for not the best Western vaccines. But the Ukrainian authorities refuse the Russian Sputnik V vaccine under far-fetched pretexts.

A lockdown has now been announced, but its organization is so stupid that a lot of questions arose that the authorities cannot answer.

Results of the revolution

The summary of all Ukrainian "wonderful achievements" for today:

1. Crimea sailed away (whatever the Ukrainian authorities say) forever.

2. Donbass will go away just about (no matter how velikoukry rested).

3. New Russia (the territory from Kharkov to Odessa, conquered in the XNUMXth century for of Russia by order Russian Empress Catherine the Great Russians miraculous heroes under the command Russian commanders Kutuzov, Suvorov and Potemkin) is threateningly silent, but she is next in line.

4. Debtwhich Ukraine owes to foreign creditors is over $ 100 billion and is almost equal to 80% of GDP. Its payoff is unrealistic, but it is also constantly increasing, growing by leaps and bounds. Only interest according to it, to be paid in 2021, equal to $ 17 billion. Where Ukraine will find these funds is a big question. For so long drawn out default, seems imminent this year.

5.The middle class is disappearing, only the rich and the poor remain. From November began rallies impoverished tax evaders - small business entrepreneurs who are successfully ignored by the authorities.

Debts of non-payers for housing and communal services have reached 70 billion hryvnia and, for sure, will greatly increase due to the abrupt increase in tariffs in recent years. Started rallies due to a sharp increase in tariffs.

6. The number of deaths has exceeded the number of births for many years. At the moment - 1,5 times. The trend is steady. Ukraine is dying out.

7. The country goes Civil War... In the Donbass it is half-hot with bursts of activity, in the rest of the territory it is implicit, deaf in the form of civil resistance. The active side of this war is the government and the Svidomites with Bandera, who are supported and on whom the government relies. The second side is the majority of the population, which disagrees with the coup d'etat organized and supported by the West in 2014 and the current pro-Western-pro-American policy of the current Ukrainian authorities.

8. The country is actually a US colony. All important decisions are made after agreement with the American ambassador in Kiev or with other representatives of the State Department. Ukraine is headed by obedient pro-Western-pro-American puppets-compradors, nationalists, notorious liars who lie at every turn, pathological thieves and Russophobes.

Due to the great difficulties in finding a normal, well-paid job and the unsatisfactory social policy of the authorities, many able-bodied people are leaving Ukraine, who run where.

What awaits long-suffering Ukraine in the future?

It is not finally clear. But there are two ways of development of events.

The first way (most possible).

This is an ongoing gradual stagnation and extinction, population flight from the country with a sluggish war in Donbass, interspersed with stupid Russophobic attacks of the next pro-American representatives of the Ukrainian authorities and nationalists against Russia and its representatives.

The West and the United States will not allow the complete dying of the Russophobic state, point-wise supporting the anti-Russian government with small cash infusions. An uprising in Ukraine today is unlikely.


Although the majority of the population did not support the coup and has a negative attitude towards the activities of the pro-Western Russophobic government of the compradors, it is sluggish, passive and lack of initiative. It can only support the movement of liberation, but it will not organize it itself.

The leaders were knocked out, detained, warned and registered, are in jail, fled from imminent repressions back in 2014 abroad, mainly to Russia. There are few passionaries left. And they are inactive, reasonably fearing instant arrests.

Punitive bodies - the SBU, police, nationalists - are closely monitoring the situation and quickly throwing mobile Bandera detachments into the right place in Ukraine to disperse and suppress rare rallies and speeches of disgruntled people. The practice was worked out by them back in 2014.

No, today an uprising in Ukraine and its liberation by internal forces are impossible. The West, naturally, will not do this.

The only force in the world that can help Ukraine liberate today is Russia.

The second way developments in Ukraine.

Its liberation from Western influence, Ukronazism-Bandera and joining the Russian Federation (Ukraine's independent existence is simply impossible further). But today there are very few chances for this, although (if the geopolitical situation is favorable) it can happen at any moment and very quickly.

Why does this path have little chance of being implemented today?

Because the international situation does not allow. And, in addition, today in Russia there is a struggle between representatives two directions of the country's development.

And so far the group is more popular isolationists. Who are these people? What do they want?

These people call themselves patriots of Russia. They want all funds to be directed exclusively to the internal development of the country. Without distraction to extraneous external objects. In view, in their opinion, the country's weakness and lack of funds.

They speak:

"We don't need anyone, they will hang around our neck and take all our money!"

They are categorically against admitting anyone else to the Russian Federation!

But this is exactly what the West wants, showing similar deceitful concerns about Russia, the Russians and the safety of their money. After all, from there they say:

“Russia is weak. She should only deal with her internal affairs. It has nothing to do in the former republics, which should develop independently with the help of the West! "

Judging by what is happening today, the supreme power of Russia also adheres to the views of isolationists.

A group of representatives from a different direction of Russia's development - statesmen, sovereigns, imperials, Great Russians.

They also call themselves patriots. But, in contrast to the isolationists, they believe that, while developing internally as a priority, Russia should also develop in breadth and grow in returned territories.

Which ones?

Limitrophes, former republics of the USSR and territories of the Russian Empire. After all, Turkestan, the Caucasus, Bessarabia, Novorossiya, Little Russia (at the beginning of the twentieth century by Austria-Hungary called Ukraine in spite of Russia), Belo-Russia, Courland, Livonia, Estland, Ingermanland, Ostsee provinces were once conquered and abundantly watered with Russian blood or bought for a lot of money!

In what capacity, on what conditions they will enter the Russian Federation - the second question. But they necessarily must return to the Russian Federation and must not only provide for oneself, but also strengthen the power of Russia! Moreover, people living there are mentally close to Russians.

Not all of them, of course, today are equally ready and willing to enter the Russian Federation, someone will be in "solo voyage" for a long time, someone will leave forever.

But Ukraine is ripe for joining.

So what is your future, Ukraine?

Where are you wandering in the thick fog of rebellion and bloodshed?

To what deep hole are your crafty and deceitful Western guides leading you now?
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    201 comment
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    1. -9
      14 January 2021 15: 05
      And this sad date "independent", "sovereign", "democratic", "developed" European (only in its location) power Ukraine, headed by half representatives of Jewry and LGBT, meets in a swooning state of stagnation, half-collapse and half-life.
      You shouldn't be like that. But in lacy panties, on powerful fascist asses. feel By the way, who is the author?
      Seriously though, the Ruins have an ideology (unlike us fool ), although anti-Russian, allows them to survive.
      1. +3
        14 January 2021 15: 31
        although (if the geopolitical situation is favorable) this can happen at any moment and very quickly

        Anything "can happen at any time and very quickly, if the geopolitical situation is favorable." Only there are no prerequisites for such a favorable addition, but there is only what is.
      2. -2
        14 January 2021 15: 34
        Oh, such sadness .... such sadness rolls over, as I think about "poor" Ukraine ... crying So sorry for everyone ... crying
        1. +12
          14 January 2021 18: 09
          To snail No. 9
          You know, your cheap trick is used by many Western propagandists of the world to trivialize the essence. And there are dirty obscene places in all countries of the world!
          1. -7
            14 January 2021 19: 06
            Mr. Mashkov, how did it happen that your signature is not under the article?
            1. +8
              14 January 2021 19: 10
              I have no idea, I handed in with a signature. And I have no right to discuss the decisions and actions of the editorial board.
              1. -2
                16 January 2021 13: 07
                Rejoicing at a neighbor's fire is stupid. Everyone laughed at Weimar Germany too. Then there was no laughing matter. The people in Ukraine are disappointed and angry at everyone - an excellent preparation for a dictatorship. So, in addition to the two scenarios you described, there is a third - the creation of a centralized fascist state.
                1. +3
                  16 January 2021 16: 06
                  Your third option is a variation on the first path.
                  And where did you get the idea that I'm laughing? Where did you see this? There was not even a thought to laugh at what was happening in Ukraine. Over silly characters - I can. But not over the destroyed country and people!
          2. -6
            15 January 2021 06: 59
            You know, your cheap trick is used by many Western propagandists of the world,

            Just like Wash-a-la: "Look how bad (in) Ukraine is (it means here, in Russia, everything is" much better "-" cars are out, at every entrance ", yeah)" ... - soon it (Ukraine) will "fall apart", "go bankrupt", "go bankrupt", go all over the world "," freeze "," die of hunger ", etc. (underline the necessary) ... Not tired? And yes, judging by article, you even have no idea how it is actually (in) in Ukraine.
          3. -2
            15 January 2021 11: 55
            So what is the essence of your idea? Let's again squeeze the last juices out of our people in order to attach and feed all the "brothers", and they will also hate us? Do you know that 30 million people in the Russian Federation do not have a warm toilet? Ever defecated in 30-degree frost?
            You need to take care of yourself, your country. Then you look and catch up with us. And not as before - themselves in poverty, and even keeping others ...
            1. 0
              15 January 2021 15: 25
              What you are stubborn "isolationist" is understandable. What you either don't read carefully, or do not want to admit unpleasant thoughts and words are also understandable.
              Specially for you: "In what capacity, on what conditions they will enter the Russian Federation - the second question. But they must definitely return to the Russian Federation and should not only provide for themselves, but also strengthen the power of Russia! Moreover, people living there are mentally close to the Russians. "
              And in 30-degree frost, I had to defecate. And cook on the train in a blizzard. And chop and chop ice, and walk in the ice. When he worked on Sakhalin in the KhBPTF and SMP.
              1. 0
                15 January 2021 16: 51
                Do they need it? Are you at all in tune with reality?
                1. +1
                  15 January 2021 17: 36
                  I am. And you? Are you Sakhalin?
              2. +1
                15 January 2021 18: 20
                Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                And in 30-degree frost, I had to defecate. And cook on the train in a blizzard. And chop and chop ice, and walk in the ice. When he worked on Sakhalin in the KhBPTF and SMP.

                Well, since you know what real life is like in Russia, then with what joy should we create wonderful living conditions for Ukrainians, if it is already hard for our people to survive? Somehow yourself, without us, catch up with the European standard of living in Ukraine - a fair wind in your back ...
              3. +1
                16 January 2021 22: 29
                Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                What you are stubborn "isolationist" is understandable. What you either don't read carefully, or do not want to admit unpleasant thoughts and words are also understandable.
                Specially for you: "In what capacity, on what conditions they will enter the Russian Federation - the second question. But they must definitely return to the Russian Federation and should not only provide for themselves, but also strengthen the power of Russia! Moreover, people living there are mentally close to the Russians. "
                And in 30-degree frost, I had to defecate. And cook on the train in a blizzard. And chop and chop ice, and walk in the ice. When he worked on Sakhalin in the KhBPTF and SMP.

                The further we push the enemies away from Moscow, the further they will advance. When the missiles were delivered to Cuba, the United States removed its missiles from Turkey.
                1. +1
                  17 January 2021 11: 16
                  Quote: Bearded
                  The further we push the enemies away from Moscow, the further they will advance. When the missiles were delivered to Cuba, the United States removed its missiles from Turkey.

                  Quite right! That's what I'm talking about. This is one of the advantages of which there are many.
                  1. +1
                    17 January 2021 13: 33
                    I support you. The further into the forest, the thicker the partisans. It is necessary to organize zones of instability closer to the Capitol.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +5
        14 January 2021 18: 15
        Quote: Mavrikiy
        Seriously though, the Ruins have an ideology ...

        You're wrong. No the ideology of today's Ukraine. All of her today's "ideology" - what will the American ambassador or the State Department say!
        1. Cat
          14 January 2021 19: 22
          Today's Ukraine has no ideology

          The absence of one's own ideology is also a kind of ideology. Never lived "nezalezhno" - so there is nothing to begin. Attempts to build something independent on the territory of present-day Ukraine have always ended in ruins with subsequent reunification. This attempt is at least the third.
        2. +6
          14 January 2021 19: 41
          Today's Ukraine has no ideology
          There is. Freebie is called. I talked to the locals in Kiev, and they all told me about their plans when Ukraine will be admitted to the EU. He will buy his wife a second car, build a house in Portugal, send his daughter to Germany to study for free. When Ukrainians are already in Europe, there are no less Napoleonic plans to get nishtyaks from the state in which they live on an expired visa good They also say when (and not "if", namely "when") will be accepted into the EU, I will bring the whole family, children to the university, mom / dad needs operations, they will give an apartment from the state for the family. These are all Ukrainians without exception! They are friends for nishtyaki, such a mentality. And such friends go to the museum.
          1. +2
            14 January 2021 19: 48
            Quote: Bolt Cutter
            These are all Ukrainians without exception!

            It's funny. We talked with one redneck and made a conclusion about the whole of Ukraine. It turns out that you can make a conclusion about all Russians. I just won't! No. No.
            1. +4
              14 January 2021 19: 58
              Talked to one goon
              Ten two at least, including really educated people. And also a cousin with her family, also sure that her happiness and future in England Yes ... She will go to study (not work wink ) she will be given an apartment, she will buy a car for herself. And they all think so, that they are eating somewhere somewhere, where they are expected to be presented with all sorts of nishtyaks.
              you can make a conclusion about all Russians
              I am a Russian Baltic.
              1. +3
                15 January 2021 12: 04
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                including really educated people. And also a cousin with her family, also sure that her happiness and future in England

                human stupidity knows no boundaries and methods of fooling work, what's so surprising?
                1. +1
                  15 January 2021 12: 10
                  But not as effective wassat But about stupidity, rightly noticed. A friend of mine assured me the other day that there is no covid, and all deaths are from 5g towers. Everything would be fine, but he is an electronic engineer laughing And how did he graduate from college (not in Russia)
                  1. -5
                    15 January 2021 12: 19
                    very effectively, I myself professionally manipulated the consciousness of the masses, I only need a mouthpiece for the media and money ... there really is no covid in the sense of understanding it by the intoxicated masses, there is a flu, a little heavier than usual ...
                    1. +3
                      15 January 2021 12: 24
                      have the flu, a little heavier than usual
                      And they call it 5g towers wassat But a man in Germany studied to be an engineer belay
                      I myself professionally manipulated the consciousness of the masses
                      Even when specialists got down to business, probably better than you, even with an unlimited budget, I did not run to kiss Negro boots. So it doesn't work for everyone.
          2. 0
            18 January 2021 16: 08
            So they reasoned in 13-14, now they don't even dream about it.
        3. +1
          15 January 2021 07: 43
          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov

          You're wrong. No the ideology of today's Ukraine. All of her today's "ideology" - what will the American ambassador or the State Department say!

          It depends on how you look, if you count as the ideology of the modern Ukrainian state: "Ukraine is not Russia" and oppose itself to Russia in all spheres, then everything is fine with them, they have a desire to join the EU, NATO and have a desire to live under the American " democracy ", the same, by the way, Poland as a Russophobic state, is doing quite well. As for the future of Ukraine .... in 6 years, there were so many forecasts of the collapse of Ukraine, but as we can see, the patient is still alive and in the future the West will support this formation, to contain Russia, so there is no need to wait for the collapse of Ukraine, regarding Donbass, where is he will go away? They don't take him to Russia, and if they take him, then new sanctions await our country + huge funds will have to be invested in the restoration of the region, colossal funds ... + social services (pensions, benefits, benefits, etc.). And if in 2014 there was no desire to take the Donbass (when it was still relatively intact), now even more so. About New Russia, which is next in line, is doubtful. Remember Odessa on May 2, 2014? the events of this tragedy showed the real state of affairs well. Novorossia has no support, among the local population ... after all, in order for the South-Eastern part of Ukraine to break away from the Western part, first of all, the desire of the population itself is needed. Is it there? What is the percentage of young people in Kharkov, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Nikolaev, Kherson, etc. support New Russia? Here is your answer.
        4. -1
          15 January 2021 10: 37
          Even if there is no such ideology. There is no longer any interest in this territory. The Russian World comes to the place where it is wanted and expected. And they do. After May 2, 2014, he is not there.
      5. -4
        14 January 2021 19: 23
        This is so scary, as if the author wrote a libel on Hitler and fears the Gestapo. Who is the author hiding from and what was he hiding? The author, in stealth, resembles a Ural song - someone was lowered from the hill, probably the author is being led, on it is a protective givnaster, a pagon is chewed on the shoulder. The author is kuku!
      6. 0
        15 January 2021 07: 33
        For the sake of fairness, I must say that other parts of the USSR, except for the Baltic States, have no particular successes.
      7. 0
        15 January 2021 10: 14
        It is ideology that makes you bang your head against the wall and does not allow you to either change course or tolerate those who disagree.
      8. 0
        20 January 2021 15: 38
        You will try that life on yourself and you will be horrified. God forbid!
    2. -7
      14 January 2021 15: 08
      It is better for the Ukrainian authorities to miss this anniversary unnoticed. Judging by the popularly elected president, Ukraine is not yet ripe for joining Russia. If only in parts.
      1. -6
        14 January 2021 18: 23
        Quote: Sergey39
        It is better for the Ukrainian authorities to miss this anniversary unnoticed. Judging by the popularly elected president, Ukraine is not yet ripe for joining Russia. If only in parts.

        You are not right. Ukraine is ripe. A all presidents with a pack of accomplices should be tried for all the good! And that which rests in the suburbs too. And his friends-accomplices, that now they are rubbing the "truth" to the Russians from Russian TV screens about bad Ukraine.
        1. +2
          15 January 2021 02: 43
          At the expense of presidents, friends and accomplices I agree. It is necessary to judge, but in Ukraine. And they are not ready for this, yet, they only vote for them.
          1. 0
            15 January 2021 14: 17
            Sorry, you don't understand well what is happening in / in Ukraine. You see, when Russia shows detachment from Ukrainian people, people are forced to do something themselves. Now he is not capable of mutiny, although there is civil disobedience and resistance. What else can be done peacefully? That's right, elections. Why did they vote for Zelensky, although they assumed that he was a bastard? Firstly, AGAINST the hated Poroshenko and Bandera, if only they were not (no one expected that Zelya would worse). Secondly, hopedthat Zelensky would be better. They miscalculated. We realized that the choice of two villains is empty. Therefore, the majority of voters did NOT participate in the recent elections. I suppose there will be even fewer in the next "elections". But someone will always come from among the supporters of the "independent" government.
            1. 0
              15 January 2021 14: 46
              Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
              Therefore, the majority of voters did NOT participate in the recent elections. I believe that the next "elections" will be even less.

              And this minority will choose Poroshenko - and don't go to the babak ...
              What will you sing then?
              1. 0
                15 January 2021 15: 50
                The same as yesterday. request
                You can also: "Forgotten, abandoned ..." You can also: "Hopelessness." And what else are they singing while plunging into the swamp and looking at the curious observers of this event standing on the firmament?
            2. 0
              15 January 2021 15: 34
              I agree with almost everything that you wrote about the return of territories, but, given the current geopolitical situation, this is impossible. It is at least stupid to attach them by force, they themselves will not go for it, since all passionaries take the opposite side. Another thing is that it is necessary to strengthen work in the republics and raise the standard of living in Russia itself. And this business is not quick. And wait for a change in the geopolitical situation. Everything will happen very quickly at the right moment.
            3. 0
              16 January 2021 00: 32
              They voted for Beloborodko. And Zelensky became president.
    3. +10
      14 January 2021 15: 09
      For whom they are sad, and for whom they are funny. To all the enemies of the communists in their states on the territory of the USSR that they have seized, and therefore "and now it is better than in the USSR" that they have achieved what they have been so eager to take away from the communists and their supporters for 70 years - to parasitize at the expense of other people's labor, to enrich themselves at the expense of their country and people, to do whatever they want, to wander around the world.
    4. bad
      14 January 2021 15: 13
      Thank you for the article. Who is the author? It is not displayed for me.
      1. +1
        14 January 2021 18: 04
        You are welcome. I signed, but for some reason they did not put my signature. But the editors have the right to do as they see fit. Although it may be someone's minor oversight.
        1. bad
          14 January 2021 18: 26
          Thank you Vladimir. In my opinion, if events develop according to the first scenario you indicated, then the process will stretch for decades.
          1. 0
            14 January 2021 19: 07
            Yes. It’s bad just now, as Confucius said, it seems: “Bad times pass, but life passes along with them”.
          2. +1
            15 January 2021 10: 40
            Will the process take decades? Yes, generations are changing, new ones will grow for which the USSR and Russia are an empty phrase (and most likely they will be perceived as enemies). This is what will happen.
            1. 0
              15 January 2021 15: 27
              Yes, there are already people born in Russia and who have moved there will perceive us as enemies.
              1. -1
                15 January 2021 16: 15
                You're right. I already wrote about my four fellow students. Caught in 86 by distribution. With Soviet upbringing, those born in the RSFSR became ardent Svidomites.
              2. -1
                15 January 2021 16: 39
                Quote: ZAV69
                Yes, there are already people born in Russia and who have moved there will perceive us as enemies.

                No need to lie! And I, and huge the number of my acquaintances, just people DO NOT perceive Russians as enemies, although they are upset that in 2014 Russia did not help to free itself (we then had huge rallies and demonstrations)! In addition, unlike many Russians, we clearly share and understand what the authorities (ours and yours) are, and what are ordinary Russians, the people!
                1. +2
                  15 January 2021 20: 21
                  Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                  No need to lie! And me, and a huge number of my friends,

                  Why should I lie ..... There are relatives in the Lviv region. At one time they were born and raised in the RSFSR and went on distribution. After the Maidan we are perceived as enemies. We do not communicate since 2014
                  1. 0
                    15 January 2021 20: 40
                    Lvivarea is not all Ukraine. Although she claims that she is the true Ukraine. Lviv region is WESTERN Ukraine, which very differs not only from South and East, but even from Central (but less). To draw a conclusion about one Lviv region for the whole of Ukraine is like saying that all Russians in Russia are narrow-eyed Chukchi (may the Chukchi forgive me for mentioning it).
                    1. 0
                      15 January 2021 21: 11
                      The man is 70 years old, does not speak Mov. And hatred for Russia in full growth. Her daughters have the same thing. Conclusion: brainwashed. So it’s not in the region, but the fact that you hear such propaganda from every iron .... And if you don’t like the region, then I have another example: a person lives in the Kherson region and seriously believes that Russia is at war with Ukraine.
                      1. 0
                        15 January 2021 21: 25
                        You very are similar to your relative! Just the opposite. Maybe it's family? lol
                        All the best to you! Yes hi
                        1. +1
                          21 January 2021 07: 30
                          Vladimir, thank you, the article is good, it is possible that Ukraine will be cut into pieces Hungary, Poland, Russia
                        2. 0
                          21 January 2021 15: 16
                          Quote: Miyamoto Musasi
                          Vladimir, thank you, the article is good, it is possible that Ukraine will be cut into pieces Hungary, Poland, Russia

                          Without a doubt. The only question is when... And today's "patriots" do all for this.
                        3. 0
                          23 January 2021 12: 18

                          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                          Without a doubt. The only question is when. And today's "patriots" are doing everything for this.

                          Although the "patriots" - Svidomites with Bandera - want just the opposite. But they are ... VERY stupid people (otherwise strict VO Rules do not allow to speak out).
                    2. 0
                      17 January 2021 20: 18
                      Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                      Lviv region is not all of Ukraine. Although she claims that she is the true Ukraine.

                      hmmm ... what don't you think this is a sound idea? of all Ukrainians to "true ukrainu", and the Little Russians are reunited with the Great Russians? wink
                      1. +1
                        17 January 2021 20: 43
                        Quote: SanichSan
                        Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                        Lviv region is not all of Ukraine. Although she claims that she is the true Ukraine.

                        hmmm ... what don't you think this is a sound idea? of all Ukrainians to "true ukrainu", and the Little Russians are reunited with the Great Russians? wink

                        It is, of course, not bad. I remember 8 years ago, during our battles with Bandera at the Soap, one person kept saying: "The border along the Zbruch!" On the other hand, why would they give Galicia and Volhynia to them? For her, both in the First and Second World War - our Patriotic War - many Russian soldiers were killed. So, denazification and re-education by Siberian-northern construction sites is better! lol
                        1. 0
                          17 January 2021 22: 34
                          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                          So, denazification and re-education by Siberian-northern construction sites is better!

                          we recently discussed this topic with you. until it becomes clear to the Maloros in Ukraine what Ukrainians are and who the Ukrainians are, as long as they call themselves Ukrainians because they were born there, all this Russophobic porridge will be successfully brewed. request enough pink snot about "fraternal peoples"! there are none. there is one Russian people and there is a Ukrainian people - an antagonism to everything Russian.
                        2. -1
                          18 January 2021 16: 23
                          This porridge is with you in our reasoning and disputes! Ukrainians are not Ukrainians, Little Russians are not Little Russians, Russians are not Russians, who is more in whom and how many percent ... And all residents of all 132 nations and nationalities of the Ukrainian country that exists so far call themselves Ukrainians by the name of the country. True, they - Ukrainians - are different... There are nationalists and internationalists, there are pro-Western zapadentsy - Svidomites with Bandera (a minority), and there are pro-Russian southern and eastern Ukrainians (the majority). And why can't it be Russian Ukrainians-Little Russians as part of Russia? After all, there are Chechens, Tatars, Udmurts, Tuvinians, Buryats, Yakuts? You confuse, equalize and combine the concepts of "Ukrainian" and "Bandera" only because Bandera call themselves Ukrainians! And the Russian people (in your opinion - the Russian people) is not "one", it consists of a huge number of nations and nationalities, united by one goal ... But abroad everyone calls themselves Russians... And foreigners also call everyone from Russia Russians.
                        3. 0
                          18 January 2021 18: 02
                          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                          True, they - Ukrainians - are different.

                          no. can not be. you are trying again to hide the roots of this phenomenon. Ukrainians were originally created as an antagonism to Russian. this is the basis of Ukrainians. trying to hide it, you are cultivating Ukrainian nationalism. request
                          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                          There are nationalists and internationalists, there are pro-Western zapadentsy - Svidomites with Bandera (a minority), and there are pro-Russian southern and eastern Ukrainians (the majority).

                          there are no pro-Russian Ukrainians. this is the same nonsense as the pro-Soviet SS. either you are Maloros - that is, Russian, or you are Ukrainian - that is, the antagonist of everything Russian. decide and act. if you do not understand the difference between Ukrainian and Maloros, then learn history.
                          "D. Markov, a member of the Russian People's Council, a deputy of the Lvov Diet since 1914, said in court on charges of 'Moscowophilia': “Since the goal of Ukrainians is negative, namely the breaking up of a single national culture of Russian tribes, I do not consider it a cultural movement, I consider it contrary to culture, and for these purely cultural reasons I am not a supporter of Ukrainian""
                          from where you can find the quote. educate yourself wink By the way, this is about the very thing that you are slipping us under the sauce of "Ukrainians".
                          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                          And why can't there be Russian Ukrainians-Little Russians in Russia?

                          by the fact that you are either Ukrainian or Maloros. your focus worked until March 2, 1917, when the Ukrainians were a party, but as soon as they were retrained from the party into one or the other nationality.
                          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                          You confuse, equalize and combine the concepts of "Ukrainian" and "Bandera" only because Bandera call themselves Ukrainians!

                          I do not confuse anything. I am stating a fact. one, Bandera, came from the other, Ukrainian. it is not separable. familiarize yourself with the origin of Ukrainians as an ideology, with how the first Ukrainians appeared on March 2, 1917, what they declared and how they joined the Ukrainians. learn history!
                          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
                          And foreigners also call everyone from Russia Russians.

                          and the Ukrainians as well .. but this is not a matter of politics yet, let alone the Ukrainians who are all self-styled and are fighting with the maskals. wassat
                          so learn history, decide who you are, and at the end we will think what to do. with little Russians there is nothing to talk about, with Ukrainians nothing to talk about. let them gnaw each other's throats as the UPA units did, but without us.
    5. +4
      14 January 2021 15: 19
      Ukraine will face a "Yugoslav end" and a continuation of the Russian genocide. The ostrich position of the Kremlin towers on the fate of Russians in Ukraine will lead to the same state of affairs in Russia itself.
    6. +5
      14 January 2021 15: 21
      According to experts, separately, it was the 8th economy in the world. She had no debts to anyone.

      This is nonsense, because the Ukrainian economy was integrated into the economy of the USSR by millions of bonds, and it is not possible to calculate its "net" percentage. The same is with the debt, because it was consolidated for the entire USSR, which means that it was partly due to Ukraine. But they ended up recognizing him after the collapse.
      The isolationist group is still more popular. Who are these people? What do they want?
      These people call themselves patriots of Russia. They want all funds to be directed exclusively to the internal development of the country. Without distraction to extraneous external objects. In view, in their opinion, the country's weakness and lack of funds.

      I consider myself to be such, and I consider this the future of Russia.

      A group of representatives of a different direction of development of Russia - statesmen, sovereigns, imperials, Great Russians.
      They also call themselves patriots. But, in contrast to the isolationists, they believe that, while developing internally as a priority, Russia should also develop in breadth and grow in returned territories.

      I feel sorry for these people - apparently the history of the USSR did not teach them anything, And if their point of view prevails, then we will be doomed to new upheavals. God forbid such people come to power ...
      1. -4
        14 January 2021 18: 30
        We talked with you yesterday, I promised you an article, here it is. But, after reading, you didn’t understand anything. I'm sorry for YOU ... But this is YOUR choice: at the same time with the West против Great Russia.
        1. +7
          14 January 2021 19: 42
          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
          But, after reading, you still did NOT understand anything. I feel sorry for you...

          Maybe I didn’t understand something in your article, but in life I learned to understand better than you, so I’m sorry for you too, since you haven’t grown up to that.
          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
          But this is YOUR choice: along with the West against Great Russia.

          And here you are simply distorting, because I have never been a fan of the West and I consider its development path to be vicious for our country. But this does not mean that I will believe in any heresy, which some narrow-minded people expound here with aplomb.
          By the way, thinking about Great Russia, can you at least say something about its borders? Well name them, feel free ...
      2. +1
        14 January 2021 22: 37
        The same is with the debt, because it was consolidated for the entire USSR, which means that it was partly due to Ukraine. But they ended up recognizing him after the collapse.

        After the performance of the State Emergency Committee, which finally discredited the Soviet power in the eyes of the people, it was agreed at the gangway that the RSFSR would take over the debts of the USSR. For which all assets abroad will go to her too.
        1. -4
          15 January 2021 01: 29
          Not certainly in that way. not even at all like that.
          Ukraine demanded its share of assets and debt - about 16 percent. Russia is against.
          THE PRESS SERVICE OF THE CABINET OF MINISTERS OF UKRAINE CONFIRMS THE NEGATIVE POSITION OF THE REPUBLIC WITH REGARD TO THE TRANSITION OF ASSETS OF THE FORMER USSR IN USE BY RUSSIA ... At the same time, Ukraine considered it necessary to secure for her part of the assets and part of the debt paid by the USSR, as provided for by the agreement. Ukraine could not agree with the unilateral possession, use and disposal of assets by Russia .... The Russian delegation, rejecting Ukraine's proposals as unacceptable, insisted only on the complete transfer to Russia of the rights and functions for managing the assets and foreign debt of the former USSR in the part that accounted for Ukraine.

          1. 0
            15 January 2021 01: 51
            not even at all like that.

            What's "not at all"? As far as I understand, there are no objections from representatives of other republics on how to divide debts and assets. And from the side of Ukraine, as far as can be understood, a proposal followed regarding a purely symbolic share. To which the former union center, and after the State Emergency Committee, the rate of the new young Russia gave a decisive refusal and no one at 91 began to contradict, simply because no one was used to contradicting the union center.
            1. +2
              15 January 2021 12: 45
              Quote: A_Lex
              ... And on the part of Ukraine, as far as can be understood, a proposal followed regarding a purely symbolic share.

              The share that Ukraine claimed was not at all symbolic, but the debt of the USSR grew constantly, due to non-payment of even interest. Therefore, in Ukraine, they quickly realized that it was better to say goodbye to foreign assets than to hang on to a part of the growing debt. This was the cunning of the Kiev leadership, which did not assume that Russia would independently repay all the debts of the USSR in the XNUMXs. But when Russia paid off for the entire Union, here our clever "brothers" sang that they were deceived with the division of the USSR's inheritance, return our property, etc.
              So there is no need to cheat in matters of our history, at least in part of the known facts of the payment of debts of the USSR.
            2. +1
              15 January 2021 13: 00
              No, 16% is the share of the Ukrainian SSR economy in the USSR economy on the eve of its collapse. Slightly less than the share of the Ukrainian USSR in the population. But this is understandable, because along with the industrially developed eastern and southern regions, there were mainly agro-industrial western and southwestern regions in the republic. With all the division of union assets. the share of Ukraine has always been 16,37%. And the share of the RSFSR was higher than the share of the population of the Russian Federation, it was 61,4%. Belarus 4,23%, that is, almost four times less than Ukraine, although the population was five times less than the Ukrainian population. The share of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan was less than that of Belarus, with a significantly larger population of these republics compared to Belarus. In more detail:
    7. +1
      14 January 2021 15: 22
      As their political scientists have noticed, things are already not ah, but they, leading-leading, steal, steal and will steal !!!
      1. +1
        14 January 2021 15: 40
        So far there is something and they come to power only for this. Greetings! hi
        1. +2
          14 January 2021 16: 36
          Welcome soldier
          "Diagnosis" should be used ... almost everywhere!
          If anyone finds any exceptions, it is, from their point of view, a complete clinic!
          And we, now, just look from the outside and ..... I do not know what can be done, how to change it.
          1. +2
            14 January 2021 18: 00
            It was at all times, on which we sit and feed ourselves ...
            1. +2
              14 January 2021 18: 15
              At all times, but in different ways.
              No matter how they reasoned now, but without the possibility of realizing their wishes, even the possibility of appropriating something was not always realized, because they could be imprisoned.
              1. +3
                14 January 2021 18: 19
                Yes, under the USSR it was easy, they planted it right away ...
                1. +3
                  14 January 2021 18: 26
                  Were cunning, thieving and then! But what to do with that? Certainly, it was not exported over the hillock .... which means it remained here and went into the national economy! Units could do it differently ...
                  1. +4
                    14 January 2021 18: 31
                    Then for such things, they easily gave a tower and did not stand on ceremony ...
                    1. +3
                      14 January 2021 19: 08
                      Capital punishment, confiscation and other "joys" are a serious argument. He kept many from being unreasonable.
                      1. +3
                        14 January 2021 20: 57
                        Not just restrained, but worked properly ...
    8. The comment was deleted.
    9. +7
      14 January 2021 15: 25
      Another brace for the citizens of Russia - look how bad it is, do you want the same thing?
      1. 0
        14 January 2021 16: 38
        Oh, do not make you all laugh.
        Shaw people do not know that they steal everywhere?
        Just some savor, gloat, and the rest grit their teeth from impotence, from the impossibility of changing something.
        1. +4
          14 January 2021 18: 02
          Woo, like a game on a bad TV ... and someone may be jealous that I am not stealing ...
      2. +2
        14 January 2021 18: 38
        Quote: 7,62x54
        Another brace for the citizens of Russia - look how bad it is, do you want the same thing?

        No, just a description of what is. And in Russia now it is really much better than on the outskirts. A couple of days ago we talked to a relative from the Urals via Skype, compared prices, tariffs, salaries, pensions. Surprise, but potatoes in the Urals are cheaper than in the south of Ukraine. I suspect that we have it from the Urals. lol And pensions and salaries are much higher.
        1. +1
          14 January 2021 19: 11
          You know, comparing with topics where it is clearly worse is flawed logic.
          It is necessary to carefully, so, to take a closer look, to figure it out, but why is it NOT BETTER here ??? Not as it should be, with all the wealth of our country !!!
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +1
          14 January 2021 20: 47
          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
          And pensions and salaries are much higher.

          Pensions and salaries are much higher in Russia than in Ukraine!
        4. -1
          15 January 2021 01: 07
          And in Russia now it is really much better than on the outskirts.

          It can also be called "the best of the worst"
          It is unlikely that a pensioner with a pension of 12 tr. warms that in Ukraine pensions are even less.
          1. 0
            15 January 2021 13: 49
            I agree. And it recalls the words of the Baltic states, which the whole Union was indignant with when they wished to secede. But then Yeltsin appeared, who dissolved and dispersed everyone ...
          2. -2
            17 January 2021 22: 59
            Quote: 7,62x54
            It is unlikely that a pensioner with a pension of 12 tr. warms that in Ukraine pensions are even less.

            pensioner with a pension of 12t.r. central heating warms, which will be the envy of many pensioners receiving pensions in pounds or stamps and forced to save on heating. look at euronius, there are periodically very interesting stories ... for example, about German teachers who went to check their pensions and found that they were not even enough to pay for housing.
            so your
            Quote: 7,62x54
            It can also be called "the best of the worst"
            to put it mildly out of place. rather "better than many" civilized "" wink
    10. kig
      14 January 2021 15: 25
      Author in the studio!
    11. -4
      14 January 2021 15: 26
      Well, in the end, the author took - and the whole point of the article in mud.
      But they must definitely return to the Russian Federation and must not only support yourself, but also to strengthen the power of Russia!

      So if the Outskirts could provide for themselves, she wouldn’t need to join somewhere. For example, now the Ruin has become part of the Russian Federation. What can she give? Agricultural? The State Grain Company left China for debts back in 2015. Suppose there will be grain - but there are no terminals, granaries too. Is there a profit? No. And so on every aspect
      1. -3
        14 January 2021 18: 46
        Quote: Cowbra
        What can she give?

        And you carefully impartial take a look, read and think, that Ukraine can give Russia. You will see - a lot. Moreover, supporting yourself on your own. She would only be helped by the power to deliver normal...
        1. +2
          14 January 2021 19: 43
          Can not.
          Today, from many sectors of the Ukrainian economy, only the fuel and energy complex, agriculture, food industry and forestry complex remain in a tolerable condition.

          Fuel and energy complex is ruined. The nuclear power plant is in a pre-emergency state and the resource is exhausted, coal ones too, and the Dnieper hydroelectric power station ... For example, freight traffic on it is prohibited - it will fall apart.
          Agricultural - see above. I can add that they again ran out of potatoes in the country, by the way, they have been buying it in Africa for a long time.
          The food industry is also half-dead. It was once Oleina was a giant, now there is nowhere to sell, and Oleina and Poroshenko's sweets are in fact bankrupt.
          Leskhoz - oops! How much should be invested in the bald Carpathians to stop flushing with mudflows? There is no profit, there will be losses, if you do not cut it further, but according to the rules
          Total - can not give ANYTHING. About the infrastructure and the disadvantaged population, which will need to be re-educated - generally kept quiet
    12. 0
      14 January 2021 15: 26
      Over the years of the winding and confused path of Ukrainian "independence" and "development"
      Why? The path is straight like an arrow. feel
      3% of pensioners in 2020 received a pension of more than 10 thousand, 11% - from 5 to 10 thousand, 8% - from 4 to 5 thousand, 15% - from 3 to 4 thousand, 46% - from 2 to 3 thousand, 16,5, 1500% - from 2000 to XNUMX hryvnia
      It doesn't work that way. 3 - 10, 11 - 5-10, 8 - 4-5, 15 - 3-4, 46 - 2-3, 16 - up to 2. There must be an error: 11 and 8 were confused, or instead of 8 - 12-14. Statistics is science. request
    13. -1
      14 January 2021 15: 33
      If the Russian Federation does not control the territory and population from Kharkov to Odessa, this means the presence of hostile armed forces there. And the gradual degeneration of Russians in Ukraine into staunch Bandera. When every iron rushes around the clock "Russian invaders fired at the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbas", the new generation is guaranteed to turn into Ukronazis. AND...?
      1. +6
        14 January 2021 16: 23
        "Bandera" is the same propaganda
        simulacrum, as well as the "White Finns" who supposedly
        existed separately from the Finnish people.
        The white movement rejected all independence
        Finns and no "White Finns" were not - it was just
        "Bandera" were not the same (Bandera is a Polish citizen,
        Polish prisoner and before the war and the whole war spent in prison,
        did not fight and did not even command a squad)
        There were citizens (at that time) of Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland-
        NOT CITIZENS OF THE USSR, so they did what they saw fit.
        At the same time, among them were those who honored Bandera (OUNb) and those who
        deeply had it in mind - UNA, UNSO, UPA and others.
        Do you have any complaints against these foreigners?
        And, you have a claim to the ALL Ukrainian people - 42 million?
        And nothing, that those of us who were 1991 in 25 are only 55 today!
        They (Soviet kindergarten + school + army + university) that, too
        Bandera? Well then, all were Bandera in the Ukrainian SSR -
        educators, teachers, commanders of the SA and the head of the department at the head
        with the rectors! Or have you already buried us, Soviet people?
        I inform - we are alive, and we are not going to die yet, why
        and we wish you! And if you see "Bandera" people everywhere,
        so it's to the doctor. And do not delay, otherwise the Russians alone
        saw it, you know how it ended
        1. +3
          14 January 2021 17: 58
          The White Finns were just like the Red Finns.
          1. -4
            14 January 2021 19: 19
            That is, in 1939 the USSR did not fight with the "red" Finns,
            were there a lot of "whites"? Well, of course, the whites are still those byaki.
            So it is with Bandera - when this terrorist is a bomber
            once again the Germans were released from prison in 1944,
            then in Ukraine there is nothing left of his OUN (b),
            however, as well as from his "opponents" - OUN-M (Melnik).
            By the way, they themselves wet each other (M and B) not weakly.
            And in Ukraine the UPA was already operating and she wanted to spit
            on Bandera, it was created by him and did not obey him.
            So the USSR until 1953 fought not with Bandera, but in general
            to hell with anyone. For example, the last seer Siry, whom
            smoked out of the cache already in 1953 - a native of Donbass.
            (Oce torture ukrayinets mabud buv). That's just not a Bandera
            he never. But all this does not bother some on VO with foam at the mouth
            broadcast that today in Ukraine everyone - including babies -
            Bandera. Well, thanks for not "Melnikovites" - these are
            just (OUN-M) were for full cooperation with the Nazis.
        2. 0
          15 January 2021 13: 24
          Finns, not Finns. It is in the Ukrainian language that there are no double consonants, but in Russian they are.
          1. +1
            15 January 2021 15: 12
            Thank you!. I wrote with one, highlighted in red,
            although he doubted, he tried with two.
            By the way, high school students in the Soviet school take turns
            on Mondays they prepared and read political information.
            It was necessary to cover events abroad and in the country ("Pravda"),
            as well as local ones ("Pravda Ukrainy", "Silske Life")
            I, passing to the locals, took a Ukrainian newspaper and immediately in Russian
            expounded entire articles - classmates did not notice at what moment
            I have a newspaper in my hands. And this is with an abundance of all kinds of
            terminology. I dropped out of school in 1968 and never kept it in my life.
            in the hands of an education certificate. Lived 70 years and never talked about it
            did not regret. I learned everything I wanted myself. Member of foreign academies
            sciences, like Tsiolkovsky, who also never studied anywhere from the age of 12,
            I certainly didn't. But I work in IT (corporate, banking networks)
            still. So I'm still that hack.
      2. 0
        14 January 2021 18: 49
        Quote: avia12005
        If the Russian Federation does not control the territory and population from Kharkov to Odessa, this means the presence of hostile armed forces there. And the gradual degeneration of Russians in Ukraine into staunch Bandera. When every iron rushes around the clock "Russian invaders fired at the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Donbas", the new generation is guaranteed to turn into Ukronazis. AND...?

        You're right. The roll is powerful.
    14. +4
      14 January 2021 15: 39
      To what deep hole are your crafty and deceitful Western guides leading you now?

      It doesn't matter which one, the main thing is that it is very deep ...
    15. +6
      14 January 2021 15: 45
      I feel sorry for these people - apparently the history of the USSR taught them nothing.
      What a pity you are!
      And Moldavians, Armenians, Belarusians, Russians, after all, are you not sorry?
      Not a single state on the territory of the former USSR
      failed to build a successful project, including Russia.

      I explain:
      a) Russia cannot do what the USSR could.
      b) Ukraine cannot do what Russia can.
      c) Lao PDR cannot even do what Ukraine can.
      a) What Rostropovich can do, Omsk Philharmonic Society cannot.
      b) What the Omsk Philharmonic Society can do, the "brigadier" of the funeral
      Orchestra of Golopupyansk with its "performers"
      This is not good, this is not bad. This is his normal attainable level.
      Well, you will not, in your right mind, demand from him the same as from
      The Bolshoi Theater Violin Ensemble! This is absurd!
      1. +2
        14 January 2021 19: 51
        Quote: Kushka
        I feel sorry for these people - apparently the history of the USSR taught them nothing.
        What a pity you are!
        And Moldavians, Armenians, Belarusians, Russians, after all, are you not sorry?

        The Russians learned a lot - it turns out that we were the oppressors of all other peoples in the USSR and for this we have to pay with the former Soviet republics by the fact that they should support them, for example, like Ukraine, with cheap gas and oil.
        Quote: Kushka
        I explain:
        a) Russia cannot do what the USSR could.

        This is natural, even based on the population size. Have you even decided to speculate on this?
        Quote: Kushka
        b) Ukraine cannot do what Russia can.

        This is natural, because at least Ukraine's scientific and economic potential is weaker. Ukraine cannot produce anything high-tech in any area.
        Quote: Kushka
        Well, you will not, in your right mind, demand from him the same as from
        The Bolshoi Theater Violin Ensemble! This is absurd!

        Your demagoguery is absurd - there is nothing else behind your texts.
        1. -4
          14 January 2021 22: 17
          for example, Ukraine with cheap gas and oil.
          Ukraine is known to do without Russian gas and oil.
          This is natural, even based on the population size.
          Not natural - example Japan - the number is the same (roughly)
          Ukraine cannot produce anything high-tech in any area
          As you can see from everything - Ukraine does not give a damn about it - WELL SHE DOESN'T WANT!
          (Yuzhmash, Antonov, Motorsich, ChMP, Nikolaev, Zaporizhstal, etc., etc.)
          Each has its own hut and in it its OWN hog (well, amber forest,
          maybach, candles ... ugh, chocolate factory, yacht, shop,
          natural boar finally) and he strokes, strokes ...
          Your demagoguery is absurd - there is nothing else behind your texts.
          No absurdity, elementary arithmetic - 2x2 = 4, 2x3 = 6, etc.
          1. 0
            15 January 2021 12: 38
            Quote: Kushka
            Ukraine is known to do without Russian gas and oil.

            Not bypassing, but buying them through intermediaries because of his stupidity. Beat your head against the wall, we do not mind, the main thing is that it is our gas and oil that gets to Ukraine, and accordingly gives income to Russia.

            Quote: Kushka
            Not natural - example Japan - the number is the same (roughly)

            Japan cannot launch its orbital stations, has no nuclear submarines, ballistic missiles, and generally maintains occupation troops, fearing even the DPRK. We are following a different path - our independence is dearer to us than to the Japanese, which is why we sacrifice our well-being in order to be free from the whole world. Well, Ukraine generally goes its own way, over which the whole world laughs, and even some African countries take offense when they are compared with the independent one.

            Quote: Kushka
            (Yuzhmash, Antonov, Motorsich, ChMP, Nikolaev, Zaporizhstal, etc., etc.)

            All this has not worked for a long time, there are only names and some handicraft industries.
            Quote: Kushka
            Each has its own hut and it has its own hog

            Why then are they protesting against the new tariffs in Ukraine, since everyone is living fine? This is your Channel 5, not Ostankino.
            1. -2
              15 January 2021 14: 07
              Do not strain you so! I also understand BO - where is the media there and propaganda:
              The tough leap year 2020 has just ended. At this time it is accepted
              take stock and try to determine the development paths for the future.
              It makes sense to do it and in relation to Ukraine.

              Well this is necessary, there is a sense in VO, eh. It’s necessary, such interest.
              And you too! And 42 million Ukrainians and ALL ON THE DRUM!
              From the janitor to the President! You are nowhere and will not hear from anyone
              one word - not about industrialization (Medvedchuk's godfather does not count),
              not about gasification (half of the country even in the central part without gas),
              everyone is doing what I indicated above - stroking their hog.
              Motorsich - in the trash, ChMP - on needles, and in general all factories or in the junk
              (as sugar factories) or sell (as distilleries). And this rusty pipe,
              for which Brezhnev is dad to Brezhnev's son the Order of Friendship of Peoples
              rolled off - there - on pins and needles. Or you may have heard something, but I
              I live here and missed (well, considering that for you it turns out
              THERE IS A SENSE!) But I live here and see with my own eyes - they have nothing
              not necessary. Former shipbuilding, rocketry, aircraft construction,
              gas transmission system - not to the government, not to the people - ANYONE.
              Everyone has everything - 52% of Ukrainians said they were happy in 2020!
              Maybach DOESN'T PRODUCE yet, just started an electric car on order
              (from 700 thousand dollars in the database) - ALREADY SWEATS IN KIEV!
              And the fact that grandmothers (remembered in winter!) Go to the tariff Maidan,
              so Julia will be popular. Yes, and the tradition here is such - the Maidan and Kuchma down with,
              Maidan and Yushchenko on the apiary-muzzle with propolis smear, Maidan and
              Yanukovych is thumping in Rostov. Well, it works, after all - Maidan - and gas
              7-99, (in Europe 350 is 9-80, in Asia 1000 is 28 UAH cubic meters!) - why
              not to Maidan. And Ze will show off - and he will fly out there-
              where the previous five - in the trash. And we will continue, each
              his mayb ...... ugh to stroke the hog.
              And you do not take it into your head. Well, you have a stupid neighbor - work for
              does not want to plant, sells smuggled cigarettes, garden
              abandoned, the garden is the same, children are hip. Are you going to get into his affairs,
              to the detriment of your children, wife, leave your house and take up your neighbor's -
              THERE'S A MEANING?
              1. 0
                15 January 2021 14: 44
                Quote: Kushka
                And 42 million Ukrainians and ALL ON THE DRUM!

                There are no so many hulks living in Ukraine for a long time, and they live by their own interests in other places. Curb your ardor - we, too, are not hovering in the clouds about the number of Svidomo.
                Quote: Kushka
                And you do not take it into your head.

                I don’t take it, of course. But we have many fools who still do not know what Ukraine is and dream that it is possible to negotiate with you about something. This amazes me the most ...
                1. -1
                  15 January 2021 19: 43
                  In this case, it doesn't matter 32, 42 million. You don't
                  you won't understand - they don't want anything and they don't want ANYWHERE!
                  Because, as if in the EU - this is to order - you cannot steal,
                  you can't avoid paying taxes, you can't smuggle ...
                  If Russia has the same list, plus it is impossible to go to the Maidan,
                  deputies in the trash can, well, here you are better than me,
                  you can add.
                  I write - ALL ON THE DRUM, I can differently - BY THE CYMBALS!
                  All this is somehow threatening my particular "hog"
                  (the decline of air, ship, rocket and what else is there going to be)? No!
                  Everything else to everyone - from the janitor - to the president
                  ON THE TSIMBALS !. Just don't bother us all (and those mentioned
                  including). some ..... ugh, make money!
                  1. -2
                    15 January 2021 20: 14
                    Quote: Kushka
                    You don't
                    you won't understand - they don't want anything and they don't want ANYWHERE!

                    So I don’t understand why at the Russian-language forum so intensively Ukrainian citizens are forcing us to discuss Ukraine. Contemplate your navel yourself, in the hope that Ukraine is the navel of the Earth.
                    Quote: Kushka
                    Just don't bother us all (and those mentioned
                    including). some ..... ugh, make money!

                    But who stopped you all these years from plundering what you got during the collapse? Well, it's not Russia for sure ...
                    Continue your just cause, we will only be happy for you. But from afar.
                    1. -2
                      15 January 2021 22: 24
                      "impose on us a discussion of Ukraine.
                      "??????? !!
                      "It makes sense to do this in relation to Ukraine,
                      which will celebrate its anniversary in 2021 "

                      This is a Ukrainian author on VO imposed on you another
                      topic on "spite of the day"? And a return flood of comments-
                      is it from Ukraine, or what?
                      Well, if you do not allow me, I apologize.
                      one more time can I?

                      So by - just at VO, every day out of ten
                      headlines on the main page 5 or even 6 - Ukraine.
                      (I understand, you tried to move out like that)
                      I am a Baltic sailor, somehow "brought" me
                      on VO. I confess.
                      And yet I agree - considering that this is specific
                      a Russian resource that no one reads in Ukraine
                      (and VO knows it very well), such an avalanche of topics and discussions
                      "how is it in Ukraine", inevitably leads me to the question -
                      Why IN and members of the forum with such enthusiasm YOURSELF
                      what do they convince? (or do you naively think that someone
                      in Ukraine knows about VO?) What, things are like this in Danish
                      kingdom that has to be ourselves, every day
                      bringing down mountains of any negativity about Ukraine and Ukrainians,
                      what to convince? Once again I tell you - everyone here
                      absolutely does not care who, where, and how he writes, shows
                      talks about Ukraine and the Ukrainians themselves - even in Honduras,
                      even in Russia, everyone is busy. Than, I already wrote. I live here
                      70 years old, I see with my own eyes, I hear with my ears.
                      1. +1
                        16 January 2021 10: 28
                        Quote: Kushka
                        So by - just at VO, every day out of ten
                        headlines on the main page 5 or even 6 - Ukraine.

                        I think it's stupid to pay attention to a third-rate country - a waste of time.
                        Quote: Kushka
                        (or do you naively think that someone
                        in Ukraine knows about VO?)

                        Judging by the authors from Ukraine, their propagandists know very well and write here constantly. By the way, the same situation was at the "airbase", where the special propaganda department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine worked, and placed materials in a light unfavorable for Russia. So this is nothing new.

                        Quote: Kushka
                        I live here
                        70 years old, I see with my own eyes, I hear with my ears.

                        Strangely, Vladimir Mashkov writes that he is seventy years old, and he is also from Ukraine.
                        But for some reason he is concerned about relations with Russia and says that they are not indifferent to this.
                        It turns out that not all "XNUMX-year-olds" share your opinion ...
                        1. 0
                          16 January 2021 14: 20
                          I already wrote that I got to VO by accident, on, often
                          give links to VO - this is the first reason, well, I will tell you the second.
                          On ukrSMI (ukrpavda, gordon) everything is mainly in the telegraph style,
                          take at least the same events in the Capitol, and even those reprints.
                          Well, Peskov's "blizzard" is understandable. And on VO Ukrainian theme
                          bathed in luxury - "The state and prospects of aircraft construction
                          Ukraine "," Ukraine's political future after Trump's departure
                          and Merkel "" Disappointing results of Ukraine's development by the 30th anniversary "
                          And these are all "leading articles", extensive, detailed. How do you like
                          cherry on the cake "Russian uprising against Poland at the head
                          with the great Russian commander Bogdan Khmelnitsky "!
                          Well, where else can I find this ?.
                          Regarding propaganda, I don't think so highly of this method.
                          I myself have not been able to break through since childhood, I tried to "work" with my cat,
                          everything is for nothing - as he lived, he lives, as he did, and does so.
                          With a neighbor - generally dumb - you need to be in a helmet - maybe with a hammer
                          For the first time I hear about who you point to.
                          Age - at least send a scan of your passport - 20.03.1952/XNUMX/XNUMX in the family
                          deputy commander of the battery relocated to Tiraspol
                          after the war. I got to Prague.
                          Appreciated your self-control and good manners, Thank you.
                          I propose to end the discussion, each said that he believed
                          necessary, and the topic is exhausted
    16. 0
      14 January 2021 16: 12
      And I remember those times when Ukraine was considered a prosperous republic in many respects. I remember how proudly my colleagues from Ukraine talked about their life. I always didn’t believe that the population of Eastern Ukraine had lost fraternal feelings towards Russia ... However, as life has shown, sometimes a minority (the most arrogant and cynical) sets conditions for the “indifferent” majority ...
      To what deep hole are your crafty and deceitful Western guides leading you now?

      This question is more relevant for Ukraine than ever ... and not only for her ... Yes
    17. +4
      14 January 2021 16: 16
      Another "great imperial delirium". The Chinese are right - "looking back all the time, you will never go forward."
      "Ukraine is ripe for joining." The author is raving. For general development, look at the public sentiment reflected in the polls "about supporting independence" of the same "Rating", KIIS or "Razumkov"
      1. -3
        14 January 2021 18: 56
        You are either from dill propagandists, or nothing do not understand what is happening in / in Ukraine. All whom you have listed, they are driving what the current ukrovlast needs. THEIR ratings show only a trend (and where can you get away from it!), But not true the numbers they shamelessly distort.
        1. -4
          14 January 2021 19: 10
          I noticed that you ONE understand everything, see everything, analyze everything and know everything, and the rest are like that - blind kutiats, unreasonable children ...
          1. -1
            14 January 2021 19: 16
            I have never claimed that I alone know everything, your opinion is false. Only I am in the thick of it and say that I SEE, but you do not know where and it is not known on what basis you judge. Why are you so annoyed? What do not you like?
            1. -3
              14 January 2021 19: 21
              Excuse me, are you in the middle of what? Do you live in Ukraine? Here I have a father there, cousins ​​and second cousins. I communicate with them regularly. Yes, there are problems. Common, like everyone else. Like me - in the suburbs. But not as in your propaganda proclamation.
              And try to tell them that they are "ripe for joining", so your eyes will spit. And this is in Kiev, Zhitomir, Kherson regions. (Well, where my main relatives are). And I am generally silent about the western regions.
              1. -5
                14 January 2021 19: 26
                Yes, I live in Ukraine. And I know all not from relatives. And I am not included in the 30%, which, I believe, includes your relatives. Apparently, also svidomye.
                1. -1
                  14 January 2021 19: 28
                  Do not specify the region of residence? And I will tell the Kherson relatives that they have already been registered as Svidomity. It smiled.
                  1. +2
                    14 January 2021 19: 42
                    What for do you need it? Should I hit the SBU or the "Peacemaker"? Although I have written more than once where attentive people know ...
                    1. -3
                      14 January 2021 20: 39
                      Just find out for yourself where unspecified live who know everything about Ukraine. Although, I honestly admit that those who are dissatisfied with: the power / current situation / political course / state in the national economy can be found in any communal apartment. But talking in the kitchen is another matter, and a completely different thing is political agitation (with accusations of the discontented) throughout Ivanovskaya.
                      PS. Yes, you have highlighted the wrong word. Had attentive write in bold. We are all people, but not all people. But it is the attentive ones who remember and then come late at night ...
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                2. -1
                  14 January 2021 20: 55
                  Ukraine under US control, what kind of accession are we talking about?
                  1. -1
                    15 January 2021 16: 56
                    You seem to be reading through the line. Quote especially for you:

                    "The second way of development of events in Ukraine.
                    Its liberation from Western influence, Ukronazism-Bandera and its incorporation into the Russian Federation (the independent existence of Ukraine is simply impossible further). "
              2. +3
                14 January 2021 20: 01
                Quote: Leader of the Redskins
                And try to tell them that they are "ripe for joining", so your eyes will spit.

                The same thing happened in the 2008s in Crimea, and I know this, because I had the same situation as you had. And only later, when the world crisis passed in 14, and even the Maidan at XNUMX showed how Svidomye would treat them, they suddenly immediately "saw the light" and realized that Russia would better provide them with life. But until now, some of them whine, then they have no water, then something else, but they themselves have forgotten how electricity in Crimea was cut for days under the Ukrainian government, as there was no water in the cities for days due to rotten networks - that's all they don't remember anymore. Although the majority of Crimeans now remember life in Ukraine as a nightmare, and they certainly will never be asked to join it. This I know for sure.
            2. BAI
              14 January 2021 19: 38
              We judge on the basis of the election results. 70% of voters supported the course of confrontation with Russia. Those presidential candidates who declared an improvement in relations with Russia gained 30 percent in total.
              1. 0
                14 January 2021 20: 53
                These candidates were from the old regionals, everyone remembers their betrayal.
    18. +6
      14 January 2021 16: 40
      For the seventh year, Russians have been fed stories about how Ukraine is falling apart ..
      Perhaps these stories should compensate us for our drop in income
      1. +4
        14 January 2021 20: 08
        Quote: Mishanya74_2
        For the seventh year, Russians have been fed stories about how Ukraine is falling apart ..

        And you yourself would have lived in Kiev for several months in the summer without hot water, then you would probably have a different look at their lives. Recently, my classmate buried her husband, so now she is urgently reissuing half of his pension to herself, because she cannot live in Kiev with her 1800 hryvnia. It's good that he was a highly paid designer at Antonov and received a decent pension at the time, otherwise she would have had to survive at the expense of her children. On the whole, Ukraine is certainly not falling apart - it simply “flourishes”, only when you communicate with those who live there, you get a different picture.
    19. +6
      14 January 2021 17: 11
      It's funny. Much of the above is true BUT. It does not reflect the fact that all this is a manifestation of the degradation system common to the entire KAPsystem. And the description of the fact that the left leg, after the death of the whole organism, suddenly becomes the property of the bear, will begin to live better, and will not go to digestion and the survival of the bear is extremely surprising.
    20. 0
      14 January 2021 17: 22
      You read about Ukraine ... you mean the Russian Federation ... two boots of a pair ... and both are under occupation. Some are under nationalists, others are just under petty thieves. Some are a little weaker, others are a little stronger ... but degrade in one direction ... but with different speeds.
      Russians have nothing to offer Ukrainians. .i old mantras about a joint state. about brotherhood break up about new realities ... loot .. which rules everyone.
    21. +1
      14 January 2021 17: 59
      Russia is not weak, but there are many problems in the country and they need to be solved (and in which serious country there are no problems?). Back to collect all the Union republics, as well as Poland, Finland, Mongolia ... why? Russia is a self-sufficient country, if our neighbors strive to have good relations with Russia - great, we will conclude economic and defense alliances with them, we will visit them, mixed marriages, etc. They will be hostile - they will make themselves worse.
      Look, for example, at England: the American colonies (now the USA and Canada), Australia, New Zealand, India (along with Pakistan and Bangladesh), Ireland, and African colonies were gradually released. Could you keep them? Probably - their army and navy were strong. They just realized that these colonies became unprofitable - it is more profitable to cooperate with them on a purely economic basis.
      Putin once said: "Whoever does not regret the collapse of the Soviet Union has no heart, who wants to restore it has no mind." I agree with him.
      1. Cat
        14 January 2021 19: 58
        what for? Russia is a self-sufficient country

        Following your logic, Moscow is also a self-sufficient city. Why does she need any castle? Except that
        go to visit them, mixed marriages, etc. They will be hostile - they will make themselves worse

        Even from the point of view of the bourgeois state (which is now the Russian Federation) the controlled territories are sales markets, resources, transit communications, labor, etc. Is this unnecessary for Russia?
        And yes, you didn’t quote exactly from the GDPR, the original had a different emphasis:
        Whoever does not regret the collapse of the Soviet Union has no heart; who wants to recreate it as beforehe has no head

        As I understand it, this is an attack on the side of the communists, and not on the side of the imperials.
        1. 0
          15 January 2021 10: 41
          Following your logic - Moscow is also a self-sufficient city
          Why is that so? Russia, yes, self-sufficient, we have everything, Moscow - no, it's not even serious to discuss it.
          Even from the point of view of the bourgeois state (which is now the Russian Federation) the controlled territories are sales markets, resources, transit communications, labor, etc. Is this unnecessary for Russia?
          I did not write this, they are needed, of course, but let them be independent and friendly states.
          As I understand it, this is an attack on the side of the communists, and not on the side of the imperials.
          This is an attack on the "eternally yesterday", regardless of who they call themselves. The train left. Will we have a more developed CIS (now it is, of course, not so-so), or something like the EU, or like the United States of America (UGA) - we'll see.
      2. +1
        15 January 2021 13: 31
        But there is one exception - territories with a predominantly Great Russian population, and bordering on the Russian Federation. How to deal with them?
        1. 0
          15 January 2021 15: 41
          But there is one exception - territories with a predominantly Great Russian population, and bordering on the Russian Federation. How to deal with them?
          No way. Switzerland has a canton with a French population, while in Belgium half of the country is French speaking - Wallonia. Moreover, both of these countries border on France. Somehow France does not bother, does not try to annex them to itself. Of course, it is necessary to cooperate with the Great Russian population of the territories (in fact, independent states) both economically and at the cultural and humanitarian level: to accept students for training, to send educational and fiction literature and much more. But to seize territories from Ukraine, the Baltic states, Kazakhstan ... Do you want to fight?
          1. 0
            16 January 2021 15: 53
            Switzerland has several French-speaking cantons. They either never were part of France as the canton of Geneva, or they were for several years at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, during the revolutionary wars of France. They do not consider themselves to be French residents. Wallonia was part of France as part of Belgium in 1792-1815, neither before nor after it was part of France. So your comparisons are not entirely correct. In the event of the collapse of Belgium (and it is quite probable), many political forces of both France and Walloon are in favor of uniting Wallonia with the French Republic. Independent Wallonia has no particular prospects.
        2. +1
          15 January 2021 17: 00
          Quote: Sergej1972
          But there is one exception - territories with a predominantly Great Russian population, and bordering on the Russian Federation. How to deal with them?

          You are mistaken: these are NOT territories with a Russian population, they are русские territory!
          1. -1
            15 January 2021 18: 31
            Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
            You are wrong: these are NOT territories with a Russian population, these are Russian territories!

            I totally agree with this. But the Russian people made a huge mistake, allowing the creation of settlements of various Ukrainians and other peoples on the primordially Russian territories, who suddenly imagined that this land belongs to them. The Russian people are still paying the price for their shortsightedness. But this does not mean that having realized this, we will go to liberate with the help of weapons what belongs to us by historical right. And with this I think the majority of Russian people will agree, because we are sick of war in any of its manifestations. I don't believe in the sincerity of the people of Ukraine when they talk about their desire to be with the Russians - they began to want it when they found themselves in complete crap of their own free will. So wallow in it yourself, we will live without your sweet speeches.
            1. +1
              16 January 2021 15: 59
              And what if Putin suddenly, under certain circumstances, introduces troops into a number of regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine, or recognizes the independence of the DPR and LPR, or even includes them in Russia? This cannot be ruled out. Then what will you say? Are we peaceful people and condemn?
              1. -1
                16 January 2021 19: 20
                Quote: Sergej1972
                And what if Putin suddenly, under certain circumstances, introduces troops into a number of regions of Eastern and Southern Ukraine, or recognizes the independence of the DPR and LPR, or even includes them in Russia? This cannot be ruled out. Then what will you say?

                If Putin wanted to, he would have introduced them back in 2014. And so they were given evolutionarily to become part of Russia - this option is more acceptable for him, and everyone has long understood this in Russia, which is why we sent humanitarian aid and forbade Kiev to solve everything by military means.
    22. +5
      14 January 2021 18: 09
      Many facts and comments of the author are correct, but the conclusions, alas, are worthless. I will note the main weak points
      1) The power of Ukraine in 1990 is spoken of in the abstract, as if it were a separate state with an unknown system. In fact, it is power Soviet republic generated by socialism and the community of the country. And besides, in 1990 it was no longer a force. Formally, industry and science still remained, but market reforms were already in full swing, the Union and the economy were rapidly falling apart.
      2) The author is silent about the fact that similar processes during the transition to capitalism are taking place in all the former Union republics. Yes, everywhere there are nuances, for example, the Russian Federation got most of the resources, so the situation is better than in Ukraine, but the general meaning is the same - deindustrialization, mass impoverishment and, as a result, extinction. And let's say Tajikistan got almost nothing at all, so poverty is absolutely brutal, but there is no extinction since society is not yet urban, etc. But in general, Ukraine is essentially nothing from the Russian Federation and the rest. And based on this, the author's conclusions are completely unclear.
      3) Why are Ukraine supposedly ripe for joining the Russian Federation? Where does this follow when it directly contradicts the author's opinion that Ukraine is a US colony? And then, what is so attractive for Ukrainians in Russia? From the point of view of capitalism, it is more logical to join the strong and the rich. Where are the facts in favor of the author's opinion?
      4) It is completely unclear why Donbass has gone somewhere, when the sacred Minsk agreements which, as we know, "have no alternative" presuppose the absence of the DPR and LPR at all. Donbass according to them is Ukraine. It is not clear why the author is simply deceiving the readers here. It is also unclear why Crimea sailed away forever when only the Russian Federation recognized the annexation, and it also recognizes the legitimacy of the authorities of Maidan Ukraine.
      5) And the description of the supporters of "a different direction" in the development of Russia is just an oxymoron "statesmen, sovereigns, imperials, Great Russians."
      The statesmen support the current RF. Here Abramovich is a statesman, Putin is a statesman, Chubais, etc., are also statesmen. But they are not going to annex any Ukraine.
      The sovereigns are generally unclear what it is. But if you give this word at least some meaning, they clearly do not support the current statesmen, because the modern market RF is not a power and does not try to be one.
      Imperial supporters of the existence of Russia as an empire are radical opponents of the current statesmen and the Russian Federation in general. And they don't want to annex Ukraine at all. They want to annex the provinces and liquidate the Ukrainians.
      And the Great Russians, this is the old name of the Russians. Here is Gorbachev the Great Russian, Putin, Navalny. And that they all want to annex Ukraine? Where did the author get this from?
      1. +2
        15 January 2021 13: 34
        Navalny is not a Great Russian, he is a Little Russian (Ukrainian). He himself has repeatedly stated about Ukrainian roots.
        1. 0
          15 January 2021 14: 31
          Quote: Sergej1972
          Navalny is not a Great Russian, he is a Little Russian (Ukrainian). He himself has repeatedly stated about Ukrainian roots.

          Yes ? Didn't know, thanks for the clarification. I don't follow his statements so closely (except for programmatic ones), so I somehow missed it. So we delete it.
          But the essence does not change, among the Great Russians there are countless different people from libertarians to communists. They all have different attitudes towards the future of Russia and the Ukrainian problem.
    23. +6
      14 January 2021 18: 25
      I just can't understand why the site publishes such a low-quality campaign.
      You can also understand the Monaco resident who criticizes his neighbors. In Monaco, every third person is a millionaire. But this is clearly not the case. Or are pensioners thriving in Russia, and the communal flat has remained at the 1991 level?
      Why this search for garbage in someone else's eye? To divert attention from your own?
    24. 0
      14 January 2021 19: 17
      Why the hell are Russians doing what is happening in Ukraine? No, what about the achievements of the current government, but only Ukraine. This resembles an article from Kanatchikovaya dacha. “But it’s impossible for a year in a row, they scare them with plates, they say they fly vile, then your dogs bark, then the ruins talk. Maybe it’s better about the reactor, about your favorite lunar tractor ...” V. Vysotsky. They would give a detailed summary of the amount stolen. How many thieves were caught, how much excess property was requisitioned. Of the sentences, how many were received for life, how many were hidden behind the hillocks, and so on. Leave the locksmith's locksmith, and Caesar's caesar's. Let the Ukrainians suffer over their problems and do not need to cover up the problems of Russia with their problems.
    25. BAI
      14 January 2021 19: 27
      power Ukraine, led by half representatives of Jewry and LGBT,

      To what deep hole are your crafty and deceitful Western guides leading you now?

      I understand that on the site (which is "patriotic"), anti-Semitism = patriotism.
      And apparently, even the author understands that he is going too far, since he wished to remain anonymous. And that, if you wish, it is quite possible to find "Incitement to ethnic hatred" here. Spitting towards LGBT people in Russia is even slightly encouraged. There is not even a pseudonym.
      Although, oddly enough, it lit up in the comments.

      Nothing will happen to Ukraine. The United States will not. If there is a failure, it will be a huge blow to the image of the United States, which will demonstrate to the whole world that following the US policy leads to self-destruction. After that, the US will lose all allies.
      1. -6
        14 January 2021 20: 33
        Quote: BAI
        I understand that on the site (which is "patriotic"), anti-Semitism = patriotism.
        And apparently, even the author understands that he is going too far, since he wished to remain anonymous. And that, if you wish, it is quite possible to find "Incitement to ethnic hatred" here.

        If you wish, of course, all can be found. Americans show how. Only you in vain accuse me of anti-Semitism and inciting ethnic hatred, I have a lot of acquaintances worthy people of Jewish nationality. There are even friends. Although I myself am not a Jew. And given in the article fact easy to confirm.

        As for the "unknown" and "hiding the name" read above, I explained.

        As for Ukraine, did you understand correctly that you are proposing to wait until the United States plays with it?
    26. +5
      14 January 2021 19: 29
      And not both. Let Vladimir, as a resident of Ukraine, who is interested in politics, I will tell you. Until recently, the listed organizations were +/- neutral. Then at the presidential elections "Razumkov" was seen in sympathy for Smeshko. KIIS has been loyal lately to HLE, (political scientists of course talk about the error of data processing methods lol), Rating "is conditionally neutral so far.
      And they all betray an increase in the number of supporters of independence
    27. -4
      14 January 2021 19: 43
      Ukraine, Belarus, well, we also need Kazakhstan, but let the rest of the Asians and "proud" parasites, Georgians and Armenians, somehow build their states without us.
    28. +3
      14 January 2021 20: 06
      and in Russia for 30 years everything blooms and smells?
      1. +1
        15 January 2021 13: 37
        My regional center, the capital of a small depressed region, with a half-extinct industry, looks at the same time, admittedly, much better and more fun than 30-40 years ago. And the roads in the region are also better than then.
    29. +1
      14 January 2021 21: 05
      the biggest problem of Ukraine and Belarus and other parts of the USSR is ..... the absence of an independent Russia, Firstly, many believe that Russia is the same "" colony "as other parts of the USSR. Paying tribute in the form of" sovereign "funds, and through offshore companies buying currency for placement in these funds. And if, as many argue, Russia is under the IMF occupation of the WTO and until the yoke of the American-European horde (where Dmitry Donskoy is to throw off the American-European yoke) is not lifted, then the fate of Ukraine is sad, How can to join the American "colony" which is Russia according to a number of signs? Second, the people in Russia are also addicted to the media and beer. It's just that Russia has more oil, but in general, we are moving in the same direction as Ukraine. The Russian Federation has a lot of problems. .... yesterday the people were forbidden to plant potatoes, taxes are 115 percent, the courts are illegal, the pension was canceled .... and everything was ordered by the IMF WTO .... the only hope for God is that he will destroy America, Glory to the valiant democratic Americans for the sake of defending anania of their rights and freedoms who came to the capitol! ..... than to consider gossip to work is not better to turn to godfather "
      VIII. Mirror and Monkey

      Monkey, in the Mirror, seeing his image.
      Quietly the Bear kicked:
      “Look,” says: “my dear godfather!
      What is that face there?
      What are her grimaces and jumps!
      I would have strangled myself with longing
      Whenever she ever looked like her.
      And, after all, admit, there is
      From my gossips of such krivlyak five or six:
      10 I can even count them on my fingers. "
      "What to consider gossip to work,
      Isn't it better to turn on yourself, godfather? ”
      Mishka answered her.
      But Mishenkin's advice just vanished.

      There are many such examples in the world:
      No one likes to know himself in satire.
      I even saw that yesterday:
      Everyone knows that Klimich is unclean;
      People read about bribes to Klimich.
      20And he furtively nods at Peter.
      1. +1
        14 January 2021 21: 44
        factories are ruined, people are getting poorer and getting hooked on loans, the government is increasingly forbidding and fining and robbing (Plato), and now it has just begun to rush into entrepreneurs, knit clients and waiters, if the business could not be destroyed by taxes and prohibitions, norms and the introduction of animal guests , norms, requirements, rules, ... then such a business is destroyed by the riot police and the Rosguard (SAINT PETERSBURG mass raid of state structures on restaurants and cafes in the city center in December 2020). adopted a law on the demolition of any private property (slaves should not have their own property if an official wants to build something there, so get out), but pay for your hut a levy as if it were a palace (in St. Petersburg, the cadastral value of real estate is twice as high, and in the Leningrad region in 5 times ...) metro train 65 rubles ... everyone runs to St. Petersburg and Moscow because almost all factories in the outback have closed, how can an enterprise survive if it pays 115 percent of taxes and levies ... in the interests of foreigners we are imposed an ethnic tax on Russians, Russians pay 22 percent, Article 176 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and Russia pays it the same 22 percent to foreigners, want to do more 25 ..... NDS is called
    30. 0
      14 January 2021 21: 57
      And besides, today in Russia there is a struggle between representatives of two directions of the country's development.
      The isolationist group is still more popular.
      Judging by what is happening today, the supreme power of Russia also adheres to the views of isolationists.
      A group of representatives of a different direction of development of Russia - statesmen, sovereigns, imperials, Great Russians.

      The authorities in the Russian Federation are pursuing a right-wing, openly liberal policy. Ultimately, everything that has been written about the sharp stratification of society into rich and poor is characteristic of the Russian Federation itself. Since the government is pursuing a liberal policy, it means that it consists of liberals. And whether representatives of any other views have crept in among them is unknown, because in practice they do not manifest themselves in any way. Accordingly, all the legends from the cycle "opposing towers of the Kremlin" at the moment remain legends, since there is no factual evidence of their existence.
      1. -2
        14 January 2021 22: 17
        Quote: A_Lex
        Accordingly, all the legends from the cycle "opposing towers of the Kremlin" at the moment remain legends, since there is no factual evidence of their existence.

        yes, I know this legend
      2. 0
        15 January 2021 09: 02
        Who is there a liberal? Can you name? Maybe Greff? Liberalism is the maximum freedom for the individual! The main word is personality! For Gref and Co., there are no personalities other than themselves. And the freedom they are trending about is the ability to consume and the obligation to pay taxes. And nothing more. For people like Gref, there are no concepts, children, old people, women, men, etc. There is only a consumer and a taxpayer. And you call these liberals. This is a typical, pronounced neo-Trotskyist! Personalities are not important for him, but only goals! And people, people, population, a bunch of personalities, call it what you want, just "brushwood", expendable material for their (goals) achievement!
        1. 0
          15 January 2021 14: 04
          Liberalism is the maximum freedom for the individual! The main word is personality!

          The main word is missing, because the main word is EVERYONE. If liberalism guaranteed maximum freedom for every person, then they could make claims. But liberalism stands for maximum freedom for an abstract personality and at the same time approves of capitalist competition for resources, which in turn means that the one who has proved to be the most successful in the framework of competition has the greatest freedom of action, i.e. appropriated the largest amount of resources. And, of course, in conditions of constant limited resources and the absence of an upper bar in the variety of consumption, the rich man becomes rich only due to the fact that someone else becomes poorer. Accordingly, capitalism is a natural tool for a liberal, thanks to which it can be successfully realized, i.e. appropriate as many resources as possible. What are they doing with success.

          he is a typical, pronounced neo-Trotskyist!

          Trotskyism, liberalism, capitalism, parliamentarism, conservatism, democracy - it is pointless to single out and isolate these and other terms, since the ultimate goal of their apologists is the same - the primacy of the personal over the public and the desire to personally enrich themselves at the expense of society.
    31. 0
      15 January 2021 02: 03
      Regarding the population, social workers and cf. wages, then here and we are all bad.
      For example, for 2020:

      Born: 1 854 434 people
      Deaths: 2
      Natural population growth: -167 people
      Migration growth: 227 610 people

      There is a catastrophe in the country, not of the same scale as there and more dispersed over specific regions, but in general, we think we are repeating the vector of "development".
      It is not the first year that I have heard about the unification, "gathering of lands", but apart from the strategically important Crimea, we are not thinking of joining anything, not even Abkhazia and South Africa. some Ossetia, not to mention a country of many millions. I still remember how in 14 the first channel went the news that Donbass was preparing to join the Russian Federation, with such a narrative as if these were the real intentions of the Russian authorities and the news was the preparation of the population for this event. Maybe the temnik was not released, or our boyars were afraid of the western ones, but in the end we have what we have.
      There is also an opinion that this trite does not make sense under capitalism, that it is much more profitable to expand within the economic bloc, which they tried to do by offering Ukraine accession to the EAEU (then the CU was still). I can't judge, I don't understand economics.
      But, as an ordinary person, I have the following questions:
      In case of direct integration of Ukraine, what to do with its collapsed industry, to restore it? load with contracts to the detriment of Russian enterprises? what to do with enterprises that develop Ukrainian products in Russia, such as ship and helicopter engines, turbines? what to do with external debt? We must understand that we will also have to provide our income, pensions, etc. Moreover, I cannot foresee such a "geopolitical situation" in which this could be done without even greater economic pressure. We are already under permanent pressure.
      In general, I would like to believe in the possibility of reunification, but I cannot.
      1. -1
        15 January 2021 10: 43
        Quote: Dmitry Ivanov_6
        In case of direct integration of Ukraine, what to do with its collapsed industry, to restore it?

        first you need to solve the issue of stopping the robbery by the west of Russia, reducing the regulatory and tax burden, if you dismiss the defamatory officials, abolish the VAT and all other taxes except the tax (increased by two times) then all your questions will be removed, then production will revive, even money from foreign investors will come .... Ukraine will be able to feed itself, Ukraine plus Great Russia is stronger than two separate states, their separation is the idea of ​​Hitler and his henchmen of the Bandera Judas. In the current situation, it was planned to join Ukraine into an alliance with Belarus, so that even without joining Russia, it would lead to an improvement to the Belarusian level, with an increase in mutual trade with the Russian Federation
    32. -1
      15 January 2021 06: 40
      Dear author, I would completely agree with your article, if there were no mention of Jewishness at the very beginning. This is a bad thesis that can lead us very wrongly. He had once already led one great and talented people to disaster. No, I myself am not a Jew or a Jew. However, I think that looking for the roots of Ukraine's problems in the nationality of some of its leaders is a big and dangerous mistake. Yes, there is a certain chauvinism among the Jews in relation to other peoples. But it is no worse and no more harmful than, for example, Russian great-power chauvinism. Or Anglo-Saxon. Or Turkish. Or Polish. The main problem here is Ukrainian nationalism, which was by no means created by Jews. Opposition of Ukraine in relation to Russia. And the unsatisfied imperial ambitions of a significant part of the Little Russians. They don't want to be MALOROSS. They are enraged that the capital of the largest Russian state was not Kiev, but Moscow. So they can't bear it. "Ukraine is not Russia!" "Muscovites for knives!" .... Are Kuchma and Kravchuk Jews? And what about Bandera, Shukhevych, Melnik? And what about Grushevsky and Dontsov?

      Envy is the root of all troubles. And not a nationality and not an ethnos.
      1. -2
        15 January 2021 10: 32
        Quote: Pavel73
        Envy is the root of all troubles. And not a nationality and not an ethnos.

        in general it is so, but what do you mean by Russian great-power chauvinism? it is not and never was, Russia accepts everyone and helps everyone, and this is a special property of the Russian people, which is what the outskirts used .... many dream of returning to Russia only the Nazis do not allow Bendera ... Many countries and peoples voluntarily entered Russia to feel together with the Russians. Russia must be a great country, we only have to give half of Hokkaido, and then we will wait until Japan itself attacks, because there is no peace treaty with it, otherwise we don’t need an inch of foreign land, but we won’t give up our own top either.
        1. -3
          15 January 2021 11: 32
          Alas, Russian great-power chauvinism really exists, and in the 20th century we were severely punished for it, twice. The first time in 1905, when we were smashed to smithereens by "some yellow-faced Japs." And the second time was in 1996, when we were essentially defeated by "some lumps of Chechens." Both of these cases showed that one should not treat other peoples with contempt, because this leads to their underestimation as a military enemy, and as a result - to shameful defeats. And of course we are no exception: in 1945 we punished the Germans in the same way, who in their chauvinism considered us "some kind of Russian pigs." Now the westernized Little Russians, Ukrainians, consider us "some kind of goat-faced quilted jackets." It is good to love your Motherland and your people, and to be proud of them too, but you cannot cross the line beyond which chauvinism and contempt for others begins. It was this reason that crushed all empires. Rzeczpospolita for example. And vice versa: other peoples are drawn to great peoples who do not suffer from chauvinism.
          1. -3
            15 January 2021 12: 01
            Quote: Pavel73
            other peoples are drawn to great nations that do not suffer from chauvinism.

            That is why, for example, Uzbeks and Tajiks are drawn to us, I know many hard-working children who are drawn to Russia, dream of citizenship, in my opinion, they need to be accepted into the union with Belarus, and China should be invited and Kazakhstan, and this is me serious.
          2. -1
            15 January 2021 13: 06
            Quote: Pavel73
            And the second time was in 1996, when we were essentially defeated by "some lumps of Chechens."

            This is nonsense, because if the Russians were chauvinists, then the war in Chechnya would have ended within a few weeks with colossal losses of the mountaineers from the strikes of our aviation and heavy weapons. But we waged a war with them with our hands tied, considering them not the enemy, but lost citizens of Russia, and therefore we fought with the Chechens, and did not bomb them like the militants in Syria. If you do not understand the difference between waging these two wars, then I can hardly explain to you why the war in Chechnya dragged on for so long.
      2. 0
        15 January 2021 17: 20
        Quote: Pavel73
        mention of Jewishness

        Pavel, I already answered BAI above, but for some reason you did not read my answer to him. I repeat: you are in vain looking for something that does not exist. I am not an anti-Semite. I have nothing against Jews. As well as against all other nations and nationalities. And I'm not a chauvinist, although I'm an ethnic Russian. Moreover, I am an internationalist, since my youth I have a calm attitude and contact with people of different nations, I do not care. I believe that there are two nations: good people and bad people. There are many Jews among my acquaintances and friends. Your suspicions groundless... And I cited the mention of Jews and LGBT people as well-known fact... Yatsenyuk, Groisman, Poroshenko-Valtsman, Kolomoisky, Zelensky, ... If you wish, this list can be continued.
    33. 0
      15 January 2021 08: 50
      I have already written more than once to all such ukrofilam. Both in the west and in the east are ready to annex their former territories. Just one question. What to do with ukrov? No one knows!
      1. 0
        15 January 2021 10: 35
        Quote: Gunter Preen
        What to do with ukrov?

        the most frostbitten will be shot for crimes in the Donbass, a small part of the thugs who did not fight in Siberia, and the rest, with the right propaganda, will forget Ukrainian as a nightmare
        1. +1
          15 January 2021 13: 45
          Why should they forget Ukrainian? According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, all peoples have the right to develop their languages ​​and cultures. Even in the case of joining the Russian Federation, those who consider themselves Ukrainian and speak Ukrainian should have full right to use it. And within certain boundaries, but those territories where Ukrainian is widely used have the right, again in accordance with Russian law, to create a republic where Ukrainian will be the official language, along with Russian.
          1. 0
            15 January 2021 18: 32
            Quote: Sergej1972
            Why should they forget Ukrainian?

            because no one needs it, they wouldn’t be forced not to speak it
            1. +1
              16 January 2021 16: 06
              Let's just say, in three regions of Eastern Galicia (Lvov, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil), in Vinnitsa, Chernivtsi, Volynsk, it is actually spoken by either the majority or a significant part of the population. 10-20 percent of the population of other regions of Ukraine actually use it in everyday life. And these people have every right to use it. If they were in the regions of Central Ukraine, for example, Kirovograd, they could not help but notice that with the predominance of Russian speech, a lot of people still speak either surzhik (more often) or Ukrainian (less often). The only thing is that even the majority of those who consider themselves Ukrainian-speaking very rarely speak the correct Ukrainian language. Although another question is - what is the correct Ukrainian language?
        2. +1
          15 January 2021 14: 48
          Before "annexing" Ukraine again, immediately
          decide to whom you will present it later.
          Ukraine fought off with blood by Muravyov, Lenin
          shamefully surrendered to Poland ((Treaty of Riga 1921
          STILL PAID 38 million gold rubles !.
          Ukraine was repulsed by blood by Stalin from 1939 to
          1953, Yeltsin surrendered NATO for free!
          This is so, from the "near" history. And the fact that Tsar Alexei,
          having received Ukraine from the hands of Bohdan Khmelnitsky in 1654,
          6 years later gave it to Poland - this is already a reality
          1. +1
            15 January 2021 18: 36
            Quote: Kushka
            And the fact that Tsar Alexei,
            having received Ukraine from the hands of Bohdan Khmelnitsky in 1654,
            6 years later gave it to Poland - this is already a reality

            You are deliberately distorting, or do not want to point out that all these six years there was a war with Poland and the tsar simply did not have the means to wage it to a victorious end, because the treasury was empty. That's what the "voluntary accession" cost us then, but Svidomye don't like to remember this.
            1. 0
              15 January 2021 19: 24
              And in my thoughts was not. It just hooks. Specially
              missed the Brest Peace Treaty - Russia lost 1 million km, in
              including Ukraine, with an additional payment of 6 billion marks. To me
              already made the remark that Ukraine, they say, then
              was a "sovereign state" and Russia cannot
              (Lenin, Trotsky) accused of surrendering Ukraine. And the reason
              of course you will tell me (you will find it, I'm sure). But I am not
              looking for reasons, I'm not interested. If I were looking, then
              so directly and asked to enlighten. I'm wondering
              why is Russia repeatedly conquering Ukraine, watering
              this land is abundant in the blood of its soldiers, as soon as, I apologize,
              the cock will bite, give it away as ineptly as EBN, for example?
              I would like to know (I have a daughter, three sons and four
              grandchildren - seven men!), to whom, having won Ukraine in another
              time, Russia will give it with an additional payment? And try reasons
              tell those millions of soldiers who are buried in this
              land, including my grandfathers. For example, I don't have enough
              courage at the grave of his grandfather about the NATO bases in his home
              city ​​of Mariupol, tell, let him sleep peacefully.
              1. 0
                15 January 2021 19: 39
                Quote: Kushka
                And try reasons
                tell those millions of soldiers who are buried in this
                land, including my grandfathers.

                So I said that these people fought for their land, and died defending it. I do not think that Ukraine and its people are worth considering them as one people with us. What makes you think that Russia is dreaming of annexing these territories and you will incur some losses?
                Quote: Kushka
                For example, I don't have enough
                courage at the grave of his grandfather about the NATO bases in his home
                city ​​of Mariupol, tell, let him sleep peacefully.

                My grandfather, a Siberian, is buried in Poland, and why should I seek war with this country now, because all kinds of filth desecrate our monuments there? Let me remind you that Poland was also part of the Russian Empire, and Bialystok belonged to us after the Civil, i.e. was part of the USSR.
                Calm down, there is no need to sob through your hair, with your head cut off - this is what we must proceed from now, in our relations with Ukraine.
                1. +1
                  16 January 2021 03: 54
                  Bialystok was in the USSR in 1939-1945. In general, the user Kushka is Ukrainian, worried about the gap between Ukraine and Russia.
                  1. 0
                    16 January 2021 10: 40
                    Quote: Sergej1972
                    In general, the user Kushka is Ukrainian, worried about the gap between Ukraine and Russia.

                    This is a great rarity even for seventy-year-old Ukrainians, and therefore the question arises, what did they not worry about in the nineties when Russophobia began to flourish in their country.
                    And they are worried that Russia did not share its natural resources with them, and they still believe that they also belong to them, because the Ukrainians worked at construction sites in the USSR. I'm afraid you just do not know their psychology from the inside and are not very familiar with what has been published in their media and broadcast on TV in Ukraine for the past thirty years, in order to understand what they mean by friendship with Russia. And I know this well, because I had to look at their lives for many years, with the exception of those that passed after the annexation of Crimea. But from time to time I listen to their radio when I drive along the M-4 highway in the south of the Voronezh region and the north of the Rostov region - there their VHF radio stations broadcast. I recommend listening to their programs, then it immediately becomes clear what is in the minds of Ukrainians, even those with Russian roots.
                    1. 0
                      16 January 2021 15: 40
                      I have a lot of relatives of my wife and mine living in Ukraine, in the DPR and LPR. Among them there are great Russians, Ukrainians, some have one Ukrainian parent, the second Great Russian. For the most part, they are pro-Russian. Only a few people are pro-Ukrainian. But even these did not participate in any ATO and are not going to participate.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. 0
        15 January 2021 17: 24
        Quote: Gunter Preen
        I have already written more than once to all such ukrofilam. Both in the west and in the east are ready to annex their former territories. Just one question. What to do with ukrov? No one knows!

        I know! Ukrov - to re-educate. There are no more than 30% of them. smile :
        1. 0
          15 January 2021 18: 37
          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
          I know! Ukrov - to re-educate. There are no more than 30% of them.

          Even Stalin could not do this, and even the current rulers and even more so. So keep your naive dreams for yourself ...
          1. -2
            16 January 2021 16: 14
            But Stalin fought against "Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism", against Bandera, and so on. But a person who, during the years of his reign, would say that Ukrainians are part of the Russian people, had a chance to sit down for several years. After all, the official position under Stalin was that Ukrainians and Belarusians are kindred to Russians (Great Russians, although the word "Great Russian" has ceased to be used since the late 20s) peoples who have common East Slavic roots with them, but are not part of the Russian people. And all of them, both Russians (former Great Russians), and Ukrainians and Belarusians, are part of the Soviet people. And emphasis has always been placed on the peculiarity of Ukrainians and Belarusians, who have their own union republics. And the entry of the Ukrainian SSR and the BSSR into the UN, along with the USSR as a whole? Both under Khrushchev and under Brezhnev, the same policy was maintained.
        2. +1
          16 January 2021 03: 55
          Their percentage varies in different areas.
        3. 0
          16 January 2021 16: 36
          We must proceed from reality. If the disintegration of Ukraine is real, which is not denied even by many Ukrainian nationalists and patriots, then the regions should be given the opportunity to choose their own destiny. Someone, maybe, will join Russia, someone - to another state. And many will probably want to preserve the Ukrainian state. I do not exclude the following scenarios for the development of events: Ukraine will remain within its present borders (the most likely one), but there is a fork - either as a state hostile to Russia, or as a union, say, within the Union State; Ukraine will remain, but within reduced borders (the second most likely) - in this case it will be unambiguously hostile to Russia and will crave revenge; the territories of modern Ukraine separately will decide their fate (the most unlikely). In any case, I would not like to have territories in Russia where the majority of the population hates Russians and Russia. For safety net, even if the pro-Russian forces win in Ukraine, it is better not to include in the Russian Federation, but to form a Union State with it, together with Belarus. And absolutely fantastic: the large Russian Federative Republic (or the Russian Union), consisting of three subjects: the Great Russian Federal Republic within the borders of the current Russian Federation, Ukraine and Belarus. Then there will be no direct entry into the current Russian Federation, but the united state will be called Russia.

          I do not consider the option of mass executions, plantings, deportations, evictions at all. It is insulting and humiliating for a normal Russian person, and for a normal person in general. We will not be like Ukrainian nationalists who dream of cleaning up the Donbass territories and partially squeezing out the local population into Russia.
    34. +4
      15 January 2021 10: 12
      The patriots of Russia want Russia to grow into Russians, and not just territories with a population that does not consider themselves Russian, does not want to live according to Russian laws, or even openly hostile to Russia.
      1. 0
        15 January 2021 10: 33
        Quote: EvilLion
        The patriots of Russia want Russia to grow into Russians, and not just territories with a population that does not consider themselves Russian, does not want to live according to Russian laws, or even openly hostile to Russia.
      2. +1
        15 January 2021 13: 47
        Again a conflict arises, which is more important - the right of nations to self-determination, to reunification with the parent state, or the right of the state (whatever it may be) to territorial inviolability. We do not need many neighboring independent states entirely for nothing, but at the same time, the principle of the inviolability of borders does not allow joining those parts of them that really want to go to Russia.
    35. The comment was deleted.
    36. +1
      15 January 2021 12: 18
      Even if the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine is led to ukropropaganda, it means that Russia does not offer a worthy alternative, because it itself hangs out with shit in the hole of national ideologies. Then, do not forget, WHO became the “undertaker” of the “Russian spring”. Putriots! A striking example of which is N. Starikov. They were no less afraid of this spring than the liberals. Therefore, there is no need to predict the imminent death of a neighboring state, this is a thankless task. We must honestly look inside our own mentality; the problem is within us.
    37. 0
      15 January 2021 15: 57
      If everything is so lousy there, then these depressive territories are not needed for nothing. There are no benefits, but there are a lot of problems.
      1. -1
        15 January 2021 17: 32
        You are not right! With the replacement of the government with a normal pro-Russian and denazification-de-banderization, the restoration will be quick. Even with a small investment returnable funds. And the benefits are the sea. Only you don't seem to want to see them.
        1. 0
          16 January 2021 01: 35
          Quote: Vladimir Mashkov
          You are not right! With the replacement of the government with a normal pro-Russian and denazification-de-banderization, the restoration will be quick. Even with a small investment of returnable funds. And the benefits are the sea. Only you don't seem to want to see them.

          I do not suffer from national sentimentalism and do not want to raise at my own expense territories with a dying out and impoverished population. We cannot make ourselves rich, where else can we go. Especially when these same others did not ask for anything like that. About the Russian government in Ukraine - I’m all for it, but no more.
    38. -1
      15 January 2021 18: 58
      If 25-30% of the population live well in Ukraine, why should they be our "Rashka"?
      Our share of the well-fed is perhaps even smaller. And the prospects are not clear.
      Ours at any opportunity dream of dumping in Europe, and they are already like in Europe.
      So nifiga Ukraine is not ready to join, because Ukrainians won't get any better from this, almost.
    39. -1
      15 January 2021 20: 31
      Who is the author? Or creepy?
    40. 0
      15 January 2021 22: 41
      Scorched slopes
      When the throne became empty in Russia.
      Lost his imperial dignity,
      There was a split throughout the state,
      As in turmoil, after Ivan the Terrible

      And Lenin in those decisive days
      Managed to collect his iron will
      Shards from a destroyed country.
      Bind them in the state with a common share.

      He emerged victorious in the war.
      Didn't give a chance to the "white" campaign.
      Left the invaders aside.
      He handed over the power to the Russian people,

      So that that shore of her from poverty
      And members of this unhealthy sect,
      Who managed to make their dreams come true
      In Russia, become bourgeois in a new way,

      What a hard-earned state budget
      They put it smartly in their pockets.
      With fake prices and estimates
      And then they send them offshore in different countries.

      That the States held an auction
      With the sale of the Lunokhod to foreigners,
      Which is immersed in the kingdom of darkness
      The satellite yearns year after year.

      That these days they attacked the forests.
      Echelons are exported abroad
      And in the future there will be no beauty,
      And so: empty, scorched slopes.


      “It is traditionally believed that Primorye is a forest region where there is a“ green sea of ​​taiga. ”We imagine mighty cedars, spruces, birches ... But in reality the situation is different, and for a long time now instead of powerful trees in many territories there are only stumps.
      Uncontrolled deforestation has already led to climate change, typhoons and floods are coming in more and more often and getting worse. "
      Russian newspaper 15.11.2018
      official organ of the Government of the Russian Federation.

      How did V.I. Lenin?
      In the summer of 1918, the State Committee for Nature Protection, subordinate to Glavnauka, was organized. His responsibilities were to control the observance of national interests by all organizations and persons operating in nature. On May 30, 1918, the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee adopted the "Decree on Forests". The Decree paid particular attention to the need to preserve forests and organize forestry. Strictly pointed out the balance between industrial clearings and new plantings. In conditions of fuel hunger V.I. Lenin considered it unacceptable to resolve difficulties through an ill-conceived increase in forest felling, he emphasized the absolute necessity of proper forest management, and he paid primary attention to the preservation and restoration of forests. "We have material both in natural resources, and in the stock of human strength, and in the wonderful scope that the great revolution gave to folk art - to create a truly powerful and abundant Russia."

      1993 NGO them. S.A. Lavochkin sold the Luna-21 station on the Moon and the Lunokhod-2 attached to it at Sotheby's in New York for $ 68500. Until now, you can find advertisements for the sale of design and technical documentation for the Lunokhod on the Internet.
    41. 0
      15 January 2021 23: 01
      If 25-30% of Ukraine are oligarchs and other elite, then who works then? In the days of feudalism, the state in which the elite (nobles, etc.) was no more than 10% survived. I understand they live on credit. But you have to pay interest. Recently I read somewhere that every resident of Ukraine, from newborns to old people, is in intensive care by the IMF at 40 Baku residents. Damn this is the advanced country of 000% of the oligarchs .....
      1. 0
        16 January 2021 16: 41
        Why are you twisting? It is not written anywhere in the text that 25-30% is only oligarchs!
    42. 0
      18 January 2021 20: 23
      Where does Bandera's grandson and namesake live?

      In response to the idiotic:
      Whose Crimea, Borsch, Korolyov?

      IN CANADA !
      This is a diagnosis + a verdict on what Ukraine has become.

      Like all Ukrainian patriots:
      better "kohati Nenku" from overseas.

      Even a bandera with gingerbreads cannot be lured into the plundered, corrupted by the natsyuk Ukraine.

      And in Ukraine, evil cretins with an hourly pay, arrange fascist-Bandera torches
      - because they are cretins, the result of a successful selection for breeding racially pure Ukrainians.

      So they dream of getting the right to half a liter of riches in the USA, in Canada,
      as taken out after the Second World War by "allies"
      fascist henchmen, executioners, punishers, accomplices.
    43. +1
      20 January 2021 09: 20
      It is a pity that Ukraine fell under the external control of the United States
    44. Lew
      21 January 2021 12: 17
      and now remove from the text the word Ukraine and what concerns military operations and ... you will read about Russia ...
      I don’t understand how Ukraine, based on the opinions of many analysts, has been falling apart for 6 years, if we count from the age of 14, and the minimum wage is higher than in the Russian Federation? Yes, there are a lot of problems and people are not chic. But we are far from chocolate, having a much better starting position in the economy.
      I personally don't need Schengen for nothing, but imagine for a second if the Russians were given at least a working Schengen. How long would you go to Europe to work?
      I mean that Ukraine has lost a lot by getting into trouble with us. And we lost even more by discussing the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Baltic states, etc. while our rulers rip us off. You must always start with yourself and put things in order at yourself !!!!!!!!!
    45. 0
      21 January 2021 13: 29
      As in "Ivory Coast", next to Russia.

    "Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

    “Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"