How Nicholas II brought Russia to revolution


Russia, which entered the World War II, was in a state of deep systemic political and social crisis, it was tormented by internal contradictions, long overdue reforms were not carried out, the created parliament did little to solve, the tsar and the government did not take the necessary measures to reform the state.

The circumstances of the unsuccessful reign of Nicholas II

The turbulent revolutionary events of 1917 were largely due to objective circumstances: the contradictions between the emerging big bourgeoisie and the autocracy, which relied on the estate class of the landowners, between the destitute peasantry and workers and owners of land and factories, the church and the state, the command staff of the army and soldiers, as well as the military failure at the front and the desire of England and France to weaken the Russian Empire. In addition, there were subjective factors associated with the king, his family and the royal environment, which had a significant impact on government.

The indecision and inconsistency of the tsarist regime, and especially the rapprochement with such a destructive personality as Grigory Rasputin, steadily destroyed the authority of the authorities. Toward the end of his reign, Nicholas II, because of his lack of will and softness, complete submission of his will to his wife Alexandra Fedorovna and the “old man” Rasputin, because of the inability to compromise in order to preserve the empire, did not enjoy any authority and was largely despised not only by all sections of society , as well as representatives of the royal dynasty.

In many ways, the tsar’s problems were associated with his wife Alexandra Fedorovna, nee German princess Alice of Hesse-Darmstadt, whom he married for love, which was rare in dynastic marriages. His father Alexander III and his mother Maria Fedorovna were against this marriage, because they wanted to marry their son to a French princess, moreover, Nikolai and Alice were distant relatives as descendants of German dynasties.

In the end, Alexander III had to agree with the choice of his son, because after a railway accident near Kharkov, when he had to save the family and keep the roof of a wrecked car above his head, his health was undermined, his days were numbered, and he agreed to the wedding of his son, who took place less than a week after the king’s funeral and was overshadowed by passing memorial services and mourning visits.

Tragic events

Further misfortunes of Nicholas II continued. On the day of his ceremonial coronation on the Khodynsky field in May 1896, to which more than 500 thousand came for the "royal hotels", a mass crush began, in which 1389 people died. The tragedy occurred through the fault of the organizers of the celebrations, who closed the pits and scours on the field with boardwalks, which, unable to withstand the pressure of the crowds, collapsed.

Then there was Bloody Sunday. On January 9, 1905, a peaceful procession of workers organized by the priest Gapon to the Winter Palace with a petition about their needs was shot, 130 demonstrators died. Although Nicholas II had no direct relation to the Khodynka crush and Bloody Sunday, they accused him of everything - and he was assigned the nickname of Nicholas the Bloody.

The war with Japan that began in 1905 was stupidly lost. In the battle of Tsushima, almost the entire Russian squadron sent from the Baltic Sea perished. As a result, the Port Arthur fortress and the Liaodong Peninsula were surrendered to the Japanese. The defeat in the war triggered a revolution that forced the tsar to adopt in August 1905 a manifesto on the establishment of the State Duma as a legislative body, and in October of that year a manifesto on granting basic civil liberties to the population and the mandatory harmonization of all adopted laws with the State Duma.

All these events did not add authority to Nicholas II, and the ruling class and the common people saw him as a failure, unable to complete state affairs.

The unsuccessful marriage of the king

The marriage of Nicholas II had tragic consequences for the entire dynasty, his wife turned out to be a strong-willed and domineering woman, and with the lack of will of the king completely dominated him, influencing state affairs. The king became a typical henpecked. Being German by birth, she was unable to establish normal relations with the royal family, courtiers, and the king’s entourage. In society, it was thought of her as a stranger who despised Russia, which had become her home.

This alienation of the tsarina from Russian society was facilitated by her outward coldness in circulation and lack of friendliness, which was perceived by all as contempt. The mother of the tsar Maria Fedorovna, nee Danish princess Dagmar, previously warmly received in Russia and easily included in St. Petersburg society, did not take her daughter-in-law for her own and hostile to the Germans. In this regard, the life of Alexandra Fedorovna at the royal court was not pleasant.

The situation was complicated by the fact that Tsarevich Alexey, who was born in 1904, suffered from a serious hereditary disease - hemophilia, which passed to him from his mother, who inherited the disease from the English Queen Victoria. The heir constantly suffered from the disease, his illness was incurable and kept secret, no one knew about it except the closest people. All this brought suffering to the queen, over time she became hysterical and more and more departed from society. The tsarina was looking for ways to cure the child, and in 1905 the royal family was introduced to the “man of God”, known as the “old man” in the metropolitan society, as Grigory Rasputin.

The influence of Queen and Rasputin

The "Elder" really possessed the abilities of a healer and alleviated the suffering of the heir. He began to regularly visit the royal palace and gained a strong influence on the queen and through her on the king. The meetings between the tsarina and Rasputin were organized by the maid of honor Anna Vyrubova, who had an influence on the queen, while the true purpose of visiting the tsar’s palace was hidden. Frequent meetings between Tsarina and Rasputin at court and in society began to be regarded as a love affair, which was facilitated by the love of the “old man” who had connections with women from the secular society of St. Petersburg.

Over time, Rasputin gained in St. Petersburg society a reputation as a “royal friend,” a visionary and healer, which was of tragic significance for the royal throne. With the outbreak of war, Rasputin tried to influence the tsar, discouraging him from entering the war. After heavy military defeats in 1915 due to supply problems weapons and ammunition, Rasputin and the tsarina persuaded the tsar to become the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and remove from this post respected Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich in the army, who sharply opposed the “elder”.

This decision was suicidal, the king was poorly versed in military affairs; in society and in the army, such a decision was taken hostilely. Everyone regarded this as the sovereignty of the “elder,” who, after the tsar’s departure to Headquarters, gained even more influence over the tsarina and began to interfere in state affairs.

Being in Stavka since the autumn of 1915, Nicholas II had virtually no longer ruled the country; in the capital, everyone was ruled by the unpopular and unloved in society queen, who was under the unlimited influence of Rasputin, blindly following his recommendations. They exchanged telegrams with the king and convinced him of the adoption of certain decisions.

As people who spoke with the tsarina at that time describe, she became intolerant of any opinion that contradicted her views, felt infallible and demanded from everyone, including the tsar, to fulfill her will.

At this stage, a “ministerial leapfrog” began in the government, the ministers fired, without even having time to get to the bottom of the matter, many staff appointments were difficult to explain, all connected with the activities of Rasputin. Of course, the tsar and the queen listened to a certain extent to the recommendations of the “elder,” and the metropolitan elite used this for their own purposes and, finding an approach to Rasputin, made the necessary decisions.

Conspiracies against the king

The authority of the tsar and the tsar's family was rapidly declining; the clan of the great princes, the State Duma, the army general, and the ruling class, turned against Nicholas II. Contempt and rejection of the king and among the common people spread. The German queen and Rasputin were accused of everything.

In the capital, all interested parties spread ridiculous rumors and obscene cartoons about the queen about her love affair with the “elder”: they say she is a spy, tells the Germans all military secrets, for this a cable was laid from Tsarskoye Selo with direct connection with the German General Staff, and in the army and government people with German surnames are appointed who are ruining the army. All these rumors were one more absurd than the other, but they believed and the Queen was ready to tear to pieces. Attempts to surround the king to remove Rasputin from him were unsuccessful.

Against the backdrop of espionage hysteria, conspiracies against the tsar began to mature in late 1916: the palace of the Grand Duke led by Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich, the general led by the headquarters of the General Headquarters General Alekseev and the commander of the Northern Front, General Ruzsky, the Masonic in the State Duma headed by Milyukov and joined him "Trudoviks" led by Kerensky, who had contacts with the British Embassy. Everyone had different goals, but they were united in one thing: to wrest the abdication of the king or eliminate it and eliminate the influence of the tsarina and Rasputin.

The grand dukes were the first to act, they organized the assassination of Rasputin in the palace of Prince Felix Yusupov in December 1916, in which the prince himself, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich and (very likely) an English intelligence officer participated. The murder was quickly uncovered. The tsarina demanded to shoot all those involved in the murder, and hang Kerensky and Guchkov, but the tsar limited himself to expelling those involved from St. Petersburg. On the day of the assassination of Rasputin, the king dismissed the State Duma for vacation.

In the State Duma, the opposition to the Tsar united around the Central Military Industrial Committee, created by industrialists to supply the army and led by the Octobrist Guchkov, and the All-Russian Zemstvo Union, led by Cadet Lvov and the progressives (nationalists led by Shulgin). The opposition united in the "Progressive Bloc" led by Cadet Milyukov and demanded the creation of a "responsible ministry" formed and responsible to the State Duma, which meant the introduction of a constitutional monarchy. These requirements were supported by the princely group and generals led by General Alekseev. Thus formed a single block of pressure on the king. State Duma Chairman Rodzianko officially announced on January 7 the need to form such a government.

On February 9, a meeting of conspirators was held in Rodzianko’s office, at which a coup plan was approved, according to which during the Tsar’s trip to Headquarters they decided to delay his train and force him to abdicate in favor of the heir under the regency of Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich.

The spontaneous uprising in Petrograd

In addition to the plot at the “top”, the situation at the “lower levels” was seriously complicated and warmed up. In December 1916, problems began with the supply of bread, the government introduced the surplus appraisal (the Bolsheviks were not the first), but this did not help. By February there was a catastrophic shortage of bread in the cities and the army, cards were introduced, long lines stood in the streets for receiving bread from them. The discontent of the population resulted in spontaneous political strikes of the workers of Petrograd, in which hundreds of thousands of workers participated.

Bread riots began on February 21, smashed bakeries and bakeries demanding bread. The king went to Headquarters, he was reassured that everything would be fine, riots would be crushed. On February 24, a spontaneous mass strike began throughout the capital. People took to the streets demanding "Down with the Tsar," students, artisans, Cossacks and soldiers began to join them, and brutal massacres and killings of policemen began. Part of the troops began to go over to the side of the rebels, and the killings of officers and shootings began, in which dozens of people died.

All this led to an armed uprising on February 27. Troops in whole units went over to the side of the rebels and smashed the police departments, captured the Crosses prison and released all the prisoners. Massacres and robberies began throughout the city. The previously arrested members of the State Duma released from prison led the crowd to the residence of the State Duma in the Tauride Palace.

Sensing a moment for the seizure of power, the Council of Elders elected the Provisional Committee of the State Duma. The spontaneous uprising began to take the form of the overthrow of the tsarist regime. At the same time, in the Tauride Palace, State Duma deputies from the Socialist Revolutionaries and the Mensheviks formed the Interim Executive Committee of the Petrosoviet and issued their first appeal on the overthrow of the tsar and the establishment of a republic. The tsarist government resigned, in the evening the Provisional Committee, fearing the seizure of power by the Petrosoviet, decided to take power into its own hands and form a government. He sent a telegram to Alekseev and the commanders of all fronts on the transfer of power to the Provisional Committee.

The coup d'etat

On the morning of February 28, Nicholas II on his train recovered from Stavka to Petrograd, but the roads were already blocked and he could only get to Pskov. Towards the end of the day, March 1, General Ruzsky met with the tsar, before that Alekseev and Rodzianko were urging the tsar to sign a manifesto on the formation of a government responsible to the State Duma. The king objected to this, but in the end he was persuaded, and he signed such a manifesto.

On this day, at a joint meeting of the Provisional Committee and the Petrosoviet Executive Committee, it was decided to form the Provisional Government, responsible to the State Duma. According to Rodzianko, this was no longer enough. It was impossible to stop the spontaneous mass of the rebels by such half measures, and he informed Alekseev about the advisability of abdicating the king. The general prepared a telegram to all the front commanders with a request to inform the tsar of his opinion on the advisability of his abdication. Moreover, from the essence of the telegram it followed that there was no other way. So the great princes, generals and leaders of the State Duma betrayed and led the king to the decision on abdication.

All telegram commanders of the fronts informed the tsar of the expediency of his abdication. This was the last straw, the tsar realized that he had been betrayed, and on March 2 announced his abdication in favor of his son during the regency of Prince Mikhail Alexandrovich. Representatives of the Provisional Committee Guchkov and Shulgin arrived to the tsar, explained to him the situation in the capital and the need to calm the rebels with his abdication. Nicholas II, worrying about the fate of his young son, signed and handed them the act of his abdication in favor of not his son, but his brother Michael. He also signed documents on the appointment of Lvov as head of the Provisional Government and Prince Nikolai Nikolayevich Supreme Commander.

Such a turn put the conspirators in a dead end; they understood that the accession of Mikhail Alexandrovich, unpopular in society, could cause a new outburst of indignation and not stop the rebels. The leadership of the State Duma met with the brother of the king and persuaded him to abdicate; on March 3, he signed the act of abdication before the convening of the Constituent Assembly, which would decide the form of government.

From this moment the reign of the Romanov dynasty came to an end. Nicholas II turned out to be a weak state ruler; at this crucial time, he could not hold power in his hands and led his dynasty to collapse. There was still the possibility of restoring the ruling dynasty by the decision of the Constituent Assembly, but it could not begin its activities, the sailor Zheleznyakov put an end to it with the phrase: "The guard was tired."

So the conspiracy of the ruling elite of Russia and the mass demonstrations of workers and soldiers of the Petrograd garrison led to the coup and the February revolution. The instigators of the coup, having achieved the fall of the monarchy, provoked turmoil in the country, could not stop the collapse of the empire, quickly lost power and plunged the country into a bloody civil war.
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  1. +26
    16 June 2020 05: 38
    Who began to reign Khodynka, he ends, standing on the scaffold.
    Balmont, long before the revolution. If cho, never a Bolshevik.
    1. +26
      16 June 2020 05: 51
      Quote: Dalny V
      Who began to reign Khodynka, he ends, standing on the scaffold.

      It was necessary to give the full text:
      OUR KING
      Our king is Mukden, our king is Tsushima,
      Our king is a bloody stain
      The stench of gunpowder and smoke
      In which the mind is dark.

      Our king is blind misery
      Prison and whip, trial, execution,
      King of the gallows, twice as low
      What he promised, but did not dare to give.

      He is a coward, he feels with a hesitation,
      But it will be - an hour of reckoning awaits.
      Who began to reign - Khodynka,
      He will end - standing on the scaffold.

      It is not surprising that odious personalities appeared in the king’s encirclement, which put an end to autocracy, forcing Nicholas II to abdicate.
      1. -24
        16 June 2020 06: 08
        It is not surprising that odious personalities appeared in the king’s encirclement, which put an end to autocracy, forcing Nicholas II to abdicate.

        Yeah ...
        “In 1896, the Sovereign Emperor with the Sovereign and then only daughter Olga (she was 10 months old) went to Paris with a visit to the President of France Forum ....

        During the sovereign's stay in Paris, the President of the French Republic, Faure, persuaded his distinguished guest to attend at least a few minutes the great ball of the Jew Rothschild.

        The sovereign did not agree for a long time, but then he went. There, the president began to persuade the Sovereign to speak with Rothschild. The sovereign agreed. Rothschild immediately asked the Emperor: “How great is the Russian debt of France?” The sovereign replied: “So many billions.” Rothschild said: “I will take on all this duty if you agree to give Jews equal rights in Russia.” The sovereign refused, saying that the Russian people are still dark and very trusting, and if they are equal, they will immediately fall into bondage to the Jews. Moving away from Rothschild, the Sovereign said: "Now I have signed a death sentence for myself."

        Knowing who is behind the revolution, Nicholas 2 did not strongly resist in 1917 ....
        1. +25
          16 June 2020 06: 18
          Quote: lucul
          Knowing who is behind the revolution, Nicholas 2 did not strongly resist in 1917 ...

          I understood your idea, maybe then clarify the situation when the Jewish Autonomous Region was formed in the USSR in 1934, which did not affect the outcome of WWII, when all Rothschild supporters surrendered all of Europe to Hitler?
          Surely the IVS knew this “tale”, as it was known as a man of education and reading.
          By the way, the HMS also did not resist very much when the EBN asked him to “get out of the door”.
          Naturally, after a year it’s easier to understand mistakes and mistakes, but you must always remember that governing the country does not tolerate slobbery and lack of will. That's why he is the ruler, in order to listen to opinions and make the only right decision. This, like a game of chess, is one wrong move and you are ... mate.
          1. -12
            16 June 2020 08: 18
            maybe then clarify the situation when all the Rothschild supporters gave Hitler all of Europe?

            Yes, everything is simple - the Rockefellers (competitors of the Rothschilds) incited the crazy Hitler so that he weakened / crushed the power of the Rothschilds. But Stalin also fought against the Rothschilds, and entered into a temporary alliance with the Rockefellers (Americans) against the Rothschilds.
            This is precisely the reason why Stalin refused to believe in the German attack on the USSR until the very end. He could not believe that Hitler was circled around his finger.
            1. +6
              16 June 2020 10: 15
              Quote: lucul
              maybe then clarify the situation when all the Rothschild supporters gave Hitler all of Europe?

              Yes, everything is simple - the Rockefellers (competitors of the Rothschilds) incited the crazy Hitler so that he weakened / crushed the power of the Rothschilds. But Stalin also fought against the Rothschilds, and entered into a temporary alliance with the Rockefellers (Americans) against the Rothschilds.
              This is precisely the reason why Stalin refused to believe in the German attack on the USSR until the very end. He could not believe that Hitler was circled around his finger.

              I agree! This article does not properly disclose the role of Jews in the overthrow of the Emperor!
              When I asked my neighbors: "who is more important, the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers," I was told that the Sanitary ...
              1. +1
                16 June 2020 11: 05
                well, not in the overthrow of the king, but in a revolution ... lol
                1. +2
                  16 June 2020 11: 46
                  In Great October - certainly. just not Rothschild, but a certain Bronstein))
              2. +10
                16 June 2020 12: 17
                On this topic there is a manual "How to manage the world without attracting the attention of orderlies"
                1. +6
                  16 June 2020 13: 47
                  Here it is necessary to know the Protocols of the Sions of Zion by heart and to conduct constant conversations with Kautsky, Engels and their Correspondence from a neighboring branch feel
              3. +2
                16 June 2020 12: 45
                Quote: Krasnodar
                asked the neighbors: "who is more important, the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers," I was told that the Sanitar ...

                Well, the orderly is still quite. Yes Worse when the nurse with the "duck" becomes the main one. laughing
                1. +3
                  16 June 2020 13: 49
                  Quote: Paranoid50
                  Quote: Krasnodar
                  asked the neighbors: "who is more important, the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers," I was told that the Sanitar ...

                  Well, the orderly is still quite. Yes Worse when the nurse with the "duck" becomes the main one. laughing

                  And we’ll call Duck Donald. Because Duck. And you need to contact her Mister President. So no one understands soldier
            2. -5
              16 June 2020 11: 55
              do not read sovetskie newspapers before dinner and do not watch Igor Prokopenko during dinner. smile
              1. +4
                16 June 2020 21: 27
                with the "sovetsky" newspapers you are 29 years late lol
                However, the Russians are much worse, almost a yellow press.
                As for Prokopenko - I agree. Noodles on the ears. Well, a brain burn is guaranteed. wassat
            3. +3
              16 June 2020 12: 43
              lucul (Vitaliy),

              presenting the confrontation in the world as the Rothschilds' struggle against the Rockefellers is a powerful simplification. These are not the richest families. There are, for example, Baruchs, on whom Churchill explicitly or not explicitly worked. There are others who do not try to shine.
              1. +2
                16 June 2020 13: 51
                All of them are hired by Chubais, agent Cthulhu in Skolkovo.
        2. +3
          16 June 2020 07: 46
          Yeah ...

          Most likely a bike, but with real reasons. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Empire sent Rothschild representatives from the country (?) For nationality (which one is clear).
        3. BAI
          16 June 2020 12: 34
          Now I have signed myself a death sentence ”

          The "primary source" of this "fact" is a certain report "On Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich and His August family on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of their death." But the text of the émigré report itself is something very well hidden, only references to it and excerpts from it.
          1. 0
            24 July 2020 16: 46
            Well, let's just say, the source is very dubious, and certainly unsubstantiated. Although it may have been so (conversation). But again, the murder itself and its customer do not follow from this.
        4. 0
          20 June 2020 13: 43
          Нет ,батенька.Вы не туда завернули дискуссию.Проблема Николая -2-го была в "безыдейности"и слабости его правления.В отличие от своего деда А-2го(освободителя) и отца А-3го(миротворца),Н-2-ой не отличался дальновидностью и стратегическим подходом в определении целей и задач царствования и путей их достижения.Например ещё в царствование А-3го в России понимали,что Европа движется к большой войне.В результате этого она окажется в сухопутном сообщении отрезанной от своих тогда возможных союзников-Франции и Англии.В результате этого незадолго до кончины А-3го было принято решение о строительстве большого морского порта в Мурмане и железной дороги туда.(В годы первой мировой это всё равно было сделано,но уже в спешке и с опозданием).Приняв Россию,Н-2ой под влиянием придворной комарильи,находившейся под влиянием английской разведки принял "восточный вариант"-строительство КВЖД на чужой китайской территории и Порт-Дальнего и Порт-Артура там же.Спрашивается,а что и откуда можно было тогда возить в Россию с Дальнего Востока таким кружным путём,тем более,что вся экономическая жизнь России находилась в центре и на западе империи,а союзники в Европе??Мало того,это вело к неминуемой войне с Японией,которую Англия в то время усиленно вооружала и готовила к войне с Россией на свои и американские кредиты.Ну хорошо,допустим царь ошибся,но он не проявил решительности и воли в отстаивании выбранного им восточного варианта.Во время этой войны наконец-то в полную силу заработал Трансиб.(Вот оно ещё одно -стратегическое предвидение А-3го и его окружения!)В результате на Дальн.Восток еженедельно стал перебрасывался по ЖД по армейскому корпусу из центральных и западных округов.К началу переговоров,запрошенных Японией,на ТВД была создана миллионная группировка войск.По Транссибу в большом количестве пошли необходимые для армии грузы.Япония же уже выдохлась И больше воевать не могла..Кредиты закончились.Лучшие сухопутные войска понесли большие потери,война вступала в затяжную сухопутную стадию,где у России было преимущество.Надо было "дожимать",продолжать войну до победы.Вместо этого,напуганный революционными событиями он приказывает подписывать позорный мир.Ешё большую глупость он проявил перед и во время первой мировой.Согласно принятому плану российская армия должна была перевооружиться к 1916 году.( с существенным опозданием против Германии)Что и произошло на самом деле.К этому сроку и надо было оттягивать вступление России в войну.Но в результате долговременной спецоперации английских,французских и сербских спецслужб,находившихся под влиянием французов, он под влиянием какого-то патриотически-религиозного нажима решил вступиться за сербских"братушек".Вместо планировавшегося наступления на австрийцев,войска были по просьбе французов нацелены на немцев.Причём наступление в восточной Пруссии закончилось гибелью армии генерала Самсонова и ничего не дало России в стратегическом плане.Зато Париж был Спасён!.До войны у царя только в районе С-Петербурга было около 70 тыс.преданной гвардии.Так он умудрился своим невмешательством и равнодушием уложить свою преданную ему лично гвардию в жестоких боях местного значения без особой на то необходимости.А когда наступил для него тяжёлый момент,то ему не на кого было опереться.Даже собственный конвой от него отвернулся.А гвардейские части с мобилизованными крестьянами и офицерами-разночинцами стали таковыми только по названию и ничем уже не отличались от других частей и так же не хотели служить и воевать.Если бы он держал костяк гвардейских частей при собственной ставке и пускал их в бой только при обозначившемся успехе,то никто бы и пикнуть не посмел ни в Питере,ни на фронте.Для сравнения: Бородино.Маршалы и генералы умоляют Наполеона-Сир дайте нам гвардию и мы прорвём оборону русских.Он ответил-может прорвёте,может нет.А мне оставаться тут с вами за тысячи лье от Парижа без моих гвардейцев?
          1. 0
            20 August 2020 09: 51
            Actually, in 1914, saving the paddling pool was the only correct idea (although it was done in the worst Russian traditions, through the 5th point). Because after the surrender of France, the Germans would turn to Russia with understandable consequences. Incidentally, Rasputin understood this.
        5. 0
          30 July 2020 20: 31
          Again, racial Jews are to blame.
      2. -4
        16 June 2020 18: 51
        Quote: ROSS 42
        It was necessary to give the full text:
        OUR KING

        The person who wrote these terms (Balmont Konstantin Dmitrievich) fled to France in 1920. I wonder why, because the king so hated by him was killed, and RI turned into the USSR?
    2. -10
      16 June 2020 07: 03
      At this stage, a “ministerial leapfrog” began in the government, the ministers fired, not even having time to get to the bottom of the matter, many staff appointments were difficult to explain, everyone associated this with Rasputin

      Rasputin's influence on government decisions was zero, says Doctor of Historical Sciences Pyzhikov. The possibilities of "healing" Rasputin were also greatly exaggerated, because for this it was necessary to always lead an ascetic lifestyle, at least, and Rasputin led an openly riotous life and often used to be drunk.

      Most likely, a conspiracy of world elites was against Russia and the Russian people, and Tsar Nikolai himself participated in this conspiracy.
      Particularly incomprehensible facts were when the tsar, being the most influential and wealthy man in the world, spent one and a half years in Tobolsk and Yekaterinburg with virtually no security and made no attempt to leave the rebellious country in which the fire of the revolution was blazing.
      A strange and incomprehensible fact was the shooting of the brother of Tsar Mikhail, who did not stain himself with any crimes.
      So far, in the case of the execution of the royal family, one can most of all trust people who, according to archival data, draw their conclusions, such as Doctor of History Pyzhikov.
      But procrastinating one and the same is already tired.
    3. +3
      16 June 2020 07: 22
      Since December 1916, problems began with the supply of bread, the government introduced an additional reconnaissance

      Pay attention to this fact. The harvests of 16-17 years were very good, there were no crop failures and at the same time products from the stores suddenly disappear. And now remember that this is how the situation in the USSR was undermined, then the products from the stores also suddenly disappeared. Those. those who create such situations in an incomprehensible way can influence the supply of the population with food. But for this you probably need HUNDREDS of executors. Who are they? Why is nobody talking about this? Once the problems began with the "bread supply"
      Somehow, none of the historians bothered to clarify this most important problem.
      The bread simply disappeared, the cities were left without supplies, and the peasants simply began to rob, that’s the revolutionary situation.
      For the second time in our country they are creating a revolutionary situation in the same way, cutting off the country's population from food supplies, causing hunger and indignation of the people.
    4. -13
      16 June 2020 08: 03
      Quote: Dalny V
      Who began to reign Khodynka, he ends, standing on the scaffold.
      Balmont to revolution.

      Balmont after revolution
      In Moscow free newspapers, while they were being published, and during numerous public appearances, in Moscow and in provincial cities, I always spoke, and spoke very sharply, against the Bolsheviks and against the regime of blood and violence, both before the Bolshevik coup and after him. . Never and nowhere have I praised the Bolsheviks. I spoke repeatedly, without fear of anything for my words, Thoh Bolsheviks - invaders that they are despotsthat no worthy creative work is conceivable where there is no freedom of speech and where the system of investigation and terror prevails.
      At the Polytechnic Museum, in Moscow, with a large audience, when Trotsky was still threatened with murder, I said that in a decent society such a villain would have been exterminated immediately for the mere threat of establishing a rule on the murder. The audience covered my speech with applause, and nothing more. This was at the beginning of Bolshevism. But similar words about the bloody hands holding Russia by the throat, and about the deceit of that communism, which keeps its henchmen warm and cold and does not provide firewood for the library of Moscow University, where selfless thought workers exactly died and die from the cold,

      . Those robbers who are now sitting in the Kremlin and in other, thieves seized, Moscow houses, have long turned the entire Russian population into slaves and restored serfdom with attachment to this place. To break out of Soviet Russia abroad is a miracle, and this miracle happened to me, as well as to my loved ones who were dying of cold and hunger, and whom I managed to save from death.

      Barely, the anti-tsarist "rebel" escaped ... the anti-tsarist regime, which called for it: convinced Lunacharsky that he was going to collect ... "revolutionary folklore" lol To France. And washed off forever.

      This "bloody" tsarist regime, after a dirty libel, allowed him to live and create in Russia, but here it is SCARY, here right away - to the nail. Cut off!

      The article is a dull boring set of hackneyed, obsolete stamps:
      The red-haired one was quite comfortable with the situation and quite sensibly, albeit monotonously, told the contents of the mass brochure "The mutiny on Ochakovo"

      In fact:
      1. The highest standards of freedom of speech, elections, parties, conscience, thoughts. humanism, court, population growth, etc., that were in Russia, the next regime never reached.

      2. Russia's standards for the consumption of food, clothing and m2, the next regime could barely overpower only the skull .... 40 years!

      3. And finally, the main thing: Russia is a huge country growing in size with the fastest population growth, full of strength and enormous witness energy.

      The next regime, after only 70 years, is the border ... of the 17th century and an aging, dying, tired population.

      And yes, it’s not interesting what prevented this regime — the Trotskyists, Martians, or Tsa
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +1
        16 June 2020 13: 00
        I would beware of calling the events of 1905-07 a revolution. Still, a revolution is a coup with a change in the socio-political formation, which in the period indicated did not even happen close. In 1917, yes. February brought the republic instead of the monarchy, October - Soviet power instead of capitalism. It was a revolution, yes. And in 1905-07, rather, an uprising, rebellion, but not a revolution. So I repeat: wrote these lines Balmont, before the revolution, never a Bolshevik
    5. -1
      16 June 2020 12: 45
      If cho, never a Bolshevik.

      Yes Yes
    6. +1
      16 June 2020 20: 54
      Quote: Dalny V
      then Khodynka began to reign, he ends, standing on the scaffold.
      Balmont, long before the revolution. If cho, never a Bolshevik.

      The Bolsheviks agree.
  2. +27
    16 June 2020 05: 48
    After the February, de facto, coup, and not revolution, a mess began, the devastation, the territorial collapse of Russia, but there was no Civil War, because the System remained the same - a bunch of rich and richest parasites on the neck of a poor people, but when the Bolsheviks made a real revolution as a change of power and the socio-economic System, here their external and internal enemies immediately unleashed the Civil War.
  3. +39
    16 June 2020 05: 54
    The loser king, who profiled the great empire. And for which he was identified as a saint ... However, what kind of power, such and saints.
    1. +24
      16 June 2020 06: 32
      And for which he was identified as a saint ... However, what kind of power, such and saints.

      And they determined it, which, according to one song, champagne crunch and French rolls do not give rest.
    2. 0
      19 June 2020 13: 46
      Quote: Ragnar Lothbrok
      The loser king, who profiled the great empire. And for which he was identified as a saint ... However, what kind of power, such and saints.

      I heard a jingle, but don’t know where he is. In Orthodoxy there are faces of holiness, in other words, a classification of the types of saints. Nikolai Romanov and his family were canonized as martyrs, that is, purely because of the circumstances of being under arrest and death. The collapse of the country has nothing to do with this.
  4. +26
    16 June 2020 06: 06
    Viktor Nikolayevich in his articles called this trend “Harruzhestvo”. Alas, today from the pen of Apukhtin. Wrote an angry comment, then erased, there is no desire to comment, too much negativity. A very difficult and controversial topic is “searching for who is to blame, without any suggestion on what to do”!
    In this connection, having thrown back a heap of “stamps”, I suggest that the editorial office of VO conduct a survey - “who is positive about Nicholas II?” Well no!!!
    I anticipate the question myself. I am very negative to the last emperor of Russia! Although what to expect from a native of the Middle Urals!
    Regards, Kote!
    1. +1
      16 June 2020 06: 23
      Will ideas dominate the discussion or emotions? The answer is emotions.
      Will the swara be settled during the discussion? Will settle down.
      Do you need it?
      1. +5
        16 June 2020 06: 42
        Good morning!
        Therefore, Sergei and I propose just a vote - positive / negative! And so, "porridge-malasha" has already begun !!!
        Well, you can’t measure everything with one measure, even in history!
        Yesterday, I was in Yekaterinburg!
        Sincere Regards!
        1. +6
          16 June 2020 06: 47
          Probably all this is very close.

          It is no accident, and Tatishchev consciously does not touch time, which is close to him.
          And beloved A.K. Tolstoy:

          “Walking is sometimes sloping on other stones.
          So, we’ll better keep silent about that. ”
      2. +20
        16 June 2020 07: 09
        Well, firstly, those who praise Nicholas II have proved that for the sake of profit in their anti-Sovietism, they are ready to be FOR anyone. And the last Russian monarch is beneficial to them for creating the anti-Soviet myth "how everything was wonderful before the communists."
        Secondly, they all proved that not one of them is able to honestly, adequately, objectively evaluate the period of the reign of Nicholas II, the Soviet and their post-Soviet periods in the history of their country. And they have a reflex — like Pavlov’s dog — with every comparison of any fact from the pre-revolutionary, Soviet, post-Soviet periods, all of them selflessly rush to anger against the Soviet one.
    2. +4
      16 June 2020 11: 08
      I, by a sinful affair, do not spare our last king, but this collection of agitations, authored by Apukhtin, is something with something!
      1. 0
        16 June 2020 20: 57
        Quote: Senior Sailor
        but this collection of agitations, authored by Apukhtin, is - something with something!

        The situation is approaching reflection and a denouement.
    3. BAI
      16 June 2020 12: 46
      no suggestion what to do! ”

      What are the "What to do" proposals for the events of 100 years ago?
      1. +3
        16 June 2020 16: 03
        Today, the so-called “Royal Days” are held in memory of the last emperor, his family and servants. From a moral point of view - this article is a belt on the bones !!!
        There are two extreme positions in society: “honor the king” or “despise the last”!
        And to be honest, the question itself is always relevant, what should the Leader of the state be like and what kind of government is relevant! ???
    4. +1
      16 June 2020 12: 47
      I am very negative to the last emperor of Russia!

      The opinion of many
      1. +2
        16 June 2020 20: 58
        Quote: Slavutich
        I am very negative to the last emperor of Russia!

        The opinion of many

        .. million.
  5. +10
    16 June 2020 06: 27
    The tops could no longer, but the lower classes no longer wanted. Such is the classic.
  6. +3
    16 June 2020 06: 29
    People, look do not fight during the discussion of the article)
    I personally believe that Nikolai was out of luck: at the wrong time he ruled. In another era, he could have ended peacefully. And then a lot of negative factors came together, not multiplied by the emperor’s hardest character.
    1. +6
      16 June 2020 07: 20
      A systemic crisis always ends ... with the collapse of the system that generated it!
      1. +1
        16 June 2020 12: 47
        A systemic crisis always ends ... with the collapse of the system that generated it!

    2. +11
      16 June 2020 07: 44
      Quote: Deniska999
      I personally believe that Nikolai was out of luck: at the wrong time he ruled. In another era, he could have ended peacefully. And then a lot of negative factors came together, not multiplied by the emperor’s hardest character.

      It was then that Russia was not lucky with the tsar.
      It was known about the disease of hemophilia in this genus, which is passed on to male heirs. Nikolai acted completely irresponsibly, having married "for love". All the same, the song correctly sings "no king can marry for love." And even a "soft" character did not prevent to resist the horn and marry of his choice. As a result, the country was deprived of an heir, which, of course, did not delight the nobles.
      I sat and waited for the "monarch brothers" to save me. HAPPY! The same England replied that she would have sent a squadron to save Tsar Romanov, but she was simply not going to save Romanov.
      No wonder they say that greed and pride are the sins for which they pay in life, on Earth.
      1. -8
        16 June 2020 11: 06
        Quote: Egoza
        This is Russia then with the king was unlucky

        You put it, as a poor student from the movie "We'll Live Until Monday," in a history lesson, namely - Russia was not lucky for tsars, except for Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great.
        Quote: Egoza
        It is not without reason that they say that greed and pride are the sins for which they pay in life, on Earth.

        A rather confusing interpretation, not entirely clear.
      2. +2
        16 June 2020 11: 11
        eh, then the Japanese city blundered !!!!
  7. +9
    16 June 2020 07: 20
    N. Poklonskaya has not yet commented?
    1. +6
      16 June 2020 11: 12
      she can’t read this ... the condrat will come
    2. +2
      16 June 2020 13: 56
      Quote: mag nit
      Poklonskaya has not yet commented?

      Immediately appoint a prosecutor’s check on a deputy’s request. Yes
      1. +2
        16 June 2020 14: 28
        The photo on the site will be soothing!
      2. +1
        16 June 2020 21: 31
        and all those who unsubscribed will be calculated by IP and attracted by the article. something like "for insult" or something like that. bully
  8. +2
    16 June 2020 07: 29
    It would be very interesting to see in more detail an article about Rasputin's "adventures" and his intrigues. There was still an odious personality. She left such a historical imprint.

    The All-Russian Zemstvo Union, led by Cadet Lvov ... The opposition united in the "Progressive Bloc" led by Cadet Milyukov

    Hmm ... They are already Children could already weakly undermine the foundation of power.
    1. -1
      16 June 2020 11: 12
      Pikul painted everything in quite some detail, but the article did not fit everything
  9. +3
    16 June 2020 07: 35
    It's easy to discuss events a hundred years ago. What about today's events? Much is similar, but we must wait another hundred years to be able to speak.
    1. +1
      16 June 2020 11: 13
      the current king is weak I would not call
  10. +2
    16 June 2020 07: 39
    A tragic story in which everyone is good. Of course, he’s not a saint. There has always been something wrong with this religion. Even worse, these days, history is close to repeating in the worst format. Under Nicholas, for all that, the country developed, judging by various sources, by no means at a slow pace. There were many talented people at the top, although the Social Revolutionaries did their best, cutting out the best. Now what? If you take away some, they will come the same. Everywhere thieves, who with power, and who without.
    1. +3
      16 June 2020 08: 38
      Quote: Etherion
      Under Nicholas, for all that, the country developed, judging by various sources, by no means at a slow pace. There were many talented people at the top, although the Social Revolutionaries did their best, cutting out the best

      These are the words of a contemporary of those years, father John of Kronstadt
      Evil times - people turned into beasts, even evil spirits. The power weakened. She herself falsely understood the freedom she gave to the people. She herself became obscured. Evil intensified in Russia to monstrous proportions and it is almost impossible to correct it.
      Present times, it reminds me of something.
  11. +8
    16 June 2020 07: 43
    I am not a fan of Nicholas II, but whether we like it or not is part of the history of Russia. And the history of Russia does not deserve to be described as carelessly as the author does, having concocted a quick sketch for the next holivar. Such "creativity" is disrespect for both history and the reader.
    1. +1
      16 June 2020 09: 01
      This is still an article, do not be so angry at the author. I think not only for him, but also for you it would be hard to write a "poem" on the volume of a postcard wink
      1. +5
        16 June 2020 09: 09
        Anger is one of the eight sinful passions, a strong emotional reaction. The author is not at all the subject for whom it was worth being angry. I am simply stating a fact. A hack - it is in any amount hack, whether it is a postcard or a tome.
  12. +2
    16 June 2020 08: 08
    Comrade author of the article, isn't it embarrassing?
    You have gathered all the liberal nonsense of a hundred years ago to the heap, all the gossip and all the lies.
    1. +2
      16 June 2020 08: 27
      Quote: bober1982
      Comrade author of the article, isn't it embarrassing?
      You have gathered all the liberal nonsense of a hundred years ago to the heap, all the gossip and all the lies.

      this is called a fuel crisis, there is nothing to write about. Your thoughts are absent or simply forbidden, so we say the same thing a hundred times.
  13. +10
    16 June 2020 08: 43
    You say that Nicolas alone is to blame. He had a dad, he had a grandfather. And the forerunner. And Kolya came and broke everything. Although there were about 100 years old, at least not a damn thing was done. Or it was done quite insufficiently.
    1. 0
      17 June 2020 04: 44
      Quote: EvilLion
      You say that Nicolas alone is to blame. He had a dad, he had a grandfather. And the forerunner. And Kolya came and broke everything. Although there were about 100 years old, at least not a damn thing was done. Or it was done quite insufficiently.

      With all the misunderstanding, sometimes Alexander II, grandfather and dad Kolya II were outstanding individuals and knew what they wanted !!!
  14. +2
    16 June 2020 09: 05
    Well, yes, Nicholas II, in the opinion of the author of the article, was simply unlucky, so, coincidence, no more ..
    1. 0
      17 June 2020 04: 48
      Good morning Alexey! Each blacksmith of his own happiness !!! If you still have a rather big state on your shoulders, then the principle of unity of command has not been canceled yet, as well as responsibility for your actions.
      And so everything is simple - the stars came together!
  15. +13
    16 June 2020 09: 35
    Nicholas II as a king - no. His diaries, in which he describes his life to witnesses. One line about a meeting with the minister, and a paragraph in detail about how he kills a raven.
    Nowadays, they would say that this is a major, which rich dad brought to top management and because of his stupidity, he profiled everything.
    1. 0
      16 June 2020 10: 08
      “Around treason, cowardice and deceit” - this one line is worth a lot.
      1. +2
        16 June 2020 11: 14
        your environment is YOUR environment!
        1. 0
          16 June 2020 18: 55
          Quote: novel xnumx
          your environment is YOUR environment!

          How many people from the environment of JV Stalin did not renounce him when he died?
          1. +3
            16 June 2020 19: 22
            only when he died !!! and not vice versa
            1. -3
              16 June 2020 19: 48
              Quote: novel xnumx
              only when he died !!!

              That is, they were afraid of him and that’s all? Wonderful system.
              1. +1
                16 June 2020 19: 56
                This is just one of the variations of examples - how much the king can play retinue.
  16. 0
    16 June 2020 10: 34
    Quote: Bar1
    problems with "bread supply"

    The problems with bread in the then Petrograd did not concern products in general, but low-grade bread. Baking and bread made from wheat flour were plentiful. The protesters emphasized that gray or rye bread is being bought up by the population of the working areas in the morning.
    1. +3
      16 June 2020 11: 16
      there was such a lady ... also sucks finished ..
      1. +3
        16 June 2020 12: 00
        Yes, this is immediately remembered)) But the situations really were different. When, at the instigation of the provocateurs, they smashed bakeries in St. Petersburg, they used to trample wheat bread in the snow.
      2. +4
        16 June 2020 14: 32
        Quote: novel xnumx
        there was such a lady ... also sucks finished ..

        Maruska - Antoshka would say today - be treated in Switzerland! laughing
      3. 0
        16 June 2020 20: 01
        She didn’t say that.
        1. +3
          16 June 2020 20: 05
          did it help her somehow?
  17. -1
    16 June 2020 11: 39
    The instigators of the coup, having achieved the fall of the monarchy, provoked turmoil in the country, could not stop the collapse of the empire, quickly lost power and plunged the country into a bloody civil war.

    As planned.

  18. BAI
    16 June 2020 12: 16
    How Nicholas II brought Russia to revolution

    Yes, because, according to Pobedonostsev's recollections, when he lectured Kolya 2 on public administration, he "began to pick his nose with great care."
  19. +1
    16 June 2020 12: 45
    An article in the spirit of the short course of the CPSU,
    1. +7
      16 June 2020 14: 33
      In the spirit of an abstract of the 9th grade of the Soviet school.
  20. -10
    16 June 2020 14: 28
    I haven’t read the article, but after reading the headline, I’m already condemning it. Before the revolution, the state brought a degraded society and people. The evidence for this is as simple as two fingers.
    Any person who impartially evaluates the situation will see that Nicholas 2 is quite a middle-class king. He is no worse than Mikhail Fedorovich, Alexei Mikhailovich. Much better than Elizabeth, Anna and Yekaterin (with the exception of the second).
    Terrible defeats and upheavals accompanied Russia all the time - under Alexei Mikhailovich one continuous material and spiritual upheaval. By the end of the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the country lay in ruins after many decades of lost wars. Moscow burned to dust by the Tatars. Etc..
    And what we have - no one has thrown kings anywhere and has not declared republics.
    Conclusion - the matter is in a society that has forgotten its obligations to the state, has persevered, has started talking about its own rights, but has not fulfilled its debts. That's all.
    With whom did the queen live, what did Rasputin do, etc. - This is not a matter of loyal subjects at all. Peter the First may lived with Aleksasha Menshikov - this is a purely royal affair.
    Educated people in the Republic of Ingushetia from the end of the 19th century imagined themselves to be plugged in any barrel and got a revolution, civil, famine, war, etc. But they didn’t understand anything.
    And now in Russia everything is about the same - everyone is whining, complaining, demanding, blaming others. And there are very few people who look into their pocket and try to fill it, honestly working and not hoping for an uncle.
  21. -9
    16 June 2020 15: 50
    An exceptionally anti-historical, unscientific, simply spiteful article.
    The king’s personality (this applies to many representatives of the family name) is extremely bright in itself. They say that after the revolution in Nice, in the house, it seems, of Peter Oldenburgsky, the Russian emigrants gathered not depending on political convictions. Listening to one of the Bolsheviks expounding the party’s program, he exclaimed that the tsar would certainly support such a program because he sincerely wished for the same.
    You cannot think and evaluate statesmen by the standards of our time. "There have been worse times, but there were no meaner ones." By the way, thanks to the efforts of Prince Oldenburgsky, you have a resort area on the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea.
    You need to read more and know, not judge ("and wake up on trial").
    PS Are they bringing us to a new "monument fall"? Save us ...
  22. 0
    16 June 2020 16: 33
    You can throw stones at me, but my opinion is that Nicholas II did not bring Russia to the Revolution ... he came to the throne when the river of time carried Russia into the abyss ... which was prepared both inside and outside ... and it all started when we started babysitting with all sorts of Narodnaya Volya and others, when "Western humanism" soared, when internal terrorism was not fundamentally strangled ... and then ... Nicholas 2 was already floating with the flow and did not want anything, and he could not radically change, surrounding himself with a faceless gray mass, which eventually gave it up ... One person cannot destroy the empire, one person cannot destroy the USSR ... the author too easily and superficially outlined the well-known cliches: Rasputin, Jewry, the snake's wife, and so on ...
    1. -1
      16 June 2020 17: 36
      According to the author, it’s not even Nicholas II who is to blame, but the German queen and Rasputin.
      1. 0
        16 June 2020 23: 03
        It seems that in the Russian Federation this is called "freedom of speech." The author's qualifications have not been confirmed by the expert community. There is no point in arguing.
  23. +8
    16 June 2020 19: 19
    And this "Tsarskoye Selo gopher" was ranked among the saints ???? He destroyed the country - and into the saints ??? !!!
    1. -4
      16 June 2020 19: 58
      Why are you so sure, explain how one person (even the emperor) can "destroy the country" or, conversely, "save the state"? It is impossible by definition. From an early age, the king was preparing to reign according to certain principles that have the force of a moral law. However, when the ruling class and other strata of society, for various reasons, sharply change this imperative, then objectively a crisis arises. Russia was on the rise, so the war began. The war began at an inopportune moment (it always happens in Russia), the crisis was resolved the way it was resolved. What is the conclusion from this? You need to know and understand your history, otherwise history will repeat itself, maybe even very soon. After all, the "Anglo-Saxons" always use proven schemes.
      1. +6
        16 June 2020 21: 22
        Just a strong personality at the head of the state can keep the country from collapse, even by infringing on all strata of society, both ruling and taxable. Was it easier for Ivan the Terrible? When, as a boy, the boyars scared him around the palace? Grew up - built everyone! And the country has increased in size at times. "Kazan - took, Astrakhan - took ..." Peter 1 also began his reign with the rifle riots, Nikolashka's father, Alexander III, after the murder of his father, led the country to obedience, in spite of the liberal cries of the "Russian intelligentsia" and set himself so, that he could send all of Europe to 3 letters, and Europe happily marched there! And they did not prepare him for reign from childhood, but he was able to keep the country in his hands. "Gopher" - could not ...
        1. -6
          16 June 2020 23: 00
          Quote: nnz226
          Was Ivan the Terrible easier? When did he, the boy, the boyars scare across the palace? Grew up - built all!

          And how do you know so much about the times of Ivan the Terrible? Is something similar happening in Russia these days?
        2. -3
          17 June 2020 08: 19
          Quote: nnz226
          Was Ivan the Terrible easier?

          Towards the end of the reign of Grozny, the state was in ruins, villages were deserted. Moscow was recently burned by the Tatars. Peasants are felling bundles on the outskirts. The state is in conditions of permanent war. Gloom and burning around. The moral and moral qualities of the king below the plinth.
          And nothing - society is loyal. Society is suffering.
          The state is a double-edged sword, the people - one end, the king - the other. And the one who transfers all problems to the tsar, forgetting about the people - just stupid. You can not ride a horse, if it is specifically against.
          1. -2
            18 June 2020 16: 50
            Quote: Junger
            the one who transfers all problems to the king, forgetting about the people - just stupid.

            You have now offended 90% of readers and writers. They are not stupid, they just had no time to read - they studied at school.
    2. 0
      17 June 2020 11: 56
      Nicholas 2 is not counted among the saints, i.e. is not on the same level as Ushakov, for example, he and the family were ranked as martyrs,
      1. 0
        19 June 2020 13: 59
        Quote: Andrey VOV
        Nicholas 2 is not counted among the saints, i.e. is not on the same level as Ushakov, for example, he and the family were ranked as martyrs,

        Most will not even try to figure out the nuances that in Orthodoxy the categories (faces) of holiness are for two dozen, and they are not at all the same. Why think when you can just slam a minus.
  24. 0
    19 June 2020 18: 44
    everything written is correct, but it’s particular.
    The main thing: Nicholas II gave the profits of the Russian economy to foreigners: the French and the British.
    Supporting the gold ruble, he artificially created a shortage of money and forced to take loans from the French.
    Not having the strength to fight financial crime, he blocked the ability to compensate for the lack of cash with bills and other derivatives. How can one believe a bill if the king laughs at fraud ?!
    Finally, the king’s personal assets abroad exceeded 500 million rubles. With this money, it was quite possible to build 2 metallurgical plants with concomitant coke chemistry, which would more than be enough to win the war. But he created reserves in foreign banks.
    How everything looks like. as we do not come to power ...., so again the old rake will come. And which time already ?!
  25. +12
    10 July 2020 16: 34
    Someone even called Nicholas-2 - "the most mediocre tsar on the Russian throne"
  26. 0
    24 July 2020 16: 58
    Quote: Bar1
    Most likely, a conspiracy of world elites was against Russia and the Russian people, and Tsar Nikolai himself participated in this conspiracy.
    Particularly incomprehensible facts were when the tsar, being the most influential and wealthy man in the world, spent one and a half years in Tobolsk and Yekaterinburg with virtually no security and made no attempt to leave the rebellious country in which the fire of the revolution was blazing.

    Sorry, nonsense. He will only participate in a conspiracy against his direct interests. And in order to participate in the conspiracy at all, on the contrary, one had to be a hellish sly and intriguer. One does not fit with the other.
    And why he was sitting - yes, it's very simple, when his influence and wealth suddenly abruptly zeroed out, a man, and not so strong-willed, simply fell into depression.
  27. 0
    24 July 2020 17: 19
    Quote: Olgovich
    1. the highest standards of freedom of speech, elections, parties,

    And nothing that Nicholas II dispersed the Duma twice?
    Quote: Olgovich
    Russian food consumption standards,

    We all, of course, look through the eyes of our kind and class. You are probably from the nobility, or merchants? Yes, these people began to live worse.
    Quote: Olgovich
    And last but not least: Russia is a huge country growing in size with the fastest population growth, full of strength and tremendous creative energy.

    Potentially yes. But unresolved problems and contradictions made this energy extremely destructive. And only their fair decision by the next power allowed this energy to be released for the creation of GoElRo and industrialization.
  28. 0
    20 August 2020 10: 05
    In Soviet times, there was an anecdote about the posthumous awarding of Comrade N.A. Romanov. the Order of the October Revolution - for creating the prerequisites for this event.
    Seriously though, Karl1 and Lui16 and Nikolay2 are very similar in character.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"