Emotionless. A look at neighborly relations with Ukraine and Belarus


Hello, dear readers and readers of the Military Review!

For more than eight years I have been an active reader of this resource. Recent events in the Republic of Belarus, beloved by many Russians, prompted me to finally register on this site to present my vision of the situation.

Why do I expect that someone will be interested in my point of view? On this information resource, I have read many articles by specialists in various fields - both technical and humanitarian. What has always hurt my eyes? The fact that very few of my colleagues, lawyers, participate in the general discussion.

This is my first article. I ask in advance to forgive me in case of excessive dryness of the presentation. This is a professional trait. And frankly speaking, there are enough emotions now.

I also ask you to take into account that everything I set out below is solely my personal opinion. I do not pretend to be objective, I do not present the general point of view of the people of my profession. We are all different, we all look at the same events through the prism of our personal experience, education and our immediate environment. I'm just trying not to be biased.

I think one should start from the beginning - from the collapse of the Great (with a capital letter) power and its split into smaller parts.

From my point of view, this was inevitable. And to blame the party elite of the time of Mikhail Gorbachev for what happened is to be very cunning. Undoubtedly, the contribution of the top to the collapse of the USSR was the most significant, but the processes that received their logical conclusion under them, were started, in my opinion, back in 1965 during the economic reform. Moreover, its success, or, conversely, failure, does not matter: the decisive thing was the obvious change in the course of the huge state machine towards the decentralization of power. This is fatal for any non-democratic regimes. The only difference is that under a monarchy, the monarch himself and his family can remain after the regime change as honorary figures who are not endowed with real power, but are unique symbols, as happened, for example, in Great Britain. Other undemocratic regimes do not have this privilege. In our case, Mikhail Sergeevich only continued to follow the course already outlined before him, not trying to correct the current situation and not even trying to find the reasons for its occurrence. Recklessly and prematurely starting his perestroika, he let the huge country into a steep dive, just like in the TV show "Pun". Than accelerated the process for a couple of decades.

What have we got?

Confusion, devastation, an avalanche of everything that people lacked under the USSR, and at the same time a leader who was unable to somehow influence what was happening in the country. One gets the feeling that the first "zombies" in the modern sense of the word were Mr. Yeltsin and his entourage. They did not have the slightest idea of ​​how the market economy works, naively believing that you just need to let everything go by itself, without providing any support to the domestic economy, leaving everything on the population. Privatizing state property with the right approach is a good idea. If it is carried out in stages, with a division by sectors of the economy, in a country already integrated into the market, when potential investors (both within the country and abroad) and persons who have received their "ticket" know their real value. Then the company will be in good hands. The buyer has the necessary amount (and a lot), which means he has earned, which means he knows how to run a business, and an ordinary person will not be offended, since he received decent compensation. But we threw everything out in one fell swoop. As a result, all those who are more cunning got it, having bought everything at face value.

Our respected neighbors, looking at all this from the outside, made a wise decision not to do the same. In addition, we assumed the entire external debt of the USSR (which was partly true given that we did not want to share nuclear weapons: carrot and stick), and they did not have an urgent economic need to jump headlong into the maelstrom.

This was followed by a series of economic shocks, one stronger than the other, political failures, when we showed ourselves as helpless as possible in foreign policy. Our neighbors, naturally, watched all this. They had, of course, their own problems, but there was no such scope as ours.

It was here that the first event took place that broke the perception of Russia as a "big brother" by the inhabitants of the fraternal republics. More precisely, not a single event, but a whole series of shocks and failures of our foreign and domestic policy acted as a trigger. Big Brother is not that big and strong. Big brother himself cannot cope with his problems, he is worse than the younger ones. By the way, I think it was in the 90s that the opinion about the union republics feeding Russia living at their expense took root among the people: they saw with their own eyes how Russia copes on its own. And this is with the support of American advisers! Of course, we were still loved, but ... what was happening in our country could not remain without a trace. It couldn’t, it’s the prestige and perception of the country as a whole. The United States can have at least a quadrillion debts, as long as they live well, as long as the Americans consume more than half of the benefits of our planet, while they push their position in the UN and other international organizations, they will believe in them, they will be equal and, most importantly, in them. will be invested. And even a super threat in the person of Russia, China or Zimbabwe is not needed.

And we had neither the means, nor the desire, nor the opportunity to somehow influence the opinion of our neighbors - everyone was busy trying not to destroy the Russian Federation. Doubtful attempts, perhaps, it would be better if they did not try at all, the crisis of power would not be so strong, but what is done is done. The main thing, since I am considering our relations with neighbors, is that we did not influence their public opinion. On the other hand, Western media influenced, which really liked to ridicule yesterday's "evil empire", since we have given plenty of reasons. Influenced not even purposefully, I doubt that someone took us seriously at that time, to carry out the ideological indoctrination of the population. Played the information hunger of former residents of the USSR: people wanted to know more about the West, read it news, see the world like the West. It was romantic then.

After the change of leadership (the only thing that can be said for sure thanks to Boris Nikolayevich) and the coming to power of a new leader at that time, the situation in the country began to stabilize.

Those who associate this exclusively with high oil prices will be strongly wrong. The fight against organized crime has begun for once. The state remembered its most ancient instrument - the army. There was an active process of lawmaking and, most importantly, the "polishing" of laws, some of which, although adopted already in the 90s, had no connection with reality at all. Mechanisms for IMPLEMENTATION of laws and other norms began to appear.

But the neighbors looked at all these processes only through the prism of oil prices. The standard of living in Russia began to grow at a fairly rapid pace. The economy, after the systemic shock of the 90s, when the factories were run by people far from production processes, began to recover. Again, in the case of the economy, objective processes are to blame: the factories were either closed, or the people who skillfully privatized them learned how to do business by trial and error, at least to stay afloat. By that moment we had broken through the bottom several times, the next one turned out to be strong, so we swam up.

People looked already through the prism of the 90s: Russia has a sea of ​​resources, only due to the sale of everything and came out. No, no, no and no again! Without significant changes in other areas of the economy, changes in public life and in the internal policy of the authorities, we would have come to the conclusion that the oil workers would live well, and the rest of the population would die of hunger or revolt.

What happened next?

In 2008, the beloved Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev became president. With a great desire for reform. Especially the thirst for reforms is incomprehensible against the background of the growing, albeit slowly, living standards, real wages and everything else.

I will not go into details, I will only say that not very successful reforms were superimposed on the world economic crisis, and our state again began to "slip" in place.

Meanwhile, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, which were indifferent to Russia from the point of view of the spread of their ideological influence (especially against the background of the complete absence of a clear ideology as such in the Russian Federation itself), continued their "free floating". Each in its own way: in Ukraine, an internal conflict was growing due to different historical roots of its western and eastern parts, the Republic of Belarus showed exemplary economic resilience, retaining all the best of the "Russian world" while minimizing negative aspects. Yes, all this happened against the background of significant economic preferences from the Russian Federation, but this was taken for granted. We are relatives, this is normal among relatives. Nobody perceived it as something special, like when parents are already adults, independent children slip a few bills.

Vladimir Vladimirovich returned to his post again at not the most favorable time. The economy has not yet fully recovered from the crisis, plus the population was angry with its predecessor. I had to do something. And it was decided to follow the path of least resistance - to "cut" discounts to neighbors. You and I, too, decently got it on our pocket. And under Dmitry Medvedev, our relations with our neighbors have already suffered on a similar occasion.

Bottom line: neighboring republics, themselves experiencing a bad time, took it as a betrayal. After all, it is already hard for them, but here we, knowing about it, make it so that it becomes even worse for them. And all the same, that the Russians themselves are not sweet: they want loyal friends on the side, but in times of need they begin to reckon with them, who gives whom to whom.

This was the second serious blow. Again, it's a matter of psychology. From a legal point of view, we were in our own right. From a kinship point of view, this "tore the mold."

We see what the economic shocks and the internal conflict have led to Ukraine. Everyone can draw a conclusion on their own. I do not want to describe this topic a lot in this article. If readers welcome me warmly, I will write a separate article on this matter.

It is important that a similar situation is now emerging in the Republic of Belarus. With one caveat, which in this case decides a lot: in the Republic of Belarus there is no anti-Russian-minded and at the same time influential stratum of the population in Belarus. "Old Man" pleased in this regard - he paid attention to the mood of the people.

What to do with this porridge, which we need to disentangle, and do we need it at all?

In my opinion, it is necessary. Required. Even if in the short term this may lead to a deterioration in the views of Russia on the part of the international community. We are now for everyone - a colossus on feet of clay, an inflated balloon. You need to show your strength, and the more often the better.

From this point of view, the operation in Syria is an ideal example. Yes, our planes were shot down. Yes, the dead. And I sincerely feel sorry for those who died in a foreign land. But we showed that we can do something again. The whole world sees that the US does not run the risk of going into open confrontation with us. That Turkey is also not burning with desire. That Israel is trying with all its might to simultaneously act in its own interests and at the same time not give us a pretext for aggression, it is not for nothing that they are extremely active in communicating with us. As well as the United States and Turkey. The crisis of unity in the EU is also connected with this: people begin to doubt one of the components of the power of the United States, hence the split between pro-American forces and the emergence of independent ones. The granite of faith in the ability of the United States to impose its will has cracked. And the United States is not in a position to put everything on the line and start a war: the Americans are softened, they want cola, chips and peace. They do not want wars. The same Tomahawk strikes on Syria did not cause a wave of delight among ordinary Americans. So the US authorities are trying to solve everything with sanctions.

Only by showing strength can we return the "Russian world". This does not mean fighting with someone, shooting at someone. It means making decisions that are unpopular in the world. Unpopular in the USA.

What should I do?

In my opinion, this is what. First, one should intervene in what is happening in the Republic of Belarus. Yes, to introduce riot police and our other law enforcement officers. Yes, under the guise of exercises to bring up troops to the western border of the republic.

But! The fundamental is such a "but". On pain of all possible punishments, the riot police should be prohibited from touching the protesters. Cocktail throwers only. People have excellent physical fitness, they will catch up.

In addition, the intensity of passions has subsided there. The protesters are behaving peacefully. Together with the guys, take psychologists with you, who will explain in an accessible way what they came for. To help. How peacekeepers help. That is, to guarantee compliance with the law by both parties. Show that Big Brother is here, next to him, that he has woken up and will not allow chaos to begin like that of another neighbor. This is precisely work with the population and for the population. This alone will first undermine trust in us (when we enter), and then, when people figure out what's what, on the contrary, will raise it to the level of the early 90s. It is important for them to know that they have an ally. It is important for them that we are this ally. The West is ready to offer its help. We are silent, I hope, just for now.

Bottom line: with active interaction with the protesters, it will be easy to find a pro-Russian leader among them, followed by people. And the rest will follow. Because WE came to support them, because he is one of THEM, and because WE support one of THEM. This leader will be backed by our authority, which still has a lot of weight in Belarus, and at the same time he will not be a puppet sent from the Kremlin.

And then let them decide for themselves which way to go further, but the idea of ​​the Union State will be received much more warmly. In any case, the politician who has risen on the pro-Russian wave will not dare to turn to the west, given the circumstances under which he came to power.

It is more difficult with Ukraine.

We have already shown ourselves to be weak. We have regained Crimea. And ... blown away! We are not sure of ourselves. We do not know what to do with the DPR and LPR. And people believed in us, people came out to protect not only themselves, but also our world. And we don't let them drown, but we don't help them normally either. How we scoff.

Unfortunately, in my opinion, these republics can no longer be left independent. Only include in its composition with all the consequences. Otherwise, our weakness will definitely not be forgotten. As many in the former Yugoslavia have not forgotten. And as a result, we can get two more disloyal neighbors.

As for Ukraine's opinion on this matter, let's be frank: they won't treat us worse. And when we take two more territorial units from the "strongest army in Europe", it will add at least respect to us. We will take it, not win it back, because they will not come to war. Nobody wants to be beat. And the majority there (except for those in power), I am sure, want this nightmare with the ATO to end. At least somehow. Not because they are loyal to us. Just tired. And for the devastation in the army in 2014, such a surrender of positions cannot be written off - people have been arming for six years.

As for the restoration of relations with Ukraine, we will return only later, in fifty years, when passions will subside, if they themselves will not return by that time to our sphere of influence. We also fought a lot with Germany. And now the Germans are treated as normal.

Again, the above is my personal opinion and is not a call to action. And it is not an attempt to convince the reader. I strongly oppose violence as such, when it is not justified. It's just that politics is such a thing in which people, their lives are another resource, as well as the trust of the population. And from this no one has ever been able to move away. And I'm talking about political processes here.

I will be happy to read constructive criticism, I repeat, I do not consider my opinion to be the only correct one. If I don’t like it, I will not impose.

Thank you all for your attention!
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  1. +26
    21 August 2020 15: 05
    This is fatal for any non-democratic regimes.

    You would not substitute "rotten" terms for the essence of the state management system.
    Centralized power exercised by the head of state alone and ... further down the list, what it is, what it was / we have.
    "" In our case, Mikhail Sergeevich only continued to follow the course already outlined before him, "" it was not he who began, but he betrayed, sold everything he could ...
    1. +20
      21 August 2020 15: 22
      I agree completely. But the new author is worth supporting. For a variety of opinions.
      1. +25
        21 August 2020 15: 37
        As for the restoration of relations with Ukraine, we will return only later, in fifty years, when passions will subside, if they themselves will not return by that time to our sphere of influence. We also fought a lot with Germany. And now the Germans are treated as normal.

        We defeated Germany .. and returned their territories .. relations of course could be better ..
        But in fifty years we will say goodbye to Ukraine forever ... it will be the same Poland .. If they are not sent to fight with us earlier ..
        Unfortunately, in my opinion, these republics can no longer be left independent. Only include in its composition with all the consequences. Otherwise, our weakness will definitely not be forgotten.

        I agree with the author ..
        In my opinion, this is what. First, one should intervene in what is happening in the Republic of Belarus. Yes, to introduce riot police and our other law enforcement officers. Yes, under the guise of exercises to bring up troops to the western border of the republic.

        I disagree .. In this case, even pro-Russian citizens of the Republic of Belarus will turn their backs on us ..
        The issue with Belarus is generally very complicated .. on the one hand, Lukashenko, on the other, the collective west .. For good, this situation was miscalculated .. and it was possible to react in time, at least to have a pro-Russian candidate in our sleeve .. But we have no foreign policy .. from that all around the failures.
        1. +21
          21 August 2020 20: 51
          There is one more little thing that everyone forgets - the Belarusian people. Maybe it's his opinion after all? Or slaves are not supposed to have an opinion?
          1. -4
            23 August 2020 17: 16
            If you consider yourself a slave, then of course your opinion is not interesting to anyone. And in order to take into account the opinion of the Belarusian people, it is necessary that they have it. In the meantime, it is anyone's, but not the Belarusian people.
        2. 0
          24 August 2020 13: 36
          Quote: Svarog
          Only include in its composition with all the consequences.

          for such a scale, the resulting obvious lack of "flowing in"
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +5
        21 August 2020 16: 54
        "kind criticism" has not brought any harm to anyone yet, it can even help to find the correct form of expressing one's thoughts.
        If a normal person will understand, he will take into account ... but we have enough others.
      4. +9
        21 August 2020 18: 45
        for a change of opinion, of course we will support. but the author too bent two territorial units to absorb. here we can't digest Crimea.
        and do not show this article to Belarusians. I'm afraid they won't. the last loyal ones scatter
      5. +6
        21 August 2020 18: 53
        Quote: Sergey39
        But the new author is worth supporting. For a variety of opinions.

        Do you want "checkers" or, after all, "go"? You can only support an author who is engaged not in propaganda, but in an objective study of a topical issue, and gives sound recommendations for practice. The quality of subjective opinion strongly depends on the development of the subject's personality. And the diversity of opinions of undeveloped subjects creates a picture that has little relation to reality, i.e. harmful to practice.
      6. +12
        21 August 2020 22: 54
        I agree that the causes of our problems must be sought in ourselves and not in the intrigues of enemies. Own stupidity, greed, meanness creates so many problems that enemies are not needed. Now in Russia, the euphoria of schizo-patriotism has been inflated (we are super cool, we are knee-deep in the sea) And in fact, Russia is a half-impoverished state plundered by the "elite" (I'm not talking about oligarchs and officials, but about teachers with salaries of 20-22 thousand rubles). As a result of a crazy foreign policy, it became a pariah state without friends and allies. But with a bunch of ambitions and show-off.
        1. -3
          23 August 2020 17: 25
          Quote: Gennady Bogdanovich
          Now in Russia they fanned the euphoria of schizo-patriotism (we are so super cool, we are knee-deep in the sea)

          And where all this is not fanned show me the place on the planet where capital is not trying to play on nationalistic sentiments disguised as patriotism?
          Quote: Gennady Bogdanovich
          In fact, Russia is a half-impoverished state plundered by the "elite" (I'm not talking about oligarchs and officials, but about teachers with salaries of 20-22 thousand rubles).

          Well, let's face it, you're partly right, although your rhetoric is rotten. But we are far away and not a poor Belarus.
          Quote: Gennady Bogdanovich
          As a result of a crazy foreign policy, it became an outcast state without friends and allies.

          Don't say anything about it. You don’t understand the question. For if you even a little understood such pretentious nonsense you would not write.
          Quote: Gennady Bogdanovich
          But with a bunch of ambitions and show-off.

          And this is generally funny. Only those who have at least some ambition can change something in this world. Without ambition, humanity would still be sitting in caves.
          1. 0
            24 August 2020 07: 00
            Well, the arguments are about nothing at all
            1. -4
              24 August 2020 09: 43
              Do you have anything to say about the bot clown?
              1. -2
                25 August 2020 05: 07
                Obviously not for you))), specialist)))
                1. -1
                  25 August 2020 10: 16
                  Stop drinking the bulbous moonshine. You become completely dumb and inadequate.
                  1. -2
                    25 August 2020 10: 21
                    It's still a little before you))))
                    1. -1
                      25 August 2020 10: 27
                      Well, the fact that before me you still grow and grow is a fact. Although, of course, you will never grow up to me in intelligence, because the base is about nothing.
                      1. -2
                        25 August 2020 10: 54
                        ))))) Yes, you are a direct quantum computer))))) walk Vasya
                      2. -1
                        25 August 2020 12: 52
                        Hrenase. The Liberal Bulbozaurus learned somewhere about quantum computers. By the way, what is the word quantum in Zmagar?
                      3. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          24 August 2020 05: 46
          Liberals have heard a lot. Maybe they can repent ... it doesn't matter for what ... America has a lot of show-offs, while Russia has its own interests. It's poor and Putin defends them ..
    2. +14
      21 August 2020 15: 39
      Centralized power is not always individual. Under an oligarchy, for example, a council of these same oligarchs can lead. With the decentralization of power, the population loses the feeling of its necessity and authority. "We ourselves are doing a good job on the issues that have been transferred to our jurisdiction, so why are we worse than those in charge? Why should they decide everything in the capital? We know better here!"
      1. Don
        21 August 2020 16: 24
        Only by showing strength can we return the "Russian world". This does not mean fighting with someone, shooting at someone. It means making decisions that are unpopular in the world. Unpopular in the USA.

        Well, leaving out of brackets all the absurdity of this statement and for a moment imagine that we have returned the "Russian world". Our border guards are on the western borders of Belarus and Ukraine. What are we going to do with tens of millions of citizens who hate us? We will process them by psychologists, how do you write? Not funny. In response, they will stick knives in your back. Rebuilding giant concentration camps on the site of the GULAGs? Or just a bullet in the back of the head and into the oven?
        Well, you can't seriously say that they will be crazy about the average pension of 14 thousand, which after reunification will become even lower. Or do you think the oligarchs will start sponsoring all the new parasites when they are ready to hang themselves for a penny for their citizens?

        Everything that you propose is more or less realistic when the socialist system is restored and with almost complete isolation from the rest of the world. Yes, for such plans, the current masters of Russia will be the first to kill you, adding poison.

        Regarding the real return of Belarus with Ukraine. To do this, Russia must become a country attractive to the peoples of these countries in economic and political terms. And no one wants to have anything to do with a poverty-stricken, totalitarian Russia with an army of corrupt officials in power, dragging everything looted abroad, buying real estate there, taking their families there. People are always looking for where they are better. This is the law of nature. Even from the bone of the promoted North Korea, the people are fleeing to absolutely unprincipled South Korea, and not vice versa. If you do not understand this, then you do not even understand the diagnosis, why everyone runs away from us, including the brothers. And if you are unable to make a correct diagnosis, then you will most likely kill the patient. And in our case, all three.

        Do not be offended by my criticism. If this is indeed your first article, then continue. Just do not immediately touch on such a global scale. In narrower issues, I'm sure you will be able to find your adherents and admirers.
        1. AUL
          21 August 2020 19: 14
          Quote: Donskoy
          Regarding the real return of Belarus with Ukraine. To do this, Russia must become a country attractive to the peoples of these countries in economic and political terms. And no one wants to have anything to do with a poverty-stricken, totalitarian Russia with an army of corrupt officials in power, dragging everything looted abroad, buying real estate there, taking their families there.

          100% correct! good And no psychologists seconded will change people's attitudes towards this issue!
        2. +5
          23 August 2020 08: 42
          And this is the most important thing, present-day Russia has nothing to offer its brothers in terms of a better life, poverty, and they have enough and also to get involved with an outcast country ...
      2. +1
        21 August 2020 16: 53
        Dear author. I support your point of view. The question of the participation of our OMON is difficult, here it is necessary to lay a paw on the LAG itself, or unification into a single state, or it will be like with Ceausescu.
      3. +3
        21 August 2020 17: 06
        Quote: Pensive Lawyer
        Centralized power is not always individual.

        So indicate exactly what it IS and what claims you have against it ... more specifics, talkers about everything and about anything we already have enough.
    3. +1
      21 August 2020 21: 43
      Quote: rocket757
      This is fatal for any non-democratic regimes.

      You would not substitute "rotten" terms for the essence of the state management system.
      Centralized power exercised by the head of state alone and ... further down the list, what it is, what it was / we have.
      "" In our case, Mikhail Sergeevich only continued to follow the course already outlined before him, "" it was not he who began, but he betrayed, sold everything he could ...

      Already in the mid-70s it was clear that the course would change dramatically. As Vysotsky sang, revolving in near-power)) circles "big changes are ahead."
      1. +5
        22 August 2020 00: 58
        Change is different!
        Many could not even imagine that there would be changes .... in short, they destroyed, plundered, tore apart the great country.
        1. +2
          22 August 2020 22: 10
          Good evening Victor hi ! yes, changes are different, during the years of Soviet power they expected and saw only changes for the better, could not imagine
          Quote: rocket757
          Change is different!
          Many could not even imagine that there would be changes .... in short, they destroyed, plundered, tore apart the great country.
          1. +1
            22 August 2020 22: 22
            Hi Dmitry soldier
            To delve into the past, there is no time to regret. It is necessary to build the future as we, the people, the country need.
            1. 0
              22 August 2020 22: 46
              An example of events in Belarus is illustrative. The slogan is --- let it go. And what about Victor, then? There is no program. The candidate does not want to be president, but cutlets. And who is this candidate? As Tatyana wrote ---- a screen? For what, what is hiding.
              It looks like they have the same desire for change we had. And then the substitution of some meanings --- with others ?. And the white-red-white flag corresponds to the substitution.
              1. +1
                23 August 2020 20: 58
                Quote: Reptiloid
                An example of events in Belarus is illustrative.

                Let's see who and what of those events will endure
                1. +1
                  23 August 2020 21: 23
                  Quote: rocket757
                  .... Let's see who and what of those events will endure
                  you know, Victor, who protested something for sure, no one knows what, they will endure it, maybe some experience?
                  But about Lukashenko, about Russia, I can't imagine. One can only remember. Compare with the events in Ukraine. In Armenia. Other former republics. All this is disturbing.
                  1. +1
                    24 August 2020 06: 49
                    Going crazy or swimming in dreams is not forbidden.
                    Moreover, one can also say about those who, according to their position, need to stand very, very firmly on the ground, and not soar in the clouds!
              2. -1
                24 August 2020 13: 37
                The white-red-white flag is the flag of the Germans during the occupation of these lands. I’m thinking, how much longer did the Germans have to arrange Khatyney so that the current generation would remember?
                And I completely agree with the author, the land should be taken away. But wisely. First, take gifts from the Russian people (Russians live there, just like you). These shouldn't shoot in the back. We have 3 such gifts in Belarus, 9 in Ukraine.
                You cannot give them away.
                1. +1
                  24 August 2020 15: 00
                  Quote: demos1111
                  The white-red-white flag is the flag of the Germans during the occupation of these lands. I’m thinking, how much more did the Germans have to arrange for Khatyney so that the current generation would remember? .......
                  the current generation remembers ---- that they pout in their ears. Poles blew hard with their all sorts of societies ..... well, Lithuania.
                  After all, in addition to the flag, there is also a song of collaborators, too. Under the patronage of the Arab League, festivals of such creativity were organized as soon as he came to power. I recently learned this, like many others. The latest stories of Gasparyan on the Internet are on this topic. There is no desire to retell ... hi
                2. +3
                  25 August 2020 15: 18
                  Dear Demos. About the flag under the Germans. I am for the entry of the Republic of Belarus into Russia on the basis of autonomy rights. BUT! Your tricolor flag, too, under the Germans, Vlasov's was lit and nothing, today it is a state symbol. Now about the OMON from Russia. If you do not know, then there is a very strong opinion that such atrocities were not committed by Belarusian policemen, but by aliens ... Now think about what will happen when the troops are brought in. And besides this, do not discount the AHL, with it the RB will NEVER enter Russia. Having defeated the Belarusian Popular Front, he became the main nationalist in Belarus. And lastly, neither you nor us have a clear ideology. But in Belarus, the independence of Belarus is, if you want, the main symbol of the AHL. When you ask the question, and from whom independence, there is no answer, but it is understood that independence from Russia. After 1991, 2 generations grew up. About the Union - as a state of all the Slavs, you can't explain it, it's like about the Roman Empire. And you are here on VO-enter Omon, troops. Go down to earth. The author is right in one thing Russia for a long time did not care about anything from the neighbors, why now nod at someone ...
                  1. 0
                    25 August 2020 16: 28
                    Yes, now when the work is somehow there, the money is somehow paid, it is clear that no one wants to unite.
                    But the blind does not see, the default is not sunburned. In my opinion, this is the main goal of the Belarusian Maidan.
                    After the default, we'll see how it goes. Of course I would not want a war, but Russia does not have many options. These lands will either be taken by them or others.
                    Satanovsky correctly said that the Kremlin realizes responsibility for the fate of 148 million people if NATO missiles appear near Smolensk. And believe me, no one will look at those who disagree. Pushed in. Will disperse., Onizh so they want Europe.
                    Vaughn, Ukraine is an example. The entire Southeast was intimidated.
    4. -1
      22 August 2020 17: 52
      Quote: rocket757
      You would not substitute "rotten" terms for the essence of the state management system.

      But I think that the Author used the word "undemocratic" in a good sense, and the word "regime" - as an established process, where there are no shocks and everything goes on as usual. Yes
      1. +2
        22 August 2020 18: 33
        In general, it's not about the terms, but about the content that different people put into it! This term has been spoiled many times with us and go and understand what the author meant. Therefore, he offered to more accurately express their thoughts, Schaub did not have to guess. Only benefit will be for both the author and those who will then read and discuss.
        1. +1
          22 August 2020 18: 43
          Quote: rocket757
          This term has been spoiled many times with us

          Yes, I agree, much in today's world is perverted to such an extent that double quotes will not help you understand the true meaning. The thought may creep in that this is evolution, but I reject such thoughts and see degradation.
          1. +2
            22 August 2020 18: 51
            Precisely, I have repeatedly gotten to this, that the word taken in quotation marks is perceived as it is, and not vice versa, as he himself intended!
            Allegoricality is no longer in honor, they have forgotten how to read between the lines, and irony is finally bypassed, more often than not.
        2. +1
          22 August 2020 22: 24
          .... not in terms of .........
          yes, you still have to re-read and compare request
          1. +1
            22 August 2020 22: 45
            Well, when you communicate with a familiar person, everything is clear, you can guess. And so, an appeal to everyone, in general, the more the topic is hot .... it should be easier to write. Many either simply do not understand or will understand in their own way ...
            1. +1
              22 August 2020 22: 52
              As for the quotation marks, you personally reminded me, although you did not know. I forget them, then I think that people already understand everything laughing
              1. +1
                23 August 2020 21: 01
                "The art of arguing" has lost its appeal for the majority.
                1. +2
                  23 August 2020 22: 04
                  Quote: rocket757
                  "The art of arguing" has lost its appeal for the majority.

                  An old movie comes to mind. laughing wassat
                  ..... DISPUTE Is there life on Mars?
                  ----there is!
                  ----There is
                  That's the whole dispute.
                  1. +1
                    24 August 2020 06: 51
                    No no no! This is only at the initial stage ... and then, after taking a sufficient amount of "stimulating" dispute, it can reach a completely different level! drinks
                    1. +1
                      24 August 2020 08: 18
                      Quote: rocket757
                      NO, ........ the dispute can go to a completely different level! drinks
                      Aha! From the conversational level to the physical laughing lol
                      1. +1
                        24 August 2020 08: 19
                        Not without it. What Russian will refuse a "good fight".
      2. +1
        22 August 2020 22: 18
        Quote: Motorist
        Quote: rocket757
        You would not substitute "rotten" terms for the essence of the state management system.

        hi But I think that the Author used the word "undemocratic" in a good sense, and the word "regime" - as an established process, where there are no shocks and everything goes on as usual. Yes
        not that I would disagree, but lately, for several years, these words have been condemned by those liberals about whom this is 100% known. So the first emotions are not very good. And then, I think, because it is not known about the author ... with the terms - to understand.
  2. +12
    21 August 2020 15: 12
    Yeah. Your views on this topic are clearly not drawn to objectivity and integrity. But thanks anyway.
    1. -1
      21 August 2020 16: 00
      objectivity and integrity
      It's just utopia.
    2. +10
      21 August 2020 16: 26
      To paraphrase the classics: those who can tell objectively and holistically either are at the helm, or have retired, or work as taxi drivers. As for me, the author's opinion resembles the opinion of the majority of unbiased people. General understanding of the situation, background, confusion in assessing the current actions of those in power ... I'm not saying that the author has a "philistine opinion" - the author has comprehended enough for himself, since he dared to put it on public display. For me, such material gives a clearer idea of ​​the opinion of people who are far from both the authorities and grants, but who are trying to understand and evaluate what has happened and what is happening now. I agree with you, but also thanks to the author.
  3. +1
    21 August 2020 15: 12
    In many ways I agree with the author. There are, of course, differences in thoughts, but each sees it differently.
  4. BAI
    21 August 2020 15: 14
    The buyer has the required amount (and considerable), which means he has earned, which means he knows how to do business,

    At the beginning of privatization, there were no people in Russia with legally earned capital. They took a loan from the state to buy out state property at absolutely non-market prices. How could privatization be carried out, i.e. sale when there are no buyers? Except for foreign "investors". They had money, but then Russia would definitely have gone under foreign control.
    2. Crimea, Donbass. And who said that the collapse of the USSR should be limited to the collapse of the republics, and the republics themselves are united and indivisible? In the 90s, the Russian Federation did not fall a little further under Yeltsin. They could well have several pseudo-states on its territory.
    3. Introduce armed formations into the territory of another state categorically not! Nothing brings people together like an external threat, especially intervention. Therefore, all countries that are experiencing internal problems are looking for an external enemy and they blame all the troubles on him. And here it is proposed to substitute ourselves.
    1. +8
      21 August 2020 15: 28
      Yes, Belarusians will simply hate us!
      1. -4
        21 August 2020 16: 40
        Study the experience of Crimea ...
        1. +3
          22 August 2020 20: 40
          In Crimea, the Russian population, which did not have their own statehood, but was ruled by sucks in Ukraine. In Belarus, about 90% of the population consider themselves to be the Belarusian nation, about the same number consider themselves Belarusians. Besides, why should they part with their self-government and carry, like the Rossregions, up to 80% of their income to the federal budget? These are at least the most basic positions on which the "Crimea experience" is not useless here.
          1. -1
            22 August 2020 21: 01
            Quote: Postum
            In Belarus, about 90% of the population consider themselves to be the Belarusian nation, about the same number consider themselves Belarusians.

            Actually, this is not entirely true, to put it mildly.
            1. +1
              22 August 2020 21: 07
              Just so, just take at least a fresh study, moreover, not biased https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/stanovlenie-belorusskoy-identichnosti-v-epohu-refleksivnogo-moderna
              1. 0
                22 August 2020 21: 15
                Firstly, even according to your article, it is said about 80 percent of the residents. Conclusions are made on the basis of the 2010 population census. This is exactly the moment when Lukashenka has already turned to the extremely slippery path of Belarusianization ... So it is somewhat doubtful
                1. 0
                  22 August 2020 21: 25
                  Quote: Cyril G ...
                  Conclusions are made on the basis of the 2010 population census. This is exactly the moment when Lukashenka has already turned to the extremely slippery path of Belarusianization ... So it is somewhat doubtful
                  , it seems you are contradicting yourself, if Belarusianization began in 2010, then just now it cannot be no less than the same 80%, all the more it is enough to look at the current Belarusian media and their "population", which once again confirms the words of the article
                  1. 0
                    22 August 2020 21: 28
                    Quote: Postum
                    it seems you are contradicting yourself if Belarusianization began in 2010,

                    I am not saying that it was exactly 2010. By the time of the census, Lukashenka HAD ALREADY STARTED TO BELARUSIZATION. So there are no contradictions even close. And I don’t believe the results, because I myself was born and raised there
                    1. 0
                      22 August 2020 21: 36
                      Well, to believe you or not to believe is not my business, but the facts that the majority of Belarusians consider themselves to be Belarusians say the opposite
    2. +7
      21 August 2020 15: 30
      This is what we are talking about, a country that is not integrated into the market, with its population and, what is worse, management who does not understand how the market works, was plunged into ruin by thoughtless actions. With a later and thoughtful implementation of the priatization idea, it could have worked much better. During the transition period, it was necessary to support enterprises from the budget.
    3. +2
      21 August 2020 15: 35
      On the second point I am not judging, I proceed from what is. I am not talking about the indivisibility of republics, I am talking about my point of view, which, in any case, cannot be objective (I am also a person with convictions and my own way of thinking)
      On the third point - not to bring in troops, but to conduct exercises on the western border.
      Law enforcers are not the army, and in my opinion, it is necessary to work for the population of the Republic of Belarus. The appearance of our people in uniform will temper the agility of both sides, and with competent work with the population, improve their opinion of us.
      1. BAI
        21 August 2020 15: 50
        The appearance of our people in uniform will temper the agility of both sides, and with competent work with the population, improve their opinion of us.

        1. The appearance of our people in uniform, even at the invitation of Lukashenka, will automatically make Russia an aggressor in the eyes of the world community. Agitators - propagandists will try there. What will make Lukashenka himself illegitimate - they say, he rests on the bayonets of the invaders.
        2. A huge number of people in Ukraine are absolutely sincerely convinced of the presence of Russian troops in Donbass and therefore ardently support any anti-Russian actions of their government and sincerely hate Russia. Why will it be different in Belarus?
        3. Du.ra.kov fanatics are everywhere. Why risk the lives of your soldiers in someone else's conflict? Not soldiers, but the Foreign Ministry must be active. And our Foreign Ministry in the post-Soviet space, to put it mildly, wasted everything (the moderators will not miss more accurate and adequate definitions).
        1. 0
          22 August 2020 07: 29
          1. It's time, it's high time to get out of the habit of looking back at the "eyes of the world community" are the eyes of the United States.
          .2 For Ukraine, you better keep silent and do not watch Ukrainian channels on zomboyaschik.
          3. For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs I agree 100%, it is high time there to arrange a major purge, "concerned" over the threshold.
          Syria is an alien conflict, but this is the only way to raise the authority of the state. Sitting the army in the barracks and showing "cartoons" Russia will not achieve ANYTHING. Study the history of the Russian State.
    4. +5
      21 August 2020 15: 47
      Quote: BAI
      At the beginning of privatization, there were no people in Russia with legally earned capital.

      I have always been against privatization. Where there is privatization, there are always a lot of swindlers and dark personalities, as well as dark money. All this leads to confrontation, redistribution of property and the participation of criminals in this process. We went to this in full.
  5. +5
    21 August 2020 15: 16
    Are you sure a lawyer?
    1. +12
      21 August 2020 15: 25
      Yes, a lawyer. It's just that the topic of the article does not really concern the legislation itself, and I considered it inappropriate to "pull the ears" of legal issues. In addition, I present the point of view precisely in the context of an event - perception and interpretation by the population.
    2. -1
      21 August 2020 15: 50
      Quote: vladimirvn
      Are you sure a lawyer?

      No, from a nuclear scientist, he works in Arzamas.
      1. +10
        21 August 2020 16: 50
        Studied at a law school, full-time, budget, right after school, working in my specialty to the present
        1. 0
          21 August 2020 17: 04
          Quote: Pensive Lawyer
          Studied at a law school, full-time department

          Thank. Accepted.
          1. +3
            21 August 2020 18: 48
            Ugh, you well, you, faculty, start talking)))
            1. +3
              21 August 2020 22: 06
              Quote: Pensive Lawyer
              Ugh you well you, faculty, talking)))

              As in the article ... For example, about the introduction of the Russian OMON into Belarus ... Or rather, there is no way to find a way to embroil the two fraternal peoples. Oh, these lawyers ... they know everything, they have been everywhere ...
              1. +2
                22 August 2020 14: 49
                Well, it is proposed to introduce riot police but not bother anyone)
                It's probably something like this
                enter but not deprive virginity.
  6. +3
    21 August 2020 15: 17

    Start with this, end with this.
    So you want "... from here to dictate our unyielding will to the rest of the world ..."
    And the fact that then - other people - will have to disentangle it all ... no gu-gu.
    Neither about the fact that "raising the standard of living in Belarus, in order to calm the people" will fail even to the Russian level, nor about the fact that the so-called. "arms race" can turn from a semi-fabulous pseudo-reality today into a real reality
    Not about the fact that allies are not created by the introduction of riot police - we need common values ​​and common aspirations
    1. +10
      21 August 2020 15: 27
      Kremlin is just a link to the source of the photo. From the Internet, take photos that you like - you can violate someone's copyright))
      1. -1
        21 August 2020 17: 06
        Quote: Pensive Lawyer
        Kremlin is just a link to the source of the photo.

        Yes, it is clear where. I really respect the author of his books.
      2. +2
        21 August 2020 17: 39
        Dear Anton, the choice of the photo source in this case correlates well with your point of view.
        1. 0
          22 August 2020 18: 04
          Quote: A.TOR
          the choice of the source of the photo ... correlates well with your point of view

          Should this be shameful? And it seems to me that you are trying to cover up your inattention when reading "obliquely" with this commentary.
  7. +2
    21 August 2020 15: 21
    There is no need to go anywhere, let them decide for themselves, otherwise they will not blame themselves.
    1. +2
      22 August 2020 07: 33
      In such cases, it is not necessary to climb, but you can not intrusively prompt where it is better not to climb
  8. +1
    21 August 2020 15: 27
    We have already shown ourselves to be weak. We have reclaimed Crimea. And ... blown away! We are not sure of ourselves. We do not know what to do with the DPR and LPR.

    The LDNR has actually been integrated into Russia for a long time, and without any real war with the remnants of Ukraine, which would have cost much more than one and a half wounded a month now. But how many investments Crimea demanded and how many more years from there it is necessary to etch dill, one should not forget.

    Sooner or later, there will be some decision on the remnants of Ukraine, this is inevitable precisely because of the Crimea. If there is no Ukraine, there will be no problem, the USA, Russia and the EU will establish new borders and separate for the next 20-25 years.
  9. -8
    21 August 2020 15: 38
    On pain of all possible punishments, the riot police should be prohibited from touching the protesters. Cocktail throwers only. People have excellent physical fitness, they will catch up.

    Why catch up with someone? There are rubber bullets. You can learn from France and the United States of humanism and practicality in one bottle.
  10. +1
    21 August 2020 15: 39
    All this is wonderful - but a complete utopia! A scenario for the authorities, expressing the interests of the people, not the oligarchy! Russia has a capitalist system that only needs economic integration. The real unification of the Slavs is a terrible dream of the scum sick of money-loving. They will not allow this. This is not why the Ros "Guard" and the police were created. Forget about Belarus and Ukraine. These countries did not exist and do not exist. There are occupied Russian territories. Now Belarus will be captured, and the map will resemble the fall of 41. But we have more important things to do in Syria.
  11. +1
    21 August 2020 15: 41
    I will be happy to read constructive criticism, I repeat, I do not consider my opinion to be the only correct one. If I don’t like it, I will not impose.

    Many of the author's thoughts coincide with mine, I support the initiatives. It is interesting to read new fresh thoughts. I look forward to continuing.
  12. +2
    21 August 2020 15: 42
    Well, and in vain I wrote, as soon as I got to the cowardly ideology of the enemies of the communists that they were not to blame for the capture of the USSR, that their "Liberator" Gorbachev was not to blame, I realized that it was useless to expect an honest, objective, adequate from this person.
  13. +3
    21 August 2020 15: 45
    Pensive Lawyer
    You are just a small lawyer. I sing about what I see.
    In our case, Mikhail Sergeevich only continued to follow the course already outlined before him, not trying to correct the current situation and not even trying to find the reasons for its occurrence.
    Well, Gorbachev and Yakovlev and Shevardnadze pursued very specific goals. Nobody pushed him under the elbow. It was he who surrendered the GDR and the Socialist camp, signed the agreements on the SRMSD., And we were disarmed by the YARSD of Europe. The country organized a "dip" of food, tobacco, introduced cards for meat and alcohol. All were used to whip up discontent in the country.

    Gold reserve, t - --------------- 1985/2500 1991/240
    External debt, billion $ ----------- 31,3 ----------- 70,3
    Economic growth rates,% --- (+2,5) ---------- (-11)
    Inflation,% - ------------------ 0 ---------- 25 per week
    Don't look for a cat in a dark room if it isn't there. fool
    The goal of my whole life has been the destruction of communism. It is for this purpose that I used my position in the party and the country "- Gorbachev's speech at a seminar at the American University in Turkey in 2000. But in fact, these are all beautiful words to justify my betrayal.
    The state collapsed not from the delegation of power to the places fool but from the purposeful work of the foremen of perestroika.
    However, you are quite possibly dressed up, there are many of them and your apologetic voice speaks about it. request
    1. +7
      21 August 2020 16: 18
      I'm talking about the beginning of the process and the prerequisites.
      I do not argue with the fact that it was the persons you listed that destroyed the country. And their decisions became fatal. I am talking about signs of a weakening of the state apparatus and, as a consequence, of its fragility. The same Brezhnev, if at one time decided to carry out perestroika, would go straight to the next world under the article - the party would have tore up. That is, the processes of undermining the regime began even before Gorbachev, as a result of which Gorbachev's decisions were feasible and were not perceived unequivocally as a betrayal.
      1. -7
        21 August 2020 17: 39
        Quote: Pensive Lawyer
        I'm talking about the beginning of the process and the prerequisites.

        My young lawyer, there are no processes as such, no! There are people and their daily work.
        There are woodworm beetles, they sit and grind wood, the breeze blew and the oak fell, of course it dried up from the beginning, lost its foliage. It was not the oak tree that was old or sick, but the daily work knocked it down.
        So it was for the USSR. Not "weakening the state apparatus", but constant work to weaken it, and Stalin strengthened the apparatus every day.
        If you are an honest lawyer, ask yourself a question: why, as soon as the country begins to defend its interests, then "You have a dictatorship, we will come and bring democracy"? The Middle East was bombed into the Stone Age. Turkey and Iran remained. All Latin America has gone through coups and military coups. Because democracy is the essence of a corrupt system. It is the change of power that leads to the fact that no one is responsible for anything. We also have irresponsibility, but sometimes they are imprisoned, I hope there will be more. GDP is responsible for everything.
        We now suddenly found out that there are dictators Stalin and Putin. And between them there is peace and quiet, but God's grace, it's like a lawyer.
        Our fish began to rot from the 20th Congress of the CPSU. When the father of the people was accused of a personality cult and for this case they began to cancel, KTG "national projects", and carried out a small modernization of the economy. Khrushchev and his company began to destroy the country.
        It was not the processes that ruined the country, but the people with a purpose ..... and no matter what. We are sitting on the wreckage of the empire that was our home. Youngsters do not understand this and feeds on info from the Internet and SMRAD and believes everything, because they cannot and does not want to analyze. For analysis, you need to read thick books, skukuten. Hence the clip consciousness, a bunch of facts, short, vivid, but Navalny himself made a conclusion!
        Before talking about dictators, first look at which country they received and which they left.
        1. +5
          22 August 2020 17: 01
          I am one of the most ardent opponents of democracy in our country. Unfortunately, there are few among my milieu. Democracy is good for the profitability of our profession))
          It is good for Europe and Americans who are mostly descendants of Europeans. They have a suitable mentality. Ours is completely different. It is not without reason that we are located between Europe and Asia. Western democracy is not suitable for us, but also dictatorship in its pure form, which feels great in the east, will not suit us. I am for authoritarianism.
          To confirm my words, you can refer to our history - our country has always been at the peak of its power only under a strong and tough ruler. As soon as the authorities softened, the process of weakening the state as a whole began immediately.
        2. +4
          22 August 2020 17: 04
          Yes, the oak was not old and sick. It's just that carpenter beetles appeared before Gorbachev. Gorbachev was the biggest of them all.
          I am an opponent of democracy. I am a supporter of an authoritarian regime. Why is a topic for a separate article. A lot to write. But I have my reasons not to like democracy as such, and they are even based on logic, not purely internal convictions.
    2. +3
      21 August 2020 16: 37
      Colleague Mavrikiy, sharp and sane. I support hi
      1. -1
        21 August 2020 17: 58
        Thank you for your support, but now the feathers from the tail are pulling out, Zhirinovsky's kites. love
  14. +3
    21 August 2020 15: 46
    By and large in Hamburg, I agree with you, and I know many who think in the same format. But I would like to hear your point of view on obtaining Russian passports by residents of the LPR? Even in the reduced composition, a couple of Russian-speaking regions will not interfere with our country. But without a referendum in these regions, we can get a headache in the form of today's Chechnya, which we have pacified with generous funding and a blind eye to the voluntarism of the local administration: "Do as I want, otherwise I will stop marrying." And how much does the country need to have in its composition "Ukrainian regions", looking at the role played by the western regions, annexed to the USSR before the Second World War, in the collapse of both the Union and already Independent Ukraine. In short, "I doubt it"!
    1. +13
      21 August 2020 16: 09
      Passports for residents of the LPNR are, of course, better than nothing. But I look at it from the point of view of the manifestation of power. It is not difficult to hold a referendum, and I am sure they will support the accession, because it also means the end of the war. These areas ceased to be Ukrainian after their insubordination, after the shelling that followed, after the boilers. And when we talk about Chechnya, we are also talking about mentality. The LDNR has a population with a mentality that is as close as possible to ours. Well, they will not behave like that, our mentality is more inclined to thirst, shall we say, for the common good, and not for personal.
      And the western regions of Ukraine are categorically incompatible with us - centuries-old contradictions, different mentality
  15. +6
    21 August 2020 15: 48
    Perhaps the first article with an attempt not only to analyze the situation in the post-Soviet space, but also to give recipes for a way out of the current situation. Some remarks.
    1. It is absolutely correct that the USSR began to fall apart not under Gorbachev, but after Stalin's death, when a quarrel for power broke out at the top of the USSR. The process of collapse accelerated in 1956 after the 20th Congress of the CPSU, when Khrushchev put an end to the idea of ​​communism, and subsequent economic reforms: to include the development of virgin lands - destroyed the non-black earth, the elimination of personal subsidiary plots - finally ruined private initiative, economic councils, etc. , etc. Gorbachev in the process of collapse only put a fat point. Whether it was possible to save the USSR, or at least not to bring it to complete collapse, this question requires a serious economic, political and historical analysis.
    2. On the issue of the introduction of troops into the Republic of Belarus. OMON is also troops, light troops performing specific tasks, and therefore these troops are called differently. Therefore, the thesis about the impossibility of entering troops into the Republic of Belarus, provided that OMON troops are brought in, is at least controversial.
    A special question: is there a need to send troops to the Republic of Belarus? At the moment, there is obviously no such need. But this does not mean that such a need cannot appear in the future. Obviously, Poland, the hyena of Europe and the Baltic states, would really like to bite off a piece of White Russia, but Belarus is a member of the CSTO, and therefore has every right and can count on protection from Russia and its allies in the event of intervention or military provocations from other states. even small ones, or, for example, militants from Ukraine, who may try to invade the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
    3. Concerning Ukraine. Indeed, with Ukraine, everything is much more complicated. Russia had a chance when the Donbass, having defeated a group of Ukrainian Banderlogists and punishers, could reach Kiev and cleanse Ukraine of Banderlogists and henchmen of the West. But this chance was missed. In history, as you know, repetition is possible only if there is another defeat in the Donbass.
    What to do with Donbass now? To stand guard over the interests of Donbass, and to support Donbass in every possible way, to create conditions for the restoration and development of the economy, even in such a truncated form as it is now. Continue to issue Russian passports to residents of Donbass, educate Donbass children in our universities and colleges. In other words, to do everything possible to preserve and develop Donbass. The main thing here is time, time and again the time that works for Donbass and for Russia. Wait, wait and wait. As in the old eastern parable: either the padishah dies, or the donkey. Therefore, the admission of Donbass to Russia is now extremely undesirable. Donbass, by its very existence and the normalization of its own life, is destroying Bendery Ukraine. Donbass is a knife in the back of Banderlogists ... The existence of Donbass and its support from Russia does not mean that in the future there will not be a situation where Donbass can become part of Russia. But so far such conditions have not yet emerged. The main question here is when will the conditions arise for Donbass to become part of Russia. The answer is extremely simple: as soon as Ukraine begins to fall apart, as soon as Western predators rush to Ukraine in the hope of tearing off a piece of it fatter, then the fallen parts of Ukraine themselves will be asked to become part of Russia, and together with them, of course, it will enter composition of Russia and Donbass.
    That is, in fact, all that I would like to point out in your article.
    1. -1
      21 August 2020 16: 04
      Answer, then, why BEFORE Gorbachev everything that happened under him did not happen, and how, WITHOUT Gorbachev, the USSR could have been divided into separate States, Soviet power was replaced by anti-Soviet, and socialism by capitalism? And without this, your words and the author of the article are senseless verbiage and justification of criminals.
      1. +1
        22 August 2020 13: 26
        Before Labeled, the collapse of the USSR did not take place only because a critical mass of future individuals of the Russian oligarchy and other bantustans, which appeared thanks to Khrushch, did not form in the leading positions of the middle and lower levels. ONLY when the critical mass of rot reached the required level, it pushed the Tagged One to the pinnacle of power.
      2. 0
        22 August 2020 23: 24
        Yuri Vladimirovich Fleckenstein and the team of his deputies, starting with V.A. Kryuchkov, should have been asked about this, and, of course, this should have been done when they were alive and well, instead of hiding them in secret apartments.
    2. +3
      21 August 2020 17: 13
      I subscribe to every word, especially in Belarus. It is permissible to enter any power units of the Russian Federation into the Republic of Belarus if and if, when and if an invasion of the Western coalition by the forces of any of its countries begins in the Republic of Belarus. The opposite will look like an invasion to support the ruling regime, not approved by the population, boring and even hated. In this case, the Belarusians will not retain any warm feelings for Russia. And the West will assure and with all its forces of its gigantic propaganda resource will glue the word "occupiers" to our soldiers, and to justify it, it will skillfully create the necessary number of provocations with the participation of civilians and deaths, and even "partisan detachments." Spoons will then be found, but the sediment will remain and can be very thick. For us - in the form of especially evil sanctions ...
      There is the Foreign Ministry, the president has advisers, so let them break their heads and find the right non-military solution.
      You can even visit a brotherly country for Putin)))
    3. 0
      21 August 2020 22: 50
      I completely agree. It is legitimate to think first before chopping.
    4. +1
      22 August 2020 11: 55
      Do you want to live in Donbass yourself? To take part in the collapse of Ukraine with your own hand, so to speak!
  16. +2
    21 August 2020 15: 53
    = I think you should start from the very beginning - from the collapse of the Great (with a capital letter) power and its split into smaller parts.
    From my point of view, this was inevitable. And to blame the party elite of the time of Mikhail Gorbachev for what happened is to be very cunning. =
    In other words, during the collapse of the USSR, the party elite, Gorbachev, Shevardnadze, Yakovlev, etc., just stood on their side?
    = In our case, Mikhail Sergeevich only continued to follow the course already outlined before him, not trying to correct the current situation and not even trying to find the reasons for its occurrence. Recklessly and prematurely starting his perestroika, he let the huge country into a steep dive, just like in the TV show "Pun". =
    So did Gorbachev (the party elite) let the huge country go into a steep dive, or did he not? So "they stood on the side" or did they "let it go into a steep dive"?
    Yes, with the coming to power of Khrushchev, the "decay of the top, its degeneration" began, but this process, like any other, could have been stopped. This means that there was nothing inevitable in the collapse of the USSR.
    1. +2
      21 August 2020 23: 03
      Let me reproach you for not reading the comments. M.S. Gorby did not continue, but deliberately, in his own words, Destroyed the USSR.
      Messrs. Yakovlev and Shevardnadzade WERE agents of influence. Proven.
      But Mr. Putnin and his friends do not draw conclusions from this. It seems to me that another Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation for the Sakhalin Bridge is "shining" for the Potap and Rottenberg. Vekselrods are next in line. The glory of the Chubais will not fade for centuries. For the gifted = there is some sarcasm here.
      1. 0
        21 August 2020 23: 39
        Quote: japs
        Let me reproach you

        Let me also reproach you for a complete misunderstanding of what I have stated. You have not figured out where is the quote from the article, and where are my words. I separated the quote with the "="
    2. +1
      22 August 2020 17: 55
      They did not stand to the side. I say that this process began long before them. They sped it up because they had the opportunity. And the opportunity was just because the process began long ago. As I already wrote in the comments, in the sixties and seventies the secretary general would have been shot for such an amateur performance simply.
      1. 0
        22 August 2020 20: 28
        Quote: Pensive Lawyer
        They did not stand to the side.

        Here. This is what I wanted to say. Those. - are guilty! no statute of limitations!
        Quote: Pensive Lawyer
        As I already wrote in the comments, in the sixties and seventies the secretary general would have been shot for such an amateur performance simply.

        Well, you bent it. Khrushchev was not shot. Although it was necessary.
  17. +8
    21 August 2020 15: 59
    On what basis to introduce police forces into the Republic of Belarus, on the basis of what international treaty, agreement .. between our countries ... You can invite psychologists to provide assistance, but not from the Ministry of Internal Affairs .. Ukraine. Why does the LDNR of Russia, in such a truncated form, do not mean the territory, but the water area of ​​the Azov Sea ... But this is the lyrics ... The main thing is that to integrate the LDNR into Russia, according to the law, it is necessary to pay compensation for those enterprises that are located in this territory, and a good one ... Remember how the late Zakharchenko wanted to nationalize all the enterprises of the DPR and how he refused, when he was told, this is not how things are done ... Then he went to a cafe for lunch, some time later, and did not return .. Business and nothing personal ... in the LPR, they did not say anything like that and everyone is alive. But I'm talking about something else, where to take money for compensation ... And then, Russia said that it stands for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and just wants the LPR to receive a special status, but within the framework of the new constitution of Ukraine, and how, on the basis of such statements, to integrate these territories.
    1. +3
      21 August 2020 17: 17
      I disagree with the current authorities of the Russian Federation on very many points. International treaties - from a legal point of view - simply declare the will of states. There is no SCA mechanism capable of enforcing their observance - their observance is at the discretion of the signatory states themselves. The UN was conceived as exactly such a mechanism. But how it works - we all see.
      The same USA spat on international norms. It is useless to play fair against a sharpie when we are talking about states. After all, there is no court that will restore justice.
      1. +3
        21 August 2020 17: 51
        I understand that you disagree with the current authorities of the Russian Federation on very many points, with my comment, in which part you disagree .. Let's discuss ..
        1. 0
          22 August 2020 17: 49
          Why from the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Because the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is associated with the state no less than the army. Introducing the military into the streets is a check and checkmate to oneself, here I agree with the commentators.
          Interior Ministry specialists are just a variant of "soft power". Not a military intervention, but also not private parastatal organizations, whose loyalty and, most importantly, control over which remains highly controversial.
          And compensation - again, the question is, to whom is compensation? Plant owners? So I do not propose to nationalize them. The factories remain with the owners. And the fact that factories will have to adapt to new realities - sorry, these are just business risks. Ukrainian oligarchs will either need to bury them (which means the loss of all the money), or pay us taxes, play by our rules, because now they are in the Russian legal field. In any case, this will be their decision. But something tells me that no one will be there to "cut off one's hand" for the sake of a higher goal. They will work with us as cute. It's profitable. And profit in capitalism is everything.
          And we ourselves can revise our statements. On the basis of another violation of the truce on the other side. In view of the futility of the current line of behavior.
  18. +1
    21 August 2020 16: 03
    "Send troops". Oh well. Russia is a generous soul.
  19. +7
    21 August 2020 16: 08
    It's even easier. The empire collapsed. The separatist elites built their feudal counties on the rubble. Different is not important. Somewhere socialist, somewhere practically monarchist, somewhere pro-Western. The main enemy for all of them is the former metropolis. They are afraid that they will be drawn into a single state and will lose their principalities. Especially since the place on the main stool is just for one ass. And so that the population of these principalities would forget. that they had just been one people. they format their consciousness. They invent languages ​​for them or forcibly implant existing ones, simultaneously squeezing out Russian. They create myths about how evil Russians tyrannized them and about great victories over "Russian aggressors." They are broadcasting about the evil Russian oligarchs who are just waiting to take away everything that they have from the population of the specific principalities, and so on. The longer this flushing takes, the deeper it penetrates. And the stronger Russia becomes, the worse it will have relations with all the appanage principalities. This is an axiom.
    At the same time, those who are cleverer understand that the economy of the former empire was created as a single whole and that, after separating from the center, its pieces will collapse. For example, how the Georgian economy collapsed in the early 90s, or how the Ukrainian economy is collapsing now. Therefore, smart elites are balancing between economics, politics and nationalism. Lukashenko is a vivid example. At the same time, he milks the metropolis and promotes independent Belarus, frightens the Russian oligarchs and says that the Second World War is not a war of Belarusians. request
    But at the same time, there are openly hostile principalities of the GUM bloc, that is, Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova. These are just openly hostile states. We have already fought with all of them. There was also Azerbaijan, but Aliyev understood everything in time and went to cooperate with the Russian Federation. WITH THESE THREE GOS-YOU, WE WILL HAVE TO CONFLICT AND FULLY POSSIBLE TO FIGHT. If we let the Maidan win in Belarus, then sooner or later the Belarusian elites will also reformat their population into an anti-Russian state. Lukashenka, with all his shortcomings, prevents him from doing this. Therefore, he will be overthrown. This situation gives us the opportunity to advance integration to such an extent that the return path for the Belarusian elites becomes impossible. So that they see their prospects as part of a single state. If you convince them that it is beneficial to them, then they will convince the population themselves. request
    1. +1
      21 August 2020 16: 20
      Well, not really. First, Gorbachev gave freedom to the separatists, and they created their Popular Fronts, began to blatantly lie to the peoples that it was their republic that feeds the entire USSR, that it was necessary to secede, and everyone in the republic would live several times richer. But, despite this, 70% of the voters of the USSR, and not just those who came to the referendum in March 1991, voted to continue living in one big country, but other benefactors of the enemies of the USSR Yeltsin, Kravchuk, Shushkevich, against the will of the people dismembered the USSR into separate states. And the enemies of the communists began to unleash wars on the territory of the former USSR, to instill anger and hatred, lies and slander, to destroy not only Soviet, but also Russian, including in Russia.
      1. +4
        21 August 2020 17: 42
        Gorbachev and the Popular Fronts were the effect, not the cause. Gorbachev, like Nicholas 2, was simply a weak tsar and, accordingly, collapsed under him. But if someone else came instead of him, then without solving the problems, he would only postpone the collapse until the next weak king. Well, the CPSU created its own problems for itself. First of all, a lack of understanding of the ongoing processes.
    2. +5
      21 August 2020 16: 47
      The directors of state-owned enterprises in Belarus themselves want to reign over all volodets, while Lukashenka does not want to turn them into small-town oligarchs ... And Russian oligarchs do not need local amateur activity ... What kind of integration of the Belarusian elite into the Russian one can be discussed. These are not tsarist times. When local elites were given possessions, were given ranks, awards, and they occupied government posts ..
      1. +6
        21 August 2020 18: 01
        State-owned enterprise directors are only part of the elite. Luca did not avoid large-scale privatization - he only postponed it for the duration of his rule. And now the Belarusian elites really want to share the state property and, of course, they do not need Russia. Therefore, the best chance for integration is under Batko, he just needs to be motivated.
        Well, in a small country, there are few opportunities. Yes, everything is not enough - money, career growth, chances for self-realization, business opportunities, etc. In a big country, there is more of all this. An example is the Ukrainian oligarchs. Even with full control over Ukraine and its politics, economy and the state as a whole, compared to Russian big businessmen, who have even ceased to be oligarchs, they are rogue. And so in everything. request A simple example. A year before last year's interview with Zelensky to Gordon. If I remember correctly, then Zelya said. that before the break with the Russian Federation, his company earned a month in the region of 200 thousand euros. After the break - in the region of 20-30 thousand. Here is the answer that the local elites will benefit from joining the Russian Federation. Money and prospects.
  20. +3
    21 August 2020 16: 15
    As for the restoration of relations with Ukraine, we will return only later, in fifty years, when passions will subside, if they themselves will not return by that time to our sphere of influence. We also fought a lot with Germany. And now the Germans are treated as normal.

    Everything will come earlier with Ukraine. But for this we will need to radically change our policy towards this country. One cannot wait 50 years - during this time the entire population will be completely fooled by Western propaganda.

    Germany no longer exists. There are countries from the hostile NATO bloc. What is our attitude towards NATO?
  21. +2
    21 August 2020 16: 21
    I apologize in advance for the large gaps in the answers, I still have a working day) I will try to answer the questions in the comments as much as possible. I am writing from my phone, so I can not hit the keys)
  22. +5
    21 August 2020 16: 24
    ... Those who associate this exclusively with high oil prices will be strongly wrong.

    Not. It's just a coincidence! There would have been 15 bucks of oil, like in the 90s, it wouldn't matter at allsmile
    He also smiled strongly about the speculations about Medvedev as an independent figure.
    The author would be interested to ask the question - why is all this?
    Crimea on subsidies and pulls resources.
    Donbass pulls resources.
    Belarus used to pull resources before, and then it looks like it will pull even more.
    What for?
    Usually, if something is attached, then they do it for the sake of obtaining economic benefits. The basis and the superstructure - the economy and politics, alternately pull up each other.
    Expanding political influence at the expense of the economy - then politics brings profit to the economy.
    And so in turn.
    And what kind of profit did the policy in the Caucasus bring? The economy is pulled, bless you.
    Now Belarus will still be added and subsidized in full so that the Russian oligarchs can privatize Belarusian enterprises - there is no one in Belarus to compete with them, if that.
    Separately, a tear of affection is knocked out by the main ideas that it’s just a business to find someone, and immediately everyone will follow him in Belarus
  23. +5
    21 August 2020 16: 39
    In addition, we took upon ourselves the entire external debt of the USSR (which was partly true given the fact that we did not want to share nuclear weapons: the carrot and the carrot), and they did not have an urgent economic need to jump headlong into the pool.

    Wow, does that mean we're heading into the pool? I remember the victorious reports of our economists: "We will be given more debts than we are to them!"
    Introduce the National Guard to Belarus? Oh well...
  24. +3
    21 August 2020 16: 44
    I don’t know how anyone, but I have no relationship with the Germans. And I don’t want to write them down as friends of the Russian (Russian) people, we will miscalculate again, I am sure.
    Without going far from the Germans, we can say that there are Germans, but there are Austrians, like one people, but they don't live together. Moreover, the English and the Germans have a language belonging to the same group of languages ​​- the Germanic languages ​​of the western subgroup. But also somehow special friendship is not observed, to say the least. In the economy, however, it is somewhat different. After the Second World War, a world division of labor was formed, characterized by the fact that the world was divided into two competing systems (projects): the so-called socialist system, with the USSR dominating in it, and the capitalist one under the leadership of the United States. When we destroyed the USSR with our own hands, virtually one system remained in the world - the Anglo-American one. By definition, for example, economist M. Khazin, now we exist within the framework of one "Global Project". It is impossible to say that the USSR did not cope with the consolidation and development of its own Global Project and therefore collapsed, because the death of the USSR was determined by this development rather than vice versa. Nevertheless, in the modern world it cannot be that history gives someone time to swing and regroup. And, naturally, the wreckage of the USSR was absorbed and somehow adapted to the needs of the Anglo-American project, which we are witnessing today.
    However, for various reasons, Russia began to get out of this project. The West cannot understand Russia, just as they never could. Russia is doomed to be independent, being within its borders, to have its own Global Project (I apologize for repeating the name of someone else's term, but this is really so). The West, and above all the United States and China, in no case should this be allowed today. How could not this be allowed in the XVI century, when the Livonian War began, which bled the country. In the 6th century, when, in addition to the Troubles, 1945 more military conflicts happened, moreover, with the closest neighbors. The XVIII century - passed under the "thunder of cannons and the clatter of an ax" from Russia towards the East and West. The 1991th century - the invasion of Napoleon and the Crimean War, when the price of friendship became clear to many. XX, I hope everyone remembers. In XNUMX they finally got together and seemed to optimize everything. But no. It turns out that neither Belarusians nor Ukrainians wanted to live in a single country. Surprisingly, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Kyrgyz wanted, but these did not. The year XNUMX has come. And what is XXI preparing for us? Almost a quarter of it passed. There is only one conclusion: to create your own project and live within its framework, without fail preserving our borders, increasing the population, not paying attention to what the neighbors say. Want to work together, please. And they will spit, throw cigarette butts under the windows and celebrate in our country, well, the XNUMXth century was not so bad in terms of the country's development.
    1. +7
      21 August 2020 20: 35
      Quote: 1536
      It turns out that neither Belarusians nor Ukrainians wanted to live in a single country.

      Population of countries or people want peace and prosperity. But the people can be easily deceived with the help of propaganda and all sorts of tricks based on nationalism .. This in fact happened .. The USA has long been using the same tactics in all countries .. they buy the elite and use it to dictate the agenda they need. This happens in all post-Soviet countries and is more pronounced precisely in those that are of interest to the United States from an economic and geopolitical point.
      However, for various reasons, Russia began to get out of this project.

      Russia does not get out anywhere, otherwise we would have our own policy directed towards the post-Soviet countries ... but since we do not even have an agent of influence in Ukraine or Belarus, whether it is a party or a presidential candidate can be considered and there is no politics ... commercial relationship ..
      Only by this simple fact, we can safely say that we are in the Anglo-Saxon paradigm and are not getting out anywhere .. I think you will agree that for an independent state, first of all, an independent own currency and economy is important .. As you know, our ruble is strongly influenced by the dollar depends on the barrel as well, while the economy is integrated into the world one and the most important sectors are essentially sold.
      There is only one conclusion: to create your own project and live within its framework, without fail preserving our borders, increasing the population, not paying attention to what the neighbors say.

      I agree in this part, with the exception of the neighbors .. It will not be possible to ignore, the neighbor must be adequate and peaceful, and in our case the United States is not profitable .. will constantly provoke local conflicts that will greatly interfere and delay funds .. Therefore and not only for this reason, it is necessary to return Ukraine and Belarus home ..
      The XNUMXth century was not so bad in terms of the country's development.

      The most powerful development of the country was in the 20th century, and it was not casual and the conditions were harsh, but we became an empire the leader on the planet. A leader, both mental and economic and in the scientific sphere .. in general in all directions .. Socialism is the next stage of human development .. capitalism is doomed or humanity in the capitalist world ..
    2. BAI
      21 August 2020 20: 46
      Russia is doomed to be independent, being within its borders, to have its own Global project (I apologize for repeating the name of someone else's term, but it really is).

      And I thought it was a sinful thing that we were seeing one of the A. Samsonovs.
  25. -4
    21 August 2020 16: 45
    You slept with your riot police. OMON - a special police detachment. As far as I know, there are police in Russia. And also a lawyer.
    This is the first.
    The second:
    I believe that the best way to resolve problems is to replace the opposition leader with another person.
    Tikhanovskaya is clearly burdened by what has fallen on her. She got on this crest of the wave because of the arrest of her husband, in the end she had to lead the protest in his place.
    You need to make her an offer that she cannot refuse. In exchange for the release of her husband, she appoints a confidant in her place, withdraws her candidacy, and dissolves the steering committee.
    Instead of her, a strong, charismatic leader becomes and, having displaced Lukashenka, using the great confidence of the people, leads the country in the right and necessary direction.
    I am for POWER, I am for ORDER, I am for the CONSTITUTION, I am for the LAW ... but without Lukashenka and his black guardsmen.
    And such words will be told to you by the overwhelming number of Belarusians.
    1. +10
      21 August 2020 16: 54
      Quote: pro100y.belarus
      You slept with your riot police. OMON - a special police detachment. As far as I know, there are police in Russia.

      And the OMON is now read as a "special purpose mobile unit". They did not want to call themselves names of OPON. Doesn't sound.
    2. +3
      21 August 2020 19: 12
      Quote: pro100y.belarus

      This is the first.
      The second:

      and I have doubts that the cockroach, even in such a state of today, will move to the figure of the Kremlin. it seems to have stabilized and has not been ringing for the third day. tomorrow he will wake up and again start playing the old song - tanks near Smolensk, negros near Brest.
      Gazprom's Babariko Tarakan will be kept in a zugunder while he sees a competitor in him. I see the direction of the work of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs in this direction to mold it into something pro-Russian integration while not everything is poisoned there. and no riot police, otherwise we'll turn away the last loyal ones
    3. +2
      22 August 2020 18: 21
      I am not for Lukashenka and I am not for Tikhanovskaya.
      Lukashenko has lost his former flexibility and ability to maneuver between the interests of the parties, choosing the path of opposition and criticism of Moscow, while wanting preferences from it.
      Tikhanovskaya with her "brilliant" presidential program before the early elections is also not sugar. What will happen in these half a year? Where are the guarantees that the elections, again, will be fair, that the organization will not disappoint?
      We need a third party. It is important that we are confident in her loyalty to us. But at the same time, so that she was REALLY independent. Otherwise we will get the opposite effect.
      Namely, it is not necessary to annex the Republic of Belarus to Russia. The ideal form is a confederation. Everyone has their own internal policy. The leaders of the countries determine it themselves. But the external one is common, unified. When the pressure of third countries on Belarus is pressure on the Russian Federation and vice versa. When the actions of the Republic of Belarus or the Russian Federation in the international arena are a priori recognized as a second participating country. When foreign policy is formed jointly.
      By analogy, as brothers should have - each has his own family, his own budget, his own order in the family, in which they do not interfere. But in conflict with strangers, a mountain for each other. Even if in your heart you think that your brother is wrong. You’ll tell him yourself later, in private. And in public you will support him.
  26. +4
    21 August 2020 17: 27
    they saw with their own eyes how Russia copes on its own. And this is with the support of American advisers!

    Does the author seriously believe in the sincere help of American advisers?
    And if it's sarcasm about support, then you need to put quotes.
    1. +2
      22 August 2020 18: 25
      I do not believe. The inhabitants of the fraternal republics believed at that time. I'm trying to look at the situation through their eyes.
  27. -1
    21 August 2020 17: 42
    Putin supported Lukash with two pair of boots
  28. +2
    21 August 2020 17: 45
    Everyone has the right to their opinion and their own view of what is happening. For me, for example, from the 6th paragraph, the article has ceased to be relevant and interesting, but again this is just my opinion, tb. I am not an authority in this area, but just an ordinary man in the street.
  29. AAK
    21 August 2020 17: 58
    The usual blah blah blah ...
    In addition, where is the discussion of the issue from a legal point promised at the beginning of the article?
    Some kind of lawyer ... generally not kosher ...
    Enough "... just one tablet ..." - and on what such at least quasi-legal basis are we going to introduce the Rosguards OMON into Belarus and move the Russian Army to the western borders?
    Is there a direct appeal by Lukashenka "ala-Assad" supported by the White Parliament? - there is no such thing and it is unlikely to be ...
    Is there a corresponding automatically launched rescue mechanism under the CSTO charter? - I have not heard of this yet ...
    Crowds of Belarusians are crying on TV - bring in the troops, we can't eat straight from this desire? - also no...
    Well, where is the legal "rescue incident"?
    The author's leitmotif is that we save Belarusian socialism with our tanks and don’t care about the consequences, the Belarusians will fill us with potato flowers from great joy ... the main thing is to show that Russia is strong ... A ready-made slogan - "Let's hammer our candy into the throat of the fraternal people with a hammer! "
    1. +4
      21 August 2020 19: 01
      Indeed, there is no legal basis for the interference. But, perhaps, I will surprise you, lawyers are needed not to comply literally with the letter of the law, but so that the client can do what he wants, and everything looks legally justified)
      There is a reason - the West's favorite violation of the rights of citizens, their beating, the protection of our citizens who are on the territory of the republic.
      1. AAK
        21 August 2020 20: 42
        Colleague, you did not surprise me, but as a successful, I hope, a lawyer, if "in the subject", you must know that "the seemingly legally justified embodiment of all the client's wishes with literal observance of the letter of the law" depends, practically without exceptions from the rule, not so much from the casuistic-procedural slickness of our "Gobies", but from the "last word" of the client, embodied in the magnitude of the "skid" to the judge ...
        As for direct military support to Butler, to paraphrase Ulyanov, who did not take place, unfortunately, attorney at law Ulyanov, I can only say, "... every dictator is worth something only when he can defend himself." This dictator, for now, continues to chew his semi-liquid, semi-solid substance from the nasopharynx, but he does not take any decisive or cunning steps, and no one said that it would be easy ...
        In my opinion (5 posts on this topic), the optimal temporary structure for Belarus, which allows to put things in order, avoid external influences and give a respite, is a military junta, but it can play in the next 7-10 days, 3 of which have already passed ...
        1. +1
          21 August 2020 21: 29
          Lukashenka acts normally now without sharp stupidity.
        2. +2
          22 August 2020 12: 45
          At the stage when the case is already in court, in fact, sometimes this happens. In this case, I can’t help anything, since I don’t do this) I’m talking about the process BEFORE the dispute arises as such, when the client appears, let's say, an idea, and it needs to be somehow implemented so as not to break the law (or if without this nowhere, then violate, but so that the violation looks insignificant). For this, a certain line of behavior with the counterparty is built, following which, the risks of both a litigation and its negative outcome are minimized.
          And the power support that I offer is not for the "father", and not even for the opposition. And support for the population as such. Why rely on the loyalty of Lukashenka or the opposition when it is possible to help really pro-Russian forces? In addition, when working with the population, it will go with a bang. The beauty of the crowd is that its opinion is easy to change and channel the energy of the crowd in the right direction - easier than the opinion of one person.
  30. +1
    21 August 2020 18: 19
    It seems that the author does not take off his rose-colored glasses, and lives in some kind of fairytale world where the Russian Federation recognizes and turns on the DPR and LPR, Lukashenka will help, etc.
    This will not happen, it's time to break your glasses and really look at life.
    And the truth of life is inexorable - If they wanted to include the DPR and LPR, this would have been done in 2014. If they wanted to help Lukashenka, then they helped, and did not wait for what will end
    1. +2
      21 August 2020 18: 51
      So I'm saying what should be done, not what the country's leadership is doing. My opinion is different, otherwise it would make no sense for me to state it at all. There are many pro-Kremlin and pro-Western points of view on this site.
      1. +6
        21 August 2020 19: 17

        And how is yours different, the same tales about a wonderful economy based not on trade in resources (though then it is not clear what it is generally based on). And this is how pleased it is not to describe at all
        But we showed that we can do something again. The whole world sees that the United States does not run the risk of going into open confrontation with us.

        Did you make such a conclusion for yourself after the events of April 14, 2018, when over "Wake up to shoot down the carriers" they devoured and launched everything they could in Syria, and someone hid the language in a causal place?
        Or after the Jews shot down the IL-20. And in retaliation, the S-300 was delivered, which never fired a single shot?
        Well, or maybe you made this conclusion on the basis of the shot down su-24, after which someone fraternized with his native Turkey and sold her the S-400?
        Who else hasn't wiped his feet about our opinion in Syria?

        Or your fairy tale about the annexation of the DPR and LPR, which has been broadcast through federal channels for 6 years, but in fact it does not go further than the propagandists' goldyazh
        And now the Republic of Belarus, which your fellows in the pen have been pouring mud on for more than one year, one well-known propogondon on this site, called a cockroach, has sold out so much that it seems that he will put on lace panties and go against the "bloody" Luke
        And again, the opinion for the people - it is necessary to help the fraternal country, which is again played on all TV channels, but in fact it does not itch

        Do you really think your opinion is different?
        And yes I will say a terrible thing so that at least someone respects the country should be done, and not tryndet and try to present the facts beautifully. Until this happens, no one will respect the Russian Federation
        1. +5
          21 August 2020 20: 50
          I propose specific actions, and not say what our authorities will do)

          And in Syria, you just see the point of view of a lawyer.
          We promised to hit the carriers when striking the places of deployment of OUR soldiers. This was not the case.
          With the downed IL 20, it was not the Israelis themselves who shot down. Again, from a legal point of view, they have nothing to do with it.
          As for Turkey, I agree with you - it was necessary to act, and not to let tomatoes into the market.
          Of course, the outcome of the rescue of Erdogan and his discord with the United States was also not bad, but the fact that we simply swallowed the fact of direct aggression is still unacceptable.

          As for the LDNR, I want to act, not speak.
          And I am not a supporter of Lukashenka, unlike the leadership of the country. And I categorically do not support their current actions.
  31. +3
    21 August 2020 19: 24
    Some kind of youthful delirium, not an article.
    One gets the impression that at the end of the 80s, the author graduated from high school at best, but most likely just went to school.
  32. +4
    21 August 2020 19: 37
    And you have a curious pseudonym ...
    I hope that in your professional activity some charming thoughtfulness is permissible or even useful.
    Otherwise, two pensive lawyers have been ruling here, replacing each other for 21 years, one of whom is so pensive that sometimes he falls asleep in public ...
  33. +6
    21 August 2020 19: 38
    The author - no offense, but this is a concentrate of what the media have fed us in the last 20 years. When there are thoughts about how we can live further, I notice that some try to drive a shovel too deep into history and then twirl it so deliciously that you involuntarily think " wow! but he really does it. " But time goes on, the clock is ticking - and all this is long table-historical preludes and searches for answers "somewhere there" are already an element of the past, calm (as it turned out) and stable years (which is also incredible).
    IMHO - and I have repeatedly defended and will defend this point of view here - we need to put our territory in order, the well-being of our people and economy, the long-term vitality of our internal political system - these are our priorities. How we bring it - how we raise the standard of living and build up real economic power - everyone who needs it will crawl by themselves. And those who do not need or do not really need - those should not be fed - what now, what and tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. Historical memory is short - today you are a defender, tomorrow you are an occupier, the day after tomorrow you are an implementer of genocide - they will find, justify, write down in "smart" books. We have enough territories and people and resources - when will we look inside all this wealth?
    1. +2
      21 August 2020 20: 36
      I don’t want to join anyone specifically. With the LDNR - they are already "pulling" money, we help them. Simply with their accession, the main cause of the devastation will disappear and the restoration of their economy will finally begin. As long as there is a war there, the LDNR will not be able to live in a normal regime, and enterprises, which they can "accidentally" shoot at, also do not work better because of such an opportunity.
      And so, from the very beginning, I said - 1 of the pillars of US influence is the standard of living of Americans. You cannot do anything to your detriment. The actions that I propose are, in my opinion, the lesser of evils.
  34. 0
    21 August 2020 20: 43
    And we had neither the means, nor the desire, nor the opportunity to somehow influence the opinion of our neighbors - everyone was busy trying not already ruin the Russian Federation.
    The author fixes "not" to ON! Yes .
  35. +3
    21 August 2020 21: 24
    Very controversial and far from the truth. Both in the analysis of the situation in the USSR and in the current situation
    And only a very "gifted person" can offer to introduce the Russian OMON to Belarus.
    1. 0
      22 August 2020 18: 17
      I support your conclusion
  36. -1
    21 August 2020 23: 06
    (As for the opinion of Ukraine on this matter, let's frankly: they won't treat us worse. And when we take two more territorial units from the "strongest army in Europe", this will add at least respect to us).
    The author is your quote!
    Now that won't get worse! Are you sure about that? States have long hinted at disconnecting Russia from the system
    SWIFT. At the moment, Iran and North Korea are disconnected from it! To understand the whole Armageddon of such a shutdown, talk to your clients, bankers. They will open their eyes to you. In general, load money in wagons. Or the rise in the cost of any transaction by 10-15 percent purely for technical reasons!
    Second! Considering the lost oil war to the Saudis and the ambitions of mattresses in terms of oil and gas expansion to Europe. Under such a pretext, the UN will cheerfully vote for an embargo on Russia on the sale of hydrocarbons. What? Cheap and cheerful and legally clean. A competitor is being removed from the market with their own hands, so to speak. Oil will be left in exchange for satisfaction. For food and not agrochemistry, seeds and machinery with technologies! Ask nastyanniki and gas workers after how much they will be completely bent and how many wells will fail prematurely and prematurely so that they cannot be rolled back immediately.
    And now we take into account 60% of revenues from carbon export, then the economy will last just a year.
    P.S. We never wondered why VVP kicked so hard and smiled nervously, assuring that there were no plans of aggression against Ukraine, the little holy father from the Vatican bank?
  37. 0
    22 August 2020 07: 58
    Anything that is bad for Washington and London is good for Moscow. If a fight is imminent, hit first.
  38. +1
    22 August 2020 13: 53
    Before the siloviki interfere with something, you must first create a model for imitation in your country! So that the neighbors have something to see and what other examples will join. And so, apart from imperial naked-ass ambitions and fear of a sudden blitzkrieg after the Second World War, there is nothing that our neighbor would peck at and start thinking in our direction.
  39. +1
    22 August 2020 18: 14
    I agree with the author 100% that it is time to take the LDNR to my place and DO NOT agree that it is necessary to introduce OMON to the Republic of Belarus, too, 100%
  40. 0
    22 August 2020 20: 25
    In principle, everything is correct, but only the author, or according to our smoke screen, really created the fog. And this is done to mask forces and objects. So, in my opinion, the main thing in this article is that everything that happened to our Motherland, i.e. USSR, it is objectively, albeit sad, and in this the EXTERNAL forces do not participate. Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Medvedev are their own guys who fell victim to the inevitable, and they are not traitors! At the same time, the novice author, who could not resist and decided to present his "opinion" here so that we could understand the worthlessness of our policy, mentioned among other things curiously - "... they saw with their own eyes how Russia copes itself. And this is with the support of American advisers. ! "No dear, I personally know how they" supported "their agents, according to our traitors!
    And your "advice" is just one of the series so that we climb in and allow your owners to finally get the desired reason ...
    Further, all who have served for a long time have already become skilled in the legal field, will agree with me that your proposals are an appeal for gross violations of legal norms of international law. For what? Or rather for whom?
    And yet, your style is clearly not legal (although with the current education!), Rather humanitarian. Poorly! Two (or one in Ukrainian)! Report to your curator!
  41. +3
    22 August 2020 20: 36
    "And when we take two more territorial units from the" strongest army in Europe ", this will add at least respect to us. We will take it, not recapture it, because they will not come to war" - this is the lawyer writing ?!
  42. +2
    22 August 2020 23: 29
    Disgusting article. There are already enough singers of the USSR on the site, but there is no construct. Let's fight the Ukrainians, and your children will be raking the shit in half a century, the author says. Although the author himself is not going to fight or rake, he is a lawyer, a master of putting commas. Introduce power units to RB? There seems to be their own riot police and the army, Trump and Macron will only be happy to see the carnage.
  43. +3
    23 August 2020 06: 03
    Big brother has already intervened; instead of the strikers on the Belarusian television, the arrived Russians are working. And for some reason this decision did not evoke public approval. Strange how these Belarusians are ... And you - OMON, they will be greeted with flowers, that's for sure ...
  44. -1
    23 August 2020 08: 16
    In general, I agree with the position. I would add before any decision making to have an accurate snapshot of the mood of the people in these territories. Not as it seems to you, but as it really is. Before the Crimean operation, several studies were carried out on the mood of the inhabitants of the peninsula. The problem is the lack of reliable information on the mood in Belarus. The opinion of relatives and acquaintances does not count. This is a subjective assessment. I have my own subjective assessment. 80% of these are people stuck in 1989, 20%-Svidomo. The pro-Russian position, as we imagine it, is not present. The current RB power has consistently suppressed the possibility of self-organization of any movements imprisoned in an alliance with Russia.
    The stage they are going through was inevitable. With the weakening of Lukashenka's power, the "svidomye" will certainly strengthen, but the movements that we need will crystallize. If we start integrating forcefully now, there will be problems, first of all, with the local population. In addition, much larger financial subsidies will be required than the usual for Russia $ 7 billion a year.
    I cannot agree with the example regarding Germany
    We also fought a lot with Germany. And now the Germans are treated as normal.

    This is a stamp that has little to do with reality. The Fourth Reich has taken place and is again heaped against us. Ukraine is primarily a German project. This is of course a different topic, but I just want to remind you who is sending personal aircraft evacuators with Khodokovsky, Navalny
  45. -1
    23 August 2020 08: 51
    I agree with everything, except this: "To bring in riot police and our other law enforcement officers. Yes, under the guise of exercises to pull up troops to the western border of the republic." In no case. We need propaganda work. What is needed is not riot police, but journalists, diplomats, businessmen. The strongest ideological processing, for the creation of a union state ...
  46. +1
    23 August 2020 11: 43
    I have a dollar bill. The bill depicts a president. The president's eyes are kind of pensive. Maybe the bill is fake?
  47. +1
    23 August 2020 12: 26
    I didn’t like the article, the author’s cause and effect are confused in places, and generally weak argumentation
  48. -1
    23 August 2020 14: 40
    Thank you, the author, everything is on the case and on the shelves. Very interesting stuff. I hope this scenario will be implemented. I also don't see other ways.
  49. 0
    23 August 2020 15: 30
    Quote: Pensive Lawyer

    Interior Ministry specialists are just a variant of "soft power". Not military intervention, but also not private parastatals, loyal.

    Author, are you talking about our guardsmen so "soft power"? This is about those who are sharpened to beat the unarmed? You got excited very much.
    The army will not, in its main composition, fight the unarmed population, and these ... are sharpened for this. This is their purpose. And that is why there are TWO more guardsmen in Russia than there are warriors. Your "authoritarianism" of your own population is afraid, afraid.
    And yes, "authoritarianism" is a road to nowhere. When applicants are appointed to positions not by their professional qualities, but by the degree of loyalty to the authorities ... the path to nowhere. And nothing else. One person cannot ALWAYS make the right decisions. There is no such person. Authoritarianism can only give a positive result for a VERY SHORT amount of time. And IMHO and Russia and Belarus, this gap has long passed. Now we need to move forward. But it is IMPOSSIBLE neither with the Russian "zero" nor with the Belarusian "dad".
    PS And I would debate with you about the collapse of the Union, when the majority of the population voted for the preservation of the country in a referendum, and a handful of "authoritarians" decided to tear the country apart into separate principalities for the sake of their own "authoritarianism."
  50. 0
    24 August 2020 19: 32
    "And even a super threat like Russia, China or Zimbabwe is not needed."
    Zimbabwe was not needed on the list. an efficient article, except for the introduction of riot police, in Belorussiyu. will cost.
    Russia's foreign policy should already turn to its closest neighbors.
  51. 0
    24 August 2020 20: 19
    You need to show your strength, and the more often, the better.

    Flex your muscles, with or without reason? Well, how can you run into someone just as “muscular”?

    The operation in Syria is a perfect example from this point of view. Yes, our planes were shot down. Yes, dead. And I sincerely feel sorry for those who died on foreign soil. But we showed that we can do something again.

    We can - what? Die on foreign soil (following your recommendations)?

    What should I do?

    In my opinion, this is it. First: should intervene in what is happening in the Republic of Belarus.
    Yes, introduce riot police and our other law enforcement officers.

    But God have mercy on us for this. Make Belarusians “love us dearly”? Or force them to remember the glorious partisan past?
  52. The comment was deleted.