Bulgaria demands from Russia to pay forfeit for MiG-29 fighters


Russia is hesitating to fulfill the contract for the repair of the Bulgarian MiG-29 fighters, in connection with which Sofia warns Moscow about the need to pay the penalty.

This is reported in the Bulgarian press, including media pool.

Under one of the contracts, we have already demanded to pay a penalty, but there are still delays under another agreement [...] There are problems with the MiG-29, of which the Russian plant is to blame

- said the Minister of Defense Kasimir Karakachanov.

The agreement on repair and maintenance of the 15 MiG-29 was signed three years ago. For these purposes, 48 ​​million dollars have been allocated. As explained by Karakachanov, work is possible only in Russia. The plant located in Poland has a license that only allows its own equipment to be repaired. The Bulgarian edition writes about it "Data".

So we are able to buy engines [apparently in Poland], but we cannot repair them there

- explained the minister.

In his words, Bulgaria needs MiG-29s until American F-16 fighters are delivered.

As he pointed out, against the background of delays on the part of Russia, the Belarusians are successfully performing the work assigned to them: “there are no problems with the repair of the SU-25”. According to the Ministry of Defense, on September 21 and 22, two Su-25 attack aircraft were delivered to Bulgaria, which underwent overhaul and refurbishment at the 558th ARZ in Baranovichi.

The aircraft received new combat capabilities - an expanded arsenal of possible ammunition, increased accuracy and range of destruction of ground targets

- said in a statement the Ministry of Defense.

Bulgaria demands from Russia to pay forfeit for MiG-29 fighters

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  1. +1
    26 September 2020 08: 16
    Perhaps this is revenge for South Stream.
    1. +4
      26 September 2020 08: 18
      Quote: marchcat
      Perhaps this is revenge for South Stream.

      For the fact that they themselves abandoned it?
      1. +2
        26 September 2020 08: 35
        I apologize, did not get the comment! Yes
    2. 46+
      26 September 2020 08: 22
      Quote: marchcat
      Perhaps this is revenge for South Stream.

      What does revenge have to do with it? You need to fulfill your obligations clearly so that not a single mongrel clings! But for the "sanctions" from Bulgaria, you can think over and implement your own sanctions. Then let them express their dissatisfaction.
      1. +8
        26 September 2020 09: 32
        Speak correctly, flies (sanctions) separately, cutlets (contracts) separately
        1. 27+
          26 September 2020 11: 09
          Quote: Eskobar
          Speak correctly, flies (sanctions) separately, cutlets (contracts) separately

          Tell the French about the story with the Mistrals. Both flies and cutlets were in one bottle.
          1. -4
            26 September 2020 12: 06
            So no one forbids to impose sanctions against Bulgaria and pocket money, since it is force majeure, but since we respect our court, if we award a refund, then return it in 5 years
          2. -10
            26 September 2020 12: 23
            In the article I did not see a word about the Mistrals
            1. +3
              26 September 2020 13: 21
              Quote: Eskobar
              In the article I did not see a word about the Mistrals

              You read at the beginning your post, to which I answered, then maybe you will understand
            2. +6
              26 September 2020 21: 50
              Quote: Eskobar
              In the article I did not see a word about the Mistrals

              There was not a word about you in the article either. However, you came from somewhere here.
          3. 0
            26 September 2020 20: 14
            So the French returned the money, and it seems they even paid a penalty. Should the RF also have to go along this path?
            1. +1
              26 September 2020 20: 23
              Quote: Mikhail Ya2
              Should the RF also have to go along this path?

              What does the path of Russia have to do with it? You said that sanctions should be separate from contracts (flies from cutlets). I gave you an example with Mistrals, when sanctions were closely intertwined with the contract. My answer was only to this your statement.
              1. -3
                26 September 2020 21: 33
                So if Russia has announced sanctions on Bulgaria, then say so, and return the money plus the fines provided for in the contract.
              2. -2
                27 September 2020 03: 30
                The Russian Federation and France technically parted with the mistrals.
                RF received the main thing: bius with all sources and experience in modular construction.
                1. 0
                  27 September 2020 09: 14
                  Quote: kytx
                  The Russian Federation and France technically parted with the mistrals.

                  You would look first at the posts I have replied to, not just the last reply. It was about whether some kind of sanctions should be applied to the already existing, signed contracts, or should the contracts be executed. Was the contract with the French signed? Was. Despite the signatures, they refused to perform it? Refused. This is what it was about, and not the subsequent showdowns and payments
                  1. +1
                    27 September 2020 09: 42
                    Before enabling the sanctions, the French transferred all the documentation and source code to bius.
                    and they returned the loot and were very sorry that they were not allowed to fulfill the tasty contract. There are all claims to the states.
                    1. +1
                      27 September 2020 09: 52
                      Quote: kytx
                      Before enabling the sanctions, the French transferred all the documentation and source code to bius.
                      and they returned the loot and were very sorry that they were not allowed to fulfill the tasty contract. There are all claims to the states.

                      How stubborn you are. I still wrote about non-performance of the contract. Answer two simple questions. Was the contract signed for the transfer of "documentation and source code for the bius", or for the construction and transfer of the SHIPS to the customer? Was this contract executed by the French side or not? And the contract was concluded not with the states, but with France and claims only to her, and what their relationship with the Yankees the customer should not care about. For some reason, the Franks seized on the contract and did not think that they had a "master" and that he could order.
                      1. -2
                        27 September 2020 12: 22
                        Continental Europe depends on the states, it is sad, but this is reality and such layouts must be taken into account. And the contract is a piece of paper, if you have no real leverage to achieve its execution.
                        like all these non-aggression pacts and other muculature.
                        for example about useless membership in the WTO of the Russian Federation should be reminded?
                        Who is stronger is right
                      2. 0
                        27 September 2020 12: 26
                        And they grabbed because the loot. And the states, by the way, initially expressed dissatisfaction with this deal precisely because of the technology, and hardware is already a trifle.
                    2. 0
                      27 September 2020 12: 44
                      So they sold them to Egypt. What do they care, from whom to get the loot?
                      1. -1
                        27 September 2020 14: 12
                        Not us but you (s)
                        there are many nuances
                        Egypt got them in the form of a trough without sweets
                        In recent years, I have liked the abundance of all sorts of distant gnarling minusyaki on VO, but modestly without arguments
                        And there was an option to buy them from Egypt bespalev
                        Only now it is no longer necessary, the main thing is already where it is needed.
                        in Egypt they are well aware of this by the way
                      2. +1
                        27 September 2020 22: 14
                        I don’t pay attention to the pros or cons ....... I don’t need to raise my self-esteem wink
                      3. 0
                        28 September 2020 09: 37
                        Self-esteem needs to be raised :) never hurts
                        with + and - on the forums, this of course has nothing to do
                        I mean that since you disagree, be so kind as to justify
                        I have no complaints about you personally
            2. 0
              27 September 2020 08: 09
              They did not pay the penalty, no need for fantasies. The money was returned.
              1. 0
                27 September 2020 08: 13
                So they lie? https://korrespondent.net/world/russia/3558640-nazvana-tochnaia-summa-kompensatsyy-rossyy-za-mystraly
                1. 0
                  27 September 2020 10: 15
                  Quote: Michael Ya2
                  So they lie? https://korrespondent.net/world/russia/3558640-nazvana-tochnaia-summa-kompensatsyy-rossyy-za-mystraly

                  It's not clear, they just returned only what they received, or something in addition, that is, the money received + a penalty? request
                  1. -1
                    27 September 2020 12: 39
                    Istria covered with darkness. In some sources I write that France secretly paid the penalty https://www.mk.ru/politics/2015/08/06/franciya-tayno-vyplatila-rossii-neustoyku-za-mistrali.html
                    1. +2
                      27 September 2020 14: 20
                      Quote: Michael Ya2
                      Istria covered with darkness. In some sources I write that France secretly paid the penalty https://www.mk.ru/politics/2015/08/06/franciya-tayno-vyplatila-rossii-neustoyku-za-mistrali.html

                      Yeah, like in the best spy films - they said "a lamb in a piece of paper" under the table in the Metropol hotel room with curtains. laughing MK is a dubious source, as is Kommersant. "Yellowness" from all the cracks shines through and refers to each other. They will lie - they will not take it dear
                      1. -1
                        27 September 2020 22: 13
                        Do you think there is an option that the French "threw" effective managers and returned not all the money? what
                      2. -1
                        28 September 2020 12: 26
                        Quote: Michael Ya2
                        Do you think there is an option that the French "threw" effective managers and returned not all the money? what

                        As I understand it, they returned only what ours paid and spent and no additional payments in the form of fines, penalties, compensation for moral damage ... etc. we have not received from them. request
                      3. -1
                        28 September 2020 11: 04
                        the return of interest and the total amount are tied to an unofficial relationship with Sarkozy - here and the dogs are not buried. he did not return. we returned, they ate (who-what ??)
                        in the euro, the shadyushnik was lobbied at the expense of mistral money for something else.
                        The main thing is good relations with our partner, not Oland (Sarkozy - what kind of man ??)
                2. 0
                  28 September 2020 08: 04
                  Who's lying? They returned the money, diligently begged not to pay the forfeit, referring to force majeure. Perhaps more than compensated, but not money.
                  1. -2
                    28 September 2020 08: 08
                    Did Macron give Vovka in kind? lol
                    1. -1
                      28 September 2020 08: 27
                      For you, this is a burning topic, apparently. fool
        2. +2
          26 September 2020 13: 21
          The understanding of what are "flies" and what are "cutlets" for sofa analysts usually comes in fifty years.
        3. 0
          28 September 2020 10: 48
          flycatchers and cutlet eater ............................................... .................................................. ............................... Biden is to blame for everything ...........

          or is Trump to blame?
      2. +6
        26 September 2020 09: 40
        Why do they need MIGs? Against us? Wait in line, then we'll do it, maybe if you behave yourself. Nobody has canceled the sanctions yet. And yes Borisov to resign, there is nothing to disperse the children with clubs and tear gas. Let them Maidan.
        1. -14
          26 September 2020 11: 08
          Why do they need MIGs? Against us?

          To her Beard, you sold the C 400 to the bastards, who in gratitude to you shot down the plane and did not blink - why are you distorting? Pancake pea patreots ...
          1. +1
            26 September 2020 11: 29
            Everyone can scold. What should have been done? What are your suggestions and your vision of the situation with the aircraft and the S400?
            1. +2
              26 September 2020 11: 43
              Everyone can scold.

              Yes, I do not swear at all laughing
              My opinion on Turkey is irrelevant - I am Bulgarian. I hope you can turn off your shooter when it hovers over you.
              1. +1
                28 September 2020 10: 09
                There is no need to hope, in which case it will simply stop working.
                in such things there are always bookmarks and the seller and the buyer are aware of course
          2. 10+
            26 September 2020 13: 26
            The Turks, even though they are sick to the head, are still essentially independent, and Bulgaria is a western dog, they will say, immediately go to die for the owner.
            1. +7
              26 September 2020 18: 38
              No matter how our relations with the governments of Bulgaria and Greece develop, the Bulgarian and Greek people are friendly to us. And the Turkish government is pursuing a course of creating a regional (most likely nuclear) superpower on our southern borders, claiming to protect all the Turks and all Muslims of Russia (from whom? From the Russians, of course). This is what we need - to strengthen our potential (and in fact, taking into account Syria and Libya - the real) enemy. They did not manage to get the S-400 - they immediately got into a fight with Greece and Armenia (via Azerbaijan). In case of war, where will millions of Armenians rush to? To us, in Russia! And in Greece there are tens of thousands of Pontic Greeks who will flee back to Russia. And what about the Turks if the S-400 is deployed over Idlib? Is this what we want?
            2. 0
              26 September 2020 23: 28
              And with what fright will he go to die? And "face" who will say which shub, which government? There are no such crazy people!
          3. +2
            27 September 2020 23: 03
            Quote: Keyser Soze
            She Beard, you sold the C 400 to the bad guys, who in gratitude to you shot down the plane and did not blink

            The plane was shot down - "BEFORE", and the S-400 was sold "AFTER", how does your "gratitude" fit here? You do not rearrange events in places.
            And yet, yes, they shot down the plane with the supply of mattresses and with the assistance of former Prime Minister Davutoglu, so that after this provocation, the Russian Federation and Turkey would come together in a battle, to the delight of those who, meanwhile, were ripping off Syria and who had to simultaneously turn off Russia from the events in Syria and Ukraine, switching to a military conflict with Ankara, which would also forget about its claims to regional influence. When they cut off the fact that it did not work out and the provocation did not reach the set goal, they tried to push Edik off the throne, which also did not work (not without our help). There are, of course, certain graters in Syria and Libya, but they are resolved along the way not through the scope, but by agreement.
            Quote: Keyser Soze
            My opinion on Turkey is irrelevant - I am Bulgarian. I hope you can turn off your shooter when it hovers over you.

            Don't worry too much about us, we'll figure it out somehow. You also look at you, once again we will help you return Bulgaria under our own control, otherwise, along the way, a colonially dependent position on the United States is already perceived by you as the norm. I am ok with Bulgarians, but your attacks like -
            Quote: Keyser Soze
            Pancake pea patreots ...
            keep it with you and remember what Shipka is and how many ancestors of these "pea patreots" laid down their heads for the freedom of Bulgaria. There is such a saying - "Do not spit in the well, it will be useful to drink water", but you do not know it along the way, and grandfather and grandmother did not teach you how to correctly distinguish who is a friend and who is an enemy. Mattresses are now friends for you, but as former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said - "To fight against the US is dangerous, and to be friends with the US is deadly." They have already thrown a noose around your neck and do not have any illusions that you will be able to throw it off bloodlessly.
            1. 0
              27 September 2020 23: 28
              keep it with you and remember what Shipka is and how many ancestors of these "pea patreots" laid down their heads for the freedom of Bulgaria.

              Nyrobsky .... I remember a little better than you what Shipka is, and on this forum I wrote an article together with Roman. And then a few more articles about the monuments of the Russian Imperial Army in Bulgaria.

              And jesters are patriotic jesters. And in Russia and in Bulgaria and in Shchaty.

              You look also to you, once again we will help you return Bulgaria under our own control,

              If you think that this is the tone and message to Bulgaria, then I think you have beguiled the door. Although I do not pay attention to your imperial arrogance, but it is better not to shame your country - in it most people are normal.

              There are, of course, certain graters in Syria and Libya, but they are solved along the way not through the scope, but by agreement.

              Let's see, we'll see .... your feasts with Turkey are pitiful for the Balkan countries, in particular for Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece. So, observing the aggression against your ally Armenia and your "concern" everyone will draw the right conclusions about how much good relations with Russia are. The Serbs remember how they were handed over to the Americans and we remember how you ruined the Warsaw Pact .... In general, the Greeks were correctly oriented and expanding American bases in the country.

              Have a nice evening
              1. +1
                28 September 2020 00: 18
                Quote: Keyser Soze
                If you think that this is the tone and message to Bulgaria, then I think that you have beguiled the door. Although I ignore your imperial insolence,

                What is the arrogance and imperial tone? I'm not talking about the need to return Bulgaria under the protectorate of Russia, but just about the fact that Bulgaria itself needs to return at least a part of its sovereignty so that it can independently determine foreign, domestic and economic policies in its own interests. How, denying this, can you rank yourself among the patriots of Bulgaria?
                Quote: Keyser Soze
                Let's see, we'll see .... your feasts with Turkey are pathetic for the Balkan countries, in particular for Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece.
                These are not pirouettes, but the ability to negotiate and see several steps ahead, which you are completely deprived of. If the incident with the plane was resolved by military means, then initially the Russian Federation entered into a conflict with a country with 80 million people and a second army in NATO. Secondly, the clause of the NATO charter on collective security would come into force, according to which all the countries in the bloc had to take the side of Turkey (including you, once again against Russia), so no one would think it would inevitably mean the beginning of a third world war.
                Quote: Keyser Soze
                So, observing the aggression against your ally Armenia and your "concern" everyone will draw the right conclusions about how much good relations with Russia are.
                No matter how much good relations with Russia may cost, you traditionally betray them by switching to a dancer to Russia's geopolitical enemy. Ideal for Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece = neutral status.
                Quote: Keyser Soze
                The Greeks have correctly oriented and are expanding their American bases in the country.
                Well, so what? Do you think the Greeks will find protection and peace? laughing No Eugene, after that the Greeks become a target. Although, most likely, the Greeks themselves, like the Bulgarians, are not eager to see American bases on their territory, which cannot be said about their politicians, who have long sold not only their conscience but also their souls and give them a sneeze on their people, since that situation is more important to them which they occupy.
                Have a good night.
          4. 0
            28 September 2020 11: 07
            they will also expand the euro sanzhak to Shipka. and NATO won't help
            if you do not enter 5-10% of the annual GDP of Bulgaria in the desired "cabinet"
      3. +3
        26 September 2020 10: 10
        Question: Did Bulgaria pay all the penalties to Russia? And let them stick their requirements into ...
        1. -8
          26 September 2020 13: 43
          And let them stick their requirements into ...

          .... to a bank account. This is exactly the place where your national treasure Gazprom stuck us 300 million forfeits in March of this year. laughing
    3. -20
      26 September 2020 08: 47
      Well, now, for a moment, he is not in a position to repair, what is generally happening with the Russian economy?
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +3
        26 September 2020 12: 10
        Why should Russia have to repair MIGs for them? Poland repairs and re-equips them. And if Poland cannot, then Russia looks to whom to repair, who does not have their equipment .. Bulgaria is a NATO member, and together with other countries maneuvers its air wing in the Black Sea against the Russian Federation and Crimea? Why should we defend ourselves against NATO planes or repair their equipment, re-equip and modernize against ourselves? There are thousands of methods to postpone contracts under various pretexts, which is what the Russian Federation is doing in the legal economic field .. Well, what about Bulgaria? Bulgaria must decide for itself who is her friend and who is her enemy. and if Russia is an enemy for her, then one must understand that Russia will not arm her against herself.
        1. -2
          26 September 2020 12: 30
          "Why should Russia repair MIGs for them?"
          Nothing personal, only the business who pays calls the tune
          1. +2
            26 September 2020 12: 34
            And here you are wrong. This issue involves not only business, but also politics. And from here there are political decisions .. Either to slow down the deal, with all sorts of legal delays, or to repair it in such a way that the repair would affect the flight process, not explicitly, but secretly (ours also know how). Moreover, Poland is repairing (the main contract for the repair of aircraft), and some of the orders that Poland cannot are forwarded to the Russian Federation. (Individual components and assemblies .. And then anything can happen ... Let Poland twist, but we have coronavirus. ...
            1. -1
              26 September 2020 19: 12
              To the Bulgarian MiGs to sit on the ground, because there is no crap ...
          2. +9
            26 September 2020 17: 42
            The agreement on repair and maintenance of the 15 MiG-29 was signed three years ago. For these purposes, 48 ​​million dollars have been allocated. Since they signed an agreement and took the money, it means they must ..
        2. +2
          26 September 2020 20: 18
          Judging by the article, Russia agreed to repairs and MiGs, but does not fulfill the duties that it has assumed. If you don't want to, tell me right away
          1. 0
            27 September 2020 23: 10
            Quote: Michael Ya2
            Judging by the article, Russia agreed to repairs and MiGs, but does not fulfill the duties that it has assumed. If you don't want to, tell me right away

            Or maybe we need guarantees in the sense that after our repair these MIGs will not be sold to Kuev? The Bulgarians have recently been dropping a lot of Soviet weapons and equipment there, as well as to Syria, where they find a bunch of weapons with Bulgarian markings in positions taken from the ISIS.
            1. +1
              28 September 2020 07: 49
              All this could be discussed in advance and included in the contract.
            2. 0
              28 September 2020 12: 16
              Or maybe we need guarantees in the sense

              But this is to the lawyers of RSK MIG ... laughing

              Dmitry, let's not lie to ourselves. These ancient Migi 9-12A should be thrown around museums and on needles, not repaired. But we have no other choice until our F16s arrive.

              And if our Migi won't fly, American F16s will fly, but what do you need?
        3. +3
          26 September 2020 23: 37
          Quote: Ural
          Why should Russia have to repair MIGs for them?

          That is why the S-400 is sold to the Turks, and the "Armor" to the Saudis.
    4. +4
      26 September 2020 08: 49
      Quote: marchcat
      Perhaps this is revenge for South Stream.

      It's shallow. Rather, they simply dynamite the six of the geopolitical "partner"
    5. nnm
      26 September 2020 09: 17
      Strange revenge - pay the forfeit
      1. 13+
        26 September 2020 10: 11
        Quote: nnm
        Strange revenge - pay the forfeit

        The following just amazes me:
        1. A NATO member country makes unconfirmed claims about some kind of forfeit. You never know what is written on the Bulgarian fence?
        2. The article was torn from the vastness of the Bulgarian information fields. Those. follows that informational flurry of negativity about Russia, with which the media of all NATO countries are full.
        Hence the question: "What else is there to discuss?"
        Or has the Bulgarian side declared two Russian diplomats from the Russian Embassy to be "non grata" personas just because the Russian side has its own view on the repair of a natural enemy's aircraft in a very likely war?
        The comments of some liberal patriots with nicknames like "beam, tile" in the English translation, about the failure of the Russian side to fulfill its obligations under the agreement, which is not really mentioned, are touching.
        It seems that this was the point of the article - pouring another tub of slops in the Russian direction. And the fans who have registered here for a long time will throw their comments on the fan ...
        1. -6
          26 September 2020 10: 39
          It hurts a lot to want!
          Fill the planes with non-removable plastic tabs and give them away - let them somersault!
      2. +4
        26 September 2020 10: 38
        Quote: nnm
        Strange revenge - pay the forfeit

        and unless it was paid, while it is the wishlist of the Bulgarians. it's another matter why they agreed to this matter at all.
      3. 0
        26 September 2020 11: 29
        Quote: nnm
        Strange revenge - pay the forfeit

        Why pay?
    6. -4
      26 September 2020 21: 25
      Perhaps this is revenge for South Stream.

      Russia refused from South Stream, and also refused a similar offer to the Bulgarian side for Turkish Stream, which it probably regrets ...
      Under one of the contracts, we already demanded to pay a penalty, but there are still delays under another agreement [...] There are problems with the MiG-29, of which the Russian plant is guilty, said Defense Minister Kasimir Karakachanov.

      There is a completely different problem here! For insider information from bulg. MO, there was a problem with one of the components for the MiG-ah! They were not at the disposal of RSK MiG, either because of the termination of production, or for another reason. As we know, logistics is an old pain in Russia. enterprises! RKS MiG offered the Bulgarian side to replace these components with others available in cash, but at a significantly higher price! The Bulgarian uploader agreed, provided that the price was maintained! RSK MiG is still dragging on the decision, and the deadlines are coming ... They have already been violated! So, Minister Karakachanov is quite right - RSK MiG is to blame, they could not ensure the fulfillment of the contract in the specified parameters and terms! hi
    7. 0
      27 September 2020 10: 24
      Perhaps this is revenge for South Stream.

      This is called a breach of contract and a blow to the company's reputation.
  2. +9
    26 September 2020 08: 17
    In light of today's politics, it is not the plane that needs to be returned to them, but the money. Let them fly.
    1. +4
      26 September 2020 08: 45
      If you pay them a forfeit, and even money for the plane, then it turns out to give them money not to buy an F-16, which they have in mind. So so idea.
    2. +2
      26 September 2020 08: 50
      Quote: Svetlana
      In light of today's politics, it is not the plane that needs to be returned to them, but the money. Let them fly.

      Moreover, we have enough people in our country, for whose personal wealth, for the sake of the country's prestige, this amount, $ 46 million, will seem insignificant. The only pity is that they are not familiar with the concept of "country prestige".
      1. +9
        26 September 2020 11: 03
        $ 46 million seems insignificant.

        From 2006 to this day, Bulgaria has paid RSK Mig about $ 140 million to support our Mig 29s. And we will pay more. If you don’t want money, you would say so.
        1. +3
          26 September 2020 11: 06
          Quote: Keyser Soze
          If you don’t want money, you would say so.

          .. Hussars do not take money ...
        2. +1
          26 September 2020 11: 09
          Quote: Keyser Soze
          If you don’t want money, you would say so.

          The conversation is not about whether the MiG wants money or not, but about what
          Quote: Avior
          World turned upside down. Belarus and Russia repair and modernize NATO combat aircraft.
          Moreover, NATO is officially recorded as an enemy in military doctrine.

          Only not NATO in our doctrine, but we in the American (read - NATO) are recorded as the enemy.

          And also about this
          Quote: dedBoroded
          knowing who these planes will fly against ...
          1. +2
            26 September 2020 11: 15
            And also about this
            Quote: dedBoroded
            knowing who these planes will fly against ...

            Zoldat, Well, I answered from above - these planes have not yet shot down the Russians, in contrast to the basurmans to whom you sold the C400, to the disgrace of the Slavic world, and who shot down you a flyer and were punished with embargo for tomatoes, for the laughter of the whole world.
            1. 0
              26 September 2020 11: 30
              Quote: Keyser Soze
              no planes have shot down Russians yet

              Yeah ...
              So far they are only practicing to do it.
            2. +6
              26 September 2020 11: 35
              Quote: Keyser Soze
              to the shame of the Slavic world

              Just do not remember the "Slavic world" and tomatoes in vain. And now we will remember the First World War, and the Second ... And there is a painted monument to Alyosha, and a lot of other things will come up. Consider your pepper, which we call "Bulgarian", and yours is sold grown in the same Turkey. "Brothers", damn it ... In the next war, which the United States will unleash, it is clear for whom you will drown. Until the Russians come to Sofia again. Will you be "brothers" for another 50 years?

              Although, there are options - place, as the Poles and Tribalts want, American nuclear weapons on their territory. And we will not have "brothers". There will be a radioactive desert.

              And what were the "Golden Sands", and how the Bulgarians came to our school, they talked about Bulgaria. I read Bulgarian fairy tales without translation as a child - about a dragon of something and guidebooks that parents brought from Golden Sands .... "Chicken is not a bird, Bulgaria is not abroad." They considered them theirs. All the "brothers" have forgotten for the sweet American dollar.
              1. -1
                26 September 2020 11: 49
                Until the Russians come to Sofia again.

                Better not come - your world with salaries of 200 euros, a pocket emperor and yachts of oligarchs that cost more than your Navy, how to say, is not very attractive. Forgive me for the truth, but first fix your house and then climb with your charter to other countries. And the last thing - in the Second World War we fought with amers, not with you, so read more books and less TV.
                1. +3
                  26 September 2020 12: 02
                  And you would be better off not gearing up to the new Hitler in Washington, otherwise you may not like our new arrival. Communism, the Communist International and the tales of universal brotherhood in the Russian Federation have long been canceled, so they will not stand on ceremony.
                  1. -4
                    26 September 2020 22: 13
                    Quote: Bat039
                    You'd better not six to the new Hitler

                    So you had a NATO logistics center while the Russian Federation was not part of it. We don't have that. Learn mate part don't talk nonsense
                2. +5
                  26 September 2020 12: 47
                  Quote: Keyser Soze
                  in World War II we fought with amers, not with you

                  Don't tell me who you fought with. Remember which side you are on.
                  The Third Bulgarian Kingdom in World War II was an ally of Germany and on March 1, 1941 it joined the Axis forces.
                  Usually, in such cases, those for whom Russian is not native include "mine, yours, don't understand" and translation difficulties. Especially for you
                  History on Bulgaria by the time of the Second World War, including the initial period of neutrality until March 1, 1941, the period on the Syuzavan cc Stranite from Ost to September 9, 1944.

                  And don't worry - I hope the Russians won't come to you again. Do not burn up like a staging area for American missiles into radioactive ashes - burn up in the furnaces of the new Fuhrer. Do you doubt that it will be found? A country prepared for the arrival of a new Fuhrer overseas is ready, there will be no case for a candidate.

                  Somehow we will try to live with our "salaries of 200 euros" (strange - for some reason, except for the cleaners and watchmen, I can’t remember such salaries), and we will try to deal with the yachts of the oligarchs ourselves, without American guidance. God forbid your Bulgaria to get acquainted with how much our fleet actually costs.

                  And you dance further to the American tune - you will dance to red snot ... Bulgaria is alive as long as the Russians die for it. Does anyone seriously think that Americans will die for Bulgaria, Ukraine or the Baltic states? They die for America only in the movies.

                  PS Tired of wasting time. Only one question - did the Bulgarians receive a salary of 20 thousand dollars from European integration and American democracy? Is this for 10 years or for the whole work biography?
                  1. -9
                    26 September 2020 22: 15
                    Quote: Zoldat_A
                    Don't tell me who you fought with. Remember which side you are on.

                    He fought on the side of the USSR, ignoramus. Until you know history, you will not have a future. So you will sit at the zombie box and believe only in the fact that they are playing on it.
                    1. +2
                      27 September 2020 01: 04
                      Quote: Mac Sim
                      He fought on the side of the USSR, ignoramus... Until you know history, you will not have a future.

                      Especially for those who teach... With the future.
                      The third Bulgarian kingdom in World War II was an ally of Germany and on March 1, 1941 it joined the Axis forces. On April 6, 1941, Bulgarian troops in alliance with Germany, Italy and Hungary took part in the aggression against Yugoslavia and Greece
                      И if I were you, I would not address strangers with "YOU" and, moreover, I would not be rude. Although ... The toothpaste squeezed out of the tube cannot be shoved back, the child of the democratic exam cannot be re-educated and cannot be weaned from rudeness.
                      1. -3
                        27 September 2020 07: 35
                        For those especially familiar with history:

                        the period from the beginning of September 1944 to the end of the war in battles against the German army and its allies, the losses of the Bulgarian army amounted to 31 soldiers [910]; 72 soldiers and officers of the Bulgarian army were awarded Soviet orders, 360 thousand servicemen were awarded the medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 120-1941" [1945]. Three times the Bulgarian People's Army was noted in the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR [59] (at the same time, during the Great Patriotic War, 73 orders of thanks were issued, and 373 more orders were issued for the war with Japan) [5].

                        And more

                        ... In addition, in 1941-1945. Bulgarian anti-fascists (citizens of Bulgaria and political emigrants who received USSR citizenship) fought as soldiers of the Red Army and took part in the Soviet partisan movement in the occupied territory of the USSR [75]. Only in the ranks of the Red Army, 223 Bulgarians fought and 151 of them were killed [76].

                        And about

                        And if I were you, I would not address strangers with "YOU" and, moreover, I would not be rude.

                        Maybe first you will show us your upbringing, and only then you will demand it. As will come back to haunt, and will answer, the product of demSMI.
                      2. 0
                        27 September 2020 10: 36
                        if I were you, I would not address strangers with "YOU"

                        Good with English. There everything is on YOU and no middle names. All of my bosses were only John and Sam when they addressed. The prime minister is only Dan by name, during discussion. For some reason, no one in Russia calls Putin Volodya.
                  2. 0
                    27 September 2020 18: 34
                    Ah, the USSR 1939-1941 with Uncle Adi shared Poland! Our salary is not less than in Russia. Bulgaria, in contrast to Russia, does not have the resources of Eurasia for the location. Look at Germany and Japan, defeated you but won the world. What about? You have a parade on May 9, and iron has no analogues in the world ... Think how your economy has become like the enemies that beat them. The land is not only on the resource. Why could China, but Russia not?
                  3. +1
                    28 September 2020 08: 59
                    And why, if such a great connoisseur of history, did not add that the USSR and the Kingdom of Bulgaria were in continuous diplomas. relations from 1934 to 05.09.1944/XNUMX/XNUMX?
                3. +4
                  26 September 2020 15: 04
                  Better not come - your world with salaries of 200 euros,

                  laughing laughing laughing Are you definitely Bulgarian?
                  OUR salaries are manna from heaven for you. Most tourists (and this is hundreds of thousands) go to Bulgaria to feel like new Russians in the country of the Papuans ..... Sofia, like Sukhumi, abandoned unfinished houses have been standing for 30 years, the Khrushchevs are living out their last years. People in small towns arrange vegetable gardens in gardens for fifty. All that can be seen from the geypore is several main roads, but they are TWO (maximum 4) in-line roads.
                  That's why I stopped driving - I'm sorry for you.

                  And D / A answer the question. Why do you need a moment-29? Who are you going to fight with?
                  1. 0
                    26 September 2020 16: 35
                    Quote: bk316
                    OUR salaries are manna from heaven for you. Most tourists (and this is hundreds of thousands) travel to Bulgaria to feel like new Russians in the country of the Papuans ...

                    I absolutely agree, Poles and Bulgarians only croak about wages at a standard of living twice as bad as in central Russia
                    1. +1
                      27 September 2020 10: 37
                      I absolutely agree, Poles and Bulgarians only croak about wages at a standard of living twice as bad as in central Russia

                      Everyone praises his own swamp :)
                  2. -7
                    26 September 2020 21: 47
                    OUR salaries are manna from heaven for you. Most tourists (and this is hundreds of thousands) travel to Bulgaria to feel like new Russians in the country of the Papuans ..... Sofia, like Sukhumi, abandoned unfinished houses have been standing for 30 years, the Khrushchevs are living out their last years. People in small towns arrange vegetable gardens in gardens for fifty. All that can be seen from the geypore is several main roads, but they are TWO (maximum 4) in-line roads. That's why I stopped driving - I'm sorry for you.

                    Vladimir, sorry ... I haven't laughed like that for a long time !!!!! laughing The most amazing thing is that you probably write all this in full seriose! Okay, thank you all the same for stopping driving on our highways, otherwise you can neither bypass nor wait out! wassat
                    And D / A answer the question. Why do you need a moment-29? Who are you going to fight with?

                    With you, with you ... here's how they will be repaired in Russia, straight into battle! wassat
                    1. 0
                      20 October 2020 17: 08
                      I haven't laughed like that for a long time !!!!!

                      Laugh further. Send you pictures of our 10 lane highways?
                      Or don't laugh. Send you pictures to compare your Bansko and our Rosa Khutor?
                      1. 0
                        20 October 2020 18: 41
                        Vladimir, do you seriously believe that "more" means "better"? bully Why do we need a 10-lane highway?
                        Send you pictures to compare your Bansko and our Rosa Khutor?

                        I have a rest in Bansko every year, and sometimes I visit Russia several times a year. Completely different countries, each with its own characteristics and zest.
                      2. 0
                        21 October 2020 16: 45
                        Why do we need a 10-lane highway?

                        Why then what to everyone to drive quickly and safely.
                        Here's a piece of your county around the capital

                        Death Road as the Moscow Ring Road in the 80s.
                        each with its own characteristics and zest.

                        The main highlight of Bansko is the 3-hour queues for the ski lift in the morning during the entire high season.
                        The porridge is also small on the slopes from the plateau.

                        But I'm not even talking about the quality of the resort, Rose and Bansko is even pointless to compare - there are more than 100 km of tracks in the KP. If you remember, we started with salaries. So both Russians and Bulgarians would love to ride in the Alps, only you can't push the Russians in Courchevel, Valdizer and Davos, and you will see the Bulgarians only if you call a plumber into the apartment laughing
                      3. 0
                        21 October 2020 17: 24
                        Bad as well as good roads can be found both in Bulgaria and in Russia. And how much the road should have depends on the intensity of the traffic flow. Obviously in Moscow it is ten times more. Most of the rest of the roads are 2-lane, like ours.
                        If Bansko doesn't suit you, don't go there, the place is clearly not yours. Go to the Alps, where, as you say, is full of "ordinary" Russians. laughing "Not privates", you will see next to our plumbers. laughing I assume you are the CEO ... laughing
                      4. 0
                        22 October 2020 21: 44
                        Obviously in Moscow it is ten times more. Most of the rest of the roads are 2-lane, like ours.

                        Not tens to hundreds, and this also speaks of the ratio of salaries. And about "can be found" I specially took the corresponding roads. Well, even if at least a two-strip, where is the separator? Well I say the road of death.
                        If Bansko doesn't suit you, don't go there, the place is clearly not yours

                        So I stopped driving, what's the point of standing in line for 3 hours and then riding in an anthill. Well, okay, I bypassed the line just by renting a car. (by the way, also horror from the 90s) but the crowd on the track and around ...

                        In general, what can I say. Bulgaria was a country as a country, well, maybe not a superpower, but the people lived well (I was 86 for the first time), and now a country of rogue, for that in NATO ...
              2. 0
                26 September 2020 23: 34
                About the "painted monument" you are wrong. All Russian and Soviet monuments are in excellent condition, we honor and cherish!
                1. -5
                  27 September 2020 00: 24
                  About the "painted monument" you are wrong. All Russian and Soviet monuments are in excellent condition, we honor and cherish!

                  Colleague, look in Yandex, there is crammed with "info", as the Bulgarian only do that, painting monuments day and night! Ru-smi is a parallel universe! Most have no idea about the real situation with the monuments. When my friends from Russia, who had not been with us before, came to visit me, they were dumbfounded at how many they are with us and in what excellent condition they are! Bulgaria is in fact the world recorder for the concentration of Russian / Sov. monuments per sq. km.! And they were even more surprised when I took them to the newly built ones! They are shown a completely different picture on TV! Reality has greatly shaken their credibility in the media. hi
                2. +3
                  27 September 2020 01: 17
                  Quote: stankow
                  About the "painted monument" you are wrong. All Russian and Soviet monuments are in excellent condition, we honor and cherish!

                  Do you believe yourself? am Don't shy away from the obvious. Or is it Photoshop?

                  And I would especially like to highlight this - "honor and protect", ...
                  Some 80 years ago shouted that they had "Deutschland Hubert Alles!" It is known to what depth and into what hole this "Hubert Alles" was stuck. In Ukraine now, too, "mustache" - and there will be. And did the Bulgarians want to go there, "over everything"?
                  1. 0
                    27 September 2020 12: 27
                    Zoldat_A , in Bulgaria there are 430 monuments in honor of Russia and 100 on the subject of the USSR. Over the past years, 7-8 new ones have been added. For 30 years, cases of vandalism / inscriptions, painting / no more than 18-20. laughing Inadequate, there are in all countries, they under cover of night and paint Bulgarian. In any case, the situation in the Russian Federation is much worse. There are hundreds of examples of vandalism! This phenomenon has finished off such proportions that in 2014 the Russian Duma was forced to adopt the largest fines against vandalism in Europe. You first pull your log out of your eyes, and only then find fault with straws in strangers!
                    And so "Bulgaria over vsichko" should be for every Bulgarian, as well as their own country should be over everything else for each of its citizens!
              3. -1
                27 September 2020 01: 23
                My dear, we still need twerk and barbecue near the Eternal Flame, as well as the demolition of military graves for the construction of cottages, remember.
            3. +1
              26 September 2020 12: 23
              Yeah, remember the Slavic world? And now remember how many times you, Slavs, betrayed the Russian Slavs, who shed blood for you more than once? .. How many times have you on the side of non-Slavic Europe, went against Slavic Russia? Remind me or not.? In everything, in wars, in economic, and in international politics, Bulgaria always went against Russia .. And they always reminded us that they were brothers to us when they needed something, and quickly forgot when they did not need it. You are worse than the Turks. The Turks even say directly that they are hostile to the Russians, but they will go with them as long as their interests coincide with those of Russia. And we know what to expect from them, and they know how Russia will act in critical situations .. But Bulgaria ....... ???
              1. -2
                27 September 2020 07: 38
                Right now, on the next branch, there is a dance with tambourines about the betrayal of Serbia. Are you studying a manual about Serbs right now or do you have diarrhea incontinence only in relation to Bulgarians?
              2. -2
                27 September 2020 13: 00
                Eugene, the most Slavic countries are Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Belarus. The Russians, like us / the southern Slavs /, are a little so amused ... laughing Russia is a multinational empire. But in fact, the modern Russian Federation does not have very good relations with most of the Slavic countries! With some of them, yours were killed straight, and this is more than once in history! You know there is no monopoly over the Slavs! The Slavs do not like the Imperials.
        3. +3
          26 September 2020 11: 26
          You do not want normal relations with the Russian Federation, since you joined NATO. So what are the general questions for us ?! Turkey responded for the downed plane with fires from its tankers in Syria ...
          1. +2
            26 September 2020 11: 30
            Quote: Bat039
            So what are the general questions for us ?!

            "What for us?"
            1. +1
              26 September 2020 11: 32
              Something like that. That the Bulgarians, that the UKROPs, themselves shit on the table and immediately build the offended of themselves. We did not join alliances against Bulgaria, this is Bulgaria all the time in alliances against Russia, which made a big mistake in giving this nation independence. Don't feed the wolf ...
              1. +3
                26 September 2020 12: 52
                Quote: Bat039
                Something like that. That the Bulgarians, that the UKROPs, themselves shit on the table and immediately build the offended of themselves. We did not join alliances against Bulgaria, this is Bulgaria all the time in alliances against Russia, which made a big mistake in giving this nation independence. Don't feed the wolf ...

                ABOUT! Bulgarians with "sleepers" swooped down? I feel that the community in VO is organized worse than the Israeli one.
                1. -10
                  26 September 2020 22: 01
                  ABOUT! Bulgarians with "sleepers" swooped down? I feel that the community in VO is organized worse than the Israeli one.

                  We are few here, and you are in droves! belay Damn ... the question arises !!! laughing
                  1. +2
                    27 September 2020 05: 04
                    Quote: pytar
                    ABOUT! Bulgarians with "sleepers" swooped down? I feel that the community in VO is organized worse than the Israeli one.

                    We are few here, and you are in droves! belay Damn ... the question arises !!! laughing

                    Well, there are pluses for small peoples too, there is no need to bury a lot of space and we will not have such a question.
                    1. -1
                      27 September 2020 15: 27
                      Well, there are pluses for small peoples too, there is no need to bury a lot of space and we will not have such a question.

                      For the great emperors who dream of burying small nations, a short historical background, on the topic - "Which empires in different historical periods were owned directly or indirectly by the Bulgarians and what is the fate of these empires?":
                      1. Byzantium - does not exist.
                      2. Ottoman Empire - disintegrated.
                      3. The Russian Empire does not exist.
                      4. The German Reich does not exist.
                      5. USSR - disintegrated.
                      6.USA - (in the process) they have, then finally the problematic ones increase ... the red light is on ...
                      7.EC - (in progress) itching ... first signs are evident ...
                      The Chinese turned out to be wiser, they read history, thought and wisely decided to be friends with us in kind! laughing
                      And so, guys, instead of going to us with a big shovel, it is better to take and streamline your country, think about the future of your federation ... hi
                      1. +2
                        27 September 2020 15: 53
                        Why would we go to you, do you know at least something about the Russian military doctrine? It is you, with your NATO in the forefront, will rush to us without an invitation and will not go anywhere when they order you a kirdyk and, in fact, comes, not only you, but it makes no difference. And in the forefront you and other polands with the baltics will be because, as practice shows, small countries suffer from complexes and compensate for them with greater aggressiveness towards the country that once was their mistress, all the more loyalty to the new saib And as for the order in our country, we will somehow figure it out and it is useless for a representative of the most corrupt EU country to give advice when they do not ask, it's funny by God.
                      2. +1
                        27 September 2020 19: 43
                        Oleg, I'm 200% sure that no one will go against anyone. Your oligarchs, like their Western "colleagues", have arranged so well that they will never destroy the wonderful world in which they live. But they really need a population like you, so that "I saw in a dream" How "NATO hordes head to the border of Mother Russia"... So that you look in the wrong place, so that you do not bother their carefree life. All propaganda is aimed at that! Your visions, your hyperaggressiveness, which you demonstrate here, to this product. Classics in the genre, nothing new!
                      3. 0
                        28 September 2020 04: 01
                        Well, what about the two world wars, what, the oligarchs were different? The wars for sales markets and other charms of the capital formation have not been canceled. And stop talking nonsense, what aggressiveness to hell, a normal reaction to threats. Maybe this is your borders with bases are surrounded, maybe they are working on nuclear strikes against you without hiding, Russia has been declared an official enemy and is waging a full-scale information war, you are a vivid confirmation of its effectiveness. NATO, of course, is the most peace-loving organization, ask at least the Serbs, even the Afghans with the Libyans. visions, as you have deigned to express, are based on facts, and your emotions are not convincing. I have no doubt that you personally and people like you are convinced that they are right, but time will tell who was right.
                      4. 0
                        28 September 2020 11: 06
                        The development of thermo / nuclear weapons has made the war between the superpowers senseless. 70 years ago! There are proxy conflicts, some kind of military demonstrations, yes, but it has always been that way. After the 90s, bases became 3 times less than before. Full-scale information war is being waged more intensely, just in the Russian Federation! In Western media, topics about Russia make up 1,5-4% of all topics by different counts. And the Russian media, you can see for yourself! That the state, that the transmission on TV, then "the west is attacking"! You are simply being distracted from internal problems. You and most of you are real by this propaganda. I also have no doubt that you personally and people like you are convinced that they are right, but there will be no world war, and this is 200% true!
                      5. 0
                        28 September 2020 15: 30
                        I am not saying that World 3, it is extreme, will be necessary, but its probability remains high enough regardless of your desire. I did not calculate the percentages, let them remain on your conscience, but even such numbers will be enough if you paint everything about Russia in black light, that you are doing very successfully in Europe. You are an interesting person, do you think that I and people like me read only our press and watch only our TV? It is enough to read your journalists and no our propaganda is needed. bases, too, surprised, do you catch the difference between quantity and quality? with Russian symbols, touching right up to tears winked Well, so it is with you, but in other NATO countries, I think, they shot with pleasure. I don’t understand, are you really that naive or what?
                      6. 0
                        28 September 2020 16: 02
                        At 3 mV, everyone will burn out, all life will be consumed, except for bacteria, probably. So there will be no mega-war. As for propaganda, I follow what is being published in both the east and west. To some extent, the volume is limited, of course, but still. Russian is something ... If a person is constantly in such an info-space, ghosts in the form of NATO rangers under the bed will begin to appear! lol About bases - you are confusing things. Previously, there were much more of them and they had all the most modern at that time. Although there are fewer of them, in truth there are buzzes to the countries you indicated / we do not have /, but you must understand that the Poles, Romania, the Balts perceive you as historical enemies. And reading the posts of the Russians on VO, convincing that it is so!

                        And we are not. Yes
                      7. 0
                        29 September 2020 11: 53
                        And why is it, from the trend of "aggressive Russia" (which Peter bequeathed to Europe for three hundred years, if you believe Western leaders) do you break away? About the "rangers" smiled, maybe you confused our media with detectives, here you really see spies , and at the state level, it's not for nothing that you are sending ours. Let me take leave of you, our conversation has exhausted itself, I wish you and us a peaceful sky and a bright sun.
                      8. 0
                        29 September 2020 12: 38
                        And why is it, from the trend of "aggressive Russia" (which is already three hundred years old, Peter bequeathed Europe to bend it, if you believe Western leaders) do you break away?

                        But you never know what they say in the East and in the West! Always, internal problems are "knocked out" by talking about an external threat!
                        I smiled about the "rangers", maybe you confused our media with detectives ..

                        Looking at your media / here the question is, how much are they yours?! /, They can really be confused with detective!
                        here you really see spies, and at the state level, it's not for nothing that you are sending ours.

                        The diplomatic missions have always spied, this is normal and not a secret. This is part of their function and mission. The problem arises when, due to incompetence, the "cloak and dagger" figures are rudely exposed, as in this case! Here we must admit that the level of the current Russian. intelligence officers are orders of magnitude lower than in the days of the USSR. So much so that it becomes difficult to "not notice" their activities. bully
                        Let me take my leave, our conversation has exhausted itself, I wish you and us a peaceful sky and a bright sun.

                        Thank you for the informative dialogue! I wish you health and good luck! Peace to everyone, life is beautiful! hi
                2. +2
                  27 September 2020 13: 02
                  Personally, I like the presence of the Bulgarian community on VO, it is interesting to talk to them, it is interesting to listen to them. I am glad that Bulgarians do not leave the site, despite the constant, often unfair reproaches. It seems to me that we should be more generous, less petty, more respectful to them. There are reasons and reasons for this.
                  1. +2
                    27 September 2020 20: 37
                    Thanks for the adequate post - we are not white and not fluffy. And not too proud. But it will not build up to vilify us or the country.
                    It is a pity that I can give you only one plus.
              2. +1
                27 September 2020 08: 28
                You did not succeed in becoming the masters of Bulgaria. That is why it hates us!
                1. -2
                  27 September 2020 12: 31
                  They are not masters in their own country! And instead of trying to figure it out at home, they are sitting at a hundred!
            2. -1
              27 September 2020 07: 39
              Lopatov, And you for your betrayal. Receive and sign.
              1. 0
                27 September 2020 13: 51
                Betrayal? All your propaganda is screaming ... My not vasali! Interests identified by
        4. -4
          26 September 2020 14: 21
          For a long time these rusty plates should be sent to the dump ...
          1. -8
            26 September 2020 22: 05
            For a long time these rusty plates should be sent to the dump ...

            They won't creak for long. Recently, the question of their sale to the UAE was discussed, probably with the aim of transferring to Hawtar in Libya.
            1. 0
              27 September 2020 08: 25
              Why are they to him? Our moments can only take off and land. No air-to-ground capability. This is a rarity for supporting a pilot's summer navi. Military value is zero ... It's time for them to go to the museum. We have no resource for this luxury, moment and phantom.
              1. 0
                27 September 2020 12: 35
                After repairs, they will be able to fly more N-hours. There was information from Karakachanov that an unnamed BV country was interested in their purchases. But since, the statement was made after a meeting with the UAE office. persons, the proposal probably comes from them. Emirati MiGs are needed to help Khavtar. They support him. The MiG-29 is suitable for the situation in Libya. Pilots will find mercenaries, no problem.
  3. +5
    26 September 2020 08: 20
    It's not surprising, knowing who these planes will fly against ...
  4. 12+
    26 September 2020 08: 23
    World turned upside down. Belarus and Russia repair and modernize NATO combat aircraft.
    Moreover, NATO is officially recorded as an enemy in military doctrine.
    Money does not smell?
    1. +1
      26 September 2020 08: 50
      Quote: Avior
      World turned upside down. Belarus and Russia repair and modernize NATO combat aircraft.
      Moreover, NATO is officially recorded as an enemy in military doctrine.
      Money does not smell?

      Yes it is, the golden calf became the main god of the whole world, and not any Christianity. Trading, everything is for sale.
      Well, what about your principles? And FSUs ... principles.
      1. +2
        26 September 2020 08: 59
        up to the golden calf, the land was "god" - for both feudal lords and peasants. And they fought for her no less than now for money.
        1. +2
          26 September 2020 10: 13
          Quote: Eugene-Eugene
          up to the golden calf, the land was "god" - for both feudal lords and peasants. And they fought for her no less than now for money.

          this land is the Motherland for which it always makes sense to fight.
      2. +2
        26 September 2020 12: 28
        Belarus, too, has so far refused to transfer 8 Su 25 aircraft to Bulgaria, repaired in Baranovichi at the ARZ, due to the threats of NATO aircraft to attack Belarus, and the provocation of NATO aviation on its borders. Eight SU-8 aircraft make up half of the attack aircraft fleet in Bulgaria, and a third of the entire Air Force.
        1. -1
          26 September 2020 13: 57
          Belarus has also refused to transfer 8 Su 25 aircraft to Bulgaria, repaired in Baranovichi at the ARZ.

          Uralets .... well, my ... in the article the same picture as a repaired and modernized drying is taken at the Bulgarian airbase .... Chukchi writer?

          The Belarusians in Baranovichi did everything on time and conscientiously. And they will receive more orders for the rest of the drying.

        2. -2
          26 September 2020 20: 59
          Belarus, too, has so far refused to transfer 8 Su 25 aircraft to Bulgaria, repaired in Baranovichi at the ARZ, due to the threats of NATO aircraft to attack Belarus, and the provocation of NATO aviation on its borders. Eight SU-8 aircraft make up half of the attack aircraft fleet in Bulgaria, and a third of the entire Air Force.

          I got this fake yesterday! Shas looked in Yandex and just went nuts !!! belay

          It's amazing how quickly fakes spread and how greedily the naive public rakes them up!

          This is at a time when the first 2 repaired Su-25s have already arrived in Bulgaria, and the rest are being prepared for dispatch. Belarusian 558-aircraft plant Baranovichi fulfills the order with high quality! Initially, the Bulgarian side was 2 months late with sending the planes to Belarus, which gave the Belarusians the right to demand the payment of penalties. Subsequently, the Belarusian side was unable to settle in time due to the epidemiological situation and handed over the first 2 aircraft with a delay of 2 months too! Thus, the first Su-25s arrived 4 months late, relative to the terms of the contract. Ultimately, Bulgaria and Belarus agreed not to make claims against one another. That's the whole story! hi
    2. 10+
      26 September 2020 08: 54
      Quote: Avior
      World turned upside down. Belarus and Russia repair and modernize NATO combat aircraft.
      Moreover, NATO is officially recorded as an enemy in military doctrine.
      Money does not smell?

      They smell. Gas and oil. Top managers of Gazprom and Rosneft know ... And they also smell like the exhaust of Ukrainian tanks in Donbass from diesel fuel made at Belarusian factories from our oil. am
      1. +2
        26 September 2020 10: 43
        Excuse me, Igor, but drinking diesel fuel for Ukrainian tanks is a political decision made by the Russian leadership ... request
        1. +3
          26 September 2020 11: 01
          Quote: hydrox
          Excuse me, Igor, but drinking diesel fuel for Ukrainian tanks is a political decision made by the Russian leadership ... request

          Hanging "Gaidarov's nest chicks" on Red Square for such decisions ... This is the correct political decision. Or, alternatively, drown in a barrel of oil. To finally get drunk ...
          1. -1
            26 September 2020 21: 19
            Quote: Zoldat_A
            Hanging "Gaidarov's nest chicks" on Red Square for such decisions.

            The interests of countries today are the interests of large corporations.
            In this case, Rosneft and Gazprom
            Quote: Zoldat_A
            Here is the correct political decision.

            so they made a decision
            Sell. Cheaper and more than everyone else.
            Quote: Zoldat_A
            To get drunk at last ...

            As they like to say and write here, these are taxes to the state budget and pensions for those who managed to live to see them,
            1. -1
              27 September 2020 01: 23
              Quote: Niel-le-Calais
              pensions for those who managed to live to see them,

              I remembered the reasoning of the 80th Olympic man born. laughing
              I managed to be a pioneer. Komsomol member and member of the CPSU did not have time. As a pensioner now, after the reform, I probably won't have time either ... request
              1. -1
                27 September 2020 07: 44
                Yes, there is no money, but you are holding on. You can last one dislike for Bulgaria. In the meantime, we can handle it without the soldiers.
  5. 13+
    26 September 2020 08: 23
    It doesn't turn out nicely. This is a blow to the prestige of both the company and the country. Not pretty.
    If it was a policy, then it was simply necessary not to undertake repairs, but once they took up, then "he called himself a load - get into the back!"
    1. +6
      26 September 2020 12: 06
      Quote: Leader of the Redskins
      It doesn't turn out nicely. This is a blow to the prestige of both the company and the country. Not pretty.
      If it was a policy, then it was simply necessary not to undertake repairs, but once they took up, then "he called himself a load - get into the back!"

      There was information that Russia would refuse to service the Bulgarian MiG-29s if Bulgaria signed a contract with Poland to repair engines for these fighters.
      "The Russian side will not service the Bulgarian MiG-29 fighters if Bulgaria concludes an agreement on the maintenance of these aircraft with Poland," Sergei Korotkov, Director General of RAC MiG JSC, told reporters. "Information from October 16, 2015.

      "The Bulgarian government, contrary to earlier agreements, refused the services of the MiG corporation, citing excessively high prices for aircraft maintenance. Parliament supported the government and approved the conclusion of an" intergovernmental agreement with Poland on the repair and modernization of six Russian-made MiG-29 fighters. "
      On December 30, 2015, an article was discussed on VO.
      1. 0
        26 September 2020 12: 22
        That is, in 2015 there were loud statements, and in 2017 for some reason they signed a contract for repairs?
        And where is the logic?
        1. -1
          26 September 2020 12: 50
          Quote: Leader of the Redskins
          That is, in 2015 there were loud statements, and in 2017 for some reason they signed a contract for repairs?
          And where is the logic?

          There is no logic there. Continuous paradoxes. For the sake of "Uncle Sam" they abandoned the South Stream, now they bite their elbows.
          They considered that Russia had raised the price, and now they are going to make claims. Although:
          RAC MiG believes that the conditions offered to Bulgaria are beneficial from an economic point of view. “The price parameters are practically consistent with each other. Poland is ready to extend engine life for € 1,023 million, RSK MiG - for € 1,050 million. At the same time, for this amount, Russia is ready to guarantee Bulgaria a resource of 500 flight hours, but Poland - 350 hours, ”the document says.

          It is unlikely that Bulgarians will be able to substantiate their claims. They were warned of the consequences.
          "If the Bulgarian side signs an agreement with Poland on the repair of RD-33 engines installed on MiGs, we will have no choice but to refuse to support and maintain the technical operation of the MiG-29 aircraft of the Bulgarian Air Force,"
          Korotkov explained that in this case, the legality of the further use of these aircraft will be in question, as will the safety of the pilots ...
          We regret that such a decision is taken on the basis of considerations of purely political conditions and, most likely, is the result of outside pressure. "
          1. -7
            26 September 2020 22: 09
            It is unlikely that Bulgarians will be able to substantiate their claims.

            Do you know what these claims will be? laughing
  6. +3
    26 September 2020 08: 26
    Special pull ours.
  7. +3
    26 September 2020 08: 30
    They don't need anything. As they bother us with gas pipelines, so do we with them. Optional partners are treated appropriately. Let it be a sanction for them
    1. +3
      26 September 2020 08: 57
      Quote: mark1
      As they bother us with gas pipelines, so do we with them. Optional partners are treated appropriately. Let it be a sanction for them

      My friends had a son for three months sitting on a barge in Varna (it was forbidden to go ashore) - together with all of Russia he waited for the Bulgarians to mature before the "Potok". Not ripe ...
      1. -6
        26 September 2020 22: 19
        together with all of Russia he waited for the Bulgarians to mature before the "Potok". Not ripe ...

        This is how all Russia waited, merging body and soul with Gazprom, in whom, by the way, the Rockefellers also have a shareholding ... But they did not know the Bulgarian, since they were employed from work! Digging the Balkan stream, here it is ... laughing
      2. -1
        27 September 2020 07: 49
        Quote: Zoldat_A
        My friends had a son for three months sitting on a barge in Varna (it was forbidden to go ashore) - together with all of Russia he waited for the Bulgarians to mature before the "Potok". Not ripe ...

        And my mother’s friend’s son was also sitting on a barge in Varna. They were not allowed to go ashore - they were shooting. I was waiting for the Bulgarians to start streaming, but did not wait. Their barge was sunk by a Bulgarian submarine with a nuclear torpedo. Only he stayed alive ...
  8. 13+
    26 September 2020 08: 30
    I don `t understand. Everyone has already forgotten that the Bulgarians, in violation of the agreement, gave the MiGs for repairs to Ukraine, thereby removing the repair obligations from Russia.
    1. +2
      26 September 2020 08: 50
      Quote: Setavr
      Everyone has already forgotten that the Bulgarians, in violation of the agreement, gave the MiGs for repairs to Ukraine, thereby removing the repair obligations from Russia.

      Well, that's what we need to remind you of! Unless a separate contract was signed. And where is the money? The money was allocated to the enterprise.
    2. -1
      27 September 2020 13: 04
      Everyone has already forgotten that the Bulgarians, in violation of the agreement, gave the MiGs for repairs to Ukraine, thereby removing the repair obligations from Russia.

      Have you read all the contracts? Right for breakfast, huh? laughing
  9. +3
    26 September 2020 08: 32
    Perhaps everything rests on sanctions for the supply of some components, and these Bulgarians, as true provocateurs, took advantage of this. The usual exact calculation, of course, from the submission of those on whom Bulgaria now completely depends. Maybe the planes themselves did not need any "modernization"? Oh, gullible people in Russia all the same, they all believe in some kind of "brothers", "good" Germans and English gentlemen. This belief is akin to belief in self-propelled stoves, in omnipotent pikes and milk rivers with jelly banks.
    1. -3
      26 September 2020 08: 52
      components for these aircraft are foreign ????
      1. +5
        26 September 2020 09: 11
        There is. Avionics for example ... At the request of the customer.
      2. -4
        27 September 2020 00: 59
        components for these aircraft are foreign ????

        No. No one. laughing The terms of the tender were public, all information was published on the MO website. There it was described in sufficient detail what the requirements for the customer were. In a few words "Osiguryavane for flight controllers is suitable for MiG-29 airplanes ..", "Ensuring the airworthiness of the MiG-29 ..."then bish routine repairs to ensure a certain number of flying hours. There was no question of any modernization or enhancement of flight characteristics. The most problematic were the wheeled vehicles and ejection seats. They had to be changed completely.
        In the Bulgarian media, everything was discussed in detail, everything is in public space. Google translator to help. Of course, most of the local "commentators" do not bother with such matters. It is easier for them to jot down a bunch of fantastic assumptions, instead of going in and checking what is at stake. hi
    2. 0
      27 September 2020 13: 07
      Perhaps everything rests on sanctions for the supply of some components, and these Bulgarians, as true provocateurs, took advantage of this. The usual exact calculation, of course, from the submission of those on whom Bulgaria now completely depends. Maybe the planes themselves did not need any "modernization"? Eh, gullible people in Russia all the same, they all believe in some kind of "little brothers" ...

      What virtuoso feasts the thought of a patriot is capable of in order to justify the elementary carelessness and slovenliness reigning in Russian companies! lol
  10. -1
    26 September 2020 08: 51
    When dealing with Bulgarians, it must be remembered that, although they are considered Slavs, their mentality is mostly Turkish ... Yes, the name of the Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir. This does not matter, but when preparing the material, you should be more careful.
  11. bar
    26 September 2020 08: 56
    Why repair enemy vehicles at all? Loot is certainly a necessary thing, but not in any way to earn it. So it won't take long to get to prostitution. negative
    1. +2
      26 September 2020 09: 29
      It is written that the Poles can repair. But they have the right to repair only their Mig-29s without permission from the Russian corporation. If the Bulgarians were refused, they would have repaired them in Poland, for example, donating them to Poland, and then Poland would give them back to Bulgaria. And they would even respect the law. Aircraft Bulgarians still plan to write off and go to the F-16.
      1. bar
        26 September 2020 10: 07
        Well, let the brothers turn as they want. Why did we fit into this fornicator? For the sake of a few pitiful lamas, greens tumbled in the mud. negative
  12. -2
    26 September 2020 09: 14
    Small trolling of Bulgarians from the Ministry of Defense laughing
  13. 0
    26 September 2020 09: 21
    It is a dubious business to repair weapons to a Bulgarian enemy. In any case, one must not rush: everything must be linked with new and regular sanctions, checked for compliance with Russian laws ... you see, five years will pass imperceptibly, and then the donkey will die.
  14. 0
    26 September 2020 09: 25
    This is not an hour about those MiGs that Bulgarians gave skakuas for repairs? So let them walk in the forest-field for three days this very way, through the peat bog to the clinic. Warranty obligations were canceled due to the fact that gnarled hands dug in the planes, and by the way, the engines there are still Russian, or "recently bought in Poland"? A forest of beggars. They did not fulfill the terms of the warranty. Now let them repair themselves, and we will be paid a forfeit laughing
  15. +7
    26 September 2020 09: 31
    Everything is correct Bulgarians say there is a contract, it contains terms and obligations that must be fulfilled within these terms, there are penalties for those who fulfill them. If the management of the plant cannot plan the work of the enterprise for its competent work at the set time, these are the problems of the plant.
  16. -3
    26 September 2020 09: 35
    Ahah, buy Migi - we guarantee high-quality and timely repair!)))
    Someone there wrote about Ukraine with its protracted repairs of foreign customers and went crazy? Well, Russia has started a race for leadership in this matter)))
    Shl. Why do you need a reputation for a company that claims to be one of the leading in the world? That's right, in her toilet))) but the uryakalka are happy. True, uryakalki will not feed the workers of the aircraft repair plant at their own expense, but what are they workers? Pay them more money for their work)))
  17. 0
    26 September 2020 09: 35
    Quote: Bar1
    Well, now, for a moment, he is not in a position to repair, what is generally happening with the Russian economy?

    Why do you think so? There might be a reason. Or are you aware of the intricacies of contracts? And in general, maybe something is happening to the "brothers".
    1. +4
      26 September 2020 10: 43
      Quote: Tagan
      what did you get that? There might be a reason. Or are you aware of the intricacies of contracts

      Any contract stipulates the terms, even for repairs, even for the supply of rubber products, going beyond them entails the imposition of penalties, except for the cases described in the section - Force majeure.
      What turned out to be the violation of the terms of the contract by the French regarding the delivery of UDC, I think everyone knows. And it's not a fact that the payments were heavier than the loss of reputation and, accordingly, the loss of contracts.
    2. -4
      26 September 2020 23: 15
      Why do you think so? There might be a reason. Or are you aware of the intricacies of contracts? And in general, maybe something is happening to the "brothers".

      Let me explain Andrey! According to information from the Bulgarian MO, to date, there is non-compliance on the part of RSK MiG, both in terms of the contract and in the implementation of the terms of reference. The terms of reference regulate all technical conditions, components, etc. It itself is an integral part of the contract and is agreed with the contractor. So, having signed contracts and terms of reference, in the process of work in RSK MiG "suddenly" it was established that they did not have some of the agreed components in cash ... Apparently, they did not check for a long time what they had in a stuck warehouse ... Like, "maybe there are, but we can't find them!" So after thinking for a short time, they offered to replace the missing components, others "unparalleled in the world"! Current at a price three times more expensive than the agreed price!

      Then the Bulgarians went nuts and said - Guys, excuse me, but have you read the contracts? Read it! Terms of reference, approved? Approved! Did we give you money? Dali! We do not mind if you put another analogue in place of the agreed one, but ... we are not ready to pay extra, and for the fact that you do not know what is in your warehouse! And while the RSK MiG was thinking, the terms under the contract were out of flow ...
      It turned out like in a famous movie ... laughing

      So something happens, but not with the brothers ... lol
      1. 0
        27 September 2020 05: 27
        Quote: pytar
        Why do you think so? There might be a reason. Or are you aware of the intricacies of contracts? And in general, maybe something is happening to the "brothers".

        Let me explain Andrey! According to information from the Bulgarian MO, to date, there is non-compliance on the part of RSK MiG, both in terms of the contract and in the implementation of the terms of reference. The terms of reference regulate all technical conditions, components, etc. It itself is an integral part of the contract and is agreed with the contractor. So, having signed contracts and terms of reference, in the process of work in RSK MiG "suddenly" it was established that they did not have some of the agreed components in cash ... Apparently, they did not check for a long time what they had in a stuck warehouse ... Like, "maybe there are, but we can't find them!" So after thinking for a short time, they offered to replace the missing components, others "unparalleled in the world"! Current at a price three times more expensive than the agreed price!

        Then the Bulgarians went nuts and said - Guys, excuse me, but have you read the contracts? Read it! Terms of reference, approved? Approved! Did we give you money? Dali! We do not mind if you put another analogue in place of the agreed one, but ... we are not ready to pay extra, and for the fact that you do not know what is in your warehouse! And while the RSK MiG was thinking, the terms under the contract were out of flow ...
        It turned out like in a famous movie ... laughing

        So something happens, but not with the brothers ... lol

        Well, good fellows "Migovtsy", they wanted to cut the money off the nebratushki easily, and what's wrong with it? In relation to friends, this is bad manners, but with potential enemies, nothing unusual. what our opponents (members of the NATO bloc) want, the fulfillment of all sorts of obligations, such as reputation and all that stuff, well, the world is going to hell with all the big and small treaties and here is such a trifle.
        1. -2
          27 September 2020 13: 10
          Like you tried to throw it but didn't go? laughing A funny hypothesis from the vegetable market. In principle, cheating is harmful, you can outsmart yourself ... laughing
  18. +2
    26 September 2020 09: 43
    Quote: bar
    Why repair enemy vehicles at all? Loot is certainly a necessary thing, but not in any way to earn it. So it won't take long to get to prostitution. negative

    Based on your reasoning, any manufacturer or exporter can be accused of prostitution.
  19. +6
    26 September 2020 09: 55
    It is possible that ours simply didn’t get to read the contract and the Bulgarians politely reminded us that it was there.
  20. 0
    26 September 2020 10: 05
    Incomprehensible article. When will we see Bulgarian ketchup in stores? Yes, and Shpakovsky recently cried over the local wine. The author did not reveal the topic.
  21. -1
    26 September 2020 10: 14
    There is a muddy history. The article is nothing .... They first repaired their MIGs in Ukraine, which is useless. Then they decided to buy spare parts in Hungary, used B / U. And repair them themselves. Then they started throwing pre-yavs to Russia: "Russia deliberately provokes extraordinary flights" ... "to to reduce the flying resource of the Bulgarian fighters, exhausting the MiG-29, ”the newspaper“ Mediapool ”quoted military sources as saying.
    And then they decided to repair it in Russia but with a bunch of their own hemorrhoids. So the article is NOT informative.
    There are also lawyers in Russia, and there will be Russian excuses for all the Bulgarians.
    1. +1
      26 September 2020 10: 45
      Quote: jekasimf
      There are also lawyers in Russia, and there will be Russian excuses for all the Bulgarians.

      Nu-nu, excuses will roll like French plywood.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. The comment was deleted.
  22. +1
    26 September 2020 10: 23
    Specifically, could you indicate what the Russian side subscribed to? And what did or did not the Bulgarian do? If I give Uncle Vasya's new car for service and he messed up, of course the warranty will fly off!
    1. -1
      27 September 2020 13: 13
      Specifically, could you indicate what the Russian side subscribed to?

      Read my comment above. Specific explanations are given there. hi
  23. -2
    26 September 2020 12: 02
    And these idiots don't want to pay the forfeit on the south stream?
    1. -1
      27 September 2020 13: 28
      And these idiots don't want to pay the forfeit on the south stream?

      Bulgarians were consonants! fellow Moreover, in this case they would have paid themselves half of the penalties, since they had a 50% stake in South Stream. laughing But Gazprom refused! Because, he would have to lose 10% of all his assets in Europe! This is on the anti-monopoly case of the European Commission! In the end, all countries abandoned mutual claims and the Bulgarian side bought out the Gazprom assets of South Stream! On their basis at the moment they are building the "Balkan Stream", whose route coincides by 2/3 with the YuP route. In truth, there are idiots, but they are definitely not Bulgarians ... bully
  24. +7
    26 September 2020 12: 08
    I read the comments ..... this is for South Stream, for sidelong glances, for Tsar Boris, an ally of the Third Reich ... for something else. All this is very frivolous. Self-respecting entities (citizens, companies, states) observe the old rule - Pacta sunt servanta ......
  25. -5
    26 September 2020 12: 10
    Or maybe these are the same MiGi-29s that were seen in Libya?
    1. 0
      28 September 2020 11: 24
      Or maybe these are the same MiGi-29s that were seen in Libya?

      How can they be "noticed in Libya", if how many years have already been there, are not in airworthiness ?! After all, they are being repaired for that! fool
      1. 0
        28 September 2020 15: 14
        repaired and sent))
        1. 0
          28 September 2020 15: 51
          repaired and sent))

          So after all, the article is about not being repaired yet! Mikoyan residents are running around looking for spare parts in warehouses! lol They don't have enough of their own MiGs, or what, to send Bulgarian ones ?!
  26. -4
    26 September 2020 12: 56
    The reason for the breakdowns is most likely not in the factory marriage, but in the fact that the hands of the Bulgarian flyers grow from the place where they sit. If you want to break something, give it to a Bulgarian.
    1. 0
      27 September 2020 13: 34
      The reason for the breakdowns is most likely not in the factory marriage, but in the fact that the hands of the Bulgarian flyers grow from the place where they sit.

      The cause of damage is due to lack of proper maintenance. MiG-29s are on their way out, but in the end they decided to continue their operation for several more years. And the reason for non-compliance with the repair contract is elementary carelessness and poor logistics, typical not only for RSK MiG but also for many other Ross. company! An example with a superjet drinker!
      If you want to break something, give it to a Bulgarian.

      If you want to get a bunch of problems, sign a contract with a Russian company! lol
  27. +5
    26 September 2020 13: 27
    I didn't understand anything at all. That is, three years ago, our factories were supposed to repair fighters. A contract was signed, GOOD money was allocated, but things are still there? If they are not lying, then this is a stain on our defense export. Then we wonder why superjets don't buy .... But that's why!
  28. -2
    26 September 2020 14: 47
    Give them a donut hole, not repair the Mig 29 until Russophobia is eradicated.
  29. The comment was deleted.
  30. -3
    26 September 2020 15: 29
    In vain they freed the brothers from the Turks. Bofor was sitting with the Dardanelles with a bone in his throat. And so let them sit under the Turks and eat horseradish without salt. Traitors to the Slavic tribe.
    1. -2
      27 September 2020 15: 49
      We must think that the ally was chosen! In 1885 they supported Serbia, in 1913 they threw Bulgaria (too close to Tsarigrad) and Serbia was interested in honey agarics ... The result is known ... The empire was fucked up! If you counted with our interests, because you want, yours did not pray to Erdogan for the passage of the Syrian express.
  31. 0
    26 September 2020 15: 54
    Quote: Eskobar
    Everything is correct Bulgarians say there is a contract, it contains terms and obligations that must be fulfilled within these terms, there are penalties for those who fulfill them. If the management of the plant cannot plan the work of the enterprise for its competent work at the set time, these are the problems of the plant.

    Bulgarians say a lot, and not always correctly. And even more often they just act as singers. I don’t remember that they once earned the trust to accept their stories as the ultimate truth. Are you sure they are not silent about details that are inconvenient for them? Anyway, how do you know what really is, in order to declare with such confidence? If you dump your own people, don't feed them honey, do you?
  32. -3
    26 September 2020 18: 02
    Maybe they will still demand the key to the safe, where the money is?
  33. The comment was deleted.
  34. The comment was deleted.
  35. +1
    26 September 2020 18: 58
    Quote: Keyser Soze
    you are strange)))) then communism is bad for you, capitalism is bad for you)))) you will decide already like that .... but for 200 dollars, do not worry)))) when our world comes to yours, then we are not taking grandmothers. .. shells)))) You just see how it turns out ... we don't all come at once "brotherhood" remember the Slavs))) and the Orthodox faith and that you were forced, but you did not want her))))) 1945 it was necessary to come and clean up the whole of Europe (including you) to zero and also to hang up the debt for our victims ... and then mercilessly rob for three hundred years so that your backs would not unbend. And we again believed in the "brothers")))))

    you are strange)))) then communism is bad for you, capitalism is bad for you)))) you will decide already like that .... but for 200 dollars, do not worry)))) when our world comes to yours, then we are not taking grandmothers. .. shells)))) You just see how it turns out ... we don't all come at once "brotherhood" remember the Slavs))) and the Orthodox faith and that you were forced, but you did not want her))))) 1945 it was necessary to come and clean up the whole of Europe (including you) to zero and also to hang up the debt for our victims ... and then mercilessly rob for three hundred years so that your backs would not unbend. And we again believed in the "brothers"))))) That's in vain.
    And if for the planes - the contract was signed, it is necessary to fulfill ..... if we do not fulfill it - we will pay a penalty .... I think everything is spelled out there. If a long-term contract is signed (read the guarantee) and you have violated the guarantee (I remember on the same resource an article about Bulgaria's plans to sleep off the engines in Poland and the words of our representatives that you will reset the warranty service by doing it at a factory that we have not licensed), then here is a BOLT in both hands ... keep whining in Poland
  36. -1
    26 September 2020 19: 06
    That's what is sad that news is being discussed, which is not news, from the word at all.
    The forum has already indicated that the MiGs have already been repaired, as it were, having removed the warranty, but they continue to demand, demand, demand.
    By the way, "brothers" have been waiting for the US 8 F-16s for several years already, in 2018 they talked about six expectations, two years have already passed)))
    Yes, the purchase agreements were signed and approved at the highest level last year.
    "Brothers" in one word !?
    1. 0
      27 September 2020 13: 41
      The forum has already indicated that the MiGs have already been repaired, as it were, having removed the warranty, but they continue to demand, demand, demand.

      Vladimir, you are discussing "news" about which you know nothing! But where does the guarantee and blahblah have to do with it? Do you in serioso think that your "hypoptesis" have something to do with reality?
      There is a contract, there is a terms of reference! Everything is agreed, signed by both sides! The Bulgarian side fulfills its obligations, pays money regularly! And the Russian side is not getting along with the timing, it has a problem with providing the necessary parts! Themselves take them from somewhere, they did not understand in advance, with what they have in their warehouses! And this is not the first such case! Unfortunately, this is not uncommon, but it becomes a rule!
      1. -1
        27 September 2020 15: 51
        That's why you need all the iron from the social times to the landfill!
      2. +1
        27 September 2020 22: 18
        Quote: pytar
        Vladimir, you are discussing "news" about which you know nothing! But where does the guarantee and blahblah have to do with it? Do you in serioso think that your "hypoptesis" have something to do with reality?

        I can disappoint you. Here a lot of people do not read the text at all, and of those that read, many do not understand the meaning of what has been written, and based on their fantasies, they begin to write comments.
      3. 0
        9 October 2020 13: 18
        Well, why I don’t know, this news is already a year old and it’s not the first time it appears on the news channels as an example of non-compliance with agreements by the Russian Federation. But for some reason in the "news" they forget to mention that Bulgaria, to save money, FULFILLED the planned maintenance work in Poland, and not the Russian Federation. It was? It was!
        So why go back to unreliable business partner? Motivated by the fact that GOOD? After all, as far as I remember, the contract did not stipulate a penalty? After all, "brothers" ...
        You are naive people, you all hope for something:
        PS Shall we not delve into the bright image of Bulgaria honoring contracts and patent law, or recall the samples of Soviet weapons that B. was exporting? (The USSR is gone, it means nobody's)
    2. -2
      27 September 2020 13: 49
      By the way, "brothers" have been waiting for the US 8 F-16s for several years already, in 2018 they talked about six expectations, two years have already passed)))

      Vladimir, for the difference from RSK MiG, Lockheed strictly observes all the clauses of the agreements! Work is going on within the specified time frame! There are no problems with Americans!
  37. The comment was deleted.
  38. +1
    26 September 2020 19: 43
    Quote: Keyser Soze
    Until the Russians come to Sofia again.

    Better not come - your world with salaries of 200 euros, a pocket emperor and yachts of oligarchs that cost more than your Navy, how to say, is not very attractive. Forgive me for the truth, but first fix your house and then climb with your charter to other countries. And the last thing - in the Second World War we fought with amers, not with you, so read more books and less TV.

    you are strange)))) then communism is bad for you, capitalism is bad for you)))) you will decide already like that .... but for 200 dollars, do not worry)))) when our world comes to yours, then we are not taking grandmothers. .. shells)))) You just see how it turns out ... we don't all come at once "brotherhood" remember the Slavs))) and the Orthodox faith and that you were forced, but you did not want her))))) 1945 it was necessary to come and clean up the whole of Europe (including you) to zero and also to hang up the debt for our victims ... and then mercilessly rob for three hundred years so that your backs would not unbend. And we again believed in the "brothers"))))) That's in vain.
    And if for the planes - the contract was signed, it is necessary to fulfill ..... if we do not fulfill it - we will pay a penalty .... I think everything is spelled out there. If a long-term contract is signed (read the guarantee) and you have violated the guarantee (I remember on the same resource an article about Bulgaria's plans to sleep off the engines in Poland and the words of our representatives that you will reset the warranty service by doing it at a factory that we have not licensed), then here is a BOLT in both hands ... keep whining in Poland
  39. +1
    26 September 2020 19: 50
    Quote: JD1979
    Quote: Tagan
    what did you get that? There might be a reason. Or are you aware of the intricacies of contracts

    Any contract stipulates the terms, even for repairs, even for the supply of rubber products, going beyond them entails the imposition of penalties, except for the cases described in the section - Force majeure.
    What turned out to be the violation of the terms of the contract by the French regarding the delivery of UDC, I think everyone knows. And it's not a fact that the payments were heavier than the loss of reputation and, accordingly, the loss of contracts.

    and you are not aware of the intricacies and he ..... I remember on this resource an article about Bulgaria's plans to repair MiGs in Poland and the statements of the MiG RSK that they would violate the guarantee agreement and the Russian Federation withdraws any obligations in this regard. Apparently, this fact happened and MiG refuses to repair aircraft after violation of the agreement by Bulgaria and repair at unlicensed enterprises in Poland. You haven't considered this option?
    1. 0
      27 September 2020 22: 16
      Quote: Ovsigovets
      You haven't considered this option?

      What does it have to do with warranty service and contract repairs for money? Do not confuse warm and soft. Moreover, even warranty repairs may have a specified time frame.))
  40. +5
    26 September 2020 21: 32
    Reading the comments with horror I remember that I am on the Military Review ..
    When I wrote that the level was equal to Yaplakal ..
    So already on Yaplakal the level of comments is higher ...
    Where do we go with such comments?
    It's not even emotions - it's some kind of ...
    Okay. Let me start.
    Bulgaria has chosen the Russian aircraft building corporation MiG to overhaul 15 Soviet MiG-29 fighters until 2022. This is stated in the documents of the Ministry of Defense of Bulgaria
    Sofia announced the need to continue operating Soviet aircraft after announcing plans to buy eight new fighters from a NATO member state.
    And there were several suggestions. Poland / Ukraine / RF. The Polish version is described. As for the Ukrainian version, it was worth noting that Ukrinmash even sued for a similar tender, where RSK Mig was chosen without any alternative.
    In general, the Bulgarians chose Russia for repairs.
    the order provides for the restoration of the airworthiness of 15 MiG-29 fighters, including 12 single-seat MiG-29A and three two-seat combat training MiG-29UB. It is planned that after the completion of the work under the contract, the MiG corporation will provide an annual flight of 15 MiG-29 fleet in the amount of 1450 hours (1000 hours per year for single-seat fighters and 450 hours for two-seat fighters) at a fixed cost of a flight hour. At the same time, at least 2/3 of the available fighters must be constantly flyable. The term of the framework agreement for the implementation of the program is 48 months.
    Here they come to an end. Until the end of all terms, one more year.
    1. +4
      26 September 2020 22: 05
      You got it right. And on top of some gopota gathered, incite each other, they remembered about Hitler, about the "South Stream" and so on according to the manual.
      You know, Niel-le-Calais, I am also in shock, I have been on this site for 7 years already. When I registered here, very, very adequate people wrote here, I enjoyed reading the comments of some, especially people who fought.
      And then the interface of the site was changed and it was as if the people were changed, well, you yourself read the above. You read an article about the crashed Ukrainian plane - it just takes horror. And so it goes on. Probably, the time has come to leave this "resource", I don't know, we'll wait and see. All the best to you!
      1. -1
        27 September 2020 13: 53
        And then the interface of the site was changed and it was as if the people were changed, well, you yourself read the above.

        Take a walk from Russian information resources and your surprise will rise to incredible heights! The general / des / informational background is off scale! There, a massed propaganda impact comes from all sides! North Korea nervously smokes on the sidelines! Complete lack of adequacy, that's the result!
  41. 0
    27 September 2020 02: 44
    Let him come out of NATO, and then we'll see ....! laughing
  42. +2
    27 September 2020 05: 13
    Quote: Eskobar
    "Why should Russia repair MIGs for them?"

    Business, nothing personal. Although three years ago there was an attempt, I think, to establish some semblance of a decent relationship, but it did not work out. On the other hand, fulfilling obligations is a matter of honor.
    1. -1
      27 September 2020 13: 57
      The relationship is quite normal. Better than that of the Russian Federation from many other EU countries. Yes
  43. -1
    27 September 2020 07: 52
    Quote: likana
    When dealing with Bulgarians, it must be remembered that, although they are considered Slavs, their mentality is mostly Turkish ... Yes, the name of the Bulgarian Defense Minister Krasimir. This does not matter, but when preparing the material, you should be more careful.

    Well, in principle, the "Karakachans" are considered the heirs of the Greek shepherds.
    You are unfamiliar with our mentality.
    1. 0
      27 September 2020 21: 18
      I spoke about the Bulgarians, not about the Bulgarian minister ... I lived in Bulgaria for many years, I know the language and history ... The Bulgarians are not Slavs, whoever says anything ...
  44. 0
    27 September 2020 08: 15
    Quote: pytar
    ABOUT! Bulgarians with "sleepers" swooped down? I feel that the community in VO is organized worse than the Israeli one.

    We are few here, and you are in droves! belay Damn ... the question arises !!! laughing

    So we are all comits here soldier
    1. +1
      27 September 2020 13: 59
      So we are all comits here

      Yeah ... will have to bury one more empire! what Damn, don't let us rest! drinks
      1. 0
        27 September 2020 20: 47
        So we are already a pro in the collapse of all sorts of empires. Here Britain has already given up. Let's see how long the EU will last.
        Hey, Russians, wouldn't you like to take us as a subject of federation?
  45. +1
    27 September 2020 08: 27
    Quote: Zoldat_A
    And I would especially like to highlight this - "honor and protect", ...

    Remain zigging
    Hookahs, twerk and fascist greetings at the Eternal Flame
    - https://m.lenta.ru/articles/2016/05/08/ziga/

    And after that you forbid us to pick our noses?
  46. 0
    27 September 2020 08: 54
    If Bulgaria paid a penalty for South Stream, then it’s not good to help the aggressive NATO country to pay them a penalty for the engines and cancel the contract.
  47. -1
    27 September 2020 09: 51
    Who authorized the signing of a contract for the repair of military equipment for the armed forces of a NATO country?
    Under the court of these.
  48. 0
    27 September 2020 10: 11
    And Bulgarians do not want to pay forfeit for the disrupted South Stream
    1. -1
      27 September 2020 13: 56
      And Bulgarians do not want to pay forfeit for the disrupted South Stream

      100% consonants! fellow But Gazprom does not agree! Why? Look for my comment somewhere above, with the answer to this question! bully
    2. +1
      27 September 2020 15: 55
      UP ripped off Gazprom! They did not want to count from 3 EU energy package and that's it! That is why the project went to ... But of course, it is easier to put everything on the Bulgarian head.
  49. The comment was deleted.
  50. 0
    27 September 2020 17: 54
    Bring Alyosha home. You didn't deserve it. Stalin's sledgehammer should be in his place.
    1. 0
      27 September 2020 19: 53
      Bring Alyosha home.

      Alyosha is sitting in his house, on the Bunadzhika hill, in Plovdiv. We built it with our own money, it is part of the Bulgarian historical heritage. You have just as much to do with it as China has to do with the statue of Mao, erected to citizen Ivanov himself in the garden / Ryazan region /. Or Great Britain to the Byron statue that I have in my library. lol
      1. -2
        27 September 2020 20: 51
        Alyosha is in the hearts of the descendants of people who faced the horror of the fascist massacre, and you, a young man, apparently still did not understand the Meaning of Alyosha, a Russian Soldier in Bulgaria, well, God is your Judge.
        1. +1
          27 September 2020 21: 44
          Alyosha is in the hearts of the descendants of people who faced the horror of the fascist massacre, and you, a young man, apparently still did not understand the Meaning of Alyosha, a Russian Soldier in Bulgaria, well, God is your Judge.

          Young man, according to my projects, the monuments of Russia. generals are being built. In the distant 70s, when you were probably not in the world, for the first time I put flowers on Alyosha's pottery. For some, he is a symbol of victory over fascism, for others, a symbol of the totalitarian era. Opinions vary, but one thing is for sure - you have no right over our monument! From the word completely!
          1. The comment was deleted.
            1. +1
              27 September 2020 23: 49
              As I understand it, you do not believe me, do not believe ..

              You understand correctly! I am no internet impostor - I don’t believe it. Yes Moreover, I consider you an ordinary provocateur! Do you know why? Because you know absolutely nothing about the monument to Alyosha, and you yell so fiercely! Let's check? Let me ask you some basic questions:
              1. Who wanted to demolish it, and what 2 reasons were given out for this? And who protected him?
              2. What social events are held there?
              3. What is his rightful status and who is he guaranteed?
              4. In what physical condition is he now? What important things have been done in 2019 in this regard?
              I am waiting for your answers until tomorrow! If you answer correctly, it will immediately become clear that you are a provocateur, since the answers to these questions smash your previous tezzah into smithereens! And if you don't answer, then you are definitely a provocateur, since you obviously don't know anything about the monument to Alyosha! Waiting ... bully
    2. +2
      27 September 2020 20: 23
      And you change the manual, it is irrelevant for you.
      1. +1
        27 September 2020 20: 49
        So it never changed with them - ungrateful for 1877-78, they always fought against us, etc., etc. Boring.
    3. +1
      27 September 2020 20: 51
      Alyosha was built by Bulgarians in a Bulgarian city. First, learn to preserve your monuments.
      1. -2
        27 September 2020 21: 11
        My monument, one of the millions of Russian monuments, is in perfect order, and he, Glory to the Creator, is safe from your dirty paws, and remember - we (millions) have our sons (there are millions of them too), so you, Bandera shushara, just right to go to the quarry and prepare monuments to their neo-Nazi descendants. And you know what else, every month of May, its beginning, when life is born in every fruit of the Creator, the Victory Banner flutters over my heroic monument, so that you remember the worm-like, the Glory and Power of Russian weapons.
        1. +2
          27 September 2020 22: 41
          Damn, how many big words - Glory, Rusk weapons, Creator, Victory Banner and other fi .... nonsense. Or maybe we'd better have a good conversation and drinks
          Our monuments are for us, yours for you.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. -1
            27 September 2020 22: 46
            What is nonsense to you is a nightmare that will not dream at night
            1. +1
              28 September 2020 06: 52
              I have a sound and restful sleep. Yes, and in my age you will not be afraid of a nightmare.
          3. -1
            27 September 2020 22: 54
            And you, maxim, what have you done for humanity? What lofty words can those who follow you speak? Or just spit?
            1. +1
              28 September 2020 06: 54
              For me, my whole family can say high words - and that's quite enough. We are engaged in verbiage is not accepted.
  51. 0
    27 September 2020 18: 50
    So where are Bulgarian Su-29s repaired? If in Poland, then what does Russia have to do with it? If in Russia, then what is the problem? The article is kind of leftist, nothing is clear. In general, the author is banned.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  52. The comment was deleted.
  53. 0
    27 September 2020 22: 21
    Quote: JD1979
    Quote: Ovsigovets
    You haven't considered this option?

    What does it have to do with warranty service and contract repairs for money? Do not confuse warm and soft. Moreover, even warranty repairs may have a specified time frame.))

    Warranty service is also under contract... and by the way, both can be for money. As written above, no one saw the details of the contract....the topic was not very disclosed
  54. +1
    27 September 2020 22: 25
    Quote: Niel-le-Calais
    Reading the comments with horror I remember that I am on the Military Review ..
    When I wrote that the level was equal to Yaplakal ..
    So already on Yaplakal the level of comments is higher ...
    Where do we go with such comments?
    It's not even emotions - it's some kind of ...
    Okay. Let me start.
    Bulgaria has chosen the Russian aircraft building corporation MiG to overhaul 15 Soviet MiG-29 fighters until 2022. This is stated in the documents of the Ministry of Defense of Bulgaria
    Sofia announced the need to continue operating Soviet aircraft after announcing plans to buy eight new fighters from a NATO member state.
    And there were several suggestions. Poland / Ukraine / RF. The Polish version is described. As for the Ukrainian version, it was worth noting that Ukrinmash even sued for a similar tender, where RSK Mig was chosen without any alternative.
    In general, the Bulgarians chose Russia for repairs.
    the order provides for the restoration of the airworthiness of 15 MiG-29 fighters, including 12 single-seat MiG-29A and three two-seat combat training MiG-29UB. It is planned that after the completion of the work under the contract, the MiG corporation will provide an annual flight of 15 MiG-29 fleet in the amount of 1450 hours (1000 hours per year for single-seat fighters and 450 hours for two-seat fighters) at a fixed cost of a flight hour. At the same time, at least 2/3 of the available fighters must be constantly flyable. The term of the framework agreement for the implementation of the program is 48 months.
    Here they come to an end. Until the end of all terms, one more year.

    you should have written the original article))))) at least you understand what’s what))))