Empty shelves of the late USSR: how the government itself organized the deficit


The end of the 1980s in the Soviet Union was marked by a growing shortage of consumer goods. It is difficult for a person who did not find that time to believe in empty store shelves and the inability to get the most commonplace food products.

Gorbachev's policy and the legal prerequisites for the deficit

It all began with the “perestroika” announced by the young General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev, which was accompanied by the adoption of a number of erroneous and extremely harmful management decisions. On January 1, 1987, the state foreign trade monopoly was abolished. Since many consumer goods in the Soviet Union were cheap, their export abroad was put on stream. At the same time, imported goods poured into the USSR, which were sold here at high prices for the Soviet consumer.

The authorities did not actually react to what was happening, since it fit into strange ideas about gradual economic liberalization. In fact, with the complete connivance of the Soviet leadership, the export of consumer goods abroad on a huge scale continued, which led to a shortage of these goods on the domestic market.

Of course, certain types of goods were considered in short supply long before the beginning of perestroika. There was also speculation on the part of trade workers or other citizens who, by virtue of their profession or personal connections, had access to scarce goods. But such a situation that developed at the turn of the 1980s - 1990s was hard to imagine. The shortage of goods was also due to the fact that soon the Soviet leadership created excellent conditions for him by adopting the famous law that allowed the activities of cooperatives - production and trade.

The legal framework for market transformations in the late USSR was, first of all, the Law "On cooperation in the USSR", adopted on May 26, 1988. In accordance with this law, any non-prohibited activity was legalized. Cooperatives received the right to carry out trade activities, use hired labor. As a result, enterprising citizens immediately began to create cooperatives, while the activities of cooperatives were poorly controlled by the state: at that time it was replaced by corrupt security officials and criminal structures, who took their share for patronage.

- says lawyer Andrey Lisov.

Of course, no one paid taxes, goods from factories and factories were sold through cooperatives, bypassing the state, and the Soviet economy was sinking deeper and deeper into the quagmire where the country's leadership had driven it with its ill-conceived reforms. Instead of "socialism with a human face", which Mikhail Gorbachev talked about, an absolutely chaotic market was formed, which was practically not controlled by the state.

The destruction of the Soviet economy was directed from above

Naturally, such a situation inevitably entailed a reduction in the supply of goods to the domestic consumer. The Soviet "hinterland" suffered especially from the disruption of the centralized system of production and trade: if in large cities, as well as in cities of Union significance like Sevastopol, the deficit was not yet so large-scale, then in cities of regional, district significance, not to mention rural areas, many goods it was simply impossible to find.

Added to this was the cessation of centralized supplies of certain goods from the national republics, in which separatist tendencies intensified. It is clear that everything that happened, although it was somewhat chaotic, was directed and supported from above, by the highest representatives of the Soviet government, meeting the silence of law enforcement and state security agencies.

The natural culmination of the deficit after the collapse of the Soviet Union was empty shelves on New Year's Eve 1992. Since from January 2, 1992, the Russian leadership was going to release retail prices, the goods were partly hidden by shops, partly sold out by speculators, who already perfectly understood that after a few days they would start selling them at completely different prices. Many post-Soviet nouveau riches laid the foundation for their fabulous fortunes in those last few years of the existence of the Soviet state.

The consequences of the actions of the Soviet leadership in the second half of the 1980s “echoed” for a very long time in post-Soviet Russia. Many problems that our country cannot deal with until now have their roots in precisely that period of domestic stories.
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  1. +41
    21 July 2020 14: 44
    This was no longer power, but the horsemen of the apocalypse.
    One thing is sad, they are some kind of immortal, but the people have perished, in one way or another, not to count.
    1. +17
      21 July 2020 14: 49
      "Brilliantly Organized Hunger" IN AND. Lenin
      1. +16
        21 July 2020 14: 54
        Empty shelves of the late USSR: how the government itself organized the deficit

        It would be more correct to say that the empty shelves of the late USSR are the result of a power deficit!
        1. +15
          21 July 2020 14: 55
          The result of the corruption of power, I would say! hi
          1. +6
            21 July 2020 14: 58
            Quote: Finches
            The result of the corruption of power, I would say!

            Quite right: from one another follows. hi
            1. 0
              7 September 2020 21: 03
              Corruption to whom? West? How? The economy was undermined under Brezhnev. A catastrophically unsuccessful Kosygin reform (the idea is good, but the execution ..) + the fall in oil prices in 1985+ Afghanistan + the arms race + the fall of the regimes in the BV + the inability to maintain trade with the socialist camp - on the contrary, it was necessary to have money within the CMEA borrow! And you somehow forget how they treated the puppet governments and the Soviet presence in general there in Eastern Europe! Bad, very bad! But I'm sure that 90% here are sure of the opposite :). But this is a fairy tale for self-consolation. Yes, the law on cooperation is truly sabotage and only for such a law Gorbachev had to be removed to hell! In the absence of state control, he simply gave the country to hucksters and larger criminals. It was then that shadow pyramids began to form, which finished off the country's economy. But to be honest, I think that little depended on him. He was naive and had no experience. behind the scenes struggle. (God sent the fool :)
        2. 0
          25 July 2020 19: 19
          I think that this is more accurate:
          It would be more correct to say that the empty shelves of the late USSR are the result of a shortage truly Soviet authorities!
        3. +1
          16 October 2020 07: 44
          The power was stupid and corrupt!
    2. +27
      21 July 2020 14: 57
      Quote: rocket757
      This was no longer power, but the horsemen of the apocalypse.
      One thing is sad, they are some kind of immortal, but the people have perished, in one way or another, not to count.

      Too superficial an article for such an important period in the life of the USSR as the pre-perestroika and perestroika times.
      To simplify everything before slipping into the law on cooperation in the USSR, as the culprit of the collapse in the economy and empty shelves on the shelves of stores, is like blaming the wolf for the death of the sheep abandoned by their shepherd to their fate.
      1. +6
        21 July 2020 15: 02
        Any article, this proposal, to figure it out yourself, will dive to the depths of the TS.
        Then you can either agree or write a refutation.
        The topic is really deep, largely hidden from the citizens of the country.
        1. +13
          21 July 2020 15: 29
          Quote: rocket757
          Any article, this proposal, to figure it out yourself, will dive to the depths of the TS.
          Then you can either agree or write a refutation.
          The topic is really deep, largely hidden from the citizens of the country.

          Yes, not every ordinary citizen will just "enter" this topic right off the bat, especially when he hears from the current President of the Russian Federation that this period was a disaster for a large country, and now living comfortably and happily living characters, such as M. Gorbachev , N. Yeltsina, the liberal stratum filling the seats at the Gaidar Readings, at the Higher School of Economics, in Davos and other gatherings, they say that this time brought so much freedom, equality and brotherhood to the USSR that the "happy aborigines" of the fragments of the USSR unravel them, coughing up blood still.
          Sometimes, watching A. Mamontov's program "Traces of the Empire", you see how Russian historians, with high and scientific degrees, even among themselves cannot come to a common point of view on this or that period of the life of Russia, the Russian Empire and the USSR. And this is not good. I'm not talking about perestroika, which gave a small stratum the opportunity to enrich itself, and most of them simply robbed them. At the state level, there must be at least some consensus on this issue, otherwise our children and grandchildren will be forced to constantly listen to the supporters and opponents of perestroika with their arguments and arguments in its benefits and harms, without understanding anything about it.
          1. +7
            21 July 2020 15: 58
            That's right, you can't take it from a kanachka!
            I have a friend at work who does not believe that I have gone through THREE card periods, two of which were still in the USSR! No, he says, this could not be, because such could not, then, be! I even found him a NEWSPAPER of that period, with the decree of the Soviet government ... so he didn't even read it!?!?!?
            that's how they argue now, everyone chooses facts that only confirm his fabrications.
            Stupid, there is only one truth!
            1. +2
              22 July 2020 10: 29
              are you born before 29?
              After the October Revolution, cards reappeared in August-September 1918 and existed until 1921. When organizing food distribution, a "class approach" was practiced.

              The abolition of the rationing system took place in 1921 in connection with the transition to the NEP policy and the flourishing of entrepreneurship.

              In 1929, at the end of the NEP, a centralized rationing system was again introduced in the cities of the country. In April 1929, bread cards were introduced; by the end of the year, the card system covered all types of food products, and then it also affected industrial ones. The first category cards were intended for workers who could eat 800 g of bread a day (family members were supposed to eat 400 g each). Employees belonged to the second category of supply and received 300 g of bread a day (and 300 g for dependents). The third category - the unemployed, the disabled, the pensioners - were entitled to 200 g each. But the "non-labor elements": merchants, ministers of religious cults - did not receive cards at all. All housewives under the age of 56 were also deprived of their cards: in order to receive food, they had to get a job.

              The system lasted the entire period of collectivization and industrialization, up to 1935, and covered more than 40 million people.

              With the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War in 1941, centralized distribution cards were reintroduced. Cards for food and some types of industrial goods appeared in Moscow and Leningrad as early as July 1941. Cards were introduced for bread, cereals, sugar, confectionery, oil, shoes, fabrics, and garments. By November 1942, they were already circulating in 58 large cities of the country.

              Card distribution of food and industrial goods in the USSR existed until December 1947.

              The last wave of normalized distribution in the USSR began in 1983 with the introduction of coupons (the coupon system). The essence of the coupon system was that in order to purchase a scarce product, it was necessary not only to pay money, but also to hand over a special coupon allowing the purchase of this product.

              Initially, coupons were issued for some scarce consumer goods, but later coupons were introduced for many food products, and some other goods (tobacco, vodka, sausage, soap, tea, cereals, salt, sugar, in some cases bread, mayonnaise, washing powder , lingerie, etc.). In practice, it was often not possible to use coupons, since there were no corresponding goods in stores.

              The voucher system began to fade in the early 1990s due to rising prices, inflation (which reduced effective demand) and the spread of free trade (which reduced the deficit). However, coupons for a number of goods were retained until 1993.
              1. +2
                22 July 2020 10: 56
                Quote: begemot20091
                The essence of the coupon system was that in order to purchase a scarce product, it was necessary not only to pay money, but also to hand over a special coupon allowing the purchase of this product.

                Wrong!!! Not cards, but coupons for grocery goods.
                In the USSR, there were two POOR YEARS !!! The house administration issued coupons for food, bought in grocery stores what they needed at state prices. The same thing could be bought in KOPTORG, at the bazaar, but at a different price.
                What happened in the late 80s is already .... in general, an artificially created mess. It must be considered separately.
                1. +2
                  23 July 2020 15: 50
                  agree with that. he himself stood behind the white bread. if memory serves in the year 59-63. I don’t remember right away. I just remember the smell of that hot bread, the saleswoman's cutter and ... the way home, when imperceptibly a small appendage "was eaten by itself" in a fabulous way. And blinking my eyes in front of my mother ... And her words: "Well, nothing. Ate and ate. There is enough bread for everyone now." But the war ended quite recently. And my mother, a schoolgirl in the hospital, helped to wash bandages, mop the floors ... Lord, how much did our mothers endure in their short life ?!
                  1. 0
                    23 July 2020 20: 34
                    It's in the 60s. I remember receiving coupons for potatoes, sugar, plum butter, some cereals, something sausage and meat ... it was long ago. I remember exactly that there were heaps of fish in the shops, right up to sturgeon. These are local products, fish land, after all.
                    Yes, the milk WORKED, the children were always provided with everything.
                    Compared to the post-war times, this is so, a light diet, for the benefit of the most obese comrades.
                    Those. the Soviet government did what it could.
                    In the villages it was worse, but children's kits were issued there too.
                    Something like that, that I remember and write.
            2. +2
              22 July 2020 10: 59
              Quote: rocket757
              I have a friend at work who does not believe that I have gone through THREE card periods, two of which were still in the USSR! No, he says, this could not be, because such could not, then, be! I even found him a NEWSPAPER of that period, with the decree of the Soviet government ... so he didn't even read it!?!?!?

              There is a similar comrade next to me, a neighbor a few houses away, although, unlike yours, he himself experienced something similar, but he admires: "this is not true", I understand his desire to protect all the brightest that was in our life, but it can to prevent us from avoiding mistakes in the future, during the construction of communism, the time will come and this will happen, it is objective and natural.
              1. +3
                22 July 2020 11: 15
                I, too, protect all the good that was then! But I say, I consider, EVERYTHING AS IT WAS, and not as someone wants.
                There were advantages, there were disadvantages ...
                But, unlike some, I understand that it is IMPOSSIBLE to turn back, it is necessary to build a new one, taking into account ALL the previous experience. Then there will be a chance to build something better.
        2. +5
          21 July 2020 16: 22
          I wonder how old the author is?
          I just remember the abundance of the 80 Olympics, when I tried the "phantom", saw the "tide" powder ... And I remember the "sausage trips" even before perestroika.
          So, superficially ... Very superficial ...
          1. +8
            21 July 2020 16: 52
            Quote: Leader of the Redskins
            the abundance of the Olympics-80 when I tried

            Believe it or not, abundance and Fanta was in the capitals, in the "showcases of the country of the Soviets" in the cities that belonged to category 1 in terms of supply.
            I traveled ALL COUNTRY, since the late 70's, the picture was very different.
            I'm not saying that it was so bad, in some collective farms, millionaires, in the shops of "Selkhozkooperatsia" it was possible to overstock very, very, solidly! But to compare with the central cities and with the "showcase" will not work!
            Although, I would have exchanged today's "abundance" for the then STABILITY !!!
            1. +3
              22 July 2020 10: 41
              I had to go to the timber industry in the Tomsk region. in 1977 I got married and left for a construction brigade. As a gift, I brought my wife Japanese boots, 7 (seven) umbrellas of automatic machines - I did not remember what color her raincoat was. Jeans (real) Wrangler and Levi's. These were the first gifts after the wedding. I even remember the prices: umbrellas - 30 rubles, jeans 47 and 49 rubles, respectively. boots - 35 rubles - more precisely - half boots. And then three types of Czech wine glasses: for champagne, wine and vodka. As not spoiled by the knowledge of table setting, I took n 4 "bowls". It is a pity that only 2 vodka glasses survived - he moved frequently. I remember that I brought 2894 rubles 83 kopecks from that construction brigade. The cooperative then cost 2400, but they did not put people like me. others were more needed. but the state gave me a two-room apartment in 1981.
              1. +2
                22 July 2020 11: 08
                I remember how they handed over pumpkin seeds from the AGRICULTURAL OPERATIONS store and bought branded jeans (Indian), wheels for cars for meat, batteries for motorcycles for something else ........ that's how it was! And then, stopping in the capital and other central cities, he bought all kinds of "nonsense" imported and presented all his friends.
          2. +5
            21 July 2020 18: 51
            In the 80s, to create difficulties, all tobacco factories or all production of washing powder were simultaneously closed for repairs. Sometimes the purchase of imported powder knocked down dissatisfaction.
            1. +2
              21 July 2020 21: 42
              Quote: Pavel57
              In the 80s, to create difficulties, all tobacco factories were simultaneously closed for repairs

              In our city (one of the regional centers of the Ukrainian SSR) there was no smoking in the shops at all, even the makhorka was taken apart. People hunted for cigarette butts, in bazaars they sold cigarette butts (we called them "bulls") in half-liter cans.
              How much exactly a can of cigarette butts cost in the central market, I don’t remember how long ago. Something in the region of five rubles.
            2. 0
              23 July 2020 04: 31
              Quote: Pavel57
              In the 80s, to create difficulties, all tobacco factories were simultaneously closed for repairs

              I myself, personally, participated in the anti-smoking protest in the late 1980s. As the tail of the queue was blocked by Nevsky, half an hour later the smoke was delivered to the store. I remember how happy I was to buy 5 packs of "Cosmos", although before that I looked with contempt at all domestic smokes, and even curled at Bulgarian ones with short filters, mostly I used the Rhodope, and, if possible, BT. But a week on Belomor with self-made filters (cotton wool and activated carbon) very much brings the level of requests in line with the circumstances.
              And Kirovsky also had to be blocked by cars due to the lack of gasoline. With the same result - a fuel truck in half an hour.
          3. +1
            22 July 2020 07: 33
            Quote: Leader of the Redskins
            I just remember the abundance of the 80 Olympics

            You forgot to mention that you saw it in Moscow and Leningrad. I have not seen abundance in the Urals since the late 70s. Especially for meat products. Sausage was always "taken out" somewhere by pull, and not bought in stores. Tangerines and oranges - just before the New Year holidays. Only with bread there were no interruptions, everything else was periodically bought with problems.
        3. +7
          21 July 2020 19: 15
          Quote: rocket757
          The topic is really deep, largely hidden from the citizens of the country.

          Plus to this, the extreme humiliation of the people of the USSR ... I remember the tobacco and cigarette shortage ... Tobacco products have disappeared, no longer available. There was a self-assassination makhorka on sale, cigarette butts were sold in half liter cans ... The smoking people went crazy from all this ... Okay, imported cigarettes disappeared, as you can understand, okay with the filter disappeared (imported components), but all kinds of prima, north , cigarettes - domestic tobacco, tissue paper! They also disappeared from sale ... Discontent with the country was inflated ... Much is still not clear, it is hushed up ...
          1. +4
            21 July 2020 19: 32
            Quote: 30 vis
            I remember the tobacco-cigarette shortage ...

            Then he worked at a very not poor enterprise. I don’t know how to whom and what, but I can say thank you to the DIRECTOR for a lot !!! There was a small little shop at the factory, where you could buy a lot of what you couldn't buy in the city, at that moment it was! Moderately, of course, but including the smoke, quite imported, because the plant's products were scattered throughout Europe, in those days, and at the customs, the authorities had specific ... ... close relations.
          2. +1
            21 July 2020 19: 39
            All the same, the role of the Masons of one nationality is not shown.
            1. 0
              21 July 2020 21: 49
              Massons are of different nationalities, but like any secret and all the more power structure is of interest to many powerful people of this world.
          3. +1
            21 July 2020 21: 48
            Quote: 30 vis
            half liter cans sold cigarette butts

            I then studied at the Polytechnic, in the hostels the guys tried to smoke a broom. In the sense that an ordinary store broom was disassembled, and its trunks (I don't know what kind of plants were used for the brooms) were cut into cylinders fifteen centimeters long and now they were already lit up.
        4. 0
          22 July 2020 01: 53
          Any article, this proposal, to figure it out yourself, will dive to the depths of the TS.
          Then you can either agree or write a refutation
          To "dive to the depths ...." you need to smoke well ... winked wassat
      2. 0
        7 September 2020 21: 11
        Incomplete and extremely subjective, I would say! Here Vysotsky immediately comes to mind
        And like flies
        Here and there
        There are rumors in the houses.
        And toothless old women
        They are carried around the minds.

        While this approach takes place, fix the mistakes
        and draw the right conclusions
    3. +12
      21 July 2020 18: 02
      And Ksyusha Sobchak openly admires Gorbachev.
      Someone in those days made a good life for himself and his children.
  2. +13
    21 July 2020 14: 44
    The end of the 1980s in the Soviet Union was marked by a growing shortage of consumer goods

    The deficit was created artificially, by those who betrayed their homeland.
    Many post-Soviet nouveau riches laid the foundation for their fabulous fortunes in those last few years of the existence of the Soviet state.

    But these nouveau riches were the henchmen and those who fed the organized crime groups, who in the late 90s were firmly and permanently entrenched in power ..
    1. +2
      21 July 2020 14: 46
      Quote: Svarog

      The deficit was created artificially, by those who betrayed their homeland.

      That only in the late 80s was there a shortage? When did the traitors manage to betray the Motherland, if there was almost always a shortage? And it was even necessary to "get" books and it was far from the 80s!
      1. +20
        21 July 2020 14: 48
        Quote: Nasr
        That only in the late 80s was there a shortage?

        It's about the food shortage .. and it was in the late 80s .. I remember this time and food cards very well .. Meanwhile, on YouTube, there are a lot of videos where the products were taken out by machines to the dump ..
        1. +4
          21 July 2020 15: 39
          The food shortage began in the early seventies. They did not die of hunger, but the groceries in the store did not have much choice. I remember after Khrushchev and until the seventies, even street windows were filled with all sorts of things. And then they began to clean the street windows. In 1975, even in the closed military town, where Vostochny is now, food began to disappear.
          1. +6
            21 July 2020 17: 01
            You can also add. There was a big difference between town and country. And in comparison with Moscow, so generally different worlds.
      2. 0
        21 July 2020 14: 58
        Products became scarce back in the late 70s. Long before Gorbachev, even under Brezhnev. Without any cooperative collusion. This is not a betrayal, but an organic flaw in the command economy. Not only did the consumer goods not shine in quality, they also had to be mined. Shame!
        1. +5
          21 July 2020 15: 13
          Quote: AS Ivanov.
          Products became scarce back in the late 70s.

          And there was a period when the villagers had a shortage of money! Worked for sticks - workdays. And already for the workdays they earned, they gave out mere pennies. True, this was even before Brezhnev.
          1. -2
            21 July 2020 15: 15
            Left hammer, right sickle -
            This is our Soviet coat of arms
            If you want to live, if you want - strike
            You will still get ... an order.
            1. +8
              21 July 2020 17: 59
              Quote: AS Ivanov.
              AS Ivanov. (Andrei)

              Especially for anti-Soviet people who were born it is not clear where, I post a video of our good Friend and Comrade from Portugal about Our happy childhood in the USSR.
              1. +1
                21 July 2020 18: 02
                Well, I am nostalgic for my youth. Golden time. As Gradsky sang:
                "Nothing on Earth passes without a trace.
                And the youth gone is still immortal.
                How young we were,
                How young we were,
                How sincerely they loved
                How we believed in ourselves! "
          2. -4
            21 July 2020 20: 51
            And there was a period when the villagers had a shortage of money! Worked for sticks - workdays. And already for the workdays they earned, they gave out mere pennies.

            Yeah, and kaaak sang beautifully in 1917 - land for peasants, factories for workers.
            Yeah, ate their fill - some with land, others with factories ..... Just for the sake of this dream of yours - sweep your own state to zero, civil war.
            100 years have passed - and the propaganda has not changed - throw off Putin's power and immediately panic, yeah (sarcasm, if anything) ...
        2. +5
          21 July 2020 15: 18
          ..Really ... Between our town and Kerch went "Kometa", stopped right in the center of Kerch, not far from the hotel of the same name. We went shopping for groceries, there was already an abundance, well, or to Novorossiysk and Anapa, food in these cities there were a lot of queues and somehow there were no queues. And in our town we rolled a ball ... Despite the existing poultry farms, a small sausage factory, it produced 5 varieties of sausages, a dairy, where did it all go? ... By the way, in our town, the cows grazed and not only in the town by the river, across the river ... The cattle was both private and collective farm. There was no sausage. Now the picture is different, the cow is exotic, the shepherd has not been driving his herd to the river in the morning for a long time, but there is a lot of sausages ... The market economy however ...
          1. +9
            21 July 2020 15: 33
            Quote: parusnik
            Now the picture is different, the cow is exotic, the shepherd has not been driving the cow herd to the river for a long time, and there is a lot of sausages ... The market economy, however ...

            It's just that now it's hard to find a cow in sausage .. And in general, sausage is now made from recyclable materials .. minced chicken in sausage takes a significant share, and minced chicken is made from the remains of chicken meat or a "soup set" that is squeezed out along with the skin and bones ..
            "Cow meat", in some types of sausages you can find, but it is made using the same technology as minced chicken ... from the remains of the bones .. The bulk of such minced meat is imported from Brazil ..
            1. +16
              21 July 2020 15: 42
              Yes, it's funny to read the composition: doctor's sausage, poultry meat with the addition of pieces of beef. Just now I bought veal sausages, the composition is the same poultry meat with the addition of beef ... I sometimes get the impression that the chickens began to milk, stroking the abundance of meat products from poultry and the abundance of dairy products on the shelves. laughing
              1. +3
                21 July 2020 15: 56
                Quote: parusnik
                Yes, it's funny to read the composition: doctor's sausage, poultry meat with the addition of pieces of beef. Just now I bought veal sausages, the composition is the same poultry meat with the addition of beef ... I sometimes get the impression that the chickens began to milk, stroking the abundance of meat products from poultry and the abundance of dairy products on the shelves. laughing

                If it says - poultry meat, then it is chicken skin, as I understand it, dear Alexey.
                1. +3
                  21 July 2020 16: 07
                  Quote: Reptiloid
                  If it says - poultry meat, then it is chicken skin, as I understand it, dear Alexey.

                  Not really ... chicken skin is fat .. and meat is meat left in hard-to-reach places for a knife ..
                  1. -10
                    21 July 2020 16: 59
                    The authorities deceived again.
                    Well what will you do!
                    Probably Putin eats all the beef, and you only need toilet paper.
                    1. +5
                      21 July 2020 17: 20
                      And Putin, what does the state have to do with it? Putin does not make sausage, and the state is the same. The matter is in the ownership of the land. You cannot graze your cows, on municipal land and the land of another person, everything. Why is the emphasis on pig and poultry farming fast, cheap and cheerful? A simple story. At one time I was resting in Labinsk in a sanatorium, a former collective farm, belongs to a private individual. Around the sanatorium, there is land with meadows, before there were many things grown there, but became meadows. Meadows belonged to the owner of the sanatorium. In these meadows, another entrepreneur grazed his cow a herd of 50 heads, at first grazing for free by agreement. The land is junk, not used in any way. Then the owner of the meadows decided to establish a fee, and such that it was not profitable for him to graze, and he tried to agree that the payment would be reasonable. The owner resisted, filed in court, won. The owner of the cows slaughtered his entire herd. He closed his activities and left for another district. He was familiar with the owner of the herd. And the land is still empty. Why is Putin and the state personally?
                  2. +1
                    22 July 2020 21: 32
                    Quote: Svarog
                    Quote: Reptiloid
                    If it says - poultry meat, then it is chicken skin, as I understand it, dear Alexey.

                    Not really ... chicken skin is fat .. and meat is meat that is left in hard-to-reach places for a knife ..
                    I have an argument against. request
                    nowhere, never did not see chicken fat as a component of anything. Or bird fat. Only poultry.
              2. -5
                21 July 2020 19: 58
                In Myasnov, buy everything real chicken beef pork sour cream milk and everything else there.
              3. +3
                21 July 2020 22: 26
                Free grazing cows are now only in commercials.
                1. 0
                  22 July 2020 00: 52
                  In the Volgograd region as well as in the Astrakhan region, we walked freely every time I come there and observe.
                  1. 0
                    22 July 2020 09: 00
                    In the Krasnodar Territory, this is rather an exception.
                2. +1
                  23 July 2020 02: 12
                  When I went hunting in the Noginsk district, mos oblast saw many cows and more than once, also sheep and horses, if you drive 50 km away from Moscow you can see a lot of new things.
              4. 0
                22 July 2020 11: 19
                I tasted the sausage in the meadow. tasty meat is normal. what's stopping us? really Putin ate all the meat? involuntarily, you start to remember the Kyrlu myrlu: "There is no such crime that capital will not go to for the sake of 300% of the profit"
                1. +1
                  22 July 2020 12: 20
                  Nothing. And it is, meat sausage. But not at 300r / kg.
            2. -4
              21 July 2020 16: 19
              "So, what ingredients could quite officially and legally be part of Soviet sausages, starting from the 79th year?

              Firstly, as for the meat, it doesn't have to be the freshest beef / pork / lamb.

              In the composition of sausages according to GOST, we see such wonderful things as frozen buffalo meat, yak meat (replacement up to 100% is acceptable !!), processed by-products (beef and pork tongues and brains); food plasma (serum) of blood, protein stabilizer (up to 5%), bone digestion, potato starch and wheat flour.

              Protein stabilizer, for reference, is made from pork skin or veins and tendons obtained from deboning and trimming of beef and pork, as well as from beef lips. That is, roughly speaking, these are ground boiled hides and tendons. Oops?

              Secondly, as for chemicals (all kinds of preservatives, emulsifiers, etc.), everything is absolutely normal in the GUEST: sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium phosphate monosubstituted 2-water, sodium pyrophosphate trisubstituted. And also ascorbic acid, sodium nitrite, sorbitol and xylitol.

              Thus, even absolutely GOST Soviet sausage could legally and officially be made from some thread of Indian frozen buffalo meat, mixed with starch, flour and powder from pork skin and stuffed with emulsifiers, preservatives, sweeteners and dyes. Bon Appetit."
              1. +8
                21 July 2020 17: 51
                Quote: AS Ivanov.
                In the composition of sausages according to GOST, we see such wonderful things as frozen buffalo meat, yak meat (replacement up to 100% is permissible !!),

                Well, enough raving already! You are not only a Putinophil, you are also a deceitful anti-Soviet !!!
                You would have better laid out a real Soviet GOST and we would have neighing at you. wassat
              2. 0
                26 July 2020 23: 09
                Quote: AS Ivanov.
                That is, roughly speaking, these are ground boiled hides and tendons. Oops?

                I had to make a dispenser for packaging raw materials for sausages. Modern chemistry allows for this to use the skin, hooves, sawdust. It's squirrels!
            3. 0
              21 July 2020 20: 55
              It's just that now it's hard to find a cow in sausage .. And in general, sausage is now made from recycled materials ..

              So you look at the GOSTs - sausage is now considered a product in which there are only 5 meat !!! % , if anything ....
            4. 0
              21 July 2020 22: 24
              Depends on what price. For beef sausage, if you please, lay out from 900 to 2000 rubles / kg. I rarely indulge in them myself, mostly I cook jerky myself. Fortunately, there are all the ingredients for cooking.
              1. +1
                22 July 2020 05: 56
                Quote: Servisinzhener
                I cook jerky myself.

                And I’m Krakow, pork, sausages .... There is a recipe and ingredients.
                1. +2
                  22 July 2020 09: 10
                  good By the way, at the expense of Krakow. What we are used to understanding under Krakow and what is done in Krakow itself is different, to put it mildly. A completely different product, roughly speaking there is only coarsely ground meat inside.
                  1. +2
                    22 July 2020 10: 28
                    I have not tried theirs, but I still remember my taste ... And I found an old recipe .... I almost reached identity.
          2. +2
            21 July 2020 15: 44
            In 1986, the average per capita consumption in the country (the USSR) per year was: meat and meat products - 55,6 kg; milk and dairy products - 355,6 kg; eggs 290 pcs; fish and fish products - 15,8 kg; bread and flour products - 152,3 kg.

            Per capita in Russia now the volume of consumption is: meat and products from it - 75 kg per year; milk of all types - 229 kg.; eggs - 280 pcs.; fish - 20,2 kg.; bread and flour products - 116 kg.

            According to the customs statistics of the Russian Federation, at the end of 2018, products imported from abroad in the country's food basket were: milk (including butter) - 7,9%; meat - 7%; oil seeds and fruits - 6,4%. The import substitution program implemented in Russia brought the share of domestic agricultural products to 80−99% in the total consumption in the country.
            Let me remind you that the USSR imported up to 40% of the food consumed.
            Russia not only fully satisfies the domestic demand for food, it is increasing the scale of export deliveries at a record pace. At the end of 2019, 1,22 million tons of legumes, 467 thousand tons of chickpeas, 151 thousand tons of lentils, 895 thousand tons of soybeans, 707 thousand tons of sunflower, 547 thousand tons of flax were sent to the external market , 333 thousand tons of potatoes, 362 thousand tons of meat and more than 30 million tons of wheat. By the way, we sell more grain abroad than such leaders as the USA (24,9 million tons), Canada (21 million tons), Ukraine (18,5 million tons) and France (18 million tons). ...
            In 1984, of the 276,3 million population in the Soviet Union, 28 million people (or 10,1%) were employed in agriculture. In the Russian Federation today there are 8,4 million people, or 5,76% of the population. At the same time, both in natural and in monetary terms, they produce many times more agricultural products than in the best years of the Soviet period.
            There is still room for improvement in the issue of production efficiency in Russia. Comparable food supplies in the United States provide only 1,34% of the total population employed in the agro-industrial complex. In Canada - 1,49%. In France - 2,58%. In Italy - 3,86%. Spain - 4,09%. That is, the rural population of Russia will continue to decline.
            By 1984, the average milk yield was 2,184 tons, and by 1990 it barely exceeded 2 tons. Today in Russia the average milk yield is 6 tons per cow. That is, one “current” cow replaces three Soviet ones.
            Can a further increase be required? Yes. In Israel it turns out 12 tons, in the USA - 10,6 tons, in Estonia - 9,32 tons, in Poland - 8,29 tons, in Germany - 7,7 tons, in Britain - 7,4 tons. Where to grow - there is. But do not forget that the volume of domestic demand for milk has reached its limit.
            More than 229 kg per year in a person simply does not fit. In any case, there is no noticeable deficit in milk supply in the country at all. Therefore, the continuation of the increase in milk yield will automatically lead to a further reduction in the livestock, so to speak, in pieces. So, to complain about the "Soviet figures", to put it mildly, is illiterate.

            Details: https://regnum.ru/news/economy/3013511.html
            1. +7
              21 July 2020 15: 49
              Per capita consumption in Russia now amounts to: meat and products from it - 75 kg per year; milk of all types - 229 kg .; eggs - 280 pcs.; fish - 20,2 kg .; bread and flour products - 116 kg.

              Well, judging by Sechin's face, he eats for half of Russia .. and people like him are not alone .. Someone is bread, but then that is meat, but in the end everyone eats dumplings ..
              1. +2
                21 July 2020 15: 56
                Quote: Svarog
                Per capita consumption in Russia now amounts to: meat and products from it - 75 kg per year; milk of all types - 229 kg .; eggs - 280 pcs.; fish - 20,2 kg .; bread and flour products - 116 kg.

                Well, judging by Sechin's face, he eats for half of Russia .. and people like him are not alone .. Someone is bread, but then that is meat, but in the end everyone eats dumplings ..

                How long have you eaten meat? Well, be honest ...
                1. +5
                  21 July 2020 15: 59
                  Quote: Nasr
                  How long have you eaten meat? Well, be honest ...

                  Personally, I eat regularly .. although when I was out of work, I only ate chicken .. But my neighbors are pensioners, they cannot afford meat .. in general .. And I personally, if I live to retire, I also doubt that I can afford eat meat ..
                  1. -2
                    21 July 2020 16: 05
                    Obviously, chicken is not meat! laughing And in the USSR, chicken was considered dietary meat ... And pensioners eat meat ... the same chicken - they definitely eat it.
                    1. +6
                      21 July 2020 16: 47
                      Quote: Nasr
                      Obviously, chicken is not meat!

                      And you eat one chicken for, say, two months .. then we'll talk .. Conduct an experiment on yourself .. It will start to turn you back from it in a week ..
                      1. +1
                        22 July 2020 11: 26
                        I eat it all the time. strangely does not turn back. although after the construction team, where we built chicken coops and fed us: for the first chicken noodle soup, for the second, pounded potatoes with chicken, boiled and fresh eggs, and chicken on the fire (grill now). We ate for 50 days in a row. bigoted, but ... after the army porridge in canned food, I remembered for the happiness. Now exclusively (I do not regret myself) I bake 1-2 paws every other day and pork chops every other day. that's my spoiled taste. And the wife is cottage cheese, fruits and vegetables. have to cook in different bowls.
                    2. +2
                      21 July 2020 17: 01
                      Personally, he eats.
                      But still, down with power.
                      Probably thinks that under a different government will eat more?
              2. -2
                21 July 2020 16: 24
                Walk down any Russian street. You will see faces and bellies in front of which Sechin is dystrophic.
                Previously, smoked sausage, obtained from the battle in Leningrad, you take it out of the refrigerator, cut off a couple of thin slices so that a stick of sausage lasts 10 days, and you eat until the next food expedition. And now they are eating in kilograms.
                1. +1
                  21 July 2020 17: 02
                  Here above, the fighters against the regime wrote that she was not real, made of paper and hooves.
                  But who was lucky enough to get a Soviet sausage of a completely different opinion.
                  1. +1
                    21 July 2020 20: 07
                    Especially the same Sausages according to GOST 1937 ceased to be made because it required too many natural meat ingredients.
                2. +5
                  21 July 2020 17: 51
                  Now the smoked sausage is covered with sticky mucus after three days. Smoked sausage in the USSR, if it lay in the refrigerator for a very long time, it just dried out
                  1. 0
                    22 July 2020 07: 54
                    Quote: Nehist
                    just dried up

                    Come land, I'll treat you to Real sausage!
                3. 0
                  22 July 2020 11: 42
                  There are more belly from beer.
            2. +6
              21 July 2020 17: 19
              Quote: Nasr
              In 1986, the average per capita consumption in the country (USSR) per year was: meat and meat products - 55,6 kg; milk and dairy products - 355,6 kg; eggs 290 pcs; fish and fish products - 15,8 kg; bread and flour products - 152,3 kg.

              in Russia now the volume of consumption is: meat and products from it - 75 kg per year; milk of all types - 229 kg.; eggs - 280 pcs.; fish - 20,2 kg.; bread and flour products - 116 kg.

              Yes you sho !!!!

              Where is the meat from? The productive herd is three times smaller. Then either from Argentina, or from ... (well, here you can turn on the brains).
              This also applies to milk. Where from? (yes, productivity has increased, but the dairy herd is four times smaller).
              And since the herd is smaller. that's why we sell grain, (fodder is not needed, and bread was not a problem for the population in my time (I'm 65).
              Now the price.
              Meat in the USSR 1,8 - 2,2 rub... (the price has not increased since the 60s), at the bazaar 3, 5 rub.
              Milk -10 kopecks liter (cheaper than mineral water, a bottle of milk 15 kopecks).
              And now?

              And has consumption increased?

              Although if we talk about like meat and milk products, yes.

              Well, one more thing
              The population of the USSR was constantly growing, by 23-24 million / 10 years.
              And now there would be about 370 million of us, with 180-185 million in Russia.
              And they would have to be taken into account.
              1. 0
                21 July 2020 17: 43
                Draft milk cost 28 kopecks / l, no la-la. The Union also imported meat for industrial processing, from India, Ireland, Australia, we have little cultivated meat breeds of cattle.
                Perhaps there was a herd 3 times larger, but for some reason there was no meat on the shelves in most regions. Here is such a paradox: there was a herd, but no meat.
                1. +3
                  21 July 2020 18: 13
                  Well, yes, now we have some victories. Avon - we even sell grain ..

                  According to the State Agricultural Inspectorate of the USSR and VNIIZ, in the 1988 harvest, milling wheat accounted for more than 85% in the RSFSR, in the mid-90s (1995-1996) - no more than 75%, in 2004 - 70% (data of the GHI RF ), and in 2008 we didn’t even beat the 60% mark (data from the Federal State Institution “Grain Quality Assessment Center”). At present, there is practically no production of strong wheat, and the gross yield of valuable wheat is several percent, while in the 80s more than 50% of crops were varieties of strong and valuable wheat.

                  In the Soviet Union, bread was made from wheat not lower than the 3rd category, for violating GOST it was possible to go to prison:

                  In accordance with the classification of those years, wheat of the 4th class (according to GOST 9353-85) corresponded to the 4th and 5th classes of the modern classification (GOST R 52 554-2006). It follows from this that in 1986 the grain of the 4th and 5th classes was less than 40%. And in 2004, the total volume of grain of the 4th - 5th classes amounted to 72,2% of the gross harvest of wheat. Thus, until 1985, the quality of grain in our country was improving, reaching the best indicators in 1985-1986.

                  Although in fairness it is necessary to quote a quote for 2019:

                  In general, in Russia, the quality of wheat of the new harvest is also higher than last year, the regional authorities note. According to the Center for Evaluation of the Quality of Grain and its Processing Products, of the surveyed 12,1 million tons of Russian wheat, the share of the 2nd class accounts for 0,1%, the 3rd class - 31,6%, and the 4th class - 47,1% %. The share of 5th grade or feed wheat is 21,1%.
                2. +3
                  21 July 2020 18: 14
                  Quote: AS Ivanov.
                  there was no meat on the shelves in most regions.

                  Don't hang noodles on your ears. It was always and everywhere, but for a certain time (it was dismantled quickly, yes it was). And the bazaar? And what about the "cooperator"? Cooperative meat and sausages have always been (after the 80s, Food Program).
                  You don't need to star about milk, draft (and not in a liter bottle) means whole (you can also remove 250 grams of cream (sour cream)).

                  I have traveled all over the European part and the Central Asian part of the USSR in almost all capitals (well, at the same time Berlin, Budapest, Warsaw) and I can say where it was.
                  The USSR had
                  first seasonality - Vegetables and fruits in season, cheap in bulk - then cheap and in bulk. but in the form of canned food. Bulk juices all year round. from pomegranate to tomato.

                  second- - timeliness (you have to be at the right time in the right place. There were no preservatives. And everything was calculated. That the counters would be cleaned to zero (there was a 5% surplus). That is, if someone took 2 pieces, someone on that day might not get ...
                  third- location. In addition to Moscow (especially) and St. Petersburg and then the capital of the allies (where there was almost everything), there were regions where the concept of deficit (of course for a certain type of product) was absent altogether, but something else was missing.
                  the fourth - let's say corporateness - a lot of enterprises and shook their supply (shop at the enterprise) where they rationed goods, and even played out a deficit.
              2. -1
                21 July 2020 20: 13
                In Russia last year there were cattle 19 million heads milk produced 32 million tons 1600 thousand tons of beef - "Meat from where" Probably from here, but all meat was produced
            3. +3
              21 July 2020 17: 58
              In 1986, the average per capita consumption in the country (USSR) per year was: meat and meat products - 55,6 kg; milk and dairy products - 355,6 kg; eggs 290 pcs; fish and fish products - 15,8 kg; bread and flour products - 152,3 kg.

              Per capita consumption in Russia now amounts to: meat and products from it - 75 kg per year; milk of all types - 229 kg .; eggs - 280 pcs.; fish - 20,2 kg .; bread and flour products - 116 kg.

              Well, yes - only we now have more than half of the grub imports, and milk has been standing for months, not sour .. And so - yes, like everything is in order ..
              1. +2
                21 July 2020 18: 22
                Which half? Chicken, pork - their own, cereals, their own grain, besides rice. Vegetables are fruits in season own, except for tropical ones. And most importantly, everything is free on the shelves, and the queue of 5 people at the checkout is a huge queue.
                1. +4
                  21 July 2020 18: 25
                  Yeah ... Have you ever seen an Israeli potato for example in stores? To this - the Union has never sunk .. And whence half - and you rummage in the internet, there are all the tsyfiri .. Grain - well, yes, if you make bread from fodder grain of the 4th grade - there is a lot of it ... th was introduced, which was not even in the USSR. For the grain was not considered ..
                  1. +1
                    21 July 2020 18: 49
                    And how much did you buy potatoes in the store during the Soviet era? Small, smelly, dirty - much better at the bazaar. And by the way, I have never seen admissible Soviet canned vegetables that could be eaten without shuddering (except for my favorite eggplant caviar). But there was a Bulgarian "Globe".
                    1. +1
                      21 July 2020 22: 44
                      By the way, I haven't tasted your Israeli potatoes, in winter it's mostly Egyptian. From Israeli agricultural products I meet only bell peppers, radishes (out of season) and celery. Quite a decent product.
                  2. +2
                    21 July 2020 18: 51
                    Before the Israeli - no. But I have seen Cuban and Egyptian potatoes in the spring. He even drove her across the North on the An-26.
                  3. 0
                    21 July 2020 19: 37
                    Quote: paul3390
                    Uh-huh ... Have you ever seen an Israeli potato for example in stores? To this - the Union has never sunk ...

                    That's for sure, I didn’t come to the end ... to collect potatoes, they were harvested - by the whole world, including townspeople of all stripes, but it was not possible to save the potatoes - they were rotting in storage facilities - obviously because of that, everyone went to plant their potatoes on the farmsteads ...

                    1. +7
                      21 July 2020 19: 43
                      But its own. Nobody says that the USSR was an ideal state without flaws, but compared to the current Russian Federation, this is some kind of fantastic vision from the distant future ..

                      Once again, you don't need a lot of intelligence to drive the oil inherited from your ancestors across the cordon, and buy some grub in the same place for a part of the undetected dough.
                      1. +1
                        21 July 2020 19: 50
                        Quote: paul3390
                        But its own. Nobody says that the USSR was an ideal state without flaws, but compared to the current Russian Federation, this is some kind of fantastic vision from the distant future ..

                        So about modern Russia, no one says that everything is perfect, but the fact that the country is one, without a social camp, alone climbs out of the shit (in the same confrontation with the West!) Where the communists have brought it since the 60s is a fact.
                        starting with the "lifted" virgin soil, which completely killed the Russian countryside and ending with the inertness of governing the country, where the nomenklatura was glamorous in fur coats and diamonds, and the people traveled on trains for sausage, but just for food, for the same sweets ... to Moscow ... I personally, as a child, stood in line for bread in central Russia - they gave two loaves to each hand - we were spinning a merry-go-round with my brother to get more bread - they fed them cattle - there was no compound feed, from the word at all ... there was cattle, and they ate meat only when they pricked, and even then we did not get everything, the best pieces were carried for sale ...
                        And now my children have no cattle, but they have meat ... and every day ...
                      2. -1
                        21 July 2020 20: 22
                        Quote: paul3390

                        Once again, you don't need a lot of intelligence to drive the oil inherited from your ancestors across the cordon, and buy some grub in the same place for a part of the undetected dough.

                        This is exactly what the USSR did. I drove oil and bought food !!! The USSR imported up to 40% of the grub !! And what for, what shih-shi, ask? - I sold oil ... then this was not enough, I started selling gas .. This is from those years ... Now Russia buys no more than 7-10% of the consumed food abroad, the rest is produced by itself!
                  4. 0
                    21 July 2020 22: 40
                    And what about the annual grain purchases in the USA and Canada?
              2. -1
                21 July 2020 20: 17
                "Only we now have more than half of the grub imports" - you are delusional, maximum 10 percent everything else under foreign brands is produced in Russia from Russian raw materials. "Milk costs for months, does not sour .." This is your problem that you buy cheap.
              3. 0
                21 July 2020 22: 37
                And why would pasteurized milk spoil?
            4. +3
              21 July 2020 21: 01
              Quote: Nasr
              fish and fish products - 15,8 kg

              Where do you get this trash? In the early 80s, pollock was not considered a fish, they fed cattle in the villages.
              1. +3
                21 July 2020 21: 11
                Quote: Stroporez
                In the early 80s, pollock was not considered a fish

                True? I remember a little different.
                1. +1
                  22 July 2020 11: 37
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  True? I remember a little different.

                  your memory is selective. fish day is like a curse. lived in a hostel, in a student canteen (it seems Thursday) ear, hake, pollock .. fried steamed boiled ... looking for a cafe in the city, where at least crush a worm with pancakes. and in our village they fed Arctic foxes with sprat, and sometimes pollock. and American mink - turtles were imported. and after the marked one, there were no minks, no Arctic foxes, and even the huge farm, which sent thousands of skins for export every year. and shrimp and squid lay frozen in layers in the "ocean" store and the home kitchen. we ran there before the booze for semi-finished products for vinaigrette. and then the plates and glasses go to the garbage chute, and there are no traces, and the dishes do not wash winked
                  1. +2
                    22 July 2020 17: 30
                    Quote: begemot20091
                    and shrimp and squid lay frozen in layers in the "ocean" store and the home kitchen.

                    Yeah, small shrimp cost from 60 kop, and Big 1 rub18 kop! We took two cans of beer 44 kopecks a liter and a kilo of shrimp - a celebration of the soul. Nobody really ate squid, they were as healthy as a mammoth tusk belay
                    and Thursday was really a fish day, it started with fish salads and fish soup / fish soup and was pumped with fish cakes.
                    1. 0
                      23 July 2020 16: 01
                      exactly. we have Zhigulevskoe = 22 kopecks per mug, and clarified - 21 kopecks. they took them into the shades, having defended them at 35-40 degrees below zero. all corners around the booth were yellow. but happy we wandered with these round containers into the hostel. and although alcohol is the first enemy of preference, they spat. they drank beer and ate red and black caviar, smoked octopuses and crabs. this sea wickedness from the house of pearl igor - red caviar from a chukka, black vitalka from the Caspian, and a vanechka from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk - these sea reptiles. Slavik is a Korean, and once he fed him a dog. food from all over the union was devoured under beer by peasant brothers at the speed of an Olympian. and now the summer messenger for "sow" - "Golden Autumn" or "Fruit-Beneficial" and the battle continued until the morning. Youth = she forgives everything. Even a lot of excesses.
                  2. +1
                    22 July 2020 19: 28
                    Quote: begemot20091
                    your memory is selective. fish day is like a curse. lived in a hostel - in a student canteen

                    I was then a child, and then a teenager, but I remember very well what they bought and ate pollock.
              2. +1
                22 July 2020 00: 55
                Probably in your parallel dimension - Pollock was not considered a fish.
              3. +3
                22 July 2020 12: 39
                How many fish were in the ocean then and how many are now? If we continue to hunt it in the same way and shit with sewage, then the herring will disappear.
                1. +2
                  22 July 2020 17: 53
                  Sturgeons disappeared just like that before there were a lot of them, but now they complain that we are not allowed to fish if we would freely give it all without a trace by all barbaric methods.
        3. +2
          21 July 2020 17: 55
          Not. This is the result of the idiotic economic policy of Khrushch and Brezhnev, who did not find the strength to correct the nasty things of their predecessor ..
      3. +3
        21 July 2020 15: 15
        Quote: Nasr
        And it was even necessary to "get" books and it was far from the 80s!

        In general, there was a problem of deficit and no one denies it, but that problem was easily solved .. That's why they didn't want to solve it? And what is very important, then there were problems with a deficit (clothes, books ..) and now with money .. There is a lot of everything, but not everyone has the opportunity to buy .. Under these conditions, it is still better to live under the USSR, when to get it, if desired, everything was possible, but not everything was on the shelves ... and now everything is on the shelves, but there is no way to buy ..
        1. -6
          21 July 2020 15: 26
          Better or not - it's different for everyone ...
          On the question that the USSR was sold for chewing gum in the 90s ...
          March 10, 1975 Sokolniki stadium. Meeting of youth hockey teams of the USSR-Canada. Canadian fans threw gum at the Soviet. In the stampede, 21 people died, mostly children and adolescents, 25 were injured. To prevent foreigners from photographing the massacre, the lights were turned off at the stadium.
          1. -1
            21 July 2020 15: 36
            I have no words. A country that knows how to build space stations, has advanced technologies, an atomprom, could not provide citizens with the elementary. From chewing gum and toilet paper to food and normal household appliances.
            1. +11
              21 July 2020 15: 45
              Quote: AS Ivanov.
              I have no words. A country that knows how to build space stations, has advanced technologies, an atomprom, could not provide citizens with the elementary. For chewing gum and toilet paper

              And now everything is the other way around gum and toilet paper ... and no industry .. You must agree that the production of paper and gum is much easier to establish than to fly into space ..
              1. -3
                21 July 2020 16: 28
                In general, these are trifles: jeans, sausage, gum, all sorts of services. But all life consists of these little things. The industry is there. More precisely, only its competitive part remained from the former industry, the rest was covered up because of its uselessness.
            2. +1
              22 July 2020 09: 17
              At the expense of household appliances. My wife is now reading a book about Ilf and Petrov's trip to the United States in 1936. And there are described such things in the houses that they visited: refrigerator, dishwasher, vacuum cleaner.
          2. +1
            21 July 2020 15: 55
            Moscow has always surprised in this respect. When a Muscovite wanted to show his pride, he announced his acquaintance with famous people, and thereby, as it were, exalted himself.
          3. +4
            21 July 2020 17: 46
            Quote: Nasr
            March 10, 1975 Sokolniki stadium. Meeting of youth hockey teams of the USSR-Canada. Canadian fans threw gum at the Soviet. In the stampede, 21 people died, mostly children and adolescents, 25 were injured. To prevent foreigners from photographing the massacre, the lights were turned off at the stadium.

            Come on, such a tough nonsense !!! Shit, can you explain to me how you can trample at least one person in the ice Sports Palace?
            The second moment, where were the parents of the children who were furiously trampled by “greedy Soviet people?” Even Goebbels would hardly have thought of this!
            1. +4
              21 July 2020 18: 25
              It was like that, I confirm. And I personally saw how Soviet kids begged for chewing gum from foreign tourists in St. Petersburg.
            2. +2
              21 July 2020 19: 15
              Quote: Stroporez

              Come on, such a tough nonsense !!!

              Even delirium seems to you like a tin! And it was not delirium ... but a fact.

              In early 1975, the Barry Cup Canadian youth hockey team from the province of Ontario came to the Soviet Union to play friendlies with Soviet juniors about 17 years old. In total, it was planned to hold 5 matches: two games with the youth national team of the USSR, two with Moscow "Spartak" and one with the team "Wings of the Soviets". The trip was sponsored by the world leader in the production of chewing gum "Wrigley". According to the terms of the contract, the Canadian players received a 15-kilogram box of chewing gum from this company, which they had to distribute for free. It was these gifts that played a fatal role in the unfolding tragedy. There were also representatives of the sponsoring company in the delegation. According to numerous testimonies, Canadians scattered chewing gum almost during the game, and then photographed and filmed for advertising purposes

            3. 0
              21 July 2020 20: 22
              Nonsense here in the bulk is borne by you - denying the real documented facts.
      4. -1
        21 July 2020 15: 46
        When did the traitors manage to betray the Motherland, if there was almost always a shortage?

        In 1917 they started. wink
        Only they were not traitors. You can betray your homeland.
        And in 1917 power in Russia was seized by a group of international adventurers who used the territory, resources and population of the country to forcibly promote their ideas throughout the planet.
        1. -1
          21 July 2020 18: 57
          When did the traitors manage to betray the Motherland, if there was almost always a shortage?

          In 1917 they started. wink
          Only they were not traitors. You can betray your homeland.
          And in 1917, a group of international adventurers seized power in Russia, which used the territory, resources and population of the country to forcibly promote their ideas throughout the planet.

          Oyyyyyy duraaak !!!!! As Miloslavsky (Kuravlev) said
        2. +1
          21 July 2020 20: 28
          And ultimately, today no country in the world has a semblance of a communist planned economy with full socialism like the USSR. The market and capitalism are everywhere, and even the DPRK has its own business elite.
    2. -1
      21 July 2020 15: 33
      The deficit was created artificially, by those who betrayed their homeland.

      The entire elite of the CPSU. Svarozhik, are you for them here on .... proceeding? It turns out that the entire leadership of the CPSU sold their homeland !!! Bravo!!! And the rest of the MASS OF MEMBERS were shyly silent !!!
      1. +12
        21 July 2020 15: 41
        Quote: Okolotochny
        The deficit was created artificially, by those who betrayed their homeland.

        The entire elite of the CPSU. Svarozhik, are you for them here on .... proceeding? It turns out that the entire leadership of the CPSU sold their homeland !!! Bravo!!! And the rest of the MASS OF MEMBERS were shyly silent !!!

        Now their loyal followers and keepers are at the helm .. What is only the Yeltsin Center and Gorbachev's pension .. this clearly shows how the guarantee of the environment cares about the founding fathers who "heroically" destroyed the USSR and betrayed the Motherland .. an apple tree from an apple tree ..
        1. -1
          21 July 2020 15: 48
          Now at the helm are their faithful followers and keepers

          Do not distort, those who are at the helm DO NOT PRESUME communists.
          Well, about the apple - the right idea.
        2. -4
          21 July 2020 16: 10
          This is what was required to prove: our current shortcomings are a direct consequence of the communist regime, to which you are so agitating us to return.
          1. +5
            21 July 2020 17: 12
            Quote: AS Ivanov.
            our current shortcomings are a direct consequence of the communist regime

            and Putin blames the Pechenegs and Polovtsians laughing
            1. +2
              21 July 2020 17: 18
              Why pull words out of context?
              "Our country has gone through serious trials more than once: both the Pechenegs tormented it, and the Polovtsians - Russia coped with everything. We will defeat this coronavirus infection. Together we will overcome everything."
              As you can see, Putin does not blame anyone.
              1. +6
                21 July 2020 17: 21
                Quote: AS Ivanov.
                "Our country has gone through serious trials more than once: both the Pechenegs tormented it, and the Polovtsians

                Quote: AS Ivanov.
                ... our current flaws

                what is the difference?
                Our current shortcomings are accompanied by severe trials for humans. This is not about you - everyone knows that you are in chocolate
              2. +3
                21 July 2020 18: 02
                Judging by what is happening - the Pechenegs and the Polovtsians are tormenting us to this day .. Led by their great kagan in the Kremlin ..
          2. +5
            21 July 2020 18: 00
            You cannot completely plunder and gobble up these shortcomings of the USSR for 30 years .. Everything that the Russian Federation is using now, everything why it is still not bombed, is the legacy of the Union you cursed ..
            1. -1
              21 July 2020 20: 38
              Its legacy has long become outdated physically and morally since the 60s and 90s, everything was stolen and completely destroyed - so excuse me, we feed on the fact that we have been creating ourselves for the last 20 years and live within our means, foreign loans to Russia no longer give completely restrictions and sanctions, and with investments not very much because of the above and because of all this, there can be no significant economic growth by definition.
      2. +6
        21 July 2020 15: 51
        And the rest of the MASS OF MEMBERS were shyly silent !!!
        ... No, they were embarrassed to steal, I judge by my town. We have a chief engineer at our enterprise, he stole when he was a party organizer, he steals now, and still keeps his party card. The deputy prosecutor, who in the 90s essentially became the head of the local mafia, They went to him to get a job ... In Soviet times, from the bases he took out goods, both food and consumer goods, from the bases. He fed everyone both Krasnodar and local officials. Then he became a democrat. MEMBER ER. Old already. And to local congresses of the United Russia. name. sits in the honorary podium.
        1. +2
          21 July 2020 17: 23
          And we wonder why they are stealing now. Because the bulk was bashfully stealing. Then she dropped the shame. Officials not from Alpha Centauri flew to us. At least a couple of generations were brought up on the principle of "bring every nail from work" And the nails are different for everyone, some have gold.
    3. +1
      21 July 2020 20: 46
      The deficit was created artificially, by those who betrayed their homeland.

      What are you - these are yours, so beloved communists-socialists, they could not betray))))
  3. 0
    21 July 2020 14: 45
    Oh ... how the bloody communists mocked the people ...
    The only question is whether these characters were communists?
    1. +7
      21 July 2020 15: 04
      The only question is whether these characters were communists?
      ... And you get familiar with how many different political platforms were at the 28th Congress of the CPSU and everyone called themselves communists ... You will find many people who then ended up in power of the "new" Russia ... At the last congress there was no longer either a party or Communists, except for a small number representing the Marxist platform. These were ideological in terms of theory. They warned about many things, which happened later, but ... they were a significant minority ...
      1. +2
        21 July 2020 15: 45
        Quote: parusnik
        28 Congress of the CPSU

        The crisis happened before ... the corn-throwing and Lieberman reform ... a shift away from the communist economy in favor of elements of capitalism such as profit bypassing the state.
        1. +3
          21 July 2020 16: 11
          The crisis happened before ...
          ... I'm not even talking about this ... 28th Congress as a result of all that you have indicated ... Showed, "who is hu" (c) ...
        2. -1
          21 July 2020 16: 16
          The Kosygin-Lieberman reform took the PRC as the basis of his transformations, adjusted for national conditions, of course. And where is China now? We had to move to the market back in the 60s, smoothly, without jerks and excesses. You look and the state would be intact and would not look sour against the world background.
          1. +4
            21 July 2020 16: 33
            Quote: AS Ivanov.
            The Kosygin-Lieberman reform was based on the PRC

            You, as I understand it, are an expert on the PRC? And they didn’t take anything else from the revisionists?
            1. -2
              21 July 2020 16: 43
              What difference does it make and where did they get it: ideology should not meddle in the economy. There is a fact: China is the second largest economy in the world. Competent, without shocks, transition to the market, the admission of a private trader, including a large one to the means of production, and China is already slowly hurting the States. And when they lived according to the precepts of Mao, they ate a handful of rice, in half with his quotes.
              1. +1
                21 July 2020 16: 51
                Quote: AS Ivanov.
                ideology should not meddle in the economy.

                Who is she not bothering with?
                Quote: AS Ivanov.
                Competent, without shocks, transition to the market,

                And where did you see the market in China?
          2. +1
            21 July 2020 19: 40
            And where is China now?

            Ridiculously, the volume of FDI in the PRC economy has grown from 2 billion in 1985 to 117 billion in 2013.
            Can you tell me which countries in the days of "Kosygin-Lieberman" were ready to invest more than 100 billion dollars in the Soviet economy ??? laughing
            1. +2
              21 July 2020 19: 44
              Compare the starting potential of China and the USSR. At that time. We would need much less investment.
              1. +2
                21 July 2020 19: 50
                We would need much less investment.

                More, it would take much more money to service the Soviet economy according to market principles. A typical pattern of perestroika is that there is more cash and less goods in stores.
                Not the point, 90-60-30 billion? Who wanted to invest in the USSR?
                1. +1
                  21 July 2020 19: 54
                  Everything depended on our politicians. If you do not bang your shoe on the UN rostrum and give certain guarantees, then there would be those willing. Business is business.
                  1. +2
                    21 July 2020 19: 56
                    Everything depended on our politicians.

                    Yeah, this is the USSR in Mexico MRBM placed wink
        3. +4
          21 July 2020 18: 03
          "Everything stems from an erroneous concept: the desire to build socialism from the elements of capitalism, without changing them in essence. This leads to the creation of a hybrid system that is bewildering; moreover, into a dead end, hardly noticeable, which forces the state to make more and more concessions to economic methods, i.e. forces to retreat". Che Guevara
          1. +1
            21 July 2020 19: 16
            It was Comandante Che who drove the Cuban economy to the bottom when he was Cuba's Minister of Industry under Fidel. Despite the colossal financial injections from the USSR. Not only was he an excellent butcher, but also a lousy economist.
        4. +2
          21 July 2020 21: 03
          The planned economy of the USSR had a significant drawback, in the fact that at the top they decided how much and what the country needed and where to distribute more, and much less, for five years - and this is already a significant gap from the real demand of people, the planned economy was built entirely from above. he won't guess exactly how much I and everyone else consume goods and what goods they will consume even within two days, it is impossible to guess, at least what kind of computing power you have, hence the shortage, like technical backwardness, the population has more money every year the population grows production does not have time, does not have time yet due to the fact that in the 60s 120 rogue countries were put on the neck of the USSR and got into the arms race at maximum speed.
          1. 0
            22 July 2020 11: 36
            There was no need for the maize worker to touch the artels
            1. 0
              22 July 2020 17: 56
              And what about these artels - according to the plan, they also took raw materials from the state; production of one figs would not keep up with the artels or without them.
    2. 0
      21 July 2020 15: 52
      The only question is whether these characters were communists?

      They were definitely members laughing CPSU.
      But who are the communists requires a separate discussion.
      Sue Grudinin Platoshkin not to offer.
    3. +5
      21 July 2020 16: 01
      Frolov Oleg. You're right. Already in the 60s the number of communists doubled. Before, someone had to vouch for a candidate for the party. But under Khrushchev, a stream was formed. The idea collapses with the growth of prosperity, like demography.
      1. 0
        21 July 2020 16: 05
        Quote: nikvic46
        The idea collapses with the growth of wealth, as does demography.

        I do not agree ... the idea is the scientific rationale to collapse without proper control and timely suppression of the diversion in the unnecessary direction.
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +4
    21 July 2020 14: 53
    If the authorities organized a deficit, then they needed ... A simple example, before the removal of NySa Khrushchev, the shelves from the abundance of goods in Soviet stores, too, did not burst with abundance, from the word at all. As soon as the plenum passed and Soviet citizens woke up in another state. ..
  6. +8
    21 July 2020 15: 05
    "Many problems, which our country cannot deal with until now, are rooted in that period of national history."
    Well, in 20 years it was possible to deal with the problems.
    What a habit of blaming the Soviet period for today's problems.
  7. +7
    21 July 2020 15: 12
    One of the examples of how the deficit was organized. At that time, the warehouses of enterprises were full of finished goods, which the quality control department was selling. When the cooperative movement was announced, businessmen and directors began to earn good money ... many directors themselves opened cooperatives in the names of their relatives, sold finished factory and factory products, and the money was appropriated. This is how the food, light, and then heavy industry was destroyed.
    So billionaires appeared - oligarchs.
  8. +27
    21 July 2020 15: 12
    The USSR was founded on December 30, 1922 at the XNUMXst All-Union Congress of Soviets. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is a unique state that has united hundreds of peoples in a vast area - from the Baltic to Chukotka, from the Arctic Ocean to the Central Asian sands. The unity of peoples was strengthened by their friendship and communist ideology.
    Since 1985, having announced "perestroika", the counter-revolution began to liquidate the USSR.
    In 1991, the counterrevolutionaries, having thrown away party cards and showed their true colors (now they "regret" the collapse of the USSR), finally seized power. In Russia, they were Yeltsinists. They gained strength from the filing of the Gorbachevites, from the very beginning of the ill-fated perestroika, and ebn appeared in their chapter only at the end to become a bright charismatic alternative. Then everyone saw what this alternative was! And then the people were inspired that there are only two centers of power, the Gorbachevites and the Yeltsinists. But both of them were counter-revolutionaries. They were all against socialism and for capitalism, and the disagreements between them were only about who would get what in the division of power and property.
    Counterrevolutionaries have been brainwashing all the inhabitants of the USSR for 6 years. Water was poured into their mill and media, movies, and music. And our people could not resist such an information war against them.
    Now they have returned to the old policy, and for several years they have been inspiring us with the choice "either Putin or bulk." This is the same false choice as "Yeltsin or Gorbachev", "Russia or the West". Don't choose between two evils! Choose Soviet power!
    Don't trust liars! Do not trust renegades and opportunists, and all sorts of "new socialists and patriots", as well as those who shout about the absence of leaders in the communist movement.
    1. 0
      22 July 2020 21: 27
      True words comrade ...
  9. -6
    21 July 2020 15: 18
    Planned economy = deficit... And he was not only in the late USSR, but throughout the entire Soviet history. In the 80s, communism broke down and the deficit became even more visible.
    1. -3
      21 July 2020 15: 24
      A planned economy is not only a deficit, but also a meager assortment and poor quality of goods.
      1. +11
        21 July 2020 15: 38
        Quote: AS Ivanov.
        A planned economy is not only a deficit, but also a meager assortment and poor quality of goods.

        You respected now will be able to compare what Russia produces today and then the USSR? And who has a worse assortment?
        1. -2
          21 July 2020 15: 51
          Well then why in a scoop the people choked in queues for imported goods? Czech boots are for joy, and Italian boots are for happiness. And in terms of the quality of Soviet footwear and clothing, who only then did not go through: from the newspaper "Pravda" to the magazine "Krokodil" What is Russia now producing from clothes? Yes, the same shoes, of good quality: Ralf Ringer, Eber Klaus, Carlo Pazolini, Thomas Munz are not Italian and German brands, but ours, Russian ones, made here. With clothes the same picture.
          1. +6
            21 July 2020 15: 56
            Dear ... Can you compare what Russia is producing today and then the USSR? Or will you push the slogans of the times of perestroika? About distribution and the possibility of purchasing, I have not yet raised the question ...
            1. 0
              21 July 2020 16: 04
              And what QUALITATIVE did the USSR produce for its citizens? Goods not inferior to goods from developed countries? Cars? Brrr Footwear? Clothes? Household appliances? And how can Russia (by the way, it is spelled with a capital letter) can produce all this if it got a cave-level industry? Although I am mistaken: I have already started to produce.
              1. +3
                21 July 2020 16: 22
                And what QUALITATIVE did the USSR produce for its citizens?
                ..Kaloshi, walking on the sand in Africa .. Right? smile
                1. -2
                  21 July 2020 16: 48
                  Almost the way it was, Putin is not far from the truth. Queues for GDR headsets, Czech, or better - Finnish shoes, a Java motorcycle is every kid's dream, Polish jackets and tracksuits. And ours, dear, was gathering dust on the shelves. So that's right.
              2. +5
                21 July 2020 16: 27
                Quote: AS Ivanov.
                And what QUALITATIVE did the USSR produce for its citizens?

                A strong phrase ... I don't even know what to say ... I guess I didn't complain ... things have served for decades ...
                Quote: AS Ivanov.
                all this if she got a cave-level industry?

                Oh, again, Soviet galoshes? But I know for sure. That there is no Russian TV today. There is no Russian smartphone either. And there is no Russian processor either. Do not laugh with a car either. Yes there is a special outfit at work.
                Russkiy.SSR is not present for 30 years ... Do you know how to do anything, respected with your own hands?
                1. +1
                  21 July 2020 21: 23
                  There are smartphones only they cost 30000 and 68000, respectively, the latter is more suitable for industrial enterprises, the military has its own microprocessors, and Baikal and Elbrus are developed in Russia but produce them at a Taiwan plant as it is profitable - alas, the market for all civilian products, our country lost to the west so how he developed a private business inventions there was competition high-tech marketing advertising private brands that for decades conquered sales markets gained their client base around the world and now all that remains for Russia in this regard is to occupy free niches and we produce everything from pins to rocket engines to reactors particle accelerators, satellites, etc. The last word is always with the client.
                2. 0
                  22 July 2020 11: 41
                  These are all copies of Western designs. By the way mediocre
                  1. 0
                    22 July 2020 17: 58
                    For the army and industry, even such will come down - not to play with them.
                    1. 0
                      25 July 2020 09: 41
                      This speaks of a complete stagnation in science and engineering schools.
          2. +3
            21 July 2020 17: 56
            Yes, the same shoes, of good quality: Ralf Ringer, Eber Klaus, Carlo Pazolini, Thomas Munz these are not Italian and German brands, but ours, Russian ones, made here.

            For the sake of completeness, they forgot to tell about mere trifles.
            The fact that Russian production capacities of Russian brands are less than 8 million pairs per year. Simply, in order to be proudly called Russian footwear, you have to spend less on your production, and more often, placing orders at the converted old Soviet factories. The same Eber Klaus and Ralf Ringer receive part of their products from the Nevelsk Shoe Factory, only each of them glues their labels (and this is also included in the "up to 8 million"). All other "brand" orders are placed in China.
            Now, if you leave only these 8 million shoes, which are normal in your words (that is, remove the import of shoes, orders from Chinese factories of our brands and the production of the rest of our shoes, which will be aesthetically the same from the USSR for you) - then evaluate the level shortage of Russian footwear? AND? 8 million couples "beautiful" for 146 million people. You can take turns to show off of course. But, in turn))
            Okay, let's add here and "ugly" Russian footwear for the city made of leather and leatherette (so to speak, everyday business). With her shoes will be a little more than 24 million pairs of 146 million people. And here is an example of such shoes for you to understand.

            For example, I even took the bots of the same Nevelsk factory, but not the "brand" line.
            Even so, there is one pair per six inhabitants. Okay, let's take the "grandmothers" options (slippers, galoshes and other "ugly") and safety shoes, and the orders of our "brands" in China - 120 million pairs. by 146 million people. All. No more of my shoes.
            In the RSFSR, for the same 146 million people, 366 million pairs of shoes were produced, 227 million pairs of which were made of leather.
            And, to quote you:
            With clothes the same picture.

            We all pray for imports, otherwise the "deficit" is the one from youth, such an abundance will seem like oh-she-she.
            PS Don't start with the "bad-good" quality either.
            Okay, I'll go, I swore to come here, but I could not resist.
            1. 0
              21 July 2020 21: 37
              We now do not have a planned economy, which was in the RSFSR that would rivet 366 million pairs - so that they would be lying in warehouses for uselessness. Now they produce up to 8 million pairs because the population will no longer buy and most of the branded clothes to Russia come from Cambodia and Vietnam, and yes, these clothes and foreign shoes have a large client base in Russia for a long time, and if you think that tomorrow it will suddenly start grabbing domestic footwear - you are seriously mistaken, and not all shops will sell them for what to trade for and spend money on what they will not buy. And this joke is not only with shoes - with almost everything domestic.
          3. 0
            21 July 2020 20: 53
            Looked now sneakers of these brands. Their prices are rather high. For such a sum, I'd rather take NothFace from which it is clear why you pay such an amount (gortex, vibram sole) than it is not clear what our paid ones are for. This is, probably, for Muscovites or Petersburgers doing the show.
      2. +6
        21 July 2020 15: 54
        Planned economy = deficit.

        The planned economy is not only a deficit, but also a meager assortment

        Why exactly? Prove.
        1. -3
          21 July 2020 16: 07
          This has already been proven by empty shelves in the scoop. Proved by coupons (long before Gorbachev) food sets, queues and postcards giving the right to buy cars, furniture and large household appliances. What more proof do you need?
        2. +1
          21 July 2020 21: 41
          An argon-arc welding device and all the equipment for it, additives for welding stainless steel aluminum - it was impossible to buy in the USSR, since they simply were not on sale. This is one example.
          1. 0
            24 July 2020 16: 35
            Argon in the USSR was in industrial quantities back in 1945. But such a product was not sold to the population in those days due to a misunderstanding that he had such a need - to cook something non-ferrous or from stainless steel in the garage, in the country or on the site. The organizations had no problems with him, since their epic lamentations and demands were not preserved in documents in the style of "Give the country argon!"; probably, even in the then repair shops for household appliances, they repaired aluminum and stainless steel pans, etc.
            The network has an article on the topic - "Argon burners of the times of the USSR".
            By the way, what kind of equipment for consumer services is still produced by the same enterprises as before - for example, I periodically get bored with advertisements on the network from the Vyazma washing machine factory - industrial and semi-industrial washing machines and centrifuges for laundries, carpet washers, etc. are produced there.
      3. +2
        21 July 2020 16: 10
        Quote: AS Ivanov.
        A planned economy is not only a deficit, but also a meager assortment and poor quality of goods.

        This is complete nonsense .. American corporations operate in a planned economy .. And scarcity and poor quality are generally a consequence of other reasons .. and the main lack of competition.
        1. +5
          21 July 2020 16: 22
          Quote: Svarog
          And scarcity and poor quality is generally a consequence of other reasons .. and the main lack of competition.

          Not only. Competition could have been replaced by competent planning ... only the planning system of that time could not take into account all the factors of demand. Plus the notorious "shaft plan", because of which it was easier and more profitable for enterprises to drive the same clothes from ten years ago from year to year. Production plan exceeded? Overfulfilled. Are there any complaints about the quality? No - the buttons are sewn to death. And let the trade have a headache about the sale of these goods.
          1. +4
            21 July 2020 16: 57
            In short, it was the isolation of consumers from producers. I read that the military also complained. They were given not what they wanted, but what the military-industrial complex considered necessary.
            1. +3
              21 July 2020 17: 00
              Quote: vindigo
              In short, it was the isolation of consumers from producers. I read that the military also complained. They were given not what they wanted, but what the military-industrial complex considered necessary.

              In fact, yes .. it's amazing why they didn't want to solve such a simple problem ..
              1. +5
                21 July 2020 18: 44
                This problem could be solved only by breaking the economic system. And, preferably, not like ours - by impulse and bulldozer, but gradually, in a couple of decades, without excesses. Well, like in China.
        2. 0
          21 July 2020 16: 58
          The market economy does not exclude planning elements: large projects, infrastructure. The trouble is that the distributive planned economy completely excluded market elements, drove the shaft, not taking into account the needs of the population. How many brilliant designs were shelved because they didn't fit into the plan? Then these same, our own developments, returned to us from the West, which promptly introduced them. The same mobile connection. The same microwave oven, which despite our priority, has become an ordinary household appliance in the West, and a curiosity in the USSR.
          1. +3
            21 July 2020 18: 08
            The trouble is that the distributive planned economy completely excluded the elements of the market, drove the shaft, not taking into account the demands of the population.

            Nonsense. You take the economics of the late period, after Lieberman's tricks. Better look at the truly Soviet - Stalinist. There you have both the market and production indicators, not gross, but artels to take into account the population's demands at full growth.
        3. +2
          21 July 2020 21: 44
          American corporations have always worked and continue to work according to the market business plan - with the planned economy that was in the USSR, do not confuse these two things.
          1. +1
            21 July 2020 22: 39
            Quote: Vadim237
            American corporations have always worked and continue to work according to the market business plan - with the planned economy that was in the USSR, do not confuse these two things.

            What are you? And indicate the fundamental difference?
            1. 0
              22 July 2020 01: 17
              And the difference is that with a planned economy, there was a demand for the population in the USSR, the government formed the entire plan for five years for all producers - that is, it was decided for the population how much and what would be consumed in the country within five years and to whom and where all these goods distribute. In the market business planning, corporation concerns, manufacturers start from the real demand coming from below and the analysis of this demand for certain goods, as well as the demand in the market for the creation of new products, marketing high-tech, etc., there will be demand and supply - there will be no demand, there will be no supply, in the USSR there is demand there is no demand - here's the set plan of goods to release within five years.
              1. 0
                22 July 2020 17: 01
                Quote: Vadim237
                , in the USSR, there is no need for demand, there is no demand - here's an established plan of goods to release within five years.

                There is no fundamental difference. What is there, five-year planning, everything was also calculated everywhere .. but in the USSR they were not so flexible in their approach to the implementation of the plan .. and the US corporations brought the planned economy to perfection .. what could we do too .. but history does not know the subjunctives .. And by the way, it was from the USSR that US corporations adopted this practice .. but improved .. This is information from the first hand ..
                1. +1
                  22 July 2020 18: 10
                  What nafig five-year plans - there are no five-year plans and there is no planned economy, but there is business planning based on the real demand of the population for one year and the company's development strategy for the future, again based on the study of the sales market and competition based on advertising to study demand - nothing in the USSR it wasn’t there it was stupid to produce everything you needed or didn’t need to produce consumers, no one asked, since there is no alternative to buy one horseradish because of no source, so they produced any trash - in large quantities and cheaply, often GOST dynama because there was not enough raw materials to fulfill the plan ...
      4. +7
        21 July 2020 17: 14
        Quote: AS Ivanov.
        A planned economy is not only a deficit, but also a meager assortment and poor quality of goods.

        capitalist economy - a surplus of goods and a shortage of money. The quality of goods is the same
        1. +1
          21 July 2020 17: 47
          An excess of money in the absence of goods is no better. But, for some reason, the citizens of the USSR were chasing the imported one. It's a quality issue.
          "- So so. Twenty rams
          - Twenty five.
          - Twenty, twenty. Refrigerator Rosenlev. Finnish, good "
          1. +3
            22 July 2020 00: 09
            Quote: AS Ivanov.
            "- So so. Twenty rams
            - Twenty five.
            - Twenty, twenty. Refrigerator Rosenlev. Finnish, good "

            this is from 1966. Doesn't work anymore
      5. +5
        21 July 2020 18: 06
        Well, yes - of course, Soviet goods are in quality with new Chinese ones, and of course many Western ones cannot be compared ... laughing
        1. +1
          21 July 2020 18: 18
          And you are not comparing with the current ones - this is incorrect. Compare with modern Western ones. Lada with Volkswagen. Vegu with Panasonic. Skorokhod boots, well, at least with the Czechoslovakian Cebo. Jeans ... oh yes, in the USSR there were no jeans until the mid-80s, from the word "in general"
          1. +4
            21 July 2020 18: 21
            Another jean sufferer ... And what is the Zhiguli? Yes - not a Mercedes, but in many countries of the world they went with a bang. And now there are many places to ride .. Vega with Panasonic - depending on what kind of model. Some of ours - bourgeois wings easily .. Only now there were no beautiful lights. Shoes - well, not Gucci, of course, but they were, and did not fall apart the next month as modern ones ..
          2. +2
            21 July 2020 23: 29
            Quote: AS Ivanov.
            Vegu with Panasonic.
            It depends on which copy of Vega you get. If the stars in the sky align correctly ... laughing
          3. 0
            22 July 2020 14: 21
            Where did you get this information that there were no jeans?)) Were in the seventies,
            but is it really about jeans?)))
            As for cars, do not compare today's Western car from the Soviet forty years ago, you will compare the cars of the seventies of Italy, France, Germany with the cars of the USSR, and then you will understand at what level of development the Soviet Union was
    2. +3
      21 July 2020 15: 49
      Quote: Courier
      Planned economy = deficit... And he was not only in the late USSR, but throughout the entire Soviet history. In the 80s, communism broke down and the deficit became even more visible.

      it was not the planned economy that led to the shortage, but the people, so all questions and complaints about the latter are similar in quality and assortment. moreover, not everything can or should have been planned.
  10. +2
    21 July 2020 16: 08
    Already in 80, the money supply exceeded the commodity supply by 3 times, and this is taking into account illiquid assets. Apparently Bullseye secretly made his way to the Kremlin and acted atrocities.
  11. +1
    21 July 2020 16: 12
    Many problems, which our country cannot deal with until now, are rooted in that period of national history.

    Another would be to draw conclusions and create mechanisms with barriers, so as not to repeat that period.
  12. 0
    21 July 2020 16: 18
    Quote: rocket757
    Any article, this proposal, to figure it out yourself, will dive to the depths of the TS.
    Then you can either agree or write a refutation.
    The topic is really deep, largely hidden from the citizens of the country.

    Yes who will figure it out .... If you did not live in those days. On TV and such articles. The global was not affected.
  13. +3
    21 July 2020 16: 18
    And what is the difference between today's so-called businessmen “today they are oligarchs” from those? Yes, nothing, they just put on suits and the manners of work are still the same.
    I wonder Will we ever wait for the privatization of the nineties to be reviewed or not?
    1. 0
      21 July 2020 17: 31
      There is no need for revision. wink
      1. +1
        21 July 2020 18: 23
        Yes, all strategic enterprises need to be returned to the state and no revision is needed
        1. +1
          21 July 2020 21: 54
          So the state is still carrying out privatization by selling off shares of certain companies and factories - which means that these assets do not bring money to the state, and the state definitely does not need Sosalovo from the budget every year in the form of Avtovaz of the 2000s model. And no one will revise anything - everything has already been bought and resold several times.
          1. -1
            22 July 2020 08: 25
            Of course, our current Oligarch and the oligarchic system will not revise the process of privatization of the 90s, since they are inextricably linked with today's government, and please explain to me, for example, as the owner of some large financial holding, you will invest and buy shares in states that will not bring you profit !? Of course not, so why is it not profitable for the state to invest in a private owner, right?
            Instead of nationalizing all the country's strategic enterprises so that they work for the country's budget and not for a private pocket and lower taxes for the working population and small businesses so that people can feel at least a little like people
            1. +2
              22 July 2020 11: 49
              Everything belongs to the state anyway. See the level of the public sector in the economy
              1. 0
                22 July 2020 14: 13
                the share of the state in the economy, together with the companies it owns, is about 35 percent
                And if a controlling stake in key enterprises is owned by the state (for example, a controlling stake of 51%), this does not mean that it is a state enterprise
                1. 0
                  25 July 2020 09: 36
                  This just means that the state determines the policy of the company.
                  1. 0
                    25 July 2020 11: 41
                    It's not about the definition, but about the income. And that a handful of oligarchs have from the so-called (state) enterprise the same as the state,
                    And you want to say this correctly?)))
    2. +2
      21 July 2020 19: 31
      Scrambled eggs are an irreversible process. Nobody will revise the results of privatization.
  14. -2
    21 July 2020 17: 08
    Quote: Svarog
    There is plenty of everything, but not everyone has the opportunity to buy .. Under these conditions, it is still better to live under the USSR, when you could get it, if you wanted, you could,

    Yeah of course.
    Not everyone. If you were a party chief, then yes, everything is simple. If there was just a boss, then it was also simple.
    The rest only through the "right people". If you have managed to prove your worthiness, loyalty in front of them, then you will eat well.
    Young people don't understand. It's not about elite food. About simple, the most ordinary, in some places in quality and worse than modern.
    You have the right acquaintances, you will eat sausage, butter, coffee and Indian tea.
    If you do not have - you will eat gray pasta at best with liver.
    And in the newspaper "Pravda" you will be told what successes the Soviet economy has made in providing citizens with food.
  15. -1
    21 July 2020 17: 12
    Pioneer Ilyusha Polonsky again spoils the air. Ilya's dad definitely took part in the collapse of the great USSR with his lies, and his son took the baton ..
  16. +3
    21 July 2020 17: 35
    Quote: _Sergey_
    The food shortage began in the early seventies. They did not die of hunger, but the groceries in the store did not have much choice. I remember after Khrushchev and until the seventies, even street windows were filled with all sorts of things. And then they began to clean the street windows. In 1975, even in the closed military town, where Vostochny is now, food began to disappear.

    Everywhere in different ways. But most often this concerned small towns. Regional centers were better supplied than, of course, regional centers.
    In large cities, food shortages began to be observed rather from the early 80s. The supply got worse in the late 70s, but empty shelves, this is more likely the early 80s. Although I repeat, it is different everywhere. In the late 70s (77-78) there were several business trips. A couple in the Volga region, a couple in Estonia We went to the Volga region, taking with them, if possible, dry sausage and bacon. There was an abundance of food products in Estonia in the same years. Although I was on a business trip in a small town (for those years)

    Quote: parusnik
    Despite the existing poultry farms, a small sausage factory, it produced 5 varieties of sausages, a dairy, where did it all go? ...

    All this was sent in wagons to the capital of our Motherland, the hero city of Moscow. I already once gave an example in the comments to Shpakovsky's article, even two.
    1. In the city of Novocherkassk there was a meat processing plant and a dairy plant. The first one also produced smoked sausage "Novocherkasskaya". So for 14 years of life in this city, I have NEVER SEEN it for sale. But on holidays, on order, he regularly brought it from Moscow, where there was a Novocherkassk brand store.
    Second example. In the early 80s (about winter 81-82), there were some small problems with butter in Moscow. Was on a business trip at the Institute of Management Problems. During this period, employees were given butter in a buffet. I came to close a business trip. There was no one in the office. The girls returned from the buffet with packs of butter. I am submitting a travel certificate. One of them looks and says: "Rostov region? This is where our oil goes." I had to show them at the end of a pack of oil, on which it was written - Novocherkassk city milk plant ... Here is the answer to the question of where and what went in the late 70s - early 80s

    Quote: Svarog
    And you eat one chicken for, say, two months .. then we'll talk .. Conduct an experiment on yourself .. It will start to turn you back from it in a week ..

    Nobody forces you to eat chicken in one form, for example, boiled. You can really get a "lapel" from monotony. But if one day you eat fried, another boiled, on the third - some kind of sauce, on the fourth - the same grilled chicken - there will be no such reaction

    Quote: nikvic46
    Frolov Oleg. You're right. Already in the 60s the number of communists doubled. Before, someone had to vouch for a candidate for the party. But under Khrushchev, a stream was formed. The idea collapses with the growth of prosperity, like demography.

    Don't screw up nonsense. It was the same in the 70s and in the 80s. In order to become a candidate for membership in the CPSU, a couple of recommendations were required. Although the admission system was built in such a way that if you were not a worker or a peasant, the chances of becoming a member of the CPSU were relatively slim ... Especially if you worked at an institute or KB ...

    Quote: parusnik
    If the authorities organized a deficit, then they needed ... A simple example, before the removal of NySa Khrushchev, the shelves from the abundance of goods in Soviet stores, too, did not burst with abundance, from the word at all. As soon as the plenum passed and Soviet citizens woke up in another state. ..

    Not certainly in that way. The groceries were still "on the level". The problem (artificially created) was with bread. I myself stood in line with my grandmother to take on the whole family. Things like rolls, loaves (like sliced) were in short supply. But almost the next day after the removal of the NSH - all this appeared in the bread shops
  17. +1
    21 July 2020 18: 45
    Yes, a lot is opening up, the applicants are ready to do any abominations to change the government - hunger, murder, forgery.
    1. +1
      21 July 2020 22: 00
      You somehow study all the events that took place in the USSR and beyond its borders during the 80s, then there will be a more complete picture of why the deficit occurred - one reason on a national scale is not enough for such consequences.
  18. +1
    21 July 2020 19: 27
    Quote: dondj
    dondj (Don Jeromo)

    You guessed it about the seed trade.)))))
  19. -1
    21 July 2020 20: 26
    These creatures did not kill our faith in socialism with ill-considered actions, but very, very thoughtful ones.
  20. +1
    21 July 2020 22: 40
    Quote: AS Ivanov.
    The older generation, by the way, said that sausages of the 50s and sausages of the 80s are two big differences. Not in favor of the latter. The quality deteriorated every year.

    Even I, who was born at 54, remember that the same "Amateur" sausage (large diameter with a small splash of fat) was much tastier than the same sausage of the early 70s. If the first could be eaten and eaten, then the second - the second is no longer very ...

    Quote: dondj
    The amateur "exploded" in a frying pan. And walked in black spots.
    From natural products, I guess.

    Just don't generalize. Amateur sausage until about the mid-70s was quite at the level. And it didn’t "explode" in a frying pan, as you write. Its quality in comparison with the same "Lyubitelskaya" of the 50s became somewhat worse (purely in taste), but it was the most popular sausage, which was taken much more often than "Doktorskaya". But in the 80s there was already a certain sausage called "Estonian" in which there was more fat than meat (in contrast to the "amateur", where there were splashes of fat. It was difficult to eat it without heat treatment ("Estonian"). But even she did not "explode"

    Quote: Nehist
    Now the smoked sausage is covered with sticky mucus after three days. Smoked sausage in the USSR, if it lay in the refrigerator for a very long time, it just dried out

    Yes, really covered. Lies in the refrigerator for a week and a half and without mucus. And smoked in the USSR really became dry in the refrigerator, "dried up". Mom often did that. Put a stick of sausage under the freezer - dry after a while. Now I don't experiment on "dry" sausage (and the refrigerator is not the same). And in the refrigerator, smoked lasts a long time and without any mucus. You need to buy high-quality, then there may not be mucus ...

    Quote: Sergey Koval
    And Ksyusha Sobchak openly admires Gorbachev.

    In the first six months or a year, he really aroused admiration. Young, active, not talking on a piece of paper. Compared to the old men from the Politburo ... Well, then ...

    Quote: chenia
    Milk -10 kopecks liter (cheaper than mineral water, a bottle of milk 15 kopecks).

    Don't be creative. A bottle of milk cost EMNIP 25-28 kopecks (I don't remember exactly). Minus 15 kopecks per bottle - the price for half a liter of milk was 10-12 kopecks. It's bottled. Draft IMHO was a few kopecks more expensive ...
  21. +11
    21 July 2020 23: 32
    So think after that, were there erroneous actions, or deliberate?
  22. -1
    22 July 2020 06: 36
    Quote: AU Ivanov.
    Well then why in a scoop the people choked in queues for imported goods? Czech boots are for joy, and Italian boots are for happiness. And in terms of the quality of Soviet footwear and clothing, who only then did not go through: from the newspaper "Pravda" to the magazine "Krokodil" What is Russia now producing from clothes? Yes, the same shoes, of good quality: Ralf Ringer, Eber Klaus, Carlo Pazolini, Thomas Munz are not Italian and German brands, but ours, Russian ones, made here. With clothes the same picture.

    You can start listing the reasons already from the 1st world. And immediately the question is, would another country be able to survive everything, not fall apart? The USSR could.
  23. +1
    22 July 2020 11: 57
    The end of the 1980s in the Soviet Union was marked by a growing shortage of consumer goods. It is difficult for a person who did not find that time to believe in empty store shelves and the inability to get the most commonplace food products.
    And right here in the article:
    The natural culmination of the deficit after the collapse of the Soviet Union was empty shelves on New Year's Eve 1992.
    The author decided when it was all the same: the end of the 80s or the beginning of the 90s. Still, different decades, although I agree, the time gap between them is 2-3 years and this only emphasizes the speed of those processes. But for the bulk of the readers who were just born at that time and do not imagine the situation in the country, this sounds like the ultimate truth that the USSR was bad and always hungry. , was baptized, took the oath and which collapsed almost overnight in front of my eyes.
  24. +2
    22 July 2020 13: 10
    Quote: begemot20091
    I tasted the sausage in the meadow. tasty meat is normal. what's stopping us? really Putin ate all the meat? involuntarily, you start to remember the Kyrlu myrlu: "There is no such crime that capital will not go to for the sake of 300% of the profit"

    And we also have good sausages. It all depends on how much you are willing to pay for it. 300 rubles (for example) per kilogram or 600-700. For the last 10-15 years I have been trying to borrow from the same sellers and in the same stores. Some firms have left the market because began to drive far from the best quality goods. Others appeared ...

    Quote: Stroporez
    Quote: Nasr
    fish and fish products - 15,8 kg

    Where do you get this trash? In the early 80s, pollock was not considered a fish, they fed cattle in the villages.

    We were fed often because it was cheap, and not because it was rubbish. My friends' cat ate only pollock. Pollock backs were on sale in stores in the 70s. Salted to such a state that if you eat a couple of pieces, salt appears on your lips ...

    Quote: begemot20091
    your memory is selective. fish day is like a curse. lived in a hostel, in a student canteen (it seems Thursday) ear, hake, pollock .. fried steamed boiled ... looking for a cafe in the city, where at least crush a worm with pancakes.

    There was also a fish day. But most often only in canteens this was observed. The cafe could have one or two fish dishes. And although this day bored worse than a bitter radish, it had one plus. The people consumed fish products (phosphorus, as they like to say). Now, exactly the opposite. Fish prices are such that there is less of it than during the Soviet Union
  25. 0
    22 July 2020 22: 14
    The life of the Soviet people was impoverished regardless of the year.
    This can be traced in dozens of photographs.
    1. 0
      24 July 2020 14: 31
      Quote: alta
      The life of the Soviet people was impoverished regardless of the year.
      This can be traced in dozens of photographs.


      What life is now - can be seen from the sad state of the brains of many, many
      From the standpoint of the richest countries in the world, maybe a beggar ... From the standpoint of the then poor people of Southeast Asia, and so on, the Soviets were very rich.

      It is not entirely correct to assess purchasing power in the USSR even now.
      • If you count only milk, it turns out that now we live much worse.
      • If you count in bread, dozens of eggs or kilograms of pork or chicken, then at about the same level. (By the way, meat production in the Russian Federation only in 2016 reached the level of the RSFSR 1989)
      • And if you remember that a pensioner today pays half of her pension for a communal apartment, and the other half for medicines, then what is there to compare.
      1. 0
        24 July 2020 18: 16
        Quote: ort
        It is not entirely correct to assess purchasing power in the USSR even now.

        why? divide the price by 100 and there will be prices in the USSR, it works on food ...
        Quote: ort
        By the way, meat production in the Russian Federation only in 2016 reached the level of the RSFSR 1989)

        aha, only there was no meat in the stores, and only frozen chickens were thrown away ... hi
        Quote: ort
        And if you remember that a pensioner today pays half of her pension for a communal apartment, and the other half for medicines, then what is there to compare.

        with a pension of 24500, my mother pays for 1kV about 2300 in winter, in summer about 1200 ... medicines about 5000
        1. 0
          28 July 2020 13: 05
          Quote: DrEng527
          aha, only there was no meat in stores, and only frozen chickens were thrown away ..
          Quote: DrEng527
          why? divide the price by 100 and there will be prices in the USSR, it works on food ...


          1. A classic joke from the times of the USSR: Why are the stores empty and home refrigerators full? Because apart from individual facts that are now being replicated 1000 times a day, one must also understand their meaning.
          As the saying goes: "I heard the ringing, but where is it from?" There was a shortage in the 70s and later - there was in many cities and villages of the USSR, But, having bought in Moscow, it was possible to fill the refrigerator in Vladimir. Why on earth? Why was it impossible to immediately send the products to Vladimir through the distribution network, and not through the "sausage trains"?

          2. The "Soviet deficit" disappeared in early 1992, a week after Yeltsin's decree. "Gaidar saved the country." Each former republic found its own Gaidar, who also saved the country. WHERE DO THE PRODUCTS COME FROM? From the sky ? Why was the "market saturated with goods" simultaneously with the collapse of their own agriculture? What, there are no thoughts on this? It seems that one thing is important for you: "I personally and my mother would have a full feeder." You do not care the reasons for the phenomenon. And then there is no reason to debate.

          3. Payment of 17 rubles a month (with an average salary in 1980 for workers - 180 rubles, and engineering and technical workers - 210 rubles) with all services for a three-room apartment, if you multiply it by 100 - how much will it be? A kilogram of oil in the USSR - 3,6 rubles - multiply by 100, what happens? A liter of milk is 32 kopecks, multiply by 100, what happens?

          4. If anyone did not like meat in the store, it could ALWAYS be bought on the collective farm market - 5 rubles per kg. "Spiritual food" - any education is free. If you don't like the free doctor, go to a utility clinic with a doctor's appointment fee of 3 - 4 rubles.
          The number of hospitals and schools in the RSFSR is approximately 2 times more than the current one in the Russian Federation.

          To move from the USSR to the current wonderful life in the Russian Federation, it was necessary to ruin the country? I respect your mother very much, But she is not an indicator of prosperity for many, whose pension is 2 times less, and the rent is 3 times higher .... You can find a mother who is richer than yours. and what does this prove to compare the standard of living in the Russian Federation and the USSR? Do YOU ​​actually understand the meaning of what you write?
          1. -2
            28 July 2020 16: 24
            Quote: ort
            Do YOU ​​actually understand the meaning of what you write?

            of course, this is your stream of consciousness ... bully
            Quote: ort
            whose pension is 2 times less

            then it didn't work ...
            Quote: ort
            and the rent is 3 times higher ...

            mom lives in a studio. if such a rent, it means they are chic in 2k at least ...
            their right, but why whine?
            Quote: ort
            ALWAYS buy on the collective farm market - 5 rubles per kg.

            it is possible, only now for 500 rubles you can buy VERY good meat without a market ...
            Quote: ort
            Spiritual food "- any education is free.

            lies - I paid for my daughter's music school, and for the boxing section too ...
            Quote: ort
            with an average salary in 1980 for workers - 180 rubles, and engineering and technical workers - 210 rubles

            now it is 18-21 000 rubles - a lot? hi
            Quote: ort
            A kilogram of oil in the USSR - 3,6 rubles - multiply by 100, what happens? A liter of milk is 32 kopecks, multiply by 100, what happens?

            1) are you so bad with arithmetic? bully
            2) sugar in the USSR was 84 kopecks, now 50 rubles, little sunflower was 1-05 per bottle 0,5, now 85 rubles per liter ... chickens were 2-60 per kg, now 160 rubles ... divide by one hundred hi
            Quote: ort
            Why was it not possible to immediately send products to Vladimir through the retail network, and not through the "sausage trains"?

            ask Brezhnev ...
  26. +1
    22 July 2020 23: 54
    The dry figures of the statistics made it possible to conclude that the collapse of the USSR economy occurred during the reign of Brezhnev, when, for example, electronic equipment lagged behind the West by 40-50 years.
    Apparently, therefore, the reign of Brezhnev is called the era of stagnation.

    Table. Average annual rates of economic growth in the USSR in 1966-1985,%

    National Income Index,
    1966-1970.......... 4.1
    981-1985 ........... 0.6

    GNP index
    1966-1970.......... 5.0
    GNP - Gross National Product

    Alas, Gorbachev got the collapsed economy of the USSR ...
    1. 0
      24 July 2020 14: 53
      Quote: alta
      the period of Brezhnev's rule, when, for example, electronic technology lagged behind the West by 40-50 years


      This state of the brain of many of our compatriots now lags behind by 40-50 years.

      And, for example, color television in the USSR began regular broadcasts in 1967, as in Great Britain. If we talk about computers, then in 1956 Japan created its first computer. And in the USSR, in 1951. I advise you to start washing yourself, because the beginning of the production of electronic computers all over the world took place at the beginning of the 50s of the 20th century.
  27. -1
    23 July 2020 06: 34
    the deficit appeared with the beginning of perestroika, thanks for neighing, article born after 1990
  28. 0
    23 July 2020 09: 29
  29. 0
    24 July 2020 10: 34
    ! This is an emotional assessment ...
  30. 0
    24 July 2020 14: 37
    It is very indicative that the word "power" in this article refers to officials. The fact that state power is realized through the execution of the law, and not through its violation, does not occur to the author. For for the descendants of serfs, power is the tyranny of the master, but not the fulfillment of the law. In fact, this is precisely the reason for the deficit and the collapse of the country.
  31. -1
    24 July 2020 18: 11
    There was always a shortage in the USSR, the question was in the degree and nomenclature of goods ... hi
    1. 0
      28 July 2020 13: 09
      Quote: DrEng527
      There was always a shortage in the USSR, the question was in the degree and nomenclature of goods ...


      The question is not "in degree", but how did it disappear in a week at the beginning of 1992 by Yeltsin's decree, at the same time in the collapse of the production of these very goods?
      1. -2
        28 July 2020 16: 26
        Quote: ort
        The question is not "in degree"

        the question is just for you
  32. +2
    25 July 2020 14: 16
    To draw conclusions from photographs - one must be extremely "gifted". Photos may be life (reportage), but comments to them are sometimes sucked from the finger. I will comment on some of them.

    1. Lunch in the canteen at the construction site of the steel-making shop.
    The center of the photo is a man in boots, a quilted jacket, a hat with earflaps. So what? Has the photo commentator ever been to such canteens during the construction of something? We were also sent from work in the early 80s to a sponsored collective farm to build houses for specialists. And in the dining room they were in about the same form. Or does the commentator think everyone should change into a three-piece suit, tie a tie, polish their shoes before dinner? But the author has no comment on what this hard worker eats. And the photo shows that in front of him are THREE empty plates of salad. first and second. At the time of shooting, he is holding a glass with a dairy product (possibly sour cream) in his hands, and a compote on the table. Yes, poverty and rushing. Here's what he really gave a penny for it - that's for sure, and not a hundred or two rubles, as it is now in the dining room.

    2. Lunch break in the mechanical workshops of "Zapsibgeologia",
    Actually, a very good shot to illustrate the tales of USSR fans that everyone in the scoop was athletic, constantly playing outdoor games and board games, and it was all fun and perky. This enthusiasm and sport looked like this

    And what did the commentator of the photo dislike? The fact that the hard workers are not in sports uniform and do not arrange competitions? Each of his work breaks took as anyone wants. Here, for example. A couple of people played chess (sometimes two pairs), and the rest were kicking a "goat" at the dinner table (and it was the turn to play immediately). There was simply no place for such a compact billiards. Somewhere someone was playing table tennis, in the garage - yes, they had such a billiards table. What kind of outdoor and board games the author of the commentary still needs, when the lunch itself at the workplace (not in the dining room) took 10-15 minutes, and these games were left with 30 minutes. In the summer, when it was warm, we still played badminton near the department ...

    3. "Standard Bearer on Ice"
    The photo was taken, apparently, at the celebration on November 7 - on the Soviet TV among those who came to this "holiday", they usually showed young smiling faces, as well as all kinds of production leaders. In fact, a lot of drunks and all sorts of incomprehensible types came to the holiday, like this (clearly drunk) "standard bearer":

    The author of the comment has never been to a demonstration, and therefore writes heresy. On the basis of the “standard bearer” who was absurdly "uncoiling" on the ice, he concludes that drunkards and "incomprehensible faces" went to the demonstration. At the same time, the fact that the rest are "sober" is not worth paying attention to the commentator. Yes, sometimes it happened that someone could go over it. And the photographer could just catch an interesting shot, not a drunk person. And at the demonstration, everyone knew where and when the column would stop. it also happened that there was a portable trade nearby, where you could stand at a table, take a hundredth or two, eat a sprat or a sandwich. often in the convoy someone had an accordion and sometimes at such stops (and they sometimes had time for 20-30 minutes and had time to drink and eat for the mood, and sing and dance, if there was a desire. Nobody got drunk in "zyuzu"). only with a gifted commentator, the demonstrations ended with the fact that only everyone seemed drunk to him.

    4. And this shot is called "People with meat on the street Enthusiasts."
    The couple snatched a decent piece of meat from somewhere and are now enthusiastically thinking about how to get it home. And also pay attention to how the peasant looks back at the photographer - they say, this is my prey, I won't give it up, go look for yours!
    Yes, the commentator's jargon is still the same. Why "snatched", And what, this pair could not buy this piece of meat? And what does it mean to look furtively? And the commentator must have such a look, always thieving ??? The man dropped a decent piece of meat. the paper is torn or the twine is torn. A person does not convey a purchase, and then there is a photographer. Rather, the look can say the following:
    "Damn, there is an emergency, you don't know how to convey it and you are also with your camera", not "my prey, I won't give it up, look for yours."
    All this speaks very well about the attitude of the photographer (more precisely, the commentator) to other people. He is a major, all in white. the rest for him - b.ydlo. The commentator is worthy to bear the French surname "De Biel"

    Quote: ort
    From the standpoint of the then poor people of Southeast Asia and others, the Soviets were very rich.

    Even now, from the position of the same South East Asia, we are quite wealthy people. My friend was 5 years ago in Vietnam, in its southern part, so even we, with the minimum currency that we have, we are rich there.
  33. 0
    27 July 2020 10: 57
    Everything said so, but how much water can be poured into the air, if you write something specifically - surname, position, an event that occurred with the participation of this person. Gorbachev alone would never have done this. And according to the text "It is clear that everything that happens, although it was somewhat chaotic (how was the chaos expressed?)guided and supported from above (on top of whom when is the degree of participation active?), the highest representatives of Soviet power (posts and more drolzhnost ???)meeting the silence of law enforcement and state security agencies. " (the silence of which state bodies and state organ of power ????) Enough with * a * t * b water!!
  34. 0
    27 July 2020 23: 55
    Of course, the Law on Cooperation was an attempt to solve the problem of shortage of consumer goods. We wanted the best, but it turned out as always. Sugar, flour, meat, agar-agar, cement from construction sites disappeared to the left into the cooperatives. There was no exchange. Cooperatives got everything for work through the back door. Russia's perennial problem - openly incompetent people make the decision. What in tsarist Russia, what under the communists, what now.
    1. 0
      28 July 2020 13: 20
      Quote: vel1163
      What in tsarist Russia, what under the communists, what now.


      This is a trait of society, of the people, and not of a particular state authority. Whom does our blessed society nowadays refer to with the respectful word "authority"? I guess they are not scientists.
  35. -1
    28 July 2020 10: 57
    What a sad irony - the Soviets came to power holding trains with bread near Petrograd, this power left with a terrible shortage in stores and full warehouses of GOSSNAB ...
    1. 0
      28 July 2020 13: 13
      Quote: lubesky
      What a sad irony - the Soviets came to power by holding the compositions


      The Soviets came to power in Russia in June 1917 (First Congress of Soviets). And the "compositions" were in February of the same year, when the Russian Empire still existed, and there was an autocrat by the grace of God Nicholas II. And no one had even heard of the "advice".
    2. 0
      28 July 2020 13: 17
      The "Soviets" could not "hold back" anything until October 25, 1917. Since the anti-Soviet government of Kerensky was in power since March. But it was also formed later than the "adhered to the composition" for at least a month.
  36. 0
    4 August 2020 19: 58
    Gorbachev on a count, lives in Germany.
  37. 0
    5 August 2020 09: 31
    Today we all need to think carefully and comprehend what happened and condemn not just, but by the Constitutional Court of Russia and punish all the involved living leaders to the district, deprive everyone of pensions and so on; led by Gorbachev. And to return the "death penalty" so as not to be familiar - henceforth ...
  38. 0
    5 August 2020 23: 26
    For such reforms for this whole mosquito a ditch, a machine gun and a bulldozer.
  39. 0
    13 August 2020 13: 07
    I really liked that time and not because I was young, but the very atmosphere in society was friendly and somehow fair, everyone was equal. They dreamed of world peace, equality and brotherhood, but now they say that this is a utopia. It is very sad, evil overcame good.
  40. 0
    17 August 2020 11: 02
    It was the bomb planted under the Khrushchev Union that blew up, and the fuse set fire to the west.
  41. 0
    21 August 2020 11: 24
    "Power" has a name and a face.
    Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachov.
  42. 0
    25 August 2020 18: 44
    You might think before Gorbachev, store shelves were full of goods and products
  43. 0
    5 September 2020 07: 36
    The authorities, indeed, organized the deficit themselves.
    Only not the official power, but the real power hiding behind the CPSU.
    The official authorities announced Perestroika, while the real authorities hid and / or destroyed the manufactured products.
  44. 0
    4 January 2023 01: 57
    When I saw a huge ring on Brezhnev's hand, I realized that the USSR had come.
  45. 0
    4 January 2023 02: 02
    [quote = Vladimir Polunin] When I saw a huge ring on Brezhnev's hand, I realized that the USSR had come to an end.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"