Little-known pages of Stalin's childhood and youth

Little-known pages of Stalin's childhood and youth

Much has been written about Stalin's controversial personality. His personality was viewed from different points of view. At the same time, very little attention has been paid to its formation.

How and how were his character traits formed? Where does his thirst for reading books come from? And knowledge in the field of natural sciences? A reverent attitude towards literature and art? Toughness towards people, including your associates? Aversion to luxury and a desire for a Spartan lifestyle?

Where did the son of a shoemaker and a laundress have knowledge that far exceeded his social status? How could someone from the lowest social stratum become the head of state? And why did the leaders of other states (such as Churchill and Roosevelt), who noted Stalin's keen mind and deep knowledge, treated him with great respect? And his comrades-in-arms and enemies were surprised by his incredible willpower, determination and his constant desire to raise his intellectual level?

Family and parents

It is well known that a person's personality develops in childhood and adolescence. And in this regard, it is fundamentally important in what environment Stalin grew up and was brought up.

There is a stereotype that he was born into the poorest and most illiterate family of a shoemaker-drunkard, had no serious education and grew up as an angry and resentful person.

This is only part of the truth.

Stalin was indeed born into a poor family. But he received a decent education by the standards of that time.

His character was largely influenced by his mother, a simple woman with a firm and resilient character and poetic nature, who passed on a lot to her son.

Any personalities and, especially, figures of a historical scale, act within the framework and limits determined by the objective social environment, and their personal qualities leave their stamp on their actions.

The explanation of many of Stalin's actions and deeds lies in the plane of predominantly psychologically determined motivations. At the same time, family relationships, relationships with their peers, reaction to the phenomena of the then social and personal life to a large extent influenced the fundamental features of his personality.

The family, the early years of Stalin's life (or as everyone called him Soso), the period of study at the theological school and seminary, as well as the social environment of that time left their mark on his formation. It was then that the main features of his character were developed and views and beliefs were formed.

Soso was born into a family of former serfs. His father Vissarion Dzhugashvili moved to Tiflis and worked in a tannery. The entrepreneur Bagramov opened a shoemaker's workshop in Gori and ordered the best craftsmen from Tiflis, including Vissarion, who soon became a famous master there and opened his own workshop. He married Keke Geladze, also a former serf, whose family moved to Gori.

According to the recollections of contemporaries, the young family huddled in one room of a tiny shack, no more than a chicken coop in size.

Soso was the third child in the family. His two older brothers died in infancy. And his mother had very tender feelings for him, while severely punishing him for offenses.

Soso's father eventually became addicted to alcohol and became a drunkard, drinking almost everything he earned.

All contemporaries note that the mother was a simple, early widowed religious woman, led an extremely modest, truly puritanical life and lived a strict, hard and honest life.

Her character was strict and decisive, but with a poetic nature. Her firmness, stubbornness, strictness towards herself, puritanical morality, stern and courageous character have always admired Stalin. Everything warm, loving that he could remember from childhood was personified for him in his mother, whom he loved and respected all his life in his own way.

It was the mother who passed on to him the traits of her character - firmness, self-esteem, vitality.

She remained like that all her life, and when he, being at the pinnacle of power, invited her to move to Moscow, she refused and lived alone in Gori.

Mother worked as a servant and a laundress in wealthy houses. When the father was drunk, the family lived in terrible poverty.

Iremashvili (childhood friend of Soso) talked about the rudeness and irascibility of his father, the cruel beatings of his wife and son, which led to the boy's contempt and hatred of his father. From constant drunkenness, he soon lost his clients and returned to a tannery in Tiflis, leaving his young wife and five-year-old son in Gori. And he died in Tiflis when Soso was only 11 years old.

The social and family environment, the factor of hopeless poverty, in which Soso grew up, became the foundation of a critical attitude to the foundations of society of that time and developed in him a desire for knowledge at an early age.

The mother dreamed of bringing her son to the people and wanted him to become a priest. This was the ultimate dream of her social class.

The father, on the contrary, wanted to pass on his profession to his son and make him a good shoemaker.

Education in a theological school

Gori was the second most important city after Tiflis. There were several religious schools and women's gymnasiums, which were rare for that time.

Children were admitted to the theological school mainly from the clergy and from wealthy families. Soso did not fall into this category.

The mother was given some assistance by the people for whom she worked as a washerwoman and a cleaner. One of them was the merchant Egnatashvili, who helped the poor. Perhaps he also paid for Soso's tuition.

The poor boy was given a monthly stipend of 3 rubles. And the mother was allowed to earn up to 10 rubles a month, serving teachers and the school.

The boy grew up in an illiterate family, was developed beyond his years and showed an ability to learn.

At the mother's request, Charkviani's neighbor taught Soso the Georgian alphabet. And his mother decided to send him to study at a religious school.

The school was four years old, but Soso studied there for six years. He was first admitted to kindergarten. And then, in the course of his studies, his father took him to Tiflis to a tannery. There the boy helped the workers, wound threads, served the elders. But after a while his mother took him back to Gori again.

In addition, two misfortunes happened to him in childhood. On Epiphany, a phaeton fell, crashed into the boys' choir and knocked Soso down, injuring his left arm, which until the end of his life did not fully unbend. Plus, to all the misfortunes, he was ill with smallpox, which left an ugly mark on his face for life.

During his studies at the school, Soso showed great ability and interest in acquiring knowledge. He possessed an exceptional memory and perfectly absorbed the explanations of the teachers. He quickly became the first student in the class and one of the best pupils of the school.

Over time, he began to show interest in the works of Georgian literature. The strongest impression on him was made by the novel "The Father-killer" by Kazbegi. The name of the protagonist of this work, who fought against injustice, Koba became Stalin's party pseudonym.

Iremashvili recalled that Koba became almost a god and the meaning of life for Soso. He wanted to become the second Koboi. And he insisted that everyone call him just that.

During these years, Soso got acquainted with the classics of Russian literature, with the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov. And I read adventure novels by foreign authors.

He loved to write poetry. And he often answered impromptu comrades with verse. He also learned to draw perfectly. He took an active part in concerts, amateur performances and was the ringleader of the church choir, having an ideal ear for music. At this time, his attitude towards literature and art, as well as artistic tastes and passions, was formed.

Soso's main occupation in his free time was reading books. The school library did not satisfy him. And he disappeared into the private library of Kalanadze, where he reread almost all the books available there.

The school trained mainly children of the rich. And Soso (despite the fact that he was the first student), due to his simple origin and the hopeless poverty of his parents, acutely felt the humiliation of his social position, being at the lower rungs of the social ladder.

Apparently, this was the first milestone that laid the foundation for his worldview, which already during his studies at the seminary determined his position as a person and a politician.

According to the recollections of his classmate Glurdzhidze, Soso was very religious. He was always present at divine services and not only observed religious rites himself, but also reminded his comrades of their significance.

Religious upbringing and education had a positive effect on the choice of his life path. Since the ideas of goodness and justice, underlying Christianity, dictated the need for a critical assessment of reality.

5 years in seminary

He graduated from college with the assignment of the first category, which gives the right of preferential admission to theological seminary. Where he entered at the age of fifteen.

He passed the entrance exams brilliantly. And he was enrolled in the Tiflis Seminary as a half board. That is, not at full government expense. His mother obviously had to pay some extra.

It should be noted that the content of seminar education and the amount of knowledge obtained by seminarians corresponded to the gymnasium level.

If the educational level of a high school student and a seminarian was approximately the same, then in general development the seminarians outnumbered the gymnasium students. A seminary graduate, after a screening test, could enter any department of the university.

The term of study at the seminary was six years. They taught theological and general education disciplines. Roughly the same as in ordinary gymnasiums.

The general education was based on the study of classical languages ​​and mathematics. During the first four years of study, students took a gymnasium course, and the last two years were devoted mainly to mastering theological disciplines.

Soso studied at the Tiflis Seminary for five years.

Along with theological subjects, he also studied general education, in which he had a great interest - Russian language, literature, mathematics, logic, civil history, Greek and Latin languages.

In the first two years, the presence of outstanding natural abilities and inherent abilities (an inquisitive mind, a brilliant memory, purposefulness, multiplied by curiosity and perseverance) allowed him to become one of the best students in the seminary.

He began to take an interest in secular literature and socio-economic issues. I especially loved civil history and logic. The framework of the seminar program did not satisfy him. And he was fond of historical literature, the history of the French Revolution, the Paris Commune, the history of Russia, he studied the works of Hugo, Balzac, Darwin, Feuerbach and Spinoza.

Soso studied well and stood out among his classmates for his erudition and independent thinking. He was actively engaged in self-education, read a lot, concentrating not on the study of theological disciplines, but with a predominant focus on social problems.

Showed a special interest in books forbidden for seminarians. This was permanent. And he was not afraid of various punishments, including placement in a punishment cell.

Life in the seminary took place under strict supervision. It was forbidden to voluntarily leave the seminary, visit theaters, gather gatherings, read unreliable literature, which meant almost all periodicals.

On Sundays, I had to stand church services for 3-4 hours, participate in church singing and reading. Going to the theater was considered a deadly sin.

Prohibitions backfired and sparked vigorous protest. Students started a secret library, began to publish handwritten magazines. The system of rather severe punishments could not eliminate the discontent of the seminarians.

The rebellious spirit that prevailed in the seminary before Soso entered there and during his studies could not but play an important role in his life.

A few months before entering the seminary, there took place a powerful strike of students, demanding the dismissal of some of the teachers. The discontent of the disciples was generated, first of all, by the regime that reigned in the seminary. Namely: the continuous surveillance and bullying that students were subjected to.

At the seminary, he continues to get carried away with reading Russian literature, paying special attention to the works of critical realism - the works of Shchedrin and Gogol.

He is also conquered by the works of Georgian writers Rustaveli and Chavchavadze.

He writes poetry. And six of Stalin's poems, which were very much liked by the classics of Georgian literature Chavchavadze, were published in the newspaper Iveria (in the most prominent place of the first page) under the pseudonym Soso.

His poem, dedicated to the Georgian writer Eristavi, in 1907 was included in the collection of the best examples of Georgian literature, as an example of love for Georgia. Here are some lines from this work:

No wonder the people glorified you,
You will cross the line of centuries
And let the likes of Eristavi
My country is raising sons.

In seminary, Soso from a lively and sociable boy turns into a serious, reserved and self-absorbed young man.

Reading became for him the main means of comprehending the world, comprehending the harsh reality and finding his place in it.

The subjects included in the seminary program broadened his horizons. But they were clearly not enough. And he looked for opportunities to develop his knowledge.

Soso began to regularly visit the private "Cheap Library", although this was prohibited by the seminary charter. And a second-hand bookstore where books were too expensive for him. He read them in this store itself and, thanks to his excellent memory, learned a lot.

He also took an active part in the creation of all kinds of circles, where students designed handwritten journals, expressed their thoughts and exchanged opinions on a wide range of issues, including social issues.

All this was in keeping with Soso's rebellious nature and contributed to his desire to enrich his knowledge.

During his seminary years he got acquainted with the scientific works of Darwin, Feirbach, Spinoza, Mendeleev. And he strives to arm himself with the knowledge of fundamental sciences.

It was thanks to the continuous process of self-education that Soso acquired extensive knowledge in various fields, as well as exceptionally wide awareness in many areas of knowledge. That later amazed many specialists who came into contact with him.

Formation of a revolutionary

The transformation of the rebel Soso into a conscious revolutionary was facilitated by his introduction to revolutionary Marxist literature.

He gets acquainted with Capital and the Communist Manifesto, as well as the early works of Lenin.

The repressive measures of the seminary authorities not only did not stop Soso from studying forbidden literature, but he began to actively involve his fellow practitioners in this process. And he becomes the organizer of one of the circles for the study of socialist ideas.

At his suggestion, a room was rented, where they met twice a week. During joint meetings, the members of the circle exchanged opinions about the books they had read, shared their understanding of certain theoretical problems.

Soso created and edited a handwritten student journal, passed from hand to hand, where he covered and clarified all controversial issues.

The leadership of the seminary had their informants among the seminarians, reporting on the forbidden actions of the students. In this regard, Soso already then paid a lot of attention to conspiracy and was in no hurry to trust even the nearest circle.

At this stage, he (thanks to his dedication and ability to consistently go towards achieving the goal) developed the qualities of a leader, capable of leading others. In addition to great willpower, firmness and determination, he developed such traits as secrecy, a tendency to conspiracy, distrust, caution, the ability not to demonstrate his true thoughts and feelings.

In his character, from his youth, extraordinary restraint, cold skepticism, open hostility to the purely external side of the matter are striking. At the same time, he easily took offense even at jokes and rushed at the offender with his fists.

The formation of Soso's personality proceeded under the powerful influence of the seminary. It was from there that he inherited certain canons, style, form and manner of expressing his thoughts, and to some extent even vocabulary.

His articles and speeches later showed a peculiar speech style and manner of argumentation inherent in the style of presentation of theological writings. He used various rhetorical techniques, including multiple repetitions of several key phrases.

And every time he won victories over his opponents. Even over the boisterous and colorful eloquence of Trotsky. Suffice it to recall his famous address in July 1941:

"Brothers and sisters!"

During his seminary years, Soso saw himself as part of the Georgian people.

But due to the multinational composition of the population of Gori and Tiflis, the national factor did not play such an important role for him. Still, elements of internationalism prevailed.

He saw that people are more likely to differ in their property status than in nationality. And later he opposed the existing system, guided not by Georgian national ideals, but by the doctrine of the class struggle.

Acquaintance with Russian literature contributed to the maturation in his mind of a sense of respect for the Russian people. And the Russian language became practically his native language, the language of expression of his thoughts.

And it was not just that Stalin said:

"I am not Georgian, I am Russian of Georgian origin!"

The atmosphere in the seminary was far from helping to strengthen Soso's faith and his religious beliefs.

He was finishing fifth grade. And he had one more year to study.

There is some evidence that he himself contemplated leaving seminary. There were all the signs that he was internally ready for this. Apparently, the oppressive atmosphere of the seminarian's life weighed on him.

Taking into account the facts of Soso's systematic violation of the rules established in the seminary, he was excluded.

The reasons for the expulsion were indicated

“Failure to appear for exams, rudeness, manifestation of political unreliability, godlessness, the presence of dangerous views and non-payment of the corresponding tuition fee”.

Soso failed to graduate from seminary.

Apparently, he did not feel much regret for his exclusion. He was already ripe for choosing a different path. As one of his biographers noted,

"He entered the seminary at the age of fifteen, intending to become a priest, and left it with a rebellious worldview and revolutionary ambitions."

Once in a conversation with his mother, when he had already become the head of state, he tried to explain his position to her. And she couldn't understand him in any way. Then he reminded her of the king. And he said he was kind of like a king.

Nevertheless, when Stalin visited his mother shortly before her death, she told him:

"It's a shame you never became a priest."

Because she sincerely believed that the future of her son was not in earthly glory, but in the spiritual field.

Childhood and adolescence formed the main character traits of Stalin. Even then, he was an outstanding and talented person.

It was not for nothing that this man became one of the political geniuses of the XNUMXth century, who determined the world order of that time.

This was not the illiterate son of a shoemaker and a laundress. He was a man with a decent education, higher than a gymnasium. Who, thanks to self-education, reached heights in the knowledge of natural and social sciences.

He successfully applied his knowledge and abilities in the process of forming the first socialist state, as well as to achieve the set goals, while incurring (due to his tough character) serious costs and unjustified sacrifices.

Thanks to Stalin's willpower and determination, among other things, Russia became a superpower for the first time.

And she proved to the whole world the possibility of an alternative world order.
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  1. -22
    6 January 2021 05: 18
    Thanks to Stalin's willpower and determination, among other things, Russia became a superpower for the first time

    The USSR became a superpower ...
    A thin touch of Freudianism varnishes the article.
    1. +23
      6 January 2021 05: 43
      I read about Stalin's behavior in one of the Transcaucasian prisons. There, political criminals, to put it mildly, did not favor. But Stalin won prestige there. Here is one example: the guards chased the prisoners in a circle and beat them with sticks on the backs. Naturally the zek bent down to soften the blow of the stick. Stalin did not do this and walked straight. This made a strong impression on the criminal authorities. In a word, Joseph Vissarionovich had a harsh fate.
    2. +57
      6 January 2021 07: 01
      The main merit of Stalin is that he was able to build a new type of state from scratch.
      1. +19
        6 January 2021 08: 23
        Quote: Malyuta
        build a new type of state from scratch.

        Created the USSR by VILENIN. The merit of the IVS Stalin was able to develop and consolidate the state. Following the precepts of Ilyich. Collectivization and industrialization of the victory in the Second World War is the merit of the IVS Stalin.
        1. +22
          6 January 2021 09: 06
          For the sake of objectivity, I must say that Stalin pursued by no means a Leninist policy, although he referred to Lenin. Stalin had his own policy, and as time has shown, it was the most effective in those conditions.
          1. 0
            6 January 2021 09: 10
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            pursued by no means a Leninist policy,

            The course for the modernization of the USSR was laid by VILENIN.
            1. +14
              6 January 2021 09: 16
              NEP is still far from modernization, but a necessary measure. Electrification, yes, but the modernization of Russia is such a sore subject by the time that any more or less thinking ruler would be concerned about it first of all. I am far from sure that Lenin would have done as well as Stalin.
              1. +7
                6 January 2021 09: 20
                Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                modernization of Russia is such a sore subject

                So far not resolved until now ... but with the USSR it turned out ...
              2. Ham
                6 January 2021 10: 35
                I'm not sure that Lenin would have done as well as Stalin.

                Lenin was always more of a theorist ... and Stalin was not only a theoretician but also a brilliant organizer who knew how to select the right people for the right positions
                1. -28
                  6 January 2021 15: 38
                  Quote: Ham
                  able to select the right people for the right positions

                  And then get rid of them in time ...
                  1. +17
                    6 January 2021 15: 56
                    kalibr (Vyacheslav)
                    And then get rid of them in time ...
                    Well, yes, it's a pity that you didn't get rid of people like you at one time, now we are slurping ...
                    1. -24
                      6 January 2021 18: 00
                      Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                      Well, yes, it's a pity that you didn't get rid of people like you at one time, now we are slurping ...

                      Yes, and it will take a long time. And then our children will come to replace us, yes ... these are even cooler. But violence is not our method. This is the method of the barbarians. There are much more humane ones.
                      1. +5
                        6 January 2021 23: 26
                        kalibr (Vyacheslav)
                        And then our children will come to replace us
                        This is sad ... !!!
                  2. 0
                    5 February 2021 07: 47
                    Quote: kalibr
                    And then get rid of them in time ...

                    There is a phrase that has become a winged one; "No man, no problem." Its author, writer Anatoly Rybakov, was angry with those who attributed it to Stalin. It was important for Rybakov that the phrase was associated with his own name. AND EVERYONE WILL REMEMBER THIS PHRASE.
                    There is indeed a Stalinist slogan; "cadres decide everything" - HIM MUCH LESS REMEMBERED.
                2. +24
                  6 January 2021 16: 56
                  Quote: Ham
                  Enin was always more a theorist ... and Stalin was not only a theoretician but also a brilliant organizer who knew how to select the right people for the right positions

                  The fact is that the state was built from scratch, before that there were no such states in the world. Stalin not only developed Lenin's theory, but also put it into practice. Now they are trying to separate Leninism from Stalinism, but in fact, it is a single whole.
                  Lenin and Stalin are the greatest politicians and geniuses of the 20th century!
              3. -4
                6 January 2021 17: 27
                you need to understand that the civil war ended in 1921, and Lenin was already sick in 1919 from a poisoned kaplan bullet sent by Sverdlov, and died in 1924. Sverdlov was poisoned in 1919 and Stalin and Kalinin were appointed ... Lenin did not rule at all, but was sick, all the achievements goerlo = Stalin's work Ordzhonikidze and others
                1. +6
                  6 January 2021 17: 30
                  vladimir1155 (vladimir)
                  you need to understand that the civil war ended in 1921, and Lenin was already sick in 1919 from a poisoned kaplan bullet sent by Sverdlov, and died in 1924. Sverdlov was poisoned in 1919 and Stalin and Kalinin were appointed ... Lenin did not rule at all, but was sick, all the achievements goerlo = Stalin's work Ordzhonikidze and others
                  I agree that Lenin practically did not succeed in the national economy. But it is also worth a lot to lead the country in such a difficult time and win the GW.
                2. 0
                  18 January 2021 08: 49
                  EMNIP Sverdlov died of Spanish flu.
                  1. 0
                    18 January 2021 09: 30
                    Quote: EvilLion
                    died of Spanish flu.

                    it was a specific Spanish woman, the consequences of physical contact with a crowd of hungry railroad workers ... continued in specific in the pills of Dr. Guetier
          2. +3
            6 January 2021 17: 28
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            For the sake of objectivity, I must say that Stalin pursued by no means a Leninist policy, although he referred to Lenin. Stalin had his own policy, and as time has shown, it was the most effective in those conditions.

            and there
          3. +3
            7 January 2021 03: 05
            in fact, Stalin said several times: I am just a student of Lenin.
        2. +2
          7 January 2021 19: 25
          Quote: apro

          The USSR was created by VILENIN. The merit of the IVS of Stalin was able to develop and strengthen the state.

          As if yes ...., But it is not known what would have happened. Although Lenin is a revolutionary, he is an intellectual, ready to back up at any moment. And Stalin is a man of action. And before doing something, in my opinion I prepared everything very well, well, or tried to prepare it.
      2. AV
        6 January 2021 17: 19
        Which in speed was given by the people for jeans and chewing gum.
        1. +4
          6 January 2021 21: 50
          Well, not in speed - well, they lived great for several decades!
      3. +11
        6 January 2021 18: 11
        Which did not bow to anyone and respected the USSR throughout the world. And selling your homeland for clothes is meanness.
        1. -17
          6 January 2021 21: 35
          As if everyone had forgotten that it was Kolya number two who sent Przhevalsky to Georgia with the task of making such a person and gave a description. If you read the most truthful descriptions of professional hysterics, you can read that Stalin's father was not involved in the conception of Stalin, just as Joseph was not involved in the conception of Jesus. Everything is done according to the will of God, as professional hysterics write. They have already begun to oppose Lenin and Stalin, be governed by the fact that they already know for sure that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are four different people and at that time they were confused among themselves. It even became clear when the commission arrived at the House of Not Slightly Smart for an audit. The head physician took them around the institution and told them what was happening. Finally they came to the sixth ward and then the head doctor told the commissioners - I want to perdup you in advance that there is one patient, completely sick, who tells everyone that he is Karl Marx, and this despite the fact that the whole hospital knows that Karl Marx is me ! As you can now find out with all the clarity. that there were three Karl Marxes and all were employees, or employees of the Bedlam hospital. Now there are a lot of such workers in Russia and abroad, and they are all hysterics of all kinds of time.
        2. +8
          7 January 2021 19: 31
          Quote: Simon
          Which did not bow to anyone and respected the USSR throughout the world. And selling your homeland for clothes is meanness.

          So they sold it basically, those who did not work. Children of politicians, musicians, poets, filmmakers, teachers who read the gulags, everyone who imagined themselves to be the salt of the Soviet land, rotten intelligentsia.
  2. +36
    6 January 2021 05: 25
    Mediocre people do not remain in the memory and do not go down in history, Stalin is an extraordinary and outstanding personality ... and like all the greats slandered by enemies and envious people
    1. +27
      6 January 2021 05: 46
      I agree, Igor, of course
      It was not for nothing that this man became one of the political geniuses of the XNUMXth century, who determined the world order of that time.

      And as for "like all the great slandered by enemies and envious people"let me give you one quote
      Of all the statements of the "closed report" of "Khrushchev" that directly "expose" Stalin or Beria, not a single one was true. More precisely, among all those of them that are verifiable, every single one turned out to be false. As it turns out, in his speech Khrushchev did not say anything about Stalin and Beria that would turn out to be true. The entire "closed report" is woven entirely of this kind of fraud.

      Grover Ferr "Anti-Stalin meanness" 2007
      1. +24
        6 January 2021 12: 51
        “Khrushchev's lies took root during the reigns of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin by the hands of professional Soviet and Russian historians.
        Gorbachev launched an avalanche of anti-communist legends to create an ideological smokescreen for a return to exploitative practices within the USSR with a course to finally abandon social reforms and revive predatory capitalism. "
        Grover Furr, from "Khrushchev Lied".
        1. Alf
          6 January 2021 17: 07
          Quote: depressant
          “Khrushchev's lies took root during the reigns of Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin by the hands of professional Soviet and Russian historians.

        2. +14
          6 January 2021 18: 17
          Stalin lifted the state from ruins after the war, and Gorbachev and Yeltsin only destroyed the state called the USSR.
    2. +17
      6 January 2021 05: 59
      Stalin is an extraordinary and outstanding personality ... and like all the greats slandered by enemies and envious people

      Spit is one of the greatest rulers of Russia.
      1. +3
        6 January 2021 22: 53
        And at this time, colleagues, right now, a crowd of Trump supporters, having crushed the police cordons, burst into the Capitol building, where the commission was meeting, deciding the outcome of the presidential election.

        "Due to reports of an improvised explosive device explosion, police evacuated two buildings within the Capital Hill complex - the Library of Congress Memorial Building and the building that houses the Office Messages. Rep. Elaine Luria tweeted this." leave my office because of a bomb explosion outside. Supporters of the president are trying to break through to the Capitol, and I hear sounds like the sound of gunshots, "she said.
  3. +5
    6 January 2021 05: 53
    The last Emperor of Great Russia !!!
    1. +10
      6 January 2021 05: 59
      Quote: Igor Emelianenko
      The last Emperor of Great Russia !!!

      Why would he invent unnecessary titles? I think it is enough that he is a communist progressive.
      1. +3
        6 January 2021 06: 13
        Why would he invent unnecessary titles?

        He was dying hard - his health condition (deterioration) was broadcast on the radio throughout the country. Which greatly delighted his enemies, and there were many of them.
      2. -2
        6 January 2021 09: 54
        Quote: apro
        it is enough that he is a communist progressive.

        the most successful successor of the work of Jesus Christ in the world!
        1. +2
          6 January 2021 11: 51
          Why immediately minus ?? man to man is a friend, comrade and brother, isn't that what he tried to implant in the minds of Soviet people? and the moral code of the builder of communism is it not the principles of the Sermon on the Mount?
          1. +4
            6 January 2021 12: 09
            Quote: aybolyt678
            Why immediately minus ??

            What are you whining .... blasphemer ...
            1. +6
              6 January 2021 12: 24
              Quote: apro
              What are you whining .... blasphemer ...

              The spark of God in a person is his free will and not a church ritual. There was no blasphemy laughing
          2. +8
            6 January 2021 13: 26
            Quote: aybolyt678

            and the moral code of the builder of communism is it not the principles of the Sermon on the Mount?

            The moral code of the builder of communism was written in 1961. He entered the texts of the Third Program of the CPSU and the Charter of the CPSU, adopted by the XXII Congress (1961). Was removed from the program and charter in 1986.
            It has nothing to do with Stalin. hi
          3. +11
            6 January 2021 18: 26
            Stalin kept him victorious in World War II, he was respected all over the world, and Gorbachev and Yeltsin did everything, at the behest of America and the West, to destroy a country that defeated fascism and devastation after the war, created a nuclear bomb, thereby ensuring peace for our country , for several more decades.
      3. +15
        6 January 2021 14: 40
        I am not inventing, but stating a fact. Return the Russian lands lost after the Brest-Litovsk Peace. To gain a foothold and expand in the Far East and Central Asia. Creation of national republics and autonomies within the Union. Creation and strengthening of industries and agriculture. "Acceleration-destruction" of the utopian-Trotskyist 3rd International. Caring specifically for ordinary people within the boundaries of the workers 'and peasants' state.
        Yes, a lot of things that were right and good were done by him and his associates.
        They didn't have time for a lot.
        I didn’t come up with a title.
        I regret that he is not in charge today.
        1. +5
          6 January 2021 14: 53
          Quote: Igor Emelianenko
          I am not making up

          You come up with ... IVS Stalin is, first of all, a communist. And it is not necessary to approach it from a monarchist point of view. He relied on a collective of like-minded communists. With a clear understanding of the situation and the method of building a socialist state. He built the USSR a supranational state of the whole people, and not a national state.
        2. 0
          6 January 2021 21: 40
          Igor Emelianenko. You did not write about the fact that under Stalin they began to develop and appropriate the Arctic. She was needed for protection and economy.
          1. 0
            8 January 2021 16: 21
            Quote: zenion
            began to develop and appropriate the Arctic.

            Have you ever heard of Mangazeya? Well, or who sent Sedov, Rusanov, Kolchak on the campaign?
        3. 0
          8 January 2021 16: 20
          Quote: Igor Emelianenko
          "Acceleration-destruction" of the utopian-Trotskyist 3rd International.

          What illiteracy is the next left communist, the 3rd International was created by the VIL, Trotsky created 4 ... bully
          Quote: Igor Emelianenko
          To gain a foothold and expand in the Far East and Central Asia.

          aha, he created republics there, because of this, the Russian lands with the Russian population went to Kazakhstan ... request
          Quote: Igor Emelianenko
          I regret that he is not in charge today.

          Well, at best, they would have been in the Gulag for talkativeness ... hi
  4. +23
    6 January 2021 06: 12
    Poem by I.V. Stalin, written by him at the age of 18.

    He walked from house to house,
    Knocking at other people's doors
    With an old oak panduri
    With a simple song of his own.

    In his tune and in the song
    How the sunbeam is clear
    The great truth sounded -
    Sublime dream.

    Hearts turned to stone
    He knew how to make him fight.
    Many woke up his mind,
    Dozing in deep darkness.

    But people who have forgotten God
    Keeping darkness in the heart
    A full bowl of poison
    Presented to him.

    They said: "Damn you!
    Drink, drain to the bottom!
    And your song is alien to us
    And your truth is not needed! "
    1. +5
      6 January 2021 17: 14
      Thank you for keeping these beautiful poems,
  5. +4
    6 January 2021 06: 49
    The article is not bad and, having corrected it, it is quite possible to recommend it in a history textbook, in my opinion. Remove only obvious contradictions
    Religious upbringing and education had a positive effect on the choice of his life path
    How does it fit with this?
    The atmosphere in the seminary was far from conducive to strengthening Soso's faith and religious beliefs...... He was actively engaged in self-education, read a lot, concentrating not on the study of theological disciplines, but with predominantly inclined towards social issues.

    Well, to the question of Stalin's so-called "paranoia":
    The leadership of the seminary had their own informants among the seminarians, reporting on the forbidden actions of the students. In this regard, Soso already then paid a lot of attention to conspiracy and was in no hurry to trust even the nearest circle.
    1. +3
      6 January 2021 07: 53
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      can be highly recommended in a history textbook

      Only not in a textbook, Vladimir, no textbook can withstand such a volume of additional information. And into a book to read! Write A History of Outstanding Historical Figures, a high school reading book, and put it there.
      1. +3
        6 January 2021 07: 57
        Quote: kalibr
        And into a book to read!
        May be so.
        1. +4
          6 January 2021 23: 19
          Quote: Vladimir_2U
          May be so.

          Don't be fooled - Caliber is kidding. "A book for reading" - wow! This is not for a support under the table leg for stability!
          1. +3
            7 January 2021 07: 33
            Quote: Motorist
            Don't be fooled - Caliber is kidding. "A book for reading" - wow! This is not for a support under the table leg for stability!

            I don't think this is a joke on his part. ))) And with mine too, although I liked the simple style and focus of the article.
            1. 0
              7 January 2021 21: 41
              Quote: Vladimir_2U
              I liked the simple style and focus of the article

              Good evening! And the style reminded me:

              ... And here is the commendation sheet,
              What did you bring from the gymnasium
              Ulyanov is a schoolboy ...

              That is, apart from the injured hand and traces of smallpox - not a single defect. Do not misunderstand me: I am not against I.V. Stalin, nor V.I. Lenin; I'm just for realism. hi
    2. +4
      6 January 2021 09: 39
      he was in no hurry to trust even the nearest circle.
      A wonderful school of life.
      Denunciations have been and are being written at all times. smile
      1. 0
        7 January 2021 19: 46
        Quote: Lech from Android.
        A wonderful school of life.
        Denunciations have been and are being written at all times.

        This is yeah. Who has something to steal from a neighbor. So they live and they do not remember.
    3. Fat
      6 January 2021 12: 55
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      The article is not bad and, having corrected it, it is quite possible to recommend it in a history textbook

      hi What a subtle hint of the quality of the article. The article is full of contradictions and weird details, like the bibliography that Soso read. Bad article about the youth of the great statesman of the 20th century. No. IMHO for a textbook you need something better
    4. +1
      6 January 2021 14: 10
      Quote: Vladimir_2U
      The article is not bad and, having corrected it, it is quite possible to recommend it in a history textbook, in my opinion. Remove only obvious contradictions
      Religious upbringing and education had a positive effect on the choice of his life path
      How does it fit with this?
      The atmosphere that reigned in the seminary did not contribute to the strengthening of Soso's faith and his religious views ... ... He was actively engaged in self-education, read a lot, concentrating not on the study of theological disciplines, but with a predominant focus on social problems.

      There are no contradictions here. He got what he wanted from religious education.
      1. +2
        6 January 2021 17: 26
        Quote: Obliterator
        He got what he wanted from religious education.

        Not really:
        Quote: Obliterator
        not on the study of theological disciplines, but with a predominant focus on social problems.
    5. +3
      6 January 2021 17: 20
      religion does not contradict justice, and conspiracy is not paranoia but prudence
      1. +3
        6 January 2021 17: 33
        Quote: vladimir1155
        religion is not contrary to justice

        Her task is to hinder its establishment as much as possible, I'm talking about official Orthodoxy in the then and in its present form.
        Quote: vladimir1155
        conspiracy is not paranoia but prudence
        Well, I just wrote about paranoia in quotes: "paranoia". wink
        1. +1
          6 January 2021 17: 40
          wolves have been in the church all the ages 29 For I know that after my departure grievous wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;
          30 And men will rise up from among you, who will speak perverse things to draw away the disciples after them.
          31 Therefore stay awake, remembering that for three years day and night I ceaselessly taught each of you with tears.

          Acts of the apostles chapter 20 - Bible:

          And now I commend you, brethren, to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to edify you more and give you an inheritance with all that are sanctified.
          33 Neither silver, nor gold, nor clothing I desired from anyone:
          34 You yourselves know that these hands have ministered to my needs and the needs of those who were with me.
          35 In everything I showed you that, while working so hard, you need to support the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, for He Himself said: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
          36 Having said this, he knelt down and prayed with them all.
          37 Then they all had a great weeping, and falling on Paul's neck they kissed him.
          38 grieving especially at the word he said, that they would no longer see his face. And they accompanied him to the ship.

          Acts of the apostles chapter 20 - Bible:

          so as in life there are righteous people who left behind a pair of jackets, boots and a great country, and there are humpbacked Judas who sold everything for 30 pieces of silver, although formally they are in the church, but their souls are not there
          1. +3
            6 January 2021 17: 45
            Quote: vladimir1155
            so as in life there are righteous people who left behind a pair of jackets, boots and a great country, and there are humpbacked Judas who sold everything for 30 pieces of silver, although formally they are in the church, but their souls are not there
            I have not a word against it.
    6. +3
      7 January 2021 13: 12
      The article is not bad and, having corrected it, it is quite possible to recommend it in a history textbook

      Well, the textbook is not a textbook, but I must admit: the article came out really high quality. The author is a legitimate star!
  6. +10
    6 January 2021 07: 46
    I will probably express a blasphemous thought, even if the Stalinist Apro was beaten to death with cons.
    Stalin and the era of his reign are part of the history of our Fatherland. You can treat him personally and his era in different ways, but whether we want or don’t want to blot out these pages will not work!
    One of his ardent opponents M. Dzhilas in one paragraph describing J.V. Stalin used 9 insults from the "little dwarf" to the "greedy blood of a tyrant", but ended with one positive quality - "a great administrator", who happened to be its place, thanks to which the Soviet Union won the greatest victory in the Second World War.
    (Conversations with Stalin. S. Dzhilas, it is worth reading, both supporters and opponents).
    1. +4
      6 January 2021 08: 19
      Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
      thanks to which the Soviet Union won the greatest victory in the Second World War.

      The USSR defeated Nazi Germany. It is a fact ... but during the WWII, the victory for a sga. Which solved its problems of world leadership. Improved its economic position. And began to dominate economically in the world. Thanks to the recognition of thaler as the world reserve currency.
      With the USSR, it was more difficult to defend its independence. It was faced with an even stronger adversary. With a devastated economy and demographic failure, it was difficult to speak on equal terms. But IVS Stalin was able ... to create a sphere of influence of the USSR in the controlled territories.
      1. +8
        6 January 2021 13: 01
        The United States solved the problem of world leadership in 85 with the arrival of Gorby. And then the unexpected came out ahead of schedule. If it weren't for the bald one, one could argue what would have ended.
        1. +1
          6 January 2021 14: 09
          Quote: evgen1221
          The united states solved the problem of world leadership in 85

          1. +1
            6 January 2021 14: 40
            Quote: apro

            And that the end of the world is coming soon?
            1. -4
              6 January 2021 14: 46
              Quote: aybolyt678
              Quote: apro

              And that the end of the world is coming soon?

              There are no applicants.
    2. 0
      6 January 2021 15: 22
      ".. worth reading ..."

      I read it. Slippery type.
      1. +5
        6 January 2021 16: 59
        "Slippery type" is about S. Djilas.
        1. +3
          6 January 2021 17: 11
          Quote: Marine engineer
          "Slippery type" is about S. Djilas.

          Milovan Jilas! The fact that it is definitely slippery !!!
  7. -13
    6 January 2021 08: 00
    And he was enrolled in the Tiflis Seminary /
    It should be noted that the content of seminar education and the amount of knowledge obtained by seminarians corresponded to the gymnasium level.

    Diligence, ability, desire and all doors are open Yes
    Students started secret library, started publish handwritten journals.
    He also took an active part in the creation of all kinds of circles, where students made out handwritten magazines, expressed their thoughts and exchanged views on a wide range of issues, including on social issues.

    What all this led to is known.

    The lesson was taken into account by the next government in full (let's try to imagine a secret library in the technical school of the 30s and "exchange of thoughts on social. Problems" lol ) - to avoid, apparently, a repetition of the result. Yes
    Thanks to Stalin's willpower and determination, among other things, Russia became a superpower for the first time.

    If the author takes world mapbut those years, it will not find the country "Russia"

    And in the 1930s-40s, all new ones were baked from its remains, like hot cakes. sovereign states - republics (read the Constitutions of the union republics). ...
    At the insistence of the first person of the state, the Stalinist constitution of the USSR included the unconditional right of these states to secede from the Union in some moment.

    So today Russia has a border of the 17th century.

    And a superpower, yes, this is a country where people eat super well, dress super well, superfree in OWN CHOICE -power, YOUR parties, YOUR books, newspapers, meetings, processions, circles, Faith, culture, thoughts, residence, travel and treatment. Yes
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. -13
        6 January 2021 09: 19
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        I'm just wondering you are completely sick in the head or only partially ?! Take any map and any globe of any period and you will not find on it such a country with the name "Russia". THERE IS NO SUCH COUNTRY! there is Russian empire, USSR, Principality of Moscow, Russian Federation, but actually Russia NO!!!

        What an unhealthy question! lol

        Russia, tie yourself in a knot lol , WAS, IS and
        WILL BE
        Here it is on the cards:

        Empire of RUSSIA.

        Got it, no?

        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        Tell me, is the United States a superpower according to your logic? In the USA, surely EVERYONE eats well and treats everyone well ?!

        And you-compare, 1950, for example, the year. 1933, 37, so as not to ask stupid questions
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        Or maybe a superpower is somewhat different than fill belly? I am simply amazed at the degree of your moral degradation. According to your logic, Switzerland and the Vatican are two super superpowers, because there certainly people live better than in the United States?

        The Bolsheviks PROMISED THIS, and not feeding the newspaper Pravda. Forgot?

        And yes, tell me how many kilograms of cast iron and numbers of "truth" you have deigned to have for breakfast. lol
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        Why do you need a Romanian to worry about OUR borders? Or is it a pity that Russia no longer feeds such parasites as Nedorumaniya, Ruin and Tribaltia? ... So go through the forest with your borders ...

        About how Russian lands scattered, a real party!

        Let me remind you that for these lands the Russian people shed a SEA of the blood of their best sons, which you let down for a sniff ...
        1. +5
          6 January 2021 09: 27
          Olgovich (Andrey)
          Russia, tie yourself a knot lol, WAS, IS and WILL BE

          I repeat for the "gifted" fool fool fool , there was the Moscow principality, then the Moscow kingdom, then the Russian Empire, then the USSR, then the Russian Federation, there was no such thing as "Russia" on the maps, and if there was, it was because of illiteracy.
          Got it, no?

          Let me remind you that for these lands the Russian people shed a SEA of the blood of their best sons, which you let down for a sniff ...
          Not by us, but by you! It was yours who came in 1991, so don't blare about poplars here.
          About how Russian lands scattered, a real party!
          Since when did Poland become Russian? Finland was Russian only nominally, but in fact there was no Russian smell there, only finances were pulled.

          real party!

          P.S. I was not a member of the Communist Party, if that!
        2. -2
          6 January 2021 18: 04
          How scattered Russian lands
          I think you will find an excuse for the present, despite the fact that the need to share with the Norwegians. the Chinese, Kazakhs, Azerbaijanis do not.
      2. Ham
        6 January 2021 10: 38
        Yes, this is Olgovich - a local holy fool sectarian ...
        1. +3
          6 January 2021 13: 42
          Quote: Ham
          Yes, this is Olgovich - a local holy fool sectarian ...

          In fact, yes, but he also has glimpses of sound judgments when the question concerns the history of our state, including the period of the Great Patriotic War, where he sometimes competently comments on past events.
          1. +3
            6 January 2021 14: 13
            Quote: ccsr
            In fact, yes, but he also has glimpses of sound judgments when the question concerns the history of our state, including the period of the Great Patriotic War, where he sometimes competently comments on past events.

            Anti-Soviet does not mean Russophobe.
            1. +6
              6 January 2021 14: 43
              Means. Firstly, the enemies of the USSR, who seized Russia, with only malice against the BEST for Russia and the Russian people of the State of the USSR, in comparison with the Republic of Ingushetia and the Russian Federation, proved that they are all enemies of Russia and the Russian people. Secondly, the enemies of the USSR in the West, in Europe, on the territory of the USSR, after the destruction of the USSR, have clearly proved that they will always hate Russia and the Russian people, under any power and any social order.
            2. +2
              6 January 2021 14: 44
              Quote: Obliterator
              Anti-Soviet does not mean Russophobe.

              Anti-Soviet under the guise of an ardent Russophile
            3. +7
              6 January 2021 14: 59
              The anti-Soviet is ALWAYS a Russophobe!
              1. +2
                6 January 2021 15: 36
                Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                The anti-Soviet is ALWAYS a Russophobe!

                Error. As a rule, anti-Soviet supporters are supporters of right-wing and centrist movements. This has nothing to do with Russophobia. Plus, at the dawn of the formation of the Sov. The Bolshevik authorities, with their radicalism, managed to alienate even apolitical people, for example, some of the officers, who became anti-Soviet only thanks to the negative attitude of revolutionary-minded citizens towards them. This is clearly shown in the Sholokhov Quiet Don.
                1. +7
                  6 January 2021 15: 47
                  Obliterator (Nikolay)
                  Plus, at the dawn of the formation of the Sov. the Bolshevik authorities, with their radicalism, managed to alienate even apolitical people themselves

                  The tsarist officers were divided approximately equally between white and red. And the radicals were not so much the Bolsheviks as the esser.
                  for example, some of the officers who became anti-Soviet only thanks to the negative attitude of revolutionary-minded citizens towards them.
                  And you didn’t ask yourself a simple question, what could it be that the officers themselves, by their behavior, brought ordinary soldiers to such an attitude, when they saw in any officer their most fierce enemy? Or are you not aware that in tsarist Russia, most of the officers treated the soldier like cattle?
                  1. 0
                    6 January 2021 17: 03
                    Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                    The tsarist officers were divided approximately equally between white and red. And the radicals were not so much the Bolsheviks as the esser.

                    That's why I wrote that part. Well, the tsarist officers in the Red Army began to recruit only when it became clear that the Bolsheviks were not able to build their own armed forces without professionals. Although, for example, stubborn monarchists or republicans cannot be lured into serving in the Red Army.
                    Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                    And you didn’t ask yourself a simple question, what could it be that the officers themselves, by their behavior, brought ordinary soldiers to such an attitude, when they saw in any officer their most fierce enemy? Or are you not aware that in tsarist Russia, most of the officers treated the soldier like cattle?

                    The distance between the soldier and the officer was, of course, class society after all. In Great Britain, for example, an officer will never have a heart-to-heart conversation with a soldier either. I think the same for the Germans. Violence between soldiers and officers began with the filing of politicians, because neither the democrats from the Provisional Government, nor the left-wing revolutionaries needed the Russian Imperial Army as an organized force at all. The Bolsheviks, from the very beginning, in their propaganda work, worked to inflate the contradictions between the soldier mass and the officers.
                    1. +2
                      6 January 2021 17: 10
                      Well, the tsarist officers in the Red Army began to recruit only when it became clear that the Bolsheviks were not able to build their own armed forces without professionals.
                      Without professionals, it is impossible anywhere, not only in the development of the armed forces.
                      The distance between the soldier and the officer, of course, was, class society after all. In Great Britain, for example, an officer will never have a heart-to-heart conversation with a soldier either.
                      It's one thing to talk heart to heart, but another treats like cattle and your slave. These are somewhat different things. The officers of the Wehrmacht, too, did not drink with the soldiers on brotherhoods, but they had indisputable authority.
                      The Bolsheviks, from the very beginning, in their propaganda work, worked to inflate the contradictions between the soldier mass and the officers.
                      There was no need to work, the hatred of the officer corps among the soldiers was simply prohibitive. That is why they hung them up in handfuls and drowned them mercilessly. Read Port Arthur, where the attitude towards soldiers is very clearly described.
                      1. +1
                        6 January 2021 20: 37
                        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                        It's one thing to talk heart to heart, but another treats like cattle and your slave. These are somewhat different things. The officers of the Wehrmacht, too, did not drink with the soldiers on brotherhoods, but they had indisputable authority.

                        There is no need to demonize the Russian officer corps and extol foreigners. By the way, foreigners did not note any particular cruelty of Russian officers towards soldiers.
                        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                        There was no need to work, the hatred of the officer corps among the soldiers was simply prohibitive. That is why they hung them up in handfuls and drowned them mercilessly.

                        The hatred of the officers was among the politically agitated soldiers and the criminal element, that is, it was fueled artificially.
        2. AV
          6 January 2021 15: 54
          I am reminded of an anecdote. Old. A peasant walks and sees the slogan Ilyich is dead, but his work lives on!
          The man muttered - it would be better if you lived and your business died!
    2. +6
      6 January 2021 08: 27
      Still, you got excited about the definition of a superpower. If you follow your criteria, then there were no superpowers in history at all)
    3. +1
      6 January 2021 09: 05
      Quote: Olgovich
      And a superpower, yes, this is a country where people eat super well, dress super well, are super free in their CHOICE - power, their parties, their books
      Isn't this the Russian empire? laughing
      1. +13
        6 January 2021 09: 12
        Vladimir_2U (Vladimir)
        And a superpower, yes, this is a country where people eat super well, dress super well, are super free in their CHOICE - power, their parties, their books
        Isn't this the Russian empire? laughing
        Do not break stereotypes and clichés for the baker, he has it in his brain that under the tsar-father the rivers of milk flowed in the jelly banks. The peasants ALL without exception were literate, well fed and shod. All polls were God-fearing, idolized the beloved monarch, BUT the terrible Bolsheviks flew in from Mars in a sealed carriage and vulgarized everything ... laughing
      2. -17
        6 January 2021 10: 20
        Quote: Vladimir_2U
        Isn't this the Russian empire?

        In 1933 (at the First All-Union Congress of Collective Farmers-Shock Workers and 1934 (the famous 14th Congress winners (vkpbe) -) the country's leadership enthusiastically reported on the successes achieved not only in the position of the workers, but even the very, very poor peasants:
        The main question is what we have already achieved in the present... The peasantry took the collective farm path. It is very good. But what has it achieved along the way? What have we achieved tangibly, following the collective farm path?

        We have achieved that millions of poor people who used to live from hand to mouth, have now become middle peasants on collective farms, have become people SUPPORTED.

        The result is summed up.

        So compare now 1913 and 1933 g (remember this year, I hope?). For example, a peasant in the Kherson province in 1913 and a collective farmer in the same place, in the MASSR in 1933.

        PS do not forget, yes, that since 1913, in 20 years, the rest of the world has gone far, far ahead in terms of consumption, development, etc.
        And the 14th Congress of the winners, yes, ... shot each other, especially the Central Committee of the VKPB-78% in expense. Why would you? recourse
        1. +9
          6 January 2021 10: 34
          Quote: Olgovich
          So now compare 1913 and 1933 (remember this year, I hope?). For example, a peasant in the Kherson province in 1913 and a collective farmer in the same place, in the MASSR in 1933.
          From Ol'gych I would like to see this comparison.
          Quote: Olgovich
          PS do not forget, yes, that since 1913, in 20 years, the rest of the world has gone far, far ahead in terms of consumption, development, etc.
          What, just the whole world? Or several countries that did not particularly suffer in WWI and, moreover, did not have a Civil War on their territory. Let us compare these countries with the Russian Empire before 1914. Weak Olgychu?
        2. +4
          6 January 2021 13: 53
          Quote: Olgovich
          So now compare 1913 and 1933 (remember this year, I hope?). For example, a peasant in the Kherson province in 1913 and a collective farmer in the same place, in the MASSR in 1933.

          Okay, let's compare the years of steady growth of Russia in the 19th century for objectivity, since you are pushing for 1933:
          I came across a modern edition of short historical chronicles, in which, through an oversight of the bourgeois censorship, the truth, though far from all, about the agriculture of tsarist Russia is slipping. Let us take 70 years of the most favorable period politically and economically for the country, when there were no big wars, widespread epidemics, natural disasters - everything is as usual.
          “... 1830 After a cold winter and spring, the crops of winter and spring crops developed poorly. In the south of Russia and in the Volga region, an unreasonable heat began, and with it a drought. Gathered the minimum harvest in 30 years. For rye (the main culture of consumer consumption - V.L.), prices have risen 12-14 times. Cholera broke out, from which 1830 thousand people died in 42, and 1831 thousand people died in 100. The epidemic began to subside only in 1832 (about 200 thousand died in 2-3 years only from cholera and only in the south of Russia! - V.L.).
          1833 An unprecedented drought seized Ukraine, Novorossiysk Territory, Crimea, Don, North Caucasus, Volga region. A lot of residents of many provinces, including the Caucasus region, retired from their places of residence to work. The admission of foreign grain to the Novorossiysk Territory was allowed. The disaster was intensified by an unusually cold winter, followed by a similar spring. (What kind of comments are needed? Is it about the fact that before the Stalinist forest shelter belts there were 100 years left from dry winds. - V.L.).
          1838 Summer was rainy in almost all of European Russia (the crops were either not ripe or wet at all. - V.L.).
          1836-1837 Bread failure was noted only in certain regions of Russia. The number of epidemics has decreased, the death rate of livestock has decreased.
          1839 In the southern regions on the Don and in the Volga region, the dry heat lasted until late autumn. The gloomy foot people rushed in crowds in different directions to look for their daily bread.
          1891 In May, a drought began, affecting all of Russia. On June 1, frosts even covered Odessa. A bad harvest of bread and vegetables was harvested everywhere (from this year, after another famine, which the tsarist authorities ordered to call "malnutrition" - and then there were intelligent political scientists - the first massive, unauthorized resettlement of peasants began, especially from the black earth provinces of the south of the European part to Siberia. True, some of them returned without state support and replenished the urban proletariat, some perished from hunger and disease. Only about half of those migrants somehow found a new place. - VL).
          1894 January began with severe frosts in the southeast of European Russia. About a third of winter crops died.
          1897 Heavy rains on the Black Sea coast in June-July. Heavy rain and hail in the Crimea, the Caucasus, in Bessarabia. In August, drought was widespread, and the southwest of Russia was severely affected.
          1899 Winter passed in the Stavropol Territory without a single snowfall. Unprecedented cold weather covered almost all of Russia.
          1900 January was unprecedentedly cold almost all over Russia. Summer was dry everywhere. At the end of August, frosts beat vegetables.
          1904 Drought in the south of Russia ... ".
          Even with the deplorable state of the food market of the Russian Empire, where 80% of the population were peasants, ministers at summits, receptions, and assemblies cheerfully reported: "We will not finish eating, but we will sell." And they sold everything that the West, South, East bought. The people were starving.
          IN AND. LOCTIONS
          DECEMBER 9, 2008
          1. -11
            6 January 2021 14: 39
            Quote: ccsr
            Okay, let's compare the years of steady growth of Russia in the 19th century for objectivity, since you are pushing for 1933:

            For objectivity, we took 1913 (the year of the best achievements of the Republic of Ingushetia) and 1933 is also the year of loudly declared achievements by the party, once again:
            The main question is what we have already achievedм.
            We have achieved that millions of masses the poorwho used to live from hand to mouth have now become middle peasants on collective farms, became people SUPPORTED. .

            This was said in the terrible, fierce February 1933 of the peace year when:
            TSA FSB of the Russian Federation. F. 2. Op. 11. D. 42. L. 62, 63, 64.
            ... The village of Dolzhanskaya - 22 / II group G **** ate the corpse of her dead sister.

            In the same village it was established that group D ***, remaining after the death of his father and mother with young sisters and brothers, ate the meat of brothers and sisters who died of starvation.

            Station Novo-Shcherbinovskaya. E *** hacked to death and "ate her 3-year-old child,


            There are a lot of such documents.

            Let me remind you: these people have just been called "wealthy."

            In Russia, not like in 1913, but in general this there has never been famine, as in the world before (the last famine with deaths was in 1891-92, and there were an order of magnitude less victims)
            Quote: ccsr
            ministers at summits, receptions, and assemblies cheerfully reported: "We will not finish eating, but we will sell."

            Sad LIE - no one said that .....
            But in 1930,32,33,34,36,37 (years with hunger deaths), there was a hungry export of grain.
            1. +1
              6 January 2021 19: 10
              "1913 is the year of the best achievements of the Republic of Ingushetia" in the history lesson they said that 1913 was purely conditional: the last pre-war year in Europe. You will not deny after WWI it took a long time before the WORLD reached the pre-war level
              1. -5
                6 January 2021 19: 49
                Quote: Astra wild2
                "1913 is the year of the best achievements of the Republic of Ingushetia" in the history lesson they said that 1913 was purely conditional: the last pre-war year in Europe.

                Russia went confidently in its development up and therefore 1913 was the best year. The war left its mark, although during it, industrial production in Russia went up until 1917.
                Quote: Astra wild2
                You, do not deny after WWI, it took a long time before in the WORLD reached the pre-war level

                Of course I will: in comparison with the USSR-WORLD it took much less time, because it did not have FIVE World Wars yet (by the number of victims and destruction- count), which the Bolsheviks unleashed against Russia
                1. 0
                  6 January 2021 21: 09
                  Ol'govich, mathematics was not my favorite subject, but you were not very successful with mathematics either: from 10 to 12 million died on both sides in the Civil War, taking into account emigration up to 15 million. I heard the numbers on TV-3. And I don't know the PMA numbers, maybe 6 million.
                  Naturally, Russia took longer to recover
                  1. -5
                    6 January 2021 21: 21
                    Quote: Astra wild2
                    in the GW on both sides died from 10 to 12 million, including emigration up to 15 million. I heard the numbers on TV-3. And I don't know the PMA numbers, maybe 6 million.

                    For Russia, GW cost FIVE-SIX World Wars by loss

                    Such is the terrible cost of the crime of destroying the will of the people on January 6, 1918.
                2. 0
                  8 January 2021 20: 58
                  For objectivity, and taken in 1913 (the year of the best achievements of RI,)

                  Initially, the year 1916 was taken as a basis, see documents from 1920-1930.

                  Russia in its development was steadily going up and therefore 1913 was the best year.

                  In my opinion, I have already cited data from the official report published in the Republic of Ingushetia on per capita meat consumption in 1913. The most important thing is that the Bolsheviks cannot be accused of manipulating data, this report was published in 1915, if I am not mistaken.

                  PS do not forget, yes, that since 1913, in 20 years, the rest of the world has gone far, far ahead in terms of consumption, development, etc.

                  At the expense of the rest of the world that has gone "far, far" ahead, I suggest you recall the "hunger marches" in the United States in the thirties.
            2. +1
              7 January 2021 11: 26
              Quote: Olgovich
              For objectivity, we took 1913 (the year of the best achievements of the Republic of Ingushetia) and 1933 is also the year of loudly declared achievements by the party, once again:

              dear Olgovich! Objectivity does not work because in 1913, 60% of the economy is foreign capital in Russia, which even got into military production. And 1933 is a national feat when heavy industry, chemical, etc. appears in the country .......
              therefore, comparing these years is not objective smile
              1. -4
                7 January 2021 12: 33
                Quote: aybolyt678
                objectivity fails

                It turns out, dear Aibolit!

                Objectively - HUMAN LIFE is the most important thing on Earth.

                In 1913, people ate as much as in the USSR they could eat only by 1955.

                And in 1933, the main event was a terrible tragedy of hunger unprecedented in the world:

                : And the FSB of the Russian Federation. F. 2. Op. 11.D. 42. L. 74, 75, 76, 77, 78. Original.

                VOLODARSKY DISTRICT. In the village of Rudoye, having absolutely no food, by agreement with his older sister, a 9-year-old boy killed a 3-year-old girl (sister), after which they cut off her head and ate the meat of the corpse raw.
                CHERNYAKHOVSKY DISTRICT. In the village of Andreev, poor Zh *** died due to malnutrition. 11-year-old boy - with a knife he opened the belly of the deceased father, took out the insides and prepared them to cook.

                There are thousands of such documents.

                Nothing will justify this. And to hide this is unacceptable.
                1. +2
                  7 January 2021 13: 10
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Objectively - HUMAN LIFE is the most important thing on Earth.

                  tell it to the gladiators in the arena of the Colosseum laughing , when, for the amusement of the crowd, this main value was hunted by animals, killed
                  And your thousands of documents are more of an emotion ... do you think there was no corpse eating in Leningrad? Yes, I would kill myself to feed the children !!
                  the question is - why did people die? if for the sake of happiness it's not scary, but for fun, then with this you need borozza! Let's stigmatize all the color of Ancient Rome? lol
                  1913 is a peaceful year, after a succession of peaceful years .. and 1955 is the aftermath of the war. For 25 years we cannot overcome the consequences of Perestroika with your beloved Capitalism, and there was a war to the death
                  1. -3
                    7 January 2021 13: 22
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    tell it to the gladiators in the arena of the Colosseum

                    The Neanderthals were forgotten.
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    the question is - why did people die? if for the sake of happiness it's not scary

                    What a pretentious nonsense ...

                    Firstly, no one officially died, no one called for something to die of hunger, but on the contrary, they were convinced that everyone had become "well-off."

                    Secondly, in the name of what is his father's boy?
                    WHAT are you saying pfft.
                    1. +1
                      7 January 2021 15: 21
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      The Neanderthals were forgotten.

                      forgotten, and even forgotten about the comparison of 1913 and 1955.
                      1913 - preparations for war are in full swing in the country ... The British produce cannons in Russian factories, they mine more gold than Russians on Russian lands, shells for cannons, by the way, were made in England wassat The entire Russian economy is in foreign loans and investments, but is sharpened only for war and the enrichment of world bankers
                      1955 - the devastation is liquidated, there is nuclear weapons, we are preparing to launch into space, absolutely, decisively all his , almost autarky, but we also feed half of Africa, dams, power plants in India ...
                      I suggest remembering another hunger laughing in America during the "Great Depression". We have famine because of crop failure and wars, and there is famine because of "overproduction". Overproduction is in quotation marks because it coincides oddly with a period of explosive growth in Germany's military industry. There, too, corpse eating flourishes, but milk is carried past hungry children into the sea wassat Under Soviet rule, an impossible situation !! How do you like emotions? in tears for those American children did not drown, did not choke?
                      so which system is better? to choose from: Tsarist at 13, Soviet at 33 or 55, or American?
                      I did not understand your question
                      secondly, in the name of what is the boy of his father?
                      what boy?
                      About the pretentious nonsense, you are in vain, how can you lead the fighters into battle without pathos?
                      1. -3
                        7 January 2021 19: 03
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        1955 - the devastation is liquidated, there is nuclear weapons, we are preparing for launching into space, absolutely, absolutely everything is our own, practically autarky, only we also feed half of Africa, dams, power plants in India ...

                        Ruined agriculture, wild queues, stupid virgin lands (because even bread is not enough), on the nose the absolute decline of the rural population of indigenous Russia
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Let me remember another famine in America, the Great Depression. We have famine because of crop failure and wars, and there is famine because of "overproduction".

                        During the "famine" in the United States in the 1930s, they ate meat, milk, eggs, etc. SEVERAL TIMES more than we did: see the Report of the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR in 1955 and do not disgrace yourself anymore.
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        There, too, corpse eating flourishes, but milk is carried past hungry children into the sea

                        belay fool lol
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Under Soviet rule, an impossible situation !! How do you like emotions? in tears for those American children did not drown, did not choke?

                        You are drowning in ignorance: there were no hungry "deaths" in the United States, even conscientious propagandists were ashamed to write about them, this is a recent absolutely INITIATION of a Russian communist
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        so which system is better? your choice: Tsarist in 13, Soviet in 33

                        In what year did several million people die in torment of hunger? What a stupid question?
                        Quote: aybolyt678

                        what boy?

                        Who ate, what is not clear?
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        back to the famine in America. There actually died, officially 5 million, in peacetime without any wars.

                        lol laughing laughing
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        And in Russia they helped the starving as best they could, but the information did not get into the newspapersbecause it could demoralize people, instill distrust in the authorities.

                        You should understand that people are NOT a brute: they have the right not only to suffer and die, but also to KNOW. And decide.

                        And it’s no one’s business to decide what they are supposed to know and what not: they have never given such rights to anyone.
                      2. +1
                        7 January 2021 22: 58
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        this is a recent absolutely INITIATION of a Russian communist

                        - what communist? I don't know a single one! they are gone for a long time crying
                        But on YouTube, type the Hunger in the United States, the Great Depression, or America's TIme - 1929-1936, if the English is normal, and enlighten a little bit and find out that the Air Force estimates that up to 9 million Americans are on the verge of starvation. According to other researchers, 25 million ...
                        Where does Peter Jackson's King Kong start? the main character, who has not eaten for 3 days, steals an apple, and she is caught! it's like that time.
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        Report of the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR 1955 and do not disgrace yourself anymore.

                        Exactly dear Olkovich, don't disgrace yourself! In the CSO report, comparative data for America begins in 1937. Precisely because data 29-36 are still classified. Hunger in the United States is not denied, it is estimated at about 20% of the working-age population, 8,5 million have gone through the American GULAG - a system of public works in order not to die.
                        You are not paying attention to that, you are hysterical about the innocent murdered, and crying for their violated rights, and I tell you that the socialist system was better, at least under Stalin. There could be no overproduction crises under it. (I was small and I remember that there was a Soviet film about the Great Depression, and the footage of milk being poured into the sea was captured, I could not understand - HOW? WHY?) But it was in those years that the Golden Blockade was declared and we could not buy the destroyed in America products to save their own !!!
                      3. -1
                        8 January 2021 10: 17
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        But on YouTube, type the Hunger in the United States, the Great Depression, or America's TIme - 1929-1936, if the English is normal, and enlighten a little bit and find out that the Air Force estimates that up to 9 million Americans are on the verge of starvation. According to other researchers, 25 million ...
                        Where does Peter Jackson's King Kong start? the main character, who has not eaten for 3 days, steals an apple, and she is caught! it's like that time

                        English is fine, I worked in Western engineering companies.

                        In America's TIme - 1929-1936 Chatter 1999 года, about the difficulties of life in America then, but there are NO WORDS about "millions" of hunger deaths.

                        And NOWHERE this is not, only the communist Boris Borisov in 2008 invented .. Before him, no one in the world about the Holodomor in the United States didn’t even guess! Neither Stalin mentioned, nor OUR correspondents who worked there, nor Ilf of 1937, NOBODY the world and never.

                        Quote: aybolyt678

                        Exactly dear Olkovich, don't disgrace yourself! In the CSO report, comparative data for America begins in 1937. Precisely because data 29-36 are still classified.

                        A shame .... You don't even know how to read: from the CSB Report on [b] EVERYTHING before the war
                        period: *
                        Data on the resources of vegetables and melons, fruits and berries, milk and dairy products, eggs are given for 1937, for other products - froma 1935-1939

                        And the USA in 1935 and 1937 ate SIX TIMES more eggs than in the USSR in 1937, EIGHT TIMES more sugar, THREE TIMES more meat, TWO times more milk, etc.

                        The blow to the liars is the strongest.

                        NOTHING is classified, don't lie

                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        and I tell you that the socialist system was better,

                        about 14 million people died under the "best" government from the torment of hunger. NEVER in the history of the country was there anything like this
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        the shots of milk being poured into the sea were captured, I could not understand - HOW? WHY?) But it was in those years that the Golden Blockade was declared and we could not buy the products destroyed in America to save our own !!!

                        They had something to pour out, but their counterpart had nothing to even devour.
                      4. 0
                        8 January 2021 10: 21
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        They had something to pour out, but their counterpart had nothing to even devour.

                        Well, what about the movie lies about Keen Kong? wassat
                      5. +1
                        8 January 2021 10: 55
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Well, what about the movie lies about Keen Kong?

                        About Keane of our Kong? Well, of course, it's true - he was! Yes

                        Just like the aliens, Koschey the Immortal, a self-assembled tablecloth and "the fairest regime." lol laughing
                      6. -2
                        9 January 2021 00: 35
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        You should understand that people are NOT a brute: they have the right not only to suffer and die, but also to KNOW. And decide.

                        first this RIGHT must be conquered
                    2. +1
                      7 January 2021 15: 43
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      Firstly, no one officially died, no one called for something to die of hunger, but on the contrary, they were convinced that everyone had become "well-off."

                      back to the famine in America. There really died, officially 5 million, in peacetime without any wars. Everyone was convinced, and now we are sure that for the welfare of the farmers it was necessary! The USSR and its communist ideology so changed the consciousness of the whole world that now in America the starvation of millions of Americans is impossible. There appeared unemployment benefits, free schools. And all thanks to the Russian communists wassat
                      And in Russia they helped the starving people as best they could, but the information did not get into the newspapers, because this could demoralize people, instill distrust of the authorities.
                      Truth is a very insidious thing, and most often it inspires doubts.
                      1. 0
                        8 January 2021 16: 43
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        they really died, officially 5 million, in peacetime without any wars

                        Give a link to the source of information?
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        in America, starvation is not possible for millions of Americans.

                        Americans fed the starving in Russia in 1891 and 1921 request and for their own they arranged charitable canteens ... in the USSR the starving were driven from the cities with bayonets by the Red Army ... request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        And in Russia they helped the starving people as best they could, but the information did not get into the newspapers, because this could demoralize people, instill distrust of the authorities.

                        in the Republic of Ingushetia it was open, they collected money, and in the USSR the famine was a secret ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Truth is a very insidious thing, and most often it inspires doubts.

                        you feel sorry ... hi
                      2. 0
                        8 January 2021 21: 02
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        sorry for you ..

                        pity humiliates ... and modern life is even more
                      3. -2
                        9 January 2021 13: 31
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        redness humiliates ... and modern life is even more

                        Pity is a form of love for one's neighbor ... and modern life in the Russian Federation is quite reasonable request And those who deny the truth will always face even more lies - see Perestroika ... so the lies about the Second World War will come out sideways ...
                      4. +2
                        9 January 2021 22: 12
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        and modern life in the Russian Federation is quite reasonable

                        reasonable? of course, the people are a cash cow, the army protects the interests of the oligarchs in Syria, the bowels belong to the people and their contents belong to the oligarchy ...
                      5. 0
                        14 January 2021 19: 50
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        of course, the people are a cash cow, the army protects the interests of the oligarchs in Syria, the bowels belong to the people and their contents to the oligarchy ...

                        but we live more or less satisfying request in the phrase, replace the oligarchs with the Politburo, Syria with Afghan and it will be like in the USSR request
                      6. +1
                        14 January 2021 20: 16
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        but we live more or less satisfyingly in the phrase, replace the oligarchs with the Politburo, Syria with Afghan and it will be like in the USSR

                        in the village where I live, among the people I know, over the past 10 years, 6 suicides, people aged 17 to 40, several deaths from alcoholism, which is basically the same suicide, a strong reduction in the number of private stores, many people just travel to the North .... This is not very similar even to the late USSR.
                        Happiness is a sense of perspective, the USSR in the 70s which I remember is not like today's Russia. it was more satisfying and safer
                      7. 0
                        14 January 2021 20: 27
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        it bears little resemblance even to the late USSR.

                        have you forgotten how you drank then? request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        it was more satisfying and safer

                        maybe you were younger?
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        over the past 10 years, 6 suicides, people aged 17 to 40

                        I have not a single acquaintance at all in the Russian Federation, one neighbor is still in the USSR ... request
                  2. 0
                    8 January 2021 16: 35
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    913 is a peaceful year, after a succession of peaceful years ..

                    Again, you are telling lies - let me remind you that the RYAV ended in 1905, and the revolution in 1907 ... request
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    the question is - why did people die?

                    in 1933? so that the IVS sold grain, received gold on which he built the military industry for the World Revolution ... hi
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    and 1955 is the aftermath of the war.

                    1955-1945 = 10 years
                    1913-1905 = 8 years, and only 6 years from the revolution, I understand that arithmetic is a difficult science ... bully
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    In 25 years we cannot overcome the consequences of Perestroika since

                    have overcome long ago, the standard of living in the Russian Federation is higher than in the RSFSR, there are 2,5 times more roads, more housing is being built request
                    1. 0
                      8 January 2021 21: 03
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      in 1933? so that the IVS sold grain, received gold on which he built the military industry for the World Revolution ...

                      In 1933 there was a "golden blockade" and without industry, we would become Siberian blacks
                      1. -1
                        9 January 2021 13: 32
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        we would become Siberian blacks

                        I am a Siberian and it's funny to listen to you - we didn't have slaves, as in European Russia request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        and not having an industry,

                        the pace was excessive! This was proved by the Second World War - the loss of 50% did not affect ... it was just not necessary to start the war like that ...
                      2. +1
                        9 January 2021 22: 13
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        Rsoto shouldn't have started the war like that ...

                      3. 0
                        14 January 2021 20: 09
                        Quote: aybolyt678

                        exactly! in six months they skied to Moscow and lost all equipment and personnel of the regular army request
                      4. 0
                        14 January 2021 21: 02
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        exactly! in six months they skied to Moscow and lost all equipment and personnel of the regular army

                        you might think that you know what to do? fiction have been reading about the populations?
                      5. 0
                        15 January 2021 12: 01
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        you might think that you know what to do? fiction have been reading about the populations?

                        be surprised, but the most trivial measures had to be taken - just to withdraw the troops into the field and put them on the defensive ... request The Germans could not break through the Kiev UR ... hi
                        Well, if you look a little earlier, then Hitler had to be beaten before he gained strength and formed a coalition in 39-41 request
                      6. 0
                        15 January 2021 22: 26
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        The Germans could not break through the Kiev UR ...

                        And the Brest Fortress was also a problem. However, the UR was surrounded, and what are troops in a field without rear services? And the wrong military doctrine? Woe - the generals were shot, they learned how to fight. Go history differently, maybe in Moscow there would be 3 zones of occupation ?? Germany, occupying areas, exterminating Jews, and others showed the bestial nature of National Socialism, as well as its capabilities. That is why England and America have become formal allies for us. If we were the first to attack Hitler, we would have fought on 4 fronts with the West.
                      7. 0
                        16 January 2021 13: 24
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        UR was surrounded,

                        By no means - a whole front ... I will note that Stalin's line is a system of URs - it is difficult to get around it ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        what are troops in a field without rear?

                        see the Germans in Stalingrad or near Demyansk ... you need to know how to fight ... request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Woe - the generals were shot, they learned how to fight.

                        the level of losses does not show ... request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        If we were the first to attack Hitler, we would have fought on 4 fronts with the West.

                        is it in May 1940? bully
                      8. 0
                        16 January 2021 13: 45
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        By no means - a whole front ... I will note that Stalin's line is a system of URs - it is difficult to get around it ..

                        Viktor Suvorov read a lot?
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        is it in May 1940?

                        In May 40, we watched with interest the growing confrontation between the Germans and the British
                      9. 0
                        16 January 2021 14: 50
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Viktor Suvorov read a lot?

                        And did he determine the composition of the URs? bully go to Viki .... "The total length of the fortification line was 1850 km, and passages were left between the fortified areas (the length of the fortified areas lines was 1200 km)." so, for example - read about "Defense of Visna"
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        In May 40, we watched with interest the growing confrontation between the Germans and the British

                        This is from the dope of the IVS, after the capture of Denmark / Norway it was necessary to begin covert mobilization in the West, and after the strike on France, to start the open one and on the 20th of May strike on Germany!
                      10. 0
                        16 January 2021 15: 43
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        and the number of May 20 to strike at Germany!

                        you did not understand one of my comments: - to do this in order to then fight off the Americans, the British, the French and the Germans and end with three zones of occupation of Moscow? What do you think, in the event of our attack, they would be our allies?
                      11. 0
                        18 January 2021 12: 36
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        you did not understand one of my comments

                        you are writing obvious stupidity - reread Churchill's book, why would England put up with Germany? In reality, they did not put up with it ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        would they be our allies if we attacked?

                        inevitably - there was a common enemy - Hitler! Or do you think that the Franks, after being hit by the IVS, would happily fraternize with Guderian's tankmen? bully
                      12. 0
                        16 January 2021 15: 46
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        And did he determine the composition of the URs? bully go to Wiki ....

                        Wikipedia contains blatant lies and misinformation. In my specialty, I once encountered this specifically. Therefore, in principle, I bypass it.
                      13. 0
                        18 January 2021 12: 37
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Outright lies and misinformation on Wikipedia

                        give another source ... request
                      14. +1
                        9 January 2021 22: 43
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        I am a Siberian and it's funny to listen to you - we didn't have slaves, as in European Russia

                        Learn history, Siberian.
                        First of all, the Russians need lshnschina, and now they converted
                        , they send foreigners into slavery, make nkh their concubines
                        zhenamp and rabump hostesses. Eni, e yatr1arkh Filaret armed himself against the fact that the pyccitie in Spbiri was taken away from the foreigners nkh’s wives and daughters and lived with them, with the unbaptized and
                        unmarried, as with zhenamp. But despite the similarity of the prohibition, the custom of taking in wives and concubines of foreign slaves
                        and continued to exist until the time of the final pacification of Siberia at the end of the 1th century. Conquering non-peaceful or pacifying
                        rioted foreigners, pyccKie, as a rule, were taken to the bottom
                        their women and shared with them their> bed or sold for
                        this to others. So, nair., In the Yenisei countries x Cossacks
                        Electronic library (repository)
                        Tomsk State University
                        SLAVERY IN SIBERIA. 165
                        abducted the region of the Kachi, Tuba, and others. Galkin ov.tad'yet the wife of the Ket prince Telene a; wife
                        the Kirghiz prince Izhpney also goes to the conqueror; squad
                        the governor of Dubensk captures the wives and daughters of Buryatskpkh and
                        etc. These seizures of foreign women were not carried out in
                        wartime alone, as well as in peacetime. Governors, them
                        officials, Cossacks, str'ltsy, - all, someone only them in their
                        in the hands of power and meaning, during their patrols among the camps of foreigners, not only did they "imitate themselves !;" their women for the sake of
                        short-term prodigal theft, but often
                        at all, and, taking away with them, used them themselves, or sold
                        their friend. The voluptuous and depraved population of the old
                        Siberia from its very own appearance in this CTpaHt installed
                        good practice of polygamy

                      15. 0
                        14 January 2021 19: 54
                        Quote: Mordvin 3
                        Learn history, Siberian.

                        1) poke your wife if you have bully and it would be nice to understand the text to learn ...
                        2) you confuse warm and soft - it was in European Russia that they traded you and your kind like cattle, and the Siberians simply took wives - like Sabine women ... bully
                    2. +1
                      8 January 2021 21: 06
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      have overcome long ago, the standard of living in the Russian Federation is higher than in the RSFSR, there are 2,5 times more roads, more housing is being built

                      engineers are 10 times fewer, there are no growth prospects for young people, it is not clear who to teach children to, and the overall pace lags behind the peaceful Central African
                      1. -2
                        9 January 2021 13: 34
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        10 times less engineers,

                        and there were not so many of them - to plow in vegetable warehouses and fields - as in the USSR? In addition, as for AKAD, I draw 3-4 times faster and there is no need to keep a paper archive ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        young people have no growth prospects,

                        On the contrary - the best, if not lazy ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        It's not clear who to teach children to,

                        you just have to learn ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        general pace lags behind peaceful Central African

                        won't you translate?
                      2. +2
                        9 January 2021 22: 17
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        won't you translate?

                        Why did a friend take his wife to Israel for an operation? Why does another vacation go to Thailand? why is your computer from China? And why don't I have a single Russian clothes? how is it that you are also only random?
                      3. 0
                        14 January 2021 20: 01
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Why did a friend take his wife to Israel for an operation?

                        has money, believes in miracles around the corner ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Why does another vacation go to Thailand?

                        probably need cheap representatives of the oldest profession ... request I don't like humid tropics
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        why is your computer from China?

                        I don't even know where, the processor is either American or Taiwanese ... Let me remind you that the Russian Federation of the world's population ... it's 2% request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        and why don't I have a single Russian clothes?

                        I don't know - you probably have a burp of a scoop - wear a foreign ... request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        However, they are also only random?

                        I don't really follow the country of production, but I buy what I need request Socks, our underwear for sure, the rest must be looked at, winter boots from Belarus hi
                      4. +1
                        14 January 2021 20: 21
                        so are you happy with everything?
                      5. 0
                        14 January 2021 20: 32
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        How are you happy with everything?

                        what nonsense? There are a lot of problems in the country, the main one is a rather strong imbalance in the policy of the top in the social sphere - the rich are rapidly getting richer, and the people, at best, are standing still in material terms ... request Raised the retirement age, VAT, dollar rate, etc. request But there is also good, it is stupid to look at life through a dirty filter, balance is needed ... hi
                      6. 0
                        14 January 2021 20: 58
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        winter boots from Belarus

                        by the way for me too fellow And there is no Russian because there is no proposal. At some point in my life, I bought only Russian, for ideological reasons. As soon as I abandoned this idea, life became much more comfortable.
                      7. +1
                        15 January 2021 11: 57
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        As soon as I abandoned this idea, life became much more comfortable.

                        I have another - size 46 ... request
                2. 0
                  8 January 2021 20: 59
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Objectively - HUMAN LIFE is the most important thing on Earth.

                  very pretentious! since you are crying only about Russians, then only Russian people?
                  1. 0
                    14 January 2021 20: 32
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    You are crying only about Russians, so only Russian people?

                    Russians cry for Russians, and the rest think of themselves ... hi
                    1. 0
                      14 January 2021 21: 12
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      Russians cry for Russians, and the rest think of themselves ...

                      Are you Olgovich? I have my own battle with him angry .... he very selectively cries for the ruined Russian people, but only those who died under the Bolsheviks. In his opinion, Bolshevism is to blame for all deaths in the world. When I say that people died under capitalism, he ignores it. And spreading rot about the Soviet past, we abandon our parents and grandfathers ... This is disrespectful, at least.
                      1. +1
                        15 January 2021 12: 03
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Are you Olgovich? I have my own battle with him

                        then take him on LAN - this is an open forum
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        And rotting the Soviet past, we abandon our parents and grandfathers ...

                        depending on who your parents are, both of my grandfathers were sitting at the IVS, one with both ends request I agree that we should not spread rot, but tell the truth! Lies are always bad, but we again began to write fables about the Second World War and the USSR ...
              2. +1
                8 January 2021 16: 30
                Quote: aybolyt678
                60% of the economy is foreign capital in Russia

                and why is it bad? factories were built, advanced technologies were introduced, taxes were paid ... request
                Quote: aybolyt678
                he even got into military production.

                burp scoop ... bully RI bought the newest in the West, however, like the USSR - in 1945 it bought jet engines in England ... hi
                Quote: aybolyt678
                this is a popular feat when heavy industry, chemical, etc. appears in the country .......

                These are the deeds of American engineers and businessmen who designed and built factories for gold ... hi
                1. -1
                  8 January 2021 21: 08
                  Quote: DrEng527
                  and why is it bad? factories were built, advanced technologies were introduced, taxes were paid ..

                  for example, the fact that the shells for Russian cannons of the First World War were made in England, which provoked a wild shell hunger, and the price of these shells ate up the treasury, - quite a trifle
                  1. 0
                    9 January 2021 13: 35
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    shells for Russian guns of the First World War, were made in England, which provoked a wild shell hunger, and the price of these shells ate up the treasury,

                    what kind of nonsense are you? hi I recommend
                    1. +1
                      9 January 2021 23: 09
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      what kind of nonsense are you? I recommend

                      Shigalin's book? read for yourself page 168 exactly as I tell you - the dependence of Russian industry on foreign capital and supplies is described laughing Thank you very useful book in my piggy bank smile
                      1. 0
                        14 January 2021 20: 10
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        dependence of Russian industry on foreign capital and supplies

                        everyone reads what he sees ... bully you might think in WWII it was different ...
                2. 0
                  8 January 2021 21: 11
                  Quote: DrEng527
                  These are the deeds of American engineers and businessmen who designed and built factories for gold ...

                  Quite right. Moved for the hint, now I'm smarter! and I think history cannot be changed, it is interesting only as a simplified model of the present. Stalin bought the best American engineers, and we are now buying everything from used foreign cars to Chinese consumer goods.
                  1. -1
                    9 January 2021 13: 36
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    and now we buy everything from used foreign cars to Chinese consumer goods.

                    what nonsense you have ... bully PD-14 was created! It is difficult to find used foreign cars now request
                    1. +2
                      9 January 2021 22: 19
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      It is difficult to find used foreign cars now

                      conduct an experiment, observe the road for 15 minutes. Only not in Moscow
                    2. +1
                      9 January 2021 23: 10
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      It is difficult to find used foreign cars now

                      I have two of them! one jeep.
                      1. 0
                        14 January 2021 20: 03
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        I have two of them! one jeep.

                        it's your choice, I always buy in the salon ....
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        watch the road for 15 minutes.

                        but how do you tell - that it was imported used? Only right-hand drive, we have few of them in Eburg
                      2. 0
                        14 January 2021 20: 26
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        it's your choice, I always buy in the salon ...

                        Quote: DrEng527
                        how will you tell - that it was imported used

                        in fact, even if they are produced in our country, it means that our engineering idea is not there, there is our cheap electricity, this means an enemy fortress on our land. And we are slaves. And since there are no our designers, engineers, designers, education is dying. And the main part of the cost is precisely the intelligence invested in the product.
                3. -1
                  8 January 2021 21: 15
                  Quote: DrEng527
                  and the USSR - in 1945 he bought jet engines in England ...

                  and then Belenko hijacked a plane to Japan, and the Americans dealt with secret British technologies?
                  1. -1
                    9 January 2021 13: 37
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    and then Belenko hijacked a plane to Japan, and the Americans dealt with secret British technologies?

                    and again nonsense ... 30 years have passed ... bully
                    1. 0
                      9 January 2021 22: 35
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      and again nonsense ... 30 years have passed ...

                      45 years have passed. This plane was the absolute record holder, in my 400 world records.
                      the betrayal of Belenko, Gorbachev, this does not even have motivation, Belenko died of alcoholism, Gorby is living out his life in Germany, maybe some kind of psychological shift?
                      1. 0
                        14 January 2021 20: 08
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        This plane was the absolute record holder, in my 400 world records.

                        is it a combat plane for records? his concept is controversial ...
                      2. 0
                        14 January 2021 22: 06
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        is it a combat plane for records? his concept is controversial ...

                        he was better than the competition. About the same as the German technology at the beginning of the war. The presence of communications in tanks and aircraft made it possible to drive us all the way to Moscow.
                      3. 0
                        15 January 2021 12: 20
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        he was better than the competition.

                        what? terrible funds were spent on specials. aircraft with limited targets ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        The availability of communications in tanks and aircraft made it possible to drive us all the way to Moscow.

                        what nonsense ... bully
                      4. 0
                        15 January 2021 13: 31
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        what nonsense ...

                        I'll try to enlighten you. Before the war, we had the concept of an "iron fist" when large groups of tanks fly forward and crush everyone. The Germans had a concept - the interaction of different types of troops. We have one radio per division, a tank - the commander commands flags with flags where to go and shoot, and they have each tank equipped with a VHF radio station, each unit has a radio. Take an interest in the ratio of armor, firepower in a tank battle near Grodno. We outnumbered there several times. Only our semaphoremen were killed by specially appointed snipers, the tanks were huddled together, and they were handled by artillery and aircraft. It was the lack of communication that gave rise to confusion and panic. Nobody knew where to go or what to do. Communication is a great thing. There were no cell phones then belay .
                      5. -1
                        15 January 2021 13: 47
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        I'll try to enlighten you

                        I suppose you flatter yourself ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Before the war, we had the concept of an "iron fist" when large groups of tanks fly forward and crush everyone

                        Pavlov and Artu considered it unnecessary bully This is from the "excess" of education ... bully
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        The Germans had a concept - the interaction of different types of troops

                        so this is the only correct concept
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        We have one radio per division

                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        and they have each tank equipped with a VHF radio station, each unit has a radio.

                        not entirely true - some tanks had only receivers ... the question is different - why did the Red Army not understand the importance of communication and control?
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Only our semaphores were killed by specially designated snipers

                        you are funny ... bully There were special hatches for flags ... But I understand your desire to find the only reason for the defeat of the Red Army bully But this reason is that the army was not even called Soviet, but the Red Army request This is the army of suppression of its people, and such armies are always crushed by an external enemy ...
                      6. 0
                        15 January 2021 15: 03
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        This is the army of suppression of its people, and such armies are always crushed by an external enemy ...

                        wassat ????? I realized that I am not flattering myself smile goodbye. Read more.
                        have you ever sat in a 50s tank at least? what kind of visibility is there? And in battle? ?? turn on your brains, imagination, watch less TV.Books, books .............
                      7. 0
                        16 January 2021 13: 20
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        turn on your brains, imagination,

                        mutual wish! so decide for yourself - how much has changed the visibility of tanks from 41 and 45g ... request
                      8. 0
                        16 January 2021 13: 41
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        ! so decide for yourself - how much has changed the visibility of tanks from 41 and 45g ...

                        communication appeared in the tanks!
                      9. 0
                        16 January 2021 14: 38
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        communication appeared in the tanks!

                        hmm, this is fatal - I see no point in discussing further ... bully
                4. 0
                  14 January 2021 22: 03
                  Quote: DrEng527
                  Quote: aybolyt678
                  60% of the economy is foreign capital in Russia

                  and why is it bad? factories were built, advanced technologies were introduced, taxes were paid ...

                  politics becomes dependent on other people's monetary interests. In addition, for example, guns were made and shells for them were made in England. Do you know what this led to on the battlefield?
                  In addition, Pope Nicholas II built railways without borrowing, quite successfully. He died with symptoms of renal failure as in chronic arsenic poisoning. The question is, why do successful sovereigns in Russia die with signs of poisoning?
        3. -1
          6 January 2021 21: 36
          Quote: Olgovich
          And the 14th Congress of the winners, yes, ... shot each other, especially the Central Committee of the VKPB-78% in expense. Why would you?

          obviously there were a lot of radishes - there were careerists .. Outside there were red Russophiles and inside there were white bourgeois wink ??
          1. 0
            8 January 2021 16: 44
            Quote: aybolyt678
            red russophiles

            there are no such people, proletarians have no Fatherland ... read the KP Manifesto bully
            1. 0
              8 January 2021 21: 19
              Quote: DrEng527
              there are no such people, proletarians have no Fatherland ... read the KP Manifesto

              Now in the Fatherland there are no proletarians, some consumed
              1. 0
                9 January 2021 13: 38
                Quote: aybolyt678
                no proletarians, some consumed

                and thank God ... or are you not eating bread?
                1. 0
                  9 January 2021 22: 25
                  Quote: DrEng527
                  and thank God ... or are you not eating bread?

                  meat, got it .. I want tartlets with Pomeranian cheese and avocado, but certainly our own, Russian
                  1. 0
                    14 January 2021 20: 07
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    meat, got it ..

                    go vegan ... bully
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    I want tartlets with Pomeranian cheese and avocado, but certainly my own, Russian

                    I prefer sturgeon with horseradish or red caviar in pancakes ... feel
                    1. 0
                      14 January 2021 21: 00
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      red caviar in pancakes ...

                      I grew up in Magadan, I don't like red caviar. Once, while fishing, the bridge was washed away, and I had to live for 2 weeks, eating only red fish, caviar and berries ............... since then I have not eaten.
                      1. 0
                        15 January 2021 11: 58
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        I grew up in Magadan, I don't like red caviar

                        I'm on the Ob, I'm not very black ... request
            2. 0
              15 January 2021 14: 01
              Quote: DrEng527
              there are no such people, proletarians have no Fatherland ... read the KP Manifesto

              Time has shown that it can happen, how much more! the proletarian community did not in the least prevent the German proletarians from driving the Russian proletarians into the gas chambers. And take the last chicken from the Russian peasant
              1. 0
                15 January 2021 14: 05
                Quote: aybolyt678
                the proletarian community did not in the least prevent the German proletarians from driving the Russian proletarians into the gas chambers. And take the last chicken from the Russian peasant

                what says about the foolishness of the Bolshevik ideology, no more ... request
                1. 0
                  15 January 2021 15: 07
                  Quote: DrEng527
                  what says about the foolishness of the Bolshevik ideology, no more ...

                  the nonsense was also, but the performers had more.
                  1. 0
                    16 January 2021 13: 20
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    the nonsense was also, but the performers had more.

                    You seem to have studied Marxism poorly ... request
                    1. 0
                      16 January 2021 13: 43
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      You seem to have studied Marxism poorly ...

                      value is labor embodied in a commodity and has nothing to do with cost. So I'm fine with Marxism. but the doctrine of the class struggle is wrong.
                      1. 0
                        16 January 2021 14: 40
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        value is labor embodied in a commodity

                        Really? those. the more a person works, the higher the value of the goods? bully
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        but the doctrine of the class struggle is wrong.

                        Why - with its help they destroyed the RI, the goals were fulfilled ... request
                      2. 0
                        16 January 2021 15: 32
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        Really? those. the more a person works, the higher the value of the goods?

                        here you have obvious problems with Marx, the cost is certainly higher, but that does not mean the price is higher. Price is a market expression of value determined by supply and demand. I don't even smile ...
                      3. 0
                        18 January 2021 12: 32
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        value is labor embodied in a commodity and has nothing to do with cost.

                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        the cost is certainly more, but this does not mean the price is higher.

                        it's funny with you - you mixed everything into a heap .. bully
                      4. 0
                        18 January 2021 14: 37
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        it's funny with you - you mixed everything into a heap ..

                        I just know well the greatness of Marx and his mistakes. And some people like the Olgovichi propose to equate all the Bolsheviks with the Nazis. Therefore, here I am fighting for the honor of Marx and the Bolsheviks (real).
                      5. 0
                        18 January 2021 14: 46
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        proposes to equate all Bolsheviks with fascists

                        they are different - international and national socialists request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Therefore, here I am fighting for the honor of Marx and the Bolsheviks (real).

                        these are sorts of shit ... hi a lot of people were exhausted, in the result zilch ...
                      6. 0
                        16 January 2021 15: 36
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        Why - with its help they destroyed the RI, the goals were fulfilled ...

                        It's strange. The goal of the Bolsheviks was to build a bright, beautiful future, just and happy. Moreover, they collected pieces of RI, called it the USSR, multiplied, defended. Lost sad but left space, nuclear weapons, while still free education and medicine. Targets not met.
                      7. 0
                        18 January 2021 12: 34
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        The goal of the Bolsheviks was to build a bright, beautiful future,

                        what nonsense for amateurs and idealists ... bully They planned the destruction of part of the people ...

                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Targets not met.

                        just compare with Sweden or Germany ... request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Moreover, they collected pieces of RI, they called it the USSR

                        if not a secret - who gave independence to Finland? Poland? Balts? etc.
                      8. 0
                        18 January 2021 14: 47
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        what nonsense for amateurs and idealists ... They planned the destruction of part of the people ...

                        another wise guy, equates the Bolsheviks with the Nazis sad , the Bolsheviks excommunicated the church from the state and left it alone. The bourgeoisie were deprived of the means of production, but my great-grandfather, for example, left his shoe factory to the Soviet regime and worked there as an accountant. Those atrocities that are attributed to the Bolsheviks were done by evil people with red ribbons, but by no means the Bolsheviks. Where were they to get so many? it is the self-name or disguise of some bandits.
                      9. 0
                        19 January 2021 16: 16
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        another wise guy, equates the Bolsheviks with the Nazis

                        you did it request the Nazis did not plan to destroy parts of the German people - only ideological opponents and the sick, even the Jews planned to expel and exiled for money, for example, to Palestine. The Bolsheviks not only planned, but also implemented the destruction of the "exploiting" classes, including the physical ... request

                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Those atrocities that are attributed to the Bolsheviks were done by evil people with red ribbons, but by no means the Bolsheviks.

                        MDA ... bully
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        my great-grandfather, for example, left his shoe factory of the Soviet regime and worked there as an accountant

                        did he have a choice? bully
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Where were they to get so many? it is the self-name or disguise of some bandits.

                        maybe the Bolsheviks should have thought about it earlier? In the Cursed Days, Bunin wrote that the most inveterate go to them! And the VIL constantly demanded cleansing, but it did not help ... request
                      10. 0
                        19 January 2021 19: 18
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        you did it the Nazis did not plan to destroy parts of the German people - only ideological opponents and the sick

                        ???? and the sick and ideological are not Germans? (-) wassat What if your mom is sick, or your child with a genetic disorder? the Nazis are just angels - they decided to purify humanity through the furnaces, only the smoke has not yet settled down. Read about Dachau and identical twins!

                        Quote: DrEng527
                        MDA ...
                        I repeat, where was the huge number of literate people in the peasant (small owners) country, committed to the Marxist ideology?

                        Quote: DrEng527
                        did he have a choice?

                        there was a choice, you could take berdan and go hunting for commissars laughing continue the war.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        In the Cursed Days, Bunin wrote that the most inveterate go to them! And VIL constantly demanded cleansing
                        - the idea of ​​equality was on the side of the Bolsheviks. Therefore, they were stronger, and jackals always stick to the strong
                        Am I throwing beads here?
                      11. 0
                        20 January 2021 12: 38
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        and the sick and ideological are not Germans?

                        well, they had such ideas about the purity of the race ... request and not only among them - see the Spartans ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        And if your mother is sick,

                        my mother until the age of 12 was under the commandant's office in the USSR as the daughter of a kulak ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        the Nazis are just angels - they decided to purify humanity through the furnaces, only the smoke has not yet settled down. P

                        decided to change the topic? Nobody whitewashes them, the problem is the monstrous crimes of the Bolsheviks against the peoples of Russia!
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        where to find a huge number of literate people, in a peasant (small owners) country, committed to Marxist ideology?

                        so maybe not to run ahead and not build socialism in a peasant country? bully
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        you could take berdan and go hunting for commissars

                        then he decided that it was pointless - it was his choice ... request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        on the side of the Bolsheviks was the idea of ​​equality.

                        the idea itself is nonsense! that is why the old Bolsheviks were sent abroad for treatment for gold? bully
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Therefore, they were stronger, and jackals always stick to the strong

                        The strong do not shoot hostages! They were bloodthirsty and mad animals!
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Am I throwing beads here?

                        objectively you have a self-styled self - there are no arguments ... request
                      12. 0
                        20 January 2021 12: 43
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        Nobody whitewashes them, the problem is the monstrous crimes of the Bolsheviks against the peoples of Russia!

                        you accuse the Bolsheviks of fascism, what will be the next step?
                      13. 0
                        20 January 2021 12: 56
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        you accuse the Bolsheviks of fascism,

                        can you quote from me about this, liar?
                      14. 0
                        20 January 2021 12: 57
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        you accuse the Bolsheviks of fascism,

                        Quote: DrEng527
                        they are different - international and national socialists

                        I am kindly proving to you that you are a liar! hi
                      15. 0
                        20 January 2021 20: 52
                        your sharply negative rating strongly discredits you, dear mister liberal-fascist, it's a pity that you are not a Jew
                      16. 0
                        21 January 2021 10: 52
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        your sharply negative rating will strongly discredit you,

                        yes, I don’t care what they write and think what others think ... hi
                        if instead of answers, in essence, they switch to cons, these are their inferiority complexes bully
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        lovely mister liberal fascist

                        Quote: DrEng527
                        I am kindly proving to you that you are a liar!

                        in response to the transition to labels, which means no argumentation!
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        sorry you are not a Jew

                        I was born Russian and I'm proud of it! I am also a Siberian by birth and I am proud of it too!
                        and you seem to be an anti-Semite, which confirms your notoriousness!
                        Sorry for you! It seems like an adult, but such teenage wet dreams ... hi
                      17. 0
                        21 January 2021 11: 31
                        [/ Quote]
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        such teenage wet dreams ...

                        you initially did not answer the question: [quote = DrEng527] the problem is the monstrous crimes of the Bolsheviks against the peoples of Russia!

                        you accuse the Bolsheviks of fascism, what will be the next step?

                        that is, accusing the Bolsheviks of fascism against their own people, you have no idea what the consequences will be if your point of view is accepted by a part of the country's population, and what good can come of it?
                        and if you were a Jew, you would not write such nonsense ...
                        Russian is not a nationality, but a language and loyalty to the state. By the way, many were convicted of monstrous crimes. in 1937
                        in response to the transition to labels, which means no argumentation!
                        you do not hear me! I'm not going to blame my ancestors, I want to isolate all the good that was and understand the reasons for the bad. And to pour mud - they have been pouring for 30 years and while mud is being poured on history, nothing good will happen.
                      18. 0
                        21 January 2021 12: 35
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        that is, accusing the Bolsheviks of fascism against their own people

                        this is your wording!
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        the problem is the monstrous crimes of the Bolsheviks against the peoples of Russia!

                        these are my words! Are you lying again or do you think the Bolsheviks are fascists? hi
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        What are the consequences of your point of view if it is accepted by a part of the country's population, and what good can come of it?

                        it's true! and the population has known it for a long time, except for clearly inadequate people, this was confirmed by the very first free elections in the USSR and the number of those who came out to defend it in December 1991hi
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        and if you were a Jew, you would not write such nonsense ...

                        see in the mirror ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Russian is not a nationality, but a language and loyalty to the state

                        so you are also a Russophobe? request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        By the way, many were convicted of monstrous crimes. in 1937

                        so all were exiled or selectively? accused of 58? By the way - why did the humane Soviet power imprison wives?
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        And to pour mud - they have been pouring for 30 years and while mud is being poured on history, nothing good will happen.

                        the truth is not dirt, dirt is a lie! And the more lies, the less truth - in this lie the USSR drowned! and you want to drown the RF too!
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        not going to blame my ancestors

                        that they served in the NKVD? wink
                      19. 0
                        18 January 2021 14: 49
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        Targets not met.

                        just compare with Sweden or Germany ...

                        Germany rebuilt on American money .. not everything is so simple there.
                      20. 0
                        19 January 2021 16: 18
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Germany rebuilt with American money

                        and industrialization in the USSR? They raised two rivals to crush each other, as well as grow the power of the United States ... request How Trotsky and Co. were sent before to finish off Russia
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        there is not so simple.

                        But it's not so difficult either ... if you don't hide your head in the sand ... request
                      21. 0
                        19 January 2021 19: 24
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        and industrialization in the USSR?

                        they just did not give money to the USSR. If something fell through the dummy people, then it was crumbs. In Germany, entire industries were created with their money! Where did an artist with a thin neck get money in impoverished Germany? take an interest in the timing of the change of power in Germany before Hitler, and think about what this change led to? Here the Americans also built factories, but they were paid for it, sometimes some specialists were simply kidnapped. Unlike today's Russia, when instead of hiring specialists and buying equipment, they buy consumer goods
                      22. 0
                        20 January 2021 12: 42
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        they just didn't give money to the USSR

                        What for? The Bolsheviks robbed the population! Americans can count ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Where did an artist with a thin neck get money?

                        I know for a long time, this is a discovery for you ... hi just think about why his party was socialist ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        when instead of hiring specialists and buying equipment, they buy consumer goods

                        buy equipment! as for other products, then you have a soviet mentality - the predominant development of group A bully By the way, the USSR also bought consumer goods and also for petrodollars ...
    4. +9
      6 January 2021 13: 04
      Olegovich, in your commentary, you have written too many freedoms for the inhabitants of a superpower and multiple responsibilities, and a bunch of freedoms without commitments leads to decay quickly enough.
      1. -11
        6 January 2021 13: 44
        Quote: evgen1221
        and a bunch of freedoms without commitments decays quickly enough.

        And a bunch of obligations without freedoms? Even faster.
        1. -1
          6 January 2021 21: 39
          Quote: Olgovich
          And a bunch of obligations without freedoms? Even faster.

          And if forward, to the Dream ?! and everyone understands this freedom differently? There should be only one freedom! and many voluntary commitments. Otherwise, we could not survive the war and not reach the Dream ...
          1. 0
            8 January 2021 16: 46
            Quote: aybolyt678
            Otherwise, we could not stand the war and not reach the Dream ...

            and how it was Russia before that for 1000 years fought and won basically ... request
            1. 0
              8 January 2021 21: 21
              Quote: DrEng527
              and how it was Russia before that for 1000 years fought and won basically ...

              in the name of Russian arms, Honor, God, but the Tsars did not promise about people's happiness
    5. +3
      6 January 2021 14: 45
      Quote: Olgovich
      Diligence, ability, desire and all doors are open

      If you have a golden crunchy rustling key from these doors in your hands. And the absolute majority did not have it then stop
      Quote: Olgovich
      What all this led to is known.

      As you know! We, unworthy, have to at least not forget this known. Since they have not saved recourse
      Quote: Olgovich
      in order to avoid, apparently, a repetition of the result

      Repetition was impossible. But the elimination of what has been achieved is quite. So we learned the lesson right then. And by 1991, to great shame and grief, they forgot.
      Quote: Olgovich
      If the author takes a map of the world of those years, he will not find the country "Russia"

      Only if he doesn't want to find it. And she was!
      Quote: Olgovich
      a superpower, yes, this is a country where people eat super-good, dress super-well, super-free in their CHOICE - power, their parties, their books, newspapers, meetings, processions, circles, Faith, culture, thoughts, place of residence, travel and treatment.

      The picture is the spitting image of the USSR! There was just one party. But, as is now known, many parties are more bad than good for the quality of life. And absolutely to "people live well", "people are free" does not include a country in which the LAW establishes class division with a difference in rights and obligations according to the fact of birth, with the primacy of one religion, with a ruler who does not obey anyone and does not bear any responsibility. And i.d and ip hi
    6. 0
      8 January 2021 16: 23
      Quote: Olgovich
      Diligence, ability, desire and all doors are open

      this is not the USSR, where it was forbidden by class request
      Quote: Olgovich
      superfree in their CHOICE -power, their parties, their books, newspapers, meetings, processions, circles, Faith, culture, thoughts, residence, travel and treatment.

      Aha, see the US and China ... bully and I have no other superpowers for you ... request
  8. The comment was deleted.
  9. +5
    6 January 2021 08: 56
    The only amendment is that Stalin acquired knowledge in the field of natural sciences after being elected general secretary of the CPSU (b), when he re-read several thousand books of special technical literature from the Lenin library (these books contain pencil marks by Stalin).
  10. +1
    6 January 2021 09: 01
    The topic of Gurdjieff and Stalin is not disclosed.
  11. AV
    6 January 2021 09: 26
    This dzhugashvili is a ghoul and cannibal. Finally remove from the red burial square, this cattle burial ground. How can you believe these myths about the father of nations and other nonsense? Everything about him is already known. Paranoid and sadist.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. +9
            6 January 2021 11: 50
            Quote: AV
            A truly Bolshevik approach is to write people down as enemies of the people or as degenerates.
            Hoho, whose approach is this ?!
            Quote: AV
            This dzhugashvili is a ghoul and cannibal. Finally remove from the red burial square, this cattle burial ground.
            Or are you such a fiery Bolshevik? This is their "approach".
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +11
                6 January 2021 13: 40
                Quote: AV
                You just need to restore the historical appearance

                900 years ago there was no Moscow either, so you can rebuild yourself to a bare field. And without Stalin, Russia simply would not exist. Together with people like you, however, and people like me.
                1. AV
                  6 January 2021 14: 36
                  We must end this inferiority complex. It was the Russian people who won the war. Where does this lack of faith in yourself and your people and unconditional faith in myths come from?
                  Why, if a person has an excellent opinion, then he is immediately a traitor and an enemy of the people? And what did the people get for this?
                  1. +10
                    6 January 2021 15: 08
                    AV (Alexander)
                    We must end this inferiority complex. It was the Russian people who won the war.
                    Marvel at the degree of cretinism and degradation of some fool individuals ... Why, then, did the Russian people screw up the Russian-Japanese war so ineptly, without a single victory ?! And the Crimean War? There is no Suvorov and Ushakov without Yekaterina and Potemkin, just as there is no Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Vasilevsky and others without Stalin. A talented leader is talented primarily because he knows how and is not afraid to select competent and talented managers. And such hands as nikolashka-bloody or bear-tagged can only slurp shit with spoons.

                    Apparently, after all, it was not the reel, fool fool fool sat in the cockpit ...
                    1. +2
                      6 January 2021 17: 40
                      Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                      I am amazed at the degree of cretinism and degradation of some fool individuals ...
                      Yes, "hands-face" in such cases is simply not enough. But this "won in spite of" immediately makes it clear what kind of individual is on the wire.
                    2. -1
                      8 January 2021 16: 51
                      Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                      so ineptly fucked up the Russo-Japanese war

                      so mediocre? maybe they fought on their territory? Or lost more Japanese? Normal colonial war ... request
                      Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                      And the Crimean War?

                      Well, they captured half of Sevastopol, and we took Kars ... request And then the Turks were killed in 1877 ...
                      Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                      is not afraid to select competent and talented managers

                      Aha, that's why they lost 11,5 million Red Army soldiers ... request and in 1941 until December, the Red Army irrevocably lost 3 million against 200 thousand in the Wehrmacht ...
                      1. +1
                        8 January 2021 17: 34
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        1941 until December the Red Army irrevocably lost 3 million against 200 thousand in the Wehrmacht ...

                        And on the basis of this, Hitler was informed that the war was lost. Germany. smile
          2. +10
            6 January 2021 12: 07
            AV (Alexander)
            Give you freedom so you would have us without trial and investigation yes?
            With pleasure, but it’s a pity they will not give it.
            And as for without trial, then do not lie. Whom and when was sentenced without trial and investigation ?! Can you give an example or just blurted out to fart louder in a puddle?
            In general, Stalin was a VERY great humanist, the same Bandera or forest brothers were not hanged by everyone (which they deserved), but only exiled. Then Khrushch-bastard rehabilitated them en masse, and now their last ones crawl out and shit in the name of Stalin.

            So since there are people like you and others like you, it turns out that Joseph Vissarionovich and Lavrentiy Pavlovich did not complete it.
            1. AV
              6 January 2021 12: 28
              The Russian tsar did not finish it! I had to hang this bunch of Bolsheviks. And this bandit kobu.
              1. +7
                6 January 2021 14: 26
                Then someone else killed him. negative
            2. 0
              8 January 2021 17: 41
              Quote: Alexander Suvorov
              Whom and when was sentenced without trial and investigation ?!

              all the exiled kulaks, the Volga Germans, etc. request
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +2
          6 January 2021 14: 54
          Such is the "ideology", the "history" of one's country and people, the level of intelligence, vocabulary of the enemies of the USSR "liberated" by Gorbachev.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. AV
            6 January 2021 12: 55
            Wait, thank God, not Stalin's times after all.
            1. +5
              6 January 2021 14: 58
              Now are the times of those who, under the cry that Stalin repressed them, their relatives, just like them, imprisoned them in the GULAG exclusively "for nothing", from the republics of the USSR they seized, they created States in which not honest people live well and criminals.
              1. 0
                8 January 2021 17: 42
                Quote: tatra
                from the republics of the USSR captured by them

                and who created these republics on Russian lands?
    3. +14
      6 January 2021 09: 42
      This dzhugashvili is a ghoul and cannibal. Finally remove from the red burial square, this cattle burial ground. How can you believe in these myths about the father of nations and other nonsense?

      It looks like the myth of the millions of babies eaten by Stalin personally is deeply rooted in you ... sad.
      1. AV
        6 January 2021 11: 05
        And in your opinion, if you eat only two babies, then it's not scary at all and can be justified?
        The wood is chopped, the chips are flying ....?
        1. +9
          6 January 2021 11: 14
          In our opinion, this is one of the many myths created by Stalin's enemies ... to make a monster out of him ...
          Read the minutes of the interrogation of Yezhov and Yagoda ... very entertaining reading ... you will better understand the spirit of that time.
          1. AV
            6 January 2021 11: 33
            From "4" August 1939 Yezhov NI, 1895 year of birth, ex. member of the CPSU (b) since 1917. Prior to his arrest - People's Commissar of Water Transport of the USSR.

            Question: The investigation knows that the NKVD authorities of the USSR in 1937-1938. mass operations to repress the former kulaks, to-r. You used the clergy, criminals and defectors from various countries adjacent to the USSR in the interests of an anti-Soviet conspiracy.

            How true is this?

            Answer: Yes, this is entirely true.

            Are you serious? Do you believe it?
            or one more

            The government, of course, had no idea about our conspiratorial plans and in this case proceeded only from the need to continue the operation, without entering into the essence of its implementation.

            In this sense, we, the government, of course, cheated in the most insolent way.

            You laugh!
            1. +12
              6 January 2021 11: 42
              You laugh!

              Well, where is Stalin personally?
              Yezhov is a careerist and for the sake of a favorable glance from above was ready to shoot and wipe anyone in the camp dust ... when it went too far, they let him into the expense ... it must have turned out that fate turned out to be. ...
              There are specific names ... read this ... if you're interested. hi
              1. AV
                6 January 2021 12: 00
                Yezhov is a careerist and for the sake of a favorable look from above was ready to shoot and wipe anyone into the camp dust ...

                and who was actually higher?
                From your words, it follows that he did what the Master expected of him!

                Dear, how can you believe that Stalin did not know? of course he knew and initiated the repression.

                besides, in my opinion, Stalin is guilty not only of repression. monstrous collectivization (the same repression in essence), failure at the initial stage of the war.
                1. +6
                  6 January 2021 12: 03
                  From your words, it follows that he did what the Master expected of him!
                  Well, it was not Stalin who wrote denunciations against the neighbors ... who lowered the order on the enemies of the people? ... he personally did not deal with such a trifle ... everything was done by the people's commissars of internal affairs and state security ... most often on personal initiative.
                  1. AV
                    6 January 2021 12: 13
                    So who created such a system where, on denunciation, they can do whatever they want?
                  2. +5
                    6 January 2021 12: 23
                    Quote: Lech from Android.
                    Well, it was not Stalin who wrote denunciations against the neighbors ... who lowered the order on the enemies of the people? ... he personally did not deal with such a trifle ... everything was done by the people's commissars of internal affairs and state security ... most often on personal initiative.

                    And his personal signature on how many execution cases is there? That is, how much according to his personal signature was sent to the next world? If you already know how to find the protocols of interrogation of the people's commissars, then you can easily find this document and even its photocopy.
                    1. 0
                      6 January 2021 17: 51
                      his personal signature is only under the execution cases Judas thieves and traitors to the so-called Bolshevik elite, he did not destroy the common people, but protected the people from the monsters
                2. +1
                  6 January 2021 21: 58
                  Quote: AV
                  of course he knew and initiated the repression.

                  initiation - initiation, primary action, initials - initial letters. Stalin had no time for repression, he was building society and its traitors were destroying it. From the point of view of a modern person, do you think there really were no foreign intelligence agents in the USSR in the 30s ???
                  Quote: AV
                  failure at the initial stage of the war.

                  have you ever led a team? a team of 30 people can be such a serpentarium that you are amazed! , while outwardly smiling, celebrating each other's birthdays, etc. Any chief is strong with his deputies, in the households, in the military unit .... deputies adopted the concept of an "iron fist" when tanks open up the enemy's defense and everything chokes ... The Germans equipped everyone! tank uhv radio station! and adopted the concept of interaction between different types of troops. Read about the battle at Dubno, when multiple superiority in armor and firepower yielded nothing. The tanks sealed themselves up and were simply shot. If you were the bosses whose deputies made a mistake and as a result of the mistake a million people would die, you would shoot them in accordance with the rules of that time, or crush you.
                  By the way, Stalin was not a professional military man. He's more spiritual smile
                  1. 0
                    8 January 2021 16: 56
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    By the way, Stalin was not a professional military man.

                    he is even a generalissimo ... bully
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    Read about the battle at Dubno, when multiple superiority in armor and firepower gave nothing.

                    and who destroyed in 1930 the bulk of the tsarist officers with education and experience? request Who appointed a person with a primary general education and a six-month military service to the General Staff of the Red Army? feel
                    1. 0
                      8 January 2021 21: 17
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      Who appointed a person with a primary general education and a six-month military service to the General Staff of the Red Army?

                      Like who? - an underachieved seminarian of course
                      1. 0
                        9 January 2021 13: 38
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Like who? - an underachieved seminarian of course

                        here is your answer about the reasons for the ecumenical defeat of 1941 and the losses of the country and people ... request
    4. +2
      6 January 2021 13: 49
      Quote: AV
      already known about him

      "It is enough to read one book about Stalin to know everything about him" (from a private conversation). laughing
    5. +2
      6 January 2021 17: 15
      You certainly will not be with those people in the same row in life, and even more so "lie" with them in the same "cemetery" after.
    6. +2
      6 January 2021 21: 46
      Quote: AV
      Paranoid and sadist.

      Let's take a look at these two words: a couple - next to (lat.) noos-reason (Greek) Paranoia is a disease that in simple language could be called a parallel (invented) world, Stalin very accurately felt the moment. Therefore, he is not paranoid.
      Sadist, adept of the Marquis de Sade, a person who enjoys inflicting suffering on women .. Judging by the number of books he read, documents, attended meetings, conventions .... he would not have had real time for this ... so minus you. .. why write what you don’t know?
  12. +7
    6 January 2021 10: 04
    He read the necessary books in childhood (c). Now the Internet of this scale does not make people and such articles about Stalin are still rare.
    1. Fat
      6 January 2021 13: 22
      hi Let such articles remain rare. Better these:
      1. +2
        6 January 2021 15: 19
        Read the anonymous text yourself
  13. +4
    6 January 2021 11: 13
    In a popular way it turned out. The most important question is where are the roots of the power that led the country to the greatest tragedy and the greatest triumph. We all come from childhood, as they say.
    1. -8
      6 January 2021 13: 33
      Apparently, he was a man of great abilities, but the main ability in him was discovered - the ability to manipulate people. It would be better, and in truth, to become a priest, consoled people with the strength of his spirit, would strengthen faith in people with a word.
      1. +5
        6 January 2021 13: 59
        [quote = hjvtp1966] Better, and in truth, become a priest, [/ quote]
        What is called: too small a scale.
        [quote = hjvtp1966] consoled people with the strength of his spirit, would strengthen the faith in people with a word.
        [/ quote
        WHAT? Would you console and strengthen? That "there is no power, not yet from God"? "The Lord endured and commanded us"? Told you about the two Lazarus? At that time, such proposals looked like blasphemy in the eyes of young people. Including (and maybe especially!) With a spiritual education or originating from the clergy.
        1. -4
          6 January 2021 22: 15
          There are people who are insensitive to the pain of others. And I can imagine how a beaten, exhausted man looks into a pit with agonizing people and at the last moment thinks how this could happen to him, because if he hesitated, then only with the party line. They killed in one go by the hundreds and thousands. Blood bath, and he became the chief attendant. That's where the devil took him. The scale, industrialization, collectivization - it costs nothing to reduce the level of humanity in our society.
  14. +1
    6 January 2021 13: 23
    An article in the style "Once Stalin went into the forest to pick mushrooms and on the way back helped the old woman to carry a heavy basket to the house. And then he chopped a cherry in the garden with an ax, but he himself admitted it, despite the severe punishment."
    Now imagine a fifteen-year-old boy who, from childhood, stood out among his peers with "intelligence and ingenuity", endowed with leadership qualities and released from parental care and control ... Who would believe that all his energy for the next five years was directed exclusively to the library ? smile
    The author writes:
    students designed handwritten journals, expressed their thoughts and exchanged opinions on a wide range of issues, including social issues.

    It's just a bunch of refined intellectuals of some kind ... When boys of fifteen or twenty years old gather, they discuss women, drink wine and sometimes, if someone adult wants them to, they can talk about politics - not for long, because pranks, drunkenness and communication with the opposite sex is much more interesting and exciting. Even if we assume that young Soso shunned such hobbies (which, of course, does not speak in his favor) and never himself, then assume that he found such "nerds" in the seminary for a whole "circle" ... How- I can't believe it.
    And one moment. In those years, Marxist literature was not sold, advertised or discussed on every corner. To have access to it, one had to have appropriate acquaintances. There is also not a word about these acquaintances in the article. I understand - conspiracy, and all that ... But we can do it ... We nobody ... smile
    1. +3
      6 January 2021 15: 27
      Quote: Trilobite Master
      In those years, Marxist literature was not sold, advertised or discussed on every corner.

      Here you, Mikhail, are not right. It was published, and legally. It will be necessary to write about this funny episode in the history of RI!
      1. -1
        6 January 2021 15: 40
        Really interesting. Marxist - I admit that it was published, what, for example, is bad in "The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State"? smile
        But the authorities definitely drove social democratic literature away. And getting regular access to such materials was very difficult ...
        1. +2
          6 January 2021 18: 02
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          But the authorities definitely drove social democratic literature away. And getting regular access to such materials was very difficult ...

          Marx's Capital was published completely legally, as was Lenin's Development of Capitalism in Russia.
        2. 0
          6 January 2021 18: 05
          have you read it? you should understand that this book is more terrible than Capital, when the world behind the scenes (the oligarchic clans of world bankers) planned to ruin all nation states, plunge them into the chaos of revolution and world war, liquidate and rob all free small and medium entrepreneurs up to kulaks and farmers, then F Engels, as an ideologist of the world behind the scenes and himself a representative of that very world capital, instructed Marx to write Capital where the idea of ​​liquidating free enterprise in favor of the world oligarchy + the impoverished proletariat is derived ... but Marx was so unorganized and unbridled that he did not finish writing, and died. Engels himself added ... "And the origin of the family ..." is just the second principle, "total destruction of the family and its replacement by a labor collective" ... for the profit of the oligarchs .... if capital robs your money, then the destruction of the family makes you beggars slaves of oligarchs doubly, steals not despicable metal, but your personal life ... and only a blind person does not see how this is carried out today,serials, LGBT and other instruments (guardianship) through the media in accordance with the exact precepts of F Engels.
    2. -1
      6 January 2021 19: 28
      Quote: Trilobite Master
      Just a bunch of refined intellectuals of some sort ..... When boys of fifteen or twenty years old gather, they discuss women, drink wine and sometimes, if an adult wants them to do this, they can talk about politics - not for long, because pranks, drunkenness and communication with the opposite sex are much more interesting and exciting.

      In something you are right.

      But then there was a mass of enthusiastic, selfless, pure, bright, ready for self-sacrifice young men and women who were really burning with the desire to change their lives for the better, and, right now!

      Let's remember Vera "Stomp your foot!" Figner, her sister Lydia, etc., etc. After all, they had EVERYTHING for a happy, carefree life (youth, beauty, money, education), it turned out, live for your own pleasure (as you indicated), and they were in circles, in agitation, with a bomb, to hard labor, to the people. They were beaten, handed over to the police, the peasants enlightened by them were killed, and they walked and walked ...

      This is how their conscience showed them, this is how they felt, this is how they lived. And everything that interfered with this was immediately swept aside.

      You can not accept them, condemn them (like me), but these were people of a special breed.

      Now there are none.
      1. +1
        6 January 2021 22: 56
        Quote: Olgovich
        But then there was a mass of enthusiastic, selfless, pure, bright, ready for self-sacrifice young men and women who were really burning with the desire to change their lives for the better, and, right now!

        I agree.
        Quote: Olgovich
        Now there are none.

        There is. We call them "Bulk". The same fiery young fighters. Corruption. With the "vile power of a vile dictator." With anything. Naive, energetic, the sea is knee-deep (a puddle up to their ears), they want to make the world a better place with their own hands and do it right now.
        There are, of course, a lot of differences from those who would now be one hundred and fifty, but in general they are very similar. And the differences are just cosmetics, make-up imposed by time, era.
        1. -2
          7 January 2021 09: 49
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          We call them "bulk"

          Exactly, that "is piled up. That is, practically, children, with their usual youthful maximalism and thirst for justice, which will imperceptibly go away with the years.

          Will they give up the "goodies" of life? They will go to the casemates of Petropavlovka for tens of years. staying steadfast and faithful to ideals all this time, to the gallows or with a bomb on the motorcade? No.

          Remaining in their own right, the populists, in the majority, did not accept the thief, honestly declaring this and not being afraid.

          They were then finished off in 1937-38; few survived from the society of political prisoners.

          But no one and nothing could break them.

          Their selflessness is somewhat reminiscent of Islamic fanatics, but they are an unconscious ignorant weapon.
          The sacrifice of the populists is a fully conscious action of educated people with a great conscience.
          1. +2
            7 January 2021 13: 27
            The fact that from the fifteen-year-olds Volodya Ulyanov and Soso Dzhugashvili those who grew up grew up, and from the conditional Lelik Puzyrevsky born in 2005. this is unlikely to grow, it does not mean that people have changed, but that the situation has changed.
            A breeding ground for revolutionaries at the end of the XNUMXth century was much denser and denser than it is now, and accordingly it fed many more people, and from this much larger number more capable leaders stood out, that's all.
            It's like Canadian hockey players - in a country where ALL children go through hockey, trying themselves in it, of course, hockey talents emerge more often than in other countries.
            If millions will be "piled up", but given the unchanging political climate in the country, contributing to the maintenance of their numbers for a couple of decades, as it was in the Russian Empire, and among these "piled up" will appear Zasulich from Perovskaya, and Grinevetsky, and , later, Lenin and Stalin.
            Quote: Olgovich
            Remaining in their own right, the populists, in the majority, did not accept the thief, honestly declaring this and not being afraid.

            They had no choice. They knew nothing but how to be in eternal opposition. They had a revolutionary experience of thirty years, or even more, but what is revolutionary activity? Underground, conspiracy, proclamations, rallies, agitation are activities aimed at destroying the existing system. And after the victory, you need not to destroy, but to build. At first there was still the idea of ​​a "world revolution", but as soon as the pragmatist Stalin refused to export revolution and began building a socialist state in a single country, these people became only a hindrance, so it is not surprising that they got rid of them. This is not a matter of the October Revolution - any power is hostile to such people, whoever comes to power, he, simply for the sake of self-preservation, would have to destroy them, or they would destroy him, as they destroyed his predecessors. A very illustrative example in this sense is Ernesto Guevara. Well, so he and Fidel are the product of a "sample" of all young people from almost all of Latin America.
      2. 0
        8 January 2021 17: 04
        Quote: Olgovich
        Now there are none.

        Who knows, God forbid, there will be a turmoil - these legionnaires will come out ...
        Quote: Olgovich
        eager to change life for the better, moreover, immediately and now!

        an ordinary Satanist - wrote in 1925:
        "You ask - what to do? A revolution is needed. Yes, a revolution again. But our task is too daunting. The revolution is too unusual, and we need to seriously prepare for it. What's the point if the oppressed again sit in the place of the former rulers? They themselves will be beasts, even maybe the worst. "
        in fact, she herself admitted the fallacy of her path ... request
        1. -1
          8 January 2021 19: 41
          Quote: DrEng527
          Who knows, God forbid, there will be a turmoil - these legionnaires will come out ...

          No, those without trouble, from the middle of the 19th century, appeared ...
          Quote: DrEng527
          You ask - what to do? We need a revolution. Yes, revolution again. But our task is too daunting. The revolution is too unusual, and we must seriously prepare for it. What is the use if the oppressed again sit in the place of the former rulers? They themselves will be beasts, even perhaps the worst. "
          in fact, she herself admitted the fallacy of her path.

          This fanatic lived for 92 years. 92 years of useless, meaningless, mediocre, hysterical, fruitless life.

          And this is good: for 25 years before her eyes, all her "ideals", friends and comrades-in-arms have been trampled upon, rudely and mercilessly. And then she could only endure and suffer, because here you will not get overwhelmed ...
          1. 0
            9 January 2021 13: 28
            Quote: Olgovich
            from the middle of the 19th century, appeared ...

            this is A2's mistake, he promoted reforms very quickly ...
            Quote: Olgovich
            for 25 years before her eyes, all her "ideals", friends and associates have been trampled upon by her, brutally and mercilessly.

            you are angry, and that is bad! it must be formulated as follows - God gave her longevity so that she would realize her mistakes ... request
            1. 0
              9 January 2021 13: 43
              Quote: DrEng527
              you are angry, and that is bad! should be formulated as follows - God gave her longevity, so that she understands the mistakes ..

              That's what I said: "And this is good!"
    3. 0
      6 January 2021 22: 06
      Quote: Trilobite Master
      Who would believe that all his energy for the next five years was directed solely to the library?

      Quote: Trilobite Master
      When boys from fifteen to twenty years old gather, they discuss women

      Imagine the beginning of the 20th century, the first cars appear on the streets! telegraph, telephone, cinema !!!! that was the time when mankind believed in Science !!! familiarization with the teachings of Marx, analysis of the laws of the origin of value - this is also science! which promised to build a new society based on regularities. Youthful maximalism united young people who grew up in a place of eternal war - in the Caucasus! they wanted a change! Please note that the Soviet state was built without Western loans, without relying on the rich. Only Ideology
      1. -1
        8 January 2021 17: 05
        Quote: aybolyt678
        The Soviet state was built without Western loans, without reliance on the rich. Only Ideology

        and how did it end? bully
        1. +1
          8 January 2021 21: 28
          Quote: DrEng527
          and how did it end?

          banal betrayal. Do you know the Khazar Kaganate? something like that.
          1. -1
            9 January 2021 13: 40
            Quote: aybolyt678
            banal betrayal.

            so started by betrayal ... request
            1. +2
              9 January 2021 22: 23
              Quote: DrEng527
              so started by betrayal ...

              any policy is the art of betrayal, just as revolution is rebellion. laughing the question of what vector, after Stalin, all power was enveloped in obligations, after Gorbachev there is no.
              1. 0
                14 January 2021 20: 05
                Quote: aybolyt678
                any policy is the art of betrayal,

                deluded, this is the art of the possible
                Quote: aybolyt678
                after Stalin, all power was enmeshed in obligations; after Gorbachev, no.

                at the temporary detention center, the country was starving and spitting up blood ... request as after Gorby
                1. 0
                  14 January 2021 20: 54
                  Quote: DrEng527
                  at the temporary detention center, the country was starving and spitting up blood ...

                  I do not argue, but she also fought, won, built, studied, dreamed ...
                  1. 0
                    15 January 2021 11: 41
                    Quote: aybolyt678
                    she also fought, won, built, studied, dreamed.

                    you might think it depended on the IVS? hi It was and will always be ... another thing is that she fought mediocre, won Pyrrhic, built with forced labor, dreamed of nonsense ... request
                    1. 0
                      15 January 2021 12: 59
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      you might think it depended on the IVS?

                      yes, from the manager.
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      It was and will always be ..

                      Humanity has come to a point where there is a danger that it will not always be laughing
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      another thing is that she fought ineptly,

                      Stalin did not have a military education, and the guilty were usually punished
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      won Pyrrhic

                      it's debatable
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      built by forced labor,

                      I was born in the USSR in the 60s. I remember something different
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      dreamed of nonsense ...

                      Space, a world without wars - stupidity? you are poisoned by consumer ideology. The dream is always beyond the possible.
                      1. 0
                        15 January 2021 13: 20
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        yes, from the manager.

                        don't exaggerate its influence ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Stalin did not have a military education, and the guilty were usually punished

                        1) But he led the troops ...
                        2) Punishment does not solve anything if there are no resources or the goal is stupidly set ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        it's debatable

                        compare the losses of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht with satellites ... or the Finnish ..
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        I was born in the USSR in the 60s. I remember something different

                        funny argument - do you deny the use of ZK and exiles at the IVS?
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        Space, a world without wars - stupidity?

                        space is not a dream! This is a banal technology ... a world without wars is impossible, and an attempt to remake people by force is poor by definition ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        you are poisoned by consumer ideology.

                        live by the holy spirit? bully These are fairy tales for suckers to take away their grandmother ...
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        The dream is always beyond the possible.

                        We live on a sinful earth and for a short time ... and idealism always ends in great blood ...
  15. +6
    6 January 2021 13: 44
    Much has been written about Stalin's controversial personality.

    There was no contradiction in Stalin.
    Stalin was a whole person!
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  16. 0
    6 January 2021 14: 52
    The author insists on the fact that objectively having zero
    chances of becoming an educated person, Stalin
    he became the strength of his nature. Maybe so, why argue.
    But we know about Tsiolkovsky, Gorky, Plevitskaya
    (this is so, at a glance). And yet, how is he (all like that)
    transferred to the spirit very close to "dense" Budyonovs?
    Was he comfortable with them?
    1. +6
      6 January 2021 15: 24
      And what exactly did Budyonny not please you? George Knight, the hero of WWI and the Civil War, for his time quite a normal commander. At the time of the Second World War, yes, I was already behind, so Stalin did not put him in Zhukov's place. Each corresponded to his era, including Budyonny!
      1. AV
        6 January 2021 15: 35
        Hero of the Civil War! That is, the hero also killed the Russians? Is Chikotilo a hero to you too? Maybe he believed his victims were Japanese spies ...
        1. +2
          6 January 2021 15: 53
          AV (Alexander)
          Hero of the Civil War! That is, the hero also killed the Russians?
          He killed not Russians, but class alien bloodsuckers sitting on the backs of not only Russians, but also other peoples inhabiting Russia. And these are somewhat different things. For the common people, Chubais, Miller, Gref and other bloodsuckers are no better than Hitler with Churchill!
          1. AV
            6 January 2021 16: 00
            In in in ... cannibalistic logic. Would you agree to donate your own carcass to the furnace of the world revolution?
            1. +3
              6 January 2021 16: 05
              Honestly, I'm already too lazy to answer your insanity, but nevertheless I have to.
              And who brought Russia to the revolution, also the Bolsheviks or personally Comrade Stalin ?! Well, at least you need to have scanty brains? Or has no one ever told you about causal relationships?
              1. AV
                6 January 2021 16: 37
                And it's not just the fact of the revolution, but the fact that the Bolshevik party usurped power. Do you think the king would have renounced knowing how it would end for his family. Other forces could have come to power. But this bunch of fanatics, led by Lenin, was ready for EVERYTHING for the sake of power!
                1. +2
                  6 January 2021 16: 54
                  I’m already seriously tired of your insanity, explaining to a mentally ill that he is a sick business is deliberately useless.

                  So be it, I will take another five minutes of time and remind for those who do not get off the armored train.
                  1. The catastrophic defeat of the Republic of Ingushetia in the Russo-Japanese War led to the first revolution, plus an acute crisis in the country between the estates, as well as the utter lack of talent and incompetence of the tsarist government. If you heard about the Bolsheviks at that time, it was a very narrow circle of initiates.
                  2. By the time of the abdication of Nicholas the Bloody Russia suffered a number of high-profile defeats on the fronts of WWI. This was due, again, to the mediocrity of the tsarist government, which was unable to prepare the country for war. In the rear, hunger and devastation, the rich, including members of the royal family, cash in on supplies to the army. The country is head over heels in debt, and there is a feast during the plague. The rich do not know what to do with their money while the country is starving.
                  3. The mediocre nikolashka is finally overthrown and forced to abdicate, including not without the help of members of the royal family. NOBODY supported him and NOBODY remained faithful to the oath. Power in the country is passed simply to chatterboxes who bring the country to complete collapse. As a result, the Bolsheviks remain the only force that is not only able to take power (which was literally lying under their feet), but also to keep it. No one remains loyal to the oath to the provisional government, and there is no one to defend them except a handful of junkers and a part of the Baba battalion.

                  Didn't miss anything ?!

                  P.S. What does all this have to do with Stalin's youth? Well, besides the fact that he lived at that time?
                  1. AV
                    6 January 2021 17: 09
                    instead of becoming the winner country in WWI, Estonia now has territorial claims to Russia
                    Civil Fratricidal War! Do you hear ?? kuku! Who here is not able to think independently.
                    Collectivization essentially killed the soul of the Russian people. The workers were dispossessed and the rest were drunk.
                    The Finnish War is a disgrace !!!
                    The beginning of the war was a failure. The losses are enormous.
                    People were resettled and did what they wanted. All the peoples of the USSR (or almost all) hate Russians.
                    oh yes, he bought machines for industrialization from the Americans.
                    Cockroach cockroach ...

                    Of all the items, you chose only the first one for comment.
                    Who was there shouting about peace at any cost?
                    1. +3
                      6 January 2021 22: 21
                      Quote: AV
                      now Estonia has territorial claims to Russia

                      let Estonia have Yes
                      Quote: AV
                      BROTHERIC WAR
                      and who stopped her?

                      Quote: AV
                      The workers were dispossessed and the rest were drunk.

                      read about Fordson Putilovets and how could it be otherwise?
                      Quote: AV
                      The Finnish War is a disgrace !!!

                      as a result of disgrace. three small Baltic republics suddenly became Soviet? wassat
                      Quote: AV
                      All the peoples of the USSR (or almost all) hate Russians.

                      if your enemies hate you, then you are doing everything right! smile
                      Quote: AV
                      oh yes, he bought machines for industrialization from the Americans.

                      it is better to buy machines and scientists than used machines, components and consumer goods laughing
                      Quote: AV
                      Cockroach cockroach ...
                      if an amoeba is white and fat does not mean that it is a solid brain?
                      1. -1
                        8 January 2021 17: 12
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        and who stopped her?

                        it is important who started it in October 1917 ... request
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        three small Baltic republics suddenly became Soviet

                        and who gave them independence? like Finland?
                        Quote: aybolyt678
                        if enemies hate you, then you are doing everything right

                        those. are all the peoples of the USSR enemies for you? thanks for the truth ... hi
                      2. +1
                        8 January 2021 21: 25
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        it is important who started it in October 1917 ...

                        in October 17th, a drunken sailor with a bayonet entered the Winter Palace and said: who are temporary here to leave.
                        the women's battalion decided to quietly and peacefully leave the building. In October, many counts wore red bows. There was only one shot - from Aurora. Or something else?
                      3. +1
                        8 January 2021 21: 26
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        those. are all the peoples of the USSR enemies for you? thanks for the truth ...

                        You should learn some philosophy. True, this is an interested interpretation of known facts. Truth is a much broader concept.
                  2. -1
                    8 January 2021 17: 09
                    Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                    1. The catastrophic defeat of the Republic of Ingushetia in the Russo-Japanese War led to the first revolution,

                    maybe Japanese finance? feel
                    Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                    By the time of the abdication of Nicholas the Bloody, Russia suffered a number of high-profile defeats on the fronts of WWI.

                    Really? Let us recall the Brusilov breakthrough in 1916, the capture of a part of the Ottoman Empire ...
                    by 1917 there was a smell of victory and a landing on the Bosphorus ...
                    Quote: Alexander Suvorov
                    NOBODY supported him and NOBODY remained faithful to the oath.

                    pretty quickly all the traitors got what they deserved - who was shot in the Cheka, who was begging over the hill ... request
                2. -1
                  6 January 2021 17: 04
                  Quote: AV
                  Do you think the king would deny

                  in the first place, the tsar did not renounce at all, he was taken hostage by the general of Ruza, and the abdication was faked by the same Judas of Ruza ... you are young and did not learn history, there was first the February revolution, the revolution of the generals (military lodge) of Guchkov Kerensky and any liberal Masonic bastards, and only then came the October revolution of the people led by the Left SRs and the Bolsheviks, the people tired of the liberalism of banditry and betrayal, hunger and devastation.
                  1. 0
                    8 January 2021 17: 13
                    Quote: vladimir1155
                    revolution of the generals (military lodge) of Guchkov Kerensky and every liberal Masonic bastard

                    1) palace coup
                    2) paid for by the Entente to prevent RI from strengthening after the victory in WW1 ...
                    1. -1
                      8 January 2021 23: 42
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      1) palace coup
                      2) paid for by the Entente to prevent RI from strengthening after the victory in WW1 ...

                      yes it was
                3. +3
                  6 January 2021 18: 55
                  Actually, today we are talking about Stalin's childhood and youth
              2. -4
                6 January 2021 17: 05
                embezzlers and oligarchs brought the revolution
        2. -4
          6 January 2021 16: 59
          both the October revolution and the civil war were not a war of adherents of the monarchy and the old order with the Bolsheviks, no, it was a war of the poor, simple working people against those who "stood by the throne in a greedy crowd" who plundered Russia behind the tsar's back, then betrayed the tsar and the country ( in the white army it was forbidden to glorify the tsar) .... and the Bolsheviks only stuck to the people, for a while, and when a new worthy fair "tsar" (Stalin) appeared, the people fully supported him, loved and faithfully served the country, obeying the wise leader, and the Bolsheviks all were shot in 1937-38
    2. +2
      6 January 2021 16: 49
      Quote: Kushka
      "dense" Budyonys?

      Knowledge of several languages, talent for leadership, practical scientific activity with a REAL major result - denseness ?? !!! Then, apparently, only the creator of the perpetual motion machine will be called an intellectual ... fool
      1. 0
        8 January 2021 17: 21
        Quote: Sahar Medovich
        military leadership talent,

        "Commander of the Reserve Front (September - October 1941)" - complete defeat and encirclement near Vyazma ...
        the commander-in-chief of the troops of the South-Western direction (July 10 - September 1941) complete and encirclement of the troops near Kiev ..
        "the commander-in-chief of the troops of the North Caucasus direction (April - May 1942)," - a complete defeat ...
        Maybe talent, but somehow not successful ... request
        1. 0
          8 January 2021 17: 30
          Quote: DrEng527
          Maybe talent, but somehow not successful ...

          The White Guards and Poles would hardly agree with this. And in the Second World War .... "It was the Russians who first put forward the idea of ​​massaging mobile units (Budyonny)" (Halder). And that he failed - there were generals in history who lost everything they could, but they are considered geniuses ... recourse
          1. -1
            8 January 2021 17: 39
            Quote: Sahar Medovich
            White Guards

            after the analysis of operations in Tavria in 1920 at the Frunze Academy by General Slashchev, Budyonny shot him with a pistol ... request
            Quote: Sahar Medovich
            and Poles
            did the Red Army defeat the Poles in 1920? Is that why they gave the land?
            Quote: Sahar Medovich
            And that failed

            defeat in the Second World War, I named, indicate his victory! I now know that he:
            "In 1930-1931 he suppresses the anti-Soviet uprisings of the Kazakhs"
            "He became a member of the Special Judicial Presence of the Supreme Court of the USSR, which on June 11, 1937 considered the case of the so-called" military-fascist conspiracy "(the case of MN Tukhachevsky and others) and sentenced the military leaders to be shot."
            "from August 1940 - First Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR." bears full responsibility for the defeat of 1941 ... request
            there were also merits - he fought bravely in WW1, bred a breed of horses and jumped with a parachute ... hi
            1. +1
              8 January 2021 17: 45
              Quote: DrEng527
              Budyonny shot him with a pistol ...

              Yeah, and never hit! "As you fight, you shoot." Someone's stupid invention.
              Quote: DrEng527
              did the Red Army defeat the Poles in 1920? Is that why they gave the land?

              No, in general she lost the war. But Budyonny won on his front. Just like the white generals (the same Slashchev) won battles, but they lost the war outright.
              The rest is elderberry and uncle.
              1. -1
                8 January 2021 18: 21
                Quote: Sahar Medovich
                Someone's stupid invention.

                can you prove it? wink
                Quote: Sahar Medovich
                But Budyonny won on his front

                under the leadership of the IVS request only in war do they win by common efforts ... hi
                1. 0
                  8 January 2021 19: 13
                  Quote: DrEng527
                  can you prove it?

                  I can not. Just like you can't prove otherwise, can you? But it looks incredible.
                  Quote: DrEng527
                  under the leadership of the IVS

                  Quote: DrEng527
                  only in war do they win by common efforts ...

                  Quite right. But this does not refute the talents of individual military leaders.
                  1. 0
                    9 January 2021 13: 26
                    Quote: Sahar Medovich
                    But it looks incredible.

                    on the contrary, it was in the style of the SMB that he lost his cross for beating an officer at the front, i.e. was quick-tempered ...
                    Quote: Sahar Medovich
                    But this does not refute the talents of individual military leaders.

                    of course, but talent is rare, just a qualified officer is no longer bad ... request
                    1. 0
                      9 January 2021 16: 15
                      Quote: DrEng527
                      on the contrary, it was in the style of the SMB that he lost his cross for beating an officer at the front, i.e. was quick-tempered ...

                      Firstly, not an officer, but a non-commissioned officer, secondly, the "beating" consisted of one RESPONSE blow for blow, and thirdly because of not the irascibility of the SMB (he kept himself right to the last), but the scummy behavior of this non-commissioned officer and higher officers ... Note - typical behavior for the tsarist army.
                      It is not plausible - I meant the technical side of the matter - that the most experienced front-line soldier from SEVERAL shots NEVER hit a motionless person from a distance of a few tens of meters (and maybe even meters). And besides, even admitting that this took place, the phrase allegedly said by Slashchev does not honor his mind. And no one ever thought he was a fool.
                      In general, the conversation began with the "denseness" of Budyonny. What does this mean - my question remained unanswered.
                      1. 0
                        14 January 2021 19: 47
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        Note - typical behavior for the tsarist army.

                        I note that in the Red Army the front commander beat generals and officers with a stick bully
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        The phrase allegedly said by Slashchev does not honor his mind.

                        from what? on the contrary - endurance, composure and humor ... hi
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        I am with the "denseness" of Budyonny. What does this mean - my question remained unanswered.

                        see above - I listed his "victories" in the Second World War, it was you who went to the GV ....
                      2. 0
                        15 January 2021 03: 22
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        endurance, composure and humor ...

                        But in essence what has been said is stupidity.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        I listed his "victories" in the Second World War, it was you who went to the GV ....

                        I did not "go" to GW, but briefly described his intellectual achievements throughout his life. And you chose a separate piece from it and summarized it. And this is already a forgery. If we judge this way, then in WW2 all European generals were just as dense, and the tsarist generals of WW1 were just unicellular ...
                      3. 0
                        15 January 2021 12: 18
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        But in essence what has been said is stupidity.

                        Not at all ...
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        And you chose a separate piece from it and summarized it.

                        this is the most important part of his life - he commanded troops up to 1 million!
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        And this is already a forgery.

                        only in your head - no more! Like yeah, he was a good lump. a platoon of Cossacks - why did he climb the fronts to command ...
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        then in 2 MV, all European generals were the same dense

                        yes, they fought somehow, and in different ways, but they just did not have such a strategic depth - for France a breakthrough of 500 km is a defeat, but for the USSR the defeat near Kiev is just another defeat ...
                        Quote: Sahar Medovich
                        tsarist generals of WW1 are just unicellular ...

                        only for the illiterate! RIA fought very well in WW1, the generals of the Red Army against the generals of RIA were just a gang of amateurs ... request
                      4. 0
                        15 January 2021 12: 34
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        Not at all ...

                        Quote: DrEng527
                        this is the most important part of his life

                        It is necessary to judge by the whole life, and not by one piece.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        he was a good lump. platoon of Cossacks

                        And a very good commander. Who beat those very tsarist generals.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        yes, they fought somehow, and in different ways

                        In general, it is depressingly the same.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        they did not have such a strategic depth - for France a breakthrough of 500 km is a defeat

                        In WW1, she did not allow such a breakthrough. For some reason. And those same generals of WW2 showed themselves very badly.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        RIA fought very well in WW1, the generals of the Red Army against the generals of RIA were just a gang of amateurs

                        For the illiterate only. If the generals of the Red Army are amateurs, then the generals of the RIA are idiots in a difficult stage. The Germans in 1941 counted on an easy victory over the USSR (compared to the French campaign - "playing Easter cake"!) Based on the experience of WW1, remembering exactly how "RIA fought very well". The error appeared very soon!
                      5. The comment was deleted.
                      6. 0
                        15 January 2021 13: 12
                        search - Warsaw-Ivangorod operation
                      7. 0
                        15 January 2021 16: 32
                        Quote: DrEng527

                        Quote: DrEng527
                        I am not very interested in his childhood and youth

                        And okay. See where he started and what he achieved. Especially in comparison with many others.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        when he had the highest power, he did not cope with it

                        But only? One Frenchman possessed much higher power and much more opportunities, in the end he lost ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, but is considered a great talent and - still - the idol of many. Why? Because they are not looking at a piece.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        compare the losses of the Germans and Americans after the landing

                        Compare the losses of the Germans on the Soviet front with those on the West and remember when and why the American landing was possible. To complete the picture - the Germans' assessment of their opponents: "... five Russians were more dangerous than thirty Americans."
                        In general, I was talking about Europeans in 1939-41.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        you don't know history well, it is noticeable

                        Judging by your statements - much better than yours.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        the Germans were very close to Paris

                        And they were there for more than 4 years, pouring blood on the earth. And in 2 MV they were 4 years IN PARIS as a resort.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        the Germans had a 2nd front and RIA was advancing

                        Yes. But how the French themselves fought in 1914-18. and in 1939-40. - a huge distance.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        France is a priori weaker than Germany

                        Not enough for the war to go like this. And together with England and Benelux, they were stronger than Germany.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        it is the IVS's fault that he let her be destroyed in 1940!

                        The stupidest illiterate nonsense.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        Nikolai 2 was smarter!

                        It is strange that contemporaries did not see this. laughing
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        can you prove it?

                        Lighter than easy. See the course and result of both wars. And at the same time - the assessment of both armies by the enemy.
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        Personnel RIA fought well in 1914,

                        Compared to Austrians, Italians, Romanians and Turks, yes. But...
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        semi-literate nonsense! They drew conclusions on the Finnish campaign of the Red Army!

                        Ha! Those. calculations on the industrial weakness of the USSR, on the fact that the industrial base is located mainly in its western part, that the Russians will not be able to evacuate their factories, and even if they can, they will not be able to put them into operation, that the power of the Bolsheviks is extremely fragile and in case of a military failure the country will explode from the inside, falling apart - is this on the basis of the Finnish war? To call it semi-literate nonsense is to undeservedly flatter. fool
                        Quote: DrEng527
                        The red army was defeated in 2 months

                        Yeah, and the Germans fought with the Mongols hired by the British. And 4 months after this "defeat" Hitler was informed that Germany had ALREADY lost the war. And after another 4 months, Hitler announced that the Finnish war was a grandiose Stalinist disinformation operation. Like, the bastard is strong, but he pretended to be weak ...
                        And again question number 1: how the minority of failures in life against the background of the majority of DIFFERENT successes prove "denseness"? Until now, your arguments have been in the style of the elder and the uncle.
  17. The comment was deleted.
  18. +7
    6 January 2021 16: 08
    Quote: AV
    Hero of the Civil War! That is, the hero also killed the Russians? Is Chikotilo a hero to you too? Maybe he believed his victims were Japanese spies ...

    Then all the participants in the civil, both linen and red, criminals like Chikatilo as they were killing Russians.
    Criminals like Chikatilo and all policemen of all countries of the world and of all times, since they also have to kill their fellow citizens.
    1. AV
      6 January 2021 16: 43
      As your colleague remarked, I did not kill Russians, but alien class bloodsuckers.
      That is, the officers were destroyed. It is a pity that they did not understand for so long what threatened them and began to resist late.
      Violence was called for and atrocities were on both sides. But maybe it's enough to shield one side? There were Russians on both sides. We must respect the lives of all Russian people. You cannot kill for class, thoughts, ideology. Or is it not obvious?
      1. +1
        6 January 2021 16: 53
        Quote: AV
        It is a pity that they did not understand for so long what threatened them and began to resist late.

        And exactly how long and late?
      2. +1
        6 January 2021 17: 20
        AV (Alexander)
        You cannot kill for class, thoughts, ideology. Or is it not obvious?
        That is, it is normal to bring the majority of the population to a bestial state, to starvation, and when this majority begins to resent the fact that they are starving them and start cutting their tormentors in response, is that kind of impossible?
        Ideology of ideology is different, so it is quite possible to kill for ideology. Another thing is that the Bolsheviks not only killed for their ideology, but also went to their deaths! And White, apart from returning to the old order, could offer nothing more.
        1. AV
          6 January 2021 17: 34
          And Trotsky gassed the revolutionary sailors of the Baltic. This is very Bolshevik.

          And when there was a real famine, they announced the NEP! Class!
          1. +4
            6 January 2021 18: 51
            Quote: AV
            Trotsky gassed the revolutionary sailors of the Baltic. This is very Bolshevik.

            And the Russian people were gassed by the White Guards. Is that what it is? feel
        2. 0
          14 January 2021 19: 49
          Quote: Alexander Suvorov
          the majority begins to resent the fact that he is being starved and begins to cut in response to his tormentors, is this type of impossible?

          apply your theory to fists .... bully
      3. +4
        6 January 2021 22: 29
        Quote: AV
        We must respect the lives of all Russian people. You cannot kill for class, thoughts, ideology. Or is it not obvious?

        you approach that time from the standpoint of our time. With our norms and morals. In ancient Rome, it was the norm to kill for fun - in the amphitheater arena, for the amusement of the crowd! In Russia 20-30. there were many people who went through even more than two wars. There were many weapons, human life was worth nothing. Many nobles wrote memoirs, from their point of view, everything was terrible. And the illiterate peasants, whose children were dying, did not write memoirs, and did not even get into the statistics ... and when weapons fell into their hands, they killed a class alien to them. And do not assume that the Bolsheviks killed everyone, the Civil War is a war when everyone is against everyone! and who could survive declared themselves "red" and the myth of the red terror was born. Now it's obvious ?? lol
      4. 0
        8 January 2021 17: 22
        Quote: AV
        Violence was called upon and atrocities were on both sides

        but only the Reds made terror a state policy, the Whites had excesses of the GW ... request
  19. -5
    6 January 2021 16: 34
    But interestingly, from the thief and the Civilian passed
    100 years old and everyone has become uninterested - who is who,
    how many thousands, for what. Well, think about it, Tukhachevsky
    raged, practiced hostages, their executions.
    So apparently it was necessary, the time was like that. Well, think about it
    Lenin signed execution lists (their Volkogonov
    showed), in which there were adults in the same category,
    and children on the other and with his hand-shoot all. On the Don
    took 70 thousand prisoners, Lenin sent a telegram to
    time of speech on the podium - immediately "on the knee" imposed a visa
    shoot (there are more than half of the beardless boys).
    In short, it doesn't matter.
    Excuse me, so in the west they are doing the same with
    WWII. Well, think about it, the USSR fought somewhere there, well, think about it
    there Hitler did something wrong, so the Russians are to blame.
    And here they are, how did they start with an atomic bomb
  20. -2
    6 January 2021 16: 34
    But interestingly, from the thief and the Civilian passed
    100 years old and everyone has become uninterested - who is who,
    how many thousands, for what. Well, think about it, Tukhachevsky
    raged, practiced hostages, their executions.
    So apparently it was necessary, the time was like that. Well, think about it
    Lenin signed execution lists (their Volkogonov
    showed), in which there were adults in the same category,
    and children on the other and with his hand-shoot all. On the Don
    took 70 thousand prisoners, Lenin sent a telegram to
    time of speech on the podium - immediately "on the knee" imposed a visa
    shoot (there are more than half of the beardless boys).
    In short, it doesn't matter.
    Excuse me, so in the west they are doing the same with
    WWII. Well, think about it, the USSR fought somewhere there, well, think about it
    there Hitler did something wrong, so the Russians are to blame.
    And here they are, how did they start with an atomic bomb
    1. +3
      6 January 2021 18: 49
      "Immediately on the" knee "imposed a visa to shoot", and have you personally seen?
      "Volkogonov showed", but he did not tell that Lenin was engaged in black magic? He could tell with equal success what the Martians did.
      "There are more than half of the beardless boys" as psychologists say: adolescents are the most cruel. This is so in passing.
      About 70 did you count? And she didn't. Perhaps, I repeat: MAYBE 000, GV is a terrible thing, they were shot, and how many scoundrels there were on the ground, I do not exclude that some "Shvonder" "or" Polygraph Poligrafovich "could say:" Lenin called me. Don't believe me, ask yourself. "There are many such characters in every revolution.
      1. +2
        6 January 2021 21: 11
        I agree that I put it a little messy, that's
        got a bunch of cons, but the main one from my post
        everyone either ignored or deliberately "did not
        read. "What, hit the pain point?
        I repeat the question again - will we be the same
        treat the events of the Second World War in 2045 as it is today
        refer to the events of the Civil War after
        100 years? Young I forgive, but I myself, for example, remember how
        participants and heroes of the Civil War came to our school. And How
        we pioneers came to their homes. At the state level
        it was in movies, from Chapaev to the Crown of the Russian Empire.
        Filmed trilogy films and staged plays - Days of the Turbins,
        Three sisters, Officers, Two captains, Run. There was a "cult" of Frunze,
        Kotovsky, Shchors, etc. And then it all "blocked" the Second World War
        - Alive and dead, Great Patriotic War, Only old people go to battle,
        large-scale celebrations of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, hot discussions from
        courtyard gazebo to central television channels.
        And what is heard today about the memory of the Civil War?
        And nothing - indistinct muttering - someone with someone, somewhere, yes
        for something or in general (see above) - some ghouls soaked
        other ghouls. And no monuments, no films, no plays ...
        But then the fate of Russia was decided - three empires collapsed
        Ottoman, German, Austro-Hungarian. AND ONLY RUSSIAN
        IN AN INCREDIBLE IMAGE, she rose from the ashes, becoming even stronger!
        And our great-grandfathers did it, sacrificing millions of lives!
        And now we mumble indistinctly - "chekatily" ...
        So I'm asking - will it not be the same with the Second World War in 2045?
        I’m not up to live, but happiness, I guess. I can't imagine how you can
        will hear - well, some communist ghouls killed other ghouls
        fascists, and it was the devil knows when and we don't have any
        affairs (no films, no books, no plays, no monuments, no Victory Day)
        1. 0
          6 January 2021 21: 18
          In some ways you are right
          1. +1
            8 January 2021 17: 44
            I can say I am illiterate (9th grade in 1968),
            inexperienced (recently on VO) and given yours,
            undoubtedly deserved authority on the site, from your
            Permission, your answer will be counted as encouragement.
            Thank you!
            1. 0
              8 January 2021 19: 08
              Thanks for the flattery. This is my "second coming": from December 25, 2018. But in fairness, I'm still a "child" here: a colleague "twelfth" is the most knowledgeable
              1. +1
                8 January 2021 20: 06
                We all come from that world when we joked:
                A broad specialist - the wider the profile,
                the more he knows, the narrower, the less - in the end
                knows everything about everything, and nothing about anything in particular
                Specialist of a narrow profile - the narrower the profile,
                the more he knows, the wider - the less - in the end:
                knows everything about nothing, and nothing about everything.
                And I am from the Soviet "autotele, phototeleradiomaster"
            2. +1
              8 January 2021 20: 28
              "9 classes in 1968" I was not in the project yet. I also have: "incomplete higher education, no secondary" (C).
        2. 0
          8 January 2021 17: 28
          Quote: Kushka
          y, some communist ghouls soaked other fascist ghouls,

          and it was - in fact, it was a continuation of the GW during the Second World War! Therefore, there were so many traitors (this never happened in Russia!), Well, a lot of people hated the Reds and for the cause after so many years of lawlessness and terror! Many Germans were perceived at first as deliverers from the Bolsheviks, they thought it would be like in WW1! Until now, the truth about the Second World War is not spoken and again the authorities are trying to varnish everything request
          1. 0
            8 January 2021 23: 46
            Yes, I recently read it on one branch,
            that in WWI there were no cases of transition of Russians
            officers on the side of the enemy, and in WWII it was
            even among the generals.
            1. 0
              9 January 2021 13: 41
              Quote: Kushka
              that in WWI there were no cases of transition of Russians
              officers to the side of the enemy,

              As far as I remember, it was significant only during P1 after Narva, and even then they were foreigners ... request
      2. 0
        8 January 2021 17: 23
        Quote: Astra wild2
        teenagers are the most violent. This is so in passing.

        are you talking about Arkady Gaidar? who became famous for executions in Siberia ...
  21. 0
    6 January 2021 16: 48
    And they saved the world, handsome men, such.
    So I wonder, in 2045 with the Second World War the same will be so?
    Who will be interested - who fought in the Second World War,
    for what, who killed and how much, fair or not?
    But millions of Russians fought for "power to the Soviets,
    factories for workers, land for peasants "(still would have added
    water-sailors) and chopped each other into noodles, brother to brother,
    father to son. Well, whose factories are steamers, banks and fields now?
    What could we say to these millions buried in the ground
    and from the other side, and from the one for which they have worn out the Russians from the world
    the same Russians in such quantities - that's why we
    became "not interesting" - ANSWER DOES NOT HUNT.
    And what will happen with the Second World War?
  22. +1
    6 January 2021 16: 50
    ... here is the biography of a worthy person, the people's leader, generalisimo, the leader of the victorious people, who took the plundered country with a plow and left a great power with an atomic bomb, who established universal education, medicine, pensions, industry, defeated hunger, collapse and devastation ...
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +1
        6 January 2021 20: 26
        Quote: Junger
        Women, and not the most decent

        cannot defeat the opponent with arguments and cowardly everyone wants to vulgarize .... well, the poor junger only felt like a princess for a minute ... Cinderella was a princess and the junger was not the most decent and lost everything v = c1QvdzrIvCE & list = PLBZoVxjYhPkPWvsCAjfYW-26SIRDUvy2T & index = 12.
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            6 January 2021 21: 45
            I learn from Stalin and respect God's providence in his destiny, and you, in your blind pride, imagined yourself, although you are not capable of anything other than empty insults on the Internet, because you are afraid you would get pounded in the face in life ... in front of a stranger and a sign of your total weakness, and an attempt to prove to yourself what is not in you, A strong real man does not need this, I do not need to prove my masculinity, I was not afraid to engage in big politics, to influence the policy of our state in due time, and write the truth where they don't like it, and served and rose to serve, I am already old, I raised children, planted trees, built houses for myself, your words are like dust for me, what to brush away, this is the strength of a man and a mind, to be able to argue, and to understand your real capabilities, and not to be exalted thinking about yourself "in glory, then you are big, but in reality ... simple" empty insults, tfu at you ...
            in the sweat of your face you will eat bread, until you return to the ground out of which you were taken, for dust you are and to dust you will return.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +1
                6 January 2021 22: 03
                However, in recent years, archival documents have been published that allow for a fresh look at the problem of the relationship between church and state during the Second World War. So in a small article by V.A. Alekseeva "A thorny path to a lively dialogue (From the history of state-church relations in the USSR in the 30-50 years of the XX century)" [2, p. 7-13] provides the text of the secret
                Decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks No. 22 dated November 11, 1939, which had not been previously published
                Let's reproduce the text of this decision: “With regard to religion, ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church and believers, the Central Committee decides:
                1) To recognize the practice of the NKVD organs of the USSR in terms of arrests of servants as inappropriate henceforth
                churches, persecution of believers.
                2) Indication of Comrade Lenin V.I. dated May 1, 1919 for No. 13666/2 "On the struggle against priests and religion", addressed to the Prev. Cheka Comrade Dzerzhinsky F.E. and all relevant instructions of the OGPU-NKVD concerning
                persecution of church ministers and Orthodox believers - CANCEL.
                3) Release from custody and replace the punishment, not related to imprisonment, convicts
                citizens for the above reasons, if their activities did not harm the Soviet regime.
                4) The Central Committee will make an additional decision on the fate of believers belonging to other confessions ”[3, p. 7-13].
                Analysis of the text of this resolution allows us to conclude that the change in party policy
                and the state in relation to the church happened long before the start of the Great Patriotic War
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. -1
                    6 January 2021 22: 35
                    1. The comment was deleted.
              2. +2
                6 January 2021 23: 02
                These people killed the Anointed of God
                They killed the citizen Nikolai Romanov, because he abdicated the throne. And the crown was almost always removed with the head. However, the Romanovs also received it in a peculiar way.
                1. -1
                  8 January 2021 17: 30
                  Quote: Bolt Cutter
                  for he has renounced the throne.

                  have you seen at least a scan of the renunciation text? hi
            2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        6 January 2021 22: 57
        Women, and not the most decent ones, are drawn to the dark
        And this has to do with it belay ?
        Or is it you from abstinence laughing
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. 0
            6 January 2021 23: 05
            Well, I didn't seem to describe the benefits of abstinence for the mind, unlike some tongue I want to note that "dark-haired" women prefer white men when they have a choice.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. 0
                6 January 2021 23: 33
                Abstinence is the cornerstone of human health and strength.

                Do not smoke or drink. Stay a kilometer away from women. Then you will have

                Such postulates can make you a frequenter of the Blue Moon club Yes
                , honey - cook borscht and do not carry a blizzard
                This attitude towards women guarantees the absence of success with them. Unless you're a billionaire, of course.
                By women, I meant the maramois whom you loved with the four of us Uzbeks.
                In every fourth post you have a mixture of disrespect and slight contempt for women. Plus a story about an arranged marriage. Here even Freud is not needed, everything is visible if not born yesterday.
                1. 0
                  6 January 2021 23: 40
                  Or these sayings are not yours, but written by hackers from Haifa who hacked your profile laughing ?
                2. The comment was deleted.
                  1. 0
                    7 January 2021 00: 51
                    why are these stupid words
                    These are your own words, your bliss. Which confirm my point of view about you.
                    Yes I do not care
                    Are you an intellectual Yes ... Or have you picked up some smart words from the Tajiks on the train?
                    in England, the rights of different bruises, nat. and other minorities.
                    In modern Russia, everything is about the same as here.
                    waste time dealing with brakes who don't understand it
                    Again a phrase worthy of an accomplished educated smile human. What was required to prove (however, it immediately became clear to me)
                    Carry your wife's purse more diligently, otherwise she will
                    First of all, we respect each other. We are equal and free. We can be confident in each other. Your blasphemy, do you even understand how it is?
                    PS You discredit Russian nationalists by the very fact of your active existence.
  23. 0
    6 January 2021 18: 22
    "Koba became almost a god for Soso" I had Georgian acquaintances and asked what does Koba mean? I was told that literally - solid. Others translated "stone". How in reality?
  24. 0
    6 January 2021 18: 52
    Quote: vladimir1155
    embezzlers and oligarchs brought the revolution

    Tell me that there are no such people now?
    1. 0
      6 January 2021 19: 42
      Quote: Astra wild2
      Tell me that there are no such people now?

      they are ... but Stalin is not on them
  25. 0
    6 January 2021 19: 49
    Quote: vladimir1155
    Quote: Astra wild2
    Tell me that there are no such people now?

    they are ... but Stalin is not on them

    Well, what would Stalin have done in the current geopolitical situation ... Everything has its time. The man was lucky to realize his ambitions to the fullest. Well done, did not miss the chance ...
    1. +2
      6 January 2021 20: 37
      Quote: Shahno
      Well, what would Stalin have done in the current geopolitical situation ...

      he would put thieves and foreign agents in jail, appoint everywhere decent and intelligent capable responsible leaders, he would establish law and order in the courts, revive the industry, he would untie the ruble from the dollar and stop paying a humiliating slave tribute to America ... he spent would have an independent patriotic policy, lower prices, abolish taxes, he would take care of ordinary people, he ... however, he has already done all this once, see biography
      1. 0
        11 January 2021 21: 14
        .. now, as in the past, A. Chubais will be approved in international clubs (English, Roman, Paris, Belvedere, etc.), foundations, etc.
  26. +11
    6 January 2021 22: 13
    Thanks to Stalin's willpower and determination, among other things, Russia became a superpower for the first time.

    Not the first time. Just under Stalin, the USSR became the first SUPERPOWER. There has never been such a powerful country in the history of mankind.
  27. +2
    7 January 2021 09: 27
    Quote: kalibr
    This is the method of the barbarians. There are much more humane ones.

    The most curious thing is that such humanists become the most cruel political maniacs. Why go far, Gorbachev, Yeltsin and company ... Thanks to them, blood was shed worse than under Hitler and Stalin, who, with all this, created powers, not offshore accounts!
  28. +1
    7 January 2021 14: 12
    I have always wondered .. Speaking of Stalin, they try to judge and condemn a dead person. Of course, it's very simple. The dead will not say a word in their own defense.
    1. -1
      11 January 2021 22: 18
      Valerongrach's blog
      Churchill's just words about Khrushchev
      March 21 2018
      40k reads
      40 seconds

      Churchill's just words about Khrushchev
      Winston Churchill was a master of sharp and apt words. Once he walked remarkably around Khrushchev, noting that “Khrushchev is the only politician in the history of mankind who has managed to declare war on the dead.

      But the funniest thing is not even this, but the fact that Khrushchev lost this war. "

      And this is true. All attempts to blame everything on Stalin were unsuccessful.
  29. 0
    8 January 2021 09: 20
    He successfully applied his abilities in the process of forming the first socialist state, as well as to achieve the set goals, while incurring (due to his tough character) serious costs and unjustified sacrifices.

    Thanks to Stalin's willpower and determination, among other things, Russia became a superpower for the first time.

    Author! The article is good, I read it with pleasure, BUT (!), With regret I saw strange conclusions (apparently to please the "historian" Svanidze), where one paragraph contradicts another.
    Don't trade curtsy to please the Fifth Column!
  30. 0
    8 January 2021 16: 13
    Just a panegyric, but the pages of the class magazine of the IVS have been published - in it he is far from being an excellent student ... request
  31. 0
    19 January 2021 17: 38
    As I understand it, "to notice the elephant" here is "not comme il faut".
    If Hitler was both the Reich Chancellor and the "Fuhrer" and the chairman of the NSDAP, then Stalin from 1923 to 1941 did not hold any position in the Government at all, and there were no positions such as "chairman" or, even more so, "Fuhrer" in the VKPB party.

    In this very "dictatorial" VKPB there was a charter principle of "democratic centralism", according to which all leaders were elected by meetings and congresses and were accountable! So we would turn to ourselves, how unique we are, if even with such democratic legislation, the attitude towards Stalin was = attitude towards the Tsar! There is no such thing in the World anywhere and has never been!
  32. 0
    5 February 2021 07: 58
    Yes, and it will take a long time. And then our children will come to replace us, yes ... these are even cooler. But violence is not our method. This is the method of the barbarians. There are much more humane ones. [/ Quote]
    Violence that serves the Law is the method of any state. The method of the police, the prosecutor's office, the army ... the method of a civilized organized society.
    Initially! Since the time of the prophet Moses, (Exodus, ch 32)
    But to this day there are a lot of people who we call "the first of Russia's two troubles." Those who are not able to understand that the "method of the barbarians" is lawless violence, that is, arbitrariness. THESE ARE WORSE BARBARIANS. Because they do not know what they are doing. For them, if the Law is in the USSR, it’s like it’s not a law .... and there’s a lot of nonsense in their heads.
  33. 0
    19 February 2021 11: 02
    read the short biography of Comrade Stalin.
    There are even more lies