"The water in the Drina flows cold, and the blood of the Serbs is hot"


Pavle (Paya) Jovanovitch. "Saber Dance".

In this article, we will continue our story about the Ottoman period in stories Serbia. We will learn about how the Serbs received autonomy within Turkey, and talk about Kara-Georgiy and Milos Obrenovic, the founders of two dynasties of princes (and then kings) of this country.

Serbia on the way to independence

"The water in the Drina flows cold, and the blood of the Serbs is hot"
Election of the leader of "Black George".

For the first time, Serbia received autonomy after the uprising of 1804, which was then headed by "Black George" (Kara-Georgiy), and thanks to Russian help (the war of 1806-1812). In 1811, the Assembly declared Kara-Georgy the hereditary prince of Serbia. In 1812, one of the articles of the Bucharest Peace Treaty concluded by Kutuzov secured for Serbia the right to broad autonomy and self-government. But after the passage of Napoleon's armies across the Niemen and the beginning of the Patriotic War, the Ottomans violated the terms of the treaty and invaded the territory of Serbia, again subjugating it. In 1815, a new anti-Ottoman (Takovo) uprising began in Serbia. And the resistance to the Turks was led by Milos Obrenovic.

Milos Obrenovic in the painting by Pavle (Paya) Jovanovic "The Uprising in Takovo".

But where was the national hero Kara-Georgy at that time? And why did he give up his place to Milos Obrenovic? And who eventually came to rule Serbia? Obrenovichi or Karageorgievichi? Let's try to understand this bloody and merciless struggle of the supporters of the Karageorgievich and Obrenovich.

"Covered in the blood of a saint ... and was worthy of the horror of people and glory"

Georgy Petrovich, nicknamed Black, was born in 1762 into a poor family on the territory of the Ottoman rule of Central Serbia. It is known that there were Montenegrins among his ancestors, therefore a monument to the hero stands in the capital of Montenegro - Podgorica.

In the 60s of the XNUMXth century, George lived for some time with the famous in Serbia Stanoje Glavash, who was one of the owners of a "construction company" for the production of adobe houses. According to some sources, Georgy was a student of Glavash, according to others, by that time he had already become a hayduk. And the house of Glavash served as a shelter for him. Later, Glavash himself (together with Stanko Arambashich and Lazar Dobrich) led one of the Haidutsk detachments.

Stanye Glavash.

Glavas died in 1815 during the second Serbian uprising.

In 1785, George killed a Turk, whom he accused of harassing his bride. After the wedding, they fled together to the lands of the Habsburgs.

George also killed his father, who came to persuade him to return to his homeland, because he decided that he wanted to betray him or lure him into a trap. It is believed that it was after this murder that he received the nickname "Black". You can read about this episode in the poem by Alexander Pushkin "The Song of George the Black" from the collection "Songs of the Western Slavs" (in fact, written by P. Merimee):

“Old Petro reproaches his son:
“You rebel, you damned villain!
You are not afraid of the Lord God,
Where can you compete with the Sultan,
Fight the Belgrade Pasha!
Al about two heads were you born?
Lost yourself, cursed,
Why are you ruining all of Serbia? "
George answers gloomily:
“From the mind, the old man, apparently survived,
If you bark crazy speech. "
Old Petro became more angry,
More he scolds, rages.
He wants to go to Belgrade,
To give the Turks a disobedient son,
Declare the refuge of the Serbs. "
In response, George:
“I took out a pistol from my belt,
He pulled the trigger, and fired right there.
Petro shouted, staggering:
"Help me, George, I am wounded!"
And he fell on the road lifeless.
The son ran back into the cave;
His mother came out to meet him.
"What, George, where did Petro go?"
Georgy answers sternly:
“At dinner the old man got drunk
And fell asleep on the Belgrade road. "
She guessed, yelled:
“God damn you, black one,
Kohl you killed your own father! "

However, there is another version of the origin of this nickname, according to which it appeared later - after the murder of his brother.

In the poem "To the daughter of Karageorgy", written in 1820, Pushkin also mentions this version:

"Thunderstorm of the moon, freedom warrior,
Covered in the blood of a saint
Your wonderful father, criminal and hero,
And the horror of people, and glory was worthy.
You, baby, he caressed
On a fiery chest with a bloody hand;
Your toy was a dagger
Sophisticated fratricide. "

The daughter of "Black George" at that time was about 7 years old, she lived with her mother and brother in Khotin. Pushkin could see her mother, who came to Chisinau, but not the girl herself. The poem, apparently, was written based on the stories of Serbian settlers. I.P. Liprandi reported that Pushkin

"I listened with interest and wrote down Serbian folk songs, legends from their words ... and often in front of me asked about the meaning of certain words for translation."

But let's go back to 1787 and see Kara-Georgiy in the so-called Serbian Free Corps soldier, which fought with the Ottoman Empire as part of the Austrian army.

Serbian Free Corps soldier, reconstruction by Pavel Vlasic. Museum of the First Serbian Uprising. Orasac.

Among his fellow soldiers at that time was also Alex from the princely family of Nenadovich.

Aleksa Nenadovic.

And Kara-Georgiy considered his commander, Radic Petrovic, a Serbian border guard, who, as they say, was wounded 30 times in his life, as his adoptive father. In that war, for the capture of the Belgrade fortress, Radic Petrovic received the rank of captain of the Austrian army. Later, Kara-Georgy, who came to power in Serbia, appointed him voivode.

One of the main characters in the anti-Ottoman struggle of those years in Serbia was the captain of the Austrian army Kocha Andjelkovic, the hero of one of the folk songs, who led the uprising in this country. The number of his detachment reached three thousand people. In his name, this uprising, which lasted from February to September 1788, is called in Serbia the "Kochina Krajina" (Kochina War).

Vuk Karadzic, a XNUMXth-century writer and reformer of the Serbian language, noted his achievements:

"The regions and Serbs knew how to fight with Kochina."

In September 1788, Kocha Andzhelkovich, along with the thirty last fighters, was captured. All of them were then impaled by the Turks.

But back to Kara-Georgiy, who fought on the side of the Austrians until 1791, earning a medal for bravery. Then, until 1794, he headed a detachment of royal (Hungarian) hayduks, similar to the registered Cossacks of the Commonwealth. In 1796, George returned to Serbia, where he asked the people and the church for forgiveness for parricide.

Meanwhile, the commanders of the Janissaries stationed in Serbia revolted against the central government and took possession of the Belgrade Pashalyk. They divided these lands into 4 parts. And it became even worse for the common people to live with them than under the Ottoman officials. Seeing the general discontent, the Janissaries decided to forestall a possible uprising by killing everyone who could lead it. In the second half of January 1804, more than 70 authoritative elders and priests were captured and killed. These events went down in the history of Serbia as the “massacre of princes”. It was then that the national hero Alex Nenadich died.

Kara-Georgiy was warned that assassins would come to their village. As a result, the Janissaries themselves were killed in an ambush set by him. This contributed to his election as the leader of the uprising, the decision on which was made at a meeting in the village of Orasac in February 1804. Another candidate was Stanoje Glavash, already mentioned by us. But he refused, speaking in favor of Kara-Georgiy's candidacy and urging everyone to vote for him.

Kara-Georgy in the village of Orashats. 1804 g.

At first, the goal of this uprising was declared to be the expulsion of the Janissaries (which was only welcomed in Constantinople), but after the first successes it was decided to achieve complete independence from the Ottoman Empire.

Monument to Kara-Georgiy at the Church of St. Sava. Belgrade. According to legend, Kara-Georgy examined the positions of the Turks from this place in March 1806. An artillery battery was installed there.

A very important figure in the first Serbian uprising was the governor of Rudnica, Milan Obrenovic.

Vojvoda Milan Obrenović. 1767-1810.

He was familiar with the Russian generals P. Bagration and N. Kamensky. According to the presentation of the first, Alexander I in December 1809 awarded the Serb with a saber, the second contributed to his rewarding with a silver medal depicting the Russian emperor (in April 1810). He died unexpectedly in Bucharest on December 16, 1810. Some believe that Milan was poisoned on the orders of Kara-Georgiy, who viewed him as a rival in the struggle for power in the country.

On the whole, the situation was favorable for the Serbs, especially after the start of the next Russian-Turkish war in 1806.

Borders of Serbia in 1809

In 1811, Kara-Georgy was proclaimed the supreme prince of Serbia. But after the end of the war between Russia and Turkey and the conclusion of the Bucharest Peace Treaty, the Ottomans in 1813 again invaded Serbia. In September 1813, Kara-Georgy was forced to flee to the territory of Austria. In 1815, the second Serbian uprising began, led by Milos Teodorovic, the half-brother and heir of Milan Obrenovic, who was killed by Kara-Georgy, who took his last name. Kara-Georgiy returned to Serbia in 1817, but was killed on the orders of Milos Obrenovic. Milos, in full accordance with national traditions, avenged his brother, and he did not need a competitor in the fight for the princely title.

Georgy Yakshich. The murder of Kara-Georgiy.

On November 6, 1817, it was Milos Obrenovic who was elected Prince of Serbia. Three years later, Turkey recognized the autonomy of Serbia and reaffirmed it in 1830.

Borders of Serbia in 1817

Now a few words about the founder of the Obrenovic dynasty.

Milos Obrenovic

Milos Obrenovic.

Milos Obrenovich, unlike the irreconcilable Kara-Georgiy, often preferred not open clashes with the Turks, but agreements with them, in which each side made certain concessions. Because of this, some in Serbia considered him a traitor (this version was chosen by V. Pikul in the novel "I Have the Honor!" the most destructive were precisely for ordinary people. For example, Serbia did not oppose the Ottomans during the Greek uprising. Moreover, this position was welcomed even by the ascended to the throne Nicholas I, since the complication that threatened a new war with Turkey in another region of the Balkans was then at the wrong time.

However, Milos Obrenovich turned out to be excessively power-hungry and greedy: he could publicly beat his closest associates and without any reason confiscate the property he liked in his favor. This caused discontent among both ordinary people and the Serbian nobility. Already in 1825, an uprising began, which went down in the history of Serbia as the "Diakov revolt", which was brutally suppressed. However, a new uprising in 1835 forced Prince Milos to agree to the adoption of a constitution (Sretensky charter), which at the end of 1838, at the request of Russia, was approved by the government of Turkey and operated until 1869, when a new one was adopted. Milos Obrenovic practically did not pay attention to the provisions of this constitution, and therefore a movement of "statutory protectors" soon emerged, led by Toma Vucic. Moreover, the prince's opponent was also his wife Lyubitsa (the relationship between the spouses had long been ruined), who campaigned for everyone to transfer power to her eldest son Milan.

By 1839, Milos Obrenovic, who tired everyone in Serbia with his greed and desire for autocratic power, was still forced to cede power to his son Milan, but he died less than a month after accession to the throne. His younger brother Mikhail inherited him.

Mikhail Obrenovich.

The beginning of the bloody Serbian "Game of Thrones"

The Serbs overthrew the new prince already in 1842, passing the throne to the son of Kara-Georgiy - Alexander.

Prince Alexander Karageorgievich.

The Obrenovichi on the Serbian throne quite suited Russia, and Petersburg at first did not recognize the new prince.

It was during the reign of Alexander Karageorgievich in 1844 that Ilia Garashanin (at that time - the Minister of Internal Affairs, in the future - the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs) published the program of foreign policy actions "Inscription", in which the Great Serbian idea was first outlined, and the main goal of the Serbian people the unification of the southern Slavs under the rule of the Serbian monarchy was proclaimed.

Ilya Garashanin.

During the Crimean War, Alexander Karageorgievich did not support Russia, remaining neutral.

This prince was also overthrown by the Serbs - in 1858. Alexander hid under the protection of the Ottoman garrison in the citadel of Belgrade and then left for Austria. And the Serbs restored Milos Obrenovic to the throne, whose lust for power and greed had by that time begun to be forgotten, but they remembered the Takovo uprising and the struggle against the Ottomans.

M. Duffinger. Portrait of Milos Obrenovic. 1848 g.

Just two years later, in 1860, he died and his son Mikhail, exiled in 1842, ascended the throne again.

Michael Obrenovic, photo van Anastas Jovanovic.

By the way, it was under him in 1868 that the first Serbian coins were issued.

Serbia 10 para, 1868.

Mikhail's great diplomatic achievement was the treaty on the withdrawal of Turkish garrisons from Serbian cities.

Mikhail Obrenovich. Monument in Belgrade.

This prince did not have children, so he adopted his own cousin Milan (grand-nephew of Milos Obrenovic), whom he appointed as his successor.

This time, supporters of the Karageorgievich dynasty decided to kill Prince Mikhail III Obrenovich so that, God forbid, he would not return to Belgrade for the third time. It happened on June 10, 1868. The Radovanovich brothers shot the prince when he was walking in a horse-drawn carriage in the Kossutnyak park (the name comes from the word "roe deer").

Gaiduk fountain in the Kossutnyak park.

Together with Mikhail, his cousin Anka was killed, and her daughter Katarina (the prince's niece and mistress) was wounded.

The supporters of the Karageorgievichs failed then to elevate their candidate to the throne. The throne of Serbia ascended the 14-year-old Milan Obrenovic, who urgently returned from Paris, where he at that time studied at the Lyceum of Saint Louis.

1 dinar coin with a portrait of Prince Milan Obrenovic. 1875 g.

Earlier deposed Prince Alexander Karageorgievich was accused of complicity in the murder of Mikhail Obrenovich and sentenced in absentia by a Serbian court to twenty years in prison. His descendants were declared deprived of the rights to the Serbian throne by the Assembly. The Hungarian court sentenced him to 8 years on the same charge: in this country he served his sentence.

The continuation of the bloody and merciless Serbian "game of thrones" will be discussed in the next article. In it we will talk about the long-term rivalry for the throne of the descendants of Kara-Georgiy and Milos Obrenovich, about the organization “Unification or Death” (“Black Hand”) and its founder Dragutin Dmitrievich “Apis”.

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  1. +16
    6 December 2020 04: 41
    Quality Article! Valery Ryzhov honored +. Author - good luck to you, write as much as possible! hi
    I have such a coin in Better condition than in the photo, five grams of silver.
    1. +9
      6 December 2020 06: 41
      I join, I read it with pleasure. Strange as it may seem, I know much less about the Serbian "graters for power" than about the Turkish ones. Thanks!
      1. +9
        6 December 2020 08: 25
        Can I join you, thank the author? Really interesting. And the picture on the screensaver amazed - it is so realistically written, like a photograph. So you can feel the rhythm of the dancer!
        1. +3
          6 December 2020 11: 14
          The picture is notable. But if you do not know that these are Serbs, you can confuse them with Turks.
          1. +3
            6 December 2020 11: 43
            Or with the Albanians.
          2. +1
            8 December 2020 17: 38
            And what do you want. 500 years in one empire, this is already one people, divided only by league and mutual hatred. And the culture is one
  2. +7
    6 December 2020 05: 39
    Yes ... From all that I read, only the fact that the "good Christians" hounded and cut each other no worse than the "Basurmans-Ottomans" was deposited in my memory, and they were not too lazy ...
    But seriously, the Balkans look like one continuous bloody mess and the impression is that they also have that in the Caucasus it was and will continue as long as the last representative of the human race is alive there. Actually, no, when the last one remains, everything will end - there will be no one to cut.
    Why do mountains influence them like that?
    1. +5
      6 December 2020 06: 12
      And also the food is spicy, with spices.
      1. +6
        6 December 2020 06: 15
        With our "legendary love" for vodka, we should have gotten drunk a long time ago, or cut everyone drunk. However, while they seem to be alive ... in some places.
        1. +7
          6 December 2020 06: 24
          If after physical work, "with ustatku", and eating - it's nothing.
          Anything is allowed, just not to forget about a sense of proportion.
          1. +4
            6 December 2020 06: 57
            "I have a measure, even two." (C) drinks
            1. +2
              6 December 2020 07: 34

              “This Slate, though ingenious,
              And, I suppose, drink, eat - not ”(s).
              1. +5
                6 December 2020 07: 55
                "We sat, drank out of order Madera, Stark, St. John's wort" (c)
                1. +4
                  6 December 2020 07: 56
                  “Stoker said that Stolichnaya
                  Very good from strontium "(c).
                  1. +3
                    6 December 2020 08: 18
                    "And I can't believe, I can't believe that trouble will pass us,
                    And the ball is spinning and spinning ... and all the time in the wrong direction! "(C)

                    I trust the stoker unconditionally.
                    1. +3
                      6 December 2020 08: 29
                      “The girl is crying -
                      The ball flew away "(c).
                      1. +3
                        6 December 2020 08: 33
                        "Now I'll throw everything and run to get her the ball!" (FROM) laughing
                      2. +2
                        6 December 2020 08: 48
                        "Uncle, get the sparrow."
                      3. +3
                        6 December 2020 09: 09
                        "Nightingale, nightingale, birdie - the canary sings plaintively!" (from)
                      4. +2
                        6 December 2020 11: 27
                        “Under the mountain, across the river
                        The little farm is worth it ”(c).
                      5. +2
                        6 December 2020 13: 42
                        "There is an alder on the mountain,
                        And under the mountain is a cherry
                        I fell in love with a gypsy,
                        She got married "(c)
                      6. +3
                        6 December 2020 14: 35
                        “They also stole a young Moldovan woman:
                        They put me in a clearing, brought up like a gypsy ”(c).
                      7. +1
                        6 December 2020 14: 56
                        In 2014 I visited a friend in Tambov on the Day of Russia. And so they walked along the embankment, such three young gypsies were walking to a meeting - I had never seen such beauties in my life!
                      8. +2
                        6 December 2020 20: 20
                        Konstantin, your gypsy, a good balarina: not everyone can stand like that. Only prepared balarins can do this, but if this is a real shot. I have some doubts about the authenticity
                      9. Fat
                        6 December 2020 21: 55
                        She doesn't stand, she flies ... in a dance.
                      10. +3
                        7 December 2020 01: 42
                        Vera, she's not mine. smile And what's the difference, what kind of picture it is, a beautiful photo of a beautiful woman in a light pirouette, what else is needed ... This is the Arbat, and we have something (and whom) on the Arbat.
                      11. +3
                        7 December 2020 07: 09
                        The main thing is that after communication not to be with the Horse Julius as an acquisition.
                      12. +1
                        7 December 2020 07: 20
                        The horse Julius is far from the worst thing that a naive simpleton can expect in the Arbat gateways.
                      13. +2
                        7 December 2020 07: 24
                        From Gogolevsky to Novy Arbat, there is where to roam.
                      14. +1
                        7 December 2020 07: 31
                        I can’t digest this name - "new arbat". Arbat - he is alone, and this is Khrushchatyk.
                      15. +3
                        7 December 2020 08: 11
                        Kalininsky is also ugly. Wind is blowing.
                        However, the House of Books was not bad.
                      16. +1
                        7 December 2020 08: 39
                        Yes, I often went there to the second floor in the Military History Department, there was a luxurious department.
                        There was also a tavern with a klikuha "Broom" (Blizzard), at one time it was very good there, until every riffraff chose it "their place".
                      17. +2
                        7 December 2020 10: 36
                        He's not strong in taverns.
                        A couple of times I went to Yolki-sticki in those parts.
                      18. +1
                        7 December 2020 11: 09
                        Yes, I am not a fan either, so, we visited with friends in their youth.
                        "In the taverns - a green damask,
                        White napkins.
                        Paradise for beggars and jesters
                        Well, I'm like a bird in a cage "(c)
                      19. +2
                        7 December 2020 12: 12
                        "We eat grass, century on sorrel" (c).
                      20. +2
                        7 December 2020 12: 19
                        "- You, my friend, need to drink weed.
                        - Well, doctor, you give! Maybe I can also smoke syringes ?! "
                      21. +2
                        7 December 2020 14: 06
                        “How good it is to lie down on the grass, and to understand something tasty” (c).
                      22. +1
                        7 December 2020 14: 11
                        "In the summer, the luminary spit in the crown
                        You can't go out in the sun.
                        But in the bushes at a time like this
                        Nice to drink - to have a snack! "(C)
                      23. +2
                        7 December 2020 14: 59
                        “I looked at the bush - I comprehended the truth” (c).
                      24. +1
                        7 December 2020 15: 03
                        "Or a head in the bushes, or a chest in crosses" (c)
                      25. +2
                        7 December 2020 15: 32
                        “Two roads: this and that.
                        That is beautiful, but in vain.
                        This, apparently, is serious ”(c).
                      26. +2
                        7 December 2020 16: 34
                        As a result, it is still the pistol of the Marquis de Beaupertuis. drinks
                      27. +2
                        7 December 2020 17: 30
                        “No matter how long the string is -
                        They will be shortened anyway ”(c).
                      28. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 43
                        "The fire twists in a small stove ..." (c)
                      29. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 53
                        "Rash, talismana, loud" (c).
                      30. +2
                        7 December 2020 19: 30
                        "Play, play - tell me, talyano herself,
                        About how the black-eyed woman drove me crazy! "(C)
                      31. +1
                        7 December 2020 19: 32
                        “Gray eyes - the dawn.
                        Steamship siren "(c).
                      32. +2
                        7 December 2020 19: 44
                        "When a tired submarine from the depths goes home" (c)
                      33. +1
                        7 December 2020 20: 36
                        "We are given suns for a day as a reward,
                        And evil alcohol burns in the mouth ”(c).
                      34. +1
                        7 December 2020 20: 39
                        "Top hatches are battened down
                        The steering wheel shines a wheel
                        In view of long term separation
                        Abrau Durso was issued to everyone. "(C)
                      35. +1
                        7 December 2020 21: 40
                        “She drank Durso,
                        And I - pepper
                        For an exemplary Soviet family ”(c).
                      36. +1
                        7 December 2020 21: 49
                        "For all sorts of known reasons
                        We are all good women
                        They stand on the quays of the maiden
                        And there is not a soul at the Pole.

                        Goodbye beauties, goodbye sky
                        The submarine goes under the ice.
                        Submarine - Sea Thunderstorm
                        Steel eyes under the black cap. "(C)

                        The second option:
                        "Stolichnaya vodka - steel eyes" (c) soldier
                      37. +1
                        7 December 2020 22: 00
                        “You can't live without women,
                        No with).
                      38. +3
                        7 December 2020 22: 01
                        "She walked on the wire, waved her white leg,
                        And passion Morozova seized with her calloused hand. "(C)
                      39. +1
                        7 December 2020 22: 28
                        "I'm not guilty, he came himself" (c).
                      40. +2
                        8 December 2020 00: 26
                        "So it happens, so it comes out,
                        Someone comes, and someone leaves. "(C)

                        I went to sleep. hi
                      41. +1
                        8 December 2020 06: 30
                        And rightly so.
                      42. 0
                        3 February 2021 23: 30
                        "under a black cap, steel eyes" drove through a great country in 1991, possessing the most perfect weapon in the world, boys-cadets with a magazine rifle - that's who had steel eyes and will, and not these servile mudaki, eternally preoccupied with the line to the apartment , members of the Komsomol, who at one point abandoned all this nonsense, to which they publicly "swore" loyalty and took all sorts of "initiatives" and "obligations." They also swallowed the sinking of the Kursk by an enemy boat in their own waters, etc. No, the "eyes of steel" were not on these "servicemen", but on the people of the KBF submarine crews who went to mines and nets, and died in 80%
                      43. 0
                        4 February 2021 03: 26
                        And why are these afterlife sobs?
                        By the way, can you name the nationality and the number of the "enemy boat" that sank the Kursk?
                      44. +3
                        7 December 2020 16: 25
                        Alas, I am not a Muscovite and have only heard about Arbat. There were youths in Moscow, but then "all roads led to: TSUM"
                      45. +2
                        7 December 2020 16: 28
                        Don't worry, Vera. love That Moscow, which I knew and loved no more, is the unintelligible Sabyanin "Churkingrad" and I am not drawn there at all. negative
                      46. +2
                        7 December 2020 17: 05
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        sabyaninsky "Churkingrad" and

                        Greetings Konstantin! I agree, only small * fragments * remain from that Moscow.

                      47. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 07
                        Well. This is a well-known splinter, a port bag was taken there on the fourth floor at one time. smile
                      48. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 09
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        port bag

                        And this is the Moscow that was.

                        Street and home of my childhood.
                      49. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 17
                        Swam, we know, neighbor. smile
                      50. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 41
                        Quote: Sea Cat

                        Just a little more * nostalgia *, huh?

                      51. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 04
                        They escaped from school to both of these cinemas, and from the back door to Narva already in adulthood after the shops closed. True, there was no overpass then.
                      52. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 06
                        Quote: Sea Cat

                        Behind the * Forum * was my school, more precisely two, mine and * English *.
                      53. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 09
                        So mine was also there - №232, and next to it was English, right at the back of the "Forum".
                      54. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 40
                        At the back of the * Forum * were the 50th * German * and * English *. I don't remember her number. I studied in * German *. With * the English * we often fought. And my kindergarten was also * fiftieth *, from MOOP: But this is closer to the Lavrskys.
                      55. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 55
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        № 232

                        Yours on Trubnaya.
                      56. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 57
                        Quote: Phil77
                        Yours on Trubnaya.

                      57. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 58
                        Quote: Phil77

                      58. +2
                        7 December 2020 19: 22
                        Well, yes, so through our schoolyard and the courtyard of the 50th directly to the "Forum" and go out, at least it was even when my children studied there.
                      59. +2
                        7 December 2020 19: 49
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        50th straight to the "Forum"

                        Photos of your school have survived, but I was rummaging through and did not find a single photo of my school!
                      60. +2
                        8 December 2020 11: 14
                        I also did not have a single photograph of my first (32nd). Now I'm sorting through children's photos and there are few houses and streets of childhood. Tragically few.
                      61. +2
                        8 December 2020 21: 09
                        Hi Konstantin, here I found something else.

                        Lavrskie lanes. But in this building, where the church bookshop is now, there was at one time kindergarten number 50, from the MOOP, where I went.
                      62. +2
                        8 December 2020 21: 15
                        Hello, Sergey! hi Thanks for the photo, with your help, I will soon have a small album of our surroundings.
                      63. +1
                        8 December 2020 21: 25

                        Troitsky lane.
                      64. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 33
                        I don't quite agree.

                        “Go on foot, with a young step
                        All free semicholmia "(c).
                      65. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 32
                        No. She just sees through.
                        For me, a visit to the Garden Ring, and even more so to the Boulevard Ring, is always a holiday. Sometimes I arrange them for myself. Regularly.
                      66. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 36
                        As I say, you won't be able to walk like you did before, there are locked gates, fences and just traffic jams everywhere.
                      67. +2
                        7 December 2020 17: 52
                        Yes. Scouting the gateways, to the best of my ability.
                        But the streets are also nice. The names alone are worth something.
                      68. +1
                        7 December 2020 18: 07
                        Yes, the streets, thank God, remained. As there was someone singing - "little caskets". Exactly.
                      69. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 12
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        streets-boxes ".

                        * Lube *, Rastorguev. Nikolay. Pel. There's more about * Torpedo * Moscow. laughing
                      70. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 52
                        “Go down the Trekhprudny lane,
                        If you love my poems "(c).
                      71. +2
                        7 December 2020 17: 54
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        , so walk as we walked

                        Wrote about it in my opinion? Okay, I repeat. I was six years old and I walked with a friend on foot to * Children's World *. About trips to * Forum *, * Uranus *, * World * you don't even have to talk about it. Constantly. wink
                      72. +2
                        7 December 2020 18: 06
                        And why there was something to go to "Children's World", especially if obliquely, "gardens".
                      73. +1
                        7 December 2020 18: 10
                        I mean, the city itself was safer. The people were different.
                      74. +1
                        7 December 2020 18: 21
                        No, well, late in the evening it was possible to get it both in the Grove and on the Pipe, but otherwise, yes, it was a calm city, it was then raised to the limit, and after the collapse, everything turned upside down, and on our head.
                      75. +1
                        7 December 2020 18: 37
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        get both in the Grove and on the Pipe,

                        Well, amigo, the time for fussing and giving has come for me already in Biryulyovo!laughing
                        On Samotёka-birth and childhood / up to the third grade /. winked
                      76. +1
                        7 December 2020 18: 21
                        Quote: Astra wild2
                        Alas, I'm not a Muscovite

                        In today's life, it’s rather luck. Yours, that you’re not a Muscovite. Deprived of the opportunity to see where * your city is sinking *. Despite the sparkling facade and so on, so on, so on. what
                      77. +1
                        7 December 2020 16: 20
                        Quote: Astra wild2
                        I have some doubts about the authenticity

                        Good afternoon!
                        Away from doubts, ballerinas can do anything.
                        Well, almost everything!

                      78. +2
                        7 December 2020 16: 33
                        "There is nothing in the world that a German officer could not do with orders and instructions in hand !!!" (from)

                      79. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 09
                        It seems to be footage from some old comedy
                      80. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 14
                        "Air Adventures" is a film about the flight across the English Channel. If you haven't seen it, look, it's very good.
                      81. +1
                        8 December 2020 12: 11
                        I think I've watched it once. I'll have to look on YouTube
                        We say about Rutrecker, that there is a sea of ​​freebies, but not one has used it yet
                      82. +2
                        7 December 2020 17: 07
                        I am not a balarina, though small: 156cm (less than 60kg) I can't do that. The wife of my "baby" is generally a blade of grass: 153cm (47 kg). Flexible like a cat, but she can't
                      83. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 16
                        So you need to learn this, long and hard.
                      84. +1
                        8 December 2020 11: 36
                        And laziness was born long before us
                      85. +1
                        7 December 2020 18: 14
                        Quote: Astra wild2
                        not balarina

                        Vera! And why- * balYarina *? Is this * funny *? wink
                      86. 0
                        8 December 2020 11: 34
                        Yes. More precisely, nostalgia for childhood. Once in a fairy tale, and now I perceive childhood as a fairy tale, in the first grade, a neighbor often sat with me. The woman had 4 grades of education, but a huge heart. With age, more and more often I find myself doing what I say and do like Aunt Zhenya
                      87. +1
                        7 December 2020 17: 34
                        Small ones - figure skaters. Amateur level. They can do a lot.
                      88. 0
                        8 December 2020 17: 44
                        What, beautiful good
                      89. +2
                        6 December 2020 20: 24
                        "The ball will not drown in the river" (C)
                      90. +2
                        6 December 2020 20: 27
                        "It hurts the coast is steep" (c).
                  2. +4
                    6 December 2020 09: 07
                    Quote from Korsar4

                    Not the same * Capital *! Not the same as before. Worse.

                    Good morning friends! laughing
                    1. +3
                      6 December 2020 11: 27
                      Good morning, Seryozha!

                      Nothing is permanent.
                2. +2
                  6 December 2020 20: 57
                  I didn’t try Maderu, but I did Stark and Zubrovka. Good ones
          2. +3
            6 December 2020 21: 00
            That's it, the main thing is not to lose your mind, otherwise, as Petrosyan said: "Everyone knows Olivier's salad by sight)
            1. +2
              6 December 2020 22: 04
              Petrosyan's jokes are not at all pleasant.
              And so: drunk and smart - two lands in it.
        2. +1
          6 December 2020 10: 59
          And what does vodka have to do with it? In Russia there were vast spaces, there was a lot of land. Why, for example, should the Krivichs be at enmity with the Vyatichi? They did not share what meadow or forest - yes, there is in the vicinity of these meadows and forests. and fish rivers - as many as you like. The village has moved to another place away from neighbors - and great! Not to mention the 16-19 centuries, when the large-scale colonization of the Black Earth, Volga, Urals, Siberia, Novorossia was taking place - the land was heaped up and there were no reasons to quarrel with neighbors in general: it was always possible to leave "to meet the sun" and stake out new fertile lands for themselves
          1. +3
            6 December 2020 13: 34
            Vodka is "moreover" not only here, and moreover, it is "moreover" everywhere.
            No wonder the song says:
            "We'll drink a glass of vodka for fun,
            She will warm the blood.
            Let the hangover come to us tomorrow
            Let's drink a glass to the bottom. "(C)
            And if it is sung, then it is drunk!
            1. +3
              6 December 2020 14: 51
              Well, I mean, you wrote that why the Russians, despite their love for vodka, did not cut each other as violently as the Balkan peoples.
              It's all about geography)) We could always get away from the conflict, there were a lot of free and, in general, suitable lands - don't be lazy, work with an ax and a plow.
              And in the Balkans or the Caucasus - you can't get away from your neighbors, there is either a massacre to the death, or a complex system of mutual treaties and alliances, as well as unwritten "laws of the mountains"
              1. +2
                7 December 2020 01: 36
                Sergey, I was just joking, nothing serious, especially about vodka. smile
            2. Fat
              6 December 2020 22: 44
              Quote: Sea Cat
              Let the hangover come to us tomorrow
              Let's drink a glass to the bottom.

              "Getting up on the boo-boo-alarm clock,
              I'm going to the refrigerator
              I open the white door
              I take out the cork
              I pour a hundred-shot -
              Guess what will happen now?
              And with blessing,
              Inspired by the moment
              I bring a drink to my lips ...
              I will drink pearl moisture -
              ..." (with)
    2. +3
      6 December 2020 10: 56
      In a sense, yes, mountains. There is little fertile land in the mountains, it is worth its weight in gold literally in the valleys, therefore, for the land and cut so fiercely
    3. +2
      6 December 2020 23: 11
      There is no mountain. You were told that the water in the Drina is cold. Serbs have hot blood. )
  3. +3
    6 December 2020 06: 14
    At the first stage of the seizure of power, the leader cannot but be violent

    "There are few real violent ones -
    So there are no leaders ”(c).

    And parricide and fratricide fit well into this picture.
  4. +1
    6 December 2020 06: 38
    For the sake of the cherished throne (power), you can deprive people and lives ... nothing has changed since ancient times.
    Any power is formed on someone's bones ... woe to the vanquished. what
  5. +1
    6 December 2020 07: 20
    apparently, the struggle for power is not always associated with the struggle for independence among some passionary personalities. they cut each other like chickens, and they think about liberation in the third place
  6. +2
    6 December 2020 07: 53
    While the conclusion suggests itself, in the Serbian game of thrones, the military played a large role.
    1. +1
      6 December 2020 20: 00
      Sailboat, you are surprisingly "perspicacious", who has the strength and opportunity, the officers or ordinary peasants?
      By and large, the peasants do not care who is on the throne
  7. +2
    6 December 2020 08: 09
    The Karageorgievich and Obrenovichi are not at all noble people. It turns out that the Serbs have no old aristocracy left? They were destroyed by the Turks, left the country or became renegades. Or did someone from the old noble families survived?
    1. VLR
      6 December 2020 10: 25
      And then, and another, and the third. The last noble and authoritative people were killed by the Janissaries during the "massacre of princes" on the eve of the uprising, including the popular Alex Nenadovich, this was stated in the article. So the Janissaries themselves cleared the way for young rootless, but passionate leaders.
      And, in principle, at the beginning of any dynasty, we see such daring leaders - half robbers who are more fortunate than others.
      1. VLR
        6 December 2020 10: 48
        And then there is a degeneration, which is especially clearly seen in the example of the Obrenovic dynasty, the miserable end of which will be discussed in the next article. A very short path from a popular hero - the leader of a national uprising, to a pitiful and weak king, who even has no children, hiding from murderers in the ironing room.
  8. +1
    6 December 2020 10: 03
    "Some believe that Milan was poisoned on the orders of Kara-Georgi, who viewed him as a rival in the struggle for power in the country."

    All the benefits from the death of Milan Obrenovic were received by his half-brother on the mother's side, Milos, who was not even Obrenovic.
    1. VLR
      6 December 2020 10: 15
      Well, yes: Milan died unexpectedly and it is not clear why, his half-brother Milos, who declared guilty a dangerous and popular competitor among the people - Kara-Georgiy (he was still that "scumbag", so it was very easy to believe). Then Milos ordered to kill Kara-Georgiy in order to "avenge his beloved brother." He also "benefited" from this murder.
      1. +2
        6 December 2020 11: 40
        I am not a defender of Kara-Georgiy, but from what is written about him, including in your article, it follows that he was a determined, courageous, hot-tempered man. Such poisons do not "indulge", it is easier to shoot and hack an opponent in person, accusing him of treason. And was Milan Obrenovic a rival to him?
        But Milan's half-brother by mother, Milos, who since birth was no Obrenovic, is known as a cunning and greedy person. If we assume that Milan died from poison, and not from any "cholera-salmonella", then Milos was the first to whom it was beneficial - with a living older half-brother, he would always be in his "shadow".
  9. +4
    6 December 2020 17: 28
    Some believe that Milan was poisoned on the orders of Kara-Georgiy, who viewed him as a rival in the struggle for power in the country.

    In 1815, the second Serbian uprising began, led by Milos Teodorovic, the half-brother and heir of Milan Obrenovic, who was killed by Kara-Georgy.

    Ah, Valery, Valery, is it really possible? smile In one sentence we make the assumption "Some people believe", and literally in the next we turn this assumption into a categorical statement ... Not good. smile
    For example, Fomenko can afford this (and regularly does), for example, Fomenko, something similar can be found in Klesov's early works, I, a sinner, in my "parodies" constantly resort to this method (I can! laughing ), but you, dear author, on whose articles many readers form their ideas about certain historical events, this definitely does not suit you. smile
    As for the article - except for this moment, I liked everything else. It's a pity that we don't have active Serb participants on our site (by the way, why?), It would be interesting to know their opinions and assessments of the events described in the article. We have the opportunity to get acquainted with the opinion of our Bulgarian colleagues regarding their history ... Well, nothing can be done, we will manage on our own.
    In general, the following is clear from the article.
    The Balkan region was the point of intersection of the interests of the three great powers - Russia, Turkey and Austria-Hungary, and the latter two, due to their geographical location, have always had the opportunity to influence events directly, using, among other things, armed forces. In Serbian affairs, Russia was forced to limit itself to diplomatic and financial support, using Serbia as an additional hotbed of tension on the territory of its eternal enemy - the Ottoman Empire. And, look, unlike Bulgaria, on the territory of which Russian troops fought directly, from Bulgaria, which gained independence directly from the hands of Russia and much earlier (it would seem that Bulgarians should be more grateful to Russia than Serbs), Serbia has always remained faithful an ally of Russia, remains so now, by and large. The only period when the Serbs openly confronted Russia (USSR) was the Tito period, and the most interesting thing is that this confrontation took shape just after the USSR directly, with its army, took part in the liberation of Serbia from the Nazis.
    The conclusion suggests itself: it is impossible for anyone to make friends with active military assistance - only to spoil relations. The most loyal friends are those whom you support exclusively morally, only with words and promises. smile
    It seems to me that modern politicians should take this observation into their arms, especially in the light of recent events in the Caucasus.
    And the last - already so, just for fun. smile
    "The water in the Drina flows cold" ... It's very good. Good, because Drina is formed from the confluence of two rivers called Piva and Tara. Clear? Beer + Tara = Drina. The only thing I don't understand is that English-language word. It would be more logical to name the resulting river, for example, as the well-known river was called in Russia - Piana. Apparently, again the toponymic sabotage of the Anglo-Saxons, whether they were wrong ... laughing
    1. +1
      6 December 2020 19: 51
      Good evening Mikhail. I subscribe to your comment.
      Unfortunately, I can only put 1 +, and another time I will put ++ again.
      You laid it out well, but let me give you my opinion
      “It would seem that the Bulgarians should be more grateful to Russia,” it is quite possible that the Bulgarian people remember well: who gave them independence, but politicians have their own views and interests, and the interests of the people are secondary to them. This is also illustrated by the confrontation between Yugoslavia, let's be precise, then there were: the SFRY, the USSR. Again, it was a confrontation between politicians
      Latest example: Montenegro, when politicians joined NATO without asking the people
      1. 0
        7 December 2020 12: 01
        The easiest way is to say: the people are one thing, and the politicians are different. But here, I'm afraid, everything is somewhat more complicated.
        Quote: Astra wild2
        the interests of the people are secondary to them

        And here is the question: what are these interests? Who defines them? I am afraid that at all times, in any corner of the globe, the interest of any people comes down to one thing: to live richly, satisfyingly and calmly. Keep your own and, if possible, grab someone else's, declaring it yours.
        Politics is the art of the possible. Politicians are all pragmatists. If they are faced with the choice to be devoured by a rich and calm Europe or a poor, eternally hungry and restless Russia, they will prefer Europe and they will be right.
        With regard to Bulgaria, one can say this: the Bulgarian people would hardly be better off now if they were in an alliance with Russia and in confrontation with Europe and the United States, and not vice versa as it is now. So Bulgarian (Polish, Hungarian, German, any, in general) politicians should not be accused of neglecting the interests of their own people. It will be more profitable to be friends with Russia than with its opponents - they will be friends with Russia, and this is normal. In the meantime, there is what is. If every unfriendly gesture towards Russia is paid - why not make money?
        Quote: Astra wild2
        the Bulgarian people remember well: who gave them independence

        He remembers, of course. But Bulgarians, Serbs and other relatively small peoples remember their grievances much better. Simply because in this way they separate themselves from the rest of the world, fenced off from it, preserving their national identity, otherwise they cannot, otherwise they will be absorbed by someone larger (Russia, for example).
        Remember with what pain and outright hostility the Bulgarian colleagues spoke about the campaigns of our prince Svyatoslav to Bulgaria. More than a thousand years have passed, but they remember and on occasion remind us, they say Russia even then shed Bulgarian blood. And regarding the acquisition of independence by Bulgaria, they also always have someone who will add: but then the Russians betrayed Bulgaria, once, then again, then occupied, then ... in short, Bulgaria does not owe anything to the Russians anymore.
        And that's okay. Somehow I have not met people who had tender feelings for the bank that issued them a loan ... smile
  10. +2
    6 December 2020 19: 21
    Valery, I am very, very sorry that you have few readers today. Believe me, we appreciate you as an excellent author, but the moderators are too lazy to set a normal schedule. They strive to put you and Vyacheslav Olegovich together
    1. VLR
      6 December 2020 19: 51
      Astra, you probably mean commentators? smile
      (normal for readers).
      1. 0
        6 December 2020 20: 34
        Exactly this . I absolutely DO NOT KNOW your "cuisine" and I think: the more comments the author has collected, the more the site needs it and the higher the fee. Perhaps I am wrong.
  11. +2
    6 December 2020 19: 47
    Quote: Trilobite Master
    Bulgaria, which gained independence directly from the hands of Russia and much earlier

    Later, actually. Bulgaria became independent later than Serbia
    Quote: Trilobite Master
    Serbia has always remained a loyal ally of Russia

    Don't tell. At the end of the 19th century, during the reign of the last Obrenovichi, Serbia was not at all an ally of Russia, but focused more on Austria-Hungary. It was after the coup of 1903 that the Karageorgievichs who came to power turned to an alliance with Russia.
    Well, up to 1940, Yugoslavia did not recognize the USSR and demonstratively supported the White emigration; in the interwar period it was, perhaps, one of the most unfriendly countries for the USSR. And after the war, Tito broke with Stalin already at the end of the 40s.
    Quote: Trilobite Master
    remains so now, by and large.

    Among ordinary Serbs, pro-Russian sentiments are very strong, but the current leadership of Serbia can be called Russia's allies with a very big stretch.
  12. +2
    6 December 2020 20: 22
    Thank you, Valery! Not new to me, but I refreshed in my memory the history of all this great-servant fuss.
    Once again I thought: for this cesspool Russia fit into the PMA ???
  13. +1
    6 December 2020 20: 25
    Quote: Sea Cat
    "And I can't believe, I can't believe that trouble will pass us,
    And the ball is spinning and spinning ... and all the time in the wrong direction! "(C)

    I trust the stoker unconditionally.

    "the gentleman wants to steal the young lady" (C)
  14. +2
    6 December 2020 20: 44
    Colleagues, I used to think that the moderators, or on whom it depends, were sculpted to draw up a schedule so that Valery and Vyacheslav Olegovich would not stand side by side.
    And now I think it's worse
    - The villains want to embroil Valery and Vyacheslav Olegovich. Someone will be offended and leave the site. And this is to the detriment of the site and us
    I have revealed the "conspiracy of the century"!. !!! Hee hee
  15. -1
    6 December 2020 21: 18
    By the way, the dancer has not sabers in his hand, but scimitars !!!.
  16. +5
    7 December 2020 00: 26
    ... in 1844 Iliya Garashanin (...) published the program of foreign policy actions "Inscription", in which the Great Serbian idea was first outlined, and the main goal of the Serbian people was proclaimed the unification of the South Slavs under the rule of the Serbian monarchy.

    In the meantime, Serbia (the Balkan outskirts) has not yet completely freed itself from the Turks, but has already nurtured the grand-Roman imperial plans! The Great Serbian doctrine, which was laid down then, brought many disasters in the future, both for the Balkan Slavs and for the Serbs themselves. The struggle for the national liberation of the Balkan peoples, their desire to create their own states, was viewed by Belgrade as a membrane on the way to "Great Serbia"!
  17. +1
    7 December 2020 00: 38
    Indeed, "Game of Thrones". Captivates, like the novels of M. Druon "Cursed Kings" wink
  18. VLR
    7 December 2020 08: 12
    Quote: Sergey Oreshin
    In 2014 I visited a friend in Tambov on the Day of Russia. And so they walked along the embankment, such three young gypsies were walking to a meeting - I had never seen such beauties in my life!

    I saw only one of these - and I understood why they said about the gypsies that they steal children. Several gypsy women were traveling with me on the bus, and one was not only fair-haired - it was just a "Turgenev girl" from a noble estate of the 19th century. And then she opened her mouth - and, remember the cartoon about Munchausen and the peacock? Her voice was rough and smoky. All the charm vanished at once.
  19. +2
    7 December 2020 08: 28
    Thanks to the author for the story, very interesting, I look forward to the next part
  20. +1
    7 December 2020 15: 10
    Thank you very much for another interesting article !!!
  21. 0
    7 December 2020 22: 23
    Good article. Thanks.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"