And at this time in Europe


Photo: Paul Sableman

Civilized old man

The entire broadcast is dedicated to the US elections. Yes, the topic is certainly important, but we should not forget about what is happening on the other coast of the Atlantic - in Europe. We have already become a commonplace to believe that the current European Union is such a "civilizational old man", a problematic knot, a web of political and ideological "". At first glance, this is how it is. However, one should not forget that today the so-called "Europe" is still a huge solvent market. There are both consumers from Old Europe (440 million people, together with as many as 832 residents of the Vatican), and from New Europe (another 98 million people, along with 1,3 million consumers from the heroically opposing 'aggressive Russia' Estonia. aspiring neophytes "- Moldova and Ukraine (another 40 million people). A huge, in general, market of 538 million people (and potentially 578 million people). Moreover, a platform with its own printing press in the form of the European Central Bank and 6 trillion dollars of imports of goods and services.

Indeed, even for the UK (although it left the EU), the consumers and the European market have not ceased to exist - these ties in life are much more difficult than putting signatures on paper. The exit of the British from the EU, in fact, was connected with the desire to decouple their payment system from the ECB, while preserving the market for both goods and services, as well as labor and capital. Actually, all the long disputes just went around how the EU was ready to come to terms with this cunning position of London.

When we look news agenda from Europe, then (abstracting from the topic of COVID-19) we see the following in Russia: the disgrace of migrants, the collapse of the traditional value system and the culture of "doublethink" ("I see here - I don't see here"), liberal dictatorship and media engagement, anti-Russian rhetoric and politics, NATO and military exercises, sanctions. All this reminds of a fairy tale about a "white bull", which should have died long ago, walking around in a bastard. But the bull never dies, and the tale in the domestic media begins anew.

How to make migrants happy

And what about them? How does the goby itself feel, so to speak, "in the first person"? And everything is very logical there: a) how to solve the problems of a single space of Old and New Europe in such a way that the former receives more, and the latter gives more, and not vice versa; b) how to make sure that everyone is happy and falls asleep satisfied; c) how to blame all the problems on Trump and "aggressive Russia"; d) how to make migrants happy.

It is logical that in the mainstream the most important topic for Europe is “two tracks” (Old and New Europe). And everyone needs to do “good” on both tracks. And also the fact that Trump (for now) and Russia (permanently) are working as an external "lightning rod". And what is not logical? - Migrants.

In 2017, the author released a material (, which analyzed in detail how and why the topic of “free movement” became the main pillar of the Eurozone, how important it is, how critical its limitation is for the entire structure. Then migrants went to Europe in a stream, and this problem was on the front pages of the European media. After the deal with Ankara, this issue went under the carpet, but it was never resolved in principle. Today, about 5,5 million more friendly "guests" are waiting for the sending of Europeans to hospitable homes at the EU borders. The flow of one-time arrivals has decreased, but it has not been stopped. These guests both amicably annoyed, to put it mildly, the owners (like termites undermining the "support" of the European Union), and continue to sharpen it.

What's in stock? An obvious contradiction - the flow of migrants is not only financially costly, but also directly undermines the main European "bondage". And nevertheless, the ideologists of the "European liberal-spiritual bonds" methodically, persistently and plannedly pursue a course towards the "integration" of these waves of migrants into European society.

Figures are often quoted that about 2,6 million people have fled to the EU since the beginning of the Syrian conflict. But let's take a wider view - from 1995 to 2020 (over 25 years), the EU accepted over 13,6 million people for permanent residence (this is in addition to those who settled and still exist illegally). In the early years, migrants more or less integrated into the “European labor collective,” but since 2010 they have even ceased to imitate this activity. Let's think about the numbers: if we collect all social benefits for 4,85 million people (only officially registered), then the costs of these, in legal terms, “people in need of protection and assistance” amounted to 4,36 billion euros per month (52,3 , XNUMX billion euros per year). This is not counting the "donations" of various "foundations" and other private "benefactors". And these are only expenses for those who “need”, what is called “here and now”, not counting the different intermediate status of their residence.

Will Europe Digest Termites?

It is customary to argue that Europe as a whole, with its 538 million population, will easily "digest" a one-time increase of 1,5 - 1,7 million and even 2 million people. Okay, let's say. But, firstly, quite specific (and not all) countries of Old Europe are engaged in "digestion", and this is not at all 540 million of the population, but a much more modest figure of 401 million (not even 440 million) people. The "new" Europeans categorically do not accept this contingent. Not accepted yet. Therefore, 13,6 million “settled” over 25 years, this is no longer a “statistical error”, but a very tangible 3,4%. If we take into account the still quite official increase in those already naturalized, “born in conditions of freedom and democracy,” then this figure will approach 8,2%, with a tendency to grow to 2025% by 14,3. And most of these happy people are not engaged in any practical work that contributes to the so-called GDP. This is not labor migration, unlike, by the way, from Russia. There, nobody pays to the budget for working patents, in Europe they will be paid from the budget.

It is proposed to consider that the European Union thus decided to reduce the cost of production and attract cheap labor. Let's look at the reality: there is cheap labor (for example, Ukraine and Moldova). However, if the Ukrainian worker is not just cheap, but also usually works in a specific mode of exploitation (since you can't get overwhelmed by the Polish master), then the Middle Eastern migrant often does absolutely nothing. It turns out that the labor market is formally closed for a fully qualified workforce (the visa-free regime does not apply to labor relations), and only some countries (primarily Poland) turn a blind eye to this. Even workers from the European Union countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria) "work hard" in Old Europe in full force. And the workers from the Middle East? On them labor calluses are not noticeable. But they feel good at the Cologne fair and in other places of folk festivities. We observe an obvious fact: the inflow of migrants from the south was limited only by the fact that Europe did not have time to “process” them simultaneously in the amount of 2-2,5 million per year. I just couldn't handle it. But this was precisely a technical limitation. It doesn't work at once, but gradually - please.

Inocultural injection

A natural question arises, why is the EU so persistently introducing this foreign cultural injection, even under the tangible threat of loosening its very foundations? Is it a costly, destructive injection that brings absolutely nothing but specific budget expenditures, without even the illusory prospect of any income?

If you talk about this with a European liberal, then you will at least be accused of "callousness", "callousness", and then - of "racism". Yes exactly. An enlightened European will accuse you of chauvinism, nationalism and other "isms". The same will be done by "tolerant" Europeans, who, somewhere in Avignon, will not serve in a cafe or hotel, for example, a Spaniard just because he is Spaniard, and an anecdote from the series will be told about the Portuguese: "The Portuguese wears sideburns because wants to be like his mother. " But the same Spaniard, who was not poured by the French, will defend Middle Eastern migrants from your "intolerant racism" between curses against them.

If at the grassroots level all this can still be somehow explained by propaganda and ideological “pumping”, then the very ideologists of the process cannot be suspected of naive belief in “all good”. The objectivity of European politicians today is such that it causes nothing, except perhaps a feeling of disgust. Because when an unprincipled person suddenly begins to tell you about the importance of principles, it means that the very idea of ​​a “principle” has become only a tool in their particular game. So what kind of game is the European “elite” playing, continuing to develop the topic of “migration” in such a way that, at first glance, it inflicts concrete tactical damage on the stability of its main economic and political pillars. Obviously, these costs cannot be anything other than an investment. The question is - what?

This topic, although it sickened in its time in the media, cannot today be a “checkpoint”, since it is extremely likely that the very group that pursued a similar policy is returning to power in the United States. Planting it both in the States themselves and throughout the world - wherever she could reach. And this group, using the resources of the United States, will again give a new impetus to its European counterparts, which have become rather sad over the past four years.

Sometimes one comes across the opinion that this position is due to the confrontation of the new "global liberalism" with the remnants of the influence of the Catholic Church. Like, such a position finishes the remnants of clericalism in Old Europe, and then finishes them off in New Europe (in particular, in the last real Catholic stronghold - Poland). This thesis, apparently, is not devoid of meaning, but it is unlikely to fully reflect reality. Since the postwar years, Europe has been steadily losing value orientations formed on a religious basis. Yes, undoubtedly, the church as a generator of meanings alternative to the global agenda should have come into conflict with new ideological concepts, but European clerics entered it already extremely weakened.

Here it is interesting to cite the opinion of the Arabs (and the author periodically communicates with various counterparties from the Middle East), who, in fact, personally observe the "exodus" of their neighbors to Europe. Stories differ, but the general outline is approximately the same: in different ways, different people, who are in some form of distant kinship, borrow certain money and move through Turkey, Greece, Albania to Europe. Instead of engaging in traditional trade (even if there is such an opportunity) or just officially leaving there and trying to "develop" something in the EU.

One of the interlocutors was very surprised to learn that one of his distant relatives not only received the status and benefits, but he was "helped to formalize the status at the same time in different places." The most surprising thing was not so much the very fact of such assistance from the “non-profit foundation”, as the absence of a corruption component in this scheme. The helpers "did not ask for anything in gratitude" for such (actually illegal) "help". Although the person began to receive benefits and payments comparable to the two average salaries in Germany. “There is something very bad about that. If they (Europeans) wanted good, they would strive to give work. To create such conditions when it is impossible not to work. But they do not seek to create them. They don't care whether he is a refugee or not. Why doesn't he help relatives to work? Young people get married, have families and don't work, how is it? Many houses are actually destroyed, but Europe is not helping to rebuild them. They won't even send a bag of grain and a hammer. Instead, they (Europeans) are doing everything to get people to leave. Why do they need loafers when these hands are so needed at home? They want to use them, and nothing good will come of it. I don't understand this. "

Unfortunately, those who need it understand everything very well. Indeed, digging through the resources associated with the few oppositional "mainstream media" in Europe, you begin to see that this practice is systemic in France, Germany, Italy. And the sponsor of this outrage is ultimately the official bureaucracy of the European Union itself.

Scarecrow for Europeans

In the Middle East, in villages, protecting crops from birds, the following technique is often used. Instead of the traditional scarecrow, they put a pole. A cross-bar made of a flexible and elastic vine is bent and fixed, the structure is covered with a rag, and a little broken grain is poured around it. When, after a few days, the birds get used to the pole and crowd in large numbers next to it, the child pulls on the long rope, the vine with rags straightens, and the birds rise in a heap into the air at once. Then the elder fires one or two shots with a shot, laying most of them.

The Arabs think that migrants for some reason play the role of birds, but (as it seems to the author of this material) they are mistaken. Migrants in the European Union play the role of a future scarecrow, but the role of birds is just assigned to the Europeans themselves. There were not one or two of those who were scared today. The same COVID-19, which makes everyone "mentally clump together" in terms of their fears and at the same time sit in separate apartments, closing doors and windows. Note that COVID-19 restrictions do not apply to persons who have arrived and "need protection and assistance" in a number of countries of Old Europe (for example, in the UK). On the one hand, this is logical, correct and humane. On the other hand, you should know some "nuances".

There is “aggressive Russia” outside, “Novichok” and “Russian trolls”, there is or was “insane Trump”, and there are COVID-19 inside and migrants who must be allowed everything and love everything. And when the "vine straightens out", it will be necessary to "rally together in apartments" even more closely, while continuing to "allow and love." It will be possible to survive in this ideological delirium only without thinking, without thinking, but doing it. At the same time, it does not matter how critically what is being performed will be interpreted, because fear is a "killer of the mind", and with it of critical thinking, in the absence of which any meanings are taken on faith, even if they contradict each other. It is then that the "newcomers" learn with extreme surprise that the repressive machine in the EU, which has allowed so much for many years, turns out to not only exist, but also works effectively. It was just that someone had to play the role, because no one just feeds anyone.

With the arrival of D. Trump in the White House in the United States, the positions of the groups that promoted such an agenda and structures have somewhat weakened, but today the chances are extremely high that they are regaining their lost positions, reviving their tools and expanding the scope of its application. And the pressure of these groups on the minds of ordinary people will soon multiply.
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  1. +11
    9 November 2020 18: 10
    When three American television channels at once turn off the president, you involuntarily think that these three also have some kind of common boss. Thinking the same way is not difficult. To act synchronously - there is little like-mindedness, you need a team.

    They could let Trump finish, and then refute him through the mouths of commentators, political scientists, "ordinary people" and the numbers of opinion polls. But they just gagged him. Tenth amendment, ay, where are you?
    Comrades Americans, we believe that you are tired of Trump, of his hooligan antics, unpredictability, etc. But why did you not find anyone better than the old senile? Someone (it is a pity that it was not me) remarkably formulated the other day: “America chose Chernenko”. If anyone does not remember, this is the same leader of the USSR, about whom it was said: "Konstantin Ustinovich became the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee without regaining consciousness." The old Politburo members chose Chernenko when he was 73. America chose Biden, who is 77. Myasnikov says “sleeping Joe” will last six months.
    1. +3
      9 November 2020 18: 37
      I agree with you completely!
    2. +1
      9 November 2020 19: 48
      Quote: fn34440
      Myasnikov says "sleeping Joe" will last six months.

      If so, it is well planned by the grandchildren of Uncle SAM.
    3. +2
      9 November 2020 19: 53
      Well, the rest of the term Kamal will drag out. Somewhere she already let it slip.
    4. 0
      9 November 2020 22: 00
      state secret- Obama and + Camila - for a new conquest of Africa, forcing China out of there.
    5. -4
      10 November 2020 00: 29
      “When three American TV channels at once turn off the president, one involuntarily thinks that these three also have some kind of common boss. They could let Trump finish, and then refute him through the mouths of commentators, political scientists, "ordinary people" and the numbers of opinion polls. “There is only one boss - tell the truth and do not lie! The media do not want to spread his outright lies in his last hours. And this has nothing to do with democracy - no one signed up to spread the president's lies. I voted for Trump then and now, but his rudeness and his lies are already in my throat. It was pointless to wait for the end of his speech - he openly lied on the air. It was turned off and the commentators immediately explained why.
      As a "comrade American" I will say that in both parties there is a dominance of the Verduns, the young people fail their races for various reasons, including the "mistakes of youth". The media are poking around in biographies, looking for all school friends / girlfriends, studying photos from 20-30-40 years ago, who-slept with-whom, illegitimate children / divorces, studying his speeches, etc. bullshit. Passing such a meat grinder successfully is not given to everyone! Five years ago, the Republicans bet on Trump (campaigned in 2016 on their $$$), has dictatorial abilities and is sick with narcissism.
      But two years ago, while receiving regular questionnaires from the Republican Party (RP), the first question arose there: “a) Do you support the RP and Trump ?; b) Do you support the RP, but not Trump? ”. Those. in the Republic of Poland they already understood that it would be bad with Trump, but “they don’t change horses at the crossing”.
      Both parties need young politicians, and I think that after such a success as now, when there were no indifferent people and the people went to the polls, bright young candidates will appear in each party.

      “Myasnikov says 'sleeping Joe' will last six months.”
      Myasnikov knows the work of Russian doctors and medicines in Russia, therefore he draws such conclusions. In the United States, the lifespan is lengthened "by itself))", but medicine will extend life beyond average. Sadly, in the former USSR, few of my classmates survived, and those that scattered around the world 30-40 years ago are still nothing!
      1. 0
        14 November 2020 18: 59
        Quote: eklmn
        The media do not want to spread his outright lies in his last hours.

        The lying media did not want to spread other people's lies - ridiculous.
        Above, they said correctly - let me finish, then take the speech apart for an hour.
        And yes, it’s hard to believe in the simultaneous adoption of the same decision without outside interference. Or they are all robots there.

        Quote: eklmn
        Myasnikov knows the work of Russian doctors and medicines in Russia, therefore he draws such conclusions. In the United States, the lifespan is lengthened "by itself))", but medicine will extend life beyond average.

        Myasnikov has a medical license in the United States and worked there.
    6. 0
      11 November 2020 06: 32
      Just like that, Uzbeks are brought to us in the millions to hunchback on big capital.

      The "guarantor" in general recently issued, they say "cannot forbid people to come to our country." Detail the conclusions.
      1. 0
        29 November 2020 23: 44
        During this year, the number of migrants in the Russian Federation has dropped by 7 times .... the entrance is closed .. The bulk of migrants left in the spring to their homeland ... Read the Internet - Moscow traders howl howling - there are no migrants left
        1. 0
          30 November 2020 06: 55
          In St. Petersburg, there are no fewer "by eye".
          Perhaps, perhaps, at construction sites somewhere behind the fences, they were transferred.
          The point is a competent policy, how it gets warmer - they will come back.
  2. +4
    9 November 2020 18: 28
    If Europe does not want to wear a burqa, then it will embroider alah akbars to their historical homelands. And so let the karan are not smart. hi
    1. +11
      9 November 2020 18: 48
      Everything goes to the fact that a new Fuhrer will appear in Europe. For this is the only way to solve the problem with the rabies and tolerasts who have lost all the shores. Not a fun choice between the Fuhrer and the death of Europe. Got a game of democracy and multiculturalism.
      1. +4
        9 November 2020 18: 54
        European man is not quick to kill, but if forced ... History knows examples ...
      2. -1
        9 November 2020 20: 53
        Quote: paul3390
        Everything goes to the fact that a new Fuhrer will appear in Europe ...

        And what will he give the world ..? Nothing but a new million-dollar slaughter ...
      3. 0
        25 November 2020 12: 44
        In modern Europe, there are no politicians like Hitler and Napoleon. And those who do not stand next to them ... So far, everything is sad for the Europeans, or maybe this is their fate ...
    2. +2
      9 November 2020 19: 07
      Quote: fif21
      If Europe does not want to wear a burqa, then it will embroider alah akbars to their historical homelands. And so let the karan are not smart. hi

      At this time, Western Europe is very similar to the land of enthusiastic idiots who do not understand what such an invasion of migrants from BV and Africa will lead to. And when they understand, if they understand, it may be too late.
      1. +8
        9 November 2020 19: 31
        And what does the Moscow region look like, where migrants are surviving old residents?
        1. +2
          9 November 2020 19: 41
          In the Moscow region, those who have had enough funding and for whom the "base" is ready, but in all the border regions are no better. All around Russia
          migrants survive old residents
          - the national project "demography", probably.
        2. +3
          9 November 2020 22: 45
          And what does the Moscow region look like, where migrants are surviving old residents?

          On this.

  3. 0
    9 November 2020 18: 38
    It is proposed to consider that the European Union thus decided to reduce the cost of production and attract cheap labor. Let's look at the reality: there is cheap labor (for example, Ukraine and Moldova). However, if the Ukrainian worker is not just cheap, but also usually works in a specific mode of operation (since you can't get overwhelmed by a Polish master), then a Middle Eastern migrant often does absolutely nothing.

    I'll tell you a story from my experience ... laughing

    I (as soon as the subscriptions not to leave the place) decided first of all to go to Paris and climb the Eiffel Tower with my wife ... started monitoring about modern Paris ... and saw a video from our tourist how (I will call the political club) right at the foot of the tower "African Americans" have broken up their "camp" (to the Gypsies - ours for you with a brush drinks - I just chose for comparison and put the word tabor in quotation marks) and ask everyone to visit the tower, like "begging for alms" ... literally 10 meters away there are both the tower guards and the police and pretend that they are here I will send to admire the historical monument ... wassat

    I just imagine ... that if they get to the bottom of me (okay, gritting my teeth, I'll pretend to be a tourist who has come to admire Paris) ... but if they get to the bottom of my wife ... everyone will fall there ... and I .. and "Afro-American" ... and even some of the guards with policemen ... and decided ... oh well, nafik - I lived without Paris and I will still live !!! laughing laughing laughing

    So I did NOT visit Paris ... bully
    1. -2
      10 November 2020 13: 42
      So I did NOT visit Paris ...
      And honestly write that there is simply no money for the trip - in any way? Do you have to build Rambu from yourself?
      1. 0
        10 November 2020 15: 31
        Quote: Undecim
        So I did NOT visit Paris ...
        And honestly write that there is simply no money for the trip - in any way? Do you have to build Rambu from yourself?

        After I did NOT go to Paris - I bought myself an apartment in Bulgaria - so yes, there was no money left for a trip to Paris ... crying
        1. +2
          10 November 2020 16: 14
          Well, wow, I talked with the oligarch, but I thought - with the beggar. This is how the internet is misleading!
          1. +1
            10 November 2020 16: 16
            Quote: Undecim
            Well, wow, I talked with the oligarch, but I thought - with the beggar. This is how the internet is misleading!

            In my opinion, only you drinks not yet in Kursy, but I have already taken out "mosch" on this topic to everyone here)))
            1. +2
              10 November 2020 16: 18
              Well, I missed it, it happens. With the purchase of you.
              1. +1
                10 November 2020 16: 43
                Quote: Undecim
                Well, I missed it, it happens. With the purchase of you.

                THX!!! drinks
                Although your congratulations are late ... it was 10 years ago feel
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. 0
          14 November 2020 19: 12
          Quote: Crown without virus
          Quote: Undecim
          So I did NOT visit Paris ...
          And honestly write that there is simply no money for the trip - in any way? Do you have to build Rambu from yourself?

          After I did NOT go to Paris - I bought myself an apartment in Bulgaria - so yes, there was no money left for a trip to Paris ... crying

          Apartments in Bulgaria are relatively inexpensive. I'm from Moldova, so the prices there are about the same as in Chisinau. I know the people who live there. The country is poor, but in comparison with us, it is even nothing)
  4. -4
    9 November 2020 18: 42
    An interesting version, but it seems to me that there is another reason that motivates the Euro-elitists to warm up migrants. By putting them on wellfair, they corny accustom them to idleness and the loss of those necessary skills that allow a responsible person to survive in the open market. Now imagine a situation when they announce - All the freebies are over and now there will be no benefits. To confirm the seriousness of their intentions, they will pull the police, the National Guard or someone else with weapons, if they suddenly start to rage. Further, it is easy to guess that most of them, for the continuation of their stay in the EU, will be ready to do the dirtiest work, and for a pittance ... or perhaps they will simply be pushed back to the countries from where they came so that they will start embittered and worthless arrange color revolutions there. In the West, money is counted very well and it is unlikely that they will just scatter tens of billions (and on completely strangers). Surely there is a goal and these spending can be considered an investment.
    1. 0
      9 November 2020 19: 38
      In the West, money is counted very well and it is unlikely that they will just throw tens of billions (and on completely strangers). Surely there is a goal and this spending can be considered an investment.

      It's just that Europe has already been flushed down the toilet as an unnecessary competitor to the United States. And these million migrants, as soon as they stop paying benefits at X hour, they will immediately arrange "yellow vests" throughout Europe, completely paralyzing the economy without any war.
      Zionism is like that.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      10 November 2020 01: 03
      Quote: Maluck
      Further, it is easy to guess that most of them, for the continuation of their stay in the EU, will be ready to do the dirtiest work, and for a pittance ...

      In Asia they say: - A donkey standing in the shade will not work in the sun! wink
  5. -5
    9 November 2020 19: 12
    We need to help in every possible way to increase the number of Muslims in Europe, both local and alien. bully
    1. +7
      9 November 2020 19: 43
      We need to help in every possible way to increase the number of Muslims in Europe, both local and alien.

      Throw your own? laughing
      Do you think they will?
      1. -2
        9 November 2020 20: 10
        Any Tatar or Bashkir will consider it happiness to live on everything ready in Berlin or Paris laughing

        But I'm talking about something else - why shouldn't Azerbaijanis, for example, take care of resettlement to Europe (with our feasible help)?
        1. +1
          9 November 2020 20: 21
          There are 3 million Azerbaijanis in Moscow, he was stunned by this tsyfry, resettle.
          1. -2
            9 November 2020 20: 48
            It doesn't matter if it is in Moscow or not in Moscow - all that remains is to come to an agreement with the Azerbaijani diaspora: we kind of press them, they kind of ask for political asylum in Europe.
            Azerbaijanis will be grateful to us in their grave, incl. Main Directorate General Staff of the RF Armed Forces bully
            1. -1
              9 November 2020 20: 51
              And what will they do there, or is there no one to sell parsley in the markets?
              1. 0
                9 November 2020 21: 01
                The same thing that other immigrants do in Europe - they receive benefits, they sell drugs, weapons and human goods, they put pressure on the natives.
          2. 0
            9 November 2020 21: 03
            A false figure, it is not true. Do you sincerely believe that every fourth Muscovite is Azerbaijani? Learn to cross-check data from multiple trusted sources.
          3. -1
            10 November 2020 14: 30
            Quote: Free Wind
            There are 3 million Azerbaijanis in Moscow, he was stunned by this figure

            )))) Strangely, in all of Russia there are a million of them, and in Moscow 3. Something how many times I've been to Moscow, I haven't seen every fourth Azerbaijani.))))
  6. +3
    9 November 2020 19: 37
    She's so tolerant ...
    Now Europe is obliged to feed whom it has tamed ... Yes
  7. +5
    9 November 2020 20: 05
    And at this time in Europe

    Judging by the titles, topics, and the content of the articles, one gets the impression that the site has become something like subsidiaries of talk shows like - "Meeting place", "Open air", "Nightingale on ...", set aside - "Sunday an evening with this ", and so on, with all the stops ... on the central TV channels. Or maybe I'm wrong - who will dissuade? bully
    1. 0
      10 November 2020 09: 31
      Can I try? )))
      The site is "Voennoye Obozreniye", but are the armed forces used outside the political environment? Then, for example, the history of the Great Patriotic War should be considered outside of international politics - only as the history of military operations and technical confrontation, but it’s impossible to create an integral picture. So political reviews also make sense.
  8. +14
    9 November 2020 20: 20
    In my opinion, they just want to weaken Europe.
  9. +4
    9 November 2020 20: 38
    And at this time in Moscow:

    Russians - 31%
    Azerbaijanis - 14%
    Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvash - 10%
    Ukrainians - 8%
    Armenians - 5%
    Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz - 5%
    Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese - 5%
    Chechens, Dagestanis, Ingush - 4%
    Belarusians - 3%
    Georgians - 3%
    Moldovans - 3%
    Gypsies - 3%
    Jews - 2%
    Other peoples - 4%
    1. -3
      9 November 2020 21: 06
      Where do you even find this nonsense? Do not disgrace yourself.
      1. +2
        9 November 2020 21: 35
        Where do you even find this nonsense? Do not disgrace yourself.

        Can't you believe it? I see. On TV more and more about Europe. wink
        Come to the capital, walk around, see for yourself ...
        1. -1
          9 November 2020 22: 32
          I often visit the capital, I have a lot of relatives living there and in the Moscow region. And I have some knowledge in the field of history, ethnology, demography. It is shameful to link to Yandex-Zen. You should have looked at the entire chain of links to this fake information.
          1. 0
            9 November 2020 22: 48
            I often visit the capital, I have a lot of relatives living there and in the Moscow region. And I have some knowledge in the field of history, ethnology, demography. It is shameful to link to Yandex-Zen. You should have looked at the entire chain of links to this fake information.

            Well, how many Russians do you think live in Moscow now?

            On Zen a working link, the sources do not open. For some reason.
            1. +1
              10 November 2020 08: 58
              This fake has been exposed as a fake many times, and yet it has been surfing the net for years. On Zen, I repeatedly had to tell users about the photographs of children behind barbed wire, allegedly prisoners of the GULAG, often placed as proof of the horrors of the Stalinist regime. In fact, this is a photo of Soviet children who were in a Finnish concentration camp near Petrozavodsk. Those who posted this photo cropped it to hide the Finnish writing. Nevertheless, this photo is periodically posted by many bloggers talking about the Stalinist repressions. Until now, the Internet is posting the nonsense of a certain Ulyana, who "works" in the non-existent "central department of the registry office," and claims that the population of the Russian Federation is only 89 million people. Or fakes that the Russian Federation is in first place in the world for murders, suicide, prostitution, vagrancy, and the number of homeless children. You still need to learn how to filter information. As regards the national composition of Moscow in its dynamics, you can go to the Demoscope website, there you can find census materials in the Republic of Ingushetia, the USSR and the Russian Federation, as well as analytical articles on the dynamics of the national composition in different countries and regions. You can go to Cyber ​​Science, where scientific articles from different journals of a wide variety of topics are posted.
              1. 0
                10 November 2020 10: 14
                According to the national composition of Moscow in its dynamics, you can go to the Demoscope website, there you can find census materials in the Republic of Ingushetia, the USSR and the Russian Federation

                According to the census, there are about 100 Armenians in Moscow, and on the website of the Union of Armenians of Russia it is over half a million.
                Whom to believe?
                To your eyes.
                1. -1
                  10 November 2020 10: 40
                  There are Armenians, citizens of the Russian Federation, permanently residing in Moscow. There are Armenians, citizens of the Russian Federation, working in Moscow, but registered in other subjects of the federation. And finally, there are Armenians, citizens of Armenia who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, who are legally or illegally in Moscow. These are all different categories.
                  1. +1
                    10 November 2020 10: 57
                    And finally, there are Armenians, citizens of Armenia who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, who are legally or illegally in Moscow. These are all different categories.

                    What difference does it make if they are all diaspora.

                    For comparison, in Berlin, about which they are so worried, 5/6 of the population is Germans, and in Germany - about 95%.
                    1. 0
                      10 November 2020 13: 07
                      Diaspora is Armenians who are not citizens of Armenia and permanently reside outside its borders.
                    2. 0
                      10 November 2020 13: 11
                      In Germany, the Germans, to be precise, are 92%.
    2. 0
      10 November 2020 10: 01
      Do you mean newcomers or permanent residents?
  10. -1
    9 November 2020 21: 03
    For the sake of fairness, I note that migrants not only sit at the Cologne fair, which you noticed, but also quite appeared on the construction of roads, delivery of parcels. In one of the workshops, the wheels were changed for me, the trainee is a migrant. In Mediamarkt, a girl with a non-European appearance and with an accent incomprehensible to me spoke about the properties and bells and whistles of phones.
    In short, migrants are beginning to beat off the money spent on them.
    1. -3
      9 November 2020 21: 44
      Quote: Svetlana
      In fairness

      In Europa, a fronte di un'occupazione media del 65% di chi è nato nella nazione in cui vive, è al 63% la quota di migranti che lavorano
      Average employment of "native" Europeans aged 20-64 years-65%. Migrants in the first generation-63%.
      So the tales about migrants living on benefits are nothing more than tales. The contribution of migrants to the EU's GDP is much greater than the spending on them.
      This is if you operate with real numbers, and not cheap propaganda.
      1. 0
        9 November 2020 22: 48
        Yes, it's not about "propaganda". It is clear that a certain part of the newcomers will try to work legally, have quite normal documents and are not disgraceful. This share can be cited as an example, or not.
        I tried to put only adequate numbers. If you take the "conspiracy theorists", then the cost indicators are generally off scale.
        The important thing is that no one is going to integrate these people seriously - just words.
        1. -1
          9 November 2020 23: 01
          Quote: nikolaevskiy78
          single words

          This is with you. Without any references to figures either for the EU as a whole or for individual countries. Although it is enough to go to the website of the European Commission and find everything you need - how many migrants, what nationality, how are they distributed by country, employment, education level, salaries.
          Only numbers will smash all your talking to smithereens.Therefore, -0 numbers and ochee mnogabukaff
          1. +1
            9 November 2020 23: 25
            Something like that? ))))

            “According to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, the new system will include“ a powerful new solidarity mechanism. ”According to Reuters, solidarity in accepting refugees will become mandatory - in exchange for EU funding of € 10 per adult In any case, there is no question of refusing to accept migrants - rather, Brussels intends to suggest how to deal with the consequences of a problem that cannot be solved. "
            1. -1
              9 November 2020 23: 43
              You have no idea what you are writing about.
              In Italy, the share of migrants is 8,5% of the population. And they produce 9,6% of the country's GDP (147 billion euros). Only direct taxes in 2019 they paid 26,6 billion euros. State services to migrants for the year "cost" 26,1, 500.000.000 billion with net income for the state of XNUMX million
        2. 0
          10 November 2020 09: 08
          The important thing is that no one is going to integrate these people seriously - just words.

          Everything is correct. Nobody is going to integrate them and will not. In the west, today everything is so built that if you yourself do not want to work, then sit on a penny allowance, which is used by both locals and visitors.
          The state does not drive anyone anywhere, but creates conditions for integration, which are used only by those who want.
    2. +2
      9 November 2020 22: 58
      A certain proportion of people will try to work well and work hard anyway. It does not happen that all 100% of those who come to the EU from country X do nothing and not only "morally decay".
      1. -2
        9 November 2020 23: 26
        Quote: nikolaevskiy78
        Some share

        And what is this "some share? There are the same figures. Unemployed migrants (not working and not studying) - about 10% in Europe on average. 90% - work and study.
        1. +1
          9 November 2020 23: 32
          Do you mean these sources?)))

          "The unemployment rate among refugees in Germany ranges from 40% to 80% depending on the land. According to the Institute for German Economics (IW), the influx of refugees contributes to an increase in unemployment in the country by 1,5%. At the same time, migrants also contribute to an increase in GDP. the positive impact on economic growth will be 0,4% this year, and by 2020 - 1%.

          According to a study by the Institute for German Economics (IW), the influx of migrants to Germany - about 1,2 million refugees arrived in the country over the past two years - is contributing to an increase in unemployment by 1,5%. The unemployment rate among refugees is quite high. While the overall unemployment rate in Germany was 5,8% in December last year, the number of unemployed among migrants who came from non-European countries (for example, Syria and Iraq) reaches several tens of percent. "

          1. 0
            9 November 2020 23: 58
            Quote: nikolaevskiy78
            such as Syria and Iraq

            Why not try from Papua New Guinea to look for examples to pull an owl onto a globe on the altar of propaganda)
            Eurostat data.
            1. -1
              10 November 2020 00: 05
              To make the graph clearer

              Blue square - local population. Dash - migrants from Europe. Red circle - non-European migrants.
              Specifically in Germany - local employment 82% .Migrants from Europe - 80%. From outside Europe - 67%
              1. 0
                10 November 2020 00: 16
                If we take the EC methodology, then our unemployment among migrants should be + - 75-78%, while our real employment among migrants is close to 100%.
                1. 0
                  10 November 2020 00: 20
                  Are you going to teach the EC and Eurostat methods of statistics? Try it. You will be a resounding success. Undoubtedly)
                  1. +1
                    10 November 2020 00: 25
                    I just illustrated the phenomenon.
                    And you don't need to teach anyone, our accounting methods will give odds to anyone. We also have craftsmen in the Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal State Statistics Service know how to pull owls onto balloons.
            2. +1
              10 November 2020 00: 07
              On Syria and Iraq, I can imagine well the picture.
              1. 0
                10 November 2020 00: 12
                Once again, you have no idea about the topic about which you concocted this "masterpiece" from mnogobukff. Migration is a serious topic that requires a lot of knowledge, the study of many serious economic, statistical and demographic studies. A lot of analytics and a lot of "boring" numbers. In general, a lot "pluses" from the local audience will not earn a serious article. Therefore, you and others, like you on other topics, write fantasies that have no relation to reality on the topic
                1. 0
                  10 November 2020 00: 20
                  There are well-founded suspicions that the situation is diametrically opposite. You are probably not used to being given an invoice, but accustomed to verbal skirmishes.
                  So the audience for you here is "not serious".
                  What did they say there before? "Our people are not the same."
  11. +1
    9 November 2020 23: 49
    Why should migrants work? They came from such holes and life taught them to live economically. And if you want to have fun, you can do anything, the politicians told the police nizya. Veseluha. I can't understand why this is capital, well, they are not perverts, they count money What is the catch?
    1. +2
      10 November 2020 00: 12
      There are many versions of this story. One of them is presented in this material. From my point of view, this is an "investment" in the future cannon fodder, which, like wolves roaming around, will allow in the future to gather a "European herd" in the shepherd's corral. When the wolves have done their job, they will be disposed of. As tough as their "habitat" was destroyed before.
      However, this is only one of many versions.
  12. 0
    10 November 2020 00: 30
    Quote: Liam
    The services of the state to migrants for the year "cost" 26,1 billion, with a net income for the state of 500.000.000 million

    Do you have a good idea of ​​the "income from migration" figure that you cited here?))
    1. -2
      10 November 2020 00: 44
      Even a not very literate person would understand that this is a typo
  13. 0
    10 November 2020 01: 38
    Yesterday I gave a lift to a passenger connected with security services, there are contacts in European countries. So he said, from Europe, in particular from Austria, people are going to learn how to shoot in Ukraine, because Europeans are very afraid of migrants, and it is easier to acquire weapons there. Under the new security rules, the guard / bodyguard can no longer look into the eyes of the attacker, so as not to provoke with a glance ...
    Ps for six months working in a long-range in Western Europe, I have not seen a single black, colored, Arab in factories, factories, enterprises, logistics centers, no, I bresh, in Belgium there was one neg.r on a square and that's it ...
  14. +1
    10 November 2020 06: 08
    The decline of Europe will not end well ..
  15. +1
    10 November 2020 08: 30
    Does the author have a heartache for the future of the EU? smile
    1. -1
      10 November 2020 09: 24
      In Europe, some technologies are simply being tested, as if it were a kind of testing ground. Therefore, you should not be negligent about what is happening there. Moreover, with the arrival of Biden's team in the United States (and it seems that after all they took revenge), the European integrators will receive fresh blood. In general, I would not treat this superficially.
      1. +1
        10 November 2020 09: 30
        Therefore, you should not be negligent about what is happening there.
        In the sense of negligent? What should Russia do? Restrict the entry of migrants to Europe.?
        1. -1
          10 November 2020 09: 46
          No, you have to understand, the processes that are taking place in Europe. Today, we only hypothetically consider the EU as a "potential adversary." Today the majority of "NATO armies" are just ersatz, they are not the times of the USSR. However, remember that Germany, too, after WWI was "no" for some time. And in 5-6 years she made a crazy leap. This jump was not accidental. Many underwater and not very currents, plans, political games of different sides led to this.
          Who can guarantee that in a few years we will not see in the place of the EU not an amorphous asexual something, but quite the opposite? This is an option, of which there can be many.
          Or maybe, on the contrary, Russia, together with Turkey, needs to "push the falling one" and add guests to the Europeans, since the number of those who wish does not decrease
          1. +1
            10 November 2020 10: 34
            Ie, you live with hopes of a nuclear conflict? Why should NATO fight Russia when it can be economically strangled?
            1. 0
              10 November 2020 16: 14
              You can try to strangle. But as we depend on them, so they depend on us. The road is two-way, no matter how we are presented the opposite. This circumstance also determines the limits of "strangulation". You can also force a costly policy. But here, too, there are limits.
  16. BAI
    10 November 2020 09: 02
    The only meaning of the presence of migrants is to arm them and set them on the basis of religious hatred against Russia (as it was with Hitler in his time). But the thing is dangerous, the wave can go in the wrong direction (as happened with Hitler).
    1. 0
      10 November 2020 16: 05
      The idea is interesting, but Syria and Libya showed that those who left were not very fighters - it turned out that it was dangerous there. Here's to misbehave in the streets, it's more interesting
  17. +1
    10 November 2020 09: 24
    Mr. Nikolaevsky, test! A wonderful, clever article written in a wonderful literary style hi
    Earlier I read somewhere that in ancient times, due to some natural cataclysm, the Arab population, namely farmers, moved to Europe in huge numbers and settled there. History has preserved traces of this event, genetics has not. Apparently, they were simply destroyed over time. Why these idlers are now needed in Europe seems to be unclear. It's a whole huge army. Well, not for the same thing, in order to immediately arrange the Bartholomew's night for the Europeans. And just so as not to relax. Constant tension forces some to obedience, others to mistakes. A nervous environment is a stimulus for inadequacy. If the local government disagrees with the decision of the overseas suzerain, the latter will pull the string in the form of an insolent diaspora, and the outbreak of unrest will direct the solution of the issue in the desired overseas direction.
    Diasporas are one of America's ways to govern Europe on the principle of all is fair.
    1. +2
      10 November 2020 09: 33
      It did not settle. At Poitiers, the troops with the farmers were defeated.
      1. +2
        10 November 2020 09: 57
        Ah, that's how it was love
        That's what it means to know history! )))
        The dilettante picks up fragmentary information, a deep connoisseur sternly corrects him and drives him under the plinth, where the dilettante belongs)))
        1. +2
          10 November 2020 10: 43
          love Come on, don't go under the skirting board ... smile love you will very much oblige .. Just take the information into account. And I will add that the Arabs were able to conquer the Iberian Peninsula, but not the whole. The North resisted. The reconquista, liberation from the Arabs, lasted 770 years ..
    2. 0
      10 November 2020 10: 19
      Yes, an interesting thought. After all, the states use this tool at home. At least the BLM movement fits completely into your concept.
      1. +2
        10 November 2020 10: 48
        Well yes! This is such a black hundred in the wings. And the further, the more the true role of these huge masses of idlers is revealed. Soldiers of globalism. Such an implicit way of bringing rebellious governments to the desired political denominator is on the one hand. On the other hand, it is an instrument of the same governments against their own population, which does not agree with any decision. A very useful feature. Invention of the second half of the 20th century.

        As soon as segregation in America was abolished, so immediately the instrument began to form and manifest itself clearly. The hippies eventually put on their jackets and ties and went to work, while the black ones, implicitly segregated, but supported by an increasing number of handouts from guilty government bodies, did not find much work. But drugs and the opportunity to live on child benefits were found. A huge army of idlers or part-timers has formed, capable of controlling the fears of whites. I will never believe that the US special services do not understand this and do not use this army for its intended purpose. In the image and likeness, such armies were formed in Europe, but already from migrants - there were no own slaves!
        We have something similar. This is judging by the threatening events in the migrant environment during the first wave of the covid epidemic.
        The means of forming such armies are tolerance and humanism
        1. +1
          10 November 2020 16: 03
          We have one, albeit not ideal, "plus" in this area - our labor migrant must pay tax to the state, and not vice versa. It is clear that everything can be bypassed and, if desired, to violate something, but in general the alternative is to give "on the paw", and it is expensive or alternatively deportation and a ban on entry for 5 years. In this regard, it is easier to formalize everything officially. Thus, the state receives, in general, substantial money from the officially registered ones (from the region - + 5200-5300r per month per person).
    3. +1
      10 November 2020 21: 05
      And just so as not to relax. Constant tension forces some to obedience, others to mistakes.

      This is a very risky path. It is impossible to drive a person “under the carpet” all the way, to crush his self-esteem, to belittle his dignity, to “hover” his brain, that a foreign slacker can sit on your neck and live for your pleasure, while you have to put your best years on hated work, just because he is a defenseless refugee and wants to eat well.
      Sooner or later, the pressure in the boiler will exceed all possible boundaries and the lid will break off nafig - a bloody mess will brew and from it, like a phoenix from the ashes, a new Schicklgruber will grow.
      Perhaps this is the plan, for fascism occupies a much larger part of the European mentality than we think.
      1. 0
        10 November 2020 23: 35
        Colleague WayKheThuo, you are right.
        In Germany, Nazi organizations are already gaining strength. In Saxony, for example, the easternmost region of the country. There they recently arrested a "burgher" because of ties with one of such organizations, found explosives buried in the garden, a machine gun, cartridges, Nazi symbols, magazines of the corresponding orientation, and he is not a burgher at all, but an officer of the German army special forces, an elite unit of the KSK Kommando Spezialkräfte. And this is not an isolated case. The fascists are preparing to take power, and I would not be surprised if this happens.
        And most likely the radicalization of German society is promoted not so much by national humiliation, to which they have somehow got used to it, as by the migrants who force it to it. I remember that the Germans endured, were silent, and the Internet literally blew up messages, as newcomers insolently entered houses and, with living owners, settled there in whole camps, and the locals, unable to bear it, left their acquired places, emptied suburbs and small towns. The authorities only silently watched this, calling for tolerance. And from one village the newcomers were expelled, declaring fascism as their ideology. Someone really wants to repeat the history of almost a century ago. And, of course, so that all this would play against us and undermine Europe itself. At the right time, the prevailing radical sentiments will be directed in the necessary direction. And the weapon, if necessary, will be planted.
  18. +1
    10 November 2020 11: 41
    And there is some truth in this ... unfortunately
  19. 0
    10 November 2020 20: 53
    The article is very interesting, but the ending is tactfully "merged" - instead of a clear and clear explanation of why Europe is these same migrants, the author fell into allegory, thereby burying the very essence of the article.
    And it's a pity - I would really like to know why, from the author's point of view, all this migrant porridge is being brewed.
    1. 0
      10 November 2020 23: 48
      We ourselves make such a "mess" even without migrants. Today, for example, we received a message that the Spiritual Directorate of Muslims has banned interfaith marriages. How does it feel? Allegedly, the most "peaceful" religion divides, therefore, radicalizes our society from within. And external enemies are not required - yourself! So I think now, without thinking in time: how could we allow the loss of the Union! How could! ...
      The further, the more clearly it becomes clear how enormous, irreplaceable the loss is. Responding terribly in the present, she may respond even more terribly in the future.
    2. +1
      11 November 2020 00: 57
      There is some truth in your comment. From my point of view, migrants are a tool and, yes, indeed, a tool for creating a "new order". But what kind of "new order" it is, much has been said about it in general terms, and more specifically - much less.
      I regard the United States as a resource, the economic crisis as a prerequisite, and today's Europe as a model where many instruments are being tested and migration is one of many, just its importance is determined precisely by the constructive, legal and other basic parameters on which this very EU is based.
      Where is the concept of this "new order"? Digitalization? It is just a tool, COVID is a tool, migration is a tool, etc. But the concept lies in the ideological base, which has been around for many years. I will try to present material on this ideological base for review. In the end, the ideas of the "potential adversary" determine his model, tools - implementation, and circumstances - specifics. Let's see how well it turns out to be done without involving conspiracy theories)))
      1. 0
        11 November 2020 10: 08
        Mr. Nikolaevsky!
        Conspiracy turns into reality.
        She, conspiracy theories, is a real tool that helps the population get used to the absurdity that is being prepared for us.
        This is done so.
        First, an idea is thrown in, equipped with the necessary share of mysticism - so that the population would say: "Oh, well! This cannot be! Damn conspiracy theorists - invented!" Denial is due to the presence of elements of mysticism. Well, there, the Union of Nine, for example, stuff. However, in addition to the denial of mysticism, the idea itself is fixed in the minds. Like, who knows, anything can happen.
        For example, Bill Gates as a mystical fortuneteller. In 2016, he makes a prediction about the upcoming coronavirus epidemic, which is more terrible than all previous "crowns". Everyone laughs at him, but only because they do not know that this character is actively sponsoring pharmaceuticals, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars into the development of patented coronaviruses and, of course, into an antidote. The antidote that suddenly turns out to be urgently developed at the moment when the epidemic looms large. And didn't it happen? As a result, Gates is the beacon of reason, his predictions are reliable ...
        Moreover, there were dozens of films about the epidemic! Some with such precise details that you begin to realize that the action is planned in advance.
        And there are 10 of such "predictions" by Gates. And only a few people understand what is behind this conspiracy and call Gates not a predictor-conspiracy theorist, but a "planner."
        That is, all conspiracy theories are a gradual pre-planned accustoming the population to whatever a small group of people wants under the general name FAGMA. And they want to bring the whole world under their rule. And they have already planned how to do it. After all, these people are not sickly mind. Suffice it to say that Bezos is among them. But they, of course, have failures, because life is a system with an infinite number of options, you can't take everything into account. However, these people do not give up hope and try different options. Not by washing, so by rolling. For example, now to intimidate the population of the Earth, therefore, to bring it to submission, the idea of ​​the inevitability of the Third World War is being actively discussed.
  20. 0
    11 November 2020 12: 54
    Why do the European elite need migrants? The answer, as usual, is simple and lies on the surface. The European elite wants to correct the genetic problems of their ethnic groups. That's all. Eastern people are called and paid so that they have more European women, and that Europeans, compelled by strong Arab fists, give birth more often.
    The situation with genetics in Europe is dire. The disgusting dreadnoughts that follow the beauties there cause a gag reflex in every normal person, and not the awakening of the sexual principle. Constant wars, accompanied by mass murder and violence, in which the ugly ones have more chances - they will disdain, they will not notice ... Insane religious fanaticism. Wild oppression of the peasantry ... All this washed out a healthy gene pool from Europe. Well, young Arabs, not spoiled by female attention, use everything that moves ... I suppose Katya Maldon, who fled to Europe, is popular there.
    Interestingly, the author of the article does not understand all this, or is he just ashamed to write? Hehe ...
    1. 0
      12 November 2020 12: 20
      Not that he is shy)))
      It's just that migrants don't mix with representatives of "degenerating Europe". Between themselves - in any combination, but with the "target audience", it turns out from time to time and usually not by mutual agreement ... Although, who knows
      1. 0
        12 November 2020 12: 42
        They rape, so they rape. Europeans themselves miss the regular violence. They lived like this for thousands of years - they raped each other, waging their endless wars. And about the "target audience" I advise you to google at your leisure. Ahnete. However, we are not much better. Women need men, not drunkenness, a strange orientation and other pens unfit for reproduction.
        Globally, there is only one problem - the loss by members of society of the opportunity to influence their future (organizations, any organizations of our world are immeasurably stronger than individual people) with the obvious despicable injustice of this very society. Men must be able and able to protect their offspring. In our world, this is simply impossible. It is impossible either to fight the suppression mechanisms, or even escape somehow. There is nowhere to run away, and to fight - the forces are incommensurable. They took your son away from you, and go on year after year, prove something ...
        And men who feel that they cannot fulfill their main evolutionary role are purely instinctively removed from reproduction. Nature does not care that almost everyone is removed. The world of the East is still not educated enough to understand this. Their men still consider themselves able to resist the world. Soon they will understand everything too ... Soon, but not now.
        And as you know - "after us, even a flood." The Western idea on the basis of which situational management is built. So the Arabs are given free money so that they deceive themselves, they say, the system can be defeated. Otherwise, it will stop standing, like the Germans ...
        1. +1
          13 November 2020 07: 27
          Well, those of the Arabs who are smarter are already thinking about why they are being "fed" there. Those who are quite cleverer have long concluded that the "collective West" is doing everything to ensure that they stay longer in their "stone age".
          Everything moves in a circle, and as in its time Rome played with the barbarians, but everything ended quite sadly. So here, too, there are high chances that the instrument will start to steer the "master". Another thing is that the technologies of "brain pumping" are more powerful today than those of old Rome.
  21. 0
    19 November 2020 16: 08
    Europe itself let the Plague into its house .... it will all end badly!