Is Goering's Green Folder green?


Reichsmarschall and Commissioner for the Four-Year Plan Hermann Goering (in a white jacket) examines a model of a metallurgical plant

Anyone who read about the German policy in the occupied territories of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War should know this name - "Goering's Green Folder". There, as stated in a number of scientific works, there were ominous plans for economic plunder and colonization of territories in the East.

There is a Russian translation of the Directive on Economic Governance in the Newly Occupied Eastern Regions (Green Folder), which can be found in a number of publications and on the Internet. However, reading it does not give the impression of having any particularly sinister plans. The document states: "Getting as much food and oil as possible for Germany is the main economic goal of the campaign." The publications refer to archival files from the GARF fund with documents from the Nuremberg Trials (GARF, f. P7445, op. 2, d. 95), which contains a Russian translation.

Everything seems to be smooth. But I always wanted to hold the German original of this very "Green Folder" and read it. The desire was due to the fact that I had to meet cases of unfair translation of German documents, for example, the translation of the minutes of the 1942 Wannsee Conference, which significantly changed the meaning. For the sake of a catchphrase, propagandists will not spare anyone, let alone a trophy document. In general, my dream came true, I held the German original in my hands.

Is Goering's Green Folder green?

Reading scientific works, one might think that this is a folder of some emerald green color, into which the Reichsmarschall and commissioner for the four-year plan, Hermann Goering, put his valuable instructions on how best to plunder the Soviet economy. However, this is not a folder at all. And not Goering's folder.

Is Goering's Green Folder green?

Goering in the office

First, the German title of the document is “Richtlinien für die Führung der Wirtschaft in den neubesetzten Ostgebieten (Grüne Mappe)”. The Russian translation is not entirely accurate. Richtlinien in German means not only directives, but also instructions, standards, regulations, rules, guidelines. Due to the fact that the document pays great attention to the structure of the occupation economic bodies, their responsibilities and tasks, as well as various issues of organizing economic life in the occupied territories, it is better to translate as "Regulations on the management of the economy in the newly occupied eastern regions."

Secondly, Mappe in German is not only a folder, but also a package of documents. Actually, the documents are printed with a typographic method and bound, that is, these are brochures, not folders. There is quite a lot in the brochures: the decrees (Erlaß) of Hitler and Goering, orders of the OKW and other documents. It is a collection of documents, a typical German collection of legal documents. All other collections of laws and decrees were drawn up in the same way.

The name "Goering's Green Folder" appeared in 1942 in a propaganda brochure by L.A. Leontyev's "Goering's Green Folder" (M., "Gospolitizdat", 1942) and then stayed in all Russian publications.

Why green? Because the color of the cover of these brochures is gray-green. The Germans introduced color-coded documents. There was also the Red Folder of the Office of the Military Industry of the OKW, the Yellow Folder of the Eastern Leading Economic Headquarters (Wirtschaftsführungstab Ost) for agricultural leaders, the Blue Folder of the Eastern Economic Headquarters and the Brown Folder of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Areas for the Reich Commissioners and Civil management.

The same green cover of the "Green Folder"

Therefore, only those who have never seen it can consider a collection of documents with a green cover as a "green folder", and even Goering personally.

What they were silent about

But these are trifles. Now for a more interesting circumstance. In Russian translation, this document is far from complete, which significantly distorts the content of the entire collection. Something was removed from there - out of sight.

Why brochures, plural? Because there were two brochures. The first, “Richtlinien für die Führung der Wirtschaft in den neubesetzten Ostgebieten (Grüne Mappe). Teil I ”, was released in June 1941. The second, Richtlinien für die Führung der Wirtschaft in den neubesetzten Ostgebieten (Grüne Mappe). Teil II (2. Auflage). Erganzungsmaterial zu Teil I. ", - in November 1941. The circulation of the first brochure is 1000 copies, the circulation of the second is 10000 copies. Although they have the Geheim stamp, it is clear that a very wide range of Wehrmacht, SS, police and senior officers of the Reichskommissariat and their subordinate bodies were familiar with them.

The Russian translation was only from the first brochure, and even then not in its entirety. The second brochure did not seem to be noticed at all.

In Soviet literature, the thesis has always been carried out that the Germans only sought to plunder the Soviet economy. In those parts of the brochures that were not translated or quoted, there was information that seriously undermined this thesis. Propaganda had its goals, but now, 75 years after the victory over Germany, we have to sort it all out.

I checked the Russian translation against the corresponding part of the first brochure. In general, it turned out to be of good quality and without significant errors and distortions. Only one place has liberties.

In a Russian publication: "The opinion that the occupied regions should be put in order as soon as possible, and their economy restored, is completely inappropriate."

Original: "Völlig abwegig wäre die Auffassung, daß es darauf ankomme, in den besetzten Gebieten einheitlich die Linie zu verfolgen, daß sie baldigst wieder in Ordnung gebracht und tunlichst wieder gebaut werden müßten"; or: "It would be completely false to believe that it would be necessary to adhere to a single line in the occupied areas that they should be put in order as soon as possible and restored as soon as possible." Here the meaning is clearly broader than the restoration of one economy.

Or, in a Russian publication: "When accounting for food for local needs, the main attention should be paid to oilseeds and grain crops."

Original: "Das Schwergewicht bei der Erfassung von Nahrungsmitteln für die heimische Wirtschaft liegt bei Ölfrüchten und Getreide". "Heimische" - in German and local, but also home, domestic, native. It is unlikely that the Nazis would have written so, referring to the occupied territories. For them Germany was above all else, and here the meaning of "domestic" is clearly evident. In addition, Germany had a shortage of grains, especially oilseeds, imported them and therefore tried to cover these needs at the expense of the occupied territories. Here the translator simply did not understand and did not know the features of the German economy, well known to the compilers of the document.

The first brochure was almost completely translated. But the translation did not include two final sections: on foreign exchange and payments and on price regulation.

It is difficult to understand why the section on foreign currency was not translated, since it says that the surplus of goods must be reserved for German needs and export of goods to third countries is impossible. Small trade was allowed with Iran and Turkey, as well as with Finland. Sale weapons, war materials and war trophies were allowed with the permission of the OKW.

The section on regulation was more interesting. It established fixed prices for agricultural products with the following regulations: "Für landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse sind die nachfolgenden Preise festgelegt, die in den besetzten Gebieten nicht überschritten werden dürften". And a little further: "Die festgelegten Preise sind auch bei allen Ankaufen für die Truppenverpflegung eunzuhalten." Or: “The following prices have been set for agricultural products, which should not be exceeded in the occupied territories. ... The set prices must be respected for all purchases for the army's food supply. "

Whoa! How many hammered in that the Germans did nothing but rob. In the cinema, everywhere German soldiers only rob and drag. And here, in the regulations on housekeeping, it is said about purchases, and even at fixed prices.

Prices, of course, were also given. Dz is Doppenzentner, or 100 kg (German centner - 50 kg, so they counted in double centners for comparability of units).

For example, a centner of wheat flour costs 200 rubles, a centner of sugar - 400 rubles. A centner of beef in live weight - 500 rubles, a centner of pork in live weight - 600 rubles, milk - a ruble per liter, butter - 44 rubles per kg.

Page from the first brochure "Green Folder" with a table of prices for agricultural products

This table alone was capable of generating some confusion in the minds of Soviet citizens. But we will compare the Soviet state prices and the German occupation prices. Did Goering appoint a lot or a little for agricultural products in the occupied territories?

Let us take the table of the Central Statistical Administration of the USSR on prices for 1940 (RGAE, f. 1562, op. 41, d. 239, l. 218) and compose our own, in comparison with German prices. Soviet prices will be converted from kilograms to centners (except for milk and butter), and meat prices will be converted from slaughter weight to live weight (slaughter weight is approximately 50% of live weight).

The conclusion from this comparison turns out to be very interesting. First, flour, sugar and milk were cheaper at German prices than at Soviet prices. On the contrary, meat and butter were significantly more expensive. Secondly, at the same prices the German troops had to buy food, and such prices were set in the interests of the German economy. In Germany, grain, taking into account occupied France and Poland, was available, there was even an abundance of sugar, but there was not enough meat and butter. Therefore, prices were supposed to stimulate the peasants in the occupied territories to sell more meat and butter - both for the troops and for export.

These are, let's say, provisions. It would be interesting to know if they have been implemented in practice, where, when and to what extent. In the territories annexed to the USSR in 1939-1940, which the Germans separated from the Soviet territory itself within the borders of 1938 (Western Ukraine was included in the governor-general for occupied Poland; Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Belarus - in the Ostland Reichskommissariat , and the Bialystok district even as part of East Prussia - there are decrees about this in the collection), this could well have been practiced.

Compensation and salary

The first brochure also contained a statement of property that could be alienated by German troops. The property of the "enemy armed forces", that is, the Red Army, was alienated free of charge. All other property was to be paid for by the troops. If the cost did not exceed 1000 Reichsmarks, then payment was made with German credit tickets (in Russian translation: imperial credit cash tickets; in German Reichskreditkassenscheinen), that is, in cash, since these same credit cash tickets were issued in different denominations and were accepted as means of payment. At a cost of more than 1000 marks, acceptance receipts (Empfangsbescheinigungen) were issued, which had the right to issue all instances from the battalion and above. Receipts for ownerless property were issued to the headman of the community or transferred to the field commandant's office. They were supposed to be paid by special order through the OKW or the field commandant's offices. True, it was indicated that receipts for movable property (raw materials, semi-finished products and products) from enterprises should be paid with credit cards immediately if the enterprise was to work.

How did this fragment end up in Russian translation? Probably through an oversight.

By the way, a similar procedure existed in the Red Army when it entered European countries. The property of the Wehrmacht and its allied armies was considered war trophies and was alienated free of charge. The property of individuals was paid either in local currency, or in a temporary occupation currency, sometimes in rubles (the occupation currency and rubles were later exchanged for local currency).

The second brochure provided wage rates for Soviet workers employed by the Wehrmacht, the Todt Organization and other German departments. They were installed by order of the OKW of September 9, 1941. A highly qualified worker or foreman received 2,5 rubles per hour, a skilled worker over 20 years old - 1,7 rubles, under 16 years old - 80 kopecks, an unskilled worker over 20 years old - 1 ruble, under 16 years old - 50 kopecks, women over 20 years old - 80 kopecks, under 16 years old - 50 kopecks. Moreover, it was indicated that the female rates were for light work (for example, cleaning women). For hard male work, women had to receive a salary like men.

Many or few? Let's count. The working day in Germany in 1941 was already 10 hours, and it was the same in the occupied territories. On average, 26 working days per month. Total:

Master - 650 rubles per month.
Skilled worker - from 208 to 446 rubles.
Unskilled worker - from 130 to 260 rubles.
Women - from 130 to 208 rubles.

I met the Soviet wage rates by category of workers at the Tbilisi "Centrolite" in 1941 (RGAE, f. 8261, op. 1, d. 262, l. 21), in terms of monthly:

Engineer (that is, master) - 804 rubles.
Skilled worker - 490 rubles.
Unskilled worker (apprentice) - 129 rubles.
Junior staff (including women) - 185 rubles.

I think that everything is pretty obvious here. Let me emphasize that these are the rates for German organizations and for employees who were taken there, that is, verified by the Gestapo and recognized as reliable. For other workers, the conditions and wages were, of course, very different, not to mention the prisoners of war.

A similar order existed in post-war Germany. The SMAG hired either communists or those who suffered from the Nazi regime for good work, and former Nazis sat in camps and were used at work as prisoners of war or prisoners.

In general, all this does not look like plundering the Soviet economy. Quite the opposite, the general nature of the documents suggests that the Germans at that moment were going to settle down in the occupied territories seriously and for a long time. The desire to get more grain and oil is connected, firstly, with the fact that these resources were very important for the Wehrmacht, and, secondly, with the fact that the German economy could not provide them in the required amount.

If we assert that the measures described above are “plundering”, then we must then call the occupation policy of the SMAG in Germany also “plundering”, and with good reason. Dismantling so cleaned up the industry that the GDR then had to industrialize a second time. Or we must admit that at first, until the end of 1941, the Germans did not go beyond the typical occupation policy of the winning side.

This document reflects a very peculiar stage of the war, when the hostilities were going well for Germany, and it seemed to the Germans that the seizure of the USSR would pass without a hitch, like in Poland or in France. These are the views of the Nazi leadership at the height of their military successes, and this must always be taken into account. Their plans, reflected in the document under consideration, soon fell apart, and the economy of the occupied Soviet territories fell to them in a badly damaged state. Then a fierce partisan war broke out on an unimaginable scale, in which economic resources were melting before our eyes. Therefore, in late 1941 - early 1942, the German occupation policy underwent a sharp change in the direction of cruelty and open robbery. They failed to realize their original plans, which was one of the most compelling reasons for Germany's defeat in the war.
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181 comment
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  1. +5
    8 August 2020 06: 22
    As soon as any war starts, all plans are rescheduled.
    A particularly striking example of the planning of a war against Germany by the General Staff of the Red Army!
    1. +36
      8 August 2020 08: 17
      If we say that the measures described above are "plundering"
      Is the author generally sane? And what else is an invasion of a foreign country called in order to seize its territory, resources and destroy most of its population?
      then we must then call the "plundering" and the occupation policy of the SMAG in Germany, and with good reason.
      How was it necessary? Leave everything to the Germans as a bonus or gratitude for what they've done with us?
      Or we must admit that at first, until the end of 1941, the Germans did not go beyond the typical occupation policy of the winning side.
      Well, yes, listen to the author, so at first the Germans were like white and fluffy, and then they became brutalized by the partisans and went to rob and cut everyone?
      So I imagine the picture:
      August 1941, a Russian village in the Smolensk region, a German gently knocks on a village house, the door opens, and the German so delicately asks the grandmother for eggs, chicken, milk and gives her a handful of Reichsmarks ...
      I can still imagine such a picture in France, but not in Russia.

      The author, but in general what is this article for? Show that the Germans weren't that bad at first ?!
      1. +11
        8 August 2020 08: 31
        Fully agree with you.
        1. +25
          8 August 2020 09: 05
          You're right. Often in a criminal court, bandit lawyers cling to spelling mistakes or * incorrectly executed *, in their opinion, protocols and try to whitewash the murderer thieves.
          This is how the author composed the text.
          This is nothing that there was a program of the Nazis, written long before they were brought to power.
          It's nothing that both the army and the gendarmerie and the Gestapo and Kripov wrote their own instructions for the destruction of SOVIET CITIZENS.
          No, here and here it is not so translated, and therefore the Germans with their hangers-on are not so scoundrels, because they were forced to murder and robbery, but these are, in general, lovely paramilitary tourists. They were very smiling against the background of those who were hanged and executed.
          1. +9
            8 August 2020 09: 11
            Thank! YOU were able to formulate, but I did not. I will subscribe under every word!
          2. +21
            8 August 2020 09: 45
            Vasily50 (Dmitry)
            This is how the author composed the text.
            This is nothing that there was a program of the Nazis, written long before they were brought to power.
            Well, yes, the author has clearly forgotten about these theses of Hitler:
            The main task of the East this year is to feed the German people. The South of Russia must supply us with the necessary replenishment of the nutritional balance of Germany. But we see absolutely no reason obliging us to also feed the Russian people from the products of these regions. Of course, it will be necessary to carry out a wide evacuation of the population and there is no doubt that the Russians will face a number of very difficult years.
            And he dragged in some kind of crap about some bright plans of the light elves ...
            1. +12
              8 August 2020 16: 14
              Well, yes, the author has clearly forgotten about these theses of Hitler:

              The author will first demand a scan of these theses, and then say that the translation is inaccurate. Is Kol from Urengoy cooking?
      2. +8
        8 August 2020 20: 58
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        The author, but in general what is this article for? Show that the Germans weren't that bad at first ?!

        As I understood feel
        1. The Fritzes occupied the territory for a very long time (oh, those plans) and are improving the economy. But in whose interests? In no way is it in the interests of the occupied country (including the population), but in the interests of the Reich, which is actually natural.
        2. Ah, ah purchase prices. For whom?
        Fixed prices must be respected for all purchases for the army food supply
        That is, one department (well, I don't know what the invaders called it there recourse ) deals with food, and the army buys this food at fixed prices. As a result, there is financing of Fritz's "procurement offices", including this financing covers the methods of expropriation, about which they are modestly silent.
        I wonder where are the fixed prices for foodstuffs for the population? Probably "white and fluffy" wrote this in the third brochure, which, unfortunately for the latter, has been lost.
        3. "Compensation and salary"
        All other property had to be paid for by the troops
        - and who is the owner of the property in the occupied territory - again some department of the Reich.
        ... Let me emphasize that these are the rates for German organizations and for employees who were taken there, that is, verified by the Gestapo and recognized as reliable. For other workers, the conditions and wages were, of course, completely different, not to mention the prisoners of war

        So it turns out that in one organization there are three types of workers - "trustworthy"; "others"; "prisoners of war" who cannot be adjusted to a single (very good) salary.
        What we get in the end: "white and fluffy" only in intradepartmental relationships , incl. financial.
  2. +16
    8 August 2020 06: 54
    I read it ... Specially to climb somewhere and look for similar documents, I will never. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers destroyed this, glory to them. And what plans did the fascists have, I do not care. Plans need to be implemented at home, and in fairness, they did it. Well, what did they come to us for? Well, we got all the tonsils.
  3. +8
    8 August 2020 06: 54
    It is clear that the propaganda of the communists exaggerated. But the goals of the Nazi occupation were clear destruction of the people's state. Enslavement of the national economy. And reducing the population of the occupied territories to serving the Reich. Non-marking of territories. Destruction and deprivation of the future of surviving Soviet citizens.
  4. +30
    8 August 2020 07: 34
    The message of the author is not clear. That is, the collective farmers had to drink Bavarian after some time?
    Here are the prices in Kiev in the fall of 1942: a kilogram of bread cost 250 rubles, a glass of salt - 200 rubles, a kilogram of butter - 6000 rubles, and a kilogram of lard - 7000 rubles.
    Let the author compare them with his purchases for the Wehrmacht and what it was like for people to survive on excellent German salaries of 500 rubles.
    And another interesting question for the author. Very interesting - what was wrongly translated in the Wannsee Protocol? Jews were supposed to be loved?
    1. +5
      8 August 2020 08: 13
      "Wow! How many hammered in that the Germans only did what they robbed. In the cinema everywhere, German soldiers only rob and drag. And here, in the regulations on housekeeping, they talk about purchases, and even at fixed prices." ....
      1. +18
        8 August 2020 08: 51
        The Germans robbed and dragged not only to the cinema. In front of my grandmother's eyes, the Germans stabbed a neighbor, a beekeeper, because he buried a barrel of honey in his barn and did not immediately give it to the Germans.
        The collective farms were not dismissed (they were called cooperatives or common courtyards), the policy of repression and massive robberies continued. And what is written there in multi-colored folders is silly.
        1. +9
          8 August 2020 09: 02
          So I'm talking about the same!
  5. +8
    8 August 2020 08: 05
    ... I have come across cases of unfair translation of German documents, for example, the translation of the minutes of the 1942 Wannsee Conference, which significantly changes the meaning.

    I will support the question from the previous comment.
    Quote: Moskovit
    And another interesting question for the author. Very interesting - what was wrongly translated in the Wannsee Protocol? Jews were supposed to be loved?

    Dear author, until today I knew that the decisions of the 1942 Wannsee Conference significantly tightened the 1935 Nuremberg Race Laws. The ways and means of the “final solution of the Jewish question” - the purposeful program of genocide of the Jewish population of Europe, were clearly worked out, agreed between various departments and subsequently introduced into life in a planned way, with true German accuracy and pedantry.

    Please tell me what is the wrong translation of the protocols and what is their true meaning?
    1. -4
      8 August 2020 13: 52
      Auswanderung - Sometimes translated as "destruction", while evacuation or relocation.
      1. +8
        8 August 2020 14: 46
        Quote: wehr
        Auswanderung - Sometimes translated as "destruction", while evacuation or relocation.

        The expression "evacuating Jews to the east" did not mislead anyone.
        In order to clarify this issue, I give a quote and extracts from the court minutes.

        At the trial in Jerusalem, Eichmann's lawyer asked him:

        Dr. Servatius: Does the minutes faithfully reflect the content of the discussion?

        Eichmann: The protocol conveys the main ideas in a businesslike and precise manner, but it is, of course, not a verbatim protocol since I had to give ... let's say, some verbal weeds, some jargon, an administrative style. This protocol was subsequently quoted by Müller, after Heydrich amended it, I remember, three or four times. The document was re-processed in accordance with his remarks, and only at the end was the very protocol formulated that is now in your hands.

        Those. the protocol was formulated somewhat "sterile" than the text of the real discussion was, but on the whole it was reliable.
        1. -6
          8 August 2020 15: 12
          After such a visit, I have only one question: is your story the very, very, best, most accurate and most objective? And all the inversions, omissions, distortions of documents - also the most accurate, the best and most objective? laughing
          What you are doing is distorting the meaning of the document, which is stated quite clearly.

          Further. It confuses you that the Wannsee Protocols contradict the well-known extermination of Jews in concentration camps. So? And you are trying to rape the document in order to eliminate this contradiction. Don't you think that the policy of the Nazis could change quickly and radically; first they had some plans, and then others?
          1. +4
            8 August 2020 15: 27
            Quote: wehr
            After such a visit, I have only one question: is your story the very, very, best, most accurate and most objective? And all the inversions, omissions, distortions of documents - also the most accurate, the best and most objective? laughing
            What you are doing is distorting the meaning of the document, which is stated quite clearly.

            Further. It confuses you that the Wannsee Protocols contradict the well-known extermination of Jews in concentration camps. So? And you are trying to rape the document in order to eliminate this contradiction. Don't you think that the policy of the Nazis could change quickly and radically; first they had some plans, and then others?

            Dear Mr. Verkhoturov, by the will of fate we live with you, if I may say so, in "One History".
            It was in this story that the Nazis exterminated Jews purposefully and systematically with German precision and pedantry. This is called genocide. This is his difference in the bloody massacre from 1933 until the end of the Second World War. Through the efforts of the Nazis and their henchmen-collaborationists from the local population of the occupied countries and territories, millions of his sons and daughters went to execution ditches, in the furnaces of camp crematoria, died of hunger and deprivation in the ghetto. Bless the memory of them. Amen ...

            Radical and other changes in the plans of the Nazis no longer interest me: the revision of the atrocities of Nazism, as well as the whitewashing of the Nazis, are closed once and for all and are no longer subject to discussion. hi
            1. -11
              8 August 2020 16: 22
              Radical and other changes in the plans of the Nazis no longer interest me: the revision of the atrocities of Nazism, as well as the whitewashing of the Nazis, are closed once and for all and are no longer subject to discussion.

              Why? Do the winners have anything to hide, since the topic is closed "forever"?
            2. -8
              8 August 2020 16: 37
              Quote: A. Privalov
              It was in this story that the Nazis exterminated Jews purposefully and systematically with German precision and pedantry.

              in 2015, the British made a film about a Jewish Holocaust victim from Vienna with his participation and I will briefly retell his story, it began with the fact that the Germans, after the annexation, began to take Jews out to different camps in Western Europe, he and his brothers ended up in a camp in Belgium, in a camp there were so many comfortable conditions that they were allowed free access to the city, after a year he became bored and he ordered the Germans to bring his beloved cello from Vienna, the Germans brought him, soon he got bored with eio and the main character decided to move to Paris where he settled in a brothel for German soldiers, in which he worked until 1943, then the Germans locked him in one of the camps in Poland, but when the Red Army began to approach, the German and other Jews were transported to Holland, where the Americans liberated them. Here is such destruction, the Germans rolled Jews across Europe for some reason, and this was told by the "survivor" himself. By the way, you can't find the film in the internet, it is evident that the truth is not convenient and does not fit into the official version.
              1. +4
                8 August 2020 21: 28
                Quote: alpamys
                Here is such destruction, the Germans rolled Jews across Europe for some reason, and this was told by the "survivor" himself.
                Your example, the testimony of only one person, is not convincing for many reasons - for example, he could be an agent of the Gestapo, which he modestly keeps silent about.
                Rigg's research was based on 400 interviews with Wehrmacht veterans, 500 hours of video footage, 3 photographs and 30 pages of memoirs of Nazi soldiers and officers - those people whose Jewish roots allow them to repatriate to Israel even tomorrow.

                On the service of Jews in the Wehrmacht of the Third Reich, a study by Brian Mark Rigg (American historian, professor at the American Military University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).) Author of books Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and People of Jewish Descent in the German Army and Rescued from the Reich: How One of Hitler's Soldiers Rescued the Lubavitcher Rebbe (co-authored with Paula Hayman, Professor of Modern Jewish History at Yale University)
        2. 0
          8 August 2020 17: 32
          Mr. Privalov ... a few years ago there was an article about the emigration of Jews from the GDR to their historical homeland ... and the numbers were not small ... why so? Here in Germany the Jewish question was being resolved for so many years and was not finally resolved ... it's all strange ...
          1. +2
            9 August 2020 14: 24
            Quote: apro
            Mr. Privalov ... a few years ago there was an article about the emigration of Jews from the GDR to their historical homeland ... and the numbers were not small ... why so? Here in Germany the Jewish question was being resolved for so many years and was not finally resolved ... it's all strange ...

            I have not read the article. Only lazy people have not yet written about emigration of Jews. But about the fact that "in Germany the Jewish question was being resolved for so many years and so was not finally resolved," in what do you see the strangeness? Are you sorry?
            1. -1
              9 August 2020 14: 26
              Quote: A. Privalov
              Are you sorry?

              Looking for historical truth ...
              1. 0
                9 August 2020 14: 29
                Quote: apro

                Looking for historical truth ...

                Success. hi
    2. -1
      9 August 2020 21: 36
      So they started the war against the USSR with the motto, all the troubles from the Jewish-communist Russia. To do this, in order to fix the matter, they decided that they would enter the USSR in order to destroy the Jewish-communist rule. So it was under this slogan to kill all the Jews that there were plenty of volunteers from European countries to help Germany.
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          2. +2
            8 August 2020 16: 29
            Quote: Operator
            The founders of Marxism, the Jew Marx and the German Engels were ardent Russophobes. Blank / Ulyanov was a Halachic Jew. The RSDLP was created in Minsk on the basis of the Jewish Bund. Until October 1917, the financing of the RSDLP was carried out by Jewish ...

            ... And you will still argue that anti-Semitism has no grounds?

            1) And if not for Ulyanov and Marx - Nicolas would not have entered the WWI, which led to the collapse of the country and the bloody civil war?
            2) Can you tell me more about the Jewish bankers of the United States of the early 20th century? lol
            3) Should the person responsible for the death of millions of Russians be left alive?
            4) Was the White Terror against the Russian population softer than the red one? And there, too, the Jews were stirring up everything? ))
            5) Is the Jewish lobby of 22 Lenin opposed to Stalin, Kamenev and Ordzhonikidze? lol
            6) The leaders of the GPU were Jews, and the executors were naive Russian guys whom the Jews cunningly forced to shoot their fellow tribesmen?
            7) Regarding "German Jewish organizations warmly welcomed the coming to power of the Nazis", who denied equal rights to Jews, this is from the category of 50 thousand Jewish (!) SS saboteurs (!!) SS (!!!) of both sexes, sent by the Nazis to Palestine. Under the leadership of the "Black Sea Aryans" -Coens, I believe fellow
            8) Where Mein Kampf attributed the destruction of at least Jews? ))
            9) Any phobia has roots in childhood trauma Yes
            1. -2
              8 August 2020 18: 08
              2) No problem - Schiff - "" Naomi Wiener Cohen, a biographer of Jacob, called Schiff's attitude towards Tsarist Russia a kind of "personal war that lasted from the 1890s to 1917, ...
              3) Was there a trial? what prevented him from being held and punished? And why did they kill the girls or the doctor?
              4) Yes, it was noticeably softer and had the character of excesses, which is a common thing in the Civil War ... but the Red Terror is a state policy in the RSFSR / USSR ... do you understand the difference?
              5) why deny the obvious - the main leading cadres in the USSR in the party and the Cheka were Jews, Balts, Poles and Caucasians ...
              6) the picture was more complicated - class, but also national ... Jews were at the forefront of the revolution in Russia, but then after 37g they went under the knife ... Experience showed that the regime in Ingushetia was more liberal for everyone ...
              7) how was it possible to ensure emigration from prosperous Europe to the Palestinian desert, where it was necessary to fight the Arabs? see 5 aliyah "Aaron Bregman notes that many immigrants from this aliyah would prefer to move to other places and especially to America rather than to Palestine. However, the fact that America was at that time closed to Jewish immigration among other reasons were that "the Zionist leaders made every possible effort to ensure that the United States did not open up to Jewish immigration, for the simple reason that they wanted to herd (to herd) these Jews to Palestine."
              9) look at yourself ...
              1. 0
                8 August 2020 18: 38
                To put pressure on the Russian authorities in order to force them to stop infringing on the rights of the Jewish population, Schiff actively used his authority and influence in the American banking and financial sector, blocking Russia's access to foreign loans in the United States, participated in financing the Japanese government during the Russo-Japanese War. and also came up with foreign policy initiatives that could lead to a deterioration in US-Russian relations.

                After the February Revolution, Schiff's attitude towards Russia changed. He welcomed the decree of April 6, 1917, which equated Jews in Russia in rights. He called the revolution "almost a miracle, almost a larger event than the liberation of our ancestors from Egyptian captivity." He sent congratulatory telegrams to the members of the Provisional Government, received a delegation from Russia that arrived in the United States that year. Schiff provided the Provisional Government with financial support in the form of a substantial subscription to the next military loan issued by the Provisional Government ("Freedom Loan", or, as it was also called, "Kerensky Loan"

                And where is the financing of the October Revolution? recourse
                3) As for the family - I agree. Superfluous. The trial was interrupted, apparently, by the Civil War)).
                4) Of course I understand - excesses with executions of civilians and pogroms based on ethnicity against the systematic Red Terror. Some wanted the lawlessness to return the power of the hereditary aristocracy, others to conduct an educational program and give everyone equal opportunities.
                5) And everyone led the Russians - who, probably, were not at all happy with this state of affairs
                6) Jews went under the knife in 37 ?? Are you talking about internal party squabbles among the communist elite? Which was more liberal? The power of the hereditary aristocracy in Ingushetia? lol
                7) So from 1933 to 1939, about 200 thousand Jews in Germany and dumped in Palestine because of Nazi discriminatory laws. Behind them Austrian and Czech)) The Americans closed the emigration of Jews "so as not to create competition with the Americans" according to Roosevelt
                8) I have no phobias))))
                1. +1
                  9 August 2020 14: 47
                  2) you asked for your full name - I brought you, I see no point in persuading you further - anyone who wants to know will find it on the Web, the key name is Trotsky
                  3) what could have prevented the GV from the court? or was there not much evidence?
                  4) I ask you to read about the pogroms from Solzhenitsyn - 200 years, a lot of lies about them .... but the formation of illegal armed groups by Jews is true.
                  as for the Reds, they carried out social terror - for example, dispossessed 4,5 million kulaks, etc., compare this with the pogroms of Jews in the entire history of Ingushetia
                  5) See the nationalities of the Politburo at a VIL or IVS ... and you don't suffer for the Russians - we solve our problems, and do not flee the country .... alas, the revolution is a given, in Russia fell on the 20th century.
                  6) it is not necessary to simplify, fascism and Nazism became a consequence of Bolshevism, and they unleashed terror and genocide not only against the commissars ...
                  7) I previously gave you a quote why, I see no reason to argue
                  8) happy for you, but your lyrics tell a different story
                  1. -1
                    9 August 2020 15: 21
                    2) conspiracy theories for third-rate university graduates
                    3) The best proof was the "successes" of the Republic of Ingushetia during the WWI unnecessary to it, the Russian-Japanese war, the revolution. The court is witnesses, data from archives, etc. Do you think it is possible to carry out it in the conditions of GW?
                    4) I read Solzhenitsyn, the pogroms were not only Jewish, but also in the Volga region the Germans were crushed, about illegal Jewish formations in general, beauty was - it is possible to beat Jews, it is illegal to defend them. fellow Dekulakization was - like the Educational Program, as well as the provision of equal opportunities for everyone, everyone, everyone.
                    5) I saw - about 90% Russians
                    Go to Nice, Cannes, make a trip between them - see how and who does not flee the country laughing Or settle Lake Kamo - there you will see even more. But the classics are London - especially Belavia and Chelsea. ))
                    6) Fascism and Nazism were a consequence of the Versailles Peace)).
                    7) And there is nothing to argue about - infantile conspiracy theories
                    8) So you are also a psychologist lol
                    1. 0
                      9 August 2020 15: 48
                      2) or is it not your desire to accept the truth? hi
                      3) RIA fought in WW1 very well, just compare with the Red Army in WW2 request
                      as for necessity - wars arise according to other criteria ...
                      what prevented the adjournment of the trial? The execution is in the nature of a ritual murder ... hi
                      4) only the state has a monopoly on violence - for example, RIA has repeatedly suppressed attempts at pogroms ... and so the path to nowhere - first the Jews, then their opponents - as a result of the Civil War ...
                      5) I have been to many places and there are statistics, I recommend that you read ...
                      6) do not write nonsense - fascism arose in Italy, the victorious country ... hi
                      and the socialist Musolini created this party precisely in response to the Red Terror
                      7) you just want to, like with Schiff bully
                      8) I am a lot of people, but I will refrain from regalia ... wink
                      1. 0
                        9 August 2020 16: 24
                        2) What is the truth? Schiff's refusal to finance Russia before granting equality to Jews? )) Trotsky to do with it? laughing
                        3) RI fought in WWI superbly - Poland, a piece of Belarus and the Baltic states were lost. And this is when the Germans have a Western Front meat grinder. How is ritual murder? ))
                        4) RIA intervened in the pogroms on the third day - but if the Jews gave organized resistance, then on the second day - Odessa, Yekaterinoslav, etc. And they arrested ... Jews fellow Jews first? Well, of course. And the Volga Germans along with them, in the massacre and plunder of which the tsar did not interfere at all ...
                        5) And if you have been and have seen, then where do we not flee from the country? And what statistics, please specify, pliz)).
                        6) lol Fascism arose in Italy, dissatisfied with the results of the Versailles Peace, which did not receive anything significant, like Japan, by the way. About Mussolini, a socialist is quite controversial, but the Red Terror in Italy is the control of workers over factories due to the economic crisis? laughing
                        7) I adhere to facts, not fairy tales based on painful wishes)).
                        8) laughing See you hi
                      2. 0
                        9 August 2020 18: 23
                        2) bored with you - you need to repeat many times - hire a tutor hi
                        3) the Germans occupied part of France and Belgium, so what? Repeat your words about the French army? Or do you have a banal Russophobia of an emigrant? bully
                        And the Western Front in WW1 is the merit of IN2 - it did not allow France to be crushed in 1914, like the IVS in 1940!
                        Yes, it is banal - the whole family with a servant and a doctor, in the Ipatiev house and with an inscription ... read more ... I don't see anything funny ...
                        4) You're lying - in Kiev, after the murder of Stolypin, a pogrom was not allowed! As in other places - I will note the troops cannot arrive instantly! But I heard your message about the arrest of Jewish militants - you are a nationalist ... hi By the way - pogroms in the territories of Ukraine, Poland, Moldavia, Belarus - and they sew blame on us ... request
                        5) I don't care about this question - the Internet will help you ...
                        6) “Returning to Italy, he spent some time in Milan, and then in 1910 returned to his native Forlì, where he became editor of the weekly magazine Lotta di classe (Class Struggle). During this time he published the essay“ Trentino through the eyes of a socialist ”(“ Il Trentino veduto da un Socialista ”) in the radical periodical“ La Voce ”[24]. In November, he was imprisoned for five months for his anti-war activities. [10] After his release, he helped to expel from the ranks of the Socialist Party two "revisionists" who supported the war, Ivanoe Bonomi and Leonid Bissolati. As a reward, in April 1912, Mussolini was appointed editor of the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti! ("Forward!"). Under his leadership, the newspaper's circulation increased from 20 to 80 copies and became one of the most widely read in Italy.
                        "read platitudes ... bully
                        7) the questions of your faith are clear to me ...
                        8) I recommend visiting a doctor ...
                      3. -1
                        9 August 2020 19: 51
                        2) laughing to make me believe the earth is square?
                        3) And this makes the loss of Poland, part of Belarus and the Baltic states a successful military action of the Republic of Ingushetia? lol I actually live in Krasnodar .. what kind of Russophobia? Yes, he thwarted the offensive on Paris at the cost of hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers' lives - the question is, why was this necessary at all? Once again, where is ritual murder? More precisely, what ritual?
                        4) And in Chisinau, Nikolaev, Odessa, Yekaterinoslav? ))
                        I am, yes, a nationalist lol The wife of a non-Jewish, I live in the Russian Federation - but a nationalist)) By the way, where did the Jewish militants come from? wink
                        And all the places you listed were not RI? Independent states? In addition, there was a pogrom in Makaryevo - Nizhny Novgorod region, in Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk - 1905.
                        5) laughing And in vain - a lot of Russians fled the country or are going to do it. The most offensive thing is that we are talking about successful people.
                        6) He also had an affair with a Bolshevik woman and flirted with the Zionists fellow Does that make him a Beitar communist? )))
                        7) It's good
                        8) Why? Get phobias? recourse
                      4. -1
                        9 August 2020 21: 09
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        to make me believe the earth is square?

                        I'm not even going to convince you, not exactly to force you - live a lie wink
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        And this makes the loss of Poland, part of Belarus and the Baltic states a successful military action of the Republic of Ingushetia?

                        Everything is learned in comparison - I already wrote this to you earlier. I note that WW1 was lost by Germany without troops on its territory. Moreover, RIA was in Romania, in Turkey before Trumbzon.
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Yes, he thwarted the offensive on Paris at the cost of hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers' lives - the question is, why was this necessary at all?

                        1) do you know the number 2A? while before that there was the defeat of the Germans at Gumbinen.
                        2) you are poorly sane - precisely in order for the ZF to be the main one in WW1 request
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        I actually live in Krasnodar .. what kind of Russophobia?

                        yours, no matter where you are bully
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Once again, where is ritual murder? More precisely, what ritual?

                        I was not hired to educate you - read - the main thing I told you ...
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Gentile wife, I live in Russia

                        all the more stupid! however, a typical scoop
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        By the way, where did the Jewish militants come from?

                        read, the main thing they were .... in fact, ordinary bandits-see. regiment commander of the Red Army Mishka Yaponchik or brigade commander Kotovsky

                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        And in Chisinau, Nikolaev, Odessa, Yekaterinoslav? ))

                        I wrote to you already - learn to understand the text
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        in Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk - 1905.

                        Was there a Jewish pogrom in Tomsk? you are ignorant ...
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        And in vain - a lot of Russians fled the country or are going to do it. The most offensive thing is that we are talking about successful people.

                        expat is always a loser
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Does that make him a Beitar communist?

                        it is a pity that you do not know how to understand the text
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        What for? Get phobias?

                        seeing on the web is a disease ...
                      5. 0
                        9 August 2020 23: 31
                        I'm not even going to convince you, not exactly to force you - live in a lie wink

                        lol And you build leftist conspiracy theories for your phobias))
                        Everything is learned in comparison - I already wrote this to you earlier. I note that WW1 was lost by Germany without troops on its territory. Moreover, RIA was in Romania, in Turkey before Trumbzon.

                        And what was the Russian people so unhappy with, having removed Nicolas and bungled two revolutions? ))

                        yours, no matter where you are bully

                        And what should a Russophobe do in Russia? laughing
                        1) do you know the number 2A? while before that there was the defeat of the Germans at Gumbinen.
                        2) you are poorly sane - precisely in order for the ZF to be the main one in WW1
                        What does it have to do with it? Why did Nicolas get into PMA at all? And if he did, he could do it, like the Americans - at the very end, on the right side and enriching the country

                        I was not hired to educate you - read - the main thing I told you ...
                        Yes, what ritual - can you write? laughing

                        all the more stupid! however, a typical scoop
                        lol This scoop, unlike you, does not have to stand in line for a visa to some kind of Great Britain))

                        read, the main thing they were .... in fact, ordinary bandits-see. regiment commander of the Red Army Mishka Yaponchik or brigade commander Kotovsky
                        There were also such, there were also porters with bandages, there were students and Zionist intellectuals ... Kotovsky, by the way, is not a Jew
                        I wrote to you already - learn to understand the text
                        And what about nothing, that in the same Odessa, after the pogrom was thwarted by the same Jewish self-defense and student militia, in which there were Christians, the tsarist army stood up for the pogromists? ))

                        Was there a Jewish pogrom in Tomsk? you are ignorant ...

                        Yes, end of October 1905. Clashes between "patriots" and liberals spilled over into a Jewish pogrom
                        expat is always a loser
                        lol Tell Sergey Brin about this, for example. ))))
                        In fact, having infringed even to a small degree the interest of most of these people in the Russian Federation, you will very quickly understand who is a loser wink
                        it is a pity that you do not know how to understand the text
                        Eh, where should I go ..))))
                        seeing on the web is a disease ...
                        Is it a disease to see the opponent's level of communication in the network? ))
                      6. -1
                        10 August 2020 18: 36
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        And what was the Russian people so unhappy with, having removed Nicolas and bungled two revolutions? ))

                        it was not the Russian people, the Bolsheviks ... but the generals with the Duma members and the Bolsheviks
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        And what should a Russophobe do in Russia?

                        your problems
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        What does it have to do with it?

                        trite - you are once again caught in a lie
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        This scoop, unlike you, does not have to stand in line for a visa to some kind of Great Britain))

                        you are a true Ukrainian bully by the way - what's the problem with getting a visa? what queues?
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        the tsarist army stood up for the pogromists? ))

                        in translation, this means that there was a terror of bandits against the population of Odessa, then throughout Russia recourse
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Clashes between "patriots" and liberals spilled over into a Jewish pogrom

                        it's all a pogrom ... bully
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        In fact, having infringed even to a small degree the interest of most of these people in the Russian Federation, you will very quickly understand who is a loser

                        yes you are a coward ... wink
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Is it a disease to see the opponent's level of communication in the network?

                        in your case, yes! see the branch - I dissected you and showed you your essence
                        further from you will flood, so good luck!
                      7. +1
                        10 August 2020 18: 45
                        Merged quickly laughing
                      8. 0
                        10 August 2020 21: 16
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        merged quickly

                        I don't feed trolls, especially those who lie and stupid bully
                      9. +1
                        11 August 2020 03: 10
                        Especially when there is essentially nothing to say laughing But live in a comfortable world for you - "if not for the revolution", "the successes of the tsarist army", the Jewish conspiracy ... would live like in Switzerland lol You are so more comfortable - to your health hi
                      10. 0
                        13 August 2020 17: 52
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Especially when there is essentially nothing to say

                        why, I caught you in a lie and not just once - flow around! bully
                      11. 0
                        13 August 2020 17: 55
                        It happens lol
                        Like the Tomsk pogrom, Nicolas getting into WWI, or the Russians not fleeing the country? wink
                      12. 0
                        13 August 2020 18: 02
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Ipa of the Tomsk pogrom,

                        in Tomsk there was an anti-revolutionary demonstration, not a Jewish pogrom ... bully
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        nicholas getting into PMV

                        IVS "did not intermeddle" - did it help? I understand that banality cannot reach you - it is better to have a Western front than to fight alone ... your intellect amuses you with the absence ... wassat
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        Russians not fleeing the country?

                        you have a clinic! bully
                        You did not mention your lies above, that is. she was recognized, glad! love
                      13. 0
                        13 August 2020 18: 12

                        Read again, carefully

                        2) Was it not Varik not to get involved in the war? lol By the way, have you noticed that I do not allow personal attacks? ))
                        3) Do not be so nervous, life, even the same as yours, is worth something good
                      14. 0
                        13 August 2020 23: 43
                        Quote: Krasnodar
                        life, even one like yours, is worth something

                        you transfer your complexes to me bully do not worry about my life - I have taken place in every sense hi
                      15. 0
                        14 August 2020 03: 28
                        Why should I worry? laughing
            2. -8
              8 August 2020 18: 09
              You see - you can when you want:
              1. The RSDLP on Jewish money existed before WWI, when it did not disdain German money either - with the participation of Jewish intermediaries (and how could it be without them in the anti-Russian operation).
              2. The participation of Jewish bankers in subversive activities against the Russian state is a commonplace: "The monetary" contribution "of Russian industrialists (Morozov, Schmidt) cannot be compared with the monetary" contributions "to the Russian revolution of Jewish bankers of the USA, Germany, Austria Hungary, Sweden - Jacob and Mortimer Schiff, Paul, Felix and Max Warburg, Judah Magnes, Otto Kahn, Jacob H. Rubin, Jerome Hanauer, Max Brightung, Isaac Zeligman, Olof Ashberg (Nia Bank), Loeb American Banking House & Kuhn Co. As the grandson of Yakov Schiff testifies, his grandfather transferred to Leon Trotsky, through his bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co, a huge amount of money at that time - $ 20 million [when Trotsky returned to Russia] "(C).
              3. Nicholas II was responsible for the victory over Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, with which he coped well - the collapse of the Triple Alliance should occur at the end of 1917, which was prevented only by a coup and Russia's withdrawal from the war.
              4. The White Terror was a response to the Red Terror - as planned by the Jews who unleashed the terror - members of the RSDLP (b).
              5. Everyone knows that the People's Commissar for Ethnic Affairs Stalin was twisted in 1922 by the Jewish lobby in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks in the question of liquidating Russia as a federal state.
              6. The Jewish leadership of the GPU relied in its activities on the authority of the Jewish lobby in the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). The lobby disappeared and the leadership of the GPU / NKVD was immediately replaced.
              7. Warm greetings from Jewish public organizations in Germany to the coming of the Nazis to power were published in Jewish newspapers.
              8. Study "Meinkampf" yourself - I don't intend to understand the types of shit.
              9. All the way, I have excellent relations with Jewish acquaintances for a simple circumstance - we do not discuss the national question.

              PS Learn the materiel: the cohens descended from the high priest - the southern Semitic Aaron, and the Levites descended from the prophet - the Mitannian aryan Moses (Aaron's half-brother).
              1. 0
                8 August 2020 19: 12
                1) For example, Savva Morozov lol
                2) The Schiffs did not sponsor the Bolsheviks)) Kuhn, Loeb & Co. - and there are Schiffs. And who did he give 20 million tanks to the Provisional Government? laughing The rest is a lot of names and letters.
                3) Nicholas II was responsible for the loss of all of Poland, part of Belarus and the Baltic states. This is a great job for the Germans in the presence of the Western Front)).
                4) The White Terror was a response to the people's attempt to overthrow the power of a crazy and ineffective hereditary aristocracy - no more)).
                5) Again, what are the Jewish lobbies? In the form of Lenin, who, as everyone knows, did not agree with the initiative of Stalin, Ordzhonikidze and the Jew Kamenev? lol
                6) Once again - who were the performers? Firing squads, VOKHR, others? Russian people deceived by the Jewish lobby? laughing
                7) Can you cite here at least one such warm greeting from a Zionist newspaper to Hitler's coming to power? ))
                8) Ie haven't read it, but refer to it? what
                9) Themselves wrote - there are grounds for anti-Semitism. So I added - childhood trauma. The basis of all phobias! ))
                10) I know perfectly well who the Levites are and who the Coens are Yes
                1. -9
                  8 August 2020 19: 33
                  Do not pour from empty to empty - better thank for the info about the different ethnic origins of the Cohens (from the blood son of Amram) and the Levites, starting with Moses (from the adopted son of Amram) laughing
                  1. 0
                    8 August 2020 19: 42
                    This is the opening.
                    1. -6
                      8 August 2020 20: 12
                      Over 2/3 of modern Cohens are carriers of the South Semitic J1, over 2/3 of modern Levites are carriers of the Aryan R1a. This can only be if they have different ancestors in the male line. Plus Aaron was born in the house of Amram, and Moses was found in the reeds of the Nile.

                      The second (and last) variant of the birth of Moses is the result of the ministry of Amram's wife in the temple of the West Semitic goddess Astarte in the form of ritual intercourse with foreigners on religious holidays - to improve the gene pool, obviously. And 300 years before the migration of the Habidu / Jews to Egypt, the country was ruled by the Giskos, who came to Egypt from the north, in whose bone remains carriers of the R1a of the Black Sea / Mitannian subclade Z93 are often found.

                      PS The Black Sea Aryans are just blood relatives of the rest of the European Aryans, most of which belong to the carriers of other subclades of the R1a haplogroup. For example, among the Russians, only 1% belongs to the Z93 subclade. Passionate nomadic Aryans dissolved among other peoples (from 5% to 25%), and sedentary Aryans created their state from ocean to ocean. "The earth goes to the timid" - the Old Testament (C), however.
                      1. +2
                        8 August 2020 20: 21
                        Whose research?
                      2. -7
                        8 August 2020 21: 54
                        Collection of genetic material - many local organizations, analysis of the collected - Klesov.

                        The most recent study: Arabs of the Saudi Peninsula, carriers of R1aZ93 - from 5% in Saudi Arabia (including the clan of the Prophet Muhammad) to 25% in the UAU, Qatar and Kuwait (the largest share among non-Europeans).
                      3. 0
                        8 August 2020 22: 20
                        Klyosov? ))
                        This is not serious.
                      4. -7
                        8 August 2020 22: 25
                        Whose are you yourself - Southern Semites, Northern Semites, Hamites, Celts or Aryans? laughing
                      5. 0
                        8 August 2020 22: 32
                        Considering pogroms, proselytes, DNA mutations or not? ))))
                      6. -4
                        9 August 2020 00: 48
                        Do a DNA analysis for haplogroup and subclade (better at Klesov's "Academy of DNA Genealogy") - you will find out.
                      7. -1
                        9 August 2020 01: 00
                        It is even dumber to throw money down the drain - buy Fomenko's books, for example laughing
                      8. 0
                        9 August 2020 23: 34
                        And they will rank you among the descendants of "rusanthropus" ... laughing

                        I believe that "rusanthropus" is the most successful invention that cured Russian nationalists of anti-Semitism.
                      9. -3
                        9 August 2020 23: 48
                        Think at your leisure why I am not discussing DNA biochemistry with you laughing
          3. -4
            8 August 2020 21: 34
            Quote: Operator
            against the Slavs, the destruction of which was prescribed by Mein Kampf without a spare
            there is no such thing in Mein Kampf, I read it in the original, and if it is very interesting, then
            read the 1940 book for the leadership of 3Reich and the SS "SS-sheep and the question of blood" "SS man und Bluts frage" where it stands in black and white that Russians are representatives of the Nordic race like Germans and are equal.
      3. +15
        8 August 2020 11: 39
        Quote: alpamys
        after all, it has no longer become a secret that it was the German Jews who muddied, and not the Germans, which is changing the situation radically. the ideologues of communism, Marx and Engels, after all, are not Germans, but German Jews,

        And they drank all the water in the tap, you bastards!
        Quote: alpamys
        and Putin himself recently said that 85% of the government of Soviet Russia were Jews.

        Well, if Putin himself said ...

        1. Chairman - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) (26.10.1917 - 21.01.1924) - Great Russian

        2. People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs:
        Alexey Ivanovich Rykov (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

        3. People's Commissariat of Agriculture
        Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin (26.10 - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

        4. The People's Commissariat of Labor
        Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (26.10.1917 - 8.10.1918) - Great Russian

        5. Committee on Naval Affairs (26.10. - 8.11.1917)
        Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko - maloros
        Pavel Efimovich Dybenko - Little Russia
        Nikolai Vasilievich Krylenko - Great Russian

        6. People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry
        Viktor Pavlovich Nogin (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian

        7. People's Commissar of Education
        Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky (fam. On the present. Father - Antonov) (26.10.1917 - 12.09.1929) - Great Russian

        8. People's Commissariat of Finance
        Ivan Ivanovich Skvortsov-Stepanov (26.10.1917 - 20.01.1918) - Great Russian

        9. People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs:
        Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (26.10.1917 - 8.04.1918) - Jew

        10. People's Commissariat of Justice
        Georgy Ippolitovich Lomov-Oppokov (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

        11. People's Commissariat of Food
        Ivan Adolfovich Teodorovich (26.10 - 4.11.1917) - Pole

        12. The People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs
        Nikolai Pavlovich Glebov (Avilov) (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian

        13. People’s Commissariat for Nationalities (People’s Commissariat) of the RSFSR (1917-1923)
        Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - Ossetian

        14. The People’s Commissariat for Railway Affairs (26.10.1917 - 24.02.1918)
        Mark Timofeevich Elizarov (8.11.1917 - 7.01.1918) - Russian

        15. The People’s Commissariat of State Charity (8.11.1917/20.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
        Alexandra Kollontai (30.10.1917 - 17.03.1918) - Little Russia

        16. The Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNH)
        Valerian Valerianovich Osinsky (Obolensky) (1.12.1917 - 22.03.1918) - Great Russian

        Result: Russians - 15, 1 Jew, 1 Pole, 1 Ossetian.

        One Jew, for 18 people (!!!) - this, of course, pulls, perhaps, all 198,7%! Putin, with his 85%, simply tried not to injure the delicate brains of the fascist Russian patriots. And then, after all, they can get overexcited and run to beat ... and save ...
        1. +7
          8 August 2020 13: 23
          Greetings, Igor hi
          Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (30.10.1917 - 17.03.1918) - Malorosska

          I give you a plus with a little clarification - Alexandra Mikhailovna became Kollontai by her husband. She is great Russian
          1. +6
            8 August 2020 13: 35
            Yes, damn it, the embarrassment came out. But he knew that she was from Dovmont's descendants!
        2. -9
          8 August 2020 13: 41
          Quote: HanTengri
          One Jew, for 18 people (!!!) - this, of course, pulls, perhaps, all 198,7%! Putin, with his 85%, simply tried not to injure the delicate brains of the fascist Russian patriots.

          But you are using thimble techniques, because if you look closely at how many of these people worked in the government, it turns out that only Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky worked in the country's leadership for several years, and the rest have experience from several days to several months, so it is not worth speculate on their nationalities, because they were quickly replaced by other persons, like Sverdlov or Kaganovich, who in the spring of 1918 moved to Moscow, where he became commissar of the organizational and propaganda department of the All-Russian Collegium for the organization of the Red Army.
          1. +8
            8 August 2020 13: 54
            Quote: ccsr
            Quote: HanTengri
            One Jew, for 18 people (!!!) - this, of course, pulls, perhaps, all 198,7%! Putin, with his 85%, simply tried not to injure the delicate brains of the fascist Russian patriots.

            But you are using thimble techniques, because if you look closely at how many of these people worked in the government, it turns out that only Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky worked in the country's leadership for several years, and the rest have experience from several days to several months, so it is not worth speculate on their nationalities, because they were quickly replaced by other persons, like Sverdlov or Kaganovich, who in the spring of 1918 moved to Moscow, where he became commissar of the organizational and propaganda department of the All-Russian Collegium for the organization of the Red Army.

            HIGHER BODIES OF GOVERNMENT (1917-1924)


            1. Chairman - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin) (26.10.1917 - 21.01.1924) - Great Russian

            2. People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs:
            Alexey Ivanovich Rykov (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian
            Grigory Ivanovich Petrovsky (17.11.1917/25.03.1919/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Little Russia
            Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (30.03.1919 - 6.07.1923) - Pole
            Alexander Georgievich Beloborodov (7.07.1923/13.01.1928/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russia

            3. People's Commissariat of Agriculture
            Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin (October 26.10 - November 4.11.1917, XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Alexander G. Schlichter (13.11. - 24.11.1917) - Russified German (father: 1/2 German, 1/2 Cossack; mother comes from Ukrainian noblemen)
            Andrey Lukich Kolegaev (25.11.1917/16.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Semen Pafnutievich Sereda (3.04.1918/10.02.1921/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Little Russia
            Valerian Valerianovich Obolensky (Osinsky) (v. 24.03.1921 - 18.01.1922) - Great Russian
            Vasily Grigorievich Yakovenko (18.01.1922/7.07.1923/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Alexander Petrovich Smirnov (7.07.1923/19.12.1928/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

            4. The People's Commissariat of Labor
            Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (26.10.1917 - 8.10.1918) - Great Russian
            Vasily Vladimirovich Schmidt (8.10.1918 - 29.11.1928) - Russified German

            5. a) Committee on Naval Affairs (26.10. - 8.11.1917), Council of Military Commissars (8.11. - 26.11.1917):
            Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko - maloros
            Pavel Efimovich Dybenko - Little Russian
            Nikolay Vasilievich Krylenko - Great Russian
            b) People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs (26.11.1917 - 20.06.1934)
            Nikolai Ilyich Podvoisky (27.11.1917/14.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Little Russia
            Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (14.03.1918 - 26.01.1925) - Jew
            c) People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs (22.02 - 17.12. 1918)
            Pavel Efimovich Dybenko (22.02. - 15.03.1918) - Little Russia
            Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (6.04. - 17.12.1918) - Jew

            6. a) People's Commissariat of Trade and Industry
            Victor Pavlovich Nogin (26.10. - 4.11.1917) - Great Russian
            Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (acting 4.11.1917 - 26.03.1918) - Great Russian
            Vasily Mikhailovich Smirnov (acting 2 - 22.04.1918/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            Mechislav Genrikovich Bronsky (acting April 22.04. - May 9.05.1918, XNUMX) - Pole
            Leonid Borisovich Krasin (14.05.1918/12.06.1920/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            12.06.1920/XNUMX/XNUMX transformed into the People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade
            b) People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade (1920 - 91)
            Leonid Borisovich Krasin (12.06.1920/18.11.1925/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
            c) The Commission on Internal Trade at the Service Station (24.12.1922/9.05.1924/9.05.1924 - 18.11.1925/XNUMX/XNUMX), People's Commissariat of Internal Trade of the USSR (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
            Andrey Matveevich Lezhava (24.12.1922/9.05.1924/9.05 - 17.12.1924/XNUMX/XNUMX) (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Georgian
            Aron Lvovich Sheinman (17.12.1924/18.11.1925/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Jew

            7. People's Commissar of Education
            Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky (family member for the present father - Antonov) (26.10.1917/12.09.1929/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

            8. People's Commissariat of Finance
            Ivan Ivanovich Skvortsov-Stepanov (26.10.1917 - 20.01.1918) - Great Russian
            Vyacheslav Rudolfovich Menzhinsky (January 20.01 - March 28.03.1918, XNUMX) - Pole
            Isidor Emanuilovich Gukovsky (2.04. - 16.08.1918) - Jew (?)
            Nikolai Nikolaevich Krestinsky (16.08.1918 - 10.10.1922) - Little Russia
            Grigory Yakovlevich Sokolnikov (Diamond) (10.10.1922/16.01.1926/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Jew

            9. People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs:
            Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (26.10.1917 - 8.04.1918) - Jew
            Georgy Vasilyevich Chicherin (9.04.1918/25.07.1930/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian (mother from a clan of German noblemen)

            10. People's Commissariat of Justice
            Georgy Ippolitovich Lomov-Oppokov (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian
            Isaac Zakharovich Steinberg (9.12.1917/16.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Jew
            Petr Ivanovich Stuchka (18.03/22.08.1918 - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russified Latvian
            Dmitry Ivanovich Kursky (22.08.1918/18.02.1928/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

            1. +8
              8 August 2020 13: 56
              Read more.
              11. People's Commissariat of Food
              Ivan Adolfovich Teodorovich (26.10 - 4.11.1917) - Pole
              Alexander Grigorievich Schlichter (18.12.1917/24.02.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russified German
              Alexander Dmitrievich Tsyurupa (25.02.1918 - 12.12.1921) - Little Russia
              Nikolai Pavlovich Bryukhanov (12.12.1921 - 9.05.1924) - Great Russian

              12. The People's Commissar of Posts and Telegraphs
              Nikolai Pavlovich Glebov (Avilov) (26.10 - 9.12.1917) - Great Russian
              Prosh Perchevich Proshyan (9.12.1917/16.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Armenian
              Vadim Nikolaevich Podbelsky (11.04.1918/25.02.1920/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Artemy Moiseevich Lyubovich (24.03.1920 - 26.05.1921) (12.11.1927 - 14.01.1928) - Jew
              Valerian Savelievich Dovgalevsky (26.05.1921 - 6.07.1923) - Russian
              Ivan Nikitich Smirnov (6.07.1923/6.10.1927/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

              13. The People’s Commissariat for Nationalities (People’s Commissariat) of the RSFSR (1917–23).
              Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - Ossetian

              14. a) People's Commissariat for Railway Affairs (26.10.1917 - 24.02.1918)
              Mark Timofeevich Elizarov (8.11.1917/7.01.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russian
              b) People's Commissariat of Railways (24.02.1918 - 15.03.1946)
              Alexey Gavrilovich Rogov (24.02. - 9.05.1918) - Great Russian
              Petr Alekseevich Kobozev (9.05. - 24.06.1918) - Great Russian
              Vladimir Ivanovich Nevsky (Krivobokov) (25.07.1918 - 15.03.1919) - Great Russian
              Leonid Borisovich Krasin (30.03.1919/20.03.1920/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Lev Davidovich Trotsky (Bronstein) (acting 20.03. - 10.12.1920) - Jew
              Alexander Ivanovich Emshanov (10.12.1920/14.04.1921/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (14.04.1921 - 2.02.1924) - Pole
              Jan Ernestovich Rudzutak (2.02.1924/11.06.1930/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Latvian

              15. a) People’s Commissariat of State Charity (8.11.1917/20.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
              Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (30.10.1917/17.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Malorosska (father, mother - Finnish)
              b) People's Commissariat of Social Security (1918 - 1991)
              Alexander Nikolaevich Vinokurov (20.03.1918/30.06.1921/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russia
              Nikolai Alexandrovich Milyutin (acting 14.04.1921/29.12.1924/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Vasily Grigorievich Yakovenko (29.12.1924/2.10.1926/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

              16. People's Commissariat of State Property of the RSFSR
              Vladimir Alexandrovich Karelin 9.12.1917/16.03.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Petr Petrovich Malinovsky (acting 18.03. - 7.04.1918) - Russian

              17. People's Commissariat of Local Government of the RSFSR
              Vladimir Efimovich Trutovsky (19.12.1917/12.06.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Russian

              18. a) People's Commissariat of State Control of the RSFSR
              Karl Ivanovich Lander (9.05.1918/25.03.1919/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) -? (Baltic German or Jew)
              Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili) (30.03.1919/7.02.1920/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Ossetian
              b) People’s Commissariat of the Workers and Peasants Inspection (Rabkrin) of the RSFSR (7.02.1920/34/XNUMX - XNUMX)
              Since July 6.07.1923, XNUMX, an association with the Center. control Commission of the CPSU (b)
              to the apparatus of the Central Control Commission-RCT.
              Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Dzhugashvili) (24.02.1920/25.04.1922/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Ossetian
              Alexander Dmitrievich Tsyurupa (25.04.1922 - 6.07.1923) - Little Russia
              Valerian Vladimirovich Kuibyshev (6.07.1923/5.11.1926/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russia

              19. People's Commissariat of Health
              Alexander Nikolaevich Vinokurov (previous Board of Medical Colleges 21.01/27.06.1918/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Nikolai Aleksandrovich Semashko (11.07.1918/25.01.1930/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

              II. VChK-GPU-OGPU
              Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (20.12.1917/6.07.1918/22.08.1918 - 20.07.1926/XNUMX/XNUMX) (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Pole
              Yakov Khristoforovich Peters (acting July 8.07, 22.08.1918 - August XNUMX, XNUMX) - Latvian

              Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (Ulyanov) (30.11.1918/21.01.1924/12.12.1922 - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX, fact. Until XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

              IV. Supreme Council of the National Economy (VSNH) (1917 - 32)
              Valerian Valerianovich Osinsky (Obolensky) (December 1.12.1917, 22.03.1918 - March XNUMX, XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin (b. 23.03. - 3.04.1918) - Great Russian
              Alexey Ivanovich Rykov (3.04.1918/6.05.1921/6.07.1923 - 1.02.1924/XNUMX/XNUMX) (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Petr Alekseevich Bogdanov (8.05.1921/6.07.1923/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (2.02.1924 - 20.07.1926) - Pole

              V. a) Commissars of the People's Bank of the RSFSR (12.11.1917/19.01.1920/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
              Valerian Valerianovich Obolensky (Osinsky) (31.10. - 3.12.1917) - Great Russian
              Yuri Leonidovich Pyatakov (3.12.1917/4.06.1918/3.06.1929 - 18.10.1930/XNUMX/XNUMX) (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Nikolai Nikolaevich Krestinsky (acting 06.1918) - Little Russia
              Nikolai Vladimirovich Nikolaev (acting 06.1918) - Great Russian
              Yakov Stanislavovich Ganetsky (Furstenberg) (acting 07.1918 - 19.01.1920) - Pole
              b) the chairmen of the State. Bank of the RSFSR (12.10.1921/6.07.1923/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX)
              Aron Lvovich Sheinman (13.10.1921/17.12.1924/17.01.1926 - 2.06.1929/XNUMX/XNUMX) (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - a Jew
              Nikolai Gavrilovich Tumanov (17.12.1924/16.01.1926/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

              VI. Gosplan (1921 - 1991)
              Gleb Maksimilianovich Krzhizhanovsky (23.02.1921/11.12.1923/20.11.1925 - 10.11.1930/XNUMX/XNUMX), (XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian
              Alexander Dmitrievich Tsyurupa (11.12.1923 - 18.11.1925) - Little Russia

              VII. Central Statistical Bureau (CSB)
              Pavel Ilyich Popov (25.07.1918 - 5.01.1926) - Great Russian

              Viii. Supreme Council of Physical Culture (VSFC) at the All-Russian Central Executive Committee
              Konstantin Alexandrovich Mekhonoshin (1923 - 26) - Great Russian

              IX. Chairman of the Supreme Court of the USSR
              Alexander Nikolaevich Vinokurov (14.03.1924/17.08.1938/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russia

              X. Prosecutors Top. Ships of the USSR
              Peter Ananyevich Krasikov (15.03.1924/20.06.1933/XNUMX - XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX) - Great Russian

              Outcome: of all the mentioned figures (72): Russians (Great Russians, Little Russians, Belarusians) - 48 (67%), Jews - 8 (11%), Poles - 5 (7%), 3 Latvians, 2 Russified Germans, 2 Armenians , 2 Georgians, 1 Ossetians and 1 in doubt.

              Will it suit you like that?
              1. -12
                8 August 2020 16: 40
                Quote: HanTengri
                Will it suit you like that?

                Not really, because not everything is as you present it.
                Yakub Ganetsky (real name Yakov Stanislavovich Furstenberg, party aliases: Henrich, Kuba, Mikola, Machinist; March 15, 1879, Warsaw - November 26, 1937 [1], Moscow) - Polish and Jewish revolutionary,

                But still, your indignation is that
                One Jew, for 18 people (!!!)
                as it turned out, it was used for purely propaganda purposes, because the percentage of Jews does not coincide with your own figures
                Jews - 8 (11%)
                1. +6
                  8 August 2020 17: 48
                  Quote: ccsr
                  But still, your indignation is that
                  One Jew, for 18 people (!!!)
                  as it turned out, it was used for purely propaganda purposes, because the percentage of Jews does not coincide with your own figures
                  Jews - 8 (11%)

                  I quite honestly, Russians on the screen, say that in the first SNK - 1. And in all government bodies from 1917 to 1924 - 8 (11%). But you are apparently able to discern Jewish-Boshevik propaganda even in "God Save the Tsar!" For this I consider the further dialogue with you to be productive.
        3. +5
          8 August 2020 14: 00
          Quote: HanTengri
          And they drank all the water in the tap, you bastards!

          And if there is water in the tap, then what?
          1. +6
            8 August 2020 14: 01
            Quote: Kwas
            And if there is water in the tap, then what?

            Otherwise, you don’t know!
            1. +2
              8 August 2020 14: 08
              I do not know. But he stopped drinking water from the tap at the age of 12.
              1. +5
                8 August 2020 14: 14
                Well, this substance does not cease to be itself from boiling.
          2. +1
            8 August 2020 16: 31
            Quote: Kwas
            Quote: HanTengri
            And they drank all the water in the tap, you bastards!

            And if there is water in the tap, then what?

            Krasnodar went there fellow
            1. +4
              8 August 2020 20: 56
              Quote: Krasnodar
              Krasnodar went there

              Well! And Kostya, from the age of 12, i.e. since 1978, poured into a kettle, boiled and drank ... And I thought I was safe! You are mean, nevertheless, people ... laughing drinks
              1. +2
                8 August 2020 21: 06
                Not sneaky, but very sneaky wink drinks
      4. +25
        8 August 2020 12: 37
        Quote: alpamys
        in the government of Soviet Russia 85% were Jews

        Another connoisseur of the history of our state ... You would first read the biographies of the ministers of the USSR and their origins, than write outright lies.
        1. -11
          8 August 2020 23: 59
          Quote: Vladimir B.
          Quote: alpamys
          in the government of Soviet Russia 85% were Jews

          Another connoisseur of the history of our state ... You would first read the biographies of the ministers of the USSR and their origins, than write outright lies.

          all questions to the President of Russia VVPutin ... I just quoted him
    2. +15
      8 August 2020 09: 07
      Well, you are a bastard.
      1. -21
        8 August 2020 10: 09
        The Bolsheviks were bastards
        Well, those who today, out of their stupidity, are engaged in Bolshevik propaganda
        1. +14
          8 August 2020 10: 13
          The Bolsheviks are heroes.
        2. +23
          8 August 2020 10: 34
          sanya (sanya)
          The Bolsheviks were bastards
          Well, yes, they were so scum that they introduced an 8-hour working day instead of 10, 12, or even 14 hours, built schools, hospitals, factories and plants. Introduced MANDATORY free education, free medicine FOR ALL. They introduced an old-age and disability pension. Provided 100 percent employment of the population.
          In a word, the truth is "bastards" ...

          One wonders where you are from fool lizards are taken in such marketable quantities? Probably from country 404? Or is it such a reincarnation of olgovich?
          1. -18
            8 August 2020 10: 54
            Yes Yes
            And there were also slaves on collective farms without passports and without money - they worked for workdays
            And there were also slaves in the camps who worked for stew
            1. +17
              8 August 2020 12: 31
              Quote: sanya
              And there were also slaves on collective farms without passports and without money - they worked for workdays

              You, apparently, dragged on "Ogonyok" during perestroika, so you are still being crushed ...
              Workdays, these are not empty numbers in a magazine, but a completely working way of distributing the profits of a collective farm, among collective farmers.
              After fulfilling obligations to the state (obligatory deliveries, payment in kind for the services of machine and tractor stations, return of seed loans, formation of seed and fodder stocks, sale of part of the products to the state or on the collective farm market), the remainder of the harvest was distributed among collective farmers [1]. As a rule, its distribution took place once a year. The collective farmer received for his annual work a share of the collective farm annual income in proportion to the workdays accrued to him (mainly in natural form grain, less often other agricultural products) ......

              The workday did not take into account the final results, the number of workdays accrued to the members of the brigade or link did not depend on the yield or profitability of livestock breeding, however allowed, after receiving the final product and allocating that part of it that should go to labor remuneration, to distribute the natural product and / or the money received from its sale in proportion to the accrued workdays. Considering that on collective farms a significant part of wages at that time was paid by products (in particular, grain), this was quite practical, since it excluded internal monetary payments.
              (aunt Vika)

              Quote: sanya
              And there were also slaves in the camps who worked for stew

              Of course, you have never heard of the fact that these "slaves", for their labor, received a salary ...
              ..the Gulag prisoners received a salary for their labor. "This money in administrative documents initially and until the end of the 1940s. Was designated by the terms" monetary incentive "or" monetary bonus. "The concept of" salary "was also sometimes used, but this name was officially introduced only in 1950 [1 ].

              So, as of 1939, "the bonus was necessarily credited to the prisoner's personal account. During the month, working prisoners were given money in an amount not exceeding a monthly bonus. In addition to the bonus, prisoners, depending on their behavior at work and at home, could be issued with the permission of the head of the camp unit and personal money in the amount of not more than 100 rubles per month. (ibid.)
            2. +12
              8 August 2020 14: 18
              Quote: sanya
              slaves on collective farms without passports

              Did the peasants have passports under the tsar?
              Well, the rest has already been said ...
              1. -12
                8 August 2020 14: 43
                And under the king it was not good
                But this does not justify the Soviet regime, but only confirms that the peasants were serfs under the commune.
                1. +14
                  8 August 2020 15: 25
                  Quote: sanya
                  And under the king it was not good

                  Well, to admit this is already a lot. Now compare the numbers, for example, the number of schools and hospitals, for example, in 1913 and 1940, all sorts of little things like electrification and mechanization ... and maybe there are still excuses?
                  1. -12
                    8 August 2020 16: 03
                    I agree that under the kings of the serfs there were not enough schools and tractors ...
                    But you should not idealize the Council of Deputies of the peasants there, they were not taught so that they would run the state :))))
          2. +18
            8 August 2020 12: 44
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            One wonders where you are from

            Most likely he is a descendant of emigrants.
            PS I did not pay attention to your comment immediately, wrote my own under the influence of emotions from this comment, and it turned out that we have similar ones. hi
            1. +19
              8 August 2020 12: 57
              Really similar, apparently we are colleagues in relation to the Soviet past hi .
              1. +23
                8 August 2020 12: 59
                Quote: Varyag_0711
                apparently we are colleagues in relation to the Soviet past

                Colleagues definitely. hi
                1. +22
                  8 August 2020 13: 10
                  Varyag_0711 (Alexey)
                  Really similar, apparently we are colleagues in relation to the Soviet past

                  Vladimir B. (Vladimir)
                  Colleagues definitely. hi
                  Colleagues hi drinks , you are not alone! And the further such chaos and sabbath are going on in Russia, the more of us there will be!
                  I agree with both of you entirely!
          3. +15
            8 August 2020 13: 47
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            Well, yes, they were so bastard that they introduced an 8-hour working day

            Add more plans to cut it down to 6 and then 5 hours.
            (I. Stalin "Economic problems of socialism in the USSR" 1952) - had to be poisoned to prevent this abomination!
            1. +12
              8 August 2020 15: 20
              Quote: Kwas
              Add more plans to cut it down to 6 and then 5 hours.

              So this is out of sadistic motives - they wanted to learn more and increase their cultural level to force.
              1. +10
                8 August 2020 15: 43
                And he cynically noted at the same time that one still needs to grow culturally to communism.
                1. +12
                  8 August 2020 15: 48
                  Quote: Kwas
                  And he cynically noted at the same time that one still needs to grow culturally to communism.

                  So for this, all sorts of torture houses in the form of theaters, libraries and all kinds of houses of culture were built ... well, they were still malignant with lecture halls ...
                  Everyone knows that the more educated a person is, the easier it is to manage him, not to mention the rabble of every illiterate.
        3. +23
          8 August 2020 12: 40
          Quote: sanya
          The Bolsheviks were bastards

          Such bastards that they built hospitals, schools, sanatoriums for the people, built factories and erected new cities, developed science. Well, really, the real bastards.
        4. +9
          9 August 2020 17: 07
          The opponents of the Bolsheviks are even worse. negative
    3. +12
      8 August 2020 10: 14
      Attention is drawn to your unwillingness to think and analyze facts, and not writing.
      1. -17
        8 August 2020 10: 17
        I do not deny the facts and the Germans paid for it
        Because when the time came to choose between the communists and the German occupation, the people chose lesser evils
        1. +17
          8 August 2020 10: 39
          anya (sanya)
          I do not deny the facts and the Germans paid for it
          Because when the time came to choose between the communists and the German occupation, the people chose lesser evils
          Moderators, are you in this thread at all? Ban already this Nazi abomination forever.
          1. -18
            8 August 2020 13: 17
            You need to ban - supporters of Bandera's Rygorych and his local hangers-on - the Kalashnikovs.
            1. +12
              8 August 2020 14: 53
              Operator (Andrey)
              You need to ban - supporters of Bandera's Rygorych and his local hangers-on - the Kalashnikovs.
              I didn't understand where and when you saw sympathy for Lukashenka in my comments ?! Can you give an example or just a bunch in a puddle?
              1. -12
                8 August 2020 15: 02
                So here is Lukashenko instead of Rygorych / batski / papaKoli.

                No, well, if you are a litvin for self-orientation, then you can also with sympathy bully
          2. -9
            8 August 2020 13: 23
            No arguments, I ran after the moderator laughing
            Then, do you want to hide from history further?
            Meanwhile, the passivity of the population and its acceptance of the occupation order in the first year of occupation is a well-known fact. This is, for a moment, 50-60 million people. So, they had reasons for doing this, and very good reasons.
            1. +4
              8 August 2020 15: 34
              Always and everywhere the population passively accepts until they begin to plunder.
            2. +12
              8 August 2020 16: 02
              Quote: wehr
              Meanwhile, the passivity of the population and its acceptance of the occupation order in the first year of occupation is a well-known fact. This is, for a moment, 50-60 million people. So, they had reasons for doing this, and very good reasons.

              Of course there were! And very weighty.
              Reason # 1 - Confusion.
              Reason # 2 - Fear.
              I think these two are enough.
    4. +25
      8 August 2020 12: 35
      Quote: sanya
      Attention is drawn to the great similarity of communist prices and approaches with the German occupation

      This is how much you have to hate your fellow citizens and the country to write this ... You would have read something about the Soviet economy. Although why would I advise you, a Russophobe, you a priori consider the Soviet system to be totalitarian ...
      1. -6
        9 August 2020 07: 14
        in the 30s, seven million Soviet citizens died of hunger in peacetime, hence the queues for collaborationists in Ukraine at the beginning of the war. why are you ashamed to look at this side of the story? there is a book it seems Kuznetsov-Babiy Yar - I still listen in shock ... there it is well described how his grandfather at first hated the Reds fiercely because they took everything clean and met the Germans with hugs, but after Khreshchatyk burned down and 60 thousand people were taken to the pit he was already glad to the commissars ...
  7. +22
    8 August 2020 08: 26
    I do not know if the author's family was in the occupation. And my father's family, born in 1937. was, and not long winter 41 (Tikhonova desert, Kaluga region). So my sister and brother, he died of hunger. I also found my grandmother alive, and I perfectly remember her stories, how the Germans raked everything out.
  8. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +15
      8 August 2020 09: 52
      Quote: alpamys
      the usual thoughts of a patriot of his country about how to improve the lives of his fellow citizens.

      ... by capturing neighboring countries!
      1. -21
        8 August 2020 11: 01
        And why did the USSR want to chop off Finland? Or have you taken away a piece of Poland?
        Or was it possible for the USSR, because it is for all the good?
        1. +12
          8 August 2020 11: 09
          Poland these territories suddenly seized from the USSR, with Finland the issue of border security.
          1. -13
            8 August 2020 11: 33
            And, well, that is, border security is sacred, that's right.
            Well, the Germans also covered themselves with this, the security of the borders.
            1. +17
              8 August 2020 11: 52
              Thunderbringer (Andrew)
              And, well, that is, border security is sacred, that's right.
              Well, the Germans also covered themselves with this, the security of the borders.
              No need to pull the owl over the globe. Both Finland and Poland, when leaving the Republic of Ingushetia, grabbed extra land, taking advantage of Russia's weakness at that time, for which they eventually paid.
            2. +12
              8 August 2020 13: 55
              Quote: Thunderbringer
              Well, that is, border security is sacred

              With Finland, Kronos is a little wrong. Not the security of the borders, but the security of Leningrad. I hope there is no need to explain the importance of this city. There were negotiations, but who started military operations there is not objectively established. Objectively (documentary!) Only that the Finns wanted to expand at our expense, and they counted on the help of the West.
            3. +2
              9 August 2020 16: 57
              Quote: Thunderbringer
              Well, the Germans also covered themselves with this

              Well, the British and the Americans acted and are acting in the same way. Only instead of "border" they say: "interests". wink
        2. +17
          8 August 2020 11: 49
          And when did the USSR take away a piece of Poland? Specify pliz. And also specify when the USSR wanted Finland ... to chop off - is it apparently to seize?
        3. +20
          8 August 2020 12: 58
          Quote: Thunderbringer
          Why did the USSR want to chop off Finland?

          And I wasn't going to. The USSR offered Finland an exchange of territories, and a large territory was transferred to Finland. Finland did not want to consider this issue and carried out provocations at the border. The USSR had no choice but to ensure the safety of Leningrad by starting hostilities. As for Poland, the USSR took its own, the territories that were occupied by Poland.
          1. +15
            8 August 2020 14: 14
            Quote: Vladimir B.
            As for Poland, the USSR took its own, the territories that were occupied by Poland.

            And add, he did it at a time when the state of Poland no longer existed, before observing with this state (rather vile) peace treaty concluded following the results of the Soviet-Polish war of 1920. During which the Poles killed tens of thousands of our prisoners with hunger and disease.
          2. +15
            8 August 2020 15: 13
            Quote: Vladimir B.
            The USSR offered Finland an exchange of territories, and a large territory was transferred to Finland.

            Moreover, the USSR asked for the territories that became part of the Republic of Ingushetia 90 years earlier than Finland ...
    3. +24
      8 August 2020 12: 50
      Quote: alpamys
      the usual thoughts of a patriot of his country

      Such German "patriots" killed tens of millions of civilians, built concentration camps, plundered the occupied countries. They are not "patriots" of their country. These cannibals have no nationality
  9. -16
    8 August 2020 09: 08
    I did not see any special discoveries in the article: the Germans paid for something and robbed. And they plundered much more - there are lists of trillions of rubles worth of property taken out and taken away by no one, drawn up by the Extraordinary Commissions.

    And who paid for this and to whom these trillions?

    And yes, it is incorrect to compare our and their occupation at the root, even for one, at least, reason: in the occupied territories we had a huge starvation mortality, which was not in occupied Germany.
    1. +12
      8 August 2020 09: 55
      Quote: Olgovich

      And yes, it is incorrect to compare our and their occupation at the root, even for one, at least, reason: in the occupied territories we had a huge starvation mortality, which was not in occupied Germany.

      Just about, it is enough to compare only two figures - our and German losses in this war. Approximately 9 and 20-27 million people, the difference due to the genocide of civilians and prisoners.
      1. -12
        8 August 2020 11: 03
        Quote: Kwas
        20-27 million people

        7 million difference is not even 7 thousand .. so 20 or 27?
        By the way, in 1947, Stalin had a report on the irrecoverable human losses of the USSR in the war, and the figure was indicated at 7 million people. Under Khrushchev, it increased to 20 under Gorbachev, up to 27, today the data vary from 35 to 55 million ... how to understand this?
        1. +9
          8 August 2020 12: 00
          It must be understood that there is no exact data. Documents and archives were destroyed along with cities and towns, masses of peoples moved and so on. It can be estimated approximately by the total population of the USSR, 1940 (after accession) - 191,7 million, 1956 - 200,2 million. Subtract the natural increase (about 17 per 1000 people), taking into account that they almost did not multiply during the war, well, we get an approximate figure of 20-something million.
          1. +5
            8 August 2020 13: 26
            There are calculated data on the losses of the population of the USSR in WWII: the number for 1941 - the number for 1946 + natural increase in the period from 1941 to 1945 = 27 million losses (taking into account defectors and killed collaborators, about 25 million).

            What is characteristic - there is no such simple calculation for Germany within the borders of September 1939, which clearly indicates an underestimation of German losses in WWII.
            1. -7
              8 August 2020 14: 39
              Not evidence of anything. It's just very hard to calculate.
              There is a Reich within the borders of 1937, within the borders of 1939, within the borders of 1941; territorial changes after the war and the massive resettlement of ethnic Germans to cut-down Germany.
              But, in principle, if you show due diligence, you can try to do it.
              1. 0
                8 August 2020 15: 00
                And what they did not do - with German pedantry: all statistics on the population of Germany, Austria, Bohemia and Moravia as of September 1939 are available, census of the post-war population of the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic Republic and Austria, taking into account immigrants from East Prussia, Silesia and the Sudetenland ...

                Does the German rectum play on the results of such a calculation? am
            2. +11
              8 August 2020 15: 18
              Quote: Operator
              There are calculated data on the losses of the population of the USSR in WWII: the number for 1941 - the number for 1946 + natural increase in the period from 1941 to 1945 = 27 million losses (taking into account defectors and killed collaborators, about 25 million).

              Well, I took the first data that came across (from TSB). And in the data that you cited, you also need to take into account that the natural increase during the war was clearly much less. Or is it taken into account?
              1. -4
                8 August 2020 15: 35
                The calculation in terms of natural increase (newborns - deaths from non-military reasons) is based on post-war data from registry offices, which issued birth certificates for children, including those born in territories temporarily under German occupation (deaths there for non-military reasons are included in military losses in due to the lack of medical care).
        2. +21
          8 August 2020 12: 52
          Quote: alpamys
          the figure was quoted at 7 million

          This figure includes only those killed at the front. All other figures include civilian deaths.
        3. +9
          9 August 2020 16: 59
          Quote: alpamys
          what does it mean?

          They count in different ways. And often they simply do not know what which number means and confuse them.
  10. bar
    8 August 2020 09: 55
    I got a little freaked out from this article. Another Katz regrets that the USSR did not surrender? Would you have lived for a long time in the European Union under the name "Third Reich", received salaries in Reichsmarks and drank Bavarian?
    Are there any moderators on the site at all? What are they doing, banning for swear words, but completely letting such shit go?
    1. +8
      8 August 2020 11: 16
      this is not "Another Katz sorry" ... this is another poz sorry ... I would even say shmek ...
      according to the Wannsee protocols, there may have been linguistic inaccuracies BUT the meaning was completely conveyed in the translation ...
      1. +5
        8 August 2020 11: 39
        Quote: silberwolf88
        this is not "Another Katz sorry" ... this is another poz sorry ... I would even say shmek ...
        according to the Wannsee protocols, there may have been linguistic inaccuracies BUT the meaning was completely conveyed in the translation ...

        The original is at the Political Archive in Berlin.
        Facsimile copies of a number of documents related to the conference, including the minutes, are exhibited in a museum organized in the same building where in 1942 on Lake Wannsee at the Villa "Marlier" in Berlin, located at ul. Am-Grosen-Wanze, d. 56-58, a conference was held.
  11. +12
    8 August 2020 12: 21
    As soon as I started reading, I immediately realized that another "Kolya from Urengoy". Only the type is smart, knows German, translation inaccuracies ...
    Prices are reasonable, and why did the peasants resist the German order so much?
    I read it and thought, I wonder what path the author would choose for himself in the "German order"?
    Oh, these Russians, and the prices are reasonable and the appeal, but they are ungrateful and barbarians straight into partisans.
    Author! If it were possible to express all the "untranslatable idioms and words"
    It doesn't matter what I get for it, but you are SCOM.
    1. +11
      8 August 2020 13: 01
      Assyrian (Basil)
      It doesn't matter what I get for it, but you are SCOM.
      I completely agree and support! Unfortunately, the author is not the only one here, in the comments there are also several of the same, apparently from 404 broadcast.
      And in general it is not clear how the moderators let such an abomination pass ?!
      1. -11
        8 August 2020 13: 35
        Here you are expressing yourself in style: woof-woof-woof.
        But my question is: what was the point of such selective citation of the document? We are everywhere about one part of it, and we do not notice other parts. AND?
        This is a jerk. This is a lie. Let it be small. But it raises another question: what else did you lie about?

        And one moment. Why are you so rushing to yell that the Germans robbed? Well, yes, they were robbed, which is a well-known fact that has been reliably recorded in various documents. And hence the question: isn't this shouting, shouting and gevalt a distraction from some other side of the story? From which ones and why?
        1. +9
          8 August 2020 15: 38
          So you are lying trying to whitewash the Germans, that they were forced to rob after the failure of the plans. The Nazis robbed all countries exporting valuables, and about the ruin of the USSR, Hitler's plans long before the start of the war.
          1. -9
            8 August 2020 15: 58
            Woof woof woof? laughing
            However, barking does not replace knowledge or intelligence. You do not know anything about the German occupation methods. They did not always strive for robbery by means of direct weaning. Removal through clearing is much more effective and less noticeable to the population. Or here: a German loan to Denmark to bear the occupation costs.
            1. +12
              8 August 2020 16: 37
              wehr (Dmitry)
              Woof woof woof? laughing
              Apparently you have no smarter arguments ?!
              This shows your "level" of intelligence both as the author of the article, and as an opponent in the argument, in general, below the plinth. Another "kolyasurengoy" regretting that we were not conquered by the iron German order and dreaming of a German master, under whom they would drink Bavarian beer and ride a BMW. Only here the Germans would have drank beer, and you would have rotted in a concentration camp or burned in a stove as racially inferior.
              However, barking does not replace knowledge or intelligence.
              In your particular case - definitely!
              You do not know anything about the German occupation methods.
              Apparently you are familiar with them so to speak with your own eyes ?!
              They did not always strive for robbery by means of direct weaning.
              Well, yes, the Germans were so "noble" that they bought food from the local population ... laughing
              Removal through clearing is much more effective and less noticeable to the population.
              What? Did you understand what you wrote? "Clearing" fool ... damn it burnt, if to put it mildly ...
              Or here: a German loan to Denmark to bear the occupation costs.
              Ha ha ha, you can describe yourself with laughter ...!

              Excuse me, are you generally sane? The article for the rehabilitation of Nazism is crying for you!
              1. -9
                8 August 2020 16: 40
                Then explain to me why your best, most objective, most truthful story, one might say, the true truth, is based on cut-off in translation, that is, falsified, documents? And yet, why do you get hysterical when you point this out?
                1. +9
                  8 August 2020 16: 53
                  wehr (Dmitry)
                  Then explain to me why your best, most objective, most truthful story, one might say, the true truth, is based on cut-off in translation, that is, falsified, documents? And yet, why do you get hysterical when you point this out?
                  Hear abomination, you abomination do not touch my story with your dirty paws. For my history, my grandfather fought! And he did not shed his blood so that such an abomination as you, now water his memory with mud!
                  Say thank you that they won't reach you through the monitor, otherwise you would remain disabled for the rest of your life, fascist underdevelopment.

                  P.S. Note to moderators, or erase the topic with the author, or treat everyone equally. The author clearly provokes readers to open aggression, and even begs for article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "For the rehabilitation of Nazism" ...!
                  1. -6
                    8 August 2020 21: 50
                    Well, why is your very, very story, for which your grandfather fought, relies on circumcised, that is, falsified, documents?
                    And why did you so immediately become hysterical and threaten me? If your brakes do not work, then see a doctor, and do not yell that they are provoking you here.
                    1. +12
                      8 August 2020 22: 10
                      wehr (Dmitry)
                      Well, why is your very, very story, for which your grandfather fought, relies on circumcised, that is, falsified, documents?
                      Is your head bad at all? For what such "falsified" documents my grandfather fought?
                      Are you completely sick?
                      And why did you so immediately become hysterical and threaten me?
                      Because you have touched the memory of my grandfather who fought. Who fought, including so that such scum as you are now living and pouring mud on his feat.
                      If your brakes do not work, then see a doctor, and do not yell that they are provoking you here.
                      You need an unfinished fascist to the doctor! Moreover, it is desirable to those who are engaged in euthanasia!

                      P.S. I repeat for the moderators: The author clearly provokes readers to open aggression, and even begs for article 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "For the rehabilitation of Nazism" ...!
                      1. -5
                        8 August 2020 22: 18
                        You break the rules of the forum, throwing insults.

                        And you're also very funny. Tantrum from scratch.
                        A real winner would say, "So what? They never planned, but we won." There is no reason to rip your throat here.
                      2. +7
                        8 August 2020 22: 29
                        wehr (Dmitry)
                        You break the rules of the forum, throwing insults.
                        Are you not printing your foul feces here?
                        A real winner would say:
                        Say thank you that I can't reach your face, otherwise I would tell you a couple of gentle ones between the eyes ...
                      3. -5
                        8 August 2020 22: 35
                        Not. Because they are documents, because they are history.

                        And what will you achieve with your threats? Am I going to respect you, or will I listen to you? I don't care about your scarecrows. laughing
                        You are probably yourself such that you only understand beating.
                      4. +9
                        8 August 2020 22: 40
                        wehr (Dmitry)
                        Not. Because they are documents, because they are history.
                        Your "documents" are worthless, you can say and write in "documents" a lot, but what they do is completely different. So put your feces back where you took out and choke on them at the same time, Nazi fosterlings.
                      5. -6
                        8 August 2020 22: 44
                        You called the document that was presented at the Nuremberg Trials "feces"? laughing
                        So you're saying the Nazi accusations are based on "faeces"?
                      6. -1
                        16 August 2020 15: 16
                        the document was presented at the trial, but you were quoting it fecal matter, like "how wonderful everything is ambiguous" in history. do not confuse the pedals.
                      7. -1
                        16 August 2020 15: 40
                        And what is the discontent? That there was such a moment in the document?
              2. +6
                8 August 2020 17: 09
                Quote: Varyag_0711
                Removal through clearing is much more effective and less noticeable to the population.
                What? Did you understand what you wrote? "Clearing" fool ... damn burnt, this is, to put it mildly ...

                Well, probably in the sense that the population was shot, burned, well, and on a net basis for the decline in population food and taken away - now there will be no one to feed.
            2. +4
              8 August 2020 16: 57
              Since you are in the subject, it would be worth writing a more detailed work on the economic and legal aspects of Germany's actions in the occupied territories. For myself, from your article, I concluded that in the modern world some people have gone not very far from Goering's Green Folder.
              1. -4
                8 August 2020 21: 57
                Yes it will.
                The occupation economy is a very important factor, one of those that determined the outcome of the war.
            3. +5
              8 August 2020 18: 55
              Quote: wehr
              Woof woof woof? laughing
              However, barking does not replace knowledge or intelligence. You do not know anything about the German occupation methods. They did not always strive for robbery by means of direct weaning. Removal through clearing is much more effective and less noticeable to the population. Or here: a German loan to Denmark to bear the occupation costs.

              And I'm looking at you, a specialist in German occupational methods. And about such a specialist - a nit by the name of Dirlewanger, for example, do you want to discuss about his methods? All your little article is one big abomination and a banal attempt to whitewash fascism!
              1. +15
                8 August 2020 19: 27
                Inorus (Igor)
                And I'm looking at you, a specialist in German occupational methods. And about such a specialist - a nit by the name of Dirlewanger, for example, do you want to discuss about his methods? All your little article is one big abomination and a banal attempt to whitewash fascism!
                I agree, the article is rotten like the author himself! He could still be reminded of the Reichskommissar of Ukraine Erich Koch and Reichskommissar Ostland Wilhelm Kube and their occupation policy ...
                Ugh you, as you bathed in the mud, abomination and the author and the article!
              2. -5
                8 August 2020 21: 59
                The same question as to the maddened Varyag: why should the history of the winners, the best, the most truthful, the most objective, etc., be based on cut-off, that is, falsified, documents? And why does pointing out this cause hysteria?

                Do you have anything to hide?
                1. +19
                  8 August 2020 23: 39
                  Dmitry Verkhoturov

                  Dmitry, I have two questions for you, pure curiosity:
                  1) Is your nickname "wehr" short for Wehrmacht? My nickname is a Soviet name derived from the abbreviation of the phrase ARMY LENin.
                  2) Didn't you write "Barkashov's Krasnoyarsk Guards"?
                  1. 0
                    8 August 2020 23: 43
                    1. The first syllable of my last name.
                    2. Yes.

                    The Wehrmacht is the general military; somewhere in the documents, maybe even in the Green Folder, I came across the expression feindliche Wehrmacht, that is, enemy armed forces.
                    After the war, another term began to be used - Streitkräfte, the meaning is the same.
  12. +12
    8 August 2020 12: 44
    The author is a natural collaborator like Kolya from Urengoy. Can't come to terms with the damage to the poor Nemetchina and can not remember the level of losses of the civilian population of the USSR in WWII - 15 million out of 27. I wonder how many civilian Germans we ruined in response with backbreaking work to restore their own economy and pay reparations for the damage to us ?

    Germany in WWII was an aggressor, therefore it had no rights to dispose of the property and population of countries - victims of aggression. But the latter had all the rights to destroy Germany as a state and country, deindustrialize its economy and recover from its population all military losses in full (with resistance - execution on the spot). It is a pity that they did not do so according to Churchill's rejected proposal.

    The gray-green German "regulation" of 1941 is nothing more than a directive on the management of draft animals, which, after disability, must be taken to a slaughterhouse (see Mein Kampf). Purchase prices and wage rates, given in the gray-green "position", if paid by the German occupiers, then by surrogate candy wrappers, on which one could only survive. Moreover, the skilled labor force would soon run out, since all educational institutions in the occupied territories above the primary school were canceled by another German "regulation".

    Collaboration in our country can be completely eradicated with the help of the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on justifying Nazism.
  13. +7
    8 August 2020 15: 35
    By the way, it still makes sense to raise the question. All prices in the article, as I understand it, are in Soviet rubles. And where did the fascists have them from legally could appear, is it not counterfeit money, or God forbid, plundered? Or did they still pay with the occupation marks, but then where did the course of the occupation mark towards the Soviet ruble come from?
    1. +5
      8 August 2020 16: 09
      Since 1940, retail prices and labor rates in the occupied territories have been established by the Germans in the occupation Reichsmarks - a special means of payment issued not by the Reichsbank, but by the German Credit Institutions, which did not have any security for this money from the word at all.

      After the seizure of the territory of another country, the German administration established a fixed exchange rate of the occupation Reichsmark to the local currency, which after that did not change even with the most severe inflation of the occupation Reichsmark (the local currency rate simply took off, since there was nowhere to take it). As a result, on a monthly salary in the occupation Reichsmarks of an employee of an enterprise / organization in the occupied territory, it was possible to live at most for several days. The Germans had to introduce a parallel rationing system to support the population working for them.

      On the temporarily occupied territory of the USSR, everything was even more severe - the army and SS units took everything without any payment or even receipts. The isolated cases of issuing receipts from the battalion commander and above were a uniform mockery - none of the German organizations paid for army / SS receipts with occupation Reichsmarks.
  14. +9
    8 August 2020 19: 41
    Quote: wehr
    You do not know anything about the German occupation methods.

    Mister with raised hands)))))) Ay)))))
    Except for you, no one is going to give up.
    Do not persuade!
    At VO, people often discuss the thickness of the armor, etc. But not in any way about how to sell nice and eggs to the invaders.
    I also found a "researcher".
    And the earth bears such.
    I can imagine the faces of my grandfather and grandmother if I had read this libel to them.
    1. -8
      8 August 2020 22: 09
      Do you, in your most truthful, most accurate, most objective history, have something to hide, since you demand these questions not to be investigated?
  15. +3
    8 August 2020 20: 01
    Quote: wehr
    Then explain to me why your best, most objective, most truthful story, one might say, the true truth, is based on cut-off in translation, that is, falsified, documents? And yet, why do you get hysterical when you point this out?
  16. -9
    8 August 2020 23: 03
    Soulful article, I liked it. Judging by how excited the local Jews and communists were, it hit the mark. It is strange that such an article appeared on this site.
    You can also offer the author a couple of topics for study ... something like - "The Holocaust did not exist?" or "The role of the USSR in the outbreak of World War II" laughing
    Note that I am not asserting anything, but merely proposing.
  17. -2
    9 August 2020 15: 31
    Quote: DrEng527
    the consequence of Bolshevism was fascism and Nazism

    Communism as a political force arose as a result of Jewish bankers' financing of the First International (then the Social Democrats) since 1864, Zionism - as a result of their own financing of the World Zionist Organization from 1897, fascism and Nazism - as a result of their financing of the respective parties in Italy and Germany since the 1920s.

    Jewish bankers' financing of communism ended in October 1917, fascism and Nazism in September 1939, and Zionism continues.
  18. 0
    16 August 2020 14: 54
    no one called them, so it doesn't matter what they wrote in the instructions. This is the first. After the war, the GDR was not planned, Stalin insisted on a unified Germany, therefore, they justly took away almost all the equipment, this is not robbery, this is an insignificant compensation for fascist barbarism, for the destruction of civilians, cities and villages.
  19. Ham
    31 October 2020 20: 26
    what a good man Hermann Goering was! Well, the Russians themselves were to blame began to partisan ...

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"