Russia and the hostile environment. Main impact direction


Having dealt with the deep reasons why Western civilization presses us with such force, it is worth asking yourself the eternal Russian question: what to do? This is not an idle question, because we are talking about the survival of our culture and language. About the survival of the system of social order, which today we associate with the word "Russia", whatever it may be. Those for whom it does not matter may simply not read. And the rest should strain their brains properly.

There, beyond our western borders, the moment is slowly maturing when the monstrous inability of the Anglo-Saxons to put up with the existence of strong independent cultures will resonate with the redundancy of Russia instinctively felt not only by them, but by the entire West for their plans to reorganize the world and give rise to a "perfect storm", which we will not survive.

Can we provoke here, on our side of the border of civilizations, something that either will not allow the "ideal storm" to take place at all, or will allow us or our descendants to safely pass through it?

To paraphrase Marx, we can say that an idea that has taken hold of the masses becomes a material force. And it is: the countless victories of the Left in the twentieth century are evidence of this. Can we make material power an idea that will save us from an almost inevitable fate? After all, if this idea takes possession of the masses, then it will inevitably generate a response in the elites, as once the request to restore order in society, eliminate chaos and eliminate absolutely blatant injustice gave rise to the "Putin era" (and those who have not yet lost their minds and not yesterday they got off the pot, they remember very well how it was there, before Putin).

And if it turns out AGAIN to evoke a response from the elites, then the awareness of the coming catastrophe and the desire to fight against its onset will become part of both them and our goal-setting. Goal-setting, which will take place at all levels in our great and vast Motherland. This will become the goal around which our state machine will begin to work, from not very big officials to the president. And she, this machine, knows how to achieve goals. Especially when it comes to survival. And this is exactly what we are talking about.

And one should not think that it will be a "cry into the void": the power depends on society, no matter who or what may think about it. And those people who have this power, with all their specific moral character, are still part of society.

In the imagination of the troglodyte, these people have only one goal - to "grab" money and flee with them to London. In reality, this contingent is in the same boat with those who attribute to him the desire to escape to London. Moreover, these people understand everything perfectly. And in the event of the collapse of a country called "Russia" they will have much worse than the conditional Stalinist Vasya from the filthy Khrushchev mentioned in the last article: Vasya will not be lucky to die in The Hague right away, he will have a little time to have time for something for himself to do. Although the ending will be the same in the end. Capital and influence will not help; poverty and squalor will not save.

In fact, an individual dreaming of grabbing and fleeing to London is already a relic. They, these relics, are still there, and some even run. But this is a rarity all the same. Conventional Sechin is not running anywhere.

Russia and the hostile environment. Main impact direction

Sechin, beginning. From the book "How it was necessary to spend youth in order to become the chief of Rosneft in old age. But because of this photo, it will not be possible to get to London.

He has nowhere to run; in case of flight, he will face the same thing as Milosevic. As well as conditional Putin.

This common destiny may come as a surprise to someone, but the facts today are just that: those who seem to decide nothing, and many of those in whose hands the notorious fullness of power, will perish along with those who curse them. This is the specificity of the historical moment.

And this gives us, people without power, the chances that our voice demanding to save the situation will be heard. It just needs to be loud.

We need, first, to spread the understanding of the "Western threat" as deadly and, while maintaining our current approaches to it, unavoidable. And secondly, outline the contours of how we will still have to solve this problem. Those other approaches that will replace our current ones and turn an unavoidable threat into a removable one.

And by spreading this idea everywhere, make it a force capable of changing the course of events. Even as large-scale as the Anglo-Saxon, even, now it is more correct to say, the American crusade against us. But first you have to come up with such an idea.

Find the way out.

We go through the options

Often, when planning some time-limited business schemes, it is required to determine an exit strategy even before the start of the project: how all this should ultimately end. For example, we create an enterprise in order to sell it later, and the fact that it will be sold is the final; everything that precedes this desired ending must not contradict its realizability. In our case, it is necessary to start with this, that is, to define the contours of the world in which the position of Russia will be stable and will not be structurally redundant.

To begin with, let us formulate a requirement for the Russia of the future, which will not be a "fifth wheel" even in the current world order. As a first approximation, it might look like this: Russia must provide for humanity something that humanity cannot do without, that humanity really needs, and that others cannot or do not want to do.

The fulfillment of this condition will allow us to overcome the problem of structural redundancy. Now the emotions of the Anglo-Saxons will become just the emotions of the Anglo-Saxons, this is how to take and unite a billion people against us will not work. The Western onslaught will simply turn into competition, and not in all directions. They will need us too. But is it possible?

No, because at this moment we come across our problem number 2: the cultural paradigm of the dominant civilization in the world, which fundamentally does not recognize the right of other cultures to occupy an insubordinate character and is ready to fight and incur losses for the sake of its dominance over everyone else.

How it looks in practice, everyone saw on the example of the Chinese. When did the US declare them enemies? Neither communism (well, let it be called that, let's make an assumption), nor the problem of Taiwan, nor the shooting of dissidents, nor Tibet, nor even Tiananmen prevented the United States from cooperating with China in the 90s. What changed? What has changed is that the Chinese have developed too much. From a weak and secondary power in relation to the West, they have become a player in the major league. And that was enough. A future war with China today is a fix idea among the masses of Americans. And this despite the fact that the Chinese did not want and do not want anything like that.

But the Americans want it. They need this war, because they simply cannot see a powerful and strong culture nearby.

"War with China" by David Poyer is one of the most popular book series in the USA

Non-Americans, as we recall, can be either dependent and subservient to an exclusive nation, or dead. That is, the Chinese literally did what we want to “try on” in Russia - they became important and necessary as a “world factory”, but at the same time remained independent. And now they will get a war in one form or another, and America will not rest until the Chinese colossus collapses. As it was before with the USSR. Accordingly, the attempt of the Russian Federation to find a niche in the world order is doomed not to remove the problem of “structural redundancy”, but to aggravate the confrontation, but now for cultural reasons, again irreparable.

In a way, we saw an example in the case of Russia's announced successes in creating a vaccine against coronavirus. As soon as it was announced that the vaccine was successful, the West literally flooded the world with a wave of propaganda aimed at discrediting both the vaccine and Russia. There is no doubt that for Western countries controlled by the United States, it would be preferable to starve their citizens than to buy this vaccine if it really shows its effectiveness in large groups of people.

The fact is that the opposite means recognizing for "outsiders" at least equal status, and this is a real pain for the Americans and the British, they will not tolerate this even from their vassals. If someone still doubts such a psychological effect, then let them read about "Syndrome of rejection of someone else's development" - it arose among the Anglo-Saxons, another culture simply could not have generated this in such an explicit and institutionalized form. Some of them experience physical suffering from the fact that there is someone other than them who is capable of doing something in any progressive direction. And this has always been so, it is enough to remember the "satellite effect".

Remember what made Stephen King the horror king? News on the launch of a satellite in the USSR. We don’t understand this, but for a whole American generation it was a lifelong trauma: they saw that there are other cultures in the world that are capable of breakthrough. And it terrified them.

Read this short excerpt from King's memoir... It's a shock that non-Americans, it turns out, can. It is HORROR that there are "others" who are not inferior to an exceptional nation.

The horror that non-Anglo-Saxons can. They will never accept that non-Anglo-Saxons can.

It is this secret horror that stimulates them to try to wipe “others” off the face of the earth in one way or another. And they haven't changed. They are the same now and act on the basis of the same attitudes. Preventing the existence of any cultures that are capable of at least in some way outstripping their culture or simply comparing with it is the basis of their identity. If necessary, this prevention must be implemented by force, up to a nuclear war.

And this is all without taking into account the banal factor of competition: they also create their own vaccine and also want to sell it. And in all other branches of human activity, this simple factor of competition will also be present.

Thus, the idea of ​​occupying a "niche" in the world order will face the fact that at first the hegemon will try to throw us out of this niche, to the point of harming himself and allies, but only to prevent us from gaining a foothold. Up to the closure for all mankind (and even ourselves) of some possibilities. Taking into account the superiority of the hegemon in the forces, the picture becomes clear: our idea will not work.

And then everything will become "as always".

Thus, the idea “to provide for humanity something that humanity cannot do without, that humanity really needs, and that others cannot or do not want to do,” disappears at the planning stage.

Besides, what is there that only we could do, but the West cannot? Nothing. Everything that we did first, they repeated almost instantly and brought it to a new level, unattainable for us. There are some exceptions that do not make the weather. This was the case, for example, with astronautics. It will be so with anything. With vaccines, too. We remember that they are basically superior to us in technology, science, industrial power, economy, and very much more. And if they still stall, then the cultural factor will turn on, and they will act to their own detriment for the sake of causing damage to us. Remember about the game "Civilization": for them it is a competition in which there can be only one winner, and everyone else must lose.

Any attempt to come up with any way to fit into the world order as a non-redundant unit will crash against it. Will not work.

Thus, willy-nilly, we need to take the second logical step: in order to ensure survival for ourselves and our culture in the long term and in order to occupy some stable position in the humanity system that does not conflict with the dynamics of material and information processes going on in this system, we need to change this system in such a way, so that we are no longer redundant.

But how? The existing system has beneficiaries - the same Western civilization that is now waiting for Trump to fail in the elections in order to unite again around its quasi-ideological attitudes and again launch its crusade against "others" - apparently, immediately against us.

No matter how this "system change" looks, they will resist it. The same Americans will resist TO END - they will not be able to psychologically exist in a world where there are powerful cultures of equal status and powerful cultures, and there is no way to crush them and will not be.

And then we are forced to take the third logical step: to admit that the world order in the form in which it exists now must cease to exist in principle.

Or, more simply, if we do not want to disappear, we need something else to replace Western civilization, which is a mortal threat to us. Moreover, without regard to what people think, of which this very civilization consists. No more, no less. This does not necessarily mean that we have to destroy and destroy everything there. But this definitely means that we will have to “unmount” the “West” system and transform it into something safe for us in ANY AVAILABLE METHOD AND NOT CONSIDERING THE COSTS THAT WILL BE INCLUDED BY THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THIS CIVILIZATION. We want to live, it justifies any means.

Within the framework of the current reality, there is no other option: either this, or disappear on our own. We won't be able to sit out, they will come for us sooner or later.

But along the way, we have another problem. Very heavy. The point is that the enemy is not just superior to us in wealth, strength or numbers.

The fact is that he is superior to us in general. Basically.

Admit the obvious

We tend to think that we are generally cooler than our opponents. We are braver, not afraid to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of victory. We are smarter, and in the chaos of the nineties, we can dazzle a cruise missile with a nuclear reactor on our knees, so that later, in the 2000s and 2010s, we can bring it to a prototype. Our ancestors reached Berlin, we take Americans into space ...

The question, however, is that this is nothing more than our vision of the issue. In reality, everything is different, and we need to look into the eyes of this reality - as unpleasant for us as the fact of our existence is unpleasant for the Anglo-Saxons.

In reality, we are opposed by a civilization, all representatives of which, without exception, have existed for centuries in a situation of cruel natural selection, and exist in it now. America is a country where, until recently, everyone had to survive as they please, generation after generation. Nobody gave a damn if a certain Joe fell in the street from a hungry fainting and never got up again.

So they have existed for many centuries. And this seriously tempered them. These are really tough people. These are people prone to violence. For example, in American culture, the norm is finishing off the wounded. If the policeman did not kill the resisting suspect with the first shot, he will finish him off. This is normal from the point of view of their morality.

The word "killer" in their culture reflects a person's personal toughness, and in some cases is used as a compliment or praise. Compare that to us, and then think about whose side the odds are in the fight.

They are able to bear losses. In the second half of the twentieth century, they swallowed first Korea, and then Vietnam. In the latter, 3,5 times more of their soldiers died than we lost in Afghanistan, and this did not break them. And Afghanistan did not break us either?

We completely ignore this important factor when assessing the enemy. They tend to solve all problems with violence and are not particularly susceptible to loss, at least there is no reason to believe otherwise.

The second important point is the enemy's ability to enter a war (start it), relying on irrational considerations: pride, etc. They are really capable of this - the whole nation go to war for the sake of some ephemeral ideas, out of principle.

Let us recall at least the almost collision of our BOD and an American missile cruiser in the Pacific Ocean: you see on the wake in the photo who turned it away? Who couldn’t stand their nerves?

It can be seen who turned and who went to the ram to the end?

And if the BOD commander had gone to the end, what would have happened? Then there would have been a clash, because the Americans would not have turned away either: faced with the risk of human losses, they still accepted the principle - they really went and really did not turn away.

And so they behave very often. There are also reverse examples, for example, the surrender of American boats to the Iranians, but there are very few of them.

It is we who turn away in critical circumstances, not they. In the 80s, they were leading the way to nuclear war, and the USSR surrendered, not the United States. And the United States would simply go to a nuclear war and accept losses in it, if it did not manage to resolve the issue "peacefully", or rather, through our surrender. And it is through this prism that they still look at us: in their understanding, we will not go to death for an idea. Didn't you go to the 80s? Don't go. And you didn't go to ram a cruiser with inevitable casualties for the sake of a simple demonstration of psychological superiority? Don't go.

And they went.

In Russia, few people understand this, but there we have a reputation of people who, on the verge of death, will turn back. And they themselves see themselves as those who will never turn away. And they almost never turn away, they actually do. And we do not see this and do not understand even when we have to jump out of their way, as then in the South China Sea. But the enemy must be assessed adequately, especially the one who is slowly leading the case towards our disappearance.

However, all this pales against the background of intelligence. Anyone who communicated with them knows that they are not at all the same as the clown Zadornov told about them. They are completely different in reality. It would be foolish to think that people who are deprived of the opportunity to even receive medical care without snatching a lot of money (that is, resources) somewhere beforehand will not have developed intelligence. The struggle for existence develops it like nothing else - and it is developed among them.

It’s bitter to admit, but intellectually the enemy often outsmarts us. Not always "dry", which gives us chances, but mostly overestimates. And this is true even at the level of a “common man”. The simplest example: readers' perception of the previous article on the topic, expressed by them in the comments. It suggests that a text of 44000 characters, which is not very complex in content, is simply beyond the power of about a third of the population of our country. The number of users of Voenniy Obozreniye is large enough to provide the required sample and draw such a conclusion from it.

Faced with information that takes him out of his comfort zone, our person in a third of cases simply loses his mind. At the same time, if you look at the reactions of readers, our people do not stop acting, but already without using the brain. The comments are truly worth reading, and will speed up the burial of any illusion. The idea that with such a contingent it is possible to withstand the onslaught of the "new world order" is absurd.

In turn, Americans in such situations retain emotional resilience and the ability to reason reasonably much better, and this is also known to anyone who has more or less crossed paths with them. At least in internet discussions.

In order to understand at what level they are able to work, we will briefly consider one of their most successful operations - World War II.

Special operation "WWII", or How the enemy can work

The First World War left behind so many contradictions that the "continuation of the banquet" was absolutely inevitable. But its format and direction were quite an open question, and for quite a long time. The Americans closed this question. It all started in the first half of the twenties.

It was then that even the most conservative representatives of the US elites came to the final understanding that it was necessary either to "unpack" the existing colonial systems in the world and go there with their goods and capital, or to prepare for permanent economic crises. Soon, in 1929, the first of these "future permanent crises" began, by the way.

Only war could break the world colonial system. And someone had to start it. At the same time, informal groups began to form, which a little later would give rise to the Council on Foreign Relations and a bunch of other similar organizations. In the meantime, a number of intelligent people had to decide the question: who will be the guy who will ignite the second round of World War, and how to find this guy? Logic dictated that it should be a German: Germany is located in the center of Europe, and if they want revenge wherever, then there. This means that an agent is needed who would go there and find a new leader for the Germans in the boiling pot of Weimar Germany's street politics.

The search task was solved by a young and promising member of an influential clan - Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was then confidently running on foot. Let's pay tribute to Roosevelt: he was the second largest strategist in stories humanity after Sun Tzu (although many do not understand this), and he completed his first serious task at "five". Roosevelt recalled his student years and immediately found a performer for the task of finding a new German leader - his classmate Ernst Hanfstaengl, a talented person, an art gallery owner, musician and composer. And half ethnic German.

Then the American state entered the business, which twisted Hanfstaengl's hands, and as a result, yesterday's owner of the art gallery soon found himself in Germany prowling through various demonstrations, gatherings and rallies in search of the right person. He was assisted by American officers from the office of the military attaché: the task was important, it was not a sin to involve the army.

As a result, one of the lieutenants found the future Fuhrer of the German nation for Ernst. According to Hanfstaengl's recollections, Hitler impressed him as some kind of wonderful, frivolous character "dressed as a waiter."

Soon Putzi, as his friends called lanky Ernst, became Hitler's inseparable companion. He was his image-maker, he was his right hand, he humbled his aristocratic qualities and, together with Hitler, went to prostitutes, he saved him from communist militants at the risk of his life, he forgave Hitler for many years of harassment of his wife, wrote hymns and marches to the Nazis , taught them to work with the mass consciousness, worked as a press secretary of the NSDAP.

And the Nazis defeated the communists and the left, more and more people became under their banner, they worked better and better with the consciousness of the masses, which eventually gave them the opportunity to create their own political regime.

But Hanfstaengl was a de facto aristocrat, a broadly and well-educated person, a creative person. And Hitler was a former homeless man from Vienna and then a corporal in the Kaiser's army, who fought in the trenches throughout the war. With everything appropriate: a sense of humor, habits and the like. What made Putzi patronize this man? Risk my life for him? How about helping him (successfully) create a very ugly political system? The answer is simple: he had such a job at that time. And he did it. As it should be.

Here he is, the guy who invented Nazi Germany. American and citizen of the Reich. A friend of Hitler and Roosevelt's classmate, a press secretary of the NSDAP and an employee of one of the psychological warfare units of the US Army, a high-ranking German Nazi and the father of an American officer. Poet, composer, action movie. It all just coincided, didn't it?

In parallel, American monopolies invested in Germany, restoring its industrial potential. They also invested in the USSR, and also in the industrial potential. For a future war, fighters were needed.

In 1937, when everything was already clear in Europe, Hanfstaengl fled. The biography says that Hitler, Goering and Goebbels planned to arrange an accident for him during a business trip.

And he took it and found out about it, that's bad luck. Probably by chance, he is not some kind of James Bond, to know in advance what is on the minds of the highest Nazi leaders. And he safely disappeared from the Third Reich. Interestingly, he was searched many times before, but he was never arrested in his life, he always left. This, of course, is not because he had special training, it just coincided.

During the war, his son served in the US Army Air Corps, and there were no questions to him about Hitler's daddy comrade-in-arms. You can compare this phenomenon with the fate, for example, of Americans of Japanese origin, who were simply herded into the "zones" -camps throughout the Second World War. The origin failed. And Hanfstaengl Jr., the son of Hitler's comrade-in-arms, did not really interfere with anything, including his origin. A little if only.

Everyone remembers what it cost us Hitler's rise to power in Germany? It seems like yes, but why does no one remember the role of the United States in this event? After all, the same Hanfstaengl even wrote a book, and indeed all these things lie on the surface, as they say.

They didn’t hide much at all. For example, US Ambassador to Great Britain Joseph Kennedy pointed to his country's role in unleashing World War II: “Neither the French nor the British would have made Poland the cause of the war, if not for the constant incitement from Washington”. This is how Kennedy commented on the situation with the declaration of war on Germany by England and France, after its invasion of Poland in 1939, which, in fact, turned the war into a world war and became the first funeral bell for the British Empire.

And then, after the failed German attempt to deal with Britain and the diplomatic mistakes of Stalin and Molotov (see the negotiations in Berlin on November 13, 1940), we got "Barbarossa" with all that it implies.

The way Roosevelt "pulled the nostrils" of the Japanese is a separate story, and, unlike Putzi's role, it was promoted much more widely, so we will not waste time on it, we will confine ourselves to the fact: to Pearl Harbor, and, consequently, Hiroshima from Nagasaki the Japanese were pulled up, they did not come to this themselves. Although the blame cannot be removed from them, but without the "help" of the Americans in 1940-1941, the direction of their expansion would have been different.

The Berlin - Rome - Tokyo axis fulfilled its task perfectly: in 1945, even those colonial possessions that were still under the control of the Europeans were already "seething", and it was clear that the world colonial system was finished. The global role of America, which we know today, manifested itself precisely because of this. And the cost was countless human lives, including ours. But who in the US is interested in this?

What did the USSR get as a result? Right: the shift of the 1941 border to the east (we gave up the territories in Europe as a result of the war, if anyone does not remember), devastation and losses, famine, and also a "cold war" with the prospect of its escalation into a hot and nuclear one. Former allies of Hitler and the Poles who hate everything Russian - for re-education (at the first opportunity they were all pulled to the West). As at least some compensation for this massacre - the Kuriles and South Sakhalin.

This is just one example of how these people can get things done when needed. And we, with our intellectual capabilities, even after the fact, cannot understand such operations. Even if we are given to read the decoding and explanation of the course of certain events, we do not master the plan that was behind this course. Do we understand what the Second World War really was? No. And they planned it. Do you understand the difference?

The enemy is smarter, alas. Smarter than us. The entire history of the twentieth century speaks of this. And he is smarter just as much as stronger.

The fact that the United States is now gripped by intellectual degradation both among the masses and among the elites, of course, can play into our hands. But only if this degradation is for a long time, because so far the gap between us and them is still significant. If this is not a temporary "failure". If the US decay continued for many decades, and we at least remained at the current level, and if we had enough strength to hold out until America collapses (and if it still collapses), then our problems could "dissolve" themselves. But it is impossible to build any plans on all these “ifs”. These "ifs" may never happen. Even, most likely, will not happen.

So what to do?

The main contradiction

Let us fix the main contradiction revealed as a result, with which we have to work. It is like this: "To survive, we need to resort to transforming Western civilization into something safe for us (whatever that means and by whatever means is done), but we cannot do this due to the total intellectual and material superiority of the enemy."

What is the way out of this contradiction? We cannot refuse to transform the enemy into a safe form, it is a matter of survival in the long term. Accordingly, what? It is true: then it is NECESSARY TO ELIMINATE THE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPONENT. Then the second half of the phrase disappears.

That is, we ourselves must surpass them, then the main contradiction will disappear.

Where is the enemy superior to us? Almost everything. Does this mean that we must immediately push in all directions and try to increase in number to 300 million people, get rich, and so on - and all at the same time? Let's face it, it's unrealistic within a reasonable time frame. And there will not be enough resources: they must first be taken from the same hegemon, but he will not give them up. What then should become the destroyer of the main contradiction?

Intellectual superiority. It is immaterial. We do not need to capture anything and double in size to achieve it. This is the only answer we can give with the resources available.

Let us formulate the problem that must be solved for the survival of our culture in the long term.

The main thrust in the strategy of survival of our people, culture, language and country should be the acquisition of the intellectual superiority of our population over the population of the enemy.

This is the key to victory. It sounds strange and unusual, but it is. We must become so much smarter than our “opponents” so that the most complicated set of problems around Russia ... would cease to be the most complicated. We, today, do not know what to do with the juggernaut of the English-speaking West slowly rolling over us.

But this is just because our intellect does not tell us a solution. He cannot find it. We must educate new generations so that they can find such solutions easily. Our children should become better than us - much better.

And they will solve those problems that we cannot solve with our intellectual level.

Exit to the supersystem

What may seem to someone a banal decision or far-fetched whim is to develop human potential instead of building tanks and guns (or factories, communism - no difference), in fact, is the solution. And this is the most difficult task. It is so complicated that, for example, within the framework of a single family, it cannot be solved in principle: parents who try to make such a move, at a certain moment, will have to start setting their children developmental tasks that exceed their own understanding. This is impossible.

The reason is that we are not talking about knowledge, not about education in the usual sense. We are talking about the forced stimulation and compulsion to develop the ability to think. In addition, the development of imagination will be required, of what is now called "creativity". By the way, the Secretary of the US Navy under Reagan, John Lehman, considered a developed imagination to be the main quality of a commander: it is imagination that makes it possible to come up with such a plan of action for which the enemy is not ready, it is it that allows you to be one step ahead in your actions, to impose the course of events and as a result win.

What would such a human development system look like? It is impossible to answer this question within the framework of a single article; we will outline only a few general points.

1. Today, the education system involves imparting knowledge to children and testing how they have learned it, including tasks to apply the knowledge learned. The educational process is not limited to these things, but this is its main feature.

In the future, it will be necessary to move towards a situation where the child basically should not master the knowledge, but solve the problem that is presented to him. Now the goal of the education system is to release people, firstly, socialized and able to live in society, and secondly, having a certain basic set of knowledge.

In the future, the goal will be to release people who are able to quickly understand the nature of the problem they face, determine ways to solve it and solve it with minimal effort and resources, both individually and in a group. The solution may provide for both the need to acquire knowledge and training with the subsequent application of knowledge in practice.

This is a radical, revolutionary leap in itself. Of course, he does not deny the need to assimilate knowledge. It's just that now this is not the only thing that will be required of a person, even close. Socialization is carried out in the course of joint work of children and adolescents on the problem facing them. It is necessary to stimulate the ability of students to quickly and without outside guidance build informal groups for joint problem solving.

2.Since we need not only to educate smart generations, but to educate smart generations that will win, then we need to train the will, and not just the intellect. The only significant means of strengthening the will for a child, which is available from an early age and is relatively safe for the psyche, is sports. This means that his role will have to grow many times over. Now, excluding physical education lessons at school, sport is a voluntary matter, many children simply do not do it. This will have to be done away with: future generations will have to get used to fighting extreme exertion from a very young age. By the way, the importance of sports in life for Americans is incomparably higher than for us, and in many respects their success is due precisely to this.

3. The mechanism of social culling. At present, the social status of people regulates the nature of economic relations in society. It is he who slows down on the social ladder those who are making insufficient efforts to ensure the required quality of life. Without disputing its significance and without proving justice or injustice, let us say that as a stimulator of the development of consciousness, although it works, it is bad.

In the society of the future, it will be necessary to come up with and implement mechanisms that would require constantly confirming their intellectual abilities and volitional qualities under the threat of loss of social status. And without the option "to snatch the dough in an illegal way and to solve all your questions." That is, these mechanisms cannot be completely reduced to "bubble". Society should be organized so that the population has no choice but to "keep the brain and will in good shape." This is even more difficult than modernizing education. Those who fundamentally do not want to keep themselves in shape and be at least at an average level should not be able to maintain an acceptable standard of living and social status for themselves and in the future should be removed from society in one way or another.

The task is very difficult, and mistakes in the implementation of such social mechanisms will be very expensive, but they are needed in any case, we cannot give an opportunity to exist peacefully for people who are unable to understand a text of 44000 characters and are emotionally so unstable as to fall into a severe hysteria from a defiant discomfort of information. Because with them our society will not survive in competition with other societies. They will drag us to the bottom in any confrontation: having masses of population of this quality, we will not be able to do what is necessary for survival, simply because those who have to "do" cannot understand the meaning of what they should do, and they cannot be explained. No way. These people should be coerced into development or culled - of their choice.

There is a funny example of somewhat similar tests, or at least was in Germany. The so-called idiotentest was held there for malicious violators of traffic rules - a set of intellectual tests, the purpose of which was to cut off people who were unable to understand with their heads that they had previously behaved incorrectly. It was very difficult to pass it, and without this it is impossible to get the withdrawn "rights". The selection in its pure form, simply "soft", those who did not pass through its "sieve" were removed only from the road.

It will be a somewhat cruel society. However, to the weak, to those who do not want to and cannot, it may well be soft. Those whose intellectual abilities cannot develop due to illness, due to congenital developmental lag behind their peers, should not fall into this meat grinder simply for humanistic reasons. But there are few of them.

4. Stimulation to creativity. Currently, society lacks a mechanism for the development of creative abilities in the younger generation. There are art schools, clubs of various kinds, but this is all voluntary and does not cover all children. There must be a situation when the conduct of some creative activity is uncontested. How and who will succeed is an open question, but everyone should have an incentive, and it should be strong. Developing creativity, creativity and imagination in every person is fundamentally important.

To some extent, the task is simplified by the fact that it is of a massive nature: what is unsolvable within the framework of an individual family can be completely solvable within the framework of society as a whole, since the education system will need to deal with a certain average level of people, but to develop the methods by which such an educational process will be built, it will be possible to attract not "average" ones at all. As a result, the task of "entering the supersystem" can still be solved. And its solution will set a completely different "average" level of mental and physical development of a person.

All of the above are just general wishes, it is natural that everything is not reduced to them, and their task is only to show "which way to think", solving the issue of improving the quality of the population of Russia.

The creation of a “thinking man” will become that decisive link, the leap for which pulls everything out. We are stupid and do not know what to do and how to cope with the array of problems that surround us. But, having solved this most difficult task, we will create people for whom these problems will be elementary.

At the same time, the most important point: we need not only to grow a smarter, more strong-willed and creative population. We need to ensure the superiority of our people over non-our people in these matters. Decisive superiority.

Are there any examples in recent history when a certain society would set itself the goal of creating a generation of people with a new quality (and not just a more educated and healthy one, as the Bolsheviks did in their time in Russia)?

There is, though unsuccessful. Japan has already made such an attempt before us. True, she stalled at the start, but not because the task was impossible.

Koizumi's attempt

In the first half of the 2000s, when Junchiro Koizumi was Prime Minister of this country, an extremely interesting conceptual document was born in the depths of the Japanese political system. It was called The Inner Frontier. Japan's Goals in the XNUMXst Century ”. Fragments of this amazing text long ago translated into Russian and available on the Internet.

In short, the Japanese compilers of this program proclaimed the following points:

1. The structure of Japanese society, the nature of relationships between people, approaches to management and human education in Japan do not meet the requirements of the XXI century.

2. In order for Japan to take full advantage of the fruits of globalization, it is first of all necessary to change the Japanese themselves.

3. One of the critical aspects of these changes (among others, there are many of them), it is required to maximize the development and implementation of the creative potential of the Japanese population.


After World War II, Japan experienced a seemingly astonishing recovery, achieved tremendous growth, quickly joined the economically advanced category and became a member of the Western camp. Japan has been able to achieve and maintain peace, stability and prosperity. In general, the Japanese remember the post-war period as a success story. The political, economic, and social systems created at that time were also perceived as components of a successful model.
It cannot be denied that they have contributed to political and social stability. However, this successful post-war model (or, more accurately, the undeniable belief in this model) has now drained Japan's vitality. Many of the property rights and social agreements established in the postwar period made Japan's economy and society rigid and outdated.
This model ("catch up and overtake") was followed not only in the post-war period, but all the time since the Meiji era. Now Japan must find a better model. But the world no longer offers ready-made models. The time when answers could be taken from the outside is over. Most societies face the same challenge. The globalization that is expected to sweep the world in the twenty-first century will bring great benefits, but also big challenges, challenging every country.
Japan does not have a ready-made model that it can use immediately. By studying examples from all over the world, we must find solutions to such problems within Japan.
Thus, it is especially important to unleash the hidden talents and potentials within Japan. This is the key to Japan's future.

An important caveat was made at the very beginning: now Japan does not have an example to follow, it is necessary to find a solution inside.

The very project of these transformations was unprecedented: no one had ever tried to answer the challenge from the uncertain future by creating people who would presumably be ready for this challenge. Koizumi's team in this matter was, apparently, the very first in modern history.

It is worth repeating once again: this is not about education, not about training. This is about ultimately improving the quality of human intelligence.

However, this project ended with Koizumi's resignation. Japanese society did not understand its prime minister. The idea, as they say, “didn't take off”.

But, first of all, this does not mean that it will not take off next time.

And secondly, it shows that other cultures can provide a similar way of responding to the challenge of the future.

Of course, the Japanese set themselves completely different goals than we have to set. But they had their own tasks, and we have ours. Or rather, a task. Survive.

But we also need to make it work.

Step forward

The task that we face, once accomplished, will shake the foundations of our society. If successful, we will grow up a totally different generation that will surpass us both intellectually and by its will. To say that a certain generational conflict will take place between us and them is to say nothing. We will have to accept this, as well as the fact that these people following us will remake reality "for themselves." This was, in general, always, but not on the scale that awaits us, and at the wrong pace.

We do not know how all this will go. But the future is also the future, because it has not yet come, and keeps the unknown in itself.

At the same time, the intellectually superior generation will be able to do what we could not. And maybe he can easily. We do not need to be afraid of them - they will be our children and grandchildren.

Other people will have to be afraid of them.

However, in addition to the task of initiating all these processes somehow, we also have one more responsibility: to make sure that no one interferes with bringing this idea to practical implementation. He did not organize any revolution in our country. Didn't organize a war for us with grave consequences. Didn't sabotage what we do.

Naturally, we are talking about the United States and, more broadly, Western countries.

In our country, few people think, but the United States and Britain have much older political systems than most countries in the world. In the case of the Britons, you can generally count from the restoration of their monarchy. In the case of the United States, their political system has been continuously evolving since the 1991th century. For comparison: ours - since XNUMX.

We used to think that we have such a long and old history, and they are upstarts who are several centuries old. On the one hand, yes, on the other, New York is 100 years older than St. Petersburg, and the construction of the residence of the President of the United States, the White House, began when Catherine II was still in power.

One of the consequences of this long-term continuity of the political system is the accumulation of historical experience. And it helps to win in many ways, the intellectual superiority of the enemy is largely realized with the help of experience: they KNOW the methods to act, they remember it, they have done it before, and more than once. In our country (like almost all non-Anglo-Saxons in the world, a strange pattern, right?), There is a regular “chopping off” of the whole country: this was the case both in 1917 and in 1991. Breaks in the political tradition led to a break in the accumulation of political experience, which later became a harbinger of heavy losses.

So, Stalin's entourage and he himself did not see that the situation in Europe in 1940 very much resembles it in 1812, and could not draw the correct conclusions. They simply did not have the necessary knowledge, did not remember what they should have remembered, and missed the blow. It cost the USSR tens of millions of deaths. That is what the break in political tradition usually costs.

It is not hard to see that the "partners" are actively trying to arrange something for us again. On the other hand, pumping weapons Poland, the hysterical propaganda of the Russian threat in it, as well as the activities of the United States in Ukraine, indicate that purely military problems are not excluded for us, and it is quite possible that military problems are needed in order to initiate a coup within the country.

Our generation will be required not only to launch the program for the development of future generations described above.

We will also be required to prevent the enemy from ruining everything. A war from the outside or an explosion initiated from within, it makes no difference.

On this cover of Friedman's book, there is only one acceptable future for Americans: everyone died, but they stayed. And they will never give up this goal

Betting on the fact that our descendants will surpass us in everything and solve those problems that we could not solve, we must not let anyone break the system that will make them what they should be.

We must buy enough time for this project to reach the point of no return.

Due to the dynamics of world processes, we can gain time only with the help of force. We will have to use force, but we will need to use it correctly.

To be continued ...
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  1. -1
    11 October 2020 15: 12
    "Clancy, the new Clancy was born in Russia!" (c)
    1. +22
      11 October 2020 15: 43
      About the survival of the system of social order, which today we associate with the word "Russia", no matter what it may be

      Here's the first mistake ..
      This system that we associate with the word Russia cannot survive. She is inscribed in the global system of the Anglo-Saxons, lives and plays by their rules, which means she is doomed.
      In fact, this is the essence, the essence of which is either the defeat and extinction of everything Russian, or the victory and greatness of the country.
      In order for Russia to survive and prosper, it is necessary to do several simple, but at the same time difficult things:
      1. Ideology based on justice
      2. Goal setting
      3. Reform of the management system and all state institutions.
      An ideology based on justice is socialism.
      No one has invented or substantiated any other ideology that would be justified both economically and from a social point of view.
      For a prosperous existence of the Western capitalist model, it is necessary to constantly expand sales markets and look for cheap labor. Actually, all the crises that constantly haunt this model are born of precisely these problems. Because sales markets are limited, and moving production to countries with cheap labor force only delays the collapse, but it is not avoided, and this collapse will necessarily be accompanied by war.
      In addition, this system generates tension in society, which sooner or later will result in a revolution and another global crisis.
      By goal-setting, I mean, first of all, responsibility. Now the state has some goals (though they are not intelligible and failed) .. But without personal responsibility no goals will ever be achieved.
      3. Reform of the management system and all state institutions.
      This includes the entire political structure of the state. As we all can see, it is extremely ineffective, the exorbitant number of officials, Duma members, senators for life is a complete absurdity, remove the Duma, Federation Council today and absolutely nothing will change ..
      For this reason, a new system is needed .. In general, everything needs to be changed, I can't even name a single organ that is effectively functioning in our country ..
      The further, the more obvious it becomes that this system will only need to be broken, it will not be able to reform itself.
      1. -7
        11 October 2020 15: 45
        Probably, you answered me simply by mistake, but I will still say: the Anglo-Saxons have not existed for several hundred years. Anyone who uses the term "Anglo-Saxon" is simply ignorant.
        1. -5
          11 October 2020 16: 55
          Quote: Eye of the Crying
          Probably, you answered me simply by mistake, but I will still say: the Anglo-Saxons have not existed for several hundred years. Anyone who uses the term "Anglo-Saxon" is simply ignorant.

          Moreover, soon There will be more Russians abroad (if not already) than in Russia.
        2. 0
          16 October 2020 22: 02
          I don't think the author is completely outside the JQ topic. It is simply impossible to imagine.
          However, if the term "Anglo-Saxon" is understood as a euphemism, then a lot falls into place.
          And yes, I was involved in the formation of the British elite after 1066.
          1. 0
            17 October 2020 12: 00
            Quote: pylon101
            I don't think the author is completely outside the JQ topic.

            JQ is what? Jewish Question? I'm sure the author is deep in this topic.

            Quote: pylon101
            if the term "Anglo-Saxon" is understood as a euphemism, then a lot falls into place.

            Reminds the methods of interpretation of quatrains.
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                    2. nnm
                      11 October 2020 16: 37
                      Colleague, you should not insult and be so dismissive of your fellow site members. And just a little observation - self-sufficient, confident and successful people do not need to convince everyone around them of this.
                      And even more so, it is not worthwhile to draw conclusions about the personality of the interlocutor on political grounds. All opinions have the right to exist - prove, bring facts, refute with reason ...
              2. +1
                11 October 2020 21: 55
                Before breaking something, you have to build something. Or will you break down the house first and then start building a new one? Where will you live?
            2. -2
              11 October 2020 17: 49
              And what did you yourself suggest, apart from the "stupid revolutionary" and the "bawlers"? ..
        2. +8
          11 October 2020 16: 47
          Quote: Soho
          The further, the more obvious it becomes that this system will only need to be broken, it will not be able to reform itself.

          Another stupid revolutionary who only knows how to break (but not build). Who here writes only about how bad everything is and how everything needs to be destroyed, but he never once introduced one working (namely working, and not fantasy in the style of "wet balls") ideas. Such a herd usually wanders around rallies with the idea: "" We don't like everything, but we don't know how to do something and, in general, we don't want to ourselves. "

          Here "the second stupid revolutionary" will answer you on your post wassat bully
          My proposal for a "revolution in Russia" consists in one phrase of all: "Let's live in Russia according to the laws of Russia !!!" soldier let's just "stupidly" live by them ... starting from the Constitution and ending with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation hi Starting from the fact that the President is the Guarantor of the Constitution and ending with "a thief must sit in a prison" am just let's start living according to the laws ... they are "wonderful" good starting with the phrase what

          Article 7

          1. The Russian Federation is a social state whose policy is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person.
      3. -8
        11 October 2020 17: 16
        did you read the text carefully? did you even try to understand the theses in it? a society of equality and justice a priori cannot bring up strong people in this world. and ideology will not help here. the entire Western civilization was forged in an environment of fierce competition. when a child understands from childhood that in order to achieve something, all obstacles must be gnawed with his teeth. a social society gives rise to a completely different mindset. how can a person develop who knows that he will not die of hunger anyway? socialism gives birth to good, but weak and not tempered people. because the environment is not competitive.
        1. +17
          11 October 2020 17: 20
          Quote: carstorm 11
          socialism gives birth to good, but weak and not tempered people. because the environment is not competitive.

          You struck me now with your stupidity .. Are you talking about those who won the Second World War, bent half the world? And then he flew first into space?
          Socialism is, among other things, a community of people who defend their own not by compulsion, but for an idea ... in other words, a capitalist, in order to defend his interests, will buy or deceive supporters. And under socialism, people understand that everything that is in the state belongs to them, and not to Uncle Sam .. and they will fight not for Uncle Sam, but for their own, common ... for the common, which will belong to their children too .. and for whom to fight now, whom to protect ... billionaires .. let them go to the forest .. Feel the difference?
          1. -5
            11 October 2020 17: 30
            again the same thing ... you either do not hear or specifically miss what is being discussed. I do not underestimate our victories. I completely agree with the author that the enemy is not weaker than us. and while we are trying to be fair and correct, we have created a society that has become tougher and stronger than ours. and we need to do the same. tough competition over the years will give something that we have never had. tough pragmatists. those who will know exactly how to live in this world. if it's simple. it's a matter of survival. prospects.
            1. +15
              11 October 2020 17: 41
              Quote: carstorm 11
              and while we are trying to be fair and correct, created a society that has become tougher and stronger than ours

              Do you want to live in a tough, competitive society? And do you wish your children this?
              You understand that in such a society, the number of falls is not always equal to the number of ups .. And if you do not succeed in taking off, then your children will be doomed to serve the capitalists .. and sometimes in a perverted form .. I don’t know if I got the point ..
              But what is no less important is that with such a society ... tough ... as you wish we are dying out and every year there are fewer of us for the whole city .. And you see the power in this? The strength of any tribe, society ... in numbers, cohesion and intelligence .. And without social justice, this society is doomed ..
              1. -3
                11 October 2020 18: 09
                want. and I live. and I firmly believe that the more I fought in it, the stronger I became. certainly not equal. but in such a society those who will then preserve our descendants as a nation will grow up. perhaps social justice is the next step. but after. not when it comes to survival. in any aggressive environment only the strongest and fittest survive. what the author is actually talking about. we need to raise those who can. or we will end in the future. ... fight for survival-the strongest survives-natural selection-evolution. what you are talking about is the last point. and we need to start from the first.
                1. +1
                  11 October 2020 21: 54
                  That's right, that's the way it is
              2. +3
                13 October 2020 16: 40
                The weak must be helped and social security must be provided, but the development of intellect and morality must also be stimulated. Many remember the successes under Stalin, but how do they remember then? Christianity in its purest form and the idea of ​​responsibility before God for everything, including using one's abilities for the benefit of others, can create a strong society
          2. -2
            13 October 2020 20: 59
            Are you talking about those who won the Second World War, bent half the world? And then he flew first into space?
            Socialism is, among other things, a community of people who defend their own not by compulsion, but for an idea ..

            And how did this system end? The collapse of the USSR?
      4. The comment was deleted.
      5. +7
        12 October 2020 01: 37
        Quote: Svarog
        In order for Russia to survive and prosper, it is necessary to do several simple, but at the same time difficult things:

        But at the same time, you are not talking about the Russian Federation getting out of the dollar trap. That is, everything you have listed, in the form of rescue measures, is an empty sound, without real sovereignty in the global sense. This is financial and informational sovereignty and even the sovereignty of each citizen personally. country.
        I will explain ... the first is financial sovereignty. Building the country's economy basing it on the petrodollar (and the main thing here is the word dollar), in which the printing press is not with us, and not even with the United States, is obviously a loss, because the game is played on THEIR field according to THEIR laws of the market.
        In other words, first of all, we need a strong and effective alternative to the dollar, on which our sovereign economy would be built, and I am not talking about the sovereignty of the economy as an Iron Curtain. As a result, be it the European economy, Russian or any other one tied to the dollar, it enriches only those who print those same dollars. That is, we make financially richer and stronger than our enemy with our own hands.
        Second ... this is industrial and technological sovereignty. It is because of the lack of this sovereignty that sanctions are so painful in many areas. And it was the Anglo-Saxons who did not impose really tough sanctions.
        Third ... informational sovereignty. I'm not talking about propaganda. But there should be control of the information field within the country. Google knows almost everything about every citizen of the country. And the servers of many social networks are not located in the Russian Federation or even in Europe. And here we must talk about the sovereignty of each individual citizen of the country. Social media is now the most destructive weapon in the world. And this is proved time and again by the Maidans in many countries, by the riots and even by wars.
        And another one of the sovereignties is pharmaceutical sovereignty. Many vital drugs are not stupidly produced or created in the Russian Federation. And this is a very very big problem affecting the country's defense capability, including, since the same coronavirus came from outside and brought the whole country to its knees.
        Medical sovereignty must also be attributed to this. This is the development of medicine that will be able to effectively deal with threats and new epidemics.
        And the last ... this is the sovereignty of education. It is no secret that in the 90s many textbooks for our children were written with the money of the same Soros Foundation. And it is clear why today there is such ignorance among young people and the decline of morality, morality, etc. With well-educated youth, no Soros can blow up the country from the inside. And what do we see in education now? Yes, not only in education, but also on the Internet and on TV? Everything is sharpened on the moronization of young people, who in the future will have to take control of the country. And what do such ignoramuses manage?
        1. 0
          13 October 2020 16: 11
          [quote] But at the same time you are not talking about the fact that the Russian Federation came out of the dollar trap. [quote] All your proposals in the current situation mean "to pull the tiger by the mustache." That is, an attempt to take away their sales market from transnational corporations and leave the sphere of influence of the Fed and the IMF. It will simply speed up the process of open confrontation with the West. The author is probably right, you need to do your job with high quality, try not to degrade yourself and develop and invest in children. This is for the layman.
      6. 0
        13 October 2020 16: 35
        Everything is correct! With this structure aimed at the complete robbery of the country, everything the author writes about is simply not feasible.
        Although the goal-setting is correct, as is the sad assessment of our people, alas, we are rapidly degrading.
      7. 0
        15 October 2020 14: 26
        Handsomely. Pathetic. Highly wise. Only the program you have outlined is unrealistic and is just a useless collection of beautiful words. Namely: 1) Ideology based on justice, that is, socialism. In our country, this ideology, as a fundamental one, existed for just over 70 years and collapsed, burying the state with it. However. this "just" society began to decompose not in 1991, but several decades earlier. Capitalism, for all its injustice, turned out to be (contrary to the ideas of Marx-Lenin) much more viable. 2) Goal setting. There was a goal in the USSR - building communism. By the end of the 60s. it became obvious that the goal was chimerical and unattainable. Then they decided that the goal was to build a flourishing capitalism, as in Western Europe and the United States. This remarkable goal collapsed even faster than communism. What goal do you propose now? 3) Reform of the management system. Here I agree with one thing - the bureaucratization of the current system and the irresponsibility of various administrative structures exceeds all reasonable limits. What's in return? You obviously don't know this. And me too. And nobody knows.
    2. +20
      11 October 2020 16: 10
      Author, we do not have any strategic planning, everything works only in the "now" mode, because then there will be no, then only a trip to the West.
      1. +3
        11 October 2020 18: 36
        It is not a fact that it will always be this way - this system will end with Putin, and he was born in 1947, not long left.
        But what will happen next and where to get rid of the open question.
        I personally plan to live a long time (well, it’s clear how it will go in the end), and why not look into a slightly distant raging?
        1. +10
          11 October 2020 21: 08
          To my deepest regret, the author correctly described the groundlessness of hopes for the survival of Russia in its current state. In the current state of affairs, Russia has no chance of defending itself against the dictatorship of the Anglo-Saxons. Particularly silly are the arguments on the topic: we have Zircon, we have Poseidon. therefore nothing threatens us. “You don’t need a knife on a fora’s house,” we ourselves will come and surrender from pessimism and complaints about the fact that Putin's gang and a corruption vertical rule in Russia. The vertical as a vertical is not corrupt at all. If the vertical were corrupt, everything would be tightly covered, and no Navalny could even peep through the keyhole, but here the ministers are put in full view of the people. I liked that the author did not take this path. The author's suggestions appeal to me. But - in one of its points it smacks of social Darwinism. In support of the correctness of his idea, the author refers to the Japanese model. But there is another example. In the thirties in one country they wanted to make a "blond beast" out of the people. Those who conceived this did everything right, trying to remake the German philistine. The correct idea was then destroyed by the assertion of the superiority of the German nation. BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS NECESSARY FOR THE UPBREAKING OF SUCH YOUTH: A. Have ten years in reserve. B. to have an army of hundreds of thousands of educators - it is absent.
          1. +1
            11 October 2020 23: 14
            There is always a chance.
        2. +1
          12 October 2020 08: 46
          Quote: timokhin-aa
          he is 1947 year of birth

          Alexander, Putin was born in 1952.
          1. +4
            12 October 2020 09: 44
            Oh, wrong.
            But it's still a lot. For purely biological reasons, he will not stay in the chair for a long time.
            Term two.
            Therefore, a new strategy will be needed, and you need to come up with it in advance.
        3. -1
          13 October 2020 21: 04
          ... It is not a fact that it will always be this way - this system will end with Putin, and he was born in 1947, not long left.

          Well, for him, medicine is at its best, for another 20 years it will provide at least if the nerves do not fail
      2. +1
        12 October 2020 01: 22
        This is simply the most rational scenario.
    3. +19
      11 October 2020 16: 41
      The author writes that Sechin has nowhere to go from the submarine, and Putin said that Sechin has such a large salary because he (Sechin), how high a ... ahem ... a cool manager can be lured away by the West.
      And another interesting thought from the Author: It does not matter that top managers row money as if not in themselves - death will equalize everyone. Thank you, very encouraging. Now let the oligarchs get rich, since such is the case ...
      1. +10
        11 October 2020 19: 20
        Well yes. Death will equalize the dead, but not the descendants. For the sake of them, their descendants, the Sechins and others are skinning the country. The West will accept descendants - their descendants, not ours, and if from ours, then only those with elbows and brilliant brains.

        In general, it's funny. We are a flat people. We have passionaries, that is, those with elbows, only five percent. There are indeed many more passionaries in the West. It is probably possible to educate a fighter from a normal person. Considering that a sniper is a natural gift. But who will do this? A power that is afraid of such people? Let me doubt it. The authorities are successfully raising an irresponsible consumer. It is not the task of the authorities to raise snipers.
        1. -1
          11 October 2020 19: 58
          Quote: depressant
          It is not the task of the authorities to raise snipers.

          Do you have something for snipers? Snipers are no longer fashionable. What's fashionable? UAV operators.
          1. +4
            11 October 2020 20: 39
            Uh, no, colleague))
            The Sniper is my favorite character in the Sillow book series. In this case, it is an allusion, the image of a person endowed with the talent to hit without a miss, physical strength and morality. Just what the respected Author proposes to educate in children provocatively to protect Sechin, who allegedly fell into hysterics from a possible invasion of cunning and sacrificial Yankees))) Well, not engineers will protect Sechin)))
            1. 0
              11 October 2020 21: 00
              Quote: depressant
              The Sniper is my favorite character in the Sillow book series.

              And, this is that poor fellow whom Sillov constantly kills in every book called "The Law of Someone or Something" and then resurrects for the 145th time. Sills dragged this character to the point of impossibility. It's time to come up with a new one, and shoot the Sniper completely, so as not to suffer. This sniper fired without a miss only in the first book, while his brains were cleansed. Then he began to smear. Slid down in general. Both the character and the writer ... Alas ...
              Quote: depressant
              provocatively proposes to bring up the respected author in children to protect Sechin

              The author, as it seemed to me, offers to arrange unity with top managers? Like we are in the same boat, which - mind you! do not rock!
              1. +1
                11 October 2020 22: 18
                Oh, how bad you said about my beloved hero))) Maybe you will find it strange, but out of the huge amount of classics I read, both foreign and Russian, the Sniper coincided with my idea of ​​what a warrior should be. By the way, Lev Abalkin from The Beetle in the Anthill by the Strugatskikh didn’t fit his soul, although he is somewhat similar - similar, but alien ...
                Well, that's me, by the way))
                As for the unity with Sechin, you are absolutely precise. Although it seems to me that the Author is simply provoking us))
                1. +2
                  11 October 2020 23: 45
                  Quote: depressant
                  It may seem strange to you, but out of the huge amount of classics I read, both foreign and Russian, the Sniper coincided with my idea of ​​what a warrior should be.

                  How does the sniper treat the classics? Sniper is a teenage character. Even his pretentious nickname is meant to spark interest among young people. Wow, how cool! Sniper!
                  The sniper is correct to yawn. He speaks almost exclusively with "thoughtful" quotes on the topic "what it means to be the right man." Every book is the same. He didn't look like a truly living character anyway, and after Syll threw him into a fantasy world with dragons, he turned into what. Do you know what the character Mary Sue is in literature? Here is a typical sniper example. Well, God bless him. This is my IMHO, and you read what you prefer. Although I would recommend Glushkov. His characters are not so formulaic and insipid.
                  1. +2
                    12 October 2020 00: 33
                    I am tired of classical literature for a long time. It is aimed at shaping a worldview through a set of banal thoughts, carefully hidden in a small set of storylines hackneyed from ancient times - thoughts conveyed through unsympathetic characters. In general, I'm tired of exhaustion. Reading Sillov's books is both relaxation and a charming hero, which you won't expect from the classics. The storyline - the odyssey - doesn't bother me. I like the detailed description of weapons, fighting techniques, light style, humor and at the same time an apologetics for the high principles of friendship and loyalty, patriotism, sometimes turning into an unobtrusive and therefore attractive pathos of a poetic shade ...
                    And Glushkov ... I read "Cold Blood". Didn't hurt. I've read a lot from books of this kind. Heroes do not have the Sniper attractiveness. Even Lun. Well, God bless him.
                    I started talking about the Sniper only because the author of the article requires the population to have sniper skills, if an external enemy makes his way inside the house, combined with a highly developed intellect, if he does not enter inside. A combination worthy of Olympus. And all for the sake of skillfully screening the oligarch on occasion? And so as not to accidentally confuse that oligarch with an external enemy? Yes, here a highly developed intelligence may really be required))))
                    1. 0
                      12 October 2020 14: 14
                      Quote: depressant
                      And Glushkov ... I read "Cold Blood". Didn't hurt. I've read a lot from books of this kind. Heroes do not have the Sniper attractiveness.

                      Kalter is more lively than the Sniper, And Morok is generally chic-shine. Glorious heroes are already tired. Antiheroes are trending now. Paladin knights are boring and predictable. The first books about the Sniper were still nothing, but then more and more often I began to catch myself on deja vu. It is very difficult to lead one hero through dozens of pieces. Rare Author will do it. In my opinion, Sillov did not succeed. But this, again, is the taste and color.
                      Quote: depressant
                      And all for the sake of skillfully screening the oligarch on occasion? And so as not to accidentally confuse that oligarch with an external enemy?

                      I wish I could see it. Yes, if something happened, the same bodyguards of the moneybag would declassify him. Like the praetorians of the Roman emperors. )))
                      1. 0
                        13 October 2020 17: 50
                        Well, if an antihero, then rather, the novels about the Deserter))) are written well.
                        For some reason, it seems to me that the critical realism of Russian writers has disguised itself as novels about the Zone - Pripyat, Novosibirsk, Moscow, and others.
                        The zone is an image of modern Russia in a hostile environment for it, especially Pripyat. Scientists-political strategists, artifacts as natural riches, terrible monsters-oligarchs, military men, bandits, greedy merchants and the Stalker robbed by everyone, who finds it difficult to get his livelihood and torment all those who live off the artifacts he obtains, is not a stalker who knows how to get out of the whirlwind into which he fell. A complete snapshot of our society with the corresponding, often very bold comments of the authors)))
        2. +1
          12 October 2020 01: 24
          Naturally, there are only boats for the first class. This is a sign of the Titanic. :))) On the other hand, would you give up an alternate airfield for your children, and even for your old age?
          1. 0
            12 October 2020 07: 49
            I humbly accepted the fate of my Motherland as mine. Only together.
            1. 0
              15 October 2020 12: 51
              Have you already donated a kidney to Russia? Or are you still going? Or refrain? And here is more than a kidney ...
        3. +1
          12 October 2020 09: 46
          Sechins and others are skinning the country.

          Taking into account the fact that Rosneft is owned by the state and how much more it pays to the budget compared to many other companies, it turns out the other way around.
          1. +3
            12 October 2020 11: 51
            Prepayment has been received from China
            - $ 100 billion. The company's debts required spending this money. It turns out that for this amount Rosneft will supply the product to China free of charge. And further.
            Rosneftegaz (gasket, my explanation) accumulates hundreds of billions of rubles in dividends from state-owned companies in its accounts, transferring only a small part of them to the budget, despite the fact that it actually does not conduct any activity - this is purely an intermediary dummy with several employees.
            And further.
            Rosneft's debts for 2019 amounted to half of the expenditure side of the state budget, namely, 8 trillion rubles.
            And further.
            To pay off urgent debts, Rosneft took out a bank loan of 25 billion rubles.
            Like Gazprom, Rosneft is a loss-making company. And no one will ever tell you where the dividends from Rosneftegaz's accounts go.
            1. +2
              12 October 2020 12: 59
              We learn
        4. -1
          13 October 2020 16: 40
          The gang that is now in power in the country will intensively and successfully raise an obedient, cattle herd of stupid consumers.
      2. 0
        13 October 2020 16: 25
        Nobody bothers you to earn billions. There are examples from recent history. Pavel Durov, Sergei Galitsky for example. None of them were part of the "St. Petersburg gang", all of them themselves, with their work and talent. This is where we differ from the West. We are trying to redistribute what was allegedly stolen, instead of trying ourselves. It's a pity, it's a shame, it's unfair, but what does it matter to us? Let the oligarchs get rich. They even pay taxes and create jobs. And top managers receive not much more than our bow-legged footballers, but they bring more benefits. But there are no complaints about the players))) And we are hiding from taxes and complaining about unfairness. The last sentence is not about you personally, but in general ... Maybe even about me ...
        1. -1
          13 October 2020 16: 52
          Quote: Beregovyhok_1
          There are examples from recent history. Pavel Durov, Sergei Galitsky for example.

          One, two, and it was all ... Examples are good, but they are few. I am not saying that "take away and divide". But Rosneft and Gazprom are very ineffective companies. So why such crazy salaries? Change these stop managers - the difference for the economy will not be visible. And even this business of selling hydrocarbons may turn for the better.
          Quote: Beregovyhok_1
          Let the oligarchs get rich. They even pay taxes and create jobs. And top managers receive not much more than our bow-legged footballers, but they bring more benefits.

          Let be. But in this case, one can not expect special prospects from the future. As long as the priority is the hucksters and bow-legged ball runners, not engineers and scientists.
          1. 0
            13 October 2020 17: 19
            As long as the priority is the hucksters and bow-legged ball runners, not engineers and scientists.
            This means that we need to change something in ourselves, in our minds, and to perceive wealthy people not as hucksters, but as talented managers and leaders, take an example from them and strive for the same. Like the American Dream, for example. It works for them, there is competition, there is a desire to get rich, there are opportunities. All the same, the Soviet still sits in us. I don’t see such opportunities, but my friend does. And I consider him a huckster)))
            One, two, and it was all ... Examples are good, but they are few.
            And by the way, about my examples .... They just took everything away and divided. Here we also add Furgala. In addition to talent in Russia, you still need to be personally loyal, otherwise the ruling will strangle you (Durov) or jail you (Furgal), force you to sell your business (Galitsky). But all the same, I agree with the message of the author - the future belongs to young people, and one needs to invest in them. They have a different attitude to everything. What we consider to be a problem is laughter to them. We are serious about VVP and Navalny, and for them both are Sisyans))), we invest in real estate, and they travel around the world and get impressions and experience. And they will solve the problem of confrontation with the West in their own way. Unusual and creative)))
            1. +1
              13 October 2020 21: 12
              Quote: Beregovyhok_1
              perceive wealthy people not as hucksters, but as talented managers and leaders

              It depends on what wealthy people. If a person has earned a fortune with his mind, work and talent for management; He gave something to his country, to humanity, like, for example, Bill Gates, then honor and praise to him. And if a person's wealth is based on the fact that he very successfully ended up in friends with "whoever needs it", and although he is stupid as a cork, he occupies a responsible position in a company / organization only due to dog loyalty (and that is not a fact that he will not betray) , then thank you - you won't be able to perceive him as a talented manager with all the will.
              Quote: Beregovyhok_1
              In addition to talent in Russia, you still need to be personally loyal

              No no no. The talent can be skipped. We also boldly sweep aside charisma, conscience and even education as unnecessary ballast. Personally betrayed? Do you like money? Great, here's your job title and trough. Well, the fact that a small mind is a plus. You can't sit down and you can't arrange a conspiracy.))
              Quote: Beregovyhok_1
              And they will solve the problem of confrontation with the West in their own way. Unusual and creative)))

              I don't want to be an old grumbler, but the millions of subscribers of Buzova or Morgenstern from among young people somehow ... do not inspire confidence. In Belarus, again, what are young people up to? But it is practically the same as in Russia. He watches the same films, visits the same social networks, etc. etc. So the future is in a fog ...))
              1. +1
                13 October 2020 22: 52
                millions of subscribers Buzovoy or Morgenstern from among
                Praise the gods, I haven't watched TV for a long time and I don't know who (what) Morgenstern is. And I don’t want to know))) let me have an association with medieval shock-crushing weapons))) but about the youth - there are positive examples, we don’t need one size fits all. Our job as parents.
                1. +1
                  13 October 2020 23: 04
                  Quote: Beregovyhok_1
                  Praise the gods, I haven't watched TV for a long time and I don't know who (what) Morgenstern is. And I don't want to know)))

                  Right. God forbid you from such knowledge.
                  Quote: Beregovyhok_1
                  let me have an association with medieval shock-crushing weapons)))

                  Also a kind of shock-crushing. Only worse. Bypassing the bones of the skull immediately strikes the brain.))
                  Quote: Beregovyhok_1
                  and about the youth - there are positive examples, not one size fits all.

                  There is. Great guys, winners of scientific Olympiads. The Motherland has not yet become scarce in talents. But do you know how they usually joke about such people? They write comments like: congratulations to the future US / EU citizen. With a hint that Russia will not be able to realize their potential. And in this sad joke, as usual, there is the same share ...
        2. -1
          13 October 2020 21: 08
          Durov according to the latest data in the emirates
  2. +6
    11 October 2020 15: 12
    What project? Why Russia? Who benefits from Russia? "Russia" is a system. No goals - no system.
    1. +10
      11 October 2020 18: 24
      The current elite from the Eaters of Russia can lead Russia to disaster, as happened with RI under Nicholas II and with the USSR under Gorbat.
      After all, it is obvious that this elite does not connect its future with Russia and has already created a spare airfield for potential enemies in Europe and the USA!
      1. -6
        12 October 2020 01: 27
        Illitka is simply rational. And those who criticize her for having an alternate airfield in a good country simply cannot afford it, and since the grapes hang high, they are naturally green and sour for suckers ...
    2. -1
      11 October 2020 18: 36
      Is Russia personally beneficial to you? Or is it profitable to break?
    3. +2
      11 October 2020 18: 40
      iouris (iouris), Today, 15:12, NEW: "... And what project? Why Russia? Who benefits from Russia?" Russia "is a system. Not goals - there is no system ...."

      After such a question. You, for the majority - MINUS INFINITY!
      Who, ELSE, can be profitable / unprofitable - Motherland, MOTHER?
      1. -3
        12 October 2020 14: 13
        Homeland is not only Russia ..
        For some, Motherland may be our planet ..
        And Russia on this planet ... to put it mildly, does not look ice ... In any case, for its people ..
        1. -1
          13 October 2020 17: 00
          Roman, not Russia, but the gang that seized power in 91.
  3. +32
    11 October 2020 15: 20
    With such a ruling class, we do not need any hostile environment ... We will ruin ourselves.
    1. +15
      11 October 2020 15: 27
      Quote: paul3390
      With such a ruling class, we do not need any hostile environment ... We will ruin ourselves.

      I thought this phrase all the time while reading it. And there is.
      1. nnm
        11 October 2020 15: 45
        Colleague, let me ask you, what suggestion from the author to solve this problem did you see in the article?
        1. +4
          11 October 2020 19: 08
          Quote: nnm
          Colleague, let me ask you, what suggestion from the author to solve this problem did you see in the article?

          I am sorry for trying to answer your question.
          The author, as I understand it, does not have this problem in the future. Realizing the threat of the loss of Russia, the conventional cutters embracing the conventional turner of the village of Kolya and the combine operator of the village of Stepa will amicably become a united front to defend it.
          1. nnm
            11 October 2020 19: 11
            Here I am, too. Any system will defend itself by any means necessary. And it is naive to think that the conventional Chubais will realize his responsibility to the people and the country tomorrow. As well as to believe that the established electoral conditions for the change of personalities in the system will not become a stage in its reproduction.
            1. +3
              11 October 2020 19: 30
              Quote: nnm
              Any system will defend itself by any means necessary.

              Why did the Soviet not defend themselves by any means?
              The answer is obvious - because the one who was supposed to organize the protection of the system destroyed it himself. This is the answer to those who cry that the Soviet system itself collapsed.
              1. nnm
                11 October 2020 19: 35
                Yes, precisely because the system was destroyed from the inside, and the defense was tuned to external sources.
                And the system itself is too rusted in some of its key elements.
          2. -1
            12 October 2020 01: 30
            They will abandon their palaces, sell off spare airfields, take the imperative "do not renounce your money and prison," sacrifice the safety of children so that the conventional turner has an extra bottle and a new washing machine every 10 years, not 15 ... labor ...
            1. +4
              12 October 2020 08: 21
              Quote: roll
              so that the conditional turner has an extra bottle ...

              You are a strange person. Everything that you use in life is made by the hands of this very conventional turner-locksmith, etc. And, despite this, you associate them with a bottle. But, as practice has shown, what is done by the hands of these "drunks" is much better than what is done by the hands of Chinese teetotalers.
              1. -1
                15 October 2020 12: 55
                The question is not about someone's attitude to alcohol. The question of whether the top would sacrifice the safety of their own and their families for the sake of an insignificant improvement in the lives of strangers?

                Let's put it more simply: "They will abandon their palaces, sell off spare airfields, take the imperative" do not renounce your bags and prison, "sacrifice the safety of children so that the conditional turner has the opportunity to go to Turkey more than once every 3 years, and in a year and a new washing machine a machine every 10 years, not 15 ... "
        2. 0
          13 October 2020 17: 03
          There is no proposal yet, just a diagnosis. Generally correct. True, I doubt that he will give the correct sentence in the continuation of the article. He will rely on the mind of these bandits who are deliberately destroying the country.
    2. -13
      11 October 2020 15: 42
      With such a ruling class, we don't need any hostile environment ..

      1917 People shouting "Down with the ruling class of exploiters!" overthrows the capitalist system of government. The Bolsheviks come to power with the aim of building a communist state.
      1985-1991 People shouting "Down with the kravopits-communists!" overthrows the socialist system of government. Private capital comes to power in order to build a capitalist state.
      2020year. The opposition is whining again: “Down with the ruling class of exploiters. Give socialist justice!” .... Yes, sho, again? !!!! How many times in a century will a fool throw a country from one system to another, destroying its economy and integrity?
      1. +11
        11 October 2020 17: 08
        Quote: Soho
        Give socialist justice! !

        SOCIAL justice! There can be no socialist justice in our state. But as for the social, it is extremely necessary. And the greater the gap between the common man and the conventional Sechin, the stronger the cry
        Quote: Soho
        "Down with the ruling class of exploiters.

        Or will you be satisfied that 10% of the country's population owns 80% of the country's wealth and all income is taken abroad? Where are the New Russian patrons? Where are the acceptable living conditions for people. And than. .. Putin once said: "The state does not owe you anything. All by yourself."
        And how does this fit in with equality, even if conditional? What then is the role of this state? - To collect taxes, not giving in return education, health care, pensions?
        Quote: Soho
        ... will the fools throw the country from one system to another, destroying its economy and integrity?

        Precisely because "... the revolution is conceived by romantics, carried out by fanatics, and inveterate scoundrels use its fruits."
        But after all, "A person should not complain about times - nothing comes of it. The time is bad: well, that's what a person is to improve it". T. Kyrel.
        1. -2
          12 October 2020 01: 35
          Of the 7000 billion, less than 15% left Russia. So if it took not 15%, but three times less - only 5% - this would increase export revenues by only 10%. So not so much is taken out abroad. And in general, this is a rational decision - not to put all your eggs in one basket. Moreover, remembering the 1917th ... You would have done the same, if you had such opportunities.
        2. 0
          15 October 2020 10: 57
          Sylvester, you are dumber than even your on-screen alter ego laughing although the word "dumber" is more appropriate. Because you don't even understand what you are reading. And what does "social" justice have to do with it if I wrote about socialist justice! That is, the justice that exists (conventionally) under socialism. When everything belongs to the people and there is no capitalist exploitation of man by man. How dumb you are laughing
          And prt what is it that suits me. In my commentary, I did not write at all about what suits me or does not suit me. Some rabble-populist again ascribes something from his head to me
          Revolutions are invented by those who, due to lack of brains, cannot predict events beyond tomorrow. By the way, this suits you very well.
      2. +6
        11 October 2020 19: 35

        A revolution can and will probably consist of long-term battles, of several periods of onslaught with intervals of counter-revolutionary convulsions of the bourgeois system.

        IN AND. Lenin
      3. -1
        11 October 2020 21: 31

      4. -1
        13 October 2020 17: 04
        People shouting "Down with the kravopits-communists!" overthrows the socialist system of government.

        It's a lie!
        1. 0
          15 October 2020 11: 02
          Lies in what? You can see Gorbachev's perestroika and Yeltsin's rule, whether they spent alcohol-hard drinking, or lay in a coma. With awakening, citizen, with a return to reality laughing
          1. +1
            15 October 2020 12: 19
            It just wasn't there then, it seems.

            Or no longer now laughing
          2. 0
            15 October 2020 13: 12
            Soho, your boorish attack is not a reasoned objection.
            And I will not exaggerate the fact that I do not drink or smoke, so I could not stay in alcoholic binge.
            And I remember that time well.
    3. +5
      11 October 2020 16: 05
      Bravo Alexander. Very interesting article. I would like to read the ending and conclusions. And then the idea with educated children was very reminiscent of the union of the Sword and Oral. Cold War 2.0 is in full swing. Even the liberal-democratic Sytin admits this from 60 minutes. And there can be only one conclusion: victory requires the mobilization of the entire people and resources, a change in the political system in the country, an end to the export of resources and capital, the development of production, education, science and all other industries without exception in order to ensure the country's self-sufficiency. But in reality what? The elite continues to export capital, for example, from Bashkiria, and Putin threatens them from the TV. Where is the result? The Putin government has been unable to formulate the Russian national idea for 20 years !!! Where are we going? I am sure that you, Alexander, and many other VO authors can write a whole program with dozens of interesting Russian national ideas in one day.
      I look forward to continuing.
      Best regards, your reader.
      1. -7
        11 October 2020 16: 14
        Quote: Bearded
        victory requires the mobilization of the entire people and resources, a change in the political system in the country, an end to the export of resources and capital, the development of production, education, science and all other industries without exception,

        Where to get money and people for this?

        Quote: Bearded
        to ensure the country's self-sufficiency

        Autarky, even in the case of Nazi Germany, worked poorly. And since then it has become stupidly impossible smile
        1. +5
          11 October 2020 16: 59
          Where can I get the money? In fact, Russia is the sixth economy in the world. So there is money, just not where it is needed.
          1. -3
            11 October 2020 17: 05
            Quote: Bearded
            Where is the money?

            Money and people. Engineers, teachers and scientists for the "development of production, education, science."

            Quote: Bearded
            In fact, Russia is the sixth economy in the world.

            You can be proud of the sixth place, or you can see the gap from, say, the first three. If you want autarky (sorry, self-sufficiency), you must be able to do everything that the whole world does.
        2. +7
          11 October 2020 18: 45
          Mr. Timokhin, powerful and seemingly convincing ... You just know what ..
          There was a feeling that it reminds me of something. The feeling took shape in Wells' War of the Worlds. Remember how the main character hid into the basement, fleeing from the tripods, and the owner of the basement, gradually losing his mind with fear, began to develop a brilliant strategy of victory in front of him? Like, let's dig a tunnel to the city, go out to the people, form resistance units ...

          But when the respected Author started talking about raising a generation of geniuses with strong elbows, the voice of Herman Gref came in influx - after all, we have an ardent herald of a new school, exactly the way the Author described it. There is only one small "but". This is a school for rich children, and Gref is sponsoring this. Here, by the way, is the justification of this approach by the Author: whoever can afford it will get to such a school, or will be able to push competitors with his elbows, climbing to it, because we need a strong generation. Yes, we need it ...
          The author, do not you admit the thought that if we implement such a program, we will simply turn out to be a source of personnel for the West? What have become and continue to be to this day, since the death of the USSR? How many of our scientists and promising young people have left Russia forever? Why weren't statistics provided? And she is. Who wants to be a genius with strong elbows for a cheap price in Russia, if such a person is offered a lot more in the USA?
          I remember that last year or the year before last one boy, a Muscovite, passed the exam for 400 points, and the whole Internet shouted in unison: "Don't be a fool! Go to Sweden to study, you will have prospects there!" So the author's appeal has long been out of date, new generations have already decided everything for themselves. They want to be smart, but they want to be animals, pushing the weak with their elbows for a pitiful handout - thank you!

          And ... Mr. Timokhin, do you seriously think that Sechin is afraid to repeat, say, the fate of Ceausescu? Or losers Gaddafi and Hussein? Yes, fullness! Conclusions were made long ago, Boeings and islands were bought - islands in warm seas are sold a lot, there would be money, fortresses with secret passages, airfields were built. These people have separated themselves from us, and I have no desire to take care of their safety, considering their fate as inseparable from their fate - they are alien to me. And we should think about the Motherland - yes, we ourselves. After all, we are alone.
        3. +2
          11 October 2020 19: 14
          Quote: Eye of the Crying

          Autarky, even in the case of Nazi Germany, worked poorly. And since then it has become stupidly impossible

          Why is there no such thing in Russia without which it "stupidly" will not live? Bananas?
          1. +1
            11 October 2020 19: 23
            Quote: Krasnoyarsk
            Why is there no such thing in Russia without which it "stupidly" will not live? Bananas?

            In order to "live stupidly", there is everything. The problem is that people no longer want to "live stupidly", they want to live well. Although ... those who need imported medicines will not even be able to "live stupidly" without imports.
            1. +3
              11 October 2020 19: 50
              Quote: Eye of the Crying

              The problem is that people no longer want to "live stupidly", they want to live well.

              As they say - wanting is not harmful. And what did people do for this? To live well.
              Initially, they need to understand - from what they live badly? From being lazy? Or maybe because those who are duty-bound to organize people to achieve this goal - to live well - are unable or want to organize them? Or does it organize, but to improve the life of a certain category of citizens?
              If initially your work is intended to improve the life of a certain category of citizens, and not to improve the life of all citizens of the state, then no matter how you work, you will not live better.
              This is usually the case. Of which, of course, there are exceptions.
              But if we try to understand what it means to live well, we will come to very interesting conclusions. It turns out this is not necessarily a tightly packed wallet.
              1. -1
                11 October 2020 19: 52
                I didn’t understand what these vague complaints about the political system had to do with autarchy.
                1. 0
                  11 October 2020 20: 13
                  [quote = The eye of the blatant] I did not understand how these vague complaints about the political system have to do with autarky. [/ quote]
                  Yes, and not necessary.

                  Quote: Eye of the Crying
                  The problem is that people no longer want to "live stupidly", they want to live well. [/ quote]
                  Where is autarchy here?
                  1. 0
                    11 October 2020 20: 15
                    Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                    Where is autarchy here?

                    The thing about autarky is that one cannot live well in autarky. And you have lost the thread of the conversation.
                    1. 0
                      11 October 2020 20: 37
                      Quote: Eye of the Crying

                      The thing about autarky is that one cannot live well in autarky.

                      This is a subjective opinion. And ... Are you sure you are always right?
                      To begin with, you and I need to define what it means to live well?
                      After all, the concept of "bad" is different for everyone - for some the soup is liquid, for some pearls are small.
                      1. 0
                        11 October 2020 20: 39
                        Quote: Krasnoyarsk
                        Are you sure you are always right?

                        I'm sure I'm right in this case. At least because there is one experimental region: the DPRK.
                      2. 0
                        12 October 2020 00: 54
                        Quote: Eye of the Crying

                        I'm sure I'm right in this case. At least because there is one experimental region: the DPRK.

                        You made me laugh by comparing the resources and intellectual level of Russia and the DPRK
                      3. +1
                        12 October 2020 09: 43
                        This is another question - how would we live if we were in a situation like the DPRK.
                      4. +1
                        12 October 2020 12: 15
                        Quote: timokhin-aa
                        This is another question - how would we live if we were in a situation like the DPRK.

                        Let's dispense with the "if only" assumptions.
                        On the whole, I appreciate your article positively. At least for the fact that the topic is raised important and serious. I do not agree with all of your calculations, but this is already secondary. The main thing is that the discussion has started. It is important to continue to generate interest in this topic. Therefore - success in "to be continued."
                      5. +2
                        12 October 2020 13: 01
                        Yes, there will be the last part - naked action, gaining time until we eliminate the main contradiction (see this article). The next generations will radically solve the issue, for which we will properly educate them.
      2. +4
        11 October 2020 17: 16
        Quote: Bearded
        And there can be only one conclusion: for victory, the mobilization of the entire people is needed ...

        Around whom? Minin and Pozharsky are not observed on the horizon
        Quote: Bearded
        ..changing the political system in the country, stopping the export of resources and capital ...

        sorry, but this is a revolution. After all, for this they took power in 91. The state has no other ideology.
        Quote: Bearded
        The elite continues to export capital, for example, from Bashkiria, and Putin threatens them from the TV.

        forgot to add, does everything that this holiday of life for them did not end as long as possible. Hence, the voting on knees and in toilets, and the transit of power, and the destruction of political opponents.
        It just so happens in the bottom line.
      3. +4
        11 October 2020 19: 37
        in one day you can write a whole program with dozens of interesting Russian national ideas.

        And there is no need to invent anything .. Bearded classics and one mustachioed practitioner have invented everything for us for a long time .. It remains only to bring it to life again ..
      4. +2
        11 October 2020 21: 33
        No, I don't take part in this. I saw two revolutions - one in 1991 that took place, and the second in 1993 that failed.

        I'm over it.
      5. +1
        13 October 2020 17: 05
        The Putin government has been unable to formulate the Russian national idea for 20 years !!!

        His task is different.
      6. 0
        13 October 2020 21: 14
        ... the mobilization of the whole people is needed

        May no one go to your mobilization
    4. +1
      11 October 2020 18: 37
      It's not for long
      1. 0
        13 October 2020 21: 21
        The only idea that can unite society is justice,
        Not social, but simply justice in everything, this idea will break any Western system, because the West is not ready for it, but our ruling group is not ready for it in the square either ...
        If society is rebuilt in the ideas of justice, then it will become a beacon for all people on the planet, and no amount of preparation and technical superiority of the West will help it in this.
  4. +5
    11 October 2020 15: 23
    In principle, a lot is true. However, alas, "there is no money, but you hold on!., And the children themselves go to the Saxon school at this time ...

    I. According to the article, figuratively - When the Saxon has a business lunch, the local elite drives their commoners into the trenches. So they don't watch white people eat when they choke on barley ...
  5. nnm
    11 October 2020 15: 25
    Roosevelt created Hitler? Not the former Entente, who humiliated not Germany with Versailles, but the entire German people, but Roosevelt?
    And this is not a single passage from which you want to throw up your hands in bewilderment.
    As an opinion in which the truth is interspersed with some incredible interpretations, alterations of history, with works of art, etc. - yes, it is quite a place to be. But the article is not at all drawn to a motivated and based on historical facts. Accordingly, on a reasonable forecast as well.
    Orientation on the need to form a strong domestic policy - yes. It has been discussed by everyone for a long time. Not new.
    I also noted for myself the horror of the author from the idea of ​​revolution. Note, not a coup, but a revolution. That is, in fact, it is proposed to leave the socio - economic system "as is" and hopes that somehow, capitalist Russia, which is a weak copy of the capitalist countries of the West, will suddenly bypass them and become hostile? Yes, only if for sales markets))))
    1. +9
      11 October 2020 15: 48
      But the article is not at all drawn to a motivated and based on historical facts. Accordingly, on a reasonable forecast as well.

      I agree that the article can be viewed only from the point of view of reasoning, about where we are heading and how to fix it ..
      1. nnm
        11 October 2020 15: 53
        Quote: Svarog
        and how to fix it ..

        But I just didn't see this in the article ...
        1. +1
          11 October 2020 16: 00
          Quote: nnm
          But I just didn't see this in the article ...

          Yes, but we can speculate for ourselves ..))
          1. nnm
            11 October 2020 16: 08
            in addition to the task of somehow initiating all these processes, there is one more responsibility: to make sure that no one interferes with bringing this idea to practical implementation. He did not organize any revolution in our country.

            In principle, I have been for a long time, in this regard I have long been in solidarity with the author, but recently, after watching one video, I believe that the situation by replacing the girls in the brothel cannot be remedied.
            1. +5
              11 October 2020 17: 17
              Quote: nnm
              I believe that the situation by replacing the girls in the brothel cannot be remedied.

              this is already a no brainer. The country is slowly sliding towards the level of Ukraine.
        2. +2
          11 October 2020 16: 06
          Quote: nnm
          But I just didn't see this in the article ...

          And he wrote there:
          To be continued ...
          1. nnm
            11 October 2020 16: 09
            But in fact, he has already closed the question for himself:
            in addition to the task of somehow initiating all these processes, there is one more responsibility: to make sure that no one interferes with bringing this idea to practical implementation. He did not organize any revolution in our country.

            Everything else is essentially a variation on a previously set theme.
            1. 0
              11 October 2020 16: 20
              Quote: nnm
              He did not organize any revolution in our country.

              So for this, figuratively it is necessary to feed and heal .... and it is necessary?
            2. +2
              11 October 2020 19: 34
              Colleague nnm, how do you like the long passage about Ernst Hanfstaengl?))) For some reason, it seems to me that the article was written for this character. Everything else - the Anglo-Saxons, Roosevelt, the preparation of children - is secondary.
        3. 0
          11 October 2020 19: 24
          Quote: nnm
          Quote: Svarog
          and how to fix it ..

          But I just didn't see this in the article ...

          Why not? The author correctly emphasized the idea not just on education (study, study and study again) but on a radical change in the education system. Well, to put it simply - the student should not memorize the Pythagorean theorem, but develop it himself to solve the problem with a triangle. Something like this.
          1. nnm
            11 October 2020 19: 31
            And if it is even simpler - why on earth should the top change the USE system used? They know where to sign on the ballots - that's all, great. Take more, throw on. It is their children who will study in the best schools and institutes.
            What can force the elite to take real measures to revive vocational and technical education, and increase the availability of higher education? If universities such as Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics, MGIMO have 10-15 budget places from faculties of 300 people?
            Well, what will happen tomorrow, that the same people, in the same posts, under the same conditions, will start making different decisions? Here, a quote from Einstein about stupidity comes to mind
            1. +2
              11 October 2020 20: 09
              Quote: nnm
              conditions will make different decisions? Here, a quote from Einstein about stupidity comes to mind

              Yes, you are undoubtedly right. If in the essence of the article, then, the question of saving Russia, and the threat of its destruction still exists, cannot be resolved without resolving the issue of power, which also implies a solution to the issue of property.
              1. 0
                11 October 2020 21: 27
                Do you want to make your property public domain?
                1. +3
                  12 October 2020 01: 03
                  Quote: timokhin-aa
                  Do you want to make your property public domain?

                  What do you mean by "own property"?
                  Alikperov's slippers or his 28% stake in Lukoil?
                  1. -1
                    12 October 2020 09: 42
                    No, I meant your property. Don't you have property?
                    1. 0
                      12 October 2020 12: 00
                      Quote: timokhin-aa
                      No, I meant your property. Don't you have property?

                      What do you mean by "property"?
                      Indoor slippers or a factory (owner of factories of steamship newspapers) (V. Mayakovsky)?
                      1. -1
                        12 October 2020 13: 02
                        Property is property.
                        You probably have an apartment.
                        Someone has a factory.

                        All this is property, and all of it is private.

                        I asked about yours.
                      2. +1
                        13 October 2020 18: 20
                        Quote: timokhin-aa
                        You probably have an apartment.
                        Someone has a factory.

                        Yes, there is an apartment. But she was. It seems not mine - I could not sell it, but no one could kick me out of it. And she passed, despite that it was not mine, inherited to children, and then to their children. It's the same now.
                        But I didn’t have a factory and I don’t.
                        But I worked in a factory and no one could fire me. But ..., the plant had 2 children. a kindergarten, a sponsored school, its own vocational school, a recreation center in the forest on the river bank, a pioneer camp, its own recreation center. Now there is none of this, just as there is no factory. Everything went to scrap metal. It is clear that from the beginning the OWNER appeared at the plant. And he "effectively" disposed of the plant.
                        And tell me please - does the current owner of the plant run a holiday camp for the children of the plant workers? And what about a recreation center for your employees? Or maybe he is buying a sanatorium ticket for a needy worker?
                        Or maybe he builds housing for his employees?
                        Or does he think that by giving the employee a salary of 25 rubles, he made the employee happy? Can an employee use this money to provide himself and his children with a summer vacation, buy an apartment?
                        Until the issue of a fair division of the public pie is resolved, Russia will not become a strong state.
                      3. 0
                        15 October 2020 12: 26
                        The question of ownership can be decided either entirely or in no way.
                        We either abolish private property FOR EVERYTHING - factories, apartments, etc.
                        Or we leave. That's all.
                        As for the income from all this, the state has socialized them long ago, otherwise we would have lived as in 1996 until now, if not worse.
    2. -1
      11 October 2020 16: 09
      Quote: nnm
      Roosevelt created Hitler? Not the former Entente, who humiliated not Germany with Versailles, but the entire German people, but Roosevelt?
      And this is not a single passage from which you want to throw up your hands in bewilderment.
      As an opinion in which the truth is interspersed with some incredible interpretations, alterations of history, with works of art, etc. - yes, it is quite a place to be. But the article is not at all drawn to a motivated and based on historical facts. Accordingly, on a reasonable forecast as well.
      Orientation on the need to form a strong domestic policy - yes. It has been discussed by everyone for a long time. Not new.
      I also noted for myself the horror of the author from the idea of ​​revolution. Note, not a coup, but a revolution. That is, in fact, it is proposed to leave the socio - economic system "as is" and hopes that somehow, capitalist Russia, which is a weak copy of the capitalist countries of the West, will suddenly bypass them and become hostile? Yes, only if for sales markets))))

      It is obvious that the ears of the American State Department are sticking out for the unleashing of RYA, PMA and WWII, as well as for the unleashing of hundreds of other wars, for example, in Karabakh. Look who benefits from it. Causal relationship.
      1. nnm
        11 October 2020 16: 22
        And RI, Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Germany, France was it all not profitable? If we are talking about RYAV, PMV ...
      2. -1
        12 October 2020 03: 43
        > Look who benefits from it. Causal relationship.

        It's raining because Uncle Fedya needs to water the tomatoes, yeah.
    3. 0
      11 October 2020 18: 38
      Roosevelt created Hitler? Not the former Entente, who humiliated not Germany with Versailles, but the entire German people, but Roosevelt?

      Read carefully:

      The First World War left behind so many contradictions that the "continuation of the banquet" was absolutely inevitable. But its format and direction were quite an open question, and for quite a long time.
      1. nnm
        11 October 2020 18: 45
        Roosevelt recalled his student years and immediately found a performer for the task of finding a new German leader - his classmate Ernst Hanfstaengl ...

        Then the American state came into play, which twisted Hanfstaengl's hands, and in ...

        As a result, one of the lieutenants found the future Fuhrer of the German nation for Ernst.

        You think I'm not careful enough, colleague?
        And believe me, this is simply the most striking and eye-catching attempt to formalize the deviation of fabrications and conjectures on a historical theme. It's just that the rest takes longer to disassemble and I don't want to spend Sunday evening on it.
        Did the Western countries finance Nazism through a later established industrial fund? Certainly. But making Roosevelt the initiator of Hitler's rise - well, this is a historical bomb on 0 foundations.
        Yes, it would not be up to Hitler, the conditions of Versailles would have endured the conditional Richter, not him so some kind of Hans. For the humiliation of the nation, the economic, moral, territorial suppression of Germany predetermined its appearance. Well, or Tel could kindle a fire, but with different moods and goals. But only in history there is no “if” (I’m already stopping myself).
        And a huge request - divide the text into even smaller fragments.
        1. nnm
          11 October 2020 19: 00
          Thälmann, of course *
          1. 0
            12 October 2020 13: 03
            The question of who exactly will "remove the remaining contradictions" was open.
            It could have been leftists.
            But Putzi did a great job jacking up the non-left. You can’t even imagine what contribution he made to the fact that the Nazis took possession of the hearts (not the minds - and this was done on purpose) of the people.
  6. +3
    11 October 2020 15: 29
    I want to live when humanity reaches a different level of development. A world in which there will be no room for violence, enmity and war.
    1. +9
      11 October 2020 15: 51
      Quote: Nikolay Ivanov_5
      A world in which there will be no room for violence, enmity and war ...

      Not for the religion of slaves ...
      1. +2
        11 October 2020 16: 08
        And so that there is no place for lying recruits ...
    2. +1
      11 October 2020 16: 06
      You were probably born two hundred years earlier, you would have waited. fellow
      1. +1
        11 October 2020 16: 10
        And what is so wild about humanity ??? recourse
        1. +2
          11 October 2020 16: 12
          And how has it changed, well, at least over the past three hundred years?
          1. 0
            11 October 2020 16: 20
            He built cities with skyscrapers, created a bunch of different devices and machines, dived to the bottom of the ocean, climbed into outer space, made progress in medicine, mastered the energy of the atom, etc.
            1. +2
              11 October 2020 16: 22
              Well, you can't be so primitive.
              1. +3
                11 October 2020 16: 25
                Yes, humanity is so primitive that with such efforts it will not exist in two hundred years, or maybe it will disappear even earlier.
            2. 0
              11 October 2020 19: 27
              Quote: Nikolay Ivanov_5
              He built cities with skyscrapers, created a bunch of different devices and machines, dived to the bottom of the ocean, climbed into outer space, made progress in medicine, mastered the energy of the atom, etc.

              a drop in testosterone and an increase in oxytocin
              our civilization is oxytocin.
              This is good and bad. But don't expect breakthroughs. They are only from aggression, violence, muscularity and male dominance
          2. +6
            11 October 2020 16: 34
            Quote: Ros 56
            And how has it changed, well, at least over the past three hundred years?

            Globally, practically nothing. As it was dependent on the vagaries of nature, it remains. And all these achievements:
            Quote: Nikolay Ivanov_5
            He built cities with skyscrapers, created a bunch of different devices and machines, dived to the bottom of the ocean, climbed into outer space, made progress in medicine, mastered the energy of the atom, etc.

            as the events of recent years show, they pale against the background of a small representative of the breed of "viruses". And this biomass with advanced and not very brains depends on oxygen, which produces the world's oceans and the forests of the planet, on the availability of fresh water, food, air and ... is able to live in a very narrow temperature range. And all these achievements will become useless in case of natural disasters of a large scale.
            1. +1
              11 October 2020 16: 41
              Well, is there any hope for the future of mankind or is it doomed to disappear?
            2. +1
              11 October 2020 19: 26
              Quote: ROSS 42
              Globally, practically nothing. As it was dependent on the vagaries of nature, it remains.

              Nonsense. Read about the Green Revolution and try to remember at least one famine in the last 50 years.
              1. 0
                12 October 2020 01: 19
                hungry people in the world are hundreds of millions permanently every year. the year before last 820 million people. pancake green revolution.
                1. 0
                  12 October 2020 11: 47
                  Quote: carstorm 11
                  there are hundreds of millions of hungry people in the world permanently every year. the year before last 820 million people.

                  You yourself do not understand the numbers you are citing. 820 million are those who are malnourished, and 135 million people face acute hunger (life-threatening) (2020). Mostly because of conflicts and economic problems. Humanity has long been independent of nature.

                  Quote: carstorm 11
                  pancake green revolution.

                  Yes. Few have heard of her.
                  1. 0
                    12 October 2020 12: 02
                    this is UN data. you can argue with them as much as you like. and 135 million as it does not really fit with your statement -Read about the "green revolution" and try to remember at least one famine in the last 50 years. and that's in one year. not 50 years old. ONE!!!
                    1. 0
                      12 October 2020 12: 07
                      Quote: carstorm 11
                      this is UN data

                      Which you did not understand.

                      Quote: carstorm 11
                      do not really fit with your statement -Read about the "green revolution" and try to remember at least one famine in the last 50 years.

                      Again, you don't understand. "Hunger" is, for example, the famine in the Volga region in 1921-1922. Those. famine, not hunger.
                      1. -1
                        12 October 2020 12: 53
                        social disaster caused by prolonged food shortages and leading to mass deaths of the population in large regions. This is a clear concept. and specific. it is simply divided into relative and absolute. in both cases, people die and suffer. so maybe the green revolution is just not for everyone. especially in Asia and Africa. Trust me. what is happening in Africa is rarely shown on TV. in the camps near Mogadishu it was shown that the hair stood on end. an acquaintance of mine in the runway worked there almost turned gray at the age of 30.
                      2. 0
                        12 October 2020 13: 16
                        Quote: carstorm 11
                        social disaster caused by prolonged food shortages and leading to mass deaths of the population in large regions

                        Yes. And for natural reasons, this has not happened for a long time. If you have an example of the opposite, give it.

                        Quote: carstorm 11
                        camps near Mogadishu showed this

                        The camps near Mogadishu are never a "whim of nature".
                      3. 0
                        12 October 2020 13: 23
                        and who is talking about the vagaries of nature? whatever reason was hunger was and will be. it's just far from us and somehow passes by. imperceptibly. and there is a nightmare and horror. to see a one-year-old child who weighs 3 kg is hunger. present. and this is in the 21st century ... read the UN and WFP memorandums on hunger. according to their forecasts, 15 million people will die from it in 450 years !!! three Russia in number almost !!!!!
                      4. 0
                        12 October 2020 13: 25
                        Quote: carstorm 11
                        read the UN and WFP memorandums on hunger. according to their forecasts, 15 million people will die from it in 450 years !!!

                        Give me a link - I'll read it. So far, I am of the opinion that you have misunderstood something. Again.
                      5. -1
                        12 October 2020 13: 41
                        download. familiarize yourself. at the same time look there. I don't remember where exactly. there are all reports and analytics with figures by year on all topics. I was just curious why they were given a Nobel Prize, and I studied a little of their work. and the UN reports are easy to find yourself. they are like that too.
      2. +1
        11 October 2020 16: 21
        Quote: Ros 56
        You were probably born two hundred years earlier, you would have waited. fellow

        Yes, probably for all five hundred or seven hundred, and then with a successful scenario ...
    3. 0
      12 October 2020 13: 04
      This will never happen.
  7. -5
    11 October 2020 15: 30
    Again the West is bad and China is good.

    Such authors will not understand in any way, nature has already made a choice.
    We are a Caucasian race and there is nothing you can do about it.
    Even if you narrow your eyes, even if you smear your skin with coal - it's no use, children will still be born white.
    And Christians.
    1. +2
      11 October 2020 15: 32
      Children are definitely not born Christians.
      1. -7
        11 October 2020 15: 45
        Children are definitely not born Christians.

        "But Jesus said: Let the children go and do not hinder them from coming to Me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 19:14)"
        1. +4
          11 October 2020 15: 47
          So what? It is not until baptism is made to become a Christian (although most baptized people are not Christians at all).
          1. -6
            11 October 2020 15: 51
            So what? It is not until baptism is made to become a Christian (although most baptized people are not Christians at all).

            This is already the consolidation of the existing order of things.
            We also receive a passport from the age of 14, but this does not mean that you are not a citizen until you are 14.

            “Peter said to them: Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off, whoever the Lord our God will call "(Acts 2: 38,39)
            1. +4
              11 October 2020 15: 56
              Quote: Arzt
              This is already the consolidation of the existing order of things.

              What sect are you from?
              1. -5
                11 October 2020 15: 57
                What sect are you from?

                We are Orthodox ...
                1. +2
                  11 October 2020 15: 58
                  You are definitely not Orthodox. Although, maybe you just fell into heresy ... talk to the priest.
                  1. -4
                    11 October 2020 16: 20
                    You are definitely not Orthodox. Although, maybe you just fell into heresy ... talk to the priest.

                    Yes, there is no heresy here. Controversial theological point. Here and the priests opinion may differ. Not fundamentally and not scary.

                    The essence of the article is important, in which the author again tries to come up with some kind of special path for Russia or draw allies from other racial and spiritual civilizations.
                    1. -2
                      12 October 2020 14: 38
                      And there are no spiritual civilizations ..
                      People are driven into their heads with some kind of nonsense .. they believe in it all .. banging their heads on the floor .. and then they also fight each other ..
                      1. 0
                        12 October 2020 14: 39
                        And there are no spiritual civilizations ..
                        People are driven into their heads with some kind of nonsense .. they believe in it all .. banging their heads on the floor .. and then they also fight each other ..

                        Try to live a month in Gudermes and a month in Athens. The opinion will change, I assure you. laughing
        2. +4
          11 October 2020 16: 45
          Quote: Arzt
          "But Jesus said: Let the children go and do not hinder them from coming to Me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.

          I am still amazed at the accuracy of the words spoken 2000 years ago and the details of situations that occurred in the circle of extinct witnesses. Among other things, I am very surprised by the phrase about idols:
          Do not make for yourself an idol and no image of what is in the sky above, what is on the earth below, and what's in the water below the earth. Do not worship them and do not serve them; for I am the LORD your God, a jealous God, punishing the children for the guilt of the fathers to the third and fourth generation, who hate me, and who works mercy to thousands of people who love me and keep my commandments.

          Another slight discrepancy with the image and likeness of God is the scale of the creations, which are similar to ... I will not compare.
          I just don't think that some higher powers needed honors and other paraphernalia. The entity that created the world is unlikely to need the human quirks of glorification. She does not need fame, just as the Sun does not need cans of gasoline ...
          1. +5
            11 October 2020 17: 07
            Quote: ROSS 42
            The entity that created the world is unlikely to need the human quirks of glorification.

            Definitely .. a person needs this .. in order to keep his brother in check and in fear .. Under the communists there was more morality than now, when there is a church in every village .. My personal opinion is that the commandments are all correct, but those who imagined themselves as the governors of God on earth, they use the flock for their own selfish purposes, and our church has always sang in unison with the state ... and only the capitalist ... that's a coincidence ..
            And when the patriarch began to call for an understanding of the pension reform .. then that was already too much .. the record from YouTube was very quickly deleted ..
            Moreover, the communist ideology very much coincided with the statutes of the church ... but they do not like communists, and lick the capitalists ..
      2. -2
        11 October 2020 16: 24
        Quote: Eye of the Crying
        Children are definitely not born Christians.

        Maybe he doesn't like Tatars-Bashkirs and doesn't like everyone from the Caucasus? Only a few million people ...
        1. +1
          11 October 2020 16: 34
          I'm more interested in why only Caucasians are automatically born Christians. smile And whether Jews are born as Christians, for example. Or the Arabs (who are also Caucasians).
          1. 0
            11 October 2020 16: 38
            Quote: Eye of the Crying
            I'm more interested in why only Caucasians are automatically born Christians. smile And whether Jews are born as Christians, for example. Or the Arabs (who are also Caucasians).

            Can the ruling elite be economically profitable?
            1. +1
              11 October 2020 16: 39
              I think that the ruling elite sincerely do not care what confession a person belongs to by birthright.
              1. -1
                11 October 2020 16: 41
                Well, it’s not like that, only this one has been tested and adopted for years (centuries) ...
        2. +3
          11 October 2020 16: 58
          Maybe he doesn't like Tatars-Bashkirs and doesn't like everyone from the Caucasus? Only a few million people

          These several million live in Moscow and are already making the weather in it.
          And the weather in Moscow = the weather in Russia.

          National and ethnic composition of Moscow for 2016.

          Russians - 31%
          Azerbaijanis - 14%
          Tatars, Bashkirs, Chuvashs - 10%
          Ukrainians - 8%
          Armenians - 5%
          Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz - 5%
          Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese - 5%
          Chechens, Dagestanis, Ingush - 4%
          Belarusians - 3%
          Georgians - 3%
          Moldovans - 3%
          gypsies - 3%
          Jews - 2%
          other nations - 4%

          1. +3
            11 October 2020 17: 00
            The tension is obtained with hereditary Christians ...)))
            1. +4
              11 October 2020 17: 01
              The tension is obtained with hereditary Christians ...)))

              What are we talking about.
              It remains to reunite with the Chinese. wink

              Our leader is fighting IS in distant lands.
              And it is already at the walls of the Kremlin. wassat
              1. +1
                11 October 2020 17: 07
                Religion is one of the things that are categorically against "uniting", subordinating - yes ..
                1. +2
                  11 October 2020 17: 22
                  Religion is one of the things that are categorically against "uniting", subordinating - yes ..

                  Sure. The Communists have very clearly grasped the divisive role of religion in a multinational country.
                  Therefore, representatives of all confessions were cleaned out and a single atheism was introduced.

                  Religious freedom of the 90s led to the formation of territorial and religious enclaves on the territory of Russia, which were actually independent states.
                  Now their spiritual leaders are fighting for power in the center of the capital.

                  While some authors on VO are splashing saliva against harmless western homosexuals, their wives are already trying on the burqa. laughing
                  1. +1
                    11 October 2020 17: 24
                    Quote: Arzt
                    Therefore, representatives of all confessions were cleaned out and a single atheism was introduced.

                    What is it like? Have the priests been removed from the state allowance and deprived of their privileges?
                    1. -2
                      11 October 2020 17: 28
                      What is it like? Have the priests been removed from the state allowance and deprived of their privileges?

                      They simply liquidated the religious leaders and destroyed or refurbished places of worship. And they were severely punished for attempts at revival.

                      If you want a monolithic state, live by the principle:
                      Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuhrer. wink
                      1. +1
                        11 October 2020 17: 30
                        Quote: Arzt
                        They simply liquidated the religious leaders and destroyed or refurbished places of worship. And they were severely punished for attempts at revival.

                        Again the tale of the white bull ...
                      2. -4
                        11 October 2020 17: 39
                        Again the tale of the white bull ...

                        What's a fairy tale? Yes, they did not completely destroy, but the control was the most powerful.
                      3. +1
                        11 October 2020 17: 41
                        So what sect are you from?
                      4. -3
                        11 October 2020 17: 46
                        So what sect are you from?

                        I'm talking about the Russian Orthodox Church. It is also considered by some as a sect, and threefold.
                      5. +1
                        11 October 2020 17: 47
                        Quote: Arzt
                        I'm talking about the Russian Orthodox Church. It is also considered by some as a sect, and threefold.

                        Well, they are doing the right thing ...
                      6. +2
                        11 October 2020 19: 33
                        Quote: Arzt
                        So what sect are you from?

                        I'm talking about the Russian Orthodox Church. It is also considered by some as a sect, and threefold.

                        any religion is a sect.
                        The only difference is which of them is state.
                        The one who is at the helm is crushing the competitors with the administrative apparatus.
                        There was paganism - Christianity was oppressed and burned (and they themselves were glad to sacrifice themselves, and there were also terrorists). It became Christianity, all others burned. We went to war against competitors (those who have Islam and others)
                        The weakening of the position of opium for the people due to progress and education happened relatively recently, but state sects continue to feed on the budget and members of the sect.
                  2. +3
                    11 October 2020 18: 05
                    Quote: Arzt
                    Sure. The Communists have very clearly grasped the divisive role of religion in a multinational country.
                    Therefore, they cleaned out representatives of all confessions and introduced a single atheism

                    No, you're wrong .. the communists did not cleanse anyone .. but there was a war, where the church was on the side of the enemy .. ideological .. well, with the enemy .. in war, as in war .. And yet, the communist ideology is very consonant with church, but here's a paradox .. the church prefers capitalists ..
                    And the role of religion with great success was taken over by the communist ideology, where the result can be easily seen .. There was more morality, as well as literacy among the population.
          2. -2
            11 October 2020 18: 13
            But this is a lie.
        3. 0
          11 October 2020 17: 11
          The Tatar-Bashkirs for the most part do not really like the North Caucasians, although they seem to be of the same faith.
          1. 0
            11 October 2020 17: 12
            So it is with Christians the same story ...
          2. -2
            11 October 2020 17: 37
            The Tatar-Bashkirs for the most part do not really like the North Caucasians, although they seem to be of the same faith.

            They all hate each other. I recently spoke closely with the Dargins, these are the people of Dagestan. So any movement within the diaspora begins with clarification of a specific nationality.
            Who are you? Avrez? Tabasarnets? Kumyk? Eeeeeeee ... Bad. I need my own.

            Now a new Chapter has been installed on the republic. All Lezgins are already jumping up and down with joy! Everything will be fine now ... drinks
    2. 0
      11 October 2020 18: 39
      And who offers you to "make a choice"? You are not offered anything at all, you will either tear the West's throat with your teeth - and break it - or die, all other options exist only in a very stupid mind.
      1. 0
        11 October 2020 22: 31
        And who offers you to "make a choice"? You are not offered anything at all, you will either tear the West's throat with your teeth - and break it - or die, all other options exist only in a very stupid mind.

        Alexander, we are the West. We are the heirs of the Greco-Roman civilization, with its mentality, worldview and religion.

        Take a ride to China or the Emirates and try to imagine yourself as part of these societies.
        Then visit Germany.

        Do you know many people who left for permanent residence and assimilated to Vietnam or Pakistan?
        And in Europe and the States they bring down a million every five years.

        Something like this ...
        1. +1
          12 October 2020 13: 05
          Alexander, we are the West.

          Tell it to the West. As for me, I ate it once, along with everyone else.
          I have enough brains not to drag this digested and removed from the body substance into my mouth and not even touch it with my hands.
          In the last part, the question would be disclosed, by the way.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            12 October 2020 14: 38
            Tell it to the West. As for me, I ate it once, along with everyone else.
            I have enough brains not to drag this digested and removed from the body substance into my mouth and not even touch it with my hands.
            In the last part, the question would be disclosed, by the way.

            If you are talking about the collapse of the USSR, then the West is not in business here. It came as a big surprise for them too.
            Exaggerating, we can say that the Union was destroyed by the Yakuts. It all started there, in April 1986.
            In December, the Kazakhs took up the baton - Zheltoksan. Then off we go.

            Against the backdrop of a prohibitively militarized economy lying on its side and a weak Gorby, everything ended predictably.
            There were no fifth columns and orange revolutions here.
            We were clapping ourselves. wink
            1. 0
              12 October 2020 16: 29
              The question is that despite any attempts to become "Own" for the West, it didn't work out for us.
              The insight only started late, in 1998.

              Think about why it turned out that way.
              1. 0
                12 October 2020 18: 46
                The question is that despite any attempts to become "Own" for the West, it didn't work out for us.
                The insight only started late, in 1998.

                Think about why it turned out that way.

                Everything was going well. The Americans also specifically disarmed themselves, here is the VO article, how they cut their fleet.


                But from a certain point, against the background of high oil prices, our leaders began to feel dizzy with success. At the same time, they attributed their successes not to the oil conjuncture, but to their imaginary "brilliant managerial qualities." The squandering of money on mega-projects like the Olympics began, against the background of the lack of strategic forecasting, it seemed that there would always be goodies.

                But then prices dropped and yes, an epiphany came.
                It turned out that the point was not how much Yeltsin drank, but that oil cost 17 under him.
                As always, we asked the eternal question "Who is to blame?"
                Without thinking twice, the West was made extreme.
                1. 0
                  13 October 2020 11: 44
                  But from a certain point, against the background of high oil prices, our leaders began to feel dizzy with success. At the same time, they attributed their successes not to the oil conjuncture, but to their imaginary "brilliant managerial qualities." The squandering of money on mega-projects like the Olympics began, against the background of the lack of strategic forecasting, it seemed that there would always be goodies.

                  How shaking hands! Generally human and tolerant! And as if there was no Kursk and terrorist support in Chechnya, as if preparations for an offensive nuclear war did not begin a couple of months after Yeltsin's “victory” in the elections, as if our exports to Western countries had not been cut off since the late 90s.

                  In the mid-90s, the number of invasions of foreign aircraft into our airspace amounted to dozens a year, just if now all the power of the TV box is thrown into the propaganda of our coolness, then on the contrary - to cover up so that people do not start asking questions.

                  After that, it remains only to stick a sticker on the car for "Navalny"

                  Let's start from scratch. Do you think that we are "also the West"? Do you speak English, at least bad? Can you just appreciate what they are saying to us? I'm sure not, not a single fan of blowing bubbles on Western civilization usually understands nothing about it and gets information from his head.

                  You in the last article did not master the quote about Russia by the American moral authority Graham Ellison? Let me repeat it to you:

                  “No matter how demonic Russia is, no matter how destructive and dishonorable it is, and no matter how it deserves to be strangled, the cruel truth is that we cannot kill this bastard without committing suicide.”

                  Do your eyes SEE IT OR NOT?
                  Or is it God's dew?

                  But then prices dropped and yes, an epiphany came.
                  It turned out that the point was not how much Yeltsin drank, but that oil cost 17 under him.

                  I used to ask people a simple problem called the humanity test. In the sense that whoever was able to give a sane answer - a person, who could not - does not reach the right to be called a person, because has no attributive human quality - the ability for higher intellectual activity.
                  Let's ask you too.

                  So, we have the Rossi of the 90s and the oil oligarch Lieberman.
                  Lieberman sells a barrel of oil for 17 bucks and leaves 7 in the country, the rest leads to the shining hail on the hill. Lieberman has enough influence so that no government interferes with him and does not force him to leave the country 8.
                  But then the 2000s came.
                  Lieberman now sells oil at 80, and leaves 67 in the country. 13 displays. At 67, the country buys nishtyaki, up to credit Ford Focus for the plebs.

                  The question (and this is a test for the presence of a brain and, therefore, humanity) - what prevented him, selling oil at 80, withdraw 73 and still leave 7 in the country?

                  Can you answer? Or "it's not about Yeltsin"?

                  As always, we asked the eternal question "Who is to blame?"
                  Without thinking twice, the West was made extreme.

                  Nobody made anyone extreme, we didn’t create armies of terrorists and overthrew democratically elected presidents right next to us, we didn’t pump a fascination ready to kill for wrong origin, it’s not here that Akhmed Zakayev is hiding from justice.


                  Plus, you don't understand the main message. The ball is too small. Someone needs to get off, that's all. This is the reason for our disagreement with the West. They are sure that we should get off, and they stay, that's all.
                  It's nothing personal, just business.
                  Without this, the Anglo-Saxon view of "outsiders" would not be such a problem.
                  And with this it has synergy.
                  1. 0
                    13 October 2020 13: 57
                    And as if there was no "Kursk"

                    This is another question. In the talks with Clinton, published recently, there is no hint of an American nuclear submarine.
                    support for terrorists in Chechnya

                    I agree here. But not directly. More in terms of fighting for human rights.
                    as if preparations for an offensive nuclear war had not begun a couple of months after Yeltsin's "victory" in the elections

                    And How? Got it on Rublyovka? laughing
                    as if they hadn't cut our exports to Western countries since the late 90s

                    And what was there to export? Oil Gas? everything went on. It's really cheap, well, so the market.
                    In the mid-90s, the number of invasions of foreign aircraft into our airspace was estimated in the tens of a year

                    The usual thing. We need to build air defense.
                    1. 0
                      15 October 2020 12: 32
                      In the talks with Clinton, published recently, there is no hint of an American nuclear submarine.

                      Well, my knowledge on this issue is more than "published negotiations", to put it mildly.
                      This is what I managed to write without risk, look between the lines, everything is obvious and clear, especially if you look at the diagram of the scattering of the debris, it is easily googled.

                      I agree here. But not directly.

                      Not straight, not hard. But the parachute platforms were found empty there, by the way.

                      And what was there to export? Oil Gas? everything went on. It's really cheap, well, so the market.

                      So you have shown that, firstly, it is not in the subject at all, and secondly, it seems that it is also slightly aloof from real life.
                      In stages, textiles and steel were the most scandalous.
                      Then small arms in the United States, which were strangled there for many years despite the demand.
                      Then investments were cut, the last - the purchase of "Opel".
                      Get your head out of the cocoon.

                      The usual thing. We need to build air defense.

                      No, you just need to optimize the livestock of one supercivilization.
                  2. 0
                    13 October 2020 14: 17
                    Let's start from scratch. Do you think that we are "also the West"? Do you speak English, at least bad? Can you just appreciate what they are saying to us? I'm sure not, not a single fan of blowing bubbles on Western civilization usually understands nothing about it and gets information from his head.

                    We are racially European. NOT blacks. NOT Mongoloids.

                    Greek alphabet. (And it could have been Latin, if they had decided in the 30s).
                    Not Arabic script. NOT hieroglyphs.

                    Literature. Jules Verne, London, Twain, Dickens, Dreiser, Goethe, Hemingway, Remarque, Christie, Wells, King, Bradbury, Swift, Stevenson, Scott ...........
                    Continue on your own. And name me a Chinese or Arabic author.

                    Philosophy. All. From Aristotle to Marx.

                    Religion. How many Taoists do we have? Shintoists?
                    Muslims, yes. Soon... wassat

                    Architecture. Kremlin. Peter. All.

                    Painting. Everyone studied there.

                    Dynastic marriages. Anna Yaroslavna, founder of the Capetian dynasty. And vice versa. Sophia Paleologue. Romanovs. All.

                    A bunch of scientists, military, travelers, doctors. In the Russian service. And vice versa.

                    Marxism and Communism (Commune). From there.

                    WE ARE THE WEST.
                    1. 0
                      15 October 2020 12: 33
                      These are wet dreams and nothing more.
                      Go to these people, communicate with them directly, preferably at a time when they do not want to lie and hypocrite, and you will find out who the West is.

                      In general, it is understandable - the source of information in your own head is similar.
                      But with this not to me, I am not a doctor.
                      1. 0
                        15 October 2020 14: 25
                        These are wet dreams and nothing more.
                        Go to these people, communicate with them directly, preferably at a time when they do not want to lie and hypocrite, and you will find out who the West is.

                        In general, it is understandable - the source of information in your own head is similar.
                        But with this not to me, I am not a doctor.

                        So, what choice do you offer?
                        Live by Sharia?
                        Or dissolve into the mass of Chinese?

                        For me, episodic gay pride parades of freaks are better than a burqa. angry
                  3. 0
                    13 October 2020 14: 38

                    “No matter how demonic Russia is, no matter how destructive and dishonorable it is, and no matter how it deserves to be strangled, the cruel truth is that we cannot kill this bastard without committing suicide.”
                    Do your eyes SEE IT OR NOT?
                    Or is it God's dew?

                    What do you dislike about this quote? This is one of the opinions of a Western political scientist. Not the worst by the way.
                    At least we are here, though bastards, but of royal blood (read - the West), and no one is going to destroy us because it will be suicide.

                    As an example, I will give you a quote from our political scientist. laughing

                    "You will either tear the throat of the West with your teeth - and break it - or you will die, all other options exist only in a very stupid mind."
                    1. 0
                      15 October 2020 12: 36
                      What do you dislike about this quote? This is one of the opinions of a Western political scientist. Not the worst by the way.

                      I don't like two things exactly.
                      The first is that if we could not kill them, they would strangle us and nothing would stop them. This directly follows from a quote from gurus (who are never just a political scientist)

                      The second is that their military-industrial complex is actively and every year it is working faster and faster to ensure that the opportunity to strangle without suicide appears.
                      And one day the two graphs will intersect.

                      Do you understand the answer?
                      1. 0
                        15 October 2020 14: 07
                        I don't like two things exactly.
                        The first is that if we could not kill them, they would strangle us and nothing would stop them. This directly follows from a quote from gurus (who are never just a political scientist)

                        The second is that their military-industrial complex is actively and every year it is working faster and faster to ensure that the opportunity to strangle without suicide appears.
                        And one day the two graphs will intersect.

                        Do you understand the answer?

                        Alexander, everything is clear. And everything is as you say.
                        But WHY is this so?
                        Why does Allison call Russia demonic, destructive, dishonorable?

                        Have you ever thought about how we look from the point of view of an ordinary Western man?

                        Review once again the speech of our president with cartoons and imagine that it was Trump who suddenly spoke before the Congress, and there everyone applauded happily.
                        And then Trump will also tell who will go to heaven and who will go to hell.

                        Do you personally not be on your guard, at least after such statements? wink

                        Add to this all that for which sanctions are announced to us, starting with the Olympics, only with a different sign.

                        We have turned ourselves into the world's scarecrow. hi
                      2. 0
                        17 October 2020 17: 50
                        Quote: timokhin-aa
                        their military-industrial complex is actively and every year is working faster and faster to make it possible to strangle without suicide.
                        And one day the two graphs will intersect.

                        As already mentioned, they have already crossed at least once.
                  4. 0
                    13 October 2020 14: 41
                    Lieberman now sells oil at 80, and leaves 67 in the country. 13 displays. At 67, the country buys nishtyaki, up to credit Ford Focus for the plebs.

                    The question (and this is a test for the presence of a brain and, therefore, humanity) - what prevented him, selling oil at 80, withdraw 73 and still leave 7 in the country?

                    Can you answer? Or "it's not about Yeltsin"?

                    Not what, but who. Russian President Vladimir Putin. laughing
                    Who, in his own way, cares about his country and his people.

                    But if oil is 17, even 100% will not help Lieberman. wassat
                    1. 0
                      15 October 2020 12: 37
                      It has recently dropped almost to 17. And the world has not turned upside down. Didn't you notice this?
                      1. 0
                        15 October 2020 14: 19
                        It has recently dropped almost to 17. And the world has not turned upside down. Didn't you notice this?

                        Honestly, I didn't notice. In my opinion, it did not fall below 30, but even then for a short time.
                        In any case, now it is 42. And that may be for the best.

                        Better to build yachts, it's scary to think what they can do, give them AUG in their hands. laughing
                  5. 0
                    13 October 2020 14: 44
                    Nobody made anyone extreme, we didn’t create armies of terrorists and overthrew democratically elected presidents right next to us, we didn’t pump a fascination ready to kill for wrong origin, it’s not here that Akhmed Zakayev is hiding from justice.


                    I'm talking about perestroika and the collapse of the Union. Many are convinced that this is the machinations of the West.
                    Although some believe that this is Andropov's Cunning Plan. laughing
                    1. 0
                      15 October 2020 12: 37
                      This is INCLUDING the intrigues of the West. Read the book "Victory" by Peter Schweitzer.
                      1. 0
                        15 October 2020 14: 35
                        This is INCLUDING the intrigues of the West. Read the book "Victory" by Peter Schweitzer

                        It goes without saying. The entire 20th century passed in the attempts of the USSR to make the World Revolution.
                        And in the attempts of the West to protect themselves from this.

                        Or do you think that first the American Argressors came to Vietnam, and then Ho Chi Minh appeared there?
                        Who worked in Moscow in 1923 worked in the Executive Committee of the Comintern. wink
                  6. 0
                    13 October 2020 14: 51
                    Plus, you don't understand the main message. The ball is too small. Someone needs to get off, that's all. This is the reason for our disagreement with the West. They are sure that we should get off, and they stay, that's all.
                    It's nothing personal, just business.
                    Without this, the Anglo-Saxon view of "outsiders" would not be such a problem.
                    And with this it has synergy.

                    It’s not about going (or exodus) laughing ).
                    Rogozin has not yet built Noah's Tug, and the ball, as you rightly said, is small. laughing

                    It's about determining WHO WE ARE and WITH WHOM WE ARE.
                    In China, all whites are called "devils." We will never become of the same blood with them.
                    It's the same with blacks, Asians and others like that.

                    Kipling said long ago:

                    Oh, the West is the West, the East is the East, and they will not come down from the ground,
                    Until Heaven and Earth appear on the Last Judgment.
                    1. +1
                      15 October 2020 12: 39
                      In China, all whites are called "devils." We will never become of the same blood with them.

                      In China, all visitors are called "laowai", a visitor, a stranger, a non-Chinese.

                      Stop pulling garbage out of your head here. Come to reality, please.
                      1. 0
                        15 October 2020 14: 30
                        In China, all visitors are called "laowai", a visitor, a stranger, a non-Chinese.

                        Stop pulling garbage out of your head here. Come to reality, please.

                        This is the reality. The comrade has lived in China for more than a dozen years.

                      2. +1
                        30 October 2020 16: 55
                        Just noticed right now. You know about the West from the yellow books, and about China too, apparently.

                        I can now write-call a girl from Qingdao, discuss something, and not only her, and not only in Qingdao, why do I need yellow books? I do not pretend to know China, but I do not need any game.
                      3. 0
                        30 October 2020 17: 31
                        Just noticed right now. You know about the West from the yellow books, and about China too, apparently.

                        So you are caught with your European mentality! laughing

                        This book is not just yellow. Yellow is special for the Chinese.

                        The first emperor of China, Huang Di, is translated as "Yellow Emperor", and the name of the mother river Huang He is "Yellow River".
      2. 0
        11 October 2020 22: 32
        Strange ... So you can say if war is on the verge. And how, then, to raise children with elbows and brains? This is a long-term program! It would be nice for the author to decide on the time scale. Either brains and elbows, or tear the enemy's throat with teeth.
        By the way, refined, specially grown brains are not needed for the enemy to have teeth. On the contrary, such brains will certainly prevent the teeth from doing their job)))
        1. 0
          12 October 2020 13: 06
          So you can say if war is on the verge.

          Is she not on the doorstep?
          1. 0
            12 October 2020 13: 31
            Well, actually you could say that. But why then had so much space been given in the article to the education of the new generation? That is, if after the war at least someone remains somewhere.
            1. +1
              12 October 2020 16: 30
              Because the war can be contained, delayed, started first on your own terms, etc. - and burn out time.
              The next part will be about buying time.
              1. +1
                12 October 2020 17: 40
                Thank you!
                Just hurry up)))
                And then while you hone your style, and you have it wonderful, you look, and the enemy will already be in the doorway. Will there be before the kids?
  8. +6
    11 October 2020 15: 35
    Quote: paul3390
    With such a ruling class, we do not need any hostile environment ... We will ruin ourselves.

    Quite right, with such a ruling elite, Russia should not have enemies either. This elite keeps its money stolen by blood in Russia from our enemies, has attached its children there and bought real estate there too.

    And who chooses this elite to power?
    1. +1
      11 October 2020 16: 26
      Quote: stas
      And who chooses this elite to power?

      You get sick quickly, but it takes a long time to heal. Sometimes the cure is on the verge of survival.
  9. +5
    11 October 2020 15: 43
    Russia and the hostile environment.

    It was, is and will be ...
    Until we exist, the enemies will not decrease, they can only increase ...
    It's sad that we undermine ourselves from the inside ...
  10. +3
    11 October 2020 15: 47
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Quote: paul3390
    With such a ruling class, we do not need any hostile environment ... We will ruin ourselves.

    I thought this phrase all the time while reading it. And there is.
  11. +5
    11 October 2020 15: 50
    How many times have you said that the volume of a "readable" article should be no more ...? Why such footcloths on such a topic, and even with a continuation?
    We tend to think that we are generally cooler than our opponents. We are braver, not afraid to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of victory.

    I don’t know what you and your partners are used to, but our thoughts that for the sake of truth and justice can be put on the altar of victory “belly” have not been erased or clouded. We can say with confidence that there are many people in our country for whom their own skin and personal space play a secondary role. That is why Russia is being reborn (capable of being reborn) like a Phoenix from the ashes.
    There is no need to look for opponents "from outside", it is enough to look around you. And, recently, you can look underground.
    The world can grit its teeth to endure Russia, where truth and justice are placed at the head of all the rules and laws. Nobody will tolerate the rules of Russian "station thimblers" and "gopots from shabby alleys". Education and manners are not the same. And a teaspoon is not observed in the glass, but the person still squints.
    1. 0
      12 October 2020 16: 58
      How many times have you said that the volume of a "readable" article should be no more ...? Why such footcloths on such a topic, and even with a continuation?

      Intelligence cutoff.
      I don't need completely finished orcs in the comments.

      This is REDUCTION. In a soft state.
      Do you understand?
  12. +1
    11 October 2020 15: 52
    Yes, the article makes you think ...
  13. +1
    11 October 2020 16: 04
    The author is strong, he began for health, and ended for repose.
    Come on, tell me, which of the striped ones threw themselves under a tank with a bunch of grenades or directed a burning plane at a crowd of enemy equipment? I read the second half of the article and the jaw itself drops to the ground, which striped steep. The author does not fucking understand the character of the Russian people, but this is his headache.
    1. +2
      11 October 2020 16: 11
      ,,, full of examples ... but all only from Hollywood films wassat
      ,, Major Ralph Cheli, August 18, 1943, led his bomber group to attack the Japanese airfield Dagua (New Guinea). Almost immediately, his B-25 Mitchell was hit; then Cheli directed his flaming plane down and crashed into a formation of enemy planes on the ground, smashing five aircraft with the Mitchell's corps. For this feat, Ralph Chely was posthumously awarded the highest US award - the Congressional Medal of Honor.
      1. 0
        11 October 2020 16: 17
        Perhaps there was, I do not argue, but they have only a few, and unas such feats were massive. No need to anger the Russian Ivan, then they won't collect the bones.
        1. +4
          11 October 2020 16: 41
          ,,, under a tank with a grenade - it means there were no anti-tank weapons. Least.
          Forced heroism.
          ,, any feat on the one hand is someone's sloppiness on the other.
          1. -1
            11 October 2020 19: 56
            Quote: bubalik
            under a tank with a grenade - it means there were no anti-tank weapons. Least.
            Forced heroism.

            yes they (Our allies) are full of their heroes. They also did a lot of heroic things.
            Matt L. Urban
            With a bazooka at the ready against tanks and infantry.
            He did not die, he blew up two tanks. Wounded, did not abandon his comrades to the end, covered him with a machine gun.
            Canadian Leo Major single-handedly captured the city of Zwolle, Holland, depicting that there are many Canadians and destruction is inevitable. He killed 4 Gestapo soldiers alone.
            Fazal Dean. British - killed 2 Japanese generals. Himself one and his partner the second. Got their personal weapons. Mortally wounded. Died by writing a report (British they are)
            Joseph Beyrle hero of two armies (Soviet and American)
            16,1 million Americans took part in World War II, over 291 thousand people died on the battlefields.
            The youngest US serviceman was 12-year-old Calvin Glam, who was seriously wounded at the front. During the conscription campaign, he gave false information about his age. They even wanted to try Glam, but Congress dropped all charges against him.
            The 442nd American army regiment, consisting of Japanese volunteers, collected the most awards. Its employees received 4,667 medals of the highest honor.
            Made Victory Gardens (for food)
            They ate less under the slogan: "We have less - they have enough" (the word "them" meant American soldiers).
            We were looking for metal for factories everywhere. Residents of one of the Texas cities agreed to dismantle the railroad. "For the sake of America's victory, we are ready to re-use horses," they said.
            Women took the place of men at work machines (similarly everywhere in Britain and the USSR, which led to the victory of women in the 20th century over men)
            Today, those who have passed World War II are entitled to numerous benefits. They are surrounded by warmth and care. They are remembered and respected.
            An attempt to increase your feat by belittling strangers is not an option.
            1. +1
              11 October 2020 20: 06
              “Saving Private Ryan” has a foundation.
              The Sullivan brothers are five siblings

              killed on 13 November 1942 during the naval battle of Guadalcanal or shortly thereafter, after the sinking of the light cruiser Juno, the ship they served on. Juno was torpedoed by Japanese submarine I-26. Presumably, the torpedo attack on the lightly armored cruiser fell in the area (or nearby) ammunition storage. The ship exploded and, falling apart in two, quickly went to the bottom.
              The death of the Sullivans led to the adoption by the US War Department of the last survivor policy.
      2. +1
        11 October 2020 16: 52
        Quote: bubalik
        B-25 Mitchell was hit; then Cheli sent his flaming plane down and crashed into a formation of enemy planes on the ground, smashing five aircraft with the Mitchell's corps

        And what did the rest of the crew say about this maneuver? They were then awarded though? However Gastello also did not ask the opinion of the crew.
        1. +2
          11 October 2020 18: 05
          Quote: Mordvin 3
          And what did the rest of the crew say about this maneuver?

          The Dolittle Raid is a one-way road with the full consent of the crews ...
          1. 0
            11 October 2020 18: 07
            Quote: mat-vey
            The Dolittle Raid is a one-way road with the full consent of the crews ...

            That is, 6 kamikaze in one plane could be assembled?
            1. +2
              11 October 2020 18: 08
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              That is, 6 kamikaze in one plane could be assembled?

              In 16 boards ....
            2. -2
              11 October 2020 20: 06
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              That is, 6 kamikaze in one plane could be assembled?

              one of the "6 kamikaze"
              The crew of aircraft No. 8, which landed in the Vladivostok area, before departure
              The only one who did not sit down in China and escaped death, captivity, camps and experiments. True, they had adventures. It was worth writing an article on VO.
      3. 0
        11 October 2020 16: 53
        And most likely he himself fell so well. In my opinion, Downtless at Midway crashed into someone from the Japanese MRTs, in my opinion.
      4. 0
        11 October 2020 17: 11
        ,,, I apologize, the error came out. Ralph Cheli did not go to the ram. hi request I burst fool
    2. +1
      11 October 2020 16: 21
      Quote: Ros 56
      Come on, tell me, which of the striped ones threw themselves under a tank with a bunch of grenades or directed a burning plane at a crowd of enemy equipment?

      An American who threw himself on an antipersonnel mine to save his comrades. will fit? Then here:
    3. +2
      11 October 2020 16: 33
      Quote: Ros 56
      Come on, tell me, which of the striped ones threw themselves under a tank with a bunch of grenades or directed a burning plane at a crowd of enemy equipment?

      Do you think that there are basically no people there? In the sense of not being capable of a selfish act?
    4. +3
      11 October 2020 18: 42
      Why do they need it? Intellect makes it possible to fight without it. A smart society does not need to throw a grenade under a tank, because rocket-propelled grenade launchers "Bazooka", artillery fire on call, stable radio communication, its own entrenched tanks or tank destroyers behind its back is ALWAYS.

      The ability to call in fighter-bombers with automatic cannons and unguided missiles and to insect enemy tanks is almost always available, depending on the weather.
    5. +1
      11 October 2020 19: 18
      Quote: Ros 56
      Come on, tell me, which of the striped ones threw themselves under a tank with a bunch of grenades or directed a burning plane at a crowd of enemy equipment?

      I do not argue, our Russian people are inclined to commit
      actions associated with self-sacrifice, but after all
      these feats are not from a good life, but because of the disgusting
      planning of hostilities, our own "maybe",
      and disregard for human life.
      An example of the reverse relationship is described in the book "Apache" by Macy Ed.
      In general, we are far from the organization of hostilities,
      which is described in the book.
  14. +3
    11 October 2020 16: 07
    Something not enough pluses. Few have mastered it? But the author expresses sensible judgments about his elite, the quality of education, etc. It is high time for the nation to grow wiser, but so far everything is going the other way around. The assimilation of the material by the average student is no longer the concern of the average teacher.
  15. +6
    11 October 2020 16: 13
    You can disagree with the opinion of the author, you can argue,
    as is customary here, shouting slogans, you can insult
    author ...
    But in any case, the article and the position of the author deserve
    attention and respect.
    1. +7
      11 October 2020 17: 36
      I agree with you, on my own I will add that the awareness of your own responsibility for everything that happens to you and around you is the cornerstone of personal growth
  16. -3
    11 October 2020 16: 21
    Another delirium. Throw myself out of the window like Forrestal.
    1. +3
      11 October 2020 16: 26
      New age in the apocalyptic military style.
    2. 0
      11 October 2020 18: 43
      What a strange conclusion ...
  17. +1
    11 October 2020 16: 27
    the swing, of course, is good, but the conclusion is dubious: if they are like that in life, then becoming something other than what we are all the same will not work - here you can only continue to bend your own, not entirely clear and by the very "trick", which Bismarck called "impenetrable stupidity"
    Technically, you can, of course, always arrange a preventive nuclear armageddon, say, in Europe.
  18. +1
    11 October 2020 16: 32
    This is just one example of how these people can get things done when needed.

    If they are allowed to do these "things", then yes - they "can".
  19. +3
    11 October 2020 16: 38

    When the author wrote about the fleet, he seemed sane. But he could not resist, got into the conflict of civilizations.
    1. +1
      11 October 2020 16: 41
      So in discussing the fleet, he is reasonable and sane. But you shouldn't look into his LJ ...
      1. 0
        11 October 2020 18: 43
        Maybe you just do not master something?
        1. +5
          11 October 2020 18: 49
          Surely I do not master everything. But I can compare what you write about the navy with your pearls like this:

          The West is a force under the control of not passive, but active latent and not only homosexuals. There are a lot of examples of this, and the fact that Masons, for example, have a mass of atrocious and vile rituals with boys in women's dresses and other similar things, has solid grounds.

          the conflict with the West is also based on biology and is also insoluble. [...] The conflict will continue fading and flaring up, while its root cause is the power of latent active homosexuals in the West,
          1. +4
            11 October 2020 20: 11
            This is a fix idea for homegrown geopoliticians.
          2. 0
            12 October 2020 16: 31
            That is, I came up with the whole LGBT movement and toilets for transgender teenagers in schools?
            What a twist.
            But the chapel is at least Tatar-Mongols? Or me too? laughing
            1. 0
              12 October 2020 21: 57
              Quote: timokhin-aa
              That is, I came up with the whole LGBT movement and toilets for transgender teenagers in schools?

              You and about "latent active homosexuals" did not come up with - probably read Klimov. But just for the record - no, you didn't come up with a move. About toilets for transgender teenagers - it's hard to know what you mean. Whether you came up with it or not, I don't know.
              1. 0
                13 October 2020 11: 53
                About toilets for transgender teens - it's hard to know what you mean.

                For example
                Then, in 2016, the Obama administration sent out a statement to every public school in the United States that required allowing all transgender students at public schools to use the bathroom they feel most comfortable in.

                This key achievement for the LGBT community even expanded to Target, which allowed its transgender customers to go in the bathroom that they feel most comfortable in as well.

                Although the majority of people seem to support this action, it's hard for people, especially people from this generation, to notice that there are some who don't believe this directive is acceptable.


                60 seconds in Google, the same amount for copy-paste.

                You probably know English, all lovers of the Western lifestyle should know.
                Otherwise, some strange game turns out.
                1. 0
                  17 October 2020 18: 13
                  So where are the transgender toilets? There is none of them. There are male and female. And the damned Obama demands that transgender people be allowed to use those that are "comfortable" for them.
  20. Eug
    11 October 2020 16: 45
    I remember that the building of communism collapsed precisely because of the impossibility of "creating a new man" ... what I agree with exactly is that problematic tasks need to be set for the young generation, but this has always been done on a certain knowledge base and skills, because you need to solve the problem not with a saber, but as a complex and multi-connected problem, and without knowing these connections and their influence, you will not only solve the problem, but generate a bunch of new ones. For the rest, revolutions do not happen only in a society in which social elevators work adequately. If they stop working, we get 1991. And there is another problem that is not reflected in the article - how to stop the departure of those who must surpass the geopolitical enemy to this very enemy? After all, the temptation is very great, and the main problem is that it is much easier to live “there” and the possibility of self-realization is much higher ...
    1. +1
      11 October 2020 17: 39
      Quote: Eug
      And there is another problem, which is not reflected in the article - how to stop the departure of those who must surpass the geopolitical enemy to this very enemy? After all, the temptation is very great, and the main problem is that it is much easier to live “there” and the possibility of self-realization is much higher ...

      This is how the author writes about the upbringing of a generation that can make the right choice aside to stay and not be tempted. Nurture the will
      1. Eug
        11 October 2020 18: 25
        We need an alternative Western system of values ​​in life. One will, aimed only at denying the Anglo-Saxon system of consumption, is not enough, a positive idea is needed.
        1. +3
          11 October 2020 18: 30
          I completely agree with you, but you have to start with yourself, any global idea is first born in one head. And it is useful to express your ideas, like-minded people are found)))
    2. +1
      12 October 2020 20: 53
      Quote: Eug
      collapsed precisely because of the impossibility of "creating a new man"

      I don't believe in impossibility. There were few people who dreamed of something completely different from what is fashionable now, and behaved differently. The bourgeoisie won, alas. But this does not mean that it is impossible. It’s just that we need a different - much longer - period to complete this task. And the analysis of experience (and not only ours), and a much more thoughtful approach. Well, we need goals - exciting in their grandeur. Alexander Timokhin puts forward one such. Vital!
  21. +5
    11 October 2020 16: 56
    Conventional Sechin is not running anywhere.
    He has nowhere to run; in case of flight, he will face the same thing as Milosevic. As well as conditional Putin.

    the highest circle is true. But with a lower rank, they can beg for well-being. But what can they give in return?
    And this gives us, people without power, the chances that our voice demanding to save the situation will be heard. It just needs to be loud.

    For a loud voice, the article is sculpted, journalist Irina Slavina paid for her voice with her life. And the authorities of the top do everything that our voice was not only not heard, that it was not at all. Somehow it turns out at the moment. The whole problem is that the authorities do not need our voice - "with a mustache".
    Russia must provide for humanity something that humanity cannot do without, that humanity really needs

    with this generally stress! This requires not only and so many "Zircons", but the economy! 2% of World GDP versus 40% of the EU and 25% of the USA. Soon, the economies of the United States and China will account for more than 40% of the world's wealth and 50% of the world economy.
    Nobody is interested in the humanitarian aspects in the present evil world.
    So what can Russia give the world? Therefore, this idea ...
    .... disappears at the planning stage.

    In reality, everything is different, and we need to look into the eyes of this reality - as unpleasant for us as the fact of our existence is unpleasant for the Anglo-Saxons.

    And everything is bad with realists, because any view that does not coincide with the line of power is recognized as dangerous, harmful, and honestly, it must be said that it is persecuted. How is the fight against damned corruption there? But corruption corrupts the country faster and more inevitably than the intrigues of enemies from the outside.
    Quote: paul3390
    With such a ruling class, we do not need any hostile environment ... We will ruin ourselves.

    And we must agree with this!
    1. +1
      11 October 2020 17: 32
      A hundred years ago, the United States' share in the world economy exceeded the share of today's United States and China combined. In many advanced industries, such as chemical, electrical, automotive, Americans produced more products than the rest of the world, and in some industries many times more than the rest of the world. Great Britain, France, Germany, taken together, were very much inferior to the United States. But the paradox is that a hundred years ago, the role of the United States in world affairs was much smaller than it is today. On the other hand, over the past hundred years, the US share in the world economy, and especially in the so-called real sector of the economy, has been slowly but steadily declining, but at the same time its influence on the world political process has increased many times over.
  22. +3
    11 October 2020 17: 14
    Mostly agree except
    Those who fundamentally do not want to keep themselves in shape and be at least at an average level should not be able to maintain an acceptable standard of living and social status for themselves and in the future should be removed from society in one way or another.

    For the rest I will add:

    Well, also from Einstein:
    You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same mindset and the same approach that led you to this problem.
    1. +2
      11 October 2020 18: 45
      Duc article about that is - you need to go up a level.
      And there you look, our children are thinking of something that we don't even know about.

      Americans fall in love with irrational love and subjugate without firing a shot laughing
  23. +1
    11 October 2020 17: 19
    Even within our country there are them and we! Even within these parts, they / we are different people! But as long as most of the US population recognizes THEM not ours, but there are good reasons for that, our country will not be great ... we have such a way of consciousness, we have such a life. Foreign recipes do not take root with us at all, for the most part.
  24. +3
    11 October 2020 17: 24
    "Have the 1941 frontiers been moved to the east?" The author has in mind the obvious transfer of Bialystok and Przemysl to Poland. And what about Kaliningrad and Transcarpathian Ukraine? The article is generally honest, but why allow it to be twisted. So it is necessary to write, something was given, and something was acquired. Otherwise it is not beautiful.
    1. +1
      11 October 2020 17: 37
      I agree completely. The territories of the Kaliningrad region, Klaipeda with the region, Transcarpathia were more valuable from an economic and geostrategic point of view in comparison with the Bialystok region and Przemysl.
    2. +2
      11 October 2020 18: 46
      Well, sorry.
      You are partly right.
      The fact is, however, that acquisitions weren't even close to losing, unlike the United States.
    3. -1
      11 October 2020 20: 15
      Quote: mikh-korsakov
      Otherwise it's not beautiful.

      Well, Z Ukraine, Bukovina, etc. is before the war.
      yes, in fact, the border was where the military was. And this is up to Berlin inclusive.
      The author did not mention Kaliningrad.
      Maybe he was wrong of course.
      By the way, the last exchange of territories in 1951 - 480 km² was exchanged.
      But the border to the west was displaced as a result of the war. And influence on the field of Europe and the world.
  25. +1
    11 October 2020 17: 24
    Very similar to the ideas of Maxim Kalashnikov, 70 percent for sure.
  26. +1
    11 October 2020 17: 27
    No one will be attacked by a nuclear superpower! Russia today is fully satisfied with the United States and the West. It is, in fact, a fiery appendage of their economy. Russian money is in the banks of the West. As Brzezhinski said, “500 billion Russian oligarchs and officials in our banks. They, in fact, work for the good of the United States!” There was a lot of talk about sitting on the oil and gas needle, and so Russia is. Who's guilty? Until the GDP equals with Japan, they will look at you.
  27. +3
    11 October 2020 17: 32
    It is we who turn away in critical circumstances, not they.

    I disagree here. Let us recall similar events in the Black Sea in 1988. Our sailors not only did not turn away, but literally drove the American cruiser and the territorial waters of the USSR, causing damage and causing a fire. Why didn't ours do the same in the Pacific? Simply because it didn't make sense. But in 1988 the reason was much more than compelling. Americans are well aware of our psychology. They knew that ours would not just trample on a ram - a good reason is needed. There was no reason. And they took advantage of it. This is empty bravado and foolishness that has nothing to do with real heroism. A petty dirty trick is not from a great mind. When a person is looking for a reason to accomplish a feat, he is an idiot. Neither feat nor heroism is obtained. But they twist a finger at the temple and tear their stomachs over such "heroes" for a long time. The case in the Pacific Ocean just shows whose intellect is more developed. Rule of three "D" (Give Way to the Fool) in action.
    1. +4
      11 October 2020 17: 44
      CSV of Americans is off the charts. To be like them is to waste time. There is a good joke about a lighthouse and an American warship))) From the same opera)))
      1. +3
        11 October 2020 18: 47
        You will laugh, but this is not an anecdote.
        1. +2
          11 October 2020 20: 07
          I will even say more, I was present on the aircraft carrier America, when Pugachev flew by Kuzey and America, below decks! You should have seen the Americans !!! They did not know that the tester was flying, they thought that all combat pilots could do that)))
          1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          11 October 2020 20: 22
          Quote: timokhin-aa
          You will laugh, but this is not an anecdote.

          you will laugh even more - this is not an anecdote. This is a legend.
          The earliest known version of this joke was published as a comic strip in 1931 in the London weekly The Humorist and reprinted in the Canadian newspaper The Drumheller Review. In it, two sailors shout into megaphones, standing at the rail:
          Skipper: "Where are you going with your flashing ship?" / Answer: “This is not a flashing ship. It's a lighthouse!"
          Colleagues of journalists did not hesitate to "pick up" a good joke and - already in the form of an anecdote - published it in the London newspaper "Ansers" in 1934. The differences are minimal, with the exception of one: here the fog in which the ship was going was first mentioned.
          Here is she for example in 1989
          Two battleships maneuvered at sea in bad weather for several days. One night, an observer reported that he saw light on a head-on course.
          The battleship captain asked if he was approaching or moving away. Hearing that a collision was imminent, the commander of the ship interrogated the oncoming ship by radio.
          Captain: "A ship approaching us, we advise you to change course by 20 degrees."
          Answer: "It is advisable for you to change course by 20 degrees."
          Captain: "I am the captain of the ship, immediately change course by 20 degrees."
          "I'm a second class sailor," came the answer, "you'd better change course yourself by 20 degrees."
          By then, the captain was furious. He shouted:
          “I'm a battleship !!! Change course 20 degrees "!!!
          A blinking light appeared in response.
          "I am a beacon."

          humorist Mikhail Zadornov: in particular, in the 2005 concert "Long live what we are, in spite of everything", the Spaniards are mentioned - in one of the versions of the legend, corresponding to Zadornov's monologue, it is said that the action allegedly took place on October 16, 1997 at the cape Finisterre, near the city of A Coruña
          Since very often the joke began to ask the aircraft carriers (battleships are irrelevant), then
          The US Navy, whose press service, cursing through clenched teeth, published an official refutation in 1997: they say, this is all a Joke of humor. A joke, you know ???
          And in general, the aircraft carrier "Coral Sea" and the battleship "Missouri" that appear in the joke have been decommissioned and are laid up, but the "Nimitz" is still sailing the seas - but this was not the case with it! Never! And in general it was not with anyone, okay ?!
          “Oh, well, okay,” the public said and quickly changed the name of the aircraft carrier to “Abraham Lincoln”, which was commissioned in ... 1989, which means that it could appear in the bike even before-oh-long
          1. 0
            17 March 2021 13: 08
            "Long live that thanks to which we, in spite of everything"

            By the way, this phrase, in the form of a banner, has been on the street to them for many years. Petukhova, in Novosibirsk.
            Every time I pass by, I remember M. Zadornov.
        3. +2
          11 October 2020 20: 25
          Cruiser URO Tiki, pay attention to the flag

          Then certain persons authorized by the authorities believed that we could be friends.
          We had two flags raised, Ours and the USA
          1. +1
            11 October 2020 20: 50
            The usual gesture of courtesy. Normal.
            1. +2
              11 October 2020 21: 23
              In those years we drank together in taverns and did not feel like enemies, dragged each other)))
              1. +1
                12 October 2020 13: 08
                Ordinary people usually don't think about all this.
                But then the consequences come.
  28. -1
    11 October 2020 17: 39
    Do we understand what the Second World War really was? No. And they planned it.

    And here, I fully agree. Moreover, they also planned the First World War, weakening Russia from the inside. And as a consequence - 1917th. With all that it implies.
  29. +1
    11 October 2020 17: 41
    Question: and for what reason were my two previous comments deleted ?!
  30. The comment was deleted.
  31. +1
    11 October 2020 17: 42
    I ran my eyes over the comments.
    The number of consonants is approaching zero. When did this happen?
    Almost everyone does not like the article. Some have a near-shock state from such revelations.
    By the way, the author, unlike the previous article on the topic, has not yet appeared in the comments.
    On the other hand, the author managed to hurt the feelings and thoughts of many people.
    1. +3
      11 October 2020 18: 49
      This is a sign that the idea was bombed. The readers' comfort zone has been destroyed, many are hysterical.
      It always happens when a pupated man in the street is poked out into reality.
      In a couple of years, these guys will think about the same and assume that they have guessed everything themselves.

      What was required initially. To me.
      1. +2
        11 October 2020 19: 04
        Such "bombing" happens to the man in the street several times a week. Either the ruble will collapse, then the Belarusians are traitors, then Medvedev will school, then Volchkova will show her boobs.
        This has no consequences.
        This does not bring us closer to developing a common strategy.
        We are traditional opponents, though not the most stubborn ones. I want to think))
        Where is the basis for our association? Where is the vector of our joint efforts? General concept? At least something that you agree to do, if not together, then at least according to one template, integrating it into something more and creating synergy?
        Was not and is not expected
        1. +2
          11 October 2020 19: 55
          Quote: Engineer
          Volchkova will show her boobs.

          How to kill all pathos with a few words
        2. +1
          11 October 2020 20: 51
          Where is the basis for our association? Where is the vector of our joint efforts? General concept? At least something that you agree to do, if not together, then at least according to one template, integrating it into something more and creating synergy?
          Was not and is not expected

          We must wait))
  32. +2
    11 October 2020 17: 54
    Some of the points in this article seemed like just a compliment towards the United States. So the author writes that America lost 3,5 times killed in Vietnam. "But it survived." To withstand America it took a lot of money. Creation of a professional army. And in order to extinguish the "Vietnamese syndrome" they threw all their efforts into creating super-fighters who allegedly fought in Vietnam. Later. Building a tough state. Given the speed of progress, in such a state many people, not just the sick, will be left on the sidelines. A simplified approach. And nothing more. But anyway, thanks for the work.
    1. +1
      11 October 2020 18: 18
      Quote: nikvic46
      It took a lot of money to survive America. Building a professional army.

      America created a professional army after Vietnam. So it didn’t help to “survive” in Vietnam.
    2. +2
      11 October 2020 18: 50
      So the author writes that America lost 3,5 times killed in Vietnam. "But it survived." To withstand America it took a lot of money. Creation of a professional army. And to extinguish the "Vietnamese syndrome" they threw all their efforts into creating super-fighters who allegedly fought in Vietnam.

      And how did the USSR react to Afghanistan - did it also "fix" everything? Or otherwise somehow?
  33. -3
    11 October 2020 18: 14
    How did they get the red-footed aching scum, crowing about some kind of defeat. Fortunately, they are rapidly dying out, and society is recovering, but they still exist. Even a few weeks before the Civil War and the disintegration of the United States, infantile scum is crowing something about defeat. Burn you in hell
    1. +3
      11 October 2020 18: 17
      I wonder what you will change your nickname to when the United States does not disintegrate and there is no civil war in them.
      1. +1
        11 October 2020 18: 51
        And he won't be able to remember what he wrote before.
        He will just forget everything.

        Why I am writing - culling is needed, we will fight with this contingent ...
        1. +2
          11 October 2020 18: 57
          What kind of culling? It seems that you are writing a plan for a social utopia. Or at least a science fiction novel on this topic.
          1. +1
            11 October 2020 21: 20
            It just needs to be thought out correctly.
            1. 0
              11 October 2020 21: 52
              For a start, it would be nice to reveal what it is.
              1. +4
                12 October 2020 13: 13

                I have one of the children of primary school age, sometimes I help with homework. Half of the math problems are for logic.
                If you can't think logically, you won't get a good grade. This is already the case.

                This is in the form of a simplified model. And it can be distributed in many places.

                T.N. "cases" for employment in a corporation - the same thing, selection by intelligence.

                It is necessary to have similar filters EVERYWHERE. And that's all.
                No brains - limit on comments on VO 5 per day laughing
                A person is deprived of the opportunity to influence public opinion by promoting his degenerate view of things.

                And I, for example, do not lose laughing

                It was a joke about VO, but I think you understood the idea.
                1. 0
                  12 October 2020 21: 56
                  That is, under the pretentious temin "culling" you offer banal exams. The idea is only a couple of thousand years (it was practiced in Confucian China). The idea, of course, is not a bad one, but its total application is impractical for several obvious reasons - from a poor education system and the difficulty of making a good test, to corruption.
                  1. 0
                    13 October 2020 11: 56
                    Total is not necessary.
                    It is necessary at key points. The idea is old, yes, but coming up with something new is really difficult if you don't know.

                    And yes, it's not really about exams. Exams test knowledge.
                    We will need to come up with a way to test thinking.
                    If a person does not really know anything but quickly grasps, understands "on the fly", then this is our person.
                    1. 0
                      13 October 2020 14: 33
                      By the way, it occurred to me that something like this ("culling, consideration on the fly") had already happened in our country not so long ago.
                      In the 90s.
                      There, however, the contingent and goals were specific. And so everything converges, the incentive not only to "grab the dough", but also just to stay alive. Not that either to jail, or straight to the grave. Only, the process was spontaneous.
                    2. 0
                      13 October 2020 22: 14
                      Quote: timokhin-aa
                      And yes, it's not really about exams. Exams test knowledge.

                      Exams test anything from math skills to reaction speed.

                      Quote: timokhin-aa
                      If a person does not really know anything but quickly grasps, understands "on the fly", then this is our person.

                      Hmmm. A great way to ditch even what is already there.
    2. 0
      12 October 2020 21: 05
      Quote: Imperial Technocrat
      and society is recovering,

      As for you noticeably! lol
  34. +7
    11 October 2020 18: 17
    Timokhin was bitten by Samsonov and Kharaluzhny, and at the same time. As a result, the author issued a kind of propaganda horror with monsters from Samson's psychedelicisms about the Masters of the West.
    Actually, the author did not come up with anything new. G. Simmel wrote about using the image of the enemy to strengthen the existing political system in the century before last.
    The presence in the mass consciousness of the mythologized "enemy image" helps to compensate for the mistakes of the ruling elite in the economic and social spheres. Moreover, for greater efficiency, it is desirable to demonize this image to such an extent that there is no doubt that if the population does not rally around the "wise ruler", "father of nations", "defender of faith", "leader" (choose the one you want or use all the images at the same time ), then the country will face an irreversible civilizational, ethnic and national catastrophe.
    True propagandists - dropouts forget that the mythologized "image of the enemy" is a double-edged ideological weapon. This weapon is capable of striking its own creators. Therefore, manipulations with this ideological category are extremely dangerous.
    1. 0
      11 October 2020 18: 52
      This weapon is capable of striking its own creators.

      This is probably about the concept of "Vata", "Vatnikov" so, right? Dumb Asians who are no good against the warriors of light?
      1. +4
        11 October 2020 19: 05
        And where did you see "cotton wool" and "quilted jackets" with "stupid" Asians "and" warriors of the world "? I have not noticed these complexes in you before.
        My comment is exclusively about using the image of an external enemy in propaganda. This technique has been used for two hundred years all over the world with varying success and in different manifestations, sometimes reaching paranoid.
        1. +1
          11 October 2020 20: 52
          And where did you see "cotton wool" and "quilted jackets" with "stupid" Asians and "warriors of light"?

          I have not seen this anywhere in your place, I just clarified whether you mean this example.
          1. 0
            11 October 2020 21: 35
            You know me not for the first day, I have always been far from such rhetoric.
            1. 0
              12 October 2020 13: 14
              You are far away.
              I just asked you to confirm whether this example falls under your statement or not.
              By the way, re-read your comment from which the thread began. You can see that there is almost no contact with the commented text?
              1. +1
                12 October 2020 16: 44
                I disagree. I just see wider and deeper.
    2. +1
      11 October 2020 19: 10
      You're just in a different boat.)
      At the other extreme, which must be crushed in the name of Russia's survival

      Shl As soon as I formulated it, it became painfully similar to the opus of one vegan. And the author has used the word "rejection" for the second time. Very handy.
      1. 0
        11 October 2020 19: 31
        became painfully similar to the opus of one vegan.
        With bangs to the left?
        1. +1
          11 October 2020 19: 37
          Due to the dynamics of world processes, we can gain time only with the help of force.

          Hitler, who grasped this better than anyone else with his gloomy mind, knows that people need more than comfort, safety, short working hours, hygiene, birth control and common sense in general; they also want, sometimes at least, struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and ceremonial displays of devotion. Fascism and Nazism, whatever they may be in economic terms, are psychologically much more effective than any hedonistic concept of life.
          1. +1
            11 October 2020 19: 47
            You have confirmed my idea that an inept propagandist is like a Maymun with a grenade.
            1. +2
              11 October 2020 19: 54
              Don't you think that this is something more than inept propaganda? That these thoughts have really been nurtured and nurtured, and somewhere suffered by the author? Maybe Timokhin is something more serious than it might seem? That the likelihood of a repeat of the 90s exists. And with it there will be a radicalized part of society for which a radical ideology is already ready, and even wrapped in modern packaging.
              1. +1
                11 October 2020 20: 10
                Even if you are right that the author is "something more", this does not make his propaganda qualifications any higher. Radicalization is a very dangerous drug, the dosage of which must be calculated very carefully, otherwise you can get a completely opposite and difficult to treat side effect.
                It is bad that there is no strict control system for this agitprop coven. Fixing the performance of such enthusiasts can be expensive.
                1. +2
                  11 October 2020 20: 14
                  The dosage is calculated by other people. Who have 20 years of experience testing all kinds of dosages. And carte blanche for any experiments at least 10 years in advance
                  Timokhin is quite possibly a sincere propagandist. Which means more convincing.
                  1. 0
                    11 October 2020 20: 17
                    Then there must be some sort of sane goal, except for the preservation of selfish interests and ambitions at any cost here and now. World domination, as experience shows, does not apply to the sane. Or another attempt to refute?
                    1. +1
                      11 October 2020 20: 24
                      Long-term preservation of the status quo, unification of society, the transition from general inertia to controlled activity. Sewerage of aggression. Expansion of influence at the regional level.
                      Quite achievable and realistic and, most importantly, essential for leadership.
                      1. 0
                        11 October 2020 20: 42
                        The main thing here is not to lose control. Otherwise, the activity can become uncontrollable. Or control will be intercepted.
                      2. +1
                        11 October 2020 20: 47
                        Those who play with us in the course.
                        Politics, like business, is a constant bullfight. At least from what I see in myself. These people don't stop.
                      3. +1
                        11 October 2020 20: 56
                        These people don't stop.
                        However, they are sometimes stopped. Although it can be a great price.
                    2. +1
                      11 October 2020 20: 55
                      Then there must be some sort of sane goal, except for the preservation of selfish interests and ambitions at any cost here and now.

                      The goal is fully voiced.
                      1. +1
                        11 October 2020 21: 01
                        Behind the voiced goal there is always an unvoiced one, the achievement of which is served by the voiced one.
                      2. +1
                        12 October 2020 13: 16
                        Long-term survival of our culture.

                        Everything else that was voiced and will be voiced further is means, not ends.
            2. 0
              11 October 2020 20: 53
              Are you talking about Putzi? But he didn't turn out so badly in the end.
    3. +1
      11 October 2020 19: 25
      Quote: Undecim
      the author did not come up with anything new. ABOUT

      The creation of a new selective super-society of athletic physique is also not new. In the 30s in Germany and not only, a very popular idea.
      1. +2
        11 October 2020 21: 19
        The question is in the goal-setting of this super-society. Moreover, Nazism was not built around intelligence, it was, in truth, a dumb regime ..
        1. 0
          11 October 2020 22: 14
          The goals are always stated in these cases as light. Only the methods are always the same.
          1. +6
            12 October 2020 13: 17
            Well, now there is also a culling, only by the criterion of the ability to make money.
            Don't you notice?
    4. +1
      11 October 2020 20: 34
      Quote: Undecim
      G. Simmel wrote about using the image of the enemy to strengthen the existing political system in the century before last.

      Thucydides, Xenophon, Kratippus ...
      5rd century BC
      I am sure there are also more ancient descriptions of the binary system "your foe" at the state level.
      It is human and animal. States are as anthropomorphic as people themselves
      And without "enemies" they are not competitive.
      It's another matter when we are smarter than our biological programs. And politicians want to continue to manipulate them in us.
      Using primitive biological programs. Such as imprinting for example.
      And make us shout (if light) or kill if necessary for the state (more precisely, the circle of people)
  35. +3
    11 October 2020 18: 20
    A terrifyingly huge text) The essence of which, in short, can be reduced to the classic:
    a) The West hates us because we are competitors
    b) Therefore, they will not calm down until they destroy
    c) So you need to scare them well in order to discourage this thought
    d) And then we are a hop-hop snake and we will replay them in their game

    To begin with, this is all an illusion. On ALL these logical points. This is the first. And the second - we have already rolled along these rails - and proved that no, we will not replay and no, they will not destroy.
    I'll go through the theses ..

    a) The West hates us because we are competitors. (regarding competition)

    The first damn unpleasant thought is that we are not competitors to the West. Even close. Once upon a time - of course, but these times are gone with the revolution of the motor, the split of our empire, industrial, demographic and social lagging behind individual blocks of Western countries, not to mention the collective West. And we DO NOT look at comparisons with the headliners of the Western world - the USA, with the spike of the German and French economies. That is - economically we are not opponents.
    Militarily - let's speak honestly and seriously, without all this "RedAlert nonsense" - yes, we have a lot of weapons, but economically keep the level of renewal of these weapons in a complex, or even reach the level of militarization, which will temporarily put us on the same line with China or the United States - we will not be able in the foreseeable future and without another, many years of horrific disarray of our own country and population. The industry and the state of the economies of Western states, both separate and as part of blocks, allows them, with less stress on their own economies, if necessary, to obtain a result of the output of military products greater than we have at the moment.
    In other words, we "dry up" and do not have the potential to build up without preparation, which is confirmed by the pace of renewal of our fleet, tank fleet and aviation. Our power rests on the significant arsenals of the last century and the potential for modernization thereof, on the one hand, large volumes of high-precision and nuclear weapons on the other, and the remnants of the industry focused on producing and updating this from the third. The degree of renewability of our resources in the event of a major military conflict, even on a regional scale, causes me great skepticism, while our closest competitors in the arms market (with the exception of China) are just the same Western states, which are in blocs, which individually have both strong economies, as well as a powerful and modern defense industry, the possibilities of reorienting which to the needs of the renewal of the army (s) in the event of hostilities will definitely be more effective, taking into account, in addition, the potential of civilian enterprises and the array of specialists from them. Whereas in our case, the “defense” remained a "thing in itself", and relative to the times of the USSR, the degree of dispersal of industries and their diversity fell disproportionately.

    Some believe that the West hates us for our kind of "idea" that will break the back of their capitalism, etc. In practice, the Western representative of the proletariat already in the early 70s lived much more well-fed than his Soviet counterpart. And at the moment, a Russian colleague. So, by simple comparison, we will not achieve the correspondence of this idea to reality. Our people are generally poorer, our culture as a whole imports more, the ruble is getting cheaper and not the euro / dollar - and so on. It must be understood that the idea becomes attractive in the performance of a presentable demonstrator of its effectiveness - which we are not at the moment, and were not in the USSR-era after the 70s. The existing dynamics of comparing our development and the development of the West does not give optimism that in the 21st century we will be able to become such a demonstrator, if the trends continue.

    To summarize: the Western states are sufficiently consolidated and are head and shoulders above us in demographic, economic, military-industrial capabilities (even if divided into Anglo-Saxons and Europe). We do not represent an objective threat to their established community - they understand this, which shows, in general, the low level of the current militarization of the European part of the community (in relation to their capabilities), as a part of the West directly bordering on us.
    Economically, our share of products in global markets is destructive and easily diversified in the vast majority of cases. In ideological terms - at the moment the Russian Federation is in a state of sluggish decline, the period considered to be heroic in our country (the USSR) eventually ended ingloriously and painfully - which also does little to popularize our ideas.

    a) continuation - regarding "hatred".

    The roots of hatred of the West towards us have transformed over time (and continue) in direct connection with our actions, so it is wrong to believe that this can be justified as something simple.
    In the days of its formation, the USSR declared the disintegration of Western state formations and systems, as well as the physical elimination of the most active (and well-to-do) part of Western societies - which, of course, won great love on their part. Over time, the fever in the loins of the Bolsheviks subsided, but phraseology often diverged from practice, and treaties were easily broken, and in general our actions did not inspire confidence. The experience of joint struggle during WW2 raised our authority, but the "iron curtain" over our original spheres of influence and the facts that surfaced with the debunking of the personality cult - led the West to the formula of "dangerous alienation of the Russian bloc and politics", both external and internal. Further transformation of this logic was hardly possible because the USSR remained a closed country, and what the Russians were preparing there on the other side of the border excited not only the imagination of a host of paranoid people, but, unfortunately, the most ordinary people. Using the example of the "undercover truth" left after the Nazi regime in Germany - and becoming public, the Western imagination painted the USSR with all the colors of 50 shades of gray, and our habit of constantly lying and supporting various stubborn regimes without any system - created the ideal basis for these sentiments.

    What we are currently straining the West with are the ideological heirs of the USSR phobias.
    An indistinct foreign policy, projecting power in distant directions and surrendering neighbors practically without resistance, the absence of a coherent foreign economic policy, in which we practically missed all the CIS in the clutches of third-party players, but at the same time, at times, we tried rather harshly to use the remaining tools in haphazard situations and with openly tactical intentions.
    We, like a strong person struck by a nervous breakdown or beginning dementia, direct our resources to various, often openly idiotic activities around the world, rattle our weapons and blame our neighbors for all the troubles - while not getting rich from year to year. In fact, how the West sees us can be compared with a certain degree of similarity with how we ourselves see what is happening in Ukraine.

    Our state, in addition to the inability to develop without revolutions and scandals / intrigues / investigations (c), unfortunately has an enviable tendency to bring it everywhere around it. But if the United States forgives such a line for their contribution to the global economy, then we ... you understand.

    I will continue below.
    1. +2
      11 October 2020 18: 54
      You have some kind of reality on the contrary.
      Well, then let’s tell the Chinese the same alignment.
      Why in 1993 they were good, in 2003 - a dangerous autocracy, but in general it is possible to talk, and now a threat to humans as a biological species?
      1. +1
        11 October 2020 19: 01
        Quote: timokhin-aa
        Well, then let’s tell the Chinese the same alignment.
        Why in 1993 they were good, in 2003 - a dangerous autocracy, but in general it is possible to talk, and now a threat to humans as a biological species?

        First, no one considers the Chinese to be a threat to "human beings"; secondly, the reasons why China is now much more dangerous than the China of 2003 are quite obvious: now autocracy is much tougher (Xi is actually a ruler for life), and industrial and military potential is much greater.
        1. 0
          11 October 2020 21: 01
          First, no one considers the Chinese to be a threat to "man as a species."

          I'm exaggerating. But the intensity of psychosis still exists among the American masses.

          now autocracy is much tougher (Xi is actually a ruler for life),

          So what? What could Saudi Arabia's allies have against Xi?

          and the industrial and military potential is much greater.

          ABOUT!. This is the reason. They are strong, you have to crush them. And the USSR was pressed for the same reason.
          They simply cannot do otherwise.
          Now if we and the Chinese are crushed, then the Indians will be next. They are also huge, there is industry, nuclear weapons, territorial disputes, etc. Sikkim has been captured by scoundrels!
          1. -1
            11 October 2020 21: 12
            Quote: timokhin-aa
            the intensity of psychosis is still there in the American masses.

            This statement ... is it based on what exactly? Bestseller?

            Quote: timokhin-aa
            What could Saudi Arabia's allies have against Xi?

            MBS in the worst case can cut a journalist. In the worst case, C can ... just about anything.

            Quote: timokhin-aa
            They are strong, you have to crush them

            Who exactly wants to crush them? Except for the aforementioned author pulp fiction, for whose surname I’m even too lazy to scroll up. The most American politicians talk about is containment.

            Quote: timokhin-aa
            And the USSR was pressed for the same reason.

            Yah? Khrushchev didn’t say "we will bury you"? The USSR itself positioned itself as an enemy. Not to mention that the USSR collapsed for purely internal reasons.

            Quote: timokhin-aa

            Indian citizens are Indians, and Hindus are followers of Hinduism. And it is quite possible that they will destroy India on their own, without outside help. But that is another story.
            1. 0
              12 October 2020 13: 18
              This statement ... is it based on what exactly?

              Talking to a bunch of average Joes, like almost everything I know about the USA.
              1. 0
                12 October 2020 13: 23
                Talking to a bunch of average Joes, like almost everything I know about the USA
                What flawed average Americans have come across to you, and even a bunch.
                By the way, as a source of information, the average American is a specific object.
                1. +1
                  12 October 2020 16: 35
                  An idea that has taken possession of the masses becomes a material force.
                  So Joe is quite a source for himself, you just need to have a lot of them and different ones.
              2. 0
                12 October 2020 14: 53
                Quote: timokhin-aa
                Talking to a bunch of average Joes, like almost everything I know about the USA.

                Personal sample from internet forums. Military orientation, I guess. It is like assessing the attitude towards America by the VO contingent.
                1. 0
                  12 October 2020 16: 37

                  Everything is very simple, I can put forward some arguments for my point of view - they partly even come across in articles - links to American articles, to their own books, to their forums, to the sale of their military-political thrillers, which says a lot about , what are they really interested in there, but what about you?
                  1. 0
                    12 October 2020 22: 10
                    Quote: timokhin-aa

                    Your opinion? And I won't think about it. The point is in the obvious - you extrapolate the opinion of a small specific sample to a huge country. But in a large country, you can find a sample of people with any opinion. It may seem that the Imperials in the SG are more popular than the rebels.

                    Quote: timokhin-aa
                    links to American articles, to their own books, to their forums

                    See above. If you want to analyze politics, you need to analyze budgets, programs, and at least just rely on facts. And not conspiracy myths "Roosevelt sent Putzi, and Putzi brought Hitler to power."

                    Quote: timokhin-aa
                    on the sale of their military-political thrillers,

                    Actually no, you didn't refer to sales. Even the place on the bestseller list was not referenced. In general, judging by the thrillers, the Americans wanted to suppress Japan. Debt of Honor was a real bestseller - # 1 on the New York Times list smile
                    1. 0
                      13 October 2020 11: 59
                      Actually no, you didn't refer to sales. Even the place on the bestseller list was not referenced. In general, judging by the thrillers, the Americans wanted to suppress Japan. Debt of Honor was a real bestseller - # 1 on the New York Times list smile

                      David Poyer, no?

                      Yes, and "Duty of Honor and" is the fear of the "stranger" in its purest form. And not the fact that Clancy "missed". The Japanese will surprise everyone, and it looks like they will surprise us first.

                      I will also remind you of Crichton's "Rising Sun", which is also significant. Only instead of the Koreans and the Japanese, the Chinese fired. Koreans and Japanese should be grateful to them for taking the place of "terrible Asians". Otherwise it could have turned out much worse.
                      1. 0
                        13 October 2020 22: 10
                        Quote: timokhin-aa

                        David Poyer, no?

                        What is David Poyer? You referred to "sales of their political-military thrillers", but did not provide any sales figures.

                        Quote: timokhin-aa
                        not the fact that Clancy "missed". The Japanese will surprise everyone

                        As you say smile
    2. +2
      11 October 2020 19: 04
      I will continue the thought.
      b) Consequently, they will not rest until they are destroyed.
      The collective West (which did not even smell before BB2) had several periods when the destruction of the USSR did not present an objective super-problem. In the period 1945-1950, the United States received a sufficient amount of atomic ammunition to inflict irreparable damage on the Soviet military group in Europe and an array of key Soviet infrastructure facilities in the rear. During this period, the industry of the United States and Great Britain was mobilized, the fleet was huge, anti-war sentiments in European states practically ruled out their negative reaction to this event. Civil war was in full swing in China, Japan posed no threat. The US / British pilots had vast experience in strategic bombing at various theaters of operations, received exhaustive amounts of intelligence, painstakingly collected by the Germans about the military forces and industrial capabilities of the USSR.
      The US / UK fleet was huge, while the Soviet fleet did not look in any way against this background, not to mention the combat experience on a scale. The industry and agriculture of the USSR suffered colossal losses, and vice versa - the US industry was not touched (and absolutely unattainable at that time), the UK industry was practically unaffected - and also in a serious way practically unattainable. In terms of fighter aviation, the West possessed superior quantitatively and qualitatively forces and incomparably large resources for their radical build-up in a short period.

      For 5 years we could be destroyed or a chain of events could be launched when we were forced to sign an unconditional surrender. The USSR had nothing to cover hundreds of reserves of atomic bombs and myriads of stratobombers. But - this did not happen, did it? Although strategically, everything was perfectly ready for this. Perfect!

      The second moment to destroy us was in 1991-1993. The collective West had an absolute opportunity to banally buy our entire elite with giblets, to arrange a military coup "in the dark" or a junta - to inspire the disintegration of Russia, quite organically justified against the background of the disintegration of the USSR at that time. The mood in society at that time was such that in the outbreak of civil war and chaos, anything could be done with us. The complexity of arranging such a scenario is not even close to being as great as the strategic construction of confrontation during the Cold War. And I will note, again the west was mobilized in this situation in full, and our guts were hanging out outside.

      The moment with the liquidation of us in 1918-1920 was also possible - even more than.
      All this in our traditional historiography is explained according to the principle of "piano in the bushes" - and is explained by the weakness and indecision of the West.

      To summarize: the West, in general, did not give a damn about us, until we pushed our shaggy paw into our regions that were not traditionally ours and snapped our voices into chants in the style of "all to dust!" ...

      c) So you need to scare them well in order to discourage this thought

      There was a time when the number of our carriers and nuclear warheads was more than twice as large as those in the West. Scared. And? The West sat down with us at the negotiating table, on which we sawed all these tirillions of invested bobble on needles, and they, as they had nuclear weapons in Europe, remained so.
      It is possible to scare it, but is the answer so clear about what we will do (for us) and what the West will do (also for us)? I don't think so.

      d) And then we are a hop-hop snake and we will replay them in their game

      We will not outplay the West in "its game" - stupidly because the level of our planning, planners, the overwhelming majority of diplomats and diplomacy in general is simply nothing in comparison with these collective capabilities of the West. Take a look at the TOP 100 educational institutions in the world. How many politicians and analysts in the West are graduates of these institutions? And how much do we have? One of our conditional Churkin will have a small office, about 20 specialists in their field. This struggle is not according to our means and not according to our level of education and economy. It's better not to even get into it - the collapse of the USSR (which was in immeasurably better shape) shows that no, we are not ready and we do not know the rules. You need to start small - with putting your country in order - politics, economics, science, etc. Then - the traditional environment and foreign markets. Then something global.

      To summarize in general:

      Thank you for reading!) The West is definitely our competitor, but at the moment we are not even close to being a competitor to it. We need to prepare and engage in non-heroic deeds - long and painstakingly to sit at the same poker table with these guys. And this preparation is not a slander of tanks or cartoons with nuclear hypersonic horrors. While the PRC has taken the place of the main scarecrow, we still have time to take on ourselves in relatively peaceful years.
      But this time is running out.
      1. 0
        11 October 2020 21: 08
        1) In the West: We are very dependent on it, at least in terms of the sale of gas and oil. And we have nothing and nothing to compete with. Alas!
        2) The scarecrow is us and North Korea. The PRC is just a serious economic competitor for the United States.
        3) With this thesis: "We still have time to take up ourselves in relatively peaceful years" - I agree, since an internal imbalance can lead to the collapse of the Russian Federation (although this is a controversial point).
        As the saying goes: There is no time for buildup!
        However, it must be admitted that there are only general theses about jerks and breakthroughs and requests not to rock the boat. There are no real gestures and achievements, with the exception of the amount of spent budget funds. From which we can conclude that any changes and nafig have not surrendered to anyone. And so it will do!
        1. +2
          11 October 2020 21: 33
          To squeeze out from the nearest neighbors their low-tech but profitable niches of external income - we can quite, I do not think that the West would impose sanctions on our furniture or refrigerators. Step by step, niche by niche - we could sequentially squeeze out these directions and involve the raw resources, which we have a lot, to use for this, instead of selling "as is". On the part of the state, there should be maximum favor for such activities, I would even say - focusing on it for ten to twenty years. Without Syria-Venezuela-Libya. In the process, using soft power to integrate the CIS as much as possible into a form that is most useful for the existence of our economy, taking into account their interests (a la the European Union + specificity).

          This is what we can do in the coming decades, and I honestly don't understand why we are not doing this.
      2. 0
        11 October 2020 21: 11
        Do you not notice that you do not contradict my article on the main issues, and even in some way the opposite?
        1. +1
          11 October 2020 21: 26
          Maybe. I myself love longreads and there you can lose sight of some idea in an array of text.
          I just wanted to say that the times of our existential epic struggle are over and have brought us almost nothing good. We owe many of the problems and inconveniences of today, including to that era. Therefore, this requires not just some kind of "rethinking" - we stupidly have to push Stalin and Lenin into the old grandmother's chest and all these horns with the imperialists and deal with the declining demography and the increase in our presence in the international non-resource segment of the economy. Who needs to be remembered, but everything_ that_ we_ do_ must_ bring_ material_ benefit and develop the economy of our state in simple and understandable time periods. Those who achieve this should stay in power while they are trying to achieve it, those who have stopped should be kicked out with these same rags - simply and calmly, I would even say evenly. And most importantly, completely without looking back at this endless dull whining about the "ring of enemies" and "we must unite in front of the face."
          We must be disgustingly practical and pragmatic. The time of charity and deep philosophy has sunk into oblivion.
      3. 0
        13 October 2020 22: 09
        You understand that you contradict yourself in subparagraph (b), namely, where are the periods 45-50 and 18-20 set as an example ??
        1. +1
          13 October 2020 22: 41
          What is the contradiction then? in the fact that they could really put us on our shoulder blades with practically no harm to ourselves? They could. And objectively, we had nothing to cover during these periods - however, this did not happen, and, therefore, the thesis that the West dreamed of getting rid of the USSR, slept and saw how to achieve this is a false thesis.
          Its falsity is backed up by at least 2-3 periods in which the West was unambiguously strong - economically, demographically, and had all the means to defeat us practically unpunished for a long time (each time for 5 years)

          In the case of the period of completion of BB1, the West had agents to support its actions (in the form of the White movement, separate outskirts, potentially through the monarchists), mobilized highly experienced armies with well-established interaction between them, a mobilized fleet, guaranteed support from Poland and Japan - in case of minimal diplomatic work.
          And even in spite of the very aggressive Bolshevik rhetoric and frankly advantageous layouts for a large-scale intervention in 1918-1919 - this did not happen.
          Consequently, at that time, the West did not perceive the territory of the RSFSR as an economically sufficient prize for such an event, and the nascent Soviet Russia itself as a rather serious threat. The issue of territorial control during that period was practically not relevant, because puppet governments and various independent republics were commonplace.

          In the case of the period 1945-1950, the West, as I mentioned above, had all the means to capture our territories, or at least to unequivocally eliminate the threat from the Soviet state.
          If they were so afraid / hated / thirsty for our coveted resources - as the host of people who take the bait of propaganda imagine - a maximum of a couple of years of hostilities and the issue would be resolved.
          More precisely, it would have been solved with the use of nuclear weapons in about 50 Soviet key enterprises, refineries and key large cities - the coordinates of which were known to the Americans, the achievement of which did not represent (in most cases) a problem. Since, according to the logic of things, the adversaries are usually interested in the wealth of Siberia or the Far East, the issue of affecting these territories by radioactive contamination would be minimal, because at that time the bulk of the Soviet industry and the Armed Forces was concentrated rather compactly.
          And again - this does not happen, although even then the West perfectly understands what kind of person Stalin is and how he intends to act.

          In the case of 1991-1996, as I have already noted, our government was weak, our communists were discredited. The OVD was destroyed, the former allies and republics in the east. Europe we were stupidly hated, part of our arsenals was in a state of carve-up and legal problems with the legal successors of the CIS. Considering the tough oligarchy of that period and the weak, corrupt government, we could have been imposed both on a split in the country and a number of exsanguinating lokas. conflicts, and it is stupid to carry out a large-scale paralyzing special operation to eliminate our strategic nuclear forces.
          And again - despite the fact that everything was literally on a platter in the West - no one wanted to mess with it, we ourselves brought everything on a platter, on a plate.

          And again the final conclusion - this is just how we imagine it, they vryatli planned to destroy or capture us (at least until the second half of the Brezhnev period, and after Gorbachev).
          Judging by the above facts, the West's dislike for us is more an aesthetic rejection and a desire to rarely allow our activity in the regions of our own activity, rather than a desire to destroy or capture us, or invade the regions of our traditional activity.
          In recent years, the picture, however, has undergone some kind of evolution (just as the West's dislike for us in general has changed over time) - but the interpretation of this evolution and its culprit is a challenge for another longread.
          1. 0
            13 October 2020 22: 56
            So, brevity is clearly not your strong point. Let me give examples to my question a little later; now it is technically difficult to give a detailed answer.
            In a nutshell: you have a rather interesting train of thought in general, but the approach to historical facts is simply blasphemous.
            1. 0
              13 October 2020 22: 58
              As soon as we are polemicizing, I set out my point of view in as much detail as possible. Pithecanthropus and laconic here and without me enough. Write - we will discuss.
    3. 0
      11 October 2020 20: 44
      Quote: Knell Wardenheart
      The essence of which, in short, can be reduced to classic

      I would be even shorter
      the climate is to blame.
      Low moisture content and insolation.
      All. The rest is already a consequence. And the West, and we, and why we are so with them. And why do we think about them that way.
      About our destruction.
      There is never any reason to destroy a competitor completely.
      By the way, the United States helped the same USSR in every possible way at different times. Even after the USSR.
      Maybe the experience of Rome after the Punic (the destruction of Carthage completely) burns in our hearts as the need for a powerful competitor ..
      1. +2
        11 October 2020 21: 01
        Rather, the image of a "heroic and unabated existential struggle" is very close to our propaganda, which, without it, would have had to be much more sophisticated in justifying our failures and failures. And so, there is the United States and everything, everything is clear - the United States is crap and on this ... Britain is crap and on this .. money was spent on some nonsense - but this is not nonsense but a multi-step plan to fight the West ... and so on.
        And in the West this also found complete mutual understanding - especially on the part of the military-industrial complex lobby.
        1. 0
          11 October 2020 21: 16
          Quote: Knell Wardenheart
          Rather, the image of a "heroic and unabated existential struggle" is very close to our propaganda, which without it would have had to be much more sophisticated in justifying our failures and failures.

          In fact, this is the only thesis which, in the opinion of our propagandists, should unite the people in a single impulse to prevent and confront any "threats from the West." Fuck knows why, but he must rally, and that's it! Moreover, he must unite both "Vasya from Khrushchev" and Sechin.
      2. 0
        11 October 2020 22: 03
        Quote: Niel-le-Calais
        the climate is to blame.
        Low moisture content and insolation.

        Is this legend still popular today? Amazing.
  36. The comment was deleted.
  37. +6
    11 October 2020 19: 09
    Interestingly, the topic "Vasya from the filthy Khrushchev" has not been disclosed. Why should Vasya (me, for example) be worried about some kind of "threat from the West"? How exactly is this threat expressed for me? Don't want to use our coronavirus vaccine? - Well, let them not use it. In our country, according to a survey, 70% do not want to vaccinate it, if the news feeds are believed. Is Trump to blame for the increase in utility tariffs and prices for food and equipment, or is it due to purely internal reasons? "Net capital outflow from Russia by the private sector in January - September 2020 increased by 65,9% compared to the same period last year and amounted to $ 35,5 billion, according to preliminary estimates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" - is this also "an Englishwoman crap"?
    1. +1
      11 October 2020 21: 16
      Interestingly, the topic "Vasya from the filthy Khrushchev" has not been disclosed. Why should Vasya (me, for example) be worried about some kind of "threat from the West"?

      I had a girl friend in my youth. When the exhaust pipe of the car slammed somewhere nearby, it fell sharply to the ground - a reflex.
      On the surface, you can't tell, but that's how she had it, and then, another year after moving to the Russian Federation, she lost the habit of doing this. ...
      Do not think that if the West succeeds in doing what they instinctively strive for, then the life of your descendants (you, apparently, will no longer be there) will not become very much worse.
      That is why the "threat from the West" should worry you.

      However, you can always choose the other side of the conflict ..
      1. +1
        11 October 2020 21: 32
        "You can always choose the other side of the conflict ..." - I just noted that the essence of the conflict has not been disclosed. Russia has its own view of things. The USA has its own. Trump, the president of the United States, and to blame him, and some congressmen, for throwing mud at Russia is simply stupid. The fact that the United States is squeezing us out of the gas market is also not surprising, but why should they give us sales markets? They want to eat too. This is not a conflict, but a struggle for sales markets and the minds of buyers, which all countries (absolutely all!) And have always been and are with each other!
        1. +1
          12 October 2020 13: 20
          The essence of the conflict was more than disclosed in the previous part, the link to it was given twice - in the text at the beginning of the article and in the footnote at the end.
  38. -5
    11 October 2020 19: 16
    If we discard the nonsense about the role of Franklin Roosevelt in Hitler's coming to power, who was already known to American Jewish bankers (Roosevelt's financial sponsors) since 1912 and successfully studied political literacy under the guidance of Jewish controller Angelica Balabanova along with Benito Mussolini and Vladimir Ulyanov, then by the essence of the opus in question can be said as follows.

    RI / USSR has always been materially poorer and technically weaker than the collective West, and since 1945 it has also been specifically the United States. But in the late 1980s, we reached military-technical parity with the West and with the United States in particular for a very simple reason - by investing in nuclear missile technologies to the detriment of the living standards of the population. And it was not only about us, but about the general scientific and technological progress, which devalued the factors of population size, the number of conventional weapons and industrial power - since all this was leveled off by a single MRNU.

    Our chances have been compared to those of the West forever. Therefore, talking about the special aggressive mentality of Western politicians and intellectuals is now pointless, since mentality is nothing compared to objective reality.

    Plus, having won the Cold War with us, the West relaxed the rolls and made the transition to a situation where we became not just equal, but dominant in the world in the field of nuclear weapons on all types of delivery vehicles and, most importantly, in the production of weapons-grade plutonium (which allows us to maintain the advanced pace of its production ). Most likely, we are already in a position to destroy all the countries of the world together with one blow, and if not, then we will soon achieve this.

    That will ensure our dominance in both the pre-war and post-war world.

    The unfolding systemic crisis in the United States is associated with the loss of dominance, which is gradually turning this country into a kind of American Kyrgyzstan with permanent coups.

    PS Well, yes: raising the level of education in our country will undoubtedly bring us additional bonuses.
    "Who does not understand, he will understand" (C) bully
    1. +2
      11 October 2020 19: 33
      Well, first of all, the crisis is now global. There are problems not only in the USA, but also next to us (Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, Nagorno-Karabakh). Moreover, there are problems in our country (10.10.2020: "In Khabarovsk, the police violently dispersed a rally in support of Furgal. Two people are in the hospital.").
      Second, it is already clear that wars will be waged by two methods: sanctions and economic and military operations in the zones of influence of the opponent (competitor) country with conventional weapons. And accordingly, this statement "Most likely, we are already in a position to destroy all the countries of the world combined with one blow, and if not, we will soon achieve this. That will ensure our dominance in both the pre-war and post-war world" - nothing at all ! The dominant will be the one who has a strong economy and the ability to "play long" in the fight against competitors, as well as influence the actions of countries dependent on him. As an example, the execution by the European Union of orders from the USA. So, in the foreseeable future, there is no need to talk about Russia's dominance in the world. There are only two players here: China and the United States.
      1. -2
        11 October 2020 21: 59
        All economies are nothing more than the victims of one MRNA.

        In the 17th century English textbook for businessmen, it was explicitly stated that the first rule of business is to protect your investment, and everything else (marketing, finance, productivity, cost, profitability) comes after.

        "Who does not understand, he will understand" (C) - but it will be too late bully
  39. +1
    11 October 2020 20: 44
    In Russia, there is no social justice, 10% of the total population owns the entire country and people survive in the truest sense of the word
    It is necessary to demand (but only without revolutions) from our government to stop the plundering of natural resources by private companies, to reconsider the privatization of the nineties and to nationalize all strategic enterprises in Russia, all this should work for the state for the country's budget and not take the last penny out of the worker who has been oppressed all his life your back in a factory or factory.
    1. 0
      11 October 2020 21: 17
      Your cassette is jammed.
      1. 0
        11 October 2020 21: 42
        It didn’t chew, it was simply twisted like in the heads of most of our politicians.
        1. 0
          12 October 2020 13: 20
          This is not a fundamental difference - what matters is that it is a cassette.
  40. +3
    11 October 2020 20: 58
    Very good author's view. It is a pity, but in the society that is left of Russia there is simply no elite for serious politics. All policy was reduced to accounting reports and financial transactions.
    If we take the Russian media seriously, then 146 million citizens should pray that the corporation could monetize the subsoil to offshore accounts through SP-2.
    But the author of the article is a real "surgeon" of political science.
    It doesn't matter if the passage about Hitler's genesis is true. It is important that the author tried to delve into the hegemony of American foreign policy. Thanks to VO for admitting a little "informal" article.
  41. +2
    11 October 2020 21: 28
    1. The author touched upon the most important problem - the preservation (survival) of our civilization. Reflecting on this topic allows you to rise above the current reality and think about the future. For this alone, I can say thank you to the author.
    2. In my opinion, the author deliberately exaggerates the problem under consideration. He has the right - he is the author (sometimes it is useful to thicken the colors, he himself sometimes resorted to this).
    3. The question raised by the author of the education of future generations (and I wanted to write - Soviet people) is extremely relevant. It is clear that one must start with kindergarten. Question: And who are educators - teachers? Where can you find the right amount of patriotic people with the necessary competencies?
    4. I would not exaggerate the intellectual superiority of our Western "partners" (unfortunately, they have the ability to attract the best in themselves; we are losing in this - they are not coming to us, but from us).
    5. It is difficult for the West to put up with the fact that the Russian Federation, having 2% of the world economy, can cause unacceptable damage. Therefore, the lines will strive in every possible way (and I am doing this now) to weaken us (they took into account the problem of strengthening the PRC).
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      11 October 2020 21: 52
      It is stated correctly, but we do not have an ideology, and without it we are marking time, the Western liberals have the communists, but who are we and where are we going?
      1. 0
        11 October 2020 22: 30
        Who do you mean by "We"?
        1. 0
          12 October 2020 16: 39
          Apparently, you are not a member of "We". Just ignore then.
          1. +1
            12 October 2020 17: 40
            Liberals and communists are simply listed. Then who remained under the definition of "We"? Socialists, monarchists, anarchists? Ideology, if it can unite people of different views, is a very useful and necessary thing. However, the state really does not have one. Therefore, these very different "We", including me, will be marking time. And one should not confuse ideology and patriotism. There are enough patriots both among the communists and among the monarchists.
      2. 0
        12 October 2020 13: 23
        Ideology is very bad.
        1. 0
          17 October 2020 21: 33
          And why is it so bad, since it allows you to catch mice. In any idiology, the main thing is not to fall into dogmatism and constantly develop, then everything is normal. They cited the Japanese as an example, why do they not work in idiology?
    3. 0
      12 October 2020 13: 23
      Where can we find the right amount of patriotic people with the necessary competencies?

      There is such a thing as "a reliable system of unreliable elements."
      But this level is no longer for VO.

      5. It is difficult for the West to put up with the fact that the Russian Federation, having 2% of the world economy, can cause unacceptable damage.

      Yes, that's right - they don't care about everything else, they beat us just because we are not some kind of Ghana.
  42. 0
    11 October 2020 21: 49
    We are not surrounded by enemies, we are surrounded by competitors. These are slightly different things. Although there are, of course, individual fascist elements. Still, I would not dramatize ...
  43. +2
    11 October 2020 21: 50
    I'm wondering! And Timokhin read Fridman's book?
    If you read what conclusions on the coincidence of the described forecast at the beginning of the 2000s!
    So far, Friedman has burst out only in Ukraine. Everything else to the point. But the fact that Ukraine left the orbit of Russia earlier hints at the fact that all the bad forecasts in the Russian attitude are shifted not to the right but to the left. That in fact does not leave the country's leadership any time lag. In fact, a lot of what the author writes about had to be done the day before yesterday
    Something like that, no offense! ;)
    1. +1
      12 October 2020 13: 25
      Friedman is very smart. He is not only a writer and analyst, he is also a specialist in operations research, as I learned with interest. And together with his wife. A sort of "collective Elena Sergeevna Ventzel".
      He has a lot of time, he can just throw off the model in a year and a half and just predict something.
      So no wonder.

      But I haven't read the book itself.
      1. 0
        12 October 2020 13: 45
        I know who Friedman is. I recommend reading the book. Interesting book. Especially considering the fact that it was written in 2006-2007 and went out of print after 08.08.08 in the first edition. And it was precisely the conflict with Georgia that he predicted. Well, and further along the knurled circle I hit the target in terms of forecasts.
  44. 0
    11 October 2020 22: 15
    It seems that this article is a scenario of a computer game in the genre of strategy.
    1. 0
      17 October 2020 21: 29
      Taxiing the country in real time is a super duper strategy and very robust sticky for a sensible helmsman.
  45. -2
    11 October 2020 22: 20
    Oh my God, what a stupid SHOT! I can't believe that a bunch of people are still trying to discuss this article, folks, this is an extremely stupid article.
    I'm just in shock, I especially liked this
    "They are able to endure losses. In the second half of the twentieth century, they swallowed first Korea, and then Vietnam. In the latter, 3,5 times more of their military died than we lost in Afghanistan, and this did not break them. And Afghanistan did not break us either. ? "

    Vietnam did not break them SO MUCH that it almost came to a civil war, MUHAMED ALI, for his public refusal to go to fight in Vietnam was awarded the title of HERO of the United States.
    What are we? We sprinkle ashes on our head because of the deceased warriors in Avgan or what? Or are we carrying out mass suicides in solidarity in memory of the war? Or that I don't understand? How did the author think Avgan broke us?

    The author clearly wrote this article with 1 reason, to break the spirit!
    At the Omers, only a tame dog in Avgan will die already massive protests against the war are raised! The author is clearly not a firm mind, well, if he is 16 years old, then there are no questions, still a child, but if he is an adult and with such a mindset ... I'm in shock, who writes the article for IN?
    1. +1
      12 October 2020 08: 04
      To some extent, the author is right. The Americans have made certain conclusions and are now trying to fight with someone else's hands. This avoids unacceptable harm to the United States itself. To put it simply, the Americans really "survived Vietnam", rebuilt themselves, and are now acting in less frenzied methods. In fact, the United States is a very strong, cunning and dangerous adversary with large financial resources. Don't underestimate them.
    2. +2
      12 October 2020 14: 46
      Quote: Sergei chernavsky
      At the Omers, only a tame dog in Avgan will die already massive protests against the war are raised!

      Yeah. But they have been in Afghanistan for 20 years.
  46. +1
    11 October 2020 22: 23
    I'm wondering, but the fact that Turkey is shitting near our borders is also a threat from the West? At the same time, Turkey not only wrested territory from Greece (its NATO colleague), but also perfectly manages to fight with Germany or even the United States. So maybe the "threat of the West" is a propaganda myth after all?
    1. -1
      11 October 2020 23: 24
      Quote: A_Mazkov
      I'm wondering

      Asked - we answer. Turkey is NATO. NATO is the USA. (These are facts.)
      1. 0
        12 October 2020 05: 50
        I specifically pointed out when the thesis "Turkey is NATO" does not work.
    2. 0
      12 October 2020 13: 26
      He is an independent player, but not very smart.
      Therefore, everyone throws her like a hot potato to each other.
      But sometimes she herself "walks".
      Which gives rise to strange effects around this country.
      1. 0
        12 October 2020 17: 50
        The problem is that if everything is clear with the US - those shit who kick their satellite friends on occasion, then our "friend and partner" Turkey is no better! At the same time, we are talking only about the threat from the West, although Russia has no less problems from Erdogan. Yes, and our friend China is also that still a reliable partner. Fortunately, albeit during the Soviet era, there were precedents. It is foolish to shout about a threat from the West, when they can screw up from behind.
  47. -4
    11 October 2020 23: 54
    All this is intrinsic, but the world will shake on November 3rd, and maybe even earlier.
  48. +1
    12 October 2020 06: 45
    Conventional Sechin is not running anywhere.
    "..Tahiti, Tahiti, we are well fed here too."
    Yes, with such a personnel policy as Putin's, we have no chance, this policy is best illustrated by Krylov's fable, remember: you sit down, against the second, then the music will not be the same, we will dance the forest and mountains. And with such a division of society as now, we will be broken like that broom along a twig. And the elite does not want to unite with the people, the stupid one does not admit that she is only an elite here, neither in Asia nor in Europe, she is not anyone. And there is only one option for everyone, in all fairness, and I don’t mind a million for top salaries if they bring in billions of profits, because there is no loss all around.
    1. -1
      12 October 2020 07: 40
      The problem is that the average Vasya from Khrushcheb is unlikely to feel the desire to unite with the elite. The time for such associations has already been lost. The problem of the Russian Federation is that even with a high percentage of generally patriotic citizens, there is no consensus between the elite (both the economic oligarch and within the Russian elite). With a large bale, the situation is possible "who is in the forest, who is for firewood." By the way, the performances of yellow vests in France and recent events in the United States only confirm the weakness of mutual understanding and connections among representatives of different groups of society. This is true in our country as well.
      1. 0
        12 October 2020 16: 29
        Vasya is from Khrushcheba and does not require action to unite
        1. 0
          12 October 2020 17: 57
          And from Kolya from an elite new building?
      2. 0
        17 October 2020 21: 24
        You are right, when the actions of the elites are uncontrolled and are not directed in the direction necessary for the state, it always leads to a situation of who is in the forest for some wood and is generally destructive for the state. We can see this perfectly in our (culture), what were the same Efremovs, The Khamatovs, Pugachevs, Akidzhakovs in the USSR and that today. Business is more difficult, but their morals affect society less than cultural enlightenment.
  49. The comment was deleted.
  50. -1
    12 October 2020 10: 22
    The article is strong. There is a lot of bitter truth that should be taken as medicine. Especially true about the political tradition. Yes, this is one of the cornerstones of civilization and this "stone" is truly precious. And in order to preserve it, it is necessary to avoid participation in wars imposed from the outside and not to allow internal coups and revolutions. These truths are fully assimilated by the GDP and adheres to just such a line.
    1. +1
      12 October 2020 13: 27
      The question is whether it will work. It may not work.
  51. The comment was deleted.
  52. 0
    12 October 2020 13: 34
    Alexander, don’t you assume that in the process of raising the next generations, the previous generation will simply be disposed of (for example, due to a lack of resources), i.e. we have a high probability of the destruction of modern morality and the emergence of some other one. Actually, in such a case, a situation of “explosion from within” arises every 25-30 years (I believe the next generation will not resignedly give up its place in the sun), and thus your idea will also fail. Naturally, unless you radically change the morality of society (this is a very long process)
    1. 0
      12 October 2020 16: 40
      Alexander, don’t you assume that in the process of raising the next generations, the previous generation will simply be disposed of (for example, due to a lack of resources)

      It is unlikely that this is not feasible from an organizational point of view.
      1. 0
        13 October 2020 11: 53
        Impossible?! Is it not to solve impossible problems that a new generation is being created?
        1. 0
          13 October 2020 12: 02
          It’s just that the process of changing power is not instantaneous. This is a long process stretched out over time. And for the “supergeneration” to decide to optimize the previous one, it must simultaneously and in a coordinated manner seize all the levers.
      2. 0
        16 October 2020 23: 00
        Stop, stop, stop, I apologize Alexander, the article is interesting, in relation to Western civilization in relation to Russia in particular, I agree, but the following in the article is very confusing, namely the point -
        3. The mechanism of social culling. Those who fundamentally do not want to keep themselves in shape and be at least at an average level should not be able to maintain an acceptable standard of living and social status for themselves and in the future must be removed from society in one way or another. Those Those who fundamentally do not want to keep themselves in shape and be at least at an average level should not be able to maintain an acceptable standard of living and social status for themselves and in the future should be removed from society in one way or another.
        Which way is this, where?
        I'm sorry to understand this? Where to cull? What kind of culling method is this? What does it consist of?
        This smacks of the implemented program of the Nazi Reich T4 in Germany. Only there we were talking about the physically and mentally deprived, others who did not meet the social standard of Nazi Germany were sent to concentration camps. And in the article we are talking about those with below average intelligence, and people simply naturally passive, or suffering from acquired habits or bad heredity, say, for example, alcoholism?
        I apologize myself, I DO NOT belong to any of the categories. But people are not robots, everyone is different.
        Or do you mean application in some other sphere of life in the state? Again, how, where, who will organize and control this? What will be the meaning of their life, and how to benefit from these people for your civilization?
        There is something very dangerous about this.
        And in general, what will a society that meets the standards look like?
  53. +1
    12 October 2020 13: 46
    The author encourages you to take an exam in the comments to test your ability to understand a text of 44000 characters. Some didn't make it. For example Svarog Vladimir. Don't get excited. There is no need to break or build your mind. The article specifically talks about the danger of losing historical memory. 1917, 1991!!! You call for the same to be done in 2020. And further in a circle until we deplete the population to 15 million.
    Quote: Svarog
    The further, the more obvious it becomes that this system will only need to be broken, it will not be able to reform itself.
    1. 0
      12 October 2020 16: 41
      The author encourages you to take an exam in the comments to test your ability to understand a text of 44000 characters. Some didn't make it.

      By the way, I don’t cut these texts on purpose, just to see how many can’t handle it.
  54. The comment was deleted.
  55. 0
    12 October 2020 18: 29
    Correct article, I support it. Just a little late. This should have been voiced much earlier.
  56. The comment was deleted.
  57. +1
    12 October 2020 19: 51
    So far, the best thing I have come across on this topic is the book by M. Kalashnikov and S. Kugushev “Special Forces of the Almighty.” One of the most sensible programs of the future for Russia in the current situation of confrontation with the West.
  58. +1
    12 October 2020 20: 46
    Liked. The hardest thing in raising (creating, building) a new person is finding ways to transition to such upbringing. I can’t imagine how... well, at least remove advertising, which is not needed at all by those people of the future whom the author sees. Who will cancel it, who will destroy the existing system to the detriment of their interests? But there is still no other way out. I'm looking forward to the continuation. Thank you!
    1. 0
      13 October 2020 12: 02
      God bless her with advertising.
      The question is that those to whom it is aimed should be able to “filter” it.
  59. The comment was deleted.
    1. -1
      13 October 2020 12: 03
      What's the problem, child? Are you against being eradicated in Rus'? Or do you want to surrender to the Americans? What got you so excited?
  60. +1
    13 October 2020 00: 10
    Author, I read the entire article. Moreover, I have read all the comments so far. I liked the first article more.
    I won't quote it, it's too long. Only conclusions.
    I generally agree that it is necessary to educate a new generation, but WHO will do this? Those people who introduced the Unified State Examination system? Are you laughing? Why do they need this? Their children have long been integrated into the life of the West, and they themselves will have enough power and money for the rest of their lives. So the current “elite” has no incentive to change anything.
    “The voice of the people,” so colorfully described by you, is criminally punishable under current legislation. So here it goes too. Therefore, IMHO, first of all, it is necessary to change the economic model. And, no matter how disgusting it may be for you, invent an ideology (national idea), if you wish. After all, author, you remember history. If the economic model in Russia had not changed in 17, I’m afraid the outcome of WWII would have been completely different. IMHO, naturally.
    So, your passage about the “evolution” of power is pure sophistry. Because the USSR died precisely because it could not change to meet the demands of the time. Capitalism has outlived its usefulness. The time has come for a new economic model. And how this happens with the help of revolution or evolution is not important. The problem is that it seems to me that evolution is impossible. At least in Russia.
  61. 0
    13 October 2020 01: 00
    Quote: KSVK
    The problem is that it seems to me that evolution is impossible. At least in Russia.

    I respect your opinion, but let me disagree. How is it that evolution is impossible?
    Evolution occurs every second and this process is “eternal”. Evolution is time, and our civilization cannot stop time. Russia will be unrecognizable in a hundred years. Evolution is the LAW of the Universe!
  62. +1
    13 October 2020 09: 18
    Stalin’s entourage and he himself did not see that the situation in Europe in 1940 very much resembled it in 1812, and were unable to draw the right conclusions
    Only the lazy did not write about the parallels between our time and 1914. But what does Putin’s entourage see (and what conclusions do they draw from this)?
    1. 0
      13 October 2020 12: 04
      But what does Putin’s entourage see (and what conclusions do they draw from this)?

      Judging by the way Putin brandished nuclear weapons (“we are going to heaven, but they will just die”), he understood everything, and he understood it as it is.
      But he doesn’t know what to do with it yet.
      1. 0
        13 October 2020 21: 06
        Interesting point. Stalin in 1940-41, it seems, also understood where everything was heading. And I also didn’t know what to do with it. That’s why he didn’t do anything until his enemies did everything for him, leaving him no choice. What followed was a confrontation with the world order, which was also confident in its exclusivity, had overall superiority in all respects, and went to the end. The stake was the existence of world orders. Similar to the current situation. The result is that Stalin remained, the Soviet world order remained, and the “exceptional” who went to the end reached it.

        Even now this is a very valuable experience that should not be neglected. And one should not neglect the archives of the Political Directorate of the Red Army. It should contain a summary of the history of how the “spirit of exclusivity” is squeezed out and what its weaknesses are. How to transform a system that does not accept our existence into something safe for us. How not to turn away yourself in critical circumstances.

        Our people "model 1945" were no longer the same as the “1941 model”. The war became a cruel school in which a “beta version” of what you proposed in the article took place at an accelerated pace - the creation of a generation of people with a “new quality”. Yes, this experiment ended unsuccessfully. Much was done wrong, which led to the collapse of the Soviet world order. But this is also an experience that should not be thrown away with disdain. It needs to be rethought so as not to step on the same rake again. After all, it is impossible to achieve something if you don’t try. But you will still have to strive to become “new people” - you correctly noted this. Moreover, this would have to be done even if the threat from the “collective West” did not exist.

        But in 1914, Nikolai and Co. ("and Co." is necessary, since Nikolai himself was not an independent politician), it seems, did not understand the full depth of the emerging processes and where they were heading. But they were confident that they knew the exact recipe for how to emerge victorious (or at least just alive). They didn't come out. Their world order (“Orthodoxy-autocracy-nationality”) was destroyed. They were replaced by generations of people with a “new quality”. And this is also valuable experience - experience of what happens when the quality of managers does not reach the quality of the system they manage.

        Waving military power in the face of a big mess is typical of Stalin, Nikolai, and Putin. Everything is the same here. Politics, sir.

        The current situation is closer to 1914 than to 1941. The main difference between them is not even the degree of understanding (misunderstanding?) by the leaders of the essence of what is happening and ways to solve problems. After all, it is easier for a small group of people (the so-called “elite”) to assimilate new knowledge and conditions than for the entire civilization to do the same. The main difference is how adequate this “elite” is to its system. Stalin made a mistake in 1941, but 4 years later he was alive and in the camp of the winners, and his civilization was a force that even the then monopolists on nuclear weapons had to reckon with. In 1914, Nikolai was sure that he had made no mistakes, but 4 years later he went to the basement, having previously lost to the losers.

        The only thing that is now closer to 41 than 14 is the stakes in the Big Game. The existence of civilizations was not at stake in 14, but was (and is) since 41.
        1. 0
          15 October 2020 11: 02
          Interesting point. Stalin in 1940-41, it seems, also understood where everything was heading. And I also didn’t know what to do with it. That’s why he didn’t do anything until his enemies did everything for him, leaving him no choice. What followed was a confrontation with the world order, which was also confident in its exclusivity, had overall superiority in all respects, and went to the end. The stake was the existence of world orders. Similar to the current situation. The result is that Stalin remained, the Soviet world order remained, and the “exceptional” who went to the end reached it.

          The Germans fought against the USSR, the USA and the British Empire. Let's not forget about this.
          Now the West is united.
          1. 0
            15 October 2020 11: 12
            All that remains is to form a “united East” bloc. And this is a delicate matter. Our “effective managers” of geopolitics cannot cope with this.
  63. 0
    13 October 2020 15: 05
    All clear.
    I always suspected something like this about the West (I’m talking about superiority), at the level of intuition.
    The complexity of the task posed by the author is prohibitive. It doesn’t mean “impossible,” but something like the colonization of the rest of the solar system by Russia alone at the current level of development of science and technology.
    Let's leave the question about "culling" and some rough edges.
    I have one question. By raising a new generation, we will raise predators. Ideally, organized and motivated, achieving the same goal. Now I’m not even talking about how similar such a society will be to Russia and whether it will be a bearer of Russian culture as we know it. I mean, by growing these “super-Russian” ones, won’t you be able to create spiders? In the bank. They will have everything: competitiveness, flexibility of thinking, moral stability and everything that is needed. But what if the members of such a society decide not to resist the collective West, but to put together an organization and simply “unfold” right here, within Russia? What is the mechanism behind this turn of events?
    1. -1
      15 October 2020 10: 59
      But what if the members of such a society decide not to resist the collective West, but to put together an organization and simply “unfold” right here, within Russia? What is the mechanism behind this turn of events?

      The fact is that the West claims to independently “unfold on Russian territory.”
      In addition, here in Russia there is too little of everything - there is nothing to take for an entire generation or generations.
      There is not even close enough for everyone.
      Smart people will understand that they need to go outside.
      It will go further on its own.
  64. 0
    13 October 2020 17: 25
    On point number one, I bring to your attention that socialism (in its true form, and not declarative, as in the deceased USSR) is a utopia, accordingly, an ideology built on achieving the unattainable is doomed in the bud. But just for the category of masses of people described by the author in the article, utopian ideas, especially those framed in short and loud slogans, are much more understandable than 4400 Cyrillic characters. Further slogans will grow into works and volumes
    libraries overflowing with secondary thoughts will fill, and new socialist sciences will become compulsory disciplines in academies and universities. And instead of real successes, you will get new bosses with the nomenklatura, and the intelligentsia with dissidents, and a proletariat that drinks heavily. Do you know how you and I will differ from the comrades of the past, the twentieth century, blindly moving towards socialism, in the new, wonderful and fair twenty-first century? They were born and lived in wooden barracks, and you and I in concrete ones.

    But when we not only learn our sad history without embellishment and concealment, when we draw sad but correct conclusions, and only then, such distant and different, but thoughtful people like you, and maybe me, will be able to convey to future people based on the experience of bitter mistakes generations of truth. No embellishment, no deception. And maybe we can agree, and not break each individual existing non-ideal regime, but expand the framework and erase the boundaries within our non-ideal society, until these boundaries completely disappear. Not in the desire for the equality of all or the enrichment of everyone, this is utopianism, but in the desire for unlimited free will. Only free people can build a future for new free people. And leave the kingdom of God and justice to the devout grandmothers, special contingents and yesterday’s security officers who were ordained.
  65. 0
    13 October 2020 17: 49
    Dear author, could you provide links to the book mentioned in the caption to the photo, “How one should have spent one’s youth in order to become the chief of Rosneft in old age”? Google and Yandex are silent.

    The article is interesting, thank you for the interesting materials on VO and Telegram.
    1. 0
      15 October 2020 10: 56
      “How you had to spend your youth in order to become the chief of Rosneft in old age”

      It was such an irony. Not this kind of book, of course.
      1. 0
        15 October 2020 15: 08
        Apparently like your allusions to the future of Russia as a new Reich... Which, however, does not negate the interest in continuing the journalistic experiment on the readers of VO and not only here.
  66. 0
    14 October 2020 17: 31
    Can I ask a simple question, what, for example, did Great Britain earn from WWII? Nothing but victims? Then the second question is, who prevented the British from nipping Hitler in the bud and then no American plans that allegedly took place (in fact, they watched with interest who would attack whom and who would support, but it does not follow from this that they could to create a corresponding reality; in Germany there were enough revanchists even without them). That is, WWII in its actual form is primarily the result of British and French stupidity, they thought they could outwit Adolfych. But that was not the case. It was mostly us who had to clean up the mess.

    And what does the author want from the Americans, and how do they differ from us? It’s also normal for us if the whole world dies and we don’t. And how do Americans and Western European civilization in general differ from Ancient Rome or Ancient China? The first has long been ruins, the second ended there once, and there were centuries when everyone beat the Chinese. Now the USA and Western Europe is in the lead, then China may become a leader, maybe Russia, maybe even in Brazil there will be a leap.

    And in the photo the ships are moving away on their left sides, as it should be according to maritime rules, it is unclear what the conflict is and why the American should evade.
    1. 0
      15 October 2020 17: 13
      And in the photo the ships are moving away on their left sides, as it should be according to maritime rules, it is unclear what the conflict is and why the American should evade.
      Left sides diverge only possible on counter courses. And when the courses intersect, the one on the left must yield. In this case, it is an American (unless the photo is mirrored). But he didn't. In the event of a collision, he would be at fault.
  67. 0
    15 October 2020 14: 50
    There’s a lot that could be argued with, but I won’t, otherwise I’ll have to write a commentary that will be no less in length than the article. But the main advantage of the author is an attempt at serious analysis without naked propaganda, leavened pseudo-patriotism and rollicking showboating. I’ll add just one point that, in my opinion, was not reflected in the article. To establish American dominance, it is not enough just to instill in US citizens the idea of ​​their exclusivity and greatness; military, intellectual and economic expansion is not enough. The American political elite also pays great attention to the cultural and ideological indoctrination of the population of potential enemy countries. This very population must be imbued with the idea that their country is wretched and flawed, its leadership is worthless, its culture is pitiful, its history is black and terrible, and its present is a failure and unpromising. But America is an ideal and a model down to the smallest detail. They have the most delicious sausage. The best Coca-Cola is there. They have the coolest pants. And the cinema is the best there. What other foreman Vaskov and captain Titarenko are? Forget about them. It's the same with Superman, Captain America and Spider-Man. This is who saves the world from the forces of evil, this is who we must bow to. And as soon as the nation of a potential enemy for the most part is imbued with ideas imposed from outside, then that is the end of this nation, there is no need to fight with it, it itself will be ready to surrender to the mercy of the master, just to eat his sausage and wear his pants.
  68. 0
    16 October 2020 16: 43
    I don't agree with almost anything except the conclusion. laughing
    The author winces in every second sentence, however, I probably agree with the general conclusion. We really need a “different” - changed - neighbor on the planet. And only our “human”, clearly noticeable superiority can change it. This is not intelligence; the enemy has long learned to work with intelligence, and he will easily and naturally make “our” intelligence “his own.”

    This is something different. But “what” this is is something we have to understand.

    PS I upvoted the article because of the importance of the topic being raised. Thanks to the author for this.
  69. 0
    16 October 2020 21: 51
    I accepted the term "Anglo-Saxons" proposed by the author. But the Anglo-Saxons have not ruled their world at least since the end of the Second World War.
    If we still accept the term as a euphemism, then I agree with the author. At least in many ways.
  70. 0
    16 October 2020 22: 40
    I apologize Alexander, the article is interesting, the following is very confusing in the article, namely the point -
    3. The mechanism of social culling. Those who fundamentally do not want to keep themselves in shape and be at least at an average level should not be able to maintain an acceptable standard of living and social status for themselves and in the future must be removed from society in one way or another. Those Those who fundamentally do not want to keep themselves in shape and be at least at an average level should not be able to maintain an acceptable standard of living and social status for themselves and in the future should be removed from society in one way or another.
    Which way is this, where?
    I'm sorry to understand this? Where to cull? What kind of culling method is this? What does it consist of?
    This smacks of the implemented program of the Nazi Reich T4 in Germany. Only there we were talking about the physically and mentally deprived. And in the article we are talking about those who have below average intelligence, or people who are simply passive by nature, or suffering from instilled habits, for example, for example alcoholism?
    I apologize myself, I DO NOT belong to any of the categories. But people are not robots, everyone is different.
    Or is it meant to be used in any sphere of life in the state? Again, how, where, who will organize and control this? What will be the meaning of their life, and how to benefit from these people for culture?
    There is something very dangerous about this.
  71. 0
    17 October 2020 12: 20
    If we talk about the intellectual superiority of the “West”, then in the field of education it is superior. You just need to distinguish between education for the broad masses and for the elite. It is the education systems of developed Western countries that solve all the tasks set by the author to achieve personal and state superiority (for the “West” and in favor of the “West”).
    The main problem is that the development of humanity as a whole has approached a certain limit. And without the emergence of a fundamentally new idea, a new dimension of human existence, the crisis can only be resolved through degradation. The required level of degradation is to the level of loss of information connections between individual enclaves. Enclaves must unite a population sufficient for reproduction.
  72. 0
    17 October 2020 21: 17
    I liked the article in many ways. All G6 countries at one time went through several mandatory stages. 1-increasing the production of a wide range of goods for domestic demand. 2-increasing by any means the quantity and employment of its population (the law of large numbers says that out of 10 million there will be 100 geniuses, and out of 1 million there may be none, and the quality of education will not really help).3 - Stimulation of entrepreneurial activity among the masses through cheap loans - money from point 1. Maximum pulling of technologies from the outside if there are no better ones. 4-Maximum propaganda and explanation to the population of the ultimate goal and what all these reforms are for, etc. 5-Breaking the mentality of the population for these tasks and educating a new generation to carry out precisely these tasks, and here they work for this goal and all state institutions are strictly controlled, including crime (the Yakuza, for example, work for the country and then for themselves). Maximum propaganda of one’s worldview to the outside world. 6- The most severe control of the elites and subordination to the fulfillment of the set goal. Further variations in place and finishing with a file of roughness.
  73. 0
    22 October 2021 14: 33
    Do not read any more of this opus! The author seems to be confusing something - if he had described the Americans as they really are, we would not have existed at all in the 90s! Where should I put a minus in the article?