What is in store for the victory of "Grad on the Hill"


Source: Gage Skidmore, wikimedia.org

Does every white American child have a black cop murderer sleeping?

New York City, a citadel of democracy and one of the symbols of the "City on the Hill". Former Fox News and NBC News journalist Megan Kelly, who became famous for her interviews with the Russian president, and was eventually branded "racist" for her innocent statement about actors' makeup, decides to take the children out of school. What was the reason for the rejection of a far from budget education in a high-level institution?

She published an official document distributed in American schools and, in particular, in her (again, we emphasize this) elite school. It turned out to be a message from Nalia Webber, executive director of the Orleans Community Education Network. The letter is read to children in class, forced to teach at home. Here's a quote.

“In each group of white students, there is a murder policeman sleeping. How can we consider whites normal when blacks are dying like flies from their aggressive criminal hands? It is necessary to convene national conferences and write books on white pathology in schools. White children need to be re-educated from the cradle, because they are saturated with racism, they are taught to rape black bodies without regret and subsequent punishment for what they did. "

We in Russia look at this as if it were crazy. And on the "elections" (they can be safely taken in quotes) of the US President, as an outright clownery. But only many residents of the fertile States today are not at all laughing. The streets of American cities are flooded with armed idlers, a huge part of whom openly sit for years on benefits, some of whom are engaged in crime or semi-criminal activities. The network is full of videos where left-wing activists, in an ecstatic, frenzied state, smash everything that comes under their arm. Both the police and citizens are forced to kneel down as a "sign of solidarity and repentance." Repentance for a police error when arresting a repeat offender. Repentance for "white racism".

Who else is calling to “pay and repent” together with the “racially affected” permanent owners of benefits? For example, LGBT rights defenders accuse the Yoga of Kindness school of psychology of discriminating against sexual minorities, humiliating black homosexuals and lesbians. And it does not matter that the goals and objectives of the school include "the formation of an equal attitude towards everyone, regardless of gender, age, race or social belonging." It seems that the creators and the school opened with a "tolerant task." But no. The players played, "but they didn't guess a single letter." The school was closed.

LGBT Inquisition for all conservative humanity

It is clear that the mechanisms that accelerate the heat of the so-called "Black lives matter" were used and are being used within the framework of the dirtiest election campaign in the United States for all of their history... All forces and means are involved, and the parties are already going beyond the permissible in the struggle. However, we also note something else. Wasn't this "democratic electorate" systematically nurtured and educated in the United States for many years? Now "protecting the rights of LGBT people" in the United States resembles a real inquisition. But let us remember that before society was persecuted by female “inequality”. Then the topic of "harassment". Then they strapped in there in terms of LGBT tolerance. And only after that was the racial component woven into it. And all this time the yoke around the neck was clenched for some reason precisely by the “white working and middle class”. By a strange coincidence of a Catholic or Protestant lifestyle.

This class in 2016 declared its disagreement with what is happening, raising Trump to the shield. (However, many regional industrial elites did not agree then). The revenge of the "deep system" that has penetrated all the pores of American government proved not only overwhelming, but absolutely and unprecedentedly arrogant and cynical.

Defended in the United States the rights of everyone: African Americans and women, Indians and migrants, leftists and not so. But with the gender issue, there was always a "lurch", and even what kind.

Genderism as a Surgical Tool

American Daylight (formerly called Be Money) announced that:

“Is the first and only digital banking platform in the US specifically designed for the LGBT + community. The platform aims to help LGBT + people navigate their finances and prepare for their future with products and content designed specifically for their unique needs - be it savings for an emergency fund, starting a family, or gender reassignment surgery. Daylight joins the Visa Fintech Fast Track program as the first fintech targeting LGBT +. As part of Fast Track, Daylight can leverage the reach, capabilities and security of the global payment network Visa, VisaNet. "

So the American banking group Citi is launching a "True Name" feature with Mastercard to allow trans and non-binary people to use their chosen name. And Karla Hassan, director of marketing at Citi, said:

“We are incredibly proud to be launching True Name as part of our relationship with Mastercard because we strongly believe that our customers should be able to use a name that truly represents them.”

Tell me, does the bank provide you with separate products for creating a traditional family? Will the credit institution allow you to be called not by your passport, but by your nickname?

But you shouldn't throw "all the bigwigs" at once in the direction of the "same-sex community". In this case, it is also only one of the tools in the "surgeon's" kit.

After all, the abbreviation LGBT did not appear immediately. In the beginning, "male and female gender" was defended. Then the so-called "bi-gender". But gradually a new component was added there: a transgender or a person who changed her gender. Over time, the latter phenomenon in the West gained more and more scope and gradually overshadowed the rights of women, the racial issue, and even the first all three positions in the abbreviation LGBT itself.

Stimulating transformation

Today, there are officially over fifty types of “genders” that can be transformed into. It makes little sense to give all these names to the Russian reader. Let's just note that in the countries of “victorious democracies” today it is not enough to have an orientation. You will be "at the top" if you are engaged in mental and body transformation. With this "tilt" you will have everything - social benefits and credit resources. You will not be fired from your job. You will be given the best seats. The full power of the US legal system will work for you - transformation becomes not just a personal characteristic, it becomes very profitable.

What are we seeing? On the one hand, at the top, the ideas of “transforming oneself” penetrate into all pores of society, and literally at the physical level. On the other hand, all this is supported by the principles of “equality, democracy and freedom”. That is, value characteristics, which in fact are the nominal basis of American society. Moreover, society itself was built by characters of purely conservative views and was also formed on the basis of conservative norms. However, ironically, it is these conservative values ​​that are now working as a hammer against the conservative "white America", and, we will note, both the Catholic and Protestant parts of it.

The "values" turned upside down are now the lot of all conventionally "leftists" who have come together in the ecstasy of destruction. These are office hamsters, feminists, LGBT activists and tough guys from the BLM suburbs. This is the voter, whose influx is plus or minus equal to infinity (migration), and "fighting meat" in the form of an African-American suburb, and the young people who share the "values". And in the middle, we see a virtually extremely stable management system that has a wide, both vertical and horizontal structure. It is based on "values" and is legally unshakable (which was shown by the short "reign" of D. Trump). It has the ability to substantiate absolutely any thesis, controlling the entire media system. It has an electoral resource, a financial factor, a military machine, a police apparatus and a new word in technology - artificial intelligence and network control.

State under the hill

Quite similar processes are taking place in the European Union today. Yes, with its own flavor, but the principles are built on a single basis. The same value and ideological structure has been formed, with the same set of its adherents, the infantry has been created in the form of practically uncontrolled migration living on benefits, supranational management structures in the real sphere have completely crushed national structures for themselves.

Yes, the Fronde is stirring in Poland and Hungary. The Five Stars Movement in Italy. M. Le Pen in France. "Alternative for Germany" in Germany. But this is a drop in the ocean. Even the industrial capital of old Europe is unable to defend its legitimate (note, absolutely market, interests). And here we see both the complete unity of the information field and the primacy of the idea of ​​"transforming oneself". In fact, if New York is a conditional "City on the Hill" - the capital, then the European Union is its "State under the Hill". The capital controls, two financial centers issue currency, the state consumes. And the rest are working.

From fantasy to fanaticism

The ideas of the so-called "transhumanism" had many hypostases. Initially, ideological constructions were formed around "good without borders." Then - “values ​​without borders”. Then - "people who are not limited by barriers." After that - orientation, not limited by barriers. And finally, a physical body, not limited by barriers. From "trans" - through oceans and seas, to "transformation" of oneself. Initially, the ideological founders of trans-humanistic ideas were science fiction writers, dreamers.

And somehow, gradually, imperceptibly, we came to the conclusion that a whole worldview, and, in fact, a religious system has formed, which has its own dogmas, an apparatus of education and coercion, economic impact in order to transform a person as a physical form. It is no longer possible to ignore the fact that the so-called "values" in the West today have turned into the most real religious dogmas.

Third unconventional force

Analysts are wondering about the dollar rate, transit corridors of raw materials, currency zones, political upheavals. Military experts argue over who won or lost in the South Caucasus. Our Foreign Ministry threatens to "prevent the revision of history" in Europe. But the analyst fails when he sees that the pieces on the board are not making rational, not economic decisions. And the parties contribute to projects that have no benefit. Oil prices are set in bizarre meetings where presidents act like factory directors before a shareholders meeting.

The ideas in the media run counter to the common sense accepted for centuries. Experts' disputes go to the point of hoarseness, raising the ratings of channels and publications. But predictions don't work. The forecast refuses to work. What seemed obvious turns out to be the opposite in meaning. And vice versa.

The catch is that, while “working” with the conditional “West,” we today are faced not with ideology, not with economics, but with a new form of religious thinking. The third power that has access to both control and information and printing presses.

This third force (like an experienced surgeon) works with a scalpel. As aesculapius, she can immobilize half of the body with one incision. She does not need (like a boxer) to "unwind" an opponent. She does not need to deprive her opponent of food or drink. And she does not work with a rival at all - with a patient. And this is the difference between this situation and traditional schemes.

We are used to living in a world of confrontation between blocks and systems. But for more than a hundred years, Western civilization, to which we still belong, has completely lost the ability to interact with religious thinking. Today you are not teaching a teenager to go to temples. It's "funnier" for him to watch how cool it is to transform himself.

Fanatics in gender togas

The fact that the new religion is not called such just means that its creators are on the right path. But if a bird quacks like a duck, swims like a duck and looks like a duck, then it is a duck, not a sparrow.

We are dealing with religious fanatics who cover themselves with togas of "tolerance", "multiculturalism", "values", etc. Both their goal and their task is no longer a personal transformation, but a physical one.

Here is the sore COVID-19 - a tool, a scalpel, which made an incision with the accuracy of a mathematical model. But, in order to simulate, it is necessary, after all, to have a complete and verifiable set of inputs? Does everyone have access to this data warehouse?

If it seems to the reader that the author has gone into the mental jungle, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the work of one of the ideologues of the "brave new world" Michio Kaku. This is the level of access and influence of Bernard-Henri Levy. Only not in terms of sociology and "promoting democracy", but in terms of futurology and technology. His book is called The Future of Mind. And there, in quite adequate language, the technologies of "digitization of consciousness", the formation of communications and data warehouses, the inevitability of transformation and cyborgization, etc. are described in detail. But a reasonable question arises to the respected in the world M. Kaku:

“If technologically we have learned to store and fill the human consciousness, then what prevents it ... to remove and replace? The question is - what? Maybe who? The mega-futurist is modestly silent about this. "

The entry of this third force into the arena (as it seems to the author) took place somewhat prematurely. Since it is obvious that the formation of a technological base for it has not yet been completed. But, apparently, the economic processes in the existing structures have become so imbalanced that they have reached critical levels. And today we are already witnessing "manual control" to transfer economies into a new way. Forcing the development of specific technologies. Pressure on education systems, etc. Apparently, D. Trump's chances of winning were not at all illusory.

The election defeat of Donald Trump's team means for Russia not just fluctuations in the foreign policy vector: the sanctions are tougher or softer. His defeat puts an end to Protestant America. The point over Europe, both Protestant and Catholic, was actually set even earlier. This means that in the future Russia will face a fanatically religious system with truly unprecedented opportunities. Moreover, military "competencies" here are not even on the second (God forbid), but on the fifth or sixth plan.

How long does it take to grow the right voter in an "incubator"? The practice of Ukraine shows that seven to eight years of active work.

And the believer is the correct voter? The practice of the European Union shows that it is about fifteen years old.

And the correct administrator? The practice of Moldova (see the biography of its new president) shows that the cycle is twenty - twenty five years.

Transhumanism tracing paper education

And there is no and there will never be any "economy" here. After 2020, the economy becomes secondary. And now the educational system is becoming the main one. And the point is not even the notorious USE or OGE, although they are also only tools at the surgeon's hand. The task of the new format of education is to develop a different way of thinking as such. It will be a way of knowing that does not admit of interpretation outside of dogmas.

Isn't it obvious that the European Union is not going to. The US does not fight without NATO. Yes, their military machine will be reorganized and strengthened in terms of power projection, but for a direct clash with Russia? Look at our well-known foundations that are engaged in "education", "innovation", etc. In founders, sponsors or partners you will find everywhere inconspicuous institutions that are "platforms" for the formation of transhumanistic thinking. But not even programs, the very concepts of educational programs are created there. We successfully rivet clip education ourselves. What can we say about "high art", where the child, in principle, will not meet a character "not transformed" to a different level. In Soviet cartoons? And how many of them are the younger generation watching?

If Sistema decides to start a big war, from which it constantly leads the parties to the conflicts, then, undoubtedly, it will be another Middle East. Which should be deprived of any opportunity to resist the new order, and its energy is directed destructively outside. And here we really, under certain circumstances, can get our blazing Central Asia.

But so far, it is also obvious to the elites in the West that military rhetoric plays into the hands of cementing Russian stability rather than vice versa. And it cannot be said that Russian stability is too much preventing Sistema from doing its job. Rather, on the contrary - education is developing "as expected", the functional load in terms of arbitration in various conflicts yields results, the withdrawal of capital is done quite regularly and in due time. Both the plan to combat the "pandemic" and the education system, which is being built at an accelerated pace in our homeland, will work. As the whole world is fighting epidemics, so according to the plan, we all form together. General plan. Each element has its own programs.

Allies? Army and navy

The problem is that now Russia should not count on any even conditional allies.

China has already launched "social rating" programs (Sesame Credit). Moreover, he is even ahead of everyone and everything in this regard. On Google, you can find an entertaining story of a happy girl Dan Dan, who trades her social scores for economic goods. And he enjoys living "right." And about the unfortunate journalist Liu Hu, who managed to get into "where he shouldn't." And now he lives, disconnected from any public goods at all. China does not go ahead, but it has already escaped ahead of the locomotive.

What about Iran, which many for some reason stubbornly record as our allies? Yes, Iran is preparing itself for negotiations - in these conditions they simply want to preserve themselves. Here is a large Iranian newspaper "Khamshakhri" with interest publishes recommendations to Joe Biden on "work" with Russia:

"The policy of confronting Russia can only be effective if it is consistent: therefore, sanctions related to Crimea or the participation of armed groups loyal to Moscow in the conflict in southeastern Ukraine must remain in force ..."

This is, for a minute, one of the central publications in Tehran.

Often in the Military Review, in the comments to the materials, one can find the opinion that we are building a little fleet, and doing little in terms of rearmament. Or maybe we are doing exactly what is enough to accomplish specific tasks? The only question is, who, where and how sets these tasks?

Forced to a new faith

I don’t want to be an alarmist, but the world seems to be finally entering the time of the dominance of a completely uncompromising new religious dogma. It dates back many centuries. In its development, it went through countless religious and economic wars, from the Gnostics and Neoplatonists to the present day. Now technological development, bioengineering, social sciences, programming and information technology have allowed it to take over.

And when athletes, military, politicians, administrators, managers kneel before BLM today, they are actually kneeling before a new faith. There are also strikebreakers. While. But what will their careers be like?

Only now, until now, not only Russia has not faced such an experienced, flexible, mathematically verified and absolutely uncompromising opponent, endowed with such resources. But also the world.
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  1. +24
    25 November 2020 18: 13
    The fact that Russia will not be left alone is understandable. We live on
    1. +1
      25 November 2020 20: 40
      As if this "white foam" did not end up in Russia.
    2. +5
      25 November 2020 20: 49
      Quote: Antifreeze
      The fact that Russia will not be left alone is understandable. We live on

      Wash with Alexander Nevsky, us enta Europe does not leave alone.
      1. +3
        25 November 2020 21: 16
        Quote: tihonmarine
        Quote: Antifreeze
        The fact that Russia will not be left alone is understandable. We live on

        Wash with Alexander Nevsky, us enta Europe does not leave alone.

        Vlad, they probably love us winked
        1. +2
          25 November 2020 22: 09
          Quote: Terenin
          Vlad, they probably love us

          Love is different for everyone, we love in our own way, but they do not love anyone at all. Even myself.
        2. 0
          25 November 2020 22: 59
          They are masochists. They love to receive in Russia and from Russia.
    3. +6
      25 November 2020 21: 13
      What is in store for the victory of "Grad on the Hill"
      As always and everywhere, to feed all the peoples with cookies, but on the internal Maidans.

      And, after the Maidans, for these cookies, according to a worked-out scenario: turmoil in the country (and in turmoil it is safe to store money only in the USA Yes ), - well, but without money and statehood, the barbarians cannot leave bioresources and hydrocarbons (and where? That's right, also in the USA Yes ).

      And, if anyone is against, then starting with the democratic bombing of the "peaceful" NATO alliance, and ending with the "independent" court in The Hague and the Guantanamo prison.

      Rejoice, tikhanovskys, sandy-shmantras ... and company fool
      1. +5
        26 November 2020 01: 28
        In Russia, there seems to be no confusion, and the money of Russian moneybags is also known where for some reason is stored.
        1. +6
          26 November 2020 10: 19
          Quote: Cosm22
          In Russia, there seems to be no confusion, and the money of Russian moneybags is also known where for some reason is stored.

          This, unfortunately, is the case. But, at least the state is making efforts to return them.
          On June 1, the third package of laws came into force on the extension of the “capital amnesty” procedure, which enables Russian businessmen to return funds previously withdrawn from the country to their homeland.
    4. sav
      26 November 2020 10: 41
      "Don't believe, don't be afraid, don't ask" is about relations with the United States
  2. +9
    25 November 2020 18: 29
    Somehow it’s not worried about who is in front of whom, they kneel down there ... not a word at all ... their problems in the country are more urgent, raising the retirement age, the fact that as a result of the reforms, you can retire and not leave, because they won't pay you at all, but is it just that? Education, licked by the West and which does not provide any education, lack of work in the specialty, etc. with this approach, we will come to "tolerance".
    1. +10
      25 November 2020 19: 24
      Quote: parusnik
      Their problems in the country are more urgent,

      Yes, the article is not easy to read ...
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +6
          25 November 2020 20: 46
          I am not against the fact that initially transhumanism was generally part of a positive worldview, which went hand in hand with space exploration, the prospects for science, etc.
          But the problem is that these values ​​are not adopted by humanists, but by religious fanatics, who have very, very ancient origins. And their perception of a person is by no means positive, on the contrary, a person is a creation spoiled from the beginning. Their geometry of elements does not line up. Numerical harmony fails.
          1. +2
            25 November 2020 21: 59
            Quote: nikolaevskiy78
            I am not against the fact that initially transhumanism was generally part of a positive worldview, which went hand in hand with space exploration, the prospects for science, etc.
            But the problem is that these values ​​are not adopted by humanists, but by religious fanatics, who have very, very ancient origins. And their perception of a person is by no means positive, on the contrary, a person is a creation spoiled from the beginning. Their geometry of elements does not line up. Numerical harmony fails.

            Well, for these guys there is a prefix "pseudo" in Russian. Simply differently, a person unfamiliar with the topic, after reading your article, which is generally very good, will make a simple conclusion for himself: transhumanism = LGBT, and this is not at all the case. And in the future, when faced with other ideas and concepts of transhumanism, such a person will automatically send them to the trash, which ultimately will not benefit anyone. Modern Christianity is a good example. I am an atheist, but I have read both the Old and New Testaments, and what I read did not impress me as garbage. For their time, very deep books, and the New Testament did lay many of the foundations of modern humanism. But look at what Christianity has been turned into today - a mixture of business, immorality, permissiveness and forgiveness for money, and at the same time, dogmas hammered into the head. What, did Christ teach this? Probably not. In my entire life, I have come across only two priests who are really trying to teach people something in the spiritual sphere. both are in small villages, both are obscenely poor, and both are over 70 ... And what is happening in the cities now? It's the same with these little ones. The people who invented transhumanism were thinking about the day after tomorrow. About the Transition, after which all obstacles and limitations will disappear, and only we ourselves will decide how much, how, and in what form we exist, and, ultimately, about the Singularity, behind which, all of us together, and each individually, will become particles of superintelligence, with tasks and ideas incomprehensible today, but one step closer to the Creator. This path of cognition is not the only one, it does not claim to be exclusive, and is not suitable for everyone, and it certainly did not have and does not have anything to do with these slipshod, breaking world culture, religion, politics, and most importantly, ethics into pieces for their entertainment ...
            1. +1
              25 November 2020 22: 36
              You see what is the matter, you are speaking correctly. I agree that a surgeon can become a maniac, but this does not mean that medicine as a science and practice is vicious. I understand that you mean it. I agree. But
              Knowledge over ignorance
              Dedication above knowledge
              Justice over dedication
              Truth over justice
              The Logos is above all.
              After all, they are also peculiar Christians, namely, in a peculiar understanding. And they preach good, but what is good in their understanding? Are you ready to give up personal freedom in the name of numerical harmony?

              It's one thing when we talk about the problems of a particular surgeon, but what if not just the head physician, but also the leadership of the entire department decided to use surgery for their own purposes?
              This does not cancel medicine, but at the very least it requires personnel and structural reforms, right?
              1. +2
                25 November 2020 23: 43
                Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                You see what is the matter, you are speaking correctly. I agree that a surgeon can become a maniac, but this does not mean that medicine as a science and practice is vicious. I understand that you mean it. I agree. But
                Knowledge over ignorance
                Dedication above knowledge
                Justice over dedication
                Truth over justice
                The Logos is above all.
                After all, they are also peculiar Christians, namely, in a peculiar understanding. And they preach good, but what is good in their understanding? Are you ready to give up personal freedom in the name of numerical harmony?

                It's one thing when we talk about the problems of a particular surgeon, but what if not just the head physician, but also the leadership of the entire department decided to use surgery for their own purposes?
                This does not cancel medicine, but at the very least it requires personnel and structural reforms, right?

                Here you seem to me to have a logical error in reasoning. If the head physician and department use surgery for their own purposes, this is bad of course. But what if, for example, religion uses surgery as an example? If the example of a maniac surgeon is not being seized by his followers, but by the enemies of knowledge? And they start to brand medicine in their sermons using this example? Is this a reason to look askance at medicine? Or such a religion? But here is just such a situation. None of those who invented transhumanism, posthumanism, or the philosophy of postintelligent systems have ever called for permissiveness, looting and LGBT marches. These characters, seeing a tidbit of self-justification in our philosophy, sucked like leeches to the name, having nothing to do with it in essence. And it's sad that by these people, in fact, due to the similarity of formulations in public space, many people judge the entire philosophical and moral model of transhumanism. As for giving up personal freedom - no, I'm not ready to give it up. It is her that I see as the third main value of every intelligent creature, after its species and offspring. And it is for her sake that the philosophical system that we are now discussing was invented, and whose name these characters love to use in their media. Will immortality limit my freedom or those around me? Or bioplasticity - the ability to become even a shark, even a gopher, even a man, even a tree and receive such a life experience for thousands of years? Or personal freedom to shape the mind? Or an absolute closed virtual reality - a space for the realization of any possibilities? Freedom is limited by those who want their imaginary exclusiveness to be recognized by others as the norm, or better as a sign of superiority. And for those who really gradually go to the Singularity, this is generally not needed. We will eventually achieve everything we want in 50-60 years, if there is no war, and we will share our achievements with everyone, because everyone should have a choice, and even today, in general, the ideology of unlimited technological progress, with creaks and groans, but in in general, the main generally accepted concept of human development. Therefore, it is sad when these characters, who are incapable of thinking about anything other than their genitals, and on their shoulders, as always, scum fly into world politics ...
                1. +3
                  26 November 2020 00: 10
                  Remember how they wrote "You will recognize them by their fruits." So far, we see that we are being led to the ideals of transhumanism without any freedom of choice. This already somehow hints that something is not very positive going on. But this is an individual perception, of course.
                  Let me try to explain it differently.
                  We are now talking about the pros and cons of transformation in terms of whether there is a free personality, but there is a dependent on someone (TNCs, globalists, populists, oligarchs, and so on as you like). But those who are promoting these institutions of transformation today believe otherwise. The fact that your very consciousness is initially vicious. It does not perceive Logos and Light. They don't need to "control" or use it. It is vicious. Oligarchies present transformation as a profit, as an element of making a profit, but this is not so. Consciousness itself must be changed. Those. they don't need Mikhail or Oleg, do you understand? It will no longer be your consciousness, it will be a different construction in principle. The only aspect is that you yourself have to give your consent to this, that's all. You are signing a consent to the operation, well, here and there the people will sign a contract on the way to a better tomorrow. Previously, they had no such technological potential. Previously, it was necessary to convince people, teach, but to change the very essence of a person, his consciousness of the possibilities were few. This worked in a limited manner and led to disruptions in the form of inappropriate behavior of the masses. And the desired result was not achieved. And then such technological breakthroughs are on the horizon. You can prove to them a hundred times that this is absurd, but you will not prove anything to a believer in principle. How can you prove that the world is full of beauty and man is the highest manifestation of evolution, to an individual who believes that man in his current state is corrupted from the moment of his creation, that world harmony is not achievable with man due to his original nature. You then humanists proceed from the fact that a person needs to be improved, but your ideas and positive views are used so that a person is not improved or changed, but replaced. It was not I who created these religious and philosophical constructions, they are so many years old and they have passed such a historical path, survived in such conditions and learned to adapt so that, having received such opportunities, their adherents would never refuse to implement them. Indeed, the concept of humanism itself is the revival of the Renaissance, but it was in the Renaissance that these religious and philosophical concepts received their new breath. They live like a parasite on the positive notes of a human being.
                  1. 0
                    26 November 2020 08: 06
                    Here you have to answer point by point. Let's get started.
                    Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                    Remember how they wrote "You will recognize them by their fruits."

                    And what bad have we seen to this day from scientists - transhumanists? Gene therapy, already today saving absolutely hopeless patients, whom it was more humane to kill before? Cochlear Implants for Hearing Deaf from Birth? Cryonics - albeit the first, modest, unreliable, but a chance for immortality? These are the fruits of transhumanism, not gay pride parades.
                    Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                    So far, we see that we are being led to the ideals of transhumanism without any freedom of choice. This already somehow hints that something is not very positive going on.

                    And who took away the freedom of choice from all of us? Do not want to follow the path of science, there are many others. Someone forbids to be religious today? Or walk the path of life in harmony with nature? Or just live as you want without thinking about development at all? Or create your own philosophical systems and popularize them? Now is not the Middle Ages, when people burned at the stake for this. Now there is just a lot of choice. Perhaps even too many, in this wealth of options many are lost, and this is used by unscrupulous individuals.
                    Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                    But those who are promoting these institutions of transformation today believe otherwise. The fact that your very consciousness is initially vicious. It does not perceive Logos and Light.

                    What the hell is a Logos? I get the impression that you and I rely on different sources in our assessments. The main principle of science is to question. You can and should only believe in what can be objectively proved, and in this case it is better to admit that you are mistaken. Not a single scientist will reason empirically about the Logos, Light, Nirvana and other nonsense. This is the lot of populist pseudophilosophers. There is a different concept. Is the worm vicious if it is more primitive than us? Of course not. But is he equal to us in abilities, capabilities and level of understanding of the universe? Also no. Man today, and his consciousness today, is a pale shadow of what we can achieve. But not because of depravity, but because of the incompleteness of evolution. Other times, opportunities, tasks, knowledge will come, and we will have to change to match them. This is a natural process that does not belittle our current state in any way. It's just that it will be better further if we are not stupid.
                    Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                    Those. they don't need Mikhail or Oleg, do you understand? It will no longer be your consciousness, it will be a different construction in principle. The only aspect is that you yourself have to give your consent to this, that's all.

                    To whom and why should they? I understand why I need to change. Why would someone pull me to heaven by force then? Fewer people, more oxygen, these guys have this principle. I don't think that someone will force someone to change, in general, it is almost impossible, and it is meaningless in general. Everything here is built around freedom. The possibility of the Transition, like medicine or education, should be available to everyone, and whether to use it or not is everyone's business.
                    Quote: nikolaevskiy78
                    You then humanists proceed from the fact that a person needs to be improved, but your ideas and positive views are used so that a person is not improved or changed, but replaced.

                    One day, perhaps, and replace. And not so much a person as a body, but firstly these are very distant prospects, and secondly, again, everyone's business. Read if interested two books by Greg Egan - Diaspora and the Shield Ladder. There, especially in the Diaspora, it is described in some detail what, ideally, transhumanism should come to, and what philosophical problems it will face.
                    1. 0
                      26 November 2020 17: 03
                      As I wrote earlier, I am not against medicine, but against unscrupulous doctors. Let's try to consider the issue without Logoses and other things for now.
                      Is transhumanism a technological boon? Maybe. How can you refuse to help the blind, deaf, people who have lost limbs? How can you say that they cannot be helped, because medicine and technology can be used uncleanly in other areas? Of course not. But this is the “ethical fork of decisions” that the “teaching” puts before the layman.

                      And the problem is that no one is against the ideals of transhumanism in its original form, but even breaking away from religious constructions, let's think about how you can put such technologies into the hands of the oligarchy? So - transhumanistic ideals can be developed, taking into account the technological base, only on the basis of a different social system. If you do not like the socialism created in the USSR, suggest a different concept, but initially the society itself should be formed without inequality attitudes. And then, thank you, of course, today inequality has reached simply exorbitant values, this is already a problem for the oligarchy itself, about which they sometimes blur it out on their forums.

                      Otherwise, we risk getting permanently fixed inequality in the form of a caste society without any vertical elevators. Since hand in hand with positive technologies there is control and the issue of the availability of these technologies for society. You will be given the opportunity, at best, to sacrifice your freedom for technological innovation. M. Kaku considers this to be quite acceptable restrictions. So we are taught that this is permissible, this is normal. Only now the limit to this permissible is not yet visible. This is a question of ethics, which the oligarchy lacks from the word at all, because if it were present, then conflicts and, in general, a lot of problems in the world would be resolved differently.

                      This, if one breaks away from the Logoi. But the fact is that you cannot consider a cow without an udder, a goat without horns and a beard, a crow without wings, a fish without fins. If, basically, today the carriers of this ideology are in fact, albeit not direct, but the descendants of the Gnostics, and this, for a minute, is a rather ramified set of ideas that have been carried through many years, have gone a long way in their development and today they are getting such a technological support, financial, political, military, do you think they will abandon themselves in order to make a particular individual happy? Yes, you will not find a more rational system in history. This is the ultimate rationalism. And you argue, forgive generously, within the framework of idealistic concepts. But idealistic concepts in technology must be supported by the socio-economic system, the political, social system as a result, which gives a person guarantees of the proper use of such mechanisms.

                      Once again, I am not against medicine, but I am against unscrupulous doctors, who are not doctors in essence.
      2. +1
        25 November 2020 21: 03
        Quote: matRoss
        Yes, the article is not easy to read ...

        Well, let us accept it as it is and accept it. And we scratch languages ​​with comments.
    2. +1
      25 November 2020 21: 08
      Quote: parusnik
      Somehow it is not worried about who is in front of whom, they kneel there ... from a word at all.

      I also think so, what does it matter to us who gnaws at whom, if only not Russia. Although when the conversation about Russia comes, immediately the whole pack of mongrels begins to bark at the owner's whistle. Better, they fought among themselves. Lepotaaa .......!
  3. +4
    25 November 2020 18: 30
    You can find an interesting story on Google ..

    What's so interesting?
    It's rather scary. This is technofascism. Either you do the way we need to, or you are an outcast.
    1. +4
      25 November 2020 18: 41
      I agree, and that is typical, fascism is gaining momentum on the planet, step by step ..
      1. +1
        25 November 2020 20: 05
        And the only thing that can save the world from it is the same thing as in the old years - Soviet power.
    2. 0
      25 November 2020 21: 11
      Quote: Doccor18
      You can find an interesting story on Google ..

      What's so interesting?

      And whose GUGL ???
  4. +1
    25 November 2020 18: 41
    and nowhere to run ................. the world has gone crazy
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      25 November 2020 21: 15
      Quote: SaLaR
      and nowhere to run ................. the world has gone crazy

      Live in their own country, and let them, well, those who got off somewhere, let them run there ... maybe to the moon, which they are already dividing, with the help of oukraina.
  5. +3
    25 November 2020 18: 47
    Got it ! In a word, -hre, Oh! Sorry - fig knows what, and a bow on the side .. As there in the Bible - "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" It seems to be internationalism, but strange .. We only love blacks! It seems to be taking care of the crippled (on the head) and the sick in life. But again all the favors are good, only for fagots and lesbians .. Strange world. Artificial intelligence is kind of a blessing for humanity. But, massive layoffs of a huge number of people are coming. Many professions will go nowhere, mass unemployment is coming. Poverty and degradation of the common people .. A strange future for humanity ...
    1. +1
      25 November 2020 20: 35
      This is the problem with modern analysts, KMK, that what is happening cannot be explained until a new religious concept is put on the shelves. This is so far perceived either as a game of elites for a new division of the world, or as games of corporations, or as a crisis of the economic model. There is partly truth in this, but only part of the truth. Even our "conspiracy theorists" tell us they say we are being led into "digital slavery", but they are. But no one answers the question why? Well, why do we need an employee who can’t do anything, knows nothing, doesn’t have any competencies other than putting down "likes"? Where is the profit, where is the added value, where is the motivation? What is the profit.
      Well, they drove into digital slavery, and then what?
      Until the origins of this religious model (and they are ancient), its historical transformations, goals and objectives today have not been described, it will not be possible to explain much of what is happening. But the resources of the new "faith" today are such that no one dreamed of before.
      1. 0
        25 November 2020 22: 14
        Quote: nikolaevskiy78
        Even our "conspiracy theorists" tell us they say we are being led into "digital slavery", but they are. But no one answers the question why? Well, why do we need an employee who can’t do anything, knows nothing, doesn’t have any competencies other than putting down "likes"? Where is the profit, where is the added value, where is the motivation? What is the profit.

        The profit is to kick people out. And "robots" change programs, improve. Here you have no objections, no uprisings. One net profit. And people, people from them are just not pleasant things and losses.
        1. +1
          25 November 2020 22: 43
          Will you just print money, distribute it to a consumer who will use it to buy goods produced by robots at your enterprises and sold through online trading platforms? OK. But then what is the profit for you? What is its value? None, in this case it is not the engine and the necessary motivator for development.
          But for some reason you need these physical consumers. Even with the economic futility of these. The answer to this question is no longer in the economic plane.
          1. +1
            26 November 2020 04: 51
            "Truly I say to you, it will be more joyful for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that city."
      2. 0
        26 November 2020 04: 46
        Until the origins of this religious model (and they are ancient), its historical transformations, goals and objectives today have not been described, it will not be possible to explain much of what is happening.

        All this is described in the Gospel, in the Apocalypse and even in the prophet Daniel in the Old Testament. And literally. I am not campaigning, I am stating a fact. Everything has already been said and written.
        1. 0
          26 November 2020 06: 44
          Described, yes. But the question is how to interpret, on the basis of what to interpret and by whom it will be stated. To describe the apocalyptic situation from the point of view of physical phenomena, the time of the First World War is more suitable: here are epidemics and air and water poisoned by gases, and "famines and pestilences in their places", and earthquakes (Messina), and a star falling at the same time (meteorite Tunguska), and wars, and the fall of faith (the triumph of materialistic concepts), etc. etc. But this time has passed, this is the past, and we are looking for signs in the present, right?
          Moreover, "About that day and hour no one knows, not the angels of heaven, but only my Father" (Matt 24:32).
          Then who interprets. Here, AP Devyatov, respected by me, interprets Gog from the North as Russia, and mathematical modeling shows that modern Turkey pretends more for this role, which is essentially being "slaughtered". It can be interpreted this way and that. A very wide field for interpretation. And each will be right in his own way.
          Since the "number of the Beast" or of a person seems to be generally accepted that Six. But can we be sure of the translations? Indeed, according to the same system of assigning qualities to a number, the number of a person is five. There are four beasts without a soul as an object of the material physical world. But for the scribe Six, it could have been the number of Kronos, Saturn. As well as strengthening it in the form of three sixes - the coming of the time of Kronos, i.e. absolutely nothing good in understanding that time. But there are other possibilities of description.
          This is the problem with such interpretations. They kind of model our vision of processes in advance. And it is advisable to look at them (processes) with an unbiased look (as far as possible), of course :-)
          1. 0
            26 November 2020 14: 28
            Whoa! I agree. This is what I wanted to convey: there have been many times in history when the situation in the world corresponded to that described and was very close to today. This was during the First World War and before the Second World War, it was before. I mean, a sharp drop in morality against the background of religious, ideological and industrial and economic crises. But as you quoted: "About that day and hour, no one knows, not the angels of heaven, but only My Father" (Matt 24:32). I can say that every Easter (Orthodox) I look forward to the descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem with impatience and trembling, as a testimony that we have at least another year.
  6. +4
    25 November 2020 19: 04
    The beginning was about one thing, an article about another, after 60 lines it lost its meaning at all ...
    If the author is not aware, then 50 years ago, Americans wrote about America - " Corporations will ruin this country"
    1. 0
      25 November 2020 19: 36
      Yes, corporations today are also just a tool. Their resources are largely directed not at making a profit. Sometimes there is a general feeling that society today is a patient who is being taken to the surgeon's table.
  7. 0
    25 November 2020 19: 05
    “In each group of white students, there is a murder policeman sleeping. How can we consider whites normal when blacks are dying like flies from their aggressive criminal hands?

    The whole world is dying like flies from the distraught Anglo-Saxons in the real prospect of complete destruction from its own Adolf G. and the entire dark past of Atlantic Europe.
  8. +1
    25 November 2020 19: 15
    A wonderful world awaits us
    1. +4
      25 November 2020 21: 19
      Quote: Pavel57
      A wonderful world awaits us

      Are we going to look at him? wink
  9. 0
    25 November 2020 19: 18
    There is no need to spend nuclear weapons on them, they themselves will repeat the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah.
    1. +2
      25 November 2020 19: 27
      Quote: Alien From
      There is no need to spend nuclear weapons on them, they themselves will repeat the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah.

      This might be the case if they stayed with this infection within their own borders, but the Naglo-Saxons are "generous" people, they will deliver to every threshold. You don't want it, but it has already been paid for.
      1. +1
        25 November 2020 19: 53
        Not quite so, many are immune from their "values ​​of democracy")
        1. +2
          25 November 2020 20: 27
          Quote: Alien From
          Not quite so, many are immune from their "values ​​of democracy")

          Of course it's nice to think so, but only - how many? And modern brainwashing methods are capable of breaking most of those living today.
          1. +2
            25 November 2020 20: 34
            It's hard to disagree, but everything is repeated.
            1. +1
              25 November 2020 20: 39
              Quote: Alien From
              It's hard to disagree, but everything is repeated.

              The minus is not mine) Here again some kind of stupid monkey runs around and presses all the minuses.
              1. +5
                25 November 2020 21: 21
                Quote: Aleksandre
                Quote: Alien From
                It's hard to disagree, but everything is repeated.

                The minus is not mine) Here again some kind of stupid monkey runs around and presses all the minuses.

                Do not worry, colleagues, communicate calmly, I will give you a fuck hi
              2. 0
                25 November 2020 21: 48
                Thank you for your honesty, I am not an adherent of the plus / minus sect at all bully
                1. 0
                  25 November 2020 22: 48
                  Quote: Alien From
                  Thank you for your honesty, I am not an adherent of the plus / minus sect at all bully

                  Yes, I, too, do not look at them with a breath, but it irritates when someone silently minuses a person with whom only I am talking.
  10. +2
    25 November 2020 19: 18
    What is in store for the victory of "Grad on the Hill"

    For some reason, it seems to me that our imagination is not enough to imagine what could happen there at all fool request am
    1. +3
      25 November 2020 19: 31
      our imagination is not enough to imagine what could happen there at all
      ... Read the American and English science fiction writers of the last century, they described almost everything there .. smile
      1. 0
        25 November 2020 20: 37
        Those science fiction writers have a lot of things you can find .... I also came across such that the blacks will rule the ball there, and the whites that remain will live like the ancestors of the blacks, when that is.
        But still, this is fantastic! But what can happen in life can turn out to be much more entertaining.
  11. +2
    25 November 2020 19: 19
    Everyone is so concerned about the US elections, although their policy towards Russia has been spelled out for years before. They would be so interested in our elections am
  12. -2
    25 November 2020 19: 29
    COVID-19 - a tool, a scalpel, which made an incision with the accuracy of a mathematical model

    You can not read further.
  13. -1
    25 November 2020 19: 30
    This whole system will go haywire due to an internal imbalance - blacks hate gays (among them there are very strong criminal traditions), and gays hate everyone else. Whites of those who have joined this wateryag will quickly be disappointed by the fact that a place has been set for them a priori near the bucket ... In addition, everyone who "joined the movement" begins to realize that they were somehow cunningly turned against the thread. And everything will be as usual. After all, the resources are divided in a completely, completely different circle and will not satisfy the wishlist that have become expensive.
    1. -1
      25 November 2020 19: 33
      It is worth noting the flight abroad of the middle class and middle class businessmen. As a result, it will turn out that there will be no one to create a surplus product (build Boeings and Fords).
      1. -1
        25 November 2020 19: 44
        Quote: Bolt Cutter
        It is worth noting the flight abroad of representatives of the middle class and medium-sized businessmen

        Where does this data come from?
        1. -1
          25 November 2020 19: 53
          Lived in England for a long time, read their news. And now I am reading. If there is an increase in taxes, coercion to settle blacks in expensive areas, to give them places in universities, then Australia is open for non-poor Americans (where many white South Africans settled in this way), New Zealand, Europe. Silicon Valley will probably move, there are no people who want to hire idlers to high-paying places (and this is one of the key requirements of BLM - we also want to work as directors in offices, and not to bargain wassat ) Banks are jumping from high taxes. And who will pay for the banquet? By the way, how did Elon Musk end up in the USA?
          1. -1
            25 November 2020 19: 55
            So did you get the US "middle class flight overseas" data from English news or is this your prediction of the fate of the US based on English news?
            1. -1
              25 November 2020 20: 01
              "On the probable flight abroad of the middle class" from American news. In Australia, they write about the increased interest in investment plans for immigration from Americans. The Americans themselves do not hesitate to write that "if anything, I have my things on the way out." Certainly not in the pro-democratic media. American Latvians and those sharply interested in their homeland (copied with one).
              1. -1
                25 November 2020 20: 06
                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                "On the probable flight abroad of the middle class" from American news.

                There is a difference between their statement about "likely escape" and your statement "it is worth noting the flight abroad."

                Quote: Bolt Cutter
                The Americans themselves do not hesitate to write that "if anything, I'm going out with my things"

                Yeah, since 2016 at least.
                1. 0
                  25 November 2020 20: 14
                  Not yet secured. I personally know one - he lives in London and says, "eat yourself as much as you want." If already serious businesses begin to pour in, and in BLM's plans one of the main requirements is "diversification of professions", that is, blacks will be taken to institutes, kept there according to quotas (they require 50 to 50) and then, according to quotas, they will be promoted to high-paying executive positions then it means the end of the business. Can you imagine the level of education of an engineer taken and trained because he is a Negro, and then provided with a job for the same reason?
                  1. -2
                    25 November 2020 20: 17
                    I fully imagine that you are telling horror stories and outright lies (for example, a 50/50 quota is a rather stupid lie).
                    1. 0
                      25 November 2020 20: 23
                      Read the programs presented by the BLM leaders themselves. I followed how it all developed, how they declared about the "honest redistribution" of the accumulated material values ​​(they naturally did not want to develop them, after all, there was a lot around, there would be enough for everyone.)
                      Read the opinion of blacks on the subject of this movement.
                      1. -1
                        25 November 2020 20: 25
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Read the programs presented by the BLM leaders themselves

                        There are no BLM leaders. But I am happy to read their programs, give links. Especially about 50/50 quotas.
                      2. 0
                        25 November 2020 20: 35
                        There are no BLM leaders
                        Patrisse Cullors, Opal Tometi, Alicia Garza, DeRay Mckesson is that all? This menagerie has a problem - every great chieftain, thousands of them, and there are few people willing to join the infantry. Therefore, it is difficult to determine who is the leader. Also, read The New European newspaper of English blacks. (No, not kidding)
                      3. -1
                        25 November 2020 20: 41
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        This menagerie has a problem - every great chieftain, thousands of them

                        That's it. This is called "no leaders".

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Also, read the newspaper of English blacks The New European

                        As far as I understand, there will be no references to "programs as presented by the leaders themselves".
                      4. -1
                        25 November 2020 20: 45
                        This is called "no leaders".
                        This is called, there is no one to answer. Leaders are like cockroaches; they complain about it themselves.
                        there will be no references to "programs as presented by the leaders themselves"
                        Read on, get acquainted. I'm not going to persuade you.
                      5. -2
                        25 November 2020 20: 47
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Leaders are like cockroaches.

                        They are their own leaders, not BLM.
                      6. 0
                        25 November 2020 21: 21
                        They are leaders to themselves
                        Check out Kshama Savant's heap of programs and requests. So, for interest Yes
                      7. -1
                        25 November 2020 21: 31
                        Is she also the leader of BLM?

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        So, for interest

                        America is a big country, and there you can find travelers for every taste. Your taste in choosing those who went is understandable.
                      8. -1
                        25 November 2020 21: 40
                        Those who went successfully climb into power. If earlier in American politics, being a commie is like being a rooster in the Ural camp (in terms of significance and prospects laughing ), but now they are quite successfully declaring themselves.
                        Is she also the leader of BLM?
                        In CHAZ "free Seattle" her voice was far from the last. So rather yes than no.
                      9. -2
                        25 November 2020 22: 39
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Those who went successfully climb into power.

                        Those who went from the other flank - too (and even more successful).

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        In CHAZ "free Seattle"

                        CHAZ - organized by freaks, and CHAZ is long gone.

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        her voice was far from the last.

                        This means that she was not even the leader of CHAZ, let alone BLM.
                      10. 0
                        25 November 2020 22: 56
                        CHAZ is long gone.
                        They ate everything, shot a little at each other, and merged, yes. It became boring. Yes, from our point of view, freaks. But there were already many more than three of them. But in the same way they talked about the "livalutans" wassat shortly before October. In addition, they noted their non-Russianness. And it turned out like that.
                      11. -2
                        25 November 2020 23: 05
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        But there were already many more than three of them.

                        America is generally a big country. But CHAZ collapsed pretty quickly, so whoever is the leader is an incompetent leader.

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Yes, from our point of view, freaks.

                        In my view, Qanon members of Congress are far more dangerous freaks. Because they are in Congress.
                      12. -1
                        25 November 2020 23: 10
                        CHAZ collapsed pretty quickly
                        The very fact that she appeared is, as psychiatrists say, a manifestation.
                        Because they're in Congress
                        The surrounding is safe. The congressmen have everything in a bunch and they first of all want one thing - so it was.
                      13. -2
                        25 November 2020 23: 18
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        The surrounding is safe.

                        Sure sure. Boogaloo killings are not counted. The unsuccessful kidnapping and murder of Governor Whitmer is even less so - it did not happen.

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        The congressmen have everything in a bunch and they first of all want one thing - so it was.

                        Anything can happen. There is at least one example in history when "congressmen" were not satisfied with the way they had.
                      14. -1
                        25 November 2020 23: 29
                        Boogaloo killings don't count
                        Sometimes the action does cause opposition. Lucky (or not) that whites (even racists belay ) are much more law-abiding. When the Somali cop shot Justine Damond, everything was quiet. But to arrest repeat offenders, don't you dare, their lives are important.
                        Anything can happen. In history
                        Still, there are patterns.
                      15. -1
                        25 November 2020 23: 32
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Sometimes the action does cause opposition.

                        Counteraction? The killed had nothing to do with anything. This is common terrorism. But "people around are safe."

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        When the Somali cop shot Justine Damond, everything was quiet.

                        Do you think that if a white cop shot her, there would be noise? smile
                      16. -1
                        25 November 2020 23: 40
                        The killed had nothing to do with anything.
                        Their initially incorrect calculation did not come true. And can you imagine if some Afro-preacher had been bumped?
                        if a white cop shot her
                        Yes, too, nothing. Whites are already very law-abiding and inert.
                      17. -1
                        25 November 2020 23: 51
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        And can you imagine if some Afro-preacher had been bumped?

                        Why would I imagine this? There is a reality in which right-wing freaks are terrorism. And the fact that they are cowardly (and dumb, as in the case of Whitmer) is their problem.

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Yes, too, nothing.

                        What and speech.

                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        Whites are already very law-abiding and inert.

                        Boogaloo bois look at you with incomprehension.
                      18. -1
                        26 November 2020 00: 03
                        Boogaloo bois look at you with incomprehension
                        Was Duncan Lemp avenged? Made the police kneel? Here I am about the same.
                      19. -1
                        26 November 2020 00: 06
                        Ahem. You are constantly jumping to something new. I will repeat what I have already said and end this discussion: the right freaks are more dangerous than the left, because the right is 1) real terrorists 2) have some representation in parliament. Therefore, sobbing about how leftist freaks will drive America into the coffin is cheap hypocrisy, if not outright lie.
                      20. -3
                        26 November 2020 00: 15
                        right freaks are more dangerous than left
                        Uh, nope No. ... Leftists want "take everything and share"- this idea is really dangerous. And there are no representatives in parliament who of the freaks are flirting with them, yes. And the last thing, the Democrats, with the filing of left freaks, intend to legalize 11 million outsiders, this is the population of Ohio. - The Swedes call it “azizomultiplication.” And these are not doctors, engineers and scientists (those who travel through airports) are marginals, as a rule. And this is also dangerous for a long time.
                      21. -1
                        26 November 2020 00: 20
                        Quote: Bolt Cutter
                        the idea is really dangerous

                        And if you stick to the facts ... see above.
                      22. -3
                        26 November 2020 00: 27
                        The last time it ended "take and divide" on a national scale?
                    2. +2
                      26 November 2020 00: 27
                      Quote: Eye of the Crying
                      50/50 quota is a pretty stupid lie

                      Eye, hello. hi Recently there was news that in the Federal Republic of Germany it will now be an obligation to have at least 1/3 of women in the management of any company, if that management consists of 3 or more people. I have no comments that the editor will miss ... request
                      1. 0
                        26 November 2020 01: 54
                        In Norway for several years the quota for 40 percent of women in top management - the so-called "golden skirts"
                  2. 0
                    26 November 2020 05: 05
                    In the same way, with quotas, in the 70s in Kazakhstan, pulling up the indigenous people to power, culture, education began. It ended in the 80s with open Kazakh nationalism in universities and in the party and economic leadership. In other republics of Central Asia, it was even tougher. They are all in power now. This is despite the fact that what was the attitude of Russians to the indigenous population cannot be compared with the attitude of whites to blacks and "colored" in the United States. The United States is simply following the Soviet rake with wide strides and accelerated rates.
                2. 0
                  26 November 2020 00: 26
                  Overseas Americans Week estimates 5.2 million US citizens live abroad. The data on the increase in the flow of expats are there. https://www.golosameriki.com/a/usa-emigration-2011-06-30-124819174/237776.html
                  By the way, I note that the data from the MOST PRIVATE RADIO STATION - RUPORAVSEGOSVOBDNOGOMIR.
              2. +3
                25 November 2020 20: 07
                They don't need to run, but
                Does every white American child have a black cop murderer sleeping?
                wake up this policeman already. And the main thing is to implement slogans like "He who does not work, he does not eat" and "Stop feeding the parasites." The dissatisfied - to Liberia (it was created for this).
                1. 0
                  26 November 2020 05: 08
                  That's very accurately noticed, and about Liberia too. With her, they definitely did not bring the matter to its logical conclusion.
  14. -1
    25 November 2020 20: 48
    “In each group of white students, there is a murder policeman sleeping. How can we consider whites normal when blacks are dying like flies from their aggressive criminal hands?
    Considered Megan Kelly a sane journalist from all the American media. Badly mistaken, patient at Bedlam Hospital, London.
    1. +1
      25 November 2020 20: 50
      Do you approve of this statement?
      Kelly moved because of him all the same
      1. 0
        25 November 2020 22: 07
        Quote: Avior
        Do you approve of this statement?
        Kelly moved because of him all the same

        Nobody is simply released from the hospital.
    2. wow
      25 November 2020 21: 14
      So this is not her "circular", read carefully. Kelly is quite adequate and smart, and also very cute.
    3. 0
      25 November 2020 21: 36
      Quote: tihonmarine
      “In each group of white students, there is a murder policeman sleeping. How can we consider whites normal when blacks are dying like flies from their aggressive criminal hands?
      Considered Megan Kelly a sane journalist from all the American media. Badly mistaken, patient at Bedlam Hospital, London.

      It wasn't she who wrote it, but some black preacher
      She published an official document distributed in American schools and, in particular, in her (again, we emphasize this) elite school. It turned out to be a message from Nalia Webber, executive director of the Orleans Community Education Network. The letter is read to children in class, forced to teach at home.
  15. wow
    25 November 2020 21: 13
    The modern United States is a bunch of outspoken DoBiLoVs !!!
  16. 0
    25 November 2020 21: 59
    Quote: Terenin
    Are we going to look at him?

    There is a chance.
  17. -1
    25 November 2020 22: 31
    ... The network is full of videos where left activists in an ecstatic, frenzied state, smash everything that tucked under the arm.
    What kind of left-wing activists are we talking about? Is there that the local Communist Party was raging? No need to compare opu with a finger.
    1. 0
      25 November 2020 23: 38
      You will laugh, but ...

      Communists against Trump: US flag burned near the White House
      White House protesters burn US flag after Trump speech
      "Activists of the American Revolutionary Communist Party burned the US flag during a protest near the White House - this happened immediately after the speech of American leader Donald Trump in honor of the Independence Day. The head of state himself criticized the actions of the" left radicals "and said that prison. "

      1. 0
        26 November 2020 00: 02
        It seems that local communists are 100% under the control of the FBI. In Soviet times, the head of the local Communist Party was an FBI agent.
        1. 0
          26 November 2020 00: 13
          The FBI worked against Trump, the Home Office and its staff were for him, but immediately after the election, Trump removed a number of leaders from there, since they began to give out "repentant" interviews.
  18. -1
    25 November 2020 22: 41
    Why all the groaning about America and the EU?
    We have a strong army, the economy is on top, at the helm is the great Putin with his multi-pass, again Zircons, Blizzards with Hurricanes and Tornadoes to boot! Should we be afraid! Behind the puddle, it does not concern us, and the armored train is on the siding
  19. 0
    25 November 2020 22: 56
    Jesus asked him: what is your name? He said, Legion, because many demons entered into him.

    A legion of legions now roam the states ...
  20. -3
    26 November 2020 01: 31
    If we review the publications on VO over the past year, it seems that the site has become a subsidiary of the Zvezda TV channel. Least. Optimism, with "nashism", plus hurray-patriotism are starting to go off scale. Well, Zarathustra - no strength to resist certain structures? My condolences ... sad
  21. -3
    26 November 2020 01: 34
    Quote: nikolaevskiy78
    You will laugh, but ...

    Communists against Trump: US flag burned near the White House
    White House protesters burn US flag after Trump speech
    "Activists of the American Revolutionary Communist Party burned the US flag during a protest near the White House - this happened immediately after the speech of American leader Donald Trump in honor of the Independence Day. The head of state himself criticized the actions of the" left radicals "and said that prison. "


    Dear author, what are you talking about? winked
    1. +2
      26 November 2020 07: 17
      Moreover, in this case, even the method of direct analogies does not always work. We perceive the world in terms familiar to us, but this does not always make it possible to adequately describe the situation.
  22. +1
    26 November 2020 02: 47
    and "fighting meat" in the form of an African American suburb

    Author is not in the subject. African American suburbs are an oxymoron. On the contrary, most of these "brothers" are found in disadvantaged urban areas, which are collectively called the inner city ghetto. And the suburbs are exactly the white middle class.
    To live in a city, you have to be either rich or poor. The state partially pays for housing under the 8th program or provides it in subsidized houses for the poor. In the name of racial equality, schoolchildren from disadvantaged areas are taken by buses to schools in more prosperous places, and schoolchildren from prosperous areas are taken to meet them. The middle class either has to endure their children learning together with disadvantaged ones, or go where they don't. The rich do not care, they can buy mansions or luxury apartments in houses with gatekeepers, send their children to expensive private schools, and move exclusively in limousines, without dropping to subway level. It's difficult to keep your car, either rent a parking space, which is close to the price of renting an apartment, or keep it on the street, but you still have to spin around before you find a place to stick it for the night, and there is no guarantee that in the morning it will be there and in the same form where you left her.
    And in the suburbs, each town is its own educational district, the school system exists at the expense of real estate tax, and students who do not live in the district are not accepted, especially the whole buses. Each house has its own parking spaces, there is a place to keep cars. So the white middle class lives in the suburbs. Especially now, when the pandemic is in full swing, the flow of people moving from the city to the suburbs has increased, and suburban houses have risen in price accordingly.
    1. 0
      26 November 2020 07: 22
      I agree, but only partially, as the proportion of the African American population in the suburbs has grown steadily over the past 20 years. I also agree that they themselves are seeking to flee their neighborhoods for a more stable and secure lifestyle. But statistically, they are no longer a minority there.
      1. +1
        26 November 2020 07: 34
        You read about it, and I live in it. Blacks ah, pardon the political incorrectness, suburban African Americans are deterred by house prices and property taxes. On the one hand, their education is traditionally not a priority, and again, they are not afraid that their offspring go to black school. On the other hand, those of them who are more decent, received an education and work, go out of their way to prove that they are no worse than whites, but they do it in a peculiar way. They buy prestigious shmutki, cool cars. In my last job, I was alone in the department, so everyone, including the boss, wore cotton pants and polo shirts, and he was designer suits. All this requires money, so they save on housing, buy or rent where it is possible to have more house or apartment for less money, and these places, accordingly, are not white suburbs. Something like that.
  23. 0
    26 November 2020 06: 05
    Wonderful article!
  24. 0
    26 November 2020 06: 26
    It was interesting to read. Thanks to the author. I agree with many thoughts.
    Not disclosed, for obvious reasons, the topic of "our" Palpatine.
    About education - not everything is so gloomy. Yes, the legion of enemy "institutions" is working even more intensively than the author imagines. There is just a daily attack on the might through all sorts of "innovations". Now many "development institutions" are under the knife of reductions. Therefore, these servants of the Unnamed One became simply hysterical. While all this is defeated by the common sense of teachers and the indifference of children. But this is "bye" ...

    All that remains is to rejoice in what is left, for example - living Fire. Ato will be banned as a symbol of an intolerant era and replaced with plasma. bully
  25. 0
    26 November 2020 09: 44
    Very interesting article. I agree with the author that we are faced with a new religion, and its adherents are working in our country in full. I really want to believe that we will withstand this confrontation.
  26. 0
    26 November 2020 09: 45
    Initially, the United States positioned itself as a "melting pot". Let it melt further.
    1. 0
      26 November 2020 11: 00
      The US positioned itself as a "melting pot". Let it melt further

      Now they have abandoned this model. Now they have a "salad". Everything in one bowl, cut into pieces while maintaining their identity.
  27. 0
    26 November 2020 12: 14
    "If the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it" ©. So I am thinking, and who needs to destroy the foundations of society? Not only in Russia, but all over the world. Family, marriage, church are the foundations on which society is built. The postulates of family, religious values ​​serve as a guarantee of a healthy and numerous offspring, unity in front of an external threat, and improvement of the psychological climate of society. But someone needs to destroy the fundamental foundations of the health of society and states. For this huge resources are spent. What are the goals pursued by the force that destroys stable social structures?
    Not a single mentally healthy person will seek to destroy the foundations of society in order to surround himself with crazy LGBT people and perverts, gangs of brutal blacks and immigrants from the Middle East and Africa. So the forces (and hence the people) who are doing all this are themselves crazy maniacs who hate humanity? Or reptilian aliens? Otherwise, why destroy the stable and comfortable environment where you live? And if so, then with a "filthy broom" © it is necessary to sweep out pseudo-humanists, fighters for the opposition of sexual minorities, guardians for the fate of savages who dictate their own rules of life to the societies that have adopted them ... forced re-education, mass media propagandizing ideas alien to a healthy society should be immediately closed with the imposition of huge fines on their founders, etc.
  28. +1
    26 November 2020 13: 28
    Quote: "Only now, until now, not only Russia has not faced such an experienced, flexible, mathematically verified and absolutely uncompromising adversary, endowed with such resources. But also the world." End of quote.
    Finally, the realization of the worldwide catastrophe that took place in 1991 began to come. All survivors are chipped.
  29. 0
    26 November 2020 17: 19
    Nothing good is to be expected.
  30. -1
    26 November 2020 18: 41
    Yes, it was shaking the USA! As if the intelligentsia, including the respected
    Mikhail Nikolaevsky, there are no other topics. Maybe the waves of the Atlantic Ocean are breaking, after all, on the land of Shepetovka ... What difference does it make to us: "white terror" there, or "black", on these mythical lands. I am more worried about the trainings that are "put in" to our children on the "remote", where real knowledge is replaced by discourses and rhetoric about ... The poor and the rich - for example. In one of the trainings in Baumank (on a computer), my son had to explain to his opponent why he was poor and on the budget, and make peace with his opponent, who studied for "la-ve" (although they played football together before the pandemic and did not thought about the financial capabilities of their families). And the faculty is engineering. This is how they teach us, the so-called tolerance, only not between whites and blacks, but between the elite and slaves.
    1. 0
      26 November 2020 20: 13
      A tree is recognizable by its fruit, not by how it blooms and smells. Here is the ideologist of the "new world" Bernard-Henri Levy, a humanist, read his works, so the books are streaming myrrh, not otherwise. But everywhere, wherever this "petrel of freedom" appears - blood, destroyed states, collapse of society, civil wars. Already a sign where this character appeared - wait for the color revolution. Likewise, the ideologue of "technological humanism" M. Kaku writes about the "inevitability of victims" on the way to a new society. And everything seems to be about equality and freedom of choice, unlimited access to digital knowledge, opportunities, but it is not said that in the conditions of the modern wildest stratification of society, all this will naturally lead us to a caste state, when some, according to G. Wells, "eloi" as the Greek elite of Plutarch's "Table Talks" to study cosmogony and practice music, while the second "Morlocks" will serve machines and mechanisms underground without getting to the surface.

      And it would be okay to just practice the music of the Eloi. Here they argued in ancient times, which is more important and primary: water or earth. And they decided that one participant in the conversations would not give water to the three slaves for a week, and not feed them for the second week. And they found out that the first had three slaves who died of thirst, and the second were working - hence water is more primary. Science requires sacrifice. And the new society? And the victory of technology? Where is the guarantee that the new Eloi will not lead similar "conversations" in the 21st century? Humanism and Tolerance? But what is tolerance? Doesn't it mean the reconciliation of the wolf with the goat? Only the kid will have to put up, not the wolf.

      I'll give you an analogy. Here we are assured that we should all water the common garden, society needs to water a flowering tree that will bear heavenly fruits, the tree of freedom blooms and smells, and nearby it is necessary to telerantly water the grapes, which are inconspicuous and some sour green bunches hang on it. But the time will come and it will turn out that the empty thorns bloomed, and the eloi will grow juicy and ripe grapes. They just watered and fertilized the whole world together. The tale of tops and roots once again. Only we don't learn anything. And this system constantly puts "ethical forks" to us - are you against technology? Against the deaf to hear and the blind to see? You do not mind, but you have to sacrifice the eloi for this freedom, a little bit, for the good.
      1. +1
        26 November 2020 20: 54
        And it's better to just shake hands with your neighbor, help pull out (push) the car because of the snow. And then (without any thoughts) help his wife to drag the bags into the yard. Children who are returning from school, shout "Hurray" and get their smiles, etc. etc. I'm talking about my village Chekovo, in the Vladimir region, where I will be quarantined by "chance". But a friend of mine whose parents emigrated to Utah at one time wrote about the same. What we have in common is that there are no "African Americans" in his village in the US and in my village in Russia.
  31. +1
    27 November 2020 00: 26
    Yes, in many ways the author of the article is right, but I want to say that this new trans-faith, trans-sects have their own ideological and very hard-core opponents !!! And some of them are very bright personalities. Take, for example, one of the brightest personality of our time - Donald Trump .... Yes, this is the same Scrooge McDuck but only in real life !!! This man is far from ideal (with a lot of his minuses and vices) - but this is an example of that "provincial cowboy" who has been spinning the globe under his feet all his life himself - this man is one counterbalance to these millions of spineless trance and shmans ...

    Despite the world situation, economic storms and cultural revolutions - the American hinterland lives with faith in the guy who has steel balls and who is a man !!! And these people are actually the majority in the USA - just g ... but they constantly pop up and always on the surface !!! And these people will not just leave the road of globalism, tolerance and multiculturalism !!!