Francois Picot and Jose Custodio de Faria. Real life of the prototypes of the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Francois Picot and Jose Custodio de Faria. Real life of the prototypes of the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo"
Illustration for the novel by A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Among the many novels written by Alexandre Dumas (father), two have the happiest fate. None of the other novels written by this author, even close, could repeat their success and come close to them in circulation and popularity. In the twentieth century, these works were repeatedly filmed, and now even those who were not going to open the book and get acquainted with the original are familiar with their plots.

The first of them, of course, "The Three Musketeers" is one of the main and favorite novels of adolescents in all countries, which, however, evokes a distinct feeling of bewilderment and rejection among intelligently capable adult readers. An article that had a great resonance and was sold on dozens of sites was devoted to his analysis. Four Musketeers, or Why is it Dangerous to Reread Dumas Novels?.

The second of these novels is the famous "The Count of Monte Cristo": exhilarating and exciting story deceit and love, hatred and revenge.

The novel "The Count of Monte Cristo", published in 1853

The first film based on this novel was filmed back in 1908 in the United States. And in the French film versions, cult actors and stars of the first magnitude were filmed - Jean Mare (1954) and Gerard Depardieu (1998).

Jean Mare as Count of Monte Cristo

Gerard Depardieu as Count of Monte Cristo

In the 1998 film, along with Gerard Dererdieu, his son Guillaume also starred, who played the role of young Dantes.

Guillaume Depardieu as young Dantes

This novel has also become a reference book for teenagers of several generations, it is no coincidence that the children's training rifle, created in the middle of the XNUMXth century by the French gunsmith Flaubert (a prototype of small-bore rifles), was called "Montecristo" in Russia.

Shotgun "Montecristo"

Rifles "Montecristo" could often be seen in the shooting galleries of pre-revolutionary Russia. But in Europe they were called "flaubers".

In this article, we will not conduct a literary analysis of the novel. Instead, let's talk about real people who became the prototypes of his heroes and characters.

The plot of the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo"

In the novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" by A. Dumas, as in many of his other works, he used a real plot, only significantly romanticizing it: he idealized the main character and deprived his opponents of halftones. The main features of all the characters were exaggerated and brought to the absolute. This, on the one hand, extremely vulgarized the heroes of the novel, who began to resemble walking stereotypes, each endowed with its own function. But, on the other hand, this simplification allowed readers to immediately and clearly define their sympathies and come to terms with the behavior of the main character in the second part of the book. After all, Dumas leaves no shadow of doubt for readers, leading them to the idea: this cruel and truly manic revenge is carried out by an absolutely positive character in relation to absolutely negative ones. The hero's enemies just got what they deserved, the avenger's conscience was absolutely clear and calm.

However, the real story of revenge, which became the basis of Dumas's novel, had a different ending - and for the man who became the prototype of the protagonist, it ended much more terrifying and sadder. If this plot was undertaken to develop not a frivolous novelist who traditionally viewed history as "the nail on which he hangs his picture", but a more serious writer, a tragedy of Shakespearean scale could have turned out. It would be a work about the futility and even perniciousness of rancor and revenge on everyone. But at the same time, fans of fiction would have lost one of the "pearls" of this genre.

The story of Francois Picot

In the novel The Count of Monte Cristo, Dumas creatively reworked one of the chapters of the book Police Without Masks, published in 1838. These were the memoirs of a certain Jacques Pesche, and the story that interested the famous writer was called "Diamond and Vengeance" by Pesce himself.

This story began in 1807, which for some reason did not suit Dumas, who postponed the beginning of the novel to 1814. The writer did not like the profession of the main character either. Deciding that a romantic hero could not be a shoemaker, Dumas, with a light movement of his pen, turned the real Francois Picot into a sailor and ship captain, Edmond Dantes. As for the title, which Dumas "awarded" the hero of his novel, it was derived from the name of a rocky island that the writer saw near the island of Elba.

The enemy of the real Pico, a poor bourgeois Mathieu Lupian, in Dumas's novel became a nobleman and officer Fernand. The name of the Milanese prelate, whom the hero met in prison, Pesce did not name in his memoirs, and A. Dumas, with no hesitation, appointed Dantes 'kind genius' Jose Custodio de Faria, a very real person who himself could become the hero of an adventure novel. We will also talk about him today (a little later).

E. Dantes and Faria, film frame, 2002

The fact that Faria did not even think of dying in the Château d'If, but safely got out of this prison and at large wrote one of the first scientific books devoted to hypnotic practices, did not matter to Dumas. He is an "artist" and "so sees", what can you do.

But what actually happened? The real story, as we remember, began in 1807 in Paris, when a shoemaker from the city of Nîmes, François Picot, told his fellow countryman Mathieu Lupian that he was lucky: he would marry Marguerite Vigor, whose parents gave their daughter a very generous dowry. Instead of rejoicing for an old acquaintance, Lupian, who himself had plans for such a rich bride, together with two friends wrote a denunciation to the police. It stated that Pico was a nobleman from the Languedoc and an English agent through whom communication was carried out between various groups of royalists. This case interested the chief of police Lagori, who ordered the arrest of Pico. The unfortunate shoemaker spent 7 years in prison and, of course, did not escape from it, but was simply released after the fall of Napoleon - in 1814. Pico's cellmate was an unnamed priest from Milan, who bequeathed his fortune to him. And in Dumas' novel, as we remember, Dantes received an ancient treasure of Cardinal Cesare Spada (real person), allegedly poisoned by Pope Alexander VI (Borgia).

The money received would have allowed the by no means elderly Pico to start a new life, but he thirsted for revenge and therefore began to look for those responsible for his arrest. His suspicions fell on Lupian, but there was no evidence. Soon Pico was lucky (at least so he thought then): he found an acquaintance of Lupian - a certain Antoine Allu, who at that time was living in Rome. Calling himself Abbot Baldini, he told him that he was acting on the will of the deceased François Picot, according to which the names of the people involved in his arrest should be inscribed on his tombstone. Having received a large diamond as a reward, Allu named the necessary names. And from that moment a chain of tragic events began that led to the death of both Pico and many other people.

The first victim was a jeweler to whom Allu sold the diamond, receiving 60 thousand francs for it. Learning that he was cheap, and the diamond actually costs 120 thousand, Allu robbed and killed the "deceiver". And Pico returned to France and, changing his name to Prospero, took a job in a restaurant owned by Lupian and Margarita Vigoru, who married him.

Soon, Pico began his revenge. One of the informers was found killed, and on the handle of the dagger that became the instrument of the crime, the investigators read the mysterious words: "Number one". Soon the second informer was poisoned, and on the black cloth covering the coffin, someone pinned a note with the words: "Number two".

Now it was Lupian's turn, and it turned out that Pico's revenge was also directed at his family - his wife and children. The son of Lupian and Margarita Vigoru met dashing guys who involved him in thieves' affairs, which pulled him into hard labor for 20 years. One of the daughters of this couple was deceived and dishonored by a fugitive convict who pretended to be a wealthy and influential marquis. After that, the restaurant Lupiana burned down, and Margarita, unable to withstand the troubles that befell her family, died after a serious illness. Her death did not stop Pico, who forced the ex-fiance's other daughter to become his mistress, promising to pay off her father's debts. Instead, Pico killed him. However, Antoine Allu did not believe the story told to him by the false abbot Baldini, and did not let Pico out of sight, hoping to profit well at his expense. After the third murder, he stunned the avenger who imagined himself to be the god of justice with a blow with a baton and kept him locked up in his basement for a long time. So, who did not want to take advantage of the chance for a new life, Pico was again in dungeon - and the new prison was much worse than the first. Allu mocked his prisoner and starved him, extorting more and more sums of money: it got to the point that he began to demand 25 thousand francs for each piece of bread and a sip of water (in Dumas's novel, as you remember, he was "having fun" with Dantes himself was his prisoner). As a result, Pico went mad and only after that Allu was killed, who then moved to England. Here in 1828, at his deathbed confession, he told about everything to a certain Catholic priest, who transferred the information he received to the Parisian police. Allu's story turned out to be reliable and was confirmed by archival documents.

Thus, the state obtained by Pico in real life did not bring him happiness and became the cause of the death of five people, including himself.

The real life of Abbot Faria

Now let's turn to another important character in Dumas's novel, whom the writer called Abbot Faria.

The real Jose Custodio de Faria was born in 1756 in Western India - on the territory of the Portuguese colony of Goa, which is now well known to tourists all over the world. The future abbot came from a Brahmin family, but his father, Cayetano de Faria, converted to Christianity. This allowed him to marry the daughter of a Portuguese official, and their son to receive an excellent education. But the Indian origin and the years spent in this country made themselves felt, and even after receiving the ordination of a priest, Jose continued to practice yoga and Vedic practices.

The de Faria family moved to Europe when José was 15 years old. In Rome, father and son entered the university at the same time: Cayetano graduated from the medical faculty, Jose - theological. After that, they settled well in Lisbon, where the father became the confessor of the Portuguese royal couple, and the son became the priest of the royal church.

Padre Jose Custódio de Faria

However, later they were drawn into a conspiracy to separate Goa from the metropolis, and in 1788 the Faria family was forced to move to France. But even in this country, the views of the younger Faria were considered too radical: the emigrant ended up in the Bastille, where he remained for several months until he was liberated by the insurgent Parisians on July 14, 1789.

José de Faria's imprisonment regime was not very harsh, especially since one of the prison guards turned out to be a great lover of the game of checkers, and the prisoner was a real master. Therefore, the disgraced abbot did not have to be especially bored. It was then that he decided to modernize the rules of this game by increasing the number of fields, and became the inventor of the hundred-cell checkers. And that would have been enough for the name of the abbot to remain in history, but he was by no means going to stop there.

Revolutions open many paths for extraordinary people, and de Faria was no exception. As a victim of the previous regime, he enjoyed the full confidence of the new authorities and even received command of one of the units of the National Guard. But, as you know, revolutions tend to devour their children, and in 1793 the Jacobins who headed the Convention drew attention to the suspicious former abbot. De Faria did not wait for the arrest and fled to the south, where he retired from politics, teaching medicine. It was at this time that he became interested in Franz Mesmer's newfangled doctrine of "animal magnetism", and at the same time began his experiments in the field of hypnosis. However, this extraordinary man could not remain outside politics, and when "villains saved France from fanatics", he joined the organization founded by François Noel Babeuf, which he called "Conspiracy for Equality".

In 1794, after the fall of the Jacobins, power in France fell into the hands of a new government - the Directory, under which a few nouveau riches became the actual masters of the country, and the difference in the standard of living between rich and poor reached unprecedented proportions, far exceeding the social stratification under Louis XVI. All this was accompanied by a decline in morality, and shameless "secular lionesses" like Teresa Talien appeared and began to set the tone in large cities. The Republican troops already had good generals and learned how to fight, the enemy armies now could not threaten the very existence of the French Republic. The main danger for her now was internal instability. On the one hand, some popular generals tried to establish "order in the country", on the other hand, there were quite numerous supporters of the "left" who dreamed of social justice and the establishment of a truly popular power in France. It all ended with the coup d'état of 18 Brumaire in 1799, as a result of which Napoleon Bonaparte came to power. The leaders of the new "left" did not accept this, and branches of the "Conspiracy for Equality" appeared in many French cities, including in Nimes, where José Custodio de Faria was at that time. It was he who headed the city organization "Conspiracy ..." However, "Gracchus" Babeuf was betrayed and executed on May 27, 1797, his comrades-in-arms ended up in prison, or exiled to the southern colonies to hard labor. José de Faria was imprisoned at the Chateau d'If, in which he spent 17 years in solitary confinement.

Gualtiero Tumiati as Faria

Currently, this castle houses a museum. They also show the "cell of Abbot Faria", in which there is a hole in his name. But the size of its hole is such that it is impossible even for a child to crawl through it.

Interior of the Chateau d'If, chamber Faria with a hole below

There is also a "Dantes chamber" in this museum, in which there are also two small holes. But, if in the first chamber the hole is located near the floor, then in this one it is under the ceiling.

It must be said that A. Dumas, who personally visited this castle, somewhat exaggerated the colors: If, nevertheless, was built not as a prison, but as a fortress, and many cells had windows from which a beautiful view of the sea, the coast, or the surrounding islands opens. Only a few cells were located in the basement, and it was them that Dumas described in his novel.

Let's say at the same time that Dantes and Faria are not the only "stars" and heroes of the museum of the If castle. Part of the exhibition is dedicated to the rhinoceros, thanks to which, it is believed, the fortress was built. It is said that the ship with the rhinoceros, which the King of Portugal Manuel I presented to Pope Leo X of Rome, stopped in Marseilles so that the French monarch Francis I could admire this unprecedented beast. The island of If, on which this rhino was temporarily landed, seemed to Francis convenient for construction of the fortress, which was erected in 1524-1531.

View of the Chateau d'If and Marseille

The image of this rhinoceros has been preserved in A. Durer's engraving.

Rhinoceros, engraving by A. Durer

But back to Faria, who was released at the same time as Pico, after the fall of Napoleon in 1814. With the unfortunate shoemaker, who became the prototype of another hero of Dumas's novel, he not only did not know, but did not even suspect of his existence. In general, these were personalities of different scales and different views, they could hardly be interesting to each other.

Having found freedom, Pico began his maniacal revenge, and Faria returned to Paris, where at 49 rue Clichy he opened "magnetic classes", which quickly became very popular. José de Faria conducted very successful hypnosis sessions in which the objects of his experiments were not only people (both adults and children), but even pets. In doing so, he personally developed two innovative methods of suggestion, which received his name and are described in all textbooks on psychotherapy. The first of these techniques prescribes to look the patient in the eyes for a long time and without blinking, and then give the command to fall asleep in a confident imperative tone. Using the second technique, the doctor must quickly approach the patient and command him imperiously: "Sleep!" In the city of Panaji, the capital of the Indian state of Goa, you can see a monument on which the local native Jose Custodio de Faria appears exactly in the role of a hypnotist.

Abbot Faria, monument in Panaji, Goa

Faria's activities, as already mentioned, were quite successful, and this caused the envy of colleagues, who began to accuse him of deceiving patients and quackery. On the other hand, representatives of the official church accused him of having connections with the devil and of witchcraft. Fearing being arrested a third time, Faria chose to leave his medical practice and even left Paris out of harm's way. Until his death in 1819, he served as a priest in a church in one of the surrounding villages. However, he did not leave his scientific work: he wrote the famous book "On the Cause of Lucid Sleep, or A Study of the Nature of Man, Written by Abbot Faria, Brahmin, Doctor of Theology."
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  1. 0
    21 October 2020 06: 16

    Padre Jose Custódio de Faria
    Damn, either Beavis or Butt-head, I always confuse them.
    In general, Dumas wrote just light reading, he did not bother with moralizing. As for me, it is a great success for a writer of the light genre that his works become classics. And, given the amount written by Dumas-Pope, the two novels became laughing x just classic - that's not much
    1. +9
      21 October 2020 07: 02
      And the continuation of the Musketeers. And the trilogy from "Queen Margot" is also quite a classic.
      Only all this is better to read during. A little later - and already much more difficult.
      1. +8
        21 October 2020 07: 09
        I can't reread the Strugatskys. I tried it a couple of times and decided to keep the impressions of thirty years ago. But I passed the final exam in literature on the topic of their work.
        1. +6
          21 October 2020 07: 13
          Perhaps one thing is always perceived - "A billion years before the end of the world." I have already said that it immediately hit my head. And nestled.

          I tried to read "Ascanio", "Two Diana" already in the university - it is impossible.
          1. +5
            21 October 2020 07: 24
            For me - "Picnic".
          2. +5
            21 October 2020 07: 59
            Hello, Sergey. hi
            And what about "Doomed City"?
            1. +3
              21 October 2020 08: 14
              Among those that I remember. Perhaps, I would also mention "Predatory Things of the Century".
              But as "For a billion ..." nothing else has sunk.
              And in the "Doomed City" the most curious Chinese is Wang.

              Good morning, Constantine!
              1. +6
                21 October 2020 08: 42
                Good morning.
                According to "Billion ..." we made a movie, I don't know, I saw it, but I was absolutely not impressed.
                And in "The Grad ..." I was somewhat surprised by the authors' obvious sympathy for Fritz Geiger, although the Russian boy there is not very different from him.
                Well, of course, "Picnic ..." - yes.
                1. +8
                  21 October 2020 09: 03
                  How to remove it?
                  Here are thoughts and conversations.

                  “It’s hard to be God” I couldn’t look at the contemporary.
                  1. +4
                    21 October 2020 09: 12
                    “It’s hard to be God” I couldn’t look at the contemporary.

                    If you mean Herman, then I also could not, and the previous craft is in the same place.
                    But sometimes I watch Tarkovsky with pleasure, although it is, of course, more Tarkovsky, and not the Strugatskys.
                    1. +6
                      21 October 2020 09: 14
                      Yes. Herman.

                      A.K. Tolstoy:
                      “Bondage will make you go through the mud.
                      Pigs can only swim in it. "
                      1. +5
                        21 October 2020 09: 17
                        Absolutely accurate definition of the film, and after all, his "Checks on the roads", in my opinion, is very up to date. It remains to be surprised ...
        2. VLR
          21 October 2020 10: 27
          Yes, the Strugatskys, apparently, "go" to the "History of Soviet Fantasy" section. I also tried to re-read them on one of my trips: I downloaded to my smartphone what I liked before - and I could only finish reading "The Beetle in the Anthill".
          "It's hard to be a god" is also not perceived as before, but it must be admitted that this novel has the potential for a large-scale "Hollywood" adaptation. However, those directors who are able to shoot a blockbuster on its basis are unfamiliar and of little interest to Soviet literature.
        3. +5
          21 October 2020 10: 41
          I liked with them Monday starts on Saturday, It's hard to be a god and the Hotel "At the lost climber". The Snail on the Hillside, The Inhabited Island, even the Roadside Picnic are pretty dull things. Ugly swans - this and that.
          1. +4
            21 October 2020 16: 11
            An interesting thing happened with the "Hotel", I read it in due time, I liked it, but not so much ah. And recently I reread it and got tremendous pleasure.
            Weighed down with Evil didn't come at all. I was even at a loss, wonderful writers, one might say masters, and write this .. But this is a personal opinion
            1. +5
              21 October 2020 23: 48
              Personally, I read a lot of different modern fiction by young and not only authors. But be sure, at least once a year, I reread something from the Strugatskys: "Kid", "Predatory Things of the Century", "Noon of the XXI Century", "Inhabited Island", "Ugly Swans" ... - exclusively for relaxation.
              It's all about the syllable. The Strugatskys are one of the few for whom a syllable, a word in a fantastic text means no less, if not more, than a dashingly twisted plot.
              The same craving for a good style can be observed in the early and not only works of the Strugatsky students, a vivid example - A. Gromov "Soft Landing", by the way - I highly recommend it. Although I cannot read the "Students' Time" series, the "students" trampled on the works of their teacher very much.
              Well, the Strugatskys, despite their undoubted talent, always wrote with a fig in their pocket, so this fig came from their students.
              I think so.
              1. +5
                22 October 2020 04: 03
                Well written. Somewhere I read the phrase "The Strugatskys are not fiction, this is literature."
                Gromov read almost everything, I like a lot. Hands just can't reach the "Star Pyramid".
                You are also right about Student Time, a rare disappointment.
  2. +8
    21 October 2020 06: 22
    The story of each prototype of the heroes of the novel is much more interesting ...
  3. +9
    21 October 2020 06: 25
    "Waves of the Black Sea" by Kataev.
    “- What are you going to shoot from?
    "From montecristo."

    Didn't think about the prototypes of the novel.

    “When would you know
    From what rubbish verses grow, not knowing shame. "

    Thank you!
    1. +5
      21 October 2020 06: 54
      "Today you die, tomorrow they say:" Poet! "" (C)
      1. +6
        21 October 2020 07: 00
        “- This is François Villon. This is his will.
        "Is he dead too?"
        - Yes, he was stabbed or hanged ”(c).
        1. +4
          21 October 2020 07: 03
          "- Tell me, what has Magellan to do with it?"
          - Maybe he died or the Hero was given ... "(C)
          1. +4
            21 October 2020 07: 15
            Robert Fischer was once asked:

            “- Do you know who Vasco da Gama is?
            "What chess club does he play for?"

            This did not stop him from becoming a Fisher.
            1. +9
              21 October 2020 07: 21
              Fisher, of course, is still an eccentric, but in this case, he paraphrased an old American anecdote about the population of Canada.
  4. +5
    21 October 2020 06: 30
    Amusing, informative and interesting.
    Thank you author!
  5. +6
    21 October 2020 06: 31
    The promised continuation of the "literary" cycle!
    Thank you, Valery!
    I would add to the list of articles material about the Gevodan beast.
  6. +9
    21 October 2020 07: 23
    Hmm, people had a life. Cleaner than any novel. As the saying goes: life is the best screenwriter
  7. 0
    21 October 2020 07: 25
    But what actually happened?

    In fact, there was and is a real immortal romance of Dumas with a fascinating story he created.

    If this plot was undertaken to develop not a frivolous novelist who traditionally viewed history as "the nail on which he hangs his picture", but a more serious writer, a tragedy of Shakespearean scale could have turned out.

    Dumas' novel is much more famous and popular than any Shakespearean tragedy
    1. +6
      21 October 2020 07: 35
      Dumas' novel is much more famous and popular than any Shakespearean tragedy
      You can take any Shakespearean tragedy and compare, at least in terms of the number of cinematic productions, with this novel by Dumas.
      Andrey, one gets the impression that this is your permanent antithesis to Ryzhov.
      1. +1
        21 October 2020 07: 59
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        You can take any Shakespearean tragedy and compare, at least in terms of the number of cinematic productions, with this novel by Dumas.

        1.So take the same and compare - what is the idle chatter? request

        2. Compare, by the way, the circulation of the novel and the tragedy.
        Quote: 3x3zsave
        Andrey, one gets the impression that this is your permanent antithesis to Ryzhov.

        I have nothing against the respected author. And to disagree with some of his statements is, in my opinion, quite natural.

        Here and here: in my opinion, it is strange to disassemble, say, Tales about the Little Humpbacked Horse or Sleeping Beauty from the point of view of the correspondence of their plots and events real "stories" and "facts".

        In order not to work, as in the joke; "Well, Lieutenant Rzhevsky came and vulgarized everything" (c) request
        1. +6
          21 October 2020 08: 07
          1.So take the same and compare - what is the idle chatter? request

          2. Compare, by the way, the circulation of the novel and the tragedy.

          1. You have known me for a long time and, probably, have noticed that this is my main role on the forum. laughing
          2. Intrigued! If something works out, I will definitely bring it to your attention
        2. VLR
          21 October 2020 10: 37
          If Ivan from "The Little Humpbacked Horse" had a real prototype, it would be interesting to write about him, but, alas, as in the anecdote about Freud: "Sometimes dreams are just dreams."
          1. +3
            21 October 2020 11: 10
            My favorite character.

            Something similar to the comparison came out.

            If you insert pictures and shovel all sorts of Propps, Frazers and Rybakovs, it can turn out interesting.

            Public attention is guaranteed.
          2. 0
            21 October 2020 11: 16
            Quote: VlR
            If Ivan from "The Little Humpbacked Horse" had a real prototype, it would be interesting to write about him,

            And what of real Pico stayed with Dumovsky Dantes?

            No more than Ershovsky Ivanushki from anyone real Ivan. request
            1. VLR
              21 October 2020 12: 37
              The hero of Dumas has a lot left from the real Pico. And Dumas himself never denied that he did not invent this story himself: he simply altered it a little, especially at the end, and embellished it.
    2. +7
      21 October 2020 07: 48
      It is possible to disagree: even though "Hamlet", even though "King Lear" is an ageless classic.
      1. +7
        21 October 2020 08: 29
        Quote from Korsar4
        It is possible to disagree: even though "Hamlet", even though "King Lear" is an ageless classic.

        The classics are ageless and immortal, who would argue?

        But how many people read / listen to it? The same immortal Spiritual Music of Tchaikovsky?

        I think that those who read, for example, "King Lear" are much less, read "The Count"
        1. +6
          21 October 2020 08: 36
          Collecting statistics is not easy.
          It goes in theaters.

          A couple of years ago my daughter dragged me to King Lear. Modern interpretation. Not everything was pleasant. But after that it was impossible not to reread.

          Will new generations read, they will. The question is how big the layer will be.
          1. +3
            21 October 2020 11: 25
            The last I saw was Hamlet, starring Cumberbatch. ("Theater on the Big Screen" project)
            1. +3
              21 October 2020 11: 41
              When you are in the hall, you cannot run away anywhere, and you hardly get distracted by anything.
              1. +4
                21 October 2020 12: 13
                I ran a couple of times.
                1. +3
                  21 October 2020 13: 31
                  Did you realize that you were wasting your time?
                  1. +4
                    21 October 2020 13: 44
                    "Uncle Vanya" directed by Y. Butusov. This art house is beyond my understanding. Lars von Trier is resting. And "Trojans" performed by a Japanese drama theater.
                    1. +3
                      21 October 2020 15: 05
                      I go so rarely that I do not know all your names. Therefore - and you will not run away.
                      1. +3
                        21 October 2020 15: 37
                        For the last 2 years I don't go at all.
                      2. +6
                        21 October 2020 17: 51
                        "Uncle Vanya" directed by Y. Butusov.

                        At Butusov's Lensovet "Macbeth. Cinema" was funny. I mean, the avant-garde is the avant-garde, or whatever it is. Four hours of action. But I liked it! fellow
                        But last year I went to the Leningrad City Council for the premiere of "The Queen of Spades" ... Quiet shock ... how could this even be staged! belay negative Therefore, when we left the hall (thank God, this fecal contents went without intermission), we recalled the anecdote about the Good Doctors in chorus:
                        Theater, play is on. The hall is dark and deathly silence, only the actors are playing. And then a heart-rending cry from the first rows:
                        - Doctor, doctor, there is a doctor in the hall !! ??
                        On the balcony on the right a respectable man with a mustache stands up:
                        - Yes, I'm a doctor, a purulent surgeon!
                        - No, colleague, well, look what kind of garbage they show us here!
                        For the last 2 years I don't go at all.

                        Are you proposing to rewrite Ball of the Vampires? wink laughing this will be trash ... fellow
                      3. +4
                        21 October 2020 18: 07
                        I propose to rewrite the biography
                        "Black out all my life,
                        Yes, start from the beginning. " (FROM)
                      4. +4
                        21 October 2020 18: 15
                        By the way, I have never seen Macbeth on stage. request
                      5. +5
                        22 October 2020 11: 21
                        By the way, I have never seen Macbeth on stage.

                        Last year we went to Rodina to watch a video screening of the opera Macbeth with the participation of Domingo and Netrebko. It is also interesting that the composition there was international - half were from Japan, as far as I understood.
                        In the role of "faithful Banquo" - on the left - some samurai, a relative of Mikado.

                        In general, I confess, on the first act I fell asleep, and then there was an intermission, and we left ... request
                      6. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 06
                        I have museums and theaters on occasion. In December last year there was a one-day business trip to St. Petersburg. In a break between the event and the celebration, a colleague from Yoshkar-Ola pulled out to the Russian Museum.
                      7. +2
                        21 October 2020 20: 19
                        This is what I hate - this is the Russian Museum! Small concentration camp, for visitors!
                      8. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 30
                        You cannot compare with the Hermitage. From the Tretyakov Gallery, sorry, too.

                        I hope we will not measure the Moscow and Petersburg sights.
                      9. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 37
                        Pffff ... Of course we won't!
                        Moreover, lately I mainly visit Erarta. There is probably a similar museum in Moscow too.
                      10. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 42
                        I do not even know. In general, I like to wander the streets more.
                        The outside is no less interesting than the inside.

                        “A man and a dog are in the yard. The woman and the cat are in the house ”(c).
                      11. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 50
                        Oh yeah! My favorite area, a symbol of my youth - Petrogradka! Come and show me!
                      12. +3
                        21 October 2020 20: 52
                        As an option. But the last 2 years have become seriously more difficult with business trips.
                      13. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 55
                        I call everyone, no one is coming ...
                      14. +3
                        21 October 2020 20: 59
                        I have a good memory. Only, "She is not alone, she will come with the blacksmith" (c). If you have a vacation - then take out a part of your family with you.

                        I'll take a look.

                        Checkmark - Petrograd side and Anton put it.
                      15. +3
                        21 October 2020 21: 03
                        If you have a vacation - then take out a part of your family with you.
                        That is, you doubt that my charm will be enough for everyone ?! laughing
                      16. +2
                        21 October 2020 21: 45
                        You are charming like Carlson, who was mentioned on this page.

                        Older daughters are already completely independent in terms of travel. And not only in this regard.
                      17. +3
                        21 October 2020 21: 57
                        Carlson is Nikolay, I am rather Emil from Lennenberg.
                      18. +2
                        21 October 2020 21: 58
                        Do you have a cap?
                      19. +3
                        21 October 2020 22: 13
                        And I'll find a rifle!
                      20. +2
                        21 October 2020 22: 14
                        "All this was appointed in the zoo" (c).
                      21. +3
                        21 October 2020 22: 16
                        As you say. In the case of St. Petersburg, this is also Petrogradka.
                      22. +3
                        21 October 2020 22: 23
                        It's already an hour since Gorodnitsky sings "Snow, Snow, Snow ..."
                      23. +4
                        21 October 2020 22: 26
                        In the off-season it is fun to communicate with the current customer. He is now in the middle of spring.
                      24. +3
                        21 October 2020 22: 43
                        What is it like? Explain, please.
                        Or do you work with the southern hemisphere?
                      25. +4
                        21 October 2020 22: 49
                        My friend, from a long-time job, 13 years ago left for permanent residence in Ecuador. Now I decided to repatriate. I bought an apartment. I'm fixing it.
                      26. +3
                        21 October 2020 22: 54
                        Yes. The world has become small.
        2. VLR
          21 October 2020 10: 31
          You know, now teenagers and Dumas read little. They watch films based on his novels. From them and "draw".
          I had an interesting case recently: on the beach, a girl asked for a book, so that ... to take a picture with her!
          1. +6
            21 October 2020 11: 12
            My children did not pass without it.
            Another thing is that I myself am thinking now what qualities the Three Musketeers form.

            And singing songs from our film is a sweet thing.
            1. +6
              21 October 2020 18: 47
              Quote from Korsar4
              And singing songs from our film is a sweet thing.

              Greetings Sergei! Why did the matter get up? wink laughing
              1. +7
                21 October 2020 20: 02
                Athos - even in the book, even in the film - is the main character.

                In life, I quickly found myself the last duel. About the fact that "drinking is bad" said our animators based on Stevenson.
                1. +5
                  21 October 2020 20: 04
                  Quote from Korsar4

                  I really liked this song in this film!
                  1. +4
                    21 October 2020 20: 07
                    Yes. The duet of the Queen and the Cardinal is also not bad.
                    1. +4
                      21 October 2020 20: 13
                      Quote from Korsar4
                      Duet of the Queen and the Cardinal

                      Oh yeah!
                      * Your Majesty, let another call you ... * love
                      1. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 31
                        Kathy with her song is not bad either.
                      2. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 58
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        Kathy with her song is not bad either.

                        And the couplets of Rochefort and Milady ?!
                      3. +4
                        21 October 2020 21: 00
                        And "But, really, I'm not a duelist" (c).
                      4. +5
                        21 October 2020 21: 34
                        "The Three Musketeers" is a women's novel. For women love rascals.
                      5. +4
                        21 October 2020 21: 48
                        “Women love scum.
                        Only they leave healthy offspring ”(c).
                      6. +4
                        21 October 2020 22: 07
                        "Once Nikolai Pavlovich wrote a poem dedicated to his wife, yes, he forgot the manuscript on the table. The verses began with the words:" I remember a wonderful moment ... "
                        ... "- Coco, dear! How sweet of you! This is a fresh Pushkin !!!" (c)
                      7. +3
                        21 October 2020 22: 11
                        "What a blow from the side of the classic" (c).
                      8. +7
                        22 October 2020 11: 12
                        "What a blow from the side of the classic" (c).

                        The day before yesterday I began to re-read "Dead Souls" - one chapter at a time before bed. Hmm .. interestingly Nikolai Vasiyevich walked through the Russian reality that surrounded him .. And how subtly ... what Nevertheless, it is necessary to re-read the classics with age! drinks
                      9. +3
                        22 October 2020 11: 38
                        For about a year I've been rereading Gogol and watching old productions. Masterpieces.
                      10. +6
                        22 October 2020 11: 55
                        For about a year I've been rereading Gogol and watching old productions. Masterpieces.

                        I usually watch the performance of "The Inspector General" by Yuri Solomin in the 2000s, Maly Theater, depending on the mood. It is on YouTube, you can download it.
                        Alexander Potapov, Heavenly Kingdom to him, in the cinema always played not too educated characters from the people. But how he played the Governor! Yes, because the best roles are played by the artists in the theater ... hi

                        Two weeks ago we went to the Pushkin Hills with an overnight stay - and there the guest house was full of literature. I read Pushkin voraciously in the evening! fellow good
                      11. +3
                        22 October 2020 13: 17
                        Was in the Pushkin Hills in 2019.
                        I caught myself thinking that at first I remember Dovlatov. And only then Pushkin.

                        However, I reread Boris Godunov.
                      12. +4
                        22 October 2020 13: 42
                        I caught myself thinking that at first I remember Dovlatov. And only then Pushkin.

                        Dovlatov's house is now closed. You can get to the site, get around, but inside - not. Another shed was set up on the site, apparently, creative evenings are held. And in 2016, I visited the house itself.
                        No, I remember Pushkin. But we went around everything in a day and a half. We were in Trigorskoye, and in Petrovskoye, and in Mikhailovskoye twice - the first time already at seven in the evening, the second - in the morning.
                      13. +4
                        22 October 2020 14: 27
                        I was at the Conference. The funny thing is, about the pharmaceutical gardens that you initiated. We lived in Trigorskoye. We visited all three estates. And at the grave of Pushkin too.

                        One manor house was being renovated. But the outside is no less interesting.
                      14. +5
                        22 October 2020 14: 42
                        The funny thing is, about the pharmaceutical gardens that you initiated. We lived in Trigorskoye. We visited all three estates. And at the grave of Pushkin too.

                        You yourself initiated this! drinks
                        One manor house was being renovated. But the outside is no less interesting.

                        We traditionally go inside the house only in Petrovsky - Hannibal's estate.
                        Hence another initiation! wink Sergei, would you like to write about "where did the potatoes come from in Russia"? But according to one of the versions, it was precisely that "the arap of Peter the Great" that first began to study closely, only in another estate - in Suida, near Gatchina. drinks
                      15. +4
                        22 October 2020 14: 48
                        Quote: Pane Kohanku
                        would you like to write about "where did the potatoes come from in Russia"?

                      16. +3
                        22 October 2020 14: 50
                        would you like to write about "where did the potatoes come from in Russia"?

                        Sergey, Sergey - will write! Yes
                      17. +4
                        22 October 2020 16: 22
                        Now Anton has knocked me into slash-and-burn farming. But, if you are seriously distracted, then not earlier than December 17th.

                        Although everything is very interesting, albeit humorous.
                      18. +2
                        22 October 2020 16: 40
                        Although everything is very interesting, albeit humorous.

                        ah .. inspiration can fail. I wrote an article for a month, then threw it. Dashed off a lot. I should add ...
                        And you will succeed!
                        Now Anton has knocked me into slash-and-burn farming.

                        He usually makes me drunk ... laughing
                      19. +3
                        22 October 2020 16: 51
                        It remains to be seen which is better.
                      20. +5
                        22 October 2020 17: 09
                        It remains to be seen which is better.

                        Best of all is Socratic drunken creativity. And it was not a mistake to drink with the students, and they philosophized, drunk in sheets, so much that Plato and Aristotle had enough. fellow By the way, on the history of psychology, the professor told us that Plato's doctrine of the soul was adopted by the Catholic Church, and it was enough right up to Thomas Aquinas. Didn't check. But I remember the phrase. hi
                      21. +6
                        22 October 2020 19: 08
                        "I always, when I get drunk,
                        I hit the wall with my head
                        Whether alcohol is harmful to me,
                        Is it age-related "
                        (Plato "Secret Conversations with Socrates")
                      22. +3
                        22 October 2020 21: 58
                        “Having said how we respect each other,
                        We sit with Plato and think ”(c).
                      23. +6
                        22 October 2020 19: 02
                        "And Captain Mikhailov is exceedingly skilled in roundabout maneuvers. As he wants to use wheat wine, the slave from the dora immediately calls out:" Nut-ko, Antoshka, beat me to a booze! " Not for that you taught me to read and write, so that I would make you a cumpania in the sin of drinking wine! "And the captain oppresses his:" Batogov wanted ?! Hit it up !!! "
                        (From denunciations)
                      24. +5
                        22 October 2020 19: 29
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Nut-ko, Antoshka, kick me into a booze

                        laughing laughing laughing
                      25. +3
                        22 October 2020 19: 40
                        It is a sin to laugh! A man was walking down the street, he saw the ending asphalt and the inscription ... Hello, heart attack!
                      26. +3
                        22 October 2020 19: 46
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        ending asphalt

                        Romantic! Incorrigible romantic and * My poet * !!!!!
                        This is a hockey * box *, and the man in it is drunk, very drunk, which of course happens. wink
                      27. +3
                        22 October 2020 20: 12
                        Practitioner. Have you never lifted people out of a sidewalk snowdrift in winter? I, ten times, so offhand. In most cases, they were not drunk. But in the rest of the minority, I tried to help, with one I even spent the night in the department.
                      28. +3
                        22 October 2020 20: 24
                        There have been a lot less drunken people lately. Why? I don't know. request
                      29. +3
                        22 October 2020 20: 45
                        To the mosque of St. Basil the Blessed
                      30. +4
                        23 October 2020 11: 56
                        And the captain is oppressing his: "Batogov wanted?! (From denunciations)

                        Well, it was lucky at least that the notorious captain only wanted a drink. laughing And that is another anecdote on the topic: "You must marry, master, ..." request
                      31. +2
                        23 October 2020 12: 39
                        No need to say! Denikin's youth was hard!
                      32. +2
                        23 October 2020 12: 53
                        No need to say! Denikin's youth was hard!

                        which one? If you mean the leader of the White movement, he comes from the family of an officer.
                      33. +2
                        23 October 2020 13: 06
                        His grandfather was a serf
                      34. +2
                        23 October 2020 13: 09
                        His grandfather was a serf

                        and he knew him, this grandfather? Father in his youth was taken as a soldier, and there he served his rank.
                      35. +4
                        22 October 2020 14: 41
                        Quote: Pane Kohanku
                        Dovlatov's house is now closed. You can get to the site, get around, but not inside.

                        Nikolai, is there a similar announcement on the door? laughing
                      36. +4
                        22 October 2020 14: 49
                        Nikolai, is there a similar announcement on the door?

                        No. there are extracts from the "Zapovednik" pasted all over the site. And in August 2016, on the street leading to the house (there is a narrow passage, I leave the car in the parking lot, and I walk about a hundred meters), I personally saw a fox. I wasn't scared. She ran around us on an empty site, and ran about her business in the direction of Dovlatov's house - we were already walking back to the car.
                      37. +4
                        22 October 2020 19: 25
                        Paragraph! Dovlatov's "Zapovednik" even pulls on a story with difficulty, so, diary entries. But now, come on, they were ripped apart into quotes ...
                      38. +4
                        22 October 2020 19: 19
                        “To Moscow! To Moscow!” The three sisters shouted, applying makeup and putting on their lips.
                        Didn't know, poor fellows, that expensive lipstick would become the most useless purchase in the coming year.
                      39. +5
                        22 October 2020 19: 24
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        To Moscow! To Moscow!",

                        Moscow now .... no comment!
                      40. +4
                        22 October 2020 19: 31
                        It looks like a death mask
                      41. +5
                        22 October 2020 20: 02
                        Moscow now .... no comment!
                        , - Well, how is it ?! Is Moscow worth it?
                        - Worth it! And it will stand! Until traffic jams win!
                      42. +4
                        22 October 2020 19: 27
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        shouted three sisters, putting on makeup and puckering their lips.

                        The third screwed up. Where? I don't know. laughing
                      43. +3
                        22 October 2020 19: 36
                        Anime prototypes?
                      44. +3
                        22 October 2020 19: 47
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        Anime prototypes?

                        Disguised! wink
                      45. +2
                        22 October 2020 20: 39
                        Well, what can I say ... It seems to be women, it seems to be of age ... It seems that the coat should be submitted, and skip ahead ... But after that I want to spit!
                      46. +4
                        22 October 2020 18: 48
                        "Every time, arriving in Trigorskoe, Captain Mikhailov recalled Pushkin:
                        "Ah, Alexander Sergeevich, dear,
                        Well, why didn't you tell us anything "
                        (F. Bulgarin "Notes on Russian Literature")
                      47. +3
                        23 October 2020 11: 27
                        F. Bulgarin "Notes on Russian Literature"

                        Pushkin himself did not like Bulgarin, and in his epigrams he called him Figlyarin. True. hi
                      48. +4
                        22 October 2020 18: 36
                        Especially, "Anna Karenina"
                      49. +4
                        23 October 2020 16: 28
                        The poems began with the words: "I remember a wonderful moment ..."

                        Conversation between two friends:
                        - When you walk with your girlfriend in the park, poetry comes to my mind ...
                        - What kind? Pushkin? "I remember a wonderful moment"?
                        - No. Chukovsky. "The gorilla is walking, the crocodile is leading ..."
          2. +2
            21 October 2020 11: 42
            Quote: VlR
            You know, now teenagers and Dumas read little. They watch films based on his novels. From them and "draw".

            Yes, especially in the book version. But, nevertheless, they do, especially girls.

            I can hardly imagine those who read "King Lear" .... If only because it is a more complicated thing, you have to strain, think, and know something. And who cares in the age of comics? request
            Quote: VlR
            I had an interesting case recently: on the beach, a girl asked for a book, so that ... to take a picture with her!

            An illustrative case, yes ...
          3. +4
            21 October 2020 18: 50
            Quote: VlR
            I had an interesting case recently: on the beach, a girl asked for a book, so that ... to take a picture with her!

            Hello Valery!
            Wasn't she? By chance? wink
            1. VLR
              21 October 2020 19: 22
              Good evening. No, she was dark smile
              And here on this pier:
              1. +2
                21 October 2020 19: 28
                She?!?! wink

                If not, we'll have to wait for Constantine!
                He will not let you down! Archive-richest! laughing
  8. +4
    21 October 2020 08: 09
    We also tried to make a film with Avilov as a count, which I don’t know, I didn’t watch it.
    1. +7
      21 October 2020 08: 28
      Quote: Sea Cat
      We also tried to make a film with Avilov as a count, which I don’t know, I didn’t watch it.

      It would be better if they did not shoot / personal opinion /!
      Good morning!
      But the French * Monte Cristo * only gets better every year / again personal opinion /.
      1. +2
        21 October 2020 11: 26
        A good film adaptation, but the actor of the role does not correspond to the word just do it. It feels like the years in the dungeons have not left their mark on him. Although the book is the opposite.
      2. +2
        21 October 2020 21: 10
        I watched the "classic" film adaptation with Heat of the Sea. I didn't watch Depardieu with the participation, something got in the way, I didn't really like our film adaptation. Some unfortunate Edmond from Avilov.
        1. +2
          21 October 2020 21: 18
          Quote: Astra wild2
          Edmond from Avilov.

          Avilov himself is an actor difficult to perceive. Charismatic? Without a doubt. Talented, yes. Appearance? Well ... * no comment *.
          But there was something in him, inexplicable.
          With words.
    2. +5
      21 October 2020 08: 44
      "I don’t know what happened, I didn’t look."
      It didn't work out very well. And the actors seem to be good, but the film itself is below average. If you haven't looked, you haven't lost anything.
    3. +4
      21 October 2020 11: 24
      Well, in vain. It turned out a little theatrically. But this is the only Edmond Dantes who looks like a character in the book. Strict, detached from everything, concentrated Well, music / songs give a certain ambiance. The truth is half-and-half with a rokoper flavor. The love line with Gaide is just done perfectly.
  9. +2
    21 October 2020 08: 31
    It all ended with the coup d'état of 18 Brumaire in 1799, as a result of which Napoleon Bonaparte came to power.

    and then
    However, "Gracchus" Babeuf was betrayed and executed on May 27, 1797,

    Something with the sequence is a discrepancy.
    1. VLR
      21 October 2020 10: 33
      Yes, Faria joined in after Babeuf's execution. Perhaps it was she who provoked him to action.
  10. +4
    21 October 2020 08: 35
    Good morning .
    I think many young people have read (and God forbid they will continue to read) the novels of Dumas, and other famous science fiction writers.
    Just did not understand why it is impossible to read Dumas?
    We all grew up reading his books, and I don't think we grew up so bad.
    I love books, and managed to instill in my children a love of reading.
    Thank you, I read the article with pleasure, I look forward to continuing.
    1. +2
      21 October 2020 20: 58
      Plus. She also loved books, True, the Internet now takes all the attention
  11. +8
    21 October 2020 09: 44
    All the good days! hi
    Valery, one could mention one more character associated with the castle of If.
    Iron mask - the first information about the mysterious prisoner appeared in the book "Mémoires secrets pour servir à l'histoire de Perse" (Amsterdam, 1745-1746), from which it followed that the "Iron Mask" is the Duke of Vermandois, the illegitimate son of Louis XIV and Louise de Lavaliere, who allegedly slapped his half-brother, the Great Dauphin.
    Voltaire, in his essay "The Age of Louis XIV" (1751), awakened general interest in this mysterious person, for the first time outlining the legend according to which the "Iron Mask" was the twin brother of Louis XIV.
    1. +4
      21 October 2020 20: 20
      Quote: bubalik
      character associated with the castle If.

      Good evening Sergey!
      And where does the information come from that this mysterious prisoner was sitting in this castle?
      I read that he was only in two prisons: Bastille itself, and Pignerolle.
      1. +4
        21 October 2020 20: 47
        ,,, yes for tourists came up with.
        1. +3
          21 October 2020 20: 50
          Quote: bubalik
          ,,, yes for tourists came up with.

          Oh, these jokes. recourse
          1. +6
            21 October 2020 20: 58
            ,,, you think who is in the role?
            D'Artagnan, he is Dzhigarkhanyan.
            1. +4
              21 October 2020 21: 06
              Quote: bubalik
              D'Artagnan, he is Dzhigarkhanyan.

              Ha, ha, ha! Surprised! And who will answer this? And where?
              1. +4
                21 October 2020 21: 20
                who will you answer? And where?

                ,, I do not know request
                1. +4
                  21 October 2020 21: 31
                  Quote: bubalik
                  , I do not know

                  Teleplay * The Dog of the Baskervilles *! Central Television, 1971 In the role of Sherlock-Nikolai Volkov. smile
                  1. +2
                    22 October 2020 15: 16
                    Teleplay * The Dog of the Baskervilles *! Central Television, 1971 In the role of Sherlock-Nikolai Volkov.

                    This performance, it seems, was not shown for a long time - there one of the artists messed up on the political side. Too lazy to open Wikipedia.
                    1. +2
                      22 October 2020 19: 20
                      Quote: Pane Kohanku
                      This performance, it seems, was not shown for a long time - there one of the artists messed up on the political side

                      Lev Kruglyi / Watson / emigrated to the west. Here is a good performance and that ...
                      They landed on the shelf. But in the internet it is, I sometimes watch it. I liked Volkov in the role of Holmes. Such a leisurely, thoughtful.

                      And this is the unique Kaidanovsky in the role of Stapleton!
                2. +3
                  22 October 2020 13: 47
                  , I do not know

                  Soon a straggler cortege with a retinue and commissars drove into La Calada. All the stones of the inhabitants went to the carriage in which the unfortunate Bertrand rode. Napoleon warned the commissars and his retinue to be called Campbell here.
                  “Now what do we call Campbell?”
                  - As you wish. But there is no emperor among us.
                  “I wonder where he went.” - chuckled Koller.
                  “I don't know,” replied Napoleon, gloomy.

                  (V.S. Pikul, "To Each His Own"). drinks Reminded!
            2. +3
              21 October 2020 21: 08
              Quote: bubalik
              D'Artagnan, he is Dzhigarkhanyan.

              Teleplay * Twenty Years Later * .CT, 1971. wink
  12. +3
    21 October 2020 10: 20
    Quote: Van 16
    "I don’t know what happened, I didn’t look."
    It didn't work out very well. And the actors seem to be good, but the film itself is below average. If you haven't looked, you haven't lost anything.

    Taste and color - all markers are different! Yes, and Gradsky's songs for the film are excellent.
  13. +9
    21 October 2020 11: 11
    The first of these techniques prescribes to look the patient in the eyes for a long time and without blinking, and then give the command to fall asleep in a confident imperative tone. Using the second technique, the doctor should quickly approach the patient and command him imperiously: "Sleep!"

    I remembered one more case ... Pavel Petrovich, when ascending to the throne, decided to smell a little, namely, to bury his papa with his dearly beloved mama, and organized a whole action to transfer the relics through the then St. Petersburg ... feel The enchanting nature of what was happening was aggravated by the fact that the crown of "Emperor Peter" was entrusted by his grateful descendant to carry one of the main killers of the "inhabitant of Petershtadt" - the hero of Chesma, Count Alexei Orlov. fellow The aged count began to whine, rolling his eyes, they say - "old, and legs do not carry". crying Then Pavel barked loudly, so much so that half of the procession let the liquid into his trousers: "Take it and carry it!" angry Orlov from somewhere at once had strength, and he did bear the crown of his own victim! True, then he cried a lot - apparently, from the excess of feelings and the spirituality of the moment ...
    Perhaps this is a legend, or partly a fiction, but it appears in the memoirs of eyewitnesses. hi
    Therefore ... hypnosis is different! Sometimes you don't even need hypnosis, but you shout (or better yet, swing a stick!) - and the person got up and went! laughing drinks
    1. +4
      21 October 2020 11: 23
      "And then he got up and went!" (FROM)
      1. +5
        21 October 2020 11: 32
        "And then he got up and went!" (FROM)

        yes, yes, I also wanted to mention this song, but I thought it was ... politically incorrect ... laughing And Viktor Nikolaevich and I like "Mamazuzu Granny" more with this group. drinks
        1. +6
          21 October 2020 12: 07
          He's politically correct, you know ...
          Last night I was standing on Prosveshcheniya Ave. The entire row, to the horizon, is parked. A Mazda rolls over, a Negro sticks out from there and asks: "Eh, friend, are you going to leave?" Felt like a Parisian wassat
          Here's a "magic voodoo" in St. Petersburg ...
          1. +4
            21 October 2020 12: 17
            A Mazda rolls over, a Negro sticks out from there and asks: "Eh, friend, are you going to leave?"

            I met a similar character in 2007 at the Orchestra Parade. Only I was wearing a chic Chrysler, and a leopard-colored jacket. I asked to go, but the exits to Nevsky were already blocked ... request
            1. +4
              21 October 2020 12: 32
              To paraphrase the work of the same group ...
              "So this is Mandela!
              Famous African Robin Hood! " laughing
              1. +3
                21 October 2020 20: 54
                My poet, let me disagree with you: Mandela and Robin Hood are different berries. Different cultures, for some reason the European Robin Hood is closer to me
                1. +3
                  21 October 2020 20: 58
                  For some reason I am closer to European Robin Hood
                  I even know why.
                  1. +5
                    22 October 2020 17: 14
                    I even know why.

                    Your post offends African Americans .... sad
                    1. +5
                      22 October 2020 18: 29
                      It seems to me alone that this photo looks like a frame from a movie about a zombie apocalypse?
            2. +4
              21 October 2020 13: 43
              Quote: Pane Kohanku
              ", and in a leopard-print jacket.

              Well ... a Negro in Russia does not like the harmonica?
              1. +4
                21 October 2020 13: 49
                Well ... a Negro in Russia does not like the harmonica?

                He was clearly one of the difficult ... Or the servant of some difficult ...
                I still remember how in the Dominican Republic a cigar seller, an Afro-Dominican, hovered around me and persuaded me to buy, addressing me: "Brother, brother"... wassat I remembered a phrase from "Brother", but it cannot be posted on the forum - because it is swearing. drinks
                1. +5
                  21 October 2020 13: 52
                  Quote: Pane Kohanku
                  the phrase from "Brother", but it cannot be posted on the forum - because swearing.

                  1. +5
                    21 October 2020 15: 08
                    Oddly enough, the most memorable episode from the film.
                    A picture from the 90s in all forms.
                    1. +5
                      21 October 2020 16: 17
                      Quote from Korsar4
                      A picture from the 90s in all forms.

                      These words of the taxer also give ground for thought.
                      1. +4
                        21 October 2020 19: 00
                        "Do you have a relative in Russia?" (FROM)
                      2. +5
                        21 October 2020 19: 08
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        "Do you have a relative in Russia?" (FROM)

                        Hello Anton!
                        I also like it! wink
                      3. +5
                        21 October 2020 19: 24
                        Sergei! hi
                        "- How's the world doing, Pendalf?
                        - Well, how are you, Fedor ... They shoot, and throw, throw, and steal ... In general, a normal human life is going on! "(C)
                      4. +1
                        21 October 2020 20: 45
                        Where does this dialogue come from?
                      5. +5
                        21 October 2020 20: 52
                        Is it you, My Fair Stranger?
                      6. +2
                        22 October 2020 19: 19
                        I am the. Privacy of fate, admins, though harmful, are not to blame
                      7. +4
                        22 October 2020 19: 29
                        We have already begun to build all sorts of versions: that your phone was stolen, and you forgot your account password ...
                        Anyway, my compliments, My Fair Stranger! love
                      8. +4
                        22 October 2020 19: 38
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        that your phone was stolen,

                        Anton, Vera's appearance was so sudden, and the explanation so fantastic. What I remembered Ostrovsky, the one with the beard! Lyaksandr Nikolaevich. Type: * Why tablets don't fly ... * laughing Well, he burst into a comment.
                      9. +3
                        21 October 2020 21: 02
                        Quote: Astra wild2
                        Where does this dialogue come from?

                        I know, but I won't tell you! Let Anton answer. winked
                      10. +3
                        22 October 2020 15: 18
                        - Well, how are you, Fedor ... They shoot, and throw, throw, and steal ... In general, a normal human life is going on! "(C)

                        I will continue:
                        "We have built McDonald's .. By the way, you don't have them .. which cannot but rejoice ..." laughing
                      11. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 03
                        It's not that memorable.
                      12. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 31
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        It's not that memorable.

                        Because it makes you think?
                        Wondering what happened?
                        Wondering why this happened?
                        Think about what will happen next?
                        This is me about the words of the taxi driver.
                      13. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 33
                        No. The chatty taxi driver himself is unsympathetic.
                        And words from him are not perceived.
                      14. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 36
                        Quote from Korsar4

                        Unsympathetic character does not mean that he is wrong.
                      15. +5
                        21 October 2020 20: 39
                        “If the vile medicine pours you, pour it!
                        If a wise man gives you poison - accept it! " (from).
                      16. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 42
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        If the vile medicine pours you, pour it!

                        Omar is our all Khayyam?
                        And yet the taxi driver is right in many ways!
                      17. +5
                        21 October 2020 20: 45
                        Yes, Khayyam.

                        The 90s were very difficult.
                        But talking irritably, and even at work.

                        It's unprofessional. And not on the road to improvement.
                      18. +4
                        21 October 2020 20: 48
                        What are you, Sergei! Silent taxi driver - that's a real phenomenon!
                      19. +3
                        21 October 2020 20: 50
                        “Our people do not take a taxi to the bakery” (c). I prefer public transport.

                        Better yet, on foot.
                        Once a year I have been traveling since the birthday of a friend. And about once more - on occasion.
                      20. +4
                        21 October 2020 21: 21
                        And more and more I come across silent ones ... Or I have such a mug that does not dispose to a casual conversation on the way ???
                      21. +3
                        21 October 2020 21: 41
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        silent ...

                        Oh, Anton. I had one, a former taxi driver. Sometimes you will send him for a tool. 10 minutes - he is not 20 - not. An hour, no. I go myself, and he gathered a crowd around in the workshop and la-la-la, jokes travit.Nu then there were more people, it is now one and a half pensioners. Moreover, he could chat on absolutely any topic! No questions asked.
                      22. +4
                        21 October 2020 21: 54
                        Do you think I didn't have such workers? He took off his glasses, looked into his eyes and asked: "Do I look like a good doctor?" They started to run like stung. Those who did not start running, started looking for work, after 10 minutes, outside the facility.
                      23. 0
                        21 October 2020 21: 58
                        Quote: 3x3zsave
                        started looking for work, after 10 minutes, outside the facility.

                        In black. Did they work
                      24. +4
                        21 October 2020 22: 11
                        Ottozh !!! Yes, I can go to "white" so it is a construction site, not an office.
                      25. +1
                        21 October 2020 22: 15
                        In the "white" in 10 minutes you will not be able to dismiss either in the office or at the construction site)
                      26. +3
                        21 October 2020 22: 19
                        You are not very familiar with Russian realities.
                      27. +2
                        22 October 2020 19: 31
                        If he is a dumb or guest worker, we have Armenians, Russians, Ukrainians and Tajiks working on our route. I can't imagine how his work was taken, in Russian no more than 15 words, but he understands almost everything, and believes that Gref will strangle himself with envy
              2. +5
                21 October 2020 14: 50
                "What is voodoo without a button accordion?"
                1. +4
                  21 October 2020 15: 55
                  "What is voodoo without a button accordion?"

                  What is Carlson without a glass? wink drinks no, nevertheless, I successfully picked up an avatar ... what

                  1. +5
                    21 October 2020 16: 22
                    Song of the Stockholm Cossacks
                    "Don't hang around, evil carlson,
                    Over my head "
                    1. +3
                      21 October 2020 17: 39
                      Song of the Stockholm Cossacks
                      "Don't hang around, evil carlson,
                      Over my head "

                      Then the Swedish air defense troops!
    2. +6
      21 October 2020 11: 28
      - Shouldn't we, at our William Shakespeare, aim? What? And let's swing! (C)
      "old, and legs do not carry"

      1. +5
        21 October 2020 11: 32
        - Shouldn't we, at our William Shakespeare, aim? What? And let's swing! (C)

        Yes! drinks
        1. +6
          21 October 2020 12: 04
          Hi, Nikolay! hi
          I read somewhere that Shakespeare was friends with Francis Drake and the island discovered during his pirate trip around the world, Drake named after his friend William Island. I can't vouch for the reliability of the information, I've read it for a long time. smile
          1. +1
            21 October 2020 20: 42
            Constantine, and what Shakespeare, after all, is it possible that Shakespeare is just a "screen" for a real author?
            We've already talked about this once. I don't remember now who the authorship is attributed to
            1. +4
              21 October 2020 20: 50
              ... and which Shakespeare ...?

              William Shakespeare, the newly discovered land is called "William's Island". hi
  14. +7
    21 October 2020 12: 31
    Interesting article, thanks to the author.
    When I read about François Picot, I had the feeling that I was reading a modern crime report. Somehow everything is very unpleasant and disgusting - as, incidentally, any criminality always and at all times, whoever is involved in this criminality - the sovereign count or the shoemaker. Personally, I am absolutely indifferent to the scenery in which this or that action takes place - its essence remains the same - greed, envy, lust, etc. And don't tell me that Pico was a righteous avenger, he is no better or worse than any of the participants in this story.
    Faria's story, in my opinion, is much more interesting, although it does not contain a heap of corpses, dishonored girls and other "delights".
    1. +3
      21 October 2020 20: 35
      Mikhail, I agree with your assessment. From Pico "the righteous avenger" as from the Borgia guardians of chastity
      1. +4
        21 October 2020 20: 55
        Quote: Astra wild2

        But Lucretia from the series is good !!!! wink
        1. +6
          21 October 2020 21: 19
          Well, if the portrait matches the original, then in reality it was absolutely nothing. smile
        2. +2
          22 October 2020 12: 04
          But Lucretia from the series is good !!!!

          (lighting a cigar):
          - So then, Vanek .. Now you will begin to praise Mamon .. King Herod .. Simon the sorcerer .. and Lucrezia Borgia ...
          - Lou-Lucrezia I won't ...

          (film "The Monk and the Bes"). laughing
  15. +10
    21 October 2020 13: 47
    These were the memoirs of a certain Jacques Pesche, and the story that interested the famous writer was called "Diamond and Vengeance" by Pesce himself.
    "Some" can be called an author such as, say, Samsonov. And Jacques Pesche is an interesting person.
    A well-known lawyer and economist, he held high posts in the administration, first the Minister of Finance Calonne, then Loménie de Brienne, an active participant in the French bourgeois revolution.As a comrade-in-arms of Bayi, Pesche became a prominent figure, taking up the organization of police work. Author of the two-volume Dictionary of the Police, published in 1789 and 1791. A constitutional monarchist, Pesce ended up in prison in 1792 but survived. In 1799-1800. he publishes The Universal Dictionary of Trade Geography and then, in 1805, a Topographic and Statistical Description of France. Thanks to these writings, Pesce gained fame as a major economist and even the founder of statistics. In the era of the Empire and the Restoration, he continued to be active as a journalist (edits Gazeta de France and Mercury) and especially as an archivist, taking over as curator of the archives of the police prefecture. Pesce also becomes known as a kind of forensic expert, releasing a study on suicide (this work will later attract the attention of the young K. Marx, who will translate it into German. in 1827.
    The most interesting thing is that there is no story “Diamond and Vengeance” in this edition. It appeared already in the posthumous six-volume "Memoirs" of Pesce, published in 1838. That is, the authorship of Pesce is by no means indisputable.
    1. +3
      21 October 2020 20: 18
      Viktor Nikolaevich, what do you think: "Diamond and Vengeance" is real or is it attributed to Pesha?
      I found on the Internet "Memoirs of Sanson the Parisian executioner" read a little. Quite gloomy reading. True, his authorship is not reliable
      1. +7
        21 October 2020 20: 26
        Researchers are inclined to believe that the story, published on behalf of Pesce in 1838, took place.
  16. +6
    21 October 2020 20: 01
    Quote from Korsar4
    And the continuation of the Musketeers. And the trilogy from "Queen Margot" is also quite a classic.
    Only all this is better to read during. A little later - and already much more difficult.

    In many ways I agree with you, but I reread the "graph" 1,5 years ago, but not everything, but selectively: before going to prison, his relationship with Mercedes, description of Lucille de Villefort, old man Noirtier, Haide. Still separate places.
    And I cannot read "The Musketeers".
    But: "The Headless Horseman" and "Black Arrow", "Ivanhoe" has already re-read an adult
    1. +5
      21 October 2020 20: 07
      Quote: Astra wild2
      And I cannot read "The Musketeers".

      Hi Vera, why?
      1. +2
        22 October 2020 20: 00
        Perception of a 12 year old dreamer and valued woman. I was 12 when with a friend, she was 15, we read together. The contract was: I at night, and she during the day
        I'm afraid I'll ruin the childish charm
    2. +5
      21 October 2020 20: 10
      “Twenty years later” fragments can be re-read.

      From the Viscount I try to present the landscape design of Vaud and Versailles.
      1. +5
        21 October 2020 20: 45
        Quote from Korsar4
        From "Viscount"

        In the * Viscount * I was most impressed by the last conversation between Aramis and d'Artagnan. She was so sad!
        But the viscount himself sometimes enrages with his sweetness and righteousness.
        1. +5
          21 October 2020 20: 48
          There are pompous lines there. Fouquet, Colbert, the election of a general by the Jesuits - that's interesting.

          I agree with Pliny: any book can be useful.
        2. +5
          21 October 2020 21: 28
          I first read "The Musketeers" after serving in the army. It became interesting how much the book differs from kinA, I mastered it with difficulty and did not understand what the people admire there, especially the aunts. The rest of the books in the series did not even open. But I frankly liked the French film of 1961, a rare case when a movie is better than a book.
      2. +4
        22 October 2020 15: 08
        “Twenty years later” fragments can be re-read.
        From the Viscount I try to present the landscape design of Vaud and Versailles.

        The first adventure novel I read was about Captain Blood, Sabatini. Then I read The Black Corsair and The Pirate of Queen Elizabeth. And only after that - "Treasure Island" and "Black Arrow". laughing In general, I read what I found at home. And Dumas .. I tried once to read "The Musketeers", but it didn't work! request
        The biography of Dumas Sr.'s papa was probably even more interesting than his son's novels. For daddy was not only a mulatto, but also a general of the Napoleonic army.

        And when the writer had a fight with one of his enemies, he said the following:
        "My father was a mulatto, my grandfather was a Negro, and my great-grandfather was a monkey. You see, sir, my family begins where yours ends." fellow
        Oster was on the tongue!
        1. +4
          22 October 2020 16: 19
          Childhood Books: Dumas and Stevenson, Jules Verne and Fenimore Cooper. Plus Greek mythology.
          1. +3
            22 October 2020 16: 39
            Plus Greek mythology.

            EMNIP, this was the first book that I took from the school library ... It was read out.
            Do you remember Soviet cartoons - from Greek myths? These were the masterpieces ..
            1. +2
              22 October 2020 22: 05
              Yes. And with Archimedes, it's not bad either.
          2. +4
            23 October 2020 08: 28
            I have Greek mythology. Girlfriend periodically read. In my childhood I had Afanasyev's fairy tales. I didn't find them and bought them Greek mythology
            1. +3
              23 October 2020 12: 42
              There were fairy tales too. In them a lot depends on the edition. Sometimes an important component can be missing, which pictures will not replace.
  17. +3
    21 October 2020 21: 20
    Valery, glad to see you. You and Vyacheslav Olegovich always have interesting materials.
    I read your first work on Musketeers. Immediately there was a protest of a teenager, and then I thought, perhaps you are right, but then a Fight begins between an enthusiastic girl and a valued woman
  18. +3
    22 October 2020 19: 39
    Quote: 3x3zsave
    And more and more I come across silent ones ... Or I have such a mug that does not dispose to a casual conversation on the way ???

    Such as Valuev's? ((Joke)
    Dmitry Nagiyev told an anecdote about Valuev
    Once a cobra bit Valuev, but when he looked at her, the cobra sucked off its poison and died of fear
    1. +2
      23 October 2020 16: 00
      Once a cobra bit Valuev, but when he looked at her, the cobra sucked off its poison and died of fear

      1. Valuev's cat, before the owner arrived from vacation, re-pasted the wallpaper in the apartment, and re-sheathed the ottoman.
      2. The bear met Valuev, who was peacefully picking mushrooms in the forest, sat on its hind legs and got rid of it.
  19. +5
    22 October 2020 20: 02
    Quote: 3x3zsave
    To Moscow! To Moscow!",

    And this is Anton a piece of our Moscow with Konstantin! The house in which I spent my childhood.
  20. +2
    23 October 2020 19: 09
    Quote: bubalik
    Well, how is it ?! Is Moscow worth it?
    - Worth it! And it will stand! Until traffic jams win!

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"