Burning States of America: A Premonition of Civil War

Burning States of America: A Premonition of Civil War

Someone will be hardworking and energetic, someone will long for power. And someone will quietly pass by. Past all, but everyone will notice him ...

Spanish lessons

Salvador Dali has not yet been forgotten. Nowhere. Even in the USA, where the current semi-literate heroes of the “Maidan” there are ready to fight on their own without knowing whom, they know well why. For dollars.

But it is unlikely that anyone in the States, even among Hispanics, will generally remember that the national question was one of the main issues in the same Spanish civil strife. And the ruthless Franco won not least because he fought with the separatists. Both in Catalonia, and in Basque country, and in Aragon with Galicia.

Dali - a brilliant painter, by the way, not a Spaniard, but a Catalan, foresaw a lot, but Spain was moving towards her Calvary for many years. One can argue hoarsely and endlessly about how many years the United States has been moving towards its tear.

Who and what time bomb (like Lenin under the USSR, according to Putin) laid under the USA? This can also be discussed. But for some reason everyone is returning to the 60s, when they had to bring to mind what Abraham Lincoln had begun 100 years before.

Angela Davis was once even the heroine of Soviet jokes

About the same, who are Martin Luther King or Angela Davis, the new generation has a very vague idea. Even in the USA. Even there, these characters are a kind of stamped portrait of Comandante Che on a T-shirt. Although, for well-known reasons, the new American revolutionaries are more likely to stick out Stalin’s profile on their chests than to worship Fidel’s irrepressible ally.

More important is another: someone very timely delivered to the millions of “other” (“not white” and “not like”) vaccines of the primitive “what were they fighting for?” But really, what were they fighting for: the preacher M. L. King, who died fifty-odd years ago, and the communist A. Davis, who is still a living favorite of the Soviet media?

Martin Luther King dreamed "only" of the equality of all before God

The distinctly provocative nature of the current event disguises too much the real content of what is happening. The American liberal party that easily knelt down, in which, in addition to the Democrats, such as the Clinton and Nancy Pelosi couples, now a bunch of Republicans suddenly found themselves, knew what it was doing.

It was not possible to remove the long-accumulated tension in society even during the eight years of Barack Obama's presidency. B. Obama is an exception that only confirms the rule, and even just a “thrown bone” are the mildest definitions of a focus that has failed. The same Angela Davis, a communist, excuse me for repeating, by the way, she also went to the “exception” and today she feels rather well as a professor at the University of California.

Is Barack Obama a Bad Example?

Obama and Trumpism

It is no coincidence that almost everything that remained of the “Obama” by 2016 so quickly pushed the deliberate “trampism” into the shadows. And as a result, a pandemic happened once in a while. Why it is 2020, no one needs to explain, those who are not scared to death and at least try to understand something, understood everything.

It would seem that this is the case when, if something was not there, then it was necessary to come up with it. But if the whole thing was only to throw Trump! ..

Under a president like Donald John Trump, it’s easier to admit the fact that the “revolution” of the 60s didn’t give anything. It’s even easier to ask forgiveness from the same late Martin Luther King, oddly enough, not even a Catholic or Protestant, but a Baptist that somehow he didn’t fulfill his covenants.

But the elimination of segregation in the end turned out to be very protracted. In the hundred years since Lincoln, property relations have only slightly changed for the better. By the way, the elimination of the slavery of some people before others as a whole was clearly delayed, already for millennia.

The third Christian millennium too quickly finds the worst features of a slaveholding society. Whoever and however much tries to challenge the classical conclusions of the Marxists, digital slavery will almost inevitably be more terrible and much more sophisticated in comparison with all its other types.

The United States was held hostage by its own system, in which the social mobility of blacks, as well as any other “other” ones, was severely limited. As obtrusive as the Snickers advertisement, Obama’s example once again highlighted this problem and became one of the main causes of the irritation that is now so disgustingly splashed out.

The notorious social elevators work, so defiantly ignoring the lower floors, that sooner or later this should have made itself felt. The primitive “bread and circuses” ceased to work a long time ago, since the number of those whom it had nothing to do with continued to grow at a faster pace.

Unequal access to elevators has been cultivated for several generations after the terrible 1968. With his protests that reached the uprisings in the ghetto and the murders of the same M. L. King, as well as Senator Robert of the Kennedy clan, the younger brother of the president, who was also killed five years before.

Today in the USA it is still fixed, somewhere de jure, but mostly de facto, such an approach that black, and generally colored children simply do not have a chance to compete with whites for places in schools and universities. Sports, work on the assembly line, where he still remained, the service sector, and the most primitive, in the best case, jazz - the maximum that can really be claimed to be “just colored”.

We will not go deeper here as far as such an audience is generally ready and determined to compete for a place “in the elevator”, we have to evaluate the system that brought the United States to such a life. And in a negative situation, it can bring the whole civilized world, although the East is a delicate matter, it may not agree.

What is export revolution

For the past thirty or forty years, or even more, the United States has been mainly engaged in the export of revolutions (it is interesting that it is mainly “colored”). Now, something completely indigestible can go for export, and not from the CIA or something like that. In a sense, exports will be "unstimulated," God forbid.

However, do not forget that the soil in Russia for such export-import is quite well fertilized. After all, we also have big problems with social elevators. And in the years after the reforms, we, it seems, were only the ones who were busy building a society with a division into oppressed and governing estates.

As you can see, it’s not just that the press secretary of the head of state named the empire of Nicholas II as his (I would hope that only his own) ideal. One can argue for a long time who came up with the export of the revolution, Lenin or Trotsky, in practice it is more important who and how uses this experience.

Something like counter-revolution was exported to us in the early 90's so famously that in the end, the very “division” into classes in Russia happened. Some gained access to resources and cooked up for themselves and for children and grandchildren a whole system of social elevators, open only on separate floors.

A stranger can’t get into it now, and segregation doesn’t even take place according to the color of the skin, but according to the size of the wallet, which, in fact, does not change much in essence. The overwhelming majority at the same time falls into the trap of low incomes and remains farther from social elevators, which only give a coveted chance of success.

In the “burning” United States, about ten or a little more percent of the population is fighting for the right to enter the social elevator. And they have already put almost all of America on their knees, or rather, on their knees. Isn't that strange arithmetic?
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  1. +23
    9 July 2020 04: 13
    I got to "Martin Luther King, oddly enough, not even a Catholic or a Protestant, but a Baptist," and could no longer, the level became finally clear, sorry ...
    1. -3
      9 July 2020 04: 42
      Quote: Picus
      I got to "Martin Luther King, oddly enough, not even a Catholic or a Protestant, but a Baptist," and could no longer, the level became finally clear, sorry ...
      Yes, the Chukchi writer is visible, not the reader. I don’t read much myself. feel
      about ten or a little more percent of the population is fighting for the right to enter the social elevator.
      We will have% 90. Severe.
      1. +48
        9 July 2020 05: 00
        On Yap, a good article on this topic:
        Why is black America rebelling?
        The answer is simple: over the past fifty years, several generations of black biomass, incapable of productive labor and a meaningful existence, have been lovingly nurtured in the ghetto of America.
        How did this happen? How did White dig a grave for himself?

        Let us mentally divide the blacks of America into two conditional categories. We’ll name one African-American (this is not a standard use of this term, but it’s easier for me to explain my thoughts) - these are blacks who grew up and live in “outside the community”. In terms of intelligence, education, mentality and welfare, they practically do not differ from any other ethnic group in America.
        "politically incorrect, but deadly accurate."
        The second group will be called the (politically incorrect) ghetto niggas - a majority of the black population of America who grew up in the black urban area surrounded by classic black bro. It is this peculiar sub-ethnicity of America that must be considered if we want to understand the causes and consequences of the eggplant revolution.

        As usual, the road to "success" was paved with good intentions. I think there were many such roads, but today I want to consider one of the very, very important paths.

        In the fifties and sixties, a bright idea occurred to some group of liberal liberals that if black women are given a large child allowance, they, freed from sinful thoughts about earning money, will devote themselves to raising and educating the child and will grow a lot of cultural, educated African Americans.

        Not fused ....

        For some reason, black women chose to free themselves from their husbands so that they did not pretend to be a child's welfare, and devote themselves to giving birth to children and idleness.

        Here is a graph that shows the number of children born out of wedlock.

        It is clearly seen that since the seventies the number of black children born out of wedlock has risen sharply.

        In America, there was a deliberate policy of destroying the institution of the family and pedesterization of society, this is clearly seen in the growth of the indicator (Total). But for the black population, this turned out to be absolutely destructive. Given that African-American women have this indicator at the national average, about 80% of ghetto-niger women give birth out of wedlock. Given the upward trend, this indicator is probably even higher today.

        There are various interesting theories trying to politically correctly explain the reason for the high percentage of illegitimate children in blacks. Such as the inaccessibility of contraception, the lack of normal work for black men, the disappearance of the custom of mandatory “marriage on the fly” (shotgun wedding). All this of course is interesting and there, but it seems to me that the main reason is the corruption ghetto niggas parasitic velfer-aids.

        According to social and statistical studies, it can be concluded that children born in single-parent families are somewhat behind their peers in mental health and overall success. But for children born in black ghettos - this lag becomes catastrophic.

        I think that the main reason is that for women ghetto-niggas, the birth and nurturing of children becomes a banal source of income. The offspring themselves are of little interest to them, as long as they are alive and pay allowance for them. Often, girls begin to engage in this “business” at the age of fifteen to sixteen. Women who in the third generation grow up in such a family create a society that is slightly different from the herd of monkeys.

        As you know, human intelligence is laid in early childhood at the age of three to six years. And it largely depends on “how many fairy tales were read to the child”, how much attention was spent on its development, what emphasis was placed on the education of the baby. Given the fact that about half of the ghetto niggas functionally illiterate (this term refers to the inability to read and comprehend text harder than beer bottle label), we can reasonably assume that the black kiddies tales read the minimum, tending to zero. And then the Mowgli effect comes into play. In the absence of normal upbringing and education in early childhood, no subsequent efforts will allow to give a person a normal education and increase his level of intelligence.
        In the article "I used to teach in a" black "city school. Their problems are their own fault, and I ..." gives a good sketch on this topic. American black biomass not only has no desire to learn, but they are no longer able to learn. Against their background, the first generation emigrants from Africa look like geniuses. In America, do not even make the attempt to educate the ghetto niggas - is replaced by profanity, simulated training and mantras about "their culture".

        The third or fourth generation of people with disabilities is now growing up in America’s ghetto. Just think, Half-wild childhood, “funny” school years, and then for girls birth of children and a welfare, for boys gangs and low-paid work. This vicious circle is now impossible to break. Ghetto blacks, with rare exceptions, are no longer capable of a normal existence. They were turned into black biomass, without a purpose in life, without education, without culture, without moral and ethical principles. But then this biomass has a clear understanding that everyone owes them because they suffered. Infernal mixture ....

        Here is a shot from the program D. Dzhangirova

        As Dmitry correctly said, in the eighties the Negroes still rebelled, because they demanded to give them work. How many ghetto-niggas are raving in the streets right now, demanding to give them jobs?

        Here, then ... [black] people are no longer a cake ...

        Is there any way to solve this problem?

        If, for example, the entire white population wash their feet of the entire Negro population, will this improve something? The airborne well-being will come, and blacks and whites merged in ecstasy will begin to build a happy capitalist society ....

        Obviously not. Even if all the white population to hand over ten years in slavery to blacks - it will only worsen and exacerbate the problem of parasitic existence ghetto niggas. It is completely unimportant that more or less of them will be shot by white cops and black bros (and black bros will shoot their relatives much more successfully).

        As long as there are black communities in America, single mothers and the ghetto subculture, America will fully grasp the black problem. Judging by the population pyramids, the number of white children drops sharply, but the number of black children, albeit not much but increases. (however, the number of Latinos is growing most). This will lead to a gradual further change in the ratio of the proportion of white and black. Based on the level of black unemployment is growing amount of ghetto niggas among the US population. As a result, all existing problems will only grow.
        1. +9
          9 July 2020 05: 38
          This is so, except that this is only one side of the multilateral problem. I described one more side below. And there are still parties.
          1. +7
            9 July 2020 13: 23
            Quote: Nagan
            In America, a deliberate policy of destroying the institution of the family and pedesterization of society was carried out

            Thanks for this! very accurate! smile
        2. +10
          9 July 2020 06: 39
          You know, but I'm glad that what they exported all over the world is going on in the tin.
          And I wish them not to get up off their knees any longer before muddy knights .. booty
          1. -6
            9 July 2020 16: 50
            Quote: Lipchanin
            You know, but I'm glad that what they exported all over the world is going on in the tin.
            And I wish them not to get up off their knees any longer before muddy knights .. booty

            I join and I wish them this with all my heart .. The reckoning hour is coming! hi
        3. +3
          9 July 2020 06: 54
          The article is good. But no one caught himself thinking that if the Negro was replaced by a rogue, then the situation can be tried on to Russia as well? Blacks paid benefits and they are idlers! Women were paid child allowances and they are idlers! Doesn’t resemble anything? Does it seem that there is a very subtle game of dividing the world into classes? They are trying to explain to us that the lower classes are genetically incapable of being smart! These are the Sharikovs with instincts and without thoughts! Even the visual base is brought up! Watch it! You see! And they all nod in accordance! Yes! And there is! What's next? Further division into classes can be fixed legislatively and recorded in history. A new story is being written today. And this story will become an axiom! Is it really not visible? After all, in Russia, low-income people can also be attributed to blacks and bring the same charges! You want freebies! You have not achieved anything in life from your natural stupidity! You are trying to be smart but for some reason poor!
          1. +9
            9 July 2020 09: 55
            You are misusing the term "rogue"
            The rogue is not the one who is poor at all, but the one who dwells daily in the "rogue" state of mind - a state of limited opportunities and destructive beliefs. This is the modern meaning of the word.
            A distinctive feature of the rogue is always and everywhere to look for problems (and the guilty ones). He lays responsibility for his problems and failures on the country, the government, the people around him, the family, the current situation, but never on himself.
            1. +14
              9 July 2020 15: 14
              "Rogue state of mind" -? How long it takes to suck out of your finger to wrap up such nonsense! (and even add 8 plus signs). In fact, "rogue" is an exceptionally one-sided definition used by snickering representatives of the Russian pseudo-elite in relation to people of the average (!) Level of welfare in the country. Average! (for the frankly poor they use another chase - "homeless people"). Such a snob, more than wealthy, of course does not care about the state of mind of the one whom he impresses with the epithet "rogue" - he does not care about the content at all, only the outward signs of success matter. And the main thing is that the naming of others as "nysherods" is primarily for the personal self-affirmation of a representative of a snickering layer of parasites, who, in one way or another, have sucked the budget cranks by their "business". State of mind? - Those who use the word "rogue" do not think in terms of "mind", from the word at all.
              1. -4
                9 July 2020 16: 16
                A rogue is a beggar in spirit. It does not depend on the contents of the wallet. Although many beggars are financially, they have come to this state, precisely because of the beggarly soul-stock.
                1. +5
                  10 July 2020 14: 44
                  Tell this to those who like to use "rogue". Sobchachka, for example, tell me. And others like that, who are "not poor in spirit." Here they are laughing. They won't understand, but they will laugh. You just need to publish a Dictionary (not of the Russian language) of the Russian elite, ed. A.S. Ivanova.
                  1. -2
                    10 July 2020 15: 52
                    What can you do that this very elite, such as Ksyushadi, not only does not understand the meaning of words, they themselves are in poverty as well: everyone but them is to blame.
            2. 0
              9 September 2020 10: 10
              I'm fucking crazy about the words "always and everywhere looking for a problem!" And for advanced people, everything means no problem, but modern houses, bridges are falling apart, something that has never burned and does not go that which worked before, but a smile from ear to ear and no problems , ugh on you!
          2. +7
            9 July 2020 12: 39
            Quote: SOVIET UNION 2
            Further division into classes

            This is slowly being pushed around everywhere! And we can see this trend ....
            1. +1
              7 September 2020 06: 42
              And this suggests that after the death of Lenin, who had previously proposed to fight against bureaucracy as with whites, which spoke of the class struggle, it was the bureaucracy that won and established the authoritarian-bureaucratic repressive-totalitarian system. And VI Lenin warned: if something ruins us, it will be the bureaucracy. As you can see, he was right. When the bureaucracy felt the precariousness of its position, it, through the talker-president, carried out perestroika and threw the country from the position of a superpower into the ranks of the third world countries. And now a reverse move is possible: having washed the people with blood through economic and other reforms, which led to the Russian cross - impoverishment, degradation and extinction of the people, which corresponds to the fascist plans, for example - Ost, but in fact - to genocide, the bureaucracy wants to return the usual system under the brand name USSR-2. And this suggests that we are faced with a choice: Lenin's plan to build a classless, socially equal and just communist society through socialism, or to restore a repressive-totalitarian bureaucratic system, where the working people will be only hired slaves of the state. For, if Lenin set the task of passing through state capitalism to socialism and then to communism, then the bureaucracy set the task of preserving classes and social inequality under its control, which is suppression, oppression, coercion and exploitation of the working people. Therefore, everyone should make a choice. For this, I think, everyone can find the necessary information, think over and draw conclusions. Good luck in this!
          3. +4
            9 July 2020 15: 07
            Exactly! I also wanted to write a comment that the absence of social lifes, the degradation of social relations, and in general, the degradation of social models everywhere will lead to such a situation.
          4. +1
            10 July 2020 00: 43
            Rogue is relative, if you have a salary of 100'000 rubles a month, that's good. And I have 1'000'000 rubles, then for me, you will be a rogue. Well, for you, those who receive an average of 20'000 rubles. And on this basis, I do not understand the phrase "people below the poverty line." What is this line, what "expression" does it have ?! On a personal note, in February I talked with one person and was surprised that 20 rubles are enough for him to live. Lives alone.
          5. +14
            10 July 2020 01: 30
            After all, in Russia, low-income people can also be attributed to blacks and bring the same charges! You want freebies!

            Hmm ... Ek you skidded. In Russia, a freebie ... laughing A single mother has given birth and is messing around on benefits. And devour, and for an apartment, and get dressed, put on shoes. Yes, here it is necessary to fuss just to live, at least like these blacks in the USA. So the "Mowgli syndrome" and stupidity in Russia are more likely to threaten the "golden youth". Our climate is not the same as in the USA. Snow falls in winter, you know. And the oligarchs are greedier - even prostitutes strive not to pay. What a freebie here.
          6. 0
            10 July 2020 01: 44
            Reminds Russian liberals, drunk, stupid loafers, that they jump on a swamp.
        4. +5
          9 July 2020 07: 03
          Another question. In the USA, the White party seems to be gaining momentum. In contrast, she creates a colored party with the rapper and his white wife Kardashian. Like a rapper, like for the colored ones, but on the side of Trump. The White Party is for White, but on the side of Trump's opponents. Such a battle of parties. But not directly, but indirectly! Well, as the states usually do in foreign policy. But in any case, the country is pushed towards the hard hand! The situation is similar in Europe! In the case of the United States, blacks somehow do not look like bending fighters. Given the huge amount of weapons in the population, the absence of armed conflict is rather strange. In the states, elections are coming soon. Does this look like an election campaign in a new format?
        5. +1
          9 July 2020 17: 38
          It's not about race, it's about class!
        6. 0
          13 July 2020 17: 18
          I agree. Free and gratuitous NEVER and ANYONE was not appreciated. When the received is not obtained by labor, the effect of Pavlov’s dog comes: give - I don’t notice, but as they give it, ALL are to blame.
      2. +8
        9 July 2020 07: 07
        We will not go deeper here as far as such an audience is generally ready and determined to compete for a place “in the elevator”, we have to evaluate the system that brought the United States to such a life.

        Sorry, so if this audience, for the most part, is not inclined to work and climb the upper social lifts, what claims can we make to the system?
        We also have disadvantaged areas with the majority of the population permanently in a different stage of intoxication, and from there they also rarely go up to the social ladder, this is rather the exception. Most either follow the path of encirclement or leave the area at best. Is the system also to blame? Or maybe it depends on people?
        It is difficult to make a person overcome the resistance of something with his complete unwillingness
        1. +1
          9 July 2020 08: 25
          Quote: Mitroha
          Sorry, so if this audience, for the most part, is not inclined to work and climb the upper social lifts, what claims can we make to the system?

          Answer found 100 years ago:
          Thousands of forms and methods of practical accounting and control of the rich, crooks and parasites should be developed and tested in practice by the communes themselves, small cells in the village and in the city. Diversity here is the guarantee of vitality, the guarantee of success in achieving a common common goal: cleaning the Russian land of all kinds of harmful insects, fleas - rogues, bugs - rich and so on and so forth.

          In one place, a dozen rich people, a dozen crooks, half a dozen workers who are working on their jobs ... will be imprisoned ...

          In another - put them to clean the toilets.

          In the third, they will be provided with yellow tickets upon departure of the punishment cell, so that the whole people, over their correction, would watch over them as if they were harmful people.

          In the fourth - they will shoot on the spot, one of ten, guilty of parasitism.

          In the fifth, they will come up with combinations of different means and by, for example, conditional release, they will achieve a quick correction of fixable elements from the rich, bourgeois intellectuals, crooks and hooligans. The more diverse, the better, the richer the general experience will be, the more true and faster the success of socialism will be, the easier the practice will develop - because only practice can work out - the best methods and means of struggle.

          - V.I. Lenin, PSS, t. 35, p. 204
          1. +1
            9 July 2020 17: 34
            Let it be VI LENIN, but the recipes are completely absurd and cannibalistic, especially regarding the decimation of parasites and. reprisals against the rich. And the question immediately arises: who will determine whom where? I think these "determinants" will heal well until they are "defined" themselves. Naturally, the breath of the Stone Age faded from this quote of the leader of the world proletariat. The unremitting belief of some of our citizens in an easy and quick solution to complex problems with simple recipes for ripping off heads.
            1. +2
              9 July 2020 18: 56
              Quote: Ogelui Tooth
              recipes completely absurd and cannibalistic

              Not all. I still believe in forced labor therapy.
        2. +3
          9 July 2020 13: 27
          US statistics: 62% of blacks, from generation to generation, are sitting on the velfore
    2. +10
      9 July 2020 06: 30
      An article, as the army would say - blood, g ...., sand and sugar! - the author mixed everything! but not the point! But I thought - in "fraternal" Ukraine, 10% of frostbitten Zapadensky myzdabuls with juvenile idiots who joined them put the country in a beaver pose ... Paint them black - here you are, 53 states of America, not even a state, but a ghetto in a ghetto from the most deaf and wretched gateways of Harlem! laughing
      1. +3
        9 July 2020 06: 41
        Quote: Finches
        But I thought - in "fraternal" Ukraine, 10% of the frostbitten Zapadensky myzdabuls with juvenile idioms who joined them put the country in a beaver pose ...

        Exported for a puddle.
        From the Maidan is not much different
        1. +5
          9 July 2020 06: 44
          The answer for expired cookies! laughing
          1. +1
            9 July 2020 06: 48
            Quote: Finches
            The answer for expired cookies!

            Moreover, not everyone got it laughing
    3. 0
      9 July 2020 07: 30
      I agree to all 100. The article is not clear about what. In any case, the title does not match. So the transfusion from empty to empty.
    4. +1
      9 July 2020 09: 18
      I like the reaction of all our collaborationists who bought their own property and business in America. They now feel very uncomfortable in the "bosom of freedom and democracy" And they are even thinking about whether to return. These people are like shit in the hole here and there , There is no homeland, there is only a warm place under the ass.
    5. 0
      9 July 2020 09: 58
      ,, ... they wanted to eat, so they ate Cook ... "
    6. +1
      9 July 2020 10: 20
      There will be no civil war in the USA. Maybe there will be genocide of whites, connivance of the constructed law will lead to anarchy and lawlessness. Although it may all settle down after the election. What happens can be a simple re-enactment to select the right president. As it was in Ukraine, for example. Everything is decided by one fact - how much money is invested in protests.
  2. +10
    9 July 2020 04: 29
    Something like counter-revolution was exported to us in the early 90's so famously that in the end, the very “division” into classes in Russia happened. Some gained access to resources and cooked up for themselves and for children and grandchildren a whole system of social elevators, open only on separate floors.

    Something I immediately remembered here is such, from bygone times:

    They say history repeats itself twice, the second time as a farce. laughing
    1. +1
      9 July 2020 09: 59
      ,, ... every Friday, leash the sun will set
      someone is chewing under a banana ... "
  3. +3
    9 July 2020 04: 50
    In short, "Washington must be destroyed!" I read it in some book. Liked!
  4. +7
    9 July 2020 05: 31
    Until there is any revolution in the United States, everything that happens is purely a "booze" aimed at ensuring that the African American part of the population receives more "buns", but it does not want to change anything in America's domestic life, since it arranges. But, the fact that everything can change and all this "booze" can be used in political confrontation, alas, can not be ruled out either ... much depends on the determination of those who are trying to manage all these processes.
    1. +3
      9 July 2020 05: 45
      yes there is already a revolution there. at least in the heads. because nothing else can explain what is happening. Moreover, it was not necessary to allow this small box to open. so also everyone began to repent together. and now what's the output. Negroes demand and get Negroes in leadership positions. and they do not care whether he suits or not. will be taken from those who are. Hollywood as an example. there it is already a resolved issue. it's the same kind of adversity, film crews are almost 95 percent white. there will now be parity. and where do they get the pros, nobody cares. it must be dialed. Where are the whites? right behind the gate.
    2. +17
      9 July 2020 05: 46
      Quote: svp67
      it does not want to change anything in America’s inner life, as it suits them

      I agree, and I still don't really believe in the sincerity of these "kneeling". If they repent, let them fall on both knees, as others were forced.
      1. +1
        9 July 2020 06: 43
        Quote: Lebed
        If they repent, let them fall on both knees,

        And the head against the asphalt
        1. +12
          9 July 2020 06: 51
          Quote: Lipchanin
          And the head against the asphalt

          Oh, this is not repentance, but prayer. A completely different level.
          1. 0
            9 July 2020 06: 53
            Quote: barin
            Quote: Lipchanin
            And the head against the asphalt

            Oh, this is not repentance, but prayer. A completely different level.

            Actually, I never saw my head beat when they pray.
            Inadequate and fans will break Bosko. They don’t have anything there, so they’re breaking up request
  5. +13
    9 July 2020 05: 34
    Segregation is supported by itself, and for quite objective reasons.
    White suburbs like the one where I live have high property taxes. Accordingly, there are funds for the school system, police, roads, parks, sewer cleaning, and much more that makes life more comfortable. Accordingly, real estate in such places is more expensive. But those who appreciate a good school and low crime are willing to pay for it.
    У blacks ah, sorry political incorrectness, African Americans and Latinos have a different scale of values. Wherever I worked, African Americans had newer and more prestigious cars and dressed in expensive model shirts. However, they could not earn much more than whites in such positions. Perhaps this is how their inferiority complex plays, forcing them to prove that they are no worse than whites. But since this lifestyle is expensive, somewhere they have to cut the budget, and this is more often housing. They settle in cheaper places, where, accordingly, the level of schools is lower, and crime is higher. But on their scale of values, children's education is well below the need to look "no worse than whites." And no one bothers them to move to white places, except for the money that they prefer to spend in a different way.
    And these are "decent" blacks, who are in the minority. And even those who live in subsidized housing cannot even dream of moving to a white area. However, they do not want to. There are too many police who just catch the eye of the stoned ...
    1. +14
      9 July 2020 06: 07
      Welcome hi How is it with you, the beginning to subside, or do not expect to "elections"?
    2. 0
      11 July 2020 12: 41
      Quote: Nagan
      Segregation is supported by itself

      And welfare moms have kids on welfare - c. "The Offspring" back in 1997. An apple from an apple tree .. as they say. The song, by the way, is also called: "Way down the line" (well, that's how I translated it).
  6. +6
    9 July 2020 05: 41
    Well, how much can this be about blacks ... Poor ... They sit there on social benefits, do nothing. Large amounts of money are spent on their education, but only everything is organized in such a way that you can not study. As a result, they form gangs and behave in the spirit: "They owe us." The state itself has sponsored this for many years and continues. Perhaps it would be possible to raise these boobs on the "Maidan" at the right time ...
    1. 0
      9 July 2020 21: 00
      "Well, how much is this about blacks ... Poor people ... They sit there on social benefits, do nothing. A lot of money is spent on their education, but only everything is organized so that you don't have to study. As a result, they form gangs and behave in the spirit: "We owe."
      there is a good Amersky series - wiretapping is called, a little boring, but about blacks it is very well shown
  7. +15
    9 July 2020 06: 18
    The notorious social elevators work so defiantly ignoring the lower floors,

    Unequal access to elevators has been cultivated for several generations after the terrible 1968.

    All this vaguely reminds us ... But what is there, clearly reminds us, unequal access to social elevators blooms in a violent color, even if you are at least seven inches in your forehead, and you will never get to the top, since "the general has his own son." ...
    1. +5
      9 July 2020 08: 12
      That's right, colleague Ragnar Lodbrok.
      After all, the article of the respected Author is written for a reason, it requires an application to our reality. It is a prism through which we should all look at our own reality, catch the negative that has penetrated us as a result of globalization within the framework of capitalism and find similar pain points. Find and think what to do about it.
    2. +1
      14 July 2020 19: 08
      Quote: Ragnar Lothbrok
      "the general has his own son" ...
      - And I am embarrassed to ask in which year this joke appeared?
      not otherwise than under Putin?
      Brezhnev !!! I heard him back in the 70s .... was there unequal access to elevators too ??
  8. +3
    9 July 2020 06: 46
    Angela Davis was once even the heroine of Soviet jokes

    “I don't know who Angela is.” I don’t believe who is Davis.
    But until he is released from prison, I won’t go to work !!!
    1. +11
      9 July 2020 07: 18
      Good morning! Let me answer?
      * A Negro hangs a portrait of Chapaev on the wall. A Negro wife asks:
      -And who is it?
      - I don’t know, but I didn’t like whites very much. * hi
      1. +1
        9 July 2020 07: 35
        Quote: Phil77
        - I don’t know, but I didn’t like whites very much. *

        laughing good
        1. +3
          9 July 2020 08: 56
          Thank you! And a little more about * tolerance *, and normal adequate people. NHL Club * Chicago Blackhawks * said that he was not going to change either the logo or the name of the club. Which is worthy of respect, in my opinion. good
  9. +17
    9 July 2020 06: 55
    By the way, the elimination of the slavery of some people in front of others as a whole was clearly delayed, already for millennia

    Here I remembered a joke-joke:
    - What is the difference between socialism and capitalism?
    - Under capitalism, a person exploits a person, and under socialism, the opposite.
  10. -4
    9 July 2020 07: 03
    Revolution or Yellowstone, which will finish America faster?
    Or will the printing press break?
    No, shale oil will destroy America!
    Although not, America will die from a nuclear strike by North Korea and Iran ...
  11. +6
    9 July 2020 07: 17
    It seems to me that the rebellion in America has two roots.
    The first root is the understanding by the black minority that nothing can change in their lives.
    The second root is the understanding by the black minority that in the United States any minority, even professing extremely negative and hateful ideas, can suddenly get the right to impose its ideas on the majority.
    Looking at how the last twenty years, "the sun rose in the form of a rainbow," blacks realized that they can.

    But I cannot believe that the "pale-faced" would not have had a hand in these events.
    In the United States, there are quite serious services for controlling mass consciousness.
    And pushing, with the help of articles in magazines and newspapers, on social networks and other means of mass communication, a minority to realize their lack of rights, and the majority to realize their guilt, a seemingly paradoxical situation arose.
    Those who had to lie down with bones and the inadmissibility of such a development of events made every effort to unwind this situation.

    And then Germany comes to mind on the eve of Hitler's rise to power.

    In the United States, such a wild situation is created that inevitably should lead either to greater mass confrontation between white and black, or, more likely, the creation of such conditions when the nuts are tightened to the maximum.
    The stratification of the whites themselves into globalists and anti-globalists leads to such excesses.
    Gin was not only woken up, but also released from the bottle.
    But it can happen that it will be extremely difficult to drive him back.

    And the fact that the forces manipulating America is so inadequate makes us think deeply about what this can lead to.
    1. +2
      9 July 2020 09: 25
      it is more likely to create conditions when the nuts are tightened to the maximum

      Who will spin? Several generations of otolerastennyh white, kneeling in front of repeat offenders and drug addicts, have been grown. And so, he will rise from his knees and begin ... but they will not start anything.
      I'm still waiting for the media to talk about Latinos and Chinese. What do they think? What will they say if blacks crawl to the top of the pyramid? They owe nothing to the Negroes, they have no inferiority complex and are unlikely to want to share money.
      Then we'll see.
      1. +3
        9 July 2020 09: 40
        Who will spin?

        Who let go, he will spin.
        The USA has a lot of state institutions in which there are guys who will not kneel.
        Here, pay attention to the fact that neither the FBI, nor the CIA, nor the NSA took to the streets and did not go down on their knees.
        The army was not crawling on its knees.
        And then there are people who previously wore white hoods and canopies.
        Even today they can remember their spiritual father - Judge Lynch.
        A properly organized force, motivated and directed, is a terrible force.
        But this power is blind in its fury.
        And she does not understand what is an instrument in the capable hands, which are led by an even more sophisticated and unprincipled brain.

        Then we'll see. hi
        1. +1
          9 July 2020 12: 58
          Do you seriously think that the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA spent their entire conscious lives watching other ilms, watch another TV, read other books, and are mentally different from the rest?
          Remember 1994-1993. How many of our special services came to the defense of the law and the country?
          1. +1
            9 July 2020 16: 52
            Neither I, nor most likely neither you, work not only in the FBI, CIA, NSA, but even the FSB.
            And we don’t know how they think - as we are, or not.

            At the expense of seriousness, I will give a simple example.
            I am not a doctor. But I communicate with doctors. Even relatives are doctors.
            Father-in-law is a surgeon-urologist with 50 years of experience.
            My approach to life, and it is completely different.
            Although they read the same books, they watched the same films, we celebrate the same vodka holidays.
            His approach is more cynical, or something.
            Without pink glasses.

            So with the special services.
            It’s one thing Hollywood turns your head, and another thing you turn this life yourself.
            No doubt, sentiment, snot and tears.
            Each phenomenon has its roots. We bring water to every root today, and tomorrow poison.
            Nothing personal is work.

            Think at your leisure.
  12. +12
    9 July 2020 07: 36
    Nonsense and ignorance. Let's start with the simplest. On average, more money is spent on "black schools" (dollars per student) than on whites. I can give links and statistics. Recently there was an article where a teacher from a "black" school told how every year they gave out notebooks to students at the beginning of the year, and the students broke them just for fun or to get the money they handed over to pawnshops. That the students "because the oppressed" were given free food, and they threw themselves at each other for a joke. If you are so hungry, then you will not throw a snack, even free ones.

    Colleges have a QUOTA that if blacks are LESS than a certain percentage, then college grants are cut. The same quota is found in labor legislation. A company where there is no certain number of blacks cannot get a government contract (and these are the most delicious deals). Moreover, there are special scholarships for blacks that non-blacks cannot receive (United Negro College Fund), the same scholarships for other races - NO. Moreover, any black person is MUCH harder to fire than a white person. Because there are special laws protecting them, and a black, fired for specific jambs, can safely say that he was fired because of "racism" and PROVE that you are not a racist, IN COURT, you will be. Most likely you will prove it, but you will spend the money and time. In the US, blacks are EASIER than whites if they want to achieve something. ALL, almost ALL children from mixed marriages ALWAYS call themselves "black" Why? Yes, because calling yourself that, you automatically receive a bunch of bonuses and preferences, both when entering college and when applying for a job, especially a public one. FOR EXAMPLE, when you go to work in the Veteran Hospital system, you are assessed by POINS. So you get extra POINTS if you are an "oppressed minority nat", such are Negroes, Mexicans and Indians. They automatically receive bonus points.

    The blacks, and the Meks, were simply corrupted by a welfare. Read what the black family was before 70s, and what they turned into after. Just a freebie, which they were bombarded with democrats to banally buy their votes corrupted a freebie. And this freebie chained the blacks to the Democratic Party no worse than chains on the galleys.

    By the way, if there is such "Racism" in the USA, then why is this "racism" not bothering either Asians or Indians. Asians are generally the most successful national minority in the United States, even overstepping the Jews. And they somehow do it without quotas, without scholarships specifically for them, and without social protection and the ability to yell "racism" when you are forced to answer for jambs. Before writing - study the subject, author.
    1. +4
      9 July 2020 08: 37
      Quote: Baron Pardus
      By the way, if there is such "Racism" in the USA, then why is this "racism" not bothering either Asians or Indians. Asians are generally the most successful national minority in the United States,

      Asians are hard workers, they have no time for racial struggle, which, by the way, does not exist for a person who works, on the contrary, he is respected in any country. And they don't like any bummer, huckster and thief anywhere. If we proceed from the logic of racial discrimination, then "sleds in the states can be compared with" bums ", they are also discriminated against, especially when everything is dumped out of garbage cans on the street. From my own experience I will say" if you gave sleds even a little indulgence, then he will sit on the neck".
  13. +1
    9 July 2020 07: 45
    The elections will be held in the United States and all this excitement, as if by magic, will immediately settle down. Well, the direction of the Democrats is too clearly felt. The purpose of all this fun is to intimidate Trump's electorate, so that he does not vote at all. A similar scenario was tried by our "dissent" on voting "to amendments to the constitution." But they chose the wrong message, the electorate only more established that it was necessary to vote. In the United States, most likely, the trick will not get through
  14. +8
    9 July 2020 07: 50
    The author, the Baptist, is Protestant. Like Pentecostal, charismatic, Adventist, Lutheran, etc. These are all Protestants
    1. 0
      9 July 2020 08: 58
      Well, this is not exactly a Protestant, it is rather a sect in Protestantism. Classical Protestants are the product of the reformation of the Middle Ages in Germany and the Czech Republic and the Anglican Church.
      1. +1
        10 July 2020 07: 49
        Do not talk nonsense. Are you a sectologist?
        In order not to go into the discussion, and in it find yourself on the role of a whipping boy, study the topic.
    2. 0
      9 July 2020 11: 56
      Quote: another RUSICH
      The author, the Baptist, is Protestant. Like Pentecostal, charismatic, Adventist, Lutheran, etc. These are all Protestants

      Yes, here in VO, in general, most do not believe in God, they are sometimes interested in what kind of God (?), Although literate people know that God is oneИn and uИn, not ОDean And you tell them about such subtleties, do not overload the processor. laughing
      1. +1
        10 July 2020 07: 51
        This is normal, although sad, but without the slightest idea, for example, about sewing production, I would not mention the subtle things thereof, especially in the article, which has nothing to do with it
  15. 0
    9 July 2020 07: 54
    M.L. King was a sexual pervert and a maniac, for this Nobel laureate, a fighter for the rights of the oppressed, etc., etc., the FBI collected huge incriminating material.
    Current American fighters against racism have surpassed King himself.
  16. +6
    9 July 2020 08: 20
    It was not possible to remove the long-accumulated tension in society even during the eight years of Barack Obama's presidency. B. Obama is an exception that only confirms the rule, and even just a “thrown bone” are the mildest definitions of a focus that has failed.
    The bone turned out to be not sugar, and was not to the taste of the white population, but to the taste of the African population and African Americans - for them Obama became the flag of a good life in the United States. All aspired from Africa by any means to the USA. In 2013, after leaving Tema (Ghana), my mechanics found 6 stoves (illegal immigrants). There are no documents, and they are "onyzhedeti", although all 25 years at least. All in one voice "We need to go to America, there Obama is our president, his grandfather and dad are from Ghana" - I told them the guys from Kenya Obama. "No from Ghana, and Obama will give all Ghanaians in the US an apartment or a house, a car (required) and money." - Guys, who will work. The answer surprised me with the impudence "White will be, and now we have our president from Ghana, he promised us." I heard this in Nigeria, Cameroon, and even in Angola. It all boils down to one "Namvsemolzhny", somewhere I have heard this too, and not in Africa.
    1. +4
      9 July 2020 09: 29
      It's time to introduce the concept of 11 mortal sin - the thirst for a freebie.
      1. 0
        9 July 2020 09: 45
        Quote: Pereira
        It's time to introduce the concept of 11 mortal sin - the thirst for a freebie.

        Many things can be called a mortal sin, but the "freebie" is never recognized.
  17. +1
    9 July 2020 08: 22
    If you look at bloggers from the USA, we get a completely different picture of life in the USA. The author, but what about the white homeless and the poor who are no less than black? Moreover, whites are more actively involved in rallies and pogroms, especially young people. And also, Russian-speaking immigrants argue that whites do not have privileges in studying, sports and when hiring, it can be said the opposite.
  18. +6
    9 July 2020 08: 32
    I recalled the old Soviet joke:
    The chairman of the collective farm carries out political information.
    Comrades collective farmers! Martin Luther King was killed yesterday in America!
    Voice from the gallery:
    - Who - whom were they killed?
    “I repeat, Martin Luther King was killed yesterday in America!”
    - Who - whom were they killed?
    “I repeat, Martin Luther King was killed yesterday in America!”
    - Whom - whom?
    - You zadolbal! Whoever needs was killed.
  19. bar
    9 July 2020 08: 38
    Like VS Vysotsky's - "Song of Trouble".
    As he didn’t make it, he could not get through the stream of consciousness involved in allegories. I’m dumb recourse
  20. +2
    9 July 2020 08: 47
    The United States has created its own image. A country of equal opportunities. And now they themselves suffer from this. Yes, and God bless them, it seems that Russia is waiting for such events. I’m judging by the detentions that the FSB conducts, here and there, terrorists were detained by some extremist groups. Consequently, there are conditions for the emergence of such groups.
    1. 0
      9 July 2020 14: 30
      Quote: parusnik
      The United States has created its image. The country of equal opportunities. And now they themselves suffer from this ........ to.
      hi welcome, Alex! I recall the first American films of different times, which were watched on cable in the 90s. There were no equal opportunities for whites and blacks in them either. When suddenly they appeared, equated? Back in the 90s I saw in their films ------ there was a devil, or a demon, or someone else from the lower world in the form of a very dark mulatto. Now these films can’t be found; they are probably outlawed? There were black scammers, a film Kangaroo Jackpot.... in Star Wars black man so-so was a movie Basketball --- game for black...... just do not remember, was small
      ((Now look at the PM, I remembered the old))
  21. 0
    9 July 2020 08: 55
    All these black ghettos, in my opinion, were created for one purpose: to develop a dumb rabble that can be collected at hour X, put into training and sent to fight for America, because it’s easier to control with a dull brake, it’s easier to send your brains to the right death than a highly educated white, what part of the Russian tanks and motorized infantry these mortals can burn, and super-trained white contractors will come to finish off.
    1. +3
      9 July 2020 09: 58
      Quote: ZAV69
      to build up a dumb rabble, which can be collected at hour X, driven into training and sent to fight for America, because it’s easier to control a dull brake,

      If you know that in the United States before 1948 there were "black divisions", white separately, black separately (in the films everything is bullshit). And how in the days of WWII these black divisions fought, you probably also know. They will not fight, but where to rob, there are sledges first. Violence against civilians, terrorism, robberies. This is characteristic of all wars on the "black continent".
      1. 0
        9 July 2020 12: 40
        Now everything depends on the motivation and degree of brainwashing. Already in this modern science has succeeded. So for filling up with cannon fodder it’s quite suitable. Otherwise, why the heck to create this powder keg near you? Throw money there ....
        1. 0
          9 July 2020 12: 51
          Quote: ZAV69
          Otherwise, why the heck to create this powder keg near you?

          They began to create this barrel when the American Civil War began, they lit a wick, and when nobody bangs, no one knows.
      2. 0
        10 July 2020 19: 16
        Not a division, but to the level of a battalion. But for some reason, many memories of Negro soldiers respond well. And in Vietnam it was the Negroes who often showed the greatest personal courage in battles.
  22. +2
    9 July 2020 09: 14
    The whites created America for the modern blacks. But for some reason, blacks do not like modern America.
    There is only one way out - either blacks to Alaska (an analogue of Kolyma) or to their historical homeland.
    Otherwise, the United States will turn into one of the African states on the American continent.
    1. +5
      9 July 2020 10: 09
      Quote: prior
      There is only one way out - either blacks to Alaska (an analogue of Kolyma) or to their historical homeland.

      It already was, and what came of it ... country of liberia - This is a project to relocate American blacks back to Africa.
      In 1822, Americans, proponents of freedom and equality, opponents of slavery, decided that somewhere in Africa to create a country where American blacks, who became English-speaking Christians, literate, educated and so on, that is, completely out of this savage state, in which they once bought in Africa from their contemporaries or stolen, - here you need to somehow rent, buy a piece of land there, help them settle there, and there will be a new state, and from it, how out of 13 colonies began The United States of America - this is where the free states of Africa will begin, and that will be good.
      This is a long story, how they began to collect money for ships, money for rent and purchase of land ... and came to Africa, and a large piece of land was rented, and the Constitution was written and the Senate was created, the court, a flag like the American with one star was drawn. By 1828, immigrants captured the entire coast of modern Liberia (about 500 km long), and then also occupied parts of the coast of modern Sierra Leone and Côte d'Ivoire. Well and, in general, these newcomers came to the local peoples as the lowest estate, plebeians, slaves. Absolutely nothing came of all this. No European state came about. Today, Liberia stands in poverty in second place from the bottom and, in general, everything is completely terrible there. But, it seemed, everything was prepared.
      1. 0
        9 July 2020 13: 49
        What you wrote about was the whole history of mankind. Smart, competent and well-mannered, oppressed peoples who did not reach such heights. And not necessarily white blacks.
      2. +1
        11 July 2020 19: 00
        Are you under the creation of a Jewish autonomous region for the prosperity of the Jews? Also probably the poorest region? Probably because there are too few Jews?
    2. 0
      10 July 2020 19: 18
      Rather, in the Latin American state. There are much more Latinos than blacks.
  23. +2
    9 July 2020 09: 34
    An article about social elevators that soon they will not work at all
    1. 0
      9 July 2020 12: 53
      Quote: Pavel57
      An article about social elevators that soon they will not work at all

      Yes, and they worked sometime.
      1. 0
        9 July 2020 16: 25
        Quote: tihonmarine

        Yes, and they worked sometime.

        Worked well at the time of revolution.
  24. +1
    9 July 2020 09: 50
    Digital slavery will almost inevitably be more terrible and much more sophisticated in comparison with all its other types. 

    And someone else doubts this .. Well, yes, not for long. A pandemic at the right time.
    The notorious social elevators work, so defiantly ignoring the lower floors, that sooner or later this should have made itself felt.

    Unfortunately, many people think of what is happening in the United States as spontaneous. This is self-deception. Everything is planned, and ... definitely not by African Americans. And social elevators have long walked only on the upper floors ..
    1. -1
      9 July 2020 16: 21
      It remains to ride Moscow at night in the elevator.
  25. BAI
    9 July 2020 09: 59
    The notorious social elevators work, so defiantly ignoring the lower floors, that sooner or later this should have made itself felt.
    IN THE USA. And we have:
    Some gained access to resources and cooked up for themselves and for children and grandchildren a whole system of social elevators, open only on separate floors.

    What is the difference? Are we also on the verge of collapse and civil war?
    Again began the vanging, as on the collapse of Ukraine.
  26. 0
    9 July 2020 10: 51
    classic conclusions of Marxists, digital slavery will almost inevitably be worse

    Marxists say that slavery will inevitably remain a birthmark on the whole further development of mankind, however, with the development of society, it will have less and less significant forms of its existence ... something the author does not have with theory or show where the Marxists spoke about digital slavery, because the spots of slavery under feudalism and capitalism are completely different things.
    segregation is not even the color of the skin, but the size of the wallet, which, in fact, does not change much in essence

    the text is a little sloppy, difficult to read. I did not understand the conclusions of the article. such as the lack of social elevators for blacks in the United States will be the reason for the revolution? now feudalism is not necessary for this we need a reason for stronger. for example, defeat in a war and a weak economy + lack of social services. elevators ... like RI at the beginning of the XNUMXth century. this is a revolutionary situation ...
  27. 0
    9 July 2020 11: 46
    This is a wrong photo. Angela Davis is a cupcake symbol.
    There is a hunch of a worldwide civil war. Globalization, however.
  28. +2
    9 July 2020 12: 08
    Even in the USA, where the current semi-literate heroes of the “Maidan” there are ready to fight on their own without knowing whom, they know well why. For dollars.

    And they want to have a lot of them, and at the same time they don’t want to study, work, and they are talking about social elevators, you ask them if they need them? Here the problem is much deeper and it lies in the plane of the moral decomposition of human society ...
  29. +1
    9 July 2020 12: 11
    So sell dollars or not ??? I liked the photos, at the article level.
    1. 0
      9 July 2020 23: 15
      Quote: Semenov
      So sell dollars or not ???

      No one gives an answer to such questions, because the ruble volatility always exceeds our financial resources.
  30. 0
    9 July 2020 12: 24
    Everything that happens in America can be characterized - they are raging with fat. They are doing well, they are tuning their system. It is important for them that the list is not divided into white and black, there are almost no other problems. We who do not have money will never understand the well-fed. We would feed and clothe the children, we have other problems, we are from another planet! There is no doubt that they will solve their problems, as others have decided.
    1. +1
      9 July 2020 15: 28
      No, they are not mad, and not with fat. It's just that a lot of parasites have bred in the hold of a ship called "American Kaganate", and the "screensaver country" does not have enough resources to maintain it, provided that the usual level of profit for the "owners" is maintained. It is necessary to share, but this is, oh, horror, Socialism! And the "white substrate" (on which everything grew) shrinks steadily. There are fewer hard workers, more and more consumers of the "American Dream", and this imbalance is accelerating.
  31. +3
    9 July 2020 12: 42
    I am afraid that if blacks destroy Washington, the first thing that happens is that the ruble will collapse once again. Oh god Save Russia!
  32. -1
    9 July 2020 13: 04
    A very beautifully written article ..
  33. -2
    9 July 2020 13: 50
    In America, do not even make the attempt to educate the ghetto niggas - is replaced by profanity, simulated training and mantras about "their culture".

    Bugaga ..))

    During his annual direct line, Russian President Vladimir Putin tried to justify the "hunt" of Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov for the Russian opposition by his terrorist past and fervor.

    He said this, answering a question from journalist Sergei Dorenko about the statements of the Chechen leader about "enemies of the people", as well as ex-Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Kasyanov in a sniper scope.

    “We have already been shown your former prime minister through a telescopic sight. Maybe it's enough to stop looking for enemies of the people?” He turned to the president.

    In response to this, Putin assured that he had already spoken with Kadyrov about this, explaining the behavior of the former militant by his past, as well as his Caucasian origin.

    "But do you understand what kind of people they are? I'm not saying that these are the Caucasus - hot people. But the formation of these people, as people engaged in state work at a high political level, is not easy either," the head of the Kremlin said ...
  34. +1
    9 July 2020 15: 08
    The notorious social elevators work, so defiantly ignoring the lower floors, that sooner or later this should have made itself felt. The primitive “bread and circuses” ceased to work a long time ago, since the number of those whom it had nothing to do with continued to grow at a faster pace.
    But is this not about us? Or are the Afro-Russians lacking for the full picture?
    The American liberal party that easily knelt down, in which, in addition to the Democrats, such as the Clinton and Nancy Pelosi couples, now a bunch of Republicans suddenly appeared, knew what it was doing.
    like a cord: "elections, elections, deputies - ..."
  35. +2
    9 July 2020 15: 21
    The article consists entirely of hints and shortcomings. Author, more specifically please. I read it already 2 times - as if on weekdays I rummaged 2 times in muddy water.
    1. +1
      9 July 2020 15: 26
      Quote: andrew42
      more specifically please. I read it already 2 times - as if on weekdays I rummaged 2 times in muddy water.

      And I read the headline (once) and looked at the pictures. Normal.
  36. +2
    9 July 2020 16: 28
    Let me zamusutut - but I will say laughing

    I myself have never been to the United States - but there are many friends and acquaintances who live there, work or have their own business ... I will say, based on their words about the life of tama ...

    The main problem of the USA is that they actually differ on the equal opportunities of every citizen to become President - and the realities of life ... It's like in Russia - almost 1: 1 laughing

    Tama blacks were "taught" that the "whites" owe them a "coffin of life" - and therefore the majority of Negroes live on unemployment benefits and don’t bother themselves ... (Unemployment benefits in the United States - by the way - will cause wild envy 75 percent of our "middle class" in Russia (according to Putin, these are those who receive from 17 thousand rubles per month)))

    On the other hand, blacks understand that IF they smash the "whites" to pieces, then no one will pay them this allowance - for there will be no one laughing

    So ... I think ... there will be no civil war there ... Negroes wake up ... they will increase unemployment benefits ... and for another quarter of a century everything will die down ... before the generation change
  37. +2
    9 July 2020 17: 44
    In the “burning” United States, about ten or a little more percent of the population is fighting for the right to enter the social elevator. And they have already put almost all of America on their knees, or rather, on their knees. Isn't that strange arithmetic?

    and what's so complicated? In the United States, blacks pose as a country in a pose — otherwise, by genocide of the black population they cannot be removed from the horizon of events, and in Russia one can slowly bend the poorer population towards the cemetery without worrying about the racial or national coloring of the population.
  38. -1
    9 July 2020 22: 16
    Let me eat each other and eat the ethnos Ukraine *
  39. bad
    9 July 2020 22: 49
    That is what unfinished business means. And how would they eradicate racism, former slave owners?
  40. 0
    10 July 2020 10: 31
    Also could not read this set of words on a given topic.
  41. 0
    10 July 2020 14: 09
    [/ Quote]
    Sorry, so if this audience, for the most part, is not inclined to work and climb the upper social lifts, what claims can we make to the system?
    We also have disadvantaged areas with the majority of the population permanently in a different stage of intoxication, and from there they also rarely go up to the social ladder, this is rather the exception. Most either follow the path of encirclement or leave the area at best. Is the system also to blame? Or maybe it depends on people?
    It is difficult to make a person overcome the resistance of something with his complete unwillingness [/ quote]
    Did you my friend talk to children? Which are at the top and bottom. Yes, genetics agree as a species. But almost any child can be made into an adequate adult. First, engage in it in childhood (circles, parent control sections), then at school (not 30 people in a class, but 10 maximum>, give the necessary education (from his abilities and aspirations).
  42. 0
    10 July 2020 15: 05
    Saxo-Angles have vast experience in solving their problems. I am calm for them. As an example, weapons in the states to hell, but almost no fire, why? No need, steel knees, feet washed and window dressing ended.
  43. +2
    10 July 2020 15: 17
    It seems that they will always have it there (white and color)
  44. +1
    10 July 2020 16: 39
    Today, in the USA, it is still fixed, somewhere de jure, but mostly de facto, such an approach that black, and generally colored children simply do not have a chance to compete with whites for places in schools and universities
    Oh - do not blow again into this old tune about oppressed black !!! And black children want to compete seriously with white children in schools and universities ??? Show me the finger of at least one black teenage geek in mathematics, chemistry, physics - there simply aren’t such ones in nature !!!
    Now in the USA and other countries of the world, people with black skin are open roads in the field of education - but tell me about the surge in the number of black candidates of science, professors, and high-class techies. ??? This is not observed - because the majority of black students do not want to study seriously !!! And they want to parasitize on the education system and even further in life !!!
    1. 0
      11 July 2020 19: 13
      As we have a division into successful and selected and. Read the speech of a scumbag presented as a messenger of God on earth from the Chabad sect. Everything is said there!
  45. 0
    12 July 2020 12: 49
    Stupid and stupid article with similar illustrations. ,, Oh, Pug, she is strong to know, since she barks at the Elephant ... ,,
    The author does not orient at all in what is happening in the world, or in the USA, or in Russia. What can he anticipate? No talent, no knowledge, no life experience
  46. 0
    12 July 2020 14: 32
    operation "Y" so that no one knows - Americans black, white and striped will still vote for their hero Tryamkin, but he has not yet become a hero, although he is trying!
  47. 0
    12 July 2020 15: 19
    America is busy with overpopulation. Technology has freed up a ton of people. Production moved to China due to environmental problems. And they decided to reduce the population. It is unlikely that this will affect the welfare of those who have all the money in the world. Perhaps this revolution will only improve the US economy.
  48. -3
    13 July 2020 17: 22
    Quote: Bar1
    these people, like shit in the hole here and there, there is no homeland, there is only a warm place under the ass.

    There are enough such seekers of a warm place EVERYWHERE and their name is HANDLING. And how ALWAYS their "promised land" will be like this until the first pecking of a roasted rooster, you yourself know where ..
  49. -3
    13 July 2020 17: 27
    Quote: Prole
    Production moved to China due to environmental problems.

    You lag behind life, my friend! For a couple of decades, large companies on the planet have not built production facilities in China, since the Chinese are no longer willing to work for a penny and want a standard of living in both the EU and the USA. And production is transferred to completely underdeveloped areas, where the news of social payments and high salaries has not yet reached: Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines, African countries.
  50. 0
    13 July 2020 19: 00
    Obama instead of Lenin, Trump instead of Stalin, repainted as a Negro. The Great Trump Terror. Dissenting and dispossessed farmers exiled to ALON (Alaskan Special Purpose Camp) Civil War: white and black, like in chess. Then negroid industrialization, collectivization and cultural revolution. USA overtake China, arrange in Africa, and the EU a black world revolution.
  51. 0
    14 July 2020 01: 51
    There are few truly violent ones - so there are no leaders! There will be no civil war in the United States. If such a number of guns were in the hands of the population in Russia, then we would have waged a civil war for decades until complete self-destruction. And there they shot several times and that’s it. They'll make some noise, rob a hundred or two shops and disperse - that's the ENTIRE revolution.
  52. The comment was deleted.
  53. 0
    14 July 2020 02: 38
    Comrade the author is somehow not very literate. The society that Putin and his accomplices are building has nothing in common with the Empire of Nicholas II. There was no such wild inequality in Russia under Nicholas II. The Russian Empire of the early 1991th century was, in a much fuller sense of the word, a social state than the current Federation. 1917 is a continuation of the 1917 revolution, and not a restoration or a counter-revolution. Both 1991 and 1917 were done by little people with the same small-town surnames. Only in 1991 were they senior commissioners, and in XNUMX effective managers.
    Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin were not sent to us by Nicholas II in a time machine. These are all 100 percent scoops, members of the CPSU. The same atheists as those who made the 1917 revolution.
    What is atheism? This is a denial of God and the life of the next century. Both the communist and the liberal believe that they live once, and the meaning of life is to have time to eat sweetly and have sex before they turn into. Only a communist believes that the grub and women should be divided equally, while a liberal is confident that all the grub and women should go to the winner of the capitalist competition. It is this philosophy of life that explains everything about Putin and his sidekicks.
    Well, a similar situation with social elevators in the States and in Russia has been known for a long time; the author did not tell us anything new in this aspect.
  54. The comment was deleted.
  55. 0
    23 August 2020 06: 35
    Pomret ot lepri nineshnii vor, vlast zahvatit drugoi vor- menyat sistemu nado a ne vorov v kolode tasovat! Vernut Konstituziu I obespechit smenyaemost vlasti I chestnie vibori! Poslednie vibori vooobshe na pomoike proshli! Vor, why zahotel, to I drew!
  56. 0
    5 September 2020 13: 06
    The only thing I liked about this scripture was the photo portrait of Putin’s press secretary in the “Jesus” pose! He prays for the owner! And everything else.........
  57. 0
    7 September 2020 06: 20
    Once, when asked to read and reflect on the speech of a super-fascist, which was put on trial at the initiative of the Jews, a comment was asked: is this a United Russia program? Therefore, I offer a link and a number of quotes so that you can suggest the correct answer.
    Schneerson publicly announced the plans of the Jews against the Slavs and Russians, we read the text:
    1. Our special tactics of fighting the red-brown (and all the Slavs are red-brown), due to their isolation, is Secret Knowledge. We will direct the main spearhead of the struggle against the Slavs, except for the renegades who are related to the Jews by the same interests. True, we will then withdraw these "related" ones from our society after using them for our own purposes. The Slavs, and among them the Russians, are the most rebellious people in the world. He is rebellious due to the warehouse of his mental and mental abilities, laid down by many generations of ancestors, genes that cannot be altered. A Slav, a Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to elimination, and at first - a sharp reduction in its numbers.
    3. The stupid Slavic ethnos does not understand that the most terrible fascists are those who never, nowhere speak about it aloud, but organize everything supposedly according to the most democratic norms (like the presidential elections in March). On the contrary, we will make the very word "fascist" abusive. This label will be feared by everyone we put it on. We know very well that nationalism strengthens the nation, makes it strong. The slogan of "internationalism" is outdated and no longer works as before, we will replace it with "universal human values", which is one and the same. We will not allow any nationalism to rise, and those nationalist movements that seek to lead the people out of our dictatorship, we will destroy with fire and sword, as is done in Georgia, Armenia, Serbia. But we will ensure the full prosperity of our nationalism - Zionism, or rather: Jewish fascism, which in its secrecy and power is super-fascism. It was not for nothing that the UN General Assembly in 1975 adopted a resolution in which it defined Zionism as the most notorious "form of racism and racial discrimination", but due to our victorious march on the whole planet, in 1992 canceled this decision. We have made this international body a weapon of our aspirations to seize power over "all kingdoms and peoples."
    4. We will deprive a large population of Slavs of the national elite, which determines the development of events, the progress of the country, and, ultimately, the entire course of history. To do this, we will lower their educational level - in the next 5 years we will close half of their institutions, and in the other half we will study. There is nothing to say about history. We will give the cattle our view of history, where we will show that all human evolution was moving towards the recognition of the God-chosen nation of Jews as masters over the whole world. In return for national values, we will give you the patriotism of balalaika and drunken tears. And here our goal is to replace the red-brown elite with ours.
    We will not allow the development of science in these countries. And the core of scientists (Academy of Sciences) will consist of our people. We will not allow any high technology, which will lead to a complete decline of industry, which will be reduced to the production of basic necessities for a limited contingent of slaves who extract our raw materials. Decompose the youth - and you will defeat the nation! This is our motto. We will deprive your society of youth by corrupting it with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will hit the family, destroying it, and reduce childbirth. Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly, openly. And I had to do an incredibly big job - burn millions, shoot, bury and the like. He left bloody footprints. We are more cunning: we will not have traces.
    To reduce childbearing by even half means to destroy 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical costs. No need for stoves, cartridges, graves. And there are no traces. Not born. There are no guilty ones either. Let's create better living conditions for criminals than for working cattle. True, there is another structured organization - the Orthodox clergy. We will send our Jewish representatives there as priests, who, according to the Talmud, are allowed to outwardly perform the rituals of other religions, while maintaining their faith of Judaism in their souls. We'll bribe the rest. And those who do not succumb will be destroyed. Russians no longer have more or less organized structures, and they are not able to unite and create them, because Russians have already become drunk and degraded and are not capable of structuring.
    The president is a screen, kind of elected by the people (and we will forge electoral procedures so that everything seems legal), because of which we will manage all the necessary processes. The President will be endowed with unlimited powers. He will put our people at the head of them by reshuffling the cadres in the highest posts of power structures. The army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and all kinds of special forces will be directly subordinate to the president. And that means to us. We will only have in our hands the ropes that go to the hands of the president. And we will pull these strings as needed to implement the grandiose plan of conquering all the tribes and kingdoms, subordinating them to our super-people, the chosen God of Israel.
    7. But the main thing is money. They do everything. They are power. They are strength. Whoever has money has weapons. Ultra-modern. He has a mercenary army. Money owns the media, which fools billions of human cattle. They bribe the people we need. Rebellious ones are removed. They bomb resisting fans - Iraqis, Serbs, and in the future - Russians. Everything is decided by capital and the seizure of power. We have been practicing the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three thousand years, and no one can compare with us in this matter. You don't have your own money. The authorities too. You don’t have them, and you never will! We won't give it! We hate you immensely! This hatred gives you the strength to smile sweetly in your face, gain your trust and lead you, showing “care” for you and your children, future grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will not actually appear. You are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, until you twitch, you will be beaten more than you should. If you are obedient, there will be 65-70 million of you left, otherwise there will be 40-45. If we recall history, we must admit that these lands are the ancestral lands of the ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the XNUMXth century. The Slavs are temporary guests here and are subject to eviction.
    We will return this territory and create on these fertile lands the Great Khazaria - a Jewish state, as we created Israel 50 years ago, pushing the Palestinians out. Some of the Israelis will move here, and we will drive the Slavic far north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small northern territory - a reservation with a compact population, a reservation similar to the Indians in America. "
  58. 0
    7 September 2020 06: 21
    Once, when asked to read and reflect on the speech of a super-fascist, which was put on trial at the initiative of the Jews, a comment was asked: is this a United Russia program? Therefore, I offer a link and a number of quotes so that you can suggest the correct answer.
    Schneerson publicly announced the plans of the Jews against the Slavs and Russians, we read the text:
    1. Our special tactics of fighting the red-brown (and all the Slavs are red-brown), due to their isolation, is Secret Knowledge. We will direct the main spearhead of the struggle against the Slavs, except for the renegades who are related to the Jews by the same interests. True, we will then withdraw these "related" ones from our society after using them for our own purposes. The Slavs, and among them the Russians, are the most rebellious people in the world. He is rebellious due to the warehouse of his mental and mental abilities, laid down by many generations of ancestors, genes that cannot be altered. A Slav, a Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to elimination, and at first - a sharp reduction in its numbers.
    3. The stupid Slavic ethnos does not understand that the most terrible fascists are those who never, nowhere speak about it aloud, but organize everything supposedly according to the most democratic norms (like the presidential elections in March). On the contrary, we will make the very word "fascist" abusive. This label will be feared by everyone we put it on. We know very well that nationalism strengthens the nation, makes it strong. The slogan of "internationalism" is outdated and no longer works as before, we will replace it with "universal human values", which is one and the same. We will not allow any nationalism to rise, and those nationalist movements that seek to lead the people out of our dictatorship, we will destroy with fire and sword, as is done in Georgia, Armenia, Serbia. But we will ensure the full prosperity of our nationalism - Zionism, or rather: Jewish fascism, which in its secrecy and power is super-fascism. It was not for nothing that the UN General Assembly in 1975 adopted a resolution in which it defined Zionism as the most notorious "form of racism and racial discrimination", but due to our victorious march on the whole planet, in 1992 canceled this decision. We have made this international body a weapon of our aspirations to seize power over "all kingdoms and peoples."
    4. We will deprive a large population of Slavs of the national elite, which determines the development of events, the progress of the country, and, ultimately, the entire course of history. To do this, we will lower their educational level - in the next 5 years we will close half of their institutions, and in the other half we will study. There is nothing to say about history. We will give the cattle our view of history, where we will show that all human evolution was moving towards the recognition of the God-chosen nation of Jews as masters over the whole world. In return for national values, we will give you the patriotism of balalaika and drunken tears. And here our goal is to replace the red-brown elite with ours.
    We will not allow the development of science in these countries. And the core of scientists (Academy of Sciences) will consist of our people. We will not allow any high technology, which will lead to a complete decline of industry, which will be reduced to the production of basic necessities for a limited contingent of slaves who extract our raw materials. Decompose the youth - and you will defeat the nation! This is our motto. We will deprive your society of youth by corrupting it with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will hit the family, destroying it, and reduce childbirth. Hitler was a stupid boy. He acted directly, openly. And I had to do an incredibly big job - burn millions, shoot, bury and the like. He left bloody footprints. We are more cunning: we will not have traces.
    To reduce childbearing by even half means to destroy 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical costs. No need for stoves, cartridges, graves. And there are no traces. Not born. There are no guilty ones either. Let's create better living conditions for criminals than for working cattle. True, there is another structured organization - the Orthodox clergy. We will send our Jewish representatives there as priests, who, according to the Talmud, are allowed to outwardly perform the rituals of other religions, while maintaining their faith of Judaism in their souls. We'll bribe the rest. And those who do not succumb will be destroyed. Russians no longer have more or less organized structures, and they are not able to unite and create them, because Russians have already become drunk and degraded and are not capable of structuring.
    The president is a screen, kind of elected by the people (and we will forge electoral procedures so that everything seems legal), because of which we will manage all the necessary processes. The President will be endowed with unlimited powers. He will put our people at the head of them by reshuffling the cadres in the highest posts of power structures. The army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and all kinds of special forces will be directly subordinate to the president. And that means to us. We will only have in our hands the ropes that go to the hands of the president. And we will pull these strings as needed to implement the grandiose plan of conquering all the tribes and kingdoms, subordinating them to our super-people, the chosen God of Israel.
    7. But the main thing is money. They do everything. They are power. They are strength. Whoever has money has weapons. Ultra-modern. He has a mercenary army. Money owns the media, which fools billions of human cattle. They bribe the people we need. Rebellious ones are removed. They bomb resisting fans - Iraqis, Serbs, and in the future - Russians. Everything is decided by capital and the seizure of power. We have been practicing the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three thousand years, and no one can compare with us in this matter. You don't have your own money. The authorities too. You don’t have them, and you never will! We won't give it! We hate you immensely! This hatred gives you the strength to smile sweetly in your face, gain your trust and lead you, showing “care” for you and your children, future grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will not actually appear. You are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, until you twitch, you will be beaten more than you should. If you are obedient, there will be 65-70 million of you left, otherwise there will be 40-45. If we recall history, we must admit that these lands are the ancestral lands of the ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the XNUMXth century. The Slavs are temporary guests here and are subject to eviction.
    We will return this territory and create on these fertile lands the Great Khazaria - a Jewish state, as we created Israel 50 years ago, pushing the Palestinians out. Some of the Israelis will move here, and we will drive the Slavic far north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small northern territory - a reservation with a compact population, a reservation similar to the Indians in America. "
  59. 0
    7 September 2020 06: 43
    I think the comment will be useful for others too.
    And this suggests that after the death of Lenin, who had previously proposed to fight against bureaucracy as with whites, which spoke of the class struggle, it was the bureaucracy that won and established the authoritarian-bureaucratic repressive-totalitarian system. And VI Lenin warned: if something ruins us, it will be the bureaucracy. As you can see, he was right. When the bureaucracy felt the precariousness of its position, it, through the talker-president, carried out perestroika and threw the country from the position of a superpower into the ranks of the third world countries. And now a reverse move is possible: having washed the people with blood through economic and other reforms, which led to the Russian cross - impoverishment, degradation and extinction of the people, which corresponds to the fascist plans, for example - Ost, but in fact - to genocide, the bureaucracy wants to return the usual system under the brand name USSR-2. And this suggests that we are faced with a choice: Lenin's plan to build a classless, socially equal and just communist society through socialism, or to restore a repressive-totalitarian bureaucratic system, where the working people will be only hired slaves of the state. For, if Lenin set the task of passing through state capitalism to socialism and then to communism, then the bureaucracy set the task of preserving classes and social inequality under its control, which is suppression, oppression, coercion and exploitation of the working people. Therefore, everyone should make a choice. For this, I think, everyone can find the necessary information, think over and draw conclusions. Good luck in this!
  60. 0
    7 September 2020 06: 44
    And this suggests that after the death of Lenin, who had previously proposed to fight against bureaucracy as with whites, which spoke of the class struggle, it was the bureaucracy that won and established the authoritarian-bureaucratic repressive-totalitarian system. And VI Lenin warned: if something ruins us, it will be the bureaucracy. As you can see, he was right. When the bureaucracy felt the precariousness of its position, it, through the talker-president, carried out perestroika and threw the country from the position of a superpower into the ranks of the third world countries. And now a reverse move is possible: having washed the people with blood through economic and other reforms, which led to the Russian cross - impoverishment, degradation and extinction of the people, which corresponds to the fascist plans, for example - Ost, but in fact - to genocide, the bureaucracy wants to return the usual system under the brand name USSR-2. And this suggests that we are faced with a choice: Lenin's plan to build a classless, socially equal and just communist society through socialism, or to restore a repressive-totalitarian bureaucratic system, where the working people will be only hired slaves of the state. For, if Lenin set the task of passing through state capitalism to socialism and then to communism, then the bureaucracy set the task of preserving classes and social inequality under its control, which is suppression, oppression, coercion and exploitation of the working people. Therefore, everyone should make a choice. For this, I think, everyone can find the necessary information, think over and draw conclusions. Good luck in this!