Historian's Bread. Lecture in the smoking room


Do you know, brothers, where we Russians come from?

Who are the Slavs?

That's right, from the ancient Slavs. But who are the Slavs?

And the Slavs, brothers, this is such a people that it is necessary to tell about it separately.

The Slavs are the salt of the earth. This is oh-ho.

Imagine the Earth like that a million years ago. What was there? Well, forests, rivers, mountains. All kinds of animals crawled. The monkeys climbed different trees there. And there were no people.

And what is a man? And a man is one who knows how to speak humanly. And if someone knows how to speak, and someone does not, how to talk to him? You can't talk in any way. This means that you can only talk with someone who knows how. Right? And whoever does not know how is no longer a man.

The dog, here, is smart, and does not talk, so it is not a man. The cat is also not human. And the monkey is not a man, it cannot talk. What about a parrot? He is also not a man, he has wings and carries all sorts of nonsense, in general, does not understand.

I have a friend professor - a neighbor, he lives on the floor below. He has a parrot at home. Once I was in his apartment. I went on business. Take a hundred until payday. So I thought, at least you can talk humanly with the professor's parrot. But no. The same thing says:

"Eat, eat."

And the most full of these seeds.

I told him:

"Here you have it, eat it."
No, understands nothing.

And a person should not only talk, but also with the concept of being. Understand what he says.

So that's it. There was no man on earth then. Some monkeys without words and without a clue. And then suddenly people appeared. Where they came from - we are not told. Scientists are hiding.

I asked that professor, he says:

"Hard to explain. But in general, they came from monkeys. "

How did it happen?

There are these monkeys in the zoo and in the jungle. There are a lot of them. But somehow people do not come from them.

I ask - is silent. Or he says some clever words: "genesis" of some kind. And he doesn't want to explain it humanly.

Well, okay, the main thing he told me. He let slip that the ancient people had some kind of "vocal apparatus". And they improved it. Already in those days - an apparatus, can you imagine?

But everything is not so simple here. The device is one for all. Some had it. And the others, therefore, did not. Well, of course, those who had such an apparatus became people. And those who did not have - and remained monkeys.

And what kind of apparatus is this? And where did it come from? It is not clear yet.

Then I'll ask the professor again. He's a man, nothing. But cunning. Everything strives to slip away from answers, to wriggle out. But I'll get the truth from him anyway.

This means that the first people appeared. And they began to talk to each other. And what does the conversation consist of? From words. Got it? From words! Well, think.

I, too, did not immediately realize. But when I realized, I caught my breath.

The Slavs are the "Slavs". Those who can speak words.

Two people have learned to speak a word. And the rest cannot yet. These two are to each other - slavs. The third one learned - he also became a Slovenian.

And then they began to teach the rest of them to speak. Then women. Then the children. In short, a whole tribe of Slavs was formed. Got it?

The Slavs (or, more correctly, "Slovens") are the first people on earth.

But it didn't happen all at once.

From the time the first Slavs began to speak, before the whole tribe learned the language, do you know how much time has passed? Oh-ho-ho! Fifteen years, no less.

It is now children who are already three years old speak, and some even earlier. And in those days, in order for a person to learn one word, he had to repeat it all day. How many words can you learn in a year? That's it.

But they still had to hunt, pick berries, there are different bananas, cook food ...

There are no more than a hundred words a year. So, to learn the language, it took fifteen years (or rather, even twenty).

But they did it.

About the origin of other peoples

Well, the slovens lived in the forests. There are plenty of monkeys around, then it was still warm on Earth. And the slovens began to teach words from their kindness and the breadth of the soul of these monkeys.

Some of the monkeys immediately succeeded - they also became slovens. And those who did not work out well, with whom they had to suffer, those were called differently. Whom how.

Those who, instead of the words at first "gr-gr" turned out, those Slovenes called "Greeks".

Others learned to speak quickly, but they began to lie a lot. This will be asked:

"Why are you lying?"

And he is still indignant:

"I'm lying? I'm lying?"

That's how they first called them "yavrei". Then they turned themselves into Jews, so that it was not so obvious.

And the Germans - so those, in general, were the stupidest. They were taught, taught, nothing helps. They are silent and that's it. How dumb. Well, they were called that - "the Germans".

That's how they came up with names for all people.

Some, for example, loved to sleep even then, in ancient times. They were nicknamed "Spantsy". Now the name is "Spaniards". So they still have a siesta every day. Sleep, that is. They sleep during the day.

Others did not want to learn words. They were lazy. Everyone snorted:

"Fra" yes "fra".

So they were given the name - "Franks". Well, that is, the French.

And the British are not really “English”, but “Naglichians”. Because they were arrogant. They climbed all over here. Then they are not. This is not that way. The ancestors suffered with them. So they nicknamed it - "impudent". It was they who later changed the letters for themselves.

For the rest, the Slavs also came up with names.

Mongols? And the Mongols too. The Mongols descended from such special bald monkeys. Whose wool did not grow. They were naked. Hence the name:

"Mon-gol", that is, Maine is a naked, naked person.

In my opinion, everything is clear. They, the Mongols, even now have a beard barely growing.

If you think carefully, it immediately becomes clear who was who, while the Slovenians taught them their words. People did it.

But scientists on this matter, no gu-gu. They come up with some kind of "genesis" to hide the truth from normal people. Only we are Russian people. We need the truth - oh, how we need it. We have no life without her.

And if you think with your own head, then you can always get to the bottom of the truth.

As a professor, I told about my discovery of a scientific scale, he looked at me like that and said:

"Nikolai Pavlovich, dear, do not take bread from historians."

And he smiles.

This means that I am taking bread from historians by my discovery? Clear?

They are sitting there, academicians are different. They break their heads. But I just thought of it. Dotumkal, to which all their academies of sciences could not reach.

I asked the professor:

"What is the English word for historian's bread"?

"History's Delirium"

- is talking. And he smiles again.

A very, says Nikolai Pavlovich, a suitable name for your scientific theory.

Still, he's a good man. A professor, though.

About Rurik

Have you heard, brothers, who is Rurik?

The first Russian prince? No, not a prince. Take the above.

Do you know who he really was? Here, and I did not know. Now I know.

It turns out that our historians lied to us all the time about the vocation of the Varangians and all that stuff ... None of this happened.

After all, as we were told? The Russian people lived for themselves. And suddenly, for no reason, no reason, he called some Swedes to him. Go, they say, rule us.

And this same Swede came. Rurik. And he began to command everyone. And, most importantly, everyone began to listen to him. Could this be? Yes, not in life!

Here I, a Russian man, would not listen to any Swede. Who are these Swedes anyway?

Even now, the only thing I know about them is that Peter the Great defeated them near Poltava. Well, they also play hockey. And in those days no one heard about them in general. Maybe they weren't there at all?

And here they were immediately just like that - and in the rulers ... None of them were attacked!

And, in general, what kind of name is Rurik?

Piglet! It's a pig's name.

How could they be taken as princes with such a name? No, it cannot be that with such a piggy name, he is also a Swede, but he fell into the Russian princes. I will not believe.

Here in our neighboring workshop a Roma-Armenian works. So he is really, according to the passport -Romik name. I recently found out by chance. What does he call himself Romik? No, only Roma.

And then the prince (prince!) - and Rurik. The prince must be respectable. And not a Rurik.

I would have believed if the prince was at least Ruriy. Or Ryurian.

And Rurik is not. There are no such princes.

And in reality he was not Rurik, but Rarog. Rarog - in Old Russian means falcon.

And this is not a name at all. And as if a nickname or title. So in Russia, the main leaders were called. And Rurik - this is how the enemies of the Russian people changed him later. I think to ridicule him. Like the Russians are not a prince, not a tsar, but a "Rurik" of some sort.

Do you think I'm the only one who thinks so? Ha! And besides me, there are smart people.

Recently, a professor was shown on TV. So he explained everything: about Rurik and about Russia. Clear. In normal words. Without any "isms" and "genesis" abstruse.

He, this professor, stumbled across ancient chronicles to read. An ordinary person reads letters, words - that's all. And this one - learned to make out the secret meaning. Here, he sees a picture in a book, looks at it and reads what is written. And there, it turns out, letters are everywhere: some decoration - letters, laces, ties - all letters. Shadows are letters. Even clothes, where wrinkled, folds are different - all letters. So people used to leave secret messages to their descendants.

No one could read, but he could. I decoded it. The letters there, of course, are not all like ours. But they are similar. And in the annals there are many incomprehensible words. So he also guessed that if you rearrange a couple of letters in these incomprehensible words, then everything immediately becomes clear.

He explained everything there (in the program). He told how he did it. True, I did not understand everything. But still he is a smart man.

And now he reads these pictures as written. And there is everything about our history told. The whole truth that is hidden from us by various scientific academicians.

So that's it. This professor says that Rurik is not Rurik at all. But in fact - Prince Ivan. I forgot my middle name. Some kind of abstruse.

Ah, Manuilovich! Yes, Ivan Manuilovich Sokolov-Sineusov. Sokolova was his mother, and his father was Sineus. And he was actually not a prince, but a pharaoh (so it seems) of all Russia. Or "charaon". It does not matter.

And it is important that the word "Rus" in the Old Russian language meant, in general, the Earth. The whole planet. Then it turns out that Rurik (well, that is, Ivan-Manuilovich Sokolov) was the ruler of the entire planet. All in general - and Australia, and China, and the whole world. Not to mention Europe there.

He, Ivan, at first just worked in a local church. Some kind of monk. Or something like that.

Then people began to converge to him. Warriors from different countries.

Here he collected them. And in a couple of years he conquered the whole world.

And he became a charaon.

About Vasilisa the Wise

And his wife was also Russian.

Her name was Anastasia Votkinskaya.

In a simple way - Asya, Assa or Vassa. Well, that means Vasilisa.

Do you think, in fairy tales, why does Vasilisa the Wise come across all the time? So this is the wife of Ivan Sokolov. The king, by the way, is of a planetary scale!

And Ivan himself - he is Ivan Tsarevich, her husband.

It was only later, again, Westerners, that they rewrote history for us, wrote about him "Ivan-Rurik", "Ivan the Fool", "Ivan the Fool".

But in fact, he was a royal family, a "prince".

Anastasia also worked in the church at first. She was a nun. Something like that.

And then, when she married Ivana-Rarog, she became the Wise Kharaonsha.

About space flights

Are you wondering how so quickly Ivan-Rarog conquered the whole world in a couple of years? It's very simple.

The Russians were then the smartest and strongest. And most importantly, they had planes. You don't have to laugh!

This professor showed photographs. These planes are still found in various places. And the inscriptions on them are ancient in Russian. Only scientists hide it from us. They do not want to admit that the Russians knew how to fly a thousand years ago.

And Ivan-Rarog had a combat air fleet. And he himself was a first-class pilot. Therefore, the Russians flew to China, Australia, and America. And not only to America. We flew to the moon. To Mars.

Why are you laughing like horses?

Both on the Moon and on Mars there were Russian inscriptions. They can even be seen from space. Take a look, take an interest.

The same professor showed pictures on TV. There, in Russian, in huge letters (only visible from space), it is written that this is, they say, the possession of the great Ivan-Rarog, the sovereign of Russia.

He was buried there, on Mars, by the way.

So both the Moon and Mars are our Russian land. There are graves of our ancestors, okay?

Rurik and Jesus Christ

And Ivan-Rurik died at a ripe old age, he was already under ninety years old. But first, he fell into a lethargic sleep for two years. Then they did not know how to determine exactly whether a person died or not.

Therefore, he was placed in a special crypt in a coffin and closed. And two years later he woke up and went outside. Everyone decided that he was resurrected.

And when he really died, they put him on an airplane like a great pilot and carried him to the church for the funeral service.

And the plane has what shape? Cross shape.

So they put it on the body of the plane (and then they were made of wood). And he lay with his arms outstretched along his wings, as if flying.

This is how the artists of the time captured it. Lying on the plane, arms outstretched.

Well, then they took him to Mars. They buried there, as he bequeathed.

But the most important thing is that the memory remained.

At first, everyone was told about how Ivan-Rarog was resurrected. And then, as he lay on the cross. The drawings remained. They venerated him as a saint.

It was only later that they came up with the idea that it was like Jesus Christ. And that he was supposedly crucified. And he was resurrected.

Nothing like this! It was our Russian ruler Ivan-Rarog Sokolov-Sineusov, the king of the whole planet - Russia!

And nobody crucified him. And the fact that he allegedly hangs on the cross is not hanging, but lying.

They are taking him to the cosmodrome to bury him on Mars.

And he did not rise again, but simply lay in a lethargic sleep for a year or two. And then, as you know, Jesus Christ lived two hundred years later.

But, of course, he was also an outstanding personality. Even though he is a Jew. But, of course, not the same as our Vanya Sokolov.


It is necessary, brothers, to study and know your history. Otherwise, we will live like this, knowing no truth.

It's good that there are people like that, like the professor who can explain everything clearly and sensibly. So that an intelligent person understands.

So I just watched the program. And I understood everything.

So watch more TV.

They show a lot of clever things there now.
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  1. +5
    3 January 2021 15: 04
    uh-uh "And what is a man? And a man is one who knows how to speak humanly. And if someone knows how to speak, and someone does not, how to talk to him? You will not talk in any way. So you can talk only with those who know how. Correctly? And those who do not know how are no longer a man. "- here is a drunk, very drunk not quite a man - he forgot how to speak ..
    1. +9
      3 January 2021 15: 40
      Funny, humorously written, but to the point laughing drinks
      1. +1
        3 January 2021 15: 42
        Quote: Bearded
        Funny, humorously written, but to the point

        If you say this to me, then I just brought the results of practical experiments ... I confess - on people.
      2. -1
        3 January 2021 16: 24
        Here U.K.R. will be offended. The author lowered them below the plinth. "Some of the monkeys immediately succeeded - they also became slovens. And those who did not succeed, with whom they had to suffer, they were called differently. Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye, however.
        1. +1
          4 January 2021 11: 53
          So the ancient u.kry "drevnus ukrus" (not to be confused with the Ukrainians "ukrainets normalus", there are two branches of development went) - they are from the Russian "at the edge". At the edge of reason, out like the mayor of Kiev.
          They also dug the Black Sea in order to fence off the Turks, they trampled their gardens with raids.
      3. +13
        3 January 2021 17: 22
        Yeah, I had a good time))). Only, when faced with those who seriously assert all this, for some reason I do not want to laugh. As with the population of the Kanatchikovaya dacha - either it is a pity, or somehow it blows cold, not at ease.
      4. +3
        3 January 2021 19: 36
        Quote: Bearded
        Funny, humorously written, but to the point laughing drinks

        If it is humor, then it turned out painfully flat. Crazy humor, or rather.
        Most likely, the author wrote from a big hangover, therefore it is forgivable. New year, after all.
  2. +10
    3 January 2021 15: 09
    The author makes fun of a serious topic, in the best traditions of the catechism. And the topic is much deeper. negative
    Michael, will he scoff at the origin of the Jews? wink
    1. +13
      3 January 2021 15: 17
      Igor! hi
      Already been
      "Our ancestors ate meat and bananas,
      The food was cheese and unheated
      A Jew descended from a monkey
      Who got fire somewhere "(C)
    2. +6
      3 January 2021 15: 58
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      Michael, but weakly over the origin

      Weak, but now we got a bunch of minuses, and maybe a warning from the moderator. I got my own skin and got paid for less, even for 404.
    3. +13
      3 January 2021 16: 40
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      The author makes fun of a serious topic,

      I also think this topic is serious .. and the origin of man remains a mystery .. until recently, there was a version that everything originated in Africa, now genetics are not so unambiguous and there is a theory that man appeared simultaneously in different parts of the planet .. All this is interesting and the Russian language has a really strong semantic load .. words did not arise from scratch.
      As for parrots and different animals .. I am absolutely convinced that all animals have consciousness and understanding .. just can not speak ..
      I have a parrot .. he has a brain the size of a pea, but he is very happy when the family is all together .. he does not see us for half a day, then he arrives and starts to rejoice and talk to talk .. Wavy, but his daughter taught him to speak))
      So our scientists are observers .. who can not always accurately interpret what they see .. and if they don’t see, then we can’t be absolutely sure exactly .. hi
      1. +9
        3 January 2021 17: 49
        Quote: Svarog
        I also think this topic is serious ..

        The topic is serious, no one argues with it, there are a lot of "white spots" there. But the author is not making fun of the topic, but that "very peculiar" approach to this topic of our "alternatives".
        1. +11
          3 January 2021 18: 05
          Quote: aleksejkabanets
          Quote: Svarog
          I also think this topic is serious ..

          The topic is serious, no one argues with it, there are a lot of "white spots" there. But the author is not making fun of the topic, but that "very peculiar" approach to this topic of our "alternatives".

          If for me, then everything is a solid "white" spot .. Starting from primitive people (the time of their appearance .. ending with evolution ..)
          And about the history ... there is generally darkness ... you see how those are changing it in front of your eyes .. it is profitable for someone .. For example, in the film "Admiral" .. Kolchak is a hero .. but in fact an Anglo-Saxon mercenary and the executioner of the Russian people .. but our children, with the help of "progressive" education, will be taught the opposite, and their grandchildren will definitely be convinced ..
          The alternatives' campaigns are different, but this is only because modern science (especially history) is stuck in many ways. hi
          1. +6
            3 January 2021 18: 24
            Quote: Svarog
            If for me, then everything is a solid "white" spot ..

            Well, not everything is so, of course, but in many respects you are right. Archaeological sources allow us to determine the habitats of the ancient Slavs, for example, although this is still not unambiguous. Knowledge is endless))))
            Quote: Svarog
            You see how it is being changed before our eyes .. to whom it is beneficial .. For example, in the film "Admiral" .. Kolchak is a hero .. but in fact an Anglo-Saxon mercenary and an executioner of the Russian people .. but our children, with the help of "progressive" education will inspire the opposite, and their grandchildren will definitely be convinced ..

            Well, this is not history, but propaganda. And our children can only be protected by a change of formation. You know this better than me.
            Quote: Svarog
            The alternatives' campaigns are different, but this is only because modern science (especially history) is stuck in many ways.

            Rather, it is from a lack of education. Education has seriously degraded. Nowadays the average static school does not give a scientific picture of the world, and systems thinking does not. And with the arrival of the church in school, it actually smells like the Middle Ages. So they write all sorts of nonsense, for the sake of money, sensations and other things, and the people and "hung their ears." Everyone wants "simple explanations", but they don't exist.
          2. 0
            4 January 2021 11: 46
            Every year there are more and more finds about primitive people, so that the blank spots become less and less.
        2. +4
          3 January 2021 20: 23
          Quote: aleksejkabanets

          But the author is not making fun of the topic, but that "very peculiar" approach to this topic of our "alternatives".

          That's exactly what makes fun of. I am not capable of more. I am not just a supporter of "alternatives", but I am also against being ridiculed without proof. Because, as you can see, the history of science is very, very approximate. Even the official history has many contradictions.
          Let's imagine that there will be more supporters of the "alternative" history in NA. And then what? The current official will become "alternative", and the "owner of the infusoria" will make fun of it.
          Take for example the Scaliger-Petavius ​​chronology. Is it scientific? Can't it be different? Even when the media appeared, when all events are recorded, over time the archives are cleaned up, something is destroyed, something is thrown into something, i.e. HISTORY is purposefully changed. And after that we still have to trust the official history?
          The official story is a servant of power, and nothing more. But it has always been that way. And when Svyatoslav ruled, and when the Romanovs ruled, Khrushchev also cleaned up the archives.
          So, the "alternatives" have their own logic, their own views, and they have the right to life no less than the "officials". Somehow it is hard to believe that the "alternatives" are wrong literally in everything.
          1. 0
            3 January 2021 21: 15
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            Because, as you can see, the history of science is very, very approximate.

            No, history is a precise subject. You see, this is a mathematician who works with abstractions. An isosceles triangle on the kitchen table and on Alpha Centauri is still a triangle for him. The historian doesn't work like that. He operates with various sources, introduces them into scientific circulation, etc. Another thing is that he often does not have enough data for a comprehensive analysis and, accordingly, building an evidence base. For example, only recently was the exact site of the Kulikovo battle established and archaeological materials were found that unequivocally confirm this.
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            Let's imagine that there will be more supporters of the "alternative" history in NA. And then what? The current official will become "alternative", and the "owner of the infusoria" will make fun of it.

            With the general degradation of the level of education, this is possible. I have heard that now there are doctors of sciences in Theosophy.
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            Take at least the Scaliger-Petavius ​​chronology ...

            Serious scientists work with a lot of sources, both material and documentary. After all, no one works with only one of the PVL lists, they work with all, in addition they work with other sources of that time.
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            The official story is a servant of power, and nothing more. But it has always been that way. And when Svyatoslav ruled, and when the Romanovs ruled, Khrushchev also cleaned up the archives.

            It is impossible to "correct" all sources. There are too many of them, later insertions are easily detected. School history books really do whatever they want. They wrote in a school textbook that when Prince Vladimir was baptized, he began to build hospitals and schools. In high schools of history, it is not at all like that, especially in senior courses.
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            So, the "alternatives" have their own logic, their own views, and they have the right to life no less than the "officials". Somehow it is hard to believe that the "alternatives" are wrong literally in everything.

            Well, you know, Zadorny and Fomenko-Nosovsky have many more "inconsistencies". And with archaeological sources, everything is "very difficult."
            1. +2
              3 January 2021 22: 31
              Quote: aleksejkabanets
              No, history is a precise subject.

              And on the issue of chronology?
              Quote: aleksejkabanets
              For example, only recently was the exact site of the Kulikovo battle established and archaeological materials were found that unequivocally confirm this.

              And where is it? I really missed this news somehow.
              Quote: aleksejkabanets
              Serious scientists work with a lot of sources,

              I do not dispute this, but the "alternatives" do the same not only with the "ceiling".
              And serious scholarly historians, in my opinion, must first decide on the chronology, if it comes to that. Prove Scaliger's correctness or refute him, i.e. change chronology.
              Quote: aleksejkabanets
              It is impossible to "correct" all sources.

              And this is not necessary. To change the essence of the event, it is enough to change two or three words, or the date, or the place, or one character.
              Quote: aleksejkabanets

              And with archaeological sources, everything is "very difficult."

              Do "officials" or "alternatives"?
              You see what the matter, I am not a supporter of "alternatives", but I hate to be contemptuous of them. I think so - some specific topic is taken, for example, the Battle of Kulikovo. We know the official version of it, who is with whom, when and where, and its results. The version of the "alternatives" is taken and the evidence is taken to pieces. If you cannot do this, then do not write disparagingly about your opponents. This is somehow unethical.
              1. +1
                4 January 2021 09: 04
                Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                And where is it? I really missed this news somehow.

                Archaeologist Oleg Dvurechensky not so long ago found a lot of material confirming the version and even the course of the battle. On his channel there is a lot about the Battle of Kulikovo, he also wrote his candidate on it, as far as I know.
                Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                To change the essence of the event, it is enough to change two or three words, or the date, or the place, or one character.

                Too many will have to be changed, there are a lot of interconnected documents. For example, Arabs, Germans, Lithuanians, and Russians could write about the same event, and everywhere on several lists.
                Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                I think so - some specific topic is taken, for example, the Battle of Kulikovo. We know the official version of it, who is with whom, when and where, and its results. The version of the "alternatives" is taken and the evidence is taken to pieces.

                or here
          2. 0
            6 January 2021 01: 30
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            Official history is the servant of power

            History is an applied science teaching to distinguish the truth from deception. Unfortunately, I think the most honest textbook on the history of Russia was published under Stalin. I have not seen the Tsarskiye. Only there they cited statistics on the production of pig iron in Russia from 1850 to 1900, they talked about the Nalivaiko uprising. But nowhere has the methods of exposing historical falsifications been studied.
    4. +21
      3 January 2021 16: 40
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      and weakly at the origin of the Jews scoff?

      It’s not me that’s mocking. Believe it or not, I just retold, practically unchanged, what Zadornov and Chudinov are broadcasting (in the photo at the beginning of the article, together with the Medinsky). So all questions are for them.
      And I'm not interested in writing about Jews, Jews themselves write the way about Jews, I don't care about them at all. If you want - you write. laughing
      1. +11
        3 January 2021 16: 55
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        Believe it or not, I just retold, practically unchanged, what Zadornov and Chudinov are broadcasting (in the photo at the beginning of the article with the Medinsky)

        Thanks for the article, I haven't laughed like that for a long time, an excellent gift for "alternatives".
      2. +11
        3 January 2021 17: 27
        First, I would like to threaten the author with a finger: "It is a sin to laugh at the poor." But, remembering how many denazhkov the authors of these nonsense are raising, you lower your hand and remain silent.

        I make an order: we need material about Fomenko and his statements that Yuri Dolgoruky and Cleopatra are one historical person. We ask and wait. And we will answer you - we will give you compound feed for your Trillobit. In the Stavropol Territory, it goes cheap.
        1. +9
          3 January 2021 17: 45
          You can also talk about Thomas's assertions that Ermak Timofeevich and Cortes are one and the same person.
          1. +4
            3 January 2021 19: 18
            I support with both hands drinks
        2. +5
          3 January 2021 17: 52
          Quote: Artyom Karagodin
          Fomenko and his claims that Yuri Dolgoruky and Cleopatra are one historical person

          Zhukov at Puchkov's, in my opinion, joked about this.
          1. +6
            3 January 2021 19: 20
            And we will again ask the Master of the prehistoric cockroach to take the bread from the historian wassat
          2. +3
            3 January 2021 20: 30
            Quote: aleksejkabanets

            Zhukov at Puchkov's, in my opinion, joked about this.

            It will be correct - Zhukovberg. I am amazed at its versatility. And the Swiss and the reaper and the player on the pipe. And he knows everything, and even with such details.
      3. +3
        3 January 2021 20: 02
        Mikhail, at least one should warn that such a "highlight" is laid out in the opinion section!
        I accidentally noticed that I wanted to bite the chronolozhts on the heel, but here there is such a "scream" !!!
        Although there are objections - it is that the explanations in the article
        ... The cat is also not human.

        Once again we will see a similar statement "turn off the gas" from the oldest representative of the "fauna" of the site !!! wassat

        To be honest, surprisingly, what you wrote was published !!!
        Sincerely, your Vlad!
        1. +5
          3 January 2021 21: 23
          Cats are not like humans:
          Cats are cats.
          People wear hats and coats -
          Cats often walk around naked.
          Cats can in broad daylight
          Lie quietly by the fire.
          Cats don't talk nonsense
          Don't play dominoes and checkers
          Don't have to write poetry
          They don't care about different pieces of paper ...
          People can't get off the beaten track
          Well, cats -
          These are cats!

          I considered this poem canonical and not subject to discussion ... feel
      4. +4
        3 January 2021 20: 21
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        the way about the Jews the Jews themselves write
        That some rabbi would be an anti-Semitic one?
      5. +4
        3 January 2021 20: 39
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        what Zadornov and Chudinov are broadcasting (in the photo at the beginning of the article, together with the Medinsky). So all questions are for them.

        I perfectly understood what you inserted this photo into. To make associations. Vile, especially in relation to the deceased. With the same success, you can insert a photo of Stalin greeting Hitler, the Pope, kissing the rabbi's feet.
        And about the Jews, I think you are not writing for another reason. bully Although the topic of the people who have promoted three monotheistic religions into the world is, oh, how interesting! wink
        1. 0
          3 January 2021 21: 14
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          where did you insert this photo.

          It proudly flaunts on the site of Chudinov himself. Come in and take a look.
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          To make associations.

          What kind? Who is Stalin in this photo and who is Hitler? Who is good and who is bad? Anyway, all three were doing the same thing - is it any wonder that they took pictures together?
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          Vile, especially in relation to the deceased.

          And what about Goebbels, is it good? Yes, and it is unlikely that Zadornov was ashamed of this photo, I think he was rather proud. Chudinov is definitely proud.
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          And about the Jews, I think you are not writing for another reason.

          Well, what you think you can safely write down on a piece of paper, roll it up into a tube and ... then follow the well-known algorithm. I do not write about the Jews and I am not going to write about them because I know sadly little about them, because I am not interested. The French, the British, the Germans, for example, are much more interesting to me. But the most interesting of all are the Russians, and I am writing about them.
          Quote: Ingvar 72
          the theme of the people who have promoted three monotheistic religions into the world, oh, how interesting!

          You are interested - you and the flag in hand. smile
          1. +6
            3 January 2021 21: 20
            Quote: Trilobite Master
            Well, what you think you can safely write down on a piece of paper, roll it up into a tube and ... then follow the well-known algorithm.

            Strange algorithms you know ... ... I thought historians are more cultured people.
            And for the rest - a predictable answer, although I had a better opinion of you. Therefore, I consider the dialogue with you over, for it will lead nowhere.
    5. +1
      3 January 2021 23: 34
      Quote: Ingvar 72
      The Slavs are the "Slavs". Those who can speak words.

      "The Slavs are the Slavs. Those who can speak words." ... You can change and cut everything! laughing BU HA HA !!! laughing And everything is simple and does not require any special brain twists ---Slovians are people who speak a common language for them .. Those who know a common word for them ... The people united by a common language (in a word -. Slovians.). Those who do not own the word are not We. Germans. Strangers!. The Russian people have a good proverb ... - "a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a hint to good fellows."
      1. +1
        4 January 2021 14: 04
        Minus! What's wrong ??? For some reason we do not eat over all sorts of German words - Schweinegund, Wolfschantz. etc . And we do not perceive our original meaning. Happiness is compassion, empathy. rainbow -arc heavenly solar arc -Ra arc. Or do you doubt the mind of our ancestors? ,
    6. 0
      5 January 2021 15: 21
      I will be responsible for the origin of the Jews.
      Everything is very simple . Look around, the whole world believes that the Russians are to blame for all their problems. Well, maybe not, but most of it is enough. But this is the last few hundred years. And before, Jews were blamed for everything. Well, so brains. In general, nothing has changed, it's just that the Jews used to be Russians and therefore they were hung with all the world's problems. as soon as the Jews left the Russians (probably to their own Palestine), everything somehow changed. By the way, note that there is still an intermediate link (well, that is, Ukrainians), who are not yet Jews, but they no longer hang world problems on them ...
  3. +5
    3 January 2021 15: 13
    Smiled !!! The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ... about the Naglo-Saxons, to the point !!!
  4. +1
    3 January 2021 15: 19
    Accumulated, accumulated - and broke free.
    And you can't write off two free days after the New Year.

    However, this substituted Peter Alekseevich Romanov came up with. And the Romanovs are radishes. So this year doesn't count.
  5. +2
    3 January 2021 15: 21
    A very true story! good laughing
  6. +8
    3 January 2021 15: 26
    Already in those days - an apparatus, can you imagine?
    Che there to represent something? Many have such a device, some in the garage, some in the kitchen. Ancestral heritage, however!
    1. +5
      3 January 2021 16: 43
      An excellent joke that demonstrates an excellent understanding of the issue. The theory of the origin of the Slavs in general and the Russians in particular just sparkled with new colors!
      1. +8
        3 January 2021 16: 48
        Well, how else? If the final product enhances the individual's verbal communication skills. For a while, really ...
        1. +1
          3 January 2021 17: 02
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          If the end product enhances the individual's verbal communication skills

          I didn't understand anything ...
          1. +5
            3 January 2021 17: 14
            "Blue" unties the tongue.
            1. +4
              3 January 2021 17: 15
              Quote: 3x3zsave
              "Blue" unties the tongue.

              Aaaa ... I got it! drinks
            2. +1
              12 January 2021 14: 17
              "Blue" unties the tongue.

              Sinca was founded by Sineus. From him came both the concept and the occupation itself. laughing drinks
      2. +1
        3 January 2021 16: 56
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        The theory of the origin of the Slavs in general and the Russians in particular just sparkled with new colors!

        Once an American professor found a pebble. This cobblestone is 2 thousand years old. And it says: "We are from Russia!" And the North Star is drawn.
        1. +1
          3 January 2021 17: 14
          Quote: Mordvin 3
          Once an American professor found a pebble.

          Interesting ... Where can I see it?
          1. +6
            3 January 2021 17: 18
            Quote: Trilobite Master
            Interesting ... Where can I see it?

            It was in the Komsomolskaya Pravda. And they burned down their archive in the XNUMXs ...
    2. +2
      3 January 2021 18: 33
      And why do we all look through this prism? There was also such an association. I resisted. But not for long.
      1. +2
        3 January 2021 18: 45
        And why do we all look through this prism?
        Raikin is to blame. "If you look at the sky with an armed eye ..."
        1. +1
          3 January 2021 19: 00
          That is not Raikin - Sergei Filippov.
          1. 0
            3 January 2021 19: 14
            I got fucked up again crying laughing
            1. +1
              3 January 2021 19: 37
              "What to do - everyone can be wrong" (c).
    3. +3
      3 January 2021 20: 47
      Quote: 3x3zsave
      Many have such a device, someone in the garage
      Swam, we know! bully
      1. +9
        3 January 2021 21: 23
        I am not a man of humor, I am a man of gloomy satire.

        On the wall is a hologram of a window, outside the window on a green meadow cows of the black and white Dutch breed graze. Putin, sitting at the table and grimacing with displeasure, drinks the hated fresh milk.

        Putin, looking at the door:
        - Security!
        A guard's hologram enters.
        - Invite a representative of the analytical department of the Presidential Administration.
        The guard disappears, the Administrator's hologram enters through the swinging door.
        - Well, what is the Master of Trilobite?
        The admin, swallowing:
        - Uh ...
        Putin, gloomily:
        - What, walked over the Romanovs?
        - No, Vladimir Vladimirovich!
        Putin, standing up and looking at the Administrator from under his brows:
        - And what about us?
        Administrator, turning pale:
        - Well, how can you, Vladimir Vladimirovich!
        - Well, that's good, let him continue writing!
        With a bored face and focusing on milk with a squeamish expression on his face, Putin makes it clear that the audience is over.
        The Administrator's hologram, backing away, disappears through the door.
        Putin, sighing:
        - Scribes!
  7. +3
    3 January 2021 15: 29
    "Sokolov-Sineusov" (c) aka Sokolov-Napoleonov Banopartovich (servant to the tsar, father to a soldier, in short a young rake) And there was no war of 1812, there was a proto reconstruction.
  8. +3
    3 January 2021 15: 33
    Everything is described well, but not April 1 today. But thanks, laughed.
  9. +2
    3 January 2021 15: 34
    in general - zadornov-rent-fomenko-and other obscurantism in one bottle! good
    1. +8
      3 January 2021 15: 49
      Quote: Region-25.rus

      Are Zadornov and Fomenko wrong in everything? Or is there still inconsistencies in the official version of the origin of the Slavs from fundamental science?
      1. +4
        3 January 2021 16: 14
        Science is learning new facts all the time, and conspiracy theories are stable.
      2. +3
        3 January 2021 16: 15
        There are no inconsistencies, but there are questions to which there is no answer yet)
        1. +2
          3 January 2021 20: 49
          Or the answers are inconvenient for someone.
      3. +3
        3 January 2021 19: 25
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        Are Zadornov and Fomenko wrong in everything?

        I have never met in the constructions of a single folk historian of a single question, problem or construct that was not either far-fetched and created from false premises (a typical example is the Egyptian pyramids), or created by the imagination of their authors against the background of a lack of fundamental knowledge on the subject of research.
        1. +1
          3 January 2021 20: 17
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          I have never met in the constructions of a single folk historian of a single question, problem or construct that was not either far-fetched and created from false premises (a typical example is the Egyptian pyramids), or created by the imagination of their authors against the background of a lack of fundamental knowledge on the subject of research.

          There is one more aspect Michael - VERA!
          It does not have theoretical and practical foundations, does not apply methodology and systematization - but it is beautiful, extravagant and fashionable! Moreover, it fully justifies illiteracy and ignorance - "Duc deceive us!" All any argument against dies to the tune of the folk song "Tyzh lured me, tyzh let me down!" True, sometimes the arguments are interspersed with the "archives of the Vatican" and "masters of the west."
          It's trite, why sprinkle over a dozen works on one topic without a definite result, if you can study the whole story from a dozen of Fomenko's books. Yes, in general, it's easier to study history according to Zadornov, in principle, you don't need to read anything!
          1. +4
            3 January 2021 20: 33
            Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
            Yes, in general, it's easier to study history according to Zadornov, you don't need to read anything in principle!

            You, too, are mocking Vladislav, but Zadornov did a good job of picking the topic of linguistic roots, and because of this, all the learned historians at once soared in sarcasm. Although Zadornov has a grain of common sense. hi
            1. +1
              3 January 2021 21: 02
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              You, too, are mocking Vladislav, but Zadornov did a good job of picking the topic of linguistic roots, and because of this, all the learned historians at once soared in sarcasm. Although Zadornov has a grain of common sense.

              My applause!
              Linguistics according to Zadornov - "Medved": "honey", "I know" !!! Yes
              Avats, bravo, bravissimo !!!
              Only one sadness - honey is not a Slavic, but a Hunnish word.
              In Slavic, bear is "ber".
              I am not making jokes, I am sad and sickened that instead of serious work in philology, linguistics and toponymy, we grab the opinion of a good man Zadorny, but alas, not a specialist.
              For more than a century my fellow countrymen have been afraid with "illiteracy" at the top when the names of local mountains, rivers and cities will be stolen by the hand of an official.
              Instead of "Earrings-Earrings", "White Tiga-White Atig", "Sholma-Nizhneserginskaya". That's right, sometimes not beautiful, but true.
              1. +3
                3 January 2021 21: 14
                Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
                Linguistics according to Zadornov

                Let's consider the root Ra in many words of the Russian language, Zadornov's interpretation of the word Bogatyr? I am not saying that Zadornov was right in absolutely everything, but fundamental history also knew the correspondence of dogmas. wink Think Vladislav, in our country almost the entire language is presented (!) As borrowed, either in Norman words or in Turkic. Doesn't it seem strange to you that the great Russian people "accidentally" formed from scattered "wild" tribes, and gave the world the phenomenon of great Russian culture?
                The same can be said about the Darwin theory of the origin of man, accepted in the scientific world. hi
                1. 0
                  3 January 2021 21: 44
                  "Bogatyr" in relation to our compatriots, this term was used for the first time by a Pole when describing military forces, Toli Ivan III, Toli Vasily III. I forgot.
                  In Russian documents, the word "Bogatyr", more precisely "Bogatur", is used to describe the battle on Kalka in relation to the commanders of Genghis Khan.
                  Why don't you like the Slavic name of war "Voy", "Vityaz" or the Old Russian name "Warrior"?
            2. 0
              3 January 2021 21: 35
              Quote: Ingvar 72
              Zadornov picked the topic of linguistic roots well

              In the article under discussion, the hero just "picked" exactly that way. I don't know for certain whether Zadornov has read at least one book on historical linguistics, for example. But if he read it, he definitely ignored it.
        2. +2
          3 January 2021 20: 30
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          (a typical example is the Egyptian pyramids)

          Do you have reliable information about the construction of the pyramids?
          And where did you get the idea that fundamental science based on someone's dogmas is always inappropriate? Even touching upon the question of Slavism that you raised and ridiculed?
          1. 0
            3 January 2021 21: 48
            Quote: Ingvar 72
            Do you have reliable information about the construction of the pyramids?

            I do not have. And just for the sake of informing you of them, I don't have enough time to delve into these matters. I ingoda suggest to interlocutors like you to set out any "riddle" or "fact", but only one, supposedly refuting the postulates of modern historical science, to give a specific link to it, so that I understand what exactly is being discussed and I am ready to deal with this problem in a strictly scientific framework. The answers, as a rule, do not indulge in variety:
            49,5% - falsification or invention
            49,5% - official science has long ago given comprehensive explanations about this
            1% - science cannot explain this fact or phenomenon, but there are certain hypotheses that need to be tested.
            Want to try? laughing
          2. 0
            4 January 2021 12: 01
            There is reliable information, and experiments have already carried out buildings using the technologies of the Egyptians, but give skeptics a life-size pyramid like Cheops is not considered otherwise.
  10. +6
    3 January 2021 15: 37
    They forgot to write about Baikal, the identity of the Slovenian handiwork, and the Great Wall of China is not at all Chinese. About Vasilisa the Wise, they did not fully disclose. There is an eternal conflict. Vasilisa the Wise and Vasilisa the Beautiful. Eternal choice: Ugly, but smart and stupid, but beautiful ... Thank you, he laughed.
    1. +2
      3 January 2021 16: 18
      Even Fomenko and Nosovsky argue that Ermak Timofeevich and Cortes are one and the same person. lol
      1. -2
        3 January 2021 20: 20
        Quote: El Dorado
        Even Fomenko and Nosovsky argue that Ermak Timofeevich and Cortes are one and the same person. lol

        Uh-huh, we have a certain Bar1, which educates about the news among the Newchronologists!
        Who is Skrytnikov? The worm is an Academician, but Mr. Fomenko is good ... Sadly, but we have already passed!
        1. +1
          3 January 2021 20: 54
          Quote: Kote Pan Kokhanka
          Quote: El Dorado
          Even Fomenko and Nosovsky argue that Ermak Timofeevich and Cortes are one and the same person. lol

          Uh-huh, we have a certain Bar1, which educates about the news among the Newchronologists!
          Who is Skrytnikov? The worm is an Academician, but Mr. Fomenko is good ... Sadly, but we have already passed!

          You probably mean Skrynnikov, right?
          1. 0
            3 January 2021 21: 09
            Yes imprinted, I confess. fool
  11. +6
    3 January 2021 15: 39
    good people celebrated
    1. +7
      3 January 2021 15: 50
      I walked heartily. I can't afford this, the liver is not the same ... crying
      1. 0
        3 January 2021 16: 34
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        I can't afford this

        Yes, you don't seem to need it, except for the smell ... laughing
        I sent the article back on December 30, when I could only dream of a spree ... And I wrote it even earlier, a couple of years ago, probably ...
        1. +7
          3 January 2021 16: 43
          wrote even earlier, a couple of years
          ,,, that is, before you registered on VO? belay laughing wink
          1. 0
            3 January 2021 16: 47
            Looked at the file creation date - April 10, 2018
            It turns out until. request
            1. +5
              3 January 2021 16: 53
              ,,, not the lectures of E.A. Klimchuk, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Military Sciences prompted you to write?
              1. +2
                3 January 2021 17: 07
                My muses in this case are shown in the photo at the beginning of the article ...
                1. +3
                  3 January 2021 17: 16
                  Damn, I thought it was a lifetime photograph of Kiy, Sineus and Truvor!
                  1. +3
                    3 January 2021 18: 35
                    That is, Rurik is out of brackets. And minted earlier.
                    1. +4
                      3 January 2021 19: 20
                      Rurik, Gagik, Tofik, Arayik are the Armenian diaspora in Kiev.
                      1. +1
                        3 January 2021 19: 40
                        “Only there is no one to turn the table with,
                        To ask you, Rurik "(c).
                      2. +2
                        3 January 2021 19: 51
                        "Bring me, girls, soot-red lead,
                        Lie on face makeup
                        Rurik is coming from Europe,
                        Our first legitimate prince "(C)
                      3. +1
                        3 January 2021 20: 07
                        “- Oh, sher ami, I've been waiting for you so much” (s).
                      4. +1
                        3 January 2021 20: 20
                        "-And don’t wear your Ulyanka for free! And don’t wear it for nothing, don’t wear it with a dowry!” (C)
                      5. +1
                        3 January 2021 20: 23
                        "The Tsar is going to Mana
                        Pay attention "(c).
                      6. +2
                        3 January 2021 20: 39
                        "He-he-gay! Tralee-wali!
                        If only the red girl lived in the basement,
                        I'd squat down then
                        Squat at the window
                        We would coo until morning "(C)
                      7. +2
                        3 January 2021 22: 25
                        "If there are Nightingales there -
                        They are robbers "(c).
                  2. 0
                    3 January 2021 21: 05
                    Quote: 3x3zsave
                    Damn, I thought it was a lifetime photograph of Kiy, Sineus and Truvor!

                    How were they filmed - fez of table, tabl about fez?
            2. +2
              3 January 2021 20: 30
              Quote: Trilobite Master
              Looked at the file creation date - April 10, 2018
              It turns out until. request

              Yes in "sho" Michael, that such works are written between April 1 and Cosmonautics Day !!! Who helped the "fools" or "green men"! drinks
              Definitely not without the apparatus?
              Did you buy perfume for your wife on the day of March 23? And on February 12 - did you get cologne? They were exactly in their places on April XNUMX and they were not used for their intended purpose !!! fellow
              What nonsense to write to your opponents, so that they have a pearl of fantasy!
              The oldest - probably "rolling with laughter" over these attempts to "drive away" his master!
              Regards, Vlad!
        2. +5
          3 January 2021 16: 56
          When I was a child, my father told me a joke:
          A little Georgian comes to his father and says:
          - Father! We were told at school today that humans descended from monkeys. Is it true?
          - True! - confirms the father and develops the topic: - Look ... There is such an intelligent monkey chimpanzee. He lives as a family, does not offend anyone, peacefully with his neighbors ... From him came we - Georgians. And the names became similar - Shimpanidze.
          There is such a monkey Macaque. Sly, he will deceive everyone ... The Armenians descended from him. And they were given the following names - Macakakopian!
          There is such a large, big monkey - it burned. Noisy, pugnacious, bullies everyone ... From him the Russians descended. And their surnames became like this - Gavrilov ...
          The boy listens and asks a counter question:
          - Dad! And from whom did the Negroes come from ?!
          - Eh, son, do not confuse ... Monkeys appeared from blacks ...
          1. +7
            3 January 2021 17: 28
            And then there is an anecdote.
            A little daughter comes to her mother and asks:
            Mom, is it true that we descended from a monkey?
            Who told you that?
            So he told you about his relatives, and God created us.
          2. +4
            3 January 2021 20: 33
            Three ancient hunters are sitting by the fire, grilling a mammoth on a spit, sad.
            The first one says "Ba".
            The second is "Boo."
            The third is "By"!
            From the sedov and went human speech! laughing
        3. -3
          3 January 2021 17: 24
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          I sent the article back on December 30

          apparently from December 25, still exhaust
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          And he wrote even earlier, a couple of years ago, probably ...

  12. +3
    3 January 2021 15: 45
    Smiled, Master! All the best to you and Happy New Year! Although, the story has not yet said anything about the New Year. Here is the topic for the next opus opened. drinks good
  13. +1
    3 January 2021 15: 47
    No comment.
    1. 0
      3 January 2021 16: 04
      Quote: Undecim
      No comment.

      I protest
      1. +3
        3 January 2021 16: 33
        I didn’t like the attempt to take away the bread from the local clowns.
        1. +1
          3 January 2021 16: 49
          Sicilian writer Leonardo Sciascia once said that pre-confessional anti-mafia fighters are just as dangerous to society as the mafia itself.
          As for the rest ... only a colleague can take bread from clowns ... Sic transit gloria mundi
  14. +4
    3 January 2021 16: 01
    And I think that the Slavs came from the word Glory! Thank God, for example. And the Georgians from the word load. Lithuanians were engaged in casting. And the Alans founded Paris! Who of the famous people is not Alan, Alan Delon, Louis CarvAlan, the rock band Alan Parsons Project. Only Alla Pugacheva is a Circassian ... fellow
    1. +11
      3 January 2021 16: 09
      Quote: rruvim
      And I think that the Slavs came from the word Glory! Thank God, for example. And the Georgians from the word load. Lithuanians were engaged in casting. And the Alans founded Paris! Who of the famous people is not Alan, Alan Delon, Louis CarvAlan, the rock band Alan Parsons Project. Only Alla Pugacheva is a Circassian ... fellow

      And from Pisa all the thieves went?
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      3 January 2021 19: 27
      Only Alla Pugacheva - Circassian

      Only Alla Pugacheva from ha Kogen)))
      1. 0
        3 January 2021 20: 30
        I know that Livshits, but the Alans do not know this.
  15. -4
    3 January 2021 16: 03
    And about Rarog, what's wrong? The falcon was - it was called that. On the coat of arms of Rurikovich there is a falcon or something similar.
    No, I'm not saying anything, but Rurik - Rarog has exactly the same right to exist as Rurik - Rorik of Jutland. Exactly the same stretch of the owl on the globe.
    Only for some reason the author did not bother over the version - Rurik - Rorik. Maybe because his Jewish friends whispered about her in the smoking room, ugh, that is, lawyers? wink
    And he believed, it's beautiful - the Vikings, Swedes, Drakkars. I didn't play enough as a child ..
    1. +3
      3 January 2021 17: 08

      Hence the stylization of the hohlyatsky trident.
      1. +1
        3 January 2021 17: 39
        You tell the Master about this, otherwise he thinks that the trident is an inverted Khazar tamga. lol
        1. +3
          3 January 2021 17: 58
          Ukrainians believe that this is the coat of arms of Atlantis.

          1. +2
            3 January 2021 19: 50
            There was a series of articles on heraldry. The Ukrainian coat of arms was not dismantled. The Ukrainian coat of arms (symbol) is very harmonious, easy to repeat and simple. Has 100% reference to the past. And at the same time, an aggressive falcon in the attack!
            I wanted to convey in my previous comments that modern emblems have a certain ideological component. Society rejected this sub-site almost 100%.
            1. +1
              3 January 2021 20: 13
              The heraldists will not agree with you. Heraldry is science and serious. A nation (if it considers itself so) will not have a simplified image of the Rurik falcon as its coat of arms, only because this simplification was convenient when minting coins.
              1. 0
                3 January 2021 20: 19
                There is a main caliber here - pay attention to the flag of the Penza region,
                1. +1
                  3 January 2021 20: 33
                  But this does not mean that he was recognized in the heraldic community, or generally recognized:
                  Experts of the Union of Heraldists of Russia note the following mistakes in the Penza flag: golden color is not included in the list of seven colors used to create the flag; in addition, the image of the central symbol should be based on the coat of arms, and the coat of arms of the Penza region is three sheaves of bread on a green background.
                  1. 0
                    3 January 2021 20: 47
                    True, but back to the Ukrainian symbol. Since the Penza banner has the right to exist, then the Ukrainian coat of arms is allowed.
        2. -4
          3 January 2021 20: 41
          Quote: Junger
          You tell the Master about this, otherwise he thinks that the trident is an inverted Khazar tamga. lol

          The most interesting thing is thinking correctly. The most ancient fixation of a two-toothed tamga as a seal by the Chernigov Svyatoslavovichs.
          Alas, beautiful fairy tales remain fairy tales!
          1. 0
            3 January 2021 21: 19
            Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
            The earliest fixation of a two-toothed tamga as a seal among the Chernigov Svyatoslavovichs.

            Not a desire to check this amazing fact, moreover, it is not clear what does the Chernigov Svyatoslavichs have to do with it, and why finding some kind of tamga with them, moreover, two-toothed, leads us to the Khazars?
            You would have concocted at least a logical chain digestible before throwing such phrases
            Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
            thinks correctly.

            While it looks like - "There is an elderberry in the garden, and there is an uncle in Kiev."
            The version with the falcon is more logical and shorter.
    2. +2
      3 January 2021 18: 30
      Your photo on your profile picture?
      1. +1
        3 January 2021 19: 09
        In his youth, on electronic warfare ...
        1. +1
          3 January 2021 19: 40
          I was waiting for an answer from the junger. But this explains a lot. tongue
          1. -3
            3 January 2021 19: 50
            Quote: ee2100
            I was waiting for an answer from the junger. But this explains a lot.

            Not really .. It is one authoritative Negro. Are you a racist? Black lives are also important. wink
            1. +1
              3 January 2021 19: 58
              You did not answer the first question "is this your photo on your avatar?" Let's say you are a Negro, but it does not allow you to say that black lives are important too? What about everyone else? I'm not a racist. But opposing one racial group to another is racism!
              1. -2
                3 January 2021 20: 33
                This is not my photo.
                This is Rorik of Jutland before disembarking in Ladoga.
                1. +1
                  3 January 2021 20: 45
                  Wow! Lifetime! Krasava! That means to whom Alexander Yaroslavovich Kizdyulei wrote out! You look good!
                  Or darkened with anger?
                2. +1
                  3 January 2021 21: 29
                  That's always the way, our potential Negro Yugern shrank to a wordless louse, quickly rolled under the plinth and only by the smell of his fright it was possible to understand that he was here.
          2. +3
            3 January 2021 20: 06
            Kazakhstan. "Well" position. About 160 km from Balkhash (Priozersk). 1989.
            1. +2
              3 January 2021 20: 09
              Excuse me. But I will wedge myself into your discussion. I believe that everyone has the right to a worldview. For example, I am a racist.
              1. 0
                3 January 2021 20: 17
                As the Anglicans say welcome!
              2. -3
                3 January 2021 20: 36
                For example, I am a racist.

                As the Yankees say - "this is a free country"
                1. +3
                  3 January 2021 20: 43
                  There is an episode in Guy Ritchie's film "Big Jack", when young Hasidim smoke on the steps of a jewelry store in Antwerp. Hasid-man comes out and yells: "What are you doing here?" Go-Hasidim to him: "Is this not a free country? Taki?" A man in a hat and side-locks to them: "The country may be free. But in this case, here is a private territory! Let's fuck ... !!!"
                  1. -1
                    3 January 2021 20: 44
                    Yes, a cult movie))
  16. +8
    3 January 2021 16: 03
    ,,, I got the impression that Mikhail has thrown the bait, and lures out alternatives, with whom he has been fighting on this resource for more than one year.
    1. +3
      3 January 2021 20: 56
      In addition, he is a Normanist, although even in the scientific community of historians there are different views on this topic.
  17. +6
    3 January 2021 16: 07
    What can I say, but nothing laughing Although no, you can: Happy third day of the new year bully
    April 1 I think it will be even better and funnier Yes
  18. +3
    3 January 2021 16: 11
    Smiled.A parody on the theme of modern alternatively gifted pseudo-historical trends in historical science
    I don’t remember who was the first to call "Friday obscurantism" laughing
  19. +4
    3 January 2021 16: 13
    Michael, bravo! good
  20. +6
    3 January 2021 16: 21
    In every joke there is only a grain of a joke ...
    Read about the mound theory of American scientist Maria Gimbutas, this theory, which appeared in 1956, is more and more confirmed by modern research, both archaeological and genetic. The area between the southern Urals and the Middle Volga is the birthplace of civilization and the Proto-Indo-European language. And about English, I will say this - this is a light version of Russian. Yes, and most of the hydronyms of Russia have a translation from Sanskrit and this is not funny. The famous singer has a pseudonym for the name of the river in the Murmansk region Vaenga, officially from the Sami female deer, if you move in the direction of the Middle Volga, you will meet the Vonga rivers in Karelia, Vaenga in the Arkhangelsk region, Voininga in Vladimir (what the Sami did there). There are also many South Slavic names Voynga, Voenga and finally Voyna. The word war has a Proto-Indo-European root howl or battle (for example, massacre). To lead the warriors is
    in Russian the voivode, but if you drive, then from Sanskrit it is Ga. So think about where our rivers have such names for VoinG.
    1. -1
      3 January 2021 18: 02
      This article was published on the wrong resource. Yes, and it was necessary to finalize.
      1. +4
        3 January 2021 18: 10
        This is just banter, I am a very frivolous person, I laugh at Fomenko and Nosov, but this is a more serious study - the discovery of the most ancient spoke wheel, the most ancient burial of a domestic horse ... and just the most "fishy" places, that is. at the time of the appearance of the first words, the richest pastures of the tundra steppe with the highest density of mammoths and other meat-bearing ones are here, in the Middle Volga and the South Urals. Where else to pick your teeth and with difficulty
        Pronounce the First Words. Zadornov is a humorist, but you shouldn't interfere with Nosovy Fomenki. Long live the Truth.
    2. 0
      3 January 2021 18: 34
      You will first determine what is primary and what is secondary. And let's vote laughing
      1. +3
        3 January 2021 18: 42
        Time was primary, conditions secondary. The search for roots is also possible one by one, here is the hunt for large animals only in the gang, and the gang must act as a single mechanism, and this requires teams, that's the whole clue of primary and secondary, the more fat-protein food contributed to the development of a human organ consisting only of protein and fat and this organ is the BRAIN.
        Children, eat meat and lard, be smart and strong, don't be vegan from BLM.
        1. 0
          3 January 2021 19: 37
          "Time was primary, conditions secondary" (c) this is an eternal dilemma, which is primary, and which is secondary. Some argue that matter, but if: "You can look at yourself in the mirror and think: what am I, I can’t do anything. And then look and think: I’m great, I can do everything, I can easily achieve success!" (c) time is "also one of the coordinates of a single space-time" (c) time can be neither primary nor secondary, it is a constantly changing quantity. As Mikhail Lugsky writes - learn the mathematical part.
          1. +1
            3 January 2021 20: 17
            Time was not primary, because it is subjective. Read Einstein. Conditions were primary. For Christians: God and Love.
            1. 0
              3 January 2021 20: 21
              You re-read my comment, I do not claim that time is primary
    3. +1
      3 January 2021 20: 46
      Quote: Konnick
      Yes, and most of the hydronyms of Russia have a translation from Sanskrit and this is not funny. The famous singer has a pseudonym for the name of the river in

      Have pity on the brains of our written "historians". The Russian language appeared ... but three days before the writing that was given to us, either the Bulgarians or the Greeks, Cyril and Methodius. And never mention here the relationship between Sanskrit and the Russian language - they will peck.
    4. +1
      3 January 2021 20: 46
      Quote: Konnick
      The area between the southern Urals and the Middle Volga is the birthplace of civilization and the Proto-Indo-European language. And about the English language, I will say this-

      Lies and provocations, your colleagues are convinced that this is the homeland of the ancient Slavs! drinks

      I am especially touched by the inscription "parking is prohibited" laughing
      By the way, this is the Middle Urals !!! Yes
      1. +1
        4 January 2021 09: 02
        By the way, deposits of native copper are found only in the Urals. Draw conclusions. And bog ore is abundant here.
        1. 0
          5 January 2021 16: 15
          Ore, you say. A man studies old buildings and puts forward a theory that the current temples are former metallurgical plants (converted into temples after some unknown disaster).

  21. +4
    3 January 2021 16: 28
    Have you forgotten about the cats? In Indo-European languages, a cat is a cat. Cat - in English, Katze - in German, in Finnish kissa, in Latin cattus, in ancient Greek γάτα (kata). So Cats are older than the first proto-language.
    1. +3
      3 January 2021 16: 41
      Ukrainian is the most ancient, they had a whale, but there were no whales. And you can talk about dogs, in Hungarian, dog kutya, reminds, isn't it? By the way Kisa on a Mordovian dog drinks
      1. +4
        3 January 2021 17: 10
        Mordovians and measures are worse than the beast! Therefore, they call cats dogs or vice versa ... Confused ... drinks
        1. -1
          4 January 2021 19: 52
          Quote: rruvim
          Have you forgotten about the cats? In Indo-European languages, a cat is a cat. Cat - in English, Katze - in German, in Finnish kissa, in Latin cattus, in ancient Greek γάτα (kata). So Cats are older than the first proto-language.

          Cats are sacred to us!
          But I am afraid that a deeper analysis of the Indo-European language will give priority to the dog (dog), the bull (cow).
  22. +5
    3 January 2021 16: 30
    You can add a touch to the title of the article, New Year's,
    novus annus translated from Latin New Year, nothing reminds you? And the students studying Latin were reminded that usually after the New Year, the winter session begins, so Hello, ... * lower back *. , New Year!!!
    1. +3
      3 January 2021 17: 00
      The main word here is Novus, which means that the Slavic language has not gone so far from Latin. And in Sanskrit the new one is "nava".
      1. +1
        3 January 2021 17: 14
        No, the main thing there is annus - anus. This Latin is not far from the Slavic. The first words of the person were interjections, and I suspect of abusive, i.e. original, form. And beyond the Motherland, the mother's language did not go anywhere. I have a friend, an Indian, he admires our basic, the so-called boreal Slavic, Obscene. A language of three words, or rather roots, words, and can explain everything. This Hindu even made a dictionary for himself - the same root meanings with a female organ, he has about 50, I really helped him with some meanings when it is written the same, but with a change in stress, the meaning also changes, such as stole and lied hi who knows, he will understand.
        1. -2
          3 January 2021 17: 16
          But perhaps Mongol-Tatar and similar to Hindi, but all these obscene words have nothing to do with the Slavic language.
          1. 0
            3 January 2021 17: 22
            The female genitals were called "uterus", "golden", "moon". Male - just "eldak"!
      2. +1
        3 January 2021 17: 21
        We are just in the geographical center between Latin and Sanskrit. Coincidence?
        I do not think fellow novus and "nava" have spoiled our word "new".
        1. +2
          3 January 2021 17: 24
          There is no match here. A single Indo-European group. Place names and language are similar in their roots.
      3. +2
        3 January 2021 20: 49
        Quote: rruvim
        which means that the Slavic language has not gone so far from Latin. ...

        Or maybe the other way around? How can you prove your statement?
        1. -1
          3 January 2021 20: 53
          Just the quantity and quality of the remaining manuscripts. In Latin they are much, MUCH, more and older. Even if you use the sense of smell and not radiocarbon decay.
  23. +1
    3 January 2021 16: 38
    Hike, in the beginning there was still a word ...
    1. 0
      3 January 2021 16: 42
      And then television appeared ...
    2. +1
      3 January 2021 16: 46
      ... and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And only then, sometime, much later, the word appeared - Slavs. Unlike the word Cat, the word WORD itself, sounds differently in different languages.
      1. 0
        5 January 2021 15: 57
        Quote: rruvim
        Unlike the word Cat, the word WORD itself, sounds differently in different languages.

        I think the word "cat" is more and more complicated. I will assume that it refers to the primary group of words that came into use in the area where Indo-European tribes lived.
        Initially, the "cat" was not a cute domestic kitty, but a wild animal, like a wolf, ber (bear), lynx, etc. Even "agni" fire is the second primary "household group of formation". This is confirmed by the presence of a second common name for a cat among the peoples of the Indo-European group of languages: Russian - cat, German - best, etc. All this suggests that the Indo-Europeans domesticated the cat after they dispersed around the world.
        By God it's even easier. In Slavic, god is div. Wonderful, and the word "hell" is borrowed from the Slavs.
        Regards, Good day!
  24. 0
    3 January 2021 16: 48
    From the time the first Slavs began to speak, before the whole tribe learned the language, do you know how much time has passed? Oh-ho-ho! Fifteen years, no less.

    Well, a lot of the "Unified State Exam generation" cannot really learn Russian in 11 years. So 15 years is still a fucking educational system. = 3
  25. 0
    3 January 2021 16: 52
    And in general, I think that the concept and the word Slavs were introduced into common use by the saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius, ethnic Greeks.
  26. +7
    3 January 2021 16: 54
    Respect to Mikhail Zadornov! And eternal memory. hi
  27. +3
    3 January 2021 17: 01
    this is a Happy New Year greeting to Samsonov and all fans of the teachings of Fomenko-Nosvsky-Zadornov
    1. +2
      3 January 2021 17: 30
      I think Zadornov was just kidding. Although I know serious people who graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University and successfully "mine" bitcoins, and they (these eggheads) are absolutely sure of the Fomenko-Nosevich theory, they even consider it an axiom.
  28. +7
    3 January 2021 17: 06
    Colleagues, as an author, have I really gone too far with the "scientific" presentation so much that someone could take this nonsense seriously? wassat
    No, apparently, on VO really humor is an extra component. I apologize to the administration of the resource for this small, and, as it mistakenly seemed to me, appropriate for the New Year holidays, innocent provocation.
    In my defense, I can say that I didn’t think of anything in the article - Valery Chudinov and Mikhail Zadornov did it for me.
    To reassure some users, I can say that more such articles will not appear, since studying this nonsense is hard and boring.
    1. +6
      3 January 2021 17: 24
      Michael! The very thing, for today's date!
      "The second of January has already passed,
      The sounds of general fun have died down,
      But something moves around, blessing everyone
      There must be an Angel of the National Hangover. "(C)
    2. +3
      3 January 2021 17: 31
      Mikhail, it turned out not badly, I think the VO editorial board should have started such a heading Lecture in the smoking room ..
      1. +1
        3 January 2021 20: 53
        Quote: parusnik
        Mikhail, it turned out not badly, I think the VO editorial board should have started such a heading Lecture in the smoking room ..

        How can nonsense be good? Nonsense, he is - nonsense. He can be neither bad nor good.
  29. 0
    3 January 2021 17: 14
    In general, there are a lot of all kinds of verbal incidents and inconsistencies. For example: when the Greeks say "No", it is understood as "not", but it is actually Yes!
  30. +1
    3 January 2021 17: 18
    Quote: rruvim
    And in general, I think that the concept and the word Slavs were introduced into common use by the saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius, ethnic Greeks.

    Do not, they translated the church scriptures from Greek into their Macedonian dialect of the Bulgarian language, using the semi-Greek alphabet. Therefore, do not confuse Russian with Bulgarian.
    1. -1
      3 January 2021 17: 34
      Typical misconception of Macedonian nationalists. St. rvnapp. Cyril and Methodius were Greeks.
      1. +2
        3 January 2021 17: 40
        Their native language is Bulgarian, but I have not seen their passport
  31. +1
    3 January 2021 17: 29
    Dear editors, can you start a section like this: Lecture in the smoking room?
    1. +5
      3 January 2021 17: 46
      Skomorokhov wrote in comments to NG that the editorial board is working on this issue.
      1. 0
        3 January 2021 18: 14
        Anton, I think this heading is necessary, especially when I read the comments. smile Happy New Year!
        1. +5
          3 January 2021 18: 20
          Happy New Year, Alexey!
          On the one hand, creating a "smoking room" would be the right step. On the other hand .. Well, you know the style of my comments. laughing It will be a hard blow for me crying
          1. +2
            3 January 2021 18: 38
            Remember the andecdote about the butts of those who don't ask unnecessary questions.
            1. 0
              3 January 2021 18: 52
              "But only the ashes of my cigarettes,
              These are the ashes of empires "(C)
              1. +1
                3 January 2021 19: 02
                “Cigarette to cigarette.
                Smoke under the lamp "(c).
                1. +1
                  3 January 2021 19: 06
                  "Listen, let's go back ?!
                  There is still wine in the smoky kitchen. "(C)
                  1. +1
                    3 January 2021 19: 31
                    "At the hour of the merry dawn
                    A nightingale is whistling in the grove ...
                    Someone smokes a cigarette
                    So that smoke - from all the cracks. "
                    Not winter (s)
                  2. +1
                    3 January 2021 19: 36
                    “I won't drink wine with you,
                    Because you are a mischievous boy ”(c).
                    1. +1
                      3 January 2021 19: 40
                      "Don't drink wine, Gertrude!
                      Drunkenness does not paint ladies. "(C)
                      1. -1
                        3 January 2021 19: 42
                        “And Margarita has on her left hand,
                        An expensive ring has appeared ”(c).
                      2. +2
                        3 January 2021 20: 17
                        "Nine rings have given the race of people. Judging by their vile faces - in vain." (FROM)
                      3. 0
                        3 January 2021 20: 21
                        "Plato is my friend but the truth is dearer.
                        What is the truth - to see in our faces ”(c).
                      4. +1
                        3 January 2021 20: 29
                        "And we will take with such faces,
                        And let's get to Alice! " (FROM)
                      5. 0
                        3 January 2021 20: 46
                        "She knows English and knows Hebrew." (from)
                      6. 0
                        3 January 2021 21: 15
                        "And the horses are all galloping and galloping" (c).
      2. +3
        3 January 2021 18: 18
        Dear Editor!
        Maybe better - about the reactor?
        There, about your favorite moon tractor? (C) lol
        1. +2
          3 January 2021 18: 28
          'And the Walrus said: “The time has come
          Think about business:
          About shoes and sealing wax,
          Cabbage, kings,
          And why, like soup in a cauldron,
          Water boils in the seas. "(C)
          1. +2
            3 January 2021 18: 49
            Without an algorithm, we write
            The main thing is joy and pleasure
            From letters written (c)
            1. 0
              3 January 2021 19: 01
              "Busy with idleness, playing with words" (C)
              1. +3
                3 January 2021 19: 05
                For centuries, the role of a jester is necessary,
                Not a whip will touch him, not a feather,
                Court jester, scolding the lord
                For the sake of the rabble, strengthens the throne. (C)
                1. 0
                  3 January 2021 19: 12
                  "Dare, please, laugh at me,
                  If this helps you,
                  Yes, I look like a jester, but my soul is a king,
                  And no one like me can "(C)
  32. +6
    3 January 2021 17: 33
    So both the Moon and Mars are our Russian land. That

    , ,, Kashcheii is a race of humanoid aliens, which we usually call - "Zeta Seti", "Gray", "Grace".
    On their gray skin,
    you will recognize the Outlander ...
    Eyes the color of Darkness they have, and they are bisexual,
    and can be a wife, like a husband.
    Each of them can be a father or a mother ...
    They paint their faces with paints,
    to be like the Children of Men ...
    and never take off their garments,
    so that their animal nudity is not exposed ... "

    ,,, creatures kashchei (gray) captured one of the satellites of Midgard-Earth (planet Earth) the Moon - Lilith and made their nest on it.
    From there they descended to Earth and terrorized the peoples who inhabited it.

    And then the great Tarkh Dazhdbog, the patron saint of the Aryan clans, destroyed the Moon and, with his power, destroyed the shelter of the Kashchei.
    1. Fat
      3 January 2021 19: 17
      Quote: bubalik
      On their gray skin,
      you will recognize the Outlander ...

      Sergey, where at least you have dug such happiness, give me a link, I'll write off the words belay laughing
      1. +4
        3 January 2021 19: 37


  33. +7
    3 January 2021 17: 38
    Quote: rruvim
    But perhaps Mongol-Tatar and similar to Hindi, but all these obscene words have nothing to do with the Slavic language.

    This is our obscene language and we should be proud of it, the Mongols have not grown up to this.
    The Vietnamese studied at our institute, I see they are walking, having fun, laughing. He stopped and asked - Cho laughing all over the street?
    And they - Proverbs, sayings studied.
    We had a department of the Russian language for foreigners.
    And they learned the proverb -Kuy iron while hot.
    Here I also laughed.
    And the origin of our main word, which is found on the birch bark DOMONGOL letters, is simple - Forge - Forge, Forge-Sui, Huat - for some reason it is impossible here ... la-la-la.
    From unreleased
  34. +3
    3 January 2021 17: 46
    I liked more that the word "Yavrei" came from the phrase "I'm lying!?!" smile
  35. 0
    3 January 2021 17: 53
    Quote: rruvim
    There is no match here. A single Indo-European group. Place names and language are similar in their roots.

    So where did the tongue come from? From the Apennines to Hindustan, through the Volga region, or from Hindustan to the Apennines through Mordva? It's not for nothing that the Sumerians call us Mokshans. negative
    The center must be somewhere! There was someone who shouted Wow, for those who do not know Sanskrit I translate - It's great that we are all here today.
    And literally this admiration is translated. drinks find a match in other languages.
    1. 0
      3 January 2021 18: 04
      It's that simple! God said to Adam in the booths between the Tiber and Euphrates "Nezzzyayaya !!!" But he didn’t tell Eve, he didn’t pronounce it ... From here the whole "Petrushka" went, to the flesh to Zadornov with Nosevich and Fomenko. But Adam himself was endowed with the gift from God to call things by their proper names, and animals and plants. And he even called cats Cats.
  36. 0
    3 January 2021 18: 06
    The article, as they say, was "niasilil" to the end - I started scrolling down in the hope of confirming my guess - Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan, on VO! But no, the author of "Trilobite Master" ... What a disappointment!
  37. +1
    3 January 2021 18: 12
    Michael! Please accept my congratulations! So write everything ... You have a rare talent, gift, call it what you want to skillfully show ... well, what you showed. We read it with the whole family and everyone laughed very loudly.
  38. +1
    3 January 2021 18: 21
    Quote: rruvim
    It's that simple! God said to Adam in the booths between the Tiber and Euphrates "Nezzzyayaya !!!" But he didn’t tell Eve, he didn’t pronounce it ... From here the whole "Petrushka" went, to the flesh to Zadornov with Nosevich and Fomenko. But Adam himself was endowed with the gift from God to call things by their proper names, and animals and plants. And he even called cats Cats.

    The bushes at that time were in the Trans-Volga steppes, and not in the interfluve, which had dried up at that time, a sea of ​​meat for the Adams and a sea of ​​hay for mammoths with their snake noses.
  39. RMT
    3 January 2021 18: 39
    What nonsense! Psychic delirium!
  40. 0
    3 January 2021 18: 51
    Quote: mordvin xnumx
    Quote: 3x3zsave
    If the end product enhances the individual's verbal communication skills

    I didn't understand anything ...

    But it was interesting ... request
  41. 0
    3 January 2021 19: 01
    If the heading "lecture in the smoking room" appeared on the VO, I would be the first to go to the lecturers with the topic "Why does the foreman in the studio, giving a New Year's speech, put on a mac".
  42. +1
    3 January 2021 19: 11
    What was that?
  43. +1
    3 January 2021 19: 13
    Hmmm ...
    An interesting point of view.
    For rent to me gentlemen - it was a comedy ... what
  44. +1
    3 January 2021 19: 15
    Hucklebury Finn Negro Jim has many different languages. For example, a Frenchman comes up to you and says - parlais vu france, what would you do? Jim - would have kicked him in the face of course if he wasn't white. Here you are a burdock he asks you in French - do you speak French. Is Jim a French man? Man. So let him ask in a human way.
  45. -1
    3 January 2021 20: 03
    I put my cigarette aside, on the draughty windowsill,
    I put my Ipyeshny "handheld" on the ash can.
    The thought of a special article was born,
    And the time, place - very opportune!
    I'll give a lecture to a friend,
    When he breaks into the smoking room
    From a bohemian atmosphere,
    Holding a bottle of wine in my hand ...
    Then fuck him and show him!
    And about the fascists, and about Trump,
    What is the Entente to blame,
    About three missing knees
    What the sick Gauguin wrote.
    The Slavs were not Slavs!
    And our great-grandfathers are Armenians!
    My friend will cry, in any way
    He was broken in his faith.
    Shivering he will take my "joint",
    Smoking room all the same! So and so ...
  46. +2
    3 January 2021 20: 31
    And this same Swede came. Rurik. And he began to command everyone. And, most importantly, everyone began to listen to him. Could this be? Yes, not in life!
    Rurik was hardly a Swede, but rather was from the Western Slavs !!! This is evidenced by the fact that if the tribes of the Slavs were ruled by the Scandinavians, then on the way from the "Varangians to the Greeks" there would be names with Scandinavian roots - but they are not there !!! Along the entire length of the Dvina-Dnepr there is not a single toponym that would definitely come from Scandinavia !!! Although the Vikings undoubtedly actively used this most important trade route for that era !!!

    And vice versa, in eastern Germany there is a lot of evidence of who lived here before - just a lot of Slavic place names that remained from the time of the existence of the West Slavic states there !!!
    So people tend to leave behind the inscriptions "Vasya lived here" - so far the inscriptions "Here the Slavs were ruled by the Swede Rurik" have not been found and Rurik's attribution to the Swedes is pure speculation of historians !!!
  47. +1
    3 January 2021 20: 34
    A lecture cobbled together by a Russophobe who went out on shit bully
  48. +1
    3 January 2021 20: 49
    Ancient history is partly a legend and it is often difficult to understand where the facts end and fairy tales and speculations begin !!!
    The history of the origin of ancient Rome can be cited as the clearest example !!! In almost every program on this topic, we will find the famous Legend about a she-wolf and two brothers fed by her Romulus and Remus !!! So this is all a fairy tale !!!

    But the truth is that the history of Rome begins as the history of a provincial village on the outskirts of the Etruscan state - the Union of seven cities !!! This explains the fact that Etruscan kings ruled in Rome - they were governors appointed from the center to rule the province. The Etruscan state was destroyed by the invasions of the Gauls, and the Gauls apparently did not reach Rome, or they did not intend to go to this backwater. And Rome got a unique chance for itself to develop when all the neighbors are in ruin and decline !!! In the early centuries of their history, the Romans suffered a lot from the Gauls and this explains the great dislike of the former for the latter.

    But in every more or less decent program or book you will be told this nonsense about a she-wolf in all seriousness !!! But the beautiful nonsense that the Romans came up with to hide their unsightly past !!!
    1. +1
      3 January 2021 20: 57
      Yes ... Michael. Shutka Zadornov turned into serious discussions. How not to smoke here? request
  49. +1
    3 January 2021 22: 17
    And on the left in the photo is Medinsky? Or am I confusing?
  50. 0
    4 January 2021 07: 29
    Nah ... Russians are descended from gorillas. Gorilla - Gavrila. And the Georgians: chimpanzees - Shimpanizde. And who is the most ancient nationality, from which all the monkeys originated, guess yourself - the ancestors of the Sumerians.
  51. 0
    4 January 2021 08: 04
    Zdan history test!
  52. kig
    4 January 2021 08: 15
    You need to ask the President about this topic, he will reveal the whole historical truth.
  53. +2
    4 January 2021 08: 44
    what was that? Alcohol poisoning has a serious effect on a person
  54. 0
    4 January 2021 13: 09
    Every joke has some...... joke. Onuchami and according to “brad” Well, at least this way...
  55. The comment was deleted.
  56. +1
    4 January 2021 23: 13
    What was that?...
  57. +1
    6 January 2021 10: 22
    Historians are science fiction writers who, by misunderstanding, are called scientists. They make up a story and then adjust the facts to fit it. How is history created? One science fiction writer writes a chronicle or other description of an event, taking into account the situation and instructions from his superiors, then after several centuries a “historian” finds this nonsense and, based on it, comes up with what happened in his opinion. There is no more lying scientist than a historian, well, perhaps a chronicler.
  58. 0
    25 March 2022 17: 30
    History - because - is not a science, it has no numbers. For example, one of the “methods” of chrenology is “if jewelry disappears in an excavation, this is the Mogngoo-Tatar yoke.” So, historians sucked the term “Mongol-Tatar yoke” from the only source available to them (from the 21st finger) - at the end of the 19th century. And the existence of this phenomenon... there are practically no finds of Mongolian skulls (yes, they are different from the Slavic ones... for historians this seems to be beyond knowledge). And yet - we are now being convinced that the 4 surviving lists of chronicles are the only truth. But Academician Rybakov wrote (The Paganism of Ancient Rus' or the Paganism of the Ancient Slavs) that in the mid-19th century they saw about fifty lists, at the end of the 19th century there were already two dozen, at the beginning of the 20th a little more than a dozen. The local defenders of the scientific nature of history are not aware of this....or can they not understand what these data say?
    And why did genetic liars, historians, get so angry at Fomenko: simply in the “chronicles” there is a description of astronomical events - solar/lunar eclipses.... And Fomenko checked - these astronomical events took place two to three hundred years after those dates in " chronicles" are drawn. (in the Chinese chronicles they can easily describe two total solar eclipses per year in one area... it seems that in those years the Earth was in another solar system, because in our solar system this is impossible. Well, the oaks were completely forged, our forgers of the chronicles, predecessors the current liars of history - they were smarter, they described real events.... but they did not know that based on astronomical events the real time of writing these opuses could be established. And what does this mean - and the fact that historians are parasites: their monographs, dissertations and articles are not science, but are lies, and that means we need to drive them out of science, deprive them of the titles they received by lying, and return the salaries, apartments, and other things that they received as scientists. But I don’t want to... So they are trying to jump on Fomenko and present themselves as fit for something.
    BUT: history is part of propaganda, where they are used....like a pipifax.. And they, historians, should be renamed, from scientists - a propaganda.... oh, forgive me, liars, scum, parasites (that is historians) for political incorrectness, of course, for pro-condoms.

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