What is the Russian missile defense system

What is the Russian missile defense system

At the plant in Nizhny Novgorod

Russia continues to develop air and missile defense systems, remaining the world leader in this area. Thus, at the Army-2020 forum, a new 51P6E2 launcher from the advanced Abakan missile defense system was presented.

Continuous improvement of missile defense

The Almaz-Antey concern emphasized that the Abakan complex is designed to combat tactical and operational-tactical ballistic missiles. rockets enemy. The launcher, which was presented at the forum, was created for transportation, preparation for launch, launch and flight control of 9M82MDE anti-missiles.

The promising complex is just one among the many innovations of Russian missile defense systems. President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly announced the development of the latest missile defense systems capable of becoming a reliable defense of the country from any attempts to air strikes against its facilities and settlements. Improving the effectiveness of the missile defense system is especially important in the context of deteriorating relations between Russia and the United States and its allies and the growing general tension in the world.

The Russian missile defense system has certain differences from the similar US missile defense system. Thus, the key component of the Russian missile defense system is radar stations scattered across all corners of our vast country and performing tasks for the timely detection of any potentially dangerous objects in the air.

Among the Russian radars, the Don-2N is in first place, performing the tasks of detecting ballistic targets and aiming anti-missiles at them.

From the Union to modern Russia

At the same time, it should be noted that the existing anti-missile (and air-defense) defense system in Russia began to take shape back in Soviet times. So, back in the early 1970s. work began on the Buk anti-aircraft missile system. In 1977 he was put into service. In December 1992, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, work began on the 9K37M1-2 Buk-M1-2 air defense system. In 1998, it was adopted by the Russian army. In 2008, the 9K317 Buk-M2 was adopted, capable of striking enemy tactical ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 150-200 km. After another 8 years, the 9K317M Buk-M3 entered service.

Since 1978, the S-300 air defense system began to enter service with the Soviet Army. Now the S-300 family has a number of modifications, differing, among other things, in the ability to defeat enemy ballistic targets. For example, the S-300V is capable of hitting ground-to-air ballistic targets, including the R-11 (NATO codified Scud), Lance, and Pershing-1A tactical missiles.

In 2007, the S-400 Triumph air defense system was adopted. His appearance became a new word in stories domestic air and missile defense. A number of foreign military experts were forced to acknowledge the superiority of the S-400 over American systems Defense.

The newest S-500 "Prometheus" air defense system in the expert community is referred to the first generation of anti-space defense systems. Other countries, including the United States, have no analogues of the S-500 yet. In the American magazine The National Interest, one of the articles cited an expert opinion on the ability of the S-500 to intercept up to 10 warheads flying from space.

By the way, three years ago the same magazine called Moscow the only city in the world that is fully protected by a missile defense system. Even Washington is inferior to the Russian capital in terms of protection against missile attacks.

Moscow is protected by the A-135 or Amur anti-missile defense system, which also began to be developed back in the Soviet period of Russian history and, according to various sources, was adopted approximately between 1989 and 1995. The system is based on the 5N20 "Don-2N" radar; anti-missiles; command and computer station 5K80 with the Elbrus computer system. Naturally, there is very little information in open sources about what the missile defense system of the Russian capital really is.
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  1. +9
    25 August 2020 18: 23
    In this sense, it is good that there is little information! On many topics it is high time to restore the secrecy regime, otherwise mass speculations about this or that development get on your nerves! The main thing is to keep the work going!
    1. +8
      25 August 2020 18: 39
      What is the Russian missile defense system

      A terrible dream of the West, after they had already celebrated the "victory" over Soviet Russia-USSR, and even the Judas of our humpback and Ebn were awarded with all sorts of prizes and medals of Judas ..
      And they were already preparing, with the help of their followers like Khodorkovsky, to seize resources and then break Russia into small warring enclaves...
      Let them try now, we will do the same to them as they did to us. hi
      Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten gentlemen ..
      1. +1
        25 August 2020 21: 14
        A terrible dream of the west ...

        This is our sweet dream.
    2. 0
      25 August 2020 19: 45
      In this sense, it's good that there is little information!

      The book "Shield of Russia: missile defense systems".
      1. AUL
        27 August 2020 00: 21
        For example, the S-300V is capable of hitting ballistic targets of the class Ground-to-air including operational-tactical missiles such as "R-11" (Scud according to NATO codification), "Lance", "Pershing-1A".
  2. -1
    25 August 2020 19: 22
    I see no reason to talk about it. There is a stamp "top secret". And the missile defense of something was not always under this label.

    Well, if so, talk over a glass of good beer in good company. No more ...
  3. +6
    25 August 2020 19: 37
    It is clear that the whole of Russia cannot be covered with an anti-missile shield. But the fact that the most important points are well covered is wonderful. We cannot (and it is not necessary!) To know the creators of these protection systems. But we wish them success and new creative successes !!!
    1. +1
      25 August 2020 21: 13
      I absolutely agree.
      Whoever needs to know, he knows. Whoever does not need, then why should he know.
  4. -7
    25 August 2020 21: 13
    The promising complex is just one among the many innovations of Russian missile defense systems. President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly announced the development of the latest missile defense systems capable of becoming a reliable defense of the country from any attempts to air strikes against its facilities and settlements. Improving the effectiveness of the missile defense system is especially important in the context of deteriorating relations between Russia and the United States and its allies and the growing general tension in the world.

    Why lie like that? For the population, for the most part, there is and will not be any missile defense system.
    God forbid Moscow to cover both the launching ICBMs and the winged, as well as the naval base. And the main centers of defense.
    1. -3
      25 August 2020 21: 59
      So your n.p. no one is going to bomb.
      1. 0
        26 August 2020 07: 22
        Commentary on this video on YouTube
        This is a vidos from arma 3, it is not a shell that shoots, but a phalanx and not at drones, but at cruise missiles
        1. +2
          26 August 2020 07: 55
          Quote: Sidor Amenpodestovich
          and the phalanx

          graphics and adjacent installation are clearly visible
      2. +1
        26 August 2020 08: 37
        adam khomich! It's not polite to poke answers, buddy.
        And the second thing. I wasn't talking about air defense, but about missile defense. And I live in St. Petersburg, not in Moscow. We, Petersburgers, will certainly get it if they go crazy overseas in naive hopes of an unrequited blow.
        1. -4
          26 August 2020 09: 55
          Quote: NordUral
          It's not polite to poke answers, buddy.

          Firstly, I didn’t poke you. Calling “your” is not the same as “you”!
          Secondly, I'm not your "friend".
          Thirdly, the difference between air defense and missile defense is not so great; in both cases, the means of destruction come from the sky.
          1. 0
            28 August 2020 13: 46
            [quote] Secondly, I'm not a "friend" to you ./ quote]
            And through you does not roll to fill on the keyboard, special?
        2. -1
          26 August 2020 20: 23
          Yes, God bless you, do not poke, but let it. Those who know Russian will understand. And you certainly are not my friend, you did not notice the quotes.
          Thirdly, the difference between air defense and missile defense is not so great; in both cases, the means of destruction come from the sky.

          the only difference is what arrives.
  5. 0
    26 August 2020 10: 16
    The key element is the early warning system. Because in deterrence, the main thing is not to be able to repulse a blow, and not to allow even the thought that the enemy will succeed in it. Antimissiles are in the case when either a single provocative attack, or when the situation is already without brakes and you need to win at least a few minutes for retaliatory actions.
  6. 0
    26 August 2020 10: 33
    Best defense is attack. There was such an anti-war film: "Drink first, Fedya!"
  7. 0
    26 August 2020 13: 30
    Russia continues to develop air and missile defense systems, remaining the world leader in this area.
    regarding missile defense, the states have GBMD, Aegis, THAAD, deployed near our borders, including, well, we, of course, are world leaders in this direction, we will not specify in what this leadership is expressed
  8. 0
    26 August 2020 17: 05
    Maybe in the air defense of the Russian Federation and the leader, but in the US missile defense, at least, they challenge this leadership.
  9. +1
    26 August 2020 19: 33
    For example, the S-300V is capable of striking ground-to-air ballistic targets, including the R-11 (NATO codified Scud), Lance, and Pershing-1A tactical missiles.

    Well, probably all the same class "ground-ground". The Chukchi is not a reader, the Chukchi is a writer.
  10. -1
    29 August 2020 19: 18
    Even Washington is inferior to the Russian capital in terms of protection against missile attacks.

    Actually, Washington was not protected under the treaty.