American "Vlasov army" and the "Solarium" project. Dwight D. Eisenhower's anti-Soviet scripts


Dwight Eisenhower. Source:

American Foreign Legion

Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States, came to power on promises to strengthen the country's shaken authority in the international arena. The main troublemaker for Washington in late 1952 and early 1953 was the Soviet Union. Moscow had a significant nuclear potential, although not the size of the American one, and a "business idea" of spreading communism across the planet. China, Korea, the countries of Eastern Europe are the key regions in which the ambitions of the United States indirectly or even directly collided with the interests of Moscow. Eisenhower's predecessor Harry Truman in 1952, opponents accused

in the loss of the world so dearly gained during the Second World War. The moral incentives and hopes for a better world that sustained us during World War II were deceived, and this gave communist Russia a military and propaganda initiative that, if not held back, will destroy us.

34th US President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Source:

Among the steps to counter the threat from the east, Eisenhower, in particular, proposed creating an analogue of the Vlasov army or a foreign legion - the Freedom Volunteer Corps. For this, it was supposed to select defectors dissatisfied with socialism from the countries of Eastern Europe. We must pay tribute to the president, he was very optimistic and expected to recruit no less than a quarter of a million volunteers into the ranks of "freedom volunteers". The fighting unit was to be a lonely young man - Pole, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, Soviet citizen, or a fugitive German from East Germany. The main requirement for recruits was a keen desire to fight for the liberation of the homeland from the communist regime. Eisenhower also planned to save money on such an army - the salary should have been more modest than in the American army. After three years of impeccable service, the volunteer could count on US citizenship and service in the regular American army.

American "Vlasov army" and the "Solarium" project. Dwight D. Eisenhower's anti-Soviet scripts

The Central Intelligence Agency prepared an appropriate analysis of Moscow's possible opposition to Eisenhower's initiative. Intelligence has suggested that the Kremlin will not go to a serious aggravation of relations and will limit itself only to propaganda actions and tightening border controls. However, Eisenhower's European colleagues in France and the Federal Republic of Germany did not at all share the optimism regarding the deployment of an army of thousands of "combat volunteers" near the borders of the countries of the socialist bloc. Overseas, they rightly judged that in the event of an exacerbation, Soviet nuclear bombs would fall on European capitals and the innovation of the US President was deployed.

Brainstorming at the White House

The Kremlin has been the main headache in American foreign policy, and since the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons this ailment only intensified. Washington was no longer ready to arrange an atomic skirmish. President Dwight Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Dulles agreed that there would be no winners in such a war. At the same time, the search for ways to "contain communism" required non-trivial solutions. The United States would not have had enough resources to simply build up conventional armaments and use force to suppress the spread of socialism so fashionable in those days. Dulles was seriously afraid of provoking Moscow to retaliate and expected in this regard the growth of national liberation currents in the once neutral countries. As a result, they chose the path of building up their nuclear potential and intensifying anti-communist propaganda around the world. In January 1953, the new president organized a "Special Committee on Information Policy", which was engaged only in the analysis of information and psychological work of the United States in the postwar period. The Voice of America radio station, founded in 1942, received an additional impetus in 1953 and became the main mouthpiece of American propaganda in the countries of the socialist camp. Up to 63% of the annual budget of $ 22 million for radio stations was spent on broadcasting for the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe.

Eisenhower prepares quail. Source:

In short, the US policy towards the Soviet Union was fearful of provoking Stalin and intensifying anti-communist propaganda. The initiative in bilateral relations has so far been on the side of Moscow.

With Stalin's death, Washington decided it was time to act. But how? At a meeting of the National Security Council on March 4, 1953, they could not agree on the first steps of the United States. They attracted specialists from Princeton University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who advised once again to strengthen propaganda work and morally corrupt the top leadership of the countries of the socialist bloc and the USSR. To do this, it was supposed to play on the subtle nationalistic feelings of the party leaders, pushing them to the collapse of the country from within. Among the recommendations were advice to sit down with Moscow at the negotiating table, which Eisenhower rejected, they say, is not the time yet. To fully understand the US strategy of actions in the unfolding arms race, on May 8, 1953, the President gathered his closest devotees from the National Security Council in the White House solarium. The brainstorming idea, which was born then, was named in a non-trivial way by the place of the meeting - Project Solarium.

"We don't need to be loved"

Dwight D. Eisenhower instructed groups of analysts from the National Security Council for six weeks to work out possible scenarios for further relations with the Soviet Union. Moscow was rapidly closing the gap with Washington in nuclear potential, and this prompted some Americans to think badly. Eisenhower was quite specifically offered to inflict a series of preventive disarming nuclear strikes on the territory of the overseas enemy. The motive was simple - to crush the USSR until it was able to respond adequately. The bearers of these ideas were "hawks" - marginalized, to whom the veteran of the Second World War Eisenhower, fortunately, did not listen. Instead, soft and not very options for the development of relations with Moscow were to be developed within the Solarium project.

Solarium of the White House. Source:

Divided into three groups. Group A, led by former US ambassador to the USSR, George F. Kennan, was involved in a scenario of peaceful rivalry with Moscow. At the same time, it was important to save budget money - in Washington they seriously believed that the "cold war" would tear the country apart. Group B, led by atomic weapons expert Major General James McCormack, developed a theory of "red lines" for the Soviet Union, breaking over which would inevitably provoke a world war. And finally, Group C, whose chief was Vice Admiral, President of the Naval College Richard Connolly, planned a scenario of decisive opposition to Moscow on all fronts. In the latter scenario, the risks of a nuclear catastrophe were the highest.

Kennan's team on July 16, 1953, at a general meeting of the National Security Council, presented a "containment strategy" for the Soviet Union through expanding contacts with neutral countries. Actually, the goal was simple - to block the further expansion of communist influence on countries through the widespread implantation of the benefits of capitalism. Trade relations were to become the main weapon against the Soviets. They did not forget about propaganda. The Soviet planning and distribution system and the idea of ​​"the inevitable victory of communism throughout the world" were negatively assessed. Kennan and his team did not come up with anything new - the concept repeated the strategy of containing the Soviet Union of the previous President Truman with minor adjustments. Team A's case also involved negotiations with Moscow regarding the fate of Germany. The party leadership of the USSR was asked to agree to the reunification of the two Germany and the creation of a neutral state. The idea for the 50s was downright crazy. Any sane person understood that if the GDR became part of a neutral state, then it would immediately become capitalist.

James McCormack and Group B presented the concept of ultimatum rhetoric with the Soviet Union to the president. According to analysts, it was necessary to clearly indicate on the globe the lines beyond which the spread of communism was impossible for the Kremlin. Otherwise, the American leadership would not be able to vouch for itself. It is not a fact that nuclear weapons would be used missiles and bombs, but the opposition will be very serious. It will not be easy to rally US allies around itself in such a scenario (few will want to get under a Soviet nuclear strike), so Washington assumes to confront Moscow tete-a-tete. Defense spending financing under McCormack required adjustments - less on traditional weapons and no more nuclear weapons.

Team C was the most belligerent in its rhetoric. The program was aimed not only at countering and containing the USSR, but also at its collapse from within. The CIA added firewood to the Cold War with its predictions for 1958, in which Moscow is expected to reach nuclear parity with Washington. Until that time, tough steps were required - to overthrow the government in the USSR, China and the countries of the socialist camp. Team C's real slogan is:

We do not need to be loved, we need to be respected.

In fact, a full-scale and extremely costly war for Americans against Bolshevism around the world was proposed. The head of the team, Vice Admiral Richard Connolly, even allowed a dialogue with the Kremlin, it was only from a position of strength. The belligerent analysts understood perfectly well that the Soviet Union would not leave such attacks unanswered, and indicated the high risks of a nuclear war. But in the presentation, they clarified that

such a strategy, while not designed to provoke war, allows for a substantial risk of war if justified by the successes achieved.

What successes the United States could justify the third world war, the report did not mention.

We must pay tribute to Eisenhower, he did not give a go to the developments of the militant group C. Just as he did not give a go to the ideas of the other teams of analysts. The final document NSC 162/2 contained only elements of the Solarium project, and the overall tone of the new US strategy towards the communists was rather restrained. The President understood that the Kremlin now had the initiative, so the security and stability of the American economy came to the fore for him. Another war, even like the Korean one, was not needed by the presidential administration. Recall that the overly belligerent Harry Truman did not run for a second term because of the bloody war in Korea for American soldiers. Eisenhower brought down the "hawks" in his own administration and rallied moderate politicians around him. The prospect of a retaliatory strike from the Soviet Union was an important sobering factor for the hot heads of the Pentagon and the State Department. Eisenhower's military history should not be written off either. He knew firsthand what a world war was, and this, of course, stopped his rash steps.
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  1. +16
    4 January 2021 05: 42
    Well, judging by the fact that the USSR was torn apart into appanage principalities, the Anglo-Saxons managed to seduce the Union's "elites" quite well. And it is doubtful that they do not have similar plans for Russia. How long has it been since the Caucasus stopped burning, and what is happening along the borders of Russia, where the families of today's "elites" now like to study, get treatment, and live? Instead of the "voice of America" ​​- dozens of propaganda channels on the Internet aimed at undermining the statehood of Russia. What are the proliferating realities worth, and what about the local spill - a new one, a sign, an echo of Moscow? When and who will start cleaning this up? The hype around Navalny is surprising, and not a word about Platoshkin, Furgal, Kvachkov. Although each of the three is many times more useful for Russia than Navalny, but they are in prison, and Navalny is in Europe.
    1. +24
      4 January 2021 07: 37
      I agree that our "elites" are no longer ours.
      “There has never been such a regime in history that it gave out everything, sold it, and then fled from here,” Ivashov says. At first I doubted and rummaged in my memory - but really! They stole, there was a case. They sold it. It was the same. They gave it away. There really was no such thing in the thousand-year history of Russia. There were worse times, but there were no mean ones .... With the pension reform, it became clear that for the "elite" citizens are no longer important ... Here, only the experience of China can help in the treatment of this cancerous tumor:
      “I don't know why the Russians don't do anything about corruption, but I know what they did here. Corruption on the scale of Russia can be dealt with in a month, it is not difficult. It hurts us from China to look at people who spit on their great past and, because of this, are deprived of a great future.
      We are proud of our shooting ranges, because everything that prevents the state from becoming great is buried there - corruption, theft, external control, enemy propaganda, cosmopolitanism, debauchery, exploitation of workers, human rights, mindless consumerism.
      We are done with this and therefore now claim to be the first in the world!
      How would it have turned out for you? I do not know, but I know for sure that you will not be the second China as long as you are ashamed of the feat of your state security during Stalin's time! "
      Chinese diplomat Hang Zhu, who was expelled from Russia for these words, was accused of "trying to interfere in the internal affairs of the country, undermining state foundations and the established choice of the Russian people in favor of democratic values ​​and international standards for the protection of rights and freedoms."
      1. 0
        4 January 2021 14: 16
        Quote: Crowe
        “I don't know why the Russians don't do anything about corruption, but I know what they did here. Corruption on the scale of Russia can be dealt with in a month, it is not difficult. It hurts us from China to look at people who spit on their great past and, because of this, are deprived of a great future.
        We are proud of our shooting ranges, because everything that prevents the state from becoming great is buried there - corruption, theft, external control, enemy propaganda, cosmopolitanism, debauchery, exploitation of workers, human rights, mindless consumerism.
        We are done with this and therefore now claim to be the first in the world!
        How would it have turned out for you? I do not know, but I know for sure that you will not be the second China as long as you are ashamed of the feat of your state security during Stalin's time! "

        Quote: Crowe
        Chinese diplomat Hang Zhu, who was expelled from Russia for these words, was accused of "trying to interfere in the internal affairs of the country, undermining state foundations and the established choice of the Russian people in favor of democratic values ​​and international standards for the protection of rights and freedoms."

        Correctly and kicked out, since he gave out such a rare nonsense. The existence of firing ranges is categorically unacceptable without the rule of law over politics, and that was not the case either under Stalin, and even more so now.
    2. +7
      4 January 2021 09: 22
      Quote: VORON538
      How long has the Caucasus stopped blazing ...

      After all, you recently wrote to one Chechen in this thread, they are trying to kindle him all the time.
      Quote: VORON538
      The hype around bulk is surprising and not a word about Platoshkin, Furgal, Kvachkov. Although each of the three is several times more useful for Russia than bulk, they are a prison, and bulk is Europe.

      Well, Navalny is seriously supported financially, but how much financial support does the "left opposition" have, no one will seriously finance them, they are beneficial only to the people.
      1. 0
        4 January 2021 09: 35
        Quote: aleksejkabanets
        Well, so Navalny is serious

        Dear Alexey! What connection could there be between Mr. Navalny and Mr. Eisenhower?
        1. +2
          4 January 2021 09: 42
          Quote: bober1982
          Dear Alexey! What connection could there be between Mr. Navalny and Mr. Eisenhower?

          Of course, there is no direct connection and cannot be. However, someone finances it and finances it well. And what is the meaning of the question, I do not quite understand?
          1. 0
            4 January 2021 09: 47
            Quote: aleksejkabanets
            However, someone finances it and finances it well.

            I agree completely, maybe I don't - CIA
            And, my respect for you.
            1. 0
              4 January 2021 10: 03
              Quote: bober1982
              I agree completely, maybe I don't - CIA

              Maybe the CIA, we will not know about it soon. There and without the CIA is full of different funds. The "left" disdain to get dirty, but the liberal-globalist crowd does not. However, I must say that Navalny's investigative films are sometimes very good, although they require verification. And in general, it does not matter whose money they are made. Our "elites" have long since rotted away.
    3. 0
      4 January 2021 10: 03
      It's funny to read about a useful van. As a fool's ass, one and the same conductive by all. If he's so useful, why didn't he solve a lot of city problems? They asked him to solve many questions for YEARS, but he stubbornly scored.
      1. +2
        4 January 2021 10: 48
        Furgal is Khabarovsk Luzhkov. He gave something to the population, hence the authority. The meadow yonder also fed the Muscovites.
        1. +3
          4 January 2021 12: 05
          Quote: Aviator_
          The meadow yonder also fed the Muscovites.

          Objectively speaking, the point is not in feeding Muscovites, but in the fact that he is much stronger than Sobyanin as a business executive and Muscovites know this. But greed ruined the fraer, or rather his wife, which is why a certain category of people had a bad opinion of him. Do not forget that the Moscow of the 90s is not at all the Moscow that everyone sees now - who lived at that time knows the difference.
          I don't know about Furgal, but by and large, there are no business executives like Luzhkov in the country now - this is my personal opinion. That is why Putin thought about who to entrust the administration of the country. there are no individuals, and this personnel crisis cannot be resolved by the directive appointment of an official to the post of president.
          1. +6
            4 January 2021 14: 36
            Meadow did a lot for EBN's coming to power, I have no respect for him, because he never forgot his pocket. Another thing is that not everything got there, so he shared crumbs from the master's table. As for the construction, the so-called. "Point development" of the historical center, with him the wall collapsed at the not yet commissioned residential building, he kicked out the Academy. Zhukovsky from the Petrovsky Palace (which the Ministry of Defense kept in perfect order). The reindeer breeder continued the work of Luzhk - kicked out the Academy. Zhukovsky in Voronezh, center them. Khrunichev is being driven to Omsk, and all because of the price of land. The construction business is the third most profitable after drug and arms trafficking. I don't see any difference between Luzhko and a reindeer herder, another time - there are fewer preferences for Muscovites who try not to notice what is happening in the Moscow Ring Road.
            1. +1
              4 January 2021 18: 43
              Quote: Aviator_
              Meadow did a lot for EBN's coming to power, I have no respect for him,

              Yeltsin came to power before Luzhkov became mayor.
              Quote: Aviator_
              he kicked out the Academy. Zhukovsky from the Petrovsky Palace (which the Ministry of Defense kept in perfect order).

              Do not attribute to him what he could not do, because it is decided by the Government of the country, because Defense Minister Luzhkov is not subordinate.
              Quote: Aviator_
              I don't see any difference between Luzhko and a reindeer herder, another time - there are fewer preferences for Muscovites who try not to notice what is happening in the Moscow Ring Road.

              You may not see, but I notice that the tiles and curbs were not moved several times under Luzhkov.
              As for the zamkadye, there is no big difference, judging by the numbers of expensive cars with numbers near Moscow, between them and the residents of the capital. Here, the near Moscow region lives no worse than Muscovites - I see it myself almost every day.
              1. +1
                4 January 2021 19: 24
                Yeltsin came to power before Luzhkov became mayor.

                But in the fall of 1993, Luzhkov was already the mayor.
                Do not attribute to him what he could not do, because it is decided by the Government of the country, because Defense Minister Luzhkov is not subordinate.

                Nevertheless, Luzhon made an offer that could not be refused - he gave all the evicted an equivalent area.
                As for the zamkadye, there is no big difference, judging by the numbers of expensive cars with numbers near Moscow, between them and the residents of the capital.

                These are the cars of Muscovites who drive to their country residences. You will visit Ramenskoye or Voskresensky district, I'm not talking about Lotoshinsky.
                1. +1
                  4 January 2021 19: 51
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  But in the fall of 1993, Luzhkov was already the mayor.

                  On July 10, 1991, Boris Yeltsin took the presidential oath, and Alexander Rutskoi became vice president of the RSFSR. (Source of information - portal History.RF,
                  Quote: Aviator_
                  These are the cars of Muscovites who drive to their country residences.

                  Yes, stop inventing - Muscovites in the Moscow region do not register cars, even if they live in their dachas. But I do not argue that they live richer in Moscow, although in the same Balashikha huge microdistricts are exactly the same as in Moscow.
    4. +4
      4 January 2021 10: 24
      Quote: VORON538
      And it is doubtful that they have no similar plans for Russia

      Of course have! He's very afraid. Even not so much the strengthening of Russia as a relapse into socialism, for this will definitely mean the complete collapse of the unipolar capitalist world. Therefore, plans for the "final solution of the Russian question" will be updated until the source of these plans itself is destroyed.
      1. -4
        4 January 2021 11: 51
        Friend, left West, what fear of socialism?
        1. +7
          4 January 2021 11: 58
          Quote: Antonio_Mariarti
          Friendly, west left

          In what sense is he left ?! The classics of Marxism-Leninism are still rejected there, and they are more afraid of their theory than ever before. Private ownership of the means of production is the key distinction of capitalism. And in this sense, nothing has changed, so the West is never leftist, no matter what masquerade it suits.
          1. +5
            4 January 2021 13: 04
            And that is precisely why, before any elections in Russia, slop from all the mouthpieces is poured on the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, only the modern media has something holy and periodically the Liberal Democratic Party. Furgal, apparently, got out of their pack, because even Zhirinovsky did not support him, but a person in the place of the governor. Yes, it is possible that he was the same as everyone else. The powerful. His problem was that he did not fit into the pack in some issues. Like the Irkutsk former governor, and how often they like to mention in the negative the head of Khakassia!
    5. -3
      4 January 2021 11: 44
      . Although each of the three is many times more useful for Russia,

      Can you tell us more about Furgal's benefits for Russia?
    6. +1
      5 January 2021 12: 19
      Quote: VORON538
      What are all sorts of realities that have bred, but a local spill is a new sign, echo mosques? When and who will begin to clean it up?
      This is the main question, but we will definitely not get an answer from the authorities - their families live abroad, so the media you listed are their home, and therefore no one is going to clean them out. I have long been surprised by the fact of open confrontation within Russia between freely broadcasting Western media (which should not be here by definition, given that they are enemies of Russia) and the few patriotic publications that have been driven underground, cleaned out of YouTube and are trying to remove them from the media space of our long-suffering land. You can't help but remember Stalin and the fight against "enemies of the people".
  2. +5
    4 January 2021 07: 59
    "Business idea" of spreading communism throughout the planet.
    Here's an interesting moment, the Amrians everywhere with their national interests climb, this is normal, they have stumbled armed bases all over the earth, is that good? ..
    1. -1
      7 January 2021 20: 31
      For them, yes, they can print as many dollars as you want and set up bases and aircraft carriers on them, as a result the whole world works for them for their green papers. Do you have something to resist?
  3. +7
    4 January 2021 08: 27
    Articles should not be written about what was happening and how the enemies of the USSR sought out and seduced the Fifth Column in the distant times of Eisenhower, but about how the current Fifth Column in Russia is in full view, publicly, brazenly, even fighting among themselves, they stand in line to prove to local liberals in Russia and their employers and ideological leaders in the West that there is no need to seek out and seduce anyone for the Vlasov legions now. The Fifth Column in today's Russia, which is an analogue of the policemen that the Nazis found among the haters of Russia in the German-occupied territories of the USSR and which is an analogue of the Vlasov Army that served the enemies of Russia, now in Russia this Fifth Column operates legally and openly. And it has the entire arsenal of current communications. From its own pages on the Internet to the heads of radio stations and television channels. There is a TV channel called RTVi, which is watched by all the liberals of Russia and everyone
    members of this Fifth Column. So, recently Sergey Shnurov became the General Producer of this TV channel RTVi. And what slop poured on Russia, what slop!!! By the way, Shnurov's ideological buddy in the party is none other than the icon of the entire Fifth Column, Sergey Stankevich. Yes, yes. The same Sergey Borisovich Stankevich who cried with joy when the liberals tore down the Dzerzhinsky monument in Moscow. And how the office of Dzerzhinsky's successors caught Vlasovites during WWII and after WWII, right up until the time of Gorbachev!!! How it caught them!!!
    It's a joy to remember!!! And Stankevich and Shnurov rejoiced when the liberal Fifth Column tore down the monument to Dzerzhinsky, as a talisman and symbol of those who caught and destroyed the Vlasovites.
    And you'll see, this Shnurov will also run for President of Russia. And how many more like him are there in ECHO OF MOSCOW, and all sorts of DOZHD or MYADUZA, and in all the regions. Pushing and shoving right in the queue, screaming about who will harm Russia more sophisticatedly. So here is such a legal legion of the descendants of Vlasovism in today's Russia feels comfortable and harms the country with all their might.
    1. -1
      4 January 2021 13: 06
      "It's dear to remember! And Stankevich and Shnurov rejoiced when the liberal Fifth Column demolished the monument to Dzerzhinsky, as a talisman and symbol of those who caught and destroyed the Vlasovites."

      And what were ordinary security officers doing at that time? Did they try to prevent the destruction of the monument to their founder?
  4. +1
    4 January 2021 08: 53
    After Stalin's death, the Americans were in some confusion, and they had to change their tactics in relation to the USSR.
    There was no question of any active actions on the part of the Americans, precisely after Stalin's death, as mentioned by the author, there were too many disagreements in the American administration itself. One can also note the competent and balanced speech of G. Malenkov in March 1953, who stated that it was necessary to resolve all controversial issues after negotiations. The Americans were concerned that sympathies in the world were on the side of the USSR
    1. -5
      4 January 2021 11: 33
      . One can also note the competent and balanced speech of G. Malenkov in March 1953, who stated that all contentious issues must be resolved through negotiations.

      You mean March 9th? It was the usual protocol mourning speech. Routine Soviet nomenklatura rhetoric, nothing outstanding.
      1. 0
        4 January 2021 12: 14
        Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
        Routine Soviet nomenclature rhetoric, nothing outstanding.

        Eisenhower read between the lines, Malenkov's report spoke of the desire for peaceful coexistence and competition between the two systems - socialist and capitalist.
        NATO was not even mentioned in the speech, nor was the US
        1. -2
          4 January 2021 13: 00
          Eisenhower read between the lines.

          Have you read it yourself? What, nafig, 'between the lines'? Blah-blah-blah about the successes of socialism under the banner of the party of Lenin-Stalin, restrained party lamentation over the coffin of the Leader - no signals, nothing new and conceptual. And how do you know what Hayk read there?
          1. +1
            4 January 2021 13: 03
            Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
            Have you read it yourself?

            Quote: Paragraph Epitafievich Y.
            And how do you know what Hayk read there?

            If I read, then Hayk even more.
  5. -3
    4 January 2021 09: 20
    Eisenhower. He knew firsthand what a world war was, and this, of course, stopped his rash steps.

    He acted according to Chinese wisdom:
    if you sit for a long time on the bank of the river, you can see the corpse of your enemy floating by.

    And he was right: time has done its job ...
    1. +1
      4 January 2021 09: 30
      Quote: Olgovich
      He acted according to Chinese wisdom

      I would not say that.
      Eisenhower was much smarter than Truman, this one was absolutely demoniac. By the way, the author did not mention about,The Eisenhower Doctrine, which was a kind, typically American impudent instruction in relation to the USSR
    2. 0
      4 January 2021 10: 16
      Quote: Olgovich
      And he was right: time has done its job ...

      But he didn't see it, did he? Didn't sit there, so to speak ... request
      1. 0
        4 January 2021 11: 38
        Quote: Polymer
        But he didn't see it, did he? Didn't sit there, so to speak ...

        This is rightly noticed!
  6. 0
    4 January 2021 09: 49
    American "Vlasov army" and the "Solarium" project.
    . Actually and did not grow together ..
    1. 0
      4 January 2021 11: 59
      American "Vlasov army".
      . Actually and did not grow together ..

      Well, how did it not grow together? And who is in power now?
      1. +1
        4 January 2021 12: 25
        On that moment..
  7. +3
    4 January 2021 10: 02
    Where does this invasion of Russophobic authors on VO come from, rushing to share their knowledge from the astral plane, that the main threat to the world in 1952-53, it turns out, was the USSR (which by that time had not even restored its pre-war potential), and the white and fluffy USA were exemplary fighters for peace throughout the world (while at the same time frantically increasing its nuclear potential, occupying Western Europe and supporting dictatorial regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America) laughing

    "The status quo of the world colonial system and the American plans for total nuclear war: these are true testimonies of the West's peacefulness of the 1950s, I swear by my mother," - E. Fedorov (C).
    1. -4
      4 January 2021 11: 10
      . while at the same time rapidly increasing its nuclear potential, occupying Western Europe and supporting dictatorial regimes in Africa, Asia and Latin America

      Well, how, in fact, is this different from what the Union was doing? Perhaps replacing 'Western Europe' with 'Eastern'. Otherwise, everything is the same. Two systems gnawed at the world, each from its side. After Berlin and Cuba, they switched to moderately aggressive tactics towards each other. And in the end, the Union was taken, figuratively speaking, starvation, as if all sorts of Samsonovs about "powerful reserves" and the superiority of the planned economy did not whine at VO.
      1. 0
        4 January 2021 12: 03
        And in the end, the Union was taken, figuratively speaking, starvation, as if all sorts of Samsonovs about "powerful reserves" and the superiority of the planned economy did not whine at VO.

        Well, no way. The Union was winning. And that was one of the reasons for its collapse. Americans In desperation they went for broke - they offered the degenerate Soviet elite a place in their ranks. And as always - they were screwed. Hence the current fluttering of our big ones.

        But in the late 70s - the USSR was already one step away from the final victory. So that you and others like you do not broadcast there.
        1. -5
          4 January 2021 12: 55
          . No way. The Union was winning.

          . Americans in desperation went for broke

          But at the end of the 70s, the USSR was already one step away from final victory.

          Are you serious?
          That is, the agonizing, half-dead America defeated the mighty USSR, which had one step to victory? And the 'elite', therefore, were the feet of this colossus? Funny porridge)
          1. 0
            4 January 2021 15: 34
            No. She - stupidly bought his degenerate elite. For the victory of the state did not at all mean the addition of its own vital benefits. And they already wanted a lot. Here are the blessings for our leaders and promised. A private villa in Capri or Bali is clearly better than a state-owned dacha in Sochi ..

            I will not even cite the waterfalls of tsyfir about the state of the Soviet bloc and the western one in the 80th year. You better think - if America won, why did she nominate Reagan, who actually exchanged the country's future for the sake of "victory" over the Union? After all, it was he who began to drive the United States into unthinkable debts, realizing that he was on the verge of failure. And also - if the West was winning, why did it even have to negotiate anything with Gorbachev and the rest of the traitors? Only unconditional surrender with unconditional fulfillment of all the requirements of the West! But it didn't happen like that, did it?

            Think about the obvious, and the oatmeal in your head will finally get a chance to boil it into something edible ..
            1. 0
              4 January 2021 20: 10
              But that's not how it all happened, right?

              Why is it not so? Exactly)
              ... Think about the obvious, and the oatmeal in your head will finally get a chance to boil it into something edible ..

              Thanks for the advice. But I will definitely not eat the 'oatmeal' oatmeal out of your head - it is fresh and rancid. And smelly.
      2. +7
        4 January 2021 12: 34
        The USSR destroyed the colonial system of the West (including China, India, Indonesia, Southeast Asia and the entire African continent), provided a model for building a social state in Europe and America, pumped more money into Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia than it received. Two hundred currently independent countries/peoples should erect monuments to the USSR.

        As for the aggressiveness of the USSR - you picked that out of your own nose: NATO, CENTO, SEATO, the mass deployment of American occupation troops and nuclear weapons in Europe, on the Japanese islands and the Korean Peninsula directly on the borders of the USSR and thousands of kilometers from the USA - "no, I haven't heard of it" (S).
        1. 0
          4 January 2021 20: 05
          ... massive deployment of American occupation forces and nuclear weapons in Europe, on the Japanese Islands and the Korean Peninsula directly near the borders of the USSR and thousands of kilometers from the United States

          Apparently, because the United States won the war in the Pacific Ocean, no?) They infected the Japanese islands, stuck their base - what is wrong? The winner takes all
          As for the aggressiveness of the USSR - you picked that out of your own nose:

          I see, I see, my dear, that your boogers are more and more red) No problem, your and my cockroaches live in different kitchens)
          1. -2
            4 January 2021 21: 27
            We will help you - we will exterminate your cockroaches with the "Novice".
            1. 0
              5 January 2021 08: 16
              Quote: Operator
              We will help you - we will exterminate your cockroaches with the "Novice".

              Well, then I'm calm for them - you don't really know how to poison.
      3. +3
        4 January 2021 14: 02
        Not "taken". Both the Russian Empire and the USSR were destroyed as a result of betrayal. Nicholas II was betrayed by his entourage, and Gorbachev completely voluntarily, without the slightest coercion, surrendered the country and the people who were entrusted to him - their external and internal enemies and criminals.
  8. 0
    4 January 2021 11: 50
    Quote: Crowe
    I agree that our "elites" are no longer ours.
    “There has never been such a regime in history that it gave out everything, sold it, and then fled from here,” Ivashov says. At first I doubted and rummaged in my memory - but really! They stole, there was a case. They sold it. It was the same. They gave it away. There really was no such thing in the thousand-year history of Russia. There were worse times, but there were no mean ones .... With the pension reform, it became clear that for the "elite" citizens are no longer important ... Here, only the experience of China can help in the treatment of this cancerous tumor:
    “I don't know why the Russians don't do anything about corruption, but I know what they did here. Corruption on the scale of Russia can be dealt with in a month, it is not difficult. It hurts us from China to look at people who spit on their great past and, because of this, are deprived of a great future.
    We are proud of our shooting ranges, because everything that prevents the state from becoming great is buried there - corruption, theft, external control, enemy propaganda, cosmopolitanism, debauchery, exploitation of workers, human rights, mindless consumerism.
    We are done with this and therefore now claim to be the first in the world!
    How would it have turned out for you? I do not know, but I know for sure that you will not be the second China as long as you are ashamed of the feat of your state security during Stalin's time! "
    Chinese diplomat Hang Zhu, who was expelled from Russia for these words, was accused of "trying to interfere in the internal affairs of the country, undermining state foundations and the established choice of the Russian people in favor of democratic values ​​and international standards for the protection of rights and freedoms."

    Corruption cannot be solved by executions, there is still monstrous corruption in China, even with its methods of execution.
    1. 0
      4 January 2021 19: 41
      Quote: Antonio_Mariarti
      Corruption cannot be solved by shooting
      We must at least try. The number of corrupt officials is not infinite (at least it cannot exceed the population of the Earth); accordingly, with some persistence and consistency, they will simply run out.
  9. +1
    4 January 2021 11: 52
    The USSR itself is to blame for the collapse of the USSR, and not the West.
  10. +2
    4 January 2021 12: 00
    Mother's amenikanists came running.

    came to power on promises to strengthen the country's shaken prestige in the international arena

    The tablets must be taken. Why, but you can't take an American voter with authority in the international arena, even less a republican one.
    China, Korea, the countries of Eastern Europe are the key regions in which the ambitions of the United States indirectly or even directly collided with the interests of Moscow.

    All this was handed over before Eisenhower.
    The moral incentives and hopes for a better world that supported us during World War II were deceived

    How interesting. And where did the author get the manner of putting quotes without indicating the source? But yes, the Yalta betrayal of Roosevelt and the surrender of China by Truman were the most important claims to the Democrats from the Republicans.
    Among the steps to counter the threat from the east, Eisenhower, in particular, suggested creating an analogue of the Vlasov army or a foreign legion - the "Freedom Volunteer Corps"

    The idea of ​​the American Foreign Legion was carried out in 1950 by the "Lodge Act". Both before and after this law, such ideas were sabotaged by the Truman administration, both the State Department and the Pentagon. The State Department did not need extra stress, and the Pentagon, as always, did not have enough money, it was like a knife in the heart to spend on some Eastern European homeless people.

    With the advent of Eisenhower, the Republicans, who had been banned from power for 20 years, decided to fulfill all their dreams at once. Naturally, more or less nothing happened.
    Overseas, they rightly judged that in the event of an exacerbation, Soviet nuclear bombs would fall on European capitals and the innovation of the US President was deployed.

    Overseas, specifically in Germany, they rightly decided that they had no need for several divisions of some gypsies under American command. Give us this money instead - said the Germans - German divisions are better than Hungarian ones in any case. And this was true, of course.

    Plus, exactly at this time, the Americans were running around with the idea of ​​a European Defense Union - a European NATO without America - and the French interfered with them as best they could. Naturally, for the latter, this was another nail in the coffin of the mentioned undertaking.
    President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Secretary of State John Dulles agreed that there will be no winners in such a war

    Eisenhower, a coward and a fool, was the main friend of the USSR in the United States after Roosevelt. The Dulles brothers managed to keep American foreign policy and American intelligence in a state of delirium up to Kennedy's.
    Up to 63% of the annual budget of $ 22 million for radio stations was spent on broadcasting for the USSR and the countries of Eastern Europe.

    In short, the US policy towards the Soviet Union was the fear of provoking Stalin

    When Stalin was alive, Eisenhower was president for 2 months. Stalin's death became a most luxurious gift for him. It allowed to "turn the page" and close all questions to the administrations of the Democrats, in whose sins Eisenhower was personally covered over his ears.
    The motive was simple - to crush the USSR until it was able to respond adequately. The bearers of these ideas were "hawks" - marginalized, to whom the veteran of the Second World War Eisenhower, fortunately, did not listen.

    Cowardice never led to anything good. In Eisenhower's case, it led to nuclear missiles in Cuba.
    The USSR was never afraid to provoke someone. Well, except for June 41st.
    Kennan and his team did not come up with anything new - the concept repeated the strategy of containing the Soviet Union of the previous President Truman with minor adjustments

    What a surprise! It was Kennan's team in the State Department's planning department that came up with the containment strategy, actually.
    We must pay tribute to Eisenhower, he did not give a go to the development of the militant group C. As he did not give a go to the ideas of the other teams of analysts

    That is, he took up what he loved, let everything go by itself.
    overly belligerent Harry Truman did not run for a second term because of the bloody war in Korea for American soldiers.

    He had a second term at 48-52, and since 45 it has been said many times that he will not be nominated in 52 - Roosevelt served 3 months from his third term, so that 44-48 is essentially Truman's entire term. Both parties were of the opinion that Roosevelt had stayed too long, that this was no longer necessary.
    The prospect of a retaliatory strike from the Soviet Union was an important sobering factor for the hot heads of the Pentagon and the State Department.

    It was Eisenhower's cowardice and incompetence that made the USSR's retaliation possible. It was under Eisenhower that the prospect of an "overseas war" disappeared for America forever, and in the very first minutes of a new war, American civilians, tens of millions of civilians, were under attack. Eisenhower's personal fault in this development of events is enormous. Perhaps she was key.
  11. +5
    4 January 2021 15: 23
    The plan worked. USSR - no, communism - no. The Slavs are divided, they are at enmity with each other. The power in the Slavic states belongs to collaborationists and occupation regimes ...
    1. +2
      4 January 2021 15: 36
      USSR - no, communism - no.

      This is a temporary phenomenon.

  12. 0
    4 January 2021 18: 16
    I expected to see at the end of the article: "To be continued." It's strange that I didn't see it. The article is clearly not finished. The topic of the Freedom Volunteer Corps has not been disclosed. There must be a sequel.
  13. 0
    4 January 2021 22: 05
    The USSR could only be destroyed from within, which is what happened later. It is impossible to destroy the USSR by military means, and this became clear to almost everyone in the world after WWII. Well, and after the death of I.V. STALIN, there were no sensible successors. A new Soviet intelligentsia appeared. Here is how comrade STALIN said about it... If you take our average intelligentsia, scientific intelligentsia, professors... they have an unjustified admiration for foreign culture. Everyone feels like they are still minors, not one hundred percent, they are used to considering themselves in the position of eternal students... Why are we worse? What is the matter? It happens like this: a person does a great thing and does not understand it himself... You can't say it more precisely. Trips abroad have become more frequent, party workers, writers, cultural organizations, the diplomatic corps has increased. So they were dealt a blow. It turned out that honor, respect, showed achievements of science and technology, gave expensive gifts, and of course imposed the Western way of life. At the same time, our citizens, abroad, for some reason forgot that all the signs of attention, first of all, to the country they represented, and not to them personally. It was from them that "all the best in the West" came, "we still have to grow up to their standard of living, "it has always been bad in Russia", a country of slaves, etc., Completely forgetting who they are and where they come from. Take the same, Pozner, Svanidze and others. You will not hear a kind word from them about the USSR, and about the Russians too. Even at V.O. some former lecturers from the CPSU do not hide their puppyish delight from a trip to Bulgaria. Such creative intelligentsia led the USSR to collapse.
  14. 0
    5 January 2021 18: 29
    "The President understood that the Kremlin now has the initiative ..."
    It was fucking time! drinks